Topics - Midian Shrine Center Wichita Kansas
Topics - Midian Shrine Center Wichita Kansas
vol. 70 issue 7 Potentate’s Message MTopics IDIAN July, 2015 St. Louis Shriner’s Hospital Visit Wichita, Kansas June Stated Meeting WAYNE WELLS Greetings Nobles and Ladies. If you are having the summer time blues, come to Midian where you will find something to do. Midian had several Units in the River Festival Sundowner Parade. The crowd was huge and they were glad to see us. Thank you to those who participated. When you are out doing your parades -- THINK MEMBERSHIP!! During the entire week of River Festival several Midian Nobles & Ladies had the opportunity to sell our Light-Up Novelties. It was a long week. Thank You to all who helped out on this, our first try at selling Light-Ups at a venue other than our circus. Lots of notes were taken if the opportunity arises for us to do this event again. Thank You to Noble Cy Lampe for letting us use his trailer. We had a great Midian Theme Party on June 6th – the Keystone Kops 40th Anniversary. The entertainment was outstanding. Congratulations to the Keystone Kops. Thank You to Noble Scott Shirkey & Lady Nikki for heading this event. On June 11th, about 28 Nobles and Ladies made a bus trip to the brand new Shriner’s Hospital for Children – St. Louis. It was awesome to see the new hospital and Our Group was the first tour ever given in the new hospital. Our group split up into 3 sections, so we all See Potentate, page 3 Midian Shriners first to tour new Shriners Hospital for Children. June Stated Meeting Shriner of the Month First Lady of Isis Shriners and former Shrine Child Lynette Streit Topics Reporters: YOUR ARTICLE FOR THE AUGUST TOPICS IS DUE JULY 15, 2015 e-mail to [email protected] 300 words or less in lower and upper case (not all capitals) Congratulations to Don Bush Shriner of the Month for May Topics Contents: Pg 2 Midian Officers, Annual Schedule; Pg 2 Plane of Mercy; Pg 4 Clubs Articles; Pg 5 Units Articles; Pg 10 Current Month Calendar; Pg 16 Business Directory; Pg 18 Ladies Artices; Pg 19 Event Photos Midian Shrine Topics Page 2 2015 Midian Sportsmen’s Event JULY Update JULY, 2015 WE NEED YOUR HELP SELLING TICKETS! 2015 APPROVED PARADE LIST Nobles and Ladies, it’s time to rack that final round into the chamber and pull the trigger on your sales for the 2015 Sportsmen’s Event! As of the time of this writing, we are 1/3 of the way to break-even. We Need Your Help Selling Tickets! Final preparations are being made NOW for the 2015 Event to be held August 1, 2015 at the Cessna Activities Center at 2744 George Washington Blvd. Thanks to Noble Nick Miller’s work, we have secured beer trailers from the local beer distributors - that will help us tremendously in serving! (And we will need Nobles and Ladies to Serve ... ) In June we mailed out 5 tickets to EVERY Midian Noble to reach those who don’t often venture into Midian Shrine Center. Please buy them, sell them, and turn your money back into Midian as soon as possible. Please turn your ticket stubs and money in ASAP after you sell them. PLEASE retain any tickets you check out and do not sell. PLEASE turn these back in ASAP after the event. We will need Nobles to assist with funneling vehicles into the parking lot and getting them parked appropriately. If you can assist, please let the committee know - or, better yet, attend the meeting on July 27th, 2015 in the Divan Room. We need everyone to really put their best effort into selling tickets as we start really ramping up now and closing in on the event and we need all hands on deck to staff this event. Midian needs your assistance, Nobles & Ladies! Upcoming planning meetings and schedule for the Sportsmen’s Event is as follows and ALL Nobles are welcome to attend: NOTE: All Motorized Unit Leaders please see that all your members that parade have a current liability insurance certificate on file at Midian and a 2013 parade sticker for their vehicle. Stickers are available at Midian at the time proof of insurance is submitted. JULY Fri. 10...................................................Wellington Parade LU/7pm-horses LU/7:45pm Sat. 11.................................................................................Sedan Parade LU/9am Sat. 18.............................................................................................Howard Parade LU/9am Sat. 18...............................................................................Pretty Prairie Parade LU/9am Sat. 25.................................................Kansas Shrine bowl - MANDATORY Parade - Hays, KS AUGUST Sat. 15.............................................................................................Mulvane Parade LU/10am Sat. 15.............................................................................................Eureka Parade LU/1pm Thur. 27 - Sat. 30.....CSSA in Golden, CO - 30th is MANDATORY Parade in Golden, CO SEPTEMBER Sat. 19..........................................................................................Sedgwick Parade LU/9am Sat. 19........................................................................................El Dorado Parade LU/9am Sat. 26.....................................................................................Conway Springs Parade LU/10am Sat. 26.....................................................................................Medicine Lodge Parade LU/9am OCTOBER Sat. 17..................................................................................Haysville Parade LU/ 8am Sat. 24.........................................................................................Arkalalah Parade NOVEMBER Sat. 7................................................................Fall Ceremonial - MANDATORY Parade Fri. 27.......................................................................Anthony Christmas Parade LU/5pm Hospital Van Drivers May 2015 TIMELlNE: July 27, 2015 Monday, 7:00 pm, Divan Room July 31, 2015 Setup at Cessna Activities Center. Some Teams will Meet at Cessna Activity Center at 6pm. Some Teams will meet at Shrine Warehouse at 6pm. August 1, 2015 Event at Cessna Activities Center. All Teams meet at Cessna Activity Center at 9am. Lee & Robbie Humbolt ~ Glen Taul & Maurice Knepp ~ Gerald “Jerry” Buller & Wally Payne Patrick “Sean” Smith & Rolland “Rick” Alamo ~ Glen Taul & Steve Towns Alan Orr & John Staton ~ Walt Mciver & Troy Matthews ~ Myron Frick & Paul Ditty Walt Mciver & Paul Ditty ~ Ken Dainty & Tom Wilson ~ Farold Hoover & Kyle Sharp Everyone, we need your assistance to make this event a success. If you would like to volunteer to assist with this event, please contact me at [email protected] or by my cell phone at 316-648-6525. MIDIAN TOPICS Yours in the Faith, Bart Ogden, 2015 Midian Chief Rabban “I pledge allegiance to my flag and country for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.” Midian TOPICS (USPS 347-600). Published monthly by the Midian Shriners, 130 N. Topeka, Wichita KS. Printed by Valley Offset, PO Box 298 Valley Center, KS 67147. Under the auspices of Midian Shriners. Periodicals postage paid at Wichita, Kansas. May 15, 2015 - June 15, 2015 CREATED NAME BORN 11/20/1946 Noble Joseph Hipp 02/18/1919 05/18/1959 Noble Thomas H. Mcburney 09/26/1938 05/10/1975 Noble Lowell E. Willcut Jr. 05/15/1932 05/10/1976 Noble J. Stanley Kimple 04/24/1930 DECEASED 06/15/2015 05/17/2015 05/09/2015 06/02/2015 Midian Shrine Tentative Schedule of Events Subject to change JULY July 5-9 Imperial Session - Houston, TX July 10 Wellington Parade July 15 Stated Meeting July 18 Family Day - Hyde Park July 24 Shrine Bowl Banquet - Hays July 25 Shrine Bowl - Hays AUGUST Aug. 1 Sportsman Event Aug. 8 Midian Stag (Maybe Golf Stag) Aug. 15 Mulvane Parade Aug. 19 Stated Meeting (Hamburgers / Brats) Aug. 22 Pre-CSSA Party Aug. 27-30 CSSA - Golden, Colorado SEPTEMBER Sept. 12 Sedgwick Parade Sept. 12 EE Kids Run Sept. 13 Midian Car Show Sept. 16 Stated Meeting Sept. 19 Post-CSSA Party (Possibly Golf Stag also) Sept. 26 Conway Springs Parade OCTOBER Oct. 2 Champagne & Chocolate Oct. 3 Midian Golf Stag & Sumner County Hog Roast Thank you to these men and women for their dedicated service to Midian and the St Louis Hospital for Children. They, as all concerned persons of the Shrine, volunteer for the sake of the children. Thank you for your support. - Don Bush, Van Unit Commander 2015 Oct. 10 Theme Party Oct. 9-10 Scottish Rite Reunion Oct. 14 Stated Meeting Oct. 16-24 Pote’s Trip - New England/Nova Scotia Cruise Oct. 24 Halloween Party (Keystone Kops) NOVEMBER Nov. 6 Pre-Glow Nov. 7 Ceremonial / After-Glow Nov. 7 Ladies Luncheon Nov. 14 Masonic Youth Fall Ball Nov. 18 Stated Meeting Nov. 21 New Nobles and Veterans Party Nov. 22 Aides Appreciation-Decorating Nov. 28 Christmas Express DECEMBER Dec. 12 Children’s Christmas Party Dec. 16 Joint Stated Meeting Dec. 18 Midian’s Christmas Party Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Party JANUARY 2016 Jan. 8 Awards Banquet Jan. 16 Done & Done Party Jan. 20 Stated Meeting SUBSCRIPTION RATE...$4.00 PER YEAR $4.00 of the Annual Membership Dues is paid as a Year’s Subscription to the Midian “TOPICS” POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Midian Topics, 130 N. Topeka, Wichita, KS 67202. Official Publication of Midian Shriners Wichita, Kansas 67202 MIDIAN SHRINE, 130 NORTH TOPEKA [email protected] Recorder’s Office........................................................................................265-9676 ext 204 and 205 Oasis............................................................................................................................265-9676 ext 209 Circus Office.................................................................................................................265-9676 ext 206 JULY, 2015 Vol. 70, No. 7 ELECTIVE DIVAN Wayne Wells..................................Illustrious Potentate Alvin “Bart” Ogden.................................Chief Rabban John “Rocky” McWilliams..................Assistant Rabban Reiferd Acord...........................High Priest & Prophet Jay Danler..........................................Oriental Guide Bob Bulman......................................................Treasurer Ron Van Etten, PP.........................................Recorder CEREMONIAL DIRECTOR EMERITUS Ron Van Etten, P.P. Fred Smith APPOINTIVE DIVAN Harold Brewer......................First Ceremonial Master Cliff Premer...........................Second Ceremonial Master Mike Ward.....................................Ceremonial Director Tom Propps..................................................Marshal Steve Julian.................................Captain of the Guard Scott Shirkey...........................................Outer Guard Gary Dix...........................................................Chaplain TRUSTEES Robert Giesen ~ Randy Brown ~ Lynn Ungles TRUSTEE EMERITUS Robert Giesen RECORDER EMERITUS Michael J. Kelley, P.P. EDITORIAL STAFF Darren Schopf LIVING PAST POTENTATES Judge Tom Raum........................................................P.P. 1969 Les H. Brown.............................................................P.P. 1970 Leslie D. Hostetler......................................................P.P. 1978 V.E. “Gene” Lygrisse.................................................P.P. 1982 James B. McNerney...................................................P.P. 1984 Stephen A. Wolf...........................................................P.P. 1985 Jack U. Russell..........................................................P.P. 1989 Douglas G. Roland..........................................................P.P. 1990 Tonk Mills, D.D.S..........................................................P.P. 1992 William K. Himebaugh...................................................P.P. 1993 Berkley Conn...............................................................P.P. 1995 Warren R. Rensner D.D.S...............................................P.P. 1998 Martin L. Sharp............................................................P.P. 1999 Michael J. Kelley............................................................P.P. 2001 Ron L. Capps...............................................................P.P. 2002 David A. Schopf...........................................................P.P. 2003 Jeffrey L. Sowder........................................................P.P. 2004 Gary K. Gates...........................................................P.P. 2005 John Auch..............................................................P.P. 2006 Ron Van Etten.......................................................P.P. 2008 David Byerley........................................................P.P. 2009 Richard C. Schopf....................................................P.P. 2010 David Pate...............................................................P.P. 2011 Terry Schrant............................................................P.P. 2012 Lonnie Nichols......................................................P.P. 2013 Ed Day.................................................................P.P. 2014 ENDOWMENT/WILLS/GIFTS HUGH GILL, IV PUBLIC RELATIONS ALEXANDER ROSELL TEMPLE ATTORNEY JON MCCONNELL STATEMENTS OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., required by the Act of Congress of August 12, 1970, Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code of MIDIAN SHRINERS of Wichita, Kansas, for October 1, 1988 State of Kansas, County of Sedgwick Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2015 ”PLANE OF MERCY” DONATIONS MAY 15, 2015 - JUNE 15, 2015 Honor Roll Midian Bowlers $100 Club Noble Robert Hill Jr & Lady Judy LONNIEJ. NICHOLS, P.P. CHAIRMAN Noble Steve Julian Noble Kyle Rhorer & Lady Sissy & Lady Joellen Noble Dale Gibson Noble Doug Chartier & Lady Linda & Lady Michelle Noble Jim Price - Wichita Rugby Club/National Champs We respectfully hope that no errors are made listing these donations. It is never our intent to make errors, but they can happen. Each donation is important for the Plane of Mercy to exist and is deeply appreciated. MEMORIAL DONATIONS IN MEMORY OF Randy Cook Mike & Judith Fast Donnie E. Cook Noble Myron Frick Noble Bob Hekel Midian Directors Staff Noble Joseph Hipp Noble Doug Chartier & Lady Michelle Maxine Hilton Sharon Sherar Orin Hilton Sharon Sherar Noble Buck Fischer Noble Andrew Johnson Noble Gene Payne Noble Andrew Johnson Noble Thomas H. Mcburney Nobel Ancel Gonzales Noble Otto Stuber Noble Andrew Johnson Noble Ray Sanders Bill & Gayle Huffman Noble J.R. Willcut Noble Jack Mccreery & Lady Chelsea Lady Billie Johnson Noble Andrew Johnson J. Stanley Kimple Noble Kyle Rhorer & Lady Joellen Rande Penny & Family Colleen Gerstenhorn Noble Patrick Tucker & Lady Nancy Noble Billy Ewert Noble Billy Davis & Lady Carey Noble Benny Eggel & Lady Mary Robert Dickson Noble Richard Miller & Lady Nancy Noble Larry Wilson & Lady Jackie James & Elise Cleary William & Joyce Crowe Noble Richard Ebersole Mark & Debbie Ostgren Rebecca Twietmeyer Steven Twietmeyer Rena Mies Van & Donna Dewey Gerald & Sylvia Hartman James & Betty Hare Doris Wyatt Duane & Pauline Koehler Midian Cartoon Unit Ms. Nancy Herbert Travis Lochhead Les & Betty Dolbow James Marples Enterprise Holdings Wilford Wyckoff Noble Andrew Johnson Margie Zenishek Anonymous Brandon Hall Calisa Marlar Carolyn Roby Clinton & Irlene Huntington Dorothy Ramsey Franke Rentals Insurance Planning Center Inc. Larry & Myrna Jones Monte & Tammi Burtin Morrow & Company L.L.C. Nancy Mckenzie Nina Oakes Noble Allen Hall & Lady Sheri Noble Jack Berentz & Lady Shirley Noble W.E. Sprague & Lady Shirley Paul T. Hendrickson Lady Kande Brown Randall & Karmi Green Noble Andrew Johnson Ruby Foster Troy & Jennifer Richardson Noble Ronald Page W.K. & Mary Teichgraeber Noble Myron Frick Wanda Komarek Peter & Barbara Gattermeir Illustrious Sir Roger G. Snellen P.P. Christopher & Kelli Springer Sharon Whipple Noble Bill Butterworth & Lady Pat Membership Awards 2015 25 YEARS Raymond E. Barber Ronald L. Boese Richard D. Bradfield Jr. Jeffrey W. Branstetter Lawrence M. Bryan Mark A. Butterfield Chester L. Crawford James K. Dillehay Charles F. Donham J S Emerson Jack E. Fordham Richard D. Gilpin B L Green Gerald R. Hall Paul C. Hilton Michael L. Hylton James J. Kelly Kenneth D. Miller Paul G. Miller George E. Mohrbacher III James R. Moody Roger L. Moore Kent E. Ochs Walter J. Payne Gail F. Schroeder Ghassan A. Shaban Howard E. Sims Buford C. Spiers Gary D. Young 50 YEARS Daniel M. Bird Gary D. Denniston Carrol W. Glenn Richard L. Hamilton William K. Himebaugh PP Larry D. Holden Robert R. Lee Kenneth C. Maechtlen James B. McNerney Sr. PP Ludwig P. Nulik Wesley A. Smith Robert A. Tanner Roger D. Wallace Max M. Whitson 65 YEARS Edward H. Hawthorne Bill E. Mesker Ross B. Smith Jon Tribbey Glenn C. Vanderwork Daniel M. Wyckoff Potentate got to see some different things. Some of us got to go into the new Laboratory where all of the research will happen. They have not yet got the Lab set up. Once they get the lab operational, we will not be allowed to enter. There is a special Driver’s Lounge you will have to ask Noble Cliff Premer and Lady Kay about. I would highly recommend all Nobles and Ladies go to a Shrine Hospital and take a tour when they get a chance. The entire weekend was full of fun filled adventures (even though the KC Royals lost). Lady Terri & I enjoyed every bit of it. Thank You Noble Bart Ogden & Lady Lesa for setting this up with Village Tours. Noble Bart has already started the rumor that there will be another trip next year. Congratulations to all 25 Year, 50 Year & 65 Year Members of Midian. It was an honor to have you attend our joint stated meeting on June 17th. We had one 65 year member in attendance – Noble Ross Smith. In 65 years he has never missed a Shrine Ceremonial. Noble Ross is was indeed a pleasure to have you there. Also in attendance was Illustrious Sir Les Brown, PP, who has been a member for 67 years. I’m sure he has seen a lot of changes in 67 years. It was great to hear Lady Lynette Streit, First Lady of Isis Shrine Center and Former Shrine Child, tell her heartwarming story. Illustrious Sir, Ralph Streit, Potentate of Isis Shrine accompanied her. Thank You to Aides Teams 3 & 4 and Chief Aide Ray Richecky and Lady Diana for the yummy refreshments after the meeting. Noble Robert Hoch and Lady Franny and their team worked hard in making the Bug-O-Rama that was held on June 20th at Midian a success. Thank You both for doing this. The 3rd Annual Float Trip is coming up June 26th-29th. Some of us will be floating and some of us will just be watching the floating. Anyway we are all expecting a fun time. Will report on that next time. Several of the Elected Divan and Ladies will be heading to Houston, Texas (a nice cool and dry place to go to) for Imperial Session from July 3rd thru July 9th. There are a few other Past Potentates, Members and Ladies going also. They say everything is inside where it is cool. We will find out. We will have a great time anyway. Our Chief Aide Noble Ray Richecky & Lady Diana are already working on hospitality treats. July 15th and August 19th Stated Meetings will be casual. We will be leaving the coats & ties at home. In July we have an important building issue that will be discussed during the meeting. Please come to this meeting for the discussion. Before the August meeting the Chefs will be cooking up brats. Page 3 From page 1 Noble Jay Danler and Lady Tracy have been working on the 2015 Midian Shrine Family Day. It will be held on July 18th at Hyde Park. There are lots and lots of things planned for this event. It is all FREE – NO CHARGE. Bring your children, grandchildren, etc. This is your day ! On behalf of my Lady Terri and the 2015 Divan – Thank you for all you have done and are doing to make this a great year for Midian. See the Family Day ad in this Topics for details. There are several other events happening in July. See the ads in this Topics. If you can’t find something to do in July, you aren’t looking very hard. While you are looking – THINK MEMBERSHIP!!! CSSA is in beautiful Golden, Colorado from August 27th-30th. It is getting close now and it is time to make your reservation with Tracy Dahl in the Midian Office. First Night must be paid in advance to hold your room. Midian will be staying at the Hampton Inn Denver West Federal Center in Lakewood. Room Rates are $107.00 ($120.00 which includes tax) per night. There is a hot breakfast included each morning. CSSA Registration is $20.00 per person ($40.00 per couple). If you have any questions, Lady Terri or I would be glad to answer them. Our 3nd Annual Sportsmen’s Event is August 1st at Cessna Activity Center. It is a GREAT Fundraiser for the Units and Clubs. The $20.00 ticket practically sells itself and your Unit/Club gets to keep $5.00 for every ticket. Let’s Sell Sell Sell. All Nobles and Ladies, please turn in the money and your tickets early. Don’t hold them until the last minute. Remember -- Let’s have fun and keep smiling at our Parades. There are lots of people watching us. Another great time to be THINKING MEMBERSHIP ! Lady Terri is still taking orders for the Purple “LOVE” T-Shirt for her fundraiser going into the Leggs Fund. This year she is collecting money for the chairs in the Oasis REMEMBER – Be Thinking Membership !! Our Fall Ceremonial will be here before you know it. Now is the time to get your new candidates ready. Congratulations to the Shriner of the Month – Noble Don Bush. Job Well Done !! Lady Terri & I want to thank Dawn Richards for the hard work and dedication she has shown for the past 4 years at Midian. We wish you success on your journey back to California. We will miss you. Everyone have a great July! Fraternally yours, Wayne Wells (aka WW) Potentate 2015 Page 4 Midian Shrine Topics Greenwood County Harper County The Legendary Bucking T’s Endless Summer continues. Most of the Harper County Bunch were recently gathered at Sammys Roadhouse. Haley McKee was on location for the photo opp. Haley is a student at WSU and re- Butler County The folks that were previously reported as having made various hospital visits are doing pretty well. I continue to anticipate a clean slate for the Augusta group, but then I heard via the long road that Lady Thelma Rountree made a visit to the hospital. Fortunately she is mending well too. From the far reaches of Latham, Noble Jim Brewer was unable to make the Fish Fry and the presentation of his certificate and pin honoring his 65 years as a Mason. It was reported that he took a fall and was in the hospital just to make sure everything was okay. If you have never been to a Latham Lodge Fish Fry, I can now highly recommend that you go. The quality of the cooking in Butler County is top notch. GARY L. UMMEL Reporter cieved a $1000.00 Scholarship from the Harper Masonic Lodge for continued education. The T’s hope to see YOU at The Harper County Fair in August. ARV KRUMINS Reporter Attending Lodge is a good way to stay in touch with the tenets of the Masonic organizations we belong to. Hopefully the words of brotherly love and friendship are backed up by true, real world actions. We are also reminded to continue the search for more knowledge and to work to improve ourselves. If you get the opportunity to mentor someone through Blue Lodge, you have the opportunity to pass on the wisdom of the ages and you would also be amazed at your own personal growth. The next meeting is planned to be at the Real Deal Cafe in El Dorado at 6pm on the 8 th of July at 6 pm. I hope everyone can make it. I can’t believe how fast this year is going by! Even though the date was changed, and the weather was cool, Eureka Days went off without a hitch. Understandably, our turnout was low, but everyone that came over had a great time. Thanks to everyone who helped set up and tear down at the Community Building for the hospitality, and of course to Noble Lonnie Nichols PP and Lady Melinda for the poolside hospitality after the hospitality! We had a small but fun showing at the Riverfest Parade in Wichita. Nobles C.F. Cox, Jed Morse, and Jim Cross rode in the parade, with Lady Coleen being our support group. This parade is the biggest crowd by far we parade in front of for the year, and even though it is a long ride (mostly on 2 wheels) the crowd response is fantastic. It was reported at our June meeting, that our beer garden at the PRCA Nut Fry was a break even deal for the beer we bought, but it should really pay off for us during the Rodeo in August since we already have it in inventory. Speaking of June, attendance at our June Steak Cookout was very low. Those that did Harvey County Club & Hobo Unit After more than a quarter-century of arranging the annual Club and Unit picnic, (among many other things) Hobo President Noble Don Dody has turned over his grill tools and apron to Hobo VP Noble Rex Yohn. and Club Prexy Noble Ron Calbert. Originally set up to use left-over food from the now-defunct hospitality at the Halstead Old Settlers celebration and parade, the picnic was at the mercy of bugs and weather at Harvey County East Lake until moved to the air-conditioned comfort of the Newton American Legion several years ago, and carry-in food replaced left-overs. Noble Rex says the picnic will be held this year as scheduled, 5:00 PM August 30th at the Legion Post. Thanks to Noble Dody and helpers for a job well-done. A chimney fire several months ago caused extensive damage to the home of Noble Larry Wells and Lady Mary, forcing them to “batch it” at motels and a rental while repairs JULY, 2015 CARL “C.F.” COX Reporter come all had a nice evening of fun and fellowship. The weather was perfect, and so were the steaks! Our next cookout is July 11. Please mark your calendars now. I believe this will also be a prospect night for Greenwood County, so it is important that we have a good turnout for this event. As many of you know, Lady Lynnie Teter had a setback in her road to recovery. She has been a very sick lady, but as I am writing this, she is getting stronger every day, and we are all hoping that by the time she reads this, she will be doing it from the comfort of her own home. Noble Eldon, along with Noble Steve and Lady Melissa have been though quite a time this year. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers for the Teter family. The power of prayer seems to be working! By the time you read this, reservations will be due for CSSA. The 3-Wheelers are going to Golden Colorado to defend our First Place trophy. If you don’t already have your reservations in, check with Tracy at the Shrine and get them in. We are sure to have a great time! JOHN HECKMAN Reporter were done. Finally, after moving back home recently, Lady Mary said sentiment is fine but she missed the laundry facilities the most. Noble Adrian McCulloch and Lady Luberta are back home after a Hawaiian vacation. Noble Adrian, master of under-statement, said the islands are “nice!” Get well wishes are extended to Noble O.W. Demain, recovering from surgery and a lengthy hospital stay. “We didn’t really mean it, Chief” A typo in our membership book changed former Police Chief Jim Daily’s occupation from “retired” to “retred!” As this is written ahead of the event, we can only assume the Caboose and company will be in the 10:00 AM Kechi parade June 27th, and the Harvey County Fair parade 6:00 PM August 1st. Join the “roof-toppers” or just ride along...and come smile with us, the fun-iest Club in Midian. JULY, 2015 Southwest Shrine President Jimmy Johnson organized the Southwest Shrine Club picnic on June 1st at the Arkalon Park located northeast of Liberal. The previous rain made for a beautiful landscape full of wildlife and wildflowers that the Shriners and their guests enjoyed. Brother Mike Brack was the grill master and prepared delicious ribeye steaks to go along with all the side dished that were brought. We especially enjoyed the homemade watermelon pickles that Sarah Odom brought and the pickled green tomatoes that Brother Carl Lynn and his wife Chris make every year. The name of the person that made the chocolate sheet cake escapes me, but I’m sure we are all still working off the calories! Our Assistant Rabban, Rocky McWilliams, made the trip out from Wichita to bring greetings from our Illustrious Potentate, Wayne Wells, who had an injury at work and was not able to join us. After dinner we were introduced to Chelsea Gardner and her son, Braedin, Midian Shrine Topics MIKE BRACK Reporter who was a patient at the Shrine hospital in St. Louis, MO for two years because of the congenital birth defect on his left hand (born missing four fingers). The perfect ending to the evening was being serenaded by Steve Leete’s singing and guitar playing. Vidalia onion sales are complete for the year, but the final numbers are not yet in to be announced. As normal, the onions didn’t last long, but they sure tasted good! Next year we may want to consider ordering more bags of onions and selling them at the Farmers Market….or perhaps selling onion rings at an event like the fair or festival. We will be dark over the summer months. Our next Shrine meeting will not be until September 14th at 6:30 p.m. at Billy’s BBQ at the Bowling Alley. We hope everyone has an enjoyable summer full of family, food and fellowship…and a few fireworks too! Safe travels to all our Shrine brothers and we will see you all in September! Dodge City Shrine Club Another month has come and gone. We now roll into June 2015. The Dodge City Shrine Club held their June 2015 monthly meeting on the 10th at the Central Station Bar and Grill, 207 E Wyatt Earp Blvd, Dod . Well, you all know Western Kansas in June, people are out there farming, planting, traveling, getting married, and so many other things since school has just ended for another semester and many have children who have graduated from either High School or College. With that said there was still a good “turnout” for the Month of June. It seems that everyone had a wonderful time with great food at Central Station and camaraderie of fellow Nobles and their wives. OK, yes, you know me – I am a ‘ CIRCUS “ fan and it is now only about 8 more months before the next Shrine Circus in Dodge City. You have to remember that this is going to be the 65th Shrine Circus to show up in Dodge City. Now take your calendar and put this on your calendar. NOTE: It is also your obligation to remind others to put it on their calendar also. This is the 65th Annual Dodge City Shrine Circus. The 2016 circus will be the weekend of 12th – to – 14th February. We are going to have 3 days and 8 shows for 2016. Friday: Feb: 12 --2 shows Saturday: Feb: 13 - 3 show Sunday: Feb: 14 - 3 shows Always know that the proceeds that are made from the Shrine Circus go to a great WheatWackers Summer is finally upon us, and although we really needed the rain, harvest is here and the combines need to be in the field, hoping for some dry time to get things finished. Kechi is next on the parade list so hope to see everyone there. Pictures were taken in front of the Midian Shrine, with the expertise and assistance from Past Potentate David Pate, to showcase the new uniforms and update the unit photo. From left to right Noble Ken Golightley, Noble Winston Smith, Noble Jeff Bryant, and Noble Michael Horton. Noble Dale Morrow was seated in one of the unit combines. Our business meetings occur on the second Thursday of each month, and the unit is actively looking for new nobles interested in joining this special and unique unit. Nascarts Hey y’all it’s your old buddy Rick N Bobby. It looks like the dog days of summer are knockin and things are starting to heat up in the Nascarts. First off welcome to the unit Todd Lassley. Y’all will see him drive the 24 on a full time basis. Buckle up Todd your in for a great time. Hope ya saw my boys at the River festival parade doing what they do best. Pleasein the crowd. We got a couple parades coming up this month July 10th in Wellington, July 11th in Page 5 “Doc” MAC Reporter cause helping children who need medical help. The DC Shrine Club will hold their JULY meeting on the 08th. The meeting will be held at Casey’s Cowtown Club – 503 E. Trail St., Dodge City, KS (620) 227 – 5225. in Dodge City.. Social time starts at 6:30 pm. Dinner is at 7:00 pm. When you think about some of the earliest Shrine Centers they often chose a Moorish Revival style for their Temples. Architecturally notable Shriners Temples include: The Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, New York City Center, now used as a concert hall, Newark Symphony Hall, The Landmark Theater (formerly The Mosque) in Richmond, Virginia, The Tripoli Shrine Temple in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, The Helena Civic Center (Montana) (formerly The Algeria Shrine Temple), Abou Ben Ahem Temple in Springfield, Missouri and the Fox Theatre (Atlanta, Georgia) which was jointly built between the Atlanta Shriners and William Fox. NOTE: Hope that you enjoyed seeing some history of Shrine “May All Your Days Be Circus Days” Have a truly blessed and wonderful month. Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen Good night America wherever you are. MICHAEL HoRTON Reporter Contact any Wheatwacker for information. Officers: Commander Noble Dale Morrow; Vice Commander/Reporter Noble Michael Horton; SecretaryTreasurer Noble Jeff Bryant. RICK N BOBBY Reporter Sedan Parade, July 18th in Howard and July 25th in Hays for the Shrine bowl. Hope to see y’all at the Midian family day July 18th YMCA camp Hyde. Don’t forget to be sellin your gun event tickets and getting em turned in as soon as you can. Happy birthday to Lady Stacie Smith on July 30th. Happy anniversary to Noble Scott and Lady Stacie Smith on July 11th. See y’all on the track OOOOOWWWWW!!! Page 6 Midian Classics Well our 2015 Parades continue on to be a fun time for the Classics. We had another good showing of our Nobles at the Eureka Day’s Parade, and the River Fest Parade. Also June 27th ended with the Kechi & Moline Parades and then on into July 10th at Wellington Parade, Sedan July 11th, July 18 Howard Parade, and July 25th is the Mandatory Kansas Shrine Bowl Parade in Hays, KS.-Thanks to Nobles: Cliff Premer, Jim Groff, Jerry Mason, Gary Harris, Ron Boese, Bob Fox, Bob Giesen, Daryl Crotts, Bob Griffith, Terry Schrant, Gene Alexander, John Stewart, Rodney Ott, Don Feekes, Stephen Wolf, and Kevin Roland for making our Classics Parades special and chrome shinny. The Classics also participated in the first year of selling our “light up” novelties at the River Festival. This was a learning experience for us first timers, and we soon learned that nighttime is good! Thanks to all the Nobles that worked the festival –and to include the Nobles Ladies that were there to help as well! We are continuing our Parade preparations for the Shrine Bowl in Hays, KS. at the end of July- 24th -25th! Hotel room reservations have been made, and Parade time and line up details are forth coming. Our Classics Club is also looking forward to sponsoring a player at the Bowl. The plans are also being finalized for the Annual CSSA Convention and Unit Competition in Golden, CO. August 27-30th, 2015. We look forward to good participation from the Classics members and mile high fun! June the 11th -14th a number of the Classics Car Nobles and other Midian Shrine Nobles and their Ladies went on a Village bus tour to St. Lewis, MO. to visit and tour the New Shriners Children Hospital. Fantastic new Hospital and Staff! And we were the first Shriners tour group of the Hospital Nomads What happens at the lake, well most of it, stays at the lake. There were seven campers at the June camp out. Thank you to the ladies of Arami Court #101 Kan-Du-Dancers for a delicious breakfast. Please keep the following in your prayers; Lady Sally Balderson is undergoing test and possible procedures for a tumor behind the right eye that is wrapping around the optic nerve; Noble Carl Moss is home recovering from back surgery; and Noble Roscoe Taylor and Lady Cecelia for continued strenght and healing. In between rain showers the group enjoyed Noble Bill Bailey’s Tiki Hut at his campsite. It was awesome! This prompted some cogs to start moving in some of the other Nomads heads to add to the Tiki Hut. I have a feeling this is going to grow and get even better! The Hospital Van Drivers Meeting called to order by Don Bush commander. Pledge of allegiance by a member of our unit. Prayer by Harvey Owens visiting person - Hank Wolenhaupt. New member Troy Matthews. Balance in treasure of $643.40. Midian Shrine Topics JIM GROFF Reporter since opening. (It was a proud and touching moment to see the new Hospital Lounge room donated by wall plaque that displayed-“Ill. Sir Larry Premer- Lady Barb Premer- and Family”- Thank you again to our Classics President Noble Cliff Premer, his Lady Kay and the Premer Family for their generosity to the Shriners Children Hospital. Of course next-- we also visited the Budweiser Grant Farm and Plantation and Anheuser-Bush Brewery. (Great fun and tasting was had by all—even the Bud Clydesdale horses got-or gave- a treat-per say!) We were also able to take in the KC Royals vs. St Louis Cardinal’s baseball game at Busch Stadium. (That didn’t go so well for the Royals-or their fans!) Of course we ended the trip with a ride to the top of the Arch and watched a movie of the history of its construction. It is truly one of our Country’s wonders of the USA. The Shriners trips are just all fun! Happy Birthday wishes go out to Noble John Stewart, Noble Rodney Ott, and Ladies Janet Wolf and Deb Feekes. Happy Anniversary to Noble Jim Groff and his Lady Judy Groff- July 4th no less. Our last Classics meeting was a dinner meeting with our Ladies located at Benton Airport-Stearman Field Restaurant- on June10th. We had a good turnout and of course great food! See you Classics July 8th at the next meeting. We Classics are looking forward to some fun trips coming up throughout the Summer/ Fall, so be a great time to join the club. New members welcome. Are you interested in Classic Cars? Come join the fun with the Midian Classics. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Pyramid Room at 7:00PM. To find out more about the Classics, contact Noble Bob Giesen at 316-721-4178, or stop by during one of our Classics meetings. TURTLE-AT-LARGE Reporter Next camp out will be July 10th & 11th at Lake Afton Shelter #1. Breakfast is at 9am, meeting begins at 2pm with the white elephant auction immediately following and a pot luck dinner at 5:30pm. If you would like additional information please contact Noble Ray Richecky, Wagon Master at (316)2504374. See you at the lake! Remeber, home is where you park it!!! JOHN PARKER Reporter Cliff Premer talked about new Hospital in St. Louis. David Pate talked about the Shrine Bowl and taking an add out in the program. Meeting was closed and trips were passed out and snacks were served. Sidewinders What a rush! The Sidewinders made our very first appearance in the Riverfest Sundowners parade, and the crowd was electric to say the least! They say professional players get pumped up when the crowd goes wild, well it’s true! We had so many people yelling and applauding with our tricks and maneuvers that we pushed our trikes harder and harder with the roar of the crowd, so much so that by the end of the parade every one of us had destroyed our brand new plastic tire sleeves that we use for sliding, and those are suppose to last more than one parade! The Sidewinders made such an impression on Wichita that David Brown Jr. made the Wichita Eagle and the cover of the Sundowner Parade headline on Kansas. com webpage! How cool is that?! Over the last month or so I have overheard so many people talking about the Midian Sidewinders that I thought I would take a minute to explain a little more about them. The best description that I can come up with is they are “Big Wheels for grown ups.” They are technically motorized drift Oriental Band A big OB Welcome to two new bandsmen! Noble Sean Roberson, grandson of Merle & Mary Cannon. Sean works for Theatrical Services owned by another famous Shriner, PP Steve Wolfe. The other is Noble Gabriel Roberson, who is the greatgrandson of Merle & Mary’s. Gabriel is an intern for National Institute of Aviation Research. The band is especially thrilled as both the Roberson’s are going to try their hand at playing the musette! Sorry about missing the last two issues of the Topics. I have excuses but I will try to get back on track. Moon can always entertain you when I don’t show up…….. Noble Bill Bailey is busy at his house some Sundays trying to teach some new guys the art of playing the musette! I have heard rumors it is more of a party than a learning session. Oh well that’s what oriental bandsmen do….. The OB is gearing up for CSSA in Golden this year. We haven’t decided Million Dollar Band “If music be the food of love, play on,” wrote William Shakespear. Play on we do, even in the face of adversities such as an indisposed director. Life seems intent on doing Noble Lynn Moller harm. The latest being a parking lot mishap involving a idling vehicle in drive rather than park that pinned his leg against his own rear bumper. Lynn, when afoot, look both ways…but don’t cross the street anyway. Noble Bruce Rose had surgery on an arm and appears to be coming along well. Noble Rick Milhon had hernia repair and has been released to full duty. He told Lady Marilyn that it didn’t include housework. She said she was allergic to that, too. Gosh, I remember when we talked of girls and sports in between rehearsals. Now it seems to be joints, like shoulders and knees, and stitches here and there on JULY, 2015 Robert Hoch Reporter trikes, and the secret to the tricks and maneuvers that we do is PVC, plastic plumbing pipe that fits over our rear wheels that makes it easier for us to slide around on pavement, that’s our secret! We have a chassis builder that does 90% of our frames and we finish by adding rear disc brakes and seat bracing, then we paint and assemble them ourselves. You can go out and buy a drift trike, but we go that one extra step and make them unique to Midian. This is the only place you can get trikes exactly like ours, and we want to make sure that when you see those bright red Big Wheels, you know that it’s the Midian Shrine Sidewinders! “OUT OF TOWN” Reporter whether we have enough for a bus but we are going anyway. The competition song this year is one we already play so that makes it a little easier. Unfortunately we are getting rusty on a bunch of our songs due to lack of parades and practice. The photo this month is the latest group picture the OB has taken. You will notice everyone is facing forward and their pants are up. Unfortunately about 15 or so members didn’t have time to be there for the picture, so it is a small group. RICK MILHON Reporter our bods. As the Topics deadline approached, the Million Dollar Band was looking forward to participating in the Kechi Parade on June 27. Maybe we saw you there. In July, the Polkatz will play as Nobles and Ladies gather for the Stated Meeting on the 15th. That weekend the DixieKatz are scheduled to help a Wichita gentleman celebrate his 90th birthday. The only music he wants to hear is Dixieland. Hey, we like it, too! We welcome folks to sit in with our groups. Woodwind, brass and percussion players are always in demand. Drop in at one of our rehearsals: DanceKatz at 7pm Mondays; Concert Band (also parade and circus band) at 8:30pm Mondays; Polkatz 7:30pm on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays; DixieKatz 7pm on 2nd and 4th Thursdays. Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2015 Keystone Kops The Midian Keystone Kops have been rockin’away so far in 2015! We just celebrated our Forty Year Anniversary with a blow out party at the Midian Shrine. Yes, the Midian Keystone Kops were chartered in 1975. Our Chief Scotty Clark has been in 38 of those years and yours truly Steve Mitchell 36 years. I am here to tell you that is quite an accomplishment and it says a lot for our unit to have someone stay in that long. I do not know of any Keystone Kop anywhere who has been in as long as Scotty or Moon. Scotty and I were grade school friends who stayed friends forever and along came the Shrine and it has taken us down a long journey together. When I joined Midian Shrine there was Scotty at the afterglow and he tells me I should join the Keystone Kops. I was a little hesitant at first but here we are today, still friends, Shrine Brothers and Keystone Kops. We have certainly seen our share of Brothers come and go through the Kops and have memories that no one else have. It is my pleasure to have Scotty as my friend today! The anniversary party was a hoot. The Crawdaddies rocked the house! They are a very talented group of musicians who know how to have fun and entertain Keystone Kops. They let us do two sing along group songs, including our signature song Friends In Low Places, that were the hits for the night. The songs were both entertaining and really fun. I am thinking the new Forty Year Anniversary shirts had a lot to do with how hopped up the Kops were that night. They look great. I know they make the Koppers revved up as seen on FB at the KK “MOON” Reporter golf tournament. Did you notice all the Koppers in the picture were wearing them? Probably not, but they were. I believe they are the shirts that will take us into the next phase of Kop history. I predict this is the dawn of the new era of Koppers. The wild side is back! It was special to see Chet Green and Lady Susie there as well as Doc Jon Gillilan. They are Gold Whistle Chiefs from our past who are true blue Keystone Kops! It was also good to see Rick Roberts and Roxanne there. They came all the way from Tulsa, where Rick is a Keystone Kop, to join in the fun. It turned out to be a special night in another way as we honored Kopper Mike Brittain with the Bert Cooper award. This is a CSSSAKK award that is presented annually to the Central States Keystone Kop who is voted to be the best of the best for all he has done for the Keystone Kops. Congratulations Mike in winning this award. You certainly earned it and I am proud that you did! The Midian golf tournament held in Winfield each year was certainly one to remember. Lots of fun and lots of things happened but what stands out to me was the two hours of afterglow that us Kops and friends spent on Saturday evening. That was more fun than I have had in a long, long time. It was well worth every penny it cost to be there. I Wonder?? Who put the lights out in Winfield?? I Wonder?? Were Chet and Doc Jon as ornery as the new revved up Koppers?? I Wonder?? What will the Fifty year party bring?? I Wonder?? Wow?? I Wonder?? Provost Guard The Provost guard meeting was called to order on June 3 at 7:35 PM by Marshall Dennie Brunhoeber. There were 14 members and five ladies present. A new member Klent Harkness was voted in, welcome to the unit and your lady Kate. Congratulations go out to Jessica and Dan Hauserman on the arrival of a baby girl. A collection was taken and given to them as our gift from the unit. Last month’s minutes were accepted and approved, treasurer’s report was given CARL L. LOSEY Reporter and approved. Noble Harold Brewer gave the liaison report. 99 shooters braved the rain, little Dan and Levi won the flurry at the shoot congratulations. Thanks to all that braved the stormy day to participate. The CSSA report was given, banquet will be at the Marriott West in Golden Colorado. We need to know who’s going by July 25, amount for the banquet is $45 a person. Be sure to bring your money for the banquet and registration also at the next meeting. Williams Construction General Contractor Commercial - Industrial New Construction Remodeling METAL BUILDINGS Allen Williams, President 316-264-1964 Motor Patrol Captain Cy Lampe led the June meeting at the classy Rolling Hills Country Club dining room. There were no liaison from the divan to present a fact filled report on Midian Activities. The Motor Patrol appeared to be rained out at the Law Enforcement parade even with our tops up. The Motor Patrol supported the Eureka Days parade. Captain Cy Lampe and Lady Jessica and Noble Mickey West, who suggested the operation, sold Novelties at the River Festival. Thanks Mickey for the idea to help market Circus Novelties. The Keystone Kops 40th anniversary party was attended by MP Nobles and Ladies Norm, Debbie, Lynn, Laurie, Reiferd, Judy, Mickey, Donna, Terry, Jill, Paul, Rebecca, Rocky and Bev. We danced to our own Motor Patrolman Terry Henry and his band. We had Great music and fun. HPP Reiferd Acord and Lady Judy won costume prizes and the couple prize went to Noble Paul and Lady Rebecca Mayfield. ‘You Dog you and Beth’… The River Festival Sundown parade saw Motor Patrol members Noble Captain Cy Lampe, Bob Ragsdale, Austin Henry, Terry Henry, Dave Johnson, Mickey West, PP Ron Capps, PP John Auch, Paul Mayfield and Ron ‘Bumper’ Stowell rolling through downtown Wichita in front of a record crowd. The month was topped by the Motor Directors Staff Thanks to all of the Directors Staff Nobles and Ladies that helped with the River Fest novelties sales. Let’s hope that develops into a long term successful fund raiser for Midian as well as the Directors Staff. Now that SDA and Ceremonial are behind us, it is time to catch our breath, kick back and enjoy life. And just that we did on Saturday June 13th with a steak fry and auction at the home of Noble JR Gelvin and Lady Denise. The clouds parted and the rain stopped just in time for us all to have a great time, raise a little money for the unit and enjoy what was surely the finest steak I have wrapped a lip around in quite some time. Sorry we missed some of our members that were on the St. Louis Hospital bus trip. Next stop Page 7 NORM CONLEY Reporter Patrol’s own ‘Grease Monkey’ Degree. The Seven new Novices learned how to cleanup, prepare, parade and clean their Jeepsters after the parade. They were awarded with hospitality and large great steaks. It was good to see Noble Bruce Detwiler and our Greenwood county brothers. Noble Terry Williams came back for a visit and attended the Degree work. We miss member Noble Archie Moon and the members who are not active. We have Jeepsters available to be a part of the “Most Active unit in Shrinedom”. Jeepster pictures and History of our activities are found on the website and out Facebook page. MARK BUTTERFIELD Reporter on the social calendar is the Table Rock Lake weekend August 7-9. Please RSVP to President Ricky ASAP. The Directors Staff will not hold a regular meeting in July or August. So that gives us all extra time to get out and sell Midian Sportmen’s Event tickets. Nobles, we really need to get out and hit this one hard and bring in some much needed funds to Midian as well as the Directors Staff. And what an exciting way to add some money into the coffers of Midian. Be careful with your fireworks and have a safe summer in whatever you are doing or wherever your travels may take you. Remember to stop in and support the food service at the Oasis every chance you get! Page 8 Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2015 JULY, 2015 Midian Shrine Topics Page 9 Page 10 Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2015 JULY, 2015 Midian Shrine Topics Page 11 Page 12 Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2015 JULY, 2015 Midian Shrine Topics Page 13 Midian Shrine Topics Page 14 Chefs Hank Wright Reporter Executive Chef Yohn finally got the June Chef’s meeting under way only 5 minutes late at 7:05pm. After introducing notables among the 13 members present, such as Illustrious Sir Wells and Marshal Propps he turned the meeting over to Marshal Propps who is also our liaison for the year. It soon became obvious that Tom “Hop Sing” thought our meetings had not been lasting long enough. As he gave the liaison report, He went on and on and on and on. Most (not all) of his statement was concluded with “I don’t know a lot about that” but we had a fairly good idea of what was coming up in the next few weeks in Midian. Following the liaison report EC Yohn called up on our treasure Noble Ron Fuller to update us on our financial status as he had missed the last few meetings due to family health problems. We soon noticed that Noble Fuller felt he had to out do Liaison Propps as far as time spent giving his report. At the close of his report it was concluded that we were in good shape but could not cover all of the purchases needed for the annual Sportsmen’s Event. Illustrious Sir Wells then covered how Cartoon john gracy Reporter Greetings from Toon Town, once again, Members, Ladies, Nobles and friends. Is it really July already? Hard to believe that we are already halfway through the year. Seems like just yesterday this little shindig was just getting started. I guess it’s true what they say; time sure does fly when your in costume in the miserable, humid, hot summer of Kansas, dehydrated, and showing early signs of heat exhaustion! So we had a couple notable things happen lately. First off, the unit received an award from the ARC of Sedgwick County for our participation in the SOC Walk at Intrust Bank Arena. It was a great way for us as Shriners to get out in public, help out another worthy cause, and in the process get some further public exposure. The award was received by members in full Toon gear at the ARC building, and we got to take some pictures with some of the kids that benefit from this wonderful program. Next up on the agenda, we participated in the Riverfest Sundown Parade! The first Sundown Parade we’ve done in quite a few years, and I have to say, it was awful and fantastic, all at the same time. Hugely attended event. Your favorite unit, us of course, nearly brought up the rear, with only two other groups between us and the street sweepers. So after waiting over an hour in line, we finally got the show moving, and boy oh boy children and grown-children alike SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK •Main Bank, Douglas & Topeka •Motor Bank, First & Emporia •Towne East Bank, 225 S. Armour •Towne West Bank, Tracy & Taft Member IBBA we should handle the primary purchases and still have back up in case we are pleasantly surprised and need additional supplies at the last minute. Potentate Wells also covered the Family Day event and the fact he had no idea as to how many we should plan on for the day. Being a Shrine Event he will be glad to fill us in on the number of hot dogs and hamburgers needed as soon as it is over. Due to the length and normal dryness there of, the meeting was kept light and entertaining by Noble Duane Allender adding helpful hints and explanations to almost every statement made. Other news of interest to some, not most---It seems that Noble Bob Herman has had the tailgate stolen off of his F150 pickup. This reporter thinks that since he is now a Keystone Kop that he and his fellow “Officers” should be able to solve this heinous crime and prosecute the guilty. Perhaps a bottle of certain size and shape to the Chief would hasten the investigation. Until next time--------Make-IT Smoke boys------It’ll taste great when we serve it up! Member FDIC were beyond enthusiastic to see us roll by. Always a good feeling to hear the cheering, and as this route was a long and slow half hour, they sure made us feel like rock stars. No doubt about it folks, when the Toons are in the show, we’re always a crowd favorite. One of Midian’s own Shrine patients, and one of our biggest fans, Landon (a.k.a. Bear) had a big 5th birthday party up in Park City! Of course we couldn’t miss that! What a wonderful time we had, both in costume and out, as we helped Bear and his family celebrate his big day. Finally, in an effort to conduct character studies, and further develop our artful craft, we went to observe the subjects of our art in their natural habitats. Well, their natural habitat replicas. We loaded up the families and set course for the Sedgwick Co. Zoo! What a great way to gather together, members, ladies, and youngins. Keep an eye on those calendars for more fun Cartoon socials. There are some more family fun events coming up soon. Our usual invasion of the Drive-In comes to mind. As usual if you would like to invite us to your event, party, charity, or odd fascination with grown men in costumes, you can contact us on Facebook, or email us at [email protected]. Until next time, That’s All Folks!!! Arab Patrol The Arab Patrol Golf Raffle drawing was held at the Winfield Golf Tournament on May 16th at Quail Ridge Golf Course. The grand prize winner for the foursome at Flint Hills National Country Club was Ken Voss, husband of Kim Voss, who happens to work with Jackie as an Administrative Aide to one of the District Court Judges. Other winners include Veteran Patrolman Ron Smith, Patrolman Mike Latimer, Geoff Robinson, Greg “Hurley” Stobart (2), Brock Tharman, Patrick Hurley, and Assistant Rabban Rocky McWilliams. Next up for the Patrol was the Riverfest Parade. Thanks to all that attended. If memory serves me right, we had nine marching along with Captain Kyle Rhorer and drummer Past Potentate Warren “Doc” Rensner. We were positioned immediately in front of the WSU Shocker bus with Coach Gregg Marshall so we had a lot of visibility. Not sure the cheers were for us or the Shockers LOL. I managed to keep myself busy helping Oriental Guide Jay Danler and High Priest and Prophet Reiferd Acord with running the novelty sales during Riverfest by stocking the carts and transporting people to/from the warehouse and Shrine Center. Since we were selling lighted novelties, sales did not get going until after dark with Saturday being a complete madhouse in keeping everyone restocked. On Wednesday, Captain Kyle Rhorer along with 1st Lieutenant Larry Tomes and 2nd Lieutenant Steve Travis Antique Autos Q: Which came first, the Ford Model A or the Model T ? Midian Antique Autos! A big thank you to all who sold novelties at the Wichita River Festival, supported the Show & Shine at Davis Moore and all the fun activities. Our July meeting is on the 6th at 7:00pm at Midian. On July 18th Midian Family Day, from noon to 6pm. There will be water slide, horseback riding, laser tag, canoes, climbing tower, food, and lots of fun. Bring the kids! The event will be held at YMCA Hyde park in Viola. On August 1st, the 3rd Annual Sportsmen’s Event will be held at the Cessna Activity Center – Wichita, Ks $20.00 tickets & 100 guns to be given away – you do not need to be present to win! September 26th The Antique Autos will be hosting a live auction at Lake Afton as a fundraiser. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details. If you have items to donate to the auction please contact Capt. Grant Richeky [email protected] and Lt. Randy Edwards [email protected] Happy Birthday! Nobles Joe Matthews, Jerry Elscott, John Davis and Captain Grant Richecky and to our Ladies Thrish Gilbert and Christal Chrisco. We wish you many more! And Happy Anniversary to Noble Alan and Sheila Orr, we wish you many more happy years of marital bliss. JULY, 2015 LARRY WILSON Reporter tried their hand at selling and did fairly well. Competition Practice for CSSA began on May 8th and will continue weekly until August. Depending on the progress, it may go to twice a week so it is up to all of you to put all of your efforts at every practice prior to August. The Black Camel paid a visit to the Patrol with the passing of Honorary Veteran John Stanley Kimple. Many patrolmen attended the funeral in Conway Springs. Some of the veterans present include Dick Miller, Bill Davis and John Bybee. Captain Kyle Rhorer and 2nd Lieutenant Brian West served as Honor Guard in Class B uniform flanking his coffin prior the service. The Patrol family extends their condolences and prayers to the family. Finally, Patrolman Sanford Kauffman was hospitalized with low blood pressure following a stress test. As of this writing, he has responded to treatment and doctors will be monitoring the medication to insure stabilization. He will be fitted with a wraparound vest to monitor his heart for forty days and very likely followed up with an implant of a pacemaker. Upcoming events include the Midian Touchdowners Golf Tournament and the Shrine Bowl Parade. Captain Kyle said that the Horse Patrol will not be making the trip so the Patrol will be carrying the colors for Midian. Hope to see you at both events. Until next time, Keep in Step!!!! edward chrisco Reporter A: The Model T came 1st or did it . The Ford Model A of 1928–1931 (also colloquially called the A-Model Ford or the A, was the second huge success for the Ford Motor Company, after its predecessor, the Model T. First produced on October 20, 1927, but not sold until December 2, it replaced the venerable Model T, which had been produced for 18 years. This new Model A (a previous model had used the name in 1903–04) was designated as a 1928 model and was available in four standard colors. This all came from the internet so has to be true.? May we all enjoy the freedom that was earned by the brave and remember all of those who gave it all, so that we could live, in the land of the free! I look forward to seeing you down the road…….. JULY, 2015 Electraglide Elite Simply a great ride to the Ozarks last month and many thanks to our Captain Steve and Lady Sue for putting it all together for us! We got a break on the weather with only an isolated sprinkle on Saturday (you could count the drops on the windshield) and what little we got felt pretty good! If laughter and fun are one of the keys to good health and long lives, we should all make triple digits. It was a blast, so much so that we forgot to get an all-inclusive photo in front of the motel or anywhere for that matter. We do have a shot of the Captain in “different” surroundings and a terrific shot of our Gals at the end of a busy day provided by Brother Jeff. At the time of this writing, Brother Bob is editing lots of film footage of all of us. Thanks Bros and to all that took and are sharing pics of us in the Ozark Mountains. We’ll be using these in a number of places and events to come! Memories are priceless and that’s what makes us rich! As you read this, the Midian Bug-O-Rama is a wrap and huge thanks to Brother Robert for all the hard work again! Our hopes are for another nice check to the Shriners Hospital in St. Louis and Captain Steve wants us to keep the pressure on for the Kid’s Run coming in September. We can add to what is already well over $15,000.00 presented by the Electraglide Elite to the Hospital! Lieutenant Fritz did a fine job running the June Meeting as the Captain was with Lady Sue (aka Queen of the Daughters of the Nile) on her trip to Albuquerque. Thanks too for Oriental Guide Jan Danler’s message on Hillbilly Band With great sadness we report the unexpected and untimely passing of lady Janet Bergman, wife of Veteran bass player, Noble Robert Bergman. Noble Bob said she never quite recovered from a fall and complications from that event. Sincere regrets to Noble Bergman and family on the death of a supportive and most gracious lady. This little group was busy the last couple of May we worked the Ladies Luncheon mixer Ceremonial Day, followed by ballyhoo outside for the crowd at the Temple instead of parading later that day. We’re pleased to report reaction to that experiment was mostly favorable. May also found us working concerts at Kansas Christian Home in Newton and the Masonic Home. We didn’t get registered in time for a slot for the Model T in the recent Riverfest parade, so several of our members and a couple of “associates” had an impromptu Horse Patrol Happy Fourth of July. The Horse Patrol was well represented at the Wichita River Fest. Nobles Ray Richecky, Jerry Elscott, George Finley, Gary Dix and their Ladies, Diane, Susan, and Nadine Bruner, as well as Noble Bruce Rose and his Lady Cathy, all worked the Tent and had a good time. Although we didn’t make as much as what we had hoped, every little bit helps. Our next meeting will be July 9th. at Midian Shrine Topics N. B. Forrest K.G.C. Reporter where we are as we approach mid-year and gave us heads up on events still on the horizon. Brother Fritz discussed several opportunities for us to get together (Captain’s Runs, Bad Boar, and some events at the Scottish Rite) so stay tuned for emails and reminders as we “make the turn and start the back nine” in the 2015 Season. Closing with a familiar, but sincere hope that you ride safe and take one more look – lots of memories still to make and we want and need everybody helping us make em’. Golden VIPS Golden VIP’s met at the Kansas Masonic Home, Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 11:30 am for social and 12:00 Noon for our meal. There were 27 persons present which included one guest. Ms. Denise Groene, Kansas State Director for the Better Business Bureau, our guest speaker. After the meeting was called to order by President David Pate, PP, the Flag Salute was led by Noble Bill Weber and the opening prayer given by Joan Harris. Our members and guest enjoyed our Annual Picnic consisting of Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and all the condiments, Baked Beans, Potato Salad and Cookie for dessert. WE even had beer and some wine with our meal. VIP guest speaker, Ms. Denise Groene was introduced and she gave a program of Scams and how the BBB can help. She stated that a complaint can be filed in person, or on-line. If the business in question and the complainant cannot resolve the issue, the BBB will assist in dispute resolution with both parties. Ms. Groene spoke about “bait & switch” false advertising, IRS Scam, Microsoft Scam, and Grandparents Scam. Her sole and continued advice to us was the fact that the IRS and Microsoft will not place a call to you personally (unless they are returning a call initiated from you). If you receive a call, DO NOT answer any of their questions for additional information about you, your finances, etc. Microsoft will not call you personally as well. Should you get an email from a “spammer” that is asking you to follow the link to answer their Page 15 DAVID PATE, PP Reporter questions to resolve the “problem” with you, DO NOT open any link and do not open any attachment either. Should you receive a call from your “grandchild” stating that they are in trouble and need money to get out of trouble. Hang up on the caller and immediately call the grandchild’s parents to verify of the need for cash to the grandchild. Ms. Groene advised to take particular care with any charities that call also. The caller is usually a third-party charity and they are the biggest benefactor of the cash given, NOT the charity they are calling for. These callers are really persistent and will not take “no” for an answer; they will always drop the amount in order to get something from you. Hang up on them. Then if you wish to donate to the charities you can do so directly to them not going through a third-party that reaps the benefits of the donation. Ms. Groene was given a much sought after and collector VIP Coffee Mug for her taking the time to visit with the VIP and for the excellent presentation. There were no Birthdays for June, there was one Anniversary for June; Scott and Sue Kailer celebrating the 48th Wedding Anniversary with us today! Congratulations Scott & Sue! Reminder to all VIP’s that we will go dark during July and August. Our next VIP meeting will be Thursday, September 10th. Benediction was given by Pat Pate Meeting adjourned at 1:25 pm. JOHN HECKMAN Reporter jam on the Ambassador’s Riverboat, invoking memories of the late Noble Corky Edminster and his Dads of Dixie. Great to have “our guys” playing live music instead of recordings, even if they were on a different float! Kind of a last-minute deal, so more on “who played what” next column. June found us rehearsing as usual on the 4th, then working the Oasis Lounge for the regular Stated Meeting warm-up the 17th and a concert at Avita East Retirement Center on the 20th. Various vacations, minor illnesses and work conflicts led us to skip the Kechi and Park City parades and Imperial Session was the second week in July, but we’ll be on hand Saturday, July 11th for our first appearance of the year at the Old Town Plaza Farmer’s Market. Remember our motto, “Will play for produce!” and we’ve got the radishes to prove it! GEORGE FINLEY Reporter the Shrine. We will gather in the Oasis around 6:00pm and will have our meeting around 7:00pm. We need to start thinking about CSSA. This yer the Horse Patrol will not have a separate hotel as we have had in the past. Each of us will have to register with Midian in order for us to Participate. We will also Register will CSSAHP. I have all of the forms for the Horse Patrol. Until next time. Ambassadors The Ambassadors of Midian stand ever ready to uphold the traditions and responsibilities of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. From the Almas Shrine Temple in Washington, D.C. to the newest Unit approved and recognized here in Midian in south central and southwest Kansas. We shout to any and all who will listen: “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS”. Our joy in dining and parading together as well as sipping coffee at the Beacon rings out acknowledging our sincerity of purpose. Come join us. On June 18th our Director General and Noble Ambassador “Al” Bass called our monthly dinner to Order and open for all in attendance at the Petroleum Club where we enjoyed the food and fun offered. One minor hitch was experienced when we found the east door to the Bank of America building now being locked at 6:00 p.m. each evening. This forced us to gain admission only through the runway across Broadway into the Bank building from the west side. The convenience of having access just across the street from the Shrine Center no longer exists. Still remembering the Sundown parade at Wichita’s Riverfestival on May 29th. Our hats (Fezzes, that is) are off to Noble Ambassador Al Brumbaugh and the mannor in which he organized the Dixieland Jazz Band to play throughout the parade route on our Riverboat. It was the hit of the parade and received accolades galore from the majority of the parade JOHN W. STEWART Mild Mannered Reporter route attenders; Noble “Al” put together Noble Ambassador Larry Bell on Clarinet, together with Andy Horner on Trumpet, and Bob Wambold on Trombone; plus Jim Aronis on amplified Banjo and Jim Marlia on amplified Guitar with Dennis Schmidt on Tuba. Riding on the Riverboat were Captain Noble Ambassador Kenny Loffland at the helm. D.G. Noble Ambassador “Al” Bass in charge of the food and camels milk. Sailing along were a crew of Noble Ambassadors: Ray Barber, Ward Marrs, John McDonald, Bill Bell and John Stewart. At the Petroleum Club our laision officer delivered an update on the schedule of events going on throughout the Shrine, In addition we want to report on the fun some of our Unit had at the Chuckwagon Feed and Barn dance out at Noble Jim Reeves ranch in Butler County on June 13th. If you are buying or selling tickets (chances) on winning a nice new gun at the 3rd Annual Sportmen’s Event on August 1st at Cessna Activities Center, be sure to insist that Ambassadors of Midian be written on the back of the entry. Our Unit will receive a commission on every ticket sold this way. Remember, also, to support the Shrine Bowl through our ad in their program by being sure your assessment is paid in care of Noble Ambassador Art Van Dresser. A worthy cause which we voted to accept. Thank you in advance. MIDIAN Midian Shrine Topics Page 16 JULY, 2015 CONTACT RANDY BROWN FOR PLACEMENT [email protected] BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SPONSOR DIRECTORY AEROSPACE MANUFACTURING Capps Manufacturing Ron Capps 212 S Edwards Wichita, KS 67213 316-942-9351 AUTO COLLISION REPAIR Frick Body Shop Myron Frick 1346 S. Mosley Wichita, KS 67211 316-263-2825 AUTO SALES AND LEASING Dave Johnson Sales “The Gunner” See Dave, Mike or Rusty Johnson Tyler & Kellogg 316-721-0442 USED OR NEW CARS & TRUCKS Davis-Moore Chevrolet Used & New Cars & Trucks “Big Al” Ceynar 8200 W. Kellogg Wichita, KS 67209 DELIVERY CN Spring Ranch LLC Chris Nelson 2504 SE 90th St., Leon, KS 67074 [email protected] 316 648-3775 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS SALES & SERVICE B & B Electric Motor Co. Bob Giesen 332 Lulu Wichita, KS 67211 316-267-1238 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS/PERSONAL LIFE AND LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE The Hawkins Group, Inc. Dan Hawkins 9406 Harvest Ln Wichita, KS 67212 316-371-1667 FINANCIAL PLANNING/INVESTMENTS 316-749-4058 Cell: 316-706-6888 CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Home Safe Hearth and Chimney Bart and Lesa Ogden Come visit our showroom!! Wood - Gas - Pellet - Electric - Tools - Doors - Caps - Accessories 504 S St. Francis Wichita, KS 67202 316-265-9828 REALTORS FUNDRAISING AND ADVERTISING Carey, Thomas, Hoover & Breault Jeff Breault - Vice President 8080 E. Central Suite 200 Wichita, KS 67206 316-634-2222 Strategic Financial Concepts Inc. Vance A. Burns 216 N. Waco Wichita, KS 67202 316-262-2929 JT Enterprises Inc John Auch - President 6320 E. Crestmark Wichita, KS 67220 316-652-9200 Camelot Realty, Inc. Dahl R. Carmichael 920 N. Tyler, Suite 104 Wichita, KS 67212 316-788-6303 Jerod Cox Keller Wiliams Hometown Partners 10300 W. Maple Wichita, KS [email protected] 316-322-3572 HEALTH INSURANCE Eagle Financial Services O J Lichlyter, CLU 1033 N Buckner Suite 1033 Derby, KS 67037 INSURANCE Signs, Banners, Decals & Graphics Damien Cook Agency Farm Bureau Financial Services Home, Auto, Business, Life & Farm Insurance Specialist 1786 S. Seneca Suite #1 - Wichita, KS 67213 [email protected] Cell: 316-847-1227 Office: 316-425-0918 Fax: 316-425-0920 PET FOOD & SUPPLIES CW Feed Products Jeff Sowder 1009 N. Mosley Wichita, KS 67214 316-265-5263 Signs & Design Mike Janzen 4545 W. Central Wichita, KS 67212 316-264-7446 SIGNS, FABRICATION - INSTALLATION - SERVICE Dynamic Sign Solutions Dave Branson/Owner SERVING THE SIGN INDUSTRY FOR OVER 40 YEARS 800 W Maple St. Wichita, KS 67213 [email protected] Cell: 316-641-8948 Office: 316-440-6429 PRINTING/MAILING/COPIES Direct Mail Printers Randy Brown 231 S. Ida Wichita, KS 67211 Off: 316-773-9400 Cell: 316-650-2014 WINE & SPIRITS 316-262-0211 R & J Discount Liquor Matt Hess - Manager 3015 E Douglas 316-681-3761 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! JULY BIRTHDAYS: Billy L. Aday Dale K. Allen Michael D. Argabright Ronald E. Arnett Mark Ashenfelter Nickolas A. Baldi Clair Banta Marvin G. Banwart Billy-Joe W. Bardin Gailand D. Bartlett Alfred E. Bass Michael E. Beard Garland J. Bell Steven C. Bell Jack E. Bender Kenneth E. Bergman Ronald J. Betzen Frank B. Bible Daniel M. Bird Harry D. Bledsoe Gary L. Blevins Alfred L. Blocher Joel A. Blount Douglas W. Bogart James E. Bolinger Edgar E. Bonar Steven R. Boyd Wilbur C. Bradley Scott S. Branscum James D. Branstetter Robert A. Brill Roy C. Brown Jeffrey A. Bryant Bruce W. Buehler Jack W. Bunyard Vance A. Burns John L. Carmichael Clarence W. Cash Paul D. Cauthron Larry D. Cheever Jr. Richard A. Clark Brian Coram Donald N. Corning Paul D. Courson Mark A. Cox Charles W. Cramb David R. Cross Harry O. Dalvine Glen W. Davidson John H. Davis Jonathan J. Davis Richard Dennis Gary D. Denniston Bruce C. Detwiler Richard Dickerhoff Jr. Leslie L. Dolbow Jr. Daniel C. Dreese Taylor W. Durr Craig W. Dutton Christopher B. Eddy Jerry W. Elscott Roger G. Epperly Jr. Herbert D. Farabough Gregory P. Farber Cecil L. Fauchier Kenneth E. Johnson Jerry R. Middleton Ernest B. Feeler Jr. Loren J. Johnson Daniel W. Miller Lynn M. Finley Evan M. Jones Donald E. Miller James D. Fischer Glenn R. Jones Paul L. Miller Ronald G. Fisher Henry F. Kersting Jr. Robert E. Miller Carl W. Fraley Donald H. Klein Jim L. Molz Donald D. Fromong Keith E. Koontz Jimmy D. Montgomery Ryan A. Furlong Edward M. Kroll Archie R. Moon Jr. John P. Garrison Michael J. Latimer Albert Moore Benjamin T. Gelinas Dean M. Lauterbach Paul Z. Moses Rodger D. Gracey Lawrence E. Lee Carl Moss Billy W. Griffin Richard L. Lemaster Jr. Robert W. Murdock Philip C. Griffith Billy R. Lemasters Charles E. Neff Jack C. Grubb Thomas D. Lewis Donald E. Nelson Lawrence M. Gurney Michael W. Lillibridge Jon L. Nicolet Sr. Gerald A. Guthrie Don Lock Ronald L. Oliver Edward J. Hakenholz Keith L. Mae Ralph E. Oringderff Roger A. Hawk Patrick B. Maloney Leslie G. Osterman Kip V. Hawkins Jack L. Marinelli Rodney T. Ott Roland W. Hayden Darin L. Mason Tye W. Pameticky Landon D. Haydock Jr. Gary A. Mason Larry J. Papps John B. Head Jr. Joseph A. Matthews Max A. Pecht II William R. Heath Ronald A. Maynard F. Scott Perkins Alan L. Heine Jonathan W. McConnell Ray S. Peterson Thomas L. Herrman David W. McDaniel Leland C. Pontius Jack L. Herron George B. McEvoy Jr. Andrew A. Porter Joseph B. Hilyard Darrel L. McNamar Harold D. Purkey Gerald L. Hoepfinger Jefferis M. Mead Duane L. Rasmussen George L. Holland Michael P. Megonigle Jack D. Rasmussen James H. House Laurel G. Menefee Lester M Reiter Terry E. House Eric C. Menne Kyle M. Rhorer Kenneth Hughes Ronald D. Metzger Steven E. Richard Grant T. Richecky Andrew L. Roberts Keith E. Roberts Patrick R. Robinson Richard Rodriquez David B. Roe Roger Rollmann Bruce A. Rose Todd R. Rostetter William A. Royse Darrel L. Ruth Arthur L. Rutledge Raymond N. Ryman Norman E. Sauder Edward R. Schauf Norman E. Sauder Edward R. Schauf Michael W. Schilling Jakie L. Schoenhals Gail F. Schroeder Beryl I. Scranton Mark D. Seaman Phillip S. Shrack Thomas D. Simons Howard E. Sims A. Wesley Smith Billy T. Smith Robert M. Smith Jr. Robert M. Smith Jr. Roger D. Smith Jr. Ronald W. Smith Ross B. Smith Wallace C. Smith Kenneth W. Snook Ronald F. Sontag Everett S. Stephenson Jr. Mikey G. Strong James D. Sullivan Billy T. Smith Finace H. Taylor J. Roscoe Taylor Drew V. Teinert Chuck N. Thurston Brent Traylor Martin E. Updegraff Heber M. Villers Jr. Bret L. Walker Joe E. Walker Starnes E. Walker Jr. Willard F. Walpole Jr. Jerry W. Walton Michael W. Weekley Eugene L. West Joel E. Westbrook Joshua W. Whiteside Max M. Whitson Danny R. Wickham Richard A. Williams Robert E. Williams John B. Wooley Gary D. Young Melvin J. Zeman Daniel D. Zimmerman Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2015 FROM YOUR WICHITA SCOTTISH RITE Come and enjoy your Scottish Rite JULY – 2015 Every Tuesday Donuts & Coffee - 8 – 9:30 AM Everyone is welcome, come and enjoy the fellowship Wed – Jul 1 Knights of Saint Andrew Meeting Covered Dish Meal – 6:00 PM Meeting at 7:00 PM Members and Ladies welcome! Fri – Jul 3 Office closed for Independence Day. Sat – Jul 11 Elmo Lodge Family Day Picnic Lunch at 12:30 PM (Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Potato Salad and Baked Beans). Cost is $4.00 per person, Elmo Lodge meeting at 2:00 PM, followed by a screening of “American Graffiti” along with other activities for the children. Please make your reservations by Wednesday, July 8. Sun – Jul 12 The 21st Automobilia Car Show will also be held this day starting at 6:00 PM. Cars will be displayed in front of the Center. Normal Second Sunday activities from - 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM The Knights Grill will be open and the poker tournament will be in full swing! Come and join in for a time of fellowship and fun. Sun – Jul 26 Thurs – Jul 30 Knights of St. Andrew Chicken Feed - 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM Meals can be dine in or to go One piece meal $7.50 Two piece meal $9.50 Includes mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable, roll. Drink is include for dine in. Second Sunday Ride for the Rite begins at 8:00 AM with the first rider out and last rider returns by 1:00 PM. American Graffiti will be shown in the Auditorium beginning at 2:00 PM. Free Lunch - 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Page 17 If your Unit, Club, Lodge or any affiliate body has a function you would like in this free listing, then just get the information to Tracy Dahl [email protected]. functions functions other other than than midian midian derby lodge #365 biscuit & Gravy 4th sat every month - 7am - 10am - 125 E. Market, derby HAYSVILLE LODGE #112 200 S. MAIN - HAYSVILLE - 2ND SAT. EVERY MONTH -7AM - 10AM MENU CHANGES MONTHLY BELLE PLAINE LODGE #173 AMERICAN LEGION, 421 1/2 N. MERCHANT - BREAKFAST - $7.00 DONATION 1ST SUN. EVERY MONTH - 7AM - 10AM Keystone Masonic High Twelve Club #376 Every Monday at 11:30 am - Kansas Masonic Home Lunch, Fellowship and Program Free Poker Games 4th Sunday ~ 2-6 pm ~ Scottish Rite ~ Open Bar Soup and Chili Feed 4th Sunday Every Month - 11 am - 2 pm ~ Sunflower Lodge #86 2929 W. Pawnee, Wichita ~ More Details on AugUST 9th at the Scottish Rite Car Show Questions? Contact Leroy 316-648-9043 Knights of St. Andrew Golf Tournament September 13th, 2015 Questions? Contact Leroy 316-648-9043 Page 18 Arami Court A number of our ladies have recently returned from the 101st Grand Council Session in Orlando, FL and we are happy to report that the year of the “Beacons of Light” has begun. We spent a week getting together with friends from across the U.S. and Canada, attending business meetings, taking part in fun, social events and of course, shopping at Marketplace. Our Second Ceremonial Lady Mona James learned she is no longer a “mushroom”, she is now a “Phantom of the North”. The phantom is a Great Grey Owl. Several of our members were honored by the Grand High Priestess, Lady Joy Moore, with special appointments. Ladies Terri Wells, PHP and Susan Elscott, PHP were named Executive Aides. Ladies Cheryl Ross, PHP, BJ Kauffman, PHP, Betty Argyle and Nadine Bruner were appointed as Aides for this year. We’re proud of you Ladies for your continuing support of our organization. At Grand Council we learned that due to a math error last year Arami Court was actually the Court which gained the most in membership of all the Courts. We thought we were but it took some time to get the figures corrected. Anyway, the announcement of this correction was made in the business session and Arami Court’s name will be on inscribed the membership trophy for last year. It was reported at the session that our Ladies had made philanthropic donations valued at nearly $2 million. That’s part of why we do what we do! Arami Court’s Kandyland Klowns have been parading all over the place. Watch for them in Halstead, Mulvane and Wellington Daughtersof theNile Zohar Temple No 65, Daughters of the Nile have been very busy since the first of the year and now we are taking a break for a couple of months. Zohar No. 65 will be dark in July and August. We do have a BBQ/Ice Cream Social planned for July 17th at JPQ Sue Sheets home. Our next session will be September 21, 2015. Hope everyone will relax and enjoy the summer. Several of our ladies have recently returned from the 99th Annual Session Supreme Temple Daughters of the Nile. This year the Annual Session was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A presentation in excess of 2.3 million was given to Imperial Sir Dale Stauss, Shriners International. A total of 1107 members of Daughters of the Nile representing 135 Temples attended the Annual Session. Seven members from Zohar No. 65 and three of their husbands attended. Past Queen Glenda King of Zohar attended her 43rd consecutive Annual Session. Her goal now is to make it 45. That is quite an accomplishment and shows her dedication to the Daughters of the Nile. Another Past Queen from Zohar Midian Shrine Topics Jan Hiebert Reporter in the next couple of months. They are a very colorful group. The Krafty Krew will be putting their talents to work creating centerpieces for Midian’s Feztival of Trees. It’s amazing what can be made from leftovers and other folks trash. The KanDu-Dancers cooked and served breakfast to the Midian Nomads at Lake Afton in June. A planning meeting was held in June to establish a new cooking unit, tentatively called Kulinary Kuties. The premise is that this group will take cooking classes, hold food fundraisers and cook for special events. More to come from this group. The Kibetzing Haz Benz’s bowling ball was won by Michelle Tomes. It was soooo cute. Appreciate everyone who bought an opportunity to own it. The official visit of our Grand High Priestess has come and gone. We got to visit casually with her at dinner at Spear’s on June 19. Then, on June 20 we held a Court meeting followed by a carry-in lunch. She is such a gracious and kind Lady and she considers Arami Court to be like her own having gotten to know a number of our Ladies over the past 5 years. We had a wonderful time with her. A ceremonial to initiate new members is scheduled for August 8. At this writing we have about 15 ladies who will be learning the mysteries of the Ladies’ Oriental Shrine. If you’d like to know more about us, contact Lady Terri Wells, Recorder or myself. We’d love to answer all your questions. Until next time, let your “Beacon of Light” shine. SUE SHEETS JPQ Reporter came from Florida and is now on the line to become Queen of Shimron Temple No. 133 in Pensacola, Florida. Congratulations to Past Queen Shelia Russell. Queen Sue Towns represented Zohar Temple No. 65 with much grace and dignity. She also had a lot of rice to eat since we were in the southwest part of the country but had to look a little harder to find white snowballs. However the mission was accomplished. Thanks to Queen Sue’s husband, Steve Towns for finding us several nice places to eat. Congratulations to three of our members for receiving Supreme Appointments from Supreme Queen Sharon K. St. John. Past Queen Julie Ward, Supreme Temple American Flag Escort, Past Queen Laura Dixon, Supreme Temple Canadian Flag Escort, and Past Queen Joan Harris, Supreme Temple Banner Escort. The 100th Annual Session will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 15th through June 19th, 2016. Ladies, have a wonderful summer and we will see everyone September 21st. RECRUIT A SHRINER JULY, 2015 JULY, 2015 Midian Shrine Topics Riverfest Parade 2015 Page 19 Page 20 Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2015
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