The Intellivolt brochure
The Intellivolt brochure
TWO TECHNOLOGIES, ONE SOLUTION 2 1 Voltage levels provided by power companies in the UK and other countries are not typically matched Voltage levels provided by power companies in the UK and other countries are not typically matched to the optimum level for most electrical equipment. Voltage Optimisation is a method of reducing to the optimum level for most electrical equipment. Voltage Optimisation is a method of reducing mains voltage to save energy, reduce costs and maximise equipment efficiency. Using Voltage mains voltage to save energy, reduce costs and maximise equipment efficiency. Using Voltage Optimisation with electrical equipment such as refrigeration or air cooling devices, 3-phase motors, Optimisation with electrical equipment such as refrigeration or air cooling devices, 3-phase motors, high-intensity discharge or fluorescent lighting, will reduce energy consumption and create real high-intensity discharge or fluorescent lighting, will reduce energy consumption and create real financial savings. Voltage Optimisation also increases the service life of electrical equipment by financial savings. Voltage Optimisation also increases the service life of electrical equipment by running at the lower voltages that the equipment was designed to run at. running at the lower voltages that the equipment was designed to run at. REDUCING MAINS VOLTAGE TO REDUCING VOLTAGE SAVE ENERGY ANDMAINS REDUCE COSTS TO SAVE ENERGY AND REDUCE COSTS 255V 245V 230V 220V 207V 198V 255V 255V 255V 245V 245V 230V 226V 220V 207V 253V 253V 245V Energy Energy Saving Saving Opportunity Opportunity 226V 220V 220V 207V 207V 198V 198V 198V ‘Old’ UK supply ‘Old’ EU supply ‘New’ EU supply ‘Old’ UK supply ‘Old’ EU supply ‘New’ EU supply tolerance tolerance tolerance tolerance tolerance tolerance In Europe, generating companies are required As a result, most electrical equipment is designed In Europe, generating companies are required As a result, most electrical equipment is designed to provide customers with a voltage between and specified to operate most effectively and to provide customers with a voltage between and specified to operate most effectively and 207V and 253V. The average voltage across the efficiently at 220V. Providing equipment with 207V and 253V. The average voltage across the efficiently at 220V. Providing equipment with UK is 245V, but levels can fluctuate significantly higher voltages actually reduces efficiency and UK is 245V, but levels can fluctuate significantly higher voltages actually reduces efficiency and throughout the day on each site. Across Europe, leads to wasted energy. throughout the day on each site. Across Europe, leads to wasted energy. the standard voltage has been historically 220V. the standard voltage has been historically 220V. I N T E L L I G E N T P OW E R O P T I M I S AT I O N I N T E L L I G E N T P OW E R O P T I M I S AT I O N 5 05 5 05 2 What is Voltage Optimisation? What is Voltage Optimisation? How iVolt ® saves you more How iVolt ® saves you more Voltage Optimisation can be achieved with typicallycan traditional fixed step-down transformers Voltage Optimisation be achieved with typically traditionalorfixed step-down transformers variable voltage regulators/stabilisers. on site characteristics, step-down transformers are step-down transform variableDepending voltage regulators/stabilisers. Depending on site characteristics, ® is an award installed to reduce the voltageinstalled by a fixed rangingby from 4% topercentage 8%. The iVolt to percentage reduce the voltage a fixed ranging from 4% to 8%. The iVolt® is an a wining innovative variable voltage regulator/stabiliser thatvoltage automatically adjusts the incoming voltage adjusts the incoming wining innovative variable regulator/stabiliser that automatically ® will deliver a voltage to ensure that the output voltage is always constant at 220V ± 1.5%. The iVolt to ensure that the output voltage is always constant at 220V ± 1.5%. The iVolt® will deliver a volta reduction of up to 12% whenever possible. reduction of up to 12% whenever possible. INCOMING VOLTAGE HOW THE BOWERS INTELLIVOLT - WITH IVOLT’S VARIABLE VOLTAGE REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY - SAVES MORE ENERGY SAVING FIXED VOLTAGE OPTIMISATION THE INTELLIVOLT SOLUTION 255V 250V 250V 245V 245V 240V 240V 235V 235V 230V 230V 225V Voltage 255V 6 Voltage ADDITIONAL ENERGY SAVING 220V 215V 215V 210V 210V 200V Before Optimisation 12% 8% 205V 200V 12% up to 30% more 225V 220V 205V 8% 8% Fixed Before Reduction Optimisation Variable 8% Fixed Reduction Time Time KEY up to 30% mor Variable Reduction KEY INCOMING VOLTAGE INCOMING VO E N E R GY S AV I N G E N E R GY S AV I N A D D I T I O N A L E N E R GY S AV I N G ADDITIONAL E STATE OF THE ART V.O. First generation fixed step-down voltage optimisation mechanical parts, to get appreciably closer to a systems reduce voltage by a set amount, typically steady 220V. Fourth generation VO, of which iVolt 4 to 8%. Second generation units see voltage being is the only example, is an intelligent variable device reduced mechanically to match the peaks and with patented IRT Energy Monitor technology and troughs of incoming voltage, thereby ensuring that a cloud-based measuring system. Commensurate EDUCATION EDUCATION output voltage is fixed close to 220V (or the desired with its status as the world’s first smart transformer, site voltage) as possible. Third generation units use the Bowers Intellivolt incorporates this state of the Grahame more Duguid, described thetechnology, savings asDuguid, “very and praised iVolt fortechnology. the Grahame described the savings as “very pleasing” and praised iVolt for the reliable solid state with nopleasing” moving art fourth generation ® ““seamless” installation process. “There ““seamless” were no issues. It isprocess. very important to have good It is very important to have good installation “There were no issues. suppliers that get things right the suppliers first time and canthings definitely was and I can definitely say that was that Iget right say the that first time ” Duguid, the the case with iVolt. ” the case with iVolt. Grahame ControlsGrahame & Energy Manager Amey &Built Duguid, the for Controls Energy Manager for Amey Built Environment’s Education ScotlandEnvironment’s division Education Scotland division