Lighthouse - Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club


Lighthouse - Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club
The Lighthouse, January 2016
Journal Of The Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club
CBYC’s last 2015 Regatta...
Over 90 boats participated in
the annual Holiday Opti
Regatta. Even with light
winds, both fleets completed
ten races on December 5th
and 6th. GO OPTIMISTS!
CBYC continues its tradition of
service to our Community,
our Members, and our Youth.
Journal O
The Children’s
Party, the
Boat Parade,
and the
Brunch were
events and
a great time
was had by
all in
Continued on pg. 10
The CBYC Angel Tree sheltered gifts for
over 75 local children in need of holiday
joy. Members also supported local
senior citizens with donations of food
and household goods. Many thanks for
your gracious generosity and support.
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club Officers Installation Dinner Saturday, January 9, 2016 Welcome Commodore Bill Schopp, his Bridge and the CBYC 2016 Board of Directors Dinner – 6 p.m. Chef David’s Famous Fish Tacos & Bill Schopp’s Favorite Dessert Installation: 7 p.m. Evening Master of Ceremonies Our Very Entertaining S/C Jib Kelly VOXDJs: 8 p.m. Providing musical entertainment for your listening and dancing pleasure Bring the family! Price -­‐ $14 per person 2
(Sales Tax Included in Price) Space Limited -­‐ Reservations Highly Recommended Reservations and Cancellations Required Prior to Wed. Jan. 6th at noon Your CBYC account will be charged for No-­‐Shows / Late Cancellations Visit us online at | Copyright 2016 Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, San Pedro CA
The Lighthouse, January 2016
The staff of CBYC would like to thank the members
who so generously donated to the Holiday Bonus Fund!
Tara Accountant/HR
Ann Accounting Asst.
James Sailing Coach
Alfredo Maintenance
Stacy Receptionist
Jonathan K. Bartender
Kacie Receptionist
Dining at Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club
Nick Sailing Coach
Jonathan A. Galley Asst.
Joshua Sailing Coach
Cody Sailing Coach
Marcelino Maintenance Garrett Bartender
Steven Head Coach
Dean Marina Manager
Saira Assistant Manager
Gina Bartender
Terry Sailing Coach
Alexander Bartender
Pamela Club Manager
Jimmy Bar Manager Reservations Highly Recommended
If you would like to make a reservation for dinner or
brunch, please email [email protected] or call 310.519.1694
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club Commodore
Founded 1932
Bill Schopp
Flag Officers
Bill Schopp
Vice Commodore
M’Liz Callender
Rear Commodore
Mike Stavros
Fleet Captain
Mike Richards
Aaron Feves
Karen Perrault
Jr. Staff Commodore
Mike Burch
Fleet Surgeon
Dr. Jack White
Judge Advocate
Gayle Carson
Port Captain
Wayne Lebsack
It is such an honor to be the Commodore of the
Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club.
I think back over my forty year association with
the Club and the great men and women who have
traveled this road before me to face countless challenges and to succeed in building a club diverse in its
yachting goals.
I think back to my two original sponsors, Bob Young and Lou Varalyay,
and I hope that they would be proud of the Club today.
Board of Directors
Jerry Beaver
Jim Crosby
Steve Gierke
Steve Holmstrom
I also think about all of the time and effort put forth by CBYC volunteers
and staff to make the Club a fun place and about members who are fun to
Zoltan Katinszky be with.
Kevin McCloskey
Karen Perrault CBYC has always been a volunteer organization and I think that tradiRichard Welsh tion remains strong today. I am now three-quarters of the way through
Fleet Representatives
Mike Burch
Cal 20
Catalina Fleet 24
Zoltan Katinszky
Committee Chairpersons
Jim Clark
& Beverage
Norman Tuck
House Committee
Mark Fogle
Mike Richards
Management John O’Connor
Kevin McCloskey
Greg Clark
M’Liz Callender
Robert Kraak
& Safety
Kevin McCloskey
Susan Eskridge
Human Resources
John Abernatha
the flags and I am more aware than ever that the love for the club is the
one ingredient we cannot buy yet it is freely given. I am amazed with the
quality and quantity of work I’ve seen. A case in point is our December
Holiday Brunch. Norm and Patricia Tuck wanted to make it special for
the members and they put in weeks of planning and effort. They, along
with the Brunch Bunch team, succeeded with a truly spectacular meal.
It was the perfect example of the entire year of effort which I could not
have survived without their efforts, guidance and leadership of our CBYC
member volunteers.
The club is built on the efforts of its membership in so many ways. We
have a strong network of volunteers already in place with our committees
ready for the New Year. There is always a need for more volunteers, so if
you have a specific talent or desire, then I encourage you to call me or one
of the many committee chairs to help find a spot which you will enjoy.
I would like to set a goal for CBYC members: Pay not one dime of work
assessment for 2016! Pick a day to volunteer and I guarantee you will
enjoy it.
Come and enjoy,
Accounts/HR Manager
Tara Webb Bill
Bar Manager
Jimmy Waller Important Announcements
Club Manager
Pamela Botis
Marina Manager
Dean Wyer
Head Sailing Coach
Steve Natvig
Assistant Manager
Saira Urzua If you would like to be part of the Social Commitee, please
Receptionist Kacie Dale & Stacy Curry
contact our Social Chair, M’Liz Callender
Help Wanted!
at [email protected]
Editorial Staff
Production Assistant
Pamela Botis
Saira Urzua
Stacy Curry
Bring your ideas, talents and enthusiasm to help support.
all the fun activities at CBYC
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
Vice Commodore
M’Liz Callender
A big thank you goes to all the CBYC
members who joined me in the 2015
resolution “to be there for one another
as fellow members in humanity, in the
finest sense of the word. Please take time in 2015 to reach out
to others to give help, time, and companionship.” I am proud
of our Club’s accomplishments: the Toberman House spectacular sail on the Schooner America, the Rainbow Services
Day on the Water, the Angel Tree, and the Charity Regatta, (we
raised almost $1,000), to name only four. In addition, we gave
scholarships to a record number of deserving young sailors!
Please join me in 2016 by cherishing our old traditions and
creating new ones and together we can make the world a tiny
bit better.
I am looking forward to 2016, a year full of well-attended (I
hope!) social events. You can do your part, starting with our
annual Officer’s Installation Dinner on Saturday, January, 9th.
Please join the entertaining SC Jib Kelly as he introduces new
and returning Officers and Board Members. In February we
kick off our 2016 theme of “Bring a Friend” at our Valentine’s
Eve event, a tribute to the music of James Taylor. This special
event is being planned by the creative team of Joy Jacot and
Sandy Simmons, and should not be missed. Everyone who
brings a new friend will be treated to a drink ticket! I have
already invited my friend, have you?
In keeping with our 2016 theme of friendship – Corsair Yacht
Club will be holding their monthly meetings at CBYC (usually)
on the second Friday of every month. If you meet a Corsair
member in the bar – please welcome them to the friendliest
club on the West Coast.
Rear Commodore
Mike Stavros
2016 is going to be a year full of activities
you won’t want to miss. The Race Committee and Cruise Committee have planned
some great events.
The Cruise Committee Chairman this
year is Jim Clark. This is Jim’s first year as
chairman and he is looking to add some different cruises to the
calendar. Thanks, Jim! There are two events planned for January. Don’t miss the Cruisers’ Soirée on Saturday, January 16 at
1:00. Come and hear about the cruises and new possibilities
planned for 2016. Bring a non-member friend so they can hear
about what’s happening at our club. Appetizers and wine will
be served. The first cruise of the year is the Marina Pacifica
Cruise on January 23-24. This is for power boats only because
of low bridge access, but you can drive down to join the fun.
Again this year, our Race Committee Chairman is Greg Clark.
Thank you, Greg. Over 50 races are already scheduled and
more are possible. The committee meets the first Thursday of
the month at 7:30. All are welcome. The first scheduled race
is the SCYA Midwinter Regatta. Come help on the committee
boat or other support boats. It’s always fun out on the water. By the way, I’m hoping to find a couple of boats to enter a
predicted log race or two. The club needs entrants for points
towards club of the year.
I hope you will come to one of these committee meetings and
realize what fun you can have.
I am looking forward to new friends and new responsibilities
in 2016!!
First of all, I would like to thank all of those who voted for me in
the last election. I am proud of Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club and all
of the great things it does for its members and the community of
Mike Richards
San Pedro. The best sales people the Club has are our enthusiastic
members so if you are aware of anyone who would be in need of
a dry or wet slip please have them see our Dock Master, Dean. Additionally, some space still
remains in the commercial building.
Fleet Captain
You, our members, are on the Club’s docks all of the time, please report maintenance issues in
writing to Dean so that they can be logged-in and addressed as soon as possible.
The Junior program continues to grow and is one of the best on the West Coast. Please continue your support for the
Junior program and CBYC because that is what makes this such a great organization.
Wishing you a great 2016 boating season!
Visit us online at | Copyright 2016 Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, San Pedro CA
The Lighthouse, January 2016
Board of Directors Minutes - December 1, 2015
Commodore Mike Burch called the meeting to order at 1900 hours. The Secretary called roll and one member
was excused, thus a quorum was established.
Director Raski was unable to stay for the meeting, but thanked the board members for their hard work over the
last two years. As he is an outgoing Director, this was his last required duty before his term ended. He said that
before he took this position, he did not understand the degree of dedication and involvement of each and every
member of the Board of Directors. He thanked all present for the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors.
As there was no one present from BCI, Commodore Burch summarized their report. The “35th Annual Spirit
of San Pedro Holiday Parade” is scheduled for Dec 6th in downtown. December 11th will be the “Holiday Mixer” and Director Carson will attend.
Director McCloskey presented the Membership Report. He said members Al and Donna Worch have sent in
their termination, having been members since 2003. It was moved by Director McCloskey and seconded by
Director Meisel to extend them an Honorary Membership for 2016. It was noted Honorary Memberships will
come before the board February for final approval as per the bylaws. Motion passed unanimously. Director
McCloskey stated that Brendan Huffman joined CBYC in 2007 and resigned in 2013. However, he has now
purchased another boat, and would like to rejoin CBYC.
Director McCloskey stated we have two new members and moved to accept them for membership: William &
Heather Dimpfl (RF) of San Pedro and Loren & Bettina Jacobson (RF) of Wrightwood. The motion was seconded by Director Carson. Motion passed unanimously. Director McCloskey then moved that the following
junior members be recommended and accepted into membership: Emily Collins, Sophia Lopez, and Deeksha
Chaturvedi. Motion was seconded by Director Carson and passed unanimously.
Director McCloskey then opened discussion concerning Article 5 of our bylaws. Paraphrasing, it says that
members should be of “good moral character and demonstrate interest in organized yachting”. This does not
leave an option for purely “social members”. It was discussed that one member of the family might not be
interested in boating but another member is very interested. He explained that he is not pursuing new members that are not interested in yachting and whose only interest is the social aspects of our club. Lastly, Director
McCloskey stated we have two members that want to transfer to Non-Resident: Jason & Colleen Scott have
moved to Tacoma, WA, for a period of approximately two years, and Hieronymus (Jerome) Niessen has moved
to Kenya, Africa. It was moved by Director McCloskey and seconded by Director Carson to allow these two
transfers to non-resident. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer Feves stated he had no financials to present because it was the first of the month and none were available. He reminded the officers to make note of work assessments that members have done for them in 2015,
so that credits could be given. He stated that as he presented the operating/expense budget at the last meeting,
he hoped to get approval. He reminded the Board that the budget may be amended at any time, but to be able
to continue operations and daily functions in January of 2016, a budget must be approved. Fleet Captain Mike
Stavros moved for approval which was seconded by Director Jerry Beaver. There was one abstention, and the
motion passed.
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
Secretary Perrault stated that she emailed copies of the November 3, 2015 BOD Minutes to its members and
asked if there were any corrections or additions. It was moved by Vice Commodore Schopp and seconded
by Director Beaver to approve the Minutes as presented. There was one abstention, but the motion passed.
Fleet Captain Stavros presented the Marina Management report, stating that the marina is nearly full, and
there is interest in the commercial building vacancies. Dean has been working with the juniors to condense their equipment to free up some additional space for rent. Repairs to the “B” dock cannot be done by
Bellingham until next year. Dean is looking into upgrading the marina cameras. Mike noted that the Port
Police should be notified if anyone sees unusual activity in our marina.
Rear Commodore Callender stated that we had two successful November regattas: Point Fermin Charity
and One-Design. There is one more before year-end; the Opti Holiday Regatta, where she anticipates 78-90
boats. The Race Calendar for 2016 is complete. The last cruise of this season was the LBYC Cruise, and it
was at capacity. There is a Cruisers’ Soiree scheduled on January 16th. She also stated that a “blow-out” sale
in the Ship’s Store is planned in December. She opened discussion regarding Corsair Yacht Club looking
into holding monthly membership meetings which would be in the evening, usually on the second Friday of each month, at CBYC with anticipated 50-70 members in attendance. She suggested we charge the
non-member price and offer a $25-$30 per person buffet meal.
Vice Commodore Schopp said the dishwasher is to be installed and we are discussing the disposition of the
old washer with Chef David. He then discussed the elevator. We currently have a contract with ThyssenKrupp through December 31st, and are considering a competitor, Smartrise at a lesser rate. Smartrise has
examined the elevator and believes it can be maintained in its current condition for some time. However if
a problem arises, due to the number of obsolete parts, repairs will be costly. We are currently in compliance
with state regulations as this is a grandfathered unit. Once modernizations are made, it will fall under new
regulations. Modernization prices are $49,000 plus $4,000 for electrical/smoke detectors plus $3,500 for
new rollers, for a total of $56,500. It was suggested that we have an elevator repair service representative at
the first Board meeting of 2016. He also stated that the New Year’s Eve Party plans are coming together. He
reported one complaint about the price of Vodka and that we found a lower priced choice to offer as call.
Commodore Mike Burch thanked everyone for all their support throughout the year.
There being no further business before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 20:47 hours. Respectfully
submitted by Secretary, Karen Perrault.
Please introduce yourself to our MIPs if you see them around the club. Make them feel welcome.
Jon Neimann
Ranger 32 "Cantamar"
Peggy and Rodney Kidd
Staff Commodore of Encinal Yacht Club
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
Cruising at Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club
Cruisers’ Soiree
Sat, Jan 16
Cruise Committee
Marina Pacifica Cruise
Sat-Sun, Jan 23-24
Anchoring Cruise
Sat-Sun, March 5-6
Spring Cruise
Fri-Sun, March 18-20
Cruise to the BVIs
Sat-Sat, April 16-23
Avalon Cruise
Fri-Sun, May 13-15
Cherry Cove Cruise
Fri-Sun, May 20-22
Mid-Week Hang Loose Cruise in Avalon
Mon-Thurs, June 6-9
Isthmus Theme Cruise
Fri-Sun, June 10-12
At Home Cruise/Dinghy Poker Run at CBYC
July 2-4
Emerald Bay
Fri-Sun, July 15-17
Whites Cove
Fri-Sun, July 29-31
Cat Harbor/Tail of the Cat
Fri-Wed, August
Reciprocal Cruise
Fri-Sun, August 26-28
Family Cruise
Fri-Sun, Sept 9-11
VC/Social Committee
Channel Island Cruise
Sat-Fri, Sept 24-30
Long Beach YC Cruise
Fri-Sun, Nov 11-13 - Huston/Zinn
Visit us online at | Copyright 2016 Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, San Pedro CA
The Lighthouse, January 2016
January Cruiser’s Corner
By Jim Clark, Cruising Committee
Thank you for letting me have a little fun in last month’s Cruiser’s Corner. The article about Olaf McGurky’s cruising
was inspired by my wife, Claudia’s experiences in Australia. While living there, she participated in one of the country’s
most popular regattas, The Henley on Todd. It is a dry riverbed boat race designed solely for a good time. Please take a
moment to Google it; it typifies the type of fun one can only have in Australia.
If you are a cruiser, want to be a cruiser, or just want to know more about what the CBYC cruising community does,
please come to the Cruiser’s Soiree. It is to be held in the CBYC Clubhouse dining room on Saturday, January 16th,
2016 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. We will have complementary wine and hors d’oeuvres and then discuss where we plan to
cruise for the upcoming year. There are a few cruises that still need a Cruise Host. If you are interested or just want to
help, let us know at the Soiree.
Continuing on with the upcoming events… there is the ever popular
Marina Pacifica Cruise. It is only for power boats because the bridge was
built too low for sailboat masts. Oh well… the power boater should have
a great time. It is being organized by a wonderful fellow, Dick Graser
and his marvelous wife, Ginger…. It will be held Saturday and Sunday
January 23~24.
Even though we have yet to take our “out of the area” cruise to the British Virgin Islands, there is already discussion about where we might go
the next year. Here are the ideas that people have put forth so far:
San Juan Islands, Puget Sound, Washington
Georgian Sound, Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada
Adriatic Sea, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Belize, Central America
Sea of Cortez, La Paz, Mexico
What do you think? Bring your ideas to the Soiree.
Adventures of buying a “new” used boat and what one discovers on the first few cruises…
Saturday morning we are so excited to be picking up our, new to us, sailboat. Survey found virtually nothing
wrong… in hindsight, yeah right! We power up and head out to bring it up to San Pedro, its new home. First problem…
leaky port lights. A little silicone grease softens up the seals and all is good but not before all the port side cushions are
soaked. Next day we take the boat out for a spin to get the feel of her. Second problem… Sunbrella cover on the headsail starts to shred. Plus, the furler is really hard to turn. Plus, the top grommet of the Dutchman flaking system comes
off and the line tears the sail. Wow, that was a short trip. Two weeks go by and we have repaired sails and furling gear;
and are ready for our first trip to the island. As I want to empty the water tanks and fill them with fresh, I purposefully
don’t fill the front tank before we go. The 60 gallons in the other two should be fine for two days. Third problem… when
we go to close the valve on the front tank and open one of the others, they are frozen in place. No water for two days is
going to be big. There is no shortage of help from other CBYC cruisers but only after several hours do we find that with
pliers, the valves can be forced. Whew! Water! Replaced all four valves. Forth problem… 15 year old dinghy that looked
brand new, has obviously sat in the heat unused for a long time and has its floor peeling away. What’s next? Who knows
but let’s call it an “adventure”!
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
Racing at Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club
SCYA Midwinter Regatta
Feb 20-21 - Tom Eskridge
Rapid Starts
Feb 27 - Greg Clark/RC
Lido 14 Fleet 9 Clinic
Feb 28 - James McJones
Farr 40 West Coast Regatta
March 5-6 - Zoltan Katinszky
SCYA/ASPBYC Race Management Seminar
March 12 - Mark Townsend
Lido 14 Fleet 9 Spring Regatta
March 26 - Terry Johnson
ASPBYC - Walt Elliot Challenge CBYC
April 2 - Jonathan Mitsumori
Pt. Fermin Inverted Start Race
April 10 - Dixon Hall
Thrilla at Cabrilla/505 Regatta
April 23-24 - Jonathan Mitsumori
Wet Wednesday One Design
April 6,13, 20, 27 - Tom Eskridge
Marina Cup CBYC-DRYC
May 6-7 - Marla Brown
CBYC Club Championship Open: FJ
TBD - Tom Eskridge/RC
Wet Wednesday
May 4, 11, 18, 25 - Dennis Dyer
Eli Reuben Memorial (Opti) Regatta: Harken #3
May 21-22 - Aaron Feves
Around Catalina to Dana Pt. Race
May 28-29 - David Moore
Wet Wednesdays
June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 - Linda Wilson-Gray/RC
Cal 20 SoCal/Fleet 4 Championship
June 4 - Jonathan Mitsumori
Friday Dinghy Races
June 17 - Jonathan Mitsumori
KHYC to CBYC (Spinnaker #4)
June 18 - Tom Eskridge
Lido 14 Fleet 9 Summer Regatta
June 25 - Terry Johnson
2016 Holiday Opti Regatta
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
SCYA Midwinter Regatta
February 20 & 21, 2016
Each entrant must be a member of a yacht club or sailing association belonging to the Southern California Yachting
Association (SCYA), US SAILING, the Southern California Cruiser Association (SCCA), or the American Model Yacht
Association (ACMYA) or a guest of the host venue (Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club).
There will be over 100 classes represented, including one-design, PHRF, cruisers, dinghies, R/C model boats and Predicted Log. Whether you are an experienced ocean racer, dinghy sailor or a cruiser that just wants to have a fun weekend on the water, this is the event for you.
With over 600 boats and 2,500 participants you have the opportunity to test your skills against some of the best sailors
in our area. Come out to see if your team can earn one of the many take-home trophies and maybe get your name on
one of the perpetual trophies.
The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing, 2013-2016 (“RRS”).
Classes: Mercury, Cal 20.
1st Warning Signal: 11:55 a.m. both days
Entries Close: 10:00 a.m., Saturday, February 20, 2016
Entries to: R.C. Chairman, Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, 211 W. 22nd Street, San Pedro, CA 90731-7207.
Skippers’ Meeting: 10:00 a.m., Saturday.
RC Chair: Greg Clark, Tel: (310) 951-4171, Email: [email protected]
Entry fees:
LOA of the boat:
<10 ft. 10 to 19.9 ft. 20-30 ft. Over 30 ft.
Regular Fee $25.00 $35.00 $40.00 $50.00
US SAILING Member$23.00 $33.00 $37.00 $47.00
Entries can be mailed to the the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, hand delivered ,
or submit on-line, before the entry deadline.
The latest News and Information is available at
View from the Dock & Yard
There is no better time than now to thank you for keeping your boat here at CBYC.
We recognize that having you here and close makes CBYC a better place. We regularly see and enjoy watching
you share your passion for boating with family, friends, and our community in general.
CBYC envisions itself as an active club with a variety of ways to participate in boating in general.
Active racing, cruising, social, safety, learning, sharing, and community programs are all important facets of
what we do.
Thank you for your individual sacrifices and enormous acts of volunteerism.
Acting Chair, Marina Management Committee
S/C John O’Connor
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
January 2016
2 8 9 Football in the Bar
with Gina 12–6p
6 Book Club 5:15 p.m. 7 Social 6 p.m.
Race Com
7:30 p.m.
CBYC Installation Dinner Junior Friday Sailing
10 11 Sunday Brunch Jr. Com Mtg. 7p Junior Sailing
Holiday Party 4p
17 Private Member Bdrm Event 18 12 13 Private Member Bdrm Event 19 20 21 Tent. Mtg in Dining Room 25 26 27 28 Marina Pacifica
31 Membership Mtg. 3p F&B 6p.m. Private Member Bdrm Event Private Member Dining Rm Event Tent. Mtg in Dining Room 3p – 5p C. Nichol / D. Alps 24 14 Birthday Bar & Band 4p House
7 p.m.
15 16 Cruisers’
Soiree 1-­‐3p Corsair YC
Dinner Meeting
Junior Friday
Private Member Bdrm Event 22 23 House Com Mtg. 7p 29
30 Junior Friday
Junior Friday
Private Member Event
Dining Rm 4p – 8p
Marina Pacifica
Tent. Mtg in Dining Room SCYA Kelly Fennessy February 2016 February 2016
Special Presentation
and Dinner
Junior Friday Sailing
! ! ! !" 6p Social Com. 7:30 Race Com.
!! !" Jr. Com. Mtg. 7p 6p F & B Mtg. Junior Friday Sailing Super BBowl
Superbowl ar Party Party
First Friday CYO
!" Valentine’s Concert & Dinner Corsair YC Dinner
Mtg. !" Valentine’s Day
Brunch !" !" !" !" !" !" Mid-Winter
Guest Chef Dinner 6p
Junior Friday Sailing Regatta 21 & 22
!" 6
General Membership
Meeting 7:30
7 p.m.
Bar Party 6p
!" Mid-Winter
!! !" !" !" Regatta 21 & 22
!" LIDO 14 CLINIC !" 3pMMembership
!p embership Mtg. Private Member Event Dining Room 5:30 – 10:00 Birthday Bar &
Band 4:30
!" Junior Friday Sailing RAPID STARTS
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
Please join CBYC Book Club’s Presentation Featuring Member Lydia Edes Jewell
The CBYC Book Club invites all members to a presentation and dinner Wednesday, February 3rd, at 5:30. The book we
are reading is “Yankee’s People and Places by Irving and Electa Johnson and Lydia Edes. We are very privileged to have
CBYC member and co-author, Lydia Edes Jewell speak. She will be sharing her experiences of the 6th Round-the-World
sailing trip aboard the Brigantine, Yankee in 1953-1955, captained by Irving and Electa Johnson of National Geographic
Lydia grew up in Massachusetts near Cape Cod and at 10 years old, had her first sailboat. It was 18’ long and she sailed it
for several years around the local harbors.
She graduated from Wellesley College in 1950 and through a college classmate, she learned of an opportunity to be part of
the crew on the Yankee’s 6th circumnavigation. Although the selection process was lengthy and stringent, she was selected
to join the crew. From all of the Johnson’s voyage crews, Lydia is one of only three women still living.
Upon their return, Lydia, along with Irving and Electa Johnson, wrote a book about their adventures on this voyage entitled, “Yankee’s People and Places”. In the book they describe the adventures and unique places they visited, and what they
learned about the indigenous peoples and varying cultures of some of the most remote places on Earth.
Lydia returned home and went back to work in Boston for the famous yacht designer, John G. Alden, a member of the
Yachting Hall of Fame, known for his incredibly fast, yet comfortable racing schooners.
In 1956, Lydia and her husband, Raymond JeweLl, moved to Los Angeles as he was in the film business. He did nature
films for Disney, and together they made a film about the East Coast Inland Waterway. He also made instructional films
for the US Air Force, and finally formed his own film
production company.
Lydia stayed as close to the ocean as possible and
taught sailing in Marina del Rey and Westlake. She
won two women’s Win’ard Sabot championships in
the 70’s and worked for Catalina Yachts for 10 years
in the sail loft. This probably had an impact that
would ultimately help her daughter, Lynne, along with
Alison Jolly of ABYC win a gold medal sailing 470’s
at the 1988 Olympic Games in Korea. Lynne also won
two world championships in the women’s Laser class.
It would be twenty years before another American
woman would win Olympic Gold in sailing.
Lydia and her husband raised three children, Bill,
Lynne, and Beth. Bill, Lynne’s twin brother, has
proudly served in the US Army the past 30 years as
a combat helicopter pilot and in aerial surveillance
in two tours in Iraq. Beth and her husband are more
than busy raising four sons in Delaware.
Lydia moved to San Pedro in 1988 to be near Cabrillo
Beach for its great windsurfing. She gave that up at
age 75, and now spends many hours a year on board
the CBYC signal boat helping to run races.
We are so fortunate to have Lydia as a member of
CBYC, please help us celebrate Lydia and her exciting
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club Social Activities
A note from Mary Hibdon, Social Committee Chair, (Outgoing)
Thank you one and all for the wonderful opportunity to serve these last two
years as Social Chair.
Mike and Bill and Staff, you are a joy and have made the Club a better place.
To volunteer at CBYC brings friends closer and develops new friendships.
So enjoy our club and volunteer! We have the best of the best following in
Mike and Bill’s footsteps.
With sincere appreciation,
Welcome note from the temporary in-coming Social Chairman
I am looking forward to making many new friends while I temporarily chair the CBYC Social
Committee. I know that soon, just the right person will raise their hand and offer to lead the social
events that so many people enjoy.
In the meantime, we have several fun events in the planning stage, Officer’s Installation Dinner, Jan.
9th, our first bar party of the new year, Feb. 20th, and best of all, a very special Valentine’s Eve
Concert and Dinner Dance on Sat. Feb. 13th.
I would like to thank the following people who have volunteered to help with social activities in 2016:
Sandy Simmons
Nancy Lund
Dell Fortune
Evie Hunter
Suzanne Nichol
Connie Martin
Madelyn Creighton
Benjamin Guizlo
Hilary Guizlo
Geraldine Lampert
Valerie Gierke
Pam Meisel
Erin O’Connell
Maggie Raski
Melis Askew
Mary Hibdon
Joy Jacot
Shain Requicha
In January the Social Committee will meet the first Thursday of the month, Jan. 7th, at 6 p.m. Please
join us. If you can’t make the meeting but want your name on the distribution list, please let me know,
drop me an email. [email protected].
If you are that special person to chair the Social Committee, I would love to speak with you.
Call me 213.280.0359
M’Liz Callender, Vice Commodore
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
We meet the first Wednesday
of each month at 5:15 p.m.
in the Member’s Lounge
Join us for great conversations over a glass of wine
January 6
“A Space Oddity” by local author, Larry Andrews
February 3
“Yankee’s People and Places” by Irving and Electa Johnson and Lydia Edes (Jewell)
There will be a weekly trivia contest
about James Taylor,
his music, Valentine’s Day, and love.
Each week there will be a new trivia
question on the poster.
ONLY people who are attending
the Valentine’s Eve Party
can enter the contest to win a ???????
For any additional details on
Valentine’s Eve , please see flyer
on page 20.
Join Us For An Evening in the Bar for Fun, Food,
Music and a
" ROARING" good time
SATURDAY - February, 20
6:00 p.m. -
Listen to the fabulous sounds of Chanteuse Carina
and R. Scott
Pam Meisel & Maggie
Let's Party Like
Prohibition is Coming !!!
Visit us online at | Copyright 2016 Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, San Pedro CA
The Lighthouse, January 2016
It’s Smooth Sailing when you Buy or Sell with
Paul & Lisa Kidder
CBYC members selling the South Bay since 1994
• Residential • Commercial • Income • Vacant Lots
• Probate & Trust • Out of Area Properties
Cell (310) 487-9100, Office (310) 377-2131
Slips Landing
30’ to 48’.
Available at CBYC
Suite 205
Suite 206
Suites 205 and 206
of theand
may be
leased asto
a single
Every 3 or 4 days
Somebody buys a boat from us...
The next one could yours! List your boat today!
Please contact:
for further information
At 310-519-1694
(310) 519-1694
Ext. 204
Licensed & Bonded
The Shore Line Yacht Group
2 1 0 Wh a l er s Wa l k , Su ite 1 2 3
S an Pe d ro, C A 9 0 7 3 1
Here are some of the benefits of working with us:
Visit us online at | Copyright 2016 Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, San Pedro CA
The Lighthouse, January 2016
Visit us online at | Copyright 2016 Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, San Pedro CA
The Lighthouse, January 2016
Los Angeles Yacht Club to host Author James W. Graham
Welcome CBYC Members to Attend
Friday, January 22, 2016
6 - 7 p.m.
Los Angeles Yacht Club
285 Whalers Walk San Pedro, California
Acclaimed Historian, Author and Sailor
James W. Graham Author of Victura: The Kennedys, a Sailboat and the Sea
A 25-foot wooden sailboat, called Victura, was John F. Kennedy’s birthday gift the year he turned 15.
He quickly began winning races, and developed into a top collegiate skipper.
Author and sailor James W. Graham explores what one small sloop taught the
Kennedys about life, family, leadership, and winning.
“Graham deftly moves among family history, political history, and sailing lore to present a compelling
story that is at times exciting, heartbreaking, and fascinating.” Chicago Book Review
James W. Graham is a communications and public affairs consultant; he races and cruises
4:30 - 7:30 P.M.
(held on the last Sunday of each month)
Please plan on coming to CBYC for
complimentary cake and a beverage from
Jimmy DaBar.
If it is your birthday month, you can see Jimmy
or Pam for your free drink token,
which can be used any time during the year.
Bring your family and friends and head to the
Club. As usual, it doesn’t have to be your
birthday to come and join in on the fun!
Mike Guerrero Jazz Ensemble
January Birthday Bar:
Bring your friends, your dancing shoes, and a
hearty appetizer to share
January 31, at 4:30 p.m.
No Cover ~ No Minimum
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The Lighthouse, January 2016
Mark your calendars for what’s coming up next...
Super Bowl Sunday
February 7th
Saturday, March 12th
Come and join us to
watch the Super Bowl Game
Food and Drinks
Enter the
game pool
Enjoy your friends!
Commodore’s Ball
Come celebrate CBYC’s 2016 Commodore,
Bill Schopp
And his 40 years of CBYC memories
More details to follow…
Enjoy your friends!
CBYC Opening Day
Clean-Up Day
CBYC Opening Day
Saturday, April 2nd
Saturday, April 9th
Come and earn your Work
Assessment hours…
Make Your Club Shine
Registration 0900
Meet Your Fellow Members
Learn a New Skill
Dock Decorations:
Get a head start on planning your decorations
More details to follow…
Fleet 24 Installation Dinner
Friday, February 5th
Super Bowl Sunday
Sunday, February 7th
Easter Brunch
Sunday, March 27th
Club Clean-up Day
Saturday, April 2nd
Mother’s Day Brunch
Sunday, May 8th
Father’s Day Brunch
Sunday, June 19th
Lobster Feast
Saturday, June 25th
Independence Day
Monday, July 4th
Chili Cook Off
Saturday, August 13th
Labor Day/Fleet Week
Monday, September 5th
Family Cruise
September, 9th-11th
Saturday, October 29th
Visit us online at | Copyright 2016 Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, San Pedro CA
The Lighthouse, January 2016
Of Yacht
The Cabrillo
Journal Of The Cabrillo
Club Beach Yacht Club
Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club
211 West 22nd Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
James Taylor at CBYC
Performed by the uplifting, soulful and memorable sounds of the legendary singer-songwriter
James Taylor Tribute Band:
“Shower the
A Romantic Valentine’s Eve
Saturday, February 13th
“Sweet Baby Jam
Dinner - 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Chicken Valentine
Rolled Chicken Breast w/ Goat Cheese, Spinach, and Sun Dried Tomatoes
Topped w/ a Beure Blanc Sauce
Salad, Fresh Vegetables, and Roasted Potatoes
Romantic Dessert Specially Selected by Joy
Taylormade Concert - 7:30-8:15 p.m.
Dancing - 8:15 p.m.
$45 per person
(Sales Tax Included in Price)
Space Limited - Reservations Highly Recommended
Reservations and Cancellations Required Prior to
Wednesday, February 10th at noon
Your CBYC account will be charged for No-Shows / Late Cancellations
(And earn free drinks)
“Something in the Way She Moves”
Tickets will go o
n sale January
Limited to 100 se
Make your plan
s now!
Event Chair
Joy Jacot &
Sandy Simm
Visit us online at | Copyright 2016 Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, San Pedro CA