Helvar News 1 / 2008 Helvar News 1 / 2008


Helvar News 1 / 2008 Helvar News 1 / 2008
Helvar News
Helvar News 1 / 2008
Contents of the magazine
Editorial by Asko Kallonen
Helvar has 60 years of experience in lighting, starting in the late 40’s with magnetic
ballasts. During this time the company
has shown that reliability and innovativeness have been the basic fundamentals in its
Text: PublicTouch
/ Sigi Riedelbauch
For the last 25 years Helvar has promoted new energy efficient
alternatives for lighting. We have been the forerunner both in lighting
controls and electronic ballasts. Today the need and importance of
these products is self evident. High quality lighting can be achieved
more energy efficiently, and the saving potential is huge.
Text: Juhana Päivärinta
Text: Juhana Päivärinta
Ritva Lakkonen
[email protected]
Markkinointitoimisto Länsiviitta
Cover picture: Bloomimage/Corbis/Skoy
EU legislation is driving new lighting installations to utilise the most
energy efficient solutions. Beside that, there is a remarkable saving
potential in existing installations. In the EU an average 14% of the
total electricity is consumed by lighting. Approximately 50% is used in
offices, schools, hospitals and in the retail sector. By taking the latest
technology into use in lighting installations in the commercial sector,
energy savings could be at its best 80 %. Even reaching half of that
would mean total savings comparable to power generated by several
electricity power plants in the EU area.
Tools to enable these savings are available.
Helvar is not only offering energy efficient lighting components and
systems, but we actively carry out energy saving actions in our own
operations. The latest step is the commitment to the energy conservation agreement for the industrial sector in Finland.
This magazine is giving a few
examples of energy efficiency
in different lighting installations. I hope these examples
will stimulate new ideas in
lighting for the benefit of the
Asko Kallonen
Managing Director
Text: PublicTouch / Sigi Riedelbauch
Pictures: Ingenieurbüro Bamberger
and Wolfgang Deuter / Corbis / Skoy
It’s not only one of Germany’s most well-known landmarks, but the third tallest church in the world. As a destination for up to 30,000 visitors a day, Cologne Cathedral is also Germany’s most popular tourist attraction. As part
of a competition for new ideas, engineer Walter Bamberger was awarded the tender from the High Cathedral of
Cologne to redesign the lighting of the imposing nave in February 2006. DIGIDIM Routers by Helvar were used
to put the new lighting ideas into practice under Mr. Bamberger’s supervision. The result puts an end to the
previous centralized control concept. Replaced with flexible light control that is simple to operate and extremely
easy to maintain, as only DALI routers can provide.
Church lighting has very special requirements - not only because it is to highlight the aura of dignity of a place of worship, but also because the immense
differences in height and large dimensions create further particular demands
on lighting systems. Walter Bamberger
complied with the basic requirement
that the church structure must be
drilled. When he implemented his lightfollows daylight
ing concept in the Cologne Cathedral:
almost 1,000 lighting elements are
throughout the
attached to the pillars by bolted frames
using clamps or spreaders.
course of the
day and year
and adjusts
subtly to
Out of respect for the historical object,
Bamberger exercised restraint in the
lighting arrangement, but achieved clarity in its formal statement. The artificial
lighting concept pushes interior lighting
to its limit, in that the cross vaults up
to the choir polygons represent a single
entity, allowing visitors a full experience of the Gothic chamber. Artificial light
follows daylight throughout the course of the day and year and adjusts subtly
to changes in natural room illumination. The lighting for the crossing was
particularly challenging because light hits the altar platform vertically from a
height of 45 meters. It was important to find the right balance using additional
spotlights on the triforium to all but eliminate shadows.
The beautiful Cathedral rules the
skyline of Cologne.
Silent, challenging heights
At a height of 24 meters, special secondary lights with high-voltage halogen
and metal halide lamps illuminate the arches from the peak at 45 meters up
to the capitals of the pillars at 17 meters. While these lights are mounted out
of the sight of the observer, boom lights with gimbal lighting fixtures provide
appropriate lighting in the pews and equal light density on the pillars. After
service, these boom lights can be removed in the choir by motor. The aisles
get their light from the capitals of the middle pillars from the respective double
aisles. The arches are illuminated by small light scoops with mini high-voltage
halogen lamps, and the floor and stations of the crossing by single gimbal
lighting fixtures. Spotlights on contact rails are positioned on the triforium for
the crossing altar and high altar. All lighting fixtures are special designs by
Bamberger, except for those on the contact rails for the crossing altar and
high altar.
Cologne Cathedral in its entirety is a technical challenge for lighting design.
More than 1,000 individual lights in over 600 controllable groups were
News • 1 / 2008
The lighting equipment is easy to
maintain, though it is not visible to
the visitors.
1 / 2008 •
mounted using more than 20 km of cable, even though existing cabling was
also used to minimize rewiring.
Careful planning in architectural
environment is a necessity. The
unique atmosphere is emphasized
with smooth lighting.
What makes the lighting concept in the Cologne Cathedral revolutionary is
the decentralized system of its control hierarchy. The DALI system bus, with
which Helvar DIGIDIM Routers work, enables decentralized positioning of
components such as DALI transformers, ballasts, dimmers and relay units
directly in the light fixture. A simple commercially available five-core cable is
required for the wiring. This intelligent lighting design made assembly easy
to maintain with plug connectors, which ensure smooth and fast component replacement.
Well planned, well maintained
A big advantage of using DALI systems is the precise localization of error
and outage sources. Every subsystem has a unique address and reports its
status to the control system. A lamp failure can be located immediately, and
is of course extremely important considering it can take up to 20 minutes to
walk through the Cologne Cathedral.
45 m
The highlight, however, is the intelligent component management in the
Helvar DIGIDIM Router, which automatically configures the replacement
components during maintenance. If a dimmer above the altar island goes
out, for example, the DIGIDIM Router generates an error message that is
relayed to the technician. The advantage of using Helvar components is
that re-initialization is dispensed with by making a simple replacement. The
system automatically recognizes new components. Eight sub-distributors
with a total of 18 DIGIDIM DALI routers by Helvar are deployed in one fibre
optic Ethernet backbone in the Cologne Cathedral.
The entire system is controlled in the vestry using a wide 17-inch touch
panel that can access 76 different programmed scenes. The various lighting
scenes can be called up at the push of a button using unique names such
as “organ concert”, “Pontifical High Mass” or “guest morning”. The userinterface is so intuitive and self-explanatory that it can be operated immediately by anyone even without special training. The floor plan of the Cologne
Cathedral is depicted on the touch panel and all operating elements are
directly linked with the respective light groups.
25 m
Cologne Cathedral
Hohe Domkirche St. Peter und Maria
• Overall outside length 144,58 m, width 86,25 m
• Height of the southern tower 157,31 m, northern
tower 157,38 m
• Build over area ca. 7 914 m2
• 4000 places of which 1200 seats
• 509 steps to the tower
• Construction began in 1248 and took over 600 years
to complete
• Address:
Metropolitankapitel der Hohen Domkirche
Roncalliplatz 2
50667 Köln
News • 1 / 2008
1 / 2008 •
Text: Juhana Päivärinta
Pictures: Enlightenz
Helvar’s integrated lighting control plays a significant role
In autumn 2007, the Meridian Building, an office building built by the sea
using new technology which saves energy in a number of ways, was built
in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. The four-floor head office of the
energy company uses 60% less energy and 70% less water than similar older
The New Zealand Green Building Council awarded the Meridian Building the
“all-time best new building in New Zealand” for its energy efficiency, with five
stars out of six. The building contains a rainwater collection system, double
heat insulation in the front elevation and it utilises solar power. A significant
factor in the energy saving of the Meridian Building is its lighting and lighting
News • 1 / 2008
A significant factor in the design and implementation of
the environmentally friendly and energy efficient lighting
was the utilisation of daylight. Light sensors installed
in the building control the lighting level in the facilities.
When the sun is shining, the lighting dims automatically
and the lighting level remains stable.
Helvar’s system in the heart of
lighting control
Prize-winning, top-class energy efficiency
Enlightenz, a lighting design company and Helvar distributor in New Zealand,
was responsible for the lighting design and lighting control system integration
to the building management system throughout the entire Meridian Building.
“Our task was to create an environmentally friendly,
energy efficient and reliable lighting system serving the
users’ changing needs,” says Trevor Murray, Managing
Director of Enlightenz.
The awarded
Meridian Building
glows with low
energy consumption.
Lighting control in the Meridian Building utilises the
DALI technology (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface)
which defines a digital connection between control units
and DALI connection devices. Using the DALI technology, each light fitting in the building can be programmed
separately and the lights can be grouped into larger
lighting areas.
”Each luminaire has an individual address and is
programmed to operate alone or in a group of several
lights. The lighting groups and their sizes can easily be
adjusted according to the users’ needs,” says Craig
Johnston, Project Manager at Enlightenz.
One DIGIDIM Router connects two DALI networks
and the routers are interconnected using an Ethernet
bus. The DALI network’s standard of 64 addresses can
thus be expanded nearly infinitely, while maintaining the
simple structure of the network. The system is controlled
using an easy-to-use control panel. The system does
not require the daily presence of a computer.
The speciality of the building is its conference room
which can be divided into three areas. Its movable walls
contain sensors which connect lights into smaller independent lighting groups. Once the walls are opened,
the lights automatically return to a uniform lighting area
covering the entire space. The building’s lighting control
is based on Helvar’s 11 DIGIDIM Routers that cover 21
DALI lighting control networks.
”The building’s 125 light sensors register all movement
in the rooms. Only by using sensors, can energy savings
of more than 50% be produced because the lights are
turned on only when people are inside the facilities and
daylight is not sufficient,” says Johnston.
1 / 2008 •
Text: Juhana Päivärinta
Pictures: Johan Stenberg
Hilton Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, a top-quality international
airport hotel, provides its guests with modern services
in a comfortable environment. The five star luxury hotel
has 246 excellently equipped rooms and suites. The
hotel contains 10 flexible conference rooms, the largest of which is a ballroom for 340 people which can
be transformed into three separate areas. The 250-seat
restaurant contains a kitchen and a show kitchen where
customers can watch the chefs in action while sitting at
their tables. The hotel, located in the immediate vicinity
of the airport’s international terminal, was opened on 13
August 2007.
A challenging lighting project
Ms. Bronwynn Welsh, an interior designer with Doos
Arkitekter Ab, a partner of Hilton, designed the hotel’s
interior which radiates the peace of nature. Pure Finnish nature and the changing seasons were the starting
points of her inspiration. The result is a hotel with a
modern Finnish touch for international tastes.
”A five star hotel is a very challenging design project.
The major challenge was the project’s tight 11-month
schedule which was fulfilled as agreed. The facilities are
architecturally and structurally ambitious – high spaces
with arched walls. The restaurant, reception and kitchen
environment were the most demanding targets,” says
Kalervo Vaattovaara, Technical Director of Sähköarina
Helsinki Oy.
The facilities of the Hilton Helsinki-Vantaa Airport hotel
are spacious and filled with light. The interior contains
plenty of wood and stone in warm and earthy colours.
The rooms and public areas include furniture designed
by Alvar Aalto, the world-renowned Finnish architect.
The hotel’s reception hall is decorated with birch trees
and the reception office facilities are surrounded by a
wall cladding resembling a snowy shingle roof.
The hotel’s electrical lighting design was based on
Hilton’s utilisation plan, including objectives for creating the mood with lighting in the restaurant, conference
rooms, corridors, gym, saunas and public areas according to different situations and times of the day. Sähköarina Helsinki Oy, a company specialised in electrical
contracts in demanding special projects, defined the
required equipment together with Electrosonic Lightinen, the Finnish distributor of Helvar lighting control
products, and turned the plan into working drawings.
”The starting points of the project were open and the
schedule was tight. We needed a reliable and costefficient lighting control system. We compared different
The conference rooms are
lit with exciting colours.
News • 1 / 2008
alternatives and selected Helvar’s Imagine™ system,”
says Vaattovaara.
Electrosonic Lightinen, a company engaged in close
cooperation with Sähköarina Helsinki, supplied the
lighting control devices and commissioned the system.
According to Vaattovaara, the lighting control project
and its introduction in such a demanding building were
carried out smoothly and the designs were valuable.
Lighting creates the hotel’s
With the Helvar Imagine™ system, the lighting in the
hotel’s different facilities can be changed easily using
control panels. For example, the reception areas contain
seven scenes for different lighting atmospheres. In
conference rooms, the control of AV technology is integrated with the lighting control. The lighting and lighting
control in the hotel facilities has received high praise.
”The hotel facilities look very natural, including wood
and stone. Through lighting we can easily change the
atmosphere in the facilities. For example, a conference
room can easily be turned into a comfortable banquet
hall with round tables, candles and lighting suitable for
the atmosphere,” says Matti Kuosmanen, Conference
Supervisor / IT Responsible at Hilton.
Light sources in different areas include fluorescent,
metal halide and halogen lamps. Conference rooms
contain controllable compact lamps. Lighting, controlled according to the situation and implemented using
compact lamps, is installed in the gym. Optical fibre is
used for lighting in the sauna facilities.
In addition to the general lighting, a tremendous work
of art has been built into the ceiling of the large conference room using optical fibre - ”the northern lights”. Its
colours can be changed and advanced in waves from
one end of the room to the other, similar to the glow of
northern lights in the winter sky of Lapland.
Changeability and energy savings
Through lighting control, the hotel takes into account
the different seasons and creates different atmospheres
according to the needs of its customers. Using lighting
control, the lighting can also be optimised according to
the volume of daylight, resulting in energy savings.
”The lighting control, lighting and other technology of
the new hotel operate well. It is important for us that the
modern hotel takes energy savings into consideration
in its operations. We are currently applying for a Nordic
environment label, the Swan ecolabel, for our services. It
requires energy savings from lighting. We are extremely
proud of this hotel,” emphasises Anna Lumme, Food
and Beverage Manager at Hilton. Dark and light contrasts in decoration are softened
with natural materials and indirect light.
1 / 2008 •
Helvar Ambitiously Improves Its
Energy Efficiency
Markku Norhio Appointed Chairman of IEC Committee
Text: Juhana Päivärinta
Helvar’s Director of Quality, Markku Norhio, M.Sc., has been appointed as the Chairman of the subcommittee TC
34C which is responsible for the standardisation of IEC’s ballasts and other active lighting components. The position
became open as Mr. Cyril Daly from Zumtobel retired. The IEC’s technical
committee 34 is responsible for the standardisation of the lighting industry
and it has subcommittees for standardising lamps, lamp holders and lights
(TC 34 A, B and D).
Norhio regards his new position as a highly significant vantage point offering
the possibility to have an impact on the development of international standards in the field. In the lighting industry, the IEC’s standards are adopted nearly
everywhere and the most important manufacturers and countries from all over
the world take part in the work of the committee.
plan for improving the energy use in our production. The
energy efficiency plan was launched at the beginning
of 2008 through the operations at the magnetic ballast
production plant and will be continued in the production
of electronic ballasts.
The Confederation of Finnish Industries and the Ministry
of Employment and the Economy signed an energy efficiency agreement at the end of 2007. The objective of
the contractual programme is to use voluntary measures
to improve the energy efficiency of Finnish companies
from 2008 to 2016 and advance the fulfilment of the
energy savings obligations set for Finland by the EU and
the national energy and climate strategy.
We will use different savings and efficiency measures
to reduce the energy consumption in lighting of the
production facilities and production processes at our
Karkkila plants and in real estate. We target 9% savings
by 2016 compared to the level of 2005.
”Through the energy savings programme we will focus
on the ventilation of real estate, lighting in production
facilities, improving the energy efficiency of production
machinery and equipment and increase the energy efficiency of product painting processes. In addition to the
environmental aspects, we are aiming at improved costefficiency,” says Kimmo Kallio, Plant Manager.
The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is the leading global
organisation that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. The standards of the global IEC cover
a wide selection of various technologies from energy production, electricity
transfer and distribution to household appliances, office equipment, optic
fibre and nanotechnology and the utilisation of solar energy.
The objective of the IEC is to advance the interests of the industry and trade
in its field and to provide end users with standardised technology and even
safer products.
Helvar, along with the Confederation of Finnish Industries, was among the first Finnish companies to sign the
energy savings action plan. Through the agreement,
Helvar’s Karkkila plants were committed to a large-scale
and ambitious energy savings programme.
Director Markku Norhio is happy
with Helvar’s participation in
developing international standards.
Energy savings measures of the office lighting were
implemented earlier at the Karkkila offices. The offices
are equipped with state of the art, energy efficient lighting system utilising the presence detection and constant
light features at the same time giving the possibility of a
individual lighting control of each work centre.
We take responsible and practical course of action and
we want to be part of the sustainable development in
order to prevent climate change.
Even better energy efficiency
In 2007, we thoroughly analysed the energy consumption of our magnetic ballast factory and drew up an action
The Confederation of Finnish Industries EK is the leading interest
group in Finnish business life. It represents Finnish industrial and service companies of all sizes.
Helvar has two main
buildings in Karkkila,
Finland. The larger one
here is for administration,
product development
and manufacturing
of magnetic ballasts.
The other one is where
electronic ballasts are
Helvar’s own
energy savings
programme is on
top of priorities
of Plant Manager
Kimmo Kallio.
News • 1 / 2008
1 / 2008 •
Continued Success Story of the 910 DIGIDIM Router
Following the successful first phase launch of the DIGIDIM 910 Router,
Helvar has planned to launch more powerful add-on router features
throughout 2008.
458 - New DIGIDIM Wall Mount Dimmer
By continuing the trend of being the
most innovative lighting systems
provider Helvar are proud to introduce a new stylish and innovative
wall mount dimmer. This 8 channel
x 5A inductive dimmer comes in a
compact and pre-wired wall mount
unit. The 458 dimmer is suitable for
Architectural, Residential as well as
Commercial applications.
The unit is compatible with DALI
and SDIM interfaces, and can be
integrated into DIGIDIM and Imagine
router systems through an Ethernet
backbone. It can accommodate
a range of user interfaces, including push button, rotary, sensors
and touch panel controllers which
contribute to its adaptability.
The dimmer has 8 dimmable channels rated at 10A each, with a total
dimmer current capacity of 40A.
An optional output module allows
four channels to be configured for
HF ballast control (1-10V, DSI or
PWM). The modular mechanical
design provides ease of installation
and fast swap-out of the dimmer
module. The front of the dimmer
is equipped with a LCD display
with intuitive cursor control to set
basic configuration parameters and
provide manual control.
As Steve Buckley, UK sales
manager at Helvar explains,
demand is set to be high for the
458: “The 458 sets a new standard
for lighting control systems. We
have many requests from potential
users, ranging from the hospitality industry where there is a need
to create ambience to those in
corporate applications who simply
require convenient, effective central
lighting control. The 458 offers high
performance in an economic and
reliable package.”
Alongside these benefits, the 458
dimmer complies with all relevant
European standards including the
WEEE and RoHS directives.
This spring the 910 router functionality will be extended by adding an
OPC interface, which will allow for seamless integration with Building
Management Systems.
In the second half of 2008 more features are to be launched including the
enabling of the Emergency Lighting and an Ethernet I/O command set.
In the last quarter of the year Helvar will launch the new additional 920
router. This product allows Helvar DIGIDIM and Imagine systems to be networked together to create a true system
solution. By combining the 910 and 920 router Helvar can bring the architectural and commercial lighting systems
together, making the specification process even easier.
HID Range More Versatile Than Ever
Last spring Helvar introduced a new HID ballast series to the market, the
SE. During its first year, customers have adopted the products with great
interest, and the sales volumes have exceeded expectations.
Now the range has been extended with new products. The same compact
profile is enlarged to cover ballasts for high pressure sodium 250W and
metal halide 400W lamps. These products are also available with internal
thermal protection.
The range now offers more variety since the SEP and SEPK ballasts for
150W high pressure sodium lamps are also available with short bottom
plates, enabling the smallest luminaire designs possible.
The electronic HID range continues its growth. The new member of the ballast family is a twin lamp type OP 2x70bs.
This ballast has the same features as previously introduced products, compact size, low ballast losses and other high
quality characteristics.
498 - New DIGIDIM Relay Unit
We are expanding our DIGIDIM product portfolio with a new 8
channel x 10A relay unit. The DIN rail mounted relay unit is fully
DALI and SDIM compatible device, allowing it to be incorporated
into both DIGIDIM and Imagine lighting control systems.
The 498 relay unit features high inrush specification relays, which
handle short-lived high peak inrush currents that can appear
when switching on loads. An override input allows for control by
external triggers. The relay unit can operate in an 8x1, 4x2 or 2x4
The relay unit benefits from an intuitive LED display with push
buttons for practical monitoring and control purposes.
EL-s Range - Enhanced Temperature Performance
The EL-s ballast range, that created the industry standard for slim ballasts,
has been kept as a state-of-the-art product range through continuous
innovative product development. In this way the products have always
been able to fulfil the most challenging luminaire requirements.
Now again we offer something more for the luminaire design. We have
increased the maximum permissible Tc point temperature by 5 oC. This
allows more freedom in new luminaire designs. The ballasts maintain their
long life time even when installed in hot environments, such as waterproof fittings.
Also the operating temperature range is now wider. Every EL-s ballast
is now capable of operation in harsh conditions from -20 to +50 oC, making them suitable for use in cold rooms, car
parks, warehouses etc.
News • 1 / 2008
1 / 2008 •
Helvar Offices
Helvar has representatives all over the world.
For additional information, please visit www.helvar.com
Head Office,
Helvar Oy Ab
Yrittäjäntie 23
FI-03600 Karkkila
Tel: +358 9 5654 1
Fax: +358 9 5654 9600
United Kingdom
Helvar Ltd
Hawley Mill
Hawley Road
Kent, DA2 7SY
Tel: +44 1322 2222 11
Fax: +44 1322 2822 16
Helvar GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 12
DE-63322 Rödermark
Helvar S.r.l.
Via W-Tobagi 26/1
IT-20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
Tel: +49 6074 9209 0
Fax: +49 6074 9209 23
Tel: +39 02 5530 1033
Fax: +39 02 5530 1032
Helvar Kft.
Lomb u. 31/b.
HU-1139 Budapest
Helvar AB
Åsögatan 155
SE-116 32 Stockholm
Tel: +36 1 2393 136
or +36 1 2380 948
Fax: +36 1 2393 145
Tel: +46 8 5452 3970
Fax: +46 8 2231 81
Helvar Bureaux France
Representative Office of Helvar Oy Ab
Business - center “Pollars”
Derbenevskaya Ambankment,
House 11
Moscow, 115114
12 Allée Joséphine de Beauharnais
FR-95320 Saint-Leu-la-Forêt
Tel: +33 1 3418 1281
Fax: +33 1 3418 0880
124, Boulevard Diderot
FR-75012 Paris
Tel: +33 6 8150 7885
Fax: +33 1 4474 6763
Tel: +7 (495) 540 9563 (218)
Fax. +7 (495) 540 9564
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