
That New Student .COUDCil
Oftloera Will Be Installed
Ia Co.....-acement Speaker at
Gilbert and Burch
High Schoola
laclade Two Special
Ordoeotra Will
in tw-o acts, will be
in the College auditorium
night, May 28, at 8:15
the <direction of Miss
Examinations Will
Begin May 28
Final examinations will begin th~
afternoon of May 28 and continue
to June 5, with the exception .c!
F.ive Viaiting Instructor• Are
Dean H. Laban W•hite .returned Will Begin Laying Stone For June 1, commencement day, when
Ad~ to Faculty For
classes will not ·be in session, it was
Wall Leadin1 to Lodge
Saturday evening from the southet n
Niue Weeka Term
announced today by Dean H . Laban
part of the State where he delivered.
White. Classes will 1be in session un·
two commencement addresses.
••Education Old and New" was .th~ YERKEY IS SUPERVISOR til 12 o'clock noon1 May 28.
According to P resident E. G.
subject Dean Whle .discussed at GilRe1iatration Will Beai"n Moaclay,
bert High School in Ming~ County. Se•er~l Week• WPI B• Requ.irecl Rohrbough these students will h e
June 8 - Cluaee to
to Complete Project
eiempted from examinations: A. B.
At Burch High School, Delbarton,
()pen June 9
Under Way
:Seniors with a C average -or above;
Dean White spoke on the sub.ject,
Otandard Normal seniors with a C
:•The New Pioneers!' W. Troy Floyd,
Five visiting instructors have been
Grading and excavating prepara· average or abovej and those in the .
'33, is the prin-cipal at Delbarton.
nddcd t<> the Glenville State TeachT-omorrow night Dean White will tory to beginning construction worl: operetta who have a C average or
ers College fa<>ulty for the summer
addr""s the Cedarville Junior High on a ston e wall at the east s ide ..J i above.
term, it is announced by President
School, using the subject, "Educa- the College campus was started ye!;·
E. G. Rohrbough. The !11lmmer •e•terday,
starttion Old and New."
sion wHI begin J.une 8 and continua
ed today, according to Allie Yerlrey,
------<>---until August 8. Dean H. lAban
supervisor. Sixteen W. ~P. A . laborW·hite will be the director.
ers &l'e now working.
Sixty-one courses will be offered,
The wall is to be approximately Alex Goldllerg'a Band Playa
including three in art, three in biol500 feet long, from seven !.<> fifteen
Uvely Tunea For 124
ogy, in c hemistry (if the de..
One Additional Bua Added- feet ·h igh, and will contain abou';
mand waTrants), one in economies,
Pupil& Will Be Trauaportecl 3000 blocks of eut stO'lle. At ·t he
base, the wall will be four feet
The annual Holy Roller CoUrt fifteen in education, eleven in EnFrom Five Schoola
thick and will be tapered to twenty dance Friday ni.rht was one -of tbe glish , three i.n geography, one in
Plans for the s ummer training inches at the top.
high lights of .the season's social health, five in history, one in matheStone is being quarried on syca- events. APproximately 124 couples matics (if the demand warru~ts),
school at the College are being m·adc
by Dr. Shreve and Miss Ivy Lee more. About 'half en<>ugh bloclu danced .t o the swinging music oi six i n mus ic, six in physical educa·
Myers, educati-on instructors in the have already been quarried. From Alex Goldberg and ·h is Gold Pieces ti-on, one in political sci~nce, two in
three to four mon.ths will be required between i he hours of 9 p. m. a.n-d 1 sociology, and two in speech.
F i...-e New ID.tracton
The sohool will be in aeuion for to .complete the work, Mr. Yerkey a. m. The gymnasium was attractiv~­
The faculty for the summer ae.
six weeks, commencing June 16. states.
ly decCkl'ated in blaok and white, tha
num-D er twenty-two, the
One additional bus will be ru~
court coloTs.
Programs with dances &rrang·l.«l same as during the regular school
this &llmmer, making a total of three. east College Street to the Old BuildJ>.upila from Troy, Gilmer, Sand ing received ftniahing touches Sa.t- in the o-rder of a court procedure year. The five visiting inatra.cton
Fork, Stumptown &nd Normantown urda7. The work.,... done 'by W. P. were- presented .t o eouples as tb'!y are: Miss Esther Rader, A. M., SamwU! be transported cW!y. Cbildren A. l.t>or.
entered. 'l'Jle program was made up mersville, wbo will teach in tha edllof twelve daneet, featuring two cation deparlmentj Principal B. A.
from Glenville may also attend,
Hall, A. M., of Buckharmon-Upahur
There will be twelve eritic teach·
moonlight numbers.
Lloyd Metheny, judge, was in Oounty High· Sebo·ol, social acieee;
ers. The school will ·be in session
Henry C. Gregory, -A. M., fonnarly
charge of t he <lance and was assistfrom 8:30 a. m. to 11 :30 a. m. each
ed by the court personnel. Patrons' of Sutton but now an instructor in
day. Pupils in gra.des one to eight
College Choir Will Sing at and patroness attending the da.nce Pennsylv-ania Avenu e High School,
may attend.
Baccalaureate Sermon
were: Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rohr- Cumberland, Md., social science;
--<>Continued on page 6
Sunday, May 31
bough, and Raymond E. Freed.
C&Dterb•ry Clab Coe. to Beeche•
For A.aaual Breakfut
an increased bricklaying
now totaling thirteen, and a
of tw-y P . W. A. employes.
on the new College -dormitory
along at a rapid paee.
installing ·o f electric fixtures
begun last week. and the plumbwork will be started in a few
C. W. Loar, su.perinte.ndent.
yesterday. Mr. Loar also said
to begin the steel • worK
plans, was insl)ecting
the donnitory yesteroay.
dormitory wiU contain sixtybedTooms and will ac-132 students. The build-
Approximately twenty-five pereons attended the annual Canterbury breakfast held at the Beeches
on the Fred Lewis fann Saturday
Plans tor special commencement
music have been announced by Miss
Bertha. E . Olsen.
The College choir will oing the
anthem ••Lovely Appear" by Gounod
at the bac.calauTeate seTmon Sunday
morning, May ~1, at 1() :15 o'clock
in the Cpllege aud.i torium. The choir
includes Ernestine Lawson, Max.iTtb
Bollinger, Maxne Pick, Helen Magnusont Winifred Whlte, Mrs. Cleora
Deitz Rohrbough, Julia SWiger,
Laut·a Allman, H . Laban White, J r.,
Vorley Rexro-ad. and Fred Madison
Whiting, Jr. Mrs. Phyllis Davi~
Rohrbough will play a cello solo.
The College orchestra. will -open
the commencement J)rogram Monday
'morning, June 1, at 10 :15 o'clock,
playing an overture. Mi!S Elean ~n
White, daughter of Dean and M n.
H. La·ban. White -a.nd a stu.dent in th~
University, will p lay two violin
solos, ••Nocturne" by TchaikoOwSk)
and uTambourin Chinois" by Fritz
Kreisler. A women's three-part ehor·
us will sing "June Rha psody" by
Mabel 1Daniels, and "My Heart at
Thy Swe-et Voice" from the -oper a
usain.t and Sacns" by Samson and
Twenty Memben Atte nd Outiag at
Miaa BeU'• Home
The Rev. Samuel B. CIIIIDill&·
ham Adviaea Studenta to
Twenty members and guests of
Lead Clean Lives
the Social Science Club attended an
~orning. The group met at Ve11ona
outdoor supper Sunday evening at
"YouT Teligious experiences com•.:
Mapel Hall at 6 o'clock, then went
the home of Miss .Bessie Boyd Bei!,
not from the fact that you accept
to the picnic grounds. Breakfast was
club sponsor.
doctrines, creeds, and church
served under the <liroc~ion of Julia
Those who attended were: .rasa~
policies, but from the qua1ity' of
Swiger, chairman of the f.oo d eom
Me~dows, Anna Mae Cunningham.
Fred Smitb, Juanita Bell, MillaTd life you choose for yourself," said
Flollowing the breakfast, a short~
Cunningham, Virginia Vinson, Vada the Rev. Samuel Cunningham, '16.
program was presented. Stories were
McCutcheon, Elizabeth de GL·uyter, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
bold by Helen---Magnuson and Jason
Harry Russell, Jr., Jarrett W. Jones, Church of Thomas, in an assembly
Mea·dows. At t~e close -of the proMat•ybelle Summe1·s, Thomas Pierce, address here Wedne!day.
"You are the lig ht of the worldgram, Miss Willa Brand, club spon ·
Eloise Gu nn, Genevieve Johnson.
aor, gave an informal talk.
Rosa Cra'ig, Phyllis Sims, Ruth if the light has not gone out," ·t he
T.hi.s was the last meeting of th~
Wamsley. Maxine Pick. J O'h n P . Rev. Mr. Cunningham said, and adclub this yeaT.
Hunter, Miss Margaret Dobson. Mrs. ded: .. Each and every student should
lead a clean life, should be reasor..---<>---Floyd Bell and ~[i ss •Bessie B ell.
ably self-sustaining, und eTCh person
Attend assembly program tomorrow.
---<)---sho uld bear his owr burden, for
Faculty To !Je Entertained
what does it profit 3 man after aH,
if he has forfei ted ·his -own life? "
Members of •t he Faculty Club will
Declaring that the Bible is more
be entertained w~h a picnic on Cam· th~ n the word of God, the Rev. Mr.
den Flats We d·nesdaf evening, Msy Cunningh am said, "The Bible is a
20, by Miss Gra ce Lorentz, Miss 1·ecord of experiences, events, beof miles to hear great teachers of
La ura Ann Miles, Miss Alma Ar- lief s, and ideas. It is as applicable
phl!oRophy. In 1923 he gave fort.y
buckle, A. F. Rohrbough, and R. T today as it ever \vas."
----o---a dd re!ses in thirty-five days in Kan·
Cra wford. The group will meet at
God is found through quiet and
Senior Clan Receive• lnYitationa
sa s City, nearly all in the same hall.
Rall Wedr.esday evening Tnec.litstion, a nd not tbrough noise
Invitations and calling ca:rds ora nd drew an average attendance of
strife," he. asserted.
dered by the senior class were t'C ·
The Rev. Mr. Cunningham was a
ceived last week. 'l'hey were distrib- provided.
---0--luncheon guest of President and
uted •by 'Wanda McCutcheon, clas'i
Collere Ca talorue S ent to Printer Mrs. E. G. Rohrbough, fo!loJnng
the assembly perio1, and he talked
---q--The College .!&!:alogue for the to the American literature and
President E. G/ Rohrbough an·
nounces that all (A. B. seniors and school year 1935-36 with announce- world literature classes briefty •du!'·
Standard Normal s&niors must ad· ments for 1936-37 was sent to the ing the 11 and 2 o'clock periods.
just a ll financiad obligations to the printer the pa!t week-end. TM cataErnestine Harrison visited at h•n'
Collep not lateJ than May 25 to be logue will probabl7 he printed in
elilriblo for ex~pt;on from final time for distribution h&fore the close ·h ome in Richwood the put weekend.
of this sem..ter.
Speaker Has "Crossed
Swords" With Dreiser and Lewis
- - - - ·----
Mercury 360519-1.psd
\Veek:Jy D urin;;r the Regul!ll' School Year
b7 the Class in J our nalism oi Glenville
State TeacheJ"s Colle!;:!.
Ente-red at the Pcstoffiee at Glenville,. West Virginia,
as ~co nd Class MaiJ Matter
Subscription Price f or 1935·36, 50 Cents
A11 comm;;.nica t"ions should •be a ddr-essed to
'The Edttc r s, The Glenville Mercu ry
Member West Virginis Inter .Collegia te
• P ress Association
As the close of this year's school term draws near, ma ny
teachers i·n elementary and secondary schools ~re s peculating on what they will do during the vacation mont hs. Aftet·
nine mont hs ef more nr less confining work in t he classroom,
some feel that they deserve a few w ee ks of p lay before r esuming their t eaching u uties next f11 ll. A grea t number,
perh~ps, will be enga ged in some remunerative work during
the summer months, while t here may be others w ho will b e
contented to drift through vacation without any sort of plan
for either work or play.
Most •t eachers who a rc conscient iously interested in th e
teaching prof ession a rc directly interested in making themselves worthy and capable membei·s. To keep pace with the
innovations in moderu. teach ing methods, progressive teachers tinct it advisable t o s pend at leas t a few weeks each year
in a teacher training coll(lge. Each summer finds a larger
per cent of teachers chcos ing this means of adding to their
professional knowledge. Such ad attitude is undoubtedly a
healt hy s ign of educauonal advancement and deserves the
highest commendation from every one concerned with the
improvement of our school system.
During the summer term last year there was a larg er en·
rollment in Glenville S<:lte Teachers College than ther e wa~
during either sem ester of the preceding reg ular term: Most
teachers are conscious of tr,e value of a few weeks s pent in
college wher e they m'g llt not only add to their professional
knowledge but also g~in new ideas f r om those with whom
they a-ssociate. Wit h en invariably decided jmprovement in
their social and professional s tatus they return to their respective schools in the fall and take up their work with ren.ewed vigor and The expense is negligible,
Since most teachers spend as much or more t han is required
for the summer Lerm, no matter what they do.-Jarrett w.
------------0,-----------EDUCATION AND SUCCESS
Seen in GleaviUe a t the Holy retumed Sulld&y
Roller Co11J1, donee F riday n ight lr. Va.• where ohe r epreqnMd elle CoiLbe Colleg e. ayru na.&,ium : Virgini•
Chidester, ' 33, Ca:rol Ma~uson, '84., lege at. a meoting of the Amftieatt
Rob"rt Combo-, '34. Arla n BerT7. Library Associat ion • • • ltia Ji'redll
'3~. Cha rles 8&1lghma.n, '84, Mauric.o Muple, 1onner inatruetor In the
M dl~r. '3S, Jack Blan d and Mary College, has bee.n selected u a memWllh3m:;,. f-ormer stud~nt.s, an'd J oh:1 · ber of t he S\1111mer sehool faculty .,f
Shook. '3 4.
Mari hall College • • . Over sleep
Lloyd (Cas~y) J ones, t...~c -Prid~ cautted six members or the Canter ..
'lnd d.ream of a great ma ny girL, bu:ry Club to miss the annual C.nter""
was exploring the rom,a nt ie worl d bury break.f..ast SaturdaY mornin« at.
Sat urday night . . . Mi:~s Margare~ 11The Beeehe!(' . . . Marjorie Crad·
Dob!:on_])&id an unexpect ed visit to doek, a former gtndcnt, wa.s taken to
the Grill Sa.turday night-hence, St. Mary' s hospJtal, CI&Tkobarg,
!everal_ Verona Ma pel HaJI girl'!l Sunday, f or treat me nt . . . Snio.r
were gl\'(ln a few minutes worry . .
invitations have aTrived . . . All nu. .
Delores_ Morgan and DeWitt Moye1s dents who have been employed to
we.~e g1~en ~athing pos.ition.s
in teaclt are asked to report to Roem
Lhou: respect1ve c-ounties, Tecently.
11 0 immediately . . . So until ftext
M1ss L9ut 3 Ann !\.liles, libraria n, we-ek it's " 30."
[l_Ar the.Library f
Library Cete Nine Ne.w Boolu
New •books ret{'<nt l,v added at th"!
Robert F . Kidd Libra·ry in.clude :
''Science and the. Public Mind," 8
Cha rles Gruenberg; " Crime," Na·
thnnie.l Cantor; uo. Herwy Priz.:!
St·ories f or 1935''; " The Hurricane."
Nordhoff and Ball ; "Forty Years at
Hull H.o.u se," Jane Adam s ; "The Jpw
of Rom:e ," Feuchtwanger : 11 lnvbiblc
La.ndseapes," Edgar Lee Masters:
r'Seve n League Boots.'' Richard
Ha!ibu.rton: 11No Frie ndly Voif'e.,''
Robert Hut.:hina.
"Sparlceabrolre" l.y Cllarlea Mora. .
1 0m~e~ne~t~m~en~t~ex~~~U..~~~~==~~~!~
Among the books added is "Spark- pleted.-All
enbroke.'' by Chuleo Horpn. The
st ory deals with Pien Tettaiel,
tw-~lfth Baron Spar.kenbroke, th~
hero -of 'this long meditative nov~J.
"·ho w:ts concern.ed with three thinp
in life: art, Jove, and death. As a
boy o! twelve he had onee betn
locked llP in the tomb of his anaest...
Ol'!, a nd when retcued he eeemed iD
a lranee. Mueh of .JUa time .,..
• pent in Italy, la-.!JIIr lli1 wife u~
• •D to their OW!l dewleeo on hla • •
tate in Corset. Then lie met. Har,.
Lewar-d, { beautiful , _ g gWI wlto
married Iris friend, Geoqe Hardy,
lllld tried to stay loyal to him, enn
though file loved Pl-. Ill the itruRr;le between love """
almost engulfed ller, :lif&1'y a<~biev¥d
a kind of peaee. 1'1-. died Gil the
eve of what would jumo been f<>r him
one more experimm ID lib l~e.
S~y~four students will pace the platform of the .C olleg~
auditorium fo1· the last t1me on June 1. They will have enco~P_assed the wisdom mc.tivated by f our years of college
trammg. They will nave crossed another marker toward
the goal of success. But need that s uccess be material?
Four years of college training has given them a broader
more t~lerant, _more optimist ic outlook on !fie. Happiness i~
the ultimate. a1m of success . . Tolera nce a nd optimism are
factors tendmg toward happmess. Therefore. can one not
conclu~e that as a natural result of education, t h eir happiness W!ll be more nearly forthcoming ?
Their sense of values bas been rafsed as a res ult of academic trainin~. Social habits are acquired th2t better enable them to hve a s a har,monious unit in society. Fact~
have been learned which will help them to evaluate thr
worthwhile things of life .
. Seniors in_ col!ege m ay not be able to vis ua lize an education. producmg 1mmeriiate materia l success. They s hould A Letter to the Edlito,ral
re~hze, however, that f_our. years of coll ege tre inin~ is a
pnceless treas ure a~d. if n g htly useti will eventually bring To t he Editors of &lie lle~e~~ry:
A few weeks ago W. Nad aa edisucces!f--success wh1ct1 can never be measured in dollars
torial in th" Hel'e!RJ' -.m. &he m.
and cehts.-Jack Elder.
stallation of a publfc . . . . _ .,..m
fo:· the College
adore!! an<! gradadfoa -llllia.
What Others Say
. ~ manage ~o. struggle along wit hout believing in a ny reh~r~on, -or politiCal .theory, ~r in t he etemal vaUdity of a ny I the paper whieb wul4 Je.i aa t.t
of the con':'ent10ns wltich govern our existe nce. I have a beliew that the . , . _ la 'to ... lllstrong feehn~ that one of th em will co unt "for much in a fe w stclled. Can it be ew """" • 10011
years. In t~Is, however, I may be wrong .
I_feel.a b1t a shamed to ~ay it, but I find it much easier to
, behev e m _Mozart t ha n in the Pope o1· Ke1·l Ma rx. This is
propa~ly JUSt pure c usse dn ~ss of my part, and I as k nil my
Catholic and Proletar •an fn ends to forgive me if they can.
If they can't, perhaps they 'll do a litt le praying for me.
I .happen to be s o constituted that I find life wor th living
fo; 1ts o':"n sake . . The Canterbury Pilgrimage of humanity,
With. a!l 1~ color, 1ts co~ncdy, Its tragedy, even its occasional
stupt~Ity, IS alwal(s wort h watching without demanding its
me~nmg. And f riend> are good to have no matter what
their race or religion or politics.·
I do1_1't care a sou ~f I a m ~muffed out tomorrow. 1 don't
worry 1f my personality survives or not. I think I am jolly
lucky to ~ave been born at. all, and to have had the chance
to see thiS extraordjnarily fascinating world, and to live
.throug~ such a great period in history. I have nothing to about. I don't feel thAt life or the world owes me
anythmg. I have been on friendly terms with the sun and
the sea and the countrysicle. I've seen mauy of the ftne
ideo. h:ts been forg.otten?
We still i nsist, as does Lhe author
of the editorial. th>t mllJiy peopl~
will want. to hear Will Durant. We
s till believe that there will be p oo]llC preE.en t th3n C'BJJ,. be eJ'OY/def1
in<o the a uditor ium. We bellrre l:lle
College is obligated to make l:lle acJ.fc'*•.._w
dTese of Will Dunllt available to
the public.
U there i• a poosiblllty tW a
pu blie address system Ia too UIPMsive, then we shall qree 1:111& l:lle
iden wiU have to be dropped, Bowever, we ooli""e that ~
c!an be installed withollt teo mM1a
cost "nd tha t the mouy wiD llllft
b~ well spe!lL
We should be very maeJl ~
to see a story ill tile lloen187 tills
week muoullei~~g l:1ld ...........
!or a publie addrea .,._ i'er
Mercury 360519-2.psd
w-. ......
aon, Bober\. of
- ~ <lauchter, IIIU7 Eileea Ja•vio, a oealor ID the Collece, SDDclay.
Girla F - PhJIIical Ecl-tioa
a.-ac,_.uww Eatertaia ill
Mise Margaret Dobson, instrue·
t or in the College, announce-s t hat e
group of girls from classes in phyiscal ~ducation 202 and 104 will
present a progra m of dances in t he
College gymnasiu.m Wednesday a.fternoon at 4 :15 o'clock.
Tho first part of the pr ogram will
include the following dances: " In·
dia n
D• nce,' '
uc lk>cbogat·," "Tally
\Vss a W elchman:' " Rye Waltz/ '
10 Vine)'8r d."
The dances include d in
the Ju t part of the .program will oe:
"'T ight Rope Walk,'' " Dut ch Couple.'' "Jump Jim Cr ow." A volley-
also stated that th• r ro~~oe,.,,I>O"
.of interest to Ubftr·
exhibita by variou•
ftrms. librarY s u,pply .,..,~.;...-...----~-~---~--~~--.:.::~-...,-...,..~
binden. tou n to t he f a· 1
of the collea• araduate, aho-..-. w. .
in Rirhmond, a trip to
RodD.e, Tuner ia Art 202. t•••ht .,, Mi.. Maraaret Clariati•.
WUiiamsbuJT anJ
The be
is invited.
ba H game will
during in-
ClmYille, W.Va.
Lola Oarnifax vis:ited a t her bon~c
in Richwood t he past. week...e:nd .
the Campus Takes to Song- Or
Read 'Em and See If They Fit
''It's Been So Long" ...•.. Sinre a nd Wolfe had a dp,te.
' ' Goody Goody'' .... . . School is al.m ost ove.r.
,.,Let Yourself Go" . .. . . . At. the. Ah.D'utl i d:1nce.
" Daru:ing Cheek t.o Cbeelc" . .... . Bollinger and Lilley.
" You L~t !lie Down •• . . . . . . Gitson to Law..n .
"Melody From the Skies" . . .... Olsen '~ OrQbestr.a.
"Remember Me! '' . . .. . • Asks "Fritzie" W;).it~.
' "Lulu's Back iD Town" .. . ... Sayo Tom P~nt.o n.y.
"'l""'e Got Some lnvitatlor.1 to a Dan ce... ... . . Eleano r Waggoner.
"Wh"re Am l!" ...... Luoy Sbeeta at t he G Club clance.
.,You're Drivine Me Crazy'' .. . • .. Studen \.6 t o Faculcy.
" Am l Blue?" ...... Ve.rou Map~l Hs ll Girls.
...Lost. in t he F oe'' . . . . . . Library Sdenee Stude-nts.
''Now That. You're Gone' ' . ..... ';Casey•• J ones.
" Love Thy Neighbor'' . •.. . . ••Junior" Cr,addock.
"''White Lies" . . .. . . Jac:k S,rir.:ge·r.
Authorized Ford D-ler
Pure Oil Procluc~
Ruddell Reed, o__..
. BY the Pooto&ice
I:;=Le=wia=aa=d=Ma=in=street=.:::;IIBUILDERS' SUPPUES
For Native Lumber, South·
ern Pine.Redwood;
and CalifOI'Dia
For Quality
Cleaning and
Wall Paper, Paints aad
V amiah, Claaa, aDd
Glenville, W. Va. _
Both Phones
BeU 23
A pproximately I 00 pcn.ons at.·
lt.n.dNf An ed.uc:ttio:naJ !>eTi
gi n~n in th
aound motion pit't.Ur
ollege ouditorlum. Thursday
o! th e ah!mDi members lnVt' a1ker. .l obo Mi)\\'!..
Mctb.eny , Ever t Bowea.
Gibson. and Kennet h
Fred )1. Whit i ng, J r ., '35 ,
3l ~
p. m. u.nde-r the di ret'tion o f I. Q
Cott re.U, J r .. Ollln.4 cr of \Vest un
lcn·itory o f Ohe.up akt and Potuma.c T elephone ompany. Th~ f eat·
t;re"! ~bo\vn were : "lN rst. T elephone.''
" He.1l o Wor ld/' "Voke Scie.nct'
Mn de" ttnd •·Ou.l of the :te..nce.''
The p ict.uTcs wer e. e;po050re<l, br
J ohn R. 'Weg n er :1ud the Chem istry
S tude nt D ies at H a mbleton
c.ue a bou t. len feet widr .
.Funeral -se r vice-s were held Wedhigh , and .six inc:b cs de.e.p n d.ay afte.r.noon :1t t he home ot
placed ill th• front hall uf Mr. and M ~. J . D. Collett, of Ham·
High cb.ool b oil<linl; bleton, lor thei r daughter. Mr•·
be ut ed to 'Ciis·play Rut h Ha mle)', 26 years old.. The
a.nd picttn:e-s f)f Rev. Robert 0 . LuckE>. pa.stol' of the
T he Rf:d Te:rror.a P a:rsons P~·e.sUyterian Church, was:
by C. D. Red) Wil!on; , in c:harge. Mrs. Hnmley i! a former
studen t i·n the College.
Fire Dea trofa C arpenl e r H o m e
Fire destroyed the home of RoiJHaught , R fre~hman in t he
lett. for Wuhington Sa.tur- erl Carpent~r. of Camd en Flat!;,
c.omplet c hi• entrance e x.ami- Friday night . The loss was estimnt_
tor lhe United States Army at $4,500. Kendall ti·other. a otuW
P oi nt , N. Y. Thb dent. in t he College, was 4leeping in
st cond t ime that. H a-u ght the house when the. fi re was discov
Washington. lf su eces~ ered~ Mrs. S t t·ot he r , a r elative bl
examinatioD.5 Haught. will the -fn mily and a former s tudent. in
t.he academy in June. t lte oll ege, WWI i n P it tsburgh nt
~he tim• of the fi re. Mr. •nd M''·
St'l'Ot.h£'r have been making their
home with .the Carpen t-ers.
-o-Jamea Stoae V iail• JMa Campl:tetl
S m oke 2 0 fr..-ra n t pipduls of Prine.~ Albert. U )'OU don' t find it t lae m d low••1., t a•tl..t pip~ t you aver s m oked, the pocke.t tiD with the
ra1t of tho t obacco 'in it to u 1 a t a nJ' t ha t within a moath from this datil!, aad
.,. w lU n fuU pu..rc:hau pric.e, plus postar e.
Mercury 360519-3.psd
Says Editor of Independent Star
GlenYille ia
the "garden spot ol
Good to cut and
Weat Virginia," according to an editin of the Illdependent Star of
Jue 18, 1892. "Its people, i.n point
of education, enterprise, modem ad'VaDCement and -culture, rank s econd
to flO town of ita iJ)Opulatio'n in the
United.," writes a student in
that paper oC forty-four years ago.
Camden Flats is described as an
"earthly paradise:• The Star also
appeals to students by saying Hjf yo11
wish to make labor pleasurable,
come to Glenville Normal."
In the history of Glenville Normal
Sc:hool, the Star states that R. \\t".
Tapp was principal .of t he school in
1890·91. 1\o[. D. Helmick became.
principal in 1892.
Pt~bli•bed Tri-An.a•ally
The Star oublished tri-annua11r
boasts of .d~v~ral !J)3.ges of a<lvertisemeut.s. M. M. West and Son, Westo!l,
advertise\, shoes that are :
lllleclflla ot ...... f<W tM tnt 'i:===::;::::~;
F. Rolarbouch,
Pl'eli· aemuter of the aext aehool -.., ~
llarveat hay in." A.d-t,
Preoid• ia Vice
will be held tomorrow eTUIIJIC • a
The same establiahment appeal,. oo
its customers to :
Be not Ike dumb. driven cattie.
Be a. hero in the strife;
of 0e.m H. L White
meet:IDg of the Chemil&r7 Club iD
Room 21H. The llrocr&m will COIISiat
Bantz W. Craddock, '06, of Glen- of a demonatration of Gie• ler tubes
conducted by .Hr. Wacner, with vol-
yon ville, who was recently appointed as· unteer help from. the members. Bensista·nt federal attorney for the
Get West'.s shoes for your wiJe." Northern District .of West Virginia,
Another advertisement recom· spoke of the merits of the federaj
mends " Lightning H ot Drops" &1\. judicial sysWm and the gqvernjust the thing to cure the- baby'5 ment-'s G-Men at the weekly lunchcolic-to be taken externally or in- eon of the Rotary C!L;.b Thursday in
Glenville, Wut
the Whiting T~a Roo.m. •
Three Hotels Theil
A. F. Rohrboug,., vice-presjdent,
All llotels (three of them in Glenville at that tim e) emphasize i!l presided in the absence of Dean H.
their advertisements that they ha\~ Laban White, .president, who waS
"good stabling a.ttached and s pecia! in Mingo County Thursday and Friday delivering commencement ad·
care taken of horses."
In a column entitled u \Vords of dresses at Gilbert and Delbarton
Wisdom,'' words of advice are offer- high schools.
And while with
ed to .readers. "No true gentlemar.
nor lady can lack modesty," accord · column, " Guy Brannon recently
made a Visit to Normantown and he
ing to the columnist.
..GGod to court in
Sc.vernl persons, now living i:~ spe3ks in the highc&t terms .of the
Good to sp.ort in
Glenville, are mentioned in the tr:- hospitality of the people of that
Country lanes to drive t.he cow in ; annual publication. In the personal
_for Dige
digging iato srucfjes all cbe
batder-meotal~:easioa. increases. But Camels belp.
They add mueh to tbe en·
joymeatoffife. Camels give
you a ••1ift"-and never get
oa your oervea.
Member Federal
's sake... smoke Camels
One of life's most enjoyable experiences is the pleasure
Camels add to eating
You bave surely noticed how much alkaline digestive fiuids .•• so necesmore you enjoy eating when your sary for :zesr while you eat and for
mind is free from care. No meoral digestive well-being afrennrd.
lttaio or burry slows dowo <he oarlo Cameb, you find tobacco u
ural Sow of digestive fiuids.
once rich, mild, and perfect io taste.
Much of this same enjoyment is Camels ser you right! Tbey give you
yours wheo you smoke Camels. Smok- a cheery "lifr." Aod oever jangle
iJJg Camels increases rhe supply of your nerves or tire your taste.
LEGE MAN to wia tbe Na- 1
tiooal Ope o~ Sam Parks, Jr..,.
says: "A Camel with meals and
after makes my foodsenlerigbt."
Mercury 360519-4.psd
ried ptlilt Mrs. Ethel At:oo.ld ro
Camels." she says. " I enjoy food
more and digest it bener too.•
·~ ''"
tt ill said that Itt.
•peeebes, no matter what Ilia
la.tnmural V oUey
Leacue jed, he ~oldt and thriUs every ....U.
Op- . m
!•nee thAt hears him.
FnD-cia M. Boram Diea T ......
SLUGGING HONORS lN tbe intramural b3seball league \\-ill be at. stalce
during the last few weeks of .the season. Jobn Bobeusky, Frank Martino,
anti .Tack Springer have befin swinging il'om the heels all season. and the.
home runs. Springer pounded out two trOu.nd trips in
e reeent game ... Guy (Tnrun) Bennett eontinues ,t he leading fting.-r of
thi! league. In his last two stoTts Bennett h3s shut out his opposition and
allow~d bat ~h•ee !Uts. His last attempt was a no-hit perfol'tnllnce. Benn-ett has- de-veloped his control sinC!e the season opened, a,.d JUs free pass·
es have. been few and far betwee-n.
A TRrBUTE TO Leroy She<:ts: For tbe !"'•t three years Leroy bas
bee-n manager of all ath1eticti at the College. Shee-ts, who comes bom Pc.cahontas County, has kept th.& Pion~ers \veU ..-bandaged up" dutirlg hii
term o! service. We know that Coach Ro'hrbough will be aorry to see tb•
"Little. Pioneer'' hie away to his home. Sheets !UU."Ved as an ap~
prentice his lirst year here and SLoe then has handled a ll of the equipmc:int in a satisfactory manner . . . To those who think the ntanager's job
Is a "snap" we say 'jtr:y ;it sometime" . . . As Sheets would put it, 10 BOyj ,
it's a re~ousibility. Now drop those socks before the- COach comes in!"
SHORT SPORT SHOTS : Paul (Scsmper) Fulks baa signed to play wit)!
Weston in the West Virl:inia State Bas<>ball League ... Fulks will have H
n team mate Carlos (Ral) RatJjlf, a former Pioneer football, basoball and
basketball star. "Rat" is now eo-.,hinz at Clay County High School . ..
Frank M-artino wiiJ
play in the Sllmc loop. Ma.ntlno h:ls been signet:
by the Clarksburg club ... PllUl (Babe) Jones, 'Pioneer basketball captain..
has been employed in tho schools of Nicholas County for the next yeaT.
The intramural volley boll leogu~
legan play Wednesday night with
tbe Cottage winning over & te-am
representing the second floor of
KanawhA Hall, 21-23, 21-1, 21-4. In
the secnnd game <>f the evening t!'iC!
Lodge team defeatd the third ftoo'
of Kan~wha Hall, 21-23, 21-15. 2114. Allen Smyt'b, director <lf the
league, ...~s the umpire.
Funenl sen'ices wer~ held Tina~•
day afternoon for Francis M• .Boram,
89 years old, who died at his bOllia
in BerJin, Lewis County, Jate Ta_.
day night, May 12. Tbe Rev. F. E .
Smith, o! the M. P. Cbureb. Ia
charge of the services. Mr~ Bon.m II
the father of N. Goff, 'JO,
of Berlin. Mrs. N. Goff B oram fia..
Games !L.l:e played four nights a ished the Standard Normal eo111'118
week begin.ning at 6:30 o'clock. A!- here in I 930.
len Sm)oth, direct•or, announces that
any team wishing to p lay in th'1
Mrs. M. 0 . .Magnuson, C..OI lfal"
leai-ue may ent<:-r at ·once. Send D!'
nuson, ' 84, and .. Buddy" M.agaaMJI•
brir.g the entries to Allen Smyth,
Kann:wha Hall. Captains for each oi Weston, were visitillg .Mia& H.Jea.
Afagnuson, a sophomor& in the Col;.
group =e to be seleeted by the team
loge. Sunday.
Mi"" Willa Brand waa in Westen!,
-o--Thursday afternoon.
Crosses Swords With I. - - - - - - - - - -......
Dreiser and Lewis
For Better Hair Cata
first half of the second innin~
._ tenific storm broke.
game was a seoreleu ti• when
...... halted.
the only pme of tbe week th~
paced b:r .Martino, tea.o
Bobensky and McKinner,
the oll'eringa ot the Bulldog
at wiD.
hit the longest home run
and the heaviest bit dul'
aeason. The Bulldoga seond
the ftrst inning but nev~'!"
a serious threat. HuU iPitcbec
game to turn in his fiTSt -win
seaaon. Line--up and summary:
ping the strength -of those who contc
under their baneful influence.
MT. Durant has pointed out th
weakness of such critics as Oswa:t!
Spengler who iri his ''Decline a.t t iLti
West,, prophesies disaster to our
Htotrliac rice aad old • h ou at J The common practice of the bride ~))resent civilitati~n. Be has alii.>
newl,.·w•ch, to Minc the b rid e'• ""Oaring a gown of white at the crossed swords Mth Henry L. _Men~­
nuptial ceremony originated with ken,_ Theodore Dr~•ser and ~mclall~
bouq ue t to t he b ride.maicl1, aad
Custom of Newly-Weds Sleeping on Piece
Of Wedding Cake Has Ancient Origin
•leepin 1 oa. a piece of t he wecl·
cli n 11 ca ke arc: OD)J' a few of tlut
m oclera marriap c uatoma ha.;all
their U. tile clhD and ba&7
pa • t. H ere U .mat tile Colum bia
Mi..ouria.n. claiJ,. paper a t the
tla.i•e.nit,. of Miuouri, ol'e r a COD.•
c e m la• the o of mode.ra m ar•
r.iaae cu.toms:
the Romans, with who~ w~ite st.oo:l '! ~he~';;o::oth:t ~·;~n-::esty~ca~i;~
f or purity. Wh~n a bcde IS ~dVlse.d stratum of thought and finds littl~
to w_ear somethiDg blu~. the idea as or nothing encouraging in the pit·
harking back to the ane.•nt Jew. lot• t
· T ti
M 0
whom that color was the symbol of • ure o m . ern c.tVI Jza on. T. U·
b ·d
th ftnt. r
! t"
rant -has ptc.tured govel'llment as o
e~kee : e~!s e-~t a~~ce ~ in:S~ a~cial instrument under wbjeh the
' • p
y •
th p
hves of many are safegu-a rded from
•:e belleved to ~ WJth " at ftrttt the infa.ncy -to death with the hopr
p1eco. The practice of guests at the
talti - h
h • sl'
f that among the thousands o1 humar.
we tng
ng oroe .t e•r tees 0 be,in,gs there may be aeveJoped a
~e cake to kee~ for good luck has genius who will contribute his bit to
tts eounterpsrf. In many oust.oms ., th d thl
f d f
b ba · b d
e. ea ess un o eu ure
·~m~:g ~es.Chuneho lrtdians llf moulds And enric.hes the lives an~l
symtM.J o_f independuee.
The custom of havi111r bridesmaids
preaent at a wed<ling bas ita f<>un-1-1·
ation in the romantie affairs of tlf'e
early .Middle Ages, when knighta
rode forth to ~ize their lady loves
by foree. I n thoee hai'Oic aays there
-aDdasuaUy developed a bettie between
the relatives of the bride and thos•.
of tho bridegroom.
Symbolizing the bride's defender<
h Ready to Be of
today are the 1>rldesmaids, and sym
Service to You.
bolizing t.he bridegroom's frien.d•
Banki•c hoW's 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
are the p;oomsmen. The best man at
the wedding in medieval times wa•
the ws.rrior friend who helped th'!
Lover captu:r.e the gi~) of his eboic;o..
Today the best man acts to keep th2
bridegroom from c~tving in at the
e.rudal moment .
No. amaH num~r or 1the n01ne.rous
cast-oms that maTce marriages today
interesting and amusi-ng ca.n b~
traced directly OT indirectly to an·
cient truperstitions. Some date back
to that ~e.riod in history wbe·n marriage in ..semi-civi.lized lands was bv
bal"ter. Others date back to the
earlier time.s when marriace was by
One common eustorn is that. of
0 the bride tossing her bouque~ to her
2 0 br!desmatid.a- and othe-r feminine
0 1 guesta with the idea that the one V•
0 0 capture the tlowen will be tbe next
2 1 0 some bride decided against a llto<ic0 3 3 ing •=mble at her wedding, and
- - - - - to&sed .her bouquet to the girla.
The wedding cake is an inatitution dating back at least as far as
a~ient &orne.. The patrician familif~
3 ot Rome provided especially baked
0 cakes for a wedding feast.
1 1 1
A Frenc~ baker in traveling
0 1 2 0
through England notieed t he incon·
0 2 4 ~ 0 venience of preparing so many litt1e
0 1 2 3 o. c:.ake.s, and so 'he put. aU the dough in
1 0 1
0 O'r"e big- pan-thus inventing tll~ hisBlaine
spent Saturday at ~
home in
0 0 2 0 0 weading cake as it. is k nown today.
0 0 () 0 {'
It is the traditional riR'ht of th'!
- - - - - to win a husband.
Back jn the fourteenth t:entury in
France~ it was t"he t:Ustom at we.d·
dings to scramble for the bride'~
garter. Brides wi!M!-Iy left one garle/
dangling where it could be easily
Eleonor c. Whlte, daugbter
reached, but despite that, many
and ?o1rs. H Laban White,
were in~ured in tbe scutftes for th~
a student at We!U. Virginia Unipriz~d token.
appeared "l!: one o( the as.
I n a century or so the garter gave
vioJin soloists on a Univer.
v."By to a stocking. BUt stockings
orebostrt. recital Wedneaday
were not easily removed. FjnaUy
in Commencement Hall at
purity, love, and fidelity.
Mils White. who is a
Why the bride wean a veil at he.r
i111 the College, IG• wedding haa been the subject or
· IOJII-red iu several other recitals al
mar.y an argument among Hholan
Universi~y this ~ear.
Some auc.horities believe t.hat th'!
But there isn't any reuon
bridal vtril originate-d in the an~
wby y ou abouldn't know
Riffle cient ,pr~etiee of hiding the bride'IJ
tbne rulea of llgbtlng:
face t.o ihow her wbmiuion. Other!'
1. Plenty of Ugbt .
eontelhe opposite-that it waa a
z. Weu cllrected llgbt.
a. No 8'W"eo
Peru, f r lnstanee, weddl~ peots
-.led &!iarday, IC&)' 2. at ear:ry
e blta ot a Jriece ot potllntbren Cllllnb Ia
b..Obtt b:r tile eJalef of tbe
1'. A.
oUW.. ,llilbe
the _ , .,
Come to
Continued from pag.e 1
C. C. Rhoades aDd
John Staluaker
so called intollectuals who a·re sap·
It's Always Time
To Save
Mai11 Street -
' For Fr.,.b Pie-, Cakea
aDd Bread, Go to
You want to re-her
your frienda on C...daation Day- and We mvite you to the maDJ' uaeful IIlia..
tlu!t wiiJ make auitaWe
Glenville MidlaiHI
This Bank
Glenville Banking
Trust Co.
Glenville, W.Va.
w- -
Mercury 360519-5.psd
Pool the Hours
Mc•s Place
Comic Operetta
T o Be Presented
T buraday, May 28
Continued from page 1
Bogs, Grabt.m CraekeT.
Special features ,.;u inelude o
doD <bnee by ·Maxin~ Pick, Winifred
White, Sadie Ha.Tllss and Loui'i!'
.lt~nlri.ncs, with Helen Ma.gnu_
son. a~
the solo aecompanime.nt, and a comic:
eountry dance by Fred Madisor.
Wbiti~. Jr., Robert Davies, Maxin'!
Piek, and Winifred White.
Among the. mu ~ical numbers wi!l
'be a.a overture by ten !eleetcd
members of the College oTchestrfl
and MN. Phyllis Davis Rohrboug~
Jlembers of the orebestra who will
-play are: Thomas Dotson, Jame~
Weavu, Bertehel Kittle and Autumr.
Amos, violins; Mn. Phyllis Davjs
llohrbougb, cello; John Shrev;,
elarinet; Nathan Callahan, trumpet;
Jolm llana> alto born; David Ha.,gh'
tDd Jack Hamilton) trambone3:
llary Elizabeth Y.oung, pianist. Ot'ter musical features .are: ucollege
PrHidents ,
We .Come/'
A-kes With the Spring," "Colleg~
Jledley,'' ""Mid Roses and Moo..llight in Spsin'' and "Loves Dear S.t-
J..,. IIUMer, Albert P!erey, ll9er\
Here Ia Stor y of Comic Operetta
"Who Discovered America? " by BroWD
Whitman, and H. Laban White, J r.
The naval cadets inclu<le John Mow-
Guy Bennett, Glen Finle;r,
Brooks Shepl"'rd, Laddie Bell anti
Howard Reeder. Military cadets • ••
John B ohensky, Paul Collins, Cecil
Umb&t'ger, J-ohn Barnett. John Sime;
anc:i Greaver Dimmick.
Ch3ndo O' Dell and Andrew Edwards are the stage managers. Mar·
garet L'""ller is the costume m.istreS3.
Other appointments inc:lude John P.
Hunter, make up and propertiesj Isadore Nachman, business ma.nager.
Glearille S tate Teachen Col·
lq e will preaeaf: the two.a.ct comic
operetta. u"WIIo Disco•ered Amer ica?", Thunda7 niwht , May za~
tl:ae Coli••• aaclito riam. The
story o f t he o peretta followa:
P la7 Opeaa Witlo Dreo• Relaeu-aal
The play opens on the morniua
of th& day of the hearing. Dr Ouebe11um takes the rathet" lofty c:hair,
in a sort of dress-rc\learsal. Han·y
and Perry. staff photographers, enter; then the gum chewing cb:ampions, all girls. arrivel having been
induced to attend the hearing by
Dr. Cet·ebellum for their advertis·
- - -- o - - ing "'alue. Next in order, 1lnive
and naval cadets, led by
Sixty Cour ses
Phil Tnrget and Jack Broadside.
Be Offered
Olive, visiting niece of the Doc·
to1·, and Phyllis, bis daughter, aP·
This Summer
pear in due order Lnd when Phil
and Jack both avow· their de,,otion
Co_ntinued from page 1
to Ph)•llis, she conf~sses an inability
lfiss Kothleen Scott, A . M., of St.
to choose between them. Our Doc·
Lcuis. Mo., speech and English litertor, left temporarily in a position of
aturej and Miss Katharine MoorP,
:o;plendid isolation, is encountere.i
A. B., -o( Fairmont, music.
by Phoebe Primrose,
press i nt-erW ill Attend Schoo1
viewer and chaperon of the Gum
Five members 'Of the Tegular fa f'Chewe-rs.
aJty ~-ho will be absent this sun1mer
Subsequently, knowing the temaTe: Miss Ivy Lee M yers, education;
pers of the General and the AdmirMiss Margaret Dobson, speeoh an .i
Phyllis, fot
phys:c&l education; E. R. Grose, Lion; Raymond E. F.reed,
soci~l al, the Doctor advises
biology i Mi~ Bessie Boyd Bell, so- ~ science; Linn B. Hickman, English reasons of diplomacj', to temporarTile Cirla' Chorua
cial science; and 'Miss Bertha Fj and journalism; Goldie C. Jamer, ily accept both the impending proThe girls' cho-rus is composed of Olsen, music. All fi ve will ;d o grad,. biology; Laura Ann Miles, libra11• posals of J ack and PhiL
Winifred White~ P ick, H elen ate work at various educational een· =Jcience; Clarence Post, geography; Pre- Matrimouial D eadlock Pend ia a :
llapuson, Hek>n Hall. Coral Ma)• ters.
A. F. Rohrbougb, physieal edueaAct II opens with a pre-matri·
Ga1entz.. Anna Mae Cunningham.
Members of the regulaT faculty t ion ; llr. John C. Shreve, education; moninl deadlock in which Phil and
LaDT& Allman, Helen Bright, Mary who will continue during the summer J ohn R. WagneTJ chemistry and phy- Jack, each backed by super-martial
.Allt.n, Mary Harper, Hilda Leadc1·, term are: Dean H. Laban White, sics; H-unter Whiting, Fre·n ch and parent, refuse, .res;JectL'\rely to break
lalia Swiger, Pauline Hammett, Alma Arbuckle, librarian; WUI:t English ; Carey W-oofter, registrar. a most nttractive engawement to
Goldie. Reynolds, Violet Nichola~. Brand, English, Margaret Chri~tie, Hiss -Grace Lorentz. will n .rve as Phyllis.
The hea ring opeus with e!fici.ent
Bar.ris, ·&:nd Violet Hoover.
,-art.; ; H. Y. Clark, educationj R. T. dietitian for both Verona Mapt:l
Graham Cracker on the job as ra·
~e six "coUege presidents" are Crawfot'd, mat.hematic:s and
educa.. and Kanawha haUs.
Congress. desiring to offic.ially
settle, once and !or all, who discovered A~erica, ha1' appointed a
board of college pre.idents to bold
a heating_, listen to advocates argue
the claims of ~Columbus, John Cabot,
etc., and finalJy tQ name the true
discu•·ere.r c;tf America. Dr. Cerebellum, chairman, Professor Diction,
Gene ral Target and Admirable
Broedside are all on the Board of
Judges. along with ethers not nanl·
ed. The ex-General and ex-Admiral,
wedded to the t raditions of the
army and the navy, respectively,
agree to disagree on '311 possible
questions whaboevet'. The Doctor
has offered the use of his estate !oJ
the hearing, wbic.h, though being
bro~dcast is of a St~mi-private char·
pann.ts, Dea11 and Mrs. H.
White, Saturday and Sunday.
Phyllis and J'Ohn Sims
theil' parents in W eaton
and Sunday.
Ia Cryatal Rea....... BW..
-Anyway there's
no argument
about that. ..
T- Rodio Entertainments a Wee":
M. ce.. o rJ
uu.., u ........
... _ _
-... ~c-c.rt~oaotl Clow'ltA
,....IOP. M._(f.D,TJ
Mercury 360519-6.psd