1`1=t - Mugen
1`1=t - Mugen
1/10 SCALE GAS POWERED 4WD TOURING CAR T0001 MTX-2 ~-v-~=t-'y" T0001 MTX-2 CHASSIS KIT T0002 MTX-2/MT12 I::'---)::'--1'1=t-'y" T0002 MTX-2/MT12 ENGINE KIT T0008/1112-0001-0002 Cubic Capacity : 2.1 c.c. Bore Power : 1.15HP Weight Rpm : 36,500rpm Shaft Strake : 14.00m/m m. .~ ."')!" I-- f-:"5174WD .1.J.L>.it2A(::' - f-:·~-t'/\rJ"//7 • 3 (::' - A '/ "5 ') • Features. .Belt Drive 4WD • Cam Type 2-Speed Gear Housing .3 PC Clutch .-i: .-i: .7'"1 A'/7v-=t • Disk Brake • Turn Buckel Steering Rod .3mm (A7D-75) Chassis • Front Urethane Bumper .75c.c. Fuel Tank Filter-equipped • Resin Radio Plate • Manifold for MT12 Engine • Air Filter • Adjustable Front Bump Stop/Rebound Stop • Adjustable Rear Bump Stop/Rebound Stop • Adjustable the angle of FronVRear Damper • Adjustable CamberlToe/Caster angle(only Front) • Full-Bearing • ."".1' 1s1 7.421 :1/2nd5.717:1 .-i:iiiHI1:ji.... ·...... ·.. ·.... ·.. ·............ ·1 ,640g r 7' 7' I) /7' 0') f-:' .3mm (A7D-75) :/-t'-:/ • )1- / / \ ') '/ )!" A .70/l--rJv)l//\//\ • 7 1 )!,,)I - i*Jj/jl75cd?M~)I / '/ .mm~~"5:;·:t7' v - I- .MT12I/"//:W:ffl-x=;f-)!" f-:' • I 7' - 7 1 )!,,)I • 7D/~/\/7'.7.h7'·I)I\r)A.7.~J7'~~!t1;t • 1Jt' 1\/ 7'.7.~·J7' .1)1\r) A.7.~J7°~~!fii • 7D/~/I)1'?/1 '\- J&1i(tJ!JJt~~!f"6J~g .1 t /I\ - ~/Hlj!h79-~ (7D/ ~O)?! ) ~~ fliiJMf . 7 )!""''7' I) / 7 (f O)itB ( ;:>~'~0: =t-.) 1--\1, • 7? =1.JJv:r-17 • ~ ~~ ...................................... 380mm ............................. ... .. .... 198mm .*1-/~/·<-.7."""""""·""·"·"· 260mm V) ~. (iilJ/W) .... .. .... "172mm/172mm • r- F=t-1'.7.~-%i""""·"""""·""· 6.2~14' v:/;f ........ ·.. • Technical Data. • • • • • • • Length·· .. ···· .... ·· .... ·· .. ·.. ·.. · .... ·.. ·· 380mm Width················ ...... ................ "198mm Wheel Base""'"'''''''''''''''''''''''' 260mm Tread(F/R) .. ·.... ·.. ·.. .. · .... ·.. 172mm/172mm F.caster Angle" ........................ 6.2:'-"14 ' Gear Ratio"""""'" 1st 7.421:1 /2nd5.717:1 Weight·· .. · ........ ·.. ·.. ·.. ·.. ·.. ·.. ·.. ·.. · 1,640g tO)) 2ch 7'Q ;t"/2.1ccI /"/ / (:/ -t' - :/ =t- .) I--O)JJ)/-x 7"5 -/*7'"1 /7'0 --~~n/I /"/ /~21lbfflJL t.:: /i1) -f'-i5- 0: <1±t!H: 'Jt~"9 {, ;::. t tl iYJ ') "1 "9 0 ~.f'"cj:~ 0) Other necessary equipments: 2ch Propo/2.1 c.c. Engine(only chassis kit)/Muffler/Body/RC Car Fuel/Engine Starter The contents are subject to change without notice due to product improvements and specification changes. f* it ~11 ffl\ ~N*l!l ~ T 2 7 4 -08 17 T*~ ffi'clf~ mf)1J *RIIlJ 13 95 TEL047 -43 0 -16 6 3 MUGEN SEIKI CO.,LTD. 1395 Takane-Cho, Funabash i, Chiba 274-0817, Japan PRINTED IN JAPAN/PRODUCTS OF JAPAN NOlICE: The lollowing items are needed lor completion 01 the MTX-2. *.liJ1:(J)ft1j ,: t:l!ot1J'6'> <tU' ~\ o ij!.:lz:~jH:~aJl. t "pq~tU l-1" 1J' &'äh.:lz:1" {, tf'F. tf l-'i'>"f <f,j: I) *"f 0 They are not included with !his kit (unless noted l,and should be obtained lrom your local hobby shop. t:l'R~ \*6'>O)I~;H: , .il.IHg.:lz:i\1j':$~O)pq~t Bfl*1' J: <~A.1', :\' ';t ~ ':J I- j;.JJI-I~~~J:t(]) Additional items needed tor completion. Be sure 10 read Ihe inslructions complelely prior 10 assambly. ~':J l-~tFl~~~J:.IJUJl Tools needed tor assembly ";;111 v/7- (l""w';tH:Ah'?'ll,,t"fl H exagona rene es (included in this kit) 1.5m/ m 2 -===========""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.11. ~ channel radio hobby knile 1J';t?- n 2.:::: e:=====================)J:=:::,J~ 27-'I'/;t.JL-7·c;f- AA Alkaline batteries lor transmitter ~ J o I '-tt.:: scissors +MT~ W 5% -g~~= ''7-1=/'=-'J='===DJ~~J cross wrench (Bmm/l0mm combination) Phillips type screw driver (S) ~f~~W~;i!l Battery lor receiver ~=--------ltJ~~ 12'77AI:"-;/:"12 Rear exhaust engine ...b:;; ffiF'7-1/-* M !I '1'JA Phillips type screw driver (L) Grease oe ] ;f- ';t '7 A L.-:"- T (5.5mm/7mm) Synthetic rubber cement Box wrench(5.5mm/7mm) e::c:: I(',~ .I:,I:; :,I~IJJI~~~J:t(]) Additional items needed tor starting engine. '7::;:t'-':/7-~ needle nase pliers TI Pro Starter RU A:$l-:$l-;f-··;t '7Affl tuel pump -~ ~fl71'JL-? tueI lilter *:')' Pocket Booster (Glow Plug Igniter) pliers ~iiiiim!iiillllllillllll!IIW~ Please read the instructions provided with your radio system belore using it. These are the aclual sizes 01 the screws includes with this kit. SJA3x12 Oma SJA4x8 Di'Ii""""'@"'iI!iimliml'ml' The servos must be set at the center position belore installation. To set at SJA4x10 a neutral position, turn on the trans mitter and receiver. Set the trim tabs in the center position, and turn off the receiver, and then the transmitter. The servos will be in proper neutral position lor installation. ~fjil.'t ~fjil.'t transmitter receiver ~Iillllllllllll~ O I!@li i ilili i i@ili !!ii !l,i l ili iill SG3x8 SG3x 12 SG3x 16 SM2.6x12 Gnmilllllll> SL3x12 SM2. 6x 16 GmmililiiUI> SL3x14 SM3x12 • 111 - SK3x3 SK3x5 SK3x8 111 SK4x5 ::J/~IJ-'7-ij"-* Vinyl tape ~ (7) ~~ aJj Screw Chart Your 2 channel radio system ON I: l , ~iail.'t(7) ~ I) L.. ~ q,;l!:I:.g. ntt, ~iail.'t;>'1 .;t 7-, ~iail.'t;>. 1,;tT(7)~IU:OFFI: ll:, ij"-;f (7)=::1.- ~ 7/L-~tIlll:i;~ i9, ,eHI' 7' c ;f- -" -:tJ -(7)il/.aJl. ~ J: < ilH.:, t:=-JL-T-7' 7'7-1t'- ~~7';t"j'-A:$l 7'[J;f-(])=~-1-7Jv(])~L:n ~ijil.'tt~iail.'t(7);>'1':;7·~ Snap ring pliers 7.2V /\ .;t'7"'J7.2V Batteries lor Starter Box ~fI;f-/7 AT7 ') /?'ij"-;f engine throttle servo steering servo -2 ~ Si2.6x10 [pIIm Si 3x1 0 *l!:iL T ,:: A.Q M,:: rutafll'ill ~ ~1~:I: 7! J: <J! T tJ> €d'FJl Hsc\f) TT ~ " 0 O Belore you start to assemble the kit, please see the instruction manual to the end. o T0201B c::==J @ @ @ 5M2.6X16 if> 2.0X9.8 Pin OW5Xl0XO.2 OW3.5X7.5X0.2 © C0222A 530-Ring <:f 7' ~ H0601(12XI8) ~"7' I) :.- 1" Bearing 3 '/ I ~- "j / Option parts> T' 7fflA-It-~I):::J:-- 10000 77fflA-It-~I):::J:-- IB0323 IB0324 1 30000 T'7fflA-It-~I):::J:-- 1 50000 77 fflA -It- ~ '):::J:-- 1 100000 77 fflA -I t-- ~ '):::J:-- 1 3000 77 fflA -It- ~ '):::J:-5000 77 fflA-It- ~ '):::J:-- 1 7000 T' 7fflA-It-~I):::J:-- 1 1000 IB0317 IB0318 IB0319 IB0320 IB0321 IB0322 IB0323 IB0324 SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER 160320 IB0321 IB0322 if> 2.0X9.8 Pin 550-Ring O IB0319 T0202 Kit Bag - A DIIIIIU'u'lllllln> IB0317 IB0318 7 D:'-- 1-7"77" v:'--:/ l' )[...;f=-\"'o)*Ji.lz: Front Differential Gear SILICONE FOR SILICONE FOR SILICONE FOR SILICONE FOR SILICONE FOR SILICONE FOR SILICONE FOR SILICONE FOR DIFF. 1 DIFF. 1 DIFF. 1 DIFF. 1 DIFF.I DIFF. 1 DIFF. 1 DIFF.I 10000 30000 50000 100000 3000 5000 7000 1000 J:6X" T0207 77::f1 )vli';--A"C) If,' ~~ :l:7!AntH'7!T~,' o C0222C 77::f1 )vO)iili, C0222C :/"l' 7 I-tJf "7CJA ~T,'.QpJT ~ :I: 7! An.Q O)ti§ ~7!T 0 Da not put Dill. 0iI to the case luliness. rn It is a standard that as lor the I) -\"'7" 7 J7 amount 01 Dill. Oil, is put to the place where C0222C 5haft crosses. v:'-- :/ 1')[...;f= -\"'O)*il.lz: t::::::I Rear Differential Gear C0222A ~ Kit Bag - A T02010 [nmmm> c::==J @ @ © 5M2.6X12 1 550-Ring if> 2.0X9.8 Pin ~\ OW,""XO<' OW5Xl0XO.2 OW3.5X7.5XO.2 550-Ring Bearing T0202 T0201C C0222A if> 2.0X9.8 Pm @ 530-Ring 00 T0207 K0603(10XI5) ~"7' 1):'-1 Bearing SM'.'X12~ 530-Ring -3 ID Kit Bag - B 5m / mi\filt..-/'r 5m/m Hexagonal Wrenches @SN4 ;5:;5*ELll:: -r :I' "9 0 Fix both right and lett. (===:J ~ 2.0X9.8 Pin 00 K0603(10~15) "'"7") "/ '} Bearing C=Jmm11lmill 00105R T0112R J01101;J:, D0105Rtl :iH1Ifi< .7.!.-.7.··I::ti< ti1Jm ftl::t\'ilci'lf;t 11:1'"9 0 Right Side Screw J011 0 so as 001 05R K0603 (10X15) "'"7' I) "/ ? Bearirg ~d"" T0204 SN' (M') lV'-~ K0603 (1 OX15) -" 7" I) "/? Bearing ~ Kit Bag - B ~~ 1r17D/~~A~/~3/7-b~~~ ~ Front Suspension (T"m SN< "mpornll,) 2.0X9.8 Pin Arm ;5:;5fJLft -r :1'"9 0 T0108U Fix both right and lett. ti1J!1l Right Side T0108L 00105 R ~t\'ilci'li6t;~;U:: , ~ IJ ~(I)-c ':J ~1 "/ ? ~ -~~.~~t\'ilci'li6~~< f:' ~ \" 0 When screw the 001 05R, Please reler othe "SETIING SHEET" in aseparate sheet. r:::I l) ~ Kit Bag - B t' 7 ') 7' '7 -1 ~ ~l§'~ ~ Rear Upright ;5:;5*Jl..1Ll :1'"9 0 Fix both right and lett. @SN4 (===:J ~ 2.0X9.8 Pin 00 K0603(10~15) "'"7' I) "/ '} Bearing (::J111l1TIlUlml 00105R ti1J!1J Right Side J01101;J: , D0105Rtf :H-911fi< .7. !.-.7.··I::ltJ < ftl:~ci'lf;t 11:1'"9 0 K0603(10X15) ~ / Screw J0110 so as 00105R to move smoothly. T0111 ~ ~ ~ ® T0204 --- ''c . K0603 (1 OX15) "'"7' I) "/? Bearing \ :2.0X9.8 Pin -4 SN4 (1&.l!:ci'l) (Turn SN4 temporally) r=1 m Kit Bag - B ar:::::J 1) -\"' 0 '7 - J7 - 1>.O)tJLll: ~ Rear Lower Arm ~ißlj SK 3X8 :GißU Right Side r - SK3X8 Left Side trJf)Jll(f) :1:9 0 Cut it off. T0110 I I - SK3X8 ~ trJf)Jll(f) :1:9 0 Cut it off. ~ Kit Bag - B Cl I) -\"' -if A J7 - 1>. O)tJl..lI: U Rear Sus. Arm :Gißlj Right Side D01 05 R Hrlil/t)l.6t' l~iH:, )jIJ~o)i!':J ~~~~~-~f • • ~./t)l.6~~< t!."t!: c'0 When screw the D01 05R, Please refer othe "SETTING SHEET' in aseparate sheet. 2.5m/m t;: PJ v ~ T 2.5m/m Hexagonal Wrenches m Kit Bag - C ~ ~/\)[;7"';; FO)1ß(1;Ht Front Bulk Head [:) 70/ SM3X12 e " G B B ~ T0209 B /'(' }l- ~ Belt G T0401 -5 T0110L m , . , 7 0 / ~/j·/I'\-7..T-/ Kit Bag - B, C Dilli@III@lili ll!I I@1111 lIIi ~ -!fk)7-,L,.O)l&ii(t Front Damper Stay/ Sus. Arm SG 3X12 SK3X5 J0104U J0104L J0104L 1 fri' [I!) Kit Bag - B, C Dllillll l l @ i l l l liliMI Ul l il m,ii! IBIID W ~~ ~,L,.7.. ~ 'Y f)7-,L,.O)l&i'Ht Front Bottom Stop Arm SK3X5 70/ SK3X8 SG 3X 16 SK3X8 SK3X80)#rijj&?)2,hItt, *.Jl.:iLl\!ni ~~~~~~~-~f.~~~.~i~ . SK 3X8 is adjusled referring lolhe "SETIING SHEET" after assembling. SG3X16 ~ m Kit Bag - C o 0 J,.----""L~' 1- jjIJ;;aO)~ l'T .;t ~~ ~~~~f.~t: \, ' . ~&?)2,1v ~ Please refer 10 Ihe "SETTING SHEET" in aseparale sheet. [ )lillll li jmICIII@1I1I [)iIoI T0801 SG 3X16 C0111C SG 3X8 ~ D0306D D0306E D0306F @SN3 SG 3X8 D0306D. E, F tt~;.( tJ-O) ij"-*t:.g.-:> t~ '1:>0) f{fill ~ i ~. D0306D, E, F-Apply 10 malehing SERVO of radio manufaclurer. SEaVQ D0306 D D0306 E D0306 F J0306 SANWA, KO .JR FUTABA -6 T0109 ... IE Kit Bag - 0 o 27.. t"- I"~= "J !--0)*J3.:lz:. 2 Speed Units STW-20 t;t B0506 AT '/ / I) '/ 'f /711'- f,fi~ffl L, T5J'1UlHitt 00213 *T o STW-20 is installed in the groove by using B0506 Snap Ring Pliers (Option). STW-17 D 3'/ (Option) _ -Q :;f/~ B0506 AT'/7'1),/'1 7'711'Snap Ring Pliers STW-20 ~~ 002140)ögBt:: .g.:t>-tt*T o It is fitted to the convexity of 00214, STW-20 ~OE-5 iJ J0217 H0215 (43T) ~ ~ l 2A~-~R.~1~'/'1.~~A~ ~.Qh~~~*~D~7~f,f .#L,*T o Be sure to liquid sure locking compound on adJustment screw :( T0206 00211 fEl Kit Bag - E IIID D r SK3X5 SK4X5 (f(j ~, 2 A 1::'- ~R.~1 ~ '/'1~~~A Adjustment ~crew for 2 Speed Gear change timing L,~~ttR.~1~'/'1ff.< ~.Q ~.Q t!f'. < 1j: ~aT 0 jE1T~ -ttT.!t V(T~ 1.'0 When it is tightened, Gear change timing is late, and it becomes early when it is loosened. Make it run, and adjust it. SK 4X5 *:/' D '/ 7 rilJ f,f .ii L, * T 0 Be sure to use liquid sure locking compound on SK 4X5 screw 9I3X20 Pin ~o ~ ! 00602 (6XI3) ",'-pI) '/'1 Bearrng I q, 3,OX20 m .)' l/ ::\- 0) *Jl.:lz:. WBrake pin q,3X20 Pin T0102R L TOP H0354 :::lJ.,*j~JiIi~J Rubber Glue SK3X5- 1 q, 3X20 Pin 1::' '/ t;tIiilO)~;IH:: J!* l'n-t;~A, l'T~ 1.' 0 Knock q, 3.0X20 pin to the H0353 a;;I.' as shown. Wide T BOTTOM T0102R H0355 t H0354t:: t;t, Jß/.f)fi tt.Q loJ ~ tl if.,.Q 0)1'51 ;1; L, TT ~ I. ' 0 Be careful to install in H0355 and H0354 because it has a directlon *' 6r H0255 TC"" :~~~ TU.jf,fif.,tt.Q Aspace is made, H0355 t H0356 f,f 1oJ;/)' I. ,-g.:t> -tt.Q H0355 and H0356 are made to stand opposite to each other. -7 limit (I] Kit Bag . E ~ ~ 1)-\1/\)1.-7"") W R F(J){<.;rJL\L ~ ear Bulk Head SL3X12 I '" 2.5X11.8 pin (j1 OE-5 T0104A g D0602 (6XI3) "'7' I) "/ ') Bearing T0102L T0208 "'·Il- t Bell [Ej Kit Bag . E [E I) -\1 D 7 - 7 - b (J)*,g.lz: Rear Lower Arm ~ SM3XI2 K0213A rn m I) Kit Bag . E DIIIIIIIIIIII!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -\17') /'\-7-b(J)Hl~ , R ear Upper Arm iT'.t1..\L CO~~ SG 3X12 K0214A~ ~~~ )jlJiiffO)iz'YT1'///-t-~* H' ~~ ij)<lI.Ji6fc l'T \ '!f': Please reler 10 Ih; "S in aseparale sh ETIING SHEET" eet. ~ ~ le0502 ~re""e ~C0502 -8 m m -\1 /j.':-- /'\- A T - O):mlii ~t Rear Damper Stay I) Kit Bag· E D !lili il"l @lil l l:i'lHI SG 3X12 T0203 SG3X12 / T0203 SG 3X12 [I3 Kit Bag . E ~ t-:')v? rJ :-- t-") l' 7 t- 0)*Jl..lz: Middle Mount Shaft ~OE-5 <p 2.5X11.8 pin ~o ~ T0205 D0602(6X13) "'-"7' I) :.-- '1' Beanng ~~ H0201H \ OE-5 ~ ~.;~'J.A Jt:.\, \ -0 __ ~() ~ [ID Kit Bag . E m~ W ~ __ " aa ~ <p 2.5X11.8 pin T0201i '" ~ tt;l;\,\ Small T0205 Make sure the direction 01 T0205. O)rii]~':;i;@;L-;l;9o Wlde <p 2.5X11.8 pin t-:")v?rJ:-- t-")1'7 t-O):mlii~t Middle Mount Shaft SM3X12 '"' '0 o ~ o o SM -9 ---!A ! ,m ~ 6> PJD Kit Bag . E ~SM3X12 ~ SJA3X12 @SN3 , 05 .. SJA 3X12 ---- PI) ~ SL3X12 [JIDII SJA 3X12 I ----L\SM3X12 Kif Bag . F ~ @ I I SN3 SL 3X12 ~ Kif Bag . F ~ ~ 70:"'- 1-/\ :"'-J'\-(7)I&1i ~t ~ Front Bumper SL3X12 K0405 -10 P&] Kit Bag - F (]jmmnD> ~ I) -\"' *7 l' ? '7 / !-<7)l&Nlt ~ Rear Body Mount SL 3X12 t;T.I "7 y':;f 7° 1/ W Radio Plate mKit Bag - G !- <7)~] J1: _/--~~~l/SL3X'2 SL 3X12 ~~~~<~~;~ - ~t51 I ~~ ~ 0 1,\ 0 0 SL3X12 11, ~\ -::> I;t"~\I: L.,/1))},A-t!.I:::.;:J.JtJ'6 1/2[9]'iil;t": 1910 /1) T 00803 O)lIlZi;j"'11:~' L., jj':$I tJ<tf:j0~iI\l: L.,:1:T o About 1/2 turns loosens SL 3x12 lram the place where it was tightened luily. The space is made to come out in the installation part 01 00803 and T0301A. T0301A 0 ~~~ -~ \ 1)-P30~')'" _-Ph ~ ~ :t P30- 1) ~SL3X12 ~ 1111111 Illi l1li.. SL 3X14 rry P3 0- I) /? ~ P30-Ring /?-Jl~ ~ P30-Ring P30-Ring l \\t ~·~1 ~;::::J 00803 I /://:J / "D~}v-if-;F' Engine Control Servo T03018 A1";; 7Switch AT]'I) /?-if-;F' Steering Servo SL3X14 -11- ~ Kit Bag - E, G (]Intm:xnl> m "7 ~;':;t 7' V - t- 0)*Jl.3L ~ Radio Plate JJ ,"<oe", Nylone Strap 134 rn/rn p,pp SG 3X12 D li! IM!!@II@il l!l l i:!II! SG 3X12 ~ 1- 1 0 /;;: "'7':; 7134 rn/ rn V7'/T1-/~17' SL 3X12 T0107 SN3 ~ 7 ~ '3 / I ~ - ' j (Option Parts) B0213 POWER PACK 900 FUTABA B0214 POWER PACK 900 SANWA ~f~.jI(7)7'/T1- iililiIiiT-7 ~)j~:l:T o Both Side Tape Pass through the antenna ot the receiver. Receiver SN3 6V900mAh I~ ':; T - 1)_ 1-10 /T -7C'reI:lET.Qo Battery Fix with nylon tape. ~f~.jI,EllI~ "J T I) - I:.lI13 ~~)1!l:RI;j:, fJ~}\' "J T I) - ~f~,EllT .Q~.g.I;j:T~c(7) f'F~ Hr-::>"lT 2' ~ '0 Reter to the tollowing WOrK when you use a dry cell battery or 2+3 battery tor the battery tor the receiver. o o o .lI13~~)1!l AA Alkaline Battery 6V900mAh fJ~I~':; T 1) 2+3 Battery .lI13~1li:it!l(7)~:lE Fix the AA Alkaline Battery 1-1 0 /T-7C'~:lET.Qo Fix with nylon tape. -12 1-10 /T-7C'reI:lET.Qo Fix with nylon tape. PI3 Kit Bag . G ~ PJa 7:)":t 7' v - "0)1&11 (7 Radio Plale iSL3X12 SM3X12 SG 3X12 (]lmnrrnD> SL 3X 12 [)111m SG 3X8 Omtmt~Mll!jl!MII SG 3X12 ~SI2.6X10 = ------s:: I n\ " ~SM3X12 i SG3X8 S12.6X10 * , fffflif -;J< ,:.g.;/) i! T 0 It is used in accordance with Servo. PI1 Kil Bag . H [)B Clulch SG 3X12 i~owS3 SG 3X12 C0706 ON 3X8XO.5 @ @ (ag W SG3X8 OIW;iIIlil!UMititiltli @ ~ 77 ':d:'O)*.El.JLl (NOX14XC.5 » C0603 O '~A C0704A OW 7X14XO.5 /'(]71) ~ 7ClAV/THffflL. OW5X10X1 /7 (5X10) Beanng l, Ui/6fJ -Q 0 Make C0704A tight with cross-wrench C0706 00710 C0708 A 7' I) / 'f Spring C0603 /'\T I) / 7 (5X10) Bearing 00712 00711 ~ '" -\' ~IOJ ~ ':;!;l! 1.,.1"1'" ~ \, ' 0 Make sure the direction of Gear. 00712 (1oJ ~ ':;!;I; I.,. T) Make sure the direction. 00711 OW5X10X1 * ~) C0704M:C0708A 7") /7~ 00710 $t;~tJ>,aT o Hook on C070S SPRING top edge to C0704A. Bearing (5X10) -13- SG3X8 ;W~@- _I !~ C0603 /'\T') /7 OW 3X8XO.5 ~ Kit Bag - H D- Engine SJA4Xl0 D0701B '" -v i/ti< 19J ~ J: ? t: I/:>/O)1JI.~l'f.l!il< L.TSJA4Xl0*:;~ L.Oö)2;J;.:I;T o The position of the engine is adjusted so that a gear may turn lightly, and SJA 4xl 0 is tightened, SG 3X12 ~ PJD Kit Bag - E, G O~I1Ii1IIWilllllillllllllll 111 I) 1" j' v -.A 0)1&11 tt ~ Rear Brace SG 3X12 BIiJ Kit Bag - H, K [)IM rn ~ '775-0)1&11tt ~ Muffler SJA4X8 SK4X5 B0415 71 Cl/A f-7 "/ '/134mm Nylon Strap 134mm SJA4X8 I~ Muffler :'_ 1 C0901B (?77-0)1JIlI't:.g.tli:tT!I!ltHT) ?77-fijik7')~ (11 15 bent In accordance with the position of the muffler.) Attached screw for muffler -14 m rn I Kif Bag -I [}IIaa 111 W /.)' /:J / ~ D -lv I) / 7 - :S/'O)*Jl..lz: ~ SK3X3 Si3X10-, Engine Control linkage SK3X3~ Si3X10 0 C0802H~~ SK3X3 N te~:~~~/ 0 0 2; ~~~:::A ooao~,,/ < C0802G tlU< iJJ ~~,: SI3X10 l[tr.ilIl.J:l:T o Si 3x1 0 is tightened so that C0802G may move lightly. t / C0802H ~ C0r182G ~ / ~ I _ C0802Bey/ l H0802B f Silicon Pipe *~*!I/~l"-;f, 7'1/,/;",,I ~ 1" -;f l[ ,~m ~ :l: T * Use remnant.of fuel pipe 0 Si 3X10 10mm 1:il:iIIl"f{, Bend approx. 10 mim ~~Ij:tJ,/ C0802G or pressure pipe. *1150 mim Approx. 150 mim Cut off the extra part -!f->F{i~*V Attached screw for Servo 8E Kit Bag - 1 11 ~ I / ) ' /:J / W ~ D -lv I) / 7 - :S/'O)l!ll1i ~t Engine Control linkage SK3X3 I) /7-~'ilBcil,tlf1llO)ilßcil,1:: -=fi$ ~, f'FjjJO)WJ '1'::IJ ~~,:.gilßU:J!t ~:l: T ij :IJ ~ \ 0 Linkage part interferes in other parts, and each part is adjusted not to obstruct operation. <=.:L-~7JL-> <Neutral> [@, ,~,", Ü IJ)' 0 Ii'I1I, COB02H . ~c-- ""0--"-= " "."" ='-:' C0802 HOl:< b"-OlU'lIl'~IIIl'iL1T, Adjust the position of C0802H STOPPER :<4'IIIl~""H Ma ke a s 1;( " I ~ 1J '?'o ~ M y G"" @ 4'.,.:1v?-b'~IIIII:t.oll <At:I·;I~JL,.I\"f> -!j--,jbt--'/0l'f;:,0lU'lIl'HIIl'iL1T, <Throttle High> Adjust SERVO HORN hole position with CARBURETOR fully opened. l~~ <7'v-~> 7'v-4'b'(VJ(llt: COB02 A~lf>L -Cllll'iL1T, <Brake> Turn round COO02A and set BRAKE workable. Ijßj~ -15 HE Kit Bag - K 51 / 7 t I /V' /r.9 0) rn ~nJ\'1 ///1/ 'Y Y l' -/\1 /O)!&1;fVj ~ Fuel Pipe / Pressure Pipe ~ H/ ~ 17· I::I;J:. ~ H 71' )v?-~fffflT{, ;: t ~STT<YJ ~*T o It is suggested that a fuel filter is used for the fuel pipe between fuel tank and the engine. ;t 7" ~ '" / I ~ - 'Y (Option Parts) B0104 FUEL FILTER S ~n/~17' Fuel Pipe B0113 ~ Kit Bag - K ~ .IJ771}v~-0)!&fi\t W Air Filter I 7' - 7 l' )v? - A;F / V' IHIJ?'CO)I 7' 71' )v?-ffl;t1 )v~ ffffl ~ -rT ~ I, ' 0 ~;;'Jl,:t:-t!-rtI'S Use Air Filter Sponge after being soaked in Air Filter Oil. (Not included). B0302 I 7'-7 1' )v ? -;t1)v B0302 AIR FILTER OlL B0309 I 7'-7 1' )v? -;t1)v ( A 7" v- ) B0309 AIR FILTER OlL (SPRAY) BID Kit Bag - J @ OW2.6X6XO.5 '7 ':; ~ "\' - Washer ~ SN2.6 o Q V Q r;T:I ~ 7 0 / i' / FRONT 00510F 0) *,g}'[ -r 70 / ~$"'/ " -i:: I} .:~ ; :/"\' ' ~ ~ 1'$i" / " - ' t tt'ttt H1l.1'F') 19 0 00506 M ake 2 se ts, Front DAMPER and R ea r DAMPER. 00510F OW2.6X6XO.5 '7 (70/ H(/I~-) ~aSher (Front Oamper) SN2.6 S120- I} / '1 O-Ring :,... / \ - ~ Damper ~ ~ 00507A ~ ~ (Rearoamper) D0510R SI20- I} / ' f O-Ring 00513 G;:~ -~ ~~ ~ --~ ~ 1}1'/REAR D~3AÜ I -------ll--I""'r-~~~ 00506 ~ 1i'!l00'~I:: "\J00510R **<YJJl,!V l'T~ 1,' 0 Screw the 00506 to the limit as shown . -16 BI3 Kit Bag - J m ~,i' /- / \' - Cl) *il.li: "f ~ Damper ::t 111 0" 70/ ::t 7';" 3 B0310 B0311 B0312 B0313 B0314 B0315 B0316 B0325 B0326 B0327 B0328 B0310 B03l1 B0312 B0313 B0314 B0315 B0316 B0325 B0326 B0327 B0328 / 1~ - '') (Option Parts) ;<:-"-,,,'):]/:: 100 ;<:-"-""):]/:: 150 ;<:-"-,,,'):]/::200 ;<:-"-,,,'):]/::250 ;<:-"-",'):]/::300 ;<:-"-,,,'):]/::350 ;<:-"-,,,'):]/::400 ;<:-"-,,,'):]/::500 ;<:-"-,,,'):]/::600 ;<:-"-,,,'):]/::700 ;<:-, , -,,'):]/::800 SUPER SILICONE :t 100 SUPER SI LICONE:: 150 SUPER SILICONE ::200 SUPER SILICONE ::250 SUPER SILICONE ::300 SUPER SILICONE :::350 SUPER SILICONE ::400 SUPER SILICONE :::500 SUPER SILICONE :::600 SUPER SILICONE::: 700 SUPER SILICONE ::800 Hr/I ~ Front Damper D051 OF & :;1., 7" ') /7 Spring D05038 _ D 0508 t) -\' 51' /I~- Rear Damper D0510R &:;1., 7"') /7 Spring i 1:0 . . . 0 .e~ L~'V· · 6 . . 1· / , , T . 7 ' 0) ;Jt(--An'; . cf--v.:; Pul ,n DA ' CAP MPER 51,1. 7 0 / ~:;1., 7' I) / 7 FRONT SPRING I) -\':;1., 7" I) / '/ REAR SPRING 1:::' :;1., ~/~T'=~'f::t1JHi: An*To 1:::':;1., ~/~I9>CJ J:T~1±l::t1 J~O)<;n;~~ <f) Pour OlL with PISTON down and take off bubbles by sliding up and down PISTON. }'&iH9o m Kit Bag - J ~ :$i'/-/\'-Cl)l&1,Ht WDamper DlliiiIJII]!]l l llli !l(I,;j,lmlit"ilil l lil SG 3X16 ():8Jm D0514 D0507C 7 0 / H~II "'~_~- Front Side ""X16 I D0514 70/~5t/" Front Damper I) -\'fRIl Rear Side SG 3X16 I) -\'5t/I~ Rear Damper D0514 -17 K1122 K1114 4f~f'P):l: 90 Make four pieces ? 1 t' € * 1 11":1111.>)2.;;':1:90 Wheel to be forced into lire. 1 ;rj--:z.;f-/:/€? 1 t' ':.Ä.ll.:l:9o Insert Inner-sponge inside of lire. ?1t'1:*11l-O)f.": ~r.'jMSj\lJ € K1121 iM L, )2.;;':l:9o Apply Adhesives in-between lire and Wheel. / / I-?l ~ (/~ """'''''~,, ~~~ I/;)/O);f-/\-i::- ~€ @ "'< ••,,, ;: t €~996') G:l:9 o rn To avoid over-heating of the engine, you can make a hole in the window. Kit Bag - F *7' 1 it~O)l&.j}1~aJl . €*~': *7'10)h~~ • • • • 7-~/~. I) -\''11" / ~O)l&it't~ Hrl,I:l:9 0 *·7' 1 7'1/~. ]7/7--}-/{1""/0)'/\ 1;J:*f;t(::.g-bitT rp 6 L'I~IHH 9 0 The installation of Rear Wing which cuts a body and to paint and to mark and so on is done referring to the instruction manual of the body accessory. < oF7'11;J:)jlj~> ;f"/:/ 3 //{-") (Option Parts) K1001 K1005 K1008 K1010 K1012 K1014 K1016 K1018 h:z. HJ-Jl.- ~3~ ~]";7.;7.-7· 5 GT*7-'1 ;(JH6';7.",/;7.' ClK-GTR * '7'1 ~3~ho-5 WRC*7-'1 ;7./\Jl.-1"/"/v ·;t -ij- WRC*7'1 :=Jf5/-ij--I*').:J.-:/3/ VWRC*7'1 "/;) 3 - 406 STW *7-'1 ~h~ f:"-],.Ift\~N NSX*7-'1 1/";;)5]" ~5 ·;t? *7'1 K1001 K1005 Kl008 Kl010 Kl012 K1014 K1016 K1018 CASTROl TOYOTA TOMS SUPRA GT BODY MERCEDES BENZ ClK-GTR BODY TOYOTA COROllA WRC BODY SUBARU IMPREZA WRC BODY MITSUBISHI LANCER EVOLUTION V WRC BODY PEUGEOT 406 STW BODY TAKATA DOME MUGEN NSX BODY DODGE RAM TRUCK BODY *oF7'1 7-' 1 S t r.J t:!. G 7'1/ H;J: . Hhl: tJ' t~ J:I)tn')l&-:>TT~l,l o Cut off extra body mount wh ich it goes to out of the body by taste. -18 I /:;~ /(J)~tsjhlJ)~ o STARTING ENGINE A l' ';; 7-(J):An1J Switching on radio *. ~~.tIl!o)7"/T~~~~~~O)~l.,T~S *~.tIl!.~~.tIl!O)M~A1'l~~~/~~*~ 0 ~ '\' :;1' v:$1- O)tLllItJ' ~ ~ 7 )vl:: 1j: ~ T,' 'Q ~8;g ~ TT~ " 0 = - tJ> Set straight Antennas 01 Transmitter and Receiver. Then, switch on Transmitter. Be sure to conlirm Carburetor on neutral position. e AT7" I) / 70)~fWl~ ~ T < t~· ~ " 0 e liJ ~ tJ'~, ,~.g.11. *f8.t1l!/~1~.tIl!O)~;thHi8;g l., T<t.:~,' o e See to it Steerings moving smoothly. 1I not, check Batteries 01 Transmitter and Receiver. e AO ';I ~fl,0)~ 8~~~T<t.:~,' 0 e liJ ~ tJ'~, ,~.g.I;t. *1~.tIl! / ~1~.tIl!O)~;th~~8;g T ;J'J;- ,y ~:;I'-A:$1- Pocket Booster (Glow Plug Igniter) D <t:.·~,' o ~ e See to it Throttle moving smoothly. II not, check Batteries 01 Transmitter and Receiver. ~ I :,..- V':,..- (J)Msih Starling Engine /'7I::t't.\ntJ'A ~ H''Q z, C ~~8;g~. t't.\H:$1 /'7 0) ~ '\' 'y 7' ~ ~ ~ tJ>fH./l cl/) ~ 0 (t't.\fIIH~l\!iffl0)7· 0 - I /:/ /:!1J:fflO) t 0) ~f~ffl ~ TT ~" o ) t't.\fl:$1 * ~-A:$1-~-~~U . ;J'J;-'l~~-A:$1-~7'77~t-~ ~ -tt*~ o JIi:{:t>O) 7 71;)< 1-)vc A:$1- :$1-0) I) / 7·O)tLlII ~.g.t.J-tt. JIi:{:t>~A:$1-:$1-~~~~V~~~~TI/://~~IiJ~-tt*~ o z'O)c ~*1~.tIl!o)AO ';I ~)v ~ I)f,,~ ~1iJ l.,t->~"l'~ 0 2. 3 ~?J:lfTt:;< C ~liJl.,kS~@~.~~~~T7"1~Y/7~~~~-tt~Yf,,~ :7C1:::~~*~ 0 ;1 ) ~.tJ>~O)a'W:$11"'~~tJ>l.,TT~" 0 ~.tJ>~l'7)VAO';I ~ * ~@"i~ J:lf1j:,'~T~ " 0 Apply glow Engine luel, prepared only models, Fasten Tank cap tightly, alter luel lilled in. Head plug with Booster Cord or Pocket Booster. It aligns a starter's ring with the Ilywheel 01 the car, and tries 10 push the car into the starter, and an engine is made 10 start. Increase throttle trim 2 or 3 graduations lor easy starting, When successlully started , increase RPM until idlings stabilize. Then, return trim to normal. Note: Set car on stand and allow all wheels to rotate Ireely, but not to lull throttles . ~ I:"'-V':"'-(J)lI::.!Y)1J Stopping Engine I/://O)~cl/)~kU. I/://0)@ti~7"1~Y/7~~T. I 7" - '7 I) - ~- ~ ,I' ~ , , ~ I 7" - * ~ ~ cl/) * ~ 0 ~ 11 . ? 77- O)H~jK~D ~ ,I' ~ ,'~HfjK~ ~cl/) ~ 0 Z,O)qI/://. ?77-U.~1j:0)~ • • • 1j:~~l.,T. t->17~1:::;1;!i!:~TT~,' 0 Placing idling position , remove air cleaner and close off air intake opening. Or, block exhausting. Note: Use gloves to protect hands as exhaust pipe is very hot. -19 I.:":;:" Re :t.J-O)I& L) 1,&l, '1= J l, '--C I. ~:; ~ R C 7J -li~~,*, I: ~ L'A t:: - f-:'-c:i:f'T L sl:k tt O)i'$j L'1JB~ffl ~i P -:t?H.=J. ~~ffl L"* 9" 0 H~~.:g-liitho) AI: li~§l.:g- t tj:. ~ ;:. t t/ er., L), 3i::i: -C A O)~~ I: tj:. G tj:. L'~ FJT -C, "*t.:AI:7;fj~~itt.:L), to/.J~f~Lt.:L)~,:b5iJ$tilI:7'J< ;}.) ;:. G tj:. ~'J: ? 3'c5h±~ ve 7'J\ G:i:f'T ~;}.) LJf < t:: ~ L'0 * • *-!l eH-.ll: --C fJ {:Yf; fiX: L t:: i; 1. ;?,:;~O)f1J~Jf~~~Y>;Sn, =1fB~o)1&L)Nlt;SnO)tj:.L' ;:. t ~MrWo 2. 'ii)'J!J=1fB5J'7'J<AL.-;;(I:lI.J< ;:. t ~MrWo 3. :3'tf~#JL ~fg#J!O)A1' ';;=f~An, I.~:;~:J~ .~O)J: AT7 1) ~I]"-!f-;f, f-P-)I..--!f-;f7'J{JE;j!;I:lI.J< ;:.t~MrWo 1??l*4I= J l,' --C • ~*4li1i~rn-c ,§"&jC L -c L,.@ 1i~ffl 1]" D -~*.=j. ~~ffl L -c < t::~ L'o ;fj,/ I) ~~1:LEIltj:.t'0)1tilO)~*4li, I.~:;~~f~9" 1;f7'J\L)-C tj:.< , m~~:kj)uj:.c'O) * tilI:O)~n7'J{~L)"*9"o ~ xtl:f:~ffl Ltj:.L'-C < t::~ L'o • ~1.H.=j.lisl :kti7'J{~ < :k~O)jli < -Cli, ~*H€i;EIl~:i:f'T~v1Vj:. t'~xtl: Ltj:.L'-C < t::~ L'o • ~ pg -C 0) *€i;EIl, -3 td:~FJT-e(j:;Efi~ittd:l,' ~xtl: 1. AO)~L't;:.:so 2 . .:rf#O)jli< 0 3. 1±~, ~t~, ~*.=j.0) Wol8 tj:. t' mim L O)~ L'PJT-C o)1fl(t}.H 'li Ltj:.L'-C < t::~ L'o • ~*4li~~-C9" 0 M:.lvt:: L), ~*.=j.O)f~~fi.t5J'~~J~~;fjA ~Il.& L'i6.<L'O)liftt~-c9"o ~xtl: Ltj:.L'-C < t::~ L'o WJllJttj:. c: O)jli < 0 4. ll~, **~O)jli ;!~ ! Re 7J--C~ffl~n -CL'~{~~ffll]"P-~*4li, j.-)1 / -)1..-. U-"* UEIl3Z.{i8fi.t;;tl' )1..-, =- f- D j. ~ ~~~rn28 L-C 11' Gn -C L'"*9" 0 ;:. n G0)fi.t5J' li~~,*, I: sl:k ti7'J'i'$j < t~~ti7'J{ er., L)lfl( L) t& L'~f!f:~ I: li 3'c 5J' ;1~ L -C < t:: ~ L'0 I.~:;~ < 0 5. ~pg-Cli:i:fT~ittj:.L'o • ~*4O)f!f:~li:k~, ü!Ht E3 Je. i'$j;NL 'itt;thtj:. t'O)jli < ~iM It M~EC O).:f- 0) 1äl7'J\ tj:. L'PJT~*Blif PJTtj:. t' I: f!f:~ L -C < t:: ~ L'0 6. 15m,'~!f.tIlli:i:fT~ittj:.L'o 7. ~ t FcJ ;J.Ul1 0) 11U* t~HilHlg~l7'J{ jli < L' ~ t 8. :3'tf~#J!, ~fg#J!O)~;th7'J{~,tj:. L' t ~ 0 9. R C7J-o)lI.J~7'J<;}')7'J\ LL't ~o ~0 • ~*4li*€i;EIlfflO)~*M~' ~ -:1~~*.=j.-)1 ~ I] I:Ant.:"*"* I: Ltj:. L'-C < t:: ~ L'0 ~*.=j.7'J{tn~ftt~7'J<er., L)"*9" 0 .;Efi~it~l:: ~(j: ;RO).:f-JIrn: ~'<T G tj:. L' t Re 7J -7'J{~,I::i: L) t±l L t.: L), !iJtm Lt.: L) ~,:b5iJ$tilI:l: -::dj:.7'J{ L) "*9" 0 1. :3'tf~mL ~f~#J!O)~;th7'J{3'c)tI:3'c~~n-CL'~*~Mrmo 2. RC7J-~A-)1--)1-*';;I]Atj:.t'O)J:.I:O)it, -)11'-\' ~ti!!rni7'J\ Gi*7'J\itt.:tIZ~I:9" ~o 3. ~f~#J!O) A l' ';; =f ~ An ~ 0 4. :W:f~#J!O) A l' ';; =f ~ An~ 0 5. AT7 1) ~I]" -!f-;f, I.~:;~:J~ '*'1:lI.J< ;:. t ~~tw L, JE L • ~r:tj:. -::> t.:~:nffi{i=f '" ';; '7 ~ li "9' L -C7'J\ Gf*-C -C < t:: ~ L'0 ~ ~ffi li *- [tl{: t5:: (f~"* tj:. L' -C""F ~ L'0 m~9"'@ fQ:~7'J{ ct0 L) "*9"0 1= f-p-)I..--!f-;f7'J<JE <5m~9" ~o I.:":;:" J l,' --C ;!~ ! :i:f'TftJ'li=-- f-:' )1..-0) fft iEL 71' f-:' I) >7'O)fftiä ~~tw L -C 7'J\ G :i:f'T L -C < t:: ~ L'o ~JT~O)I. ~:; ~ li~\~I. ~:; ~O)tj:. G L ~ f'T-::>-C< t::~L'o 6. :ttM.=J.~-)1 ~1]1:An-)1 ~?o),Sd.:~Mr~I: LY>~o 7.-:1'7I]"~t:- f-~it~o 8. A -)1--)1-;f ';; I] A I:O)itt.: R C 7J -O)f&1J~W LI.~ :;~~~lI.J~it~0(I.~:;~~m~0)~8I.~:;~0)~ !fJ li~\-9Jfl(t}.uRBA~ ~ J: < ~Jf~RB}j~I:tlt -::> -C I. ~:; ~ O)tj:.G L~f'T-::>-C""F~ L'o .;Efi~~;t~ l:: ~(j: 1. I.~:;~~ltY>~o O?H.=j.-)1 ~?O)~tH.=j.~:i:$~L'W~ 7'J\, ~ '" - ~ Tfm7'J\ G,5i;t ~ 7 '71' *1' -)1..- ~fit~tj:. t'-C59iffliJ IY-J1:ltY> ~o I.~:; ~~x 7 '7-li~~,*, r:AA L'O)-C, ~.:f- -C ~:.b ~ t -\' 7 F9" ~ fttll.~:7J< er., L) "* 9" 0 • jEf'Tf& Lli G < O)ra', I.~:; ~~x 7 '7-O)FcJilllii'$j;~I:tj:. -::> -C L' ~ 0) -C -\'7 f-:'9" ~ ftt~7'J{ er., L) "*9" 0 • I] '7 ';; =f "'-)1..-. f~-C~.'l!nt,H' -C 7 '71' *1' - )I..-tj:. t'i'$j~-C @]*ii9" ~ =1fB5J' li, < t:: ~ L'0 7 H~9"'@ ftt~7'J<ct0 L) "*9" 0 • ~:nI'\ 1' 7"7'J<-:;"* -::> -C L,t.: L) 9;1t L -C L'.@ t, I. ~:; ~ 7'J<7'J\ ~G~~-::>~~~*4~tn~~L-Cftt~-C9"o 3. ~f~#J!O)A1' ';;=f~W~o • I. 7-7 -1 )1..--)1-li~\~1fl( L) {tlt-C < t:: ~ L'0 I. 7-7 -1 )1.. -)1-liI. 7-7 -1 )1..--)1-;;t1' )I..-~ LJfi6."*itt.:7 -1 )1..--)1-~ ;::-~ffl <t::~ L'o • :t:fi~O)~iirj: • ;~n -C L' t.: L), 2, :W:f~#J!O)A1' ';;=f~W~o titili~f!f:-:Jt.:Y>~!iJtt~=1fB5J', aln$5J'I:~ -:5 Git~~~, ~~.:f-An~L"*L~?o 1. ~*.=j.-)1 ~ I] I:~*.=j.li?'i ~ tj:. L'0 2. x 7 < t.:Y>I:t:i: '7-pg=1fBO)H~~;;t1' )l..-li~r:t±l9" 0 3. U'j)~;Ft:tj:. t! O);~nlili ~n L'/:,S,~ t ~0 4. ,1ll:W:lt, -!fA'"'~~3 ~tj:.t'O)'ii)'IIJ:gB5J', "'-7 1) ~Jftj:. t'I:;1;EIl9" ~o 5, I.~:;~pg=1fBI:t, 1lJj~~ttO);;t1')1..- (j. ~'::;--j-A-r1' )1..-) a-;!;ert ~o U'j)~*:J I) 0) -:J"* -::> -C L' ~ I. 7 - 7 -1 )1..--)1 ~~ffl9"~tI.~:;~~~~G~~-::>~~.n~OO~t~~ "*1' 0 r.t~9nfll= J l,'--C .~-::>-c~*4~M:.~-CL"*-::>~G, f&, ~~O)71<.~~"*ittt~it~ 9"<'I:~MiO)~~~~{t-C<t::~L'o • ~*.=j.7'J{ ~ I:A -::> -C L"* -::> t.: G, 71<. -C J: < ;5\; L'iT,t L t.:f&9" <'I: ~gmO)~~~:3't(t-c < t::~ L'o .~*.=j.7'J{&:r!I: -:JL -20 ,t.: G, :O~~7l<.-C J: < ;5\;L';T,t L -C < t:: ~ L'0 CAUTION: *In order to avoid accidents and personal injury, be sure to observe the following: HANDLING OF THE ENGINE RC CAR: CAUTION: FUEL Engine RC car runs at a very fast, and uses expensive flammable glow fuelfor the model. Exhaust sound becomes noise sometimes to the other people. Operate the model in the area with safety, no troublesame, no personal injury, no property damage, and no accident. The glow fuel for radio control models that is used for the engine RC car is made of the combination of the methyl alcohol, the oil or composition oil, nitro methane etc. The flammability of these elements is to be very high, have volatility, be fully careful of handling and the storage . • After assembling 1. Be sure to tight screws securely and install all parts. 2. Make sure whether the movable parts work smoothly. 3. Turn on the switch of the receiver and transmitters, and make sure whether the steering servo and engine control servo work normally. eOnly use the glow fuel for radio control models the model shop seils . Other fuel, such as the gasoline and kerosene may break engine, and there is fear of explosion and accident such as a fire. Never use it. eThe flammability of the fuel is very high. Oon't da the fuellubrication and the preparation for .00 not operate it: operating near the fire. 1. In the place where many people around eNever da handling of the lubrication in the inside and 2. near children mixing ofthe fuel in the place where ventilation is bad. 3. near the residential districts, school, and hospital eFuel is harmful. It is dangerous to drink and to inhale 4. near the road and railroad track the volatile element of the fuel and exhaust. Never do. 5. indoors eAvoid fire, direct sunlight, high temperature, near battery 6. at early morning and at night and store the fuel in the cool, dry and dark places out of 7. at the same time when somebody uses the same frequency children's reach. 8. when the battery of receiver and transmitter weak eOon't leave the fuel in the fuel pump and the fuel tank. 9 when the model behave strangely There is dang er that fuel leaks out. eWipe out the spilt fuel with the useless cloth completely. • Start to operate Be sure to observe the following process. Non-observance will eRemove a cap first and throw the empty fuel can away. Oon't throw an empty can into the fire. There is danger make RC car start suddenly, and may lead the damage and of explosion. unexpected accident 1. Make sure the battery charges fu 11 y. 2. Put the RC car on the starter box and f10at the tires from the ground. 3 Turn on the switch ofthe receiver. 4. Turn on the switch of the transmitter. 5. Make sure the steering servo and engine control servo work normally and adjust them correctly. 6. Put the fuel in the tank, and close the cap securely. 7. Heat the plug. 8. Push the back of RC car on the starter box and start the engine. (Ifthe engine is new, follow the instruction manual and be sure to smooth new engine. If not, engine will break suddenly by the high rotation .) CAUTION: ENGINE Confirm the position of needle and idling before running. Be sure to smooth new engine. eNever remodel engine and muffler. eThere is danger that it gets burned because around the engine and the muffler generate high temperature for a while after use. eoo not touch the rotating parts at high speed such as clutch bell and f1ywheel. There is danger that it gets hurt. elf the fuel pipe is choked or deteriorates, the engine may not start and there is danger the fuel leaks out eBe sure to put the air filter. Use the filter that is soaked air filter oil. eEngine may not start if the air filter is dirty, choked with the sand and dust • Finish to operate 1. Stop the engine. (Use up the fuel in the tank or force to stop the flywheel that is seen from the bottom of the chassis by the sole of shoe, etc. 2. Turn off the switch of the receiver. 3. Turn off the switch of the transmitter. • Maintenance after running 00 ca re after running to keep performance, and to notice the damage and the wear. 1. DA not leave the fuel in the tank. 2. Exhaust oil insides the mUffler should go outside. 3. Clean up the sand and mud. 4. Put the oil on the movable parts such as shaft carrier, suspension, etc and the bearing. 5. Put the rustproof oil (maintenance oil) inside of the engine. -21 FIRST AID elf you drink fuel by accident, drink large quantities of water and emit it and right after that, see a doctor. elf fuel is within eyes, wash it away with the water weil, and right after that, see a doctor. elf fuel is stuck to the skin, wash it with soap and water weil. Kit Bag Details Kit Bag - A T0201A Kit Bag - C 1pc. T0201B @ T0201D T0201E 1pc. 1pc. 1pc. @@ T0201F 1pc. T0201G 1pc. 1pc. T0501 @@ T0201H T0201i 1pc. ~ T0201J 1pc. 1pc. T0202 4pcs. 02.0x9.8Pin -J 4pcs. <lImlmll C0222B SM2. 6x 12 J0306 4pcs. 4pcs. @ S3 O-Ri ng 2pcs. 1pc. D0306D 1pc. D0306F 1pc. t ri , ~ ~ T0203 2pcs. T0801 I 8pcs. ~" ~ J0104L J0104U ClD T0108A 4pcs. ClD T0108B 2pcs. @T0111 4pcs. D0214 2pcs. ~a ~ 2pcs. T0112R T0112L 1pc. T0113R 1pc. 0 m 2pcs. SG3x16 SK3x5 4pcs. ~ SK3x8 4pcs. SN3 4pcs. 6pcs. SM3x12 Cl @ 2pcs. 2pcs. ..-(] SG3x12 2pcs. H0215 1pc. 2pcs. D0211 0 o m T0206 1pc. 1pc. (00211 D0212A D02128 SK4x5 2pcs . 11IITc,/f,,) 4pcs. C=- 8pcs. D0105R 0 1pc. (43T) @ 1pc. ~T0204 @ 1pc. <t!:!lOJ 2pcs. (4JT) T0113L SG3x8 ==0 :> C 4pcs. 4pcs. C0502 c::(] 4pcs. C0111C Kit Bag - 0 T0109 T0110 ©!=J a 4pcs. Kit Bag - B T0108L 1pc. D0306E (J0306A 003068 D0306C DD306G D0306H 11IITc,/i,,) @ OW5x10xO.2 4pcs. ® OW3. 5x7. 5xO. 2 8pcs. © S5 O-Ring 4pcs. 8pcs. C0222C SM2.6x16 ® ® ® ® H06012pcs. C0222A ~ 1pc. o = o T0201K 1pc. @ D0213 J0217 1pc. © J0220 ~ OE- 5 1pc. 1pc. 8pcs. J0110 © J0114A 8pcs. c:::J SK3x8 4pcs. @ SN4 = 02x9.8Pin 0 0 4pcs. 4pcs. -22 STW-20 1pc. 1pc. (13,68.8. !E}..,/f,,) (Hf0612 !E}..,/f,,) 0 STW-17 ~ 1pc. =\=- 'Y t--~~a=&,)~~*Hl Kit Hag Details I Klt Bag "E ~ K_it_B_ag_"_G- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1-1 c@1] T0104B ~.,~~ 1pc. :OoDO o 00 o T0301A 1pc. ° o o ----------------~ 0 ~ T0107 o o 0 1pc. 1pc. T0106 o H0356 C=======:J, moup ~3x 20Pin [====:=J = ~2 .5x11.8 C0502 =:c:{] SG3x12 <-mJ 2pcs. !IO SK3x5 @ 6pcs. SN3 ~ =(] OE-5 Ciiml() 1pc. Si2.6x10 1pe. SM3x12 @ 1pe. P3 O-Ri ng 2pcs. =:J() SG3x12 q] SG3x8 7pes. 3pcs. 1pe. 1pc. Kit Bag " H (@ (@@ T0402A ~ 0 0 1pc. 00710 @)Qu~ T0402B l::m T0403 2pcs. <am() c:::r:::(] ~ T0404R SL3x12 SJA3x12 1pe. 3pes. T0901 T0404L 1pe. SN3 3pcs. ~ Snap Pin 8pes. 1pe. 8 OIE =j 1pe. ~ T0902 1pe. © C0603 -23 2pcs. 00701A 1pe. 00712 1pe. C0702B C0704A ~0707 ~ 8pcs. 1pe. @ @ 00711 1pe . @ 1pe. C0706 (0000000000 SN3 1pc. 1pc ~ OE-7 4pcs . @ 4pcs. 1pc. 16pcs: SL3x12 SL3x12 <CIJJJJJJIIIIj) SL3x14 8pcs. Kit Bag " F @(@ <lDIIliIIJ atll SK4x5 1pc. 2pcs. 1pc. 4pcs. 1pc. t::ClJ SJA3x12 2pcs. 4pcs. ~ SM3x12 C0111C 4pes. 2pcs. ~I T0205 K0213A 3pcs. K0214A ~Q H0255 T0301B 1pc. ~ H0353 1pc. [l 2pcs. T0203 0 - 1pc. CQ:cJ 'V mo d?2) H0355 ~ o '-../ T0103 0, H0354 2pcs. 0 1pe. 2pes. @ 00701 B 4pes. EJ C090 1A 1pe. 3pes. C0901 B 1pc. C0708 3pes. q] SG3x8 =c(] SG3x12 c:tJ SJA4x8 c:(] 1pe. 4pes. 1pe. SJA4x10 @ OWS3 @ OW3x8xO.5 4pcs. 4pes. @ OW5x10x1 @ [J SK4x5 1pe. 2pcs. OW7x14xO.5 4pcs. 1pe . Kit Bag - I ():::8J [[J Kit Bag - J C0802B 1pe. ~ E:cJ D0802A 1pe. IJ C0802G 2pes. SK3x3 =0 H0802A GI] 3pes. Si 3x10 D0503B C0802H "foNoNNM 3pes. I ' "i !!! H0802C C0802 i 8 1pe. Kit Bag - K I ~' t\ fil L.- /'7' 1.5mm 1pe. []J Hexagonal Wrenches 1.5mm ~ t\fil L.- /'7' 2.0mm 1pe. Hexagonal Wrenches 2.0mm ~ t\fil L.- '/ 7- 2.5mm 1pe. Hexagonal Wrenches 2.5mm ~ B0113 t\fil L.- '/7- 5.0mm 1pe. ST-90 -j--( [:l /A "'7'Y 7"87 mim 4pcs. ST-90 Nylone Strap 87m/m 4pcs. ST-150 -j- -( [:l / A "'7 'Y 7-134 mim 6pcs. ST-150 Nylone Strap 134m/m 6pcs. M-17 ~f+/ ~ -( 7" 1pe. M-17 Fuel Pipe 1pc. K0405 K0603 .. fJl.:u. L ~R 8jj ~ 7-.T'fh7"7:jj'7-.7,yt- 1pc 1pc 2pcs "'j[.,HS3M186 ) 2pcs "'j[.,HS3M405) 1pc :/'\'-:/ 1pc 7D/t-k.:I '»?' 2pcs ')"\'7-.7')/'7" 2pes <)1/)1//\//\1pe "'7') /'7" ( 1Ox15x4) 10pes - ------ - -- -- -- -- ----- c pp D0506 K1114 K1121 K1122 B0406 00602 00803 00806B Cl D0507A 4pes. D0507B 4pes. D0507C 1pe. [[J1] Hexagonal Wrenches 5.0mm TOO08 TOO09 T0207 T0208 T0209 T0401 J0511 J0512 .. c=o I H0802B D05 10F 2pes. D0 510R 2pes. 4pes. 1pe. C0802J 1 ' 1111', ~ CD 1pe. I 4pes. 4pes. ( D0509Ax2 P3 O- Ringx2 IILiL-cilf;; l 1pe. Im I ",i ,, " D0508 2pes. 1pe. D0503A @) ~ 4pes . B0415 iWiimT-7(1~ ) "'7') /'7" (6x13x5 ) ~*B/'7 7/TT/\1'7 7"7 ffl7-.-/\-:/')::::J/ )I":://\-ffl7-.-/ \-:/')::::J/ t'Yt-7f:l:/-t- 4pes. CJ1jmDI D0514 4pes. o 4pes. @ OW2. 6x6xO. 5 @ SN2.6 D=== 4pes 4pcs 4pes 1pe 4pes 1pe 1pc 1pc 1pc 1pc ... iz TOO08 TOO09 T0207 T0208 T0209 T0401 J0511 J0512 K0405 K0603 '\' Ij ~ )( c pp 11= D0513 S12 O-Ring 4pes. 4pes. SG3x16 4pes. Instruction Manual Oecal Oiff. Gasket Belt (S3M186) Belt (S3M405) Chassis Front Spring Rear Spring Urethane Bumper Bearing (1Ox15x4) 1pc 1pc 2pcs 2pes 1pc 1pc 2pes 2pes 1pc 10pcs K1114 Wheel K1121 Inner Foam K1122 Radial Tire B0406 Both Side Tape (1 sheet) 00602 Bearing (6x13x5) 00803 Fuel Tank 00806B Antenna Pipe Super Silicon for Oiff. Super Silicon for Oamper Set-up Sheet ~ EI ~ :ß .- .- I t1. Q iJ);,% (:~ (;t .:. 0)>1)( " ~ ':"~IJ!ll ( f: ~ "'0 1'\-';I):!.'5{"jJ;! "-',,, 'i'~ I:'!' I:Att t, l ' :I5, ;a ( 1:1IU!:ir.5il'~ v:l5. 1II!l:ir.5"(·'!'I: A" t.n ':1511 , llIUI:iJ[Ilj; '" L",,;" l' ~l' o .l:lcOl".' BII"t., <'l~".I: (l'Iil',"",,(, j;*,",,"F~ l' o "-·/l1 . . . . ttl"(' ~~L"(j;I)lT o lIiil' l ':l!!.!',Oliilt 11 j; ~ It "(. ~ 1 t! A- o ':' i1lt:15 i1<I14' " f I: A .., "( l' l,jk""IIlI~" ,:' f l) lIll ' t: t:' ( Olil' fJ! flJ "(' T 0 ~I: j;~ ~' 0l1l~11, 1J!;io.iII il'IIIfJ!.ii.1'lV" ,:' f IJ IIl"F ~ l ' o l ' 1'ttOl:l5iH"k""IIl~I:i1lt HCA L ,,(, ft ;io . ~ff" 't .. "( j; '" L",,;" l' ~ l' o ~ffl1, i1lt;ionOl~ttil' 2 .OOOFl*lIOlII~300Fl";!!" "( l' ~ l ' 0 Je 2.000Flt:,l.l:OlIl1l'I;I.;j\ffl;t~ff"(· T o I<1IIfJ! .... · 11M· " ·Jl· 1'lI}jlcL"("F~l' o aoß ·.I1i.... fiHi ~ --- I- "i9:~ .:.>1)( ~ • - ._ ;..-:7 - 4pcs 4pcs 4pcs 1pc 4pcs 1pc 1pc 1pc 1pc 1pe - -.---.-_ . Ij - -- ---- --- - --- ---------- --------- - -- - .- -.--.--- , ~U' ~ - ';.t ~ 4pes. 1pe. *1'-j[., 1':.rj--7;:t-,L,. 5:/7 j[.,)l1' "\' ------------ -- ~ J\ • '" ~t ;f1i fR. b ~