Employee Benefits Plan Information Packet
Employee Benefits Plan Information Packet
Employee Benefits Plan Information Packet for Health Benefits 2016 July 1, 2016 To: Benefits Eligible Employees Welcome to the Reta Employee Benefits program for The Archdiocese of Portland. This program gives you the freedom to mix and match your health care, life insurance, disability, and other benefits. It is up to you to choose the coverage you want at the price you want to pay. Please read through your options carefully before you complete the online enrollment process. Be sure to complete the enrollment process within 30 calendar days after starting work in a benefits eligible position. If you don’t enroll by the deadline, you will receive the default coverage. The materials enclosed in this package are intended to provide you with detailed information on each benefit plan and guide you through the steps of enrollment. The contents of this package are: 1. A formal “Welcome to Health Benefits Enrollment for the Reta Trust”. This document is an introduction to the Reta Benefits Center and includes information regarding the online enrollment process. You will find the website is very interactive and user friendly. 2. A Health Benefits Selection Worksheet. You may want to use this to draft and make your selections before entering this information electronically. This worksheet is NOT an enrollment form. 3. Frequently Asked Questions 4. A Table of Contents listing all materials in this package: Benefits Plan Summaries, a Contact List and a sample Dependent Validation Instruction Sheet. We provided hard copies of the plan summaries to assist you through the electronic enrollment. As you access the Reta Benefits Center, you will be able to review all plan summaries and selections. We are committed to a successful enrollment process for all employees. Please refer to the Contact List to identify experts who are ready to support you. Sincerely, Mary McPartland Employee Benefits Analyst [email protected] Welcome to your Health Benefits Enrollment for the Reta Trust The Enrollment period for the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon employees is: 30 days from date of hire in a benefit eligible position. Reta Benefits Center Before making any benefits decisions, be sure to visit the Reta Benefits Center, the interactive resource to help you better understand your choices and to make the most of your options. You can log in to see the personalized lobby that works like an online virtual benefit fair. Professional representatives from Reta’s benefits partners provide information and answers to your questions. Visit www.retatrust.org anytime beginning and select Reta Benefits Center. RetaEnroll The date your coverage begins will depend on the date you are hired. The elections you make during your initial enrollment will be effective the 1st day of the month following your hire date to a benefit eligible position. If you are hired on the 1st day of the month, your benefits are effective on your first day of work. The initial enrollment period is your opportunity to select your health benefit elections and coverage level. You will NOT be permitted to make any changes to your benefit elections until the next annual open enrollment, unless you experience a Qualified Life Event Change as defined by the IRS Section 125 Guidelines. All benefit eligible employees are required to enroll online. If you do not complete the process, your 2015-2016 benefit elections will default to employee-only coverage with UHC medical, Delta Dental and VSP vision. With RetaEnroll you will be able to view your insurance benefits and update your information, including: Personal Data (home address, birth date, etc.) Dependents (names, birth dates, Social Security Numbers student status, etc.) Benefit Elections (medical, dental, life, disability, etc.) Beneficiaries (life insurance beneficiaries) Page 1 of 4 Obtaining a User ID and Password To get started a user ID and Password is required to access the site. You may obtain your unique User ID and Password for the first time, or have it re-sent to you if you are a returning user, by going to the Reta Trust home page (www.retatrust.org) and clicking on the help button on the right. Enter your email address; provided that your email address has been previously entered into the RetaEnroll system and validated. Otherwise, to view your User ID and Password on-screen, select Option 3: View User ID & Password on Your Screen and you will be prompted to enter: Last Name Date of Birth 5-digit Zip Code Last 4-Digits of your Social Security Number RetaEnroll will immediately verify your information and ask you to enter an email address, if available. If you do not have an email address, select the option button indicating such, and then click on Continue. For additional security, you will be asked to verify at least two pieces of identification (last four of SSN and zip code). Your User ID and Password will be displayed onscreen for 45 seconds. The password issued by RetaEnroll will be good for 12 hours. If you do not log on and create your own password within 12 hours, you will need to request another password. Please save your confidential User ID and Password in a secure place. Neither your HR department nor BAS can provide you with your User ID or Password. You must use the self-service “Help” link at www.retatrust.org to obtain this information. Making your Online Elections The enrollment site is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the Open Enrollment period. When you’re ready to make your elections, follow these five steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to www.retatrust.org and enter your User ID and Password in the upper right hand corner. Choose your destination – RetaEnroll. Follow the easy enrollment steps in the Open Enrollment Wizard. Review and confirm your elections, making changes as necessary. Print your benefits statement. You may go back and make changes as many times as you like during the enrollment period. Page 2 of 4 Dependent Validation Process For new dependents, the request for validation will be part of the electronic enrollment process. Employees will be required to provide documentation of dependent eligibility in order for all newly added dependent’s coverage to be approved. (Spouse –Marriage certificate, Child – Birth certificate, Adoption/Legal Guardianship - Court documents) Reta Trust Dependent Validation Approved Documents Dependent Type Spouse Approved Documents Requirement Marriage certificate plus one piece of documentation dated within the past 60 days to establish a common residence or financial interdependence – Examples of secondary documentation: Jointly filed Form 1040 Separately filed Form 1040 with the same address Financial documents in both parties name Utility bill in both parties name Child to age 26 Birth certificate listing the employee's name Hospital Birth Record (newborns only) Stepchild Birth certificate naming spouse as the child’s biological parent and Marriage Certificate and Jointly filed 1040* Separately filed 1040 with same address* Financial document in both names Utility bill in both names Disabled Dependent Birth certificate and a copy of the employee's recent Form 1040 claiming the individual as a dependent OR the dependent's Form 1040 filed from the employee's address OR SSDI documentation Adoption/placed for adoption Appropriate court document Legal Guardianship/Foster Child Court document establishing employee or the employee's spouse is the legal guardian *Not required of marriage less than 90 days Page 3 of 4 If You Need More Detailed Information or Assistance Detailed information about your benefits plan is available in the Reta Benefits Center through the RetaTrust.org website. For assistance with accessing your account, call the Reta Enroll Client Services Department at 1.877.303.7382 from 5:30 AM to 5:00 PM PST, Monday through Friday, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. The Reta Client Services team will either directly assist you or connect you with the best resource for help. If you need further assistance regarding your individual benefit plan options, contact your location’s Benefits Administrator. Don’t forget—Benefits for 2016-17 begin on July 1, 2016 and will end on June 30, 2017. Do not wait until the last minute to begin your enrollment. For your convenience, we have included detailed written benefit summaries for each of your benefit choices with this package. This information is also available in the Reta Benefits Center where we encourage you to go for information regarding your benefits plan. This comprehensive information resource center has a live representative available to help you with any questions or needs. The Reta Trust services over 35,000 members across the United States, including over 50 Roman Catholic dioceses, archdioceses, and religious communities. Page 4 of 4 HEALTH BENEFITS SELECTION WORKSHEET 2016 – 2017 Use this sheet to complete your benefits selections. Then, go to myenroll.com and enter the information. Flex Credits Monthly Flex Credits ($836.00) ($100.00) Monthly Flex Benefits Credit if you elect medical Monthly Flex Benefits Credit if you waive medical enter flex credit here Medical Plans – required unless you have other current Medical Coverage Employee only Employee Employee Employee and Spouse and Child(ren) and Family Kaiser EPO 768.00 1013.00 914.00 1142.00 UHC PPO 500 768.00 1038.00 936.00 1185.00 UHC PPO 250 828.00 1049.00 961.00 1222.00 Benefit Selection Before tax – enter cost here Dental / Vision – required Reta Delta Dental 91.00 Willamette Dental 65.00 Kaiser Permanente Dental 82.00 (included) (included) Vision - RETA VSP 123.00 107.00 140.00 89.00 78.00 101.00 121.00 105.00 137.00 (included) (included) Before tax – enter cost here Additional Life /AD&D - Optional To enroll family members, you must select coverage for yourself. See rate sheet for premiums and the schedule of age based premium increases. Employee coverage amount $____________________ (Cannot exceed lesser of $500,000 or 5 x annual wages. Do not include your basic life AD&D amount here) Spouse coverage amount After tax – enter cost here $____________________ (Cannot exceed 100% of employee coverage) $2.40 ($8,000.00) $3.00 ($10,000.00) After tax – enter cost here $7.98 $5.64 STD 14-day STD 30-day $3.28 STD 44-day After tax – enter cost here $1.80 ($6,000.00) Child(ren) coverage amount (Cannot exceed 100% of employee coverage) After tax – enter cost here Short Term Disability - Optional 44-day STD is automatic at initial enrollment if you don’t opt out $0.00 OPT OUT Buy-Up Long Term Disability – Optional LTD - 60% of wages $6.62 LTD - 66 2/3% of wages $9.75 After tax – enter cost here Healthcare Flexible Spending Account “FSA” – Optional If you elect this coverage, a pro rata portion of your annual election will be deducted from each of 12 remaining pay periods in the plan year 2015. Before tax – enter cost here Maximum election is $2,550.00 per year. Write in the amount of your monthly election: $__________________ Total of Credits and Costs Sum of Coverage Costs (add amounts in Cost column from above and enter here) Flex Credit Amount (from above) Total Cost to Employee (Sum Coverage Costs minus Flex Credit Amount) COST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FOR EMPLOYEES Here are questions that you may have regarding Health Benefit Enrollment and plan changes. Please contact BAS Customer Service at 1‐877‐303‐7382 between 5:30 AM and 5:00 PM PST with any other questions or concerns you may have. 1. Am I required to be enrolled in a medical insurance plan? Yes, with very few exceptions all legal US residents are required to have minimum essential coverage or face a tax penalty. If you are not currently covered under a medical plan, and you do not enroll in a Reta plan, you may choose to purchase coverage through the private marketplace. Note, however, the Reta medical plan will include a premium contribution from your employer. The Archdiocese requires all benefit eligible employees to enroll in a Dental/Vision plan. If you waive medical, you must elect a Dental/Vision plan. 2. How do I obtain my User ID and Password to access the Reta Benefits Center and RetaEnroll? You may obtain your User ID and Password by going to the Reta Trust home page (www.retatrust.org). Click on the help button in the upper right. Next, select Option 3: View User ID & Password, then on the next screen select Option 2, View User ID & Password. You will be prompted to enter: Last Name Date of Birth 5‐digit Zip Code Last 4‐Digits of your Social Security Number RetaEnroll will immediately verify your information and ask you to enter an email address, if available. If you do not have an email address, select the option button indicating such, and then click on Continue. RetaEnroll will display your User ID and a temporary password. Please note that your User ID and Password will be displayed onscreen for only 45 seconds. Record this information immediately and click on the continue button. You will be asked to enter your user ID and temporary password. The temporary password will be good for 12 hours. Be sure to log on and create your own password within 12 hours; otherwise, you will need to request again. You will want to be sure to write it down and save your confidential User ID and password in a secure place. The only way to retrieve your forgotten user ID or password is by re‐entering the self‐service “Help” link at www.retatrust.org. 3. What happens if I miss the deadline or do not enroll? If you do not complete the process within 30 days of hire, your 2016‐17 benefit elections will default to employee‐only coverage with UHC medical, Delta Dental and VSP vision. There is no default enrollment for Healthcare FSA. You must re‐enroll every year or you will not have this benefit. 4. Can I change my benefit elections at any time throughout the year? The decisions you make during the enrollment period are unchangeable for the 2016‐2017 Plan Year. The only exception is if you have a “Life Event Change,” which includes events such as: marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, reduction in work hours, loss of dependent status, or a change in your spouse’s employment status as defined by Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. 5. How will I know if my medical care provider is on the United Healthcare plan? Go to http://www.uhc.com/find‐a‐physician to review providers and their quality rating information. Select “Find a Physician.” On the next page, enter your location information above the search bar. You can search by provider name or by provider specialty. 6. Do I have a paper option for my enrollment? All enrollments will be done electronically through the RetaEnroll system. Included in this packet is a worksheet that you can use to prepare for your electronic enrollment. This year we have also supplied a fillable copy. You can make your selections, print your form, and log in and go through the enrollment process. If you want to keep a paper copy of your completed enrollment, you may print one, but you must enroll online. 7. How will I know my enrollment is complete and accurate? A benefit statement will be provided at the end of the enrollment process once benefits are confirmed. All benefit statements are electronically stored in the system. 8. What do I need to know regarding “Dependent Validation”? a. Why is it necessary? To ensure that only eligible dependents are enrolled on the plan. The plan is not responsible to cover claims for those individuals who do not meet eligibility guidelines. b. When will I receive the Request for Validation? For new dependents, the request for validation, including instructions, will be a part of the electronic enrollment process. Coverage for new dependents will be pending until documentation is submitted. c. What is the deadline? For new dependents, you will be asked at the time of enrollment to submit documentation within 60 days. The effective date of coverage will be retroactively assigned once documentation is received. 9. After the enrollment period, how can I add dependents to my plan? Employees will need to submit requested changes with a Life Event Change form. All changes will be pending until requested documentation has been received and approved. 10. Is there a glossary of acronyms? A glossary of acronyms for general healthcare terms is available at: http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/pdf/SBCUniformGlossary.pdf 11. Who do I call if I need provider assistance? See the attached Contact Information Sheet. 12. How will I be sure I have all of the information I need to enroll? Your location’s administrator or business manager can provide assistance. 13. Who do I contact if I need assistance, cannot access the online enrollment system, or my enrollment is rejected? You can call RetaEnroll Customer Service at 1‐877‐303‐7382 between 5:30 AM and 5:00 PM PST or email [email protected] For Lay Employees ♦ Benefit Items included in this packet of material are listed here in order of content. ♦These items are included as a convenience. We would like you to log into www.retatrust.org for comprehensive detailed benefit information and enrollment. 1. Reta Trust United Health Care Comparison of 250 and 500 PPO 2. Reta Trust United Health Care 250 PPO Benefit Plan Summary 3. Reta Trust United Health Care 500 PPO Benefit Plan Summary 4. Envision Prescription Rx Plan overview 5. Reta Trust Kaiser EPO Plan Comparison 6. Reta Trust Kaiser EPO Benefit Summary 7. Delta Dental PPO Plan Summary 8. Kaiser Permanente Dental Plan Summary 9. Willamette Dental Group Plan Summary 10. Reta Trust VSP Vision Care Summary 11. MHN EAP Benefit Plan Summary 12. UNUM Life AD & D Plan Highlights 13. UNUM LTD Plan Highlights 14. UNUM STD Plan Highlights 15. Monthly Life Rate Sheet 16. Healthcare Flexible Spending Account Guide 17. Dependent Validation Approved Documents 18. Important Contact Numbers Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Reta Trust UHC 250 & 500 Plan Comparison Reta United Healthcare 250 Reta United Healthcare 500 PPO PPO $250 Ded / $20 OV $500 Ded / $25 OV $500 OOP $2,500 OOP Out of Out of In Network In Network Network Network Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Includes Deductible, Copays & Coinsurance) $500 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000 For any one Member in the same Family Unit For an entire Family Unit of two or more $1,000 $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 Members $250 Individual / $500 Family $500 Individual / $1,000 Family Calendar Year Deductible Outpatient Services $20 copay, $25 copay, deductible 30% deductible 40% Office Visit Co-payments waived waived $35 copay, $40 copay, deductible 30% deductible 40% Specialist Office Visit Co-payments waived waived No charge, No charge, deductible 30% deductible 40% Well Child Care (Birth to age 7) waived waived No charge, No charge, deductible 30% deductible 40% Adult Routine Exams waived waived $35 copay, $40 copay, deductible 30% deductible 40% Chiropractic Care waived waived Up to 24 visits in calendar Up to 24 visits in calendar year year Outpatient Services 10% 30% 20% 40% Outpatient surgery 10% 30% 20% 40% X-rays and lab tests 10% 30% 20% 40% MRI, CT and PET Inpatient Services Room and board, surgery, anesthesia, X-rays, 10% 30% 20% 40% lab tests, and drugs Prior Authorization Required Prior Authorization Required Non-preauthorized admissions Emergency Health Coverage $100 $200 $100 copay, $200 copay, copay, copay, Emergency Department visits then 10% then 20% then 10% then 20% copay waived if admitted copay waived if admitted Prescription Drug RX provided through EnvisionRx** Generic/Formulary/NonGeneric/Formulary/NonFormulary Formulary $10/$20/$30 $10/$20/$30 Retail (Up to 30-day supply) $20/$40/$60 $20/$40/$60 Mail Order (Up to 90-day supply) **Subject to RVO program IMPORTANT NOTE: This comparison is designed to be a brief overview of the health plan offerings of the Reta Trust. See the plan description for a full description of covered provisions, limitations and exclusion, including customary and reasonable (UCR) charges. Updated April 11, 2016 Prepared by: Gallagher Benefit Services California License #0D36879 Page 1 Reta Trust United Health Care 250 Choice Plus Plan Reta Trust Self-funded Plan Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon Schedule of Benefits Choice Plus Plan NOTE: To be a Covered Health Service, a service must: meet the requirements for coverage, as described in this SPD; be shown as a Covered Health Service in this SPD; and be consistent with the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services ("Directives"). Plan Features Network Non-Network ■ Individual $250 per calendar year $250 per calendar year ■ Family (cumulative Annual Deductible) $500 per calendar year $500 per calendar year $500 per calendar year $1,000 per calendar year $1,000 per calendar year $2,000 per calendar year Annual Deductible1 Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum1 ■ Individual ■ Family (cumulative Out-of-Pocket Maximum) Penalty for Non-Preauthorized Hospital Admission2 $500 per admission ■ Lifetime Maximum Benefit There is no dollar limit to the amount the Plan will pay for essential Benefits during the entire period you are enrolled in this Plan.3 Unlimited 1 The Annual Deductible applies toward the Out-of-Pocket Maximum for all Covered Health Services. 2 Penalty does not apply toward the Out-of-Pocket Maximum. 3 Generally the following are considered to be essential benefits under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Ambulatory patient services; emergency services, hospitalization; maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services (including behavioral health treatment); prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; laboratory services; preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management; and pediatric services, including oral and vision care. Covered Health Services Percentage of Eligible Expenses Payable by the Plan: Network Non-Network 100% after you pay a $35 Copay per visit3 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible Acupuncture Services Up to 24 visits per calendar year Ambulance Services - Emergency Only Ground Transportation Ground Transportation 90% after you meet the 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible Annual Deductible Air Transportation Air Transportation 90% after you meet the 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible Annual Deductible Cancer Resource Services (CRS) ■ Hospital - Inpatient Stay 90% after you meet the Not Covered Annual Deductible Depending upon where the Covered Health Service Clinical Trials is provided, benefits for Clinical Trials will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section. Dental Services - Accident Only 90% after you meet the Prior notification required before follow- 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible Annual Deductible up treatment begins. See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Durable Medical Equipment (DME) See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Emergency Health Services See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Eye Examinations See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Home Health Care Up to 60 visits per calendar year See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 90% after you pay a $100 Copay per visit3; Copay waived if admitted 100% after you pay a $20 Copay per visit3 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior Notification required when cost is more than $1,000. 90% after you pay a $100 Copay per visit3; Copay waived if admitted. Notification is required if results in an Inpatient Stay. 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior Notification required. Covered Health Services Hospice Care Up to 360 days per lifetime See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Hospital - Inpatient Stay See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Injections received in a Physician's Office Kidney Resource Services (KRS) (These Benefits are for Covered Health Services provided through KRS only) Maternity Services A Deductible will not apply for a newborn child whose length of stay in the Hospital is the same as the mother's length of stay. Mental Health Services ■ Hospital - Inpatient Stay ■ Physician's Office Services See Section 6, Coverage Details for limits Morbid Obesity Surgery See Section 6, Coverage Details for limits Percentage of Eligible Expenses Payable by the Plan: Network 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 100% after you pay a $20 Copay per visit3 Non-Network 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior Notification required. 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior Notification required. 70% per injection after you meet the Annual Deductible Benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Not Covered Health Service category in this section. Benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section. No copay applies to Physician Office visits for prenatal care after the first visit. 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 100% after you pay a $35 Copay per individual visit3; $10 Copay per group visit3 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. Benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section. Covered Health Services Neurobiological Disorders - Mental Health Services for Autism Spectrum Disorders ■ Hospital - Inpatient Stay ■ Physician's Office Services Outpatient Surgery, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services ■ Outpatient Surgery Percentage of Eligible Expenses Payable by the Plan: Network Non-Network 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. 100% after you pay a $35 Copay per individual visit3; $10 Copay per group visit3 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible ■ Outpatient Diagnostic Services Preventive Lab and radiology/Xray Preventive mammography testing Sickness and Injury related diagnostic services ■ Outpatient Diagnostic/Therapeutic Services - CT Scans, PET Scans, MRI and Nuclear Medicine ■ Outpatient Therapeutic Treatments Physician's Office Services - Sickness and Injury ■ Primary Physician ■ Specialist Physician Physician Fees for Surgical and Medical Services 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 100% after you pay a $20 Copay per visit3 100% after you pay a $35 Copay per visit3 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 100% 100% Covered Health Services Percentage of Eligible Expenses Payable by the Plan: Network Non-Network ■ Physician Office Services 100% ■ Outpatient Diagnostic Services 100% ■ Breast Pumps 100% 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible Preventive Care Services Prosthetic Devices See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Reconstructive Procedures See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Rehabilitation Services - Outpatient Therapy 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible Benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section 100% after you pay a $35 Copay per visit3 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior Notification required. 100% after you pay a $35 Copay per visit3 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible 90% after you meet the Annual Deductible 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. 100% after you pay $35 Copay per individual visit3; $10 Copay per group visit3 70% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. See Section 6, Coverage Details for limits Skilled Nursing Facility/Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Services Up to 60 days per calendar year See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Spinal Treatment Up to 24 visits per calendar year See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Substance Use Disorder Services ■ Hospital - Inpatient Stay ■ Physician's Office Services Covered Health Services Transplantation Services Notification is required for all transplant services. See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Transplantation Travel and Lodging (If services rendered by a Designated Facility) Percentage of Eligible Expenses Payable by the Plan: Network Non-Network Depending upon where the Covered Health Service is provided, benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section. For patient and companion(s) of patient undergoing transplant procedures See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Urgent Care Center Services 3 100% after you pay a $50 Copay per visit3 100% after you pay a $50 Copay per visit3 Copays apply toward the Annual Deductible or Out-of-Pocket Maximum. The Annual Deductible applies toward the Out-of-Pocket Maximum for all Covered Health Services. Reta Trust United Health Care 500 Choice Plus Plan Reta Trust Self-funded Plan Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon Schedule of Benefits Choice Plus Plan NOTE: To be a Covered Health Service, a service must: meet the requirements for coverage, as described in this SPD; be shown as a Covered Health Service in this SPD; and be consistent with the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services ("Directives"). Plan Features Network Non-Network $500 per calendar year $500 per calendar year $1,000 per calendar year $1,000 per calendar year ■ Individual $2,500 per calendar year $5,000 per calendar year ■ Family (cumulative Out-of-Pocket Maximum) $5,000 per calendar year $10,000 per calendar year Annual Deductible1 ■ Individual ■ Family (cumulative Annual Deductible) Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum1 Penalty for Non-Preauthorized Hospital Admission2 $500 per admission ■ Lifetime Maximum Benefit There is no dollar limit to the amount the Plan will pay for essential Benefits during the entire period you are enrolled in this Plan.3 Unlimited 1 The Annual Deductible applies toward the Out-of-Pocket Maximum for all Covered Health Services. 2 Penalty does not apply toward the Out-of-Pocket Maximum. 3 Generally the following are considered to be essential benefits under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Ambulatory patient services; emergency services, hospitalization; maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services (including behavioral health treatment); prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; laboratory services; preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management; and pediatric services, including oral and vision care. Covered Health Services Percentage of Eligible Expenses Payable by the Plan: Network Non-Network 100% after you pay a $40 Copay per visit3 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible Acupuncture Services Up to 24 visits per calendar year Ambulance Services - Emergency Only Ground Transportation Ground Transportation 80% after you meet the 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible Annual Deductible Air Transportation Air Transportation 80% after you meet the 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible Annual Deductible Cancer Resource Services (CRS) ■ Hospital - Inpatient Stay 80% after you meet the Not Covered Annual Deductible Depending upon where the Covered Health Service Clinical Trials is provided, benefits for Clinical Trials will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section. Dental Services - Accident Only 80% after you meet the Prior notification required before follow- 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible Annual Deductible up treatment begins. See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Durable Medical Equipment (DME) See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Emergency Health Services See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Eye Examinations See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Home Health Care Up to 60 visits per calendar year See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 80% after you pay a $200 Copay per visit3; Copay waived if admitted 100% after you pay a $25 Copay per visit3 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior Notification required when cost is more than $1,000. 80% after you pay a $200 Copay per visit3; Copay waived if admitted. Notification is required if results in an Inpatient Stay. 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior Notification required. Covered Health Services Hospice Care Up to 360 days per lifetime See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Hospital - Inpatient Stay See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Injections received in a Physician's Office Kidney Resource Services (KRS) (These Benefits are for Covered Health Services provided through KRS only) Maternity Services A Deductible will not apply for a newborn child whose length of stay in the Hospital is the same as the mother's length of stay. Mental Health Services ■ Hospital - Inpatient Stay ■ Physician's Office Services See Section 6, Coverage Details for limits Morbid Obesity Surgery See Section 6, Coverage Details for limits Percentage of Eligible Expenses Payable by the Plan: Network 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 100% after you pay a $25 Copay per visit3 Non-Network 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior Notification required. 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior Notification required. 60% per injection after you meet the Annual Deductible Benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Not Covered Health Service category in this section. Benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section. No copay applies to Physician Office visits for prenatal care after the first visit. 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 100% after you pay a $40 Copay per individual visit3; $10 Copay per group visit3 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. Benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section. Covered Health Services Neurobiological Disorders - Mental Health Services for Autism Spectrum Disorders ■ Hospital - Inpatient Stay ■ Physician's Office Services Outpatient Surgery, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services ■ Outpatient Surgery Percentage of Eligible Expenses Payable by the Plan: Network Non-Network 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. 100% after you pay a $40 Copay per individual visit3; $10 Copay per group visit3 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible ■ Outpatient Diagnostic Services Preventive Lab and radiology/Xray Preventive mammography testing Sickness and Injury related diagnostic services ■ Outpatient Diagnostic/Therapeutic Services - CT Scans, PET Scans, MRI and Nuclear Medicine ■ Outpatient Therapeutic Treatments Physician's Office Services - Sickness and Injury ■ Primary Physician ■ Specialist Physician Physician Fees for Surgical and Medical Services 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 100% after you pay a $25 Copay per visit3 100% after you pay a $40 Copay per visit3 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 100% 100% Covered Health Services Percentage of Eligible Expenses Payable by the Plan: Network Non-Network ■ Physician Office Services 100% ■ Outpatient Diagnostic Services 100% ■ Breast Pumps 100% 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible Preventive Care Services Prosthetic Devices See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Reconstructive Procedures See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Rehabilitation Services - Outpatient Therapy 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible Benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section 100% after you pay a $40 Copay per visit3 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior Notification required. 100% after you pay a $40 Copay per visit3 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible 80% after you meet the Annual Deductible 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. 100% after you pay $40 Copay per individual visit3; $10 Copay per group visit3 60% after you meet the Annual Deductible. Prior notification required through the Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Administrator. See Section 6, Coverage Details for limits Skilled Nursing Facility/Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Services Up to 60 days per calendar year See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Spinal Treatment Up to 24 visits per calendar year See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Substance Use Disorder Services ■ Hospital - Inpatient Stay ■ Physician's Office Services Covered Health Services Transplantation Services Notification is required for all transplant services. See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Transplantation Travel and Lodging (If services rendered by a Designated Facility) Percentage of Eligible Expenses Payable by the Plan: Network Non-Network Depending upon where the Covered Health Service is provided, benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section. For patient and companion(s) of patient undergoing transplant procedures See Section 6, Coverage Details, for limits Urgent Care Center Services 3 100% after you pay a $50 Copay per visit3 100% after you pay a $50 Copay per visit3 Copays apply toward the Annual Deductible or Out-of-Pocket Maximum. The Annual Deductible applies toward the Out-of-Pocket Maximum for all Covered Health Services. The Reta Trust – EnvisionRx Prescription Drug Plan Pharmacy Schedule of Benefits Summary of Benefits Retail Pharmacy Copayment (per Prescription Unit or up to 30 days) Mail-Service Pharmacy Copayment (up to 3 Prescription Units or up to 90 days) Specialty Pharmacy Copayment (up to 30 days) Reta Value Options (RVO) Market Priced Drugs Generic Brand Formulary Brand Non Formulary $10 $20 $30 $20 $40 $60 N/A $30 N/A See below description What is my Schedule of Benefits? This Schedule of Benefits provides specific details about your Prescription Drug Benefit, as well as its exclusions and limitations. How do I use my Prescription Drug Benefit? Your Prescription Drug Benefit helps to cover the cost for some of the medications prescribed by a licensed Physician. Using your benefit is simple. Present your doctor’s prescription and EnvisionRx ID card at any EnvisionRx Participating Pharmacy. Pay the Copayment for a Prescription Unit or its retail cost, whichever is less. Receive your medication. What do I pay when I fill a prescription? You will pay a Copayment when filling a prescription at an EnvisionRx Participating Pharmacy. You will pay a Copayment every time a prescription is filled until you reach your medical plan annual out-of-pocket maximum. Your benefits are as follows: When you fill or refill a prescription for a generic medication, your Copayment is $10 for a 30-day supply (excluding maintenance medications). When you fill or refill a prescription for a Formulary brand-name medication, your Copayment is $20 for a 30day supply (excluding maintenance medications). When you fill or refill a prescription for a Non-Formulary brand-name medication, your Copayment is $30 for a 30-day supply (excluding maintenance medications). Preferred Mail Service for Maintenance Medications - For maintenance medications, you must utilize the Orchard Pharmaceutical (a division of EnvisionRx) mail service pharmacy and pay the mail service copayment ($20 generic, $40 Formulary Brand, $60 Non-Formulary Brand) for up to a 90 day supply. You will be able to receive two fills at a retail pharmacy initially for maintenance medications, however, after two retail fills mail order is required through Orchard Pharmaceuticals. You will need to obtain a NEW 90 Day supply prescription from your physician. You also must REGISTER your member information with Orchard Mail Order Pharmacy. You may use any of the following 3 easy registration options: 1. Online: (Recommended method) Visit www.orchardrx.com and select Not registered? Click here to register. Your account will activate within 24 hours. By registering online, you can also track the progress of their orders. 2. Phone: Call Orchard Pharmaceutical Services Customer Service at 1-866-909-5170 to speak with a representative. 3. Mail: Complete the Registration and Prescription Order Form enclosed in this packet. 1 Once registered, you may mail the original 90 day supply prescription(s) with the enclosed brochure or your physician can fax your prescription(s) to Orchard at 1-866-909-5171. Please be sure that your prescriber includes your date of birth and contact information on the fax. Only faxes sent from a physician’s office will be valid. Reta Value Options (RVO) Many brand-name medications have generics, brands, or over-the-counter (OTC) equivalents available that cost less and are FDA-approved drugs with similar effectives. RVO drugs are: The most cost-effective FDA-approved drugs (generics, brands or OTC equivalents) that provide a therapeutically equivalent result, based on available medical evidence. Designated as the formulary drug for each therapeutic category (a therapeutic category is a group of drugs that treat a given diagnosis, such as statins used to treat high cholesterol). If you are taking a drug in an RVO therapeutic category that is not the formulary RVO medication, you will be contacted by EnvisionRx after your 1set prescription is filled with more information about the RVO program and your options. How Reta Value Options Works Under Reta Value Options pricing, you can choose to continue to use a drug that has a lower-priced, formulary drug equivalent, but Reta will pay only the amount it would have paid for the therapeutically similar drug that costs less (the RVO drug). You will pay the difference between the full market price of your prescription and the full market price of the lowest cost RVO therapeutic alternative plus the copay for the lowest cost therapeutic alternative. The Plan’s contribution for all therapeutic alternatives is based on what the Plan currently contributes to the lowest cost alternative. The Plan does not provide a greater subsidy or benefit for more expensive, therapeutically similar, medications. if you use a Non-Preferred Drug, you will pay more for it when you fill the prescription. You may avoid the cost increase by taking action and talking with your doctor about Preferred Drugs as alternatives to NonPreferred Drugs. Starting July 1, 2015, you can go to the “My Medicine Cabinet” website at www.EnvisionRx.com to find out how much your current prescription drugs cost and research Preferred Drugs. Using this information, you’ll be able to work more effectively with your doctor to make informed decisions about medications. All the drug options have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety. When I fill a prescription, how much medication do I receive? For a single retail Copayment, Members receive either one Prescription Unit or up to a 30-day supply of a drug. When you use the OrchardRx Mail Service Pharmacy program, you will receive three Prescription Units or up to a 90- day supply of maintenance medications. What if the Preferred Drug doesn’t work for me? Your physician can file for a Physician Exception Request Form, by calling EnvisionRx at 1-844-852-7437, to have you continue using a Non-Preferred Drug. Typically, exceptions are requested for reasons like the following: You’ve tried the Preferred Drug and it doesn’t work as well as the Non-Preferred Drug. The Preferred Drug won’t work with other medications you take. Your Physician feels your condition would be better treated with a Non-Preferred Drug. If the request is approved, you pay the applicable generic or brand copayment for the drug. How can I request a Physician exception form? You can call EnvisionRx at 1-844-852-7437, and ask them to send you a Physician Exception Request Form by mail. Forms are also available for printing on Envisions website at www.EnvisionRx.com. Please note: your physician must complete and submit the form to using the fax number on the form. EnvisionRx will perform a detailed clinical review and then notify you and your physician of the decision. If you disagree with the decision, you have the right to file an appeal with EnvisionRx. 2 What else do I need to know? You should become familiar with EnvisionRx’ prescription drug Formulary. Any medication not on the Formulary you will pay the higher non-formulary copayment. For more information on the Formulary, please visit www.EnvisionRx.com. It is possible to buy a brand-name drug in place of a generic equivalent, even though the generic drug is the only one listed on our Formulary. Your cost, however, will be higher (Non-Formulary copayment). For more information, please continue to “Medications Covered by Your Benefit” and read the description for Generic Drugs. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Medications Covered by Your Benefit The following medications are included in the EnvisionRx managed Formulary and are available to your Physician. Federal Legend Drugs: Any medicinal substance which bears the legend: “Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without a prescription.” State Restricted Drugs: Any medicinal substance that may be dispensed by prescription only according to state law. Generic Drugs: Comparable generic drugs may be substituted for brand-name drugs. For the purposes of determining coverage, the following items are considered prescription drug benefits: glucagon, insulin, insulin syringes, blood glucose test strips, lancets, inhaler extender devices, urine test strips and anaphylaxis prevention kits (including, but not limited to, EpiPen¨, Ana-Kits¨ and Ana-Guard¨). Injectable drugs (except as listed under “Exclusions and Limitations”). Exclusions and Limitations While the Prescription Drug Benefit covers most medications, there are some that are not covered: Drugs or medicines purchased and received prior to the Member’s effective date or subsequent to the Member’s termination. Therapeutic devices or appliances, including hypodermic needles, syringes (except insulin syringes), support garments and other nonmedicinal substances. All nonprescription (over-the-counter) contraceptive jellies, ointments, foams or devices. Contraceptives prescribed for birth control Medications to be taken or administered to the eligible Member while a patient in a hospital, rest home, nursing home, sanitarium, etc. Drugs or medicines delivered or administered to the Member by the prescriber or the prescriber’s staff. Dietary supplements, including vitamins and fluoride supplements (except prenatal), health or beauty aids, herbal supplements and/or Alternative Medicine. Compounded Medication: Any medicinal substance that has at least one ingredient that is Federal Legend or state Restricted in a therapeutic amount. All compounded medications are subject to EnvisionRx’ prior authorization process Medication for which the cost is recoverable under any workers’ compensation or occupational disease law or any state or government agency, or medication furnished by any other drug or medical service for which no charge is made to the patient. Medication prescribed for Experimental or Investigational therapies, unless required by an external independent review panel pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 1370.4. For non-Food-and-DrugAdministration-approved indications, see the following exclusion. Off-Label Drug Use: Off-Label Drug Use means that the Provider has prescribed a drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a use that is different than that for which the FDA approved the drug. EnvisionRx excludes coverage for Off-Label Drug Use, including off-label self-injectable drugs, except as described in the Subscriber Agreement and any applicable Attachments. If a drug is prescribed for Off-Label Drug Use, the drug and its administration will be covered only if it satisfies the following criteria: o The drug is approved by the FDA. o The drug is prescribed by a licensed health care professional for the treatment of a life-threatening condition or for a chronic and seriously debilitating condition. o The drug is Medically Necessary to treat the condition. o The drug has been recognized for treatment of the life-threatening or chronic and seriously debilitating condition by one of the following: The American Medical Association Drug Evaluations; The American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information; the United States Pharmacopeia Dispensing Information; or in two articles from major peer-reviewed medical journals that present data supporting the proposed 3 Off-Label Drug Use or Uses as generally safe and effective. The drug is administered as part of a core medical benefit as determined by EnvisionRx. Nothing in this section shall prohibit EnvisionRx from use of a Formulary, Copayment, technology assessment panel or similar mechanism as a means for appropriately controlling the utilization of a drug that is prescribed for a use that is different from the use for which that drug has been approved for marketing by the FDA. Denial of a drug as investigational or experimental will allow the Member to use the Independent Medical Review System as defined in the medical Combined Evidence of Coverage and Disclosure Form. Medications available without a prescription (over-the-counter) or for which there is a nonprescription equivalent available, even if ordered by a Physician. Elective or voluntary enhancement procedures, services, supplies and medications, including, but not limited to, weight loss, hair growth, athletic performance, cosmetic purposes, anti-aging and mental performance. Examples of these drugs include, but are not limited to, Penlac, Retin-A, Renova, Vaniqa, Propecia, Lustra, Xenical or Meridia. Medications dispensed by a non-Participating Pharmacy (except for prescriptions required as a result of an Emergency or Urgently Needed Service for an acute condition). Drugs prescribed by a dentist or drugs used for dental treatment. Drugs used for diagnostic purposes. Saline and irrigation solutions. MUSE suppositories. Replacement of lost, stolen or destroyed medications. EnvisionRx reserves the right to expand the prior authorization requirement for any drug product to assure adherence to FDA-approved indications and national practice standards. o The Appeals Process EnvisionRx contracts with a leading independent review organization (IRO) for the administration and determination of appeals. Your appeal will be reviewed and you will be notified in writing of the determination within 30 calendar days of EnvisionRx receipt of the appeal. If your appeal is denied, your written response will include the specific reason for the decision, describe the criteria or guidelines or benefit provision on which the denial decision was based, and notification that upon request the Member may obtain a copy of the actual benefit provision, guideline protocol or other similar criterion on which the denial is based. For determinations delaying, denying or modifying health care services based on a finding that the services are not Covered Services, the response will specify the provisions in the pharmacy plan documents that exclude that coverage. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the first appeal, you may request a second appeal within four months of the initial appeal. Expedited Review Appeals Process Appeals involving an imminent and serious threat to your health including, but not limited to, severe pain or the potential loss of life, limb or major bodily function will be immediately referred to the IRO’s clinical review personnel. Expedited appeals will be reviewed and you will be notified of the determination within 72 hours from EnvisionRx receipt of the appeal. If your case does not meet the criteria for an expedited review, it will be reviewed under the standard appeal process. Specialty Pharmacy (Injectable Medications) EnvisionRx Specialty Pharmacy will conveniently deliver your Injectable medications to your home or physician’s office, or other location of choice. And there is no charge for shipping! Your prescription drug benefit allows one grace fill at any retail pharmacy, for up to a 30-day supply each, to ensure you continue receiving your specialty medication(s) as scheduled. After that, you are required to utilize Orchard Specialty Pharmacy for your specialty medications. Because specialty medications can be more difficult to manage, Orchard Specialty Pharmacy offers the following patient support services at no charge: Personalized support to help you achieve the best results from your prescribed therapy Convenient delivery to your home or prescriber’s office Easy access to a Care Team who can answer medication questions, provide educational materials about your condition, help you manage any potential medication side effects, and provide confidential support—all with one toll-free phone call. If you have any questions, or to begin taking advantage of these complimentary patient support services, please call Orchard Specialty Pharmacy at 1-877-437-9012. Who should I call with questions? Call EnvisionRx at 1-844-852-7437 for direct access to their customer service line. 4 Preferred Drug List Introduction How to Use the Preferred Drug List The EnvisionRx Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Preferred Drug List. The Committee is comprised of independent practicing physicians and pharmacists from a wide variety of medical specialties. The Preferred Drug List is reviewed and updated from time to time as new drugs or new prescribing information becomes available. Factors which affect decisions regarding the Preferred Drug List include safe use, clinical efficacy, and therapeutic need. Only after those factors are assessed is cost considered. Compliance with the Preferred Drug List is important for improving quality of care and restraining health care costs. The EnvisionRx Preferred Drug List is a reference tool for identifying preferred medications within certain therapeutic categories. Generic medications should be considered the first line of prescribing. If there is no generic medication available to treat the condition, there may be more than one brand medication available. Preferred brand medications are listed to help identify products that are clinically appropriate and cost effective. Generics within therapeutic categories are listed for reference purposes. You may be able to obtain a drug not included on the Preferred Drug List for reasons of medical necessity or if formulary alternatives are inappropriate. Quantity Limits and Prior Authorizations and may be in place for certain medications and will vary by plan. Check with member services to see if your plan has these limitations in place. Generics are listed in lowercase letters. Brands are listed in UPPERCASE letters. Non-Preferred products are listed with an [NP] symbol. Specialty products are listed with an [SP] symbol. The EnvisionRx Preferred Drug List is not all inclusive and does not guarantee coverage of any medication. Therapeutic Listing ADHD/ANTINARCOLEPSY/ANTIOBESITY/ANOREXIANTS *Amphetamines** AmphetamineDextroamphetamine Dextroamphetamine Sulfate VYVANSE *Anorexiants NonAmphetamine** Phentermine HCl *Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Agents** INTUNIV *Stimulants - Misc.** Dexmethylphenidate HCl Modafinil NUVIGIL ANALGESICS - ANTIINFLAMMATORY HUMIRA [SP] SIMPONI [SP] *Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1Ra)** KINERET [SP] [NP] *Interleukin-6 Receptor Inhibitors** ACTEMRA [SP] [NP] *Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Agents (NSAIDs)** Ibuprofen Meloxicam Naproxen CELEBREX DUEXIS [NP] VIMOVO [NP] *Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) Inhibitors** OTEZLA [SP] [NP] *Antirheumatic - Enzyme Inhibitors** *Pyrimidine Synthesis Inhibitors** XELJANZ [SP] [NP] Leflunomide *Anti-TNF-alpha - Monoclonal Antibodies** *Selective Costimulation Modulators** ORENCIA [SP] [NP] *Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Agents** ENBREL [SP] ANALGESICS - NonNarcotic *Analgesic Combinations** Butalbital-AcetaminophenCaffeine Butalbital-Aspirin-Caffeine *Analgesics Other** Acetaminophen *Salicylates** Aspirin ANALGESICS - OPIOID *Opioid Agonists** Morphine Sulfate Oxycodone HCl Tramadol HCl HYSINGLA ER NUCYNTA NUCYNTA ER OPANA ER OXYCONTIN *Opioid Combinations** [SP] = Specialty [NP] = Non-Preferred Acetaminophen w/ Codeine Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen Oxycodone w/ Acetaminophen *Opioid Partial Agonists** Buprenorphine HCl Buprenorphine HCl-Naloxone HCl Dihydrate BUTRANS SUBOXONE ANDROGENS-ANABOLIC *Androgens** Testosterone Cypionate ANDRODERM [NP] ANDROGEL TESTIM ANORECTAL AGENTS *Rectal Combinations** Hydrocortisone Acetate w/ Pramoxine PROCTOFOAM *Rectal Steroids** Hydrocortisone (Rectal) Hydrocortisone Acetate (Rectal) ANTIANGINAL AGENTS *Antianginals-Other** XARELTO RANEXA *Nitrates** *Heparins And Heparinoid-Like Agents** *Biguanides** Metformin HCl *Diabetic Other** Isosorbide Mononitrate Nitroglycerin ANTIANXIETY AGENTS *Benzodiazepines** Enoxaparin Sodium *Thrombin Inhibitors** GLUCAGEN GLUCAGON PRADAXA ANTICONVULSANTS *Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPP4) Inhibitors** Alprazolam Diazepam Lorazepam ANTIARRHYTHMICS *Antiarrhythmics Type I-C** *Anticonvulsants Benzodiazepines** JANUVIA NESINA [NP] ONGLYZA Flecainide Acetate Propafenone HCl *Antiarrhythmics Type III** Amiodarone HCl MULTAQ TIKOSYN ANTIASTHMATIC AND BRONCHODILATOR AGENTS *Bronchodilators Anticholinergics** Ipratropium Bromide ANORO INCRUSE SPIRIVA *Leukotriene Modulators** Montelukast Sodium *Selective Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) Inhibitors** DALIRESP *Steroid Inhalants** Budesonide (Inhalation) ASMANEX FLOVENT PULMICORT FLEXHALER QVAR *Sympathomimetics** Albuterol Sulfate Ipratropium-Albuterol Levalbuterol HCl ADVAIR DISKUS/HFA BREO ELLIPTA COMBIVENT RESPIMAT FORADIL PROAIR SEREVENT DISKUS SYMBICORT VENTOLIN ANTICOAGULANTS *Coumarin Anticoagulants** Warfarin Sodium *Direct Factor Xa Inhibitors** ELIQUIS Clonazepam *Anticonvulsants - Misc.** Gabapentin Lamotrigine Topiramate LAMICTAL ODT LYRICA *Valproic Acid** Divalproex Sodium ANTIDEPRESSANTS *Alpha-2 Receptor Antagonists (Tetracyclics)** Mirtazapine *Antidepressants - Misc.** Bupropion HCl *Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)** Citalopram Hydrobromide Escitalopram Oxalate Sertraline HCl *Serotonin Modulators** Trazodone HCl BRINTELLIX VIIBRYD *Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)** Duloxetine HCl Venlafaxine HCl FETZIMA PRISTIQ *Tricyclic Agents** Amitriptyline HCl Doxepin HCl Nortriptyline HCl ANTIDIABETICS *Antidiabetic Combinations** Glyburide-Metformin Pioglitazone HCl-Metformin HCl INVOKAMET JANUMET JANUMET XR KAZANO [NP] KOMBIGLYZE OSENI [NP] PRANDIMET *Incretin Mimetic Agents (GLP1 Receptor Agonists)** TANZEUM VICTOZA *Insulin Sensitizing Agents** Pioglitazone HCl *Insulin** APIDRA LANTUS LEVEMIR NOVOLIN NOVOLIN MIX NOVOLIN N NOVOLIN R NOVOLOG NOVOLOG MIX *Meglitinide Analogues** Repaglinide *Sodium-Glucose CoTransporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors** FARXIGA INVOKANA *Sulfonylureas** Glimepiride Glipizide Glyburide ANTIDIARRHEALS *Antiperistaltic Agents** Diphenoxylate w/ Atropine Loperamide HCl ANTIDOTES *Opioid Antagonists** Naltrexone HCl ANTIEMETICS *5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists** Ondansetron Ondansetron HCl ANZEMET [SP] *Antiemetics Anticholinergic** Meclizine HCl ANTIFUNGALS *Antifungals** Terbinafine HCl [SP] = Specialty [NP] = Non-Preferred *Imidazole-Related Antifungals** Fluconazole Ketoconazole ANTIHISTAMINES *Antihistamines Ethanolamines** Diphenhydramine HCl *Antihistamines - NonSedating** Cetirizine HCl Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride Loratadine *Antihistamines Phenothiazines** Promethazine HCl *Antihistamines - Piperidines** Cyproheptadine HCl ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMICS *Antihyperlipidemics - Misc.** Omega-3-acid Ethyl Esters VASCEPA *Bile Acid Sequestrants** Cholestyramine Colestipol HCl WELCHOL *Fibric Acid Derivatives** Choline Fenofibrate Fenofibrate Gemfibrozil LIPOFEN *HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors** Atorvastatin Calcium Pravastatin Sodium Simvastatin CRESTOR LIVALO *Intestinal Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors** ZETIA ANTIHYPERTENSIVES *ACE Inhibitors** Enalapril Maleate Lisinopril Ramipril *Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists** Irbesartan Losartan Potassium Telmisartan BENICAR *Antiadrenergic Antihypertensives** Clonidine HCl Doxazosin Mesylate Terazosin HCl *Quinolinone Derivatives** *Antihypertensive Combinations** ABILIFY AMTURNIDE AZOR BENICAR HCT DIOVAN EXFORGE HCT TARKA TEKAMLO TEKTURNA HCT TRIBENZOR *Direct Renin Inhibitors** Lisinopril & Hydrochlorothiazide Losartan Potassium & Hydrochlorothiazide Valsartan-Hydrochlorothiazide TEKTURNA *Vasodilators** Hydralazine HCl ANTINEOPLASTICS AND ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES *Antineoplastic - Hormonal and Related Agents* ZYTIGA [SP] ANTIPARKINSON AGENTS *Antiparkinson Anticholinergics** Benztropine Mesylate *Antiparkinson Dopaminergics** Carbidopa-Levodopa Pramipexole Dihydrochloride Ropinirole Hydrochloride *Antiparkinson Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors** AZILECT ANTIPSYCHOTICS/ANTIMANIC AGENTS *Antimanic Agents** Lithium Carbonate *Antipsychotics - Misc.** Ziprasidone HCl *Benzisoxazoles** Risperidone *Butyrophenones** Haloperidol Haloperidol Lactate *Dibenzapines** Olanzapine Quetiapine Fumarate SEROQUEL XR *Phenothiazines** Prochlorperazine Prochlorperazine Maleate ANTIVIRALS *CMV Agents** Ganciclovir *Hepatitis Agents** HARVONI [SP] PEG-INTRON [SP] PEGASYS [SP] Ribavirin [SP] SOVALDI [SP] *Herpes Agents** Acyclovir Famciclovir Valacyclovir HCl ZOVIRAX *ASSORTED CLASSES* *Immunosuppressive Agents** Azathioprine Mycophenolate Mofetil [SP] Tacrolimus BETA BLOCKERS *Alpha-Beta Blockers** Carvedilol Labetalol HCl COREG CR LEVITRA VIAGRA Clindamycin Phosphate-Benzoyl Peroxide *Pulmonary Hypertension Endothelin Receptor Antagonists** Tretinoin ACANYA ATRALIN AZELEX RETIN-A MICR GEL 0.08% *Antibiotics - Topical** OPSUMIT [SP] LETAIRIS [SP] TRACLEER [SP] CONTRACEPTIVES *Combination Contraceptives Oral** Norethin Acet & Estrad-Fe Norgestimate-Ethinyl Estradiol Norgestimate-Ethinyl Estradiol (Triphasic) BEYAZ NATAZIA ORTHO TRI CYCLEN LO SAFYRAL *Progestin Contraceptives Injectable** STELARA [SP] *Burn Products** Norelgestromin-Ethinyl Estradiol *Combination Contraceptives Vaginal** Atenolol BYSTOLIC *Progestin Contraceptives Oral** *Beta Blockers CardioSelective** Norethindrone (Contraceptive) CORTICOSTEROIDS *Glucocorticosteroids** Digoxin CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS MISC. *Cardiovascular Agents Misc. Combinations** *Anti-inflammatory Agents Topical** NUVARING *Combination Contraceptives Transdermal** Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (Contraceptive) Amlodipine Besylate Diltiazem HCl Coated Beads Nifedipine CARDIOTONICS *Cardiac Glycosides** Clotrimazole w/ Betamethasone Ketoconazole (Topical) Nystatin (Topical) MENTAX FLECTOR *Antineoplastic or Premalignant Lesion Agents Topical** Fluorouracil (Topical) FLUOROPLEX PICATO [NP] *Antipsoriatics** *Beta Blockers CardioSelective** Metoprolol Succinate Metoprolol Tartrate *Beta Blockers NonSelective** Nadolol Propranolol HCl Sotalol HCl CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS *Calcium Channel Blockers** Mupirocin Mupirocin Calcium (Topical) *Antifungals - Topical** Dexamethasone Methylprednisolone Prednisone UCERIS [NP] *Mineralocorticoids** Fludrocortisone Acetate COUGH/COLD/ALLERGY *Antitussives** Benzonatate Hydrocodone w/ Homatropine *Cough/Cold/Allergy Combinations** Hydrocodone PolistirexChlorpheniramine Polistirex Promethazine w/Codeine Promethazine-DM *Expectorants** Amlodipine Besylate-Atorvastatin Calcium Guaifenesin DERMATOLOGICALS *Acne Products** *Impotence Agents** Clindamycin Phosphate (Topical) [SP] = Specialty [NP] = Non-Preferred Silver Sulfadiazine *Emollient/Keratolytic Agents** Urea *Emollients** Lactic Acid (Ammonium Lactate) *Immunomodulating Agents Topical** Imiquimod ZYCLARA [NP] *Immunosuppressive Agents Topical** ELIDEL PROTOPIC *Local Anesthetics - Topical** Lidocaine-Prilocaine *Misc. Topical** Aluminum Chloride DIAGNOSTIC PRODUCTS *Diagnostic Tests** BREEZE CONTOUR FREESTYLE PRECISION DIGESTIVE AIDS *Digestive Enzymes** CREON SUCRAID ZENPEP DIURETICS *Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors** Acetazolamide *Diuretic Combinations** Spironolactone & Hydrochlorothiazide Triamterene & Hydrochlorothiazide *Loop Diuretics** Bumetanide Furosemide Torsemide *Potassium Sparing Diuretics** Spironolactone *Thiazides and Thiazide-Like Diuretics** Chlorthalidone Hydrochlorothiazide Metolazone ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC AGENTS - MISC. *Bone Density Regulators** Alendronate Sodium Ibandronate Sodium ACTONEL 5MG, 30MG, 35MG ATELVIA *Fertility Regulators** FOLLISTIM AQ [SP] *Growth Hormones** GENOTROPIN [SP] NORDITROPIN [SP] *Hormone Receptor Modulators** Raloxifene HCl *Posterior Pituitary Hormones** Desmopressin Acetate [SP] *Prolactin Inhibitors** Cabergoline ESTROGENS *Estrogen Combinations** Esterified Estrogens & Methyltestosterone Estradiol & Norethindrone Acetate CLIMARA PRO COMBIPATCH PREMPHASE PREMPRO *Estrogens** Estradiol MENEST MENOSTAR PREMARIN VIVELLE-DOT FLUOROQUINOLONES *Fluoroquinolones** Ciprofloxacin HCl Levofloxacin Moxifloxacin HCl GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS - MISC. *Gallstone Solubilizing Agents** Ursodiol *Gastrointestinal Chloride Channel Activators** AMITIZA *Gastrointestinal Stimulants** Metoclopramide HCl *Inflammatory Bowel Agents** Sulfasalazine APRISO CIMZIA [SP] [NP] LIALDA *Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Agents** LINZESS LOTRONEX *Intestinal Acidifiers** Lactulose (Encephalopathy) *Phosphate Binder Agents** FOSRENOL RENAGEL RENVELA GENITOURINARY AGENTS MISCELLANEOUS *Alkalinizers** Potassium Citrate (Alkalinizer) *Prostatic Hypertrophy Agents** Alfuzosin HCl Finasteride Tamsulosin HCl AVODART JALYN RAPAFLO *Urinary Analgesics** Phenazopyridine HCl GOUT AGENTS *Gout Agents** Allopurinol COLCRYS ULORIC HEMATOLOGICAL AGENTS MISC. *Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors** Cilostazol Clopidogrel Bisulfate AGGRENOX BRILINTA EFFIENT HEMATOPOIETIC AGENTS *Folic Acid/Folates** Folic Acid NOVOTWIST ULTICARE LANCETS ULTICARE PEN NEEDLES ULTICARE SYRINGES MIGRAINE PRODUCTS *Migraine Combinations** *Hematopoietic Growth Factors** Acetaminophen-IsomethepteneDichloralphenazone EPOGEN [SP] NEULASTA [SP] NEUPOGEN [SP] PROCRIT HEMOSTATICS *Hemostatics - Systemic** TREXIMET *Serotonin Agonists** Rizatriptan Benzoate Sumatriptan Succinate Zolmitriptan RELPAX Tranexamic Acid HYPNOTICS *Barbiturate Hypnotics** *Anesthetics Topical Oral** Phenobarbital *Non-Barbiturate Hypnotics** Lidocaine HCl (Mouth-Throat) *Anti-infectives - Throat** Eszopiclone Temazepam Zolpidem Tartrate LAXATIVES Clotrimazole Nystatin (Mouth-Throat) *Antiseptics - Mouth/Throat** PEG 3350-KCl-Sod Bicarb-Sod Chloride-Sod Sulfate PEG 3350-Potassium ChlorideSod Bicarbonate-Sod Chloride Sennosides-Docusate Sodium *Laxative Combinations** MOVIPREP *Laxatives - Miscellaneous** Lactulose Polyethylene Glycol 3350 KRISTALOSE *Stimulant Laxatives** Bisacodyl Sennosides *Surfactant Laxatives** Docusate Sodium MACROLIDES *Azithromycin** Azithromycin *Clarithromycin** Clarithromycin *Erythromycins** MOUTH/THROAT/DENTAL AGENTS Chlorhexidine Gluconate (MouthThroat) *Dental Products** Sodium Fluoride (Dental) *Steroids - Mouth/Throat** Triamcinolone Acetonide (Mouth) MULTIVITAMINS *Ped MV w/ Fluoride** Pediatric Multivitamins w/Fl *Prenatal Vitamins** Prenatal Vit w/ Ferrous Fumarate-Folic Acid PRENATE DHA PRENATE ELITE PRENATE ESSENTIAL MUSCULOSKELETAL THERAPY AGENTS *Central Muscle Relaxants** Carisoprodol Cyclobenzaprine HCl Tizanidine HCl NASAL AGENTS - SYSTEMIC AND TOPICAL Erythromycin Base MEDICAL DEVICES *Diabetic Supplies** *Nasal Agent Cominations** BREEZE CONTOUR FREESTYLE PRECISION *Parenteral Therapy Supplies** Azelastine HCl *Nasal Anticholinergics** NOVOFINE [SP] = Specialty [NP] = Non-Preferred DYMISTA [NP] *Nasal Antiallergy** Ipratropium Bromide (Nasal) *Nasal Steroids** Fluticasone Propionate (Nasal) Triamcinolone Acetonide (Nasal) NASONEX QNASL VERAMYST OPHTHALMIC AGENTS *Beta-blockers - Ophthalmic** Dorzolamide HCl-Timolol Maleate Timolol Maleate (Ophth) BETIMOL BETOPTIC-S COMBIGAN *Cycloplegic Mydriatics** Atropine Sulfate (Ophthalmic) *Ophthalmic Adrenergic Agents** Brimonidine Tartrate ALPHAGAN P *Ophthalmic Anti-infectives** Erythromycin (Ophth) Polymyxin B-Trimethoprim Tobramycin (Ophth) VIGAMOX *Ophthalmic Immunomodulators** RESTASIS *Ophthalmics - Misc.** Azelastine HCl (Ophth) Dorzolamide HCl Ketorolac Tromethamine (Ophth) ACUVAIL ALOMIDE AZOPT LASTACAFT NEVANAC PATADAY *Prostaglandins Ophthalmic** Latanoprost Travoprost LUMIGAN TRAVATAN Z OTIC AGENTS *Otic Anti-infectives** Ofloxacin (Otic) *Otic Combinations** Antipyrine-Benzocaine Neomycin-Polymyxin-HC (Otic) CIPRO HC CIPRODEX PENICILLINS *Aminopenicillins** Amoxicillin Ampicillin *Natural Penicillins** Penicillin V Potassium *Penicillin Combinations** Amoxicillin & Pot Clavulanate *Penicillinase-Resistant Penicillins** Dicloxacillin Sodium PROGESTINS *Progestins** Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Norethindrone Acetate Progesterone Micronized MEGACE ES SUSP PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC AND NEUROLOGICAL AGENTS MISC. *Antidementia Agents** Donepezil Hydrochloride EXELON NAMENDA NAMENDA XR *Fibromyalgia Agents** SAVELLA *Multiple Sclerosis Agents** AVONEX [SP] BETASERON [SP] [NP] COPAXONE [SP] GILENYA [SP] TECFIDERA [SP] *Smoking Deterrents** Nicotine CHANTIX TETRACYCLINES *Tetracyclines** Doxycycline (Monohydrate) Doxycycline Hyclate Minocycline HCl SOLODYN [NP] THYROID AGENTS *Antithyroid Agents** Methimazole *Thyroid Hormones** Levothyroxine Sodium Levoxyl Liothyronine Sodium SYNTHROID ULCER DRUGS *Antispasmodics** Dicyclomine HCl Glycopyrrolate Hyoscyamine Sulfate CANTIL *H-2 Antagonists** Cimetidine Famotidine Ranitidine HCl *Misc. Anti-Ulcer** Sucralfate CARAFATE SUS *Proton Pump Inhibitors** Lansoprazole Omeprazole Pantoprazole Sodium DEXILANT NEXIUM *Ulcer Drugs Prostaglandins** Misoprostol *Ulcer Therapy Combinations** Omeprazole-Sodium Bicarbonate URINARY ANTI-INFECTIVES *Urinary Anti-infectives** Nitrofurantoin Macrocrystal Nitrofurantoin Monohyd Macro URINARY ANTISPASMODICS *Urinary Antispasmodic Antimuscarinics (Anticholinergic)** Oxybutynin Chloride Tolterodine Tartrate VESICARE *Urinary Antispasmodics Beta-3 Adrenergic Agonists** MYRBETRIQ VAGINAL PRODUCTS *Vaginal Anti-infectives** Metronidazole Vaginal Terconazole Vaginal AVC *Vaginal Estrogens** ESTRING PREMARIN PREMARIN VAGINAL CREAM VAGIFEM VASOPRESSORS *Anaphylaxis Therapy Agents** AUVI-Q EPIPEN EPIPEN-JR *Vasopressors** Midodrine HCl Note: Preferred Multiple Sclerosis agents must be tried prior to obtaining fill for non-preferred agent [SP] = Specialty [NP] = Non-Preferred Alphabetical Listing Atropine Sulfate (Ophthalmic) Cetirizine HCl Digoxin ABILIFY AUVI-Q CHANTIX Diltiazem HCl Coated Beads ACANYA AVC DIOVAN Acetaminophen AVODART Chlorhexidine Gluconate (Mouth-Throat) Acetaminophen w/ Codeine AcetaminophenIsomethepteneDichloralphenazone Acetazolamide AVONEX [SP] Chlorthalidone Diphenoxylate w/ Atropine Azathioprine Cholestyramine Divalproex Sodium Azelastine HCl Choline Fenofibrate Docusate Sodium Azelastine HCl (Ophth) Cilostazol Donepezil Hydrochloride AZELEX Cimetidine AZILECT CIMZIA [SP] [NP] Azithromycin CIPRO HC AZOPT CIPRODEX Dorzolamide HCl Dorzolamide HCl-Timolol Maleate Doxazosin Mesylate AZOR Ciprofloxacin HCl A ACTEMRA [SP] [NP] ACTONEL 5MG, 30MG, 35MG ACUVAIL Acyclovir ADVAIR DISKUS/HFA AGGRENOX Albuterol Sulfate Alendronate Sodium Alfuzosin HCl Allopurinol ALOMIDE ALPHAGAN P Alprazolam Aluminum Chloride Amiodarone HCl AMITIZA Amitriptyline HCl Amlodipine Besylate Amlodipine BesylateAtorvastatin Calcium Amoxicillin Amoxicillin & Pot Clavulanate AmphetamineDextroamphetamine Ampicillin AMTURNIDE ANDRODERM [NP] ANDROGEL Antipyrine-Benzocaine ANORO B BENICAR Aspirin ATELVIA Atenolol Atorvastatin Calcium ATRALIN Doxycycline (Monohydrate) Doxycycline Hyclate DUEXIS [NP] BETASERON [SP] [NP] BETIMOL Clonazepam EFFIENT BETOPTIC-S Clonidine HCl ELIDEL BEYAZ Clopidogrel Bisulfate ELIQUIS Bisacodyl Enalapril Maleate BREO ELLIPTA Clotrimazole Clotrimazole w/ Betamethasone COLCRYS BRILINTA Colestipol HCl Brimonidine Tartrate EPIPEN-JR COMBIGAN BRINTELLIX EPOGEN [SP] COMBIPATCH Budesonide (Inhalation) Erythromycin (Ophth) COMBIVENT RESPIMAT Bumetanide Erythromycin Base CONTOUR Buprenorphine HCl Escitalopram Oxalate COPAXONE [SP] Buprenorphine HCl-Naloxone HCl Dihydrate COREG CR Esterified Estrogens & Methyltestosterone CREON Estradiol CRESTOR Cyclobenzaprine HCl Estradiol & Norethindrone Acetate Cyproheptadine HCl ESTRING Benzonatate Benztropine Mesylate BREEZE Bupropion HCl Butalbital-AcetaminophenCaffeine Butalbital-Aspirin-Caffeine D BUTRANS DALIRESP BYSTOLIC C APIDRA ASMANEX Clarithromycin Doxepin HCl CLIMARA PRO Clindamycin Phosphate (Topical) Clindamycin PhosphateBenzoyl Peroxide BENICAR HCT ANZEMET [SP] APRISO Citalopram Hydrobromide Diphenhydramine HCl Cabergoline CANTIL CARAFATE SUS Carbidopa-Levodopa Carisoprodol Carvedilol CELEBREX Desmopressin Acetate [SP] Duloxetine HCl DYMISTA [NP] E ENBREL [SP] Enoxaparin Sodium EPIPEN Eszopiclone EXELON EXFORGE HCT F Dexamethasone DEXILANT Famciclovir Dexmethylphenidate HCl Famotidine Dextroamphetamine Sulfate FARXIGA Diazepam Fenofibrate Dicloxacillin Sodium FETZIMA Dicyclomine HCl Finasteride [SP] = Specialty [NP] = Non-Preferred Flecainide Acetate INTUNIV Lithium Carbonate FLECTOR INVOKAMET LIVALO FLOVENT INVOKANA Loperamide HCl Fluconazole Ipratropium Bromide Loratadine Fludrocortisone Acetate Ipratropium Bromide (Nasal) Lorazepam FLUOROPLEX Ipratropium-Albuterol Losartan Potassium Fluorouracil (Topical) Fluticasone Propionate (Nasal) Folic Acid Irbesartan Losartan Potassium & Hydrochlorothiazide FOLLISTIM AQ [SP] JALYN FORADIL JANUMET FOSRENOL JANUMET XR FREESTYLE JANUVIA Isosorbide Mononitrate J NEULASTA [SP] NEUPOGEN [SP] NEVANAC NEXIUM Nicotine Nifedipine LOTRONEX Nitrofurantoin Macrocrystal LUMIGAN Nitrofurantoin Monohyd Macro LYRICA M Meclizine HCl K Furosemide Neomycin-Polymyxin-HC (Otic) NESINA [NP] Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Nitroglycerin NORDITROPIN [SP] Norelgestromin-Ethinyl Estradiol Norethin Acet & Estrad-Fe KAZANO [NP] Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (Contraceptive) Gabapentin Ketoconazole MEGACE ES SUSP Norethindrone Acetate Ganciclovir Ketoconazole (Topical) Ketorolac Tromethamine (Ophth) KINERET [SP] [NP] Meloxicam Norgestimate-Ethinyl Estradiol MENEST MENOSTAR Norgestimate-Ethinyl Estradiol (Triphasic) KOMBIGLYZE MENTAX Nortriptyline HCl KRISTALOSE Metformin HCl NOVOFINE Methimazole NOVOLIN Methylprednisolone NOVOLIN MIX Metoclopramide HCl NOVOLIN N Metolazone NOVOLIN R G Gemfibrozil GENOTROPIN [SP] GILENYA [SP] Glimepiride Glipizide L GLUCAGEN Norethindrone (Contraceptive) Glyburide-Metformin Labetalol HCl Lactic Acid (Ammonium Lactate) Lactulose Metoprolol Succinate NOVOLOG Glycopyrrolate Lactulose (Encephalopathy) Metoprolol Tartrate NOVOLOG MIX Guaifenesin LAMICTAL ODT Metronidazole Vaginal NOVOTWIST Lamotrigine Midodrine HCl NUCYNTA Lansoprazole Minocycline HCl NUCYNTA ER LANTUS Mirtazapine NUVARING LASTACAFT Misoprostol NUVIGIL Latanoprost Modafinil Nystatin (Mouth-Throat) Leflunomide Montelukast Sodium Nystatin (Topical) LETAIRIS [SP] Morphine Sulfate Levalbuterol HCl MOVIPREP Ofloxacin (Otic) LEVEMIR Moxifloxacin HCl Olanzapine Hydrocodone w/ Homatropine LEVITRA MULTAQ Omega-3-acid Ethyl Esters Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride Mupirocin Omeprazole Hydrocortisone (Rectal) Hydrocortisone Acetate (Rectal) Hydrocortisone Acetate w/ Pramoxine Levofloxacin Mupirocin Calcium (Topical) Levothyroxine Sodium Mycophenolate Mofetil [SP] Omeprazole-Sodium Bicarbonate Levoxyl MYRBETRIQ Ondansetron Hyoscyamine Sulfate Lidocaine HCl (Mouth-Throat) HYSINGLA ER Lidocaine-Prilocaine GLUCAGON Glyburide H Haloperidol Haloperidol Lactate HARVONI [SP] HUMIRA [SP] Hydralazine HCl Hydrochlorothiazide Hydrocodone PolistirexChlorpheniramine Polistirex I Ibandronate Sodium Ibuprofen Imiquimod INCRUSE LIALDA LINZESS Liothyronine Sodium LIPOFEN Lisinopril Lisinopril & Hydrochlorothiazide N Nadolol Naltrexone HCl NAMENDA NAMENDA XR Naproxen NASONEX NATAZIA [SP] = Specialty [NP] = Non-Preferred O Ondansetron HCl ONGLYZA OPANA ER OPSUMIT [SP] ORENCIA [SP] [NP] ORTHO TRI CYCLEN LO OSENI [NP] OTEZLA [SP] [NP] Oxybutynin Chloride Propranolol HCl Oxycodone HCl PROTOPIC Tacrolimus VENTOLIN Oxycodone w/ Acetaminophen PULMICORT FLEXHALER Tamsulosin HCl VERAMYST TANZEUM VESICARE OXYCONTIN Q T Venlafaxine HCl QNASL TARKA VIAGRA Pantoprazole Sodium Quetiapine Fumarate TECFIDERA [SP] VICTOZA PATADAY QVAR TEKAMLO VIGAMOX TEKTURNA VIMOVO [NP] P Pediatric Multivitamins w/Fl R PEG 3350-KCl-Sod BicarbSod Chloride-Sod Sulfate PEG 3350-Potassium Chloride-Sod Bicarbonate-Sod Chloride PEGASYS [SP] Raloxifene HCl TEKTURNA HCT VIIBRYD Ramipril Telmisartan VIVELLE-DOT RANEXA Temazepam VYVANSE Ranitidine HCl Terazosin HCl RAPAFLO Terbinafine HCl Warfarin Sodium PEG-INTRON [SP] WELCHOL W RELPAX Terconazole Vaginal Penicillin V Potassium RENAGEL TESTIM Phenazopyridine HCl RENVELA Testosterone Cypionate XARELTO Phenobarbital Repaglinide TIKOSYN XELJANZ [SP] [NP] Phentermine HCl RESTASIS Timolol Maleate (Ophth) PICATO [NP] RETIN-A MICR GEL 0.08% Tizanidine HCl Pioglitazone HCl Pioglitazone HCl-Metformin HCl Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Ribavirin [SP] Tobramycin (Ophth) Risperidone Tolterodine Tartrate Rizatriptan Benzoate Topiramate Polymyxin B-Trimethoprim Ropinirole Hydrochloride Torsemide S Potassium Citrate (Alkalinizer) PRADAXA SAFYRAL Pramipexole Dihydrochloride SAVELLA PRANDIMET Sennosides Pravastatin Sodium Sennosides-Docusate Sodium PRECISION SEREVENT DISKUS Prednisone SEROQUEL XR PREMARIN PREMARIN VAGINAL CREAM PREMPHASE Sertraline HCl PREMPRO Prenatal Vit w/ Ferrous Fumarate-Folic Acid Silver Sulfadiazine SIMPONI [SP] Simvastatin Sodium Fluoride (Dental) SOLODYN [NP] PRENATE DHA Sotalol HCl PRENATE ELITE SOVALDI [SP] X TRACLEER [SP] Tramadol HCl Tranexamic Acid TRAVATAN Z Travoprost Trazodone HCl Tretinoin TREXIMET Triamcinolone Acetonide (Mouth) Triamcinolone Acetonide (Nasal) Triamterene & Hydrochlorothiazide TRIBENZOR U PRENATE ESSENTIAL SPIRIVA PRISTIQ Spironolactone ULORIC PROAIR Spironolactone & Hydrochlorothiazide ULTICARE LANCETS STELARA [SP] ULTICARE SYRINGES SUBOXONE Urea SUCRAID Ursodiol Prochlorperazine Maleate PROCRIT PROCTOFOAM Progesterone Micronized Promethazine HCl Promethazine w/Codeine Promethazine-DM Propafenone HCl ULTICARE PEN NEEDLES V Sucralfate ZETIA Ziprasidone HCl Zolmitriptan UCERIS [NP] Prochlorperazine Z ZENPEP Sulfasalazine VAGIFEM Sumatriptan Succinate Valacyclovir HCl SYMBICORT Valsartan-Hydrochlorothiazide SYNTHROID VASCEPA [SP] = Specialty [NP] = Non-Preferred Zolpidem Tartrate ZOVIRAX ZYCLARA [NP] ZYTIGA [SP] Preferred Drug List [SP] = Specialty [NP] = Non-Preferred Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Reta Trust Kaiser EPO Plan Comparison Plan Design Reta Kaiser Permanente EPO $0 Ded / $15 OV $1,500 OOP In Network Out of Network Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Includes Deductible, Copays & Coinsurance) For any one Member in the same Family Unit For an entire Family Unit of two or more Members In Network Deductible $1,500 No coverage $3,000 No coverage None No coverage No coverage Out of Network Deductible Professional Services Office Visit Co-payments $15 copay No coverage Well Child Care (Birth to age 7) No charge No coverage Adult Routine Exams and Preventive Services (mammograms, Pap smears, & prostate cancer screenings) No charge No coverage No coverage Chiropractic Care Outpatient Services Outpatient surgery $15 copay No coverage X-rays and lab tests No charge No coverage MRI, CT and PET No charge No coverage $250 per admission No coverage Inpatient Services Room and board, surgery, anesthesia, X-rays, lab tests, and drugs Non-preauthorized admissions Emergency Health Coverage N/A $100 copay Emergency Department visits copay waived if admitted Prescription Drug RX provided through Kaiser Generic/Formulary Retail $10/$20 Mail Order $20/$40 IMPORTANT NOTE: This comparison is designed to be a brief overview of the health plan offerings of the Reta Trust. See the plan description for a full description of covered provisions, limitations and exclusion, including customary and reasonable (UCR) charges. Prepared by: Gallagher Benefit Services California License #0D36879 Page 1 The Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) Plan from Kaiser Permanente Reta Trust – Archdiocese of Portland Employee Benefit Summary The services described below are covered only if all of the terms and conditions in the Summary Plan Description are satisfied. PLAN FEATURES Annual out-of-pocket maximum for certain services Per person/Per family Professional services Routine preventive physical exams Primary care (includes urgent care) Well-child preventive care visits Family planning visits (Counseling and instruction in natural family planning) Scheduled prenatal care visits and first postpartum visit Routine vision exams (refractive) Routine hearing tests Physical, occupational, and speech therapy visits (unlimited visits per Plan year) Outpatient services Outpatient surgery and certain other outpatient procedures Allergy injections (during an office visit – office visit cost share will also apply) Allergy injections (without an office visit) Allergy testing visits Non-routine vaccines (immunizations) (during an office visit – office visit cost share will also apply) Non-routine vaccines (immunizations) (without an office visit) X-rays and lab tests Hospitalization services, per admission Room and board, surgery, anesthesia, X-rays, lab tests, and drugs Emergency health coverage Emergency Department visits (copay waived if admitted) Ambulance services Ambulance services (per trip) Infertility services Infertility office visits and infertility treatments Infertility diagnostic lab tests, X-rays, and surgery Prescription drug coverage (covered in accordance with Northwest Formulary guidelines)1 Participating pharmacies generic Participating pharmacies brand Mail-order generic Mail-order brand $1500/$3000 YOU PAY $0 $15 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15 $15 $0 $5 $15 $0 $0 $0 $250 $100 $50 Not covered Not covered $10/ Up to 30 day supply $20/ Up to 30 day supply $10/Up to 30 day supply; $20 31 – 90 day supply $20/Up to 30 day supply; $40 31 – 90 day supply Infertility, Weight Loss, Contraceptive and Emergency Contraceptive Drugs and devices not covered. Smoking Cessation covered at no charge. 1 Mental health services Inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, residential treatment, per admission Outpatient individual visits Outpatient group visits Chemical dependency services Inpatient hospitalization, per admission Residential treatment Outpatient individual visits Outpatient group visits Home health services Home health care (up to 100 visits per Calendar year) Other Dialysis visits Health Education Nutrition visits Bariatric Surgery Transgender Surgery Skilled nursing facility care (up to 100 days per Calendar year) Hospice care2 Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics and Orthotics (covered in accordance with Northwest Formulary guidelines) Medically Necessary Eyewear - Glasses3 $250 $15 $7 $250 $100 $15 $7 $0 $15 $15 $15 Same cost share as other services Same cost share as other services $0 $0 20% No charge This chart is a summary. It does not explain maximums, exclusions, or limitations, nor does it list all benefits and cost sharing. For a complete description of your Plan, please refer to the Summary Plan Description. Your health benefits are self-insured by your employer, union, or Plan sponsor. Kaiser Permanente provides only administrative services for the Plan and is not an insurer of the Plan or financially liable for health care benefits under the Plan. 2 3 Respite care limits: 5 days per month For diagnoses of aniridia and aphakia up to age 12 after cataract surgery Reta Trust - Archdiocese of Portland EPO Oregon Benefit Summary KP Use only: Plan IDs Effective Date: 07/01/2016 - 6/30/2017 This is a Benefit Summary for your Kaiser Permanente EPO Plan OVERALL PLAN FEATURES Plan Accumulation Type Annual Out of Pocket Maximum Per Person Per Family Calendar Year $1,500 $3,000 Each family member has an individual Out-of-Pocket Maximum amount within the family Out-of-Pocket Maximum. The individual cannot contribute to the family Out-of-Pocket Maximum more than the amount of a single Out-ofPocket Maximum ] Copays: One Copay per provider is charged per day. Visits: One visit counted per day ROUTINE PREVENTIVE EXAMS AND SERVICES Preventive Lab and Xray screenings not specifically listed under the Preventive Screenings section are treated the same as non-preventive Lab and Xray Services. See Preventive Services Listing, Screenings and Immunizations for a comprehensive list of Covered Services. Frequency and Age Limits managed by Network Provider except where noted Benefit Type You Pay and/or Maximums Wellness Exams – Adults (Including Well Woman) Includes vision and hearing screenings. See Vision Exams for Refractions and Hearing Exams for audiologic testing. Wellness Exams – Children Includes vision and hearing screenings. See Vision Exams for Refractions and Hearing Exams for audiologic testing. $0 Applies to OOP N/A $0 N/A Preventive Screenings $0 N/A Immunizations (Preventive) Coverage applies to Adults and $0 N/A Children. OUTPATIENT SERVICES (Office or Outpatient Facility) Primary Care Cost Share will be charged for Family Practice, General Internal Medicine, General Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology specialties and Dieticians. Specialty Care Cost Share will be charged for visits with all other medical specialties except Mental Health providers are considered to be Primary Care providers for the purposes of determining Participant cost share. Benefit Type You Pay and/or Maximums Applies to OOP Office Visits Office Visit $15 Yes Allergy Office Visit $15 Yes Injection as part of an office visit (Includes serum) $0 N/A Injection only (administration and materials) in the absence of an office $5 Yes visit) Testing Biofeedback Services Includes Medical and Mental Health Services Mental Health provider Medical Services provider. Cardiac Rehab Reta Trust EPO Plan $15 EPO NW (19) 2016 Renewal v1 $15 Yes $15 $15 $15 Yes Yes Yes Oregon BST 1/13 OUTPATIENT SERVICES (Office or Outpatient Facility) cont'd Benefit Type You Pay and/or Maximums Applies to OOP $0 $0 $15 N/A N/A Yes $0 Not covered Not covered N/A N/A N/A $15 $0 Yes N/A $0 N/A $15 $0 $0 Yes N/A N/A Injections, Administered Medications and Immunizations (Non-Routine) Office Visit or in the Nurse Treatment Room Office Visit Provided during an Office Visit $15 $0 Yes N/A Injection only (administration and materials) in the absence of an office $0 N/A Office Visit Provided during an Office Visit $15 $0 Yes N/A Injection only (Cost of administration and materials or Office Visit Cost Share, whichever is less) $0 N/A Nutrition Visits $15 Yes Radiation Therapy Respiratory/Pulmonary Therapy TMJ/TMD Therapy Office Visit Vision Refraction Exam Office Visit (Optometry) Office Visit (Ophthalmology) NOTE: Medical care for eye illness or injury are covered under the medical benefit by provider specialty $0 $15 N/A Yes $15 Yes $0 $0 N/A N/A Chemotherapy Services Office Visit Injectibles/Infusibles Dialysis Services Family Planning Counseling and instruction in natural family planning All other family planning services Implantable or injectable contraceptives Health Education Applicable Office Visit Cost Share based on provider type. Services include: diabetic counseling, diabetic and other outpatient self-management training and education, medical nutritional therapy for diabetes, post coronary counseling and nutritional counseling. Office Visit Hearing Exam Includes audiometry exam House Calls Office Visit Infusion Services Requires skilled or medical administration. Office Visit Provided during an Office Visit Infusion only (Cost of administration and materials or Office Visit Cost Share, whichever is less) visit) Travel Clinic - Travel Related Services including consults and immunizations (Japanese Encephalitis, Typhoid, Yellow Fever) Reta Trust EPO Plan $15 EPO NW (19) 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 2/13 HOSPITAL / SURGERY SERVICES Benefit Type You Pay and/or Maximums Applies to OOP $250 Yes $50 $50 No charge Yes Yes Inpatient Hospital Includes room and board for private and semiprivate rooms; ICU/CCU, Acute Rehab, Inpatient Professional Services, Medically Necessary Private Duty Nursing, Ancillary Services, and Supplies. Per admission Ambulance Emergency Ground and Air Ambulance Scheduled Ground Ambulance Non-Network or Network Hospital to Network Hospital (repatriation) Emergency Services Accident and Illness Copay waived if admitted Urgent and After Hours Care Urgent Care and After Hours $100 $15 Yes $15 Yes Not covered Not covered Not covered N/A N/A N/A $15 $15 $250 Yes Yes Yes $15 $15 $250 Yes Yes Yes $15 $15 $250 Yes Yes Yes None None N/A N/A N/A settings Outpatient Surgery Performed in Outpatient Hospital or Ambulatory Surgery Center. Abortion Office Visit Outpatient Surgery Inpatient Hospital per admission Bariatric Surgery Office Visit Outpatient Surgery Inpatient Hospital per admission Temporomandibular Surgery (TMD/TMJ) Office Visit Outpatient Surgery Inpatient Hospital per admission Organ Transplants Includes organ acquisition, diagnostic testing for donor and recipient Office Visit Outpatient Surgery Inpatient Hospital per admission Travel and Lodging for Organ Transplants For recipient, caregiver, and donor Transportation Limits Lodging Limits Daily Expense Limits Reimbursement up to $50 per day per person Daily expenses include incidental expenses such as meals and does not include personal expenses. Benefit Maximum Benefit Lifetime Maximum None None N/A N/A You Pay and/or Maximums Applies to OOP $0 N/A $250 Yes MATERNITY Benefit Type Routine Pre-Natal and Post-Partum Care Pre-natal and first post-partum visit Hospital Inpatient Per admission Reta Trust EPO Plan $15 EPO NW (19) 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 3/13 DIAGNOSTIC TESTS & PROCEDURES Includes Preventive Lab and Xray screenings not specifically listed under Preventive Screenings: These Services are treated the same as Lab and Xray Benefit Type You Pay and/or Maximums Applies to OOP Diagnostic Lab & Xray $0 N/A High Tech/Advanced Radiology - CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine and PET Special Procedures $0 N/A $0 N/A You Pay and/or Maximums INFERTILITY SERVICES Benefit Type Hospital Charges Office Visit Diagnostic Lab & Xray Not covered Not covered Not covered Applies to OOP N/A N/A N/A Outpatient hospital or Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Not covered N/A MENTAL HEALTH & CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY SERVICES Benefit Type Mental Health - Inpatient and Residential Treatment Per admission Partial Hospitalization Mental Health - Intensive Outpatient Includes all Services You Pay and/or Maximums Applies to OOP $250 $0 per day $0 per day Yes N/A N/A $15 $7 per day Yes Yes $250 Yes $100 $0 per day $0 per day N/A N/A $15 $7 per day Yes Yes provided during the day Mental Health – Outpatient/Office Individual Visit Cost Share Group Visit Cost Share Chemical Dependency - Inpatient Per admission Chemical Dependency - Residential Treatment Per admission Chemical Dependency - Partial Hospitalization Chemical Dependency - Intensive Outpatient Includes all Services provided during the day. Chemical Dependency – Outpatient/Office Individual Visit Cost Share Group Visit Cost Share PHYSICAL, OCCUPATIONAL & SPEECH THERAPIES Outpatient Cost Share for therapies is applied as one Copay per provider per day. Visits are counted on a 'per visit' basis. Benefit Type You Pay and/or Maximums Physical Therapy Visit maximum Occupational Therapy Visit maximum Speech Therapy Visit maximum Reta Trust EPO Plan $15 EPO NW (19) 2016 Renewal v1 $15 Unlimited $15 Unlimited $15 Unlimited Applies to OOP Yes N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A Oregon BST 4/13 SKILLED CARE Benefit Type You Pay and/or Maximums Applies to OOP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Home Dialysis Home Health Care therapy visits and supplies. Visit maximum Home Infusion Infusion materials, drugs and supplies Hospice Respite Care limits $0 $0 100 visits per calendar year $0 $0 5 days per month Skilled Nursing Facility Per admission Day maximum $0 100 days per calendar year N/A N/A You Pay Applies to OOP ALTERNATIVE CARE Benefit Type Acupuncture Medically Referred Visit limits Chiropractic Services Medically Referred Visit limits Naturopathy Medically Referred Visit limits Massage Therapy Medically Referred $15 12 visits per calendar year $15 Unlimited per calendar year $15 Unlimited per calendar year $15 Visit limits Unlimited per calendar year N/A You Pay N/A N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES Benefit Type Repair of sound and natural teeth directly related to an accidental injury. Autism A diagnosis of ASD is required for benefits to apply Not covered Applies to OOP N/A Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Age Limit Physical Therapy Visit maximum Occupational Therapy Visit maximum Speech Therapy Visit maximum Durable Medical Equipment Based on NW Region Formulary Prosthetics and Orthotics Colostomy/ostomy and urological $15 Yes $15 20% Yes N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A No 20% No Not covered N/A $0 Not covered N/A N/A Not covered Not covered N/A N/A $0 N/A Accidental Injury to Teeth Unlimited $15 Unlimited $15 Unlimited supplies. Based on NW Region Formulary Hearing Aids Mandated for Participants under 18 years of age and qualified dependents Includes tests to determine appropriate model, fitting, counseling, adjustment, cleaning and inspection after warranty is exhausted and any necessary ear mold, part, attachments or accessory for the instrument or device except batteries & cords Special Oral Foods Amino Acid Modified Products Out of Area Student Benefit: Coverage for pharmacy, routine and follow-up care Outside the Kaiser Network (within the U.S.) Adult Vision Hardware - Contact Lenses Adult Vision Hardware - Frames and Eyeglass Lenses Medically Necessary Eyewear Glasses or Lenses as Medically Necessary Reta Trust EPO Plan $15 EPO NW (19) 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 5/13 OUTPATIENT PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Must be obtained from Network Pharmacies and on the KP formulary (list of approved drugs), unless otherwise specified Benefit Type 2 Tier Generic Brand Mail Order Drugs 2 Tier Mail Order Generic Brand Blood Factors Diabetic Coverage - Oral Medications and Insulin - Diabetic testing supplies (test strips) - Diabetic administration devices (syringes, Glucagon emergency kits) Infertility Drug Coverage Growth Hormone Post-surgical immunosupressive drugs after covered transplant Sexual Dysfunction Limit: 8 doses, 30 days Smoking Cessation Weight Loss ACA Mandated Drugs* Contraceptive Devices (diaphragms, cervical caps, etc.) and Contraceptive Drugs Emergency Contraception Anti-Breast Cancer Drug OTC* Aspirin Oral Fluoride Folic Acid Iron Supplements Vitamin D Female Contraceptives (spermicides, female condoms and sponges, You Pay and/or Maximums Applies to Plan OOP $10 up to 30 days supply $20 up to 30 days supply Yes Yes $10 up to 30 days supply and $20 from 31 up to 90 days supply $20 up to 30 days supply and $40 from 31 up to 90 days supply $0 Yes =Generic/Brand Yes 20% =Generic/Brand No Not covered =Generic/Brand =Generic/Brand N/A Yes Yes = Generic/Brand Yes $0 Not covered N/A N/A Not covered N/A Not covered $0 N/A N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Not covered N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A emergency contraceptives) * With prescription, no cost share. Without prescription, Participant pays retail cost For items or injections dispensed by Pharmacy and requiring skilled administration in the Physician's Office (Implantable contraceptives, administered meds, etc.) Office Visit Cost Share for administration may apply. Reta Trust EPO Plan $15 EPO NW (19) 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 6/13 Kaiser Permanente Northwest Health Care Reform Preventive Services Medical plans with plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2015 must cover the following preventive Services without a Copayment, Coinsurance, or Deductible, when these Services are delivered by a Network provider. Preventive Services for adults Age-appropriate preventive medical examination Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding alcohol misuse Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding obesity and weight management Abdominal aortic aneurysm— screening by ultrasonography in men who have ever smoked Blood pressure screening for all adults. Cholesterol screening for adults at higher risk of cardiovascular disease Colon cancer screening for adults Prostate cancer screening in men Depression screening for adults Type 2 diabetes screening for adults with high blood pressure Hepatitis C virus screening for persons at high risk of infection and one-time screening for adults Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding aspirin for adults at higher risk of cardiovascular disease Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding diet counseling for adults at higher risk for chronic disease Immunizations for adults (doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary): Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Herpes zoster Human papillomavirus Influenza Measles, mumps, rubella Meningococcal Pneumococcal Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis Varicella Screening for all adults at higher risk for sexually transmitted infections and counseling for prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including: HIV Gonorrhea Syphilis Chlamydia Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding tobacco cessation Physical therapy to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults who are at increased risk of falling Over-the-counter drugs when prescribed by a physician for preventive purposes, including: Aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attack Vitamin D supplements for adults to prevent falls Lung cancer screening including CT scan of the thorax when ordered for smokers Screening for hepatitis B virus infection in adults and adolescents at high risk for infection(effective 6/1/2015) Preventive Services for women, including pregnant women Age-appropriate preventive medical examination Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding chemoprevention in women at higher risk for breast cancer Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding inherited susceptibility to breast and/or ovarian cancer Mammography screening for breast cancer for women Cervical cancer screening in women Osteoporosis screening for women Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding tobacco cessation Chlamydia infection screening for sexually active women (and men) at higher risk Gonorrhea screening for all women at higher risk Syphilis screening for all pregnant women and other women at higher risk Anemia screening for pregnant women Urinary tract or other infection screening for pregnant women Hepatitis B screening for pregnant women at their first prenatal visit Discussion with Primary Care Provider about folic acid supplements for women who may become pregnant Reta Trust EPO Plan NW Customer Preventive 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 7/13 Kaiser Permanente Northwest Health Care Reform Preventive Services Rh incompatibility screening for pregnant women and follow-up testing for women at higher risk Routine prenatal care visits Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding preconception care Discussion with Primary Care Provider about interventions to promote and support breastfeeding and comprehensive lactation support and counseling Provision of breastfeeding equipment Gestational diabetes screening for pregnant women between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation and for pregnant women identified to be at high risk for diabetes Discussion with Primary Care Provider about interpersonal and domestic violence Over-the-counter folic acid for women to reduce the risk of birth defects when prescribed by a physician for preventive services For women who have family members with breast, ovarian, tubal, or peritoneal cancer, screening for family history that may be associated with an increased risk for potentially harmful mutations in breast cancer susceptibility genes (BRCA1 or BRCA2) BRCA genetic testing when clinically indicated after genetic counseling. Breast Cancer Chemoprevention - Consultation and medications prescribed for risk reduction of primary breast cancer in high-risk women Preventive Services for children Age-appropriate preventive medical examination Medical history for all children throughout development Height, weight, and body mass index measurements for children Behavioral assessments for children of all ages by Primary Care Provider Developmental screening for children and surveillance throughout childhood by Primary Care Provider Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding alcohol and drug use assessments for adolescents Autism screening for children by Primary Care Provider Cervical dysplasia screening for sexually active females Congenital hypothyroidism screening for newborns Phenylketonuria (PKU) screening in newborns Dyslipidemia screening for children at higher risk of lipid disorders Oral health risk assessment for young children by Primary Care Provider Lead screening for children at risk of exposure Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding obesity screening and counseling Gonorrhea prevention medication for the eyes of all newborns Hearing screening for all newborns Vision screening for all children Hematocrit or hemoglobin screening for children Hemoglobinopathies or sickle cell screening for newborns Tuberculin testing for children at higher risk of tuberculosis HIV screening for adolescents at higher risk Sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention counseling for adolescents at higher risk Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding fluoride supplements for children who have no fluoride in their water source Application of fluoride varnish to the primary teeth of all infants and children starting at the age of primary tooth eruption Discussion with Primary Care Provider regarding iron supplements for children who are at risk for anemia Over-the-counter drugs when prescribed by a physician for preventive purposes: Iron supplements for children to reduce the risk of anemia Oral fluoride for children to reduce the risk of tooth decay Immunizations for children (doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary): Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis Haemophilus influenzae type B Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Human papillomavirus Inactivated poliovirus Influenza Measles, mumps, rubella Meningococcal Pneumococcal Reta Trust EPO Plan NW Customer Preventive 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 8/13 Kaiser Permanente Northwest Health Care Reform Preventive Services Rotavirus Varicella State-Mandated Preventive Services for Adults and Children/Oregon Below are lists of state- or region-mandated services. For contracts issued in one of these states or regions, our Health Care Reform Preventive Services Package also includes the services listed for that state or region. Oregon Prostate cancer screenings (e.g., prostate-specific antigen testing and digital rectal examination) First postpartum visit Additional information about preventive services Preventive and other Services provided during the same visit There are some additional things to keep in mind about coverage for mandated preventive Services that are provided along with other Services during the same visit: The following Cost Share rules apply when a mandated preventive Service is provided during an office visit: If the preventive Service is billed separately (or is tracked as individual encounter data separately) from the office visit, then cost sharing may apply to the office visit. If the preventive Service is not billed separately (or is not tracked as individual encounter data separately) from the office visit, o If the primary purpose of the office visit is the delivery of the preventive service, then no cost sharing may apply to the office o If the primary purpose of the office visit is not the delivery of the preventive service, then cost sharing may apply to the office Note: The Preventive List is subject to changes based on new Federal recommendations (and clinical interpretations) issued after the date of this document Reta Trust EPO Plan NW Customer Preventive 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 9/13 Reta Trust General Exclusions Acupuncture. Services for acupuncture are limited to when a Network Provider makes a referral for Services in accord with Medical Group criteria and are subject to benefit limitations (if any) as shown in the “Benefit Summary”. Certain exams and Services. Physical examinations and other Services are excluded when: (a) required for obtaining or maintaining employment or participation in employee programs, (b) required for insurance or governmental licensing, (c) court ordered or required for parole or probation, or (d) received while incarcerated. Chiropractic Services are limited to when a Network Provider makes a referral for Services in accord with Medical Group criteria and are subject to benefit limitations (if any) as shown in the “Benefit Summary”. Cosmetic Services. Cosmetic Services, which means those Services that are intended primarily to change or maintain your appearance and will not result in significant improvement in physical function. This exclusion does not apply to Services that are covered under “Reconstructive Surgery Services”. Custodial Services. Nonskilled, personal Services such as help with activities of daily living (like bathing, dressing, getting in and out of a bed or chair, moving around and using the bathroom. It may also include care that most people do themselves, like using eye drops. In most cases, Medicare does not pay for Custodial Services. Dental Services. Dental care including dental Xrays; Dental Services following accidental injury to teeth; dental appliances; dental implants; orthodontia; and Dental Services necessary for or resulting from medical treatment such as surgery on the jawbone and radiation treatment is limited to: (a) emergency Dental Services; or (b) extraction of teeth to prepare the jaw for radiation treatments of neoplastic disease. General anesthesia and associated hospital or ambulatory surgical facility Services in conjunction with Non-Covered Dental Services are excluded, except when Medically Necessary for Participants who have a medical condition that your Network P id d t Blood i Donations. ld l Collection, t dprocessing, i k if th and d storage t l f by donors di dwhom t l you ffi designate, Th d t Designated ofd blood donated and procurement and storage of cord blood is covered only when Medically Necessary for the imminent use at the time of collection fDetained d i or Confined t d i i Participants. t Services provided or arranged by criminal justice officials or institutions for detained or confined Participants are limited to Services which meet the requirements of Emergency Care. Employer Responsibility. We do not reimburse the employer for any Services that the law requires an employer to provide. When we cover any of these Services we may recover the Charges for the Services from the employer. Experimental or Investigational Services. Services are excluded if any of the following is true about the Service: '-They cannot be legally marketed in the United States without the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the FDA has not granted this approval. -They are the subject of a current new drug or new device application on file with the FDA. -They are provided as part of a Phase I, Phase II, or Phase IV clinical trial, as the experimental or research arm of a Phase III clinical trial, or in any other manner that is intended to evaluate the safety, toxicity, or efficacy of the Services. -They are provided pursuant to a written protocol or other document that lists an evaluation of the Services’ safety, toxicity, or efficacy as among its objectives. -They are subject to the approval or review of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or other body that approves or reviews research concerning the safety, toxicity, or efficacy of Services. -They are provided pursuant to informed consent documents that describe the Services as experimental or investigational, or in other terms that indicate that the Services are being evaluated for their safety, toxicity, or efficacy. -The prevailing opinion among experts as expressed in the published authoritative medical or scientific literature is that: •Use of the Services should be substantially confined to research settings, or •Further research is necessary to determine the safety, toxicity, or efficacy of the Services. In making determinations whether a Service is experimental or investigational, the following sources of information will be relied upon exclusively: -Your medical records. -The written protocols and other documents pursuant to which the Service has been or will be provided. -Any consent documents you or your representative has executed or will be asked to execute, to receive the Service. -The files and records of the IRB or similar body that approves or reviews research at the institution where the Service has been or will be provided, and other information concerning the authority or actions of the IRB or similar body. -The published authoritative medical or scientific literature about the Service, as applied to your illness or injury. -Regulations, records, applications, and any other documents or actions issued by, filed with, or taken by, the FDA or other agencies within the United States Department of Health and Human Services, or any state agency performing similar functions. We consult Medical Group and then use the criteria described above to decide if a particular Service is experimental or investigational. Reta Trust EPO Plan OR Customer Exclusions 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 10/13 Reta Trust General Exclusions Eye Surgery. Radial keratotomy, photorefractive keratectomy, and refractive surgery, including evaluations for the procedures. Family Services. Services provided by a member of your immediate family. Genetic Testing. Genetic testing and related Services are limited to genetic counseling and medically appropriate genetic testing for the purpose of diagnostic testing to determine disease and/or predisposition of disease and to develop treatment plans. Covered Services are limited to preconception and prenatal testing for detection of congenital and heritable disorders, and testing for the prediction of high-risk occurrence or reoccurrence of disease when Medically Necessary as determined by a Network Provider, in accordance with applicable law. However, testing for family members who are not Participants is always excluded. Government Agency Responsibility. We do not reimburse the government agency for any Services that the law requires be provided only by or received only from a government agency. When we cover any of these Services we may recover the Charges for the Services from the government agency. However, this exclusion does not apply to Medicaid. Hearing Aids. Hearing Aids, tests to determine their efficacy, and hearing tests to determine an appropriate Hearing Aid are excluded. This exclusion does not apply to Services that are covered under “Hearing Services” in the “Benefits” section. Hypnotherapy. All Services related to hypnotherapy. Intermediate Services. Services in an intermediate care facility are excluded. Infertility Services Donor semen, donor eggs, and Services related to their procurement and storage. Drugs, both oral and injectable, used in the treatment of infertility Services related to conception by artificial means, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), ovum transplants, gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), except artificial insemination Services to reverse voluntary, surgically induced infertility Low-Vision Aids Massage Therapy Services. Massage therapy and related Services are limited to when a Network Provider makes a referral for Services in accord with Medical Group criteria and are subject to benefit limitations (if any) as shown in the “Benefit Summary”. Naturopathy Services. Naturopathy and related Services are limited to when a Network Provider makes a referral for Services in accord with Medical Group criteria and are subject to benefit limitations (if any) as shown in the “Benefit Summary”. Non-Medically Necessary Services. Services that are not Medically Necessary. Nonreusable Medical Supplies. Nonreusable medical supplies, such as splints, slings, and wound dressing, including bandages and ace wrap bandages, are limited to those supplied and applied by a licensed health care provider, while providing a covered Service. Nonreusable medical supplies that a Participant purchases or obtains from another source are excluded. Outpatient Prescription Drugs, Supplies, and Supplements Exclusions Any packaging, such as blister or bubble repacking, other than the dispensing pharmacy’s standard packaging. Drugs prescribed for an indication if the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that use of that drug for that indication is contraindicated. Drugs prescribed for an indication if the FDA has not approved the drug for that indication, except that this exclusion does not apply if the Oregon Health Resources Commission or our Regional Formulary and Therapeutics Committee determines that the drug is recognized as effective for that use (i) in one of the standard reference compendia, or (ii) in the majority of relevant peer-reviewed medical literature, or (iii) by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Drugs, supplies, and supplements that are available without a prescription, even if the nonprescription item is in a different form or different strength (or both), except that this exclusion does not apply to drugs, supplies, or supplements that our drug formulary lists for your condition. Drugs that the FDA has not approved. Drugs used in weight management. Drugs used to enhance athletic performance. Extemporaneously compounded drugs, unless the formulation is approved by our Regional Formulary and Therapeutics Committee. Mail-order drugs for anyone who is not a resident of Oregon or Washington. Replacement of drugs, supplies, and supplements due to loss, damage, or carelessness. Contraceptive drugs and devices including injectable and emergency contraceptives Drugs used in the treatment of infertility Professional Services for Fitting and Follow-Up Care for Contact Lenses Reta Trust EPO Plan OR Customer Exclusions 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 11/13 Reta Trust General Exclusions Services performed by Unlicensed People. Services that are performed safely aond effectively by people who do not require licenses or certificates by the state to proide health care Services and where the Participant's condition does not require that the Servcies be provided by a licensed health care provider. Services related to a Non-Covered Service. When a Service is not covered, all Services related to the Non-Covered Service are also excluded. However, this exclusion does not apply to Services we would otherwise cover if they are to treat complications which arise from the Non-Covered Service and to Medically Necessary Services for a Participant enrolled in and participating in a qualifying clinical trial if we would typically cover those Services absent a clinical trial. Sexual Reassignment surgery. Services That are Not Health Care Services, Supplies or Items. For example, we do not cover: '-Teaching manners and etiquette -Teaching and support services to develop planning skills such as daily activity planning and project or task planning. -Items and services that increase academic knowledge or skills. -Teaching and support services to increase intelligence. -Academic coaching or tutoring for skills such as grammar, math, and time management. -Teaching you how to read, whether or not you have dyslexia -Educational testing. -Teaching art, dance, horse riding, music, play or swimming. -Teaching skills for employment or vocational purposes. -Vocational training or teaching vocational skills. -Professional growth courses. -Training for a specific job or employment counseling. -Aquatic therapy and other water therapy. Supportive care and other Services. Supportive care primarily to maintain the level of correction already achieved; care primarily for the convenience of the Participant; and care on a non-acute, symptomatic basis are excluded. Surrogacy. Services for anyone in connection with a Surrogacy Arrangement, except for otherwise-covered Services provided to a Participant who is a surrogate. A "Surrogacy Arrangement" is one in which a woman (the surrogate) agrees to become pregnant and to surrender the baby (or babies) to another person or persons who intend to raise the child (or children), whether or not the woman receives payment for being a surrogate. See "Surrogacy Arrangements" for information about your obligations to us in connection with a Surrogacy Arrangement, including your obligations to reimburse us for any Services we cover and to provide information about anyone who may be financially responsible for Services the baby (or babies) receive. Travel and lodging. Transportation or living expenses for any person, including the patient, are limited to: (a) Medically Necessary ambulance Service covered under “Ambulance Services”, and (b) certain expenses that we Pre-Authorize in accord with our travel and lodging guidelines under “Transplant Services”. Your transplant coordinator can provide information about Vision Hardware Optical Services. Corrective lenses, eyeglasses, and contact lenses Vision therapy and Orthoptics or Eye Exercises. Services related to vision therapy and orthoptics and eye exercises are Source: 2015 Oregon EOC Added from Reta Trust CA Plans: Abortions - Elective, Medically Necessary and Rape/Incest procedures Sterilization and Reversal of Sterilization Source:Customer Exclusions Blood-The cost of whole red blood or red blood cells when they are donated or replaced or billed, except expenses for administration and processing of Blood and Blood Products (except Blood Factors) covered as part of inpatient and outpatient Crime-Treatment of injuries sustained while committing a crime Care in a halfway house Personal Comfort Items – Personal comfort items such as those that are furnished primarily for your personal comfort or convenience, including those Services and supplies not directly related to medical care, such as guest’s meals and accommodations, hospital admission kit, barber services, telephone charges, radio and television rentals, homemaker services, travel expenses, over the counter convenience items and take-home supplies. Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis) Private Duty Nursing as a registered bed patient unless a Plan physician determines medical necessity. Private Duty Nursing in home or long term facility Religious, personal growth counseling or marriage counseling including Services and treatment related to religious, personal growth counseling or marriage counseling, unless the primary patient has a DSM IV diagnosis Reta Trust EPO Plan OR Customer Exclusions 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 12/13 Reta Trust General Exclusions Services provided outside the United States-Services, other than Emergency Services, received outside the United States whether or not the Services are available in the United States Equipment: that basically serves comfort or convenience functions or is primarily for the convenience of a person caring for you or your Dependent, i.e., exercycle or other physical fitness equipment, elevators, hoyer lifts, shower/bath bench, air conditioners, air purifiers and filters, batteries and charges, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, air cleaners and dust collection devices. Reta Trust EPO Plan OR Customer Exclusions 2016 Renewal v1 Oregon BST 13/13 Plan Benefit Highlights for: 7KH5HWD7UXVW±3ODQ$ Effective Date: 6 Eligibility 3ULPDU\HQUROOHHVSRXVHDQGHOLJLEOHGHSHQGHQWFKLOGUHQWRDJH Deductibles ,Q1HWZRUNSHUSHUVRQSHUIDPLO\HDFKFDOHQGDU\HDU 2XWRI1HWZRUNSHUSHUVRQSHUIDPLO\HDFKFDOHQGDU\HDU <HV 'HGXFWLEOHVZDLYHGIRU'3" Maximums Waiting Period(s) SHUSHUVRQSHUFDOHQGDU\HDU %DVLF%HQHILWV 0DMRU%HQHILWV 1RQH 1RQH 2UWKRGRQWLFV 1RQH Benefits and Covered Services* Delta Dental PPO dentists** Out-of-PPO Network** In-PPO Network Premier and Non-Delta Dentists Diagnostic & Preventive Services (D & P) /LIHWLPH /LIHWLPH ([DPVFOHDQLQJV[UD\VVHDODQWV Basic Services )LOOLQJVVLPSOHWRRWKH[WUDFWLRQV Endodontics URRWFDQDOV &RYHUHG8QGHU%DVLF6HUYLFHV Periodontics JXPWUHDWPHQW &RYHUHG8QGHU%DVLF6HUYLFHV Oral Surgery &RYHUHG8QGHU%DVLF6HUYLFHV Major Services &URZQVLQOD\VRQOD\VDQGFDVW UHVWRUDWLRQVEULGJHVDQGGHQWXUHV LPSODQWV Orthodontic Benefits $GXOWVDQGGHSHQGHQWFKLOGUHQ Orthodontic Maximums /LPLWDWLRQVRUZDLWLQJSHULRGVPD\DSSO\IRUVRPHEHQHILWVVRPHVHUYLFHVPD\EHH[FOXGHGIURP\RXUSODQ 5HLPEXUVHPHQWLVEDVHGRQ'HOWD'HQWDOPD[LPXPFRQWUDFWDOORZDQFHVDQGQRWQHFHVVDULO\HDFKGHQWLVW¶V VXEPLWWHGIHHV 5HLPEXUVHPHQWLVEDVHGRQ332FRQWUDFWHGIHHVIRU332GHQWLVWV3UHPLHUFRQWUDFWHGIHHVIRU3UHPLHU GHQWLVWVDQGSURJUDPDOORZDQFHIRUQRQ'HOWD'HQWDOGHQWLVWV 'HOWD'HQWDORI&DOLIRUQLD )LUVW6W 6DQ)UDQFLVFR&$ Customer Service Claims Address 32%R[ 6DFUDPHQWR&$ deltadentalins.com 7KLVEHQHILWLQIRUPDWLRQLVQRWLQWHQGHGRUGHVLJQHGWRUHSODFHRUVHUYHDVWKHSODQ¶V(YLGHQFHRI&RYHUDJHRU 6XPPDU\3ODQ'HVFULSWLRQ,I\RXKDYHVSHFLILFTXHVWLRQVUHJDUGLQJWKHEHQHILWVOLPLWDWLRQVRUH[FOXVLRQVIRU\RXU SODQSOHDVHFRQVXOW\RXUFRPSDQ\¶VEHQHILWVUHSUHVHQWDWLYH +/7B332B&2/B''&5HY&$ 3/$1$B/+ All plans offered and underwritten by Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest. 500 NE Multnomah St., Suite 100, Portland, OR 97232 Summary of Dental Benefits Oregon P July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Archdiocese of Portland In Oregon Group Number: 3766 Benefit Maximum per Calendar Year None You Pay Dental Office Visit Charge – Applies to all visits $5 Deductible (Per Calendar Year; applies to all services unless otherwise indicated) For one Member $0 For an entire Family $0 Preventive and Diagnostic Services (Not subject to or counted toward the Deductible or the Benefit Maximum) Oral exam No additional charge X-rays Teeth cleaning Fluoride Basic Restoration Services Routine fillings No additional charge Plastic and steel crowns Simple extractions Oral Surgery Services 20% Coinsurance Surgical tooth extractions Periodontics Treatment of gum disease 20% Coinsurance Scaling and root planing Endodontics 20% Coinsurance Root canal therapy Major Restoration Services Gold or porcelain crowns 20% Coinsurance Bridges Removable Prosthetic Services Full and partial dentures 20% Coinsurance Relines 20% Coinsurance Rebases 20% Coinsurance Nitrous oxide (Not subject to or counted toward the Deductible or Benefit Maximum) Adults and children age 13 years and older $15 Children age 12 years and younger $0 Orthodontics Not a covered benefit SSOB ORLGTRADDENTAL 0116_0415 343MMC-14/7-14 Page 1 Exclusions and Limitations The Services listed below are either completely excluded from coverage or partially limited. This applies to all Services that would otherwise be covered and is in addition to the exclusions and limitations that apply only to a particular Service as listed in the description of that Service in the Evidence of Coverage (EOC). For a complete list and description of Exclusions and Limitations please refer to EOC. Continuation of Services performed or started prior to your coverage becoming effective and/or after your membership terminates. Cosmetic Services, supplies, or prescription drugs intended primarily to improve appearance, repair, and/or replace cosmetic dental restorations. Dental implants, unless your Group has purchased coverage for dental implants as an additional benefit. Dental Services not listed in the “Benefits” section. Experimental or investigational treatments, procedures, and other Services that are not commonly considered standard dental practice or that require governmental approval. Fees a provider may charge for an Emergency Dental Care or Urgent Dental Care visit. Full mouth reconstruction and occlusal rehabilitation, including appliances, restorations, and procedures needed to alter vertical dimension, occlusion, or correct attrition or abrasion. Genetic testing. Medical or Hospital Services, unless otherwise specified in the EOC. Missed appointment fees a provider may charge for a missed appointment. Orthodontic Services, unless your Group has purchased orthodontic coverage as an additional benefit. Prosthetic devices following your decision to have a tooth (or teeth) extracted for nonclinical reasons or when a tooth is restorable. Replacement of prefabricated, noncast crowns, including noncast stainless steel crowns that were not placed by a Participating Provider. Services furnished by a family member. Services provided or arranged by criminal justice institutions for Members confined therein, unless care would be covered as Emergency Dental Care. Speech aid prosthetic devices and follow up modifications. Surgery to correct malocclusion or temporomandibular joint disorders; treatment for problems of the jaw joint, including temporomandibular joint syndrome and craniomandibular disorders; and treatment of conditions of the joint linking the jaw bone and skull and of the complex of muscles, nerves, and other tissues related to that joint. Treatment to restore tooth structure lost due to attrition, erosion, or abrasion. Repair or replacement needed due to normal wear and tear of fixed and removable prosthetic devices that are less than five years old is not covered. Sedation and general anesthesia (including, but not limited to, intramuscular IV sedation, nonIV sedation, and inhalation sedation) are not covered, except nitrous oxide. Questions? Call Member Services (M-F, 8 am-6 pm) or visit kp.org Portland area.503-813-2000. All other areas.1-800-813-2000. TTY.711. Language Interpretation Services, all areas.1-800-324-8010 This is not a contract. This benefit summary does not fully describe your benefit coverage with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest. For more details on benefit coverage, claims review, and adjudication procedures, please see your EOC or call Membership Services. In the case of conflict between this summary and the EOC, the EOC will prevail. SSOB ORLGTRADDENTAL 0116_0415 Page 2 Group Number: OR10 Effective Date: July 1, 2016 Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon BENEFITS COPAYS Annual Maximum No Annual Maximum Deductible No Deductible General & Orthodontic Office Visit You pay a $4 Copay per Visit DIAGNOSTIC AND PREVENTIVE SERVICES Routine and Emergency Exams Covered with the Office Visit Copay Covered with the Office Visit Copay X-rays Covered with the Office Visit Copay Teeth Cleaning Covered with the Office Visit Copay Fluoride Treatment Covered with the Office Visit Copay Sealants (per Tooth) Covered with the Office Visit Copay Head and Neck Cancer Screening Covered with the Office Visit Copay Oral Hygiene Instruction Covered with the Office Visit Copay Periodontal Charting Covered with the Office Visit Copay Periodontal Evaluation RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY Covered with the Office Visit Copay Fillings (Amalgam) Porcelain-Metal Crown You pay a $110 Copay PROSTHODONTICS You pay a $110 Copay Complete Upper or Lower Denture You pay a $110 Copay Bridge (per Tooth) ENDODONTICS AND PERIODONTICS You pay a $45 Copay Root Canal Therapy – Anterior You pay a $75 Copay Root Canal Therapy – Bicuspid You pay a $95 Copay Root Canal Therapy – Molar You pay a $110 Copay Osseous Surgery (per Quadrant) You pay a $40 Copay Root Planing (per Quadrant) ORAL SURGERY Covered with the Office Visit Copay Routine Extraction (Single Tooth) Surgical Extraction You pay a $70 Copay ORTHODONTIA TREATMENT Pre-Orthodontia Treatment You pay a $150 Copay* Comprehensive Orthodontia Treatment You pay a $1,700 Copay MISCELLANEOUS Local Anesthesia Covered with the Office Visit Copay Dental Lab Fees Covered with the Office Visit Copay Nitrous Oxide You pay a $20 Copay Specialty Office Visit You pay a $30 Copay per Visit Out of Area Emergency Care Reimbursement You pay charges in excess of $100 *Copay credited towards the Comprehensive Orthodontia Treatment copay if patient accepts treatment plan. Underwritten by Willamette Dental Insurance, Inc. This plan provides extensive coverage of services and supplies to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases or conditions of the teeth and supporting tissues. Presented are just some of the most common procedures covered in your plan. Please see the Certificate of Coverage for a complete plan description, limitations, and exclusions. Form No. 028-OR(5/15) Contract No. 001-OR(2/14) Exclusions Bridges, crowns, dentures or any prosthetic devices requiring multiple treatment dates or fittings if the prosthetic item is installed or delivered more than 60 days after termination of coverage. The completion or delivery of treatments, services, or supplies initiated prior to the effective date of coverage. Dental implants, including attachment devices, maintenance, and dental implant-related services. Endodontic services, prosthetic services, and implants that were provided prior to the effective date of coverage. Endodontic therapy completed more than 60 days after termination of coverage. Exams or consultations needed solely in connection with a service not listed as covered. Experimental or investigational services or supplies and related exams or consultations. Full mouth reconstruction, including the extensive restoration of the mouth with crowns, bridges, or implants; and occlusal rehabilitation, including crowns, bridges, or implants used for the purpose of splinting, altering vertical dimension, restoring occlusions or correcting attrition, abrasion, or erosion. General anesthesia, moderate sedation and deep sedation. Hospitalization care outside of a dental office for dental procedures, physician services, or facility fees. Nightguards. Orthognathic surgery. Personalized restorations. Plastic, reconstructive, or cosmetic surgery and other services or supplies, which are primarily intended to improve, alter, or enhance appearance. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs and premedications. Provider charges for a missed appointment or appointment cancelled without 24 hours prior notice. Replacement of lost, missing, or stolen dental appliances; Replacement of dental appliances that are damaged due to abuse, misuse, or neglect. Replacement of sound restorations. Services and related exams or consultations that are not within the prescribed treatment plan and/or are not recommended and approved by a Willamette Dental Group dentist. Services and related exams or consultations to the extent they are not necessary for the diagnosis, care, or treatment of the condition involved. Services by any person other than a licensed dentist, denturist, hygienist, or dental assistant. Services for the diagnosis or treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders. Form No. 028-OR(5/15) Contract No. 001-OR(2/14) Services for the treatment of an injury or disease that is covered under workers’ compensation or that are an employer’s responsibility. Services for treatment of injuries sustained while practicing for or competing in a professional athletic contest. Services for treatment of intentionally self-inflicted injuries. Services for which coverage is available under any federal, state, or other governmental program, unless required by law. Services not listed as covered in the contract. Services where there is no evidence of pathology, dysfunction, or disease other than covered preventive services. Limitations If alternative services can be used to treat a condition, the service recommended by the Willamette Dental Group dentist is covered. Services listed in the contract, which are provided to correct congenital or developmental malformations which impair functions of the teeth and supporting structures will be covered if primarily for the purpose of controlling or eliminating infection, controlling or eliminating pain, or restoring function. Crowns, casts, or other indirect fabricated restorations are covered only if dentally necessary and if recommended by the Willamette Dental Group dentist. When initial root canal therapy was performed by a Willamette Dental Group dentist, the retreatment of such root canal therapy will be covered as part of the initial treatment for the first 24 months. When the initial root canal therapy was performed by a non-participating provider, the retreatment of such root canal therapy by a Willamette Dental Group dentist will be subject to the applicable copayments. The services provided by a dentist in a hospital setting are covered if medically necessary; pre-authorized by a Willamette Dental Group dentist; the services provided are the same services that would be provided in a dental office; and applicable copayments are paid. The replacement of an existing denture, crown, inlay, onlay, or other prosthetic appliance is covered if the appliance is more than 5 years old and replacement is dentally necessary. Your Vision Benefits Summary Get the best in eye care and eyewear with RETA TRUST- Plan 4 and VSP® Vision Care. Using your VSP benefit is easy. Register at vsp.com Once your plan is effective, review your benefit information. Find an eye care provider who’s right for you. The decision is yours to make—choose a VSP doctor, a participating retail chain, or any out-of-network provider. To find a VSP provider, visit vsp.com or call 800.877.7195. Benefit Description Copay Your Coverage with a VSP Provider Focuses on your eyes and overall wellness Every 12 months WellVision Exam Prescription Glasses $10 $25 Frame $150 allowance for a wide selection of frames $170 allowance for featured frame brands 20% savings on the amount over your allowance $80 Costco® frame allowance Every 24 months Included in Prescription Glasses Lenses Best Eye care Single vision, lined bifocal, and lined trifocal lenses Polycarbonate lenses for dependent children Every 24 months Included in Prescription Glasses You’ll get the highest level of care, including a WellVision Exam®– the most comprehensive exam designed to detect eye and health conditions. Plus, when you see a VSP provider, you'll get the most out of your benefit, have lower out-of-pocket costs, and your satisfaction is guaranteed. Lens Enhancements Standard progressive lenses Premium progressive lenses Custom progressive lenses Average savings of 20-25% on other lens enhancements Every 24 months Contacts (instead of glasses) $150 allowance for contacts; copay does not apply Contact lens exam (fitting and evaluation) Every 24 months Diabetic Eyecare Plus Program Services related to diabetic eye disease, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Retinal screening for eligible members with diabetes. Limitations and coordination with medical coverage may apply. Ask your VSP doctor for details. As needed At your appointment, tell them you have VSP. There’s no ID card necessary. If you’d like a card as a reference, you can print one on vsp.com. That’s it! We’ll handle the rest—there are no claim forms to complete when you see a VSP provider. Choice in Eyewear From classic styles to the latest designer frames, you’ll find hundreds of options. Choose from featured frame brands like Anne Klein, bebe®, Calvin Klein, Flexon®, Lacoste, Nike, Nine 1 West, and more . Visit vsp.com to find a VSP provider who carries these brands. Plan Information VSP Coverage Effective Date: 06/01/2016 VSP Provider Network: VSP Choice RETA TRUST- Plan 4 and VSP provide you with an affordable eyecare plan. $55 $95 - $105 $150 - $175 Up to $60 $20 Glasses and Sunglasses Extra $20 to spend on featured frame brands. Go to vsp.com/specialoffers for details. 20% savings on additional glasses and sunglasses, including lens enhancements, from any VSP provider within 12 months of your last WellVision Exam. Extra Savings Retinal Screening No more than a $39 copay on routine retinal screening as an enhancement to a WellVision Exam Laser Vision Correction Average 15% off the regular price or 5% off the promotional price; discounts only available from contracted facilities Your Coverage with Out-of-Network Providers Visit vsp.com or call 800.877.7195 for more details on your vision coverage and exclusive savings and promotions for VSP members. 1 Brands/Promotion subject to change. © 2014 Vision Service Plan. All rights reserved. VSP, VSP Vision care for life, and WellVision Exam are registered trademarks of Vision Service Plan. Flexon is a registered trademark of Marchon Eyewear, Inc. All other company names and brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Visit vsp.com for details, if you plan to see a provider other than a VSP network provider. Exam .................................................. up to $45 Lined Trifocal Lenses .............. up to $65 Frame ................................................ up to $70 Progressive Lenses .................. up to $50 Single Vision Lenses ............... up to $30 Contacts ........................................ up to $105 Lined Bifocal Lenses ............... up to $50 Coverage with a participating retail chain may be different. Once your benefit is effective, visit vsp.com for details. Coverage information is subject to change. In the event of a conflict between this information and your organization’s contract with VSP, the terms of the contract will prevail. Based on applicable laws, benefits may vary by location. Enjoy Low Prices on Hearing Aids Like vision loss, hearing loss can have a huge impact on your quality of life. However, the cost of a pair of quality hearing aids usually costs more than $5,000, and few people have hearing aid insurance coverage. TruHearing® is making hearing aids affordable by providing exclusive savings to all VSP® Vision Care members. You can save up to $2,400 on a pair of hearing aids with TruHearing pricing. What’s more, your dependents and even extended family members are eligible, too. In addition to great pricing, TruHearing provides you with: • Three provider visits for fitting, adjustments, and cleanings • 45-day money back guarantee • Three-year manufacturer’s warranty for repairs and one-time loss and damage • 48 free batteries per hearing aid Plus, with TruHearing you’ll get: • Access to a national network of more than 4,500 licensed hearing aid professionals • Straightforward, nationally fixed pricing on a selection of more than 90 digital hearing aids in 400 styles • Deep discounts on replacement batteries shipped directly to your door Best of all, if you already have a hearing aid benefit from your health plan or employer, you can combine it with this program to maximize the benefit and reduce your out-of-pocket expense. Here’s how it works: 1. Call TruHearing. Call 877.396.7194. You and your family members must mention VSP. 2.Schedule exam. TruHearing will answer your questions and schedule a hearing exam with a local provider. 3.Attend appointment. The provider will make a recommendation, order the hearing aids through TruHearing and fit them for you. Learn more about this VSP Exclusive Member Extra at vsp.truhearing.com. Or, call 877.396.7194 with questions. Not made available by VSP in the state of Washington The relationship between VSP and TruHearing is that of independent contractors. VSP makes no endorsement, representations or warranties regarding any products or services offered by TruHearing, a third-party vendor. The vendor is solely responsible for the products or services offered by them. If you have any questions regarding the services offered here, you should contact the vendor directly. ©2015 Vision Service Plan. All rights reserved. VSP is a registered trademark of Vision Service Plan. All other brands or marks are the property of their respective owners. JOB#19826CM 1/15 Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Account Number 5125 Benefit Summary Clinical Counseling 5 face-to-face sessions or telephonic or web-video consultations per individual, per issue, per year Telephonic Work-life Services Child and Elder Care Referrals (confirmed provider openings) Legal Consultations Financial Consultations Identity Theft Prevention and Recovery Assistance Daily Living Services Wellness Coaching Program: o Weight management o Smoking cessation o Fitness and exercise o Stress management o Overall lifestyle improvement o Lifestyle support for chronic conditions Member Website - members.mhn.com Company Code: aportland Assessments: depression, alcoholism, insomnia and stress, and more Self-help programs, articles and resources Wellness Portal - Health Assessment Online Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss and Nutrition Programs Downloadable legal forms and online Estate Planning Self-paced e-Learning training workshops Client Services: Job Performance Referrals Critical Incident Response (20 hours free onsite time per event) Management Consultations Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Account Number 5125 Benefit Summary Training Services Training Workshops: 10 hours (4 of which may be used for Organizational Development) per year with option to buy additional hours on a Fee For Service basis Health Fairs & Orientations As requested in person and telephonic Employee Orientations about Employee EAP benefits per year As requested in person and telephonic Supervisor Orientations about Supervisor EAP benefits per year As requested Health Fair attendance per year The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon a Corporation Sole Life/AD&D Employer Paid Plan Highlights LIFE/AD&D INSURANCE Eligibility Unum Policy # 105259 Group 1 Lay employee or permanent deacon employed by Archdiocese, an affiliated parish or school, or participating employer, in active employment, in the United States with the Employer, scheduled to work: a. at least 20 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, or b. at least 26 hours a week, 39 weeks a year, or c. an average of at least 20 hours a week over 12 months Note: Employees scheduled to work 6 months or less during 12 consecutive months are not eligible employees Group 2 A seminarian, diocesan priest, or member of a religious order under the care of and for whom the Employer has financial responsibility and who is not classified as a retiree in active employment in the United States with the Employer Group 3 Licensed or waivered elementary or secondary classroom teachers who are scheduled to work at least 20 hours a week with an employment agreement for longer than six months in active employment in the United States with the Employer Benefit Amount $10,000 Accelerated Death Benefit 75% to $500,000 Survivor Support Included Portability If you retire, reduce your hours or leave your Employer, you can take this coverage with you according to the terms of the contract. Life Planning Financial And Legal Resources Included Life Benefit Reduction 65% at age 65 and 45% at age 70 Premium Employer Paid This plan highlight is a summary provided to help you understand your insurance coverage from Unum. Details may differ from state to state. Please refer to your certificate booklet for your complete plan description. If the terms of this plan highlight summary or your certificate differ from your policy, the policy will govern. Term Life Insurance and AD&D Coverage Highlights The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Policy # 393809 Please read carefully the following description of your Unum Term Life and AD&D insurance plan. Your Plan Eligibility All employees working working in the following groups in the U.S. with the employer, and their eligible spouses and children (up to age 23). *Note: Disabled children over the maximum child age may be eligible for benefits, please see your plan administer for more details. Group 1 Lay employee or permanent deacon employed by the Archdiocese, an affiliated parish or school, or participating employer, in active employment in the United States with the Employer, scheduled to work: a. at least 20 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, or b. at least 26 hours a week, 39 weeks a year, or c. an average of at least 20 hours a week over 12 months Note: Employees scheduled to work 6 months or less during 12 consecutive months are not eligible employees Group 2 Diocesan priests under the care of and for whom the Employer has financial responsibility and who are not classified as retirees in active employment in the United States with the Employer Coverage Amounts Group 3 Licensed or waivered elementary or secondary teachers who are scheduled to work at least 20 hours a week with an employment agreement for longer than 6 months in active employment in the United States with the Employer Note: Employees scheduled to work 6 months or less during 12 consecutive months are not eligible employees Your Term Life coverage options are: Employee: Up to 5 times salary in increments of $10,000. Not to exceed $500,000. Spouse: Up to 100% of employee amount in increments of $5,000. Not to exceed $500,000. Benefits will be paid to the employee. Child: Option A: $6,000 Option B: $8,000 Option C: $10,000 The maximum death benefit for a child between the ages of live birth and 6 months is $1,000. Benefits will be paid to the employee. In order to purchase Life coverage for your spouse and/or child, you must purchase Life coverage for yourself. ADR1879-2001 Term Life Insurance and AD&D Coverage Highlights (Continued) Your AD&D coverage options are: Employee: Up to 5 times salary in increments of $10,000. Not to exceed $500,000. You may purchase AD&D coverage for yourself regardless of whether you purchase Life coverage. Spouse: Up to 100% of employee amount in increments of $5,000. Not to exceed $500,000. Benefits will be paid to the employee. Child: $8,000 The maximum death benefit for a child between the ages of live birth and 6 months is $1,000. Benefits will be paid to the employee. In order to purchase AD&D coverage for your spouse and/or child, you must purchase AD&D coverage for yourself. AD&D Benefit Schedule: The full benefit amount is paid for loss of: • Life • Both hands or both feet or sight of both eyes • One hand and one foot • One hand and the sight of one eye • One foot and the sight of one eye • Speech and hearing Other losses may be covered as well. Please see your Plan Administrator. Coverage amount(s) will reduce according to the following schedule: Age: 65 70 Insurance Amount Reduces to: 65% of original amount 45% of original amount Coverage may not be increased after a reduction. Guarantee Issue If you enroll within 31 days of your eligibility date, you may apply for any amount of Life insurance coverage up to $150,000 for yourself and any amount of coverage up to $25,000 for your spouse. Any Life insurance coverage over the Guarantee Issue amount(s) will be subject to evidence of insurability. If you and your eligible dependents do not enroll within 31 days of your eligibility date, you can apply for coverage only during an annual enrollment period and will be required to furnish evidence of insurability for the entire amount of coverage. If you and your eligible dependents enroll within 31 days of your eligibility date, and later, wish to increase your coverage, you may increase your coverage, with evidence of insurability, at anytime during the year. However, you may wait until the next annual enrollment and only coverage over the Guarantee Issue amount(s) will be subject to evidence of insurability. AD&D coverage does not require evidence of insurability. Please see your Plan Administrator for your eligibility date. Term Life Insurance and AD&D Coverage Highlights (Continued) Term Life Coverage Rates Age Band - 24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75+ AD&D Coverage Rates Insurance Age Rates shown are your Monthly deduction: Employee per $10,000 $.660 $.660 $.80 $.970 $1.580 $2.800 $4.770 $7.800 $10.180 $17.790 $39.390 $39.390 Spouse per $5,000 $.440 $.440 $.500 $.610 $.960 $1.670 $2.770 $4.350 $6.810 $11.940 $23.250 $45.380 Child per $2,000 $.500 NOTE: The premium paid for child coverage is based on the cost of coverage for one child, regardless of how many children you have. NOTE: Your rate will increase as you age and move to the next age band. AD&D Cost Per: Monthly Rate Employee: $10,000 $.300 Spouse: $ 5,000 $.160 Child: $ 2,000 $.100 Your rate is based on your insurance age. To calculate your insurance age, subtract your year of birth from the year your coverage becomes effective. To calculate your cost, complete the following by selecting your coverage amount and rate (based on your insurance age). Term Life Calculation Worksheet AD&D Calculation Worksheet Coverage Amount Increment Employee $________ ÷ $10,000 x Spouse $________ ÷ $ 5,000 x Children $________ ÷ $ 2,000 x Total Monthly Cost Rate $______ $______ $______ Coverage Amount Increment Employee $________ ÷ $10,000 x Spouse $________ ÷ $ 5,000 x Children $________ ÷ $ 2,000 x Total Monthly Cost Rate $______ $______ $______ = = = = = = = = Monthly Cost $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ Monthly Cost $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ Additional Benefits Life Planning Financial & Legal Resources This personalized financial counseling service provides expert, objective financial counseling to survivors and terminally ill employees at no cost to you. This service is also extended to you upon the death or terminal illness of your covered spouse. The financial consultants are master level consultants. They will help develop strategies needed to protect resources, preserve current lifestyles, and build future security. At no time will the consultants offer or sell any product or service. Term Life Insurance and AD&D Coverage Highlights (Continued) Portability/Conversion If you retire, reduce your hours or leave your employer, you can take this coverage with you according to the terms outlined in the contract. However, if you have a medical condition which has a material effect on life expectancy, you will be ineligible to port your coverage. You may also have the option to convert your Term life coverage to an individual life insurance policy. Accelerated Benefit If you become terminally ill and are not expected to live beyond a certain time period as stated in your certificate booklet, you may request up to 75% of your life insurance amount up to $500,000, without fees or present value adjustments. A doctor must certify your condition in order to qualify for this benefit. Upon your death, the remaining benefit will be paid to your designated beneficiary(ies). This feature also applies to your covered dependents. Waiver of Premium If you become disabled (as defined by your plan) and are no longer able to work, your premium payments will be waived during the period of disability. Retained Asset Account Benefits of $10,000 or more are paid through the Unum Retained Asset Account. This interest bearing account will be established in the beneficiary's name. He or she can then write a check for the full amount or for $250 or more, as needed. Additional AD&D Benefits Education Benefit: If you or your insured spouse die within 365 days of an accident, an additional benefit is paid to your dependent child(ren). Your child(ren) must be a full-time student beyond grade 12. (Not available in Illinois or New York.) Seat Belt/Air Bag Benefit: If you or your insured dependent(s) die in a car accident and are wearing a properly fastened seat belt and/or are in a seat with an air bag, an amount will be paid in addition to the AD&D benefit. Limitations/Exclusions/ Termination of Coverage Suicide Exclusion Life benefits will not be paid for deaths caused by suicide in the first twenty-four months after your effective date of coverage. No increased or additional benefits will be payable for deaths caused by suicide occurring within 24 months after the day such increased or additional insurance is effective. AD&D Benefit Exclusions AD&D benefits will not be paid for losses caused by, contributed to by, or resulting from: • Disease of the body or diagnostic, medical or surgical treatment or mental disorder as set forth in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; • Suicide, self-destruction while sane, intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane, or self-inflicted injury while insane; • War, declared or undeclared, or any act of war; • Active participation in a riot; • Attempt to commit or commission of a crime; • The voluntary use of any prescription or non-prescription drug, poison, fume, or other chemical substance unless used according to the prescription or direction of your or your dependent’s doctor. This exclusion does not apply to you or your dependent if the chemical substance is ethanol; Term Life Insurance and AD&D Coverage Highlights (Continued) • Termination of Coverage Intoxication. (“Intoxicated” means that the individual’s blood alcohol level equals or exceeds the legal limit for operating a motor vehicle in the state or jurisdiction where the accident occurred.) Your coverage and your dependents’ coverage under the Summary of Benefits ends on the earliest of: • The date the policy or plan is cancelled; • The date you no longer are in an eligible group; • The date your eligible group is no longer covered; • The last day of the period for which you made any required contributions; • The last day you are in active employment unless continued due to a covered layoff or leave of absence or due to an injury or sickness, as described in the certificate of coverage; • For dependent’s coverage, the date of your death. In addition, coverage for any one dependent will end on the earliest of: • The date your coverage under a plan ends; • The date your dependent ceases to be an eligible dependent; • For a spouse, the date of divorce or annulment. Unum will provide coverage for a payable claim which occurs while you and your dependents are covered under the policy or plan. Next Steps How to Apply To apply for coverage, complete your enrollment form within 31 days of your eligibility date. All employees: If you apply for coverage after your effective date, or if you choose coverage over the guarantee issue amount, you will need to complete a medical questionnaire which you can get from your Plan Administrator. You may also be required to take certain medical tests at Unum’s expense. Effective Date of Coverage Please see your Plan Administrator for your effective date. Delayed Effective Date of Coverage Employee: Insurance coverage will be delayed if you are not in active employment because of an injury, sickness, temporary layoff, or leave of absence on the date that insurance would otherwise become effective. Dependent: Insurance coverage will be delayed if that dependent is totally disabled on the date that insurance would otherwise be effective. Exception: infants are insured from live birth. “Totally disabled” means that, as a result of an injury, a sickness or a disorder, your dependent is confined in a hospital or similar institution; is unable to perform two or more activities of daily living (ADLs) because of a physical or mental incapacity resulting from an injury or a sickness; is cognitively impaired; is receiving or is entitled to receive any disability income from any source due to any sickness or injury; is receiving chemotherapy radiation therapy or dialysis treatment; or has a life threatening condition. Changes to Coverage Each year you and your spouse will be given the opportunity to change your Life coverage and AD&D coverage. You and your spouse may purchase additional Life Term Life Insurance and AD&D Coverage Highlights (Continued) coverage up to the Guarantee Issue amounts without evidence of insurability if you are already enrolled in the plan. Life coverage over the Guarantee Issue amounts will be medically underwritten and will require evidence of insurability and approval by Unum’s Medical Underwriters. The suicide exclusion will apply to any increase in coverage. AD&D coverage does not require evidence of insurability for increase amounts. Questions If you should have any questions about your coverage or how to enroll, please contact your Plan Administrator. This plan highlight is a summary provided to help you understand your insurance coverage from Unum. Some provisions may vary or not be available in all states. Please refer to your certificate booklet for your complete plan description. If the terms of this plan highlight summary or your certificate differ from your policy, the policy will govern. For complete details of coverage, please refer to policy form number C.FP-1, et al. Life Planning is provided by Ceridian Incorporated. The services are subject to availability and may be withdrawn by Unum without prior notice. Underwritten by: Unum Life Insurance Company of America, 2211 Congress Street, Portland, Maine 04122, www.unum.com Unum is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Unum Group and its insuring subsidiaries. ©2007 Unum Group. All rights reserved. The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon LTD Employer Paid Plan Highlights LONG TERM DISABILITY Unum Policy # 105259 Eligibility All Diocesean Clergy in the United States working: a. at least 20 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, or b. at least 26 hours a week, 39 weeks a year, or c. an average of at least 20 hours a week over 12 months Benefit Amount 50% of your monthly earnings, to max of $4,000 per month. Definition of Disability: During the first 24 months, Unum will define disability as follows: • you are limited from performing the material and substantial duties of your regular occupation due to sickness or injury; and • you have a 20% or more loss of indexed monthly earnings due to the same sickness or injury.. Elimination Period 90 days Duration The duration of your benefit payments is based on your age when your disability occurs. Your LTD benefits are payable for the period during which you continue to meet the definition of disability. If your disability occurs before age 60, your benefits could be payable until you reach age 65. If your disability occurs at or after age 60, benefits could be paid according to a benefit duration schedule. Pre-existing Condition 3/12 Travel Assistance Program Included Premium Employer Paid This plan highlight is a summary provided to help you understand your insurance coverage from Unum. Details may differ from state to state. Please refer to your certificate booklet for your complete plan description. If the terms of this plan highlight summary or your certificate differ from your policy, the policy will govern. Long Term Disability Income Protection Insurance Plan Highlights The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Policy # 105259 Please read carefully the following description of your Unum Long Term Disability Income Protection insurance plan. Your Plan Eligibility Benefit Amount Group 1 As a lay employee or permanent deacon employed by the Archdiocese, an affiliated parish or school, or other participating employer in active employment, you're eligible for benefits if you meet any of these criteria: a. at least 20 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, or b. at least 26 hours a week, 39 weeks a year, or c. an average of at least 20 hours a week over 12 months Employees scheduled to work 6 months or less during 12 consecutive months are not eligible employees Group 2 Licensed or waivered elementary or secondary classroom teachers who are scheduled to work at least 20 hours a week with an employment agreement for longer than six months in active employment. Base LTD Benefit: • 50% of your monthly earnings • To a maximum of $4000 Buy up LTD Benefit: Buy up LTD Benefit: Definition of Disability • • 60% of your monthly earnings. To a maximum of $6,000 • • 66 2/3% of your monthly earnings. To a maximum of $6,000 You would be considered disabled and eligible for benefits because of sickness or injury if: • you are limited from performing the material and substantial duties of your regular occupation; and • you have a 20% or more loss in indexed monthly earnings due to the same sickness or injury. You will continue to receive benefits if: ADR1877-2001 • after benefits have been paid for 24 months, you are working in any occupation and continue to have a 20% or more loss in indexed monthly earnings due to your sickness or injury; or • you are not working and, due to the same sickness or injury, are unable to perform the duties of any gainful occupation for which you are reasonably fitted by education, training or experience. Elimination Period The Elimination Period is the length of time of continuous disability which must be satisfied before you are eligible to receive benefits. LTD benefits would begin after 90 days of disability, as described in the definition above. Benefit Duration Your duration of benefits is based on your age when the disability occurs. Your LTD benefits are payable for the period during which you continue to meet the definition of disability. If your disability occurs before age 60, benefits will be payable until age 65. If your disability occurs at or after age 60, benefits would be paid according to a benefit duration schedule. Gainful Occupation Gainful occupation means an occupation that is or can be expected to provide you with an income at least equal to your gross disability payment within 12 months of your return to work. Federal Income Taxation You may wonder if your disability benefit amount will be taxed. It depends on how your premium — the price of your coverage — is paid. If your premium is paid with: • Both Pre-Tax and Post-Tax Dollars, a portion of your benefit amount will be taxed The disability benefit amounts you receive will be reported annually on a W-2. It will show any taxable and non-taxable portions separately. *Pre-Tax Dollars are dollars paid by your employer toward premium that are not reported as earnings on your annual W-2. They are also dollars you pay toward premium through a cafeteria plan. **Post-Tax Dollars are dollars paid through payroll deductions after taxes and withholdings have been subtracted from your earnings. They are also dollars paid by your employer toward premium that are reported as earnings on your annual W-2 and taxed accordingly. Additional Benefits Rehabilitation and Return to Work Assistance Unum has a vocational rehabilitation program available to assist you to return to work. This program is offered as a service, and is voluntary on your part and on Unum’s part. Unum may elect to offer you a return-towork program including, but not limited to, the following services: • coordination with your Employer to assist you to return to work; • evaluation of adaptive equipment to allow you to work; • vocational evaluation to determine how your disability may impact your employment options; • job placement services; • resume preparation; • job seeking skills training; or • retraining for a new occupation. Waiver of Premium You will not be required to pay LTD premiums as long as you are receiving LTD benefits. Worldwide Emergency Travel Assistance Services Whether your travel is for business or pleasure, our worldwide emergency travel assistance program is there to help you when an unexpected emergency occurs. With one phone call anytime of the day or night, you, your spouse and dependent children can get immediate assistance anywhere in the world. Emergency travel assistance is available to you when you travel to any foreign country, including neighboring Canada or Mexico. It is also available anywhere in the United States for those traveling more than 100 miles from home. Your spouse and dependent children do not have to be traveling with you to be eligible. However, spouses traveling on business for their employer are not covered by this program. Survivor Benefit Unum will pay your eligible survivor a lump sum benefit equal to 3 months of your gross disability payment. This benefit will be paid if, on the date of your death, your disability had continued for 180 or more consecutive days, and you were receiving or were entitled to receive payments under the plan. If you have no eligible survivors, payment will be made to your estate, unless there is none. In this case, no payment will be made. However, we will first apply the survivor benefit to any overpayment which may exist on your claim. Limitations/Exclusions/ Termination of Coverage Pre-existing Condition Exclusion Instances When Benefits Would Not Be Paid You have a pre-existing condition if: • you received medical treatment, consultation, care or services including diagnostic measures, or took prescribed drugs or medicines in the 3 months just prior to your effective date of coverage; and • the disability begins in the first 12 months after your effective date of coverage. Benefits would not be paid for disabilities caused by, contributed to by, or resulting from: • intentionally self-inflicted injuries; • active participation in a riot; • war, declared or undeclared, or any act of war; • conviction of a crime under state or federal law; loss of professional license, occupational license or certification; • pre-existing conditions (see definition). Unum will not pay a benefit for any period of disability during which you are incarcerated. Mental and Nervous LTD benefits would be paid for 24 months per lifetime for disabilities caused by mental illness that meet the definition of disability. Mental and nervous benefits would continue beyond 24 months only if you are institutionalized or hospitalized as a result of the disability. Termination of Coverage Your coverage under the policy ends on the earliest of the following: • The date the policy or plan is cancelled; • The date you no longer are in an eligible group; • The date your eligible group is no longer covered; • The last day of the period for which you made any required contributions; • The last day you are in active employment except as provided under the covered layoff or leave of absence provision. Unum will provide coverage for a payable claim which occurs while you are covered under the policy or plan. Next Steps How to Apply To apply for coverage, complete your enrollment form within 31 days of your eligibility date. Effective Date of Coverage Please see your Plan Administrator for your effective date. Delayed Effective Date of Coverage Insurance will be delayed if you are not in active employment because of an injury, sickness, temporary layoff, or leave of absence on the date that insurance would otherwise become effective. Changes to Coverage Each year, or when you have a change in status, you will have the opportunity to change your long term disability coverage by one level. Any increase in coverage will be subject to the pre-existing condition exclusion. Questions If you should have any questions about your coverage or how to enroll, please contact your Plan Administrator. This plan highlight is a summary provided to help you understand your insurance coverage from Unum. Some provisions may vary or not be available in all states. Please refer to your certificate booklet for your complete plan description. If the terms of this plan highlight summary or your certificate differ from your policy, the policy will govern. For complete details of coverage, please refer to policy form number C.FP-1, et al. All worldwide emergency travel assistance must be arranged by Assist America, which pays for all services it provides. Medical expenses such as prescriptions or physician, lab or medical facility fees are paid by the employee or the employee’s health insurance. Underwritten by: Unum Life Insurance Company of America 2211 Congress Street, Portland, Maine 04122, www.unum.com ©2007 Unum Group. All rights reserved. Unum is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Unum Group and its insuring subsidiaries. Short Term Disability Income Protection Insurance Plan Highlights The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Policy # 105259 Please read carefully the following description of your Short Term Disability Income Protection insurance plan, underwritten by Unum Life Insurance Company of America. Your Plan Eligibility Group 1 As a lay employee or permanent deacon employed by the Archdiocese, an affiliated parish or school, or other participating employer in active employment, you're eligible for benefits if you meet any of these criteria: a. at least 20 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, or b. at least 26 hours a week, 39 weeks a year, or c. an average of at least 20 hours a week over 12 months Employees scheduled to work 6 months or less during 12 consecutive months are not eligible employees Group 2 Licensed or waivered elementary or secondary classroom teachers who are scheduled to work at least 20 hours a week with an employment agreement for longer than six months in active employment. Weekly Benefit Amount Definition of Disability 60% of your basic weekly earnings to a maximum of $500 Your disability benefit may be reduced by deductible sources of income and any earnings you have while disabled. Deductible sources of income may include such items as disability income or other amounts you receive or are entitled to receive under: workers compensation or similar occupational benefit laws; state compulsory benefit laws; automobile liability and no fault insurance; legal judgments and settlements; certain retirement plans; salary continuation or sick leave plans; other group or association disability programs or insurance; and amounts you or your family receive or are entitled to receive from Social Security or similar governmental programs. You are disabled when Unum determines that: • • ADR1878-2001 you are limited from performing the material and substantial duties of your regular occupation due to your sickness or injury; and you have a 20% or more loss in weekly earnings due to the same sickness or injury. Elimination Period and Benefit Duration The Elimination Period is the length of time of continuous disability which must be satisfied before you are eligible to receive benefits. Option A: No Coverage Option B: If your disability is the result of an injury that occurs while you are covered under the plan, your Elimination Period is 44 days. If your disability is due to a sickness, your Elimination Period is 44 days. If you meet the definition of disability you may receive a benefit for 7 weeks. Option C: If your disability is the result of an injury that occurs while you are covered under the plan, your Elimination Period is 30 days. If your disability is due to a sickness, your Elimination Period is 30 days. If you meet the definition of disability you may receive a benefit for 9 weeks. Option D: If your disability is the result of an injury that occurs while you are covered under the plan, your Elimination Period is 14 days. If your disability is due to a sickness, your Elimination Period is 14 days. If you meet the definition of disability you may receive a benefit for 11 weeks. Federal Income Taxation You may wonder if your disability benefit amount will be taxed. It depends on how your premium — the price of your coverage — is paid. If your premium is paid with: • • • Pre-Tax Dollars,* your benefit amount will be taxed Post-Tax Dollars,** your benefit amount will not be taxed Both Pre-Tax and Post-Tax Dollars, a portion of your benefit amount will be taxed The disability benefit amounts you receive will be reported annually on a W-2. It will show any taxable and non-taxable portions separately. *Pre-Tax Dollars are dollars paid by your employer toward premium that are not reported as earnings on your annual W-2. They are also dollars you pay toward premium through a cafeteria plan. **Post-Tax Dollars are dollars paid through payroll deductions after taxes and withholdings have been subtracted from your earnings. They are also dollars paid by your employer toward premium that are reported as earnings on your annual W-2 and taxed accordingly. Additional Benefits Rehabilitation and Return to Work Assistance ADR1878-2001 Unum has a vocational Rehabilitation and Return to Work Assistance program available to assist you in returning to work. We will make the final determination of your eligibility for participation in the program, and will provide you with a written Rehabilitation and Return to Work Assistance plan developed specifically for you. This program may include, but is not limited to the following benefits: • coordination with your Employer to assist your return to work; • adaptive equipment or job accommodations to allow you to work; • vocational evaluation to determine how your disability may impact your employment options; • job placement services; • resume preparation; • job seeking skills training; or • education and retraining expenses for a new occupation. If you are participating in a Rehabilitation and Return to Work Assistance program, we will also pay an additional disability benefit of 10% of your gross disability payment to a maximum of $250 per week. In addition, we will make weekly payments to you for 3 weeks following the date your disability ends, if we determine you are no longer disabled while: • you are participating in a Rehabilitation and Return to Work Assistance program; and • you are not able to find employment. Limitations/Exclusions/ Termination of Coverage Pre-existing Condition Exclusion Instances When Benefits Would Not Be Paid Termination of Coverage This exclusion applies only to amounts greater than the basic coverage. You have a pre-existing condition if: • you received medical treatment, consultation, care or services including diagnostic measures, or took prescribed drugs or medicines in the 3 months just prior to your effective date of coverage; and • the disability begins in the 12 months after your effective date of coverage. Benefits would not be paid for loss resulting from: • war, declared or undeclared, or any act of war; • active participation in a riot; • intentionally self-inflicted injuries; • loss of a professional license, occupational license or certification; • commission of a crime for which you have been convicted under state or federal law; • any period of disability during which you are incarcerated; • an occupational injury or sickness,(this will not apply to a partner or sole proprietor who cannot be covered by law under Workers' Compensation or any similar law); • pre-existing condition. This applies only to amounts greater than the basic coverage. Your coverage under the policy ends on the earliest of the following: The date the policy or plan is cancelled; The date you no longer are in an eligible group; The date your eligible group is no longer covered; The last day of the period for which you made any required contributions; The last day you are in active employment except as provided under the covered layoff or leave of absence provision. Please see your Plan Administrator for further information on these provisions. Unum will provide coverage for a payable claim which occurs while you are covered ADR1878-2001 under the policy or plan. Next Steps How to Apply To apply for coverage, complete your enrollment form within 31 days of your eligibility date. Effective Date of Coverage Please see your Plan Administrator for your effective date. Delayed Effective Date of Coverage Insurance coverage will be delayed if you are not in active employment because of an injury, sickness, temporary layoff, or leave of absence on the date that insurance would otherwise become effective. Changes to Coverage Each year, or when you have a change in status, you will have the opportunity to change your short term disability coverage. Any increase in coverage will be subject to the pre-existing condition exclusion. Questions If you should have any questions about your coverage or how to enroll, please contact your Plan Administrator. This plan highlight is a summary provided to help you understand your insurance coverage from Unum. Some provisions may vary or not be available in all states. Please refer to your certificate booklet for your complete plan description. If the terms of this plan highlight summary or your certificate differ from your policy, the policy will govern. For complete details of coverage, please refer to policy form number C.FP-1, et al. Underwritten by: Unum Life Insurance Company of America 2211 Congress Street, Portland, Maine 04122, www.unum.com ©2007 Unum Group. All rights reserved. Unum is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Unum Group and its insuring subsidiaries. ADR1878-2001 UNUM Monthly Rates Additional Life/Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Employee Additional Life/AD&D Age of Employee on December 31 of Current Year Under 30 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 or over Monthly Rate for Each $10,000 in Coverage $.96 $1.10 $1.27 $1.88 $3.10 $5.07 $8.10 $10.48 $18.09 $39.69 Employee coverage cannot exceed the lesser of $500,000 or 5 times the employee’s annual wages. Spouse Additional Life/AD&D Age of Spouse on December 31 of Current Year Under 30 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 or over Monthly Rate for Each $5,000 in Coverage $.60 $.66 $.77 $1.12 $1.83 $2.93 $4.51 $6.97 $12.10 $23.41 $45.54 Spouse coverage cannot exceed 100% of the employee’s coverage. If you and your spouse are both eligible employees for the Flexible Benefits Program, you cannot be covered both as a spouse and an employee. Also, only one of you can cover your dependent children (see the enrollment form for children’s rates). Your premium for additional life/AD&D is based on your age as of December 31 of the current year. For example, if your coverage starts July 2016, and you will turn age 30 on November 10, 2016, effective with July coverage you will pay the monthly premium for a person age 30-34 until 2021. Effective with your January 2021 coverage, your monthly premium will increase to the age 35-39 rate, since your age on December 31, 2021 will be 35. 7/1/2016 Reta Trust Dependent Validation Approved Documents Dependent Type Spouse Child to age 26 Stepchild Disabled Dependent Adoption/placed for adoption Approved Documents Requirement Marriage certificate plus one piece of documentation dated within the past 60 days to establish a common residence or financial interdependence – Examples of secondary documentation: Jointly filed Form 1040 Separately filed Form 1040 with the same address Financial documents in both parties name Utility bill in both parties name Birth certificate listing the employee's name Hospital Birth Record (newborns only) Birth certificate naming spouse as the child’s biological parent and Marriage Certificate and Jointly filed 1040* Separately filed 1040 with same address* Financial document in both names Utility bill in both names Birth certificate and a copy of the employee's recent Form 1040 claiming the individual as a dependent OR the dependent's Form 1040 filed from the employee's address OR SSDI documentation Appropriate court document Court document establishing employee or the employee's spouse is Legal Guardianship/Foster Child the legal guardian *Not required of marriage less than 90 days Health Benefits Contact Sheet Medical / Pharmacy Plans Reta United Health Care (UHC) Plan Group ID #: 904702 (800) 741-8786 https://www.myuhc.com (844) 852-7437 https://www.envisionrx.com (800) 533-1833 https://www.kp.org (855) 433-6825 https://www.willamettedental.com/arch (800) 765-6003 https://www.deltadentalins.com (800) 813-2000 http://www.kaiserpermanentedentalnw.org (800) 877-7195 https://www.vsp.com Envisions Rx (UHC and Reta Value Option Program) Group ID #: 0011172003 (UHC 250 Plan) Group ID #: 0011172004 (UHC 500 Plan) Reta Kaiser Medical & Pharmacy Plan Group ID #: 19969 Dental / Vision Plans Willamette Dental Group ID #: OR10 Delta Dental of California Group ID #: 17706 Kaiser Permanente Dental Group ID #: 03766 VSP Vision Group ID #: 30032427 UNUM Short-/Long-Term Disability, Additional Life / AD&D Plans Basic Life / AD&D Group ID #: 105259 Additional Life Group ID #: 393809 Short-/Long-Term Disability (STD & LTD) Group ID #: 105259 (800) 445-0402 http://www.unum.com (800) 445-0402 http://www.unum.com (877) 851-7637 http://www.unum.com (877) 303-7382 [email protected] (800) 277-1060 https://members.mhn.com (800) 302-6343 https://www.retatrust.org (click ‘WebMD’ link) (503) 233-8343 (ph) (503) 235-0417 (fax) [email protected] Employee Services BAS Customer Service (MyEnroll Services) Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Group ID #: 5125 Access Code: aportland Employee Wellness Program (WebMD) Archdiocese of Portland Mary McPartland Employee Benefits Analyst If you would like to read more about a specific benefit, log in to the Reta Benefits Center at RetaTrust.org. The Reta Benefits Center is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need assistance or you have forgotten your user ID and/or password, please contact MyEnroll Services at (877)-303-7382 or [email protected].