Making Future


Making Future
SEMI S.A. • Manzanares, 4 - 28005 Madrid (Spain) • Phone: +34 917 017 700 •
Making Future
Corporate Image
August, 2013
SEMI S.A. • Manzanares, 4 - 28005 Madrid (Spain) • Phone: +34 917 017 700 •
SEMI Group
Created in 1919, SEMI is a leading
company in the electricity and industrial sector. Its name is synonym
of tradition, experience, and future.
SEMI, one of the main companies
in the ACS Group’s Industrial Services sector, is a renowned firm with
its know-how as an added value.
In the middle of its international
expansion, the company is distinguished for its adapting capacity,
typical of small and medium-sized
companies; its company infrastructure, characteristic of a large-sized
company; and the financial support
of a consolidated firm.
The close cooperation with many
Universities, as well as with public
and private bodies in the development of new technologies has
made our company earn the support from the sector for its innovation and viability.
Nowadays, SEMI has international
subsidiaries rendering services at
all levels. Settled in France, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania,
Turkey, Morocco, USA, Venezuela,
Panama, Costa Rica, Dominican
Republic and Mexico, the company also has collaborators in other
countries such as Portugal, Israel,
Nigeria, or Brazil.
Such global implementation is a
result of the company’s internationalization plans.
Corporate Commitments
In SEMI we are aware of the importance of service excellence. This is
why since our inception we have always maintained a philosophy that
respects the highest quality standards, personalized service, and the
environment. Such philosophy is
based on the following six principles:
Each client is unique. Nothing is
more important to us than our
clients. For SEMI they are unique,
and that is why we offer them a
personalized service, and propose
individual solutions. Their projects
are also ours, to which we are fully
Quality. We are aware that for the
constant development of a competitive and successful business
activity reaching the highest quality levels in products and services
is essential. This is why since 1996
we maintain our Quality Management System certification (UNE-EN
ISO 9001.)
Personnel Qualification. We guarantee the training of our staff for
the proper execution of their job
functions. Our training plans pro-
vide all our personnel with the necessary resources for their training,
recycling, and constant improvement. This is how we offer quality
services and professional growth
and development of our staff.
Environmental Culture. The respect
for the environment begins with the
commitment of each individual.
SEMI has consolidated a solid environmental culture shared by all our
Excellence. One of our basic principles from the approach of challenges that could improve our
products and services is excellence.
We do our best to understand the
demands of a global and changing
market, adapting to new scenarios
for the achievement of our objectives and those of our clients.
Innovation. We foster work environments that encourage creativity, innovation and development.
A constant search for efficiency
and achievement of results through
multidisciplinary work.
Prevention in
SEMI today
In SEMI we regard occupational
health and safety as essential values in the development of the company’s activities and processes.
business decision-making process.
We also guarantee a proper OH&S
training at any level.
SEMI implemented the Occupational Health and Safety Management System as of Standard
OHSAS 18001:2007. In 2010 the
company obtained the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate
In SEMI we are aware that for the
continuity of a competitive and successful business, the highest quality
levels in products and services are
essential. This is why since 1996 we
maintain our Quality Management
System certification according to
correspondent International Standards UNE-EN ISO 9001.
• Industrial, Energy and Environment Facilities
• Manufacture of Metallic Structures
External renowned entities certify
the validity of this commitment, and
the maintenance of highest quality levels. The innovation, control,
monitoring and improvement of
our company’s processes accredit
us for many standardizations and
recognitions from our clients and
official regulatory bodies.
• Quality Management System
Certificate ISO9001
This is why we constantly work to
improve occupational health and
safety management through the
most internationally renowned
safety standards.
SEMI advances towards the creation of a prevention culture including all the organization, workers,
suppliers, contractors and collaborating companies, in all correspondent activities and places.
• Accreditation for Inspecting
Electrical Systems ISO17020
• Classification of State of Works
and Services Contractors
Our main objective is to reduce
accident rates. For this purpose,
OH&S is a basic criterion in any
The constant improvement and
satisfactory answer to the needs,
requests and demands of our clients, shareholders, staff, and society in general are the basic goals
for any of the company’s employee
or activity:
• Railways
• Telecommunications
• Electric Power Lines
• Electric Power Distribution
• Live Working
• Substations
• Statutory Electric Inspections
• Works and Services Contractors
• Standardizations in supplier
• Client Standardizations (ADIF,
Red Eléctrica, Endesa, Gas
Natural-Unión Fenosa, Iberdrola, Vodafone, Telefónica,
In SEMI we are fully committed to
offering quality services, in which
environmental impact is fully minimized on the media that is directly
or indirectly affected by our activity.
Since 2001 this commitment is a
reality thanks to the Environmental
Management System certification
according to International Standard UNE-EN ISO 14001:2004 including all business activities:
• Railways
• Telecommunications
• Electric Power Lines
• Electric Power Distribution
• Live Working
• Substations
• Statutory Electric Inspections
• Industrial, Energy and Environment Facilities
ACS Group
SEMI was one of the first companies to be part of the ACS Group.
At the end of the 80s, ACS carried out a diversification process
through the acquisition of SEMI,
specialized in the maintenance
and installation of electric power
lines, railway electrification, communications infrastructures, and
industrial facilities.
The ACS Group is a world reference in building activities and
services. Such corporation participates in the development of key
sectors for the economy, such as
infrastructures and energy. Our
company is fully committed to the
economic and social progress
of the countries in which we are
The Group’s successful career is
based on an efficient organization and a dynamic and enterprising management, implemented
through consecutive mergers and
acquisitions, and strategic plans
committed to the maximization of
our shareholders’ profitability.
• Manufacture of Metallic Structures
The respect for the environment,
supported by our firm commitment
to pollution prevention and compliance with environmental regulations, all result in the consolidation
of an environmental philosophy
participated by the company’s staff
and all our representatives. We
deliberately demand our suppliers
and contractors to strictly comply
with these obligations.
The efforts in this field, driven by
the constant improvement for the
reduction of environmental impact
are recognized by our clients and
by several external accredited bodies.
• Environmental Management
System Certification ISO14001
• Standardizations in supplier
Annually, SEMI prepares a progress
report assessing the commitment
and initiative in this area.
• Client Standardizations (ADIF,
Red Eléctrica, Endesa, Gas
Natural-Unión Fenosa, Iberdrola, Vodafone, Telefónica,
• Accession Certificate to the
United Nations Global Compact
• First Progress Report (2010).
Global Compact
The company acknowledges that
our economic growth must respect the social, economic, and
natural environment of the places
where our activities are performed.
This is why in 2010 we joined the
United Nations Global Compact,
a voluntary international commitment regarding Corporate Social
Responsibility. Such initiative is
implemented with “Ten Accepted
Principles”, based on the areas of
human rights, labor, environment
and anti-corruption.
SEMI also follows and actively participates in the strategic policy and
commitments of the ACS Group
concerning Corporate Social Responsibility, especially in three
• Respect for the social, economic, and natural environment.
• Promoting innovation and research applied to infrastructure development.
Main Magnitudes
Business turnover (thousands of €)
• Job creation and welfare as an
economic engine for its groups
of interest.
In addition, once a year SEMI provides the necessary information
and indicators for the preparation
of the ACS Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility Annual Report.
This document is the compendium
and summary of the main CSR policies and initiatives implemented by
the ACS Group’s companies (Human Resources, OH&S, R&D, Environment, Quality, Client Relations
and Supplier Relations, etc.)
Market sales
More information on Global Compact:
Evolution of staff
Distribution staff
SEMI in the world
Projects in development
SEMI USA Corporation
Manzanares, 4
5335 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 640
28005 MADRID - España
Washington D.C. 20015 USA
Phone: +34 917 017 700
Phone: +1 202 478 9679
Fax: +34 915 218 597
Edificio Alegre, Oficina 4, calle 49-B Oeste
20- 22 Rue Louis Armand
El Cangrejo - Panamá
75015 Paris- France
Phone: +507 397 1900
Phone: +33 140 604 040
Fax: +33 140 609 006
Calle Jorge Elliot, 12 Int. 702
Col. Polanco C.P. 11560
119, Avenue des F.A.R.
Deleg. Miguel Hidalgo
Espace SOFIA, 4ème Etage
México, D.F
20000 - Casablanca – Morocco
Phone: +52 55 52 80 63 61
Phone: +212 0522 300 388
+212 0522 300 389
+212 0522 300 390
+212 0522 300 391
Calle J, 6
Zona Industrial de Herrera-Distrito Nacional
Via Uberto Visconti di Modrone, 3
Phone: +1829 564 75 55
Cap 20122
Santo Domingo Oeste, República Dominicana
+1829 889 93 25
Almirante Pastene 333 Of.504, Providencia
Str. Ion Nistor nr. 4, etajul 1, modul M7E, sector 3
Santiago de Chile
Bucuresti (Bucarest)
Phone: +56 2 2353644
Palacio Salvo
Avda. Rómulo Gallegos con 1ª Avda. de Sta. Eduvigis
Plaza Independencia, 848 1er piso, of. 14
Torre KLM, Piso 2, Oficina. 2-D
Santa Eduvigis. CARACAS - Venezuela
Phone: +598 2902 8004
Phone: +58 212 285 5960
+58 212 286 0109
+58 212 425 5712
+58 212 284 4055
• Electric Power Transmission
• Electric Power Distribution
• Network Maintenance and live
• Substations in Electric Power
• Distributed Electric Power
• Renewable Energies
• Storage and Fuel Conductions
• Railway Electrification
• Rail Signaling and
Communications Infrastructures
• Air Traffic Control Infrastructures
• Airport Civil Works
• Sea Traffic Control
• Lighting and Networks in
Tunnels and Highways
Asbestos Removal
Energy Efficiency
Intelligent Irrigation Systems
Environmental Measurements
New Buildings
Interior Architecture
Industrial Plants
Demolition and Wrecking
• Structure Factory
• Tools Warehouse and Machinery
• Remote Telecontrol Units
Telecommunications Networks
Satellite Ground Stations
TV and Radio Broadcast Stations
Remote Control, Telecontrol and
SCADA Systems
• Mimetizations and Designer
• Special Solutions
The energy sector is now facing ever increasingly pressing challenges —the need to satisfy a
growing demand of energy originated by the consumption of the most prosperous countries, and
the new needs of developing countries.
SEMI not only provides new infrastructures to satisfy the energy demand required by economic
development, but also studies and executes projects to make the most of already-existing networks.
Electric Power Transmission
Network Project and
SEMI is a pioneering company in the Spanish market
in high-voltage line projects and construction.
With more than 500 workers qualified in High Voltage
lines, we are one of the Spanish companies of reference in this activity, for 132 kV, 220 kV and 400 kV.
struction of a new line. It is also more environmentallyfriendly.
Our wide experience in the network project and construction sector has allowed SEMI to specialize in this
field. The company offers its specialized knowledge in
upgrading of existing OHTL projects, from its technical study to the installation of new cables, reinforcements, and structures.
Special Designs
In those projects where the application of conventional solutions is not possible nor advisable for whatever
Our team’s expertise has maintained the level of satisfaction of our clients. This is why we continue working
with them after almost one hundred years.
Upgrading of existing OHTL
The increase of transmission line capacity is usually a
faster and more cost-effective solution than the con-
reasons, our Company offers the technical capacity to
design, supply and install supports for electric power
lines adapted to special requirements for any aesthetic, environmental or merely technical purpose.
Electric Power Distribution
• Design and construction of overhead and underground medium and low voltage lines
quality services, Live Working is now more common
and demanding.
SEMI has 18 live working teams trained in its own
training centre, and distributed throughout the different Regional Offices. In addition, they all count on a
wide variety of vehicles adapted to up to 550Kv Live
Live Working in Transmission
This activity takes place on high and very high voltage
lines in transmission networks, and includes insulation
cleaning and replacements, as well as optic fiber cable laying or structural modifications. Some of these
tasks belong to the potential work modality.
Live Working in Distribution
Managing electric power distribution requires performing maintenance live working. SEMI actively par-
• Maintenance of medium and low voltage networks
• Maintenance of MV/MV and MV/LV transformer
• Fault localization and repair in LW and MV overhead and underground networks
• Thermography maintenance and meter reading
• Electric distribution according to NEC code
Network Maintenance and
Live Working
Given the constant changes in the electricity sector,
and the improvement of the increasingly demanding
ticipates in these tasks with its own workers trained in
both distance and potential methods.
Live Working in Electric Power
This activity is oriented to equipment maintenance and
replacement in working electric power substations.
Substations in Electric
Power Networks
Electromechanical Project and
Civil Works for Electric Power
Transmission and Distribution
Semi develops and executes from initial geotechnical
and geoelectrical surveys to all activities related to
ground movements, roads, drainage network, foundations, constructions, and metallic structures that
serve to install and to wire electric equipment.
Electromechanical Project and
This activity includes from single-wired schemes, total
calculation and definition of all electric power substation elements and equipment, acquisition and assembly of equipment, to the final set up.
• Visual inspections
• Thermal imaging
• Installation and maintenance of mini hydropower
• Assembly and maintenance of electric and control systems in process stations and plants
• Wind/Solar PV hybrid system
For remote or costly locations concerning electric
power lines, SEMI has developed a low-energy input system through renewable energies such as solar
PV and wind power, storing energy in batteries with
enough range to cover non-generating periods.
At the end of 2004, Telefónica Móviles España (Spanish largest telecommunication company), awarded
SEMI with the implementation of 30 relay stations for
mobile phone communication using Wind/solar PV
hybrid energy systems.
For the sizing of stations in each project, the client
defines the power and consumption times of radio
equipment, beacons, ventilation, luminaires, etc., as
well as the duration required in order to determine the
power output of the batteries to be installed.
Renewable Energies
• Actuator diagnosis
• Fault detection and repair
• Oil regeneration
SEMI’s renewable energy business is one the Group’s
largest growing sector. This branch has great future
perspectives and confirms the company’s firm commitment to cleaner energies.
• Calibration of measuring equipment
• Equipment recovery
Distributed Electric Power
• Installation and maintenance of electrogen
groups and diesel engines
• Special applications
• Frequency changers
• Gas microturbines
• Energy cells
The group focuses its renewable activities in the following fields of application; all based on the exploitation of widely available energy resources:
Wind Farm Construction and
SEMI has actively participated in the installation of more
than 700 MW, being involved in all required specialties,
from civil works, aerogenerator assembly, distribution
and clearing electrical installation, to set up.
The Company has extensive experience in the assembly of equipments G1.0, NW-82, GEWE 1, 5, V-90
and N-82 from global manufacturers Gamesa, NegMicom, General Electric and Vestas.
Design, Construction and
Maintenance of Solar PV power
Within the scope of the solar PV industry, we are
involved in the execution of grid-connected plant
projects, as well as in self-consumption installations. SEMI currently has a wide portfolio of ongoing projects distributed mainly in Europe, rendering all
necessary O&M services.
Operation and Maintenance
for Renewable Energy Plants
SEMI offers its clients a complete maintenance system that optimizes the working of the installation, and
therefore its income.
• Studies advantages and disadvantages of the
different funding methods concerning both the
project and the investor’s profile.
The aim of asset management is the responsible management of companies’ resources and securities so as
to reach the highest benefits for their investors.
This is why asset management for SEMI lies in its client’s
portfolio management, considering all possible risks.
Operation and maintenance actions include the following:
• Preventive inspection and anomaly detection
• Thermography revision
• Installation remote monitoring
• Follow-up of installation power development and
SEMI currently manages maintenance operations for
more than 100MW in Europe.
Asset Management and
Investment Consulting
Apart from providing turnkey projects for installing renewable energy systems, SEMI offers other additional
• It acts as a consultant in client’s decision-making
when undertaking investment projects in the energy field, and provides an integral solution according to the particular demands of each investment type.
• Supports all national or international companies,
as well as public administrations willing to carry
out investment projects within the energy sector,
mainly in renewable energy projects.
Storage and Fuel
• Tanks and pipelines for liquid fuels
• Natural gas distribution
• Compressed air network systems
Substations Associated to the San Diego de Cabrutica Power
Generation Plant (Venezuela)
Client: PDVSA
Country: Venezuela
Engineering, supply and construction of substations associated to the 300 MW power generation plant in San
Diego de Cabrutica (Anzoátegui State)
Expansion of Transmission Grid in Falcón State (Venezuela)
Country: Venezuela
The project includes the development of engineering and material and equipment supply for 190 km
of Transmission Lines and five (5) Substations (4
new and 1 expansion).
SET Connection 225 kV Peltre and 225 kV Bezaumont–Vigy
Client: RTE
Country: France
Creation of a new 19 high-voltage towers antenna (225Kv)
for the connection of the Peltre substation over the existing
225kV Bezaumont – Vigy line.
Rehabilitation of networks and low voltage (Dominican Republic)
Client: Corporación Dominicana de Empresas Eléctricas
Estatales (CDEEE)
Country: Dominican Republic
The rehabilitation works of medium and low voltage grids
in the Dominican Republic are divided into several phases. The first one, EDESUR, is developed within the Santo
Domingo area and includes 1,252 km of cable laying,
foundation and hoisting of 4,920 concrete and/or metallic posts, installation of 984 transformers and execution
of 66,860 service connections. The commissioning and
disassembly of existing facilities are also included. The execution time is 22 months and works are expected to be
concluded in the fourth trimester of 2012.
The following phases, EDENORTE and EDEESTE, will be
developed in different areas of the Country. They include
around 2,741 km of cable laying, foundation and hoisting
of 10,266 concrete and/or metallic posts, installation of
1,897 transformers and execution of 45,173 service connections. The commissioning and disassembly of existing
facilities are also included. Works will be completed in
three (3) sets with a maximum execution time of 15 months
per set, parallel executions and estimated completion date
September 2013.
400 kV Ferdioua-Melloussa Line (Morocco)
Client: Office National de l´Eléctricité (ONE)
Country: Morocco
Construction of a 24 km 400-Kv line, simple circuit, in
lattice towers (1,480 tonnes), 570-mm2 cross section of
Almelec conductor, and a 24 fiber OPGW earth cable
90 kV Ernee – Fougéres Underground Line (France)
Client: RTE
Contry: France
Civil engineering of underground line and power and
earth cable run between 2 90-Kv high-voltage towers
(crossing of 400Kv new line). (2 stretches of 1,600 and
1,300 meters).
Evacuation Line Manchasol 1 & 2 Solar Thermal Power Plant
Client: COBRA
Country: Spain
SEMI was responsible for the construction of 45 km of
the 220 Kv line, simple circuit, CONDOR conductor,
in which 120 supports were installated , with 1,000
m3 of Civil Works and 651 tonnes of assembly and
Construction L/T input-output 115 kV Andes Substation
Client: ENELCO
Country: Venezuela
SEMI has completed for ENELCO
(C.A. Energía Eléctrica de la Costa
Oriental) the engineering, procurement and construction project for
double-circuit line in lattice structures,
with one conductor per phase and two
earth cables, a conventional one and
an OPGW one.
Giave, PV farm on greenhouses (Italy)
Country: Italy
The photovoltaic installation on greenhouses,
Giave, occupies a 40,537.8 m2 area, and is
located in the Giave municipality of the Italian
region of Sardinia. The photovoltaic modules
are installed on greenhouse fixed structures with
a configuration of 12 horizontal modules. This
farm has a peak power of 6.03 MW, and a rated
power of 6.15 MW.
Nohra Süd PV Farm on Land (Germany)
The Nohra Süd PV farm on land occupies a 42,974m2 area, and is located in the city of Nohra, in the
Thüringen county of Germany. The photovoltaic modules are installed on a fixed structure with a configuration of two vertical modules. This facility has a peak
power of 6.09 MW and a rated power of 5.50 MW.
El Conjuro Wind Farm (Spain)
Country: Spain
SEMI completed for UNIWINDET the El
Conjuro wind farm, an facility done with
the “turnkey” modality.
The wind farm output is 1.5 MW. Works
included the execution of the civil works,
construction of a power substation, installation of 16 aerogenerator, construction of an evacuation line at 66 Kv and
medium-voltage underground lines (20
Kv), installation of anemometer towers,
as well as the reforestation of species
and hydroseeding of all the area involved
(19.000 m2).
Huéneja Wind Farm (Spain)
Country: Spain
Electrical power Installed: 98 MW
Location: Almería
Type of contract: EPC
Works:Turnkey execution contract
of 49 x 2 MW wind farm
Execution of civil works, roads,
foundations, equipment supply and
installation of electrical infrastructure and fiber optic.
Installation of 49 wind turbines in 4
wind farms: The Lomillas, Tres Villas Loma de Ayala, Los Jarales.
SEMI has wide experience and a distinguished track record in the transport sector.
We provide tailor-made solutions for this sector, from the development of new technologies,
customized studies and designs with solutions to specific problems, to any conventional project.
SEMI works in any of this sector’s fields, providing infrastructures for air, sea, railroad, and road
Railway Electrification
projects and installation, with speeds of up to 220
km/h, and power supply of 1,5 KV CC and 3 kV CC.
High-Speed Railways
Nowadays SEMI’s experience allows us to perform
any task in this field, from the design and project to
the installations and their maintenance.
SEMI is a leading company in the design and development of high-speed catenary system implemented by
Spanish Rail Administration, in accordance with the
most recent European interoperability specifications.
SEMI’s background within this field has allowed the
company to specialize in conventional lines upgrade
and modernization, reliability improvements, and acceptable speed increase.
Among our different developments is the polyvalent
catenary with DC/AC power supply.
Underground, tramways, and
metropolitan railways
The experience in this field allows us to perform the
design, project, installation and maintenance necessary for the electrification of suburban trains, tramways or undergrounds with speed of up to 120 km/h,
and feeding voltage level of750 V CC, 1,5 kV CC and
25 kV CA.
The C-350 catenary is an electric feeding system for
high-speed railways with the official approval of the
EU, according to the “Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI)”, which allows train operation at 350
km/h speed, with power supply of 1x25 kV CA and
2x25 kV CA.
Conventional Railways
The company has contributed to the electrification development of Spanish conventional rail lines, to their
This activity includes the use of specific solutions, such
as rigid catenary or Phantom-type catenary cable
Traction substations
SEMI constructs electric traction substations, rectifier
substations of alternating current/direct current in a
wide range of feeding voltages and uses, in accordance with levels established by railway authorities.
The company develops projects with valid technologies in the following fields:
• AC feeding
• Transformation
• Rectification
• Feeders
Project and construction of
radar towers
• Project and construction of radar towers: SEMI
has performed for AENA (Spanish Airports and Air
Navigation) construction and adaptation of Radar
Stations in the Gerona, Alicante, Prat de Llobregat
(Barcelona), and Barajas (Madrid) Airports.
• Radar equipment installation.
• Control
Classification of the main types of installed substations:
• 3,300Vcc rectifier-transformer substations - Conventional control system
• 3,300Vcc rectifier-transformer substations - Distributed control system
• 1,500Vcc rectifier-transformer substations - Conventional control system
• 600 Vcc rectifier-transformer substations
• 220-400 Kv / 2x25 kV ca transformer substations
• Specific design and projects, mobile radar towers,
and air beacon structures.
Airport Civil Works
In recent years SEMI has been responsible for the
specific road maintenance contract including the construction and repair of asphalt or concrete pavement
roads/ways, signaling included, for the US government in the Rota Naval Base (Cádiz, Spain).
Rail Signaling and
• Cable laying and cabling for signaling and communications networks with copper and fiber wire.
• GSM-R radio infrastructure and installation.
Some of our works in airports:
• Drainage system restoration
• Lighting replacement
• Runways and taxiways’ hard shoulder construction
• Emergency brake repair
• Cleaning and repainting of runway signaling
Sea Traffic Control
• Project and construction of network and radio
antennae towers: SEMI has built the maritime rescue coordination centers for the Office of Maritime Affairs in Galicia (Spain), which included the
Monte Deu, Monte Tahume, Monte Xastas and
Monte Aro stations. The Radar de Finisterre station was also built.
• Daytime and nighttime alignment signals.
• Emergency poles
• Energy: Medium Voltage, Low Voltage, Emergency, and UPS
• Regular and emergency lighting
• Luminary control system
• Transverse, longitudinal and filter ventilation systems
• Environmental sensor system
• Fire detection and extinguishing systems
• Communications and radio communications networks
• Emergency poles and PA systems for facilities and
Lighting and Networks in
Tunnels and Highways
In road transport, SEMI installs systems for both road
and rail tunnels (undergrounds, light rail, and conventional railways), and executes projects for public road
lighting and signaling.
Road lighting
• Energy networks
• Transformer stations
• Installation of power and lighting systems
• Installation of luminaries
Catenary for High Speed
SEMI has been one of the main Spanish private companies to act as a driving force in
the development of the Spanish high-speed
catenary, accepted for its excellence worldwide. Our C350 catenary project has been
adopted by the Spanish Rail Authorities as
a technological standard for its high-speed
lines. SEMI has also headed several highspeed traction substations projects. Our capacity allows us to design and build any system requested by clients.
Levante High Speed Line. Albacete-Alicante Section (Spain)
Client: ADIF
Country: Spain
SEMI is currently working in the electrification of the highspeed line between the Albacete and Alicante stations. Such
section corresponds to the route Madrid-Castilla La ManchaValencia Region-Region of Murcia, on which SEMI has already
executed the Madrid-Cuenca-Motilla del
Palancar section.
The project includes AC 2x25 Kv catenary
electrification of approximately 167 km of
double track, and includes 5 Passing and
Stabling Siding Tracks, similar to stations
but without passenger access, and passenger stations of Monforte del Cid (with
branching to Murcia) and Alicante. There
are 3 tunnels, 2 during the journey and the
last one in the entrance to the city of Alicante.
The technology used is the C-350 catenary used by the technological consortium
headed by SEMI, and successfully implemented in previous projects. Apart from the
execution of works, the contract includes
the maintenance of the installation during
its first two years of operation.
Northwest High Speed. Traction Substations (Spain)
Client: ADIF
Country: Spain
SEMI has completed works in the traction substations of the Northwest High-Speed Line, in the
Orense-Santiago section. These works included
the construction and equipment of two (2) traction
substations (in Amoeiro and Silleda), and seven
(7) auto-transformer units distributed along the
entire section.
The traction substations feed the 2x25 Kv contact
overhead line system, as well as the rest of auxiliary services in different voltages. Each one of them
is equipped with two (2) 30 MVA power converters, as well as with the auxiliary lighting and power
services, HVAC systems, protection and distributed control systems, earth networks, and lightning protection systems. Similar to substations, the
auto-transformer units include the necessary civil
works, power converters, and all the required auxiliary equipment.
Tranche Catenary Rehabilitation Barakaldo – Olabeaga (Spain)
Client: ADIF
Country: Spain
The project has included the rehabilitation of the
contact overhead line section in the surrounding
areas of the Rontegui Bridge in the KP 7+491
and the Zorrotza station in the KP5+027, belonging to the C-1 Bilbao Abando – Santurce
suburban line, upgrading some aspects and correcting some technical faults.
SEMI carried out a complete remodeling of the
facilities, from civil works, hoisting of new posts,
replacing of the old and dangerous flexible gantries for the rigid ones, and renovation of worn
out and rusty elements which had not been renovated since the electrification of these stations.
Catenary Rehabilitation in the Pola de Lena – Soto de Rey Section
Client: ADIF
Country: Spain
SEMI has carried out the rehabilitation project for
the contact overhead line section between the Pola
de Lena and Soto del Rey stations, between KP
108+119 and 130+617.
Stations were upgraded by removing cable railways and
replacing them with rigid portal frames. Catenary facilities were also upgraded in the existing tunnel sections.
In the section between stations, rehabilitation
works were based on the up line and on the stations within the rail line section.
Upgrade works were based on the catenary’s mechanical compensation. For this purpose, the line
had to be properly divided according to the new
sections. Civil works, assembly of new posts and
equipments adapted to mechanical voltage regulators all had to be carried out.
Safety protections were improved by replacing the
steel guard wire for aluminum-steel, and upgrading associated elements such as lightning arresters,
descents, connections, grounds, etc.
Telecommunications Maintenance Madrid – Barcelona HighSpeed Line (Spain)
Country: Spain
SEMI carries out for MOVISTAR the corrective maintenance of the repeaters network installed in the Madrid-Barcelona AVE tunnels:
Maintenance of equipments, radiant systems,
and optical fiber network).
Radar Tower Adequacy (Spain)
Client: AENA
Country: Spain
SEMI has executed the reinforcement and
adaptation works for the superior platform
of the secondary Radar Tower in the Alicante airport, for the installation of the new
Anti-Fod Repairs in Field of Flight (Spain)
Client: US Navy
Country: Spain
Turnkey project including the repair and installation of drainage pipes, and the remodeling of
roadsides (stabilizing and asphalting) for their adequation to UFC standards of the US army.
Maritime threading Tabernilla and San Pablo (Panama)
Cliente: Autoridad del Canal de Panamá
Country: Republic of Panama
In the outskirts of Tabernilla and San Pablo, in the Gatún Lake area, SEMI has built
8 towers of 40” y 60” height for maritime
signaling in the Panama Canal, at the
south of the Barro Grande Island.
Catenary Moving in the Palanquinos and Torneros Stations (Spain)
Client: Corsán-Corviam Construcción
Country: Spain
In this project, the integral remodeling of
two stations was undertaken, during which
the necessary land for the execution of the
new Valladolid-Palencia High-Speed platform was released. Such works included
the disassembly of catenary facilities, for
which purpose completely new facilities
had to be built, further away, allowing the
construction of the AVE platform.
These tasks were done without affecting
the regular service of the conventional rail
line, which continued in use during the entire work period.
SEMI first develops infrastructures for the telecommunications sector in the fifties, participating in
the construction of TV, radio and telephone broadcast networks.
The Company currently has wide experience in aerial and channeled optical fibre networks, as
well as in mobile telephone networks —by radio or by fibre— with references in GSM, UMTS,
LTE and GSM-R.
We have a large instrumentation park specific for connections and optical fiber measurements for link cer-
Infrastructures for
Telecommunications Network
• Installation of GSM, DCS, LTE and GSM-R mobile telephone Base Stations.
• Antenna and weather mast support towers. Supply, civil works, reinforcement and assembly of
metallic towers, self-supported mobile telephone
masts, guy mast towers, designer towers, light turrets, and ground and building tubular masts.
• Plate and concrete houses, equipment and supply
of one-piece prefab houses and prefab houses
with panels.
tification: reflectometric, power and PMD/CD dispersion measurements.
Installation of mobile telephone
Our experience covers the installation of base stations, both compact and distributed, for all technolo-
• Lightning protection through slow-discharge
deionizer lightning rod and ground connections
Installation of communications
cable networks
External plant global deployment service of all types
of channeled and overhead cable networks, from layout design to delivery of as-built documentation.
We are specialized in optical fiber networks, rendering
services to telecommunications operators and carriers in the electricity and rail sectors, deploying networks in channeled infrastructures, high-voltage and
medium-voltage power lines, pylon lines, and service
gies (GSM, GSM-R, UMTS and LTE) and for all manufacturers, offering the following services: installation,
configuration, base station testing and integration,
radiating systems and associated energy systems.
The company has displayed significant networks with
self-supporting towers of up to 140 m tall, at both national and international level.
One of our fields of expertise is access network extension through installation of relay stations by optical
fiber and by radio. In the area of transmission network
we rely on know-how and references in PDG, SDH,
and Ethernet radiolinks installation, configuration,
testing and integration of the main manufacturers, as
well as in fiber-to-the-node (FTTN).
In accordance with Royal Decree 1066/2001 and Order CTE/23/2002, we offer electromagnetic emission
measurement and certification services for radio stations.
Satellite Ground Stations
In this activity, SEMI has participated in projects for
Telefónica de España and Retevisión, building the following facilities:
• Satellite Communication Station for Telefónica
de España in Almunia de Tajuña (Guadalajara,
Remote Control, Telecontrol
and SCADA Systems
• Satellite Communication Station for Telefónica de
España in Agüimes (Gran Canaria, Spain)
• Satellite Communication Station for Telefónica de
España in La Granada (Barcelona, Spain)
• Transfer of Communications Station from Torrejón to Fresnedillas de la Oliva (Spain)
• Transfer of Antenna from the Zaragoza Air Base
TV and Radio Broadcast
SEMI has wide experience in the construction of TV
and radio broadcasting and rebroadcasting stations.
To be highlighted is the Noblejas shortwave broadcasting station, or the 250m-mast radiator for RNE in
Seville (Spain).
Engineering, manufacturing,
and assembly
Our main solutions are oriented towards High Voltage (HV) substation telecontrol, Medium Voltage (MV)
primary and secondary distribution telecontrol (or
transformer stations), as well as towards hydroelectric
power stations telecontrol.
In hardware, these solutions are based on our Remote Terminal Units (RTU), Setis and Idacs, and on
several communications equipment which allow the
implementation of multi-medium distributed architecture networks (RTC, Ethernet, analog radio, digital radio TETRA, ADSL, PLC, GSM/GPRS, etc.), and
multi-protocol (IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-104,
IEC 60870-5-103, DNP3.0, IEC 61850, MODBUS,
PROCOME, m-Link, SPABUS, etc.).
In software, SEMI completes its offer with its tools
Control Suite (stand-alone or multi-site SCADA work-
• Hamlet, a configuration and maintenance tool.
• Dr. Sam, a web server-based remote consulting
This type of architecture allows adaptation to the
available communication media (RTC; GSM/GPRS;
Ethernet or PPP for tetra radio, ADSL modem or PLC
connections) and the communication with different
IED (Intelligent Electronic Devices), through different
field protocols (IEC 60870-5-103, Procome, Modbus,
ing either as local or remote terminal in a control
center); Dr. SAM, a web-server-based supervision and
monitoring tool; and several setup and simulation telecontrol system tools.
Over the years, we have put together the efforts of
our R&D, Engineering, After-Sales and Maintenance
departments to offer an all-in-one solution to the market: design, installation and commissioning of turnkey
telecontrol solutions.
Distributed Architecture RTU
Our goal is to automate, monitor and control electrical installations, both local and remote, effectively and
efficiently. This is why through the distributed architecture RTU we are able to offer a comprehensive, scalable, open and secure solution that minimizes costs.
The distributed architecture network is based on the
following components:
• RTU (Telecontrol Remote Units) of the Idacs family, conceived for the control and supervision of
large-scaled industrial facilities.
Medium-Voltage Secondary
With its RTU (Remote Telecontrol Unit), SEMI offers a
flexible and low-cost solution for monitoring and controlling medium-voltage grids.
This solution allows distributing companies to improve
service quality. This is a significant challenge, given
the large volume of points to be controlled and the
typical varied communication media in medium-voltage grids.
This solution allows to establish real-time telecontrol
networks, with proprietary infrastructure (analog radio, Tetra, etc.), or third-party infrastructure (GPRS,
RTC), adaptable to the needs of each utility.
The proposed architecture is based on the Setis family RTU, and especially designed for MV grid, IdacsGW101104 and Idacs-PRX104 concentrators, and
SCADA Control Suite.
Mimetizations and
Designer Structures
With the aim of reducing the visual impact of the radiating systems of mobile telephone base stations, SEMI
currently designs, manufactures and installs masts that
can be camouflaged with non-metallic structures, permeable to the radiofrequency of these services (GSM/
DCS/UMTS). So far we’ve imitated chimneys with the
same color and shape as the ones in their surroundings, but others similar to any type of structure could
also be built. All the accessories, cables, antennas,
stairs, platforms, fall arrest systems, etc. are contained
within such structures.
• Setis telecontrol devices that act within an installation as RTU capture/action modules.
• Control Suite, a SCADA especially designed for
the telecontrol of electrical networks, with communication over the IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5101/104 or DNP3 protocols.
A particular case of synergies with advertising is the
shared use of towers supporting billboards. In such
cases, the inside is used to place hidden antennas behind panels with material transparent to radio waves.
Designer Structures
Occasionally and mainly in urban areas, the solution
adopted has been to build exclusive designer struc-
Reinforcement of existing
The shared use of telecommunications structures, the
increase in the number of radio systems and opera-
tures. This option is based in proposals from architecture firms, but adapted and scaled up by SEMI to be
used as antenna support towers.
Special Solutions
Base Stations on HV Power
The large and necessary proliferation of power lines
for energy transport requires metallic towers for their
installation. Some, especially those used in high-voltage power lines, have significant bracket supports.
Under certain restrictive conditions, they can also be
shared for use as mobile telephone base stations.
tors, etc., after a study or a recalculation of the load
supported by the structure, all require a higher tower
load-bearing capacity.
Instead of being replaced by other new structures,
with the subsequent cost increase and inconveniences
from total service interruption during installation, it
frequently requires a more efficient solution such as
the reinforcement of the already-existing structure.
Therefore, inconveniences derived from complete restoration would be greatly reduced.
Such reinforcements can also be applied to structures
with corrosion deterioration installed in untreated
steel with poor paint preservation, which have gradually lost section and stability. In some of these cases,
the solution has been to completely replace the structure with a new one: a parallel structure is installed
on the inside or outside, and then the deteriorated
one is disassembled with minimum or even no service
Autonomous Mobile Stations
These stations are equivalent to a mobile rural location and adaptable to different terrains without the
need for civil works. Also, they offer the advantages
and characteristics of fixed conventional stations.
This proposal offers quick-to-implement temporary
solutions for coverage of events, new clients and/or
services, replacement of conventional stations, etc.
This type of stations entails a tower supporting structure, a standard control house and a generating set
with its storage tank. To be highlighted is its temporary
nature, allowing the obtaining of permits from correspondent authorities to be easier.
Lightning Arresting System
For lightning arresting, we have innovative solutions
through inhibiting devices that avoid direct lightning
strike on station elements (towers, buildings, etc.). This
system reduces damages on telecommunications facilities and equipment.
SEMI conducts the design and study of lightning arresting, measuring the number of inhibitors necessary,
and terrain resistivity through geoelectrical methods.
The company also carries out the design of ground
Deployment of Mobile Phone Network Infrastructure in Mexico
Client: TELCEL
Country: Mexico
During 2011 SEMI executed the project, supply and
construction of many mobile telephone Base Stations.
These stations were installed in different places in
Mexico, for the deployment of the operator TELCEL’s
mobile phone network.
I&C Ran Refresh Vodafone (Spain)
Client: Vodafone
Country: Spain
Adaptation of locations for the Vodafone
Mobile Phone network, Installation and
Commissioning of new telecommunications
equipments to increase network capacity.
Mobile Phone Base Stations in Costa Rica
Country: Costa Rica
Construction of Mobile Telephone Base
Stations for the deployment of common
infrastructures to those award-winning Telecommunications Operators.
ABERTIS TELECOM Infrastructure (Spain)
Country: Spain
For Abertis Telecom, SEMI carries out the maintenance and
renewal of its network infrastructure, reinforcing the communications towers of the coastal areas of Andalucía, Cataluña
and Cantabria. Also, SEMI is providing safety measures for the
telephone towers with the Söll rigid line fall arrester system.
Optical fiber wound on conductors (France)
Client: RTE
Country: France
In recent years, SEMI has executed
in France many kilometers of optical
fiber laying and connection structure
wound on conductors. Such works
include the carrying out of optical
connections between substations,
with fiber wound on conductors. This
task is also performed on steel wire
Radio & Microwave Project EAZI (Gibraltar)
Client: EAZI
Location: Gibraltar
Installation of Telecommunications equipments
for radio and links, with infrastructure implementation for the Telecommunications operator EAZI.
Autonomous Mobile Stations
These stations are equivalent to a mobile
rural location and adaptable to different
terrains without the need for civil works.
Also, they offer the advantages and characteristics of fixed conventional stations.
This proposal offers quick-to-implement
temporary solutions for coverage of events,
new clients and/or services, replacement of
conventional stations, etc. This type of stations entails a tower supporting structure,
a standard control house and a generating set with its storage tank. To be highlighted is its temporary nature, allowing the
obtaining of permits from correspondent
authorities to be easier.
Environment protection is one of our corporate principles.
SEMI develops activities in the field of environment. Some of them include energy efficiency
project assessment and execution, drainage works, and asbestos maintenance, repair, and removal operations.
The company offers great expertise —nationally and internationally— in the study and commissioning of the following projects.
Decontamination of
asbestos, lead, PCBs, etc.
SEMI’s services include a decontamination plan mainly
focused on asbestos maintenance, repair and removal
operations. It also offers monitoring, inspection, counseling, planning and project services. The company
currently has a team of 50 experts with specific training
in this field. In addition, all its members are accredited
by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Intelligent Irrigation
SEMI installs irrigation and water distribution networks
for its efficient use and significant saving. These systems include remote controls and automation systems,
as well as monitoring and assessment of weather forecasting for atmospheric changes.
The company installs intelligent irrigation systems for
irrigator organizations, golf courses, sports facilities,
sport fields, etc.
Our technical resources are among the most innovative and advanced in the market, such as the fivephase decontamination, state-of-the-art depressors
or laser particle counter.
Energy Efficiency
Our company’s multidisciplinary team can carry out
activities and projects with the highest energy efficiency. This is how it assesses the adoption of several responsible habits, measures and investments at
a technological and management level (both in R&D
projects and in sustainable building), which contribute
to reduce energy consumption without affecting our
comfort and life quality.
SEMI also installs facilities and infrastructures for earth
environmental data control and collecting networks.
The information collected by the sensors is sent via
satellite to a database for its subsequent analysis and
for preparation of studies on ecological footprint and
climate change.
Energy efficiency should not only be applied to our
homes. This is why SEMI has a standardized and approved energy saving system —by several operating
companies— through hot air extraction in BTS cabins, allowing the reduction of electricity consumption
as the number of times HVAC systems are ignited is
Replacement of asbestos cement cover in the Forging Workshop
Client: Navantia
Location: Navantia facilities in Puerto
Real (Astilleros de Cádiz)
Project for the removal of approximately
1.000 m2 asbestos cement cover in the
ship named “Forge Workshop”, at Navantia’s facilities in the Puerto Real factory. SEMI’s decontamination equipment
performed the asbestos removal, and
the palletizing and packaging of the
removed material. Then, a new cover
with sandwich-type sheet metal panels
was installed, insulated and lacquered
on both sides, cracks were repaired and
the ship was painted
Removal, repair and replacement of asbestos-containing materials
Location: Rota Naval Base - CÁDIZ
The project includes the removal, repair and
replacement of asbestos-containing materials consisting of pipe insulations, vinyl floors,
acoustic panels, and asbestos cement, among
others. All tasks are carried out by our own
workers and equipment, in accordance to both
Spanish and North American regulations. Two
aspects should be particularly considered:
health, with personal and environmental sampling done by accredited technicians and laboratories; and environment, with waste management done with transport and managers
authorized by competent authorities.
Decentralization of Boilers (Spain)
Client: US Armed Forces
Ubicación: Base Naval de Rota - CÁDIZ
SEMI collaborates with Energy Conservation Measures
Project. It is a multidisciplinary project located in the
Rota and Naples naval bases. It is promoted by the US
Government to improve energy efficiency.
SEMI has been in charge of the design and execution
of energy-saving projects, including the preparation
of a specifications and technical solutions package
adapted to US regulations.
Among these solutions is the design of the new hot
water distribution system, for sanitary purposes as well
as for the heating system of thirty buildings in the Rota
Naval Base.
Due to the new system, the obsolete, centralized vapor
distribution system will be removed. An inefficient recurrent maintenance problem from an energetic point
of view.
Improved HVAC Systems (Spain)
Client: US Armed Forces
Location: Rota Naval Base - CÁDIZ
SEMI has executed the study and design of a
set of improvements aimed at the energy saving of HVAC facilities in the Rota Naval Base.
Replacement of HVAC equipments (Spain)
Client: US Armed Forces
Location: Rota Naval Base - CÁDIZ
SEMI’s team of experts has carried out the study
and design for the HVAC rehabilitation in several
buildings, including the installation of highly efficient equipments replacing the already-existing
The design includes a new mechanical and power
and control installation for a higher energy saving
Conservation of water resources (Spain)
Client: US Armed Forces
Location: Rota Naval Base - CÁDIZ
The company is responsible for installing WeatherTRAK system to irrigate golf courses, sports fields,
schools and sports facilities for the U.S. government
at the Rota Naval Base
The company’s performance has been required through time for the proper development of different activities within the field of non-residential building.
As a result of this consolidated experience, SEMI currently offers a wide range of specialized
New Buildings
SEMI constructs public and private new buildings:
• Shopping Malls
• Health Centers
• Office Buildings
Data processing centers
Switching centers
Commercial buildings and spaces
Public buildings and spaces
Rehabilitation, remodeling, and adaptation of office
• Technical and industrial spaces fitting out, including BTS and BSC premises
• Adaptation of broadcasting station buildings
Industrial Plants
Industrial Warehouses
Sports, Cultural and Social Centers
Telecommunications and Electric Distribution
Buildings, Restricted Area Facilities, etc.
• Industrial cold
Interior Architecture
Habilitation, rehabilitation and
improvement of buildings and
The company is responsible for several initiatives related to building and space fitting out, rehabilitation
and adaptation.
Some of the projects and facilities for interior remodeling and adaptation of buildings for different purposes
are as follows:
• Telephone exchanges
• Plumbing
• Thermal Solar
• Fire Protection System
• Gas.
• Indoor low voltage distribution
• Distribution boards
• Power
• Lighting
Integrated Energy
Management in Buildings
Demolition and Wrecking
SEMI executes demolition and wrecking services for
public and industrial buildings, as well as electromechanical dismantling, managing the subsequent debris removal and material recycling.
For instance, we have carried out the following services for the US Government: building demolition, mechanical and manual demolition, electromechanical
dismantling, hazardous material removal and debris
• Special
• Control
• House automation
MINSA CAPSI Health Centers (Panama)
Client: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Panama
Country: Republic of Panama
According to the conditions and requirements of Panama’s Ministry of Health, SEMI SA is executing works for
both its innovative Primary Health Care Centers, MINSA CAPSI. Both Health Centers are similar. It is a one-story
building consisting of a central core formed by a main lobby, onto which the different services departments are
annexed: front desk and administration, medical record, pharmacy, lecture room and library, physiotherapy,
imaging and external consultations.
Command Building (Command Ops) (Spain)
Client: US Navy
Country: Spain
Three-story building designed for offices with a total
2,900m² of occupied space. Characteristics.- Building with concrete walls and forging of joists and counter ceilings with tiled roof. Interior partition walls with
pladur (drywall panels). All annexed installations included: electricity, grounding connections, air conditioning, plumbing, fire protection and boilers. The civil
works include: service connections of all installations,
gardening, pavements and car parks.
Commisary Building/Navy Exchange (Spain)
Client: US Navy
Country: Spain
Building designed as shopping mall / department
stores with a total 19.000 m² of built-up area.
Characteristics: Building with concrete walls and
metallic roof. Interior partition walls with pladur
(drywall panels). All annexed installations included:
electricity, grounding connections, air conditioning,
refrigeration in chambers, plumbing, and fire protection. The civil works include: service connections
of all installations, gardening, pavements and car
Top Shops (Spain)
Country: Spain
To sponsor the launch of smart phones, Telefónica
implemented the creation of sales points portraying an ultra-modern, innovative and technological
image, different to all the ones designed previously; a logical image for the new product. They
were so-called “Top Shops”. SEMI built several in
Valencia Sevilla and Cádiz.
Office Building and Mobile Switching Centers (MSC) (Spain)
Client: Xfera
Country: Spain
For the deployment of its phone network, Xfera needed
the construction of its big buildings aimed at Mobile
Switching Centers (MSC), inside which the staff offices
were also located. In this project, SEMI participated in
the construction of buildings both in A Coruña and Barcelona. The highly sophisticated precision installations in
these buildings are very significant, to secure electricity
supply as well as to provide a perfect climatization solution, with the objective of ensuring the optimal operation
of telephone devices.
Upgrading with economizers (Italy)
Client: US Navy
Country: Italy
Project for the HVAC system upgrading in
three buildings at the Naples Naval Base, according to client specifications.
The new system includes air quality control
systems that meet the ASHRAE 62.1 standard,
and the adaptation of air treatment units to the
free cooling mode. The scope of the design
includes the adaptation to a new centralized
control system in buildings.
Occupancy Control System in Barracks (Italy)
Client: US Navy
Country: Italy
New occupation control system to optimize
the operation of the HVAC system in several barracks in the Naples Naval Base. Due
to this project, the general performance of
the equipments has been significantly improved while their high energy waste has
been considerably reduced.
Integrated in our company structure, our factories are conceived as a basic element given our
designer and constructor nature, providing great flexibility to our works while rendering services
to external clients.
Structure Factory
In Guadalajara (Spain), in 10,000-m2 El Henares industrial estate is located the metallic structure factory,
with an annual production of 7,000 t.
Among others, our machinery pool has the following:
Railway Machinery
This facility was planned as an auxiliary element to
our basic designer and constructor nature. The factory provides great flexibility to our works while it also
renders services to external clients in everything related to line transformation, construction of up to 400
Kv line supports, antenna support towers, substation
structures, posts and portal gates for railway electrification, etc. Specific designs for compact towers, for
both communications and energy transport lines, can
also be undertaken by these workshops.
Tools Warehouse and
Tool and prototype
• 8 track cars with pylon and crane equipped with
15-tone trailer platforms
• 10 track-road trucks with pylon and crane
equipped with trailer platforms
• 2 track trucks with pylon and road/rail crane
• 15 railway platforms:
• Measurement equipment with instrumented pantograph equipped in track cars
Cable Laying Machinery
• 48 cable laying pylons 2,000 to 15,000 kg shaft
• 29 brakes 4,000 to 15,000 kg.
• 10 pylon-brakes 2,500 to 4,000 kg.
• 19 3,000-kg towing winches
• 77 motor press machines for cable joints 64 to
184 t
The particularities of these works —service and economy— require our own basic production component.
• 3,000 pulleys
Therefore, in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), in a
120,000-m2 space, the following are located:
• 100,000 m. anti-twisting braided steel
• Sheet metal workshop for pieces, implements,
tools and prototypes.
• 15 hydraulic jacks from 12 to 40 t
• Construction, repair and commissioning workshop for specific machinery such as track vehicles,
cable laying equipment (brakes, winch, pulleys),
• General warehouse
• 2,000 frogs
• 120 7,000-kg hydraulic jacks
Vehicle fleet
• 14 trucks with isolated crane from 15 to 26 t for
live working
• 45 off road trucks with crane 18 to 32 t
Functions of Remote Telecontrol Units
• To capture digital information (status of the installations and any alarms that may have been
triggered) and send it to a remote control centre
that will compile all this information. For example,
status of electrical switches and valves, intruder
alarm, battery failure alarm, etc.
• To capture analogue information and send it to
a remote control centre that will compile all this
information. Measurements of intensity, voltage,
frequency, flow, level, temperature, etc.
• 6 off road trucks with crane up to 15 t
• 30 road trucks with crane up to 26 t
• 12 lift platforms on truck
• 1 40 t self-propelled crane
• 6 back loaders
• 6 mini loaders
• To take digital commands from the control centre.
Typically, manoeuvres to be carried out upon the
switches of the electrical network or the valves of
a hydraulic system.
• To take analogue commands from the control
centre. Typically, instructions regarding the current or voltage to the electrical network transformers or the valves.
Idacs (Intelligent Digital/Analogue Control System)
• 20 lift trucks
Remote Telecontrol Units
The products developed by SEMI are integrated by
remote terminal units (RTU), small-sized supervisory
control and data acquisition centers (SCADA), and telecontrol and teleconfiguration applications.
The collection formed by our remote telecontrol units
and their associated tools are an independent system
oriented towards local process control and automation, both for electrical applications (demands in this
sector have justified their development), and for general-purpose industrial control applications.
Remote Telecontrol Units
The family of the so-called Remote Telecontrol Units
(RTU) Idacs/Setis was first designed for the telecontrol of medium and large-scale electrical facilities, although they can be used for more general purposes.
This range consists of a collection of devices installed
within the facilities to be controlled. They are designed
to carry out specific functions.
An Idacs is a Remote Telecontrol Unit with an input capacity of up to 10,000 control points which allows for
the telecontrol, in real time, of all kinds of industrial installations, even if they are located in particularly hostile environments. It has a large information storage
capacity and allows the installation to be controlled
either locally or remotely, managing communications
with several control centers.
Setis (Intelligent Scalable Telecontrol System)
The Setis RTU (Remote Telecontrol Unit) is a modular device endowed with a certain degree of intelli-
gence that captures and processes information about
an installation and manages communications with
a control centre, transmitting this information over a
communications network. In this way, it is possible to
remotely control the installation.
Communications Equipment
Our equipments have been designed to allow communication between remote devices, adapting the data
transmission to the already-existing different media.
Communications can basically be established as follows:
Device for use with GPS (Global Positioning System)
antenna which acts as a transmitter of configuration
data and a receiver of antenna data and PPS (Pulse
Per Second) signals.
Device able to act as an communications adapter
and multiplexer between different transmission media:
RS232, RS485, RS422, glass fiber optic or plastic fiber
• Via Radio
• Via Ethernet
• Point-to-Point on RTC or GSM/GPRS networks
• Point-to-Multipoint RS485
• Point-to-Point on FO networks
• Point-to-Point on TCP/IP networks
SerialHub (Communications Concentrator)
Serial communications concentrator based on master/
slave topologies, with 1 master way and 8 slaves.
UMPC (Multipoint Radio Controller)
Equipment with three serial points for adapting communications from telecontrol devices to different communications networks.
UTSI (Controller)
Communications equipment using IDACS technology
with four serial ports for routing and backup tasks on
telecontrol networks.
Media Adapter Equipment
SlotC (Expansion Modules)
Communications interfaces that convert TTL signals
from IDACS equipment base plate into RS232 signals,
RS232 multidrop, light signals for glass fiber optic or
plastic fiber optic, RS485 or RTC.
SEMI is created
The company is created with the aim of designing and
building industrial facilities. During its first years, it
shapes its innovative and pioneer vocation, specializing in the development and commissioning of the
national energy transmission network, including highvoltage electric power lines and substations.
construction of communications infrastructures: TV,
radio, mobile telephone, and GSM-R repeaters; radar
and maritime rescue stations; optical fiber networks,
real-time data weather stations, etc.
Impulse to the National Radio Shortwave
Broadcasting Station
Project for the construction of a National
Power Grid
SEMI builds the antenna field for the Noblejas Shortwave Broadcasting Station, from where the emissions
for Radio Nacional de España (RNE) are transmitted
to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Australia, northern
Africa, Equatorial Africa and America.
SEMI presents the “Project for a National Power Grid
in Spain”, which implies the creation of a Body, the
precursor of the current Red Eléctrica de España (REE).
Precursors of the change of energy transmission network to 400 Kv.
Railway Electrification Madrid-Ávila-Segovia
In the 70s, SEMI designs and builds the first transformation carried out in Spain for a duplex 220 Kv to a
triplex 400 Kv line, Madrid-La Mudarra.
SEMI has been present in the railway field since 1929.
The company started its activities with the electrification of the Madrid-Ávila-Segovia line, the first one to
be carried out by a Spanish company in Spain.
This project was started for the Compañía de los
Caminos de Hierro del Norte de España, after integrated in RENFE.
Works were interrupted by the Spanish Civil War.
Therefore, electrification could not be concluded until
1946. It was then concluded for RENFE (created in
SEMI: Pioneer in Spain for very high-voltage power lines
SEMI designs and builds for Endesa the PonferradaValladolid line, the first one in Spain for 220 Kv voltage.
Pioneers in the emergent telecommunications infrastructure
The will of advancing and settling in new scenarios
helped the company to establish itself in the telecommunications field. Since then, SEMI has maintained
great activity in all operations linked to the design and
Infrastructure deployment for the 1982
FIFA World Cup TV rebroadcasting network
Held in Spain with “Naranjito” as mascot, the “82 FIFA
World Cup” implied the previous necessity of upgrading the infrastructures for the Spanish television (TVE),
and Spanish National Radio (RNE) stations covering
the information. A very relevant project awarded to
SEMI, who was responsible for the building, reinforcement and enlargement of many broadcasting stations.
Among them were the ones at Pozo de las Nieves (Las
Palmas), Arguís (Huesca), El Viso (Zamora), Torrente
(Valencia), Jaizquíbel (Guipúzcoa), as well as the 46m
metallic Tower installed on the Pirulí de Torrespaña
Participation in the new network infrastructures for mobile and fixed communications operators
In the 90s many telephony licenses were awarded
in Spain to different telecommunications operators.
These dealerships allowed SEMI to actively participate
in the deployment of new mobile or fixed networks, at
national and international level.
On the one hand, the company was the favored bidder of the construction of Base Stations by the four
mobile telephone operators in Spain, as well as in
Portugal, Morocco, Mexico, Central America, and
Venezuela. At the same time, optical fiber networks
were deployed both for cable operators and for electric companies using energy transmission networks.
Another milestone for the company occurred at the
EXPO’92 and the Olympic Games, which represented
a significant improvement of Spain’s image at an international scale. They showed the rest of the world
the technical capacity of the companies participating
in the large transport and communications infrastructures built for the two events.
On the same year, design and construction of the rail
catenary for 350 km/h are performed.
Storm and Solidarity with France
The company starts in France building and rebuilding
works for EDF, after the storms occurred in the neighboring country in December 1999.
For such occasion, SEMI built the Tower for the Telephone Station in the Cartuja island. It also carried
out many works for communications stations at the
Olympic Villa that would guarantee the coverage of
both events.
Upon request for international collaboration launched
by EDF, SEMI cooperated by sending specialized personnel in high and very high voltage works for the
quick reestablishing of service and reconstruction of
the French electric power grid.
In addition, SEMI participated in the electric infrastructure of the NAFA Project (New Railway Access to
Andalusia), and in the mobile telephone coverage of
the new rail layout, on which the Madrid-Sevilla AVE
runs. In collaboration with the Japanese company
NEC Corporation, SEMI installed the antennae for
the Telefónica Satellite Communications Stations in
Armuña de Tajuña (Guadalajara) and Agüimes (Canarias).
Over the years, SEMI was certified by SDF and was
permanently established in France through the creation of our subsidiary SEMI France.
Beginning of building activities and turnkey projects for renewable energy generation
Being anticipated to the present challenge of renewable energies, SEMI has been executing “turnkey
projects” regarding wind power, PV and solar thermal
power for many years. The company’s commitment to
renewable sources and the environment.
Design and construction of 350km/h railway catenary
The company gives a step forward with the design of
the EAC-350 catenary. Such project was funded by
the MINER and the CDTI. It was performed with the
collaboration of the Pontificia de Comillas University,
and the Mining Engineering Superior School of the
The result of this research was fulfilled with the catenary prototype for alternating current and 350 km/h
speed, named C-350, accepted and installed in three
kilometers of the Madrid-Sevilla AVE line to undergo
real tests.
On December 15th 1998, tests were carried out with
AVE trains which successfully reached and surpassed
the speed for which the new catenary had been designed.
SEMI, a company with international dedication
In 2002, the company starts implementing its international expansion plan. After executing several projects
in different countries, SEMI decides to definitely establish itself in Morocco, Mexico and Costa Rica.
Development of new railway electrification systems
In 2003, the Railway Infrastructure Manager (GIF)
awards SEMI the “Project, installation and maintenance of the LAC (GIF Polyvalent Catenary, called
Dual Current CPG) on the test stretch of the three-rail
track between Olmedo and Medina del Campo”.
This was the first project in which hybrid technologies
are applied to satisfy the necessity of mixed passenger
and freight corridors; they are also susceptible to being operated in 3 KV DC and 25 KV AC. The goal
is for all the corridors to be certified for any type of
European operator.
SEMI’s engineering development to solve this problem
will be the design chosen for the implementation of
mixed-traffic lines in the Spanish network.
SEMI France
In 2004, SEMI France becomes a reality. It is formed
as an independent company with great potential, and
as the support for expansion throughout Europe.
SEDMIVE is created
Usually known as “SEMI Venezuela”, in 2009 SEMI’s
activities are expanded through SEDMIVE.
Exporting technology for rail transport
The high-speed system developed by SEMI, with European interoperability certificate since 2008, becomes
state-of-the-art technology and engineering, suitable
for its international implementation and export in any
similar project.
Italy and Panama
Following the international strategic plan, SEMI establishes itself in Italy and Panama through two new
companies: SEMI Italia and SEMI Panama.
Four new companies
In 2011 internationalization is boosted, and SEMI is
established in Germany, Bulgaria, Poland and the Dominican Republic.
SEMI Turkey: expansion in the Middle
SEMI Turkey is the last incorporation to the SEMI
group. The subsidiary in Istanbul will be the reference
point for our expansion throughout the Middle East.