Efficiency Evaluation of Foreign Currency Branches of Bank
Efficiency Evaluation of Foreign Currency Branches of Bank
International Journal of InXustrial Engineering & ProXuction Management (2014) August 2014, Volume 25, Number 2 pp. 237-247 http://IJIEPM.iust.ac.ir/ Efficiency Evaluation of Foreign Currency Branches of Bank Keshavarzi of Iran Using Integrated BSC, DEA and AHP Approaches A. Mohaghar*, M. Hakkak & H. Yaghoubi Ali Mohaghar, School of Industrial Management, Tehran University, Iran. Mohammad Hakkak, School of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Lorestan University, Iran. Hossein Yaghoubi, School of Management, Payame Noor University of Tehran, Iran. KeyworXs Efficiency, Banking, Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) 1 ABSTRACT This research contribution aims to use integrated approaches of Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The study evaluates the efficiency of foreign currency branches of Bank Keshavarzi of Iran during the fiscal year 2010-11 (March 21, 2010 to March 20, 2011). For this purpose, five measures in four perspectives of the BSC framework were chosen with the help and assistance of bank experts in foreign currency services and according to the measures which are used to evaluate the efficiency in the banking industry. These five measures are: the number of personnel, personnel training hours, the amount of operating profit, the number of foreign currency accounts, and the average number of important foreign currency services which are provided to the customers per day. Then by using DEA, the efficiency of targeted branches was evaluated. The result shows that 57.14% of the branches are efficient and the rest are considered inefficient. These branches were analyzed and the reasons for inefficiency were explained. A few suggestions to improve their efficiency have been presented. Finally, with the use of hybrid model AHP/DEA, all of the foreign currency branches of Bank Keshavarzi of Iran were full ranked. © 2014 IUST Publication, IJIEPM. Vol. 25, No. 2, All Rights Reserved * Corresponding author Ali Mohaghar Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2008-4870 http://IJIEPM.iust.ac.ir/ AHP DEA BSC * AHP DEA BSC AHP/DEA [email protected] [email protected] MBA [email protected] AHP/DEA AHP/DEA CCR BCC BCC BCC AHP/DEA CRS VRS VRS BCC Min E St: x x E 0 ij j i0 j y y 0 rj j r0 j , 1 j j λj ≥ , i 1,2,..., m , r 1,2,..., t , j 1, 2,..., n E AHP/DEA AHP/DEA CCR BCC DEA BSC-DEA بيان مساله تحقيق مطالعه ادبيات موضوع شامل کتب ،مقاالت، پايان نامه ها و مجالت داخلي و خارجي استفاده از نظرات خبرگان بخش ارزي جهت تعيين مناسبترين شاخصهاي ارزيابي کارايي تعيين شاخصهاي ارزيابي کارايي در چهار منظر کارت امتيازي متوازن ارزيابي کارايي واحدهاي ارزي با استفاده از روش تحليل پوششي داده ها رتبه بندي کامل واحدهاي ارزي با استفاده از روش ترکيبي AHP/DEA BCC CCR CCR CRS CRS CCR VRS BCC BCC DMUx DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU EMS DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU . 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