June - BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington


June - BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
The Monthly Newsletter
of the BMW Bikers of
Metropolitan Washington
Volume 32, Number 6
June 2006
Visit our website at:
Spring Sorrow
By John Hieronymus
Everyone looks forward to spring because the arrival of spring
means the end of winter and more importantly for bikers the end of
cold weather and icy roads. We can finally enjoy many warm
days without having to wear the heavy gear and heated vests. The
flowers bloom, the leaves return to the trees, and the days are
longer. Spring is my favorite time of year. This year my exuberance for spring was severely dampened. Long time BMWBMW
member Bernie Stuecker suffered a major heart attack and passed
away on April 10, 2006.
(Tribute to Bernie, cont’d page 11)
Inside this issue:
Tribute to Bernie Stuecker
Treasurer’s Report
President’s Report—View from the Saddle
Editor’s Two Bits— Southern Hospitality
Membership Report
Bob’s BMW Open House
Secretary’s Meeting Reports
Motorcycle of the Month
Highway Cleanup & Resource Links
New Products—Reevu Helmet
Breakfast Rides / Contacts & Directions
Membership Market
Calendar of Events
June 2006
Between the Spokes
32nd Square Route Rally
by Jim Bade, VP and Rally Chair
Mark you calendar for the 2006 BMWBMW Square route
Rally in Thurmont Maryland on June 2-4, 2006! We have an
exciting venue this year: great location in the Catoctin Mountains; excellent roads; good food; and best yet, a bunch of worldclass speakers and other BWM riders to hangout with.
Noon–11:00pm Registration Open Registration Tent/Caboose
Beer sales (till close)—Pavilion
Chili Served (first come, first served)—Dining Hall
BMW MOA Discussion—Pavilion
(Michael Friedle)
Keynote Speaker: Melissa Pierson—Dining Hall
(The Perfect Vehicle)
Late Night Movies—Dining Hall
7:00am–9:00am Breakfast Open Dining Hall (Nominal Fee)
7:30am–4:00pm Registration Open Registration Tent/Caboose
Dave Keuch Memorial Ride—Registration Tent
Vintage BMW Ride—Pavilion
Beer sales (till close)—Pavilion
Vintage BMW Tech Session—Pavilion Area
"Wheels" A novel by the author—Pavilion
(Doug Grosjean)
MotoGear (Textiles)—Dining Hall
(Linda Rookard)
Electrical Seminar—Pavilion
(Jerry Skene)
MSF Group Riding Video—Dining Hall
(Pam Fisher)
Motojournalism—Dining Hall
Robert Hellman, Bob Higdon, Gordan Boltz, Meredith Hassle and Bill Shaw
Suspension Seminar—Pavilion
(Morton’s BMW)
Sales Seminar—Dining Hall
(Bob’s BMW)
Door Prize Winners Drawn—Inside Dining Hall
Dinner Dining Hall
Door Prize Pickup Close—Inside Dining Hall
Keynote Speaker —Pavilion
Rally Awards—Pavilion
Late Night Movies—Dining Hall
7:00am–9:00am Breakfast—Open Dining Hall
8:00am–9:00am Cleanup Campsite/Campground
10:00am–3:00pm Experienced Rider Course
Frederick Community College
Of course all the great things we have come to love about the Square
Route Rally are still here. The great people, food, excellent door prizes,
vendors, a flea market for BMW parts and three days of fun, and hopefully no rain!
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
Between the Spokes
Editor: Bob Steele
Mailing: Dave & Angie Talaber
Between the Spokes, the monthly
newsletter of the BMW Bikers of
Metropolitan Washington, is published
solely for the use of its members. Any
copying and/or duplication of any of its
contents without the written permission of
BMWBMW is strictly prohibited.
Advertising: Classified ads are free to
BMWBMW members and will run for two
months. Commercial vendors can see our ad
rates at http://www.bmwbmw.org/bts/
bmwbmw_btsadrates.shtml . We request that
display advertisements be submitted electronically no later than the 10th of the month
preceding the month of publication.
Deadlines and Submissions: All
submissions must be received by the editor
no later than the tenth day of the month
preceding the month of publication (e.g.,
June 10 is the deadline for the July issue).
Submit articles by regular mail to:
April 1, 2006 to April 30, 2006
BTS advertising
-----------TOTAL INCOME
Club pins & patches
Meetings And Events Committee
Miscellaneous, Bus
Postage and Delivery
Printing and Reproduction
Rally 2006 Expenses
Web Site Fees
-----------OVERALL TOTAL (April 06)
Checkbook balance as of 4/30/2006 of $13,357.65.
Bob Steele, Editor
Between the Spokes
13114 Blue Willow Place
Clifton, VA 20124
Respectfully submitted, Elsie Smith
or by e-mail:
[email protected].
2006 Committee Chairmen
ASCII text files on 3.5" PC-format
disks are also acceptable. All artwork
must either be black and white line art or
photographs in jpg format.
President: Mike Enloe
[email protected]
H: 540-338-1263
W: 703-265-5087
Gov. Affairs: Mark Dysart
[email protected]
H: 301-527-8795
Address Change: Please use the
membership application/address change
form on the newsletter’s last page and
mail to:
Vice-President + Rally: Jim Bade
[email protected]
H: 703-772-8296
Rides: Ed Phelps
[email protected]
H: 410-781-7521
W: 410-760-0072
Secretary: Jodi Douglas
[email protected]
H: 703-476-4457
Internet: Ted Verrill
[email protected]
Nancy Oswald
1933 Frederick Road
Baltimore, MD 21228
Club Affiliations:
BMWBMW is chartered as
BMWRA Club No. 15 and
BMWMOA Club No. 40.
Find us on the Internet at:
Treasurer: Elsie Smith
[email protected]
H: 301-774-3622
Membership: Nancy Oswald
[email protected]
H: 410-869-4954
Newsletter: Bob Steele
[email protected]
H: 703-830-9780
Between the Spokes
Sales: Francis Gunde
[email protected]
H: 301-352-4273
Mtgs & Events: Need Your Help!
[email protected]
Safety: Any volunteers out there?
[email protected]
Technical: Anton Largiadèr
[email protected]
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
June 2006
View From The Saddle
Editor’s Two Bits– Southern Hospitality
By Bob Steele
I got the first road trip of the season under my belt by going to the
16th Annual Georgia Mountain Rally held at Bald Mountain Park near
Rumors of my departure have been greatly exaggerated. It all
Hiawassee, GA. My riding partner, Pat O’Connor, and I headed out of
started as a good joke. A prank of sorts. The set-up was simple:
DC mid-week to make an extended trip of the weekend. We had originew baby at home, a well-used bike in need of some work to
nally planned a doing a quick down and back but changed our plans
because of the warm May weather and the angst to get on down the
bring it back to top shape, and bonus burning a hole in my bank
road. So we ended up leaving Wednesday afternoon, planning to take
account. I was mentioning to Heather several upgrades I needed
two days each way to extend the trip and to ride some back roads. Ironito make (including Ohlins/Wilburs, new seat, new tires, better
cally, we got out of town later than planned, which meant getting stuck
wind protection, new protection bars, ...) and she surprised me
in commuter traffic, road construction backups, and dodging more than
with, "why don't you just buy a new one? Yours is six years old,
a few minivans/SUVs with cell phone-toting drivers. It’s amazing to me
has a lot of miles and it IS your primary transportation." Yeah,
how commuters cut us off and fight for every inch—I guess being in a
that was my reaction too. I'll give you a second to catch your
cage van make you like that.
breath and regain your composure.
Once we got an hour or so to the south of DC, traffic lightened up
OK, we're back. As soon as I got to work, I sent Steve
and the southern hospitality began with people waving at us as we
passed by. These friendly folks waved from a porch-perch, one while
Anderson an email letting him know we needed to talk...soon.
standing along side the road, and another guy saluted us with a beer
She might change her mind. Spent most of the morning surfing
bottle while driving an old, beat up pickup truck. And when we came
ADV-rider Flea market, IBMWR marketplace, Craigslist, and a
upon slower traffic, they moved to the right—imagine that!!
few other online classified sites getting prices of newer bikes
To enjoy the country side, we decided to follow Route 15 south, and
and checking out the value of my bike. Sent several emails askas it turned out, through most of Virginia. We rode all the way to Route
ing for more info or pictures of various R1150 and R1200 GS's.
58 just to the north of the North Carolina state line, before we realized
Spent another couple of hours reading reviews and comparisons,
that, in our Zen-like state, we had missed our mid-state turn to the west.
checking out accessories, convincing myself I really did NEED a
Without a GPS, we would explore places on this trip that were not in
new bike. By that afternoon, I had talked to Steve and found out
our planned route—in my view, a good aspect of making a ride into an
adventure is not adhering to a tight or completely defined itinerary.
that he had a sweet 2006 R1200GS in Red with wire wheels just
Anyway, it was early evening so we stopped to get a bite to eat at a
coming out of the crate. The proverbial straw! I told him I
restaurant. As we were getting off our bikes, a very friendly
would be down there the next day.
southern gentlemen driving a Porsche, we refer to him as Mr. Carrera,
Work and weather conspired against me but I finally made it
started talking to us about motorcycles and touring while standing in
to Morton's late Friday afternoon, dripping wet, and shivering.
front of the restaurant, and the conversation continued as we waited in
Turns out mesh gear doesn't shed water at all. Steve was finishline to place our sandwich order. He gave us input for our upcoming
ing up with a couple so I sat there and stared, drooled, touched,
ride on Route 58 west, over the mountains and into the sunset to Galax,
sat on, and rubbed virtually every square inch of that bike. FiVA. Since it was going to be late when we arrived at the motel where
nally we talked, ran the numbers, talked some more, and made a
we had made reservations, I called ahead to confirm that our room
deal. We agreed that I would sell my bike rather than trade it in,
would be held. After our cold and dark ride on some intense mountain
roads it was quite late when we finally arrived. The motel manager
shook hands and I headed home in the rain, wet but very
greeted me with a smile as I approached the reservations desk, “you
happy. On the way home, my evil plot was hatched. That night,
must be Bob,” he said while handing me the room key.
I posted a For Sale ad for my bike on the forum, and then made
We arrived at the Bald Mountain Camp Ground and all of the peranother post about how Heather and I had talked and with the
manent camp sites had been taken. This turned out to be a blessing as
new baby we decided I should sell the bike. I never said I was
we ended up camping alongside the lake next to where the southern
getting out of motorcycling, just that I was selling the bike. Of
rock band (Deep Fried) was hanging out along with a lot of other
course that was the impression I gave. I really expected a few
friendly folks from GA and TN. Within a few minutes of setting up, we
people to say supportive things and a bunch of people to call BS.
were talking with the band members, their friends, and other folks
I had envisioned the banter being spirited and fun. Well, only
camping nearby. A very un-DC like experience.
We got talking with Dave from Knoxville, TN during breakfast the
one person called BS. The outpouring of "this was the right decinext morning. He was camping next to us and had hung out with us
sion" and "we know you'll miss it" type posts blew me away.
while listening to the band and drinking a few brews on Friday night.
Word quickly spread beyond the message boards and I was getThe conversation turned to the upcoming MOA rally in Vermont. We
ting emails from people who were at a party and heard I was
told Dave about our plan to proceed to Nova Scotia after Vermont, and
quitting or had seen the post and felt sorry for me. Yikes. A few
it turns out that Dave has always wanted to go to there too. Now Dave
people found out the truth but didn't say anything online. By
will be joining us this summer for the extended tour. We took to the
Monday, the joke had gone too far and I fessed up. A few people
roads on Saturday with input for routes provided by our new camping
were mad, but most thought it was funny and were happy I got
friends, and we took in sweepers and then the twisties offered by Wolf
the new bike. So a good joke gone bad, but at least no one lost an
Penn Gap.
The return two-day trip was in the rain, and Sunday’s ride was pareye.
ticularly long and cold. But we were greeted at almost every rest stop by
The May meeting was great. Jim Snitker opened his property
one or more friendly person, asking us about our trip, the weather, etc.,
to us and we had a good crowd. We had six different camping set
that is of course until we got closer to DC as evidenced by clogged
ups and we discussed various pros and cons of camping and
roads, horns honking, and drivers cutting us off. All in all, the 1,600+
packing gear. Several people told me that they learned a lot and
mile trip exceed all expectations due to the true southern hospitality that
felt it was a good idea.
we encountered, except of course for the first and last 50 miles of the
trip. Riding in rural areas around Thurmont and in Vermont and Canada
(View from the Saddle Cont’d on page 13)
are beckoning. Keep the rubber side down! Bob
June 2006
Between the Spokes ©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
By Mike Enloe
My name is Jamil Burnett. I'm 29 years old and originally
from Greensboro, NC. My wife and I have lived in the DC
area since 1999 and we currently live in Arlington, Virginia. I
ride a 2002 1150RT. I first got the "bug" about a year ago
when my parents rode up for the Memorial Day festivities on
my Dad’s "new to him" Honda Valkyrie. It was the first time I
had seen my Mom on a bike with my Dad in many years.
By Nancy Oswald
April 2006 Membership Report as of April 30, 2006
(for May Membership Meeting and BTS)
Membership Stats:
Full members: 440
Associate members: 54
Total members: 494
Number / percent of members electing to download
newsletter rather than receiving a printed copy: 386 /
about 88%
New Members: 8 Full; 0 Associate
Richard Knutson of Fairfax, VA was referred by Phil
Ager and rides a 2002 R1150RT
Robert Stransky of Jessup, MD rides a 2005 F650GS
Bill Engelbrecht of Alexandria, VA joined us at Bob’s
Open House
Jim Tungol of Clifton, VA was referred by Jim Snitker
and rides a K1200LT
Bryant Kling of Hamilton, VA found us on the web and
rides a R1150RT
Paul Shulman of Reston, VA was referred by Ron and
Laura Jones and rides a R1200RT
William Gearhart of Highland, MD is rejoining us after
moving overseas for several years. He now rides a
K75S and a 2004 K1200GT
Thomas Korth of Silver Spring, MD was referred by
Bob’s BMW and rides a 2006 R1200RT
That day I made it my goal to be on a bike riding along
with them on the next Memorial Day. Almost one year later,
here I am. I took the MSF Basic Rider Course during the first
week of March. I finished the course on Thursday and passed
the Virginia DMV test on Friday. I purchased my RT back in
NC prior to taking the MSF course and you can read all
about it on the BMWBMW.org message boards. Just search
for the topic: Newbie Confession...re:craiglist 1150rt post -orhttp://www.bmwbmw.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3536.
So far I've been commuting daily to work on my bike. It
has turned what used to be a dreaded task into a daily adventure (in every sense of the word). I haven't been on any long
tours yet. I've had to opportunity to meet several people
from BMWBMW via the website. I've ridden with a couple of
them. I received a very warm welcome from everyone on the
message board and that is really what made me want to become a full member. Everyone has been very helpful with everything from simple questions to very technical mechanical
issues. I hope to continue to meet many new & interesting people through the club and I look forward to seeing you all out
on the roads! Thanks, Jamil Burnett
(New Members cont’d, page 5)
Renewing Members: 11 Full Members / 1 Associate
eBTS NOTICE! eBTS is now the norm for all members
unless requested otherwise! If you are unable to view the
newsletter on-line, please write, call, or email Nancy at
1933 Frederick Rd. Baltimore, MD 21228, 410-869-4954
mailto:[email protected]
New members send in a profile and a picture to Nancy
for inclusion in future BTS issues.
Between the Spokes
BMWBMW Club Merchandise!
Remember to order your BMW2 caps,
shirts, pins and decals.
Just email Francis Gunde at: [email protected]
with a short note on your requirements.
And we still sell customized items such as
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
June 2006
(New Members Cont’d from page 4)
My name is Paul Shulman and I live and work in Reston Town Center in Reston, VA. I'm a 49 year old single guy and I have a 2005 BMW
R1200RT that I got last April from Bob's BMW and I love it. I swear it
wasn't a mid-life crisis! I have been riding for about a year and a half
and I'm hooked! I took the MSF basic course to get my license and later
took the Experienced Riders course. A buddy and I are thinking about
signing up for The Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic that I saw at
Bob's last weekend sometime in June.
At each meeting we have devised a format that provides for time to
Worship, to Study God’s Word, be in Fellowship, and to Study motorcycle related Educational and Training materials, DVD’s, programs,
Now, as it turns out, the guy who started our ministry travels all the
time for work and the mantle of ministry leader for "On HIS Road" has
been passed along to me!
We welcome all ministry members, their guests, and seekers at
these meetings. You don't even have to own a motorcycle! Go to the
website is www.OnHisRoad.com for more information and we have a
Yahoo Group called "OnHisRoad". Our Yahoo Group home page is:
At this point I'm more of a ride around on a sunny day type of rider
and have yet to do an overnight. I'm really looking forward to attending
some BMWBMW events and rides and getting to know some more of
my fellow bikers. God bless, Paul
Paul with his R1200RT while at Bob’s BMW Open House
I attend McLean Bible Church in Vienna, VA and joined their Motorcycle Ministry called "On HIS Road". I couldn't believe that the
church had a motorcycle ministry, but it seems they have a ministry for
just about anything you can think of. I've met some very cool people
there and as a matter of fact a couple recommended that I join
BMWBMW, which I did several weeks ago. The "On HIS Road" Motorcycle Ministry was created for those who have a passion for Christ
and for motorcycling. Our mission is to provide supportive Christian
fellowship for the motorcyclist and the motorcycling community, with
the gospel message of Jesus Christ. The "On HIS Road" Motorcycle
Ministry meets twice a month at McLean Bible Church.
June 2006
Between the Spokes
Vintage Motorcycles! Jim Snitker came across this lovely
old Beemer on a backstreet in Munich. “I can’t tell you how I
wanted to find the owner and offer him a large wad of Euros
(which of course I didn’t have) to take his bike home”.
Jim—you always need to stash some cash on your trips to
get out of trouble or in this case, get into some trouble by buying
another motorcycle.
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
Bob’s 25th Anniversary
Open House
Hundreds of motorcyclists showed up on a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon, April 29th, for the Open house. It’s not often
Parking was at a premium for most of the day. The back
parking lot show above was filled to capacity.
that you find Bob Henig, owner of Bob’s BMW, in a cage. Rumor has it that his staff came up with the dunk tank idea, and
they were the ones forming a line to throw balls that got Bob
dunked. Next year, it’s the staff’s turn in the cage, isn’t that right
Bob? Below, a “dried out” Bob is back in his element, showing
Read to get on down the road!
It’s a family affair—everyone is getting in on the fun!
Between the Spokes
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
June 2006
BoD Meeting Summary
by Jodi Douglas
BoD and General Membership Meeting
10 April 2006
The May meeting was held at Jim Snitker's farm in Philomont, VA. Picture below of Jim’s house and those gathering for
the meeting. The BoD had their meeting on the porch before
turning their attention to the camp set-up and packing demo.
Board Members present were: President, Mike Enloe, Vice
President, Jim Bade, Membership Chair, Nancy Oswald, and
Secretary, Jody Douglas. Also present were Lona Soule and
George Falcon.
Membership-Related Issues – The Board discussed the issue
regarding members who do not pay for their associate member
when renewing. It was decided that they will be reminded the
first year, and the associate will be dropped if the fee is not paid
the second year. Nancy will draft and submit a membership
"follow-up letter" for the Board to review. The Board discussed
the mileage contest held yearly and noted that some who participate are not current members. It was the consensus of the Board
that participants should be members, and that the top participants/award winners would be verified. The Board also decided
to charge a higher registration fee next year for non-members
attending the Square Route Rally (SRR).
Club Insurance – Mike reported receiving a letter from the
BMW MOA regarding a general liability policy they are considering for all charter clubs. The cost would be $2 per active member. Currently our cost for insurance is close to $1,500/yr. Mike
has indicated some interest to MOA and requested for more information and will continue to evaluate this option.
SRR – The Board opted to stick with fountain drinks rather
than purchase cans in order to generate less waste. Jim is searching for better pricing for the large banner that must be replaced.
Lona Soule suggested asking where Bob's BMW has their banners made. Nancy also suggested a source she knows and will
check on pricing. Lona suggested that Staff shirts be a different
color from other Rally shirts this year, one that is more noticeable. Jim agreed and will purchase 20 staff shirts in a bright
color and will order 50 Rally shirts. Jim is still looking for
quotes to purchase a projector. The club has a microphone and
mixer, and a screen. The 1,000 bumper stickers purchased are
not reflective. The Board discussed purchasing reflective sticker
and using the non-reflective ones as give-away items.
Dealership Open Houses - The Board discussed ways in
which the club could have more significant presence at future
dealership open houses. Ideas included setting up a more visible
table to distribute flyers, perhaps using a pop-up trailer, selling
pins and stickers, allowing club members to show their membership card for a free sticker, offering a free membership (or hat) as
part of the raffle, and displaying a bike. Mike suggested that
someone be placed in charge of organizing the events. Nancy
will review the membership applications to determine if any
members volunteered to help with meetings and events.
General Membership Summary
The camping demo area—Pam Fisher setting up camp site on
the while others observe.
June 2006
Between the Spokes
Mike announced that several members had setup their tents in
the yard, and after the meeting each will describe their camping
equipment and methods. Mike thanked Jim Snitker for hosting
the meeting. Six new members introduced themselves and were
heartily welcomed. Riding experience ranged from a few
months to 35 years. One new member is Bill Rogers, whose father, Harry, was an original member of the club.
Treasurer's Report – Elsie Smith is assuming the club’s
Treasurer’s position from Mark Dysart effective immediately.
Membership Report – Nancy Oswald reported 14 new members, with 17 renewing during April (see details on page 4). She
is still working with Robin Bernstein on developing a new database, which will automate the membership tracking process.
(report continued on page 13)
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
Between the Spokes
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
June 2006
Square Route Rally
June 2nd- 4th, 2006 Camp West Mar,
Thurmont, MD
Door Prize Drawing Saturday Night Speakers
Great food Flea Market
Tech Sessions And MORE!!!
Three days and two nights of excellent
rides in the Catoctin Mountains with
Washington, DC and historic Gettysburg
only an hour’s ride away
Rally pin and mug to the first 400. Saturday night feast and door prize coupons
included with your registration
Loads of vendors
Cabin space available on first-come,
first-serve basis
Wooded, open and quiet camping areas available. Motels available in
nearby Thurmont.
Updates and registration form at
BMWBMW, c/o Jim Bade
5001 Prestwick Dr
Fairfax, VA 22030
Checks payable to:
Or use www.Paypal.com
-- [email protected]
Pre-reg postmarked: May 15
OTHER: Gate registration opens 12 noon, Friday, 2 June.
Beer is available on site. Pins and mugs to first 400 registrants. Registration awards are based on information from
this form and will be awarded to BMW motorcycles and their
DIRECTIONS: From U.S. Rt. 15, north of Frederick, MD,
take exit at Thurmont, MD marked Rt. 77 West. Continue
through parks and make left turn on Brown Road. Go about 1/2
mile and make left into Camp West Mar.
Pre-Registration $30/Adult Children: $1 per year
up to age 15
At the Gate
$35/Adult Children: $1 per year
up to age 15
STATE/ZIP ___________________________________________________
PayPal Receipt number (if applicable)______________________________
____Adults x $30 = ___________________
____Adults x $35 = ___________________
____Children x $1/yr. = ________________
Check # _____________________
Rider: Sex M F Age __________________
Passenger: Sex M F Age______________
Direct Mileage to Rally from your home ____
Local Club (one only, please spell out name)
and the Club’s # for MOA ______________
OR the Club’s # for RA ________________
This rally is open to BMW motorcycle riders and their guests.
I/We hereby waive, release, and hold harmless the BMW Bikers of Metropolitan
Washington, Camp West Mar, caterers and entertainers, for any liability resulting from
damages, loss or personal injury while attending the 2006 Square Route Rally, or for
any cause of action I now have, or in the future may have against them. This waiver
extends to my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.
Rider Signature __________________________________________
Passenger(s) Signature__________________________________________
June 2006
Between the Spokes
(i.e., BMWBMW is MOA Club #40)
Motorcycle Information:
Make ______________________________
Model _____________________________
Year ______________________________
Sidecar, Information: Year ____________
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
Motorcycle of the Month
GS Rally in PA
It seems that there are a lot of GS riders in the Washington
Metro area based on number of GS motorcycles showing up at
Bob’s and Morton’s open houses last month. With a few exceptions, most of those GS’ were pretty clean—as in they are being
ridden on the street instead of off-road.—mine included. Well,
here’s you chance to test your skills and put your GS through some
off-road terrain.
The Laurel Highlands BMW Riders are hosting a campout
June 23-25 which will feature a GS ride through the Laurel Highlands area. There will be ride options ranging from technical or
just a nice ride through the woods. You can expect a ride of
around 100 miles, give or take, with about half the ride being offroad on jeep trails and fire roads and the other half being on country twisty roads.
The rally site is on Route 31 at the Pioneer Park Campground
in Somerset, PA (www.pioneerparkcampground.com), which has
showers and other great facilities. Campout coincides with Johnstown, Pa. famous "Thunder in the Valley" motorcycle rally, just a
30-minute ride north. Rally pin to first 125. Tech Session, GS
Ride, self guided rides to Flight 93 crash site
(www.flt93memorial.org), Johnstown Flood Memorial
(www.nps.gov/jofl/), and Cycle SA maps (www.cyclesa.com/
toursa/ Info: Jason Kaplitz 814 535 8669 or [email protected]
or www.lhbmwr.com Pre registration appreciated $20 per person:
send checks payable to LHBMWR.
Between the Spokes
2004 Boss Hoss V8 Motorcycle
Okay, it’s not a BMW but the Boss Hoss drew some attention at
Bob’s BWM Open House. Here’s some specifications: 425 HP, plus
125 HP with NOS; weighs 1,100 lbs; has automatic transmission, the
RPMs at 2,100 at 75 MPH, and it has a base price of $35K before custom modifications. According to the bike’s owner, Todd Nelson of
Ashburn, VA, he has ridden the bike at 500 miles at a stretch. Info at:
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
June 2006
Tribute to Bernie (cont’d from page 1)
Bernie was 62 years of age. I could not believe my answering machine when I listened to the telephone message from
Bernie’s wife Barb. Bernie was in the Cardiac Care Unit at Fairfax Hospital and it did not look good. Bernie hung on for two
weeks but the damage was too severe. Bernie is survived by his
wife Barb, son John, and daughters Anne and Rebecca. Bernie
had two grandchildren. A Memorial Service and reception were
held at St. Mark Catholic Church in Vienna, VA on April 21,
A few of the newer members may not know Bernie Stuecker.
Simply put, Bernie was everywhere. He has held several past
officer positions in the Club but that was not that important.
Bernie was the guy who always loved to ride, volunteered for
most projects and was always there to help anyone. Bernie was
an engineer by trade and retired several years ago after a long
career in the enforcement section of the Federal Communications
Bernie loved his Honda Gold Wing but also rode a BMW
bike that he had completely restored. How can I forget the sight
of Bernie arriving at my residence on so many occasions driving
his Vespa that had more miles on the odometer than many of us
have on our touring bikes. Of course, he had his tools tied on the
back which usually included electronic meters or gauges that
only Bernie could operate.
If you ever traveled to the BMWBMW breakfast rides on
Sunday mornings you would have met Bernie. It was always
great to get an email or telephone message during the week from
Bernie trying to get a group to ride on Sunday mornings or a
group to tour after breakfast. If no one else responded Bernie
and I would still ride. Bernie loved to ride. Rain, cold temperatures or fog usually would not stop us from making the trek for
the breakfast and fun times with the other riders. I must admit
that I was usually not disappointed when others were not available to ride to the Breakfast meetings. Bernie and I had great
rides and the conversations on the CB radio from his Gold Wing
to my K1200LT made the miles and time fly by.
Bernie Stuecker flew remote control aircraft, was an active
member of the Ham Radio Club and had many other interests.
Did I mention photography? Bernie loved his cameras and when
many of the rides were over I would receive photographs via
email. Did you ever visit Bernie when he would play his electronic keyboard, equipped with some elaborate speaker/amplifier
system he had installed to make it sound like a small music hall?
If Bernie did not answer the telephone he was probably away on
one of his motorcycles or in South Riding, VA flying his remote
control aircraft. If he was not there he might be with the ham
radio operators launching a weather balloon that took measurements and photographs of the curvature of the earth. A telephone call to the FAA would confirm their whereabouts as they
had to acquire FAA approval to launch! If something broke or
did not work right on our bikes, many of us did not call the
dealer for help. Most of us would check with Bernie first as his
knowledge and opinion was respected by everyone. Bernie had
a wealth of knowledge but was not a “know-it-all.” Bernie was
never, never too busy to help anyone. I know that many of you
can verify his helpful nature.
Billy Rutherford, Bill Shaw, and I could talk for hours of the
times we spent working on our bikes with Bernie. It did not matter that you were standing for hours in a cold garage in the winter handling cold, greasy metal parts or wrestling a new tire
June 2006
Between the Spokes
onto a rim. Fixing the problem was only half the fun. The other
half was spending time with Bernie. This quiet, humble man
was always there. The suddenness of his death has not sunk in
yet and I can not believe he will not be at the next breakfast ride,
sending me an email or telling me about what was new with his
There were many motorcycle trips with Bernie. We
made trips to places such as Skyline Drive, Kentucky, Warrenton, the Mountain, Lynchburg, West Virginia, Gettysburg, Thurmont, Gainesville, Ohio, Winchester, Middleburg,
Snickersville Road, Camp David, breakfast rides, motorcycle
shows and the countless rides to motorcycle shops to just look
around. If you do not know some of these locations you are either new to the area or have not been riding very long.
A few years ago I rented a beachfront house at the Outer
Banks in NC for a family vacation. Bernie and his friend Greg
dropped in and stayed overnight. Of course, his favorite “line”
was that he squeezed us in because he said “Us retired guys are
busy.” Bernie was busy. He loved life and lived it to the fullest.
I am so proud to say I was his friend, riding buddy and that he
found time for me. I could never repay him for all the help he
gave me over the years, what I learned from him and for what he
added to my life. There was always a kind word or sincere
greeting. There are a lot of wonderful men and women in our
club but it will be impossible to replace Bernie. Bernie is gone
but not forgotten. Every time I ride to one of my favorite locations it will be impossible not to think of Bernie. He was my
“wing-man.” I will miss my friend.
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
Between the Spokes
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
June 2006
Highway Cleanup
General Membership (cont’d from page 7)
The first MD highway cleanup of 2006 was a big success! Nine members and one daughter met on Sunday,
April 30th at 9:00 AM to collect 13 bags of trash along our
2 mile stretch of Central Avenue in Anne Arundel County.
Since Don Catteron was taking the picture, he’s not in it -
from right to left we have: Eleanor Fisher (Pam and Chaz’s
daughter), Pam Fisher, Jody and John Douglas, Mark
Heim, Cheree and Jim Craze, Nancy Oswald and Maria
Vandergucht. The most interesting item award goes to
John Douglas. He found two (small and medium) mesh
bags with drawstrings approximately a half mile apart.
John is looking forward to using his new goodies in his
travel pack.
After the clean up, the group split into two for a nice
ride down to Harrington’s Harbor for lunch at a little sandwich shop. Don led one group, Jim led the other. Oddly,
as my group (led by Don) was traveling along, the other
group went by us – heading in the other direction! Then
they went by us at a T-intersection as we approached.
Then we went by them at another T-intersection as they
We all arrived at the designated sandwich shop within a
couple minutes of each other. After some laughs and sandwiches, some folks headed home, others out for more riding.
Stay tuned, the next MD pick up will be announced on
the boards and here in the BTS. Job well done to all.
View from the Saddle (cont’d from page 3)
Ten or twelve folks raised their hands when asked who
was going to the MOA rally in Vermont this year so
BMWBMW should have a large group in attendance. After
the meeting, a bunch of people did some maintenance in
Jim's large garage, including airheads, oilheads, and at least
one hex head.
The Rally is close upon us and Jim and Maria have
planned a great line up. Please make plans to attend and sign
up to work a shift or two. It is good fun and you get to meet a
lot of people.
That's all for now. Ride safe, ride often, and always ride
to work. mikeout...
June 2006
Between the Spokes
Square Route Rally (SRR) – Jim Bade reported good progress in preparing for the SRR, which is to be held June 2-4 at
Camp Westmar in Maryland.
Jim and Mike are still searching for a new site for the Rally
next year and welcome any suggestions from members on possible locations to consider. The same caterer is being used this
year, with similar meals and the "roach coach".
Volunteers are still needed, particularly for registration and
clean-up. Dave Holt modeled the new SRR T-shirt.
The speaker for Friday is Melissa Pierson, an accomplished
writer, who will have her books available to sell, and will sign
copies as well. Doug Grosjean, another author, will be present
to discuss his book and riding experiences.
Several seminars are planned, including one featuring club
member Bob Higdon and others.
Bob's BMW will present a seminar regarding purchasing a
used motorcycle, Morton's BMW will discuss suspension, club
member Jerry Skene will discuss electrical issues and describe
several things using his own bike, and club member Linda Rookard will discuss motor gear, focusing on textiles.
Jim announced that at Experienced Rider Course will be
performed at Frederick Community College but only if at least 5
people sign up. The World's Fastest Indian and Long Way
Round movies will be shown as evening entertainment at the
Between The Spokes (BTS) Mike encourage members to
write and submit ride stories to the BTS, perhaps with a picture
or two included. Long-time members are encouraged to send in
a profile and picture as well.
Rides – Ed Phelps described the Great Tour that several
members have already begun, and indicated he has more numbers available for others who may want to participate. There will
be a poker run planned for June, to be announced on the web.
Road Clean-Up – Nancy Oswald reported that 10 members
helped with the clean-up of Maryland's Route 214, 13 bags of
trash were collected, and the group took a nice ride afterward
and had lunch on Herring Bay.
John Douglas said that the first clean-up in Virginia was held
along Crest Hill Road near Marshall. The clean-up was especially difficult, being the first one done, but 11 people participated and 15 bags of trash were collected. The group rode to
Flint Hill for lunch at Griffin Tavern afterward.
Another Virginia clean-up is planned along Glade Drive in
Reston, VA, however, the State has not yet erected the signs.
New Reevu Helmet – Mike let the group know that Carl
Latham is present, and has the newly marketed Reevu helmet,
which allows the rider to see behind him. Carl will graciously let
members try on the helmet. He was asked to write a review for
the BTS (see pictures on page 14).
Special Presentation – Pam Fisher took the floor to present
Mike Enloe with his own Appletini Glass, to be used when imbibing his "favorite" beverage.
Maryland Law – A club member mentioned that Maryland
has passed a law to become effective on July 1 allowing motorcyclists to ride on the side of the road (the berm) if traffic has
(Membership report cont’d on page 14)
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
A new type of helmet that has a "rearview" feature is now
available to create “round vision at a glance”. A BMWBMW
member purchased one of these helmets in England and showed
at the last BoD meeting. The helmet is manufactured by Reevu
Sports and Leisure http://www.reevu.com/index.asp.
General Membership Report (Cont’d, page 13)
Larry Grodsky's Death – Bob Higdon spoke about the recent
death of Lawrence Grodsky, the Safety Editor for Rider magazine.
Grodsky had written columns for approximately 15 years, and was
described by Bob as “the most cerebral rider I have known." He
was killed after striking a deer while riding across Texas between
Marathon and Fort Stockton. The accident happened an hour after
the sun went down, around 9 PM. Bob indicated that he hears of
more accidents with deer in this hour than at any of time of the
day. Bob said that he doesn’t ride at that time himself, and suggested that all club members consider doing the same.
Saddle-sore Rides – Francis Gunde described the 1,000-mile
ride he recently completed. The ride was complicated by his having left his wallet in Natural Bridge, VA, and arriving in Charlotte,
NC with no money or credit cards. A passerby loaned him $50,
and he retrieved his wallet on the way back through Natural
Bridge. Club members discussed keeping a debit card or cash
stashed on their bikes for just such an emergency. Dave Holt also
completed a 1,000-mile ride down I-81 to Knoxville and back.
Both were asked to write up their experiences for the BTS.
Manassas MSF Course – David Wilson of Apex Cycle Education (ACE) described his plan to offer MSF courses in Manassas
starting in early June. ACE plans to conduct 3 or 4 basic rider
courses and two experienced rider courses per week. They are currently seeking qualified instructors, and welcome those already
certified or seeking certification. Their training course site is convenient to Route 66, Route 28, and Route 234. ACE’s website is
Wilson said that the MSF instructor certification is valid across
the country, and the tuition would likely be sponsored by the State
through grants. Training requires three weekends in a row. If an
instructor is trained and certified through ACE, the instructor
would be expected to teach for Apex at least a few times. The cost
for the rider courses will be slightly higher than that charged by
NOVA; however, the courses will be offered more frequently.
Ride-to-Work Day – Mike announced that July 19th is Ride-toWork Day. It is always the third Wednesday in July, and members
can learn more about it on their website at ridetowork.org.
Between the Spokes
Above is the front view which looks like any other helmet.
The rider looks up at the interior display to utilize the rear
view feature as shown below.
Below is the "rear view window" is displayed.
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
June 2006
Aside from your bike, your body’s your most
valuable asset. We’ve got a unique way to
protect it. Butt Buffer is unlike any gel or air seat
you’ve tried. It’s a special polymer engineered
to eliminate the aches and pains the can make
even the shortest ride seem endless. Available as
either a top cushion in a variety of fabrics, colors
and designs or it can be professionally installed on
basis in
seat. your Butt Buffer, call us toll free at 866find out more,
to order
859-5699 or visit our web site at www.buttbuffer.com.
To the right—Motorcycles and tents are set up at the May
BoD and General Membership meetings that was held at Jim
Snitker's farm. Pretty good turnout on a beautiful day—and no
rain! Bottom right—can’t have a get together without a tech session. Vintage bikes of all kinds to look at as shown below.
Void Rally The Void Rally is a 12 hour mini-rally
providing you the opportunity get your feet wet in this exhilarating sport. Registration opened on April 15th and
closes in early Sep. The rally is the Oct 13 - 15th. Visit
http://www.rallythevoid.org for more information.
June 2006
Between the Spokes
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
BMWBMW breakfast rides are
informal gatherings of members who
meet for breakfast and ride afterward.
Not all members participate in the
after-breakfast rides, and many
members like to show up solely for
the breakfast. Interested? Show up
early, look for tables with motorcycle
helmets, and don't be shy about
introducing yourself! If you'd like
more information, or to volunteer to
lead a ride one weekend, call the rides
7830 Airpark Park Road, Gaithersburg MD 20879. 301-948-4581. From I-270
take Shady Grove Road east. At Muncaster Mill Shady Grove becomes Airpark
Road. Go straight another 2.1 miles. Battley's is on the left.
Battley Cycles
Note: Schedules for breakfast
rides are not fixed in stone nor will a
ride take place if there is a club
meeting or other major event
scheduled on that day. Consult the
message boards for late breaking
changes or announcements. http://
Baltimore Breakfast Ride
1st Sunday, 8 a.m.
Old Country Buffet, 2033 E. Joppa
Road, Parkville, MD 21234. 410-8823155. Directions: Satyr Hill shopping
center at Satyr Hill and Joppa roads,
across from the Home Depot at I-695
& Perring Parkway. Jim Pellenbarg,
Maryland Breakfast Ride
3rd Sunday, 10 a.m.
The Cozy Restaurant, 103 Frederick
Road, Thurmont, MD 21788. 301271-7373. Directions: Take I-270
north to Frederick, MD and continue
north on U.S. 15. Take the first
Thurmont exit. Turn right at stop
sign, then left at traffic light. The
restaurant is 1/4 mile on your left.
Virginia Breakfast Ride
4th Sunday, 9 a.m.
Town 'N Country Restaurant, 5037
Lee Highway, Warrenton, VA 20187.
540-347-3614. Directions: Take I-66
west to exit 43A (U.S. 29 south)
toward Gainesville/Warrenton.
Bob's BMW
10720 Guilford Road, Jessup MD 20794. 301-497-8949. From I-95 take Exit
38-A east. Go about one mile and exit onto U.S. 1 North. Go to the first traffic
light and turn right onto Guilford Road. Bob's is less than one mile on the right.
Lap's Quality Cycle
3021 Colvin Street, Alexandria VA 22314. 703-461-9404. From I-395, take
Duke Street east to a right turn onto Roth Street. Make another right onto
Colvin. Lap's is a few doors down. From Old Town Alexandria, take Duke
Street west to a left on Roth, then same as above.
Morton's BMW
5099A Jefferson Davis Highway, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408. 540-8919844. From I-95 south, take exit 126 to a traffic light at U.S. 1. Turn left (north)
on U.S. 1, go one mile to the light at Courthouse Road/Rt. 208. Make a left
onto Courthouse Road, then right at the next light into the parking lot at
Morton’s BMW Motorcycles.
Speed’s Cycle
5820 Washington Blvd, Elkridge MD 21075. 410-379-0106. Take I-95
North to Route 100 East. Take first exit to Route 1 North. Go about 3
miles. We are on the left just before Levering Avenue.
Camp West Mar, Thurmont MD
From US Route 15 North of Frederick MD take the exit at Thurmont marked
Rt. 77 (West). Follow it West for 7 miles and turn left onto Brown Road.
Proceed about 0.4 mile and turn left into Camp West Mar.
Your Picture
We’d love to have a picture of
you and your BMW.
Send an message to
mailto:[email protected]
with a “short” note and your name,
what the bike is and where you are
(if applicable). Then, don’t be
surprised if you receive an email
from Nancy Oswald for a brief
interview about yourself, your
bike, why you joined the club, etc.
Between the Spokes
Ride-To-Eat Rides
(RTE) are informal gatherings of
BMWBMW members who meet for dinner.
These gatherings are regularly scheduled for
the first and third week of each month and
are always planned and announced on the
club’s web message board. Typically, the
Virginia RTE is the first Wednesday and the
Maryland RTE is the third Thursday. The
restaurant is always different and the dates
occasionally change. Additionally,
impromptu ride-to-eats are always popping
up. Interested?
Check out the message boards Events
section and look for “Ride-To-Eat” or
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
June 2006
84 80ST 24K mi, Red w/ matching
Hanigan fairing (including pin strips),
BMW saddle bags, a red Eclipse tank
bag, Teleflex fork brace. BMW pwr
socket in the fairing and a front light
toggle switch (for starting w/ a low
battery). Newish battery. One (mostly)
adult mechanical engineer owner. Looks
sharp, mechanically and cosmetically
excellent except one smallish tank dent
(quarter size) and a mark on the seat.
Owner will email pictures or answer
questions if you are in the market for an
80ST. Price: $4800 Location: DC Area
Contact Tom Kawecki
[email protected](7/06)
O2 R1150RT Silver, 35K miles,
radio, heated hand grips, motorized
windshield, great road touring bike or
commuter bike for HOV. Save gas.
Asking $8,700. call Richard 703-9634036. (7/06)
2002 KZ Sportster & 26 ft travel
trailer/toy box. Owned by non smoking
adults, excellent condition. Asking $14K
will consider reasonable offer;
[email protected] or call 540446-3349. (8/06)
1984 R65, 95K miles, Corbin saddle,
bags, trunk, windshield, gel battery, good
tires, GPS3+. 1972 R75/5with 180
Velorex 562L sidecar Fenris - 1984 R65
Jormungand 2002 R1150RS Bob King
301-262-5978 [email protected]
'93 K75S/ABS Silk blue; 53k miles;
stock and tall windshields; stock and
Staintune exhausts; Givi 45 litre top and
sidecases; very good condition. A great
commuter (50+ mpg) or light-duty tourer.
$3,300. Glenn Weiland (703) 450-8131,
day or evening. (8/06)
windshield A&S sells new for $231, Very
good condition $110 plus shipping; BMW
K1200 LT Trailer hitch A&S sells them
for $500; made by Dauntless Motors
Corporation, $275.00 plus shipping;
Widder Electric Vest $137, black, size 48
with soft collar, Very good condition,
BMW plug; Widder Electric Gloves $105,
black, size XL, never worn; Areostich
Darrien unobtanium electric jacket with
BMW plug, on/off switch blue, size 2X,
$110 plus shipping; Moto Line Canyon
Jacket by DIFI XL with removable
thermolite liner, red, air vents, cordura,
shoulder and elbow pads, $25 plus
shipping; several items for a Kawasaki
Concurs as well as a a Susiki Calvacade
for pictures of any of the items or to make
offer please send an email to
[email protected] or call 540446-3349. (6/06)
Cee Bailey +6' +2' windshield fits 04
R1150RT $150.00; Sebring cat eliminator
R1150GS $299.00; Stock bags with
mounts, left bag base damaged $150.00;
RCU R1150RT accessory shelf $50.00;
Top case Fits older K-LT and R1150GS
with adapter $299.00; Call Ed 410-8046286 or [email protected] (1/06)
Rear rim (170-60-17) from a K 1200
RS - $225; Battery tender plus - $35;
Parabellum wind shield tall for a K1200
RS - $75; Garmin Metro Guide North
America V6 - $30. All items are new or in
excellent condition. Call Jaime Henriquez,
301-587-1833 or email
[email protected] (3/06)
Self adjusting shock for K1100LT
hardly used. Bike was too tall; had to
lower it. $100. Call George at 202-6231839 from 9 to 4 or 301-963-2911 after
work; mailto:[email protected] (3/06)
Aerostich Road Crafter two-piece suit,
red/silver, nearly new, no fading, sealed
seams. Fits 5’8" to 5’9" tall, 120-130 lbs,
it was my wife’s suit and it fit a tall thin
73 Suziki GT-185, 12,420 miles.
woman very well, not baggy or loose, has
Blue, good condition, two stroke, was
the bib, a neck triangle, and also have a
running when stored in garage. Needs:
tank de-gunked, tires. TLC, etc. A project First Gear rain suit to over fit, and an
bike for you. $450. Epics available, 202- extra-small Shuberth helmet (white). If
you are a tall thin woman trying to find a
363-0292 in DC, or
nice suit to fit, this is it. Clyde
mailto:[email protected] (3/06)
[email protected] (4/06)
BMW F650 GS Seat $100, black,
excellent condition from 2002 F650GS;
BMW K1200 LT Low Summer
June 2006
Bakup riders backrest, fits 2000 R1100RT, exc. cond. $175 obo, and Luft.
fairing & rear trunk, black, came off of ‘78
R80, fair condition $75 obo. Contact
Between the Spokes
Kenny [email protected] or
call 434-292-5187 (8/06)
76 R 90/6 RS, 47,300 miles, an
updated classic - RS faring, custom painted
BMW RS colors Savanna Beige(79) and
Smoke Black(80), 78 S dual front brakes,
forks, 6.3 gal tank, fenders & seat pan,
Corbin seat, Krauser bags & bag liners,
Reynolds rack with rear rack, BMW tank
bag, Eclipse tank bag, tank cover, RS
pocket bags, Bike cover, Lester wheels,
ride off, Engine - dual plugged, electronic
ignition, K&N air filter, top end rebuild at
39,000, balanced and blueprinted from
rods up, light flywheel, clutch replaced at
TE rebuild, updated shift kit, /7 valve
covers, deep oil pan. Suspension - San Jose
Fork brace, triple clamp, anti dive kit, Koni
shocks, ME 33 & ME 99 2000 miles, new
Westco battery, Instruments - oil pressure,
oil temp, amp meter, clock. 35 yrs of
BMW stuff. New /6 mufflers in box, S
back rest with rack, books, sales brochures,
spare parts...my life! You get the bike; I
keep the trophies! $7,500.00 Contact Steve
Flesner 410-586-8179 or
[email protected] for good
photos (11/05)
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
Between the Spokes
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
June 2006
June 2-4, 2006
BMWBMW 32nd Annual Square Route Rally
June 23-25, 2006
4th Annual Laurel Highlands BMW Riders Campout at the
Pioneer Park Campground (www.pioneerparkcampground.com), in
Somerset, PA; a full-service camping resort & great facilities.
Campout coincides with Johnstown, PA "Thunder in the Valley"
motorcycle rally, just a 30-minute ride north.
June 24, 2006 http://www.mortonsbmw.com
Shop Ride at Morton's BMW. Join us for a ride to scenic Blue
Grass, Virginia, for a benefit concert and campout. Enjoy bluegrass,
folk, and blues music under the stars. Call or check our website for
June 24-25, 2006 http://www.bluegrassbookbank.org/
Motorcycle Camp Night 2006 in Blue Grass, VA—motorcycle
camping, food and friends (see details in web page message board
under Events).
July 6-9, 2006
BMW RA’s International Rally somewhere near Boise Idaho.
Details firming up at above link.
July 8, 2006
BMWBMW summer picnic—location and details to be
announced on club’s web page.
July 20-23, 2006 http://www.bmwmoa.org/rally/rally06/
BMW MOA’s 33rd Annual International Rally in Essex
Junction near Burlington, Vermont. Check the MOA website for
July 28-30, 2006
Aug 18-20, 2006
40th Annual Four Winds BMW Riders Rally Redbank
Valley Municipal Park, 2.5 miles northeast of New
Bethlehem, PA. 18 miles south of Interstate 80 on Rt. 28. GPS
coordinates: N 41 00.94, W 79 17.52 or e-mail Tom at
mailto:[email protected]
American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) Vintage Motorcycle
Days, at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, Ohio. The
calendar aligns VMD with the AMA Honda Super Cycle Weekend
presented by Dunlop Tire the following weekend, August 4-6, when
the AMA Superbike Championship races comes to Mid-Ohio.
July 1: Reg Pridmore at Morton's BMW.
Meet a racing legend! World Superbike Champion in 1976 aboard
an R90S and founder of CLASS riding school. Reg Pridmore will be Think of any events you want listed
at Morton's BMW to meet you, answer your questions, and talk about in the next issue of BTS,
Notify the Editor
his career. Call or check our website for details.
Note: Official BMWBMW events are preceded by
“BMWBMW.” The events listed above can be either official BMWBMW events or events unrelated to BMWBMW which
historically have been of interest to our membership. For a complete list of motorcycle-related events throughout the U.S.
June 2006
Between the Spokes
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
Application for Membership/Change of Address
Please check the appropriate box
! New Member
! Renewal
! Change of Address
Because I can’t read Between the Spokes on the club’s website, I require a paper copy. !
Name ____________________________________________
Associate _________________________________________
Street ____________________________________________
City, State, ZIP _____________________________________
Occupation _______________________________________
Phone Home (____) __________ Work (____) ___________
E-mail: ___________________________________________
BMW MOA :___________
Age group:
BMW RA #: ___________
! 16-25
! 46-55
! 26-35
! 56+
AMA #: _______________
(Year, Model, Mileage)
#1 _____________________
#2 _____________________
#3 _____________________
Total BMW miles ridden: _____
Referred to BMWBMW by:
! 36-45
I’d be willing to help with the
following areas or committees:
Government affairs
Meetings & events
Regular Member
Associate Member
Dues may be paid for 1, 2, or 3 years. Associate members must reside at the same address
as the regular member. Associate members receive membership card, pin, and decal and have
voting privileges if age 16 or over, but do not receive separate newsletters or other mailings.
Make check payable to BMWBMW and send it with this form to:
Nancy Oswald, 1933 Frederick Rd, Baltimore, MD 21228
Between the Spokes
c/o Nancy Oswald
1933 Frederick Road
Baltimore, MD 21228
Between the Spokes
©2006 BMW Bikers of Metropolitan Washington
June 2006