Methodist Leader - Manchester eScholar


Methodist Leader - Manchester eScholar
Methodist Leader
hf vYeekty journal of the Primitive Methodist Church.
No. 3318, Old Series,
No. tan, New Swig.
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ICY did the Preacher say that ?
He was not talking for the
sake of talking. lie was not without experience of men and things;
in fact, he had had more experience
of both than is commonly granted
to the sons of men. He had sipped
from every cup, pondered over life
in its every aspect, and at the end of
it all, his considered judgment is
that nothing is worth while
matters little what one does; it
matters less what one thinks—good,
bad, neither, the result is exactly the
same, and that result is—Nothing.
He tried work, and asked himself
what does a man gain from all his
toil under the sun? Generations
come and go, the earth was there
before they came; it will be there
when they are gone. The sun rises
and sets, the wind blows this way
and that way, the rivers flow into a
sea they never fill.. So the interminable process goes on—on and on. till
everything is weary beyond words.
Wisdom and knowledge are equally
as futile as folly and ignorance,
unless, perchance, these last are
better. there is less anxiety and
heartache Work or pleasure, wisdemi or wealth. what does it matter?
Death comes to all; the long toil is
over, and no one knows what
happens afterwards.
The preacher was not wholly
wrong; nobody ever is, just as
probably no one is ever wholly right.
It is one ol the mysteries of humankind that the Good God permits
Truth and Error to be so interwoven.
The preacher was right as far as he
went but lie did not go far enough.
He looked not at all life, but only at
a part He took cognisance only of
things. and everything is more than
just a thing. It is one of the ironies
of life that the preacher who prided
himself that he had looked at all life
with botf eyes, had really been looking with one eye only, and as a result
had seen but half
It is the usual
mistake of the " man of the world."
* • • •
Perhaps in his gardens the preacher
saw sometimes a flower, a rose of
Sharon or a lily of the valley The
plant grows. buds, blossoms — a
beautiful flower. Time passes, and
no long time either. The colour has
faded to a dirty brown, the perfume
has turned to rottenness, the petals
are hard and brittle. All falls away.
back to the dust. And next year the
plant grows, buds, blossoms —
beautiful flower The preacher said.
"What is the good ? It came and
passed, and now another has come.
It, too, will die, and so it goes on
year after year. All is vanity." But
there was something in that little
flower the preacher never saw. He
noticed the colour, lie found the perfume, he toadied the petals, but he
missed Beauty there.
Perhaps he
experienced something of that, but
if he did, he put it down as a passing
sensation. He did not realise that in
the flower there was something winch
was not vanity. That flower, so soon
to fade and die, had held for a while
in its lovely embrace something of
Beauty, something of God.
preacher saw only the clothes that
wear away and die. He did not know
that behind all things, in all things,
there is a background, a core, which
always is. It was because he never
found this reality in things, but sate
only what is here to-day and gone
to-morrow, that all was vanity. He
was right; all that he found was
vanity. He never found the real; he
never found God.
• • • •
"Things arc not what they seem."
That is what the preacher said; and
we agree. But where we differ is
that lie meant "things are less than
they seem," and we mean "things
arc more than they 'seem." Man is
more than dust, for even the earthdust our bodies are made of is more
than dust.
It would not even be
dust, it God were not there in a way
we do not understand, holding that
together and making it what it is.
God is there, behind it all, in it all.
In essence the whole universe is
spiritual, and must be " spiritually
discerned "; for only Spirit is real,
rid things exist only in so far, and
only for so long, as they partake of
Him, His Truth, His Beauty, Ilis
* * • • •
All this means, among other
things, that our labour which lye do
under the sun can all of it be work
for God. All wisdom and knowledge can be that which makes us
wise unto salvation, and leads its to
know Him whom to know is Life
Eternal. if we build a house, any
sort of !louse, it can be our House
of God. If we make a garden. it Can
be our Garden of Eden, where in the
cool of the day God can come to
walk and talk with us. All we call
ours can be changed into the only
real treasure there is, "treasure in
heaven," and all the joys of earth
can become the real happiness of the
angels of God. We die and leave
behind us what little or much Ws
have gathered, but if we have found
God in all the things and relationships of earth, the God who is there
all the time, then we shall but see
more clearly the treasure that is truly
ours for ever shining bright in the
Golden City of God. I vvonder why the
preacher missed all that ? There is
an old saying that "there are none
so blind as those who won't see,"
but. like many old sayings, it is not
true. There are some other people
who are just as blind ; they are the
people who never think of looking.
The reason was that he never looked.
God is here, there, everywhere.
Perhaps you can see Him if you look.
Only perhaps, for whatever you want
to see outside, you must first have
it inside. You cannot see the behuty
outside in the sunset unless you have
beauty in your heart. You cannot
hear the "Kreutzer Sonata" unless
you have music in your soul. You
Cannot see generosity and selflessness
in another unless you have them in
yourself. The reason why you meet
ao ninny funny people is because you
are funny, and the man who sees
always guile and self-seeking and
ill-nature in other men, needs first
to spring-clean his own heart.
" Blessed are the pure in heart, for
they shall see God." That is not a
promise, but a plain statement of
fact. The pure in heart are bound to
see God; not even God Himself can
stop them seeing Him, for He has
made the world so that like within
sees like without. The pure in heart
will see God outside because they
already have God inside. That is the
one thing every one of us needs.
Pray, pray, and keep on praying,
until there comes upon you a peace
passing your understanding, a joy
you cannot express. That is God in
your heart: and when that has happened within you. you will find God
without, everywhere. Everything
yon touch will be of Him; everything
you do will he for Him: everywhere
you go will he with Him. That is
Heaven. There is nothing else.
and Down in Methodism.
Memories of a Missionary
More than seventy years ago a youth how mucfi their boxes contained. As a
attended Divine Service in a Methodist result, the annual missionary revenue of
Chapel in Dukinfield, and sat entranced the then comparatively new circuit rose
as the preacher advocated fervently the to nearly 280." In those days our misevangelisation of the heathen.
The sions were colonial. After marriage,
preacher's text was Isaiah vi., 8, London (Coopers-gardens) claimed his
" Whom shall I send and who will go energies, and there are extant some notes
for us? " and the hearer answered in of a paper on " Missions to the
spirit, " Here am I, send me." Perhaps Heathen," read at a Convention in Easttwo years afterwards the young local street Chapel, Walworth — that historic
preacher was asked by the Dukinfield chapel.
Circuit to enter the ministry, and he
In the Christian Messenger for Decemobeyed the tall. Accepted candidates did ber, 1868, there is to be found a short
not find their way to Manchester in those article, headed, " Africa and Primitive
days. They did not even find their way Methodist Missions : To our Sundayto Sunderland.
A single ticket for school Teachers." It is a slight article,
Reeding," he asked the booking clerk. rather less than a page and a half in
" Redding I " said the clerk, emphatic- length, but full of fervour, and also conally, and so the young man knew the cerned practically enough with ways and
correct name of the Reading Circuit to means. He writes of " What can be
which he had been stationed.
done if we Methodists work methodically.
He was at Reading from 1862 to 1864. Take our schools for example. On the
We may presume that he had not kept home stations we have 41,281 teachers,
to himself his enthusiasm for foreign under whose charge are placed 232,467
missions, for a little gift-book bears this scholars. What a mighty power is
" R. W. Burnett. A pre- here 1 Shall it not be used in an noble
sent from his kind friend and scholar, a cause? Suppose each teacher laid the
G.. Taylor, Dukinfield, Cheshire, May African Mission before his class and
25th, 1862." The book was a bound kindly requested each scholar to bring
volume of The Baptist Reporter for 1842. twopence during the month of December,
It contained much about Jamaica and and then the teacher himself added
William Knibb, the emancipationist, and another twopence to the amount thus obmuch about the " New Mission " to tained, we should thereby gain the very
Fernando Poo, West Africa, where the noble SUM of £2,281. Two thousand two
missionaries, Clarke and Prince, had hundred and eighty-one pounds! Who
been prospecting. Strange, that of all says it cannot be door? "
JUBILEE. missionary
books, this should come into
After " pointers " such as these, the
the hands of this young minister.
Memorial Unveiled.
inevitable happened. The Conference of
Reading circuit was followed by PeterThere has been great rejoicing and borough, and of the two years spent here 1868 had declared in favour of a mission
Africa. Before the end of 1869 Richard
thankfulness at the attainment of the his super., Jesse Ashworth, wrote in
diamond jubilee of this Hampshire village 1896: " Although thirty years have William Burnett had been asked to go
On January 17th the special elapsed, he is mill well known as the to Natal, and had consented. Then came
written appeal from Fernando Poo,
speaker for the day was the Rev. C. E. missionary preacher throughout this
supported by Capt. Robinson. Through
Barker, of Southsea.
His discourses locality.
His sermons were frequently
were listened to with rapt attention, and calculated to inspire missionary zeal; he the newspaper, and subsequently from
were much appreciated. On Wednesday, seldom, if ever, passed a missionary box the Missionary Secretary, Dr. Samuel
the 20th, an excellent public tea was pro- in a friend's house without giving it a Antliff, he heard of the change of place.
vided by the Guild. During the meeting shake to see how it was getting on, and It was a critical moment, but he did not
which followed, the memory of the late saying an encouraging word to the col- refuse. There seems to have been a sugMr. and Mrs. Bridger, who were greatly lector. In those days boxes were opened gestion that Carpenter Hands should be
loved and respected, was specially by lock and key. Mr. Burnett always his colleague. To this he demurred, and
honoured. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bridger carried the needful keys with him to asked for a married colleague in the
loyally supported all the activities of the open any box that was getting too full, ministry.
So it came about that in January,
church for many }ears.
A memorial afterwards decorating it with a new label.
tablet, given by their children, was un- He aim promoted quarterly openings of 1870, the party of five left fon Fernando
veiled by Mr. G. Standing, of Havant, boxes in the principal places in the cir- Poo in the s.s. Mandingo, of which party
a very old friend of the family. Their cuit. It would have been a sight worth the writer (then a little child of but sixfavourite hymns were sung during the photographing for the ' Records,' to teen months old) is the sole survivor. In
a lifetime, " What bath God wrought "I
Mr. W. Harding, of Ports- have seen him with a dozen children and
mouth, presided, and gave interesting young people crowded round hint to see
R. W. Bust/urn.
reminiscences of the church from his boyhood to the present day. The key. J.
H. Bedford (superintendent), in a stirring address, exhorted his hearers to
sadale the past, to stand at attention to
the present, and to go forward quick
march into the future. He conveyed the
circuit's congratulations to the church.
Mr. Brotherhood (circuit steward) gave
a memorable and impressive address on
" The Hands of Jesus." Pastor Radnor
expressed thanks to all who had contributed to the success of the diamond
jubilee. Miss Powell, of Worthing, and
Mrs. Woodharn were soloists.
The Derbyshire County Union ExecuLive of the British Women's Total
Abstinence Union met at the Watchorn
Memorial Church, Adfreton, on January
Business occupied the morning
session. Lunch was provided by ladies
of the local branch. The afternoon business was mainly concerned with the
Total Abstinence centenary celebrations.
This was followed by a rally of branches
in the district, at which Coun. Miss East,wood, J.P. (county president) presided.
Mrs. Burnham, local branch president,
welcomed the delegates, the Rev. G. H.
'Boggis, president of the Derby Temperonce Society, gave an address, and Mrs.
.Boggis rendered two delightful solos.
Tea was served later. Mrs. Eastwood
voiced the delegates' thanks to the Menton friends and the Watchorn Memorial
trustees. Many of the delegates availed
themselves of the opportunity of viewing
the splendid premise.
To the eye-witness whose record is
contained in the fourth Gospel, much
that had happened at the' Last Supper
was as yet unwritten, and he supplies a
valuable .supplementary account. He is
scrupulous and, exact in details, and provides the crowning example of Love's
humility in a tender and gentle act of
service. Suggested to the mind of Jesus
by the experiences told to us by Luke
(and John 12: 1-7), chapter 7:9650,
He Who had no money wherewith to buy
costly ointments perfected in His own
inimitable fashion the choice symbolism
of Love's deepest language.
nations may be unable to appreciate to
the full an allegory and a self-abandonment wholly Eastern in its flavour, but
none can remain blind to the meaning
and teaching so trenchantly portrayed.
The Christian world is amazed before m
great a selfless, yearning love, and follows, afar off.
Verses 140. The evening before the
feast-day of the Jewish Passover God's
hour. was come that. Jesus should die,
and the love which united Him with His
disciples was continuously displayed to
the very end.
(Verse 2 is misplaced.)
For He knew as a Son that His destiny
was in His own hands — He chose to
come forth from God, and now to return
unto God. At the end of the meal He
stood up and laid aside His garments,
and took a towel and girded Himself.
He poured water into a bowl and began
to wash the feet of His disciples, and to
wipe them with the towel wherewith He
was girded.
Peter did not wish the
Master to do so menial a service, but
Jesus said, " Do you not desire a share
in My Kingdom? " (Omit vv. 6-7 and
9-11.) When He had ended He took
again His garments and sat down.
Jesus is our Master and our Leader;
in humility He declared His love, in
order that we may humbly declare our
love to one another—in imitation of Him.
We ought not to find this humility difficult, for we are only the servants of
Jesus, as Jesus is the servant of God—
and our Master is greater than we are.
4, 1932.
If we recognise that this is so, then we
should arcept all its implications fully.
(V. 20 precedes vv. 18-19.1 Thom who
listen and follow the teaching of the
disciples are following Jesus; indeed,
they are following God. But this does
not apply to one among the disciples,
although Jesus knew what he was like—
he was chosen to fulfil the word of prophecy (see Psalm 41:9). On that evening Jesus grew distressed and troubled,
and told those around Him, " One here
shall give Me to Mine enemies."
They looked from one to another,
wondering of whom He was speaking.
Peter signed to a beloved disciple leaning on the shoulder of Jesus, that he
should ask whom was meant. So this
one said, " Who is it, Master?
told him privately that it was the one
to whom He would presently give a
morsel of bread.
And He dipped a
morsel of bread in the wine and gave it
to Judas Iscariot, Simon's son (adding
v. 2). Satan had put it into his heart to
give Jesus into the hands of His enemies
after this rite was over. Then Jesus said
to him, " What thou hest to do, do
quickly." None of the disciples around
the table knew what Jesus really meant,
for some thought he was being told to
buy what was needed for the festival (he
carried the purse), and the others thought
that he was being told to dispense certain charities to the poor. He went out
immediately—into the night.
Many and varied are the colours and
hues, giving to us a personal preferential
pleasure—these little Flowers of St. John.
We select unconsciously our own bloom
from the bouquet, to carry near to our
heart. Here is an historical reminiscence
of Jesus; there a thought due to subsequent meditation; and M another
place an echo of the veritable soulhunger and love of the Master—and in
it all the unsurpassable value and
strangely- moving quality of this, the
" spiritual " Gospel.
The Circuits Alert.
In various parts of Leeds the ministers
and stewards of the three denominations
are meeting for social intercourse, investigation and suggestion, in anticipation of Methodist Union. Though little
progress can as yet be reported in the
Headingley and Burley neighbourhood,
our ministers, the Revs. F. H. Shimmin,
F. S. Bullough and N. Brough, are holding themselves ready to co-operate in any
work that is undertaken, and the same
is true of the Rev. J. A. Sheen in the
,Harehills neighbourhood. The Revs. T.
R. Spray, G. A. Maland and J. W.
Cotton are interesting themselves in the
work of the Beestort and Hunslet group,
where the utmost good feeling prevails
and questions relating to possible circuit
boundaries are under consideration.
It is, however, in the Armlet' and
Wortley neighbourhood that most headHere there are
way has been made.
twenty-two Methodgt churches and ten
Under the guidance of the
energetic secretary, the Rev. A. Bilsborough, facts and figures have been .1lected and tabulated. Alternative schemes
have been considered by the committee.
Under one scheme the whole neighbourhood would be included in one circuit,
while under another it would be divided
into two, of about equal strength. The
Rev. A. Lowe and Mr. W. W. Turner
are our representatives on a sub-cornmittee to survey the locality in the light
of these two schemes. An interchange
of pulpits is proposed, and a sub-committee, upon which our Church will be
represented by Mr. A. Hainsworth, is to
make tentative arrangements for a fitting celebration of Union about the end
of September. Owing to the peculiar
geography of his circuit, the Rev. J.
Swinden serves on both this and the
Beeston and Hunslet Committee, his
knowledge of Methodist Union in its
broader aspects being a valuable asset.
Various questions are to be further explored, and owing to the cordial spirit
which prevails, it is confidently expected
that the findings will be of great service
when the time arrives for officially determining circuit boundaries and other
working arrangements under Union.
J. W. C.
4, 1932.
Conscience Money.
The One Thing Needful.
haps a dozen, rose and each turned
to the wall and broke out in song.
If the Churches of the world have
Perhaps they were painfully modest
real influence, effective work will be
in those days.
The leader by this
done at Geneva. Someone has said
habit partially hid his bow-windowed
that there are three Americas—the
front; possibly they were trying to
political, the financial, and the eccleget into the stride of Hezekiah, who
siastical. And it was added that the
also turned to the wall to say his
Church rules the other two. I hope prayers.
In any case I know one
that is so.
The Churches of the man who would turn out on the
American continent stand shoulder roughest winter night if he could be
to shoulder with all the other sure of finding one of those oldChurches of the world for Dis time class meetings. I shall watch
armament. This sweeping state- what the Editor serves up under this
ment may suffer some modification, heading this year, and lift my prayer
especially among the Churches of for any who will try to revive,
Germany. But apart from all other in any form, this honoured feature
pressure, that of the organised Body of Methodism.
of Christ ought to prevail. A Methodist, fitly, from his past service and
Down Suffolk Way.
proved ability, presides. Arthur
According to The Story of the
Henderson's power of negotiation
will do much for Geneva. History Suffolk Baptists, recently told by
the Rev. Ashley Klaiber, it was a
is to be made.
common practice more than a hundred years ago for candidates for
Henry Carter.
church membership to assemble at
Tribute is being paid to the Rev.
Freston at 9 a.m. on Sunday, on the
Henry Carter for the fine service he
banks of the river Orwell, relate
has given to the Royal Commission
their experience, and, whatever the
on the Liquor Traffic.
He ranks
weather, be immersed in baptism.
among Methodist Statesmen. For
The minutes of Stoke Green Church
long years he has specialised on
record that on several occasions in
Temperance. His expert knowledge
the months of December and
and leadership will be an asset to its
January, baptisms had to be postall in Methodist Union.
poned "owing to the amount of ice
in the river or on account of the
Methodists to the Fore.
severity of the weather." Since those
We are all honoured when Metho- sturdy days we have heard many
No previous say "Speak ye comfortably to Jerudists win distinction.
president of a Methodist Conference salem." Getting up and turning out
has been appointed a professor in a is not so easy as in the great days
university while filling the chair, as of old.
far as I know. The London University has given that distinction to the The Great Change.
Rev. Dr. Ryder Smith. President of
Until the repeal of the Test and
the Wesleyan Conference. Dr.
Waterhouse, also of Richmond Col- Corporation Acts in 1828, Nonconlege, becomes a professor in the formists were not allowed to enter
Theological School of the University public life. No rank in the Army
at the same time. The Richmond or Navy above that of a warrant
staff has long been recognised on the officer was open to a " Dissenter."
teaching staff of the University, but Work and chapel, trade and theonow these two Doctors of Divinity logy, were their only outlets. The
are appointed teachers. One by one Church was everything and the Kingthe universities of all lands are recog- dom of God nothing. If these
nising that " The Queen of the pioneers seemed narrow in their
Sciences " cannot logically lie left outlook, these restrictions are not
Not allowed any
out of their curriculum. This, after to be forgotten.
all, is only reversion to type. The outside activities, they were intense
ancient universities were founded by in church life.
Christian men and primarily for the
teaching of theology. And they
were so jealous of this that until
within living memory they reserved
divinity degrees for members of
what they regarded as "safe"
Churches. Modern universities were
founded by commercial and scholastic men, and it is only of late that
Divinity has been admitted as one
The majority of
of the faculties.
these universities have not yet made
this admission. But time will tell.
We are moving forward into light.
Those Class Meetings.
Our friend, the Rev. R. Newman
Wycherley, is, we hear, writing
in the Christian Messenger on one of
his old loves, the Methodist Class
Meeting. In the days of his youth,
not so very long ago, he wrote reams
on that subject. In those lively days
most of our churches had at least one
such meeting I recall one in particular, held in a vestry about ten
feet by ten. The leader, who seemed
to have been growing for fifty years,
alike in girth and grace, made a fair
show in the flesh, and carried much
weight among his members. He had
a way with him, like Father O'Flynn.
When he rose to announce the opening hymn, lie first of all turned his
face to the wall; then, without hymn
book, he announced some wellknown lines, and the members, per-
The Peril of Diffusiveness.
Professor A. B. Bruce, in one of
his great hooks, says that sometimes he despaired of the Church,
but he hoped all things of the Kingdom. The way in which Free
Churchmen and women have put
themselves into public affairs during
the last hundred years is one of the
finest chapters in our annals. They
are to the lore in everything best.
One of them is Vice-Chancellor of
the London University, Another
is Prime Minister. A third Chancellor of the Exchequer. One presides at the Geneva Conference. All
over the land, and in every organiThey
sation, they are in the van.
have carried the ideals and inspirations of the Church into the work
of the Kingdom. It is all to the
good. But another vital issue confronts us. A youth in one of our
congregations, grown up in the
church and Sunday-school, was
asked to take an office in the school.
He wrote declining, and went on to
say that he had decided not to undertake any work for the Church, but
to give any service he could to
Toc H. That illustrates a general
There is no room for
complaint, but there is plenty for
anxiety. When the spiritual forces
mediated by the Church are spent,
will they be replenished? From
what source? Who is to carry on
the Sunday-schools, churches and
affiliated institutions ?
Saving to Lose.
I can't get America out of my
mind—her enormous wealth and her
appalling poverty.
New York has
two hundred millionaires, and the
Mayor goes round with the hat to
collect, if possible, enough to pay
the municipal employees. The gold
of the world is safely lodged in her
central banks, and the people are
starving. 1 have carefully mentioned all this, and much more of
similar conflicting conditions, to my
wisest neighbour, to get his views.
With his usual impetuosity and aptness of Biblical quotation he began
to hold forth as if I were a congregation, and he had to expound the
Lay not up for yourselves
treasure on earth, where moth and
rust cloth corrupt, and where thieves
break through and steal." I sat back
with the Meekness of a listener in
church as lie developed firstly and
secondly, citing nations and men
who had lived to accumulate in the
vain belief that it would be well with
them. If l had not slipped in a gagging sentence lie would inevitably
have rounded off his impromptu
oration with the story of the man
dubbed " Thou fool." When I agreed
that we were in real danger of being
ruined by saving instead of spending, he soon cooled off, as every
man should, over he has carried his
No Satisfaction Whatever.
After the talk of last night I found
no comfort in the news of the morning that the committees of the London County Council had been going
round with the economy one and
had lopped off projected expenditure
to the tune of over one million, one
hundred and seventy-seven thousand
I am troubled about the
mentality which agrees to curtail
this work and to leave the workers
to be paid for doing nothing except
lose their sense of independence and
their respect for the efficiency of
those in control. Under the London
County Council are schools wickedly
out of date; slums that would discredit any non-Christian city in the
world; and yet, in the name of the
false god of economy, we must stand
by and watch the daily deterioration
of men, women, and little children.
Unfortunately, individuals are taking their cue from these leaders of
economy stunts. Savings are going
up by leaps and bounds. The banks
publish the facts. The newspapers,
morning by morning, tell of the
private fortunes left by the departed.
While money is, for the moment,
my theme. I read of currency notes
to the value of £2 los. reaching the
L.C.C. as "Conscience Money."
The sender explains that it is for
expenses wrongly charged, and he
Consigns himself "Repentant."
science is not ever a safe guide; like
other parts of our make-up, it needs
education, but here is a case where
some Christian education has been
Perhaps "Repentant" is
an old Sunday-school scholar, or
maybe once upon a time lie listened
to a preacher who put ethics into his
evangelism, and the funds of the
L.C.C. are fifty shillings to the good
in consequence. I don't know why
this incident has reminded me of an
acquaintance of mine. He is not in
a bad position, as they say in these
parts. It would take all the fingers
on one hand to count the pounds he
gets weekly. He has not fallen into
line with the envelope system of the
church to which he belongs. Methodism allows latitude. He is absent
from more Sunday services than is
good for his soul or for the church.
It is there when he needs it. Its
expenses go on from week to week.
He seems not to remember. Perhaps
one of these fine days conscience will
suggest the sending of more than
fifty shillings, with or without the
word " Repentant."
A Blackpool Story.
Writing of collections reminds me
of this story. It comes from LancaOur
shire's most popular resort.
Chapel-street Church, which one of
these days is to be replaced by a more
commodious sanctuary, is always
crowded to excess in the height of
the visiting season. One of its
ministers in the years gone used
plainness of speech when he announced the collection. "Don't any
of you," he said one Sunday morning, "give less than you spent on the
donkeys on the stands yesterday."
One of the "Owdham" mill hands,
coming out of the church, made some
remarks, in language I cannot reproduce, about the relative value of
donkeys on the sands and in the
pulpit. It was too expressive to put
into print.
The Council of Christian Ministers on
Social Questions has passed a resolution
expressing "deep thankfulness to God for
the example of Bishop Charles Gore,
whose name will ever be revered as one
of the pion, erg and founders of the Christian Social Movement," and the belief
that "the Church, and indeed the whole
community, have been enriched by the
prophetic gift which was manifested in
his speeches and writings, by his wealth
of learning, experience and reflection, and
by the 'influence of a life and character
wholly devoted to God and the cause of
His Kingdom."
(Chairmen WM. MALLINSON, Es, LP.)
5 per cent Interest on Share. E25 and upward. 4 per omit. Interest no Deposits.
Awls ter hal ousistders-
ea0000000,[email protected]
Despite the most that can be made of
dwindled church congregations and the
apparent indifference of so large a proportion of the population to organised
Christianity, I do not think that anyone
who is sensitive to the spirit of humanity
in this present age will deny that the
question I have put at the head of this
article is a real and sincere one for many
who belong to that proportion. And even
of those who remain within the shadow
of the Church, especially of the younger
generation, there are not a few who are
asking it in some bewilderment. The
old well-beaten approaches have, at least
apparently, been so broken up during the
last few decades, and the influx of new
knowledge and ideas has been so breathtaking, that while the soul prompts as
ever to the quest of that Reality whcih
we know as God, it knows not what to
trust as a sure path thither. This age is
very earnest, indeed, in its desire for
reality, but it is very cautious as to what
constitutes reality. The laboratory has
got in the way of the oratory, and so
much of what religious tradition points
to as spiritual reality seems to have been
explained away.
• • • •
Commencing with the idea of
faith, which he posits as dynamic, constructive and responsive to reality, he
goes boldly and characteristically to the
mystic vision and its effects in a unification of the interior into " an immensely
heightened organ of spiritual apprehension " in correspondence with its real
world. Then he comes to grips with the
modern problem in an interpretation of
God and the Universe. These. two must
be differentiated, and Dr. Jones argues
bar a universe in which there is " a vast
peripheral area " only partially and remotely functioning toward divine ends.
But there is a " central spiritual adventure," with God, of course, at the heart
of it, and our task is to find the kind of
God He is revealed to be. 'The end of
the clue is in ourselves, for self-consciousness means essentially transcendence in immanence. We must not be
afraid of anthropomorphism—religion is
no more anthropomorphic than science.
The universe also yields evidence A the
creation and expression of intrinsic
values, with moral goodness as its end.
• • • •
After this Dr. Jones interprets the
pathway of science, by way of Gen.
Anyone familiar with the new land- Smuts' " holism " and a creative evolution,
pointing to it " Great Guiding
scape of thought and its fogs and uncertainties who can plant signposts to new Spirit "; and the avenue of history, with
approaches and " make God real " to its testimony to the emergence of ethical
the modern bewildered is rendering a and spiritual ideals for which mere
very timely service, and " his work " drive of instincts " is inadequate to
immediately takes its place among the account; ideals which are essentially
most constructive contributions that are creative. Jesus's experience of Gocl and
made to the assets of the race. To in- His revelation of love are of vital signilifuse persons with faith in God, to arouse canceand His whole influence in histhe conviction that the Heart of the tory. Dr. Jones urges that it is " time
universe is friendly, to help a generation the exclamation point displaced the overto get its feet firmly on the highroad to worked question mark " with respect to
confidence in spiritual energies to live by, Him. Perhaps the pivotal chapter, ceris in itself as practical a service as in- tainly it very useful one, is that in which
creasing the corn crop, or as fighting the function of the " inner interpreter "
malaria mosquitoes, or as turning slums is elucidated. This—in effect the accuAnd this practical mulated personality—transmutes external
into fine houses."
service Dr. Rufus H. Jones would fain facts into a new, spiritual order of reality,
render in his Pathways to the Reality of " independent of molecular processes,"
net). from the and, whether with respect to knowledge,
introduction to which those last sentences :esthetic appreciation or rdigion, there is
the same consciousness of objective
are taken.
reality. In another luminous chapter Dr.
Jones essays the inductive method with
Dr. Jones has very carefully studied the doctrine of the Spirit, citing testihis approaches, and the tracing of his monies to man's conviction that he is
pathways is a very fascinating experi- " more than himself "; and presents the
conception of it world of spiritual reality
interpenetrating that of sense, quoting
Tennyson, Emile Boutrous and Augustine. We must get away from imagery
that " spatialises " God. Then " an unfolding progress " is traced in philosophy,
through Plato, Plotinus, Aristotle, Kant
and Hegel, and the closing chapter is on
" The Way of Prayer "—but this is
rather a disappointing and sketchy
climax. It is, I note, reprinted from it
previous book.
It is it helpful and suggestive book,
and will repay study. My chief regret
is for the price, probably due to the depredated pound, since the sheets are
printed in America.
Probably we have more " sons of
Amos," proportionately, than any previous age. But we sorely need many
more in every walk of life. The Story
of the Suffolk Baptists, told by the Rev.
Ashley J. Klaiber (Kingsgate Press, 5s.
net), in it well got-up and illustrated
volume of over two hundred pages, recalls men of this sturdy stock. " They
were of the order of Amos—taken from
following the flock and plough to prophesy to an 18th century Israel suffering
from it famine A the Word of God."
Times were bad, in many ways worse
than any since. The few who had the
light, or pretended that they had, were
blind leaders of the blind.
parsons left sheep anted. Curates were
drinking in common ale-houses, and
vicars were hunting, or worse.
Methniist Revival was not yet—the
Wesley's were in the making at Epworth
and Oxford. B. because God dues not
leave Himself without witness, certain
stalwart laymen arose and went through
the Suffolk villages to preach the Word.
This book exhibits the bravery of their
exploits. Here is sturdy Nonconformity
in action, with it fine Cromwellian
These men did and dared, and took
the consequences like men.
The law
forbade their preaching. and even their
free public worship.
Tory clergymen,
with almost one consent, took steps to
set it in action. But the sons of Amos
never faltered. They stood for liberty
and social justice at all costs.
Anglia for generations past has shown
the splendid results. If the intensity to
which these eighteenth century Baptists
were driven sometimes became narrow
and harsh in the discipline of the
churches they founded, their abounding
zeal partially atoned. They could allow
no latitude of belief or life that endan-
Ex•Roman Priest. In Methodist College.
Two very remarkable young Itallans
are now in residence at Handsworth
Wesleyan College, says a writer of
" Methodist Notes " in The Highway.
Both of them have offered themselves as
candidates for the Wesleyan ministry,
and both were, until a few months ago,
in Holy Orders in the Roman Catholic
Church in Rome itself. One of them,
Dr. C. D. Cosimi, was \'ice-Principal of
the S. Serafico College in Rome. He
was a Franciscan friar A the Frati
Minori Conventuali and Professor of
Biblical Greek and other subjects in the
college; he is also a poet of considerable
merit and a Doctor A Theology. The
other, Dr. F. Cavaccioli, was employed
in one of the congregations, and is also
it Doctor of Theology. Both these men
have left the Roman Church since June,
1931, for reasons of conscience.
Rover Scouts and Down•and.Outs.
The Scouts and Rovers of Beckenham,
Kent, have been taking it practical interest in London's homoless and destitute, and for some time have provided
concerts for those who seek shelter
nightly in the crypt of St. Martin-in-theFields. Through the generosity of some
friends, a house has been provided at
Charing Cross, where meals can be supplied at the bare oust of the food. in return for tickets of recognised societies.
A house-warming was held there re-
cently, and during the week-end the
Rovers brought 150 destitute men in
three relays and fed them with- sandwiches, cake and tea or coffee, giving
them a concert afterwards.
each man on leaving was given it ticket
for breakfast the next day. The breakfast consisted of two sausages, bacon and
egg, bread and butter, with tea or coffee.
Finally, each was sent away with it
packet of tobacco or cigarettes and it
packet containing lunch.
Joan and Betty Develop.
The B.B.C. announces that with the
start of a fresh series of Joan and Betty
Bible stories from the Western Region,
on February- 14th. a new plan will be
adopted in order to establish a definite
connection between the various stories.
A committee of Sunday-school experts of
all sects is collaborating with Mr. E. R.
Appleton, the West Regional director, in
arranging a series of talks to be given
on intervening Sundays, explaining and
amplifying the dramatic stories. These
talks will be given by acknowledged experts. Dr. Basil Yemdee, principal A
Westhill Training College, gave the preliminary broadcast on Sunday last.
Under the new plan the Bible will be
divided into five portions, and until next
July the subject of the stories and talks
will be Genesis, one of the most popular
books of the Bible with children.
order that the fullest advantage may be
obtained from the series, Mr. Appleton
is preparing illustrated booklets under
the title, " The Greatest Adventure."
Book I., The Start (Sometimes Called
Genesis), is published by Messrs. Nisbet,
and is obtainable at all B.B.C. offices
and booksellers, price sixpence.
Bible Work In the Congo.
The Rev. W. J. Platt, the British and
Foreign Bible Sodety's secretary for
West Africa and East Central Africa,
has gone on it five months' tour
through the Congo district.
Arriving at Matadi, he will go on to Leopold.
ville, where he will stay some weeks,
proceeding later to Brazzaville, the
French capital, and then to Angola, in
the Portuguese territory. Mr. Platt proposes to make a survey of the Bible
Society's work in the Congo area in
order to stimulate the sales of Scriptures
and to organise committees in the interests of the society's work. He will
also obtain information concerning new
languages for translations of the Scriptures, which will be produced on missionary terms for churches and missions.
The Bible Society's policy is to second
the agency of the Christian Church in
every possible way. Asa result of Mr.
Platt's visit last year to the East African
colonies, colportage is now being undertaken in several places, including Kenya.
A reTanganyika and Madagascar.
newed interest is being evidenced in
gered loyalty. Mr. Klaiber has rendered
it distinct service in recording this story,
H. J. T.
Mr. T. C. Bridges has found material
of abundant interest and vivid colour and
incident for his book, The Romance of
Buried Treasure (Nisbet, Bs. ed. net).
Mysterious treasure hoards have served
the writer of adventure fiction so often
that we are apt to regard them as belonging purely to the realm of imagination. Here, however, are stories of
eighteen actual and known instances of
lost or hoarded treasure (one serving for
two separate quests) and of attempts to
recover them. These boards have various
origins; some are caches of the ill-gotten
gains of pirates; some are the sea-secrets
of wrecked ships--Armada galleons and
bullion-carrying steamships torpedoed or
mined in the Great War; there is the
historic lake-deposit of the South American caciques, known as ■El Dorado, and
it Jesuit hoard A old Spanish days in
Bolivia, and the treasure of Christophe,
the " Black Napoleon " of Haiti, and
many another.
But the chief interest of these narratives is in their description of the attempts
of men at various times, lured by the
possibility of gaining great wealth, to
salve these treasure-hoards. And the remarkable thing is that there are only two
instances of successful recovery in all the
series, and one of these is of salvage from
it wrecked vessel, undertaken as a matter
of duty with splendid persistence. It is
as though an unwritten moral ran
through this book—that cupidity is
doomed to disappointment; and it would
even lend colour to belief that it curse
lies upon riches evilly amassed. In some
cases fortunes have been spent in the
vain endeavour to recover the lost gold
from the earth or from the sea-bed. Yet
apparently the lure of some of these historic treasure-secrets has not lost its
power. There is no question about this
being a book of absorbing interest, and
the stories are admirably told.
The Prayer of Sonship. By Rev. B.
F. Simpson. •(Longrnans, Green and
Co., 2s. 6d.)
Christian Faith in Modern Light. By
R. J. Campbell, D.D. (Ernest Benn, es.)
Some Religious Cults and Movements
of To-day, by H. Crabtree; The Friendly
Church, by A. H. Lewis; The Bible
To-day, by H. McLachlan;
Fundamentals of Modern Religion, by R. F.
Rattray. (Lindsey Press, 1s. each.)
Uganda, where the cathedral has been
loaned by the Bishop of Uganda for it
Bible Society meeting to be held on
March 20th, when Stainer's " Crud.'
fixion " is being given by a European
choir on behalf of the Bible Society.
Chronology of Work For the Blind.
A Chronological Survey of Work for
the Blind, written by Mr. H. J. Wagg
and published at 5s. by the National Institute for the Blind, reveals that the
blind owe more to the efforts of the pot
few generations than to those of all preceding ages. Less than ten pages suffice
fur the period from the fourth century,
when St. Basil opened his hospital for
the blind in Cappadocia, to the end of
the 18th, when it School for the Indigent
Blind (now the Royal School at Leatherhead) was founded at Southwark. But
167 pages are required for the achievements of the years 1800 to 1930, and of
these, 135 deal with the period subsequent to the founding of the National
Institute in 1868, while the doings of the
years 1900-1930 fill D5 pages—rnore than
half the book. France, Germany and
Flanders, Mr. Wagg finds, were all
ahead of England in their efforts to
ameliorate the lot of the sightless. It
. that the first asylum
was not till 13..
for the blind, William
" spital "
near London Wall, was opened in this
country. The alumst invariable aim of
welfare work even it few decades ago
was to " support " the blind by monetary gifts. To-day the main object is to
help the blind to support themselves.
4, 1932.
Declaration from Geneva.
The great Disarmament Demonstration
In the Albert Hall, London, on Tuesday
night was a magnificent and inspiring
success. When the Archbishop of Canterbury and his distinguished supporters look
their places, the vast building was well
filled with a wonderful throng of 10,090
The Primate said he was proud to preside at this most impressive gathering of
Christian citizens. Our almost passionate
• hopes and prayers moved out towards
Geneva. We had to recognise the great
and formidable difficulties which the Conference had to disentangle.
We must
expect the road to be a long one, but we
demanded that the Conference must not
part until it shall have taken a dear and
definite step towards general Disarmament. Our good national record was no
excuse for hanging back; rather a reason
for pressing forward. The barbarities of
the bombing aeroplane and the submarine
Let the
at least should be eliminated.
whole of Christendom unite during these
months in instant prayer.
The Archbishop then asked the audience to stand for two minutes in silent
prayer. It was a truly impressive interlude.
The Archbishop of York said we repudiated to-day the conception of the
national state as the ultimate object of
loyalty. But if we as citizens owned an
allegiance to something higher, we must
on control the State as to secure that it
serves that higher Power. We have had
historic documents for the securing of
peace, but the world needed the witness
of action. One of our first necessities was
to understand and sympathise with
France. Events in the Far East proved
the sheer necessity of making the Conference a success. We must also insist
on the authority of the League of Nations.
And we must be prepared for sacrifice and
for suffering, even the suffering of war
itself, in order to restrain the evil-doer.
We cannot doubt what is the will of
Christ. As He, by His incarnation, consecrated the material no less than the
spiritual elements of our nature, SO now
He calls us to consecrate the weapons of
force that they may be everywhere known
to be the servants of justice, and of
brotherly love for which justice supplies
the opportunity.
The Rev. W. Charter Piggott, Chairman of the Congregational Union, said
there could not be war between any countries which did not involve in some way
those who shared a common faith with
on in Him who is called the Prin. of
Peace. He acclaimed the significance of
M. Briand's phrase " The Outlawry of
War " as indicating law taking control.
There was, he said, among the nations,
a stronger body of anti-war conviction
than ever in history. And every nation
had better things in it than its revealed
surface suggested. Our-own newspapers
did not reveal England. In every country
in Europe there was a wealth of kindly,
lovable, friendly folk--all the material for
friendship, which was one of the real
hopes of peace. There was religious faith
represented in this gathering, the faith
that it was not the will of God, when our
minds were earnest for the security of
peace, that we should fail. Let the heart
of the people .II to the heart of the
people, giving and wakening faith. We
want security, and the beginning of it is
mutual faith.
The Rev. Leslie D. Weatherhead,
M.A., said he counted it a great privilege to speak particularly as representing
the youth of the Free Churches.
speedily won the attention of the great
audience by commencing with a picturesque description of the number of
nations which served him during the
operations of bath and breakfast. God
had made life on the family basis, and
moment's thought showed that on the
individual basis life would be impossible. taneous and reciprocal diminution of
It was equally true that a nation could armaments." and also, later, the cannot live on an individual basis. But the cellation of war debts and indemnities.
very extent of communications between For this he was laughed at, but his sernations meant that we needed a deeper vice for peace might yet be realised.
ethic. We were at present like neigh- Pursuing his theme, Father Jartett spoke
bours shaking hands over the garden on a very high level. A meeting such as
wall, with the other hand fingering a this, he said, was in the nature of a conbomb in the pocket If people talked of fession. We Christians were responsible
the risks of Disarmament, no less an for the present state of the world. There
authority than Earl Grey had said that was something required more radical
it was the growth of armaments that had than Disarmament. There were those—
made war inevitable. It was better worth even Christians—who took it for granted
while taking a risk for the vision which that man could not restrain himself.
Christ had given us. The Christian wit- Armaments were a symptom, not the
ness of England was spoilt by two things, disease. We talked about " capturing "
selfishness and fear, no that the way of the markets of the world. That was as
Jesus was regarded as impractical. If dreadful as war.
The Master went
He was right, His way would turn out straight to the heart of man. It is there
to be the only way.
There was a and not at Genpva that the question
patriotism which was not enough, which would be settled. Only as the Kingdom
was merely a cloak for selfishness. We of God came within would peace reign.
had to learn to love our international The tall was for on to become His peaceneighbours.
Mr. Weatherhead told a makers. It was a great religious uttermoving story of meeting recently in ance, and made a palpable and deep
Germany a Christian pastor, and finding impressi..
that they had been opposed to one another
The last speaker was the Bishop of
as combatant officers during the we:. Llandaff, who said the nations could
Had they met then they would have done neither be frightened nor taxed into Di.
their best to kill one another, yet they
armament. And the nations would not
both served Christ.
He believed the drift into fellowship. The forces which
Christian youth of this land was solid
make for peace must prevail in the long
for Disarmament. He called youth to run.
The rank and file were all for
serve under the banner of the Cross,
peace. The Spirit of God was at work,
which might mean suffering and sacri- and it was ours to fall in line.
fice. The potentiality of Christianity in
At the conclusion of his speech, the
Christian countries was not high enough.
The hope of the world was that the youth Bishop led the vast audience in the Lord's
of the world would stand by the Prince Prayer, after which the Primate asked
of Peace.
for another silence of two minutes to
The Rev. Father Bede Jarrett, Pro- hear the voice of God. The National
vincial of the Dominican Order in Eng- Anthem concluded the meeting, but the
land, referred to the efforts for peace of Archbishop added another word of thanks
Pope Benedict XV. in 1917, who urged and congratulations to the organisers.
" a just agreement of all for the simul-
On the eve of the Disarmament Conference the Disarmament Committee of
the Christian International Organisations
established in Geneva issues the following declaration :—
The World Conference for the Limits.
floe and Reduction of Armaments,
towards which to many hopes and efforts
have been directed, is about to begin its
work. It meets, however, in an atmosphere of widespread uncertainty and
pessimism. The representatives of many
Governments have recently expressed
their unwillingness to consider any
important reduction in the armaments of
their respective nations, unless other
nations take the initiative. Conflicting
views as to the best way to achieve disarmament are held as tenaciously as ever,
National passions have been aroused to
the point of acute danger. A number of
unsolved political problems are poisoning
the relationships between peoples. Certain forces have organised to prevent any
definite achievements. Asa result, there
is a general fear that little or nothing
can be expected from the Conference.
Yet it is generally recognised that its
failure would greatly aggravate the
already over-strained international vela.
lions. It would mean increased suffering to the peoples of the world
Christian faith does not depend on the
fate of human institutions or ideals, but
on the power of God. It engenders unquenchable hope which excludes cynicism;
it faces facts and demands expression in
witness and action.
We would therefore remind Christians
everywhere of their responsibility to take
their share in the struggle for peace and
justice which will be no acute during the
next few months. Let us pray God for
courage to face the cost of surrender of
ail lesser loyalties. Let us pray that He
will call the Church of Christ to speak
out with prophetic power about the great
moral issues at stake. Let to pray that
His will, resealed by the Prince of Peace,
may be done on earth as it is in Heaven,
All questions for this column to be
addressed: "Judex," clo Toe Mrrifoolar
LEADER, 17, Farringdon-street, London,
No questions will be received
written on postcards, and aU must be
accompanied by name and address of
sender, though not for publication.
The purpose of this column will be to
answer questions which are related to
Methodist Union. It is designed to be
helpful to all who desire to know something about the constitution and the
method of government which will come
into force in the month of September of
this year. It is gratifying to know that
the eyes of all Methodists are turning to
the Royal Albert Hall, Kensington, London, which will be the scene of a great
gathering from all parts of the country.
In the meantime questions are being
asked, and in no far as we are able,
answers will be given, no that there may
be fuller knowledge and the removal of
We desire to be of some
assistance, and we trust that the column
now opened may be a contribution in some
way to the great .use of Union.
Whet will be the date of Union? By
mutual agreement the date will be
September 20th, 1932. The new constitution, as provided in the Scheme of Union,
will then come into being. The three
denominations as such will cease to exist.
A new organism will have been born as
soon as the President for the time being
of the Uniting Conference and any of the
Presidents elected in the same year of
the three Churches, append their signatures to a document which will be known
as the Deed of Union. These documents,
when executtd, will be sent within three
months to the offices of the Charity Commissioners "for the purpose of being
recorded in the books of the said Commissioners." When this record has been
made, Methodist Union will possess the
authority of a legal enactment.
What will be the powers of the Uniting
Conference ol 1932? It will possess, and
may exercise, all powers, rights, authorities, discretions, and shall discharge all
duties that are vested in or imposed upon
the Annual Conference. It will possess
the powers of Conference. It can resolve
on the Union of the three Churches and
adopt a Deed of Union which will declare
and define the constitution and doctrinal
tenets of the United Church. This means
that at the Uniting Conference the new
order will be set up and the whole of
British Methodism will come under a new
authority. " Wesleyan," " Primitive,"
and " United " will no longer be applicable. Ministers will be Methodist ministers, and laymen in office will be Methodist officials.
What will be the relation et the Uniting
Conference to the three Denominational
Conferences held in the same year? The
Uniting Conference Will he the adjourned
Conference of the three denominations.
This is in harmony with the decision of
the three Conferences in 1931 on a vote
of 75 per cent. in favour to adjourn their
meetings at the conclusion of their respective ordinary business to one and the
same day, time and place, in the same
year the resolutions were passed, or in
the following year. The following year
was selected, that is, 1932. In the
Enabling Act there is an option as to the
month, either July, August or September.
We now know the month which has been
decided upon. The Session on the Tuesday afternoon in the Royal Albert Hall
will be the adjourned Session of the three
Conferences, with this difference, that the
delegates of the three Churches will be
together. There will be a resumption of
business, but the sole reason will be to
unite and sit together as one united Conference and continue the united sittings
for such period as the business of the
Uniting Conference shall require.
It should be borne in mind that the
personnel of the Uniting Conference will
be the same as that of the three Conn
ferenees. The delegates who are members of the annual Conferences in June
or July will be the members of the Uniting Conference This is a matter of importance. There is no provision for a
substitute to take the place of a member
of Conference who is unable to attend
the Conference in London. There will be
no break in the continuity of personnel
as from Annual to Uniting Conference,
except what is beyond human control, and
any gap which may unfortunately occur
will remain unfilled.
Will Deed Poll Members continue as
Members of Conference in Methodism?
'rho answt r is in the negative. They will
attend as members of the Uniting Con.
ference, but the new constitution makes
no provision for the presence of the Legal
Hundred, or the Guardian representatives
or the Deed Poll members in the annual
Conferences of the following years. However, in another way, provision is made
for suitable continuity of personnel. In
the constitution of the annual Conference
the Scheme cf Union provides, as an
integral part, for thirty ministers and
thirty laymen to be elected at the Conference for a period of three years, who
shall retire in a rotation of ten ministers
and ten laymen per year.
Will the rights of Circuits he observed
la the matter of Amalgamations? In reply,
the following resolution of the three Conferences will be found pertinent : " The
Conference re-affirms that there will be
no disturbance of existing local Church
relations, inasmuch as there can be no
amalgamation or alteration of circuits
without mutual consent." This resolution may he said to have particular reference to the transitional period, and recognises that the desire of a circuit should
be given proper consideration. There will
be no attempt to force local unions.
Respect for local opinion and good feeling
will be the prevailing attitude.
.3 '0,14 pun
'5501004 pue ;soli •005704 auo; lenyyds
'apex; Jonly! ay; Jo-agpe.
pee Isaguntu 041
, Pooa suonaanco •swen1021 put: .10)
-sugul 041 Aq popoddns '0,11A7 .4 .}{
0001 1011 Op 0191 01109; 022 51100 0001 ogy
spueintory •s .tiebg •N 'mpogi •uag
.s.issalry ware s0unaaw 5110IJ220
guagsa,d ay/. .0gyamas-peay r sawn
pue uonowa dnivad Jo quatuout want
.ye(yg Jo yyds ay; paugdea
army 0, 111441 wowo Jo 41.4 .P..11.H
pue Se,Ak .244
-tins Age sent ay sOugaatu 11005 2222 111
.sugspap Jo ,aqumu e Aq &qua/. Sap
-uns ay; uo paumon sem laadde sly pun
.spaay avow
',de want 500e5501 1111
o; lantod ay; mew !Ms ay 109
paugyseg-g0 Poop ay/ „ Jo 0111)00u5
£9 clop mow uo proem ;set. ay; Po ll!..01,
ay aags Rug s!
.10100 peg e Jo ailds
0! 'Pon12gap Ou!Ouls sty pue `ws!powaw
Jo „ suaaatana „ 041 Jo ..0 .! P..II.H
.10awoul A0050 paAof. saaugpne
P.P010.13 pue 'Aging Pus PuolloH 0101
',II Jo lisp, pug-1;0000 e £9 pa.monel
2009 soy 43ln43 a0ppg galcl
ugssnutuo3 10Ao11 ay; Jo suogepuaw
-010000 002510000011 ay; um; 01 kyggs
-uodsa, ay/ .p000001 aq 0220 Agunpoddo
knguatuery,ed se uoos se aplealpe,d st
'00401 'at1oyd010; ay; ,ano wag pay
my gym pont 15221 s!H •suye le)001e00
anoqe ;as sem gym sty !snip Rundusa;
050J00 tug untoury pay poom.wg
•ule0a 5409 ay; aog 01 Japtmuns Jo mod
Pe4 0H
0 41 W 00920 0401 Suety
•passwdm 1431591 £11000011 pue 9100; 140J
ugssed sty se 0000od opeump sty yanw
.A..taaeoluwa gay;
00 low sem 1! 101
JO 100 ape100puo0 ay; 0011022;5 'Aggyn
10000 pay all ,atpewd e 59 'sue!),
-mod 1,0001 00910 ogy gastuly 115141 01
oo00 5tH * P00 00°304
4115I22 21114P15 o
pyto e se sent ay pA 11505009 ay; yym
putty sty 4312201 gum ay :nue, ;my ay;
o; Alerts sir 0000 0H .15001522000 Aypoq
Jo degpuey ien;acbad ay; pm Amianpe
kpea ;setae Ruyneci '00100005 a JO sods
091 01 am pa.) all .A.yenlya JO 0041,4
ay; ary!! •payinsun 5004010010 114 0gclaary
',100010 Poo •,10!221 742004 04 12241 Mos
1! aryg ppm. ay Jaweg •tu, as!wd of
pylons 'gas ay 'pm 009109
•aauwq sn ysym 1011
1100150 !dogmata lap.; B pa,anyap
-wawa, aieuomage pm 151012200 u! wty •
'4 .09 'uonowa page,
ploy•iym ;sag my maul owe sn Jo asoy, poons.rog 1M
AlOttogs optm •Runs 000m mesd
o; smut JO spa,puny
.611C4U1 NH ;ay;
mg ay; pm „'00,0 5! ;Ise; 5,000004e1
do py8 pue 'gas say ay 5011141 yeaa, 092 0108 „ pue ,,';sed ;aguoa nays
Rpm 0gssed sty Jo smau 04/ •pa,ads aq
.'po9 Jo 1..5 ay/ „ .suudy ay, '•9•19
U133 "H •spugy amuout
'na y 095 ..Posed ay; £q
'0104114AA .9
11005 Aptysoduts auloa say 'pm ay; pg
papnpuoa sem 0010001 ay/ „•papedau
'10e0A 1000005
sda;s sty pa00op say
ay; we ;sal(„ 00es ampenb e
4112204 uarytua •mos ow ye passed say
gsnut agoya paXeld pn11e000 ay; 0001000
"H .pan.tas 09 Amu 500470 ley; aaypaes ay; Jo 150)000 ay; woJag •pa.tayea uon
o; pnwd am am 'ye 001122 pue 'Agsnytu -e2010000 000221 a uaynt '15221 Aep!,4 00
sty u! pangs aney Satplrilp ,no Jo spa.
400543 le005222000003 (100g) Aapuo0g
lug •paysap 1) se apeaap ;sad ay; 00105p
my Jo town se U4..0 say tuslpoWalry ay; u, amoi ryoo; agn.tas (wauty 00
.S).10414 Lueul u! aaeld ley; 510000 sly o; do 1100)0
B 401 say ampedap Ape. s!H
os maci say aH .sydind 0typeal ay; Jo
.0011o00 aq 221 awea smaiqoA4 wapopl
0.00 oolloollsll,42101 P01111 022 4 qoP059
5,02111 02209
£q Aepuns 'uon!ppe
pue '5090,0 43
ay; ye 2205005 say ay wigwag! yOrto./ pue stuns ay, 511 5109 5,93000331, 420H
'014 10(04.9 10 417 0,15224 .15" 5,419101.)
'110o 041 1 0 91150 r uew wow say 50e0A
110; 05041 00J p.qH 009109 'p02051122 211P01 00111009 .014 se 19009 tons ;ay; ;mu,
agnos Jo Amnpoddo Japna ay; lug -00e0000220 pue 00p502005 sty 9200091
£1000e1 sem ;1 •AlgedwAs lnidlay pue 80)
VOA. 11113014 101 paglem sem all, •pumu
-pueis,aptut sly Jo paga 20'0009 ay; pm
'V 0! 00am 010 22(4001011 0111 •uo;
-140nws pue lappoH .sassalry 00041 01 0(4 agnpe sty Jo 150.0es ay; o; Auownsa;
oym Amu, we any; pm 'tug aas
;playa hetyplo 1.1100J
0122004!1 Alsnotu
lueun 1022 ptp aauwapop atu, .41101101 01 001e0 10041115 uopuo7 o; aw. 00500
0;e9.50 Jo doygg 041 •poonslom .AA .4
514 llo 44 00 11 141, P.. ',V.. sly 22000!
pue 0024 uaangaci du 01000 koetunttl
'40221 114 ol uqy plary uoissa,dea
pue uopthosqe 001 ugssed 9•alsent 000 ininamed e pue 'poet ay; Jo slagua . pue
A010110 yam, gag .paoayp sem ye gig 045114301143 0typeal ay; Jo awns 1520011M
'my gym Jana alam spoow pm `511100 sgyspugy 01LM/. apeut 01.1 .0200103
'peorappg 00;sum
4850041 pa00s awl
.unto sly Jo makalry 71 .4
Awe e pay Jana 01.4
aw. wog s0gy; -pam .400543 101043 Jo ,010ed tglagy
se 1000000e0220 ,stguout xis e 211y19152
AlM1113.100.11314 ptp 0H .uoguage pa250000
aauo 1e pm .a0a11oa ay; 111011 ysay gay- 5020 04 41.01, sty Jo 01111041 19
-0,200a0 48n4 panagae ay ygynt 0t '110
-1011093 u! atu 01 01003 °H .toewd
0014 pa0e.m0a00 pue p-t!H 054509 Jo ag1 20)40220011 sty 00) gay Jag. e do pattado
sno!na, ay; pa,coso;
uaym 54400043 1! We 'pagy Apoinupe sem ay . 14314,0
ay; 001 00!0001 auy PIP Salmoo Jo Appos 001 auo panwd watumodde ay; ;ay;
;glop 00 s! alay; Zug 'Alum sny; 'elms
032210.0 044 410,0,010031104J 419209
Jo saaeld Atm°, ay; we! .£rysnutu ;gr. -0011p9 1000pt00003 ay; JOJ p01eunu00
'MO 0!4 80401 220
-095019 05ngy114 ay; pee afialloo ,10)1.2211 'wool APoo,lo Po4
•oo 51)4 ;al o; ;mpg. sem
4250045 'afleign mysry.wA ay; wog
passed 0H '0,11-1,041,9 Jo Sups., Apea 400093 ay; pm 'ma 0l 001220 50740111s
pue lappoH .1051019 of .rogpa !mpg
ay; 110013151 HIM 5090,093 eald
-oay; Jo :pont ay; do arye; o; yea ay/
-sem atii As
atirnoll wol
f 'H
10 pantoug ;mat
•10aiatea3 ;wing
-.141511 ata .0uarys .31 .1 •019 pue 'alkoH
tpyg •8 .0011 ay, "(pH JO X11411110J
1105110E1M 191)4M .31 P1000 H
•1 .d •nag ay; liassn,/, 'II .9 •nag ay;
'(aagnuwoo 10101100 coy; 2unuas00da0)
u00o09 5000e19
.nag ay, '501925os
pue Jappoll •5055019 pue Xplaaht 40(5.50(7
ay; Jo gels ay1 Jo 510470 pue 'Aquoeym
'H .1 .0w ').,.PP.IS
00221 112(4
'swegyAriappoH blad •5014 pue
'poom,og .5119 '(00111 ;luau Jo 011m) 0251
.5019 '00510H .9 uyof .09 .nag ay; want
509e00001100 02081 ay; 400009
=ow ay; Sues coppenb ayl 430043
ow tUOJJ 00009 sem 511100 ay; 59
Ilulg sly Jo 1001 ay; 122
poms 514 Aal 01 22108 00101000 13 04!J 5000
0 54104 01 weag 'bow.. sly In
en, gnom ;ay/ „•£as o; p00225e11/ no£
my; aw pue noX 05 000111 11 19043 12241
.019 no.( 159 Italp 1122 s!
p)05 Poll 1.
10101 „
pey (poonuog .09) 04 aunnaulos 0; pup
MP 11 ;nq '50002204 sty JO p1109005500
wow ay; 40045 01 ;de sem ygym 'toys
-said. Jo aaualoin inualseaao pue 0500t5
oyetualp 1.31003 a ty 110511 pamotis
Amenb gmaran ;ay/ •5140 Am.).
-egga jo 0040.0d e gastuni pano,d
0 4 Iood 0 anI7 Fn. 110 11 'Play0015043 10
sytoga sly 00 '001e7 .1150 wan...taxa
uma; ay; u! amp 1509 ay; 100tiou0
sAemle 5000 pue 'gym poo0 e pue 021pa1
-moon Jo) lsOlyl e passassod ay ;09 'sae;
-11anp22 04450 pm lemneanpa £10220 Jo
4381 514 Jo agisuas £120004 sent aH 7101
-uyy 00115006m Jo Sens imppypu! 022 pay
011 •fantod 1220151 pue 0011 0upagnows
Jo 0onsa01051 5 'my ;not. guegon 20(4;
-atuos sem way/. .081 o0 wont 09 ;ay;
papadea ye ant pue 'Agieuoslad lensnun
ue sem ay 159; Pulmaasy, ay; ge o; my;
glagna sem 31 'sae 000 221
,sygenn ing Sim Put.' 00041
150 000 u! 61 Jo 1001121150.1 ay; 3150000e
wain am
.sent 1 se '50pe.roduta5000
0001100 114 00000 oym Amu, co; ryaoys e se
aWOa anay 11ntu smau au,
Jo- aRe
Apea ay; 113 passed say NH/ 059119
SZOOM11.01•1 'HU
1101143 3H.L
•z£6z ‘6 Aivniead
wepunpa, 10 uotlepouro ay1 (o) Jo 50 0 11
-40 9 000,501" .211151100n ay; Jo ,amod
ay; Jo 1uou;a2Jelu a. ay./.-•suo4
-1a0ta snop224 of say,olonv Xt9gn03ri
tr007 10 ...nod aw /0 002270001
•00011020 puya Jo pue
igweJ ay1 Jo sisalagy ay; in £11010adsa
05 aampodm 122000 samege
1100000 041- .5009-0056y7 fo Anoy
gu■ soi3 1ralog loussoN 0211 su k0511503 ay;
Or lo 1.a..1.1044V (9)
11195500 45
•sqnia u!
slueggo.! Jo koldns ay; 1001010! grind
ay; u! 10012200 0l A2004;59 uope02s120g
scino !nag e Jo 00051215000 ay; .toJ
awayas pagnap Annialea spy w 00002240
ant2 gnoys 50aumped ;ay; 50800
'19010 papnpuoa Sway 01 tut
-tow122 slepueas ay; pue • uonaggunupe
Outsuaay aunu,aptin Am, 1002000 lepai
-510e01 ags;no splay:m.1 )1gAiddns synto
Jo 4,000 ay; 722111 (sanyeao; awns III
glaigga Apeaye) ,a0wep ay; 'mg ;uasa,d
ay; Jo Aaenbapety pa0palmousoe ay; Jo
mg., It! .uo!laupsy, gloyg00 syno 1122
o; suggawd pasodo,d ay; Jo uol.gpide
sales „ go „ Jo ug;
ay; pue 1synia
-pgyo,d ay; 1001003 ay; may panow
aq 9003 scum 400001 110 522115002
ay; 11000910 aayod paglowne £q Agua
Jo Jamod 1100001100 si! JO uo11e01g200
co; 001;00190 gpind Jo 142p ay; '0100041
lepuassa suo!;!puoo ay; pue 14013 JO
uopeois!Nai ienuue 00 suols!oold ay".sqrqj 5t siuoopcolui f o £144 59 041 (p)
•90110 SO 001 paydde ay 01 14050
5! 'ea,e 022 u! paJinbal ay o; 542504;
si aauaay mat, c 1! ;ay; pm 'palsy.40
aq gnoys 'sq.mqns sy 01 Aga a J.
Ou!soo Arpons ay; Jo adoas ay; unlym 001000 ay; won -2, '500000y ;uepunpal
synia 22000151200 Jo wysnoul 11201010 ay; Jo speooLuo, 1041 uo15epu0Lumoo00 a4,JoJ uoneptlaWtmaa, ay; pm '0u!so10 £22p
000u0011 fo 5i2200010hr fo uomioqy (g)
•aton laindod
-uns 4sloM Jo watuasurywa Pogienbun
e Aq '0009107 00!5000n ay; Jo aaue
0 41 ',(102211100104 041 JOJ sasodold 10011
-ag ay; gym!, ugiegsnimpe 011!5000y -grt0 ay; 001 'pou!einose 09 Sew 5e005
Jo Autotume Jo alnseau, ay; saw. gtatudolaaap mau 0! 0100g100 Jo saystm
-10,0 yaunoo 000000dtual 40 4009 22 4.1. ay; ;ay; '0001)00!! mau .toJ suoneaudile
0451301110) ay; Jo 00001.0000 220 god 0511e0000501 0221 00101.,0011 ay; 0!
00!puodsa00oa ay; Sr! uonc,upap amnd 'uoudo 10007 pa mug my!pow e Jo 001;
Jo 3001951 ay; 04 ssalignop 11100 auge
091-.s22a0, 2211o11044 00N (g)
aytistynountow pue salem 00120020 511011
„•010e4 yam,
-epttautwoaw A.Rtans JO sams tl 'IA
op Amu ;rig 'poo0 00 op 000.011 snong
.1009eptl0ugu0000 1euopea22p0 asay;
oodag ay; u! passa0dx0
-,adns „
1tta0101duy o; 50211004105 .rnsuods., mg.! ayl sploydn lounno ay/ lal.4°!CI
ay; £q sdais 100022 par, '001m00duy 1100 001500017' 4000 u! 0005514 ay; Aq sug;
ay; JO SC uonamp sup II! „ pom 0015041 -!puoa 2015000y, Jo Aannts !up,. e But
-u! pee lawIty „ an1 apew gesodo,d ay; -monco .A010000 041 ;noy0no0y; sasnmici
sple0a1 ;1 „•payaea, 000 uopa00gp Jo pasuaay itiapunpal ye Jo .50e0S JO 01,
s.wak 009.0 5.1u0pri1 latios,ad e twoJ 0; poys a ung!.. '0015010 ay; 00) wygn
ymm 00 101001e10 puns JO tegssassod u! -o,d ayl-•50000,17 Jo uoyonpag (1)
;sea! 0.0 aq Alm pgya ay; ;ay; os • • • •
10400122 Jo satpado,d ay; 0; se uop050310! -woaa.1 unnu 0tiono11g ay; 5010001000
anemusgs pue noads 0.110000 01 14200 pue
0 odall 011 Jo ...slopua inoantod
P140 Lana „ ;ay; glawams 113gd10 041 '1
pampa, say,d paspowne
ay; 0051501d gym swou 11311003 ay; '00011 51! Jo ped agwarestioa ban e 100
-epuaumwaa, pulopeanpa ay; o; 29 •A
uopagsnes yym sagu0oaa, 11 •sag;
•aounouood 227
-113409 9001,1111111101140
500150009 511022290000 55! Aq paspoylne Ay .awn of atun wog .pas,opua stump,
;au 11 !pump ay; '09005 Jong!
Jo atuww200d p00000 041 ywn p00000
ay; Jo gyslaumo 491S 1340115 JO „ 5502
yawn podory ay; Jo suopepuatutuosa,
0045001 0 „ 001 lesoclo011 ay; 1:0 'Al
0n5e101001 ay; ....plug co; 00l.15901
•poo0 gignd 041 01 11004115 wogs
poddns o; pa.reda,d s! 11011503 ay/ '11
ygym a.mpaao,d 00 ■100011 ut 505222240
0011n01 101015 Jo e ap.nou! pod
sag! proopeanpa
-ay 041 Jo suonepuatmuoaa, an!;015!001
pue 0n5e151001 10 ams ay; kq uopae
Jay. ;ey; salon . 1101,003 ay/
004105) .pagemew 04 15500 210egeo;u1
apeg ay; uo suonapisa, annels!Pal
-wd aq !smogs Jong! Nuneatxogy Jo
pum XUD astpanpe o; p0451110 slegow luasa,d 041 1511401 1o4.I.
-920; payaaw snowAtuaue gay; ucw „•000505 ;ay; wog po!S umexe; 220 ssoi
-egetatuuloaal Ale;uawaiduo ay; '0119 Aue 00J ainsuaduwa Alan!ssa00o,d wont
•queggo;ux Jay;o se SU01241.1,540 OWES wmpuad5a agssaaga 100000d ay; Jo 11011
ay; o; paigns Ago agages aq wogs -nup.uyo ay; wog paapap aq 221 s;yattaq
ayi 1041 „ (E)
pue „'paiegpatu „ "Ills ayl Jo panpdap
aq pinoys saggpaw 004, 00 42220 sauva 0q 05 401200211 s! sassap 110 Aq 0111031005
ale 901400 05041 ;mg os „.paiagpatu „ -UI 00 a.mypuadea 1.000d ay; 0! uonanp
se pacy.osap moo sagm Jo uoseagssep -a, lenue;sqns a ;ay/ „ (g) (•90/ ..eed)
„•amouo00un Apyouga„ a,n0y 22 same.
sgueggoity uo augyattaclea Jo pleas
pau02009 puo saumi ',rowan (8)
lepuassa ;uasa-td ay; Jo ptta '1112201 SU 9 1814.5 11
aq 01 unwys say aamoadsa !ems A5500 9414. 011 00 445 41100 '00ppy,p 001150000
pue Rug yagm '092205 Jonlry! ay; Jo Jo 0000;515,3d ay; Jo map,
wygn,adns pue (001000 ay; Jo 50atudolan aq 221 ;Ono „ sumaprom Jo „ uonclums
-op ameagn,as e se salem pue pual0223, -um u! uomnpa, 10001100 „ e wyj, (;)
001 sugssnutuo3 001500017 leuoneg
Jo luawygge;sa ay; .toi uonepuaumwa ay; yynt luawaa020 sassaulga ;1 •paAan
-a, .epoduy ay; sp,e0a0 1130503 NJ, -001 0009 anay 'utago,d slupp ouoneu
A.te,oclutaiuoa ay; Jo sunag ammo.
-.suogsguetuo) 2211ru0017 touo,,og (z)
pue !epos ay; pue loyoala Jo ;00ga
Jo saaepl 0! lonby Jo ales ()) 15002200y pue 0.10100 ay, Rumadsa, aattagna 09
(„ 00 „ se yam se) „ go „ JO 122041 0411 -nuatas ayl yapon gym Hots pue alaa ay;
ea0503 ay; 'poclag
of suompuoa Jo 500unp2212e (f) 1„ sdoys
algoc! „ (a) 15asnuw11 pasuag! Jo sped ay; Jo puag vela.) ay; o; 19 7
001000017 220 2201s01utu03
ogy ua,pgy0 Jo ugsgtupe 211l2200500
suompum (p) ,aasuaay „ pan „ ay; Jo !aka,/ ay; JO podag ayl 00 kmuatuuma
:Japans ay; (0) !saspuold asnoy-gpind 211l0001101 ay; sanss! 50400543 11e95043
Jo suogelage 122051100011 (4) 1saa00011 ay; Jo 1)05003 aauwadway ay/
(.5011122100 Ixau 10 Po/ 122 F.P.10503)
00!70151001 aoue.ladwal adyionlisuoa le41
asuas e 411/o pug, oycind ay; passaldw!
say 1latu0pn( Jo £1105 paoadoau. 943,
.4311E100dUllhetyp0oe0100 Jos! sJauo!sstul
-ukop reXoN uaaiaup, ay, Jo 5no uaams
uey; 1501 00 Jo 50022;e00!5 ay; 10 (pue!
-Rug sple)al se) 1,0 suoDepuatuukoo
-40 10009000220 pue annels!Bal amulet!
Jo £poq e apia,agsuoa os 1041 ;301 ay;
'5090043 11055!,43 041 004 • III/1
1041003 £J11414 '00l{ 0141
Ay oodag ay; g suoneroasa, 1e005.1ad se
papuadde 10010012215 pauosea, 4115 u! male;
uggsod cry; sgoydn yaunoo ay; (5001
-511111 001101 gap. p022) 00t5010 Arpuns
pue uo9do 122007 143 •p001)091 u! gpind
1000000 ay) 01 01901d0000 aq 500 plum
Ou!sop Aepuns ;ay; 100001ssmulo3 091
Jo Apofew ay; Jo .01001e15 Poggenbun
ay, ;Min p0011e0 1100503 ay/ .501e91
0! papuaixa pue pagemew 04 gums
Oulsop Aepuns ley; uonepuaunuoa
-40 ay; gym kuouuey Jo ;no Apaygo s!
pue1003 10e9 Ion!. Jo 00!5010 AepunS
Ay ;gala ay1 Jo mpaara, ay; '009,4
Jong! Jo 0105 ay; Jo ;padsa0
alon leindod ay] Jo asu 00 9501.0030 P
ay; 001 app‘o0d 100 saop 3Jodalf ay; 5ey;
5100500 paunop ay; .papuaummoao s! aieas
amelaNsuoo e uo saouaay 10 uoponp
-00 e 1e9; (g) pue 'mem u! umpuaJaja,
leuolieu pasodoJd 441 01 pm '5.0e 00!
-snoy mau
mod 00900100.1 Pry Rion
-eptiammaa, ay; u1 passa0.110 s! uond0
pool Jo algaupd ay; ley; (1) Ru!stuRoaai
551!4m-.000opua 01 alloun s2 1130110j
0 41 VPI. 10040 27 MI Jo
4014. •
*O.LS3.311■11111 S1'LIONI100 aomvuacipiai
•liodau uoIsslunuop gulsua3n.
.113CIVal I.SICEOH1311 31-11.
FEBRUARY 4, 1932.
The Evangel at Home and Abroad.
The General Missionary Committee
met at Flottergate Church, Grimsby. In
the absence of the President and VicePresident, the duties of the chair were
shared by the Rev. J. T. Barkby and Mr.
J. Brearley. There was, unhappily, need
for a large number of -messages of condolence and sympathy._
Home Affairs.
The reports of the Home Missions
were full of cheer. Help was promised
toward new Methodist structures at
Portchester, Farnham; Purbrook, Portsmouth; Eshwinning, Waterhouses;
Salisbury and Slough; while commendable enterprise at Handsworth was promised pro rata help. Forty-four rural
evangelistic campaigns had been conducted and twenty-six were projected, at
a total cost to the funds of about £300.
Striking tributes had been paid to the
ter of the Fernando Poo population is
indicated in the fact of 68 removals for
the quarter. At Oron two candidates
walked three miles in a very bad tornado
to be baptised, while at bet lElepene,
with its total of 8,000 members and
catechumens, 400 gathered to the Communion service, and a sled was built to
provide extra accommodation. Three
local preachers had been ordained at
Bende, and retreats for kcal preachers
and class leaders arranged. Adadia has
asked a local preacher to consider a call
to the ministry. Port Harcourt harvest
festival crowded the church, and the collection was £17. Opobo has opened a
new solid cement school-church at
Egwanga, the hard worlc, together with
the joy of completion, having given new
life to the church. Natives of Kono are
eager to read, the increasing literature
in their own tongue both meeting and
spiritual ministries.
We should meet
this challenge. Mr. Williams mentioned
how greatly Uzuakoli and Nigeria
generally appreciated the support of the
home churches in the present time of
stress, and pleaded for the type of education for which the Institute stood. It
had been chosen to rank with two
Government colleges; such was the
official opinion of its efficiency. Visits
had been paid by two Lieutenant Governors, Dr. Irvine and the Chaplain of
Achimota, Mr. Duckworth, of the
Government Science Department, the District Resident, the Director and Assistant
Director of Education, who all expressed
satisfaction. Of the staff of 16, all except three were trained in the Institute,
and while four 'Europeans were set apart
for this work, they did not wish to remain longer than they were needed.
Here also all cost save of 'Europeans was
A Northwich Experience.
A definite spiritual experience has come
to our Witton-street Church, Northwich,
in connection with the Group Movement.
In October of last year a Group of young
people from the Chorlton-cum-Hardy
Wesleyan Church held a weekend retreat
there. Some looked upon the experiment
as a very doubtful adventure. If it Group
were formed, would it damage any existing organisation, e.g., the Sunday-school,
which is graded and fully staffed? The
result has exceeded the highest hopes.
About 30 young people between the ages
of 16 and 25 attended the retreat, which
commenced on the Saturday evening at
the minister's house, and resumed on
Sunday morning at nine. The morning
service was taken by the Chorlton Group.
Following the afternoon school, the
young people met again and continued
their discussions until B p.m. About 50
remained for the Communion and dedication service, which was of a most impres.
value of this witness by the circuits benefiting, and testimonies were paid in the
meeting by brethren who had been privileged to participate in this form of service. Nothing sensational had been
attempted, but remarkable results had
followed beyond all tabulation.
societies had been heartened and revived,
individual conversions were recorded, and
in some districts where industrial conditions and the general apathy had wearied
good folk almost to despair a new inspiration to fresh and confident endeavour
had been born. We heard of little meetings in isolated places, united services in
which all the Churches (not excepting
the Anglicans) shared, gatherings of the
unemployed, and of individual persuasion
—all with blessed results.
spoke of the effect of this direct commendation of the Saving Name upon
their own lives in new revelation and passion. Altogether it was a gracious interlude in the business, and brought the
committee to the very heart of the things
which supremely matter.
Ecumenical and Other Reports.
The Revs. G. E. Wiles and C. P.
Groves, B.D., reported concerning the
Ecumenical Conference, the latter recounting his extended visits to various
native educational establishments in
Of special interest and enAmerica.
couragement were the indications of a
more enlightened facing of the colour
The report of the London
Forward Movement indicated that we
had participated in the erection of seven
new churches at a total cost of about
£45,000. In one particular case 400 children gathered for the school session on
the first Sunday after opening, and now
the number was 800. To the fund
£20,000 had been promised out of the
£25,000 required, and £18,000 actually
Even Whitechapel, with all Its
need, had rendered help by a collection
The Church Extension Fund
of £7.
could do more were its resources greater.
Churches which had benefited did not
remember their promise to contribute
annually. The Rev. T. Sykes had experienced fruitful seasons at Belfast and
African Affairs.
The African reports provided the usual
thrill. The perpetually changing cheese-
creating this demand. A catechism is in
the press and Mr. Kingston has completed the translation of 21 chapters of
Luke. Haywood Wiko, who has been
prepared under Mr. Kingston's guidance
for the ministry, now enters Wesley
In co-operation with the Government,
Dr. Brown is rapidly proceeding with
arrangements for the Leper Colony. The
cost of the medical work will be defrayed
by grants by the will of the Native Council out of revenue provided by taxation,
but we are responsible for the work specifically spiritual and educational. From
Rhodesia come indications of development. The eagerly awaited first air mail
arrived with letters only eight days old.
Within the space of a few months a
journey only possible by foot in four days
is now completed by motor on a newly
constructed road in eight hours. A
Christmas Day service was held, and
afterwards visits paid to European and
Native hospitals with words and gifts of
Matthew Shatadimie has concheer.
served the work et Nanthila during the
absence of the missionary. Mr. and Mrs.
Kerswell found a warm welcome on their
return to INambala, saddened all too soon
by the death of a native teacher in his
first quarter of service. Miss Brown and
Miss Booth have arrived at Kasenga,
impatient to establish the girls' school.
At Kanchindu, where famine is rife, the
Government sent 4,500 bags of grain.
Nine hundred people gathered to the
Mission for relief, and Mr. Curry has
co-operated with the relief officers.
Kafue students, keen to serve, visit all
the villages within reach on Sunday to
carry the Good News. Clixby estate has
ploughed and planted 50 acres and is increasing its herd. The whole cost of
the work except the salaries of Europeans
is locally raised.
Welcomes Home.
Miss Brazier, the Revs. H. I.. 0.
Williams and J. R. Shaw responded to
the welcome extended to missionaries
e ;Fount,,fruerlootighihotr iaSh
lately ke:o
depended upon awakening in the native the
spirit of service. Not merely more money
and men were required, but the - education of the African in responsibility.
Some 12,000 'Europeans were now in the
district, with their own special need of
locally raised. The universal trade depression seriously affects the work. Girls
are unable to enter the Mary Hanney
Memorial School. Nevertheless, at Ilcot
Ekpene few natives have neglected to pay
class money, it number of the churches
recording that each full member had
completed his contribution for the year.
In some cases people cannot give what
is necessary to keep native teachers et
their posts, and those who continue have
suffered it " cut " of 12 per cent., yet
with cheerfulness give their spare time
to villages whence teachers have departed. For the muchneeded Nara
advance no grant can be made from current account.
Finances and Practical Aids.
The balance sheets are eloquent. Two
hundred circuits depend upon help from
the Home Fund, yet it is £600 behind for
the quarter as compared with last year,
for which the total was 4,00, less than
the year before. Although the African
deficit is £19,218, money has come in
well considering the times, the quarterly
income being but £250 below that of last
Thanks were expressed to the
C.A.A. and the Insurance Company for
gifts of £500. The W.M.F. reported 25
new branches, leaving only 112 circuits
unrepresented in the movement; and a
long list of .special donations. The Lantern Slide Department is experiencing it
great demand in the hiring of gramophone records. Missionary schools,
where hold, evolve a desire for more. The
public meetings were of high order, and
for all arrangements and superb hospitality the Grimsby- and Cleethorpes
ministers and people were heartily
sire nature. Three Groups have since
been formed, each consisting of 12 to 15
members. They meet fortnightly by
mutual arrangement, eitheron the
church premises or by invitation in the
homes of the members.
A marked change is being witnessed in
These young folk. A rare spirit of friendThe " Way of
ship pervades them.
Jesus," with its tremendous challenge, is
being accepted, not merely as an intellectual problem, but in its practical personal and social applications. Reserve
and diffidence are giving way. The Sunday-school in particular is finding the
difference. The young people are keen
for work, and the two recent church
efforts which raised 12.560 were most
loyally supported by the combined
Groups. The Group members are now
enthusiastically preparing themselves for
retreat to be held soon at our Barnton
A. M,
The Zetland Park (Reek.) Church
witnessed the opening and dedication of
a handsome two-manual pipe-organ
(built by Nelson and Sons, Durham) on
Januy 27th. The Mayor (Sirs. Lon,
J.P.) presided. Mrs. P. Croskell
performed the opening ceremony. The
Rev. T. Site conducted the dedication
service, which was followed by an appropriate sermon by the Rev. J. A. Smith,
of Middlesbrough, and it well patronised
tea. Owing to the illness of Mr. W. J.
Stohbart, Mus.Bac., F.R.C.O., the organ
recital in the evening was given by Mr.
J. W. Wright, A.R.C.O., organist of the
St. George's Congregational Church,
Authority, by J. Arundel Chapman
(Epworth Press, 3d.), is No. 24 of the
Coon. S. Walker preFellowship of the Kingdom Pamphlets.
sided. The special soloists were Mrs. G.
It is a thoughtful and suggestive treat- Cook, Mrs. NI. Hatfield, Mrs. E. Talbot
and Master T. Dixon. Over LOO was
ment of this vexed subject. Mr. Chapman deals with it first hi it general sense, raised for the Organ Fund. This church,
discriminating the grounds of authority,
opened it little more than two years ago
external and internal, and the sphere of
in it new area. et the cost of over £1,0011,
coercion, and then considers its religious
with the assistance of the Missionary
aspect. He concludes that there must be
Committee, already huts 166 members,
authentication by the moral conscious270 scholars, thriving Boys' and Girls'
ness of the individual, but with a special
Brigades, Senior and Junior C.E. Socieappeal to the authority of external testities and it strong Sisterhood. It is a
mony. But infallibility (citing Salmon)
" hive of industry," and is meeting the
is a " dream of the imagination."
needs of a vast new population.
" He fought his doubts and gathered strength."
Morley and Simmonds continued their
heated discussion, and fragments of their
conyer.iion pro, ided Gaily with a clue
as to their identity. They were the men
he saw in Foxby-lane yesterday. That
big fellow wouldn't give him a bit of
baccy. Stolen two hose:red and fifty quid,
had they? And than lost it? The old
man chuckled. That would be the money
he had got. If it was stolen he must give
it to somebody or he would be locked up.
They would say he had taken it.
cogitations were interrupted at this point.
"Can't stand this," said Morley, gelling up from the floor. "I am going up
there," jerking his thumb in the direction
of the trap-door. "There may be something softer to sit on."
He mounted the ladder and pushed at
the door. Gaily pushed back.
"Queer I '' ejaculated Morley. "It gives,
and yet I can't open the thing. Conte up
and give us a hand."
Simmonds obeyed.
All Gaily's attention was now concentrated on keeping the
door down. He felt it beginning to lift
again as the two men pmhed. Then catne
a terrilic flash and almost simultaneously
a deafening crash. Some monarch oak had
retched its death blow in the forest near.
There followed a faint cry, a scraping
sound, and another crash, though quite
trivial in comparison with the one just
heard. Gaily saw the two men sprawling
on the floor of the barn and the ladder
beside them. The clap of thunder had so
startled them that they had lost their
balance and !alien.
They got up and
seemed none the worse for their mishap.
But they made no further attempt to reach
the loft, though it was disconcerting to
Gaily to note that they did not replace
list ladder. The men began to talk again,
and the old fellow listened.
"I say," said Simmonds, "what's the
thing you have got hold of for to-morrow?
You'd better tell me while we'y e nothing
else to do "
Morley kindled at once.
"There's a bank down there," he
began, indicating Newcott. "A one-man
shovv. There's nothing doing most of the
week, but every fortnight they have a
cattle market. All the old farmer Johnnies
in the district turn up, and things hum
at the lents." He paused.
"Well," said Simmonds, reflectively, "I
guess they pay most of their money in by
cheques, and they're no use to us."
"It isn't what they pay in, it's what
they draw out. I was talking to that
shopkeeper this morning, and he said his
big day for trade was every Saturday fortnight, because the farmers came to the
market and drew enough money out of
the bank to pay w-ages and get provisions
for the next fortnight."
"I don's get you. What are you driving
at ?"
"Well, you see, there's not much money
kept at the bank as a rule, but to-morrow
morning a supply will be sent front Burtlow to inert the special demands."
"Soon after tne auction's started well
spot a car. They park them anywhere
here. Ill leave you in charge of the car
while I go to the bank, frighten the
Johnnie with my shooter, collect a few
hundred, and clear. You'll be teady with
the car, and off well go."
"But suppose there are folks in the
bank ?"
"I'll spend my time filling up forms or
reading prospectuses till the coast's clear.
Besides, a revolver will put the wind up
a whole crowd of country Johnnies."
"Maybe!" said Simmonds, without conviction. '"Where do you propose to make
"Start for Burtlow, and once outside
the village, double back and go north. We
may have to abandon the car."
Gaily listened and thought harder than
Ile was wont. It was a nice little plan.
What could he do? He wouldn't tell a
policeman, at any rate.
"To-night we'll wander round and hunt
up the roads a bit," said Morley. Simmonds grunted his approval and then said,
"I•rn tired of this black hole.
storm's met.. Let's go."
Gaily waited until they were beyond
hearing, then raised the trap-d.r.
ladder still lay where it had fallen ; but
he was not to be beaten. In a few
moments he had tossed a large quantity of
hay on to the floor below, and then lowered
himself upon it without the slightest injury.
He waited a few minutes to allow Morley
and Simmonds to get well away, and then,
with a smile on his weather-beaten face,
he made for Newcott.
In the school-house Flora sat by her
"The shy, s over now, dear," she said.
"Let me get you some of Mr. Cornaby's
"I don't sent any grapes." The answer
was fretful. "It's very good of Mr. Co,
naby to keep bringing me things, isn't
"Very good," agreed Flora, adjusting
the bed-clothes. "I really wish he
wouldn't. But it is for your sake, mother.
I cannot refuse kindnesses done to my
little mother, can I?"
"Are you sure that he brings them for
me? I fancy I'm just a convenience.
don't mind in the least it is nice to be
"What do you mean? For whom does
he bring things if not for you?"
"You know what I mean."
And when Flora protested her ignorance,
she added, "Anybody can see he's after
you. Doesn't he meet you when you come
out of school at night? Didn't he go to
chapel last Sunday? It's not difficult to
guess what he's after. Young men don't
usually run about with grapes and flowers
for bedridden old women."
A deep flush suffused Flora's face.
"Don't, mother," she begged, in real
distress. "It's all your fancy. I do meet
him when I come from school, but beyond
wishing each other 'Good-evening' as we
pass, nothing is ever said. I don't know
what made him come to chapel ctiriosity,
bract hat m'
t17eds 1 1.;is
t titiirse ifrt'edrneyOu
Flora was sincere enough in saying this.
Cornaby had not mentioned love to her.
He was invariably courteous, and his kindness to her mother ,was beyond praise, but
no word of love had escaped him. However, Mrs. Burton was not blind.
"You little innocent," she said, when
Flora had finished, "where are your eyes?
He is madly in love with you. When he
comes here he watches you every second.
When you leave the room he pretends to
listen to what I am saying, but he is really
listening for your return."
"blather, you mustn't talk like this.
Of course it isn't true. If it were, I
should be greatly troubled."
"But why?" queried Mrs. Burton. "I'm
glad. When your other affair was broken
off, I was very worried about you."
"Worried about rne, mother?"
"Yes! I shan't live always, I don't want
to live always like this, and I couldn t
bear to thinlc of you being alone all your
life. You're still my little girl, you know. '
There was a caress in the words — a
mother's caress. Flora experienced a rush
of tender emotions. which brought tears to
her eyes and mad.: her avert her head
"It was such a comfort to know there
was going to be someone else," the sick
woman concluded.
"But there is not going to be anyone
else, mother."
"Do you mean that you wouldn't have
Mr. Cornaby?" asked Mrs. Burton, incredulously.
"He hasn't asked me. In fact, I feel
sure that he has no more thought of such
a thing than I have; but if he did ask
me, I should refuse."
"Then I think you would be foolish, very
f.lish. What's the use of wasting your
life fretting over John Hunter? He isn't
worth it ; the scamp."
"Mother, dear, John is not a scamp. YOU
don't know him."
"I know you are doing yourself harm
worrying over him. You don't eat as you
should. I have seen the light in your bedroom through the cracks in the door, and
I know you can't sleep.
You look ill.
Forget all about a fellow who has treated
you so badly. He isn't worth as thought."
Flora had a struggle to keep back the
burning defence of John which rushed to
her lips, but she prevailed.
"You don't understand." she whispered,
as she bent to kiss the invalid. "III go
and prepare tea."
Before her mother could reply. Flora left
the room. She began to think of John.
"John," she breathed to herself, "why
did you let this happen? Why must you
lose your faith in God? Couldn't you have
kepi seeking? If you had, I would have
walked by your side anywhere. I could
live alone if I knew you were all right.
John! where are you? I can't bear not
to know."
Her mother was right, she was making
herself ill with anxiety. "Why," asked a
Aoice, "did you break the engagement?"
"We could not be one in heart and life,
when the biggest and best things in my
life are dead to him," she answered. Thus
the conflict continued, whilst she busied
herself with preparations for tea.
The butter-dish was empty, and a visit
Is the grocer's became imperative Telling
her mother where she was going, she tel
off for the very shop where John Hunter
had stood a little n-bite previously. The
shopkeeper was talkative, and Flora
She caught the sound of children's voices outside shouting something
in derision. Buster's voice was easily detected. Flora listened.
"Owd Gaily ! Owd Bag-legs! Owd
Gaily I Owd Bag-legs I" the words fell
into a sort of chant.
Flora stepped to the doorway and saw
the old man approaching the shop, followed by eight or nine boys. The young
rascals were not afraid of the tratnp, but
they turned and scampered off like startled
rabbits when they saw their teacher.
"I'm sorry they've been so rude, Mr.
Gaily," Flora said.
"It dunna matter, lass," answered the
old man as he entered the shop. Flora
had left her purchases on the counter, so
she followed him in.
"A bit o' baccy," Gaily said, addressing
the shopkeeper. He produced twopence, a
penny of which he dropped. Flora picked
it up and returned it with a smile. That
4, 1932.
smile gave him an idea. He knew flie
school mistress. More than once she had
defended him from the boys, and he had
received many a cup of tea at her hands.
The grocer was cutting off a liberal supply
of twist, and Flora was about to leave the
shop, when Gaily stopped her.
"Might I speak to yea a moment?" he
inquired. Flora came back at once.
"Not hare; outside," he added.
"I've got tea almost ready," she told
him. "Come up to the house and I'll give
you a cup.'
Gaily touched his forehead as a sign of
acceptance and thanks, and a minute M.
two later was knocking at the schoolhouse
door. Buster and his pals watched him
from afar. They dared not chaff the old
man now. Teacher's house was a city of
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Gaily, but the kettle
doesn't quite boil. Come in and sit down
for a few minutes."
Gaily entered and sat on a chair just
inside the door. He would not be persuaded to go farther in. To Flora's surprise, he had no sooner placed his staff
on the floor and laid his battered hat on
the top ol it, than he began to rummage
in his general storehouse. At length he
found the wallet and handed it to Flora.
She looked at has enquiringly.
"Found it," he remarked by way of
Flora removed the elastic band and was
amazed to discover that the contents were
pound notes.
"Good gracious, Mr. Gaily!" she exclahned, "wherever did you get these?"
"Don't tell a policeman?" he begged.
"I think I can promise not to do tbat;
but it depends." Then he told her how
he had found the notes.
"You are very honest, Mr. Gaily," she
observed. "Really the policeman ought to
have them, you know. He will hand them
to the rightful owner."
"No!" protested Gaily, shaking his
head. "They'll say I took 'em."
"Then I'll send for Mr. Cornaby from
the bank. He'll take care of them until
the owner is found. Still the police ought
to know; they wouldn't hurt you."
" Dunna," pleaded the old man,
"But why? I can't keep them. They are
not mine. Then suppose someone broke
in and stole them. Mr. Cornaby is a friend
of ours, and I am sure they would be safe
with him."
Then Gaily had to tell what he had
overheard in Bullock's barn.
Flora forgot all about tea as she
listened. The kettle was boiling, but she
ignored it. When the story was finished,
thought for a moment and then said,
"Mn. Gaily, you must let me send for
Mr. Cornaby, and I want you to tell hitn
exactly what you have said me."
"Dunne, miss, dunna."
"But I must, unless I send Inc the
policeman. These men may not only tstke
money, they may kill somebody.
must let me send."
"Go on, then, bust it !''
Flora put her head inside her mother's
room and said, "I am just going over to
:d7itYer't "
;rt.hrOr'n'aby back
'PTt i:,:rt.hC
front his walk earlier than he intended,
and he answered the data himself. She
saw his eyes light up with pleasure as he
"Come in, Miss Burton."
"I want you to come over to our house
at once," she replied gravely. "Old Gaily
is there and he has told me a queer tale
of a proposed attempt to rob the bank
Is he at your house noAv?"
"Yes, l'Ae asked him to wait."
"Thanks! I'll come with you." He
reached his hat and they went over lo the
school-house. The old man's story filled
him with concern. It was fantastic, but
it rang true.
"The policeman called this afternoon,"
he remarked, "and told me that men
wanted for the theft of a car and burglary
were at large, and might be in the neighbourhood. I must get in touch with him
at once."
"Derma," begged Gaily.
"Mr. Gaily doesn't like policemen,"
Flora explained.
"But my dear fellow, I must. We'll
keep you out of it if Ave can. But stay
about here to-night, will you?"
"I dunna," Gaily replied.
"I'll make tea and Mr. Gaily will stay
here for a time," interposed Flora. She
4, 1932.
Rooted significantly at Cornaby, who
slipped away leaving the old man to hive
his (ea.
,'You can smoke," said Flora, when he
had finished his meal.
."I'll be going, miss, thank yer."
There was a knock on the door. Cornaby and the policeman stood there. Gaily
gave a grunt of disgust. He felt he had
been trapped. What would they say he
had done this time?
(To he continued.)
Successful Union' Rally.
A groat Methodist Union Rally was
held in our Hexham Church on Thurs.
day, January 14th. Ministers and layette from four Methodist circuits enthusiastically supported. In the afternoon
Mr. J. H. Brogdon, J.P., a prominent
Wesleyan, presided over a large audience.
The Rev. S. Palmer spoke, pleading the
cause of Youth in the new order of
He gripped his audience,
and the subsequent discussion revealed a
keen desire to concentrate attention upon
young people and to organise Sunday and
week-day work on their behalf.
evident eagerness of all present to make
Union a means of blessing, and especially
in the shepherding of young people, was
most inspiring. Tea was provided and
served by the ladies of the three circuits.
The fraternal spirit prevailed, and
strangers from the country were amused
by trying to spot the churches from which
the ladies came. They were nearly
always wrong. Tea was followed by a
Praise Service, led by Mr. J. A. Welch.
There is something in Methodism that
comes to its best in song. Our fathers
would have been in the spirit in that
hour; there was a readiness to be swept
into service and baptised for holy
The Rev. W. Handyside, Wesleyan
superintendent, presided over a large
gathering in the evening. From Its and
near, from the outposts of the Cheviot
foothills and the wild fells, 600 people
assembled in our beautiful church. The
Rev. W. H. Jeffries (U.M.) spoke of the
challenge in the difficulties facing us, and
pleaded for courage to turn obstacles into
means of grace. The Rev. S. Palmer
spoke of Wesley's vision and business.
The united choir of sixty voices, led by
Mr. C. W. Wood, sang " Thou wilt
keep hire in perfect peace," " As the
had pan. " (Mendelssohn) and " The
heavens are telling." The meetings were
full of interest, and gave assurance that
the things common to us all will be
strong enough to weld us into a church
which will lead our generation into a
new vision of God and new triumphs of
service. The arrangements were carried
out by the Rev. A. Vickers.
The London-road Church, Dover, has
just held it most successful conference of
Sundayschool teachers and workers. On
the Sunday the pulpit was shared by the
Rev. J. W. Clifford, M.A. (General Sunday-school Secretary) and the Rev. F. C.
Taylor, M.A., B.D. (vice-secretary). On
the Monday and Tuesday the subjects
were Bible Study and Child Study, introduced by Mr. Clifford and Mr. Taylor
respectively.. A tea-table conference on
the Wednesday on " The Problems of
the Sunday School " was very " live,"
and the questions asked indicated great
keenness on the part of the teachers to
meet their difficulties and to achieve
greater efficiency. The Wednesday evenMr.
ing meeting was an open one.
Taylor spoke on " What Youth Demands
from the Church " and Mr. Clifford on
" Youth and the New Methodism."
Both church and school workers have
caught new visions, and found new inspirations. Young people's work, which
for some years has been a distinctive
feature at London-road, has now definitely entered the stage when the
emphasis is upon efficiency as well as
enthusiasm; upon moral achievement as
well as numerical results. Confidence :s
high that better work still will be done,
and that the young people will not only
he held, but use.d.
The Third Time.
dinner-hour talks outside a factory.
Another spoke of childhood's spontaneous
love for the Friend of little children, of
Youth's perplexity, and comfort in comradeship, and of insanity's overwhelming
gratitude that He, Who was made like
unto His brethren, is yet so different from
us. Others shared the findings or deIn the friendly and dissolving atmos- arranged in the Parish Church Hall, with
posits of mystic hours and quiet retreats.
phere of the Ministers' Fraternal, the " Secularism " as the topic for consideraFree Church ministers in a certain town tion. A new sense of interdependence is .The sense of an Unseen Presence perhad found that differing conceptions of sometimes born in the presence of a com- vaded the group, and hearts were warm
and glad. Recalling the classic comment
church life and of Christian truth were mon danger, or the need for facing a
not destructive of fellowship, but rather common enemy. But if he who chose the of one who said; " If Shakespeare came
through that door we should all rise to
the means of its enrichment. Gradually
topic was alive to the seriousness of the
greet him; but if Jesus Christ came tee
a desire that the circle of fellowship situation, the discussion revealed that a
should be enlarged grew stronger, and lively consciousness of outside pressure, should- all fall down before Him," the
sensed the common desire for
expansive goodwill prompted the sending sufficiently threatening and severe to
prayer. We kneeled down side by side,
of an invitation to the Anglican clergy- compel co-operative activity in self-defence
and as each man prayed it was imposmen to be our guests at one of the or in aggressive campaigns, was not
monthly meetings. As they who are general. The nature of the contributions sible to tell who was Anglican and who
strangers to each other lose self-conscious- was disheartening. One revealed a coop. Free Churchman. Of such things we did
not think, for our uniting communion
ness and fraternise more freely over a placent assurance of security; another
was in Him Whose deep desire was, and
topic of mutual interest, it was suggested attacked unfairly a group of Free Church
is, that " they all may be one."
that the meeting should begin with in- ministers; another dogmatically asserted
formal conversations about the possibility
the need for a return to the Decalogue,
and the ways of re-union amongst Pro- and his remarks revealed no knowledge
testant Churches.
Fortunately, he to of New Testament teachings; another,
whom the invitation went was a broad- conscientious but a little despondent,
minded Evangelical Churchman, whose
felt that the only thing to do was
Tooting's Fine Achievement.
official position and personal influence to maintain the routine services of
carried weight with his brethren. Through the Church calendar. It was exOur Lynwood-road Church, Upper
his sympathetic response and stimulating pected and hoped that differences of Tooting, has just successfully consumexample, a dozen or more of the Anglican method would emerge, but it was dis- mated it protracted effort to reduce the
clergymen gathered with the Free Churchturbing to discover that these could not debt of £9110 on the property. Undeterred
men in the minister's vestry at the Con- be co-ordinated. The disposition to coby the difficulties of the times, the memgregational Church.
operate was weak or wanting. The unbers resolutely addressed themselves to the
welcome thought that denominational
The opening contribution, made by a
task of raising £300 during 1931. Encapable and forceful young vicar who will loyalties, valuable as they have been in
work and witness, may take precedence couraging promises of help were received
probably gain high preferment, was a
from three different sources, the first,
strong and confident statement of the over interest in the Kingdom of God, and
Anglican belief in the unapproachable devotion to the dictates of the Spirit of from our General Chapel Fund Committee, of ten per cent. on £300. A friend
Christ, was insistent and saddening.
supremacy of the Mother Church from
of the church protuised a similar ten per
which, for various reasons, others have
broken free. The traditional importance
cent. These promises were conditional on
and practical value of the Episcopate were
In spite of this unsatisfactory second the raising of the k3C0 by the end of the
treated as a fundamental assumption that meeting, a further invitation was offered year. Another friend promised ten per
excluded consideration of other forms of
to the Anglicans in the following autumn. cent. on all raised for debt reduction durChurch government, and could not admit A sincere desire to find points of contact
ing 1031. These promises provided a fine
the possible validity of an ordination other
and to emphasise agreements found ex- stimulus. A gracious gesture on the part
than that at the hands of a bishop. By
pression in the suggestion that " Jesus
Broadbelt, fully expresimplication it was suggested that the Christ " should be the topic. An old and of the Rev. J. A.
Anglican Church is a mother, strong, not
wise secretary sate the possibility of anta- sive of the spirit of Methodist Union, gave
in her love for wayward sons, but in her
gonisms even in this, and in sending out added encouragement. A fine concert was
complacent assurance that a return to the his notices, added the parenthetical advice, arranged at the 'rooting Wesleyan Cenold homestead is inevitable. When that " Non-controversial." Seven or eight tral Hall, resulting in a generous gift of
time comes, with a magnanimity that
The same splendid
Anglicans accepted the invitation, and £ 51 to the funds.
springs from the privilege of dictating these were they who had been most spirit was reflected in the other churches
terms, she will offer welcome. In justifi- friendly on previous occasions. The of our circuit, Oldridge-road contributing
cation of aloofness and patient waiting,
abstentions were significant, and, though £ 50, and Wimbledon a substantial donait was stated, " We have all that you we would have desired it otherwise, not
tion. The great effort of the Lynwoodhave, and much more besides."
The altogether a loss. In his opening words,
road Church was the three days' "Fairyfinality of the pronouncement left no the chairman, a cultured minister of inland Bazaar" in the autumn, which
opportunity for a re-definition of the place dependency of thought, put aside at once
and nature of authority, or . a statement the .age-long controversies concerning realised the encouraging WWI of £102.
of the invaluable treasures of freedom.
doctrines of the Person of Christ. The On Saturday last, at it thanksgiving
Ole year's effort
It was well that we should be com- hour was filled with choice and intimate meeting, the report of
was presented. The Rev. F. G. Saville
pelled to face such facts as the.. There contributions that revealed what Jesus
can be no real fellowship where vital dif- had meant in personal experience and presided, supported by the Rev. G. W.
In a rich variety of Weatherill, Mrs. Hoare, Messrs. T. H.
ferences are minimised or ignored. But public ministry.
the most difficult factor in the situation appreciations, there was the constant Gear, G. H. Nash, and A. Strike. The
wonderment of indebtedness and of pro- choir contributed to the programme, and
was not in historic events, or even in the
found lose. The first to speak rejoiced refreshments were served by the ladies.
rigidity of ecclesiastical organisation, but
in the stiffness of a convinced superiority, in Holman Hunt's dignified conception of There was great rejoicing when it was
in a mind that will think only in certain " The Light of the World," and gloried announced that, with the addition of
seteral donations, the £300 had been
directions, and a spirit that is lacking in in a Christ who is divine. An elderly
Anglican saint spoke of a Christ for raised, so that with the three promised
humility and charity.
Several of the
visitors seemed displeased with a blunt- Whom the world has waited long, and contributions of ten per cent., 1;100 would
Who is the fulfilment of the good of be paid off the debt. Hearty thanks were
ness that bordered on discourtesy. Kindly
which men dreamed and spoke. Another expressed by the minister to all who had
words were spoken in sincere appreciation
told of the hunger in men's eyes when co-operated in this magnificent success,
of the friendly gesture of the invitation,
which evokes gratitude to God and
the story of Jesus the Carpenter, the
and of the much more important matter,
the contribution which Free Church strong Son of God, had been told in enheartenment for the future.
teachers, poets and saints have made to
the spiritual heritage of Christendom.
These were followed by an outburst from
a clergyman who had sat silently in a
Springing to
corner near the window.
his feet, in jerky, forcing phrases he
uttered his ultimatum, that apart from
the medium of sacramental grace there
can be no evangelical experience.
did not wait to offer further enlightenment, or to help in our recovery from
shock, but, excusing himself, he opened
the door and went out. Strange as it
may sound, we guessed that he had gone
on an errand of mercy, for he was a
High Churchman—possibly an Anglo.
Catholic—with inexhaustible interest in
poor folk. Hard blows are not resented
by those who love the truth, and after
this withdrawal a Baptist minister hinted
that an invitation to meet again would
not be unwelcome. Then we had tea
together, and afterwards quiet reflection
strengthened the thought that the day of
Re-union is not yet, and that whilst orders
and organisations are dominant in affections, daybreak will be long delayed.
• • • •
FEBRUARY 6th-15th
Some months later a meeting was
Your School may have
a parcel of our splendid
on Approval
Give number, some guide re prices,
and an indication of the ages to be
And, also, there is such a
virtue as loyalty.
The "Dark Continent" is catching
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Jesus Christ is bringing newness
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" Where formerly lions prowled
and warring tribes drenched the
land in blood, and the Arab slave
raiders preyed like vultures on
women and children—there, mercy
and love are' healing the woes of
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This is the work of your missionaries
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II YOU may share in it.
We need your help.
Send a special donation to your
minister or to the P.M. Mission
8 Holborn Hall, Gray's Inn Rd.
London, W.C.1
4, 1932.
The Methodist Leader.
Meorporating the Primitive Methodist sod the Primitive Methodist World.
FEBRUARY 4th, 1932.
France is already assured of the support
of Great Britain in the event of an attack
on her by Germany, but she does not reThe Disarmament Conference, which gard that as enough. France claims that
opened this week, is as fateful a gather- the Covenant of the League binds all
ing as any held since that at which the nations within the League to come to the
Treaty of Peace was signed. Its success aid of a nation wantonly attacked. Can
will mean the first real attempt to carry that be made clear? As at present stated,
out one of the moot important provisions the national policy of France is disarmaof that Treaty, and may lead to the ment on a guaranteed security, and a
breaking up of the suspicions which security such as is contemplated by the
haunt Europe like an evil spectre, and provisions of the Covenant itself. There
mark the beginning of a new era of good- are thus two major issues before the Conwill and co-operation. Its failure will ference. One is the German demand
strengthen suspicion and foster fear, and that disarmament should be begun forthset loose the very elements the Loearno with. The second is that before France
and Kellogg Pacts were designed to can begin to disarm her security must
destroy. There is no misunderstanding be guaranteed. and in accordance with
anywhere of what the world desires, just the very Covenant which insists on di.
as there is no misconception of what the armament. The former is dependent on
Treaties and Pacts demand.
Nations the latter, and it would appear that the
which have solemnly renounced war as Conference will stand or fall as it is able
an instrument of national policy, and to deal with this situation.
pledged themselves to a process of disarmament. are bound by'honour as well Japan Still on the War Path.
as by logic to keep their word. They
Japan appears to have made up her
are not expected to go the full length the mind that if she is to be hanged, she
logic of their commitments demands all might just as welt be hanged for a sheep
at once, nor would that be called for, but as a iamb., The probability is that she
if the letter is not observed the spirit smiles at the thought of a gallows. She
should find expression. A free flow of knows that China is in no position to
the spirit may find a change of the letter command an execution, and from the.
to be a good thing, and none would mind past attitude of the League of Nations
that so long as the spirit was at work. she infers that diplomatic representations
But if the spirit be absent, then the fact and grave warnings mean little more
of the letter standing may prove a killing than polite exhortations to behave herthing. What is certain is that faiiure to self. Japan is in no need of tuition from
do something now to prove that the spirit anybody as to how she should conduct
is willing to talce a real step will pro- negotiations on that basis. So long as
voke Germany to repudiate a part, if not she has generals and admirals at stratethe whole, of the Treaty of Versailles. gic points, ready to take action on suffiBy that Treaty the signatories have cient provocation and free to do so, she
bound themselves to a definite course of can deal with " Notes " in the timedisarmament. They have entered into a honoured way beloved of flee iEast. In
covenant which carries a legal as well as the meantime the League Council is
If, without just seeking in secret the way to make Japan
a moral obligation.
cause, this honourable and legal contract amenable to her own contracts, but with
is flouted, Germany will consider herself no obvious success. There are no signs
absolved from her share in its observ- that Admiral Shiozawa is even aware of
ance. And who shall say her nay? As its existence. If he is he can model his
far as can be gathered, Italy is in agree- activities after the pattern set by General
ment with the German demand that the Honjo. General Honjo " got away with
provisions of the Treaty of Versailles it " and covered Manchuria. Shimawa
should be carried out. The great mass may yet do the same with Shanghai—
of opinion in this country is emphatically and much besides.
in the same direction. If Germany declared her intention to arm again, and
proceeded to do so, France would protest, New Children'• Bill.
and she might do so violently. But who
No nation can regard itself as civilised
England and that does not seek to protect its children.
would support France?
Or would 'England and Italy And at no time can a progressive civilisaItaly?
stand by and see Germany invaded? tion be contented with what it has done
These questions are not as remote from in that direction. We cannot claim to
actuality as they may appear to be
have done everything that should be
Failure at the Disarmament Conference done, but we can feel a modified satisfacmay make them startlingly real.
tion in that we have not been standing
What can the Conference do? It can still. With the promise of a new Chilfree Germany from the restrictions dren and Young Persons Bill before us,
imposed by the Versailles Treaty and which the Home Secretary will introduce
permit it to escape its present inferiority next month, it is possible to mark the
by arming itself up to flee accepted Euro- growth of opinion since the passing of
None but a madman the Children Bill in 1908. Twenty-four
pean standard.
would claim that that was a solution of years ago the parent had practically the
It can decide to reduce sole responsibility for the child.
the problem.
other armies and navies to the limit pre- could be dealt with by law for flagrant
scribed by the Treaty for Germany. and obvious neglect of duty, but beyond
Germany has never asked nor desired insisting that the child should be sent to
that, and it will never be considered. school, the State left the child severely
The Treaty did not contemplate it. But alone. Even when the child came within
neither did the Treaty contemplate keep- the grip of the law it was dealt with in
ing Germany permanently in a state of the common courts, except in those rare
hopeless inferiority. The case as it now places where children's courts were being
works itself out under the Treaty and tried out. In the two decades since then
subsequent Pacts is for the voluntary re- we have taken great strides. The welduction of the weapons of aggressive fare of children at home and in school,
warfare. These weapons have been inter- the special attention given to neglected
preted to mean tanks, submarines, war- children, the way in which young
ships over ten thousand tons, heavy artil- offenders are dealt with, have occupied
lery, military aircraft and conscription. the best attention of trained minds and
This interpretation may not hold good sympathetic hearts to the inestimable
The new Bill
to-day. One nation may claim that what advantage of the race.
is regarded by another nation as an codifies what has been done and marlcs
aggressive weapon is for them a weapon advance, particularly in the way in which
Technicians would never young offenders are to be dealt with. It
of defence.
agree upon these points, and if the issue does not pretend to do everything that
were left with them the situation would needs to be done, and that is clamouring
be hopeless. The only hope of a way out to be done, but it is a step in the right
lies in the realm of political agreement, direction. With this Bill an Act the
and this means a facing up to France's way will be open for the nest step
demand for security. Can that be met? forward.
FEBRUARY 4, 1932.
EFORE I leave the 15th century work of evil, traducing the sacred
there are at least two religious subject, and offered evidences of
painters represented in the Exhibi- symbols of the black art in details of
tion at Burlington House whose the picture. Other correspondents,
work calls for some comment. One however, have challenged the validity
is Jean Fouquet, who, in addition to of these evidences, and most of the
what impresses me as a courageously critic's interpretations are certainly
faithful portrait of Charles VII., unconvincing. Figures in the supcontributes two panels which origin- porting panels represent Isaiah and
ally comprised " the diptych of Jeremiah. The Isaiah is a striking
The first (69) is one of and original figure in a green hooded
those presentations of a church gown, with a young face, but Jerebenefactor with his patron saint of miah as a rather portly ecclesiastic
which the " Saint Victor and a in Roman vestments is very unsatisDonor," by the Maitre de Moulins, fying. It is an interesting evidence
referred to in my last article, is such of the vicissitudes suffered by pica glowing example. Fouquet's sub- tures that this triptych has been reject is "Etienne (Stephen) Chevalier, assembled for the Exhibition from
Minister of Finance to Charles VII., four quarters (the top has been cut
with his patron saint, St. Stephen." from the Isaiah panel)—France,
The minister's face is darkly tanned Belgium, England, and Holland.
• • • •
and wears an aspect of humility. St.
Stephen stands with one arm round
After the 15th century the religious
Chevalier's shoulders; in the other pictures become fewer. To the early
hand he carries a book of the Gospels 16th belongs Jean Bellegambe's
on which rests a large flint, the "Conversion of St. Paul" (66). Paul,
emblem of his martyrdom. He is dressed in full medieval armour, is
clothed in rich ecclesiastical vest- falling with his white horse, his face
ments, overlaid with gold, but it is upturned to the sky. An arrow
his face which fascinates the atten- sticks-iii the ground in front of him,
tion—a refined, rather ascetic face, as if a symbol of arrest.
with marks of suffering on it, but alarm and amazement are depicted
with the light of an inner vision; a on the faces and in the attitudes of
face not easily forgotten. The other his retinue. The greatest of the
panel, a "Virgin and Child" (70) is 'religious painters who remain is
quite a decorative composition, the Nicolas Poussin, whose dates are
Virgin being painted in that chalky 1594-1665. Two large canvasses deflesh tint which was frequently picting the Crossing of the Red Sea
affected in her honour at that period, (142) and the Worship of the Golden
while there is a surrounding wreath Calf (143) are interesting pictorial
of cherub and seraph faces, exqui- illustrations. In the former the
sitely drawn, and coloured blue and waves have just engulfed the Egypscarlet. This took me back to an tian host, and in the foreground
"Adoration of the Shepherds" by Israelites are snatching trophies
Mantegna, which was in the Italian from the water's edge. One man
Exhibition, with cherub heads in kneels with clasped uplifted hands
vermilion ana bronze. As Fouquet in thanksgiving. In the other Aaron
worked in Rome and was a contem- is directing the false worship, while
porary of Mantegna, it is an inter- Moses, descending from the mount,
esting speculation whether the breaks the tables. But two " EnFrench artist took the idea from the tombments " are of greater interest,
Italian. A magnificent picture, and one is a great work. It is it,
which is attributed to the "School of structive to compare these. No. 128
Fouquet," is a "Deposition from is the earlier one, painted when
the Cross" (46). This is a fine piece Poussin was about 35. As an artistic
of composition, with excellent char- rendering of sorrow and grief it is
acter and feeling in the figures. The much more crude and conventional
dead Christ, with young and beard- than No. 120. The latter, painted
less face, and long, light brown hair, when Ire was in his fifties, is a most
is supported at the head by Joseph of impressive canvas. The light and
Arimathea, and at the feet by Nico- shade, colouring and composition,
demus, both of whom are dressed as all contribute to the unified feeling
swish rabbis, with round caps. of the picture. The attitudes of the
ears glisten on the upturned face sorrowing women, of John, halfof St. John. Every face contributes mazed at the body's head, of Joseph
to the emotional impression of the of Arimathea kneeling in the tombpicture, to the nun who peers round entrance and anxiously appealing to
the shaft of the Cross in the back- John for his help, are eloquently deground, and to St. James on the signed. It is a picture before which
extreme right, looking round the one can stand long.
• •
shoulder of the donor—who kneels
before him—with an indescribable
Space is gone, and I most pass
concern depicted on his features.
more modern painters like Delacroix,
• • • •
whose sombre "Calvary" (343) and
A correspondent in the Times vigorous little "Christ on the Lake"
recently made some extraordinary (407) are worthy of attention; and
suggestions about the 15th century also some depicting the human side
triptych of the Annunciation (77) of religion like Legros, whose "Exfrom the Church of the Madeleine, Voto" (498) is a wonderful study of
Aix-en-Provence, the unknown peasant-women's faces in worship.
painter of which is known by this I was disappointed not to find any
work as the "Maitre de l'Annoncia- religious example by Puvis de Chation d'Aix." In the central panel the canoes, a painter with truly religious
Virgin kneels at an ornate reading- feeling. But I must at least mention
desk in a church. An angel on the Gauguin's " Ia Orana Maria " — a
left gives her the message. Above striking version of the Madonna as
is seen God the Father, from Whom a dark-skinned Tahitian woman,
proceed golden rays, descending on with her boy-child perched on her
the Virgin, and in the rays is a tiny shoulder, two Tahitian women bowfigure of the Infant. At the end of ing before her, and screened by
an aisle on the right a priest is cele- growing flowers, a dark-skinned
A misbrating Mass with some worship- angel with yellow wings.
The Times critic made the sionary note on which to close.
startling Suggestion that this is a
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prepaid Adverts„ Id. per word,
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Churches and People.
Rev. E. McLellan's programme this
week is as follows : February 5th, Holborn Hall, London; 7th, Southport; 8th,
Walsall; 9th, Willenhall; 10th, Leicester, Presidents' Conference; 11th,
Messrs. Rawlings, Butt and Bowyer are
providing the tea. The Rev. Dr. Leslie
Church, Mr. R. J. Soper, M.P., and Sir
W. H. Sugden, M.P., are the speakers
at the 6.30 meeting, which is open to the
public. It should be a great and inspiring rally, which no local preacher will
willingly miss.
—Mr. Jas. Black announces the following engagement February 7th, Birmingham Fourth, Selly Oak Church.
..... .
The recovery of the Vice-President's
health has given much satisfaction to his
friends in the Bloxwich Circuit, which
he visited last week. He was in very
good form, and his services were greatly
appreciated. There was spiritual power
present, and in the evening service a
number of young men openly dedicated
their lives to Christ. We pray that Mr.
Black may have strength given him to
carry out the remainder of his programme.
The Young People's Missionary Letter
for the first quarter of 1932 is from the
pen of the Rev. W. Illsley, of Zastron,
South Africa. Under the title of The
Shepherd of Basuto Childhood, he tells
interestingly of some of the Basuto
native laws, and shows how they prepare
the way for the message of Christ.
The Rev. J. T. Barkby begs to acknowledge very gratefully the kind gift of £5
to the London Forward Movement from
" Anonymous," who has previously contributed in a similar way £10 to this
It was a fine meeting at Flottergate
Church, Grimsby, on the Wednesday
evening of the General Missionary Committee. Both the Rev. H. L. 0.
'Williams and the Rev. J. R. Shaw gave
splendid addresses. Mr. Williams made
a convincing apologia for educational
missions, and Mr. Shaw's sketch of the
pioneer stages and subsequent development of our work in Northern Rhalesia
yeas, at the Rev. W. Potter said the next
morning, a marvel of neat and effective
speech-making—" not a loose word anywhere." In the absence of Mr. T. J.
Grainge, through indisposition, Mr. H.
E. Knott capably presided, with Mr. H.
Hodgkinson, of Derby, as Ilk " vice."
The noted Flottergate choir, in good
force, gave exquisite renderings of
Parry's motet, " My soul, there is
country " (unaccompanied), and " The
heavens are telling."
The churches of Bradford joined in a
great civic service at the Cathedral on
Wednesday, January 27th, in connection
with the World Disarmament Conference. The Lord Mayor was accompanied
by aldermen, representatives of public
bodies, teachers and ministers. The Lord
Bishop of Bradford and Dr. Cadoux
were the preachers, and a splendid company was present. Such a gathering was
witness to Bradford's desire that the
Conference shoukl be successful in
furthering world peace.
We regret to learn that owing to illness the Rev. T. C. Showell has had to
cancel his engagement to superintend the
Brandon Circuit as from the next Conference, and that he is contemplating
superannuation. The sympathy and good
wishes of numerous friends for improved
health and many happy years of retirement will be assured him. Mr. Showell's
decision means that Brandon Circuit will
have to secure a superintendent for Judy
next, when the Rev. G. Davies removes
to New Mills.
We are glad to hear that the Rev. S.
Oakley, who met with a motor-cycle
accident, is progressing satisfactorily.
He and Mrs. Oakley are grateful to many
friends for kind messages. The Rev. J.
C. Mantripp is also doing well. He is
now suffering chiefly, as those who know
him will understand, from enforced idleness. Nurse Jeffries, late of our South
Central African Mission, providentially
happened to be staying with the Rev. 0.
E. and Mrs. Wiles, and has been nursing
Mr. Mantripp since his accident.
Arrangements are well in hand for a
splendid series of meetings to be hdd in
our Preston churches during the weekend, April 1615-1910, to celebrate the
centenary of the Temperance Movement
and the " Seven Men of Preston." The
President of the Conference (Rev. A.
McLellan), the Connexional Temperance
Secrets, (Rev. J. T. Bell) and the Revs.
S. W. Hughes and Sam. Rowley have
been engaged as special preachers and
speakers. It is hoped that many friends
from neighbouring circuits will attend
At least three of the
the gatherings.
famous " Seven " were Primitive Methodists, and a grand-daughter of one of
them is a member of our Saul-street
This church migrated from
Lawson-street, where many committee
meetings and public meetings of the
Preston Temperance Society were held
upwards of a hundred years ago. It was
there that the first Sunday-school Total
Abstinence Society was inaugurated on
April 18th, 1834.
Wednesday, February 10th, sees the
great fraternal gathering of Methodist
local preachers of the London Districts
at Westminster Central Hall. The Rev.
Tom Sykes is to open the conversation
at the afternoon conference, over which
the Rev. C. Ensor Walters presides.
The Rev. John McNeill, the wellknown Scottish preacher and evangelist,
is preaching at the City Temple at four
o'clock on Tuesday, February 9th, in
connection with the annual meetings of
the London Free Church Federation, and
a large audience is expected. Following
the sermon there is a tea-table conference on " The Royal Commission Report
on Drink Control," introduced by Lord
Rhayader (formerly the Rt. Hon. Leif
Jones). At 7.30 there is to be a great
Free Church rally in support of Disarmament, when a message will be sent to
the Geneva Conference. Mr. R. Wilson
Black, J.P., presides, and the speakers
include Dr. F. W. Norwood, Miss Ellen
Wilkinson and the Rev. John McNeill.
Toe Queen's Park Congregational choir
is to lead the singing.
The question of how to retain our
young people and deepen their interest
in the Church led the leaders at our
Lancaster Church to arrange, in conjunction with the Sunday-school, for a special
young people's service. The service was
held last Sunday evening, and was conducted throughout by Sunday-school
scholars from thirteen to nineteen years
of age. Mr. R. P. Dugdale, a candidate
for the ministry, was the preacher. Two
scholars sang solos, two read the lessons
and another conducted the service. The
announcements were made and the offertory taken by the young people. The
service was carried through with impressive reverence, and was enjoyed as much
by the old, members of the congregation
as by the scholars themselves. The
minister has received requests for a
similar service to be held twice during
the quarter.
A remarkable Scripture Examination
record is that of Miss N. Balls, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Balls, of New Seaham, Seaharn Harbour Circuit. For ten
successive years she has passed with 90
per cent. of marks and over, for three
years in succession (1923-25) gaining the
Tull hundred. In the last examination
she was only half-a-mark short. In this
period Miss Balls has taken seven District and five Connexional prizes (two
firsts and three seconds). Can this record be beaten? Miss Balls hopes soon
to enter London University in preparation for teaching. There should be a
distinguished career ahead of her.
The Rev. Joseph Ritson's birthday
sermon at Motherwell on January 10th
appeared in full in The Christian World
Pulpit of last week. It is interesting to
note that Sir Arthur Salter's Halley
Stewart Lecture, The World Crisis, delivered a week ago, concludes in prac" It is not
tically identical words
enough to think nationally, it is not
enough to think imperially; we have also
to think internationally."
The Rev. John Bradbury has been
elected president of the Derby and Derbyshire Temperance Federation, in succession to Canon Blunt, who has been
appointed Bishop of Bradford.
. .
Another Sunday-school with a fine
Scripture Examination record is Strensail, York First Circuit, which has carried off the " W. H. Findson " District
Challenge Shield for three successive
years. In 1929, with only 26 scholars in
the school, eight sat for the examination
and four took honours, with District
prizes, and four first-class certificates.
In 1930 eleven sat, two taking honours
(one District prize), seven first-class and
two second-class certificates. In 1931 ten
sat, five taking honours (three District
prizes) and five first-class certificates.
Both scholars and trainer are to be
heartily congratulated.
The Rev. W. J. Ward has preached
church anniversary sermons at Northam,
SouthaMpton Circuit, where remarkable
progress has been made since the extension of the premises four or five years
ago, particularly through the Christian
'Endeavour and the Brigades.
were excellent congregations, especially
on Sunday evening, and also at the Monday night meeting, when the Mayor of
Southampton (Coup. F. Woolley, J.P.)
and Mr. C. W. Bosworth, church leader
and secretary for many years, took part.
A striking feature was the presentation
of gifts by representatives of various departments, whose brief but happy
speeches evidenced that unity of spirit
and endeavour which alone guarantees
success. The financial proceeds were £31.
Mr. Solomon Wigetts, of Old Hill, has,
just attained his 90th birthday. He is
an old superintendent of the Tabernacle
Sunday-school, and his words from the
desk are still bearing fruit in numbers of
lives. In earlier life business took him
frequently to London, where he revelled
in opportunities of hearing the great
Victorian preachers—Liddon, Spurgeon,
Parker, Horton, Hugh Price Hughes,
Mark Guy Pearse and our own Tolefree
Parr. From them he fed on the great
New Testament truths. He became wise
in the knowledge of God, men, fruits,
flowers and books. Though physical infirmities begin to tell, he is still keen for
the progress of God's work. Two other
ex-superintendents at Old Hill are octogenarians—Mr. T. Carter and Mr. S.
The schools in the. Clayton West Circuit take great interest in the Scripture
.Examinations. The Elmley School has
this year won both the "Henry Jackson"
and the " Richard Fletcher " Shields for
the Bradford and Halifax District. Great
credit is due to Miss Annie Gardner and
Mr. Norman Booth, who trained the
children. One Elmley scholar, Margaret
Clegg, won the first District prize, while
a third prize went to Phyllis Lodge, of
Clayton West.
In response to " Questor's " challenge
concerning Sunday morning schools, Mr.
J. P. Dixon, of New Silksworth, Sunderland, writes to inform us that he has a
Sunday morning class, 40 to 50 strong,
the members of which also attend morning worship, though they are allowed to
leave if they wish at 11-15.
youngsters—under 14—also not only
attend afternoon school, but the evening
service and prayer meeting as well. They
are in evidence at three or four weeknight meetings, and " would go every
night if I gave way to them."
Many will learn with regret that Mrs.
Senior, of Great Yarmouth, is in a nursing home, where she underwent an
operation on January 31st. As we go to
press she is progressing as well as can be
expected. Mrs. Senior is an ardent member of the 'Executive of the Women's
Missionary Federation.
Stanley Church has been favoured with
a return visit from the Rev. A. B. Story,
of Nuneaton, who 041 Sunday and Monday, January 24th and 25th, delighted
his many friends by his inspiring sermons
and his address to the " Men's Own."
The officials were greatly cheered to see
the church filled on the Sunday night
and to watch the 250 men in the "Men's
Own " eagerly attentive to Mr. Store's
address on " The Right Use of the Sabbath Day," afterwards bombarding him
with questions. The visit has enhanced
Mr. Storr's reputation as a minister of
outstanding gifts.
Mr. William Birch, an honoured local
preach, and official of our Clitheme
Church, has been appointed probation
officer for the borough. All who know
Mr. Birch will consider it an admirable
appointment and fed that it will be
through no fault of his if the feet of
wayward youths are not set upon the
straight road.
The Rev. W. Jacques has been
appointed president of the Normantort
Council of Christian Congregations,
which includes all the Christian congregations in the town with the exception
of the R.C., and has also been elected
president of the Normanton and District
C.E. Union.
Under the will of the late Mr. Joseph
Wain, Kedleston-street Church, Derby,
receives a legacy of £100.
Mr. George F. Parkes and Mr. S.
Leon Cook were ordainedlay
preachers at Belle Vue Church, Wakefield, on Sunday morning last. Each in
his testimony made gracious reference to home influence. The Rev. J.
McLoughlin conducted the service, Mr.
F. Laughton (Market-street Church)
gave a fitting charge to the candidates
and Mr. H. D. Crossfield, B.A. (secretary of the Wakefield and District
Preachers' Association), offered the
ordination prayer. Mr. R. P. Leather
(president of the association) presented
a Bible to Mr. Cook and a Moffat
New Testament to Mr. Parkes.
The Preachers' Association, one of
the best of its kind in Northern
Methodism, arranged the service. The
association embraces the two Wakefield
Circuits, Horbury, Osset and Dewsbury,
and both promotes fellowship among the
preachers and arranges an annual interchange.
The Peace is his
Broadcast last
week, urged every
Ole ID
"Play the
part of
Neighbour &
Friend to the
man out of
How This Mission Does This
By providing hundreds of meals,
not once a year, but every week,
for Friendless and Destitute Men,
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Every day we are feeding and
clothing these poor of the atreets.
Be a Neighbour and
Friend Yourself
by mauling a gift at once for this
work to
St. George's Hall,
Old Kent Road, S.E.1
4, T932.
Mr. W. Evans, steward of New
Wandsworth and Fulham Circuit, has
been elected president of the Wandsworth and District Free Church Council.
At the Harrowgate-hill Church, Darlington, in the presence of a good congregation and a full choir, Mr. Herbert
Adams was ordained as lay preacher.
Court. J. Waters conducted, and also
made the presentation of a Bible. The
charge to the candidate was given by the
Rev. L. Duchars and that to the church
by the Rev. N. M. Cuthbert.
A Women's Bright Hour, commenced
at Monkgate Church, York, a month
ago, is giving good promise of usefulness,
the attendance increasing week by week.
Pastor George Graham, of 13loxwich,
has conducted a ten days' mission at
1pstones and Waterhouses. At 1pstones,
from the welcome meeting, presided over
by the Rev. H. J. Sadd, the attendance
grew daily, until at the closing meeting
every foot of space was occupied. For
three hours song, speech and prayer led
up to glorious triumph, when three
young people surrendered to Jesus, while
others re-dedicated themselves to His
service. The Wesleyans cooperated, and
it was a Methodist mission in the best
The week-end at Waterhouses
was all too brief, but souls have been
stirred to new activity. Mr. Graham's
closing lecture, " From Plough to
Pulpit," was attended by many friends
from other societies, and the congregation was deeply moved as the converts
testified from the pulpit of the joy they
had found in Christ. The circuit praises
God for what He has wrought, and is
grateful to die Home Missions Department.
Rhostyllen (Wrexham)
A most successful ten days' mission has
been held al Rhostyllen, Wrexham Circuit. The missioner was the Rev. H.
Rhead, of Hanley, who rendered magnificent service. A welcome meeting on the
Saturday night was attended by representatives front the various churches in
the village, who expressed their greetings
and good wishes. Mr. John Williams,
one of the circuit stewards, spoke on
behalf of the circuit and Poyser-street
Church. Mr. Rhead at once captivated
all by his winsome personality and splenEveryone felt that good
did address.
things were assured during the ensuing
week, and the hope was not disappointed.
Congregations were well maintained and
interest in the services daily increased.
The second Sunday evening service will
long be remembered. It was a time of
spiritual exaltation such as has not beer
experienced for many years. It was a
joy to see young men and women making
public confession of their decision to serve
Christ. Twenty-seven decision cards were
signed during the mission, and the good
work still goes on. The church owes Mr.
Rhead a very great debt of gratitude, and
looks forward eagerly to a future visit.
Disarmament Approaches.
Under the auspices of the International it is disappointed in the failure of the
Christian Organisations at Geneva— American Senate to ratify the Versailles
whose Joint Disarmament Committee is Treaty clauses guaranteeing French
endeavouring to focus and make effective frontiers, the English Parliament's noninternational Christian opinion during acceptance of the 1924 Protocol, and the
the momentous Conference just opened— Kellogg Pact's lack of provision against
a meeting was held recently, at which possible infringement. The average
representatives of various nations frankly Frenchman points to the reduction of the
stated the probable attitude of their coun- period of French military service from
tries in approaching the Conference.
three years to one, and the statistics
Mr. Malcolm W. Davis, speaking for which show a reduction of armaments of
the United States, explained that from 40 to 60 per cent. France seeks
America had to make two difficult adjust- the security of all nations, and is prements at once. She had to unify her pared to give up her absolute national
mixed population and achieve national rights if this sacrifice is made by all.
integrity, and at the same time to French public opinion is expecting great
exercise, with comparatively little experi- things of the Conference, but would not
ence, an international influence created understand it if sanctions and guarantees
by circumstances. The new basis of her of peace were sought to the disregard of
international policy is the Pact of Paris, international obligations.
hence the importance of harmonising the
Mr. Bertram Pickard, for England,
Pact with the League Covenant. With cited recent declarations of Mr. Macregard to armed forces, the American Donald, Mr. Baldwin and Mr. A. V.
delegation was likely to hold that the Alexander. It might be taken for granted
U.S. Army is not a factor in farad dis- that the present Government would be
armament, being smaller in proportion to much less disposed than was its prethe population than the German Army; decessor to make drastic proposals. He
they would oppose a decrease in size of referred to the hostility to the Confercapital ships, but might favour a naval ence manifested by the Evening Standard,
holiday, particularly in capital ship-build- but, on the other hand, instanced the two
ing; the American attitude does not million signatures to the Women's Petifavctur internationalisation of air forces. tion. He suggested the statement of the
The U.S. offer to waive her rights General Council of the League of
under the Treaty of London is evidence, Nations Union as representative of
however, of the seriousness with which moderate British opinion. This claimed
she approaches the Conference.
that the Conference should issue in a
Dr. Joachim Muller, speaking for first General Disarmament Convention,
Germany, declared that German politi- providing for an all-round 25 per cent.
cians, and even more the nation, stand reduction on a five-year basis. The prinfor disarmament; this in spite of the ciple of equality in status should be rebellicose appearance of nationalistic cognised by proportionate reduction for
movements. But from the experiences of the stronger States and not by increase
the past two years, Germany is deter- for the wealcer.
Dr. Visser 't Hooft set forth the mind
mined to become the master of her fate.
Dr. Muller stressed the German demand of Holland. Asa small country, Holland
for the application of equal standards was naturally for Disarmament. Petiand methods in disarmament, as it matter tions for Disarmament got more signaof honour, of international morale and tures in Holland than anywhere else.
of life and death for Germany herself. Yet Holland had an °Milting 'Empire in
Unilateral disarmament means the abuse the .East Indies, and those particularly
of the weal[ by the strong.
German interested in it tended to be more conopinion, therefore, is opposed to the servative. Happenings in Manchuria
Draft Convention as stabilising the un- had made Holland uneasy. A widespread
equal status of armaments.
dislike of militarism is characteristic of
Pasteur P. Maury, for France, ex- the Dutch psychology, and Holland has
pounded the French attitude, inspired it large number of conscientious objectors.
absolutely by desire for security. The Socialists and religious groups are keen
French mind is essentially juridical, and on Disarmament.
The Presidents at Shrewsbury.
Some of the greatest and most influen
dal meetings in the history of Shropshire
Methodism were held in St. John's Hill
Wesleyan Church on Wednesday, January
27th, occasioned by the visit of the three
Presidents. At the morning session for
ministers, the Rev. J. Ford Reed presided, when tee Rev. E. McLellan gave
a fine address, in which he pointed out
the great need of spiritual equipment for
our tasks. It was a time of heart-searching and real fellowship. An impressive
Mr. E. Lloyd and Mks A. Allen. communion service followed, conducted
At the Primitive Methodist Church, by Dr. Ryder Smith. Lunch was served
Oswestry, a pretty wedding was cele- at a Cal8 and kindly given by three Methobrated on 28th January, the bride being dist laymen.
Miss Annie Allen, third daughter of Mrs.
At the afternoon session for Christian
and the late Mr. Edward Allen, of " Shen- workers, Court. W. Bowen presided. After
stone." Ferrers-road, Oswestry, and prayer by the Rev. F. H. Benson, B.A.,
Enoch James, only son of Mr. and Mrs. of Birmingham, the Rev. J. Ford Reed
E. Lloyd, of 37, Ketley Bank, Oaken- gave an illuminating address, making a
gates. The bride, who looked charming strong plea on behalf of the young people,
in an ankle length frock Of beige geor- who, he said, are becoming more sensigette and lace, and carried a shower tive to religion, and our great work is to
bouquet of pink carnations, was given win their confidence and trust. Dr. Ryder
away by Mr. C. E. Allen (brother). Her Smith followed with a brilliant address in
bridesmaids, Miss G. Ralphs and Miss E. which he brought home some valuable
Connell, wore dresses of blue and shell lessons from the parable of the Leaven,
pink crepe de chine, and carried Victorian graphically describing the process of the
posies. The hymns "Love Divine" and extension of the Kingdom as being both
"0 Perfect Love" were sung, and to the peaceable and revolutionary. John Wesley
strains of Mendelssohn's "Wedding in the 18th century committed England
March " the happy couple proceeded M a peaceable revolution, and if the
down the aisle. The officiating ministers leaven of the Kingdom is at work in our
were Rev. J. Holland and Rev. W. H. hearts, it not only makes us peaceable,
Mason. Mr. C. E. Clift (Wolverhamp- but ret'olutionary. It was doing this
ton) was best man. The reception took amongst the leaders of the nations at
place at the Oswestry Castle Rooms, and Geneva, who say that nations have no
many beautiful and useful presents were longer any right to stand for self-interest
01 view at the bride's home.
alone, but must consider and care for
others. To knead that leaven into the
fabric of lite might mean hard work, but
there would be great and sure results.
The whole world would be leavened.
Several important questions were afterwards asked on the work A Union, which
were answered by the Rev. E. McLellan
in a most courteous and smisfactory way.
Tea was served in the schoolroom by the
In the evening there was a great Rally
of Methodists from the twelve circuits
included in the area. The body of the
church was well filled at 6.30, and community singing of well-known Methodist
hymns proved it good preparation for the
enthusiastic meeting that followed. Mr.
T. G. Robin presided and struck the right
note in his apt remarks.
Dr. Ryder
Smith made a profound impression by his
great utterance. He pointed out that all
our difficulties would be overcome as we
were inspired by the Spirit of God. St.
Paul once asked a very important question of the Church at Ephesus, which it
would be well to face today : "Have ye
received the Holy Spirit since ye first
believed?" The Holy Spirit brings the
most valuable things of life within the
reach of all who make the earnest search
that is required of them. The Sword of
the Spirit, which is the word of God in
its is a mighty weapon which we should
use more frequently. The Rev. J. Ford
Reed made a challenging appeal to the
young people to make this the hour of
their decision for whole-hearted service.
Methodism was in need of their witness.
The irresistible power of God was to be
felt in the life consecrated to His service,
77 _
and that was the most effective way td
cure the sin-sick world. The Rev. E.
McLellan gave the closing address, dealing with his theme in a masterly manner.
Union was a call to the three Methodist
Churches to rise to higher ground where
they might realise wider visions and
greater strength for service. While we
had all been trying to settle down to a
life of ease, mankind had been full of
turmoil and disturbance; so God has
called us to mobilise our forces and march
to higher altitudes. On this note closed
what was felt to be it day full of great
portent for the future of Shropshire
J. M. R.
District Conference.
Leeds District Endeavourers demonstrated at their annual conference that
the C.E. movement is still it mighty force
with a great future. The conference was
held in Market-street Church, Wakefield,
with the Rev. H. T. Wigley, B.A., B.D.
(Connexional Secretary), as the principal
spealcer. The Rev. P. Tillotson (Barnsley) presided over a large audience in the
afternoon, and stressed the success of a
movement as measured not by numbers,
but by quality. Mr. Wigley's reception
revealed how quickly he has won his way
into the affections of our ,Endeavourers,
and his address on " Christian Endeavour and Modern Needs " gripped his
audience, provoking thought and challenging their loyalty.
The discussion
that followed was well maintained by the
Revs. F. C. Dyer and F. Davies, Mr.
J. G. Pointon and Mr. J. Davies. After
an excellent tea, Mr. G. Winterbottom
(Barnsley) presided over an audience that
almost filled the church. Mr. Wigley's
address on " The Old Methodist Experience and the Young People of To-clay "
was a stirring utterance, and greatly delighted both old and young. Mc, F. C.
Searle (Rothwell) enriched the meeting
with her solos. The roll call was conducted by the Rev. W. Jacques (District
Secretary), over thirty societies responding. Thanks were expressed to the
Market-street friends for their excellent
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Corringham.
An interesting function was held at
Grimsby on January 25th, when Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Corringham, of Scartho,
celebrated their golden wedding.
were married at Prospect Chapel, Holbert:, Leeds, by the Rev. Henry Holgate,
Mrs. Corringham being the daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. John Sykes, of
After shifting scenes in early
years, in 1886 they came to Grimsby,
where they have since resided, associating themselves with Flottergate Church.
For many years they retained that connection, until going to lice at Scartho.
Mr. Corringham has for some time been
the society steward of our Scartho
Church, where he is keenly supported by
his wife, though both are over 70 years
of age. For nearly 40 years Mr. Corringham has been manager of the
Grimsby Coal Supply Company. It was
it happy circumstance that their unbroken family of four sons and four
daughters was present at the celebration.
As an expression of thanksgiving, Mr.
Corringham handed to the Rev. Geo.
Fawcett a cheque for £."2.5 towards the
Lightning Fund for the Local Preachers'
Aid Association.
Many congratulatory
messages were received and suitable presents made to them. Both are hopeful
of spending many more days in Christian
Must the League Fail?
By L. A.
Zimmer, (Martin Hopkinson, 2s. 6c1.)
Scottish Short Stories.
(Faber and
Faber, 7s. 6d.)
Christian Outlines. By Cyril Alington.
(Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 2s. 6d.)
Tell John. By Revs. G. Allen and R.
McKay. (Alex. Machehose and Co., 5s.)
The Cabin in the Cotton. By H. H.
Kroll. (Constable, 7s. 6d.)
By Ronald Knox and
Arnold Lunn. (Eyre and Spottiswoode,
7s. 6d.).
Visit of Rev. W. Younger.
Our church at Thurgoland, Barnsley
First Circuit, Was re-opened after renovation and electric light installation on
Saturday, January 20th. The doors were
formally opened by Mrs. Raymond
Swift, after which the Rev. W. Younger
preached a powerful sermon to a full
Mr. Hugh Matthewman, of
Oldham, a former scholar and school
superintendent, presided. Tea followed,
and in the evening Mr. Younger lectured
on " Is Life Mainly a Matter of Luck?"
Mr. Tom Croft, of Manchester, another
old friend, "presiding. Mrs. W. Pickering (Stocksbridge) was the soloist. Many
old scholars and members rallied for the
On the Sunday afternoon a
musical programme was given by Miss
Dorothy Wordsworth, A.L.C.M. (soprano
and solo pianist), Miss Mary Egan
(elocutionist) and Mr. Donald Wordsworth (violin). Mr. and Miss Wordsworth are grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Olixby, renowned for hospitality to
preachers, and now living on the East
Coun. T. J. Brooks, M.B.E.,
J.P., of Castleford, who presided, is
another Thurgoland man, and preachers
retain happy memories of his saintly old
mother of beaming countenance.
Percy Morris, who gave an address, is a
trophy of grace. Once a village publican,
he now rejoices in the message of the
Gospel. The services were a great success spiritually and financially, £35 being
raised free of expense. Mr. Armitage
has worked devotedly as secretary, and
Mr. Elliot, a descendant of the poet and
singer of that name, his wife and little
Barbara, have also rendered fine service.
The Prince of Wales's " Call to Service " has had an immediate and widespread backing. The Archbishop of
Canterbury appeals to the clergy and
leaders of young people's organisations
to see that the call reaches those among
Dr. Scott Lidgett
whom they work.
speaks for the Free Churches, that they
may be trusted to do all in their power
to further it. Cardinal Bourne, for the
Roman Catholic Church, cad Dr. Hertz,
the Chief Rabbi, for the Jewish community, also give it their whole-hearted
support. " Preparation for life's task,
and hard work at that task, says Dr.
Hertz, must in the future be far more
the universal rule."
This Bank made a net profit last year
of £1,747,007, against £1,930,854 for the
year 1930. Shareholders received a dividend of 16 per cent. for the year. Sir
Harry Gcechen (the chairman) said that
the number of customers during the year
had shown a satisfactory increase, and
the Savings Department had continued
to show satisfactory progress. When
the poor old country is supposed
to be on the rocks, it was good news to
be told that some people were able to
B.B.C. Manuals.
A batch of well-produced manuals
relating to current Broadcast Talks series
includes a number prepared for the
broadcasts to schools. Sir Walford
Davies has prepared that for his Music
Lessons, with full musical illustrations.
Others are World History, Tracing History Bachwards, Life and Work in the
British Isles, Rural Science, Early Stages
in French, Your Body Every Day-all
these well illustrated-and a syllabus of
the Talks for Older Pupils. These are
obtainable at the uniform price of one
penny. A new handbook on the Modern
Art section of the comprehensive series,
" The Changing World " (5d.) is both
useful and artistic, with a number of
excellent photographic reproductions of
modern architecture, sculpture, painting,
etc., on art paper.
The February Boy's Own Paper (1s.)
has an exciting cover and equally exciting contents. Stories include a mountain adventure, a Scout's adventure and
a tale of wild Africa; while there is the
usual sprinkling of hobby articles.
George Crabbe.
Hard on the heels of the bicentenary
of Cowper's birth fellows the centenary
of Crabbe's death. Contemporary in an
age which boasted a select literary coterie,
choosing subjects akin, yet how different
was their treatment of the themes! It
is doubtful if these men ever met. Both
were men of- genius, with religious instinct, lovers of rural scenes and observers
of humanity, particularly of humble life,
even' assisted by the ' same generous
patron of literature, Thurlow, Lard.
Chancellor, and school-fellow of .Cowper.
Wherein, then, lies the ;Talon for the
warmth with which Cowper is honoured
while Crabbe is forgotten, and,is- little
more than a name of a late eighteenth
century poet?
George Crabbe's early hardships
shadowed his adult years. The son of
a saltmaster at Aldeburgh, Suffolk,
meagrely educated, he overcame these
deficiencies by dint of his Own laborious
efforts. Failing to make a livelihood in
surgery, to which he was apprenticed,
he took his literary courage in both
hands, came to London, and got a volume
of poems issued by a publisher who failed
shortly after. Thus robbed of the rewards of his industry, he continued to
write, secured the patronage of Edmund
Burke, and later of Thurlow, took Holy
Orders, and returned to his native parish
of Aldeburgh as curate. While chaplain
to the Duke of Rutland at Belvoir Castle
he brought out The Village, and when
he was presented with two small livings
in Dorsetshire, married his fir. love,
Miss Rimy, after eleven years' courtship.
On the death of her uncle, ten years
later, he inherited a moderate fortune,
which enabled him to pursue his clerical
work unhampered by financial worries.
But for twenty-two years he published
nothing, and it has been suggested that
the need for funds to send his son to the
university led to his re-appearance in
print in 1807 with the Parish Register,
followed by The Borough, and later by
Tales in Verse, for which Murray, the
publisher, paid him £3,000. When he
died he was in his 78th year, and had
been vicar of Trowbridge, Wilts, nearly
fifteen years.
At various times he had come into conflict with the Methodists, and in his
earlier livings had net out definitely to
oppose them, yet his relations with them
improved with the course of time, and
at his death all the Dissenting ministers
of the place followed him to his grave.
Crabbe is little read in these days, and
is practically unknown to the present
He painted humble rural
life with complete faithfulness, and often
wearisome detail, and his stories sometimes repel by their poignancy. They
lack the warmth and fervour, and cerYet
tainly the humour, of Cowper.
Mai Charlotte Hall.
Tragic circumstances attended the pass
ing of this devoted member of our Cottingham Church, Hull Seventh Circuit.
For fifteen years she Was a Sister at the
Hull Tuberculosis Sanatorium, doing persistent night duty for twelve years. Returning to her room, her clothes caught
fire, burning her to severely that she died
a few hours later. She was loved by staff
and patients. Her devotion to het- task,
her patience and courage, bring en appalShe gave herself
fing sense of loss.
unstintingly to the alleviating of human
suffering. Regular in attendance, worship
was to her a joy and inspiration. Generous
to the point of ardent sacrifice, her loving
spirit had its secret in her love for Jesus
Christ. The missionary cause has lost an
enthusiastic supporter in this loyal member of the Hull Central Auxiliary. Her
association with our Church was lifelong.
She was the second daughter of the late
Rev. A. C. Hall. After a brief service at the
Sanatorium and in our Cottingham
Church, conducted by Res, P. Holmes,
her body was laid to rest in Cottingham
Crabbe's works will well repay perusal
in this centenary period. Charles Jam.
Fox and Sir Walter Scott were comforted in their last hours by his verses,
and -Thomas Hardy acknowledged their
influence on his writings.
. In Letter IV. in The Borough, in
which he describes " Sects and Professions in • Religion," Crabbe describes the
Methodists and their divisions
The Calvinistic these, Or. Arminian
With Wesley some remain'd, the
remnant Whitefield chose.
(Died February 3rd, 1832).
Sta.-In our Staines-road Church,
Hounslow, of the last 391 hymns sung
216 were from the Hymnal and 176 from
Of those from tho
the Supplement.
Hymnal, Nos. 589 and 769 were sung
four times, 156, 305, 972, 796, 754 and
462 thrice. From the Supplement, en
easy favourite was No. 19, eight times,
57 and 96 six each, 199, 160 and 35 five
times, 209, 218, MI, 4, 1, 16 and 262
thrice. As on many of the "old stagers.'
were never sung at all, there is every
justification for the deletion of a large
number of them from the new hymn
book.-Yours, etc.,
F. A. B. GletaoWd
Of Wesley's followers he writes later on :
This is the ancient stock by Wesley
They the pure body, he the reverend
All innovation they with dread
Their John the elder was the John
_That ,his attitude softened and sympathy superseded satire is indicated by
one of his later poems, " Sit- Eustace
Grey," a mad-house scene, in which the
distracted knight at last finds peace, and
certain stanzas inserted as a specimen of
the preaching through which he was
saved are sometimes used as a hymn :
Pilgrim, burden'd with thy sin,
Come the way to Zion's gate,
There, till Mercy let thee in,
Knock and weep, and watch and
•Knock !-Ile knows the sinner's
loves the mourner's
Watch I-Ior saving grace is
Wait,-till heavenly light
Hark I it is the Bridegroom's voice:
Welcome, pilgrim, to thy rest:
Now within the gate rejoice,
Safe and seard, and bought and
blest I
Safe-front all the lures of vice,
Seard-by signs the chosen
Bought-by love and life the
Blest-the mighty debt to owe.
Holy pilgrim! what for thee
In a world like this remain?
From thy guarded breast shall flee
Fear and shame, and doubt and
Fear-the hope of Heaven shall
Sta,-In these days when the germ of
influenza is abroad amongst us, there is
a message for all in the news that the
King of Denmark has been ordered by his
doctor to go in for cycling. The bicycle
has been truly described as Britain's best
health resort, and, in regard to influenza,
that tribute is just in three respects. The
exercise of cycling not only tones up the
system against an attack, it is en agreeable aid to convalescence. Not least important, the bicycle, if used to go to and
from work, necessarily isolates its rider
from the ever present risk of the infection
to be met in every 'bus, tram, and train.
I myself have been a cyclist for twentyseven years, and only twice have I been
caught by 'flu, and that was directly from
a patient. I ascribe a large amount of
my health to my cycling, and I ride 75
miles every week in the winter and 125
miles in the summer.-Yours, etc.,
Fifteenth List.
Glascote (S.S.), 13s. 7d.; Brighton
(5.5.), £1 2s. ld.; Carlisle (Members),
£3 8s. ,• Carlisle (S.S.), Ll 6s.; Carlisle
(W.M.A.), 16s. •,
(W.M.A.), 4s. 11d.; Walkden (S.S.), 4.;
Walkden (W.M.A.), 10s. 9d. •, Wymondham (S.S.), 9s. 10d.; Hull Third (Members), £2 Os. 10d. •, Swindon First (Members), £111s. 6d. ; Swindon First (S.S.), El
5s, 8d.; Bury Second (Members and S.S.),
Scholastic Successes. I
of taw
NOTICE.-Te sham far is
natl. I. 2a. for a wards, prataid.
We offer our hearty congratulations and
good wishes to the following:
Nancy Clennell, daughter of the Rev.
Shame-from glory's view retire,
John Clennell, and a teacher in our
Doubt-in certain rapture die,
Spennymoor Sunday-school. (Aid. Wraith
Pain-in endless bliss expire.
County Secondary School).
Oxford Local.
Marian Madelene Jones, (16), greatgranddaughter of Mr. John Savelcer, of
Eardisley ; with third-class honours and
Mr. E. R. Bullivant.
distinction in all subjects. (Matriculation
The Sheffield Petre-street Circuit has standard).
suffered a great loss in the death of
Edward Richard Bullivant on January
Rupert K. Ayre, son of the Rev. Geo.
23rd, in his eightieth year.
Since his and Mrs. Ayre (African Missionary Sec.),
coming to Sheffield 56 years ago he has final exam. Institute of Chartered
given faithful service. He was en active
member at the Petre-street Church, where
Cecil N. Bocock, son of the late Rev.
for some years he was associated with E. Bocock, of " Heath Crest," RostestonMr. G. Frost in superintending the Sun- road, Burton-on-Trent, final exam. British
day-school, and was always interested in Association of Accountants and Auditors.
helping young people. Then in the hour
of need he went to Grimesthorpe, and
held most of the official positions, through
dark days keeping steadfastly to his post.
Rev. J. E. Gilbert, South East London
It is difficult to estimate what Grimes
thorpe owes to him and his wife. He was Mission, desires gratefully to acknowledge
respected by everybody as a fine Christian the following
A. G., St. Leonard,
worker. The Rev. T. Holden, of Norton 5s.; A Methodist Reader, Chester, 2s. 6d.;
Parish Church, shared with the Petre- A. D., Dundee, 2s. 6d.; L. F. R., 6s.; and
street minister a service in the home prior Mary and Judy, toys; Anon., 2s. and box
to the cremation et the City-road Crema- of okl Christmas cards; S. C. B., 2s. 6d.;
torium on January 27th. Many people An Old Age Pensioner, Eston, ls. ; Anon.,
gathered at Grimesthorpe on Sunday tar- 2s. 6d.; W. Greenaway, 2s. 6d.; A Widow
si memorial service, which was a fine and Old Age Pensioner, Pontrilas, 9s.;
tribute to the consistency and worth of R. J. B., 3, 6d.; Anon., for the Waifs'
Festival, 10s. 6d.; Overseal, for the
Mr. Bullivant's work and character.
Men's Supper, 5s.; R. F., 1s.; Anon.,
2s. 6d.; Children's Mission, Waifs' Festival, 2s. 6d.; A Pilgrim, bound for glory,
10s.; In His Nerve, LI.
G,sMelYna°.!h7paoetriraenriV,IL, 31:3
4, 1932.
A Fisherman Evangelist.
Sunday School Lesson.
Jesus. Leader of Men.
(1). The Leader Launching His
Matthew 4: 12.25. Feb. 14.
By Rev. W. E. Ferndale.
Mr. and Mrs. IV. Long, of Shcring- five miles to take an evening service at
ham, have just celebrated their golden one of our village causes. Lives such as
wedding. Willie Long, as he is ale, his (and there are many such in Norfolk)
tionately called, is known throughout have made rural Methodism in this area
Norfolk es the Fisherman Evangelist.
the virile, lasting thing that it is. Thank
Commencing life at eleven
years old as a cabin boy,
the sea has claimed him for
63 years. In that time he
had done much life-boat
For 49 years he
has been a local preacher
in our Church. It was by
the inspiration of the Rev.
J. Johnson that he first
undertook mission work.
His initial call was to St.
George's Hall, London,
with two other Sheringham
fishermen, Tony Craske
and John West. This mission was so successful that
many calls followed, and
for the last 20 years he has
devoted several weeks a
year to evangelistic work
in London and many of the
He has addressed
great congregations a t
Whitefield's Taber nacle
during Syhester Horne's
ministry, and at Spurgeon's
Tabernacle, and has included in his congregations
many distinguished
preachers. When Dr.
Jowett heard hint, he was
much impressed, and entertained him for the day. In
spite Si his 73 years, he is
still active. Recently he
shared a service with Dr.
Norwood, of the City
Temple, and on Sunday last
preached at our Sheringha
s, zintg
h 1 God h
, ts,tpael warts such as NA,Ilia.v.1..o
much C
Galilee, the Belgium of Palestine. If
you look at a map of the Holy Land,
with its provinces marked as in the time
of Jesus, you will notice that Galilee is
in the north, with Judea in the south
and Samaria in between. Now turn to
a map of Canaan es it W. divided
amongst the tribes, and you will observe
that the Galilee of New Testament times
had been in earlier centuries apportioned
to Naphtali (nearest the -Lake) and tee
Zebulun (nearest the Mediterranean).
Being border land and also fertile, this
part of Palestine had been often invaded.
It felt the heavy hand of Benhadad,
King of Syria (I. Kings 15:29). Many
of its inhabitants were taken away captive during the campaigns of Tiglathpileser, king of Assyria (II. Kings
15: 29). The natural result of repeated
conquests was the coming of many
foreigners and the growth of a cosmopolitan population; hence the term
" Galilee of the Gentiles," The parallel
with Belgium, the cockpit of 'Europe,
will be obvious to anyone who does but
think of Waterloo in 1815 and of Ypres
in 1914-18. Galilee, like Belgium, often
devastated and given up to the sword,
had known all too frequently the misery
of desolation. Its people had walked in
darkness and had dwelt in the land of
the shadow of death.
An Ancient Prophecy Fulfilled.
first gospel is particularly interested in
showing how Jesus fulfilled old-time predictions and answered to the descriptions
found in the Old Testament.
think that before the Gospel was written
there had been compiled a Bonk of Testimonies, or list of Old Testament prophecies, that seemed splendidly applicable
to Jesus. Dr. Vincent Taylor states that
collections of this kind undoubtedly
existed in the third century, and they
would certainly have been of the greatest
value in first century controversies with
Jewish opponents. Some years ago Dr.
Burkitt suggested that such a collection
was actually made by the apostle
Matthew. In any event, the early Christians saw Isaiah 9 2 receive signal and
gracious illustration when Jesus took up
His headquarters at Capernaum, in
Galilee of the Gentiles. Once earthly
kings had invaded that territory, bring'Now the
ing darkness and disaster.
long-promised King comes to set up His
empire, and brings with Hint light and
A Lakeland Centre. If Capernaum is
to be identified with the modern Tell
Hu., it was close to the northernmost
point of the Lake of Galilee.
Jesus resided and taught. As in England, Keswick, by the side of Lake
Derwentwater, has attracted thousands
to its Conventions for the deepening of
the Spiritual Life, so to Capernaum came
people flocking from far and near to hear
this wondrous Teacher. We must not
allow the healing work of Jesus to
obscure the attractiveness of the preaching of the Master. Skit souls needed
cure as well as diseased bodies.
greatest hunger is the craving of the
spirit for divine truth.
The Magnetism of the Master. Of the
four men who at a word deft boats and
nets and livelihood to follow Jesus, three
had already had some lellowship with
Him (John 1), and all four would have
been frequent listeners be the Lord's discourses in Capernaum prior to this great
day. There had been a process of preparation, but finally came the crisis of
Were they willing and
full decision.
ready to surrender all and abandon everything to be disciples or learners of the
Teacher and to he vassals of the King?
When the call carne they sprang forward,
glad to seize it. Does the Master so
fascinate us and our scholars that we areequally eager to respond to His lead as
He from time to time inaugurates any
modern campaign?
The Mildmay Challenge (6d.) is a new
quarterly publication of the World Eva,
.Articles in the first
gelisation Trust.
number relate the story of the Mildmay
Conference Centre and put the challenge
of world evangelisation in our time.
There has been no time yet for me to
receive any letters from my correspondents concerning the news I conveyed in
my last column. Since I wrote that sty
mother has been delivered by the kindly
hand that we call Death. The last thing
I wish to do is to talk about myself or
my own affairs, but I know that my
readers wild be helped by my experience.
During the long months of suffering
which my mother endured with a cheerful courage that was an inspiration, she
was constantly concerned lest I should
be unable to write this column. " Can
you get your work done for the LEADec
this week? " she would ask, and she
was always delighted when I said that
I could. I am glad and thankful to know
that I have been able not to miss one
week, and now, between the day of my
mother's passing and her burial, I am
still able to go on. I am telling you this
for the sake of those amongst you who
are passing through dark days. Strength
came to my mother, and has .me to me
from the Source of all spiritual strength.
This isn't just talk; it is literal, absolute
fact. At times when I saw my mother
suffer torture my faith was shaken and
I rebelled—her faith was never shaken,
nor did she rebel—but I heard a voice
that said, " Be still and know that I am
God," and again, " Thy shoes shall be
iron and brass, and as thy day is, so
shall thy strength be," and I was strong.
My pain and my fear passed, and I slept.
Again and again strength came to me
through my mother's glorious example;
through the kindness of those nearest to
me; through friends, and last, but not
least, through the encouraging letters
that come to me through this column.
How could I fail people who told me that
they were loolcing weekly for my messages? Listen to these, from people who
knew nothing at the time of writing of
"yt sorrow :—
F. M. says " With thanks that such
a person as Margaret Harwood exists."
I. T. writes : " May I say how much
I appreciate your attitude towards the
many topics that are discussed, and your
open commonsense way of dealing with
deeper matters. God bless you."
Another correspondent Sa, S : " With a
family of young moderns I have found
your column most interesting and helpful."
G. W. G. says : " Your column helps
me to carry on."
" A Minister's Wife " says
" I am
grateful to see that one person under
stands the difficulties of our lives."
G. M. T.
Thank you for your
column in the LEADER. It always has a
helpful message and often seems to have
been written especially for me."
M. E. writes " I read your column
with great interest every week, and appreciate it very much indeed."
This is the sort of message that has
helped me to carry on through six long
I have a long, kindly, interesting
letter from a minister about what I said
last week concerning dancing, cards, and
so on. Next week I hope to deal with
that. Meanwhile you will ail forgive and
understand if I write no more this week.
Please send your stamped, addressed
envelopes to Margaret Harwood, c/o the
Msrnootsr Lt:tst:e, 17, Farringdonstreet, London, E.C.4.
One night, as I tried to rest beside a
wide-open window whilst my mother
slept, I thought of my correspondent,
Y. F., who finds such consolation in
'Nature. My mother had passed through
a day of agony, and I wondered how
much longer I could endure to see her
suffering. It was a wonderful, perfectly
quiet night, with a bright moon. As I
sat there in agony that only those know
who have seen a dear one suffer, there
came the very tiniest breeze, so soft, so
gentle, that it could only be called a
breath. Gently and tenderly it passed
The Strength of Christian Confidence.
over my face from brow to chin. Only
By Leslie D. Weatherhead. (Epworth
a breeze, some folk would say; may be,
but to me it was verily the hand of God. Pies, aid., Is. and 2s. &I.)
By Thomas Jackson.
A provincial Primitive Methodist having
heard of Whitechapel Mission's work for
" down-and-outs," came to see at first
hand the work. After seeing the
evidences — free meals for the destitute,
aid for discharged prisoners and exBorstal eases, first offenders, destitute
orphan lads and other phases with much
appreciation, he said "'Phis is a
modern Pool of Bethesda for moral and
social impotent folk." Last week 431
homeless men had free night shelter, and
1,000 free meals were supplied to the
destitute. After taking the see: ice on a
recent Sunday evening at Brunswick
Hall, the Rev. J. 'F. Barkbv addressed
Si " down-and-outs " do the shelter.
When the question was asked, " How
many of you are ex-Service men? " upwards of 60 hands went up.
Our correspondents include not only
magistrates, probation officers and social
reformers, but Primitive Methodist ministers. Some of our ministerial brethren
commence their epistles, " I am sorry to
trouble you in respect of the following
We hope they will
distressing case."
spare themselves any sorrow by remembering that it does not occasion us
trouble, but affords us a welcome opportunity to redeem and save such as are
exposed to peril and crime. The superintendent of a South Coast circuit last
week wrote " I want you to help me
in the case of a boy, a scholar of our
Sunday-school, aged 15, employed recently- as an errand boy; his father is
bedridden, having had both legs amputated through gangrene. There are eight
children, two of whon, are working for
small wages; otherwise the family subsists on relief allowance. They live in
two terrible rooms, and the mother, once
a very decent woman, seems to have become addicted to drink. This boy has,
during the past two years, shown thieving tendencies; he was in trouble for
stealing a postal order, brought up this
morning before the Juvenile Court, and
I put in a plea for him to sate him being
sent to Borstal Institution. The magistrate agreed to my request on condition
that he was placed on probation and that
he could be got into a Home. I mentioned your Horne for Boys, which was
known to the probation officer. It was
agreed that I should write you and aslc
you to receive him." We have only one
answer to such letters, and that is,
" Send the boy along."
One half of the world, it is said, does
not know how the other half lives. I am
of the opinion that 5 per cent. of church
members fail to realise what the housing
conditions in the slums invoke. Father,
mother and eight children, three in their
'teens, all living and sleeping in two
HOW easy for
wretched small rooms!
children to grow up immoral and
criminal under such conditions 'The
difficulties surrounding evangelistic efforts
in slums are known only to those who
have practical acquaintance with thorn.
I would say to brother and sister slum
labourers in primitive Methodism
on. Keep the waters of Bethesda Pool
stirred up, and some impotent ones will
be healed.
On January 28th the installation of
electric light in our Woodston Church,
Peterborough Second Circuit, was consummit.] in an interesting ceremony,
the light being formally switched on by
Mrs. J. Richings, a member of over 31
years' standing. Mrs. Richings expressed
her pileasure in a neat little speech. The
Rev. A. Goodaere gave a brief address.
Mrs. F. W. Richings and Miss Bird contributed solos, Mr. F. W. Richings presiding at the organ. Mr. J. Richings,
Trust secretary, presided, and Mr. W.
Tyers, the treasurer, in thanking donors
and helpers, was able to announce that
the expense would be fully met.
Doxology terminated the proceedings.
The latest booklet in the Epworth
Press Broadcast series is The Strength
of Christian Confidence, an address
broadcast in December last by the Rev.
Leslie D. Weatherhead, M.A.
It is
based on Phil. 4, 13. The full order of
service, with prayers, is appended. The
',rice is &I., Is., or 2s. 6c1., according to
4, 1932.
EASTBOURNE, SG Aldan's Church. Seaside
loarBerptaIleltley Road). 11 and 6.30. Be,
WEST NORWOOD Hnl O1'e 8N. 11, Bev.
. a lnl(forrey).
SALNAM CIRCUIT. Train or Trams from
H.R. HILL, Oldridge Road, S.W.
11 and 6.30. Rey. P. G. Saville.
6:11;7' F Ether "73;87:11417
SCARBOROUGH I. BL John's Road (Pais
MOURN aro Inserted Ix the soar at • Oars, of One Guinea for two II
egi sTittreallisnasar
Maid words, ed. per lino molt insertion. Communisations to IN addresen
• Methodist Loader,. 17, FerrInsdon Street, E.CA.
O. T. CbaDpaLL
EXTI,ITIIt. Egmth Parade. 11 and 6.30,
WillImen 6.30.
FLEETWOOD, Mount Hoed (facing Prom.• "Irritir310, flgelfirelViteluielrleCelIM".
ade pait.
ot.r. G. E. Wile.; 6.30, Rev.
.d 6.0, FOLKESTONE, Dover Street.
"Inri.r11%. 2.11117::.
..11,7121 (4.brfai.."47?.,71q..
"'MAD M.714'.'7!**. NIZtt7- 0.
Hood. 10.0
11 and 6.30,
Gardena, veer North End of Market Plane,
ALF,RITIL WistoAttr4.11amorial. 1645 and . T. liavke.
"7 tit3101174141;!°"'" ""°. "VETZ..!:' 6. "BV:V7i....A!'" "7. SOUTHPORT 1., Marahelde Road. 10.30, Bev.
UPPER TOOTING, Lynwood Road, S.W.
11, Rev. G. W. Weatherill; 6.30, Mr. W.
an d 0
E Woodfield; 6.30,
S. O. Harm
filff.frItEt2.J.111:7r ,TAIZ.15°"
. S. "'Ern Virtt."..1;71..."°hem'
AZT 1610,"Sam`11
r.AllOrtA.X,Ir,hrejacreg. 817,1th.
mt.:dram.Litz.Hart Street. 10.45 ference.
CEMETERY BOAR. 10.3 and 6.M, Bev.
"'rand 6.30,' PV.1.1.7i! PettIlLir r1,111: HULL
v.1V 23.1Renroio
97,'e!bt re.
CAMDEN TOWN, !LW, King Street, off High
"TEiggertosiltlEr ititilInt Road. IL
jet ngerltev.• bam Rowley: 6
'fr.N...0-P. Bor.
Bev. P. W. B. Oliver; '
FORE. HLL. Staed
t Bo.. B.E.
DOUTHANPTON, Bt Deoye. 11, Hev J. W,
B. J. Hnokmaeter.
Yre. Kendall ;
BLACKPOOL. ChaDd Street (fmivf(
GBABNEa6 ROAD. 10.6,
ea 6.30, Mr. T. Proud.
Rev. D. W. Spddth
FUlflilAeld 6.9,V,argixvocrthA. Itr,te Mead, B.W.
S.E. 1.1 and
fo.; 6.30. Kr. T. Whittle.
EGERTON 110. plonk Shore). 10.45
and 6.30. Bev. W. J. Tubb•
JERSEY Aanila Road. 6t.
.11, sIIgi:zwood Road. 10. and 6.30,
AREIRrodi. AVENUE. 10.95 .d 6.30,
mamma miaow. causca.
Road (olf Holdenharst Bead). M. Bev. LEI
, Hinckley Road 1045 .
d 6.,
J. A. West; 6.30, Rev. G. Ayre.
Rev. E. Green.
1,.,,vprz ,timr.t horoh. 10.45
Bev. W. M. Kelley; 6.30, Mr. A. E. Glee.. LIVERPOOL
Rev. W. J. Ward; 6.30, Mr. G. A. Parry.
KENSINGTON (NoUing , Hill) Fowcll Barest.
6.30. Rev. W. J. Ward.
BOURNEMOUTH II., filmborns ROAd, Win.
ICILEBUINANbure Lana 11 and 6.30, Rev.
Bey. la * Cletarit Sisterhood. 3.
oril HTifIrE1161=130,91g.167teergittr BRIDLINGTON QUAY. 0.0 Bev.
NEWCASTLEANSTYNE, Central Church. 10.
and 6.30. Bev. B. Palmer.
6 n.
o h nr6.3(06,11•1
"MileLLeEltird f.'11Wo
6'. Bev.
FARMINGTON, Harrow_ Huad.....ear Royal go
Station). 11, Rev.
(Tram Tormison). 11 and
BRETON. i ono1Ir . W.4 and 6.0, NORTHAMPTON SECOND.
lash. H.
10.45 and
6.15, Rev. C. L. Tudor.
PARK AVENUE CHURCH. 10.95 and 6.15,
060,1t.t!li 45. 047. T. B.
Rev. W. B. Berton.
vi„:4, E. Wright
W. C. Wrigley: AM, Mr. II. Burrell.
HAMMERSM IH. Balling Road. 11 .d 7,
ev. . Faulner.
"1=11VIIII':.̀'"w"°.'.d,..1,1!.°. 'J. 0.
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*".°LtIE11.:1!-1-A. SifbeKrt.'" R
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r4 "*T101.1112r6630,11eN,1
IV, Mayfield Grove.
EFITZAI.30, (LTI.,flP)T.
?"11.F A, :11,11`‘VMr. C. Rain,
dala YolV. H
WErev.Et1,1.114G,,,ytti,t. Road. 11 and 6.30,
72,. .}:tt
GULItlytTil. 10.45 and 6.30, Mr. P. Gould,
Chnroh. 10.45 and 6.15,
Hodgson; 6.3, Bev. J. W.
PEEt'v leriT-aruTlte:•.6 '6'""
POOLE, North Street. 11, Mr. E.
"61 6
Abbatti 6.30,
7.711?1,216.11" °°""';
°711".111.1.1. PAY..f:g; Avenue, North
°I! .%1
..t..thai.A.,do. Road. 11 and 6.30, Rev. A. P
Rev. E.
Inndon 8o
10.45 and 6.30, Rev. D.
TEIIRMOUdTN. 11, Bev. J. Keen: 6.30, Mr.
""ILMEIVI!, firegv.str.n4..."." TORQUAY Harker Street: 11 and 6.30, Re,
....................... Church.
"°1171.1.11.01M=. ""r". "." FelFEIEirerd'gr.wtl'enntr6!31. (aver
jalT41::7, 8,7.1:7 " u"" "' WHILL.EL 11,14Y,c2noLdh.13treet. 10.45 and
f.V.917 LT"'
"".11r6Terilvefflbsff."=.=ty. 10.45
Begnall ; 6.0. Mr. H.
WLSVCIMT-ONKEA. Beedell Avenae (off
11, Rev. A. E. Calvert; 6.,
111: Cardigan
WICIErpgrermont Street. 11 and 6.30.
"TIT, tut
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.11=1".7 "%Tr: ■=1;fii
E.eld 266131. The full
('Phone :
moatt be
be given,
hich .11 be at once for.
Jeer. minister of our Church.
fthEnDING.-In gratethl
mother belo ved, who
66af. . tli66i4'
HALL.-0n January 28th, at the Hull Tnber- T E6Li ir=t71eTT6Vow1 ig11
l7lrhutve. and children,
Selby, on Monday, January
iterN isNietpElla71or f NormanWilliam Hardwick. aged 76, beloved
oo, tared to
At rest."
1974. "Until the day
husband of Eva Hardwick.
Pattie, and William.
69, for 0
Wigton Ci1~
al ts
JOHNSON.-.1 January 23rd, in hie 39th year.
Robert, the beloved husb_and
Johnson, of 16. May
with ten thee.. welcomes.'
LAGEV.-Mr James l
ra6tVerh'oPitelv L. Lace, passed swat
30. after 'LL brief
home of his son Ralph. at the age of 77.
Interred in Loughborough Cemetery.
de?., from
Rucknall, after (oar
to Nottingham 11.
ilt:;:17.1rnia! 61:PPACIZ!""eleY.
of lthabeth'inford. in his 99th year Late
choirmaster of London Road Church.
Mr. W. Hardwick.
at 111,
In the passing of Brother William
ae 79. Local preacher for 54 year. A Hardwick, of Selby, the Church on earth
faith ful steward of the Gospel of Christ.
NUME.-On Tuesday, January 26th, at, the has lost a devoted worker. He has, during his long life, occupied many offices
home ...her daughter. (Sybil Haddock
in7rwidow'chheilcenfie?,'.613164 N■Za: in the Church. For years he conducted
13110011011.D. JADES. of Fivr Road, Dawleyy, a very successful class meeting, and at
the time of his death was president of a
in DawleY flourishing Band of Hope. The funeral
sonic, at which a great number were
' t r.
f,3:.yfeg „
ROBINSON.-In loving memory
of Th
uary Bb, 1927; and
TAth, 19n.
SAINTED.-0n Febroary.M.
the beloved thiskand of Lavinia
Sal..., chairman of the District Council,
rt5.".;eitre.w 641:r'atgrIeeegritett:rrtitr Pha'
SHEEN.-In ever loving enemovy_oofo.
entered of de
Davey Sheen
reler•lin, 1 -b• se; Lember 6th 1928.-Edith
= 3:174 llgodville/. •
present, including many members of the
Post-office staff, was conducted by the
Rev. E. C. Hudson, the address being
given by the Rev. Fred Firth, B.A., who
spoke of the life and work of Mr. Hardwick with tender appreciation and
expressed the sympathy of the Church
with the sorrowing dear ones
Mr. Robt. Linford.
The London-road Church, King's Lynn,
has suffered a great loss in the passing of
Mr. Robert ("Bob") Linford. Associated
with the Church practically the whole of
his life, he was particularly interested in
its service of praise, and for over 30 years
had been a member of the choir, occupying of late years the position of choirmaster. His time and his talents were
always gladly given to the Church he
loved. His popularity and the esteem in
which he was held were evinced on the
day 131 his funeral, when over 300 people
gathered for the service in the chapel and
at the cemetery, the service being conducted by the Revs. C. R. Bower and
J. A. Leafs. Great sympathy is felt for
the widow, who has been bereaved of a
sister, brother, and husband in the space
of five months.
Mr. R. Johnson.
In the death of Robert Johnson at the
Newcastle Royal Infirmary at the age of
39, the Langley Park Society has lost one
of its most promising young men and
devout and active members. Choirmaster, Trust Secretary, and worker
amongst the young people, he won for
himself the respect and affection of the
whole of the fellowship.
He was the
music-maker of the sanctuary, the
passion of his life being to make the
praise of God's house a worthy contribution to worship. At his passing without
doubt "several of the King's trumpeters
clothed in white and shining raiment came
out to meet him and with melodious noises
made even the heavens to echo with their
sound." The funeral service was held in
the Langley Park Chapel on January 27th,
cenducted by the Rev. Joseph Henderson,
assisted by the Revs. Wilson Eccles, H.
Fletcher, and T. W. Bevan. A tribute
of love and praise was paid to our beloved
choirmaster by the Rev. H. Fletcher, of
4, 1932.
For a while George was so interested
in the actual running of his engine and
train that he did not notice specially the
kind of country through which they were
passing. He remembered to slow down
a bit at curves and at large stations; he
had to watch the signals, and to give a
warning whistle when getting near level
crossings. It never struck him as strange
that no one else was beside him on the
engine. For you must remember that
this was, after all, a magi.' train, which
was driven by the fire of imagination
and the steam of make-believe. If you
have no use for such powers as these you
had better not read this story any further.
They were great powers in George's life,
as they are in the lives of most boys and
girls at certain times.
George had run through a good many
stations, for Pullman trains don't stop
very often. They are far too important
to notice little village stations. He began
to get used to the running of the train,
and he felt he was having a most glorious
hour of crowded life. Then it began to
dawn on him that he didn't know where
he was going. It didn't worry him very
much as to how he was to get back
again, whenever he might reach his
He began to look about
him to see if he could recognise the
country. At first it looked very strange,
and a bit misty, though the line ahead
was clear enough. Some good distance
away a forest appeared, and now, for the
first time, George noticed that a distant
signal was against him. This rather surprised him, but he knew what a good
driver must do. He shut off steam at
once, and the train began to slacken in
speed, and it carne to a standstill in the
forest. Such a quaint little station it
was, so covered with flowers, and so
curiously decorated with bright colours,
that you had to look at it several times
to see that it was a station. For the
platform was like a mossy bank, the
waiting room was an arbour of roses,
and the ticket office was a summer-house.
Only the lines running through it showed
that it was a station.
As George was running into it several
things about the country seemed somehow well known to him. There was a
river he was sure he had seen before, and
beyond this was a lovely lagoon. The
trees of the forest had a queer look about
them, and there was a big mushroom
not far away. And what a charming
little house that was near by I Its chimney was just like a top-hat I Then it
dawned on him, as he looked about, to
see if the station had a .me-board.
Yes, there it was, almost hidden by overhanging rambler roses. And the name?
Why, of course, " The Never Land,"
every letter formed by codde-shells, artfully stuck on it. This was too exciting!
George was out of his engine in a jiffy.,
and was wondering whether he would
get a sight of some old friends, Srnee,
Starkey and the terrible Hook. Then
he remembered that they all came to an
awful end. The lost boys must be somewhere about, if only he could find them.
Somehow, he very much -wanted to see
Wendy. And perhaps—oh, joy !—he
might even see Peter Not He did want
to ask Peter to tell him the secret of flying without wings. He had actually forgotten Peter's great words: " You just
think lovely, wonderful thoughts, and
they lift you up in the air." Have you
ever tried that kind of flying?
Well, I suppose we must wall until
next week for another chapter!
Your Big Brother,
13, Percy-terrace,
More for our Growing Army!
heartily welcome the following new members: Nos. 19,381, Henry Brook Dennison, of Oakham; 19,382, Joan Margaret
Walker, of Northampton; 19,383,
Roland Hasseldine, of Carlin How,
Yorks. We heartily thank Miss F. N.
Porter, of Jacksdale, NMts., for the folN..
lowing, her third or four list
19,984.8, Raymond Castledine, Raymond
Hinds, Cyril Simons, Tony Cade and
Ralph Bexton. Thanks also, once again,
to Mr. J. Kershaw, of Bradford, who
must by now have the biggest company
of the G.K.H. to be found anywhere:
Nos. 19,389.91, flack Parkin, Dorothy
Ward and Joan Worsnop. You can join
if you send me your name, address, age
and twopence-halfpenny in stamps for
badge and postage, and you must
promise to be kind to all.
Endeavour Topic.
Clash of World Forces.
(1). Personalities. The Calling of
a Man.
Isaiah 6, 1-8. Feb. 14th.
By the Rev. F. Maynard Wilson.
memory. Fitting tributes of respect
were shown on January 23rd at Aylestone
Park, where a service was conducted by
Rev. L. H. Wood, and later at Burtonon-Trent, where the interment took place.
Mrs. Fanny Plume.
Mrs. Nume, the widow of the late
Rev. Philip Nume, passed into eternal
peace and light after acute suffering on
January 26th. Hers was a bright and
buoyant spirit.
During her life she
radiated kindness and good cheer. She
was an admirable minister's wife, sharing the life and work of her husband to
the full, and contributing greatly to the
success of his ministry by her tireless service in the circuits where they laboured.
Wherever they went she soon won the
confidence of the people and was greatly
beloved. After Mr. Nume's death she
went to live near her only daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Haddock,
at Niton, Isle of Wight, where she found
joy in the services of the little Wesleyan
Church—she had been a Wesleyan
Methodist before her marriage--and
made many friends. She was laid to
rest in the Baptist burial ground at
Niton on January 29th.
The Clash of World Forces, by Basil
Mathews, wiN supply subject matter for
this series. It is published by the C.E.
Union at the price of two shillings.
Buy it and your money will be well spent.
This is the argument for the introducMry talk. In different parts of the earth
there are peoples who have for long been
oppressed and ignorant. They have
dwelt in mental darkness.
But now Mrs. S. Betts.
" the people that walked in darkness
In the Weston-super-Mare cemetery on
have seen a great light." The light has
January 26th the tired body of Mrs. S.
come through the influences of twentieth
Betts was laid tenderly to rest. Until
century civilisation. So races of people
three weeks ago Mrs. Betts had been
in India, in Russia, in Arabia, feet that
granted physical health and strength,
they should have a place in the sun. The
and though nearly seventy-five years of
spirit of nationalism possesses their
age, had retained all her faculties, and
youth. But this does not readily find
had coMinued to make a very important
group expression, and to the eyes of the
contribution in the life of the church,
people turn towards any outstanding perwhich was built through the pioneering
sonality who may embody their ideals.
activities and consolidating work of her
To quote Mr. Mathews: " To-day the
husband, herself and those who gathered
nationalist and the Bolshevist devotion
round them. Her keen interest in the
of youth . . . is directed toward men,
spiritual ministry of the church, her
sometimes of really heroic build, who
never-failing support of all things good,
ernbody for each one of their followers
her frequent unostentatious and often
the ideal to which their loyalty is given."
missed. But
secret gifts
To support the argument, Mr. Mathews
Ora bidie s, h:ncloWetlym
gives two examples of such willingness
rugged goodness is stimulating.
to follow a trusted leader. Inevitably
He has arrested the
one is Gandhi.
of her, begrudge her not the joy of reimagination of the whole world, and,
and know that she, who did her
most of all, that of the millions of lowtask without thought of any reward excaste Indians, who regard him as the
cept that of continuing power for service,
one destined to fulfil their hopes of a new
has now received the victor's crown of
fife. Lesser known is the career of the
Arab leader, Ibn Stood. He is the ruler
of the Wahabis, and controls most of Mr. J. Coates.
the Arabian world outside Irak. The
The death of Mr. Jonathan Coates, at
strong man of the Arab race, he is weldSouthport, last week, at the age of 76,
ing the Bedouin tribes into a nation.
is a loss to the Pudsey Primitive MethoThe wrongdoer fears his justice and
dist Church, to which he had given a lifebandit tribes have gone out of business.
time's service. For practically all his life
In his dominions " the justice of Ibn
he had worked in the Church, Christian
Sa'oud " has brought a sense of security.
Endeavour, and Sunday-school. He was
" Here is the incarnation of Arab
well known and esteemed for his loyalty
nationalism; the man every Arab would
and arduous labours on behalf of his
like to be and for whom he would be
community. Mr. Coates displayed all the
proud to fight."
graces of character which mark the true
Apparently these outbursts of enthusiasm for a national leader are new ex- follower of Jesus Christ. His generosities were many, but usually secret. The
periences, but there is nothing new under
the sun. Turn in conclusion to the numbers who attended his funeral proved
lesson. It is the story of a man's call, the esteem and affection in which many
him. Mr. Coates was a truly great
a man who became the spokesman of his
Turn also to Isaiah man. For years he worked so that Podnation's hopes.
32 2, where the ideal leader is described, soy might have a beautiful church, and
" And a matt shall be as a hiding place he gave liberally. Ministers found in hint
from the wind and as a covert from the a friend whose judgment was reliable.
tempest; as rivers of waters in a thy All at the church felt that in him they
place; as the shadow of a great rock in had a helper and friend. Of none with
a weary land." For the needs of our more confidence can it be said, "He is
modern world may God send us such for ever with the Lord."
Mr. John Fish.
Mrs. S. A. Cason.
The unexpected passing of Mrs. S. A.
Cason has occasioned genuine sorrow in
the churches at Aylestone Park, Leicester, and Moseley-street, Burton-on-Trent.
After an association of 57 years with the
latter church, Mrs. Cason removed to
Leicester only seven months ago, following the death of her husband, Mr. John
Cason, with whom she shared a deep
love of the church.
Both were great
Christians, exemplary in their loyalty
and saorificial in their support of the
Mrs. Cason resided with her
son, Mr. F. W. Cason, an esteemed local
preacher on the Leicester Second Circuit,
and worshipped at Aylestone Park, where
she had many friends. On January 20th
the call came suddenly, and was answered
peacefully. Mrs. Cason will be much
missed for her genial nature and devotion, but her life is a fragrant, inspiring
The church at Poole has suffered a
severe loss in the passing of John Fish
on January 17th. One of its most
sainted members, his Christian experience covered a period of over sixty years.
During that time he served the church
as Sunday-school teacher and school
superintendent, class leader and society
steward; most regular in attendance at
public worship, at prayer and C.E. meetings. Being sure of God, he was mighty
in prayer, devout and ecstatic in his
worship. His cheery countenance, kindly
word and visitation of the sick will be
sadly missed. A great number gathered
at the funeral, in which Revs. A. W.
Welford, W. C. H. Fell and J. W. Fish
took part. A memorial service was held
on Sunday evening last, conducted by
Rev. A. W. Welford, assisted by Rev.
J. W. Fish.
Mr. F. Froggatt.
In the passing of Mr. Frank Froggatt
the Tadcaster Church has suffered an
irreparable loss. Organist for over 30
years and Trust secretary, he rendered
faithful and efficient service, taking a
keen interest in the welfare of the cir.
cuit and the Tadcaster society.
going from us has left a vacant place
that cannot be filled. Our friend overflowed with brotherly kindness and
cheerfulness, and placed himself at the
service of all who sought his help. In
his home he was an ideal husband and
father. A man of sterling integrity and
straight dealing, he was highly respected
throughout the town.
His tastes and
pleasures were simple. His church,
home, family, and garden and wireless
met all his needs as recreation. His well
of satisfaction was in his own heart. We
remember with gratitude the long years
in which he has been given to home,
church and town, and with God we leave
the rest until the day breaks and the
shadows flee away.
Mr. Wm. Hodgson.
By the passing of Mr. William Hodgson, on January 23rd, the Aspatria
Church has lost one of its oldest and
most respected members. Brother Hodg.
son was in his 69th year, and his devotion to his Church is revealed by his last
generous effort for one of the village
causes (of which he was a trustee), a lecture on " Fifty Years a Local Preacher."-His life-story was a record of triumph
over early disadvantages, and, later,
physical limitations. It was like him to
attend the day-school when grown up in
search of the education to qualify him
for a commercial certificate; the him
again to come out of his retirement in
later life to serve his Church, even
against doctor's orders. Added to this
" grit " of character, there was an out.
spokenness and yet a cheeriness and big.
heartedness, which endeared him to a
wide circle of friends.
His favourite
hymn was " All as God Wills."
Mr. Jabs. Shepherd.
The Dooley and Madeley Circuit has
suffered loss by the death of one of its
ablest local preachers, Mr. Jab. Shepherd, at the age of 77 years. He came
from good Primitive Methodist stock, his
parents, grandparents and great-grand.
parents all being active members of our
Church. Indeed, his forebears must
have been amongst the founders of ma
Church. As a lad of seven he carried
stones to build our Rock Church. He
filled with distinction most of the church
offices. He was a generous and loyal
supptrter of all our Connexional funds,
and was a local preacher for 54 years,
He possessed a wonderful library, and it
is said that he and his wife often went
to bed supperless in order to save money,
to buy some coveted book. Probably his
happiest sphere of labour was as a class
leader. His sympathy with his member*
is still a treasured memory with many
of his flock. He leaves a widow and
three sons, to whom we extend out
deepest sympathy.
Mrs. S. Gentle.
Cambridge has experienced a great loss
in the passing of Mrs. Gentle, wife of
Mr. Samuel Gentle, the well-known con.
tractor, and mother of Mr. D. Gentle,
junior circuit steward and superintendent
of the 'tabernacle School, Cambridge,
Although she had been in indifferent
health, Mrs. Gentle was apparently
improving, but after a very sudden
seizure she passed peacefully away. A
native of Trumpington, she came with
her husband to reside in the town over
fifty years ago, and played an important
part in building up his business. She
was an active church worker, being at
the time of her death a trustee, and a
great stay of the Ladies' Working Com.
She was a member of the
British Women's 'Temperance Associa.
lion, serving upon its various commit.
tees for many years. A staunch Liberal,
she was an active member of the Cambridge Women's Liberal Association, and
often recalled with pride the stirring days
of Lord (then Mr.) Buckmaster, who was
a frequent visitor at her home. The in.
ferment took place at Mill-road cemetery
after a service in the Tabernacle, con.
ducted by the Rev. T. B. Heward,
assisted by Mr. W. Campbell (Trumping.
ton). The many friends who attended
and the floral tributes sent evklenad
how highly she was esteemed.
Batlersea.—The annual Sunday-school
festival was held at Plough-road on Sunday, Rev. G. A. Price and Pastor Clifford
conducting the services. On Wednesday,
at the annual prize-giving. Mrs. Hatter,
occupied the chair and distributed the
prizes, and Mr. E. Trott, J.P., gave an
interesting address. A varied programme
by the children, including the Primary
was received with delight. Mr. W.
Thomas Fletcher gave a report and
thanks were expressed by Pastor C.
Allcruft and Mr. Clifford Bickerton.
Chesterfield First.—The Sisterhoods at
Holywell Cross and Brirnington Bethel
recently held their anniversaries. Mrs.
Shepherd conducted the Sunday services
at Holywell Cross and a rally was held
on Tuesday, over which Mrs. Porter presided. Mrs. H. Hustler W. the speaker
and Mrs. C. Middletco, jun., the soloist.
!Mrs. Goldthorpe welcomed the large
gathering and conducted a roll call.
After tea a varied programme was enjoyed. Mrs. Geo. Brough presided. Proceeds £18.
At " Bethel " Sister Nellie was the
preacher, and a service of song was rendered by the members. Mrs. Piper
addressed a rally on Monday and the service of song was repeated.
reached £9.
Clayton West.—A Sunday-school Conference was recently held, when a good
number of teachers attended. The business
meeting was followed by tea and a concert by the scholars of the drcuit schools,
presided over by Mr. H. Stephenson. During the evening Mrs. G. Penney presented
the Henry Jackson Shield and prizes for
the Scripture examination.
Cubit( Town.—The
Dramatic Society gave its first performance on Thursday, when a costume play.
"A Scrap of Paper," was presented. Produced by Mr. Fred Hannan, the performance was very creditably carried through.
• GI. Yarmouth. — On Saturday the
Junior Work Committee of the Gt. Yarmouth C.E. Union, under the leadership
of Miss Grace Walpole, arranged a Junior
Rally in the Primitive Methodist Isli,sion,
The building was filled n ith
Junior Endeavourers and parents. and a
united choir front the Junior Societies led
the singing. Master Willie Nichols was
the chairman, and his address gave
helpful tone to the nice:ing. Items from
each of the Junior Sia hairs followed. The
speaker's (Rev. S. K. Bridge. B.A.) talk
on "Ulysses and Jason" was thoroughly
enjoyed by all, and the Endeavourers were
inspired ''to be gond by trying to do something." Rev. E. R. Squire. President of
the Union, called the Roll. and after the
response the Junior Leaders were called
upon to consecrate themselves afresh to
their work. This they did by singing the
Consecration Hymn. The repetition of the
Junior Pledge brought a happy and helpful
Rally to a close.
Lancaster (Moordane). — The annual
church "At-Homes" were held on Wednesday and Thursday.
The host and
hostess on the first day were Mr. and
Mrs. E. Shaw. Songs were contributed
by Miss M. Kilgour and Mrs. F. W.
Barnfield, and recitals by Miss McPhail.
The ladies had charge of the refreshments.
On Thursday the Cecilian Quartette gave
songs and glees. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mount
were host and hostess, and the men had
charge of the arrangements.
A happy
time was spent.
Mablethorpe.—The Christian Endeavour Anniversary of the Mablethorpe
Church was held on Sunday and Monday.
when Rev. E. H. Walmsley Ross was
the special preacher. A fine response was
made to the appeal for testimonies. In the
afternoon the Mablethorpe Wesleyan choir
rendered sacred music, with Mrs. Staples
and Miss E. Wright, Mr. 1'. Booth. and
Mr. Leslie Mason as soloists. About one
hundred friends enjoyed the public tea on
!Monday, and it united Rally of C.E. and
Wesley Guild Societies followed.
S. L. Goldthorpe. of Cleethorpes, presided,
and the Rev J. Graham conducted the
Roll Call.
Manor Park.— The Rev. GeorgeAvre
was Prime Minister of a Circuit Mk'Lona, Path:talent held at Manor Park,
Upton Park Circuit.
The Opposition
Leader was the Rev. W. Potter. Repre-
sentatives of the circuit attended.
Speakers on behalf of the Government
were Messrs. J. F. Plummer, W. J. Playford, H. Hersom and the Rev. Eric
Bilton. The Opposition amendment,
" That in view of the fact that our
African Church membership is 25,725
and 20.581 catechumens, the present 862
preaching places and churches are
adequate to our present obligations and
opportunities," w,s spoken to by !Messrs.
C. A. Hall and N. Abernethy. Mr. E.
Rutter acted as Spealcer. The division
was taken by- collection, members of the
House " and the audience giving their
contributions to Government or OppoSition Whips. It was a well-spent evening.
Norwich. — The Women's Own at
Queen's•road recently celebrated their
anniversary. On Sunday it splendid concert was given by the choir, under the
leadership of Mr. E. J. Scarlett. Miss
Willis, J.P. presided. On Monday Mrs.
P. R. Webb presided, and Mrs. Corlett.
of Loddon, was the special speaker. Mrs.
F. Benison rendered delightful solos. Tea
was followed by it United Rally, under
the presidency of Mrs. Gilbert Laws
(Baptist). The Roll Call was unitedly
responded to and it fine address was again
given by Mrs. Corlett. The Scott Memorial Ladies' Choir provided music, conducted by Mrs. Truman, with Miss D.
Hall as organist.
New Seaham.—On Saturday the married people, assisted by Christian Endeavourers. gave an interesting pageant,
entitled " The Torchbearers."
principal parts were taken by Messrs.
Appleby and Balls, Miss N. Balls and
!Mrs. W. S. Wilkes. The arrangements
were in the capable hands of Mrs. Balls
and Mrs. J. S. Francombe. The performance was repeated on Monday and
the financial result of £10 10s. was encouraging.
Nottingham FIrst.—A successful choir
anniversary n as held at Ashwell-street,
Netherlield, nn Saturday and Sunday. On
Saturday tea was followed by a splendid
concert. including sketches, "Too Many
Brides" and "Neighbours of Gooseberry
Court." Mr. 2. 1'. Challands presided.
On Sunday the morning preacher was
Mr. E. W. Dawson, and in the evening
the choir rendered hlaunder's "Olivet to
Calvary," with Messrs. Carver and Lowe
soloists. Mr. W. Askey conducted, and
Mr. H. Simpson was organist.
Peel.—Christian Endeavour anniversary services were held at Christianstreet on Sunday, the special preacher
being the Rev. J. K. Elliott, of Castletown. In the morning Junior Endeavourer Gladys Clucas was soloist, and
Miss Elsie Quirk, of the senior society,
sang in the evening. A specially arranged
Endeavour meeting was held in the afternoon. the chair being taken by Miss K.
Corlett and a duet being rendered by the
Misses Molly !McDonald and Isabel
Kneen. The Rev. J. K. Elliott gave a
most inspiring address on the C.E. motto.
Porth.—The " Women's Own " anniversary was held recently.. The special
preacher for the Sunday was Mrs.
Phillips, of Cardiff. A public meeting
on Monday was presided over by Miss
Edith Jones, Mrs. Phillips giving it helpful address. The roll call was conducted
by Mrs. Perry. The magnificent singing
by the ladies' choir, under the leadership
of Miss Gwilyrn, was enjoyed and a tea
and grand social on Thursday were well
attended. Thanks are due to Miss D.
Holbroolc for her work to make the
anniversary- a success.
Redcar.—Fhe new church at Stationroad celebrated its anniversary services
last week-end. Rev. W. H. Campbell, of
Carlisle. preached powerful sermons, and
a musical service was given. On Mondm MI-. Canthboll, assisted by the Moir.
gave it lecture-recital on "Charles Dickens
and His Characters." This new church
is making excellent progress.
Smith-street Fireside
Fellowship is not confined to men. The
women of our own and other churches
help in creating the Fellowship atmosphere.
At the recent anniversary the
speakers were the president, Mr. C. P.
Mendey, and Res. Herbert Semper. At
the dose of the evening service the
FellowShip cook part in Holy. Comm,
Mon. On Tuesday the fifth Annual
Social took the form of a "Village Wedding." The schoolroom was artistically
decorated with a village scene, arch and
church door, through which the bridal
party entered to the ringing of the church
bells. About eighty shared the wedding
repast, and the Rev. H. Sernper set forth
the objects of the Fellowship, stressing
the value of Christian worship.
Ryde.—Under the direction of Mrs.
Cowie, " Silas Marner " was splendidly
presented in the Ryde Schoolroom on
Wednesday and Thursday, in costume of
the period. Mrs. Cowie gave an introductory talk. Miss Febria, L.R.A.M.,
was accompanist. and Master John W.
Cowie the announcer. This effort realised
Many expressions of appreciation
were re,ived and requests that it should
be repeated.
Seacombe.—On Saturday the Ladies'
Section held it successful Bring and Buy
Sale, opened by Nli,s Hayes, with Mrs.
Stephenson in the chair. An attractive
cufF tea was followed by a humorous
sketch, " Anastasia Joins t' Domino
The sketch was repeated the
following night. and the proceeds of the
effort amounted to £20.
Scolter (Ashby).—Ashby Church was
lammed by it visit from Mr. Harrison
Slater on January 24111 and 25th.
Sunday afternoon Mr. Slater recited
selected stories and poems, and the Rev.
L. C. Barker presided. In the evening
Mr. Slater inspired all with "The Story
of Willie Sproule." Miss L. Hiles presided, and Mr. S. H. Walton IC'
le) a.
the soloist at each recital. On Monday
Mr. Slater's programme inehaled selections from Masefield's "The Wanderer,"
"The End of the Path." "Little Lord
Fauntlerny." and humorous selections
from "Pickwick." and the story " The
Sexton's Advice."
It Wa S well varied
and excellently given, and delighted a
good company for two hours. The financial result was £12.
SI. George's.—The choir anniversary
was held on Sunday, the preacher being
Rev. J. Rigby. In the afternoon Mrs.
Gibbs presided over a musical service,
when an excellent programme was given
by Miss Amy Evans, Mr. R. Evans, Mr.
Eceleshall. the choir. and the Keeley
glee party. Mr. P. Rushton was at the
organ. Mr. A. I.eyland conducted.
Wakefield Secoud.—On Wednesday
and Thursday the Belle Vue Church
choir presented the Operetta, " The
Legend of St. Yvonne." The production
called for considerable versatility, and it
is a tribute to all concerned that the performance was full of appeal and charm.
The plot was well interpreted, and
choruses, solos, dances and fairy scenes
The operetta
proved it fitting setting.
was direcJed by Mr. Percy Sadler (choirmaster), Mrs. S. Eccleston (organist) and
Miss E. L. Houton. Miss Grace Houton
served admirably as accompanist.
West Bromwich First: — A concert
organised by the Queen-street Methodist
Scouts was held on Wednesday.
troop has recently been formed from the
Queen-street Boys' Club, which had
operated for about If months.
programme opened with prayer and an
explanation of scouting by the troop chaplain, Rev. A. G. A. Lees. Besides
humorous sketches, the boys gave some
idea of scouting activities by demonstrations, songs. and yarns round it camp fire,
which completed the splendid programme.
Wolverhampton Second.—On Sunday
and Monday, at Bethel, the Women's
Own Anniversary was held. Mrs. Jack
(U.M.) conducted the morning service,
and the Rev. J. Fryer Loveday the evening. Music was provided by the choir,
and Miss Janet Scott contributed solos.
On Monday Mrs, Beards gave a fine and
" Lifting
practical address
Shadows." Mrs. S Male was the soloist,
and Mrs. Loveday conducted the Roll
Call. This service ended with an act of
An evening song service,
based on women hymn writers, when
Mrs. Loveday gave sketches of the
various authors, was enjoyed. Miss
Barrett occupied the chair. The weekend was a spiritual feast and financial
success, the proceeds being over £21.
4, T932.
Wrochwardioe Wood.—On Wednesday
the children gave a charming operetta entitled "The Real Santa Claus." Mr. A.
Lowe accompanied.
The children had
been trained by Mrs. Rigby, Miss G.
Gough, and Miss - H. Rigby. Coon. A.
Huggins expressed the appreciation of a
crowded audience.
Modern Aspects of Renato..
From the Lindsay Press come four
additions to their shilling series of booklets on "
Its Modern Needs
and Problems." Di-. Herbert McLachlan, principal of the Unitarian College,
Manchester, writes on The Bible To-day.
He puts in the forefront the value of the
devotional use of the Bible, and proceeds
to estimate the change of view concerning it, some of its outstanding problems
and the implications of the historic view.
In The Friendly Church, Mr. Arnold H.
Lewis tackles the problem of the alleged
decline in church attendance, and urges
very helpfully some of the values which
commend the Church to the people. This
is well worth perusal.
Mr. Herbert
Crabtree discusses Some Religious Cults
and Alinements of To-day.
Science, Theosophy and Spiritualism are
examined and their elements of value
sought. Dr. R. F. Rattray deals with
Fundamentals of Alodern Religion—or
rather it is an examination on scientific
lines of " the fundamentals of life that
point to religion." He traces the evolution of mind, the acquisitions of human
experience, the implications of ethics,
and indicates man's task of relation with
a transcendent universe. Rather exclusively intellectual fundamentals.
immilisatar• Th. Roy. A. J. Costs..
Thl.177.olot7P■rriedd rrOgrrieT.e.
la rge En:d7rtri.ano_Bioloolool Lebo
in,lrunnirr Songool
IL r'
p o.AstER s
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11ER`101DSPL UNDON,‘,.1
N readine this book. Pries 5%--. from Boot.
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W.I. By
purchase Old
G old. Silver. and Jewellery of any description.
Please mention this paper and I will do my
hest to satisfy Y... (Gerrard 6651).
4, 1932.
Women's Missionary Work.
Ashby and Oresley.-A meeting of the
W.M.A. was held at Donisthorpe, presided over by Mrs. Taylor (Ashby). The
vicar (Rev. Bromley) gave an address on
I. Women of India." Mrs. Kirby offered
prayer and the letter was read by Mrs.
Bettison. The proceeds were £2 6s.
BartuildswIck.-The monthly W.M.A.
meeting was held on Tuesday at Stationroad, under the presidency of Mrs. T.
Cook, when Mrs. Lane was the speaker.
A sister from the " Independent Methodist Church," she spoke of the mission
of helpfulness in bringing others to Jesus
and the wonderful opportunities it
affords. The letter was. read by Mrs.
Heseltine, and a duet was rendered by
Mrs. Ernest Gill and Miss L. M. Cook.
Mrs. Watson accompanied.
Burnley First and Second.-The annual
effort of the W.M.F. was hekl at Brierfield on Saturday, the afternoon meeting
being presided over by Mrs. Lancaster
and an address given by Mrs. F. S.
Button, of Preston. Miss M. Pollitt's
solos were greatly appreciated, and Mrs.
Lancaster expressed thanks. After tea
the young people of the church gave two
plays, " The Blue Bowl " arid " Farley
Goes Out." A very appreciative audience
was presided over by Mrs. J. Bra,
Evans. The proceeds amounted to
£10 19s.
Barnsley First and Second.-The annual meetings of the W.M.A. were held
at Buckley-street. Miss A. Richardson,
returned missionary, in the afternoon gave
a fine address, and Mrs. Minnie was
was served by the ladies of
the church. In the evening a great mi.
sionary meeting was presided over by
Mrs. J. S. Gammage, Federation President, whose address was greatly appreciated. Miss Richardson spoke on her work
among the women and girls of Oyubia,
and Miss May Taylor and Mrs. Min.,
rendered musical items.
The organist
was Miss Yates, A.T.C.L., A.L.C.M.
Mrs. Wright gave the yearly report, stating that £63 16s. 5d. has been raised for
African funds. , The membership is 220.
Mrs. GaMmage presented Mires to the
boys and girls who had boxes, and Mrs.
Morris expressed thanks. Proceeds for
African Fund, 116 14s. 70.
annual effort of the
W.M.A. at Langley Moor was an " At
Home " and concert, organised by the
president, Mrs. Davies. Host and hostess
;were Mr. and Mrs. R.Bartle.
Newton Coulmn's concert party rendered
excellent, rervice, and a social evening
followed. Rev. G. Davies intimated that
the Auxiliary -had had a 'very nieces..
year and Mrs. J. P.-Weasham expressed
Carthoe.-There was a, goi3d attendence at the monthly, meeting of the
W.M.A. Mr, Crait was the leader, and
Goodie's, of
the speaker the Rev. J.
Wingate. The letter was read by Mrs.
A. Watson, and the soloist was Mrs.
Abbott. Mr, Stokoe and Mrs. fisher
contributed a duet.,
Doilley.-T he Auxiliary gathered at
Mrs. Noble
Vicar-street on Thursday.
presided. Mrs. Mason read the letter, and
Mrs. R. B. Dock made a stimulating
appeal for missionary support. The Vicarstreet ladies provided t,, and the collection realised 21 4s. The annual meeting
followed, when the secretary reported that
the Branch had enrolled 76 members and
raised £12 during its first year.
W. H. Taylor was elected president.
Ferryh111.-A helpful and inspiring
meeting was held at Metal Bridge, when
Mr. George Miller and Mr. Tewart served
as soloist and organist. Mesdames Fawcett and Watson presided and Mrs. Miller
read the Scriptures and letter. Rev. W.
H. Lax, of Poplar, was ably portrayed
by Miss Trotter, of Durham. Tea was
served by the Metal Bridge ladies.
Goole.-The monthly meeting of the
Auxiliary was held at Dunhill-road on
Tuesday. Mrs. Read presided and Mrs.
Brigham read the Scripture. The soloist
was Mrs. Quarmby, with Mrs. Blanchard as accompanist. The letter was
read by Mrs. Simms, and the Rev. H.
K. Sheriff (U.M.) gave an interesting
address on the work of the Wesleyan
Missions in Hyderabad, India. Tea was
served by the Dunhill-road ladies.
Nexham.-A drawing-room meeting
the Manse, Tynedale-terrace,
was held
the Rev. J. Twaddle presiding. Miss E.
Wilson read the letter and solos were
rendered by Mrs. Platts, L.R.A.M. Mrs.
King gave an interesting talk on Mary
Slessor, and the Rev. A. Vickers expressed thanks. Tea was provided by
Mrs. Vickers and Mrs. Surma, the
amount realising £1 17s. I3d.
Leicester. - The monthly Auxiliary
meeting was held at Hinckley-road on
Wednesday. Mrs. Meadley presided, and
was ably supported by Mrs. E. Lakin.
Sister Annie read the letter, and solos
were rendered by Mrs. Fred Clarke. An
interesting address on the work of the
Wesleyan Home Missions in Manchester
was given by the Rev. J. F. Chenhalls
(W.M.). Tea was generously given by
the Hinckley-road ladies, and the financial result was 24 5s. Thanks were
expressed by Mesdames Hunt and Tingle.
Leicester.-The monthly meeting of the
Girls' Branch was held on Wednesday at
Aylestone Park Church, presided over by
Miss C. Kenney, supported by Miss A.
Hill. Mrs. L. H. Wood gave a wonderfully interesting talk on "Gertrude Bell"
which was much enjoyed, and the letter
Miss Ivy
was read by Miss Sibson.
Lynn recited.
London (Battersea). - The Women's
Missionary Federation meeting was held
on Wednesday at Plough-road, with Mrs.
Perkins presiding. Pastor Clifford Allcroft led in prayer Mrs. Lynn read the
Scripture, and Mrs. King the letter. Rev.
F. G. Saville gave an inspiring address,
and Miss Dorothy Minter rendered delightful solos, while Mrs. Forrest accompanied. Thanks were expressed by Miss
D and the Rev. G. A. Price.
Macclesfield. - On Wednesday the
President of the Federation, Mrs. J. S.
Garnmage, of Northampton, visited the
W.M.A. at Byrons-street Church. Mrs.
C. Moore presided over a well attended
meeting, including members of the other
Methodist Churches. The letter was read
by Miss Kirkland, and a recital was conMrs.
tributed by Miss Janet Mason.
Gammage's address was most inspiring.
Tea was provided by the local Ladies, and
thanks were expressed by Mrs. T. Bet.
In the evening Mrs. Gammage
visited our l'oynton Church and addressed
a meeting of the Women's Own, over
which Mrs. Moore presided.
Manchester Central. - The W.M.A.
meeting was held
Eccles, under the presidency of Mrs.
Cooper. Rev. F. Humble gave a helpful
address on " Bridges and Bridge
Builders," and Mrs. N. Gee rendered
two solos. The letter was read by Mrs.
A. Rowbotham. Four new members were
enrolled, and the tea realised £516s. 3d.
MIrrield .-The first anniversary of the
W.M.A. was held at Battyeford on Tuesday, the speaker being Mrs. R. Benham.
The afternoon meeting was presided over
by Mrs. B. Drewery, and Mr, James
Barrowclough and Mrs. Brammall rendered solos.
At the business meeting
officers were elected.
In the evening
Mrs. F. Pickard presided and the soloists
were Miss Codd and Miss Holmes. The
circuit was well represented, and thanks
were expressed by Rev. B. Drewery and
Mr. F. Pickard.
Northampton.-The January meeting
of the W.M.F. was held in the Harlestone-road Church.
Mrs. T. Flinders
presided and Mrs. W. Barton read the
monthly letter.
The Rev. Raymond
Taunton gave an instructive address and
Mrs. James was the soloist. Tea was
served by the Harlestone-road ladies.
Oswestry.-Mrs. J. Holland presided
at the monthly meeting and Mrs. Denny,
sere., read the letter.
Rev. J. Price
Williams, M.A., gave an illuminating
address on " Three Attitudes to Life."
Mrs. Jones was soloist and Mrs. Norman
Denny accompanist. The tea was given
by Mrs. D. Roberts and Mrs. G. Lewis.
Rev. John Holland also took part in the
Peel.-The monthly Auxiliary meeting
was held on Thursday, when Mrs. Lane
(returned missionary from China) gave
an address. The chair was taken by
Mrs. E. B. Butler, and a solo rendered
by Miss Bessie ShiMmin. Mrs. F. S.
Dalgleish provided tea. The good attendance indicated a revived interest in our
missionary work.
Silsden.-Mrs. C. T. Fletcher presided
at the January meeting of the Auxiliary,
of members from Steeton and Silsden.
Miss Moore (U.M.) spoke on the power of
play, in our life and in the life of the
Church and country. Mrs. Sam Foster was
the pianist and Miss Russell read the Scriptures. The meeting Was followed by a
Faith Tea, and a collection was taken for
the funds.
Silverdale.-Mrs. W. Parker presided
over the monthly meeting of the W.M.A.
held on Thursday, and Mrs. G. F. Bennett, the District President, gave a stirring address. The soloist was Mrs. A. E.
Sutton, and Mrs. A. Shenton read the
letter, a recitation being contributed by
Mrs. A. C. Sutton. Mrs. and Miss Glover
provided the refreshments.
Ll 9s. 6d.
Sonthend.on•Sea.-Through the kindness of Mrs. Tyler, a drawing-room meeting was held at the Home of Rest on
Sunday, when a good company listened
with much interest to an address by Miss
Clinch. Mrs. P. W. B. Oliver presided
and Mrs. Tyler led in prayer. The letter
Tea was
was read by Miss Arthur.
served and the collection amounted to
one guinea.
Slaoley.-The monthly missionary meeting was held at Grange Villa on WedThe
nesday, Mrs. Winless presiding.
District President, Mrs. Allen, of Pelaw,
gave a splendid address, which was
niissionary letter. Total proceeds,
£3 3s. 3d.
Stoke and Longlon.-The monthly
Auxiliary meeting was held at LonsdaleMrs.
street, Mrs. Rudram presiding.
Jackson led the devotions, and an interesting address on " The Work in
China " was given by Mrs. Dale (U.M.),
who has a son in China. Mrs. Rudram
remarked on her unique position in the
chair with It missionary's mother
either side of her. The annual business
meeting followed and all officers were
Stretford.-The monthly meeting of the
W.M.A. was held on Thursday.
H. L. Herod presided, and Mrs. Cretney,
of Broughton, gave an interesting address.
Mrs. Gray was the special singer, and the
Reletter was read by Mrs. Sowerby.
freshments were provided by Mrs. A.
Sutton and Kirkby.-The monthly meeting of the W.M.A. was held at Forest
Side, Mrs. Butler presiding. Mrs. Beardsley read the letter. Mrs. Froggart rendered solos, and Mr. ltdelanapley accompanied. The special spealcer was the Rev.
J. T. Jones, of Sutton. Tea was provided
by Forest Side ladies.
Worth Reading
BA Eioriaznt:4vt-1"812
A4. Q
i;lostrepli;PIVDlyetrete :g'r4=
.11.14y.. ,,r,
E117, Longton. 'at" Free
'f m ,hod of noosing fonds for Horsens,
Charitable istitutions, eto. A proved mmo..
Samples and prices from ALSO. LOY/74
Printer, Wigan.
C111011'. 5....12.,ZrildeaVOL1r
AINA for barters or t h
r' tle%
goods only anpDllad:
tltga.=YOutO AND loo., VIII Street,
for Bundey &:hoots.-6eL Tea
Anni versary Hymns from
WO, 0. Bend for sample.-.
100, 2,6- 200
CSEDLASn, 'Printer, Winterion, Scunthorpe.
}ME/T[167ra/ iStal.1"11T.Tillra,n:
Gre ek in
Im'to" firlat:Pneinnlet,dErgul
pe rial Bldg.., Ludgate 'Circue, I.nd n,
17lar"Ist tl!".,NotaLT,g;
, cases for
sOft buttons.. standard
11:. lane le
71. Con,
flITTOt1,, He Hain 8treeL, Larne, Ulster.
Swludoo.-A successful party was held
(Ladies' sod
in our Regent-street Schools on Monday, Tray Cloths. Bedsore:de (hasdcembroideredl,
arranged by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith I.Licrinilt74fsn"apeT,InI
(home on furlough from Nigeria). About Ntstilitt
tntd =Veer",thldati;:
90 young people took part in games and Ireland.
competinons, and after an enjoyable
EARN' TO WRITE Articles and Stories.
supper, were entertained by friends from
Percy-street Wesleyan Church. Thanks VOCAVItifltfrer/MraeLMITC11.11'
were expressed to Mr. .ind Mrs. Smith Palace Gate, London. WA
and Mr. Puckett (the M.C.).
Swindon.-A well-attended meeting of METrOCLID.1%2- "DllatZIEPrepFaInNit
failing eucc
the Auxiliary was held in the Prospect all
Church, under the presidency of Mrs. W. tim°Iiiw
.wnerial ouildings, Ludgate Circus.
C. Russell. Rev. J. J. Clarredge (Con- bond°, E.CA.
gregationalist) gave a heart-searching
address on the responsibility of living the
life of a real home missionary, and Mrs. la lenrn
good refiNindieoensabiei
Gamlen (Wesleyan) rendered solos. Mrs.
Mortimer read the letter. The ladies of I
the church served tea.
Wakefield.-The Auxi'iary meeting was sufficient for four towels
yard. long. gn!on.
held at Market-street. Mrs. C. Jennings
presiding. Miss Butcher read the Scriptures, Mrs. C. f3rownlow the letter. A SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS keen on their
splendid address was given by the Wesnar '
leyan minister, Rev. E. C. Elliot, and or ?ninth. EdWo'
Mrs. Clegg was the soloist. Miss Dawson 57-g, eade2Thilreigr:!'")'
was the accompanist.
Proceeds of the
tea, for Mission:try Funds, amounted to EPUZIY4P. WMi27=P474T
ke., safe, su.-e. Trial prove esiciewcy.
Walkden.-The W.M.A. held their USVEVI6M.V
wKileine' EsNe,
annual meeting at Memorial-road. Mrs. Glasgow.
Hoyle presided and Mrs. Illsley gave a
ONETRINO NEW FOR DAZAARS.-Handbrief report. The Revs. T. Hacking and
W. J. Tristram gave brief and bright 1 98 pOlo
rge. 1d7,11/iliTZW'TTOVSITTL'Iretl:
addresses and Miss E. Beddows was the
"l000flelo, Susses.
soloist. Tea was provided by the
Memorial-road ladies. The financial we: NOT HAVE PENCIL DAY, Pencils.
result is ahead of last year.
West AucUatid Branch.-A splendid TWA. Igild.IrCinisilcitli
company of the W.M.A. met at West
T ii.17yC
Auckland on Wednesday, presided over by
Mrs. Jamison. An inspiring address was
given by Rev. H. Strawbridge (Wes- Hertford.
leyan), and a solowas beautifully ran
dared by Mrs. Summerson. Mrs. JamiPERSONAL
son read the letter, and the West Auckland
ladies kindly provided tea. Proceeds, Crie
£1. 12s. Bd.
R111111 4131),114.. IRISH
1500 13
4, 1932.
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of Drugless
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and LonHealing
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The startling truth about a new
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New Lease of Lile.
not only of the Empire but of
many Ionia, muntrim haw drawn attention
In Mr. Overbook's remarkable invention for
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The "Daily News.' describing a demonetrs:■;'nte the II_Olen.folferroZ eTir'Ater"flibl.
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Valuable FREE BOOK for every Reader
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Medical Men, the Press, and the general public cannot fail to be
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to the invalid and the athlete, the old and the young.
FEW men are better entitled to a
hearing when they speak on the
subject of health and well-being.
revery, and unsolicited orders for his
marvellous health-giving invention began
to pour in from every civilised land.
Eight years ago,
prematurely worn
out by a life devoted
to scientific research,
Overbeck was
the picture of a decrepit old man on the
verge of the grave.
Mond., the
It was at this time
that Mr. Overbeck's
health discovery
thoughts turned to
eat and brought
lion. Inc began exs
runt.' h' sutler :d
first efforts were not
very successful. Then the idea came to
him that if electricity is to be of real tasting benefit, it must be absorbed without
moSatien, just as it is absotbed from the
The cells must • in very
food we t• It.
truth, be fed with the electric current.
was theconstructed
al inlistrument
nes.t wasHe magi
triedcialt . His onmental
selfacull. Thetnewiesresul
y Invigorated;
every daybecame
hethe found
that hadng
plasawelguedl ashithem forkidrheumatism
ney trouble. fromhiwhs
to suchc sufferer;
an extent that he
siheghthad been a chroni
Mr. Overbeck thus passed from a life
of semi-retirement and invalidism into a
whirl of business activities, for a multitude of plans had to be considered, and
preparations made, before this entirely
unanticipated demond from every quarter
of the globe could be met.
World. patents were taken out. A name
had to be cnosen for the instrument. "It
has rejuvenated me
It will rejuvenate
will call it Overbeck's rejuvenator." was a happy thought. and under
this aptly chosen name it has gone forth
on its mission of healing to the Far•East
and the Far West, to the Far North and
the Far South.
Mr. °was,. in hie role of hortioulturlst
at hie muntry nests. A few ymrs ago
hie heart wee as
not ,loop
to tend his beloved plant. To-daY,
thanks to his Raj aaaaa tor, an solive life,
boil. physies1 snd intelleetuaL ands him
Illwally untirmble.
nds of thenortPacihernfic
is doing
for others
himselwhatf. it has done for Mr. Over
, remarkable tributes have been paid to
men in
OsTbeek's Rejuvenator by mediae)
this country and abroad.
1P- after ens
is strengthening weak constitutions.
It is steadying shaky nerves. It is building up *vested muscles.
It is bringing
down high blood pressure to normal. It
is increasing the capacity to resist
disease. It is banishing constitutional
disorders in young and old alike.
ihnratregil tirviltry:lu'gp7:1
fe. It. In one case of te:rybritlyt,rro
nteirev:ZeirZ91%Trrthem, reduced
ad° the
Mr. Bernard
and active
:111:TVIr. te`g n:7;
tit a. I .say 25 years
rel:pmaEssuRE r"
PL!1:i%etrig tRtve
It!rg` :tn: ;UT gi
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LOglta STMM !"1""L a
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nip, OMA OF MERIT.."..--
it Sport
ial insstrengthenstrengthfiend F EEK metal.
remarkablyouetoheala tcopy
h•restoforIngthe metFulhlyodIldescri
bed inook
n this about
theirtheinerves.r muscles and toning up 7 OA
O . T; O. OVERBECK, F.R.S.A., Chanty House, Grimsby
a.. m,
Redueed lamimile of the Diploma of Merit Mr. overbook for his exhibit
UZI Vabltirrirtrwtlillgs.thitsg"".
give up the spectacles
able to resume aandnormal lifleongof
ve work.
His doctor was astounded,
and not only his doctor. but his friends
and acquaintances. who had all looked
upon him as a dying man. The Press in
all parts of the world was soon talking
about Mr. 0.erbeck's astonishing dis-
We would add that the very high ICI+
and authoritative opinions which
have been expressed by medical men, I
loading health journals, and delighted
users, many of shorn voluntarily give
their names and :nldresses for verificmion,
must convince the Public that, unlike I
some of the trumpery devices which have I
served to bring discredit on electricity as 1
a curative fore, Mr. Overbeck's invert- .
lion is it thoroughly scientific and reliable ll
health instrument, which fully justifies I
the claims—startling though they he— I
which have been made for it.
,,,,,,,,,„ , Complaint .
c Book about °verb... Rejuvenator, contend, plates Innsr incensing vital EnerRY.
/and testimony to its power
lion. roetoring
acite and Uiviug the Elderly a New Leaiw of Ltrc. I enclose
.. .............. .. ....................................
. ..
.. .
. ......
- Methodist Lead., 4 ,2132.
Ltindon: Puld shed by "The Aseoeinted Methodist Newspaper Company Limited," 17, Forringdon Street, E.C.4.
Sam u Stephen, Limited, News Buildings, Crystal Pala., S.F. 19. Thursday, February 4
..... ..