Important Dates Parent Orientation Night (Grades 1-5) 7pm..........................................Sept. 22 Parent Orientation Night Kindergarten .................................................Sept. 28 School Pictures.....................................................................................Sept. 28 Fall Fundraiser Kickoff .........................................................................Sept. 23 Volunteer Orientation 1 8:45-10am ...................................................…...Oct. 1 Be Our Guest Day..............................................................................…...Oct. 7 Fall Fundraiser End ($ due) ...............................................................…..Oct. 7 Volunteer Orientation 2 6-7pm ..........................................................….Oct. 12 Back-to-School Social 6-8pm ...........................................................…..Oct. 15 Fall Conferences.................................................…………………....Nov. 20-24 Book Fair..............................................................…November 22-December 3 Bingo Night 6-8:30pm............................................................…….........Jan. 28 Kindergarten Roundup ............................................................……...........April Volunteer Appreciation Week...........................................................April 11-15 Earth Day Field Trips................................................................……......April 22 Art Night………………………………………………………………………April 29 Staff Appreciation Week .........................................................………...May 2-6 Jog for the Arts and Beyond ..................................................................May 13 5th Grade Party.............................................………...............................June 9 Field Day ...................................................................................…........June 13 End of the Year Assembly / Last Day .................................……………June 15 **These dates are tentative and subject to change. Other Dates TBA Movie Ticket Sales, Testing Dates HOLLYDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Volunteer Opportunities 2010-2011 Hollydale Elementary School 505 SW Birdsdale, Gresham, OR 97080 Phone: 503-661-6226 Fax: 503-492-6718 www.hollydale.gresham.k12.or.us PTC Board President Cecilia Braaten 503-915-4466 Vice President Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120 Secretary Ed Braaten Treasurers Cyndia Smith Tracy Reed PTC Coordinators Volunteer Coordinator Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120 T-SHIRT SALE Volunteer help is needed in the Fall to promote the sale, tally the orders, and distribute the shirts. Contact: Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 or Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120 VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR ASSISTANCE You can do this from home! Help make phone calls, do small projects, etc. Contact: Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 or Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120 _________________________________________________________ JOY OF READING CLUB November – June This job requires lots of help! Volunteers are needed to copy and cut record sheets, rewards and bookmarks, do daily recording of students’ reading and keep up the database. Time commitment is 1 day / week with flexible scheduling. Daily recording takes approx. 30-60 minutes. PTC Representatives Site Council Joe Griffin Tracy Reed District Advisory Council (DAC) Dawn Bures Cecilia Braaten Scrip Coordinators Joe & Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 Contact: Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 or Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120 5TH GRADE CELEBRATION June 11th This is an end of the year party for the outgoing 5th graders held at Skate World. Contact Tracy Michael 5067586027 JOG-FOR-THE-ARTS AND BEYOND May 13 This is a fundraiser that supports art education through an “Artist in Residence” program at our school. This is a big event that takes place duringthe school day. Volunteers are needed to monitor and count laps for thestudents, hand out treats, tally laps, count money and hand out prizes. Coordinator Needed Contact Cecilia Braaten 503-915-4466 _________________________________________________________ OFFICE HELP Filing, typing, data entry, copying and answering phones are just a few ways you can help out in the office. Your contribution can be as little or as often as you like. Your help will be greatly appreciated! Contact: Sam Carriker or Traci Rector 503-661-6226 Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 or Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120 _________________________________________________________ PTC MEETINGS (PARENT TEACHER CLUB) 2nd Tuesday each month, 7-8:30pm – except September (9/21) Everyone is welcome to attend the monthly PTC meetings. They are held in the library and childcare is FREE. Come find out what is happening at Hollydale! Welcome! Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year at Hollydale. The Parent Teacher Club (PTC) wants to thank you for your support and let you know we appreciate all that you do for our school. Your gift of time is so valuable. The 6,000+ hours you logged last year in and out of the classroom were the equivalent of paying an employee almost $110,000. WOW! The efforts you have put into raising funds for our school have also been greatly appreciated. Those funds help us to bring opportunities for the students that they wouldn’t have otherwise. Together we provide over $18,000 in programs and supplies that supplement our children’s learning. I am proud to be a part of such a great team and community! In order to continue serving students with such quality programs and maximize our volunteers awareness and participation, we have created this booklet. It outlines all of the volunteer opportunities at Hollydale and tells what each opportunity involves including its responsibilities and time commitments. If you need additional information or clarification on any volunteer opportunity please contact the chairperson listed, a PTC board member or the Volunteer Coordinator. Thank you in advance for everything you will do for our school community. You are a valuable and important element in the success of our students and the Hollydale Volunteer Program. Please consider where you can help! Feel free to call with any questions you may have. I look forward to meeting you! Cecilia Braaten PTC President MOVIE TICKET SALES KINDERGARTEN ROUNDUP Fall and Winter During the school year Mt. Hood Theater offers children’s movie passes at a great price! The passes are sold before and after school and also raise money for the school. Volunteers needed to sell tickets for 30 minute shifts before and after school. April The office staff could use help in advance to prepare the registration packets and also help on the day of the event. Contact: Traci Rector 503-661-6226, _________________________________________________________ LIBRARY ASSISTANCE Contact: Cecilia Braaten 503-915-4466 _________________________________________________________ Processing new library books, shelving books and assisting students during checkout time are some of the ways you can help out in the library. Your commitment is flexible! Once a week, once a month or whateveryour schedule allows. Some take home work may be available. BACK-TO-SCHOOL SOCIAL October 16, 6-8pm Family Fun Night Join us for an evening of fun and games. We have a NEW fun and exciting event planned this year. We need volunteers to help serve food, set up, clean up and run games to make this night possible. Contact: Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 or Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120 _________________________________________________________ PICTURE DAY Tuesday September 28 Contact: Mrs. Deyoe 503-661-6226 _____________________________________________________ BINGO NIGHT January 29, 6-8:30pm Volunteers are needed to help organize this family event providing lots of fun and prizes. Help needed to solicit prize donations, purchase food, sell tickets, pass out BINGO cards and set up and clean up. Shifts are one hour on the night of the event. th Volunteers are needed to escort classes, help students get ready for photographs, and assist the portrait staff with other simple tasks. Contact: Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 or Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120 Coordinator needed Contact: Cecilia Braaten 503-915-4466 BOOK FAIR VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION 11/22-12/3 Scholastic Books gives us this opportunity to get books at a reasonable price, puts new books in the library and make about $1,100 for the school at the same time. Twohour shifts are available from 8:30am to 4:00pmand one evening until 7:30pm. Volunteers are needed to work as cashiers and to assist students with book selections. Please call if you can help setup, tear down or work a shift or two. October 1st 8:45-10am October 12th 6-7pm The primary focus of this event is to train volunteers to provide instructional support in the classroom. It includes training in reading and writing instruction as well as the use of school equipment, such as copy, die cut and book binding machines. Coordinator Needed Contact: Cecilia Braaten 503-915-4466 Contact: Cecilia Braaten 503-915-4466 _________________________________________________________ FALL FUNDRAISER September 29-October 19 _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONFERENCE MEALS We will be working with Northwest Fundraising for our Fall Fundraiser. This is our major fundraiser for the year and supports most of the PTC activities. Help is needed to collect and distribute orders, count money, and organize/chaperone the reward parties. We hope to raise over $12,000 for our school. November 22nd The PTC provides a meal for the teachers during conference week to thank them for their hard work and dedication to our children. Help is needed to organize the event, provide food, set up and clean up. Chairperson needed Contact: Cecilia Braaten 503-915-4466 _________________________________________________________ Contact: Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 or Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120 BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION ALL YEAR! Save those Box Tops! COPYCATS General Mills Box Tops are collected and turned in for 10 cents each. This raises close to $1,000 each year! Please save your Box Tops and send them in. Volunteers needed to make copies for teachers, office and PTC. Duties also include sorting and distribution. Time commitment is 1 day/week with flexible scheduling. Chairperson: Tracy Michael 503-669-8931 Contact: Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 NATURE HABITAT CLASSROOM VOLUNTEERS Work with the 4th/5th grade Nature Leaders (students) to coordinate a year-round gardening plan for fall, winter and spring plantings in the nature habitat. Help lead landscape improvements around the pond and create a natural habitat for the rabbits to live in. Preparing materials, working with a small group, working with individual students or planning parties are just a few of the areas in which you could be used in the classroom. You will provide learning opportunities that might not otherwise be available to the students. Your commitment is flexible! Once a week, once a month or whatever your schedule allows. Please consider making the extra effort to become a classroom volunteer. For information contact: Sally Macklin 503-618-9080 _______________________________________________ HEALTH SCREENING Dental and Vision Screening Hearing Testing Dates TBD Volunteers needed to bring children from their classroom to the screeningarea and assist with the testing. Training will be provided on that day. Contact: Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 or Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120 STAFF APPREICATION WEEK May 2-6 Each year a week is designated to show our staff how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication to our students. We need volunteers to plan special treats and activities for the week. Please helpshowsupport for our wonderful staff! CHAIRPERSON NEEDED Contact: Cecilia Braaten 503-915-4466 Contact: Your Child’s Teacher 503-661-6226 ART NIGHT Volunteers are needed to help gather donations from classrooms, make art baskets, set up, clean up, run art tables, and sell tickets. This event helps fund our artist in residence program . Contact: Elizabeth Griffin 503-704-6168 or Cheristi Ramirez 503-516-2120