View Sample Pages - Ants in the Apple
View Sample Pages - Ants in the Apple
First Books Vor[rf,".t, for,frook' z t -z Contents Introduction Worksheets 2.1 )) Mad Max A Hot Dog 2.3 2.4 Ross Runs 'r< 2.6 2.7 2.8 Too Hot! (A Play) Missing Out (A Play) Catching Bugs Big School Let the Bugs Go! B v1 " I's st?g a\ Urt Name Date | Regular Words o Circle the matching capital lettets (handwriting, discrimination) o DODOO H D R a A/VHLH RDDOO RDGRR Vlthich word rhymes? (phonemic awareness) 1. hot fit mof lof z. till him hiil loss o Fill in the missing words (cloze, comprehension) 1. Cofch Mox ond we willwosh 2, Gel fhe hose , (uP I it] I down) wosh him wifh fhe hose, We [him (will lhoseJ riminatio n (pr o duc tio n) Fill in the missins letters Vow e I D is c ootllo 1. d g II 4.t @ Copyright Ants in the Apple, 2002; lt 1"1", "e O'L V-'['L*t' Date Name e"t.l-. ins pus, Regular Words lYord Building (discrimination word / ending) Put a circle around the endings 1, 4. 7. 2.s Don tid 5. bugs B,s ing rot 6. top 9. ing Put a circle around the words 1, 4. 7. s 2. Don ing F arl gof B,Y 3.s 6, tid 9, bug lYord Building (discrimination word / word ending) Put a circle around the endings on these words 4 3. 5. bugs /ogs 4. rofting 6. llord Building 2. digging /ols dlgs (selection) Choose the correct word to finish these sentences. 1. ho/es. Don likes 2. He hls cors l4tord B ailding (proofreading) Cross out the words that do not make sense. 1. 2. 3. @ intothe holes. fps ltipping) /ogs. fmoss lmossyJ 3. Bugs like o (digs I digging) rof logs. Ihe bugs is ge/ hof qnd sod. Bugs like to be in Ihe bugs gelting into holes rn lhe /ogs. Copyright Ants in the Apple, 2002; C"t.l,"q B"s, V*I.'L.I, Date Name (D 'l nq Duqs \_.atch Regular and Sight Words Sentence completion (spell) Fill in the missing letters to complete these sentences from cors Don down cofch jor the story. pufs bugs IhrsrsD n, He ployswith his co N He con co He _ s in the sondplt. _ ch big put_them in o j Pom likes to go bu s rn lhe sond pif. J, wn fothe big dom. criminatio n (pr oduc t ion) in the missing letters Vow e I D is Fill o 4r@ Copyright Ants in the Apple, 2002: I 2,d C.t.l.e B"q, V-.|,'f*t' o WN kes 17
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