What is Halon Banking?


What is Halon Banking?
Banking for the Future
Halon Management:
Banking for the Future
What is Halon Banking?
How to Obtain Halon
What are Essential Uses?
How the UNEP IE/PAC Clearinghouse can help
Whom to Contact
Your Questions Answered
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, an
historic achievement in global legislation, originally foresaw only a cap
on the production and consumption of halon in 1992. Halons were
considered so important for fire safety that their exclusion from more
stringent measures seemed justified. However, the accelerated
depletion of the ozone layer and awareness of the damage caused by
bromine has now led to a complete phase-out of the production of
halons by 1 January 1994 (with the exception of Article 5 countries,
which have a 10-year grace period).
The main reason for this is to promote the use of recycled halons in order to prevent new
production of halons in developed countries. For some existing installations halon
replacements are not available, and the use of existing halons from non-essential systems and
those which have been closed down is advised. Halon banking, as this process is called, will
be given international assistance. This should give countries, particularly developing ones,
confidence that they will be able to obtain halons for their critical needs from such banks.
The purpose of this information kit is to provide basic information on the status of halon
banking in different countries and to describe procedures by which countries can obtain
information on the availability of surplus halons.
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series of
The ozone layer forms a thin shield in the stratosphere, UV radiation
halon 1211
protecting all life on Earth from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet
radiation. Chlorofluoro- and bromofluorocarbons are the
main cause of the alarming rate of destruction of the ozone
layer. Halons 1211, 1301 and 2402, which are fully
halogenated chemicals that have relatively long lifetimes in the
atmosphere, are broken down in the stratosphere releasing
reactive bromine that is extremely damaging to ozone: 10–100
times more so than chlorine. Of the total bromine in the
atmosphere, approximately 15–20 parts per trillion, about 5 parts derive from halons, the remainder
coming from methyl bromide. While methyl bromide has both natural and anthropogenic sources,
halons have only anthropogenic origin. Reactions involving bromine are estimated to be responsible
for 25 per cent of the chemical destruction of ozone over Antarctica and 50 per cent over the Arctic.
The ozone depleting potential of halons is 3–10 times greater than that of CFCs.
The background to the phase-out
The 1992 Meeting of the Parties in Copenhagen decided to phase out consumption and
production of halons in developed countries by 1 January 1994. Parties operating under
Article 5 of the Protocol have a 10-year grace period where production for basic domestic
needs is still allowed. In addition, Parties can ask for an exemption on production and
consumption for ‘essential’ uses under certain conditions.
At the same meeting, the Parties decided to allow unrestricted trade of recycled halons
provided that the relevant data are reported to UNEP under the procedures of the Protocol.
These decisions make an orderly transition to fire protection without halons possible.
Existing valuable or critical installations can be protected by halons until other arrangements
have been made. In addition, the decisions allow time for alternative means of protection to
be developed for installations where other extinguishing systems are not adequate.
Importance of halon banks
These decisions have made it important to plan for the recycling and reuse of halons. This will:
• facilitate the transfer of available halon from one user to satisfy the needs of another;
• discourage emissions to the atmosphere; and
• mitigate the need for consumption and production exemptions for ‘essential uses’.
If the ‘global bank’—at the moment just an idea—can be made productive it will
mean that halon 1301 will be available for several decades and halon 1211 for at least 10
years. International cooperation is needed to ensure that one nation’s surplus halon is
exported to meet the needs of another nation. This is especially true for developing
nations which have only minimal internal banks due to their restricted number of installations.
International trade in recycled halon
At their 1992 Meeting in Copenhagen, the Parties also decided to allow
international trade in recycled halons. The Protocol was amended to ‘Not take into
account for calculating consumption, the import and export of recycled and used
controlled substances (...) provided that data on such imports and exports are
subject to reporting under Article 7’. With this decision, the Parties opened the way
to international halon bank management. The Parties were concerned about
potential barriers of trade for recycled halons. Undue restrictions might lead to
venting in one country or dependence on newly produced halon in another.
The role of UNEP IE/PAC
The Industry and Environment Programme Activity Centre of the United Nations
Environment Programme (IE/PAC) in Paris was appointed by the Parties as a clearinghouse
for information relevant to halon bank management and international trade in recycled
halons. It will also provide information about and coordinate its activities with the designated
organization of the Multilateral Fund.
IE/PAC sees its role as a broker for all information related to the effective management of
halons-alternative approaches to fire protection. It will establish the databases needed to
provide this information to interested parties.
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What is Halon Banking?
Halon banks at national level
The quantities of halons banked in existing containers, portable fire extinguishers and mobile units is
far greater than the quantities produced every year. This existing stock of halons becomes slowly
available for recycling and reuse as installations are closed down or alternative fire protection
measures are introduced. The halon bank is therefore a valuable asset and it seems prudent to manage
it at national level. Bank management consists of keeping track of halon quantities at each stage: initial
filling, installation, recovery, recycling and recharging (see diagram below).
obsolete or returned
for servicing
to recovery depot
reuse in
storage of non–
recyclable halon
Banks and clearinghouses
Halon banks take different forms in different countries. Most are not physical ‘banks’ with warehouses
and storage tanks, but are inventories with a list of halon users who no longer require their
extinguishing agents and of users who still require halons but do not have (or will not have in the
future) sufficient stock. Halon bank management provides a method of matching the two.
Some of the halon banks purchase halons, reclaim it and have it ready for resale. Others keep a
detailed inventory of stocks available at owners’ premises and only a small amount is recycled and
ready for reuse. This activity resembles an information clearinghouse. Such banks trade information
on the availability of halons and leave the process of sale and purchase to the individuals concerned.
Some halon banks require membership to participate in the trade. It is therefore wise to investigate
early the conditions under which a bank will conduct business with a potential buyer.
There is obviously no universal template for halon banks. This is primarily because the key element
of the banking process is the reversal of the original supply and distribution process which varied from
country to country. However, it is possible to specify the key elements needed in each country.
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How to Obtain Halon
Inquiring in your own country
system closed down: halon
supply becomes available
for recycling
A network of halon users helps to keep track of
halon supplies as they become available for
recycling; better still, a halon bank will tell you
exactly where to obtain the halon you need.
One recommended way to ensure supply is to set up a network of halon users in your own country.
Even in countries with only few existing installations, systems are closed down at some point and their
halon will become available for recycling. In addition, some owners keep reserve stock for their
systems. To ensure ongoing protection you may wish to establish a halon users network that will enable
users to rely on one another in emergency.
If a national halon bank already exists, you should inquire there first. Even if it has no surplus
halon available, it may be able to tell you in which country halon may be available.
halon banks able to advise on
location of halon supplies as
they become available
The international way: a step-by-step approach
Obtain information on availability
IE/PAC will provide a regularly updated list of available halon
registered at its office. This will indicate where to ask. You can also
contact halon banks directly using their addresses and numbers in
this information kit.
Contact a halon bank
Call or fax the halon bank you selected and put in a detailed
request, including the amount and type of halon wanted. Ask for
the bank’s conditions for the sale of halon and for the information
they will need to grant exports.
Prepare an essential use document
A document demonstrating the essentiality of the intended use may
have to be provided by the applicant.
Obtain a list from IE/PAC
IE/PAC will provide a regularly updated list of implemented and
working halon banks with contact addresses, phone and fax
numbers and, if available, the requirements for exports.
Finalize the terms of the transaction
Prepare a document containing the terms of the transaction
between the client and the halon bank.
Prepare an application to the Multilateral Fund
Depending on the situation, the incremental cost to Article 5
countries of buying recycled halon rather than producing it could
be paid for by the Multilateral Fund on a case-by-case basis.
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What are
Essential Uses?
Essential use criteria
In decision IV/26 of the Copenhagen Meeting the Parties called upon each other to apply the
essential use criteria of the Halons Technical Options Committee when deciding on the import and
use of recycled halons.
This Committee stated that, before concluding that an installation is an essential halon use, the
following criteria should be satisfied:
A critical need must exist to minimize damage due to fire,
explosions or extinguishing agent application, which would
otherwise result in serious impairment of an essential service
to society, or pose an unacceptable threat to life, the
environment, or national security … and … All other
appropriate fire protection measures have been taken.
The purpose of these criteria is to minimize the use of halons in non-essential applications and to
ensure that enough halon will be available for applications considered truly essential.
How to apply for an essential use
The following points may help you prepare a document which provides enough information for a
review of essentiality of the intended halon use. The list should also help determine whether an
applicant has undertaken all necessary steps to minimize the use of halon.
provide details of the type and quantity of halon required;
provide a detailed description of the use;
explain why this use is necessary for health, safety or is critical for the functioning of society;
explain what other appropriate fire protection measures have been taken;
for new installations explain what alternative fire protection technologies were investigated
and why they were not considered adequate;
state whether the use of halons is required by international regulations for a certain
application; and
document the efforts that were made to transfer halon for the requested applications from
other sources within your country.
Certain countries may not require information in exactly this form but some of these questions will
certainly be asked by all banks or countries. The format for the application, and deadlines for
submission, should be obtained from UNEP’s Ozone Secretariat in Nairobi.
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Clearinghouse can Help
Information available
The following information is available from UNEP IE/PAC in written form. It will be regularly
• A list of national halon banks with contact addresses, phone and fax numbers and (if available) the
principles that govern each bank’s policy on the sale of halon.
• Descriptions of existing halon banks and case studies on how to establish a national banking system.
• References for standards on recycled halons.
• Contact addresses of fire protection associations that are active in developing alternative means of
fire protection and fire hazard minimization; a list of references on guidelines to new fire
protection technologies can also be provided.
• Case studies on halon replacement efforts collected by IE/PAC (in preparation).
For further information, contact the following:
Mrs Jacqueline Aloisi de Larderel
39–43 quai André Citroën
75739 Paris Cedex 15, France
Telephone: (33 1) 44 37 14 50
Fax: (33 1) 44 37 14 74
Mr K. M. Sarma
UNEP, PO Box 30552,
Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: (254 2) 62 1234
Fax: (254 2) 521 930
Dr Omar El Arini
27th Floor, Montreal Trust Building
1800 McGill College, Avenue Montréal
Québec, Canada H3A 3J6
Telephone: (1 514) 282 1122
Fax: (1 514) 282 0068
Contacts for National Halon Banking Activities
The persons on this list can provide you with information concerning their country’s halon banking activities or plans.
Please note that functioning recycled halon banks do not yet exist in every country on this list.
Name: DASCEM Halon Bank
Description: A national halon bank organization that manages
the collection, storage and destruction of Australia’s
halon stock, and maintains and manages the national
stock of halon for approved uses into the 21st century.
For more information contact:
Mr Brent Davey, Technical Director,
DAS Centre for Environmental Management (DASCEM),
National Halon Bank, GPO 250B, Melbourne,
Victoria 3001, Australia
Tel: (61) 008 658 084 Fax: (61 3) 649 4895
Name: Halons Round Table
Description: A voluntary forum working towards the
development of strategies for the management of halons
in Canada.
For more information contact:
Mr Reg White, Chief Engineer,
Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada,
7 Crouse Road, Scarborough, Ontario M1R 3A9, Canada
Tel: (1 416) 757 3611 Fax: (1 416) 757 1781
Name: Danish Halon Bank (DHB)
Description: An independent company with shareholders
from industry, insurance and fire equipment
manufacturers, with financal support provided by the
Danish Government.
For more information contact:
Mr Erik Pedersen, Director, Fire Protection Department,
Danish Institute of Fire Technology,
Datavej 48, DK–3460 Birkerod, Denmark
Tel: (45) 45 82 00 99 Fax: (45) 45 82 24 99
Name: Comité Technique Français Halons Environnement
Description: A committee composed of representatives
from the Environment Ministry, halon manufacturers, an
agreed national laboratory, fire equipment
manufacturers’ association, the appropriate technical
division of the insurer’s association, large users and three
user trade associations. The goal of CTFHE is to provide
information for all concerned users, to ensure compliance
with the Montreal Protocol and other regulations, and
halon banking.
For more information contact:
Mr Hervé Bineau, Comité Technique Français Halons
Environnement (CTFHE), Secrétariat: CNPP,
5, rue Daunou, 75002 Paris, France
Tel: (33 1) 42 61 57 61 Fax: (33 1) 49 27 09 43
Name: National Task Force on Halons
Description: National organization established to study
halon phase out and to suggest options.
For more information contact:
Mr H. S. Kaprwan, Deputy Director, Defence Institute of
Fire Research, Ministry of Defence, Probyn Road,
Timapur, Delhi - 110054, India
Tel: (91 11) 23 32 25 Fax: (91 11) 23 32 39
Name: Halon Recycling and Banking Support, Japan
Description: An independent, non-profit organization
comprised of representatives of fire equipment
manufacturers and major users/organizations of halon
For more information contact:
Mr Takaaki Konno, Japan Fire Extinguishing System
Manufacturers’ Association, 5-3-14 Sotokanda,
Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 101, Japan
Tel: (81 3) 3836 4598 or (81 3) 3832 2402
Fax: (81 3) 3836 3353
Name: (Not applicable)
Description: Authority who controls the installation of fire
service protection systems in the country and which has
been given the mandate to manage collection, storage
and destruction of halons as well as to monitor halon
bank management in the country.
For more information contact:
Fire Service Department, Jalan Maharaja Lela,
50596 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: (60 3) 248 6362 Fax: (60 3) 242 0773
Name: Halon bank scheme
Description: No information available
For more information contact:
Mr Robert C. Basart, Coöperatieve vereniging Halonen,
U.A., Varrolaan 100, PO Box 8138, 3503 RC Utrecht,
The Netherlands
Tel: (31 30) 588 688 Fax: (31 30) 588 600
Name: Halon bank scheme (under development)
Description: The State Institute of Applied Chemistry in
St Petersburg and the Interagency Commission for the
Protection of the Ozone Layer are developing a national
halon bank programme.
For more information contact:
Dr Nikolai P. Kopylov, All-Russian Research Institute for
Fire Protection, 143900 Moscow Region, Balashiha 6,
Russian Republic
Tel: (7 095) 253 94 84 Fax: (7 095) 521 26 22
Name: (Not applicable)
Description: There will be no centralized halon bank in
Sweden. The military will maintain a bank for its own
needs. Some companies will arrange a bank operation for
their customers.
For more information contact:
Ms Kristina Lindgren, CFC Secretariat,
Swedish Environmental Agency,
S-171 85 SOLNA, Sweden
Tel: (46 8) 799 1157 Fax: (46 8) 799 1253
Name: Swiss Halon Banking System
Description: The Federal Office of Environment Protection
and the Fire Equipment Manufacturers’ Association are
cooperating on a clearinghouse which provides fire
equipment manufacturers with information on available
surplus and reclaimed halon-1301.
For more information contact: Dr Walter Brunner, ENVICO,
Forchstrasse 59, CH-8032 Zürich, Switzerland
Tel: (41 1) 381 20 60 Fax: (41 1) 381 20 68
Name: Halon Users’ National Consortium (HUNC)
Description: A limited company formed by halon users
and the fire industry, with the support of the Government.
HUNC acts as a clearinghouse for sales of used halons,
provides lists of companies which will recycle used halons
to specification, advises on the safe handling and disposal
of halons and acts as a link between UK users and halon
banks in other countries.
For more information contact: Mr Ken Simpson, The Halon
Users National Consortium Limited, 46 Bridge Street,
Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HL, United Kingdom
Tel: (44 483) 414147 Fax: (44 483) 414109
Name: Halon Recycling Corporation(HRC)
Description: A voluntary, non-profit trade association
formed to assist users of halons to inventory and re-deploy
the existing bank of halon-1301. HRC will act as a broker
for sales of halon-1301, provide guidelines and procedures
for self-determination of essential halon use, provide a list
of companies that recycle halon to standard, act as the
link between halon users in the U.S. and halon banks in
other countries, etc.
For more information contact: Mr Tom Cortina, Executive
Director, Halon Alternatives Research Corporation,
1025 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 712,
Washington D.C. 20036, USA
Tel: (1 202) 223 6166 Fax: (1 202) 223 5979
Your Questions Answered
What is a ‘halon bank’?
What information is necessary to obtain halons?
Halon banks come in different forms. Most are not
physical ‘banks’ with warehouses but are inventories
with a list of halon users who no longer require their
extinguishing agents and of users who still require
halons but do not have (or will not have in the future)
sufficient stock. The halon bank provides a method of
matching the two. Some halon banks require
membership to participate in the trade, some are mere
clearinghouses that trade only information and leave
the process of sale and purchase to the individuals
This depends on the policy of the different countries
and halon banks. Some may ask for information
about the essentiality of your intended use; others
may ask a full list of question to establish that halons
are intended for a use in a critical application. You
should also be prepared to answer questions about
the means of transport and how the transfer of
payments will be made.
Is there an international halon bank?
There is not yet an international halon bank. However,
UNEP IE/PAC acts as an international clearinghouse
to provide information on national banks and the
availability of surplus halons. All contacts between
potential buyers and sellers have to be made directly
between the parties involved.
Do halons belong to governments?
Halons belong both to government organizations and
private companies. Depending on the situation in each
country, governments, especially military services, may
be the biggest user of halons. In general, governments
do not have a monopoly on trade or export of halons;
in many cases governments are not involved at all in
the trade of halons, but may regulate it to some
What is the function of the UNEP clearinghouse for
international bank management?
UNEP IE/PAC will act as a source of information for all
questions related to international halon bank
management and trade of halons. It will also have
available information on new developments in alternative
fire protection technologies and new extinguishing
agents, and contact addresses for manufacturers and
regulating agencies. In addition, UNEP IE/PAC
maintains a list of case studies of halon phase-out in
different areas of application (under preparation)
Can I get halon from UNEP IE/PAC?
No. UNEP IE/PAC does not own any halon nor does it
make direct contacts for providing halons. However,
you will get information from IE/PAC that will help
you find out where surplus halon is available.
How can I find out about existing halon banks and
contact information?
Check this information kit for the addresses of existing
banks or contact UNEP IE/PAC via fax, phone or
letter and ask for their latest list of operating banks.
How can I find out about the availability of
surplus halon?
Contact UNEP IE/PAC via fax, phone or letter and ask
for its list of registered stocks available at national
halon banks. You can also contact any of the halon
banks listed in this information kit and inquire about
their stock.
Does one have to prove essentiality before
obtaining halon?
Each halon bank may have a different policy about
using the essentiality criteria. It will therefore depend
on the individual bank or on the country from which
you ask for halons. Essentiality is not a required
prerequisite for international trade, but its use is
recommended by the Parties of the Protocol.
Who decides on the terms and conditions for the purchase
of halons?
It will normally be up to the seller and buyer to
establish his terms of trade. Halon banks are expected
to publish their terms and conditions and to make
them available at your request.
How can one ensure that the halons are of good quality?
The best way to ensure quality is to ask for certification
of the material according to the appropriate technical
standard such as ISO 7201 or ASTM ES24-93
(originally intended for newly produced halons).
Efforts are under way to develop other suitable
standards for recycled halons.
Where can standards be obtained?
ISO and ASTM standards can be obtained from
national standards organizations or from:
International Standards Organization
Case postale 56
CH 1211 Genève 20, Switzerland
Tel: (41 22) 749 0111
Fax: (41 22) 733 3430
American Society for Testing and Materials
1916 Race Street
Philadelphia PA 19103, USA
Tel: (1 215) 299 5400
Fax: (1 215) 977 9679
How can a halon bank be established?
Halon banks exist in many different forms. Case
studies around the world suggest that the process has
to be initiated by bringing the key players together to
discuss the issue. The key players will be different in
each country, depending on the organization of the
fire protection industry. Case studies on different
national schemes are available from UNEP IE/PAC.
The support offered in preparing country programmes
can also be extended to provide help in establishing a
national halon bank.