win 25000 reward points
win 25000 reward points
R your magazine, your business, your capricorn AUGUST 2015 NE BENCH W MARK IN CRU I SE HOL IDAYS Find ou tm on Pg 1 ore 0-11 D W 4 L O R T A P M O T S U C DIFIED NISSAN 2-DOOR 2015 CAPRICORN MO E TA IL S MOR E D 6 ON P G 1 AGM Find out more on Pg 3 CAPRICORN WEBSITE UPDATE Find out more on Pg 2 0 0 0 , 5 2 N I W S T N I O P D REWAR More details Page 4 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 1 CAPRICORN news New Capricorn Website Update Progress on the new Capricorn website is continuing and it will be launched in the coming months! Prior to the official launch, Capricorn Members will be able to utilise a new beta site that is currently in development. The beta site will give Members the opportunity to explore the new, user friendly layout, as well as navigate the site to get a feel for where everything is, ahead of Making it Easier in 2015 the official launch. The current Capricorn website will still be available during this period as we transfer fully over to the new website. The new Capricorn website is being updated to provide useful information about prospective membership. The website will also incorporate a new online services section making it easier for Capricorn Members to find their Welcome to the August edition of Ignition. This month we are excited to launch an exclusive competition available to Members. statements and redeem Reward Points. Stay tuned for further updates. Capricorn is giving away 25,000 reward points in every zone throughout August, September and October. Full details are available on page 4. The 2015 Capricorn Annual General Meeting is fast approaching and nex t month, Members will be receiving an invitation to attend. The AGM gives Members the opportunity to engage in discussions which are an integral part of the continued success of Capricorn. Progress on the new Capricorn website is continuing and we will have a fully operational beta website available to Members in the coming months. This will allow Members to get a feel for the new layout and explore new and improved features ahead of the official website launch. Booking are still available for two fantastic events that are fast approaching. If you have not yet registered, now is the time to book for SEMA 2015 and Capricorn Contents Convention 2016. Our travel feature looks at a new benchmark in cruise holidays and our feature article explores the changes in top level Australian motorsport. In addition to this, we have all of our regular features and articles that I am sure you will enjoy. Warmest regards, Greg Wall Group CEO For the best interests of our members 2 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 2 CEO Message 2 Website Update 3 2015 Capricorn AGM 3 Upcoming Events 4 Win 25,000 Reward Points 5 We've Got You Covered 6-7 Changing Motorsport 8-9 Member Profiles 10-11 Benchmark In Cruise Holidays 12-13 Supplier Focus 14 TaTBiz 15 Bonus Points 15 SEMA 2015 16 Member's Ride 17 Hyundai Offer 17 Autodata 18 Classifieds 19 Fun Zone 2015 Capricorn AGM You will receive next month your invitation to attend the 2015 Annual General Meeting of Capricorn Society Limited (“Capricorn”). This year’s AGM will be held at Capricorn’s head office at 28 Troode Street, West Perth, Western Australia on Friday 23 October 2015 at 6.00pm Western Standard Time. This is a new location for our AGM and will mean that it is being held the day before the Western Australian Dinner and Display. This will allow Members who wish to attend both events in full to do so. We encourage Member s to at tend the AGM as it provides the opportunity for members to discuss and better understand the workings of Capricorn. Member Enjoy a weekend away at the WA Dinner & Display Attend the WA Dinner and Display and have your say at the 2015 AGM WA Dinner and Display - Saturday, 24 October - 4pm to Midnight The Grand Ballroom, Crown Casino Great Eastern Hwy, Burswood Dinner and Display Tickets from $95 (incl.GST) Accommodation from $315 per person Get in quick! Bookings subject to availability. engagement in our AGM is an integral part of the continued success of Capricorn. As well as deciding important manners, it will allow us to better serve and understand the needs of our members. Members will be asked to support resolutions as indicated in the Explanatory Memorandum including a special resolution dealing with the continuation of Capricorn’s selective share buy-back scheme. You will receive further For flights* contact Capricorn Travel on 1800 655 077 information direct in the mail next month. *For full package details please refer to the WA Dinner and Display registration form available at For more information: [email protected] 1800 327 437 Capricorn Society Limited (ABN 29 008 347 313) Upcoming Events Western Australia Queensland New South Wales 24 October 2015 • Dinner & Display/AGM 17 October 2015 • Dinner & Display Northern Territory 11 November 2015 • North Brisbane Member Night 29 October 2015 • Coffs Harbour Member Night 18 August 2015 • Darwin Member Night 8 September 2015 • Alice Springs Member Night Victoria South Australia 10 October 2015 • Dinner & Display National 2-7 November 2015 • SEMA Las Vegas 30 April - 7 May 2016 • Capricorn Convention San Diego 7 November 2015 • Dinner & Display All bookings will receive email confirmation. Please check these details carefully and advise of any amendments or if you have not received confirmation before the event. To register for a Capricorn event, visit and click ‘members/suppliers’ then ‘events’ to download a registration form. For further information please call our events team on 1800 327 437 or email [email protected] CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 3 0 0 0 , 5 2 WI N S T N I O P D R A W RE Capricorn is giving away a whopping 25,000 reward points in every zone in August, September and October. TO WIN! Simply spend $500 or more* with any of the 2016 Capricorn Convention sponsoring Preferred Suppliers listed below. Receive up to 6 entries per month depending on your spend. Terms and Condition apply, visit for details. Plus, look out for the My Shout logo in Sparks for details on how you can also win a trip for two to the 2016 Capricorn Convention in San Diego. My Shout Caprico *Purchases of $100 or more from The Cartridge Family and / or Autodata shall entitle Members to entry into the draw. 4 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 rn Conv ention 2016 Capricorn Risk Services Protection for you, your family, your employees and your business. Spot the different types of protection you may need 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Motor Trade Business Workers Compensation Management Liability Public & Products Liability Commercial Motor 6. 7. 8. 9. Marine Transit Travel (Business & Leisure) Personal Accident & Illness Plant, Machinery & Breakdown 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Home & Contents Landlords Private Motor Boats, Jetskis & Caravans CommercialRetailOffice We've got you covered Capricorn Risk Services (CRS) is a one-stop specialist risk solutions provider to the Motor Trades industry, helping Capricorn Members consolidate their risk protection needs through one trusted provider. CRS uses its specialist knowledge of the Motor Trades industry to provide a comprehensive and competitive range of Mutual Protection and General Insurance products. Members can also earn Capricorn reward points when using their Capricorn Account! Rest easy with your own CRS Account Manager, who understands your business and can access a wide range of Mutual Protection and General Insurance products. To find out how Capricorn Risk Services can assist in updating your current risk protection, or for more information on the variety of risk protection and general insurance products available, contact them on 1800 007 022 or visit RISK SERVICES Products sold through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd are: (i) discretionary risk protection products issued by Capricorn Mutual Ltd; and (ii) general insurance products issued by a range of insurers and brokered through Capricorn Insurance Services Pty Ltd. Before deciding to acquire any product you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement available from Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd to see if the product is appropriate for you. Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd (ABN 91 111 632 789) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038) and Capricorn Insurance Services Pty Ltd (ACN 154 801 377) (AFSL 435197). CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 5 Changing the face of top level Australian motorsport by Paul Marinelli The premier tier of Australian motorsport, now known Benz team has gained race victories over the past two as V8 Supercars, is about to undergo one of the most seasons in the current V8 Supercar format. drastic changes in its history when new technical specifications will allow all manner of vehicles and engine configurations to take part from 2017 onwards. For some it is sacrilege, for others it is the best thing that could happen. One thing is for sure, with the demise of local vehicle manufacturing in Australia, the traditional red versus blue, Holden versus Ford battlefront - that not so long ago represented the sole two manufacturers in the championship, could not continue forever. So what will change? The 2017 Supercars, or whatever they decide to name it, will no longer be the sole domain of four door sedans fitted with a 5.0 litre capacity V8 engine. Referred to now as the Gen2 Supercar, the specifications will allow current V8 Supercars to be joined by turbocharged six or four cylinder engine cars from 2017. The cars must be publicly available for sale in Australia, have a front mounted engine, be right hand drive and have a full four-seat configuration, but the car does not If every country’s major touring car based motor racing have to have four doors. The new specification race car series is meant to be a representation of the cars and must also be rear wheel drive and accurately reflect styles of cars being driven on that country’s roads, the look of the road car. All cars will continue to use then there is no doubt that Australia’s premier racing the existing chassis and control components introduced category needs to diversify to gain the appeal of new in 2013 under the Car of the Future blueprint, while and current fans alike. also being subject to engine output and aerodynamic Re s e a r c h c o m p l e t e d by V8 Supercar s Australia has clearly identified that while core support for the spor t is strong, opening the sport to include more brands and engines would have substantial appeal, particularly to younger fans. A d d i t i o n a l l y, w i t h m o r e automotive manufacturer involvement comes more investment, marketing and promotion and hopefully the ultimate goal, to have more competitive and unpredictable racing from event to event. We have already seen the likes of Nissan and Volvo strongly competing in V8 Supercars, even a non-factory Mercedes- 6 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 parity rules. This is where it gets very tricky. How do you gain There is no doubt that what lies ahead will be interesting parity (equal performance) across the field when you for Australian motorsport fans. There is no doubt that have coupes, sedans, hatches, (even wagons won’t be the engineering minds at work at the helm of the sport excluded), turbo charged four cylinder or six cylinder have their work cut out for them to ensure that the engines and V8 engines incorporating vast engineering new generation supercar specifications ensure exciting enhancements compared to the current specifications, racing, while being representative of the cars that different body shapes, sizes and the like? There beholds Australian motorists are driving or want to be driving. the challenge for the sport’s administrators to try and get right. If they do, it has the potential to become the most diverse and exciting touring car championship If done correctly, the mantra of win on Sunday, sell on Monday will be extremely apt for all involved. anywhere in the world. There are arguments for and against making this major c hange, with traditional V8 Supercar fans lamenting the loss of the mainly Holden vs Ford rivalry of the past two decades. A d ve r s e l y t h e r e ar e al s o many motorsport fans, sponsors and in particular global vehicle manufacturers, who are keen to see our premier level motor racing championship expand to include a variety of different makes and models. The manufacturers also want to see their flagship models on the track, not a silhouette of their cars as happens in other categories around the world. CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 7 At Capricorn, we never lose sight of the fact that we exist for, and because of, our Members. We put the spotlight on four of your fellow Members. Mountain Autos How did you first hear about Capricorn? We had a visit from a Capricorn Area Manager back in 1999. They explained the benefits to us and we signed up. How has being a Member benefited your business? It saves us time by having everything on the one statement. Having access and instant credit with top name Preferred Suppliers is also a great benefit. How do you use your Reward Points? We are saving our Reward Points. Have you attended any Capricorn events? Our workshop is extremely busy so we have not had the chance to make it to any events however, we intend to in the future. Do you use any other Capricorn services? We find the Purple Pages a very useful resource and use it regularly. What is a recent business achievement? Our apprentice, Tim Walton, won 1st place in the World Skills MECHANICAL WORKSHOP, BLAXLAND NSW 6 EMPLOYEES 25 YEARS IN OPERATION 15 YEARS AS A CAPRICORN MEMBER Australia Competition in 2013. He was also Student of the Year for What is the best thing about being in the automotive industry? Logistics and Transport in 2014. Happy customers leaving the workshop after arriving with a problem. A tip (technical or otherwise) you would like to share? My Capricorn membership means… Ensure you spend time with your customers. Saving time and less paperwork with new Preferred Suppliers which equals less stress. Southcoast Autocare How did you first hear about Capricorn? We were introduced to Capricorn by Chris Nicol, who was the Capricorn Area Manager at the time. MECHANICAL WORKSHOP, MOLENDINAR QLD 3 EMPLOYEES 12 YRS IN OPERATION 9 YEARS AS A CAPRICORN MEMBER How has being a Member benefited your business? It gives us very competitive pricing and instant credit with Preferred Suppliers. How do you use your Reward Points? We have used Reward points to pay for equipment. They have been very beneficial when we've needed them. Have you attended any Capricorn events? We have attended golf days and Dinner & Display events. These have both been fantastic. Do you use any other Capricorn services? We use Purple Pages daily and have used Capricorn Finance on numerous occasions. A recent business achievement? We have recently moved into a larger premises and set it up with new equipment. A tip (technical or otherwise) you would like to share? Look after your customers and make sure everything is done right. What is the best thing about being in the automotive industry? There is no 'best thing', it is all good. My Capricorn membership means... That I have instant access to a large number of Preferred Suppliers and a Capricorn Area Manager who is always there to help us. 8 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 Member Profiles Billy's Motorsport & Automotive Services How did you first hear about Capricorn? I had a visit from a Capricorn Area Manager at the time who outlined all the benefits of membership to me. How has being a Member benefited your business? It results in less time being spent on administrative tasks by having everything on the one statement. Instant credit with Preferred Suppliers is also a plus. How do you use your Reward Points? We are looking at putting them towards buying vouchers for Christmas gifts. Have you attended any Capricorn events? Not as yet however, we are looking at attending the upcoming NSW Dinner & Display. AUTO SERVICE AND REPAIRS, NSW 3 EMPLOYEES 25 YEARS IN OPERATION 4 YEARS AS A CAPRICORN MEMBER Do you use any other Capricorn services? We use Purple Pages in the workshop and have also used Capricorn Finance. What is a recent business achievement? What is the best thing about being in the automotive industry? Owning a new workshop and premises. Enjoying what we love to do and being involved in motorsport. A tip (technical or otherwise) you would like to share? My Capricorn membership means… Greet your customers with a smile and a positive attitude. Simplified accounting, instant credit and easier administration. Avalon Tyres How did you first hear about Capricorn? Capricorn was recommended to us by another business. How has being a Member benefited your business? TYRES & MECHANICAL, MONA VALE NSW 4 EMPLOYEES 25 YRS IN OPERATION 2 YEARS AS A CAPRICORN MEMBER Its great! Saves us so much time in administrative work and gives us instant credit and accounts with top name Preferred Suppliers. How do you use your Reward Points? We are saving our Reward Points up for the moment. Have you attended any Capricorn events? We are looking into attending the Capricorn Dinner & Display evening. Do you use any other Capricorn services? We always have the Purple Pages near by and have also used Capricorn Mutual. In addition, we also have a Capricorn Fuel Card. A recent business achievement? We have recently purchased new equipment for the workshop and hired additional staff. A tip (technical or otherwise) you would like to share? Check tyre pressures regularly. What is the best thing about being in the automotive industry? Being around like-minded people who are also passionate about the industry. My Capricorn membership means... Less stress! CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 9 New benchmark in cruise holidays The launch of the Quantum Class fleet of liners SeaPlex is the largest indoor active space at sea. has well and truly set the new benchmark in cruise It incorporates bumper cars, a roller-skating rink, holidays. Without question, the Quantum fleet a full-size basketball court and table tennis. It also offers one of the most incredible cruise holidays offers a circus school, where guests can tap into available, with features never before seen on their inner trapeze artist. any other cruise liner. The fleet is made up of three liners, Quantum of the Seas, Ovation of the Seas and Anthem of the Seas. Each liner is over 1,000 feet long and are all packed with features, entertainment and activities that will impress the most seasoned cruise traveller. The Quantum Class fleet elevates cruising to an entirely new level. The fleet incorporates newly designed staterooms, game-changing technology, ground breaking venues, some of the best in dining and the most amazing features we’ve seen on any vessel. A completely revolutionary space, Two70° is a modern, open area living room with magnificent 270° panoramic views. By night, Two70° transforms, the lights go down and the music comes up, guests find themselves immersed in the centre of spell-binding performance art, mindblowing light shows and dazzling digital scenery. Other features in the fleet include the FlowRider stationary wave, the Rock Climbing Wall and, of course, the Vitality Spa and Fitness Centre. For those who like a more relaxed vibe, the fleet has a variety of world class dining options including One of the most anticipated features, is the Jamie’s Italian, an on-board casino and even exclusive North Star. You are literally elevated martini mixing robots! both physically and emotionally, revealing 360-degree views of a world that you’ve truly never seen before! Simply step into North Star’s intimate, jewel-shaped capsule and gently ascend over 300 feet above sea level, where you can take in breath-taking views of the ocean, the ship and the exciting destinations it visits. The RipCord iFly is a sky-diving simulator that lets guests experience the sheer thrill and exhilaration of flying. The RipCord iFly keeps guests afloat in a safe, controlled environment, delivering the complete skydiving experience without ever having to leave the ship. 10 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 For younger guests, the fleet offers a Dreamworks Experience, including Madagascar, Shrek and Fiona. For the adults, the fleet offers an on board Broadway musical show as well as an outdoor film screen where guests can watch films under the stars. The Quantum Class fleet is a must for those who enjoy the cruise holiday experience. There are some fantastic cruise options available through Capricorn Travel so contact them to arrange an unforgettable cruise experience. You can even use your Capricorn Reward Points to offset the cost! CRUISE OFFERS 8 Night Transatlantic Cruise Board the Anthem of the Seas in Southampton, England and embark on this 'Across the Pond' transatlantic adventure. Enjoy the mind blowing features aboard the Anthem of the Seas including indoor skydiving, the 360 degree views of the North Star, bumper cars, rock climbing wall, casino and 18 world class restaurants just to name a few! After this eight day adventure you will port in Cape Liberty, New Jersey, after enjoying the Departing Oct 2015 experience of a lifetime! from AUD$1,209* 10 Night New Zealand Cruise Departing from Sydney, this cruise explores the amazing and rugged coastline of New Zealand. Travel in comfort and enjoy the opulence of the exclusive staterooms. Ports of call include destinations like Milford Sound, Dunedin, Wellington, Napier, Pictor and more. If you've ever dreamed of an exotic cruise throughout New Zealand, your dreams have just come true. Explore New Zealand on the Ovation of the Seas. Departing Dec 2016 from AUD$2,434* 12 Night Exotic Asia Cruise Departing from Singapore, you'll find something new and exciting in every port of call aboard the Ovation of the Seas. From the beauty and tranquillity of ancient Cambodian temples, to the distinctive flavours of the curries and satays found in a Bangkok café, to world-class shopping in the bustling open-air markets of Hong Kong. If you're looking for something unique and adventurous in a cruise holiday, the Far East is a perfect choice. Departing June 2016 from AUD$2,516* 16 Night Barcelona to Dubai Cruise Departing from Barcelona, this 16 night cruise explores the beauty of Europe before arriving in Dubai. The Ovation of the Seas will cruise through Spain, Italy and Greece. Take in the unique experience of cruising through the Suez Canal before arriving in Jordan. From Jordan, the Ovation of the Seas will cruise through to Dubai. This Cruise is the easy way for you to explore historic European cities and the Middle East in one fantastic holiday. Departing May 2016 from AUD$2,030* *Prices are per person in Australian Dollars based on twin occupancy and inclusive of all taxes & fees (which are subject to change). Onboard gratuities (tips) will be added later in the booking process and before the cruise is booked. Prices shown are for the lowest cabins available within each category. Prices shown are for the lowest priced departure of multiple departure dates (supplements apply for other dates) and are for new individual bookings only. Prices and exact cruise itineraries are subject to change without notice. Bookings are subject to availability and to Capricorn Travel's terms and conditions, which are available at Terms_Conditions Contact Capricorn Travel today for further information. 1800 655 077 | [email protected] Capricorn Travel Australia Pty Ltd / ATAS Accreditation No: A10552 | ACN 008 926 645 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 11 Supplier Focus Madison Marcus LOCATION: SYDNEY, NSW 1ST YEAR AS A CAPRICORN PREFERRED SUPPLIER WWW.MADISONMARCUS.CO BACKGROUND Zones Serviced NATIONAL Madison Marcus are a multi-disciplined law firm committed to delivering first-class legal services. Madison Marcus combines 150 years of practice as specialist property, commercial and corporate litigation lawyers. Madison Marcus represents and advises major companies, industry groups and organisations on matters of importance to business and financial activities. DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Madison Marcus has of f ices in Sydney and Parramatta and affiliate offices nationally. They are well placed to service clients in every state. Madison Marcus is not like traditional legal service providers who concentrate solely on the legal process, incurring costs without looking at the commercial result desired by the client. Madison Marcus are one of the few firms in Australia who has been WHAT BENEFITS DO YOU OFFER CAPRICORN MEMBERS? Capricorn Members will receive: awarded LAW9000:2010 Legal Best Practice Certification. This international professional management standard is their guarantee of service and benchmark best practice. In 2014, Marcus Madison were placed in the top 50 firms in Australia placing 19th. This is testament to their dedicated staff and quality systems. specialised divisions. These include: • Litigation & Dispute i s q u a l i t y c e r t i f i e d, w e l l resourced and equipped to deal with your inquiry. • Access to a team of committed, highly experienced and skilled professional best outcomes for your matter. Madison Marcus offers a wide range of legal services through their Property & Real Estate with a reputable firm that individuals who are experts in a wide range of legal services ensuring the PRODUCTS AND SERVICES • • Peace of mind that in dealing • • Streamlined and cost effective services. • Fixed fees and event billing. Commercial Transactions & Due Diligence Resolution • Workplace Relations • Building & Construction • Intellectual Property • Environment & Planning • Banking & Finance • Corporate Restructuring & • Corporate Mergers Insolvency • Acquisitions and Taxation Procon MRM Transport Telematics • Access to a lawyer 24 hours 7 days a week through our hot-line 131LAW which provides you with free telephone legal advice. • Review of your standard suite of business documents with the first hour free of charge. Zones Serviced NATIONAL LOCATION: MELBOURNE & SYDNEY 1 YEAR AS A CAPRICORN PREFERRED SUPPLIER WWW.PROCONMRM.COM.AU BACKGROUND Established in Australia four years ago, Procon provide a comprehensive telematics solution from location to extensive driver behaviour data. With sophisticated device control software behind its products, Procon can provide a scalable solution to the market, processing 100,000’s of messages per second. Owning and managing the source code for its flagship web based solution FleetLocate, the product is customisable and flexible with many integrated solutions delivered to their customers. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FleetLocate is the flagship product and provides customers with near live visibility of their fleets and, dependant on the device fitted to the vehicles, DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS can also include data such as extensive driver behaviour, harsh braking Procon deliver nationally, either direct through Procon MRM or through and cornering, RPM and fuel usage. their reseller network. Web based, the Procon product combines unlimited software licences, WHAT BENEFITS DO YOU OFFER CAPRICORN MEMBERS? data charges and mobile apps into the one competitive monthly per unit Procon offer Capricorn members an excellent telematics system for their service charge. Also a great advantage to the customer is the easy to fit hardware. With an extensive suite of reports and alerts Procon are able to assist clients in improving the driving performance of their staff, improve their COR standing and deliver operational savings. 12 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 own use in service and loan vehicles that can help build their business and improve their company safety profile. They offer a product that is easy to fit into their client’s fleets with the sound knowledge that they will have the support of Procon technical and training staff to ensure the product is rolled out effectively. Rocklea Truck Parts Zones Serviced QLD BACKGROUND LOCATION: WACOL, BRISBANE QLD 1 YEAR AS A CAPRICORN PREFERRED SUPPLIER WWW.ROCKLEATRUCKPARTS.COM.AU Established in 1996, Rocklea Truck Parts are specialists in second hand truck parts, stocking an extensive range of parts for all makes and models including American, European and Japanese trucks. The company has grown and now employ 15 specialist staff, providing outstanding customer service and technical expertise. As part of their customer focussed philosophy, all engines and gear boxes are tested and come with a warranty. If you cannot get to site to collect your parts, Rocklea Truck Parts can freight parts Australia wide. They are also one of QLD's largest tyre importers, and we sell to the public at wholesale prices. Rocklea Truck Parts also like to do their bit for the community and recently raised $13,000 for Beyond Blue. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 1. Truck Sales - Second hand trucks and trailer 2. New tyres and 7-stud rims for all trucks - Double Star, Bridgestone, Aeolus, Hankook and many more 3. Fully equipped tyre fitting service on site and a mobile service WHAT BENEFITS DO YOU OFFER CAPRICORN MEMBERS? 4. Fully equipped mechanical work shop on site Rocklea Truck Parts hold the largest volume of stock in Australia. Their 5. Engines, gearboxes and diff reconditioning business is based on volume turnover not mark up and pass on these 6. New aftermarket panel, lamps and cooling for Japanese and savings to their customers. Rocklea Truck Parts employ highly qualified European trucks staff that are friendly and understand customer needs. They also have a fully trained and qualified mechanic on site who checks all parts, 7. All second hand parts for most trucks engines, gear boxes and diffs before they leave their facility. 8. Australia’s LARGEST range of used parts. DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Rocklea Truck Parts service Capricorn Members throughout Queensland but also freight Australia-wide. Veritas Law Firm BACKGROUND Veritas Law Firm is a specialist law firm with a combined experience of over 150 years, focusing on three key areas of law, family law, wills and succession planning (including family provisions clams) and compensation claims. Their senior lawyers are all accredited specialists or hold Masters qualification in their area of speciality. Veritas Law Firm fight for your rights ensuring you get LOCATION: PARRAMATTA, NSW 1ST YEAR AS A CAPRICORN PREFERRED SUPPLIER WWW.VERITASLAWFIRM.CO Zones Serviced NATIONAL the best result to help you move on with your life and put pieces back together. Veritas Law Firm are one of the few firms in Australia who are currently quality pursuant to LAW9000:2010 Legal Best Practice Certification. This international professional management standard is our guarantee of service and benchmark best practice. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Veritas Law Firm is a specialist firm that provides services in key areas of the law including: WHAT BENEFITS DO YOU OFFER CAPRICORN MEMBERS? Capricorn Members will receive: • Expert service from a law firm that is well resourced and equipped to deal with your inquiry. • Access to a team of highly experienced and skilled professional individuals who are experts iin their field, ensuring you receive the best outcomes for your matter 1. Insurance and compensation disputes • Speedy Action. 2. Family law • Streamlined and cost effective services 3. Wills and succession planning (including family provision • Fixed fees and event billing claims). DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Veritas Law Firm have offices in Sydney and Parramatta and affiliate offices nationally. They are well placed to service clients across • Competitive fee structure and the right balance of resources, skills and technology. • Access to a lawyer 24 hours 7 days a week through our hot-line 131LAW which provides you with free telephone legal advice. Australia. CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 13 TATBiz Give rewards for productivity As studies and practical applications over the Most will say, ‘We can’t afford any more wage years have shown, motivating employees with increases;’ but it’s not about more wages. the right incentives is a proven way to drive performance. makes more profit. Is paying out $200 in extra Today’s employees are more sophisticated wages justified if it generates an extra $1,000 in their unique demands, requirements and for the business? motivations than ever before. While monetary compensation for positive performance worked in the past, financial reward is failing to cut it for many of today’s workers, highlighting the need to consider other, non-cash forms of reward and recognition. A 2012 study of more than 300 companies found that well over half of those organisations with An incentive could be a convivial drink and dinner after work on Friday, a fishing trip, time off for something personal, a weekend away or sometimes, a simple recognition of a job well done. For an incentive scheme to work it has to be win/ win/win for these three parties: • Customers – better service; non-cash rewards to performance management. • Staff – greater satisfaction; All of them offered group travel and company- • Owners – more profit. effective sales practices recognised the value of sponsored events to reward sales success. The first decision to be made is whether the Offering a diverse portfolio of non-cash rewards, incentive should be individual or team based. such as travel incentives or reward catalogues There is no wrong or right answer and many to spoil employees for choice, can be a wise businesses have a hybrid scheme rewarding both strategy to adopt. individual and team performance. Some people in business consider that just As for timing, a weekly, rather than monthly or having a job and being paid is reward enough, annual incentive scheme is preferred, mainly with the expectation that the employee should because people will usually work harder if they do their best all the time. can see the finish line. Not so surprisingly, the younger generation Incentive schemes need to be changed regularly, might have a dif ferent view. Many in the to avoid them becoming too much a normal workforce today have never lived through a expectation of the business. Incentives are serious recession and see job security as a given. meant to be surprising, interesting and should Those owners or managers who feel they are not getting 100 per cent commitment from staff and be designed to immediately capture attention and enthusiasm. suspect that staff are not overly concerned about So if you feel your business is not getting 100 the performance of the business, may be able to per cent employee effort, consider rolling out turn the ship around with an incentive scheme. "It's about improving output so the business makes more profit." It's about improving output so the business An incentive scheme can be an essential ingredient in the creation of a culture where the workshop team is genuinely interested in the some form of incentive scheme. You might be surprised how quickly your staff can become concerned with their output and start thinking about the overall performance of the business. success of the business. Once such a culture is created, improvement in sales, team morale and profits usually follow. For more business resources and information on our coaching programs go to 14 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 Rewards Bonus Reward Points - August Members can earn more reward points by supporting Preferred Suppliers who offer Bonus Reward Points. By taking advantage of these offers your Reward Points balance will grow even faster. Preferred Suppliers who wish to run a Bonus Reward Points Promotion should contact their Business Development Manager. *Refers to offers for selected product(s) only. Contact the Capricorn Preferred Supplier for details. VICTORIA/TASMANIA QUEENSLAND 2 Bonus Reward Points per $ spent 'selected products'* HOPPERS EXPRESS CYLINDER HEAD 5000 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* B.B.E. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS 5000 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* TVH AUSTRALASIA 3 Bonus Reward Points per $ spent B.B.E. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS 5000 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* BLACKWOODS 250 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* XO ACCOUNTING 10,000 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* COWLEY SECURITY PTY LTD 10000 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* M1 AUTOMATICS 1.5 Bonus Reward Points per $ spent ASHDOWN-INGRAM 1.5 Bonus Reward Points per $ spent 'selected products'* ULR AUTOMOTIVE GROUP PTY LTD 1.5 Bonus Reward Points per $ spent JEEEPARTS RECYCLERS 1000 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* BRIGHTON MAZDA 2 Bonus Reward Points per $ spent POWER WINDOWS PLUS 2 Bonus Reward Points per $ spent SOUTH AUSTRALIA JUST WRECKING TOYOTA PTY LTD 3 Bonus Reward Points per $ spent B.B.E. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS 5000 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* MITSIWRECK-MAGNAWRECK 1.5 Bonus Reward Point per $ spent AUTODATA AUSTRALIA 4000 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* GSA WHOLESALE SUSPENSION Chance to win 100,000 Bonus Reward Points WESTERN AUSTRALIA GOODCHILD ENTERPRISES WA 400 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* NATIONAL NEW SOUTH WALES PEDDERS SUSPENSION 500 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* JEEEPART RECYCLERS 1000 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* B.B.E. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS 5000 Bonus Reward Points 'selected products'* DON KYATT SPARE PARTS Sema 2015 2-7 November, Las Vegas USA ACCOMMODATION PACKAGE INCLUDES • 5 nights staying at The Paris Hotel, Las Vegas • Ticket to SEMA and AAPEX • Entry to the Capricorn dinner (venue to be confirmed) • • • $1075 per person based on two people sharing a double room. Additional charge payable for rooms with two seperate beds.* Flights not included *Please contact Capricorn Travel for single/triple share prices and for further details. Contact Capricorn Travel for availability and flight prices. 1800 655 077 [email protected] For the best interests of our members Capricorn Travel Australia Pty Ltd / ACN 008 926 645 ATAS Accreditation No. A10552 / CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 15 CUSTOM PATROL 4WD MODIFIED NISSAN 2-DOOR This impressive ride comes to us handling without compromising from Andrew Cox and the team out wheel travel offroad at Big-O-4x4 in South Australia. They have put their specialty 4x4 skills into action to create this beast! This stock standard GQ Nissan Patrol was reduced to a short wheel base and features a custom ute cab. Big- O - 4x4 have c omplete d the following customised modifications: SUSPENSION & UNDER CHASSIS: Suspension is a 4" lif t with the following: • Dobinson Coil springs • Fox Shox remote reservoir shocks and steering damper, 10" travel front shocks, 12" travel rear • Big O 4x4 dropped radius arms • Big O 4x4 Chrome Molly steering rods: Drag link, tie rod, adjustable Panhard Rods • Big O 4x4 Chrome Molly rear lower control arms ENGINE: • 4.2L turbo intercooled petrol with takes to be published in the Ignition • Custom stainless inlet piping magazine, please email your details to • 160kW at rear wheels 35" tyres running 3:9:1 diff gears OTHER PARTS: • Big O 4x4 custom front winch bar & rock sliders • Big O 4x4 custom built rear tray with recessed spare tyre mounting - All tube work is made from 1.75" Seamless CAMS spec roll cage tube maximum strength without unnecessary weight • 90Ah auxiliar y bat ter y mounted under the tray • 18L air t ank with A R B compressor • Big O 4x4 pneumatic light • Custom raised upper rear shock spotlights mounted to the untrapped • Big O 4x4 custom long travel rear HD sway bar, allowing max on road 16 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 If you think your ride has what it aftermarket EFI computer bar with 4x Lightforce XGT to be used without springs coming A fantastic ride built by the Big-O-4x4 team, well done! • Braided brake hoses mounts to allow for longer shocks 15x8 -22 offset Dynamic Steel rims roll hoop • 146L long range automotive fuel tank • 3 5 x 1 2 . 5 R 1 5 Mickey Thompson MTZ tyres on the editor at [email protected]. Ensure you include the subject line as 'Member's Ride'. Hyundai Discount for all Capricorn Members, no matter how many vehicles you need There are many benefits to your Capricorn membership. Visit for further Did you know you can access national fleet discounts information and contact details. from all Hyundai Dealers across Australia? With the recent release of the Hyundai Tuscon (pictured top right), now is the perfect time to take advantage of these great fleet discounts. Contact the National Fleet Department at your local Hyundai Dealer, provide proof of Capricorn membership when seeking a quotation form and quote fleet code: 11730/01. TECHNICAL SUPPORT THROUGH CAPRICORN All Capricorn Members receive complimentary access to technical specifications provided by Autodata. This valuable everyday information includes lubricants, capacities, tightening torques, AC weights, brake thicknesses and more. To view technical specifications, login into and click on Autodata. For more information on full access to Autodata go to Known Fixes and Bulletins Landrover Discovery 3 (2004-2009) Range Rover (2002-2009) without ACE Problem • Knocking noise from front/rear suspension. Cause • Anti-roll bar bushes move in ‘D’ brackets. Remedy • Source one wedge kit (Part # LR12410). • Loosen bolts of anti-roll bar bush mountings. • Fit wedges to anti-roll bar bush mountings Fig. 1 . • Tighten bolts of front anti-roll bar bush mountings to 62 Nm. • Tighten bolts of rear anti-roll bar bush mountings to 115 Nm. CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 17 CAPRICORN CLASSIFIEDS Classifieds Advertising Guidelines Do you have a business for sale, equipment that you need to get rid of, or are you just looking for a part that you haven’t been able to find? If the answer is yes, then you should advertise in the Capricorn Classifieds, it’s FREE to do so. See below for details. • The Capricorn Classifieds are for Capricorn Members to advertise to Capricorn Members only and payment is to be organised between advertiser and purchaser. • Classifieds are on a first come, first serve basis. Depending on the number received, your classified may not appear immediately. • Parts or equipment that relate to your business only may be advertised. • No positions vacant. • Businesses for sale may be advertised. • Cars for sale cannot be advertised. • No pictures to be submitted. • By submitting the Online Capricorn Classifieds Ad Form, you acknowledge that the price of any goods or services shown is inclusive of GST. Mechanical Workshop, Augusta WA Mechanical Repairs, Devonport TAS Service Station, Bundaberg QLD Perfect for those looking for a sea change. Fully equip. workshop with 7 bays, 3 Service station for lease. Incl. large This large, established, fully equipped hoists, scan tools. Original owner retiring workshop, 2 x two post hoists, 1 x four workshop incl. office and 2 hoists. AIS License after 40yrs, excellent business, large post hoist. Good location, busy road, high Inspections, RAC contractor, tyres and wheel clientele, some finance avail. freehold or traffic flow. Call for details. alignments, good T/O, 2 mechanics, located lease hold. Ph: Darryl 0448 249 917 Ph: 0429 647 309 directly behind service station. Long lease WANTED: Jeep Parts, NZ Mechanical Workshop, Southport QLD avail. $77k+ stock. Ph: Dave 0417 915 789 Mechanical Workshop, Cunnamulla QLD Fully equip. workshop, office, lock up yard, RACQ approved, scan tool, spare parts shop, 2 bdrm house next door. Phone for more details. Ph: John 0428 878 712 Automotive Repairs, Castlemaine VIC Central location, large est. client base. Est. 20yrs+, long lease, 2 hoists, pit, equipment and more. Owner relocating. Ph: Darren 0423 974 197 Summit Hydraulic Car Hoist, Midvale WA 2-post car hoist, 3yrs old, 4-tonne rating, hardly used, impeccable cond. Disassembled, ready to collect. Ph: Juanita (08)9250 1066 WANTED: Yamaha Parts NSW Looking for engine to suit 2002 Jeep Cherokee Ltd. Ed. J8GM58K92W235866 3709CC V6 petrol. Ph: Allan 07 868 6799 Mechanical Workshop Brisbane QLD Repco Auth. large, fully equip. 5 hoists, 2 mechanics w/RWC/A-C qual. busy loc. great T/O and cust. base. Owner retiring, fig available. $110k WIWO inc. stock and equip. Ph: Coral 0407 036 691 Auto Electrical, Whangamata NZ Unique opportunity in iconic beach lifestyle loc. Well est. 25yrs, variety of commercial, forestry, marine and private vehicles. Owner retiring after 70yrs. Freehold property W/S, 192sqm, owner operator, 3 hoists and W/S equip. 10min walk to town. Property $400k, Business $50k Ph: (07)5591 8722 Mechanical Workshop, Thebarton SA Est 27yrs, busy road near city location. Repeat client base, large W/S with rear yard, 2 hoists, owner retiring. $200k ONO WIWO incl. stock and equipment. Ph: Alan 0419 859 147 Smash Repairs, Airport West VIC Contact: [email protected] Fully equip. Seetal oven, spot welder, Tyre Machine/Balancer Wellington, NZ lease available. Call for details. Tyre machine and wheel balancer. Older Yamaha DT1, DT2 parts or complete bike to model. $1,500 for both. Ph: 04 939 2247 finish a restoration project. Any condition or quantity. Ph: Mark (02)6942 3057 Mech. Workshop, Tyres & Exhaust, Oxenford, Gold Coast QLD Parts & Equipment, Wellington NZ Est. 26yrs, 5 hoists, new and 2nd hand Tyre machine/wheel balancer, older model tyres, 160 new exhausts/mufflers, 2 $1500 for both. Second hand tyres from $20. balancers, excellent business, top location, Toyota Prius half cuts with motor/gearbox, owner retiring. Some vendor finance avail. $3000 each complete. Ph: 04 9392247 Ph: Stan 0415 752 623 hoist, floor rack and much more. Long Ph: Steve 0402 470 156 Mechanical & Exhaust Workshop, Nerang QLD Business established 25yrs+, owner retiring, 5 hoists and workshop equipment. Highway frontage. $250k WIWO. Ph: 0409 713 614 How to Advertise in the Capricorn Classifieds 1. 2. 3. Email [email protected] with the following details: your Member number, business name, contact details and details of your advert (no more than 30 words). Capricorn must receive your classified by the 16th of the month preceding the publication month. If we have not received your classified by this date it will be published in the following month depending on the number of adverts received. Check out your classified and fellow members’ classifieds in the next edition of Ignition. Editor: Vick Skivinis Email: [email protected] Publisher's General Disclaimer All information, material and content contained in this edition of Ignition is provided or sourced by Capricorn Society Limited (“Capricorn”) for general information only and is not intended to be advice or comment on any particular matter or subject. Before acting on any information you should consider the relevance of it to your own circumstances and, if necessary, take professional advice. Capricorn makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any material (including, without limitation, any third party supplier advertisement in respect of which Capricorn merely acts as a conduit) included in this edition of Ignition. To the fullest extent permitted by law Capricorn, its officers, employees, agents and representatives disclaim any and all liability to you or any other person for any loss or damage whatsoever connected with: (i) reliance on material in Ignition; or (ii) inaccuracy, error or omission in material in Ignition. Capricorn, Capricorn…it’s just easier!, Ignition, Capricorn Travel, Capricorn Mutual and the boomerangs device are trademarks or registered trademarks of Capricorn. If you have any news or information that you think would be of interest to your fellow members, please send the information to Capricorn via fax on 1800 227 329 (Australia) or email [email protected]. 18 CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 Capricorn Society Limited ACN 008 347 313 Postal Address: Locked Bag 3003, West Perth WA 6872 Registered Office Australia: 28 Troode Street, West Perth WA 6005 Phone (08) 6250 9500 Fax (08) 6250 9569 General Enquiries 1800 999 233 Members Freecall 1800 EASIER Suppliers Freecall 1800 005 322 FUN ZON E Spot the Difference Have a close look at these two photos and see if you can spot the five differences between them. Jot the differences down and either fax or email the answers to us to be in the running to win 4,000 Reward Points for first prize and 2,000 Reward Points for second prize. Email your answers to [email protected] or fax your answers to 1800 227 329. Entries must be in by 31 August 2015. *The winners will be selected by lucky hat draw of correct entries. Please ensure you include your Member number and email when submitting your entry. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Member # Email July Winners July Answers 1st Prize – 4000 Reward Points Mirror changed colour Watch missing Screw driver on floor Piping on ground missing Poster missing from wall Car Service Lakeside 2nd Prize – 2000 Reward Points Gary's Garage Word Hunter Welcome to Word Hunter! The 15 listed words below are hidden in the jumble and could be printed horizontally, vertically, diagonally or even backwards. Take some time out and see if you can find all 15 words Good luck! BUICK LINCOLN CADILLAC MAXWELL CAMARO MERCURY CHEV MUSTANG DODGE PLYMOUTH EAGLE PONTIAC FORD RAM JEEP CAPRICORN IGNITION AUGUST 2015 19 Your Motor Trades Pack through Capricorn Risk Services. Switch to Capricorn and deal with a risk protection specialist who understands your business. Our account managers have access to a wide range of mutual and general insurance products. Benefit from the only suite of business protection products that earn you Capricorn Reward Points. Find out how Capricorn can help you. 1800 007 022 | [email protected] | For the best interests of our members RISK SERVICES Products sold through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd are: (i) discretionary risk protection products issued by Capricorn Mutual Ltd; and (ii) general insurance products issued by a range of insurers and brokered through Capricorn Insurance Services Pty Ltd. Before deciding to acquire any product you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement available from Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd to see if the product is appropriate for you. Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd (ABN 91 111 632 789) Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038) and Capricorn Insurance Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 435197).
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