HOM Studies at the European Spallation Source
HOM Studies at the European Spallation Source
HOM Studies at the European Spallation Source Aaron Farricker 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) <#> The ESS Collaberation •The European Spallation Source is a large cross European project •The site for the machine is located in Lund,Sweden. •Currently 19 countries are contributing to the project •The total cost is circa 1.8 Billion euros 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 2 Why Build ESS? ESS TDR The key in most neutron experiments is flux, the more neutrons the higher the resolution 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) Camera X-rays Neutrons 3 How Does ESS Work? •ESS is going to be a 5 MW proton driven spallation source •A 2 GeV 62.5 mA beam will be collided with a solid tungsten target at 14 Hz •Each proton produces upwards of 30 neutrons per proton on target •This results in an average neutron flux of 1.6 x1015 cm-2s-1 •ESS is a long pulse source and various chopping schemes can be employed to vary the pulse structure 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 4 The ESS Accelerator •The ESS accelerator is just over 600 m long and contains 6 normal conducting structures and 146 superconducting cavities •96% of the final energy is gained in the superconducting section of the linac •During the last redesign the final energy was reduced by 500 MeV which meant to maintain the 5 MW power goal the current had to be increased •This adds increased technical risk particularly for the power couplers 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 5 ESS Beam Parameters Parameter Value Beam Power 5 MW Beam Energy 2 GeV Beam Current 62.5 mA Pulse Length 2.86 ms Rep. Rate Peak Power 18/07/2016 14 Hz 125 MW Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 6 The ESS Warm Linac •The ESS front end is similar to most proton accelerator •The proton sourse is a Microwave Discharge ion Source •Followed by an RFQ which munches the beam •Then a DTL accelerates the beam to an energy that can be injected into the main linac 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 7 The ESS Cold Linac Medium Beta Cavity Spoke Cavity High Beta Cavity Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value Frequency 352.21 MHz Frequency 704.42 MHz Frequency 704.42 MHz Geometric Beta 0.5 Geometric Beta 0.67 Geometric Beta 0.86 # of Cavities 26 # of Cavities 36 # of Cavities 84 Max. Acc. Grad. 9 MV/m Max. Acc. Grad. 16.7 MV/m Max. Acc. Grad. 19.9 MV/m Max. Power 335 kW Max. Power 1.1 MW Max. Power 1.1 MW RF Tetrode RF Klystron RF IOT 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 8 What is the Wakefield? The Wakefield When a charged particle traverses a vacuum with discontinuities or resistance it leaves EM field behind. These field are the Wakefield and it may cause degradation of trailing of the bunch itself and all trailing bunches •The wakefield can be decomposed into a sum over the cavity eigenmodes (Condon Method) •These modes are readily found in EM eigenmode solvers such as HFSS, CST and Poisson Superfish •From these simulations the loss factor and mode frequencies can be found 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 9 Longitudinal HOMs Medium Beta Spoke Cavity High Beta 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 10 Transverse HOMs Spoke Cavity Medium Beta Cavity High Beta Cavity 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 11 Summary of HOM Properties •The maximum voltage induced by a bunch in a cavity is around 260 V in the monopole modes of the high beta cavities •Most of these excited fields add incoherently resulting in a relatively small voltage in the cavities (see next slide) •There is one modes in the medium beta cavity (1749 MHz) which is close to the 5th harmonic of the bunch frequency •There are two modes in the high beta cavity (1419 MHz) which are close to the 4th harmonic of the bunch frequency •These could be resonantly driven if their frequency shifts 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 12 Manufacturing Errors •SRF cavities are often manufactured using the deep drawing technique •Turning or milling as done with normal conducting cavities is not practical •Further complex stress patters on a non-uniform media can lead to deformations in the final shape •Further errors occur during welding and processing •Field flatness and frequency tuning are done by physically stretching the cavity For HOMs a 0.38% frequency spread is expected from empirical studies at SNS 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) Cavity Tuning Stand 13 Assessing the Impact on the Beam •The bunch length at ESS is much smaller than the wavelength of the highest frequency HOMs considered •This means the bunch behaves like a point charge and a drift-kick-drift scheme can be employed •To characterise the beam a beam emittance is defined as •The ratio of this both with and without the additional effects of HOMs is used to characterise the change in the beam quality 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 14 Utilisation of the Condor Pool • The analysis in the following slides has been carried out using the EPS Condor pool • It allows access to around 3000 CPUs when PC cluster machines are not in use by Undergraduates • For jobs between 30-180 mins it is a great resource • http://condor.eps.manchester.ac.uk/ 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 15 Sum Wakefields •The sum wakefield provides a useful tool to look at the build up of voltage over an ideal bunch train •It can be seen that in each case no extreamly large voltage builds up •However earlon in the elliptical cavities a significant voltage is present •This voltage is due to the mode which lies nearest to the accelerating mode known as a passband or same order mode 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 16 Passband Modes Cavity Frequenc y Freq. Sep. Max R/Q Spoke 361.69 MHz 9.48 MHz 97 ohms Medium Beta 703.89 MHz 0.53 MHz 179 ohms High Beta 703.22 MHz 1.2 Mhz 74 ohms RF Errors •Below a Q of 107 the effects of the passband modes are much smaller than the impact of RF errors •The expected Q for these modes is similar to the accelerating mode which is by design just below 106 •This means these modes are expected to not be a problem at ESS 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 17 Longitudinal Plane •The HOMs with the larges R/Q have been used to see if any impact is had on the beam quality •Even including the six highest R/Q modes (Over 70% of the total for the first 60 modes) in each cavity only a very small 0.03% increase in the emittance is seen •It is a strong indication that longitudinal modes do not require damping as found with previous studies of using earlier linac and cavity designs 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 18 Transverse Plane •The HOMs with the larges R/Q have been used to see if any impact is had on the beam quality •Even including the six highest R/Q modes (Over 70% of the total for the first 60 modes) in each cavity only a very small 0.025% increase in the emittance is seen •This shows that dipole modes at ESS are likely to have a negligable impact on the beam regardless of the Q 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 19 Alignment Errors •Finite tolerances in the alignment of components within an accelerator are always present •Offsetting a cavity or cryomodule from the beam axis can result in the exciation of Dipole modes which can degrade the beam •To analyse the impact of these errors the six highest R/Q dipole modes are included in each cavity and a uniform random distribution of offsets is applied to the cavities •For any physically allowable offset no discernible degradation is observed •However testing non-physical offsets showed that the simulation procedure does work 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 20 Angular Alignment Errors •The cavity is allowed to have its axis at an angle to the beam axis •This means that the accelerating mode has a transverse component which can kick the beam •From the small angle approximation 1 mrad in a 1m cavity at 12 MV/m is a 12 kV voltage •This is orders of magnitude more than expected for the voltage stored in dipole modes •This means that the angular alignment of the cavity is far more important than the translational alignment with respect to the transverse growth of the beam 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 21 Driven HOMs •As discussed previously the frequency of HOMs can shift significantly due to manufacturing errors •This can result in modes shifting to lie on or near a harmonic of the bunch frequency •If this situation arises the voltage can build up significantly due to the mode being resonantly driven •In the worst case this can result in the severe degradation or loss of the beam •As ESS does not actively damp HOMs this is a significant problem 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 22 How Close Can a HOM Get? •ESS has set a 5 MHz limit on the separation of all HOMs from the nearest machine resonance •The first two High Beta prototypes failed to meet this specification •This has made it a significant risk factor in the cavity production •An Extensive study has been performed to look at how appropriate this limit actually is •On the right is the growth due to a single mode that lay on the nearest machine line •Its frequency was moved away insteps of 200 Hz 18/07/2016 This suggests 5 kHz may be enough!! Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 23 Additional Constraints •In addition scans to set limitations on the Q of the HOM on a cavity by cavity basis were performed •And also scans of R/Q to allow for any redesigns to be investigated quickly •Indications are that the damping from the power coupler may be enough to entirely mitigate the effects in the high beta cavities •Studies of this are ongoing 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 24 Additional Cavity Effects Coupler Kicks Multipole Components 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 25 Outline • • • • The European spallation source The ESS cavities and linac design Modal analysis of the ESS cavities Beam dynamics studies including HOMs 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 26 Summary • An overview of the ESS accelerator has been given • A full cavity mode analysis has been performed for each of the ESS cavities • These were used in beam dynamics studies to show HOM couplers are not required • It was also shown that the ESS limit of 5 MHz on mode frequencies is tighter than may be required 18/07/2016 Aaron Farricker (UoM/CI) 27