2015 Parcel ID Cross Reference
2015 Parcel ID Cross Reference
NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Parcel Id 5.02-50-901.1 5.02-50-903.1 5.02-50-905.1 37.00-4-12.1 37.00-4-12.10 37.00-4-12.11 37.00-4-12.12 37.00-4-12.13 37.00-4-12.14 37.00-4-12.15 37.00-4-12.16 37.00-4-12.17 37.00-4-12.18 37.00-4-12.19 37.09-1-1 37.09-1-2.1 37.09-1-2.2 37.09-1-3 37.09-1-4 37.09-1-5.1 37.09-1-5.2 37.09-1-6 37.09-1-9 37.09-1-10 37.09-1-11 * 37.13-1-1 37.13-1-1.1 * 37.13-1-1.2 37.13-1-2 37.13-1-4 37.13-1-5 37.13-1-7 37.13-1-8 37.13-1-9 37.13-1-10 37.13-1-11 37.13-1-13 Page Totals Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name Verizon New York Inc NiMo dba National Grid Time Warner of Albany Preserve at Bozenkill Creek Pangburn Farm LLC Burns, James Reiner, Matthew Slingerland, George R. Miller, Troy C. Martin, Joshua Gaughan, James M. Mastriani, Michael S. Ginsburg, Ronald E. Kullman, Andrea J. McCue, Casey M. Miller, Paul A. Spring, Robert Viola, Michelle L. Benninger, Trent W. VAMR Development LLC Hans, Philip J. Jr. Caruso, Stephen H. Roosa, Darwin J. Raczkowski, Richard DuBrin, Carolyn S. Becker, Milford E. Becker, Milford E. Edwards, Cinnia Edwards, Cinnia A. Rothstein, Arnold Tindale, William A. Haskins, Cynthia Glass, Cathryn M. Button, Arthur F. Dineen, Kerry A. Jones, Dana B. Butler, Charles W. Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 158,257 1,164,339 76,141 0 0 0 66,800 30,000 30,000 127,600 122,800 135,300 84,000 30,000 123,500 78,000 84,000 43,400 18,000 53,400 30,900 29,000 357,000 23,200 39,200 46,100 33,000 57,700 46,000 6,500 39,495 56,300 32,300 32,100 36,600 30,100 36,500 26,800 36,400 38,600 217,200 84,000 267,000 154,400 145,000 357,000 116,200 196,000 230,700 165,000 319,900 46,000 222,800 161,400 160,500 183,100 150,400 182,500 133,800 182,000 143,000 35 5,170,637 Page 1 of 347 1,975,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 134,739 1,140,642 68,174 66,800 30,000 30,000 638,100 613,800 676,600 419,900 30,000 308,800 390,100 421,000 217,200 90,200 267,000 154,400 145,000 357,000 116,200 196,000 230,700 165,000 319,900 46,000 6,500 39,495 279,100 161,400 160,500 183,100 150,400 182,500 133,800 182,000 143,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 866 861 869 970 311 311 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 322 210 210 210 210 240 322 314 322 240 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015gd#43 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 07-0001 2015 04-1119 03-0366 IH-1549 06-1451 99-1333 87-771 2013 08-1043 90-80 2015s/m#12 2015s/m#12 2015s/m#12 2015s/m#12 700827 01-2 05-0002 00-608 97-426 2014 08-0898 2012 8,809,555 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.13-1-15 37.13-1-16.1 37.13-1-16.2 37.13-1-16.3 37.13-1-16.4 37.13-1-17 37.13-1-18 37.13-1-19 37.13-1-20 37.13-1-21 37.13-1-22 37.13-1-23 37.13-1-24 37.13-1-25 37.13-1-26 37.13-1-27 37.13-1-28 37.13-1-29 37.13-1-30 37.13-1-31 37.13-1-32 37.13-1-33 37.13-1-34 37.13-1-35 37.13-1-36 37.13-1-37 37.13-1-38 37.13-1-39 37.13-1-40 37.13-1-41 37.13-1-42 37.13-1-43 37.13-1-44 37.13-2-1.1 37.13-2-1.22 37.13-2-3 37.13-2-5 Juda, David F. Simmons, Steven T. Glock, Shelly J. Runion, Kenneth D. Schultz, Peter Helligrass, Sarah DiVietro, Philip Vitale, James A. Kerr, William F. Jr. Bintz, Michael J. Dague, Sally A. Benson, Charles W. Miller, Troy DeFranco, Joseph F. Brust, James M. Chrysler, Donald A. Bode, Doris E. Conover, Christopher S. Milano, Mary Anne Lucik, George W. Arcuri, Frank J. Hall, Robert D. Hammond, Edward C. Beals, G Stephen Sr. Hawkins, Thomas Clancy, Kevin Dube, Cheryl A. Strawbridge Const Co Leach, Charles C. III. Murray, Owen L. Roberge, Albertine Binkley, Joan C. Dreels, Joseph M. Wade, Eugenia J. Vlahos, Anne Young, Warren J. DAntonio, Carolyn A. 287,100 473,700 296,900 352,500 294,200 156,700 212,700 261,100 217,300 266,800 205,600 297,700 369,700 345,200 228,000 226,900 201,800 173,700 162,900 217,300 195,400 209,200 230,300 162,000 210,500 238,200 200,500 0 236,500 217,300 194,300 216,600 160,700 224,100 213,800 241,200 240,400 57,400 79,500 59,400 70,500 58,800 27,100 42,500 52,200 43,500 53,400 41,100 59,500 73,900 69,000 45,600 45,400 40,400 34,700 32,600 43,500 39,100 41,800 46,100 32,400 42,100 47,600 40,100 0 47,300 43,500 38,900 43,300 32,100 41,600 42,800 48,200 48,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,638,800 Page 2 of 347 1,705,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 287,100 473,700 296,900 352,500 294,200 156,700 212,700 261,100 217,300 266,800 205,600 297,700 369,700 345,200 228,000 226,900 201,800 173,700 162,900 217,300 195,400 209,200 230,300 162,000 210,500 238,200 200,500 0 236,500 217,300 194,300 216,600 160,700 224,100 213,800 241,200 240,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 240 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 93-1062 2012 90-787 2012 2012 06-1204 99-247 04-954 89-731 IH-1552 94-1252 08-1075 05-0854 2012 01-625 2013 98-801 06-200 89-1245 2015 99-131 2013 06-003 2010 IH-1554 2013 99-1334 92-470 89-885 IH-1555 98-802 06-004 2015 98-891 IH-1556 05-718 8,638,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Parcel Id 37.13-2-6 37.14-1-1 37.14-1-2 * 37.14-1-3 37.14-1-3.1 37.14-1-3.2 37.14-1-5 37.14-1-6 37.14-1-7 37.14-1-8 37.14-1-9 37.14-1-10 37.14-1-11 37.14-1-12 37.14-1-13 37.14-1-14 37.14-1-15 37.14-1-16 37.14-1-17 37.14-1-18 37.14-1-19 37.14-1-20 37.14-1-21 37.14-1-22 37.14-1-23 37.14-1-24 37.14-1-25 37.14-1-26 37.14-1-27 37.14-1-28 37.14-2-2 37.14-2-3 37.14-2-4 37.14-2-5 37.14-2-6 37.14-2-7 37.14-2-8 Page Totals Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name McCabe Construction Corp Parker, Stephen W. Fuhrman-Deleskiewicz, Linda M. Dube, Todd Weston, Nichole Wood, Scott D. Cemetery Snyder, Sean D. Floeser, John J. Hughes, Harold J. Jr. Lennebacker, Wayne R. Dineen, Judith A. St Amour Glass, David Casullo, Teresa Magil, Robert J. Noyse, Michael W. Gasparro, Barry Schmidt, Mark S. Hoy, Jodie L. Quay, William Jr. Nations, Christopher L. Morgan, Patricia Quay, John E. Hamilton, Christopher J. Smith, John E. Lindberg, Ronnie S. McClintock, John E. Chamberlin, Richard J. Pitkin, Lisa C. Hayes, David Eson, Charles S. Lindell, Ronald B. Crounse, Thelma P. Holt, R Michael Spohr, Richard E & Adella W Robinson, Gary J. Knowles, Ann F. Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 36,500 193,800 135,000 176,000 36,500 38,800 27,000 35,200 32,900 25,000 5,100 49,200 48,800 41,800 33,000 32,300 31,500 30,500 33,400 47,200 39,200 28,300 23,200 31,500 30,300 29,700 27,600 40,800 46,300 31,000 28,000 27,800 29,200 29,200 33,400 28,000 27,200 28,600 24,700 25,400 27,200 5,100 245,900 243,800 208,900 164,800 157,600 157,500 152,700 167,200 236,100 196,000 141,300 116,200 157,300 151,600 152,700 138,000 203,900 231,600 155,000 139,900 139,000 146,000 146,000 166,800 140,000 136,000 142,800 123,300 126,900 136,200 36 5,291,400 Page 3 of 347 1,149,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 36,500 193,800 135,000 176,000 164,600 92,000 5,100 245,900 243,800 208,900 164,800 161,600 157,500 152,700 167,200 236,100 196,000 141,300 116,200 157,300 151,600 152,700 138,000 203,900 231,600 155,000 139,900 139,000 146,000 146,000 166,800 140,000 136,000 142,800 123,300 126,900 136,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 210 210 210 210 695 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 96-1083 05-0003 2014 2015s/m#1 2015s/m#1 2015s/m#1 79-532 05-719 05-1142 04-1121 96-9 2015 00-02 07-0972 2013 2010 2015 01-461 2011 74-679 2013 2014 04-1360 2014 93GD-85 98-894 82-298 92-121 04-174 06-201 06-007 75-86 2010 2010 01-3 95-206 2014 5,552,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.14-2-9 37.14-2-10 37.14-2-11 37.14-2-12 37.14-2-13 37.14-2-14 37.14-2-15 37.14-2-16 37.14-2-17 37.14-2-18 37.14-2-19 37.14-2-20 37.14-2-21 37.14-2-23 37.14-2-24 37.14-2-25 37.14-2-26 37.14-2-27 37.14-2-28 37.14-2-29 37.14-2-31 37.14-2-32 37.14-2-33 37.14-2-34 37.14-2-35 37.14-2-36 37.14-2-37 37.14-2-38 37.14-2-39 37.14-2-40 37.14-2-41 37.14-2-42 37.14-2-43 37.14-2-44 37.14-2-45 37.14-2-46 37.14-2-47 Cartmell, Robert M. Center For Disability Lawlor, Carol Palmer, Jane C. Rose, Diana L. Flaherty, Matthew S. Countrymen, Andrew B. McNiven, Robert A. Spadaro, Betty Perlee, Jeffrey S. Rogotzke, Korey Murphy, James J. Kingsland, Roger Wood, Scott D. Caifa, Thomas J. Dover, Joseph Tymchyn, Paul V. Clough, Ronald S. Pentak, William Bauman, Norman Cooper, Matthew I. Efaw, Kevin S. Haggerty, Robert J. Jr. Haines, Robert Snyder, Scott A. Quay, Joel R. Corbett, Brian Loparco, Eugene Jr. Hughes, Laurie A. Winter, Kathy H. Guyon, Gary F. Danto, Marc Borden, Howard W & Jeanne S. Little, William G. Wood, Bryan P. Richardson, Wayne K. Raffensperger, Gregg S. 157,100 250,000 172,600 158,900 221,000 161,900 149,000 146,000 157,100 134,100 170,500 142,800 355,600 191,500 200,900 152,500 132,700 157,100 272,200 157,400 264,900 233,600 284,500 213,800 298,200 279,000 329,300 312,900 286,300 251,300 322,400 273,700 279,400 263,000 186,700 264,200 231,000 31,400 50,000 34,500 31,800 44,200 32,400 29,800 29,200 31,400 26,800 34,100 28,600 71,100 38,300 40,200 30,500 26,500 31,400 54,400 31,500 53,000 52,400 56,900 42,800 59,600 55,800 65,900 62,600 57,300 50,300 64,500 54,700 55,900 52,600 37,300 52,800 46,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,215,100 Page 4 of 347 1,648,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 157,100 250,000 172,600 158,900 221,000 161,900 149,000 146,000 157,100 134,100 170,500 142,800 355,600 191,500 200,900 152,500 132,700 157,100 272,200 157,400 264,900 233,600 284,500 213,800 298,200 279,000 329,300 312,900 286,300 251,300 322,400 273,700 279,400 263,000 186,700 264,200 231,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 614 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 77-112 08-1045 98-500 05-0006 2012 2013 2010 84-445 99-980 01-966 07-0002 05-0007 2011 2013 2014 07-0975 76-167 85-587 07-1023 IH-1562 2015 08-1094 GD05-412 2015 2015 IH-1565 99-248 IH-1566 96-246 90-551 06-412 90-553 2010 92-593 2013 05-720 2014gd#39 8,215,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.14-2-48 37.14-2-49 37.14-2-50 37.14-2-51 37.14-2-52 37.14-2-53 37.14-2-54 37.14-2-55 37.14-2-56 37.14-2-57 37.14-2-58 37.14-2-59 37.14-2-60 37.14-2-61 37.14-2-62 37.14-2-63 37.14-2-64 37.14-2-65 37.14-3-1 37.14-3-2 37.14-3-3 37.14-3-4 37.14-3-5 37.14-3-6.1 37.14-3-6.2 37.14-3-7 37.14-3-8 37.14-3-9 37.14-3-10 37.14-3-11 37.14-3-13 37.14-5-1 37.14-5-2 37.14-5-3 37.14-5-4 37.14-5-5 37.14-5-6 Baratier, Keith E. Burleigh, Jeffrey N. Seery, Terence V. Reynders, Donna H. Klim, Brian M. Rohauer, Robert R. Dame, James L. Jr. Bollman, Theresa Trottier, Robert F. Jones, Philip R. Rogers, William R. Casey, Kevin S. Ernest, William H. Ronkese, Frank J. Zusman, Brian G. Dunn, Gregory M. Bujold, Jane M. Countermine, Jeffrey D. Carnibucci, Dominic J. Sr. Ciupek, Valentine Farrand, Janet L. Farong, Li Blakeley, Nathan Witsil, Mary K. Vinson, William R. VanAuken, Richard Buckey, Christopher E. Adams, Larry N. Sander, Barbara R. Forman, Scott J. Baumes, Susan C. Trzeciak, Jeffrey D. OMara, Michael W. Wold, Carol A. Stammel, Angela Carducci, Philip N. Dornbush, Mary D. 197,100 194,600 251,300 283,400 257,200 253,000 252,400 225,800 267,800 284,500 296,300 319,400 264,700 299,800 244,000 220,500 203,600 244,000 137,300 134,700 198,400 182,000 146,700 153,600 141,100 112,200 299,000 188,200 176,000 157,600 176,600 152,400 183,000 195,300 179,400 165,800 183,000 39,400 38,900 50,300 56,700 51,400 50,600 50,500 45,200 53,600 56,900 59,300 63,900 52,900 60,000 48,800 44,100 40,700 48,800 27,500 26,900 39,700 36,400 29,300 59,800 28,200 22,400 59,800 37,600 35,200 31,500 35,300 30,500 36,600 41,800 35,900 33,200 36,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,821,700 Page 5 of 347 1,596,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 197,100 194,600 251,300 283,400 257,200 253,000 252,400 225,800 267,800 284,500 296,300 319,400 264,700 299,800 244,000 220,500 203,600 244,000 137,300 134,700 198,400 182,000 146,700 153,600 141,100 112,200 299,000 188,200 176,000 157,600 176,600 152,400 183,000 209,200 179,400 165,800 183,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 240 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 00-360 08-0329 99-421 2010 07-0004 2014 01-1052 IH-1568 01-5 04-GD 05-0009 99-422 2015 07-0977 2014 02-03 05-0010 94-1006 99-423 07-0005 07-0978 2014 07-0979 02-1404 03-0369 01-627 2009 89-547 03-0370 02-1385 97-98 00-74 05-0862 2015gd#42 2012 08-1046 IH-1570 7,835,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.14-5-7 37.14-5-8 37.14-5-9 37.14-5-10 37.14-5-11 37.14-5-12 37.14-5-13 37.14-5-14 37.14-5-15 37.14-5-16 37.14-5-17 37.14-5-18 37.14-5-19 37.14-5-20 37.14-5-21 37.14-5-22 37.14-5-23 37.14-5-24 37.14-5-25 37.14-5-26 37.14-5-27 37.14-5-28 37.14-5-29 37.14-5-30 37.14-5-31 37.14-5-32 37.14-5-33 37.14-5-34 37.14-5-35 37.14-5-36 37.14-5-37 37.14-5-38 37.14-5-39 37.14-5-40 37.14-5-41 37.14-5-42 37.14-5-43 Tassone, Sal Kehn, Robert W. Farry, Michael J. DeLong, Scott J. Marshall, Christine Moore, Ryan M. Farry, Angela R. Haines, Kyle R. DuCharme, Peter C. Wertman, Mark E. LeClair, James P. Sikkander, Mohamed I. Maselli, Donald Streichert, Richard E. Kuon, Charles P. Ardito, Gary Novitsky, Greg A. Burleigh, Frederick Jr. Murphy, Michael T. Reed, Terrence P. Hensel, Sandra L. Fahrenkopf, Nicholas Pinze, Justin C. Tedesco, Jeffrey R. Smith, Beth B. Bruni, Carlo C. Jr. Center, Joseph E. Hitt, Daniel P. Rambo, Christopher S. Bennett, William B. III. Murray, Mark O. Shultz, Sarah L. Corradi, Joseph M. Weaver, David M. Trout, Charles A. Fanuele, Mark Mueller, James M. 177,700 152,500 231,600 165,700 169,700 165,700 152,400 177,500 169,700 177,100 180,000 165,800 178,400 165,700 198,600 175,200 186,900 164,500 183,000 183,000 181,000 214,100 212,900 222,900 152,400 254,900 213,500 165,800 150,400 180,000 180,000 152,400 165,800 209,000 158,800 165,800 217,400 35,500 30,500 46,300 33,100 33,900 33,100 30,500 35,500 33,900 35,400 36,000 33,200 35,700 33,100 55,200 35,000 37,400 32,900 36,600 36,600 36,200 42,800 42,600 44,600 30,500 51,600 42,700 33,200 30,100 36,000 36,000 30,500 33,200 41,800 31,800 33,200 43,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,717,800 Page 6 of 347 1,359,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 177,700 152,500 231,600 165,700 169,700 165,700 152,400 177,500 169,700 177,100 180,000 165,800 178,400 165,700 276,200 175,200 186,900 164,500 183,000 183,000 181,000 214,100 212,900 222,900 152,400 258,100 213,500 165,800 150,400 180,000 180,000 152,400 165,800 209,000 158,800 165,800 217,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 99-1335 07-0980 2015 02-452 06-1207 97-436 2011 2012 01-7 2012 99-427 07-0981 IH-1571 2012 2015 2010 07-0982 2010 2013 01-537 2011 2014 2012 07-0984 04-1027 2015 03-864 95-516 08-0242 2015 2011 98-503 97-440 95-518 03-909 94-804 97-446 6,798,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.14-5-44 37.14-5-45 37.14-5-46 37.14-5-47 37.14-5-48 37.14-5-49 37.14-5-50 37.14-5-51 37.14-5-52 37.14-5-53 37.14-5-54 37.14-5-55 37.14-5-56 37.14-5-57 37.15-1-2.1 37.15-1-2.3 37.15-1-2.21 37.15-1-2.22 37.15-1-3 37.15-1-4 37.15-1-5 37.15-1-6 37.15-1-7.1 37.15-1-7.2 37.15-3-1 37.15-3-2 37.15-3-24.3 37.17-1-1 37.17-1-2 37.17-1-4 37.18-1-2 37.18-1-3 37.18-1-4 37.18-1-5 37.18-1-6 37.18-1-7 37.18-1-8 Bruce, David R. Decker, Laurie A. Kedik, Todd M. Huber, John E. Sprague, James P. Bourque, David E. Pezzolla, Joseph U. Kwasnicki, Barbara Corradi, Luciano P. Jr. Martin, Stacey Santiago, Octavio Santiago-Parker, Raquel Tolmie, Edgar V. Beedle, Jeffrey Commisso, Rocco Seyfferth, Franklin Meilak, Anthony Meilak, Anthony Spawn, Neil R. Maikoff, Catherine A. Johnson, Kim L. Fox, Benjamin J. Testa, Frank A. Jr. Anagnostopulos, William Altamont Village of Altamont Village of Schweizer, Daniel Clark, Douglas S. Cowley, Edward P. Young, Warren J. Chlopecki, Benjamin J. Howie, Richard W. Howie, Richard W. Wardle, Elizabeth Gilbert, Todd M. Derrick, Robert A. Ableman, Joyce 176,700 150,400 210,000 193,400 152,200 156,200 163,700 157,600 178,600 152,500 181,300 178,700 152,300 164,000 215,100 198,900 227,500 190,600 228,400 185,900 145,200 169,900 203,400 258,600 127,900 97,200 233,400 281,600 245,700 500 26,900 157,400 2,600 146,000 140,000 112,700 122,500 35,300 30,100 42,000 38,700 30,400 31,200 32,700 31,500 38,900 30,500 36,300 35,700 30,500 32,800 43,000 39,800 45,500 38,100 45,700 37,200 29,000 34,000 40,700 51,700 52,100 97,200 46,700 88,900 53,700 500 26,900 31,500 2,600 29,200 28,000 22,500 24,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,085,500 Page 7 of 347 1,385,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 176,700 150,400 210,000 193,400 152,200 156,200 163,700 157,600 194,500 152,500 181,300 178,700 152,300 164,000 215,100 198,900 227,500 190,600 228,400 185,900 145,200 169,900 203,400 258,600 127,900 97,200 233,400 281,600 245,700 500 26,900 157,400 2,600 146,000 140,000 112,700 122,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 210 210 210 210 220 210 853 590 220 240 240 311 311 210 311 210 210 220 220 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 98-808 2014 03-865 07-0985 05-0864 GD05-155 2015 2011 2015 2014 03-866 2010 94-815 07-0008 2009 2009 95-859 98-895 07-0583 GD05-130 IH-1575 2013 00-1124 2012 02-1169 02-1169 GD05-126 2015 IH-1580 07-1025 2012 GD05-14 79-532 06-009 05-0012 05-0013 07-0710 6,101,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.18-1-9 37.18-1-10 37.18-1-11 37.18-1-12 37.18-1-13 37.18-1-14 37.18-1-15 37.18-1-16 37.18-1-17 37.18-1-18 37.18-1-19 37.18-1-20 37.18-1-21 37.18-1-22 37.18-1-23 37.18-1-24 37.18-1-25 37.18-1-26 37.18-1-27 37.18-1-28 37.18-1-29 37.18-1-30 37.18-1-31 37.18-1-32 37.18-1-33 37.18-1-34 37.18-1-35 37.18-1-36 37.18-1-37 37.18-1-38 37.18-1-39.1 37.18-1-39.2 37.18-1-40 37.18-1-41 37.18-1-42 37.18-1-43 37.18-2-1 Ting, Kin K. Lawrence, David F. Sharp, Judith A. Dymes, Daniel A. Ketchum, Thomas J. Jr. GRJH, Inc. Ketchum, Thomas J. Cuomo, Sherri Legg, Kesha K. Martin, Jared I. Scally, John F. Gaige, James A. Tarbay, Charles Wager, Hellen M. Lauria, Kimberly A. Reinemann, Josephine A. Willis, David G. Mock, Roger E. Altamont Village of Lauenstein, Raymond J. Sr. Casey, Robert & Kristin Kline, Donald M. Burlingame, Mark R. Vlahos, Harvey Bidleman, Porter E. Gulino JM Property Co LLC Gulino, John Voitsekhovski, Alexander Zucker, Clifford Kinnaird, Maryann Vlahos, Anne Vlahos, Harvey Sands, Sandra Jean Reinemann, Stephen E. Hard, Timothy W. Serafini, Ruth Delaware & Hudson 165,500 142,000 139,900 327,600 92,500 264,000 120,000 116,900 122,800 169,600 199,100 187,100 123,800 130,600 216,100 99,600 185,000 119,800 28,100 161,900 169,000 194,300 172,800 2,500 1,600 333,720 128,700 234,000 180,000 120,000 29,600 259,600 146,100 127,800 150,000 43,200 326,965 33,100 28,400 28,000 67,000 43,000 50,000 51,500 23,400 24,000 33,900 39,800 38,400 24,800 26,100 43,200 19,900 37,000 24,000 28,100 32,400 35,400 38,900 34,600 2,500 1,600 103,000 25,700 46,800 36,000 24,000 29,600 72,100 29,200 25,600 30,000 43,200 0 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,731,785 Page 8 of 347 1,274,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 165,500 142,000 139,900 327,600 92,500 264,000 120,000 116,900 122,800 169,600 199,100 191,900 123,800 130,600 216,100 99,600 185,000 119,800 28,100 161,900 169,000 194,300 172,800 2,500 1,600 333,720 128,700 234,000 180,000 120,000 29,600 259,600 146,100 127,800 150,000 43,200 326,965 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 443 433 432 485 210 210 281 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 220 210 210 311 311 471 220 230 210 210 311 421 210 210 210 311 842 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Account Nbr 06-1485 97-441 97-102 01-564 08-0568 07-0989 IH-1546 05-0014 2014 2015 08-0331 2015 06-010 01-967 95-522 06-1490 IH-1586 94-448 88-807 07-0010 2009 2012 08-0042 98-897 89-9087 07-1026 2013 2015IH GD05-15 2015 83-668 94-725 2015 03-867 2011 79-532 07-1253 5,736,585 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.18-3-1 37.18-3-2 37.18-3-3 37.18-3-4 37.18-3-5 37.18-3-6 37.18-3-7 37.18-3-8 37.18-3-9 37.18-3-10 37.18-3-11 37.18-3-12 37.18-3-13 37.18-3-14.1 37.18-3-14.2 37.18-3-16.1 37.18-3-17 37.18-3-18 37.18-3-19 37.18-3-20 37.18-3-21 37.18-3-22 37.18-3-23 37.18-4-1 37.18-4-2 37.18-4-3 37.18-4-4 37.18-4-5 37.18-4-6 37.18-4-7 37.18-4-8 37.18-4-9 37.18-4-10 37.18-4-11 37.18-4-12 37.18-4-13 37.18-4-14 OConnor, Carol Ann Kirk Reilly, Brian B. Hout, Frederick Benton, Noreen T. Moyse, Claude Jakway, Steven M. Ardman, David B. Altamont Village of Miller, Troy C. Urban, Timothy P. Ramirez, Danny J. Smith, Mark Ian Fields, Michael F. Donato, John Altamont Village of Gardner, James E. Gasparro, Barry Sivack, Stephen J. Pickering, John E. Jr. Tymchyn, Kelly Lynn Walker, Margaret S. Park House Apartments LLC Pollard, John J. III. Fletcher, Janelle M. Corradi, Frank A. Stouffer, Russell Sosman, Esther L. Smith, William J & Beatrice Fries, Helen W Reformed Church of Altamont Whalen, Dean E. Vissat, Mark E. Donato, Joyce Seinberg-Hughes, Margaret Head, Betty N. Misenhimer, Michael J. Bascom, Rodney 175,000 176,900 216,000 157,700 196,800 197,500 216,100 31,000 131,000 189,400 160,900 123,600 103,000 156,200 57,500 158,200 61,800 149,300 148,800 155,000 123,600 247,200 210,100 199,100 156,300 115,000 160,900 118,000 134,400 354,100 166,300 189,900 110,000 180,000 171,400 177,400 178,800 47,800 35,400 43,200 31,500 39,400 39,500 43,200 24,700 26,200 37,900 32,200 25,800 20,600 30,000 57,500 20,800 15,500 29,900 29,800 31,000 25,800 41,200 36,100 39,800 31,300 23,000 32,200 23,600 26,900 26,900 33,300 38,000 22,000 36,000 34,300 35,500 35,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,954,200 Page 9 of 347 1,203,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 175,000 176,900 216,000 157,700 196,800 197,500 216,100 31,000 131,000 189,400 160,900 123,600 103,000 156,200 57,500 158,200 61,800 149,300 148,800 155,000 123,600 247,200 210,100 199,100 156,300 115,000 160,900 118,000 134,400 354,100 166,300 189,900 110,000 180,000 171,400 177,400 178,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 963 220 210 210 483 411 411 438 482 482 220 210 220 482 483 482 210 210 210 210 210 210 620 210 210 220 220 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-1210 92-46 GD05-117 85-640 99-1675 89-608 95-1019 06-012 08-0332 05-680 03-0372 2012 2012 05-643 05-643 96-1039 89-1096 94-927 99-601 2010 04-1125 93-1286 02-1170 00-06 2011 2015 2013 04-07 2015 01-462 05-0865 07-0711 IH-1589 2011 07-1029 2011 5,954,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.18-4-15 37.18-4-16 37.18-4-17 37.18-4-18.1 37.18-4-18.2 37.18-4-19 37.18-4-20 37.18-4-21 37.18-4-22 37.18-4-24 37.18-4-25 37.18-4-26 37.18-4-27 37.18-4-28 37.18-4-29 37.18-4-30 37.18-4-31 37.18-4-32 37.18-4-33 37.18-4-34 37.18-4-35 37.18-4-36 37.18-4-37 37.18-4-38 37.18-4-39 37.18-4-40 37.18-4-41 37.18-4-42 37.18-4-43 37.18-4-44 37.18-4-45 37.18-5-1 37.18-5-2 37.18-5-3.1 37.18-5-3.2 37.18-5-4 37.18-5-5 Luyckx, Theresa A. Armstrong, Agnes F. Clifford, Robert Jr. Hill, Michael T. Kuntzsch, Fred Jr. Grinmanis, Michael A. T & L Sands Management, LLC Altamont Properties LLC Moyse, Claude Miller, Troy C. Altamont Village of Gaglioti, Joseph Fraterrigo, David B. Thornton, Brian DCYR Reality LLC Groeber, Patricia Miller, Robert W. Rice, Jacob Noah Lodge Lutheran Church Altamont Alric, Pierre L. Jr. Malerba, Lawrence Aylward, William F. Frinta, Irene Gaughan, James M. LaMountain, Michael R. Sanderson, Mary Muhlfelder, Barbara H. Williams, Frank Jr. Weaver, George R. McCutcheon, Robert Burleigh Betancourt, Paul St Amour, Susan Dube, Todd C. Schilling, Carl K. Murphy, Nancy P. Field, Clare M. 161,100 201,600 155,000 127,400 215,600 163,400 190,500 197,800 74,200 86,500 73,300 74,400 85,000 197,800 73,000 180,200 153,900 156,600 141,600 512,000 225,700 222,800 141,000 178,800 155,400 215,000 177,600 216,100 230,100 198,800 113,200 170,000 170,000 182,300 12,300 150,400 172,500 32,200 40,300 31,000 25,500 52,600 32,700 38,100 36,100 10,300 20,600 73,300 14,900 17,000 36,100 25,800 36,000 30,800 31,300 61,900 27,200 45,100 44,600 28,200 35,800 31,100 43,000 35,500 43,200 46,000 39,800 22,600 34,000 34,000 36,500 12,300 30,100 34,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,152,900 Page 10 of 347 1,270,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 161,100 201,600 155,000 127,400 215,600 163,400 190,500 197,800 74,200 86,500 73,300 74,400 85,000 197,800 73,000 180,200 153,900 156,600 141,600 512,000 225,700 222,800 141,000 178,800 155,400 215,000 177,600 216,100 230,100 198,800 113,200 170,000 170,000 182,300 12,300 150,400 172,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 210 210 210 230 220 210 482 482 482 692 210 210 484 449 483 220 220 632 620 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-177 74-687 02-453 97-105 2013 07-0011 08-0287 2012 03-0131 2012 98-504 2009 2009 06-1493 84-44 08-1077 97-107 2014 IH-1592 91-899 2015 99-437 74-682 GD05-90 IH-1594 2009 06-1211 06-1486 99-439 03-678 05-0866 2012 05-0020 2015 2014 2015 2015 6,152,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.18-5-6.1 37.18-5-6.2 37.18-5-7 37.18-5-8 37.18-5-9 37.18-5-10 37.18-5-11 37.18-5-12 37.18-5-13 37.18-5-14 37.18-5-15 37.18-5-16 37.18-5-17 37.18-5-18 37.18-5-19 37.18-5-20.1 37.18-5-20.2 37.18-5-21 37.18-5-22 37.18-5-23 37.18-5-24 37.18-5-25 37.18-5-26 37.18-5-27 37.18-5-28 37.18-5-29 37.18-5-30 37.18-5-31 37.18-5-32 37.18-5-33 37.18-6-1 37.18-6-2 37.18-6-3 37.18-6-4 37.18-6-5 37.18-6-6 37.18-6-7 Grey, Sharon M. Rau, Kenneth McConchie, Lynn W. Sr. Gaunt, Simon William Hawkins, Conor G. Brown, Daniel M. Center Residence Corporation Agnew, Adam C. Nowak, Thomas Kapusinsky, Kyle G. Boyd Hilton Post Zimmerman, William Kerby Coughtry, JoAnn E. DAlauro, Veronica New York Telephone Co VanAuken, Terry S. VanAuken, Clifford Ciaccio, Charles J. Schilling, Carl Mockler, Nils E. Long, Richard C. Talbot, Thomas O. McCullen, John A. Hornberger, Richard M. Stevens, Michelle L. VanGarderen, Tamara Koch, Richard G. Losito, Francis J. Crosby, Sam F. Sargent, Craig E. Altamont Free Library Altamont Village of Village Post Properties, LLC Ketchum, Thomas J. Altamont Village of Czaban, Christopher Kappel, Hans K. 151,900 203,400 184,000 191,800 169,700 191,600 200,000 180,000 213,000 136,800 181,900 249,900 200,200 174,500 185,900 126,400 179,000 173,900 59,700 155,000 141,900 141,400 154,000 143,900 152,400 159,900 166,200 170,500 152,800 163,900 242,100 85,700 210,100 12,200 26,200 199,400 199,400 30,400 40,700 36,800 38,400 33,900 38,300 40,000 36,000 42,600 27,400 27,500 50,000 40,000 32,500 35,000 25,300 35,800 34,800 38,700 31,000 28,400 28,300 30,800 28,800 30,500 32,000 33,200 34,100 30,600 32,800 48,400 76,300 36,100 12,200 26,200 39,900 39,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,030,600 Page 11 of 347 1,303,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 151,900 203,400 184,000 191,800 169,700 191,600 200,000 180,000 213,000 136,800 181,900 249,900 200,200 174,500 185,900 126,400 179,000 173,900 59,700 155,000 141,900 141,400 154,000 143,900 152,400 159,900 166,200 170,500 152,800 163,900 242,100 85,700 210,100 12,200 26,200 199,400 199,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 614 230 210 210 632 220 210 210 831 210 210 210 312 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 611 963 484 330 963 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 8 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0990 97-442 2013 2015 2015 2009 04-1364 SC96-05 2012 2013 08-1050 2013 07-0991 2010 20-0001 97-1034 92-1169 94-732 07-0992 98GD 87-154 90-66 2010 88-156 2012 2010 90-765 02-455 05-723 90-90 2012 2013 IH-1601 79-532 08-0072 GD05-367 6,030,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.18-6-8 37.18-6-9 37.18-6-10 37.18-6-11 37.18-6-12 37.18-6-13 37.18-6-14 37.18-6-15 37.18-6-16 37.18-6-17 37.18-6-19 37.18-6-20 37.18-6-21./1 37.18-6-21./2 37.18-6-21./3 37.18-6-21./4 37.18-6-21./5 37.18-6-21./6 37.18-6-21./7 37.18-6-21./8 37.18-6-22 37.18-6-23 37.18-6-24 37.18-6-25 37.18-6-26 37.18-7-1 37.18-7-2 37.18-7-3 37.18-7-4 37.18-7-5 37.18-7-6 37.18-7-7 37.18-7-8 37.18-7-9 37.18-7-10 37.18-7-11 37.18-7-12 Merrifield, Eric S. Ryan, Patrick Smith, Marc I A Lake, Gregory R. Neumann, Theodore C. Martin, Geoffrey T. Adams, Esther M. Seidenberg, Jessica Caruso, Stephen H. Peck, Lance D. Faulkner, Gary L. Buyea, Leslie G. Grant Irrevocable Trust, Harold C. Fraterrigo, David Bidleman, Porter E. Elgie, Thelma I. Miller, Troy C. Bustard, Esther M. Armstrong, Dorothy Fraterrigo, Philip Hale, Kevin Stevens, Judy R. Linendoll, Stewart D. Leyden, Thomas P. Jr. Key Bank NA Litten, Simon Sullivan, James J. McKee, Kevin Denniston, Mark R. Schreibstein, Richard A. Oliver, Jerald A. Gregory, Jeffrey M. Caruso, James P. Murphy, John William Jr. Greene, James R. Caruso, James P. Patnode, Anne T. 237,900 167,900 160,300 141,000 167,000 158,900 142,000 160,900 172,200 229,300 140,000 145,900 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 125,000 183,300 155,000 194,700 358,400 200,700 199,300 127,000 190,800 193,800 161,400 151,700 198,700 139,900 217,100 208,500 141,300 47,600 33,600 32,100 28,200 33,400 31,800 28,400 32,200 34,400 45,900 28,000 29,200 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 25,000 36,700 31,000 38,900 103,000 40,100 39,900 25,400 38,200 38,800 32,300 30,300 39,700 28,000 43,400 41,700 28,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,654,700 Page 12 of 347 1,145,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 237,900 167,900 160,300 141,000 167,000 158,900 142,000 160,900 172,200 229,300 140,000 145,900 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 125,000 183,300 155,000 194,700 358,400 200,700 199,300 127,000 190,800 193,800 161,400 151,700 198,700 139,900 217,100 208,500 141,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 462 210 210 220 210 210 220 220 220 210 210 220 210 C C C C C C C C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 07-0013 08-0424 97-109 2014 93-1287 99-984 07-0014 2013 08-1078 2013 75-203 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2014 2012 2012 IH-1606 08-0794 95-1023 02-548 90-68 02-527 2012 07-0994 2015 85-257 83-48 01-12 74-688 00-364 2014 04-995 06-1214 5,654,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.18-7-13 37.18-7-14 37.18-7-15 37.18-7-16 37.18-7-18 37.18-7-19 37.18-7-20 37.18-7-21 37.18-7-22 37.18-7-23 37.18-7-24 37.18-7-25 37.18-7-26 37.18-7-27 37.18-7-28 37.18-7-29 37.18-7-30 37.18-7-31 37.18-7-32 37.18-7-33 37.18-7-34 37.18-7-35 37.18-7-36 37.18-7-37 37.18-7-38 37.18-7-39 37.18-7-40 37.19-1-1 37.19-1-2 37.19-1-3 37.19-1-5 37.19-1-6 37.19-1-7 37.19-1-8 37.19-1-9 37.19-1-11 37.19-1-12.3 Peck, Gregory M. Danchetz, Christopher G. Spohr, Thomas R. St Lucys Church of Altamont Fassett, Ann G. Mower, James E. McGuire, Matthew W. Fader, Marybeth Shands, Mary Mooney, Jean Hall Owen, Mark W. Hurley, Elizabeth A. Sanford, Christopher J. Sands, John C. Makepeace, Sherry R. St Lucys Church of Altamont McCullen, Joseph Young, Leon J. Short, Gladys M. Scalzo, Amanda M. Slack, Joseph L. Pollard, James E. LaDuke, Jeffrey L. Huggins, Jeffrey R. Robillard, Lucette M. Bernardi, Robert Panepinto, William C. Grapka, David L. Browe, James Labruzzo, Andrew Dickinson, Ruth B. Scrafford, Donald H. Race, Allison Brock, Howard Zwack, Stephen J. Muia, Joseph Jr. Little, William T. 172,700 160,300 203,000 387,600 216,100 146,000 119,600 130,400 158,900 201,600 161,500 196,800 203,500 170,000 96,500 510,000 172,700 114,300 172,500 147,400 141,000 129,500 160,800 90,300 142,000 189,900 174,800 150,400 176,000 177,300 192,500 180,500 239,800 203,800 273,000 148,300 200,600 34,500 32,100 40,600 34,400 43,200 29,200 23,900 26,100 31,800 40,300 32,300 39,400 40,700 34,000 19,300 100,000 34,500 22,900 34,500 40,200 28,200 25,900 32,200 18,100 28,400 38,000 35,000 30,100 35,200 35,500 38,500 36,100 48,000 40,800 54,600 29,700 40,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,811,900 Page 13 of 347 1,328,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 172,700 160,300 203,000 387,600 216,100 146,000 119,600 130,400 158,900 201,600 161,500 196,800 203,500 170,000 96,500 510,000 172,700 114,300 172,500 147,400 141,000 129,500 160,800 90,300 142,000 189,900 174,800 150,400 176,000 177,300 192,500 180,500 239,800 203,800 273,000 148,300 200,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 620 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 210 210 210 620 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-996 02-549 2015 04-959 GD05-35 94-1254 2013 2012 97-110 99-985 00-268 67-300 04-1030 06-1427 06-1427 08-1082 2015 03-0374 2013 04-482 07-0016 87-157 2011 2011 95-526 80-579 97-449 2013 2012 2012 2012 2010 IH-1610 2012 82-117 03-873 6,811,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.19-1-13 37.19-1-14 37.19-1-15 37.19-1-16.1 37.19-1-16.2 37.19-1-16.3 37.19-1-16.4 37.19-1-17 37.19-1-18 37.19-1-20 37.19-1-21 37.19-1-22 37.19-1-23 37.19-1-24 37.19-1-25 37.19-1-26 37.19-1-27 37.19-2-1 37.19-2-2 37.19-2-3 37.19-2-4 37.19-2-5 37.19-2-6 37.19-2-7 37.19-2-8 37.19-2-9 37.19-2-10 37.19-2-11 37.19-2-12 37.19-2-13 37.19-2-14 37.19-2-15 37.19-2-16 37.19-2-17 37.19-2-18 37.19-2-19 37.19-2-20 Carhart, Linda D. Walrath, Stephen P. Johnsen, George W. Ganance, Vincent S. Wolfe, Laurence D. Cleveland, William E. Livecchi, Vincent S. VandeCarr, Neil Bizan, Ted S. Mahoney, Elizabeth A. Mahoney, Elizabeth A. Southwood, Jean A. DeLuke, Gary A. Kowalski, Joshua McCormick, Maurice Shank, Bruce Buchanan, William H. Donato, John Grant, Bradley D. Fletcher, Raymony F. DeVillamil-Long, George Rabbin, Robert M. Furlong, John P. Ginder, Roger A. Jr. Twilight Property Quickenton, Edward K. Johnson, Bonnie-Jean Chardeen, Gloria Jean Wilford, Timothy E. Rosenthal, Vincent J. Giorgio, Gregory J. Kotowski, Maureen Harrington, Shirley Millard, Richard P. Carroll, Scott E. Staub, Genevieve A. Altamont Village of 151,800 146,000 154,900 183,000 154,600 183,000 196,600 230,500 235,200 1,000 218,100 139,600 235,500 218,900 259,000 205,700 247,200 122,400 248,700 157,300 157,000 225,600 127,900 146,600 123,600 92,700 92,900 124,600 169,400 123,800 93,000 97,000 165,700 93,300 93,200 93,000 902,800 30,400 29,200 31,000 36,600 30,900 36,600 39,300 46,100 47,000 1,000 43,600 27,900 68,000 43,800 51,800 41,100 51,500 24,500 49,700 31,500 31,400 45,100 25,600 29,300 123,600 18,500 18,600 24,900 33,900 24,800 18,600 19,400 33,100 18,700 18,600 18,600 41,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,611,100 Page 14 of 347 1,305,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 151,800 146,000 154,900 183,000 154,600 183,000 196,600 230,500 235,200 1,000 218,100 139,600 235,500 218,900 259,000 205,700 247,200 122,400 248,700 157,300 157,000 225,600 127,900 146,600 123,600 92,700 92,900 124,600 169,400 123,800 93,000 97,000 165,700 93,300 93,200 93,000 902,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 220 481 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 330 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 662 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Account Nbr 05-1289 92-764 2012 2013 04-1031 06-202 02-515 99-2 02-525 05-0022 05-0022 2011 GD11vs 06-1062 99-442 96-239 2011 08-0084 07-0997 2013 2013 96-240 90-512 2015 2014 95-1025 2015 76-103 08-0427 03-1100 00-10 87-702 05-0871 2014 2013 93-9999 97-451 6,611,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Parcel Id 37.19-2-21 37.19-2-22 37.19-2-23 37.19-2-24 37.19-2-25 37.19-2-26.1 37.19-2-26.2 37.19-2-26.3 37.19-2-26.4 37.19-2-27.1 * 37.19-2-27.2 37.19-2-27.4 37.19-2-27.21 37.19-2-27.22 37.19-2-28 37.19-2-29 37.19-2-30 37.19-2-31 37.19-2-32 48.06-1-2 48.06-1-3 48.06-1-4 48.06-1-5 48.06-1-6.1 48.06-1-7 48.06-1-8 48.06-1-9 48.06-1-10 48.06-1-11 48.06-1-12 48.06-1-13 48.06-1-14 48.06-1-15 48.06-1-16 48.06-1-18 48.06-1-19 48.06-1-20 Page Totals Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name Altamont Village of LaCrosse, Jean L. Freeman, Robert A. Freeman, Judith Sell, Bruce A. Sell, Bruce A. Wilson, Kirby S. Rue, Constance M. Altamont Village of Albany Schenectady Greene Bush, Wayde R. Edmunds, Frederick R. Bush, Wayde R. Bush, Wayde R. McCabe, Brian R. McCabe Construction Corp Urban, Katherine Abramovitz, Marilyn T. Fass, Stuart F. LaSalette Seminary Kelsey, Andrea L. Kelsey, Andrea L. Schillinger, John E. Kelsey, Andrea L. Sands, John C. Ziemann, Frederick Bartlett, Bruce W. Boucher, Mary T. McNeany, Michael R. Jubrey, Emil III. Gardner, Dennis C. Ronan, Newton T. Kelsey, Andrea L. Keough, John M. Vincent, Paul White, Robert D. Schiavone, Michael Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 32,600 147,900 159,900 116,400 216,600 259,100 141,000 164,800 9,700 32,400 201,000 2,000 32,600 29,600 32,000 23,300 43,300 51,800 28,200 33,000 9,700 32,400 40,200 2,000 39,100 16,500 35,200 29,400 26,600 27,400 41,200 67,300 8,100 8,300 39,700 18,200 37,500 35,800 32,500 24,100 26,600 50,100 19,300 34,900 39,900 33,700 43,500 24,900 27,600 176,100 147,200 132,800 137,000 247,200 67,300 8,100 8,300 198,400 18,200 187,400 178,900 162,400 120,700 132,800 250,500 96,500 174,500 199,400 168,400 134,500 124,400 138,000 36 4,491,400 Page 15 of 347 1,105,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 32,600 147,900 159,900 116,400 216,600 259,100 141,000 164,800 9,700 32,400 201,000 2,000 195,400 16,500 176,100 147,200 132,800 137,000 247,200 67,300 8,100 8,300 198,400 18,200 187,400 178,900 162,400 120,700 132,800 250,500 96,500 174,500 199,400 168,400 134,500 124,400 138,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 970 311 210 311 210 311 220 220 210 210 483 322 322 314 220 311 230 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 94-739 07-0998 08-1112 2009 SC94-05 06-290 07-0019 2015 93-1251 92-1188 2015s/m#17 93-9999 2015s/m#17 2015s/m#17 92-487 82-118 2010 94-1460 93-9999 79-532 03-911 03-911 2014 03-1404 08-0428 2015 07-0939 08-1035 08-0429 06-1217 01-972 94-742 00-368 2012 2012 2013 SC103-05 4,703,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 48.06-1-21 48.06-1-22 48.06-1-23 48.06-1-24 48.06-1-25 48.06-1-26 48.06-1-27 48.06-1-28 48.06-1-29 48.06-2-1 48.06-2-2 48.06-2-3 48.06-2-4 48.06-2-5 48.06-2-6 48.06-2-7 48.06-2-8 48.06-2-9 48.06-2-10 48.06-2-11 48.06-2-12 48.06-2-13 48.06-2-14 48.06-2-16 48.06-2-17.1 48.06-2-17.2 48.06-2-18 48.06-2-19 48.06-2-20 48.06-2-21 48.06-2-22 48.06-3-1 48.06-3-2 48.06-3-3 48.06-3-4 48.06-3-5 48.06-3-6 Beliveau, Linda Heidinger, John P. Brown, Geoffrey VanAuken, Harry A. Orsini, Jeanette Hale, Kevin Zielinski, Kristin A. Buchanan, William H. Gockley, Terri A. Rothenberg, Carol Anderson Baumann, Peter HIS Holdings LLC Russell, Tracy Gessick, Thomas A. Schiller, George K. Donato, John Wey, Francis W. Corbett, Daniel J. Ilowit, Micah R. Graves, David Z. Warner, Jacqueline R. Best, Walter J. Allard-Smith, Colleen M. Page, Mary C. Warnken, John F. DuBois, Diane Ludwig, Erika Myers, Adam S. Taylor, Vivian Jacobson, Daniel K. Dean, Mark D. Altamont Plaza, LLC Donato, John Scheidel, Steven M. Scheidel, Michael J. Helderberg Post 997 Donato, Joyce A. 96,500 116,500 102,400 119,300 90,000 142,400 147,800 166,500 155,800 188,200 120,000 463,600 176,500 168,900 110,000 154,300 146,000 141,900 124,600 122,700 122,300 124,500 121,300 152,700 96,200 102,300 147,000 154,000 148,700 75,000 162,700 346,100 148,300 141,100 164,600 157,300 127,400 19,300 23,300 20,500 23,900 18,000 28,500 29,600 33,300 31,200 37,600 24,000 149,400 35,300 33,800 22,000 30,900 29,200 28,400 24,900 24,500 24,500 28,900 24,300 30,500 19,200 20,500 29,400 30,800 29,700 15,000 32,500 123,600 46,400 28,200 31,500 30,400 25,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,545,400 Page 16 of 347 1,238,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 96,500 116,500 102,400 119,300 90,000 142,400 147,800 166,500 155,800 188,200 120,000 463,600 176,500 168,900 110,000 154,300 146,000 141,900 124,600 122,700 122,300 124,500 121,300 152,700 96,200 102,300 147,000 154,000 148,700 75,000 162,700 346,100 148,300 141,100 164,600 157,300 127,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 486 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 485 541 220 220 632 281 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 Account Nbr 2015 07-0020 2014 03-1406 IH-1616 08-0122 03-0133 96-1042 06-203 IH-1618 IH-1619 2015 2011 02-546 89-512 2013 80-511 03-0134 00-11 86-336 08-0317 2012 2010 2012 07-0021 04-485 2014 IH-1620 06-018 GD05-144 00-371 07-1000 2015 03-966 2010 03-878 07-0712 5,545,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 48.06-3-7 48.06-3-8 48.06-3-9 48.06-3-10 48.06-3-11 48.06-3-12 48.06-3-13 48.06-3-14 48.06-3-15 48.06-3-16 48.06-3-17 48.06-3-18 48.06-3-19 48.06-3-20 48.06-3-21 48.06-3-22 48.06-3-23 48.06-3-24 48.06-4-1 48.06-4-2.1 48.06-4-2.2 48.06-4-3 48.06-4-4 48.07-1-1 48.07-1-2 48.07-1-3 48.07-1-5 48.07-1-6 48.07-1-7 48.07-1-8 48.07-1-9.2 48.07-1-9.11 48.07-1-9.12 48.07-1-9.13 48.07-1-9.14 48.07-1-9.15 48.07-1-9.16 Herzog, James Waite, Sherry Jean Dudley, Nicholas A. Dudley, Nicholas A. Dudley, Nicholas Nadeau, Robert G. Swart, Samantha Taber, Neil A. Mountain Dale Townhouse Stasinchak, Walter Ford, Pamella D. Hukey, John Filkins, David J. Wu, Ping Y. VanOlpen, Michele M. Jabian, Aghavni Sharma, Anita K. Fairway Ltd Partnership Albany Schenectady Greene Paley, Jennifer M. Albany Schenectady Greene Dean, Stanley L. Coughtry, Timothy E. Sanger, Kathryn M. Dodge, Theresa L. Newcomb, Judith A. Heidinger, Mary Cure, Peter T. Pulliam, Kent C. Guilderland Central Brandle Ltd Partnership Laraway, Emily Danckert, Paul H. Robinson, Thomas C. Preston, Robert W. Donnelly, Charles J. Ermides, Tricia A. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 147,300 151,700 121,400 69,200 10,800 247,200 111,400 114,400 12,000 102,000 101,400 101,500 101,500 107,000 101,800 101,800 101,400 800,000 39,700 188,000 36,400 141,000 169,300 91,000 207,500 190,000 158,900 190,000 199,400 1,908,000 839,000 162,000 165,200 173,600 194,500 150,400 146,000 29,500 30,300 24,300 10,300 10,800 61,800 22,300 22,900 12,000 20,400 20,300 20,300 20,300 21,400 20,400 20,400 20,300 329,600 26,400 37,600 30,300 28,200 41,200 18,200 41,500 38,000 31,800 38,000 39,900 401,300 216,300 32,400 33,000 34,700 38,900 30,100 29,200 7,953,700 Page 17 of 347 1,904,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 147,300 151,700 121,400 69,200 10,800 247,200 111,400 114,400 12,000 102,000 101,400 101,500 101,500 107,000 101,800 101,800 101,400 800,000 39,700 188,000 36,400 141,000 169,300 91,000 207,500 190,000 158,900 190,000 199,400 1,908,000 839,000 162,000 165,200 173,600 194,500 150,400 146,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 440 330 484 220 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 411 531 210 531 210 484 210 210 210 210 210 210 612 411 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 85-721 2010 85-21 96-867 85-23 89-611 2015 IH-1625 79-691 07-0022 05-0029 2013 2015 2010 2011 08-0205 06-293 2010GD#13 79-532 2014 04-1338 82-153 99-619 08-0257 07-0023 08-0211 01-636 07-0637 06-295 2010GD#14 08-0333 2009 08-1052 2012 96-491 06-204 7,953,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland - 0130 Village of Altamont SWIS Code - 013001 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 48.07-1-9.17 48.07-1-9.18 48.07-1-10 48.07-1-11 48.07-1-12 48.07-1-13 48.07-1-14 48.07-1-17 630.01-9999-132.350/1151 630.01-9999-601.700/1881 630.01-9999-631.900/1881 630.89-9999-601.700/1881 Center For Disability Vega, Yolanda Saile, Anne F. Albany Schenectady Greene McCoy, Terri L. Albany Schenectady Greene Albany Schenectady Greene Albany Schenectady Greene NiMo dba National Grid A T & T Communications New York Telephone Co AT&T 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 126,200 163,900 132,300 28,400 126,000 15,700 148,600 1,663,900 383,494 51,606 20,854 7,600 17,300 32,800 26,500 28,400 25,200 15,700 29,700 269,900 0 0 0 0 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 126,200 163,900 132,300 28,400 126,000 15,700 148,600 1,663,900 383,494 51,606 20,854 7,600 Village Totals Parcels 637 111,747,176 24,344,200 115,973,994 Page Totals Parcels 12 2,868,554 445,500 2,868,554 Page 18 of 347 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 614 210 210 531 210 531 210 531 884 836 836 831 8 1 1 8 1 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 Account Nbr 06-285 03-0136 99-43 90-62 2011 90-62 2014 2014 07-1211 00-01 2014 00-01 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 5.02-50-901 5.02-50-901./1 5.02-50-901./2 5.02-50-901./3 5.02-50-901./4 5.02-50-903 5.02-50-903./1 5.02-50-903./2 5.02-50-903./3 5.02-50-903./4 5.02-50-903.2 5.02-50-903.2/1 5.02-50-905 5.02-50-905./1 5.02-50-907 5.02-50-907./1 5.02-50-907.1 5.02-50-907.1/1 5.02-50-907.2 5.02-50-907.2/1 5.02-50-907.3 5.02-50-907.3/1 5.02-50-907.4 5.02-50-907.4/1 5.02-50-907.5 5.02-50-907.5/1 5.02-50-907.6 5.02-50-907.6/1 5.02-50-907.7 5.02-50-907.7/1 5.02-50-907.8 5.02-50-907.8/1 5.02-50-907.9 5.02-50-908.1 5.02-50-908.1/1 5.02-50-908.2 5.02-50-908.2/1 Verizon New York Inc Verizon New York Inc Verizon New York Inc Verizon New York Inc Verizon New York Inc NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid Shaw Business Solutions US Inc Shaw Business Solutions US Inc Time Warner of Albany Time Warner of Albany NYS Thuway Authority NYS Thruway Authority Genuity Solutions Genuity Solutions Qwest Communications Corp Qwest Communications Corp Broadwing Communications Broadwing Communications Global Crossing Telecom Inc Global Crossing Telecom Inc BCE Nexxia Corporation BCE Nexxia Corporation Intellifiber Networks Intellifiber Networks WilTel Communications Group WilTel Communications Group Telus Communications Inc Telus Communications Inc Tech Valley Communications Teleport Communications Teleport Communications Fiber Technologies Fiber Technologies Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 6,399,223 32,451 400,701 218,692 3,527 22,420,177 113,695 1,403,887 766,206 12,358 26,427 2,614 929,924 48,943 72,686 196,522 13,363 36,129 51,983 140,546 17,289 46,745 23,830 2,357 22,227 60,094 3,848 10,403 28,183 76,200 2,694 7,284 269,209 4,667 12,619 111,074 300,311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34,289,088 Page 19 of 347 0 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 4,681,548 23,741 293,145 159,991 2,581 21,627,998 109,678 1,354,283 739,133 11,922 23,801 2,354 1,266,195 66,642 69,471 187,830 11,723 31,696 46,225 124,978 14,972 40,480 20,906 2,068 19,974 54,003 3,321 8,979 24,725 66,848 3,683 9,957 257,301 4,333 11,715 170,414 460,749 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 866 866 866 866 866 861 861 861 861 861 866 866 869 869 835 835 866 866 866 866 866 866 835 835 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 N N Account Nbr 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 07-1251 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 2015s/m#18 2015s/m#18 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 08-1193 32,009,363 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 5.02-50-908.3 5.02-50-908.3/1 7.02-50-502 7.02-50-502./1 7.02-50-507 7.02-50-507./1 13.00-1-1 13.00-1-2 13.00-1-3 13.00-1-4 13.00-1-5.1 13.00-1-5.2 13.00-1-5.3 13.00-1-5.4 13.00-1-5.5 13.00-1-6 13.00-1-8 13.00-1-9 13.00-1-10.1 13.00-1-10.2 13.00-1-10.3 13.00-1-11 13.00-1-12.1 13.00-1-12.2 13.00-1-12.3 13.00-1-12.4 13.00-1-13 13.00-1-14 13.00-1-15 13.00-1-16 13.00-1-17 13.00-1-18 13.00-1-19 13.00-2-1 13.00-2-2 13.00-2-3 13.00-2-4 Independent Optical Network Independent Optical Network Delaware & Hudson Railway Co Delaware & Hudson Railway Co CSX Transportation Inc CSX Transportation Inc Davis, Mitchell C. Nieckarz, John Thomas Mitchell, Zachary R. Mitchell, Zachary R. Mitchell, Zachary R. Swan, Dora Ford, Bradley A. Floccuzio, Fabio Floccuzio, Fabio VanWormer, John ATSLA, LLC ATSLA, LLC VanWormer, Mark C. Ciembroniewicz, Robert VanWormer, Robert V. VanWormer, Robert V. Seminary, John L. ATSLA, LLC Catalfamo, Anthony Catalfamo, Anthony Pezzulo, Peter Johnson, Denise D. ATSLA, LLC Friedman, Glenn Jr. Shank, Jacob ATSLA, LLC ATSLA, LLC Tygert, Kent Goyer, Terence G. Double L Ranch Inc Dudley, Dannie L. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 43,854 118,569 300,000 350,000 6,000,000 2,000,000 386,900 235,100 7,000 12,200 476,000 425,000 425,000 38,500 38,500 130,300 36,000 7,000 40,000 60,000 105,100 37,600 231,100 109,400 59,500 60,000 37,700 156,000 124,900 27,000 29,700 589,900 27,500 36,700 165,900 51,400 126,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 77,400 47,000 7,000 5,000 78,900 85,000 85,000 38,500 38,500 46,700 36,000 7,000 26,200 45,000 46,000 37,600 68,500 109,400 59,500 48,700 36,700 31,200 124,900 27,000 25,700 118,000 27,500 36,700 33,200 51,400 25,400 13,106,223 Page 20 of 347 1,530,600 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 39,817 107,653 300,000 350,000 6,000,000 2,000,000 386,900 235,100 7,000 12,200 476,000 425,000 425,000 38,500 38,500 130,300 36,000 7,000 40,000 60,000 105,100 37,600 231,100 109,400 59,500 75,900 37,700 156,000 124,900 27,000 36,900 589,900 27,500 36,700 165,900 51,400 126,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 866 866 842 842 842 842 210 210 314 312 240 210 210 311 311 240 322 311 210 475 433 314 117 322 311 312 312 210 322 314 312 117 314 105 210 105 210 5 5 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H H H H H H H H H H H Account Nbr 08-1193 08-1193 07-1253 07-1253 07-1253 07-1253 02-1174 2015 03-1407 05-728 08-1217 2011 2012 2011 2011 08-1217 00-80 06-1404 07-0773 07-0025 96-1057 01-16 08-0747 99-261 2009 2015 06-1030 GD05-493 78-592 GD11#18 2015 2011 00-13 99-44 2014 2010 95-204 13,114,370 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 13.00-2-5 13.00-2-6.1 13.00-2-6.2 13.00-2-7.1 13.00-2-7.2 13.00-2-7.3 13.00-2-8 13.00-2-9 13.00-2-10 13.00-2-11 13.00-2-12.1 13.00-2-12.2 13.00-2-13 13.00-2-14 13.00-2-15 13.00-2-16 13.00-2-17 13.00-2-18 13.00-2-19 13.00-2-20 13.00-2-21 13.00-2-22.1 13.00-2-22.2 13.00-3-2 13.00-3-3 13.00-3-5.1 13.00-3-5.2 13.00-3-7 13.00-3-8 13.00-3-9 14.00-1-1 14.00-1-2.1 14.00-1-2.2 14.00-1-2.3 14.00-1-4 14.00-1-5 14.00-1-6.2 Wagner, Merlin E & Joanne Wagner, Bernard H. Tinning, Andrew J. Laraway, Peter A. Trombley, Jeffrey J. Laraway, Deborah L. Britt, Donald T. Wright, Mary E. McCormick, Maurice E. Rau, Ernest Romanzo, Stephen Stonbely, Alison Stewart, Bruce Deso, Nicholas J. Ketchum, Thomas J. Lomio, Joseph R. Clemente, Lucas V. Ward , William H &Elizabeth Jacobson, Michael F. Rau, Ernest W. VanWormer, Richard H. VanWormer, Mary Ellen Gillen, Kelly J. Cuomo, Mona M. Cuomo, Alphonso F. Jr. Double L Ranch Inc Cuomo, Steven Wagner, Bernard Laraway, Carver Pachucki, Raymond Evanchick, Thomas R. Wagner, Floyd B. DiDonato, Susan M. Keppler, Kevin J. Smith, Gretchen Chase Beliveau, Omer Andre McCabe, John E. 126,100 36,100 168,800 235,700 206,300 152,600 177,500 145,900 5,000 126,600 102,000 140,500 139,500 121,000 120,600 72,300 112,000 87,800 105,800 86,500 178,500 5,000 102,200 125,100 135,100 158,000 121,200 137,000 383,000 102,500 51,700 324,700 300,000 140,000 271,200 170,900 512,200 25,200 36,100 33,800 47,100 41,300 30,500 35,500 29,200 5,000 25,300 20,400 28,100 27,900 24,200 24,100 14,500 22,400 17,600 21,200 17,300 35,700 5,000 20,400 25,000 27,000 60,000 24,200 27,400 77,200 40,000 51,700 74,400 60,000 28,000 54,200 34,200 100,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,686,900 Page 21 of 347 1,271,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 126,100 36,100 168,800 235,700 206,300 152,600 177,500 145,900 5,000 126,600 102,000 140,500 139,500 121,000 120,600 72,300 112,000 87,800 105,800 86,500 178,500 5,000 102,200 125,100 135,100 158,000 121,200 137,000 383,000 102,500 51,700 324,700 300,000 140,000 271,200 170,900 512,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 105 210 210 210 210 210 210 314 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 311 210 210 210 446 210 210 240 120 314 240 210 210 210 210 240 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 IH-2 08-0569 08-1164 2013 99-705 05-0032 2015 01-535 02-897 2010 99-627 2014 2010 IH-6 IH-7 2013 IH-8 06-838 IH-10 94-671 94-1258 2015 98-841 2010 2014 06-022 06-022 06-022 IH-11 2011 07-0026 99-262 07-0027 2014 03-0570 GD2012Stip 5,686,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 14.00-1-6.11 14.00-1-6.12 14.00-1-7 14.00-1-8.1 14.00-1-8.2 14.00-1-9.1 14.00-1-9.2 14.00-1-10 14.00-1-11 14.00-1-12 14.00-1-13.1 14.00-1-13.2 14.00-1-13.3 14.00-1-13.4 14.00-1-14 14.00-1-15.1 14.00-1-15.21 14.00-1-15.22 14.00-1-16 14.00-1-17 14.00-1-18 14.00-1-19 14.00-1-20.1 14.00-1-20.2 14.00-1-20.3 14.00-1-20.4 14.00-1-20.5 14.00-1-21 14.00-1-22.1 14.00-1-22.2 14.00-1-22.3 14.00-1-22.4 14.00-2-15 14.00-2-16 14.00-2-17 14.00-2-18 14.00-2-19 Reutter, Stephen J. Montalbano, Joseph P. Pitts, Nicole J. MacIntosh, Earl A. MacIntosh, Earl A. Jr. Beckmann, Bernard OConnell, Bruce Beliveau, Pierre J. Crounse, Gordon John Crounse, Gordon John Beliveau, Marie J. Beliveau, Andree Beliveau, Daniel F. Beliveau, Pierre J. Friedlander, Dorothy McMillen, Patricia A. Viscusi, Vincenzo Bethel Full Gospel Sefcovic, Anthony A. Jr. Grimm, Lincoln C. Jr. LoGiudice, Josephine Garofallou, Harry Baldauf, Bonnie L. Haver, Howard R. Knightes, Diane M. Knightes, Joseph T. Knightes, Andrew C. Frederick, Daniel R. Vadney, Robert H. Leininger, Scott A. Schafer Construction Inc, M A Frederick, Daniel Robert Masters, Martha E. Masters, Martha E. DePoalo, Victor Jr.. LaRochelle, Delores Zimmerman, William W. 644,700 601,900 110,600 162,600 172,400 196,700 317,800 183,700 134,500 46,100 216,900 163,300 242,900 5,000 8,000 113,000 48,100 708,500 109,000 220,800 115,500 120,400 42,100 140,800 43,200 44,600 228,400 137,800 222,000 261,500 112,400 27,300 190,000 741,000 192,600 189,800 137,700 100,000 120,000 22,100 79,500 34,500 39,300 77,600 36,700 26,900 46,100 101,600 32,700 48,600 5,000 8,000 22,600 48,100 37,300 21,800 51,100 23,100 24,100 42,100 28,200 43,200 44,600 50,900 27,600 44,600 52,300 112,400 27,300 79,000 94,400 72,400 73,900 53,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,353,600 Page 22 of 347 1,853,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 644,700 601,900 110,600 162,600 172,400 196,700 317,800 183,700 134,500 46,100 216,900 163,300 242,900 5,000 8,000 113,000 48,100 708,500 109,000 220,800 115,500 120,400 42,100 140,800 43,200 44,600 228,400 137,800 222,000 261,500 112,400 27,300 462,800 468,500 192,600 189,800 137,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 0 240 240 210 120 210 210 240 210 210 105 120 210 210 311 322 210 311 620 210 240 210 210 314 210 314 314 240 210 210 210 322 322 117 117 240 240 240 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr GD2012STIP 2013 08-0334 01-786 94-653 01-787 03-1265 89-743 2015 2015 2013 92-718 99-707 93-1068 71-829 2013 03-1408 2013 95-264 08-1116 IH-12 08-0765 98-598 00-518 2015 2014 00-519 00-520 2010GD#23 2015 2011 02-898 2015s/m#13 2015s/m#13 2014 2012 06-024 7,353,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 14.00-2-20 14.00-2-21 14.00-2-22 14.00-2-23 14.00-2-24.1 14.00-2-24.2 14.00-2-25 14.00-2-26 14.00-2-27 14.00-2-28 14.00-2-29 14.00-2-30.1 14.00-2-30.2 14.00-2-30.3 14.00-2-30.4 14.00-2-31 14.00-2-32 14.00-2-33 14.00-2-34.1 14.00-2-34.21 14.00-2-34.22 14.00-2-35 14.00-2-36.1 14.00-2-36.2 14.00-3-5.1 14.00-3-5.2 14.00-3-6 14.00-3-7 14.00-3-8 14.00-3-9 14.00-3-10 14.00-3-12 14.00-3-13 14.00-3-14 14.00-3-15 14.00-3-16 14.00-3-17 Miller, Truesdell Miller, Truesdell Gray, Justin W. Knightes, Diane Knightes, Diane Pelkey, Christopher J. Hofmann, Mildred R. Gifford, Richard J. Sickler, Dwight Olochnowicz, William C. Kirchhof, Darrin G. Cicardi, James P. Knapp, Emerson W. Knapp, Andrew Bortell, Eric Nobles, Theodore R. III. Lounsbury, Joanne H. Gifford, Todd S. McClave, Michele G. Graham, June R. Markham, Aaron D. Crounse, Gordon John Ewing, Richard Ewing, Richard DeLuke, Gary A. Verrigni, Marlene Verrigni, Marlene J. Verrigni, Marlene Dagostino, Vincent Neverman, Ernest J. Neverman, Ernest J Gilch, Roy A. Gilch, Harold L. Moore, Frank M. Ware, Richard L. III. Schwartz, Charles R. Rogers, Michael P. 12,500 161,600 141,100 167,400 64,500 229,800 77,800 128,900 132,500 195,400 197,100 125,000 165,600 305,400 230,800 146,500 173,100 214,200 137,200 370,000 256,400 125,700 145,900 377,000 50,800 37,300 38,200 114,000 169,200 125,500 83,800 195,200 2,200 145,600 109,800 93,700 86,600 12,500 32,300 28,200 33,500 46,800 46,000 15,600 25,800 26,500 66,400 113,200 25,000 41,700 61,100 46,200 29,300 34,600 42,800 27,400 74,000 51,300 25,100 107,400 75,400 50,800 37,300 38,200 22,800 33,800 96,200 16,800 39,000 2,200 36,500 22,000 18,700 17,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,533,300 Page 23 of 347 1,519,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 12,500 161,600 141,100 167,400 64,500 229,800 77,800 128,900 132,500 195,400 242,200 125,000 208,400 305,400 230,800 146,500 173,100 214,200 137,200 370,000 256,400 125,700 145,900 377,000 50,800 37,300 38,200 114,000 169,200 125,500 83,800 195,200 2,200 182,600 109,800 93,700 86,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 210 210 312 210 210 210 210 240 120 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 240 240 322 311 311 210 210 240 210 281 311 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 67-40 74-808 2014 2014 2014 05-729 84-55 94-654 69-648 2014 2015 00-1127 2015 2013 08-0031 91-371 2015 IH-15 2015 08-0767 2014 IH-268 2010 2011 2013 08-0706 08-0706 08-0706 93-520 91-34 03-1031 01-1233 2010 2015 2012 08-0336 07-1006 5,658,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 14.00-3-18 14.00-3-19 14.00-3-20.1 14.00-3-20.2 14.00-3-21 14.00-3-22 14.00-3-23.1 14.00-3-23.2 14.00-3-24.1 14.00-3-24.21 14.00-3-24.22 14.00-3-25 14.00-3-26.2 14.00-3-26.3 14.00-3-26.5 14.00-3-26.11 14.00-3-26.12 14.00-3-27 14.00-3-28 14.00-3-29 14.00-3-30 14.00-3-31 14.00-3-32 14.00-3-33 14.00-3-34.1 14.00-3-34.2 14.00-3-34.3 14.00-3-34.4 14.00-3-34.5 14.00-3-34.6 14.00-3-34.7 14.00-3-34.8 14.00-3-34.9 14.00-3-35.1 14.00-3-35.2 14.00-3-36 14.00-3-37 Alex, Donald E. Alex, Donald E. Cardinal, Albert Alex, Donald E. Sellie, April A. ODonnell, Annette Bilobran Bilobran, Annette Bilobran, Annette Hoelzli, Andrew Almond, Dorothy M. Almond, Michael J. Almond, Michael Monaco, Keith A. Hoffman, Nanci Shedina, Wiley W. Cinque, Lisa Campbell, Lawrence A. LARAPA, LLC Vojnar, William Satterlee, Norman F. Satterlee, Norman Dollard, William R. Murphy, Brendan Dittmer, Matthew Sellie, David E. Yankee Hill LLC Yankee Hill LLC Lewis, Nathan Abbasi, Imran A. Yankee Hill LLC Yankee Hill LLC Yankee Hill LLC Yankee Hill LLC Doyle, Robert Hamman, Joseph B. Silvestri, Sante Sr. Lindinger Trust, Robert J. 74,700 70,700 359,100 10,000 158,000 137,200 56,800 41,000 8,100 3,000 1,000 2,000 155,200 463,300 400,400 640,100 10,000 69,700 42,800 1,100 139,200 133,900 205,000 121,200 135,600 37,900 37,600 35,800 35,800 35,500 34,900 30,200 27,000 457,500 316,800 268,800 263,900 14,900 14,100 65,200 10,000 31,600 27,400 54,600 41,000 8,100 3,000 1,000 2,000 31,000 134,600 134,500 120,400 10,000 69,700 42,800 1,100 27,800 26,800 41,000 24,200 27,100 37,900 68,200 73,200 66,900 35,500 34,900 30,200 27,000 170,800 148,900 53,800 52,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,020,800 Page 24 of 347 1,764,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 74,700 70,700 359,100 10,000 158,000 137,200 56,800 41,000 8,100 3,000 1,000 2,000 155,200 463,300 400,400 640,100 10,000 69,700 42,800 1,100 139,200 133,900 205,000 121,200 135,600 37,900 204,500 366,200 334,700 35,500 34,900 30,200 27,000 457,500 316,800 268,800 263,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 0 0 0 210 210 240 311 210 210 312 311 311 311 311 311 210 240 240 210 311 323 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 311 311 311 311 240 240 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 99-939 03-716 05-0035 03-716 2015 95-744 2009 2009 2009 2014 2009 2009 2015 2010 96-1085 GD05-394 90-299 2013 04-1033 71-149 2015 2015 2015 2015 2011 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2009 2009 07-1062 07-1062 5,817,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.00-1-2 15.00-1-3 15.00-1-4.1 15.00-1-4.2 15.00-1-4.3 15.00-1-5 15.00-1-6.2 15.00-1-6.11 15.00-1-6.12 15.00-1-6.13 15.00-1-6.14 15.00-1-6.15 15.00-1-6.16 15.00-1-6.17 15.00-1-6.18 15.00-1-7 15.00-1-8 15.00-1-9 15.00-1-10 15.00-1-11.1 15.00-1-11.2 15.00-1-12.1 15.00-1-12.2 15.00-1-13 15.00-1-14 15.00-1-15 15.00-1-16 15.00-1-17 15.00-1-18 15.00-1-19 15.00-1-20 15.00-1-21 15.00-1-22 15.00-1-23 15.00-1-24 15.00-1-25 15.00-1-26 Lighthouse Baptist Church Lanahan, Debra L. Weinman, Christopher M. Butler, Stephen J. Mazone, Christopher V. Comparetta, Gregory F. Viscio, Rhea Viscio, Rhea Liberty Home Builders of Bishop, Scott J. Akbari, Ghulam Viscio, Rhea A. Sreedharan, Manoj Kumar Haher, Donald R. Hayden, Tina Viscio Knightes, Catherine E. Pikcilingis, Robert W & Donna J Holub, William R. Holub, William R. Greulich, Kurt Cornelius, David C. Spinnler, Irene F. Tanski, Joseph V. Squires, Ronald Young, Anthony C. Hilson, Charles R. FitzGibbon, John T. Scribner, Rosemary Lewis, Teddy C. Jones, Linda K. Pikcilingis, Robert W & Donna J Henk, Kenneth L. Lutz, Daniel K. Agneta, Keith C. Moran, John C. Turek, Clarence J. Spawn, Ardelle 456,700 196,100 103,000 220,300 397,100 234,400 182,300 80,500 176,600 464,100 378,000 37,500 202,500 214,300 198,800 147,500 49,800 5,100 156,600 103,000 154,100 112,000 265,100 122,900 137,900 119,800 169,300 118,900 200,600 138,200 253,500 171,700 129,000 92,800 194,000 209,500 129,200 102,500 39,200 20,600 44,100 79,400 46,900 67,000 80,500 68,800 92,800 75,600 37,500 42,400 42,900 39,800 32,600 10,000 5,100 31,300 20,600 30,800 22,400 53,000 24,600 27,600 24,000 33,900 23,800 60,400 27,600 50,700 34,300 25,800 18,600 38,800 41,900 25,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,722,700 Page 25 of 347 1,543,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 456,700 196,100 103,000 220,300 397,100 234,400 182,300 80,500 344,000 464,100 378,000 37,500 211,900 214,300 198,800 163,000 49,800 5,100 156,600 103,000 154,100 112,000 265,100 122,900 137,900 119,800 169,300 118,900 200,600 138,200 253,500 171,700 129,000 92,800 194,000 209,500 129,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 620 281 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 270 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 01-19 95-51 06-297 04-739 08-0570 2013 01-1044 2011 2015 07-0032 08-1025 07-1007 2015 2013 07-0033 2015 2015 96-787 07-0774 08-0554 03-819 06-029 08-0571 06-205 00-374 72-688 84-636 99-987 2010 2011 2015 74-548 02-08 93-998 01-938 2012 89-32 6,915,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.00-1-27 15.00-1-28 15.00-1-29 15.00-1-30 15.00-1-31 15.00-1-33.1 15.00-1-33.2 15.00-1-33.3 15.00-1-33.4 15.00-1-34 15.00-1-35.1 15.00-1-35.21 15.00-1-35.31 15.00-1-35.32 15.00-1-36 15.00-1-37 15.00-1-38 15.00-1-38./1 15.00-1-39 15.00-1-40 15.00-2-1 15.00-2-2 15.00-2-3 15.00-2-5.1 15.00-2-5.2 15.00-2-6 15.00-2-7.1 15.00-2-7.2 15.00-2-8.1 15.00-2-8.2 15.00-2-9.1 15.00-2-9.1/1 15.00-2-9.2 15.00-2-10 15.00-2-11.1 15.00-2-11.2 15.00-2-11.3 Bloomer, Richard D. Campbell, Sharon L. Housel, Linda Rockstroh, Lorraine Galvin, George Bluj, Bernard M. Joralemon, Paul N. Farrell, Paul J. Pede, Romolo Jr. Esman, Florence Wier, Joseph J. III. Wadsworth, Mark W. Cramer, Ronald J. Wier, Gregory J. Kalkbrenner, Martin H. Riccio, Anthony Strever, Eugene L. Strever, Eugene Sr. Cutturini, Mark A. Siudy, Jacqueline RKR Units LLC RKR Units LLC SJM Realty LLC Andrikopoulos, Peter Andrikopoulos, Peter Doherty, Michael J. Attanasio, Dean M. Attanasio, Dean M. Mueller, Matthew OConnor, Christopher Sacchetti, Bruno Sacchetti, Bruno & Lucy Sacchetti, Bruno Wysomski, Hilliard J. Jr. Grant, Edward J. Suits, Daniel D. II. Grant, Edward John Jr. 143,600 23,000 155,500 188,500 79,700 124,800 325,000 258,000 264,700 122,000 163,400 157,900 217,500 100 144,300 23,100 123,500 130,700 121,500 85,700 694,700 100 847,300 128,900 406,700 156,700 65,000 63,000 361,900 268,100 139,300 75,000 459,300 172,800 158,900 314,000 141,900 28,700 10,000 31,100 37,700 15,900 25,000 65,000 51,600 53,000 24,400 32,700 31,600 43,500 100 28,900 23,100 58,500 26,100 24,300 17,100 139,000 100 355,400 66,700 81,300 69,500 54,200 63,000 72,400 53,600 52,400 1,000 91,900 34,600 54,600 64,300 28,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,306,100 Page 26 of 347 1,910,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 143,600 23,000 155,500 188,500 79,700 124,800 325,000 258,000 264,700 122,000 163,400 157,900 217,500 100 144,300 23,100 123,500 130,700 121,500 85,700 694,700 100 847,300 128,900 406,700 156,700 65,000 63,000 361,900 268,100 139,300 75,000 459,300 172,800 158,900 321,600 141,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 312 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 120 210 210 311 210 311 240 210 210 210 442 311 446 240 210 240 312 322 210 210 240 831 210 210 120 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 94-63 2009 2009 2015 2009 00-1130 2013SC#20 2013SC#81 2009 2010 2011 03-673 2013 00-1238 04-660 01-1230 01-1230 741001 2015 2015 2012 2010 08-0572 98-730 IH-26 08-0937 2014 08GD#18B 2014 IH-28 97-973 04-1546 GD05-236 04-15 2010 2015 2010 7,313,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.00-2-12.1 15.00-2-12.2 15.00-2-13 15.00-2-14 15.00-2-15 15.00-2-16 15.00-2-17 15.00-2-18.1 15.00-2-18.2 15.00-2-19.1 15.00-2-19.3 15.00-2-19.21 15.00-2-19.22 15.00-2-19.23 15.00-2-20 15.00-2-21 15.00-2-22 15.00-2-24.2 15.00-2-24.3 15.00-2-24.11 15.00-2-24.12 15.00-2-24.13 15.00-2-25.1 15.00-2-25.2 15.00-2-26 15.00-2-27 15.00-3-8.5 15.00-3-10.2 15.00-3-10.3 15.00-3-10.4 15.00-3-10.5 15.00-3-10.6 15.00-3-10.7 15.00-3-10.8 15.00-3-10.9 15.00-3-10.11 15.00-3-10.12 George, William J & Joan C George, William J. Tybush, Thomas J. Haygood, James W. Thayer, Edward L. III. Horaczek, John Krosky, Karl M. Dabie, Amrit Warman, Joseph Bailey, Terry Scaccia, Elaine Maranatha Ministries Selin, Terry G. Kang, Hoyoung Vine, John Vaitulis, Vetto & Aldona Vaitulis, Vetto & Aldona Wallace, Drue Bottisti, Joseph Santabarbara, Daniel Bailey, Roy Walter, Wayne A. Curry Road Develp Corp Leto, James Samuel Scicchitano, Dominick Leto, James Pittz, Gerald F. Ferrara, Paul Wang, Robert Wykes, David M. Jackson, George A. Pennacchia, Chester Hartman, Charles Pappas, Stathis T. Ladopoulos, Peter C. Boscia, Mary Ellen Brula, Abdul Q. 136,700 17,200 123,000 92,200 129,200 82,300 128,600 251,800 256,800 111,500 0 163,800 516,600 538,000 115,800 14,400 219,200 130,100 238,100 255,400 74,000 288,300 104,900 29,400 118,300 141,700 389,500 439,600 410,000 588,500 203,000 168,200 162,400 219,300 214,900 575,000 391,500 27,300 17,200 24,600 18,400 25,800 16,500 25,700 50,400 51,400 22,300 0 156,200 152,900 152,900 23,200 14,400 83,100 44,800 173,100 52,000 74,000 57,700 104,900 29,400 23,700 28,300 77,900 87,900 90,100 117,700 40,600 33,600 32,500 43,900 43,000 115,000 78,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,039,200 Page 27 of 347 2,210,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 136,700 17,200 123,000 92,200 129,200 82,300 128,600 251,800 256,800 111,500 0 163,800 516,600 538,000 115,800 14,400 219,200 130,100 238,100 255,400 74,000 288,300 104,900 29,400 118,300 141,700 389,500 439,600 410,000 588,500 203,000 168,200 162,400 219,300 214,900 575,000 391,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 312 210 210 210 105 120 210 117 210 311 210 322 311 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 99-263 2010 2014 02-10 77-402 2009 2013 2010 07-1008 91-302 07-0038 92-272 2015gd#32 07-0039 94-64 94-65 07-0968 08-0679 2009 2009 GD2013#42 90-522 90-522 2015 77-079 2013 2015gd#20 2010 88-1017 IH-30A 88-1109 88-1019 02GD#5 04-879 02-1176 GD2013#19 8,039,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.00-3-10.13 15.00-3-10.14 15.00-3-10.15 15.00-3-10.16 15.00-3-10.17 15.00-3-11 15.00-3-12 15.09-1-1 15.09-1-2 15.09-1-3 15.09-1-4 15.09-1-5 15.09-1-6 15.09-1-7 15.09-1-8 15.09-1-9 15.09-1-10 15.09-1-11 15.10-1-13 15.10-1-14 15.10-1-15 15.10-1-16 15.10-1-17 15.10-1-18 15.10-1-20 15.10-1-21 15.10-1-22 15.10-1-23 15.10-1-24 15.10-1-25 15.10-1-26 15.10-1-27 15.10-1-28 15.10-1-29 15.10-1-30.1 15.10-1-30.2 15.10-1-31 Arnott, Douglas R. Hesler, Donald J. Spulnick, Anthony Muscedere, Luigi Cellupica, Renato Woodlawn Sportsman Club Inc Tralongo Builders Inc Wang, Hong Jun OHanlon, Patrick N. Bonjolo, David Frazee, Tammy L. Helfrich, Todd G. Hawley, John F. Stein, Jeffrey A. Ruf, Marc Cristalli, Gaetano M. Zanotta, David M. Stevens Farm Homeowners Frantzen, Bruce L. Bradshaw, Michael R. Tansey, Maureen A. Kieran, James P. Carusone, Connie M. Kelley, Scott M. Torres, Christopher Torres, Christopher Warner, Christopher J. Fichtner, William C. Ciaschetti, Nico O. Maloney, Deborah S. Boschetti, Teresa A. Foggia, Anthony A. Krumroy, Marc S. Zarrelli, Anthony P. Hatfield, Richard W. Jr. Adams, Maureen T. Muchmore, Joshua 428,700 415,975 339,500 355,000 379,000 136,000 5,000 303,500 310,600 398,700 368,400 349,200 297,800 319,700 334,200 343,200 430,200 3,000 125,700 134,000 118,000 89,700 92,500 137,700 116,300 15,900 203,500 126,200 158,200 114,500 119,900 118,000 129,300 178,800 169,500 150,000 123,500 85,700 83,100 67,900 87,500 75,800 61,800 5,000 60,700 62,100 79,700 73,700 69,800 59,600 63,900 66,800 68,600 86,000 3,000 25,100 26,800 23,600 17,900 18,500 27,500 23,300 15,900 40,700 25,200 31,600 22,900 24,000 23,600 25,900 35,800 33,900 30,000 24,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,938,875 Page 28 of 347 1,657,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 428,700 415,975 339,500 355,000 379,000 136,000 5,000 303,500 310,600 398,700 368,400 349,200 297,800 319,700 334,200 343,200 430,200 3,000 125,700 134,000 118,000 89,700 92,500 137,700 116,300 15,900 203,500 126,200 158,200 114,500 119,900 118,000 129,300 178,800 169,500 150,000 123,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 557 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013SC#09 2013SC#53 SC31-05 GD09#35 SC51-05 95-1315 07-0041 08-0315 2015 2012 IH-39 2012 08-0863 04-665 04-666 2015 GD2013#29 02-491 06-866 02-1078 04-17 79-885 06-300 92-236 2014 2014 2014 02-160 94-493 2010 2009 2010 04-186 94-494 07-0762 2015 2014 7,938,875 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.10-1-32.1 15.10-1-32.2 15.10-1-33 15.10-1-34.11 15.10-1-34.12 15.10-1-34.13 15.10-1-34.14 15.10-1-34.21 15.10-1-34.22 15.10-1-36 15.10-1-37 15.10-1-38 15.10-1-39 15.10-1-40 15.10-1-41 15.10-1-42 15.10-1-43 15.10-1-44 15.10-1-45 15.10-1-46 15.10-1-47 15.10-1-48 15.10-1-49 15.10-1-50 15.10-1-51 15.10-1-52 15.10-1-53 15.10-1-54 15.10-1-55 15.10-1-56 15.10-1-57 15.10-2-1 15.10-2-2 15.10-2-3 15.10-2-4 15.10-2-6 15.10-2-7 Maloney, Harold A. Jr. Mazzone, Joseph J. III. Butterworth, Linda Carberry NYSARC Inc Mazzone, Joseph J. Jr. Mazzone, Dana M. Mazzone, Joseph J & Maureen Jr. Murray, Kevin M. Sr. Commisso, Joseph Matala, Henry Sidoti, Jean Marie Whiting, Raymond L Enright, Wendi Koch, Michelle Warner, Nicholas M. Kiernan, Lee C. Holloran, Timothy F. Dallas, Marie A. Bitzko, Ryan M. Warner, Diane C. OMahony, Sean S. Lopez, Luis A. Wicks, Jason Parente, Carolyn J. Cooper, Tim Ervin III. Meyers, Charles E. Smith, James E. Lussi, Jill Marie Winslow, Thomas Lindley, Donald R. Ginder, Amy L. Wayto Road Assoc., LLC Batcher, Marvin Jr. Perham, Robert Lowry Guzewski, Shirley Moore, Craig W. Mancini, Martha V. 131,500 184,800 95,700 399,900 123,600 231,000 354,800 130,800 141,600 106,500 149,700 129,200 149,400 110,800 106,600 139,000 149,200 110,500 113,500 179,350 145,300 112,500 137,400 153,600 147,700 133,800 126,000 129,300 156,800 168,400 110,700 28,700 136,300 124,000 124,000 140,000 115,300 26,300 36,800 19,100 79,900 41,200 61,700 71,000 26,200 28,300 21,300 29,900 25,800 29,900 22,200 21,300 27,800 29,800 23,800 22,700 35,900 29,100 22,500 27,500 30,700 29,500 26,800 25,200 25,900 31,400 33,700 22,100 28,700 27,300 24,800 24,800 28,000 23,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,427,250 Page 29 of 347 1,142,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 131,500 184,800 95,700 399,900 123,600 231,000 354,800 130,800 141,600 106,500 149,700 129,200 149,400 110,800 106,600 139,000 149,200 119,100 113,500 179,350 145,300 112,500 137,400 153,600 147,700 133,800 126,000 129,300 156,800 168,400 110,700 28,700 136,300 124,000 124,000 140,000 115,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 614 449 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 220 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 2010 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 94-495 2015 91-40 91-1234 72-501 08-0430 06-303 2012 IH-41 04-19 2015 08-0807 2015 2012 2011 02-425 2015 04-187 2009 02-492 05-0044 00-650 07-0593 2014 2013 2012 07-0045 90-339 08-0769 08-0188 5,435,850 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.10-2-8 15.10-2-9 15.10-2-10 15.10-2-12 15.10-2-13 15.10-2-14 15.10-2-15 15.10-2-16 15.10-2-17 15.10-2-18 15.10-2-19 15.10-2-20 15.10-2-21 15.10-2-22 15.10-2-23 15.10-2-24 15.10-2-25 15.10-2-26 15.10-2-27 15.10-2-28 15.10-2-29 15.10-2-30 15.10-2-31 15.10-2-32 15.10-2-33 15.10-2-34 15.10-2-35 15.10-2-36 15.10-3-1 15.10-3-2 15.10-3-3 15.10-3-4 15.10-3-5 15.10-3-6 15.10-4-1 15.10-4-2 15.10-4-3.1 Mancini, Martha V. Polito, Thomas D. Wallace, David S. Strait, Vernon L. Borst, Frederick Haynes, Nelson L. Wimmer, Stephanie LaPorte, Norman E. Cochrane, Samuel Battiste, Jennifer R. LaSonde, Jacqueline OKeefe, Richard J. Marchand, Edward Guardian Preservation LLC Strait, Vernon L. Nancy Lane Assoc LLC Hottois, Arthur J. Benjamin, Lynn Delanoy, William D. Potts, Allen R. Dederick, Debra A. Eisenbeck, Richard Lynch, Rae Bubb, Philip F. Jr. Adiletta, Stephen A. Palermo, Danielle Mann, Ernest C. Roberts, Imma Raucci, John J. Carmen, Susan L. Madelone, Thomas New York State McNulty, Betty J. Benedetto, Stephen A. Brown, Lyle A. Myers, Kenneth O. Cardinal, Margaret M. 1,500 167,200 129,200 131,500 129,300 127,900 120,400 119,700 111,400 103,000 148,100 141,900 119,800 122,700 140,100 131,600 136,000 123,900 117,600 91,200 124,400 130,700 131,600 135,100 151,800 121,500 107,000 94,300 1,000 106,000 111,800 25,600 106,400 127,900 1,000 25,800 138,400 1,500 33,400 25,800 26,300 25,800 25,600 24,100 23,900 22,300 20,600 29,600 28,400 24,000 24,500 28,000 26,300 27,200 24,800 23,500 18,200 24,900 26,100 26,300 27,000 30,400 24,300 24,200 18,900 1,000 21,200 22,400 25,600 21,300 25,600 1,000 25,800 27,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,054,300 Page 30 of 347 857,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 1,500 167,200 129,200 131,500 129,300 127,900 120,400 119,700 111,400 103,000 148,100 141,900 119,800 122,700 140,100 131,600 136,000 123,900 117,600 91,200 124,400 130,700 131,600 135,100 151,800 121,500 121,000 94,300 1,000 106,000 111,800 25,600 106,400 127,900 1,000 25,800 138,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 311 210 210 311 311 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 00-1266 08-0432 2013 2014 2013 05-0048 77-256 2014 2014 08-1079 2014 03-0139 2015 2013 2015 2012 04-998 2014 2013 99-138 96-39 03-0379 IH-45 2014 2012 2015 93-804 07-0048 06-868 03-617 79-975 95-1259 03-0381 87-1074 08-0574 98-2 4,068,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.10-4-3.2 15.10-4-4 15.10-4-5 15.10-4-6.1 15.10-4-6.2 15.10-4-7.1 15.10-4-7.2 15.10-4-8.1 15.10-4-8.2 15.10-4-8.3 15.10-4-8.4 15.10-4-9.1 15.10-4-9.2 15.10-4-9.3 15.10-4-9.4 15.10-4-9.5 15.10-4-11.1 15.10-4-11.2 15.10-4-11.3 15.10-4-11.4 15.10-4-12.1 15.10-4-12.2 15.10-4-12.3 15.10-4-12.4 15.10-4-13.1 15.10-4-13.2 15.10-4-13.3 15.10-4-14 15.10-4-15 15.10-4-16 15.10-4-17 15.10-4-18 15.10-4-19 15.10-4-20.1 15.10-4-20.2 15.10-4-20.3 15.10-4-21.1 Cardinal, Robert E. Chesebro, Edwin J. Hayes, Patricia Ann Fox, Roberta M. Derrico, Robert Steele, Blair M. Deal, Robert A. Minni, Paul R. Lowe, Noraine Jennifer Famiano, Guy S. Renaud, Michael A. Corbett, Darrell Gula, James F. Frye, Andrew Hoag, Jeffrey D. Ciancetta, John Home Loan, Federal Holmes, Dennis E. Shapiro, Randy Jay Schiller, Richard Wickham, Patricia Wen, Yingshen Rafiq, Muhammad Leiby, Carol L. Robinson, Gregory W. Leo, Barbara J. Trump, Susan Cheema Petro LLC Kilinski, Frank N. Crowther, Paul J. Sr. Dygert, Thomas F. Jackson, Dale W. Rosedale Meadows DiSorbo, Rose Marie Brevetti, Helen M. Gizzi-Jennings, Kim Albright, Jari Anne 146,500 117,600 152,000 116,600 128,700 116,600 116,600 116,600 136,500 146,500 132,100 194,800 220,000 212,000 220,000 220,000 146,500 146,500 146,500 146,500 128,700 146,500 146,500 138,800 146,500 146,500 146,500 309,000 178,300 135,800 136,800 140,800 500 136,500 144,500 144,500 160,700 29,300 23,500 30,400 23,300 25,700 23,300 23,300 23,300 27,300 29,300 26,400 39,000 48,400 44,000 44,000 44,000 29,300 29,300 29,300 29,300 25,700 29,300 29,300 27,800 29,300 29,300 29,300 123,600 35,700 30,200 27,400 28,200 500 27,300 28,900 28,900 32,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,566,500 Page 31 of 347 1,184,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 146,500 117,600 152,000 116,600 128,700 116,600 116,600 116,600 136,500 146,500 132,100 194,800 226,600 212,000 220,000 220,000 146,500 146,500 146,500 146,500 128,700 146,500 146,500 138,800 146,500 146,500 146,500 309,000 178,300 151,000 136,800 140,800 500 136,500 144,500 144,500 160,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 432 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 02-983 96-1086 96-974 96-974 06-031 03-0140 99-1586 IH-46A IH-46A 98-909 2014 2015 GD11#35 2011 2011 2014 IH-46A IH-46A 06-769 96-974 IH-46A 2013 97-192 IH-46A IH-46A 2012 2015 03-1273 2015 08-0575 05-1148 88-942 IH-46A 96-974 2012 08-0006 5,588,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.10-4-21.2 15.10-4-22.1 15.10-4-22.2 15.10-4-22.3 15.10-4-22.4 15.10-4-23.1 15.10-4-23.2 15.10-4-24.1 15.10-4-24.2 15.10-4-24.3 15.10-4-24.4 15.10-4-25.1 15.10-4-25.2 15.10-4-26.1 15.10-4-26.2 15.10-4-27.1 15.10-4-27.2 15.10-4-28.1 15.10-4-28.2 15.10-4-29.1 15.10-4-29.2 15.10-4-29.3 15.10-4-30.1 15.10-4-30.2 15.10-4-31.1 15.10-4-31.2 15.10-4-32.1 15.10-4-32.2 15.10-4-33.1 15.10-4-33.2 15.10-4-33.3 15.10-4-33.4 15.10-4-34.1 15.10-4-34.2 15.10-4-35.1 15.10-4-35.2 15.10-4-35.3 Savage, Deborah Lee Mandell, Carol A. Willetts-Baron, Lucille A. Dickson, Carol M. Golden, Thomas P. DeLuca, Michelle A. Dickinson, Jane F. Ryszetnyk, Delores M. Longo, Christopher D. Massaroni, Vicki Rizzo, Nicholas F. Goutos, Christopher P. Lane, William E. Jr. Drzewiecki, Gerald F. Marmet, Nancy A. Barker, Kathleen I. Keane, James M. Murdock, Anne K. Genier, Kathleen M. Ferri, Karen J. Dalrymple, Cynthia J. McNamara, Erin Shaarbafan, Maggie Eisler, Laura Ragucci, Victoria D. Kavanaugh, Melissa M. Horan, Michael T. Guido, Angela E. Duverney, Constance H. Gooley, Diane M. Chartrand, Jean M. Gabriel, Gwendolyn Graziane, Geraldine M. Robbins, Leslie J. Lonergan, Mary Beth Brown, Andrew J. Daggett, Michael 163,000 138,800 146,500 146,500 138,800 153,000 144,500 136,500 136,500 136,500 136,500 135,000 135,100 153,000 144,500 153,000 144,200 153,000 144,500 146,500 146,500 146,500 163,000 154,800 153,000 144,500 138,800 138,800 116,600 136,500 132,500 111,700 116,600 111,000 116,600 132,500 132,500 32,600 27,800 29,300 29,300 27,800 30,600 28,900 27,300 27,300 27,300 27,300 27,000 27,000 30,600 28,900 30,600 28,800 30,600 28,900 29,300 29,300 29,300 32,600 31,000 30,600 28,900 27,800 27,800 23,300 27,300 26,500 22,300 23,300 22,200 23,300 26,500 26,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,178,300 Page 32 of 347 1,035,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 163,000 138,800 146,500 146,500 138,800 153,000 144,500 136,500 136,500 136,500 136,500 135,000 135,100 153,000 144,500 153,000 144,200 153,000 144,500 146,500 146,500 146,500 163,000 154,800 153,000 144,500 138,800 138,800 116,600 136,500 132,500 111,700 116,600 111,000 116,600 132,500 132,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 99-1678 02-363 IH-46 2012 2010 2010 99-620 2010 2015 2014 IH-46A 2014 99-1387 06-207 2011 2010 96-974 06-869 00-1196 IH-49 2014 IH-46A 2010 96-974 06-870 96-974 05-0053 2013 96-974 IH-46A IH-46A 00-20 96-974 2015 2013 2015 2010 5,178,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.10-4-35.4 15.10-4-36.1 15.10-4-36.2 15.10-4-37.1 15.10-4-37.2 15.10-4-38.1 15.10-4-38.2 15.10-4-39.1 15.10-4-39.2 15.10-4-40.1 15.10-4-40.2 15.10-4-41 15.10-4-42.1 15.10-4-42.2 15.10-4-43.1 15.10-4-43.2 15.10-4-44.1 15.10-4-44.2 15.10-4-45 15.10-4-46.1 15.10-4-46.2 15.10-4-46.3 15.10-4-46.4 15.10-4-47.1 15.10-4-47.2 15.10-4-48.1 15.10-4-48.2 15.10-4-49.1 15.10-4-49.2 15.10-4-50.1 15.10-4-50.2 15.10-4-50.3 15.10-4-50.4 15.10-4-51 15.10-5-1 15.10-5-2 15.10-5-3 Lacey, Laurie L. Mahar, Mary Ellen Hotaling, Christine A. Baluch, Marie J. Courneen, James J. DeMilio, Victor Cole , Michelle McLean, Rose Marie DeLuca, Carl M. Stewart, Beverly Baccari, Carol A. Rosedale Meadows Lewis, Bruce A. Cole, Debra Kriss, Joseph W. Chakas, Chris John Guido, Annette Young, Lisa M. Rosedale Meadows Bhatti, Sumar S. Moore, Eleanora Decatur, Finton J. Shufelt, Darcy C. Bikowicz, Donald W. Bikowicz, Donald DeAngelus, Donald II. Vitalo, James V. Spiak, Sarah Hernas, Denise Sangiacomo, Alan J. Roods, Scott M. Rivera, Nelida Allen, Tammy Rosedale Meadows Montross, Christine M. Baldwin, Richard Leonard, Gale B. 113,000 153,000 144,400 163,000 152,100 138,800 138,800 138,200 138,800 112,500 112,500 500 116,600 111,800 144,500 153,000 144,500 153,000 500 116,600 136,500 136,500 116,600 111,200 111,200 132,100 135,800 144,500 146,500 128,700 146,500 163,000 146,500 13,500 137,700 124,700 156,500 22,600 30,600 28,900 32,600 30,400 27,800 27,800 27,600 27,800 22,500 22,500 500 23,300 22,400 28,900 30,600 28,900 30,600 500 23,300 27,300 27,300 23,300 22,200 22,200 26,400 27,200 28,900 29,300 25,700 29,300 32,600 29,300 13,500 27,500 24,900 31,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,634,100 Page 33 of 347 938,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 113,000 153,000 144,400 163,000 152,100 138,800 138,800 138,200 138,800 112,500 112,500 500 116,600 111,800 144,500 153,000 144,500 153,000 500 116,600 136,500 136,500 116,600 111,200 111,200 132,100 135,800 144,500 146,500 128,700 146,500 163,000 146,500 13,500 137,700 124,700 156,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 02-233 04-1458 GD05-189 96-974 03-0387 01-27 2014 GD05-399 2015 96-974 2012 88-942 96-974 99-265 04-1459 2010 06-305 2014 88-942 2013 IH-46A 2015 96-974 96-974 96-974 96-974 IH-52 2013 06-871 2013 08-0251 2010 2015 88-942 2012 00-1192 00-1406 4,634,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.10-5-4 15.10-5-5 15.10-5-6 15.10-5-7 15.10-5-8 15.10-5-9 15.10-5-10 15.10-5-11 15.10-5-12 15.10-5-13 15.10-5-14 15.10-5-15 15.10-5-16 15.10-5-17 15.10-5-18 15.10-5-19 15.10-5-20 15.10-5-21 15.10-5-22 15.10-5-23 15.10-5-24 15.10-5-25 15.10-5-26 15.10-5-27 15.10-5-28 15.10-5-29 15.10-5-30 15.10-5-31 15.10-5-32 15.10-5-33 15.10-5-34 15.10-5-35 15.10-5-36 15.10-5-37 15.10-5-38 15.10-5-39 15.10-5-40 Kelley, Carol A. Mason, Janith W. Nichols, Donald G. Countermine, Brian Countermine, Brian Stevens Farm Homeowners Jaworowski, Piotr A. Minucci, Evelyn Jia, Jigang Yang, Zhicai Green, Richard J. Twardzik, Steven L. Ragotzkie, Jay A. Lowe, Joseph E. Hamilton, Kelly A. Grimm, Mark E. Zhang, Wei Tewksbury, Joseph P. Bolotny, Mikhail DeCarr, Sylvia M. Jagalur, Manohar R. Calzadilla, Prudencio Delwiche, David A. Chen, Zewu Ford, Brian A. Szczepanik, Timothy J. Gianatasio, James J. Sudhanagunta, Ashok Kumar Poonawala, Fakhruddin Waltz, Keith Nichols III. Phillips, Christopher M. Ryan, Patrick M. DeFrancisco, John F. Carroll, Timothy G. Minette, Michael A. Shearing, Scott Wood, Deborah B. 128,000 150,500 139,100 156,600 156,600 100 338,000 284,600 327,900 357,000 297,200 285,100 358,100 428,900 407,600 270,000 360,900 299,800 276,700 296,550 323,200 334,600 322,900 313,200 367,500 340,200 323,700 425,900 396,300 403,500 325,300 318,400 424,400 368,800 304,900 320,700 351,700 25,600 30,100 27,800 31,300 31,300 100 67,600 56,900 65,600 71,400 68,300 57,000 71,600 85,800 81,500 54,000 72,200 60,000 55,300 59,300 64,600 66,900 64,600 62,600 73,500 68,000 64,700 85,200 79,300 80,700 65,000 63,700 84,900 80,900 61,000 64,100 70,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,284,450 Page 34 of 347 2,272,700 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 128,000 150,500 139,100 156,600 156,600 100 338,000 284,600 327,900 357,000 341,700 285,100 358,100 428,900 407,600 270,000 360,900 299,800 276,700 296,550 323,200 334,600 322,900 313,200 367,500 340,200 323,700 425,900 396,300 403,500 325,300 318,400 424,400 368,800 304,900 320,700 351,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 220 220 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2009 01-425 00-1194 GD2012#18 GD2012#17 00-1229 2010 08-0200 06-760 2010 2015gd#08 03-0308 03-1040 06-873 07-0051 03-0309 2014 06-874 03-1044 2010 06-875 04-20 GD05-233 02-502 07-1010 04-772 IH-60 2015 03-801 09-0030 2011 06-738 IH-63 GD11#41 GD-2008 08-0274 2015 11,328,950 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.10-5-41 15.13-1-1.1 15.13-1-1.2 15.13-1-2 15.13-1-3 15.13-1-4 15.13-1-5.1 15.13-1-5.2 15.13-1-6 15.13-1-7 15.13-1-8 15.13-1-10 15.13-1-11 15.13-1-12 15.13-1-13 15.13-1-14 15.13-1-15 15.13-1-16 15.13-1-17 15.13-1-18 15.13-1-19 15.13-1-20 15.13-1-21 15.13-1-22 15.13-1-23 15.13-1-24 15.13-1-25 15.13-1-26 15.13-1-27 15.13-1-28 15.13-1-29 15.13-1-30 15.13-1-31 15.13-1-32 15.13-1-33 15.13-1-34 15.13-1-35 Stevens Farm Homeowners Rood, Helen Brockmann, William O. Pinze, Lonie Locantore, Frank Williams, David B. Donofrio, David Jr. Post, Robert J. Johnston, Walter O. Jr. Valletta, John Thomas Valletta, John T. Dudley, John C. III. Provost, Donald A. Provost, Tammy Parker, Cynthia L. DuBois, John M. Smith, Julia M. Magilton, Kevin J. Goldberg, Randy A. Caputo, Paul E. Sapio, Janet C. Peek, Lawrence P. Siver, Nicholas M. DeCarter, Anthony Serafin, Lorrie A. Vanina, Robert C. Veloce, Richard P. Lewis, Stephen C. Gwynn, Brian W. Hendrickson, Lee E. Podgorski, Michael J. Rucci, Dennis Simon, Jeffrey Melanson, Brian M. Spanbauer, Daniel J. Spinnato, Charles A. Chettiar, Saravanan R. 100 115,600 236,600 137,300 163,200 154,200 230,600 380,500 118,000 121,500 120,000 142,900 118,100 111,800 123,400 113,800 109,900 110,600 115,600 238,700 203,700 171,000 142,400 147,500 135,200 295,900 361,900 279,400 304,600 287,000 303,300 306,200 292,800 334,200 300,600 324,300 278,800 100 23,100 47,300 27,500 32,600 30,800 46,100 76,100 23,600 24,300 24,000 28,600 23,600 22,400 24,700 22,800 22,000 22,100 23,100 47,700 40,700 34,200 28,500 29,500 27,000 59,200 72,400 55,900 60,900 57,400 60,700 61,200 58,600 66,800 60,100 64,900 55,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,431,200 Page 35 of 347 1,486,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 100 115,600 236,600 137,300 163,200 154,200 230,600 380,500 118,000 121,500 120,000 142,900 118,100 111,800 123,400 113,800 109,900 110,600 115,600 238,700 203,700 171,000 142,400 147,500 135,200 295,900 361,900 279,400 304,600 287,000 303,300 306,200 292,800 334,200 300,600 324,300 278,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 970 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-321 90-1314 2015 03-820 03-821 08-1036 2011 IH-66 08-0338 02-552 01-1230 05-0058 2014 05-1231 02-1079 2015 92-523 82-371 88-614 07-0777 92-266 03-0315 98-1314 04-676 98-733 00-381 02-553 06-434 98-734 01-639 96-948 IH-67 2010 2011 IH-69 IH-71 2011 7,431,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.13-1-36 15.13-1-37 15.13-1-38 15.13-1-39 15.13-1-40 15.13-1-41 15.13-1-42 15.13-1-43 15.13-1-44 15.13-1-45 15.13-1-46 15.13-1-47 15.13-1-48 15.13-1-49 15.13-1-50 15.13-1-51 15.13-1-52 15.13-1-53 15.13-1-54 15.13-1-55 15.13-1-56 15.13-1-57 15.13-1-58 15.13-1-59 15.13-1-60 15.13-2-7 15.13-2-8 15.13-2-9 15.13-2-10 15.13-2-11 15.13-2-12 15.13-2-13 15.13-2-14 15.13-2-15 15.13-2-16 15.13-2-17 15.13-2-18 Robichaud, Jospeh Jr. Zhang, Weidong Falsetti, Robert V. Sullivan, Timothy L. Wos, Mark J. Gonzales, Joanne Capritta Azzaro, Hector S. Norton, John J. Matt, Bruce R. Wendt, Kai Berry, Sean R. Bove, Marianne C. Berschwinger, Christopher Knapp, Lowell F. Sindoni, David J. Dougherty, Charles A. Zostautas, Robert Kelly, Daniel J. III. Majkut, Michael D. Meglino, John Khanshab, Akber Ali Coleman, Patrick J. Putorti, Suzanne Hunt, Matthew D. Gordon, Arthur Williamson, Joyce A. Arnold, Diana Foley, Sharon J. McGowan, Elizabeth J. Booth, Gretchen M. Crandall, Carol A. Mottolo, Patrick A. Milliman, Carol A. Cazasta, Karen C. Paul, Mary Weerstra, Ricardo R. Wilson, David R. 274,000 303,300 352,100 315,000 310,000 298,200 303,500 314,400 302,200 291,300 291,300 313,800 287,700 311,700 312,900 291,100 302,900 303,300 321,600 343,000 291,200 326,900 290,400 320,900 336,800 167,800 110,000 120,200 125,500 134,200 116,900 159,400 130,800 98,200 92,500 134,200 181,400 54,800 60,700 70,400 63,000 62,000 59,600 60,700 62,900 60,400 58,300 58,300 62,800 57,500 67,100 62,600 58,200 60,600 60,700 64,300 68,600 58,200 65,400 58,100 64,200 67,400 33,600 22,000 24,000 25,100 26,800 23,400 31,900 31,900 19,600 18,500 26,800 36,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,280,600 Page 36 of 347 1,866,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 274,000 303,300 352,100 315,000 310,000 298,200 303,500 314,400 302,200 291,300 291,300 313,800 287,700 335,700 312,900 291,100 302,900 303,300 321,600 343,000 291,200 326,900 290,400 320,900 336,800 167,800 110,000 120,200 125,500 134,200 116,900 159,400 130,800 98,200 92,500 134,200 181,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 2010 98-GD 06-878 2015 2014 IH-73 2009 IH-74 08-0276 96-951 05-733 2013 2015gd#44 08GD#23 IH-77 95-873 02-554 99-81 2013 IH-79 98-816 2009 2013 IH-80 2014 2015 98-773 81-140 2011 01-1194 05-0062 89-900 85-256 87-411 06-306 00-92 9,304,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.13-2-19 15.13-2-20 15.13-2-21 15.13-2-22 15.13-2-23 15.13-2-24 15.13-2-25 15.13-2-26 15.13-2-27 15.13-2-28 15.13-2-29 15.13-2-30 15.13-2-31 15.13-2-32 15.13-2-33 15.13-2-34 15.13-2-35 15.13-2-36 15.13-2-37 15.13-2-38 15.13-2-39 15.13-2-40 15.13-2-41 15.13-2-42 15.13-2-43 15.13-2-44 15.13-2-45 15.13-2-46 15.13-2-47 15.13-2-48 15.14-1-1 15.14-1-2 15.14-1-3 15.14-1-4 15.14-1-5 15.14-1-6 15.14-1-7 Reilly, Daniel F. Mason, Margaret G. Johnson, Jacqueline Johnston, Douglas B. Sterling, Charles A. Klapp, Rosemarie Melendez, Javier O. Gosh, Thomas F. Messercola, Mark Magowan, Nancy Selig, Wilson A. Dinovo, Mary Anne Centi, Mark A. Pyszkowski, Vivian Myers, David W. Aquilo, Kim Elwood, Martha A. Musumeci, Antonio Klein, Carl J. Ruth, Stephanie C. Galvin, Patricia A. Chakmakas, Polly Nelson, Lisa Limes, Christopher Colin Wyman, Robert R. III. Panariello, Mary A. Lisio, Salvatore Goetz, David J. Burton, Niki A. MacNeil, Jane Peterson, William E. Lena, Jesse Daily, Carleton Keppel, Joyce M. Busa, Peter J. Zwack, Robert C. Lydius LLC 118,500 115,500 124,400 157,400 156,400 153,800 112,500 113,300 117,700 118,500 122,500 122,300 79,000 127,000 189,600 253,400 124,200 115,100 133,900 135,500 185,900 181,300 170,800 114,000 114,000 162,900 129,100 151,700 120,300 116,100 110,300 115,000 119,300 90,400 91,000 132,800 125,000 23,700 23,100 24,900 31,500 31,300 30,800 22,500 22,700 23,500 23,700 24,500 24,500 26,300 25,400 37,900 50,700 24,800 23,000 26,800 27,100 37,200 36,300 34,200 22,800 22,800 32,600 25,800 30,300 24,100 23,200 22,100 23,000 23,900 18,100 18,200 26,600 25,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,920,400 Page 37 of 347 994,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 118,500 115,500 124,400 157,400 156,400 153,800 112,500 113,300 117,700 118,500 122,500 122,300 131,600 127,000 189,600 253,400 124,200 115,100 133,900 135,500 185,900 181,300 170,800 114,000 114,000 162,900 129,100 151,700 120,300 116,100 110,300 115,000 119,300 90,400 91,000 132,800 125,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-596 02-381 2015 01-29 01-816 2013 2010 2009 2014 08-0181 08-1194 2014 2015 07-0057 94-551 2010 06-1090 2012 2012 2013 01-301 07-1011 08-1166 2014 2014 94-1357 IH-85 2014 95-53 2010 2015 2015 99-88 86-294 2013 07-0059 2015 4,973,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.14-1-8 15.14-1-9 15.14-1-10 15.14-1-11 15.14-1-12 15.14-1-13 15.14-1-14 15.14-1-15 15.14-1-16 15.14-1-17 15.14-1-18 15.14-1-19 15.14-1-20 15.14-1-21 15.14-1-22 15.14-1-23 15.14-1-24 15.14-1-25 15.14-1-26 15.14-1-27 15.14-1-28 15.14-1-29 15.14-1-30 15.14-1-31 15.14-1-32 15.14-1-33 15.14-1-34 15.14-1-35 15.14-1-36 15.14-1-37 15.14-1-38 15.14-1-39 15.14-1-40 15.14-1-41 15.14-1-42 15.14-1-43 15.14-1-44 Charon, Joseph Jeffrey Montone, Toni Louise Williams, Richard Steenburgh, James R. Wallis, Joan M. Armstrong, Scott Ryan, James M. Spooner, Kenneth Lenic, Slavco Tansey, Brian J. Erickson, Rolf C. Peterson, William E. Jr. Smi, William M. Arras, Mark Andrew Robinson, Carlington E. Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Alcantara, Victor Cotrofeld, Elizabeth A. Mayer, Michael Magilton, Dennis Pelkey, Michael Varsanyi, Laszlo & Maria Cotrofeld, Anne L. VanBrunt, Chad LaLonde, Marilyn Malark, Michael Aggen, George R. MacNeil, Craig J. Fee, Margaret F. Rossi, Anthony Martin, Robin L. Turner, Orlando H. Flowers, Emanuel Byrnes, Joan M. Rieth, Mary Ann Vadney, Robert H. Knapp, Sharon C. 138,200 126,400 123,200 111,700 128,000 221,000 108,400 107,000 116,200 113,400 113,100 139,800 115,700 125,200 156,200 46,000 169,900 107,400 118,600 166,900 111,500 138,700 121,600 180,600 107,000 136,300 157,400 128,200 118,900 130,000 132,200 166,000 162,900 179,000 213,500 164,100 110,700 27,600 25,300 24,600 22,300 25,600 53,000 21,700 21,400 23,200 22,700 22,600 28,000 23,100 25,000 31,200 46,000 34,000 21,500 23,700 33,400 22,300 27,700 24,300 36,100 21,400 27,300 31,500 25,600 23,800 26,000 26,400 33,200 32,600 35,800 42,700 32,800 22,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,010,900 Page 38 of 347 1,047,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 138,200 126,400 123,200 111,700 128,000 221,000 108,400 107,000 116,200 113,400 113,100 139,800 115,700 125,200 156,200 46,000 169,900 107,400 118,600 166,900 111,500 138,700 121,600 180,600 107,000 136,300 157,400 128,200 118,900 130,000 132,200 166,000 162,900 179,000 213,500 164,100 110,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 90-608 2015 2010 IH-86 02-382 2014 85-40 84-67 07-0060 05-0887 06-956 2015 93-806 07-0061 2013 IH-279 2015 93-283 05-1149 04-1036 05-0066 72-675 99-57 05-0067 00-30 03-969 02-555 07-0062 05-0068 88-350 97-1162 02-13 2010 03-1223 2009 06-209 07-1014 5,010,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.14-1-45 15.14-1-46 15.14-1-47 15.14-1-48 15.14-1-49 15.14-1-50 15.14-1-51 15.14-1-52 15.14-1-53 15.14-1-54 15.14-1-55 15.14-1-56 15.14-1-57 15.14-1-58 15.14-1-59 15.14-1-60 15.14-1-61 15.14-1-62 15.14-1-63 15.14-1-64 15.14-1-65 15.14-1-66 15.14-1-67 15.14-1-68 15.14-1-69 15.14-1-70 15.14-1-71 15.14-1-72 15.14-1-75 15.14-1-76 15.14-2-2 15.14-2-3 15.14-2-4 15.14-2-5 15.14-2-6 15.14-2-7 15.14-2-8 Newnum, Betsy R. Forster, Timothy B. Mereness, Barbara B. Morrison, William Blanchard, Richard J. Wagner, Paula A. Parker, Ilse Maynard, Albert J. Jr. Dunagan, Kevin Curtis Barnard, Timothy J. Zabala, Robert J. Veivia, Bruce Apollo, Mark J. Myers, Thomas P. Amash, Doreen E. Rosenthal, Christopher McLachlan, Bryan W. Westervelt, Howard F. Stealey, Susan D. Baker, James E. Carpenter, Thomas Therien, Gail L. Palma, Victor J. Fisher, Beverly Gibbs, Philip A. Vickerman, Lynn LaMalfa, Eleanor Richardson TRUSTEE, Sarah J. Diana, Paul D. Delmonaco, Walter J. Hughes, Elinor W. Gilbert, Mark R. Karmo, Henno Curri, Marie L. Vigars, Richard L. Jr. Buck, Ronald D. McDermott, Margaret C. 110,700 152,900 119,500 155,800 221,000 139,700 135,200 146,100 141,300 132,400 138,100 133,800 138,200 130,000 123,500 133,600 141,300 140,200 143,200 132,400 164,700 130,000 139,700 128,700 138,200 130,000 131,900 120,000 123,400 190,300 138,100 139,700 185,700 139,700 133,600 130,000 142,600 22,100 30,600 23,900 36,300 44,200 27,900 27,000 29,200 28,300 26,500 27,600 26,800 27,600 26,000 24,700 26,700 28,300 28,000 28,600 26,500 32,900 26,000 27,900 25,700 27,600 26,000 26,400 24,000 24,700 38,100 27,600 27,900 37,100 27,900 26,700 26,000 28,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,215,200 Page 39 of 347 1,047,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 110,700 152,900 119,500 181,500 221,000 139,700 135,200 146,100 141,300 132,400 138,100 133,800 138,200 130,000 123,500 133,600 141,300 140,200 143,200 132,400 164,700 130,000 139,700 128,700 138,200 130,000 131,900 120,000 123,400 190,300 138,100 139,700 185,700 139,700 133,600 130,000 142,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 06-307 2013 2015 2014 02-14 07-1015 06-741 2014 98-737 98-249 2015 05-0069 96-48 08-0577 01-34 04-775 2015 96-1155 86-97 09-0031 95-1029 2012 72-315 71-527 05-0888 720315 2012 2011 2013 04-881 01-35 2011 2014 94-530 87-506 IH-70 5,240,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.14-2-9 15.14-2-10 15.14-2-11 15.14-2-12 15.14-2-13 15.14-2-14 15.14-2-15 15.14-2-16 15.14-2-17 15.14-2-18 15.14-2-19 15.14-2-20 15.14-2-21 15.14-2-22 15.14-2-23 15.14-2-24 15.14-2-25 15.14-2-26 15.14-2-27 15.14-2-28 15.14-2-29 15.14-2-30 15.14-2-31 15.14-2-32 15.14-2-33 15.14-2-34 15.14-2-35 15.14-2-36 15.14-2-37 15.14-2-38 15.14-2-39 15.14-2-40 15.14-2-41 15.14-2-42 15.14-2-43 15.14-2-44 15.14-2-45 Taylor, Daniel R. March, Jason C. DiPierro, Jason L. Baldauf, Justin Berschwinger, Craig Devenpeck, David C. Collen, Donald K. Walker, Joel R. Sikorski, Brian J. Provost, Donald R. Conway, Edward G. Johnson, Mary Keyser, Ruth H. Levy, Simon Burgess, Melinda J. Deshaies, Barbara A. Isom, Philip Jacobsen, Eric J. Sterantino, Carol Ann Romanow, Edward Smith, Richard Ray Jr. Hoffstetter, Gerald W & Hilda Falzano, Robert G & Elaine P Tropiano, Joseph Azoia, Lori Giufre, Mark R. Feder, Michelle Berry, Emily Paquette, Robert Quimby, Edward Christian IV. Miller, Sandra M. Blain, Kay E. Cole, B. James DeLuke, Gary R. Rowan, Valerie Gardella, Adam S. Boomhower, Robert 133,600 135,200 149,400 139,700 130,000 117,600 153,800 135,200 134,000 139,700 130,000 148,300 130,000 173,800 133,600 158,000 142,000 173,200 170,100 132,300 134,300 145,000 138,800 133,100 136,300 139,700 147,200 126,500 155,700 129,900 135,200 128,000 150,500 142,900 139,700 129,400 130,000 26,700 27,000 29,900 27,900 26,000 23,500 30,800 27,000 26,800 27,900 26,000 29,700 26,000 34,800 26,700 31,600 28,400 34,600 34,000 26,500 26,900 29,000 27,800 26,600 27,300 27,900 29,400 25,300 31,100 26,000 27,000 25,600 30,100 28,600 27,900 25,900 26,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,201,700 Page 40 of 347 1,040,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 133,600 135,200 149,400 139,700 130,000 117,600 153,800 135,200 134,000 139,700 130,000 148,300 130,000 173,800 133,600 158,000 142,000 173,200 170,100 132,300 134,300 145,000 138,800 133,100 136,300 139,700 147,200 126,500 155,700 129,900 135,200 128,000 150,500 142,900 139,700 129,400 130,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 94-451 2015 08-0081 2015 2015 IH-91 08-0865 08-0312 96-136 03-970 92-83 08GD#04 01-976 2013 72-308 2015 04-194 2009 2009 2012 2014 IH-94 95-55 04-22 96-748 2009 2014 2012 08-0222 2014 01-36 IH-93 91-50 99-999 08-0435 08-0104 2013 5,201,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.14-2-46 15.14-2-47 15.14-2-48 15.14-2-49 15.14-2-50 15.14-2-51 15.14-2-52 15.14-2-53 15.14-2-54 15.14-2-55 15.14-2-56 15.14-2-57 15.14-2-58.1 15.14-2-58.2 15.14-2-58.3 15.14-2-59 15.14-2-60 15.14-2-61 15.14-2-62 15.14-2-63 15.14-2-64 15.14-2-65 15.14-2-66 15.14-2-67 15.14-2-68 15.14-2-69 15.14-2-70 15.14-2-71 15.14-2-72 15.14-2-73 15.14-3-1 15.14-3-2 15.14-3-3 15.14-3-4 15.14-3-5 15.14-3-6 15.14-3-7 Famolaro, Robert Burns, Denis Peek, Monica Richard, Yvonne Murphy, Joseph L. Riehlman, Maryanne Lemme, Rebecca A. VanderVeer, Sherry Dickinson, Kathleen W. Doyle, Paul W. Carney, Sally J. Gagliardi, Anthony Z. Nguyen, Thinh Trung Lin, Qin Capers, Major Jr. Walsh, Laurene Hoffman, Elizabeth A. Adams, George W. Ghizzoni, Robert L. Davis, Timothy P. Ferraro, Anthony J. Moreland, Herb J. Luther, James J. Guilderland Town of Andres, Rolando C. Cardillo, Alfio Bush, Karen O. McKie, Douglas E. Fischer, William X. Schmidt, William J. III. Sano, Joseph B. Keil, Paul R. Roberts, Marc D. Rivera, Celia Weimer, Edward A. Asamoah, Paul K. McLean, Brian J. 156,700 145,100 129,200 128,700 133,500 134,000 129,900 129,900 142,000 157,600 130,000 133,600 179,100 176,600 226,200 202,700 222,600 187,000 178,100 224,800 219,000 223,700 223,800 1,000 194,800 181,500 181,500 181,500 188,300 180,400 156,500 139,700 130,000 139,700 139,700 150,500 132,300 31,300 29,000 25,800 25,700 26,700 26,800 26,000 26,000 28,400 31,500 26,000 26,700 35,800 35,300 45,200 40,500 44,500 37,400 35,600 45,000 43,800 44,700 44,800 1,000 39,000 36,300 36,300 36,300 37,700 36,100 31,300 27,900 26,000 27,900 27,900 30,100 26,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,011,200 Page 41 of 347 1,202,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 156,700 145,100 129,200 128,700 133,500 134,000 129,900 129,900 142,000 157,600 130,000 133,600 179,100 176,600 226,200 202,700 222,600 187,000 178,100 224,800 219,000 223,700 223,800 1,000 194,800 181,500 181,500 181,500 188,300 180,400 156,500 139,700 130,000 139,700 139,700 150,500 132,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 74-273 2010 03-0013 99-91 08-0249 99-565 96-24 84-70 86-376 91-11 2010 05-669 2015 2012 IH-96 91-678 02-556 06-754 96-749 93-656 96-723 08-0866 2011 06-958 03-1358 2015 2012 05-1293 01-642 03-720 94-75 2012 2013 98-320 2015 2010 6,011,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.14-3-8 15.14-3-9 15.14-3-10 15.14-3-11 15.14-3-12 15.14-3-13 15.14-3-14 15.14-3-15 15.14-3-16 15.14-3-17 15.14-3-18 15.14-3-19 15.14-3-20 15.14-3-21 15.14-3-22 15.14-3-23 15.14-3-24 15.14-3-25 15.14-3-26 15.14-3-27 15.14-3-28 15.14-3-29 15.14-4-1 15.14-4-3 15.14-4-4 15.14-4-5 15.14-4-6 15.14-4-7 15.14-4-8 15.14-4-9 15.14-4-10 15.14-4-11 15.14-4-12 15.14-4-13 15.14-4-14 15.14-4-15 15.14-4-16 Leclerc, Denise G. Riddett, Karen A. Robb, John C. Brenner, John C. Wilson, Ryan T. Guilderland Town of Ciabotte, Linda S. Ewell, Michael VanDerzee, Scott B. Ventresca, Pamela Lee, Minnie A. Priess, Steven Bernard, Robert A. Jr. VanAlstyne, Richard D. Warren, R Scott Dahl, Robert G. Luther, Brian E. Mesick, Harry Thirty Three Fifty Six Carman LARAPA, LLC LARAPA, LLC Fusco, Salvatore Cross, Theresa McTague, Joseph Schenectady Gospel Chapel Of Warren, Lee E. Goldhaber, Mark H. Murphy, Bryan W. Zampella, Erika M. Clough, Kenneth W. Anwar, Shahzad Mohammed, Rahim Telesca, Marisa Lynn Levine, Linda Lincoln, Deane C. Adams, William C. Roberts, Kerry 129,100 132,500 147,600 177,900 125,500 83,800 139,600 145,300 155,700 148,700 143,900 124,500 132,300 189,100 168,400 149,100 163,500 159,500 440,800 57,100 58,000 105,100 142,800 75,000 631,900 185,900 139,800 133,000 125,600 104,000 135,000 150,700 147,100 134,000 136,900 157,400 139,600 25,800 26,500 29,500 35,600 25,100 72,000 27,900 34,900 31,100 29,700 28,800 24,900 26,500 37,800 33,700 29,800 32,700 31,900 139,100 57,100 58,000 36,100 28,600 41,200 59,000 37,200 28,000 26,600 25,100 20,800 27,000 30,100 29,400 26,800 27,400 31,500 27,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,815,700 Page 42 of 347 1,341,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 129,100 132,500 147,600 177,900 125,500 83,800 139,600 174,500 155,700 148,700 143,900 124,500 132,300 189,100 168,400 149,100 163,500 159,500 440,800 57,100 58,000 105,100 142,800 75,000 631,900 185,900 139,800 133,000 125,600 104,000 135,000 150,700 147,100 134,000 136,900 157,400 139,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 822 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 411 311 311 210 210 484 620 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0170 08-0248 96-931 87-398 2012 76-342 2015 2010 2012 08-0340 2010 02-237 07-0779 03-915 76-341 2011 05-0074 02-985 08-0436 08-0437 2013 2014 2013 2010 IH-98 IH-223 2012 2014 2009 2010 2015 2015 74-288 90-546 02-557 05-1234 5,844,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.14-4-17 15.14-4-18 15.14-4-19 15.14-4-20 15.14-4-21 15.14-4-22 15.14-4-23 15.14-4-24 15.14-4-25.2 15.14-4-26 15.14-4-27 15.14-4-28 15.14-4-29 15.14-4-30 15.14-4-31 15.14-4-32 15.14-4-33 15.14-4-34 15.14-4-35 15.14-4-36 15.14-4-38 15.14-4-39.21 15.14-4-39.22 15.14-5-1 15.14-5-2 15.14-5-3 15.14-5-4 15.14-5-5 15.14-5-7 15.14-5-8 15.14-5-9 15.14-5-10 15.14-5-11 15.14-5-12 15.14-5-13 15.14-5-14 15.14-5-15 Mannarino, Bryan C. Bremigen, Daniel C. Lawyer, Paul H. Flores, Delkis D. Dryer, Lawrence J. Nasri, Faranza Barrett, James J. Gockley, Christopher M. MacDougal, Wesley J. Seeberger, Matthew A. Kerschner Trustee, Donna Gail Starr, Gary Pidgeon, Joseph T. McCarty, Amy M. Smith, Andrew Calvagno, James Cummings, Donald B. Morris, Kristen Durant, George S. Jr. Drake, Robert E. Bailey, Robert L. Bailey, Robert L. Kennedy, Nicholas E. Best, Yvonne M. Lombardi, Jeannette C. Hess, Michael J. Fila, Donna M. Bianchi, Gerard R. Carman, George Carman, George Ranalli, Robert A. Davis, Richard H. Mallette, Jason R. Elliott, Scott Linendoll, Heath Mullen, Joseph P. Jr. Sellie, Phillip E. 125,300 126,400 146,000 128,000 126,800 118,000 105,200 155,600 157,000 115,400 135,700 152,800 132,100 169,450 139,700 146,600 154,300 146,000 241,200 145,700 267,100 177,600 223,000 148,400 153,200 165,000 171,200 179,700 174,000 2,500 152,200 142,800 169,700 154,500 148,900 134,900 127,300 25,100 25,300 29,200 25,600 25,400 23,600 21,000 31,100 31,400 23,100 27,100 30,600 26,400 33,900 27,900 29,300 30,900 29,200 48,200 29,100 82,400 35,500 44,600 29,700 30,600 33,000 34,200 36,000 34,800 2,500 30,400 28,600 33,900 30,000 29,800 27,000 25,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,559,250 Page 43 of 347 1,141,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 125,300 126,400 146,000 128,000 126,800 118,000 105,200 155,600 157,000 115,400 135,700 152,800 132,100 169,450 139,700 146,600 154,300 146,000 241,200 145,700 267,100 177,600 223,000 148,400 153,200 165,000 171,200 179,700 174,000 2,500 152,200 142,800 169,700 154,500 148,900 134,900 127,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 483 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 97-130 95-469 2012 06-310 06-311 2014 2013 2013 2013 2014 00-383 98-924 2014 05-1020 IH-99 07-0067 05-0076 2015gd#45 2010 2014 GD2012#42 2009 2014 01-943 07-0068 IH-100 2010 01-817 66-763 95-1298 IH-101 2014 2014 07-1019 2011 08-1056 5,559,250 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.14-5-16 15.14-5-17 15.14-5-18 15.14-5-19 15.14-5-21 15.14-5-22 15.14-5-23 15.14-5-24 15.14-5-25 15.14-5-26 15.14-5-27 15.14-5-28 15.14-5-29 15.14-5-30 15.14-5-31 15.14-5-32 15.14-5-33 15.14-5-34 15.14-5-35 15.14-5-36 15.14-5-37 15.14-5-38 15.14-5-39 15.14-5-40 15.14-5-41 15.14-5-42 15.14-5-43 15.14-5-44 15.14-5-45 15.14-5-46 15.14-5-47 15.14-5-48 15.14-5-49 15.14-5-50 15.14-5-51 15.14-5-52 15.14-5-53 Cummings, David McEntee Shaw, Emily M. Peek, Donna Rougas, Cheryl Rondack LLC, The Famolaro, Sandra Schilling, Karl F. Schuch, Barry J. Tebano, Angela Bryan, Anderson P. Rider, Kathy L. Duglin, Scott A. Woods, Michele Center For Disability Serv Inc VanAlstyne, Charles Peterson, Robert E. Jr. Graf, Maribeth Valachovic, Richard A. Parent, James T. VanPatten, Jeffrey D. Sausville, Robert C. Relyea, Kevin Switzer, Frances J. Fila, Thomas V. Govel, Gary M. McGlin, Dennis DeNigris, Mary A. Frey, Ronald W. Blackstone, Mark C. Linehan, Kelly T. Gregory, Thomas P. Furr, Mark A. Motler, James J. Jr. Callanan, Raymond F. Kline, Gary E. Bedell, Robert W. Bouchard, Charles G. Jr. 158,300 142,600 177,500 219,800 199,700 225,000 226,800 297,500 309,000 248,100 260,800 236,200 310,200 194,800 301,500 235,000 275,900 286,100 224,900 224,900 224,900 310,300 200,000 257,000 325,600 313,900 307,500 321,700 310,900 252,100 280,000 304,300 326,800 320,600 286,000 276,500 300,100 31,700 28,500 35,500 44,000 39,900 45,000 45,400 59,500 61,800 49,600 52,200 47,200 62,000 39,000 60,300 47,000 55,200 57,200 45,000 45,000 45,000 62,100 40,000 51,400 65,100 62,800 61,500 64,300 62,200 50,400 56,000 60,900 65,400 64,100 57,200 55,300 60,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,672,800 Page 44 of 347 1,934,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 158,300 142,600 177,500 219,800 199,700 225,000 226,800 297,500 309,000 248,100 260,800 236,200 310,200 194,800 301,500 235,000 275,900 286,100 224,900 224,900 224,900 310,300 200,000 257,000 325,600 313,900 307,500 321,700 310,900 252,100 280,000 304,300 326,800 320,600 286,000 276,500 300,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 614 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2014 2010 2009 08-0342 08-1057 96-976 01-41 IH-103 02-238 2014 02-560 2011 06-748 08-0301 05-734 2014 07-1020 2015 2010 08-0261 96-361 2010 IH-105 2011 07-0069 2010 03-822 01-643 2011 2014 98-774 GD09#32 94-877 94-878 09-0035 IH-109 9,672,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.14-5-54 15.14-5-55 15.14-5-56 15.14-5-57 15.14-5-58 15.14-5-59 15.14-5-60 15.14-5-61 15.14-5-62 15.14-5-63 15.14-5-64 15.14-5-65 15.14-5-66 15.14-5-67 15.14-5-68 15.14-5-69 15.14-5-70 15.14-5-71 15.14-5-72 15.14-5-73 15.14-5-74 15.14-5-75 15.14-5-76 15.14-5-77 15.14-5-78 15.14-5-79 15.15-1-1 15.15-1-2 15.15-1-3.1 15.15-1-3.2 15.15-1-3.3 15.15-1-4 15.15-1-5 15.15-1-6 15.15-1-7 15.15-1-8 15.15-1-9 Billington, Mary E. Patnaude, Robert E. Cannone, Paul F. Adams, Eric Lafreniere, Michael J. Bernat, Maureen B. Knobloch, Aaron Magill, Charles A. Byerly, Theresa J. Warner, William F. Zhong, Hua Lumley, Robert A. Jr. DeCesare, Libra J. Williamson, Bruce E. Kanas, William P. Singer, Michelle A. Chapman, William W. Mickey, Harry R. Williamson, Jeffrey J. Jones, Walter P. Becker, Thomas Lamanna, Peter Reid, Gordon N. III. McMahon, Brian James Kumta, Sunil S. Padula, Charles F. III. Duda, Joan E. Bryniarski, Stanley Stafford, David John Sagendorf, Christine E. Russell, Peter T. Neal, Dawn Ronca, Dante F. Montesi, Ronald S. Jr. Lombardi, Michael J. Gabriel, Rocco J. Smith, Jeffrey 317,300 319,600 307,100 313,800 306,600 273,100 278,000 275,400 287,200 301,200 283,600 258,800 269,900 297,600 283,700 257,700 303,000 313,400 273,600 298,800 256,500 301,800 252,900 306,700 270,800 301,100 145,000 171,100 156,800 166,800 200,000 146,900 152,700 164,000 149,800 163,200 155,700 63,500 63,900 61,400 62,800 61,300 54,600 55,600 55,100 57,400 60,200 56,700 51,800 54,000 59,500 56,700 51,500 60,600 62,700 54,700 59,800 51,300 60,400 50,600 61,300 54,200 60,200 29,000 34,200 31,400 33,400 40,000 29,400 30,500 32,800 30,000 32,600 31,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,281,200 Page 45 of 347 1,856,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 317,300 319,600 307,100 313,800 306,600 273,100 278,000 275,400 287,200 301,200 283,600 258,800 269,900 297,600 283,700 257,700 303,000 313,400 273,600 298,800 256,500 301,800 252,900 306,700 270,800 301,100 145,000 171,100 156,800 166,800 200,000 146,900 152,700 164,000 149,800 163,200 155,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0343 2012 2015 2014 2015 04-195 2011 99-810 2011 2015 2010 02-18 00-1094 IH-197 03-723 01-43 96-367 2010 2014 IH-112 06-313 94-884 05-0084 GD11#16 06-879 08-1037 86-178 89-976 95-1288 99-142 08-1096 99-170 76-256 07-0071 03-0016 94-77 07-1021 9,281,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.15-1-10 15.15-1-11 15.15-1-12 15.15-1-13 15.15-1-14 15.15-1-15 15.15-1-16 15.15-1-17 15.15-1-18 15.15-1-19 15.15-1-20 15.15-1-21 15.15-1-22 15.15-1-23 15.15-1-24 15.15-1-25 15.15-1-26 15.15-1-27 15.15-1-28 15.15-1-29 15.15-1-30 15.15-1-31 15.15-2-1 15.15-2-2 15.15-2-3 15.15-2-4 15.15-2-5 15.15-2-6 15.15-2-7 15.15-2-8 15.15-2-9 15.15-2-10 15.15-2-11 15.15-2-12 15.15-2-13 15.15-2-14 15.15-2-15 Boudreau, Anne Mary Tomaso, Denise A. Breedlove, Melissa L. Burke, Kathleen Bacon, Jeffrey O. Laier, Eric Makarwich, Alan S. Smitas, Maureen A. Warren, Richard Cirelli, Louis R. Jr. Berry, Claudette E. Nuttall, Robert J. Ryan, John L. Hopsicker, James R. Chevalier, Mark R. Rice, Elizabeth Miele, Michael D. Ward, Timothy J. Boiko, Theodore H. Cornelius, Richard C. DiPace, Charles Manchester Assoc Ltd Kennedy, Kenneth C. lll. Breakell, Douglas A. Dameron, James R. II. Carey, Gilbert L. Jr. Santonja, Vincent Cleary, Donald B. Tario, Joseph D. DiGangi, Grace Keyser, Diane S. Shmuylovich, Aleksandr Galarneau, Ronald G. Stack, Ricardo Tallman, Sheri A. Sickler, Wayne E. Honikel, Kevin C. 152,000 142,700 147,800 192,900 172,200 155,600 218,900 189,700 180,400 222,900 171,800 298,300 287,600 282,700 326,800 240,100 267,400 245,700 273,000 262,200 312,000 0 199,000 210,000 184,500 216,700 207,600 212,000 228,100 225,000 265,600 216,200 197,400 238,200 199,100 203,600 199,000 30,400 28,500 29,600 38,600 34,400 31,100 43,800 37,900 36,100 44,600 34,400 59,700 57,500 56,500 65,400 48,000 53,500 49,100 54,600 52,400 62,400 0 39,800 42,000 36,900 43,300 41,500 42,400 45,600 45,000 53,100 43,200 39,500 47,600 39,800 40,700 39,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,944,700 Page 46 of 347 1,588,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 152,000 142,700 147,800 192,900 172,200 155,600 218,900 189,700 180,400 222,900 171,800 298,300 287,600 282,700 326,800 240,100 267,400 245,700 273,000 262,200 312,000 0 199,000 210,000 184,500 216,700 207,600 212,000 228,100 225,000 265,600 216,200 197,400 238,200 199,100 203,600 199,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 95-1298 98-973 2012 06-038 2009 96-868 94-187 02-19 GD05-302 95-1298 2014 05-736 08-0578 IH-116 2009 09-0036 95-409 IH-119 SC71-05 IH2013 03-0393 89-1090 06-315 2015 85-596 2011 2015 88-259 85-771 03-0145 GD05-370 02-1187 2012 05-451 01-978 92-529 99-269 7,944,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.15-2-16 15.15-2-17 15.15-2-18 15.15-2-19 15.15-2-20 15.15-2-21 15.15-2-22 15.15-2-23 15.15-2-24 15.15-2-25 15.15-2-26 15.15-2-27 15.15-2-28 15.15-2-29 15.15-2-30 15.15-2-31 15.15-3-1 15.15-3-2 15.15-3-3 15.15-3-4 15.15-3-5 15.15-3-6 15.15-4-3 15.15-4-4.1 15.15-4-4.2 15.15-4-4.3 15.15-4-5.1 15.15-4-5.2 15.15-4-6 15.15-4-8.1 15.15-4-8.2 15.15-4-8.3 15.15-4-8.4 15.16-1-1 15.16-1-2 15.16-1-3 15.16-1-4 Priess, Michael K. Waichigo, Martin M. Ericson, Richard C. McGill, Michael R. Mueller, John F. Bull, David H. Hannon, Donald V. McBride, Jonathan O. Kennedy, Roger P. Marcil, Deborah T. DiBartolomeo, Richard J. Pasquini, Richard A. Wroblewski, Craig A. Malone, Daniel F. Combs, Norma E. Baron, Richard F. Collier, Richard L. DiCamillo, Susan K. Ochs, Timothy J. Matot, Elina L. Masciocco, Joseph N. Towle-Hilt, Gloria MacDermot, Christopher G. Camelot Associares Corporation Camelot Associates Devel LLC Miller, Shane M. Ritz, Edward J. Raucci, John J. Raucci, John J. Macerola, Joseph E. Tralongo Builders Inc Tralongo Builders Inc Tralongo Builders Inc Ranalli, Marie Spawn, Robin Zalucki, Joseph H. Berry, Lois Ann 210,000 209,700 230,100 203,600 211,000 197,400 232,100 207,600 197,100 206,400 218,300 222,500 211,400 203,600 199,000 238,700 314,300 289,300 377,900 264,000 329,900 224,900 322,100 59,200 59,200 610,600 269,700 60,000 238,600 645,000 50,000 75,600 75,600 138,000 111,900 141,300 123,800 42,000 41,900 46,000 40,700 42,200 39,500 46,400 41,500 39,400 41,300 43,700 44,500 42,200 40,700 39,800 47,700 62,900 57,900 75,600 52,800 66,000 45,000 78,600 113,300 59,200 122,100 53,900 60,000 47,700 129,000 50,000 75,600 75,600 27,600 22,400 28,300 24,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,179,400 Page 47 of 347 2,007,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 210,000 209,700 230,100 203,600 211,000 197,400 232,100 207,600 197,100 206,400 218,300 222,500 211,400 203,600 199,000 238,700 314,300 289,300 377,900 264,000 329,900 224,900 322,100 566,400 59,200 610,600 269,700 60,000 238,600 645,000 50,000 75,600 75,600 138,000 111,900 141,300 123,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 311 210 210 311 311 311 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-960 94-498 03-917 85-777 GD05-96 94-169 GD05-414 00-658 85-544 07-0073 IH-207 2014 2014 94-401 07-0074 IH-128 97-131 91-1214 03-823 2015 04-1223 08-0712 2014 2015 2013 2014 2010 2010 2010 2012 2010 2010 2010 06-039 2012 78-351 2013 8,686,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.16-1-5 15.16-1-6 15.16-1-7 15.16-1-8 15.16-1-9 15.16-1-10 15.16-1-11 15.16-1-12 15.16-2-1 15.16-2-2 15.16-2-3 15.16-2-4 15.16-2-5 15.16-2-6 15.16-2-7 15.16-2-8 15.16-2-9 15.16-2-10 15.16-2-11 15.16-2-12 15.16-2-13 15.16-2-14 15.16-2-15 15.16-2-16 15.16-2-17 15.17-1-1 15.17-1-2 15.17-1-3 15.17-1-4 15.17-1-5 15.17-1-6 15.17-1-7 15.17-1-8 15.17-1-9 15.17-1-10 15.17-1-11 15.17-1-12 Thompson, Frederick G. Brisson, Marcel E. Mac, Leonard A. Dadah, Jonathan M. Mastrianni, Vincent J. Sr. Henderson, John Wilgocki, Stanley A. Stafford, Judith A. Burns, Richard J Seeley, George E & Carol A. Wilson, Robert J. Way, Darrell A. Paige, Crystal R. Groat, Robert R. Howard, Lorraine A. Casey, Michael T. Clark, Joan Sebesta Mandarano, Robert Michael Demarco, Michael D. Gamble, Gerald E & Carolyn F. Tanis, Earl R. Mrytle, Joshua Moore, Robert J. Jr. Sherman, John C. III. Neuberger, Elaine M. Logan Manor Of Guilderland Morales, Anna Downing, Mary M. McEvoy, Brian P. Sarecha, Dileep Popovics, Alexander Pierce, Matthew D. Foote, Daniel R. Jr. Joynt, Patrick J. Carnevale, David J. Metro, Mark C. Cascini, Richard G. 125,200 123,800 136,400 129,400 117,400 138,300 138,000 138,000 108,200 119,800 126,600 123,800 129,000 125,500 123,200 118,000 125,200 116,300 107,800 111,800 111,800 119,300 135,300 129,800 151,100 800 282,700 258,200 309,600 250,900 265,600 279,000 301,400 301,400 274,400 254,300 284,900 25,000 24,800 27,300 25,900 23,500 27,700 27,600 27,600 21,600 24,000 25,300 24,800 25,800 25,100 24,600 23,600 25,000 23,300 21,600 22,400 22,400 23,900 27,100 26,000 30,200 800 56,500 51,600 61,900 50,200 53,100 55,800 60,300 60,300 54,900 50,900 57,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,192,200 Page 48 of 347 1,239,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 125,200 123,800 136,400 129,400 117,400 138,300 138,000 138,000 108,200 119,800 126,600 123,800 129,000 125,500 123,200 118,000 125,200 116,300 107,800 111,800 111,800 119,300 135,300 129,800 151,100 800 282,700 258,200 309,600 250,900 265,600 279,000 301,400 301,400 274,400 254,300 284,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 78-351 GD05-48 2013 03-0572 01-46 95-1031 78-352 02-384 06-1093 2014 98-250 2014 GD2013#6 78-351 IH-129 IH-130 08-0579 98-775 IH-132 IH-1101 2011 07-0075 2015 2013 94-170 GD05-431 96-788 IH-135 2015IH 07-0076 2014 2013 96-1059 06-319 2015 07-0077 6,192,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.17-1-13 15.17-1-14 15.17-1-15 15.17-1-16 15.17-1-17 15.17-1-18 15.17-1-19 15.17-1-20 15.17-1-21 15.17-1-22 15.17-1-23 15.17-1-24 15.17-1-25 15.17-1-26 15.17-1-27 15.17-1-28 15.17-1-29 15.17-1-30 15.17-1-31 15.17-1-32 15.17-1-33 15.17-1-34 15.17-1-35 15.17-1-36 15.17-1-37 15.17-1-38 15.17-1-39 15.17-1-40 15.17-1-41 15.17-1-42 15.17-1-43 15.17-1-44 15.17-1-45 15.17-1-46 15.17-1-47 15.17-1-48 15.17-1-49 Paul, Daniel J. Rophael, Amir Y. Disco, David J. DiCaprio, Amy K. Torres, Antonio DiBella, Michael A. Guilderland Town of Obwald, Henry Digrado, Joseph Jelley-Gibbs, Dawn M. Narins, Russell C. Sinel, Shawn F. Colavito, Nicholas J. III. Desantis, Steven Streeter, Glenn G. Jr. Kaplan, Aaron E. Witzleben, William E. III. Neeley, William Readdean, Kevin C. Day, Charles M. Logan Manor Of Guilderland Friedrich, Thomas D. McCutcheon, Catherine A. Goffin, Wendy E. Nagle, Michael Carroll, Thomas W. Reilly, Timothy Rider, Christopher R. Castleman, Francis Lee Logan Manor Of Guilderland Peters, Andrew J. Katrayan, Desmond M. Titolo, Vincent G. Quaglieri, Anthony P. Logan Manor Of Guilderland Tourtellot, Paul Kurz, Michael 311,200 314,400 285,100 336,200 269,300 300,200 2,000 304,800 276,200 259,800 275,600 276,400 316,800 321,800 368,400 303,800 309,200 289,600 276,500 303,900 2,500 307,400 285,700 274,700 284,600 297,900 270,600 277,300 324,100 700 312,600 283,400 276,000 291,500 1,000 294,000 289,900 62,200 62,900 64,400 67,200 53,900 60,000 2,000 61,000 55,200 52,000 55,100 55,300 63,400 64,400 73,700 60,800 61,800 57,900 55,300 60,800 2,500 61,500 57,100 58,900 56,900 59,600 54,100 55,500 64,800 700 62,500 56,700 55,200 58,300 1,000 58,800 58,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,775,100 Page 49 of 347 1,971,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 311,200 314,400 285,100 336,200 269,300 300,200 2,000 304,800 276,200 259,800 275,600 276,400 316,800 321,800 368,400 303,800 309,200 289,600 276,500 303,900 2,500 307,400 285,700 294,700 284,600 297,900 270,600 277,300 324,100 700 312,600 283,400 276,000 291,500 1,000 294,000 289,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 2013 GD2012#22 2015 05-1021 96-792 94-859 00-385 GD05-174 2015 07-0079 05-0085 98-742 99-946 2012 GD2013#72 09-0037 00-388 07-0080 97-811 94-170 96-799 2014 2015gd#36 2012 IH-143 99-86 08-0867 2013 94-170 2012 08-0344 04-680 07-0817 94-170 96-801 GD2012#32 9,795,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.17-1-50 15.17-1-51 15.17-1-52 15.17-1-53 15.17-1-54 15.17-1-55 15.17-1-56 15.17-1-57 15.17-1-58 15.17-1-59 15.17-1-60 15.17-1-61 15.17-1-62 15.17-1-63 15.17-1-64 15.17-1-65 15.17-1-66 15.17-1-67 15.17-1-68 15.17-1-69 15.17-1-70 15.17-1-71 15.17-1-72 15.17-1-73 15.17-1-74 15.17-1-75 15.17-1-76 15.17-1-77 15.17-1-78 15.17-1-79 15.17-1-80 15.17-1-81 15.17-1-82 15.17-1-83 15.17-1-84 15.17-1-85 15.17-1-86 ORiley, Steven D. Turek, Bruce J. Peptis, Joseph Sherman, Andrew B. McLaughlin, Robert J. Diana, Samuel G. Weston, Edward Jr. Eddy, Christopher Breton, Robert Gray, William J. Wells, Pamela Stressel Cleveland, Walter N. Busacker, William E. Koss, Scott Coppinger, Timothy D. Stevens, Daniel P. Holden, Gregory Kelly, James J. Sheng, Yongchen Amodeo, Anthony J. Jr. Sinha, Poonam Marince, Matthew E. Scally, Rory G. Decatur, John N. Aziz, David T. St Louis, Daniel P. Zwagerman, Peter K. Hoffert, Steven G. Reilly, Brian O. Bruening, Glen Logan Manor Of Guilderland DeSantis, Steven Muccigrosso, Angelo T. Rigosu, Vincent J. Jr. Salatel, Norman V. Jr. ODonnell, Ryan Mandava, Amrutha 311,400 263,200 291,500 238,100 313,300 242,700 273,700 287,200 277,900 267,900 280,300 273,100 309,300 276,900 275,600 304,500 286,900 317,900 251,200 310,900 310,600 317,700 292,700 318,900 314,300 267,000 270,000 309,200 311,300 269,700 2,000 100 431,200 437,500 528,900 439,800 569,600 62,300 52,600 58,300 47,600 62,700 48,500 54,700 57,400 55,600 53,600 56,100 54,600 61,900 55,400 55,100 60,900 57,400 63,600 50,200 62,200 62,100 63,500 58,500 63,800 62,900 53,400 54,000 61,800 62,300 53,900 2,000 100 86,200 87,500 105,800 88,000 113,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,044,000 Page 50 of 347 2,210,400 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 311,400 263,200 291,500 238,100 313,300 242,700 273,700 287,200 277,900 267,900 280,300 273,100 309,300 276,900 275,600 304,500 286,900 317,900 251,200 310,900 310,600 317,700 292,700 318,900 314,300 267,000 270,000 309,200 311,300 269,700 2,000 100 431,200 437,500 528,900 439,800 569,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 311 210 210 220 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0082 03-1055 97-817 2012 IH-146 97-819 2013 2014 03-824 98-744 97-821 97-822 95-852 96-805 02-566 2012 06-757 07-1040 06-321 07-0083 03-0394 2014 96-932 08-0076 IH-113 IH-151 03-1058 2013 95-857 IH-154 94-170 2014 GD2012#65 2013 06-882 2012 05-0086 11,044,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.17-1-87 15.17-1-88 15.17-1-89 15.17-1-90 15.17-1-91 15.17-1-92 15.17-1-93 15.17-1-94 15.17-1-95 15.17-1-96 15.17-1-97 15.17-1-98 15.17-1-99 15.17-1-100 15.17-1-101 15.17-1-103 15.17-1-104 15.17-1-105 15.17-1-106 15.17-1-107 15.17-1-108 15.17-1-109 15.17-1-110 15.17-1-111 15.17-1-112 15.17-1-113 15.17-1-114 15.17-1-115 15.18-1-1 15.18-1-2 15.18-1-3 15.18-1-4 15.18-1-5 15.18-1-6.1 15.18-1-6.2 15.18-1-6.3 15.18-1-6.4 DeBoom, Ryan E. Muccigrosso, Diane Luthra, Sudipiti DeVito, Kimberly M. Witham, Roderick Wier, Joseph Jr. Wier, Joseph J. Jr. Wier, Gregory J. Saboda, Brian K. Capullo, Martin Waldman, Clifford R. Carson , Matthew J. Uttberg, Edward V. Jr. Guilderland Town of Natale, Joseph Garrand, Paul Lynch, Michael P. Sun, Li-Yan J. Gent, Dean Cooney, William F. Zhu, Kehe Chacko, Eins Green, Shawn P. Polumbo, Ralph M. Laing, Robert Engelhart, Heather M. Housel, Julian G. Seus, Mark S. Vincent, Lawrence W. Duprey, Aaron Marshall, Wilma B. Calabro, Peter Trombley, Charles A. Lynch, Michael D. Glogan, Joseph S. Evans, Francis R. Jr. Zeng, Peiyu 384,000 413,400 617,400 529,600 149,000 125,000 21,100 166,400 368,000 324,400 438,000 474,000 407,900 2,100 474,000 454,000 400,000 407,550 460,000 431,100 656,900 353,200 374,000 420,000 320,000 402,400 20,000 430,400 196,300 132,300 136,800 192,800 131,100 202,500 165,900 193,100 162,000 76,800 82,700 107,800 105,900 29,800 36,800 21,100 33,200 73,600 64,900 87,600 94,800 81,600 2,100 94,800 90,800 80,000 81,510 92,000 86,200 131,400 70,600 81,600 84,000 64,000 80,500 20,000 73,400 39,300 26,500 27,400 38,600 26,200 40,500 33,200 48,200 33,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,536,650 Page 51 of 347 2,342,810 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 384,000 413,400 538,900 529,600 149,000 125,000 21,100 166,400 368,000 324,400 438,000 474,000 407,900 2,100 474,000 454,000 400,000 407,550 460,000 431,100 656,900 353,200 374,000 420,000 320,000 402,400 20,000 430,400 196,300 132,300 136,800 192,800 131,100 202,500 165,900 241,200 162,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 120 120 210 210 210 220 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 04-1207 2015IH 07-0086 2015 03-1334 06-322 08-1118 2013 2010 06-883 06-803 07-0596 2012 2011 06-805 06-806 2013SC#58 08-0346 2015 2010GD#59 2012 GD11Stip 07-0088 2012 09-0040 05-631 2014 08-0583 05-0087 IH-155 92-277 89-978 06-1094 05-1297 2015 2009 11,506,250 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.18-1-8 15.18-1-9 15.18-1-10 15.18-1-11 15.18-1-12 15.18-1-13 15.18-1-14 15.18-2-1 15.18-2-2 15.18-2-3 15.18-2-4 15.18-2-5 15.18-2-6 15.18-2-7 15.18-2-8 15.18-2-9 15.18-2-10 15.18-2-11 15.18-2-12 15.18-2-13 15.18-2-14 15.18-2-15 15.18-2-16 15.18-2-17 15.18-2-18 15.18-2-19 15.18-2-20 15.18-2-21 15.18-2-22 15.18-2-23 15.18-2-24 15.18-2-25 15.18-2-26 15.18-2-27 15.18-2-28 15.18-2-29 15.18-2-30 Goudreau, Sonia J. Engel, Michael L. Bord Wm D & Donna C Fam Trust Sonenberg, Samuel Bodo, Anthony P. Davidson, James W. Sugarman, Abigail Lewis Jesionowski, Christopher C. Webb, Gary W. Delorenzo, Patrick A. Chew, Brandon W. Macri, Joseph A. Genovese, Mark A. LaFountain, David W. Depew, Eric J. Steenburgh, Regina Heller, Ryan C. Brinkman, Judy L. Hoefer, Richard J. Mohrhoff, Gary E. Ismail, Fareed Dewitt, Kenneth A. Jr. Wang, Ing-Nang Foley, Edward M. Shamshabad, Baswa Shaker VanGelder, Christopher Montgomery, Scott Cheslow, Shelley A B Kurtzman, Laurie B. Coppola, Gloria Darley, Jeremy Stanley, Christopher E. Gillson, Douglas J. Brown, Robert E. Lio, Gino Lyons, Karen Teaney, Kevin 144,300 135,900 151,400 171,400 136,900 156,400 147,400 146,000 319,700 175,000 167,100 340,000 343,900 150,400 180,500 150,000 155,500 176,300 162,800 194,300 297,900 205,200 150,100 175,400 179,100 207,500 166,100 146,100 145,000 168,500 137,300 162,600 133,200 180,500 190,300 169,700 175,200 28,900 27,200 30,300 34,300 27,400 31,300 29,500 29,200 63,900 35,000 33,400 68,000 68,800 30,100 36,100 30,000 31,100 35,300 32,600 38,900 59,600 41,000 30,000 35,100 35,800 41,500 33,200 29,200 29,000 33,700 27,500 32,500 26,600 36,100 38,100 33,900 35,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,694,900 Page 52 of 347 1,339,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 144,300 135,900 151,400 171,400 136,900 156,400 147,400 146,000 319,700 175,000 167,100 340,000 343,900 150,400 180,500 150,000 155,500 176,300 162,800 194,300 297,900 205,200 150,100 175,400 179,100 207,500 166,100 146,100 145,000 168,500 137,300 162,600 133,200 180,500 190,300 169,700 175,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 94-8 2012 02-21 94-939 00-819 2012 04-28 2012 2009 91-85 97-953 2015 2012 2015 09-0041 78-491 2011 07-0089 92-307 2011 2014 03-0322 04-198 2010 06-323 07-0091 97-954 00-104 90-779 2014 2015 06-325 93-526 03-725 84-639 88-748 2015 6,694,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 15.18-2-31 15.18-2-32 15.18-2-33 15.18-2-34 15.18-2-35 15.18-2-36 15.18-2-37 15.18-2-38 15.18-2-39 15.18-2-40 15.18-2-41 15.18-2-42 15.18-2-43 15.18-2-44 15.18-2-45 15.18-2-46 15.18-2-47 15.18-2-48 15.18-2-49 15.18-2-50 15.18-3-1 15.18-3-2 15.18-3-5 15.18-3-6 15.18-3-7 15.18-3-9 15.18-3-10 15.18-3-11 15.18-3-13 15.18-3-14.1 15.18-3-14.2 15.18-3-14.3 15.18-3-15 15.18-3-16 15.18-3-17.1 15.18-3-17.2 15.18-3-18 Hirschberg, Bram Hamilton, Patrice A. Catholic Charities Woods, Carol Bartone, Katie M. Bernhardt, Lynn M. Wronoski, Christopher J. Romano, David J. Sail, Michael R & Ann E Catalfamo, Roswitha A. Decosmo, Edward A. Serafini, Anthony Cropsey, William Dong, Gang Randorf, John A. Guilderland Town of Robbiano, Ellen Stevens, Patrick Guilderland Town of Popiel, Sarah Johnsen Cummings, Patricia Serafini, Anthony Elliott, George H. IV. KGP Associates LLC Serafini, Anthony Condor Development Corp Condor Development Corp Kearns, Joseph A. Smith, Christina M. Cropsey, William Cropsey, William Banuls, Raymond A. Tryon, Walter J. Jr. Tryon, Walter J Bleser, Leonard J. Serafini, Anthony Messercola, Robert Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 157,400 142,400 149,000 179,200 159,800 172,900 221,300 223,100 157,600 207,200 189,400 35,600 138,100 285,600 295,900 10,500 270,200 289,000 100 280,700 91,900 51,500 99,800 148,300 159,600 1,100,000 114,400 120,900 175,600 30,300 30,900 180,700 104,800 114,800 118,200 30,900 35,200 31,500 28,500 29,800 35,800 32,000 34,600 44,300 44,600 31,500 41,400 37,900 35,600 27,600 57,100 59,200 10,500 54,000 57,800 100 56,100 19,200 51,500 20,000 41,200 31,900 293,600 22,900 24,200 35,100 30,300 30,900 36,100 21,000 23,000 23,600 30,900 35,200 6,272,800 Page 53 of 347 1,520,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 157,400 142,400 149,000 179,200 159,800 172,900 221,300 223,100 157,600 207,200 189,400 35,600 138,100 285,600 295,900 10,500 270,200 289,000 100 280,700 95,800 51,500 99,800 148,300 159,600 1,100,000 114,400 120,900 175,600 30,300 30,900 180,700 104,800 114,800 118,200 30,900 35,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 614 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 322 210 210 210 600 210 210 590 210 210 330 210 484 210 485 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 311 311 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 2015 08-0963 85-1041 90-437 07-0092 2010 2012 08-0868 2014 92-308 79-305 03-0017 2009 IH-157 90-1152 00-392 06-327 95-266 2010 2015 GD05-83A 06-213 2013 IH-279 05-0895 04-199 71-501 2009 96-977 96-977 99-95 08-0585 95-748 00-1272 IH-279 740301 6,276,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.18-3-20 15.18-3-21 15.18-3-22 15.18-3-23 15.18-3-24 15.18-3-25 15.18-3-26 15.18-3-27 15.18-3-28 15.18-3-29 15.18-3-30 15.18-3-31 15.18-3-32 15.18-3-33 15.18-3-34 15.18-3-35 15.18-3-36 15.18-3-37 15.18-3-38 15.18-3-39.1 15.18-3-39.2 15.18-3-40 15.18-3-41 15.18-3-42 15.18-3-43 15.18-3-44 15.18-3-45 15.18-3-46 15.18-4-1 15.18-6-1 15.18-6-2 15.18-6-3 15.18-6-4 15.18-6-5 15.18-6-6 15.18-6-7 15.18-6-8 Weston, Michael A. Celebucki, Jason E. Goewey, John Clement, Warren H. Mohr, Richard C. Housel, Julian G. Lysiak, Edward Farag, Farag N. Gill, Jeffrey A. Fox, Kathleen Deisinger, William E. Bottieri, Henry F. Krenav, Tatsiana McLea, Paul J. Celebucki, John A. Clark, Kenneth F. Osborne, Joseph J. Wilkins, Lorna I. Wilkins, David W. Greulich, Arthur E. Jr. Greulich, Bonnie L. Cropsey, Donald F. Jr. Larrabee, Cynthia Naparty, Arnold R. Bengen, Brian K. St Louis, Nicholas G. Guilderland Town of Decastro, Patrick J. NiMo dba National Grid Nguyen, Kyle Jameson, George I. Murray, Frederick J. Xia, Yu Suen, Marisa M. Manchester Assoc Ltd Ansel, Lloyd Manchester Assoc Ltd 114,900 160,700 119,100 94,500 150,000 175,400 99,400 100,100 116,500 98,600 97,100 121,700 129,700 145,000 167,100 105,900 114,300 120,400 77,100 395,500 300,200 102,900 91,700 200,000 313,800 332,300 5,000 273,600 110,600 335,300 316,800 434,600 52,000 52,000 52,000 347,600 355,500 23,000 32,100 23,800 18,900 30,000 35,100 19,900 20,000 23,300 19,700 19,400 24,300 25,900 20,900 33,400 21,200 22,900 24,100 15,400 128,800 41,200 20,600 18,300 51,300 62,800 66,500 5,000 54,700 110,600 67,000 63,400 86,900 80,100 77,400 74,600 69,500 71,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,378,900 Page 54 of 347 1,603,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 114,900 160,700 119,100 94,500 150,000 175,400 99,400 100,100 116,500 98,600 97,100 121,700 129,700 145,000 167,100 105,900 114,300 120,400 77,100 395,500 300,200 102,900 91,700 200,000 313,800 332,300 5,000 273,600 110,600 335,300 316,800 434,600 400,600 387,000 251,600 347,600 355,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 454 281 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 380 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2009 08-0349 04-683 IH-160 94-675 88-794 92-546 2015 GD05-240 99-1382 98-928 2015 2014 2009 IH-161 90-117 02-989 94-171 05-1236 01-51 08-1199 07-0095 99-1004 2012 06-891 IH-163 94-870 IH-164 07-1211 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2011 2010 7,262,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 15.18-6-9 15.19-1-1 15.19-1-2 15.19-1-3 15.19-1-4 15.19-1-5 15.19-1-6 15.19-1-7 15.19-1-8 15.19-1-9 15.19-1-10 15.19-1-11 15.19-1-12 15.19-1-13.1 15.19-1-13.2 15.19-1-14 15.19-1-15 15.19-1-16 15.19-1-17 15.19-1-18 15.19-1-19 15.19-1-20 15.19-1-21 15.19-1-22 15.19-1-23 15.19-1-24 15.19-1-25 15.19-1-26 15.19-1-27 15.19-1-28 15.19-1-29 15.19-1-30 15.19-1-31 15.19-1-32 15.19-1-33 15.19-1-34 15.19-1-35 Guilderland Central Rosenblum, Gloria Supinski, Thomas Tomaselli, Tonino Jordan, Linda J. Muller, Karl M. Curtis, Todd C. VanKempen, Richard Berberick, Martin J. Schreivogl, Craig Ehlinger, David Bennett, Linda Patch Berschwinger, Richard L. Jurczynski, Gerard E. Pasquerella, Joseph Watson, John E. Doud, Bruce E. Trimarco, George A. Cunningham, Gary R. Pasquini, Christopher J. Dean, James F. Walthers, Charles J. ODea, Patrick M. Frye, Edward A. Butch, Paul M. Villeneuve, David C. Stellrecht, John R. Rutnik, John P. Agostino, John A. Damato, Albert L. Sorrentino, Dominick Parker, Michael Caruso, Robert J. Brennan, Patrick Tanner, Charles B. III. Vitelli, Louis P. Bopp, Michael F. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 4,000,000 166,100 179,900 166,100 190,100 186,600 191,300 210,000 177,800 207,100 204,400 238,800 296,700 315,700 320,000 246,400 262,500 202,000 172,500 224,100 258,200 226,700 216,600 171,600 310,500 206,200 222,000 180,500 222,000 212,000 237,100 227,500 246,900 233,500 255,600 184,900 217,600 340,000 33,200 36,000 33,200 38,000 37,300 38,300 42,000 35,600 41,400 40,900 47,800 59,300 63,100 64,000 49,300 52,500 40,400 34,500 44,800 51,600 45,300 43,300 34,300 62,100 41,200 44,400 36,100 44,400 42,400 47,400 45,500 49,400 46,700 45,100 37,000 43,500 11,987,500 Page 55 of 347 1,931,300 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 4,000,000 166,100 179,900 166,100 190,100 186,600 191,300 210,000 177,800 207,100 204,400 238,800 296,700 315,700 320,000 246,400 262,500 202,000 172,500 224,100 258,200 226,700 216,600 171,600 310,500 206,200 222,000 180,500 222,000 212,000 237,100 227,500 246,900 233,500 255,600 184,900 217,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 612 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-916 2011 04-1129 92- 533 99-1211 04-30 2012 2012 00-107 07-0096 2010 2010 07-0783 86-748 GD05-80 IH-167 00-108 2009 05-1152 98-930 IH-162 89-982 IH-168 90-814 93-813 81-300 2011 89-9144 2010 90-818 2012 03-0396 01-400 02-572 2011 2010 2014 11,987,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.19-1-36 15.19-1-37 15.19-1-40 15.19-1-41 15.19-1-42 15.19-1-43 15.19-1-44 15.19-1-45 15.19-1-46 15.19-1-47 15.19-1-48 15.19-1-49 15.19-2-1 15.19-2-2.1 15.19-2-2.2 15.19-2-3 15.19-2-4 15.19-2-5 15.19-2-6 15.19-2-7.1 15.19-2-7.2 15.19-2-8.2 15.19-2-9.1 15.19-2-9.2 15.19-2-9.3 15.19-2-9.4 15.19-2-10 15.19-2-11 15.19-2-12 15.19-2-13 15.19-2-14 15.19-2-15 15.19-2-16 15.19-2-17 15.19-2-18 15.19-2-19 15.19-2-20 Fasciglione, Dominick C. Whipple, Nicholas R. Kovelman, Brian Barton, Christine Heikaus, Jean A. Fuller, Margaret A. Kalamejski, Leonard D. Alfieri, Scott A. Jones, Dylan R. Mai, Daniel M. Riggi, David A. Heaphy, Paul J. Jr. Scofield, Peter Litwin, Scott A. Clark, Brian D. Brown, Paul C. DelGallo, Anthony E. McMahon, David Vesely, Richard Unser, Brian J. Sr. Civitella, Giuseppina Guilderland Town of Civitella, Antonio Friguletto, Peter V. Donadio, Louis Jr. Civitella, Antonio Johnson, Timothy A. Majkut, Michael A. Relyea, Kathleen M. Quinn, Jeffrey L. Baron, Jay Gifford, Edward G. Horan, Christopher P. Smith, Jake R. McKenna, Richard Nania, Donald Behiri, John N. 223,700 206,400 201,700 182,200 177,800 216,000 169,300 224,000 234,800 201,300 205,500 252,700 155,200 140,100 234,000 408,400 381,100 120,000 130,100 147,800 227,000 5,000 40,000 235,600 387,400 768,900 156,000 146,100 187,100 233,500 166,800 192,200 164,800 183,500 265,000 313,600 334,200 44,700 41,300 40,300 36,400 35,600 43,200 33,900 44,800 47,000 40,300 41,100 50,500 31,000 28,000 46,800 81,700 76,200 24,000 26,000 29,600 45,400 5,000 40,000 47,100 77,500 153,800 31,200 29,200 37,400 46,700 33,400 38,400 30,800 36,700 53,000 62,700 66,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,218,800 Page 56 of 347 1,677,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 223,700 206,400 201,700 182,200 177,800 216,000 169,300 224,000 234,800 201,300 205,500 252,700 155,200 140,100 234,000 408,400 381,100 120,000 130,100 147,800 227,000 5,000 40,000 235,600 387,400 768,900 156,000 146,100 187,100 233,500 166,800 192,200 164,800 183,500 265,000 313,600 334,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0713 2013 78-454 02-990 92-136 02-164 2011 2013 06-328 01-1277 97-139 01-1277 91-390 2012 2012 IH-169 GD05-82 07-0098 88-266 97-400 95-1297 04-917 07-0649 97-201 IH-171 2010 2010 2015 95-147 2009 76-864 08-0350 08-0586 2015 06-SC 92-595 2014 8,218,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.19-2-21 15.19-2-22 15.19-2-23 15.19-2-24 15.19-2-25 15.19-2-26 15.19-2-27 15.19-2-28 15.19-2-29 15.19-3-1 15.19-3-2 15.19-3-3 15.19-3-4 15.19-3-5 15.19-3-6 15.19-3-7 15.19-3-8 15.19-3-9 15.19-3-10 15.19-3-11 15.19-3-12 15.19-3-13 15.19-3-14 15.19-3-15 15.19-3-16 15.19-3-17 15.19-3-18 15.19-3-19 15.19-3-20 15.19-3-21 15.19-3-22 15.19-3-23 15.19-3-24 15.19-4-1 15.19-4-2 15.19-4-3 15.19-4-4 Tillman, Susan E. Lozoff, Collette D. Graburn, A Lynne II. Polsinello, Frank Lockwood, Allan Cunningham, Alan J. Slavick, Stephen R. Valentino, Aldo Fitzpatrick, Robert S. Piazza, Robert Dennis, Ryan P. Thompson, Jason Chan, Sing M. Patneaude, David Cubillos, Rafael E. Ciccone, Anthony J. Harp, Nathen M. Bradley, Peggy Ann DiGiandomenico, John & Ann Plant, Eric L. Goes, Anthony J. Quinn, Timothy B. Applegate, Craig Lyons, William F. Ballerstein, Robert John Denyse, Kathleen M. Bracco, James A. Barnett, Paul D. Marbaker, Nicholas M. Darcangelis, Dominic Salamone, George S. Gillis, James J. Gold, Tsvi Webb, Gregory B. Morin, Chelsea L. Leto, Robert Ellsbury, John E. 267,900 322,000 386,100 270,000 323,600 290,000 343,000 320,400 314,400 174,600 203,100 238,700 213,200 205,400 234,400 212,000 184,100 215,100 203,000 203,000 203,000 199,000 208,900 199,000 173,200 199,000 199,000 223,700 216,600 215,000 235,200 166,500 211,100 208,400 207,100 237,900 170,600 53,600 64,400 77,200 54,000 64,700 58,000 68,600 64,100 62,900 34,900 40,600 47,700 42,600 41,100 46,900 42,400 36,800 43,000 40,600 40,600 40,600 39,800 41,800 39,800 34,600 39,800 39,800 44,700 43,300 43,000 47,000 33,300 42,200 41,700 41,400 47,600 34,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,597,200 Page 57 of 347 1,719,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 267,900 322,000 386,100 270,000 323,600 290,000 343,000 320,400 314,400 174,600 203,100 238,700 213,200 205,400 234,400 212,000 184,100 215,100 203,000 203,000 203,000 199,000 208,900 199,000 173,200 199,000 199,000 223,700 216,600 215,000 235,200 166,500 211,100 208,400 207,100 237,900 170,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-173 2013 2011 SC145-05 2014 06-752 IH-176 87-44 2012 04-200 IH-177 06-961 01-56 2013 99-146 IH-178 2012 2015 2011 2011 99-179 07-0101 96-151 96-752 2012 87-705 95-168 80-499 2010 IH-181 06-895 86-380 08-0110 93-9999 2014 07-0102 82-274 8,597,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.19-4-5 15.19-4-6 15.19-4-7 15.19-4-8 15.19-4-9 15.19-4-10 15.19-4-11 15.19-4-12 15.19-4-13 15.19-4-14 15.19-4-15 15.19-4-16 15.19-4-17 15.19-5-1.1 15.19-5-1.2 15.19-5-2 15.19-5-3 15.19-5-4 15.19-5-5 15.19-5-6 15.19-5-7 15.19-5-8 15.19-5-9 15.19-5-10 15.19-5-11 15.19-5-12 15.19-5-13 15.19-5-14 15.19-5-15 15.19-5-16 15.19-5-17 15.19-5-18 15.19-5-19 15.19-5-20 15.19-5-21 15.19-5-22 15.19-5-23 Sheehan, Denis Robertson, James R. Carmello, Ronald D. Kolanach, Michael Martone, Charles Martiniano, Vincent P. Belawski, Edward W. Whitbeck, Anthony G. Volforte, Michael Austin, Mark D. OBrien, Sean Ciccarelli, John Doran, Jonathan C. Guidi, Edward A. Donadio, Louis Jr. Nam, Seunghan Coons, Rose Lare, Joshua M. Miller, Jeffrey D. Marino, Louis M. Mathew, Roy Cresanti, William J. Buckley, Kevin M. Gutknecht, Brian A. Quimby, James L. Santandrea, Daniel P. Sherman, William L. Cardinal, Jeffrey J. Glenning, Edward M. Vara, David M. Nejman, Douglas Smith, David J. Geary, Bryan J. Li, Jiabin Jiang, Liang Weiss, Howard S. Chandra, Uday 226,200 215,100 198,200 206,900 178,400 210,500 208,800 195,600 207,300 186,200 240,200 300,100 211,100 342,900 5,200 364,800 122,000 364,000 348,600 382,800 364,500 349,300 324,000 391,400 350,400 404,900 414,300 376,400 367,000 381,700 352,900 361,200 347,900 335,600 301,300 337,300 335,600 45,200 43,000 39,600 41,400 35,700 42,100 41,800 39,100 41,500 37,200 48,000 60,000 42,200 68,600 5,200 73,000 24,400 72,800 69,700 76,600 72,900 69,900 70,400 78,300 70,100 81,000 82,900 75,300 73,400 76,300 70,600 72,200 69,600 67,100 60,300 67,500 67,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,810,600 Page 58 of 347 2,172,000 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 226,200 215,100 198,200 206,900 178,400 210,500 208,800 195,600 207,300 186,200 240,200 300,100 211,100 342,900 5,200 364,800 122,000 364,000 348,600 382,800 364,500 349,300 324,000 391,400 350,400 404,900 414,300 376,400 367,000 381,700 352,900 361,200 347,900 335,600 301,300 337,300 335,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-827 95-475 86-64 89-903 05-1238 86-93 04-32 84-86 00-35 00-395 06-896 IH-182 2014 05-0091 04-1443 2011 2015 2013 2011 2011 2012 03-802 GD09#47 2013 02-584 03-726 03-803 06-897 2010 05-158 IH-186 2012 2015 2011 IH-187 05-1120 06-042 10,810,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.19-5-24 15.19-5-25 15.19-5-26 15.19-5-27 15.19-5-28 15.19-5-29 15.19-5-30 15.19-5-31 15.19-5-32 15.19-5-33 15.19-5-34 15.19-5-35 15.19-5-36 15.19-5-37 15.19-5-38 15.19-5-39 15.19-5-40 15.19-5-41 15.19-5-42 15.19-5-43 15.19-5-44 15.19-5-45 15.19-5-46 15.19-5-47 15.19-5-48 15.19-5-49 15.19-5-50 15.19-5-51 15.19-5-52 15.19-5-53 15.19-5-54 15.19-5-55 15.19-5-56 15.19-5-57 15.19-5-58 15.19-5-59 15.19-5-60 Peng, Zuoyan Lindros, Stacy M. Blanchard, Andrew P. McDaniel, Matthew Fiori, Christopher Monlea, Ramon M. Sheridan, Brian F. Lippert, John W. Spalten, Steven Manchester Assoc Ltd Nerallapali, Suman Reddy Gundela, Srikanth Manchester Assoc Ltd Manchester Assoc Ltd Manchester Assoc Ltd Manchester Assoc Ltd Manchester Assoc Ltd Manchester Assoc Ltd Manchester Assoc Ltd Jones, Adam W. Page, Douglas A. Paladugu, Rajagopal Douglas, Peter W. Fazzone, Robert Krempa, Paul J. Guo, Cheng Walden, Kurt A. Neimeyer, Dale Cui, Wenge Landry, Scott R. Jambunathan, Viswanathan Miglucci, Anthony D. Pasquarella, Dennis A. Ojukwu, Emeka S. Riviello, Gary E. Holtermann, Lynn Gordon, Alan D. 320,200 335,300 344,200 351,700 337,675 354,300 415,900 367,200 358,900 48,000 385,000 292,600 52,000 385,000 52,000 51,200 51,000 51,000 51,000 335,600 350,000 385,200 337,400 343,100 315,800 339,800 335,000 362,100 330,000 348,900 357,900 331,900 379,600 376,400 356,700 316,000 373,200 64,000 67,100 68,800 70,300 67,500 70,900 83,000 73,400 71,800 67,100 77,000 69,500 52,000 77,000 52,000 51,200 51,000 51,000 51,000 67,100 70,000 77,000 67,500 68,600 69,400 68,000 67,000 72,400 66,000 69,800 71,600 66,400 75,900 78,800 71,300 63,200 74,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,878,775 Page 59 of 347 2,500,200 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 320,200 335,300 344,200 351,700 337,675 354,300 415,900 367,200 358,900 335,600 385,000 347,500 52,000 385,000 52,000 51,200 51,000 51,000 51,000 335,600 350,000 385,200 337,400 343,100 315,800 339,800 335,000 362,100 330,000 348,900 357,900 331,900 379,600 393,900 356,700 316,000 373,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 311 311 311 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-188 2012 2014 05-159 2015 05-0900 2013 2014 2012 2015 2015IH 2015 04-912 2013 03-727 03-727 03-727 03-727 03-727 2014 IH-189 2009 06-777 2013 GD2012#26 06-779 2012 06-898 2011 01-701 02-587 IH-193 2013 2015 02-590 06-775 08-0587 11,238,775 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.19-5-61 15.19-5-62 15.19-5-63 15.19-5-64 15.19-5-65 15.19-5-66 15.19-5-67 15.19-5-68 15.19-5-69 15.19-5-70 15.19-5-71 15.19-5-72 15.19-5-73 15.19-5-74 15.19-5-75 15.19-5-76 15.19-5-77 15.19-5-78 15.19-5-79 15.19-5-80 15.19-5-81 15.19-5-82 15.19-5-83 15.19-5-84 15.19-5-85 15.19-5-86 15.19-5-87 15.19-5-88 15.19-5-89 15.20-1-1 15.20-1-2 15.20-1-3 15.20-1-4 15.20-1-5 15.20-1-6 15.20-1-7 15.20-1-8 Raymond, Mark Dott, Kenneth Guilderland Town of Moran, Thomas J. Jr. Grondahl, Paul S. Cui, Peng Burg, Joseph V. Aniolek, Thomas S. DiCaprio, Matthew Whalen, Christopher M. Gecsedi, Ronald J. DeJoy, William S. Nemeth, Frank Pasha, Muhammad Asghar Yu, Fangqun Chen, Xinchao Scuzzarella, Paul D. Kadajji, Siddesh Basappa Clark, Kelly A. Rajan, Rajiv Dai, Yun Lagios, James P. Ghule, Kalyan Basker, Veeraraghav S. Rozdolski, Michael J. Thomas, Anil K. Wightman, Thomas Agresta, Richard Daley, John E. Charlew Const Co Inc Chrisey, David S. Davis, Jane L. Card, James F. Jr. Glazer, Joseph A. Delamater, John C. Kazmer, Paul C. Cave, Alyssa 355,300 365,800 1,000 309,900 356,300 353,700 356,400 391,750 426,850 335,000 385,000 371,900 399,800 351,500 350,700 356,300 382,900 350,300 367,200 353,100 345,300 340,200 366,500 309,300 390,900 356,000 354,800 316,000 330,500 5,000 203,700 217,000 194,400 200,200 196,900 207,400 204,100 71,100 73,200 1,000 62,000 71,300 70,700 71,300 78,300 85,400 67,000 77,000 74,400 80,000 70,300 70,100 71,300 76,600 70,100 73,400 70,600 69,100 68,000 73,300 61,900 78,200 71,200 71,000 63,200 66,100 5,000 40,700 43,400 38,900 40,000 39,400 41,500 40,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,458,900 Page 60 of 347 2,296,800 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 355,300 365,800 1,000 309,900 356,300 353,700 356,400 391,750 426,850 335,000 385,000 371,900 399,800 351,500 350,700 356,300 382,900 350,300 367,200 353,100 345,300 340,200 366,500 309,300 390,900 356,000 354,800 316,000 330,500 5,000 203,700 217,000 194,400 200,200 196,900 207,400 204,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0243 2009 01-672 06-774 IH-196 08-0351 00-1068 09-0045 2014 2012SCAR 06-776 03-805 GD2012#14 09-0046 GD05-173 IH-199 2011 03-1145 08-0738 03-1074 07-1236 03-806 2015 08-0021 03-809 IH-200 03-811 04-37 2009 83-748 2014 IH-202 80-199 05-1239 79-275 79-558 2013 11,458,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 15.20-1-9 15.20-1-10 15.20-1-11 15.20-1-12 15.20-1-13 15.20-1-14 15.20-1-15 15.20-1-16 15.20-1-17 15.20-1-18 15.20-1-19 15.20-1-20 15.20-1-21 15.20-1-22 15.20-1-23 15.20-1-24 15.20-1-25 15.20-1-26 15.20-2-1 15.20-2-2 15.20-2-3 15.20-2-4 15.20-2-5 15.20-2-6 15.20-2-7 15.20-2-8 15.20-2-9 15.20-2-10 15.20-2-11 15.20-2-12 15.20-2-13 15.20-2-14 15.20-2-16 15.20-2-17 15.20-2-18 15.20-2-19 15.20-2-20 Norris, Frank R. Hoteling, Barbara Adamczak, Timothy Ward, Paul W. Forth, Joseph Mihill, Darlene D. Marriaga, Alberto Liska, Wayne M. Young, Jamie Drooby, Mark Ayala, Daniel K. Hartson, Alice G. Cervoni, Dominick Norris, Michael J. LaMoy, Leon E. Grogan, Daniel P. Kenyon, Carol H. Spanbauer, Richard J. Polsinelli, Biagio Mickle, Thomas W. Weber, Louis J. Jr. Schenectady Gospel & Chapel of Treacy, Gerald A. Mellor, John R. Jr. Mastriani, Ronald Grosso, Robert J. Polsinello, Vencenza Watkins, Marlene Whittaker, James M. Jr. Heeg, Hendrika Kabrehl, Joseph Ramundo, Christina Kokosa, Ronald F. Bigness, Paul Joseph Tardio, Michelle DeLorenzo, Carol A. Jacquinot, M. Mark 152,200 154,900 197,800 207,300 198,600 174,000 201,400 183,700 170,100 187,400 199,000 209,900 170,600 148,400 180,000 201,300 173,200 238,000 27,100 174,000 212,000 135,700 155,900 205,500 266,800 262,200 100 163,100 201,000 163,200 150,800 215,400 149,200 232,000 146,800 164,300 166,500 30,400 31,000 39,600 41,500 39,700 34,800 40,300 36,700 34,000 37,500 39,800 42,000 34,100 29,700 36,000 40,300 34,600 47,600 27,100 34,800 42,400 27,100 31,200 41,100 53,400 52,400 100 32,600 40,200 32,600 30,200 43,100 29,800 46,400 29,400 32,900 33,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,539,400 Page 61 of 347 1,329,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 152,200 154,900 197,800 207,300 198,600 174,000 201,400 183,700 170,100 187,400 199,000 209,900 170,600 148,400 180,000 201,300 173,200 238,000 27,100 174,000 212,000 135,700 155,900 205,500 266,800 262,200 100 163,100 201,000 163,200 150,800 215,400 149,200 232,000 146,800 164,300 166,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 79-272 2015 04-1039 87-430 07-0103 98-157 07-1044 95-1034 2014 2015 06-763 2009 83-80 78-233 2014 2011 2012 97-975 82-269 01-434 97-141 95-1035 02-23 80-665 82-206 GD05-358 2012 03-0019 08-0123 07-0104 2011 2010 2013 74-649 2012 IH-205 6,539,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Parcel Id 15.20-2-21 15.20-2-22 15.20-2-23 15.20-2-24 15.20-3-1 15.20-3-2 15.20-3-3 15.20-3-4 15.20-3-5 15.20-3-6 15.20-3-7 15.20-3-8 15.20-3-9 15.20-3-10 24.00-1-1 24.00-1-2 24.00-1-3 24.00-1-4.1 24.00-1-4.2 24.00-1-4.3 24.00-1-4.4 24.00-1-4.5 24.00-1-4.6 24.00-1-4.7 24.00-1-4.8 24.00-1-5.1 24.00-1-5.2 24.00-1-5.3 24.00-1-5.41 24.00-1-5.42 24.00-1-5.43 * 24.00-1-6.1 24.00-1-6.2 24.00-1-6.11 24.00-1-6.12 24.00-1-6.13 24.00-1-7 Page Totals Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name Martinelli, Ronald A. Pawlik, John W. Craver, Gary A. Venezio, James J. Fox, Jeffrey M. Zimbal, Michael Emerick, Ronald J. Wilkes, Christopher J. Vogel, Elizabeth G. Klein, James G. Madelone, Paul J. Skellie, Bruce A. Dagostino, Joseph Hesler, Thomas B. Polesny, Anna V A Boyle, Mark Kupinski, Mitchell A. Olsen, Paul R. Peck, Russell D. Stelmaszyk, Paul D. Dikeman, Samson Myron Thatcher, Walter J & Gloria F Jordan, Margaret M. Pickett, Claude M. Kowalski, Steven C. Ricard, Michael F. Danielson, William Lyons, Andi Morhous, Theodore Burian, Wayne A. Burian, Wayne A. Ricard, Michael F. Ricard, Michael F. Ricard, Michael F. Fiscaletti, Jeremy Todd Ricard, Michael F. Meyer, Dale K. Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 179,500 189,000 255,300 251,800 202,600 198,200 198,200 211,800 208,900 197,000 204,400 213,300 140,500 209,000 400,600 212,200 122,000 327,200 246,100 291,300 247,000 186,300 341,100 268,700 335,700 185,200 263,200 344,400 40,400 283,600 40,400 67,800 5,000 35,900 37,800 51,100 50,400 40,500 39,600 39,600 42,400 41,800 39,400 40,900 42,700 28,100 41,800 125,200 42,400 24,400 55,000 51,400 58,300 49,900 45,600 49,700 55,600 65,000 43,300 46,000 51,200 40,400 56,700 40,400 67,800 5,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 49,600 306,700 36 7,306,600 Page 62 of 347 1,662,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 179,500 189,000 255,300 251,800 202,600 198,200 198,200 211,800 208,900 197,000 204,400 213,300 140,500 209,000 400,600 212,200 122,000 327,200 246,100 291,300 247,000 186,300 341,100 268,700 335,700 185,200 263,200 344,400 40,400 283,600 40,400 67,800 5,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 306,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 240 210 210 240 240 210 210 210 210 240 240 210 210 240 314 210 314 322 310 314 314 314 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H N H N N N H Account Nbr 89-904 88-483 IH-206 84-825 82-226 82-249 01-818 85-787 87-431 04-203 03-0327 2010 98-817 97-143 2012 2013 06-1454 2009 89-759 2011 06-1032 03-1394 2012 08-0589 2012 2015s/m#2 06-330 05-97 90-1171 02-856 04-204 2015s/m#2 2012 2015s/m#2 2015s/m#2 2015s/m#2 98-256 7,441,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 24.00-1-8 24.00-1-9 24.00-1-10 24.00-1-11 24.00-1-12.1 24.00-1-12.2 24.00-1-12.3 24.00-1-12.4 24.00-1-13.1 24.00-1-13.2 24.00-1-14 24.00-1-15 24.00-1-16 24.00-1-17.1 24.00-1-17.2 24.00-1-17.3 24.00-1-18.1 24.00-1-18.2 24.00-1-18.3 24.00-1-18.4 24.00-1-18.5 24.00-1-18.6 24.00-1-18.7 24.00-1-18.8 24.00-1-18.9 24.00-1-20 24.00-1-21.1 24.00-1-21.2 24.00-1-22 24.00-1-23.3 24.00-1-23.4 24.00-1-23.11 24.00-1-23.12 24.00-1-23.13 24.00-1-23.21 24.00-1-23.22 24.00-1-23.23 Elliott, Andree H. Marino, Michael A. Czajkowski, Kathleen Lussier, Paul A. Jacobson, Mark C. DiCrescenzo, Louis F. Din, Qadir Jacobson, Howard F. Rau, Ernest Rau, Ernest Morhous, Theodore E. Carver Realty LLC Niskayuna Forest Fish & Game Tarasovich, Thomas M. Floccuzio, Fabio Floccuzio, Fabio Burger, Lawrence T. Rossner, Frank J. Kelly, Thomas J. Blanchette, Samuel A. Twaddell, Russell P. Monte, John Gayne, Robert F. Syla, Pranvera SRB Builders LLC Harlan, Robert W. VanWormer, Aaron F. Sr. Ruede, Edward J. VanWormer, Donald Jones, William J. Stewart, Douglas A. Stewart, Douglas A. Jones, William J. Jones, William J. Wielt, Mark S. Tuttle, Gregory D. Meyer, Dale K. 103,100 186,900 177,100 199,200 164,300 243,600 244,200 73,600 132,300 129,700 84,800 233,100 103,000 290,100 203,500 49,100 318,300 178,000 201,700 69,900 215,000 307,000 37,900 314,100 39,700 278,900 56,600 129,100 53,400 251,100 181,900 48,000 53,000 46,800 252,100 298,200 51,100 20,600 48,900 35,400 46,100 107,300 92,500 48,800 73,600 62,400 25,900 30,000 153,400 82,400 49,100 40,700 49,100 63,000 35,600 40,300 62,900 43,000 63,500 49,000 86,800 39,700 197,800 56,600 25,800 16,500 51,800 36,400 48,000 53,000 46,800 70,900 60,700 51,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,999,400 Page 63 of 347 2,165,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 103,100 186,900 177,100 199,200 164,300 243,600 244,200 73,600 79,400 129,700 84,800 233,100 103,000 290,100 203,500 49,100 318,300 178,000 201,700 314,300 215,000 317,800 244,800 434,100 39,700 278,900 56,600 129,100 53,400 251,100 181,900 48,000 53,000 46,800 252,100 298,200 51,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 120 152 220 322 240 210 210 240 920 210 210 314 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 240 322 210 210 240 210 314 322 314 240 210 314 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H H H H H H H N H H H H N H H H H H H H H H H H H H N H H H H H N H H H H Account Nbr 01-266 95-171 08-0353 93-9999 2014 07-1045 2015 04-497 2015 96-697 2012 04-1041 2015 06-1033 02-604 08-0964 2014 81-331 IH-208 2015 2013 2015 2015 2015 08-0354 08-0355 06-045 2010 99-1011 98-257 06-1405 06-1405 96-898 98-605 IH-211 2011 95-1292 6,528,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Parcel Id Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name 24.00-1-24.1 24.00-1-24.2 24.00-1-24.3 24.00-1-24.4 24.00-1-25 24.00-1-26 24.00-1-27 24.00-1-28 24.00-1-30 24.00-1-31.1 24.00-1-31.2 24.00-1-31.3 24.00-1-32.1 24.00-1-32.21 24.00-1-32.22 24.00-1-33.1 24.00-1-33.3 24.00-1-33.21 24.00-1-33.22 24.00-1-33.23 * 24.00-1-34 24.00-1-34.1 24.00-1-34.2 24.00-1-34.3 24.00-1-35.1 24.00-1-35.2 24.00-1-37 24.00-1-38.1 24.00-1-38.2 24.00-1-39 24.00-1-40.11 24.00-1-40.12 24.00-1-40.21 24.00-1-40.22 24.00-1-41 24.00-1-42 24.00-1-43.1 West, William D. Chepaitas, Barbara A. Barger, Raymond H. Heller, Jeffery White, Thomas E. Lanne, Amanda Cohn, Henry G. Slevin, Mary Elizabeth Garramone, Michael Ramundo, Thomas J. Adkins, Bruce Adkins, Bruce Pattison, Brian D. Forman, Peter H. Regina, Elizabeth Kelly Masullo, Carmine L. Masullo, Steven M. Masullo, Carmine L. Villeneuve, Gary Dicerbo, Eugene F. Fair, Jeffrey Richmond, Daniel Fair, Jeffrey Fair, Jeffrey Caporizzo, Steven P. Bates, Steven M. Burch, Lawrence J. Rau, Ernest W. Cox, Edwin Tucker Jr. Tyksinski, Eugene K. Barber, Andrew J. Hesselton, Clair R. Frey, Eric Frey, Eric Carlone, Clifford Rau, Ernest W. Nardolillo, Michael A. Jr. Page Totals Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 236,200 282,100 132,500 281,800 108,800 187,800 171,200 633,100 41,800 122,000 46,100 450,000 1,526,900 331,200 173,300 417,500 321,100 50,400 238,500 299,900 229,800 125,000 56,400 26,500 54,000 21,800 37,600 171,200 117,000 41,800 48,600 46,100 45,800 300,000 66,200 34,700 57,700 64,200 41,800 52,800 62,800 90,500 74,200 85,300 85,000 58,500 74,800 40,300 96,800 43,100 57,100 46,300 90,800 44,200 57,500 41,800 41,900 61,000 485,000 380,000 201,700 279,400 188,700 377,900 375,700 454,100 44,200 287,300 61,100 147,100 305,000 36 9,639,400 Page 64 of 347 2,470,600 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 236,200 282,100 132,500 281,800 108,800 187,800 171,200 633,100 41,800 122,000 46,100 450,000 1,526,900 331,200 173,300 417,500 321,100 50,400 264,400 299,900 235,800 219,500 85,300 85,000 485,000 380,000 201,700 284,800 182,900 377,900 375,700 454,100 44,200 287,300 61,100 147,100 305,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 210 210 210 210 210 322 240 322 210 311 210 240 210 210 240 210 312 210 240 240 240 314 314 240 240 210 113 210 240 210 220 311 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H H H H H H N H N H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Account Nbr 2014 IH-217 2009 07-0652 98-745 2012 IH-213 IH-218 IH-218 01-946 2015 08-0591 2010 2011 2010 94-694 05-0907 95-593 2015 90-455 2015s/m#3 2015s/m#3 2015s/m#3 2015s/m#3 08-0592 GD09#36 IH-219 2015s/m#4 2015s/m#4 93-817 03-1371 2014 91-830 95-479 07-0805 2012 2012 10,054,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 24.00-1-43.2 24.00-1-44 24.00-1-45 24.00-1-46 24.00-1-47 24.00-1-48.1 24.00-1-48.2 24.00-1-48.3 24.00-1-49 24.00-1-50 24.00-1-51 24.00-1-52 24.00-1-53 24.00-1-54.1 24.00-1-54.2 24.00-1-55 24.00-1-56 24.00-1-57 24.00-1-58 25.00-1-1 25.00-1-2 25.00-1-3.11 25.00-1-3.12 25.00-1-4 25.00-1-5 25.00-1-6 25.00-1-7.2 25.00-1-7.11 25.00-1-7.12 25.00-1-7.13 25.00-1-7.15 25.00-1-7.141 25.00-1-7.142 25.00-1-8.1 25.00-1-8.2 25.00-1-9 25.00-1-11 Oppelt, James A. Schultz, Russell F. Cornell, Stephen R. Pareis, Glen F. Sturgis, Laurie J. Neigel, Deborah A. Mounteer, John C. Swift, Bryan L. Lo , Hung Kay Moss, Barbara J. Ingleson, James W. Simon, Patricia A. Candiloro, James E. Elliott, David W. Elliott, David W. Rau, Ernest W. Felock, Donna M. Hinkley, Deborah A. Tralongo, John VanWormer, Aaron F. Jr. Mazzariello, Linda M. Gac, Barbara J Settle Hill Associates Becofsky, James B. Becofsky, James V. Pine Hill Beagle Club Inc Tooley, Michael J. Haas, James K. Marcella, Christopher P. Kryzak, Delphine T. Cemetery, Stephen Gray Schafer Construction Inc, M A Dejoy, William Stewart, Charles D. Schafer, Kelli Riis Gardner, Kelly Glennon, Patricia A. 300,000 133,900 255,600 220,000 231,500 395,400 232,000 184,800 8,200 366,500 229,500 280,800 196,300 47,200 426,500 22,400 46,800 342,000 48,200 142,700 281,100 100,000 86,200 16,100 215,600 117,400 280,000 225,300 421,500 268,500 4,000 85,100 38,100 316,900 474,000 137,400 203,200 70,400 46,100 46,100 51,200 46,800 307,200 46,400 45,400 8,200 66,900 47,000 45,800 46,100 47,200 109,000 22,400 46,800 65,300 48,200 82,500 56,200 65,900 86,200 16,100 133,600 87,600 79,400 45,800 53,400 55,300 4,000 85,100 62,300 139,900 94,800 29,700 40,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,380,700 Page 65 of 347 2,430,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 300,000 133,900 255,600 220,000 231,500 335,400 232,000 184,800 8,200 366,500 229,500 280,800 196,300 47,200 426,500 22,400 46,800 342,000 48,200 142,700 281,100 100,000 86,200 16,100 215,600 117,400 280,000 225,300 421,500 268,500 4,000 85,100 268,300 316,900 474,000 137,400 203,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 240 210 240 210 210 322 240 210 210 210 314 240 105 314 210 314 240 210 240 322 311 240 557 210 210 240 240 695 322 240 113 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 H H H H H H H H N H H H H H H H H H H H H H N H H N Account Nbr 06GD65STIP 07-0109 06-1038 06-1039 2013 2015IH 2011 2011 89-72 2012 82-440 2012 06-332 2015 2014 93-9999 81-498 2012 07-0110 GD05-459 2010 IH-40A 90-611 83-87 99-712 IH-1546 IH2013 08-0795 2014 08-0932 99-453 2014 2015 GD05-293 08-0356 2014 86-667 7,550,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 25.00-1-12 25.00-1-13.2 25.00-1-13.3 25.00-1-13.5 25.00-1-13.11 25.00-1-13.12 25.00-1-13.41 25.00-1-13.42 25.00-1-14 25.00-1-15 25.00-1-16 25.00-1-17 25.00-1-18 25.00-1-19 25.00-1-20 25.00-1-21 25.00-1-22 25.00-1-23 25.00-1-24 25.00-1-26 25.00-1-28 25.00-1-29 25.00-1-30 25.00-2-1 25.00-2-2 25.00-2-3.2 25.00-2-3.31 25.00-2-3.32 25.00-2-4.1 25.00-2-4.2 25.00-2-5 25.00-2-6 25.00-2-8 25.00-2-9 25.00-2-10 25.00-2-11 25.00-2-12 Curtis, Jeffrey D. Keehfus, Gary L. Frederick, Bruce C. Adams, Richard W. Rau, Ernest W. Adams, Richard Bowman, Daniel J. Tobin, Daniel R. Hughes, John F. Zwinge, Scott E. Hahn, Harold E. List Richard H Inc Raynor, Arlene Udell, Joshua I. Allgaier, Charles N. Marriner, Walter F. Jr. Grant, Edward Wagner, Jeffrey H. Jr. Pillot, Ralph III. Bennett, Barbara S. Bennett, William B. Jr. Morhous, Theodore E. Friedlander, Dorothy Batchelder, Eric H. Bonafide, Loretta Foland, George R. Trapasso, Matthew J. Glogowski, John M. Traegler, Alfred A. Bush, Fred J. Lenge, Heidi C. Altamont Orchards Realty LLC Wallace, Amber Cummings, Kevin D. Hennet, Alisha B. Segrue, Sean P. Butler, Robert M. 168,200 497,600 209,700 384,900 58,100 40,700 339,000 379,600 129,300 95,000 204,800 259,600 112,800 147,700 112,800 192,150 67,200 106,800 221,300 174,500 34,900 92,700 249,600 253,000 312,000 275,100 301,700 42,100 375,900 1,200 57,600 39,700 214,500 541,000 157,200 274,200 187,000 33,600 99,500 41,900 77,000 49,300 40,700 83,500 75,900 25,900 19,000 123,800 87,600 22,600 29,500 22,600 38,400 13,400 21,400 45,400 45,100 34,900 25,800 236,800 56,100 62,400 52,900 60,300 42,100 53,400 1,200 57,600 39,700 48,700 48,400 31,400 54,900 37,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,311,150 Page 66 of 347 1,940,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 168,200 497,600 209,700 384,900 58,100 40,700 339,000 379,600 129,300 95,000 204,800 259,600 112,800 147,700 112,800 192,150 67,200 106,800 221,300 174,500 34,900 92,700 249,600 253,000 312,000 275,100 301,700 42,100 375,900 1,200 57,600 39,700 214,500 541,000 157,200 274,200 187,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 312 311 210 210 210 210 114 449 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 281 105 411 105 240 210 240 210 311 240 311 322 105 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H H H H H H Account Nbr 07-0111 2013 88-1139 2009 97-1134 95-1293 GD11#44 2012 2012 97-146 97-606 98-747 97-147 08-0062 94-554 2010 06-1042 2014 05-0102 IH-230 95-433 00-661 76-217 2013 86-582 05-743 2013 84-88 SC52.05 00-1239 IH-233 99-1013 08-0930 07-0112 2014 2012 94-816 7,311,150 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 25.00-2-13 25.00-2-14 25.00-2-15.1 25.00-2-15.2 25.00-2-16 25.00-2-17 25.00-2-18.1 25.00-2-18.2 25.00-2-20 25.00-2-21 25.00-2-23 25.00-2-24.2 25.00-2-24.11 25.00-2-24.12 25.00-2-25 25.00-2-26 25.00-2-27.1 25.00-2-27.2 25.00-2-28 25.00-2-30 25.00-2-31 25.00-2-32 25.00-2-33 25.00-2-34.2 25.00-2-34.3 25.00-2-34.11 25.00-2-34.12 25.00-2-35 25.00-2-36 25.00-2-37 25.00-2-38 25.00-2-39 25.00-2-40 25.00-2-41.1 25.00-2-41.2 25.00-2-42 25.00-2-43 Lamm, Donald P. Robinson, Gail A. Lainhart, Sue Barbara Russell, Michael Davis, Michael J. Hanzalik, Matthew Rau, Everett & Margaret J Din, Abdul M. Hahn, Harold E. Barkley, Blair J. OConnor, Darrow D. Marciano, Gerard A. Keehfus, Gary L. Keehfus, Gary L. Powers, Robert F. Caggianelli, Joann Doyle, Robert Ryan, Barbara A. Otterness, Sonja Carroll, Patricia L. Kuehnert, Horst A. Kuehnert, John Kuehnert, John Barker, Edward Glenn Barker, Edward Glenn Fonda, Mark J. Orchard Creek Realty LLC Olivares, Susan Bush, Fred J. Hanrahan , Edward V. Fogerite, James J. Cronin, Charles M. McLoughlin, Kevin Kryzak, Kenneth M. Bush, Fred J. Rosencrans, John F. Jr. Cavallaro, William A. 187,100 189,100 260,600 358,300 285,300 252,500 207,800 302,400 13,500 183,300 264,300 221,100 21,800 54,600 157,800 129,700 69,900 190,700 174,300 106,000 127,600 28,600 216,200 178,200 42,800 113,200 733,800 106,000 453,500 187,500 276,900 222,100 230,100 293,600 4,600 306,200 477,700 37,400 37,800 172,800 71,600 57,100 50,500 149,800 60,500 13,500 52,700 36,100 73,100 21,800 54,600 31,600 25,900 69,900 38,100 89,000 21,200 25,500 28,600 96,400 35,600 42,800 113,200 68,000 34,300 90,700 37,500 50,600 44,900 49,100 49,900 4,600 46,100 53,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,628,700 Page 67 of 347 2,036,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 187,100 189,100 260,600 347,800 285,300 252,500 207,800 302,400 13,500 183,300 264,300 221,100 21,800 54,600 157,800 129,700 69,900 190,700 174,300 106,000 127,600 28,600 238,500 178,200 42,800 113,200 733,800 171,400 453,500 187,500 276,900 222,100 230,100 293,600 4,600 306,200 477,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 120 210 220 210 114 210 105 210 449 240 314 322 210 210 105 210 113 210 210 105 120 210 311 322 552 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 311 210 240 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H H H H H H H H H Account Nbr 95-174 95-88 02-900 2015 01-790 2012 2013 2014gd#25 87-914 2012 2010 2013 2013 03-1101 2010 2011 06-333 97-148 2010 2010 99-1453 99-1453 2015 2010 89-763 2012 2013 2015 GD05-323 06-1044 93-978 88-277 87-650 2015 00-1240 2012 95-803 7,705,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 25.00-2-44 25.00-2-45 26.00-1-1 26.00-1-2 26.00-1-3 26.00-1-4 26.00-1-5 26.00-1-6 26.00-1-7 26.00-1-9 26.00-1-10 26.00-1-11 26.00-1-12 26.00-1-13 26.00-1-14 26.00-1-15 26.00-1-16 26.00-1-17 26.00-1-18 26.00-1-19 26.00-1-20 26.00-1-21 26.00-1-22.1 26.00-1-22.2 26.00-1-23 26.00-1-24 26.00-1-25 26.00-1-26 26.00-1-27 26.00-1-28 26.00-1-30 26.00-1-31 26.00-1-32 26.00-1-34 26.00-1-35 26.00-1-36 26.00-1-37 Dominion Transmisson Inc Cullen Drive Maintenance Mueller, Paul G. Maine, Justin Altamont Orchards Realty LLC Lown, Nancy J. Roddy, Bernard Settle, Thomas L. Settle, Joan E. Trinsey, Michael Taber, Carol Jewell, John H. Schultz, Peter J. III. McBride, Thomas I. Leather, Daniel G. Kirstel, Catherine Jane Merrill, Donna Kravalis, John Mariani, Kimberly Richards, Elizabeth A. Reisinger, William J. Jr. Hunt, Robert Schafer, Mark A. DeAngelo Ranch LLC Hoening, Leo J. Coughtry, Timohty E. Sebast, David Coughtry, Timothy Calabro, Joseph S. Beemer, Susan J. Toomer, Edward H. Yaddulapalli, Nirmala Schafer Construction Inc, M A Tralongo, John Robert, Jeffrey Capital District Habitat Viscusi, Annalisa Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 464,800 1,000 494,300 249,900 6,800 228,200 601,800 126,800 179,900 172,700 112,800 123,200 176,400 208,900 136,300 138,700 116,600 308,700 154,900 79,000 123,400 66,600 453,400 1,052,700 134,600 258,900 130,800 97,900 90,000 149,900 128,800 177,100 15,400 24,700 5,000 5,000 159,700 92,900 1,000 112,500 59,000 6,800 45,600 139,000 25,400 36,000 34,500 22,600 24,600 64,400 84,000 27,300 27,700 23,300 71,500 48,000 15,800 43,900 42,300 215,300 175,400 26,900 47,800 26,200 36,100 48,900 30,000 25,800 35,400 15,400 24,700 5,000 5,000 31,900 7,155,600 Page 68 of 347 1,797,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 464,800 1,000 494,300 249,900 6,800 228,200 658,500 126,800 179,900 172,700 112,800 123,200 176,400 208,900 136,300 138,700 116,600 308,700 154,900 79,000 123,400 66,600 920,800 1,052,700 134,600 258,900 130,800 102,400 90,000 149,900 128,800 177,100 15,400 24,700 5,000 5,000 159,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 873 692 240 240 105 210 240 210 210 210 210 210 240 240 220 210 210 240 210 210 210 312 240 220 210 210 210 423 432 210 210 210 314 314 314 314 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 N Account Nbr 2010 81-447 08-1121 2009 07-1242 IH-240 2015 IH-241 05-0104 2013 IH-242 2014 IH-243 2012 2009 2010 GD11vs 2010 07-1219 05-0105 90-124 07-0116 2015gd#04 2015gd#46 2010 2014 67-636 2015 2013 06-1047 06-1048 2012 2014 07-0117 680700 02-1388 2011 7,684,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 26.00-1-38 26.00-1-39 26.00-1-40 26.00-1-41 26.00-1-42 26.00-1-43 26.00-1-44 26.00-1-45 26.00-1-46 26.00-1-47 26.00-1-48 26.00-1-49 26.00-2-1 26.00-2-2 26.00-2-3 26.00-2-4 26.00-2-5 26.00-2-7 26.00-2-8 26.00-2-10.11 26.00-2-10.13 26.00-2-10.21 26.00-2-10.22 26.00-2-10.23 26.00-2-10.24 26.00-2-10.121 26.00-2-10.122 26.00-2-11 26.00-2-12 26.00-2-13 26.00-2-14 26.00-2-15 26.00-2-16.1 26.00-2-16.2 26.00-2-17 26.00-2-18 26.00-2-19 Rathburn, Aaron Della Rocco, Michael J. III. Cullam, Donna A. West, Craig K. Tallman, Robert E. Viscusi, Tonio Moolick, Betty H. Mizener, Gordon F. Pahl, Robert C. Higgins, Timothy M. Jr. Balleau, Jamie Pelkey, Michael Radzewicz, Paul A. Radzewicz, Ruthann Gesek, Julius Gesek, Julius Radzewicz, Paul A. Davenport, Daniel A. Moshier, Albert J. Hartmann, Freda R. MacGilfrey, Stephanie S. Williams, Ricky Dale Williams, Ricky D. Sr. Galvin, Mark P. Gregory, Nicole A. Galvin, Peter J. Galvin, Peter J. Ramo, Peter M. Sturn, Vickie L. Butcher Regan, Liam Anthony, Kenneth Robert Ford , Jennifer S. Alexson, Warren D. Alexson, Warren D. Collins, Jared M. Lauria, Kim Alexson, Thomas K. 112,600 231,900 111,200 82,300 118,500 37,300 185,600 119,600 300,900 153,500 158,600 202,000 130,200 106,100 5,000 112,800 145,800 255,600 196,100 135,000 80,000 65,000 160,000 46,300 46,700 185,300 50,000 173,600 158,600 126,600 177,000 164,800 214,300 227,700 144,600 147,100 56,500 22,500 77,300 22,200 16,500 23,700 37,300 37,100 23,900 60,200 30,700 31,700 40,400 26,000 21,200 5,000 22,600 77,300 52,900 56,500 54,300 16,000 65,000 48,600 46,300 46,700 48,700 50,000 51,500 31,700 40,500 35,400 40,500 105,600 50,700 28,900 82,400 56,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,124,700 Page 69 of 347 1,584,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 112,600 231,900 111,200 82,300 118,500 37,300 185,600 119,600 300,900 153,500 158,600 202,000 130,200 106,100 5,000 112,800 145,800 255,600 196,100 135,000 80,000 65,000 160,000 46,300 46,700 185,300 50,000 173,600 158,600 126,600 177,000 164,800 214,300 227,700 144,600 147,100 56,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 120 210 210 210 314 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 311 210 120 240 240 120 210 105 210 311 311 210 311 240 210 210 210 210 116 210 210 421 322 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 98-748 79-168 85-505 GD05-295 04-1042 2012 2015 02-609 08-0258 06-334 2015 GD05-74C GD05-74B 08-0797 GD09#7 GD05-74A GD05-340 IH-252 2009 07-0653 IH-254 IH-254 GD05-187B 2011 2010 2010 92-282 99-1016 2015 02-1091 2013 01-981 03-0575 88-278 08-1058 02-1191 5,124,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 26.00-2-20 26.00-2-21 26.00-2-22 26.00-2-23 26.00-2-24 26.00-2-25 26.00-2-26 26.00-2-27 26.00-2-28 26.00-2-29 26.00-2-30 26.00-2-31.1 26.00-2-31.2 26.00-2-32 26.00-2-33 26.00-2-34 26.00-2-35 26.00-2-36 26.00-2-37 26.00-2-38 26.00-3-1 26.00-3-2 26.00-3-3 26.00-3-4 26.00-3-5 26.00-3-6 26.00-3-7 26.00-3-8 26.00-3-9 26.00-3-10 26.00-3-11 26.00-3-12 26.00-3-13 26.00-3-15 26.00-3-16 26.00-3-17 26.00-3-18 Percoski, Patti B. Peterson, Carl Tentor, Richard M. Zelezniak, Michael Desch, Charles O. Desch, Charles O. Demers, Lorrain H. Neri, Peter P. Maynard, James P. Desch, Charles O. Kisby, Eric Altemus, Gidget Ann Bonk, Kim Kuehnert, John Polsinelli, Vincenza Carr, Roger L. Kuehnert, John Kuehnert, John Dutcher, Jeffrey B. Dutcher, Jeffrey B. Lavoy, Robert E. Franzen, Deborah L. Gregory, Rex P. Barber, Leonard T. Foley, Joseph J. Hummel, Mary D. Armstrong, Galen Thuener, Vernetta E. Hojohn, Kathleen F. Owens, Dawn J. Lutz, Dawn J. VanPatten, Kyle D. Spink, Howard J. Knaggs Oakland Realty Inc Knaggs, Lee R. Knaggs Oakland Realty Inc Keys, Raymond H. 217,400 44,600 117,500 72,700 34,800 65,800 128,400 104,300 132,400 20,000 93,300 20,000 20,000 29,900 34,300 92,600 58,000 49,700 2,000 2,400 121,200 155,300 123,600 90,300 147,700 156,100 122,300 194,600 162,000 143,600 206,200 144,400 165,900 166,200 138,200 162,800 215,000 39,600 44,600 20,600 40,000 34,800 65,800 25,700 20,900 26,500 20,000 18,700 20,000 20,000 29,900 34,300 18,500 58,000 49,700 2,000 2,400 24,200 31,100 24,700 18,100 29,500 45,800 24,500 38,900 32,400 28,700 41,200 45,600 59,100 61,500 27,600 105,300 43,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 3,955,500 Page 70 of 347 1,273,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 217,400 44,600 117,500 72,700 34,800 65,800 128,400 104,300 132,400 20,000 93,300 20,000 20,000 29,900 34,300 92,600 58,000 49,700 2,000 2,400 121,200 155,300 123,600 90,300 147,700 156,100 122,300 194,600 162,000 143,600 206,200 144,400 165,900 253,300 138,200 162,800 215,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 105 480 312 120 322 210 210 210 314 210 314 314 105 314 210 105 105 323 323 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 113 112 210 112 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 96-870 00-1158 84-450 650062 670802 95-1327 96-51 02-1092 IH-256 06-335 IH-259 IH-259 99-1453 750469 2011 99-1453 99-1453 03-0404 03-0404 94-363 2012 02-1093 71-759 2009 GD05-419 72-698 IH-261 98-749 01-60 GD05-165 2013 2011 2015 2015 2011 2014 4,042,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 26.00-3-19 26.00-3-20.1 26.00-3-20.2 26.00-3-21 26.00-3-22 26.00-3-23.1 26.00-3-23.2 26.00-3-25 26.00-3-26 26.00-3-27 26.00-3-28 26.00-3-29 26.00-3-30.2 26.00-3-31 26.00-3-32 26.00-3-33 26.00-3-34 26.00-3-35 26.00-3-36.1 26.00-3-36.21 26.00-3-36.22 26.00-3-37.1 26.00-3-37.2 26.00-3-37.3 26.00-3-38 26.00-3-39 26.00-3-40 26.00-3-41 26.00-3-43 26.00-3-44 26.00-3-45 26.00-3-46 26.00-3-47 26.00-3-48 26.00-3-49.1 26.00-3-49.2 26.00-3-49.3 Ralston, David R. Moller, John C. Jr. VanEpps, Robert A. OKeefe, Robert E. Maki, Brian E. Betts, Barbara M. Traditional Builders Ltd Solomon, Billie Jean Brown, David C. Brown, David C. Brown, David C. Coppola, Paolo Betts, Barbara M. Betts, Barbara M. Carpenter, David O. Carpenter, David O. Duncan, Robert Spirit SPE Portfolio 2007-2 LL RJR Units LLC Besha, James A. Thomas, Susan Cao, Yafei Nichols, Mark A. Jr. VanWormer, Edward Knaggs, Donald G. Knaggs Oakland Realty Inc Calabro, Michael Hawrylchak, George Leininger, Scott Weatherwax, Irene M. Forty Four Fifty Nine Western Szadys Real Property of Szady, Henry Cranker, Joseph L. Romano, Lisa Seavey, Kay L. Loucks, Robert J. 123,800 139,900 219,700 175,400 170,000 334,500 128,600 15,200 1,100 1,000 1,000 2,500 42,100 1,700 15,000 16,600 2,700 598,900 493,200 394,800 509,300 90,000 314,200 423,900 124,300 521,100 15,000 177,900 98,600 88,900 45,000 57,400 128,800 109,200 277,500 369,000 153,200 43,700 48,000 43,900 40,000 34,000 61,300 128,600 15,200 1,100 1,000 1,000 2,500 42,100 1,700 15,000 16,600 2,700 179,200 150,000 89,000 137,900 35,000 62,800 84,800 24,900 133,400 15,000 72,700 37,600 17,800 45,000 15,000 25,800 21,800 55,500 73,800 51,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,381,000 Page 71 of 347 1,826,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 123,800 139,900 219,700 175,400 170,000 334,500 128,600 15,200 1,100 1,000 1,000 2,500 42,100 1,700 15,000 16,600 2,700 598,900 846,000 394,800 636,500 90,000 314,200 423,900 124,300 521,100 15,000 177,900 98,600 88,900 45,000 57,400 128,800 109,200 277,500 346,500 253,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 240 322 322 311 311 311 311 311 314 322 322 322 444 442 210 240 210 210 210 210 112 311 240 312 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 2011 2011 2014 2011 IH-258A 90-796 06-839 78-772 78-772 78-772 95-177 IH-258B 84-830 98-944 98-945 87-1310 IH-1546 2015 2013 2015 2012 2011 2011 88-279 2010 93-661 84-357 2011 05-1155 2014 2012 2011 2011 2011 2015gd#47 2015gd#41 6,939,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 26.00-3-49.4 26.00-3-50 26.00-3-51 26.00-3-52 26.00-3-53 26.00-3-54.2 26.00-3-54.11 26.00-3-54.12 26.00-3-55 26.00-4-1 26.00-4-2 26.00-4-3 26.00-4-3./1 26.00-4-3./2 26.00-4-4 26.00-4-5 26.00-4-6.1 26.00-4-6.2 26.00-4-7 26.00-4-8 26.00-4-9 26.00-4-10 26.00-4-11 26.00-4-12 26.00-4-13 26.00-4-14 26.00-4-15 27.00-1-1 27.00-1-2.4 27.00-1-2.6 27.00-1-2.11 27.00-1-2.12 27.00-1-2.21 27.00-1-2.22 27.00-1-2.31 27.00-1-2.32 27.00-1-2.33 Masterson, Joseph Scheckton, James A. LaForte, Thomas R. Schlegel, Christopher Murphy, Barbara Ann Figliomeni, Joseph Figliomeni, Natalina Figliomeni, Natalina Figliomeni, Joseph Campbell, Juliette Fontes, Michael Watervliet Water Board Watervliet Water Board Watervliet Water Board Dukharan, Dhanwattie Darling, Christopher Darling, Christopher Jubrey, Emil A. Simpkins, Laura W. Brennan, John J. Brennan, John J. Larned William M & Sons Inc Pieniazek, John J. Peters, Kerry M. Flood, John G. Kennedy, Jessica S. Wolcott, James S. Solomon, Billie Jean Ruth, Robert C. Guzzo, Mario Anthony JR. Guzzo, Mario Tremblay, John M. Relihan, Vincent Baker, Richard & Julia A. Nasri, Mohammad Ritter, Marcus M. Traxon, Mark Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 330,000 158,000 102,300 211,400 179,600 75,100 206,500 28,200 257,200 38,700 233,700 2,483,576 38,947 109,706 34,600 119,100 2,100 119,800 83,700 82,000 11,500 61,100 108,100 219,900 142,800 108,200 81,300 145,000 385,000 293,000 263,400 576,000 182,500 175,200 157,100 177,600 99,800 66,000 31,600 20,500 42,300 35,900 75,100 65,800 28,200 51,400 38,700 46,700 1,757,100 0 0 34,600 23,800 2,100 24,000 16,700 82,000 11,500 61,100 46,000 44,000 28,600 21,600 16,300 80,500 77,000 58,600 130,000 152,900 36,500 35,000 31,400 35,500 20,000 8,081,729 Page 72 of 347 3,329,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 330,000 158,000 102,300 211,400 179,600 75,100 206,500 28,200 257,200 38,700 233,700 2,483,576 38,947 109,706 34,600 119,100 2,100 119,800 83,700 82,000 11,500 61,100 107,000 219,900 142,800 108,200 81,300 145,000 385,000 293,000 263,400 576,000 182,500 175,200 157,100 177,600 99,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 281 210 322 240 314 210 314 210 822 826 826 311 210 311 210 210 322 322 105 110 220 210 210 210 120 210 210 210 210 220 220 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013SC 2011 2011 2011 2014 2011 2014 2014 2011 99-1457 2011 20-0001 20-0001 20-0001 08-0687 03-1409 03-1410 2009 89-9148 05-1156a 05-1156b 91-688 2015 07-1257 90-127 87-721 99-717 06-840 06-899 IH-266 IH-267 07-0784 02-996 06-687 2012 2013 01-1277 8,080,629 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 27.00-1-2.34 27.00-1-2.35 27.00-1-3 27.00-1-4 27.00-1-5 27.00-1-6 27.00-1-7 27.00-1-8 27.00-1-9.1 27.00-1-9.2 27.00-1-9.3 27.00-1-10 27.00-1-11 27.00-1-12 27.00-1-13.1 27.00-1-13.2 27.00-1-14 27.00-1-15 27.00-1-16 27.00-1-17 27.00-1-18 27.00-1-19 27.00-1-25 27.00-1-27 27.00-1-28 27.00-1-29.1 27.00-1-29.2 27.00-1-30 27.00-1-31 27.00-1-32 27.00-1-33.1 27.00-1-34 27.00-1-35.1 27.00-1-35.2 27.00-1-35.3 27.00-1-35.4 27.00-1-35.5 Cerny, Darina Relyea, Michael C. Fuller, Richard Kurz, Pamela A. Hussey, A Paul Buck, Gregory C. Gabriele, Rudolph L. Jr. Warner, Leonard Jr. Pahl, Emil W. Jr. Miller, Mary Pahl, Emil W. Jr. Pahl, Alberta Crounse, Gordon John Hopper, Nancy A. LJC Properties LLC Roth, John Pennacchia Properties Inc Prochazka, Marielle Larson, Christopher W. Rittner, Christian J. Olson, Marlow J. Jensen, Dwight Lynnwood Reformed Church LJC Properties LLC Ferguson, Charlotte Pratt, Sarah Amedore, Paul J. Bianca, Mark Schafer, Howard D. Jr. Murgia, Dawn M. Murgia, Dawn M. Knapp, Stuart R. Brennan, John J. Brennan, John J. Brennan, John J. Radden, Jeffrey Howard DelVecchio, Christopher Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39,100 183,600 150,300 209,100 177,700 141,300 262,000 139,400 73,500 75,300 152,100 71,500 73,500 73,100 161,200 780,000 178,800 244,900 225,400 130,500 159,400 100,800 1,400,000 42,400 237,600 154,500 35,300 180,200 250,300 146,000 400 108,400 90,000 190,400 90,000 332,800 401,900 39,100 36,700 30,100 41,800 35,500 28,300 52,400 27,900 14,700 15,100 30,400 14,300 14,700 14,600 96,200 153,200 95,500 100,600 45,000 26,100 31,900 80,000 200,000 42,400 47,500 55,000 35,300 36,000 44,300 29,200 400 21,700 90,000 60,600 90,000 66,500 80,400 7,462,700 Page 73 of 347 1,923,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 39,100 183,600 150,300 209,100 177,700 141,300 262,000 139,400 73,500 75,300 152,100 71,500 73,500 73,100 161,200 780,000 178,800 244,900 225,400 130,500 159,400 100,800 1,400,000 42,400 237,600 154,500 35,300 180,200 250,300 146,000 400 108,400 90,000 190,400 90,000 332,800 401,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 240 240 240 240 210 210 210 484 620 311 210 240 320 210 210 210 311 210 311 210 311 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 02-615 05-0914 06-1343 2011 2015 93-820 03-829 06-049 01-1151 06-050 2012 2013 94-93 05-637 2014SC#62 2010 99-1388 2010 05-0109 2015 04-206 96-725 05-637 2012 2013 2013 08-0357 IH-274B 2012 2012 88-553 IH-270 05-1047 IH-270 2015 06-965 7,462,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.00-1-36.1 27.00-1-43.1 27.00-1-43.3 27.00-1-43.4 27.00-1-43.5 27.00-1-43.6 27.00-1-43.7 27.00-1-43.8 27.00-1-43.9 27.00-1-43.11 27.00-1-43.12 27.00-1-43.13 27.00-1-43.14 27.00-1-43.15 27.00-1-43.16 27.00-1-43.17 27.00-1-43.18 27.00-1-43.19 27.00-1-43.21 27.00-1-43.22 27.00-1-43.23 27.00-1-44 27.00-1-45 27.00-1-46 27.00-1-47 27.00-1-48 27.00-1-49.1 27.00-1-49.2 27.00-1-49.3 27.00-1-49.4 27.00-1-49.5 27.00-1-49.6 27.00-1-50 27.00-1-51 27.00-1-53.1 27.00-1-53.2 27.00-1-53.3 Lizzi, Cosimo Spring Farm Estates Murray, Deborah M. Ramasamy, Muthu M. Bhaumik, Amitabha Pearce, Cory D. Bain, Robert J. Marrale, Peter M. Thomas, Gary D. Horan, Patrick T. Ventresca-Cohen, Nicole M. Guilderland, Town of Coutant, Craig T. Fortune, Roger C. Correia, Thomas Ramasamy, Muthu M. Halsdorf, Bruce Theriault, Richard P. Oakes, Elbert C. Jr. Smith, Keri L. Theriault, Richard P. Halsdorf, Bruce J. Janice, Karol J. Moss, Sonya Nachbar, Jean E. Burkhart, Louise M. Christian, George A. Jr. Allen , Rosemary S. Hale, Jeffery A. Mele, John A. McCoy, William C. Jr. Cahee, Robert A. Schafer Construction Inc, M A Gemlick, Stanley & Ethel Carpenter, David O. Carpenter, David O. JTR Realty LLC 359,700 1,300 143,700 481,200 360,000 367,000 402,500 396,300 392,700 350,900 406,800 100 359,000 392,800 366,800 60,000 1,900 4,100 215,200 181,500 216,000 129,100 205,100 96,800 125,000 122,600 376,600 356,800 341,600 391,200 320,000 336,000 135,400 155,600 65,600 189,600 421,400 87,700 1,300 28,700 96,200 72,000 73,400 80,500 79,300 86,300 71,000 81,300 100 71,800 78,600 73,400 60,000 1,900 4,100 43,000 36,300 43,200 25,800 41,000 19,400 25,000 24,500 75,300 71,400 68,300 78,200 64,000 75,000 47,700 77,800 21,400 67,000 113,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,227,900 Page 74 of 347 2,064,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 359,700 1,300 143,700 481,200 360,000 367,000 402,500 396,300 431,400 350,900 406,800 100 359,000 392,800 366,800 60,000 1,900 4,100 215,200 181,500 216,000 129,100 205,100 96,800 125,000 122,600 376,600 356,800 341,600 391,200 320,000 374,900 135,400 155,600 65,600 189,600 421,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 281 1 970 A 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 970 8 210 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 311 1 311 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 120 1 120 1 240 1 Account Nbr IH-272 06-1097 2014 2009 2014 2014gd#66 06-1099 07-0122 2015gd#27 2015 2015 06-1101 06-1102 2012 2012 07-0602 03-1105 03-1106 95-749 2015 03-1181 97-640 03-0406 2014 01-61 95-883 2010 GD2012#66 2015 08-0595 2012 2015 2011 95-884 96-904 01-912 GD2012#73 9,305,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.00-1-54.1 27.00-1-54.2 27.00-2-1 27.05-1-1 27.05-1-2 27.05-1-3 27.05-1-4 27.05-1-5 27.05-1-6 27.05-1-7 27.05-1-8 27.05-1-9 27.05-1-10 27.05-1-11 27.05-1-12 27.05-1-13 27.05-1-14 27.05-1-15 27.05-1-16 27.05-1-17 27.05-1-18 27.05-1-19 27.05-1-20 27.05-1-21 27.05-1-22 27.05-1-23 27.05-1-24 27.05-1-25 27.05-1-26 27.05-1-27 27.05-1-28 27.05-1-29 27.05-1-30 27.05-1-31 27.05-1-32 27.05-1-33 27.05-1-34 VanOort, John Conner, Christopher S. Polsinelli, Vincenza Trechel, Gary M. Iapoce, Joseph A. Marino, Thomas P. Lord, Graham F. Connery, John G. Flynn, Christopher Thomas Quinn, Thomas E. Payton, David A. Retajczyk, Robert S. Jr. Preisser, Kenneth J & Joan M Cohen, James Allan Young, George W. Jr. Olena, Mark E. Holb, Thomas J. Santulli, Victoria M. Sharkey, William Fiscaletti, Laurie Bogardus, Richard M. Wilson, Joseph X. Mahlmeister, Roberta A. Sarles, John L. Neale, Jonathan R. Rueckert, Trevor C. Horstmyer, David L. Young, Judith J. DeLima, Michael A. Kaminski, David J. Goff, Roger I. Jr. Vitale, Frank J. Doberman, Frank Garbade , Lauren M. Leonardi, Bruno H. Warren, Ryan S. Simon, Steven J. 383,000 352,350 84,600 215,000 227,900 158,200 157,300 177,400 182,000 163,500 236,400 227,700 220,500 219,200 179,000 216,800 183,200 177,500 216,500 185,100 206,600 262,900 250,600 188,300 184,500 214,600 214,500 216,200 181,300 208,400 180,500 229,200 238,900 225,200 182,900 220,500 220,300 76,600 70,500 84,600 43,000 45,600 31,600 31,500 35,500 36,400 32,700 47,300 45,500 44,100 43,800 35,800 48,300 36,600 35,500 43,300 37,000 41,300 52,600 50,100 37,700 36,900 42,900 42,900 43,200 36,300 41,700 36,100 45,800 47,800 45,000 36,600 44,100 44,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,788,550 Page 75 of 347 1,630,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 383,000 352,350 84,600 215,000 227,900 158,200 157,300 177,400 182,000 163,500 236,400 227,700 220,500 219,200 179,000 216,800 183,200 177,500 216,500 185,100 206,600 262,900 250,600 188,300 184,500 214,600 214,500 216,200 181,300 208,400 180,500 229,200 238,900 225,200 182,900 220,500 220,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0603 2013 2014 01-401 99-180 82-448 88-282 08-0066 2015 2010 2014 02-616 07-0124 77-637 79-849 08-0871 2015 93-402 2011 2010 2012 04-796 06-216 99-182 2011 04-429 05-1299 98-949 2015 2014 01-441 08-0597 2014 2014 2014 2012 2015 7,788,550 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.05-1-35 27.05-1-36 27.05-1-37 27.05-1-38 27.05-1-39 27.05-1-41 27.05-1-42.1 27.05-2-1 27.05-2-2 27.05-2-3 27.05-2-4 27.05-2-5 27.05-2-6 27.05-2-7 27.05-2-8 27.05-2-9 27.05-2-10 27.05-2-11 27.05-2-12 27.05-2-13 27.05-2-14 27.05-2-15 27.05-2-16 27.05-2-17 27.05-2-18 27.05-2-19 27.05-2-20 27.05-2-21 27.05-2-22 27.05-2-23 27.05-2-24 27.05-2-25 27.05-2-26 27.05-2-27 27.05-2-28 27.05-2-29 27.05-2-30 Jaskot, Walter Charles Duncan, David R. Comparetta, Guy F. Parker, Matthew C. Tabak, Valerie Comparetta, Guy F. Serafini Anthony Builder Inc Schanz, Charles C. Gallo, Frank Purga, Richard E. Kralik, Michael Mihok, Justin J. Fabrizi, Jay W. T.P. Builders, Inc. Serafini Anthony Builders Inc T P Builders Inc T P Builders Inc T P Builders Inc T P Builders Inc Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Capullo, Gregory Doris, Kevin R. Bishop, Charles A. Wiles, Timothy J. Wu, Liyong Gebauer, Noel E. Attanasio, Dean M. Linehan, Andrew M. Hoffman, David Minkiewicz, Eric E. Bini, Steven Dorado, Anthony DiGesare, Leo Beil, James A. Mahoney, Barbara J. Rubin, Cherilyn L. Wilson, Thomas Charles 190,600 186,500 193,500 221,500 245,400 1,800 3,000 363,100 384,300 338,700 398,650 337,200 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 430,100 330,300 341,250 365,800 440,000 401,600 493,000 365,500 420,400 389,600 399,600 363,000 240,000 250,500 377,200 413,200 444,200 38,100 37,300 38,700 44,300 49,100 1,800 3,000 72,600 76,900 67,700 79,700 67,400 67,900 45,000 45,000 68,100 85,500 45,000 45,000 45,000 86,300 66,000 68,250 73,200 72,800 80,300 98,600 73,100 84,100 77,900 79,900 72,600 60,000 50,100 75,400 82,600 88,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,689,500 Page 76 of 347 2,313,050 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 190,600 186,500 193,500 221,500 245,400 1,800 3,000 363,100 384,300 338,700 398,650 337,200 399,500 45,000 45,000 275,900 384,700 45,000 45,000 45,000 431,600 330,300 341,250 365,800 368,200 401,600 493,000 365,500 420,400 389,600 399,600 363,000 240,000 250,500 377,200 413,200 444,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 311 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-720 94-1273 06-966 2015 2009 89-1424 2014 08-1167 03-0328 05-0915 2014 2015 2015 08-0872 GD05-83X 2015 2015 2010 2010 GD05-83U 2015 2013 2014 2015 2015IH 2013 08GD#18C 05-0918 07-0126 2010 2013 02-620 SC45-05 IH-277 08-0184 95-1040 2009 10,544,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.05-2-31 27.05-2-32 27.05-2-33 27.05-2-34 27.05-2-35 27.05-2-36 27.05-2-37 27.05-2-38 27.05-2-39 27.05-2-40 27.05-2-41 27.05-2-42 27.05-2-43 27.05-2-44 27.05-2-45 27.05-2-46 27.05-2-47 27.05-2-48 27.05-2-49 27.05-2-50 27.05-2-51 27.05-2-52 27.05-2-53 27.05-2-54 27.05-2-55 27.05-2-56 27.05-2-57 27.05-2-58 27.05-2-59 27.05-2-60 27.05-2-61.1 27.05-2-61.2 27.05-3-1 27.05-3-2 27.05-3-3 27.05-3-4 27.05-3-5 Doherty, Brian P. Mahoney, George D. Digesare, Michael A. Masto, Howard T. Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Bertino, Joseph Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Yoon, Nam H. Pyskadlo, Mark A. Anderson, Ronald C. Kaufmann, Anne Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Serafini Anthony Builders Inc Rafalik, Richard J. Liu, Zuoguang Candeloro, Nicholas G. Wilson, Scott A. King, Kevin J. Endres, John J. Jr. Brown, Joan C. Lima, Joseph John Sheehan, Mark C. Alban, Philip E. Gorczyca, Thomas B. Wright, Gary A. Ciccarelli, Joseph M. Soryal, George F. Livingston, Mark D. Pasha, Muhammad Asghar Montavon, Dawn Reiss, Eileen Cristello, Sheila M. 384,300 534,600 429,500 345,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 356,800 357,200 374,800 383,100 364,200 495,000 45,000 45,000 477,000 391,000 306,700 345,000 320,000 364,800 371,000 237,600 265,600 265,300 210,100 299,700 368,500 486,000 155,000 143,800 141,300 155,000 143,800 76,900 106,900 85,900 69,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 71,400 74,000 75,000 76,600 72,800 90,000 45,000 45,000 95,400 78,200 61,300 69,000 64,000 73,000 74,200 47,500 53,100 53,100 42,000 59,900 73,700 97,200 31,000 28,800 28,300 31,000 28,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,831,700 Page 77 of 347 2,248,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 384,300 534,600 429,500 345,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 356,800 357,200 374,800 383,100 364,200 450,000 45,000 45,000 477,000 391,000 306,700 345,000 320,000 364,800 371,000 237,600 265,600 265,300 210,100 299,700 368,500 486,000 155,000 143,800 141,300 155,000 143,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 311 311 311 311 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-729 06-438 89-988 2014 2013 GD05-83F GD05-83G GD05-83H GD05-83I GD05-83J 06-340 08-0599 06-968 05-0114 99-1219 2015IH GD05-83L GD05-83K 2014gd#42 2015gd#06 SC44-05 07-0127 SC104-05 04-686 GD11#29 IH-282 SC49-05 IH-284 2014 90-1075 2012 2010 2013 2009 IH-286 2015 2012 9,786,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.05-3-6 27.05-3-7 27.05-3-8 27.05-3-9 27.05-3-10 27.05-3-11 27.05-3-12 27.05-3-13 27.05-3-14 27.05-3-15 27.05-3-16 27.05-3-17 27.05-3-18 27.05-3-19 27.05-3-20 27.05-3-21 27.05-3-22 27.05-3-23 27.05-3-24 27.05-3-25 27.05-3-26 27.05-3-27 27.05-3-28 27.05-3-29 27.05-3-30 27.05-3-31 27.05-3-32 27.05-3-33 27.05-3-34 27.05-3-35 27.05-3-36 27.05-3-37 27.05-3-38.1 27.05-3-38.2 27.05-3-38.3 27.05-3-38.4 27.06-1-1 Gallo, Elizabeth Stekeur, James C & Wilma J. Sr. Serafini, Anthony Drzewiecki, Palma C. Garrabrant, Richard Wing, Stephen Jr. Serafini Anthony Builders Inc LaCerais, Robert J. Gordon, Deborah Schott, Anne Thiel, William F. Stumbaugh, Robert T. DuBois, Deborah A. Gabeloff, Brendan J. Schleede, Amanda M. Williams, Madeline D. Murray, Shelley K & John G LaPietro, Debra W. Neeb, L Linda OShaughnessy, Donna R. Gaucas, Rosa Laraway, Nicholas P. Restifo, Lucy Marino, Rose Fabian, Christopher J. Gallo, Sheryl N. Pannucci, Nathan K. Janover, Steven LaPietro, Robert J. Adabahr, Roger L. Georgetown Square Ismail, Khalil Sadeghzadeh, Nasser K. Purga, Robert L. Snow, Omar A. Kod-Estate LLC Smith, James A. 153,000 155,800 155,000 143,800 143,800 155,300 153,000 143,800 143,800 143,800 153,300 143,800 143,800 153,000 143,800 153,000 155,000 143,800 155,000 143,800 143,800 155,000 163,200 143,800 143,800 155,000 155,000 143,800 143,800 153,000 5,000 5,800 317,000 382,000 489,100 416,668 83,500 30,600 31,200 31,000 28,800 28,800 31,100 30,600 28,800 28,800 28,800 30,700 28,800 28,800 30,600 28,800 30,600 31,000 28,800 31,000 28,800 28,800 31,000 32,600 28,800 28,800 31,000 31,000 28,800 28,800 30,600 5,000 5,800 63,400 76,400 97,800 83,333 16,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,178,668 Page 78 of 347 1,245,033 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 153,000 155,800 155,000 143,800 143,800 155,300 153,000 143,800 143,800 143,800 153,300 143,800 143,800 153,000 143,800 153,000 155,000 143,800 155,000 143,800 143,800 155,000 163,200 143,800 143,800 155,000 155,000 143,800 143,800 153,000 5,000 5,800 317,000 382,000 489,100 416,668 83,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0129 06-969 96-1026 08-1059 2015 2010 96-1026 2015 06-342 2012 07-0131 96-1026 2011 2010 2012 96-1026 2011 2015 2014 05-1158 2010 2014 2011 99-1590 2012 02-248 96-1026 96-1026 2014 2011 92-426 96-656 IH-288 94-1033 GD09#84 2014gd#62 77-919 6,178,668 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 27.06-1-2 27.06-1-3 27.06-1-4 27.06-1-6 27.06-1-8 27.06-1-10 27.06-1-11 27.06-1-12 27.06-1-13 27.06-1-14 27.06-1-15 27.06-1-16 27.06-1-17 27.06-1-18 27.06-1-19 27.06-1-20 27.06-1-21 27.06-1-22 27.06-1-23 27.06-1-24 27.06-1-24./1 27.06-1-25 27.06-1-26 27.06-1-27 27.06-1-29 27.06-1-30 27.06-1-32 27.06-1-33 27.06-1-34 27.06-1-37 27.06-1-39 27.06-1-40 27.06-1-41 27.06-1-42 27.06-1-43 27.06-1-44 27.06-1-45 Serafini, Anthony Housel, Julian G. Housel, Julian G. Stutz, Gregory A. Housel, Shelly A. Housel, Julian G. MacLea, Nancy Housel, Julian Housel, Julian Neumeister, Virginia A. McKenney, Jay R. Conkey, Robert S. Swyer, Stephen Califano, Vincent Amigo, Francis OConnor, Joseph P. Buerker, Sharon D. Haines, Raymond L. Jr. Sparano, Peter J. Saint Madeline Sophie Church Saint Madeline Sophie Church Nelson, James T. Moore, Robert W. Muscanell, Robert Muscanell, Robert Patrick Carman Associates LP Carman 2 Associates Moran, John C. Bukantis, Nancy Fort Hunter Fire District Magilton, Dennis Westmere Realty, LLC Westmere Realty, LLC Mach, Pauline Paige, Su-Ann G. Perry, Joyce C. Evanchick, Thomas R. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 25,500 12,500 35,500 95,600 106,500 123,000 26,200 57,000 137,200 186,000 184,500 227,200 224,000 158,100 214,600 185,000 222,300 185,600 291,400 3,470,800 234,800 75,300 94,400 146,500 106,200 1,957,000 1,957,000 247,200 104,500 3,300,000 72,100 149,100 699,600 96,300 123,800 142,200 119,300 25,500 12,500 39,300 19,100 21,300 24,600 10,000 12,000 27,400 37,200 36,900 45,400 44,800 31,600 42,900 37,000 44,500 37,100 58,300 630,000 46,400 15,100 18,900 29,300 29,200 370,800 370,800 103,000 20,900 155,100 14,400 29,800 526,000 19,300 24,800 28,400 23,900 15,793,800 Page 79 of 347 3,063,500 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 25,500 12,500 39,300 95,600 106,500 123,000 26,200 57,000 137,200 186,000 184,500 227,200 224,000 158,100 214,600 185,000 222,300 185,600 291,400 3,470,800 234,800 27,100 94,400 146,500 146,000 1,957,000 1,957,000 247,200 104,500 3,300,000 72,100 149,100 699,600 96,300 123,800 142,200 119,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 311 311 210 210 210 270 270 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 620 484 210 210 281 220 411 411 615 210 662 210 210 416 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr GD05-83C 90-612 2015 02-168 05-1123 2015 2010 07-0133 2009 04-3 00-44 99-617 99-188 2015 76-668 95-188 98-953 05-1300 2015 06-689 03-675 2015 97-158 2009 2015 02-622 04-1349 96-979 07-0134 06-1051 82-173 07-0135 2015 2009 2015 93-53 96-155 15,789,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.06-1-46 27.06-1-47 27.06-1-48 27.06-1-49 27.06-1-50 27.06-1-51 27.06-1-52 27.06-1-53 27.06-1-54 27.06-1-55 27.06-1-56 27.06-1-57 27.06-1-58 27.06-1-59 27.06-1-60 27.06-1-61 27.06-1-62 27.06-1-63 27.06-1-64 27.06-2-1 27.06-2-2 27.06-2-3 27.06-2-4 27.06-2-5 27.06-2-6 27.06-2-7 27.06-2-8 27.06-2-9 27.06-2-10 27.06-2-11 27.06-2-12 27.06-2-13 27.06-2-14 27.06-2-15 27.06-2-16 27.06-2-17 27.06-2-18 Abbruzzese, Joseph J. Davis, Susan Collins, Robert G. Jr. Keirstead, Lee W. Jr. Comparetta, Vincent A. Dhar, Swarn Karavolas, Susan Shenbagam, Srinivasan Gupta, Saaket Chen, Zhu Shan Quirk, Patrick McCormick, Kasey Setchenkov, Andrey Kardos, Oliver L. Dunham, James O. Toma, Francis A. Dikarev, Evgeny V. Guilderland Town of Fort Hunter Volunteer Munafo, Mary Jensen, Thomas Page, Barbara L. Mormile, Carolyn A. Nagengast, Mary J. Roedel, Donald G. Cerny, Darina Sturgis, Margaret Mary Sieling, Julie A. Soltysiak, Lynne M. Cave, Crystal Fuller, Ramon O. Brown, Clifford W. Jr. Pasha, Mohammed Asghar Sanders, James E. Schoonmaker, Mark J. Mendleson, Matthew J. Nazir, Furdowse A. 177,100 165,600 150,100 133,300 130,100 313,000 276,100 330,600 317,000 300,000 307,700 353,350 318,900 324,600 316,500 278,900 273,700 20,000 97,400 155,000 153,000 153,000 153,000 127,100 143,800 143,800 155,000 153,000 140,200 143,800 153,000 155,000 143,800 143,800 155,000 155,000 143,800 35,400 33,100 30,000 26,700 26,000 62,600 55,200 66,100 63,400 60,000 61,500 70,700 63,800 64,900 63,300 55,800 54,700 20,000 78,600 31,000 30,600 30,600 30,600 25,400 28,800 28,800 31,000 30,600 28,000 28,800 30,600 31,000 28,800 28,800 31,000 31,000 28,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,254,050 Page 80 of 347 1,526,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 177,100 165,600 150,100 133,300 130,100 313,000 276,100 330,600 317,000 300,000 307,700 353,350 318,900 324,600 316,500 278,900 273,700 56,000 97,400 155,000 153,000 153,000 153,000 127,100 143,800 143,800 155,000 153,000 140,200 143,800 153,000 155,000 143,800 143,800 155,000 155,000 143,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 822 312 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 02-1197 00-46 IH-291 08-0600 04-209 07-0137 06-343 05-1024 06-808 2015 2015 2009 07-0139 IH-292 02-629 04-971 2015 04-1379 02-249 07-0140 2014 96-1026 2015 96-1026 2010 96-1026 01-983 2014 2015 IH-293 02-997 2009 2015 96-1026 06-053 2015 7,290,050 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.06-2-19 27.06-2-20 27.06-2-21 27.06-2-22 27.06-2-23 27.06-2-24 27.06-2-25 27.06-2-26 27.06-2-27 27.06-2-28 27.06-2-29 27.06-2-30 27.06-2-31 27.06-2-32 27.06-2-33 27.06-2-34 27.06-2-35 27.06-2-36 27.06-2-37 27.06-2-38 27.06-2-39 27.06-2-40 27.06-2-41 27.06-2-42 27.06-2-43 27.06-2-44 27.06-2-45 27.06-3-2 27.06-3-3 27.06-3-4 27.06-3-5 27.06-3-6 27.06-3-7 27.06-3-8 27.06-3-9 27.06-3-10 27.06-3-11 Pasha, Muhammad Mansfield, Marietta Hutton, Richard A. McBride, Patricia A. Caulfield, Tamara J. Martel, Michael H. Schnitzler, Lee M. Hart, Linda J. Mullholand, Barbara A. Schultz, Cynthia A. Kozak, Carol Czelusniak, Gail M. Schwarz, Andrew D. Bonk , Barbara L. Sparano, Jenniver A. Lemme, Kim Clark Valente, Thomas C. Dunn, Kathleen Adamczak, Bertha Endres, John J. Jr. Martelle, Maureen J. Zarrelli, Anthony J. Gazeley, Kathy Walch, Barbara A. Brewster, Lori Keil, Linda J. Georgetown Square Maxwell, Thomas J. Muppidi, Veera Venkata Rami R Nashid, Hany Rillo, Ferdinand C. Yamashita, Tenko Altieri, Michael L. Matyi, Rita M. Vogel, Steven P. Benevento, Donato Nallamothu, Rao B M 143,800 155,000 143,800 153,000 153,000 143,800 155,000 143,800 143,800 153,000 127,100 143,800 143,800 147,400 127,900 143,800 143,800 153,000 127,900 143,800 143,800 153,000 152,900 152,600 143,800 153,000 2,000 342,800 400,000 390,000 410,300 401,300 424,000 419,500 508,500 355,000 401,500 28,800 31,000 28,800 30,600 30,600 28,800 31,000 28,800 28,800 30,600 25,400 28,800 28,800 29,500 25,600 28,800 28,800 30,600 25,600 28,800 28,800 30,600 30,600 30,500 28,800 30,600 2,000 68,600 80,000 86,000 82,100 80,300 84,800 83,900 101,700 71,000 80,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,844,300 Page 81 of 347 1,579,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 143,800 155,000 143,800 153,000 153,000 143,800 155,000 143,800 143,800 153,000 127,100 143,800 143,800 147,400 127,900 143,800 143,800 153,000 127,900 143,800 143,800 153,000 152,900 152,600 143,800 153,000 2,000 342,800 400,000 390,000 410,300 401,300 424,000 419,500 508,500 355,000 401,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 07-1051 02-251 01-984 96-1026 96-1026 2014 01-521 96-1026 07-0606 08-0555 96-1026 08-0270 07-0141 2015 2015 06-841 04-506 06-347 2010 2015 2015 03-0409 2012 2013 04-210 88-975 00-1069 2012 GD11#7 2015 2010 2014gd#51 06-809 GD2013#7 GD2013#5 07-0607 7,844,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.06-3-12 27.06-3-13 27.06-3-14 27.07-1-1 27.07-1-2 27.07-1-3 27.07-1-4 27.07-1-5 27.07-1-6 27.07-1-7 27.07-1-8 27.07-1-9 27.07-1-10 27.07-1-11 27.07-1-14 27.07-1-15 27.07-1-16 27.07-1-17 27.07-1-18 27.07-1-20 27.07-1-21 27.07-1-22.1 27.07-1-22.21 27.07-1-22.22 27.07-1-23 27.07-1-24 27.07-1-25 27.07-1-26 27.07-1-27 27.07-1-28.1 27.07-1-28.2 27.07-1-30 27.07-1-31 27.07-1-32 27.07-1-33 27.07-1-34 27.07-1-35 Karanjkar, Praveen B. Jayachandrababu, Jayaprakash Watts, Barbara A. Herald, Christopher Kouo, Lily Wei-Li Judd, Timothy M. Jackson, Mark L. Wahrlich, Karl Hunsberger, Franklin D. Tamburello, Randy Tamburello, Randy D. Dicesare, Stephen P. Driscoll, Patricia L. Coffey, Mary Ann Disanto, Carlann Zounes, George P. Relyea, Kevin Firda, Gary D. Vetro, James V. DeSacia, Colin B. Brown, Ronald E & Mary G Haluska, John B. Miller, Michael S. Hand, Robert W. Bortell, Frederick A. Henry, Shannon M. Noga, Janet Faragon, Andrew F. Tarantino, Angelo Melfe, David F. Manchester Homes, LLC Lather, Caitlin R. Millett, Kimberly Satterly, Neil M. Lindsay, Michelle O. Amodeo, Nancy A. Park, Daniel 386,000 412,000 383,000 216,900 214,100 256,000 185,100 213,200 187,200 204,400 197,300 207,300 138,300 194,400 226,700 234,000 195,200 190,300 273,400 216,700 199,900 163,200 163,200 228,000 226,600 212,100 228,600 189,700 216,200 271,500 31,600 198,000 197,500 218,500 136,400 163,200 116,700 77,200 82,400 76,600 43,400 42,800 51,200 37,000 42,600 37,400 40,900 39,500 41,500 27,700 38,900 45,300 46,800 39,000 38,100 54,700 43,300 40,000 32,600 32,600 45,600 45,300 46,000 45,700 37,900 43,200 54,300 30,100 39,600 39,500 43,700 27,300 32,600 23,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,892,400 Page 82 of 347 1,605,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 386,000 412,000 383,000 216,900 214,100 256,000 185,100 213,200 187,200 204,400 197,300 207,300 138,300 194,400 226,700 234,000 195,200 190,300 273,400 216,700 199,900 163,200 163,200 228,000 226,600 229,800 228,600 189,700 216,200 271,500 31,600 198,000 197,500 218,500 136,400 163,200 116,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 220 220 220 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 220 210 210 210 312 210 210 220 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-813 09-0049 07-1052 2015 97-837 06-1344 2012 99-567 IH-294 91-121 2014 06-766 2010 00-1189 89-192 91-756 08-0246 85-321 02-630 2013 2012 2010 04-211 93-9999 2015 2015 IH2013 99-1021 2010 2014 2014 2014 2010 2011 2015 97-278 08-0602 7,910,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Parcel Id 27.07-1-36 27.07-1-37 27.07-1-38 27.07-1-39 27.07-1-40 27.07-1-41 27.07-1-42 * 27.07-1-43 27.07-1-44 27.07-2-1 27.07-2-2 27.07-2-3 27.07-2-4 27.07-2-5 27.07-2-6 27.07-2-7 27.07-2-8 27.07-2-9 27.07-2-10.1 27.07-2-10.2 27.07-2-11 27.07-2-12 27.07-2-13 27.07-2-14 27.07-2-15 27.07-2-16 27.07-2-17 27.07-2-18 27.07-2-20 27.07-2-21 27.07-2-22 27.07-2-23 27.07-2-24 27.07-2-25 27.07-2-26 27.07-2-27 27.07-2-28 Page Totals Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av Rosario, Frances Bortell, Shirley Brown, Chester W. Bone, Thomas A. Fahey, John J. Ward, William H. Jr. Dickfoss, Milton F. Womack, Randy L. Womack, Randy L. Benacquista, Roselyn Ahmadzai, Deeba B. Cross, Julie K. Cunningham, Frank T. Jr. Murray, Robert B. McDermott, Robert C. Semos, C Dennis Walker, Kathleen S. Betteridge, James W. Keeler, Stephen X. Koehler, Brian D. Smith, Bryan R. Pucci, Jeremiah P. Johnson, Shaun P. Graves, Barbara A. Guntert, Jeffrey A. Tralongo Builders Inc Ports, William T. Cummings, Ronald Joseph Stealey, Robert B. Ahmadzai, Deeba B. Anzalone, Daniel B. Pasko, Thomas M. Peters, Patricia C. Coelho, Carlos Hodges, Kathleen Leonard, Deborah Kaufman, James P. 208,800 135,700 176,300 152,200 172,600 161,800 135,600 20,000 39,000 226,000 225,000 273,900 265,400 177,700 199,000 182,000 159,700 314,700 161,900 175,600 371,500 105,400 170,700 107,300 274,700 40,400 174,100 280,000 110,400 281,200 143,700 171,700 145,300 178,900 177,600 182,100 173,900 41,800 27,100 35,300 30,400 34,500 32,400 27,100 20,000 59,300 45,200 45,000 57,800 53,100 35,500 39,800 36,400 31,900 62,900 32,400 35,100 74,300 21,100 34,100 21,500 54,900 40,400 34,800 56,000 22,100 56,200 28,700 34,300 29,100 35,800 35,500 36,400 34,800 Parcels 36 6,631,800 Page 83 of 347 1,413,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 208,800 135,700 176,300 152,200 172,600 161,800 135,600 20,000 296,500 226,000 225,000 289,100 265,400 177,700 199,000 182,000 159,700 314,700 161,900 175,600 371,500 105,400 170,700 107,300 274,700 40,400 174,100 280,000 110,400 281,200 143,700 171,700 145,300 178,900 177,600 182,100 173,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 220 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 2011 09-0050 97-161 95-194 2012 2015 2015s/m#10 2015s/m#10 04-889 2012 2015 06-768 2010GD#28 04-45 05-0125 00-244 06-970 88-618 05-670 03-1081 2012 89-95 91-524 04-46 04-212 04-47 2011 2014 2012 04-213 GD05-241 04-48 06-349 03-832 99-568 87-525 6,904,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.07-2-29 27.07-2-30 27.07-2-31 27.07-2-32 27.07-2-33 27.07-2-34 27.07-2-35 27.07-2-36 27.07-2-37 27.07-2-38 27.07-2-39 27.07-2-40 27.07-2-41 27.07-2-42 27.07-2-43 27.07-2-44 27.07-2-45 27.07-2-46 27.07-2-47 27.07-2-48 27.07-3-1 27.07-3-2 27.07-3-3 27.07-3-4 27.07-3-5 27.07-3-6 27.07-3-7 27.07-3-8 27.07-3-9 27.07-3-10 27.07-3-11 27.07-3-12 27.07-3-13 27.07-3-14 27.07-3-15 27.07-3-16 27.07-3-17 Woo, Taegyun David Iberger, Gregory G. McGuire, James Spencer, Diane C. Garling, Warren E. Debruin, Eric A. Simone, Joan M. Orner, Eric Morrissey, Rebecca S. Czarnetzky, Diane Rigley, John Sr.. Mariano, John D. Lussi, John K. Harrigan, Joseph Kanter, Sara Kate Stagl Barber, William A. Pettinato, Charles L. Vaccaro, Calogero Barnes, William W. Rosen, Jonathan D. McConaghy, Sean P. Angleson, John W. White, Robert D. DiIonna, Joseph M. Aliwalas, Julio L & Emma U Hosey, Thomas W. Daggett, Todd Clark, Patrick B. Owen, Edward L. Pennacchia, Emilio C. Tralongo, Frank D. Kujawski, Joseph Tralongo, Frank Beverley, John A. Ambrose, James S. Friguletto, Michele Norris, Suzanne 165,000 177,800 146,300 179,500 165,000 182,900 144,500 179,500 177,500 177,600 177,700 221,500 239,300 300,000 196,600 248,600 243,000 198,100 227,000 230,400 242,000 246,700 271,700 248,400 373,100 318,400 307,000 417,600 513,700 482,300 659,600 559,200 96,400 449,800 491,100 410,000 441,700 33,000 35,600 29,300 35,900 33,000 36,600 28,900 35,900 35,500 35,500 35,500 44,300 48,000 60,000 39,300 49,700 48,600 39,600 45,400 46,100 48,400 49,300 54,300 49,700 74,600 63,700 61,400 83,500 102,700 96,500 131,900 111,800 96,400 90,000 98,200 84,900 88,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,506,500 Page 84 of 347 2,181,300 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 165,000 177,800 146,300 179,500 165,000 182,900 144,500 179,500 177,500 177,600 177,700 221,500 239,300 300,000 196,600 248,600 243,000 198,100 227,000 230,400 242,000 246,700 271,700 248,400 373,100 318,400 307,000 417,600 513,700 482,300 659,600 559,200 96,400 449,800 491,100 410,000 441,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 88-46 2012 IH-299 91-526 07-0608 77-101 2010 2012 73-201 09-0051 2015 09-0052 2012 2011 2014 GD2012#89 IH-301 96-806 2014 2015 07-0609 08-0884 05-0126 00-51 98-957 IH-303 GD2012#85 GD05-218 00-246 2015gd#48 2014gd#37 02-954 IH-306 IH-307 GD2012#91 GD05-437 10,506,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.07-3-18 27.07-3-19 27.07-3-20 27.07-3-21 27.07-3-22 27.07-3-23 27.07-3-24 27.07-3-25 27.07-3-26 27.07-3-27 27.07-3-28 27.07-3-29 27.07-3-30 27.07-3-31 27.07-3-32 27.07-3-33 27.07-3-34 27.07-3-35 27.07-3-36 27.07-3-37 27.07-3-38 27.07-3-39 27.07-3-40 27.07-3-41 27.07-3-42 27.07-3-43 27.07-3-44 27.07-3-45 27.07-3-46 27.07-3-47 27.07-3-48 27.07-4-1 27.07-4-2 27.07-4-3 27.07-4-4 27.07-4-5 27.07-4-6 Creviston, John R. Saburro, James E. Dorsey, Thomas J. Jr. Phelan, John T. Quaglieri, Joseph D. Backman, Lisa J. Grillo, Angelo Rice, Robert P. Jr. Metzger, Philip Jr. Marcantonio, Michael B. Fusco, Brian Caravaty, Beverly Mance, Tracy A. Mead, Matthew E. Schaak, Donald P. Pennacchia, Robert Heitner, Brian Coyle, Christopher J. McNeil, Kevin P. Leader, Heather K. Kaye, Jeffrey Stumpf, E Charles Donohue, Richard J. Womer, Earl F. Collins, Susan Greisler Jurczynski, David J. Murphy, Michael J. Yavonditte, Joseph A. Jr. Tietjen, John C. Jr. Fox, Jeffrey H. Rockowitz, Harold M. Nair, Cijukumar Dumlao, Genesis B. Bitkuri, Sridhar Nadella, Jogeswara Srinivas Rastergar, Abbas Nguyen, Tu Minh Thi 384,600 251,800 207,300 183,200 234,500 300,000 344,200 239,500 289,700 240,000 260,100 207,300 221,600 248,500 203,200 268,900 206,200 197,600 256,000 255,900 223,400 255,900 207,300 201,300 239,900 255,100 251,800 264,900 280,900 255,300 248,100 360,000 349,800 362,800 358,800 376,000 380,000 76,900 50,400 41,500 36,600 46,900 60,000 68,800 47,900 57,900 48,000 52,000 41,500 44,300 49,700 40,600 53,800 41,200 39,500 54,800 51,200 44,700 51,200 41,500 40,300 48,000 51,000 50,400 53,000 56,200 51,100 49,600 74,600 70,000 72,600 71,800 75,200 81,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,871,400 Page 85 of 347 1,985,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 384,600 251,800 207,300 183,200 234,500 300,000 344,200 239,500 289,700 240,000 260,100 207,300 221,600 248,500 203,200 268,900 206,200 197,600 256,000 255,900 223,400 255,900 207,300 201,300 239,900 255,100 251,800 264,900 280,900 255,300 248,100 360,000 349,800 362,800 358,800 376,000 380,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-350 IH-317 2015 89-9104 IH-318 2011 06-351 06-352 2014 08-1097 2010 IH-314 2014 2015 2015 99-147 03-0154 98-958 GD09#41 2011 89-9022 92-836 IH-319 09-0053 2014 01-645 88-291 93-824 2014 92-365 2013 2015 2011 05-1027 05-1028 08-0603 GD11#49 9,871,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.07-4-7 27.07-4-8 27.07-4-9 27.07-4-10 27.07-4-11 27.07-4-12 27.07-4-13 27.07-4-14 27.07-4-15 27.07-4-16 27.07-4-17 27.07-4-18 27.07-4-19 27.07-4-20 27.07-4-21 27.07-4-22 27.07-4-23 27.07-4-24 27.07-4-25 27.07-4-26 27.07-4-27 27.07-4-28 27.07-4-29 27.07-4-30 27.07-4-31 27.07-4-32 27.07-4-33 27.07-4-34 27.07-4-35 27.07-4-36 27.07-4-37 27.07-4-38 27.07-4-39 27.07-4-40 27.07-4-41 27.07-4-42 27.07-4-43 Carothers, Christopher D. Callahan, Brian M. Dombroski, Kevin M. Esposito, Gary F. Chen, Jingjia Hennessey, William A. Webber, Brian J. Demarco, Angelo Dorando, Christopher C. Darby, Thomas E. Kanai, Lauren M. Chappidi, Padmanabha R. McGee, Gregory A. Palleschi, Peter A. Carmichael, Christopher J Miranda, Michael A. Boeri, Peter J. Mengel, Gregory S. Steinhardt, Scott E. Frugis, Brian J. Jr. Yankowski, William F. Rosenberry, Douglas C. Burdgick, Steven S. Lonky, Marcus J. Cassella, Bryant J. Urbanski, John A. Kontakos, Stephanie Reilly, Eric D. Joshi, Narendra D. Dekate, Sachin Hoffmann, Donald M. Chorbajian, Gilbert Anderson, Stephen V. Petti, John A. Wilkes, Brian F. Cleary, Daniel J. Becker, James R. 371,800 363,630 351,700 359,600 354,400 320,200 320,000 371,300 357,700 316,000 364,500 371,500 323,500 325,750 362,100 287,100 298,700 371,600 374,700 312,400 316,300 285,600 345,000 342,900 355,400 313,500 351,800 360,500 359,700 361,900 374,000 315,600 317,900 358,500 334,600 355,800 433,000 74,400 74,700 70,300 71,900 70,800 64,000 67,900 74,300 71,500 63,200 72,900 74,300 64,700 65,100 72,400 57,400 59,700 74,200 80,100 62,500 63,300 57,100 69,000 68,600 71,100 62,700 70,400 72,100 71,900 72,400 74,800 63,100 63,600 71,700 66,900 71,200 86,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 12,760,180 Page 86 of 347 2,562,800 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 371,800 363,630 351,700 359,600 354,400 320,200 339,600 371,300 357,700 316,000 364,500 371,500 323,500 325,750 362,100 287,100 298,700 371,600 400,600 312,400 316,300 285,600 345,000 342,900 355,400 313,500 351,800 360,500 359,700 361,900 374,000 315,600 317,900 358,500 334,600 355,800 433,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 05-1029 GD11#71 08-1098 99-814 GD2012#90 2015 2015 04-802 2012 03-0333 07-0610 03-0578 2010 09-0054 IH-320 2012 2014 2012 2015 2015 06-356 99-819 08-0039 IH-321 02-432 02-170 2009 2010 08-0142 2015 00-1079 2012 2015 04-51 2015 04-891 2012 12,805,680 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.07-4-44 27.07-4-45 27.07-4-46 27.07-4-47 27.07-4-48 27.07-4-49 27.07-4-50 27.07-4-51 27.07-4-52 27.07-4-53 27.07-4-54 27.07-4-55 27.07-4-56 27.07-4-57 27.07-4-58 27.07-4-59 27.07-4-60 27.07-4-61 27.07-4-62 27.07-4-63 27.07-4-64 27.07-4-65 27.07-4-66 27.07-4-67 27.07-4-68 27.07-4-69 27.07-4-70 27.07-4-71 27.07-4-72 27.07-4-73 27.07-4-74 27.07-4-75 27.08-1-1 27.08-1-2 27.08-1-3 27.08-1-4 27.08-1-5 Mateti, Shyam Drasad Dunn, Richard E. Davis, Jack B. Sun, Xufeng Bauer, Bruce R. Daviero, James O. Brucker, Paul J. Chong, Hyuncher Jameson, Adam P. Drislane, Robert A. Blanchard, Carl E. IV. Chiang, David A. Tariello, Patricia L. Wilmot-Buonora, Lori A. Adamec, Thomas J. Guilderland Town of Sama, Antoinette Siddi, Vamshi Altieri, Joseph L. Green, Thomas R. Mishra, Debajit Walsh, Ryan S. Better, Craig S. Gavigan, Scott D. Boyle, Heather J. Chapman, Richard W. Francis, Noah J. Geisendorfer, Allan N. Forte, Vincent J. Mahar, Pierce Rice-Devlin, Helen Messore, Donald M. Fazio, Sadie Moore, Kristen L. Perun, Victor R. Raiti, Beverly R. McElhiney, Leslie E. 373,800 303,400 411,400 353,000 365,600 335,100 316,000 323,400 357,500 388,000 357,900 350,100 368,700 362,900 318,800 1,000 418,100 377,100 354,100 420,000 354,000 418,900 267,100 319,900 288,400 295,500 349,200 366,300 319,100 378,000 368,700 301,000 162,900 184,400 172,300 166,700 177,900 74,800 60,700 82,300 70,600 73,100 67,000 63,200 64,700 71,500 77,600 71,600 70,000 73,700 72,600 63,800 1,000 83,600 75,400 70,800 88,600 70,800 83,800 53,400 64,000 57,700 59,100 69,800 73,300 63,800 75,600 73,700 60,200 32,600 36,900 34,500 33,300 35,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,746,200 Page 87 of 347 2,354,700 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 373,800 303,400 411,400 353,000 365,600 335,100 316,000 323,400 357,500 388,000 357,900 350,100 368,700 362,900 318,800 1,000 418,100 377,100 354,100 443,000 354,000 418,900 267,100 319,900 288,400 295,500 349,200 366,300 319,100 378,000 368,700 301,000 162,900 184,400 172,300 166,700 177,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 03-0029 01-716 2015 GD05-202 2010 IH-1515 07-0148 08-0137 01-722 09-0055 03-1230 01-725 2015 02-1199 99-518 2011 05-1125 05-1126 2015 2011 07-0149 2013 08-0604 2013 2010 06-908 02-365 01-733 01-734 07-0150 05-172 IH-330 03-0416 88-180 74-649 83-97 11,769,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.08-1-6 27.08-1-7 27.08-1-8 27.08-1-9 27.08-1-10 27.08-1-11 27.08-1-12 27.08-1-13 27.08-1-14 27.08-1-15 27.08-1-16 27.08-1-17 27.08-1-18 27.08-1-19 27.08-1-20 27.08-1-21 27.08-1-22 27.08-1-23 27.08-1-24 27.08-1-25 27.08-1-26 27.08-1-27 27.08-1-28 27.08-1-29 27.08-1-30 27.08-1-31 27.08-1-32 27.08-1-33 27.08-1-34 27.08-1-35 27.08-1-36 27.08-1-37 27.08-1-38 27.08-1-39 27.08-1-40 27.08-1-41 27.08-1-42 Chu, Janet Howland, Tricia D. LaMountain, Harold R. Sidoti, Evelyn J. Schieffelin, William A. Barber, Jamie L. Falvo, Frank A. Merkley, Arthur J. Hotaling, David J. Stratton, Howard H. Steele, Alexander K. Rosen, David Koch, Thomas M. Orcutt, Gerard Mastrangelo, Eric Holland, Christopher J. Verrigni, Lucy M. Campbell, Brent D. Irwin, Steven Kleiber, Eric J. Surdam, Warren B. Peterson, Michael J. Bouton, Dean M. Edmonds, Dr Richard H. Conteh, Abib Tejan Jr. Suresky, Judd L. Connelly, Michael J. Voegtling, Carl R. Michaelides, Anne Bailey Baldwin, Richard C. Femia, Shawn M. Hurwit, Jonathan P. Colloton, Gary J. Jr. Mauro, Robert Thurm, Stephen H. Moffitt, Donald B. Rojas, Petrita Hernandez 208,700 152,200 189,200 182,400 165,300 191,600 177,100 175,100 182,900 279,500 220,300 234,600 182,100 190,000 226,900 235,900 235,100 271,400 269,900 239,500 214,700 196,400 206,100 266,500 253,000 233,000 210,500 207,300 251,500 215,000 270,100 239,900 181,700 238,200 276,800 187,500 233,200 41,700 30,400 37,800 36,500 33,100 38,300 35,400 35,000 36,600 75,800 44,100 46,900 36,400 38,000 45,400 47,200 47,000 54,280 54,000 47,900 42,900 39,300 41,200 53,300 50,600 46,600 42,100 41,500 50,300 43,000 54,000 48,000 36,300 47,600 55,400 37,500 46,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,091,100 Page 88 of 347 1,637,980 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 208,700 152,200 189,200 182,400 165,300 191,600 177,100 175,100 182,900 368,900 220,300 234,600 182,100 190,000 226,900 235,900 235,100 271,400 269,900 239,500 214,700 196,400 206,100 266,500 253,000 233,000 210,500 207,300 251,500 215,000 270,100 239,900 181,700 238,200 276,800 187,500 233,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 2012 2015 74-649 74-649 08-0605 2010 99-463 2011 2015 04-215 2011 00-403 07-1053 2011 2015 91-126 2014gd#13 02-253 2013 2015 06-358 IH-332 03-834 2015 86-260 2012 94-105 99-505 06-716 IH-334 IH-335 09-0057 07-0154 94-505 2015 1-666 8,180,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.08-1-43 27.08-1-44 27.08-1-45 27.08-1-46 27.08-1-47 27.08-1-48.1 27.08-1-48.2 27.08-1-48.3 27.08-1-50 27.08-1-51 27.08-1-52 27.08-1-53 27.08-1-54 27.08-1-55 27.08-1-56 27.08-1-57 27.08-1-58 27.08-1-59 27.08-1-60 27.08-1-61 27.08-1-62 27.08-1-63 27.08-1-64 27.08-1-65 27.08-1-66 27.08-1-67 27.08-1-68 27.08-1-69 27.08-2-1 27.08-2-2 27.08-2-3 27.08-2-5 27.08-2-6 27.08-2-7 27.08-2-8 27.08-2-9 27.08-2-10 Oles, Robert A. Paczkowski, Margaret Ann Whitney, Willard H. Bibbo, Amy O. Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Siudy, Timothy J. Geis, Cary Patrick Cole, James Jones, Donald F. Crawford, Thomas M. Balogh, Stephan J. Tynan, Craig MacDonald, Kathleen L. Sandhu, Pawandeep S. Scavio, Vincent Rosenberg, Daniel Mastroianni, Pasquale P. Attanasio, Gary P. Knupp, William L. Fisher, Bernard D. Avellino, Joseph A. Canino, John R. Williams, Eric Edwin Desrosiers, Michele Russo, Christopher Weidman, Daniel J. Wilson, Michael G. Mastro, Robert G. McLaughlin, David H. Dagostino, Lawrence J. Weaver, David R. Kelleher, William P. Casey, Bernard J. Jr. Brocci, Andrew T. 241,900 293,800 248,000 257,000 69,100 32,200 43,000 68,400 211,000 257,000 216,200 256,800 190,000 211,000 217,900 260,200 204,400 226,600 194,400 213,300 211,000 248,600 181,000 215,000 272,000 361,300 216,200 178,600 224,800 239,900 257,900 225,800 265,000 248,000 197,500 239,900 228,700 48,400 58,800 49,600 51,400 53,800 32,200 25,600 51,000 42,200 51,400 43,200 51,400 38,000 42,200 43,600 52,000 40,900 45,300 38,900 42,700 42,200 49,700 36,200 43,000 54,400 72,300 43,200 35,700 45,000 48,000 51,600 45,200 53,000 49,600 39,500 48,000 45,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,923,400 Page 89 of 347 1,704,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 241,900 293,800 248,000 257,000 69,100 32,200 43,000 68,400 211,000 257,000 216,200 256,800 190,000 211,000 217,900 260,200 204,400 226,600 194,400 213,300 211,000 248,600 181,000 215,000 272,000 361,300 216,200 178,600 224,800 239,900 257,900 225,800 265,000 248,000 197,500 239,900 228,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 821 822 822 822 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0219 SC64-05 76-347 2015 76-14 97-401 84-568 84-568 2014 2014 02-255 2015 03-836 2013 04-217 97-957 2010 07-0155 06-359 93-1289 85-853 85-854 2013 07-1054 02-256 2009 08-0445 IH-338 85-512 01-1068 87-116 94-1462 89-103 85-411 94-366 84-661 06-360 7,923,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.08-2-11 27.08-2-12 27.08-2-13 27.08-2-14 27.08-2-15 27.08-2-16 27.08-2-17 27.08-2-18 27.08-2-19 27.08-2-20 27.08-2-21 27.08-2-22 27.08-2-23 27.08-2-24 27.08-2-25 27.08-2-26 27.08-2-27 27.08-2-28 27.08-2-29 27.08-2-30 27.08-2-31 27.08-2-32 27.08-2-33 27.08-2-34 27.08-2-35 27.08-2-36 27.08-2-37 27.08-2-38 27.08-2-39 27.08-2-40 27.08-2-41 27.08-2-42 27.08-2-43 27.08-2-44 27.08-2-45 27.08-2-46 27.08-2-47 Peceri, Frances A. Sischo, Kevin F. Visker, Christopher White, Robert S. Lamparski, Thomas E. Skuse, Charles R. DeCarlo, Eric M. Baideme, John S. Morris, Gerard J. Altieri, Maria Garbellano, Robert Slavik, Janice Maki, Bruce L. Yeandle, Ralph S. Jr. Miller, Wayne L. Palmer, Geoffrey A. Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Ramos, Matthew C. Vestal, John E. Traditional Builders LTD Pervychine, Andrei DiGesare, Matthew B. Traditional Builders LTD Cheung, Wai Fong Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Bodduluri, Srinivasan Foshee, Jonathan Traditional Builders LTD Petrecky, James M. Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD 247,000 211,000 252,000 211,000 259,700 255,900 212,800 255,900 259,600 260,100 264,000 210,000 216,200 205,000 234,500 253,300 35,000 396,200 452,000 365,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 412,500 389,000 35,000 402,800 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 49,400 42,200 50,400 42,200 51,900 51,200 42,600 51,200 51,900 52,000 52,800 42,000 43,200 41,000 46,900 50,700 35,000 79,200 90,400 73,000 35,000 68,400 73,000 61,600 63,100 35,000 73,500 82,500 81,500 56,300 80,500 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,750,500 Page 90 of 347 1,959,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 247,000 211,000 252,000 211,000 259,700 255,900 212,800 255,900 259,600 260,100 264,000 210,000 216,200 205,000 234,500 253,300 35,000 396,200 452,000 365,000 35,000 342,000 365,100 215,600 315,600 71,500 408,400 412,500 407,300 197,100 402,800 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 311 311 311 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 84-663 97-738 IH-339 06-217 97-279 84-668 2010 IH-340 07-0661 06-218 07-0611 03-732 94-403 87-250 94-368 2011 2009 2011 2015 2014 2009 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2015 2014 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 8,439,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.08-2-48 27.08-2-49 27.08-2-50 27.08-2-51 27.08-2-52 27.08-2-53 27.08-2-54 27.08-2-55 27.08-2-56 27.08-2-57 27.08-2-58 27.08-2-59 27.08-2-60 27.08-2-61 27.08-2-62 27.08-2-63 27.08-2-64 27.08-2-65 27.08-2-66 27.08-2-67 27.08-2-68 27.08-2-69 27.08-2-70 27.08-2-71 27.08-2-72 27.08-2-73 27.11-1-1 27.11-1-2 27.11-1-3 27.11-1-4 27.11-1-5 27.11-1-6 27.11-1-7 27.11-1-8 27.11-1-9 27.11-1-10 27.11-1-11 Traditional Builders LTD Buehler, Robert E. Jr. Zhang, Haojun Kulkarni, Anil Carrera, Sandra Mallard, Daryl R. Pigliavento, Kane Peek, Timmy Gonzalez, Jeffrey H. Guilderland Town of Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD McMahon, Richard P. Traditional Builders LTD Wolf, Adam J. Guilderland Town of Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Traditional Builders LTD Magilton, Shirley Li, Kunyang Pagnotti, Robert Carrier, Maurice Leininger, D A. Steele, Brian Schmiedel, Joan R. Cocca, Daniel P. Edwards, John A. Living Resources Corporation Gordon, Desmond 35,000 35,000 428,500 370,000 375,000 375,000 363,400 35,000 445,000 1,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 407,900 35,000 35,000 1,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 119,800 122,000 101,300 157,400 126,400 139,200 165,500 195,100 151,800 209,100 150,500 35,000 72,400 85,700 74,000 75,000 75,000 72,700 78,700 89,000 1,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 81,600 35,000 76,000 1,000 85,900 35,000 35,000 24,000 24,400 20,300 31,500 25,300 27,800 33,100 39,000 30,400 41,800 30,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,999,900 Page 91 of 347 1,650,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 35,000 361,800 428,500 370,000 375,000 375,000 363,400 393,400 445,000 1,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 407,900 35,000 380,000 1,000 128,900 35,000 35,000 119,800 122,000 101,300 157,400 126,400 139,200 165,500 195,100 151,800 209,100 150,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 821 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 210 311 210 821 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 614 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 Account Nbr 2009 2015 2014 2015 2014 2012 2014 2015 2014 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2013 2009 2015 2010 2015 2009 2009 91-15 06-361 86-262 2011 74-326 2013 03-0030 2011 81-478 2012 07-0156 6,124,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.11-1-12 27.11-1-13 27.11-1-14 27.11-1-15 27.11-1-16.1 27.11-1-16.2 27.11-1-16.3 27.11-1-17 27.11-1-18 27.11-1-19 27.11-1-20 27.11-1-21 27.11-1-22 27.11-1-23 27.11-1-23./101 27.11-1-23./102 27.11-1-23./103 27.11-1-23./104 27.11-1-23./105 27.11-1-23./106 27.11-1-23./107 27.11-1-23./108 27.11-1-23./201 27.11-1-23./202 27.11-1-23./203 27.11-1-23./204 27.11-1-23./205 27.11-1-23./206 27.11-1-23./207 27.11-1-23./208 27.11-1-23./301 27.11-1-23./302 27.11-1-23./303 27.11-1-23./304 27.11-1-23./305 27.11-1-23./306 27.11-1-23./307 Morse, Milo G. Annis, Clifford C. DesJardins, Corey P. Mueller, David R. Jennings Corner Apartments Ltd Jennings Corner Apartments Ltd Jennings Corner Ltd Burns, Patsy Michael Sand Creek Properties LLC Kosek, William J. Lane, James W. Brunet, Joan E. Zlomek, Allen R. Gables At Mallard's Pond Borden, Carol M. Perrier Irrevocable Trust, Adelard & Sharon Asbornsen, Alden J. Wood, Ann Patnaude, Robert Bender, Janet P. Wyatt, Helen J. Pasquali, Laura Budge, Irene P. Mackiewicz, August P. Dellaquila, Holly McCafferty, James R. Keeler, William J. Quirini, Paul J. Kerins, Sean P. Sardella, Michael P. Wessinger, David L. Willey, Richard Arras-Dougherty, Patricia Christensen, Robert A. Balasco, Angela S. Luckett, Christine B. Davi, Salvatore 197,700 232,500 83,300 309,000 154,500 154,500 154,500 115,000 432,600 174,200 144,700 173,600 146,200 0 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 39,500 47,000 16,700 118,500 41,200 41,200 41,200 23,000 123,600 34,800 28,900 34,700 29,200 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 3,946,600 Page 92 of 347 849,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 197,700 235,000 83,300 309,000 154,500 154,500 154,500 115,000 432,600 174,200 144,700 173,600 146,200 0 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 210 210 432 411 411 411 210 411 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 2015 2010 99-72 07-0157 06-056 2013 2014 01-952 83-396 06-691 02-641 94-109 03-1154 03-274 2012 07-0159 2013 07-0161 04-511 03-274 2014 03-274 06-363 08-0363 03-274 03-274 06-057 2014 08-0900 08-0810 2010GD#53 2011 03-274 2010 03-274 03-274 3,949,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 27.11-1-23./308 27.11-1-23./401 27.11-1-23./402 27.11-1-23./403 27.11-1-23./404 27.11-1-23./405 27.11-1-23./406 27.11-1-23./407 27.11-1-23./408 27.11-1-23./501 27.11-1-23./502 27.11-1-23./503 27.11-1-23./504 27.11-1-23./505 27.11-1-23./506 27.11-1-23./507 27.11-1-23./508 27.11-1-23./601 27.11-1-23./602 27.11-1-23./603 27.11-1-23./604 27.11-1-23./605 27.11-1-23./606 27.11-1-23./607 27.11-1-23./608 27.11-1-23./701 27.11-1-23./702 27.11-1-23./703 27.11-1-23./704 27.11-1-23./705 27.11-1-23./706 27.11-1-23./707 27.11-1-23./708 27.11-1-23./9001 27.11-1-23./9002 27.11-1-23./9003 27.11-1-23./9004 ORourke, James E. Slovak, Bonnie M. Lubielease LLC Amorosi, Joseph & Lucy Virkler, Sherrill L. Valentino, Evelyn M. McCarthy, Stephen C. Vitaliano, Elizabeth Entwistle, Barry J. Williams, Robert A. Mihok, Justin J. Berdar, Joseph F. Jr. Schieffelin, William A. Spencer, Elizabeth A. Myers, Gary T. Jr. Hughes, Alice Quinn, Kathleen A. Munoz, J A Delucia, Joy Babcock, Jean M. Cristello, Anthony M. Scalzo, Brian Kemnitzer, Lyn Siro Property LLC Coffey, Daniel R. Fredericks, Alice A. Rapp, Herman A. Perillo, Donald Meitch Irrev Trust, Jacquelyne R Klapp, Rosemary J. Aidala, Gregory J. Murphy, James J. Suraci, Anthony Jr. Pasquali, Laura Mackiewicz, August P. Kerins, Sean P. McCafferty, James R. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 2,145,300 Page 93 of 347 330,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 64,100 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 312 312 312 312 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-274 04-56 2014 08-0940 03-274 03-274 2010 04-219 06-675 03-274 03-274 2014 2015 2013 07-0162 06-364 2011 03-0031 03-274 05-0132 2015 2013 06-365 07-0163 03-274 06-219 2015 2015 03-274 06-220 03-0160 2015 05-0133 2012 06-363 2014 03-1299 2,145,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 27.11-1-23./9005 27.11-1-23./9006 27.11-1-23./9007 27.11-1-23./9008 27.11-1-23./9009 27.11-1-23./9010 27.11-1-23./9111 27.11-1-23./9112 27.11-1-23./9113 27.11-1-23./9114 27.11-1-23./9115 27.11-1-23./9116 27.11-1-23./9117 27.11-1-23./9118 27.11-1-23./9119 27.11-1-23./9120 27.11-1-23./9121 27.11-1-23./9122 27.11-1-23./9223 27.11-1-23./9224 27.11-1-23./9225 27.11-1-23./9226 27.11-1-23./9227 27.11-1-23./9228 27.11-1-23./9229 27.11-1-23./9230 27.11-1-23./9331 27.11-1-23./9332 27.11-1-23./9333 27.11-1-23./9334 27.11-1-23./9335 27.11-1-23./9336 27.11-1-23./9337 27.11-1-23./9338 27.11-1-23./9439 27.11-1-23./9440 27.11-1-23./9441 Keeler, William J. Quirini, Paul J. Dellaquila, Holly Sardella, Michael P. Budge, Irene P. McCarthy, Stephen C. Virkler, Sherrill L. Cristello, Anthony M. Delucia, Joy Lubielease LLC Entwistle, Barry J. Vitaliano, Elizabeth Coffey, Daniel R. Munoz, J A Siro Property LLC Kemnitzer, Lyn Babcock, Jean M. Cristello, Anthony M. Scalzo, Brian Scalzo, Brian Klapp, Rosemary J. Porter, Betsy L. Rapp, Herman A. Rapp, Herman A. Aidala, Gregory J. Murphy, James J. Perillo, Donald Crupi, Donna Williams, Robert A. Suraci, Anthony Jr. Mihok, Justin J. Spencer, Elizabeth A. Myers, Gary T. Jr. Hughes, Alice Berdar, Joseph F. Jr. Schieffelin, William A. Quinn, Kathleen A. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 277,500 Page 94 of 347 0 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-1299 06-057 08-0363 08-0900 03-1299 2010 03-1299 04-56 03-1299 2014 05-0129 04-219 03-1299 03-1299 07-0163 06-365 05-0132 2012 03-1299 03-1299 06-220 06-219 2015 2015 03-1299 2015 2010 03-1299 03-1299 05-0133 03-1299 2013 07-0162 03-1299 2014 2015 2011 277,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.11-1-23./9442 27.11-1-23./9443 27.11-1-23./9444 27.11-1-23./9445 27.11-1-23./9446 27.11-1-23./9447 27.11-1-23./9448 27.11-1-23./9549 27.11-1-23./9550 27.11-1-23./9551 27.11-1-23./9552 27.11-1-23./9553 27.11-1-23./9554 27.11-1-23./9555 27.11-1-23./9556 27.11-1-24.1 27.11-1-24.2 27.11-2-1 27.11-2-2 27.11-2-3 27.11-2-4 27.11-2-5 27.11-2-6 27.11-2-7 27.11-2-8 27.11-2-9 27.11-2-10 27.11-2-11 27.11-2-12 27.11-2-13 27.11-2-14 27.11-2-15 27.11-2-16 27.11-2-17 27.11-2-18 27.11-2-19 27.11-2-20 Wessinger, David L. Willey, Richard Balasco, Angela S. Luckett, Christine B. Arras-Dougherty, Patricia Christensen, Robert A. Perrier Irrevocable Trust, Adelard & Sharon ORourke, James E. Borden, Carol M. Patnaude, Robert Bender, Janet P. Asbornsen, Alden J. Davi, Salvatore Wyatt, David L. Wood, Ann P. Mastrianni, Jeannette Con-Rel Realty LLC Thorpe, Michael J. Nieckarz, James Bowles, George W. Piaggione, Rocky DelVecchio, Francesco Colburn, Matthew E. Napoli, Nicholas R. Jr. Foro, Daniel M. Wesselhoeft, Conrad W. III. Gillespie, Patrick R. Barcomb, Lynn Pietrykowski, Michael V. Lochner, Joseph G. Millan, Hector Gejay, Edward A. Buyck, Stephanie J. Kenner, Peter A. Demoree, Arthur Nagle, Stephen M. Buttridge, Joseph 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 321,000 408,900 326,700 409,500 343,900 347,100 307,000 344,000 269,800 269,800 333,500 243,800 274,800 285,400 268,000 262,500 279,600 340,000 262,500 255,000 348,300 289,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113,900 87,600 65,300 81,900 68,800 69,400 61,400 68,800 54,000 54,000 66,700 48,800 55,000 57,000 53,600 52,500 53,400 68,000 52,500 51,000 69,700 57,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,902,600 Page 95 of 347 1,411,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 321,000 408,900 326,700 409,500 343,900 347,100 307,000 344,000 269,800 269,800 333,500 243,800 274,800 285,400 268,000 262,500 279,600 340,000 262,500 255,000 348,300 289,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 240 484 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0810 05-0128 2010 03-1299 2011 03-1299 2012 03-1299 03-1299 07-0161 04-511 07-0159 IH-342 03-1299 07-0160 2014 2011 99-192 2015 94-1462 IH-343 2014IH 08-0364 93-671 91-1159 2012 2011 2015 08-0365 94-889 94-1462 08-0885 2014 94-1457 99-1547 GD2013#46 08-0043 6,902,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.11-2-21 27.11-2-22 27.11-2-23 27.11-2-24 27.11-2-25 27.11-2-26 27.11-2-27 27.11-2-28 27.11-2-29 27.11-2-30 27.11-2-31 27.11-2-32 27.11-2-33 27.11-2-34 27.11-2-35 27.11-2-36 27.11-2-37 27.11-2-38 27.11-2-39 27.11-2-40 27.11-2-41 27.11-2-42 27.11-2-43 27.11-2-44 27.11-2-45 27.11-2-46 27.11-2-47 27.11-2-48 27.11-2-49 27.11-2-50 27.11-2-51 27.11-2-52 27.11-2-53 27.11-2-54 27.11-2-55 27.11-2-56 27.11-2-57 Kobos, Rebecca Kearney, William Maercklein, Christopher Michael Rice, Adam D. Zuchowski, Joseph J. Jr. Ciccone, Kathleen R. Fellner, Sharon S. Smitas, Daniel C. Peek, David A. Siracusa, Anthony Flynn, Gerald W. Pike, Regina Pirri, Mark A. Ellwood, Thomas P. Kowalczyk, Randolph P. Castellanos, Robert J. Jr.. Tevis, Matthew J. Keegan, Michael T. Keller, John M. Griggs, Virginia Paige Evans, Christopher Maki, Donald O. Ciancetta, Marion V. Stark, Randy J. Barr, Marylyn D. Colloton, Garry J. Shapiro, Joel I. Call, Michael L. McDonald, Stephen D. Iuorno, Thomas F. Morwin, Barbara J. Prokrym, Stephen S. Gall, Robert B. Greenslade, John F. Boudreau, Randall G. Matthews, Robert O. Goldman, Daniel 364,900 330,500 262,500 269,800 278,500 308,000 281,000 262,500 262,500 285,100 267,000 267,000 262,500 267,000 280,600 324,600 277,400 302,100 276,000 285,100 293,700 340,800 245,000 298,500 286,000 259,300 260,400 263,100 286,500 287,800 293,700 332,200 376,100 381,300 289,100 371,300 350,000 73,000 66,100 52,500 54,000 55,700 61,600 56,200 52,500 52,500 57,000 53,400 53,400 52,500 53,400 56,100 64,900 55,500 60,400 55,200 57,000 58,700 68,100 49,000 59,700 57,200 51,900 52,100 52,600 57,300 57,600 58,700 66,400 78,700 76,300 57,800 74,300 70,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,929,400 Page 96 of 347 2,189,300 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 364,900 330,500 262,500 269,800 278,500 308,000 281,000 262,500 262,500 285,100 267,000 267,000 262,500 267,000 280,600 324,600 277,400 302,100 276,000 285,100 293,700 340,800 245,000 298,500 286,000 259,300 260,400 263,100 286,500 287,800 293,700 332,200 393,300 381,300 289,100 371,300 350,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 2015 94-892 2012 2013 96-371 03-0032 2013 93-1170 2015 93-1172 03-837 08-0232 97-987 06-912 GD05-329 92-689 GD05-222 92-691 SC12-05 08-0840 94-897 94-1449 GD05-224 06-368 08-0254 08-0448 2015 07-0665 07-0666 2014 06-795 2015gd#26 2014 04-58 01-919 2015 10,946,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.11-2-58 27.11-2-59 27.11-2-60 27.11-2-61 27.11-2-62 27.11-2-63 27.11-2-64 27.11-2-65 27.11-2-66 27.11-2-67 27.11-2-68 27.11-2-69 27.11-2-70 27.11-2-71 27.11-2-72 27.11-2-73 27.11-2-74 27.11-2-75 27.11-2-76 27.11-2-77 27.11-2-78.1 27.11-2-78.2 27.11-2-78.3 27.11-2-78.4 27.11-2-78.5 27.11-3-1 27.11-3-2 27.11-3-3 27.11-3-4 27.11-3-5 27.11-3-6 27.11-3-7 27.11-3-8 27.11-3-9 27.11-3-10 27.11-3-11 27.11-3-12 Bishop, Donald J. Pitkin, Jeffrey J. Brown, George N. Kronick, Steven D. Boolchandani, Mohan K. DeLuke, Michael K. Vaddiraja, Vamshi Krishna DeCarr, Michael R. Entwistle, Barry J. Affinito, Michael A. Russo, James P. Cobb, Jonathan A. Tolfa, Larry J. Gagnon, James R. Kost, Franklin C. Paquette, Robert L. Monson, Charles Castellana, Marjorie Manzella, Christopher Davis, Eric C. Paterson, David Vielkind, Thomas Bach, Raymond H. Berezansky, William Anslow, William H. Jennings, Matthew C. Mead, Matthew R. Ryan, Mark S. Pugliese, Robert J. Diedrich, Alan Vedder, Stephen J. Hutton, Thomas G. Antoinette, Peter Stephen, Thomas Grosso, Daniel Mosher, Brian Distasi, Robert J. 345,700 364,000 334,700 427,000 423,400 440,700 417,300 421,200 344,000 262,500 254,000 330,200 267,000 281,000 267,000 262,500 268,000 251,300 353,800 267,000 358,000 406,200 378,100 339,700 356,100 275,000 366,600 380,000 406,800 362,600 376,500 433,100 399,200 367,000 349,700 321,000 347,100 69,100 75,300 66,900 85,400 84,700 81,000 83,500 84,200 68,800 52,500 50,800 66,000 53,400 56,200 53,400 52,500 53,600 49,500 70,800 53,400 71,600 81,200 75,600 67,900 71,200 55,000 73,300 76,000 81,400 72,500 75,300 72,500 79,800 73,400 69,900 70,500 69,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 12,805,000 Page 97 of 347 2,547,500 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 345,700 364,000 334,700 427,000 423,400 405,000 417,300 421,200 344,000 262,500 254,000 330,200 267,000 281,000 267,000 262,500 268,000 251,300 353,800 267,000 358,000 406,200 378,100 339,700 356,100 275,000 366,600 380,000 406,800 362,600 376,500 362,600 399,200 367,000 349,700 321,000 347,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 GD11#13 2013 2015gd#12 2010 2015gd#13 2014 01-921 2015 95-651 SC39-05 08-0061 00-1285 2011 93-1179 93-1180 03-628 2014 2014 92-700 02-648 08-0305 01-404 06-370 2012 2015 IH-358 2013SC#07 08-0608 IH-360 2014IH 2015gd#29 IH-361 04-1472 93-1184 2015 2012 12,698,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.11-3-13 27.11-3-14 27.11-3-15 27.11-3-16 27.11-3-17 27.11-3-18 27.11-3-19 27.11-3-20 27.11-3-21 27.11-3-22 27.11-3-23 27.11-3-24 27.11-3-25 27.11-3-26 27.11-3-27 27.11-3-28 27.11-3-29 27.11-3-30 27.11-3-31 27.11-3-32 27.11-3-33 27.11-3-34 27.11-3-35 27.11-3-36 27.11-3-37 27.11-3-38 27.11-3-39 27.11-3-40 27.11-3-41 27.11-3-42 27.11-3-43 27.11-3-44 27.11-3-45 27.11-3-46 27.11-3-47 27.11-3-48 27.11-3-49 Taormina, Daniel J. Anderson-Wintle, Carter A Centi, Daniel J. Barbato, Michael D. Collins, Jess D. Miraglia, Peter D. Lawton, Nancy A. Doyle, Thomas M. Stankus, Richard E. Marino, Nicholas R. Kizer, Walter K. Dorsman, Abraham B. III. Yando, Robert R. Yund, Kimberlee A. Lucarelli, Pasquale S. Jr. Bond, Michael J. Lamarche, Normand R. Decatur, John F. Jr. Teaney, Maureen D. Chaikowski, John Genovesi, Santo Wilkes, Kenneth C. Pierce, Timothy Westervelt, Wendy S. Hanley, Peter J. Wu, Dandan Pedone, Richard R. Jr. Blattstein, Marlene V. Dillon, James T. Cherry, Robert S. Chatnik, Gary Nabizada, Abdul Ghani Polli, Gus F. Noone, Michael Neeley, James OConnell, Colleen M. Beauvais, William F. 332,600 359,900 342,000 394,500 342,100 348,500 356,300 348,000 270,000 270,000 281,600 260,100 269,600 268,000 262,500 275,000 304,700 245,000 310,400 285,000 253,200 276,100 326,700 261,700 275,700 345,300 460,300 373,900 371,600 402,000 366,600 428,800 360,200 373,900 374,500 358,700 362,300 66,500 72,000 68,400 78,900 72,800 69,700 71,300 69,600 54,000 54,000 56,300 52,000 53,900 53,600 52,500 55,000 60,900 49,000 62,000 57,000 50,600 55,200 65,300 52,300 55,100 69,100 92,100 74,800 74,300 80,400 65,000 85,800 72,000 74,800 74,900 71,700 72,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 12,097,300 Page 98 of 347 2,415,300 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 332,600 359,900 342,000 394,500 342,100 348,500 356,300 348,000 270,000 270,000 281,600 260,100 269,600 268,000 262,500 275,000 304,700 245,000 310,400 285,000 253,200 276,100 326,700 261,700 275,700 345,300 460,300 373,900 371,600 402,000 325,000 428,800 360,200 373,900 374,500 358,700 362,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0449 94-1458 2015 88-1056 GD2012#87 2012 2011 08-0610 03-839 2013 IH-364 IH-365 IH-366 2010 2015 IH-367 92-428 IH-368 2015 02-259 88-1069 08-0611 2010 2013 94-817 2014 2015gd#49 08-0366 06-914 GD05-91 2015gd#11 04-221 99-1593 IH-374 IH-375 04-807 2013 12,055,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.11-3-50 27.11-3-51 27.11-3-52 27.11-3-53 27.11-3-54 27.11-3-55 27.11-3-56 27.11-3-57 27.11-3-58 27.11-3-59 27.11-3-60 27.11-3-61 27.11-3-62 27.11-3-63 27.11-3-64 27.11-3-65 27.11-3-66 27.11-3-67 27.11-3-68 27.11-3-69 27.11-3-70 27.11-3-71 27.11-3-72 27.11-3-73 27.11-3-74 27.11-3-75 27.11-3-76 27.11-3-77.1 27.11-3-77.2 27.11-3-77.3 27.11-3-77.4 27.11-3-78 27.11-3-79 27.11-3-80 27.11-3-81 27.11-3-82 27.11-3-83 Fry, George E. Silvestri, Joseph Pfeiffenberger, Kimberly M. Griffith, Craig Hoffman, Michael A. Flanigan, Patrick Romano, Ronald P. Herbert, William K. Barcomb, David R. Mazzotti, Victor L. Perrino, Michael A. Knapp, Wayne C. Cohn, Jeffrey A. Maurer, Andrew D. Vergoni, Peter S. Giannetti, Joseph D. Heidenstrom, Gary R. Drimalas, Nelson Norton, Stephen L. Peluso, Rocco L. III. Dobkowski, David A. Nash, William M. Perun, Christine M. Novak, John Groat, Anthony W. Ortiz-Diaz, Samuel Cordi, John P. Tralongo Builders Inc, John B. Tralongo, Frank Antoinette, Marilyn Tralongo DiBiase, Stephen J. Tralongo, Antionette Manchester Associates LTD Manchester Associates LTD Smith, Joann Tralongo Xu, Jian Bajaj, Deepak 337,300 296,600 404,000 363,300 324,800 307,000 360,000 382,000 364,100 403,200 345,100 315,800 382,000 285,900 283,400 292,800 287,200 248,100 322,400 340,000 351,200 268,000 256,500 293,700 287,200 316,100 432,400 464,100 479,300 50,000 415,000 51,000 52,200 45,000 433,400 431,900 440,000 67,500 59,300 80,800 72,700 72,800 69,900 72,000 76,400 77,800 80,600 69,000 73,800 76,400 57,200 56,700 58,600 57,400 49,600 64,500 68,000 70,200 53,600 51,300 58,700 57,400 63,200 86,500 92,800 103,600 50,000 83,000 51,000 52,200 45,000 86,700 86,400 88,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,712,000 Page 99 of 347 2,540,600 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 337,300 296,600 404,000 363,300 324,800 307,000 360,000 382,000 389,000 403,200 345,100 315,800 382,000 285,900 283,400 292,800 287,200 248,100 322,400 340,000 351,200 268,000 256,500 293,700 287,200 316,100 432,400 464,100 479,300 50,000 415,000 51,000 52,200 45,000 433,400 431,900 440,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 311 311 311 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-376 2015 GD2013#32 03-0163 06GD66STIP GD2012#45 GD05-17 GD05-72 2015 02-654 91-1173 GD2012#47 2013 07-1058 06-973 2010 03-735 03-0282 IH-381 90-1071 04-514 95-602 2013IH 07-0167 IH-384 SC41-05 08-0613 2011 08-0367 06-1105 07-0169 2015 05-1032 05-1032 2013 08-0326 2012 11,736,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.11-3-84 27.11-3-85 27.11-3-86 27.11-3-87 27.11-3-88 27.11-3-89 27.11-3-90 27.11-3-91 27.11-3-92 27.11-3-93 27.11-3-94 27.11-3-95 27.11-3-96 27.11-3-97 27.11-3-98 27.11-3-99 27.11-3-100 27.11-3-101 27.11-3-102 27.11-3-103 27.11-3-104 27.11-3-105 27.11-3-106 27.11-3-107 27.11-3-108 27.11-3-109 27.11-3-110 27.11-3-111 27.11-3-112 27.11-3-113 27.11-3-114 27.11-3-115 27.11-3-116 27.11-3-117 27.11-3-118 27.11-3-119 27.11-3-120 Tommasulo, Linda A. Tralongo, Antoinette Yankowski, Frances Tralongo, Antoinette Tralongo, Antoinette Tralongo, Antoinette Mayer, Arthur H. Carbonelli, Robert B. Ciancetta, John Tralongo, Antoinette Tralongo, Antoinette Hughes, Paul J. Brooks, Charles A. Hurley, John F. Costa, Jose A. Tralongo, Antoinette Murphy, Timothy Sugathapala, Priyantha M. Kerr, Hamish A. Tralongo, Antoinette Kenealy, Justin G. Tralongo, Antoinette Tralongo, Antoinette Tralongo, Antoinette Tralongo, Antoinette Hoffman, John D. Manchester Associates LTD Lawrence, Nancy Tralongo, Antoinette Tralongo, Antoinette Tralongo, Antoinette Tralongo, Antoinette Tralongo, Antoinette Swider, Craig A. Mansour, Morcos B. Manchester Associates LTD Manchester Homes LLC 311,200 51,000 320,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 400,000 358,800 350,000 51,000 51,000 411,300 375,800 494,100 419,100 51,000 459,200 503,000 422,800 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 400,000 54,200 386,000 47,100 50,200 51,000 51,000 51,000 389,800 458,500 54,600 50,400 62,200 51,000 64,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 80,000 71,800 70,000 51,000 51,000 82,300 75,200 98,800 75,400 51,000 91,800 104,700 84,600 51,000 90,800 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 80,000 54,200 77,200 47,100 50,200 51,000 51,000 51,000 77,900 91,700 54,600 96,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,532,100 Page 100 of 347 2,445,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 311,200 51,000 320,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 400,000 358,800 350,000 51,000 51,000 411,300 375,800 494,100 377,100 51,000 459,200 523,700 422,800 51,000 454,100 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 400,000 54,200 386,000 47,100 50,200 51,000 51,000 51,000 389,800 458,500 54,600 120,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 311 210 311 311 311 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 311 210 311 311 311 311 210 311 210 311 311 311 311 311 210 210 311 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 05-1031 08-0614 05-1031 05-1031 05-1031 08-0886 2014 2010 05-1031 05-1031 2012 2011 2014IH 2015gd#50 05-1031 2011 2015gd#51 GD2013#23 05-1031 2015 05-1031 05-1031 05-1031 05-1031 08-0888 05-1032 2013 05-1031 05-1031 05-1031 05-1031 05-1031 2014 2010 05-1032 2015 7,983,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.11-3-121 27.11-3-122 27.11-3-123 27.11-3-124 27.11-3-125 27.11-3-126 27.11-3-127 27.11-3-128 27.11-3-129 27.11-3-130 27.11-3-131 27.11-3-132 27.11-3-133 27.11-3-134 27.11-3-135 27.12-1-1 27.12-1-2 27.12-1-3 27.12-1-4 27.12-1-5 27.12-1-6 27.12-1-7 27.12-1-8 27.12-1-9 27.12-1-10 27.12-1-11 27.12-1-12 27.12-1-13 27.12-1-14 27.12-1-15 27.12-1-16 27.12-1-17 27.12-1-18 27.12-1-19 27.12-1-20 27.12-1-21 27.12-1-22 Beaver, Michael V. Moriarty, Kerry M. Khalsa, Devinder S. Ledet, Eric H. Palmeri, Umberto Dillon, Brian M. Guilderland Town of Smith, Peter D. Zielinski, Alfred P. Sr. Airhienbuwa, Noghama Ralston, Sean Tolfa, Joseph P. Lilley, Chad M. Veselov, Egor A. Coton, Wade H. OConnor, Frank C. III. Long, Gary E. Zanotta, Andrew P. DeSacia, James E & Nuala Cannistraci, Angelo Mihok, Joseph J. Thornton, Todd D. Ahearn, Maurice John Hess, David E. Tetreault, William Gugie, Nicholas E. Chmielewski, Paul E. Otten, Adam C. Scally, Michael G. Rinaldi, Matthew C. Gallagher, Michael D. Halbrend, Peter Gioia, Michael M. Sarachan, Brion Ramadan, Mahmoud Husson, Paul Jr. Cunsolo, Gerado 51,000 394,800 413,200 440,300 411,200 383,800 51,400 390,400 400,400 441,200 51,000 432,000 462,800 393,900 573,000 253,100 244,500 283,800 245,400 238,600 243,000 248,700 249,100 255,900 366,400 243,000 265,000 274,500 228,600 255,900 252,700 244,500 210,600 226,600 239,500 265,100 253,000 77,000 79,000 82,600 88,000 82,200 76,800 51,400 78,100 87,200 88,200 97,300 86,400 92,600 78,800 114,600 50,600 48,900 56,800 49,100 47,700 48,600 49,700 49,800 51,200 73,300 48,600 53,000 54,900 45,700 51,200 50,500 48,900 42,100 45,300 47,900 53,000 50,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,877,900 Page 101 of 347 2,377,600 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 385,100 394,800 413,200 440,300 411,200 383,800 51,400 390,400 436,000 441,200 486,500 432,000 462,800 393,900 573,000 253,100 244,500 283,800 245,400 238,600 243,000 248,700 249,100 255,900 366,400 243,000 265,000 274,500 228,600 255,900 252,700 244,500 210,600 226,600 239,500 265,100 253,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2011 2009 2010 08-0615 2010 06-1409 2012 2015 2013 2015 06-821 08-1168 2014 06-824 99-1447 87-251 98-553 2010 IH-386 91-128 08-0891 93-9999 IH-387 IH-388 03-629 IH-389 07-0694 04-1047 GD2013#74 2010 85-957 04-376 98-1038 2014 2014 91-479 11,683,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.12-1-23 27.12-1-24 27.12-1-25 27.12-1-26 27.12-1-27 27.12-1-28 27.12-1-29 27.12-1-30 27.12-1-31 27.12-1-32 27.14-1-1 27.14-1-2 27.14-1-3 27.14-1-4 27.14-1-5 27.14-1-6 27.14-1-7 27.14-1-8 27.14-1-9 27.14-1-10 27.14-1-11 27.14-1-12 27.14-1-13 27.14-1-14 27.14-1-15 27.14-1-16 27.14-1-17 27.14-1-18 27.14-1-19 27.14-1-20 27.14-1-21 27.14-1-22 27.14-1-23 27.14-1-24 27.14-1-25 27.14-1-26 27.14-1-27 South, Scott J. Stark, Neil R. Cietek, Scott Scott, Joseph L. Sabatino, Stephen J. Demers, Lawrence P. Jr. Krisanda, Robert J. Higgins, Paul J. Guilderland Town of Guilderland, Town of McCarthy, Brendan J. Shean, William B. Gillberg, Gustaf G. Jr. Cardillo, Alfredo D. Bouteiller, William L. Indilicato, Marlene Jones, Jeffrey J. Cooper, Mary Ann Phipps, Nathaniel J. Winters, John H. II. Brown, Daniel Adamson, Alan M. Evans, Mark A. Randall, William Thompson Falvo, Tracy Sicard, Jerome A. Campbell, David G. Jr. Plankis, Edmund Kabir, Humayun LeBel, Kenneth B. Jr. Kaufman, Lenore F. Warner, Louise Bini, Genia Kaminsky, John F. Mahmood, Syed J. Shutt, Donald E. Schultz, Carl L. 266,100 224,800 248,000 254,300 269,400 264,200 239,500 260,100 56,800 50,000 205,900 185,900 200,500 230,000 202,400 214,600 251,100 218,200 207,100 208,000 216,200 193,000 210,500 189,900 202,900 239,200 218,000 198,600 208,000 215,800 205,300 193,000 207,800 207,100 203,500 194,100 176,600 53,200 45,000 49,600 50,900 53,800 52,800 47,900 52,000 56,800 50,000 41,200 37,200 40,100 46,000 40,500 42,900 50,200 43,600 41,400 41,600 43,200 38,600 42,100 38,000 40,600 47,800 43,600 39,700 41,600 43,200 41,100 38,600 41,600 41,400 40,700 38,800 35,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,736,400 Page 102 of 347 1,632,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 266,100 224,800 248,000 254,300 269,400 264,200 239,500 260,100 56,800 50,000 205,900 185,900 200,500 230,000 202,400 214,600 251,100 218,200 207,100 208,000 216,200 193,000 210,500 189,900 202,900 239,200 218,000 198,600 208,000 215,800 205,300 193,000 207,800 207,100 203,500 194,100 176,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 963 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-391 2012 2011 2015 2014 2013 98-756 2012 04-1320 05-1162 06-374 2012 2014 2015 91-527 02-1098 09-0060 IH-393 81-394 80-195 07-0613 92-537 05-760 06-842 2012 06-924 02-260 81-9 79-701 06-925 IH-394 GD11#75 77-501 IH-395 05-1242 88-561 IH-396 7,736,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.14-1-28 27.14-1-29 27.14-1-30 27.14-1-31 27.14-1-32 27.14-1-33 27.14-1-34 27.14-1-35 27.14-1-36 27.14-1-37 27.14-1-39 27.14-1-40 27.14-1-41 27.14-1-42 27.14-1-43 27.14-1-44 27.14-1-45 27.14-1-46 27.14-1-47 27.14-2-1 27.14-2-2 27.14-2-3 27.14-2-4 27.14-2-5 27.14-2-6 27.14-2-7 27.14-2-8.1 27.14-2-8.2 27.14-2-9 27.14-2-10 27.14-2-11 27.14-2-12 27.14-3-1 27.14-3-2 27.14-3-3 27.14-3-4 27.14-3-5 Gabriele, Jeffrey J. VanWoert, Christopher Nero, Donald L. Bagyi, Colleen S. Donovan, Patrick O. Lowe, Jennifer VanderHoeven, Theodore OHern, Deborah J. Corradi, Beverley E. Nunez, Edison J. Jr. Guilderland Town of DeLuca, Rose M. Clauson, Richard N. Casey, Kayla Plata, Jorge I. PMC 2013 LLC Alloush, Ahmed Castillo-Haynesworth, Elizabeth Buffington, Patricia Whipple Kennedy, John McAnuff-Gumbs, Michelle Schaffer, Neil A. Robinson, Brian C. Marino, Gerardo B. Fouhy, Michael Doney, James R. Alejandro, Kim Guilderland Town of Anthony, Richard C. Klapp, Kenneth M. Western Turnpike Rescue Boccardi, Carol A. Kemper Building Group Inc Burnash, Edward J. McKenzie, Andrew F. Jian, Shou Bang Fiederlein, Justin L. 239,700 230,200 184,500 197,100 206,700 196,500 199,700 185,400 190,600 208,000 4,600 234,100 214,600 186,800 182,000 186,500 144,200 164,100 652,200 5,000 158,200 181,100 175,700 176,200 174,200 181,100 219,000 40,600 269,100 251,300 420,600 181,500 0 219,000 223,700 258,400 224,000 47,900 46,000 36,900 39,400 41,300 39,300 39,900 37,100 38,100 41,600 4,600 46,800 42,900 37,400 36,400 37,300 41,200 32,800 130,400 5,000 31,600 36,200 35,100 35,200 34,800 36,200 43,800 24,200 53,800 50,300 100,000 36,300 0 43,800 44,700 51,700 44,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,366,200 Page 103 of 347 1,524,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 239,700 230,200 184,500 197,100 206,700 196,500 199,700 185,400 190,600 208,000 4,600 234,100 214,600 186,800 182,000 186,500 144,200 164,100 652,200 5,000 158,200 181,100 175,700 176,200 174,200 181,100 219,000 40,600 269,100 251,300 420,600 181,500 0 219,000 223,700 258,400 224,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 411 210 220 971 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 853 210 210 662 210 311 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 92-288 2010 97-280 2012 02-262 2013 79-460 02-1376 2014 73-213 80-651 08-0684 2010 2015 98-1040 2015 05-0928 01-1221 2011 05-0142 2013 00-1410 94-534 2010 92-243 2010 2012 80-649 2012 90-143 2011 2014 03-1300 08-1039 02-656 06-926 2014 7,366,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.14-3-6 27.14-3-7 27.14-3-8 27.14-3-9 27.14-3-10 27.14-3-11 27.14-3-12 27.14-3-13 27.14-3-14 27.14-3-15 27.14-3-16 27.15-1-1 27.15-1-2 27.15-1-3 27.15-1-4 27.15-1-5 27.15-1-6 27.15-1-7 27.15-1-8 27.15-1-9 27.15-1-10 27.15-1-11 27.15-1-12 27.15-1-13 27.15-1-14 27.15-1-15 27.15-1-16 27.15-1-17 27.15-1-18 27.15-1-19 27.15-1-20 27.15-1-21 27.15-1-22 27.15-1-23 27.15-1-24 27.15-1-25 27.15-1-26 Rosa, Todd Tombank, Allen M. Sargalis, Mark J. Stedman, Laurie A. Kemper Building Group Inc OKeefe, Robert E. Hankin, Jason Rousseau, Claude A. Jacobs, Claude D. Demassio, Kevin Quaglieri, Thomas D. Con-Rel Realty LLC DiCaprio, Joseph II. Teetsel, Kenneth & Mary Martinez, Jose C. Sr. Lyons, Ellen M. Rhodes, Alan C. Dean, Donald E. Abramovitz, Frank Nidzgorski, Leo J & Barbara A Shapiro, Edward Kutny, Elsie M. Teal, Marie Antoinette Associates LLC Newberry, Joy A. Lynch, Michael Connors, Paul C. Conti, David J. Flubacher, Stephen J. Shoudy, Matthew Groezinger, Diane M. Solimando, Rocco A. Bianco, Karen Battisti , Jonathan Schreiner, William Psoinos, Gregory Bollinger, Warren M. 219,500 232,100 227,600 232,100 0 258,700 285,800 229,200 219,000 252,200 208,600 691,400 85,200 132,100 97,800 110,800 147,100 156,000 116,800 151,900 156,000 156,000 198,500 165,800 202,900 237,600 174,200 215,300 189,300 258,300 200,900 200,500 177,500 203,000 165,100 232,600 170,000 43,900 46,400 45,500 46,400 0 51,700 57,200 45,800 43,800 50,400 41,700 138,300 67,000 26,400 20,000 22,200 29,400 31,200 23,400 30,400 31,200 31,200 38,500 33,200 40,600 47,500 34,800 43,100 37,900 42,800 40,200 40,100 35,500 40,600 33,000 46,500 34,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,357,400 Page 104 of 347 1,511,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 219,500 232,100 227,600 232,100 0 258,700 285,800 229,200 219,000 252,200 208,600 691,400 85,200 132,100 97,800 110,800 147,100 156,000 116,800 151,900 156,000 156,000 198,500 165,800 202,900 237,600 174,200 215,300 189,300 214,200 200,900 200,500 177,500 203,000 165,100 232,600 170,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 821 210 210 210 210 210 210 485 485 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 99-468 99-469 2015 99-616 03-1300 94-907 98-757 06-692 06-376 2015 94-911 2011 2014 IH-398 2012 06-782 2014 08-0892 89-9108 96-56 90-971 84-386 07-0696 2015 07-0175 2012 04-518 741114 IH-399 2015IH 01-450 06-929 2015 2013 96-376 01-451 99-635 7,313,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.15-1-27 27.15-1-28 27.15-1-29 27.15-1-30 27.15-1-31 27.15-1-32 27.15-1-33 27.15-1-34 27.15-1-35 27.15-1-36 27.15-1-37 27.15-1-38 27.15-1-39 27.15-1-40 27.15-1-41 27.15-1-42 27.15-1-43 27.15-1-44 27.15-1-45 27.15-1-46.1 27.15-1-46.2 27.15-1-46.3 27.15-1-47 27.15-1-48 27.15-1-49 27.15-1-50 27.15-1-51.1 27.15-1-51.2 27.15-1-51.3 27.15-1-51.4 27.15-1-51.5 27.15-1-51.6 27.15-1-52 27.15-1-53 27.15-1-54 27.15-1-55 27.15-1-56 Guice, Joseph V. Westendorf, Tammy L. Aman, Shaikh Johnson, Shaun P. Lambert, Richard Fitzpatrick, Alan P. Garcia, Jill L. Lynnwood Reformed Church Bristol, Mark E. Rexford, Kim E. Ackner, William D. Villa, Joel Zelezniak, Stephen M. Foulke, Brent E. Anderson, Michael D. Klump, Timothy H. Meyer, Rebecca A. Lancraft, Erin Prendergast, Terence Serafini, Angelo McCabe, Brian Serafini, Rocco G. Stutz, Keith Allen Foley, James Garry, Michael J. Young, James D. Sable Terrace Devel Co Inc Schafer Construction Inc, M A Schafer Construction Inc, M A Schafer Construction Inc, M A Schafer Construction Inc, M A Schafer Construction Inc, M A Tanski, Gabrielle A. Dickinson, Edgar L. May, Rita P. Dollard, Brian T. Short, Susan E. 196,000 204,200 186,300 196,400 152,300 310,600 177,000 139,100 167,600 159,500 165,000 160,100 225,700 163,700 133,500 177,500 126,000 152,000 165,200 144,200 154,500 144,200 115,800 150,000 156,300 171,800 2,000 45,000 60,000 50,000 329,500 432,400 166,700 166,800 161,400 191,000 165,800 39,200 40,800 37,300 39,300 30,500 62,100 35,400 27,800 33,500 31,900 33,000 32,000 45,100 32,700 26,700 35,500 25,200 30,400 33,000 41,200 41,200 41,200 23,200 30,000 31,300 34,400 2,000 45,000 60,000 88,900 87,800 87,800 33,300 33,400 32,300 38,200 33,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,165,100 Page 105 of 347 1,455,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 196,000 204,200 186,300 196,400 152,300 310,600 177,000 139,100 167,600 159,500 165,000 160,100 225,700 163,700 133,500 177,500 126,000 152,000 165,200 144,200 154,500 144,200 115,800 150,000 156,300 171,800 2,000 45,000 60,000 266,900 329,500 432,400 166,700 166,800 161,400 191,000 165,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 411 411 411 210 210 210 210 970 311 311 220 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 07-0176 2014 2013 74-112 GD09#44 05-1163 2012 95-268 99-110 96-273 2015 2013 06-377 2012 2013 2013 2010 93-9999 98-176 93-9999 81-532 03-1088 2015 90-396 08-0777 2014 2014 2015 2014 2014gd#12 2012 2015 76-282 07-0179 09-0062 6,382,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.15-1-57 27.15-1-58 27.15-1-59 27.15-1-60 27.15-1-61 27.15-1-62 27.15-1-63 27.15-1-64 27.15-1-65 27.15-1-66 27.15-1-67 27.15-1-68 27.15-1-69 27.15-1-70 27.15-1-71 27.15-1-72 27.15-1-73 27.15-1-74 27.15-1-75 27.15-1-76 27.15-1-77 27.15-1-79 27.15-1-80.1 27.15-1-80.2 27.15-1-81 27.15-1-82 27.15-1-83 27.15-1-84.1 27.15-1-84.2 27.15-2-3 27.15-2-5 27.15-2-6 27.15-2-7.2 27.15-2-8 27.15-2-9 27.15-2-10 27.15-2-11 Pangman, Ted G. Wager, Charles C. Gregory Living Trust, Anthony E & Joyce B Axenson, Judith M. Isopo, John Warner, Laura A. Tucker, Barbara D. Cogswell, Walter K. Jr. Bailey, Alicia Trestick, Kevin B. OBrien, Daniel S. Soltys, Theodore J. Wukitsch, Michael J. LARAPA, LLC Newberry, Joy A. Fesko, Julia M. Miller, Bernard Gralow, Kenneth Woodward, Sandra Berrian, David J & I Raymond Ray, Grayce D. Brennan, Francis J. Moule, Elnora L. Geyer, Charles Santorelli Robert A &, Allison Judith Chludzinski, Theodore J. LARAPA LLC Jennings, Mary E. Underhill, Robert & Emily Wolcott, Lawrence & Carolyn Robinson, Burton A. Spawn, Shirley M. Dinovo, Lawrence Smith, Gordon D. Vann, Dawn Marie A. June, Harry A. Giglio, Charles A. 171,800 152,200 177,200 171,400 171,300 153,300 192,200 170,000 170,600 160,800 210,400 173,600 172,500 209,100 203,600 160,200 147,800 159,000 113,500 122,400 121,000 240,000 290,000 232,500 92,000 113,600 105,500 393,000 393,000 142,700 132,000 142,600 327,300 166,300 194,600 222,500 183,800 34,400 30,400 35,400 34,300 34,300 30,700 38,400 34,000 34,100 32,200 42,100 34,700 34,500 41,800 40,700 32,000 29,600 31,800 22,700 24,500 24,200 48,000 57,800 46,500 18,400 22,700 21,100 78,600 78,600 28,500 26,400 47,800 65,500 33,300 38,900 44,500 36,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,855,300 Page 106 of 347 1,390,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 171,800 152,200 177,200 171,400 171,300 153,300 192,200 170,000 170,600 160,800 210,400 173,600 172,500 209,100 203,600 160,200 147,800 159,000 113,500 122,400 121,000 240,000 290,000 232,500 92,000 113,600 105,500 393,000 393,000 142,700 132,000 142,600 327,300 166,300 194,600 222,500 183,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 210 210 210 210 220 220 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 01-523 03-0285 06-843 92-73 98-178 2015 05-176 99-283 07-0180 99-471 2012 93-9999 2014 2013 07-0181 84-332 IH-402 2015 2014 97-612 2012 2015 2009 2015 97-613 2010 2013 2012 2010 99-1389 01-409 07-0183 08-1147 2014 06-222 IH-405 86-85 6,855,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.15-2-12 27.15-2-13 27.15-2-14 27.15-2-15 27.15-2-16 27.15-2-17 27.15-2-18 27.15-2-19 27.15-2-20 27.15-2-21 27.15-2-22 27.15-2-23 27.15-2-24 27.15-2-25 27.15-2-26 27.15-2-27 27.15-2-28 27.15-2-29 27.15-2-30 27.15-2-31 27.15-2-32 27.15-2-33 27.15-2-34 27.15-2-35 27.15-2-36 27.15-2-37 27.15-2-38 27.15-2-39 27.15-2-40 27.15-2-41 27.15-2-42 27.15-2-43 27.15-2-44 27.15-2-45 27.15-2-46 27.15-2-47 27.15-2-48 Huth, Howard E. III. Pezzula, Joseph P. Jr. Thorncroft, Christopher D Centi, Daniel A. Greenberg, Harry A. VanNostrand, Larry W. Tyrell, Ashley B. Cullen, Thomas J. Platt, Michael Loveday, Richard T. France, Shay Pelletier, Kevin P. Kula, Brett M. Eberz, Kevin P. Rosellini, Robert A. Quick, Linda Jean VanPatten, Emerson J. III. Altshuler, Steven C. Price, Leonard L. Venkitanarayanan, Vaidhya N. Malone, Lawrence Pope, N Gwen Sarbello, William Drumm, Kathleen W. Bufalini, Mark E. Weston, Makenzie B. Mariano, Terry D. OConnor, Daniel Vottis, Timothy Short, Michael B. Galinsky, Harris J. Bianca, John M. Condemi, John Jr. Pulliam, Kyle L. Ryan, Edward F. Urig, Christopher Pickett, James 222,500 221,300 198,600 216,200 226,500 192,800 224,300 209,500 207,200 224,100 246,500 235,200 226,200 216,200 212,100 216,200 162,500 173,700 194,600 179,500 215,100 193,000 221,100 216,800 196,300 222,000 223,000 237,600 203,600 209,500 229,900 185,000 190,600 198,600 164,400 223,000 248,800 44,500 44,300 39,700 31,100 45,300 38,600 44,900 41,900 41,400 44,800 49,300 47,000 45,200 43,200 42,400 43,200 32,500 34,700 38,900 35,900 43,000 38,600 44,200 43,400 39,300 44,400 44,600 47,500 40,700 41,900 46,000 37,000 38,100 39,700 32,900 44,600 49,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,784,000 Page 107 of 347 1,544,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 222,500 221,300 198,600 155,100 226,500 192,800 224,300 209,500 207,200 224,100 246,500 235,200 226,200 216,200 212,100 216,200 162,500 173,700 194,600 179,500 215,100 193,000 221,100 216,800 196,300 222,000 223,000 237,600 203,600 209,500 229,900 185,000 190,600 198,600 164,400 223,000 248,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0132 86-313 02-264 2015IH 88-562 00-1000 89-111 03-842 08-0233 95-656 08-1040 96-727 2010 2014 91-532 89-112 88-300 IH-407 01-84 2011 82-67 2010 89-1000 2015 2010 00-251 07-0184 2010 2013 08-0893 90-397 06-788 2015 IH-409 2013 07-0185 01-85 7,722,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.15-2-49 27.15-2-50.1 27.15-2-50.2 27.15-2-51 27.15-2-52 27.15-2-53 27.15-2-54 27.15-2-55 27.15-2-56 27.15-2-57 27.15-2-58 27.15-2-59 27.15-2-60 27.15-3-1 27.15-3-2 27.15-3-3 27.15-3-4 27.15-3-5 27.15-3-6 27.15-3-7 27.15-3-8 27.15-3-9 27.15-3-10 27.15-3-11 27.15-3-12 27.15-3-13 27.15-3-14 27.15-3-15 27.15-3-16 27.15-3-17 27.15-3-18 27.15-3-19 27.15-3-20 27.15-3-23 27.15-3-24 27.15-3-25 27.15-3-26 McEnaney, Mark Wrightington, Lucy Timmons, George Baldauf, Bonnie Novak, Stephen F. Wilson, Richard M. Smith, Michelle D. Neal, Jeffrey F. Li, Lisa Kenealy, William Deane Gogola, Marian E. Sedlacek, Mark Wm Skelly, Robert Restifo, Donna Lynn Day, Brian Huba, Patricia J. Lestage, Deena L. Slisz, Raymond J. Fitzgerald, Ellen Green, Vilko F. Rader, Frank J. Read, David Norton Hahn, Robert M. Park, Sharon M. Barndt, Richard A. MacKissock, Marc Gallaway, Robert L. Trombley, Angela S. Higgins, Emilie M. L & A Development Corp L & A Development Corp L & A Development Corp L & A Development Corp Serafini, Angelo L & A Development Corp L & A Development Corp Walser, James N. 239,000 97,300 196,000 146,900 124,900 141,000 161,700 122,300 151,800 163,700 118,800 118,500 161,400 144,800 127,500 125,800 131,600 120,000 192,700 235,600 182,600 174,300 166,800 162,000 155,700 152,400 179,100 133,300 175,600 40,400 36,200 40,400 45,100 497,000 41,900 41,900 437,300 47,800 19,500 39,200 29,400 25,000 28,200 32,300 24,500 30,400 32,700 23,800 23,700 32,300 29,000 25,500 25,200 26,300 24,000 38,500 47,100 36,500 34,900 33,400 33,000 31,100 30,500 35,800 26,700 35,100 40,400 36,200 40,400 45,100 99,400 41,900 41,900 87,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,683,300 Page 108 of 347 1,334,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 239,000 97,300 196,000 146,900 124,900 141,000 161,700 122,300 151,800 163,700 118,800 118,500 161,400 144,800 127,500 125,800 131,600 120,000 192,700 235,600 182,600 174,300 166,800 165,000 155,700 152,400 179,100 133,300 175,600 40,400 36,200 40,400 45,100 497,000 41,900 41,900 437,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 311 311 210 311 311 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 04-225 05-1036 89-113 2009 06-931 2013 04-62 2015 2010 02-660 2012 2012 2010 07-0186 2015 2009 87-140 05-0151 2011 85-1052 2010 02-439 2015 70-612 04-1474 IH-413 07-0187 08-1219 91-990 91-990 91-990 05-639 2012 91-990 91-990 04-226 5,686,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.15-3-27 27.15-3-28 27.15-3-29 27.15-3-30 27.15-3-31 27.15-3-32 27.15-3-33 27.15-3-34 27.15-3-35 27.15-3-36 27.15-3-37 27.15-3-38 27.15-3-39 27.15-3-40 27.15-3-41 27.15-3-42 27.15-3-43 27.15-3-44 27.15-3-45 27.15-3-46 27.15-3-47 27.15-3-48 27.15-3-49 27.15-3-50 27.15-3-51 27.15-3-52 27.15-3-53 27.15-3-54 27.15-3-55 27.15-3-56 27.15-3-57 27.15-3-58 27.15-3-59 27.15-3-60 27.15-3-61 27.15-3-62 27.15-3-63 Weinberg, Daniel M. Madiwale, Nalini A. MacIntosh, Susan Ellen MacIntosh, Susan Ellen Huang, Mengbing Vickers, Terence Fleming, William M. LARAPA LLC Krupka, Lewis F. VanWormer, Kurt Miller, Mark S. Zielinski, William L. Cantore, Anthony S. Moretti, Thomas D. Mykolaitis, Victor A. LARAPA LLC LARAPA LLC Serafini, Angelo Gestwick, Daniel D. Nieman, Terrence F. Green, Vilko F. Macchiarella, Linda Unser, Stephen J. Remillard, William J. III. Manchester Homes LLC Ganapatiraju, Shivarama Raju Kalapala, Nagakumar Balupari, Lakshmi Czajka, John M. Johnston, Verle L. Jr. Lu, Yun Cheng, Kangguo Starner, William E. Mausler, Craig R. Kalafala, Ahmed Kamal Roddy, Nicholas E. Sheng, Jia 448,900 347,200 2,500 134,100 295,000 138,400 205,200 219,000 214,900 217,000 240,600 199,000 205,000 211,900 232,900 19,400 32,700 195,800 237,600 224,500 2,500 70,500 157,900 131,600 51,400 56,400 54,800 56,200 417,800 425,000 445,500 431,100 432,500 452,300 441,700 463,170 455,000 89,800 69,400 2,500 26,800 59,000 27,700 41,000 43,800 43,000 43,400 48,100 39,800 41,000 42,400 46,600 10,000 32,700 39,200 47,500 44,900 2,500 43,500 31,600 26,300 82,600 79,500 80,100 84,500 83,600 85,000 89,100 86,200 86,500 90,500 88,300 96,500 105,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,566,970 Page 109 of 347 2,080,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 448,900 347,200 2,500 134,100 295,000 138,400 205,200 219,000 214,900 217,000 240,600 199,000 205,000 211,900 232,900 19,400 32,700 195,800 237,600 224,500 2,500 70,500 157,900 131,600 247,700 397,400 400,500 422,300 417,800 425,000 445,500 431,100 432,500 452,300 441,700 463,170 455,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 311 210 210 210 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 312 311 210 210 210 311 312 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-417 00-67 750727 2015 06-976 98-1043 02-661 2013 2014 07-0188 02-662 96-755 2010 90-307 08-0618 2013 2013 99-151 2014 92-291 95-658 2012 2012 2012 2015 2015 2015 2015 GD11#72 06-825 06-826 2011 06-827 2011 08-0148 GD2013#70 2014 9,816,070 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.15-3-64 27.15-3-79.1 27.15-3-79.2 27.15-3-79.3 27.15-3-79.4 27.15-4-1 27.15-4-2 27.15-4-3 27.15-4-4 27.15-4-5 27.15-4-6 27.15-4-7 27.15-4-8 27.15-4-9.1 27.15-4-9.2 27.15-4-10 27.15-4-11 27.15-4-12 27.15-4-13 27.15-4-14 27.15-4-15 27.15-4-16 27.15-4-17 27.15-4-18 27.15-4-19 27.15-4-20 27.15-4-21 27.15-4-22 27.15-4-23 27.15-4-24 27.15-4-25 27.15-4-26 27.15-4-27 27.15-4-28 27.15-4-29 27.15-4-30 27.15-4-31 Tralongo, Antoinette Duca, Giuseppe Malaty, Medhat W. Espinola, Clifford R. Mitkoff, Nathan Agel, Carolyn M. Heller, David Marc ODonnell, Charlotte Meier, James F. Ekstein, Geoffrey S. Schauf, Frederick J. Roman, Judith E. Russell, Theresa A. Columbus, Edward J. Anzalone, Scott R. Ragozzino, Michael A. Guilderland Town of Unser, Gregory A. Glywa, James Caroline, Jacqueline R. Doyle, Daniel M. LARAPA LLC Zebrowski, Jas L. Fallon, Robert A. Scrafford, David J. LARAPA LLC Fermo, Virgilio B. Cenci, Anita Marie Shahda Crouse, Jay B. III. Hartford, Carol A. Caplan, Murray N. Husko, Alan J. Serafini L & A Devel Corp Culotti, Mark R. Varsanyi, Robert W. McDonnell, Ian Dagostino, Kenneth 76,000 356,500 407,400 349,400 385,600 253,200 195,500 193,000 193,000 190,600 168,900 176,900 116,700 142,100 223,200 255,000 4,900 121,800 203,800 106,300 232,700 5,000 232,000 197,000 189,800 238,400 267,900 264,200 262,000 242,900 232,800 233,700 33,200 268,300 240,300 275,800 305,800 76,000 71,300 81,500 69,900 77,100 50,600 39,100 38,600 38,600 38,100 33,800 35,400 23,300 28,400 44,600 51,000 4,900 24,400 39,800 21,300 46,500 5,000 46,400 39,400 38,000 47,700 53,600 52,800 52,400 48,600 46,600 46,700 33,200 53,700 48,100 55,200 61,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,841,600 Page 110 of 347 1,662,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 76,000 356,500 407,400 349,400 385,600 253,200 195,500 193,000 193,000 190,600 168,900 176,900 116,700 142,100 223,200 255,000 4,900 121,800 198,800 106,300 232,700 5,000 232,000 197,000 189,800 238,400 267,900 264,200 262,000 242,900 232,800 233,700 33,200 268,300 240,300 275,800 305,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 970 210 210 210 220 970 220 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-1333 04-1321 04-1321 IH-357 2015 97-960 99-569 74-222 02-1201 06-787 2015 03-1183 74-347 01-87 2012 92-496 80-651 07-0190 2015 2015 IH-419 2013 88-302 84-150 88-563 2013 2014 02-664 01-800 2010 IH-420 06-786 86-753 08-0874 IH-421 2009 88-1118 7,836,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.15-4-32 27.15-4-33 27.15-4-34 27.15-4-35 27.15-4-36 27.15-4-37 27.15-4-38 27.15-4-39 27.15-4-40 27.15-4-41 27.15-4-42 27.15-4-43 27.15-4-44 27.15-4-45 27.15-4-46 27.16-1-1.1 27.16-1-1.2 27.16-1-1.3 27.16-1-2.1 27.16-1-2.2 27.16-1-2.3 27.16-1-3 27.16-1-4 27.16-1-5 27.16-1-6 27.16-1-7 27.16-1-8 27.16-1-9 27.16-1-10 27.16-1-11 27.16-1-12 27.16-1-13 27.16-1-14 27.16-1-15 27.16-1-16 27.16-1-17 27.16-1-18 Davidson, John F. Rosencrans, William J. Bray, R Jeffrey Striss, John C. Davis, Jonathan E. Kinnally, Michael J. McGuire, Michael P. Pellegrino, Anthony Adams, David Stilsing, Michael McNally, Daniel P. Bailey, Robert Bellack, Corey E. Nilsen, David Guice, Maureen Deubel, Mark Rehabilitation Support Toich, Robert C. Macchiarella, Nick Macchiarella, Daniel P. Macchiarella, Nick S. Bombard, Lawrence J. Slingerland, Wayne David Cromer, George D. LARAPA, LLC Sheehan, Robert F. Lazaro, Reynaldo P. Ford, Kevin J. Jones, Carlton W. Kunker, Karl D. Melito, Christopher J. Musto, Maria R. Nielsen, Robert A. King, Robert W. Jr. Rice, Gregory A. McCann, David F. Albanese, Paolo 191,200 190,800 235,600 173,000 192,300 205,000 258,800 227,100 245,000 230,000 193,000 214,900 211,900 197,500 226,000 313,200 45,000 265,000 235,000 222,200 37,400 221,400 148,300 203,300 232,200 241,000 234,000 271,500 186,600 186,600 223,200 182,500 186,100 171,000 217,700 171,000 177,800 38,200 38,200 47,100 34,600 38,500 41,000 51,800 45,400 49,000 46,000 38,600 43,000 42,400 39,500 45,200 62,600 45,000 53,000 47,000 44,400 37,400 44,300 29,700 40,700 46,400 48,200 46,800 54,300 37,200 37,300 44,600 36,500 37,200 34,200 43,500 34,200 35,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,564,100 Page 111 of 347 1,578,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 191,200 190,800 235,600 173,000 192,300 205,000 258,800 227,100 245,000 230,000 193,000 214,900 211,900 197,500 226,000 313,200 45,000 265,000 235,000 222,200 37,400 221,400 148,300 203,300 232,200 241,000 234,000 271,500 186,600 186,600 223,200 182,500 186,100 171,000 217,700 171,000 177,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 220 210 311 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 93-539 95-659 93-828 IH-423 85-702 05-0229 2014 88-1116 04-1138 2013 04-1475 89-1003 07-0191 2011 94-113 03-736 00-1163 99-117 2013 05-1129 05-0230 2012 02-39 2013 2013 81-397 89-9027 09-0064 2015 96-173 99-284 05-0231 2012 89-1004 2015 2011 90-150 7,564,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.16-1-19 27.16-1-20 27.16-1-21 27.16-1-22 27.16-1-23 27.16-1-24 27.16-1-25 27.16-1-26 27.16-1-27 27.16-1-28 27.16-1-29 27.16-1-30 27.16-1-32 27.16-1-33 27.16-1-34 27.16-1-35 27.16-1-36 27.16-1-37 27.16-2-1 27.16-2-2 27.16-2-3 27.16-2-4 27.16-2-5 27.16-2-7 27.16-2-8 27.16-2-9 27.16-2-10 27.16-2-11 27.16-2-12 27.16-2-13 27.16-2-14 27.16-2-15 27.16-2-16 27.16-2-17 27.16-2-18 27.16-2-19 27.16-2-20 Bonaparte, Claude A. III. Walton, Nancy D. Price, James T. Larson, Edward Notaro, Guido M. Dunn, Philomena M. Miller, Bruce R. Kim, Eui Soon Shahda, James Albert Lynch, Gerald L. Bars, Kaitlin J. Kaminski, Henry J. Jr. Conti, James Kalinowski, Joseph S. Jr. Mintseris, Boris Zujovic, Amy C. Feig, Bruce E. Serafini-Spawn Hollow Womer, Donald J. Martin, Douglas Serafini L&A Devel Corp Serafini L&A Devel Corp LaBelle, Catherine B. Jones, Joshua J. Serafini L&A Devel Corp Serafini L&A Devel Corp Rapant, Carol A. Perumalswamy, Rajesh Serafini L&A Devel Corp Serafini L&A Devel Corp Plue, Suzanne A. Ostrander, Gerald F. Cochran, Theodore B. Orsini, Joseph J. Jr. Liotta, James J. Lenic, Slavko Carman, Lee R. 160,000 237,000 190,900 85,300 238,500 125,700 140,000 219,000 211,900 193,300 192,400 242,000 273,000 199,000 195,000 232,800 242,800 0 279,800 32,600 31,800 30,900 158,000 267,800 31,400 31,400 246,000 269,000 32,800 32,700 337,000 293,200 279,900 272,200 274,500 217,300 296,600 32,000 47,400 38,200 17,100 47,700 25,100 28,000 43,800 42,400 38,700 38,500 48,400 54,600 39,800 39,000 46,600 48,600 0 55,900 57,700 31,800 30,900 77,900 53,600 31,400 31,400 49,000 53,800 32,800 32,700 67,400 58,600 56,000 54,400 54,900 43,500 59,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,793,500 Page 112 of 347 1,608,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 160,000 237,000 190,900 85,300 238,500 125,700 140,000 219,000 211,900 193,300 192,400 242,000 273,000 199,000 195,000 232,800 242,800 0 279,800 288,500 31,800 30,900 389,700 267,800 31,400 31,400 246,000 269,000 32,800 32,700 337,000 293,200 279,900 272,200 274,500 217,300 296,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 220 210 210 220 210 210 220 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 311 311 210 210 311 311 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 96-756 08-1029 2013 77-570 07-0702 07-0192 89-118 07-0193 90-548 2015 2011 05-0232 94-1396 78-813 97-183 2015 2014 2013 2015 2015 04-1309 04-1309 2015 2011 04-1310 04-1310 2014 2013 04-1310 04-1310 2011 2015 06-063 2015 03-1090 2015 07-0703 7,281,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.16-2-21 27.16-2-22 27.16-2-23 27.16-2-24 27.16-2-25 27.16-2-26 27.16-2-27 27.16-2-28 27.16-2-29 27.16-2-30 27.16-2-31 27.16-2-32 27.16-2-33 27.16-2-34 27.16-2-35 27.16-2-36 27.16-2-37 27.16-2-38 27.16-2-39 27.16-2-40 27.16-2-41 27.16-2-42 27.16-2-43 27.16-2-44 27.16-2-45 27.16-2-46 27.16-3-1 27.16-3-2 27.16-3-3 27.16-3-4 27.16-3-5 27.16-3-6 27.16-3-7 27.16-3-8 27.16-3-9 27.16-3-10 27.16-3-11 Mele, Lawrence S. Callahan, Mark A. Natoli, David J. VanBuren, James R. Mulcahy, Scott K. Rauscher, Victor E. III. Hodson, Matthew J. Hennessy, Susan M. Nizam, Ali Muller, Bruce Sen, Nilanjan Cusato, Patrick F. Alger, Donald K. Cadin, Patrick D. Piccirillo, Patricia Li, Yongquan Mayer, James A. Devaram, Anil Kumar, Aditya Lepore, John Lona, Mathew Atkins, Lara Farrow, Susan E. Serafini Builders Inc Gong, Wei Homeowners Associates Inc, Pine Bush Manor Tapler, Maureen Guilz, Roland J. Purello, Greg V. Murphy, James H. Jr. Staroba, Wesley J. Febraio, Dino Adair, John H. McKenna, Michael K. Owens, Jeffrey M. Gao, Jian Becker, Richard W. 255,600 262,900 277,400 252,700 258,200 276,900 280,000 259,300 255,100 284,000 252,800 286,500 246,200 262,200 217,300 229,000 229,000 264,800 254,700 271,800 277,900 274,500 320,500 30,700 229,000 16,200 230,000 274,100 263,400 284,900 332,500 243,400 239,200 278,200 279,600 277,700 299,900 51,100 52,600 55,500 50,500 51,600 55,400 56,000 51,900 51,000 56,800 50,600 57,300 49,200 52,400 43,500 45,800 45,800 53,000 50,900 54,400 55,600 54,900 64,100 30,700 45,800 16,200 46,000 54,800 52,700 57,000 66,500 48,700 47,800 55,600 55,900 55,500 60,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,328,100 Page 113 of 347 1,903,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 255,600 262,900 277,400 252,700 258,200 276,900 280,000 259,300 255,100 284,000 252,800 286,500 246,200 262,200 217,300 229,000 229,000 264,800 254,700 271,800 277,900 274,500 320,500 30,700 229,000 16,200 230,000 274,100 263,400 284,900 332,500 243,400 239,200 278,200 279,600 277,700 299,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-0286 06-785 00-1111 2010 05-0234 00-1112 08-0369 05-0932 05-0933 02-963 2011 08-0370 02-962 2011 07-1063 2015 2013 2014gd#30 IH-425 06-783 2010 2012 2009 04-1317 07-0622 06-064 02-667 2014 09-0065 GD05-258 2013 01-844 00-1115 IH-426 2011 04-64 05-0937 9,328,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.16-3-12 27.16-3-13 27.16-3-14 27.16-3-15 27.16-3-16 27.16-3-17 27.16-3-18 27.16-3-19 27.16-3-20 27.16-3-21.2 27.16-3-21.101 27.16-3-21.102 27.16-3-21.103 27.16-3-21.104 27.16-3-21.105 27.16-3-21.106 27.16-3-21.107 27.16-3-21.108 27.16-3-21.109 27.16-3-21.110 27.16-3-21.111 27.16-3-21.112 27.17-1-1 27.17-1-2 27.17-1-3 27.17-1-4 27.17-1-5 27.17-1-6 27.17-1-7 27.17-1-8 27.17-1-9 27.17-1-10 27.17-1-11 27.17-1-12 27.17-1-13 27.17-1-14 27.17-1-15 Sheridan, Robert Wang, Xuyong Korchowsky, George W. Boggs, Michael C. Nauman, Arthur L. Shaw, Kenneth A. McCabe, Brian R. Corradi, Paul Simeone, Nicola S. Cushing, Christopher Guilderland Town Of Serafini Builders Inc Serafini Builders Inc Serafini Builders Inc Serafini Builders Inc Serafini Builders Inc Pine Bush Manor Homeowner Asso Assaf, Michael D. Serafini Builders Inc Serafini Builders Inc Sundaramoorthy, Gopal Serafini Builders Inc Potolski, George W. Panackal, Alex P. Tully-Kuzman, Janet L. Tubbs, David L. Zhong, Minghong Rynski, Diane Blowers, Linda S. Eignor, Rudy A. Paniccioli, Amber L. Cannavo, Frank Macken, Tarri L. Patterson, Scott M. Shang, Hongbing Mantoo, Viki Bintz, John E. 273,300 283,000 275,600 261,300 267,500 341,600 357,200 456,200 432,400 360,700 100 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 100 479,500 35,000 35,000 546,900 35,000 221,200 187,700 235,000 225,800 226,000 200,400 174,800 240,100 181,700 188,900 231,400 179,000 219,000 221,200 227,500 54,700 56,600 55,100 52,300 53,500 68,300 71,400 91,200 86,500 72,100 100 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 100 95,900 35,000 35,000 109,400 35,000 44,200 37,500 47,000 45,200 45,200 40,000 35,000 48,000 36,300 37,800 46,300 35,800 43,800 44,200 45,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,775,100 Page 114 of 347 1,779,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 273,300 283,000 275,600 261,300 267,500 341,600 357,200 456,200 432,400 360,700 100 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 100 479,500 35,000 35,000 546,900 35,000 221,200 187,700 235,000 225,800 226,000 200,400 174,800 240,100 181,700 188,900 231,400 179,000 219,000 221,200 227,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 311 311 311 311 311 970 210 311 311 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-844 07-0194 02GD#2 08-0371 06-933 05-0938 2014 2014 2014 2012 08-0786 08-0787 08-0787 08-0787 08-0788 08-0788 08-0788 2014 08-0789 08-0789 2014 08-0789 02-674 00-667 08-0619 2014 2010 GD11#54 07-0623 2012 2013 93-1196 00-68 04-229 2010 03-0427 2012 7,775,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.17-1-16 27.17-1-17 27.17-1-18 27.17-1-19 27.17-1-20 27.17-1-21 27.17-1-22 27.17-1-23 27.17-1-24 27.17-1-25 27.17-1-26 27.17-1-27 27.17-1-28 27.17-1-29 27.17-1-30 27.17-1-32 27.17-1-33 27.17-1-37 27.17-1-38 27.17-1-39 27.17-1-40 27.17-1-41.1 27.17-1-41.3 27.17-1-42 27.18-1-1 27.18-1-2 27.18-1-3 27.18-1-4 27.18-1-5 27.18-1-6 27.18-1-7 27.18-1-8 27.18-1-9 27.18-1-10 27.18-1-11 27.18-1-12.1 27.18-1-12.2 Ramanathan, Girish Zuchowski, Patricia P. Callender, Richard A. Karivelil, Mathew V. Connor, Christopher D. Poland, Mitchell J. Rubin, Howard Andrea, Robert K. LaFave, John Grogan, Elizabeth A. Mariano, Sandra F. Conklin, Gordon J. Saucedo, Oniver Vogel, Ronald H. Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Guilderland Central Loux, Dawn M. White, Scott Brennan, John J. Brennan, John J & Mary S Fargione, Michael J. Miltner, Charles C. DaMassa, Henry Jr. Decuyper, Conrad J. Ditton, Robert D. Hughes, Charles E. Jr. Bourgeois, Matthew Suhr, Patricia A. Futia, Vincent A. Swift, Herbert L. Bratt, Diane Sonnekalb, Stacy L. Shulman, Holly S. Battaglino, Philip Tomisman, Maureen Battaglino, Philip 289,400 198,000 287,800 219,200 235,800 156,000 187,100 193,700 254,100 183,800 187,700 178,200 181,600 196,500 500 500 56,400 119,000 162,300 225,200 119,900 260,400 266,500 177,900 186,100 182,700 131,000 142,600 142,900 238,700 198,500 137,000 205,300 126,000 82,100 156,000 221,800 57,900 39,600 57,600 43,800 47,200 31,200 37,400 38,700 50,800 36,800 37,500 35,600 36,300 39,600 500 500 56,400 23,800 32,500 45,000 108,200 52,100 53,300 35,600 37,200 36,500 26,200 28,500 28,600 47,700 39,700 27,400 41,100 25,200 16,400 31,200 44,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,488,200 Page 115 of 347 1,428,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 289,400 198,000 287,800 219,200 235,800 156,000 187,100 193,700 254,100 183,800 187,700 178,200 181,600 196,500 500 500 56,400 119,000 162,300 225,200 119,900 260,400 266,500 177,900 186,100 182,700 131,000 142,600 142,900 238,700 198,500 137,000 205,300 126,000 82,100 156,000 221,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 311 210 210 281 472 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2014 2014 2014 04-895 99-519 03-0582 01-454 07-0792 08-0118 03-0429 04-929 2013 99-524 94-757 93-1201 99-1458 GD-STIP 2015 05-1156d 04-1308 2014 2014 04-1308 2012 2010 07-0513 2012 02-1003 2012 SC55-05 08-0372 2015 05-1243 95-1225 03-630 96-730 6,488,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 27.18-1-12.3 27.18-1-13 27.18-1-14 27.18-1-15 27.18-1-16 27.18-1-17 27.18-1-18 27.18-1-19 27.18-1-21 27.18-1-22 27.18-1-23 27.18-1-24 27.18-1-25 27.18-1-26 27.18-1-28 27.18-1-29.1 27.18-1-29.2 27.18-1-30 27.18-1-31 27.18-1-33.2 27.18-1-33.3 27.18-1-33.5 27.18-1-33.6 27.18-1-33.7 27.18-1-35 27.18-1-36 27.18-1-37 27.18-1-38 27.18-1-39 27.18-1-40 27.18-1-41 27.18-1-42 27.18-1-43 27.18-1-44 27.18-1-45 27.18-1-46 27.18-1-47 Gleasman, Paul Stone, Paula J. Taylor, Samuel Craig, Gladys M. Corcoran, Alice E. Muscanell, Patrick R. Tanner, John S. Guilderland Central Bass, Stephen C. Brown, Thomas F. Mattice, Paul F. Larson, Ruth D. Dempsey, Michael R. Stukenborg, Laura B. Fitzgerald, Matthew W. Hesler, Wilfred R. Lawrence, David J. Brown, Mark E. Korchowsky, George W. Decuyper, Conrad Ditton, Robert D. Bourgeois, Matthew Suhr, Patricia A. Futia, Vincent A. Albright, Daniel Carver Realty LLC Carver Realty LLC Carver Realty LLC Carver Realty LLC Carver Realty LLC Carver Realty LLC Carver Realty LLC Carver Realty LLC Carver Realty LLC Carver Realty LLC Marcella, John R. IV. Carver Realty LLC Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 226,700 202,300 195,900 210,900 150,200 148,900 194,700 3,200,400 186,900 135,700 135,200 215,000 145,900 237,900 177,300 164,600 244,300 156,500 156,000 600 1,700 2,500 1,900 1,700 40,000 40,000 40,000 423,200 40,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 40,000 45,300 40,500 40,600 42,200 30,000 29,800 38,900 143,800 37,400 27,100 27,000 43,000 29,200 47,600 35,500 32,900 48,900 31,300 31,200 600 1,700 2,500 1,900 1,700 55,100 40,000 40,000 130,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 40,000 10,000 57,300 66,000 40,000 7,276,900 Page 116 of 347 1,389,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 226,700 202,300 195,900 210,900 150,200 148,900 194,700 3,200,400 186,900 135,700 135,200 215,000 145,900 237,900 177,300 164,600 244,300 156,500 156,000 600 1,700 2,500 1,900 1,700 275,600 40,000 40,000 423,200 40,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 40,000 10,000 114,600 333,000 40,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 612 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 311 311 311 210 311 311 210 311 311 311 311 311 311 210 210 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2009 03-1078 2010 06-721 2012 96-660 93-831 95-753 98-1047 95-660 2012 2015 2014 89-1008 92-837 93-71 2011 2011 06-1445 06-1446 2012 06-1448 06-1449 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2014 7,910,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.18-2-1 27.18-2-2 27.18-2-3 27.18-2-4 27.18-2-5 27.18-2-6 27.18-2-7 27.18-2-8 27.18-2-9 27.18-2-11 27.18-2-12 27.18-2-13 27.18-2-14 27.18-2-15 27.18-2-16 27.18-2-17 27.18-2-18 27.18-2-19 27.18-2-20 27.18-2-21 27.18-2-22 27.18-2-23 27.18-2-24 27.18-2-25 27.18-2-26 27.18-2-27 27.18-2-28 27.18-2-29 27.18-2-30 27.18-2-31 27.18-2-32 27.18-2-33 27.18-2-36 27.18-2-37 27.18-2-38 27.18-2-39 27.18-2-40 May, Jeannette M. Danzy, Gerald B. Finton, Stewart Engle, Craig S. Tedisco, Thomas N. Harris, Jana Ann Allen, Wilma Trendell, Robert K. Weldon, Donald W. Kelley, David J. Hayes, Jessica J. Hayes, Jessica J. Levine, Shaun Marie Schleicher, Debra Goodman, Dan Ranguelov, Vladimir Jones, Diane R. Kelly, William P. Stricos, Robert C. Breslau, Judy Simonian, David A. Rhoades, Charles B. Vrooman, Christopher A. Gallelli, Christopher D. Warren, Patrick Wolfe, Linda C. Amsler, Florence E. Greene, Virginia G. Hungerford, Robert M. Commerford, Dennis A. Armstrong, Marvin Sagliocca, Gerard J. Haughney, Derek M. Esposito, Michael J. Ermolenko, Guerman Green, Martin E. Parsons, Michael J. 166,400 126,900 268,600 192,700 144,100 135,900 154,400 120,400 120,700 271,600 114,700 6,000 181,700 251,700 209,600 164,300 154,000 180,500 188,800 163,200 156,000 174,400 230,300 278,100 315,100 284,900 141,200 158,100 165,500 199,100 0 160,000 304,900 276,700 271,000 277,100 319,350 33,300 25,400 53,700 38,500 28,800 27,200 30,900 24,100 24,100 54,300 22,900 6,000 36,300 50,300 41,900 32,900 30,800 36,100 37,800 32,600 31,200 34,900 46,100 55,600 63,000 57,000 28,200 31,600 33,100 39,800 0 38,700 61,000 55,300 54,200 55,400 63,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,027,950 Page 117 of 347 1,416,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 166,400 126,900 268,600 192,700 144,100 135,900 154,400 120,400 120,700 271,600 114,700 6,000 181,700 251,700 209,600 164,300 154,000 180,500 188,800 163,200 156,000 174,400 230,300 278,100 315,100 284,900 141,200 158,100 165,500 199,100 0 160,000 304,900 276,700 271,000 277,100 319,350 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 220 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-384 92-228 IH-432 04-930 99-73 05-1244 01-1222 86-54 00-1164 2011 2013 74-335 92-70 2010 95-754 2015 07-0199 2011 03-1308 03-1308 2013 05-0236 2014 97-187 2014 04-523 2012 2011 78-376 2011 89-1171 2012 2014 2015 00-254 96-1064 2011 7,027,950 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.18-2-41 27.18-2-42 27.18-2-43 27.18-2-44 27.18-2-45 27.18-2-46 27.18-2-47 27.18-2-48 27.18-2-49 27.18-2-50 27.18-2-51 27.18-2-52 27.18-2-53 27.18-2-54 27.18-2-55 27.18-2-56 27.18-2-57 27.19-1-1 27.19-1-2.2 27.19-1-2.3 27.19-1-2.4 27.19-1-2.51 27.19-1-3 27.19-1-4 27.19-1-5.1 27.19-1-5.2 27.19-1-5.3 27.19-1-6 27.19-1-7 27.19-1-8 27.19-1-9 27.19-1-10 27.19-1-11 27.19-1-12 27.19-1-13 27.19-1-14 27.19-1-15.1 Sweeney, Joseph Cerutti, David D. Mattson, Matthew C. Weicman, Beth DeOrazio, Russell J. Cady, Mary Ann Brown, Robert Aaron Phillips, Carol L. Rotondi, Dominic L. Couture, Bernard A. Jr. Smith, Robert T. Ryan, Jason McQuade, Raymond P. Cahill, John T. Schultz, James R. Martini, Gary Paul Henderson, Michael B. LARAPA LLC Price, Marshall L. LARAPA, LLC GPC Management Co LLC LARAPA, LLC LARAPA, LLC Serafini Builders Inc Guilderland Court Holdings LLC Serafini Builders Inc Serafini Builders Inc Dame, Paul E. Bailey, Kimberley Gonzalez, Imelda Depersis, Ronald DePersis, William A. Cohen, Donald J. Depersis, Daniel P. Bowers, Paul R. Gross, Nathan A. Serafini, Angelo 260,300 407,100 291,400 313,600 293,700 304,700 305,900 263,000 308,200 305,900 275,900 325,600 319,200 306,400 291,400 302,900 300,800 135,500 210,100 173,100 568,600 91,400 195,700 1,000 803,400 78,800 78,100 171,100 231,000 140,000 220,800 159,400 172,800 192,700 187,200 103,900 226,200 52,100 87,000 58,300 62,700 58,700 60,900 61,200 52,600 61,600 61,200 55,200 65,100 63,800 61,300 58,300 60,600 60,200 27,100 41,200 36,100 113,500 25,800 72,100 1,000 200,900 78,800 78,100 34,200 46,200 28,000 44,200 31,900 34,600 38,500 37,400 20,800 89,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,316,800 Page 118 of 347 2,120,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 260,300 407,100 291,400 313,600 293,700 304,700 305,900 263,000 308,200 305,900 275,900 325,600 319,200 306,400 291,400 302,900 300,800 135,500 210,100 173,100 568,600 91,400 195,700 1,000 803,400 78,800 78,100 171,100 231,000 140,000 220,800 159,400 172,800 192,700 187,200 103,900 226,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 485 483 465 484 411 692 411 330 330 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 05-0237 2010 07-0200 06-980 08-0373 2014 2015 2015 98-1053 02-268 96-1064 2014 IH-434 00-419 96-1064 97-211 97-189 2013 03-1024 2013 08-0714 08-0485 08-0485 03-1024 2012 06-224 02-1105 05-1166 02-1203 IH-435 92-293 2012 81-570 00-1033 89-1251 2010 2015 9,316,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 27.19-1-15.2 27.19-1-16.1 27.19-1-16.2 27.19-1-17 27.19-1-18 27.19-1-19 27.19-1-20 27.19-1-21 27.19-1-22 27.19-1-23 27.19-1-24.1 27.19-1-24.2 27.19-1-25 27.19-1-26 27.19-1-27 27.19-1-28 27.19-1-29 27.19-1-30 27.19-1-31 27.19-1-32 27.19-1-33 27.19-1-34.1 27.19-1-34.2 27.19-1-35 27.19-1-36.1 27.19-1-36.2 27.19-1-37 27.19-1-38 27.19-1-39 27.19-1-40 27.19-1-41 27.19-1-43 27.19-1-44.2 27.19-2-1 27.19-2-2 27.19-2-3 27.19-2-4 Serafini, Angelo Jensen, Suzanne M. Hanna, William R. Capano, Jason M. Skrinik, Aleksander Krieg, Mark A. Rother, William H. Tupper, Christopher Hoenig, Laura Pang, Samuel S. Palmo, Gary R. Mitronovas, Walter Broderick, Patrick Piazza, Noelle Norfleet, Charles R. Jr. Zielinski, Ronald E. Breden, Robert C. DeMello, Margaret L. Purtell, Edna Marie McMahon, Matthew J. Laviano, John Leonard, Adam Carson, Carolyn C. Brown, Terry Shave, Stephen J. Sr. Serafini, Angelo Polsinelli, Vincenza Serafini, Angelo Depersis, Daniel P. Muia, Joseph III. Tetreault, William R. MD. Kagas, Gerasimos Prescribed Realty LLC Golan, Lorraine Hecker, Albert J. Young, Paula M. Bradley, Judy M. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40,400 187,300 274,700 35,000 124,300 142,100 116,500 114,100 111,300 120,200 154,700 163,500 152,500 176,100 204,400 187,200 132,200 136,000 136,700 134,900 271,100 120,800 193,000 128,000 125,000 1,000 71,600 5,000 55,400 99,400 129,800 296,600 2,777,300 182,800 162,300 118,100 160,500 40,400 37,500 58,100 52,200 24,800 28,400 23,300 22,800 22,300 24,000 30,900 32,700 30,500 35,200 40,900 37,400 26,400 27,200 27,300 27,000 54,200 24,200 38,600 25,600 25,000 1,000 41,200 5,000 55,400 19,900 26,000 82,400 270,000 36,600 32,500 23,600 32,100 7,741,800 Page 119 of 347 1,442,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 40,400 187,300 290,500 260,900 124,300 142,100 116,500 114,100 111,300 120,200 154,700 163,500 152,500 176,100 204,400 187,200 132,200 136,000 136,700 134,900 271,100 120,800 193,000 128,000 125,000 1,000 71,600 5,000 55,400 99,400 129,800 296,600 2,777,300 182,800 162,300 118,100 160,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 484 311 311 210 210 422 465 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 90-1321 07-0203 2015 2015 2014 95-1185 2012 04-377 2010 06-789 96-1094 88-657 08-0680 2012 2011 87-270 80-610 2011 93-74 2014 2014 2009 2015 2011 87-829 87-829 88-1224 99-1028 04-1388 07-1064 00-670 08-0620 2012 02-270 2014 2014 7,983,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.19-2-5 27.19-2-6 27.19-2-7 27.19-2-8 27.19-2-9 27.19-2-10 27.19-2-11 27.19-2-12 27.19-2-13 27.19-2-14 27.19-2-15 27.19-2-16 27.19-2-17 27.19-2-18 27.19-2-19 27.19-2-20 27.19-2-21 27.19-2-22 27.19-2-23 27.19-2-24 27.19-2-25 27.19-2-26 27.19-2-37 27.19-2-38 27.19-2-39 27.19-2-40 27.19-2-41 27.19-2-42 27.19-2-43 27.19-2-44 27.19-2-45 27.19-2-46 27.19-2-47 27.19-2-48 27.19-2-49 27.19-2-50 27.19-2-51 DeVost, Ann M. Drumm, Kathleen W. McLasky, Michael W. Fischer, Carol L. Meyers, Robert Heiserman, Michael T. Gulbrandsen, Edward Durand, Thomas J. Jr. Hourihan, Patrick R. Reluzco, George Vellutino, Frank R. Collorafi, Joseph Simpson, William H. III. Czesak, Anne C. Zukowski, Barbara J. Primett, Daniel C. Smith, Owen E. Jr. Ochs, Randy J. Mihok, Marie B. Culella, Joseph Kotmel, Allan V. McNally, Terrance J. Balshan, Reeva C. Reavis, Catherine E. Dura, Suzanne Guarino, James M. Brittell, Mark S. Cortelyou, James Daniel Falcone, Victor G. Grimshaw, Susan Lavalley, Douglas R. Lai, Yi Xun Guardian Preservation LLC Gu, Subin Khare, Prasanna Melton, Russell G. Kollar, Thomas W & Kathleen M. 138,500 223,000 190,100 151,300 145,400 189,300 222,500 177,000 220,400 215,000 221,500 233,900 216,200 189,500 242,200 191,800 183,300 183,700 170,200 191,100 205,200 146,200 319,300 175,400 128,000 176,100 252,900 168,000 148,000 178,200 182,900 170,600 176,000 275,200 273,700 245,800 297,100 27,700 44,600 38,000 30,300 29,100 37,900 44,500 35,400 44,100 43,000 44,300 46,800 43,200 37,900 48,400 38,400 36,700 36,700 34,000 38,200 41,000 29,200 63,900 35,100 25,600 35,200 50,600 33,600 29,600 35,600 36,600 34,100 35,200 55,000 54,700 49,200 59,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,414,500 Page 120 of 347 1,482,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 138,500 223,000 190,100 151,300 145,400 189,300 222,500 177,000 220,400 215,000 221,500 233,900 216,200 189,500 242,200 191,800 183,300 183,700 170,200 191,100 205,200 146,200 319,300 175,400 128,000 176,100 252,900 168,000 148,000 178,200 182,900 170,600 176,000 275,200 273,700 245,800 297,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 2015 2014 81-333 04-1139 96-175 69-449 2010 00-257 08-0501 85-1137 93-666 92-246 IH-436 IH-504 00-420 04-379 01-673 86-156 01-648 77-105 2014 2010 98-1058 05-1246 2013 2013 2015 99-474 00-1003 93-76 2013 2012 01-92 2013 87-277 08-0158 7,414,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.19-2-52 27.19-2-53 27.19-2-54 27.19-2-55 27.19-2-56 27.19-2-57 27.19-2-58 27.19-2-59 27.19-2-60 27.19-2-61 27.19-2-62 27.19-2-63 27.19-2-64 27.19-2-65 27.19-2-66 27.19-2-67 27.19-2-68 27.19-2-69 27.19-2-70 27.19-2-71 27.19-2-72 27.19-2-73 27.19-2-74 27.19-2-75 27.19-2-76 27.19-2-77 27.19-3-1.1 27.19-3-1.2 27.19-3-2 27.19-3-3 27.19-3-4 27.19-3-5 27.19-3-6 27.19-3-7 27.19-3-8 27.19-3-9 27.19-3-10 Sullivan, Thomas J. Dai, Renchang Ruggiero, Anthony R. Tice, Matthew F. Thomson, Jill E. Lenet, Ross S. Nogami, Takeshi Abreu, Daniel J. Swift, Donald R. Nelson, Susan H. Masucci, Michael D. Shadrick, Henry F. Walton, Michael B. Spiak, David J. Rickert, Douglas G. Heath, John P. Bazicki, Philip C. Wroczynski, Ronald J. Bolognino, Daniel J. Ryan, Thomas Frey, Joseph P. Pranis, Steven Penman, David L. Ryan, Michael J. Pasinella, Michael A. Doney, Richard Dicocco, Rolando Dicocco, Rolando Friebel, Leonard E. Marotta , Mary J. Zielinski, George S. Bender, Joline T. Rodriguez, Edwin M. Carter, Cedric A. Ismail, Ahamed J. McMillen, Robert A. VII. Coppola, Josephine 261,400 270,600 304,500 282,000 261,500 282,200 271,000 281,600 272,000 270,400 280,900 270,900 270,900 283,700 270,900 308,500 253,600 271,000 271,300 271,200 270,500 253,200 275,100 261,400 260,600 261,700 123,600 181,900 70,900 95,600 220,000 253,300 271,300 252,300 263,400 258,900 239,800 52,300 54,100 60,900 56,400 52,300 56,400 54,200 56,300 54,400 54,100 56,200 54,200 54,200 56,700 54,200 61,700 50,700 54,200 54,300 54,200 54,100 50,600 55,000 52,300 52,100 52,300 40,000 50,000 14,200 19,100 47,700 50,700 54,300 50,500 52,700 51,800 48,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,323,600 Page 121 of 347 1,897,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 261,400 270,600 304,500 282,000 261,500 282,200 271,000 281,600 272,000 270,400 280,900 270,900 270,900 283,700 270,900 308,500 253,600 271,000 271,300 271,200 270,500 253,200 275,100 261,400 260,600 261,700 123,600 181,900 70,900 95,600 220,000 253,300 271,300 252,300 263,400 258,900 239,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 483 485 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-438 2011 2013 2010 IH-440 2011 07-0207 89-638 88-1026 02-442 88-1028 GD05-119 2015 88-1031 2015 2014 06-770 GD05-247 97-283 99-123 89-1012 97-214 IH-442 00-1289 2014IH 88-1037 08-0080 07-0209 06-983 96-58 2010GD#33 89-1013 06-066 04-524 00-1411 02-1005 99-196 9,323,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 27.19-3-11 27.19-3-12 27.19-3-13 27.19-3-14 27.19-3-15 27.19-3-16 27.19-3-17 27.19-3-18 27.19-3-19 27.19-3-20 27.19-3-21 27.19-3-22 27.19-3-23 27.19-3-24 27.19-3-25 27.19-3-26 27.19-3-27 27.19-3-28 27.19-3-29 27.19-3-30 27.19-3-31 27.19-3-32 27.19-3-33 27.19-3-34 27.19-3-35 27.19-3-36 27.19-3-37 27.19-3-38 27.19-3-39.1 27.19-3-39.2 27.19-3-40 27.19-3-41 27.19-3-42.1 27.19-3-42.2 27.19-3-42.3 27.20-1-1 27.20-1-2 Hamor, John B. II. Subramanian, Seshadri Shepard, Jason R E Magenis, James J. Calarco, Paul E. Jr. Vachon, Francois M. Teal, Peter Barbash, Rachel A. Fountain, Daniel G. Rutkowski, Eileen A. Sarrosa, Nonito Sandy, Robert M. Jr. Reeves, Linda M. Messercola, David W. Nathaniel Place Smith, Sean A. Mazzone, James A. Pezze, Frank P. III. Tresansky, Thomas Loucks, Paul R. Huq, Shamim Vachon, Marc A. Mule, Lawrence C. Jr. Beeble, Gary M. Christian, Pamela J. Nathaniel Place Giardenelli, Daniel Luck, William D. Wilson, James T. Wilson, William F. White, Richard J. Fusco, David Carman Realty LLC Nguyen, Son V. Rozak, Keith S. Giardina, Anthony Michaelides, John Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 201,500 263,300 253,400 204,200 241,500 262,700 257,900 252,600 255,900 215,700 263,400 230,800 233,100 239,800 3,900 228,400 241,600 263,700 239,600 252,000 239,800 264,200 237,000 237,700 200,400 700 134,600 132,600 62,500 30,000 220,000 64,500 2,420,000 227,900 208,000 142,000 134,800 40,300 52,700 50,700 40,800 48,300 52,500 51,600 50,500 51,200 43,100 52,700 46,200 46,600 48,000 3,900 45,700 48,300 52,700 47,900 50,400 48,000 52,800 47,400 47,500 40,100 700 26,900 26,500 52,500 53,000 128,800 64,500 736,500 45,600 41,600 28,400 27,000 9,561,700 Page 122 of 347 2,391,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 201,500 263,300 253,400 204,200 241,500 262,700 257,900 252,600 255,900 215,700 263,400 230,800 233,100 239,800 3,900 228,400 241,600 263,700 239,600 252,000 239,800 264,200 237,000 237,700 200,400 700 134,600 132,600 62,500 265,500 220,000 64,500 2,420,000 227,900 208,000 142,000 134,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 312 210 449 330 485 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-445 2013 06-067 03-925 2014 IH-447 07-0210 02-1205 2015 89-1042 07-1065 2010 96-758 00-1290 92-497 03-926 95-1120 IH-450 2010 91-695 94-118 2013 2015 08-1083 2012 89-122 IH-452 93-1094 2014 2015 04-1479 94-562 2013 07-1066 02-679 2013 2010 9,797,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.20-1-3 27.20-1-4 27.20-1-5 27.20-1-6 27.20-1-7 27.20-1-8 27.20-1-9 27.20-1-11 27.20-1-12 27.20-1-13 27.20-1-14 27.20-1-15 27.20-1-16 27.20-1-17 27.20-1-18 27.20-1-19 27.20-1-20 27.20-1-21 27.20-1-22 27.20-1-23 27.20-1-24 27.20-1-25 27.20-1-26 27.20-1-27 27.20-1-28 27.20-1-29 27.20-1-30 27.20-1-31 27.20-1-32 27.20-1-33 27.20-1-35 27.20-1-36 27.20-1-37 27.20-1-38 27.20-1-39 27.20-1-40 27.20-1-41 Sweeney, Timothy Polsinelli, Frederico G. Wagner, Robert G. Mercado, Eliezer OShaughnessy, Brian Byrns, Michael W. Olechowski, Michael P. Kershaw, David Macaione, Michael A. Wagner, William F. Breedlove, Thomas E. Krawchuk, Barry D. Weiss, David A. Floyd, William G. Sprague, Laura A. Konecny, Christine Marie Weinlein, Gary J. OKeefe, Robert J. Greene, Harold F. Bliven, Dean Benacquista, Josephine Petrucco, John P. Webb, Daryl E. Cahill, Joan Oliva, Joseph J. Fialkoff, David Revitt, Thomas S. Rufer, Sean V. McGuinness, James T. Miller, Marvin Glisson, Daniel P. Perrino Anthony G & Marilyn A, Revoc Trust Perrino, Marilyn Solimando, Peter C. Solimando, Peter C. Perrino Anthony G & Marilyn A, Revoc Trust Perrino Anthony G & Marilyn A, Revoc Trust 175,400 175,700 134,000 160,600 160,200 126,500 174,400 222,100 207,300 177,000 207,300 224,100 213,000 275,000 167,200 209,600 237,600 186,300 233,700 162,800 119,400 190,000 214,600 204,000 195,100 262,000 197,700 112,000 177,500 220,500 193,000 39,900 186,200 162,100 5,000 5,000 5,000 35,100 35,100 26,800 32,100 32,000 25,300 34,900 44,400 41,500 35,400 41,500 44,800 42,600 63,200 33,400 41,900 47,500 37,300 46,700 32,600 23,900 38,000 42,900 40,800 39,000 52,400 39,500 22,400 35,500 44,100 38,600 33,100 37,200 32,400 5,000 5,000 5,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,318,800 Page 123 of 347 1,308,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 175,400 175,700 134,000 160,600 160,200 126,500 174,400 222,100 207,300 177,000 207,300 224,100 213,000 275,000 167,200 209,600 237,600 186,300 233,700 163,700 119,400 190,000 214,600 204,000 195,100 262,000 197,700 112,000 177,500 220,500 193,000 39,900 186,200 162,100 5,000 5,000 5,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 312 210 210 311 311 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0285 2012 02-443 2014 09-0067 2012 2014 2013 IH-507 2010 2014 89-532 98-766 GD11#90 05-0242 07-0212 2014 90-440 06-984 2015 80-162 01-993 00-421 74-752 88-57 87-798 78-232 2015 05-0243 07-0214 89-125 00-261 00-262 03-849 02-1207 00-263 00-263 6,319,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 27.20-1-42 27.20-1-43 27.20-1-44 27.20-1-46 27.20-1-51 27.20-1-52 27.20-1-53 27.20-1-56 27.20-1-57 27.20-1-58 27.20-1-59 27.20-1-60 27.20-1-61 27.20-2-1 27.20-2-2 27.20-2-3 27.20-2-4 27.20-2-5 27.20-2-6 27.20-2-7 27.20-2-8 27.20-2-9 27.20-2-10 27.20-2-11 27.20-2-12 27.20-2-13 27.20-2-14 27.20-2-15 27.20-2-16 28.00-1-1 28.00-1-3 28.00-1-4 28.00-1-5.1 28.00-1-5.2 28.00-1-5.3 28.00-1-6 28.00-1-7 Regels, Arnold E. Finlan, Donna M. Dillon, William E & Linda M Jr. Dillon, William E & Linda M Jr. Benno, Elli Masters, Carmen Davis, Theodore R. Revitt, Matthew S. Herbst, Martin T. Smith, Leta D. Tarpinian, William Berger, Jo Ellen Price, Wayne L. Polsinelli, Frederico G. Klindtworth, Jason K. Giardina, Anthony Xue, Hanhong DeGrocco, Kenneth Polsinelli, Biagio Jr. Vachon, Francois M. Polsinelli, Vincenza Polsinelli, Frederico G. McLaughlin, Carleen R. Gitto, Antonino Popolizio, Vincenzo Draiss, Scott W. Polsinelli, Vincenza Polsinelli, Vincenza Guilderland Town of Valentine, Benjamin Pustolka, Dianne M. Pustolka, Diane M. Toth, Andrew W. Jr. Dergosits, Emery Joseph Dergosits, Emery Joseph Toth, Susan Lynn Toth, Elaine F. 161,400 125,400 318,700 5,000 184,000 5,000 130,000 374,200 328,300 362,100 310,900 288,000 311,500 118,000 408,800 403,200 365,000 533,700 453,200 91,000 91,000 488,000 520,400 471,450 440,000 404,400 1,000 5,000 50,600 68,600 220,900 39,600 54,900 10,000 158,900 169,800 171,200 32,300 25,100 63,700 5,000 36,800 5,000 26,000 74,800 65,700 72,400 62,200 57,600 62,300 23,600 81,800 80,600 85,300 106,700 90,600 91,000 91,000 97,600 104,100 94,300 91,000 80,900 1,000 5,000 33,100 68,600 82,100 39,600 54,900 10,000 31,800 34,000 34,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,643,150 Page 124 of 347 2,101,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 161,400 125,400 318,700 5,000 184,000 5,000 130,000 374,200 328,300 362,100 310,900 288,000 311,500 118,000 408,800 403,200 365,000 533,700 453,200 91,000 91,000 488,000 520,400 471,450 440,000 404,400 1,000 5,000 50,600 68,600 220,900 39,600 54,900 10,000 158,900 169,800 171,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 311 220 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 853 322 240 311 322 311 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 74-601 07-0215 2013 2013 2010 2012 72-747 06-390 06-391 2010 2014 2014 IH-456A 2012 2013 05-182 GD11#81 2015 GD05-270 2010 2012 GD05-255A 09-0068 2010GD#48 2009 07-0216 2012 2012 91-982 740677 89-1016 2012 00-1291 02-1375 02-1375 90-369 88-362 8,643,150 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 28.00-1-8 28.00-1-9 28.00-1-10 28.00-1-12 28.00-1-13 28.00-1-14 28.00-1-15 28.00-1-16 28.00-1-17 28.00-1-18.1 28.00-1-18.2 28.00-1-18.3 28.00-1-19 28.00-1-20 28.00-1-21 28.00-1-22.1 28.00-1-22.3 28.00-1-22.4 28.00-1-22.5 28.00-1-22.6 28.00-1-22.7 28.00-1-22.21 28.00-1-22.22 28.00-1-23 28.00-1-24.1 28.00-1-24.2 28.00-1-24.3 28.00-1-24.4 28.00-1-24.5 28.00-1-24.6 28.00-1-24.7 28.00-1-24.8 28.00-1-25.2 28.00-1-25.3 28.00-1-25.4 28.00-1-25.5 28.00-1-25.6 Toth, Andrew W. Jr. Costello, Louis J. Pigliavento, Raymond L. Jr. Pacelli, Eben Pigliavento, Jenny Pigliavento, James Pigliavento, Lee Paul Vink, Barbara A. Snyder, Ross M. Pigliavento, Raymond & Arlene Pigliavento, Robert L. Pigliavento, Vincent J. Jr. Pigliavento, Robert L. New York Assoc for the Conlon, Patrick R. Reinhart, Nicole Kramek, William C. Saccocio, Michael A. McCleary, Roger Teutschman, Diane Elfant, Steven Jurgelon, Phillip A. II. Maloney, Patrick J. Buda, Elaine E. Ferraro, Francis A. Jr. Farewood Associates Fusco, Raffaele Reihs, Christopher S. Alesio, Carl Vertucci, Michael Phelan, Kathy Ann Bucciferro, Anthony Beck, James M. Alger, Wayne Moran, Mark J. Piechota, Ronald S. OShea, Lawrence Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 8,000 107,100 165,200 100,200 117,500 196,000 250,600 141,000 164,700 163,700 2,600 229,800 1,600 7,049,200 520,800 177,800 250,000 177,700 179,200 187,700 177,100 213,700 39,800 138,000 253,200 23,800 178,000 222,700 178,000 166,600 194,300 175,000 168,000 198,300 189,400 154,600 288,500 8,000 21,400 33,000 20,000 23,500 39,200 50,100 28,200 32,900 73,000 2,600 42,300 1,600 205,200 153,000 35,600 52,800 35,500 35,800 48,700 35,400 42,700 39,800 27,600 50,600 23,800 35,600 44,500 35,600 33,300 38,900 35,000 33,600 39,700 37,900 30,900 57,700 13,149,400 Page 125 of 347 1,585,000 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 8,000 107,100 165,200 100,200 117,500 196,000 250,600 141,000 164,700 163,700 2,600 211,300 1,600 7,049,200 520,800 177,800 250,000 177,700 179,200 187,700 177,100 213,700 39,800 138,000 253,200 23,800 178,000 222,700 178,000 166,600 194,300 175,000 168,000 198,300 189,400 154,600 288,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 120 140 220 140 614 210 220 220 220 220 220 220 210 311 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 00-1291 90-156 93-835 05-0244 08-1099 90-1272 87-801 80-388 93-78 87-803 2012 2015 2012 08-0621 2011 92-655 2012 00-671 06-392 06-393 02-368 2011 80-16 72-475 04-808 89-207 04-1050 02-682 2014 93-79 06-986 97-217 2013 07-0217 08-0374 89-128 00-422 13,130,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 28.00-1-26 28.00-1-27.2 28.00-1-27.3 28.00-1-27.4 28.00-1-27.5 28.00-1-28 28.00-1-31 28.00-1-33 28.00-1-34 28.00-1-37.1 28.00-1-37.2 28.00-1-37.3 28.00-1-38 28.00-1-39 28.00-1-40 28.00-1-41.1 28.00-1-41.2 28.00-1-42 28.00-1-43.1 28.00-1-44 28.00-1-45 28.00-1-46 28.00-1-47 28.00-1-48 28.00-1-49 28.00-1-50.1 28.00-1-50.2 28.00-1-51 28.00-1-52.1 28.00-1-52.3 28.00-1-52.4 28.00-1-53 28.00-1-54.1 28.00-1-54.2 28.00-1-54.3 28.00-1-54.4 28.00-1-54.6 Kilmer, Kenneth Davis, William R. Beadnell, Gary S. Edwards, Eileen Beadnell, Gary Almy, James J. Sr. Roberti, Joseph F. DeMartino, James Geoghegan, James Davis, Margaret G. Davis, Margaret G. Kuchis, Anthony J. Begley, James A. Pieck, Stephanie L. Sholtes, Joyce J. Lasher, Robert D. Lasher, Robert Colonie Town of Nature Conservancy, The Assenheimer, William G. Slyke, Garry C. Bennett, Jeffrey A. Fuller, James L. Fuller, James L. Rhodes, Janet L. Berigan, John C. Halloran, Timothy F. Wiley, Caroline McClearnen, Nancy J. Fuller, Fredrick L. Kline, Stephen T. Kline, Stephen T. Gammans, Michael A. Gammans, Michael A. Mitchell, George M. Legowski, Walter J. Natale, Livio L. 173,100 176,800 195,700 204,400 34,100 153,700 48,400 154,600 135,300 200,600 42,500 217,400 151,300 145,300 330,800 178,500 138,300 211,200 200,000 399,200 169,300 200,100 38,000 160,600 125,200 219,800 156,000 151,800 176,000 253,600 0 155,200 34,900 201,200 214,400 235,000 220,700 34,600 35,400 39,100 75,000 34,100 30,700 48,400 30,900 27,100 40,100 42,500 43,500 30,300 29,100 153,000 35,700 27,700 211,200 200,000 79,800 33,900 40,000 38,000 51,400 25,000 44,000 31,200 30,400 35,200 50,700 0 31,000 34,900 40,200 42,900 47,000 44,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,203,000 Page 126 of 347 1,868,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 173,100 176,800 195,700 204,400 34,100 153,700 48,400 154,600 135,300 200,600 42,500 217,400 151,300 145,300 330,800 178,500 138,300 211,200 200,000 399,200 169,300 200,100 38,000 160,600 125,200 219,800 156,000 151,800 176,000 253,600 0 155,200 34,900 201,200 214,400 235,000 220,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 240 311 210 311 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 920 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 311 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0781 02-683 2013 2010 03-0434 2014 2011 2014 IH-464 01-1140 01-1140 03-0585 79-208 GD11vs 82-601 84-837 85-459 94-1226 97-1124 IH-509 94-681 2014 2014 2014 97-339 01-97 2015 2010 2012 06-987 96-921 96-919 96-920 85-1126 04-897 85-824 89-9029 6,203,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 28.00-1-54.7 28.00-1-54.8 28.00-1-55.1 28.00-1-55.2 28.00-1-56 28.00-1-57 28.00-1-58 28.00-1-59 28.00-1-60 28.00-1-61 28.00-1-62 28.00-1-63 28.00-1-64 28.00-1-65 28.00-1-66 28.00-1-67 28.00-2-1.2 28.00-2-1.3 28.00-2-1.4 28.00-2-1.5 28.00-2-1.6 28.00-2-1.11 28.00-2-1.12 28.00-2-1.13 28.00-2-1.14 28.00-2-1.15 28.00-2-1.16 28.00-2-1.17 28.00-2-1.18 28.00-2-2.1 28.00-2-2.2 28.00-2-3 28.00-2-4 28.00-2-5 28.00-2-6 28.00-2-7 28.00-2-8 Houtaling, Jeremy J. Ehlinger, Matthew J. Gianfagna, Daniel State The People of New York, The New York State of Casey, Leah W. Smith, Andrew E. Qasem, Sayed M. McKeehan, Cindy Seeley, Russell S. Andrews, Michael F. Foti, Gerald Braun, Sherie Bruce, David W. Martino, Paul J. Adams, Charles F. Orsini, Megan E. Hunt, Charles S. Murley, James Marcella, John R. Guilderland Town of Harrington, Rosalie F. Dickson, Suzanne Schweigert, Michael J. St Clair, Wayne Best, Dale K. Ramsey, Kim M. Hesham, Hashim M. Ketchell, Michael P. Black Creek Associates LLC New York State, The People of Pigliavento, Robert L. Pigliavento, Robert L. Bedoya, Carlos M. Aldrich, Christopher R. Zarecki, Douglas E. Sakwa, Samuel A. 157,900 284,500 198,300 200,000 202,100 183,700 186,700 203,800 187,800 218,900 188,300 183,700 175,100 190,500 148,100 170,300 196,800 200,300 143,200 311,000 165,400 320,000 326,400 345,500 298,800 260,100 322,100 415,500 232,400 151,200 200,000 201,300 166,300 149,500 160,100 196,000 215,600 31,600 56,900 39,700 200,000 202,100 36,700 37,300 40,800 37,600 43,800 37,700 36,700 35,000 42,900 39,600 34,100 39,400 40,100 28,600 86,000 165,400 64,000 65,300 69,100 59,800 52,000 64,400 83,100 46,500 52,700 200,000 68,600 33,300 29,900 32,000 39,200 43,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,057,200 Page 127 of 347 2,315,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 157,900 284,500 198,300 200,000 202,100 183,700 186,700 203,800 187,800 218,900 188,300 183,700 175,100 214,300 148,100 170,300 196,800 200,300 143,200 429,800 165,400 320,000 326,400 345,500 298,800 260,100 322,100 415,500 232,400 151,200 200,000 201,300 166,300 149,500 160,100 196,000 215,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 910 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 963 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 120 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2014 2015 2013 88-441 IH-468 2011 07-1067 05-0247 2015 99-492 06-396 04-1480 2015 96-398 08-0622 2010 07-0707 06-1028 2015 85-705 06-1028 IH-470 GD05-151 07-0628 2010 06-226 06-1028 07-0221 08-0927 2010 2012 72-433 2010 2015 2011 2010 8,199,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 28.00-2-9 28.00-2-10 28.00-2-11.1 28.00-2-11.2 28.00-2-11.3 28.00-2-12 28.00-2-14.1 28.00-2-14.2 28.00-2-15 28.00-2-16 28.00-2-17 28.00-2-18 28.00-2-19 28.00-2-20 28.00-3-1.1 28.00-3-2 28.00-3-3 28.00-3-4 28.00-3-5 28.00-3-6 28.00-3-7.1 28.00-3-7.2 28.00-3-7.4 28.00-3-7.5 28.00-3-7.6 28.00-3-7.7 28.00-3-7.31 28.00-3-7.32 28.00-3-8.1 28.00-3-8.2 28.00-3-13 28.00-3-14.1 28.00-3-17 28.00-3-18 28.00-3-19 28.00-3-20 28.00-3-21 Coles, Michael G. Hartmark, Leif S. Neary, Adam M. Strollo, Stacey J. Stotts, John J. Tucker, Gordon R. Lee, Sean Y. Nieves, Raphael New York State Dept of New York State Dept of New York State Dept of New York State Dept of New York State Dept of New York State Dept of Guilderland Town of Whitbeck, Charles J. Hines, Wayne L. Norgrove, Jessica A. Hulett, Garry R. DiCaprio, Joseph II. Guilderland Town of Marcella, John D. Malanga, Anthony L. Clarke, Noreen V. Church, James A. Selig, William Battista, Richard A. Fraley, Charles J. Guilderland Town of Duffy, Joseph M. New York State Dept of New York State Dept of New York State New York State New York State New York State Cornetti, Jeanna M. 173,100 229,200 572,700 575,300 550,600 252,900 650,000 598,800 50,500 43,900 43,300 50,200 103,400 66,700 1,000 228,100 232,800 204,400 97,700 162,900 335,000 430,300 327,100 233,200 549,900 80,100 256,300 347,300 595,000 219,700 213,000 824,500 595,400 215,000 41,400 44,800 176,900 52,600 45,800 114,500 115,100 110,100 50,600 153,000 152,100 50,500 43,900 43,300 50,200 103,400 66,700 1,000 45,600 46,600 40,900 19,500 32,600 335,000 86,100 65,400 46,600 110,000 80,100 51,300 69,500 395,000 43,900 213,000 824,500 595,400 215,000 41,400 44,800 35,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,372,400 Page 128 of 347 4,590,400 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 173,100 229,200 572,700 575,300 550,600 252,900 650,000 598,800 50,500 43,900 43,300 50,200 103,400 66,700 1,000 228,100 232,800 204,400 97,700 162,900 335,000 430,300 327,100 233,200 549,900 80,100 256,300 347,300 595,000 219,700 213,000 824,500 595,400 215,000 41,400 44,800 176,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 210 220 210 210 210 220 210 210 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 220 210 220 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 963 210 970 970 970 970 970 970 220 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 Account Nbr 03-0039 01-929 2015gd#37 2012 04-1229 06-1109 SC35-05 07-0220 84-135 84-487 84-137 84-139 84-140 2010 09-0069 03-1111 2013 07-0222 04-69 04-537 06-1028 2010 07-0223 2010 2014 2011 2011 2009 2011 00-1242 00-1242 96-927 78-961 96-927 83-27 2010 10,372,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 28.00-3-22 28.00-3-23 28.00-4-1 28.00-5-1 28.05-1-1 28.05-1-2 28.05-1-3 28.05-1-4 28.05-1-5 28.05-1-6 28.05-1-7 28.05-1-8.1 28.05-1-8.2 28.05-1-8.3 28.05-1-10 28.05-1-11 28.05-1-12 28.05-1-13 28.05-2-1 28.05-2-2 28.05-2-3 28.05-2-4 28.05-2-5 28.05-2-6 28.05-2-7.2 28.05-2-7.11 28.05-2-7.12 28.05-2-7.13 28.05-2-8 28.05-2-9 28.05-2-10 28.05-2-11 28.05-2-12 28.05-2-13 28.11-1-1 28.11-1-2 28.11-1-3 New York State New York State NiMo dba National Grid New York State Tralongo Builders Inc Tralongo Builders Inc Califano, Paolo Dagostino, Nicola V. Betz, Deborah L. Ayers, Adam L. Cano, Michael J. Wickes, William C. Boyt, Candace Wager, Leonard OConnor, Jane A. DeMarco, Mario Griesemer, Arlene Orsini, Gerald M. Masters, Carmen Massey, Timothy Dussault, William Saltsman, Doreen Casey, Ronald J. Jr. Fagan, William L. III. Crusan, Harold W. Battaglino, Philip Battaglino, Philip Battaglino, Philip Crusan, Linda Ann Ostrowski, Barbara Ruddy, Irene Santilli, Joan A. LaViolette, Louis M. Valachovic, Edward C. Ferraro, Jeffrey S. Coelho, Carlos Michael Schleede, Christopher Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 78,300 40,600 48,200 6,100,000 700 35,100 308,500 270,700 216,700 193,900 269,100 410,600 262,300 323,800 210,000 32,700 162,300 260,800 5,000 270,700 261,500 197,200 216,100 225,500 5,000 70,000 40,000 100 276,300 184,700 212,000 181,000 166,300 144,400 305,800 202,800 152,900 78,300 40,600 48,200 300,000 700 35,100 61,700 54,100 43,300 38,800 53,800 82,100 52,500 64,800 42,000 32,700 33,500 52,200 5,000 54,100 52,300 39,400 43,200 45,100 5,000 70,000 40,000 100 55,300 36,900 42,400 36,200 33,300 28,900 61,200 40,600 30,600 12,341,600 Page 129 of 347 1,834,000 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 78,300 40,600 48,200 6,100,000 700 35,100 308,500 270,700 216,700 193,900 269,100 410,600 262,300 323,800 210,000 32,700 162,300 260,800 5,000 270,700 261,500 197,200 216,100 225,500 5,000 70,000 40,000 100 276,300 184,700 212,000 181,000 166,300 144,400 305,800 202,800 152,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 970 970 380 692 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 311 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 8 8 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 84-138 78-688 07-1211 94-1227 06-227 06-227 08-0897 99-154 06-771 2013 2010 2010 2012 GD2013#43 04-898 06-1350 2010 95-1315 2012 07-0224 2015 IH-511 2010 2013 2012 08-0750 08-0750 08-0750 04-815 2015 02-1214 95-1315 95-1315 2012 08-1196 2015 2009 12,341,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 28.11-1-4 28.11-1-6 28.11-1-7 28.11-1-8 28.11-1-9 28.11-1-10 28.11-1-11 28.11-1-12 28.11-1-13 28.11-1-14 28.11-1-15 28.11-1-16 28.11-1-17 28.11-1-18 28.11-1-19 28.11-1-20 28.11-1-21 28.11-1-22 28.11-1-23 28.11-1-24 28.11-1-25 28.11-1-26 28.11-1-27 28.11-1-28 28.13-1-1 28.13-1-2 28.13-1-3 28.13-1-4 28.13-1-5 28.13-1-6 28.13-1-7 28.13-1-8 28.13-1-9.1 28.13-1-10 28.13-1-11 28.13-1-12 28.13-1-13 Purello, Kathleen Baron, Sharon Carner, Julie A. Gladstone, Debrah L. Ricchiutu, Stephen M. Pruitt, Angela Wozniuk, Nicholas LedDuke, Dennis R. Rogers, Thomas C. Farragher, William J. Baker, Steven L. Baker, Steven L. Cunningham, Mary Bernice Zucaro, Carolyn D. Norfleet, Charles R. Jr. Kopach, Jymmi L. Formichelli, G Robert Seabury, George W. Drake, Thomas E. Hughto, Alesa M. Myers, Douglas A. Smith, James S. Kurtzner, William F. Pulver, Christopher McGaughnea, Susan F. Folderman, William F. Pardee, Barry Cullam, David Hinman, Lawrence Rest, Virginia M. Chiras, Raymond Gralow, Kenneth Keeling, Mark A. Len, Lisa B. Bain, Nathan E. Dorfman, Zachary Peaker, Richard G. 166,200 158,000 173,100 157,300 223,400 144,300 500 130,300 130,800 173,500 167,300 3,500 162,600 170,000 154,400 151,700 187,800 123,600 157,500 138,000 181,500 145,200 162,600 200,000 236,800 218,700 238,600 325,700 238,500 235,700 223,500 205,000 247,600 170,500 183,700 245,200 256,100 33,200 31,600 34,600 31,500 44,700 28,900 500 26,100 26,200 34,700 33,500 3,500 32,500 34,000 30,900 30,300 37,600 24,700 31,500 27,600 36,300 29,000 32,500 40,000 47,400 43,700 47,700 65,100 47,700 47,100 44,700 48,100 49,500 34,100 36,700 49,000 51,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,588,700 Page 130 of 347 1,327,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 166,200 158,000 173,100 157,300 223,400 144,300 500 130,300 130,800 173,500 167,300 3,500 162,600 170,000 154,400 151,700 187,800 123,600 157,500 138,000 181,500 145,200 162,600 200,000 236,800 218,700 238,600 325,700 238,500 235,700 223,500 205,000 247,600 170,500 183,700 245,200 256,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 220 220 220 210 311 210 210 210 210 311 220 220 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0236 2014 08-0450 2015 2013 98-1064 77-545 00-1305 74-483 98-1065 2010 08-0454 2010 06-743 94-124 07-0228 2015 99-1032 97-345 2013 2009 98-1066 72-800 01-102 02-362 2013 04-71 02-446 08-0128 2011 78-584 84-962 2011 2011 2015 2012 2014 6,588,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 28.13-1-14 28.13-1-15 28.13-1-16 28.13-1-17 28.13-1-18 28.13-1-19 28.13-1-20 28.13-1-21 28.13-2-1 28.13-2-2 28.13-2-3 28.13-2-4 28.13-2-5 28.13-2-6 28.13-2-7 28.13-2-8 28.13-2-9 28.13-2-10 28.13-2-11 28.13-2-12 28.13-2-13 28.13-2-14 28.13-2-15 28.14-1-1 28.14-1-2 28.14-1-3 28.14-1-4 28.14-1-5 28.14-1-6 28.14-1-7 28.14-1-8 28.14-1-9 28.14-1-10 28.14-1-11 28.14-1-12 28.14-1-13 28.15-1-1.1 Askew, Gary E. Stevens, Judy Marth Sommo, Patrick J. Anderson, Donald J. New York State Dept of Stollsteimer, Nancy Parks, Norman G. Curry, Dean Lider, Candace G. Armstrong, John C. Razanousky, John Chambers, Joan M. Martinick, Brian Williams, James & Carolyn J. Blankenship, Edward O. Garrison, Matthew D. Davidson, Sean A. DeLuca, Eric Rai, Ravi R. Millis, Albert T J. Higgins, Jennifer A. Meyers, Robert Coonradt, Sherman M. Mitchell, Thomas F. Schroeder, Alan B. Fitzgerald, John S. Mitchell, Raymond G. Jackson, James L. Cordi, Vincent J. McDonnell, Edward J. Kufs, Deborah Schroeder, John C. Flaherty, Kathleen A. Gabree, Harold E. Jr. Babiy, Aleksandr Hargraves, John E. Jr. Westfall, Richard J. 249,000 254,600 237,900 183,200 75,300 247,300 239,700 240,000 178,600 198,300 186,000 187,900 181,100 196,000 207,700 209,000 196,000 206,400 211,700 200,400 190,000 178,500 134,100 218,300 253,300 218,400 241,600 298,800 165,900 165,900 194,500 186,200 162,700 162,900 179,200 173,100 245,000 49,800 50,900 47,600 36,600 75,300 49,500 47,900 48,000 35,700 39,700 37,200 37,600 36,200 39,200 41,500 41,800 39,200 41,300 42,300 40,100 38,000 35,700 26,800 43,700 50,700 43,700 48,300 59,800 33,200 33,200 38,900 37,200 32,500 32,600 35,800 34,600 49,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,454,500 Page 131 of 347 1,551,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 249,000 254,600 237,900 183,200 75,300 247,300 239,700 240,000 178,600 198,300 186,000 187,900 181,100 196,000 207,700 209,000 196,000 206,400 211,700 200,400 190,000 178,500 134,100 218,300 253,300 218,400 241,600 298,800 165,900 165,900 194,500 186,200 162,700 162,900 179,200 173,100 245,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 05-1049 2012 97-552 07-0629 00-1242 IH-478 94-819 2015 2011 94-1177 08-0538 00-351 2013 04-72 78-838 2014 2012 2010 2014 76-925 2010 04-530 08-0463 2012 00-1012 87-550 03-1161 IH-480 IH-481 78-448 2014 92-378 2015 2012 07-0630 93-697 2009 7,454,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 28.15-1-1.2 28.15-1-2 28.15-1-3 28.15-1-4 28.15-1-5 28.15-1-6 28.15-1-7 28.15-1-8 28.15-2-1 28.15-2-2 28.15-2-3 28.15-2-4 28.15-2-5 28.15-2-6 28.15-2-7 28.15-2-8 28.15-2-9 28.15-2-10 28.15-2-11 28.15-2-12 28.15-2-13 28.15-2-14 28.15-2-15 28.15-2-16 28.15-2-17 28.15-2-18 28.15-2-19 28.15-2-20 28.15-2-21 28.15-2-22 28.15-2-23 28.15-2-24 28.15-2-25 28.15-2-26 28.15-2-27 28.15-2-28 28.15-2-29 Nature Conservancy Inc Bubonia, Stephen J. Dunbar, Joseph J. Almy, James J. Sr. Wallard, Charles C & Marian L. Rice, Linda L. Schultz, Willard J. Bubonia, Stephen J. OShea, Lawrence M. Aperance, William R. Prusko, Peter N. Meeks, David W. McGroarty, Richard Petrosino, Joseph A. Guiles, Walter R. Coelho, Kimberly Ann Bascom, Earle C. III. Greene, Stephen J. Brown, Debra L. Kowalski, Michael T. Lucia, Randall P. DeSousa, Carlos A. LaFay, John M. Wukitsch, John B. Spina, Constance M Morgan Fish, Douglas G. Fish, Douglas Grant Burnett, Michael F. Hudson, Mark A. Martinelli, Richard A. Aviza, Michael Gaglioti, Joseph F. Cotazino, Constance P. Aviza, Beth N. Hill, William L. Roldan, Ernesto Jr. Stacey, Rufus J. Page Totals Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 5,000 166,500 161,700 126,400 201,800 187,200 138,800 5,000 33,300 32,300 25,300 40,400 37,400 27,800 2,400 66,600 64,900 53,900 79,200 62,300 65,700 49,400 62,000 73,200 69,500 61,500 65,600 61,700 58,100 78,300 70,900 65,800 62,700 83,000 95,400 66,400 65,900 77,600 59,600 79,500 76,500 65,800 76,800 58,000 66,600 324,600 269,700 395,900 311,300 328,500 246,800 310,000 365,800 347,400 290,000 328,000 308,600 290,500 391,500 354,300 329,200 62,700 415,000 378,000 332,100 329,500 388,200 297,800 397,500 382,600 329,200 383,800 290,000 37 10,232,500 Page 132 of 347 2,179,700 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 5,000 166,500 161,700 126,400 201,800 187,200 138,800 2,400 66,600 324,600 269,700 395,900 311,300 328,500 246,800 310,000 365,800 347,400 290,000 328,000 308,600 290,500 391,500 354,300 329,200 62,700 415,000 378,000 332,100 329,500 388,200 297,800 397,500 382,600 329,200 383,800 290,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 970 220 210 210 220 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2009 2011 07-0631 2014 06-1351 87-628 95-105 2015s/m#15 99-1391 06-400 IH-495 07-0231 2014 06-401 2011 2012 07-0232 06-990 2015 2011 2012 07-0233 IH-487A IH-485 IH-487A 96-987 08-0624 GD11#69 IH-487A IH-514 IH-487A IH2013 GD05-120 06-228 2015 IH-490 2013 10,234,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 28.15-2-30 28.15-2-31 28.15-2-32 28.15-2-34 28.15-2-35 28.17-1-1 28.17-1-2 28.17-1-3 28.17-1-4 28.17-1-5 28.17-1-6 28.17-1-7 28.17-1-8 28.17-1-9 28.17-1-10 28.17-1-11 28.17-1-12.2 28.17-1-13 28.17-1-14 28.17-1-15 28.17-1-16 28.17-1-17 28.17-1-18 28.17-2-1 28.17-2-2 28.17-2-3 28.17-2-4 28.17-2-5 28.17-2-6 28.17-2-7 28.17-2-8 28.17-2-9 28.17-3-1 28.17-3-2 28.17-3-3 28.17-3-4 28.17-3-5 Gardner, David L. Graubart, Steven S. Hachey, Michael C. Andriola, Thomas R. Levy, Arthur Old State Road, Homeowners Assoc Inc Morse, Stephany Ausfeld, Thadeus W. Keough, Tammie L. Klink, Robin M. Pascazio, Frank Stinzianni, John Bray, Robert S. Keefe, James K. Morgan, Mary Teresa Touhey, Vincent C. Adalian, Charles Ceballos, Peter Michael Livingston, Philip Platek, Michael A. Pauly, Hans Mazur, Marilee Malone, Herbert R. Hisert, George W. III. Nasri, Farzana White, Mark O. Anthony, Richard Natale, John Armstrong, Burnham B. Cosgriff, Robby F. Cox, Curtis A. Salli, Thomas J. Marr, Robert Webler, Paul G. Rivenburgh, Diana L. Linton, Charles R. Mahadevan, Padmanaban 328,500 374,800 388,500 299,200 372,300 2,000 140,600 136,000 188,700 191,000 160,900 173,000 178,300 209,200 205,000 217,600 213,700 235,000 211,900 216,200 198,000 267,800 163,600 191,000 187,100 145,000 278,500 194,500 179,300 171,400 176,200 194,200 201,200 223,500 172,200 202,500 241,700 65,700 75,000 77,700 59,800 74,500 2,000 28,100 27,200 37,700 38,200 32,200 34,600 35,700 41,800 41,000 43,500 42,700 47,000 42,400 43,200 39,600 53,600 32,700 38,200 37,400 29,000 55,700 38,900 35,900 34,300 35,200 38,800 40,200 44,700 34,400 40,500 48,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,830,100 Page 133 of 347 1,567,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 328,500 374,800 388,500 299,200 372,300 2,000 140,600 136,000 188,700 191,000 160,900 173,000 178,300 209,200 205,000 217,600 213,700 235,000 211,900 216,200 198,000 267,800 163,600 191,000 187,100 145,000 278,500 194,500 179,300 171,400 176,200 194,200 201,200 223,500 172,200 202,500 241,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-487A 2012 2011 IH-493 07-0795 88-367 04-1051 2015 98-1067 00-133 2012 84-144 92-67 84-391 2012 03-1162 2013 91-1059 96-382 01-826 08-0139 00-432 91-1060 79-476 79-477 SC65-05 IH-1517 84-497 07-0234 2012 00-433 2013 93-213 IH-497 2014 05-1168 2012 7,830,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 28.17-3-6 28.17-3-7 28.17-3-8 28.17-3-9 28.17-3-10 28.17-3-11 28.17-3-12 28.17-3-13 28.17-3-14 28.17-3-15 28.17-3-16 28.17-3-17 28.17-3-18 28.17-3-19 28.17-3-20 28.17-3-21 28.17-3-22 28.17-3-23 28.17-3-24 28.17-3-25 28.17-3-26 28.17-3-27 28.17-3-28 28.17-3-29 28.17-3-30 28.17-3-31 28.17-3-32 28.17-3-33 28.17-3-34 28.17-3-35 28.17-3-36 28.17-4-1 28.17-4-2 28.17-4-3 28.17-4-4 28.17-4-5 28.17-4-6 Nichols, Rosemarie J. Fahsel, Brad J. McGreal, Patrick J. Javier, Jaime Alvey, Rachel M. Coy, Thomas K. Rem, Rachel Kitchen, Douglas B. Engvold, Robert J. Fehervari, Steven S. Stanco, Joseph C. Griggs, Gerald J. Pennacchia, Mario F. Palmeri, Frank L. Depass, Donald L. Toro, Louis Tagliaferro, Anthony J. Thomson, James M. Blank, Thomas R. Denovio, Bradley Skipp, Marc A. Sahagian, David Davis, Anne M. Capone, Donald P. Solimando, Rocco A. Jr. Cavallaro, Kevin Deyoe, Diane E. Sorrentino, Gregory J. Curro, Martin D. Carter, Frederick M. Old State Road Powell, Karen M. Fletcher, David J. Raguette, Robert J. Quinn, Michael F. Goldman, Paul J. Miller, Jeffery N. 252,400 206,600 259,900 231,100 258,800 261,800 234,850 250,600 295,100 264,900 240,000 261,000 263,400 308,500 259,800 261,100 253,100 201,900 246,400 239,900 258,000 251,200 295,200 235,600 272,500 251,200 243,900 242,600 273,700 248,900 5,000 576,600 459,500 526,320 560,500 395,450 547,000 50,500 41,300 52,000 46,200 51,800 52,400 47,000 50,100 59,000 53,000 53,200 52,200 52,700 61,700 52,000 52,200 55,500 40,400 49,300 48,000 51,600 50,200 59,000 47,100 54,500 50,200 48,800 48,500 54,700 49,800 5,000 99,000 103,600 105,300 99,900 93,700 109,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,694,320 Page 134 of 347 2,150,800 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 252,400 206,600 259,900 231,100 258,800 261,800 234,850 250,600 295,100 264,900 240,000 261,000 263,400 308,500 259,800 261,100 253,100 201,900 246,400 239,900 258,000 251,200 295,200 235,600 272,500 251,200 243,900 242,600 273,700 248,900 5,000 495,000 518,100 526,320 499,500 395,450 547,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 2010 07-0236 07-0237 07-0238 2012 2014 04-75 06-991 99-202 GD09#17 97-862 97-863 97-864 97-865 08-0875 GD09#34 2012 2014 SC60-05 2011 03-1096 GD05-244 91-1061 1-573 06-737 08-0466 SC59-05 2012 2012 89-1053 2015gd#03 2015 2012SCAR 2015IH GD11#80 01-677 10,610,320 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 28.17-4-7 28.17-4-8 28.17-4-9 28.17-4-10 28.17-4-11 28.17-4-12 28.17-4-13 28.17-4-14 28.17-4-15 28.17-4-16 28.17-4-17 28.17-4-18 28.17-4-19 28.17-4-20 28.17-4-21 28.17-4-22 28.17-4-23 28.17-4-24 28.17-4-25 28.17-4-26 28.17-4-27 28.17-4-28 28.19-1-1 28.19-1-2 28.19-1-3 28.19-1-4 28.19-1-5 28.19-1-6.1 28.19-1-6.2 28.19-1-6.3 28.19-1-6.4 28.19-1-6.5 28.19-1-6.6 28.19-1-7 28.19-1-8 28.19-2-1 28.19-2-2 Brassard, Christopher A. Saffee, Richard Kenning, Tyler J. Dill, Neal Olson, Scott Zhao, Jian Rosen, Richard A. Walden, Evan C. Sciocchetti, Paul V. Feeney , Dennis A. Hisert, George W. III. Anagnostopoulos, Christina Quaal, Erik D. Rosen, Martin S. Lemme, Thomas A. Guilderland Town of Egan, Mark R. Jamieson, Lori A. Taylor, Arthur W. Jr. Feeney, Stephen J. Feeney, Dennis A. Rossman, Theresa Anne Edwards, William J. Edwards, William J. Turner, James H. Evans, G David Fuller, James M. Guilderland Town of Jaskot, Walter Jr. Jurgelon, Phillip A. II. Hunter, Thomas B. Anthony, Richard & Jeanette C Forest Smith Properties LLC Roberti, Elizabeth A. Cartagenes, Manoel V. Raponi, Peter Goedtel, Edward 650,000 586,500 575,000 616,800 510,600 711,400 767,100 616,500 694,100 100 624,800 604,000 545,500 475,300 600,700 100 564,300 530,000 705,800 401,200 648,900 80,900 52,400 114,800 118,400 290,000 141,100 1,000 185,500 185,500 189,600 181,900 177,600 147,400 171,200 191,000 138,200 130,000 117,300 115,000 123,400 102,120 142,300 171,600 154,100 138,800 100 125,000 120,200 109,300 95,100 120,100 100 112,900 106,000 141,200 153,000 129,800 80,900 52,400 57,400 23,700 58,000 28,200 1,000 37,100 37,100 37,900 36,400 35,500 29,500 31,100 38,200 27,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 13,795,200 Page 135 of 347 3,019,420 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 650,000 586,500 575,000 616,800 510,600 711,400 767,100 616,500 694,100 100 624,800 604,000 545,500 475,300 600,700 100 564,300 530,000 705,800 401,200 648,900 80,900 52,400 114,800 118,400 290,000 141,100 1,000 185,500 185,500 189,600 181,900 177,600 147,400 155,600 191,000 138,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 692 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 220 210 692 220 220 220 220 220 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-1519 2010 2014gd#73 04-236 2014gd#11 07-0241 2011 08-0539 06-936 00-674 06-992 2015 2014 2012 2015gd#81 03-1302 2015gd#52 09-0072 01-651 04-1287 08-0877 04-1287 98-1070 86-538 07-0576 2013IH 01-827 98-8 2014 2011 05-1303 2010 2011 IH-1525 2015 05-773 98-1071 13,779,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 28.19-2-3 28.19-2-4 28.19-2-5 28.19-2-6 28.19-2-7 28.19-2-8 28.19-2-9 28.19-2-10 28.19-2-11 28.19-2-12 28.19-2-13 28.19-2-14 28.19-2-15 28.19-2-16 28.19-2-17 28.19-2-18 28.19-2-19 28.19-2-20 28.19-2-21 28.19-2-22 28.19-2-23 28.19-2-24 28.19-2-25 28.19-2-26 28.19-2-27 28.19-2-28 28.19-2-29 28.19-2-30 28.19-2-31 28.19-2-32 36.00-1-1 36.00-1-2 36.00-1-3 36.00-1-4 36.00-1-5 36.00-1-6.1 36.00-1-6.2 Balmes, Edward J. Sr. Ruby, Jeffrey R. Top Dog Enterprises LLC DiCaprio, Lee P. Baker, Douglas F. Crowley, Thomas D. Lugo, Daniel Jackson, Stephen M. Orsini, Jeffrey A. Horan, William R. Esposito III, Anthony Close, Timothy M. Thomas, George A. Shrader, Marianne Chase, Michael P. Sr. Frisch, Jay Stoliker, Daniel P. Jr. Wagner, Harold Silvestri, Felice & Brunilda Spadaro, Dean A. Gesek, James K. Haas, James J. Bohl, Charles P. Jr. Amering, Eric T. Mazzoccone, John Binseel, John G. Pinkowski, Michael J. Fish, Eric Spano, Dominic J. Christensen, Eric W. Pearce, Stephen R. Pardi, Laurence A. Hunter, Patricia A. Dahlhaus, Joseph F. Anderson, Devin J. Carroll, Ramona M. Defeo, Andrew E. 136,300 103,000 60,000 120,500 142,100 136,700 141,200 151,700 126,100 240,100 212,600 226,400 224,700 237,000 214,500 237,400 239,900 213,900 212,000 258,100 211,900 232,700 206,800 205,800 246,800 213,300 237,000 247,900 240,900 219,800 300,100 282,500 255,000 148,800 351,100 44,400 325,500 27,300 20,600 25,400 24,100 28,400 27,300 28,200 30,300 25,200 48,000 42,500 45,300 44,900 47,400 42,900 47,500 52,600 42,800 42,400 51,600 42,400 46,500 41,400 41,200 49,400 42,700 47,400 49,600 48,200 44,000 57,900 57,400 56,400 58,700 54,100 44,400 53,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,604,500 Page 136 of 347 1,580,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 136,300 103,000 60,000 120,500 142,100 136,700 141,200 151,700 126,100 240,100 212,600 226,400 224,700 237,000 214,500 237,400 263,200 213,900 212,000 258,100 211,900 232,700 206,800 205,800 246,800 213,300 237,000 247,900 240,900 219,800 300,100 282,500 255,000 148,800 261,000 44,400 325,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 240 240 240 240 240 314 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H H H H H H H Account Nbr 03-0041 06-405 2013 89-1365 04-903 87-179 08-1060 2014 93-933 96-383 00-436 IH-1526 05-453 2011 90-923 2015 2015 00-136 2014 2015 07-0244 06-406 01-109 00-277 IH-1527 01-459 92-300 08-0094 2015 96-327 2014 06-1056 01-995 98-770 2015gd#22 88-190 08-0625 7,537,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 36.00-1-7.1 36.00-1-7.2 36.00-1-8 36.00-1-9.1 36.00-1-9.2 36.00-1-10 36.00-1-11 36.00-1-12.1 36.00-1-12.2 36.00-1-13 36.00-1-14 36.00-1-16 36.00-1-17 36.00-1-20 36.00-1-22 36.00-1-23 36.00-1-24 36.00-1-25 36.00-1-26 36.00-1-27.1 36.00-1-27.2 36.00-1-28.1 36.00-1-28.2 36.00-1-28.3 36.00-1-28.4 36.00-1-29 36.00-1-30 36.00-1-35 36.00-1-36 36.00-1-37 36.00-1-39 36.00-1-40 36.00-1-41 36.00-1-58 36.00-1-59 36.00-1-60 36.00-1-61 Scott, Jon T. Scott, Jon T. Scott, Jon T. Kapusinsky, Kyle Kapusinsky, Kyle Renz, David H. Devenpeck, Linda M. Fletcher, Raymond F. Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy Inc. Ullman, Joseph P. Becker, Mary C. Wade, Eugenia J. Breitenbach, Thomas Edward Blizzard, Brian Hard, Timothy W. Sands, Dean K. Gardner, Charles W. Jr. Plant, Nicholas R. Altamont Village of Blizzard, Brian R. Blizzard, William H. Eight Twenty River Street Inc Doyle, Thomas N. Barber, Marianne Vesta Community Housing Roman, Marc Taylor, William I. Breitenbach, Joseph A. Breitenbach, Thomas E. Stevens, David M. Burlingame, Rufus W. Domanico, Louis N. VanBuren, Audrey Mohawk Hudson Land Albany County Neigel, Deborah A. Albany County Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 245,600 49,500 1,500 450,000 284,900 342,500 190,000 309,600 149,800 215,300 70,600 20,800 292,700 213,600 2,000 37,000 121,600 142,700 32,000 125,100 129,400 1,819,900 118,600 226,000 177,200 301,800 201,700 240,500 280,000 195,500 248,800 218,700 90,300 14,000 2,500 3,000 2,700 67,400 49,500 1,500 39,600 57,000 53,700 45,000 59,600 149,800 56,200 70,600 20,800 70,700 50,800 2,000 37,000 24,300 28,500 32,000 25,000 25,900 42,600 49,600 45,200 177,200 60,400 49,600 80,400 94,700 39,100 86,400 86,000 18,100 14,000 2,500 3,000 2,700 7,567,400 Page 137 of 347 1,818,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 245,600 49,500 1,500 450,000 284,900 342,500 190,000 309,600 149,800 215,300 70,600 20,800 292,700 213,600 2,000 37,000 121,600 142,700 32,000 125,100 129,400 1,819,900 118,600 226,000 177,200 301,800 201,700 240,500 280,000 195,500 248,800 218,700 90,300 14,000 2,500 3,000 2,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 314 314 210 210 240 240 240 970 210 322 314 240 210 311 311 210 210 822 210 210 614 210 210 322 210 210 240 240 210 240 240 210 970 314 314 314 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 8 H H H H H H H N H H N Account Nbr 08-1061 79-810 95-664 2012 2012 03-744 2010 2014 2015 84-151 IH-1532 2015 2011 2015 79-588 2009 IH-505 2015 95-892 06-1352 99-1393 2014 83-623 2014 2014 2015 04-1230 SC90-05 2013 07-1243 84-242 2009 86-758 2014 06-073 97-1088 00-614 7,567,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 * * * * * * * * * * * Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 36.00-1-62 36.00-1-63 37.00-1-1 37.00-1-2 37.00-1-3.2 37.00-1-3.11 37.00-1-3.12 37.00-1-4.1 37.00-1-4.2 37.00-1-5 37.00-1-6 37.00-1-7 37.00-1-8 37.00-1-9.1 37.00-1-9.2 37.00-1-9.3 37.00-1-10 37.00-1-12.1 37.00-1-12.2 37.00-1-12.3 37.00-1-12.10 37.00-1-12.11 37.00-1-12.12 37.00-1-12.13 37.00-1-12.14 37.00-1-12.15 37.00-1-12.16 37.00-1-12.17 37.00-1-12.18 37.00-1-12.19 37.00-1-13 37.00-1-14.2 37.00-1-14.11 37.00-1-14.12 37.00-1-15 37.00-1-16 37.00-1-17 OConnor, Charles W. Albany County Stillman, Peter A & Lanta V Martin, William R. Idone, Vincent P. Rau, Ernest Osen, Anton Strawbridge, James Frank, Edward R. Strawbridge, James C. Polli, Gus F. Almstead, John G. Wilson, Edward Noel Altamont Orchards Realty LLC Almstead, John G. Polli, Gus F. Miller, Troy C. Preserve at Bozenkill Creek Martin, John W. Pratt, George P. Pangburn Farm LLC Burns, James Reiner, Matthew Slingerland, George R. Miller, Troy C. Martin, Joshua Gaughan, James M. Mastriani, Michael S. Ginsburg, Ronald E. Kullman, Andrea J. Pratt, George P. Goodknight, Brenda A. Corradi, Anthony H. Barnes, Erica M. Putnam, Daniel L. Laduke, Brian Huggins, Mark J. 5,000 3,000 302,900 319,600 565,700 77,600 246,800 48,400 339,800 416,100 323,800 262,200 242,900 373,400 2,500 11,500 35,000 66,800 152,500 6,500 30,000 30,000 195,700 200,300 174,900 213,500 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 175,800 179,400 361,300 436,400 120,200 69,600 159,900 5,000 3,000 46,500 53,600 113,100 15,500 49,400 48,400 46,000 51,900 52,000 53,000 52,900 301,000 2,500 11,500 35,000 66,800 30,500 6,500 30,000 30,000 130,500 133,500 116,600 85,400 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 35,200 35,900 49,100 87,300 24,000 13,900 32,000 Page Totals Parcels 26 5,237,800 Page 138 of 347 1,254,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 5,000 3,000 302,900 319,600 565,700 77,600 246,800 48,400 339,800 416,100 323,800 262,200 242,900 373,400 2,500 11,500 35,000 66,800 152,500 6,500 30,000 30,000 195,700 200,300 174,900 213,500 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 175,800 179,400 361,300 436,400 120,200 69,600 159,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 322 322 210 240 210 210 210 314 210 240 210 240 240 151 311 311 322 970 210 311 311 311 210 210 210 210 311 311 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N N H H H H H H H H H H H Account Nbr 89-133 06-073 2010 95-493 90-312 90-1249 2010 87-1149 94-184 88-322 2012 2015 00-823 08-1142 92-553 2009 2011 2015s/m#14 2014 89-773 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 2015s/m#14 06-1058 2011 98-400 2014 02-1394 GD05-78 04-825 5,237,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.00-1-18 37.00-1-19 37.00-1-20 37.00-1-21 37.00-1-22 37.00-1-23 37.00-1-24 37.00-1-25 37.00-1-26.2 37.00-1-26.11 37.00-1-27.1 37.00-1-27.21 37.00-1-27.22 37.00-2-1 37.00-2-2.2 37.00-2-2.3 37.00-2-2.11 37.00-2-2.12 37.00-2-2.13 37.00-2-2.14 37.00-2-3 37.00-2-4 37.00-2-5 37.00-2-7.1 37.00-2-7.2 37.00-2-8 37.00-2-9 37.00-2-10 37.00-2-11 37.00-2-12 37.00-2-13 37.00-2-14.1 37.00-2-14.2 37.00-2-14.3 37.00-2-15 37.00-2-16.1 37.00-2-16.2 Armstrong, Marilyn D. Pollitzer, David Wolff, Phillip Tymann, Edwin H. Polfleit, James E. Pollard, Michael E. Pollard, Michael E. Mohr, Sharon P. Khoury, Virginia M. Connolly, Kevin Mullen, Joseph P. Muia, Joseph Jr. Drzymala, James J. Abbruzzese, John Abbruzzese, Daniel W. Abbruzzese, James M. Orchard Creek Realty LLC Orchard Creek Realty LLC Altamont Orchards Realty LLC Altamont Orchards Realty LLC Muia, Teresa Altamont Orchards Realty LLC Clearwater, Hugo Freer Armstrong, Charles R. Armstrong, Allen W. Johnston, Peter Muia, Peter V. Armstrong, Craig J. Burby, Michael Ruff, Timothy P. Armstrong, Shawn M. Armstrong, Arn K. Stewart, Bruce R. Jr. Bastiani, Harold Smith, Robert C. Jr. Rucinski, Beatrice Rucinski, Daniel A. 1,500 385,000 104,600 162,900 303,200 29,000 154,200 104,900 325,800 136,800 591,000 23,400 252,400 235,600 244,200 261,400 779,700 127,600 235,400 183,800 398,300 124,700 183,200 173,100 224,200 146,900 124,200 123,600 223,900 100,200 173,100 10,800 217,500 178,100 123,400 164,600 234,200 1,500 77,000 20,900 32,600 58,900 29,000 30,800 21,000 65,200 27,400 65,400 23,400 50,500 47,100 48,800 52,300 102,000 25,500 61,100 150,200 100,600 124,700 36,600 34,600 44,800 29,400 24,800 24,700 44,800 20,000 34,600 10,800 43,500 35,600 24,700 48,200 46,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,566,400 Page 139 of 347 1,719,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 1,500 385,000 104,600 162,900 303,200 29,000 154,200 104,900 325,800 136,800 591,000 23,400 252,400 235,600 244,200 261,400 779,700 127,600 235,400 183,800 398,300 124,700 183,200 173,100 224,200 146,900 124,200 123,600 223,900 100,200 173,100 10,800 217,500 178,100 123,400 164,600 234,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 314 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 240 311 210 210 210 210 552 210 151 151 240 105 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 240 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 98-381 2010 98-1075 2009 2009 06-074 06-075 88-196 2014 08-0824 99-1356 00-1199 08-1197 IH-1540 IH-1540 2010 IH-1546 07-0245 IH-1541 99-1558 98-402 99-1013 98-1077 92-937 2010 96-705 2011 2011 08-1126 05-0259 2015 2015 2010 06-407 08-0515 2010 95-795 7,566,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Parcel Id 37.00-2-17 37.00-2-19.1 37.00-2-19.2 37.00-2-19.3 37.00-2-19.4 37.00-2-20 37.00-2-21 37.00-2-22 37.00-2-24.1 37.00-2-24.2 37.00-2-25 37.00-2-27 37.00-2-28 37.00-2-30 37.00-2-33 37.00-2-34 37.00-3-2 37.00-3-3 37.00-3-4 37.00-3-6 37.00-3-7 37.00-3-9 37.00-3-10 37.00-3-11.1 37.00-3-11.2 37.00-3-11.3 37.00-3-12 37.00-3-13 37.00-3-14 37.00-3-17 37.00-3-18.1 37.00-3-18.2 * 37.00-3-19 37.00-3-19.1 37.00-3-19.2 37.00-3-20.1 37.00-3-20.2 Page Totals Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name Gonia, Gene S. Gizzi, William P. Jr. Santabarbara, Michael D. Sheridan, John C. Rucinski, Daniel A. Donato, William M. VanWoert, Stephen J. Thomas Family Foundation Inc Friedlander, Dorothy Z. Friedlander, Dorothy Z. Friedlander, Dorothy Z. Orchard Creek Realty LLC Donato, Carol Hillmann, David Beatty, David C. Drost, Donald D. Albany Schenectady Greene Danz, Theodore J. III. Schenmeyer, Patricia J. Royer, Jeremy Riek, Michael J. Felix, Carl A. Tice, Kenneth E. Jr. Brandle Meadows LLC Altamont Village of Altamont Village of McCormick, Kyle M. Levesque, Donald G. OBryan, Nancy Christine Albany Schenectady Greene Albany Schenectady Greene Russo, Judith A. Wey, Jodi Novak Wey, Jodi Novak Wey, Jodi Novak Courneen, Kirk W. Guilderland Town of Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 162,000 385,500 390,000 60,000 85,000 163,800 80,000 96,000 175,100 283,500 346,500 283,500 136,400 153,400 207,900 314,900 18,000 154,900 166,000 189,300 181,100 218,800 131,800 0 1,000 1,000 156,000 174,400 113,800 38,800 460,400 179,800 38,900 32,400 77,100 78,000 60,000 60,000 32,800 16,000 20,000 82,400 56,700 160,800 63,300 27,300 30,700 48,300 91,400 18,000 31,000 33,200 37,900 36,200 72,100 26,400 0 1,000 1,000 31,200 34,900 22,800 38,800 100,000 36,000 38,900 119,700 77,700 58,200 85,100 325,100 85,100 36 5,918,800 Page 140 of 347 1,798,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 162,000 385,500 390,000 60,000 85,000 163,800 80,000 96,000 175,100 283,500 346,500 283,500 136,400 153,400 207,900 314,900 18,000 154,900 166,000 189,300 181,100 218,800 131,800 0 1,000 1,000 156,000 174,400 113,800 38,800 460,400 179,800 471,200 119,700 258,600 325,100 85,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 480 411 210 120 552 210 210 280 117 531 210 210 210 210 472 210 312 822 822 210 210 210 531 531 210 240 322 210 240 970 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 8 Account Nbr 2012 2010 07-0797 2015 07-0798 2009 IH-516 07-0246 2012 GD05-215A 83-563 IH-1546 07-0247 2015 IH-517 05-0260 2015 2011 07-0248 2015 2010 2015 2011 2014 2009 2009 2015 98-771 90-442 92-1190 04-1347 07-0250 2015s/m#16 2015s/m#16 2015s/m#16 2015 2015 6,297,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.00-3-101 37.00-3-102 37.00-3-103 37.00-3-104 37.00-3-105 37.00-3-106 37.00-3-107 37.00-3-108 37.00-3-201 37.00-3-202 37.00-3-203 37.00-3-204 37.00-3-205 37.00-3-206 37.00-3-207 37.00-3-208 37.00-3-301 37.00-3-302 37.00-3-303 37.00-3-304 37.00-3-305 37.00-3-306 37.00-3-307 37.00-3-308 37.00-3-401 37.00-3-402 37.00-3-403 37.00-3-404 37.00-3-405 37.00-3-406 37.00-3-407 37.00-3-408 37.00-3-501 37.00-3-502 37.00-3-503 37.00-3-504 37.00-3-505 Carretta, Dolores M. Spiers, Claudia W. Devlin, Robert F. Decatur, Debra Martin, Joyce L. Russo, Peter S. Waldbillig, Linda M. Cornish, Norman & Joanne Giambo, Mary Anne Andi, Sandra D. Jacobs, John M. Sowalsky, David M. Wright, Richard E. Swift, Michael W. Ranieri, Joseph D. Philip, George Bulson, Carol M. Rielly, Charles F. Aumic, Cathleen M. Cannon, Judith A. Nardone, Juliana Guido, Paige L. Fisher, Robert E. Yohey, Barbara B. Salustri, Valentino Eldering, Anthony H. Moore, Kenneth V. Rolling, Norine Beardsley, Nancy J. Becker, Richard R. Henningson, Diane E. Rossi, Joyce Methe, Victor A. Jr. Kuehfus, Richard Silver, David Cline, George E. Heeps, Rebecca 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 3,593,600 Page 141 of 347 370,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr GD09#52 GD09#54 2013 2013 GD09#58 GD09#63 GD09#56 2010 GD09#60 2010 GD09#55 GD09#53 GD09#57 2010 GD09#61 2010 2015 2013 2011 2010GD#43d 2012 2012 2010GD#43g GD2012STIP 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2010 2015 2010 2013 2015 2010 2015 3,593,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.00-3-506 37.00-3-507 37.00-3-508 37.00-3-601 37.00-3-602 37.00-3-603 37.00-3-604 37.00-3-605 37.00-3-606 37.00-3-607 37.00-3-608 37.00-3-701 37.00-3-702 37.00-3-703 37.00-3-704 37.00-3-705 37.00-3-706 37.00-3-707 37.00-3-708 37.00-3-801 37.00-3-802 37.00-3-803 37.00-3-804 37.00-3-805 37.00-3-806 37.00-3-807 37.00-3-808 37.00-3-901 37.00-3-902 37.00-3-903 37.00-3-904 37.00-3-905 37.00-3-906 37.00-3-907 37.00-3-908 37.04-1-5 37.04-1-6.1 Flagler, Robert E. Caruso, David A. Ciko, Michelle E. Walthery, Henry DeMarco, Edward D. Chase, Gordon A. Jay, Laura Cornell, Richard T. Sr. Moran, Monica Dodds, Carol Jean McDonald, Donna Walker, Frederick W. Decker, Thomas B. Pangburn, Donald S. Eastman, Susan E. Marino, Joan Smith, George H. Deming, Eileen W. VanKampen, Natalie J. Gamsjager, Jane A. Thompson, Gerald High Hills Real Estate LLC Tastor, Richard L. Carlson, Harry McMullen, Lawrence R. Sr. DeMaria, Barbara A. Faddis, Kathleen E. Forand, Paul F. Tregaskis, George Bryda, Michael E. Caruso, Albert P. Jr. Allen, Robert D. Cartin, James D. Nichols, Lillian T. Sislowski, Donald Varsanyi, Robert Village Gates LLC 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 234,800 682,600 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 82,400 141,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,405,400 Page 142 of 347 574,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 102,800 234,800 682,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 432 462 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 2015 2010 2014 2012 2010 2014 2010 2013 2010 2010 2014 2011 2010GD#43p 2012 2012 2010 2010GD#43r 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2014 2012 2012 2015 2013 2012 89-843 2010 4,405,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.04-1-6.2 37.04-1-6.4 37.04-1-7 37.04-1-8 37.04-1-9.1 37.04-1-9.2 37.04-1-10.2 37.04-1-11 37.04-1-12 37.04-1-13 37.04-1-14 37.04-1-15 37.04-1-16 37.04-1-17 37.04-1-18 37.04-1-19 37.04-1-20 37.04-1-21 37.04-1-22 37.04-1-23 37.04-1-25 37.04-1-27 37.04-1-28 37.04-1-29 37.04-1-30 37.04-1-31 37.04-1-32 37.04-1-33 37.04-1-34 37.04-1-35 37.04-1-36 37.04-1-37 37.04-1-38 37.04-1-39 37.04-1-40 37.04-1-41 37.04-1-42 Altamont Fire Dept Rescue Valverde, Gilbert Smith, Phyllis M. Michaels, Natalie Gage, Shirley A. Gage, Howard K. Gage-Murphy, Susan A. Blackman, Dennis J. Friedlander, Dorothy Z. Mesick, Robert D. Guilderland Town of Behnke, David A. Shore, Laura J. Harris, Barbara Friedlander, Dorothy Gregory, Jeffrey M. Schneible, Danielle M. Schneible, Danielle McCoy, Terri L. Smith, William R. Jr. Pendleton, Theresa L. Vining, Johanna Mae Campbell, Allen S. Saplin, Roy T. Jr. Godlewski, Walter J. Jr. Mackesey, Timothy J. Priore, Salvatore F. Richards, Debbie L. Dunn, Shannon W. Yohey, Alissa M. Yurkonis, Donald W. Reihs, Brett M. Rosecrans, Scott F. OBrien, Michael Kontos, Ioanis T. Welch, Dana J. Zinski, Phillip C. 275,300 228,200 160,300 128,100 158,700 175,100 156,000 170,000 100,000 146,500 121,500 274,200 254,000 295,200 34,600 133,900 148,000 22,200 109,200 101,800 129,500 126,600 120,200 150,300 132,100 150,400 208,000 209,100 285,600 199,600 200,100 224,200 192,400 188,300 195,100 202,400 195,600 17,300 45,600 32,100 25,600 31,700 35,000 31,200 34,000 26,300 29,300 23,400 54,800 50,800 59,000 34,600 30,900 29,600 22,200 21,800 20,400 25,900 25,300 24,000 30,100 26,400 30,100 41,600 41,800 57,100 39,900 40,000 44,800 38,500 37,700 39,000 40,500 39,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,302,300 Page 143 of 347 1,277,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 275,300 228,200 160,300 128,100 158,700 175,100 156,000 170,000 100,000 146,500 121,500 274,200 254,000 295,200 34,600 133,900 148,000 22,200 109,200 101,800 129,500 126,600 120,200 150,300 132,100 150,400 208,000 209,100 285,600 199,600 200,100 224,200 192,400 188,300 195,100 202,400 195,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 662 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 411 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 08-0540 2015 04-1140 04-1390 98-869 2014 2011 2011 04-363 07-0799 IH-520 2013 2009 74-655 06-410 2015 2015 03-0042 05-775 2011 2015 91-501 04-933 04-1141 97-468 06-1060 96-956 08-0379 07-0252 07-1070 2009 2010 2011 2015 01-1078 92-841 6,302,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.04-1-43 37.04-1-44 37.04-1-45 37.04-1-46 37.04-1-47 37.04-1-48 37.04-1-49 37.04-1-50 37.04-1-51 37.04-1-52 37.04-1-53 37.04-1-54 37.04-1-55 37.04-2-1 37.04-2-2.1 37.04-2-2.2 37.04-2-2.3 37.04-2-3 37.04-2-4 37.04-2-5.1 37.04-2-5.2 37.04-2-6 37.04-2-7 37.04-2-8 37.04-2-9 37.04-2-10 37.04-2-11 37.04-2-12 37.04-2-13 37.04-2-14.2 37.04-2-14.11 37.04-2-15 37.04-2-16 37.04-2-18 37.04-2-19 37.04-2-20 37.04-2-21 Nieves-Evans, Ines M. Borden, Brian D. Edwards, Adam A. Kaye, Marie J. Castillo, Vernon M. Perez, Felix Xavier Neitzel, Oakley R. Pasquarella, Joseph Young, Richard J. Klee, William G. Swintek, Roy P. Root, William S. McIver, Kenneth J. Chandler, Edna Albany Schenectady Greene Chandler, Thomas A. Jr. Edmunds, Frederick R. Dimmer, Melinda A. Hildreth, Susan M. Schultz, Deborah A. Thomas, Jeffrey N. Thomas, Jeffrey N. Griffin, Michelle Makowski, Edmund A. Jensen , Jeffrey Clark, Elaine Lawler, Paul J. Liegeot, James B. Bauer, Donald F. Snyder, Curtis W. Gross, John Page, Edward Schager, Theresa E. Javoroski, Janeen Cain, William P. Cain, William P. Cain, William P. 218,300 213,800 240,800 216,300 188,800 192,400 203,900 195,600 201,800 185,400 202,400 215,000 243,000 131,600 52,100 10,800 3,000 131,900 103,900 138,000 20,200 41,000 174,600 153,000 89,100 132,100 114,600 119,600 140,700 179,800 250,200 183,600 111,400 161,200 30,600 8,000 190,700 43,700 42,800 48,200 43,300 37,800 38,500 40,800 39,100 40,400 37,000 40,500 43,000 48,600 26,300 43,400 10,800 3,000 26,400 20,800 27,600 20,200 41,000 34,900 30,600 17,800 26,400 22,900 23,900 28,100 36,000 50,000 36,700 22,300 52,400 30,600 8,000 38,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,389,200 Page 144 of 347 1,221,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 218,300 213,800 240,800 216,300 188,800 192,400 203,900 195,600 201,800 185,400 202,400 215,000 243,000 131,600 52,100 10,800 3,000 131,900 103,900 138,000 20,200 41,000 174,600 153,000 89,100 132,100 114,600 119,600 140,700 179,800 250,200 183,600 111,400 161,200 30,600 8,000 190,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 531 311 311 210 210 210 330 330 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-411 06-1261 05-0951 05-0952 08-0052 2014 91-1178 03-0177 2013 2009 07-0635 02-412 94-946 IH-523 92-1188 87-1306 93-9999 02-180 05-1169 06-231 IH-524 IH-524 05-0262 96-185 04-237 94-1181 83-580 04-1142 04-1143 04-1144 2009 2014 08-0901 2015 07-0254 07-0254 07-0254 5,389,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.04-2-22 37.04-2-23 37.04-2-26 37.04-2-27 37.04-2-28 37.04-2-29 37.04-2-30 37.04-2-31 37.04-2-33 37.04-2-34 37.04-2-35 37.04-2-36 37.04-2-37 37.04-2-38 37.04-2-39 37.04-2-40 37.04-2-41 37.04-2-43 37.04-2-44 37.14-4-2 37.14-4-5 37.14-4-6 37.14-4-11 37.14-4-12 37.14-4-14 37.14-4-16 37.15-2-1 37.15-2-2.1 37.15-2-2.2 37.15-2-2.3 37.15-2-3 37.15-2-4 37.15-2-5 37.15-2-6.2 37.15-2-6.11 37.15-2-6.12 37.15-2-8.1 McMillen, Michael F. Giebelhaus, Joseph C. Werling, David B. Simons, Vaughan Simons, Vaughan Meagley, Louis J. Deracleo, Vincent W. Matejka, Barbara Hoogkamp, William Spawn, Karen L. Stanley, Rebecca M. Ritzko, Deborah A. Robinson, Frederick A. Miller, Troy C. Fraterrigo, David B. Smith, Wesley F. OBrien, Timothy P. Johnston, Kerry R. VanBuren, Arthur E. Belak, William M. Tice, Gregory R. Marchese, Helen M. Spaccarelli, Steven J. Waldenmaier, Mark N. Schiltz, Sylvester A & Beth C. Kitto, Michael E. Stewart, Gregory James Johnston, Robert J. Jr. Hill, Robert D. Sr. Sandles, Albert W. Rexford, Gary C. Manikas, Heather Marble, Jessica L. Hans, Matthew C. Smith, Clark C. Kachadurian, Thomas E. Goutos, Gregory J. 111,500 278,000 157,300 124,000 3,400 140,600 162,900 101,800 195,600 119,600 101,400 142,900 155,100 25,800 139,000 172,900 234,700 237,000 150,000 110,000 115,400 150,000 200,700 161,300 172,000 150,200 130,500 218,000 324,900 240,100 111,400 209,500 186,200 200,500 203,800 265,000 226,700 22,300 55,500 31,500 24,800 3,400 28,100 32,600 20,400 39,100 23,900 20,300 28,600 31,000 25,800 27,800 34,600 46,900 47,400 30,000 22,000 23,100 30,000 40,100 32,300 34,400 30,000 26,100 43,600 65,000 48,000 22,300 41,900 37,200 40,100 40,800 53,000 45,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,129,700 Page 145 of 347 1,249,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 111,500 278,000 157,300 124,000 3,400 140,600 162,900 101,800 195,600 119,600 101,400 142,900 155,100 25,800 139,000 172,900 234,700 237,000 150,000 110,000 115,400 150,000 200,700 161,300 172,000 150,200 130,500 218,000 324,900 240,100 111,400 209,500 186,200 200,500 203,800 265,000 226,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 311 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-1424 2012 2013 98-1084 98-1085 71-329 04-936 99-722 00-615 02-181 2011 IH-525 06-077 02-1107 2015 04-1145 92-1094 92-616 07-0800 SC91-05 90-575 93-9999 IH-526 2009 02-47 03-886 2013 08-0567 02-709 2015 89-850 06-844 2014 2013 2012 2012 93-1100 6,129,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 37.15-2-8.2 37.15-2-9 37.15-2-10 38.00-1-1.1 38.00-1-1.3 38.00-1-1.21 38.00-1-1.22 38.00-1-2 38.00-1-3 38.00-1-4 38.00-1-5 38.00-1-6 38.00-1-7 38.00-1-9 38.00-1-10 38.00-1-11 38.00-1-12 38.00-1-13 38.00-1-15 38.00-1-16 38.00-1-17 38.00-1-18 38.00-1-19 38.00-1-20 38.00-1-21 38.00-1-22 38.00-1-23 38.00-1-24 38.00-1-25 38.00-1-26.2 38.00-1-26.3 38.00-1-26.4 38.00-1-27 38.00-1-28 38.00-1-29 38.00-1-30 38.00-1-31 Saltsman, Michael Zyskowski, Stacey Wilklow, Neal Jr. Blackwood, Matthew S. Ault, John A & Alice M Wilkes, James M. Kuehnert, John Cranker, Lynn M. Andritz, Jeffrey J. Mastriana, Alfred B. Catalano, Edmund J. Doherty, Michael D. Green, James M. Day, Elizabeth L. Spadaro, Richard A. Ferber, Carolyn E. Joslin, Charles M. Bresney, Michael J. Metzner, Stanley H. Metzner, Stanley H. Schillinger, John Litz, Michael A. Phillips Fam Realty Assoc LLC Dederick, Harold V. Mercedes, Juan Dodge, Theresa L. OConnor, Douglas D. Bub, Dennis Albright, Donald C. Maikoff, Catherine Phillips Fam Realty Assoc LLC DeFranco, Joseph F. Spadaro, George M. Sr. Brunk, Richard W. Dzingle, Bernard A. Munroe, Raymond L. Metzner, Stanley H. 189,800 194,100 112,000 229,900 225,000 240,200 23,300 75,200 122,000 115,200 81,200 33,500 233,400 139,900 98,900 60,000 124,900 253,700 12,000 149,600 164,300 94,500 234,800 80,000 129,400 106,300 150,600 93,500 82,100 25,100 52,100 47,700 172,100 105,300 125,800 126,600 72,900 38,000 38,800 22,400 43,600 47,400 48,300 23,300 15,000 24,400 23,000 16,200 29,800 74,500 28,000 30,900 12,000 25,000 40,200 12,000 149,600 32,900 18,900 67,000 16,000 25,900 46,400 55,100 18,700 16,400 25,100 52,100 16,800 34,400 21,100 25,200 25,300 72,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,576,900 Page 146 of 347 1,312,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 189,800 194,100 112,000 229,900 225,000 240,200 23,300 75,200 122,000 115,200 81,200 33,500 233,400 139,900 98,900 60,000 124,900 253,700 12,000 149,600 164,300 94,500 234,800 80,000 129,400 106,300 150,600 93,500 82,100 25,100 52,100 47,700 172,100 105,300 125,800 126,600 72,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 105 210 210 220 210 312 240 210 484 210 210 210 311 322 210 210 480 210 210 483 240 210 210 322 322 170 210 210 210 210 322 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 87-822 2015 04-80 2013 2010 2013 99-1453 02-1108 06-1221 98-1234 2015 2010 IH-528 03-0044 96-186 2011 79-649 00-532 98-332 98-332 IH-530 08-0941 03-0441 98-1086 97-720 IH-1546 94-1379 99-288 2014 98-382 03-0442 90-621 08-0516 79-231 89-1327 08-0741 98-332 4,576,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 38.00-1-32 38.00-1-33 38.00-1-34 38.00-1-35 38.00-2-1 38.00-2-2 38.00-2-3 38.00-2-4 38.00-2-5 38.00-2-6 38.00-2-7.1 38.00-2-7.3 38.00-2-7.4 38.00-2-7.5 38.00-2-7.6 38.00-2-8 38.00-2-10 38.00-2-12 38.00-2-15 38.00-2-16 38.00-2-17 38.00-2-18 38.00-2-20 38.00-2-21 38.00-2-23 38.00-2-24 38.00-2-25 38.00-2-26 38.00-2-27 38.00-2-28 38.00-2-29 38.00-2-30 38.00-2-31 38.00-2-32 38.00-2-33 38.00-2-34 38.00-2-35 Graves, Matthew Donato, Karen Altamont Orchards Realty LLC Elsenbeck, Brian M. Altimari, Victor C. Altimari, Victor C. Best, Walter Rufo, Gerald A. Jacobs, Kenneth G. Stedman, Hollis L. Loden, Robert Gurney, Gardner S. McCabe, Lawrence J. McCabe, Lawrence J. Sunkes, Patrick Gurney, Gardner S. Smith, William J. Jr. Dzingle, Bernard Hamblin, Carol J. Schaller, James W. True, Jane Tisko, Penny Cummings, Nora Wagner, Thomas P. Gorey, Benjamin W. Jr. Reilly, John A. Fairview Cemetery Assoc Sumner, Joel Dean, Betsy B. Jacobson, Mark C. Nichols, Daniel Bruce, James D. Metzner, Stanley H. Hendrickson, Richard A. Miller, William E. Gerke, David Giarrusso, Michael A. 142,600 174,200 12,800 49,100 67,400 27,700 146,100 154,800 184,400 109,300 114,500 20,000 227,300 5,000 250,600 283,600 155,400 200,900 128,500 207,400 196,200 182,800 120,700 140,000 41,100 158,000 15,700 153,600 164,600 180,000 193,800 133,600 138,600 196,400 125,300 132,000 141,100 52,900 47,000 12,800 9,800 13,500 27,700 29,200 31,000 36,900 21,900 114,500 20,000 45,500 5,000 52,000 56,700 57,200 40,200 25,700 42,800 39,200 36,600 24,100 28,000 41,100 31,600 15,700 30,700 32,900 36,000 38,800 26,700 138,600 39,300 25,100 26,400 28,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,075,100 Page 147 of 347 1,381,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 142,600 174,200 12,800 49,100 67,400 27,700 146,100 154,800 184,400 109,300 114,500 20,000 227,300 5,000 250,600 283,600 155,400 200,900 128,500 214,200 196,200 182,800 120,700 140,000 41,100 158,000 15,700 153,600 164,600 180,000 193,800 133,600 138,600 196,400 125,300 132,000 141,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 105 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 322 314 210 311 240 210 110 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 695 210 210 210 210 210 322 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 2015 99-1013 2015 IH-533 IH-533 96-297 2010 2015 06-1380 08-1084 2011 04-1393 04-1393 2015 2011 06-232 03-1337 03-1338 2015 2013 2014gd#68 08-0462 2012 99-499 87-32 93-298 89-1366 2013 2011 2009 98-332 92-235 IH-538 2012 06-413 5,081,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 38.00-2-36 38.00-2-37 38.00-2-38 38.00-2-39 38.00-2-40 38.00-2-41 38.00-2-42 38.00-2-43 38.00-3-1.1 38.00-3-1.2 38.00-3-1.3 38.00-3-1.4 38.00-3-2.1 38.00-3-2.2 38.00-3-3 38.00-3-4 38.00-3-5 38.00-3-6 38.00-3-7 38.00-3-8 38.00-3-10 38.00-3-11 38.00-3-12 38.00-3-13 38.00-3-15 38.00-3-16 38.00-3-17 38.00-3-18 38.00-3-19.1 38.00-3-19.2 38.00-3-20.1 38.00-3-20.2 38.00-3-20.3 38.00-3-20.4 38.00-3-20.5 38.00-3-21 38.00-3-22 St Pierre, Robert C. Quay, Ruth E. Romano, Lisa St Pierre, Elizabeth Ragone, Vincent J. Jr. Beckmann, Gerd Beckmann, Gerhard Ballybay Farm Inc Larned William M & Sons Inc Patnode, Kathleen A. Donato, Peter Larned William M & Sons Inc Longwell, Ronald William Roberts, Owen T. Patnode, Kathleen A. Carr, Yvonne Bataille, Brian Ditton, Tammy L. Brunk, Peter L. Knapp, Stuart R. Knapp, Stuart R. Empie, Reginald K. Metzner, Stanley Wagner, Frederick L. III. Pieck, John E. Mairinger, Konrad & Agatha Lustenhouwer, Dick R. Nowik, Gary V. Leto, Michael J. Sr. Leto, Paul Sullivan, Matthew E. Jr. Conroy, John M. Trickett, Douglas M. Hendricks, Brian Conroy, John M. Cheetham, Timothy S. Frederick, Burton 154,100 119,100 163,200 145,700 144,800 469,700 66,000 203,900 33,900 6,600 100,700 37,900 140,700 129,600 62,200 132,500 106,800 151,800 265,700 204,700 41,800 28,600 29,500 219,700 183,800 112,600 184,500 158,700 111,100 58,400 340,200 218,000 397,300 288,000 65,600 150,700 97,100 30,800 23,800 32,600 29,100 29,000 128,800 66,000 95,000 33,900 6,600 20,100 37,900 28,000 39,100 12,400 26,500 21,400 30,400 53,100 41,000 41,800 28,600 29,500 172,900 36,800 22,500 36,900 31,700 22,200 37,600 87,200 43,600 79,500 57,600 65,600 30,100 19,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,525,200 Page 148 of 347 1,629,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 154,100 119,100 163,200 145,700 144,800 469,700 66,000 203,900 33,900 6,600 100,700 37,900 140,700 129,600 62,200 132,500 106,800 151,800 265,700 204,700 41,800 28,600 29,500 219,700 183,800 112,600 184,500 158,700 111,100 58,400 340,200 218,000 397,300 288,000 65,600 150,700 97,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 418 322 240 311 311 210 311 210 312 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 105 311 240 210 210 210 210 210 312 210 210 210 210 314 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-0588 2015 05-0268 2015 IH-539 96-1183 05-1170 98-562 98-848 84-465 06-1063 98-848 2010 2010 05-1248 06-414 99-1037 2012 97-1116 2012 92-467 03-0046 98-332 2014 88-1263 2012 06-1064 2014 2014 2009 2012 2009 08-0717 2012 06-1429 2010 94-140 5,525,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 38.00-3-23 38.00-3-24 38.00-3-25 38.00-3-26 38.00-3-27 38.00-3-28 38.00-3-29 38.00-3-30 38.00-3-31 38.00-3-32 38.00-3-33 38.00-3-35 38.00-3-36 38.00-3-37 38.00-3-38 38.00-3-39 38.00-3-40 38.00-3-41 38.00-3-42 38.00-4-1 38.00-4-2 38.00-4-3 38.00-4-4 38.00-4-5.1 38.00-4-5.2 38.00-4-5.3 38.00-4-5.4 38.00-4-5.5 38.00-4-5.6 38.00-4-6 38.00-4-7 38.00-4-8 38.00-4-9 38.00-4-10 38.00-4-11.1 38.00-4-11.2 38.00-4-98 Betlejeski, Mary Betlejeski, Mary Betlejeski, Mary Betlejeski, Mary Wagner, Frederick L. Jr. Audi, George J. Larned William M & Sons Inc Larned, Donald L. Jr. Larned Wm M & Sons Inc Wilson, Stephen O. Hubbard, David J. Wilson, Stephen O. Dover, Jeffrey S. Dover, Patricia L. Batista, Paul Batista, Paul A. Gillenwalters, Dana Guilderland Town of Larned William M & Sons Inc New York Central Lines LLC Young, Herbert A. Schlierer, Richard Fazio, Richard Gray, Robert C. Jr. Trimarchi, Stephen J. Schwarz, John J. Otter, Andrew W & Mary J Jr. Wagner, Paul E. Opel, Patrick Mulligan, James F. Moore, Dolores J. Renus, Charles J. Cristo Demolitions Inc Murray, Frederick J. Gleason, Kevin J. Schuman, Edward Precision Home Inc 189,600 395,500 5,900 1,500 27,100 392,600 151,200 3,400 102,700 6,000 183,000 140,900 165,100 2,000 180,000 525,000 260,400 80,600 82,900 25,000 92,800 214,600 242,300 407,800 300,000 300,000 280,000 300,000 318,000 129,500 135,700 124,300 8,700 1,000 979,700 180,300 0 37,900 195,700 5,900 1,500 11,800 195,900 151,200 3,400 102,700 6,000 36,600 46,200 33,000 2,000 36,000 105,000 52,100 74,200 82,900 25,000 20,600 42,900 48,500 81,600 71,000 60,000 56,000 60,000 63,600 25,900 27,100 24,900 8,700 1,000 196,000 36,100 0 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,935,100 Page 149 of 347 2,028,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 189,600 395,500 5,900 1,500 27,100 392,600 151,200 3,400 102,700 6,000 183,000 140,900 165,100 2,000 180,000 525,000 260,400 80,600 82,900 25,000 92,800 214,600 242,300 407,800 300,000 300,000 280,000 300,000 318,000 129,500 135,700 124,300 8,700 1,000 979,700 180,300 0 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 557 311 311 312 240 720 311 322 120 210 120 210 311 210 210 210 695 322 843 483 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 322 311 240 210 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2015 2015 2015 95-809 2014 05-0953 83-758 89-141 89-142 IH-542 2014 2012 04-1483 00-282 97-1029 99-730 03-1303 08-0752 00-1265 99-1459 99-1300 IH-545 2014 2009 07-1223 2015 08-0531 2009 01-1230 06-1028 06-1028 06-1028 06-1028 2009 06-1028 06-079 6,935,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 38.00-4-99 38.00-5-1.1 38.00-5-1.21 38.00-5-1.22 38.00-5-1.23 38.00-5-2 38.00-5-3 38.00-5-4 38.00-5-5.1 38.00-5-5.2 38.00-5-6 38.00-5-7 38.00-5-8 38.00-5-9.1 38.00-5-10 38.00-5-11 38.00-5-12 38.00-5-13 38.00-5-14 38.00-5-15 38.00-5-16.1 38.00-5-16.2 38.00-5-16.3 38.00-5-17 38.00-5-18 38.00-5-21 38.00-5-22 38.00-5-23 38.00-5-24 38.00-5-25 38.00-5-26 38.00-5-27.1 38.00-5-27.3 38.00-5-28 38.00-6-1 38.00-6-1./1 38.00-7-1 Precision Home Inc Empie, Paul H. Jr. Empie, Paul H. Jr. Empie, Paul H. Jr. Empie, Paul H. Jr. Reed, John Enzinna, Diane D. Betlejeski, Mary Vititow, William A. Perry, Joseph J. Wilsey, Douglas Charles Herchenroder, Shirley B. Herchenroder, R Allan Guilderland Town of VanWormer, Joan E. Smollar, Michael A. Jr. Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Sukhoo, Winston Rother, Kimberly S. Becker, Gertrude J. Chan, Ho K. Gajewski, Jacek R. Morgan Northside LLC Morgan Guilderland Morgan Guilderland Crupe, Benjamin J. Thomas, Christopher Ginder, Rebecca A. Rosetti Acquisitions LLC Wu, Thomas K & An-Ya S. Moak, Michael D. NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 0 115,600 24,100 19,600 28,500 167,400 199,200 200,400 209,000 275,200 166,700 189,900 183,500 373,100 104,900 122,800 32,800 33,500 875,100 117,600 236,100 245,200 37,500 235,500 115,300 133,700 531,500 3,388,700 176,800 171,900 225,000 260,000 101,000 223,400 597,500 79,800 110,400 0 23,100 24,100 19,600 28,500 167,400 58,600 130,900 41,800 55,000 33,300 38,000 36,700 173,100 21,000 24,600 32,800 33,500 175,100 117,600 37,500 49,000 37,500 47,100 23,100 133,700 180,300 824,000 35,400 34,400 44,000 260,000 101,000 49,700 597,500 79,800 110,400 10,308,200 Page 150 of 347 3,879,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 0 115,600 24,100 19,600 28,500 167,400 199,200 200,400 209,000 275,200 166,700 189,900 183,500 398,100 104,900 122,800 32,800 33,500 875,100 117,600 236,100 245,200 37,500 235,500 115,300 133,700 531,500 2,891,800 176,800 171,900 225,000 260,000 101,000 223,400 630,600 79,800 110,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 311 311 311 321 210 240 210 210 210 220 210 592 210 210 822 822 651 852 210 210 311 210 210 330 452 411 210 210 210 322 322 220 380 380 380 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 Account Nbr 06-079 2012 90-1251 90-1251 90-1251 01-577 2014 93-89 2011 IH-547 90-172 2013 2013 2015 2011 2015 82-152 83-696 78-609 2014 2015 2015 2015 06-415 2009 2012 2015gd#86 IH-548 02-277 2015 2015 07-0804 00-1248 2015 07-1211 07-1211 9,869,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 38.00-7-1./1 38.15-1-1 38.15-1-2 38.15-1-3 38.15-1-4 38.15-1-5 38.15-1-7 38.15-1-8 38.15-1-9 38.15-1-10 38.15-1-12 38.15-1-13 38.15-1-14 38.15-1-15 38.15-1-16 38.15-1-17 38.15-1-18 38.15-1-19 38.15-1-20 38.15-1-21 38.15-1-22 38.15-1-23 38.15-1-24 38.20-1-1 38.20-1-2 38.20-1-3 38.20-1-4 38.20-1-5 38.20-1-6 38.20-1-7 38.20-1-8 38.20-1-9 38.20-1-10 38.20-1-11 38.20-1-12 38.20-1-14 38.20-1-15.2 NiMo dba National Grid Popolizio, Thomas R. Leitch, Russell Freisatz, Robert Lawton, Thomas R. Safford, Mary J. Waldman, Marjorie VanAlstyne, Robert Mudge, Rhobe M. Mann, Ryan Gallup, Colin J. VanDeusen, Mark A. Daly, Gerald Melby, Warren R. Brittell, Nancy L. Ciampi, Benvenuto E. Purzycki, Robert E. MacDonald, Paul W. Whitney, Martha W. Reynders, Richard M. Linton, Sara Kwasnicki, Helen Dolores Hamn, Steven M. Miller, Troy C. Baker, Kent C. Smith-Chase, Gretchen L. Romano, Thomas J. Wagner, Barbara J. Tice , Jacualyn Smith, Ryan Allen, Christopher Berean Baptist Church Guilderland Central Carl, Frank William III. Empie, Bryant Luther Saam, Harith A. Seay, Steven M. 31,300 151,200 147,500 132,600 134,000 146,300 103,000 116,700 137,700 173,900 145,000 174,800 192,800 143,200 112,800 105,300 132,800 146,100 114,300 170,100 108,100 118,000 166,600 254,000 141,200 133,900 124,500 125,000 200,000 115,600 175,600 228,200 75,100 142,900 172,400 114,200 220,500 31,300 30,200 29,500 26,500 26,800 29,300 20,600 23,300 27,500 34,800 17,100 35,000 38,600 28,600 22,600 21,100 26,600 29,200 22,900 34,000 21,600 23,600 33,300 50,800 28,200 26,800 24,900 25,000 40,000 23,100 35,100 36,100 34,600 28,600 34,500 22,800 44,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,327,200 Page 151 of 347 1,088,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 31,300 151,200 147,500 132,600 134,000 146,300 103,000 116,700 137,700 173,900 145,000 174,800 192,800 143,200 112,800 105,300 132,800 146,100 114,300 170,100 108,100 118,000 166,600 254,000 141,200 133,900 124,500 125,000 200,000 115,600 175,600 228,200 75,100 142,900 172,400 114,200 220,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 380 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 230 210 230 210 210 220 210 210 620 615 210 210 210 220 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-1211 05-1171 89-1369 IH-549 2013 00-1310 2011 89-244 96-64 2015 04-242 06-1222 08-0742 07-0257 74-148 08-0627 79-414 07-0682 80-699 2009 2015 83-126 2014 04-1148 95-62 05-0273 2011 2011 2013 2015 92-622 03-887 2010 05-0274 2014 06-1224 5,327,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 38.20-1-16 38.20-1-17 38.20-1-18 38.20-1-19 38.20-1-20 38.20-1-21 38.20-1-22 38.20-1-23 38.20-1-24 38.20-1-25 38.20-1-26.1 38.20-1-26.2 38.20-1-27 38.20-1-28 38.20-1-29 38.20-1-30 38.20-1-31 38.20-1-32 38.20-1-33 38.20-1-34 38.20-1-35 38.20-1-36 38.20-1-37 38.20-1-38 38.20-1-39 38.20-1-40 38.20-1-41 38.20-2-1 38.20-2-2 38.20-2-3 38.20-2-4 38.20-2-5 38.20-2-6 38.20-2-7 38.20-2-8 38.20-2-9 38.20-2-11 Iarossi, Joann Elario, Henry F. Jr. Carpinelli, Daniel Halsdorf, Bruce Empie, Bryant L. Weisz, Susan B. Wallace, John R. Knoth, Thomas Tinley, Tania R. OConnor, Thomas J. Mancini, Lisa Anne Virkler, Pierrette Roy Weeks, Susan W. Guilderland Town of Barber, Richard A. Geritz, Patricia A. Wallace, John Katz, Edward Terrizzi, Michael J. Whitney, Seth Meeusen, Gordon A. Carmichael, Matthew V. Palmer, Greg Pietrocola, Frank Albright , Beverly J. Rathburn, Robert C. Krausse, Edwina M. Guilderland Town of Helderberg Reformed Church Overbeck, John C. Ingle, Avery H. Barcomb, Earl Shumeray, Oleg Kross, Benjamin Flansburg, Ida M. Speciale, Salvadore W. Guilderland Town of 196,300 114,500 128,600 290,500 157,300 158,900 125,600 85,100 195,500 174,300 121,900 87,900 129,800 20,000 89,000 78,200 179,800 139,000 181,200 126,900 122,800 246,900 120,500 190,000 102,500 121,700 147,500 84,300 367,500 179,900 120,300 195,700 113,300 85,100 208,000 286,900 48,300 39,300 22,900 25,700 113,300 31,500 15,000 25,100 17,000 39,100 11,600 27,800 17,600 26,000 20,000 17,800 15,600 36,000 27,800 36,200 25,400 24,600 49,400 24,100 43,800 20,500 30,400 29,500 21,100 82,000 36,000 24,100 41,200 25,800 17,000 41,600 58,000 48,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,521,500 Page 152 of 347 1,208,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 196,300 114,500 128,600 290,500 157,300 158,900 125,600 85,100 195,500 174,300 138,900 87,900 129,800 20,000 89,000 78,200 179,800 139,000 181,200 126,900 122,800 246,900 120,500 190,000 102,500 152,100 147,500 84,300 367,500 179,900 120,300 195,700 113,300 85,100 208,000 290,200 48,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 220 432 220 483 210 210 210 411 210 220 210 311 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 230 210 230 210 210 220 681 620 210 210 411 411 210 210 210 692 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Account Nbr 2010 97-16 07-0258 00-442 97-469 07-0259 00-537 2012 2011 06-1428 2015 2010 08-0628 84-230 85-285 04-381 2014 05-0276 2014 2010 93-848 2011 08-0942 07-0261 07-0262 2015 2012 89-815 95-761 64-782 78-347 08-0510 77-727 04-82 2015 83-778 5,572,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 38.20-2-13 38.20-2-14 38.20-2-15 38.20-2-16 38.20-2-17 38.20-2-18 38.20-2-19 38.20-2-20 38.20-2-21 38.20-3-1 38.20-3-2 38.20-3-3 38.20-3-4 38.20-3-5 38.20-3-8 38.20-3-9 38.20-3-11 38.20-3-12 38.20-3-13 38.20-3-14 38.20-3-15 38.20-3-16 38.20-3-17 38.20-3-18 38.20-3-19 38.20-3-20 38.20-3-21 38.20-3-22 38.20-3-23 38.20-3-24 38.20-3-25 38.20-3-26 38.20-3-27 38.20-3-28 38.20-3-30 39.00-1-1 39.00-1-2 Guilderland Town of Adams, Louise Ann OMara, John P. Helderberg Reformed Church Dodge, William R. Mulligan, Kevin C. Marsh, Stacy Guilderland Center Nursing Guilderland Realty Palumbo, James O. Johnson, Mary Ellen Boehlke, Laurie A. Califano, Michael Vincent Mrcela, Barbara Gardner, Kelly Rivenberg, Timothy Ingle, Donna M. Collins, Anita B. Roberts, Daniel Dodge, David J. Beach, Jeffery S. Mazzeo, David A. Plant, Stephanie B. Brown, Tammy Backus, Timothy P. Southard, Alan R. Trestick, Kyle J. Dunn, Linda A. Sapio, Mary Lou Bellinger, Mark W. Efaw, Douglas L. Richmond, James E. Sim, Dean M. Guettler, Michael W. Rosano, Charles Pezzulo, Peter J. Pezzulo, Peter J. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 17,100 128,700 134,600 104,300 114,600 175,000 131,500 135,400 3,315,000 126,600 115,000 120,900 112,500 147,000 183,100 159,300 140,000 123,900 124,300 159,400 132,000 178,600 93,000 128,400 155,400 119,700 81,700 113,300 107,000 122,000 138,100 194,400 118,400 139,900 158,100 113,900 117,800 17,100 25,700 26,900 20,900 22,900 35,000 26,300 27,100 523,200 25,300 23,000 24,200 22,500 24,600 36,600 28,000 28,000 24,800 24,900 31,900 26,400 35,700 18,600 25,700 34,800 23,900 16,300 22,700 21,400 24,400 27,600 38,900 29,400 28,000 31,600 22,800 23,600 7,979,900 Page 153 of 347 1,470,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 17,100 128,700 134,600 104,300 114,600 175,000 131,500 135,400 3,315,000 126,600 115,000 120,900 112,500 147,000 183,100 159,300 140,000 123,900 124,300 159,400 132,000 178,600 93,000 128,400 174,300 119,700 81,700 113,300 107,000 122,000 138,100 194,400 147,200 139,900 158,100 113,900 117,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 692 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 642 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 8 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 83-777 97-721 2009 00-437 08-0082 96-187 2014 06-938 06-938 03-1173 95-762 2015 2010 GD09#40 2013 2010 99-292 07-0265 06-418 2009 2014 94-685 GD2013#15 07-0266 2015 2012 2014 98-1092 05-0278 2011 2009 2011 2015 2012 00-289 2009 99-293 8,027,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 39.00-1-3 39.00-1-4 39.00-1-5.1 39.00-1-5.2 39.00-1-5.3 39.00-1-7 39.00-1-8 39.00-1-9.1 39.00-1-9.2 39.00-1-9.3 39.00-1-10 39.00-1-11 39.00-1-12 39.00-1-13.1 39.00-1-14.1 39.00-1-14.2 39.00-1-15 39.00-1-16 39.00-1-17 39.00-1-18 39.00-1-19 39.00-1-20 39.00-1-21 39.00-1-22 39.00-1-23 39.00-1-24 39.00-1-25 39.00-1-26 39.00-1-27 39.00-1-28 39.00-1-29 39.00-1-30 39.00-1-31 39.00-1-32 39.00-1-33 39.00-1-34 39.00-1-35 Gleason, Kevin Schafer, Mark A. Parekh, Rajendrakuma Morgan, Trevor Rehabilitation Support Santorelli, Robert Mullen, Kelly Viscusi, Zelindo F. Thomas, John A. Thomas, John A. Zyniecki, James B. Zulick, Robert T. Thomas, John A. Guilderland Town of Wolfe, Michael P. Chasnoff, Anna T A Peterson, Kent L. Nasholds, Craig Nasholds, Craig Morgan, Ayman H. Guo, Junan Girard, Eric Brewer, Joseph E. Paster, Michael C. Tran, Loi H. Viscusi, Zelindo F. Darbyshire, J Michael Bush, Robert J. Guilderland Town of Burnett, Joshua Guilderland Town of Minissale, Frank T. Gait, Paul Johnson, Eric J. Davis, Theodore R. Jr. Boyce, Jeffrey A. Giorgio, Michael A. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 84,700 318,800 350,000 141,700 1,221,000 221,200 197,700 33,100 4,000 4,000 127,700 218,000 182,000 55,900 270,100 223,100 192,000 173,700 45,200 489,600 481,100 438,500 425,000 421,300 421,000 594,000 367,400 452,300 100 432,500 100 561,400 447,300 513,900 510,100 447,900 489,600 77,500 67,000 70,000 28,300 100,000 44,200 39,500 33,100 4,000 4,000 25,500 43,600 36,400 55,900 54,000 44,600 38,400 34,700 41,800 97,900 96,200 87,700 89,200 84,300 84,200 118,800 73,500 90,500 100 86,500 100 112,300 89,400 102,800 102,000 89,600 97,900 11,557,000 Page 154 of 347 2,345,500 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 84,700 318,800 350,000 141,700 1,221,000 221,200 197,700 33,100 4,000 4,000 127,700 218,000 182,000 55,900 270,100 223,100 192,000 173,700 45,200 489,600 481,100 438,500 425,000 421,300 421,000 594,000 367,400 452,300 100 432,500 100 561,400 447,300 513,900 510,100 447,900 489,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 312 210 210 220 614 210 210 322 311 311 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 312 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 970 210 260 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 02-714 2012 06-995 05-0279 07-0267 03-1191 2014 08-0307 2012 2012 2015 00-1170 2012 03-0053 2015 2014 2013 93-427 90-580 08-0490 2010 05-0973 GD11Stip 04-873 2011 2009 2013 08-0630 03-0054 2015 03-0054 03-1193 2011 03-1099 06-725 2012 06-1114 11,557,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 39.00-1-36 39.00-1-37 39.00-1-38 39.00-1-39 39.00-1-40 39.00-1-41 39.00-2-1.1 39.00-2-1.2 39.00-2-1.3 39.00-2-1.4 39.00-2-1.5 39.00-2-3.1 39.00-2-3.2 39.00-2-3.3 39.00-2-4 39.00-2-5 39.00-2-6 39.00-2-7 39.00-2-9 39.00-2-10 39.00-2-11 39.00-2-12 39.00-2-13 39.00-2-14 39.00-2-15 39.00-2-16.21 39.00-2-16.22 39.00-2-16.24 39.00-2-17 39.00-2-18 39.00-2-19 39.00-2-20 39.00-2-21 39.00-2-22 39.00-2-23 39.00-2-24.1 39.00-2-24.2 Fioravanti, Eric L. Santoli, Rudolph A. OBrien, John Terrence Jr. Jurczynski, Gary Viscusi, Zelindo F. Viscusi, Zelindo F. Isaacs, Nicholas M. Grasso, Domenick Lugo, Nestor Macerola, Frank P. Caruso Home Builders LLC Mill Hollow Two LLC Spoor, Thomas R. Mill Hollow Two LLC Green, Thomas B. Kagas, Gerasimos Szadys Real Property of Kaylor, Kimberly A. Meyers, Anne Cason, Sharon M. Wright, William W. Oppedisano, James Saint Boniface Church Rehabilitation Support Gods Own Properties Inc Lavelle, John B. Stillman, Walter K. Shinas, Michael Noyes, Larry E. Delgado, Milagro Calabro, Joseph S. Calabro, Joseph Calabro, Joseph S. Neild, Timothy Batty, David A. Phillips, Ian Hanifin Home Builders Inc Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 430,700 401,900 392,500 498,300 92,500 90,000 291,700 420,000 505,300 494,457 40,400 39,800 237,900 921,500 315,800 205,300 108,600 112,400 175,300 192,800 154,500 202,200 325,000 1,482,300 383,200 718,800 1,057,000 59,800 358,400 114,300 92,300 108,800 118,200 437,900 126,200 141,500 55,000 86,100 80,400 78,500 99,700 92,500 90,000 58,300 84,000 101,000 98,890 40,400 39,800 47,600 183,800 63,200 41,100 21,700 22,500 35,100 38,600 46,400 40,400 70,000 216,300 128,800 143,800 103,100 59,800 140,600 22,900 92,300 21,800 23,600 87,500 25,200 28,300 61,400 11,902,557 Page 155 of 347 2,715,390 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 430,700 401,900 392,500 498,300 92,500 90,000 291,700 420,000 505,300 494,457 40,400 39,800 237,900 1,323,900 315,800 205,300 108,600 112,400 175,300 192,800 154,500 202,200 325,000 1,482,300 383,200 718,800 1,057,000 59,800 358,400 114,300 92,300 108,800 118,200 437,900 126,200 141,500 307,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 311 330 210 410 210 210 210 210 210 210 411 220 620 614 421 210 210 311 471 210 330 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-724 07-0819 IH2013 2012 02-793 02-793 2015 2014gd#60 2010 2014gd#64 2015 2013 06-421 2015 03-1308 03-1308 2012 2012 95-1374 2014 2013 2011 87-173 2012 2015 GD2012#83 06-1116 99-1360 2011 97-361 IH-634 IH-634 IH-634 2014 85-165 2011 2015 12,556,957 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 39.00-2-25 39.00-2-26 39.00-2-27.1 39.00-2-27.2 39.00-2-27.3 39.00-2-27.4 39.00-2-28 39.00-2-29.1 39.00-2-29.2 39.00-2-29.3 39.00-2-30 39.00-2-31 39.00-2-32 39.00-2-33 39.00-2-34 39.00-2-39.1 39.00-2-39.4 39.00-2-39.5 39.00-2-39.6 39.00-2-39.7 39.00-2-40 39.00-2-41 39.00-2-42 39.00-2-43 39.00-2-44 39.00-2-45 39.00-2-46 39.00-2-47.1 39.00-2-47.3 39.00-2-47.4 39.00-2-48 39.00-2-49 39.00-2-50 39.00-2-51 39.00-2-52 39.00-2-53 39.00-2-54 Johnson, Steven Bouteiller, Nicole E. Mahoney, Lisa J. Collett, Jack Rizzuto, Dominick J. McDonald, Christine A. Vojnar, William Olm, John M. Cherko, Patrick Dubois, Robert Calabro, Joseph S. Napoli, John P. Mulchy, Timothy Eglit, Kevin Whipple, Keith C. Guilderland Town of Falvo, Kathleen M. Reedy, James Vincent Laudato, Paul J. VanPatten, Gregg A. Drebitko, Simeon J. Alexander, Thomas Route 146 Corporation Guilderland Town of Strever, Betty L. Mazzuca, Jason R. Laviska, Charles Store Away At Guilderland, LLC Arcolano, Charles P. Store Away At Guilderland, LLC Bremm, Diana M. Hauf, William Noakes, Dean A. Giagni, Christina M. Cocca, Stephanie A. Kannes, Ann Rowen, John Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 237,900 118,000 269,000 1,608,400 461,300 731,900 157,400 472,000 700,000 525,300 1,500 134,500 187,000 242,000 331,400 100,000 272,800 300,200 399,000 150,400 189,000 169,400 113,600 315,000 143,000 143,100 197,500 430,600 149,700 27,300 145,000 129,000 118,600 158,600 144,300 103,500 138,700 47,600 23,600 53,800 321,700 92,300 145,000 79,500 128,200 189,100 105,100 1,500 26,900 37,400 48,400 66,300 100,000 54,600 56,300 79,800 30,100 189,000 46,600 61,100 262,500 28,600 28,600 119,700 97,400 29,900 27,300 36,500 25,800 23,700 31,700 28,900 20,700 27,700 10,215,900 Page 156 of 347 2,772,900 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 237,900 118,000 269,000 1,608,400 461,300 731,900 157,400 472,000 700,000 525,300 1,500 134,500 187,000 242,000 331,400 100,000 272,800 281,500 399,000 150,400 189,000 169,400 113,600 315,000 143,000 143,100 197,500 546,500 149,700 27,300 182,500 129,000 118,600 158,600 144,300 103,500 138,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 113 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 322 210 210 210 210 321 210 240 240 210 210 112 442 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 2015 2015 2013 IH-563 2014 GD2013#14 GD11#24 2010GD#36 2011 90-517 81-527 90-177 2013 2009 2011 2013 2015gd#33 IH-565 03-1340 83-683 2014 2013 89-711 2010 03-637 00-683 2015 08-0381 2009 2015IH 87-356 06-997 07-1249 05-0280 05-0281 01-767 10,350,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.00-2-55.3 39.00-2-55.4 39.00-2-55.5 39.00-2-55.6 39.00-2-55.11 39.00-2-55.12 39.00-2-57 39.00-2-58 39.00-2-59 39.00-2-60 39.00-2-61 39.00-2-62 39.00-2-63 39.00-2-64.2 39.00-2-64.11 39.00-2-66.1 39.00-2-66.2 39.00-2-66.3 39.00-2-66.4 39.00-2-67 39.00-2-68 39.00-2-69 39.00-2-70 39.00-2-71 39.00-2-72 39.00-2-73 39.00-2-74 39.00-2-75 39.00-2-76 39.00-2-77 39.00-2-78 39.00-2-79 39.00-2-80 39.00-2-81 39.00-2-82 39.00-2-83 39.00-2-84 Lassonde, Cynthia A. Brown, Stephen A. Elmore, Carey B. Mitchell, Frances E. Saluzzo-Cox, Loretta S. Saluzzo-Cox, Loretta S. Fowler, Peter Fowler, Peter A. Fiscaletti, Jeremy T. Fiscaletti, Laurie Mawson, Kevin R. Griffin, Ronald E. Donato, Andrew W. Hein, Joseph Teneyck, Peter G. Spaulding, Gary L. Alwakfi, Omar Bohl, Richard Bohl, Richard Guilderland Town of Vivenzio, John H. Sericolo, Anthony P. Cohen, Gary W. Lennard, Bruce D. Adirondack Development Adirondack Development Burke, Kevin P. Fogel, Alan J. Wells, Donald J. Rose, Betty Irene Aucompaugh, Derek W. Aucompaugh, Derek W. Aucompaugh, Derek W. Skelly, Diana E. Quinn, Peter D. Kmack, John M. Deangelis, Michael 299,900 288,900 397,500 350,000 475,300 65,500 238,200 50,100 168,000 96,500 186,200 187,400 177,900 204,400 193,200 416,000 715,800 50,000 20,000 51,900 100 416,700 403,900 388,300 100 8,500 462,900 486,400 371,100 262,800 30,000 387,000 0 360,400 527,100 521,900 498,500 62,100 57,800 79,500 79,200 95,100 65,500 45,600 10,000 33,600 19,300 37,200 37,500 35,600 48,200 70,200 90,700 154,200 50,000 20,000 51,900 100 83,300 80,800 151,500 100 8,500 152,900 97,300 74,200 52,600 30,000 140,360 0 72,100 105,400 104,400 99,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,758,400 Page 157 of 347 2,396,460 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 310,700 288,900 397,500 350,000 475,300 65,500 238,200 50,100 168,000 96,500 186,200 187,400 177,900 204,400 193,200 453,800 715,800 50,000 20,000 51,900 100 416,700 403,900 388,300 100 8,500 462,900 486,400 371,100 262,800 30,000 387,000 0 360,400 527,100 521,900 498,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 220 1 311 1 220 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 240 1 210 1 240 1 311 1 322 1 822 8 311 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 970 8 970 8 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 210 1 970 A 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 Account Nbr 2015 06-793 2015 2015 2012 07-0822 07-0823 07-0905 2014 2012 2012 02-804 2015 04-1152 2013 2015 2013 2009 2009 80-654 08-0308 GD2012#75 2015 2014 06-998 06-999 02-800 IH-571 06-1070 2012SCAR GD05-311B 2010GD#25 03-1341 2013 2013 2013 2014 9,807,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.00-2-85 39.00-2-86 39.00-2-87 39.00-2-88 39.00-2-89 39.00-2-90 39.00-2-91 39.00-2-92 39.00-2-93 39.00-2-94 39.00-2-95 39.00-2-96 39.00-2-97 39.00-2-98 39.00-2-99 39.00-2-100 39.00-2-101 39.00-2-102 39.00-2-103 39.00-2-104 39.00-2-105 39.00-2-106 39.00-2-107 39.00-2-108 39.00-2-109 39.00-2-110 39.00-2-111 39.00-2-112 39.00-2-113 39.00-2-114 39.00-2-115 39.00-2-116 39.00-2-117 39.00-2-118 39.00-2-119 39.00-2-120 39.00-2-121 Garrison Development Grp LLC Borges, Michael Garrison Development Group Ll Mohammad, Abdul Jabbar Traudt, John H. Davis, Raymond W. DAngelo, Jon T. Barbera, Joseph A. Sr. Hodorowski, John Luke Abbruzzese, Michael J. Hunt, Gregory A. Jaskot, Shannon Theresa Garrison Development Group Ll McManus, Christopher G. Ferrucci, Jeannette D. Zampier, John W. Jr. Cresswell, Anthony M. Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group Ll Hulihan, Matthew M. Chatigny, Patrick Collins, Michael Labuda, Adam Garrison Development Group Ll Yu, Jiang W. Vu, Quoc-Bao Alin, Rima Behari, Navin R. Renzi, Michael Patrick Pris, Andrew D. Smart, William L. Zhang, John H. Harding, Daniel A. Enbawe, Sam Sullivan, Nora A. Russell, Patrick J. Meszler, David F. 500 457,200 20,000 430,500 457,150 374,900 474,100 412,600 846,700 353,800 392,600 238,950 500 339,500 375,400 324,470 386,900 500 20,000 20,000 367,750 425,600 330,550 500 437,500 329,400 578,900 523,900 310,900 425,050 382,150 352,650 372,750 20,000 310,900 289,500 406,300 500 95,000 20,000 81,000 91,400 74,900 94,800 82,000 169,300 73,600 78,500 73,300 500 67,900 75,100 63,600 77,300 500 20,000 76,000 73,550 85,100 66,100 500 87,500 65,800 115,800 104,700 62,100 85,000 76,400 70,500 74,550 73,100 62,200 57,900 81,250 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,790,570 Page 158 of 347 2,557,250 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 500 457,200 20,000 405,000 457,150 374,900 474,100 412,600 846,700 368,000 392,600 366,700 500 339,500 375,400 318,000 386,900 500 20,000 380,000 367,750 425,600 330,550 500 437,500 329,400 578,900 523,900 310,900 425,050 382,150 352,650 372,750 365,700 310,900 289,500 406,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 821 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 821 210 210 210 210 821 311 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0105 2014 2012 2015IH 2014 2014 2015 2014 2014 2015gd#18 2014 2015 2011 2014 2013 2015IH 2014 2011 2011 2015 2015 2015 2015 2011 2014 2014 2014 2014gd#32 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2015 12,606,250 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.00-2-122 39.00-2-123 39.00-2-124 39.00-2-125 39.00-2-126 39.00-2-127 39.00-2-128 39.00-2-129 39.00-2-130 39.00-2-131 39.00-2-132 39.00-2-133 39.00-2-134 39.00-2-135 39.00-2-136 39.00-2-137 39.00-2-138 39.00-2-139 39.00-2-140 39.00-2-141 39.00-2-142 39.00-2-143 39.00-2-144 39.00-2-145 39.00-2-146 39.00-2-147 39.00-2-148 39.00-2-149 39.00-2-150 39.00-2-151 39.00-2-152 39.00-2-153 39.00-2-154 39.00-2-155 39.00-2-156 39.00-2-157 39.00-2-158 Laraway, Carver P. Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group LLC Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group Ll Phelan, Mark Garrison Development Group Ll Hinds, Donnial K. Timofeev, Konstantin Ramos, Manuel Chaugule, Amit A. Wu, Sz-Shyan Garrison Development Group Ll Liu, Chi-Chun Sista, Srinivas Swain, Sanjay K. Rangan, Prahalad Canchela, Reynaldo P. Sahu, Manoranjan Leach, Thomas B. Favitta, Thomas P. Tastor, Jamie McTiernan, Brian Mirochnik, Brian Male, William Slusar, Mark F. Amazon, Richard Garrison Development Group Ll Garrison Development Group Ll Smitkin, Gregory S. 505,700 500 40,000 40,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 50,000 267,300 50,000 50,000 50,000 318,800 331,900 340,300 40,000 424,700 327,400 228,900 40,000 40,000 40,000 256,500 40,000 257,000 398,300 52,000 50,000 273,800 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 101,100 500 40,000 40,000 40,000 132,800 50,000 40,000 92,600 40,000 40,000 50,000 67,700 50,000 76,200 110,500 63,760 67,000 66,000 86,800 84,900 65,400 72,000 65,400 62,400 65,100 69,000 65,100 67,200 91,900 77,400 80,200 92,300 64,700 75,100 86,800 81,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,973,100 Page 159 of 347 2,520,960 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 505,700 500 40,000 40,000 40,000 199,100 50,000 40,000 370,300 40,000 40,000 50,000 338,600 50,000 381,000 552,700 318,800 331,900 329,800 217,100 424,700 327,400 360,200 327,200 311,900 325,600 345,200 325,400 336,000 459,300 387,000 401,200 461,100 323,400 150,200 217,100 405,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 826 311 311 311 210 311 311 210 311 311 311 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 2011 2014 2014 2014 2015 2014 2014 2015 2014 2014 2014 2015 2014 2015 2015 2014SC#27 2014 2015IH 2015 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 9,824,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.00-2-159 39.00-2-160 39.00-2-161 39.00-2-162 39.00-3-3 39.00-3-4 39.00-3-5 39.00-3-6 39.00-3-8 39.00-3-10 39.00-3-11 39.00-3-13 39.00-3-14 39.00-3-16 39.00-3-17 39.00-3-18 39.00-3-19 39.00-3-20 39.00-3-21 39.00-3-23 39.00-3-24 39.00-3-25 39.00-3-26 39.00-3-27 39.00-3-28.1 39.00-3-28.2 39.00-3-29 39.00-3-30 39.00-3-31 39.00-3-32 39.00-3-33 39.00-3-34 39.00-3-35 39.00-3-36 39.00-3-37 39.00-3-38 39.00-3-40 Rush, Thomas B. Garrison Development Group Ll Darvin, Ross A. Garrison Development Group Ll Crisafulli , Philip M. Crisafulli, Philip M. Crisafulli, Philip M. Kong, Philomena W. BJG Realty Corp of Albany Twenty Four Seventy Radley, Greta Gade, John H. III. Westmere Realty LLC Stewarts Shops Corp Hosler, David L. Hosler, David L. Hosler, David L. Barnoski, Charles E. Hosler, David L. Reinemann, Linda R. Ashbee, Thomas W. Jr. Ashbee, Thomas W. Jr. Michaud, Robert P. Boyer, Wayne W. Brust, James A. Brust, James A. Brust, James A. Robles, Janelle S. Draisey, Louise M Silhanek, Sue Ann King Guilderland Town of Barth, Rudolph A. Barth, Rudolph A. Barth, Kenneth Robert Wright, Janice A. Guilderland Town of Barlow, Donald J. 50,000 50,000 50,000 500 154,500 52,800 145,700 133,500 259,600 175,800 143,200 197,000 605,600 720,000 141,500 84,200 30,000 90,600 202,400 21,200 120,300 5,000 164,200 161,400 150,000 59,500 149,900 151,800 115,200 5,000 160,700 34,400 8,000 198,600 151,300 610,000 157,400 100,000 50,000 92,700 500 46,400 52,800 59,700 51,500 128,800 35,200 28,600 39,400 392,700 344,500 28,300 16,800 30,000 18,100 40,500 21,200 24,100 5,000 32,800 32,300 39,000 59,500 30,000 30,400 23,000 5,000 56,700 20,000 8,000 68,400 44,400 200,000 31,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,710,800 Page 160 of 347 2,287,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 490,500 50,000 438,900 500 154,500 52,800 59,700 133,500 259,600 175,800 143,200 197,000 597,600 1,008,200 141,500 84,200 137,000 90,600 202,400 21,200 120,300 5,000 164,200 161,400 150,000 59,500 149,900 151,800 115,200 5,000 160,700 34,400 8,000 198,600 151,300 610,000 157,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 311 210 821 615 330 330 484 421 220 210 210 416 486 210 210 482 210 230 311 210 311 210 210 210 320 210 210 210 311 650 312 311 170 210 963 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 8 1 Account Nbr 2015 2014 2015 2014 94-410 99-1468 2015 GD05-482 99-1488 2014 99-1541 04-832 2015 2015 05-1251 2011 2015 GD05-230 06-1233 2009 06-422 06-422 00-1172 80-583 GD11#45 2010 94-947 2012 IH-578 CERT4233-05 2009 03-0449 95-111 04-943 IH-1543 77-859 2013 6,841,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 39.00-3-41 39.00-3-42 39.00-3-43 39.00-3-44 39.00-3-46 39.00-3-47 39.00-3-48 39.00-3-49 39.00-3-50 39.00-3-51 39.00-3-52 39.00-3-54 39.00-3-55 39.00-3-56.1 39.00-3-56.2 39.00-3-56.3 39.00-3-57.1 39.00-3-57.2 39.00-3-58 39.00-3-59 39.00-3-60 39.00-3-61 39.00-3-62 39.00-3-63 39.00-3-64 39.00-3-65 39.00-3-66 39.00-3-67 39.00-3-68 39.00-4-2.1 39.00-4-2.3 39.00-4-2.4 39.00-4-3 39.00-4-4 39.00-4-5 39.00-4-6 39.00-4-7 Crounse, James E. Davis, Mark Simmons, John A. Craig, Richard J. LaBelle, Lee J. VanWie, Russell Morrill, George P. Fiacco, Margaret R. Crounse, Leslie H. Russo, Frank D. Ganey, Barbara H. Tri-Way Service Inc Tri-Way Service Inc Guilderland Town of Town of Guilderland Guilderland Town of LaFave, Cynthia S. Twenty Three NInety Desai, Jyotsna J. Keaney, Thomas P. Nezaj, Afrim Sharifipour, Mohamaed Gardner, Michael J. Buicko, David M. Fagan, Joseph M. Jr. Articolo, John A. Mendez, Carlos Guilderland, Town of Davis, Paul E. Gade, John H. III. Gade, John H. III. Gade, James O. Gade, Louise T. Gade Farm LLC Gade, John H. III. Gade Farm LLC, The LARAPA, LLC Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 118,900 5,500 167,100 643,520 107,800 148,800 139,300 100,000 196,000 164,800 188,800 309,000 174,500 7,200,000 329,100 216,300 296,700 850,000 416,100 427,500 700,900 631,200 627,100 627,800 752,000 541,400 314,000 5,000 160,000 274,000 20,000 252,500 194,900 213,700 54,000 25,000 80,600 23,800 5,500 33,400 128,700 21,600 29,800 27,900 20,000 39,200 33,000 37,800 137,400 247,800 935,700 65,800 43,300 90,600 170,000 180,300 85,500 140,200 126,200 125,400 125,600 150,400 108,300 62,800 5,000 32,000 47,800 20,000 50,500 39,000 39,500 37,800 25,000 80,600 17,673,820 Page 161 of 347 3,573,200 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 118,900 5,500 167,100 643,520 107,800 148,800 139,300 100,000 196,000 164,800 188,800 240,400 247,800 7,200,000 329,100 216,300 296,700 850,000 416,100 427,500 700,900 631,200 627,100 627,800 752,000 541,400 314,000 5,000 160,000 274,000 20,000 252,500 194,900 213,700 54,000 25,000 80,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 311 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 484 330 552 210 210 465 464 415 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 140 311 210 210 230 120 210 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 99-1053 2013 00-541 2012 07-0272 2013 03-851 2010 95-764 2009 2013 2015 2015 03-1342 2015 2011 2012 2013 93-9999 05-779 2011 2010 00-144 GD05-390 02-716 SC15-05 2010 00-1313 05-0284 2014 IH-582 2012 IH-583A 02-133 2011 2010 08-0557 17,678,520 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 39.00-4-8 39.00-4-9.1 39.00-4-9.2 39.00-4-9.3 39.00-4-9.4 39.06-1-1 39.06-1-2 39.06-1-3 39.06-1-4 39.06-1-5 39.06-1-6 39.06-1-7 39.06-1-8 39.06-1-9 39.06-1-10 39.06-1-11 39.06-1-12 39.06-1-13 39.06-1-14 39.06-1-15 39.06-1-16 39.06-1-17 39.06-1-18 39.06-1-19 39.06-1-20 39.06-1-21 39.06-1-22 39.06-2-1 39.06-2-2 39.06-2-3 39.06-2-4 39.06-2-5 39.06-2-6 39.06-2-7 39.06-2-8 39.06-2-9 39.06-2-10 Tech 2 Enterprises LLC Guilderland Partners Open Door Church LARAPA, LLC Western Avenue Ventures LLC Therriault, Gene D. Lue, Joanne V. Poznanski, Thomas M. Crandall, Casey W. Nolte, Anne M Deitz-Morgan, Denise Alvis, Jack Jr. Cassella, Lisa M. Lasselle, Ralph R & Clara T. Striss, John Christopher Vottis, Guy R. Bopp, Dianna J. Rusch, Catherine P. Myers, Elizabeth C. Whipple, Julie T. Phillips, Thomas P. Polsinelli, Vincenza Cornwell, Warren E. Sr. Cavosie, Robin L. Robillard, Donald J. Knach, Stephen E. Pradhan, Jitendra B. McCullough, Jean H. Ableman, Paul W. Tariello, Paul J & Anna R Konopka, Valerie A. Boivin, Douglas Welge, Charles H. Jr. Stedge, Benjamin D. Vigneri, Debbieanne Hesler, Thomas & Rita E Lamar, James L. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 123,600 2,546,300 650,000 62,100 200,000 165,500 167,300 155,600 156,900 156,000 196,000 237,600 161,000 145,800 142,600 185,100 225,500 129,600 166,300 165,300 163,900 2,000 2,000 148,900 215,800 178,200 204,700 169,400 144,600 163,800 149,000 187,000 197,200 165,500 161,800 203,700 183,400 67,000 380,600 247,200 62,100 92,700 33,100 33,500 31,100 31,400 31,200 39,200 47,500 32,200 29,200 37,700 37,000 45,100 25,900 33,300 33,100 32,800 2,000 2,000 29,800 43,200 35,600 40,900 33,900 28,900 32,800 29,800 37,400 39,400 33,100 32,400 40,700 36,700 8,779,000 Page 162 of 347 1,901,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 123,600 2,546,300 650,000 62,100 200,000 165,500 167,300 155,600 156,900 156,000 196,000 237,600 161,000 145,800 188,700 185,100 225,500 129,600 166,300 165,300 163,900 2,000 2,000 148,900 215,800 178,200 204,700 169,400 144,600 163,800 149,000 187,000 197,200 165,500 161,800 203,700 183,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 484 456 682 311 484 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 01-1086 2014 2014 08-0483 2012 2015 86-539 2014 2010 91-99 2014 96-880 05-1172 06-085 2015 2009 02-717 IH-585 94-150 00-684 01-467 88-1338 06-235 2009 73-620 05-0286 GD05-198 2014 08-1100 06-233 2015 2012 IH-586 2011 03-0450 2012 07-0801 8,825,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.06-2-11 39.06-2-12 39.06-2-13 39.06-2-14 39.06-2-15 39.06-2-16 39.06-2-17 39.06-2-18 39.06-2-19 39.06-2-20 39.06-2-21 39.06-2-22 39.06-2-23 39.06-2-24 39.06-2-25 39.06-2-26 39.06-2-27 39.06-2-28 39.06-2-29 39.06-2-30 39.06-2-31.1 39.06-2-31.2 39.06-2-32 39.06-2-33 39.06-2-34 39.06-2-35 39.06-2-36 39.06-2-37 39.06-2-38 39.06-2-39 39.06-2-40 39.06-2-41 39.06-2-42 39.06-3-1 39.06-3-2 39.06-3-3 39.06-3-5 Heidenstrom, Lorelei Ann Newbegin, Adam J. McCoy, Michael R. Sisk, Bernard L. Hall, Wade A. Bonafede Irrevoc Living Trust, Vincent & Marguerite Elze, Agnes E. Rosen, Orrey G. Dwyer, Thomas J. Jr. Anderson, Steven J. Flaum, I Michael Neil, Karen J. Plass, Derek J. Plass, Derek J. Hungershafer, Lamont M. Oldendorf, Robert Watson, Mark R. Davis, Richard D. Gottesman, Claudia Rubino, James Lin, Xiang Keng Smith, Robert P. Foster, Charles M. Christman, Bryon D. Hughes, Kerry B. Smith, June V. Lopatniuk, Elizabeth M. Douglas, Ann Coogan, Florence M. Ketz, Nicholas Agosto, Sandra S. CMR Pinewood LLC Commerford, Dennis H. McGowan, Leeanne Smith, Barry L. Smith, Robert J. Hutton, Austin 200,600 168,500 181,400 192,200 143,400 147,400 165,700 157,800 127,400 151,800 167,700 197,200 123,000 156,000 150,600 185,100 152,000 238,800 145,600 172,700 163,000 242,900 186,400 204,300 158,600 123,900 191,400 145,300 149,700 151,800 147,400 145,500 142,900 164,600 166,800 163,700 151,800 40,100 33,700 36,300 38,400 28,700 29,500 33,100 31,600 25,500 30,400 33,500 39,400 24,600 31,200 30,100 37,000 30,400 47,800 29,100 34,500 32,600 48,600 37,300 40,900 31,700 24,800 38,300 29,100 29,900 30,400 29,500 29,100 28,600 32,900 33,400 32,700 30,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,124,900 Page 163 of 347 1,225,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 200,600 168,500 181,400 192,200 143,400 147,400 165,700 157,800 127,400 151,800 167,700 197,200 123,000 156,000 150,600 185,100 152,000 238,800 145,600 172,700 163,000 242,900 186,400 204,300 158,600 123,900 191,400 145,300 149,700 151,800 147,400 145,500 142,900 164,600 166,800 163,700 151,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 2010 2009 78-374 2012 08-0812 97-645 2011 05-0288 00-294 04-382 2011 2012 92-728 04-90 94-667 06-940 SC83-05 08-0878 79-893 06-695 05-0980 98-1242 04-692 2011 94-642 2015 08-0086 78-376 2015 08-0001 2015 2014gd#55 08-0696 97-365 2013 80-594 6,124,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.06-3-6 39.06-3-7 39.06-3-8 39.06-3-10 39.06-3-11 39.06-3-12 39.06-3-13 39.06-3-14 39.06-3-15 39.06-3-16 39.06-3-17 39.06-3-18 39.06-3-19 39.06-3-20 39.06-3-21 39.06-3-22 39.06-3-23 39.06-3-24 39.06-3-25 39.06-3-26 39.06-3-27 39.06-3-28 39.06-3-29 39.06-3-30 39.06-3-31 39.06-3-33 39.06-3-34 39.06-3-35 39.06-3-37 39.07-1-1 39.07-1-2 39.07-1-3 39.07-1-4 39.07-1-5 39.07-1-6 39.07-1-7 39.07-1-8 Hodgkins, Eileen M. Giglio, Thomas J. Petitti, Sheila M. Albany Comm Alternative #3 Inc Cornwell, Warren E. Sr. Cornwell, Warren E. Sr. Cornwell, Warren E. Sr. Hanley, Todd J. Potts, David John Cranford, Jonathan Heidenstrom, Lorelei Sierzega, John J. Jr. Probst, Dorothy Lasher Trust Napierski, Leonard G. Oh-Lee, Hae Young Aziz, Francis Fox, Sonia E. Evon, Margaret M. Malina, Jan Morelli, Daniel P. Zelenewych, Susan Britt, Andrew E. Pikcilingis, Beatrice D. Roderick, Thad P. Cornwell, Nancy H. Avery, Marilynn W. Kayser, Charles A. Carrillo, Michael Gifford, Maggie Kolpack Guilderland Town of Szesnat, Danielle Nelligan, Michelle Kisby, James L. Walsh, Christopher E. Coon, Stephen M. Aziz, David T. Doherty, Patrick 158,600 171,800 158,500 360,200 40,400 40,400 40,400 173,500 173,300 156,500 168,100 162,600 147,800 126,700 169,300 156,000 162,600 132,600 174,900 165,500 154,100 133,900 163,700 168,300 172,300 107,300 112,200 104,500 231,900 2,400 127,300 148,200 137,000 179,600 174,200 132,200 238,800 31,700 34,400 31,700 72,000 40,400 40,400 40,400 34,700 34,700 31,300 33,600 32,500 29,600 25,300 33,900 31,200 37,400 26,500 35,000 33,100 30,800 26,800 32,700 33,700 34,500 21,500 22,400 20,900 46,400 2,400 25,500 29,600 27,400 35,900 34,800 26,400 47,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,527,600 Page 164 of 347 1,209,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 158,600 171,800 158,500 360,200 40,400 40,400 40,400 173,500 173,300 156,500 168,100 162,600 147,800 126,700 169,300 156,000 187,200 132,600 174,900 165,500 154,100 133,900 163,700 168,300 172,300 107,300 112,200 104,500 231,900 2,400 127,300 148,200 137,000 179,600 174,200 132,200 238,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 614 311 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-1361 2013 02-1227 2012 06-235 06-235 06-235 2014 98-563 2015 07-0273 2014 2009 2009 08-0632 73-693 2015 78-487 02-52 04-91 08-1163 2015 05-0290 2012 06-236 03-1308 03-1308 03-1308 2014 80-654 2014 2014 88-774 97-368 2013 IH-593 2015 5,552,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 39.07-1-9 39.07-1-10 39.07-1-11 39.07-1-12 39.07-1-13 39.07-1-14 39.07-1-15 39.07-1-16 39.07-1-17 39.07-1-18 39.07-1-19 39.07-1-20 39.07-1-21 39.07-1-22 39.07-1-23 39.07-1-24 39.07-1-25 39.07-1-26.1 39.07-1-26.3 39.07-1-26.21 39.07-1-26.22 39.07-1-28 39.07-2-1 39.07-2-2 39.07-2-3 39.07-2-4 39.07-2-5 39.07-2-6 39.07-2-7 39.07-2-8 39.07-2-9 39.07-2-10 39.07-2-11 39.07-2-12 39.07-2-13 39.07-2-14 39.07-2-15 Lee, Benjamin C. Smith, Brian A. Quinn, James Rowe, Danielle M. Bissetta, Stephanie Bissetta, Stephanie Crawford, Jacob M. Lozoff, Kathleen M. Snure, Gary L. Nugent, Kimberly Livingston, Mark Livingston, Mark J. Raczkowski, Jeanne A. Posson, Robert L. Richard, Gaetane E. Rose, James W. Guilderland Town of New York Independent Guilderland Town of NiMo dba National Grid Guilderland Town of Messercola, Robert Wilson, James Zyskowski, Shirley Housel, Julian G. Sickler, Dwight S. Carpenter, Christopher A. Minosh, Donald Dearstyne, Nancy Elizabeth Morton-Peasley, Lauri A. Allard, Michael Zahnleuter, John Tice, Donna S. Tidd, Daniel W. Harris, Charles M. Mitchell, Robert W. Mitchell, Robert Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 156,300 142,200 127,100 156,000 146,600 5,000 148,900 156,000 148,900 142,600 170,000 153,600 148,400 144,000 157,800 132,400 1,100,000 3,000,000 16,900 2,000,000 5,000 191,900 208,700 130,000 186,500 222,100 214,400 151,400 144,300 185,500 128,000 129,700 208,800 200,900 143,800 179,000 189,900 31,300 28,400 25,400 31,200 29,300 5,000 29,800 31,200 29,800 28,500 34,000 30,700 29,700 28,800 31,600 26,500 226,900 200,000 16,900 70,400 5,000 38,400 41,700 26,000 37,300 44,400 42,900 30,300 28,900 37,100 25,600 25,900 41,800 40,200 28,800 35,800 38,000 11,172,600 Page 165 of 347 1,533,500 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 156,300 142,200 127,100 156,000 146,600 5,000 148,900 156,000 148,900 142,600 170,000 153,600 148,400 144,000 157,800 132,400 1,100,000 3,000,000 16,900 2,000,000 5,000 191,900 208,700 130,000 186,500 222,100 214,400 151,400 144,300 185,500 128,000 129,700 208,800 200,900 143,800 179,000 189,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 650 871 311 871 692 210 210 210 220 281 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0382 05-0291 2013 07-1076 08-0383 07-0275 2012 2015 90-186 2011 97-967 07-0277 2011 78-379 2014 91-464 GD11#91 90-1354 2010 04-324 00-444 2014 74-66 88-772 99-129 96-733 84-166 2013 2013ih 2013 76-225 07-0915 2015 2012 2012 2012 11,172,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.07-2-16 39.07-2-17 39.07-2-18 39.07-2-19 39.07-2-20 39.07-2-21 39.07-2-22 39.07-2-23 39.07-2-24 39.07-2-25.1 39.07-2-25.2 39.07-2-26 39.07-2-27 39.07-2-28 39.07-2-29 39.07-2-30 39.07-2-31 39.07-2-32 39.07-2-33 39.07-2-34 39.07-2-35 39.07-2-36 39.07-2-37 39.07-2-38 39.07-2-39 39.07-2-40 39.07-3-1 39.07-3-2 39.07-3-3 39.07-3-4 39.07-3-5 39.07-3-6 39.07-3-7 39.07-3-8 39.07-3-9 39.07-3-10 39.07-3-11 Farag, Farag Stah, Timothy J. Horan, Timothy J. Perry, M Patricia Leininger, Richard F. Dwyer, Barbara F. Andreski, Stephen Andreski, Stephen Graham, Marvin L. Sandberg, Robert A. Jr. Sandberg, Robert A. Jr. Krenrich, Bridget M. Wilson, Brian Haller, Andrew S. Diana, Diane T. Sagar, Suzanne E. Fischer, Catherine L. Gagliardi, Larry J. Jr. Salazar, Edward Noval, Stanley Jr. Fleury, Robert J. Mitchell, Matthew J. Miller, Douglas R. Gula, Frederick T. Wagner, David Lundstedt, Sandra K. Shaffer, Stephen F. Belli, Terri A. Corey, David P. Cranney, Thomas P. Gladd, George Klug, Susan Yadegari, Mohammad Bass, Ronald J. DeLima, Michael J. Robinson, Gary A. Sacks, H Kevin 148,100 160,000 143,500 162,400 148,400 142,200 168,000 172,100 143,100 129,700 309,400 199,900 134,800 128,800 174,600 199,900 165,400 171,200 124,000 148,100 296,100 258,800 216,200 156,800 143,800 177,900 176,500 194,300 165,100 143,500 147,000 173,600 150,100 229,700 147,500 169,100 165,200 29,600 32,000 28,700 32,500 29,700 28,400 33,600 34,400 28,600 25,900 61,900 40,000 27,000 25,800 34,900 40,000 33,100 34,200 24,800 29,600 59,200 51,800 43,200 31,400 28,800 35,600 35,300 38,900 33,000 28,700 29,400 34,700 30,000 45,900 29,500 33,800 33,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,384,800 Page 166 of 347 1,276,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 148,100 160,000 143,500 162,400 148,400 142,200 168,000 172,100 143,100 129,700 309,400 199,900 134,800 128,800 174,600 199,900 165,400 171,200 124,000 148,100 296,100 258,800 216,200 156,800 143,800 177,900 176,500 194,300 165,100 143,500 147,000 173,600 150,100 229,700 147,500 169,100 165,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-596 2009 01-805 2010 IH-1544 76-356 2009 2012 86-332 97-472 03-0684 2015 88-206 2015 00-688 2009 04-92 08-0101 2010 IH-598 07-0944 04-1006 88-314 2015 2014 84-398 02-53 08-0743 06-1381 08-0461 76-227 07-0916 01-413 96-190 02-279 2012 90-377 6,384,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.07-3-12 39.07-3-13 39.07-3-14 39.07-3-15 39.07-3-16 39.07-3-17 39.07-3-18 39.07-3-19 39.07-3-20 39.07-3-21.1 39.07-3-21.2 39.07-3-22 39.07-3-23 39.07-3-24 39.07-3-25 39.07-3-26 39.07-3-27 39.07-3-28 39.07-3-29 39.07-3-30 39.07-3-31 39.07-3-32 39.07-4-1 39.07-4-2 39.07-4-3 39.07-4-4 39.07-4-5 39.07-4-6 39.07-4-7 39.07-4-8 39.07-4-9 39.07-4-10 39.07-4-11 39.07-4-12 39.07-4-13 39.07-4-14 39.07-4-15 Radigan, Marleen Mazur, John S. Colling, Wesley M. Jr. Kisby, Sharon Scheiderer, Robert OBrien, Gillen J & Gladys Sheridan, Thomas J. Gula, Robert J. Gearhardt, Barbara H. Synfelt, Robert S & Patricia Clark, Raymond J. Mohawk Village Apartments LLC Dee, David A. Jr. Chura, Pamella A. Messercola, Gene Jr. Carusone, Anthony Jr. Guilderland Lodge BPO McCarthy, Richard M. Rodriguez, Gabriel G. Dunn, Alyssa M. Guilderland Lodge BPO Schmitz, Mary A. Weeden, Bruce Browne, Paul J. Chen, Guo Qiu Hockenbury, Thomas L. Brustman , Loretta D. Regan, John A. Hall, Christopher W. Phillips, Jeffrey Ross Frost, Robert E. Cottle, Rand Feil, Dennis R. Trela, John T. Lyons, Richard C. Bauer, Christian Iveson, Alice H. 124,000 175,400 237,800 218,300 173,200 194,200 190,000 143,800 160,000 180,500 210,700 163,300 123,200 140,100 158,100 111,200 543,800 158,700 147,000 129,700 98,900 145,700 229,000 244,400 239,500 238,800 226,000 234,500 209,100 240,200 224,000 248,800 177,000 221,000 176,400 229,000 194,200 24,800 35,100 47,600 43,700 34,600 37,700 38,000 28,800 32,000 36,100 42,100 32,700 24,600 28,000 31,600 61,800 231,800 31,700 29,400 25,900 19,800 29,100 45,800 48,900 45,200 47,800 45,200 46,900 41,800 48,000 44,800 49,800 35,400 44,200 35,300 45,800 38,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,259,500 Page 167 of 347 1,610,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 124,000 175,400 237,800 218,300 173,200 188,600 190,000 143,800 160,000 180,500 210,700 163,300 123,200 140,100 158,100 111,200 543,800 158,700 147,000 129,700 98,900 145,700 229,000 244,400 171,000 238,800 226,000 234,500 209,100 240,200 224,000 248,800 177,000 221,000 176,400 229,000 194,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 230 210 210 210 210 534 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 94-411 03-1202 2015 98-194 2015 IH-601 05-0293 2011 05-0294 2010 07-1080 76-229 06-426 02-720 2013 2011 2010 06-1004 2014 87-273 91-465 05-0295 GD2012#31 2015IH 03-0456 2013 2011 99-297 2010 69-50 2010 06-736 2013 73-1126 2015 93-97 7,185,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.07-4-16 39.07-4-17 39.07-4-18 39.07-4-19 39.07-4-20 39.07-4-21 39.07-4-22 39.07-4-23 39.07-4-24 39.07-4-26 39.07-4-27 39.07-4-28 39.07-4-29 39.07-4-30 39.07-4-31 39.07-4-32 39.07-4-33 39.07-4-34 39.07-4-35 39.07-4-36 39.07-4-37 39.07-4-38 39.07-4-39 39.07-4-40 39.07-4-41 39.07-4-42 39.07-4-43 39.07-4-44 39.07-4-45 39.07-4-46 39.07-4-47 39.07-4-48 39.07-4-49 39.07-4-50 39.07-4-51 39.07-4-52 39.07-4-53 Pezze, Dorothy R. Roarke, Kym Selsley, Adam Harrington, Gregory Friedman, Michael W. Mungari, Robert J. Genovese, Andrew R. Mankes, Russell F. Berman, Jeffrey Wander, Corrine C. Marotta, John Fitzgerald, Bernard F. Kemp, Walter C. Munderville, Robert F. Surrette-Rothman, Paula Cropsey, Betty Notaro, Sherri M. Barber, Peter G. Sherman, Jason T. Muller, Edward J. VanIderstine, Rise Karam, Simon J. Jr. Lynch, Julie Pagano, Ronald S. Prindle, Patricia Richburg, James G. Timer, Anna Mae Rowe, Robert C. Berke, Alice K. Lindholm, David M. Klein, Gerald Allen Seep, Gregory A. Ermides, Sam H. Hill, Robert L. Varney, Jeffrey D. Alfano, Michael Fratus, Tracy 215,000 194,100 216,000 160,000 225,900 223,500 246,500 216,200 237,600 220,500 257,500 197,800 267,300 237,000 191,600 213,200 229,500 218,200 225,900 225,000 239,700 236,100 191,200 202,000 212,700 198,000 222,000 199,900 189,000 243,800 249,500 160,000 252,000 199,900 233,900 237,000 211,100 43,000 38,800 43,200 32,000 45,200 44,700 49,300 43,200 47,500 44,100 51,500 39,600 53,500 47,400 38,300 42,600 45,900 43,600 45,200 45,000 47,900 47,200 38,200 40,400 42,500 39,600 44,400 40,000 37,800 48,800 49,900 32,000 50,400 40,000 46,800 47,400 42,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,096,100 Page 168 of 347 1,619,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 215,000 194,100 216,000 160,000 225,900 223,500 246,500 216,200 237,600 220,500 257,500 197,800 267,300 237,000 191,600 213,200 229,500 218,200 225,900 225,000 239,700 236,100 191,200 202,000 212,700 198,000 222,000 199,900 189,000 243,800 249,500 160,000 252,000 199,900 233,900 237,000 211,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2015 08-0272 00-147 88-590 IH-604 05-0299 88-70 82-126 IH-605 08-0904 07-0279 06-1005 GD05-257 00-1318 74-131 2012 03-0291 2014 77-096 2015 2015 04-561 90-379 74-131 04-94 IH-609 2015 GD2013#81 99-829 2010 04-248 75-359 97-1052 2013 06-428 2015 8,096,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.07-4-54 39.07-4-55 39.07-4-56 39.07-4-57 39.07-4-58 39.07-4-59 39.07-4-60 39.07-4-61 39.07-4-62 39.07-4-63 39.07-4-64 39.07-4-65 39.08-1-1 39.08-1-2 39.08-1-3 39.08-1-4 39.08-1-5 39.08-1-6 39.08-1-7 39.08-1-8 39.08-1-9 39.08-1-10 39.08-1-11 39.08-1-12 39.08-1-13 39.08-1-14 39.08-1-15 39.08-1-16 39.08-1-17 39.08-1-18 39.08-1-19 39.08-1-20 39.08-1-21 39.08-1-22 39.08-1-23 39.08-1-24 39.08-1-25 Saragaglia, Frank A. Toscano, Paul J. Swartz, Stephen H. Kane, Joseph M. Kipper, Robert C. Byrne, Charles J. Jr. Owen, Dale H. Pierce, Brian A. Fisher, Kirk VanValkenburgh, Carol Childs, Casey W. Rimmer, Paul N. Murdick, Patrick J. Lerch, Michael Veloce, Jean L. Spevak, Gennadiy Lukowski, Stephen S. Hammond, Douglas W. Lin, Hung-Yun McCarthy, Denise E. Marion, Donald A. Tricozzi, Thomas V. Faughnan, Thomas J. Hallenbeck, Steven G. Lopez, Ruben Peck, Joseph I. Foster, James J. Stevens, Roy W. Engel, Michael L. Pelkey, Michael Stevens, Jonathan A. Brooks, James A. Krueger, Beth L. Howard, Donovan Trager, Christopher Gundermann, Zuleme Tzovaras, Michos 207,700 191,100 196,800 206,300 173,500 209,900 183,800 225,000 198,900 194,000 230,600 226,000 214,600 180,500 180,000 183,800 218,800 191,100 208,000 211,000 196,300 228,500 182,500 185,100 242,300 174,400 268,200 197,800 180,500 205,900 222,500 223,500 209,300 170,900 171,700 198,000 209,300 41,500 38,200 39,400 41,300 30,700 42,000 36,800 45,000 39,800 38,800 46,100 45,200 42,900 36,100 36,000 36,800 43,800 38,200 41,600 42,200 39,300 45,700 36,500 37,000 48,500 34,900 53,600 39,600 36,100 41,200 44,500 44,700 41,900 34,200 34,300 39,600 41,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,498,100 Page 169 of 347 1,495,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 207,700 191,100 196,800 206,300 153,500 209,900 183,800 225,000 198,900 194,000 230,600 226,000 214,600 180,500 180,000 184,100 218,800 191,100 208,000 211,000 196,300 228,500 182,500 185,100 242,300 174,400 268,200 197,800 180,500 205,900 222,500 223,500 209,300 170,900 171,700 198,000 209,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 92-36 95-304 2012 00-1319 2015IH 06-1383 2012 2011 07-0917 01-998 2015 93-9999 02-721 07-0280 07-0281 2015 07-0826 IH-612 98-784 75-331 99-604 98-564 99-1063 99-1656 05-0300 2014 2014SC#07 74-130 03-930 90-189 2010 2010 96-191 07-0282 07-0283 2009 97-372 7,478,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.08-1-26 39.08-1-27 39.08-1-28 39.08-1-29 39.08-1-30 39.08-2-1 39.08-2-2 39.08-2-3 39.08-2-4 39.08-2-5 39.08-2-6 39.08-2-7 39.08-2-8 39.08-2-9 39.08-2-10 39.08-2-11 39.08-2-12 39.08-2-13 39.08-2-14 39.08-2-15 39.08-2-16 39.08-2-17 39.08-2-18 39.08-3-1 39.08-3-3 39.08-3-5 39.08-3-6 39.08-3-7 39.08-3-8 39.08-3-10 39.08-3-11 39.08-3-12 39.08-3-13 39.08-3-14 39.08-3-15 39.08-3-16 39.08-3-17 Christman, Richard R. Falco, Joanne F. Carnevale, David J. Dietz, Charlene K. MacGregor, William E. Cuttler, Marjorie A. Kelafant, Donald Romeo, Robert J. Persico, Mary Cellupica, Renato Hartigan, Marie Bynum, Leroy E. Jr. Mele, Fernando Croll, Michael A. Mason, Allen D. Vugmeyster, David Rapsard, Cora Jean Kernozek, Andrew T. Garg, Pushpa Gordon, Katherine Bianchi, Maria T. Williams, Mark Agosto, Sandra S. Lynch, Timothy Trova, Michael P. John, Henry F. Polino, George Jr. Gabriel, Francis J. Charron, Jennifer F. Barker, Timothy Fanshawe, Helen M. Fanshawe, Shannon Das, Shankar P. Nicolla, Joseph R. Sima, Mihai Kintz, Edwin H. Singh, Indrapal 199,500 212,800 212,700 187,400 163,900 196,000 183,800 223,300 253,000 210,500 241,500 224,500 251,700 183,700 235,200 255,900 213,200 237,600 226,200 203,500 244,800 229,300 230,000 760,000 960,000 676,700 553,000 515,800 438,600 526,800 646,400 559,000 611,800 582,300 540,000 445,000 439,400 39,900 42,600 42,500 37,500 32,800 39,200 36,800 44,700 50,600 105,200 48,300 44,900 50,300 36,700 47,000 51,200 42,600 47,500 45,200 40,700 49,000 45,900 46,000 157,000 192,000 135,300 110,600 103,200 104,000 105,400 121,500 111,800 122,400 116,500 130,000 96,300 87,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 13,274,800 Page 170 of 347 2,761,000 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 199,500 212,800 212,700 187,400 163,900 196,000 183,800 223,300 253,000 411,900 241,500 224,500 251,700 183,700 235,200 255,900 213,200 237,600 226,200 203,500 244,800 229,300 230,000 785,000 960,000 676,700 553,000 515,800 438,600 526,800 607,500 559,000 611,800 582,300 540,000 481,300 439,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0633 2013 76-171 87-866 95-113 81-522 08-0905 2011 08-0800 2015 2013 2015 74-134 2012 05-782 05-0302 74-134 05-783 08-0879 06-1384 2011 01-275 02-1111 2015 2013SC#13 2015gd#09 2015 00-148 GD2012#5 08-0384 2015gd#05 2012 08-0880 02-55 2010 2015 2010 13,498,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.08-3-18 39.08-3-19 39.08-3-20 39.08-3-21 39.08-3-22 39.08-3-23 39.08-3-24 39.08-3-25 39.08-3-26 39.08-3-27 39.08-3-28 39.08-3-29 39.08-3-30 39.08-3-31 39.08-3-32 39.08-3-33 39.08-3-34 39.08-3-35 39.08-3-36 39.08-3-37 39.08-3-38 39.08-3-39 39.08-3-40 39.08-3-41 39.08-3-42 39.08-3-43 39.08-3-44 39.08-3-45 39.08-3-46 39.08-3-47 39.08-3-48 39.08-3-49 39.08-3-50 39.08-3-51 39.08-3-52 39.08-3-53 39.08-3-54 Schramm, Timothy Hasselbarth, William Bender, Terence J. Fanshawe, Frank Bonanni, Maureen S. Burack, Scott A. Krehnbrink, Daniel S. Sherman, Stephen J. Novak, Steven W. Beggs, Gregory R. Fashouer, Thomas F. Haviland, Charles R. Jr. Coleman, Kenneth A. Ryan, Gerard P. Perfetti, Dominick Dordick, Jonathan S. Valletta, Patricia S. Connelly, Jeffrey W. Scott, Jeffrey B. Schulke, Kevin M. Leighton, Patricia A. Rathwell, Terrence D. Murphy, William J. Baestlein, Robert V. Chaudhry, Sanjay Sheehan, William F. Bogdan, Edward A. lll. Lovely, Thomas J. Lee, Hyocha K. Cartwright, Suzanne Devine Myers, Stephen J. Thompson, Dan R. Beverly, John E. Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of 420,500 449,900 439,950 495,000 409,000 531,500 505,000 525,000 402,200 482,200 372,300 436,000 430,800 450,400 410,800 566,600 595,600 665,800 518,700 415,000 455,000 448,500 462,400 492,200 462,200 463,000 551,600 671,700 410,000 414,500 460,000 448,400 425,000 5,300 100 29,800 100 84,100 90,000 117,300 120,900 81,800 106,300 101,000 105,000 80,400 96,400 74,500 87,200 86,200 90,100 82,200 113,300 108,000 121,200 103,700 83,000 91,000 89,700 92,500 98,400 92,400 92,600 110,300 134,300 82,000 96,400 92,000 89,700 85,000 5,300 100 24,000 100 Page Totals Parcels 37 15,722,050 Page 171 of 347 3,208,400 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 420,500 449,900 439,950 495,000 409,000 531,500 505,000 525,000 402,200 482,200 372,300 436,000 430,800 450,400 410,800 566,600 540,000 665,800 518,700 415,000 455,000 448,500 462,400 492,200 462,200 463,000 551,600 671,700 410,000 414,500 460,000 448,400 425,000 5,300 100 29,800 100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 311 850 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 Account Nbr 2009 2014 GD09#27 2013SC#26 95-609 04-251 2015gd#53 2014 2012 00-1021 95-419 02-463 05-0303 05-0304 2012 2015gd#54 2015gd#14 2014 96-847 2013SC#72 GD2012#7 2011 2014 03-0186 98-529 91-941 2013 IH-624 2014SC#22 2014 2013SC#70 IH-626 2014 91-1034 95-266 91-1034 95-266 15,666,450 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 39.10-1-1 39.10-1-2 39.10-1-3 39.10-1-4 39.10-1-5 39.10-1-6 39.10-1-7 39.10-1-8 39.10-1-9 39.10-1-10 39.10-1-11 39.10-1-12 39.10-1-13 39.10-1-14 39.10-1-15 39.10-1-16 39.11-1-2 39.11-1-4 39.11-1-6 39.11-1-7 39.11-1-8 39.11-1-9 39.11-1-10 39.11-1-11 39.11-1-12 39.11-1-13 39.11-1-14 39.11-1-15 39.11-1-16 39.11-1-17 39.11-1-18 39.11-1-19.1 39.11-1-19.2 39.11-2-1 39.11-2-2 39.11-2-3 39.11-2-4 Zabinski, Theodore W. Alliger, George M. Rosenblatt, Daniel L. Countermine, Brian D. Cotterill, Ian C. Arnold, Joseph V. Jr. Jeffers, Bruce R. OHara, Timothy D. Prusky, Zachary Eisenzopf, Peter DeJohn, Jennifer McClaine, Douglas M. Horan, Michael J. Corey, Steven L. Eisenberg, Edward S. Muamba, John N. Martins Foods of South Figliomeni, Joseph Schenectady Trust Co Hamlin, Martin L. Schanz, Regina M. Decoguild LP Mance, Bruce Twenty And One Forty Six Quaglieri, Thomas D. Pikcilingis, Robert W. Capital Overhead Doors LLC Pezzulo, Peter Rosenberg, Marcia Quaglieri, Dominick J. Gardineer, Michael R. Mohawk Village Apartments LLC Burns, James T. Clapp, David L. Rudolph, Mark J. Thomas, Michael Martori, Margaret Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 254,400 249,000 247,300 260,700 233,400 306,300 244,200 245,600 259,200 267,600 255,800 358,900 190,400 221,300 170,500 202,600 5,129,400 1,446,100 358,400 131,900 296,600 331,800 803,400 30,100 103,800 234,800 173,000 136,000 156,600 236,100 177,900 988,800 121,100 171,500 216,200 209,500 147,000 50,900 49,800 49,500 52,100 46,700 61,300 48,800 49,100 51,800 53,500 51,200 71,000 38,100 44,300 34,100 40,500 1,545,000 391,400 180,300 26,400 87,600 283,300 314,200 30,100 20,800 72,100 46,400 46,400 31,300 47,200 35,600 296,600 24,200 34,300 43,200 41,900 29,400 15,567,200 Page 172 of 347 4,420,400 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 254,400 249,000 247,300 260,700 233,400 306,300 244,200 245,600 259,200 267,600 255,800 358,900 190,400 221,300 170,500 202,600 5,129,400 1,446,100 358,400 131,900 296,600 430,250 803,400 30,100 103,800 234,800 173,000 136,000 156,600 236,100 177,900 988,800 121,100 171,500 216,200 209,500 147,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 454 484 461 210 484 484 432 311 210 481 481 484 210 210 210 411 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 95-374 2015 2010 2012 05-0307 08-0634 97-892 03-0292 2013 2014 08-0319 2014 06-1118 2010 03-0294 2011 2014 GD2102#40 2015gd#55 2011 99-575 2015 2011 2013 99-1498 99-1480 2013 99-1482 2010 2011 96-71 08-0755 08-0755 03-295 07-0574 IH-629 2012 15,665,650 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.11-2-5 39.11-2-6 39.11-2-7 39.11-2-8 39.11-2-9 39.11-2-10 39.11-2-11 39.11-2-12 39.11-2-13 39.11-2-14 39.11-2-15 39.11-2-16 39.11-2-18 39.11-2-19 39.11-2-20 39.11-2-21 39.11-2-22 39.11-2-23 39.11-2-24 39.11-2-25 39.11-2-26 39.11-3-1 39.11-3-2 39.11-3-3 39.11-3-4 39.11-3-9 39.11-3-10 39.11-3-11.2 39.11-3-12 39.11-3-13 39.11-3-14 39.11-3-15 39.11-3-16 39.11-3-18 39.11-3-19 39.11-3-20.2 39.11-3-21.1 Sgambellone, Frank J. Currier, Gerryann Gillen, Gary Mugrace, Francis J. Jr. MacGregor, William E. Pontisakos, Fannie Lawrence, Dorine A. Sorrentino, Jonathan Andrew Hawkins, William J. Tucci, Joyce E. Hoogkamp & Miller Altobelli, Josette Ostrowski, John A. Groat, Donald L & Phyllis Hoogkamp & Miller Custom Home Sgambellone, Frank J Walsh, Michael M. Farrar, Kenneth W. OBrien, Loraine Scaccia, James A. Scaccia, James A. Calabro, Joseph S. Carpenter Village LLC LoGuidice, Santino Carpenter Village LLC 931 Altamont Avenue LLC Smiling Faces LLC Gillespie, Gary F. Center For Disability McEnaney, Mark Macerola's Pizza Gram Plus LLC Baum & Associates LLC, Ryan McCallum, Tracy Smiling Faces LLC Kozer, George Abbruzzese, Donna L. Drebitko, R Jane 236,300 176,000 148,600 175,000 231,800 170,600 160,000 160,000 226,000 186,500 3,000 175,400 177,900 128,000 33,300 947,600 92,700 234,800 113,700 100,500 90,700 180,000 295,000 102,600 760,000 171,000 175,100 284,900 277,200 300,500 458,400 271,900 155,900 25,200 192,100 131,000 122,800 47,300 35,200 29,700 35,000 46,400 34,100 32,000 32,000 45,200 37,300 3,000 29,800 35,600 25,600 33,300 283,300 24,700 108,200 22,700 18,400 18,100 113,300 103,000 41,200 257,500 34,200 77,300 57,000 53,200 159,700 87,600 108,200 31,200 25,200 38,400 26,200 24,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,872,000 Page 173 of 347 2,214,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 236,300 176,000 148,600 175,000 231,800 170,600 160,000 160,000 226,000 186,500 3,000 149,100 177,900 128,000 33,300 947,600 92,700 234,800 113,700 92,000 90,700 180,000 295,000 102,600 760,000 171,000 175,100 284,900 277,200 300,500 458,400 271,900 155,900 25,200 192,100 131,000 122,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 311 485 411 484 210 210 210 483 484 484 452 210 485 281 614 432 421 415 210 311 220 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 2013 730167 08-0907 GD05-33 2015 IH-631 2010 2012 02-185 2015 2015 75-343 07-1081 2015 2014 99-1483 IH-1546 99-1507 2015 08-0262 IH-633 2013 99-1486 2015 06-091 06-1234 99-955 06-285 07-0828 2013 2015 05-0311 05-0312 06-453 2009 02-1234 7,837,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 39.11-3-22 39.11-3-25 39.11-3-26 39.11-3-28 39.11-3-29 39.11-3-30 39.11-3-31 39.11-3-32 39.11-3-33 39.11-3-34 39.11-3-35 39.11-3-36 39.11-3-37 39.11-3-38 39.11-3-39 39.11-3-40 39.11-3-41 39.12-1-1 39.12-1-2 39.12-1-3 39.12-1-4 39.12-1-5 39.12-1-6 39.12-1-7 39.12-1-8 39.12-1-9 39.12-1-10 39.12-1-11 39.12-1-12 39.12-1-13 39.12-1-14 39.12-1-15 39.12-1-16 39.12-1-17 39.12-1-18 39.12-1-19 39.12-1-20 Carpenter Village LLC Wang, Yubing Soltysiak, Gregory N. Hesler, Janice Carpenter Village LLC Byron, Rachel A. Filkins, Donald L. Keramas, Maria Keramas, Maria Griner Real Estate, LLC Hoffman, Christopher Michael Santa C LLC Trimarchi Properties LLC Moore, Daniel A. Hull, Timothy J. Urban, Donna B. Mugrace, Francis J. Town N Country Lanes of Zydek Inc, Stanley Montgomery, Donald B. OBryan, Earl P. Truax, Joanna M. Cocci, Michael Joseph Bradt, Christina Bigsby, Donald K. Cerutti, William & Margaret Vigneri, Anthony A. Jr. Howe, Edward T. Ruf, Bruce Ristau, Daniel T. Trombley, Kirk L. Geisel, Edward B. Levin, Melvin B. St Pierre, Robert C. Kavanaugh, Michael Otter, Joseph D. Knauss, Peter E. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 125,800 237,500 110,300 102,000 6,155,600 162,100 122,800 220,100 225,000 186,800 202,000 164,800 164,800 235,300 186,800 214,900 196,500 191,300 600,700 165,000 153,300 177,900 193,500 147,000 287,000 185,100 166,500 170,000 188,300 166,500 162,400 155,900 164,400 139,500 144,500 211,000 175,400 25,200 47,500 22,100 20,400 1,351,500 32,400 24,600 44,000 45,000 37,400 40,400 41,200 41,200 47,100 37,400 43,000 39,300 128,800 257,500 33,000 30,700 35,600 38,700 29,400 57,400 37,000 33,300 34,000 37,700 33,300 32,500 31,200 32,900 27,900 28,900 42,200 35,100 12,958,300 Page 174 of 347 2,956,800 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 125,800 237,500 110,300 102,000 6,155,600 162,100 122,800 220,100 225,000 186,800 202,000 61,200 164,800 235,300 186,800 214,900 196,500 191,300 600,700 165,000 153,300 177,900 193,500 147,000 287,000 185,100 166,500 170,000 188,300 166,500 162,400 155,900 164,400 139,500 144,500 211,000 175,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 411 281 210 220 220 220 220 411 411 220 220 220 220 484 541 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2015 08-1063 00-691 2013 2014IH 2010 2012 2012 2014 04-253 2015 2012 IH-637 02-284 2010 2012 IH-1546 IH-1546 07-0919 02-56 71-779 2015 08-0814 2015 04-1059 2010 07-0288 2012 04-433 2009 89-222 IH-638 00-692 2013 2010 99-1398 12,854,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.12-2-1 39.12-2-2 39.12-2-3 39.12-2-4 39.12-2-5 39.12-2-6.1 39.12-2-6.2 39.12-2-7 39.12-2-8 39.12-2-9 39.12-2-10 39.12-2-11 39.12-2-12 39.12-2-13 39.12-2-17 39.12-2-18 39.12-2-19 39.12-2-22 39.12-2-23 39.12-2-24 39.12-2-25 39.12-2-26 39.12-2-27 39.12-2-28 39.12-2-29 39.12-2-30 39.12-2-31 39.12-2-32 39.12-2-33 39.15-1-1 39.15-1-2 39.15-1-3 39.15-1-4 39.15-1-5 39.15-1-6 39.15-1-7 39.15-1-8 Falcone, Richard Rhoades, Donald C. Davidson, Dodie M. Burnash, Michael J. Battaglia, Lynda A. Slingerland, Todd A. Hacker, Susan M. Bonavita, Mark J. Sheppard, James M. Messersmith, Ronald K. McCollum, Michael S. Hermann, Robert E. Risko, Kevin Mohr, Geraldine Scaccia, James A. LAXMI LLC Albany County of Vardhami, Vasil Gade Farm LLC, The Adams, Raymond E. Devlin, Brady E. Smolen, Thomas M. Rhee, Gyull Staring, Eric G. Bunday, Benjamin D. Brauth, Sorelle L. Sonnekalb, Michael P. Palfi, Edgar Schaefer, Bianca Brithe Linnic LLC Simpson, Allan J. Kannan, Pothiraj Windmill Estates Lawton, James F. Lemery, Timothy J. Levernois, Mickey L. Raman, Sundar 175,400 199,900 285,300 147,000 264,700 870,000 825,000 146,000 137,500 198,200 184,000 137,800 255,900 148,900 168,100 500,000 153,600 187,300 100,300 344,300 316,700 335,500 390,000 342,900 325,000 348,400 324,700 440,600 358,100 729,200 302,500 278,300 2,500 205,500 248,300 247,800 277,700 35,100 40,000 57,000 29,400 52,900 227,800 232,400 29,200 27,500 39,600 36,800 27,600 51,200 29,800 33,600 293,600 30,700 37,500 20,100 68,900 63,300 67,100 78,000 68,600 65,000 69,700 64,900 88,100 71,600 257,500 60,500 55,700 2,500 41,100 49,700 49,000 55,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,902,900 Page 175 of 347 2,608,500 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 175,400 199,900 285,300 147,000 264,700 870,000 825,000 146,000 137,500 198,200 184,000 137,800 255,900 148,900 168,100 500,000 153,600 187,300 100,300 344,300 316,700 335,500 390,000 342,900 325,000 348,400 324,700 440,600 358,100 729,200 302,500 278,300 2,500 205,500 248,300 247,800 277,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 415 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 484 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 02-57 IH-619 2009 00-306 2014 2013 2012 2015 73-168 90-380 2015 08-0881 06-1007 99-1503 99-1504 08GD#40 2015 08-0014 03-0059 89-1287 2010 IH-640 GD05-445 08-0280 2010 IH-642 00-1143 2012 04-1060 02-726 01-654 02-136 94-1039 2009 IH-643 2014 2012 10,902,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 39.15-1-9 39.15-1-10 39.15-1-11 39.15-1-12 39.15-1-13 39.15-1-14 39.15-1-15 39.15-1-16 39.15-1-17 39.15-1-18 39.15-1-19 39.15-1-20 39.15-1-21 39.15-1-22 39.15-1-23 39.15-1-24 39.15-1-25 39.15-1-26 39.15-1-27 39.15-1-28 39.15-1-29 39.15-1-30 39.15-1-31 39.15-1-32 39.15-1-33 39.15-1-34 39.15-1-35 39.15-1-36 39.15-1-37 39.15-1-38 39.15-1-39 39.15-1-40 39.15-1-41 39.15-1-42 39.15-1-43 39.15-1-44 39.15-1-45 DuBose, Maceo Jr. Lawler, Kevin S. Dreaney, Michelle L. Steward, Michael S. Depta, Jeremiah P. McAllister, Jason Werner, Michael R. Windmill Estates Franze, August F. Jr. OBrien, Edward T. Muller, Frederick C. IV. Slover, David R. Richards, David Rubin, Brian W. Serravillo, Lee F. Permaul, Appadoo Chan, Kai Wing Cosenza, Paul M. VonDollen, Karen E. LaPorta, John-Robert Johnson, Eric C. Smith, Tracy A. Huynh, Nguyen Clark, Daniel Miller, Karen A. Windmill Estates Miller, Scott W. Baldwin, James A. Bologna-Jill, Scott W. Zobel, Keith J. Angus, Andrew C. Brown, J David Armony, Joseph L. Bellegarde, Scott J. Williams, Amy Elizabeth DeRizzo, Ralph P. Micare, Jason C. 277,200 264,200 237,100 333,800 236,400 284,500 239,500 2,500 284,100 265,500 237,300 271,600 269,800 315,900 261,200 287,700 301,200 265,800 247,500 278,300 277,800 232,800 251,500 303,000 288,700 2,000 290,700 239,500 308,406 315,300 234,700 297,500 295,900 287,000 294,900 300,200 289,100 55,400 52,800 47,400 66,800 47,300 56,900 47,900 2,500 56,800 53,100 47,500 54,300 54,000 63,200 52,200 57,500 60,200 53,200 49,500 55,700 55,600 46,600 50,300 60,600 57,700 2,000 58,100 47,900 71,700 67,500 46,900 59,500 59,200 57,400 59,000 60,000 57,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,670,106 Page 176 of 347 1,952,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 277,200 264,200 237,100 333,800 236,400 284,500 239,500 2,500 284,100 265,500 237,300 271,600 269,800 315,900 261,200 287,700 301,200 265,800 247,500 278,300 277,800 232,800 251,500 303,000 288,700 2,000 290,700 239,500 308,406 315,300 234,700 297,500 295,900 287,000 294,900 300,200 289,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-1235 2011 06-1236 2014 2014 2012 2014 94-1039 08-0815 07-0293 07-1082 2010 96-SC 06-1238 06-1239 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011 01-314 00-915 06-457 08-1064 2013 94-1039 04-944 96-825 GD09#49 2015 02-1036 08-1065 08-1066 2009 02-1378 2009 01-315 9,670,106 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 39.15-1-46 39.15-1-47 39.15-1-48 39.15-1-49 39.15-1-50 39.15-1-51 39.15-1-52 39.15-1-53 39.15-1-54 39.15-1-55 39.15-1-56 39.15-1-57 39.15-1-58 39.15-1-59 39.15-1-60 39.15-1-61 39.15-1-62 39.15-1-63 39.15-1-64 39.15-1-65 39.15-1-66 39.15-1-67 39.15-1-68 39.15-1-69 40.00-1-1.1 40.00-1-1.2 40.00-1-2 40.00-1-3 40.00-1-4 40.00-1-5 40.00-1-6 40.00-1-7 40.00-1-8 40.00-1-9 40.00-1-10.1 40.00-1-10.2 40.00-1-10.3 Wood, Nathan J. Cerrone, Laura Windmill Estates Martin, Jeffrey E. Shao, Jianhong Micare, Marc J. MacCartney, Margaret C. Windmill Estates Windmill Estates Okure, Ekaette Hull, Sharon A. Townsend, Thomas M. Fernandez, Victor M. Windmill Estates Vellekoop, Adrian S. Giannetti, Susan R. Malone, John J. Jr. Mobele, Bingidimi I. Bartlett, Jennifer M. Keegan, John A. Sentz, Daniel M. Paratore, Dominic A. Windmill Estates SRB Developer Inc Pinehaven Country Club Inc New York State Pinehaven Country Club Inc DeLuca, Brenda A. Verhagan, Robert E. Perez, Jose Slattery, Ann Ihle, Frances M. Shanks, Joseph A. Guilderland Town of Forman, Douglas Jonas, Brian D. VanDenburgh, John B. III. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 244,900 237,300 2,000 249,300 245,800 274,200 221,200 100 100 219,000 219,000 225,800 295,800 100 278,300 278,300 235,800 237,300 254,700 246,000 292,000 248,800 100 0 740,000 2,700 1,082,000 1,119,300 191,100 124,900 138,300 176,400 183,200 56,100 336,600 313,200 34,000 49,000 47,500 2,000 49,900 49,200 54,800 44,200 100 100 43,800 43,800 45,200 59,000 100 55,700 55,700 47,200 47,500 50,900 49,200 58,400 49,800 100 0 114,100 2,700 421,500 188,100 87,800 25,000 27,700 35,300 36,600 14,000 67,300 62,640 34,000 9,003,700 Page 177 of 347 2,019,940 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 244,900 237,300 2,000 249,300 245,800 274,200 221,200 100 100 219,000 219,000 225,800 295,800 100 278,300 278,300 235,800 237,300 254,700 246,000 292,000 248,800 100 0 740,000 2,700 1,082,000 1,119,300 191,100 124,900 138,300 176,400 183,200 56,100 336,600 313,200 34,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 970 970 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 553 970 553 240 240 210 210 210 210 822 210 210 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-094 08-1067 95-1065 2012 2010 2009 IH-648 94-1039 94-1039 08-0495 2014 2011 2013 94-1039 06-1243 2010 05-0990 03-0464 2013 2009 03-0340 01-319 99-1510 94-1039 02-870 96-926 2013 06-1388 2015 07-1232 2015 2014 06-1091 2015 2015gd#34 2013 9,003,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 40.00-1-11.1 40.00-1-11.2 40.00-1-12 40.00-1-13 40.00-1-14 40.00-1-15.1 40.00-1-15.2 40.00-1-16 40.00-1-17 40.00-1-18 40.00-1-19 40.00-2-1 40.00-2-2.1 40.00-2-2.2 40.00-2-3 40.00-2-4 40.00-2-5 40.00-2-6.1 40.00-2-6.2 40.00-2-7 40.00-2-8 40.00-2-9 40.00-2-10 40.00-2-11 40.00-2-13 40.00-2-14 40.00-2-15 40.00-2-16 40.00-2-17 40.00-2-18 40.05-1-1.1 40.05-1-1.2 40.05-1-1.3 40.05-1-1.4 40.05-1-2.1 40.05-1-2.2 40.05-1-3.1 Nardone, Alexander A. Zelezniak, Michael Hofmann, Beulah Jean Ogsbury, David E. Pinehaven Golf & C C Inc VanGuysling , Peter H. Stewart, Pamela G. Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Albany County of Pruskowski, Matthew G. ORourke, Susan A. Nature Conservancy, The Vivekanand, Saikumar Eccher, Erina Nature Conservancy, The Beckmann, Laurie New York State of Golonka, Joseph E. Vollbrecht, Ronald Guilderland Central Guilderland Central Guilderland Central Prospect Hill Cemetery Nature Conservancy, The Touhey, Carl E. Latham Ventures LLC Four Partnership Latham Latham Ventures Llc Kehoe, Arlene D. France, James W. Tashjian, Barbara J. Mikhelson Brown, Yelena I. Klink, Jon E. Reynolds, Thomas A. VanSlyke, Marjorie Overbaugh, Susan Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 375,700 214,000 127,000 63,000 290,400 593,300 258,100 20,000 1,200 2,500 12,900 216,200 488,000 220,800 260,600 19,000 197,800 275,600 461,700 152,000 88,000 61,600 2,854,500 211,300 25,000 1,164,400 373,300 904,800 1,058,000 253,400 178,500 176,900 159,800 159,800 119,700 118,600 118,300 75,100 42,800 25,400 12,600 242,000 231,800 51,600 20,000 1,200 2,500 12,900 43,200 488,000 44,200 52,100 19,000 56,700 275,600 92,300 30,400 88,000 61,600 544,500 207,600 25,000 463,500 92,700 154,500 218,900 253,400 35,700 35,400 32,000 32,000 23,900 23,700 23,700 12,275,700 Page 178 of 347 4,135,500 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 375,700 214,000 127,000 63,000 290,400 593,300 258,100 20,000 1,200 2,500 12,900 216,200 488,000 220,800 260,600 19,000 197,800 275,600 461,700 152,000 88,000 61,600 2,854,500 211,300 25,000 1,164,400 373,300 904,800 1,058,000 253,400 178,500 176,900 159,800 159,800 119,700 118,600 118,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 552 555 210 971 970 311 311 210 970 210 210 970 483 970 210 281 330 330 612 695 910 449 449 449 449 330 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 99-844 99-1684 08-0216 99-1684 95-1301 2012 95-1449 95-1449 2012 02-805 00-1202 04-1341 2014 2012 2010 2012 88-799 2014gd#59 2013 08-0756 08-0756 01-1157 07-0920 95-115 2015 2011 99-1630 2010 2013IH 02-287 IH-651 2015 2015 95-1408 03-0465 04-1486 12,275,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.05-1-3.2 40.05-1-3.3 40.05-1-3.4 40.05-1-3.5 40.05-1-4.1 40.05-1-4.2 40.05-1-4.3 40.05-1-4.4 40.05-1-4.5 40.05-1-5.1 40.05-1-5.2 40.05-1-5.3 40.05-1-5.4 40.05-1-5.5 40.05-1-6.1 40.05-1-6.2 40.05-1-6.3 40.05-1-6.4 40.05-1-7.1 40.05-1-7.2 40.05-1-7.3 40.05-1-7.4 40.05-1-8.1 40.05-1-8.2 40.05-1-8.3 40.05-1-8.4 40.05-1-9.1 40.05-1-9.2 40.05-1-10.1 40.05-1-10.2 40.05-1-10.3 40.05-1-10.4 40.05-1-10.5 40.05-1-11.1 40.05-1-11.2 40.05-1-11.3 40.05-1-12.1 Marsh, Stacy Sears , Stephanie Gray, Raymond S. Lassiter, Margaret G. Thornton, Matthew Yu, Qiongfei Pang, Alberto Santamaria Liu, Ting Andi, Raymond A. Aragosa, Marylu F. Dougherty, Michael DeLeon, Katherine A. Gardner, David L. Jr. Shanock, Andrew D. Peek, Kenneth E. Hagerty, Linda W. Mostel, Adam M. Plummer, Juan D. Levy, Christopher M. Aragosa, Marylu Graham, Jay L. Fyvie, Noreen M. Tullock, Anthony J. Williams, Migdalia Talavera, Irving Sr. Valek, Richard Browne, Barbara Reidy, Margaret R. Jackson, Kasandra M. Miller, Sarah J. Carletta, Christine Kilpatrick, Susan H. Leyden, John C. Hollister, Michael Burdgick, Beth R. Clikeman, Steven K. Stanley, Marion B. 162,200 169,200 169,200 128,700 122,800 165,900 160,900 165,900 128,200 164,000 169,700 166,500 159,800 169,100 175,100 162,200 175,500 171,200 118,900 162,200 152,300 118,900 165,900 165,900 165,900 128,200 174,500 174,500 123,600 127,300 127,300 107,200 128,800 178,000 115,200 145,100 158,000 32,400 33,800 33,800 25,700 24,600 33,200 32,200 33,200 25,600 32,800 33,900 33,300 32,000 33,800 35,000 32,400 35,100 34,200 23,800 32,400 30,500 23,800 33,200 33,200 33,200 25,600 34,900 34,900 24,700 25,500 25,500 21,400 25,800 35,600 23,000 29,000 31,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,623,800 Page 179 of 347 1,124,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 162,200 169,200 169,200 128,700 122,800 165,900 160,900 165,900 128,200 164,000 169,700 166,500 159,800 169,100 175,100 162,200 175,500 171,200 118,900 162,200 152,300 118,900 165,900 165,900 165,900 128,200 174,500 174,500 123,600 127,300 127,300 107,200 128,800 178,000 115,200 145,100 158,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0698 2014 08-0543 00-310 2015IH 2013 2013 2010 07-0300 06-460 95-1408 08-0683 06-1356 07-0301 2014 95-1408 2014 08-0843 2014 2011 2012 2012 06-790 2012 06-462 06-791 99-208 98-620 00-698 2015 95-1408 2010 99-209 04-258 2013 08-0460 00-696 5,623,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.05-1-12.2 40.05-1-12.3 40.05-1-12.4 40.05-1-12.5 40.05-1-13.1 40.05-1-13.2 40.05-1-13.3 40.05-1-13.4 40.05-1-14.1 40.05-1-14.2 40.05-1-14.3 40.05-1-14.4 40.05-1-14.5 40.05-1-15.1 40.05-1-15.2 40.05-1-15.3 40.05-1-15.4 40.05-1-15.5 40.05-1-16.1 40.05-1-16.2 40.05-1-16.3 40.05-1-17.1 40.05-1-17.2 40.05-1-17.3 40.05-1-17.4 40.05-1-17.5 40.05-1-18.1 40.05-1-18.2 40.05-1-19.1 40.05-1-19.2 40.05-1-19.3 40.05-1-19.4 40.05-1-19.5 40.05-1-20.1 40.05-1-20.2 40.05-1-20.3 40.05-1-20.4 Herchenroder, Patricia K. Doubleday, Sharon A Ryan DeCastro, Patrick J. Orecki, Deborah H. Cutler, Sara A. Clark, William J. III. Lenz, Susan C. Fairbank, John A. Blunt-White, Carol Velez-Lemmerman, Margarita Blair, Raymond W. Jr. Dinola, Theresa M. McCumber, Laraine K. Atwood, Kimberly A. Hodge, Deborah L. Mullin, Raymond M. Jr. Villa, Richard J. Orlep, Marjory P. Michela, David J. Grippin, Deborah Avgerinos, Barbara Sinkins, James S. Ryf, Robert L. Palmer, Kimberly Brown Wenzel, Evelyn Russo, Giuseppe Gauuan, Polivina Jolicia F. Anderson, Beryl M. Safran, Linda M. Scorza, Ralph B. Baker, Stephen Levanduski, Thomas J. Aragosa, Marylu F. Jones, Ronnie E. Noonan, Jan Ward Dunn, Frances G. Schaefer, Deirdre 138,400 125,500 138,400 129,600 127,300 131,700 168,000 167,600 151,100 164,100 164,100 164,100 164,100 128,700 144,700 144,700 150,000 157,800 160,000 156,600 149,500 127,900 168,200 171,200 171,200 172,000 164,100 162,300 178,500 164,500 176,900 171,200 174,800 166,800 177,300 158,500 166,200 27,700 25,100 27,700 25,900 25,500 26,300 33,600 33,500 30,200 32,800 32,800 32,800 32,800 25,700 28,900 28,900 30,000 31,600 32,000 31,300 29,900 25,600 33,600 34,200 34,200 34,400 32,800 32,500 35,700 32,900 35,400 34,200 35,000 33,400 35,500 31,700 33,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,797,600 Page 180 of 347 1,159,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 138,400 125,500 138,400 129,600 127,300 131,700 168,000 167,600 151,100 164,100 164,100 164,100 164,100 128,700 144,700 144,700 150,000 157,800 160,000 156,600 149,500 127,900 168,200 171,200 171,200 172,000 164,100 162,300 178,500 164,500 176,900 171,200 174,800 166,800 177,300 158,500 166,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 00-699 97-17 2012 95-1408 96-996 2015 2012 2013 95-1408 95-1408 95-1408 99-1171 97-876 06-696 2014 95-1408 02-61 2014 SC114-05 08-0117 05-0323 95-1408 07-0302 2011 07-0303 2013 02-292 99-302 2012 IH-661 IH-662 06-465 2011 GD05-417 00-313 00-700 02-471 5,797,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.05-1-21.1 40.05-1-21.2 40.05-1-21.3 40.05-1-21.4 40.05-1-22.21 40.05-1-22.22 40.05-1-23.1 40.05-1-23.2 40.05-1-23.3 40.05-1-23.4 40.05-1-24.1 40.05-1-24.2 40.05-1-24.3 40.05-1-24.4 40.05-1-24.5 40.05-1-25.1 40.05-1-25.2 40.05-1-25.3 40.05-1-26.1 40.05-1-26.2 40.05-1-26.3 40.05-1-26.4 40.05-1-27.1 40.05-1-27.2 40.05-1-27.3 40.05-1-28 40.05-1-29.1 40.05-1-29.2 40.05-1-29.3 40.05-1-29.4 40.05-1-30.1 40.05-1-30.2 40.05-1-30.3 40.05-1-30.4 40.05-1-31.1 40.05-1-31.2 40.05-1-31.3 Clark, Michael R. English, Frederick H. Levey, Kathryn C. Baldauf, Robert P. Barthel, William R. Kinzel, Carolyn A. Riccardi, Anthony H. Polito, Charlene Carrera, Sandra N. Taglienti, Perry F. Lebron, Zoraida Verreau, Clara E. Westphal, William W. Jr. Soltysiak, Marly A. Deubel, Lauren Ciaccio, Rosemary L. Herring, George W. Valenti, Anna Leach, Elaine Phillips, Duane M. Carter, Delores Quackenbush, Barbara VanWormer, Robert A. Fusco, Marlene Wotzak, Gregory P. Country Village Townhouse Hale, Catherine V. Gutta, Jagadeesh Harrington, Robert Perri, Mary Jane Acker, George Dujack, Shannon Campagnano, Mary K. Sanobari, Abbas Lee, Deborah J. Xu, Changning Mayer, Michael H. 166,800 175,500 172,500 178,300 164,100 223,400 168,600 174,600 181,200 168,200 160,000 171,200 176,500 171,200 171,700 174,600 170,600 173,000 172,200 170,600 150,000 172,500 172,500 172,500 172,200 2,100 128,700 165,900 176,000 125,500 180,500 176,900 167,100 178,300 166,800 177,100 160,000 33,400 35,100 34,500 35,700 32,800 44,700 33,700 34,900 36,200 33,600 32,000 34,200 35,300 34,200 34,300 34,900 34,100 34,600 34,400 34,100 30,000 34,500 34,500 34,500 34,400 2,100 25,700 33,200 35,200 25,100 36,100 35,400 33,400 35,700 33,400 35,400 32,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,129,400 Page 181 of 347 1,227,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 166,800 175,500 172,500 178,300 164,100 223,400 168,600 174,600 181,200 168,200 160,000 171,200 176,500 171,200 171,700 174,600 170,600 173,000 172,200 170,600 150,000 172,500 172,500 172,500 172,200 2,100 128,700 165,900 176,000 125,500 180,500 176,900 167,100 178,300 166,800 177,100 160,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 95-1408 IH-663 04-565 2014 95-1408 2010 95-1408 IH-665 05-0335 07-1086 95-1408 2010 96-998 2012 02-63 96-999 01-132 04-260 2011 08-0908 05-0325 2013 98-204 2010 2011 89-728 96-668 2011 08-0757 08-0386 2010 2015 IH-667 2012 03-0472 2010 SC32-05 6,129,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.05-1-31.4 40.05-1-31.5 40.05-1-32.1 40.05-1-32.2 40.05-1-32.3 40.05-1-32.4 40.05-1-32.5 40.05-1-32.6 40.05-1-33.1 40.05-1-33.2 40.05-1-33.3 40.05-1-33.4 40.05-1-33.5 40.05-1-34.1 40.05-1-34.2 40.05-1-34.3 40.05-1-34.4 40.05-1-35.1 40.05-1-35.2 40.05-1-35.3 40.05-1-35.4 40.05-1-36.1 40.05-1-36.2 40.05-1-36.3 40.05-1-36.4 40.05-1-36.5 40.05-1-37.1 40.05-1-37.2 40.05-1-37.3 40.05-1-37.4 40.05-1-37.5 40.05-1-38.1 40.05-1-38.2 40.05-1-38.3 40.05-1-39 40.05-1-40 40.05-2-1 Maffei, Joseph G. Hornberger, Richard M. Varma, Vidya Casabianca, Jose Ringland, Julie Zhu, Lei Harris, Kenneth D. Herrmann, Joan E. Nagle, Stephen M. Fusco, Maria Leonard, James L. Mallory, Melody L. Merritt, Jean A. Bai, Xing Gang Gonzalez, Nancy A. Lasak, William A. Pisanello, Julie C. Zerebovich, Artur Vavala, Joan M. Spinella, Jeffrey L. Korzatkowski, Robert Moxey, Hilary J. France, Alice Handler, Kenneth August, Annetta Austin, Carol A. Hollmen, Linda A. Byon, Andrew Uhl, Charlene F. Bethel, Robert Sanderson, Elizabeth A. Jefferson, Marlene H. Goldstein, Marci Aghanenu, Ngozi O. Country Village Townhouse Country Village Townhouse Guilderland Town of 174,500 174,400 133,000 134,000 154,600 154,600 126,800 140,000 118,300 123,600 131,200 129,700 118,300 122,500 108,800 125,100 108,800 125,100 108,800 129,800 125,100 108,800 102,000 108,800 125,100 108,800 118,300 155,000 159,200 152,300 123,700 169,800 169,800 169,800 2,500 20,000 500 34,900 34,900 26,600 26,800 30,900 30,900 25,400 28,000 23,700 24,700 26,200 25,900 23,700 24,500 21,800 25,000 21,800 25,000 21,800 26,000 25,000 21,800 20,400 21,800 25,000 21,800 23,700 31,000 31,800 30,500 24,700 34,000 34,000 34,000 2,500 20,000 500 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,561,400 Page 182 of 347 931,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 174,500 174,400 133,000 134,000 154,600 154,600 126,800 140,000 118,300 123,600 131,200 129,700 118,300 122,500 108,800 125,100 108,800 125,100 108,800 129,800 125,100 108,800 102,000 108,800 125,100 108,800 118,300 155,000 159,200 152,300 123,700 169,800 169,800 169,800 2,500 20,000 500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 970 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Account Nbr IH-669 2011 06-468 08-0050 05-0328 2010 95-1408 98-622 2012 08-0100 97-882 97-883 02-473 06-470 06-471 00-1324 01-137 06-472 2015 2014 2012 07-0307 97-884 2015 2014 2014 02-474 2010 2013 GD05-387 95-1408 96-1001 2013 2015 88-728 91-1123 99-1419 4,561,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.05-2-2 40.05-2-3 40.05-2-4 40.05-2-5 40.05-2-6 40.05-2-7 40.05-2-8 40.05-2-9 40.05-2-10 40.05-2-11 40.05-2-12 40.05-2-13 40.05-2-14 40.05-2-15 40.05-2-16 40.05-2-17 40.05-2-18 40.05-2-19 40.05-2-20 40.05-2-21 40.05-2-22 40.05-2-23 40.05-2-24 40.05-2-25 40.05-2-26 40.05-2-27 40.05-2-28 40.05-2-29 40.05-2-30 40.05-2-31 40.05-2-32 40.05-2-33 40.05-2-34 40.05-2-35 40.05-2-36 40.05-2-37 40.05-2-38 Miranda, Gregory J. Litz, Eileen Barbarotto, Paul D. Raymond, Jay T. Sherwood, Richard J. Armstrong, Kirk A. Thomson, David J. Walsh, John J. Jr. McDonald, Christopher M. Caulfield, Timothy J. Mendel, John M. Rainka, Matthew P. Blinkhorn, Richard J. Jr. Bucher, John V. Clark, Douglas S. Versteegen, Adam Long, Martin D. Coffin, Bruce P. Jr. Joseph, Everette D. Donato, Renato Jr. Peda, Gregory Kelty, Robert W. Phelps, Timothy M. Floyd, Gregory W. Marini Robert Bldrs Inc Simon, Randy W. Liu, Wei Trimarchi, Dennis M. Santilli, Anthony M. Hillenbrandt, John J. DiBianco, Christopher Rosano-Kaczkowski, Lisa Ronovech, Jason V. Bauer, David R. Velesko, George D. Hicks, Kevin R. Grabek, Brian R. 391,000 570,600 418,200 433,000 415,500 403,200 439,000 533,600 406,400 415,100 525,300 416,500 541,600 414,500 450,000 445,000 407,700 408,500 535,600 505,000 620,200 600,800 639,900 462,200 0 593,500 445,000 739,400 482,500 528,500 601,500 473,400 473,400 665,700 462,200 196,600 480,700 82,000 114,100 83,600 86,600 83,100 80,600 87,800 106,700 81,300 83,000 105,000 83,300 108,300 82,900 97,500 89,000 81,500 89,600 107,100 101,000 124,000 120,200 128,000 92,400 0 118,700 95,100 175,600 119,100 105,700 120,300 86,800 94,700 134,400 92,400 39,300 96,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 17,540,800 Page 183 of 347 3,576,800 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 391,000 570,600 418,200 433,000 415,500 403,200 439,000 533,600 406,400 415,100 525,300 416,500 541,600 414,500 450,000 445,000 407,700 408,500 535,600 505,000 620,200 600,800 639,900 462,200 0 593,500 445,000 739,400 482,500 528,500 601,500 433,900 473,400 672,000 462,200 196,600 480,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr GD11#56 2012 IH-678 2015 IH-680 IH-674 06-792 IH-682 2015 IH-684 2015gd#15 GD2013#91 2010 GD05-177 2015gd#40 2014gd#50 IH-688 GD2012#37 2015 IH-691 03-0195 GD09#23 2015gd#16 GD-STIP 03-1307 2015gd#17 2010 GD2012#82 2015 2013 2015gd#31 2015IH 2013ih 2015 2013ih 06-943 GD-STIP 17,507,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.05-2-39 40.05-2-40 40.05-2-41 40.05-2-42 40.05-2-43 40.10-1-1 40.10-1-2 40.10-1-3 40.10-1-4 40.10-1-5 40.10-1-6 40.10-1-7 40.10-1-8 40.10-1-9 40.10-1-10 40.10-1-11 40.10-1-12 40.10-1-13 40.10-1-14 40.10-1-15 40.10-1-16 40.10-1-17 40.10-1-18 40.10-1-19 40.10-1-20 40.10-1-21 40.10-1-22 40.10-1-23 40.10-1-24 40.10-1-25 40.10-1-26 40.10-1-27 40.10-1-28 40.10-1-29 40.10-1-30 40.10-1-31 40.10-1-32 Huntington, Howard C. Pietrafesa, Anthony J. Swick, Gregory M. Todd, BJ & Deborah Russell, William Scott Lawler, Nancy Brusa, Gladys Santacrose, John J. Teschke, James E. Introne, James E. Center For Disability Block, David C. Shahda, James A. O'Brien, Marjorie Joan Feeney, Alma Goldman, Marc A. Turk, Kenny L. Reish, Brett Carson, Albert V. Sr. Li, Sophie Xuhui Donlon, Michael T. Schwartz, Lawrence J. Mooney, Sean M. ODonnell, Christina Dollard, Michael A. Maikels, Allen F. Nelson, Eric E. Dvorscak, Stephen M. Esmay, Mary L. McGrail, Thomas S. Jr. Singleton, Jennifer H. Martino, Leon J. Murphy, Mark G. Foster, Elizabeth A. Fenelon, Marie Brooks, Terry J. Oliver, John M. 474,500 446,000 713,950 519,500 407,900 333,900 268,200 331,600 276,800 319,200 262,400 242,600 305,400 210,000 277,400 225,400 230,000 230,000 267,600 268,000 248,900 242,300 257,000 249,500 240,900 189,400 235,600 211,500 286,200 307,600 350,000 311,100 238,000 300,000 248,900 316,500 270,000 94,900 97,700 143,000 103,900 81,600 66,800 53,600 66,300 55,400 63,800 52,300 46,000 61,100 42,000 55,500 45,100 46,000 46,000 53,500 53,600 49,800 48,500 51,400 49,900 48,200 37,900 47,100 42,300 57,200 61,500 70,000 62,200 48,900 63,900 49,800 63,300 54,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,113,750 Page 184 of 347 2,234,000 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 474,500 446,000 713,950 519,500 407,900 333,900 268,200 331,600 276,800 319,200 262,400 230,000 305,400 210,000 277,400 225,400 230,000 230,000 267,600 268,000 248,900 242,300 257,000 249,500 240,900 189,400 235,600 211,500 286,200 307,600 350,000 311,100 238,000 300,000 248,900 316,500 270,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 614 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-699 GD2012#88 2011 2012 GD2012#46 08-0636 96-830 2011 08-0524 08-0135 06-285 2015IH 2009 GD05-261 2014IH 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 07-0312 2014 2010 2010 07-0313 2010 2013 2014SC#57 IH-708 2011 2015 95-277 GD11#83 GD11#47 IH-710 93-554 08-0220 11,101,150 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.10-1-33 40.10-1-34 40.10-1-35 40.10-1-36 40.10-2-1 40.10-2-2 40.10-2-3 40.10-2-4 40.10-2-5 40.10-2-6 40.10-2-7 40.10-2-8 40.10-2-9 40.10-2-10.1 40.10-2-10.2 40.10-2-10.3 40.10-2-10.4 40.10-2-10.5 40.10-2-10.6 40.10-2-10.7 40.10-2-11 40.10-2-12 40.10-2-14 40.10-2-15 40.10-2-16 40.10-2-17 40.10-2-18.1 40.10-2-18.2 40.10-2-18.3 40.10-2-19 40.10-3-2 40.10-3-3 40.10-3-4 40.10-3-5 40.10-3-6 40.10-3-8 40.10-3-9 Rebbaa, Abdelhadi Slattery, David Farrell, Frederick K. Burke, Edward P & Ann M. Powers, Sean C. Gallivan, Dororthy Doynow, Donald M. Frazee, Steven A. Esposito, Joanne B. Hendricks, Elaine M. Cammer, Loretta N. Webb, Nathaniel Houser, Gerard W. Guilderland Town of Kingsley, Mary V. Kingsley, Mary V. Lynch, Robert F. Sr. Sour, Joby N. Ermides, Mary C. Gunther, Joseph M. Chen, JianQing Esposito, Anthony S. Menia , Bruce M. Haase, Richard F. Gallivan, Dorothy Leizer, Ralph E. Manobianco, John T. McHugh, Marie Louise Sheehan, Thomas J. Bednarczyk, Charles J. Jr.. Martino, Nancy A. DePew, Sean M. Levesque, George A. Trudeau, Bart Betzwieser, Guenter J. Bowden, Douglas J. Elzer, Phyllis M. 231,700 250,900 265,100 300,800 244,400 289,700 300,500 248,600 347,000 234,700 240,900 344,500 289,200 5,000 89,000 697,700 483,900 495,000 500,000 421,800 198,500 195,900 173,200 304,900 1,500 165,000 280,500 45,500 354,000 177,300 242,000 244,800 265,300 226,000 260,600 270,250 3,500 46,300 50,200 53,000 60,200 48,900 57,900 60,100 49,700 69,400 46,900 48,200 68,900 57,800 5,000 89,000 139,500 92,200 99,000 100,000 94,300 39,700 39,200 34,600 61,000 1,500 33,000 56,100 45,500 70,800 35,500 48,400 49,000 53,100 45,200 52,100 54,000 3,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,689,150 Page 185 of 347 2,058,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 231,700 250,900 265,100 300,800 244,400 289,700 300,500 248,600 347,000 234,700 240,900 344,500 289,200 5,000 89,000 697,700 460,900 495,000 500,000 421,800 198,500 195,900 173,200 304,900 1,500 165,000 280,500 45,500 354,000 177,300 242,000 244,800 265,300 226,000 260,600 270,250 3,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 00-701 2011 04-1009 08-0943 2013 2015 97-291 2014IH 92-2 IH-714 IH-715 08-0387 IH-716 06-1481 00-702 01-580 2015gd#30 GD05-158 SC130-05 2015gd#21 2014 01-1277 07-0315 98-1251 2015 GD05-71 03-1120 GD05-254 02-741 08GD#9 04-390 04-1159 IH-721 03-1209 00-319 2010 87-378 9,666,150 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.10-3-10 40.10-3-11 40.10-3-12 40.10-3-13 40.10-3-14 40.10-3-15 40.10-3-16 40.10-3-17 40.10-3-19 40.10-3-21 40.10-3-22 40.10-3-23 40.10-3-24 40.10-3-25 40.10-3-26 40.10-3-27 40.10-3-28 40.10-3-29 40.10-3-30 40.10-3-31 40.10-3-32 40.10-4-1 40.10-4-2 40.10-4-3 40.10-4-4 40.10-4-5 40.10-4-6 40.10-4-7 40.10-4-8 40.10-4-9 40.10-4-10 40.10-4-11 40.10-4-12 40.10-4-13 40.10-4-14 40.10-4-15 40.10-4-16 ONeil, Robert F. Stark, Sue A. Ackert, Norris Benedict, John Gorenstein, Barbara Werlin Elzer, Phyllis M. Trimarchi, Joseph Trimarchi, Joseph Luzine, Elaine M. Schardt, Thomas J. Douglas, Audrey Kunkel, David L. Arcuri, Frank J. Button, David T. Feller, Robert H. Neil, Spence C. Felsen, Karl E. Vojnar, William W. Zeh, Frances Pastore, Michael J. Guilderland Town of Kindlon, Daniel J. Sandor, James M. Glazer, Adrienne A. Kaltenbach, Pamela J. Sarris, George T. Tucker, Eric W. ODonnell, Edward P Hickman, Shannon A. Ferguson, Craig R. Chauncey, Eric J. DeCosmo, Lawrence C. Pasquali, James B. Jerome, Sanon Hurst, Philip Schulz, Robert W. Mullaney, Michael 206,400 173,500 218,100 299,900 295,500 256,600 61,500 390,000 284,900 265,500 332,400 281,600 305,400 177,000 286,000 319,400 282,800 206,000 126,100 102,300 5,000 330,400 94,300 130,100 134,400 150,700 232,300 181,900 185,900 241,900 175,800 202,200 198,400 242,300 207,100 329,500 269,800 41,300 34,700 43,600 67,100 59,100 51,300 61,500 85,100 57,000 53,100 66,500 56,300 61,100 35,500 57,200 63,800 56,600 41,200 25,200 20,500 5,000 66,100 18,900 26,000 26,900 30,100 23,700 36,400 37,200 48,400 35,200 40,400 39,700 48,500 41,400 65,900 54,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,182,900 Page 186 of 347 1,681,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 206,400 173,500 218,100 299,900 295,500 256,600 61,500 390,000 284,900 265,500 332,400 281,600 305,400 177,000 286,000 319,400 282,800 206,000 126,100 102,300 5,000 330,400 94,300 130,100 134,400 150,700 232,300 181,900 185,900 241,900 175,800 202,200 198,400 242,300 207,100 329,500 269,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 2010 2014 2011 GD2012#8 2015 2012 GD11#34 72-490 90-192 GD2013#55 88-316 2015 08-0457 2009 2012 01-582 2011 06-441 2012 95-1337 84-501 2010 2009 05-0789 96-530 2009 2010 2012 2014 2014 73-821 94-161 2011 2015 05-0333 01GD#3 8,182,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.10-4-17 40.10-4-18 40.10-4-19 40.10-4-20 40.10-4-21 40.10-4-22 40.10-4-23 40.10-4-24 40.10-4-25 40.10-4-26 40.10-4-27 40.10-4-28 40.10-4-29 40.13-1-1 40.13-1-2 40.13-1-3 40.13-1-4 40.13-1-5 40.13-1-6 40.13-1-7 40.13-1-8 40.13-1-9 40.13-1-10 40.13-1-11 40.13-1-12 40.13-1-13 40.13-1-14 40.13-1-15 40.13-1-16 40.13-1-17 40.13-1-18 40.13-1-19 40.13-1-20 40.13-1-21 40.13-1-22 40.13-1-23 40.13-1-24 Bianco-Gray, Carol Pietrocola, Richard Selsky, Donald Behling, Waltraud OConnor, Thomas J. Hulbert, Daniel OConnor, Kaye A. Mango, Dominic Angellotti, Barbara J. Pioggia, Linda Grant, Cynthia Roffman, Stuart D. Swanson, Steven A. Vrooman, Pamela A. Bartone, Kathleen M. Hennet, Michael R. Purzycki, Jennifer Butler, Jay T. Ganance, Vincent J. Mueller, Mary Morier, Albert M. Reedy, Robert J. Reedy, Robert J. Konig, Frederick W. III. Carnright, Sharon L. Gorman, Rhonda L. Zautner, Cindy L. Goosmann, Edward W. Teetsel, Dawn M. Moran, Ronald F. Houck, Michael Molis, Matthew LaTorre, Anthony W. Deitz, Betty A. Reilly, Marion R. Follan, Eileen M. Grossman, Cathy 313,100 214,900 260,500 239,100 248,200 263,000 298,000 170,000 175,800 206,400 275,200 324,700 261,400 128,000 178,600 199,500 114,800 162,500 140,600 108,200 214,400 81,000 100,100 116,300 150,300 84,600 131,900 101,900 110,800 138,300 152,600 257,700 129,100 140,100 180,600 139,300 139,100 62,600 43,000 52,100 47,800 49,600 52,600 59,600 34,000 35,200 41,300 55,000 64,900 52,300 25,600 35,700 39,900 23,000 32,500 28,100 21,600 42,900 16,200 20,000 23,300 30,100 16,900 26,400 20,400 22,200 27,700 30,500 51,500 25,800 28,000 36,100 27,900 27,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,650,600 Page 187 of 347 1,330,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 313,100 214,900 260,500 239,100 248,200 263,000 298,000 170,000 175,800 206,400 275,200 324,700 261,400 128,000 178,600 199,500 114,800 162,500 140,600 108,200 214,400 81,000 100,100 116,300 150,300 84,600 131,900 101,900 110,800 138,300 152,600 257,700 129,100 140,100 180,600 139,300 139,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 IH-728 2015 98-626 01-145 01-474 74-886 79-456 08-0453 05-691 IH-730 03-0475 92-439 98-988 2012 99-1445 06-1358 2011 06-697 IH-731 92-558 81-422 85-910 92-561 99-1260 06-442 07-0317 98-1253 04-1401 2015 98-428 2014 06-1359 02-1021 2010 07-0924 2015 6,650,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.13-1-25 40.13-1-26 40.13-1-27 40.13-1-28 40.13-1-29 40.13-1-30 40.13-1-31 40.13-1-32 40.13-1-33 40.13-1-34 40.13-1-35 40.13-1-36 40.13-1-37 40.13-1-38 40.13-1-39 40.13-1-41 40.13-1-42 40.13-1-43 40.13-1-44.1 40.13-1-44.2 40.13-1-45 40.13-1-46 40.13-1-47 40.13-2-1 40.13-2-2 40.13-2-3 40.13-2-4 40.13-2-5 40.13-2-6 40.13-2-7 40.13-2-8 40.13-2-9.1 40.13-2-9.2 40.13-2-10 40.13-2-11 40.13-2-12 40.13-2-13 Reed, Mary Bennett, Norma Switser, Denise T. Costello, Shannon English, Frank C. Towne, Kathleen J. Shafer, Timm M. Frakes, George J. Marriner, Walter F. Sachar, David M. Giso, Joseph A. Davi, Wayne A. Dudziec Family Irrevoc Trust Burstell, Sara Towne, Jacqueline R. Zanetti, Nina VanWie, Cheryl L. Morier, Albert M. Selig, Doris Swanson, Diane N. Dean, Judith A. Marsh, Karen L. Marston, Melissa L. Weber, Fern E. Weber, Fern E. Mabel, Barry S. Merrifield, Keith R. Leggett, Robert E. Nix, Ryan G. Laremore Family Trust, The Shirley B. Roop, Laurie A. Pellerin, Josephine Pellerin, Robert Dwyer, Albert J. Dunn, Daniel G. Sirois, Frederick H. Stott, James A. 117,500 126,200 132,900 138,400 127,000 144,900 139,400 139,900 208,400 157,000 120,500 154,400 122,800 120,000 132,300 115,000 112,700 128,800 160,900 170,300 128,000 136,200 104,100 133,600 61,600 137,500 120,500 125,500 106,900 142,500 154,000 135,500 171,800 133,600 166,100 112,600 90,900 23,500 25,200 26,600 27,700 25,400 29,000 27,900 28,000 43,500 31,400 24,100 30,900 24,600 24,000 26,500 23,000 22,500 25,800 32,200 34,100 25,600 27,200 20,800 26,700 61,600 27,500 24,100 25,100 21,400 28,500 30,800 27,100 34,400 26,700 33,200 22,500 18,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,930,200 Page 188 of 347 1,037,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 117,500 126,200 132,900 138,400 127,000 144,900 139,400 139,900 217,400 157,000 120,500 154,400 122,800 120,000 132,300 115,000 112,700 128,800 160,900 170,300 128,000 136,200 104,100 133,600 61,600 137,500 120,500 125,500 106,900 142,500 154,000 135,500 171,800 133,600 166,100 112,600 90,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0389 08-0025 05-0337 2012 04-264 04-107 96-670 94-415 2015 2010 IH-732 95-116 02-66 2011 2015 06-241 01-1173 2012 95-279 2015 99-1077 2014 2011 08-0707 08-0707 2010 99-606 06-479 2015 96-672 03-0200 92-734 03-1121 2010 2011 2012 03-0592 4,939,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.13-2-14 40.13-2-15 40.13-2-16 40.13-2-17 40.13-2-18 40.13-2-19 40.13-2-20 40.13-2-21 40.13-3-1.1 40.13-3-1.2 40.13-3-2.1 40.13-3-2.2 40.13-3-3 40.13-3-4 40.13-3-5 40.13-3-6 40.13-3-7 40.13-3-8 40.13-3-9 40.13-3-10 40.13-3-11 40.13-3-12 40.13-3-13 40.13-3-14 40.13-3-15 40.13-3-16 40.13-3-17 40.13-3-18 40.13-3-19 40.13-3-20 40.13-3-21 40.13-3-23 40.13-3-24 40.13-3-25 40.13-3-26 40.13-3-27 40.13-3-28 Calhoun, Michael D. Calhoun , Michael D. Guilderland Town of Marshall, Donna M. Jarvis, Michael B. Oyuo, Dickens Webster, Robert E. Chaffee, Linda C. Adler, Kimberly A. LaHue, Robert R. Clarke, Stephen H. Clarke, Stephen H. Fuller, Thomas Neiles, Erin Norton, Claire Morier, Albert M. McAnearney, Peter Ganance, Vincent J. OConnor, Nancy Ware, Richard L. Jr. Nolan, Eulla M. Albert, Arthur R. Cordi, Vincent Sela, Benjamin OKeefe, Dennis M. Guilderland Town of Weidman, Allan B. Housel, Julian Gilbert Guilderland Town of Asvestas, Brian M. Dwyer, Linda M. Dwyer, Robert A. Koh, George T. Miller, Wilhelmina B. Paton, Jonathan D. Duncan, Bernard J. Beha, William E. 13,000 156,800 20,000 119,300 160,300 132,600 116,300 71,500 151,500 177,900 204,800 152,700 136,100 126,700 108,700 105,900 133,800 100,000 114,400 110,800 113,300 95,400 132,000 183,500 136,600 95,600 139,300 257,500 18,300 143,800 109,900 115,800 113,800 160,400 105,700 131,000 113,300 13,000 31,400 20,000 23,900 32,100 26,500 23,300 14,300 30,300 35,600 41,000 30,500 27,200 25,300 21,700 21,200 26,800 20,000 22,900 22,200 22,700 19,100 26,400 37,000 27,300 23,900 27,900 86,500 18,300 28,800 22,000 23,200 22,800 32,100 21,100 26,200 22,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,578,300 Page 189 of 347 997,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 13,000 156,800 20,000 119,300 160,300 132,600 116,300 71,500 151,500 177,900 204,800 152,700 136,100 126,700 108,700 105,900 133,800 100,000 114,400 110,800 113,300 95,400 132,000 183,500 136,600 95,600 139,300 257,500 18,300 143,800 109,900 115,800 113,800 160,400 105,700 131,000 113,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 822 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 650 220 411 311 230 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2009 2009 80-652 05-0338 06-1393 08-0496 03-0477 IH-736 99-851 2009 92-562 01-1003 2015 93-431 2010 IH-737 2011 88-600 99-642 02-1247 08-0544 07-0320 04-1063 2014 07-0321 2014 2015 02-1249 2011 2012 01-147 IH-738 01-1174 2010 IH-739 4,578,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.13-3-29 40.13-3-30 40.13-3-31 40.13-3-32 40.13-3-33 40.13-3-34.1 40.13-3-34.2 40.13-3-35 40.13-3-36 40.13-3-37 40.14-1-9 40.14-2-1 40.14-2-2 40.14-2-3 40.14-2-4 40.14-2-5 40.14-2-6 40.14-2-7 40.14-2-8 40.14-2-9.1 40.14-2-10 40.14-2-11.1 40.14-2-11.2 40.14-2-11.3 40.14-2-12 40.14-2-13 40.14-2-14 40.14-2-15 40.14-2-16 40.17-1-1 40.17-1-2 40.17-1-3 40.17-1-4 40.17-1-5 40.17-1-6 40.17-1-7 40.17-1-8 Ebert, Albert W. Jr. Ebert, Albert W. Jr. Jacobson, Howard F. Jacobson, Mark C. Lynch, Robert R. Mallabar, Mary E. Salvation Army Brewer, Chris R. Meltzer, Marna D. Bashant, Paul Nature Conservancy, The McHugh, Marie Louise Lemme, Peter K. Iapoce, Thomas J. Hrachian, S Joseph & Sarah A Harder, Gloria J. Harms, Scott T. Murray, Richard L. Ellwood, Robert S. Pappas, Eleni Criscone, John A. Musto-Marini, Esther Susan Becker, Dawn P. Mitsios, Kostantine Pappas, Maria Bentley, Jerone J. Mayne, Patricia A. Morawski, Christine M. Moss, Lawrence A. Lavigne, Scott D. Cosgrove, Lisa A. Wilhelm, Gregory G. VanWagenen, Thomas T. Jr. Alexander, Daniel J. Pangburn, Richard Parker, Nelson A. Bliss, Dean D. 5,000 154,900 178,300 105,000 110,800 186,500 245,000 153,500 161,900 168,800 200,000 320,000 198,800 215,700 153,200 184,300 211,500 200,200 170,100 198,600 241,500 450,000 233,500 293,480 236,300 148,900 215,400 189,200 154,500 102,100 112,000 108,000 104,100 135,900 134,100 102,000 87,400 5,000 31,000 35,700 21,000 22,200 37,300 49,000 30,700 32,400 33,800 200,000 64,000 39,800 43,100 30,600 36,900 42,300 40,000 34,000 39,700 77,300 90,000 46,700 58,696 47,300 29,800 43,000 37,800 30,900 20,400 22,400 21,600 20,800 27,200 26,800 20,400 17,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,570,480 Page 190 of 347 1,507,096 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 5,000 154,900 178,300 105,000 110,800 186,500 245,000 153,500 161,900 168,800 200,000 320,000 198,800 215,700 153,200 184,300 211,500 200,200 170,100 198,600 241,500 450,000 233,500 293,480 236,300 148,900 215,400 189,200 154,500 102,100 112,000 108,000 104,100 135,900 134,100 102,000 87,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 910 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 73-665 GD05-127 IH-740 IH-741 07-0925 06-1426 01-148 2014 08-1001 92-564 93-865 85-180 07-0322 98-631 90-406 07-0323 08-1042 2012 98-342 2013 2015gd#24 2014 2015 85-912 96-200 2010 05-0341 2013 01-1091 08-0069 2014 82-497 74-631 06-099 02-742 07-0831 6,570,480 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 40.17-1-9 40.17-1-10 40.17-1-11 40.17-1-16 40.17-1-17 40.17-1-18 40.17-1-19 40.17-1-20 40.17-1-21 40.17-1-22 40.17-1-23 40.17-1-24 40.17-1-25 40.17-1-26 40.17-1-27.1 40.17-1-27.2 40.17-1-28 40.17-1-29 40.17-1-30 40.17-1-31 40.17-1-32 40.17-1-33 40.17-1-34 40.17-1-35 40.17-1-36 40.17-1-37 40.17-1-38 40.17-1-39 40.17-1-40 40.17-2-1 40.17-2-2 40.17-2-3 40.17-2-6 40.17-2-7 40.17-2-8 40.17-2-9 40.17-2-10 McHugh, Joyce D. Reyes, Wilfredo Jr. Ryan, Douglas C. Guilderland Fire District CLJB Properties LLC Schanz, James M. Irwin, William L. Joyner, John Tidd, Mark V. Rymski, Joseph G. Sr. Forte, Brian K. Ciampi, Jacqueline Maurer, Helen Yerdon, Shawn W. Endres, Michael A. Hernandez, Daniel P. Gough, Steven J. Gough, Steven Gough, Steven J. Sullivan, Daniel P. Richard, Katherine S. Eberlein, Hiram J. Snyder, Kenneth M. Montgomery, Henry M. Malvey, Noreen Giovannetti, John Jr. Bruno, Michael Guilderland Town of Hamilton Union Church Caroccia, Lorraine D. Schumann, Eric R. Critcher, Robert One Hundred Forty Five Foundry Road Properties Inc Markessinis, Martin T. Sr. Roth, Bruce A. Perillo, Amy Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 118,800 94,700 142,900 1,340,000 294,200 160,000 151,200 155,700 130,200 137,100 184,600 136,200 152,000 154,600 204,600 197,000 132,000 2,500 1,500 155,500 152,500 149,600 130,500 143,400 142,500 140,800 94,700 129,300 510,000 84,300 121,600 166,800 196,200 158,300 218,100 203,800 290,000 23,800 18,900 28,600 268,000 56,700 32,000 30,200 31,100 26,000 27,400 36,900 27,200 30,400 30,900 40,900 39,400 26,400 2,500 1,500 31,100 30,500 29,900 26,100 28,700 28,500 28,200 18,900 53,700 128,000 16,900 24,300 33,400 39,200 31,700 43,600 40,800 58,000 7,077,700 Page 191 of 347 1,470,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 118,800 94,700 142,900 2,420,000 294,200 160,000 151,200 155,700 130,200 137,100 184,600 136,200 152,000 154,600 204,600 197,000 132,000 2,500 1,500 155,500 152,500 149,600 130,500 143,400 142,500 140,800 94,700 129,300 510,000 84,300 121,600 166,800 196,200 158,300 218,100 203,800 290,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 210 210 210 662 482 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 681 620 220 210 210 281 281 281 210 210 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 2014 2013 2015 08-0060 95-1069 95-1070 04-1160 2011 88-604 2010 07-0325 86-160 05-0343 06-483 00-158 90-194 00-1403 2013 2015 2012 2013 2012 95-682 00-159 2010 2011 95-610 99-852 03-0478 2012 06-1395 GD05-156A IH-744 GD05-163 2009 2015gd#56 8,157,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.17-2-11.1 40.17-2-12 40.17-2-13 40.17-2-14 40.17-2-15 40.17-2-16 40.17-2-17 40.17-2-18 40.17-2-19 40.17-2-20 40.17-2-21 40.17-2-22 40.17-2-23 40.17-2-24 40.17-2-25 40.17-3-1 40.17-3-3 40.17-3-4 40.17-3-5 40.17-3-6 40.17-3-7 40.17-3-8 40.17-3-9 40.17-3-10 40.17-3-13 40.17-3-14 40.17-3-15 40.17-3-16 40.17-3-17 40.17-3-18 40.20-1-1 40.20-1-2 40.20-1-3.1 40.20-1-3.2 40.20-1-3.3 40.20-1-4 40.20-1-5 Bohl Charles Inc Charles Bohl Incorporated Charles Bohl Incorporated Bohl Incorporated, Charles Bohl, June S. Campbell, Linda J. Roberson, Carol L. White, Lisa C. Jablonowski, Cecelia OConnor, Thomas W. Jr. OConnor, Thomas Jr. Richardson, Jean A Relyea, Phyllis L. McGraw, Kevin C. Bohl Charles Inc KPA Properties LLC Bohl Charles Inc Garcha, Inderpal S. Hatala, Joseph Hatala, Joseph M. Hatala, Joseph M. A1 Rental Properties LLC Scott, Robert Guilderland Public Library Guilderland Public Library Guilderland Public Library Ganance, Vincent J. Staley, Elizabeth K. Staley, Elizabeth K. Custom Printers of Guild Inc Pthreeorion LP Pthreeorion LP LARAPA, LLC Andrew, John C. Donepudi, Phanigopal M. Serafini, Angelo Levin, Harvey & Diana 332,500 309,000 80,000 143,000 163,200 94,400 90,100 94,400 109,100 139,100 27,000 94,400 112,200 203,900 7,500 531,500 41,300 180,000 19,700 92,800 132,400 134,900 98,200 43,600 100,000 60,700 91,800 30,300 160,700 234,800 202,900 90,000 172,600 237,000 218,600 184,700 145,800 155,300 103,000 80,000 28,600 53,400 18,900 18,000 18,900 21,800 27,800 27,000 18,900 22,400 40,800 7,500 195,700 41,300 45,000 19,700 18,600 26,500 27,000 19,600 35,000 100,000 60,700 18,400 30,300 46,400 72,100 202,900 90,000 34,500 47,400 43,700 36,900 29,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,204,100 Page 192 of 347 1,883,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 332,500 309,000 80,000 143,000 163,200 94,400 90,100 94,400 109,100 139,100 27,000 94,400 112,200 203,900 7,500 531,500 41,300 180,000 19,700 92,800 132,400 134,900 98,200 43,600 100,000 60,700 91,800 30,300 160,700 234,800 202,900 90,000 172,600 237,000 218,600 184,700 145,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 480 484 330 230 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 311 465 311 483 311 210 210 210 210 312 311 311 210 311 484 484 330 330 210 210 210 220 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 2012 2012 2012 2013 2011 2010 2015 94-1162 98-431 05-0345 85-400 00-1328 2012 80-460 2015gd#84 73-232 05-0998 2015 2014 2013 05-0347 2007 2009 07-0416 02-747 2009 01-1161 01-1161 08-0241 05-0999 06-732 08-0484 06-486 2011 89-9234 IH-746 5,204,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 40.20-1-6 40.20-1-7 40.20-1-8 40.20-1-9 40.20-1-10 40.20-1-11 40.20-1-12 40.20-1-13 40.20-1-14 40.20-1-15 40.20-1-16 40.20-1-17 40.20-1-18 40.20-1-19 40.20-1-20 40.20-1-21 40.20-1-22 40.20-1-23 40.20-1-24 40.20-1-25 40.20-1-26 40.20-1-27 40.20-1-28 40.20-1-29 40.20-1-30 40.20-1-31 40.20-1-32 40.20-1-33 40.20-1-34 40.20-1-35 40.20-1-36 40.20-2-1 40.20-2-2 40.20-2-3 40.20-2-4 40.20-2-5 40.20-2-6 McCarthy, John J. Butler, William R. Vogel, Robert T. Justiniano, Bethsabet Ledermann, Sarah Passineau, Ross T. Sherman, Stacy L. Jebaraj, Mathan Barr, William B. Reuter, Linda Rae Horstman Family Irrevoc Trust Salerno, Carmela Spielman, Dennis Smith, Robert G & Evelyn J. Sanchez, Barbara A. Dygert, Ronald C. Reppenhagen, Lucille Mak, Carwin Y. Cusato, Peter Kaminski, Beatrice E. Lance, Larry W. Catlin, James I. Kattuboina, Venkata A. Seiling, Jay D. Koster, Betty A. Clemens, Philip C. Mohr, Stephen C. Giglio, Joseph J. Living Resources Corporation McLoughlin, Jospeh D. Smith, Doreen Sohl, Charles C. Pickel, Nicole DeRook, Jane E. OHara, Michael R. Perrego, Kathleen M. Ruppenthal, Steve F. 156,300 123,800 157,700 160,200 160,900 159,000 144,600 205,900 166,400 147,000 167,200 174,300 150,800 146,200 178,100 165,400 192,000 170,200 170,100 198,100 185,300 167,000 173,700 169,600 177,900 165,000 155,000 170,900 141,000 160,700 150,000 179,500 147,600 155,900 220,900 172,500 154,000 31,300 24,800 31,500 32,000 32,200 31,800 30,120 41,200 33,300 29,400 33,400 34,900 30,200 29,200 35,600 33,100 38,400 34,000 34,000 39,600 37,100 33,400 34,700 33,900 35,600 33,000 31,000 37,800 28,200 32,100 30,000 35,900 29,500 31,200 44,200 34,500 30,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,140,700 Page 193 of 347 1,232,920 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 156,300 123,800 157,700 160,200 160,900 159,000 150,600 205,900 166,400 147,000 167,200 174,300 150,800 146,200 178,100 165,400 192,000 170,200 170,100 198,100 185,300 167,000 173,700 169,600 177,900 165,000 155,000 189,100 141,000 160,700 150,000 179,500 147,600 155,900 220,900 172,500 154,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-747 2014 03-0202 2014 2014 89-9234 2015 2010 90-625 04-109 04-700 69-30 05-0350 06-488 2015 08-1002 04-464 08-0056 88-609 2011 93-704 2015 2014 2015 IH-750 94-1192 2015 08-0933 2013 06-242 05-1000 00-706 2015 2015 89-9234 99-1432 6,164,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 40.20-2-7 40.20-2-8 40.20-2-9 40.20-2-10 40.20-2-11 40.20-2-12 40.20-2-13 40.20-2-14 40.20-2-15 40.20-2-16 40.20-2-17 40.20-2-18 40.20-2-19 40.20-2-20 40.20-2-21 40.20-2-22 40.20-2-23 40.20-2-24 40.20-2-25 40.20-2-26 40.20-2-27 40.20-2-28 40.20-2-29 40.20-2-30 40.20-2-31 40.20-2-32 40.20-2-33 40.20-2-34 41.00-1-1 41.00-1-2 41.00-1-3.1 41.00-1-3.2 41.00-1-3.31 41.00-1-3.32 41.00-1-4 41.00-1-5 41.00-1-6 Wixted, Steven D. Magnuson, Jean E. Malloy, Roseann Dobson, John C. Falcone, Robert McIver, Douglas K. Bradley, Thomas J. Flores, Kenneth R. Jr. McEwan, Curtis A. Farry, Vincenzina R. Hallenbeck, Laura B. Rubin, William C. Liguori, Anthony P. Quinn, Harvey M. Lainhart, Laurie Varrone Bart, Sue Ellen Printsky, Frank J. Chase, Kevin S. Walsh, Heidi Rutherford, Brian G. Bowen, Ann Dunne, Makai F. Smith, Richard M. Baroni, Timothy E. Ulrich, Donald W. Lee, Gary W. Frey, Michael David Levis, Bruce C. New York State Overnite Transportation Co New York State, The People of New York State, The People of New York State, The People Of New York State, The People Of New York State of Nature Conservancy, The Albany City of Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 146,200 150,000 139,600 184,100 199,500 160,900 137,600 160,400 152,800 146,200 146,700 150,000 185,400 185,700 154,000 154,000 146,100 167,400 148,100 167,800 168,900 165,300 140,100 145,000 286,200 147,500 166,600 138,000 10,500 1,359,600 500,000 300,000 420,500 127,400 100,000 119,000 69,000 29,200 30,000 27,900 36,800 39,900 32,200 27,500 32,100 30,600 29,200 29,300 30,000 37,100 37,100 30,800 30,800 29,200 33,500 29,600 33,600 33,800 33,100 28,000 29,000 57,200 29,500 33,300 27,600 10,500 345,100 500,000 300,000 344,000 127,400 100,000 119,000 69,000 7,546,100 Page 194 of 347 2,822,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 146,200 150,000 139,600 184,100 199,500 160,900 137,600 160,400 152,800 146,200 146,700 150,000 185,400 185,700 154,000 154,000 146,100 167,400 148,100 167,800 168,900 165,300 140,100 145,000 286,200 147,500 166,600 138,000 10,500 1,359,600 500,000 300,000 420,500 127,400 100,000 119,000 69,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 447 340 970 438 340 970 970 340 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 N Account Nbr 89-9234 96-442 85-186 06-489 08-1003 2014 06-733 78-302 80-637 2014 2009 97-650 05-1001 04-975 02-300 01-1093 73-655 99-854 2014 00-162 02-387 2012 2014 2014 2012 2010 2010 93-9999 90-849 2015gd#87 99-1402 00-1178 03-1345 03-1346 85-307 95-813 01-156 7,546,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 41.00-1-7 41.00-1-8 41.00-1-9 41.00-1-10 41.00-1-12 41.00-1-13 41.00-1-14 41.00-1-15 41.00-1-16 41.00-1-17 41.20-4-1 41.20-4-3 41.20-4-4 41.20-4-5 41.20-4-6 48.00-1-3.1 48.00-1-3.2 48.00-1-4.1 48.00-1-4.2 48.00-1-5 48.00-1-6 48.00-1-7 48.00-1-8 48.00-1-9 48.00-1-10 48.00-1-11 48.00-1-14 48.00-1-15 48.00-1-16 48.00-1-17.1 48.00-1-17.3 48.00-1-17.4 48.00-1-17.5 48.00-1-17.6 48.00-1-17.8 48.00-1-17.9 48.00-1-17.21 Albany City of Albany City of Albany City of People of the State of NY, The People of State of New York Guilderland Town of Giammatteo, Elia T. Pinkham, David R. Casterlin, Sharon L. J T Garry, LLC Albany City of Ryan Real Property & Ryan Real Property & Erie Materials/Albany Inc Albany City of Perlee, Jeffrey S. Cowan-Canetto, Lisa H. Provo-Parker, Laura Porter, Frances M. Whaley, Matthew C. LaSalette Seminary Johnson, William F. MacDonald, Ian Willis, Leander H. Craig, Brian L. Enides, Jill Virkler, Edward Slack, Joseph L. Grant, Richard Grant, Lawrence V. Jerominek, Michael A. Burns, Joseph M. Grant, Lawrence V. Feinstein, Ian Sheridan, John Grant, Richard Regan, Kevin 233,400 56,300 12,000 120,000 105,100 37,200 146,600 119,800 1,500 294,400 1,300 14,800 23,100 50,000 8,100 232,500 35,800 309,000 235,000 262,800 345,000 202,700 157,800 28,800 106,600 183,900 181,300 343,700 165,900 231,300 341,300 305,700 19,900 338,400 407,500 17,200 46,700 233,400 56,300 12,000 120,000 20,600 37,200 29,300 24,000 1,500 33,000 1,300 14,800 23,100 50,000 8,100 47,700 35,800 61,800 47,000 52,600 70,300 40,500 31,600 19,200 21,300 36,800 36,300 66,900 33,200 50,900 68,300 49,400 19,900 67,700 81,500 17,200 46,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,722,400 Page 195 of 347 1,667,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 233,400 56,300 12,000 120,000 105,100 37,200 146,600 119,800 1,500 294,400 1,300 14,800 23,100 50,000 8,100 232,500 35,800 309,000 235,000 262,800 345,000 202,700 157,800 28,800 106,600 183,900 181,300 343,700 165,900 231,300 341,300 305,700 19,900 338,400 407,500 17,200 46,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 852 340 340 920 852 970 210 210 340 442 330 340 330 330 330 210 311 210 210 210 620 210 210 312 210 210 210 240 210 210 210 210 322 210 210 322 311 1 1 1 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 01-156 79-860 08-0226 2014 97-403 2012 05-0352 95-22 2014 65-879 00-707 00-707 06-243 65-878 2010 2012 2009 94-216 2012 00-545 06-1244 2010 2015 05-0354 2012 03-1267 90-583 99-509 2013 07-0420 IH-753 2013 2014 06-678 91-908 05-651 5,722,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 48.00-1-17.22 48.00-1-18 48.00-1-19 48.00-1-20 48.00-1-21.1 48.00-1-21.2 48.00-1-21.3 48.00-1-22 48.00-1-23 48.00-1-25 48.00-1-27 48.00-1-28 48.00-1-29 48.00-1-30 48.00-1-31 48.00-1-32 48.00-1-33 48.00-1-34 48.00-1-35 48.00-1-36 48.00-1-37 48.00-2-1 48.00-2-2 48.00-2-3 48.00-2-4 48.00-2-5 48.00-2-7 48.00-2-8 48.00-2-9 48.00-2-10 48.00-2-11 48.00-2-12 48.00-2-13 48.00-2-14 48.00-2-15 48.00-2-16.1 48.00-2-16.2 Shatynski, Todd S. Fletcher, Raymond F. Thibdeau, Michael L. NY Association for the Williamson, James R. Walker, Newton F. III. Walker, Newton F. III. Parietti, Richard State of New York, The People of The Joshua Foundation Inc The Kaczkowski, David McKinley, Hedi Jackson, Howard E. Person, Thomas J. Shanklin, Elliott W. Sisters of the Presentation of Grant, Harold C & Beryl N Straubel, Mark Davis, Janice K Pollard, John III. Sisters of the Presentation of Tucker, Christine E. Walk, Elizabeth LeClair, Steven K. Larghe, Gerald L. Fiscaletti, Laurie Lindsay, Max T. LeClair, Walter A & Mary F Dowling, Joel E. Kelly, Robert E. Kelly, Robert E. DiSanto, Joseph Crounse, Randall Mack, Elizabeth C. Brown, Geoffrey A. Woods, Thomas H. Simpson, Paula A Dalotto Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 411,800 247,400 524,500 305,700 46,600 53,600 314,700 321,800 12,100 1,331,600 292,200 252,000 226,100 334,400 247,300 370,000 198,400 305,500 154,200 348,000 1,700,000 116,500 107,900 138,300 96,800 113,600 131,200 161,900 143,100 18,000 132,500 187,300 160,900 98,700 27,800 919,400 315,000 82,400 46,800 45,600 251,600 46,600 53,600 59,000 60,900 12,100 148,600 47,600 50,600 45,200 66,900 48,500 60,900 39,700 62,200 30,800 54,200 341,300 23,300 23,600 27,700 36,100 22,700 26,200 32,400 28,600 18,000 26,500 37,500 32,200 98,700 27,800 302,300 72,100 10,866,800 Page 196 of 347 2,490,800 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 411,800 247,400 524,500 305,700 46,600 53,600 314,700 321,800 12,100 1,331,600 292,200 252,000 226,100 334,400 247,300 370,000 198,400 305,500 154,200 348,000 1,700,000 116,500 107,900 138,300 96,800 113,600 131,200 161,900 143,100 18,000 132,500 187,300 160,900 98,700 27,800 919,400 315,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 614 323 322 240 240 314 620 210 210 210 210 210 614 210 240 210 240 620 210 210 210 411 210 210 210 210 314 210 210 210 322 314 240 210 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 97-725 2011 98-854 04-110 IH-754 IH-754 95-624 2012 05-454 IH-756 96-388 92-301 SC113-05 IH-758 79-526 IH-759 2013 00-709 IH-760 91-964 80-538 2010 95-769 2014 2014 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 07-0865 91-769 2013 2012 10,866,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 48.00-2-17.1 48.00-2-17.3 48.00-2-17.4 48.00-2-17.5 48.00-2-17.21 48.00-2-17.22 48.00-2-17.23 48.00-2-17.24 48.00-2-18 48.00-2-19 48.00-2-20 48.00-2-21 48.00-2-22 48.00-2-23 48.00-2-24 48.00-2-25.1 48.00-2-25.2 48.00-2-25.3 48.00-2-25.4 48.00-2-26 48.00-2-27 48.00-2-28.1 48.00-2-28.2 48.00-2-29.1 48.00-2-29.2 48.00-2-29.3 48.00-2-29.4 48.00-2-29.5 48.00-2-29.6 48.00-2-29.7 48.00-2-30 48.00-2-31 48.00-2-32 48.00-2-33 48.00-2-34 48.00-2-35 48.00-2-36 Trumpler, Michael J. Capuano, Daniel J. Altamont Village of Altamont Village of Baumes, Linda M. Brown, Geoffrey A. Brown, Geoffrey A. Favreau, John L. Tymchyn, Richard R. VanAuken, Victoria E. Albany Schenectady Greene LeClair, James A. Seppa, Richard W. Paulsen, Rana L. Murphy, Michael Crounse, Antonia HJ Reese, Eleanor M. Albany Schenectady Greene Webster, Marlyn I. Livingston, Jeffrey S. Jones, Allen L. Jr. Hildreth, Beatrice Joyce Hildreth, Terry A. Danz, Theodore J. III. Danz, Theodore J. III. Altimari, Victor C. Jr. Danz, Denise A. Danz, Theodore J. III. Danz, Todd Nolan, John S. Horan, Martin B & Charla D. Danz, Leslee E. Altimari, Victor C. Gallager, Douglas Gallager, Douglas C. Jr. Nelson, Paul B. Robertson, Sueanne 332,200 156,900 28,100 158,200 130,100 47,000 169,500 143,000 153,800 110,100 25,000 138,700 143,400 149,600 212,500 183,800 143,300 66,800 40,000 126,200 123,700 155,400 32,000 111,700 328,300 48,000 330,400 44,200 252,700 289,300 145,200 160,900 17,300 140,300 156,500 178,500 37,900 85,400 49,100 28,100 158,200 26,000 47,000 33,900 28,600 30,800 22,000 25,000 27,700 28,700 29,900 42,500 90,000 45,600 66,800 40,000 25,200 24,700 82,000 32,000 111,700 65,700 43,000 66,100 44,200 50,500 57,900 29,000 32,200 17,300 28,100 53,700 35,700 37,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,210,500 Page 197 of 347 1,742,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 332,200 156,900 28,100 158,200 130,100 47,000 169,500 143,000 153,800 110,100 25,000 138,700 143,400 149,600 212,500 183,800 143,300 66,800 40,000 126,200 123,700 155,400 32,000 111,700 328,300 48,000 330,400 44,200 252,700 289,300 145,200 160,900 17,300 140,300 156,500 178,500 37,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 210 311 322 210 322 210 210 210 210 531 210 210 210 210 112 210 531 322 210 210 120 314 322 240 312 210 311 210 210 210 210 314 210 240 210 314 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0686 2009 07-0686 07-0686 07-0421 92-945 98-343 08-1156 03-0071 08-0530 01-959 06-1075 89-856 06-492 90-1282 2014 06-1012 83-630 2014 2015 89-858 2011 2011 2011 2011 08GD#10 2010 2014 00-GD20 2011 2010 06-103 GD05-141 63-534 03-758 94-706 99-312 5,210,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 48.00-2-37 48.00-2-38 48.00-2-39.1 48.00-2-39.2 48.00-2-40.1 48.00-2-40.2 48.00-2-41 48.00-2-42 48.00-2-43 48.00-2-44 49.00-1-1 49.00-1-2 49.00-1-3 49.00-1-4.2 49.00-1-4.3 49.00-1-4.5 49.00-1-4.11 49.00-1-4.12 49.00-1-5 49.00-1-6.1 49.00-1-6.2 49.00-1-6.3 49.00-1-7.1 49.00-1-7.2 49.00-1-8 49.00-1-9 49.00-1-10 49.00-1-11 49.00-1-12 49.00-1-13 49.00-1-14 49.00-1-15 49.00-1-16.1 49.00-1-16.2 49.00-1-17 49.00-1-18.1 49.00-1-18.2 Robertson, Brian M. Sr. Oliver, Steven D. Oliver, Peter Oliver, Theresa A. Lassonde, Maynard III. Lassonde, Maynard III. Burk, James L. Smiley, Marilyn M. Specht, Robert T. Nagengast, Diane M. Nelson, Bruce R. TenEyck, Stephen E. OConnor, Bruce J. ODonnell, Kathleen M. Mooney, Alan OConnor, Bruce J. Main Brothers Oil Co Inc Tymchyn, Robert J. Crowley, David T. Jr. Long, Mary Marston, Michael Vosburgh, John Paul Long, Mary Campbell, Allen S. Bablin, Barry L. DiNovo, Jean DiNovo, Jean DiNovo, Richard S. Szesnat, John W. Sr. Ansell, Peter A. Knauf, Thomas R. Canaday, Patricia Jimenez, David L. Filippello, Daniel Waldbillig, Linda M. Ansell, Peter A. Ansell, Daniel C. 67,100 147,900 200,300 166,100 182,900 135,300 82,700 129,400 149,300 74,000 517,500 142,300 138,500 190,200 272,600 5,000 85,500 175,200 177,600 387,500 249,400 50,000 66,300 72,100 292,400 35,000 124,300 130,000 292,300 152,800 201,400 30,000 257,400 50,600 214,200 59,200 219,900 13,400 31,300 113,500 33,200 82,100 135,300 16,500 25,900 29,900 74,000 121,000 28,500 27,700 38,000 54,500 5,000 85,500 35,000 40,400 75,500 158,000 50,000 66,300 54,700 58,500 35,000 24,900 26,000 58,500 30,600 40,300 30,000 51,500 50,600 48,600 59,200 44,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,924,200 Page 198 of 347 1,952,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 67,100 156,500 200,300 166,100 182,900 135,300 82,700 129,400 149,300 74,000 517,500 142,300 138,500 190,200 272,600 5,000 85,500 175,200 201,800 387,500 249,400 50,000 66,300 72,100 292,400 35,000 124,300 130,000 292,300 152,800 201,400 30,000 257,400 50,600 214,200 59,200 219,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 116 210 113 322 210 210 210 322 120 210 210 210 210 311 321 210 220 240 240 314 322 312 210 314 210 210 210 210 210 322 210 314 210 322 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 2015 91-970 03-759 02-807 02-807 01-806 08-545 2011 04-268 06-1396 2014 93-433 93-982 2010 94-1160 95-307 2015 2015 2011 05-0360 2010 2011 02-752 IH-767 IH-768 IH-768 IH-769 2011 76-693 06-1361 77-473 2014 07-0424 07-0845 05-0653 05-0792 5,957,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 49.00-1-18.3 49.00-1-19 49.00-1-20 49.00-1-21.1 49.00-1-21.2 49.00-1-22.1 49.00-1-22.2 49.00-1-22.3 49.00-1-23 49.00-1-24 49.00-1-25.1 49.00-1-25.2 49.00-1-26.1 49.00-1-26.2 49.00-1-26.3 49.00-1-27 49.00-1-28 49.00-1-29.1 49.00-1-29.2 49.00-1-29.3 49.00-1-29.4 49.00-1-29.5 49.00-1-30 49.00-1-31 49.00-1-32 49.00-1-33 49.00-1-34 49.00-1-35 49.00-1-36 49.00-2-1.1 49.00-2-1.2 49.00-2-2 49.00-2-3.1 49.00-2-3.2 49.00-2-3.3 49.00-2-4.1 49.00-2-4.2 Ansell, Danielle M. Canaday, Patricia Terplak, Stephen P. Jr. Russell, Philip L & Anna Hambach, Roberta F. Hoover, Carol Buess, Kenneth E. Hoover, Carol Radtke, Bernard F. Radtke, Bernard F. Powell, John Ensslin, Thomas C. Quinlan, Arthur V. Hosler, David L. Santoro, Antonino McKenty, Michael Taylor, Evelyn I. Califano, Stephen V. Califano, Stephen V. Hamilton, Jennifer Smith, Clarence B. Cardinal, Mark Killar, Susan A. Rosenblum, Phyllis A. Klaer, Charles H. Scott, Charles A. Sikora, Joseph J. Jr. Iacabucci, Timothy Keehfus, Gary L. Danz, Deborah W. Ruland, Timothy R. Heller, Jane D. Heller, John O. Donato, Gerald P. Viola, Michelle Marcucci, Derrick Ferraioli, Anthony R. 393,100 168,400 200,000 174,600 44,200 176,000 197,100 67,500 2,400 117,800 378,000 65,000 405,700 290,000 41,800 163,600 110,900 381,400 24,400 150,900 325,000 324,500 69,900 260,100 200,900 294,000 66,700 303,800 56,600 166,800 235,400 226,400 195,800 58,700 18,000 236,000 40,500 46,800 56,700 40,000 34,900 44,200 35,200 39,400 42,700 2,400 101,500 117,300 65,000 87,100 58,000 41,800 32,700 22,200 47,000 24,400 49,500 65,000 55,600 14,000 133,700 40,200 56,700 66,700 51,900 56,600 33,400 58,900 114,500 124,000 37,600 18,000 47,200 40,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,631,900 Page 199 of 347 2,003,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 393,100 168,400 200,000 174,600 44,200 176,000 197,100 67,500 2,400 117,800 378,000 65,000 405,700 290,000 41,800 163,600 110,900 381,400 24,400 150,900 325,000 324,500 69,900 260,100 200,900 294,000 66,700 303,800 56,600 166,800 235,400 226,400 195,800 58,700 18,000 236,000 40,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 114 210 210 314 210 210 312 311 312 120 320 120 210 311 210 210 210 311 210 210 240 210 120 210 240 322 240 322 210 240 240 240 312 314 210 314 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0846 2010 75-201 02-1023 03-0481 95-628 08-0038 04-949 00-710 2015 07-0891 2014IH 2015 08-1089 07-0426 99-1085 02-1117 05-1003 IH-771 IH-772 GD05-148 06-1076 01-1273 83-797 2015 IH-774 87-694 IH-775 89-1280 05-1253 2009 2015 97-727 2009 08-0190 02-1254 2014 6,631,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 49.00-2-5 49.00-2-6 49.00-2-7 49.00-2-8 49.00-2-9 49.00-2-10 49.00-2-11 49.00-2-12 49.00-2-13.1 49.00-2-13.2 49.00-2-13.4 49.00-2-13.5 49.00-2-13.6 49.00-2-13.7 49.00-2-13.8 49.00-2-13.9 49.00-2-13.11 49.00-2-13.31 49.00-2-13.32 49.00-2-13.33 49.00-2-14 49.00-2-15 49.00-2-16 49.00-2-17 49.00-2-18.1 49.00-2-18.2 49.00-2-18.3 49.00-2-19.1 49.00-2-19.2 49.00-2-20 49.00-2-21 49.00-2-22 49.00-2-23 49.00-2-24 49.00-2-25 49.00-2-26 49.00-3-1 Zullo, Alice B. Marino, Thomas C. Harrington, Steven Harrington, Steven F. McGuire, John P. DeCotes, Scott D. Paonessa, Thomas Free, E Ann Rigosu, Anthony Reese, Stuart W. Rosscoe, James B. Moncur, Arrel Harvey, Dionne Russo, Giuseppe Burgio, Robert M. Rice , Christopher G. Viscusi, Zelindo F. Aliberti, Antonino Cicero, Amodeo Romano, Deana M. Viscusi, Nicolette Bauer, Alan H. Schurick, Kathleen J. Clikeman, Kenneth H. Nelson, Robert J. Zaremski, Michael T. Schlutow, William Jr. Mohawk Group Nguyen, Chuc Owens, Dorothy Jean Carman, Richard P. Nitsky, John F. Buff, Joseph D. Wallace, John R. Skott, Cecelia Puvogel, Stephen Boynton, Maura 122,000 121,600 135,700 137,000 200,000 198,800 150,000 139,700 391,300 209,700 283,600 272,000 348,800 33,900 316,800 430,000 49,600 273,600 239,800 221,300 26,600 165,900 111,800 144,000 118,300 151,600 148,600 29,800 237,500 152,700 138,300 135,700 131,600 79,900 117,800 171,800 181,700 24,400 24,300 27,100 77,000 48,400 39,800 137,200 27,900 78,300 45,700 56,700 54,400 69,800 33,900 63,400 47,500 49,600 54,700 48,000 44,300 49,200 33,200 22,400 28,800 23,700 30,300 29,700 29,800 47,500 30,500 27,700 27,100 26,300 16,000 23,600 34,400 36,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,518,800 Page 200 of 347 1,568,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 122,000 121,600 135,700 137,000 200,000 198,800 150,000 139,700 391,300 209,700 283,600 272,000 348,800 33,900 316,800 430,000 49,600 273,600 239,800 221,300 246,000 165,900 111,800 144,000 118,300 151,600 148,600 29,800 237,500 152,700 138,300 135,700 131,600 79,900 117,800 171,800 181,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 120 210 210 120 210 240 116 210 210 210 311 210 210 311 220 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-105 2011 82-342 GD05-34 2014 03-204 2011 98-383 2012 2015 07-0848 07-0849 2012 05-0972 2013 2013SC#55 05-0363 90-626 99-1302 07-0852 2015 06-1027 06-495 06-1027 06-1362 06-1027 06-1027 08-0201 2013 2010 IH-779 76-303 02-1255 93-1114 2010 2009 2012 6,738,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 49.00-3-2.1 49.00-3-2.2 49.00-3-2.4 49.00-3-2.5 49.00-3-2.31 49.00-3-2.32 49.00-3-3 49.00-3-4 49.00-3-5 49.00-3-6 49.00-3-7 49.00-3-8 49.00-3-9 49.00-3-10.2 49.00-3-10.3 49.00-3-10.4 49.00-3-10.5 49.00-3-10.11 49.00-3-10.121 49.00-3-10.122 49.00-3-11 49.00-3-12 49.00-3-14 49.00-3-15 49.00-3-16 49.00-3-17 49.00-3-18 49.00-3-19 49.00-3-20 49.00-3-21 49.00-3-22 49.00-3-23 49.00-3-24 49.00-3-25 49.00-3-26 49.00-3-27 49.00-3-28 Matulewicz, James E. Kaifer, Lorraine D. Mann, Richard A. Morrissey, Thomas G. Ash, Clayton S. Ash, Clayton S. Coburn, Daniel P. Langenbach, David J. Stang, Douglas L. Decker, Kristin I. Decker, Sidney Roberts, James E. Cornell, Arthur F. McDonald, Kevin Wei, Yayi Gilbert, Peter M. Colonie NY Congregation of Homeowners Association at Matulewicz, James E. Matulewicz, James E. Kelly, Theresa M. Kelly, Thomas R. Oliver, Mary Katherine Friebel, Bessie W Karl, Michael Berschwinger, David A. Bidwell, Traci Dwyer, Wendy J. Putorti, James M. Buchanan, Paul D. Jr. St Denis, Albert J. Corporation, 6 Lenann Whitman, Eugene Jr. Semp, Robert H. Berschwinger, Sally J. Tyrrell, Robert E. Dvorscak, William 72,700 313,300 169,800 231,200 637,100 180,400 157,600 130,000 131,000 268,600 36,700 139,300 147,800 151,300 144,200 177,500 498,900 20,000 211,000 364,700 190,200 107,400 183,000 177,700 114,100 53,800 124,200 10,000 158,000 161,500 116,600 158,600 141,800 165,300 152,900 114,500 119,000 67,300 46,800 34,000 46,700 127,400 36,100 31,500 26,000 26,200 53,700 36,700 27,900 29,600 30,300 28,800 35,500 42,100 20,000 44,700 62,500 32,900 21,500 36,600 35,500 22,800 53,800 24,800 10,000 31,600 32,300 23,300 31,700 28,400 33,100 30,600 22,900 23,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,431,700 Page 201 of 347 1,349,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 72,700 313,300 169,800 231,200 637,100 180,400 157,600 130,000 131,000 268,600 36,700 139,300 147,800 151,300 144,200 177,500 498,900 20,000 211,000 364,700 190,200 107,400 183,000 177,700 114,100 53,800 124,200 10,000 158,000 161,500 116,600 158,600 141,800 165,300 152,900 114,500 119,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 314 210 210 210 210 210 620 970 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 314 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 2012 2014 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2015 2015 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2014 2015 2012 2012 07-1229 2010 2010 2013 07-0429 08-0026 2013 2012 2015 90-1294 06-496 07-1095 08-0321 87-33 01-551 02-75 99-655 6,431,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 49.00-3-29 49.00-3-30 49.00-3-31 49.00-3-32 49.00-3-34 49.00-3-35 49.00-3-36.1 49.00-3-37 49.00-3-38 49.00-3-39.1 49.00-3-40 49.00-3-41 49.00-3-44 49.00-3-47 49.00-3-50 49.00-3-51 49.00-3-52 49.00-3-53 49.00-3-60 49.00-3-62 49.00-3-63 49.00-3-64 49.00-3-65 49.00-3-66 49.00-3-67 49.00-3-73 49.00-3-77 49.00-3-78 49.00-3-79 49.00-3-80 49.00-3-81 49.00-3-82 49.00-3-83 49.00-3-84 49.00-3-85 49.00-3-86 49.00-3-87 Adams, Arnold J. Jr. Whitaker, Norman Zyskowski, Randy L. Pachucki, Patricia Ann Gonyea, Henrietta C. Collins, Robert G. Jr. Joy, Daniel F. Fontaine, Noel E. Roberts, Grant J. Pachucki, Patricia Ann Burns, Joan W. Rivers, Rocsanna T. Scrodanus, Robin L. Traditional Builders Ltd Homeowners Association at Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Guilderland Town of Traditional Builders Ltd Guilderland Town of Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Guilderland Town of Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd 116,900 113,900 120,000 12,600 150,500 149,000 138,100 121,800 159,300 18,000 175,900 171,500 353,200 20,000 100 3,100 3,100 3,100 100 30,000 100 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100 100 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 23,400 22,800 24,000 2,900 30,100 29,800 27,600 24,400 48,400 18,000 77,000 95,900 61,100 20,000 100 3,100 3,100 3,100 100 30,000 100 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100 100 65,400 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 2,202,800 Page 202 of 347 922,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 116,900 113,900 120,000 12,600 150,500 149,000 138,100 121,800 159,300 18,000 175,900 171,500 353,200 20,000 100 3,100 3,100 3,100 100 30,000 100 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100 100 130,900 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 312 210 210 210 210 220 322 116 120 240 310 970 311 311 311 970 311 970 311 311 311 311 970 210 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 75-600 IH-785 IH-786 00-GD25 2015 04-1489 2014 97-418 08-0945 IH-787 99-1650 99-1650 07-0892 2012 2015 2012 2012 2012 2014 2014 2014 2012 2012 2012 2012 2014 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2,303,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 49.00-3-88 49.00-3-89 49.00-3-90 49.00-3-91 49.00-3-92 49.00-3-93 49.00-3-94 49.00-3-95 49.00-3-96 49.00-3-97 49.00-3-98 49.00-3-99 49.00-3-100 49.00-3-101 49.00-3-102 49.00-3-103 49.00-3-104 49.00-3-105 49.00-3-106 49.00-3-107 49.00-3-108 49.00-3-109 49.00-3-110 49.00-3-111 49.00-3-112 49.00-3-113 49.00-3-114 49.00-3-115 49.00-3-116 50.00-1-1 50.00-1-2.1 50.00-1-2.2 50.00-1-3.1 50.00-1-3.2 50.00-1-3.3 50.00-1-4 50.00-1-5 Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Guilderland Town of Homeowners Association at Traditional Builders Ltd Prasad, Pradeep Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Krakat, Jonathan M. Traditional Builders Ltd Palmucci, Nicholas E. Homeowners Association at Virkler, Kelly J. Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Homeowners Association at Traditional Builders Ltd Guilderland Town of Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Traditional Builders Ltd Guilderland Center Fire Dist Guilderland Center Fire Dist Dodge, Theresa Falvey, Michael J. Clarke, David L. Falvey, Michael J. Zacharkevics, Marijan Guilderland Central Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 100 100 285,300 261,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 207,000 100 30,000 30,000 30,000 100 30,000 3,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 814,900 79,700 127,800 147,800 212,900 129,000 160,100 11,200,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 100 100 66,100 67,100 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 74,900 30,000 67,000 100 71,200 30,000 30,000 100 30,000 3,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 31,000 42,400 25,600 29,600 42,600 25,800 32,000 2,249,400 14,258,900 Page 203 of 347 3,398,100 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 100 100 330,800 335,300 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 374,300 30,000 335,200 100 355,800 30,000 30,000 100 30,000 3,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 814,900 79,700 127,800 147,800 212,900 129,000 160,100 11,200,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 311 311 311 311 311 970 970 210 210 311 311 311 311 210 311 210 970 210 311 311 970 311 970 311 311 311 311 311 662 312 210 210 210 230 210 612 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 8 Account Nbr 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2014 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 94-708 03-1125 IH-788 IH-557 2014 00-454 99-656 04-541 15,177,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 50.00-1-6 50.00-1-7 50.00-1-8 50.00-1-9 50.00-1-10 50.00-1-11 50.00-1-12 50.00-1-13 50.00-1-14.11 50.00-1-14.11/1 50.00-1-14.11/2 50.00-1-14.12 50.00-1-14.13 50.00-1-14.14 50.00-1-14.15 50.00-1-14.16 50.00-1-14.21 50.00-1-14.22 50.00-1-14.23 50.00-1-15 50.00-1-16 50.00-2-1 50.00-2-3 50.00-2-4 50.00-2-5.1 50.00-2-5.2 50.00-2-5.3 50.00-2-5.4 50.00-2-6 50.00-2-8 50.00-2-9 50.00-2-11 50.00-2-12 50.00-2-13.1 50.00-2-13.21 50.00-2-13.22 50.00-2-14.1 Guilderland Town of Guilderland Central Rafferty, Maureen H. Hislop, Kenneth Madore, David A. Burger, George Colonie Ventures Inc Purina Animal Nutrition, LLC Northeastern IP Holdings Inc Guilderland Town of Northeastern IP Holdings Inc Fifty-Five OBSA III, LLC Fifty-Five OBSA III, LLC Board of Education of the, The Northeastern IP Holdings Inc Northeastern IP Holdings Inc Northeastern IP Holdings Inc Fletcher, Genevieve M. Fifty-Five OBSA III, LLC Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Ashton, Edward S. Gillespie, Agnes V. Carr, John C. Vivenzio, John H. Vivenzio, Jeffrey P. Vivenzio, John H. Vivenzio, John H. Cieszynski, Walter E. Relyea, Leslie H. Zarriello, Charles J. Jr. Spence, William J. Smith, Nicholas W. Smith, Linda E. Smith, Nicholas W. Smith, Linda E. Hatala, Joseph M. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 68,900 150,000 124,600 338,100 134,600 133,900 410,900 1,718,600 9,650,000 65,000 325,000 2,125,900 2,287,400 396,100 2,260,000 2,314,000 7,600,000 397,400 2,302,700 32,100 45,800 20,000 106,600 129,900 288,500 33,750 33,750 33,750 317,800 153,200 582,600 190,700 40,700 45,000 124,300 37,600 65,900 68,900 150,000 24,900 67,600 26,900 26,800 410,900 20,600 863,700 0 100,000 44,800 49,400 396,100 80,000 26,300 969,800 42,115 58,700 32,100 45,800 20,000 21,300 26,000 164,500 79,800 33,750 33,750 112,800 30,600 116,500 54,900 40,700 43,900 24,900 37,600 58,100 35,085,050 Page 204 of 347 4,404,515 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 68,900 150,000 124,600 338,100 134,600 133,900 410,900 1,718,600 9,650,000 65,000 325,000 2,125,900 2,287,400 396,100 2,260,000 2,314,000 7,600,000 397,400 2,302,700 32,100 45,800 20,000 106,600 129,900 288,500 215,500 33,750 33,750 317,800 153,200 582,600 190,700 40,700 45,000 124,300 37,600 65,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 822 311 210 210 210 281 340 710 440 662 449 449 449 340 449 449 449 283 440 822 314 314 210 210 240 210 314 314 120 210 240 210 311 312 210 311 312 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 77-731 01-808 08-1068 2011 2010 06-1248 GD2012#13 2014 2015 99-1640 07-0868 2013 2012 02-808 2012 2011 2013 2010 07-1096 84-627 06-246 89-1157 2014 08-0308 2015 08-0308 08-0308 IH-791 2014 06-1137 98-857 06-247 95-1302 95-1303 95-1304 02-1025 35,266,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 50.00-2-14.2 50.00-2-15 50.00-2-16.1 50.00-2-16.2 50.00-2-16.3 50.00-2-16.4 50.00-2-16.5 50.00-2-16.6 50.00-2-16.8 50.00-2-16.71 50.00-2-16.72 50.00-2-17.1 50.00-2-17.2 50.00-2-18.1 50.00-2-18.2 50.00-2-19 50.00-2-20 50.00-2-21.1 50.00-2-21.2 50.00-2-22.11 50.00-2-22.12 50.00-2-23 50.00-2-24 50.00-2-25 50.00-2-26 50.00-2-27.1 50.00-2-27.2 50.00-2-27.3 50.00-2-27.4 50.00-2-27.5 50.00-2-28 50.00-2-29 50.00-2-30 50.00-3-2 50.00-3-2./1 50.00-3-3 50.00-3-4 Dunston, Lisa Sc Realty, Services LLC Murphy, Carmela C. Akers, Steven L. Murphy, Carmela C. Mance, Bruce Carrow, Charles M. Carrow, Charles Carrow, Charles M. Jackson, Jeffry A. Werntz, Richard A. Simmons, William S. Jackson, Vala E. Chainyk, Thelma A. Beck, David Tymchyn, Victoria E. Gavial Properties LLC Alexson, Albert R. Jr. Pruskowski Edson, Marcia G. Dura, Michael F. Hackstadt, Gerald Treadgold, Karen S. Fenner, Brian W. Treadgold, Karen S. Tegiacchi, Joseph Mance, Bruce A. Siebert, Walter Jamison, Doris V. Relyea, Leslie H. Ouellette, Michael J. Winsor, Frederick H. Carr, William G. Cemetery Pruskowski, Matthew G. Pruskowski, Matthew G. Guilderland Town of Dimura, Anthony J. Jr. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 267,800 72,900 45,000 212,100 291,400 42,100 488,400 37,900 60,000 228,000 48,000 138,000 91,000 126,500 162,600 219,700 1,878,700 45,800 83,700 102,200 43,600 46,400 181,300 182,300 263,600 858,400 191,000 157,700 45,200 303,700 181,200 199,200 1,200 318,000 191,000 62,300 214,600 51,100 72,900 45,000 42,400 58,300 42,100 97,700 37,900 60,000 48,000 48,000 27,600 18,200 49,400 32,500 105,200 206,000 9,200 16,700 56,600 43,600 46,400 59,100 81,500 74,100 85,000 57,700 53,800 45,200 70,500 69,900 81,900 1,200 174,400 0 62,300 42,900 8,082,500 Page 205 of 347 2,174,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 267,800 72,900 45,000 212,100 291,400 42,100 488,400 37,900 60,000 228,000 48,000 138,000 91,000 126,500 162,600 219,700 1,878,700 45,800 83,700 102,200 287,000 46,400 181,300 182,300 263,600 858,400 191,000 157,700 45,200 303,700 181,200 199,200 1,200 318,000 191,000 62,300 214,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 322 311 210 210 311 210 311 311 210 311 210 210 120 210 240 710 270 210 430 430 311 240 240 240 240 210 240 311 240 240 120 695 112 837 311 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 Account Nbr 2013 06-497 06-1477 05-206 94-710 IH-792 2011 2010 06-1478 GD2102#55 2010GD#39 04-113 2010 94-1233 2011 08-0639 08-0106 93-111 2014 2014 2015 92-209 87-763 92-209 82-557 2010 2013 95-772 87-897 97-798 IH-793 02-1119 82-103 IH-794 2014 2013 8,325,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 50.00-3-5 50.00-3-6 50.00-3-7 50.00-3-8 50.00-3-9 50.00-3-10./1 50.00-3-10./2 50.00-3-10.1 50.00-3-10.2 50.00-3-11 51.00-1-1 51.00-1-2 51.00-1-3.1 51.00-1-3.2 51.00-1-3.3 51.00-1-4.1 51.00-1-4.2 51.00-1-4.3 51.00-1-7 51.00-1-8 51.00-1-10 51.00-1-12 51.00-1-13.1 51.00-1-13.2 51.00-1-14 51.00-1-15 51.00-1-16.1 51.00-1-16.2 51.00-1-17.1 51.00-1-17.2 51.00-1-18 51.00-1-19 51.00-1-20 51.00-1-21.1 51.00-1-21.2 51.00-1-21.3 51.00-1-21.4 Bryant, Joseph P. Sholtes, Robert A & Joanne A Daskalakis, James B. Pruskowski, Matthew G. New York State Albany Country Club Albany Country Club Albany Country Club Glenck, Peter L. Hotaling, Ward D. Bohl Inc, Charles Bohl, Laurel L. Our Lady of Mercy Life Center First Columbia-SPALF LLC Guilderland Town of ARHC SPGUINY01, LLC Guilderland Central Columbia-Western Group MRP Development Company LLC MRP Development Company LLC Lia, William Lia, William VanEpps, Geoffrey Hiawatha Trails LLC VanEpps, Geoffrey New York Library Association Massry, Norman Christian Assoc of the Cap Dis, Young Mens Menands Associates LP Rustic Village Rustic Village Frush, Scott A. Swyer, Edward P. Swyer, Edward P. Swyer, Edward P. Swyer, Edward P. First Columbia Western LLC Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 126,300 163,000 128,200 258,200 2,850,000 238,800 145,000 4,562,000 105,500 166,300 483,900 238,600 9,595,000 67,600 35,000 2,678,000 3,575,000 5,000 70,000 130,600 20,000 87,000 229,500 734,400 52,500 297,700 77,000 6,280,100 4,841,000 358,400 5,459,000 284,200 45,400 70,200 342,700 53,500 200,000 25,300 32,600 25,600 51,600 2,687,300 500 0 2,163,000 21,100 33,200 262,700 81,100 200,000 67,600 35,000 401,700 330,000 5,000 70,000 130,600 20,000 87,000 45,900 415,000 52,500 158,600 77,000 73,900 1,186,600 46,400 1,450,200 77,000 45,400 70,200 68,500 53,500 200,000 45,054,600 Page 206 of 347 10,751,600 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 126,300 163,000 128,200 258,200 2,850,000 238,800 228,200 4,562,000 105,500 166,300 483,900 238,600 9,595,000 67,600 35,000 2,678,000 3,575,000 5,000 70,000 130,600 20,000 87,000 229,500 734,400 52,500 297,700 77,000 6,280,100 4,841,000 358,400 5,459,000 284,200 45,400 70,200 342,700 53,500 200,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 661 210 837 553 210 210 480 240 633 311 311 642 611 311 311 311 311 311 210 552 311 615 311 543 411 546 411 210 311 311 210 311 311 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 02-873 07-0717 2010 IH-796 08-0759 2015 STP2014 GD05-356 2010 2012 GD05-223 2015 05-0369 93-1262 2014 93-962 91-1227 2015 2015 97-581 97-581 2009 08-0760 08-0760 2009 02-1026 2015 02-757 01-1289 02-143 2015IH 00-1146 03-1349 06-1250 86-192 03-1349 45,137,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.00-1-22 51.00-1-23 51.00-2-1 51.00-2-2 51.00-2-3 51.00-2-4.1 51.00-2-4.2 51.00-2-4.3 51.00-2-4.4 51.00-2-4.5 51.00-2-4.6 51.00-2-4.7 51.00-2-4.8 51.00-2-5.1 51.00-2-5.2 51.00-2-5.4 51.00-2-5.5 51.00-2-5.6 51.00-2-5.8 51.00-2-5.9 51.00-2-5.31 51.00-2-5.32 51.00-2-5.33 51.00-2-5.71 51.00-2-5.72 51.00-2-5.73 51.00-2-6.1 51.00-2-6.2 51.00-2-7 51.00-2-8.1 51.00-2-8.2 51.00-2-9 51.00-2-10 51.00-2-11 51.00-2-12 51.00-2-13 51.00-2-14 Downey, Edward B. Uribe, Adrian A. Friebel, Todd H. Jordan, Robert F. Jr. Germakovski, Sergey G. Roberts, Owen T. ONeil, Timothy C. Olsen-Geitner, Ann Marie Kutel, David Grosch, William N. Polansky, Nelda L. Weller, David H. Takes, Faith Ann Gade, John H. III. Daniels, Elmo J. Muscanell, John S. Jr. Baseel, Marion H Fitzgerald Center For Disability Harder, Michael J. Guilderland Town of Hawrylchak, Michael Y. Knasel, Reynold L. Dibartolomeo, Jeffrey Swift Group Inc Lovrich, Richard A. Florida Terra Firma Corp Mikhelson, Grigoriy Person, Melinda MacIntosh, Sandra Das, Dilip K. Martyniouk, Vladimir Kelley, James Albany Country Club Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Yezzi, C David Yezzi, C David Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 144,000 171,400 158,400 390,000 287,800 247,800 222,300 201,000 240,900 245,700 245,600 284,800 246,900 157,200 462,100 255,000 274,100 491,800 154,200 42,000 370,000 216,000 278,900 34,900 285,700 34,800 382,000 370,800 166,200 614,000 292,200 288,800 33,000 36,000 1,110,000 24,000 238,200 28,800 34,300 31,700 78,000 57,600 49,600 44,500 40,200 48,200 49,100 49,100 57,000 49,400 157,200 94,200 51,000 54,800 98,400 154,200 42,000 74,000 43,200 55,800 34,900 47,800 34,800 58,700 81,000 44,900 54,000 58,440 61,200 33,000 36,000 222,300 24,000 47,600 9,698,500 Page 207 of 347 2,280,940 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 144,000 171,400 158,400 390,000 287,800 247,800 222,300 201,000 240,900 245,700 245,600 284,800 246,900 157,200 462,100 255,000 274,100 491,800 154,200 42,000 370,000 216,000 278,900 34,900 285,700 34,800 382,000 404,800 166,200 614,000 292,200 288,800 33,000 36,000 1,110,000 24,000 238,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 140 220 210 210 614 311 311 210 210 210 311 210 311 210 210 210 240 210 281 311 963 853 314 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0330 06-499 2012 IH-800 2013 87-1155 04-278 02-1259 88-404 2012 81-100 90-520 2010 2015 2010 IH-802 2014IH 2009 03-1400 97-1032 2015 2015 2014 05-0374 04-280 03-1309 2010 2015 IH-803 GD2012#68 2014gd#27A 04-1491 95-906 82-345 81-255 IH-805 2010 9,732,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.00-2-15.1 51.00-2-15.2 51.00-3-1.11 51.00-3-1.15 51.00-3-1.122 51.00-3-1.141 51.00-3-1.142 51.00-3-2 51.00-3-3 51.00-3-4.2 51.00-3-4.11 51.00-3-4.12 51.00-3-5 51.00-3-10 51.00-3-11 51.00-3-12 51.00-3-13 51.00-3-14 51.00-3-15 51.00-3-16 51.00-3-17 51.00-3-18.1 51.00-3-18.2 51.00-3-18.3 51.00-3-19 51.00-3-20 51.00-3-21 51.00-3-22 51.00-3-23.1 51.00-3-24 51.00-3-25 51.00-3-26 51.00-3-27.1 51.00-3-27.2 51.00-3-28 51.00-3-29 51.00-3-30 Yezzi, C David Blase, Michael A. Jr. OLSL FV, LLC Michaels Group LLC Stewarts Shops Corp Abode Blue Chip LLC Guilderland, Town of Guilderland Town of Zwack, Edward Johnson, Marc B. Hofer, Karl H. Grace Baptist Church Guilderland Central Coleman, Carol Govel, John F. Luther, Thomas A. Arnold, Tyson Burnham, Paul A. Gray, Colleen M. Matelitz, David Frey, Barbara J. Cleary, Daniel G. Frey, Barbara J. Signitzer, Julie Buckley, Mary Ellen Carusone, Paul J. Jr. Becker, LLC, Edward & Alexis Becker, M Beth Young Mens Christian Assoc Becker, Alexis Francis Donnelly, Dayton L. Wojeski, Joseph J & Marilyn Murray, David J. Murray, Joseph G. Jr. Tice, Ralph E. Quinn, Marguerite Gallo, Frank Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 71,900 205,200 3,150,000 0 828,750 68,400 124,400 38,400 94,600 168,200 213,200 905,100 4,954,800 196,000 167,900 249,200 125,000 125,000 143,900 197,000 351,600 201,800 5,000 248,000 186,500 179,600 347,700 367,300 964,100 235,500 248,600 250,700 201,500 136,100 115,500 215,900 297,000 71,900 41,000 618,000 0 250,000 68,400 41,200 25,000 18,900 33,600 71,100 200,000 980,200 39,200 33,600 49,800 25,000 25,000 28,800 39,400 70,300 40,400 5,000 49,600 37,300 35,900 113,300 153,400 257,500 47,100 49,700 50,100 40,300 27,200 23,100 43,200 59,400 16,579,350 Page 208 of 347 3,762,900 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 71,900 205,200 3,150,000 0 828,750 68,400 124,400 38,400 94,600 168,200 213,200 905,100 4,954,800 196,000 167,900 249,200 125,000 125,000 143,900 197,000 351,600 201,800 5,000 248,000 186,500 179,600 347,700 367,300 964,100 235,500 248,600 250,700 201,500 136,100 115,500 215,900 297,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 322 210 642 692 486 311 514 822 210 210 210 620 612 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 311 210 210 210 472 210 581 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 IH-806 2015gd#88 2012 2009 06-1121 06-1121 05-1050 96-1027 2010 03-692 2012 2012 2011 02-1120 IH-807 2012 99-44 06-108 97-1094 06-1139 2012 98-652 2010 2010 93-875 2014 2014 2014 2011 07-0333 00-1335 98-990 95-534 98-830 2015 08-0640 16,579,350 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.00-4-1 51.00-4-2 51.00-4-3 51.00-4-4 51.00-4-5 51.00-4-6 51.00-4-7 51.00-4-8 51.00-4-9 51.00-4-10 51.00-4-11 51.00-4-12 51.00-4-13 51.00-4-14 51.00-4-15 51.00-4-16 51.00-4-17 51.00-4-18 51.00-4-19 51.00-4-20 51.00-4-21 51.00-4-22 51.00-4-23 51.00-4-24 51.00-4-25 51.00-4-26 51.00-4-27 51.00-4-28 51.00-4-29 51.00-4-30 51.00-4-31 51.00-4-32 51.00-4-33 51.00-4-34 51.00-4-35 51.00-4-36 51.00-4-37 Waring, C Joseph Sasso, Rosario B. MacLeod, Stephen Cohen, M Bruce Rutnik, Christopher P. Marrello, Anthony & Delores Walsh, Rosemary Puranik, Arun JKR St Marks, LP Niemie, Russell M. Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Hoffman, Nanci Sands, Christina Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC 500 500 500 80,500 71,500 71,200 361,400 318,700 276,900 384,200 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Page Totals Parcels 37 1,579,400 Page 209 of 347 18,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 317,600 299,600 304,500 378,500 293,000 347,500 361,400 318,700 276,900 384,200 500 500 500 500 500 500 446,700 346,300 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 310 310 310 310 310 310 210 210 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2015 2015 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 4,087,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.00-4-38 51.00-4-39 51.00-4-40 51.00-4-41 51.00-4-42 51.00-4-43 51.00-4-44 51.00-4-45 51.00-4-46 51.00-4-47 51.00-4-48 51.00-4-49 51.00-4-50 51.00-4-51 51.00-4-52 51.00-4-53 51.00-4-54 51.00-4-55 51.00-4-56 51.00-4-57 51.00-4-58 51.00-4-59 51.00-4-60 51.00-4-61 51.00-4-62 51.00-4-63 51.00-4-64 51.00-4-65 51.00-4-66 51.00-4-67 51.00-4-68 51.00-4-69 51.00-4-70 51.00-4-71 51.00-4-72 51.00-4-73 51.00-4-99 Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Baugh, John A. III. Whalen, Dennis P. Michaels Group LLC Alvaro, John L. Michaels Group LLC Michaels Group LLC Hayes, Martha J Schaefer Yeo , Jane Doehler, Volker Barret, William N. Foley, Annette L. Longshore, Jon C. Wilker, Michael P. Threatte, Gregory A. Green, Barbara H. DeFilippo, Sara M. Jones, Walter A. Testa, Rosario J. Reilly, Terry B. Blankenberger, Lawrence J. Fryer, Mary J. Kim, Joonbeom MG Partner Holdings LLC Newell, Jonathan C. Richter, Jeffrey A. Steiner, Mark Patterson, Ronald E. Zachary-Elkind, Janet Montgomery, William Bosart, Lance F. Berkery, Leah R. Kilcoyne, Thomas H. Salvagio, Frank Meadows at Mill Hill 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 373,700 300,400 225,300 269,300 308,700 330,100 315,800 332,200 212,300 314,600 285,100 295,000 304,800 274,300 247,400 291,200 288,600 307,300 356,100 400,000 300,600 66,600 72,300 384,500 338,500 237,400 335,100 295,200 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 295,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,066,900 Page 210 of 347 313,200 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 500 500 500 383,100 489,200 276,200 324,000 500 500 373,700 300,400 275,400 314,700 308,700 330,100 315,800 332,200 259,700 307,800 285,100 295,000 304,800 274,300 247,400 291,200 288,600 307,300 356,100 400,000 300,600 317,700 309,400 338,000 338,500 237,400 326,250 295,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 310 310 310 210 210 210 210 310 310 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 310 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013 2015 2015 2013 2013 2013 2013 2015 2015 2014 2015 2013 2014 2013 2013 2013 2015 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015IH 2014gd#31 2015 2015gd#57 2015 10,106,350 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.02-1-1 51.02-1-2 51.02-1-3.1 51.02-1-3.2 51.02-1-4 51.02-1-5 51.02-1-8 51.02-1-11 51.02-1-12.1 51.02-1-12.2 51.02-1-15 51.02-1-16 51.02-1-17 51.02-1-18 51.02-1-19 51.02-1-20 51.02-2-1 51.02-2-2 51.02-2-3 51.02-2-4 51.02-2-4./1 51.02-2-4./2 51.02-2-5.1 51.02-2-5.1/1 51.02-2-5.1/2 51.02-2-5.2 51.02-2-6 51.02-2-7 51.02-2-8 51.02-2-9 51.02-2-10 51.02-2-11 51.02-2-12 51.02-2-15 51.02-2-16 51.02-3-5 51.02-3-6 Paster, Michael C. Martin, Jane E. Ten New Karner Rd Hldgs, LLC Twenty Six Twenty Seven First National Bank of Scotia Farinacci, Norman One Fifty Five & Twenty Crounse, Wayne B. Twenty Seventy Three Sikule, Susan Rosenstein, Harry E. Zazarine, Margaret Yelnah LLC Foundation of New York Peek, David A. Becker, Patricia Lia, William RP Associates of Albany LP State Employees Federal Twenty (20) Mall at Twenty (20) Mall at Twenty (20) Mall at Star Plaza Inc Star Plaza Inc Star Plaza Inc Star Plaza Inc Ermides, Savas H. Center for Disability Shattuck, Gregory J. Crounse, Gordon John Weinman, Richard J. Brandywine Company LP The Brandywine Company The LARAPA, LLC Brandywine Company LP The Jack, Richard Jack, Richard Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 259,600 197,800 1,000,000 346,100 438,700 136,900 2,500,000 101,300 173,000 110,800 420,200 202,300 490,200 1,770,000 134,000 528,000 81,000 18,746,000 852,800 9,522,100 405,700 177,500 2,416,700 530,200 432,600 383,200 137,200 1,575,900 86,200 125,400 96,900 1,559,400 1,949,300 100,400 1,949,300 235,400 316,900 82,400 115,400 579,400 198,300 175,000 27,400 438,000 20,300 34,600 23,200 154,500 40,500 285,000 355,200 26,800 211,900 81,000 4,552,600 283,300 2,575,000 77,300 77,300 1,004,300 128,800 128,800 128,800 27,400 262,700 17,200 25,100 19,400 455,300 560,300 20,000 560,300 47,100 63,400 50,489,000 Page 211 of 347 13,863,300 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 259,600 197,800 1,000,000 346,100 438,700 136,900 2,500,000 101,300 173,000 116,000 420,200 202,300 490,200 1,770,000 134,000 528,000 81,000 18,746,000 809,900 9,522,100 405,700 391,900 2,416,700 530,200 432,600 383,200 137,200 1,575,900 86,200 125,400 96,900 1,559,400 1,949,300 100,400 1,949,300 235,400 316,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 483 425 485 432 461 210 484 210 472 210 484 210 465 691 220 483 311 411 462 451 462 426 451 461 461 422 210 614 210 220 210 411 411 210 411 281 281 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 93-876 88-494 2015 08-1138 06-1452 93-9999 2015 06-1078 2010 2015 97-521 96-448 2009 2011 92-388 2013 97-581 2015 2015gd#83 2015 2014 2015 2014 08-1205 98-1262 2012 99-1606 2010 07-1098 IH-268 99-1090 99-1566 2009 2011 06-1484 2012 2012 50,665,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.02-3-7 51.02-3-8 51.02-3-10 51.02-3-11.1 51.02-3-11.4 51.02-3-12 51.02-3-13 51.02-3-14 51.02-3-15 51.02-3-16 51.02-3-17.1 51.02-3-17.2 51.02-3-18.1 51.02-3-18.2 51.02-3-19.1 51.02-3-19.2 51.02-3-20 51.02-3-21 51.02-3-22 51.02-3-23 51.02-3-24.1 51.02-3-24.2 51.02-3-24.3 51.02-3-24.4 51.02-3-24.5 51.02-3-24.6 51.02-3-25 51.02-3-26.1 51.02-3-26.2 51.02-3-27 51.02-3-28 51.04-1-1 51.04-1-2.1 51.04-1-2.2 51.04-1-2.3 51.04-1-2.4 51.04-1-6 Guilderland Town of Cress, Phaedra Eve Heritage Village Christ the King Church Christ the King Church Martin, John Alexander Mininberg, Magda M. LaCelle, James Schaadt, Cynthia A. Warren, Dennis E. Sr. Connery, Kathleen D. Chase, Patricia E. Harrington, Jeffrey J. Traynham, Patricia Bieber, Erik J. Hysenllari, Veli Burns, James T. Burns, James T. Heritage Village Heritage Village Haldar, Pradeep Goldstein, Jerome H. Collison, Alan Paratore, Anthony C. Shamlian, David S. Reilly, Kenneth T. Heritage Village Crisafulli, Philip M. Crisafulli, Philip M. Presidential Estates Assoc Cress, Phaedra Eve Nadeau, Robert G. Junjulas, Gail N. Junjulas, Gail N. Junjulas, Gail N. Schwenk, Monica Pensabene, Frank Jr. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 2,400 5,000 1,854,000 3,990,000 17,500 147,500 226,100 154,600 120,400 134,500 179,500 101,800 141,200 154,800 133,000 41,000 136,300 117,200 8,343,000 7,132,000 575,000 490,500 619,700 550,000 532,000 601,900 257,500 185,400 185,400 6,283,000 1,100 237,500 148,700 195,000 38,900 154,400 243,500 2,400 5,000 395,500 398,800 17,500 29,500 45,200 30,900 24,100 26,900 35,900 20,400 28,200 31,000 26,600 41,000 27,300 23,400 1,779,800 1,516,200 115,000 98,100 123,900 112,300 107,200 127,300 118,500 49,400 49,400 1,318,400 1,100 47,500 75,400 39,000 38,900 30,900 48,700 34,431,300 Page 212 of 347 7,006,600 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 2,400 5,000 1,854,000 3,990,000 17,500 147,500 226,100 154,600 120,400 134,500 179,500 101,800 141,200 154,800 133,000 41,000 136,300 117,200 8,343,000 7,132,000 575,000 490,500 619,700 550,000 532,000 601,900 257,500 185,400 185,400 6,283,000 1,100 237,500 148,700 195,000 38,900 154,400 243,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 970 970 411 620 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 411 411 210 210 210 210 210 210 411 411 411 411 970 210 210 210 311 210 210 8 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 80-653 94-227 2011 02-874 00-1254 08-0193 01-1252 05-0376 2015 2014 96-513 2012 04-1248 04-326 2012 2015 2011 2010 2012 2011 GD05-413 08-0111 2014IH 2010GD#55 2014 2013 IH-1546 2012 2012 2014gd#82 94-228 04-838 2012 2009 2009 2013 99-1607 34,431,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.04-1-8 51.04-1-10 51.04-1-11.11 51.04-1-11.12 51.04-1-11.13 51.04-1-11.14 51.04-1-12 51.04-1-13.2 51.04-1-13.11 51.04-1-13.12 51.04-1-14.1 51.04-1-14.2 51.04-1-15 51.04-1-16 51.04-1-17 51.04-1-18 51.04-1-19 51.04-1-20.2 51.04-1-21 51.04-1-22 51.04-1-23 51.04-1-24 51.04-1-25 51.04-1-26.1 51.04-1-26.2 51.04-1-27 51.04-2-1.1 51.04-2-1.2 51.04-2-1.3 51.04-2-1.4 51.04-2-2.1 51.04-2-2.2 51.04-2-3 51.04-2-4.1 51.04-2-4.2 51.04-2-5.1 51.04-2-5.2 Richman, Michael Quattrocchi, Guido Davi, Vincenzo ELHNY LLC ELHNY, LLC ELHNY LLC Barrantes, Audrey W. Church, Candice M. Church, Candice M. ELHNY LLC Cannistraci, Alberto Futia, Michael Burmeister, John F. Griggs, Linda A. Sawyer, Patricia A. DeMarco, Thomas A. Jr. Panetta , Dominick J. Ji, Lily Wei Yang Ableman, Paul Salera, Patrick D. Bender, Ronald H. Jr. Morse, Carl & Ildra Hallenbeck, Mary M Osterhout, Robert E. Aitch, Gautam Burnash, Raymond E. Chan, Steven Chi Tong Broome, Herbert H. Bauer, Daniel D. Chan , Steven Chi Tong Groves, Carl Nolles, Paul R. Center, Maria J. Frederick, Paul D. Horan, Thomas J. Miles, Kathleen A. Osher, David J. 132,800 711,500 229,200 58,800 58,900 48,500 130,600 172,500 283,800 57,500 297,000 244,100 163,700 131,800 130,000 107,300 270,000 157,700 166,100 150,900 155,900 141,400 121,800 166,500 284,300 154,400 45,400 348,500 225,600 37,900 355,100 223,000 140,600 164,900 125,000 99,600 559,800 26,600 142,300 45,800 58,800 58,900 48,500 26,100 34,500 82,700 57,500 65,600 48,800 32,700 26,400 26,000 21,500 54,000 31,500 33,200 30,200 31,200 28,300 24,400 33,300 56,900 30,900 45,400 69,700 45,100 37,900 71,000 44,600 28,100 33,000 25,000 19,900 112,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,052,400 Page 213 of 347 1,688,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 132,800 711,500 229,200 58,800 58,900 48,500 130,600 172,500 227,000 57,500 297,000 244,100 163,700 131,800 130,000 107,300 270,000 157,700 166,100 150,900 155,900 141,400 121,800 166,500 284,300 154,400 45,400 348,500 225,600 37,900 355,100 223,000 140,600 164,900 125,000 99,600 559,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 311 311 311 210 210 470 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 311 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-820 99-743 05-1008 2010 2013 2010 06-501 GD05-1 2015gd#19 2010 06GD10 08-0641 2012 97-562 2013 GD05-209 08GD#03 05-0378 2014 2012 07-0857 06-249 07-0336 95-773 06-1267 94-572 07-1099 06-1268 06-1363 07-1100 GD05-65 84-99 2014 GD05-351 05-1178 2012 2009 6,995,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.04-2-6 51.04-2-7 51.04-2-8 51.04-2-9 51.04-2-10.1 51.04-2-10.2 51.04-2-11 51.04-2-12 51.04-2-13 51.04-2-14 51.04-2-15.1 51.04-2-15.2 51.04-2-16 51.04-2-17 51.04-2-18 51.04-2-19 51.04-2-20 51.04-2-21 51.04-2-24 51.04-2-25 51.04-2-26 51.04-2-27 51.04-2-28 51.04-2-29 51.04-2-30 51.04-2-31 51.04-2-32 51.04-2-33 51.04-2-34 51.04-2-35 51.04-2-36 51.04-2-37 51.04-2-38 51.04-2-39 51.04-2-40 51.04-2-41 51.04-2-42 Pangburn, Richard A. Merola, Salvatore Camarata, Christopher Miller, Philip C. Tanavde, Anand Stoll, John D. McClintock, Dennis McClintock, Doreen C. McClintock, Dennis E. Cagino, Anthony J. Hilland, Michael D. Valentine, Todd D. Wolter, Timothy Keil, Joseph E. Collier, Ignatius C. VanDenburgh, Eric J. Sanville, Derek E. VanDenburgh, John B. III. Wilson, Gerard Constable, Thomas L. Johnston, Patricia C. Rafferty, Helen R. Giuliano, Robert N. Jr. Miller, Lois Williman, Earl W. Jr. Mach, John P. Vandenburg, Joseph L. Jr. Broadhead, Joanne Pierle, Joseph H. Igoe, Bernadette Salvo, Sebastian L &Gaetane L. Desch, Charles O. Haines, Jeffrey M. Wilkes, George R. Jr. Stilsing, Dorilee Stilsing, Dorilee Schelker, James 152,100 162,700 304,100 219,700 382,600 290,000 34,500 166,800 129,200 290,800 361,500 137,300 132,400 129,500 249,100 126,200 150,800 270,300 177,500 171,700 169,500 136,300 132,000 132,800 142,400 111,600 138,400 111,700 160,600 94,500 121,500 404,400 135,000 124,800 30,000 212,300 144,300 30,400 32,500 60,800 43,900 76,500 58,000 34,500 33,400 25,800 58,200 72,300 27,500 26,500 25,900 49,800 25,200 30,200 54,100 35,500 34,300 33,900 27,300 26,400 26,600 28,500 22,300 27,700 22,300 32,100 18,900 24,300 404,400 27,000 25,000 18,000 42,500 28,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,540,900 Page 214 of 347 1,671,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 152,100 162,700 304,100 219,700 382,600 290,000 34,500 166,800 129,200 290,800 361,500 137,300 132,400 129,500 249,100 126,200 150,800 270,300 177,500 171,700 169,500 136,300 132,000 132,800 142,400 111,600 138,400 111,700 160,600 94,500 121,500 404,400 135,000 124,800 30,000 212,300 144,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 330 210 210 312 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 83-472 06-503 2015 78-655 2015gd#58 2010 05-0381 2012 2012 00-457 2014gd#29 07-0724 2010 94-573 IH-832 2013 06-505 2010 2011 06-1265 69-250 77-275 97-34 01-592 91-493 94-229 2012 74-351 2009 IH-833 IH-834 2010GD#12 2015 88-88 IH-835 2014 08-0265 6,540,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.04-2-43 51.04-2-44.1 51.04-2-44.2 51.04-2-45 51.04-2-46 51.04-2-47 51.04-2-48 51.04-2-49 51.04-2-50 51.07-1-1 51.07-1-2.1 51.07-1-2.2 51.07-1-3 51.07-1-4 51.07-1-5 51.07-1-6 51.07-1-7 51.07-1-8 51.07-1-9 51.07-1-10 51.07-1-11 51.07-1-12 51.07-1-13.1 51.07-1-13.2 51.07-1-13.3 51.07-1-13.4 51.07-1-14 51.07-1-15 51.07-1-16 51.07-1-17 51.07-1-18 51.07-1-19 51.07-1-20 51.07-1-21 51.07-1-22 51.07-1-23 51.07-1-24 Conboy, David Ennis, Jacob S. Miller, Bart S. Savage, Sandra L. Schultz, Erika J. Keeler, Keith B. Wilty, Lise Anne Rafferty, William J. Crosier, Barbara Twenty Twenty Seven Karner Corners Realty LLC Western Corners Realty LLC PPRS Consulting LLC Bojkovic, Suzan J. Kehoe, Martin J. III. Kehoe, Martin J. III. Roberts Western LLC LeComb, Chad OConnor, Sean P. Roberts, Nathan Mitsios, Nick Brucker, Gary Durkin, Timothy Kemp, Denise A. Manchester Homes LLC New York State United States Postal Leathem, Joseph M. Markham, Michael J. Andres, Terrance McGill, Michael Abdullayev, Iskandar F. Mortati, Julie S. Kirby, Lenora O. Murphy , Nicholas F. Carle, Robert Hammes, Steven M. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 117,600 136,100 310,400 93,400 115,700 284,400 113,800 99,100 166,800 768,000 975,000 1,390,000 927,000 456,100 133,900 133,900 803,400 163,700 149,000 152,800 157,600 183,100 175,000 157,800 170,800 225,700 318,000 156,000 179,200 169,500 145,000 164,900 179,800 158,700 127,700 132,500 124,200 23,500 27,200 62,100 18,700 23,100 56,900 22,800 19,800 33,400 344,500 412,000 437,800 180,300 252,400 51,500 51,500 231,800 32,700 29,800 30,600 31,500 36,600 35,000 31,600 34,200 42,800 69,300 31,200 35,800 33,900 29,000 33,000 36,000 31,700 25,500 26,500 36,700 10,415,600 Page 215 of 347 2,942,700 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 117,600 136,100 310,400 93,400 115,700 284,400 113,800 99,100 166,800 768,000 975,000 1,390,000 927,000 456,100 133,900 133,900 803,400 163,700 149,000 152,800 157,600 183,100 175,000 157,800 170,800 225,700 318,000 156,000 179,200 169,500 145,000 164,900 179,800 158,700 127,700 132,500 183,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 485 452 484 485 422 411 411 485 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 614 484 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 02-303 2013 02-810 2010 IH-838 2013 08-0816 72-642 07-0339 2014 2014 2010GD#22 2013 GD05-128 08-0151 08-0150 02-374 06-444 04-1493 07-0341 90-1299 05-0384 2014 2013 2015 94-763 83-491 2015 06-1015 04-282 08-0922 2010 08-0559 08-1206 2011 2011 2015 10,474,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.07-1-25 51.07-1-26 51.07-1-27 51.07-1-28 51.07-1-29 51.07-1-30 51.07-1-31 51.07-2-1 51.07-2-2 51.07-2-3 51.07-2-4 51.07-2-5 51.07-2-6 51.07-2-7 51.07-2-8 51.07-2-9 51.07-2-10 51.07-2-11 51.07-2-12 51.07-2-13 51.07-2-14 51.07-2-15 51.07-2-16 51.07-2-17 51.07-2-18 51.07-2-19 51.07-2-20 51.07-2-21 51.07-2-22 51.07-2-23 51.07-2-24 51.07-2-25 51.07-2-26 51.07-2-27 51.07-2-28 51.07-2-30 51.07-2-31 Cameron, Mary Lemme, Margaret Leahy, Timothy Hoffman, Robert Handin, Kenneth H. Flannery, Michael J. Jack, Irene S & Charles Jr Carpenter, Ralph T. Jr. Thomas, Valerie A. Landmark Realty II LLC Salerno, Salvatore Simendinger, Robert A. Cornell, Joel Granda, Edison Huang, Tai Ping Nottke, John A. Phillips, Susan V. Roemer, Victoria P. Li, Da Ming Sullivan, Brian C. Schafer Construction Corp, M A Wheeler, Jeffrey Harrington, Nicole S. Bellanger, Maura Shannon, Ruth H. Everson, Christopher Litton, Jeffrey D. Burda, Alice Daniels, Adrienne Lenegar, George A. Chainyk, Catherine M. Maguire, Sean M. VanZandt, Paul Merritt, Scott S. Stellare LLC Rhoades, Herbert E. DAnna, Paige M. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 147,500 159,700 151,200 213,400 165,700 171,700 182,300 1,050,600 108,100 116,400 40,400 125,800 160,500 167,400 142,700 157,200 159,600 145,900 143,000 159,000 195,600 134,500 134,800 162,900 153,900 173,700 166,800 166,000 191,200 172,500 144,100 168,900 132,400 152,800 485,700 156,300 155,100 29,500 31,900 30,200 42,700 33,100 34,300 36,500 396,600 21,600 23,300 40,400 25,200 32,100 33,500 28,500 31,400 31,900 29,200 28,600 31,800 39,100 26,900 27,000 32,600 30,800 34,700 33,400 33,200 38,200 34,500 28,800 33,800 26,500 30,600 87,600 31,300 31,000 6,915,300 Page 216 of 347 1,592,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 147,500 159,700 151,200 213,400 165,700 171,700 182,300 1,050,600 108,100 116,400 40,400 125,800 160,500 167,400 142,700 157,200 159,600 145,900 143,000 159,000 195,600 134,500 134,800 162,900 153,900 173,700 166,800 166,000 191,200 172,500 144,100 168,900 132,400 152,800 492,300 156,300 155,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 484 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 423 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 421 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2009 01-161 2010 2011 91-259 IH-840 2014 GD11#51 2013 05-0387 03-988 94-419 2012 2012 90-220 06-944 06-111 IH-841 08-0488 2010 2014 2014 2014 2012 721025 07-0345 94-233 76-403 95-288 2015 2014 2011 05-0390 86-366 2015 83-712 2009 6,921,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.07-2-32 51.07-2-33 51.07-2-34 51.07-2-35 51.07-2-36 51.07-2-37 51.07-2-38 51.07-2-39 51.07-2-40 51.07-2-41 51.07-2-42 51.07-2-43 51.07-2-44 51.07-2-45 51.07-2-46 51.07-2-47 51.07-2-48 51.07-2-49 51.07-2-50 51.07-2-51 51.07-2-52 51.07-3-3.1 51.07-3-3.2 51.07-3-3.3 51.07-3-3.4 51.07-3-4.1 51.07-3-4.2 51.07-3-4.3 51.07-3-4.4 51.07-3-4.5 51.07-3-4.6 51.07-3-5.1 51.07-3-5.2 51.07-3-5.3 51.07-3-5.4 51.07-3-6.1 51.07-3-6.2 VanZandt, Joyce E. Courter, Mary C. Jeram, James T. Pasternak, Peter E. Lenseth, James A. Church of Christ the King Martin, Stephen Martin, Jane E. Smith, Kenneth A. Pillans, Alan A. Person, John Joseph Heald, Donna Lee Anton, Ted Moore, Maureen A. Gagliardi, Victor J. Rosetti, Joan Shields, Elizabeth G. Securo, Adam D. Marczak, Robert Tobin, Patricia E. Church of Christ the King Pukis, Emil F. Broderick, William C. Chiang, Yuanchi Silvia, Edward McCullough, Edward C. Angerame, Leonard G. Horowitz, Ann Fiore, Joseph Chen, Lu Purcell, Joseph Baugh, Jessica L. Gaige-Troxell, Rebecca Kam, Ping Lo Pitkiewicz, Anthony T. Jr. Lang, Richard M. Nunziato, Richard Jr. 134,500 168,200 170,500 145,800 139,900 130,900 164,400 152,000 133,200 134,500 139,500 135,600 187,200 140,800 767,500 618,000 162,400 145,900 162,200 141,500 35,000 162,000 163,400 174,800 168,900 162,500 174,800 163,400 163,400 174,800 174,800 168,300 169,200 178,100 178,100 168,300 169,200 26,900 28,700 34,100 29,200 28,000 40,400 32,900 30,400 26,600 26,900 27,900 27,100 37,400 28,200 162,200 149,400 32,500 29,200 32,400 28,300 35,000 32,400 32,700 35,000 33,800 32,500 35,000 32,700 32,700 35,000 35,000 33,700 33,800 35,600 35,600 33,700 33,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,823,500 Page 217 of 347 1,436,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 134,500 168,200 170,500 145,800 139,900 130,900 164,400 152,000 133,200 134,500 139,500 135,600 187,200 140,800 767,500 618,000 162,400 145,900 162,200 141,500 35,000 162,000 163,400 174,800 168,900 162,500 174,800 163,400 163,400 174,800 174,800 168,300 169,200 178,100 178,100 168,300 169,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 620 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 480 464 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 2015 IH-843 03-1244 2010 01-1168 IH-844 IH-844 95-688 05-0392 05-0393 77-616 08-0976 00-458 2012 2015gd#59 07-0346 2015 97-40 06-731 08-1207 99-579 00-172 2014 IH-849 94-1197 07-0348 89-804 94-238 2011 2010 2013 04-444 98-659 88-1081 2010 2015 6,823,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.07-3-6.3 51.07-3-6.4 51.07-3-7.1 51.07-3-7.2 51.07-3-7.3 51.07-3-7.4 51.07-3-8.1 51.07-3-8.2 51.07-3-8.3 51.07-3-8.4 51.07-3-9.1 51.07-3-9.2 51.07-3-9.3 51.07-3-9.4 51.07-3-9.5 51.07-3-9.6 51.07-3-10.1 51.07-3-10.2 51.07-3-10.3 51.07-3-10.4 51.07-3-11.1 51.07-3-11.2 51.07-3-11.3 51.07-3-11.4 51.07-3-11.5 51.07-3-11.6 51.07-3-12.1 51.07-3-12.2 51.07-3-12.3 51.07-3-12.4 51.07-3-12.5 51.07-3-12.6 51.07-3-13.1 51.07-3-13.2 51.07-3-13.3 51.07-3-13.4 51.07-3-13.5 Luce, Eugenia L. Massaroni, Mardi J. West, Daniel C. Phelan, Grace Goldstein, Jean L. Slagh, Cindy A. Geoffroy, Donald N. Melvin, Sandra I. Poole, Martin Temshiv, Stephanie Basen, Cheryl B. Biski, Patricia M. Dowdy, Ryan J. Carrow, Jessica R. Richards, Viviene B. Roy, Judith A. Houck, Carolyn D. Scherer, Barbara H. Bhatti, Shashi P. Kennedy, June M. Abrams, Alice L. Nassar, Patricia Glowacki, George R. Fenaughty, Lonna Lauver, Susan E. Mills, Reginald Maxwell, Rosemary T. Snowdon, Susan A. Hewitt, Marta A. Blake, Lynn Knapp Hibner, Delos E. IV. Sherman, Angie L. Hartman, Maria A. Brooks, Malcolm H. Zuccaro, Anthony Hunt, Laura A. Cantwell, Alice C. 178,100 178,100 191,200 169,200 173,700 180,900 170,500 155,700 175,500 180,900 168,300 178,100 169,200 169,200 177,300 180,900 168,300 173,500 181,000 180,900 168,300 178,100 172,100 169,000 182,000 180,900 162,500 171,900 163,400 163,400 174,800 176,400 157,700 171,900 166,300 163,400 174,800 35,600 35,600 38,200 33,800 34,700 36,200 34,100 31,100 35,100 36,200 33,700 35,600 33,800 33,800 35,500 36,200 33,700 34,700 36,200 36,200 33,700 35,600 34,400 33,800 36,400 36,200 32,500 34,400 32,700 32,700 35,000 35,300 31,500 34,400 33,300 32,700 35,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,397,400 Page 218 of 347 1,279,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 178,100 178,100 191,200 169,200 173,700 180,900 170,500 155,700 175,500 180,900 168,300 178,100 169,200 169,200 177,300 180,900 168,300 173,500 181,000 180,900 168,300 178,100 172,100 169,000 182,000 180,900 162,500 171,900 163,400 163,400 174,800 176,400 157,700 171,900 166,300 163,400 174,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 01-163 94-1198 2012 07-0349 95-690 99-322 2013 01-166 2013 2013 91-890 06-849 2015 2010 06-510 98-12 2013 2013 2011 98-347 IH-848 90-750 2010 06-511 06-512 2015 2015 95-1339 94-1305 2014 98-992 94-1199 99-479 2010 90-1033 2015 08-0845 6,397,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.07-3-13.6 51.07-3-14.1 51.07-3-14.2 51.07-3-14.3 51.07-3-14.4 51.07-3-15.1 51.07-3-15.2 51.07-3-15.3 51.07-3-15.4 51.07-3-16.1 51.07-3-16.2 51.07-3-16.3 51.07-3-16.4 51.07-3-17.1 51.07-3-17.2 51.07-3-17.3 51.07-3-17.4 51.07-3-18 51.07-3-20 51.07-3-21 51.08-1-1 51.08-1-2 51.08-1-3 51.08-1-4 51.08-1-5 51.08-1-6 51.08-1-7 51.08-1-8 51.08-1-9 51.08-1-10 51.08-1-11 51.08-1-12 51.08-1-13 51.08-1-14 51.08-1-15 51.08-1-16 51.08-1-17 Lawless, Thomas R. Bolduc, Lieu Thi Spratt, Mary J. Oshins, Steven J. McCabe, Ross B. Fazio, Anthony Nieves, Leonel Wagner, Robert C. Miller, Ryan S. Film, Heidi Lapinski, Ann Cionek, Christopher R. Wilson, Lloyd R. Jr. OBrien, Isabel J. Laddin, Beth Myron, Evelyn Kokkili, Vijaya Laxmi Highwood Village Hawthorne Gardens of Highwood Village Gray, Douglas K. Link, David Jr. Murphy, Norah Ottman, Ronald Germain, Paul D. Marino, MIchelle T. Maher, Joanne Elizabeth Williams, Anthony J. Jr. Rausch, Robert A. Bourque, Eugene V & Gloria J Attanasio, Michael Carras, Patrick J. Dura, Susanne Murphy, Christopher Smyth, Thomas F. Schmidt, William N. Pasquini, Joseph P. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 175,900 161,700 169,200 173,700 180,900 169,000 169,200 178,000 180,900 166,000 172,100 178,100 178,800 166,900 169,200 178,100 190,000 500 4,326,000 6,500 139,900 145,300 153,400 149,700 135,000 142,500 130,200 174,500 129,700 127,100 154,000 215,900 131,400 123,800 122,900 154,100 168,200 35,200 32,300 33,800 34,700 36,200 33,800 33,800 35,600 36,200 33,200 34,400 35,600 35,800 33,400 33,800 35,600 38,000 500 957,900 6,500 28,000 29,100 34,600 29,900 27,000 28,500 26,000 34,900 25,900 25,400 30,800 43,200 26,300 24,800 24,600 30,800 33,600 9,788,300 Page 219 of 347 2,059,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 175,900 161,700 169,200 173,700 180,900 169,000 169,200 178,000 180,900 166,000 172,100 178,100 178,800 166,900 169,200 178,100 190,000 500 4,326,000 6,500 139,900 145,300 173,000 149,700 135,000 142,500 130,200 174,500 129,700 127,100 154,000 215,900 131,400 123,800 122,900 154,100 168,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 411 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 95-1340 03-1245 05-0397 2010 05-0398 2015 06-1270 03-0488 2012 94-243 2015 02-82 2011 2015 08-0163 GD05-433 08-0394 88-448 2011 88-1234 GD05-184 06-514 2015 2013 97-525 08-0191 92-462 2010 04-577 97-842 07-0354 2012 01-1098 2015 2012 99-862 02-766 9,807,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.08-1-18 51.08-1-19 51.08-1-20 51.08-1-21 51.08-1-22 51.08-1-23 51.08-1-24 51.08-1-25 51.08-1-26 51.08-1-27 51.08-1-28 51.08-1-29 51.08-1-30 51.08-1-31 51.08-1-32 51.08-1-33 51.08-1-34 51.08-1-35 51.08-1-36 51.08-1-37 51.08-1-38 51.08-2-1 51.08-2-2 51.08-2-3 51.08-2-4 51.08-2-5 51.08-2-6 51.08-2-7 51.08-2-8 51.08-2-9 51.08-2-10 51.08-2-11 51.08-2-12 51.08-2-13 51.08-2-14 51.08-2-15 51.08-2-16 Knoll, Daniel J. Guo, Wayne Hamilton, James C. III. Kukulich, Peter J. George, Thresiamma M. Adami, Lisa A. Shoemaker, Corey H. Sitterly, John L. DuPont, Dana C. Ronsani, Adrienne Beach, Donald R. Lyman, Paul K. Tran, Kieu Savoy, Arthur J. III. Cuthbert, Ruth E. Smith, Henry G. Rhoades, Hubert A. Besic, Fikret Griffin, Derek Red-Kap Sales Inc Net Lease Funding 2005 LP Kehoe, Martin J. III. McGrath, William P. Miller, Thomas W. Roemer, Janith D. Frenette, Elizabeth Keough, Kira Ladu, Dwight B. Bazan, Carol Griffin, Ramen G. Rosenbach, John H. Smith, John D. Kellerman, Michael LoGuidice, Santi Caywood, Joseph A. Yu, Mee Chun Thomas, Norma M. 172,500 127,300 218,600 160,300 123,400 135,700 126,000 138,100 127,300 137,300 149,300 126,400 187,900 132,900 138,700 143,000 145,900 148,100 145,800 556,200 840,000 137,600 140,000 174,700 148,600 154,000 147,100 172,500 154,000 138,500 174,900 155,500 166,300 176,100 157,400 134,500 147,500 34,500 25,500 43,700 32,100 24,700 27,100 25,200 27,600 25,500 27,500 29,000 25,300 37,600 26,600 27,700 28,600 29,200 29,600 29,200 236,900 463,500 27,500 28,000 34,900 29,700 30,800 29,400 24,500 30,800 27,700 35,000 31,100 33,300 35,200 31,500 26,900 29,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,659,900 Page 220 of 347 1,742,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 172,500 127,300 218,600 160,300 123,400 135,700 126,000 138,100 127,300 137,300 149,300 126,400 187,900 132,900 138,700 143,000 145,900 148,100 145,800 556,200 840,000 137,600 140,000 174,700 148,600 154,000 147,100 172,500 154,000 138,500 174,900 155,500 166,300 176,100 157,400 134,500 147,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 432 426 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 05-0959 2011 2014IH 96-459 73-454 2015 2011 2009 98-209 2009 2014 82-198 08-1005 04-285 04-578 IH-857 00-461 00-713 04-286 98-663 2014 2015 2014 95-290 02-83 06-515 04-1495 92-444 07-0356 93-9999 04-120 07-0357 2015 06-1273 94-248 03-649 2015 6,659,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.08-2-17 51.08-2-18 51.08-2-19 51.08-2-20 51.08-2-21 51.08-2-22 51.08-2-23 51.08-2-24 51.08-2-25 51.08-2-26 51.08-2-27 51.08-2-28 51.08-2-29 51.08-2-30 51.08-2-31 51.08-2-32 51.08-2-33 51.08-2-34 51.08-2-35 51.08-2-36 51.08-2-37 51.08-2-38 51.08-2-39 51.08-2-40 51.08-2-41 51.08-2-42 51.08-2-43 51.08-3-1 51.08-3-2 51.08-3-3 51.08-3-4 51.08-3-5 51.08-3-6 51.08-3-7 51.08-3-8 51.08-3-9 51.08-3-10 Murray, Richard J. Smith, RoseMary C. Miesing, Paul Keimer, John J. Rarick, Robert L. R L Penna LLC Silver Pines Properties, LLC Leonard, Sean Canetto, Hilda Poelma, Michael L. Sweeney, Daniel P. Wittemann, Peter Pepe, Carol Leitans, Gertrude Shropshire, Philip M. Goldstein, Solomon Desch, Kenneth C. Pauley, Christopher A. Vieni, David J. Donlon, Kevin J. Rossback, Kyle S. Falzarano, Claude D. Maille, Cynthia J. Roor, Dirk G. Ng, Tze W. Cox, Jean M. Buck, Michael D. Barr, Timothy F. McNamara, Maryann Gleckel, Garry S. Marsh, Doris L. Napierski, Leonard J. Squire, Catherine M. Chera, Thomas J. Greene, Karen D. McClarty, Phyllis D. VanDecar, Charles Craig 154,900 120,000 192,700 193,600 140,000 543,800 284,300 123,800 122,500 169,600 160,900 115,700 125,000 142,300 157,000 145,300 172,000 175,300 192,200 198,300 132,900 170,900 169,500 138,000 131,300 162,600 150,900 187,600 138,900 131,000 154,200 123,700 160,500 158,400 147,700 137,600 150,300 31,000 24,000 38,500 38,700 28,000 273,000 113,300 24,800 24,500 33,900 32,200 23,100 25,000 28,500 31,400 29,100 29,300 35,100 38,400 39,700 26,600 34,200 33,900 27,600 26,300 32,500 30,200 37,500 27,800 26,200 30,800 24,700 32,100 31,700 29,500 27,500 30,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,175,200 Page 221 of 347 1,450,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 154,900 120,000 192,700 193,600 140,000 543,800 284,300 123,800 122,500 169,600 160,900 115,700 125,000 142,300 157,000 145,300 172,000 175,300 192,200 198,300 132,900 170,900 169,500 138,000 131,300 162,600 150,900 187,600 138,900 131,000 154,200 123,700 160,500 158,400 147,700 137,600 150,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 541 464 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-978 01-660 GD05-429 88-769 2015 2015gd#89 2011 04-579 GD11vs 2011 02-310 2014 85-204 73-452 2014 86-556 07-0928 06-1141 02-311 06-516 2015 2015 2015 01-171 2015 06-1274 01-172 06-1275 2013 93-441 96-717 IH-863 97-563 2014 2015 03-0490 98-1266 6,175,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.08-3-11 51.08-3-12 51.08-3-13 51.08-3-14 51.08-3-15 51.08-3-16 51.08-3-17 51.08-3-18 51.08-3-19 51.08-3-20 51.08-3-21 51.08-3-22 51.08-3-23 51.08-3-24 51.08-3-25 51.08-3-26 51.08-3-27 51.08-3-28 51.08-3-29 51.08-3-30 51.08-3-31 51.08-3-32 51.08-3-33 51.08-3-34 51.08-3-35 51.08-3-36 51.08-3-37 51.08-3-38 51.08-3-39 51.08-3-40 51.08-3-41 51.08-3-42 51.08-3-43 51.08-3-44 51.08-3-45 51.08-3-46 51.08-3-47 LaPierre, Christopher W. Pauley, Maureen E. Antony, Mariamma King, Stephen J. Plant, Jack L. Gouvakis, Chris H. Doak, Dana J. Barber, George H. Riddett, Kevin E. Kelly, Lynn A. Ridge, Maureen F. Skoney, David Alheim, Edward F & Mary S Hurley, Jeannine Zyniecki, John V. Hayko, John F. Santacrose, Thomas A. Conti, S Paul Jr. Phillips, Charles E. Jr. McCarthy, Thomas E. Dupuis, Mark Bondi, Gerald A. Lysogorski, Robert J. Mineau, Gregory P. Favitta, Leigh A. Markham, Joseph F. Jr. Bentsen, Allan R. Pasquali, Laureen M. Malkus, William R. Zwack, Joel B. Hughes, Barry J. Schewe, Matthew C. Murphy, Timothy D. Paris, Laura A. Plummer, Timothy J. Heaney, John O. LeFevre, Rene 123,800 143,200 139,900 135,000 166,700 153,400 151,100 162,600 175,200 145,000 154,500 148,800 155,000 170,700 151,500 157,600 155,000 153,000 145,200 176,400 174,400 152,700 155,700 155,700 186,200 173,500 170,000 200,800 193,200 198,500 203,300 159,800 186,900 174,600 175,000 170,800 176,500 24,800 28,600 28,000 27,000 33,300 30,700 30,200 32,500 35,000 29,000 30,900 29,800 31,000 34,100 31,300 31,500 31,000 30,600 29,000 35,300 34,900 30,500 31,100 31,100 37,200 34,700 34,000 40,200 38,600 39,700 40,700 32,000 37,400 34,900 35,000 34,200 35,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,071,200 Page 222 of 347 1,215,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 123,800 143,200 139,900 135,000 166,700 153,400 151,100 162,600 175,200 145,000 154,500 148,800 155,000 170,700 151,500 157,600 155,000 153,000 145,200 176,400 174,400 152,700 155,700 155,700 186,200 173,500 170,000 200,800 193,200 198,500 203,300 159,800 186,900 174,600 175,000 170,800 176,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-1169 2010 2010 GD05-194 2010 87-71 2011 91-653 2012 05-0405 04-705 2015 07-0359 06-1017 2010 92-203 99-867 2014IH 03-0345 87-290 05-1181 2015 08-0977 IH-865 2010 73-521 06-517 05-0406 2014 04-1304 2013 IH-866 2011 2012 00-348 06-518 73-459 6,071,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.08-4-1 51.08-4-2 51.08-4-3 51.08-4-4 51.08-4-5 51.08-4-6 51.08-4-7 51.08-4-8 51.08-4-9 51.08-4-10 51.08-4-11 51.08-4-12 51.08-4-13 51.08-4-14 51.08-4-15 51.08-4-16 51.08-4-17 51.08-4-18 51.08-4-19 51.08-4-20 51.08-4-21 51.08-4-22 51.08-4-23 51.08-4-24 51.08-4-25 51.08-4-26 51.08-4-27 51.08-4-28 51.08-4-29.1 51.08-4-29.2 51.08-4-31 51.08-4-32.1 51.08-4-32.2 51.08-5-1 51.08-5-2 51.08-5-3 51.08-5-4 Thapalia, Colleen F. Lee, Gim F. Jr. Davis, William J. Hart, John P. Schmidt, John W. Kahn, Peter Graig, Jeffrey Remkus, Todd Wright, Thomas Cole, Randy E. Leung, Shu Yin John Carnes, Kennoth L. Feldstein, Donald Lemperle, Richard M. Darrigo, Christopher Fletcher, Desmond L. Wall, Daniel E. Kondreddy, Hari Darrigo, Kevin Meister, Nicholas R. Serafini, Angelo Mantica, Theresa R. Vennard, Daniel J. Zaccardo, Giuseppe & Maria Mullen, Beverly A. Nelson, Frederick F. Pullen, Nancy A. Corey, Anne L. Hewitt, Richard D. Roberts Western LLC PAAR LLC PAAR LLC PAAR LLC Destefano, Nicholas J. Brigadier, Paul Dralle, Theodore Swartz, William H. Jr. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 169,000 171,800 225,100 165,000 199,550 174,100 170,100 221,400 181,000 184,100 173,000 315,200 149,000 206,700 190,500 221,100 189,800 201,900 184,100 174,800 6,000 148,100 199,600 171,000 169,700 148,300 146,200 170,300 778,700 2,160,500 1,236,000 599,200 125,000 170,900 167,000 156,300 168,500 33,800 34,400 45,000 33,000 39,900 34,800 34,000 44,300 36,200 36,800 34,600 63,000 29,800 41,300 38,100 44,200 38,000 40,400 36,800 35,000 6,000 29,600 39,900 34,200 33,900 29,700 29,200 34,100 427,500 551,100 125,000 135,000 125,000 34,200 33,400 32,300 33,700 10,588,550 Page 223 of 347 2,507,200 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 169,000 171,800 225,100 165,000 199,550 174,100 170,100 221,400 181,000 184,100 173,000 315,200 149,000 206,700 190,500 221,100 189,800 201,900 184,100 174,800 6,000 148,100 199,600 171,000 169,700 148,300 146,200 170,300 778,700 2,187,700 1,283,500 599,200 125,000 170,900 167,000 156,300 168,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 473 464 411 411 330 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0692 73-458 2011 99-327 2011 02-770 GD2013#4 2013 2013 2012 95-817 2011 95-694 97-419 08-0395 IH-1140 05-0963 2015 01-174 07-0362 77-778 IH-867 95-1235 07-0363 77-145 73-458 96-29 84-590 89-1422 2015 2015 03-767 03-767 2010 2011 2010 2012 10,663,250 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.08-5-5 51.08-5-6 51.08-5-7 51.08-5-8 51.08-5-9 51.08-5-10 51.08-5-11 51.08-5-12 51.08-5-13 51.08-5-14 51.08-5-15 51.08-5-16 51.08-5-17 51.08-5-18 51.08-5-19 51.08-5-20 51.08-5-21 51.08-5-22 51.08-5-23 51.08-5-24 51.08-5-25 51.08-5-26 51.08-5-27 51.08-5-28 51.08-5-29 51.08-5-30 51.08-5-31 51.08-5-32 51.08-5-33 51.08-5-34 51.08-5-35 51.08-5-36 51.08-5-37 51.08-5-38 51.08-5-39 51.08-5-40 51.08-5-41 Bellinger, Lillian M. Bosco, Concetta M. Egelston, Richard L. Wang, Yi Greene, Thomas P. Forster, Robert J & Joan T Trolenberg, Ann S. Orkovitz, Lawrence Tarpinian, Margaret J. Rafferty, John F. Jr. Lennon, Thomas G. Lanphear, Gary C. Stott, Harold D. Turo, Albert V. Jr. Nolan, Alice Mae Shaughnessy, James W. Jr. Grocki, Anthony J. Barrell, Cheryl M. Friedman, Nathaniel A. Woodard, Alfred D. Eichelberger, Earl S. Chase, Robert P. Melita, James P. Bidot, Ramon VanAlstyne, Perry Galka, Philip M. Burke, Gerard W. Lamme, Jacob F. Bennison, Patrick C. Vinci, James W. Koelling, Henry R. Podagrosi, Richard A. Zisa, Robin M. Ha, Phat Tirpak, Kathleen Galanis, Sandra X. Cohen, Helen B. 175,000 209,400 174,700 174,600 166,000 178,200 205,900 209,600 190,000 200,600 168,100 187,200 189,200 209,500 185,700 173,000 177,300 194,600 192,400 189,200 189,800 194,800 191,100 199,400 206,700 224,400 243,000 173,400 213,000 189,100 172,700 190,000 168,900 168,500 200,300 166,500 172,000 35,000 41,900 34,900 34,900 33,200 35,600 41,200 41,900 38,000 40,100 33,600 37,400 37,800 41,900 37,100 34,600 35,500 38,900 38,500 37,800 38,000 39,000 38,200 39,900 41,300 44,900 48,600 34,700 50,600 37,800 34,500 38,000 33,800 33,700 40,100 33,300 34,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,013,800 Page 224 of 347 1,410,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 175,000 209,400 174,700 174,600 166,000 178,200 205,900 209,600 190,000 200,600 168,100 187,200 189,200 209,500 185,700 173,000 177,300 194,600 192,400 189,200 189,800 194,800 191,100 199,400 206,700 224,400 243,000 173,400 213,000 189,100 172,700 190,000 168,900 168,500 200,300 166,500 172,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 84-419 84-587 07-0929 2010 84-278 03-0596 01-1014 07-0365 00-718 05-0798 67-583 80-308 07-0366 91-78 92-717 07-0930 03-1246 2011 74-574 08-0396 91-79 2013 2013 2010 2013 91-80 2009 2013 GD11#66 06-1018 02-145 02-767 07-0931 07-0368 2013 77-947 03-1428 7,013,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.08-5-42 51.08-5-43 51.08-5-44 51.08-5-45 51.08-5-46 51.08-5-47 51.08-6-1 51.08-6-2 51.10-1-1 51.10-1-2 51.10-1-3 51.10-1-4 51.10-1-5 51.10-1-6 51.10-1-7 51.10-1-8 51.10-1-9 51.10-1-10.2 51.10-1-10.11 51.10-1-10.12 51.10-1-11 51.10-1-12 51.10-1-13 51.10-1-15 51.10-1-16 51.10-1-17 51.10-1-18 51.10-1-19 51.10-1-20 51.10-1-21 51.10-1-22 51.10-2-1 51.10-2-2 51.10-2-3 51.10-2-4 51.10-2-5 51.10-2-6 Connery, Richard J. Catalfamo, John J & Diana Einbinder, Kenneth Biondi, Mary T. Sabatino, Michael M. Vadney, Peter J. Fort Orange Manor Palma, Filomena Hallenbeck, Diane L. Allison, Vada I. Bren, Jason D. Mamdani, Razaali H. Fedorchak, James Italiano, Michael A. Fedorov, Valdimir Ipek, Hadi Terry, Charles lll T. Earle, Adrian Nazon, Yves F. Loubet, Nicolas J. Guilderland Town of Bauer, Douglas J. Kahn-Gaies, Judith Fittizzi, Donald J. Das, Tara Prasad Kitchen, Kathleen D. Tompkins, Raymonda Ellis, George Randall III. Keefrider, Richard Michael Jr. Drislane, Mark S. Datri, James A. Southwick, Chad M. Westergard, Britt E. Trant, Christopher B. Price, Marshall L. Schreiner, Robert J. Kaiser, Paul D. 170,600 167,700 177,000 193,600 161,300 161,300 5,000 9,000 267,500 219,900 286,100 377,700 436,900 349,100 354,700 353,000 310,000 328,600 328,400 288,000 12,000 343,600 541,200 359,800 336,300 356,300 352,000 359,900 300,400 309,500 307,300 256,000 243,000 286,800 343,900 288,900 340,300 34,100 33,500 35,400 38,700 32,300 32,300 5,000 9,000 53,500 44,000 57,200 75,500 87,400 69,800 70,900 70,600 62,000 65,700 65,700 57,600 12,000 68,700 108,200 69,400 67,300 71,300 70,400 72,000 60,100 61,900 61,500 51,200 55,600 57,400 68,800 57,800 68,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,282,600 Page 225 of 347 2,081,900 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 170,600 167,700 177,000 193,600 161,300 161,300 5,000 9,000 267,500 219,900 286,100 377,700 436,900 349,100 354,700 353,000 310,000 328,600 328,400 288,000 12,000 343,600 541,200 347,000 336,300 356,300 352,000 359,900 300,400 309,500 307,300 256,000 243,000 286,800 343,900 288,900 340,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 970 A 1 311 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 970 8 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 Account Nbr 06-1365 2010 93-886 05-0966 08-0256 73-46 84-996 81-454 2013SC#56 91-869 2015 96-514 2009 2014 2011 2015 IH-876 2011 96-464 2014SC#21 80-458 07-0726 2014gd#40 2015IH 06-1253 IH-878 2014IH 2011 2013 GD05-214 2013 2012 2013SC#64 2010 95-911 2015 98GD 10,269,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.10-2-7 51.10-2-8 51.10-2-9 51.10-2-10 51.10-2-11 51.10-2-12 51.10-2-13 51.10-2-14 51.10-2-15 51.10-2-16 51.10-2-17 51.10-2-18 51.10-2-19 51.10-2-20 51.10-2-21 51.10-2-22 51.10-2-23 51.10-2-24 51.10-2-25 51.10-2-26 51.10-2-27 51.10-2-28 51.10-2-29 51.10-2-30 51.10-2-31 51.10-2-32 51.10-2-33 51.10-2-34 51.10-2-35 51.10-2-36 51.10-2-37 51.10-2-38 51.10-2-39 51.10-2-40 51.10-2-41 51.10-2-42 51.10-2-43 Connell, Richard A. Randall, Robert G. Jr. Schorr, Meredith Kilmer, Kyle Iqbal, Andrea Reich, Warren Terry, James P. Kagan, Alex Schleicher, Daniel F. II. Seita, Alex Y. Coufal, Erin M. Gaglioti, Joseph McLaughlin, Seamus B. Malamood, Howard S. Mason, Robert S. Malamood, Howard S. OKeefe, Bruce J. Hodgson, John J. Strout, George A. Gracias, Cecilio E. Guilderland Town of Pryor, Ronald J. OBrien, Barbara A. Baran, Liza M. Oberg, Bernadette R. Dillon, William J. Heywood, Nancy J. Grimshaw, Arthur Napierski, Karen Wilson, Paula Walts, Dale E. Barbato, Gabriel Theis, John B. Kott, Alan M. Andrews, Timothy M. Robinson, James L. Biswas, Rita 297,600 292,000 266,300 290,600 291,400 272,100 311,800 282,300 293,500 291,400 280,000 289,200 256,300 326,500 160,000 46,100 204,200 192,100 193,400 205,000 1,000 185,400 196,200 218,700 286,000 288,000 279,000 260,000 219,800 287,300 287,500 263,700 231,100 304,300 240,100 257,100 285,700 59,500 58,400 53,300 58,100 58,300 54,400 62,400 56,500 58,700 58,300 59,900 57,800 51,300 65,300 32,000 46,100 40,800 38,400 38,700 41,000 1,000 37,100 39,200 43,700 57,200 57,600 55,800 57,900 44,000 57,500 57,500 52,700 46,200 60,900 48,000 51,400 57,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,132,700 Page 226 of 347 1,874,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 297,600 292,000 266,300 290,600 291,400 272,100 311,800 282,300 293,500 291,400 280,000 289,200 256,300 326,500 160,000 46,100 204,200 192,100 193,400 205,000 1,000 185,400 196,200 218,700 286,000 288,000 279,000 260,000 219,800 287,300 287,500 263,700 231,100 304,300 240,100 257,100 285,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 99-330 84-482 2014 2015 2013 94-1321 IH-882 2010 2010 2010 2012 00-471 2013 94-576 IH-883 89-308 2012 06-729 74-885 2012 95-1337 74-622 2012 2010 99-807 76-862 2012 2013 IH-886 00-1341 88-338 2014 2013 2012 2014 92-199 04-1071 9,132,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.10-2-44 51.10-2-45 51.10-2-46 51.10-2-47 51.10-2-48 51.10-2-49 51.10-2-50 51.10-2-51 51.10-2-52 51.10-2-53 51.10-2-54 51.10-2-55 51.10-2-56 51.10-2-57 51.10-2-58.1 51.11-1-2 51.11-1-3 51.11-1-4 51.11-1-5 51.11-1-6 51.11-1-7 51.11-1-8 51.11-1-9 51.11-1-10 51.11-1-11 51.11-1-12 51.11-1-13 51.11-1-14 51.11-1-15 51.11-1-16 51.11-1-17 51.11-1-18 51.11-1-19 51.11-1-20 51.11-1-21 51.11-1-22 51.11-1-23 Hurley, Terrence Lashway, Carol A. Acquario, Benjamin T. Guilderland Town of Mataraso, Matthew H. Richman, Barry L. Kunkel, Joseph L. Ungerland, Ingrid Mancini, Ralph G. Loughridge, Dennis Brent, Howard J. Avery, Jason Jefferson, Nadia Ryan, Timothy T. Odondi, Maurice ODeen, Linda W. Evans, Luke E. Teator, Douglas A. Young, Ronald Jr. Feinberg, Samantha G. Ayers, James B. Back, Ephraim E. Ray, Andre Hippchen, Thomas Chiu, Jeffrey W. Seychel, Lisa M. Siracusa, Joseph G. Chacko, Tony M. Piculell, Robert H. Cheng, Roger J. Draisey, Theresa M. Taylor-Scott, Adele M. Storey, Arthur McClelland, Gordon Noonan, Paul Gordon, Cassandra Bemis, Keith O. 285,600 264,600 290,100 140,000 336,500 312,400 306,300 295,300 259,700 285,200 322,800 286,900 279,900 244,600 269,000 223,200 194,000 256,000 277,700 325,400 248,300 225,000 294,800 269,600 229,000 214,000 275,800 270,000 282,400 191,500 184,900 218,000 228,000 182,500 193,900 204,400 177,800 57,100 52,900 58,000 35,900 67,300 62,500 73,700 59,100 51,900 57,000 64,600 61,100 56,000 59,900 60,500 44,600 38,800 51,200 55,500 65,100 49,700 45,000 59,000 53,900 45,800 42,800 55,200 54,000 56,500 38,300 37,000 43,600 45,600 36,500 38,800 40,900 35,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,345,100 Page 227 of 347 1,910,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 285,600 264,600 290,100 140,000 336,500 312,400 368,500 295,300 259,700 285,200 322,800 305,400 279,900 244,600 269,000 223,200 194,000 256,000 277,700 325,400 248,300 225,000 294,800 269,600 229,000 214,000 275,800 270,000 282,400 191,500 184,900 218,000 228,000 182,500 193,900 204,400 177,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 822 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-888 2011 06-522 05-0799 87-292 2015 2010 741004 08-0695 IH-889 2015gd#39 94-255 2012 2012 2012 2012 2015 2012 2015 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2015 2012 2012 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2014 2012 9,425,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.11-1-24 51.11-1-25 51.11-1-26 51.11-1-27 51.11-1-28 51.11-1-29 51.11-1-30 51.11-1-31 51.11-1-32 51.11-1-33 51.11-1-34 51.11-1-35 51.11-1-36 51.11-1-37 51.11-1-38 51.11-1-39 51.12-1-1 51.12-1-2 51.12-1-3 51.12-1-4 51.12-1-5 51.12-1-6 51.12-1-7 51.12-1-8 51.12-1-9 51.12-1-10 51.12-1-11 51.12-1-12 51.12-1-13 51.12-1-14 51.12-1-15 51.12-1-16 51.12-1-17 51.12-1-18 51.12-1-19 51.12-1-20 51.12-1-21 Osborne, Donald J. Finn, James J. Khaliqi, Wahab A. Mohr, Geoffrey A. Keyes, Maria G. Siggia, Jeffrey D. Torres, Lynette H. Collins, Brian K. ONeill, Christopher R. Betjemann, William N. Roberts, Hugh D. Shaw, John D. Cumoletti, Steven F. Harbison, Christopher W. Yang, Jinhai Broderick, Kevin J. 56 Daytona LLC Woehrmann, Joseph Creamer, Michael J. Baldwin, James T. Duffy, Owen Guariglia, Frances A. Meacham, Patricia Ann Krause, Edward C. Giagni, Gerald A. Sandor, George Joseph Flanagan, Mary R. Frederick, Thomas E. Majkut, Robert V. Leinsenfelder, Francis J. Jr. Keane, Michael T. Wemple, John G. Jr. Walsh, Robert E. Jr. Wells, Carlton E. Lemay, Mary Louise Morby, Wendy S. Moshier, Albert J. 179,800 280,400 219,500 274,900 259,800 276,500 301,300 281,700 289,300 281,800 261,400 294,300 279,100 277,100 233,400 267,200 185,400 141,000 122,300 162,100 117,000 142,600 151,500 184,200 163,400 174,100 136,400 168,700 191,200 138,400 142,400 160,900 135,400 138,200 168,400 147,300 135,900 36,000 56,100 43,900 55,000 52,000 55,300 60,300 56,300 57,900 56,400 52,300 58,900 55,800 55,400 46,700 53,400 77,300 28,200 24,500 32,400 23,400 28,500 30,300 36,800 32,700 34,800 27,300 33,700 38,200 27,700 28,500 32,200 27,100 27,600 33,700 29,500 27,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,464,300 Page 228 of 347 1,533,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 179,800 280,400 219,500 274,900 259,800 276,500 301,300 281,700 289,300 281,800 261,400 294,300 279,100 277,100 230,000 267,200 185,400 141,000 122,300 162,100 117,000 142,600 151,500 184,200 163,400 174,100 136,400 168,700 191,200 138,400 142,400 160,900 135,400 138,200 168,400 147,300 135,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 483 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2015IH 2012 2015 02-1124 91-437 99-1101 76-849 05-1258 07-0372 2009 84-528 2012 93-131 05-0418 04-1072 93-9999 2012 GD05-304 2010 03-0081 2010 2011 94-256 7,460,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.12-1-22 51.12-1-23 51.12-1-24 51.12-1-25 51.12-1-26 51.12-1-27 51.12-1-28 51.12-1-29 51.12-1-30 51.12-1-31 51.12-1-32 51.12-1-33 51.12-1-34 51.12-1-35 51.12-1-36 51.12-1-37 51.12-1-38 51.12-1-39 51.12-1-40 51.12-1-41 51.12-1-42 51.12-1-43 51.12-1-44 51.12-1-45 51.12-1-46 51.12-1-47 51.12-1-48 51.12-1-49 51.12-1-50 51.12-1-51 51.12-1-52 51.12-1-53 51.12-1-54 51.12-1-55 51.12-1-56 51.12-1-57 51.12-1-58 Hall, Paul G. Jr. Crowe, Brian A. Depew, Patricia Majkut, Gloria S. Morris, John R. Jr. Hoffman, Raymond W. Carr, Joan M. McClenahan, Thomas W. II. May, Peggy J. Maselli, Lisa M. Wolfe, Alan Mannolini, Frank D. Palmer, David A. Jr. Bouquot, Kevin P. Patashnick, Scott Rahn, Christopher D. Willetts, Jason R. Cox, Frances K. Nowak, Jacob Jr. TEG Holdings LLC TEG Holdings LLC Foster, Patricia A. Cardiff, Sandra Carter, Kimberley Poulen, Sandra L. Regino, Merle Corazon S. Lochner, Ronald P. Jr. Dinovo, August Davis, Marcy E. Varrenti, Krystal Chovan, Elissa L. Strothers, Denise Ferguson, Arthur J & Jane C. Rhoades, Herbert Sullivan, David D. Burke, Joseph T. Munoz, Manolo 138,200 139,200 142,500 130,200 149,500 136,800 212,200 139,700 146,800 137,600 143,200 139,100 142,200 161,500 101,200 155,200 155,200 142,800 139,500 127,000 852,800 152,300 139,700 135,600 138,000 130,000 165,600 166,800 130,600 130,300 136,200 142,200 154,900 375,700 133,900 140,100 123,600 27,600 27,800 28,500 26,000 29,900 27,400 42,400 27,900 29,400 27,500 28,600 27,800 28,400 32,300 20,200 31,000 31,000 28,600 27,900 25,400 154,500 30,500 27,900 27,100 27,600 26,000 33,100 33,400 26,100 26,100 27,200 28,400 31,000 170,000 61,800 28,000 24,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,227,900 Page 229 of 347 1,359,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 138,200 139,200 142,500 130,200 149,500 136,800 212,200 139,700 146,800 137,600 143,200 139,100 142,200 161,500 101,200 155,200 155,200 142,800 139,500 127,000 852,800 152,300 139,700 135,600 138,000 130,000 165,600 166,800 130,600 130,300 136,200 142,200 154,900 375,700 133,900 140,100 123,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 464 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 432 483 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 2014 08-0910 04-581 07-0374 89-964 06-116 06-524 03-0493 2011 IH-900 95-214 94-578 00-723 05-1259 2015 2012 06-117 76-799 IH-901 07-0640 07-0376 06-446 98-994 05-847 GD05-219 94-258 IH-903 2012 08-0324 2013 IH-905 05-0422 92-858 84-205 2015 95-215 6,227,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.12-1-59 51.12-1-60 51.12-1-61 51.12-1-62 51.12-1-63 51.12-2-1 51.12-2-2 51.12-2-3 51.12-2-4 51.12-2-5 51.12-2-6 51.12-2-7 51.12-2-8 51.12-2-9 51.12-2-10 51.12-2-11 51.12-2-12 51.12-2-13 51.12-2-14 51.12-2-15 51.12-2-16 51.12-2-17 51.12-2-18 51.12-2-19 51.12-2-20 51.12-2-21 51.12-2-22 51.12-2-23 51.12-2-24 51.12-2-25 51.12-2-26 51.12-2-27 51.12-2-28 51.12-2-29 51.12-2-30 51.12-2-31 51.12-2-32 Majkut, Robert J. Erickson, Jeffrey Charles Byrne, Catherine Ruf, Ronald Wasserbach, Paul E & Josephine A. Fox, Judith Lynn Tortorella, Robert Jude Pasinella, Betty Ann Ainsburg, Carol A. Isaacs, Michael S. Zickas, Carol A. Frank, Judith White, Charles W. Dryer, Katrina Ramo, Mary P. Shako, Brent J. Libertucci, Thomas Avellino, Philip A. Bishop, Ivelaw Walsh, Charles J. Kircher, James F. Dubois, Jason M. Schmidt, David G. Smith, Patricia A. Esperti, Cathy L. Walsh, Matthew T. Drake, Kimberly K. Horton, Theresa K. Tyson, Dennis L. Armstrong, William Tobin, Rosemarie Aliberti, Antonino Newell, Catherine L. Sellick, Barbara J. Niecey, Joan Nelson, Glen C. Zunon, Ellen W. 124,500 142,300 132,500 130,200 137,400 122,000 140,100 147,700 113,800 158,700 158,800 155,500 130,200 131,100 147,900 127,200 136,500 162,300 150,000 194,500 162,900 154,300 173,700 143,800 136,800 166,800 187,200 136,800 169,700 153,300 145,200 184,500 139,400 137,600 140,400 157,600 137,500 24,900 28,500 26,500 26,000 27,500 24,400 28,000 29,500 22,800 31,700 31,800 31,100 26,000 26,200 29,600 25,400 27,300 32,500 30,000 38,900 32,600 30,900 34,800 28,800 27,400 33,400 37,400 27,400 33,900 30,700 29,000 36,900 27,900 27,500 28,100 31,500 27,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,470,700 Page 230 of 347 1,094,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 124,500 142,300 132,500 130,200 137,400 122,000 140,100 147,700 113,800 158,700 158,800 155,500 130,200 131,100 147,900 127,200 136,500 162,300 150,000 194,500 162,900 154,300 173,700 143,800 136,800 166,800 187,200 136,800 169,700 153,300 145,200 184,500 139,400 137,600 140,400 157,600 137,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 96-540 85-219 05-1184 03-0494 08-0803 91-551 2013 96-891 91-136 04-426 2012 2011 2012 2010 01-179 2010 92-197 79-116 01-1033 GD-STIP 2010 2014 2010 2013 2012 2013 08-1007 02-312 05-1260 08-0677 87-75 2010 2009 97-54 95-1075 00-1207 00-179 5,470,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.12-2-33 51.12-2-34 51.12-3-1 51.12-3-2.1 51.12-3-2.2 51.12-3-3 51.12-3-4 51.12-3-5 51.12-3-6 51.12-3-7 51.12-3-8.1 51.12-3-8.2 51.12-3-8.3 51.12-3-9 51.12-3-10 51.12-3-11 51.12-3-12 51.12-3-13 51.12-3-14 51.12-3-15 51.12-3-16 51.12-3-17 51.12-3-18 51.12-3-19 51.12-3-20 51.12-3-21 51.12-3-22 51.12-3-23 51.12-3-24 51.12-3-25 51.12-3-26 51.12-3-27 51.12-3-28 51.12-3-29 51.12-3-30 51.12-3-31 51.12-3-32 Bloodgood, Robert Bertrand, Lisa Shari Spawn, Betty F. Whittet, Douglas C. Keenholts, Scott A. Karimipour, Shohreh Szablewski, S Garen Szablewski, S Garen French, Justin L. Miller, Linda Tice, Timothy M. Hysenllari, Veli & Mevlude Hysenllari, Veli & Mevlude Lloyd, Douglas P. Myers, Cary Noakes, Donald T. Cropley, John M. Kiosse, Leyla A. Globerson, Barbara R. Johnson, Leonard C. Williams, David C. Gerace, Joseph Visker, Edward W L. Kmack, John M. Palma, Abel S. Strait, Ellen Murray, Donna M. Cason, Catherine J. John W. Randall Living Trust Newport, Ruth E. Portillo, Jose S. Bivona, Christian G. Tazin, Sergi A. Reach, Kevin Hannan, Joseph P. Chesebro, Leroy & Betty C Jr. Lund, Vera M. 182,500 164,500 162,500 197,200 185,100 152,100 20,000 139,600 158,800 146,100 212,900 45,000 303,600 177,400 227,300 148,900 283,100 136,400 182,400 171,800 159,200 152,500 173,700 125,800 120,000 158,500 168,500 170,100 171,500 159,400 142,600 139,600 125,800 163,200 143,000 160,000 141,000 36,500 32,900 32,500 39,400 37,000 30,400 20,000 27,900 31,800 29,200 42,600 45,000 60,700 35,500 45,500 29,800 56,600 27,300 36,500 34,400 31,800 30,500 34,700 25,200 24,000 31,700 35,600 34,000 34,300 31,900 28,500 27,900 25,200 32,600 28,600 32,000 28,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,971,600 Page 231 of 347 1,248,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 182,500 164,500 162,500 197,200 185,100 152,100 20,000 139,600 158,800 146,100 212,900 45,000 303,600 177,400 227,300 148,900 283,100 136,400 182,400 171,800 159,200 152,500 173,700 125,800 120,000 158,500 177,900 170,100 171,500 159,400 142,600 139,600 125,800 163,200 143,000 160,000 141,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 220 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 69-400 89-319 05-0424 07-729 93-965 08GD#02 2015 2015 2010 2011 2013 2013 2014 07-1105 04-979 82-373 03-1266 2011 06-527 IH-907 2012 2011 73-448 04-583 2014 02-392 2015 2014 08-0141 88-505 2015 2014 97-743 2015 93-223 93-9999 73-382 5,981,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.12-3-33 51.12-3-34 51.12-3-35 51.12-3-36 51.12-3-37 51.12-3-38 51.12-3-39 51.12-3-40 51.12-3-41 51.12-3-42 51.12-3-43 51.12-3-44 51.12-3-45 51.12-3-46 51.12-3-47 51.12-4-1 51.12-4-2 51.12-4-3 51.12-4-4 51.12-4-5 51.12-4-6 51.12-4-7 51.12-4-8 51.12-4-9 51.12-4-10 51.12-4-11 51.12-4-12 51.12-4-13 51.12-4-14 51.12-4-15 51.12-4-16 51.12-4-17 51.12-4-18 51.12-4-19 51.12-4-20 51.12-4-21 51.12-4-22 Malone, Meghan A. Savage, Pearl Johnson, Kara E. Dorato, Lillian G. Cole, Gary E. Williams, Harold L. Jr. Gee, Eugene Conboy, Benedict J. Mach, Pauline J. Mastro, Christopher P. Scarcella, Antonino Dicarlo, Roberto Kirby, Elnora Mance, Bruce A. Guilderland , Town of GGMP LLC GGMP LLC Timony, Matthew Ferlazzo, Donald F. Dominguez, Yohsuke Takakura Sall, Elizabeth R. Goykhman, Yevgeniy Meyers, Thomas A. Jr.. Cole, Michael A. Sacca, Patricia P. Braddock, Charles L. McCarthy, Donald F. Jr. Brown, Rhonda R. Ruf, Ronald H. Conaway, John J. Mokrzycki, Johanna S K. Moak, Daniel J. Tulip, Melissa Kinsley, Joan M. Ferris, Garner L. Denn, James A. Coleman, Kathleen A. 120,000 140,300 132,800 138,500 171,500 180,500 157,400 165,000 181,200 157,700 231,100 278,200 134,900 161,000 100 655,100 138,700 122,600 114,500 133,500 142,200 158,500 142,000 114,500 143,700 153,100 151,800 101,300 143,700 143,800 146,400 116,600 144,000 148,400 144,300 155,500 174,400 24,000 28,100 26,600 27,700 34,300 36,100 31,500 33,000 36,200 31,500 46,200 55,600 27,000 32,200 100 149,400 27,700 24,500 22,900 26,700 28,400 31,700 28,400 22,900 28,700 30,600 30,400 20,300 28,700 28,800 29,300 23,300 28,800 29,700 28,900 31,100 34,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,938,800 Page 232 of 347 1,206,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 120,000 140,300 132,800 138,500 171,500 180,500 157,400 165,000 181,200 157,700 231,100 278,200 134,900 161,000 100 655,100 138,700 122,600 114,500 133,500 142,200 158,500 142,000 114,500 143,700 153,100 151,800 101,300 143,700 143,800 146,400 116,600 144,000 148,400 144,300 155,500 174,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 464 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 GD11vs 2014 73-382 2010 730594 85-1093 2015 06-119 93-893 99-1406 2009 79-493 07-0379 2013 05-0968 04-584 88-733 03-0216 2010 94-431 05-0428 06-1143 750309 06-528 00-181 85-353 07-1107 93-9999 2015 86-439 99-870 2014 98-676 97-56 2011 2012 5,938,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.12-4-23 51.12-4-24 51.12-4-25 51.12-4-26 51.12-4-27 51.12-4-28 51.12-4-29 51.12-4-30 51.12-4-31 51.12-4-32 51.12-4-33 51.12-4-34 51.12-4-35 51.12-4-36 51.12-4-37 51.12-4-38 51.12-4-39 51.12-4-40 51.12-4-41 51.12-4-42 51.12-4-43 51.12-4-44 51.12-4-45 51.12-4-46 51.12-4-47 51.12-4-48.1 51.12-4-48.2 51.12-4-49 51.12-5-1 51.12-5-2 51.12-5-3 51.12-5-4 51.12-5-5 51.12-5-6 51.12-5-7 51.12-5-8 51.12-5-9 Eells, Wayne C. Keating, James P. Brady, Peter J. Betz, Charles E. McCormack, John J. Gaumond, Janet L. Salvation Army Saleem, Muhammad U. Abbas, Tahir Sornberger, Kacey H. Kenton, Jeffrey P. Cooper, Adam H. Freedman, Lisa A. Joyner, Thomas E. Burt, Joshua B. Gelfand, Miron Giordano, Mark Fraher, John E. Harrigan, Todd Zampier, John W. Gerhardt, Arthur Cochran, Janice M. Keller, Sharyll J. Wesronet Corporation Wesronet Corp GGMP LLC Center For Disability American Heritage Realty Keller, Jennifer L. Legnard, Francis J. Moss, Michael A. Mahigian, Haig S. Dockins, Robert Gerhardt, Lois Futia, Cynthia Mesick, James R. Cumberland Farms Inc Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 138,800 182,900 174,900 184,000 186,100 159,600 130,800 170,800 167,200 189,000 177,900 192,000 170,900 180,600 187,700 204,800 205,000 201,700 169,600 192,000 187,500 210,800 206,000 247,200 568,600 2,611,000 880,000 1,619,500 173,000 170,100 170,800 168,700 198,500 219,200 202,700 185,600 417,569 27,800 36,600 35,000 36,800 37,200 31,900 26,200 34,200 33,400 37,800 35,600 38,400 34,200 36,100 37,500 41,000 41,000 40,300 33,900 38,400 37,500 42,200 40,900 95,300 180,300 705,600 173,000 592,300 34,600 34,000 34,200 33,700 39,700 43,800 40,500 37,100 165,000 12,003,069 Page 233 of 347 3,043,000 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 138,800 182,900 174,900 184,000 186,100 159,600 130,800 170,800 167,200 189,000 177,900 192,000 170,900 180,600 187,700 204,800 205,000 201,700 169,600 192,000 187,500 210,800 206,000 247,200 568,600 2,611,000 880,000 1,619,500 173,000 170,100 170,800 168,700 198,500 219,200 202,700 185,600 417,569 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 484 480 460 614 464 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 486 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 83-344 IH-911 87-78 2013 2009 2010 94-432 2015 2010 2012 94-465 2010 97-487 76-156 2014 05-0430 04-271 99-1103 2010 90-630 06-121 99-1632 2015 2009 94-466 2011 08-0999 2015 2014 78-298 75-315 73-661 2009 2010 2009 IH-912 GD2013#22 12,003,069 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.12-5-10 51.12-5-11 51.12-5-12 51.12-5-13 51.12-5-14 51.12-5-15 51.12-5-17 51.12-5-18 51.12-5-19 51.12-5-20 51.12-5-21 51.12-5-22 51.12-5-23 51.12-5-24 51.12-5-25 51.12-5-26 51.12-5-27 51.12-5-28 51.12-5-29 51.12-5-30 51.12-5-31 51.12-5-32 51.12-5-33 51.12-5-34 51.12-5-35 51.12-5-36 51.12-5-37 51.12-5-38 51.12-5-39 51.12-5-40 51.12-5-41 51.12-5-42 51.12-5-43 51.12-6-1 51.12-6-2 51.12-6-3 51.12-6-4 Tardiff, Gerald Starkman, Judith F. Zhan, Yu Haupt, Frederick L. Picker, David Varcasia, Patrick C. Sr. Courcelle, Paul M. Lu, Yuen Hsiang Helm, Robert L. Bland, Kathryn Hyde, Teresa J. Maslanka, Thomas Jr. Goodhart, Anna L. Chacko, Kottackal M. Gianatasio, James J. Kufel, Taras A. Benson, Lorraine Rowe, Raymond M. Thomas, Elmer L & Helen C Tooher, Joan A. Swan, Kurt Scale, Marjorie Juron, David J. Keever, Carolyn A. OHanlon, Kevin J. Dady, Mikey Conway, James T. Edick, Rudyard G. Russo, Peter C. Jr. Curley, Donna L. Smith, Ronald D. Fonti, John Fuller, NIgel D. Giminiani, David B. Duerr, Frank G. Morby, James W. McGuire, Peter G. 174,600 209,800 226,500 182,600 182,000 178,000 180,100 219,700 174,000 244,400 186,200 44,200 170,600 185,700 143,600 149,500 144,000 168,700 154,600 172,000 170,000 142,900 168,900 162,000 168,700 164,100 139,000 149,800 151,900 142,200 148,800 173,000 144,000 203,500 178,900 167,600 175,300 34,900 42,000 43,900 36,500 36,400 35,600 36,000 43,900 34,800 48,900 37,200 44,200 34,100 37,100 28,700 29,900 28,800 33,700 30,900 34,400 55,600 28,600 33,800 32,400 33,700 32,800 27,800 30,000 30,400 28,400 29,800 34,600 29,400 40,700 35,800 33,500 35,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,241,400 Page 234 of 347 1,304,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 174,600 209,800 219,300 182,600 182,000 178,000 180,100 219,700 174,000 244,400 186,200 44,200 170,600 185,700 143,600 149,500 144,000 168,700 154,600 172,000 250,900 142,900 168,900 162,000 168,700 164,100 139,000 149,800 151,900 142,200 148,800 173,000 147,000 203,500 178,900 167,600 175,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-769 08-0281 2015 91-142 89-9161 06-1123 97-843 IH-914 93-894 2014 2010 03-0218 93-152 91-138 2012 05-1261 96-413 2015 98-677 05-0969 2015 02-1032 2014 05-0432 2009 04-1171 06-122 01-335 90-228 94-267 2011 2009 2015 95-217 06-123 04-1498 2014 6,318,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.12-6-5 51.12-6-6 51.12-6-7 51.12-6-8 51.12-6-9 51.12-6-10 51.12-6-11 51.12-6-12 51.12-6-13 51.12-6-14 51.12-6-15 51.12-6-16 51.12-7-1 51.12-7-2 51.12-7-3 51.12-7-4 51.12-7-5 51.12-7-6 51.12-7-7 51.12-7-8 51.12-7-9 51.12-7-10 51.12-7-11 51.12-7-12 51.12-7-13 51.12-7-14 51.12-7-15 51.12-7-16 51.12-7-17 51.12-7-19 51.12-7-20 51.12-7-21 51.12-7-22 51.12-8-1 51.12-8-2 51.12-8-3 51.12-8-4 Galarza, Ricardo J. Cassisi, Lisa M. Esmond, James VanKleek, Michael Bini, John Peters, Frederick III. Jackson, Patricia A. Santa Maria, Joseph A. Scarcella, Frank Schildt, Timothy C. Hoelzer, Nancy L. Barnett, Keith Flynn, Bridgette M. Smith, Daniel J. Nowak, Dawn Barker, Michael R. Devlin, Jamie Hughes, Linda B. Magilton, Dennis J. Zhu, Yiu Gui Marra, Jason D. Kathrapally, Thomas P. Phelps, Matthew A. Hood, Amy E. del Rio Kostenwein, Juan Hall, Michael J. Engel, Robert & Margaret A Urrato, Michele A. Luyckx, Elizabeth M. Zelensky, Michael III. Vet, Jane Ryan, Kevin J. Voss, Roger L. Secor, Jay F. Jr. McGinn, Edna N. Conlin, Thomas A. Soukup, Charles C. 219,700 197,200 201,000 187,400 184,500 186,900 177,300 164,800 218,800 212,300 172,900 182,700 157,600 137,700 136,900 145,800 168,900 137,300 173,900 170,100 208,500 147,600 158,200 187,700 170,700 173,500 166,700 161,900 223,700 125,000 187,800 324,300 166,700 167,800 176,500 144,600 160,900 43,900 39,400 40,200 37,500 36,900 37,400 35,500 33,000 43,800 42,500 34,600 36,500 31,500 27,500 27,400 29,200 33,800 27,500 34,800 34,000 41,700 29,500 31,600 37,500 34,100 34,700 33,300 32,400 44,700 32,500 37,600 60,100 33,300 33,600 35,300 28,900 32,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,585,800 Page 235 of 347 1,319,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 219,700 197,200 201,000 187,400 184,500 186,900 177,300 164,800 218,800 212,300 172,900 182,700 157,600 137,700 136,900 145,800 168,900 137,300 173,900 170,100 208,500 147,600 158,200 187,700 170,700 173,500 166,700 161,900 223,700 125,000 187,800 300,100 166,700 167,800 176,500 144,600 160,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 06-124 2012 2013 07-0381 2010 02-1126 04-449 03-770 95-426 94-7 06-727 2012 2014 00-731 08-0017 07-0382 88-507 91-760 2012 06-726 03-219 98-679 2009 2010 07-0384 01-182 04-840 08-0398 2012 2014 2015 87-295 03-0085 2013 2014 2015 6,561,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.12-8-5 51.12-8-6 51.12-8-7 51.12-8-8 51.12-8-9 51.12-8-10 51.12-8-11 51.12-8-12 51.12-8-14 51.12-8-15 51.12-8-16 51.12-8-17 51.12-8-18 51.12-8-19 51.12-8-20 51.12-8-21 51.12-8-23 51.12-8-24 51.12-8-26 51.12-8-27 51.12-8-29 51.12-8-30 51.12-8-32 51.12-8-33 51.12-8-34 51.12-8-35 51.12-8-36 51.12-8-37 51.12-8-38 51.12-8-39 51.12-8-40 51.12-8-41 51.12-8-42 51.14-1-1 51.14-1-2 51.14-1-3 51.14-1-4 Cifarelli, James L. Cummings, John Carey Norton, Barbara A. Brower, Nancy A. Neill, Trammell W. Korn, Matthew A. Pagay, Shrikant N. Leizer, Darcianne M. Haines, Patricia W. Walter, Jeffrey P. Fragomeni, Keith Stifanos, Marta G. Puzio, Gregory C. Silvestro, Guiseppe Vanderpool, Melissa E. Vadney, Michael J. Low, Betty S. LaLonde, Lucretia Persico, Anthony J. Musumeci, Alfredo Gemmiti, Thomas F. Padula, Frank James Golon, Jonathan Reedy, Michele A. Rose, Mary Wettergreen, Barbara B. Johnston, Seymour F. Papa, Richard C. Schmidt, John W. Davis, Timothy P. Schryver, George J. Morrell, Richard J. II. Dorato, Thomas Jr. Gillespie, Donald Tommell, Thomas OHare, Ruth P. Fassett, John 155,700 166,800 156,200 185,000 171,900 139,100 175,500 142,000 208,000 217,300 169,700 182,500 169,100 143,000 165,100 167,800 176,100 147,400 140,000 143,700 151,100 181,500 165,700 146,200 170,200 175,000 158,600 184,400 150,100 144,700 153,100 168,600 173,800 138,700 187,500 224,200 185,300 31,100 33,400 31,200 37,000 34,400 27,800 35,100 28,400 41,600 43,500 33,900 36,500 33,800 28,600 33,000 33,600 35,200 29,500 28,000 28,700 30,200 36,300 33,100 29,200 34,000 35,000 31,700 36,900 30,000 28,900 30,600 33,700 34,800 27,700 37,500 44,800 37,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,180,600 Page 236 of 347 1,235,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 155,700 166,800 156,200 185,000 171,900 139,100 175,500 142,000 208,000 217,300 169,700 182,500 169,100 143,000 165,100 167,800 176,100 147,400 140,000 143,700 151,100 181,500 165,700 146,200 170,200 175,000 158,600 184,400 150,100 144,700 153,100 168,600 173,800 138,700 187,500 224,200 185,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 2013 93-226 2015 08-0722 08-0160 2009 08-0173 07-0894 08-0647 02-314 08-0521 2014 2015 2011 01-595 IH-922 06-125 SC93-05 2010 05-0970 00-511 2011 05-848 99-704 90-703 85-268 89-689 91-149 01-184 99-1612 2015 91-444 77-744 02-197 07-0385 2013 6,180,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.14-1-5 51.14-1-6 51.14-1-7 51.14-1-8 51.14-2-1 51.14-2-2 51.14-2-3 51.14-2-4 51.15-1-2 51.15-1-3 51.15-1-4 51.15-1-5 51.15-1-6 51.15-1-7 51.15-1-8 51.15-1-9 51.15-1-10 51.15-1-11 51.15-1-12 51.15-1-13 51.15-1-14 51.15-1-15 51.15-1-16 51.15-1-17 51.15-1-18 51.15-1-19 51.15-1-20 51.15-1-21 51.15-1-22 51.15-1-23 51.15-1-24 51.15-1-25 51.15-1-26 51.15-1-27 51.15-1-28 51.15-1-29 51.15-1-30 Howe, Gregory S. Farina, Stephen A. Gonzales, Michelle L. Deer, John J. Knowlton, James Arthur Lawton, Harold R. Graham, Bonita L. Cardona, Victor A. Mancuso, Thomas K. Stillman, Bartlett W. Mirabile, Melissa R. McKay, Janette C. Burns, William P. Kang, Inbong Mallon, Paul F. Balmer, Elsa Hill, Richard J W Peters, Michael W. Burns, James E. Tresselt, Frederick J. Boyce, Joan C. Czekay, Ralf-Peter Lindsay, Marlon Behan, Michael E. Scaring, Daniel Collins, Timothy J. Burth, Justin L. Marianetti, Falon M. Sheppeck, John DeGrocco, Thomas Travers, Daniel J. Knight, Helen E. Steffens, Christopher J. Casey, Francis B. Virjee, Shakil Ali Puvogel, Stephen Byrnes, William D. 201,000 204,000 175,500 176,200 437,900 320,200 269,300 388,800 277,800 228,000 276,200 284,100 224,000 269,000 270,300 178,300 266,500 278,200 285,300 209,000 223,000 271,400 253,800 275,600 231,000 225,000 254,000 48,700 270,500 289,300 270,600 228,000 268,600 280,700 462,700 264,000 227,000 40,200 40,800 35,100 35,200 87,600 64,000 53,900 84,300 55,600 45,600 55,200 56,800 44,800 53,800 54,100 35,700 53,300 55,600 57,100 41,800 44,600 54,300 50,800 55,100 46,200 45,000 50,800 40,300 54,100 57,900 54,100 45,600 53,700 58,700 92,500 52,800 45,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,563,500 Page 237 of 347 1,952,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 201,000 204,000 175,500 176,200 437,900 320,200 269,300 388,800 277,800 228,000 276,200 284,100 224,000 269,000 270,300 178,300 266,500 278,200 285,300 209,000 223,000 271,400 253,800 275,600 231,000 225,000 254,000 201,500 270,500 289,300 270,600 228,000 268,600 293,700 462,700 264,000 227,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 04-1075 IH-924 01-834 2015 06-1144 98-16 GD09#39 2012 2015 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2012 2012 2012 2014 2015 2012 2015 2012 2014 2012 2015 2015 2012 2012 9,729,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.15-1-31 51.15-1-32 51.15-1-33 51.15-1-34 51.15-1-35 51.15-1-36 51.15-1-37 51.15-1-38 51.15-1-39 51.15-1-40 51.15-1-41 51.15-1-42 51.15-2-3 51.15-2-5 51.15-2-6 51.15-2-8 51.15-2-9 51.15-2-11 51.15-2-12 51.15-2-13 51.15-2-15 51.15-2-16 51.15-2-17 51.15-2-19 51.15-2-20 51.15-2-21.1 51.15-2-21.2 51.15-2-22 51.15-2-24 51.15-2-25 51.15-2-27 51.15-2-29 51.15-2-30.1 51.15-2-40 51.15-2-41 51.15-2-42 51.15-2-43 Spinelli, Karen M. Rubenstein, Elaine A. Harvey, Richard Rose, Anne Tucker Newman, Seth A. Lanni, Robert P. Powers, Daniel C. Sipzner, Robert J. Sipzner, Robert J. Sundling, Carl T. Presidential Estates State Farm Utility Corp Koff, Linda B. Finkle, Jefferey Bonavita, Jane Carter, James E. Pavone, Santino J. Ploof, Roger A. Newkirk, Deborah A. Zuravicky, Igal Cohen, M Bruce Trimarchi, Antonio Noorani, Rukshana Newkirk, Deborah A. Newkirk, Deborah A. deForest, Jonathan H. Newkirk, Deborah A. Mandato, Kenneth University At Albany Lia, Linda Driessen, Frances Fabiani Olson, James F. Ozbay, Nuri Scarcella, Frank Tesoriero, Jason E. Armstrong, Jane B. Coyle, Robert L. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 210,000 286,400 500 265,300 327,900 267,000 368,900 262,500 37,200 266,900 1,500 78,000 385,600 483,200 383,500 590,600 693,700 652,000 824,700 729,600 523,300 734,200 650,800 106,200 96,400 5,000 100 754,800 826,800 1,086,500 628,800 550,000 550,400 229,700 350,700 330,000 528,800 42,000 57,300 500 53,100 65,600 53,400 73,800 52,500 37,200 53,400 1,500 78,000 77,100 96,600 76,700 118,100 138,700 130,400 164,900 145,900 104,700 146,800 130,200 96,800 96,400 5,000 100 132,300 165,360 217,300 125,800 163,100 121,000 45,900 70,100 73,500 105,800 15,067,500 Page 238 of 347 3,316,860 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 210,000 286,400 500 265,300 327,900 267,000 368,900 262,500 37,200 266,900 1,500 78,000 385,600 483,200 383,500 590,600 693,700 652,000 824,700 729,600 523,300 734,200 650,800 106,200 96,400 5,000 100 661,500 826,800 1,086,500 628,800 550,000 550,400 229,700 350,700 330,000 528,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 311 210 210 210 220 210 311 210 970 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 312 311 970 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 2012 90-55 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 03-0222 2012 79-995 83-783 92-1014 89-420 2012 IH-927 06-1278 89-690 SC88-05 90-632 2010 IH-930 IH-931 GD05-436C GD05-436A 2014 03-702 2015IH 2015 2009 GD-STIP GD11#20 GD11#79 98-683 96-1004 GD11#33 85-818 14,974,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.15-2-44 51.15-2-45 51.15-2-46 51.15-2-47 51.15-2-49 51.15-2-50 51.15-2-51 51.15-2-52 51.15-2-53 51.15-2-54 51.15-2-55 51.15-2-56 51.15-2-57 51.15-2-58 51.15-2-59 51.15-2-60 51.15-2-61 51.15-2-62 51.15-2-63 51.15-2-64 51.15-2-65 51.15-2-66 51.15-2-67 51.15-2-68 51.15-2-69 51.15-2-70 51.15-2-71 51.15-2-72 51.15-2-73 51.15-2-74 51.15-2-75 51.15-2-76 51.15-2-77 51.15-2-78 51.15-2-79 51.15-2-80 51.15-3-1 Andrus, Peter F. Sklar, Mark D. Simille, Jean Claude Marlow, Lisa K. Khuri, Suheil M. Rosati, Carl Quade, Ralph Surman, Cheryl M. Kosovskiy, Mikhail Dompierre, Philip J. Gaulin, Mark R. Sitaram, Arkalgud R. Pande, Ajay K. Crothamel, Bruce Gonick, Stephen K. Dries, Donald F. Ipek, Havzi Mastrianni, Jerome A. Durni, Judith A. Mehtabdin, Khalid R. Bailly, John Jr. Cahill, Charles E. Brodsky, Karl A. Rosenberg, Martin I. Mortier, Matthew M. Lala, Garlan G. Levine, Lowell J. Feinman, Elliot Berkery, Patrick Rosen, Adam Backer, Susan E. Levine, Michael J. Lensky, Olga Rosen, Edward J. Derise, Frederick Pelletier, Joan W. Ravi, Natarajan 317,300 468,500 495,000 445,500 474,700 534,300 565,500 337,300 399,900 413,800 375,500 475,900 378,400 383,500 542,700 562,000 378,300 373,900 351,000 344,300 355,700 377,600 420,400 315,000 350,800 314,900 346,300 377,900 295,100 350,000 367,100 401,300 339,000 366,400 345,300 390,100 686,600 63,500 93,700 99,000 95,300 94,900 106,900 113,100 67,500 80,000 82,800 75,100 95,200 75,700 76,700 108,500 112,400 75,700 74,800 70,200 68,900 71,100 75,500 84,100 63,000 70,200 63,000 69,300 62,700 59,000 75,000 73,400 80,300 67,800 73,300 69,100 78,000 137,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 15,016,800 Page 239 of 347 3,002,000 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 317,300 468,500 495,000 476,600 474,700 534,300 565,500 337,300 399,900 413,800 375,500 475,900 378,400 383,500 542,700 562,000 378,300 373,900 351,000 344,300 355,700 377,600 420,400 315,000 350,800 314,900 346,300 313,700 295,100 350,000 367,100 401,300 339,000 366,400 345,300 390,100 686,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 88-1349 2011 2013 2015 IH-935 2015gd#60 IH-938 04-126 2014 02-777 2011 2011 07-0388 IH-939 08-1151 IH-941 04-1255 GD05-212 GD05-27 06-850 2014 08-0723 SC69-05 2015 2011 IH-947 GD05-382 2015IH 87-878 2015 IH-949 2010 GD2013#92 IH-951 88-388 IH-952 98-211 14,983,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.15-3-2 51.15-3-3 51.15-3-4 51.15-3-5 51.15-3-6 51.15-3-7 51.15-3-8 51.15-3-9 51.15-3-10 51.15-3-11 51.15-3-12 51.15-3-13 51.15-3-14 51.15-3-15 51.15-3-16 51.15-3-17 51.15-3-18 51.15-3-19 51.15-3-20 51.15-3-21 51.15-3-22 51.15-3-23 51.15-3-24 51.15-3-25 51.15-3-26 51.15-3-27 51.15-3-28 51.15-3-29 51.15-3-30 51.15-3-31 51.15-3-32 51.15-3-33 51.15-3-34 51.15-3-35 51.15-3-36 51.15-3-37 51.16-1-1 Malitz, Robert Kwan, Peter Saperstone, James D. Scavio, Lorenzo F. Stamatakos, Chris S. Hayes, Rose Elitzer, Beth R. Lia, Linda Lia, Linda Simeone, Deborah Ramasamy, Muthu Kavanaugh, John H. Kavanaugh, Kathryn A. Kavanaugh, Kathryn A. Alazraki, Albert Amitrano, Sergio Gordon, Michael I. Rosenblum, Jack & Joan Kremer, Joel M. Gerety, Gregg F. Apicella, Adrianne M. Dura, Michael F. Sinha, Birendra Ipek, Hadi Dura, Michael F. Dura, Michael F. David, Jose M. Devito, Michael A. Gupta, Hira Lal Montanini, Pietro Bennett, Kelly A. Kauffman, Bret D. Burg, James Durni, Robin A. Solomon, Julie B. Simeone, Deborah Lehocky, John E. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 581,400 526,800 602,500 567,100 445,500 525,300 570,400 120,800 167,200 966,900 677,250 0 877,200 0 839,900 668,000 822,700 708,000 570,000 659,700 745,000 93,100 613,000 656,900 1,016,300 1,000 584,600 588,200 694,300 568,200 516,500 524,000 503,800 592,800 535,500 1,000 157,000 116,300 105,400 120,500 113,400 89,100 105,100 123,900 120,800 125,100 193,400 135,450 0 220,000 0 167,980 133,600 164,500 141,600 114,000 131,900 160,000 93,100 122,600 131,400 203,300 1,000 116,900 117,600 138,900 113,600 103,300 104,800 100,800 118,600 107,100 1,000 31,400 19,287,850 Page 240 of 347 4,187,430 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 581,400 526,800 602,500 567,100 445,500 525,300 570,400 120,800 167,200 966,900 677,250 0 877,200 0 839,900 668,000 822,700 708,000 570,000 659,700 745,000 93,100 613,000 656,900 1,016,300 1,000 584,600 588,200 694,300 568,200 516,500 524,000 503,800 592,800 535,500 1,000 157,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 312 1 210 1 210 1 970 1 210 1 311 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 210 A 1 210 1 210 1 970 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 210 1 Account Nbr 2010 03-0223 98-573 2015gd#61 2013 GD2013#2 2014IH 92-1175 2014 02-779 2013SC#49 98-352 GD2012#51 2010 2014gd#52 2013SC#61 02-780 08-0504 2014SC#42 95-980 GD08#21 02-1272 2015gd#07 2015gd#62 03-893 96-1007 97-847 IH-955 01-601 2013ih 08-0455 2014gd#28 95-983 2012 08GD#24 01-599 81-73 19,287,850 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.16-1-2 51.16-1-3 51.16-1-4 51.16-1-5 51.16-1-6 51.16-1-7 51.16-1-8 51.16-1-9 51.16-1-10 51.16-1-11 51.16-1-12 51.16-1-13 51.16-1-14 51.16-1-15 51.16-1-16 51.16-1-17 51.16-1-18 51.16-1-19 51.16-1-20 51.16-1-21 51.16-1-22 51.16-1-23 51.16-1-24 51.16-1-25 51.16-1-30 51.16-1-31 51.16-1-32 51.16-1-33 51.16-1-34 51.16-1-35 51.16-1-36 51.16-1-37 51.16-1-38 51.16-1-39 51.16-1-40 51.16-1-41 51.16-1-42 Verenini, Barry M. Hubbard, Agata Ryan, Denise J. Spano, Carlo A. Endres, Michael S. Sadowski, John F. Jr. Cortes, Antonio C. Snyder, Nancy E. Mancellari, Benard Roberts, Philip E. Jr. Jacobs, Dawn M. Smith, John Picard, David W. Riley, Joel T. Allardice, Lindsey M. Timofeyev, Olga R. Guzman, David P. Vogt, Kris A. Rockenstire, Walter C. III. Massaro, Anne Marie Cardiff, Richard F. Brown, Herbert I. Gosende, Robert R. Maiuccoro, John V. Diianni, John J. Hollander, Susan M. Hollander, Susan M. Manasse, Penelope J. Goykhman, Yevgeny Kinley, Richard P. Golden, Peter Crupi, Cosimo Scavio, Vincent Stuto, Timothy J. Scavio, Frank Guilderland Town of Marfurt, Jeffrey A. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 181,000 163,900 178,400 168,400 162,600 173,100 162,400 171,500 171,700 204,100 226,200 170,300 293,500 188,600 161,700 150,800 167,700 181,200 152,100 145,100 176,000 335,400 580,800 1,254,400 453,800 475,000 500 811,600 552,600 494,500 382,000 529,200 631,600 765,000 691,200 1,000 643,700 36,200 32,800 35,700 33,700 32,500 34,600 32,500 34,300 34,300 42,200 45,200 34,100 58,700 37,700 32,300 30,200 33,500 36,200 30,400 29,000 35,200 67,100 116,200 250,900 90,800 95,000 500 162,300 110,500 98,900 90,000 105,800 126,300 136,100 138,200 1,000 128,700 12,352,600 Page 241 of 347 2,469,600 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 181,000 163,900 178,400 168,400 162,600 173,100 162,400 171,500 171,700 211,200 226,200 170,300 293,500 188,600 161,700 150,800 167,700 181,200 152,100 145,100 176,000 335,400 580,800 1,254,400 453,800 475,000 500 811,600 552,600 494,500 382,000 529,200 631,600 680,500 691,200 1,000 643,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 Account Nbr 77-905 2014 2015gd#23 2010 01-188 88-690 2013 88-389 2011 2015 06-535 87-216 2009 2015 2012 2014 87-85 2013 2012 2010 06-251 05-0443 2015 00-1209 2015 2013SC#23 02-91 GD2013#93 2011 2010 SC38-05 IH-961 2015GD#63 2015IH 2015gd#64 00-1061 07-0395 12,275,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.16-1-43 51.16-1-44 51.16-1-45 51.16-1-46 51.16-1-47 51.16-1-48 51.16-1-49 51.16-2-1 51.16-2-2 51.16-2-3 51.16-2-4 51.16-2-5 51.16-2-6 51.16-2-8 51.16-2-9 51.16-2-10 51.16-2-11 51.16-2-12 51.16-2-13 51.16-2-14 51.16-2-15 51.16-2-16 51.16-2-17 51.16-2-18 51.16-2-19 51.16-2-20 51.16-2-21 51.16-2-22 51.16-2-23 51.16-2-24 51.16-2-25 51.16-2-26 51.16-2-27 51.16-2-28 51.16-2-29 51.16-2-30 51.16-2-31 Pettograsso, Lisa Scavio, Lorenzo Menakuru, Venkatram Hickey, Timothy M. Berenshteyn, Sergey Paparian, Michael J. Lia, Miranda L. Padula, Rocco M & Angela G. Murphy, Lorraine Murphy, Lorraine OBrien-Thornton, Maureen J. Clemens, Michael A. Pettograsso, Anthony R. McLaughlin, Mary Rita Cai, Wen Hong Bagyi, John A & Barbara Weisburgh, Herbert D. Commisso, Angelina D. Dearstyne, Bruce W. McAuliffe, Timothy J. Quackenbush, Steven E. Crystal, Robert A. Wyld, Herman W. Britton, Velma J. Commisso, Salvatore & Maria Vargas, Pamela Nigro, Carmela Commisso, Frank Sauers, Richard Schneider, Scott A. Snide, Scott A. Hubbard, Carole R. Marcil, John Joseph Manss, Carol J. Giminiani, Thomas A. Mandy, William Goodness, Gary P. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 638,600 685,000 754,400 650,000 650,000 718,300 1,730,900 141,200 143,200 39,900 164,000 148,400 26,200 148,000 185,500 165,000 169,500 184,200 180,300 163,400 174,600 168,400 150,800 159,900 160,600 189,600 194,700 190,000 188,900 146,300 150,800 180,100 178,300 163,200 157,500 168,700 166,700 127,700 160,700 150,900 130,000 130,000 172,400 400,000 28,200 28,600 26,200 32,800 29,700 54,400 29,600 37,100 33,000 33,900 36,800 36,100 32,700 34,900 33,700 30,200 32,000 32,100 37,900 38,900 38,000 37,800 29,300 30,200 36,000 35,700 32,600 31,500 33,700 33,300 10,575,100 Page 242 of 347 2,288,600 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 638,600 685,000 754,400 650,000 650,000 718,300 1,730,900 141,200 143,200 39,900 164,000 148,400 271,800 148,000 185,500 165,000 169,500 184,200 180,300 163,400 174,600 168,400 150,800 159,900 160,600 189,600 194,700 190,000 188,900 146,300 150,800 180,100 178,300 163,200 157,500 168,700 166,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 312 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 2015gd#69 2014 2014SC#43 2014SC#90 2012 2015 71-850 2011 2011 2015 2014 2015 99-645 2015 07-0396 2015 04-129 79-967 2013 2010 08-0400 70-231 97-490 GD05-334 2014 02-92 90-707 91-554 04-451 2012 2011 94-436 00-469 IH-966 2010 2011 10,820,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.16-2-32 51.16-2-33 51.16-2-34 51.16-2-35 51.16-2-36 51.16-2-37 51.16-3-1 51.16-3-2 51.16-3-3 51.16-3-4 51.16-3-5 51.16-3-6 51.16-3-7 51.16-3-8 51.16-3-9 51.16-3-10 51.16-3-11 51.16-3-12 51.16-3-13 51.16-3-14 51.16-3-15 51.16-3-16 51.16-3-17 51.16-3-18 51.16-3-19 51.16-3-20 51.16-3-21 51.16-3-22 51.16-3-23 51.16-3-24 51.16-3-25 51.16-3-26 51.16-3-27 51.16-3-28 51.16-3-29 51.16-3-30 51.16-3-31 Urrato, Steven A. Marcil, Holly C. Lishay, George Bourgeois, Roland Jr. Baker, Linn R. Kerwin, Rosemari Parillo DeGennaro, Doreen L. Springer, Mary Clare Leonard, Edward G. Gregory, Bryan A. Fisher, Kathleen J. McNamara, Robert J. Dannehy, Kristi H. Berkheiser, William E. Cinelli, Kristie M. Bagyi, Joyce J. Lutz, John P. Jr. Dorato, Thomas A. Chorost, Kevin J. Leizer, Darrin J. Dupree, Catherine Wall, Richard R. Hausman, Diane M. Vonhof, Mary Louise Mora, Jose M. III. Slutskiy, Gregory OHea, Jamie A. Leddick, Marjorie Fraterrigo, Philip A. Novak, William A. Scotti, Peter S. Thomas, Lee O. Romano, Linda A. McDonnell, John W. Ravida, Salvatore Crowder, Robert C. White, Beatrice A. 171,600 190,900 170,600 172,900 165,700 185,400 190,700 171,800 165,700 174,500 171,600 286,700 193,300 185,100 179,100 176,100 207,800 261,500 166,100 155,000 187,200 194,400 164,700 171,300 170,500 187,900 183,800 153,300 297,200 197,300 168,500 158,000 192,300 189,600 184,900 192,400 158,100 34,300 38,200 34,100 34,600 33,100 37,100 38,100 34,400 33,100 34,900 34,300 57,300 38,700 37,000 35,800 35,200 41,600 52,300 33,200 31,000 37,400 38,900 32,900 34,300 34,100 37,600 36,800 30,700 59,400 39,500 33,700 31,600 38,500 37,900 37,000 38,500 31,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,893,500 Page 243 of 347 1,378,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 171,600 190,900 170,600 172,900 165,700 185,400 190,700 171,800 165,700 174,500 171,600 286,700 193,300 185,100 179,100 176,100 207,800 261,500 166,100 155,000 187,200 194,400 164,700 171,300 170,500 187,900 183,800 153,300 297,200 197,300 168,500 158,000 192,300 189,600 184,900 192,400 158,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 99-740 08-0175 74-186 94-437 IH-967 IH-968 06-253 2012 01-1102 96-1029 08-1010 2014 95-223 2014 2011 92-743 2014 05-1262 2014 06-851 IH-971 81-403 IH-972 04-301 08-1011 2013 98-1271 2012 2012 97-66 69-393 2009 91-144 2011 2014 05-1011 6,893,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.16-3-32 51.16-3-33 51.16-3-34 51.16-3-35 51.16-3-36 51.16-3-37 51.16-3-38 51.16-3-39 51.16-3-40 51.16-3-41 51.16-4-1 51.16-4-2 51.16-4-3 51.16-4-4 51.16-4-5 51.16-4-6 51.16-4-7 51.16-4-8 51.16-4-9 51.16-4-10 51.16-4-11 51.16-4-12 51.16-4-13 51.16-4-14 51.16-4-15 51.16-4-16 51.16-4-17 51.16-4-18 51.16-4-19 51.16-4-20 51.16-4-21 51.16-4-22 51.16-4-23 51.16-4-24 51.16-4-25 51.18-1-1 51.18-1-2 Duffy, Joseph Patrick Knapp, Sara D. Pietrosanto, Santina Stefani, John Nicholas Jack, Richard J. Murphy, Robert A. Ryan, Jeannine Chilandese, Jerald Barhydt, Marie C. Davis, Ian S. Atalay, Hasan N. Moody, Wesley P. Kermani, Ronald S. Veselov, Andrei V. Turaew, Victor M. Donohue, Joseph J. Gong, Rose Lavigne, Richard E. Morse, Andrew Qiu, Xiaoying Wallock, Judy K. Heffler, Jordon Dobbs, Erika N. Abbruzzese, Donald P. Lapenis, Andrei G. Fedorov, Yanina I. Arduini, Suzanne E. Kandiyil, Prabhna N. Goldstein, Jerome Younkins, Thomas D. Wurm, Stefan Busch, Robert S. Reimann, Ernest F. Dworkin, Carl G. Rollins, Paul C. Wang, Xuming Cornell, Jennifer 149,000 205,400 236,600 263,000 268,200 172,700 173,000 151,100 169,800 159,500 387,100 339,600 283,400 373,000 312,000 314,300 289,600 375,000 345,000 420,900 330,000 345,500 320,000 245,000 257,000 418,500 373,400 291,600 334,800 224,500 483,000 408,700 327,700 376,200 407,600 331,200 352,700 29,800 41,100 47,300 52,600 53,600 37,900 34,600 30,200 34,000 31,900 77,400 67,900 56,700 74,600 62,400 60,200 57,900 75,000 80,000 84,200 66,000 69,100 64,000 49,000 51,400 83,700 74,700 58,300 67,000 44,900 96,600 81,700 65,500 75,200 81,500 66,240 70,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,215,600 Page 244 of 347 2,254,640 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 149,000 205,400 236,600 263,000 268,200 189,500 173,000 151,100 169,800 159,500 387,100 339,600 283,400 373,000 312,000 301,100 289,600 375,000 345,000 420,900 330,000 345,500 320,000 245,000 257,000 418,500 373,400 291,600 334,800 224,500 483,000 408,700 327,700 376,200 407,600 331,200 352,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 05-0806 06-1154 04-845 2015 2015 98-289 78-653 2015 04-450 91-940 IH-974 98-689 2014IH IH-976 2015IH 04-1079 SC74-05 GD09#19 2011 GD2013#88 2010 2010 07-0399 2010 06-1155 02-1130 2010 02-1275 93-162 2015 2011 2012 06-1156 2012 2015 2012 11,219,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.18-1-3 51.18-1-4 51.18-1-5 51.18-1-6 51.18-1-7 51.18-1-8 51.18-1-9 51.18-1-10 51.18-1-11 51.18-1-12 51.18-1-13 51.18-1-14 51.18-1-15 51.18-1-16 51.18-1-17 51.18-1-18 51.18-1-19 51.18-1-20 51.18-1-21 51.18-1-22 51.18-1-23 51.18-1-24 51.18-1-25 51.18-1-26 51.18-1-27 51.18-1-28 51.18-1-29 51.18-1-30 51.18-1-31 51.18-1-32 51.18-1-33 51.18-1-34 51.18-1-35 51.18-1-36 51.18-1-37 51.18-1-38 51.18-1-39 Rodino, Richard N. Hutson, Thomas A. Nagy, Charles J. Ding, Ming Petkevichus, Sergey Korman, Kathleen Metallo, John G. Chovallur, Jessy K. Brooks, Nancy L. Kaplan, Florence L. Lashway, Jeffrey D. Sokaris, Gregory A. Hwang, Wook-Jin Rivera, Antonio Ravalli, Michael P. Sabourin, Nathan R. Padula, Louis A. Clifford, Timothy S. Engel, Justin L. Warner, Mark D. Vale At Normanskill Kmack, Gala R. Phillips, Jonathan H. Bivona, Christian Barnhart, Kevin A. Pabba, Chittari Clancy, David P. Kim, Eugene Zajac, Andrzej Garrant, John E. Hallam, Peter S. Lin, Lian Qiu Brezinski, Janet E. McNamara, Robert J. Hynes, Gerald David Snyder, Kevin Bender, Jeanne M. 253,700 338,800 379,800 341,700 322,100 303,900 349,800 314,700 297,200 303,000 382,000 417,100 438,400 357,600 382,300 433,100 339,600 333,300 400,900 348,600 100 392,600 485,800 334,700 365,000 339,400 325,500 344,500 302,100 298,900 314,800 322,000 322,000 339,300 273,300 426,600 449,100 50,700 67,800 76,000 68,300 64,400 60,800 70,000 62,900 59,400 60,600 76,400 83,400 87,700 71,500 76,500 86,600 67,900 66,700 80,200 69,700 100 78,500 97,100 66,900 73,000 67,900 65,100 68,900 60,400 59,800 63,000 64,400 64,400 67,900 54,700 85,300 89,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 12,673,300 Page 245 of 347 2,534,700 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 253,700 338,800 379,800 341,700 322,100 303,900 349,800 314,700 297,200 303,000 382,000 417,100 438,400 357,600 382,300 433,100 339,600 333,300 400,900 348,600 100 392,600 485,800 334,700 365,000 339,400 325,500 344,500 302,100 298,900 314,800 322,000 322,000 339,300 273,300 426,600 449,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-539 02-201 2012 03-0347 06-1157 00-577 2010 2013 2010 IH-983 05-0807 07-0401 2010 2015GD#65 06-1159 2015gd#66 GD05-264 05-0808 2015 2009 00-741 2011 2011 08-0649 00-190 06-541 98-217 2011 2015 IH-987 07-0405 2014IH 04-651 2015 00-476 2009 2009 12,673,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.18-1-40 51.18-1-41 51.18-1-42 51.18-1-43 51.18-1-44 51.18-1-45 51.18-1-46 51.18-1-47 51.18-1-48 51.18-1-49 51.18-1-50 51.18-1-51 51.18-1-52 51.18-1-53 51.18-1-54 51.18-1-55 51.18-1-56 51.18-1-57 51.18-1-58 51.18-1-59 51.18-1-60 51.18-1-61 51.18-1-62 51.18-1-63 51.18-1-64 51.18-1-65 51.18-1-66 51.18-1-67 51.18-1-68 51.18-1-69 51.18-1-70 51.18-1-71 51.18-1-72 51.18-1-73 51.18-1-74 51.18-1-75 51.18-1-76 Chen, Ping Mendik, Sherry Zhang, Xiaoqiang Moser, Darren M. Scholz, Kathleen A. Sebben, Kimberly R. Miceli, Christopher M. Bieber, Carole Benavot, Aaron Brooks, Nicholas Fung, Gloria Choi Pin Musa, Muhammad Greco, Thomas P. Bhattacharya, Tiya La, Lisa T. McGinn, Michael H. Albanese, Rosamaria Ramos, Guillermo H. Vale At Normanskill Dowling, Mary P. Klein, Henry I. III. Ribner, Stephen A. Carr, Brian D. Rehder, Luis E. Labunski, Donald R. McGrath, Jeffery J. Rasani, Juzer Hanlon, Timothy P. Markson, Jeffrey F. Abramov, Anna McDonough, Stephen A. Cromwell-Mackey, Denyse M. Carrow, Anthony J. Scheiber, Stephen F. Martin, Derek S. Wray, Warren L. Jr. Nayak, Nityanand K. 375,700 477,200 260,100 303,900 343,800 304,500 355,300 340,900 323,800 323,000 261,800 292,900 452,100 439,500 332,300 314,300 333,500 332,900 2,000 318,600 317,100 361,200 425,200 322,400 343,300 344,800 304,000 342,700 265,200 351,700 284,000 353,600 275,900 361,500 347,300 375,900 324,100 75,100 95,400 52,000 60,800 68,800 60,900 71,100 68,200 64,800 74,300 52,400 58,600 90,400 87,900 66,500 62,900 66,700 66,600 2,000 63,700 63,400 72,200 85,000 64,500 68,700 69,000 60,800 68,500 53,000 70,300 56,800 70,700 55,200 72,300 69,500 75,200 64,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 12,188,000 Page 246 of 347 2,449,000 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 375,700 477,200 260,100 303,900 343,800 304,500 355,300 340,900 323,800 371,600 261,800 292,900 452,100 439,500 332,300 314,300 333,500 332,900 2,000 318,600 317,100 361,200 425,200 322,400 343,300 344,800 304,000 342,700 265,200 351,700 284,000 353,600 275,900 361,500 347,300 375,900 324,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 A 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 970 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 Account Nbr GD05-245 IH-989 IH-990 03-0349 2012SCAR 2013 GD11#8 03-227 2010 2015 IH-992 08-0701 08-0650 07-1110 2015 07-0407 00-590 IH-993 00-741 IH-994 IH-995 05-0457 2014 IH-997 GD2013#86 04-1501 IH-998 06-1163 04-1413 00-240 IH-999 06-127 2009 IH-1001 03-942 04-1174 06-128 12,236,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 51.18-1-77 51.18-1-78 51.18-1-79 51.18-1-80 51.18-1-81 51.18-1-82 51.18-1-83 51.18-1-84 51.18-2-1 51.18-2-2 51.18-2-3 51.18-2-4 51.18-2-5 51.18-2-6 51.18-2-7 51.18-2-8 51.18-2-9 51.18-2-10 51.18-2-11 51.18-2-12 51.18-2-13 51.18-2-14 51.18-2-15 51.18-2-16 51.18-2-17 51.18-2-18 51.18-2-19 51.18-2-20 51.18-2-21 51.18-2-22 51.18-2-23 51.18-2-24 51.18-2-25 51.18-2-26 51.18-2-27 51.18-2-28 51.18-2-29 Xiong, Zhechao Yousef, Khaled A. German, John W. Vale At Normanskill Vale At Normanskill Vale At Normanskill Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Thomas, David LeMaster, David Michael Martin, Steven F. DAmelia, Gerald D. Lange, Josef F. Dempsey, John C. Cheung, Heung-Ling Crupi, Dominic A. Jr. Swartz, William H. III. Moon, Brian Venkatraman, Sripathy Wang, Junli Mathioudakis, Michael Shvachuk, Ivan Fredericks, Peter J. Hart, Eileen T. Day, Patrick T. Grasso, Robert J. Park, John Zajac, Robert J. Salahudeen, Shiju M. Palmiotto, Thomas J. Ramesh, Nirmala Lamb, John Richard, John M. Maybee, Michael J. Rosen, Diane M. Vale At Normanskill Vale At Normanskill 342,700 355,000 444,400 100 10,000 10,000 100 7,000 362,000 351,900 302,300 313,900 318,400 287,500 300,400 359,200 267,400 395,000 361,400 352,400 377,300 414,300 384,000 361,400 349,100 368,900 341,500 342,500 298,100 348,000 373,100 362,400 382,400 445,400 332,200 2,000 1,000 68,500 71,000 88,900 100 10,000 10,000 100 7,000 76,100 70,400 60,500 62,800 63,700 57,500 60,100 71,800 53,500 83,100 72,300 70,500 75,500 82,860 76,800 72,300 69,800 73,800 68,300 68,500 59,600 69,600 74,600 72,500 76,500 89,100 66,500 2,000 1,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,624,700 Page 247 of 347 2,157,160 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 342,700 355,000 444,400 100 10,000 10,000 100 7,000 380,300 351,900 302,300 313,900 318,400 287,500 300,400 359,200 267,400 395,000 361,400 352,400 377,300 414,300 384,000 361,400 349,100 368,900 341,500 342,500 298,100 348,000 373,100 362,400 382,400 445,400 332,200 2,000 1,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 970 970 970 970 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-1003 2012 05-1185 00-741 03-1402 00-741 99-1409 99-1410 2015gd#25 01-865 01-866 02-817 2014 GD05-342 01-863 IH-1005 2011 GD11#76 2012 2010 00-592 2014SC#50 GD2012#84 01-1005 GD2012#34 2013 2012 06-1165 2014 IH-1007 2012 06-542 2014 06-946 2014 00-741 05-0659 10,643,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 51.19-1-1 51.19-1-2 51.19-1-3 51.19-1-4 51.19-1-5 51.19-1-6 51.19-1-7 51.19-1-8 51.19-1-9 51.19-1-10 51.19-1-11 51.19-1-12 51.19-1-13 51.19-1-14 51.19-1-15 51.19-1-16 51.19-1-17 51.19-1-18 51.19-1-19 51.19-1-20 51.19-1-21 51.19-1-22 51.19-1-23.1 51.19-1-24 51.19-1-25 51.19-1-26 51.19-1-27 51.19-1-28 51.19-1-30 51.19-1-31 51.19-1-32 51.19-1-33 51.19-1-34 51.19-1-35 51.19-1-36 51.19-1-37 51.19-1-38 King, Joshua Capobianco, John J. Jr. Bentwood III Land Corp Ingolfsdottir, Dora B. Foland, Peter D. Owens, Timothy R. Shanley, Lyn B. Lia, Michael Larner, Eric M. Metzger, Jan B. Afroze, Farzana Tannenbaum, Scott I. Fruiterman, Mark L. Rabovskiy, Gennadiy Bombardier, Christopher R. Dinkels, Michael J. Reddy, Shashidhar C. Shawky, Hany A. Dobriko, Lynn M. Sosnovsky, Yevgeny Greenstein, Neal S. Castellana, Michael J. Vallabhaneni, Praveen C. Ratner, Lee M. Feinman, Jeffrey L. Levy, Jeffrey M. Schrom, Michael M D. Edwards, Niloo M. Leichman, Leslee E. Lia, Vincent Runko, James M. Love, John F. Siskin, Robin E. Barnes, Charles T. Bentwood III Land Corp Bentwood III Land Corp Bentwood III Land Corp Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 605,000 528,600 122,000 753,700 675,000 699,000 555,500 1,082,600 461,000 476,300 505,000 748,500 489,100 622,600 473,800 706,900 778,700 638,700 580,000 545,000 524,600 678,600 515,100 471,600 505,400 646,700 492,000 865,400 631,600 1,175,400 530,000 677,300 821,000 557,200 106,400 99,600 116,000 121,000 105,700 122,000 150,700 135,000 139,800 111,100 158,000 106,600 95,300 101,000 149,700 97,800 124,500 94,800 125,000 155,700 127,700 125,100 109,000 104,900 139,900 98,900 95,700 101,100 129,300 98,400 173,100 126,300 236,600 106,000 135,500 164,200 111,400 106,400 99,600 116,000 21,460,900 Page 248 of 347 4,598,800 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 605,000 528,600 122,000 753,700 675,000 699,000 555,500 1,082,600 461,000 476,300 505,000 748,500 489,100 622,600 473,800 625,000 778,700 638,700 580,000 545,000 524,600 678,600 515,100 478,500 505,400 646,700 492,000 865,400 631,600 1,175,400 530,000 677,300 821,000 557,200 106,400 99,600 116,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015GD#67 IH-1010 95-1399 08-0134 2011 2014 02-1283 2015gd#68 GD11#84 00-483 2015 GD05-49 2010 06-544 08-0030 2015IH 96-861 IH-1013 GD09#80 2014SC#14 GD2013#77 2014 2014 2015 2014IH IH-1017 97-852 2012 GD2012#76 2015 2015 2015gd#28 2012SCAR 05-1015 2009 00-1401 00-1401 21,385,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Parcel Id 51.19-1-39.1 51.19-1-39.2 51.19-1-40 51.19-1-41 51.19-1-42 51.19-1-43 * 51.19-1-44 51.19-1-45 51.19-1-46 51.19-1-47 51.19-1-48 51.19-1-49 51.19-1-50 51.19-1-51 51.19-1-52 51.19-1-53 51.19-1-54 51.19-1-55 51.19-1-56 51.19-1-57 51.19-1-58.1 51.19-1-58.2 51.19-1-58.3 52.01-1-4.1 52.01-1-4.2 52.01-1-4.3 52.01-1-4.4 52.01-1-4.5 52.01-1-4.6 52.01-1-4.7 52.01-1-4.8 52.01-1-5 52.01-3-3 52.01-3-4.1 52.01-3-4.2 52.01-3-5.1 52.01-3-5.2 Page Totals Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name Bentwood III Land Corp Bentwood III Land Corp Phillips, Mark V. Bella Home Builders Inc Tortorella, Peter Mahatme, Arvind Mahatme, Arvind Bentwood III Land Corp Bella Home Builders Inc Burke, Thomas F. Esmay, Timothy R. Madeksza, Matthew R. Lomaestro, Benvenuto M. Burman, Norman I. Bentwood III Land Corp Scher, Mark S. Tenuta, Joachim Simidian, Linda C. Larner, Sara Lee Engelstein, Martin S. Prescott Woods Homeowners Guilderland Town Of Prescott Woods Homeowners Crossgates Mall General PCC NewCo LLC Crossgates Mall General Crossgates Mall General Crossgates Mall General Crossgates Mall Company LP Crossgates Mall General Crossgates Mall Devco LLC Pyramid Crossgates Co Crossgates Mall Company LP Crossgates Mall Company LP Crossgates Mall Company LP Crossgates Mall Company LP Guilderland Town of Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 104,400 125,400 600,100 112,700 98,800 117,800 125,000 96,400 100,000 681,300 715,900 640,500 565,000 552,700 108,400 790,000 707,000 635,100 662,400 639,040 24,700 1,200 10,000 111,579,800 4,204,500 16,793,103 91,904,597 5,227,800 11,500,000 14,900,000 104,400 125,400 126,200 121,800 129,700 169,800 125,000 96,400 100,000 136,300 143,200 128,100 113,000 110,500 108,400 158,000 141,400 127,000 132,480 151,800 5,200 1,200 10,000 11,550,000 2,940,000 2,770,000 8,269,500 2,280,000 4,200,000 1,750,000 180,500 88,206 25,000 97,300 66,500 344,800 5,000 88,206 25,000 97,300 66,500 344,800 5,000 36 264,825,446 Page 249 of 347 37,007,086 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 104,400 125,400 630,900 365,300 454,000 169,800 125,000 96,400 100,000 681,300 715,900 640,500 565,000 552,700 108,400 790,000 707,000 635,100 662,400 639,040 24,700 1,200 10,000 111,579,800 4,204,500 16,793,103 91,724,097 5,227,800 11,500,000 14,900,000 1,900,400 88,206 25,000 97,300 66,500 344,800 5,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 1 311 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 311 1 311 1 311 1 210 1 210 A 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 970 A 1 970 8 970 A 1 451 1 453 1 451 1 451 1 451 1 451 1 512 1 451 1 330 1 330 1 330 1 311 1 330 1 822 8 Account Nbr 00-1401 00-1401 2015 2015 2015 2015s/m#5 2015s/m#5 00-1400 2014 08-0651 2015 2010 SC30-05 04-851 00-1399 2010 2012 06-1171 2013SC#41 2015 06-1415 04-1342 06-1415 2014 2014 2013 2015s/m#9 2014 2009 2013 2015s/m#9 85-238 2013 2013 2013 2013 99-1312 267,235,946 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.03-1-1 52.03-1-2 52.03-1-3 52.03-1-4 52.03-1-5 52.03-1-6 52.03-1-7 52.03-1-8 52.03-1-9 52.03-1-10 52.03-1-11 52.03-1-12.1 52.03-1-12.2 52.03-1-13 52.03-1-14.1 52.03-1-14.2 52.03-1-15 52.03-1-16 52.03-1-17 52.03-1-18 52.03-1-19 52.03-1-20 52.03-1-21.1 52.03-1-21.21 52.03-1-21.22 52.03-1-21.23 52.03-1-21.24 52.03-1-21.25 52.03-1-21.26 52.03-1-22 52.03-1-23 52.03-1-24 52.03-1-25 52.03-1-26 52.03-1-27 52.03-1-28 52.03-1-29 Decker, Thomas A. Biggs, Sara K. Jurena, Michael Sarma, Ramaswamy Kavanaugh, James E. Hall, Michael L. Soldevere, Michael A. Jacksina, Thomas A. Mannarino, Louis Szumigata, John E. Vemula, Raghava Oxford Heights LLC Barent Winnie LLC Oxford Heights LLC Falati, Shahrokh Ji, Lily W. Satalino Irrevo Tr U/A 8/21/08, Virginia C. Lanza, Anthony C. DiLillo, Peter J. Vo, Tuan Anh Smith, Andrew J. Taber, Randal E. Livingston, George Briarwood Capital Group LLC Briarwood Capital Group LLC Briarwood Capital Group LLC Briarwood Capital Group LLC Nettina, David Briarwood Capital Group LLC Hostetter, Jay Satalino, Richard M. Danaj, Niko Rustic, Village Scolaro, Bradford T. Blendell, Karl A. DeLucia, Christopher Satalino Irrevo Tr U/A 8/21/08, Virginia C. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 325,000 277,300 317,200 389,600 258,200 320,800 259,000 313,000 313,000 243,900 258,700 4,685,700 5,000 4,902,800 315,600 419,500 161,800 238,500 350,000 238,300 132,200 136,500 226,300 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 367,700 10,000 187,300 141,800 59,000 2,214,500 154,500 163,700 169,900 15,000 65,000 55,500 63,400 72,700 51,600 64,200 51,800 62,600 62,600 48,800 51,700 1,158,000 5,000 1,210,300 63,100 83,900 32,400 47,700 70,000 47,700 26,400 27,300 45,300 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 73,400 10,000 37,500 28,400 59,000 561,400 30,900 32,700 34,000 15,000 18,611,300 Page 250 of 347 4,389,300 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 325,000 277,300 317,200 389,600 258,200 320,800 259,000 313,000 313,000 243,900 258,700 4,823,500 5,000 4,902,800 315,600 419,500 161,800 238,500 350,000 238,300 132,200 136,500 226,300 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 367,700 10,000 187,300 141,800 59,000 2,214,500 154,500 163,700 169,900 15,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 411 310 411 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 280 311 311 311 311 210 970 210 210 311 411 220 210 220 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-947 04-712 06-702 2013 02-322 02-323 95-776 04-1176 91-973 08-0725 88-392 2015 2012 99-482 2014SC#144 2010 IH-1020 05-0460 08-1212 2009 2014 92-514 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 04-1503 73-588 2014IH 96-1141 06-546 2010 2013 2010 18,749,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.03-2-2.11 52.03-2-2.12 52.03-2-2.13 52.03-2-2.14 52.03-2-3.1 52.03-2-3.21 52.03-2-3.22 52.03-2-4 52.03-2-5 52.03-2-6 52.03-2-7 52.03-2-8 52.03-2-9.1 52.03-2-9.2 52.03-2-10 52.03-2-11 52.03-2-12.1 52.03-2-12.2 52.03-2-13 52.03-2-14 52.03-2-15 52.03-2-16 52.03-2-17.1 52.03-2-17.2 52.03-2-18 52.03-2-19.1 52.03-2-19.2 52.03-2-20 52.03-2-21.1 52.03-2-21.2 52.03-2-22.2 52.03-2-22.11 52.03-2-22.12 52.03-2-23 52.03-2-24 52.03-3-2.1 52.03-3-2.2 Zen, Qin Rizzo, Joseph A. Teague, William W. Barlin, Joanne N. Johnston, Marilyn Bossone, Michael A. Cataldo, Joseph McLean, Jessica B. Riitano, Joseph Andres, William E. Jr. Guilderland Central Crosstree Corp Webber, Edward A. Webber, Edward A. Webber, Helene K. Webber, Helene K. Webber, David R. Webber, David R. Govel, Thomas Roth, Marc E. Cameron, David A & Patricia L Rivers, Barbara Shealy, Benadine Bowen, Rosalind Lutz, Dina C. Graves, Denise J. Morrison, Ronald Smith, Jane A. Smith, Jane A. Stealey, Donald R. Smith, Eric McLauchlin, Jeffrey C. Smith, Eric Santaniello, Frank George, Jared A. Canterbury Park Bousbouras, Emile Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 342,400 348,500 449,300 253,800 158,600 269,000 33,750 167,400 597,500 118,600 2,860,000 86,000 108,900 214,900 112,100 33,800 107,900 238,000 168,700 113,000 132,400 117,800 149,100 161,200 116,900 199,500 189,000 148,000 58,800 197,500 225,200 238,800 31,300 191,200 164,300 2,500 134,300 68,500 69,700 89,900 50,800 31,700 53,800 60,600 33,500 76,000 23,700 290,200 86,000 21,800 43,000 22,400 33,800 21,600 47,600 33,700 22,600 26,500 23,600 29,800 32,200 23,400 39,900 37,800 29,600 58,800 39,500 45,000 47,800 31,300 38,200 32,900 2,500 26,900 9,239,950 Page 251 of 347 1,746,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 342,400 348,500 449,300 253,800 158,600 269,000 302,800 167,400 567,500 118,600 2,860,000 86,000 108,900 214,900 112,100 33,800 107,900 238,000 168,700 113,000 132,400 117,800 149,100 161,200 116,900 199,500 189,000 148,000 58,800 197,500 225,200 238,800 31,300 191,200 164,300 2,500 134,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 240 1 210 1 612 8 311 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 281 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 220 1 220 1 970 A 1 210 1 Account Nbr 2012 2012 06-1279 2015 04-1336 2015 2015 2015 2015gd#38 2015 95-1273 94-591 06-256 02-827 99-751 89-1346 06-257 94-1365 07-0433 90-531 2011 2013 04-333 2010 98-692 01-1106 06-1280 2015 2015 96-1015 98-790 2011 94-1029 04-594 2013 85-683 05-1266 9,479,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.03-3-3 52.03-3-4 52.03-3-5 52.03-3-6 52.03-3-7 52.03-3-8 52.03-3-9 52.03-3-10 52.03-3-11 52.03-3-12 52.03-3-13 52.03-3-14 52.03-3-15 52.03-3-16 52.03-3-17 52.03-3-18.1 52.03-3-18.2 52.03-3-18.3 52.03-3-18.4 52.03-3-19.1 52.03-3-19.2 52.04-2-1 52.04-2-3 52.04-2-4 52.04-2-5 52.04-2-6 52.04-2-7 52.04-2-8 52.04-2-8./1 52.04-2-9 52.04-2-10 52.04-2-11 52.04-2-12 52.04-3-1 52.04-3-2 52.04-3-3 52.04-3-4.1 Helstowski, Thomas Sun, Johnathan Laraway, Peter A. Becker, Thomas A. Hunt, Matthew J. Canterbury Park Kiosse, Hussein H. Passineau, Michael Shortsleeve, Evelyn Lawler, David Kvinlaug, Martin Ratta, Henry F. Westville Associates Gray, Robert C & Shirley A Fink, Carl Fink, Carl R. Fink, Carl R. Peterson, Louis D. Fink, Carl R. Marsh, Kyle E. Mattoon, Aaron Stuyvesant Plaza Inc NiMo dba National Grid Guilderland Town of Stuyvesant Plaza Inc Fifteen Twenty Nine Western LLC. Reeves Associates Inc Stuyvesant Plaza Inc Stuyvesant Plaza Inc Stuyvesant Plaza Inc Stuyvesant Plaza Inc Stuyvesant Plaza Inc Stuyvesant Plaza Inc New York State Albany Collegiate Inter Holt-Harris, Susan Elizabeth Holt-Harris, Susan Elizabeth Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62,000 160,400 117,900 254,100 147,800 2,500 126,500 126,200 116,500 135,900 127,500 141,800 6,798,000 128,800 5,100 122,800 188,100 172,300 2,500 139,800 214,900 17,419,600 261,600 225,000 902,300 346,100 336,200 24,880,800 725,000 108,800 76,400 2,212,400 4,103,500 71,930,000 310,000 266,900 331,000 12,400 32,100 23,600 50,800 29,600 2,500 25,300 25,200 23,300 27,200 25,500 28,400 1,977,600 25,800 5,100 24,600 37,600 34,500 2,500 28,000 43,000 2,101,200 261,600 60,600 185,400 92,700 92,700 4,148,900 74,100 108,800 76,400 278,100 618,000 14,387,700 42,000 53,400 66,200 133,727,000 Page 252 of 347 25,132,400 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 62,000 160,400 117,900 254,100 147,800 2,500 126,500 126,200 116,500 135,900 127,500 141,800 6,798,000 128,800 5,100 122,800 188,100 172,300 2,500 139,800 214,900 17,419,600 261,600 225,000 902,300 346,100 336,200 24,880,800 725,000 108,800 76,400 2,212,400 4,103,500 71,930,000 310,000 266,900 331,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 1 210 1 210 1 220 1 210 1 970 A 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 411 1 210 1 311 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 210 1 210 1 464 1 380 6 822 8 464 1 464 1 464 1 451 1 421 1 330 1 330 1 464 1 464 1 613 8 620 8 210 1 210 1 Account Nbr IH-1024 2010 08-0923 04-1177 2011 04-1303 03-1248 99-753 04-443 04-597 75-499 94-587 2013 08-0113 97-301 03-0503 2013 IH-1025 97-1086 2013 08-1069 2015gd#82 07-1211 08-0283 2010 2013 2013IH 2015 2014 IH-1027 2010 2012 2012 79-03 2015 GD11#94b GD11#94a 133,727,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.04-3-4.2 52.04-3-5 52.05-1-1 52.05-1-2 52.05-1-3 52.05-1-4 52.05-1-5 52.05-1-6 52.05-1-7 52.05-1-8 52.05-1-9 52.05-1-10 52.05-1-11 52.05-1-12 52.05-1-13 52.05-1-14 52.05-1-15 52.05-1-16 52.05-1-17 52.05-1-18 52.05-1-19 52.05-1-20 52.05-1-21 52.05-1-22 52.05-1-23 52.05-1-24 52.05-1-25 52.05-1-26 52.05-1-27 52.05-1-28 52.05-1-29 52.05-1-30 52.05-1-31 52.05-1-32 52.05-1-33 52.05-1-34 52.05-2-1 Holt-Harris, John E. III. New York State Coons, Timothy J. Barringer, Mary K. Knoll, Linda Jean Desjardins, Paul E. Jr. Center For Disability Honnick, James R. Stoecklin, William Risko, Jason Purtell, John P. Mabin, Louise A. Conklin, Robert W. Meddleton, James J. Noyse, Michael W. Malette, Kenneth E. Nelson, Barry L. Pike, Stanley F. Liscio, Theresa Fay, Joseph Jr. Leikhim, Lois M. Banuls, Raymond I & Dolores M. Dorato Holdings Inc Ecker, Vaughn M. Palmesano, David M. Kowalik, Martha G. Oringel, Susan E. Meunier, Tamara L. Mooney, Daniel J. Smarro, David S. Dorato, Michael J. Skoney, David J. Damon, Delwin H. Fuller, Sandra Z. Box, Kevin J. Krekeler, Paul Moran, Patrick 194,400 190,300 132,500 159,000 143,300 155,800 371,400 131,700 163,100 159,800 142,900 137,300 135,100 145,800 137,700 152,600 146,100 139,100 136,600 134,000 133,800 141,800 152,500 146,800 147,700 156,200 181,900 131,800 133,800 211,700 204,800 149,500 140,800 133,800 158,100 172,500 136,800 38,900 38,100 26,500 31,800 28,700 31,200 94,000 26,300 32,600 32,000 28,600 27,500 27,000 29,200 27,500 30,500 29,200 27,800 27,300 26,800 26,800 28,400 30,500 29,400 29,500 31,200 36,400 26,400 26,800 42,300 41,000 29,900 28,200 26,800 31,600 34,500 27,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,842,800 Page 253 of 347 1,188,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 194,400 190,300 132,500 159,000 143,300 155,800 470,100 131,700 163,100 159,800 142,900 137,300 135,100 145,800 137,700 152,600 146,100 139,100 136,600 134,000 133,800 141,800 152,500 146,800 147,700 156,200 181,900 131,800 133,800 211,700 204,800 149,500 140,800 133,800 158,100 172,500 136,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 614 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 8 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-504 88-1420 2015 08-0980 99-1112 2013 2015 76-205 2011 2013 01-1006 86-399 06-1283 96-326 87-1271 04-853 93-232 05-0462 79-100 02-1134 76-205 01-1035 2014 08-1012 2012 08-1013 07-0932 2013 IH-1030 06-1255 2015 99-1667 IH-1031 2015 2009 08-0203 5,941,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.05-2-2 52.05-2-3 52.05-2-4 52.05-2-5 52.05-2-6 52.05-2-7 52.05-2-8 52.05-2-9 52.05-2-10 52.05-2-11 52.05-2-12 52.05-2-13 52.05-2-14 52.05-2-15 52.05-2-16 52.05-2-17 52.05-2-18 52.05-2-19 52.05-2-20 52.05-2-21 52.05-2-22 52.05-2-23 52.05-2-24 52.05-2-25 52.05-2-26 52.05-2-27 52.05-2-28 52.05-2-29 52.05-2-30 52.05-2-31 52.05-2-32 52.05-2-33 52.05-2-34 52.05-2-35 52.05-3-1 52.05-3-2 52.05-3-3 Cochran, John Knightes, Donald V. Early, William P. Silver Walter R & Maxine H Wideman, Nancy E. Watt, Jerome Mateo, John Galka, Philip M. Morgan, Robert Wells, Kenneth F. Box, James D. Kelley, Brian Brown, James E. Rourke, Thomas J. III. Frank, Gerda Cathy Chambers, John J. Scharoun, William M. Edmunds, Leo K. Blaauboer, Mark D. Jorgensen, James A. Geary, Michele M. Rowe, Lee Lee, Robert Ayers, Andrew B. Wells Fargo Bank NA Mennito, Nancy F. Jablonowski, Michael E. Irwin, Ryan Gillespie, Allan H Sabatini, Christopher J. Claus, Mary Louise Burns, Patsy M. Grey, George F. III. Grey, George F. III. Downey, Peter J. Sanderson, Renee Puma, Jean M. 189,300 165,800 147,200 190,500 200,800 135,600 131,000 138,200 133,200 163,400 219,800 135,000 145,800 166,800 142,600 141,300 131,000 158,400 169,100 171,300 128,800 205,500 162,600 135,500 137,900 135,000 135,000 168,600 141,600 150,500 106,400 153,700 24,800 162,000 162,200 139,900 136,800 37,900 33,200 29,400 38,100 40,200 27,100 26,200 27,600 26,600 32,700 44,000 27,000 29,200 33,400 28,500 28,300 26,200 31,700 33,800 34,300 25,800 41,100 32,500 27,100 27,600 27,000 27,000 33,700 28,300 30,100 21,300 30,700 24,800 32,400 32,400 28,000 27,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,562,900 Page 254 of 347 1,132,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 189,300 165,800 147,200 190,500 200,800 135,600 131,000 138,200 133,200 163,400 219,800 135,000 145,800 166,800 142,600 141,300 131,000 158,400 169,100 171,300 128,800 205,500 162,600 135,500 137,900 135,000 135,000 168,600 141,600 150,500 106,400 153,700 24,800 162,000 162,200 139,900 136,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-1284 04-854 2013 05-0463 2013 2015 01-490 91-448 06-548 05-0822 08-1014 2014 2012 95-294 92-89 2010 99-351 05-1055 90-689 07-0934 2011 GD05-447 2014 08-0012 02-96 74-494 03-0088 2013 04-1504 04-855 97-71 04-307 77-064 04-1020 06-1285 2013 2015 5,562,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.05-3-4.1 52.05-3-4.2 52.05-3-5 52.05-3-6 52.05-3-7 52.05-3-8.1 52.05-3-8.2 52.05-3-9.1 52.05-3-9.21 52.05-3-9.22 52.05-3-9.23 52.05-3-9.24 52.05-3-10 52.05-3-11 52.05-3-12 52.05-4-1 52.05-4-2 52.05-4-3 52.05-4-4 52.05-4-5 52.05-4-6 52.05-4-7 52.05-4-8 52.05-4-9 52.05-4-10 52.05-4-11 52.05-4-12 52.05-4-13 52.05-4-14 52.05-4-15 52.05-4-16 52.05-4-17 52.05-4-18 52.05-4-19 52.05-4-20 52.05-4-21 52.05-4-22 Losee, Sandra Sengupta, Bhaskar Harvey, Charles R. McCarthy, Patrick W. LaMountain, Theodore R. Meyer, Vernon P. Mattice, Brian E. Zanella, Melissa Horan, William F. Randio, Frank P. Cocco, Sandra A. Wesoloski, Stephen Sommers, William Ralph Martin, Mark Martin, Mark Ledermann, Edward R. Roma-Hernandez, Mauricio Mainville, Lisa Parmerter, Brad M. Hart, Joseph L. Tornatore, Louise M. Nidzgorski, Jean A. Doris, Craig Rudolph, Kenneth W. Eckhardt, Kristina M. Bonfield, Irwin Zautner, Deron Cohen, Michele D. Rizzo, Ann Leonard, Janis A. Berlin, Elizabeth Dolores Marte, Kisori Miller, Elizabeth A. Metzger, Imek R. Desmond, Linda B. Allegra, Joseph Li, Rui 143,400 264,300 139,700 136,300 155,700 242,700 177,500 128,500 167,000 165,600 165,600 172,000 134,800 217,300 10,000 253,000 154,600 172,900 167,400 126,200 122,300 126,300 122,300 122,300 123,200 126,200 121,300 119,800 124,400 119,800 124,000 122,500 126,200 124,000 126,200 126,200 126,200 28,700 52,900 27,900 27,300 31,100 109,500 35,500 25,700 33,400 33,100 33,100 34,400 27,000 43,500 10,000 50,600 30,900 34,600 33,500 25,200 24,500 25,300 24,500 24,500 24,600 25,200 24,300 24,000 24,900 24,000 24,800 24,500 25,200 24,800 25,200 25,200 25,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,397,700 Page 255 of 347 1,148,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 143,400 264,300 139,700 136,300 155,700 242,700 177,500 128,500 167,000 165,600 165,600 172,000 134,800 217,300 10,000 253,000 154,600 172,900 167,400 126,200 122,300 126,300 122,300 122,300 123,200 126,200 121,300 119,800 124,400 119,800 124,000 122,500 126,200 124,000 126,200 126,200 126,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 240 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2012 72-352 03-0230 2013 97-69 92-410 2012 96-329 88-416 2013 2010 85-729 2010 IH-1035 2015 98GD 07-0439 03-508 99-352 84-610 97-1145 2010 2014 2014 GD11vs 07-0440 08-0404 05-0470 05-1189 2013 08-0405 86-857 00-1353 97-1191 06-550 2015 5,397,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.05-4-23 52.05-4-24 52.05-4-25 52.05-4-26 52.05-4-27 52.05-4-28 52.05-4-29 52.05-4-30 52.05-4-31 52.05-4-32 52.05-4-33 52.05-4-34 52.05-4-35 52.05-4-36 52.05-4-37 52.05-4-38 52.05-4-39 52.05-4-40 52.05-4-41 52.05-4-42 52.05-4-43 52.05-4-44 52.05-4-45 52.05-4-46 52.05-4-47 52.05-4-48 52.05-4-49 52.05-4-50 52.05-4-51 52.05-4-52 52.05-4-53 52.05-4-54 52.05-4-55 52.05-4-56 52.05-4-57 52.05-4-58 52.05-4-59 DiBernardo, Angela Cole, Sandra E. Hwang, Wookwan Nelligan, John Bleiweiss, Rosemarie M. Hildebrand, Martin V. Vellano, John P. Friello, David McCabe, Brian Beadnell, Timothy J. Lloyd, Derek John Nunamacher, Cheryl L. Sutherland, Catherine A. Hadersbeck, Joseph E. Jones, Ryan C. Wilkins, Pershia M. Pierce, Robert J. Sr. Howard, Peter I. Kenton, Beverly J. Feck, Blanche M. Barber, Christine M. Berko, Roberta Baumgardner, Dennis Dolen, Richard G. Bagnoli, Kathleen P. Stah, Jennifer J. Long, Patricia A. Verch, Sharon A. Landy, Emilio F. Landy, Emilio F. May, Deborah C. Cascone, Tina Marie Lavarnway, Michael A. Neubauer, Lucy Mastandrea, Frank J. Wilder, Naomi N. Vellano, John P. 124,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 126,200 126,200 124,000 126,200 126,200 124,000 126,200 126,200 124,000 126,900 124,200 126,200 121,300 126,200 124,000 124,000 126,200 124,000 126,200 124,000 124,100 124,000 126,200 124,000 126,200 124,200 124,000 124,300 121,300 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,800 25,200 25,200 24,800 25,200 25,200 24,800 25,200 25,200 24,800 25,400 24,800 25,200 24,300 25,200 24,800 24,800 25,200 24,800 25,200 24,800 24,800 24,800 25,200 24,800 25,200 24,800 24,800 24,900 24,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,612,700 Page 256 of 347 922,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 124,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 126,200 126,200 124,000 126,200 126,200 124,000 126,200 126,200 124,000 126,900 124,200 126,200 121,300 126,200 124,000 124,000 126,200 124,000 126,200 124,000 124,100 124,000 126,200 124,000 126,200 124,200 124,000 124,300 121,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 97-1229 2014 2011 05-0471 97-1196 98-696 2011 2010 05-220 2013 2015 06-952 2014 91-164 2009 08-0322 95-818 08-0548 97-1201 2015 2011 01-492 04-310 2013 GD05-324 88-1303 IH-1037 97-1206 08-0949 86-861 2010 08-0051 98-698 2012 97-1211 2012 86-870 4,612,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.05-4-60 52.05-4-61 52.05-4-62 52.05-4-63 52.05-4-64 52.05-4-65 52.09-1-1.1 52.09-1-2 52.09-1-4 52.09-1-5 52.09-1-6 52.09-1-7 52.09-1-8 52.09-1-9 52.09-1-11 52.09-1-12 52.09-1-13 52.09-1-14 52.09-1-15 52.09-1-16 52.09-1-17 52.09-1-18 52.09-1-19 52.09-1-20 52.09-1-24.11 52.09-1-24.12 52.09-1-25 52.09-1-26 52.09-1-27 52.09-1-28 52.09-1-29 52.09-1-30 52.09-1-31 52.09-1-32 52.09-1-33.2 52.09-1-34 52.09-1-35 Pfleiderer, Glen Martin, Carl G. Andres, Bruce Roush, Arlene M. Hazelton-Hardy, Kristin Tesch, Glen A. Kurtz, Penny Anne Jones, Frederick L. Johnson, Brigitte H. Lucarelli, John Warner, Mary Louise Fader, Sanford E. Prior, Agnes Hitzmann, Linda J. Morales, Patricia A. Yakey, Stephen C. Myers, Douglas Vellano, Kelly R. Buckley, Justine E. Karius, Dennis W. Levine, Abbe M. McCann, Elaine K. McCormick, Dennis M. McCormick, Dennis M. McCormick, Lorie E. Delligan, Iris Trinidad, Maria L. Reinhold, James C. Sikule, Carolyn Hallenbeck, Joseph R. Lasch, Michael J. McCarthy, Francis W. Jr. Knaggs, Christina M. Eckhardt, Richard M. Hubbard, Jermaine Lu, Zhi Min Trimarchi, Antonio 124,000 124,000 123,800 119,800 124,200 118,000 166,500 111,500 124,400 141,600 160,700 203,500 138,800 116,400 125,500 97,500 154,300 118,700 152,500 109,900 120,000 97,900 156,800 16,700 16,700 112,700 117,500 122,700 122,900 130,700 124,900 85,900 119,500 142,600 165,100 222,500 123,600 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,000 24,800 23,600 33,300 22,300 24,900 28,300 32,100 40,700 27,800 23,300 25,100 19,500 30,900 23,700 30,500 22,000 24,000 19,600 31,400 16,700 16,700 22,500 23,500 24,500 24,600 26,100 25,000 17,200 23,900 28,500 33,000 51,500 51,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,654,300 Page 257 of 347 991,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 124,000 124,000 123,800 119,800 124,200 118,000 166,500 111,500 124,400 141,600 160,700 203,500 138,800 116,400 125,500 97,500 154,300 118,700 152,500 109,900 120,000 97,900 156,800 16,700 16,700 112,700 117,500 122,700 122,900 130,700 124,900 85,900 119,500 142,600 165,100 222,500 123,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 311 311 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 480 484 A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 03-0598 02-1035 86-872 2010 IH-1038 2011 2011 87-442 2015gd#70 2012 2012 96-98 2013 06-138 97-531 05-0473 2013 2015 84-221 2012 2015 78-734 78-734 2014 2015 07-1114 2009 86-25 2014 95-236 SC27-05 07-1115 94-470 03-0231 2012 07-0442 4,654,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.09-1-36 52.09-1-37 52.09-1-38 52.09-1-39 52.09-1-40 52.09-2-1 52.09-2-2 52.09-2-3 52.09-2-4 52.09-2-5 52.09-2-6 52.09-2-7 52.09-2-9 52.09-2-10 52.09-2-11 52.09-2-12 52.09-2-13 52.09-2-14 52.09-2-15 52.09-2-16 52.09-2-17 52.09-2-18 52.09-2-19 52.09-2-20 52.09-2-21 52.09-2-22 52.09-2-23 52.09-2-24 52.09-2-25 52.09-2-26 52.09-2-27 52.09-2-28 52.09-2-29 52.09-2-30 52.09-2-31 52.09-2-32 52.09-2-33 Aiossa, Peter L. Smith, Robert P. Petko, Steven J. Sellingham LLC The Western Ave Properties LLC OHehir, David Pariseau, Scott Weber, Mark H. Tawfik, Bassem Hosny Koster, Christine Looby, Brian J. Birdsall, Amelia Ryan, Alan Scott Camp, David A. Hitzmann Trust Under Will of, William C. Wood, Ellen L. Loudonville Home For Mandigo, Richard C. Laing, George E. Murphy, Erin A. Chen, Bi Fang Dorato, Ellen M. Bonitz, David F. Bonitz, David F. McKay, Debra M. Phillips, Robert Bornt, James A. Wolfe, Charles F. Jr. Senecal, James J. Fischer, Linda J. Morrison, Thomas J. Clum, Douglas H. Senecal, Jane Westervelt, Charles P. Stewarts Shops Corp Walsh, Christopher R. Konopka, Carl 111,200 173,000 162,200 180,000 0 197,800 163,700 120,700 168,700 128,500 35,700 110,200 123,700 107,900 124,900 120,500 515,000 127,200 127,300 124,900 126,600 129,900 26,600 141,800 127,800 120,900 139,400 133,500 112,200 120,900 138,300 152,500 126,300 116,600 197,800 195,700 124,100 41,200 46,400 32,400 40,000 0 39,600 32,700 24,100 33,700 25,700 7,100 22,000 24,700 21,600 25,000 24,100 113,300 25,400 25,500 25,000 25,300 26,000 18,300 28,400 25,600 24,200 27,900 26,700 22,400 24,200 27,700 30,500 25,300 23,300 46,400 51,500 24,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,154,000 Page 258 of 347 1,108,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 111,200 173,000 162,200 180,000 0 197,800 163,700 120,700 168,700 128,500 35,700 110,200 123,700 107,900 124,900 120,500 515,000 127,200 127,300 124,900 126,600 129,900 26,600 141,800 127,800 120,900 139,400 133,500 112,200 120,900 138,300 152,500 126,300 116,600 197,800 195,700 124,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 483 483 210 483 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 633 210 210 210 220 210 312 281 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 423 483 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 93-1268 00-948 05-0474 06-552 00-516 2014 07-871 07-1116 2014 02-1291 2013 2010 2010 96-225 01-343 90-333 00-754 89-333 94-471 03-0232 2013 2015 IH-1043A IH-1043 2012 93-903 98-703 90-414 00-1355 2014 89-9171 2010 74-492 2010 2012 03-0233 2010 5,154,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.09-2-34 52.09-2-35 52.09-2-36 52.09-2-37 52.09-2-38 52.09-2-39 52.09-2-40 52.09-2-41 52.09-2-42 52.09-2-43 52.09-2-44 52.09-3-1 52.09-3-2 52.09-3-3 52.09-3-4 52.09-3-5 52.09-3-6 52.09-3-7 52.09-3-8 52.09-3-9 52.09-3-10 52.09-3-11.1 52.09-3-11.2 52.09-3-11.3 52.09-3-11.4 52.09-3-11.5 52.09-3-12 52.09-3-13 52.09-3-14 52.09-3-15 52.09-3-16 52.09-3-17 52.09-3-18 52.09-3-19 52.09-3-20 52.09-3-21 52.09-3-22 Milham, Joseph A. Serson, Carole M. Zervos, Angelo Audino, Paul C. Crounse, Robert A. Slattery, Kevin LaPoint, Cynthia Manny, Jeffrey M. Moore, Dawn M. Marra, Michelle Western Ave Properties LLC Wu, Ai He Butler, Donald Lee Jr. Dalheim, Linda C. Yerbury, Jill A. VanPatten, Jeffrey D. Odoni, Maurice Burkhart, Jeffrey D. Gerard, Christopher Regina, Blase A. Hess, Robert E. Sanchez, Joseph P. Bilicki, David W. Dimura, Joseph Jr. Bissell, Garrett E. Cole, Robert G. Francis, Tara L. Elsbree, Steven W. Bronson, Anne Warnken, Gary J. Gregory, Jane Warner, Morris C. Jr. McCloskey, Jon Brothers, Kristy L. Brackett, Colleen Kohler, Daniel Uhl, Robert K. 110,800 115,000 129,100 98,100 141,000 136,000 136,800 130,700 112,900 216,000 0 130,100 104,900 107,900 116,500 31,800 129,000 110,700 146,800 107,500 145,300 194,500 210,000 211,900 209,600 158,000 183,000 156,500 167,200 210,900 142,400 172,700 132,700 114,000 108,500 142,700 132,000 22,200 23,000 25,800 19,600 28,200 41,200 27,400 26,100 22,600 55,000 0 26,000 21,000 21,600 23,300 31,800 25,800 22,100 29,400 21,500 29,100 38,900 42,000 42,400 41,900 31,600 36,600 31,300 33,400 42,200 29,500 34,500 26,500 22,800 21,700 28,500 26,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,103,500 Page 259 of 347 1,072,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 110,800 115,000 129,100 98,100 141,000 136,000 136,800 130,700 112,900 216,000 0 130,100 104,900 107,900 116,500 31,800 129,000 110,700 146,800 107,500 145,300 194,500 210,000 211,900 209,600 158,000 183,000 156,500 167,200 210,900 142,400 172,700 132,700 114,000 108,500 142,700 132,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 483 210 210 210 484 311 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 281 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 05-0476 83-420 99-355 IH-1044 2010 2011 00-1297 2010 89-334 05-1058 00-516 2014 99-1115 05-1267 2010 2010 05-1268 2015 IH-1045 94-444 06-1416 08-0982 2011 00-759 07-0445 2010 2012 2014 77-296 2013 2015 97-74 2011 2012 2015 2015 00-949 5,103,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.09-3-23 52.09-3-24 52.09-3-25 52.09-3-26 52.09-3-27 52.09-3-28 52.09-3-29 52.09-3-30 52.09-3-31 52.09-3-32 52.09-3-33 52.09-3-34 52.09-3-35 52.09-3-36 52.09-3-37 52.09-3-38 52.09-3-39 52.09-3-40 52.09-3-41 52.09-3-42 52.09-3-43 52.09-3-44 52.09-3-45 52.09-3-46 52.09-3-47 52.09-3-48.1 52.09-3-48.2 52.09-3-49 52.09-3-51 52.09-3-52 52.09-3-53 52.09-3-54 52.09-3-55 52.09-3-56 52.09-3-57 52.09-3-58 52.09-3-59 Simmons, Dennis A. House, Patricia Yusko, Dennis A. Jr. Yusko, Dennis A. Jr. Christiano, Stephanie Stott, Patricia M. Hammer, Charles G. Barger, Susan M. Manning, Brendan Questel, Michele L. Hayner, Nancy Sweeney, James S. Dimura, Laurie L. Peterson, Melissa Cartwright, Alonzo Hotaling, John S. Jr. Marshall, Troy David Ebel, Barbara Gioia, Barbara E. Schneider, Brian E. Sowalski, Anna T. Robinson, Judd A. Cornelius, Patrick Cornelius, Patrick Spawn, Thomas A. Spawn, Betty Biernacki, Diane Ullah, Hayat Bentz, Audrey Neese, James A. Janczur, Miroslaw Smarro, David S. Sheridan, Linda Y. Willey, Alfred J. Willey, Daniel R. Willey, Alfred J. Westmere Realty LLC 105,000 124,300 128,800 16,700 117,200 120,400 143,300 169,700 125,500 155,600 119,700 94,800 118,600 167,500 151,300 135,900 138,800 110,000 115,900 167,200 121,700 135,000 2,500 141,400 178,400 150,100 204,100 249,600 176,000 167,500 128,500 106,700 89,700 133,900 118,700 15,000 57,500 21,000 23,200 25,800 16,700 23,400 24,100 28,700 33,900 25,100 31,100 23,900 19,000 23,700 33,500 30,300 27,200 27,800 22,000 23,200 33,400 24,300 27,000 2,500 28,300 35,700 30,000 40,800 49,900 35,200 33,500 25,700 21,300 17,900 26,800 23,700 15,000 57,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,702,500 Page 260 of 347 1,012,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 105,000 124,300 128,800 16,700 117,200 120,400 143,300 169,700 125,500 155,600 119,700 94,800 118,600 167,500 151,300 135,900 138,800 110,000 115,900 167,200 121,700 135,000 2,500 141,400 178,400 150,100 204,100 249,600 176,000 167,500 128,500 106,700 89,700 133,900 118,700 15,000 57,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 281 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 97-302 08-0656 04-601 04-601 2009 2012 85-1141 2015 04-434 01-1210 02-1293 2010 97-75 2010 73-58 74-713 2015 IH-1047 05-0478 2011 00-950 2014 82-285 76-196 99-1199 99-1197 2014 08-0299 07-1207 2013 06-557 2015 GD05-200 99-59 IH-1050 06-1444 00-935 4,702,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.09-3-60 52.09-3-61 52.09-3-62 52.09-3-63 52.09-3-64 52.09-3-65 52.09-3-67 52.09-3-68 52.09-3-69 52.09-3-71 52.09-4-1 52.09-4-2 52.09-4-3 52.09-4-4 52.09-4-5 52.09-4-6 52.09-4-7 52.09-4-9 52.09-4-10 52.09-4-11 52.09-4-12.1 52.09-4-12.2 52.09-4-13 52.09-4-14 52.09-4-15 52.09-4-16 52.09-4-17 52.09-4-18 52.09-4-19 52.09-4-20.1 52.09-4-20.2 52.09-4-20.4 52.09-4-21 52.09-4-22 52.09-4-23 52.09-4-24 52.09-4-25 Boccio, Michael V. Boccio, David A. Bewley, Marjorie J. Caruso, Ellen Sweet, Daniel J. Sweet, Daniel J. Raymond, Kenneth M. Jr. New York State Eighteen Hundred Seven Westmere Realty LLC Guilderland Town of Audi, Eugene Lee, Jacqeline McKenna, Francis T. Seventeen Eighty Nine , Western Avenue LLC FVL Ltd Sharon Fellowship Randall, Denise M. Buonagura, Michael John Audi, Eugene Audi, Eugene Fusco Enterprises Ltd Fusco Enterprises Inc Gray, Dean Carver Noel, Sherri Geshell, Dan R. Martinsen, Penny A. Shackman, Gene Lee, Linda M. Sgroi, Michael Miller, Huberta E. Center For Disability Brooks, Charles V. Brooks, Vera R. Hallenbeck, Margaret Holland, Jean C. Ni, Yunzhi Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 132,800 156,700 113,000 107,900 151,800 2,300 667,400 237,400 473,800 1,495,600 150,000 26,100 195,500 450,000 519,100 220,300 317,000 185,400 231,100 469,700 5,000 370,800 327,300 126,600 136,100 163,800 192,800 156,700 143,100 185,500 178,400 340,000 123,200 121,400 107,900 141,400 137,000 16,700 31,300 22,600 21,600 30,400 2,300 185,400 56,700 118,500 453,200 38,200 26,100 39,100 244,600 221,500 67,000 103,000 56,700 67,000 190,600 5,000 128,800 97,900 25,300 27,200 32,800 38,600 31,300 28,600 37,100 35,700 87,300 24,600 24,300 21,600 28,300 27,400 9,259,900 Page 261 of 347 2,694,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 132,800 156,700 113,000 107,900 151,800 2,300 667,400 237,400 473,800 1,495,600 195,000 26,100 195,500 450,000 519,100 220,300 317,000 185,400 231,100 469,700 5,000 370,800 327,300 126,600 136,100 163,800 192,800 156,700 143,100 185,500 178,400 340,000 123,200 121,400 107,900 141,400 137,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 311 452 483 484 452 822 311 220 461 464 483 620 483 483 420 330 434 436 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 614 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 98-578 81-824 2015 2015 2015 2014 00-1356 07-0896 08-0320 2015 82-180 91-609 2015 07-0873 07-0945 2014 98-835 04-720 96-958 77-893 88-1426 07-0874 2015 07-1117 06-559 06-1287 2010 2012 2011 92-824 06-285 03-0600 05-0484 2015 2010GD#32 03-0092 9,304,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.09-4-26 52.09-4-27 52.09-4-28 52.09-4-29 52.09-4-30 52.09-4-31 52.09-4-32 52.09-4-33 52.09-4-34 52.09-4-35 52.09-4-36 52.09-4-37 52.09-4-38 52.09-4-39 52.09-4-40 52.09-4-41 52.09-4-42 52.09-4-43.1 52.09-4-43.2 52.09-4-44 52.09-5-1 52.09-5-2 52.09-5-3 52.09-5-4 52.09-5-5 52.09-5-6 52.09-5-7 52.09-5-8 52.09-5-10 52.09-5-11 52.09-5-12 52.09-5-13 52.09-5-14 52.09-5-15 52.09-5-16 52.09-5-17 52.09-5-18 Armstrong, Harold Hoffman, Ronald Chao, John R. Gray, James P. Monro Muffler Brake Inc Western Turnpike Rescue Westmere Fire District Lambert, Geraldine Linda Foreman, William Griffiths, Susan L. Zuspann, John A. Sokol, Kevin T. Mischitelli, Cindy M. Kosier, Andrew Schroll, Linda M. Schroll, Linda M. Laymon, Harriett M. Breslin, William E. Sayeed, Wahid A. BAC Building Corporation Gemini Western LLC Westmere Realty LLC Eighteen Twenty Two Keegan, C Daniel Keegan, C Daniel Albany Smiles LLC Ktanis Land LLC Spano, Carlo A. Plaza Guild LLC Spawn, Betty F. Spawn, Betty F. Spawn, Betty F. Spawn, Betty F. Aviza, Eileen LoGuidice, Daniele Pai, Doo Young Zacharewicz, Matthew Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 159,800 111,800 184,300 128,100 504,900 2,400,000 3,510,100 190,300 227,600 129,100 155,200 124,900 124,000 123,500 121,000 2,500 128,200 248,400 205,800 556,200 309,000 148,300 160,700 173,100 123,000 290,500 786,600 310,600 1,135,100 242,000 101,900 131,400 114,800 309,000 152,000 300,000 138,300 32,000 22,400 36,900 25,600 242,100 400,000 464,600 108,200 45,500 25,800 31,000 25,000 24,800 24,700 24,200 2,500 25,600 49,700 41,200 206,000 77,300 46,400 46,400 46,400 24,600 77,300 175,000 128,800 463,500 48,400 20,400 26,300 23,000 146,800 67,000 180,300 27,700 14,262,000 Page 262 of 347 3,483,400 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 159,800 111,800 184,300 128,100 504,900 2,400,000 3,510,100 190,300 227,600 129,100 155,200 124,900 124,000 123,500 121,000 2,500 128,200 248,400 205,800 556,200 309,000 148,300 160,700 173,100 123,000 290,500 786,600 310,600 1,135,100 242,000 101,900 131,400 114,800 309,000 152,000 300,000 138,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 433 662 662 465 281 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 281 210 465 465 484 484 484 210 465 421 485 452 220 220 230 210 484 483 481 220 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 IH-1056 00-1359 97-77 08-0924 2011 2013 02-1137 90-58 2015 00-830 06-1288 91-151 76-850 78-559 80-703 2010 06-259 2014 05-825 2013 03-1318 2013 96-914 99-1119 2010 IH-1546 08-0657 2015 86-226 05-0487 05-0488 86-407 2012 93-9999 2015 06-562 14,262,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.09-5-19 52.09-5-20 52.09-5-21 52.09-5-22 52.09-5-23 52.09-5-24 52.09-5-25 52.09-5-26 52.09-5-27 52.09-5-28 52.09-5-29 52.09-5-30 52.09-5-31 52.09-5-32 52.09-5-33 52.09-5-34 52.09-5-35 52.09-5-37 52.09-5-38 52.09-5-39 52.09-5-40 52.09-5-41 52.09-5-42 52.09-5-43 52.09-5-44 52.09-5-45 52.09-5-46 52.09-5-47 52.09-6-1 52.09-6-2 52.09-6-3 52.09-6-4 52.09-6-5 52.09-6-6 52.09-6-7 52.09-6-8 52.09-6-9 Zacharewicz, Matthew M. Geisel, Josephine Spawn, Betty F. Albany Smiles LLC Smith, Zachary E. Lin, Jian Tong Lu, Zhi Min McGuire, John E. Jr. Oertel, Christopher G. Gingrich, Lorn C. Markiewicz, Stephen Garvey, Deborah L. Ryan, Peter J. Coughlin, Lynn J. DeSario, Douglas Cleary, Arlene A. Avvaru, Rajkumar Cunningham, Luke N. McCartan, Shirley A. Karl, Barbara E. Roy, David C. Hauser, Bernice Higgins, Stephen P. Raymond, Ted J. Pierle, Joseph R. Ryan, James T. Zehnter, John A. Burkhard, Laurie G. Murphy, Noel Penna, Lucille E. Kowalski, Thomas J. Chen, Jin Feng Lo, Kam Ping McGrath, Kevin H. Lajoy Irrevocable Trust, Marcel J. NAPT Foundation Inc Kavanagh, Donna M. 98,400 109,800 2,000 67,700 143,200 168,800 202,500 140,400 169,200 152,000 150,300 165,200 168,700 168,800 156,400 135,900 328,100 169,800 182,500 170,100 159,200 166,500 166,700 196,100 180,300 186,000 172,400 155,800 420,200 58,500 131,000 131,300 135,100 131,100 133,700 195,000 121,300 19,700 22,000 2,000 67,700 28,600 33,800 40,400 28,100 33,800 30,400 30,100 33,000 33,700 33,800 31,300 27,200 65,600 34,000 36,500 34,000 31,800 33,300 33,300 39,200 36,100 37,200 34,500 31,200 159,700 58,500 26,200 26,300 27,000 26,200 26,700 39,000 24,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,890,000 Page 263 of 347 1,356,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 98,400 109,800 2,000 67,700 143,200 168,800 202,500 140,400 169,200 152,000 150,300 165,200 168,700 168,800 156,400 135,900 328,100 169,800 182,500 170,100 159,200 166,500 166,700 196,100 180,300 186,000 172,400 155,800 420,200 58,500 131,000 131,300 135,100 131,100 133,700 195,000 121,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 311 330 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 464 311 210 220 210 210 210 600 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 Account Nbr 07-0448 02-1138 86-229 03-0240 05-1192 94-1367 08-1175 2012 04-857 94-1211 84-12 2012 84-533 04-405 2015 92-176 07-0449 03-509 2015 01-200 91-993 06-140 2014 08-1015 2012 89-1308 2013 2010 IH-1546 2013 70-403 2011 99-1121 90-59 2015 02-831 2010 5,890,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.09-6-10 52.09-6-11 52.09-6-12 52.09-6-13 52.09-6-14 52.09-6-15 52.09-6-16 52.09-6-17 52.09-6-18 52.09-6-19 52.09-6-20 52.09-6-21 52.09-6-22 52.09-6-23 52.09-6-24 52.09-6-25 52.09-6-26 52.09-6-27 52.09-6-28 52.09-6-29 52.09-6-30 52.09-6-31 52.09-6-32 52.09-6-34 52.09-6-35 52.09-6-36 52.09-6-37 52.09-6-38 52.09-6-39 52.09-6-40 52.09-6-41 52.09-6-42 52.09-6-43 52.09-6-44 52.09-6-45 52.09-6-46 52.09-6-47 Clancy, Dennis Su, Hsin Yi Westpalm II LLC Westpalm III LLC Westpalm LLC Graffeo, Paul P. Commisso, Rocco Doyle, Michael J. Berben, Henry J. Freiberg, Marjorie Gordon, Beverly A. Coogan, James E. Gallelli, Arlene Ostrowski, James A. Sarraino, Patricia A. Deleon, Frances M. Phinney, Margaret Feldman, Wendy K. Jordan, James J. Jr. Rosen, Eric McTague, Francis E. Vrooman, William Ulsamer, Ann C. Dickson-Lemme, Lisa A. Behuniak, Richard E. Lee, Michael J. Pettograsso, Anthony R. NYSARC, Inc. Leary, Joan E. Hannett, George E. Nevins, James F. Soule, Wyman Thayer Burwell, J. Patrice Nash, Michael P. Harrigan, Michael Usenza, Ronald A. Govin, Arthur J. Jr. 115,700 125,200 127,600 123,600 234,800 153,000 174,500 158,400 147,400 136,000 141,000 136,000 157,700 173,600 177,800 152,800 138,100 144,600 158,500 137,300 139,600 140,700 139,000 168,500 142,800 123,600 147,700 206,500 170,400 176,500 177,700 166,900 168,500 162,200 177,900 166,200 178,200 23,100 25,000 25,500 41,200 77,300 30,600 34,900 31,700 29,500 27,200 28,200 27,200 31,500 34,700 35,600 30,600 27,600 28,900 31,700 27,500 27,900 28,100 27,800 33,700 33,400 24,700 29,500 41,300 34,100 35,300 35,500 33,400 33,700 32,400 35,600 33,200 35,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,766,500 Page 264 of 347 1,204,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 115,700 125,200 127,600 123,600 234,800 153,000 174,500 158,400 147,400 136,000 141,000 136,000 157,700 173,600 177,800 152,800 138,100 144,600 158,500 137,300 139,600 140,700 139,000 168,500 166,800 123,600 147,700 206,500 170,400 176,500 177,700 166,900 168,500 162,200 177,900 166,200 178,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 484 483 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 230 210 614 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 03-510 07-0451 06-141 2012 2011 08-1016 2010 88-521 77-140 SC143-05 73-648 94-835 00-766 70-554 00-1362 73-649 08-0550 94-1212 07-0452 IH-1062 07-0453 04-1417 2014 2015 99-646 2010 2009 85-244 IH-1064 06-1289 2009 07-0454 97-81 07-0455 99-360 98-712 5,790,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.09-6-48 52.09-6-49 52.09-6-50 52.09-6-51 52.09-6-52 52.09-6-53 52.09-6-54 52.09-6-55 52.10-1-1.3 52.10-1-2 52.10-1-6 52.10-1-7 52.10-1-8 52.10-1-9 52.10-1-10 52.10-1-11 52.10-1-12 52.10-1-13 52.10-1-14 52.10-1-15 52.10-1-16 52.10-1-17 52.10-1-18 52.10-1-19 52.10-1-20 52.10-1-21 52.10-1-22 52.10-1-23 52.10-1-24 52.10-1-25 52.10-1-26 52.10-1-27 52.10-1-28 52.10-1-29 52.10-1-30 52.10-1-31 52.10-1-32 Ogden, John R. Hammerle, Susan J. Wade, Vanessa Towers, Loyal M. Basile, Dorothy Krofft, Ronald J. Sheehan, Gregg J. Taft, Leslie B. Whalen, Michael C. NiMo dba National Grid Gipp, Linda L. McDonald, Kevin J. Laquidara, Karen Davis, Matthew J. Shannon, Betty Kline, David E. Spawn, Garrett A. Liebman, Glenn D. Decker, Allen F. Jr. Czwakiel, Mark J. Avery, Thurman C. Broyde, Iris W. Zuspann, Amanda Hart, Thomas E. Graves, Gerald R. Spawn, Susan G. OBrien, Lisa 1715 Western LLC Pilarinos Real Estate LLC Windmere Corp Westville Associates LLC Westville Associates LLC Pyramid Crossgates Co Pyramid Crossgates Co Pyramid Crossgates Co Pyramid Crossgates Co Pyramid Crossgates Co 138,800 179,200 142,200 166,600 153,200 210,700 181,500 183,600 315,000 104,800 92,400 153,600 103,600 107,900 153,200 137,600 116,000 121,500 129,000 132,200 124,900 132,300 105,200 167,500 135,200 128,500 148,300 148,300 925,000 54,200 158,800 87,100 25,114 25,604 12,251 58,069 78,773 27,800 35,800 28,400 33,300 30,600 30,900 36,300 36,700 63,000 104,800 18,500 30,700 20,700 21,600 30,600 27,500 23,200 24,300 25,800 26,400 25,000 26,500 25,300 33,500 27,000 25,700 87,600 56,700 323,750 54,200 158,800 87,100 25,114 25,604 12,251 58,069 78,773 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,537,711 Page 265 of 347 1,807,861 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 138,800 179,200 142,200 166,600 153,200 210,700 181,500 183,600 315,000 104,800 92,400 153,600 103,600 107,900 153,200 137,600 116,000 121,500 129,000 132,200 124,900 132,300 126,400 167,500 135,200 128,500 148,300 148,300 925,000 54,200 158,800 87,100 25,114 25,604 12,251 58,069 78,773 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 380 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 484 483 422 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 85-247 2013 2014 73-537 07-1119 07-0743 2014 2011 05-0490 07-1211 2011 2015 95-136 05-0491 02-395 05-1194 07-0456 94-1213 87-22 99-1615 91-402 94-280 2015 08-0983 98-223 92-866 2011 06-706 2011 99-1310 99-1123 99-1124 84-633 84-633 96-1152 96-1152 96-1152 5,558,911 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.10-1-33 52.10-1-34 52.10-1-35 52.10-1-36 52.10-2-1.21 52.10-2-1.22 52.10-2-1.23 52.10-2-1.24 52.10-2-2 52.10-2-3 52.10-2-4 52.10-2-5 52.10-2-6 52.10-2-7 52.10-2-8 52.10-2-9 52.10-2-10 52.10-2-11 52.10-2-12 52.10-2-13 52.10-2-14 52.10-2-15 52.10-2-16 52.10-2-17 52.10-2-18 52.10-2-19 52.10-2-20 52.10-2-21 52.10-2-22 52.10-2-23 52.10-2-24 52.10-2-25 52.10-2-26 52.10-2-27 52.10-2-28 52.10-2-29 52.13-1-1.11 Pyramid Crossgates Co Westville Associates LLC Westville Associates LLC Gipp, John F. Varma, Shalini Kiernan, John Glanzrock, Scott Tunon, Antonio Martinez Boccio, John Codden, Susan G. Mullen , Thomas H and Marie I Cupoli, Edward M. Schultz, Kenneth R. Goff, James Schulz, Robin Noor, Mirahmad White, Phillip M. Kavanaugh, Stephen B. Wong, Leslie Dewey, Richard Codden, Daniel J. Jr. Lim, Raoul A. Hila, Gentian Haywood, Jennifer Lemme, Dominick Lipera, Roger Henderson, Ronald W. Tripp, Lois M. Maloney, Richard M. La, Ken Ingoldsby, Edward C. Tarullo, Daniel Anthony Jr. Bonacio, Laura L. Belmonte, Dominic J. Razzano, Brittiny B. Smith, Christopher J. Barent Winnie LLC 60,396 212,500 206,000 100 146,400 175,500 206,100 149,100 156,500 173,400 219,750 294,000 237,200 220,000 174,300 156,300 160,200 207,100 194,000 207,100 201,900 206,000 212,600 207,700 202,700 182,700 208,100 179,100 196,000 207,000 202,700 192,700 220,000 840,000 212,000 220,000 74,500 60,396 42,500 41,200 100 29,300 35,100 41,200 29,800 31,300 34,700 43,900 58,800 47,400 44,000 34,900 31,300 32,000 41,400 38,800 41,400 40,400 41,200 42,500 41,500 40,500 36,500 41,600 35,800 39,200 41,400 40,500 38,500 44,000 168,000 42,400 44,000 74,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,521,646 Page 266 of 347 1,611,996 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 60,396 212,500 206,000 100 146,400 175,500 206,100 149,100 156,500 173,400 219,750 294,000 237,200 220,000 174,300 156,300 160,200 207,100 194,000 207,100 201,900 206,000 212,600 207,700 202,700 182,700 208,100 179,100 196,000 207,000 202,700 192,700 220,000 840,000 212,000 220,000 74,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 330 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 85-732 99-1125 99-1126 94-1031 08-0984 04-1419 07-0457 2015 95-1082 03-0125 2010 07-0937 06-1291 99-363 2010 01-282 IH-1068 84-873 90-693 97-663 2015 89-1309 GD2013#85 08-0514 07-0458 06-262 93-908 93-237 07-0938 2015 93-909 2009 04-611 SC56-05 2015 2012 08-0016 7,521,646 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.13-1-1.12 52.13-1-1.13 52.13-1-1.14 52.13-1-1.15 52.13-1-2 52.13-1-3 52.13-1-4 52.13-1-5 52.13-1-6 52.13-1-7 52.13-1-8 52.13-1-9 52.13-1-10 52.13-1-11 52.13-1-12 52.13-1-13 52.13-1-14 52.13-2-1 52.13-2-2 52.13-2-3 52.13-2-4 52.13-2-5 52.13-2-6 52.13-2-7 52.13-2-8 52.13-2-9 52.13-2-10 52.13-2-11 52.13-2-12 52.13-2-13 52.13-2-15 52.13-2-16 52.13-2-17 52.13-2-19 52.13-2-20 52.13-2-21 52.13-2-22 Montgomery, Robyn L. Michele, Michael F. Cortese Kos, Angela M. Huynh, Thiem Ke Barry, Kevin J. Cotler, Jami L. Spadaro, Mary L. Foster, William E. Bushey, Melvin J. Ody, John J. DiLello, Raphael M DiLello, Raphael M Bramley, John F. Sommer, Christopher M. Tomeo, Vincent A. Mannarino, Joseph R. Cross, Marcella L. Gordon Beverage Inc Professional Practice Carciobolo, Theresa M. Seventeen Thirty Six Meyers, Richard M. Bach Associates Vesely Realty LLC Vesely Realty LLC Meyers, Richard M. Lustenhouwer, Donna B. Vesely Realty LLC Pensabene, Frank Jr. Red Cardinal Realty LLC Tarullo, Daniel A. Jr. Bertasso, Karen L. Nugent, Sara N. Kearns, Ronald J. Stadler, Jeane M. Wasserbach, Eric Pitts, Michael A. 287,600 294,800 314,000 286,200 190,000 192,000 178,500 174,100 184,600 155,500 164,700 13,500 168,800 167,500 166,600 170,700 169,100 469,700 258,300 190,600 575,000 210,100 407,900 154,600 158,200 88,300 103,800 200,300 259,600 255,100 129,600 124,800 125,900 133,200 125,500 195,000 400,000 57,500 59,000 62,800 57,200 38,000 38,400 35,700 34,800 36,900 31,100 32,900 13,500 33,800 33,500 33,300 34,100 33,800 242,100 80,300 56,700 180,300 56,700 144,200 61,800 67,000 17,700 30,900 92,700 67,000 66,500 26,000 25,000 25,200 26,600 25,100 59,000 85,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,843,700 Page 267 of 347 2,102,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 287,600 294,800 314,000 286,200 190,000 192,000 178,500 174,100 184,600 155,500 164,700 13,500 168,800 167,500 166,600 170,700 169,100 469,700 258,300 190,600 575,000 210,100 407,900 154,600 158,200 88,300 103,800 200,300 259,600 255,100 129,600 124,800 125,900 133,200 125,500 195,000 400,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 480 485 230 422 483 464 484 484 210 484 484 480 483 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-313 04-877 2013 2014 2015 2010 2014 02-1069 00-487 82-523 02-1140 02-1141 07-0459 2015 IH-1071 07-0460 05-0493 98-1283 IH-1546 2011 2014 94-284 93-9999 2015 2015 94-284 98-303 2015 94-1404 2015 2015 2015 2012 06-1292 04-1086 2012 GD11#89 7,843,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.13-2-23 52.13-2-24 52.13-2-25 52.13-2-26 52.13-2-27 52.13-2-28 52.13-2-29 52.13-2-30.2 52.13-2-30.11 52.13-2-30.12 52.13-2-30.13 52.13-2-30.14 52.13-2-30.15 52.13-2-31 52.13-2-32 52.13-2-33 52.13-2-34.1 52.13-2-34.2 52.13-2-34.3 52.13-2-34.4 52.13-2-34.5 52.13-2-34.6 52.13-2-35 52.13-2-36 52.13-2-37 52.13-2-38 52.13-2-39 52.13-2-40 52.13-2-41 52.13-2-43 52.13-2-44 52.13-2-45 52.13-2-46 52.13-2-47 52.13-2-48 52.13-2-49 52.13-2-50 Tellefsen, Karen D. Goewey, Susan M. Hale, Helen E. Rowe, Robert J. Jr. Fuller, Denise M. VanLoan, Jesse D. Center, Nelson E. Guilderland Town of Catalano, Antonino Jr. Living Resources Corporation Catalano, Antonino Jr. Catalano, Antonino Jr. Catalano, Antonino Jr. Canfield, David Bray, Stephen S. Rosencrans, Helen E. Minnick, Aaron Todd Pickett, Illa Leffingwell, Daniel Rocco, James A. Magnan, Michael T. Drozdyk, Steven Pianowski, Ronald Quadrini, Armand Quadrini, Armand Stott, George H. Acker-Cole, Deborah L. Orlioglu, Georgiy Palcic, Candida Lipinskas, Bernard R. Burton, Damon E. Fischer, Thomas W. Bulson, Eileen E. Gilman, Susan S. Caimano, Paul A. Bliven, Judith D. Dubb, Winford 142,900 126,800 114,900 166,100 146,600 124,600 118,200 36,200 190,600 30,000 30,000 30,000 45,000 149,800 141,400 142,500 180,900 172,300 189,100 229,900 193,400 276,200 173,300 208,300 197,300 160,700 122,900 122,200 186,500 188,900 165,600 182,500 139,900 120,000 147,100 149,600 96,900 28,600 25,400 23,000 33,200 29,300 24,900 23,600 36,200 30,000 62,100 30,000 30,000 45,000 30,000 28,300 28,500 36,200 34,500 37,800 46,000 38,700 55,200 34,700 41,700 39,500 32,100 24,600 24,400 37,300 37,800 33,100 36,500 28,000 24,000 29,400 29,900 19,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,339,100 Page 268 of 347 1,228,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 142,900 126,800 114,900 166,100 146,600 124,600 118,200 36,200 190,600 410,600 30,000 30,000 45,000 149,800 141,400 142,500 180,900 172,300 189,100 229,900 193,400 276,200 173,300 208,300 197,300 160,700 122,900 122,200 186,500 188,900 165,600 182,500 139,900 120,000 147,100 149,600 96,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 614 310 310 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0817 2015 74-364 01-661 2011 2015 98-716 2014 2013 2015 2012 2013 2012 IH-1074 2013 93-911 08-0561 87-463 94-283 98-439 98-357 08-0090 95-139 GD09#66 GD09#67 98-440 2009 2013 99-966 04-1506 72-396 92-503 90-972 SC112-05 IH-1077 2013 72-395 5,719,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.13-2-51 52.13-2-53 52.13-2-54 52.14-1-1 52.14-1-2 52.14-1-3 52.14-1-4 52.14-1-5 52.14-1-6 52.14-1-7 52.14-1-8 52.14-1-9 52.14-1-10 52.14-1-11 52.14-1-12 52.14-1-15 52.14-1-16 52.14-1-17 52.14-1-18 52.14-1-19 52.14-1-20 52.14-1-21 52.14-1-22 52.14-1-23 52.14-1-24 52.14-1-25 52.14-1-26 52.14-1-27 52.14-1-28 52.14-1-29 52.14-1-30 52.14-1-31 52.14-1-32 52.14-2-1 52.14-2-2 52.14-2-4 52.14-2-6 Giron, Lester Li, Yan Qiong Tendercare Child Center Westville Associates LLC Westville Associates LLC Desch, Charles O. EICE NY LLC EICE NY LLC EICE NY LLC Best Homes of Westmere LLC Sanders, Drue O ICE LLC Ogitap LLC Western , Sixteen Sixty Seven Nosh II LLC Martin, Lorraine E. EICE NY LLC Pyramid Crossgates Co EICE NY LLC Ogitap LLC Gaffney, George Vandy Assoc LLC Best Homes of Guilderland LLC Ip, David Best Homes of Westmere LLC Cadalso, Stephen T. Brashear, Richard Wu , Grace EICE NY LLC Abbey, Elinor E. Vandy Assoc LLC Chaikowski, Mary Lou Warp Enterprises LLC Town Center Company Town Center Company LP II Turek, Barton Town Center Ltd Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 145,200 156,800 229,700 247,100 29,900 159,400 333,700 333,700 130,700 154,600 330,600 580,900 201,400 927,000 791,000 150,900 174,800 178,616 153,400 134,900 163,100 145,500 214,100 192,300 137,900 160,100 131,200 158,700 157,700 146,800 126,100 142,200 167,500 3,700,000 2,900,000 175,100 124,900 29,000 31,400 67,000 247,100 29,900 31,900 77,300 82,400 26,100 56,700 61,800 190,600 201,400 309,000 360,500 30,200 35,000 35,700 30,700 27,000 32,600 29,100 42,800 38,500 27,600 32,000 26,200 31,700 31,500 29,400 25,200 28,400 33,500 1,220,600 1,030,000 67,000 25,000 14,487,516 Page 269 of 347 4,711,800 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 145,200 156,800 229,700 247,100 29,900 159,400 333,700 333,700 130,700 154,600 330,600 580,900 201,400 927,000 791,000 150,900 174,800 178,616 153,400 134,900 163,100 145,500 214,100 192,300 137,900 160,100 131,200 158,700 157,700 146,800 126,100 142,200 167,500 3,700,000 2,900,000 175,100 124,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 615 330 311 210 483 464 210 480 484 422 330 486 422 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 454 485 411 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 2010 93-9999 2013 99-1127 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 01-204 2013 2013 2014 2015 2012 2015 96-1167 2015 99-1129 07-0494 99-1130 2015 05-0498 2014 92-868 95-318 2010 2015 78-208 99-1132 93-240 99-1133 2011 2014 2011 06-570 14,487,516 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.14-2-7 52.14-2-8 52.14-2-9 52.14-2-10 52.14-2-11 52.14-2-12 52.14-2-13 52.14-2-14 52.14-2-15 52.14-2-16 52.14-2-17 52.14-2-18 52.14-2-19 52.14-2-20 52.14-2-21 52.14-2-22 52.14-2-23 52.14-2-24 52.14-2-25 52.14-2-26 52.14-2-27 52.14-2-29 52.14-2-30 52.14-2-31 52.14-2-32 52.14-3-2 52.14-3-3 52.14-3-4 52.14-3-5 52.14-3-6 52.14-3-7 52.14-3-8 52.14-3-9 52.14-3-11 52.14-3-12 52.14-3-14 52.14-3-15 Town Center LTD Lopez, Andrew J. Town Center Ltd Baptist, Robert J. Seventeen Hundred Co Barcomb, Earl Barcomb, Earl Barcomb, Earl Barcomb, Earl Aliberti, Antonino Aliberti, Antonino Ju, Shiow Fei Randazza, John P. Brickman, David Belleville, William J. Belleville, William J. Jones, Cecelia V. Ni, Dong Yun Cammer, Patricia Fyvie, Scott A. Brosnan, Margaret M. Gagnon, Robert L. Ruid, Richard P. Begley, Alice C. Begley, Alice Warp Enterprises LLC Warp Enterprises LLC Warp Enterprises LLC Warp Enterprises LLC Warp Enterprises LLC Warp Enterprises LLC Warp Enterprises LLC Westville Associates LLC Westville Associates LLC Westville Associates LLC Pyramid Crossgates Co Pyramid Crossgates Co Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 131,800 118,000 136,700 137,800 3,392,600 185,400 195,700 195,700 259,600 160,700 160,700 106,600 220,600 125,000 64,800 370,800 219,300 152,000 124,700 209,100 207,600 136,000 141,700 152,000 0 22,800 22,100 21,500 20,600 21,600 30,500 28,900 77,200 153,200 61,100 352,823 104,377 26,400 23,600 27,300 27,600 824,000 46,400 51,500 51,500 61,800 56,700 56,700 21,300 61,800 25,000 64,800 128,800 43,900 30,400 24,900 41,800 41,500 27,200 28,300 30,400 0 22,800 22,100 21,500 20,600 21,600 30,500 28,900 77,200 30,600 61,100 352,823 104,377 8,221,600 Page 270 of 347 2,617,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 131,800 118,000 136,700 137,800 3,392,600 185,400 195,700 195,700 259,600 160,700 160,700 106,600 220,600 125,000 64,800 370,800 219,300 152,000 124,700 209,100 207,600 136,000 141,700 152,000 0 22,800 22,100 21,500 20,600 21,600 30,500 28,900 77,200 153,200 61,100 352,823 104,377 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 411 411 411 411 464 484 483 210 483 210 330 485 220 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 311 330 311 330 330 330 311 311 330 210 330 330 330 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0526 79-509 94-591 2013 06-1484 87-1165 87-1165 81-228 81-228 2012 2012 05-0500 06-1293 06-746 99-1436 02-841 2013 2014 05-1070 2013 2012 00-777 79-135 03-0605 2012 2013 2011 2013 2013 2013 99-1138 99-1138 2013 99-1140 99-1139 85-664 85-663 8,221,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.14-3-16 52.14-3-17 52.14-3-18 52.14-3-19 52.14-3-20 52.14-3-21 52.14-3-22 52.14-4-1 52.14-4-2 52.14-4-3 52.14-4-4 52.14-4-5 52.14-4-6 52.14-4-7 52.14-4-8 52.14-4-9 52.14-4-10 52.14-4-11 52.14-4-12 52.14-4-13 52.14-4-14 52.14-4-15 52.14-4-16 52.14-4-17 52.14-4-18 52.14-4-19 52.14-4-20 52.14-4-21 52.14-4-22 52.14-4-23 52.14-4-25 52.14-4-26 52.14-4-27 52.14-4-28 52.14-4-29 52.14-4-30.1 52.14-4-30.2 Pyramid Crossgates Co Pyramid Crossgates Co Ozbay, Mustafa Pyramid Crossgates Co Pyramid Crossgates Co Fifteen Seventy Five Weiss Family Limited Audi, Eugene Ichiban Group, LLC Sixteen Hundred Forty-Eight Albany Hebrew Tailors Hebrew Farmers Association of Temple Israel Hebrew Tailors Albany Hebrew Tailors Sons of Abraham Congregation Betha Jacob of Cohoes Workmans Circle Branch 320 Temple Israel Ohav Sholem Congregation Sons of Abraham Congregation Congregation Beth Abraham Congregation Ohav Sholem Sixteen Hundred Twenty L O'Shea Realty LLC L O'Shea Realty LLC Lawton, John Dooley, James III. Blum, Robert G. Flores, Steven J. Miele, Mario Louis Hughes, Peter Hosier, Jeremy M. Jenssen, Wilma M. Bergner, Shirley Goodwin Village 200, LLC Goodwin Village 100 LLC Page Totals Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 183,762 287,893 185,400 490,031 551,285 618,000 655,100 519,100 612,000 453,600 36,800 12,000 30,000 183,762 287,893 123,600 490,031 551,285 247,200 257,500 128,800 230,000 230,000 36,800 12,000 30,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 12,000 23,000 85,000 12,000 10,000 30,000 32,200 360,500 154,500 60,000 27,100 36,700 32,000 29,500 30,900 40,200 28,500 30,600 33,000 45,300 45,300 12,000 23,000 30,000 32,200 1,285,400 400,000 60,000 122,800 183,500 160,000 147,600 154,600 200,800 142,700 153,000 166,500 154,500 154,500 37 8,218,071 Page 271 of 347 4,015,171 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 183,762 287,893 185,400 490,031 551,285 618,000 655,100 519,100 612,000 453,600 36,800 12,000 30,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 12,000 23,000 85,000 12,000 10,000 30,000 32,200 1,285,400 400,000 60,000 135,400 183,500 160,000 147,600 154,600 200,800 142,700 153,000 166,500 154,500 154,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 330 330 432 330 330 484 426 485 421 464 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 421 433 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 411 411 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 85-662 85-661 08-0552 93-317 93-318 2010 07-0495 04-725 2010 GD05-32 08-1221 08-1221 08-1221 2015s/m#8 2015s/m#8 2015s/m#8 08-1221 08-1221 2015s/m#8 2015s/m#8 2015s/m#8 08-1221 08-1221 08-0911 08-0176 08-0176 2015 2014 2010 07-0497 IH-1082 08-0407 2015 73-503 2014 2013 2013 8,385,671 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.14-4-31 52.14-4-32 52.14-4-33 52.14-4-34 52.14-4-35 52.14-4-36 52.14-4-37 52.14-4-38 52.14-4-39 52.14-4-40 52.15-1-1 52.15-1-2 52.15-1-3 52.15-2-1 52.15-2-2 52.15-2-3 52.15-2-4 52.15-2-5 52.15-2-6 52.15-2-7 52.15-2-8 52.15-2-9 52.15-2-10 52.15-2-11 52.15-2-12 52.15-2-13 52.15-2-14 52.15-2-15 52.15-2-16 52.15-2-17 52.15-2-18 52.15-2-19 52.15-2-20 52.15-2-21 52.15-2-22 52.15-2-23 52.15-2-25 Cataldo, Jean J. Benvenuti, Brian Keefe, Paul Marsh, Noreen A. Powers, Shaun P. Hebrew Farmers of Nassau Burke, Timothy W. Nieves, Robin Sliter, Virginia One Alton Road LLC McKownville Methodist Church Schmidt, David M. Schmidt, David M. Silva, Angel Mercer Properties LLC Schneider, Roland Petersen, Melinda Verchinine, Alexei Lule, Verjan Dalton, Jennifer Charne, Ava Carmack, Robert M. Catalano, Lia Allen, Kathleen E. Kelly, Grace Dorn, Gertrude E. Muztafago, Stanley R. Jr. Yan, Zheng OBrien, Margaret E. Sweeney, Leland O. Keefe, Sara Gene Slauson, Edward L. Wilson, James T & Lillian F Burby, Mary Lou Lacy, Patricia A. Guilderland Town of Schermer, Kathleen Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 167,200 137,000 140,100 144,900 139,000 4,600 161,900 225,200 322,300 469,700 1,440,000 358,400 5,000 164,200 150,900 141,300 156,300 156,600 156,300 161,600 167,600 168,500 153,000 172,800 117,500 162,000 133,400 119,900 127,300 147,800 109,900 136,000 115,700 109,900 170,500 7,000 117,500 33,400 27,400 28,000 29,000 27,800 4,600 32,400 45,000 64,500 87,600 288,800 113,300 5,000 32,800 30,200 28,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 32,300 33,500 33,700 30,600 34,600 23,500 32,400 26,700 24,000 25,500 29,600 22,000 27,200 23,100 22,000 34,100 7,000 23,500 7,038,800 Page 272 of 347 1,457,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 167,200 137,000 140,100 144,900 139,000 4,600 161,900 225,200 322,300 469,700 1,440,000 358,400 5,000 164,200 150,900 141,300 156,300 156,600 156,300 161,600 167,600 168,500 153,000 172,800 117,500 162,000 133,400 119,900 127,300 147,800 109,900 136,000 115,700 109,900 170,500 7,000 117,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 695 210 210 281 464 620 465 330 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 Account Nbr 03-0097 2014 97-86 94-541 2013 08-1221 07-0499 2015 2014gd#67 03-513 2014 2009 07-0502 03-947 2015 84-515 2014 04-315 05-1073 2012 IH-1084 84-535 06-144 92-947 2013 76-554 IH-1085 05-0505 95-74 GD05-216 76-556 IH-1086 94-288 90-208 06-145 03-1426 06-1080 7,038,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.15-2-26 52.15-2-27 52.15-2-28 52.15-2-29 52.15-2-30 52.15-2-31 52.15-2-32 52.15-2-33 52.15-2-34 52.15-2-35 52.15-2-36 52.15-2-37 52.15-2-38 52.15-2-39 52.15-2-40 52.15-2-41 52.15-2-42 52.15-2-43 52.15-2-44 52.15-2-45 52.15-2-46 52.15-2-47 52.15-2-48 52.15-2-49 52.16-1-1 52.16-1-2 52.16-1-3 52.16-1-4 52.16-1-5 52.16-1-6 52.16-1-7 52.16-1-8 52.16-1-9 52.16-1-10 52.16-1-11 52.16-1-12 52.16-1-13 Holford, John Bettcker, Robert G. Gardy, Jack E. Brown, Emma Lochner, Joan Guo, Hao Ci Tangjerd, Lowell M. Pacifici, Angelo Young, Russell J. Mancuso, Tina M. Goergen, Linda A. Nanius, David F. Ableman, Glenn D. Gadomski, Elena Raabe, David R. Hearley, Erin M. Wagner, Frederick J. Richeson, Roxanne M. Saville, Dawn M. Peaslee, Cindy G. Demers, Terri S. Stadler, Kevin D. McDonald, Diana Califano, Paul Abele, Ruth A. Schlegel, Leonard C. Menia, Susanne Primero, Karen Nelson, Edwin S. Pickett, Margaret M. Vanetti, Helen M. Canabush, Patricia Nicholson, Duane Messner, Steven F. Campbell, Barbara Anne Clark, Sharon-Lee Stabler, Matthew S. 161,300 109,900 131,300 109,900 140,600 107,300 247,200 160,100 156,100 116,500 151,100 164,400 174,100 126,400 155,100 109,900 109,900 109,900 109,900 109,900 123,800 105,600 189,400 290,300 132,600 132,800 146,800 121,500 166,600 156,300 152,800 135,200 129,400 144,800 165,600 173,300 168,800 32,300 22,000 26,300 22,000 28,100 21,500 49,400 32,000 31,200 23,300 30,200 32,900 34,800 25,300 31,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 24,800 21,100 37,900 58,000 26,500 26,600 29,400 24,300 33,300 31,300 30,600 27,000 25,900 29,000 33,100 34,700 33,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,396,400 Page 273 of 347 1,079,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 161,300 109,900 131,300 109,900 140,600 107,300 247,200 160,100 156,100 116,500 151,100 164,400 174,100 126,400 155,100 109,900 109,900 109,900 109,900 109,900 123,800 105,600 189,400 290,300 132,600 132,800 146,800 121,500 166,600 156,300 152,800 135,200 129,400 144,800 165,600 173,300 168,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-1080 08-0456 2014 2010 06-1080 2015 2014 06-1080 2015 2014 2015 2010 06-1080 2014 08-0239 2011 06-1080 06-1080 2011 06-1080 06-1080 06-1080 2010 2010 IH-1092 IH-1093 04-1424 2012 2013 97-90 76-557 03-0098 08-1159 97-666 2012 00-779 2010 5,396,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.16-1-14 52.16-1-17 52.16-1-18 52.16-1-19 52.16-1-20 52.16-1-21 52.16-1-22 52.16-1-23 52.16-1-24 52.16-1-25 52.16-1-26 52.16-1-27 52.16-1-28 52.16-1-29 52.16-1-30 52.16-1-31 52.16-1-32 52.16-1-33 52.16-1-35 52.16-1-36 52.16-1-37 52.16-1-38 52.16-1-39 52.16-1-40 52.16-1-41 52.16-1-42 52.16-1-43 52.16-1-44 52.16-1-45 52.16-1-46 52.16-1-47 52.16-2-1 52.16-2-2 52.16-2-3 52.16-2-4 52.16-2-5 52.16-2-6 Kavaney, Marlene Judith Scoville, Paul E. Glowacki, Marie Keegan, Coleen Suditu, Elena Prusky, Dale S. Storm, Blake A. Marchetta, Mary M. Lawler, Michael A. Bickmore, Lee S. Koehn, Paul Pelham, Laurie OBrien, Thomas G. Petersen, William A. Film, Rosemary Waterman, Caroline Tavarozzi, Michael A. Pizzemento, Gerald P. Goldstein, Richard Z. VanAmerogen, David H. Hernandez, Eliezer Sullivan, Peter J. III. Parker, Nancy A. Lascoe, Michael A. VanWormer, Gary Knight, David J. Bierman, Andrew C. Bremigen, William F. Davidson, Steven K. Liotta-Tyler, Elizabeth Zitomer, Richard S. VanPatten, Richard H & Dolores A. Mucllari, Fatmir Sial, Tahir Elk, Roy F. Hurley, Agnes Teresa Hurley, Agnes Teresa 166,100 177,200 315,900 132,000 167,800 135,400 138,200 172,600 189,100 224,800 183,700 158,700 160,900 160,000 162,400 135,200 182,400 154,700 215,000 136,100 144,900 120,000 161,500 158,700 162,400 162,700 212,600 124,900 170,300 156,400 162,400 129,800 147,100 146,100 116,900 178,700 20,000 33,200 35,400 63,200 26,400 33,600 27,100 27,600 34,500 37,800 45,000 36,700 31,700 32,200 32,000 32,500 27,000 36,500 30,900 43,000 27,200 29,000 24,000 32,300 31,700 32,500 32,500 42,500 25,000 34,100 31,300 32,500 26,000 29,500 29,200 23,400 35,700 20,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,943,600 Page 274 of 347 1,204,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 166,100 177,200 315,900 132,000 167,800 135,400 138,200 172,600 189,100 224,800 183,700 158,700 160,900 160,000 162,400 135,200 182,400 154,700 215,000 136,100 144,900 120,000 161,500 158,700 162,400 162,700 212,600 124,900 170,300 156,400 162,400 129,800 147,100 146,100 116,900 178,700 20,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 82-187 06-1297 2010 2013 08-0284 93-9999 08-0522 96-21 97-92 08-0730 2011 98-723 98-359 2015 2012 82-267 IH-1097 00-780 99-1573 02-1299 2014 2014 04-137 87-61 03-657 IH-1098 04-1267 2010 06-577 2012 95-1086 08-0302 2014 06-578 2011 01-837 01-495 5,943,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.16-2-7 52.16-2-8 52.16-2-9 52.16-2-10 52.16-2-11 52.16-2-12 52.16-2-13 52.16-2-14 52.16-2-15 52.16-2-16 52.16-2-17 52.16-2-18 52.16-2-19 52.16-2-20 52.16-2-21 52.16-2-22 52.16-2-23 52.16-2-24 52.16-2-25 52.16-2-26 52.16-2-27 52.16-2-28 52.16-2-29 52.16-2-30 52.16-2-31 52.16-2-32 52.16-2-33 52.16-2-34 52.16-2-35 52.16-2-36 52.16-2-37 52.16-2-38 52.16-2-39 52.16-2-40 52.16-2-41 52.16-2-42 52.16-2-43 Benson, Robert F. Glunk, Wendy A. Davis, John Edward & Norah Ryan, Gordon H. Trainor, Thomas I. Walz, Jeremy Moran, Karen L. Horwitt, Todd S. English, Linda E. Knipes, Richard E & Kathryn H. Sanborn, Elissa Berlin, Georgette Wong, Andy Miller, Virginia M. Bosworth, David A. Jr. Winnie, Ronald N. Moat, Elliott Andrew Graves, Paul Hart, Katherine H. Raga, Kelsey Bauer, David D. Ableman, Glenn D. Klee, Ruth B. Plant, Kenneth R. Allee, Frances Byrne, Cynthia D. Hale, Jennifer A. Keegan, John Martin, Sarah Trust, Christiana Torrijos, Ricardo Lopez MacIntyre, Bryan J. Sofka, Michael D. Peck, Jessica N. Mazzaferro, Michael A. Haggerty, Stephen Campbell, JoAnn 170,200 129,000 139,300 157,300 146,000 150,800 150,800 172,400 115,900 135,500 240,000 118,500 172,700 146,900 169,200 135,000 124,700 137,300 141,700 124,900 238,000 139,800 161,500 201,700 178,700 140,000 135,000 125,600 178,800 179,000 156,300 154,000 192,100 150,400 189,100 182,400 154,000 34,000 25,800 27,900 31,500 29,000 30,200 30,200 34,500 23,200 27,100 54,500 23,700 34,500 29,400 33,800 27,000 24,900 27,500 28,300 25,000 40,000 28,000 32,300 40,300 35,700 28,000 27,000 25,100 35,800 35,800 31,300 30,800 38,400 30,100 37,800 36,500 30,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,834,500 Page 275 of 347 1,165,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 170,200 129,000 139,300 157,300 146,000 150,800 150,800 172,400 115,900 135,500 272,700 118,500 172,700 146,900 169,200 135,000 124,700 137,300 141,700 124,900 238,000 139,800 161,500 201,700 178,700 140,000 135,000 125,600 178,800 179,000 156,300 154,000 192,100 150,400 189,100 182,400 154,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 94-1461 07-0948 06-263 99-370 2014 2010 2015 2010 07-0503 IH-1102 2015 92-446 2013 07-0950 IH-1103 2010 2014 02-475 08-0985 2010 2010 03-0246 06-147 2010 98-1311 06-579 02-1303 97-224 05-1077 2015 2013 2014 94-1216 2015 2013 88-573 07-0505 5,867,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.16-2-44 52.16-3-1 52.16-3-2 52.16-3-3 52.16-3-4 52.16-3-5 52.16-3-6 52.16-3-7 52.16-3-8 52.16-3-9 52.16-3-10 52.16-3-11 52.16-3-12 52.16-3-14 52.16-3-15 52.16-3-16 52.16-3-17 52.16-3-18 52.16-3-19 52.16-3-20 52.16-3-21 52.16-3-22 52.16-3-23 52.16-3-24 52.16-3-25 52.16-3-26 52.16-3-27 52.16-3-28 52.16-3-29 52.16-3-30 52.16-3-31 52.16-3-32 52.16-3-33 52.16-3-34 52.16-3-35 52.16-3-36 52.16-3-37 Engel, Robert Schmidt, Irene Malkowski, Michael D. Bonneau, Kathleen Wilson, Veda L. Tarzia, Vincenzo Miller, Brenda Gohlke, Leslie B. Bubb, Arthur James III. Priest, Robert OBrien, Robert E. McGloine, Harry V. Gogan, Eileen M. Chabad Center Reinemann, Charles F. Chabad Center Nasholds, Donald M. Palmer, Michael J. Mastromarchi, Andrea Kopach, Kevin J. Cao, Yafei Murphy, Jillmarie Dermody, Helyn M. VanStone, John A. Dominic, Luella Cleary, Michael G. Rider, Steven N. VanPatten, Richard J. III. Youtz, Carol Lynn Benedetto, Diane E. Lebarron, Ralph H. Kaczor, Sue A. Dealleaume, William Harold, William A. Garcelon, Kimberly A. Rosvally, Ida M. Nelligan, Matthew D. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 171,400 109,900 104,100 138,200 128,200 115,700 125,000 221,300 126,700 124,600 154,100 107,300 120,500 1,400,000 125,000 93,600 173,600 145,400 159,000 143,900 179,200 144,000 156,200 186,300 183,600 201,800 204,900 163,300 162,200 163,300 163,300 156,600 180,700 192,300 153,200 158,000 201,900 34,300 22,000 20,800 27,600 25,600 23,100 25,000 44,300 25,300 24,900 30,800 21,500 24,100 280,000 25,000 23,000 34,700 29,100 31,800 28,800 35,800 28,800 31,200 37,300 36,700 40,400 41,000 32,700 32,400 32,700 32,700 31,300 36,100 38,500 30,600 31,600 40,400 6,938,300 Page 276 of 347 1,391,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 171,400 109,900 104,100 138,200 128,200 115,700 125,000 221,300 126,700 124,600 154,100 107,300 120,500 1,400,000 125,000 93,600 173,600 145,400 159,000 143,900 179,200 144,000 156,200 186,300 183,600 201,800 204,900 163,300 162,200 163,300 163,300 156,600 180,700 192,300 153,200 158,000 201,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 620 210 620 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 90-209 05-0509 2013 07-0506 80-57 08-0198 07-0951 03-0100 86-286 80-58 08-0731 05-1312 2010 92-715 78-540 94-291 00-786 87-498 02-1146 IH-1108 03-996 05-0510 93-180 2011 08-0987 2013 2012 05-1078 72-88 GD05-379 94-1218 73-393 01-211 04-431 2012 06-581 6,938,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.16-3-38 52.16-3-39 52.16-3-40 52.16-3-41 52.16-3-42 52.16-3-43 52.16-3-44 52.16-3-45 52.16-3-46 52.16-3-47 52.16-3-48 52.16-3-49 52.16-3-50 52.16-3-51 52.16-3-52 52.16-3-53 52.16-3-54 52.16-3-55 52.16-3-56 52.16-3-57 52.16-3-58 52.16-3-59 52.16-3-60 52.16-3-61 52.16-3-62 52.16-3-63 52.16-3-64 52.16-3-65 52.18-1-1 52.18-1-2 52.18-1-3 52.18-1-4 52.18-1-5 52.18-1-6 52.18-1-7 52.18-1-8.2 52.18-1-9 Burger, Jill Parsons Glatt, Judith L. Carlos, Alberto J. Noble, Brian T. Kircher, Harold J. III. Edick, June Ioffe, Mikhail Gaudet, John Behn, Anita J. VanDerwiel, Aaron Camara, Fatoumata Diacetis, Albert T. Jr. Bie, Eric J. Smith, Paul R. Shaughnessy, Winifred K. Berkey, Jonathan Sherman, Malcolm J. Rissacher, Elena F. Hagelberg, Frank Domenico, Louis A. Winkler, Lorraine Murray, Maureen Moran, James E. Mahoney, William F. Wajszczuk, Jeffery M. Burdick, William E. Haines, Rachael Gnirrep, Gary R. DeGonza, Richard E. Sr. VanderWarker, Rosemary Sliter, Virginia Maio, Nicholas J. Roselan, Harry C. Klimkewicz, Robert J. Haley, Michael E. Erickson, Linda L. Parker, Colleen M. 180,000 181,300 201,800 135,200 177,300 144,000 170,000 171,500 197,100 139,900 144,000 183,500 179,100 150,300 157,400 228,600 223,200 233,900 209,900 157,000 171,000 138,600 177,400 142,400 176,400 154,500 202,700 243,000 164,200 140,500 155,400 160,800 140,000 152,400 192,300 259,900 149,600 36,000 31,000 40,400 27,000 35,500 28,800 34,000 34,300 39,400 28,000 28,800 36,700 35,800 30,100 31,500 45,700 44,600 46,800 42,000 31,400 34,200 27,700 35,500 28,500 35,300 30,900 40,500 48,600 32,800 28,100 31,100 32,200 28,000 30,500 38,500 52,000 29,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,486,100 Page 277 of 347 1,292,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 180,000 181,300 201,800 135,200 177,300 144,000 170,000 171,500 197,100 139,900 144,000 183,500 179,100 150,300 157,400 228,600 223,200 233,900 209,900 157,000 171,000 138,600 177,400 142,400 176,400 154,500 202,700 243,000 164,200 140,500 155,400 160,800 140,000 152,400 192,300 259,900 149,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0040 08-0474 07-0879 93-181 2012 IH-1111 GD05-7 2015 98-583 07-0507 2010 2013 2012 79-918 IH-1113 2013 91-262 2015 96-682 02-1040 98-1290 2013 69-313 IH-1114 06-582 GD05-322 2013 02-1307 2010 IH-1116 05-0514 68-472 IH-1117 72-387 2012 2010 03-0101 6,486,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.18-1-10 52.18-1-11 52.18-1-12 52.18-1-13 52.18-1-14 52.18-1-15 52.18-1-16 52.18-1-17 52.18-1-18 52.18-1-19 52.18-1-20 52.18-1-21 52.18-1-22 52.18-1-23 52.18-1-24 52.18-1-25 52.18-1-26 52.18-1-27 52.18-1-28 52.18-1-29 52.18-1-30 52.18-1-31 52.18-1-32 52.18-1-33 52.18-1-34 52.18-1-35 52.18-1-36 52.18-1-37 52.18-1-38.1 52.18-1-38.2 52.18-1-39 52.18-1-40 52.18-1-41 52.18-1-42 52.18-1-43 52.18-1-44 52.18-1-45 Hathaway, Georgette Maguire, Paul J. Saladis, Raymond J. Tang, Shida Sanelli, Joseph Dillon, Matthew J. Berberick, Joan W LaPierre, Patricia E. Zhang, Jin Rong Sherman, Mary E. Ptak, Diane Snyder Tegiacchi, Lawrence J. Campbell, Juliette Mota, Juan Miller, Roberta Maria Murphy, Julia H. Baloch, Farhat Naz Hausgaard, Olaf C. Fowler, Laura DeGonza, Betty J. Garcelon, Anthony E. Sr. Manuli, Francesca Shover, Garrett A. Garcelon, Robert W. Webber, Helene Daly, Richard E. Ward, Michael E. Kerr, Gatewood F. Kline, Jeffrey D. Crosstree Corp Fan, Yu-Jen Paonessa, Thomas Jr. Santiago, Wanda I. Varghese, Anil Springer, Florence D. Lee, Sim Sook Strait, Ellen A. 132,500 134,000 154,400 296,800 297,200 210,000 119,200 186,600 361,800 140,000 162,800 152,100 172,500 159,400 57,100 124,900 133,600 118,100 151,300 139,300 139,200 165,600 118,000 133,700 208,900 101,000 101,300 105,000 170,300 48,900 162,600 297,800 179,500 232,400 109,000 145,500 148,800 26,500 26,800 30,900 59,400 59,400 42,000 23,800 37,300 72,400 28,000 32,600 30,400 34,500 31,900 11,400 25,000 26,700 23,600 30,300 27,900 27,800 33,100 23,600 26,700 41,800 20,200 20,300 21,000 34,100 48,900 32,500 59,600 35,900 46,500 21,800 29,100 29,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,971,100 Page 278 of 347 1,233,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 132,500 134,000 154,400 296,800 297,200 210,000 119,200 186,600 361,800 140,000 162,800 152,100 172,500 159,400 57,100 124,900 133,600 118,100 151,300 139,300 139,200 165,600 118,000 133,700 208,900 101,000 101,300 105,000 170,300 48,900 162,600 297,800 179,500 232,400 109,000 145,500 148,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 03-948 011 00-788 2014 2014 03-523 07-0837 08-0010 76-530 07-0510 84-238 2012 08-0818 2012 2010 2011 96-1016 08-0097 04-455 96-350 04-859 93-624 95-780 74-506 07-0512 2015 GD05-369 2012 95-296 2014 2011 06-583 08-0304 2014 IH-1125 2012 5,971,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.18-1-46 52.18-1-47 52.18-1-48.1 52.18-1-48.2 52.18-1-50 52.18-1-51.1 52.18-1-51.2 52.18-1-52 52.18-1-53 52.18-1-54 52.18-1-55 52.18-1-56 52.18-1-57 52.18-1-58.1 52.18-1-58.2 52.18-1-59 52.18-1-60 52.18-1-61 52.18-1-62 52.18-1-63 52.18-1-64 52.18-1-65 52.18-1-66 52.18-1-67 52.18-1-68 52.18-1-69 52.18-1-70 52.18-1-71.1 52.18-1-71.2 52.18-2-1 52.18-2-2 52.18-2-3 52.18-2-4.1 52.18-2-4.2 52.18-2-4.3 52.18-2-4.4 52.18-2-5 Adams, Charles F. Marincic, John Kenney, Donavan S. Reilly, Joseph J. III. Heitzman, Linda M. Wildwood Programs Inc Zautner, Douglas B. Bladek, Gary L. Haley, John A. Padula, Frederick P. Jr. Degener, Daniel Beckley, Kenneth J. Govel, Donald K. Calogero, Louise G. Rafiq, Muhammad Mesiti, Elizabeth Barrell, David C. Walden, Evan C. Vallee, Raymond J. Sbardella, Joseph R. Cannistraci, Salvatore Akindele, Wabi May, Joseph B. Andrian, Richard Carbone, Aaron Kohler, Brian Hysenllari, Veli Driessen, John G. Carnicelli, Anthony E. Conaway, Alison S. Kendrick, Michael Palagyi, Penny L. Maikels, Eileen Cubello, Joseph W. Dong, Jia Cheng Enbawe, Ali Fernandez, Anthony D. 134,200 107,800 160,400 149,000 137,900 365,000 280,200 125,300 117,500 102,000 158,300 259,600 106,500 301,200 322,800 375,900 250,000 340,000 333,500 268,300 370,900 284,000 330,300 302,900 277,000 270,000 456,000 295,500 307,000 149,000 133,400 165,000 234,800 305,000 352,300 340,300 141,000 26,800 21,600 32,100 29,800 27,600 57,000 56,000 25,100 23,500 20,400 31,700 128,800 21,300 60,200 64,600 75,200 50,000 68,000 66,700 53,700 74,200 56,800 66,100 60,600 55,400 54,000 91,200 59,100 61,400 29,800 26,700 33,000 47,000 61,000 70,500 68,100 28,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,109,800 Page 279 of 347 1,883,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 134,200 107,800 160,400 149,000 137,900 365,000 280,200 125,300 117,500 102,000 158,300 254,500 106,500 301,200 322,800 375,900 250,000 340,000 333,500 268,300 370,900 284,000 330,300 302,900 277,000 270,000 456,000 295,500 307,000 149,000 133,400 165,000 234,800 305,000 352,300 340,300 141,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 614 220 210 210 210 210 416 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 91-812 97-627 2010 83-466 05-1079 06-1162 07-0515 95-75 81-118 04-1303 2012 2015 2014 IH-1126 2010 2009 2010 08-1210 06-1302 2013 08GD#31 2013SC#57 06-1125 IH-1133 2010 2011 GD11vs 2011 2013 06-1304 04-1184 07-0516 2014 2015 05-852 2014gd#34 02-879 9,104,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.18-2-6 52.18-2-7 52.18-2-8 52.18-2-9 52.18-2-10 52.18-2-11 52.18-2-12 52.18-2-13 52.18-2-14 52.18-2-15 52.18-2-16 52.18-2-17 52.18-2-19 52.18-2-20 52.18-2-21 52.18-2-22.2 52.18-2-23 52.18-2-24 52.18-2-25 52.18-2-26 52.18-2-27 52.18-2-28 52.18-2-29 52.18-2-30 52.18-2-31 52.18-2-32 52.18-2-33 52.18-2-34 52.18-2-35 52.18-2-36 52.18-2-37 52.18-2-38 52.18-2-39 52.18-2-40 52.18-2-41 52.18-2-42 52.18-3-1 Scicchitano, Concetta M. Raymond, Jill L. Blioudin, Valeri Chrisomalis, Angelo MacLain, Merideth A. Kounter, David L. Pezzulo, Maria Baum, Eric D. Glavic, Muhamed LaMorte, Robert II. Rizvanovic, Jasmin Kositzka, Theodore W. III. Hutson, Arthur F & Audrey M Pona, Charles S. Lawrence, John C. Prewett, Daniel L. Stanco, Joseph C. Molle, Arthur G. Jr. Scolaro, Nicholas P. Multari, Frank Libby, Margaret Suhalla, Thomas P. Tice, Richard W. Goodbee, Archie L. Jr. Fox, John A. Newman, Joan Goodwin, Carol Ann Megyesi, Kevin Murray, William B. Manss, Michael R. Domalewicz, Martin Patrick, Patricia Soldner, Anne Fascia, Cindy Marie Smith, Mary R. Rosen, Arnold Harrington, Donna C. 112,900 131,500 142,500 118,500 151,700 119,600 156,000 147,200 155,100 106,000 151,700 113,000 143,800 131,900 169,700 50,000 15,000 165,100 322,600 123,600 117,000 129,200 169,100 192,200 280,000 324,700 255,000 331,500 224,900 159,900 120,900 153,000 150,900 158,700 168,500 134,700 132,500 22,600 26,300 28,500 23,700 30,300 23,900 31,200 29,400 31,000 21,200 30,300 22,600 28,800 26,400 33,900 50,000 15,000 33,000 64,500 41,200 23,400 25,800 33,800 38,400 63,200 64,900 61,100 66,300 45,000 32,000 24,200 30,600 30,200 31,700 33,700 26,900 26,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,930,100 Page 280 of 347 1,271,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 112,900 131,500 142,500 118,500 151,700 119,600 156,000 147,200 155,100 106,000 151,700 113,000 143,800 131,900 169,700 50,000 15,000 165,100 322,600 123,600 117,000 129,200 169,100 192,200 280,000 324,700 255,000 331,500 224,900 159,900 120,900 153,000 150,900 158,700 168,500 134,700 132,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 310 311 210 281 411 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2014 08-1176 03-0607 95-1240 2015 IH-1138 08-1071 89-368 2014 2010 2010 IH-1144 98-1126 79-01 2013 2012 80-569 IH-1145 2009 70-360 75-115 07-0517 85-76 2014 2010GD#58 2011 2013 2015 00-1183 2012 99-1433 96-106 GD05-248 GD11vs 2011 2015 5,930,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.18-3-2 52.18-3-3 52.18-3-4 52.18-3-5 52.18-3-6 52.18-3-7 52.18-3-8 52.18-3-9 52.18-3-10 52.18-3-11 52.18-3-12 52.18-3-13 52.18-3-14 52.18-3-15 52.18-3-16 52.18-3-17 52.18-3-18 52.18-3-19 52.18-3-20 52.18-3-21 52.18-3-22 52.18-3-23 52.18-3-24 52.18-3-25 52.18-3-26 52.18-3-27 52.18-3-28 52.18-3-29 52.18-3-30 52.18-3-31 52.18-3-32 52.18-3-33 52.18-3-34 52.18-3-35 52.18-3-36 52.18-3-37 52.18-3-38 Guilderland Town of Karunakaran, Ganesh K. Brown, John S. Barron, Douglas R. Brown, Brian L. VanDerLinden, Joseph R. Vallee, Raymond J. Vallee, Raymond J. Lennon, Peter R. Lennon, Peter R. Bhatty, Rafique A. Golombiski, Kenneth R. Brandon, Patricia A. Chardeen, Gregory John Heiss, Alexander M. Mele, Florence C Wilsey, David R. Leto, Daniel J. Ranguelov, Vladimir Baker, Kathleen A. Thies, Kathleen G. Coleman, Robert M. Hicks, R James Dillon, Marianne Chesebro, Karen A. Stewart, Alicia A. MacNaughton, Carol Stanco, James W. Losee, Mark C. Gonya, Mary Halasz, Magdalena Dunn, Karen A. Zabin, Timothy D. Lambdin, William W. Rogers, William D. III. Stigi, Gregory D. Jr.. Cleary, Kenneth T. 10,000 173,400 137,700 214,700 110,000 121,600 113,200 4,000 2,000 136,900 158,200 178,400 109,600 158,500 135,000 138,200 139,300 183,200 126,500 120,000 120,100 195,900 120,000 155,900 124,000 179,400 124,900 152,000 124,900 155,000 149,500 124,400 110,000 158,300 124,500 155,700 124,900 10,000 34,700 27,500 45,100 22,000 24,300 22,600 4,000 2,000 27,400 31,600 35,700 21,900 31,700 27,000 27,600 27,900 36,600 25,300 24,000 24,000 39,200 24,000 31,200 24,800 35,900 25,000 30,400 25,000 31,000 29,900 24,900 22,000 31,700 24,900 31,100 25,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,869,800 Page 281 of 347 988,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 10,000 173,400 137,700 225,500 110,000 121,600 113,200 4,000 2,000 136,900 158,200 178,400 109,600 158,500 135,000 138,200 139,300 183,200 126,500 120,000 120,100 195,900 120,000 155,900 124,000 179,400 124,900 152,000 124,900 155,000 149,500 124,400 110,000 158,300 124,500 155,700 124,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-1350 2013 78-858 2015 2011 03-0103 01-215 01-215 05-0519 05-0519 07-0518 00-953 93-247 06-1023 99-375 01-355 IH-1155 2010 2015 04-413 08-0291 2009 06-132 2009 95-328 00-492 2011 99-967 07-0519 GD11vs 08-0121 2010 2012 87-557 2011 07-0520 97-233 4,880,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.18-3-39 52.18-3-40 52.18-3-41 52.18-3-42 52.18-3-43 52.18-3-44 52.18-3-45 52.18-3-46 52.18-3-47 52.18-3-48 52.18-3-49 52.18-3-50 52.18-3-51 52.18-3-52 52.18-3-53 52.18-3-54 52.18-3-55 52.18-3-56 52.18-3-57 52.18-3-58 52.18-3-59 52.18-3-60 52.18-3-61 52.18-3-62 52.18-3-63 52.18-4-1 52.18-4-2 52.18-4-3 52.18-4-4 52.18-4-5 52.18-4-6 52.18-4-7.1 52.18-4-7.2 52.18-4-7.3 52.18-4-7.4 52.18-4-8 52.18-4-9 Peck, Charlene M. Johnson, Sybil A. Horan, Richard A. Lein, Kenneth A. Tynan, Sara R. Foote, Benjamin R. Barnett-Cosmo, Mary Hooley, Rita McCoy, Kathleen A. Franchise Realty Interstate Co MIRAC LLC McDonalds Corporation Crowder, Mary Anne Siebert, Irene A. Fink, Evelyn S. Iannacone, Nancy Oravsky, Michele Lorini, Eugene S. Sr. Lorini, Eugene S. Congregation Ohav Sholl Houacine, Rachid Luizzi, Michael Luizzi, Charlene A. Struwe, Brian P. Slater, Grace E. Williams, Ronald J. Datri, Helen S. Siebert, Arthur & Anne Harris, Nicholas J. Fink, James D. Guilderland Town of Zimmerman, Robert Tice, Richard K. Rings, Frederick G. Tice, Richard W. Eustache, Deborah Rings, Hannah 116,500 221,400 124,900 143,600 107,500 116,400 155,000 110,000 117,700 927,000 526,320 68,800 207,200 163,000 132,800 116,300 97,900 169,100 166,300 8,800 106,200 149,000 47,400 111,200 90,000 147,000 121,800 119,700 111,800 168,400 39,200 1,000 111,900 6,100 201,800 128,400 129,300 23,300 44,300 25,000 28,700 21,500 23,400 31,000 22,000 23,500 396,600 136,800 68,800 41,400 32,600 26,600 23,300 19,600 33,800 33,300 8,800 21,200 29,800 30,300 22,200 18,000 29,400 24,400 23,900 22,400 33,700 36,500 1,000 22,400 6,100 40,400 25,700 25,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,586,720 Page 282 of 347 1,477,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 116,500 221,400 124,900 143,600 107,500 116,400 155,000 110,000 117,700 927,000 526,320 68,800 207,200 163,000 132,800 116,300 97,900 169,100 166,300 8,800 106,200 149,000 47,400 111,200 90,000 147,000 121,800 119,700 111,800 168,400 39,200 1,000 111,900 6,100 201,800 128,400 129,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 426 432 330 281 220 210 210 210 220 220 695 210 210 312 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 853 692 210 311 220 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 99-1444 76-401 83-175 93-250 07-0834 2014 2009 IH-1157 2013 93-993 GD2013#12 85-560 07-0876 2010 69-242 06-588 2015 2010 07-1209 04-1303 2013 94-475 04-1303 IH-1159 99-1425 88-213 74-776 IH-1160 08-0846 00-1189 79-128 95-917 2012 IH-1161 87-1169 2014 85-1010 5,586,720 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.18-4-10 52.18-4-11 52.18-4-12 52.18-4-13 52.18-4-14 52.18-4-16 52.19-1-2 52.19-1-3 52.19-1-4.1 52.19-1-4.2 52.19-1-4.3 52.19-2-1 52.19-2-2 52.19-2-3 52.19-2-4 52.19-2-5 52.19-2-6 52.19-2-7 52.19-2-8 52.19-2-9 52.19-2-10 52.19-2-11 52.19-2-12 52.19-2-13 52.19-2-16 52.19-2-17 52.19-2-18 52.19-2-19 52.19-2-20 52.19-2-21 52.19-2-22 52.19-2-23 52.19-2-24 52.19-2-25 52.19-2-26 52.19-2-27 52.19-2-28 Govel, Doris J. Agneta, David Hanley, Edmund Northrup, Sheree E. Hanley, Catherine J. Hanley, Marna J. Woodlake Associates LP Woodlake Associates LP Rosenblum Equities LLC Great Oaks 200 LLC Great Oaks 300 LLC CRE JV Mixed Fifteen NY2 Hada Guilderland LLC Romano-Marx LLC CRE JV Mixed Fifteen NY 2 Gaines, Rosalind Gaines, Rosalind Kester, Robert Sullivan, Kelly A. Harrington, Kathleen Fitzgerald, Ellen A. Slezak, J Douglas Khan, Mohammed Alam Wacksman, Lynn Patton, Richard A. Tatum, Carlton B. Jr. Bonifacio, Ramon B. Haldeman, Paul E. Meehan, William P. Rosinsky, Robert J. Martel, Patricia L. Lehman, Stuart W. Jr. Lincoln, Fredric L. Grosshandler, Meredith R. Toffenetti, William Anderson, Anne C. Krenitsky, David A. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 113,100 155,000 143,500 163,100 161,900 120,300 12,154,000 7,416,000 6,399,400 5,002,100 5,002,100 818,760 723,700 519,100 86,200 148,400 26,900 82,400 99,400 106,700 152,000 78,000 211,000 135,000 85,000 154,500 180,100 157,300 210,200 159,700 134,500 177,700 155,500 162,100 154,500 184,800 168,600 22,600 31,000 28,700 32,600 32,400 24,100 3,081,800 1,891,100 1,133,000 865,200 937,300 231,800 319,300 216,300 86,200 29,700 26,900 16,500 19,900 21,300 30,400 15,600 42,200 27,000 17,000 30,900 36,000 31,500 42,000 31,900 26,900 35,500 31,100 32,400 30,900 37,000 33,700 42,102,560 Page 283 of 347 9,579,700 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 113,100 155,000 143,500 163,100 161,900 120,300 12,154,000 7,557,900 6,399,400 5,002,100 5,002,100 818,760 723,700 519,100 86,200 148,400 26,900 82,400 99,400 106,700 152,000 78,000 211,000 135,000 85,000 154,500 180,100 157,300 210,200 159,700 134,500 177,700 155,500 162,100 154,500 184,800 168,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 411 411 464 464 464 462 421 472 330 210 311 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-1162 2010 69-726 08-0925 98-1132 70-719 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 07-0522 2015 07-0523 07-0522 05-0526 05-0526 08-0693 03-528 99-1519 99-1520 IH-1153 2013ih 99-1522 GD05-24 2015 2015 IH-1164 85-79 91-237 06-151 01-216 95-1348 2013 05-0521 08-0007 07-0524 42,244,460 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.19-2-29 52.19-2-30 52.19-2-31 52.19-2-32 52.19-2-33 52.19-2-34 52.19-2-35 52.19-2-36 52.19-2-37 52.19-2-38 52.19-2-39 52.19-2-40 52.19-2-41 52.19-2-42 52.19-3-1 52.19-3-2 52.19-3-4 52.19-3-5 52.19-3-6 52.19-3-7 52.19-3-8 52.19-3-9 52.19-3-10 52.19-3-11 52.19-3-12 52.19-3-13 52.19-3-14 52.19-3-15 52.19-3-16 52.19-3-17 52.19-3-18 52.19-3-19 52.19-3-20 52.19-3-21 52.19-3-22 52.19-3-23 52.19-3-24 Daigler, John Dayian, George Renzi, Patrick F. Parsons, Virginia M. Genzano, Emilio P. DelBrocco, Anthony Hoogkamp, William Tanski, Deborah A. Esmay, Richard F. Urban, Deborah A. Skinner, Timothy C. Robert, Thomas V. Brecht, Ethel Brower, Jon Christ Lutheran Church Western Ave Realty Bettiol Fuel Service Inc Fourteen Seventy Western LLC Butler, William C. Smircich, Janice VanBuren, James J. Cahill, Judith A. Thomas, Richard J. Christ Evangelical Hill, Margaret M. Ginsburg, Scott H. Burns, Mary Jo Varvarchin, Olga Cross, Richard W. Walsh, Edward J. Duncan, Sean Hennet, John G. Shpirt, Eugene Lynch, Margaret Marinda Spofford, Paul S. Luther, Robert C & Marcia A Irvine, Scott B. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 280,300 168,900 230,600 169,000 206,200 252,500 134,500 176,700 171,600 216,000 186,200 162,700 152,800 195,700 1,555,200 420,000 956,000 1,620,000 202,600 206,100 162,700 159,700 139,200 0 144,200 162,700 164,800 155,200 171,000 189,100 180,500 135,500 234,900 164,000 159,700 217,200 141,500 56,100 33,800 46,100 33,800 41,200 50,500 26,900 35,300 34,300 43,500 37,200 32,500 30,600 61,800 311,000 135,000 437,800 425,000 40,500 41,200 32,500 31,900 27,800 0 28,800 32,500 33,000 31,000 34,200 37,800 36,100 27,100 47,000 32,800 31,900 43,400 28,300 10,345,500 Page 284 of 347 2,490,200 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 280,300 168,900 230,600 169,000 206,200 252,500 134,500 176,700 171,600 216,000 186,200 162,700 152,800 195,700 1,555,200 420,000 956,000 1,462,400 202,600 206,100 162,700 159,700 139,200 0 144,200 162,700 164,800 155,200 171,000 189,100 180,500 135,500 234,900 164,000 159,700 217,200 141,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 411 620 484 426 421 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0533 00-493 03-1134 2010GD#8 06-1306 2011 07-1125 01-1178 2012 2015 04-1512 2014 76-506 99-223 2011 2010 2015 2015 76-504 2014 78-427 2012 99-772 94-1236 2010 08-0109 92-872 08-0912 IH-1154 03-236 2010 01-217 04-730 2014 2014 2012 07-0527 10,187,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.19-3-25 52.19-3-26 52.19-3-27 52.19-3-28 52.19-3-29 52.19-3-30 52.19-3-31 52.19-3-32 52.19-3-33 52.19-3-34 52.19-3-35 52.19-3-36 52.19-3-37 52.19-4-1 52.19-4-2 52.19-4-3 52.19-4-4 52.19-4-5 52.19-4-6 52.19-4-7 52.19-4-8 52.19-4-9 52.19-4-10 52.19-4-11 52.19-4-12 52.19-4-13 52.19-4-14 52.19-4-15 52.19-4-16 52.19-4-18 52.19-4-19 52.19-4-20 52.19-4-21 52.19-4-22 52.19-4-23 52.19-4-24 52.19-4-25 McClure, Donna M. Berbrick, Jason F. Spore, Marie O. Belawski, Hildegard E. Palatsky, David B. Curry, Richard P. Pier, Millard H. Buchanan, Grace Johnson, Nathan P. McAteer, Margaret M. Barnum, Virginia Daggett, Clark Waldron, Gary Ge, Ziqiang Walsh, Beatrice L. Wasson, Bradley J. Levine, Julian W. Strassburg, Helen E. Antohe, Alin O. Bianchi, Gino A. Honsinger, Timothy Franco, Faustino McComb, Matthew Stewart, Karen L. Ballard, Felicia M. Huba, Joseph R. Burke, Richard W & Elaine N Klopfer, Nancy Harder, Janet E. St Clair, Jonathan R. Hockenbury, Robert W & Bernice Nirenberg, Ricardo Wielt, Marilyn F. Beaudett, Teresa L. Coger, Laurie Hanrahan, Robert E. Paolucci Under Trust, Mary L. 169,600 149,500 158,000 181,600 170,300 304,100 150,900 179,200 204,800 177,600 205,300 167,600 219,800 172,300 196,400 164,000 158,000 155,800 158,700 198,000 150,000 155,000 174,600 135,400 155,700 165,600 215,700 168,000 164,800 165,700 159,600 174,900 165,400 176,400 254,000 214,400 125,700 33,900 29,900 31,600 36,300 34,100 60,800 30,200 35,800 41,000 35,500 41,100 33,500 44,000 34,500 39,300 32,800 31,600 31,200 31,700 39,600 30,000 31,000 35,700 27,100 31,100 33,100 43,100 33,600 33,000 33,100 31,900 35,000 33,100 35,300 50,800 42,900 25,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,562,400 Page 285 of 347 1,313,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 169,600 149,500 158,000 181,600 170,300 304,100 150,900 179,200 204,800 177,600 205,300 167,600 219,800 172,300 196,400 164,000 158,000 155,800 158,700 198,000 150,000 155,000 174,600 135,400 155,700 165,600 215,700 168,000 164,800 165,700 159,600 174,900 165,400 176,400 254,000 214,400 125,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2013 2013 01-1010 91-543 00-1369 2012 2010 07-0532 05-0529 SC61-05 99-968 76-497 2012 2012 IH-1170 93-1127 07-0529 86-288 07-0530 06-1308 2011 06-264 2014 07-0531 08-0013 GD05-168 IH-1174 2012 76-507 2014 IH-1175 76-507 05-0530 95-242 07-0525 GD05-360 94-299 6,562,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Parcel Id 52.19-4-26 52.19-4-27 52.19-4-28 52.19-4-29 52.19-4-30 52.19-4-31 52.19-4-32 52.19-4-33 52.19-4-34 52.19-4-35.1 52.19-4-35.2 52.19-4-36 52.19-4-37 52.19-4-38 52.19-4-39 * 52.19-4-40.1 52.19-4-40.2 * 52.19-4-41 52.19-4-42 52.19-4-43 52.20-1-2 52.20-1-5 52.20-1-6 52.20-1-7 52.20-1-9 52.20-1-10 52.20-1-11 52.20-1-12 52.20-1-13 52.20-1-14 52.20-1-15 52.20-1-16 52.20-1-17 52.20-1-18 52.20-1-19 52.20-1-20 52.20-1-21 Page Totals Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av Gehres, John G. Smith, Gary B. Revoir, Rosemary C. Green, Ellen T. Finnegan, Paul F. Crewell, Rebekah M. Feldstein, Robert S. Multari, Jeffrey Multari, Jeffrey Schoolhouse Road Realty LLC Wood, Andrew T. Schoolhouse Luxury Townhomes LLC. Wachtel, Florence Zindell, Suzanne Duanesburg Properties Inc Schoolhouse Luxury Townhomes LLC. Ziehm, Gerard Ziehm, Gerard J. Guilderland Town of New York State Graham, Gordon Kotlow, Lawrence A. BonJay LLC BonJay LLC Levens, Norma F. Lux, Rosalie Quinn, Kevin P. Graham, Gordon Killian, Richard Denbeaux, Gregory Kidd, William S F. Osborn, Carrie A. Ellinwood, Dorothy L. Beebe, Richard W O. Bowen, Michelle D. Sherwin, Kathleen Gnacik, Carol 157,100 161,000 157,300 190,000 164,100 138,800 125,700 342,500 48,500 407,900 296,700 143,000 111,000 93,100 102,200 42,500 247,200 500 29,600 70,500 6,000 211,300 383,200 370,800 190,300 195,100 168,900 158,500 165,600 178,200 144,300 159,000 171,100 174,600 192,700 214,400 145,600 31,400 32,200 31,500 38,000 32,800 27,800 25,100 68,500 48,500 113,300 77,300 164,800 22,200 18,600 20,400 42,500 53,200 500 29,600 70,500 6,000 67,000 113,300 139,100 38,100 39,000 33,800 31,700 33,100 35,600 28,900 31,800 34,200 34,900 38,500 42,900 29,100 Parcels 35 6,215,800 Page 286 of 347 1,682,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 157,100 161,000 157,300 190,000 164,100 138,800 125,700 342,500 48,500 407,900 296,700 364,200 111,000 93,100 102,200 42,500 247,700 500 29,600 70,500 6,000 211,300 383,200 370,800 190,300 195,100 168,900 158,500 165,600 178,200 144,300 159,000 171,100 174,600 192,700 214,400 145,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 465 465 411 210 210 210 311 411 311 822 692 311 465 465 465 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 07-0528 2012 08-0112 94-478 2010 IH-1178 08-0989 92-185 05-0525 86-891 2015s/m#6 2015 06-154 2015 2015s/m#6 2015s/m#11 2015s/m#11 80-650 2012 05-1087 2015 76-540 06-267 96-308 2013 80-59 08-0078 74-770 2010 2015 2012 2015 07-0536 89-382 6,437,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.20-1-22 52.20-1-23 52.20-1-24 52.20-1-25 52.20-1-26 52.20-1-27 52.20-1-28 52.20-1-29 52.20-1-30 52.20-1-31 52.20-1-32 52.20-1-33 52.20-1-34 52.20-1-35 52.20-1-36 52.20-1-37 52.20-1-38 52.20-1-39 52.20-1-40 52.20-1-41 52.20-1-42 52.20-1-43 52.20-1-44 52.20-1-45 52.20-1-46 52.20-1-47 52.20-1-48 52.20-1-49 52.20-1-50 52.20-1-51 52.20-1-52 52.20-1-53 52.20-1-54 52.20-1-55 52.20-1-56 52.20-1-57 52.20-1-58 Mack, Evan Walsh, Margaret M. Skladzinski, Susan Fiehl Berg, Steven M. Hall, Donna L. Gaffey, John P. Wells, Jason R. Neff, Asa S. Bullis, Vicki L. Community Alternatives David, Mary P. Cortese, Anthony G. Cortese, Anthony G. Swartzendruber, Spencer Campbell, John Steven Markessinis, Donna M. Siino, John A. Collins, Rebecca M. Sebben, Michael A. Gentile, Cynthia A. Williams, Roger A. Williams, Roger A. Trapasso, Joseph Lugg, Gerald N Rainer, Philip H. OBrien, Sylvia S. Perry, Deborah A. Welch, John T. Hoyle, Andrew Denis, Stanley L. Shub, David A. Ginger Real Estate LLC Micare, Jason C. Friedland, Elizabeth J. Paul, Manimoy Harausz, Stephen A. Patka, Carl F. 168,600 185,000 144,700 198,200 175,200 183,400 172,700 214,300 146,000 188,500 280,200 1,000 178,200 128,700 151,900 133,000 313,100 131,200 159,600 159,600 159,600 1,000 163,300 143,000 206,100 176,300 147,900 168,800 186,000 213,900 160,000 184,800 179,300 164,500 163,400 196,800 178,200 33,700 37,000 28,900 39,600 35,000 36,700 34,500 42,900 29,200 47,500 56,000 1,000 35,600 25,700 30,400 26,600 62,600 26,200 31,900 31,900 32,800 1,000 32,700 28,600 41,200 35,200 29,600 33,800 37,200 42,800 32,000 37,000 35,900 32,900 32,700 39,400 35,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,206,000 Page 287 of 347 1,253,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 168,600 185,000 144,700 198,200 175,200 183,400 172,700 214,300 146,000 188,500 280,200 1,000 178,200 128,700 151,900 133,000 313,100 131,200 159,600 159,600 163,900 1,000 163,300 143,000 206,100 176,300 147,900 168,800 186,000 213,900 160,000 184,800 179,300 164,500 163,400 196,800 178,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 614 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 07-0569 05-1201 2012 2014 95-333 2013 2014 2009 93-1128 IH-1182 94-300 94-300 01-1116 2010 2013 06-590 91-261 2014 99-775 2015 2015 2015 05-0531 08-1018 2010 02-110 2009 2011 2015 78-960 2013 2013 06-156 2010 IH-1179 04-1090 6,210,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.20-1-59 52.20-1-60 52.20-1-61 52.20-1-62 52.20-1-63 52.20-1-64 52.20-1-65 52.20-1-66 52.20-2-1 52.20-2-2 52.20-2-3 52.20-2-4 52.20-2-5 52.20-2-6 52.20-2-7 52.20-2-8 52.20-2-9 52.20-2-10 52.20-2-11 52.20-2-12 52.20-2-13 52.20-2-14 52.20-2-15 52.20-2-16 52.20-2-17 52.20-2-18 52.20-2-19 52.20-2-20 52.20-2-21 52.20-2-22 52.20-2-23 52.20-2-24 52.20-2-25 52.20-2-26 52.20-2-27 52.20-2-28 52.20-2-29 Eggleston, Lynn McKeown, Frederick Murray, David R. Hartzell, Karl Drew Jr. Ferro, Martha Sue Stanziano, Eleanore Baxter, Brendan E. Artino, Carmen Q. Yin, Bangsheng Doak, Darrell E. Doak, Daniel R. Temps, John Bierman, Dolores H. Holt, Norma A. Rickerman, Catherine C. Treanor, Christopher P. Berman, Margaret Catalano, Anthony Connelly, Denise Gonyeau, Bryan D. Stanziano, Lisa ONeil, Richard Murphy, Howard F & Annlee E. Campbell, Adrienne E. Carr, John M. Harrold, Michael J. Richey, Rita A. Aish Hatorah New York Inc Rizzuto, Domenick J. Cady, Bryan Farison, David B. Manning, Ellen Reeb, Donald J. Ehrbar, Marylou Norwood Nine LLC Schou, Bertil Warnke, Eric E. 137,700 178,200 184,800 161,500 134,100 137,800 179,700 201,000 160,900 235,000 166,000 148,300 161,700 167,100 142,400 251,300 181,500 162,800 122,600 188,400 176,100 187,200 154,500 131,000 168,600 142,000 168,800 195,700 190,600 208,800 168,900 138,700 161,800 155,100 163,600 187,800 165,800 27,500 35,600 37,000 32,300 26,800 27,600 35,900 40,200 32,200 47,000 33,200 29,700 32,300 33,400 28,500 50,260 36,300 32,600 24,500 37,700 35,200 37,400 30,900 26,200 33,700 28,400 33,800 82,400 67,000 41,800 33,800 27,700 32,400 31,000 32,700 37,600 33,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,267,800 Page 288 of 347 1,325,760 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 137,700 178,200 184,800 161,500 134,100 137,800 179,700 201,000 160,900 235,000 166,000 148,300 161,700 167,100 142,400 251,300 181,500 162,800 122,600 188,400 176,100 187,200 154,500 131,000 168,600 142,000 168,800 195,700 190,600 208,800 168,900 138,700 161,800 155,100 163,600 187,800 165,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 483 483 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-1183 2011 2015 00-1371 97-729 2015 2015 2013 2015 95-384 2011 IH-1185 2010 08-0563 73-328 2013 04-458 2011 IH-1187 2015 04-148 76-542 2010 2011 IH-1190 88-455 99-777 2012 89-403 2013 89-386 99-584 75-483 99-380 2011 2011 2015 6,267,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.20-2-30 52.20-2-31 52.20-2-32 52.20-2-34 52.20-2-35 52.20-2-36 52.20-2-37 52.20-2-38 52.20-2-39 52.20-2-40 52.20-2-41 52.20-2-42 52.20-2-43 52.20-2-44 52.20-2-45 52.20-2-46 52.20-2-47 52.20-2-48 52.20-2-49 52.20-2-50 52.20-2-51 52.20-2-52 52.20-2-53 52.20-2-54 52.20-2-55 52.20-2-56 52.20-3-1 52.20-3-2 52.20-3-3 52.20-3-4 52.20-3-5 52.20-3-6 52.20-3-7 52.20-3-8 52.20-3-9 52.20-3-10 52.20-3-11 DeSorbo, John D. Neiles, Edward M. Jr. Reach, Christopher P. Chakurmanian, Brian A. Fitzgibbon, Margaret A. VanBuren, Lori J. Fazio, Frank S. McNally, David T. Ganz, Joan Goodman Zhang, Min Lifshin, Eric Elliott, Donald W. Schramm, Joan K. Picou, Cynthia Travison, Brendan Hoffman, Brendan Menia, Gary R. Mason, Paul M. Salomon, Herman Prins Nardolillo, William P. Mahn, Kevin L. Caporta, John J. Zhao, Xiaohui Sutty, Elinor A. Csaposs, Donald J. Reilly, Janet M. Colburn, Mary Louise Adkison, Jason R. Robinson, Pamela Foster, Mark S. Becker, Russell W. Mleczkowski, Ryan E. Murphy, Mary Alice Skladzinski, Piotr A. Lacy, Ward M. Saunders, Sylvia Sidhu, Dilip S. 151,400 168,800 166,800 206,800 163,200 127,600 158,600 163,500 175,700 163,200 162,600 162,400 164,800 183,600 180,700 178,500 134,900 155,100 164,700 157,300 166,400 135,800 161,100 155,000 184,500 170,300 148,000 192,300 160,200 143,700 163,600 152,000 135,800 155,500 145,000 113,200 110,900 30,300 33,800 33,400 41,400 32,600 25,500 31,700 32,700 35,100 32,600 32,500 32,500 33,000 36,700 36,100 35,700 27,000 31,000 32,900 31,500 33,300 27,200 32,200 31,000 36,900 34,100 29,600 40,300 32,000 28,700 32,700 30,400 27,200 31,100 29,000 22,600 22,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,883,500 Page 289 of 347 1,178,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 151,400 168,800 166,800 206,800 163,200 127,600 158,600 163,500 175,700 163,200 162,600 162,400 164,800 183,600 180,700 178,500 134,900 155,100 164,700 157,300 166,400 135,800 161,100 155,000 184,500 170,300 148,000 201,300 160,200 143,700 163,600 152,000 135,800 155,500 145,000 113,200 110,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 230 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 77-1028 75-684 76-546 IH-1181 2013 07-0539 08-0819 06-592 94-304 2014 2011 93-186 79-367 2015 08-0527 2010 06-158 2012 79-912 75-484 2015 2015 IH-1191 IH-1193 93-9999 IH-1192 2015 2015 1-668 IH-1194 94-542 2014 91-204 IH-1195 2014 88-218 2015 5,892,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.20-3-12 52.20-3-13 52.20-3-15 52.20-3-16 52.20-3-17 52.20-3-18 52.20-3-19 52.20-3-20 52.20-3-21 52.20-3-22 52.20-3-23 52.20-3-24 52.20-3-26 52.20-3-27 52.20-3-28 52.20-3-29 52.20-3-30 52.20-3-31 52.20-3-32 52.20-3-33 52.20-3-34 52.20-3-35 52.20-3-36 52.20-3-37 52.20-3-38 52.20-3-39 52.20-3-40 52.20-3-41 52.20-3-42 52.20-3-43 52.20-3-44 52.20-3-45 52.20-3-46 52.20-3-47 52.20-3-48 52.20-3-49 52.20-3-50 Anastasio, Francis A. Seereiter, Michael Collen, Robert A. Wren, Michael Gutbezahl, Michael Daniels, John M. Daniels, John M. Engster, Paul R. Dean, Douglas J. Dean, Douglas J. Parsons, Renee A. Marcil, Ellen M. Johnston, David Hussain, Hamayun Reilly, William J & Patricia A. Carino, Mary Grace Reinhardt, William W. Melas, Jane Mason, Dennis Sr. Puspurs, Kathleen M. Tuxbury, Larry D. Jr. Merlis, Joshua B. Tabak, John J. Falati, Shahrokh Sweeney, James Michael Jr. Dover, Nancy M. Dean, Andrea R. Torda, Alice V. Sarma, Mukti H. Torda, Alice Guilderland, Town of Zuk, Boleslaw Breyette, Gene G. Fetcho, Pamela Rehabilitation Support Tran, Son Stepanskiy, Larisa 131,400 224,600 176,200 159,000 155,300 264,200 35,100 198,400 166,400 148,300 164,500 163,100 143,900 168,600 194,000 114,100 339,600 212,700 157,700 112,100 156,400 158,200 143,700 132,600 190,700 125,000 120,600 142,800 177,100 143,400 60,000 156,300 155,500 145,400 265,000 135,600 113,300 26,300 44,900 35,200 31,800 31,100 52,800 35,100 39,700 33,300 29,700 32,900 32,600 28,800 33,700 38,800 22,800 67,900 42,500 31,500 22,400 31,300 31,600 28,700 26,500 38,100 25,000 24,100 28,600 35,400 28,700 60,000 31,300 31,100 29,100 67,500 27,100 46,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,950,800 Page 290 of 347 1,304,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 131,400 224,600 176,200 159,000 155,300 264,200 35,100 198,400 166,400 148,300 164,500 163,100 143,900 168,600 194,000 114,100 339,600 212,700 157,700 112,100 156,400 158,200 143,700 132,600 190,700 125,000 120,600 142,800 177,100 143,400 60,000 156,300 155,500 145,400 265,000 135,600 113,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 210 210 210 220 220 311 220 220 220 614 210 411 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 8 1 1 Account Nbr 96-314 2015 95-336 2011 90-538 GD05-339A GD05-339B 2011 99-778 IH-1201 07-0541 07-0542 2010 06-593 08-0245 2014 86-412 2013 2010 08-0499 2013 07-1127 07-1128 2015 GD05-154 85-95 2014 IH-1198 95-243 IH-1198 05-411 93-253 02-112 2012 2012 90-470 01-1011 5,950,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.20-3-51 52.20-3-52 52.20-3-53 52.20-3-54 52.20-3-55 52.20-4-1 52.20-4-2.1 52.20-4-2.2 52.20-4-3 52.20-4-4 52.20-4-5 52.20-4-6.1 52.20-4-6.2 52.20-4-6.3 52.20-4-6.4 52.20-4-7 52.20-4-8 52.20-4-9 52.20-4-10 52.20-4-11 52.20-4-12 52.20-4-13 52.20-4-14 52.20-4-15 52.20-4-16 52.20-4-17 52.20-4-18 52.20-4-19 52.20-4-20 52.20-4-21 52.20-4-22 52.20-4-23 52.20-4-24 52.20-4-25 52.20-4-26 52.20-4-27 52.20-4-28 Hansen, Neil H. DeLaCruz, Philip DeLacruz, Philip DeLaCruz, Philip M. Power Test Realty Co LP Delta Properties LLC Memorial Hospital Western Ave Associates LLC Turf Western Ave Inc Blendell, John A Cunningham, Justine C. Strassburg, William H. Belisle, Denis Paterno, Audrey H. Plessas, Phillip E. Fourteen Thirty Six Hansen, Kent Macomber, Mark B. Craft, Carla C. Albanese, Sheryl A. Jewell, Andrew Nasadoski, Lynn Smith, Mary F Greenhouse, Jeffrey A. Clickner, Robert J. Traynor, William Schermerhorn, Hazel Cheng, David R. Haettenschwiller, Inez Haettenschwiller, Inez Maria Murphy, Christopher E. VanEpps, Christopher Smith, Douglas A. Irvin, Rosemary Garrison, Anna Casatelli, Betty Jane Casatelli-Morse, Lorraine Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 114,900 143,500 131,800 199,600 620,500 8,194,700 815,800 2,434,900 5,932,800 140,700 432,600 136,900 203,400 203,400 215,500 285,500 395,000 369,300 189,200 176,400 188,900 127,300 1,000 180,200 178,300 133,300 148,600 190,500 137,300 135,200 192,700 194,600 184,100 107,300 129,600 127,000 103,000 23,000 28,700 26,400 92,700 202,800 1,390,500 267,800 643,800 901,300 28,100 257,500 28,200 41,000 41,000 44,000 180,300 82,400 73,900 37,800 35,300 37,800 25,500 1,000 36,000 35,700 31,600 29,700 38,100 27,500 27,000 38,500 38,900 36,800 21,500 25,900 25,400 20,600 23,795,300 Page 291 of 347 4,924,000 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 114,900 143,500 131,800 199,600 620,500 8,194,700 815,800 2,434,900 5,932,800 140,700 432,600 136,900 203,400 203,400 215,500 285,500 395,000 369,300 189,200 176,400 188,900 127,300 1,000 180,200 178,300 158,100 148,600 190,500 137,300 135,200 192,700 194,600 184,100 107,300 129,600 127,000 103,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 220 220 484 432 464 465 465 415 210 484 220 210 210 210 432 480 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 92-189 GD05-341B 07-0544 06-1313 2012 2014 07-0545 2015 2012 96-719 2014 2013 2010 2011 2010 2015 2009 94-1237 2011 98-1145 07-1131 99-969 08-0930 IH-1200 2011 2015 90-273 2015 93-9999 04-339 05-1089 08-1019 GD05-290 98-1146 98-360 04-1514 03-998 23,820,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 52.20-4-29 52.20-4-30 52.20-4-31 52.20-4-32 52.20-4-33 52.20-4-34 52.20-4-35 52.20-4-36 52.20-4-37 52.20-4-38 52.20-4-39 52.20-4-40 52.20-4-41 52.20-4-42 52.20-4-43 52.20-4-44 52.20-4-45 52.20-4-46 52.20-4-47 52.20-4-48 52.20-4-49 52.20-4-50 52.20-4-51 52.20-4-52 52.20-4-53 52.20-4-54 52.20-4-55 52.20-4-56 52.20-4-57 52.20-4-58 52.20-4-59 52.20-4-60 52.20-4-61 52.20-4-62 52.20-4-63 52.20-4-64 52.20-4-65 Cohen, Linda J. Chen, Bifang Anderson, Ian Lofrumento, Michael J. Egerton, Nancy J. DeVol, Ruth E. McNelis, Scott Cooley, Ronnie Colclough, William Smith, Mary F. Hogan, Patrick Gavin Esmay, Richard E. Esmay, Timothy R. Elmohtar, Kody K A Varga West Co LLC Joseph, Jean H. Bowman, Etwin White, James Keefer, Richard Tramontano, Ronald Gosztyla, Aaron A. Menia, Gary R. Malsky, Matthew P. Grady, Michael K. Hickey, Susan M. Conboy, Jenika Hunt, Patricia L. McGuirk, Patricia M. Reistetter, Francine Anderson, Eric William Collins, Virginia C. Kozlowski, Steven Bruce , Mary E. Warnke, Eric Shaffer, David R. Scholer, Marc D. Ishkarian, Marisa 148,300 125,900 145,800 139,400 140,700 133,500 124,900 163,300 175,000 156,600 165,000 346,100 150,800 131,100 259,600 142,500 153,000 155,800 129,400 151,300 158,000 131,000 138,900 156,400 169,600 134,900 132,500 136,100 117,800 131,900 99,200 144,600 167,900 118,900 168,600 150,900 155,600 29,700 25,200 29,200 27,900 32,000 26,700 25,000 32,700 35,000 31,300 33,000 92,700 30,200 26,200 103,000 28,500 30,600 31,200 25,900 30,300 31,600 27,600 27,800 31,300 33,900 27,000 26,500 27,200 23,600 26,400 19,800 28,900 33,600 23,800 33,700 30,200 31,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,650,800 Page 292 of 347 1,210,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 148,300 125,900 145,800 139,400 160,100 133,500 124,900 163,300 175,000 156,600 165,000 346,100 150,800 131,100 259,600 142,500 153,000 155,800 129,400 151,300 158,000 137,800 138,900 156,400 169,600 134,900 132,500 136,100 117,800 131,900 99,200 144,600 167,900 118,900 168,600 150,900 155,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 465 220 210 485 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 08-0055 98-1147 04-732 2015 IH-1206 2014 2014 IH-1207 06-1314 2009 03-999 03-0109 2012 02-134 05-0539 96-320 95-395 2010 2013 2015 2015gd#02 06-595 93-413 2010 03-1253 95-1350 IH-1209 00-199 05-1275 IH-1210 08-1020 88-848 06-269 08-0991 2013 06-597 5,677,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 52.20-4-66 53.05-1-1 53.05-1-2 53.05-1-3 53.05-1-4 53.05-1-5 53.05-1-6 53.05-1-8 53.05-1-9 53.05-1-10 53.05-1-11 53.05-1-12 53.05-1-13 53.05-1-14 53.05-1-15 53.05-1-17 53.09-1-1 53.09-1-2 53.09-1-3 53.09-1-4 53.09-1-5 53.09-1-6 53.09-1-7 53.09-1-8.1 53.09-1-8.2 53.09-1-9 53.09-1-10.1 53.09-1-10.2 53.09-1-10.3 53.09-1-11 59.00-1-1 59.00-1-2.2 59.00-1-4.1 59.00-1-4.2 59.00-1-5 59.00-1-6 59.00-1-7 McKownville Fire District Seventy One Fuller Road Fuller Road Realty Corp Fuller Road Realty Corp Fuller Road Realty Corp Fuller Road Realty Corp Fuller Industries Inc Suburban Propane LP Suburban Propane LP Leto, Michael J. Sr. Railroad Realty LLC Mohr, Susan Miron, Julie Albany Miron Lumber Corp Albany Miron Lumber Corp Fuller Partners LLC TBP Realty LLC Forty Six-Forty Eight Railroad Metroway Company Forty Two Railroad Avenue LLC DCR Realty LLC Industrial Plaza Pazmino Realty LLC Thirty Railroad Avenue, LLC Mercury Refining Co Inc Twenty Six Railroad Ave Inc Pazmino Realty LLC Twenty Six Railroad Ave Inc D J Wholesales Building Fuller Realty New York State, The People of Spencer, Gary McCandless, Frederick D. Brusgul, Justin Wilford, Timothy E. Mason, Keith J. Clarke, Charles William Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 556,100 76,800 159,200 39,800 328,400 473,400 68,100 738,400 50,500 234,800 672,000 548,300 205,900 86,370 198,600 0 825,600 852,800 157,000 468,500 605,600 1,896,000 100,800 18,000 2,000 9,000 1,800 1,700 0 5,400 237,600 235,100 304,700 304,500 37,900 213,900 166,800 102,900 76,800 96,300 39,800 262,700 107,600 68,100 237,900 50,500 185,400 139,100 76,000 205,900 17,300 42,700 0 123,600 170,600 92,700 108,200 115,900 340,000 77,300 18,000 2,000 9,000 1,800 1,700 0 5,400 237,600 77,800 56,100 55,900 37,900 42,800 33,400 10,881,370 Page 293 of 347 3,316,700 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 556,100 76,800 159,200 39,800 328,400 473,400 68,100 738,400 50,500 234,800 672,000 548,300 205,900 86,370 198,600 0 825,600 852,800 157,000 468,500 605,600 1,896,000 100,800 18,000 2,000 9,000 1,800 1,700 0 5,400 237,600 235,100 304,700 304,500 37,900 213,900 166,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 662 330 480 330 449 449 330 441 330 441 449 449 330 444 444 340 443 449 449 449 449 449 449 330 330 330 843 340 340 340 910 240 240 240 314 210 210 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 01-774 GD05-29 2015gd#85a 2015gd#85b 2015gd#85c 2015gd#85d 99-SC 2010 97-1102 2011 GD05-487 IH-1546 2010GD#3 2010GD#2 2013 2015 05-1202 2012 93-9999 08-1214 2014 04-1429 2010 2013 91-821 89-698 2010 88-222 89-1272 89-431 06-161 95-1311 03-0110 07-0886 03-1000 2012 2013 10,881,370 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 59.00-1-8 59.00-1-9 59.00-1-10 59.00-1-11 59.00-1-12 59.00-1-14 59.00-1-16 59.00-1-17 59.00-1-19 59.00-1-20 59.00-1-21 59.00-1-22 59.00-1-23 59.00-1-24 59.00-1-25 59.00-1-26 59.00-1-33 60.00-1-1 60.00-1-2 60.00-1-3 60.00-1-4 60.00-1-5.2 60.00-1-5.3 60.00-1-5.11 60.00-1-5.12 60.00-1-5.13 60.00-1-6 60.00-1-9 60.00-1-10 60.00-1-11 60.00-1-12 60.00-1-13 60.00-1-14 60.00-1-15 60.00-1-16 60.00-1-17 60.00-1-18 Gleasman, Michael F. Sbardella, Mario Millington, Errol C. Millington, Errol C. Wooster , Barbara J. Harper, Jake A. Jr. Fasulo, Elisa C. Simmons, Colleen A. Corbett, Christa Robinson Hewitt, Karen Murphy, Linda C. Edwards, Bernice B. Murphy, Linda C. Murphy, Thomas J. Salerno, Michele New York State Woods, Thomas H. Schwartzbach, Barry Donato, Louis Jr. Manss, Christian L. Manss, Christian L. Crounse, Mark S & Cynthia B Schwartzbach, Barry Rinaldi, Vincent D. Suozzo, Matthew J. Suozzo, Matthew J. Payne, Jill Plauth, Ralph E. Shutter, Hazel Nelson, Timothy Shutter, Robert W. Jr. LeClair, Thomas H. Elemendorf, Carole L. Scannapieco, Carmine G. VanderWarker, Steven P. Shutter, William Haimowitz, Stephan 271,900 281,200 91,100 192,300 184,900 175,000 181,500 184,500 264,200 228,000 137,300 221,000 192,100 238,800 318,200 357,600 9,300 176,300 114,400 193,900 39,400 165,900 37,600 268,000 50,000 314,000 139,000 6,000 184,200 160,900 144,600 119,200 146,200 113,200 186,800 152,200 170,400 54,400 95,000 25,000 52,600 37,000 35,000 36,300 36,900 57,700 45,600 53,600 44,200 147,200 101,500 99,500 357,600 9,300 35,300 22,900 38,800 39,400 33,200 37,600 63,700 50,000 83,600 27,800 6,000 36,800 32,200 28,900 23,800 29,200 22,600 37,400 30,400 34,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,411,100 Page 294 of 347 2,002,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 271,900 281,200 91,100 192,300 184,900 175,000 181,500 184,500 288,500 228,000 137,300 221,000 192,100 290,000 318,200 357,600 9,300 176,300 114,400 193,900 39,400 165,900 37,600 268,000 50,000 353,200 139,000 6,000 184,200 160,900 144,600 119,200 146,200 113,200 186,800 152,200 170,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 240 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 240 210 240 240 240 961 322 210 210 210 314 210 314 240 320 240 210 322 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-1283 2011 07-0547 2010 2009 05-1203 02-883 2012 2015 06-598 97-673 2010 08-0146 2015 07-0549 02-968 07-0550 99-679 01-1038 01-1039 2010 07-0550 2015 2010 2015 2015 83-295 04-1187 98-441 87-570 2013 2013 08-0823 93-915 2014 6,525,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 60.00-1-19 60.00-1-20 60.00-1-21 60.00-1-22 60.00-1-23 60.00-1-24 60.00-1-25 60.00-1-26 60.00-1-27 60.00-1-28 60.00-1-29.1 60.00-1-29.2 60.00-1-29.3 60.00-1-29.6 60.00-1-29.7 60.00-1-29.8 60.00-1-29.51 60.00-1-29.521 60.00-1-29.522 60.00-1-31 60.00-1-32.1 60.00-1-32.2 60.00-1-33 60.00-1-34.3 60.00-1-34.11 60.00-1-34.12 60.00-1-34.13 60.00-1-34.14 60.00-1-34.21 60.00-1-34.22 60.00-1-36.1 60.00-1-36.3 60.00-1-36.4 60.00-1-36.5 60.00-1-37 60.00-1-38.1 60.00-1-38.2 Weiss, Michael Hover, Jeffrey B. Wallace, Richard E. LaPrarie, Kathleen J. Cowan, David E. Salerno, Michele Petrocine, Brian J. Madison, Daniel E. Madison, Daniel E. Donahue, Thomas C. Sahai, Diwakar Sotola, Vaclav Z. Okoniewski, Joseph C. Siegel, Lowell R. Bryant, Jeffrey Indian Ladder Estates Feck, James D. Gemme, Raymond L. Brennan, Ciaran Berschwinger, Richard Arnaud, Emmanuel P. Forte, Nicholas D. III. Wilson, Daniel J. Sutherland, Scott Lampi, Mary C. Lampi, Mary C. Lampi, Mary C. Lampi, Mary C. Seppo, Antti Seppo, Antti Lis, John Alden, Lawrence J. Moore, Cynthia M. Ensslin, Thomas Ricci, Ralph Byron, Gay B. Byron, David E. 316,800 318,400 175,000 147,400 250,100 40,900 17,000 3,000 197,000 261,700 259,000 257,000 8,000 361,900 341,700 500 425,100 354,400 668,300 138,100 298,300 133,000 308,700 129,100 441,500 35,000 40,000 65,000 424,800 23,900 214,000 391,500 450,000 624,500 176,000 207,500 200,100 63,400 63,700 35,000 29,500 60,600 40,900 17,000 3,000 39,400 52,300 51,800 51,400 8,000 72,400 73,300 500 85,000 70,900 133,700 27,600 59,700 26,600 61,700 51,600 60,400 35,000 40,000 65,000 83,900 23,900 94,500 78,300 97,000 148,700 65,400 122,400 40,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,704,200 Page 295 of 347 2,133,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 316,800 318,400 175,000 147,400 250,100 40,900 17,000 3,000 197,000 261,700 259,000 257,000 8,000 361,900 360,200 500 425,100 354,400 668,300 138,100 298,300 133,000 308,700 129,100 441,500 35,000 40,000 65,000 424,800 23,900 214,000 391,500 450,000 624,500 176,000 207,500 200,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 220 220 240 314 314 314 210 210 210 210 314 210 210 692 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 240 240 314 314 322 210 311 113 210 210 281 240 240 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 01-775 02-1045 00-800 02-1314 91-545 00-200 2010 75-458 2013 2012 2015 95-1247 IH-1213 08-0704 2015 00-241 2015gd#71 2009 07-0688 85-1132 2014 2014 2015 IH-1216 2014 2014gd#71A 2014gd#71B 2014gd#71C 2014 2012 2014 2010 2010GD#4 2014IH 2014 2011 IH-1220 8,722,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 60.00-1-39 60.00-1-40.1 60.00-1-40.2 60.00-1-40.3 60.00-1-41 60.00-1-42.1 60.00-1-42.2 60.00-1-43 60.00-1-44 60.00-2-1.2 60.00-2-1.5 60.00-2-1.6 60.00-2-1.8 60.00-2-1.11 60.00-2-1.12 60.00-2-1.13 60.00-2-1.14 60.00-2-1.15 60.00-2-1.16 60.00-2-1.31 60.00-2-1.32 60.00-2-1.41 60.00-2-1.42 60.00-2-1.71 60.00-2-1.72 60.00-2-2 60.00-2-3 60.00-2-4 60.00-2-5 60.00-2-6 60.00-2-7 60.00-2-8 60.00-2-9 60.00-2-10 60.00-2-11.1 60.00-2-11.2 60.00-2-12 OConnell, Kristin T. Flewelling, Gerald A. Flewelling, Roger K. Indilicato, Karen E Flewelling Plauth, Elizabeth Walsh, Helen M. Duncan, James E. Jr. Quinlan, Arthur V. Schoonmaker, William A. Greene, Elliott S. Radtke, Bernard F. Ports, William T. Guilderland Town of Bates, Berta H. Wills, Adams Matteo, Michael A. Deane, Willie M. III. Shea, Christopher Wang, Niangui Moore, Mark J. Hamid, Patricia Stewart, William B. Blakeslee, Kelly M. Mick, Warren J. Mick, Warren J. Zimmerman, Debora A. Zimmerman, Debora A. Zimmerman, Debora A. Ewart , Mary Jane Ewart , Mary Jane Beilby, Ian A. Tesch, William G. III. Stone, Audrey D. Gorka, Christopher M. New York State, The People of Terhune, Amanda New York State 132,000 188,500 206,700 167,100 421,400 212,600 129,200 18,000 132,100 354,400 321,000 55,900 19,600 284,700 596,600 219,200 454,300 292,300 533,500 449,000 407,000 365,000 273,400 76,200 371,000 52,000 172,600 124,700 39,100 130,700 183,200 101,800 134,600 267,500 157,700 168,800 19,300 26,400 37,700 41,300 33,400 120,700 114,900 25,800 18,000 26,400 60,600 68,400 55,900 19,600 147,300 119,300 43,800 90,900 58,500 74,400 60,900 79,700 75,000 54,700 76,200 56,700 10,400 34,500 24,900 39,100 26,100 36,600 20,400 20,200 53,500 157,700 33,800 19,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,232,700 Page 296 of 347 2,063,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 132,000 188,500 206,700 167,100 421,400 212,600 129,200 18,000 132,100 354,400 321,000 55,900 19,600 284,700 596,600 219,200 454,300 292,300 533,500 449,000 407,000 365,000 273,400 76,200 371,000 52,000 172,600 124,700 39,100 130,700 183,200 101,800 134,600 267,500 157,700 168,800 19,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 71 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 240 120 210 321 210 240 240 314 970 113 210 210 210 210 210 240 210 240 210 322 240 210 210 210 314 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 971 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 Account Nbr 75-559 00-558 2015 04-1188 93-9999 2012 2014 2015 88-431 06-1085 2015 90-1237 90-1325 IH-1226 2015 2010 2014 IH-1224 2013 08GD#32 2013 2015 01-1229 06-1420 2011 2012 2011 2013 2010 2010 08-0678 98-1153 2010 IH-1227 02-851 08-0675 88-223 8,232,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 60.00-2-13 60.00-2-14.1 60.00-2-14.2 60.00-2-15.1 60.00-2-15.2 60.00-2-16.1 60.00-2-16.2 60.00-2-17 60.00-2-18 60.00-2-19.1 60.00-2-19.2 60.00-2-20 60.00-2-21.1 60.00-2-21.2 60.00-2-22 60.00-2-23 60.00-2-25 60.00-2-26.1 60.00-2-26.2 60.00-2-27 60.00-2-28 61.00-1-1 61.00-1-2 61.00-1-3 61.00-1-4 61.00-1-5 61.00-1-6 61.00-1-7 61.00-1-8 61.00-1-9.1 61.00-1-9.3 61.00-1-10 61.00-1-11 61.00-1-12 61.00-1-13 61.00-1-14 61.00-1-15.1 Biers, Theresa State of New York, The People of The State of New York, The People of The Peterson, David A. New York State Imai, Marie Sinkway, Lori A. Foley, Diane M. CNG Transmission Corp Daigle, Kevin J. Normile, Matthew Foley, John W. Foley Garage Inc, John Foley, John W. Gardner, Wakeman M. Giguere, Shirley A. New York State Knight, Prince III. New York State New York State Bub, John T. Gipp, Michael J. Wilson, Tori Conley, James E. II. Gallo, Michael J. Groves, Richard L. Tobin, James D. Paraso, Joseph E. Trudell, Joshua M. Schumacher, John M. Gould, Christopher D. Joseph, Lorne O. Sr. VanAlstyne, Michael A. Smith, Mary E. Brunt, Scott GPNETC LLC Bamert, Matthew L. 4,800 4,800 12,000 251,000 153,600 132,000 275,300 121,500 200 156,200 316,800 173,300 218,800 209,500 110,700 180,800 86,800 145,100 42,100 34,600 177,500 153,600 215,100 130,200 169,400 109,300 112,000 121,000 190,000 82,700 163,200 132,800 138,300 168,900 180,400 212,100 292,500 4,800 4,800 12,000 56,700 153,600 132,000 55,100 115,900 0 31,200 63,400 86,500 56,700 47,500 23,100 107,400 86,800 29,000 42,100 34,600 59,000 30,700 43,000 26,000 33,900 21,900 22,400 24,200 38,000 55,900 32,600 26,600 27,700 33,800 36,100 42,400 58,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,378,900 Page 297 of 347 1,755,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 4,800 4,800 12,000 251,000 153,600 132,000 275,300 121,500 200 156,200 316,800 173,300 218,800 237,700 110,700 180,800 86,800 145,100 42,100 34,600 177,500 153,600 215,100 130,200 169,400 109,300 112,000 121,000 190,000 82,700 163,200 132,800 138,300 168,900 180,400 212,100 292,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 322 322 240 971 322 210 312 883 210 210 120 433 210 210 120 971 210 971 971 240 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 170 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 8 8 1 8 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 2012 2012 2015 88-224 92-570 06-1088 00-201 99-1650 2012 99-1650 99-1650 2015 74-161 2015 84-1005 07-1136 96-1131 92-832 02-885 04-952 2010 02-1046 99-1650 08-0659 2015 99-1650 2015 IH-1229 GD2013#56 99-1650 07-1231 2014 2013 2014 2010 5,407,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 61.00-1-15.2 61.00-1-16 61.00-1-17 61.00-1-18 61.00-1-19 61.00-1-21 61.00-1-22 61.00-1-23 61.00-1-24 61.00-1-25 61.00-1-26.1 61.00-1-26.2 61.00-1-26.3 61.00-1-27 61.00-1-28.1 61.00-1-28.2 61.00-1-29 61.00-1-31.2 61.00-1-31.11 61.00-1-31.12 61.00-1-31.13 61.00-1-31.14 61.00-1-32 61.00-1-33.1 61.00-1-33.2 61.00-1-34 61.00-1-35.1 61.00-1-35.2 61.00-1-35.3 61.00-1-36 61.00-1-37 61.00-1-38 61.00-1-39 61.00-1-40 61.00-1-41.1 61.00-1-41.2 61.00-1-42.1 Frisbee, William S. Headwell, Keith Plummer, Thomas H. Jr. Gipp, William Jr. Delaware & Hudson Railway Co Burckhard, Frederick Davis, Randy J. Lorette, Kathleen M. Sprague, Beverly A. Shufelt, Craig A. Scoons, William S. Three Bs Movers Inc Kryzak, Deborah M. Fraser, Carole A. Galvin, Peter McCormick, Maurice E. Farlin Corporation New York State Cleary, Michael Tuthill Finance Tuthill Finance Tuthill Finance Elmendorf, Diane Appleby, Cheryl Appleby, David J. Filippello, Frank J. Griffin, Robert L. Hull-Pease, Robin Griffin, Robert L. Duncan, Michelle Schryver, George D. Hackett, T Matthew Diack, Luke A. Hammer, Robert Graziano, John A. Graziano, John A. Gipp, William Jr. 189,700 120,000 225,800 56,300 13,800 75,000 81,600 165,800 100,700 170,500 175,600 129,800 113,900 113,300 48,500 65,700 2,000 131,800 512,200 46,600 52,600 40,900 179,900 149,800 144,000 133,800 49,900 151,700 207,700 218,500 227,300 157,000 188,500 166,800 218,100 20,000 224,100 37,900 29,200 45,200 56,300 13,800 15,000 25,800 33,200 20,100 34,100 25,800 25,800 113,900 25,800 26,500 65,700 2,000 131,800 119,200 46,600 52,600 40,900 36,000 127,900 28,800 26,800 34,800 30,300 23,000 43,700 45,500 31,400 37,700 33,400 123,900 20,000 126,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,069,200 Page 298 of 347 1,757,200 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 189,700 132,900 225,800 56,300 13,800 75,000 81,600 165,800 100,700 170,500 175,600 129,800 113,900 113,300 48,500 65,700 2,000 131,800 512,200 46,600 52,600 40,900 179,900 149,800 144,000 133,800 49,900 151,700 207,700 218,500 227,300 157,000 188,500 166,800 218,100 20,000 224,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 105 843 210 449 210 210 220 710 442 322 483 312 322 340 970 240 311 311 311 210 240 210 210 312 210 210 210 220 210 220 210 240 320 113 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-1028 2015 2012 2012 00-01 GD05-391 2010 2011 99-1650 2010 02-969 IH-1231 2013 2011 08-0660 07-1240 02-115 85-1139 07-0908 2011 2011 2011 99-1650 01-222 99-1650 07-1137 2013 99-1650 2010 2014 2014 07-0552 06-166 99-1650 2010 2013 2012 5,082,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 61.00-1-42.2 61.00-1-43 61.00-1-45 61.00-1-46 61.00-2-1.1 61.00-2-1.2 61.00-2-1.3 61.00-2-2 61.00-2-3 61.00-2-4 61.00-2-5 61.00-2-6 61.00-2-7.1 61.00-2-7.2 61.00-2-7.3 61.00-2-7.4 61.00-2-8 61.00-2-9 61.00-2-10 61.00-2-11.1 61.00-2-11.2 61.00-2-12.1 61.00-2-12.2 61.00-2-14 61.00-2-15 61.00-2-16 61.12-1-1 61.12-1-2 61.12-1-3 61.12-1-4 61.12-1-5 61.12-1-6 61.12-1-7.1 61.12-1-7.2 61.12-1-7.3 61.12-1-7.4 61.12-1-8.1 Stafford, Larry George, Thomas F. Hudson River Ests Inc New York State, The People of Kernozek, Eileen A. Kiernozek, John R. Kernozek, Joseph P & Hilda M. Kiernozek, Marion Kernozek, Hilda M. Dawson, Richard N. Battistello, Carole R. Lemieux, Emery Keller, Martin E. Bernhard, Douglas E. Cramer, Raymond D. Bernhard, Constance M. Douglas, Judith B. Jacobson, Sylvia Green, John W. Nadratowski, Theodore T. Noppa, John D. Lemieux, Emery M. Guilderland Town of Donovan, David L. Novajosky, David Bernhard, Ronald G. Pieri, S. Kent Jannesari, Anoosheh Masullo, Louis L. Huber, Carol A. Duryea, Christopher J. Weatherfield Park II Leonard, Dennis J. Whalen, Anna M. Stuber, Charles R. Ross, Peter J. Manson, Robert C. 281,400 152,800 5,000 61,000 155,100 5,000 71,300 83,400 92,000 198,700 143,900 309,500 267,000 213,600 370,400 4,800 196,700 141,100 137,000 391,700 134,500 149,000 45,000 766,300 41,600 700 375,441 491,500 499,000 475,000 470,600 2,000 264,500 272,000 255,000 267,700 264,000 56,300 115,600 5,000 61,000 62,800 5,000 43,600 16,700 18,400 78,100 28,800 62,000 76,200 42,700 74,100 4,800 39,300 28,200 27,400 58,600 26,900 149,000 45,000 157,900 41,600 700 75,088 98,300 99,800 131,400 92,000 2,000 52,900 54,400 51,000 53,500 52,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,055,241 Page 299 of 347 2,088,888 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 281,400 259,700 5,000 61,000 155,100 5,000 71,300 83,400 92,000 217,000 143,900 309,500 267,000 213,600 370,400 4,800 196,700 141,100 137,000 391,700 134,500 149,000 45,000 885,000 41,600 700 375,441 491,500 499,000 475,000 470,600 2,000 264,500 272,000 255,000 267,700 264,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 240 843 971 240 314 120 210 210 240 210 240 240 210 210 314 210 210 210 240 210 322 311 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0661 2015 00-01 01-838 03-818 03-818 2011 03-818 2010 2015 2010 2013 2009 90-1233 IH-1241 78-721 07-0911 2013 84-265 03-818 08-0494 IH-1240 04-538 2015 07-0555 07-1138 GD2012#23 GD2013#10 00-631 GD11#26 2015 90-332 08-0410 2011 2014 04-466 2010 8,299,141 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 61.12-1-8.2 61.12-1-8.3 61.12-1-9.1 61.12-1-9.2 61.12-1-9.3 61.12-1-10.1 61.12-1-10.2 61.12-1-10.3 61.12-1-11.1 61.12-1-11.2 61.12-1-11.3 61.12-1-12 61.12-1-13.1 61.12-1-13.2 61.12-1-14.1 61.12-1-14.2 61.12-1-15.1 61.12-1-15.2 61.12-1-16.1 61.12-1-16.2 61.12-1-16.3 61.12-1-16.4 61.12-1-17.1 61.12-1-17.2 61.12-1-17.3 61.12-1-17.4 61.12-1-18.1 61.12-1-18.2 61.12-1-18.3 61.12-1-19.1 61.12-1-19.2 61.12-1-19.3 61.12-1-19.4 61.12-1-20.1 61.12-1-20.2 61.12-1-20.3 61.12-1-20.4 Priess, Gilbert H & Barbara C. Nerses, Victor Rooney, Florinda Nelson, Robert M. Brennan, Leslie F. Musella, Ralph Graffeo, Victoria A. Pankin, David Heflich, Selma S. Gentile, Michael J. Donohue, Mary O. Weatherfield Park II Andrews, Leo F. Coy, Sharon K. Conway, Michael K. Krolick, Christine Margaret Salk, Thelma M. Neff, Michael Cost, Michael Gipp, Paul Millis, James Lundquist, Edith H. Moscheo, Nancy L. Longshore, Alan C. Killoran, Donald C. Eaton, Jean L. Buckley, Beatrice F. Kelly, John H. Lustick, Jeffrey R. Patrei, Sharon Amerling, Andrew B. OHare, Diana M. Marotta, Anthony E. Murray, Bridget T. Brenner, Robert Fischler, Susan M. Lechowicz, Andrzej 264,000 250,100 264,500 264,600 261,900 272,000 265,000 250,000 250,100 282,100 275,900 2,000 250,100 264,000 264,500 250,000 250,100 264,000 264,500 272,000 279,200 258,200 264,000 272,000 285,700 216,200 250,100 272,000 250,000 250,100 272,000 272,000 222,000 264,500 250,000 255,000 272,000 52,800 50,000 52,900 52,900 52,400 54,400 53,000 50,000 50,000 56,400 55,200 2,000 50,000 52,800 52,900 50,000 50,000 52,800 52,900 54,400 55,800 51,600 52,800 54,400 57,100 43,240 50,000 54,400 50,000 50,000 54,400 54,400 44,400 52,900 50,000 56,900 50,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,386,400 Page 300 of 347 1,880,740 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 264,000 250,100 264,500 264,600 261,900 272,000 265,000 250,000 250,100 282,100 275,900 2,000 250,100 264,000 264,500 250,000 250,100 264,000 264,500 272,000 279,200 258,200 264,000 272,000 285,700 216,200 250,100 272,000 250,000 250,100 272,000 272,000 222,000 264,500 250,000 255,000 252,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr GD-STIP GD05-435 IH-1243 2013IH 00-834 2013 08-0475 03-0254 00-1379 IH-1246 2012 90-332 2015 06-604 04-1431 06-605 05-0550 2011 2014 GD11#85 2013 06-1372 02-1316 2014 06-275 2013SC#32 08-0037 94-1060 2015 2014IH SC109-05 IH-1244 GD2013#41 2012 2014SC#82 GD11#63 2015IH 9,367,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 61.12-1-20.5 61.12-1-21.1 61.12-1-21.2 61.12-1-21.3 61.12-1-21.4 61.12-1-21.5 61.12-2-1 61.12-2-2 61.12-2-3 61.12-2-4 61.12-2-5 61.12-2-6 61.12-2-7 61.12-2-8 61.12-2-9 61.12-2-10 61.12-2-11 61.12-2-12 61.12-2-13 61.12-2-14 61.12-2-15 61.12-2-16 61.12-2-17 61.12-2-18 61.12-2-19 61.12-2-20 61.12-2-21 61.12-2-22 61.12-2-23 61.12-2-24 61.12-2-25 61.12-2-26 61.12-2-27 61.12-2-28 61.12-2-29 61.12-2-30 61.12-2-31 Bolz, Rosemary J. Daggett, Nancy T. Hughes, Thomas J. Jr. Currier, Beverly J. McGraw, Rosemary Pahl, Kurt J. Wang, Ging Kuo Emrich, Joseph F. Joel, Jean G. LedDuke, Scott Liguori, Joseph A. Jr. Plummer, Philip A. Audi, Joan M. Pettigrew, Cathy A. Norman, Craig H. Mertz-Lee, Clare A. Golden, Kenneth R. Dinneen, Jerilyn S. Nemeth, James R. Wiater, Patrick J. Vizzie, Rosario G. Jr. Allen, William H. Jr. DeLuca, Sarah Lecakes, Socrates Christiansen, Keith J. Olesko, Jeffry W. Bode, Frank L. Massaroni, Christopher Belasen, Alain T. Bailey, John W. Byrnes, Timothy J. Conway, Linda M. Hausen, John Chiseri, Joseph M. Roberts, Philip E. Campbell, James T. Murray, Ryan J. 246,500 246,200 272,000 282,100 272,000 249,100 450,000 472,500 400,000 314,000 299,300 317,500 356,900 276,500 316,800 255,400 253,900 275,100 247,200 249,600 233,000 253,500 304,600 246,300 246,400 272,900 290,000 290,000 301,800 317,100 276,500 274,100 253,800 277,100 271,600 247,800 293,400 49,300 49,200 54,400 56,400 54,400 49,800 90,000 94,500 80,000 62,800 59,900 63,500 71,400 55,300 63,400 51,100 50,800 55,000 49,400 49,900 46,600 50,700 60,900 49,300 49,300 54,600 58,000 58,000 60,400 63,400 55,300 54,800 50,800 55,400 54,300 49,600 58,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,702,500 Page 301 of 347 2,140,600 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 246,500 246,200 272,000 282,100 272,000 249,100 450,000 472,500 400,000 314,000 299,300 317,500 356,900 276,500 316,800 255,400 253,900 275,100 247,200 249,600 233,000 253,500 304,600 246,300 246,400 272,900 290,000 290,000 301,800 317,100 276,500 274,100 253,800 277,100 271,600 247,800 293,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 2015 04-153 2014gd#70 92-997 04-1095 SC129-05 IH-1249 08-0564 01-288 00-836 06-607 IH-1251 SC19-05 06-1174 05-1278 05-1206 06-608 01-695 94-314 IH-1252 97-1224 2010 06-1175 2015 02-1153 SC115-05 SC142-05 90-332 90-332 08-0735 08-0068 94-1065 98-468 07-0560 08-0411 SC97-05 10,702,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 61.12-2-32 61.12-2-33 61.12-2-34 61.12-2-35 61.12-2-36 61.12-2-37 61.12-2-38 61.12-2-39 61.12-2-40 61.12-2-41 61.16-1-1 61.16-1-2 61.16-1-3 61.16-1-4 61.16-1-5 61.16-1-6 61.16-1-7 61.16-1-8 61.16-1-9 61.16-1-10 61.16-1-11 61.16-1-12 61.16-1-13 61.16-1-14 61.16-1-15 61.16-1-16 61.16-1-17 61.16-1-18 61.16-1-19 61.16-1-20 61.16-1-21 61.16-1-22 61.16-1-23 61.16-1-24 61.16-1-25 61.16-1-26.1 61.16-1-26.2 Pastore, Peter A. Cave, John R. Kitchen, Ernest Jr. Campana, Dominick Ardman, Barbara J. Walsh, Richard P. Jr. Davis, A Scott Miller, John J. Monterosso, Francis D. Weatherfield Park II Hanifin, Sandra B. Precious, Thomas Summerson, Jay A. Bucklin-Young, Susan Mahar, Nancy H. Knarr, Randolph F. Kaczmarek, Thomas G. VanderVort, Christian L. Hurteau, Todd E. Bishop, Howard W. LaGattuta, Charles J. Jr. Nelson, Jean E. II. Welsh, Gary B. Brown, David J. Tanner, John Stetson III. LedDuke, Slade DeMauro, Mildred A. Hargis, William D. Bracken, Gerald M. Smith, Jeremy M. Kivort, Robert D. Chen, Xuemei Kyriacopoulos, Peter C. Zeltner, Theodore H. Rush, Charles E. Jr. Payne, Annette Belgiovine, John A. 405,500 299,200 253,600 317,300 278,000 247,300 358,100 304,200 355,400 2,000 287,300 298,500 344,100 273,600 375,700 316,800 358,400 351,000 240,000 345,600 346,200 377,100 302,500 344,400 306,600 361,800 355,100 345,400 375,700 350,000 342,400 282,400 344,200 377,100 331,300 301,100 371,500 81,100 59,800 50,700 63,500 55,600 49,500 71,600 60,800 71,100 2,000 57,500 59,700 68,800 54,700 75,100 58,100 71,700 70,200 48,000 69,100 69,200 75,400 60,500 68,900 61,300 72,400 71,000 69,100 75,100 70,000 68,500 56,500 68,800 75,400 66,300 60,200 74,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,826,400 Page 302 of 347 2,361,500 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 405,500 299,200 253,600 317,300 278,000 247,300 358,100 304,200 355,400 2,000 287,300 298,500 344,100 273,600 375,700 290,300 358,400 351,000 240,000 345,600 346,200 377,100 302,500 344,400 306,600 361,800 355,100 345,400 375,700 350,000 342,400 282,400 344,200 377,100 331,300 301,100 371,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 91-1117 92-1001 91-1118 08-0045 2012 98-469 2011 94-1066 92-1002 90-332 2014 IH-1260 GD05-457 05-1097 08-0183 2015IH 08-0147 04-1276 IH-1264 94-1069 96-278 94-1070 99-228 08-0412 07-0561 07-0562 2012 94-1072 GD2013#87 2013SC#65 2009 07-1140 IH-1266 IH-1267 2012 02-117 03-533 11,799,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 61.16-1-30.1 61.16-1-30.2 61.16-1-33.1 61.16-1-33.2 61.16-1-37.1 61.16-1-37.2 61.16-1-41.1 61.16-1-41.2 61.16-1-44.1 61.16-1-44.2 61.16-1-48.1 61.16-1-48.2 61.16-1-52.1 61.16-1-52.2 61.16-1-55.1 61.16-1-55.2 61.16-1-58 61.16-1-60.1 61.16-1-60.2 61.16-1-64 61.16-1-65 61.16-1-66 61.16-1-67.1 61.16-1-67.2 61.16-1-68 61.16-1-69.1 61.16-1-69.2 61.16-1-69.3 62.00-1-1 62.00-1-2 62.00-1-5 62.00-1-6 62.00-1-7 62.00-1-8.1 62.00-1-8.3 62.00-1-11.1 62.00-1-12.2 Costello, John F. Konicki, James A. Jones, Frederick W. Kundel, Patricia A. Sayahi, Lotfi Lifshin, Eric Parker, Michael Clark, Michael J. Foederer, Richard P. DeAngelis, Beth A. Marzinsky, Francine M. Chen, Mei-Hwa Riscica, Janet L. VanderVort, Todd H. Couse, John F. DArpino, Kenneth Markert, Thomas F. Rodrigue, Andre M. Statile, Bernard F. Weatherfield Park III Weatherfield Park III Weatherfield Park III Weatherfield Park III Guilderland Town of Weatherfield Park III McMillen, Steven W. Sossner, Harold Kent , Robert A. New York State Farm New York State Farm Preska, Mary J. Preska, Mary J. Letko, Peter G. Pelletier, Valmore A. Pelletier, Valmore A. Greenberg, Adam Fisher, Albert W. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 366,800 300,800 377,700 348,800 347,800 373,300 358,700 365,500 346,700 404,900 361,900 345,600 359,800 364,700 278,800 303,900 365,800 373,300 334,800 1,000 100 1,000 2,000 32,500 1,000 310,400 358,400 100 218,900 2,620,000 118,300 9,000 161,600 70,200 1,000 46,500 500,000 73,400 60,200 75,500 69,800 69,600 74,700 71,700 73,100 69,300 81,000 72,400 69,100 72,000 72,900 55,800 60,800 73,200 74,700 67,000 1,000 100 1,000 2,000 12,000 1,000 62,100 71,700 100 196,600 630,000 23,700 9,000 38,200 70,200 1,000 46,500 72,400 11,131,600 Page 303 of 347 2,574,800 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 366,800 300,800 377,700 348,800 347,800 373,300 358,700 365,500 346,700 404,900 361,900 345,600 359,800 364,700 278,800 303,900 365,800 373,300 334,800 1,000 100 1,000 2,000 32,500 1,000 310,400 358,400 100 218,900 2,620,000 118,300 9,000 161,600 70,200 1,000 46,500 500,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 970 970 853 970 210 210 970 642 642 210 105 240 314 314 314 240 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 A 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 97-748 GD05-376 2012 98-472 99-651 2014 01-228 IH-1270 2012 2013 2010 97-749 2014 00-496 2014 03-535 IH-1631 2014 02-1322 93-328 98-876 93-328 93-328 91-1205 93-328 2011 2012 07-1141 01-1277 79-971 IH-1274 2013 IH-1276 87-1124 84-821 08-0764 2015gd#72 11,131,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 62.00-1-13 62.00-1-14 62.00-1-16 62.00-1-17 62.00-1-18 62.00-1-20 62.00-1-21.1 62.00-1-21.2 62.00-1-24.1 62.00-1-24.2 62.00-1-24.3 62.00-1-24.4 62.00-1-24.5 62.00-1-24.6 62.00-1-24.7 62.00-1-25 62.00-1-26.1 62.00-1-26.2 62.00-1-27 62.00-1-28 62.00-1-29.1 62.00-1-29.2 62.00-1-29.3 62.00-1-30 62.00-1-31.1 62.00-1-31.2 62.00-1-31.3 62.00-1-31.4 62.00-1-33 62.00-1-34 62.00-1-35 62.00-1-36 62.00-1-37 62.00-1-38 62.00-1-40 62.00-1-41 62.00-1-42 Malfetano, John Moak, Barbara Kubica, Jeanne Reilly, Joseph A. Reilly, Jeffrey T. Malfetano, John Siver, Thomas V. Malfetano, John Katz, Richard Meixner, David A. Whitney, Bruce Lattman, Pnina Venditti, Michael Meyer, Thomas E. Petrillo, Edward J. McGinty, Sean Connors, Joseph C. Connors, Joseph C. Connors, Joseph C. DAngelo, John A. Gravelin, Mark J. DAngelo, Gynine Halder, Eric R. Weeks, Corinne McClelland, Jon D. McClelland, Jon D. McClelland, Jon D. McClelland, Jon D. McCarthy, Maureen Tovbina, Victoria Erner, Stuart Kaback, Martin Nussbaum, Keith S. McHugh, Brian A. Phelan, John J. III. Bang, Christopher Angi, Joseph P. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 23,100 151,300 90,600 32,900 190,500 963,200 141,100 5,000 785,100 562,800 380,400 340,000 328,800 349,700 357,600 335,700 28,600 193,000 130,700 34,900 287,000 302,200 125,400 125,200 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 1,470,000 622,500 960,000 565,000 988,400 1,016,500 871,800 795,100 602,400 23,100 30,300 18,100 32,900 38,100 192,600 28,200 5,000 157,000 112,600 76,100 68,000 65,800 69,900 71,500 67,100 28,600 38,600 26,100 34,900 57,400 60,400 25,100 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 180,900 124,500 192,000 113,000 197,700 203,300 174,400 159,000 120,500 14,256,500 Page 304 of 347 2,917,700 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 23,100 151,300 90,600 32,900 190,500 963,200 141,100 5,000 785,100 562,800 380,400 340,000 328,800 349,700 357,600 335,700 28,600 193,000 130,700 34,900 287,000 302,200 125,400 125,200 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 1,470,000 622,500 960,000 565,000 988,400 1,016,500 871,800 795,100 602,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 322 210 210 311 210 210 210 314 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 311 311 311 311 250 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 98-1163 06-167 90-281 07-1255 2010 98-307 80-11 98-1163 2015gd#35 2010 2015 03-711 03-712 2013 04-623 2015 08-0820 95-789 2015 05-0551 IH-1282 IH-1282 08-0690 05-1098 2010 2010 2010 2010 2015 2014gd#49 2012SCAR 07-0746 GD2012#58 IH-1285 04-861 2014 2014 14,256,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 62.00-1-43 62.00-1-44 62.00-1-45 62.00-1-48 62.00-1-49 62.00-1-50 62.00-1-52 62.00-1-53 62.00-1-54 62.00-1-56 62.00-1-57 62.00-1-58 62.00-1-59 62.00-2-1 62.00-2-2 62.00-2-3.1 62.00-2-3.2 62.00-2-4.1 62.00-2-4.2 62.00-2-5 62.00-2-6.2 62.00-2-6.3 62.00-2-6.11 62.00-2-6.12 62.00-2-6.13 62.00-2-6.14 62.00-2-7 62.00-2-8.1 62.00-2-8.2 62.00-2-8.3 62.00-2-9 62.00-2-10.2 62.00-2-10.3 62.00-2-10.4 62.00-2-11 62.00-2-12 62.00-2-13 Esper , Daniel W. Nolan, Michael Baler, Joseph S. Rosenstein, Arnold Katzwinkel, Ernest J. Woodland By Mitchell Ltd Kaloyeros, Alain Kotlow, Ellen Schuster, Scott J. Napierski, Christine M. Napierski, Eugene E. Prancl, Andrew T. Napierski, Eugene E. Rapp, Christopher H. Crossman, Herbert Lambert, Ryan Goutos, Kevin C. Foote, Daniel S. Santana, John J. Junco, Cleo M. Piazza, George P. Gershman, Gregory Basile, Steven S. Pierce, Edward A. III. Yamaguchi, Katsutoshi Saxena, Shravan R. Siver, Margaret M. Rigosu, Dominic Rigosu, Dennis Rigosu, Dennis Mohr-Voss, Patricia Halsdorf, Bruce Huse, Jeffry J. Trottier, Susan G. Lahiri, Kajal Byrne, Louis Cohen, Jeffrey S. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 766,200 761,000 848,800 652,100 422,700 0 1,013,200 592,100 750,000 414,000 577,600 393,100 56,000 168,300 269,000 270,600 260,100 112,300 454,300 262,700 240,700 288,200 434,500 405,000 412,000 412,000 132,800 365,200 272,400 50,000 153,000 201,800 238,500 193,900 298,300 239,900 308,100 153,200 152,200 169,800 130,400 84,500 0 202,600 118,400 163,900 82,800 115,500 78,600 56,000 33,700 53,800 59,100 60,000 22,500 90,900 52,500 48,100 57,600 86,900 96,000 82,400 82,400 26,600 78,600 72,600 50,000 30,600 116,800 47,700 38,800 62,300 48,000 61,600 13,690,400 Page 305 of 347 2,967,400 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 766,200 761,000 848,800 652,100 422,700 0 1,013,200 592,100 750,000 414,000 577,600 393,100 56,000 168,300 269,000 295,600 300,100 112,300 454,300 262,700 240,700 288,200 434,500 405,000 412,000 412,000 132,800 392,800 272,400 50,000 153,000 201,800 238,500 193,900 311,600 239,900 308,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 555 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-468 2013SC#28 98-310 2012 2012 91-1229 2013 2012SCAR 08GD#20 IH-1287 IH-1288 07-0465 IH-1290 07-0747 IH-1291 2015 2015 050552 2015 00-497 80-94 GD05-355 04-154 2015IH 07-0467 07-0468 03-1324 2015 GD09#18 08-1105 05-1100 2014 2015 2014 2015 81-46 IH-1293 13,796,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.00-2-14 62.00-2-15 62.00-2-16 62.00-2-17 62.00-2-18 62.00-2-19 62.00-2-20.2 62.00-2-21 62.00-2-22 62.00-2-23 62.00-2-24 62.00-2-25 62.00-2-26 62.00-2-27 62.00-2-28 62.00-2-29 62.00-2-31 62.00-2-32 62.00-2-34 62.00-2-35 62.00-2-36 62.00-2-37 62.00-2-39 62.00-2-40.1 62.00-2-40.2 62.00-2-41 62.00-2-43 62.00-2-44.1 62.00-2-44.2 62.00-2-44.3 62.00-2-45 62.00-2-46 62.00-2-47 62.00-2-48 62.00-2-49.1 62.00-2-49.2 62.00-2-49.21 Laster, Michael S. Ganz, Robert E. Gonzalez, Carlsbury W. Hildebrand, Fredrick Dutkiewicz, Vincent A. Messier, Susan M. Beckmann, Robert Carl Kapriellian, Edward M. Degener, Paul D. Ruthman, Elizabeth A. Abraham, J Philippe Bonacci, John J. DiMura, Sharon M. Vukovic, Mirko McCallum, Scott Post, Edwin G. Securo, David Ulrich, Linda Ann Reilly, Edward F. Allen, Laurence Sokil, Michael D. Sokil, Michael D. Stahl, Bernard J. Stahl, Nancy Stahl, George J. Stahl, Charles Lonnstrom, Douglas A. Saddlebrook of Guilderland Carboneau, Christopher D. Mulligan, Michael T. Mackiewicz, Jayne Winters, Rose A. Winters, Rose A. Dobrowolsky, Michael S. Scolaro, Thomas E. Connell, Michael J. Guilderland Town of 250,300 289,500 225,500 276,600 266,100 284,100 173,200 239,900 271,800 299,300 214,100 270,700 311,900 310,900 248,800 231,000 147,700 165,500 177,200 192,000 169,300 115,000 229,600 167,600 226,400 197,000 159,900 5,000 63,900 527,900 233,600 220,000 2,000 266,600 100,000 334,200 45,000 50,100 57,900 45,100 55,300 53,200 56,800 34,600 48,000 54,400 59,900 42,800 54,100 62,400 62,200 49,800 46,200 29,500 33,100 35,400 38,400 33,900 23,000 45,900 83,800 45,300 62,300 32,000 5,000 106,300 132,600 46,700 44,000 2,000 53,300 32,900 66,800 45,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,909,100 Page 306 of 347 1,830,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 250,300 289,500 225,500 276,600 266,100 284,100 173,200 239,900 271,800 299,300 214,100 270,700 311,900 310,900 248,800 231,000 147,700 165,500 177,200 192,000 169,300 115,000 229,600 167,600 226,400 197,000 159,900 5,000 531,600 527,900 233,600 220,000 2,000 266,600 100,000 334,200 45,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 240 1 210 1 240 1 210 1 970 1 210 A 1 210 A 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 210 1 280 1 210 1 970 8 Account Nbr 2010 2012 2015 07-0469 00-207 06-611 03-539 2014 00-498 93-197 00-208 2013 2013 IH-1294 2013 06-168 91-1230 95-342 88-702 99-1327 IH-1295 IH-1296 02-888 03-1325 06-1317 IH-1297 06-1458 2010 2015 2011 IH-1299 08-0708 77-990 07-0898 2013 2012 03-115 8,376,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 62.00-2-49.23 62.00-2-50.1 62.00-2-50.2 62.00-2-51.3 62.00-2-51.22 62.00-2-52 62.00-2-53 62.00-2-54 62.00-2-55 62.00-2-56 62.00-2-57.1 62.00-2-57.2 62.00-2-60 62.00-2-61 62.00-2-62 62.00-2-63 62.00-2-64 62.00-2-65.1 62.00-2-65.2 62.00-2-66.1 62.00-2-66.3 62.00-2-66.21 62.00-2-66.22 62.00-2-66.23 62.00-2-66.24 62.00-2-66.25 62.00-2-66.26 62.00-2-66.27 62.00-2-67 62.00-2-68 62.00-2-69 62.00-2-70 62.00-2-71 62.00-2-72 62.00-2-73 62.00-2-74 62.00-2-75 Mantova, Joseph Zieba, Henryk Harris, Jean M. Seidner, David A. Tate, Michael E. Dambrocia, Joseph P. McKinley, Linda L. Seminary, Gerald J. Bell, Andrew S. Greene, Raymond C. Jr. Preska, Mary J. Preska, Mary J. Munderville, Kenneth J. Deitcher, Stephen L. Gibson, David M. Jenkins, Albert Korn, William M. Muia, Joseph Jr. Muia, Joseph Jr. Covington Woods Guilderland Town of Naumovitz, Debra A. Keleshian, Kevork G. Keleshian, Gail Way, Terrell Carrelle, Raymond J. Jr. Keleshian, Gail Keleshian, Gail Moak, David B. Sommo, Scott DeSorbo, Richard A. Nieves, Pablo E. Sr. Cannistraci, Joseph A. Sheridan, Timothy M. Balander, Robert F. Gabor, Michael P. Marini, Michael A. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 299,700 182,600 236,000 315,000 794,200 209,800 120,100 139,300 167,600 187,800 2,500 2,500 136,900 26,600 500 167,500 192,500 34,900 36,300 5,000 18,800 162,800 173,100 40,000 297,100 281,700 40,000 40,000 100 278,000 267,100 252,500 268,500 210,800 562,000 1,026,500 786,800 59,900 36,500 47,200 63,000 200,200 42,000 24,000 27,900 33,500 65,700 2,500 2,500 27,400 26,600 500 33,500 38,500 34,900 36,300 5,000 18,800 32,600 34,600 50,000 59,400 56,300 50,000 50,000 100 55,600 53,400 50,500 53,700 42,200 112,400 215,200 146,300 7,963,100 Page 307 of 347 1,888,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 299,700 182,600 236,000 315,000 794,200 209,800 120,100 139,300 167,600 187,800 2,500 2,500 136,900 26,600 500 167,500 192,500 34,900 36,300 5,000 18,800 162,800 173,100 50,000 297,100 281,700 50,000 50,000 100 278,000 267,100 252,500 268,500 210,800 562,000 1,026,500 786,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 240 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 240 1 311 1 311 1 210 1 322 1 970 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 311 1 970 A 1 311 8 210 1 210 1 311 1 210 1 210 1 311 1 311 1 971 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 210 1 Account Nbr 2012 IH-1300 04-335 GD-STIP 01-1257 2012 IH-1302 77-739 2012 2013 2010 2010 IH-1304 97-252 2013 2012 05-1101 05-1208 05-1208 96-13 89-1184 2013 2014 2015IH 2010 04-989 2015IH 2015IH 03-958 2010 05-833 2015 06-1319 2014 08-1106 GD09#24 2010 7,993,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.00-2-76 62.00-2-77 62.00-2-78 62.00-2-79 62.00-2-80 62.00-2-81 62.00-2-82 62.00-2-83 62.00-2-84 62.00-2-85 62.00-2-86 62.00-2-87 62.00-2-88 62.00-2-89 62.00-2-90 62.00-2-91 62.00-2-92 62.00-2-93 62.00-2-94 62.00-2-95 62.00-2-96 62.00-2-97 62.00-2-98 62.00-2-99 62.00-2-100 62.00-2-101 62.00-2-102 62.00-2-103 62.00-2-104 62.00-2-105 62.00-2-106 62.00-2-107 62.00-2-108 62.00-2-109 62.00-2-110 62.00-2-111 62.00-2-112 Chao, Xingyong H. Johnson, Clay M. Whiteside, Michael B. Marini Homes LLC Uzzilia, Jeffrey R. Patel, Rupal Marini Homes LLC Morris, Mark D. Matthews, Paul D. Smith, Anelleta G. Small, Ernest L. Li, Wei-Jie Rassias, Dennis J. Long, Furong Stephens, Mark A. Garcha, Inderpal Varma, Remya Emelkin, Serguei O. Horan, John J. III. Narra, Ravindra B. Kotlow, Andrew A. Shoemaker, Mark C. Smith, Zachary G. Sosnovsky, Anatoly Bratslavsky, Alexander Friedman, Glenn A. Jr. LaPointe, Todd J. Kletter, Todd S. Vining, Kevin A. Fanciullo, William P. Marini Homes LLC Thomas, Santhosh K. Nidamanuri, Venkata Srinivas Jafri, Mohammad Madala, Vijaya K. Davidoff, Scott S. Hada, Tejraj S. 789,200 577,200 952,900 90,000 580,900 602,200 90,000 690,000 545,000 590,000 547,000 527,900 700,200 722,000 656,300 681,400 60,300 494,000 485,500 90,000 435,850 701,000 580,000 601,700 575,000 698,200 719,600 619,600 523,600 754,500 90,000 569,900 690,800 594,000 720,500 608,900 561,400 195,700 115,400 165,400 154,900 116,200 90,000 178,500 138,000 109,000 118,000 110,000 105,600 146,200 140,000 131,300 136,300 98,700 99,000 97,000 98,700 90,000 140,200 116,000 120,300 127,200 139,600 143,900 123,900 104,700 150,900 89,900 114,000 138,200 118,800 144,100 121,800 112,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 20,516,550 Page 308 of 347 4,639,700 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 789,200 577,200 827,000 774,600 580,900 602,200 892,300 690,000 545,000 590,000 547,000 527,900 731,000 699,900 656,300 681,400 493,300 494,000 485,500 493,300 435,850 701,000 580,000 601,700 575,000 698,200 719,600 619,600 523,600 754,500 449,400 569,900 690,800 594,000 720,500 608,900 561,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr GD09#43 2015 2015gd#73 2015 2012 2015 2015 2012 2010 2010 2010 2012 2015 2015gd#74 2014 2012 2015 2015 2010 2015 2010 2011 2010 GD2012#48 GD11#28 08-1107 2010 08-0663 08-1108 2014gd#58 2015 2014 07-0809 2009 2013 07-0811 2010 23,081,950 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.00-2-113 62.00-2-114 62.00-2-115 62.00-2-116 62.00-2-117 62.06-1-1 62.06-1-2 62.06-1-3 62.06-1-4 62.06-1-5 62.06-1-6 62.06-1-7 62.06-1-8 62.06-1-9 62.06-1-10 62.06-1-11 62.06-1-12 62.06-1-13 62.06-1-14 62.06-1-15 62.06-1-16 62.06-1-17 62.06-1-18 62.06-1-19 62.06-1-20 62.06-1-21 62.06-1-22 62.06-1-23 62.06-1-24 62.06-1-25 62.06-1-26 62.06-1-27 62.06-1-28 62.06-1-29 62.06-1-30 62.06-1-31 62.06-1-32 Saddlebrook of Guilderland Saddlebrook of Guilderland Saddlebrook of Guilderland Saddlebrook of Guilderland Saddlebrook of Guilderland Fox, John D. Montgomery, Veronica Pleydle, Doris W. Murphy, Scott A. Spofford, Christopher Elkind, Jonathan L. Hoffmeister, Charles J. Jr. Soscia, James V. Valenti, Bryan J. Schermerhorn, E James Henning, Todd Lavigna, Claude A. Ferri, Tonino Talone, Vincent Pacini, John A. Herrmann, John J. King, Glenn C. Donohue, Edward L. Jin, Xiaomin Lozano, James A. Mongato, Vincent C. OBrien, Kevin K. Jr. Giombetti, Todd Glazier, Melvin P. Jr. Colbert, James J. Branchini, Robert R. Iyer, Shridhar N. Buckley, Michael J. Degnan, Andrea Graffeo Kinlan, Bernard P. Schaeffer, David Wilhelm, George B. 20,000 500 500 500 500 358,600 325,700 343,500 363,700 329,700 297,600 315,200 308,000 311,500 349,600 337,700 338,300 326,900 376,800 353,500 360,300 413,900 424,200 339,200 327,000 343,800 420,100 449,100 324,400 431,300 422,700 432,000 314,500 342,300 373,200 364,100 296,100 20,000 500 500 500 500 71,700 65,100 68,700 72,700 65,900 59,500 63,000 61,600 62,300 69,920 67,500 67,700 65,400 75,400 70,700 72,100 82,800 84,800 67,800 65,400 68,800 84,000 89,800 64,900 86,300 84,500 86,400 62,900 68,500 74,600 72,800 59,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,436,500 Page 309 of 347 2,304,720 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 20,000 500 500 500 500 358,600 325,700 343,500 363,700 329,700 297,600 315,200 308,000 311,500 349,600 337,700 338,300 326,900 376,800 353,500 360,300 413,900 424,200 339,200 327,000 343,800 420,100 449,100 324,400 431,300 422,700 432,000 314,500 342,300 373,200 364,100 296,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 970 970 970 970 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2013 2012 04-418 2011 2014 2014 2014 IH-1308 08-0664 2014gd#38 2010 06-1187 08-0093 2010 03-540 03-787 08-0665 2014gd#02 2015 95-928 07-0471 2014gd#54 2009 96-566 08-0951 IH-1312 2014 IH-1314 IH-1315 04-862 97-770 98-229 11,436,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.06-1-33 62.06-1-34 62.06-1-35 62.06-1-36 62.06-1-37 62.06-1-38 62.06-1-39 62.06-1-40 62.06-1-41 62.06-1-42 62.06-1-43 62.06-1-44 62.06-1-45 62.06-1-46 62.06-1-47 62.06-1-48 62.06-1-49 62.06-1-50 62.06-1-51 62.06-1-52 62.06-1-53 62.06-1-54 62.06-1-55 62.06-1-56 62.06-1-57 62.06-1-58 62.06-1-59 62.06-1-60 62.06-1-61 62.06-1-62 62.06-1-63 62.06-1-64 62.06-1-65 62.06-1-66 62.06-1-67 62.06-1-68 62.06-1-69 Engelhardt, Cynthia L. Houck, Richard A. Habich, Krzysztof Noble, William C. Chan, Cindy Pacholczak, Walter D. Minas, Constantinos Anders, William J. Cleary, Donald B. Buzzard, Douglas P. Marshall, Michael D. Leonard, Carson J. Shen, Ming OBrien, Michele H. Collins, Jeffrey D. Vagianelis, Stephen Quinn, John P. Shaw, James R. Jahnel, Darrin Ciotto, Lisa M. Burke, G Brian Ader, James A. Keane, Karen A. Fields, Michael J. Ivezic, Stefan OKeefe, Jeffrey Jacob, Sony Dorsey, Jennifer McElwain, Merton J. Riedy, Elizabeth A. Mahan, Roberta G. Nardoci, Joseph D. Flynn, John M. Xu, Bai Katlan, Michael G. Schwartz, James E. Dixon, Terry A. 342,700 300,400 299,700 299,600 417,800 353,700 329,900 367,500 381,700 285,000 355,500 340,600 305,000 293,200 329,300 301,600 326,200 313,000 368,300 466,300 360,000 329,700 378,900 328,600 339,500 320,800 329,700 432,800 329,700 287,000 292,700 304,000 328,300 440,000 497,500 460,400 380,900 68,500 60,100 59,900 59,900 83,600 70,700 66,000 73,500 76,300 57,000 71,100 68,100 61,000 58,600 65,900 60,300 65,200 62,600 76,700 93,300 86,400 65,900 75,800 65,700 67,900 64,100 65,900 86,600 65,900 57,400 58,500 60,800 65,700 88,000 99,500 92,100 76,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 12,917,500 Page 310 of 347 2,600,700 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 342,700 300,400 299,700 299,600 417,800 353,700 329,900 367,500 381,700 285,000 355,500 340,600 305,000 293,200 329,300 301,600 326,200 313,000 368,300 466,300 360,000 329,700 378,900 328,600 339,500 320,800 329,700 432,800 329,700 287,000 292,700 304,000 328,300 440,000 497,500 460,400 380,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-1316 IH-1317 IH-1318 96-961 03-0117 2012 91-1220 2011 08-0666 IH-1319 2010 2013 GD2012#28 2012 2015 96-568 99-691 08-0414 2015gd#75 2013 2015 2014 2010 2010 04-346 2013 06-614 2014 91-957 94-1140 97-254 91-958 94-1141 06-1421 06-1189 IH-789 04-347 12,917,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.06-1-70 62.06-1-71 62.06-1-72 62.06-1-73 62.06-1-74 62.06-1-75 62.06-1-76 62.06-1-77 62.06-1-78 62.06-1-79 62.06-1-80 62.06-1-81 62.06-1-82 62.06-1-83 62.06-1-84 62.06-1-85 62.06-1-86 62.06-1-87 62.06-1-88 62.06-1-89 62.06-1-90 62.06-1-91 62.06-1-92 62.07-1-1 62.07-1-2 62.07-1-3 62.07-1-4 62.07-1-5 62.07-1-6 62.07-1-7 62.07-1-8 62.07-1-9 62.07-1-10 62.07-1-11 62.07-1-12 62.07-1-13 62.07-1-14 Pezze, Daniel P. Bult, Richard E. Wemple, John M. Salisbury, Thomas Poole, John F. Miller, William B. Bedinotti, Russell S. Satalino, Lisa M. McCaffrey, Robert J. Schnoor, Raymond Nakushian, David J. Peebles, Alice O. Goutos, Christopher G. Walsh, Thomas J. Jr. Altschule, Howard G. Leong, Willie Popa, Eugen Guilderland Town of Guilderland Town of Zemser, Alan J. Rogers, Daniel G. Tyksinski, Cory M. Stevens, Laurence E. Vohre, Ajay K. Ashery, Robert A. Killion, Melissa P. Sturn, John G. Wu, Ping Y. Shah, Parag S. Kramer, Joseph F. Marsh, Seth K. Martin, Michael J. Ising, Thomas G. Kopff, Frederick L. IV. Singh, Anoop Formica, Peter T. Kogelmann, Ronald J. 381,600 378,400 334,200 369,000 365,500 329,700 310,400 332,800 351,700 332,100 328,500 367,300 297,900 320,200 387,400 288,000 329,000 15,600 14,000 397,000 334,000 329,500 354,700 355,200 360,000 359,200 360,600 342,300 463,200 311,800 350,100 361,500 410,300 416,400 326,500 343,200 328,400 76,300 75,700 66,800 73,800 73,100 65,900 62,100 66,600 70,300 66,400 65,700 73,500 59,600 64,000 83,000 57,600 65,800 15,600 14,000 79,400 66,800 65,900 70,900 71,000 72,000 63,600 72,100 68,500 92,600 62,400 70,000 72,300 82,100 83,300 65,300 68,600 65,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 12,337,200 Page 311 of 347 2,488,300 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 381,600 378,400 334,200 369,000 365,500 329,700 310,400 332,800 351,700 332,100 328,500 367,300 297,900 320,200 387,400 288,000 329,000 15,600 14,000 397,000 334,000 329,500 354,700 355,200 360,000 318,200 360,600 342,300 463,200 311,800 350,100 361,500 410,300 416,400 326,500 343,200 328,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 95-943 02-1048 2014 06-615 04-734 2015 02-926 2013 2013 04-475 94-1147 06-1190 94-1148 06-1191 2009 2010 2012 97-1185 99-1156 06-1131 IH-1328 05-834 IH-1329 2012 00-844 2015gd#01 01-894 IH-1330 2010 95-947 2013 02-1049 2015gd#76 98-233 2013 06-1192 02-218 12,296,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.07-1-15 62.07-1-16 62.07-1-17 62.07-1-18 62.07-1-19 62.07-1-20 62.07-1-21 62.07-1-22 62.07-1-23 62.07-1-24 62.07-1-25 62.07-1-26 62.07-1-27 62.07-1-28 62.07-1-29 62.07-1-30 62.07-1-31 62.07-1-32 62.07-1-33 62.07-1-34 62.07-1-35 62.07-1-36 62.07-1-37 62.07-1-38 62.07-1-39 62.07-1-40 62.07-1-41 62.07-1-42 62.07-1-43 62.07-1-44 62.07-1-45 62.07-1-46 62.07-1-47 62.07-1-48 62.07-1-49 62.07-1-50 62.07-1-51 Gebhardt, James T. Doyle, Patrick Aidan Jakob, David K. Sprio, Carmine M. Lucas, Judith A. Long, Bruce R. Smith, Francis J. Dubois, Jean-Marc Kneiss, Peter J. Wendling, Eric Smith, Scott Colwell, Kevin M. Lang, James J. Lagan, Thomas K. Marotta, Steven L. Varah, Fraida Carroll, Andrew J. Schwartz, Marvin Burns, Thomas L. Gilliam, Eric Matthew Knapek, Lawrence M. Moriarty, Jeffrey T. Conforti, Keith J. Remmert, Thomas M. Aviza, Marri K. Marrello, Joseph D. Lawless, Richard Reeves, Mark C. Albert, David K. Strippoli, Nicole Smith, Robert B. Strumpf, David A. Fiori, Jeff T. Magenis, James E. Ancowitz, Richard B. Armstrong, Nancy J. Papandrea, James M. 384,700 447,200 367,100 445,400 434,200 375,200 388,700 348,900 448,900 427,200 407,000 395,000 373,980 396,000 375,100 362,900 438,000 394,700 425,000 385,000 404,100 368,000 380,200 343,900 392,900 451,800 472,200 382,100 438,400 395,000 300,500 432,200 438,500 455,700 415,000 390,000 337,700 76,900 89,400 73,400 89,100 86,800 75,000 77,700 69,800 89,800 85,400 81,400 82,500 74,790 79,200 75,000 72,600 87,600 78,900 85,000 77,000 80,800 73,600 76,000 68,800 78,600 90,400 94,400 76,400 87,700 79,000 60,100 86,400 87,700 92,100 83,000 87,700 71,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 14,818,380 Page 312 of 347 2,981,190 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 384,700 447,200 367,100 445,400 434,200 375,200 388,700 348,900 448,900 427,200 407,000 395,000 373,980 396,000 375,100 362,900 438,000 394,700 425,000 385,000 404,100 368,000 380,200 343,900 392,900 451,800 472,200 382,100 438,400 395,000 300,500 432,200 438,500 455,700 415,000 390,000 337,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-1331 2011 07-0473 03-789 2012 06-1132 06-1194 05-835 IH-1334 2013 GD2013#16 GD11#11 2013SC#51 2014SC#13 02-219 2009 02-1050 IH-1337 2011 2012 2013 06-617 08-0668 99-1622 GD05-313 06-1195 2015gd#10 07-0475 GD09#15 2014 08-0705 IH-1341 2011 GD2012#80 GD11#74 GD11#55 GD2012#15 14,818,380 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.07-1-52 62.07-1-53 62.07-1-54 62.07-1-55 62.07-1-56 62.07-1-57 62.07-1-58 62.07-1-59 62.07-1-60 62.07-1-61 62.07-1-62 62.07-1-63 62.07-1-64 62.07-1-65 62.07-1-66 62.07-1-67 62.07-1-68 62.07-1-69 62.07-1-70 62.07-1-71 62.07-1-72 62.07-1-73 62.07-1-74 62.07-1-75 62.07-1-76 62.07-1-77 62.07-1-78 62.07-1-79 62.07-1-80 62.07-1-81 62.07-1-82 62.07-1-83 62.07-1-84 62.07-1-85 62.07-1-86 62.07-1-87 62.08-1-1.1 Scott, Phillip H. Rubin, Richard A. Bhoiwala, Laxmilant V. Becker, Warren A. Chang, Benjamin Hoffman, James C. Campbell, Dennis M. Nolan, William S. Brownell, Kenneth T. Mortati, Thomas J. Naina, Saleem Paradise, John W. Schiller, William B. Seguel, Joseph M. Fox, Alan Carsillo, Vincent J. Suarez, Mario I. Ben-Yishay, Janet Casagrande, Richard E. Robinson, Garry J. Gillingham, Thomas J. Dibari, John J. Jr. Miller, Kathleen Hurley, Robert J. Adam, Thomas N. Homenick, Lindsay Foy, James M. George, Pappachen K. Zakrzewski, Richard Edmund Decker, Robert & Linda A Playford, Gregory L. Morrison, Timothy P. Vero, John R. Grant, Thomas A. Knapp, Paul B. RSR Associates Watts, Dolores L. 425,500 378,200 440,300 438,200 384,600 426,500 414,300 380,000 383,200 391,600 366,200 335,500 369,700 415,700 316,600 375,300 374,100 457,700 333,500 443,400 376,800 343,500 417,000 457,400 333,600 374,000 328,100 344,600 385,100 308,700 366,000 403,600 431,700 352,900 376,600 5,000 170,800 85,100 75,600 88,100 87,600 77,000 85,300 82,900 84,000 76,600 78,300 73,200 67,100 73,900 83,100 63,300 75,100 74,800 91,500 66,700 88,700 75,400 68,700 88,000 91,500 66,700 74,800 65,600 68,900 77,000 61,700 73,200 80,700 86,300 70,600 75,300 5,000 34,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 13,625,500 Page 313 of 347 2,741,500 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 425,500 378,200 440,300 438,200 384,600 426,500 414,300 380,000 383,200 391,600 366,200 335,500 369,700 415,700 316,600 375,300 374,100 457,700 333,500 443,400 376,800 343,500 440,000 457,400 333,600 374,000 328,100 344,600 385,100 308,700 366,000 403,600 431,700 352,900 376,600 5,000 170,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 822 210 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 Account Nbr 2015 IH-1342 96-574 06-620 2014 00-210 99-699 2015 2009 2014 GD05-260 95-954 07-0477 2014 2015 05-1102 07-0478 2014 95-955 99-700 96-578 SC139-05 2015 05-837 97-785 2013 05-1103 94-1152 SC53-05 2012 04-470 2012 2014 01-234 2010 08-0792 2011 13,648,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.08-1-1.2 62.08-1-2.1 62.08-1-2.2 62.08-1-3.1 62.08-1-3.2 62.08-1-4.1 62.08-1-4.2 62.08-1-5.1 62.08-1-5.2 62.08-1-6.1 62.08-1-6.2 62.08-1-7.1 62.08-1-7.2 62.08-1-8.1 62.08-1-8.2 62.08-1-9.1 62.08-1-9.2 62.08-1-10.1 62.08-1-10.2 62.08-1-11.1 62.08-1-11.2 62.08-1-12.1 62.08-1-12.2 62.08-1-13.1 62.08-1-13.2 62.08-1-14.1 62.08-1-14.2 62.08-1-15.1 62.08-1-15.2 62.08-1-16.1 62.08-1-16.2 62.08-1-17.1 62.08-1-17.2 62.08-1-18.1 62.08-1-18.2 62.08-1-19.1 62.08-1-19.2 Watts, Jean L. Pastore, Paul C. Streeter, Nancy August, Lisa Lepkowski, Stanley J. Hart, Barbara J. Lam, Philip Dean, Diane L. Pacini, John Shaw, David J. MacAffer, Ann B. Shea, Constance J. Johnson, Corbet S. III. Heenan, Robbin Fragnoli Regal, Gabriel R. Schner, Amy M. Russo, Karen A. Curran, Joseph H. Quintana, Frank Josef Riddett, Kenneth E. Ackerman, Jason Stovall, Sherman S. Jr. Martin, Lorraine Mason, Sandra Corriere Knoll, Allan R. Sussman, Alexandra K. Nelson, Douglas N. Norgrove-Bourdon, Sandra A. Rosenthal, Barry M. Masterson, Vivian Myers, Therese J. Betzwieser, Beate M. Orlando, Stephanie Pelosi, Olimpia Weil, Hannelore F. Applegate, Michael C. Wagner, Lawrence R. 160,400 160,400 172,800 164,300 168,200 157,600 163,500 155,500 168,500 163,500 163,500 160,500 165,800 165,900 163,500 168,700 150,500 155,000 178,700 165,200 164,600 175,700 175,700 175,700 166,400 175,400 161,700 176,300 172,000 157,600 163,500 161,800 158,900 164,600 171,700 175,700 165,400 32,100 32,100 34,600 32,900 33,600 31,500 32,700 31,100 33,700 32,700 32,700 32,100 33,200 33,200 32,700 33,700 30,100 31,000 35,700 33,000 32,900 35,100 35,100 35,100 33,300 35,100 32,300 35,300 34,400 35,100 38,100 32,400 31,800 32,900 34,300 35,100 33,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,134,700 Page 314 of 347 1,235,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 160,400 160,400 172,800 164,300 168,200 157,600 163,500 155,500 168,500 163,500 163,500 160,500 165,800 165,900 163,500 168,700 150,500 155,000 178,700 165,200 164,600 175,700 175,700 175,700 166,400 175,400 161,700 176,300 172,000 157,600 190,700 161,800 158,900 164,600 171,700 175,700 165,400 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 01-289 93-329 01-235 2011 2015 90-472 06-622 98-1172 2015 2012 02-329 08-0418 04-1518 2015 87-1021 2013 94-318 06-711 2014 2011 2015 2011 GD11#78 2014 05-0565 06-277 2014 98-840 2012 2011 2015 08-0915 2014 2010 00-212 IH-1379 07-0814 6,161,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.08-1-20 62.08-1-21 62.08-1-22 62.08-1-23 62.08-1-24 62.08-1-25 62.08-1-26 62.08-1-27 62.08-1-28 62.08-1-29 62.08-1-30 62.08-1-31 62.08-1-32.1 62.08-1-32.2 62.08-1-33.1 62.08-1-33.2 62.08-1-34.1 62.08-1-34.2 62.08-1-35.1 62.08-1-35.2 62.08-1-36.1 62.08-1-36.2 62.08-1-37 62.08-1-38 62.08-1-39 62.08-1-40 62.08-1-42 62.08-1-44 62.08-1-46 62.08-1-47 62.08-2-1 62.08-2-2 62.08-2-3 62.08-2-4 62.08-2-5 62.08-2-6 62.08-2-7 Sullivan, Jeffrey G. Hassett, Steven F. Mehta, Jaswant Guilderland Town of Mathan, Manohar Sisters of Mercy Chattman, Walter H. McKinney, John E. Mercaitis, Paul Coleman, Theodore Doyle Mignot, Yann A. Honen, Jennifer A. ONeil, Scott K. Clark, Michael P. McCoach, Sharon Capital District Realty LLC Wood, Cheryl Lee, Chun W. Conway, James E. Winston, Shaloni Polito, Chris T. Kleinberg, Joel Lamorte, Robert J. Kraushaar, Robert Karl, Thomas J. Wronski, Edward G. Domaracki, Alan J. Feinman, Barry J. Gontarek, Jesse Leigh Mali, Michael C. Zamurs, John Vein, Robert M. Benson, Jeffrey B. Ogunyase, Desmond Lu, Xiaoxing McGuire, Thomas P. Dechants, Joseph M. 199,200 235,100 226,300 5,300 233,700 172,100 276,200 289,400 334,300 267,500 317,200 254,700 165,000 207,000 168,700 208,000 203,000 208,000 187,500 195,800 198,000 184,300 311,900 289,700 282,500 313,500 300,400 464,200 346,900 304,800 343,500 237,100 198,700 361,300 319,500 341,900 333,900 39,800 47,000 45,300 5,300 46,700 34,400 55,200 57,900 66,900 53,500 63,400 50,900 33,000 41,400 33,700 41,600 40,600 41,600 37,500 39,200 39,600 36,900 62,400 57,900 62,700 62,700 60,100 88,000 69,400 61,000 68,700 47,400 39,700 72,300 63,900 68,400 66,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,486,100 Page 315 of 347 1,902,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 199,200 235,100 226,300 5,300 233,700 172,100 276,200 289,400 334,300 267,500 317,200 254,700 165,000 207,000 168,700 208,000 203,000 208,000 187,500 195,800 198,000 184,300 311,900 289,700 282,500 313,500 300,400 440,000 346,900 304,800 343,500 237,100 198,700 361,300 319,500 341,900 333,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A 1 A 1 A 1 8 A 1 A 8 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 Account Nbr 01-236 87-1212 2012 89-1185 04-274 2011 IH-1347 2013 96-894 GD-STIP 2014 96-117 IH-1350 87-1216 GD05-426 06-858 2013 08-0172 2015 IH-1352 06-1133 05-0567 97-1154 97-1155 2013 2013 IH-1353 2015IH 2015 08-1177 94-1335 00-962 04-1195 2009 2014 IH-1356 89-650 9,461,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.08-2-8 62.08-2-9 62.08-2-10 62.08-2-11 62.08-2-12 62.08-2-13 62.08-2-14 62.08-2-15 62.08-2-16 62.08-2-17 62.08-2-18 62.08-2-19 62.08-2-20 62.08-2-21 62.08-2-22 62.08-2-23 62.08-2-24 62.08-2-25 62.08-2-26 62.08-2-27 62.08-2-28 62.08-2-29 62.08-2-30 62.08-2-31 62.08-2-32 62.08-2-33 62.08-2-34 62.08-2-35 62.08-2-36 62.08-2-37 62.08-2-38 62.08-2-39 62.08-2-40 62.08-2-41 62.08-2-42 62.08-2-43 62.08-2-44 Turner, Robert J. Sipperly, Brian T. Puranik, Arun Tien, Hung Yu Roberts, Judith K. Reed, Peter J. Creighton, William R. Warchol, Gregg Nobis, Ann A. Fanning, Thomas R. Ryan, John F. Kling, David G. Austin, Raymond L. Lindsey, John J. Tipple, Thomas S. Kreuter, Charles R. Pinapati, Suhasini MD. Brown, Jan C. Walsh, John F. Jr. Bright, Jonathan A. Salerni, Robert E. Paris, Margaret A. Zieba, Dariusz A. Nair, Subramaniam S. Davis, John K. Zobal-Ratner, Jitka L. Wagner, Roberta Anne VanWie, David W. Barrowman, Raymond Long, Michael E. Johansen, Lawrence A. Finale, James Chura, Daniel K. Furlong, Patrick Mehdi, Syed M. Rothman, Jeffrey Adali, Sibel 347,800 349,100 355,200 318,400 345,900 514,700 317,500 289,400 343,700 337,300 289,400 307,400 316,800 279,400 237,100 370,800 366,900 295,300 332,800 343,500 333,900 278,800 313,500 337,100 300,000 345,900 276,300 300,000 216,300 326,500 312,000 343,500 246,500 341,600 300,000 317,200 320,200 69,600 69,800 71,000 63,700 69,200 102,900 63,500 57,900 68,700 67,500 57,900 61,500 63,400 55,900 47,400 74,200 73,400 59,100 66,600 68,700 66,800 55,800 65,300 67,400 60,000 69,200 55,300 60,000 43,300 65,300 62,400 68,700 49,300 68,300 60,000 63,400 64,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 11,867,700 Page 316 of 347 2,376,400 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 347,800 349,100 355,200 318,400 345,900 514,700 317,500 289,400 343,700 337,300 289,400 307,400 316,800 279,400 237,100 370,800 366,900 295,300 332,800 343,500 333,900 278,800 326,500 337,100 300,000 345,900 276,300 300,000 216,300 326,500 312,000 343,500 246,500 341,600 300,000 317,200 320,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-1357 2013 02-890 GD2012#3 08-1072 03-1369 GD05-157 06-1134 2012 GD05-20 87-977 2010 92-880 2013 IH-1360 GD05-378 05-838 00-213 01-1121 06-625 IH-1362 05-1209 2015 GD08#16 06-1135 03-1140 06-171 06-1135 SC68-05 SC7&13-05 06-1323 IH-1365 94-1329 03-0359 SC78-05 2011 2014 11,880,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.08-2-45 62.08-2-46 62.08-2-47 62.08-2-48 62.08-2-49 62.08-2-50 62.08-2-51 62.08-2-52 62.08-2-53 62.08-2-54 62.08-2-55 62.09-1-1 62.09-1-2 62.09-1-3 62.09-1-4 62.09-1-5 62.09-1-8 62.09-1-9 62.09-1-10.1 62.09-1-10.2 62.09-1-11.1 62.09-1-11.2 62.09-1-12.1 62.09-1-12.2 62.09-1-13.1 62.09-1-13.2 62.09-1-14.1 62.09-1-14.2 62.09-1-15.1 62.09-1-15.2 62.09-1-16.1 62.09-1-16.2 62.09-1-16.3 62.09-1-16.4 62.09-1-17.1 62.09-1-17.2 62.09-1-17.3 Ross, Susan A. Curtis, Paul S. Gordon, Steve B. Aysola, Sreenivasa Rao Nobel, Dastagir Powathil, Kuruvilla Spolyar, William P & Patricia V. Sobol, Theodore Altmayer, Stewart R. Mahoney, Leslie James Park, Yeongsook Dewey, Thomas G. Crisafulli, Vincent Vedhathiri, Arunkumar T. Gaud, Lucile Harris, James Gable, Marianne Reilly, Joseph A. Hube, Kevin Cardona, Kimberly A. Smart, William H. MacGregor, Katharine H. Short, Jacqueline M. Underwood, Richard L. Cahill, Maureen M. Cahill, James J. Murphy, George Grayson, Margaret A. Droz, Elizabeth Aldino, Peter Anthony Geary, James M. Chun, Kyung S. Buley, Jeffrey T. Daniels, Mary Catherine Fanshawe, Helen M. Porco, Joan M. Glindmyer, Charles J. 436,200 247,500 280,100 265,100 341,600 313,500 247,300 341,000 339,800 369,100 267,700 506,200 345,000 305,000 350,000 440,100 550,200 365,800 187,200 207,000 197,200 218,900 195,000 212,000 193,000 213,000 212,500 207,000 209,200 191,300 279,600 252,000 252,000 212,100 281,000 224,700 276,200 87,200 49,500 56,000 53,000 68,300 73,400 49,500 68,200 68,000 73,800 53,500 101,200 90,000 71,600 82,400 88,000 110,000 73,200 37,400 41,400 39,400 43,800 39,000 42,400 38,600 42,600 42,500 41,400 41,800 38,300 55,900 50,400 50,400 42,400 56,200 44,900 49,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,532,100 Page 317 of 347 2,154,800 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 436,200 247,500 280,100 265,100 341,600 366,900 247,300 341,000 339,800 369,100 267,700 506,200 345,000 305,000 350,000 440,100 550,200 365,800 187,200 207,000 197,200 218,900 195,000 212,000 193,000 213,000 212,500 207,000 209,200 191,300 279,600 252,000 252,000 212,100 281,000 224,700 246,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr IH-1367 95-351 91-646 2015 2012 2015gd#77 IH-1371 91-263 88-1126 2012 08-0419 2015 GD11#68 2010GD#34 GD11#23 2012 2009 98-1301 95-1452 07-0759 03-902 05-1105 07-0580 2015 2015 2015 07-0481 91-GD IH-1375 90-332 04-156 06-626 07-1143 02-1335 2015 2012 2015IH 10,555,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.09-1-17.4 62.09-1-17.5 62.09-1-18.1 62.09-1-18.2 62.09-1-18.3 62.09-1-18.4 62.09-1-19.1 62.09-1-19.2 62.09-1-19.3 62.09-1-20.1 62.09-1-20.2 62.09-1-20.3 62.09-1-21.1 62.09-1-21.2 62.09-1-21.3 62.09-1-22.1 62.09-1-22.2 62.09-1-22.3 62.09-1-22.4 62.09-1-22.5 62.09-1-23 62.09-1-24 62.09-1-25 62.09-1-26 62.09-1-27 62.09-1-29 62.09-1-30 62.09-1-31 62.09-1-32 62.09-1-33 62.09-1-34 62.09-1-35 62.09-1-36 62.09-1-37 62.09-1-38 62.09-1-39 62.09-1-40.1 Stander, James G. Luzerne Family LLC Edick, Robert H. Saita, Sindi M. Rumiesz, Joseph Jr. Roth, Mary Grace M. Ryan, William F. Curro, Dominic A & Mary Lou S. Herendeen, Ann M. Cohen, Sheril Keithly, Janet Sue Wehmann, William P. Sprinkle, Jaye L. Swift, Neil A. Hammond, John Rand, Carolyn Sullivan, Richard P. Davidoff, Donald & Joanne Sowalskie, Bruce F. Brusilow, Michael Saddlemire, Thomas P. Rudolph, Christie S. Allerot, Carlo Brown, Edward W. Riccio, Justin R. Mulcahy, Carol A. Henkel, Lisa A. DiStefano, Walter V. Jr. Kremer, Timothy G. Wilcove, Melvin E. Kekis, John D. Carangelo, Alexander Niner, Phyllis S. Nicolla, Joseph R. Topolski, Robert C. McNulty, Sharon Lee Newkirk, Thomas R. 224,700 296,000 240,400 279,300 252,000 245,700 228,000 252,000 268,650 212,100 278,700 212,100 252,000 279,000 212,100 212,100 252,000 276,200 252,000 222,100 316,800 316,600 313,300 301,100 277,300 533,800 550,500 774,700 378,200 305,900 277,300 278,300 258,400 279,700 279,700 344,900 193,000 44,900 59,200 48,100 55,900 50,400 56,000 45,600 50,400 53,730 42,400 55,700 42,400 50,400 55,800 42,400 40,700 50,400 55,200 50,400 44,400 63,400 63,300 62,700 60,200 55,500 106,800 110,100 154,900 75,600 61,200 55,500 55,700 51,700 55,900 55,900 69,000 38,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 10,926,650 Page 318 of 347 2,190,430 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 224,700 296,000 240,400 279,300 252,000 245,700 228,000 252,000 268,650 212,100 278,700 212,100 252,000 279,000 212,100 203,600 252,000 276,200 252,000 222,100 316,800 316,600 313,300 301,100 277,300 533,800 550,500 774,700 378,200 305,900 277,300 278,300 258,400 279,700 279,700 344,900 193,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr SC16-05 07-1144 2010 05-0570 01-508 GD11#64 GD2012#70 06-278 2014SC#99 2014 2009 06-628 95-1140 95-1161 06-172 2015IH 06-1258 2011 90-332 07-0760 02-1336 2013 99-591 98-477 2012 06-1259 02-930 2013 IH-1383 GD05-461 2014 2012 08-0214 2013 96-1033 2011 00-861 10,918,150 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.09-1-40.2 62.09-1-41.1 62.09-1-41.2 62.09-1-42.1 62.09-1-42.2 62.09-1-43 62.09-1-45 62.09-1-46 62.09-1-47 62.09-2-1 62.09-2-2 62.09-2-3 62.09-2-4 62.09-2-5 62.09-2-6 62.09-2-7 62.09-2-9.1 62.09-2-9.2 62.09-2-11.1 62.09-2-11.2 62.09-2-12.1 62.09-2-12.2 62.09-2-13.1 62.09-2-13.2 62.09-2-14 62.09-2-15 62.09-2-16 62.09-2-17 62.09-2-18 62.09-2-19.1 62.09-2-19.2 62.09-2-20.1 62.09-2-20.2 62.09-2-20.3 62.09-2-21.1 62.09-2-21.2 62.09-2-22.1 Rubin, Linda Genovesi, Victor A. Duell, Sheila E. DAmico, Maria Pastore, Peter A. Zucker, Alan A. Weatherfield Park Phase I New York State of Guilderland Town of McCormick, Edward C. Young, William N. Fuller, Reginald C. Reilly, James M. McCartney, Marcia Seaburg, Tania F. Lounsbury, William Chesterfield Homeowners Weatherfield Park II Schwartzbach, Eileen Zekoll, Marcia A. Dillon, Richard & Kathryn K Ardizone, Edmund S. Travaly, Lisa M. Rosen, Beverly Mysliborski, Judith Ann Walter, Thomas J. Huang, Zhongping Gannon, William P. Jr. Flanagin, Kelly V. Chesterfield Homeowners Weatherfield Park II Domino, David C. Kanuck, Robert L. Rotello, Joseph C. Daleo, Lorraine Keys, Henry Basso, Dolores M. 187,200 194,400 208,300 187,400 193,500 388,900 5,000 11,000 10,000 263,400 307,500 417,900 373,800 261,400 261,800 276,000 1,000 100 264,500 264,500 261,000 264,500 264,500 264,500 318,400 311,800 248,600 252,700 246,100 2,000 1,000 290,600 290,000 302,900 308,300 298,800 195,500 37,400 38,900 41,700 37,500 38,700 77,800 5,000 11,000 10,000 52,700 61,500 83,600 74,800 52,300 52,400 55,200 1,000 100 52,900 52,900 52,200 52,900 52,900 52,900 63,700 62,400 49,700 50,500 49,200 2,000 1,000 58,100 58,000 54,900 56,400 59,800 39,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 8,198,800 Page 319 of 347 1,653,100 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 187,200 194,400 208,300 187,400 193,500 388,900 5,000 11,000 10,000 263,400 307,500 417,900 373,800 261,400 261,800 276,000 1,000 100 264,500 264,500 261,000 264,500 264,500 264,500 318,400 311,800 248,600 252,700 246,100 2,000 1,000 290,600 290,000 269,900 282,200 298,800 195,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 853 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0484 06-630 02-1156 2015 91-1101 2011 04-157 85-841 87-1143 00-214 98GD 99-1623 90-332 92-1008 2015 2013SC#54 91-195 88-1285 01-364 94-543 2015 IH-1386 08-0849 2014 90-332 90-332 08-0131 2015 2014 03-906 90-332 92-1009 2013 2015IH 2015IH 05-0574 07-0486 8,139,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 62.09-2-22.2 62.09-2-22.3 62.09-2-23.1 62.09-2-23.2 62.09-2-23.3 62.09-2-24.1 62.09-2-24.2 62.09-2-24.3 62.09-2-25.1 62.09-2-25.2 62.09-2-26.1 62.09-2-26.2 62.09-2-27.1 62.09-2-27.2 62.09-2-27.3 62.09-2-28.11 62.09-2-28.12 62.09-2-28.21 62.09-2-28.22 62.09-2-29.1 62.09-2-29.2 62.09-2-29.3 62.09-2-29.4 62.09-2-30.1 62.09-2-30.2 62.09-2-30.3 62.09-2-31.1 62.09-2-31.2 62.09-2-31.3 62.09-2-32.11 62.09-2-32.12 62.09-2-32.21 62.09-2-32.22 62.09-2-33 62.09-2-34 62.09-2-35.1 62.09-2-35.2 Wilczek, Mariann K. Perrillo, Cheryl L. Simmons, William L. Pazmino, Anthony R. Calhoun, Stephen B. Allegretta, Joseph F. Graham, John J. III. Stein, Laurie F. Bult Living Trust, Patricia M. Carle, Sally A. Scott, George E. DiMura, Joseph G. Williams, Kathryn E. Dennis, Marla Goldblatt, Marcia Dollard, Charles D. Spurney, Julia M. Alteri, Richard Lovenheim, Albert H. Traditional Builders Ltd Signore, Joyce M. Izard, Margaret N. Powell, Judith H. DeMarco, Lorraine T. Bohl, Paul J. Robinson, Elizabeth Hungershafer, Donald J. Binseel, Anne J. Gibson, Michele A. Forshaw, Robin A. Perry, Lee P. Luccese, Ligia Hanspal, Era K. Chesterfield Homeowners Chesterfield Homeowners Wille, Stephanie L. Hallion, Kathleen A. 224,000 206,100 290,600 290,000 300,900 291,100 290,000 301,800 241,000 223,900 227,600 227,600 197,700 221,300 239,900 198,200 229,200 226,200 228,400 0 241,000 197,400 226,200 197,300 226,000 197,400 198,300 223,000 197,300 221,500 241,000 198,200 222,800 1,000 1,000 228,800 198,200 44,800 46,800 58,100 58,000 60,200 58,200 58,000 54,900 48,200 44,800 45,500 45,500 39,500 44,300 48,000 39,600 45,800 45,200 45,700 0 48,200 45,200 45,200 39,500 45,200 39,500 39,700 44,600 39,500 44,300 48,200 39,600 44,600 1,000 1,000 45,800 39,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 7,871,900 Page 320 of 347 1,581,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 224,000 206,100 290,600 290,000 300,900 291,100 290,000 269,900 241,000 223,900 227,600 227,600 197,700 221,300 239,900 198,200 229,200 226,200 228,400 0 241,000 197,400 226,200 197,300 226,000 197,400 198,300 223,000 197,300 221,500 241,000 198,200 222,800 1,000 1,000 228,800 198,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 853 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 692 692 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-1200 GD2012#27 99-592 2014 2015 IH-1388 93-514 2015IH 2010 07-0487 99-1242 04-1307 06-279 02-1340 08-0821 07-0488 99-1244 2013 00-640 96-505 99-242 2013 01-1124 05-0576 2010 2010 03-908 04-478 06-174 08-0850 2011 2014 2015 91-195 91-195 2015 00-1384 7,840,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 62.10-1-1 62.10-1-2 62.10-1-3 62.10-1-4 62.10-1-5 62.10-1-6 62.10-1-7 62.10-1-8 62.10-1-9 62.10-1-10 62.10-1-11 62.10-1-12 62.10-1-13 62.10-1-14 62.10-1-15 62.10-1-16 62.10-1-17 62.10-1-18 62.10-1-19 62.10-1-20 62.10-1-21 62.10-1-22 62.10-1-23 62.10-1-24 63.00-1-4 63.00-1-5 63.00-1-7.1 63.00-1-7.2 63.00-1-7.3 63.00-1-8 63.00-1-9 63.00-1-10.1 63.00-1-10.2 63.00-1-11 63.00-1-12.1 63.00-1-13.1 63.00-1-13.2 Chun, Kyung S & Kuck Hi Fish, Kathleen M. Sharif, Farooq Santoro, Emily A. Scatena, Daniel P. Schumacher, Thomas C. Swanson, Norman R. Crowley, Dean A. Goyer, Richard P. Jr. Stow, Stephen M. Mirochnik, Sheree L. Eidson, Millicent DVM. Trodden, Peter J. Aitken, John A. Harvazinski, Mary C. Garcha, Satwant S. Khurana, Yashvika Rento, Thomas M. Gottlieb, Bruce Smolenski, Joseph L. Wehner, David P. Qian, Jiang Bell, Gordon S. VanDoren, Noreen J. Laz, Desiree Funk JL Development LLC Sunny Real Property, LLC Sunny Real Property, LLC Lupe, Robert A. Mosall, Milton W. Sheridan, Michael J. Mount Zion Ministries Albany County of Wang, Congzhou LaBarba, Henry V. LaBarba, Henry V. Kit Kat Environmental Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 341,300 448,700 351,000 405,400 409,000 415,100 381,000 425,700 416,100 468,700 408,400 457,500 425,000 440,900 400,000 346,900 300,400 352,000 325,300 402,000 385,400 378,800 366,700 328,500 13,900 29,500 178,800 141,300 141,300 3,000 178,500 2,939,800 9,800 109,000 165,800 275,500 383,200 68,300 89,700 70,200 91,900 81,800 83,000 76,200 85,100 83,200 90,000 81,700 91,500 85,000 88,200 80,000 69,400 60,100 70,400 65,100 80,400 77,100 75,800 73,300 65,700 13,900 29,500 178,800 141,300 141,300 3,000 35,700 204,800 9,800 21,800 33,200 55,100 103,000 13,949,200 Page 321 of 347 2,854,300 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 341,300 448,700 351,000 405,400 409,000 415,100 381,000 425,700 416,100 450,000 408,400 457,500 425,000 440,900 400,000 346,900 300,400 352,000 325,300 402,000 385,400 378,800 366,700 328,500 13,900 29,500 178,800 141,300 141,300 3,000 178,500 2,939,800 9,800 109,000 165,800 275,500 383,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 322 322 311 311 311 311 210 620 311 210 210 210 465 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0422 06-280 05-1212 GD11#65 99-702 01-902 2011 IH-1392 IH-1393 2015gd#78 IH-1395 99-1328 2014 05-227 GD05-6 2010 93-783 2011 92-1027 SC82-05 2009 07-0492 03-793 2011 98-19 06-176 92-1201 92-1201 2010 750185 2012 2015 08-0793 2015 08-0969 2013 98-1302 13,930,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 63.00-1-14 63.00-1-15 63.00-1-16.1 63.00-1-16.2 63.00-2-1.1 63.00-2-1.2 63.00-2-2.1 63.00-2-2.2 63.00-2-2.3 63.00-2-2.4 63.00-2-2.5 63.00-2-2.6 63.00-2-3 63.00-2-4 63.00-2-5 63.00-2-6 63.00-2-7 63.00-2-8 63.00-2-9 63.00-2-20 63.05-1-1.1 63.05-1-1.2 63.05-1-1.3 63.05-1-1.4 63.05-1-2.1 63.05-1-2.2 63.05-1-2.3 63.05-1-2.4 63.05-1-3.1 63.05-1-3.2 63.05-1-3.3 63.05-1-3.4 63.05-1-3.5 63.05-1-3.6 63.05-1-4.1 63.05-1-4.2 63.05-1-4.3 LaBarba, Henry V. Jr. Hanley, Kathleen M. Onderdonk, Truman L. Bogdonowicz, Walter J. McKown Grove Inc Ten McKown LLC Mulvaney, Janet L. Deyoe, Margaret M. Sidhu, Gurpreet Benton, Marianne C. Guilderland Town of Monaghan, Robert F. Monaghan, Robert F. Kibbey, Robert A. Torres, Anthony Miller, David St Louis, William Trustco Realty Corporation Serviss, Daniel J. Chainyk, David A. Singh, Devendra K. Pasquali, Bernard A & Laureen M. VanPatten, Kourtney L. Zimmerman, Charles J. OBrien, John J. Scheiman, Miriam D. Perullo, David Zitowsky, Robert E. Autrey, Brenna Dearmas, Justin Lin, Nan Thakkar, Vallabhdas J. Lin, Nan Gorzynski, William E. Hennings, Herbert W. Brooks, Steven Sokal, James S. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 169,100 243,400 114,000 187,700 51,000 2,274,200 572,700 355,200 599,800 576,500 3,000 1,000 122,700 138,000 382,200 131,700 108,900 345,000 186,800 15,300 134,000 120,000 118,000 118,600 124,100 126,000 126,000 120,400 121,800 120,000 116,700 131,000 116,700 129,300 118,400 128,200 131,000 33,800 48,700 22,800 37,500 51,000 298,700 114,500 71,000 120,000 115,300 3,000 1,000 24,500 27,600 76,400 26,300 21,800 69,000 37,400 15,300 26,800 24,000 23,600 23,700 24,800 25,200 25,200 24,100 24,400 24,000 23,300 26,200 23,300 25,900 23,700 25,600 26,200 8,678,400 Page 322 of 347 1,635,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 169,100 243,400 114,000 187,700 51,000 2,274,200 572,700 355,200 599,800 576,500 3,000 1,000 122,700 138,000 382,200 131,700 108,900 345,000 186,800 15,300 134,000 120,000 118,000 118,600 124,100 126,000 126,000 120,400 121,800 120,000 116,700 131,000 116,700 129,300 118,400 128,200 131,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 220 230 210 311 464 210 210 220 210 970 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 93-996 86-139 IH-1400 IH-1401 90-328 03-713 2009 IH-1403 2015 2015gd#79 00-1431 96-583 2013 08-1021 04-866 98-587 04-1345 2015gd#80 2010 2010 IH-1404 05-0579 2010 2014 99-1423 08-0034 96-1048 2011 2014 00-866 96-1048 04-735 96-1048 00-867 96-1048 2012 2015 8,678,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.05-1-4.4 63.05-1-5.1 63.05-1-5.2 63.05-1-5.3 63.05-1-5.4 63.05-1-5.5 63.05-1-5.6 63.05-1-5.7 63.05-1-5.8 63.05-1-6.1 63.05-1-6.2 63.05-1-6.3 63.05-1-7.1 63.05-1-7.2 63.05-1-7.3 63.05-1-7.4 63.05-1-8.1 63.05-1-8.2 63.05-1-8.3 63.05-1-8.4 63.05-1-9.1 63.05-1-9.2 63.05-1-9.3 63.05-1-9.4 63.05-1-10.1 63.05-1-10.2 63.05-1-10.3 63.05-1-10.4 63.05-1-10.5 63.05-1-10.6 63.05-1-11 63.05-1-12.1 63.05-1-12.2 63.05-1-12.3 63.05-1-12.4 63.05-1-12.5 63.05-1-12.6 Albany County of Teahan, Shelley A. Boykin, Richard P. Pohlid, Dorothy V. Powathil, Kuruvilla Pierro, AnnMarie Keener, Lynn D. Wagner, Sarah L. Goldberg, Glenn I. Goldberg, Cynthia Merchant, Donna Celeone, Joseph A. Gitnik, Lenore Vogel, JoAnne Worden, David G. Canape, Betty B. Dones, Efrain Jordan, Barbara K. Carnevale, James M. Zamperini, Teresa Rea, Christine M. Grippo, Joseph C. Murphy, Mabel Watts, Sheila M. Nolan, Anne H. Cornell, Carol A. Gentile, Gian P. Okun, Susan Lynn Gorman, Trevor Conway, Philip Canterbury Park Treventi, James E. Jackson, Abbie S. Li, Yan Richardson, Janet W. Moore, Barbara K. Bryant, Sandra L. 124,700 118,900 118,000 136,000 123,700 126,000 126,000 139,000 129,600 123,700 126,000 121,000 135,200 125,000 125,000 132,000 137,000 116,700 122,000 136,000 128,300 126,000 126,000 139,000 139,000 118,000 125,600 122,000 122,000 175,300 1,900 132,200 132,000 129,000 118,000 125,000 129,000 24,900 23,800 23,600 27,200 24,700 25,200 25,200 27,800 25,900 24,700 25,200 24,200 27,000 25,000 25,000 26,400 27,400 23,300 24,400 27,200 25,700 25,200 25,200 27,800 27,800 23,600 25,100 24,400 24,400 34,300 1,900 26,400 26,400 25,800 23,600 25,000 25,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,629,800 Page 323 of 347 926,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 124,700 118,900 118,000 136,000 123,700 126,000 126,000 139,000 129,600 123,700 126,000 121,000 135,200 125,000 125,000 132,000 137,000 116,700 122,000 136,000 128,300 126,000 126,000 139,000 139,000 118,000 125,600 122,000 122,000 171,900 1,900 132,200 132,000 129,000 118,000 125,000 129,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2012 2012 2015 03-547 05-1213 96-1048 08-0311 2011 99-652 2012 2013 06-709 2010 96-1048 96-1048 96-1048 97-259 06-177 07-1147 07-1148 GD05-410 97-SC 2012 2014 06-631 2012 02-1346 2015 2015IH 00-869 96-1048 96-1048 96-1048 2010 96-1048 4,626,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.05-1-12.7 63.05-1-13.1 63.05-1-13.2 63.05-1-13.3 63.05-1-13.4 63.05-1-13.5 63.05-1-13.6 63.05-1-14.1 63.05-1-14.2 63.05-1-14.3 63.05-1-14.4 63.05-1-14.5 63.05-1-14.6 63.05-1-14.7 63.05-1-15.1 63.05-1-15.2 63.05-1-15.3 63.05-1-15.4 63.05-1-15.5 63.05-1-15.6 63.05-1-16.1 63.05-1-16.2 63.05-1-16.3 63.05-1-16.4 63.05-1-16.5 63.05-1-16.6 63.05-1-17.1 63.05-1-17.2 63.05-1-17.3 63.05-1-17.4 63.05-1-17.5 63.05-1-17.6 63.05-1-17.7 63.05-1-17.8 63.05-1-17.9 63.05-1-18.1 63.05-1-18.2 Soulis, Stephen S. Boulos, Sherif Augliera, Christian A. Batorsky, Angela M. Egger, Patricia Ann Martin, Karen W. Hayt, Ziad F. Applegate, Ann H. Weinlein, Gary J. DuBois, Regina M. Morrissey, Douglas A. Yu, Angela Pavloff, Bruce S. McGarry, Catherine Goldberg, Jed S. Elliott Trust, Elisabeth B. Gillard, Joyanne M. Brosen, Shelly M. Kaufman, Judith Erler, Jennifer Lee Buonome, Eileen Chen, Feng Yousef, Khaled A. Glowacki, Izabela Kang, Daeshik Banerjee, Bonita Lynch, Kevin W. Putnam, Colleen P. Marsh, Stacy A. Atwater, Constance C. Austin, Jennifer Ann Falkenstein, Andrew E. Alazraka, Shari Pasha, Salima Sowinski, Chester W. Putnam, Colleen P. Sorotsky, Marc H. 136,000 139,000 129,000 120,000 127,000 116,700 130,000 135,000 126,000 120,000 118,000 120,000 126,000 126,000 121,600 125,000 137,000 136,000 121,000 121,000 129,000 129,000 136,000 136,000 125,000 130,500 139,000 139,500 126,000 118,000 139,000 136,000 135,000 115,900 122,000 125,000 118,000 27,200 27,800 25,800 24,000 25,400 23,300 26,000 27,000 25,200 24,000 23,600 24,000 25,200 25,200 24,300 25,000 27,400 27,200 24,200 24,200 25,800 25,800 27,200 27,200 25,000 26,100 27,800 27,900 25,200 23,600 27,800 27,200 27,000 23,200 24,400 25,000 23,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,729,200 Page 324 of 347 945,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 136,000 139,000 129,000 120,000 127,000 116,700 130,000 135,000 126,000 120,000 118,000 120,000 126,000 126,000 121,600 125,000 137,000 136,000 121,000 121,000 129,000 129,000 136,000 136,000 125,000 130,500 139,000 139,500 126,000 118,000 139,000 136,000 135,000 115,900 122,000 125,000 118,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 96-1048 98-1186 IH-1406 01-368 01-510 02-933 07-0581 96-1048 2010 2012 2014 2013 96-1048 98-1189 2013 2011 05-0584 05-710 99-1576 08-0469 01-511 06-633 2013 2014 96-1048 2010 2015 07-1151 2013 00-871 2015 2012 01-244 05-0587 IH-1409 08-0237 2012 4,729,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.05-1-18.3 63.05-1-18.4 63.05-1-18.5 63.05-1-18.6 63.05-1-19.1 63.05-1-19.2 63.05-1-19.3 63.05-1-19.4 63.05-1-19.5 63.05-1-19.6 63.05-1-20 63.07-1-1 63.07-1-2 63.07-1-3 63.07-1-4 63.07-1-5 63.07-1-6 63.07-1-7 63.07-1-8 63.07-1-9 63.07-1-10 63.07-1-11 63.07-1-12 63.07-1-13 63.07-1-14 63.07-1-15 63.07-1-16 63.07-1-17 63.07-1-18 63.07-1-19 63.07-1-21 63.07-1-22 63.07-1-23 63.07-1-24 63.07-1-25 63.07-1-26 63.07-1-27 Cummings, Bridget A. Cascone, Marie Qureshi, Uzma Farley, Laura P. Saez, Brian J. Liu, Zheng Stein, Lester Connors, Jeanne M. Cawley, James M. Kokalj, Natalia Boyagian, Dennis Beno, Maurice M. Horton, Joseph P. Jr. Vlesmas, George McDermott, D Christopher Nilsen, Ellen D. Wacksman, Steven E. Brady, James J. White, Susan Keller, Darrin P. Arnold, Denise Jurgelon, Phillip A. II. Moore, Gregory D. Alvarez, Joselito A. Aedjian, Margaret A. Solomon, Eric Uccello, Thomas G. Rausch, John F. DArbeau, Chiquita J C Trimarchi LLC Drost, Marie E. Matteo, Louis Dawson, Marguerite Ann Detle Edwards, William T. Gaudino, Robert M. Passafiume, Carmella Leto, Nancy Jo 126,000 126,000 130,000 124,500 113,400 122,400 136,000 118,200 116,700 121,000 200,700 201,000 216,000 176,600 226,200 222,100 216,700 156,300 223,500 213,100 212,400 195,100 166,800 146,500 160,000 177,600 223,600 147,800 245,600 247,800 223,400 103,000 125,300 116,400 126,000 147,900 167,200 25,200 25,200 26,000 24,900 22,700 24,500 27,200 23,600 23,300 24,200 40,100 40,200 43,200 35,300 45,200 44,400 43,300 31,300 44,700 42,600 42,500 39,000 33,400 29,300 32,000 35,500 44,700 29,600 49,100 49,600 44,700 20,600 25,100 23,300 25,200 29,600 33,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,218,800 Page 325 of 347 1,243,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 126,000 126,000 130,000 124,500 113,400 122,400 136,000 118,200 116,700 121,000 200,700 201,000 216,000 176,600 226,200 222,100 216,700 156,300 223,500 213,100 212,400 195,100 166,800 146,500 160,000 177,600 223,600 147,800 245,600 247,800 223,400 103,000 125,300 116,400 126,000 147,900 167,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 220 220 220 210 210 210 220 220 220 210 210 210 210 220 210 220 220 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 05-0588 04-606 06-178 2010 07-1153 2014 04-1103 01-245 GD-STIP 2011 2010 GD05-317 2013 2015 IH-1412 2012 2015 2015 IH-1414 2014 GD11vs 01-292 2011 2010 2014 2012 06-1327 74-385 07-1156 2014 96-865 92-451 2010 IH-1420 06-637 73-805 2011 6,218,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.07-1-28 63.07-1-29 63.07-1-30 63.07-1-31 63.07-1-32 63.07-1-33 63.07-1-34 63.07-1-35 63.07-1-36 63.07-1-37 63.07-2-1.1 63.07-2-1.2 63.07-2-1.3 63.07-2-1.3/11 63.07-2-1.3/12 63.07-2-1.3/13 63.07-2-1.3/14 63.07-2-1.3/15 63.07-2-1.3/16 63.07-2-1.3/21 63.07-2-1.3/22 63.07-2-1.3/23 63.07-2-1.3/24 63.07-2-1.3/25 63.07-2-1.3/26 63.07-2-1.3/31 63.07-2-1.3/32 63.07-2-1.3/33 63.07-2-1.3/34 63.07-2-1.3/35 63.07-2-1.3/36 63.07-2-1.3/41 63.07-2-1.3/42 63.07-2-1.3/43 63.07-2-1.3/44 63.07-2-1.3/45 63.07-2-1.3/46 Groat, William Murray, James W. Jr. Bondi, James J. Prunier, Kenneth Romero, Joseph J. Barrie, Laura Cummings, Justin Pinto, Dustin M. Houser, George W. Bartlett, Jennifer Strawberry Lane Community Guilderland Town of Strawberry Lane Community Cerone, Michelle Cerone, Joseph J. OMullane, John Elmohtar, Kody K. Shapiro, Alan Parent, Rose McDonough, Mary V. Godbole, Jay A. Morris, Charles E. Suparmento, Larissa Forma, Robert M. Latino, Melissa Gill, Charles H. Jr. Kassam, Allatif Wideman, Kurt Kaplan, Cheryl E. Stanton, Thomas G. Reilly, James Michael McArdle, Patricia A. Decarter, Cheryl A. Brainard, Robert L. Corcione, Bruna Wideman, Kurt F. Kiskis, Deborah M. 182,400 149,600 147,800 162,100 172,100 147,800 177,000 177,600 189,200 161,500 0 128,600 0 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 36,400 29,900 36,100 32,400 34,400 29,600 35,400 35,500 37,800 32,300 0 128,600 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 3,440,500 Page 326 of 347 708,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 182,400 149,600 180,200 162,100 172,100 147,800 177,000 177,600 189,200 161,500 0 128,600 0 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 963 439 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 98-588 2015 07-1158 06-1328 07-1159 08-0691 2015 2012 2014 97-600 90-1339 99-1532 2014 03-274 2014 2014 04-158 03-274 2010 2013 03-274 2011 03-274 2010 03-274 06-638 08-0565 03-274 2010 2015 2011 03-274 06-181 2015 04-161 03-274 3,472,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.07-2-1.3/51 63.07-2-1.3/52 63.07-2-1.3/53 63.07-2-1.3/54 63.07-2-1.3/55 63.07-2-1.3/56 63.07-2-1.3/61 63.07-2-1.3/62 63.07-2-1.3/63 63.07-2-1.3/64 63.07-2-1.3/65 63.07-2-1.3/66 63.07-2-1.3/71 63.07-2-1.3/72 63.07-2-1.3/73 63.07-2-1.3/74 63.07-2-1.3/75 63.07-2-1.3/76 63.07-2-1.3/81 63.07-2-1.3/82 63.07-2-1.3/83 63.07-2-1.3/84 63.07-2-1.3/85 63.07-2-1.3/86 63.07-2-2 63.07-2-3 63.07-2-4 63.07-2-5 63.07-2-6 63.07-2-7 63.07-2-8 63.07-2-9 63.07-2-10 63.07-2-11 63.07-2-13 63.07-2-14 63.07-2-15 Harris, Jill E. Heffernan, Kathyann Mammina, Andrea Wood, Melissa A. Steel Curtain LLC Mowll, Tyler R. Zuk, Elaine Abramson, Phyllis S. Santaniello, Gianfranco Ramundo, Angela Rhatigan, Kateri Miles, Barbara J. Soterakis, Demetra Ganias Kilanoski, Elizabeth A. Hladio, Stephen IV. Leonardi, Cecilia Knab, Sandra Olsen Salerno, Roberta Fuino, Julie A. Roberts, Rosemary N. Shoemaker, Deborah L. Manno, Mary Frances McQuaid, Lois S. Besson, Andrew Ryan, James Albany Curling Club Inc Center For Disability Barringer, Roy E. Spear, Stephanie J. Coleman, Simon P. Thibault, Gerald Topliffe, Denis M. Edwards, William Lance, Anthony J. Java, Michael Coates, Donald G. Danzy, Harvie Jr. 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 81,100 185,400 398,000 485,300 101,700 178,700 165,700 151,300 117,100 121,400 91,200 145,800 117,800 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 17,200 92,700 79,600 126,500 20,300 35,700 33,100 30,300 27,200 24,300 18,200 29,200 23,600 Page Totals Parcels 37 3,985,300 Page 327 of 347 797,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 69,700 69,700 66,200 66,200 69,700 69,700 85,900 185,400 398,000 485,300 101,700 178,700 165,700 151,300 117,100 121,400 91,200 145,800 117,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 270 546 614 220 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 04-1524 03-274 03-274 03-274 2015 2015 2015 2011 07-1165 2011 2010 03-274 08-0103 03-274 2010 03-274 03-274 04-655 04-1196 2015 03-274 04-1438 03-274 05-1282 2015 2011 08-1000 2013 00-878 2010 95-1448 2009 2014 99-1536 99-1537 00-1387 IH-1422 3,990,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.07-2-16 63.07-2-17 63.07-2-18 63.07-2-19 63.07-2-20 63.07-2-21 63.07-2-22 63.07-2-23 63.07-2-24 63.07-2-25 63.07-2-26 63.07-2-27 63.07-2-28 63.07-2-29 63.07-2-30 63.07-3-1 63.07-3-2 63.07-3-3 63.07-3-4 63.07-3-5 63.07-3-7 63.07-3-8 63.07-3-9 63.07-3-11.1 63.07-3-11.2 63.07-3-12 63.07-3-13 63.07-3-14 63.07-3-15 63.07-3-16 63.07-3-17 63.07-3-18 63.07-3-19 63.07-3-20 63.07-3-21 63.07-3-22 63.07-3-23 Gaspary, Anthony Seavey, Mark E. Smith, Jennifer R. Derouville, John H. Jr. DeRouville, Daniel A. Brucato, Joseph Paul Muth, Shannon L. Zieba, Robert K. Harbeck, Tara Steen, Ivan D. Schwenzfeier, Kevin J. Connolly, Mary Lou B. Harbeck, Keith Politi, John T. Multari, Frank Way, James R & Catherine G. Bosworth, Brent Marsh, Edward S. Marsh, Edward S. Marsh, Edward S. Bahir, Rivka Harbeck, Keith Marsh, Kenneth E. Haas, Anthony Lysogorski, Susan Bubonia, Robert E. Edick, Mary J. Hopper, Barbara J. Baumann, Mary K. Colonno, Vincent W. Meo, Diane S. Li, Mei Rong Kovacs, Margaret Duncan, Beverlie Penson, Eugene Seebode, Richard R. Jr. Hayek, Isabel 167,200 99,400 135,600 145,600 138,800 121,600 136,000 150,000 150,000 170,700 159,000 170,200 120,000 115,500 319,300 115,000 124,100 114,000 24,000 24,000 170,400 122,900 200,900 224,300 246,800 148,300 142,900 154,500 163,800 186,800 168,700 183,500 167,500 179,400 6,000 202,000 192,300 33,400 19,900 27,100 29,100 27,800 24,300 27,200 30,000 30,000 34,100 31,800 39,500 24,000 23,100 123,600 23,000 24,800 22,800 24,000 24,000 34,100 24,600 40,200 44,900 49,400 29,700 28,600 30,900 32,800 37,400 33,700 36,700 33,500 35,900 6,000 40,400 38,500 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,561,000 Page 328 of 347 1,220,800 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 167,200 99,400 135,600 145,600 138,800 121,600 136,000 150,000 150,000 170,700 159,000 197,300 120,000 115,500 319,300 115,000 124,100 114,000 24,000 24,000 170,400 122,900 200,900 224,300 246,800 148,300 142,900 154,500 163,800 186,800 168,700 183,500 167,500 179,400 6,000 202,000 192,300 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 411 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 220 230 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-1035 2013 2010 84-1001 2014 2014 2011 2009 2015 75-793 2015 2015 99-653 2014 2010 IH-1425 99-1320 00-879 IH-1426 IH-1426 2015 2014 2009 08-0689 07-0958 IH-1427 2010 99-804 08-0970 2014 02-372 2015 GD11vs 88-539 98-26 2010 2014 5,588,100 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Parcel Id 63.07-3-24 63.07-3-25 63.07-3-26 63.07-3-27 63.07-3-28 63.07-3-29 63.07-3-30 63.07-3-31 63.07-3-32 63.07-3-33 63.07-3-34 63.07-3-35 63.07-3-36 63.07-3-37 63.07-3-38 63.07-3-39 63.07-3-40 63.07-3-41 63.07-3-42 63.07-3-43 63.07-3-44 63.07-3-45 63.07-3-46 63.07-3-47 63.07-3-48 63.07-3-49 63.07-3-50 63.07-3-51 * 63.07-4-1 63.07-4-1.1 63.07-4-2 63.07-4-4 63.07-4-6 63.07-4-7 63.07-4-8 63.07-4-9 63.07-4-10 Page Totals Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name Tynan, Jeremy Manning, Charlotte A. Tynan, James F. Dickson, Marjorie Farnam, Dorothea M. Turnbull, TuAnh Macri, Susan Burke, Timothy J. Brinkman, Audrey Rein, Michael J. Shaw, Lynn Rogers, Karen A. Salerno, Anthony D. Sherman, Laura M. Schweppenhauser, Philip J Hubbard, Bernice Kieper, Steven H. Kimbrough, Craig D. Rafferty, Denise Kilgallon, John A. III. Peters, Bryan D. Paulsen, Gerald J. Eames, Christa Lang, Mary E. Fisher, Alice M. Grant, William Commisso, Vincent Joseph Nolan, Christopher J. Taylor, Richard S. Taylor, Richard S. Schickedanz, Andrew C. Seeberger, Thomas J. Chesley, Stephen R. Williams, David K. Robinson, Camerine Stevens, Michael Center For Disability Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 159,700 147,700 170,400 169,000 176,200 142,500 222,000 197,800 169,000 184,700 152,100 182,400 193,700 202,700 188,300 144,900 310,000 179,100 151,900 208,800 140,400 159,900 153,400 150,900 164,800 179,600 149,600 175,200 223,600 31,900 29,500 34,100 33,800 35,200 28,500 44,400 39,600 33,800 36,900 30,400 36,500 38,700 40,500 37,700 29,000 62,000 35,800 30,400 41,800 28,100 32,000 30,700 30,200 33,000 35,900 29,900 35,000 44,700 41,700 50,200 41,900 44,900 36,100 39,700 31,900 59,000 236,200 209,600 224,400 180,500 198,400 159,500 156,800 36 6,292,100 Page 329 of 347 1,330,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 159,700 147,700 170,400 169,000 176,200 142,500 222,000 197,800 169,000 184,700 152,100 182,400 193,700 202,700 188,300 144,900 310,000 179,100 151,900 208,800 140,400 159,900 153,400 150,900 164,800 179,600 149,600 175,200 223,600 220,600 239,200 209,600 224,400 180,500 198,400 159,500 156,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 210 281 210 210 210 210 614 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Account Nbr 2010 07-1167 93-265 2013 07-0959 2011 07-0960 00-880 95-12 2014 2012 2014 96-740 2015 91-218 06-710 2010 2014 04-422 GD05-423 2014 04-353 2012 04-1439 97-1087 00-513 77-051 00-881 2015s/m#7 2015s/m#7 2015s/m#7 2009 2012 06-183 06-1374 93-1305 06-285 6,515,700 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.07-4-11 63.07-4-12 63.07-4-13 63.07-4-14 63.07-4-15 63.07-4-16 63.07-4-17 63.07-4-18 63.07-4-19 63.07-4-20 63.07-4-21 63.07-4-22 63.07-4-23 63.08-1-1.1 63.08-1-1.2 63.08-1-2 63.08-1-3 63.08-1-4 63.08-1-5 63.08-1-6 63.08-1-7 63.08-1-8 63.08-1-9 63.08-1-10 63.08-1-11 63.08-1-12 63.08-1-13.1 63.08-1-13.2 63.08-1-15 63.08-1-16.1 63.08-1-16.2 63.08-1-17 63.08-1-18 63.08-1-19 63.08-1-20 63.08-1-21 63.08-1-22 Hagan, Melissa K. Callender, Sharon D. Blanton, Jina J. Berardi, Thomas F. Culotti, Matthew J. Weaver, Benjamin J. Oliver, Russell J. Jr. Trianni, Dorothy Brennan, Sarah Cahill, John J. III. Vacek, Maureen Walsh Benedict, Marjorie A. Gutin, Alexander Santaniello, Frank Santaniello, Frank Renna, Charles S. Drake, Jeffrey S. Wykes, Shelly A. Christiano, Julian Willsey, Debra J. Sinacore, Barbara K. Glenn, Thomas C. Vojnar, Shawn Trimboli, Stephen J. Harper, Diane Harper, Diane P. Crans, Milton H. Bailey, Mark E. Roberts, Edward O. Carroll, Frank T. Cusumano, William Desai, Revaben J. Karins, Jennifer Byron, Richard M. Jr. Winne, Lynn M. Coluccio, Louis Jr. Arthur, Douglas 167,300 195,700 191,800 158,400 167,500 168,100 227,700 101,300 210,200 198,700 192,200 181,000 185,000 214,000 214,000 170,200 124,900 128,000 126,800 105,600 140,400 140,400 140,400 132,000 3,000 140,400 106,000 183,500 144,000 177,600 196,200 119,100 138,500 128,000 146,800 118,900 112,000 33,500 39,100 38,400 31,700 33,500 33,600 45,500 20,300 42,000 39,700 38,400 36,200 37,000 42,800 42,800 34,000 25,000 25,600 25,400 21,100 28,100 28,100 28,100 27,300 3,000 28,100 21,200 36,700 28,800 35,500 39,200 23,800 27,700 25,600 31,400 23,800 22,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,695,600 Page 330 of 347 1,144,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 167,300 195,700 191,800 158,400 167,500 168,100 227,700 101,300 210,200 198,700 192,200 181,000 185,000 214,000 214,000 170,200 124,900 128,000 126,800 105,600 140,400 140,400 140,400 136,700 3,000 140,400 106,000 183,500 144,000 177,600 196,200 119,100 138,500 128,000 146,800 118,900 112,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 97-318 03-557 89-825 2012 2012 05-1109 83-297 2013 02-154 00-228 2015 2014 08-0926 92-154 06-1331 2015 04-439 07-1171 00-1389 00-229 IH-1435 03-1142 2015 IH-1436 99-1579 2014 06-184 IH-1437 06-1332 04-423 GD05-343 2010 02-224 07-0962 07-1173 03-1256 5,700,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.08-1-23 63.08-1-24 63.08-1-25 63.08-1-27 63.08-1-28 63.08-1-29 63.08-1-30 63.08-1-31 63.08-1-32 63.08-1-33 63.08-1-34 63.08-1-35 63.08-1-36 63.08-1-37 63.08-1-38 63.08-1-39 63.08-1-40 63.08-1-41 63.08-1-42 63.08-1-43 63.08-1-44 63.08-1-45 63.08-1-46 63.08-1-47.1 63.08-1-47.2 63.08-1-47.3 63.08-1-47.4 63.08-1-47.5 63.08-1-48 63.08-2-1 63.08-2-2 63.08-2-3 63.08-2-4 63.08-2-5.1 63.08-2-5.2 63.08-2-5.3 63.08-2-5.4 Jones, Dianne M Dion Rosencrans, Courtney Austin McCloskey, Christopher R. Fuss, Christine Dorsett, Alice M. Daversa, Suzanne A. Foster, John E. Havens, Daniel Milne, Marian Hadersbeck, Donald J. VanBuren , Dolores J. Kelly, Patrick F. Wilson, Heather A. Helm, Keith R. Hood, Andrew A. Ruso, Peter F. Piazza, Tracey L. Heiserman, James J. Wildermuth, William P. Rusinovich, Kateri Finn, Charles B. Jr. Vine, Robert R. Daley, Virginia M. Barnes, Fletcher C. Marshall, William R. Jiang, Haimei Ledbetter, Kathy J. Fuss, Christine M. Bianchini, Joseph P. Swart, Edna E. Lugg, Gerald N. Jr. Lawlor, James Leddick, Robert W. Rabadi, Shaw H. Lang, Kevin M. Lasch, Philip Kwiatkowski, Andrew J. Jr. 124,400 120,800 125,000 47,500 122,700 111,900 112,900 112,000 112,000 105,600 135,200 164,700 106,400 106,000 90,000 81,400 106,000 131,400 133,100 89,500 101,000 102,500 77,200 149,100 153,100 156,600 133,800 137,900 132,000 122,200 124,000 117,500 184,800 200,100 190,000 186,000 149,100 24,900 24,200 25,000 47,500 24,500 22,400 22,600 22,400 22,400 21,100 27,000 32,900 21,300 21,200 18,000 16,300 21,200 26,300 26,600 17,900 20,200 20,500 15,400 29,800 30,600 31,300 26,800 27,600 26,400 24,400 24,800 23,500 37,000 40,000 38,000 37,200 29,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,655,400 Page 331 of 347 969,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 124,400 120,800 125,000 47,500 122,700 111,900 112,900 112,000 112,000 105,600 135,200 164,700 106,400 106,000 90,000 81,400 106,000 131,400 133,100 89,500 101,000 102,500 77,200 149,100 153,100 156,600 133,800 137,900 132,000 122,200 124,000 117,500 184,800 200,100 190,000 186,000 149,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0643 2014 2013 85-339 83-269 2013 04-424 2015 72-411 2014IH 03-0611 IH-1440 05-0592 95-250 98-1202 82-314 2009 97-675 99-1626 89-264 79-583 89-495 87-34 2011 91-1208 01-782 05-0593 86-836 IH-1441 91-189 2014 02-1357 2011 05-0594 04-166 07-0584 99-883 4,655,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.08-2-5.5 63.08-2-5.6 63.08-2-6 63.08-2-7 63.08-2-8 63.08-2-9 63.08-2-10 63.08-2-11 63.08-2-12 63.08-2-13 63.08-2-14 63.08-2-15 63.08-2-16 63.08-2-17 63.08-2-18 63.08-2-19 63.08-2-20 63.08-2-21 63.08-2-22 63.08-2-23 63.08-2-24 63.08-2-25 63.08-2-26 63.08-2-27 63.08-2-28 63.08-3-2 63.08-3-3 63.08-3-4 63.08-3-6 63.08-3-7 63.08-3-8 63.08-3-9 63.08-3-10 63.08-3-12 63.08-3-13 63.08-3-14 63.08-3-15 Millett, Mary Ellen Keesee, Robert G. Stanton, Joyce Baglione, Emily H. Ennis, John W. Morrissey, Frances Y. Ferraioli, Tammy L. Szesnat, Betty Ann Mauro, Frank M. OBrien, Barbara A. Mauro, Francis Downes, Edward J. III. Bauer, Marjorie A. Garhartt, Barbara J. Joyce, Patrick W. Graydon, Mark J. Guilderland Town of Collins, Robert T. Jr. Murphy, John F. Greenfield, Tracy McLean, Kathleen M. Petersen, Deborah J. Perrott, Lenore E. Horn, Janice U. Portolese, John W. Fiato, Salvatore J. Fiato, Kale M. Fiato, Martha Vermette, Timothy Leary, Linda B. McGuirk, Kelly A. Noakes, Spencer D. Muhammed, Rosemarie DAversa, Suzanne Mossman, Mary J. Plumadore, Scott Merlis, Joshua B. 144,000 182,000 122,700 140,400 110,100 110,300 114,400 117,200 126,700 106,700 113,000 122,700 181,800 109,800 123,000 177,900 37,400 120,000 182,800 88,500 125,000 89,500 89,500 89,500 138,500 531,500 103,000 121,800 120,000 166,300 102,500 116,800 97,900 102,200 99,400 173,800 196,900 28,800 36,400 24,500 20,000 22,000 22,100 22,900 23,400 25,300 21,300 22,600 24,500 36,400 22,000 24,600 35,600 37,400 24,000 36,600 17,700 25,000 17,900 17,900 17,900 31,300 252,400 41,200 24,400 24,000 33,300 20,500 23,400 19,600 20,400 19,900 34,800 39,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,995,500 Page 332 of 347 1,191,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 144,000 182,000 122,700 140,400 110,100 110,300 114,400 117,200 126,700 106,700 113,000 122,700 181,800 109,800 123,000 177,900 37,400 120,000 182,800 88,500 125,000 89,500 89,500 89,500 156,500 531,500 103,000 121,800 120,000 166,300 102,500 116,800 97,900 102,200 99,400 173,800 196,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 853 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 422 483 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 05-0595 92-812 72-407 2010 07-1174 96-124 05-0596 92-887 97-320 99-408 2014 02-1358 00-965 72-412 96-213 2015 04-656 87-592 2012 2012 88-542 03-560 95-251 75-944 2015 07-0431 83-663 2011 2013 08-0673 03-0612 01-371 2012 2013 2009 99-792 2013 5,013,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 63.08-3-16 63.08-3-17 63.08-3-18 63.08-3-19 63.08-3-20 63.08-3-21 63.08-3-22.1 63.08-3-23 63.08-3-24 63.08-3-25 63.08-3-26 63.08-3-27 63.08-3-28 63.08-3-29 63.08-3-30 63.08-3-31 63.08-3-32 63.08-3-33 63.08-3-34 63.08-3-35 63.08-3-36 63.08-3-39 63.08-3-40 63.08-3-41 63.08-3-42 63.08-3-43 63.08-3-44 63.08-4-1 63.08-4-2 63.08-4-3 63.08-4-4 63.08-4-5 63.08-4-6 63.08-4-7 63.08-4-7./1 63.08-4-8 63.08-4-9 Bihler, Teresa M. Wallace, Campbell H. Wallace, Campbell H. Multari, Jeffrey Tanenhaus, Betsy Wise, Justin F. Minkin, Feliks McCormack, Dianne Noakes, Spencer Costanzo, Richard Parker, James Nicklas, Robert A. LeRoux, Kathleen M. DiBella, Carmella T. Jasiewicz, Francis McKownville Fire Dist Arduini LLC, Michael A. Arduini LLC, Michael A. Mastromarchi, Timothy L. Sweeney, Paul O. Minkin, Feliks Connors, Joseph G. III. Hoffman, Amy M. Ragule, Patricia Ragule, Patricia Parsons, Angeline M. Sickler, Edwin W. Jr. Santa Maria, Paul 1200 Western Ave LLC 1200 Western Ave LLC Multari, Angelina Twelve Twenty Eight DJQ Realty LLC DJQ Realty LLC DJQ Realty LLC Quadrini, David J. Stefaniak, Andrey W. Page Totals Parcels 37 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 102,400 1,500 139,700 105,100 143,700 114,000 132,000 154,900 156,800 130,000 117,000 117,800 103,000 101,200 120,400 89,000 86,800 497,000 116,800 123,400 141,900 94,500 132,000 3,500 187,500 137,000 159,100 222,500 57,300 170,000 162,100 3,200,000 1,056,800 258,400 150,800 110,800 92,200 20,500 1,500 27,900 21,000 28,700 22,800 26,400 31,000 31,400 26,000 23,400 23,600 20,600 20,200 24,100 17,100 72,300 103,000 23,400 24,700 28,400 18,900 26,400 3,500 37,500 27,400 31,800 77,300 57,300 123,600 32,400 1,344,200 412,000 30,900 61,800 22,200 18,400 8,988,900 Page 333 of 347 2,943,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 102,400 1,500 139,700 105,100 143,700 114,000 132,000 154,900 156,800 130,000 117,000 117,800 103,000 101,200 120,400 89,000 86,800 497,000 116,800 123,400 141,900 94,500 132,000 3,500 187,500 137,000 159,100 222,500 57,300 170,000 162,100 3,200,000 1,056,800 258,400 150,800 110,800 92,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 311 220 210 220 210 210 210 230 220 210 210 210 210 210 662 438 421 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 483 330 483 220 415 415 422 464 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2015 2013 2013 IH-1446 2010 2013 05-711 92-956 06-642 00-884 01-372 06-187 96-609 2012 96-781 06-188 2014 07-0584 07-0584 2013 08-0067 07-1175 2011 2010 2010 07-0584 04-1440 2010 2010 74-728 2013 Cert 06-283 2011 06-283 07-0584 07-0584 8,988,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.08-4-10 63.08-4-11 63.08-4-12 63.08-4-13 63.08-4-14 63.08-4-15 63.08-4-16 63.08-4-17 63.08-4-18 63.08-4-19.1 63.08-4-19.2 63.08-4-19.3 63.08-4-19.4 63.08-5-1 63.08-5-2 63.08-5-3 63.08-5-4 63.08-5-5 63.08-5-6 63.08-5-7 63.08-5-8.1 63.08-5-8.2 63.08-5-8.3 63.08-5-9 63.08-5-10 63.08-5-11 63.08-5-12 63.08-5-13 63.08-5-15 63.08-5-17 63.08-5-18 63.08-5-19.1 63.08-5-19.2 63.08-5-20 63.08-5-21 63.08-5-22 63.08-5-23 Sickler, Barbara J. Sickler, David H. McCann, James Gallagher, Susan M. Santandrea, Louis P. Jr. Bascue, Rae S. Hackstadt, Danielle Bennett, Kenneth Hanrahan, Sharon Quadrini, David J. Nieman, William J. Turek, Kathleen A. Healey, Linda Healey, Linda Herbst, James V. Sr. Benjamin, Thomas Gorevich, John J. Benjamin, Thomas William Sissman, Daniel M. Albany County of Montgomery, Darryl Hinds, Waynet Compisi, Margaret V. Compisi, Margaret V. Hinds, Waynet B. Montgomery, Darryl Morgan, Denise A. Sissman, Daniel M. Hilson, Charles M. Miller, M. Paul James, Marilyn J James , Marilyn J James, William Jr. Farrar, Craig M. Blanchet, Joseph Friebel, William Friebel, William 102,200 120,000 90,200 88,000 165,600 185,200 182,900 153,100 135,200 154,200 181,700 250,700 5,000 86,100 85,000 1,500 93,000 134,400 156,300 1,500 2,400 2,400 7,200 77,600 95,300 124,500 142,400 5,000 188,800 115,200 122,400 93,100 30,300 112,200 154,700 121,500 69,500 20,400 24,000 18,000 17,600 33,100 37,000 36,600 30,600 27,000 30,800 36,300 50,100 5,000 17,200 17,000 1,500 18,600 26,900 31,300 1,500 2,400 2,400 7,200 15,500 19,100 24,900 28,500 5,000 37,800 23,000 24,500 18,600 30,300 22,400 30,900 24,300 48,700 Page Totals Parcels 37 3,836,300 Page 334 of 347 846,000 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 102,200 120,000 90,200 88,000 165,600 185,200 182,900 153,100 135,200 154,200 181,700 250,700 5,000 86,100 85,000 1,500 93,000 134,400 156,300 1,500 2,400 2,400 7,200 77,600 95,300 124,500 142,400 5,000 188,800 115,200 122,400 93,100 30,300 112,200 154,700 121,500 69,500 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 311 210 210 210 311 311 311 311 210 210 220 220 311 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 312 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 07-0584 07-0584 07-0584 2013 07-0584 2011 07-0584 07-0584 07-0584 98-798 2012 08-1022 99-484 78-187 GD05-217 03-0123 IH-1451 98-376 05-0598 2015 05-1284 03-0124 2010 2010 98-1209 07-0963 IH-1452 05-0598 06-1334 06-1482 2010 78-188 GD05-185 05-0599 06-189 96-647 97-944 3,836,300 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.08-5-24 63.08-5-25 63.08-5-28 63.08-6-1 63.08-6-2 63.08-6-3 63.08-6-4 63.08-6-5 63.08-6-6 63.08-6-7 63.08-6-8 63.08-6-9 63.08-6-10 63.08-6-11 63.08-6-12 63.08-6-13 63.08-6-14 63.08-6-15 63.08-6-16 63.08-6-17 63.08-6-18 63.08-6-19 63.08-6-20 63.08-6-21 63.08-6-22 63.08-6-23 63.08-6-24 63.08-6-25 63.08-6-27 63.08-6-28 63.08-6-29 63.08-6-30 63.08-6-31 63.08-6-32 63.08-6-33 63.08-6-34 63.08-6-35 Humphreys, Brian J. Macek, Joseph Miller, Paul Goldman, Bridgit M. DuGuay, Edward K. Leddick, Darron P. Elliott, John C. Deichman, Fred R. III. Cheeney, Amie L. Frazzetta, Lisa Wade , Christopher A. Rue, Jeremy R. Rosen, Bruce Schollenberger, William Gutin, Alexey M. Yang, Wei-Shih DiDonna, Sondra L. Hotchkiss, Susan M. Bubregovic, Amir Columbia Boulder LLC Hunt, Harry Bowen III. Harders, Grant F. Fitzgerald, Patrick G. Schewe, Brooke DeHont, Andrew II. Jackstadt, Mary Katherine Aumic, Margaret J. Tymoshenko, Dmytro O. Woodscape Homeowners Salisbury, Joshua R. Seidel, Maureen Suszko, Christopher C. Sun, Yi VanAlstyne, David J. Wickenheiser, Ray A. Surgalla, Kathleen E. McKeough, James A. 116,800 0 1,500 180,900 204,400 106,400 135,800 198,200 182,300 170,900 202,600 157,100 208,600 179,400 178,800 210,600 157,100 180,700 190,000 176,600 163,900 188,900 181,000 212,100 171,800 159,700 170,000 189,900 5,000 181,000 190,000 184,300 179,400 190,000 176,200 192,300 170,900 23,400 0 1,500 36,200 40,900 21,300 36,300 39,600 36,500 34,200 42,900 31,400 41,700 35,900 35,800 42,100 31,400 36,100 38,000 35,300 32,800 37,800 36,200 42,400 34,400 31,900 34,000 38,000 5,000 36,200 38,000 36,900 35,900 38,000 35,200 38,500 34,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,045,100 Page 335 of 347 1,225,900 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 116,800 0 1,500 180,900 204,400 106,400 181,600 198,200 182,300 170,900 202,600 157,100 208,600 179,400 178,800 210,600 157,100 180,700 190,000 176,600 163,900 188,900 181,000 212,100 171,800 159,700 170,000 189,900 5,000 181,000 190,000 184,300 179,400 190,000 176,200 192,300 170,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 08-0566 96-743 91-232 2014 01-620 2015 2015 93-1139 2010 93GD-27 2014 07-1176 93-584 08-0268 2011 92-397 91-717 85-578 2015 01-1041 84-712 91-775 2011 2012 84-715 03-1370 2010 06-645 84-852 08-0423 02-1362 2012 2010 85-961 2014 IH-1455 03-563 6,090,900 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.08-6-36 63.08-6-37 63.08-6-38 63.08-6-39 63.08-6-40 63.08-6-42 63.08-6-43 63.08-6-44 63.08-6-45 63.08-6-46 63.08-6-47 63.08-6-49 63.08-6-50 63.08-6-52 63.08-6-53 63.08-6-54 63.08-6-55 63.08-6-56 63.08-6-58 63.08-6-59 63.08-6-60 63.08-6-61 63.09-1-1 63.09-1-2 63.09-1-3 63.09-1-4 63.09-1-5 63.09-1-6 63.09-1-7 63.09-1-8 63.09-1-9 63.09-1-10 63.09-1-11 63.09-1-12 63.09-1-13 63.09-1-14 63.09-1-15 Jovanovitch, Dagan Slade, Leonard A. Jr. Cavanaugh, George Rosen, Nina Mitchell, Neil A. Delehanty, John J. Sofer, David Haas, Joann R. Behrle, William D. Knieling, Eric S. Ritaccio, Christopher J. Gutterman, Nancy K. Kile, Brian A. Kurzon, Mary Shapiro, Alan S. Bellcourt, Gregory J. Lindholm, Jean L. Doellefeld, James P. Evans, Christopher Chavelier, Thomas H. OConnell, Maureen P. McCabe, Brian J. Ross, Dennis A. Thottam, Benny Wilder, Gergory C. Gardner, Lisa J. Mormino, Denise M. McGowan, Jeremy Walton, Dana Smith, David A. Smith, Thomas Clinton Vaisman, Vadim Beditz, Stephen J. Maciariello, Marc J. Bove, Daniel C. Walsh, Derek M. Healey, James J. 185,000 170,100 192,500 177,700 199,000 219,000 168,100 195,400 159,700 185,000 173,700 180,100 202,200 190,000 206,300 185,000 155,000 188,200 190,400 181,000 145,500 256,400 369,600 330,800 283,200 326,300 341,200 370,000 352,600 341,600 367,800 335,500 332,300 260,100 317,300 322,000 341,600 37,000 34,000 38,500 35,500 39,800 43,800 33,600 39,100 31,900 37,000 34,700 36,000 40,400 38,000 41,300 37,000 31,000 37,600 38,100 36,200 29,100 51,300 73,900 66,200 56,600 65,300 68,200 74,000 70,500 68,300 73,600 67,100 66,500 52,000 63,500 64,400 68,300 Page Totals Parcels 37 9,097,200 Page 336 of 347 1,819,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 185,000 170,100 192,500 177,700 199,000 219,000 168,100 195,400 159,700 185,000 173,700 180,100 202,200 190,000 206,300 185,000 155,000 188,200 190,400 181,000 145,500 256,400 369,600 330,800 283,200 326,300 341,200 370,000 352,600 341,600 367,800 335,500 332,300 260,100 317,300 322,000 341,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 06-647 92-342 91-571 2015 2014 2013 06-712 93-273 2015 85-970 05-1318 99-654 2011 01-255 85-973 06-190 06-646 03-1297 2010 2015 08-0215 GD09#83 GD05-278 08GD#17 2014 2009 08-0204 2012 2013 GD05-227 02-1063 06-648 07-1179 2010 2011 2013SC#52 IH-1464 9,097,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.09-1-16 63.09-1-17 63.09-1-18 63.09-1-19 63.09-1-20 63.09-1-21 63.09-1-22 63.11-1-1 63.11-1-2.1 63.11-1-2.2 63.11-1-2.3 63.11-1-2.4 63.11-1-2.6 63.11-1-2.7 63.11-1-3 63.11-1-4 63.11-1-5 63.11-1-6 63.11-1-7.1 63.11-1-7.2 63.11-1-8 63.11-1-9 63.11-1-10 63.11-1-11 63.11-1-12 63.11-1-13 63.11-1-14 63.11-1-15 63.11-1-16 63.11-1-17 63.11-1-18 63.11-1-20 63.11-1-21 63.11-1-22 63.11-1-25 63.11-1-26 63.11-1-27 Hogan, Thomas E. Benitez, Jason F. Phillips, Abbott H. Mondelo, Vernando Breganza Klarsfeld, Jane F. Zehnter, Dean A. Bose, Christine E. Guilderland Town of Romano, Brian C. Ashline, Kathleen M. Sarkissian, Vagarshag John Courtney, George E. III. Fitzgerald, Eric J. Wang, Xuming Crosby, Paul H. Miller, Mary Margaret Petersen, Glenn Neaton, Stephanie Way, Sheri C. Anderson, Charles Ashline, Lee Mosall, Robert W. Mosall, Robert W. Mosall, Douglas Lawler, James T. Lamkins, Ann W. Mosall, Kim S. Harbeck, Keith LaJoy, Linda S. Avery, Michael F. Sr. Bonneau, Kimberly A. Bonneau, Barbara A. Ackert, Norris Rangelov, Angel V. Snyder, Timothy W. Din, Sharf Ackert, Norris A. III. 345,000 300,000 309,900 353,800 285,700 341,600 394,300 0 162,500 140,300 128,800 144,200 168,900 140,600 101,600 125,000 153,200 165,600 170,800 178,500 103,200 91,500 153,400 98,000 190,200 202,000 154,000 168,700 146,500 83,200 132,000 117,800 120,000 143,200 100,700 93,000 141,900 69,000 62,600 62,000 70,800 57,100 68,300 78,900 0 32,500 28,100 25,800 28,800 33,800 28,100 20,300 25,000 30,600 33,100 34,200 35,700 20,600 18,300 30,700 19,600 38,000 40,400 30,800 33,700 29,300 16,600 26,400 23,600 24,000 28,600 20,100 18,600 28,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 6,349,600 Page 337 of 347 1,272,400 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 345,000 300,000 309,900 353,800 285,700 341,600 394,300 0 162,500 140,300 128,800 144,200 168,900 140,600 101,600 125,000 153,200 165,600 170,800 178,500 103,200 91,500 153,400 98,000 190,200 202,000 154,000 168,700 146,500 83,200 132,000 117,800 120,000 143,200 100,700 93,000 141,900 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 220 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 281 220 230 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 00-1027 GD2012#53 00-892 2015 88-1186 05-0606 2014gd#53 2014 01-256 98-1308 IH-1465 IH-1466 07-1180 06-649 2012 2010 2012 05-1217 02-940 2015 2012 2012 2012 IH-1468 2010 06-192 02-128 02-129 2010 97-327 06-713 2015 2010 08-0995 2010 2015 2015 6,349,600 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.11-1-29 63.11-1-30 63.11-1-31.1 63.11-1-31.2 63.11-1-32 63.11-1-34 63.11-1-36 63.11-1-37 63.11-1-38.2 63.11-1-38.3 63.11-1-38.11 63.11-1-38.12 63.11-1-39.1 63.11-1-39.2 63.11-1-40 63.11-1-41.1 63.11-1-41.2 63.11-1-42 63.11-1-43 63.11-1-44 63.11-1-45 63.11-1-46 63.11-1-47 63.11-1-48 63.11-1-49 63.11-1-50 63.11-1-51 63.11-1-52 63.11-1-53 63.11-1-54 63.11-1-55 63.11-2-1.1 63.11-2-1.2 63.11-2-2 63.11-2-3 63.11-2-4 63.11-2-5 VanderWouden, Cornelis Savage, Richard P. Indovina, Ralph A. Whinnery, David Burnash, Amelia Trimarchi, Antonio Bruder, Alfred C. St John, Claude G. Paul, Reena Jensen, Donna M. Hysenllari, Alida Bardhi, Stefan Perrott, Martine Rusinovich, John J. Jr. Okoth, Amos O. Kircher, James F. Ganns, Jason S. Parker, Ricky A. Heritage, Brenda A. Allen, Anna DiDonna, Stephen A. Smith, Richard W. Smith Irrevocable Living Trust, Sandra Margaret Pinto, Jennifer K. Vadney, Thomas James Ody, Daniel J. Winnie, Theodore F. Cummings, Justin Huneau, Claudia G. Bender, Mary E. JL Development LLC Kellerman, Catherine V. Mantova, Joseph Jr. Muraven, Diane C. Cotazino, Joseph M. III. Jourdin, Jarrod M. Sokaris, Mari 148,200 185,600 154,800 140,600 116,800 34,900 93,000 96,700 101,600 141,000 186,600 186,600 84,000 146,900 129,400 148,600 196,300 93,000 125,900 105,000 1,000 1,000 106,100 88,000 76,800 117,650 102,200 87,000 99,400 108,400 15,000 150,000 235,300 179,500 171,000 152,500 150,200 29,600 37,100 31,000 28,100 23,400 34,900 18,600 19,300 20,300 28,200 36,700 36,700 16,800 29,400 25,900 29,700 39,300 18,600 25,200 21,000 1,000 1,000 21,200 17,600 15,400 29,200 20,400 17,400 19,900 21,700 15,000 30,000 47,100 35,900 34,200 30,500 30,000 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,456,550 Page 338 of 347 937,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 148,200 185,600 154,800 140,600 116,800 34,900 93,000 96,700 101,600 141,000 186,600 186,600 84,000 146,900 129,400 148,600 196,300 93,000 125,900 105,000 1,000 1,000 106,100 88,000 76,800 117,650 102,200 87,000 99,400 108,400 15,000 150,000 235,300 179,500 171,000 152,500 150,200 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2012 04-870 93-420 IH-1469 79-916 IH-1470 2014 08-0996 08-0497 01-376 2011 2015 07-1182 04-1441 2010 2014 2014 2011 2013 64-15 2015 03-668 74-945 99-1167 2014 GD09#70 85-111 GD05-181 80-75 72-62 06-176 GD05-231 05-228 77-261 04-169 08-0852 2011 4,456,550 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.11-2-6 63.11-2-7 63.11-2-8 63.11-2-9 63.11-2-10 63.11-2-11 63.11-2-12 63.11-2-13 63.11-2-14 63.11-2-15 63.11-2-16 63.11-2-17 63.11-2-18 63.11-2-19 63.11-2-20 63.11-2-21 63.11-2-22 63.11-2-23 63.11-2-24 63.11-2-25 63.11-2-26 63.11-2-27 63.11-2-28 63.11-2-29 63.11-2-30 63.11-2-31 63.11-2-32 63.11-2-33 63.11-2-34 63.11-2-35 63.11-2-36 63.11-2-37 63.11-2-38 63.11-2-39 63.11-2-40 63.11-2-41 63.11-2-42 Daly, Lawrence Topaltzas, Demitrios J. Pasquini, Mary L. Zakutny, Teresa M. Lange, Robert M. Weatherwax, Robert D. Verrelli, Frank Jr. McGarry, James W. Muniz, Ana Elston, Donald F. Citibank National Association Fanuele, Frank Barmore, Peggy S L. Simeone, Salvatore Kahler, Barbara E. Chiboucas, Milton C. Klein, Linda M. Dobies, Kevin J. Lyman, Michael E. McMahon, Margaret Flynn , Patrick B & Margaret Vonk, Justin H. Cadalso, Daniel Hobson, Janet K. VanZandt, Virginia T. Hook, Paul E. Gallager, Theresa A. Levine, Andrew Bohl, Gary H. Jr. Baker, Claire M. Burns, James W. Veldhuis, Charmaine Stammel, Patricia M. Starkman, David D'Arpino Leto, Barbara Murray, Thomas B. Bryda, Edward J. 178,700 159,700 155,000 127,900 150,800 153,300 160,100 144,400 143,300 150,000 147,900 170,200 121,300 159,000 126,800 135,300 143,400 145,400 166,300 129,000 148,100 178,900 144,500 143,000 132,400 163,000 131,000 164,700 131,900 134,400 125,000 126,000 169,200 161,800 140,000 124,700 126,000 35,700 31,900 31,000 25,600 30,200 30,700 32,000 28,900 28,700 30,000 29,600 34,000 24,300 31,800 25,400 27,100 28,700 29,100 33,300 25,800 29,600 35,800 28,900 28,600 26,500 32,600 26,200 32,900 26,400 26,900 25,000 25,200 33,800 32,400 28,000 24,900 25,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,412,400 Page 339 of 347 1,082,700 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 178,700 159,700 155,000 127,900 150,800 153,300 160,100 144,400 143,300 150,000 147,900 170,200 121,300 159,000 126,800 135,300 143,400 145,400 166,300 129,000 148,100 178,900 144,500 143,000 132,400 163,000 131,000 164,700 131,900 134,400 125,000 126,000 169,200 161,800 140,000 124,700 126,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 73-331 2015 93-9999 82-15 84-438 07-0964 91-234 93-9999 2015 2015 2015 93-926 95-921 IH-1476 76-567 76-567 IH-1477 95-727 06-1336 76-567 2013 2015 2011 76-136 05-0608 07-1184 2012 08-0487 2011 07-0578 2013 00-897 98-1217 06-651 2014 98-378 2015 5,412,400 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.11-2-43 63.11-2-44 63.11-2-45 63.11-2-46 63.11-2-47 63.11-2-48 63.11-2-49 63.11-2-50 63.11-2-51 63.11-2-52 63.11-2-53 63.11-2-54 63.11-3-73 63.11-3-74 63.11-3-75 63.11-3-76 63.12-1-3 63.12-1-4 63.12-1-5.1 63.12-1-5.2 63.12-1-5.3 63.12-1-6 63.12-1-7 63.12-1-8 63.12-1-9 63.12-1-10 63.12-1-11 63.12-1-12 63.12-1-13 63.12-1-14 63.12-1-15 63.12-1-16 63.12-1-17 63.12-1-18.2 63.12-1-19 63.12-1-20 63.12-1-22.1 Beretz, Lisa Kearsing, William R. Jr. Brizzell, Elizabeth J. Gaglio, Rita M. Bergeron, Robert Jr. Daignault, Wendy R. Mahoney, Laura E. Simpson, Jason McCann, Donna M. Rifkin, Scott R. McManus, Michael Golderman, Philip R. Bruhn, Jason Hoffa, Carl John Ellis, Catherine Thibodeau, Mary C. Lawler, Algernon James, William Jr. Telovsky, William J. Micare, Joseph R. Reedy, Kevin M. Bray, Nancy E. Fagan, Patrick L. Dawson, William J. III. Young, Carl J. Riley, Andrew D. Mackey, Janet C. Leicht, Kenneth C. LaHera, Margaret M. Lepard, Frank F. Rutin, Roman A. Szalkowski, Vincent E. Slattery, Brian A. Lee, James M. Lange, Jill R. Wilson, Timothy J. Coyle, Christopher 121,300 157,000 151,700 138,900 142,300 141,400 143,700 141,500 130,000 130,000 185,500 310,000 148,200 120,300 136,900 145,000 20,000 150,700 132,800 97,200 184,300 151,600 87,700 115,800 131,500 124,900 163,800 100,000 58,000 1,000 101,200 77,600 145,000 132,000 128,700 100,400 155,600 24,300 31,400 30,300 27,800 28,500 28,300 28,700 28,300 26,000 26,000 37,100 62,000 29,600 24,100 27,400 29,000 20,000 30,100 26,600 19,400 36,900 30,300 17,500 23,200 26,300 25,000 32,800 20,000 11,600 1,000 20,200 15,500 29,000 26,400 25,700 20,100 31,100 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,803,500 Page 340 of 347 977,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 121,300 157,000 151,700 138,900 142,300 141,400 143,700 141,500 130,000 130,000 185,500 310,000 148,200 120,300 136,900 145,000 20,000 150,700 132,800 97,200 184,300 151,600 87,700 115,800 131,500 124,900 163,800 100,000 58,000 1,000 101,200 77,600 145,000 132,000 128,700 100,400 155,600 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 02-130 93-927 05-0611 2011 72-383 05-1218 2012 07-1186 2010 SC8-05 02-1060 2010 08-0997 IH-1483 06-652 92-160 71-253 76-678 95-367 95-1256 01-378 2009 2014 2014 93-274 06-653 2012 07-1187 IH-1488 2010 07-1188 04-170 08-0513 93-207 2011 2014 2015 4,803,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.12-1-22.2 63.12-1-23 63.12-1-24 63.12-1-25 63.12-1-26 63.12-1-27 63.12-1-28 63.12-1-29 63.12-1-30 63.12-1-32 63.12-1-33 63.12-1-34 63.12-1-35 63.12-1-36.1 63.12-1-36.22 63.12-1-37.1 63.12-1-37.2 63.12-1-38 63.12-1-39 63.12-1-40.1 63.12-1-40.2 63.12-1-41 63.12-1-42 63.12-1-43 63.12-1-44 63.12-1-45 63.12-1-46 63.12-1-47 63.12-2-1 63.12-2-2 63.12-2-3 63.12-2-6 63.12-2-7 63.12-2-8 63.12-2-10 63.12-2-11 63.12-2-12 Tritto, Angela Casey, Brad T. Lee, James H. Borrello, Lisa M. Szalkowski, Michael J. Popson, Michael S. Lawler, Algernon S & Rose Dederick, Ronnie Finn, Frank Yoksh, Barbara Kelsch, John B. Kleitgen, Rachel Sullivan, Dawn M. Cole, Kevin Barcomb, Kevin W. Call, Eric R. Rambidis, Joannis Wagner, Dawn Gallo, Maria Gallo, Frances Kindlon, Francis A. Alaimo, Chad A. Below, Connie Lahera, Ramon Panthen, Tania M. Price, Paul A. Jr. Moore, LaDonna K. Kelsch, Bernard L. Morrison, Henry T. III. Picerno, Debra L. Moisidis, Panagiotis Vreeland, George L. Lahera, Ramon LaFave, Robert L. Jr.. Fink, Stephanie M. Flood, Kevin J. Below, Christine L. 123,000 129,400 111,800 157,600 139,200 148,000 135,600 79,000 106,900 96,100 130,000 77,600 72,400 185,700 106,100 129,900 186,600 131,200 173,600 160,100 155,600 108,400 279,200 206,600 175,700 69,300 135,000 80,000 155,700 133,000 153,100 140,400 85,000 112,900 132,500 211,900 134,700 24,600 25,900 22,400 31,500 27,800 29,600 27,100 15,800 21,400 19,200 26,000 15,500 14,500 37,100 21,200 26,000 37,300 26,200 34,700 32,000 31,100 21,700 55,800 41,300 35,100 13,900 27,000 16,000 31,100 26,600 30,600 28,100 17,000 22,600 26,500 42,400 26,900 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,048,800 Page 341 of 347 1,009,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 123,000 129,400 111,800 157,600 139,200 148,000 135,600 79,000 106,900 96,100 130,000 77,600 72,400 185,700 106,100 129,900 186,600 131,200 173,600 160,100 155,600 108,400 279,200 206,600 175,700 69,300 135,000 80,000 155,700 133,000 153,100 140,400 85,000 112,900 132,500 211,900 134,700 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 03-0614 2010 87-1145 98-1219 2013 01-1186 97-1236 IH-1496 03-567 2014 IH-1495 07-1190 2015 2012 06-195 2013 87-1107 IH-1497 91-574 91-368 04-171 06-654 08-1110 2009 GD05-265 06-655 2012 IH-1501 01-259 2012 07-0913 2015 2009 93-208 2012 08-0998 05-845 5,048,800 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.12-2-13 63.12-2-15 63.12-2-16 63.12-2-17 63.12-2-18 63.12-2-19 63.12-2-20 63.12-2-21 63.12-2-22 63.12-2-23 63.12-2-24 63.12-2-25 63.12-2-26 63.12-2-27.1 63.12-2-27.2 63.12-2-28 63.12-2-29 63.12-2-30 63.12-2-31 63.12-2-32 63.12-2-34.1 63.12-2-34.2 63.12-2-34.3 63.12-2-34.4 63.12-2-35.1 63.12-2-35.2 63.12-2-36 63.12-2-37 63.12-2-38 63.12-2-39 63.12-2-40 63.12-2-41 63.12-2-42 63.12-2-43 63.12-2-44 63.12-2-45 63.12-2-46 Below, Christine L. Blanchette, Kathleen R. Sherman, Derek S. Burby, Mark G. Mayer, William G. Chiu, Shing Sun Winokur, Lyle A. Horne, Garry G. Metz, Lisa A. Hoffstetter, Michael G. Jazenboski, Agnes C. Gracey, Daniel W. Day, Tracey A. Blanchet, Robert A. Helm, Kenneth L. Sr. Isidro, Ma Olivia R. Cano, Wilfredo B. Blanchette, Theodore A. Skipper, Ernest C. Jr. Tabora, Jessica A. Marando, Rocco Marando, Giovanni Crotty, Edward Marando, Giovanni Petruzzini, Lucas Masa, Vincent J. McCarg, Marie Link, James V. Rappleyea, Robert Kessler, Kenneth Kessler, Kenneth Kessler, Kenneth Masa, James Jay Decker, Allen F. Kessler, Kenneth Horick, Ronald C. Jr. Denbeaux, Gregory P. 60,300 7,500 150,000 143,700 154,700 156,700 149,100 115,000 126,800 111,500 77,200 151,200 139,900 121,800 155,600 112,100 68,700 127,300 191,000 77,100 262,800 290,900 169,700 40,600 163,200 75,400 107,700 108,700 123,200 3,000 120,000 44,700 128,200 167,700 32,400 83,000 121,100 60,300 7,500 30,000 28,700 30,900 31,300 29,800 23,000 25,400 22,300 15,400 30,200 28,000 24,400 31,100 22,400 13,700 25,500 38,200 15,400 52,600 58,200 33,900 40,600 32,600 15,100 21,500 21,700 24,600 3,000 24,000 20,000 25,600 33,500 32,400 16,600 24,200 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,439,500 Page 342 of 347 1,013,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 60,300 7,500 150,000 143,700 154,700 156,700 149,100 115,000 126,800 111,500 77,200 151,200 139,900 121,800 155,600 112,100 68,700 127,300 191,000 77,100 262,800 290,900 169,700 40,600 163,200 75,400 107,700 108,700 123,200 3,000 120,000 44,700 128,200 167,700 32,400 83,000 121,100 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 311 210 210 210 220 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 270 210 210 311 210 210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 75-587 2011 2014 94-1251 05-0615 06-656 2014 05-1138 06-1423 06-657 IH-1504 2010 08-0074 97-332 06-197 GD05-228 08-0046 04-172 06-198 2010 06-1337 88-1415 2011 04-1530 2011 04-1528 GD05-183 98-245 2009 IH-1508 72-272 94-156 74-452 72-272 2015 05-0616 4,439,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Parcel Id 63.12-2-47 63.12-2-50.1 63.12-2-50.2 63.12-2-50.3 63.12-2-50.4 * 63.12-2-50.5 63.12-2-51 63.12-2-52 63.12-2-53 63.12-5-6 63.12-5-8 63.12-5-15 63.12-5-16 63.12-5-18 63.12-5-20 63.12-6-2 63.12-6-10 63.12-7-1 63.12-7-2.1 63.12-7-2.2 63.12-7-2.3 63.12-7-2.4 63.12-7-3.1 63.12-7-3.2 63.12-7-3.3 63.12-7-3.4 63.12-7-4.1 63.12-7-4.2 63.12-7-4.3 63.12-7-4.4 63.12-7-4.5 63.12-7-4.6 63.12-7-5.1 63.12-7-5.2 63.12-7-5.3 63.12-7-5.4 63.12-7-5.5 Page Totals Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av Bolognino, Joseph D. Potenciano, John Arceo, Abraham Henderson, Zachary Burke, John D. TP Builders Kontos, Panagiota Forbes, Patricia M. Link, Thomas Roske, Timothy P. Paonessa, Phillip Decker, William H. Sr. Umansky, Leonid Fuller, Brian D. Cleveland, David C. Masa, Cornelia Blanchard, Lester P. McGrath, Terrance Geddes, Todd M. Sargent, Kathryn R. Watson, Carol Ann Reilly, Carol A. Cataldo, Virginia M. Mahoney, Linda S. Dufresne, Tracy L. Thorsen, Rose J. Adkison, Beverly Houser, Cynthia M. Guyer, Lori Berger, Wendy H. Fogarty, Jean M. Lanzetta, Megan L. Vandenberg, Ann C. Sarafin, Gary W. Valachovic, Carroll Runey, Brandon E. Ragone, David C. 121,600 303,400 267,400 173,600 286,600 25,000 188,500 177,800 118,900 107,900 144,100 100 135,000 125,900 175,000 118,100 140,000 164,800 130,600 132,200 124,000 121,000 113,800 127,800 127,400 125,300 108,200 124,000 129,100 130,100 126,400 124,800 127,200 126,200 132,200 126,800 124,000 24,300 60,600 62,600 57,900 57,300 25,000 37,700 35,600 23,800 21,600 28,800 100 27,000 25,200 35,000 23,600 28,000 33,000 26,100 26,400 24,800 24,200 22,800 25,600 25,500 25,100 21,600 24,800 25,800 26,000 25,300 25,000 25,400 25,200 26,400 25,400 24,800 Parcels 36 5,129,800 Page 343 of 347 1,058,300 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 121,600 303,400 313,100 173,600 286,600 25,000 188,500 177,800 118,900 107,900 144,100 100 135,000 125,900 175,000 118,100 140,000 164,800 130,600 132,200 124,000 121,000 113,800 127,800 127,400 125,300 108,200 124,000 129,100 130,100 126,400 124,800 127,200 126,200 132,200 126,800 124,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 311 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 98-7 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015s/m#20 91-308 2014 05-0617 2015 82-348 2013 96-223 2010 91-575 08-0194 2012 2014 2012 2010 05-0619 96-1055 05-0620 08-0185 05-1220 2013 2013 06-660 08-0854 IH-1510 96-1055 06-661 04-644 02-345 2015 2015 2013 5,175,500 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.12-7-5.6 63.12-7-6 63.12-7-7 63.12-7-8 63.12-7-9 63.12-7-10 63.12-7-11 63.12-7-12 63.12-7-13 63.12-7-14 63.12-7-15.1 63.12-7-15.2 63.12-7-15.3 63.12-7-15.4 63.12-7-15.5 63.12-7-15.6 63.12-7-16.1 63.12-7-16.2 63.12-7-16.3 63.12-7-16.4 63.12-7-16.5 63.12-7-16.6 63.12-7-17.1 63.12-7-17.2 63.12-7-17.3 63.12-7-17.4 63.12-7-18.1 63.12-7-18.2 63.12-7-18.3 63.12-7-18.4 63.12-7-19.1 63.12-7-19.2 63.12-7-19.3 63.12-7-19.4 63.12-7-19.5 63.12-7-19.6 63.12-7-20.1 Myrie, Manzie Reimer, Thomas Grant, Dwane Addeo, Margaret M. Deisley, Candace Ginsburg, Gary Mann, Deborah A. Berman, Daniel H. Naidan, Naranzul Bonam, Ravi Griffin, Linda C. Orr, Scott G. Kavanaugh, Mandi Ermides, Constantine J. Nichols, David Brown, Christopher A. Vega, Julia A. Santos, Gustavo Scalise, Thea M. Prodafikas, Evelyn McGraw, Mary Jo Kirk, Donald J. Jr. McWhinnie, Laura H. Bernstein, Howard Santangelo, Catherine J. Johnson, Kristin S. Gross, Mary D Cottone, Diane P. Three As of Albany Inc, The Maguire, Robert F. Jones, Robin Slyke, Wesley Tumbleson, Kathleen A. Kohn, Donald J. Lyustikman, Valery Russo, Kathleen Rowen, Diane M. 138,700 182,700 187,600 214,000 170,000 169,700 165,200 168,100 203,600 189,800 112,800 131,100 126,200 130,800 124,000 108,200 131,400 132,100 130,700 134,600 126,200 118,400 113,800 130,100 132,200 114,400 122,900 127,200 127,700 127,000 114,800 126,200 134,600 129,000 126,200 123,400 118,800 27,700 36,500 37,500 42,800 34,000 33,900 33,000 33,600 40,700 38,000 22,600 26,200 25,200 26,200 24,800 21,600 26,300 26,400 26,100 26,900 25,200 23,700 22,800 26,000 26,400 22,900 24,600 25,400 25,500 25,400 23,000 25,200 26,900 25,800 25,200 24,700 23,800 Page Totals Parcels 37 5,164,200 Page 344 of 347 1,032,500 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 138,700 182,700 187,600 214,000 170,000 169,700 165,200 168,100 203,600 189,800 112,800 131,100 126,200 130,800 124,000 108,200 131,400 132,100 130,700 134,600 126,200 118,400 113,800 130,100 132,200 114,400 122,900 127,200 127,700 127,000 114,800 126,200 134,600 129,000 126,200 123,400 118,800 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 96-1055 06-1338 05-1223 2010 2011 2012 03-569 2014 04-871 2015 2011 2012 2011 99-417 2010 96-1055 01-515 01-261 03-0273 08-0498 2015 2010 2014 99-1380 2010 96-1055 00-902 02-346 07-1199 99-1377 07-1200 07-1201 2015 2012 05-0621 07-1202 96-1055 5,164,200 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 63.12-7-20.2 63.12-7-20.3 63.12-7-20.4 63.12-7-20.5 63.12-7-20.6 63.12-7-21.1 63.12-7-21.2 63.12-7-21.3 63.12-7-21.4 63.12-7-22.1 63.12-7-22.2 63.12-7-22.3 63.12-7-22.4 63.12-7-23.1 63.12-7-23.2 63.12-7-23.3 63.12-7-23.4 63.12-7-23.5 63.12-7-23.6 63.12-7-24.1 63.12-7-24.2 63.12-7-24.3 63.12-7-24.4 63.12-7-25.1 63.12-7-25.2 63.12-7-25.3 63.12-7-25.4 63.12-7-25.5 63.12-7-25.6 63.12-7-26.1 63.12-7-26.2 63.12-7-27.1 63.12-7-27.2 63.12-7-27.3 63.12-7-27.4 63.12-7-28.1 63.12-7-28.2 Nies, Kimberly A. Kresge, Sarah V. Mooney, Marilyn Mantica, Paula M. Groark, Marjory A. Riley, Theresa Miller, Barbara J. Bailey, Mary E. Manderson, Dolores A. Bradwell, Carol Storfer, Sandra Smith, Alan L. Faith, Judith Munoz, Susan A. Florio, Frank Bonafide, Barbara A. Altarriba, Jeanette Kearney, Barbara E. Hoghe Revocable Trust, Aldene S. Tidball, Raymond Chao, Wai-Cheng Deeb, Donna Glowacki, George R. Miller, Antoinette M. Timmis, Ardis B. Rowe, C Elizabeth OBrien, Keri A. Brooks, Joshua J. Mahar, Frances L. Sovinsky, Jean Riek, Mary Ellen Boolchandani, Mala Akullian, Richard V. Guiffre, Kim VanStone, Josephine Flaxman, Maryellen Kelly, Mary K. 136,500 125,000 126,200 126,600 113,800 112,800 130,100 131,500 118,400 108,200 134,000 132,200 114,800 118,400 127,700 124,000 108,200 126,800 108,200 118,400 127,800 136,000 126,500 107,500 125,000 131,400 126,600 131,100 134,600 113,800 113,800 107,400 134,900 108,200 126,200 118,400 132,000 27,300 25,000 25,200 25,300 22,800 22,600 26,000 26,300 23,700 21,600 26,800 26,400 23,000 23,700 25,500 24,800 21,600 25,400 21,600 23,700 25,600 27,200 25,300 21,500 25,000 26,300 25,300 26,200 26,900 22,800 22,800 21,500 27,000 21,600 25,200 23,700 26,400 Page Totals Parcels 37 4,543,000 Page 345 of 347 908,600 2015 RPS345/V04/L001 -------------Total Av 136,500 125,000 126,200 126,600 113,800 112,800 130,100 131,500 118,400 108,200 134,000 132,200 114,800 118,400 127,700 124,000 108,200 126,800 108,200 118,400 127,800 136,000 126,500 107,500 125,000 131,400 126,600 131,100 134,600 113,800 113,800 107,400 134,900 108,200 126,200 118,400 132,000 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Account Nbr 2011 2010 2014 96-1055 98-1309 08-0533 02-1372 IH-1511 2014 08-0033 2015 00-1393 2013 2015 06-199 01-263 99-1332 96-1055 04-645 08-0737 07-1203 96-1055 2010 96-1055 96-1055 05-714 2015 2014 97-314 96-1055 96-1055 96-1055 96-1055 08-0119 96-1055 96-1055 96-1055 4,543,000 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 63.12-7-28.3 63.12-7-29.1 63.12-7-29.2 63.12-7-29.3 63.12-7-29.4 63.12-7-30.1 63.12-7-30.2 63.12-7-30.3 63.12-7-30.4 63.12-7-30.5 63.12-7-31 630.089-0000-701.390/1881 630.089-0000-701.390/1882 630.089-0000-701.390/1883 630.089-0000-701.390/1884 630.089-0000-701.390/1885 630.89-9999-132.350/1011 630.89-9999-132.350/1014 630.89-9999-132.350/1021 630.89-9999-132.350/1031 630.89-9999-132.350/1041 630.89-9999-132.350/1051 630.89-9999-132.350/1061 630.89-9999-132.350/1071 630.89-9999-132.350/1081 630.89-9999-132.350/1084 630.89-9999-132.350/1091 630.89-9999-132.350/1094 630.89-9999-132.350/1101 630.89-9999-132.350/1104 630.89-9999-132.350/1111 630.89-9999-132.350/1121 630.89-9999-132.350/1131 630.89-9999-132.350/1141 630.89-9999-132.350/1881 630.89-9999-132.350/1882 630.89-9999-132.350/1883 Sullivan, James W. Kamineni, Vimal K. Brustle, Robert S. Malagrida, John J. Traynor, Roberta Kilroy Androphy, Nicole Zuglan, Nancy E. Austin, Lisa A. Berko, Sharon L. Haff, Sandra A. Woodscape Homeowners Tech Valley Communications Tech Valley Communications Tech Valley Communications Tech Valley Communications Tech Valley Communications NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid Nimo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid Page Totals Parcels 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 114,800 134,600 130,100 132,000 112,800 134,600 126,200 124,000 124,000 132,300 10,000 23,000 26,900 26,000 26,400 22,600 26,900 25,200 24,800 24,800 26,500 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119,962 7,332 4,073 10,193 90,268 339,934 192,834 53,649 2,378,656 565,225 505,517 79,572 238,464 30,107 649,459 1,165,531 1,860,948 738,480 5,800,362 45,580 54,696 37 16,206,242 Page 346 of 347 263,100 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 114,800 134,600 130,100 132,000 112,800 134,600 126,200 124,000 124,000 132,300 10,000 5 2,802 169 36 62 119,962 7,332 4,073 10,193 90,268 339,934 192,834 53,649 2,378,656 565,225 505,517 79,572 238,464 30,107 649,459 1,165,531 1,860,948 738,480 5,800,362 45,580 54,696 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 970 836 836 836 836 836 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 872 872 872 872 884 884 884 A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 N N Account Nbr 08-0523 2013 96-1055 2014 05-0622 00-236 96-1055 05-0623 96-1055 IH-1512 84-852 2015s/m#19 2015s/m#19 2015s/m#19 2015s/m#19 2015s/m#19 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 16,209,316 Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56 NYS - Real Property System County of Albany Town of Guilderland SWIS Code - 013089 Cross Reference Report - 2015 - Current Year File Parcel ID Sequence Parcel Id Name 630.89-9999-132.350/1884 630.89-9999-132.350/1885 630.89-9999-132.350/2011 630.89-9999-132.350/2881 630.89-9999-631.900/1881 630.89-9999-631.900/1882 630.89-9999-631.900/1883 630.89-9999-631.900/1884 630.89-9999-631.900/1885 630.089-9999-744.850/1881 630.089-9999-744.850/1884 630.89-9999-746.120/1881 630.89-9999-746.120/1884 630.89-9999-810.800/2881 630.89-9999-810.800/2884 NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid NiMo dba National Grid New York Telephone Co New York Telephone Co New York Telephone Co New York Telephone Co New York Telephone Co Elantic Telecom Inc., Com. Code 744850 Elantic Telecom Inc., Com. Code 744850 US Sprint Communications US Sprint Communications Cng Transmission Corp Cng Transmission Corp 2014 Total Av -------------Land Av 608,166 2,605 66,386 2,179,895 1,114,468 55,923 7,313 80,320 534 29,627 6,940 0 0 991,086 445,470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RPS345/V04/L001 2015 -------------Total Av 608,166 2,605 66,386 2,179,895 1,114,468 55,923 7,313 80,320 4,847 29,627 6,940 0 0 991,086 445,470 Town Outside Village Totals Parcels 12,131 3,256,225,466 692,556,896 3,291,278,655 Town Grand Totals Parcels 12,768 3,367,972,642 716,901,096 3,407,252,649 Report Totals Parcels 12,768 3,367,972,642 716,901,096 3,407,252,649 Page Totals Parcels 15 5,588,733 0 5,593,046 Page 347 of 347 Res Prp O R T Pct Cls C S S C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 884 884 873 885 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 885 885 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 N Account Nbr 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 07-1211 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 GD-STIP GD-STIP Date/Time - 6/24/2015 11:16:56
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