City Hall Gouncil Chambers Call to Order 5:30 pm 1
City Hall Gouncil Chambers Call to Order 5:30 pm 1
Gity of Quinte West Gouncil Agenda June 6, 2016 City Hall Gouncil Chambers Call to Order 5:30 p.m. 1. Closed Session of Council a) The review of the Minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on May 16,2015. (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (a) (c) and (d) of the Municipal Act) b) Staff Report 16-015CAO from Charlie Murphy, Chief Administrative Officer regarding a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality. (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act) c) Staff Report 16-016CAO from Charlie Murphy, Chief Administrative Officer regarding personal matters about identifiable individuals (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act). d) Update from Kevin Heath, City Clerk regarding personal matters about identifiable individuals (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act) e) Staff Report 16-049PD from Phillíp Lappan, Chief Building Official/Manager Building and By-law Enforcement regarding a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal AcÐ. 6:30 p.m. Public Session of Council Opening 2. 2.1 NationalAnthem - "O Canada" 2.2 Opening 2.3 Opening Remarks 3. Report from Closed Session of Council 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Approval of Minutes a) Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on May 16,2016 Resolution: That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on May 16, 2016 be approved; And further that the Minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on May 16, 2016 be approved. 6 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof 7 Delegations and Petitions 7.1 Presentations a) 7.2 Mayor Harrison will make a presentation to Major Steve Manuel and Major Tina Manuel of the Salvation Army Trenton to express the City's appreciation for their work in our community. Delegations a) lsabella Rapino, Miss Teenage South Central Ontario 2016 will address Mayor Harrison and Council regarding her upcoming participation in the Miss Teenage Canada Pageant in July and requesting sponsorship. b) Mr. Ted Ryczko, a former pilot at CFB Trenton, will play a video created for the 70th Anniversary of D Day for The Friends of The Canadian War Museum. 8 Public lnput I Committee Reports, Staff Reports and Approval of Accounts 9.1 C.A.O a) Staff Report 16-017CAO from Charlie Murphy, Chief Administrative Officer regarding Hugh O'Neil Friendship Garden. Resolution: 1 . That the location of the memorial honouring the late Hugh O'Neil on lands leased by the City in the area of the Trent Port Marina be approved; And further that the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor DeWitt be appointed to the Hugh O'Neil MemorialWorking Group. 2. That a moratorium be placed on memorials for a period of one year in order for a policy to be developed and approved by Council. b) Staff Report 16-018CAO from Charlie Murphy, Chief Administrative Officer regarding Old Town Hall - 55 King Street. Resolution: That a by-law be passed to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a 5 year lease agreement with the Trent Port Historical Society for the use of 55 King Street (Trenton Town Hall 1861). c) Staff Report 16-019CAO from Charlie Murphy, Chief Administrative Officer regarding Waterfront Trail Master Plan. Resolution: 1. That City of Quinte West Council single source the completion of a waterfront trail master plan for the west side of the Trent River to Wentworth Landscapes to complete a Waterfront Master Plan at a cost of $48,750 plus HST. 2. That Council establish a Trail/Active Transportation Steering Committee consisting of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillor Allan DeWitt and Councillor Karen Sharpe. 3. That Council establish an Active Transportation Working Group reporting to the Steering Committee consisting of: Councillor Sharpe Staff from Public Works and Planning Departments Rep from I Wing/CFB Trenton Rep from Quinte West O.P.P. Rep from the Hastings and Prince Edward Health Unity Rep from the Quinte West Chamber of Commerce Rep from Lower Trent Region Conservation Authority Rep from the local School Boards 4. That Council establish a Waterfront Trail Working Group reporting to the Steering Committee consisting of: Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor DeWitt Rep from the trustees for the Buster Alyea Park 5. d) That the Waterfront Master Plan and Active Transportation Master Plan be funded from the Planning Study Reserve. Minutes of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on May 26, 2016. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on May 26,2016 be approved. 9.2 Corporate & Financial Services a) Staff Report 16-085CFS from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services regarding the Quinte lnternational Airshow. Resolution: That Council supports the addition of $50,000 to the airshow budget for a total budget of $150,000; And further that $35,000 be taken from the City's policing reserve for additional policing costs; And further that the remaining $t 5,000 be taken from the City's general finance reserve. 9.3 Planning & Development Services a) Staff Report 16-048PD from Brian Jardine, Director of Planning & Development Services regarding Amendment #12to Parking By-law (By-law 12-124). Resolution: That Council approve an amendment to Parking By-law No. 12-124 to prohibit the parking of "Un-hitched Trailers" on all Municipal Property and Municipal Parking Lots, within the City of Quinte West. b) Minutes of the Planning Advisory Committee meeting held on May 19, 2016. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Planning Advisory Committee meeting held on May 19,2016 be approved. 9.4 Protective Services a) Minutes of the Protective Services Committee meeting held on May 31, 2016. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Protective Services Committee meeting held on May 10. 31 ,2016 be approved. Bylaws Corporate & Financial Services: 16-082 Being a By-law to authorize the signing of a Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the City of Quinte West and Trent Port Historical Society for the use of 55 King Street (Trenton Town Hall 1861). (Trent Port Historical Society Lease Agreement) Planning & Development Services 16-075 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 9 to the Official Plan of the City of Quinte West. 16-076 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14-86, as amended, to rezone a property located at779 Fish and Game Club Road in Part of Lot 20, Concession 6, geographic Township of Sidney, now in the City of Quinte West from the Rural Residential (RR) to Rural Residential exception 38 (RR38) Zone. (Millar Rezoning - 779 Fish and Game Club Road) 16-077 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14-86, as amended, to rezone a property located on County Road 40 in Part of Lot 8, Concession A, geographic Township of Murray, now in the City of Quinte West from the Rural lndustrial Holding (RM-H) Zone to Rural lndustrial (RM) Zone. (Maizeing Acres Inc. Rezoning - County Road 40) 16-078 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14-86, as amended, to rezone a property located at 143 & 145 Bay Street in Plan 82, Parl Block C, geographic City of Trenton, now in the City of Quinte West from the Open Space (OS) to Residential Type 3(R3) Zone. (City of Quinte West Rezoning - 143 & 145 Bay Street) 16-079 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 12-124, being a by-law to prohibit and regulate the parking, standing or stopping of vehicles in the City of Quitne West. (Parking Amendment Number 12-124-12) Public Works & Environmental Services: 16-074 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 08-142, as amended, being a bylaw to regulate the speed of vehicular traffic on highways and portions of highways of the City of Quinte West. 16-080 Being a By-law to designate Community Safety Zones within the City of Quinte West. Resolution: That these by-laws be read a first, second and third time. And that said by-laws having now been read and passed, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the same. 11. Correspondence for Council lnformation 11.1 Printed a) Correspondence from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services outlining Accounts Payable City General May 2016 in the amount of $2,780,092.24 and Accounts Payable Exceeding $t0,000 in the amount of $2,231,368.45. b) Minutes of the Lower Trent Conservation Board of Directors Meeting held on April 14, 2016. c) Quinte Conservation Source Protection Committee Meeting Summary May 2016. d) Minutes of the Hastings Prince Edward Board of Health Meeting held on April 6, 2016. e) Minutes of the Hastings/Quinte Social Services Committee meeting held on April 13,2016. Ð 11.2 Correspondence from McDonald's in Trenton expressing appreciation for support of their 23rd McHappy Day which raised $10,757.15 for the Summer of Hope Campaign for The Children's Foundation. s) Resolution from the Township of Wellington North urging the Provincial Government to ban all door-to-door sales in the home services sector (more specifically the sale or lease of HVAC equipment, water heaters, water filtration systems and other related home energy products and services by door-to-door sales agents) as soon as possible. h) Resolution from the Township of Russell requesting the Government of Ontario to reconsider the suspension and integration of the Rural Economic Development Program into the Jobs and Prosperity Fund. Non-Printed a) Applications for Consent: . o . o . o o 811/16M - 3 Glenburnie Drive (Lot fronts on Telephone Road) Lot 4 Plan 39M-747, Murray 812l16M - 3 Glenburnie Drive (Lot fronts on Telephone Road) Lot 4 Plan 39M-747, Murray B71165 - 133 Hearns Road, Part Lot 5, Con 7, Sidney 813/16T - 151 Stanley Street (Added to 143 Stanley Street) Lot 22Plan 230, Trenton B141165 - 55 Halloway Road, Part Lot 35, Con 8, Sidney 815/165 - 55 Halloway Road, Part Lot 35, Con 8, Sidney 816/165 - 208 Glen Ross Road, Part Lot 4, Con 6, Sidney b) Applications for Minor Variance: a A2l165 - 68 Chatterton Valley Crescent, Lot 56 Plan 1933, Sidney a A2l165 - 68 Chatterton Valley Crescent, Lot 56 Plan 1933, Sidney c) Hastings County Hazardous Plans lnformation Guide Resolution: That the correspondence printed for Council information and the non-printed items for Council information be received and filed, and that the listing of same be attached to the Minutes for reference. 12. Councillor Requests for Information 13. Confirmation By-law a) Confirmation By-law Resolution: That Confirmation By-law 16-081 for the June 6, 2016 Council meeting now be read a first, second and third time and be signed and sealed 14. Adjournment a) Adjournment Resolution: That Council now adjourn at p.m City of Quinte West Regular Council Minutes Monday, May 16,2016 1. City Hall Council Chambers Call to Order Deputy Mayor Alyea called to order the Regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West at 6:00 p.m. 2. Members Present: Mayor Jim Harrison (regrets) Deputy Mayor Jim Alyea Councillor Duncan Armstrong Councillor Allan DeWitt Councillor Sally Freeman Councillor Michael Kotsovos Councillor Don Kuntze Councíllor Fred Kuypers Councillor Rob Maclntosh Councillor David McCue Councillor Keith Reíd Councillor Karen Sharpe Councillor Bob Wannamaker 3. Staff Present Mr. Charlie Murphy, Chief Administrative Officer Mr. David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services Mr. ChrÍs Angelo, Director of Public Works & Environmental Services (regrets) Mr. Brian Jardine, Director of Planning & Development Services Mr. Kevin Heath, City Clerk Ms. Lori Coxwell-Duncan, Manager of Human Resources Mr. John Whelan, Fire Chief (regrets) lnspector Mike Reynolds, Quinte West O.P.P. Mr. Dan Smith, Deputy Fire Chief Monday, May 16, 2016 Council Minutes 4. Closed Session of Council Motion No. l6-127 - Closed Session Moved by Wannamaker Seconded by Freeman That Council move ínto closed session at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act for: 5. a) The review of the Minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on May 16, 2016. (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act) b) The review of the Minutes of the Closed Session Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on April 28, 2016. (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act) c) Report regarding security of the property of the municipality or local board (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (a) of the Municipal Act). d) Confidential Staff Report 16-007HR from Lori Coxwell-Duncan, Manager of Human Resources regarding labour relations (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (d) of the MunicipalAct). (SUPPLEMENTARY) e) Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) of the MunicipalAct). (SUPPLEMENTARY) Return to Open Session Motion No. 16-128 - Open Session Moved by Armstrong Seconded by Reid That Council now returns to open session at 6:30 6. Opening 2.1 NationalAnthem - "O Canada" 2.2 Opening 2.3 Opening Remarks p.m. Garried Council Minutes 7. Monday, May 16,2016 Approval of Agenda Motion No. 16-129 - Approval of Agenda Moved by Kuypers Seconded by Armstrong That the Agenda for the May 16,2016 Regular Council Meeting inclusive of supplemental items be approved. Carried 8. Approval of Minutes Motion No. 16-130 - Approval of Minutes Moved by DeWitt Seconded by Kotsovos That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on May 2,2016 be approved; And further that the Minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on May 2,2016 be approved. Carried 9. Disclosure of Pecuniary lnterest and the General Nature thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest 10. Delegations and Petitions 10.1. Delegations a) John Williams addressed Deputy Mayor Alyea and Council to present a proposal for a memorial honouring the late Hugh O'Neil. Motion No. 16-131 - Motion to Suspend the Rules Moved by DeWitt Seconded by Kuypers That the rules be suspended to consider a motion pertaining to a proposed memorial honouring the late Hugh O'Neil. Carried Motion No. l6-132 - Hugh O'Neil Memorial Moved by DeWitt Seconded by Freeman Council Minutes Monday, May 16,2016 That the proposal for a memorial honouring the late Hugh O'Neil be received; And further that a Working Group be established immediately comprised of Council representatives, City staff and the existing committee in an effort for the project to be constructlon ready for the fall 2016; And further that the proposed location be approved as presented. Carried Councillor Armstrong left the meeting at this time b) Jim Pine, Chief Administrative Officer for the County of Hastings addressed Deputy Mayor Alyea and Council to provide an update on the Eastern Ontario Regional Network Project. Councillor Armstrong returned to the meeting at this time 11. c) Denise Cumming, Executive Director and Colleen Lawrie, Board Chair of University Hospitals Kingston Foundation provided an update, following which Deputy Mayor Alyea presented them with a cheque for the City's 2016 funding support. d) Paul Ken¡uin of Quinte Search and Rescue addressed Deputy Mayor Alyea and Council and provided an outline of their accomplishments and future projects. e) Wade Watts, President of Wheelchair Friendly Solutions addressed Deputy Mayor Alyea and Council regarding accessibility. Public lnput Robert Williams, Murray ward, spoke related to the Eastern Ontario Regional Network project and the lack of service in his area through his provider. Collette Richardson spoke supporting the Community Greenhouse and Gardens. Wayne Garrison spoke in faVour of the site location for the proposed Hugh O'Neil memorial, and also suggested something should be done to make the Mount Pelion water tower more presentable. Ron Keller of Frankford Road spoke regarding the speed limit on Frankford Road. Monday, May 16,2016 Council Minutes Stuart Gilboord expressed his approval of the new Trent Port Marina and also noted his support of the Community Greenhouse and Gardens. Nathan Card, Wild Card Brewing Company requested a Municipal Resolution for his liquor licence application. CAO Murphy spoke to the matter and conveyed that departments are favourable to the request. Motion No. - 16-133 Moved by Armstrong Seconded by DeWitt - Suspend the Rules That the rules be suspended to consider a motion regarding a Liquor Licence for Wild Card Brewing Company. Carried Motion No. 16-134 - W¡ld Gard Brewing Gompany Moved by Armstrong Seconded by DeWitt That Council has no objection regarding the applicatíon for a Manufacturer's Limited Liquor Sales Licence by Nathan Card, Wild Card Brewing Company, located at 38 Gotha Street, Trenton in order to sell their product by the glass their tasting area. Carried 12. in Committee Reports, Staff Reports and Approval of Accounts 12.1. C.A.O Motion No. 16-135 - Staff Report 16-014CAO - Quinte West Growing Community Gardens - Request for Land Lease Moved by Sharpe Seconded by Maclntosh That City of Quinte West Council approves in principle the lease of an approximately 3 acre parcel of City owned land located on the northwest end of Guelph Street to Quinte West Community Gardens as illustrated on Appendix 1 to Staff Report 16-014CAO.Garried Motion No. 16-136 - Staff Report 16-010EDT - Proposed Amalgamation of Bay of Quinte Tourist & Living Gouncil Boards Moved by DeWitt Seconded by Kotsovos Council Minutes Monday, May 16,2016 That Quinte West Council supports in principle the proposal as presented jointly by the Bay of Quinte Tourist Council and the Bay of Quinte Living Councilto merge into one Board in 2017. Carried Motion No. l6-137 - Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee Minutes Moved by Kuntze Seconded by Wannamaker That the Minutes of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on April 28, 2016 be approved; And further that the Minutes of the Closed Session Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on April 28, 2016 be approved. Carried 12.2. Corporate & Financial Services Motion No. l6-138 - Staff Report l6-066CFS - Anti-Whistle By-law Moved by Kuntze Seconded by McOue - Liability lnformation Request That Staff Report 16-066CFS regarding Liability lnformation Request - AntiWhistle By-law be received as information. Carried Motion No. 16-139 - Corporate & Financial Services Committee Minutes Moved by Armstrong Seconded by Sharpe That the Minutes of the Corporate & Financial Services Committee Meeting held on May 4,2016 be approved, with the exception of Motion No. 15-39 recommending approval of a $5,000 grant to Twin 27 Productions from the Economic Development Reserve; And further that this motion be referred to the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee for further consideration' Carried 12.3. Planning & Development Services: Motion No. 16-140 - Planning Advisory Gommittee Minutes Moved by DeWitt Seconded by Macintosh That the Minutes of the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting held on April2l, 2016 be approved. Carried Monday, May 16,2016 Council Minutes 12.4. Public Works & Environmental Services Motion No. 16-141 - Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Minutes Moved by DeWitt Seconded by McCue That the Minutes of the Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meeting held on May 10, 2016 be approved with the exception of the recommendation that the Petition from the Parishioners of St. Peter's Catholic Church to reinstate the crosswalk at Dundas Street West and Queen Street be reinstated and that a flashing advance signal be installed for westbound traffic at the curve to improve the stopping sight distance at a cost of approximately $5,ooo; And further that this recommendation be referred back to the Public Works & Environme ntal Services Committee fo r further cons ideration. Ca rried 13. Correspondence for Council Decision 13.1. Proclamations Motion No. 16-142 - Proclamations Moved by McCue Seconded by Wannamaker That May be proclaimed as "Bladder Cancer Awareness Month" in the City of Quinte West; And further that May 26,2016 be proclaimed as "Financíal Literacy Day" in the City of Quinte West (SUPPLEMENTARY); And further that June 1-8, 2016 be proclaimed as "World Oceans Week" in the City of Quinte West (SUPPLEMENTARY). Garried 14. Bylaws Motion No. 16-143 - By-laws Moved by Freeman Seconded by Kotsovos That the following by-laws be read a first, second and third time: Monday, May 16, 2016 Council Minutes Corporate & Financial Services 16-066 Being a By-law to establish the MunicipalTax Reduction Policy for properties in the Commercial, lndustrial, Multi-Residential Property Classes for the year 2016. 16-067 Being a By-law to requisition the sums required for School Board purposes, and to establish the tax rates to be levied for same by the Corporation of the City of Quinte West for the year 2016. (2016 Education Levy) 16-068 Being a By-law to establish tax ratios for prescribed property classes (2016 Tax Ratio) 16-069 Being a By-law to adopt the estimates for all sums required during the year 2016 for the general and special purposes of the City of Quinte West and to establish rates to be levied for the same. (2016 Tax Rate) 16-070 Being a By-law to establish decrease limits for certain property classes. 16-071 Being a By-law to impose rates for the year 2016 on properties designated in the Downtown Business lmprovement Area (D.B.l.A.) and to authorize the levying and collections thereof. (2016 D.B,l.A. Rate) 16-072 Being a By-law to adopt the Water/Sewer Policy for the City of Quinte West. Planning & Development Services 16-062 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14-86, as amended, of the City of Quinte West, to make various housekeeping amendments. (GeneralAmendment 2) 16-063 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14-86, as amended, to rezone a property located at 635 Airport Road in Part of Lot 20, Concession 7, geographic Township of Sidney, now in the City of Quinte West from the Rural (RU) Zone to Rural Residential (RR) Zane. (House Rezoning - 635 Airport Road) Monday, May 16,2016 Council Minutes 16-064 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14'86, as amended, to rezone a property located at 136 Highway 33 in Part of Lot 3, Concession 2, geographic Township of Murray, now in the City of Quinte West from the Light lndustrial (LM) to Corridor Commercial (CC) Zone, (993737 Ontario Limited Rezoning - 136 Highway 33) 16-065 Being a By-law to authorize the signing of a Subdivision Agreement for a residential subdivision comprised of fifty-eight (58) residential lots, one (1) block for storm water management, one (1) block for the construction of a pumping station and one (1) block containing an existing dwelling, two (2) blocks designated as 0.3 metre reserves including roadways identified as Autumn Grove, Spartan Court and Ambrosia Terrace; being Phase 1 of the Orchard Lane Subdivision located in Part of Lot 8, Concession 2, geographic Township of Murray, now in the City of Quinte West. (Agreement Authorization Orchard Lane, Phase 1) Resolution: That these by-laws be read a first, second and third time. And that said by-laws having now been read and passed, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and sealthe same. Carried 15. Correspondence for Council lnformation 15.1. Printed a) Correspondence from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services outlining Accounts Payable City GeneralApril/May 2016 in the amount of $1,778,585.55; and Accounts Payabte Exceeding $10,000 in the amount of $1,696,909.92. b) Staff Report 16-067CFS from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Fi nancial Services regardin g Water¡Vastewater Pol icy U pdate. c) Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment Meeting held on April 14,2016 d) Correspondence from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) regarding Multi-Residential Assessment Methodology Change. e) Resolution passed by the Region of Niagara forwarded to the Minister of Health and the Minister of Health and Long Term Care regarding Lyme Disease. Council Minutes Monday, May 16,2016 0 Resolution passed by the Township of Perry regarding "No Wake" restrictions. g) Resolution passed by the Town of Essex regarding Widening Highway 3 to lmprove Public Safety. h) Resolution passed by the Town of Amherstburg supporting Bill 180 Workers Day of Mourning Act, 2016. i) Resolution passed by the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg regarding Bill 180, Workers Day of Mourning Act. j) Resolution passed by the Town of Amherstburg supporting the City of Windsor's resolution regarding the Marathon Petroleum Facility. k) Staff Report 16-068CFS from Virginia LaTour, Deputy City Clerk regarding Wild Card Brewing. (SUPPLEMENTARY) 15.2. Non-Printed a) None Motion No. 16-144 - Printed/Non-Printed lnformation Moved by Freeman Seconded by Sharpe That the correspondence printed for Council information and the non-printed items for Council information be received and filed. Garried 16. Councillor Requests for lnformation Councillor Kuntze asked that staff provide the number of community safety zones in the City. Councillor Kuntze requested that staff schedule an Open House regarding the Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN). Councillors expressed their appreciation to lnspector Reynolds who will be retiring at the end of the month. Council Minutes 17. Monday, May 16, 2016 Confirmation By-law Motion No. l6-145 - Confirmation ByJaw Moved by Armstrong Seconded by Kotsovos That Confirmation By-law 16-073 for the May 16, 2016 Council meeting now be read a first, second and third time and be signed and sealed. Garried 18. Adjournment Motion No. 16-146 - Adjournment Moved by Reid Seconded by Sharpe That Council now adjourn at9:23 p.m. Carried Jim Harrison, Mayor in Heath, City Clerk STAFF REPORT 16-017 CAO A Natural Attraction DATE: May30,2016 TO Mayor Jim Harrison and Members of City of Quinte West Council FROM: Charlie Murphy, M.Sc., MCIP, RPP Chief Admínistrative Officer RE Hugh O'Neil Fríendship Garden Recommendations: 1. THAT the location of the memorial honouring the late Hugh O'Neil on lands leased by the City in the area of the Trent Port Marina be approved. AND THAT the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor DeWitt be appointed to the Hugh O'Neil Memorial Working Group. 2. THAT a moratorium be placed on memorials for a period of one year in order of a policy to be developed and approved by council. Background: The Hugh O'Neil Friendship Garden Committee (HOFGC) made a presentation to Council regarding a memorial garden for the late Hugh O'Neil at the May 16'n Council meeting. Subsequent to the presentation, Councíl approved the following recommendation: "The proposalfor a memorial honouring the late Hugh O'Neil be received; And further that a working group be established immediately comprised of Council representatives, City staff and the existing comrnittee in an effort for the project to be construction ready for the fall of 2016; 1 And further that the proposed location be approved as presented." The HOFGC wanted the memorial to be located on City property and believed the proposed location was, in fact, City property. However, the location is on lands leased by the City and not owned. Staff contacted HOFGC subsequent to the Council meeting to advise them the location was not owned by the City. The land is owned by TCS Realty Ltd. The lease the City entered into with TCS Realty Ltd. will not prohibit the location of the gardens. Staff did consult with TCS Realty Ltd. to ensure they agreed with staff's interpretation of the lease. TCS Realty Ltd. is in agreement with the interpretation. Consequently, the memorial can be located on the leased lands. TCS Realty Ltd. did want to ensure the City understood that íf and when the lease expires, the memorial will have to be moved. The term of the lease is 25 years with a provision to extend for an additional 25 years províding the terms of the lease are complied with. It is staff's opinion that Council's approval of the location on leased lands is required. Council granied the approval on May 16th with the understanding the proposed location was on City property. Staff is also recommending that the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor DeWitt be appointed to the working group with HOFGC. They have been directed by Council to work with TCS Realty Ltd. on plans for the waterfront in the area of the Trent Port Marina. Existing Policy/By-law: N/A Financial lmpact: HOFGC has not requested financial support from the City for the memorial Public lnput: N/A 2 lnternal/External Gonsultation : N/A Comments and Analyeis: The Hugh O'Neil Friendship Garden will be an excellent addition to the landscape of the Trent Port Marina. Further discussion will take place with HOFGC regarding the design of the garden to ensure it complements the other landscape features in the area. The City needs to develop a policy on the criteria for future memorials as well as location and design. lt is recommended that a moratorium be placed on memorials for a maximum of one yearto allow time to develop the policy. 3 STAFF REPORT 16-018 CAO Å Natural Atcracfü*n DATE: May 30, 2016 TO: Mayor Harrison and Members of City Council Charlie Murphy, M.Sc., MCIP, RPP FROM: Ch ief Ad m inistrative Officer Old Town RE: Hall- 55 King Street Recommendations: 1. THAT a by-law be passed to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a 5 year lease agreement with the Trent Port Historical Society for the use of 55 King Street (Trenton Town Hall 1861). Background: The Trent Port Historical Society (TPHS) currently leases 55 King Street (Trenton Town Hall 1861) from the City. The lease expires on June 13, 2016. TPHS has requested a new lease with the City. Council appointed a Committee to develop a longterm sustainable business plan for the Trenton Town Hall 1861. The Committee has met on a number of occasions and some progress is being made. However, the development of the business plan willtake some time to complete. TPHS would prefer a minimum 5 year lease, which will allow them to rnake applicatíon for funding to organizations like the Trillium Foundation. Existin g Pol icy/By-law; The existing lease for 55 King Street with Trent Port Historical Society expires at the end of June 2016.,ffA* Financial lmpact: The City is currently paying the monthly operating costs to maintain the building. The costs are approximately $700 a month, which includes utilities and water, telephone and insurance. The plan is for TPHS to assume responsibility for these costs once a business plan is approved and implemented. Public lnput: N/A lnternal/External Consultation: N/A Gomments/Analysis: While the business plan is not complete, the Commíttee has agreed that TPHS will be an integral partner in the long-term sustainability of the Trenton Town Hall 1861. Consequently, there is no concern with entering into a 5 year lease with TPHS even though the business plan is not complete. The lease will have to allow for amendments from time to time, As the business plan is developed and decisions are made regarding the use and operation of the building, it will be necessary to amend the lease. This has been discussed wíth TPHS. 2 STAFF REPORT 16-01gCAO A Natural Attraction DATE: May 10,2016 TO: Mayor Jim Harrison and Members of City of Quinte West Council FROM: Charlíe Murphy, M.Sc., MCIP, RPP hief Administrative Officer C RE; Waterfront Trail Masterplan Recommendations: 1. THAT City of Quinte West Council single source the completion of a waterfront trail master plan for the west side of the Trent River to Wentworth Landscapes to complete a Waterfront Master Plan at a cost of $48,750 plus HST. a Trail/Active Transportation Steering Committee consisting of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillor Al DeWitt and Councillor Karen Sharpe. 2. THAT Council establísh 3. THAT Council establish an Active Transportation Working Group reporting to the steering committee consisting of: Councillor Sharpe Staff from Public Works and Planning departments Rep from I Wing/CFB Trenton Rep from Quinte West O.P.P. Rep from the Hastings and Prince Edward Health Unit Rep from the Quinte West Chamber of Commerce Rep from Lower Trent Region Conservation Authority Rep from the local SchoolBoards 4. THAT Council establish a Waterfront Trail Working Group reporting to the Steering Committee consisting of: 1 Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor DeWitt Rep from the trustees for the Buster Alyea Park S. THAT the Waterfront Master Plan and Active Transportation Master Plan be funded from the Planning Study Reserve. Background: Council included funds in the 2016 budget Transportation Master Plan. to complete a Waterfront Trails/Active While the subject of Active Transportation and Waterfront Trails has some similarities, they do have distinct characteristics that separate themselves from each other. Waterfront Trails focus on walking and cycling trails linked directly to the water features of the City. There is also a relationship to distinct waterfront destination features like the Trent Port Marina. Active Transportation is more focused on cycling and creating linkages through the City's transportation network. The City is currently involved with two separate initiatives: one involving Active Transportation and the other involving Waterfront Trails that require Council support prior to rnoving forward. Waterfront Trails The City committed to restoration of land west of the Trent Port Marina owned by TCS Realty Ltd. in 2016. The lands were disturbed during the construction of the marina and need to be restored. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillor De.Witt and the CAO met with TCS Realty Ltd. to discuss the restoration of the lands west of the marina, and waterfront development in general. There was an agreement that a more comprehensive plan is needed for the waterfront adjacent to the marina, in addition to the restoration of the property west of the marina. The rationale for a comprehensive plan includes: redevelopment of Buster Alyea Park that were put on of the Trent Port Marina; pending the completion hold has legal access to allow the construction of a trail or land owns The õity eitñer 1. There are plans for the 2. 2 system from the Trent Rlver to the Murray Canal; 3. The development 4. 5. of a trails system adjacent to the Trent Port Marina as a first priority makes sense based on the premise of the Trent Port Marina as a destination tourist attraction; Focusing on the west side of the Trent River is a natural extension to the redevelopment of Fraser Park completed in 2O14, and There are two private sector partners interested in participating in the project including TCS Realty Ltd. and the trustees for the estate of Jean Bernice Alyea. There have also been several waterfront trail plans developed over lhe years, including: 1. A trail options study linking Frankford Ward with Trenton Ward; 2. A trail option study linking Trenton Ward with the City of Belleville, and 3. Plans to develop a trail linking Centennial Park and Bain Park, Açtivs.,"f rq"nsBçrtali..p.X Hastings Prince Edward Public Health (HPEPH) hosted a Bicycle Friendly Communities Workshop in 2015. A working group was formed subsequent to the workshop, which includes Councillor Sharpe, Planning and Development staff and Public Works and Environmental Services staff. The working group has created a work plan, which is attached hereto as Appendix L The completion of an Active Transportation Plan is an integral component of this work plan. Existing Pol icy/By-law: Section 10.4 of the City's Purchasing Policy By-law allows the single sourcing when the compatibility of a purchase with existing equipment facilities or services is of paramount consideration. The City's Transportation Master Plan approved by Council includes recommendations for trail development and active transportation including the completion of a master plan and working with the Hastíngs and Prince Edward Counties Health Unit. Financial lmpactl Council approved funds in the 2016 operating budget for one-time costs including: Quinte lnternational Air Show Boat Launch Study Historical Vignettes Dudley Hewitt Cup Waterf ront Trail/Active Tra nsportation Plan 3 A total of $200,000 was budgeted for all the projects. Due to a number of factors, there are not sufficient funds in the budget to cover the costs of all the projects. For example, the budget for the air show is $50,000. There is $280,000 in a planning study reserve account. lt is recommended that the 2016 costs associated with Waterfront Trail and Active Transportation Plans be funded from the planning study reserve account. TCS Realty Ltd. has agreed to contribute $3,000 towards the cost of Phase 1 of the Waterfront Trail Master Plan. Public lnput: N/A lnternal/External Consultation: N/A Gomments and Analysis: Waterfront trail development and active transportation are two initiatives supported in principle, by Council. The opportunity exists to move forward with both initiatives requiring further Council support. There needs to be some coordination. Staff is recommending the following structure to ensure ongoing coordination: Transportation/ Trail Development Streering Committee Active Transportation Working Group (established through the Health Unit) Trail Development Working Group - Phase I -West side of Trent River 4 The steering committee wíll be responsible for overall coordination between the two working groups. The steering committee will also be responsible for exploring options for trail/active transportation linkages in the City. Staff is recommendíng that the steering committee consist of the Councillors who are involved with the working groups, which includes the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councíllor Dewitt and Councillor Sharpe. It is recommended that the trail development working group includes the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillor DeWitt and a representative from the Trustees for the Buster Alyea Park. It is recommended that the active transportation working group be the same composition as established through the Hasting and Prince Edward Health Unit, including: Councillor Sharpe Staff from Public Works and Planning departments Rep from I Wing/CFB Trenton Rep from Quinte West O.P.P. Rep from the Hastings and Prince Edward Health Unit Rep from the Quinte West Chamber of Commerce Rep from Lower Trent Region Conservation Authority Rep from the local School Boards There is a recommendation to proceed with the waterfront trail master plan from the Trent Port Marina to the Murray Canal. Staff is recommending the study be single sourced to Wentworth Landscapes. This will ensure continuity with the redevelopment of Fraser Park and will allow the City to take advantage of the work Wentworth Landscapes did on Buster Alyea Park in 2008. There is no actual timelíne for the completion of an Active Transportation Master Plan. However, if Council endorses the recommendations in this report, it will allow the working group to move forward with developing a terms of reference for the proiect. 5 Draft Work plan: 2016-2018 Quinte West Active Transportation Working Group Planning & Engineering What can be done? How will ¡t be done? When will happen? it l,lllhy is this important? Who w¡ll teke the lead or update on progress? Who will provide support? çieate â *etrvsrk of s*fe cyelixg i¡rfrastruct$re Active Tra*s pcn¿tio¡-. Plan Netv¡çrk considerations: ^ ' -. Þerrelop policy to suppcrt netwerk implementation and uçe. Connection cver the Tre¡lt Sc&cçl trevel Trail aûn*ectior! belween Stanle.¡ St. tc trÐnt :{llscaticn af Ìuncs tll 1u1b L,,i-^¡ uuuãçi dev*lopment pcli*y fer Fvblic S/srks {Jçhn, Jeffì 2ûr^6-2û:.S Fr*blic Hsalth {"ía*ya} Si" ccnnectio* to SelieviìTe {missi*g link iË Wâtenrûnt trâil} Cûñnectirrì5 tç F.3ftkfa.d, Eatawa establish: clal Flar¡ :mendri'¡ent *ew develop*rerìts tû ensüre thët all pe¡¡v cc:'¡st¡s{tîçn incl*des Bedestrian and cyating ¡**niti*s Flan*isrg iScottÌ Highraæy 2 Artive TlansportatioÍ p¡an should tifi Ëity Ctl:,rncil {K*re*} Êlanning prûce$ Flõnn¡ng process 2016-20X8 Si:bdivision pi*r't guidelines Gr:id* rnuniclpal clecisjon rnaking on bicycle/pedeslrian ¡nffastruclure neeCs ¡n qW Way lìnding stträte€y Compiete streetl; policy Annual cycling budget Estabtis!'¡ a Suide**icipal Secìsi*r¡ *l*king on bicycle/pedestriar: infrastrustu¡-€ needs in QIV Citg {ouncit {l(aren} Pta*n¡ng (Scottl Pr.¡blìc Works (John, Jeffl Fublic llealth (Tanya) - Deputatìorl lvl¡rcl¡ ?s16 2915-2817 Guide nTunicipaf decisìcn makirtg an bicycle,/pedestria n inirastrìrcå$te ¡:eeds in llW Citç Sauncil {l$rrn} Fian*i*g {Scottl k¡biic He¿llh iTanya] * Sepiltai.ìo.r March ?û1$ Fr t¡ r LJ CÞ ¿ ÊL Irr -l x I Quinte West Active Transportation Wo rki ng Grou p DraftWork plan: 2016-2018 Planning & Engineering (Continued) Wh¿t can be done? How r¡uill ¡t be done? Wher¡ u¡ill it l{ihy Ís this ímportant? happen? Who wlll take the lead or r¡Fdate on progrçss? Who will provide support? lmF¡êvs þ;çljcle paeki*tg availabif ity Site plan guidellnes fcr *ew ¿LriÞ ¿.i)-t;3 dÊvelcFmeni Municip*l lacilities Suide xunicipai decis[c* rrraking City Co*lteit {Karen} an hiYycf e/pedestriar: ¡er*ã$¿fi,i$üte ne-..ds in &þJ Ftar**årg {$c*rt} F*Sile *nrke {J*h*" $eff} Create lnce*tives for existing businesses ËS & Iourisr* ilennifer] çì$t¿ than:ber sf csmmërc* usín6 Estâblish e bas**!*a of ge.opl* QW ìnfrastruclr¡re and rrieas{¡le prt¡grere $iir*ge cc*rrtr-. int*r.*¡]t È$içÉ,ys Fre.¡+ost re :.rrí¡lÈ me¡'rta li **.. inlr;a1i.Ttilí.1il i $iÃsetirì* *$s*s*$rfírt àfiËr *r ifirring Aì' pl;nnir:¡i¡ ;.i*d h*lt¡r* i*fralt¡-¡.¡ft r.ift¡ itnpl?fÊq$iã{iûfl" *is!¿.*d ínrpact *iÌ rastrçgt*¡¿l iJ'*Ërtlvâr.ßenls ãnd i)?üËriår'!? ân'¡f;f f.r*trtå!iúfì^ U¡rcf Fublie låtarks {}nh*, .leff} irtf Pc,"rbii<; r'l¡:¿Íifr {T;+r"ry¿rì Quinte West Active Transportation Working Group Draft Work plan: 2016-2018 Education What can be done? When will happen? How will it be done? it Who will take the lead or update on Why is this ¡mportant? progress? Who will provide support? ,4ctlve, Sais Rsut*3 Ta Schoalç c* Suild Oil¡" sch*ol edilc*t¡on prograrns 1$17 ancj b*yc*r{ Ðevelop partneßhìËs Ën*curag* chi{drrn ta walk anC biwcie to scho+i^ srcgram i*iügratìsn {Pubtic liealth} PÅLS iÐave] pã.e*t CûrîmittÊ*s Healtlry Xids Cammçnity Chãl¡erìËe theme 0ppûrtuûities for aduits and tlË Ssh*cl b*ards {rBr} Éxpaad cyciing ed*cation Fublic tlealÈl'¡ {T*ny¡i Public Wcrkç Suild capacity for Can Èìke programs 2t1.7 and beyond Eike Rodeos üevr:trop skiltr ¿nd ccnfídence to cytle safefy Pubtic Èlealth {Tanya} Yl'4C.4 CtS Trenton iLisa, Brendai QW & Frankforcj Youtir Centres OPP Insure City C**nci].. Staff *n<i p;rrtnË.s s?¿y up lc d¿te on best oiactices r-eiel.ed tc cycling Cntaria *iks Ssr*rnit 2*16 ¿:rd beycnd Membership in Ass¿¡cia;ior'¡s sl pedestf¡an fûsure besl practices and evide*ce ìs beíng used ê*d ã¡cycle ProiesEìcnals. act¡/e tra*sp0rtêt¡rn liovlde traini*g *n ûTtut $ask 18 dâve{rprnent, ¡mpleme*tãticn a*d inlrãstrü.ture rr Educate rnolorists and cyelists cn respect!ve respûnsibilities ¡ n Se Rs:-sp*ictf*ì. Se (,oürle*rrs. Sh*r:r th* iìcad tarnpai¡;ri. shãrinB the road. 2f 1{i a¡rci beyand fD & Touri:m Pühiîc Works С,hli¡ ìl¿=l*f"' v¡rrvrrvr,. liÌârea,le understandlng of Itî,& rei¡uìr*ments ¿¡nd safety pr*ctices. ? t¿?*ti r. î.û -t &. ç. le altfu {Ta *ya c¡sriis,t iJen nif er) ît7? i'Òav*l -11âV Safe, lt¿v Bacñ trirckiiig i.aripaìg* *P? } l;n4,.¿et Quinte West A.ctive Transportat¡on Work¡ng Group Draft Work plan: 2016-2O18 Encouragement What can be done? Howwill it bedone? Whenwill it happen? Who will take the lead or update on progress? Why is this important? Who will provide support? Frcv!<Je $ike Valet:ervice at {:s!ìr¡n$nity ev$nts Tre*t$n ¡Åir Åctively prsmst€ the be¡efits af cycling è* the community. ?$15 Äìrshow Explsre apiicns at ciher c*rnmu*ily Make the Quinïe WesT Mari*a ã hub for cyclirrg Sh*w [nceurage pecp3e to bicyck to events. ãt âtL$ anC be¡,*ni CFS boaters Q$inle lv€st Sike L'fcnth 2016 2S1€ and [nco¡i¡age peopte toürisls to explore ïl¡ê City by bicycìe. beyond [ttablisiì a cuiture îhat sncrureges arrd supports cyciing for transpsrtatiôn Cc*'!muter anC Challenge Week recreêtic*. lstablislr a net?,rcrk of residents in prer*oting Raaei Race & {t*ve} - donation of ûPP bicycles Public H*alth CFS Trenton {l-isa, $re*da} SPP {Ðav*} Yfu1C¡\ ÈtL,Èt¡ì Chemþei" $eså:ìval [xplore ¡fl1crest Cur?rrg bike [D &'iaurism {]ennifer} Eû & Tsurism {.}enr:ifer} tr $Jork dâv breakíast Cenex Bike Rades &!de a Mile wiih the SPP Ðike vr'¡ih an interest Tror¡tsr¡ il-isa! eve¡'ìts" Frovid* bicy¿lç5 for tlV & Te{Àris*3 {Jrnnifer} ?015 rnonlh evenls. urban cycling in Quint€ West. Suild capacity fr:r providlng encr¡iragemerlt âf.tiv¡t;es such as bike huddÍes, guld*ci rirfes, bike swaps. eïc cf C*mmerce Public Health {-!anya} Suild capacìty to d*velop åoc¿l cornmunity l*d cycli:rg irì;tia tìves. 8ik^e Sud*irs, cûrÌ\ñìuier *raichiirg $ef\,¡ce. l$Iêgrêt* Snis Môy Heãlth & \ff+iicess Chãllsnge at CFB. /ìUiÐ ìncrûêse lrenton co$mijtür cycì;*g i*f Cl* tf E Îs*ntôT! {Lisa, S¡er¡da} Quinte West Active Transportation Working Group Draft Work plan: 2016-2O18 Enforcement llllhat can be done? Whenwill it Hor will it be done? happen? Why is this important? Who wíll take the lead or update on progress? Who will provide support? Ens*re OPP olficers are trained in the changc ta tile ilTrå Training cornpleted Facilitate er¡fcrcement and education inìtiatives 20x.5-16 tlave rnore office¡s patrelting by bicycle officers Positive ticketing Annual can:paign Cycling courses prcvided annually to tPP lmprove vísibility of 2û1,6 201"{i and beyolrd cycling. *,e'ø*¡d pcsitive cycling OFP iDave! OPF {Dave} OPP iÐave) bshavicur Share collision data Process is in place Ongoing Åssess and address trends and high collision risk arees- OPP {Þãve} Public Works {}ohn, Jeffi City of Quinte West ED-16-03 Economic Development &Tourism Advisory Gommittee Meeting Minutes Thursday, May 26, 2016 1) Gity Hall-Gouncil Chambers Callto Order Chair Kotsovos called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m, 2) Members Present: Mayor Jim HarrÍson Councillor Mike Kotsovos - Chair Councillor Rob Maclntosh Councillor Duncan Armstrong (Regrets) Councillor Al DeWitt Councillor Fred Kuypers Councillor Bob Wannamaker lan Smylie John Harris Wendy Ouellette David Shoniker (Regrets) Stacey Dunning Jamie Fellows (Regrets) Dianne Campbell, Chamber Rep Rick Davies, Chamber Rep 3) Staff Present: Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special Events Cheryl Paul, Administrative Assistant 4) Others: Chris King, C.E.O., Quinte Economic Development Commission Major Gilles Bourgoin, I Wing/CFB Trenton Janie Harrison, Executive Director, Trenton DBIA 5) Media: There was no media present 6) Public: There was no public present 7) Disclosure of Pecuniary lnterest and the General Nature thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. 8) Approval of Agenda Moved by Dianne Campbell Seconded by lan Smylie That the Agenda for the Thursday, May 26, 2016 Regular Economic Development & Garried Tourism AdvÍsory Committee Meeting be approved. 9) Approval of Minutes Moved by Councillor DeWitt Seconded by Wendy Ouellette 9.1 Minutes of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting held on April28, 2016, ED-16-02 9.2 Mínutes of the Closed Session Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on April 28, 2016 (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act) 9.3 Minutes of the Trenton Scottish lrish FestivalCommittee Meetings held April5,2016. 9.4 9.5 Minutes of the Canada Day Committee Meeting held April 13, 2016. Minutes of the Wall of Fame Committee Meetings held March 8, 2016 and April 19,2016. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting held on Apri|28,2016. ED-16-02 be approved; And further that the Minutes of the Closed Session Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on April 28, 2016 (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) of the MunicipalAct) be approved; 2 And further that the Minutes of the Trenton Scottish lrish Festival Committee Meetings held April 5, 2016 be approved; And further that the Mínutes of the Canada Day Committee Meeting held April 13, 2016 be approved; And further that the MÍnutes of the Wall of Fame Committee Meetings held March 8,20'16 and April 19, 2016 be Garried approved. 10) Delegations There were no Delegations 11) Presentations ïhere were no Presentations 12) Public lnput There was no Public lnput at this meeting 13) Committee Staff Reports The following staff report was presented: 13.1 Staff Reporl16-012 EDT from Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourisrn Services regarding the Grant Request to Twin 27 Productions. Motion - That the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee recommends the approval of a $5,000 grant to Twin 27 Productions from the Economic Development Reserve. Moved by Councillor DeWitt Seconded by Councillor Maclntosh That the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee recommends the approval of a $5,000 grant to Twin27 Productions from the Economic Development Reserve. Carried 13.2 Staff Report 16-013 EDT from Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special Events regarding Trent Port Fueling Station - Low Dock Purchase Recommendation. 3 Motion - That the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee recommends the approval of the purchase of a low dock to be attached to the existing day docking at the Trent Port Fueling Station (formerly the Fraser Park Marina), for the purpose of providing a public launch area for non.motorized watercraft for example canoes, kayaks and stand up paddle boards (SUP's); And further that One Shot Tactical enter into an egreement with the City for use of this low dock for access for their rentals of non-motorized watercraft. Moved by lan Smylie Seconded by Councillor Wannamaker That the Economíc Development & Tourism Advisory Committee recommends the approval of the purchase of a low dock to be attached to the existing day docking at the Trent Port Fueling Station (formerly the Fraser Park Marina), for the purpose of providing a public launch area for non-motorized watercraft for example canoes, kayaks and stand up paddle boards (SUP's); And further that One Shot Tactical enter into an agreement with the City for use of this low dock for access for their rentals of non-motorized watercraft. Carried 14) Discussion ltems No Discussion ltems 15) Printed and Non-Printed lnformation 15.1 Staff Report 16-011 EDT from Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services and Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special Events regarding Economic Development and Tourism Updates - May 2106 Motion - That Staff Report 16-011 EDT be received as information. Moved by Councillor DeWitt Seconded by Wendy Ouellette That Staff Report 16-011 EDT be receíved by the Economic Development & Tourism Services Advisory Committee as information. Carried 4 15.2 Monthly Statistics Press Release for the Quinte & District Association of REALTORS@ Motion - Printed lnformation be received and filed. Moved by Stacey Dunning Seconded by lan Smylie That the correspondence printed items for Committee information be received and filed. Carried l6) Non-Printed lnformation There was no non-printed information. I 7) Com m ittee Com r . rt ments/Requests for lnformation Councillor Kotsovos commented on how great the Frankford Sign looked. Councillor DeWitt inquired on the status of the Wake Park. Linda Lísle advised that the opening would be in June and all permits are in place. o Councillor Kuypers mentioned that there were bushes that needed to be cut back as they are obstructing the view of the No Wake sign which is across from the post office. è Mayor Harrison gave an update on his trip to Alberta and Saskatchewan with the Golden Hawks Hockey Team and advised that many connections were made. a Dianne Campbell commented that the decimating of the trees in the rural areas of Quinte West and how a terrible mess was left at the sides of the roads. a CouncillorWannamaker commented on the summer concerts and invited everyone out to enjoy all the different kinds of music and advised that there would be 46 different bands this year. a Chris King, C.E.O., Quinte Economic Development Commission gave an update on the activities and ongoing projects of the Quinte Economic Development Commíssion including the Food Processing Show in Montreal. They have lots of leads of businesses looking for existíng buildíngs, and they are workíng on retention on the labour side as some businesses are having trouble finding people to work in their plants. 5 They have been invited by the Ministry of Agriculture on June 16th, 2016 requesting their support for programs such as the Elevate program to assist with recruiting and training of skilled production workers. a Janie Harrison gave an update on the planters and baskets and advised that they will be coming on Wednesday and that the flowers are being planted. I Mayor Harrison advised that the Archer Poultry dealwill close on May 31st. r 17) Major Gilles Bourgoin advised it was one month until the Air Show. The Surf & Turf will be September 16, 2016. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Kuypers That the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting now adjourn at 7:10 p.m., and that the next regular Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, June 23,2016 at 6:00 Cerried p.m. Uu..40- Po.*OMike Kotsovos Chair Cheryl Paul Recording Secretary 6 STAFF REPORT 16-085CFS A Natural Attraction DATE; June 1,2016 TO Mayor Harrison and Members of Council FROM: David Clazie Director of Corporate & Financial Services SUBJECT: Quinte lnternational Airshow Recommendation: That Council supports the addition of $50,000 to the airshow budget for a total budget of $150,000; And further that $35,000 be taken from the City's policing reserve for additional policing costs; And further that the remaining $t 5,000 be taken from the City's general finance reserve Background: Planning for the 2016 Quinte lnternationalAir Show (OIAS) is well undenruay and the City is playing a large role in the planning and execution of the show and the events surrounding the actual airshow itself. During budget deliberations an initial budget of $'100,000 was established but at that time there was very little planning that had taken place and the full extent of the activities was yet to be determined. ø^sfu* Tourism and Special Events staff along with the CAO, Public Works staff and the Mayor has all been taking part in numerous meetings both internally and with base staff to coordinate and finalize the plans for the airshow weekend. At this point in time staff is projecting the following costs associated with the airshow: Platinum Sponsorship Concert & RV Park Policing Costs Marketing Contingency $25,000 $71,000 (net of ticket sales) $36,000 $ 6,000 $1?.000 $150,000 Total estimated costs Staff has added in a small contingency amount to allow some additional funds for any last minute changes that may occur. lt is hopeful that these funds will not have to be utilized. Existing Policy/By-law: N/A Financial lmpact: Staff is recommending that the majority of the additional $36,000 for policing costs be paid for out of the City's policing reserve. This reserve currently has over $1.5 million in it. This reserve has been established over a number of years from savings in OPP policing and therefore staff is recommending that the cost of policing for this event be taken from that reserve' ln addition, staff is recommending that the remaining $15,000 of additional required funds be taken from the City's general finance reserve. Currently the finance reserve has over $300,000 and its main use is to fund unexpected expenditures if they arise and staff feels that this is a good use of some of these funds. Public Input: N/A lnternal/External Consultation : N/A 2 Comments/Analysis: The QIAS is expected to attract over 100,000 people to the Quinte West during the weekend of June 25th and 26th which will create an economic impact to local business far in excess of the additional $50,000 being recommended to be reallocated to this event. 3 Staff Report #16-048PD A Natural Attraction To Mayor Harrison and. Members of City Council From Brian Jardine, M,Sc., MCIP, RPP Director of Planning and Development Services Re: Amendment#12 to Parking By-law (By-law No.12-124) File: Date: May C01/PA 31 ,2CI16 Recommendation: That Council approve an amendment to Parking By-law No. 12-124 to prohibit the parking of "Un-hitched Trailers" on all Municipal Property and Municipal Parking Lots, within the City of Quinte West. Background: With the rise in seasonal recreational use of the City's watenarays there has been an increase in the number of "Un-hitched" or abandoned boat trailers being left on Municipal Lands and Parking Lots for extended periods. While the City recognizes the need for, and importance of, suitable facilities for boat loading, unloading, and transient "Hitched Trailer" parking; seasonal storage of "Unhitched Trailers" on City lands is not encouraged. The proposed amendments to the Parking By-law will enable City Parking Enforcement to control the illegal storage of "Un-hitched Trailers" on Municipal Property. Existing By-Law: The existing Parking By-law does contain a definition for a "Trailer", but does not provide clarification regarding the parking of "Hitched" or "Un-hitched" Trailers required to enable enforcement as intended. Financial lmpact: Placement of additional signage as required. Staff duties to enforce this proposed change to the Parking By-law will be accommodated within existing patrol duties. Based on the current fine structure, the penalty for illegal trailer storage would be $20.00 early payment, $30.00 set fine, with potentialfor trailer removal. Public lnput: Presentation of Staff Report 16-048PD at open session of Council lnternal / External Consultation: lnternal consultation of City Departments was undertaken in the preparation of this staff report and proposed By-law amendment. Gomment / Analysis: The Íntent of the proposed amendment to Parking By-law 12-124 is only to prohibit the long-term parking or storage of "Un-hitched Trailers" on Municipal property. The following definitions will be included within the proposed amendment: - means a Trailer as defined in this By-law, that is hitched to a plated Motor Vehicle appropriate for the towing of the attached Trailer and licensed and íts intended contents. This definition includes a Trailer with or without its intended contents (eg. boat) attached. "Hitched Trailer" "Un-Hitched Trailer" - means a Trailer as defined in this By-law, that is not hitched to a licensed and plated Motor Vehicle appropriate for the towing of the Trailer and its intended contents. This definition includes a Trailer with or without its intended contents (eg. boat) attached. ln recognizing the need to provide facilities for the unloading and loading of boats, and the use of the City's waterways for day and extended boating trips, the City has provided suitably sized, angled parking spaces in Centennial Park (adjacent to former Robert Patrick Marina) for the parking of transient "Motor Vehicle" and "Hitched Trailer" combinations, as permitted in the By-law. When parking "Motor Vehicle" and "Hitched Trailers" combinations on Municipal Property, the onus is on the "Owner" to ensure that suitable maneuvering space is maintained both for that and other vehicles. The intent of this amendment is to provide for temporary parking of "Hitched Trailers" to allow for boat loading, unloading and transient boat use within the City's waterways, while prohibiting the long term storage of abandoned or "Un-hitched Trailers", with or without their contents attached. Report nBy Brian ard Director of Planning and Development Services Staff Report #16-048P0 Page2 ol 2 PD-PAC-05-16 City of Quinte West Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday May 19,2016 Gity Hall Council Chambers Members: Deputy Mayor Jim Alyea, Chair Councillor Don Kuntze, Vice Chaír Mayor Jim Harrison Councillor Allan DeWitt Councillor Keith Reid Councillor Rob Maclntosh Councillor Fred Kuypers Mr. Douglas Crews, Public Member Ms. Betty Read, Public Member (Regrets) Mr. Rick Searle, Public Member Staff Present: Brian Jardine, Director of Planning and Development Services Jennifer Current, Manager of Planning Services, Planning & Development Services Linda Bui, Area Planner, Planning & Development Services Rhonda Gorman, Admínistrative Assistant, Planning Services Media Present: None Applicants / Agents / Public in Gallery: Richard & Connie Millar - D09/S05/16 Bob Clark, Clark Consulting Services - D09/S05/16 Peter Archer - D09/M07/16 Glenn Horst - Earl Horst Systems Ltd. - D09/M07/16 3 Member(s) of the Public Call to Order: Chair Alyea called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm Glosed Session: None Open Session: Report of Closed Session: None Disclosures of Pecuniary lnterest: None Page 1 PD-PAC-05-r6 Approval of Agenda Moved by Kuntze Seconded by Dewitt ïhe Committee recommended that the agenda as.provided be approved. Carried Approval of Minutes Closed Session: None Open Session: Minutes of Regular Meeting Aprll21,2016 Moved by Maclntosh Seconded by Searle ïhe be Committee recommended that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 21,2016, approved. Carried Meeting Procedure: The Chair stated the public meeting(s) are conducted as prescribed by Section 22 & Section 34 (13) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, for: a a a a One ('1) Zoning One (1) Zoning One (1) Zoning One (1) Official By-law Amendment affecting land in the Murray Ward By-law Amendment affecting land in the Sidney Ward By-law Amendment atfecting land in the Trenton Ward and Plan Amendment affecting land in the Sidney Ward Chair Alyea stated the public meeting(s) shall be conducted in the following manner for each application: The Chair will identify the applications being considered. First, the Chair will ask Planning Staff to outline each application being considered; then the Chair will ask if there are any members of the public in attendance who have questions or comments regarding the application. lf there is no response, the Committee will be asked if they have any questions. Then the Committee will consider and vote on the application. The Chair proceeded with the meeting procedure advising the Public if they wished to speak to an application to identify themselves prior to addressing the Committee by stating their name and address for the record. The Chair advised those in attendance that this Committee has been delegated the responsibility to conduct the public meeting(s) as prescribed under the Planning Act. This Committee wÍll make recommendation to Council along with a full report of the meeting's Page 2 PD-PAC-05-16 proceedings to City Council on Monday June 6, 2016. Councilwill make a decision on each of the applications. The Chair noted that anyone who wishes to receive fufther notice of Councíl's decision on these application(s), must submit a written request for Notice of Council's decision to the Director of Planning and Development Services. The Chair asked the Director of Planning ând Development ServiceS to advise the Committêe how notice of the public meeting(s) was given. Brian Jardine, Director of Planning & Development Services advised that notice of the applications being considered was given in keeping with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended by First Class Mail on April 28, 2016 and the posting of signs on the subject properties the same day. The Chair proceeded with the public meeting(s) Public Meeting(s) as Prescribed under the Planning Act, RSO, 1990, as amended: Staff Report #16-036PD Planning Report / Analysís - Official Plan Amendment File: D09/S05ll6 Owner: Richard & Connie Millar For complete details, refer to Staff Report 16-036PD (File: D09/S05/16) attached to Official Minutes. Linda Bui, Area Planner advised the Committee that the application was submitted to amend the Official Plan to place the subject property entirely within the Rural designation. Ms. Bui stated the lands have a total lot area of 2 hectares with 283.3 metres of frontage on FoxboroStirling Road. Ms. Bui stated that the subject property is located on the west side of Foxboro-Stirling Road and is immediately south of the Township of Stirling-Rawdon. Ms. Bui stated the applicants retained a consultant to undertake an Agricultural Land Evaluation and Soil Study to support the proposed change in designation. The application and report was received and reviewed by the Agricultural Advisory Committee which support the application. The Chair asked if anyone wished to speak in favour of this proposal. No response. The Chair asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the proposal. No response The Chair asked if the Applicant wished to speak and/or answer any questions. Bob Clark from Clark Consulting Services introduced himself to the Committee Page 3 PD-PAC-05-16 The Chair asked Gommittee members if they had questions/comments regarding the applicatíon. No response. Moved by Dewitt Seconded by Maclntosh The Committee recommends that Application D09/S05/16 to amend the City of Quinte West Official Plan'for a property owned'b! Richard and Connie'Millar located at 2001 Fo*boroStirling Road in Part of Lot 25, Concession 9, geographic Township of Sidney, be approved Carried Public Meeting(s) as Prescribed under the Planning Act, RSO, 1990, as amended: Staff Report #16-037PD Planning Report / Analysis - Zoning By-law Amendment File: Owner: Address: D09/S06/16 Paul Millar 779 Fish and Game Glub Road For complete details, refer to Staff Report 16-037PD (File: D09/S06/16) attached to Official Minutes. Linda Bui, Area Planner advised the Commíttee that the application was submitted to rezone 4 hectares of the subject property from Rural Residential (RR) Zone to the Rural Residential Exception 38 (RR-38) Zone which will recognize that the existing barn shall be used for dry storage only and the housíng of livestock is prohibited. Ms. Bui stated the rezoning is required as a condition of consent granted by the Committee of Adjustment on February 1'1,2016 (D10/81/165). Ms. Bui stated the subject property is located on the south side of Fish and Game Club Road The Chair asked if anyone wished to speak in favour of this proposal. No response The Chair asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the proposal. No response The Chair asked if the Applicant wished to speak and/or answer any questions. No response The Chair asked Committee members if they had questions/comments regarding the application. No response. Moved by Dewitt Seconded by Reid The Committee recommends that Application D09/S06/16 to amend zoníng on a property owned by Paul Millar located at779 Fish and Game Club Road in Part of Lot 20, Concession 6, geographic Township of Sidney, from Rural Residential (RR) Zone to the Rural Residential Exception 38 (RR-38) Zone, in the City of Quinte West Zoning By-law 14-86, as amended, be Carried approved. Page 4 PD-PAC-05-16 Public Meeting(s) as Prescribed under the Planning Act, RSO, 1990, as amended: Staff Report #16-038PD Planning Report / Analysis - Zoning By-law Amendment File: Owner: Address: D09/M07/16 Maizeing Acres lnc" County Road 40 For complete detaíls, refer to Staff Report 16-038PD (File: D09lM07/16) attached to Official Minutes. Jennifer Current, Manager of Planning Services advised the Committee that Maizeing Acres lnc. owns property on the east side of County Road 40 north of Loyalist Parkway. This application pertains to the 20.2 hectare property wÍth 503 metres of frontage and is partially cleared. Mrs. Current stated the applicant is proposing the construction of a grain elevator facility. Mrs. Current stated the zoning by-law amendment application is for the removal of the holding provision which is the first step in required approvals for the development to proceed. This development would also be subject to Site P[an Control and the applicant has also submitted a Site Plan Application. Mrs. Current stated the development of a grain dying and storage facility such as that proposed must navigate two parallelapproval processes. The first process in the municipal planning approval process includes the removal of the holding provision and subsequent site plan approval. The second process is the Ministry of the Environment Energy and Climate Change Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) process. An ECA is required for the operation of this facility. Mrs. Current stated when the proponent first came forward with this application, City staff met with the applicant to discuss the approval process and the fact that ECA approvalwas required. However since the applicant was anxious to be operationalfor the upcoming harvest season, the owner was told that he could apply for the required Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) and Site Plan approval and Staff would undertake a review of the application including a peer review of the technical documents required for the ECA application and if after this review, it was determined that there was a sufficient degree of comfort that the application would receive ECA approval,the Zoning By-law Amendment application could go ahead and be brought forward to the Planning Advisory Committee and Council with the understanding that the proponent was taking some risk without the ECA approval in place. Mrs. Current stated the City of Quinte West retained EXP to undeñake a peer review of the ECA application including the Emissions Summary and Dispersion Modeling Report. There were some minor comments regarding the repoft but the peer review was overall positive and we have a general comfort that the proposed facility can be constructed in compliance with Ministry of Environment (MOE) criteria. Mrs. Current stated the applicant is aware that he is taking some risk in applying for approvals and constructing the facility in advance of the ECA approval. Page 5 PD-PAC-05-16 Mrs. Current also stated the application was circulated to the Department of National Defense and Navigation Canada for review. The property is located outside the Trenton Airport Zoning Area and is not subject to any zoníng limitation associated with CFB Trenton and Navigation Canada has no objection to the proposal. The Chair asked if anyone wished to speak in favour of this proposal. No response The Chair asked if ânyone wished to speák'in opposition to the pioþosal. No response The Chair asked if the Applícant wished to speak and/or answer any questions. No response The Chair asked Committee members if they had questions/comments regardíng the application. Councillor Kuypers questioned what the sizes of the elevators are. Mr. Horst stated there will be 2 tanks that hold 10,000 tons and 160ft tall. Chair Alyea questioned the dust abatement from the elevators with regard to reddog and dust collection. Mr- Horst stated every grain dryer requires MOE approval and the application has already been submitted. Mr. Horst stated an aspiration system will be ínstalled to eliminate emissions dust. Mr. Archer stated that he has a larger operation on County Road 30 near Campbellford and over the years he has learned a lot with regards to the dust control system and the reason there was so much dust last year was because he had to dump corn on the ground. Mr. Archer stated this system will have a lot better dust control system. Moved by Kuntze Seconded by Crews The Committee recommends that Application D09/M07116 to amend zoning on a property owned by Maizeing Acres lnc. located on County Road 40 in Part of Lot B, Concession A, geographic Township of Murray, from Rural lndustrial Holding (RM-H) Zone to the Rural lndustrial (RM) Zone, in the City of Quinte West Zoning By-law 14-86, as amended, be approved. Carried Page 6 PD-PAC-05-16 Public Meeting(s) as Prescribed under the Planning Act, RSO, 1990, as amended: Staff Report #16-039PD Planning Report / Analysis - Zoning By-law Amendment File: Owner: Address: D09/T08/16 Gity of Quinte West 143 & 145 Bay Street For completê details, refer to Staff Report 16-039PD (File: D09/T08/16) attached'td Official Minutes. Jennifer Current, Manager of Planning Services advísed the Committee that the subject property is situated on the south side of Bay Street, west of Flindall Street. The property is rectangular in configuration, angled relative to Bay Street and is comprised of two municipally owned vacant lots. Mrs. Current stated the purpose of the amendment is to rezone the subject land from Open Space (OS) Zone to Resídential Type 3 (R3) Zone. The R3 zone permits a range of residential uses, subject to regulations, including single detached and duplex dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, multi-unit dwellings and townhouses. The Chair asked if anyone wished to speak in favour of this proposal- No response The Chair asked íf anyone wished to speak in opposition to the proposal. No response. The Chair asked if the Applicant wished to speak and/or answer any questions. No response. The Chaír asked Committee members if they had questions/comments regarding the application, No response. Moved by Kuntze Seconded by Dewitt The Committee recommends that Application D09/T08/16 to amend zoning on a parcel of land owned by the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, known municipally as 143 & 145 Bay Street, legally described as Plan 82, Part of Block C, geographic City of Trenton, from Open Space (OS) Zone to Residential Type 3 (R3) Zone in the City of Quinte West, be approved. Garried Presentation(s): None Delegations None Page 7 PD-PAC-05-16 Public lnput: Mr. Peter Whitlock at 112 Colonial Road asked the Committee why the maximum heíght for fences in the Zoning By-law is 1.8 metres as it calculates out to 5.90 feet when fence boards are 6 feet. Mr. Whitlock stated that as per the Zoning By-law if he installs the standard size fence boards he would be in violation of the Zoning By-law or he would have to trim his boards to be 5.90 feet or 1.8 metres. Mr. Jardine stated that this is something that we can look into and bring back to the Committee- Decision ltems: None Printed lnformation: Monthly Planning Reports Building Department Report: . Monthly statistics forApril, 2016 . Year to Date: January 1 - April 30, 2016 Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendments Application Tracking . Year to Date: 2016 By-law Enforcement Statistics : . April, 2016 Moved by Reid Seconded by Kuntze The Committee recommends that the Printed lnformation listed as Monthly Planning Reports Carried be received and filed. Gommittee Minutes Site Plan Control Minutes: . Regular Meeting - May 5, 2016 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes: . Regular Meeting - April 28,2016 Moved by Searle Seconded by Dewitt The Committee recommends that the Printed lnformation listed as Committee Minutes be Carried received and filed. Other lnformation: None Page B PD-PAC-05-16 Non-Printed lnformation : None Requests for lnformation: Councillor Kuntze asked staff what time line will be needed to change the fence board measurements ahd^will the measurements'be adjusted to 6ft or möre. Mr. Jardine stated the time line for review would be 2 seconds and the measurement will be 6 feet. Councillor Kuntze noted concern with regards to the drainage issues for raised septic fields so the drainage doesn't affect other neighbours. Mr. Jardine stated when subdivisions are built the City receives drainage plans and the plans are approved within the applícation. Mr. Jardine stated over the years the drainage swells have been changed or filled in by property owners which affect the drainage. Mr. Jardine stated the property in particular that you are talking about the house burnt down and to rebuild the house the Owner would have to go through a Site Plan exercise which will specify the drainage in the drawing plans. Mr. Jardine stated that statf is aware of this concern and will look into it. Notice of Motion: None Other: None Adjournment: Moved by Searle Seconded by Maclntosh That the Committee now adjourn at 6:30pm and meet next on Thursday June 16, 2016 at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers, Main Floor of the Quinte West Municipal Otfice, at7 Creswell Drive, Trenton. Carried Go Administrative Assistant, Planning Planning and Development Services Jim Alyea Chair Planning Advisory Committee Page 9 City of Quinte West Protective Services Gommittee Minutes May 31,2016 PS-05-16 1074 Gounty Road 5 Gommittee Members Present: Councillor Sally Freeman, Chair Councillor Dave McCue Councillor Al DeWitt Councillor Don Kuntze Councillor Rob Maclntosh Councillor Karen Sharpe Mr. Randy Blakely, Public Member Mr. Gerard Edison, Public Member Mr. Jon Gibbons, Public Member Mayor Jim Harrison Staff Present: Mr. John Whelan, Fire Chief Mr. Daniel Smith, Deputy Fire Chief (Regrets) Ms. Carolyn McKee, Executive Assistant Public Members Present; Seven Staff Members 1. Call to Order The Meeting of the Protective Services Committee was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chair Freeman who welcomed all and Committee Members were invited to take a tour of Station #6. 2. Pecuniary lnterest There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. 3. Approval ofAgenda Moved by Councillor DeWitt Seconded by Councillor SharPe THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED THAT the Agenda be approved. Carried 4. Approval of Minutes Moved by Councillor DeWitt Seconded by Councillor Maclntosh THE COMMITTEE RECOMMEDED THAT the Minutes of February 9, 2016 be Garried approved. 5. Delegations/Presentations Senior Fire Prevention Officer Greg King gave a presentation on Fire Call Statistics since 2003, outlining fires in Quinte West. He will present a Fire Risk Analysis survey in the fall of this year. 6. Public Meeting There was no public meeting as prescribed under the Municipal Act 7. Public lnput There was no public input 8. Gommittee Staff RePorts PSC Report l6-05 City of Quinte West Emergency Response Plan Moved by Councillor SharPe Seconded by Councillor Kuntze That the Protective Services Committee recommends to Council that the revised 2016 City of Quinte West Emergency Response Plan be accepted. Carried Purchase of Truck for Station 5 Moved by Councillor McCue Seconded by Councillor DeWitt That the Protective Services Gommittee recommends to Councilthat Fire Chief Whelan continue to investigate the options available for the purchase of a Truck for Station 5. A full report on all options and costs associated with the purchase will be brought back to the Committee at the next meeting' Garried 9. Printed lnformation Greg King advised the Committee on the status of the Fire Fit Team and asked for support to host a Regional Event next July. The Committee is in favour of hosting this event as it is great advertising for the City. The Committee stated they will offer any support they can. 1 0. Non-Printed lnformation Chief Whelan updated the Committee on the New Fire Hall and stated that soil testing was being performed and that Deputy Smith was making minor plan changes. Mayor Harrison stated that tenders should be going out by September Chief Whelan advised the Committee that one of the Fulltime Captains is retiring in September and that a replacement is being sought. There are five applicants writing a test on Friday with interviews on Monday. 11. Requests for lnformation Councillor McCue and other members had a discussion on dry hydrants and where they could possibly place a dry hydrant in the Wooler area. 12. Next Meeting Scheduled The next Protective Services Committee Meeting is scheduled at the Call of the Chair. l3.Adjournment Moved by Edison Seconded by Councillor Kuntze That the Committee now adjourn at 6:35 p-m Carolyn McKee, Recording Secretary Sally Freeman Chair The Gorporation Of The C¡ty Of Quinte West By-Law Number l6-082 Being A By-Law To Authorize The Signing Of A Lease Agreement Between The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West And Trent Port Historical Society For The Use Of 55 King Street (Trenton Town Hall 1861). Whereas the Trent Port Historical Society currently leases 55 King Street (Trenton Town Hall 1861) from the City of Quinte West; And Whereas the current lease agreement expires on June 13, 2016; And Whereas said lease requires to be renewed for a further period; Now Therefore Be lt Enacted By The Council For The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West As Follows: 1. This By-law shall be entitled the "Trent Port Historical Society Lease Agreement Authorizing By-law". 2. The Mayor and City Clerk, or their designates, of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West are hereby authorized to sign the Lease Agreement with Trent Port Historical Society for the use of 55 King Street (Trenton Town Hall 1861). 3. This By-law shall take effect upon the final passing thereof Read A First, Second And Third Time And Finally Passed This 6th Day Of June, 2016. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk The Corporation of the Gity Of Quinte West By-law Number l6'075 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number g to the Official Plan of the City Of Quinte West. WHEREAS Section 22 ol the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, as amended, provides for Council to amend any official plan that applies to the municipality; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Ontario Regulation 344198 the Corporation of the City of Quinte West is exempt from requiring approval from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for all amendments to the City's Official Plan(s). Now Therefore Be lt Enacted By The Council for the Corporation of the City Of Quinte West AS Follows: 1 2. That this by-law shall be entitled "Adoption By-law for Official Plan Amendment Number 9". That the attached explanatory text and map constituting Amendment Number 9 to the Official Plan for the City of Quinte West are hereby adopted and are deemed to be a part of this By-law to the same extent and effect as if incorporated herein. 3. That "Schedule A" of the Quinte West Official Plan, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the designation thereon in accordance with Schedule "A" to this By-law. 4. That this by-law shall come into effect upon the final passing of same by the Council for the Corporation of the City of Quinte West. Read a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this 6th day of June, 2016.. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Schedule A By-law Number 16-075 (Official Plan Amendment Number 9) The Corporation of the Gity of Quinte West SCHEDULE "4" Official Plân Amendment File: D09/SO5/16 I cr,.ns.a to Rurâl Designat¡on 2001 Foxboro-St¡rl¡ng Roâd Conceosion 9 Pårt Lot 25 Gægraph¡c Townshíp of S¡dney C¡ty ot Quint€ west 0 50 rlveters 100 2æ The Corporation of the Gity of Quinte West By-law Number: 16-076 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number l4-86, as amended, to rezone a property located at 779 Fish and Game Glub Road in Part of Lot 20, Concession 6, geographic Township of Sidney, now in the City of Quinte West from the Rural Residential (RR) to Rural Residential Exception 38 (RR-38) Zone. Whereas By-law Number 14-86, is the governing Zoning By-law for the City of Quinte West; And Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, having received and reviewed an application to amend By-law Number 14-86, is in agreement with the proposed changes; And Whereas the authority to further amend By-law Number 14-86, is granted under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended, And Whereas the amendment is covered by the Official Plan of the City of Quinte West; Now therefore be it enacted by the Council for the Gorporation of the City of Quinte West as follows: 1 That this by-law shall be entitled the "Millar (779 Fish and Game Glub Road) Rezoning By-law"; 2. That Schedule "F" to By-law Number 14-86, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation thereon in accordance with Schedule "A" to this By-law; 3. The By-law 14-86, is hereby amended by addition of the following new subsection immediately following 8.4.37 ; '8.4.38 Rural Residential Exception 38 (RR-38) Zone 779 Fish and Game Club Road Notwithstanding Section 8.1.5 of this By-law, within the Rural Residential Exception 38 (RR-38) Zone, the existing barn shall be used for dry storage only and the housing of livestock is prohibited. 4 That Schedule "4" attached hereto, forms part of this By-law; and 5 That this By-law shall come into force and take effect pursuant to the provisions of, and regulations made under, the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. '1 3, as amended. Read a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this 6th day of June, 2016 Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Schedule A By-law Number: l6-076 (Millar (779 Fish and Game Glub Road) Rezoning) The Corporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULE'A" .,.ffi"WÞ ïø ! n"ron. to Rural Residentlal Excepdon 3a (RR-3a) zone Zon¡ng By-Law Amendment F¡le: Dog/SO6/16 t79 F¡sh & came club Road Concession 6 Part Lot 20 Geographlc Townsh¡p of sldney C¡ty of Quinte West 0 50 100 -:-Meters 200 The Corporation of the City of Quinte West By-law Number: 16-077 Being a ByJaw to amend ByJaw Number 14-86, as amended, to rezone a property located on Gounty Road 40 in Part of Lot 8, Concession A, geographic Township of Murray, now in the City of Quinte West from the Rural Industrial Holding (RM-H} Zone to Rural lndustrial (RM) Zone. Whereas By-law Number 14-86, is the governing Zoning By-law for the City of Quinte West; And Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, having received and reviewed an application to amend By-law Number 14-86, is in agreement with the proposed changes; And Whereas the authority to further amend ByJaw Number 14-86, is granted under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. '13, as amended, And Whereas the amendment is covered by the Official Plan of the City of Quinte West; Now therefore be it enacted by the Council for the Gorporation of the City of Quinte West as follows: 1 2. That this by-law shall be entitled the "Maizeing Acres Inc. (County Road 40) Rezoning By-law"; That Schedule "E" to By-law Number 14-86, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation thereon in accordance with Schedule "A" to this Bylaw; 3. That Schedule "4" attached hereto, forms part of this By-law; and 4. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect pursuant to the provisions of, and regulations made under, the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended. Read a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this 6th day of June, 2016 Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Schedule A By-law Number: 16-077 (Maizeing Acres lnc. (County Road 40) Rezoning) The Corporation of the Gity of Quinte West SCHEDULE'A" -@" Zon¡ng By-Lâw Amendment F¡le: D09/M07l16 ! n" Rural rndustrial (RM)zone 486 County Road 40 Concess¡on A Part Lot 8 Geographic Townsh¡p of Murray C¡ty of Quinte west 0 50 100 rMeters 200 The Corporation of the City of Quinte West By-law Number: l6-078 Being a ByJaw to amend ByJaw Number 14-86, as amênded, to rezone a property located at 143 & 145 Bay Street in Plan 82, Part Block C, geographic City of Trenton, now in the City of Quinte West from the Open Space (OS) to Residential Type 3 (R3) Zone. Whereas By-law Number 14-86, is the governing Zoning By-law for the City of Quinte West; And Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, having received and reviewed an application lo amend By-law Number 14-86, is in agreement with the proposed changes; And Whereas the authority to further amend By-law Number 14-86, is granted under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended; And Whereas the amendment is covered by the Official Plan of the City of Quinte West; Now therefore be it enacted by the Gouncil for the Corporation of the City of Quinte West as follows: 1 2 That this by-law shall be entitled the "City of Quinte West (143 & 145 Bay Street) Rezoning By-law"; That Schedule "B" to By-law Number 14-86, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation thereon in accordance with Schedule "A" to this By-law; 3 That Schedule "4" attached hereto, forms part of this By-law; and 4 That this By-law shall come into force and take effect pursuant to the provisions of, and regulations made under, the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended. Read a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this 6th day of June, 2016. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Schedule A By{aw Number: 16-078 (City of Quinte West (143 & 145 Bay Street) Rezoning) The Gorporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULÊ "A'' 15 13 É 10 z, ú Þ t. 11 ln 140 L42 å tn ñ lso t4a s AAY SfREEf t47 t49 161 151 141 "#" ! n".orr. to Res¡dent¡at rype 3 (R3) zone Zon¡ng By-Law Amendmènt File; Do9/1O8/16 143 - 145 Bay Street Plan 82 Pärt Block C Geograph¡c C¡ty of ftenton C¡ty of Quinte West o 12.5 25 -=-Meters 50 Corporation of The City of Quinte West By-law Number 16- 079 Being a By{aw to Amend By-law Number 12-124, being a ByJaw to Prohibit and Regulate the Parking, Standing or Stopping of Vehicles in The City of Quinte West; Whereas By-law Number 12-124 passed on the 1 5th day of Octob er, 2012, is a by-law to prohibit and regulate the parking, standing and stopping of vehicles in the City of Quinte West; and Whereas the Council for the Corporation of the City of Quinte West deems it advisable and in the best interest of the City to amend said Bylaw Number 12-124: Now Therefore the Council of the Gorporation of the Gity of Quinte West enacts as follows: 1 That this by-law may be cited as the "Parking Amendment Number 12-124-12 By-law". 2. That By-law 12-124 is hereby amended as follows: That Definitions Section 2.48 be deleted and replaced with "Traile/' means a vehicle that is at any time drawn upon a highway by a motor vehicle, except an implement of husbandry, a mobile home, another motor vehicle or any device or apparatus not designed to transport persons or property that is temporarily drawn, propelled or moved upon such highway. A trailer shall be considered a separate vehicle and not part of the motor vehicle by which it is drawn. 3 (a) "Hitched Trailer" - means a Trailer as defined in this By-law, that is hitched to a licensed and plated Motor Vehicle appropriate for the towing of the attached Trailer and its' intended contents. This definition includes a Trailer with or without its' intended contents (e.9. boat), attached (b) "Un-Hitched Trailer" - means a Trailer as defined in this ByJaw, that is not hitched to a licensed and plated Motor Vehicle appropriate for the towing of the Trailer and its' intended contents, This definition includes a Trailer with or without its' intended contents (e.g. boat), attached. That By-law 12-124 is hereby amended as follows: That Private and Municipal Propertv Section 17 be deleted and replaced with: No person shall park or leave a motor vehicle or an Un-Hitched Trailer: 1. on property owned or occupied by the municipality without the consent of the municipality, or 2. on private property without the consent of the owner or occupant of the property. 4. That this byJaw takes effect and comes into force upon the final passing thereof. Read a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 6th day of June, 2016. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Gorporation Of The C¡ty Of Quinte West By-Law No. 16-074 Being A By-Law To Amend By-Law Number 08-142, As Amended, Being A By-Law To Regulate The Speed Of Vehicular Traffic On Highways And Portions Of Highways Of The City Of Quinte West. Whereas By-Law Number 08-142 passed on lhe 20th day of October, 2008, is a byJaw to establish maximum speed limits in the City of Quinte West and amended by By-Laws 09-1 44, 12-60, 12-1 14, 12-129, 1 5-099, 1 6-004; And Whereas the Council for the Corporation of the City of Quinte West deems it advisable and in the best interest of the City to further amend said By-law Number 08-142: Now Therefore The Gouncil Of The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West Enacts As Follows: 1. This by-law may be cited as the "Speed Limit Amendment #7 By-Law" 2. That Schedule "B" to By-Law 08-142 is hereby amended through the deletion of the following: GOLUMN I Collins Road Frankford Road 3. I 2.3 kms east of Collins Road COLUMN 2 TO FROM STREET Collins Road Frankford Road 15 meters east of Flyboy Road That Schedule "D" to By-Law 08-142 is hereby amended through the deletion of the following: COLUMN I COLUMN 2 TO FROM STREET 2.3 kms east of Collins Road Frankford Road 5. TO That Schedule "B" to By-Law 08-142 is hereby amended through the addition of the following: COLUMN 4. COLUMN 2 FROM STREET Highway 62 That Schedule "D" to By-Law 08-142 is hereby amended through the addition of the following: COLUMN STREET Frankford Road COLUMN 2 1 TO FROM 15 meters east of Flvbov Road Highway 62 6. This by-law takes effect and comes into force upon the final passing thereof. Read, A First, Second And Third Time And Finally Passed This 6th Day Of June, 2016. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Corporation Of The C¡ty Of Quinte West By-Law No. l6-080 Being A By-Law To Designate Community Safety Zones Within The Gity Of Quinte West. Whereas Section 214.1(1) of the Highway Traffic Act RSO 1990,c.H.8 conveys that the Council of a municipality may by by-law designate a part of a highway under its jurisdiction as a community safety zone if, in the council's opinion, public safety is of special concern on that part of the highway; And Whereas Section 214.1(3) of the Highway Traffic Act RSO 1990,c.H.8 conveys that a by-law or regulation designating a community safety zone shall specify the hours, days and months when the designation is in effect; Now Therefore The Council For The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West Enacts As Follows: 1. This by-law may be cited as the "Community Safety Zones By-law". 2. That Schedule "4" attached hereto shall designate parts of Highways in the City of Quinte West as Community Safety Zones. 3. This ByJaw takes effect and comes into force upon final passing thereof. Read A First, Second And Third Time And Finally Passed This Day 6th Day Of June,20l6. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Corporation Of The C¡ty Of Quinte West By-Law No. 16-080 Schedule "4" Gommunity Safety Zones COLUMN 1 Street Frankford Road GOLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 From To Designation Effective Belleville Street Rose Road 2 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and every month of the vear Tel: 6l 3-392-2841 Toll Free: I -866-485-284 I PO. Box 490 7 Creswell Drive Trenton, Ontario K8V 5R6 A Natural Attraction TTY:613-965-6849 Fax: 6l 3-392-0714 David Cl ^zae Director Corporate & Financial Services DATE: May 31,2016 TO: Council FROM: David Clazie SUBJECT: Accounts Payable -May 2016- Invoices The following seven (7) May 2016 listings totaling 52,780,092.24 are being provided for your information. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Finance Department. DATE May 9,2016 PAYABLE LISTING TOTAL s2r2,887.16 May 10,2016 65,867.70 May 11,2016 203,167.14 l|l4ay 16,2016 I ,557 ,31 8.68 May 18,2016 May 24,2016 l|i4:ay 25,2016 1,583.25 TOTAL r05,697.04 633,571.27 s2,780,092.24 David Director Corporate and Finance City of Quinte West General Bank Account Payables Exceeding S10,000.00 All ¡temized payables are included in total voucher Note: lf any member of Council has any questions concerning any of the items below please contact the Director of Corporate and F¡nance for invo¡ce details prlor to the council Meeting Name LTD Vendor GEERTSMA HOMES HYDRO ONE MOBILITY ESOLUTIONS GROUP PEAK ENGINEERING & QUINTE ACCESS C.U.P.E. LOCAL799 Cheque BELL JOHN'S EQUIPMENT SALES amount Cheque number $26,419.40 101046 153,656.62 lOlOsl 15,926.08 101103 I 09 l0l120 25,000.00 10112'l 13,331.33 l0l163 33,005.96 l0l186 108,162.93 l0ll92 22,t88.19 l0l198 15,321.67 101209 26,781 .00 l0l 1,208,294.04 & FINANCIAL NOCO FUELS CANADA LP SERVICE MANULIFE ARCHIT ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ADVANTAGESPECIALTIES HATFIELDELECTRIC SAFEDESIGNAPPARELLTD. THE GREER GALLOWAY GROUP CORIX WATER PRODUCTS(EAST) INC COONEY EXCAVATING KEMIRA WATER SOLUTIONS LAFLECHE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. SMITH'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE WSP CANADA INC. ROUNTHWAITE DICK AND HADLEY US BANK NATIONAL US BANK NATIONAL 7,218.28 8FT000000000572 58,383.06 EFT000000000572 41,702.42 EFT000000000573 11,981.13 EFT000000000584 41,446.69 8FT000000000594 10,566.86 8FT000000000599 17,864.80 8FT000000000609 206,500.98 EFT000000000644 12,284.59 8FT000000000652 120,150.36 8FT000000000654 38,928.14 8FT000000000ó65 16,253.92 EFT000000000676 $2.231.368.45 Transaction Description Public Works Operations Centre May/2016 billing Mobile phones-May/2016 billing Website/Ping StreevHosting services TRwwTP Headworks upgrades Mayl20l6 Union dues May/2016 Various vehicle repairs June/2016 biliing Fuel Public Works Operations Centre P-Card purchases April/2016(fuel & vehícle repairs) P-Cud purchases April/2016(materials & supplies) Paint/fencing Variouselectrical workdone BunkerGear Teal Road bridges/2nd Dug HillÆIwl2 traffic light control Meters(8O) Carrying Place Rd watermain Aluminum sulphate Collection services Haul/spread biosolids Ifix upgrade Trenton WTP/Enclosure for server LOWLK TKT.NT CON.SLKVATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES MEETING # 3 Location: Admlnlstrative Office, 714 Murray Street, Trenton PRËSENT IN ORDER OF MUNICIPALITY: Date: April 14,20t6 Time:6:50 p.m. Ray Benns, Mary Tadman, John Martinello, Eric Sandford, Don Clark, Jim Alyea, Karen Sharpe, Bob Mullin, BillThompson REGRETS: Rick English OTHERS: STAFF: Anne Anderson, Abigail Morkem, Leah Stephens, Glenda Rodgers, Kelly Vandette GUESTS: Laurie Roy, Bob Hall 1. Callto order The meeting was called to order by the Chair Ray Benns at 6:50 p.m, He welcomed staff and guests in attendance. 2, Disclosure of pecuniary ¡nterests Board Member, Bill Thompson, Municlpality of Trent Hills, disclosed pecuniary lnterests regarding cheque S1091.4 which was a purchase from his business. 3. Approval ofthe Agenda Moved by: RES: G40/16 BillThompson Seconded by; Mary Tadman THAT the agenda with the amended addition of corespondence (item 7 c,l Conservation Authorlt¡es Act Revlew received from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry be approved as circulated and presented, Carried 4. Delegations Laurie Roy spoke on the matter of the lsland Park RV Resort, Trent Hills, and her request to Lower Trent Conservation to appeal the settlement terms regarding the zoning by-law amendment application. She provlded history of the expansion of the lsland Park RV Resort and was concerned that the expansion did not take into consíderation the protection of the wetland area or the flood plain, She indicated that on March 23,2A76, a settlement was reached with the owner of lsland Park RV Resort and the Municipality of Trent Hills and that the agreement does not address Lower Trent Conservation and Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry concerns regarding Page 1 of 7 the flood plain and wetland, Ms, Roy asked that Lower Trent Conservation staff attend the May 3, 2016 Council meeting where the zoning by-law amendment application will be considered and that Lower Trent Conservation appeal to OMB if the application is approved' She indlcated that she is appreciative that Lower Trent Conservation has been the strongest advocate to date and again asked for support going forward' The Chair thanked Ms. Roy for her presentation. 5. Adoption of the Mlnutes Seconded by: Erlc Sandford RES: G41l16 Moved by: Mary Tadman THAT the Board meeting minutes of March 10,20t6 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried RES: G42116 BillThompson Seconded by: John Martinello Moved by: of March l"O 20L6 be minutes meeting Board Camera the ln THAT adopted as printed and circulated, Carried 6. Business arising from previous minutes There was no business arising from the previous minutes. gfAÑ"D-tNsitrE $ 7, Correspondence a. Phragmites control response from Lou Rinaldi, MPP b. Media Release - Conservation Ontario Participates on New Great Lakes c. RES: Guardians'Council Minis¡ry of Natural Resources and torestry -Ç43116 Clark Moved by: Don THAT the correspondence Rinaldi, MPP, b. - Conservatlon Authorities Acf Review Seconded by: Eric Sandford a, Phragmltes control response from Lou media release regarding Conservation Ontarlo participating on the New Great Lakes Guardían's Council, and c. Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Conservation Authoritles Act Review be received as information. Carried Foge 2 of 7 8. Sectlon 28, Ontario Regulation L63106, Development lnterference wlth Wetlands & Alteratlons to Shorelines & Watercourses Regulation - Summary of Permits approved by staff RES: G44l16 Alyea Seconded by: Bob Mullin Moved by:Jim THAT the summary of Section 28 Permits pursuant to Ontario Regulation t63/O6 approved by staff for the period from March 1to March 3!,2A16 be adopted as printed and circulated. ÇOttried 9. 10. List of Monthly Cheque Accounts lssued Seconded by: Mary Tadman Moved by: Karen RES: THAT the llst of cheque accounts from #1090tto #1O974 in the amount of $83,t29.22 for the period of March L,2016 to March 31, 20f.6 be adopted as printed and circulated, Carried Sharpe Ç45/16 Updates a. Drinklng Water Source Protectlon Update Glenda Rodgers informed the Board that the Drinking Water Source Protection Funding Agreement with the Province is in place for another year. The Ministry's goal ls to achieve a steady state and with long term funding stabilized. b. Bay of Quinte Remedlal Action Plan Update Glenda Rodgers highlighted stormwater management and the cost sharlng incentives (septic tank pump out, habitat enhancement program, and agricultural soil testing) in the March 2016 Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan Newsletter, c. Planning and Regulations Update Leah Stephens, Environmental Planner & Regulations Offlcer, provided an update on the planning and regulations activitles. She indicated that staff have been very busy with numerous severance applications, reviewlng development proposals, and investigating violations reported by the public, She noted that the lsland Park zoning by-law amendment application has been received from the Munlcipality of Trent Hills and that comments are required by April 27,2016. RES: G46/1.6 BillThompson Seconded by: Eric Sandford Moved by: THAT the Drinking Water Source Protection Update; THAT the Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan Update (March 2016 Newsletter); and THAT the Planning & Regulations Update be received as information. Carried Page i oÍ 7 gr¡r.ringn'önisj 11. Financial and Progress Report¡ng Glenda Rodgers proposed revising progress report¡ng and financial reporting schedules to make them better align with work scheduling, business plan development, and Board meeting schedules, RES: G4218 Alyea Seconded by: Karen Sharpe THAT the Financial Reporting for the periods ending April 30th and August 3l't be presented at the May and September Board meetings, and Moved by:Jlm THAT the Progress Reporting for the period ending August presented at the September Board meeting, 31't be Carried L2 Provincial Offences Officer Appointment Glenda Rodgers provided background on the role and position of ProvincialOffences Officer. She indicated that staff member, Leah Stephens, had completed and passed the required training and recommended that she be sworn in as a Lower Trent Conservat¡on Provin cial Offences Offícer. RËS: Clark Seconded by: Eric Sandford Offences Officer for the Provincial as a be appointed THAT Leah Stephens purpose of enforcing regulatlons rnade pursuant to Section 28 and 29 of the Conseryøtion Authoritles Act and the Trespass to Property Acf within Moved by: Don the area of jurisdiction for Lower Trent Conservation. Carried Chair Ray Benns conducted the official swearing in of Leah Stephens to be a Provincial Offences Officer for Lower Trent Conservation' ll. Summary of nisk Management Official Activlty (January t,20L5 - December 31, 2015 and lanuary \ZAt6 - March 31,2016) Abigail Morkem, Source Protection Risk Management Officlal/lnspector, provided a report summarizing her work completed during 2015 and first quarter of 20L6 to ¡mplement the cleon water Acf Part lv policies in the Trent source Protection Plan, RES: G49l1-6 Tadman Seconded by: John Martínello Moved byr Mary pursuant to Part OfficialAct¡vity of Risk Management THAT the Summary lV of the Cleqn Water Actfor the periods January L,2Ol,5 - December 31, 2015 and January t,2Ot6 - March 3L,201'6 be adopted as printed and circulated, Caruied Page 4 of 7 t4, Proposed Clean WoterAct Part lV Procedures Document Abigail Morkem recommended that the draft Lower Trent Conservation Clean Water Act Part lV Procedures Document be approved. The document was circulated to municipalities that have delegated Part lV implementation to LowerTrent Conservation in December 2015. No comments were received from the municipalities. RES:Gs0/16 EricSandford Seconded by: Don Clark THAT the Lower Trent Conservation Cleon Water Act Part lV Procedures Document be adopted as prlnted and circulated and that it take effect Moved by: immediately. C?rried. 15, Renewal of Proctor House Museum lease to Save Our Heritage Organlzation Glenda Rodgers provided background to the Board regarding Lower Trent Conservatlon's Proctor Park Conservation Area and the leasing âgreement for use of Proctor House Museum, the Proctor Barn Theatre, and surrounding land by Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO). A lease agreement has been in place since 1974, The current lease agreement will expire on June 30, 2QI6. Lower Trent Conservatlon staff are worklng with SOHO to renew the lease, for the same terms. The language of the lease is being modernized and amendments are being made to incorporate the museum, barn theatre, and parking into a single lease agreement. RES: G51116 BillThompson Seconded by:MaryTadrnan Moved by: lease of Proctor House on renewal of report the the THAT the staff Museum to Save Our Heritage Organization be received and that staff provide a further update once the lease is renewed. Carried 16. Potential Amendment to lower Trent Conservation Watershed boundary Glenda Rodgers indicated that communications are underway with the Municipality of Trent Hills with respect to extending the Lower Trent Conservation boundary to include areas that flow into the Trent River from the north and are currently not in the jurisdiction of any Conservation Authority. The process for expanding Conservation Authority jurisdictlon is outlined in the Conservatlon AuthoritìesAct, Further consultation with the Municipality of Trent Hills is required. Also, legal advice should be sought by Lower Trent Conservation and/or the Municipality prior to proceeding. RES: G52l16 Thompson Seconded by: Eric Sandford Moved by: Bill THAT the staff report on a Potential Amendment to the Lower Trent Conservation Watershed boundary be received and that staff provide further update once direction from the Municipality of Trent Hills is a received. Carried Page 5 of 7 or¡ËniBúsiuri$ 17. Conservation Area Passes Kelly Vandette distributed to the Board members, the 20L6 Conservation Ontario Pass that provides free access for members and staff to speciflc Conservation Areas across the Province. 18. CAO's Report Glenda Rodgers distrlbuted her report containingthe following highlights: the Flood Warning for the Trent River was downgraded to a Flood Watch today; Lower Trent Conservation is participating in the Quinte West Home & Leisure Show on r r . r RES: April29,2016; an lnternal staffing change was made to fill a temporary vacancy; and a donation of $100,000 was received, from a donor that wishes to remain anonymous, for fundraislng and educational programming, G53/16 Moved by: Jim Alyea Seconded by: Mary Tadman THAT the CAO's Report be received as information. Carried 19. Members lnquiries/Other Business The Board discussed the delegation presented by Laurie Roy Settlement Terms. - Request to LTC to appeal Blll Thompson provided background lnformation from the perspect¡ve of the Municipality of Trent Hills Council. The Municîpality has entered into an âgreement with owners of lsland Park RV Resort and have circulated a proposed zoning by-law amendment. The proposed zoning by-law amendment will be considered by council at its meeting on May 3,2016. Glenda Rodgers and Leah Stephens provided background regarding the Lower Trent Conservation involvement in the matter, Lower Trent Conservation staff recommended against the zonlng b¡law amendment application as circulated in 2015. Under direction from the Board, Lower Trent Conservation staff provided advice/assistance to Laurie Roy in preparing for the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing regarding the matter that had been scheduled for July 20L5 (the OMB hearing was subsequently adjourned). Glenda Rodgers noted that staff will review the zoning by-law amendment application received thls month ln conjunction with Lower Trent Conservation policies and respond to the municipality accordingly, Leah Stephens noted that the Minisffy of Natural Resources and Forestry is planning to undertake an evaluation of the wetlands adjacent to the Provincially Slgnlflcant Wetlands on the subJect lands this sprlng and suggested that the Municipality may wish to review the results prior to making a decision on the application. Pase 6 of 7 Lower Trent Conservation staff indicated that they will report back to the Board of Directors at the May 12th Board meeting regarding the May 3rd Munlclpal decision on the application, The Board can provide further direction to staff at that meeting, as required. RES: G5al16 Sharpe Seconded by:John Martinello Moved by: Karen THAT staff review the zonlng by-law amendment application for lsland Park RV Resort in the Municipality of Trent Hills in conjunction with Lower Trent Conservation planning policies, and provide comments back to the Municipality; THAT staff attend the May 3,2016 Trent Hills Council meeting as observers; and THAT once Trent Hills Council makes its decision, staff report back to the Lower Trent Conservation Board of Directors for further direction, if required. Carried 20, Adjournment There being no further business the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Jim Alyea Time: B:22 p.m. Ray s, Chair Glen cAo/sr Pãge 7 oÍ 7 DRtNKtNC, \^/Atr[R 5 ÜUffiCN PRüîHCTIO ACT FOR CLËAN WATER QUINTE REGION c/o Quinte Conservation 2061 Old H¡ghway 2, R.R. # 2, Belleville Ontario K8N 422 61 3-968-3434 or 61 3-354-331 2 www, SOURCE PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEETING SUMMARY - MAY 2016 ffçgÍínq ü4s;,.Éfg¡H ftrgX"f tqrfl l¡r¡TÉee &.Te'ff å,gr V: 1, 3.çffi,A,f fftç Qrrr¡nfp_Cqslggrvä,f-ip,# sqAr#Sgs{n Açar¡cv Angela Genereaux, retiring small business and small industry representative, was sincerely thanked for her longstanding service to the Committee since 2007. Applications are being accepted until June 3, 2016 for a new representative. Details and how to apply are at P""rgeram_Upd,gfs Staff provided a program update: . . Three risk management officials/inspectors at Quinte Conservation continue to implement the requirements of the Source Protection Plan related to risk management and prohibition on behalf of municipalities with significant threat activities. Since January: fíve risk management plans are undenruay, three are completed and two exemption letters have been issued in Prince Edward County, 33 Seclion 59 clearances were issued. This means risk management officials issued notices to say that 33 activities that have been proposed near drinking water sources, under the Planning Act or Building Code, are not prohibited nor do they require a risk management plan. The risk management office has responded to several property/legal enquiries. A streamlined Section 59 application screening process is being developed for municipal use. The first of the new provincially-standard Drinking Water Protection Zone road signs was installed in Greater Napanee on November 16, 2016. The signs, purchased with provincial implementation funds, are being installed on municipal roads this spring. Meetings with road superintendents in four municipalities have pinpointed sign locations. More meetings are scheduled. Signs are erected in Madoc Township and other municipalitíes will likely be installing their signs very soon. The Ministry of Transportation will install signs on the provincial roadways over the next several years. Quinte Conservation continues to facilitate education and outreach related to significant threat activitíes on behalf of the municipalities. Recent products and initiatives were discussed. o o . . . o .Ç&ñqq$q,fo ïe.chniqaf Sglee.and Ift req {s Circu{qpfances Proposed changes to the technical rules and threats circumstances were díscussed. The province may add several new drinking water threats and update some circumstances related to existing threats. Some of the changes may require the Committee to write new policies to manage threat activities that are identified as a result. Threats discussed included fuel storage, pipelines, transportation of fueland sewage, pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals (DNAPLs) and pesticides. NB. Mirrutes of the Quinte Region Source Protect¡on Committee meet¡ngs are posted at once approved. This document is a preliminary summary only. -¿_Ç-¡:" ea f-å-qfes- F rate ctip n A ct, .? I!6 The Chair reported on the Great Lakes Protection Ací 2015. The Act establishes the Great Lakes Guardíans Council which is made up of Great Lakes ministries, municipal representatives, First Nations and Metis representatives, environmental organizations and others the minister considers should be represented. The Chair explained that under the Act: a substantial effort will be made to reduce nutrient discharges; micro plastics and pharmaceuticals will be given a priority; and shorellnes will be a focus. * n nus I R qg¿o rti n p 4l ø # atc As required, municipalities reported by February 1,2016 on the first year of their Source Protection Plan related implementation activities. Results and progress were described by staff and then discussed by the Committee. Mçuifl,& frçrwa$Å The Committee díscussed r . . : changes required to the intake protection zone mapping in two municipalities as a result of recent development and how to proceed with that, the 2018 work plan, and studies that have identified the extent of fecal contamination of private wells in southern Ontario. The Committee asked the Chair to relay its concerns regarding prlvate well water quality for vulnerable populations (e.9. schools and seniors' institutions) to the Chairs' Committee. ffexJl¿lrqe#nq The next meeting will be held at the call of the Chair, likely in the fall of 2016. Meeting dates are posted at Quí under the Source Protection Committee heading. All Source Proteclion Committee meetings are open to the public and media. It{ore lnforr¡lafion of QË¡e.qf¡gns More information is available at: www,q ui nte$eu rcewater. ca or contacl: Keíth Taylor, Project Manager Quinte Conservation 613-968-3434 ext 114 or 613-354-3312 ext 114 ktavlor@qu inteconselvption. ca NB. M¡nutes of lhe Quinte Reg¡on Source Protection Commitlee meetíngs are posted at Qu¡ once approved. This document is a preliminary summary only. Quinte CÜNSIRVÅTITNi w BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING MINUTES HASTIN6S PRINCE gOWÅNT Public Health Date: Tlme: Location: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 9:30 a.m. Hastings Prince Edward Public Health 179 North Park Street, Belleville Douglas Rooms B & C, I't Floor Present: Ms, Jo-Anne Albert, Mayor, Municlpallty of Tweed, County of Hastings - Vice Chair Mr. Egerton Boyce, Councillor, City of Belleville Mr. Jim Dunlop, Councillor, County of Prince Mr. Kevin Gale, Councillor, County of Prince Edward - arrivod 10:'17 a.m' Ms, Deborah Goulden, Provincial Appointee Ms. Bernice Jenkins, Mayor, Town of Bancroft, County of Hastings Mr. Michael Kotsovos, Gouncillor, City of Quinte West Mr, James McBride, Provincial Appointee Mr, Terry McGuigan, ProvincialAppointee - Chair Ms. Maureen Piercy, Provincial Appointee Ms. Karen Sharpe, Councillor, City of Quinte West Also Present: Mr. Roberto Almeida, Program Manager, Health Protection Ms. Shelly Brown, Program Manager, Health Promotion Ms. Kaitlyn Clarke, Public Health Nurse Mr. Dave Dodgson, Program Manager, Health Protection Ms. Valerie Dunham, Director of Administration Ms. SherylFarrar, Program Manager, Health Promotion Ms. Ann Gray, Executive Assistant to MOH Mr. Paul Huras, Chief Executive Officer, SE LHIN Ms. Stephanie McFaul, Program Manager, Health Protection Ms. Nancy McGeachy, Chief Nursing Offícer Ms. Veronica Montgomery, Foundational Standards Manager Ms. Janet Moorhead-Cassidy, Director, Health Promotion Dr, Richard Schabas, Medical Officer of Health Mr. Eric Serwotka, Director, Health Protection Ms. Jennifer Shea, Communications Consultant Mr. BillSherlock, Program Manager Mr. Apti Sookoo, Public Health lnspector, Health Protection Regrets: Mr. Douglas Lafreniere, Provincial Appointoe Mr, Jack Miller, Councillor, City of Belleville Page 1 of 6 1. GALLTOORDER Chair McGuigan called the meeting to order at 9:30 a,m. Chair McGuigan welcomed Paul Huras, CEO, SE LHIN, to the meeting. Paulexpressed his appreciatíon to Chair McGuigan for the opportunity. Chair McGuigan referenced the recent Risk Management Workshops offered by alPHa and stressed theimportance of this issue. He stated alPHa had compiled a record of proceedings from the Risk Management Work Shop held in Toronto February 24 and indicated the 117 page document could be accessed on the alPHa website. Chair McGuigan congratulated Maureen Piercy on her recently-announced retirement from Loyalist College. 2, DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There was no disclosure of pecuniary interest' 3. APPROVALOFAGENDA MOTION: 14-2016 Moved by: Karen Sharpe Seconded by: Maureen PíercY THAT the agenda for the April 6, 2016 Board of Health meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED 4. 4.1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS BOARD MEETING Regular Meetins Minutes of Februarv 3. ?0lF MOTION: 15-2016 Moved by: Jo-Anne Albert Seconded by: Michael Kotsovos THAT the llliinutes of the Regular Meeting of February 3, 2016 be approved as circulated. CARRIED 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES None 6. DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS None 7, STAFF PRESENTATIONS 7.1 Medical Officer of Health - Update season has come and gone with minor impact ínfluenza the Dr. Schabas indicated other to compared Years. Dr. Schabas stated although the Zika Virus is not currently at the forefront of media coverage, it remains a concern, and reminded everyone PH Canada continues to Page 2 of 6 recommend pregnant women or those plann¡ng to become pregnant should avoid travel to countries where this virus is prevalent. 7.2 Food Safety UPdate Roberto Almeida, Program Manager, Health Protection, provided an update on the HPEPH Food Safety Program. ln response to Jim McBride's inquiry, Roberto stated the Public Health lnspectors are generalists and are utilízed across the organization, not just for inspection of food premises. ln response to inquiries from Deborah Goulden, Roberto advised all inspections of food premises are unscheduled, and if in violation, this information is recorded in the quarterly Enforcement Reports provided to the Board. Jo-Anne Albert asked if community groups who hold, for example, pancake breakfasts, ham suppers, etc. are made aware of the Safe Food Handling courses offered by HPEPH. Roberto advised HPEPH does offer private courses for organizations when asked, Dr. Schabas remarked that the "classíc church suppers" are held to a different standard than commercial institutions, so there is not the same level of Public Health vigilance, noting there is an element of "buyer beware" wíth such events, similar to Farmers' Markets, 7.3 Vector Borne Update Aptie Sookoo, Public Heafth lnspector, Health Protection, provided an update on the ¡tþEp¡l Passive and Active Tick Surveillance Program. During his presentation it was noted HPEPH only processes ticks that have been removed from humans, not animals, because that is thô guideline established by the lab; Dr. Schabas noted this tick collection is only for surveillance purposes, not diagnostic purposes in the treatment of individuals. There is scientific and expert justification in díscontinuing tick surveillance programs If 2Ùo/o of the blackJegged ticks collected test positive for Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. ln Prince Edward County, during 2014 positive tests totalled 26%, and in ZtilS, g1%, Therefore, the surveillance program will be discontinued in Prince Edward County. Dr. Schabas indicated ata20o/o positive rate and above, it is important to be ready to reépond with treatment, advising that if someone in Prince Edward County has been bi[ten by a blackJegged tick and the tick has remained in place for more than 36 hours, it is recommended the índividual receive a single dose of antibiotics to prevent Lyme disease infection, The passive and active tick surveillance will continue in allother communities within the jurisdiction of HPEPH. Dr. Schabas noted individuals can continue to enjoy the outdoors but should protect themselves by covering their legs, using insecl repetient that contains DEET, examining your body after returning from wooded areas, and carefully removing ticks if found' Generaldiscussion followed. Dr. Schabas noted the blackJegged tick population is graduatly moving into southern Ontario, up the St, Lawrence River and along the northern õhore oftne Bay of Quinte. The increase in numbers is a real phenomenon and climate change is a plaúsible explanation for this increase. ln response to an inquiry from Bernice Jenkins, Dr. Schabas advised all Health Units are doing the same surveillance, noting the spread north has been much slower than in our area' Kevin Gale arrived at 10:17 a,m. Page 3 of 6 8, 8.1 STAFF REPORTS 2015 Annual Privacy Report Janet Moorhead-Cassidy, Dírector of Health Promotion, was available to respond to questions on this report, Being none, Dr. Schabas advised the Board this is a task for which Janet accepted responsibility about 3 years ago, and acknowledged the immense skill and enthusiasm she has brought to this task, noting Janet has done a terrific job for HPEPH in this regard. 8,2 2015 Reproductive Health Annual Report Shelly Brown, Program Manager, Health Promotion, answered inquiries from the Board relative to this report. Dr. Schabas noted it is encouraging there is a downward trend in teen pregnancies in our jurisdiction, even though it remains higher than the provincial average. ln response to an inquiry from Bernice Jenkins, Shelly advised socioeconomic factoré can be attributed to the rates of low birth weight, indicating staff will be taking a closer look at this issue in 2016-17. Deborah Goulden inquired how high risk candidates are identified, to which Shelly outlined options, including the provision of information packages to primary care providers to distribute to their patients' 4th Quarter 2015 Health Protection Enforcement Report (October l-December 3l) E¡c Sen¡rotka, Director of Health Protection, ¡rrovided a brief overview of the 4'n Quarter 9.3 2015 HP Enforcement Report. 9. 9.1 CORRESPONDENCE MarT 2016 Emailfrom Dr. David C. Wiltiams, CMOH & Feb 26 2016 Letterfrom BOH Chair and MOH to CMOH Chair McGuigan stated a congratulatory message had been forwarded to Dr. David WÌlliams, on his recent appointment as Chief Medical Officer of Health, and a response received from him noting Dr. Schabas'longstanding relationship with the CMOH. 9.2 Feb 25, 20f 6 response from Dr. Helena Jaczek, Mlnister of Community and Social Services, re 2015 Nutrltious Food Basket Chair McGuigan reviewed the response from the Minister of Community and Social Services, also noting Dr. Schabas' longstanding relationship with Dr. Jaczek. IO. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Acgommodation Gommittee Chair fiilcgiide advised the Board the next meeting of the Accommodation Committee will be Tuesday , May 24 at 10:00 a.m., with a report to the BOH at the June meeting' ln the meantime, he noted we are working through deficiencies with the contractor. Dr. Schabas expressed appreciation to the Accommodation Committee on the success of the building, noting the difference it has made to the working environment. 10.2 FinançgCommitte-e C¡air Milter was ñoi present so there wãs no report from the Finance Committee. Page 4 of 6 : ,i I 0.3 GoverLançe ÇoFmitteei 10.3 Draft 2016 Strateoic Plan Chair Goulden stated the Governance Committee had submítted the Draft Strategic Plan to the Board today, recommending approval. lt was noted the next meeting of the Governance Committee is scheduled for April 27. MOTION: 16-2016 Moved by: Jo-Anne Albert Seconded by: Karen Sharpe THAT the 2016 Strategic Plan be approved. CARRIED MOTION: 17-2016 Moved by: Jim McBride Seconded by: Maureen Plercy THAT the verbal reports of the Chairs of the Accommodation Gommittee and Governance Committee be accepted. CARRIED 11, NEW BUSINESS None 12. CLOSED SESSTON None I3. MOTIONS ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION None 14, INFORMATION ITEMS Print Media Coveraqe Chair McGuigan reviewed the print media coverage provided with the agenda l4.f ted ví A 3 P H various lnformation ltems distributed via the alPHa Network. Chair McGuigan reviewed the regarding fluoridation across the province, McGuigan from Chair inquíry ln response to an Dr. Schabas stated lots of smaller municipalities do not fluoridate their drinking water, noting that approximately 60 years ago, the province had left this decision to the municipalities; some adopted the process; others did not. Bernice Jenkins asked about the difference between naturally fluoridated water and water treated with fluoride, to which Dr. Schabas indicated that chemically, both are the same. I 4. 2 lnf e r-rna!¡9n-lte¡g-diç tlr þU | MOTION: 18-2016 Moved by: Jím McBride Seconded by: Jim Dunlop THAT the Board endorse the lnformation ltems dlstributed via the alPHa Network. CARRIED 15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday, May 4,2016 at 9:30 a.m. Page 5 of 6 {6. AÞJOURNMENT MOTION: 19¿016 Moved by: Jo-Anne Albert Seconded by: Maureen PiercY THATthts moeting of the Board adJourn (at 10:35 a.m.) CARRIED Terry n, Chair the Board Page 6 of 6 THE GORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF HASTINGS HASTINGS/QUINTE SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE County Administration Building Belleville, Ontario, April 13,2Q16 A meeting of the Hastings/Quinte Social Services Committee was held with the following members present:Warden Rick Phillips, Councillors CarlTinney and Rodney Cooney (County of Hastings), Councillors Paul Carr, Garnet Thompson and Egerton Boyce (City of Belleville), Councillor Karen Sharpe (City of Quinte West). Regrets were received by Councillors Keith Reid, Kelly McCaw, and Dave McCue. Also in attendance were Steve Gatward, Director of Social Services, Anne-Marie Murphy, Administrative Assistant, Pam Murphy, Manager of Housing Services, Míchelle Ogden, Supervisor of Affordable Housing Programs, Sue Horwood, Director of Finance, John Nicholas, Communications/Project Coordinator, Jim Duffin, Deputy Clerk and Cathy Monzon-Bradley, Executive Assistant to the CAO & Warden. Call to Order Disclosure of lnterest (a) Disclosure of lnterest at the April 13,2016 meeting There was no disclosure of interest at the April 13, 2016 meeting Closed Session (a) Closed Session pursuant to Section 239 (2Xb) of the Municipal Act being, "personal matters about an identifiable individual". Moved by Councillor Karen Sharpe; Seconded by Councillor Carl Tinney; THAT Committee move into Closed Session pursuant to Section 239 (2Xb) of the Municipal Act being, "personal matters about an identifiaþle individual". CARRIED Moved by Councillor Rodney CooneY; Seconded by Warden Rick Phillips; THAT Committee move out of Closed Session CARRIED Review of Minutes (a) Review of the Closed and Business Session Minutes of the March 9, 2016 meeting Moved by Councillor Rodney Cooney; Seconded by Councillor Karen Sharpe; THAT the Closed and Business Session Minutes of the March 9,2A16 meeting be approved. CARRIED Business Arising from the Minutes Account Vouchers and Year to Date Expenditure Report (a) Cheque Register Summary Report dated April 2016 and Year to Date Expenditure Report dated February 29,2016 Moved by Councillor CarlTinney; Seconded by Warden Rick PhilliPs; THAT the Cheque Register Summary Report dated April 2016 and Year to Date Expenditure Report dated February 29,2A16 be approved. CARRIED Communications rresoondence 1. lnformation Employment Connection Report - on desk (a) (b) Social Services Newsletter - Spring 2016 - on desk Moved by Councillor Carl Tinney; Seconded by Councillor Egerton Boyce; THAT lnformation Correspondence items a) and b) be received' CARRIED ence and Recommendat¡on 2. Action Corres Recreation Fund Foundation Ghildren's (a) Countv Gouncil Moved by Councillor Karen Sharpe; Seconded by Councillor Paul Carr; THAT the Hastings/Quinte Joint Social Services Committee recommend to County Council that The Children's Foundation be granted approximately 913,500 from Housing Services in order to provide recreational funding to children in Hastings CountY. And further that the Social Services Department will enter into an annualized service contract with The Children's Foundation. CARRIED (b) Resolution from the City of Stratford - re: Auditor General 2015 Annual Report Overview Moved by Councillor CarlTinney; Seconded by Councillor Rodney Cooney; THAT the Hastings/Quinte SocialServices Committee recommend to Hastings County Council to receive and file the Resolution from the City of Stratford, as stated in the attached letter, specific to the SocialAssistance Management System (SAMS). CARRIED (c) Proposal to Secure Realtor for Sale of Single Detached Units Moved by Councillor Carl Tinney; Seconded by Councillor Paul Carr; THAT the Hastings/Quinte Social Services Committee recommend to Hastings County Council that a Request for Proposal (RFP) be issued to secure a Realtor to sell the remaining Single Detached Units not purchased by market rent households. CARRIED (d) lnvestment in Affordable Housing (lAH) component recommendation - Rent SupplemenUHousing Allowance Moved by Councillor Egerton Boyce; Seconded by Councillor Carl Tinney; THAT the HastingsiQuinte Socíal Services Committee recommends to Hastings County Council that the Rent SupplemenUHousing Allowance components of the lnvestment in Affordaþle Housing for Ontario Program (lAH) and IAH Extension is expanded to include renters in congregate living arrangements and shared accommodation' .ARRTED (e) Approval to Release Request for Proposals for Atfordable Housing Development IAH Extension Year 3 Moved by Warden Rick Phillips; Seconded by Councillor Paul Carr; THAT the Hastings/Quinte Social Services Committee recommend to Hastings County Council approval to release a Request for Proposals (RFP) to build affordable housing units in the County of Hastings under the Rental Component of the lnvestment in Affordable Housing for Ontario Program (2014) Extension (lAH) for submission to the Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing (MMAH). CARRIED (Ð Options to Create Vacancies in Detached Units Currently Housing Permanent Market Renters - on desk Moved by Councillor Paul Carr; Seconded by Councillor Carl Tinney; THAT the Hastings/Quinte Social Services Committee recommends to Hastings County Council that staff issue a notice to vacate (form N8) with a 6 month notice period, bui offer the household the opportunity to relocate to another social housing unit or assist tenants with finding alternative accommodation. CARRIED Health and Safetv Other Business Next Meetinq (a) Date of next meeting - May 11,2016 Adiournment (a) Adjournment of the April 13,2016 meeting Moved by Councillor CarlTinney; Seconded by Councillor Rodney Cooney; THAT the April 13,2016 meeting be adjourned CARRIED Chair Date f"tAy 1 p. îü16 þkllÅPry 'ÀT (",1 f i'í*:sl {)t' üfu # ütrlayoq May 9, 201,6 i Dear Jim Harrison On behalf of all of us at McDonald's in Trenton, thank you for helping to make the 23'd, McHappy Day such an outstanding success! ,i .: ii With your help, we were able to donate a record-breaking St0,752.t5 to the Summer of Hope Campaign for The Children's Foundation. At McDonald's in Trenton, we're proud to continue our long-time support of local charities. lt is our ultimate goal to help better the lives of children in our community, and we are so happy to work with people like you who share that goal. All of this adds up to a lot of good reasons to be McHappy for a lot of young people. We hope you are as delighted as we are to be a part of this success. Hope to you see you again next year! rely, SGyntËy"6cã,"í,f,t r/Operators ald's in Trenton TOWNSHIP OF \R/ELLINGÏON NORTþI of Council Regular MOVED BY: DATH: Mav 16.2016 SECONDËD BY: RËS. NO 2016- i)., "11' provi has implemented a ban on door-to-door sales for electricity and natural gas contracts by passing the $trengthening Consumer Protection and Ëlectricity $ystem Oversight Act, 2015; WHERËAS ANÞ WHHRËAS Ontarians over the last twelve months continue to experience unsolicited, aggressive and misleading sales tactics at their door from companies seeking to sell home enêrgy products, despite this provincial legislation; AND WHEREA$ the door to door agents acting on þehalf of theee companies misrepresent their purpose and/or identity, often posing as utility inspectors and government agents needing to gain access to the homes of Ontarians; AND WHHRHAS people across Ontario, and in particular vulnerable Wellington North residents, have been targeted by these door to door misrepresentations and misleading sales tactics; BE lT RESOLVËD THAT the that Council of the Township of Wellington North movo to: 1. Urge the Provincial Government to ban all door-to-door sales in the home services sect<¡r (more specifically the sale or lease of HVAC equipment, water heaters, water filtration systems and other related home energy products and services by door-to-door sales agents) as soon as possible; 2. Forward a copy of this resolution to all municipalities in Ontario asking for support by passing a similar resolution and forwarding to their MPP; 3. Fowarcl a copy of this resolution to MPP Ted Arnott and MPP Randy Pettapiece. 4. Forward a copy of thi ution to the Ontario Legislaturo, MAYOR ,/ CARRIHD DËFËAÏñN / rowNSHrP oF MUNICIPALITÉ DE RUSSELL RESOLUTION/RÉSOLUTIO May 16 mai Date: 2016 ltem(s) no.: N 10 (a) Subject/Objet: Resolution to Support Rural Economic Development Program Résolution de support au programme de développement économique des collectivités rurales Moved by/ Proposé par : Seconded by/ Appuyé par: Councillor/conseiller André Brisson Councillor/conse illère Gindv Saucier in the 2016 Ontario Budget, the government of Ontario has suspended current intake of applications to the Rural Economic Development Program and has indicated that it plans to integrate the program into the Jobs and Prosperity Fund; and Whereas Attendu que dans le budget de I'Ontario 2016, le gouvernement de I'Ontario a suspendu la consommation actuelle des demandes au programme de développement économique des collectivités rurales et a indiqué qu'il prévoit intégrer le programme dans le fonds pour I'emploi et la prospérité; et Whereas the Jobs and Prosperity Fund is narrowly Attendu que le fonds pour I'emploi et la private sector prospérité est étroitement ciblé et est limité aux restricted focused and aux secteur privé organizations and industry partners, which organisations prevents access to funding for rural municipalities partenaires de l'industrie, ce qui empêche and others who formerly benefitted from the Rural I'accès au financement pour les municipalités Economic Development Program. The emphasis rurales et d'autres qui autrefois ont bénéficié on large projects that meet either of minimum $5 du programme de développement économique million or $10 million in eligible project costs des collectivités rurales. L'emphase sur les thresholds, will significantly restrict benefits from grands projets qui répondent soit d'un M$ ou 10 M$ en coÛts minimum de this fund; and pour commencement des admissibles is to et du 5 le projets, limitera considérablement les avantages de ce fonds; et in contrast, the Rural Economic Attendu que le programme de développement Development Program supported a number of économique des collectivités rurales a appuyé capacity building projects including but not limited un certain nombre de projets de renforcement "Business Retention and Expansion" and des capacités, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, "Downtown Revitalization" projects and Economic les projets < Maintien et expansion des Development Strategic Planning projects for small entreprises > et < Revitalisation des centres les projets de planification rural municipalities who were looking to improve villes their local economy. Also of note is that because stratégique de développement économique the Jobs and Prosperity Fund is not specifically pour les petites municipalités rurales qqi designated for rural areas, that funds from this cherchent à améliorer leur économie locale. A program will likely favour more urban areas of the noter également, le fonds pour l'emploi et la prospérité n'est pas particulièrement désigné province; now therefore be it Whereas > et Page I oflde2 Page2 oflde2 pour les zones rurales donc les fonds de ce programme vont probablement favoriser les zones plus urbaines de la province; ilest résolu RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipality of Russell asks the government of Ontario to reconsider the suspension and the integration of the Rural Economic Development Program into the Jobs and Prosperity Fund with the view to ensuring that the Rural Economic Development Program stays as an intricate funding program of the Province that will support capacity building and foster economic growth in rural municipalities in Ontario; and QUE le conseildu canton de Russell demande au gouvernement de I'Ontario de reconsídérer la suspension et I'intégration du programme de développement économique des collectivités rurales dans le fonds pour I'emploi et la prospérité en vue d'assurer que le programme développement économique des titre de collectivités rurales demeure programme de financement complexe de la province qui appuiera le renforcement des de favoriser croissance capacités économique dans les municipalités rurales de I'Ontario; et de à et la RESOLVED that this resolution be circulated to all QUE cette résolution soit distribuée à tous les Ontario conseils municipaux et régionaux en Ontario municipal and regional councils requesting that they endorse and support this demandant qu'ils approuvent et appuient cette resolution and communicate their support to the résolution et communique leur soutien au Premier and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and ministre et au ministère de l'Agriculture, de I'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales. RuralAffairs. in MOTION APPROVED MOTION ADOPTÉE CËRTIFIED TRUE COPY COPIE CERTIFIÉE CONFORME Joanne Camiré Laflamme, Clerk of the Je, Joanne Camiré Laflamme, greffière de la Corporation of the Township of Russell, hereby corporation de canton de Russell, atteste que certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the la présente est une copie certifiée de la resolution adopted by the Council of the résolution adoptée par le conseil de la l, Corporation of the Township of Russell on the 16th day of May, 2016. municipalité de Russell le 16" jour de mai 2016. Joanne Camiré Clerk / greffière Hôtel de v¡lle I OÍlices 717, rue Notre-Dame T:6 3 443-3066 me Embrun, ON KoA 1W1 lF:613 443-1042 I y.v-w-Lv-ß¿ç"ççJl$a The Corporation of The City of Quinte West By-Law Number l6-081 Being A By-Law To Confirm The Minutes And Proceedings Of The June 6th, 2016 Regular Meeting Of The Council Of The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West, Whereas subsection 1 of Section 5 of the Municipal Act (S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended) provides that the powers of a municipal corporation shall be exercised by its Council; And Whereas subsection 3 of Section 5 of the Municipal Act (S.O. 2001, c.25) provides that except where othenivise provided, the jurisdiction of every council is confined to the municipality that it represents and its powers shall be exercised by by-law; And Whereas it is deemed expedient that the Minutes and proceedings of the Council of the City of Quinte West be confirmed and adopted by by-law; Now Therefore Be lt Enacted By The Council For The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West As Follows: 1. That this by-law shall be entitled the "The June 6th, 2016 Regular Council Meeting Confirmation ByJawn'. 2. fhe act¡ons of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, at its June 6th,2016 meeting and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken, and the Minutes of said meeting, are hereby confirmed and adopted as if such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. Read A First, Second And Third Time And Finally Passed This 6th Day Of June, 20'16. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk