PAPER_1A_BANKER_Study of Two Metal Heat Exchanger
PAPER_1A_BANKER_Study of Two Metal Heat Exchanger
29409-CSC09 Pro_INT_100427 4/28/10 4:25 PM Page 15 15 — P A P E R 1 A — Study of Two Metal Heat Exchanger Failures: Design, Fabrication, and Environment Factors JOHN G. BANKER ABSTRACT VICE PRESIDENT CUSTOMERS & TECHNOLOGY Dynamic Materials Corporation 505 Spine Road Boulder, Colorado 80501 USA T: 303-604-3902 F: 303-604-1893 E: [email protected] The authors’ support was requested in the post-mortem analysis of two very dramatic heat exchanger failures. The failure studies emphasize the importance of expertise in design and fabrication of bi-metal equipment. Both units were shell-and-tube designs with explosion clad tubesheets and reactive metal tubes. One was a nitric acid process condenser. It was a zirconium tube unit with zirconiumstainless steel clad tubesheets, and a stainless steel shell. The 14 year old unit was out of service when the failure occurred. The tubesheet clad face disbonded dramatically while plugs were being hammered into leaking tubes. The post-failure study indicated that a combination of design and fabrication factors contributed to ultimate failure. The other was a titanium tube unit with an inverted titanium-steel clad tubesheet. The unit was used in an offshore natural gas application. Failure occurred while the unit was in operating service. During the event the titanium tubesheet clad face fully separated from the steel RICHARD SUTHERLIN, PE MANAGER, TECHNICAL SERVICES ATI Wah Chang 1600 Old Salem Road NE Albany, Oregon 97321 USA T: 541-967-6924 F: 541-924-6892 E: [email protected] NEIL HENRY PRINCIPAL CONSULTANT ABB Global Consultancy Daresbury Park Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4BT United Kingdom T: 44 (0) 1925 741020 F: 44 (0) 1925 741212 E: [email protected] C O R R O S I O N S O L U T I O N S ® C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 0 9 and all tubes were severed near the tube-to-tubesheet welds. The design of the unit was quite unique, with the titanium clad on the shell side of the tubesheet and the tubes welded to the cladding on the back face. The titanium-steel clad interface was exposed to the process gas on the inside of the tubesheet bore holes. Although there was minimal moisture present in the gas, there was sufficient moisture for corrosion of the steel in the bore hole. Failure was attributed to bondzone degradation resulting from galvanic corrosion in the tube holes and subsequent titanium hydride accumulation at the adjacent clad interface. In this particular case, it would appear that the potential for corrosion in the tube bore was not adequately addressed at the design stage or that the operating conditions changed from those originally anticipated. A broad poll of clad manufacturers and heat exchanger fabricators indicates that this unit and others in the same facility are likely the only units of this design to have been manufactured using titanium-steel construction. — P R O C E E D I N G S 29409-CSC09 Pro_INT_100427 16 4/28/10 4:25 PM Page 16 PAPER 1A — STUDY OF TWO METAL HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURES: DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ENVIRONMENT FACTORS KEYWORDS • • • • • • • • • heat exchanger titanium zirconium explosion clad tubesheet failure nitric acid UNS S32900 HP hydrogen gas TITANIUM HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURE IN OFFSHORE SERVICE Introduction In May 2006 the UK Health and Safety Executive, Hazardous Installations Directorate, Offshore Division issued Safety Alert #1/2006 [1]. This document advised as follows: comprised of 550 titanium tubes, Grade 2, 0.06" (1.6 mm) wall thickness x 0.75" (19 mm OD). There was one unusual aspect regarding the design of the units; to increase the tube density and unit efficiency, the tubesheets were turned backward with the titanium cladding towards the shell side and the tubes were welded to the titanium backside as depicted in Figure 1. This also was the most cost efficient design to present the titanium surfaces only to the seawater cooling side. The ligament width (shortest distance between tube holes in the tubesheet) was approximately 0.1181" (3 mm). The heat exchanger was used in a horizontal position with the tubesheet mounted in the vertical at one end as depicted in the sketch. The top half of the U-bundle was the hot side, the bottom half the cold side. The unit was designed to cool natural gas drawn from a sub-sea field. When the field was depleted, around five years before the failure, the field was changed to a storage duty, where gas was injected to the cavity during the summer months and withdrawn at periods of high demand. Cooling was in four stages, to condense water out of the gas stream. This cooler was the final stage of the stream, with cooling seawater at ambient temperature on the shell side and the gas cooling to circa 140°F (60°C) tube-side. Seawater was being used to cool high-pressure (HP) hydrocarbon gas. The shell, tubes, and titanium cladding sheet were torn from the steel tubesheet and propelled across the deck with sufficient force to rupture an adjacent exchanger. The cooling water pipework and vent pipework were torn off the shell and the tube sheet and channel end were ripped off the supports. There was a significant and immediate gas release followed by ignition and an explosion. Fortuitously there were only two relatively minor injuries, but under slightly different circumstances there could have been significantly more serious casualties.” Design & Fabrication “A recent serious incident occurred that involved the catastrophic failure of a shell and tube heat exchanger, and there is a potential risk of failure to heat exchangers of the same, or similar, design. This notice describes the incident and outlines the action that should be taken by duty holders. The incident on an offshore gas production platform occurred when a shell and tube production cooler suffered a catastrophic failure. The subject heat exchangers had been designed and fabricated around 1982 by a reputable EPC and well qualified fabricator in the UK and had been in near continuous service since. No prior issues with the unit had been reported. The 66.929" (1700 mm) OD tubesheets were explosion clad, consisting of 0.500" (13 mm) thick titanium, B265 Grade 1, clad to 8" (200 mm) thick steel forgings, SA-350 LF2. The tubesheets had been explosion clad by Nobel Explosives in Scotland. The units were U-bundles with each Failure Analysis Subsequent to the failure event, the expert staff at the UK Health and Safety Laboratory, Buxton, UK was tasked with leading both analysis of the cause of the event and the related metallurgical failure analysis. Initial study indicated that there were no documented records of similar events worldwide. The authors were brought in as technical specialists to assist with the latter. The simple fact that the clad interface of the tubesheet had apparently instantaneously disbonded over the Figure 1. Tube-to-tubesheet configuration. C O R R O S I O N S O L U T I O N S ® C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 0 9 — P R O C E E D I N G S 29409-CSC09 Pro_INT_100427 4/28/10 4:25 PM Page 17 PAPER 1A — STUDY OF TWO METAL HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURES: DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ENVIRONMENT FACTORS full area strongly suggested that the explosion clad quality may have been a contributing factor. Tubesheet Manufacturing Records The clad manufacturer’s test records and the component original material test reports for both titanium and the steel were obtained from the heat exchanger manufacturer’s Pressure Vessel Certification Data Book. The ultrasonic inspection records showed no nonbond indications in the tubesheet product area. The bond shear strength report showed 33,600 psi (224 MPa), well above the specification minimum of 20,000 psi (138 MPa). The titanium yield strength was near the bottom of the specification range, a condition that is considered preferable for explosion welding. In summary, nothing suggested inferior explosion bond quality in the original product test records. Failed Tubesheet Examination The disbonded titanium cladding plate had been recovered and was presented for examination. To persons skilled in the examination of explosion clad interfaces, the bond wave morphology can provide significant information about the quality of the original clad product[2]. The disbonded face of the titanium cladder plate exhibited a very uniform bond wave pattern. There were no non-uniform areas which would suggest anomalies in the explosive energy or detonation rate during the cladding process. There were no indications of internal stand-off devices or other residual materials interrupting the collision front during the cladding event. However, several conditions were visually obvious on the previously bonded titanium surface: • On the upper half of the tubesheet, there were considerable areas of steel remaining on the surface, as C O R R O S I O N Figure 2. Disbonded clad surface, upper side of U-bundle unit. Figure 3. Disbonded clad surface, lower side of U-bundle unit. indicated by extensive rusting of the formerly bonded titanium face (Figure 2). This indicated that the separation partially occurred in the steel adjacent to the bond. Further, the presence of a ductiledimple separation nature could be confirmed by the nappy feel (Velcro-like) of the surface. This visual condition suggested an exceptionally high quality interface. The upper half of the unit was the hot side of the U-tube bundle. • The prior bond appearance on the lower half of the tubesheet was totally different. The wave uniformity was still obvious. However, there was no residual iron and rusting. Also there was no nappy texture to the waves. They were well formed but smooth. These factors indicated that the failure in the S O L U T I O N S ® C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 0 9 lower half of the tubesheet had occurred at the interface itself, not partially in the steel. This was the cold side of the tube bundle. There was visual discoloration around the tube holes on the lower side of the unit. This discoloration was accentuated on the lower side of each hole (Figure 3). The examination of the steel side of the disbonded tubesheet provided additional insight. When examining the tube holes in the steel from the formerly bonded side, the following things were noted: • In the tube holes on the lower (cold) side of the unit there was visible corrosion on the inside of the steel holes. The corrosion was predominantly on the bottom sides of the horizontal holes and — P R O C E E D I N G S 17 29409-CSC09 Pro_INT_100427 18 4/28/10 4:25 PM Page 18 PAPER 1A — STUDY OF TWO METAL HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURES: DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ENVIRONMENT FACTORS predominantly at the end of the hole adjacent to the titanium-steel interface. This data suggested that water had condensed from the gas in the cold side of the unit. This water had naturally set on the bottom side of the holes and caused localized corrosion of the steel. • No significant corrosion was visible on the tube holes in the upper (hot) side of the unit. The surface of the failed bondzone was examined metallographically and spectrographically. On the lower half of the formerly bonded plate, there was a very high hydrogen concentration at the disbonded surface, approximately 1%. Whereas, the hydrogen level of the bulk titanium plate was approximately 0.0010%. Surface hydrogen concentrations on the upper half of the unit were similar to the bulk hydrogen levels. The data indicated that some event had resulted in hydriding of the titanium bond surface and that it was limited to the lower half, or cold side of the unit. The forensic evidence lead the investigation team to the following hypotheses (Figure 4): • Aqueous corrosion of the steel in the tube holes resulted in the generation of atomic hydrogen which diffused into the steel. • Where the steel was very close to the titanium, this hydrogen diffused to the titanium face and was available to form hydride. • This part of the unit was operating at a temperature where titanium hydride was stable. • Over time the hydrogen concentration at the interface gradually increased to the point where the titanium-steel interface was covered by a near continuous layer of brittle titanium hydride. In this region C O R R O S I O N Figure 4. Probable cause of bond deterioration. significant improvement in heat exchange surface relative to the overall size of the unit. This was clearly a positive benefit to the owner. In the absence of aqueous corrosion the unit would likely have performed admirably for many more years. The fact that the unit operated successfully for around 25 years suggests that the deterioration was extremely slow. This failure clearly emphasizes the risk of exposing a thin-walled titanium-steel interface to a potentially aqueous corrosion environment. One key word here is “thin-walled”. The tubesheet ligaments were only 0.12" (3 mm) across. Clearly the exposed OD of a titanium-steel heat exchanger tubesheets are frequently exposed to aqueous corrosion conditions, but the bond width extending inward from the OD is huge and the OD is generally painted, reducing the natural galvanic corrosion of an unprotected couple. Although it is generally a good idea to avoid exposing a bi-metal interface to a potentially galvanic corrosive the bond was no longer tough like in the top half of the unit, but was significantly lower in strength and brittleness. • Over time the bond strength gradually degraded to the point that it was no greater than operating stress and residual stress loads on the unit. At this point some event initiated failure and the bond began separating. Once it began tearing itself apart, the failure quickly travelled across the face of the exchanger and proceeded to tear the bond apart in the upper section of the unit where the fracture proceeded along the steel side of the interface. (Note: There can be significant residual compressive stresses in bi-metal tubesheets. See the explanation in the second part of this paper.) Retrospection The design of the unit with a reversed tubesheet allowed for a S O L U T I O N S ® C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 0 9 — P R O C E E D I N G S 29409-CSC09 Pro_INT_100427 4/28/10 4:25 PM Page 19 PAPER 1A — STUDY OF TWO METAL HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURES: DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ENVIRONMENT FACTORS media, with proper design considerations it can be done without concern of catastrophic failure. The classic example is use of aluminium-steel bi-metal transition joints to facilitate welding between aluminium and steel shipboard components. This highly successful technology has been used reliably for over 40 years [3,4]. Corrective & Preventive Actions Most heat exchangers with corrosion-resistant alloy tubes and clad tubesheets are designed with the tube extending fully though the thickness of the tubesheet and welded to the clad face of the tubesheet. The bi-metal interface is locked between the tube on the inside, the tube-to-tubesheet weld on the face and one or more rolling rings machined into the steel tube hole on the back side. In this case, the bi-metal interface is not exposed to corrosive media if it exists. Today there are other ways of increasing heat exchange surface density that are generally considered better and lower risk than increased tube density. Similar or better performance can be obtained with finned tubes and conventional clad tubesheet designs at a lower risk. A broad poll of clad manufacturers and heat exchanger fabricators indicates that this unit and others in the same facility are likely the only units of this design to have been manufactured using titanium-steel construction. Plant. Stainless steel plugs were being driven into the tube holes by maintenance technicians using a sledge hammer. With no warning, the clad face of the tubesheet separated from the unit in a highly dramatic, explosion-like event. Pieces of the zirconium clad face were thrown nearly 120' (36 m). Luckily, the three men working on the unit received only minor injuries. ATI Wah Chang and DMC were asked to assist in the Cause and Corrective Action studies. The Nitric Acid Plant was a Weatherly design unit with the original 304-CE heat exchangers constructed of 7Mo stainless steel (UNS S32900). The two units operated at 140–160°F (60–70°C) on the tube side and 100°F (38°C) on the shell side. The stainless units had been replaced frequently. In early 1994 a decision was made to replace the deteriorating stainless steel units with zirconium. The design was modified by replacing the stainless steel tubes with zirconium 702 and the stainless steel tubesheets with zirconium-stainless steel explosion clad. The shell remained as stainless steel. The two new units were installed in December of 1995. About six months after start-up the new exchangers were exposed to hydrofluoric (HF) following an incident where freon leaked from an upstream chiller unit. Upon examination, significant corrosion of the zirconium was observed in both units, with one showing significantly greater damage. The more severely damaged unit was removed from service and replaced with a stainless steel spare. A replacement zirconium unit was ordered. The other zirconium unit was turned around (swapped end to end) and returned to service. This unit continued to operate without significant issues until September 2006. At that time, leaking was observed in one tube. During the shutdown, the leaking tube was plugged and other tube ends were inspected. Cracks were observed in 30 other tube-to-tubesheet welds. These were repaired by overlay welding. Three months later, 12 more tubes were plugged for leaks and more weld repairs were made. In late April 2007, an additional seven leaking tubes were repaired. At this time a decision was made to purchase a replacement unit. On May 30, 2007 the unit was again shut down for repair of leaking tubes. The unit blew apart while the maintenance team was plugging the 10th hole of the 30 tubes scheduled to be plugged. Figure 5. Damaged tubesheet face. ZIRCONIUM HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURE IN NITRIC ACID SERVICE Introduction On May 30, 2007 a maintenance crew at Terra’s Port Neal Plant was repairing leaking tubes in a heat exchanger at the #1 Nitric Acid C O R R O S I O N S O L U T I O N S ® C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 0 9 — P R O C E E D I N G S 19 29409-CSC09 Pro_INT_100427 20 4/28/10 4:25 PM Page 20 PAPER 1A — STUDY OF TWO METAL HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURES: DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ENVIRONMENT FACTORS Failure Analysis Figure 5 shows the damaged tubesheet face. Large areas of the zirconium cladding had been ripped away from the tubesheet face. Closer examination revealed several things: • The zirconium was disbonded from the stainless steel base plate over essentially the complete tubefield. • The zirconium remained bonded to the stainless steel plate over more than 75% of the tubesheet perimeter. • The thickness of the zirconium cladding metal was typically in the range of 0.080–0.120" (2–3 mm). Figure 6 shows the top surface of a disbonded web section between four tubes. The width of the cap of the tube-to-tubesheet welds was typically 0.200–0.250" (5–6.5 mm). Figure 6. Top surface of a disbonded web section . Figure 7. Bottom Surface of a disbonded web section . The machining marks / grooves are still visibly obvious in the central area that is not covered by the welds. Figure 7 shows the opposite face of this sample (formerly bonded surface of the zirconium cladding). The characteristic wavy interface of the explosion weld is clearly obvious in the center of the piece. However, around the tube holes there is a region typically 0.150" (4 mm) wide where the explosion weld bond face is completely disrupted. Figure 8 presents a cross-section of the same specimen. Several significant things are shown here: • The solidified zirconium weld Figure 8. cross-section of Webs and Welds from specimen evaluated. 3 1 2 2 1 1. Zr3 Fe eutectic. 2. Light element contamination. 3. Cracks filled with eutectic. C O R R O S I O N Continuous Zr-Fe (intermetallic layer at interface). 1. Typical weld structure. 2. Abnormal due to O, N, and Iron. S O L U T I O N S ® C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 0 9 — P R O C E E D I N G S 29409-CSC09 Pro_INT_100427 4/28/10 4:25 PM Page 21 PAPER 1A — STUDY OF TWO METAL HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURES: DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ENVIRONMENT FACTORS metal contains significant areas of ZrFe 3 eutectic indicating that the molten zirconium weld metal had penetrated to the stainless backing metal and mixed with molten stainless steel. • Microcracking had occurred during solidification and the cracks had back-filled with the ZrFe 3 eutectic. This indicates that the cracking had occurred in the early stages of solidification. • Significant light element contamination (primarily oxygen and nitrogen) was observed indicating inadequate shielding during welding. These conditions are well-known to result in brittle zirconium welds. (Hardness measurements, not included in the pictures of this paper, confirm significant hard areas particularly in the lower weld passes.) • A near-continuous layer of ZrFe intermetallic was observed at the interface. This is typically characteristic of interfaces which have been heated significantly above 1500°F (800°C). resulting in the unit’s deterioration were primarily design and fabrication related. There was less consensus regarding the cause of the ultimate explosive-like failure. The two lead hypotheses are: expansion joints in the shell. The 47.625" OD (1210 mm) tubesheets were manufactured by Explosive Fabricators Inc. (now DMC) in August 1994. The cladding metal was 0.188" (4.8 mm) nominal thickness zirconium, SB-551 Alloy 702, manufactured by ATI Wah Chang. The oxygen level was 650 ppm, well below the 1000 ppm level considered the upper limit for optimum explosion cladding [5]. The purchase order and the production documents specified that the zirconium clad face be flat within 0.125" (3.2 mm). Inspection and test reports indicated that the bond shear strength test results were 39,000 psi (260 MPa) and that flatness was within the 0.120" (3 mm) specified. The fabricator was a highly regarded shell and tube exchanger manufacturer who had produced several of the earlier stainless steel units for Terra. They had significant prior experience with clad tubesheet design and fabrication, but no prior experience with zirconium. Production records indicate that the units were fabricated under considerable delivery pressure. • An unknown explosive material accumulated between the zirconium and stainless steel. The impacts of tube plugging initiated an explosion. Considering that Nitric Acid and Ammonium Nitrate are both existing in the facility, this is a plausible conclusion. • The design of the unit inherently resulted in very high residual stress levels. The release of these stresses during the failure event resulted in a very intense energy release. Much like a catapult, the energy release caused some pieces to be thrown a long distance. The authors are in the latter camp. A reconstruction of what likely happened follows. Fabrication In shell and tube exchanger manufacture, it is common to machine the tubesheet faces flat and parallel prior to beginning drilling and fabrication. The machining grooves on the zirconium clad face, Figure 6, indicated that these tubesheet blanks were Hypotheses Regarding the Cause of the Failure Design, Cladding & Fabrication Records The fabrication drawings were modifications of the earlier stainless steel unit drawings. The tube specification was changed to: Zr 702, 1" OD x 0.065" wall (25 mm x 1.6 mm). The tubesheet specification was changed to Zirconium explosion clad, consisting of 3" (75 mm) minimum thickness stainless steel, SA-240 Type 304L, clad with 0.188" (4.8 mm) thickness Zirconium, B-551 Alloy 702. The tube-to-tubesheet weld design shows a J-groove weld prep machined in the cladding face. The shell of the unit was solid stainless steel, Type 304L. There were no C O R R O S I O N Several teams investigated the failure and hypothesized regarding the cause of the unit’s deterioration and the eventual dramatic failure. The consensus is that the events Figure 9a. Schematic showing a flat machined surface resulting in varying cladding thickness. Zirconium S O L U T I O N S ~0.09" to 0.06"tk min. (2.5 to 1.5 mm) C O N F E R E N C E Machined Flat Bondzone ~0.125Ó out-of-flat Stainless Steel ® 0.188"tk max. (48 mm) 2 0 0 9 — P R O C E E D I N G S 21 29409-CSC09 Pro_INT_100427 22 4/28/10 4:25 PM Page 22 PAPER 1A — STUDY OF TWO METAL HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURES: DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ENVIRONMENT FACTORS machined flat. This would have resulted in a significant reduction of the zirconium cladding thickness, see the schematic in Figure 9a. This would also explain why the thickness of the disbonded zirconium cladding pieces was well below the original cladding thickness. In accordance with the heat exchanger (HX) drawing, the thickness of the zirconium was further reduced in the area immediately adjacent to the tubes during the machining of the Jgroove weld preps, Figure 9b. It is easy to speculate that the thickness was below 0.060" (1.5 mm) following the two machining operations, and that the weld preps might actually have penetrated through the bondzone into the stainless steel in some areas. It is clear from the examination of the weld metal that the tube welds penetrated significantly into the stainless base metal (schematic Figure 9c), resulting in significant Following the two hour stress relief cycle, the parts were slowly cooled to ambient. The contraction of the stainless steel base plate was essentially three times as great as what the zirconium would have contracted, if it had been free standing. However, since the Zr was fully welded to the stainless, the zirconium was forced to contract nearly as much as the much thicker and stronger stainless steel base plate. Consequently, the zirconium cladding layer was left in a significant compressive residual stress state. Again, since the zirconium was fully welded to the stainless steel, the significant metal removal of the tube hole drilling did little to affect this. During fabrication, the tubesheets were welded to the stainless steel shell prior to insertion of the tubes. The zirconium tubes were then inserted into this stainless steel structure and locked into place with massive welds at each end. Welding solidification likely added some residual tensile stress to the tubes. But more significantly, the welding reduced the residual bond area by roughly 30% by melting it away, and then greatly reduced the strength of any remaining bond via intermetallic formation. On the other hand, at the perimeter of the tubesheet in the gasket area, there was no welding and the bond remained strong and intact. As a result of all of this the zirconium cladding layer became much like a very large Bellville Spring held back by the tubes. During operation, the differential thermal expansion of the shell and the tubes further increased the tensile stresses on the tubes and the tube welds. degradation of the explosion clad interface and in cracked, hard, and very poor quality zirconium welds, Figure 8. The continuous intermetallic shown in the lower right frame of this figure further indicates that heat of the additional cover passes significantly reduced the strength and toughness of the explosion weld over the full width of the web between the tubes. Residual Stresses Significant residual stresses were developed during fabrication and service as the result of differential thermal expansion. The coefficients of thermal expansion of zirconium and stainless steel differ by a ratio of 1:3 (3.2 x 10(-6) in/in/°F for zirconium, vs. 9.6 x 10 (-6) in/in/°F) for stainless steel (5.8 and 17.3 mm/mm/°C respectively). Following the explosion cladding event, it is common practice to stress relieve the clad plate at 600°C (1100°F) to improve bond ductility and toughness. Figure 9b. Schematic showing location of deep J- groove weld preparation. Figure 9c. Schematic showing penetration of zirconium weld into stainless steel base metal. Failure Hypothesis Over time, the cracks in the tubeto-tubesheet welds gradually grew under the thermally induced stresses. After 10+ years of operation these cracks grew into C O R R O S I O N S O L U T I O N S ® C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 0 9 — P R O C E E D I N G S 29409-CSC09 Pro_INT_100427 4/28/10 4:25 PM Page 23 PAPER 1A — STUDY OF TWO METAL HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURES: DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ENVIRONMENT FACTORS leak paths and the more stressed tubes began to leak. During tube plugging, any remaining residual strength that the tube weld had was further destroyed. As the number of plugged tubes increased in the bottom part of the unit, the stresses on the adjacent tubes and tube welds naturally increased. During the plugging of the 10th hole on May 30, stresses finally reached the point that the tubesheet face unzipped dramatically and the highly stressed zirconium face released itself in an explosive-like fashion. In this instantaneous event, a large area of zirconium fracture surface was exposed, releasing more energy and likely some visible light. Cause and Corrective Action The primary causes of this failure were design and fabrication aspects which were not aligned with generally accepted good practice. Several changes could have prevented the failure and are extensively used to produce successfully performing similar units worldwide: • Simply increasing the cladding metal thickness from 0.188" (4.8 mm) to 0.375" (9.5 mm) would have eliminated most of the problems. Interestingly, the replacement unit ordered following the 1996 HF problem (Freon release) and produced by the same fabricator was constructed with 0.375" (9.5 mm) zirconium cladding. In a close review of zirconium clad tubesheets supplied by EFI / DMC over the past 20 years, the four tubesheets for the two Terra Port Neal units were the only ones that were not C O R R O S I O N unmentored fabricators. Today, there are many ways to gain experience other than by trial and error. The primary reason for the authors to document these two unpleasant events in significant detail is to help others avoid similar pitfalls in the future. It is very important to note that although we have addressed two failures, there are thousands of titanium exchangers and hundreds of zirconium exchangers that are performing reliably and many that have performed far in expectation of that of their owners. a 0.375" (9.5 mm) or heavier nominal thickness. • The 0.188" (4.8 mm) cladding layer would have been adequate if the surface had not been machined flat and the j-groove weld preps had not been made. There is very extensive use of 0.188" (4.8 mm) thick titanium cladding in power plant condenser construction. If the clad faces are not machined flat, welds are made very successfully. In fact, there is probably more total clad tubesheet area used in this single application than in all other titanium and zirconium heat exchanger applications combined. • The tensile stresses on the tubes and the tubesheet welds would have been significantly reduced if an adequately designed expansion joint had been used in the stainless steel heat exchanger shell. REFERENCES 1. 2. Retrospection As noted above, the 1996 replacement unit was manufactured by the same company as the failed unit and the proposed corrective actions were taken at that time. Subsequently this fabricator has reliably supplied both titanium and zirconium tubed exchangers using clad tubesheets. The 1994 Terra units were a learning event. Regretfully Terra eventually paid a significant price for this experience. 3. 4. 5. CONCLUSION It is the authors’ observation that most “problem” reactive metal vessels and heat exchangers are the work of inexperienced and S O L U T I O N S ® C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 0 9 — Issue Brief, Ref #:HSSE/HSE/IB/2006-2, “Catastrophic Failure of Shell and Tube Production Cooler,” UKOOA Oil and Gas of Britian, p 145, May 2006. J. Banker and E. Reineke, “Explosion Welding,” ASM Handbook, Vol 6, Welding Brazing and Soldering, pp 303-305, ASM International, 1993. C. McKenney and J. Banker, “Explosion-Bonded Metals for Marine Structural Applications,” Marine Technology, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, pp 285-292, July 1971. J.G. Banker and J. Visser, “Reliable Welding of Aluminum to Steel,” The Naval Architect, pp 19–20, July / August 2005. A. Nobili, J. Banker, and C. Prothe, “Continuing Innovation in Zirconium Explosion Clad Manufacturing,” Corrosion Solutions Conference Proceedings, ATI Wah Chang, September 2001. P R O C E E D I N G S 23