CALIDAHolding - CALIDA Group
CALIDAHolding - CALIDA Group
CALIDAHolding Half-year report 2013 CALIDA-Group in the half-year Dear Shareholders The CALIDA-Group delivered a good performance in firsthalf 2013, posting growth of 1.9 percent in a shrinking overall market that featured low levels of consumption. During this period, France-based AUBADE grew by almost 6 percent, and the CALIDA brand maintained the same level of sales as the previous year. The positive performance of both brands comes as a result of the consistent implementation of our strategy. The core elements of this strategy are as follows: - A commitment to providing the highest-quality products in terms of both functional and emotional factors (design) - A clear sales strategy with an equally strong focus on the clients of our independent retailers, department stores and our own CALIDA and AUBADE stores - The uncompromising positioning of our brands and products in the traditional market segment, which is the upper premium segment for CALIDA and the luxury segment for AUBADE - Simple and cost-effective structures In the case of both brands, the CALIDA-Group can also rely on a long-standing, dedicated and extremely competent management team. Another positive to take onboard is the operating result (EBIT), which rose 16.9 percent or CHF 1.2 million to CHF 8.3 million. This is equal to 8.8 percent of our net sales. In doing so, both CALIDA and AUBADE recorded a growth in earnings and made similar contributions to the operating result. The one negative aspect recorded in our half-year financial statement is a ruling made in France in March. The court of appeal decided that the dismissals made in 2009 as a result of the closure of the AUBADE manufacturing plant were improper and that AUBADE therefore had to pay additional compensatory payments totalling EUR 2.1 million. The justification for this ruling was that the CALIDA-Group as a whole made a profit in 2009. The fact that AUBADE was at the time operating at a significant loss was not considered to be reason enough for termination. The CALIDAGroup does not agree with the ruling and has appealed to the highest authority, the Court of Cassation; however, a decision is not expected prior to 2015. The CALIDA-Group had already set aside provisions for this potential obligation 2 at year-end 2012 in order to ensure that the half-year result for 2013 was not affected. As a result of the court decision, a further 127 former AUBADE employees have now also made claims. Despite these former employees having agreed to a negotiated social plan as part of the restructuring measures organised in 2006 shortly after the acquisition by the CALIDA-Group, they are now asserting additional claims for damages against the company. The CALIDA-Group is of the impression that the claims are unfounded and intends to contest them. Nevertheless, and not least because of the legal uncertainty that currently prevails in France as regards employment law issues, we have set aside additional provisions of EUR 1.75 million (CHF 2.2 million), which has had a negative impact on our half-year results. As a result of this extraordinary provision, an EBIT of CHF 6.1 million was generated for first-half 2013, which is 14.1 percent or CHF 1 million less than the same period last year. The consolidated net income also suffered a year-on-year loss, falling by CHF 1.1 million to CHF 4.5 million mainly due to the negative income of CHF 1.4 million from the strategic investment in the LAFUMA-Group. The other financial key figures for the CALIDA-Group are very positive. Despite the investment in the LAFUMAGroup and the unexpected compensation payments as a result of the AUBADE court ruling, the net liquidity of the CALIDA-Group increased to CHF 47.2 million (30 June 2012: CHF 31.9 million). The equity capital ratio was at a record high of 79.6 percent in the first half-year. Operational and strategic points of focus in firsthalf 2013 The first half-year featured three main areas of focus. 1. Firstly, it was essential to optimise the operational processes in the retail segments at both CALIDA and AUBADE. The two brands' own stores and the franchised operations are of great strategic importance to the CALIDA-Group in many respects. On the one hand, we are able to communicate the variety of our collections and our brand messages optimally and directly in our brand stores. On the other hand, these stores are becoming increasingly impor- CALIDA-Group in the half-year tant in locations in which independent retailers are no longer able to or want to operate their businesses for economic reasons. This trend is particularly visible in expensive city-centre locations and highly frequented shopping centres. The rents and overheads in these locations are so high that it is often only brands with self-operated stores that are able to hold their own here. Despite these strategic advantages, is it essential, however, that our brand stores generate the same level of contribution margins as our wholesale business. Although they are currently working at a profit, there is still room for improvement in these stores. In the first half-year, Customer Relation Management underwent a major improvement, store employees were provided with intensive training, sales managers in the stores were offered greater support and further sales-promoting measures were implemented. 2. The second area of focus was the development of our wholesale business, which involved implementing measures designed to support the clients of our independent retailers in the domestic markets of Switzerland, Germany and France, as well as developing the wholesale business in export markets. 3. The third area of focus was the strategic investment in the French LAFUMA-Group. In line with its long-term development strategy, the CALIDA-Group took a minority stake (15.2 percent) in the French LAFUMA-Group in the middle of January, with the option of increasing this holding to just under 30 percent as part of a capital increase. The aim of this strategic investment is to gain a foothold in a new textile growth segment outside of underwear and lingerie. The following well-known brands belong to the LAFUMA-Group: Millet (alpine and mountain clothing and equipment), Eider (skiwear), Lafuma (outdoor clothing/ leisurewear and garden furniture) and Oxbow (surfwear). The LAFUMA-Group has found itself in financial difficulty for a number of years as a result of structural and operational problems, as well as a high level of debt. In order to eliminate these weaknesses, extensive operational restructuring measures and new equity are required. In light of this, the CALIDA-Group decided to acquire only a minority holding initially and to decide on an additional investment after observing the development of the restructuring process. Within the scope of a Management Service Agreement, the CALIDA-Group is providing the LAFUMA-Group with the relevant expertise to carry out the measures needed to restructure and refocus the LAFUMA-Group. The second half of 2013 will start to show whether these measures are successful, despite the challenging labour-law and economic environment in France. Outlook for the remainder of the 2013 financial year Despite the modest economic forecasts, we remain confident for the second half of 2013. Both CALIDA and AUBADE performed better than expected in the first half of the year. The order book for the second half of the year has increased slightly over the prior-year period and should offset the negative trend in in-season orders. The share of total sales coming from our retail business also grew in 2013; as a result, we expect sales to record moderate growth for the full year. Accordingly, a solid result is also forecast for the CALIDA-Group for the full-year 2013. There is a considerable degree of uncertainty surrounding the strategic investment in LAFUMA. We want to continue providing this investment with our expertise and will decide on significantly increasing our holding once we are confident of a turnaround. We still believe that the LAFUMAGroup brands would be an excellent addition to our brand portfolio. This move would provide us with the opportunity for sustainable and profitable growth in new markets and in a new segment. We would like to thank you, our shareholders, for the confidence and trust that you have shown to the CALIDAGroup. Dr. Thomas Lustenberger Chairman of the Board Felix Sulzberger Chief Executive Officer 3 CALIDA in profile in CHF 1’000 Presentation of consolidated income statement as per cost of sale method 1) 1) Gross sales 95’697 203’112 93’884 Net sales 93’719 198’887 91’872 Gross profit as % of net sales 59’812 63.8 % 122’987 61.8 % 56’899 61.9 % (51’555) (55.0 %) (100’802) (50.7 %) (49’835) (54.2 %) 8’257 8.8 % 22’185 11.2 % 7’064 7.7 % (2’152) 5’037 – 6’105 6.5 % 27’222 13.7 % 7’064 7.7 % 942 (1’420) (1’420) – (445) – 5’627 6.0 % 25’802 13.0 % 6’619 7.2 % (1’168) (5’220) (1’029) 4’459 4.8 % 20’582 10.3 % 5’590 6.1 % Operating expenses as % of net sales Operating result (EBIT) before exceptional items as % of net sales Exceptional items Operating result (EBIT) as % of net sales Finance result, net Income from associated company Net result before taxes as % of net sales Income taxes Net result as % of net sales 1) including application of IAS 19 - Employee Benefits (revised) and adjustment in the presentation of net sales 5 Half-year financial statements 2013 CALIDA-Group Consolidated balance sheet (condensed and in CHF 1’000) ASSETS Notes Cash and cash equivalents Inventories Other current assets Total current assets Fixed assets Intangible assets and other non-current assets Total non-current assets 5 TOTAL ASSETS 30. 6. 13 31. 12. 12 Restated 1) 30. 6. 12 Restated 1) 47’173 37’303 22’793 107’269 73’875 33’593 22’457 129’925 37’571 37’246 23’034 97’851 15’887 43’036 58’923 17’424 26’020 43’444 32’893 25’497 58’390 166’192 173’369 156’241 28’292 36’240 28’628 5’647 4’043 9’494 33’939 40’283 38’122 132’253 133’086 118’119 166’192 173’369 156’241 LIABILITIES Total current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 6 Total liabilities Total shareholders’ equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 1) 8 see note 3 7 Half-year financial statements 2013 CALIDA-Group Consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of comprehensive income (condensed and in CHF 1’000) 1. 1.– 30. 6. 13 1. 1.– 31. 12. 12 Restated 1) 1. 1.– 30. 6. 12 Restated 1) Net sales 93’719 198’887 91’872 Operating income 94’707 210’847 92’450 (88’602) (183’625) (85’386) 6’105 27’222 7’064 942 (1’420) (445) (1’420) – – Net result before taxes 5’627 25’802 6’619 Net result 4’459 20’582 5’590 Attributable to: Shareholders of CALIDA Holding AG 4’459 20’582 5’590 0.56 0.56 2.59 2.58 0.70 0.69 1. 1.– 30. 6. 13 1. 1.– 31. 12. 12 Restated 1) 1. 1.– 30. 6. 12 Restated 1) 4’459 20’582 5’590 503 (294) (488) – (806) – 101 98 408 (576) – (1’064) (136) – (942) Total comprehensive income 4’867 19’518 4’648 Attributable to: Shareholders of CALIDA Holding AG 4’867 19’518 4’648 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Operating expenses Notes 6 Operating result before interest and taxes Finance result, net Income from associated company Net result per registered share in CHF Diluted net result per registered share in CHF 1) 5 9 9 see note 3 and 4 COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Notes Net result Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement, net of taxes Translation differences recorded in equity Other comprehensive income from associated company Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement, net of taxes Remeasurement of defined benefit obligation Other comprehensive income from associated company Other comprehensive income 1) 8 see note 3 5 3 5 Half-year financial statements 2013 CALIDA-Group Consolidated statement of change in equity Consolidated cash flow statement in CHF 1’000 Retained earnings Currency translation adjustments Reserves Shareholders’ equity (98) 23’215 94’737 (15’253) 102’699 119’234 – – – – – – – – – 5’590 (136) 5’454 – (806) (806) 5’590 (942) 4’648 5’590 (942) 4’648 Dividend from capital contribution reserves Capital increase Change in own shares Share-based payments 30th June 2012 – 52 – – 16’685 – – 98 – – (6’346) 284 9 140 17’302 – – – – 100’191 – – – – (16’059) (6’346) 284 9 140 101’434 (6’346) 336 107 140 118’119 31st Dezember 2012 as reported Application of IAS 19R 1) 31st Dezember 2012 restated 16’685 – 16’685 (53) – (53) 17’452 – 17’452 115’329 (586) 114’743 (15’741) – (15’741) 117’040 (586) 116’454 133’672 (586) 133’086 – – – – – – – – – 4’459 (95) 4’364 – 503 503 4’459 408 4’867 4’459 408 4’867 – 101 – 16’786 – – – (53) (6’393) 452 140 11’651 – – – 119’107 – – – (15’238) (6’393) 452 140 115’520 (6’393) 553 140 132’253 1st January 2012 as reported Net result 1) Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income 1) Net result Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income Dividend from capital contribution reserves Capital increase Share-based payments 30th Juni 2013 1) Own shares 16’633 Share capital Capital reserves CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY see note 3 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 1. 1.– 30. 6. 13 1. 1.– 31. 12. 12 1. 1.– 30. 6. 12 2’171 28’644 7’533 (19’886) 15’568 (6’269) Cash flow from financing activities* (9’132) (12’799) (6’218) * thereof dividend from capital contribution reserves (C) (6’393) (6’346) (6’346) 145 (26’702) (672) 30’741 (609) (5’563) 73’875 47’173 43’134 73’875 43’134 37’571 (24’108) 37’866 (5’082) Note Cash flow from operating activities (A) Cash flow from investing activities (B) Translation adjustments on cash and cash equivalents Net change in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of period Free cash flow (A + B + C) 5 9 Ph: Sean & Seng Agence: Half-year financial statements 2013 CALIDA-Group Notes in CHF 1’000 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES AND EXPLANATORY NOTES 1. General The accounting principles used in the unaudited consolidated half-year financial statements and the presentation of the half-year report are consistent with the group accounting principles set out in the annual report 2012, except as discussed in changes to accounting principles. The consolidated half-year financial statements are prepared in accordance with IAS 34 (Interim Financial Reporting). The half-year report should be read in conjunction with the annual report 2012 as it provides an update of previously reported information. The preparation of these half-year financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of these half-year financial statements. If in the future such estimates and assumptions, which are based on management’s best judgment at the date of these half-year financial statements, deviate from the actual circumstances, the original estimates and assumptions will be modified as appropriate during the period in which the circumstances change. The following exchange rates are used for the Group’s major currencies: Period-end conversion rates in CHF: Currency Unit 30. 6. 13 31. 12. 12 30. 6. 12 EUR USD HUF GBP TND 1 1 100 1 1 1.2298 0.9440 0.4283 1.4435 0.5731 1.2077 0.9139 0.4285 1.4768 0.5900 1.2016 0.9554 0.4222 1.4921 0.5988 Average conversion rates in CHF: Currency Unit 1.1.– 30.6.13 1.1.– 31.12.12 1.1.– 30.6.12 EUR USD HUF GBP TND 1 1 100 1 1 1.2297 0.9366 0.4280 1.4466 0.5890 1.2055 0.9380 0.4300 1.4865 0.6026 1.2051 0.9290 0.4210 1.4648 0.6065 2. Changes to accounting principles The following amended International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Accounting Standards (IAS) and Interpretations (IFRIC) are applicable as from 1st January 2013. – – – – – – – – – – IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements IAS 11 Joint Arrangements IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities IFRS 13 Fair Value Management IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures IAS 19 Employee Benefits / Amendments IAS 1 Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income / Amendments IFRS 7 Disclosures-Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities / Amendments IFRIC 20 Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine With the exception of IAS 19 - Employee Benefits (revised) (hereinafter: IAS 19R), the individual changes have no material impact on the half-year financial statements of the CALIDA-Group. 11 Half-year financial statements 2013 CALIDA-Group Notes in CHF 1’000 3. Application of IAS 19 - Employee Benefits (revised) The material impact of the application of IAS 19R on the financial statements of the CALIDA-Group is as follows: – Elimination of corridor method: it is now no longer possible to defer actuarial gains and losses using the corridor method. These will now be recognised immediately in other comprehensive income. – Calculation of pension expense: recognition of the expected return on plan assets and the calculation of interest cost on the defined benefit obligation will now be replaced by recognition of net interest income on the net defined benefit obligation or the net defined benefit assets. – Risk sharing: the new requirement that risk be distributed between employer and employee has an impact on the benefit obligation (-0.7% on annual basis 2012) and the distribution of service costs (-5.6% on annual basis 2012). – Following the introduction of IAS 19R, the CALIDA-Group has also decided to now report the net interest component on net defined benefit obligation or net defined benefit assets in the finance result and no longer as part of personnel expenses. The CALIDA-Group believes this will facilitate comparisons with other companies and sees it as more in keeping with the type of component involved. These changes will be applied retroactively in accordance with the requirements of IAS 8. The application of IAS 19R has resulted in restatements for prior periods. The impact on the corresponding positions in the income statement, comprehensive income, balance sheet, statement of changes in equity, and earnings per share for the prior periods is set out herein. Consolidated balance sheet as of 31st December 2012 Reported Adjustment Restated 26’339 3’776 133’672 (319) 267 (586) 26’020 4’043 133’086 Consolidated income statement 1.1.–31.12.2012 Reported Adjustment Restated Operating expenses 1) Operating result before interest and taxes Finance result, net Net result before taxes Net result (183’594) 27’253 (1’440) 25’813 20’592 (31) (31) 20 (11) (10) (183’625) 27’222 (1’420) 25’802 20’582 20’592 (10) 20’582 2.59 2.58 − − 2.59 2.58 Intangible assets and non-current financial assets Total non-current liabilities Total shareholders’ equity 1) after adjustment of IAS 8 / Note 4 Attributable to: Shareholders of CALIDA Holding AG Net result per registered share in CHF Diluted net result per registered share in CHF 12 Half-year financial statements 2013 CALIDA-Group Notes Comprehensive income 1.1.–31.12.2012 in CHF 1’000 Reported Adjustment Restated Net result Translation differences recorded in equity Remeasurement of defined benefit obligation after taxes Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income 20’592 (488) – (488) 20’104 (10) – (576) (576) (586) 20’582 (488) (576) (1’064) 19’518 Attributable to: Shareholders of CALIDA Holding AG 20’104 (586) 19’518 Reported Adjustment Restated (85’530) 6’920 (455) 6’465 5’454 144 144 10 154 136 (85’386) 7’064 (445) 6’619 5’590 5’454 136 5’590 0.69 0.68 0.01 0.01 0.70 0.69 Reported Adjustment Restated Net result Translation differences recorded in equity Remeasurement of defined benefit obligation after taxes Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income 5’454 (806) – (806) 4’648 136 – (136) (136) – 5’590 (806) (136) (942) 4’648 Attributable to: Shareholders of CALIDA Holding AG 4’648 – 4’648 Consolidated income statement 1.1.–30.6.2012 Operating expenses 1) Operating result before interest and taxes Finance result, net Net result before taxes Net result 1) after adjustment of IAS 8 / Note 4 Attributable to: Shareholders of CALIDA Holding AG Net result per registered share in CHF Diluted net result per registered share in CHF Comprehensive income 1.1.–30.6.2012 13 Half-year financial statements 2013 CALIDA-Group Notes in CHF 1’000 4. Error in presentation net sales Until now, the CALIDA-Group has disclosed gross sales and sales deductions in addition to net sales. In its Circular No. 2 of September 2012, SIX Exchange Regulation advised that structuring net revenues as the balance of gross sales and sales deductions within the consolidated income statement should be regarded as an error. Consequently, in its consolidated income statement for 2013, the CALIDA-Group will not be presenting gross sales and sales deductions, and will start the consolidated income statement directly with net sales. In connection with this, in the 2013 financial year the CALIDA-Group has carried out a detailed analysis of sales and has ascertained that certain cost elements such as agency commissions and freight costs have been recognised as sales deductions in the past. Such expenses may not be deducted from revenues but should be regarded as distribution costs. Figures for the 2012 financial year have been restated in accordance with IAS 8. The impact on the corresponding positions in the consolidated income statement for the prior periods is set out herein. The restatement does not affect the net result, operating result, comprehensive income, balance sheet, equity, cash flow statement, or earnings per share. Consolidated income statement 1.1.–31.12.2012 Reported Adjustment Restated Net Sales Operating income Operating expenses 192’847 204’807 (177’554) 6’040 6’040 (6’040) 198’887 210’847 (183’594) Reported Adjustment Restated 88’937 89’515 (82’595) 2’935 2’935 (2’935) 91’872 92’450 (85’530) 1) Consolidated income statement 1.1.–30.06.2012 Net Sales Operating income Operating expenses 1) 1) prior to application of IAS 19 - Employee Benefits (revised) / note 3 5. Investment in associate On 14th January 2013, the CALIDA-Group acquired 15.2% of French sport and outdoor clothing producer LAFUMA. The cost of acquisition amounted to TCHF 17’533. As part of LAFUMA SA’s authorised capital increase, the CALIDA-Group has the possibility to increase its interest in the company to a maximum of 29%. Felix Sulzberger, CEO of the CALIDA-Group, assumed the operational management of LAFUMA. This minority interest is regarded as a strategic investment and opens up interesting access for the CALIDA-Group to a new business segment offering attractive growth prospects over the long term. Given the significant influence involved, shares in the LAFUMA-Group are accounted for using the equity method. From the time the interest was acquired until the balance sheet date, the pro-rata comprehensive income of the LAFUMA-Group attributable to the CALIDA-Group had a negative impact of TCHF 1’616 on the comprehensive income of the CALIDA-Group. 14 Half-year financial statements 2013 CALIDA-Group Notes in CHF 1’000 6. Restructuring provision Former employees of luxury French lingerie brand AUBADE, which was acquired in 2005 and is now successfully integrated, have filed a lawsuit for wrongful dismissal damages in connection with restructuring measures implemented in the industrial segment. Whereas the CALIDA-Group is contesting the employees’ claims in their entirety, it has set aside in the financial statements for the first half of 2013 a provision of TEUR 1’750 (TCHF 2’152) to cover the estimated costs. 7. Seasonality The activities of the group’s segments show seasonal fluctuations. The sales of the CALIDA segment are, according to experience, significantly higher in the second half-year, whereas the operating expenses remain relatively stable. In the first half-year there is an increase in stock which leads on the one hand to a negative impact on liquidity and on the other hand to contribution margins not yet realized. For the AUBADE segment the reverse of the situation of the CALIDA segment is true regarding the seasonal fluctuations, which means that the sales are higher in the first half-year than in the second half-year. The operating expenses are relatively stable over the year. According to experience, this leads to a slightly smaller operating profit for the AUBADE segment in the second half-year. 8. Shareholders’ equity of the group Dividend from capital contribution reserves The Annual General Meeting approved on 3rd April 2013 a dividend from capital contribution reserves of CHF 0.80 per registered share. The payment has taken place as from 10th April 2013. This led to a reduction of the capital contribution reserves of TCHF 6’393. As a result, capital contribution reserves amounting to TCHF 12’969 remain for CALIDA Holding AG. Approved share capital The Annual General Meeting of 3rd April 2013 empowered the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the company by 3rd April 2015 through the issuance of at most 3’000’000 registered shares which are to be fully paid up at a par value of CHF 2.10 each. Conditional share capital In the first half-year 2013, the share capital was increased by TCHF 101 (1. 1. 2012–30. 6. 2012: TCHF 52) or 48’000 registered shares (1. 1. 2012–30. 6. 2012: 25’000 registered shares) by the exercising of conditional capital. The average strike price was CHF 11.83 per share (1. 1. 2012–30. 6. 2012: CHF 13.80). The amount exceeding the par value was credited to the capital reserves after deduction of issue and transactions cost (1. 1. 2013–30. 6. 2013: TCHF 452; 1. 1. 2012–30. 6. 2012: TCHF 284). The available conditional capital as at 30th June 2013 amounts to TCHF 140 (31. 12. 2012: TCHF 241). This corresponds to 66’620 registered shares (31. 12. 2012: 114’620 registered shares) at a par value of CHF 2.10 each. Own shares In the reporting period, no registered shares were sold (1.1.2012–30.6.2012: 3'956 registered shares at an average price of CHF 27.00). As at 30th June CALIDA Holding AG is in possession of 2’200 of its own registered shares (31. 12. 2012: 2’200 registered shares). 16 Half-year financial statements 2013 CALIDA-Group Notes in CHF 1’000 9. Net result per share 1. 1.– 30. 6. Net result Number of shares at balance sheet date Less weighted average capital increase Average number of issued shares Net result per registered share in CHF Diluted net result per registered share in CHF 1) 2013 2012 Restated 1) 4’459 5’590 7’993’380 (22’771) 7’970’609 7’945’380 (13’171) 7’932’209 0.56 0.56 0.70 0.69 see note 3 The basis used for calculation of the profit-dilution effect is formed by the average number of options granted on registered shares and the average share price. The outstanding options with an exercise price below the average stock exchange price calculated on the daily closing price are taken into consideration to calculate the profit dilution effect. The average number of potential registered shares, which are included in this calculation, is 7’107 (1. 1. 2012–30. 6. 2012: 33’903). 10. Segment reporting The management of the CALIDA-Group is the main decision-maker. It defines the business activities and monitors internal reporting to assess the performance and allocation of resources. The CALIDA-Group has two segments which are required to report and are largely organised and managed as self-standing units in accordance with their market orientation. Segment CALIDA This segment includes the core activities of product and brand management, distribution, sales and production for the CALIDA brand. CALIDA is one of the leading brands in Europe for high-quality day- and nightwear for women, men and children. The range of products ranges from young, sporty models all the way to elegant and fashionable day- and nightwear. Segment AUBADE This segment includes the core activities of product and brand management, distribution, sales and production for the AUBADE brand. AUBADE is represented worldwide as a renowned, fashionable luxury brand in the segment of high-quality lingerie. The lingerie products from AUBADE are known for their elegance, glamour, transparency and lightness. The CALIDA-Group monitors the performance on the basis of the segment result before tax, described in internal reporting as EBT. Internal reporting within the CALIDA-Group is based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). 17 Half-year financial statements 2013 CALIDA-Group Notes in CHF 1’000 Operational reporting In principle, the assets of the segments include all assets with the exception of deferred tax assets. Division CALIDA 1. 1.–30. 6. Net sales with third parties Sales with other business segment Segment profit / (loss) before taxes Segment assets 1) 1) Division AUBADE 1. 1.–30. 6. Total segments 1. 1.–30. 6. Reconciliation 2) 1. 1.–30. 6. Group 1. 1.–30. 6. 2013 2012 Restated 2013 2012 Restated 2013 2012 Restated 2013 2012 Restated 2013 2012 Restated 1) 59’263 59’140 34’456 32’732 93’719 91’872 – – 93’719 91’872 18 – – 26 18 26 (18) (26) – – 4’996 3’594 2’072 3’802 7’068 7’396 (1’441) (777) 5’627 6’619 99’769 109’581 51’751 67’066 151’520 176’647 14’672 (20’406) 166’192 156’241 see note 3 and 4 The reconciliation of the segment assets includes elimination of intercompany loans. Additionally, the reconciliation includes the holding company, the associate company and dormant companies with their result and assets. Reconciliation of segment details to the consolidated half-year financial statements 1. 1.–30. 6. Total segment result before taxes Corporate Net result before taxes 1) 2013 2012 Restated 1) 7’068 (1’441) 5’627 7’396 (777) 6’619 see note 3 11. Contingent liabilities No significant changes. 12. Events after the balance sheet date On 19th July 2013, the consolidated half-year financial statement were approved by the Audit & Risk Committee and on the 23rd July 2013 by the Board of Directors. There were no events between 30th June 2013 and the date of approval of these consolidated half-year financial statements by the Board of Directors which would require an adjustment of the balance sheet values or which would have to be disclosed at this point of time. 18 The half-year report of CALIDA Holding AG is published in German and English. In the case of any differing interpretations, the German text is valid. Ph: Sean & Seng Agence: This half-year report may include statements which are based on current assumptions and forecasts made by the management of CALIDA Holding AG. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors can lead to a situation in which the actual results, the financial position, the development or the performance of the company deviate significantly from the estimations given here. CALIDA Holding AG does not assume any obligation to carry such future-orientated statements further and to adapt them to future events or developments. Ph: Sean & Seng Agence: CALIDA Holding AG Bahnstrasse, CH-6208 Oberkirch Phone +41 41 925 45 25, Fax +41 41 925 42 84 Mail address: Investor Relations, P. O. Box, CH-6210 Sursee Phone +41 41 925 42 42, Fax +41 41 925 46 15 [email protected]
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