美 好 生 活 志 - Ma Kuang Singapore


美 好 生 活 志 - Ma Kuang Singapore
Vol.05 2012
Special Theme
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www.makuang.com.sg 2012.VOL.05
Special Theme
Lucky Dragon Mummy the
boss during Confinement!
Guide to“Online Pharmacy”
Wong Yiu Nam
Self-Prevention of
Cervical Spondylopathy
Beauty comes from within
Gua Sha and Tui Na
A Holistic Approach to Health
Chicken Drumstick with
Herba Cistanches
and Gingko Nut
Ma Kuang News
02 LIFECARE / 美好生活志
Special Theme
2012 belongs to the Year of the Dragon in the lunar calendar. Which expectant mother does not wish to have a“Little
Dragon Baby”in 2012? Kindly note that Ma Kuang Chinese Medicine Clinics have received an increase in number of
pregnant women or new mothers that require conditioning during this peak period as compared to the same period last year.
However, Ma Kuang Chinese Medicine physicians would like to remind all that accompanying the joy of a new life and the
freshness of being a parent is the confinement care of the postpartum mother. Confinement is the most crucial period in the
physical recovery of the postpartum mother, but there are many young mothers that have doubts about the troublesome
traditional rules, and questioning is confinement scientific? Is bathing and washing of hair really not allowed during
confinement? What should be eaten for confinement? In fact, the saying for“confinement”is scientific, but how to carry out
confinement in a scientific way is a science.
Ma Kuang Chinese Medicine physicians would now bring you into the science of scientific confinement, regardless if you
have already given birth to a Dragon boy or Dragon girl, or preparing to welcome the new life, we believe that this article
would be greatly beneficial for you and your friends.
04 LIFECARE / 美好生活志
What is“Confinement”
In medical science, it refers to the puerperium.
Puerperium mainly refers to the period after childbirth to
the time the mother’s body recovers back to the
pre-pregnancy state. In the normal course of pregnancy,
after the baby and placenta are delivered, there is a need
for the uterus to be restored to its normal size. The
placental separation wound would require about 6 weeks
to heal completely, and so the puerperium refers to
post-natal 6 weeks, that is from the time the baby is
delivered till 6 weeks of postpartum is called puerperium,
commonly known as the“confinement”.
Myths of Confinement?
The many traditional folk customs concerning“confinement”will bring worries
and stress to the postpartum mothers. Let us first take a look at the myths of
the folk customs and traditions regarding“confinement”–
Postpartum women should avoid wind?
The experts have introduced that according to the olden Chinese
tradition, postpartum women should avoid wind during confinement. But in the
hot summer days, the room temperature are nearly that of the body’s
temperature or slightly higher, and if abiding strictly the traditional sayings of
keeping all doors and windows tightly shut or covering in thick blankets, the
weak maternal or the baby would be prone to developing fever or heat stroke.
Ma Kuang Healthcare Group Chinese Medicine physicians cautioned that
“avoid wind”refers to convection wind (wind arising from the doors and
windows), but at the same time have to ensure sufficient ventilation, especially
in Summer, the rooms should be well ventilated and kept cool, to prevent heat
stroke. Fans or air conditioning may be switched on suitably, but have to avoid
strong wind blowing directly at the mother and baby. Mothers are advised to
wear long sleeves and long pants to prevent catching a cold.
Postpartum requires great nourishment?
“In general, regardless of the season, the general principle for the
maternal dietary choices during‘confinement’is unanimous.”Experts state
that pregnancy and childbirth exhaust the maternal greatly, and it is necessary
to replenish with nutrient-rich and easily digestible food after childbirth to
restore the physical energy and lactation function. Choices include food rich in
protein and inorganic salts, such as lean meat, eggs, chicken, fish, sesame etc.
According to past understanding, the use of ginseng and antler to nourish
maternal will cause“heatiness”
. In TCM perspective, the constitution of the
maternal can be heaty or cold in nature, and nourishment tonic should not be
taken in blindly. There was a maternal that consumed antler and experienced
shedding of the entire body’s hair due to over-heatiness.
The process of confinement in actual fact is the
recovery process of the entire reproductive
system of the mother. Improper recovery will
affect the health of the mother.
Antenatal pregnant women bear the
responsibility of providing for the nutritional
needs of fetal growth and development, and
the mother’s entire body system will undergo
a series of adaptation change. The uterine
smooth muscle cells enlarge, proliferate and
lengthen, an increased burden on the heart
and lungs, the kidney will also enlarge slightly
during pregnancy, ureteral wall thickens,
reduced muscle tension and peristalsis.
Others such as intestinal endocrinology, skin,
bone, joint, ligaments etc will also undergo
corresponding changes.
After the baby is delivered, the maternal
organs will return to the prenatal state. The
womb, perineum and vagina wounds will heal,
uterus will shrink, diaphragm will move down,
heart recovers, stretched loose skin, joints and
ligaments will also return to normal. The ability
of the morphology, position and functionality to
recover depends on the recuperation and
management of health during confinement.
Recovery will be faster and without
complications if proper care is taken
appropriately; any carelessness in
recuperation care would slow down the
Bathing or shampooing is not allowed during
“Traditionally, postpartum mothers are not allowed to bathe or shampoo during
‘confinement’is a myth.”Ma Kuang Chinese Medicine physicians states that,
maternal can bathe 1 day after childbirth, and have to bathe and shampoo
frequently during puerperium, but advised not to spend too long each time,
usually within 5-10mins, with water temperature maintained at 38℃ and
above. Baths should be avoided to prevent the unclean water from flowing into
the vaginal and cause infection. Maternal tend to eat more during this period,
and special attention should be taken for oral hygiene, rinsing the mouth and
brushing the teeth diligently to prevent occurrence of oral disease.
How important is
Postpartum not allowed to eat fruits?
There are some who thinks that fruits belong to“cold”food, and
postpartum women being weak are not allowed to eat. In fact, fruits can supply
vitamins and inorganic minerals, of which is vitamin C that protects the skin and
promotes wound healing. Fruits such as oranges, grapes, pears, bananas,
etc. may be eaten appropriately. Maternal having“confinement”in summer
may choose food such as green bean soup, white fungus soup or red rice
porridge etc to ensure adequate water intake, and also to prevent heat stroke.
What are the
correct methods
of Confinement?
Ensure correct eating habits
and adequate rest
Childbearing will cause extreme physical and
psychological fatigue to the maternal, hence
the first thing after child delivery is to allow the
mother to have a good sleep, and family
members should avoid disturbing them. After
the mother had sufficient rest, they are advised
to take in nutritious and easily digestible food,
at the same time drinking more water.
“Confinement”and breastfeeding period
should take in more food high in nutrition,
calorie and easily digestible, to promote rapid
recovery of the body and ensure adequacy of milk.
Getting out of bed to exercise
as early as possible
Under normal circumstances, mothers who
underwent vaginal birth should get out of bed
on the second day to walk around. But care
should be taken to avoid catching a cold and
美好生活志 / LIFECARE 05
Special Theme
direct cold wind blowing. Daily simple
exercise or postnatal gymnastics could
also be done under the supervision of
medical personnel, to aid in the
restoration and to maintain a good figure.
Special attention to
personal hygiene
Mothers during“confinement”tend to
have more perineal secretions, hence
should use warm water or 1:5000
potassium permanganate solution to
clean the genital area daily, diligently
changing the sanitary pad and keeping
the perineum clean and dry.
Postpartum mothers will also tend to
sweat more, and should wash their hair,
feet frequently, diligently changing the
underwear to keep the body skin clean.
Taking a shower is preferred over baths
to avoid infection due to dirty water
flowing into the vagina.
Phases of conditioning for Confinement with
Chinese Medicine
From the TCM perspective, the various phases of herbal conditioning differ according to the
physical changes of the new mothers. In general, postnatal phase 1 focuses on nourishing
new blood and removing blood stasis; Phase 2 focus on invigorating the spleen, nourish the
kidney, strengthen bones and muscles, replenish blood and Qi; Phases 3 and 4 emphasize on
replenishing blood and Qi. In addition, special care is also given to mothers with different needs
such as breastfeeding or retirement of milk, edema, mastitis etc.
Nourish new
blood, remove
blood stasis
1 week
Start breastfeeding as
early as possible
After childbirth, the breasts undergo
obvious hyperemia and expansion,
starting breastfeeding as early as
possible is able to stimulate the
secretion of milk and establish a good
start for future breastfeeding, and also to
promote uterine contraction and
recovery. Mothers should pay great
attention to their hands, nipple head and
breast hygiene before and after
breast-feeding to prevent mammary
gland infections and neonatal
gastrointestinal infection.
arrangements for
postpartum sexual activity
Sexual activity should be absolutely
prohibited in the presence of incomplete
cessation of lochia or within 42 days of
postpartum, as the uterine wound has
yet to fully recover. In the event that you
forget the“prohibition order”in a
moment of joy, it is likely to cause
puerperal infection, and even cause
chronic pelvic inflammation and other
adverse consequences.
Maternal who have early cessation of
lochia must adopt reliable contraceptive
measures upon resuming sexual
activity, as pregnancy during puerperium
is also common and should pay
attention to it.
Do not have direct wind
blow or catch a cold
If the room temperature is too high,
maternal can choose to use the
air-conditioner suitably, keeping the
temperature at 25-28℃ as appropriate,
but attention should be taken to avoid
blowing the cold wind directly at the
maternal. Mothers are advised to wear
long-sleeved clothes and trousers,
preferably with a thin pair of socks too.
Maternal during postpartum period
should avoid contact with cold water, to
prevent catching cold or developing pain
06 LIFECARE / 美好生活志
Representative herbal formula: Sheng Hua Soup
Composition: Basic composition as Angelica, pickled ginger, Ligusticum,
walnuts and baked licorice. Different medical viewpoints may have
variations to the formula.
The purpose of using Sheng Hua Soup is to ensure the smooth expulsion of
lochia, regulate the uterus contraction, prevent puerperal infection etc. The
herbal formula medication could start 3 days after natural delivery or after
finishing the course of uterotonic medicine, once daily, for about 5 to 7 days,
generally till lochia becomes pale grayish-yellow with a tinge of pink as
ideal. Many have the misconception that one should consume the Sheng
Hua Soup for the entire confinement period and this is in fact an extreme
mistake. Sheng Hua Soup is used to expel the lochia, and medication
should cease after achieving the aims. Excessive use is not only
non-beneficial, but also prone to complications like endless lochia, so
please be careful.
Regarding the composition of Sheng Hua Soup, different Chinese medicine
physicians may have their own prescription, but all have improving blood
circulation, removing blood stasis, eliminating lochia as the main efficacy,
and will also vary accordingly to the maternal constitution. For example in
the herbal formula, the Angelica and pickled ginger are warmer and dry in
nature, and the dosage should be lesser for those with heaty constitution, or
to increase the dosage of herbs with improving blood circulation, removing
blood stasis and diuretic efficacy such as the Leonurus. On the contrary, if
the mother is of a cold constitution and the uterine contraction is slower, one
may increase the dosage of pickled ginger.
Strengthen the
spleen, removing
astringent, nourish
the kidney,
strengthen the
bones and
invigorates Qi and
replenish blood.
2 weeks
Invigorate Qi
and nourish
3-4 weeks
Representative herbal formula: Median-Qi Invigorating Decoction,
Ginseng-Poria-Atractylodes Powder
The reason for emphasizing on strengthening the spleen, removing
dampness and astringency in the second week of postpartum is to first
hope that the Mother’
s gastrointestinal function are well-protected, so as
to ensure that the accompanying tonic medication could be well absorbed;
Secondly is to accelerate the expulsion of the body’s excess water, and as
the spleen and gastric conditioning prescription also exhibit the effects of
invigorating Qi, it is suitable for use in this phase. As for Eight Treasures
Soup, The Great Nourishment Soup and other potent blood and Qi
nourishing herbs that is warm and dry in nature, they may be taken in
advance before the second week, but those with incomplete expulsion of
lochia or with heaty and dry constitution might experience some side
effects, and thus is advised to be left to the third week for consumption.
Representative Herbal Formula:
1. Eight Treasure Soup
Composition: 4 materials (Angelica, Ligusticum, Radix Paeoniae Alba,
Rehmannia) + 4 generals (Codopnosis, Poria, Atractylodes, Licorice)
2. The Great Nourishment Soup
Composition: 4 materials + 4 generals + Astragalus, Cinnamon
From the third week of postpartum, as the heaty and dry constitution has
receded, it is now time to focus on replenishing the depletion after child delivery.
This can be based on individual’
s physical constitution, and apply the use of
relatively warmer and dry herbs to nourishing the blood and Qi. This phase of
tonic recuperation generally will have the Eight Treasures Soup, The Great
Nourishment Soup complementing with different ingredients and consumed.
End of
5 weeks
Confinement is usually set as 1 month, approaching the 5th week, mothers can
resume light, bland and normal diet, or reduce the frequency of tonic intake.
Those who wish to stop lactation could adopt the use of special herbal formula.
Ma Kuang Chinese medicine physicians would like to remind all that due to
pregnancy and childbirth, the uterine blood circulation would become more
vibrant, and if mothers is able to condition their body appropriately during the
entire confinement month, usually those with previous Gynecological disease and
primary dysmenorrhea, menstrual problems and cold extremities will see great
improvements. And so, mothers do not neglect the importance of confinement!
Specialized Care
The prescriptions above besides being
used for general conditioning, the
Dragon mummies if experience any of
the following problems below can also
seek advice from Chinese medicine
physicians, and select the appropriate
prescription for consumption:
Post-natal 1-2 weeks when
lochia or fluid metabolism is poor,
it is easy to develop edema. At
this point in time, according to the
different physical constitutions
can adopt the use of red bean
soup, barley soup, or addition of
Leonurus into the prescription to
achieve the effects of diuretics
and reduce swelling.
Insufficient milk
To promote milk secretion,
mothers can drink more fish soup
and eat more oysters, pig’s
trotters etc that are high in
protein. The Eight Treasures
Soup not only can supplement
the Qi and blood, but also able to
promote the secretion of milk. In
addition, to ensure a smooth
lactation, besides the usual
breast care and regular emptying
of milk, small amounts of
Qi-improving herbs such as
Vaccaria, Cyperus rotundus etc
could be added into the original
Eight Treasures Soup, to make
the mammary duct more patent.
The Mummy should seek
medical treatment is she
develops fever or inflammation
during confinement. In the event
of mastitis, hot compress and
massage is a must, and the
choice of herbs will be dandelion
as the most common, with the
addition of some Angelica,
Ligusticum or Vaccaria boiled
directly in water and drank. This
has anti-inflammatory effects
and promotes patency of
mammary duct. Mothers are also
advised to avoid oily foods to
prevent further obstruction to the
mammary duct.
Retirement of milk
If for some reasons the maternal
is not able to continue
breastfeeding, physicians will
recommend boiling malt in water
for drinking, or the use of leeks
and other food that could reduce
the secretion of milk.
Novelty in Confinement Tonic
“10 months pregnancy, 1 day childbirth”though is a physiological process, but having
experienced the hardships and fatigue of childbearing, there is a need for rest and
recuperation, to ensure the physical and psychological recovery of the young mother and the
adequacy of milk. Introducing to all below are 6 courses of confinement tonic. These recipes
are easy to prepare, mild and delicious, the top choice for new mummy in confinement.
E-jiao Red Date Soup
Main Ingredients: E-jiao
250g, red dates 1000g, walnut
500g, rock sugar 500g.
Cooking method: Remove
the skin from the walnuts, retain the core
and pound to a mash. Wash the red dates,
add in an appropriate balance of water in a
pot and cook till a mash. Use a clean piece
of cloth to filter away the skin dregs, and
place it into another pot. Add in rock sugar,
the mashed walnut core and simmer over
gentle fire. Place the E-jiao in a bowl and
on the top layer of the pot to steam till
molten. Add into the pot with red dates and
walnut and stew till a thick soup, serve.
Indications: Invigorates Qi and replenishes
blood, condition the spleen and gastric,
moisturizes and nourishes the Yin. The
tonic soup is highly effective for majority of
the postnatal women in their postpartum
rehabilitation, conditioning of body functions
and promoting lactation. The effects are
especially good in women who give birth in
Dosage: 2-3 tablespoons every morning
after childbirth.
Papaya Ribbonfish
Main Ingredients: Fresh
ribbonfish 200g, papaya
Cooking Method: Remove the innards,
scales and gills of the ribbonfish. Peel the
papaya and remove the seeds, cut into
cubes, add in a suitable amount of water
and brew with fish. Season and serve.
Indications: Nutritious, tonic, promotes
lactation. Suitable for maternal with
inadequate milk.
Consumption advice: Use green skin
white flesh raw papaya, do not use yellow
skin and flesh ripe papaya.
Peanut porridge
Main ingredients: Raw
peanuts (with skin) 100g, rice
Cooking method: Mash the peanuts, add
into cleanly washed rice and cook till
Indications: Peanuts are rich in protein and
unsaturated fats, able to awaken the spleen
and gastric, regulate the Qi and promote
lactation. Peanut skins have blood
nourishing and promoting blood circulation
effects. The porridge has significant
therapeutic effects for postpartum blood
deficiency maternal.
Dosage: 2 times a day (Morning &
Afternoon or Morning and Evening),
consume for 3 days consecutively.
Pig’s trotters Peanuts
Main Ingredients: Peanuts
100g, 1 pig’
s trotters.
Cooking Method: Remove the nails from
the trotters, wash clean and cut into cubes.
Wash the peanuts clean, add in appropriate
amount of water and stew over gentle fire till
the trotters are cooked. Serve soup and meat.
Indications: Promotes lactation in
postnatal women who does not produce
enough milk, and also able to treat anemia
and hemorrhagic disease, especially
suitable for consumption for maternal that
are of blood deficiency type.
Contraindications: Maternal of stasis
constitution should be cautious when
Hard-boiled eggs
cooked with Black
Glutinous rice wine
and brown sugar
Main Ingredients: 2 spoons of black
glutinous rice wine, 1 hard-boiled egg,
appropriate amount of brown sugar.
Cooking Method: Add the black glutinous
rice wine into a pot, add 1 bowl of plain
water, cook till boil for 10mins, de-shell the
hard-boiled egg and add into the pot. Add
in brown sugar and cook till sugar dissolve,
Indications: Replenishes the blood and Qi
of maternal, dispel cold and removes stasis.
Suitable for consumption for any type of
Contraindications: Do not exceed 10
days when consuming the brown sugar
water, to prevent lochia. Increases
sweating in maternal and results in low
sodium if taken in summer.
Chicken with white
fungus, chinese yam
and wolfberry
Main Ingredients: White fungus 50g,
Chinese yam 100g, wolfberry 5g, half a
Cooking Method: Wash the chicken clean
and cut into small pieces. Soak the white
fungus in clear water and cut into small
pieces. Place the chicken cubes, white
fungus cube together with the Chinese yam
and wolfberry into a pot, add 6 bowls of
clear water, cook for 2 hours and serve.
Indications: Nourishes the blood and Yin,
moisturizing effects. Especially suitable for
maternal that are of fluid and blood
deficiency constitution.
Contraindications: Maternal of stasis
constitution should be cautious when
美好生活志 / LIFECARE 07
Guide to “Online Pharmacy”
Yiu Nam Medical
Hall Pte Ltd is now
providing a new service to
serve their customers
better. With WONG YIU
PHARMACY, you can
order your Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM)
prescription at the comfort
of your home. You will be
assured of getting fresh
herbs from a reliable
traditional medical hall.
Online ordering is fast and
easy. Please save your
prescription in digital
format, either as a
document file or an image
–simply scan or take a
shot of the prescription.
We will work out the steps
for you.
The next page shows an
image of your prescription
and allows you to choose
the quantity you wish to
order, and also displays
the number of bonus point
you will receive. Clicking
on“Buy now”takes you to
the Cart.
Click“Upload Prescription”in the
main menu. Key in your username
& password to log in. If you are not
a member, please register
(free-of charge) now to enable
you to earn bonus points which
can be used to redeem selected
products in the catalogue.
Click“Upload your prescription
, browse the prescription file
mentioned aforesaid and click
submit. After the price of your
prescription is quoted (normally
within ONE working day), you will
be informed through phone or
Log in to the website again. Click
“Check Order Status”and the
price of your prescription will be
displayed and you can click on
“Buy with this prescription”to
confirm your order.
Click“Check out”if you don’
have any product to buy .
Proceed to key in your delivery
address and time, and click
, and also select your
payment mode, either by credit
card (via paypal) or Cash on
Delivery. You
may choose to collect your
order personally from Wong
Yiu Nam Medical Hall Pte Ltd at
51 Temple Street or from any
of the Ma Kuang outlets
island-wide, as long as you
have made payment online.
You will receive your order the
next working day.
Click“Pay by paypal
immediately”if you choose
to pay by credit card.
Please view for more details at the website
Please use IE8.0 or latest version or the Google chrome.
08 LIFECARE / 美好生活志
Self-Prevention of
Cervical Spondylopathy
ervical Spondylopathy
occurs due to
degeneration of the
cervical disc, causing
frequent stimulation to the
spinal cord which leads to a
series of clinical symptoms
and syndromes, such as
frequent dizziness,
headaches, stiff neck and
shoulder muscle pain,
numbness of the upper
limbs. Those with more
severe symptoms may
experience weakness of
both legs, difficulty in
walking, or even paralysis of
the four limbs, bowel and
bladder disorders and other
Case Study
Mr Gong is a 36-year-old
white collar worker who has
endured neck and shoulder
pain for 4 years, which was
accompanied by numbness
of both upper limbs, with the
left limb being more severe.
He also experiences
tightness in the chest,
tightness and pulling of the
back. Previous treatments
did not show much
improvement. Mr Gong
subsequently sought
orthopedic treatment at Ma
Kuang TCM massotherapy
Centre, which comprised
massotherapy of the spine
and cupping therapy. After
two treatments, the patient
experienced relief from neck
and shoulder aches,
numbness of the right hand
had diminished and there
was also improvement in
other symptoms such as
tightness in the chest. After
completing one course of
treatment, he felt that all the
symptoms had disappeared;
and realized the reasons
that caused his ailments
were: working with the head
bowed for long periods, the
temperature of the work
environment was low and
the air-con vent was
blowing directly at his neck
and shoulder areas.
Factors that Lead to
1. Working for long hours
with the head lowered:
This applies to office
workers who work in front of
the computer for long hours,
which causes chronic neck
muscle strain. Thus, the
computer has become the
main reason for Cervical
Spondylopathy. Those who
are affected also include
students and teenagers.
2. Exposed to colds and
When you spends long
periods of time working in
air-conditioned offices, and
especially when the air-con
vents are blowing directly at
the neck area, that will
cause the muscles and
blood vessels at the neck
area to experience spasms.
Blood circulation is affected
and the nerve roots in the
neck area are compressed,
exhibiting paralysis of the
upper limbs. In severe
cases, the patient may
experience tightness in the
chest and feels suffocated.
3. Aging:
This causes the muscles
and spinal joints to
Current Treatment
Currently, the treatment of
Cervical Spondylopathy
mainly comprises
acupuncture, massotherapy,
traction, physiotherapy,
medicinal and other
non-surgery methods. In
particular, massotherapy is
美好生活志 / LIFECARE 09
known to produce unique
results. If the clinical
diagnosis is accurate and the
appropriate massotherapy
techniques are administered,
symptoms of Cervical
Spondylopathy can be
alleviated significantly.
Vertebra area in order to
restore normal function.
Thus, it offers a
comprehensive method of
massotherapy to treat
Cervical Spondylopathy.
Orthopedic massotherapy
practiced by Chinese
physicians would first focus
on relieving neck muscle
spasms; and subsequently
ease adhesion of the
pathogenic areas, reducing
compression on the nerves
and blood vessels. After
which, attention is placed on
adjusting the strutur of the
imbalanced Cervical
Methods for Patients
with Cervical
1. Strengthen neck and
shoulder muscles: Bend the
head and upper limbs
forwards and backwards,
making circular movements.
This can help to relieve
muscle fatigue and improve
Neck exercises
In a standing or sitting position,
place both hands on hips, breathe
slowly and perform the following
soothing actions.
Lean the head forward and
backwards; slowly lower the
head and try to let the chin touch
the chest; slowly raise the head and
lean it backwards as much as
2 Turn your head towards the
left and right: Turn your head
towards the left, try to touch the left
shoulder with left earlobe; turn your
head towards the right, try to touch
the right shoulder with right earlobe.
Turn your head to the left and
right: turn your head slowly to
the left, try to touch the left shoulder
with your chin; turn your head
slowly to the right, try to touch the
right shoulder with your chin.
Note: When the head is turned to
the max in either direction, stop for
3-5 seconds. Do this for 15-20
times. If you feel dizzy or flustered,
stop the activity immediately.
Chest expanding exercise:
Stretch your arms to the left
and right, using more force when
the arms move backwards and
keeping the chest straight. Repeat
for 15-20 times.
Shoulder exercises: Place
fingers on both shoulders and
make circular motions with elbow
tips, which helps the shoulders
make big circular motions to the
front and back. Rotate for 15-20
times in each direction.
Patting the back shoulder:
Cross your palms and pat the
back of both soulders for about 100
10 LIFECARE / 美好生活志
blood circulation to the brain.
Those who work in front of a
computer for long hours
should exercise the neck and
shoulder exercise the neck
and shoulder areas once
every 2-3 hours.
2. Keep the neck and
shoulder areas warm:
Refrain from allowing winds
from air-con vents and fans
to blow directly at these
areas; avoid
over-exhausting the head
and neck areas with heavy
loads; avoid dozing off in
moving vehicles.
3. Maintain a natural sitting
position: Keep the spinal
cord straight and refrain from
slanting the body. Lean the
head forward slightly.
4. Avoid high pillows: Sleep
on high pillow will cause the
head to lean forwards,
increasing stress on the
cervical vertebra and
accelerating its deterioration.
5. Functional training: Swim
for 2-3 times a week. Breast
Stroke is preferred as it
helps to strengthen the neck
and waist muscles. This
helps to improve abnormal
cervical and lumbar lordosis
due to long periods of
improper posture.
Introduction to Medicinal Dietotherapy
Kudzu and Papaya Porridge
Ingredients: 50g of kudzu, papaya, barley, polished rice
Method: Wash and rinse ingredients. Extract juice from kudzu
and papaya, place remaining ingredients in a pot and add
appropriate amount of water. Cook over a strong flame. When it
boils, turn to small flame and simmer till it becomes porridge. Add
some rock sugar. Ready to serve.
Effect: Relieves tightness and pain of neck and shoulder muscles.
Kidney and Bone Nourishing Soup
Ingredients: 300g pig tail bone,12g of eucommia, 12g of
wolfberries, 15g of longans, 10g of bidentate root, 30g of yam
Method: Wash and rinse ingredients, cut pig tail bone into small
pieces, place all in a pot. Add appropriate amount of water and
cook over a strong flame. When it boils, simmer for 60 minutes.
Add some onions, ginger, salt and other ingredients. Extract soup
for consumption.
Effects: Nourishes and benefits the kidneys. Relieves neck pain.
Misconceptions of Treating Cervical
Misconception 1: Misuse of painkillers. Consuming
painkillers when having neck and shoulder aches would likely
conceal the actual condition. Although the pain is temporarily
relieved, the roots of the ailment are not addressed and the
symptoms will reappear again. When seeking consultation, the
use of painkillers will not allow the doctor to diagnose the condition
correctly, and this may affect the treatment process.
Misconception 2: Improper massages to treat neck and
shoulder aches. It is important to have a proper clinical
diagnosis because different types of Cervical Spondylopathys
have different treatment methods. If massotherapy is required,
please consult a professional masseuse for treatment.
Misconception 3: Stoppage of treatment when the symptoms
slightly alleviates. Mr Low works in a bank and had previously
come to Ma Kuang for consultation due to dizziness. He was
diagnosed with artery type Cervical Sondylopathy. When the
symptoms showed significant improvements after two treatments,
Mr Low decided to stop the treatment. A month later, Mr Low had
a relapse and this showed that one should persist with treatment
and the recovery of muscles and ligaments require sustained
treatment for a period of time. The time for recovery also depends
on the severity of one’
s condition.
Beauty comes from within
At Ma Kuang Biotech, scientific body analyses methods are
complemented by traditional TCM treatment to bring out both your inner
and out glow. Jacqueline Chia has an invigorating experience at MKB.
Having never visited a TCM practitioner, I always imagined the treatment to
be clinical and uncomfortable. However, I was in for a pleasant surprise
when I visited Ma Kuang Biotech for their facial detox and contouring Gua
Sha treatment, as well as Tui Na massage. If you think that beauty and
TCM do not mesh well, think again.
Explained by MKB Physician Zheng Wei at MKB,“We believe
that inner health is translated into outer appearance. There are
five element points in TCM and skin problem may allude to other
health problems related to our internal organs.”
A Holistic Approach to Health
Gua Sha and Tui Na
With that neatly explained, I was eased into the
treatment with a soothing facial using a special blend of
Chinese herbs. After several layers of the masque, my
skin was then exfoliated and the Gua Sha process
began. Using small instruments made of buffalo horn to
massage my face, my consultant told me that this would
stimulate my accu-points to improve circulation and
remove harmful toxins. Far from being painful, this
relaxed me and I found my skin feeling less tense, as
well as more buoyant after it.
A few more layers of the masque were then applied to
ensure that the nutrients would be fully absorbed by my
skin. At the end of the facial treatment, I was delighted
to find that my pores were visibly finer, whilst my overall
complexion looked revitalized.
Next, it was time for the Tui Na treatment
(massotherapy), and my consultant proceeded to apply
essential oil to my abdominal area, using a variety of
kneading, rubbing and pressing techniques. I was told
that these“manipulation”methods would help to
increase blood circulation, regulate“qi”
, remove heat
from the body,ease digestion and more. On top of that,
this could also tone localized areas, such as the
abdomen which tends to go flabby.
12 LIFECARE / 美好生活志
Without realizing it, my hour and a half long session had
ended. I was ushered towards the precise body
composition analyzer (Inbody) for a proper
measurement. Physician Zheng Wei then went through
my data with me and cited a high body far percentage
as one of my problem. As this put me risk of raised
cholesterol levels, she advised me to watch my diet and
continue the Tui Na treatment to increase my
Based on the comment of the Gua Sha masseuse, she
also asked me if I had been sleep deprived recently,
which was certainly the case! I was amazed that this
could actually be revealed by Gua Sha-proof indeed
that the wellbeing of our five internal organs could be
reflected on our faces.
Impressive? Indeed, what is best about
treatment at MKB is that they’
re non invasive,
extremely comfortable and don’
t necessarily
require medication. Depending on the customer
s age and other health factors, different
treatments are prescribed.
Chicken Drumstick
with Herba Cistanches
and Gingko Nut
● 1 Chicken drumstick ● 15g rou cong rong
● 20 gingko nut ● 6 chestnut
● 15g Job’
s tears seed
● 5 slices ginger ● 1 stalk spring onion
● Some hua diao wine and water
● Some dark soy souce and sugar
1. Cut Herba Cistanches into pieces. Shell and skin gingko nuts and chestnuts. Rinse
s tears seeds. Set aside.
2. Rinse chicken drumstick and cut into pieces. Place chicken in a pot. Add ginger, wine
and some water. Bring to boil. Put ROU CONG RONG (Herba Cistanches), chestnut,
ginkgo nuts and Job’
s tears seeds in the pot, cook until the sauce is thick. Add some
spring onions, dark soy sauce and sugar for seasoning. Serve.
It is effective in improving kidney function, enriches blood and
augments blood and essence.
美好生活志 / LIFECARE 13
Ma Kuang News
Ma Kuang Physician Lu Ji Hong
gave a public lecture organized
by StarHub for staffs: Insights of
TCM in Insomnia treatment
Visitation from friends afar
To understand TCM industry in Singapore,
International Enterprise Singapore has
arranged Mr. Terry Choi Peng Cheong,
head of the Health Bureau's Department of
Pharmaceutical Affairs, Macao Special
Administrative Region together with Albert
Chui, Business Development Manager of
Macau Investment and Development
Limited and Administrador of
Guangdong-Macau Traditional Chinese
Medicine Technology Industrial Park
Development Co., Ltd visited Ma Kuang
New Bridge Road Main Branch on 17 July
Understanding Traditional
Chinese Medicine,
Experiencing Chinese
culture – Ma Kuang
Healthcare Group
Chinese Physicians
participated in Bukit Batok
Secondary School Summer Camp
Ma Ku
ated in
ore Ch
Singap haritable
ing Ac
In modern times, Insomnia is a common
problem affecting 15% to 30% of adults.,
on the 6 June 2012 Starhub Singapore
invited Ma Kuang Physician Lu Ji Hong
to conduct“Insomnia”
In TCM concept.
Physician Lu told staffs
of Starhub, in TCM
concept symptoms as
insomnia are
considered the
branches of a disease.
The root of a disease is
a dysfunction or
Physician Lim Hui Mien has invited by
Bukit Batok Secondary School (BBSS) to
have a TCM lesson for student during their
culture day on 30 May 2012. On the class,
Physicians Lim introduces Theory of
Traditional Chinese Medical. What are the
meaning of look, listen, question and
pulse-read during the consultation by
TCM physician. Physician Lim also
teaching student pulse reading and
observe coating on the tongue. Student
has separate two in one group to help
each other for the pulse reading and
differentiate the pulse type of their friend
and coated tongue. The most prefer
session for student is during acupuncture
session, because physician Lim has
chooses their teacher as the roll model on
Did you notice
this donation box
at Ma Kuang
clinic? Yes, the
donation box
belongs to Singapore
Children's Society. As one of
the Leading Enterprises of
“The 1000 Enterprises for
Children-in-Need" program
we always try our best to help
the children's need. Please
distribute your love to the
children. You can change lives
with your loose change! Help
change lives by
dropping your
change in Singapore
Children's Society
Donation Boxes!
14 LIFECARE / 美好生活志
imbalance of the fundamental
substances (Chi, blood, Yin, Yang, Jing,
Shen), or of the major organ systems
(Lungs, Heart, Spleen, Liver, Kidneys).
Physician Lu also give some ideal to
improve the insomnia symptoms from
dining habits. One of the staff give us a
positive feedback on this talk, she have a
deep impress in how to treat Insomnia
with Traditional
acupuncture. End of the day, Physician
Lim has throw out few question for student
to answer and for those has answer
correctly is giving a souvenir from Ma
Kuang. Physician Lim was surprise that
student of BBSS was interested in
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Standard Chartered Bank VIP members
Health Day, Ma Kuang Physician Zhang Yue
invited to give free consultation.
23 March 2012 was“The VIP Healthy Day“of
Standard Chartered Bank, member who’
s attend the
healthy day has arrange to have a free consultation
by Ma Kuang Physician
Zhang Yue, other then
member of Standard
Chartered Bank, staff of
bank also consultant
Physician Zhang after
the event. Physician
Zhang told the
organization sub-health
is the most
problem among
the members
and staff.