HERE. - The PASAR Foundation


HERE. - The PASAR Foundation
Name: Rea Melody M. Alangcas
Address: Sitio Ipil, Anislag, Isabel
Place of Birth: Pagadian City,
Zamboanga del Sur Date of Birth: August 21,
2004 Age: 11 Gender: Female
Height: 127cm Weight: 25kg
Shoe Size: 6 Shirt Size: 14 / small
Rea Melody is a Grade 4 pupil. She
excels both in academic and extra-curricular
activities. As a matter of fact, she is a
consistent honor pupil since Grade 1. At
present, she ranks first in her class. She is
also the elected SPG President of Anislag
ES. She lives in a simple native house
together with her mother at Sitio Ipil, Anislag.
Her father is working in Pagadian City as a
painter. According to her, her father will just
send money once or twice a month, not
enough for their needs. She aims to become
a teacher in the future.
Name: Beboy P. Bensig
Address: Anislag, Isabel
Place of Birth: Anislag, Isabel
Date of Birth: April 23, 2006
Age: 9
Gender: Male Height: 126cm
Weight: 25kg Shoe Size: 7
Shirt Size: 16 or medium
This Grade 3 pupil is a consistent honor
pupil since Grade 1. He was second honor in
Grade 2. The youngest of three siblings, his
ambition in life is to be a policeman. His
father is a potpot driver while his mother
stays at home attending to the three children.
The family finds it difficult to buy rice
because of low income from potpot driving.
The family, thus, plants food crops and
vegetables around their house to have food
for the family.
Name: Kris Charity Mae D. Amit
Address: Antipolo, Isabel
Place of Birth: Antipolo, Isabel
Date of Birth: August 18, 2006 Age: 9
Gender: Female Height: 134cm
Weight: 24kg
Shoe Size: 6 Shirt Size: 14 / small
Kris Charity has one brother and one sister. She ranks second in her
Grade 3 class. She loves to read stories and easily memorizes poems. She
is active in every activity of the class and always acts as the leader. She
studies her lessons diligently at home. After school, Charity helps her
mother in taking care of her younger brother. Her father is a laborer with no
permanent job. They live in a small house made of light materials with no
electricity. They get water from their neighbor. Sometimes, even without
food, she goes to school. She wishes to have a new school bag and nice
food for Noche Buena.
Name: Daniel A. Sarto
Address: Antipolo, Isabel
Place of Birth: Antipolo, Isabel
Date of Birth: August 25, 2016 Age: 9
Gender: Male Height: 129cm
Weight: 21kg Shoe Size: 7
Shirt Size: 16 or medium
Daniel ranks first in his Grade 4 class and is a consistent honor pupil.
He loves to study and his favorite subject is Science. He got first place
during the recent Science Quiz of LIMES in Isabel district. His free time is
spent reading books and drawing. The youngest of three siblings, his
ambition is to be a Mechanical Engineer. The family finds it difficult to buy
rice because his father has no permanent job. Despite this, Daniel is eager
to go to school even with an empty stomach. No wonder that his wish for
Christmas is to have plenty of food and to receive school supplies.
Name: Maria Venus Farida C. Guiao
Address: P-1, Apale, Isabel
Place of Birth: Apale, Isabel
Date of Birth: June 16, 2006
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Shirt Size: 16
Venus, as she is fondly called, is a
Grade 4 pupil of Apale ES. She ranks
second in the class. She lives in a simple
house together with her mother at Sitio Ipil,
Anislag. Her father is a tricycle driver while
her mother just stays at home. She wants to
become a teacher someday. Venus’ wish
this Christmas is to have a school bag,
dress and nice food for Noche Buena.
Name: Elaisa M. German
Address: Apale, Isabel
Place of Birth: Villaba, Leyte
Date of Birth: December 30, 2003 Age:11
Gender: Female Height: 149cm
Weight: 43kg
Shoe Size: 7 Shirt Size: 18
Elaisa is top one of her Grade 5 class. She is the youngest of four
siblings. She is a shy girl who just stays in their house if there is no class.
Her father is a driver while her mother is a plain housewife. The family
lives in a house made of wood and other light materials that is not yet
fully repaired from Yolanda. Her ambition is to become a doctor. A
consistent honor she is, it is an irony that a girl like her who uses just a
lamp when studying could remain an achiever. For this Christmas, she
wants to receive dress and shoes.
Name: Rochelle Y. Canete
Address: Bantigue, Isabel
Place of Birth: San Mateo, Rizal
Date of Birth: February 20, 2007
Age: 8 Gender: Female
Shoe Size: 7.5 Shirt Size: Medium (Kids)
Rochelle is first in Grade 3. She is the
eldest of two siblings. Rochelle is a diligent
and consistent honor pupil. She is also active
in extra curricular activities. The family’s
income depends on the father who works as
a carpenter. She wants to become a nurse or
teacher someday. She wishes for shoes, a
school bag and school supplies, and a dress
this Christmas.
Name: Marygold D. Otero
Address: Bantigue, Isabel
Place of Birth: Bantigue, Isabel
Date of Birth: November 5, 2005
Age: 9
Gender: Female Height: 127cm
Weight: 30kg
Shoe Size: 8
Shirt Size: Medium (Kids)
Marygold is the youngest in a brood of
four. She ranks second in her Grade 4 class.
Marygold is an obedient and responsible
pupil. She is friendly and always participates
in classroom activities. Her father is a
carpenter and her mother is a health
contractual worker. She wants to become a
nurse someday. She wishes for shoes, a
school bag, and a dress this Christmas.
Name: Jamaica Mae S. Gabero
Address: Bilwang, Isabel
Place of Birth: Bilwang, Isabel
Date of Birth: October 12, 2003 Age: 12
Gender: Female Height : 4’5” Weight: 28kg
Shoe Size: 7 Shirt Size: Medium (Kids)
A consistent honor pupil, Jamaica is No. 1
in her Grade 6 class. She is the only child
and lives with her grandparents since her
parents are separated. She doesn’t have
much in life since her grandparents are very
old with no regular income. However, she
does well in classes and she does all the
activities promptly. She wants plenty of food
for Christmas, which she will share with her
grandparents since they don’t have the
money to buy nice food. She also longs for a
new dress, shoes and school supplies.
Name: Aiza A. Barrientos
Address: Bantigue, Isabel
Place of Birth: Bantigue, Isabel
Date of Birth: January 26,2006
Age: 9 Gender: Female
Height: 3’5” Weight: 25kg
Shoe Size: 33 Shirt Size: Small
Aiza is first in her Grade 3 class at Bilwang ES. The youngest of three
siblings, her father is a fisherman, while her mother is a native hatmaker.
According to her parents, Aiza loves to do her homework, and she does it by
herself. At a young age, Aiza is a responsible pupil and daughter. She
always helps her parents find food as she goes to the seashore to pick
seashells for food. Her neighbors find joy with her as she always acts as a
teacher by teaching small children to read and count. No wonder when she
was asked what she wanted to be in the future, she hastily replied to become
a teacher. For this Christmas, Aiza wants to have a new dress and shoes.
Name: Kim B. Tampos
Address: Can-andan, Isabel
Place of Birth: Can-andan, Isabel
Date of Birth: September 20, 2008 Age: 7
Gender: Female Height: 117cm
Weight: 20kg
Shoe Size: 7 Shirt Size: 14 or Small
Kim is the third of four siblings. She ranks first
in her Grade 2 class. Kim is smart, industrious
and participative during class discussions. Her
father is a farmer who does whatever work to be
able to send the children to school. Kim wants to
become a teacher someday. She wishes for
school supplies, shoes, food, and a doll this
Name: Jera Mae S. Dagsaan
Address: San Roque, Palompon
Place of Birth: San Roque, Palompon
Date of Birth: September 16, 2006
Age: 9
Gender: Female Height: 125cm Weight: 21kg
Shoe Size: 8 Shirt Size: 14 or Small
Jera Mae is first in her Grade 4 class. She is
very smart, kind, and friendly. She does not want
to be absent in class even if she is late already.
Her father is a contractual worker while her
mother stays at home. She wishes for school
supplies, a dress, and nice food this Christmas.
She wants to become a teacher.
Name: Jhade Mae I. Araño
Address: Cangag, Isabel
Place of Birth: Isabel, Leyte
Date of Birth: October 18, 2008
Age: 7
Gender: Female Height: 109cm
Weight: 20kg Shirt Size: 10
Jhade Mae is the youngest of two children
of a young couple. She is in Grade 1 and ranks
second. Her father earns income as a hired
farmer while her mother is a plain housewife.
Jhade Mae aspires to become a teacher
someday. For this Christmas, she wishes for
school supplies, shoes, dress, and special
food for the Noche Buena.
Name: Jerald M. Cagay
Address: San Pablo, Palompon
Place of Birth: Antipolo City
Date of Birth: December 11, 2003
Age: 9 Gender: Female Height: 126cm
Weight: 26kg Shirt Size: 14
Jerald is the seventh child in a family of 10
children. He ranks fourth in his Grade 6 class
and is very willing to learn. His father does not
have a permanent job, which makes life
difficult for the family to feed the 10 children.
Jerald already understands the situation of the
family that’s why he does his best to study
hard and to earn a degree to help his parents
and siblings. As a child, he still wishes for a
new shirt, rubber shoes, and slippers this
Name: Ianalyn L. Tabanao
Address: Consolacion, Isabel
Place of Birth: Isabel, Leyte
Date of Birth: November 1, 2006 Age: 8
Gender: Female Height: 131cm
Weight: 24kg Shirt Size: 12
Ianalyn ranks third in her Grade 3 class. She
always exerts effort on any assigned task and
leads in class activities. Her father is a carpenter
while her mother is a plain housewife. Their
income, however, is not enough for the family of
four. She wishes for a dress and school supplies
but most importantly food this Christmas. She
wants to become a teacher someday.
Name: Jill Lhaica S. Araño
Address: Consolacion, Isabel
Place of Birth: Consolacion, Isabel
Date of Birth: January 28, 2006
Age: 9
Gender: Female Height: 125cm Weight: 21kg
Shoe Size: 14
Shirt Size: 16
Jill Lhaica is the second child of three
siblings. She is in Grade 4 and currently ranks
second in her class. She is good in reading and
is diligent. She has shown potential to be a
good leader. Her father is contractual worker
and her mother is a housewife. For Christmas,
she wishes for magandang damit, pagkain,
school supplies, and a new pair of shoes. She
wants to become an engineer.
Name: Bea A. Castor
Address: Honan, Isabel
Place of Birth: Honan, Leyte
Date of Birth: March 17, 2006 Age: 9
Gender: Female Height: 130cm
Weight: 30kg
Shoe Size: 5 Shirt Size: 16
Bea comes from a family of seven and is
the fourth of five siblings. She is fourth
honor in her Grade 3 class. She does her
best to attend classes everyday. Bea’s
father works in Manila as a laborer while
her mother is laundrywoman. She wishes
for school supplies, food, toys, and dresses
this Christmas. She wants to become a
Name: Kervy John Centino
Address: Honan, Isabel
Place of Birth: Honan, Isabel
Date of Birth: March 28, 2003
Age: 12
Gender: Male Height: 132cm
Weight: 33kg
Shoe Size: 6 Shirt Size: 18
Kervy is No. 1 in his Grade 6 class. He is
the eldest of the four siblings. He
participates well in class and is a good
badminton player as well. His father is a
motorcycle (habal-habal) driver. He wants
to become a mechanical engineer someday.
His wishes for the coming Christmas are
shoes and shirt that he can wear this
Name: Rengie Ben M. Olondria
Address: Sto. Niño, Isabel
Place of Birth: Sto. Niño, Isabel
Date of Birth: November 12, 2007 Age: 8
Gender: Male Shoe Size: 34 Shirt Size: 16
Rengie is the second child of four siblings.
He is No. 1 in his Grade 2 class. He is smart,
helpful, and participates actively in class
discussions. His favorite subject is Araling
Panlipunan. His father works as a janitor
while his mother stays in the house. He
dreams of becoming a policeman someday.
He wishes for a slipper, shoes, shirt, and nice
food this Christmas.
Name: Rian Triesha T. Decipulo
Address: Sto. Niño, Isabel
Place of Birth: Isabel
Date of Birth: August 12, 2009 Age: 6
Gender: Female Height: 103cm
Weight: 13kg
Shoe Size: 25 Shirt Size: 10
Rian Treisha is first in her Grade 1 class at Isabel Central School. She is
the only child. Her father is a fisherman while her mother works as a
classroom cleaner. They don’t have electricity at home, so when Rian
studies her lesson, she does it early in the afternoon or uses an oil lamp in
the evening. Sometimes they ask their neighbor to let them connect through
a wire to have a light for her to use. At her young age, Rian already helps in
the household chores according to her mother. She climbs the chair to help
in washing the dishes. Her ambition is to become a doctor someday. This
Christmas, she wants to receive a Barbie doll/Frozen character.
Name: Vanessa C. Pansoy
Address: P-5, Libertad, Isabel
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Date of Birth: June 1, 2009
Age: 6
Gender: Female
Shoe Size: 7 Shirt Size: 14
Vanessa is fourth in her Grade 1 class. She
lives with her grandparents who are
subsistence farmers. Youngest among three
children, she is best described as friendly and
smiling. The pretty young girl is already
helping in the household chores by washing
dishes and folding her own clothes. If there is
no class, she plays with her neighbors.
Vanessa wants to become a teacher someday,
and as she tries to fulfill her dream, she
studies her lessons using a lamp as the family
cannot afford to have electrical connection.
This Christmas, she would like to receive a
school bag for her class every day.
Name: Trisha Lei A. Tesorero
Address: P-4, Libertad, Isabel
Place of Birth: Pasig City
Date of Birth: November 1, 2005
Gender: Female
Shoe Size: 34 Shirt Size: 20
Age: 9
Top of the class in Grade 4 at Libertad ES,
Trisha Lei lives with her grandparents together
with her younger brother. Her mother, a single
parent, works as a housemaid. Trishia Lei loves
to read, and during most of her free time, if not
playing, she is studying, that’s why it’s no
wonder why she is a consistent honor student.
She dreams to become an engineer someday.
For this Christmas Trishia wants to have a dress
and a bag.
Name: Bea Condestables
Address: Ilaya, Matlang, Isabel
Place of Birth: Palompon
Date of Birth: January 8, 2005
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Shoe Size: 7 Shirt Size: Medium (Kids)
Bea is a consistent honor student. She is
currently fourth in her Grade 4 class. Bea’s
father died a year ago and only her mother,
working as labandera, is left to raise and feed
the seven children. She is hardworking
despite the difficulties she has encountered in
life. Sometimes she goes to school without
breakfast. But this is not stopping her to
attend class and dreams to become a
successful teacher someday. She wishes for
a nice dress and food this Christmas.
Name: Mark Gel Dizon
Address: Pingag, Matlang, Isabel
Place of Birth: Bilwang, Isabel
Date of Birth: December 12, 2003
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Shoe Size: 7
Shirt Size: Medium (Kids)
Mark is the eldest of four siblings. He is in
Grade 4 and ranks fifth in his class. He is
very responsible and has initiative. His father
is a carpenter while his mother is a plain
housewife. He would sometimes be absent
from school because he has to help his
mother take care of his younger siblings.
Despite the hardships, he is performing well
in all aspects in school. He wants to become
a Seaman someday. He wishes to receive
school bag and supplies, pants, and food gifts
this Christmas.
Name: Trisha F. Pacaldo
Address: Mahayag, Isabel
Place of Birth: Mahayag, Isabel, Leyte
Date of Birth: May 10, 2005
Age: 10 Gender: Female
Shoe Size: 8.5 Shirt Size: 14
Trisha is the second of three siblings. She
ranks third in her Grade 4 class. She is a
responsible pupil and works hard to do
assigned tasks well. Trisha’s father has no
permanent job while her mother is a
househelp. She studies hard because she
wants to become a nurse someday. She likes
to receive school supplies, dress, and food
this Christmas.
Name: Nina Alumbo
Address: Mahayag, Isabel
Place of Birth: Mahayag, Isabel
Date of Birth: January 16, 2003 Age: 12
Gender: Female Height: 137cm
Weight: 34kg Shoe Size: 8.5 Shirt Size: 14
Nina is the eldest of two siblings. She
actively participates in her Grade 6 class and
ranks second. Nina is very studious and
always cooperates in group activities. She
also shows leadership qualities. Her father
does his best to provide for the family but his
income as a tricycle driver is not enough.
Nina hopes to become a teacher. She
fervently wishes for new shoes, school bag
and supplies, and a nice dress this
Name: Mefril Kem C. Eli
Address: Monte-alegre, Isabel
Place of Birth: Isabel, Leyte
Date of Birth: February 14, 2009 Age: 6
Gender: Female Height: 109cm
Weight: 18kg
Shoe Size: 7.5 Shirt Size: 12
Mefril comes from a family of four children
and she is the third child. She currently ranks
third in her Grade 1 class. She is always
very early in school and is perfect in
attendance. Mefril is shy but listens
attentively to the teacher. Her father has no
permanent work as a carpenter and her
mother only stays at home. She wants to be
a doctor and her wishes for this Christmas
are school supplies, shoes, and nice food.
Name: Angel Ann I. Doria
Address: Bayog, Monte-alegre, Isabel
Place of Birth: Monte-alegre, Isabel
Date of Birth: October 10, 2006
Age: 9
Gender: Female Height: 120cm
Weight: 21kg Shoe Size: 8 Shirt Size: 14
Angel is top of her Grade 3 class. The
youngest of three siblings, she was awarded
third place in the recently concluded Math
Quiz of the District. Their house burned
down four years ago and was totally
damaged during ‘Yolanda’. Her father works
as a security guard while her mother is a
plain housewife. She hopes to become a
teacher in the future. Her wishes for this
Christmas are food, school bag and
supplies, and a nice dress.
Name: Jonel J. Silvano
Address: P. Manga, Putingbato, Isabel
Place of Birth: Putingbato, Isabel
Date of Birth: December 6, 2008
Age: 7 Gender: Male Height: 109cm
Weight: 17kg Shoe Size: 30
Shirt Size: 14
Jonel is the quite and shy type but he is
attentive in class. Jonel ranks fourth in his
Grade 2 class and the eldest of two
siblings. The family lives in a nipa house
without electricity and a kilometer away
from the school. His father works as a
carpenter on a periodic basis. He hopes to
become an engineer. His wishes this
Christmas are nice food, shoes, and shirt.
Name: Angelica E. Noya
Address: Putingbato, Isabel
Place of Birth: Isabel
Date of Birth: January 26, 2003 Age: 12
Gender: Female Height: 104cm
Shoe Size: 50
Shirt Size: 14
Angelica’s parents separated and she is
left to the care of her elderly grandparents.
Angelica ranks first in her Grade 6 class.
She is always present in school, very
attentive, and shows so much interest in
studying. Her grandparents earn their
living as farmers. She wants to become a
teacher someday and help her Lolo and
Lola. She wants to have a school bag and
school supplies, dress, shoes, and nice
food on the table this Christmas.
Name: Ma. Lovely Rica S. Magno
Address: Sta. Cruz, Isabel
Place of Birth: Lapu-Lapu City
Date of Birth: February 8, 2009 Age: 6
Gender: Female Height: 115cm
Weight: 23kg Shirt Size: 12
Lovely as she is fondly called is the eldest
among the two siblings. She is in grade II
and ranks 4th. Her parents left her to the
care of her grandmother who works as an
“emergency worker” of an NGO and sends
her to school. Her father is very ill. Lovely
likes to read books during her free time.
Lovely wants to become a teacher someday.
Her wish for this Christmas is to receive
school supplies, a dress and nice food.
Name: Lalaine A. Cañete
Address: Anislag, Isabel
Place of Birth: Anislag, Isabel
Date of Birth: March 24, 1998 Age: 17
Gender: Female Height: 152cm
Weight: 59kg
Shirt Size: Small
Lalaine ranks sevent in her Grade 6 class.
She was abandoned by her parents at an
early age. She lives with her grandmother
who has no permanent work. Lalaine
sometimes could not come to school as she
needs to help her grandmother. She
sometimes go to school even without eating
breakfast or having baon for lunch. She is
not ashamed of her being already 17 years
old and still in Grade 6. She is determined to
continue and finish schooling. She aims to
become a successful teacher someday. She
wishes for nice shoes, a dress, and nice
food this Christmas.
Name: Jessa Mae A. Naron
Address: Tabunok, Isabel
Place of Birth: Manila
Date of Birth: March 26, 2004 Age: 11
Gender: Female Height: 147cm
Weight: 39kg
Shoe Size: 7 Shirt Size: 14
Jessa Mae is the second of five siblings.
She currently ranks third in her class in
Grade 4. She is very active in class and is a
consistent honor pupil since Grade 1. Jessa
Mae’s father left them and now only her
mother is raising the five siblings. Her mother
works as a barangay health worker. The
family lives in a house made of light
materials. Jessa wants to become an
Industrial Engineer and her wishes for this
Christmas are shoes, dress, and food for her
siblings and mother.
Name: Roselyn Francisco
Address: Tabunok, Isabel
Place of Birth: Isabel
Date of Birth: September 1, 2001 Age: 14
Gender: Female Height: 151cm
Weight: 43kg
Shoe Size: 8.5 Shirt Size: 16
Roselyn is No. 1 in her Grade 6 class and
a consistent honor pupil since Grade 1. She
is very attentive and does her best to comply
with all the class assignments and studies
her lessons everyday. She is the third child
of four siblings. Her mother left them and the
children are raised by the father who is a
tricycle driver. Her ambition is to finish her
studies. She wishes for a dress, shoes, and
nice Noche Buena this Christmas.
Name: Chacille Ann G. Pespiñan
Address: Tolingon, Isabel
Place of Birth: Tolingon, Isabel
Date of Birth: April 27, 2006
Age: 9
Gender: Female Height: 121cm
Weight: 20kg
Shoe Size: 7 Shirt Size: 16
Chacille is in Grade 3 and ranks fourth in her class. The second child of
four siblings, she is active in class discussions. Her father is a fisherman and
her mother only stays at home to take care of the children. Her father’s
earnings from fishing is not enough even for their daily basic needs. Their
present situation encourages her to study hard so that she can finish her
studies and get a good job to help her parents. She wishes for school
supplies, dress, shoes, and a taste of good food this Christmas.
Name: Jerick P. Flores
Address: Tolingon, Isabel, Leyte
Place of Birth: Ormoc City
Date of Birth: October 30, 2002
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Height: 135cm
Weight: 29kg
Shoe Size: 7
Shirt Size: 18
Jerick wears a happy disposition all the time. In the top 15 of his Grade 4
class, he is considered the clown of the class. He lives with his father who is
a charcoal maker and stepmother. He had to stop schooling before due to
poverty, which is why he is still in Grade 4. There are times when he goes to
school without eating breakfast. But that doesn’t hinder him from getting
good grades. He wants to become a pilot someday. When asked what he
wants for Christmas, he simply answered “anything”, as it will surely make
him happy. He’s shy to name things. Probably food, vitamins, bag, shoes,
and a pair of shirt and shorts are the things he needs.
Name: Sean Rico A. Villanueva
Address: P-3, Tubod, Isabel
Place of Birth: Ormoc City
Date of Birth: November 24, 2005 Age: 9
Gender: Male
Shoe Size: 8.5
Shirt Size: 14
Sean is a Grade 4 pupil and ranks fifth in his
class. He likes Math and participates in every
discusssion. He is well-behaved and friendly.
His parents especially his mother supports him
well in all his school activities. His father is a
security guard. Sean wants to be a successful
mechanical engineer in the future. He longs for
school supplies, clothes, shoes, and food this
Name: Bizjet Eureka L. Pepito
Address: Tubod, Isabel
Place of Birth: Marvel, Isabel
Date of Birth: December 3, 2003 Age: 11
Gender: Female Height: 151cm
Weight: 42kg Shoe Size: 9.5 Shirt Size: 16
Eureka, a grade 6 and third honor pupil, is
described by her aunt as a helpful child
especially in the household chores. She is
living with her aunt and grandmother. Her
aunt, who is a vendor, is supporting her
schooling as she was abandoned by her
separated parents. Her father later died. She
has great interest in learning and is
determined to finish her studies so that she
can help her aunt and grandmother. She plans
to become a stewardess someday. This
Christmas, she wishes to receive school
supplies, a nice dress, and nice food for the
Noche Buena.
Name: Jake C. Buntis
Address: GK, Sta. Cruz, Isabel
Place of Birth: GK, Sta. Cruz, Isabel
Date of Birth: April 21, 2011 Age: 4
Gender: Male Height: 112cm
Weight: 15.8kg
Shoe Size: 27 Shirt Size: 10
Jake is very active in SIBOL class at
Gawad Kalinga. The second of four siblings,
Jake is friendly and is not shy. His father is a
“potpot” driver while his mother is a plain
housewife. Jake wants to be an army doctor
in the future. He longs for a bike and food this
Name: Mary Jhocil C. Rafinan
Address: GK, Sta. Cruz, Isabel
Place of Birth: GK, Sta. Cruz, Isabel
Date of Birth: June 9, 2012 Age: 3
Gender: Female
Weight: 14.6kg
Shoe Size: 26 Shirt Size: 10
Mary Jhocil does not want to be absent in
her SIBOL class even on rainy days and is
very active in the activities even if she is
“yungit”. She is the eldest of two children. Her
father is a laborer while her mother takes
care of the house. She dreams to become a
nurse. This Christmas, she wishes to receive
a doll, a dress, and nice food for the Noche
Name: Jean Claire O. Sabando
Address: P-4, Tubod, Isabel
Place of Birth: Ormoc City
Date of Birth: August 3, 2006 Age: 9
Gender: Male
Shoe Size: 8
Shirt Size: 16
Jean Claire is the youngest of three
children. She is second in her Grade 4
class and aims to be on top of her class
this school year. Her father already died
and her mother works as a househelp to
support the three children. Jean wants to
be a teacher in the future. She desires for
a new school bag and school supplies,
shoes, and food this Christmas.