Open Mesh Fabrics
Open Mesh Fabrics
Precision Woven Synthetic Monofilament Fabrics Synthetische MonofilamentPräzisionsgewebe Filtration Solutions Open Mesh Fabrics SEFAR NITEX® SEFAR PETEX® SEFAR® PROPYLTEX SEFAR® FLUORTEX SEFAR® PEEKTEX Contents . Inhaltsverzeichnis. page Seite What is precision woven open mesh fabric? Was sind offenmaschige Präzisionsgewebe? ..........................................................................................................3 Product range Produktesortiment ..........................................................................................................4 Customized making-up Kundenspezifische Konfektion ..........................................................................................................4 Material properties Materialeigenschaften ..........................................................................................................5 General information Allgemeine Informationen ..........................................................................................................6 SEFAR NITEX® (PA) monofilament open mesh fabrics offenmaschige Monofilament-Gewebe............................7 SEFAR PETEX® (PET) monofilament open mesh fabrics offenmaschige Monofilament-Gewebe......................... 10 SEFAR® PROPYLTEX (PP) monofilament open mesh fabrics offenmaschige Monofilament-Gewebe......................... 13 SEFAR® FLUORTEX (ETFE, E-CTFE) monofilament open mesh fabrics offenmaschige Monofilament-Gewebe......................... 14 SEFAR® PEEKTEX monofilament open mesh fabrics offenmaschige Monofilament-Gewebe......................... 15 Open Mesh Fabrics What is precision woven open mesh fabric? Was sind offenmaschige Präzisionsgewebe? It’s a highly specialized monofilament fabric, characterized by precisely defined and controlled, consistent and repeatable material properties such as pore size, thickness, tensile strength, dimensional stability, cleanliness etc. Das sind unter hohen technischen Anfor derungen aus Monofilen hergestellte Gewebe, die sich durch genau definierte und systematisch kontrollierte, reproduzierbare Gewebeeigenschaften wie Maschenweite, Dicke, Reissfestigkeit, Dimensionsstabilität, Reinheit etc. auszeichnen. How does precision woven open mesh fabric differ from non-precision woven open mesh fabric? Precision woven open mesh fabrics 90° • Yarn diameter and evenness are tightly controlled to ensure high level from lot-to-lot. • Openings are held to tight tolerances and aperture control is inherent to the manufacturing process. • Surface properties are even and consistent. • Thickness tolerance is within microns through entire rolls and lots. • Cleanliness meets strict standards. • Repeatability is guaranteed. Non-precision woven open mesh fabrics • Yarn diameters and roundness will vary from yarn to yarn or even within a single yarn type. • Openings are irregular, and aperture control is not part of manufacturing process. • Surface is subject to geometric irregularities. • Thickness will vary within a single roll or even within a few inches. • Cleanliness is not guaranteed. • Repeatability is compromised. Wodurch unterscheidet sich ein offenmaschiges Präzisionsgewebe von einem Nicht-Präzisionsgewebe? offenmaschige Präzisionsgewebe •G arndurchmesser und -gleichmässigkeit werden systematisch kontrolliert um eine gleichbleibende Qualität auf hohem Niveau von Lot zu Lot zu garantieren. •D ie Maschenöffnungen sind engen Toleranzen unterworfen und werden systematisch kontrolliert. •D ie Oberflächen sind glatt und gleichmässig. •D ie Gewebedicke bewegt sich in engen Toleranzen innerhalb der Rollen und von Lot zu Lot. •D ie Reinheit entspricht hohen Anforderungen. •D ie Reproduzierbarkeit ist garantiert. Nicht-Präzisionsgewebe •G arndurchmesser und -gleichmässigkeit können von Garn zu Garn und sogar innerhalb eines Garnes variieren. •D ie Maschenöffnungen sind ungleichmässig und werden nicht systematisch kontrolliert. •D ie Oberflächen sind uneben und ungleichmässig. •D ie Gewebedicke kann innerhalb einer Rolle oder sogar innerhalb von wenigen cm variieren. • E ine hohe Reinheit ist nicht garantiert. •D ie Reproduzierbarkeit ist nicht garantiert. 90° 3 SEFAR NITEX® SEFAR PETEX® SEFAR® PROPYLTEX SEFAR® FLUORTEX SEFAR® PEEKTEX Product Range Produktesortiment Sefar has a wide range of precision woven open mesh fabrics. High standing with the world’s leading equipment and machine manufacturers (OEM) is the product of longterm participation, wide experience, and an excellent delivery service. The following table informs you about the used materials with the number of articles and the ranges for mesh size, mesh count, yarn diameter, weight, thickness and fabric width. Main areas of application and market segments: Food industry, automotive industry, chemical and medical industry. Our sales engineers and application specialists will be pleased to advise you. Sefar verfügt über ein vielfältiges Sortiment an offenmaschigen Präzisionsgeweben. Sein weltweites Renommee bei allen wichtigen Apparate- und Maschinenherstellern (OEM) ist die Frucht von guter Erfahrung und lang fristiger Zusammenarbeit. Dazu trägt auch ein hervorragender Lieferservice bei. Die folgende Tabelle ergibt einen Überblick pro Material mit der Anzahl Artikel und den Bereichen für Maschenweite, Fadenzahl, Garndurchmesser, Gewicht, Dicke und Gewebebreite. Hauptanwendungsgebiete und Segmente: Nahrungsmittelindustrie, Auto mobilindustrie, chemische Industrie und Medizintechnik. Unsere Verkaufsingenieure und Anwendungsspezialisten beraten Sie gerne und unverbindlich. Material 03 PA 6.6 06 PA 607 PET05 PP08 E-CTFE 17 PEEK Material 09 ETFE No. of articles (approx.) 210 130 190 50 20 6 Anzahl Artikel (ungefähr) Mesh size [µm] 1–325 200–5000 1–5000 75–5100 70–2000 35–1000 Maschenweite [µm] Mesh count [n/in] 60–690 4.3–72 4.3–686 4.1–157 9–160 17–356 Fadenzahl [n/cm] 23–271 1.7–28.5 1.7–270 1.6–62 3.5–63 7–140 Yarn diameter [µm] 28–122 150–1000 32–1000 90–1000 85– 800 38–500 Garndurchmesser [µm] Weight [oz/yd2] 0.59–3.20 2.46–12.7 0.59–17.2 1.9–13.2 2.6–19.2 0.5–11 Gewicht [g/m2] 20–108 83–43020–58165–44588–65017–360 Thickness [µm] 50–225 250–186045–2100195–1800155–1535 50–950 Dicke [µm] Width [inches] 38–87 39–8440–12040–8943–10240–130 Breite [cm] 96–220 98–213 102–305102–225110–260102–330 4 Customized making-up Kundenspezifische Konfektion Both customized and off-the-shelf products benefit from the sound technical knowledge and wide experience of the specialists, while strict process controls guarantee the high quality of Sefar products. Installations for heat and ultrasonic slitting, lasercutting, HF welding, US welding, sewing, edge coating, trimming as well as different closures enable tailor-made solutions. Kundenspezifische oder konfektionierte Produkte profitieren vom fundierten technologischen Wissen und der reichen Erfahrung. Strenge Prozesskontrollen sichern schliesslich den hohen Qualitätsanspruch von SefarProdukten. Technische Möglichkeiten und Installationen für Heiss- und US-schneiden, Laserschneiden, HF-schweissen, US-schweissen, Nähen, Kantenbeschichtung, Einfassungen sowie verschiedene Verschlüsse ermöglichen massgeschneiderte Lösungen. Material Properties Materialeigenschaften Unit03 PA 6.606 PA 607 PET05 PP08 E-CTFE09 ETFE 17 PEEK Einheit Specific gravity [g/mm3]1.14 1.14 1.380.911.691.751.30 Dichte Tensile strength [daN/mm2] 41–67 41–67 45–7535–62 28 40–5033–75 Reissfestigkeit Realtive strength at wet conditions [%] 85–90 85–90 100 100 100 100 100 Relative Festigkeit bei Nässe Elongation at break [%] 20–35 20–60 15–30 20–50 25 25 20–40 Reissdehnung Moisture absorption at 20°C/65% r.h. [%] 3.5–4 3.5–4.5 0.4 0 0.1 0 0.1 Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme bei 20°C/65% r.F. Working temperature dry [°F] 239 239 302194284302482 Einsatztemperatur trocken [°C] 115 115 150 90 140150250 Stability to light poor poor poor poor good good good Lichtbeständigkeit schlecht schlecht schlecht schlecht gutgutgut Abrasion resistance good good limitedlimitedlimited good good Abriebbeständigkeit gut gut mässigmässigmässig gut gut Acid resistance limited–poorlimited–poor goodgoodgoodgoodgood Säurebeständigkeit mässig–schlecht mässig–schlecht gutgutgutgutgut Alcaline resistance good good limitedgoodgoodgoodgood Alkalibeständigkeit gut gut mässig gutgutgutgut Stability to solvents limited good goodgoodgoodgoodgood Lösungsmittelbeständigkeit mässig gut gutgutgutgutgut Hydrolysis resistance good good limitedgoodgoodgoodgood Hydrolysebeständigkeit gut gut mässig gutgutgutgut This information is derived from published data of the fiber manufacturers and generally reflects the resistance at 20 °C (68 °F) and of concentrated or saturated solutions under laboratory conditions. Rating, sample preparation, exposure time, load and other relevant factors vary between materials. Consequently, this information should be used as a guide only. Prior to any industrial application, users are strongly advised to determine the accuracy, safety and suitability of this of this information by laboratory and field tests. Sefar assumes no liability for accidents and/or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this chart. Alle Angaben basieren auf veröffentlichten Daten der Faserhersteller und beziehen sich in der Regel auf 20 °C (68 °F) und konzentrierte oder gesättigte Lösungen. Beurteilungskriterien, Probenaufbereitung, Einwirkungsdauer, Belastung und andere mitbestimmende Faktoren variieren zwischen den Materialien. Die Beständigkeitswerte haben deshalb nur Richtwertcharakter. Die Beständigkeiten müssen in jedem Fall vor einem industriellen Einsatz durch entsprechende Labor- und Feldversuche überprüft werden. Eine Haftung für Schäden oder Unfälle, die aufgrund der Verwendung dieser Tabelle entstehen, kann nicht übernommen werden. 5 SEFAR NITEX® SEFAR PETEX® SEFAR® PROPYLTEX SEFAR® FLUORTEX SEFAR® PEEKTEX General information Allgemeine Informationen Definitions Definitionen 1. Product reference a) Fiber material 03 = PA 6.6 05=PP 06 = PA 6 07=PETP 08=E-CTFE 09=ETFE 17=PEEK 03- 50/31 1.Gewebe-Bezeichnung a) Fasermaterial 03 = PA 6.6 05=PP 06 = PA 6 07=PETP 08=E-CTFE 09=ETFE 17=PEEK 03- 50/31 b) Mesh opening [µm] 03-50/31 b) Maschenweite [µm] 03- 50/31 c) Open area (ao) [%] 03-50/31 c) Offene Fläche (ao) [%] 03-50/31 2.Mesh opening (w) [µm] Testing instrument: Electronic image analysis system 2. Maschenweite (w) [µm] Prüfgerät: Elektronisches Bildanalysensystem 3. Open area (ao) [%] (w)2 x 100 (ao ) [%] = (w + d)2 3. Offene Siebfläche (ao ) [%] 4. Mesh count (n) [n/cm], [n/in] 4. Siebfeinheit (n) [n/cm], [n/in] n/cm = 10000 n/in = (w + d) (ao ) [%] = 25 400 (w + d) n/cm = (w)2 x 100 (w + d)2 10 000 n/in = (w + d) 25 400 (w + d) 5.Yarn diameter (d) [µm] Instrument: Electronic image analysis system, The stated data are arithmetic means 5. Garndurchmesser (d) [µm] Prüfgerät: Elektronisches Bildanalysensystem, Angegeben werden Mittelwerte 6.Weight: [g/m2], [oz/yd2] Test method: DIN 53854 6. Gewicht: [g/m2], [oz/yd2] Prüfmethode: DIN 53854 7.Thickness [µm] Test method: DIN 53855 part 1 Instrument: Long-stroke measuring instrument with digital display 7. Dicke [µm] Prüfmethode: DIN 53855 Teil 1 Prüfgerät: Digitales Langwegmessgerät mit Ziffernanzeige 8.Finished fabric widths on stock [cm], widths are nominal values, tolerances ±3 cm, with or without selvages 8.Ausgerüstete Gewebebreiten an Lager [cm], Angaben sind Nennwerte, Toleranzen ±3 cm, mit/ohne Webkanten 9.Raw fabric on stock or other available widths [cm] 9.Rohgewebe an Lager oder weitere erhältliche Breiten [cm] ao d w ao Open area / Offene Siebfläche d Yarn diameter /Garndurchmesser w Mesh opening /Maschenweite 6 Width on request [cm] Weight [g/m²] Width on stock Yarn diameter, weft [µm] [cm] Yarn diameter, warp [µm] Thickness Mesh count, weft [n/in] [µm] Mesh count, warp [n/in] Weight Mesh count, weft [n/cm] [oz/yd²] Mesh count, warp [%] [n/cm] Open area Mesh opening [µm] Product reference SEFAR NITEX® 03-1/1 03-5/1 03-7/2 03-10/2 03-10/3 03-6/5 03-11/6 03-15/5 03-15/10 03-20/14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 20 1 1 2 2 3 5 6 5 10 14 275.0 275.0 165.0 190.0 183.0 275.0 215.0 168.0 202.0 188.0 185.0 185.0 270.0 190.0 280.0 185.0 215.0 260.0 202.0 188.0 699 699 419 483 465 699 546 427 513 478 470 470 686 483 711 470 546 660 513 478 37 37 45 28 45 37 36 45 35 34 37 37 31 28 31 37 36 31 35 34 60 60 50 40 50 60 45 50 40 35 1.8 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.0 75 100 60 45 80 100 65 80 60 55 03-22/14 03-25/14 03-25/19 22 25 25 14 14 19 170.0 150.0 174.0 170.0 150.0 174.0 432 381 442 432 381 442 40 42 33 40 42 33 38 43 30 1.1 1.3 0.9 65 79 55 03-28/17 03-30/18 03-30/20 03-31/24 03-35/16 03-36/28 03-37/24 28 30 30 31 35 36 37 17 18 20 24 16 28 24 148.0 142.0 150.0 155.0 100.0 146.0 132.0 148.0 142.0 150.0 155.0 128.0 146.0 132.0 376 361 381 394 254 371 335 376 361 381 394 325 371 335 40 40 40 33 43 33 39 40 40 40 33 2 33 39 35 35 35 30 49 25 35 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.4 0.7 1.0 65 60 70 55 97 50 60 03-38/22 03-41/31 38 41 22 31 124.0 136.0 124.0 136.0 315 345 315 345 43 33 43 33 35 25 1.0 0.7 70 50 03-48/26 03-48/31 48 48 26 31 106.0 117.0 106.0 117.0 269 297 269 297 47 38 47 38 35 30 1.0 0.9 75 60 03-50/31 50 31 112.0 112.0 284 284 40 40 30 0.9 60 03-50/37 50 37 121.0 121.0 307 307 33 33 20 0.6 50 03-53/30 03-55/32 03-60/32 03-60/35 03-64/32 03-64/45 03-65/25 03-65/39 03-70/33 03-70/41 53 55 60 60 64 64 65 65 70 70 30 32 32 35 32 45 25 39 33 41 144.0 104.0 90.0 95.0 90.0 105.0 77.0 95.0 81.0 92.0 104.0 104.0 90.0 95.0 90.0 105.0 77.0 95.0 81.0 92.0 366 264 229 241 229 267 196 241 206 234 264 264 229 241 229 267 196 241 206 234 2 42 47 47 53 33 65 42 53 39 43 42 47 47 53 33 65 42 53 39 43 30 34 34 39 19 55 29 38 25 1.3 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.2 0.6 1.6 0.9 1.1 0.7 100 65 75 76 80 50 110 64 80 60 03-74/21 03-75/34 03-80/29 03-80/37 74 75 80 80 21 34 29 37 61.0 70.0 63.0 76.0 61.0 85.0 63.0 76.0 155 178 160 193 155 216 160 193 89 50 77 52 89 43 77 52 80 35 67 35 2.4 1.0 2.0 1.0 155 93 125 80 03-80/41 03-85/35 03-90/36 03-90/49 80 85 90 90 41 35 36 49 80.0 68.0 67.0 78.0 80.0 68.0 67.0 78.0 203 173 170 198 203 173 170 198 46 65 65 39 46 65 65 39 30 49 49 20 0.9 1.4 1.4 0.6 75 105 100 60 115 115 102 102 102 115 102 102 102 144 102 150 102 108 115 102 115 104 102 153 102 108 158 102 102 154 109 153 102 150 108 102 148 110 102 108 120 102 115 152 115 136 102 102 154 102 115 158 115 96 102 154 102 154 190 102 - Width on request [cm] Weight [g/m²] Width on stock Yarn diameter, weft [µm] [cm] Yarn diameter, warp [µm] Thickness Mesh count, weft [n/in] [µm] Mesh count, warp [n/in] Weight Mesh count, weft [n/cm] [oz/yd²] Mesh count, warp Open area [%] [n/cm] Mesh opening [µm] Product reference SEFAR NITEX® 03-100/32 100 32 57.0 57.0 145 145 77 77 55 1.6 125 03-100/44 03-103/39 100 103 44 39 66.0 62.0 66.0 62.0 168 157 168 157 51 62 51 62 30 45 0.9 1.3 80 105 03-110/47 03-118/42 03-120/34 03-120/49 03-125/37 03-125/39 03-125/45 03-130/52 03-132/40 03-132/43 03-140/37 03-140/41 03-150/38 110 118 120 120 125 125 125 130 132 132 140 140 150 47 42 34 49 37 39 45 52 40 43 37 41 38 62.0 51.0 49.0 59.0 48.8 50.0 53.0 56.0 45.0 49.0 44.0 45.0 41.0 62.0 60.0 49.0 59.0 48.8 50.0 53.0 56.0 45.0 49.0 44.0 45.0 41.0 157 130 124 150 124 127 135 142 114 124 112 114 104 157 152 124 150 124 127 135 142 114 124 112 114 104 51 60 85 51 85 75 62 50 83 75 95 83 95 51 50 85 51 85 75 62 50 83 75 95 83 95 31 34 60 28 62 50 43 21 50 49 65 50 60 0.9 1.0 1.8 0.8 1.8 1.5 1.3 0.6 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.5 1.8 75 115 145 80 137 135 100 80 130 125 159 130 155 03-150/50 03-151/42 03-160/37 03-160/53 03-165/44 150 151 160 160 165 50 42 37 53 44 47.0 43.0 37.0 45.0 41.0 47.0 43.0 37.0 45.0 41.0 119 109 94 114 104 119 109 94 114 104 62 83 105 61 83 62 83 105 61 83 35 55 75 34 50 1.0 1.6 2.2 1.0 1.5 95 145 165 100 140 03-170/54 03-175/39 03-177/34 170 175 177 54 39 34 43.0 36.0 33.0 43.0 36.0 33.0 109 91 84 109 91 84 62 105 125 62 105 125 32 70 108 0.9 2.1 3.2 100 165 220 03-180/44 03-190/57 03-200/39 03-200/45 03-200/47 03-200/48 03-200/54 06-210/33 03-210/40 03-225/42 03-236/44 06-240/37 03-240/44 06-250/34 180 190 200 200 200 200 200 210 210 225 236 240 240 250 44 57 39 45 47 48 54 33 40 42 44 37 44 34 37.0 40.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 34.0 37.0 28.0 30.0 29.0 28.0 25.0 28.0 23.0 37.0 40.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 34.0 37.0 28.0 30.0 29.0 28.0 25.0 28.0 23.0 94 102 76 81 86 86 94 71 76 74 71 64 71 58 94 102 76 81 86 86 94 71 76 74 71 64 71 58 93 62 122 105 92 80 73 155 122 122 122 155 122 170 93 62 122 105 92 80 73 155 122 122 122 155 122 170 64 30 85 60 60 43 37 105 85 80 77 85 75 130 1.9 0.9 2.5 1.8 1.8 1.3 1.1 3.1 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.5 2.2 3.8 155 100 225 185 150 185 125 275 215 200 210 290 220 290 03-250/50 03-255/46 06-275/44 06-280/45 03-280/51 06-300/34 250 255 275 280 280 300 50 46 44 45 51 34 29.0 27.0 24.0 24.0 25.0 20.0 29.0 27.0 24.0 24.0 25.0 20.0 74 69 61 61 64 51 74 69 61 61 64 51 103 122 155 155 122 215 103 122 155 155 122 215 55 75 84 83 70 170 1.6 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.1 5.0 170 205 255 255 210 390 98 115 158 102 102 153 102 122 102 136 102 102 102 115 115 102 115 136 153 102 115 115 102 102 158 102 115 158 102 102 115 102 102 136 102 100 102 142 102 115 115 115 115 158 158 - 115 136 158 158 115 115 115 115 196 115 158 186 Width on request [cm] Weight [g/m²] Width on stock Yarn diameter, weft [µm] [cm] Yarn diameter, warp [µm] Thickness Mesh count, weft [n/in] [µm] Mesh count, warp [n/in] Weight Mesh count, weft [n/cm] [oz/yd²] Mesh count, warp Open area [%] [n/cm] Mesh opening [µm] Product reference SEFAR NITEX® 03-300/51 300 51 24.0 24.0 61 61 122 122 75 2.2 200 06-310/45 06-315/44 06-335/46 06-350/35 06-350/42 06-355/48 310 315 335 350 350 355 45 44 46 35 42 48 22.0 21.0 20.0 17.0 18.5 19.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 17.0 18.5 19.0 56 53 51 43 47 48 56 53 51 43 47 48 151 180 168 240 190 180 151 180 168 240 190 180 92 102 100 170 110 94 2.7 3.0 3.0 5.0 3.3 2.8 250 300 300 400 330 300 06-390/47 06-400/38 06-405/47 06-425/46 06-430/38 06-450/48 06-475/56 06-500/38 390 400 405 425 430 450 475 500 47 38 47 46 38 48 56 38 18.0 15.0 17.0 16.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 12.0 18.0 15.0 17.0 16.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 12.0 46 38 43 41 36 38 41 30 46 38 43 41 36 38 41 30 190 250 190 205 272 205 180 315 190 250 190 205 272 205 180 315 140 180 110 130 200 125 85 225 4.1 5.3 3.3 3.8 5.9 3.7 2.5 6.7 310 450 330 365 510 360 290 580 06-500/47 06-530/50 06-600/41 06-600/51 06-600/59 06-670/53 06-700/44 06-700/53 06-750/52 06-780/53 06-850/46 06-950/57 06-1000/44 500 530 600 600 600 670 700 700 750 780 850 950 1000 47 50 41 51 59 53 44 53 52 53 46 57 44 14.0 13.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 11.0 10.0 11.0 9.5 9.4 8.0 8.0 6.7 14.0 13.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 11.0 10.0 11.0 9.5 9.4 8.0 8.0 6.7 36 33 28 30 33 28 25 28 24 24 20 20 17 36 33 28 30 33 28 25 28 24 24 20 20 17 225 230 335 245 180 272 355 265 290 290 405 305 515 225 230 335 245 180 272 355 265 290 290 405 305 515 130 130 235 135 80 136 225 140 140 140 255 140 330 3.8 3.8 7.0 4.0 2.4 4.0 6.7 4.1 4.1 4.1 7.5 4.1 9.8 375 400 630 440 350 475 650 485 495 550 800 560 890 06-1000/57 06-1140/66 06-1180/59 06-1320/59 06-1400/49 1000 1140 1180 1320 1400 57 66 59 59 49 7.5 7.1 6.5 5.8 5.0 7.5 7.1 6.5 5.8 5.0 19 18 17 15 13 19 18 17 15 13 330 265 360 405 610 330 265 360 405 610 150 93 160 190 340 4.4 2.7 4.7 5.6 10.1 605 490 650 770 1160 06-1550/60 06-1700/50 06-1800/61 06-2000/53 1550 1700 1800 2000 60 50 61 53 5.0 4.2 4.4 3.6 5.0 4.2 4.4 3.6 13 11 11 9 13 11 11 9 450 695 500 750 450 695 500 750 185 385 200 380 5.5 11.4 5.9 11.2 790 1300 910 1325 06-2400/55 06-3300/59 06-5000/72 2400 3300 5000 55 59 72 3.1 2.3 1.7 3.1 2.3 1.7 8 6 4 8 6 4 850 1000 900 850 1000 900 415 460 270 12.3 13.6 8.0 1500 1860 1680 102 112 153 115 115 103 115 115 136 106 115 115 108 115 158 136 115 115 112 115 115 115 109 110 142 108 110 108 158 108 104 102 158 102 190 - 136 115 136 115 152 158 158 158 115 112 158 102 180 115 183 102 115 Width on request [cm] Weight [g/m²] Width on stock Yarn diameter, weft [µm] [cm] Yarn diameter, warp [µm] Thickness Mesh count, weft [n/in] [µm] Mesh count, warp [n/in] Weight Mesh count, weft [n/cm] [oz/yd²] Mesh count, warp [%] [n/cm] Open area Mesh opening [µm] Product reference SEFAR PETEX® 07-5/1 07-10/2 07-1/2 07-11/5 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 5 270.0 160.0 270.0 206.0 175.0 180.0 175.0 206.0 686 406 686 523 445 457 445 523 34 47 34 38 34 47 34 38 65 60 70 50 1.9 1.8 2.1 1.5 80 55 70 60 07-6/5 07-15/9 0 15 5 9 270.0 194.0 175.0 194.0 686 493 445 493 34 37 34 37 65 45 1.9 1.3 90 55 07-17/9 07-20/13 07-21/12 07-27/16 07-30/21 07-33/10 07-33/21 17 20 21 27 30 33 33 9 13 12 16 21 10 21 177.0 177.0 163.0 146.0 153.0 93.0 138.0 177.0 177.0 163.0 146.0 153.0 93.0 138.0 450 450 414 371 389 236 351 450 450 414 371 389 236 351 40 37 41 42 36 75 40 40 37 35 42 36 75 40 50 40 45 45 35 85 40 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.0 2.5 1.2 75 60 70 65 50 125 60 07-38/20 07-40/12 07-40/25 07-44/25 38 40 40 44 20 12 25 25 118.0 90.0 126.0 113.0 118.0 90.0 126.0 113.0 300 229 320 287 300 229 320 287 47 75 40 45 47 75 40 45 45 88 35 40 1.3 2.6 1.0 1.2 70 128 60 70 07-51/33 07-54/24 07-59/33 51 54 59 33 24 33 113.0 91.0 97.0 113.0 91.0 97.0 287 231 246 287 231 246 38 56 44 38 56 44 30 50 35 0.9 1.5 1.0 60 90 65 07-64/45 07-73/40 07-74/34 64 73 74 45 40 34 105.0 87.0 78.0 105.0 87.0 78.0 267 221 198 267 221 198 32 43 54 32 43 54 20 30 45 0.6 0.9 1.3 45 65 85 07-80/32 07-85/46 07-90/30 07-100/32 80 85 90 100 32 46 30 32 71.0 80.0 61.0 57.0 71.0 80.0 61.0 57.0 180 203 155 145 180 203 155 145 62 43 79 77 62 43 79 77 50 29 70 65 1.5 0.9 2.1 1.9 90 65 115 125 07-102/44 07-105/18 102 105 44 18 65.0 40.0 65.0 40.0 165 102 165 102 52 147 52 147 35 190 1.0 5.6 80 275 07-105/52 07-115/36 07-120/34 07-120/50 07-130/37 07-131/27 07-135/40 07-142/43 07-150/37 07-150/41 105 115 120 120 130 131 135 142 150 150 52 36 34 50 37 27 40 43 37 41 69.0 54.0 48.0 58.0 46.0 39.3 48.0 46.0 40.0 43.0 69.0 54.0 48.0 58.0 46.0 39.3 48.0 46.0 40.0 43.0 175 137 122 147 117 100 122 117 102 109 175 137 122 147 117 100 122 117 102 109 42 70 88 52 86 124 73 75 96 86 42 70 88 52 86 124 73 75 96 86 25 55 75 31 70 140 55 50 75 65 0.7 1.6 2.2 0.9 2.1 4.1 1.6 1.5 2.2 1.9 63 105 140 80 145 240 115 115 160 140 07-158/26 158 26 34.0 34.0 86 86 145 145 160 4.7 280 07-160/43 07-170/41 160 170 43 41 41.0 38.0 41.0 38.0 104 97 104 97 84 96 84 96 57 70 1.7 2.1 140 150 185 115 102 205 115 108 125 102 110 102 102 115 158 102 142 102 136 102 102 153 198 102 102 102 200 110 102 102 150 102 154 102 153 102 102 135 143 106 267 152 152 158 102 102 152 129 145 115 102 115 185 158 185 220 158 122 200 153 115 281 53 102 158 153 281 - Mesh count, warp Mesh count, weft Mesh count, warp Mesh count, weft Yarn diameter, warp Yarn diameter, weft Weight Weight Thickness Width on stock Width on request [n/cm] [n/in] [n/in] [µm] [µm] [g/m²] [oz/yd²] [µm] [cm] [cm] Open area [%] [n/cm] Mesh opening [µm] Product reference SEFAR PETEX® 07-180/31 07-180/46 07-200/39 180 180 200 31 46 39 30.5 35.7 31.0 30.5 35.7 31.0 77 91 79 77 91 79 147 64 121 147 64 121 130 51 100 3.8 1.5 3.0 250 142 215 07-200/43 07-210/35 07-230/43 07-240/59 07-250/39 07-250/46 07-265/47 200 210 230 240 250 250 265 43 35 43 59 39 46 47 33.0 28.0 28.5 32.0 24.5 27.0 26.0 33.0 28.0 28.5 32.0 24.5 27.0 26.0 84 71 72 81 62 69 66 84 71 72 81 62 69 66 104 147 122 73 152 122 122 104 147 122 73 152 122 122 75 135 90 35 140 95 85 2.2 4.0 2.7 1.0 4.1 2.8 2.5 170 250 215 115 290 203 200 102 110 154 150 154 118 145 115 - 07-285/44 07-285/55 07-300/36 TBA190 07-300/36 285 285 300 44 55 36 24.0 26.0 20.0 24.0 26.0 20.0 61 66 51 61 66 51 145 103 205 145 103 205 110 60 180 3.3 1.8 5.3 260 168 405 102 203 300 36 20.0 20.0 51 51 205 205 180 5.3 405 07-300/46 07-315/44 07-335/46 07-350/34 07-355/47 07-375/46 07-400/48 300 315 335 350 355 375 400 46 44 46 34 47 46 48 22.5 21.0 20.2 16.7 19.4 18.0 17.2 22.5 21.0 20.2 16.7 19.4 18.0 17.2 57 53 51 42 49 46 44 57 53 51 42 49 46 44 143 165 165 250 165 188 188 143 165 165 250 165 188 188 95 119 120 234 115 125 115 2.8 3.5 3.6 6.9 3.4 3.7 3.4 245 285 280 505 375 330 335 115 158 100 115 158 136 115 07-420/39 07-425/46 420 425 39 46 15.0 16.0 15.0 16.0 38 41 38 41 250 200 250 200 210 155 6.2 4.6 500 355 - 07-450/48 450 48 15.4 15.4 39 39 200 200 150 4.4 350 - 07-465/49 07-500/39 465 500 49 39 15.0 12.5 15.0 12.5 38 32 38 32 200 300 200 300 135 255 4.0 7.5 365 620 07-500/48 500 48 14.0 14.0 36 36 220 220 150 4.4 410 07-560/49 07-600/51 560 600 49 51 12.5 12.0 12.5 12.0 32 30 32 30 250 245 250 245 175 165 5.2 4.9 450 450 07-670/52 07-710/45 07-710/54 07-800/48 07-800/55 670 710 710 800 800 52 45 54 48 55 10.7 9.4 10.3 8.7 9.0 10.7 9.4 10.3 8.7 9.0 27 24 26 22 23 27 24 26 22 23 265 350 260 350 280 265 350 260 350 280 175 250 170 128 165 5.2 7.4 5.0 3.8 4.9 475 745 465 680 520 07-840/46 840 46 8.0 8.0 20 20 400 400 280 8.3 785 07-850/55 07-900/56 07-950/58 850 900 950 55 56 58 8.7 8.3 8.0 8.7 8.3 8.0 22 21 20 22 21 20 300 300 300 300 300 300 190 180 175 5.6 5.3 5.2 600 575 575 142 164 115 136 115 136 115 115 158 110 143 203 - 150 136 115 130 115 150 102 136 115 136 158 265 115 136 115 136 136 151 205 136 158 158 158 136 180 136 136 136 Mesh count, warp Mesh count, weft Mesh count, warp Mesh count, weft Yarn diameter, warp Yarn diameter, weft Weight Weight Thickness Width on stock Width on request [n/cm] [n/in] [n/in] [µm] [µm] [g/m²] [oz/yd²] [µm] [cm] [cm] Open area [%] [n/cm] Mesh opening [µm] Product reference SEFAR PETEX® 071000/45TBA200 1000 45 6.7 6.7 17 17 500 500 400 11.8 1000 07-1000/45 HD 07-1000/58 1000 1000 45 58 6.7 7.6 6.7 7.6 17 19 17 19 500 320 500 320 400 185 11.8 5.5 1000 585 07-1180/60 07-1190/47 07-1320/59 07-1410/49 07-1600/61 07-1680/50 07-1800/61 07-2000/51 1180 1190 1320 1410 1600 1680 1800 2000 60 47 59 49 61 50 61 51 6.5 5.7 5.8 5.0 4.9 4.2 4.3 3.6 6.5 5.7 5.8 5.0 4.9 4.2 4.3 3.6 17 14 15 13 12 11 11 9 17 14 15 13 12 11 11 9 350 550 400 600 450 700 500 800 350 550 400 600 450 700 500 800 175 397 200 420 236 465 245 552 5.2 11.7 5.9 12.4 7.0 13.8 7.2 16.3 740 1010 740 1145 840 1300 1000 1500 07-2200/47 blue 07-2380/53 2200 2380 47 53 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.1 8 8 8 8 1000 900 1000 900 760 600 22.5 17.8 1860 1700 07-3000/62 07-3000/62 TBA190 07-3400/60 07-4000/64 3000 3000 62 62 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 7 7 7 7 800 800 800 800 385 385 11.4 11.4 1480 1480 3400 4000 60 64 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.0 6 5 6 5 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 460 14.8 13.6 1900 1900 07-5000/72 5000 72 1.7 1.7 4 4 900 900 320 9.5 1700 125 145 167 183 202 226 253 305 320 115 136 109 158 115 158 110 104 158 210 104 158 102 220 108 158 158 - 110 142 142 201 165 - Mesh count, warp Mesh count, weft Mesh count, warp Mesh count, weft Yarn diameter, warp Yarn diameter, weft Weight Weight Thickness Width on stock Width on request [n/cm] [n/in] [n/in] [µm] [µm] [g/m²] [oz/yd²] [µm] [cm] [cm] Open area [%] [n/cm] Mesh opening [µm] Product reference SEFAR PROPYLTEX 05-105/25 05-105/16 05-125/30 05-150/34 105 110 125 150 25 16 30 34 47.5 36.5 43.5 38.5 47.5 36.5 43.5 38.5 121 93 110 98 121 93 110 98 106 165 106 110 106 165 106 110 78 134 68 65 2.3 4.0 2.0 1.9 230 360 200 195 05-177/29 05-210/32 177 210 29 32 29.0 27.0 30.0 27.0 74 69 76 69 165 165 165 165 110 95 3.3 2.8 314 295 05-250/29 05-280/41 05-295/23 05-297/35 05-350/32 05-405/41 05-420/30 05-500/36 250 280 295 297 350 405 420 500 29 41 23 34 32 41 30 36 22.2 22.7 16.2 20.0 16.2 15.7 13.9 12.2 22.2 22.7 16.2 20.0 16.2 16.8 13.9 12.2 56 58 41 51 41 40 35 31 56 58 41 51 41 43 35 31 215 165 340 215 270 230 300 340 215 165 340 215 270 230 300 340 140 90 245 125 160 100 200 180 4.1 2.7 7.2 3.7 4.7 3.0 5.9 5.3 430 300 610 420 515 350 610 610 05-600/60 05-710/41 05-840/45 05-1000/45 05-1190/42 05-1680/46 05-2000/51 05-2400/50 05-3360/60 600 710 840 1000 1190 1680 2000 2400 3360 60 41 45 45 42 46 51 50 60 13.0 9.0 8.0 6.8 5.6 4.0 3.6 2.9 2.3 13.0 9.0 8.0 6.8 5.5 4.0 3.6 2.9 2.3 33 23 20 17 14 10 9 7 6 33 23 20 17 14 10 9 7 6 150 440 440 500 600 800 800 1000 1000 150 440 440 500 600 800 800 1000 1000 40 216 190 300 318 410 310 470 340 1.2 6.4 5.6 8.9 9.4 12.1 9.2 13.9 10.1 270 800 725 1020 1340 1600 1310 1730 1800 115 158 139 104 142 139 102 145 139 124 145 145 144 112 139 102 144 225 145 148 148 139 139 115 142 130 142 - Mesh count, warp Mesh count, weft Mesh count, warp Mesh count, weft Yarn diameter, warp Yarn diameter, weft Weight Weight Thickness Width on stock Width on request [n/cm] [n/in] [n/in] [µm] [µm] [g/m²] [oz/yd²] [µm] [cm] [cm] Open area [%] [n/cm] Mesh opening [µm] Product reference SEFAR FLUORTEX 02-70/22 02-85/27 02-150/36 09-250/39 08-250/39 09-300/36 09-420/39 09-500/42 09-590/47 09-850/58 09-1000/45 09-1800/61 09-2000/60 70 85 150 250 250 300 420 500 590 850 1000 1800 2000 22 27 36 39 39 36 39 42 47 58 45 61 60 63.0 60.5 40.0 25.0 25.0 20.0 14.9 13.0 11.5 8.9 6.7 4.4 3.8 63.0 60.5 40.0 25.0 25.0 20.0 14.9 13.0 11.5 8.9 6.7 4.4 3.8 160 154 102 64 64 51 38 33 29 23 17 11 10 160 154 102 64 64 51 38 33 29 23 17 11 10 85 85 100 152 152 215 260 280 275 275 515 500 610 85 85 100 152 152 215 260 280 275 275 515 500 610 145 0 138 165 145 230 260 270 240 180 480 310 375 4.3 0.0 4.1 4.9 4.3 6.8 7.7 8.0 7.1 5.3 14.2 9.2 11.1 158 175 200 290 290 385 450 500 485 505 1000 1000 1130 123 123 123 - 115 120 265 123 130 132 123 123 110 123 Mesh count, warp Mesh count weft Mesh count, warp Mesh count, weft Yarn diameter, warp Yarn diameter, weft Weight Weight Thickness Width on stock Width on request [n/cm] [n/in] [n/in] [µm] [µm] [g/m²] [oz/yd²] [µm] [cm] [cm] Open area [%] [n/cm] Mesh opening [µm] Product reference SEFAR PEEKTEX 17-35/22 17-100/34 17-115X145/58 17-220/56 17-300/36 17-425/27 35 100 100 220 300 425 22 32 58 56 36 27 140.0 57.0 73.0 34.0 19.0 12.0 140.0 57.0 52.0 34.0 20.0 12.0 356 145 185 86 48 30 356 145 132 86 51 30 38 77 38 71 200 400 38 77 38 71 200 400 39 65 17 36 165 430 1.2 1.9 0.5 1.1 4.9 12.7 71 125 50 128 370 800 102 153 124 - 17-600/70 17-800/45 600 800 73 45 14.0 8.0 14.0 8.0 36 20 36 20 100 400 100 400 101 281 3.0 8.3 180 750 - 150 330 225 350 130 263 Sefar worldwide Headquarters Subsidiaries Americas Subsidiaries Asia Subsidiaries Europe Sefar AG Hinterbissaustrasse 12 9410 Heiden – Switzerland Phone+41 71 898 57 00 Fax +41 71 898 57 21 [email protected] USA – Buffalo Phone +1 800 995 0531 [email protected] China – Suzhou Phone +86 512 6283 6383 [email protected] England – Bury Phone +44 161 765 3530 [email protected] Canada – Saguenay Phone +1 418 690 0888 [email protected] India – District Thane Phone +91 2522 2940-34 /35 /36 [email protected] France – Lyon Phone +33 472 13 14 15 [email protected] Brazil – São Bernardo do Campo Phone +55 11 4390 6300 [email protected] Indonesia – Jakarta Barat Phone +62 21 5890 2065 /66 /68 [email protected] Germany – Edling Phone +49 8071 90400 0 [email protected] Mexico – Cuautitlan Izcalli Phone +52 55 2291 0652 [email protected] Japan – Osaka Phone +81 64 709 1070 [email protected] Italy – Collegno Phone +39 011 42 001 [email protected] Subsidiaries Australia & New Zealand Korea – Seoul Phone +82 2 713 9135 [email protected] Netherlands – Lochem Phone +31 573 25 82 50 [email protected] Australia – Huntingwood Phone +61 2 8822 1700 [email protected] Malaysia – Johor Phone +60 786 771 88 [email protected] Poland – Poznan Phone +48 511 467 467 [email protected] New Zealand – Auckland Phone +64 9 622 3330 [email protected] Singapore Phone +65 6299 9092 [email protected] Spain – Cardedeu Phone +34 93 844 47 10 [email protected] Thailand – Bangkok Phone +66 261 887 78 [email protected] Turkey – Ankara Phone +90 312 287 34 14 [email protected] Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh City Phone +84 862 925 562/3 [email protected] Important Notice: PA 6 and PA 66 have the tendency to a strong moisture absorption of up to 4%. This specific behavior and the characteristic to react to changes of temperature lead to changes in the fabric dimensions, which, according to our investigations, are in normal cases largely reversible. For this reason PA 6 and PA 66 products, which are manufactured and made up within the global Sefar production network, are processed in a stable climatic environment. All stated values are arithmetic means of samples (X). In accordance with Sefar’s policy of continuous product improvement, specifications and other information in this publication are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining fitness, merchantability and suitability of purpose before use. Wichtiger Hinweis: PA 6 und PA 66 haben die Tendenz zu einer starken Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme von bis zu 4%. Dieses spezifische Verhalten und die Eigenschaft auf Temperatur zu reagieren, führt zu Dimensionsänderungen bei Geweben, welche aber, gemäss unseren Untersuchungen, im Regelfall reversibel sind. Deshalb werden PA 6 und PA 66 Produkte innerhalb des weltweiten Sefar Produktionsnetzwerkes unter stabilen klimatischen Verhältnissen verarbeitet. Alle Angaben sind Stichproben-Mittelwerte (X). Im Einklang mit der Sefar-Geschäftspolitik, die eine dauernde Kontrolle und Verbesserung unserer Produkte definiert, behalten wir uns die Änderung der technischen Daten jederzeit vor. Der Endverbraucher ist verpflichtet, die verwendeten Produkte auf deren Eignung zum Verwendungszweck vor dem Einsatz zu prüfen. 3105-0032-000-00 | 05.2015 | SEFAR ®is a registered trademark of the Sefar-Group Sefar is the leading manufacturer of precision fabrics from monofilaments for the screen printing and filtration market. Sefar products are used in a wide variety of industries, reaching from electronics, graphics, medical, automotive, food and pharmaceutical applications to aerospace, mining & refining and architecture. With its profound understanding of the applications Sefar helps its customers to achieve optimum results in their industrial processes. Subsidiaries and fabrications centers in 25 countries on 5 continents provide local technical service for the broad range of solutions offered by Sefar.
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