Calvary Crossings - Calvary Lutheran


Calvary Crossings - Calvary Lutheran
Calvary Crossings
Join us on
June 2016
to New Life in Ministry
Mission Statement: GATHERED to worship, TRANSFORMED by Christ, SENT out to serve.
Vision Statement: Jesus calls us to GROW as disciples, to GIVE generously, and to SERVE others every day.
Calvary Lutheran
Church, ELCA
2508 Washington Ave. SE
Bemidji, MN 56601
(218) 751-1893 · Fax (218) 444-5894
[email protected]
Senior Pastor
Rev. Genelle Netland
[email protected]
Associate Pastor
Rev. Andrew Ronnevik
[email protected]
Associate Pastor of Youth and Family
Rev. Nate Bendorf
[email protected]
Seminary Intern
Vicar Anne Meredith-Will
[email protected]
Children’s Ministry Director
Joan Meulebroeck
[email protected]
Worship and Music Minister
Shar Paquette
[email protected]
Church Administrator
Polly Merhar
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Erin Lundin
[email protected]
Russ Sletten, Gene Bright, CJ Merhar
Preschool Teachers
Wanda Roff
Diana Stokes
Amanda Renbarger
Melissa Williams
Preschool Support Staff
Marlene Sletten
Tonia Eglinton
Barb Gray
Jennifer Berg
Tina Garrison
Jessica Gunning
Callie Slominski
Allison Cordes
Emily Keller
On Sunday, June 5 we have a very special Faith-in-Action Day that will focus on projects at Calvary.
The largest project is to get the sanctuary ready for construction which begins on Monday, June 6,
and get the Fellowship Hall and Lounge ready for temporary summer worship. We have several other
projects too, so everyone should find something they like to do. A congregational picnic lunch will cap
off the event at 11:30 AM.
8:15 AM 9:15 AM
9:30 AM
Commissioning Faith-in-Action Volunteers
Meet the project leaders
Projects include: Moving and storing music equipment; Pew removal and storage; Removing the
screens and vents; Moving worship items (Bibles, hymnals, etc.); Setting up the fellowship hall for
worship; Setting up the lounge for Sunday fellowship; Grove clean-up; Preschool painting and garden
prep; Prayer path; Lunch prep; and helping provide childcare.
Sign-up forms are located at both entrances and are also available online at
Later this summer, we will have an outreach Faith in Action Day with projects in the Bemidji Community:
Sunday, August 28.
A council report is
available on the website
and in the church library.
July newsletter deadline:
8 AM, June 20, 2016.
Please e-mail submissions to
[email protected]
May be edited as space requires.
Enter the Bible............................... 2
Baptismal Festival......................... 2
Statements of Faith Schedule....... 2
Men in Boats................................. 2
New Member Events..................... 2
Monthly Mission Partner................ 3
Financial Report............................ 3
Art Sale for Capital Appeal............ 3
Amazon Smile update................... 3
Property Improvement Update...... 4
The Bridge..................................... 4
Summer Project Timeline.............. 4
Adult Ministries.............................. 5
Health and Wellness...................... 5
Calvary Crafters Update................ 5
Youth Ministries............................. 6
Preschool Updates........................ 6
Vacation Bible School.................... 6
Summer Child Care....................... 6
Congregational Milestones............ 6
Thank you...................................... 7
AmeriCorps Update....................... 7
Worship Sponsors......................... 7
Church Council Contact................ 7
Birthdays....................................... 8
Monthly Service Group.................. 8
Calvary Calendar........................... 9
Bemidji Area Church Musicians... 10
Engagement Announcement....... 10
Bridal Shower Invitation............... 10
Advanced Care Planning............. 10
“Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.”
Psalm 150:6
This summer, we won’t
be following the “narrative
lectionary” that we’ve been
using on Sundays from
fall through spring, though
we’ll start up with it again in
September. Instead, we’ll have
an assortment of readings that
get us looking at Lutheran basics, the connection between
faith and service, and the book of 2 Corinthians. On June 5,
we’ll hear from Romans 12:9-21 as we roll up our sleeves for
an in-house faith in action day (clearing out our sanctuary for
our renovation work); on the 12th, we’ll hear 2 Corinthians 1:111, which speaks of suffering and consolation; on the 19th,
we’ll read 2 Corinthians 2:1-10, which addresses pain and
forgiveness; and on the 26th, we’ll look at 2 Corinthians 4:115, which gives us the beautiful image of having “treasure in
clay jars.”
June 5
June 12
June 19
June 26
The confirmation program wrapped up on May 25, but 8th grade
students will be sharing their statements of faith during Wednesday
(and some Sunday) worship services. Come and hear these
thoughtful reflections on faith and support our youth!
May 29
June 1 June 8
June 12
June 15
June 19
June 22
June 29
July 3
July 6
July 10
July 13
July 20
July 27
Romans 12:9-21
2 Corinthians 1:1-11
2 Corinthians 2:1-10
2 Corinthians 4:1-15
Mattie Snyder
Lizzy Wadena, Aimee Berard, Aliya Berard
Noah Klinke, Pastors
Tom Naig, Noah Paulson
Samantha Hansen, Anna Garrigan, Chase Fillipi
Samantha Melberg, Aubrey Meyer
Keena Kondos, Katie Alto, Lindsey Hildenbrand
Auzie Risland, Daniel Roberts
Taylor Gish
Ben Kircher, Freddie Petrowske, Ryan Prestegard
Kyle Martens, Louise Fouquerel-Skoe
Megan McKinnon, Tristan Hamann, Colten Jensen
Kyle Dahl, Britta Aas
Chandler Seitz, Korben Ward
Our next baptismal festival will be held in August at Lake
Andrusia. If you need more information or are interested in
baptism for yourself or your child at Calvary during the summer
months, please contact Erin in the church office: 751-1893.
If you or others you know are interested in learning about
membership, please come to one of our new member
orientation sessions. If you would like to serve on the new
member ministry team or as a new member sponsor, please
contact Pr. Andrew.
Prospective new members are asked to attend a one-time,
one-hour orientation to meet others and learn about Calvary.
New Member Orientation will be held at Calvary Lutheran
Church. Calvary’s next new member orientation classes will
be held in September and October.
Following the orientation, new members affirm their faith and
are welcomed during Sunday morning worship services. The
next New Member Sunday will take place on October 23, 2016.
Join us for Men in Boats, a Christian men’s event located on one of
Minnesota’s top fisheries, Lake Andrusia, and the entire Cass Lake
chain of lakes, near Bemidji, MN. With a focus on enjoying God’s
outdoor creation, and growing in relation to Him. Men in Boats is in
its second year in the Bemidji area. The event will take place June
3-5, 2016 at Camp Minne-Wa-Kan, on the shores of Lake Andrusia.
All men of any age are welcome at Men in Boats, regardless of where
they may be in their faith journey. The combination of fellowship,
faith, friends, and fishing brings everyone closer to God’s plan for us
as Christian men.
The $110 per person event fee includes the meals on Friday
evening, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning, the lodging at the
camp, and a Men in Boats T-shirt. Registration forms can be printed
from the First Lutheran Church website ( For
more information, please contact Bob Zarrett by email at zarrett@ or by phone at 218-751-1606.
For more information, please contact Pastor Andrew or Erin in
the church office.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to
give, ... for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Calvary continues to support Peoples Church of Bemidji. This local
ELCA congregation does critical ministry with people experiencing
poverty, Native Americans, and others, with the leadership of Pr. Bob
Kelly and Deacon Julia Plum. A second ministry site for Peoples
Church is in progress in Cass Lake. Thank you for your partnership!
Calvary member Ann Peterson has generously donated
dozens of her original paintings to Calvary to raise funds for
the Bridge capital appeal. These paintings will be for sale in
the church lounge from June 5-July 24, the period when we’ll
be out of the sanctuary due to renovation work. These framed
water color and oil paintings will all be available for $75 or
above. Take one (or more) home and help us get closer to
our goals for debt reduction and facility improvement funds.
Partnership is more than money! This month, we invite you to
worship at Peoples Church. Their building is located at 824 America
Ave. NW, and they gather at noon for a feast, followed by worship
and prayer at 1:00 PM. The people of the congregation also have
these needs: fishing tackle; kitchen basics; good tools; pine cones;
running vehicles; and mirrors.
While we will take a second offering one Sunday per month (June
12), you are encouraged to give thoughout the month to our partners.
We are asking that ALL checks be made out to Calvary Lutheran.
In the memo line, write our mission partner for the month. This will
help with better record keeping.
In May, Calvary received a $17.26 donation from the
Amazon Smile Foundation. This was based on purchases
made by people using the website from January 1 through
March 31, 2016.
When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of
the purchase price to Calvary Lutheran Church. Bookmark
the link and
support us every time you shop!
April 2016
General Fund
$54,239 $83,646
Cash and receivables: $256,193
April Ministry Partner
Gideon’s International $1,460
Calvary Foundation Balance
Capital Appeal: THE BRIDGE
Pledged to date: $821,801
Received in April: $23,031
Received by 4/30/2016: $424,768
Households Pledged to date: 205
Calvary offers this additional way to send your contributions!
From your cell phone, text 218-366-9404. After you register
your payment method, just text the amount you want to give
(e.g., $20) and click send. If you want to designate funds
to the Capital Appeal, text your amount, followed by “cap”
(e.g., $20 cap). Any funds that are not “cap” indicated will
be sent to the general fund. This is a secure and easy way
to contribute to Calvary.
Information sheets are located at the welcome table in the
narthex, or contact Erin or Polly in the church office if you
have any questions.
Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you.
As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
We are so excited about the property improvement project
moving forward! Things are already happening almost daily, but
the big, intense part of the project starts on June 6. The projects
in the sanctuary will give it fresh, clean look while making it a
better place for worship.
Here are the projects in a bit more detail. The sanctuary space
will be acoustically brightened by installing sheet rock on the
walls surrounding the screens and putting a commercial vinyl
tile floor on the altar/music area. New speakers will be installed
and positioned for the best sound in the whole room. The organ
speakers will come out from their hiding spot to improve the
sound of the organ, too.
Join us on
to New Life in Ministry
The room lighting and stage lighting will be improved with the
use of LED fixtures. Fresh carpet and pew upholstery fabric will
be installed. The ceiling and walls will be cleaned and wood
surfaces oiled. Both the fellowship hall and sanctuary will have
high quality, energy efficient windows installed.
When the project is complete the sanctuary and fellowship hall
will look as clean, bright and modern as the new sections of the
building that were built in 2009! You will get your first chance to
see the sanctuary on Sunday, July 24, when we move back into
the sanctuary.
The property improvement ministry team has been working
hard to make thoughtful, long-term decisions that will improve
the worship and relational value of the sanctuary, lounge and
fellowship hall. We hope that you are as excited by these
updates as we are!
Thank you to the property team for all their hard work so far and
for all those who have pledged and are giving to The Bridge
capital appeal. These efforts are making it possible for these
needed and wonderful improvements to happen!
Many thanks to everyone that participated in the April 24, Pie Day
celebration at Calvary! Between pie sales and fellowship, we
raised over $2,000 for the Bridge Captial Appeal! Special thank
you to everyone that donated pies, the Property Improvement
Team, Bridge Team, and Foundation for serving, and Mel Luepke
for being the auctioneer in pie sales. This was a great day to
celebrate all of the upcoming projects and progress that has
already been made at Calvary! Thank you to everyone for being
pieces of our church pie!
Sunday, June 5: In-Reach Faith-in-Action Day
Remove/store pews and other preparation projects
(See article on page 1 and be sure to participate!)
Week of June 6
• Sheet rock walls around video screens
• Install Sanctuary windows
Week of June 13
• Sheet rock is finished
• Sheet rock is painted
• Sanctuary wall/ceiling clean & oil
• Hang organ speakers
Week of June 20
• Finish wall/ceiling clean & oil
• Install speakers & stage lighting
• Install ceiling lighting
• Install windows shades
Week of June 27
• Finish sound/light installation
• Floor preparation and begin installation
Week of July 4
• Install flooring
Week of July 11
• Install pews
• Tune the sound system
Week of July 18
• Pew upholstery
• Ready sanctuary for worship on July 24
Week of July 25
• Install Fellowship Hall speakers – tune sound
As Yet Unscheduled
• Install Fellowship Hall windows
• Install Fellowship Hall lighting
“May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith as you are being
rooted and grounded in love.” Ephesians 3:17
Wednesday evenings, June 1 – July 13, 7:15-8:30 PM (or so) in the
Lounge. Our summer book study will look at short stories and essays
by authors ranging from Alice Walker to Garrison Keillor, collected in
volume 1 of Listening for God: Contemporary Literature and the Life
of Faith. Books will be available in the church office for a suggested
donation of $14. Participants need not attend every session, as each
week we’ll discuss one author’s contribution. The group will gather
after 6:30 worship to enjoy ice cream and conversation, and then will
shift to the book discussion. Sign up in the church office. Contact Pr.
Andrew with questions.
All men are invited to Southside Restaurant on Wednesdays at 6:30
AM for fellowship as we nourish our bodies and souls with breakfast
and study the Bible.
MARTHA CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY meets in the lounge on the 3rd
Tuesday of each month at 1:30 PM. All women are welcome!
HOPE CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY meets in the lounge on the 3rd
Tuesday of each month at 9:30 AM. All women are welcome!
Join Sarah Bendorf on Sundays at 5:30 PM on June 5, and
then at 11:00 AM June 12 through August 28 for a fun workout
at Calvary. Class meets in classroom 7 or the gym. The
cost is $5/class payable to the instructor. Bring water, comfy
shoes, a friend and a smile.
Visit for more information.
Leah Hendricks offers a variety of classes and times (over 20
classes each month). Find her class schedule on the Calvary
calendar or on her website at
Haidong Gumdo is a non-competetive, no-contact martial art
that allows students to develop self-discipline and earn selfrespect. It is a low-impact art that is great for all ages and
athletic abilities. Classes are Sundays from 7:00-9:00 PM in
the gym. Call Northwinds Martial Arts at 218-333-3806 with
MARIGOLD CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY meets the first Monday of each
month at 10:00 AM, usually in a home. Contact Lorraine Sauer (4449842) or Linda Arnold (759-9702) to get connected.
Weekly online Bible Study is available on the Calvary website. Go to, hover over the Ministries tab, and select weekly
scripture and devotions. Or you can sign up for the weekly E-News
by visiting the Calvary web page and clicking on the Resources tab,
select Calvary News, and then enter your email address.
GRIEF SHARE - Tuesdays 5:15 - 7:15 PM
Grief Share is available for people grieving the loss of a family
member or friend. The spring session is from March 15 - June 7.
The summer session will run July 5 through September 27. Contact
Chip Holt (444-7751 or 651-353-0029) for more information.
Calvary Crafters meet on the first Monday of each month at 12:00
(noon) in the Lueken’s North, Fireside area.
Calvary Quilters are taking a summer break until after Labor Day.
A new session of Divorce Care began on Thursday, May 26 and
will meet from 6:30 - 8:30 PM in Classroom 1 at Calvary Lutheran
for 13 weeks. New attendees are welcome, even if they missed
earlier sessions. For more information, contact Chip Holt (4447751 or 651-353-0029).
The Calvary Crafters will be meeting once-a-month during
the summer to see one another, catch up on our activities,
and craft. The first meeting will be Monday, June 6 at 12:00
(noon) at Lueken’s North, in the Fireside Room.
We will try to stick to the first Monday of July and August
for the summer. We may try other locations as the weather
permits (thinking of a park or outdoor setting and picnic) but
we will update as time gets closer.
We have had a very successful year of crafting since last
fall with many contributions given by you to our community
and beyond. Newborn infants have received hats and flannel
blankets, chemo patients have been given warm and colorful
hats to wear, Prayer Shawls have comforted and warmed
individuals experiencing loss or illness, Prayer Scarves
were showered on Calvary’s graduating Senior High School
students to remind them of our love, and many individuals
from our community received hats, scarves and mittens to
keep them warm throughout our cold winter. (Remember our
tree in the back entry way?) Thank you very much for your
contributions to this effort!
Want to be a part of the Crafters group? Join us, June 6th at
noon at Lueken’s North, in the Fireside Room, or contact the
church office to get connected with a member of the Calvary
We have been learning about home, city, and state and how we
fit into our world. We are also reviewing our letters and numbers
we have learned this year. How we pray is our faith time
focus. Prayer is conversation with God. We can pray anytime,
anywhere and any way! At bedtime, in the morning; in our bed,
in the car; whispering or singing! God hears our prayers!
A HUGE thank you to all the teachers, helpers and families
who gave their time, energy and compassion in making Sunday
school a transformational event this year! Sunday school lays the
groundwork for a trusting relationship with Jesus.
The preschool will graduate 43 kids that are heading off to
kindergarten next fall! We will miss them but are excited about
welcoming kids next fall—some returning students, some new
and some are siblings of past students! The preschool is full for
next fall and we have a waiting list for all of our classes.
Sunday school families, we encourage you to stay connected over
the summer through worship, service events and practicing the
faith in the home, car, vacation spots and more. One way to do so
is to utilize the “4 keys” 1. Caring Conversations (a high and a low for the day)
2. Devotions (Pick a text from the bible or use a daily devotional)
3. Service (signup as a family to serve at a non-profit)
4. Rituals/Traditions/Prayers (pray together before meals,
bedtime, or long road trips)
If you would like more information about these 4 Keys and how
your family could utilize them, please talk with Pastor Nate!
Starting on May 29, our 8th grade students will be sharing their
statements of faith in Sunday and Wednesday worship. Please
join us as we hear what God is up to in the lives of our 8th graders.
CLUB continues in the summer! We will be meeting at different
homes and locations throughout the summer to fellowship, have
fun, and grow in faith. Watch the church calendar, Calvary Youth
FaceBook page, and your texts about dates and locations. If you
would like to receive text messages about upcoming Senior High
events or if you would like to host a summer Wednesday night
event, please contact Pastor Nate.
June 1 – Mission Trip Meeting 7:30 PM, fellowship hall
June 8, 22 – Possible CLUB nights at homes. Stay tuned for
This summer over 55 high school and middle school youth will be
participating in short-term mission trips. Our middle school youth
will be traveling to Green Bay, WI June 12-17 and our Senior High
youth will be traveling to Benton Harbor, MI July 16-23. Please
join us at the 8:15 AM worship service on June 12 to send off our
Middle School missionaries, and join us Wednesday, July 13 at our
6:30 PM worship service to send off our Senior High missionaries!
We thank the staff and congregation for their continued support
as we empower our students to be faithful disciples and
academic leaders!
All Sunday school youth 3
years old through 6th grade are
invited to join us for Vacation
Bible School (VBS)! It will be at
Calvary the week of August 1-5
and be led by Pathways Bible
Camp and Calvary staff. It will
be a fun and growth-filled week.
Look for more information and a
sign-up coming soon!
The weather has given us hints that warmer weather will arrive, so
wanted to let you know about an option for kids 3 years old—10
years old (entering 5th grade). Calvary Lutheran is again offering
child care camps for the summer months. They will begin on June
6 and end August 26. Hours are 7:30 AM—5:30 PM with a brown
bag lunch from home. Cost is $26.00 per day or $5.00/hour up to
5 hours. Brochures and registration forms are available in the wall
rack by the preschool area, in the church office, and online at www. If you would like more information or
have questions, please contact Joan in the church office—751-1893.
Clara Anne Sand
~ daughter of Eric & Alexandria Sand
Liam Arthur Colbert
~ son of David Colbert & Tia Edevold
Brynlee Leola Wendland
~ daughter of Matthew & Jill Wendland
Brooklynn Marie McKinnon
~ daughter of Nicole McKinnon-Crenshaw & Wes Crenshaw
These mission trips are impossible without the support, prayers
and encouragement of the entire congregation! Thank you for
participating in events like the Silent Auction, Bake Sale and
Easter Breakfast. And thank you for changing lives in Bemidji, in
Green Bay, and Benton Harbor this summer! To God be the glory!
A big thank you goes to the Calvary Lutheran folks for their
generous contribution to the March Food Share campaign, raising
a total of $3,797.77 during this very important fund raiser. Money
raised in March is needed to sustain the Bemidji Community Food
Shelf through the summer and well into the fall.
to honor a loved one or event
We also want to thank all the people who donate their time working
a shift at the Food Shelf on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every
month. A special thank you goes to Lorraine Sauer for calling
to fill these shifts and training new volunteers. These gifts are
examples of how we live out our mission and vision statements to
give generously and serve others.
We invite you to sponsor worship in honor of your loved one or
event! We will include your event or loved one as part of the prayers
of the church, in the announcements, the newsletter, enews and
Power Points! The $50 sponsorship donations go to offset costs
associated with worship. Sign up on the fellowship doors.
If you would like to be involved in this rewarding ministry, please
leave your name and phone number at the church office and you
will be put on the call list. ~ Bemidji Food Shelf
June Worship Sponsors:
Without the help of numerous congregation
members and volunteers, our school year
activities would not be possible. There are
so many people who volunteer their time
to help at Calvary and with our youth that
naming everyone is a huge challenge. Know
that your time is genuinely appreciated and
felt by everyone. Thank you for all that you
do to help Calvary thrive!
June 5
June 12
June 19
June 26
Sign-up sheets are hanging on the fellowship hall doors.
Please consider this opportunity!
Many thanks to each of the following:
Vicar Anne’s Internship Support Team
~ in honor of Vicar Anne’s Internship
Sponsorship available at press time
Haley, Hunter, and Heaton Brodina
~ in memory of Grandma Sharon Vagle’s birthday
Jon and Barb Bergquist
~ in honor of Lillian Sauer’s 90th birthday (Jon’s mother)
Sunday school teachers and helpers
Family Express: Camp-style worship musicians
Kingdom Kids volunteers
Kidz Choir accompanists, helpers, and singers
Calvary Alive cooks, servers, and clean-up crews
Confirmation small group guides
Confirmation mentors
Calvary Choir
Praise Team
Sound techs
Adult Education leaders
Grief Share and Divorce Care leaders
Bible Study and Circle leaders
Calvary Quilters and Crafters
Office Volunteers
Please pray for all of our leaders and feel free to be in touch
with them.
Nancy Schram, President.................................... 444-9619
[email protected]
Rod Gunderson, Vice President ......................... 243-3085
[email protected]
Paul Iverson, Treasurer ...................................... 444-4848
[email protected]
Leonore Potter, Member-at-large ....................... 586-2009
[email protected]
Justin Sherwood, Member-at-large......................368-9011
[email protected]
Jennifer Sanford, Member-at-large..................... 586-2785
[email protected]
Jeff Erickson, Member-at-large .......................... 224-3147
[email protected]
Wendy Brown, Member-at-large.......................... 556-1713
[email protected]
Bruce Hemstad, Member-at-large....................... 444-7567
[email protected]
Thank you Calvary Cemetery Team for your hard work on May
7! The group met to clean up brush and debris from the winter
months to get things ready for Memorial Day. If you would like to
be a part of this important team, please contact the church office
to be connected with the leader of the group.
Council meetings are held the Wednesday after the 10th of
the month from 4:30-6:15 PM in classroom #7.
Many thanks to the AmeriCorps team staying at Calvary this month
and next! On May 7, they assisted with the Cemetery Clean-up
day. They are currently serving the Bemidji Food Shelf and the
Headwaters Science Center. If you see them during their stay
here, please be sure to thank them for all that they are doing for
our community!
Please pray in celebration for these people on their birthday. If your birthday is not
listed, or is not correct, please call the church office to update our records.
Blessings on your birthday!
June 1 Laverne Bell, Vic Koosmann, Mike Solheim, Arden Stevens, Jamie
Nelson, Denise Truax, Reagan Petrowske, Haylee Jacobson
June 2 Phillip Eriksen, Lucille Knudson, Vicki Ruzicka, Cheri Parker, Jessica
Kemp, Marcy Webb, Erica Fauchald, Daniel Donat
June 3 Nellie Withoff, Steve Miller, Aryn Wiegele, Ashley Tran, Isaac Heath,
Cassandra Schram, Trinity Kerr
June 4 Stephen Alto, Linda Barkley, Justin Staker, Tyler Winkka, Sydney Ewert,
Parker Beyer, Kolton Meyer, Rylee Sander, Piper Whiting
June 5 Janet Koosmann, Linda Tran, Mark Yokom, Reese Truax
June 6 Benita Dingman, John Forsberg, Rebecca Thompson, Justin Nelson
Splichal, Alysse Hasbargen, Gavin Gilling, Owen Naegeli
June 7 Janet Stokes, Dawn Hinrichs, Bruce Hasbargen, Shane Zietz, Erica
Ward, McKenzie Timms, Auzie Risland
June 8 Dan McAllister, Kevin Christensen, Theresa Wilcox, Cathy Smith, Adam
June 9 Stacey Pfremmer, Dan Rasmussen, Lake Beyer
June 10 Geraldine Bratlien, Billie Edwards, Russ Sletten, Scott Cirks, Josh
Campbell, Bryce Hendricks, Kylee Seitz
June 11 Rebecca Collison, Sally Carpenter, John Naegeli, Heather Boyer, Zachary
June 12 Lorraine Wubbels, Penny Pokorny, Chad Tharaldson, Lisa Schaefer,
Anne Carlstrom, Ellen Phelps, Caden Bolte, Lauren Ramberg
June 13 Tony Andrews, Andy Ramberg, Levi Passa, William Westhoff, Sarah
June 14 Derry Marsh, Mark Stevens, Terri Schaubhut, Andrew Dahlby, Eric
Underbakke, Kent Wolbeck
June 15 Bjorn Froiland, Elaine Honl, Robyn Beaulieu, Jordan Vraa
June 16 Pat Pick, Skip Vigen, Dean Kvalevog, Rick Jaskowiak, Marlene Sletten,
Zoe Sandberg, Will Zellmann
June 17 Ardis Norenberg, Betty Port, Paul Malterud, Cassi Wilson, Zach Rickers,
Mason Ellis
June 18 Sharon Lish, Craig Rypkema, Quinn Niemi, Wesley Truax
June 19 Amanda Minske, Faith Fricke, Gabriel Lee, Soren Lee
June 20 Bobbie Hallik, Amanda Staker, Danielle Hoven, Grant Hamilton
June 21 Dave Stevens, Roy Lund, Andrea Long Voelkner, Ben Moran, Charlie
Zellmann, Isabeleana Mastin, Cora Scramstad
June 22 Donna Johansson, Karly Engen, Nate Larson, Millie Wesley
June 23 Nicole Evje, Jade Hovet, Brylee Colligan
June 24 Renee Kennedy, Vern Voss, Mary Appleton, Steve Jensen, TJ McCrory
June 25 Deb Ewert, Leah Apel, Robbyn Younggren, Jeff Erickson, Amanda Olson
June 26 Glenn Often, Kitty Hare, Cheri Douglas, Curtis Meyer, Adam Sorenson,
Abbie Fettig, Kaden Haugen, Noah Bartz
June 27 Cheryl Harms, Patsy Weegar, Brian Sherwood, Sonja Clemenson,
Maddie Petrowske, Tait Vigesaa
June 28 Erik Jensen, Nolan Buegler, Ryan Loewe, Krister Vigesaa, Taylor Nelsen
June 29 John Colford, Dawn Roppe, Erica Harmsen, Leah Lemke, Arden
June 30 Carol Longfellow, Sue Sveine, Rachel Johnson, Mckenzie Starkey
Katelyn Moyer, Reid Weidner
Please Note: Service groups
serve one month every 18 months.
Members of the group are asked to
be a part of Sunday coffee fellowship,
help with funerals, substitute as
worship servants or help with other
needs as they arise.
Mike & Linda Arnold
Matt & Amy Bahl
Rance & Missi Bahr
Daryl & Judy Bjerke
Chad & Heather Bjorgaard
Carolyn Bratlien
Wendy Brown
Shar Paquette & Don Carlson
Cameron & Marlene Clemens
Ted & Irene DeVries
Dave & Susan Eichstadt
Brad & Beth Fleahman
Nikki Frank
Jeff & Sylvia Fossen
Brian & Linda Glynn
Steve & Tracy Grove
Jon & Bev Hodgson
Darla Jackson
Seth & Rachel Johnson
Christian & Jen Knutson
Don & Ellis LaVoy
Mel & Kathy Luepke
Terry & Bev Matson
Lyle & Joan Meulebroeck
Leon & Deb Nelson
Harlan & Diane Olson
Nancy Peterson
Tom & Carla Quinn
Thomas & Penny Riewer
Jim & Patti Russ
AmericCorps 1
Summer Childcare in Session
9:00 AM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
5:30 PM RIPPED Exercise Class
with Leah
6:35 PM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
AmericCorps 1
Summer Childcare in Session
9:00 AM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
9:00 AM Summer Preschool
Session 1
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Hope Circle
1:30 PM Martha Circle
5:30 PM RIPPED Exercise Class
with Leah
6:35 PM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
AmericCorps 1
Middle School Mission Trip to
Green Bay
Summer Childcare in Session
9:00 AM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
9:00 AM Summer Preschool
Session 1
5:30 PM RIPPED Exercise Class
with Leah
6:35 PM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
AmericCorps 1
Summer Childcare in Session
9:00 AM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
5:15 PM - 7:15 PM Grief Share
Spring Session
5:30 PM RIPPED Exercise Class
with Leah
6:35 PM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
AmericCorps 1
No Child Care
5:15 PM - 7:15 PM Grief Share
Spring Session
5:30 PM RIPPED Exercise Class
with Leah
7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
AmericCorps 1
Newsletter Pickup Day
Summer Childcare in Session
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM PiYO
Exercise Class with Leah
6:30 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible
6:30 PM Calvary Alive Worship
7:15 PM Wednesday Evening
Book Discussion
8:00 PM AA - Pine Tree Mtg
AmericCorps 1
Summer Childcare in Session
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM PiYO
Exercise Class with Leah
6:30 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible
9:00 AM Summer Preschool
Session 1
6:30 PM Calvary Alive Worship
7:15 PM Wednesday Evening
Book Discussion
7:30 PM HS Youth CLUB in
home - TBA
8:00 PM AA - Pine Tree Mtg
AmericCorps 1
Middle School Mission Trip to
Green Bay
Summer Childcare in Session
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM PiYO
Exercise Class with Leah
6:30 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible
9:00 AM Summer Preschool
Session 1
4:30 PM Church Council
6:30 PM Calvary Alive Worship
7:15 PM Wednesday Evening
Book Discussion
8:00 PM AA - Pine Tree Mtg
AmericCorps 1
Summer Childcare in Session
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM PiYO
Exercise Class with Leah
6:30 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible
5:15 PM - 6:15 PM Calvary
Foundation Mtg
6:30 PM Calvary Alive Worship
7:15 PM Wednesday Evening
Book Discussion
7:30 PM HS Youth CLUB in
home - TBA
8:00 PM AA - Pine Tree Mtg
AmericCorps 1
No Child Care
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM PiYO
Exercise Class with Leah
6:30 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible
6:30 PM Calvary Alive Worship
7:15 PM Wednesday Evening
Book Discussion
7:30 PM HS Mission Trip Meeting
8:00 PM AA - Pine Tree Mtg
AmericCorps 1
Family Resort Weekend at
Summer Childcare in Session
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM R.I.P.P.E.D
Exercise Class with Leah
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Friday Men's
Basketball (private)
8:00 PM AA - Pine Tree Mtg
AmericCorps 1
Family Resort Weekend at
8:00 AM Kangoo Power with
AmericCorps 1
AmericCorps 1
Middle School Mission Trip to
8:00 AM Kangoo Power with
Green Bay
Summer Childcare in Session
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM R.I.P.P.E.D
Exercise Class with Leah
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Friday Men's
Basketball (private)
12:00 PM 50's Decade Group Lunch at Giovanni's Pizza
8:00 PM AA - Pine Tree Mtg
AmericCorps 1
AmericCorps 1
Summer Childcare in Session
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM R.I.P.P.E.D
Exercise Class with Leah
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Friday Men's
Basketball (private)
8:00 PM AA - Pine Tree Mtg
AmericCorps 1
AmericCorps 1
No Child Care
8:00 AM Kangoo Power with
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM R.I.P.P.E.D
Exercise Class with Leah
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Friday Men's
Basketball (private)
8:00 PM AA - Pine Tree Mtg
AmericCorps 1
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Friday Men's 8:00 AM Kangoo Power with
Summer Childcare in Session
Basketball (private)
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Divorce Care 8:00 PM AA - Pine Tree Mtg
Summer Session
6:35 PM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Sons of
Norway Meeting
AmericCorps 1
Summer Childcare in Session
9:00 AM Summer Preschool
Session 1
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Divorce Care
Summer Session
6:35 PM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
AmericCorps 1
Middle School Mission Trip to
Green Bay
Summer Childcare in Session
9:00 AM Summer Preschool
Session 1
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Divorce Care
Summer Session
6:35 PM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
AmericCorps 1
Summer Childcare in Session
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Boy Scouts
Round Table
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Divorce Care
Summer Session
6:35 PM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
AmericCorps 1
No Child Care
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Divorce Care
Summer Session
6:35 PM Kangoo Jumps Exercise
PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE CALENDAR : If you are aware of an event that should go in the Calvary calendar, please contact Polly at [email protected] by the newsletter deadline.
AmericCorps 1
Summer Childcare in Session
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM R.I.P.P.E.D
Exercise Class with Leah
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Christ Care
Bible Study
7:00 PM Boy Scouts
AmericCorps 1
Family Resort Weekend at Pathways
Newsletter Pickup Day
8:15 AM Worship - Contemporary
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Summer Coffee Fellowship
9:30 AM Worship - Contemporary
11:00 AM Summer Zumba with Sarah
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Northwind Martial Arts
AmericCorps 1
Newsletter Deadline
Summer Childcare in Session
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM R.I.P.P.E.D
Exercise Class with Leah
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Christ Care
Bible Study
7:00 PM Boy Scouts
AmericCorps 1
Father's Day
8:15 AM Worship - Traditional
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Summer Coffee Fellowship
9:30 AM Worship - Traditional
11:00 AM Summer Zumba with Sarah
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Northwind Martial Arts
AmericCorps 1
Middle School Mission Trip to
Green Bay
Summer Childcare in Session
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Christ Care
Bible Study
7:00 PM Boy Scouts
AmericCorps 1
Middle School Mission Trip to Green Bay
8:15 AM Worship - Contemporary - Middle
School Mission Trip Commissioning
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Summer Coffee Fellowship
9:30 AM Worship - Contemporary
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Northwind Martial Arts
AmericCorps 1
Summer Childcare in Session
5:15 AM - 6:05 AM R.I.P.P.E.D
Exercise Class with Leah
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM Schoolcraft
Staff In-service
10:00 AM Marigold Circle (in
members homes)
12:00 PM Calvary Crafters at
Lueken's North - fireside area
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Christ Care
Bible Study
7:00 PM Boy Scouts
AmericCorps 1
Sanctuary Move-out Day is Calvary Faith-inAction Day, too
8:15 AM Worship - Traditional
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Summer Coffee Fellowship
9:30 AM Calvary Faith In Action AT CALVARY
9:30 AM Faith in Action Day at Calvary Begins at
11:30 AM Faith in Action Day Picnic
3:00 PM Cassandra Schram Wedding Shower
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Zumba with Sarah Bendorf
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Northwind Martial Arts
AmericCorps 1
Calvary Office Closed
Memorial Day
No Child Care
7:00 PM Boy Scouts
AmericCorps 1
Baptism Festival
Newsletter Pickup Day
Summer Worship Times Start Today, May 29
8:15 AM Worship - Contemporary
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Summer Coffee Fellowship
9:30 AM Worship - Contemporary
JUNE 2016
8:15 AM, 9:30 AM
Coffee Fellowship 9:00-10:00 AM
Wednesday 6:30 PM
M, Tu, Th 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Wed 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Friday Closed
Sunday 8:00 AM - 10:45 AM
2508 Washington Ave. SE ~ Bemidji, MN 56601
(218) 751-1893 ~ Fax (218) 444-5894
[email protected]
Our former Vicar, Kim Cassidy, is engaged and will be
getting married Saturday, August 20, 2016 to Mr. Todd
Kyllo. If you would like to send a note of congratulations
to celebrate their marriage, you can send it to the
following address:
The 2016 Summer Recital Series, sponsored by the
Bemidji Area Church Musicians, has been set for each Wednesday,
beginning June 1 and continuing through August 31.
Each recital is scheduled from 12:00 noon to 12:30 PM.
June 1 United Methodist Church
Cynthia White, Sarah Carlson, Philip Hermann, Nik Kivi, Madelyn Lawrence
Organ Recital
June 8 First Lutheran Church
Sarah Carlson ~ Organ
June 15 First Presbyterian Church
Elizabeth Sorenson (Scholarship Recipient) ~ Mezzo Soprano
Muff Magelssen ~ Organ and Keyboard
June 22 Evangelical Free Church
Elizabeth Mucerino (Scholarship Recipient) ~ Piano
June 29 First Baptist Church
Eve Sumsky ~ French Horn
July 6 Sacred Heart Church, Wilton
Karenlee Alexander ~ Piano
July 13 St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church
Dr. Beverly Everett ~ Organ
July 20 United Methodist Church
Glenn Seibel ~ Euphonium
July 27 Evangelical Covenant Church
Lois Simonson ~ Piano; Kari Miller ~ Flute
Shanna Gustafson ~ Saxophone; Katelyn Tinglestad ~ Violin
Aug. 3 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Flute Ensemble and St. Mark’s Musicians
Aug. 10 Calvary Lutheran Church
Jennifer (Paquette) Ellis ~ Piano and Folk Harp
Aug. 17 St. Philip’s Church
Aana Freihammer ~ Piano
Philip Herman ~ Organ and Voice
Aug. 24 Aardahl Lutheran Church
Wayne Hoff ~ Organ
Carol L. Johnson ~ Piano
Aug. 31 First Lutheran Church
Turtle Island Ensemble:
Sarah Carlson ~ Piano; Andrew Ronnevik ~ Violin; Jon Romer ~ Native Flute
Bob Madeson ~ Euphonium; Jake Kaehne ~ Voice
Kim Cassidy & Todd Kyllo
1830 Maple Street NE
# 507
Stewartville, MN 55976
You are invited to a Bridal Shower
in honor of
Cassandra Schram
June 5, 2016 at 3:00 PM
Calvary Lutheran Church
2508 Washington Ave. SE
Bemidji, Minnesota
Please RSVP to Briana Rueter
at 320-290-4669
On Wednesday, May 18, Rev. Mark Papke-Larson
led a presentation on Advanced Care Planning. The
information provided gave thought provoking ideas on
how to make each individual’s wishes known, before
they are placed in the position of not being able to
speak for themselves in a medical setting. Because
of the valuable information provided, Calvary may
have another presentation in the near future. If you
are interested in being a part of the next presentation,
please contact the church office to be put on a call list
when the next date becomes available. Thank you
to Rev. Mark Papke-Larson for giving an excellent
presentation and providing an opportunity to start the