Torque cover issue 1/2004


Torque cover issue 1/2004
The magazine of the
JAWA CZ Owners Club
Manchester and Stafford Classic Motorcycle Shows
Some pictures from the recent shows. On the front cover –
Top a view of the club’s stand at Manchester Bike Show.
Below a view of the club stand at Stafford Classic Bike Show.
Above left – the editor on his “1919 Babetta race bike” with two
young bike enthusiasts. Above right – Ken Eyre with his
speedway bike and two young bike enthusiasts. Left Kev
Wright’s brand new Jawa 350 Classic with sidecar and trailer
with two young bike enthusiasts. Is there a bit of a pattern
here? All these from Manchester Bike show.
Below is Ian Bridges’ beautiful Rotax engined Jawa 600
special on the club stand at Stafford Show. Ian has built this
bike from a standard Mk1 Jawa 500R. It has been on-going for
some time but Ian was spurred on to complete the bike for this
show as a tribute to his wife Paula who died last year. It is
painted a gorgeous shade of purple, Paula’s favourite colour,
and was on the stand with a collection for Weston Park
Hospital, Sheffield, which raised £98. Ian wishes to thank
everyone who kindly donated money.
TORQUE Issue 4/2016
was born in Birmingham in 1923 and served in the
second world war on canal boats transporting vital
supplies between Birmingham and London when road
and rail links were disrupted by bombing. She then
went on to ride successfully in motorcycle trials and
enduro competitions becoming the only woman to win
two International Six Days Trials gold medals.
During her competition career she secured support
from almost every major British motorcycle
manufacturer, and from Parilla and Jawa. She
retired from competition in 1970 and died in 2009.
I want to start this issue with news of several
members suffering health problems at the moment.
I am told that Mario Mager is quite poorly at the
moment because of the treatment for cancer that
he has been undergoing for some time. Also John
Edwards from Wrexham has cancer and is also
suffering somewhat. Mally Morgan and Roger Gibson
who would normally have been at the Stafford show
were absent this year due to both having to go into
hospital for operations just prior to the event.
Mally needed quite major stomach surgery and Gibby
was also in for surgery. Mally and Gibby were both
allowed home after a few days and are doing well.
Also I have just heard that Ian Bridges, from
Sheffield, is soon to go into hospital for an
operation on his right knee which was damaged when
he came off his bike a while ago. Can I wish all of
them, from myself and on behalf of the club’s
members, our very best wishes for speedy
The man asking about her was Colin Turbett who is
writing a biography of Olga and was asking if anyone
in the club could provide any information on her
Jawa works team involvement between 1953 and
1956. If anyone can help, please email Colin on
[email protected]
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this
issue, I have some material left over for future
issues but, as always, I am in need of more material.
At the recent Stafford Classic Bike Show, a man
came on the stand asking for information about a
lady called Olga Kevelos. I had never heard of this
lady but a search revealed a little information. She
2016 Events
Events being
organised by or for
club members.
See you at the national rally.
John Woods
National Rally - 10-12-June 2016 - Crewe Vagrants Sports Club, Nantwich,
CW5 7EP. Rally being organised by Glen Newport. More details inside this issue.
Red Star Rally - 8-10 July 2016 - Anglia Motel, A17 Washway Road, Fleet
Hargate, Spalding, Linconshire, PE12 8LT.
The quadrennial joint rally of the
Cossack, MZ and Jawa-CZ clubs. More information in this issue.
International Jawa-CZ-Yezdi day - Sunday 10 July 2016 - The annual
“virtual rally” all round the world. Ride your bike on this day and send in a report
and/or a picture for the magazine. More info. at
Isle of Man Camp - 29-31 July 2016 - Laxey Campsite, Quarry Road, Laxey,
Isle of Man, IM4 7DU - Sandy Morgan & Kyrill Thummel organising.
Avon-Bristol Camp - 16-18 September 2016 - Tudor Caravan Park,
Slimbridge, Gloucestershire. Martin Broomfield organising. More details later.
See more event
dates on page 16.
Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show - 15-16 October 2016 - Stafford County
Showground, Stafford, ST18 0BD.
Visit the club’s web site
The Jawa CZ Owners Club is affiliated to:The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs
The National Association for Bikers with a Disability
The Federation of Sidecar Clubs
International Jawa–CZ–
Yezdi Day
Club Subscriptions
A recent discussion with a number of
members led to one suggesting an article
with a brief explanation of the realities
facing us and whether we can continue to
hold the subscription at £15.
10th July 2016
It is the North American Register that is
the main instigator behind this “event”.
This has taken place for thirteen years
now, whereby Jawa, CZ and Yezdi
owners all over the world are encouraged
to make some sort of ride out, singly or in
a groups, on this day and write a report for
the magazine and web site, to raise the
profile of the brand to all those people
who approach you in car parks and petrol
stations with the line “you don’t see many
of those about these days”.
There is a brief treasurer’s report
elsewhere in this issue which shows that
the club’s financial position is generally
However, costs are always
increasing and we must be careful to
maintain that healthy position.
One of our biggest costs is the printing
and posting of Torque.
About 300
members take Torque as a printed magazine and
about 100 prefer to receive it electronically as a pdf
file. In addition a small number of complementary
copies are sent to friends of the club, all by email.
For those that don’t know about Yezdi, this is the
brand name used in later years for the Jawas made
under license in India. In India there are a lot of very
enthusiastic, young owners who always make a big
effort to mark Jawa Day.
For more information, visit the North American
Register’s special Jawa Day web page at:-
We acknowledge that many people will always prefer
to have a paper copy of any magazine and many
people haven’t got (and don’t want) a computer or
email access. Sending Torque electronically saves
the club a significant amount of money but It was
agreed when the electronic version was introduced
that subs would remain equal for all members
irrespective of Torque delivery option.
Membership Matters
At this stage we want to promote ETorque with the
hope of an increase in the take up. The benefits of
ETorque are that most pictures throughout the
magazine are in colour (except for copied articles
and pictures that were originally in black and white)
and most email and web site addresses are
hyperlinks that automatically take you to email or
web sites when clicked. It is also simpler to save
copies with items of interest and index them on your
We welcome the following new or re-instated
members who have joined in the last few weeks.
Lots this issue as the list covers 2 months.
So when your renewal reminder arrives please
seriously think about ticking to receive ETorque, or
contact the membership secretary in between
renewals. The future could dictate an increase in the
subscription or a reduction in the number of
magazines and the Club really does wish to avoid
Pete Edwards
JAWA CZ Club Ireland News
Issue 56 of the JAWA Motorcyclist is now available.
March / April 2016. Contents:Cabbie and the NUN / Pat Daly (Pádraig O Dálaigh) /
The Chauffeur / CZ Models 453 and 473 / Editors
Note / Events / Stack Of Wheat & Boys Of Bluehill /
Sarsfields ride / Eugene Carton.
The total membership of the club is up a good bit at
411 as at the beginning of May ‘16.
All issues of the newsletter are available at:-
Tony Thain Membership Officer
A lot of people contributed to this issue making it
particularly varied and interesting. Thank you.
Southport, England.
Southport, England.
Leeds, England.
Ashford, England.
Shrewsbury, England.
Aberdeen, Scotland.
Watford, England.
Dublin 16, Rep.of Ireland.
Wisbech, England.
Minehead, England.
Sutton, England.
Birmingham, England.
Bury, England.
Newbury, England.
Rugby, England.
Leeds, England.
Scunthorpe, England.
Filakovo, Slovakia.
Etwall, England.
Preston, England.
York, England.
Stockport, England.
Loughborough, England.
Mick, Pat, Ger.
Jawa-CZ OC - National Rally 2016
10th to 12th June 2016
Crewe Vagrants Sports Club, Nantwich, CW5 7EP.
In 1977 Ian Bridge and Alan Madeley organised the Jawa-CZ Owners
Club first ever national rally. We have held a national rally every year
since and this year marks the 40th rally. Ian and Alan will both be in
attendance this year to help us celebrate this milestone event.
The rally is being ably organised by Glen Newport, the North West club
rep., with some small assistance from Torque editor, John Woods, and
Gibby, of the emporium fame. The rally badge, designed by Bobb Negus,
is shown above. Every attendee will get one of these and they are also being used on “silver” salvers as
awards, which are, again this year being provided by Gibby, for the usual categories – best bike in various age
groups, solo and combo, furthest travelled to the rally, etc, and of course the coveted Grot Bike award. The
cost of the rally will be £15 per person for the whole weekend, under 16s free (no badge).
On the Friday and Saturday we will have exclusive use of the very well appointed function room at the Sports
Club, pictured below, which has a real ale bar and the club’s own catering facilities, offering hot food at various
times over the weekend. Have a look at their web site at
You should try and get there early on the
Friday (a few of us will be there on the
Thursday) as a run out is planned to Gibby’s
Emporium which is just a very short run up the
We have been promised tea and
biscuits at the Emporium and a chance to
browse Gibby’s stock of rare and valuable,
new and pre-owned, spares and bikes, and
perhaps find a bargain on that part you’ve
been looking for.
On Saturday morning there will be a run out of about 20 miles
each way to a local place of interest, favourite at the moment, if
the weather is good, is the Anderton Boat Lift. In the afternoon we
are planning a line up and judging of bikes on the field. In the late
afternoon / early evening, in the function room, will be the prize
giving, a raffle, and the club’s annual general meeting - but not
necessarily in that order. On Saturday evening in the bar there will
be a free hot and cold buffet meal for everyone. The agenda for
the AGM is printed elsewhere in this issue.
The exact details are to be finalised but it is planned that the
cricket club are catering in the function room for food on Friday
evening and breakfast on Saturday morning, and there’s the free
buffet on Saturday evening. We will be sharing the room for
breakfast on the Sunday with the car booters.
The raffle is always popular and members are encouraged to bring along items for the raffle. If you have a
friendly local dealer, a bottle of 2 stroke oil or some spark plugs are very welcome as are items from Lidl or Aldi
or even from a car boot sale or charity shop. The items do not have to be motorcycle related so you might
consider wine, chocolates or cosmetics. How about donating that gift you had for Christmas that you didn’t
want, don’t need and will never use. Prizes can be brought to the rally and left with rally control on arrival or if
you wish to send us a raffle prize please post to Glen Newport, contact details on page 17.
Every Sunday throughout the summer the other end of the Club Cricket pitch is used for a car boot sale so
anyone that is interested can visit the sale and perhaps pick up something of interest before heading home.
There will be a detailed program of events available on arrival at the site and at some stage we’ll tell you why
there is a worm on the badge.
The Rally is very much a family affair and all are welcome - even if you come by car or van. Many camp and
there is space for caravans too. We also welcome Day Visitors – the main day being Saturday. Don’t come at
lunchtime Sunday and expect a field full of Czech bikes as most folk leave during the morning to travel home.
The Premier Inn Crewe & Nantwich tel. 0871 527 8782 looks to be the closest cheaper hotel and the Pollard
Inn on Willaston Village Square has rooms at £85 a night tel. 0151 327 4615.
Brian Selwood has advised me that the prices for The Premier Inn were in the £60 - £66 region but that he
booked into the Travel Lodge at Junction 16 of the M6, with no refund for cancellation, at £35 a night with £4.50
packed breakfast, paid up front.
Club Year End Acounts
1. The accounts have been produced in a simplified
form aimed at making it clearer how the Club
operates. These figures have been subject to an
independent examination and confirmed as accurate.
2. The Club has significant liquid assets in excess
of £2000, in addition to cash the majority being
postage stamps.
3. Rally costs for 2 years have been paid. If the
2016 rally costs had been met in the current year the
surplus for the year would have been £2706.39.
Running costs
Rally 2015
Rally 2016
4. The club carries forward a healthy balance which
is not printed as it is commercially sensitive. Full
information will be available at the AGM to be held at
the National Rally. Members not attending can have
a copy by email or by sending a stamped self
[email protected]
Pete Edwards - Secretary & Spares Officer
Annual General Meeting 2016
9. Items raised at the meeting – for discussion only
and future consideration by the Committee.
10.Close of meeting.
1. To note the report of the 2015 meeting
2. Matters arising from 2015 not on this agenda
Annual General Meeting – this will take place on
Saturday 11th in the function room at the rally, late
afternoon / early evening. Matters raised at the
meeting will be for discussion only as the wider
membership will not know of them. If you wish to
take a more active part in the Club by becoming a
Local Area Representative notify the Club Secretary
at any time in the year. We have one member
interested in the Treasurer vacancy - the deadline for
nominations for this post is extended to 30th May
should a ballot need arranging. Inform Secretary contact details on page 17.
3. Officers Reports and questions to Officers
4. Financial Report to be tabled.
Questions on
5. Election of Officers:
Treasurer – vacant.
Membership Secretary – there may be a ballot for
this post. Existing post holder Tony Thain and
nomination for Glen Newport.
6. Appointment of Officers
7. Rally 2017 report. Gary Derland is the Organiser.
8. Items raised by members prior to meeting – None
CZ 125 MX Restoration
I have just fished the restoration of a CZ 125
MX 516 from 1985. Please find attached some
pictures with the hope the job is appreciated by
CZ fans.
Stefano Giacometti
Living with a Jawa Classic - part 12
The cold weather led me to adjust the slow
running slightly and I unscrewed the slow running
screw by just 1/8th of a turn and the engine
seems much happier on tickover and pickup.
Other than that I have adjusted the screen yet
again as it seems to loosen off during long rides
when I end up stuffing tissue between the bottom
of the screen and the headlamp shell to stop it
vibrating. I am very pleased with the throttle
assist I fitted (described in Torque issue 2/2016)
and have once used the “parking brake”
attachment with good effect when I played with
the toe in adjustment of the sidecar. I reduced
the toe in and will report on the results. Maybe
the mpg will improve due to less drag. The
website has a new section dedicated to sidecar
matters. Feel free to send me or Bobb Negus
additional content for the page.
I have also fitted connectors in the wiring across
to the sidecar’s front spot light and in the rear 4
core cable to the side/brake lights and indicators.
That will allow me to simply unplug and then
remove the sidecar body for maintenance or if I
need to pack it in the van for the planned trip to
the JAWA Rally in Latvia at the end of July.
Not the neatest job as I should have put shrink
wrap on the wires before fitting the connectors
but I do learn from my mistakes (sometimes). At
least it is all watertight - probably.
I have now got round to fitting a power supply for
my satnav. I took a wire with an inline 10amp
fuse from the positive terminal of the battery to
an accessory socket and the negative I attached
with a scotchlock connector to a main earth wire.
I simply plug in the satnav power connector and
away it goes. It is always live so maybe I will fit a
switch but it’s no hardship lifting the seat and
unplugging. The plug for the satnav sits in the
waterproof case fitted to the handlebars and the
wiring is hidden under the tank. At 5000 miles
the front ribbed tyre shows little sign of wear so I
am still waiting to replace it with a block tread
tyre as I am sure it will better suit my riding style
but like most JAWA CZ’s the life of the front tyre
seems eternal.
Pete Edwards
Dear Ed.
I thought that you could pop this link into
Torque next issue as my attempts to finish work on
various CZ projects on the May bank holiday Monday
were constantly hampered by rain showers. So I decided
to spend 10 minutes videoing everything (not) going on in
the meantime, with my £15 (on E-Bay) action camera,
which normally sits on whatever bike I'm riding, recording
the ride.
Only about 2/3rds of the collection of bikes in the video
but enough to demonstrate the extreme effects of "Jawa
CZ Motorcycle Aquisition Syndrome" where owning one
attracts more and more of them over the years.
Andy Reid.
More on the Jawa Model 593
As a regular reader of Torque I came across your
article on the 593 asking for information on the bike.
A little I can contribute. We had been at the time, as
MZ-B, the German importer of Jawa and we also
looked into the option of selling this 593. As I was a
frequent visitor to Jawa and at this time still Motokov,
I had some inside into this history. The engine was
not really Jawa property, but developed in the
Prague company Praga for Jawa:-
Development cost should have been repaid in the
price of engine take off. Jawa however did not
manage to produce and sell sufficient numbers of
this bike and Praga at some point declared the
whole engine theirs, cutting Jawa out on this and initially asking Motokov to market it abroad. I remember that
Motokov had invited me to Praga to discuss this. As we had not been in the off road business we had not been
interested, and I had known the engine already as
we also had a 593 for testing in Berlin. what I
remember was the extremely high kick-starter - one
better should be a very tall guy to start this. I think
the Praga ED250 was the resulting bike with this
engine, selling for a couple of years.
The only other pieces of info I have is that we did
sell for some time the pistons for the 593 as spares
for some KTM enduro which had an engine that
looked strikingly similar and definitely used the same
pistons. Keep up the good work.
With best regards, Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Recevez mes sincères salutations, Un cordial
Edgar Uher
Powerdynamo GmbH, Berlin.
East European Red Star Rally
The Red Star Rally is a four yearly collaboration
between The Cossack Owners Club, The Jawa-CZ
Owners Club and The MZ Riders Club.
8th – 10th July 2016
It’s a special event because it brings together not just
the whole East European motorcycle and car
enthusiasts’ community in the UK but also their
friends from the continent making it the largest
regular gathering in this country.
Anglia Motel, Fleet Hargate, PE12 8LT.
On the A17 near Spalding Lincolnshire.
We can expect rare and unfamiliar models from the
Soviet era on display alongside the latest versions
thrown underdeveloped into the maelstrom of the
West’s unsympathetic free market economies.
Camping or rooms available.
£15.00 per person for the
Various Saturday rides out.
If you’re already a club member it’ll be a weekend
out amongst old friends and an opportunity to make
new ones. If you’re not, it’ll be the best introduction
ever to why these humble machines inspire the
devotion and respect they do.
Fed up with Vincents, Venoms and Gold Stars?
Come and have a look at our red one!
Saturday evening guest speaker
– round the world motorcyclist –
Austin Vince.
For further information:email: [email protected]
or phone 07504 700522 (text preferred)
More from the Bike Shows
It's the fifth year of this show, it
gets bigger and better ever year.
The bikes on display were John's
98 cc CZ of 1935 and his project
Babetta ????, my 1954 Jawa 250
cc perak, Ron’s 1991 50cc
Babetta, Andy’s 1960 Jawa 353
250 cc - he won the award for the
unrestored machine of the show.
Also Tony’s Jawa 360 350 cc of
1973, Dan’s Babetta 50cc of 1988,
Kev’s Jawa Classic 350 cc with
side car and trailer of 2015 and his
Jawa blue style 350cc of 2011 and
Ken Ayres Jawa speedway 500 of
1972. We were kept very busy all
weekend talking Jawa-CZ with
friends old and new
Glen Newport.
From top – “The Manchester
Team”, view of the stand, the
Edtor’s Babetta Special with Glen’s
250 Perak behind, Kev’s Jawa 640
enthuisast. Right is a detail on the
front of Ian’s bike at Stafford.
Oil Pump Problems
I recently did an engine swap on my model 477 (CZ175cc single) to improve it, but after transferring my original
oil pump across I couldn't get it to bleed via the output tube. I considered a possible scenario where, after
bleeding the pump correctly, it was not actually pumping when the engine starts turning, with the thumbwheel
not going around as it should do. I tried to get more information on possible faults, so far without success. I
tried to use four spare pumps, all without success. I wondered how many owners still use the pump on these
models ?
To make a gasket for the main case, clean off and degrease original gasket and use a pencil to outline all the
holes and contours onto gasket paper or a thick buff envelope. Punch the small holes with an appropriate wad
punch and use a sharp pair of curved nail scissors for all the rest or a small toffee ball pein hammer could be
used around the edges. To remove the drive oil seal, grip the input shaft in a vice and tap the pump body with
a soft faced mallet until the boss comes out, remove the worm shaft then lever out the oil seal. To replace the
two 8x16x7 oil seals, drive them in with a small socket. With the boss removed the correct ratchet action can
then be observed between the thumbwheel and the internal cog. Note that I have done all this without splitting
the pump. Unfortunately changing these seals didn't make the duff pump work. Any advice or suggestions
would be gratefully received.
I enquired but Mick Berrill doesn’t do any spares for oil pumps, this includes gaskets. They only sell the
complete pump at a price nothing like that listed on Czech websites, but a NOS pump from Berrill would be a
better bet than one on American ebay.
Ref; Pete Edwards’ comments (in Torque issue 2/2016) on Skoda calibrating the pumps, I wonder how they did
this, did they fit special washers to reduce the stroke of the pump while measuring the flow? Hence the value
of not loosing any parts and the use of DIY gasket making techniques. I have managed to get an output out of
my original pump. I also found a Jawa Oilmaster / CZ Posilube oil pump gasket on the web in Australian at $5
(£2-68 + postage). Looking at this gave me an idea, if you remove the drive boss from the pump as I suggested
above, you would have a lovely flat surface to make a hammered gasket from, or you could use one of these
Australian gaskets as a good master to make some more.
(Hammered gaskets - hold a sheet of gasket paper over the face and gently tap all round the edges inside and
out and over the holes to form a deep impression in the paper for cutting out a new gasket – or perhaps you all
knew that already. Ed.)
! eventually found the reason for my problem but haven't yet decided what to about it. The crankshaft drive
doesn’t appear to be damaged but it isn't driving the oil pump. Comparison with my old engine reveals that the
end of both cranks protrudes 1/2inch above the case gasket surface on both, but the oil pump drive protrudes
1mm into the slot on the faulty one and 3mm into the slot on the working one, so it’s probably slipping. I wish I
had noticed this before I put the engine in. If I could get the cover, this would provide a temporary fix while I
sort the other engine. there is no evidence that fitting another crankshaft would solve the problem. I could also
remove the barrel and piston and look at the crankshaft gaps to see if I can move it leftwards by a few mm's but
I am reluctant to do this. any helpful comments would be appreciated as I have not had this problem before.
After these first items, Roy followed up with the following further report:I removed the dynamo, cylinder head, barrel and piston. I was glad of my general purpose gudgeoned pin
extractor as, unusually, the pin was tight. I noted a small gap down the crankcase on L.H. side. I used a
crankcase splitter / puller on the dynamo studs to move the crankshaft inwards. It moved a bit. Refitting the oil
pump and found that when the kick-start was pressed, the thumb wheel now rotated. I felt quite positive as I
reassembled the engine.
I tried to bleed my recently acquired NOS oil pump but had to remove crud from behind the bleed screw and
blew it out with a Lilo adaptor and cycle pump. Eventually it started to flow. I had previously made some oil
pump gaskets using the 5mm punch from my new, inexpensive, hollow punch set, so far so good! I started up
the engine and at first the thumbwheel started to rotate, but then it stopped, and wouldn't rotate any more.
Back to square one, I must have a crankshaft issue. Fitting the later 487 / 488 clutch cover could be a possible
option, were one available at a reasonable price, and go to premix, but I don't know where one would be
I have decided that I'll keep it running on premix with a stationary pump, while I rebuild the original engine and
try fitting another crankshaft later on. My original engine had a leak on the final drive side, not sure where from,
I suspected the final drive oil seal.
The leak detection method I used was to thoroughly degrease the inside case with newspaper and rag, then
sprayed with Daktarin Activ spray powder miconazole nitrate (aerosol athletes foot remedy) straight up, to give
a thick white coating. Then refill the gearbox with oil and noted that the white coating had disappeared around
lower engine screws inside outer case, the oil dissolves the powder. I fitted copper washers under the heads of
these screws which cured the leaks. I will remember this when I rebuild the engine. In more extreme cases
where the copper washers won't cure the leak, you will need to obtain bonded seals of nitrile / mild steel type.
Roy Bailey
Nostalgia from one of our earliest members:- Terry Wildego
I recently emailed Terry for some information on the bikes from the 1950s’ when the Club was formed. Here is the
reply. Enjoy it and remember no satnav, mobile phones or European Breakdown Assistance in those days. PE
I was overcome by a wave of nostalgia, and this was one way to vent it.
My first bike, bought privately for probably about £15 or so in 1953 or early ’54, was a 1951 (registered) rigid frame,
125 CZ, OPF 527. This was the bike I had when I joined the club when it was formed. After this, a brief dalliance
with a 25O BSA C11g, OXW 270. Then in early ’56 I bought, from Pride & Clarke’s (Pride & Sharks as it was
known.) MHJ 319, a 1954 plunger frame 250, unused. This cost me £109. That year I rode it to Bavaria, along
with Jock Wade (more of whom later) for the ISDT. A memorable experience. His back wheel hub cracked in
Germany but we managed to get it welded. In Garmisch, the JAWA team fitted a new rear wheel. It was the new
full width hub and of course they had to fit the new brake lever system as the brake plate was on the other side.
The following year I rode it on a club ride to Prague, along with Bob Rixen. There were 3 Model 354’s (350cc) and
my 250. One didn’t even get to Dover. One, Alan Hawkins, broke down in Ostend, but sent us on and turned up in
Prague a few days later. Bob broke down, literally, on the autobahn in Germany. The bike lost drive, but by the
time I had walked half a mile back along the road, highly illegal on an autobahn, he had the bike up on the centre
stand and everything seemed fine. I couldn’t find a problem either, so we decided to push on. Bob pushed the
bike off the stand. Luckily I was still squatting down at the side and saw the engine drop. I could see that the down
tube had broken where it joined the head casting. The only thing that had stopped it dropping further was the
clutch cable, hence the loss of drive. We managed to get it welded!
When we reached Prague, Motokov, the export agency, with which the Club had a very good relationship (manning
the stand at Earls Court shows) arranged for the bikes to go into Mototekna, the repair agency, where Bob’s bike
had a new frame. The other 354 had caught us up by then and had various repairs. My 250? Well they tarted it
up a bit, replacing the rusty bits (exhaust pipes for instance). All FREE. So that’s the 250 for you, reliability
personified, although to be fair, my wife, Diana and I made three trips to Prague on 44 MPH one via Berlin, and the
only problem was the centre stand pin coming loose in Germany. I didn’t have it welded!
This rambling is refreshing my
memory (hence the registration
numbers) and I now recall I have a
’50’s “Motor Cycle” year book with
specs and prices. Unfortunately it is
with about 300 books stacked up in
the conservatory. Due to a planning
error, most of the titles are not visible.
If you can wait a couple of weeks, I
should have them in the bookcases.
(This will help with our Club project
identifying models and prices.)
At the latter end of ’58, Bob and I,
purchased 350’s from Minear &
Bruce of Guildford for £189.19.6.
(308 FPJ & 309 FPJ). I believe these
were among the first JAWAs to be
imported since the Suez crisis in
1956 started a bit of a spat between
East and West. Possibly there was a
fear that JAWA were fitting a high
yield nuclear device as standard
equipment. The battery certainly had
low capacity for its size. There was,
to my knowledge, only one ‘55-‘56
350 of the 354 model type and this
belonged to a club member, a 55
year old Scot, Jock Wade living in
London and noted for his exuberant
riding style which was to pull the lever
up, open the throttle fully and stamp
Terry with his Jawa Pionyr model 555 at the club’s second
on the gear lever three times and
National Rally in 1978 at Stanford Hall, Leicestershire.
disappear in a cloud of smoke, like
the Demon King in a pantomime. He
ran on 32:1 (not 24). The engine never seized and ran as sweet as a nut.
So where did 44 MPH come from? Well, 309 FPJ must have been a Friday afternoon machine (a Friday afternoon
before the Summer holiday). Firstly, despite very careful running in, if you travelled at 60 mph for more than a few
miles, it seized. This was not in hot weather. After a few months there was a complete electrical failure, which was
eventually traced to the right hand crankshaft oil seal moving out until was stopped by the armature where it woreoff the lacquer and short circuited it. The seals were metal cased unlike the last ones I saw. EUREKA !!! Can you
believe that after all these years, writing this has made me realise that the reason for the seizures was that the right
side was running weak? Well, not exactly running weak but with a reduced volume of fuel charge and therefore
lubricant. I have no idea which cylinder was seizing but bet it was the seal causing the problem. The final straw
was the rear brake problem. On two occasions, heavy application of the rear brake resulted in a really loud shriek
from the rear.
showed that the rear fork had
been bent by the brake reaction
block. I managed to straighten it
pretty well, but the next hard
braking bent it again. This was
the last straw and I sent a letter
complaining bitterly.
resulted in the offer of a new
machine. This was delivered to
my home in a crate, in Dec.
1959. This became 44 MPH.
Frame No. 354044844 Engine
No. 354081777. On inspection
of this new machine, I noted that
JAWA had changed the rear
brake reaction system so that it
transferred the force further up
the rear fork. Originally they had
used the same reaction block as
the plunger frame. It was fine for
that, but on the swinging arm it
was transferring the force onto
the area of the rear axle slot.
I think it was either 1960 or ’61
that Pride & Sharks were selling
the 250 for £119.00 and £129.00
for the 350. Machine preparation
Terry with his late wife, Diana and 44 MPH, pictured at the 2007
was appalling.
One Club
National Rally in Pewsey, Wiltshire.
member, when he went to collect
his bike, was asked if it had an
electric starter. When told that it hadn’t they replied that they had “found and fitted the gear lever, but there was no
kickstarter lever supplied, and anyway, there was nowhere to fit it”. Of course this started a rumour that JAWA had
gone out of business, as had TWN (see note below) and that P&C had also handled them in the same way. This
whole incident damaged JAWA & CZ’s reputation considerably, and I’m not sure it ever really recovered. The
influx of Japanese machines didn’t help.
Terry Wildego
Note: Terry still owns 44 MPH and when asked about this “cherished number” or why not 60 MPH - properly
reminds people that it was issued to him at first registration. I believe he has ensured the number will remain with
the bike in perpetuity.
It is also worth noting that most of these bikes were used as daily transport to work and back as well as for Club
runs and other social activity. Bob Rixen did not drive and he went everywhere by JAWA. He would send his wife
Pat and daughter Anne away on trips on the bus and he would meet up with them having ridden there. My abiding
memory of Bob is that he always wore a dark suit, white shirt and a tie. This was revealed when he removed his
riding gear – I think a black rubber 2 piece suit. I saw Bob first at the Club AGM in 1977 when as Club Treasurer
he stood up, jingled the change in his pocket and assured us the Club was solvent – we had about £125 in the
bank (or maybe in a biscuit tin). 23 years of careful savings and after our first national rally. We should run the
UK’s economy.
Pete Edwards
Triumph-Werke Nürnberg AG or TWN, was a German bicycle and motorcycle company. In 1886, Siegfried
Bettmann founded the Triumph bicycle factory in Coventry, England, and in 1896 he founded a second bicycle
factory in his native Nuremberg, Germany, under the same Triumph name. Both factories branched out into
making motorcycles: the Coventry factory in 1902 and the Nuremberg factory in 1903.
East Lancashire
Classic Bike Rally
What to do on an Easter
Sunday, stay in eating
chocolate eggs or go out on
the Perak? No contest eat
the chocolate, .... then I
went to the East Lancs
Classic Bike Rally. I met up
with my dad (Ron) and Tony
and my nephew, Dan, on
his Babetta. (Probably our
youngest club member at
16 years of age.) The rally
was well attended with over
60 bikes.
In between sunshine and
showers we spent the morning chatting and viewing all the bikes. There were bikes there from every era from
20s’ to the 80s’, Adler to Zundapp and everything in between. I decided to leave for home as large dark clouds
were looming. Just got in as the heavens opened with thunder and lightening.
Glen Newport
Return to the Fold
I re-joined the club whilst at
the recent Stafford show, and
may I say what a friendly pair
of chaps I spoke to. Getting
on for 20 years ago, in a
previous life, I lived in London
and my transport 'Weapon of
choice' at the time was a 1990
CZ350 model 472.6. I bought
it from a chap in High
Wycombe who had owned it
almost from new.
It was
untidy but all there and made
an excellent winter hack. I
have fond memories of ring
dinging around on it and
leaving many a fellow road
user behind in clouds of blue
smoke, but the main things I
questionable brakes and gear
change and a smooth torquey engine. I would even
ride it back to my parents in Long Eaton (Near
Nottingham) a few times a year.
next year. I have attached a picture of it.
photos make it look better than it really is.
Tom O’Brien
I eventually moved from London up to a village in
south Derbyshire and to a house that needed a lot of
work. I had very little time to ride the bike and I
ended up giving it to a friend who lives in Warrington
who needed a bike for ride outs with his friends who
all rode classic bikes. He used it for a season and it
then ended up in his, thankfully dry, barn. I got a call
from him a month or so ago to say he is converting
the barn and the bike needs to go, he was just going
to ebay it. I said I’d like it back as I'd always
regretted getting rid of it and he offered it back to me
'for free' ! It is now sitting back in my garage looking
a little sad and needing fully recommissioning and
more, but it's all there and I look forward to the smell
of burnt two stroke oil again! I look forward to getting
involved in club events and maybe riding it to a meet
Tom is looking for a fuel tank to replace the rusted
out one on this bike. See his advert on page 18.
Looking for an old friend
I would like to inquire about a particular CZ 250.
Many years ago a fellow member kindly let me ride
his CZ around the National Rally site. It was a two
tone CZ brown and cream with a different headlamp,
not standard Jawa-CZ but I was told it was an
original fit. I am wondering if that CZ is still in the
Club and being used or might be for sale.
Phil Budding.
ring 07516 519379 or email
or contact details
on Area Reps page- S Wales rep.
[email protected]
CZ 350 model 472.6 Battery
The standard battery for my CZ 350 12volt never
seemed to fit very well. Looking through a Yuasa
catalogue for battery dimensions, I found a YTZ7S
gel battery that looked as if it would fit perfect and it
A YTZ7S is a 12v 6ah battery with top terminal
layout and the positive and negative is in the same
position as the standard battery. As you can see by
the pictures I have lined the battery compartment
with cut up rubber car mats. The top terminal layout
means no fiddling with holding the battery up to
screw the terminals on. Being a gel battery it’s
completely sealed with no vent pipe to mess with. I
should think it will fit any CZ 12v system with the
aluminium air box assembly like mine. Because the
battery fits so snug in its hole it could be an idea to
run a strap under it to make it easier to remove. This
is my first experience of a gel battery so I shall see
how long it lasts. If you check out EBAY I found one
for about £20 with free postage.
On a different note I took the CZ for an MOT the
other day. The tester said to me he had just come
back from Berlin and there's a museum with a lot of
CZ motorcycles in it! Do you think he's trying to tell
me something?
Steve Weller
It is pretty unfathomable so there is no easy solution
to matching paint colours. If you find a match do
email us so we can update this page. Thanks.
Czech Paint Colours
We often receive inquiries about RAL paint codes for
Czech motorcycles.
In the 1970s Jawa red on the 634/6 was very close
to Honda CB200 red and also Ford Sunset red.
The Czechs never used the RAL system - I think
they used what they had available. If you want to try
a RAL colour match have a look at
Pete Edwards
I had to spray one part on my 1960 Jawetta. It was a
tool box cover, in the middle of a side panel of the
same colour, so it had to be right. I took an existing
part to a local specialist paint supplier. They used
some sort of scanner, called “Chromavision”, on the
painted part to determine the actual shade, (of pale
blue in this case) and mixed up a spray can for me.
It was a very expensive can of paint but matched the
existing paintwork exactly.
It has been suggested that the nearest match for a
Perak is RAL 3004 - 50% and RAL 3005 - 50%
We suggest that owners try and find a part on the
bike with the original colour and get that colour
matched up by a local paint supplier. A supplier
should be able to match your colour if you take it to
them - and supply an aerosol can or cans in that
colour. This is the best way to do it as all paint
colours deteriorate with time and red is specially bad
for this. One member took a red painted part to
Halfords and found a Fiat touch up paint that
On another occasion, I needed to spray a couple of
parts on my “Jawa Maroon” 1957 Pioneer and this
time took an existing part to the local car accessory
shop and went over their rack of car spray cans. In
this case Hycote Ford Aporto Red looked the
nearest, and the finished parts were quite a good
As late as 1992 CZ simply listed colours in the
488/487 Spare Parts List as:
D,1325/G 1077 Red Metallic R.M.
VU2033/VU2178/000 Silver Metallic S.M.
S2053/1001 White W
S2053/1999 Black Bl.
S2053/8134 Red R.
4276 Fial Lila F.L.
D 1328 G 1077 Blue Metallic BM
P 7/2 Tircis T
There is no such thing as a standard Jawa Maroon.
The exact shade seemed to change over the years
and the age and circumstances of an individual bike
can vary the colour over time. Some bike colours
are the same as Skoda colours of the time.
John Woods
Richard and I then had a liquid lunch in The Coopers
who had no objection to me eating my 99p packed
sandwiches inside the pub. We were subsequently
joined by 3 more of the biking community. The
barmaid told us that their scooter rally has an
attendance of well over 200. She said that the field
is covered with tents. In view of the no fees charge
and reasonable facilities provided in the field I am
surprised that The Coopers is not more utilised by
those attending. It’s clean and comfortable with at
least 5 real ales.
Pewsey Camp Report
Well Pewsey has come and gone for 2016. As they
promised, rain all day on Friday 22nd. I drove 60
miles by car from Aldershot with only one incident. I
arrived at 10am to be welcomed by one empty tent
and a parked, covered up, motorcycle. It continued
to rain, so after a very enjoyable lunch at the Royal
Oak, Wootton Travers only 2½ miles from The
Coopers, I left at 3pm when at least 12 people had
arrived to camp, including 5 on motorbikes. Well
Ian Bridge and I both decided to leave at 3pm and
both of us had starting problems. Ian soon cured his
and left but mine would not respond to the combined
efforts of Richard, Eric Hagon and myself and
‘Father Christmas’ Tom! Eventually, with Tom in the
saddle, it responded to his charm and magnificent
beard and fired up in a large cloud of smoke. I then
had a trouble-free ride home with much less traffic
than on Friday, arriving home at 5pm. Two hours
later, without any prior attention, the Classic fired up
on its third kick…say no more!
I had 3 incidents on my way home. At a busy
roundabout a double-decker bus had broken down
on our entrance. On a bike I could have filtered
through but in the car I had to use the exit side of the
road when clear, which was not very often.
I was ready to leave home at 7.30am on Saturday on
my one-owner, 1974 350 Jawa 360/0 but it would not
start. An on-going problem which we though we had
cured. Obviously not! So I wheeled out my 2012
350 Classic, 3 owners, which gave me a comfortable
trip to Pewsey, arriving at 930. The only incident
being my surprise when it would only accept 8 litres
of fuel when I thought It had run low. I must be
achieving at least 80 mpg, most welcome.
I look forward to 2017 Pewsey weekend when I may
take up accommodation in Pewsey. Date and
organiser/s to be confirmed.
If anyone wants to buy a brand new kettle then
contact Neil Burgess!
Shortly after my arrival riders, many on Jawas,
steadily started to arrive, about 20 in total. Half were
camping and the others were day visitors including
Joe Cowley who had ridden the last 4 miles on a flat
rear, also Ian Bridge on his latest Jawa.
At 08.00 on Monday 25th the 360/00 fired up first kick
- why didn’t it want to go to Pewsey, which it has
visited many times before?
Brian Selwood
Bikes For Sale in Slovakia
My name is Martin, I am Slovakian with good friends
which own several Cezeta motorbikes and they are
willing to sell them if a good offer is made.
All the bikes were used as hobby bikes for enduro
and motocross. Bikes are runners in fair good
condition. I add three pictures just for taste. I
believe boys are looking for offers between 2-3
thousand pounds, or any reasonable offers.
If you have an interest you can contact me on e-mail
[email protected]
or directly on my
mobile which is +421908331149.
All the important details about any of the bikes can
be made clear on the phone or e-mail. Even the
transfer of the bikes to UK could be arranged.
Thank you.
Martin Oravec
19-21 August 2016 MZRC National Rally and AGM, Market
Harborough Rugby Club, Northampton Road, Market
Harborough, LE16 9HF. Camping available from Thurs 18th
at £5 p.p.p.n. Free tea and coffee available at all times in the
reception gazebo. Food will be available in the clubhouse,
there will be a Saturday morning run-out, AGM at 3 o/clock.
Raffle to be drawn in clubhouse at 8 o/clock or thereabouts.
Events added to the list or that have changed or have
additional details since last issue are shown in a box.
6-8 May 2016 MZRC Oxfordshire Camping Weekend. St
Peters Farm Campsite, Bear Lane, North Moreton,
Oxfordshire, OX11 9AS. Contact Simon Butcher 01189423919 or 07738-753101
9-11 September 2016 MZRC Kent Invicta White Cliffs Rally.
Kingsdown International Camping Centre, The Avenue,
Kingsdown, Kent, CT14 8DU. Further details contact Kent
rep. Kanuni Dave 01797361335.
13-15 May 2016 MZRC The Lincoln Rally 2016.
Rally In Lincoln” at Tetford Country Cottages, Lincoln,
LN96QQ. Contact “Kanuni” Dave Redknap, MZRC Kent
Section Rep.
16-18 September 2016 Jawa-CZ Owners Club Avon-Bristol
Camp. Tudor caravan park. Slimbridge, Gloucestershire.
23-25 September 2016 MZRC Yorkshire Autumn Camp
"Kirby Stephen, Cumbria" To be held at Takoda Camp site
(on A685) Kirby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4AP.
20-22 May 2016 MZRC The Notts and Derby Camp, Duke
William pub and camp site, 91 Church Street, Matlock,
Derbys, DE4 3BZ. Contact Mike Ginger Section Rep.
7-9 October 2016 Bellingham Camp. Demesne Farm,
Bellingham, Northumberland. Contact Tony Searle, (section
rep) for more details.
27-29 May 2016: MZRC Northern Ireland – Garrison Rally
Lough Melvin Holiday Centre, Main Street, Garrison, Co.
Fermanagh. Contact John Shaw 0289 2612382
15-16 October 2016 Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show,
Stafford County Showground, Stafford, ST18 0BD. Jawa-CZ
club stand.
3-5 June 2016 MZRC Yorkshire Summer Camp "Back to the
Dales". To be held at Askrigg Camping situated on a working
farm, on the edge of Askrigg. Lowlands Farm, Station Road,
Askrigg, Wensleydale, DL8 3HZ.
9-11 December 2016 MZRC Yeti Hunt camp. Venue to be
10-12 June 2016 Jawa-CZ Owners Club National Rally,
Crewe Vagrants Sports Club, Newcastle Road, Willaston,
Nantwich, CW5 7EP. Contact - Glen Newport, club NW rep.
28 April - 1 May 2017 MZRC South of Scotland camp Details
to follow.
2-5 June 2017 Dutch Jawa-CZ Club International Rally. To
celebrate the Dutch Jawa-CZ club 25th anniversary. Further
details on their website:- and
10-12 June 2016 Jawa Club Finland - Jawasakki Meeting,
Siikarvi, Espoo, Finland. More info.
17-19 June 2016 MZRC The Exmoor beast bash will be held
at Leeford Riverside Camping, Brendon, North Devon. For
more details email [email protected]
Facebook page.
Everyone who want to visit and send in the application
[email protected]
before April 30th 2017
receives a free Rally shirt at the arrival. Paul Kuijs.
24 -26 June 2016.MZRC North Wales & Cheshire "Uncle
Dennis Rally" Station Campsite, Carrog, North Wales.
Whatever you ride or drive, everyone is welcome. Jawa, CZ,
Ural, Cossack, IFA etc and any Eastern bloc vehicle
especially welcome. Contact: James Mather, Chairman
18-20 August 2017 MZRC AGM Northern Ireland Garrison
Rally. Lough Melvin Holiday Centre, Main Street, Garrison,
Co. Fermanagh. Contact NI Rep. John Shaw 0289 2612382.
1-3 July 2016 MZRC Dent Summer Camp, High Laning
Caravan & Camping, Cumbria, LA10 5QJ. Contact Tony
Invitation:Motor Show and Family Fun Day
8-10 July 2016 East European (Red Star) Rally, Anglia
Motel, A17, Washway Road, Fleet Hargate, Spalding
Lincs. PE12 8LT. Motel phone no: 01406 422766.
This rally is held every 4 years for the MZ, Jawa-CZ and
Cossack clubs, and in 2016 is being organised by Tony
Jones of the Cossack OC. Usually between 80 – 120
attendees. Further details to follow.
Motor Madness, Leicester Race course
Sun. 26th June 2016 & Sun. 18th September 2016.
We have organised thousands of events in the
Midlands for over 25 years, at some of the most
prestigious venues such as Stoneleigh Park &
Leicester Racecourse. Leicester Race Course is
without doubt one of the most outstanding event
centres in the Midlands area. We have between 100
to 200 bikes that attend but we desperately need
15-17 July 2016 MZRC The Den And Henn Rally. At the
Woodbridge Inn, near Pewsey, Wiltshire, SN9 6JZ. More info
later or contact Eric Hagon.
22-24 July 2016 MZRC Release The Beast Rally, The Farm
House, Talybont-on-Usk, Powys, LD37YJ. Details contact
Sandy Morgan on 07929 955221.
All riders and their pillion will receive automatic free
entry. We have many more attractions for the whole
family which includes jaw dropping Monster Trucks,
Hundreds of classic cars, fair ground attractions, live
music, Hog Roast and more. For more information
please view
contact Kristina on 07429165168.
29-31 July 2016 Jawa-CZ Owners Club Isle of Man Camping
Weekend. This is a Jawa-CZ and MZ weekend. Laxey
Camping, Quarry Road, Laxey, IoM. £7 pppn. £1 M/C. £2
car. Contact Kyrill Thummel on 01624 819060 or Sandy
Morgan on 07929 955221.
5-7 August 2016 The Iron Ore Rally. Egremont RUFC,
Egremont, Cumbria, CA22 2NL. Including live bands and
beer tent. All motorcycle marques are welcome. Contact
Hughie on 07999 085281 for more details.
12-14 August 2016 MZRC Norfolk camping weekend. The
Links Campsite, Links Road Mundesley NR11 8AT. Contact
Nigel on 016922406075 or [email protected]
May 2016
Club Officers
John Blackburn
& Data Protection Officer:
Pete Edwards
position vacant
Torque Editor
39, Bignor Road, Wadsley Bridge, Sheffield, S6 1JD.
e-mail:- [email protected]
29/31, Cromford Road, Langley Mill, Derbyshire, NG16 4EF.
mobile:- 07721 036906 e-mail:- [email protected]
Refer to club Secretary for the time bieng.
John Woods
Swn Y Coed, Pontfadog, Llangollen, Denbighshire, LL20 7AG.
e-mail:- [email protected]
Tony Thain The Old Dairy, Achnaha, Kilchoan, Acharacle,Argyll, PH36 4LW. Tel.01972 510317
Subscription:- £20 (£15 per year for renewal), payable in sterling to- JAWA CZ Owners Club
Pete Edwards Club Secretary
Note:- spares and/or tools ordered are posted out together with an invoice
Arthur Fleming Rhivra, Migdale Road, Spinningdale, Ardgay, Sutherland, IV24 3AD.
e-mail:- [email protected]
Mario Mager The Orchard, Denbigh Rd., Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1BP. tel:- 01352 731304 or
Membership Secretary
Spares & Tool Loan:
Archive Officer
International Liaison Officer
07749 731304 e-mail:- [email protected] web site:-
Note, changed contact details
Andrew Clark e-mail:- [email protected]
Glen Newport 10 to 12 June 2016
Rally Organizer 2016
(contact details below) Crewe Vagrants Sports Club, Newcastle Road, Willaston, Nantwich, CW5 7EP.
Youth officer
Technical Consultants
Jawa 634, 632 & CZ 471
or:CZ Enduro
CZ singles from 1969
Jawa 90
Arthur Fleming
Pete Edwards
Paul Mason
John Blackburn
Mally Morgan
Visit the club website
Club Librarian
Club Secretary
34, Central Park Ave., Wallasey, Merseyside, CH44 OAQ. tel:- 0151 6304201
mobile:- 07751 888219 e-mail:- [email protected]
Club Chairman
11, Roker Avenue, Wallasey, Merseyside, CH44 5SD.
tel:- 0151 638 2466
e-mail:- [email protected]
Area Representatives
Beds. And Bucks.
North West
Keighley & Worth Valley
South Wales
North Wales
Ian Bridge
6, Deben Crescent, Haydon Wick, Swindon, SN25 3QB. tel: 01793 722665
e-mail:- [email protected]
Gordon Dickson 14,Courthorpe House, Lower Rd, Rotherhithe, London,SE16 2XH. 020 723 22127
Martin Broomfield 34, Southlands Drive, Timsbury, Bath, Banes, BA2 0HB. tel:- 01761 471802
Garry 2, Summerleys, Edlesbrough, Bedfordshire, LU6 2HR.
e-mail:- [email protected]
Steve James 12, Tolman Drive, Glascote, Tamworth, Staffs, B77 2AJ.
tel:- 01827 69450 mob:- 07768 685079 e-mail:- [email protected]
John Blackburn Club Chairman – see above
Glen Newport 33, Milltown Street, Radclife, Manchester, Lancashire, M26 1WD.
tel:- 0161 724 4702 e-mail:- [email protected]
Roger Henderson Apartment 13, The Old Tannery, Clyde St., Bingley, West Yorkshire, BD16 4JJ.
tel:- 07759 724123
e-mail:- [email protected]
Phil Budding 7, Erw Las, Gellideg Estate, Merthyr Tydfil, Mid-Glamorgan, CF48 1LD.
tel:- 01685 721491 e-mail:- [email protected]
Mario Mager International Liaison Officer – see above
George Beer tel:- 01324 554412 or 410519 e-mail:- [email protected]
Meetings:- Wetherspoons, Earl of Zetland, Boness Road, Grangemouth. 2nd Tuesday of the month from 7pm.
No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission from the editor or club secretary. All information provided is given
in good faith. Any member in doubt on technical or mechanical issue should consult a qualified engineer. Only new parts should be
fitted as replacements on any motorcycle. The club committee does not necessarily subscribe to the views, opinions and items
submitted and published. This product may contain traces of nut.
The Jawa CZ Owners Club GB wishes to state and record that it has no relationship whatsoever with any internet forum for any
type of motorcycle. The internet can be a valuable resource but content should be checked very carefully before being applied.
Please check above and advise editor of any changes, errors or omissions.
Wanted:- Set of front forks for my CZ 477 / 476 or
even a set off a 1977 CZ 250 twin - they look the
same. Phil Budding. ring 07516 519379 or email
[email protected] or contact details on
Area Reps page- S Wales rep.
Advertisements - Issue 4 / 2016
Wanted:- Fuel tank for 1990 CZ 350 model 472.6.
Cosmetic condition unimportant, as long as it is
physically sound and not rusty. Tom O’Brien Email [email protected]
F2 Motorcycles Ltd
David Angel, 290, Leverington Common,
Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 5JG
Phone:- 01945 410165
F2 is the sole importer of the new Jawa models. All
Jawa 250, 350 and 660 Sportard information is They also provide
a full spares back up for these models.
For Sale:- Hello there, l had to stop riding bikes with
knee problems, l have kept with 2 strokes though,
finding scooters suited me better these days. I am a
lapsed club member and have a CZ 125 which has
been collecting dust in my living room for 3 years,
last on road in 2013. It will perhaps need a new
battery. l did run it last year. If anyone wants to use
it (not buy it cheap and re-sell) l could do with the
Together with spares, £250, offers
considered. It’s a J reg. I am near Norwich, Norfolk.
Many thanks Alex. Tel nos. are, home 01953
600046 and mobile 07540731896.
or email:-
Mick Berrill Motorcycles
1-3, Henry Street, Northampton, NN1 4JD.
Phone:- 01604 636760 Fax:- 01604 624385
Main UK source for all genuine Jawa CZ spares.
Their inventory includes a huge stock of spares for
Jawa-CZ road and Motocross machines of all ages.
NOTE:- Closed on Thursdays.
[email protected]
For Sale:- ‘77 Jawa 634 oil master, complete, turns
over and rolling. Been dry stored in garage since
‘82. Had rumble in gear box. £100 Geoff Myers,
Sale, Cheshire. 0161 282 5152.
Gibby’s Emporium
For new and used Jawa and CZ spares. New
spares include, points, condensers, fork gaiters,
carburettor to air box rubbers, chain gaiters, fuel taps
and lots more, call 07932 173036 or 01270 821557
email [email protected]
For Sale: Asbestos fibre type head gaskets, outside
diameter 82mm and 5mm wide. No idea which
model they fit. £1-50p including postage.
Club Spares
Ignition points for JAWA CZ roadsters (not Enduro or
under 100cc) £2-86 per set plus postage. Twins
need 2 sets. Club Spares. See Club Spares contact
information on the right.
The Owners Club’s own stock of Jawa and CZ
spares, new and pre-owned, managed by our
Spares Officer - Pete Edwards.
Too much stuff to list, but the club has a large stock
of all sorts of spares for Jawa-CZ models of all ages.
Contact Pete by mobile:- 07721 036906
or e-mail:- [email protected]
or by post to:- 29/31, Cromford Road, Langley Mill,
Derbyshire, NG16 4EF.
For Sale:- I have two Jikov carburetters for sale, a
model DD, 24mm throat, complete and apparently in
good order, for £20. The other, a ZZ with a 25mm
throat, is in apparently good order, except that there
is no tickler on the float chamber, and is missing the
device which screws into the top of what I take to be
a choke tube, at £15. Or both for £30. all plus
postage. If you are able to identify what model Jawa
they come from, that would be appreciated. Patrick
Howell, 01789 773801
A touch of Zen
If you lend someone £20 and never see that person
again, it was probably well worth it.
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember
Free:- Off a CZ 125cc app.1985 - Alternator & horn.
Brian Hoy, 0161 688 9018
Staffs show visitor
Some days you are the bug; some days you are the
Good judgement comes from bad experience, and
most of that comes from bad judgement.
Wanted:Jawas and CZs in any condition,
particularly need CZ 250 twin custom, fibreglass
parts or complete bike. Gibby. mobile: 07932 173036
phone: 01270 821557 [email protected] Member
A closed mouth gathers no foot.
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when
your lips are moving.