Colors: Mirna Palavric


Colors: Mirna Palavric
Mirna Palavric
Photo Log
Photo Log
One of the largest markets in Cusco that sells a wide variety of products including
products including grains, meats, and clothing.
Our hotel in Cusco
These photos were taken near the Church of San Pedro in Andahuaylillas. Pikillacta was built by the Wari culture about 1,400 years ago.
Tipon is irrigated by a spring from the Pachatusan mountain.
Coricancha was originally a Temple of the Sun, built by the Incas. Spanish colonists later turned into the Cathedral of Santo Domingo.
The main square in Cusco
My horse recovering after a three‐ hour horseback ride.
Peruvian landscape (near Cusco)
Local families selling hats, necklaces, and other souvenirs.
A store in Cusco where we learned how to tell the difference between the alpaca and other types of fibers.
types of fibers.
Local woman showing us how to dye wool using natural materials.
We made a short stop at the Pisac
market, where we used our bargaining
used our bargaining skills to purchase various products.
Inca terraces were used mostly for farming. Some of them are still in use today.
One of the ceremonial fountains at Ollantaytambo
Textile approx. 1,100 years old (Ollantaytambo)
Recent work
Vicunas and the Vilcanota river by the Tunupa Valley restaurant (near Moray).
Terraces of Moray were built about 4,500 years ago. The design of the system included a network of drains and aqueducts. Maras salt mines operate during the dry season. The pools are filled with subterranean spring water that evaporates, leaving salt behind.
Peruvian landscape (near Cusco)
View of Machu Picchu from a terrace in the agricultural sector.
View of the Urubamba river from the Inca trail leading to the Inca bridge.
View from the Inca trail leading to the Inca bridge.
We spent our last day in Peru touring the capital city Lima.
Lima was founded in Lima
was founded in
1535 by the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro. Th it h
The city has over 8 8
million residents.