Corbeau A4 Seats
Corbeau A4 Seats
’99 CHEVY CAVALIER RS Have a Seat RACING RECLINABLES FORTHECRUISER WORDS & SNAPS / RICKYCHU INSTALL TIME: 45 minutes DIFFICULTY 1 out of 5 Corbeau A4 Seats The stock Cav seats really TOOLS NEEDED: Ratchet, sockets(13mm),(14mm) bother us. They’re not comfortable, and they hurt our backs. OK, you caught us. They’re not that bad. We’re just making up excuses to get the Corbeau A4 seats we saw on the Racing Seats USA Web site ( Just a small interior upgrade like the seats makes a huge dif f e rence in the car’s appearance. They’re easy to install, too, which is always great. 01 TheC orbeauseats lidersandbracketsc ome pre-assembleds othattakesaway80percent oftheheadaches.Thatmakesushappy. 05 02 Grabthe driver-si des eat (reclinel everonl eft)a nd bracket( seatbelt bracketo n right)an dlinethe mu p.Slidethe bracketb ackand usethet wo included h ex-headb oltstofastenthe brackettothebottomofth eseat. 03 Slidethe bracketallthe wayforward andusetheothertwo includedh ex-headb olts tofastentherear. Slidethe seatall theway forwarda ndloosen thetwo1 3mmn uts ontheb ack. 04 Getinthe cara nd slidethe seatalltheway back.Loosenthe two1 3mmn utsin thefront.Watch outfortrash. 06 Before youp ull theseatout, unplugthe seatbeltsensor. 09 07 It’samazing whatyoucan findu nderyour seats—enoughtobuy somethingtoeatona valuem enu. Transfer the seatbelt totheC ourbeau bracket. Wehadto trimthe rubbera bit,butit wasn’ta bigd eal. 08 Usea14mm socketto removethe seatbeltfromthe stocks eat. 11 Slidetheseatbackandtightenthe twofront13mmnuts. Price List 12 10 Thens lidetheseatforwarda gainto tightenthetworear1 3mmn uts. MSRP HOOK UP Corbeau A4 Seats .........................$598 (pair)........... $465 .......................... Corbeau Sliders and Brackets.$178 ........................$132.40 ..................... TOTAL 78 PROJECT CAR / SUMMER2007 BringtheC orbeauseatintoyourcara nd plugintheseatbeltagain. $776.00 $597.40 13 You’rehalfwayd one.Nowyou gottadothep assengers eat. SOURCE DESIGN MOTORSPORTS ENGINEERING 626.968.5147, RACING SEATS USA 800.880.0960,