Instructions - 840
Instructions - 840
INSTALLATION GUIT}E FOR THE RK.OI Road King Classie Saddlebag tocks wx RK-001 security system for the Road King Classic, semirigid leather covered saddlebags' The following instructions willtake you step by step through the installation process. Care should be taken to protect the bag at all times during the installation. A blanket or other soft surface should be used to prevent marrino or scratching the leather. Take your time and follow the instructions to the letter. Thank you for purchasing the INERTIA BECAUSE OF VARIATIONS IN THE SADDLEBAGS THEMSELVES, THE FINAL FIT OF THE LOCK ON THE BAG CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED BY INERTIAWX. PROBLEMS WTH THE LOCK SYSTEM ITSELF WILL BE ACCOMMODAIED CONTENTS:li Right and Left side, striker plate/bolt assembly ¡ ! Right side backing plateit n rI Left side backing platet : n l] I il- tt Il II tl Right side lock and latch assemblyi i Left side lock and latch assembly Right and Left side, rail clamp assembly 10-32 threading die Drilln Hammer- Needle nose pliers Scissors¡ì 3/16" & 5/16" Drill bits r r 1/4" drive ratchet g/9" & 7/16" gocketsr Pockef knife 3/4" hole puncht ; #2 phillips screwdriver Flat blade screwdriver Adjustable wrenchß/16" Allen wrench Diagonal cutting pliersl r Hacksaw TOOLS: t INSTALLATION 1. Pry the keepers up from the emblem stud enough to get diagonal cutting pliers across the surface. Twist the keeper until it breaks off. Repeat for opposite stud. Remove emblem 2. NOTE: We recommend that you practice on the back stud, flrst. It will be cut off . \Mth the threading die provided, thread the front stud, Olk THH STUÞ FIRST. Thread the stud squarely. Mako one half turn at a time, always backing up one-half turn each time to clear chips. 3. Cut off the back stud (at the pointed end of the bag's emblem) with a hacksaw. Hacksaw must have a fine tooth metalcutting blade. Allow blade to slide along the flat edges of the removed saddlebag emblem as shown. Abrade or file off any sharp edges on the remaining stud. 4. lnsert threaded stud through the hole in the backing plate (L). place cloverleaf spring (K) over the stud and onto the backing plate with the dome facing up. Place flat washer (J) on the stud and tighten the nylon cap nut (l) untila smooth open/close rotation is achieved. see illustration on page 3. Emblem should snap in place and not rattle. Emblems may be distofted by the oríginal installation. lt may be necessary to straighten the embtem. lf so, protect the emblem with a soft material and clamp it in a vise well away from the threaded stud area. Gently bend the emblem to conform evenly with the backing plate. @ Road K¡ng is a ¡egistered trademark of Harley-Davidson @ 2005 INERTIA wrx, lNC, All Riqhts Reserued Paoe 1 5. Pin template on the bag with #10 screws (T) provided. Place a piece of tape on the bag aligned with the bottom edge of the template. Scribe two lines where indicvated. 7. Make one 3/4" hole where shown with a punch or hole saw or drill. lf drilling, arways cut the reather off first usino a sharp knife. Punches, knock-out or gasket type do the bãst job. Drilltwo 5/16" holes for the backing plate shown. 9. Place internal tooth washer (H) over lock ancj install large lock nut (G). lnstall stop cam (F) as shown at right. 11. Tighten the latch in place with the chrome acorn nuts (A) provided. Attach lock cam with internal tooth washer (C) and nut (B). Refer to exploded view for clarification. Page2 6. Cut off the bottom portion of the template and save. lt will be used for mounting ther striker bolt plate later. 8. lnstall the lock (M) through the backing plate and insert the backing plate through the hotes in the bag. tnstall guard plate (N) as shown Orient key slots with the center slot pointed straight up as shown at right. 10. lltrok tlre s¡trrng (t_) [o ct,lltnr:ct tlle latch and the lock cam (D) as shown. Place the rotary latch (O) over the backing plate studs with the print facing toward you. 12. Align the striker bott template with the top edge of the bag with the two lines on the templaste direcfly over the two lines that you made on the masking tape. Drill holes. ITEM QTY, A 4 E F z DÊSCRIPTION 1/4-20 ACORN NUT (2/baq) 1t4-20 HEX NUT (l/side) 1/4" INTERNAL TOOTH WASHER (1/baq) LOCK CAM (1/baq) ? Þ H J K @ L @ @ M agt STOP CAM II, LOCK BODY NUT (1/bas) 3/4'INTERNAL TOOTH WASHER 11lbaoì 10-32 NYLOCK NUT f1lbao) FLAT WASHER NO. 10 l'tlbaol SPRING. 3/16'CLOVER DISH (1/bao) RKOOI BACKING PLATE ( 1 LEFT. 1 RIGHI TUBULAR LOCK (1/baq) GUARD PL.ATE 11 LEFT, 1 RIGHT) ROTARY LOCK (1 LEFT. 1 RIGHT) 2 2 2 2 ¿ 2 2 2 @c eo i Løb @ @ê -o,-'' â I @ C@ L or R STRIKER BOI-T ASSY. ITEM EXISTING BAG EMBTEM (THRÉAD THI9 STUD WTH THE NO,10.32 DIE PROVIDED) QTY, DESCRIPTION X 3/4 Truss Head Screw RIGHT SIDE LOCK ASSEMBLY L & R RAIL CLAMP ASSEMBLY @@ AA YY / fR) i* % 9eñ @ e* % @ @ o% STRIKER BOLT ASSEMBLY @ Ç,-, iq ---_ ll ra\ t[-\(, I\lt ta\tI ìYU EXISTING BAG EMBLEM C- _ (THRE,AD THIS STUO WÏH THE NO.IO-32 DIE PROMDED) Àt @ #"8 -& L &R RAIL CLAMP ASSEMBLY Page 3 LEFT SIDE LOCK ASSEMBLY 13. With the hardware provided, installthree truss head screws (T) through the bag . Place the striker plate over the screws on the inside of the bag and tighten with the acorn nuts (S) provided. 14. lnstall the striker bolt (R) in the plate with the shoulder bolt head facing out. Tghten in place using the acorn nut (Q) provided. 15. Open the bag. Drillout and remove the rivets holding the FRONT railclamp ONLY. The replacement of this clamp greatly reduces the ability to distort the bag when locked. 16. Using the hardware provided, bolt the rigid rail clamp (U) in place with the bolt heads (V) inserted through the clamp and the bag. Secure with the acorn nuts (S) provided. 15. Left side bag is now complete 16. Repeat all steps for the right side Paoe 4 bag. #10 screws through the grey circles fo poslfron the template LEFT RKOOl Templates 05/01/05 _€frCut along dotted LEFT SIDE Mark here with felt tip pen. Do not use a ballpoint pen or pencil. lt may mar the RKOOl Templates Place masking tape along the bottom edge of the template. lnseft#10 screws through the grey circles to Mark here with felt tip pen. Do not use a ballpoint pen or pencil. lt may mar the leather RIGHT 05lo1l05 holes here + Cut along dotted line RIGHT SIDE Mark here with felt tip pen. Do not use a ballpoint pen or pencil. lt may mar the Place masking tape along the bottom edge of the template. Mark here with felt tip pen. Do not use a ballpoint pen or pencil. lt may mar the leather