Spring Number
Spring Number
Spring Number v.:. .'*•'• *H -' '•' March, 193 L TjotDe'er it be, it seems to me 4 Ins onlu noble to be qoo6. c' O °K,m6 hearts are more than coronets, An6 simple (aith than Norman hloo6. 1j en in: son. ,.. THE PELICAN Deuofed fo f/ie /nftres/s o/ the Louisiana Stale Schcol jcr the Cea] UOLUME 51 MARCH, 1931 r ^————— _ I ffi NUM5ER 5 English Over the World By James Ranhin /liken ' \niih ii^Kl fr-»ti The I-tnoknutti (September, '.Xt\ =\T=. ~ "li ——— |-;U' Y (iHen you iii;i.v see in t he p;i pers sij^ns of tlic progress of Knirhsh toward world wide u:-e. These forecasts art> accompan ifil by emotional out bursts ran^tnu; from Uisse- to hurrahs, for t here is nothing \vhicii arouses the ^troiij^er intellect ua! passions as MMifh as t!it> question of how \Ve sliall speak'. (•'rei| iieiit! y 11 rest' I.its of news 1ai\e thf form of reports, written in the quaint journaleM 1 of our tlay. \\\:i,\. Me.xiroor I'ei'sia ort'hile has hauiied or v ill l>;\]\ <.;ir I0n<^lish \:i,\<i««rs for fear its Mat ivc rliiUlren \vi!l COIIH- to thinl\ our tonirue more a(^reeul)lt' than tlieir own. Now ami ihfM 'he items mer«'iy inforjn the |Hi'«lic that Klitrllsh h;i> heen adoptetl as the oi'tiral laiivruaye of another international i.'athi i rin«r. ( >ne ami all they point to t he \vorid domination of Knirlish. lii<e it or not as \ i tu may . The foil!' Word pence p|;in "Make Kveiyhod.V Spe;H< KllLTlisll." \\hlell HtMiry Kord formulated some years since, is not logically a reason for the universal use of our tongue. II ——————— -11 • =rir=0 Any !an<4u;».ije. if spoken every where, would make for world peace, ll is not numbers, nor politics, nor trade, nor the talki"S the four reasons most frequently ^ive.n which make- Kn^lish a ^ood lan^naj;e for tin' \vorldto u>e. These are merely thi" the accidents of ;i hcneticent fate. They do not perntratetlie tr;;e inwardness of tiie matter. First, nu'nhers. \Ve ;i;'e tohi that -J-Jd.dCO.tKIO people eitlu-r use or understand Miifjrlish. ascompated to only alutut iL'o.lKKl.ooo for Krench and 1 liMKiu.nuti for (lerivan. and these numbers ale ;:ii \ aiic.'ij a> it tliey really meant anything. I'.uT unless l'',nirlis!i is in itself a <_r oo<l mid \vorthy lanu:;:a^e (n\- the \\orld to use, all 1 he n simltei's in the u < irld WOIl't Iliilk'e It -.•> Second, potit.ics. The \Vorld Vi a r unq;ie>t iiinalily enhanced m t n -men dous measure the pre-«tiye o! the 1 AO iii'eat MnLTiish-speaU"HIJJ com mon \\ ea it lis. (Mil 1 local hoys have been linancia II \ ad vising! most of the «r;overiiineiils there ai'e. and they have madevtood, too Hand THE PELICAN in hand with American advisors have gone liritish diplomats, and together they have done much to ward bringing about world peace according to the Ford recipe. But is English a good language for everybody to spe.ik'r Third, trade. The American dollar has swept the money mar kets of the world, and the pound sterling is not far behind it. Did you follow the stock reports in the late crash oh. didn't you! and did you notice how securities all over the globe \\ere affected:' It was a touching tribute toourtinan ciai leadership, liut if "dollar" is not a better word than "franc" or "lira." what do these facts mattery Finally, talkies. Talkies made in Hollywood are riding triumph ant over all the foreign bans, pro pagandi/ing the Knglish language. American edition, wherever the sun shines. They may well prove the most effective instrument yet invented for spreading Hngiish. liut ought Knglish to be, spread? It is intrinsically a bcUer language than I'Yench or German or even Chinesey This is the moral ques tion which IUCKS behind the facts, and tins is the question which we must now consider, liack in •'><><> li.C.. to take a parallel instance. Hellenic Greek bicame a world language. It supplanted to a large extent many local tongues, among them the Hebrew and Aramaic of Palestine. Vet either was incom parably a better language than Greek, simpler, more effective, easier to learn and to use. Fate is playing on the nations today no such shabby trick as when shecom pel led the Jews of Palestine learn Greek. to It is a curious fact that language as we now know it develops not from the simple to the complicated, but the other way round from the complicated to the simple. When ever we can trace more than one stage in a language's history we lind that the earlier speech is more difficult, more unwieldy. Latin is complication personified compared to three of its n.odern children, French. Spanish and Italian. So far as modern Greek has changed from ('lassie (Ireek. it hassimpli lied, ('optic ha> lost many of the complications present in the tongue of the hieroglyphs. To be sure, we have never met a language a-borning, and so we .'-an only guess that somewhere a stage of simplicity must have preceded those complications upon which outearliest gaze rests, liut that is a matter of speculation. What we do know as a present linguistic law is this: time simplifies a tongue. Gradually the language begins to forsake its numerous declensions and conjugations, its optative, cohortative, predicative moods, and all the other flummeries of primi tive speech. Gradually there be gins to emerge a lean, efficient diale:-t. This simplification has not al ways been considered a linguistic virtue. The proper adjective to use in d« scribing antique languages was rich, and for more recent de velopments, degenerate or deca dent. What was the Greek" verb if not rich, with the hundred vary ing dresses it might weary And THK 1'KUCAN docs not the mordern Knirli-h verb display a decadence \erijin^ upon shamelessiicss \vitli only two'.' It was in l-^'.i'J that a scholar. ( M 11) ,)i 's| it 'I -,cii Danish pit net ii ri'i I tins legend with a hod; --ailed I'ro sjfivss in 1 jriULTua<_;'e: and since tln'ii ''decadence' ha-, had things al! its own way. not'' ('an selecting And you amonsj: alter all. picture the why yourself 11! possiUle forms of Ijoniis \\ln-n you ndiih! he usin<jT the Millie word <Iood'r So the first reason why Knuiish is the hest world laiiiruaue is that it has earned ;hi> simplification forms farther than modern has I a iie'iia e'e. any hi ol other i terma n Anijflo American nations. No user of our tongue need he repetitious: he can vary his wonK \\ith syno nyms or near s\ nonynts in almost endless Variety. The New <>.\ford l)ictionar\ contains almost half a million words. Mas Knuiisl) IIO defects, to set a irainst this fonniiia')ie array of \irti:es'r N'es. indeed. \Ve have a htid Mphahct. a lonvili oairof arti cles, a and the. and a ditfi Milt idiom in prepositions. lint on theothar hand, we have a nat lira 1 irendcr. an easy sentence order, and a splendid tolerance of aImost any accent or grammar so lonv,' as the ideas it expresses he LJood . li'llancill*^ (h- modern l.uiu:nai;»."» has a IMMoaehed lecis auains' virtues, we may iva sona'nlv conclude that the applauders of World I'lnulish have a sound linviuistic just ihcat ion for their choice, mm'COL:nixi«d as tins fact may lie in their ey» s. Uepnnted Kll^jll*-! 1. Ill from the L'eader's hiye.st. it'ood still has six dres-es to and in French four. verh still counts jts wear, The (ierman forms hy the I'-nnUI'nl. and the French liot much hi'tter. |)anish alone of yern i- Its form ie--.lless. A second <|ua 11ticat ion, scarcely less important, is in-purily. MULT lish is jirohahlx' more impure than any othi r tongue, ancient or mod ern. Knj^lish picks up \\onis from any lan<;u;i<ri' at all. and by tinprocess it has succeeded in making itself international. Scarcely any foreiu'iiei' learns h',niriish without limiinLr many old friends in 1 he new vocahulary. Impurity is a i_r ood i-lraructerist ic lor a world lansinaye. Kntflisli iicser\es uni\ersal use hecau>c it js formless. im|)iire and wordy. \\Ordiinss is not usually considered a virtue any more than impurity is. hut words are tinwealth of the Knirlish. nmj the riches of its \vord hoard ai>- onl,\ pa ra i leled hy the i > > - of the •»•« A NM1LK OK' TWO One (iredicts a future for the scho:>li/oy who wrote the following terse narrative ahout l^lisha: "There was a man named Klisha. Me had some hears anil lived in a cave. Some hoys tormented him. Me said: 'If you Ui ep on throwing stones at me, I'll turn the hears loose and they'll eat you up.' And they did and he did and t he heals did." The teacher asked Johnny to write a sentence containing the word ' herois" Johnny's sentence was: "A man sat on a chair. There was a tacU on the chair, (h- rose." THE PELICAN <;!<;<>i;r,K C.OltDON I Class Notes J Alter the program. I'Vb. L'l, our »jirls and boys plaved basket-hall with tin- d'-al alumni of Now Crle ans. Both of cur teams won, mak in^ very hi^h scores. We should like to play with the pupils of the Mississippi School for the Deaf next hasket-hall season. Vvonne Delcambrc ——o——I have road "The Tempest" in "Tales from Shakespeare". 1 am reading "A Midsummer Night's Dream'' now. i think these st«,nes ai'e very interest snu; and 1 advise all t tie older pupi Is to read I hem. r'lora Belle Harielxm _*% _ __. _ During our st udy t'oiir. Keb. Uth. 'we were so excited that we could hardly study because we knew that we were tfoin^r to the chapel to see a picture about Lincoln's life. Mr. Numbers explained each picture to us and we enjoyed the evening very mud). \Ve are interested in the lives of our ^reat i:iej). La Verne T.itum (Teorye (lordon llyroii was born in !'>np;hmd i;i 17*"*. lie was a fam ous poet. He was very rich hut most of his life was unhappy He fell very sick \\:th paralysis. ( me of his le»;s became lame. h caused him to b" uniia|>py. Before hisde.ith he wrote many beautiful poems. Many women worshipped him. He was popular. He died in 1^'J 1 at t lie time of a war he', ween (ireeceaud Turkey. It was very sad. He man led a woman but he lived with her only for a year. When his wife passed away, society t urned against Byron. He was very dis appointed and sad until his death. .__ •—o__ I saw a deal school. .leUel colored ( 'hris'i mas v. bo has Nash LMrl la^t ne^er been to She Is sixteen years old and cannot read nor write. ! hope that her pa re ills ser.;l her to school belore it is too late because -die needs an education so that she can becofie a Useful woman. her parents that her t o school. Last i told they should sen:! .1 ( '. | {a rber, .! r afternoon the -o——— Saturday deaf hoys and <_'n-ls came in llouue from Kveryone is ^lad that spring is here. The fresh j^reen leaves and the dainty blossoms of the fruit trees are very pretty and we know that these trees will soon have fruit on them. We must not for^et the strawberry shorten l<e t hat we have each sprinir but there is another thine; which is not so pleasant and that is spring fever. Virginia \',ilardo IIYKON New Baton Orleans. Thc\ attended the program L.'iv«Mi b\ tindeaf boys and vrirls in the tlie i.eu school. tic about <_'\ .|i of We bad an acros Washinyitoii. Ten ^rirls and boys marched out on the staj^e and alter they had Inished tall\me; i wo hi iys ami I ma relied in v\ it b beautiful American Ha',' and Ilk'e soldiers while they "Salute to 1 he l-'iau" a stood said the It u as line. Martin llebcrt (.l.tipil)!' i i:.t'| S,l.| II (.Mi I . X 'I | I •••'•»' 'I ! S. 101 V III! - Ll I! . I \\ ' ?, Ml |H I ' ii | I si!-, -„:,,,,„,: .11.1 U.lMCl [.If \\. i I . i'| I , i:. HI p.l.\'l!|S .1.1*. MM.: '.rim u.i \-> s,,ns A'KIMI ny A I'p.lli |t:v; Jl|3rflll I) I ii.'s i>i or. m t !ii:.\\ | _ l'|l:-i p.r II 1!ll .'|| . illli IV I'll )| M.'Hiom Ml| «'l sr \\ \'i n i , i| , 1 1 | i: \' II |- II I j> .i.l (I \' V i:p .Hl( ) |0 S.I III l.i|i I I IM.iA-iS , o;,. :s .n.M|i iici iiul .11 is. M. i\- ,.i|i 'ii .i.i.i.u < »i I \\ s|.i i ri i MI i! s \'oi | • M| i !h i< >i i.i.i i i i! A* iMMIliv*; .H| I . I II >:.' Ml | \\ 11 rin III I! IjTo.H i 'S.IA 1 I I M.'.I A ?l« M,S V | . If ,|< > H.!..'I.1M,| V un,iin:;| .»!iin:i\ • i IM i i MM ;-. r i > ' 1 1 , I'M i .\'.' A'. I '*>•] K ! MI I >'i| I \'' ( .ipiMU i|,>,n j |>i:i| i i:i| i s i MVS..JI |l!|l! A')!!! I!. I % s.»||.i| \ I Ml i:s 'v.iMIM .MM | 1 1! .H|| ,iAll . . ,». ,<l| I III (I'll! 1 1 MM I I ,- . -Mil iiii:.ir>M.ni .un .i,-n\\ i ' (!':••( ) J| t I iii:'ii,in>..| |i.i«!i|l \\ . •.i.i??iii| sii| IIIIMI r » 10 v\ IUM:I| ; u 1 1 jc i:,iii , .11 1 ,1,1-- 1 > i p.isi ,n i -i""',! puo.i.is .M|( -.ins.»i,»\\ \'.»n] ten: SUM. 1 1. 1 1 .11 to i > .HIM >s .10) s.ioi is; \ A'IIIIUI IM:II ,»\\ AV.piiuy i^^'l •MlltMj 111,1] .|.H|l(i:ii s.|i| |i|(i| l'.'.l|l\' >i'ioi .i.ii|(i:iMiii!.ij1 sui inr.ni ii!(| | 'H p',.'ri\! it uo , tin. >ip. mi niii!'i -*n •: u-iu i ' ' '«•'•• 1 ' ' .HIKIS lllll Mil I! .l.ljlll !| SIN |l,lll>- I! \\ ,M(V '.^ .».!.! 1 i ' > s iKIUIX.t •»l|l . I ' - < ' 1 |U > \, S.I I psi A 'iins lour.s i • .ii ivd I.M; ,«u ( ir. ii! • 111 1'.iriu.itl .HIM ,MS oi .inn;.) 111 si;.\\ i ' . iio.v, .'lli|A\ i: !>AV>.!.>..;1li:| i; ii(.r.MI \i:|i.inii: S l^i: r | (I V.l.».ll!|'| l! ( ) I' A ill. If ) ' ' • V.MIIIM |SI M .lllll ^11 111 |ll ||1' ]tl .1.1111. 'Ill vu i: .1.11: .i\\ pin: .\\oii i.iil<*M ^! ' |( |s . , ! l|| \.|,«A SI!\V I. .1^ .'l|M' j .1 I .'lM' l!l| U1I1S OJ 'UIMI |l'l|\\ ' • ' '•»>•• II.M.I.' \'ii'ii () l' VIM " 1>,»|IM()| (II i: u .i.\\ SII.HI i,».i ,H|V ,l.iJ|\ T .. |o fliii|)ii,(|j| HI) I -NViuip:^ ,n|i W "' . . ' " .t.iMiip .1110 ii! i.ii.n i|siu\:t!y .'Mi s>'\\ II«IMS u.iti\.t.i <n v.|ii*.| .ioj SIKH ir |' l ''l '.i.tn ! \\ 1° Mini '! ntii! |.IA\II( i: '.1111.1 . » i 1 11 -111. III! |(l,i|n.»(| I! 1('~ .l.ill IMIIIIIH K.lll .'I ' ' •' •' •.1.111(0111 M.ijlllll AMI p.Ml.llKI I sill ' ' '•• ' •' 11 •• ; no A' i|il.\\ tin i!.l7l si ii in pi i:s ,11 1 i .. M 1 .|.I(1IMII .MM >«l .I.MI1 M s'liini i:.i r> irii: ll 1 ;.iriui| •' .111 11 II.M. 1. 1 n in .i.iriiiu•' sni' >|.)i!. l.i .1.111 iip.'liiriii .ill |I<MI.|I u ' ' <i<) • IMII: .1 i iM.'U' p.i::\ >|-ii!i| II ' I 1 I • I ' .' 1 .M|) oi or! MI mill )i|o( .l.iij innipiliMTi Sf ISI! 1 .f » Si; -.I 1 UUII I S||l . I I jo -.|,,\|,u:.i i .t.in in:.i ,ijj ,>ll|0n ' r. io| PIIIU.- .I.MI .ixim.i,»(( .iiiio.i o t . I.MI rtm -| |.l| ' Pill I! .!.!!( IIMI.I | .1.1 J |.l| \> | I. I A I. I. I. M Ijlllll^ I!]M',| Ttlll II.IOMI Al!|)l|olll '_-.-.<,- ' I 1* I!' I • A C.p .Mill IS llOl.llilV' SIMIiOH I • » '*n |ii: 'u.u|| PIM.I oi.id<M| ] pin; A.m.HIM 111 S>|00(( 'AlHMU A 11 I! 1 11 pOOTl .I.H: •••'•"U, '-'.I-MI i \'|iii is i|i \\ pui: A'n:.K|i| .\\.HI jno in J.I.MII ||IA\ i(.Mi| \\ '|ii|.> \: .IAIMJ [|iM|s ,i\\ sdiM|.i,id .IIMA' jy.»\' .n:||op j (in i i: iinij .i\ i:n ,I.M( loiiipu :.iri •- .(.»>!.M:.1.1 .i.nj .MIIOS Ati<| oi si|( A'.iii';iii .MHOS HII:A\ [ M.M| ioiiipui:.i7> .M(| (l|7lllOH .Ml Hl.t\\ I! 01 -HOIS pill! p'll! '''"HI I'llO.'.i^ -M|i IKi p''.l||\' TtlMU.iA.i 1I ! '|J, |)!l!s s|l| 0( •,l,H| p.tsspi p;ii: >|.'.MI .|,H| p.Ml.I ,i|| Jlld x|lj SIII.lt: I'! pin: >-ii| .|.M| i< mi pu i!.i.7i (d.l.'V.I MIIKI.I I|.M!.I III . i.II! .HIM • ~.il!| SA'O<| •>.\i i .| i| SI;A\ "' Kl l H'" I|U Hloo.l 'I! "I V^ .i.H! •' \\ ti.M'.i i(| dii (d.t.i.i pui: .isuoi) .ii|i ojiij s.i.ii) join pu i:.i~> •.niioi| ,i|| (II.IA\ 'inoo.ii|(i:i| i: pun -.11100.1 ,i.-> .ISIIIM.HI pno.id i|.)iis ,IAI:I| i| ui.'.i I-MII u A.I CM.KJ.I^I A'.I .1 \ .1.11: .'_\\ 7>iilp|ini| |ooi|.)s .ii|i ill A'.ioipn.iop .ino oj p.iMitii ' A.io :lill.M>p p|o .ino UOOII.DIJK IIMJJ^ H|ol.l||\' .M| (U,>.\\ oi sp| KVjriMd MIIJ, THE PELICAN here and there, a \\ord ol sympa thy d H i in ii niomen' s of sorrou . lit tle Li'ilts to some unfortunate fluid, I'ulilishi'd monthly , . , the School during Year by the At Hiitnii KoiijLfc. I,a. c in that lions manner kindly STATK SCHool. KOK THIS D10AK c always • has she ol of 'I'* 1 Slate Kifiy r..|ii.s I'm- th" M-linr.l \ ••.•!!• assume lleaf. School F. C. Nuni)>i-rs. Jr.............. Editor and sl\ v ha •. come t IM' lie .vs t h; 1 1 ou r he loved Mincrinteiiden; is u'oinu' to ' le;ive us. 'I'lic lioanl has U'mdlv Uiveii ^ Mr. 1 1 iii-Uii hy .1 leave ol ;tb • SelH'e to Columbia 1al\e ll!> some I 'ni\ ersit v. \\'o|'|< The at board snoU'e hiu'bU 1 ^ • ol liis administration heiv. and ii is uith n-rel that he is leaym-. II uo.tld i, in Hi,- space :illo;te.i detail as to bi'oii'j'lit iibout a by 's lion. also t ) his __ .•,, . r.l bet t beillLC ., , , , 1111 iiba I'd ca me a l)e;i ref . to flee mil! til all ali\ ho I y ill co.ir- ,-|o'e to li\ e h is ou n I fe. Said he, .-\\'i . >i t' • i c \\ h.it ot h"i > t iiiiiK ol me eon i -..-I ns me iitlie: \\hat I MiinU . , •• concerns me in nch • .. r ., , .. , I o t In ne o\\ n sc| | be , • , • , , i Ins | >n v;ite a ml |iei'soii;i I , i •»' . , of in.vxdl' . l nil\v;ts i , • doctrine i , , , and it s no' a I \v a \ s easy to he true , , • ,, • ulid! , , (irexxtu'c is b>' ,,,,,. >• ,• , i HILT put on I mm tne oiit*>ii|e, andi m|>| ,, p , 1 ,, ) . |1 , .„ -|(ins ., ,,. IM ,,,^ ,„.„,,._ to oil'' s sell us to -o into ,,-,,„,, the imp. ovem-nts ilni'iiiLt Mr. Iliick' Al , n , | , | _ ti 1 1 een \ ea rs ol a< inn n 1st ra The sadness uhich pervaded of I'or the .\e<jp;ro our time bee uvp. he had the ji i\e ;i 111 ii MI leri K ii t out, ot -| clca |- lor charge Deal and I'..Hid. ill ildilllloli Mrs. L. I'. Numbers. .. . Associate Kditnr I . .1 111 P! 1111-s . . . 1 n-! ru i lor iii' 1'rint IIIK — -—— her the State School I'd ind. \\ill ) lie School I'ortlie Sl'l'.sci; | |'TI i >.\ KATK made intei est tell mlendeiit. the K. C. XIIII.IIITS, Jr. .......... Prim ip:il unosteiita Mr. A . .1. ( ,i Id \\ e,:. present super , . ..... . I ll'i 'K A l; V . . . . . . .SuiM't-intciidcnt oiiiet. ' ,.;,„.,, Mll , ,„.,,.,, ,, f |.;, (>l | ; y Ke|,x Sl.a.v . - __ o _____ A n ( niiice t >\' |o\ ;i It y pound ol i !• \eiiifss. the iltlliosphere il tier t tie a II ! loll lice liient of his U'iiv ill!/ fiiine is at least NITI XL IMi some indication of the hi'_rh esteein in which he is held. The school will also sustain hi <C loss in M I's. H liek'aiiv's h'a V HILT ^ ' • ' a ~' Standing shoulder to shoulder with Mr. lliicki'by in Ins el'l'orts to build up the school durni!/ his |on>/ • r M» TilK "''• U ' <;| ^''- N , Lal'e'e , ,. , At ieiidailce , /. ,,-. \\- \\itn.sse-. • • . S pe cial (icoree \\ ash l iiu'ton adinitiist rat ion. sue has had a con structive intliience which will Ions/ School lor the I leafs new S177.-.(inn l)e relnein i lel'ed by I llosi • w ho Ullo w blllldim/ her best niuht A I it t le boiupiet of (lowers I'orlais ol the \\ere Louisiana thrown I'or its lirst open pn'Dlic State last jiroj/rani THE PELICAN when ;i s'H><-i;il enter! aimnont fea'ui'iii^' tlit 1 (leorti'e Washington hand woven rn;_rs and art pieces were v iewed. llonse dresses, bed th nn ¥ \vas presented, The st rnct ii re recent I \ com pldcd at the rcai- of the tive-story build- spreads, chi Id ren's eiothin«_r. nil were displayed. Men's coats and shirts made by boy students made me; on St. l-Vrdiiiand street has been orciipied since January It.'. interesting dis))lays. All of the materials hero are for sale at co^t St.i;dents buy more material with In addition to the program a dispia.V of liie product s of t he st ndenls was made inchniinu be a id 11 nl. clev er aiMi useful as well a^ ornamenta I ai'ticies. Ainoiin these wen- <|uan1 it ies ol' I a m-y 1 a bies. hi rd lion >es. miniaiiire hoiise>. hiinp stands and the 11 ke. in 11 iv ca I ii net -shop -,\ 1 lie 11 work is laiiyflit by !•'. A lleard. -the money and coiitinue their se\\ m<_r. An i r t erevj j \\\r pn>e;rani w:is pres< nted. start inur a' 7 o ciock. Ap |>ropna t e to ( ieor^e \\ a -h inu'ton 's iiirthdas. the numbers \\ere enthii s ; st ica I ly a ppla inlet!. Tin ^indents perl'onned and ac1«-d on a lai'LTf I nc I nded in the i 01 >m a Iso were e\ st aii'e iii i lie e-\- inna>i mn a i id it on um . hibitioiisol t he tn'int niir dejia rt incut in tiie school and copies ot I lie Tiie pro«_M'am was in charue ol M rs. ( • race ('<>\'ey \vho was assisted school paper as tar back" as l^'.M. The present school paper is called "The I'eiican" and is i--ed inmai:'a- by Mrs. Leona N umbers. M iss Knt h Wood. Miss A ii^n^t a l\ niv.ha Is. and /me I'orin and edited by the school principal. !•' (' Numiiers. L. .1. Holmes is in charge ol pi'intin^. included (lances, a Mandrill, scenes from 'vVaslnnulon's lil'e. an acrostic The 11 On ,est ic science (iepa ft 1 lie lit . in chai'j.'e of Mi^-- Aualha and other "-.rood ies." All w«>rt' at tnu'tiveiy spread on a lar^'e t a ble handsomely decorate,). In another roots: \\ere t||e kitchen et| II I plllellt . ' .e cieaii. Next cail.e men; disnlay-.. ||ead-> I ; 'e the |-',a-_;' depalt. M rs. Xel lie Spy ker alld i •> a-~ <_'eo.~. I'. Irma Lei> (ia/iaiid. .1. Leu is. Waller Miller, K'eailllliZS \\esle_V TIlolll. ll'IIKI I ,ee ' i .1: la :.: i. \o\eity clia'IX. I'alice and Stunts |)orothy .\lltoinet!e Haydei. llobi Illdiel't jj, ,S, -el, A wide variety of liandwork', in clndiiiLT nninbers and lumbers of Marion tileres I'ercy l:ice\\ofk. lol Sam I'aia/./.o. \Vai'ace I'ldwards. Nel-on Krat/.er. La \ erne ( 'lenient. toii. -^ !1 embrolderN. program K'oi.idn n.\ . A ntoiiiet te Alma ('i nnea n\. Liaise Lo\cil. Mary IJache,,. \ iri;ie lioiir sisted by Mr>. C\ <;. Mc( iehee. ( ). K'rueu'-r teacnes tailoring. ol I'riii \ iru'ie I >our'_;"eois. seAlPL:' dep;i ft II 1C ||t The I )o!-ot by llavdell The food displays were made by Mie pupils. The nidnisers loU s : ' i'li'^ and ca ni net... en a m bled and iminacnlatel\ and readings. Madsen. liad oriyina I displays o! tasty ca l<es, of \ a rioiis li ues a nd ma l\es. nnm bers of varieties of candies Miss |-]d<_r ar U'obert. -- ! : o; ;| t i ,e .\ ( -i"^'"' . ; ' • of \\ asll I HIT Winni.- \\atuins. Thomas. Mamie 1,'ambtn. llar\ey ('. remil lion. Lea Lambert. ( I rellii I! ion. Maitill llelielt. 8 THE PELICAN Martial Lalleur. ()<lallli;i Martin, I'Ya/.ier Neill, Mail ha Laiulr.v. Dance "Tin- Klcndin^ of the Dorothy Sier Ainei ica Nation^' Kratices Kiinj^uy: spinski: France I*.upland .Jewel N'-ish; Sweden Verneii Heberi. .\lndred McLeod: 11 a ri '<• ls< >n : Kiora lic,ie Holland (iciicva ('aidarera. Miry Italy Yvoniie Del (\ildarcra: Scotland Ivna Sin il n catnbre: Sna i n |<'o I lowing the program and in spection ol t lie building l>y t he pub lie basketball liaines between tiie <4iris' and boys'teams respectively. Is not to e;i\'e Us I acts, hut leach us to rec'ien iy,e t hem. to Is not to (ill with knowledge, but t" teach us how and where we can readily tind out just what mlorma t ion on any .subject we need and when we m-eii it. Is not to teach us to make money, hut to nia ke a Mli. is not to liiolil the characters ol pupils accoidine to one set modi I, !>iit develop each one's individual i! y a nd enable him tii make t he i)est possible Use of his special a p K.\. t it udes and ta lents. <>t the 11 >c I I school a ll( I * lie Ne\\ < >r leas deaf teams, were played. (r. (V UucUaby is superintendent ol the school. -Tin 1 Mornnm Advocate \ nder the able direction ol .\Ii~-. Augusta Kur/.hals. formerly girls' coach at the Michigan School for the De;if, our twirls' basketbah team Miss is making rapid progress. Kur/hals in addition to beinu,' a seasoned phiyer. took" up special hist work in physical education summer at Milwaukee StateTeachI 5asketb:ill practice ers' College. was delayiid this year until the completion of tho new school build iii'4 in which om !_?ymis located. Quite a numher of |>i - actice jjiiinrs have been played in vhich t he «rii Is made a creditable sho\vn>ir. Mr "Les" I'eehleshas built Up a formidable team amoiiLT (he hoys. Mi 1 . Walter Hcnni<.','a.n i>f the nor mal class has assisted <zre.it |y in hoys <'oaches and work' this woi Icinj^ harmomoiisly toe'et her \vill no doubt produce a team that can hold its own against any ol' the to whom we hope teams .vith S'-iied'lle {^allies J)e.\t >easOll. Till-; IM'UrnSK < »!•' KI)I'« '.\TI( ).\ U not to save D.< from worlc. but to t each us to w< >rlc uc!). I-. not to «:i\e us thought, hut to t e id l U> to t II I n k . CoNX'KN NKXT TKACMKK'S TloN To MKKT AT \V I N M I'K.('.. t'AN A DA A I a special Illeetillir ot the ecu! I v e ( 'omillll t ee ol the l'".\ ('olUell tion of At icrican Instructors of the Deaf held at ( 'olorado Springs. the I'.t:!!). Thursday. October •_>. invitation extended by the authori ties of the Manitoba School for the Deal to hold the Twenty Seventh Meeting o| the ('onvention at Win nipee;. Manitoba, during the \\eck l!'J, I'.'ol. was ac cepted . I'nder t he direct ion nf Superin tendent Thomas S. McAloneyof (\ilorado Spriii'js, ('olitrado, i pn> uramisnow bem<_j pi epm-ed. i'.very (thase of the education of tiie t'eaf will he covered b v ibis program. The location ol the convention city affords a utiKpie opportunity to combine a pleHMire trip with a profitable wet k ol dell i) M at it Hi on Hie hi'-ThU siic.-iali/ed field ol ed neat my the de,i I Detailed announcement coverme program \\ill be made public from time t o t i t n e . K. A C.I.TVKI,'. rivsident. l< ;N ATI i s 1 5.H ti.'l.l.l.. Secretary. Kxcll.llHM' THE PELICAN IP bre;ul, hiscnit. bread, griddle cakes. rakes. rookies and other kinds of baking. liiitter and cheese are made from milk. I'oth are wholesome foods. ('l)eese is best when combined with other foods. Dorothy Sierpinski Shop Notes TIIK T.MI.ni; SHn|» M r. < ). K rue_rer is a tailor. !h t each e^ t he boys how to ma ke pants. Ducre Simon is making some woolen t rousers 1'or liim. Me almost knows how to do it by himself. Michael presses suit- for the old er boys. lie is lioin 1.; to \\orlc on his farm and Mr. Krue^er is very sorry to see him MO. Some other hoys do not know how to press. 'I he tailor shop has a <i;is iron. a sewing machine, and some differ ent colored spools of thread. - ('la ude ('• uiliory TIIST n!"KST!o.\S IN IMUNTINVr I. Mow many points 1 picaY "_'. Mow many picas 1 inch': .'!. Mow many square picas 1 square indiY \. Mow many points I a«rate line': e. I lou many ayate lines 1 ———— Milk is an important food. It helps the oo;ly to j^row and remain healthy. We should drink niiUc every da.\ . We should not only use milk us t'i. Mow thick is a '2 point lead'' 7. Mow many '2 pt. leads (\ points': "v Mow many '_' point leads 1 pica: '.'. M"w many •'• pt. slu«xs 1 pica': 1<>. What point type i> called Nonpareil': 1'icaY II. l''or \\hat purpose is a chase a beverage but also in rooking, We may use :t in calces, toast, pies. used in printing: I-. For what are quoins custards, soups, bread, rolls, hiscnit. muffins, cornhread. cocoa, ice (.Jnoin keys': !•'•. Kxpluin cream, candy, vegetables and in ma nv ot her dishes. Mere are some rules for taking r: »' v "'' mill< also its use. II. l''or what i> a romi'osini; sti"k ',sed': i;,. What kind ot work is done MILK 1 ., 2 \\ e must lie sure to hilV clean used'' what au;'!!ey is and ' Wash th- o.itsjdes ol the milk on an iini)osin«j: st one : , , 1'' I 1 '"' ^""' |"«rp«>Ne is a pi not bottle when you brin^ the mill' in to the house. :; Keep milk covered in a clean, cool place. All ire box is the best place \ Sa\e any milk* which turns souraiii) Use it in inaU]ii'_r corn press used? 17. What is an em qu-idY ^ | (inv th|( k ^ , h( , ;; ,.,,, ,„. ,.,.,, Illl llC. . la r space : »'•'• \V| ' ; " is r '" t ' t THE PELICAN Teachers 1 Locals Mrs L P. Numbers Editor The Mardi (Iras in Ne\\ Orlea.is held thf interest of a irreat many people in l.aton lloiiirf this past month. Those ;it thf sciiool \vhc took advantage «>t' tin- oppr.rt unity to attend \ven> Misses Hicks. K'usse.ll, Marie Cintis. Uessie ('urlis, draco Fields, Ruth Fields. Kuby Mooro. Woods, Ivankin. Kurxhals, Chinley, Mesdamo*. Jackson. Me Neeley. I'erkins. and Mr and Mrs. Numbers. The weather \vas ideal and everyone enjoyed thf day very li. Miss Woods and Miss KanUin make fretp.e n! trips to N«-w Orle ans in Miss Woods' speedy Ford. Mrs Overstreet spent the we* |\end with friends in NCA Orleans and remained over for Mardi (Jras. Quite ;t few of the teachers went on a fishing trip the other day. but we suspect t hat the fish were bought instead of caught . Anyway, they enjoyed the outing in this wonder full sunshine. —— o—— Mrs. O\ erst reel entertained several of her friends at a Sunday nijiht supper not ionir a no Those who enjoyed her hospitality were Mrs. S'pyUer. Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. o Mr. Numbers received word not lonjjj nyo of the serious illness of his mother ,il her home in Milline' ton. Mary hind. Me left imme diately by train, and found upon his arrival that, though she wa.s seriously ill, there is some chance for her recovery. After spending several days there, he returned to liuton lioue-c on Sun:hiy. Mardi 1st. ——O— A bar-lo'tball irame was played in the gymnasium on l-'riday niirlit between the teachers and the girls' tirst team. The vcort? was :'.(> to 1O in favor of the f'irls. The one sided score illustrates the value of constant practice. Alter alumni teams return to play names against the regular scht.oi teams. The scores invariably :»re in favor of the school teams, u ho are kept in better condition through con sistent daily practice. However credit shoulil he niven to theteach ers for liavin^ a team and we doubt that t lie re a re man y schools whose teachers could make a better shouinf. The teachers who played were Misses Clii^iey. |\ur xh.ils. Ikiissell. Marie Curt is. Woods. K'ankin and luey. I'lastoii. The Louisiana <_r ree::s \\-|, icli e«.rale I our "Christmas table ' h s year made us feel that spring can't '•e fa r behind." < >ur eirls who sent them knew that, it takes only a small piece of mistletoe to start the fun. We know that they nr.ist en joy a tireen Christ in,>s for a ch;inir*». but perhaps they miss a little the jo.\ s of the north. This winter has been so mild that outdoor sports have been abundant.. Our hoys ha ve become so proficient in making hicUoi y skis that everyone has a i^aily decorated jinir. which col or the landscape when thev all ^et Koiiitr. N . I). Uanner How come "our uir s?" \Ve tiiouyht we had first, claim llow ever we cm understand. We're irhid you enjoyed the u'l'ffi's. any h o w. 11 THE PELICAN Shreveport. We wonder if there is any attraction up there. Alumni News ———o——— Miss Ruby Moore, Editor Miss Sadie No\vm,in of Alexandi'ia. is t he '^iiest of her sister Mrs. I {on i )>r t here in town. Miss N'ewman is another former "jrl of tliis school. Messers Leon Simon. Sewani Smith and Hcbert Mayer of ilaton Ivolige, motored to New Orleans, the tirst of tin.- year and joined their many friends there at i party. They report, having lad a glorii MIS t ime. —o—— Miss Florence Itabington. a for mef pupil of this school surprised her friends her" one day recently when she called for a little visit Her a mong tier old school mate> friends Were glad to see he) and hope that she will come again. Tampa Tribune of a recent dale published the loilowin^ item: "Mrs. Arthur Spears, formerly M iss (leoriM'tte Duvai. whose mar riap* on January 1st in Chicago h;.s just been announced by her parents. Mr and Mrs. I'. Duval. •Jl.'i South Matanzas Street. Mr. Spears is a resident of Ivacine. Wis. They will reside at KM:! State Street. Racine." Mrs. Spears ac cepted a position last fall at the liaton IvoiiKelLa.) school for the deaf as yirls' supervisor, and dur inv; the holiday vacation she left to vmit in ('hicauo, and instead of coming buck to her duties she con eluded to plunge into the sea of matrimony, and her venture was pronounced a <;reat success. May the happy couple navigate the sea without i mishap that will mar their -afety .OK! happiness! ()hio Chronicle ———O——— Mr (1. (1. (laiennie was transact ing business in New Orleans, re cently. He also had a most pleas ant visit with his mother1 there and attended a meeting of the N. K. S. |). at which time the members elected a delegate to send to til" National meeting at Boston in July. M r. (la iennie was elected hy a large majority and expects to be in |{<>s ton for the occasion. A former pu >\\ Mr \ivhie Nor r"d paid avisit to his old alma mat er on t he '.Ith He ief'i for Del roit. Michigan the following day The friends of Mr. L:.uis \l (laien nie will regret to learn that his fa ther passed away on the I! 1st of D.'c. Mr (laiennie has the sym pathy of the alumni in his sorrow. Mr Herbert Mayer took' a few days off around the tirst of l-'eb ruarv and perambulated around DKAK \V<)M KN PHONK IN TKLKVISION TKST Lip nvidin"; by television made possible the Hist telephone con vt I 1 sat ion hy deaf persons, in an ex periment conducted in NYv\ York City last summer over the circuit of the American Telephone and Tele «;raoh ('ompany. Two partly deaf yomi": women talked with each other over a nis t a nee of two miles and also success fully communicated \\ith persons not previously known to them. Miss Maris I'less. a teacher of lip reading, whose heariii'_r is I'll) per cent, impaired, was at one end ol the line. At the other was one ol her pupils. Miss Kve'yn Parry, who is unable to hear even ordi nary conversation. They had no difficulty in understanding each other, or several men who partici pated in the test. Ml Airy World THE PELICAN 12 Current Events America has regained her former place as t lie leading debtor nati-m <>!' the world. This docs not mean that the sheriff is ahout to nail bad news on our mil iona I door but mere ly that foreign investments and de posits here, withdrawn during the war period, have come back. I>r. .Julius Kleiii, ol'the Department of ('ommerce, says that, Llie rayon in dustry, trasoline tilling stations, per fume laboratories and photographic and cheinica I factories are anionir the enterprise* \\ hieh ha ve ent iced ne\v foreign capital. America is the world's tfreat creditor yet, pa radox ically, no count ry in history has ever o\ved foreigner* so iniii h 111011The 7.00 at the City park has just received a -triO-ponnd lioness, the uil't of \\ Kijbert. a. t mveliny >how man. who is leaving for Kuro;ie and tinds that he is nnahle to taKe with him the pair of lions he pos sessed, according to (Jeorjfe \V. (lari«x. city commissioner of public pa rks a ml streets. Late Isaac Iv Kmerson. "I'romo Seltzer Uinvr." leaves estate esti mated at ^L'o.nuo.ooo. ————0———— Kdison Medal f"r l'.i:;o is a warded by American Inst it nte of Klectrical Knixineers al New Yorl\. to Dr. l''ranl\ ('onrad. ol I'ittsbiirLrli. for his contribution to radiobroadcast in;.; and short wave radio trans mission. Theie are I'.llM ways in which children annoy parents, declares Dr. Mandei Sherman. director of < 'hild l\e>earch < 'enter, at Washing ton following survey by '•'>- parents. Harvard university refuses $lT). 000 ^ift of hue Albert K. Pillsbury of Massachusetts to combat so called feminist movement. Yale, Princeton and Columbia were made ! he same offer. _____^ r~t : World merchant ship tonnage for !'.i::o totaling •_'.--'.>.<)<>() tons, is highest since I'.'i'l and motorships. fee tirst time, exceed all other 1yp"s. I'nited Slate rises from lil'th to second place, with LMi'i.ds" tons, but (I real Britain and Ireland launch half the worid'> tonnage. Will K'oLMM's posit !\ cly refuses to have a telephone ill his Beverly I! i i Is. ( ',i I.. home. — -o- \Vhen Km<_r Alfojiso talk's over the radio lie nervously twirls hi.s mustache. BiMy Arnold, nationally known auto racer. re|c,ses to dri\e on a public hijihuay on Sunday ater noon. I' ipid tire l-'loyd (libbons is do 'HILT a coimnti for th«« New York I'veniiiix World for which he <^ets .•>."<)() her ueeic. and does it in his spare Mine o---- There Were ri.T'tM.TT'.l copii s of Bi • ble issued in Ibis countr\ during l'.i:!!> t).v American Bible Society, it announces, heimr inerei'se of m:i lion and a ha If over I'.rJ'.t (IKKAT MIMTAiN I 'rince < >f Wa les and I 'i nice (ieor^e lea\'e London for South American tour in interests of 15rit ish t rade. When L'tM) unenijilo"ed in Port land. ()re., are ^riven woi'k* shovelip'4 snow half of them have s!'. overdue poll tax deducted from pay. ——o—— Mexico exports more than »'.. (X)O bunches of bananas vearlv. TIIK I'KLK'AN THI: UK is soMK xa roi; YOU /\ A MKMBi> i\ The American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf ! t>\ A Irxiuidt'i 1 ( i;';ili:iiii lirll It Mauds lor; I-ietter Speech Better Trained Teacher* in Better K<i\(iftpeil Sclloox It !>ri>inott's closer cooperation between tcachc. s. paivnts. suiH'i'intt'iHlt'iitN. ami 1'i'ionds to scrvico UK- hiiilicst int»M>'sts of I). -at' Children. It (I i»i'iin nates lilt-rat lire in regard t< ( thf lioiif training ot'tlit lit'at'. aus\\t'i's iii(|iiirii's Iroin all nv<-r llit- wori'l or. prolm-ms of pai't'iit> and tt'aclit'i's of l>t i a!' <'hi Idrcn. It Thi' \'<>lt<t .\ monthly ma^ax.itK' sent free to all ils members. The cation carries in each INSHI' ;•, special si cl ion for parents one lor teachers. and i/.iA/: run; vriM. /\//7;/:>/ /\ ////•: ni:.\r < 1111 ni;r.\ i-:i-"ri-:<'ri\'i-: TIII;<H'<;II MI-:MHI-:I{*UII' L\ THIS Send itlle-s (S:',.(KM to: THE VOLT A BUREAU lo()l vith Stn-.-t. \ \V . \\'asl»invjt«>M. I ). * J I THE PELICAN 14 Loi ISIANA STATI; SCHOOL IOK TIN; DEAF SIXTH HOAltD OF EDUCATION Appointive* MemtxT.s In oidf-ro/ Public Service Commujiun Districts I>r. A. B. Dinwiddie, New Orleans Hon. !'. .1. Voorhies. Lafayette Mr. Clyde S. Rogers, Uuston i'n ortjfv o/ Concf rrM v<incji [Jlllrtrl* I)' Mrs. Kleanore II. Meadi1 , Grarnercy Hon. William T. Hall. New Orleans Hon. Walter J. Burke. New Iberia Hon. 10 A. Conway. Shreveport HOP Allan Scholars, Monroe lion Parish Fuller. Oakdalr 'il.-nn .1 Hem II II t II Sniilh. Vh-i'-l'residfMH. Amiti- Whit.'. I't-fsidt-rit. Alexandria • •r>'tarv. OFFICERS Superintendent .....Secretary G. C Huckaby Mrs. Vivian Pratt Adams ACADEMIC DKI'AKTMKM Mr. Fred ('. Numbers. Miss Wahneta ChiRley MISH Be.sHie Curtls Miss Grace Fl«ldn Miss Ruth Fields Mr. (it-rvais G.iipnnie Mrs. L. Gaienni* Mrs A Coll.er Gladden 1. P Numbers, B. A. w c McKr.eely \1 ISt: uby Moore Miss .1. •an Uankln Miss M ary Scott Russel M rs < ;: ' >verstreet. 1! S M i-s Mrs Katharine Wilson Miss Marie Curt is Miss Jerome Hicks Mrs < !race Covey Miss \l r MiHfl 1! N .lackson A trust a Kurzhals Miss i: nth \\'(i(nls INDrKTUIAI- DEPAKTMKNT Mr Mr Mr Mr. . F A Beard I. I. Hennitran L. J Holmes. ... O. Kruetfer. .......... .Miss .\Katha Mrs Mrs .Mailscn P. Cabinet MaklnK ( 'ar;>entry Printing. Linoiypinc arid MultiRraphinB ......................... . .Tailoring A Sewing Teacher Assistant Sewir.r TeachT GeorKe Spykei i' i; M'Cfhe.. DKI'AHTMKNT Mrs M I' Lyons Mrs. H M Carrutli Mrs Mabt-l l.iner. M r ' !erva is (!:i icn ti i" Mr. Eddic> l.acour . Mr. Walter Hennlgan. Miss Lillian Glover Mrs Lillian Gaicnnie MIHS Ed'.th Groenlaw. MISP Armour Moore Matron Assistant Matron Sii!"-!-\ isnr of Little Hoys Supervisor of Boys Assistant Supervisor of Boy« .Assistant Supervisor of Boys Superv.sor of Girls Assi-tani Supervisor of t'.irls Assistant Suporvlsor of Girls Assistant Supervisor of Girls !