The event has given me and my company
The event has given me and my company
EXPORTNET WORK.CO.UK EXPORTNET WORK.CO.UK “The event has given me and my company enthusiasm to succeed and achieve and increase our current export business which is 14%.” Dave Chandler Asceros International Ltd In partnership with Yorkshire Bank CONTENTS EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK CONTENT PAGE FOREWORD 3 INTRODUCTION 4 PROGRAMME 5 ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN 7 EXPORT AMBASSADORS 8 DELEGATE EVALUATION 9 ANALYSIS & SECTOR INFORMATION 10 DELEGATE LIST 14 MARKETING & PRESS 18 AREAS FOR FUTURE IMPROVEMENT 19 In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 2 FOREWORD EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK Sponsoring and attending the most recent We are International Export Network event in Leeds has highlighted the indomitable spirit of Yorkshire businesses. It is clear that, as well as already having many top-class exporting businesses which have collectively developed sales and contacts throughout the world, the We are International initiative is inspiring many others who will follow in their footsteps. The event also demonstrated the extent of support and guidance available to exporters through bodies such as Chamber International and UK Trade and Investment and the Export Network of Ambassadors. Yorkshire Bank is delighted to stand alongside these organisations in assisting the region’s exporters and Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnerships’ We are International campaign in particular. “Abandon preconceptions. Visit and evaluate the market, keep it simple.” C J Collins Q Scientific Consulting Ltd Yorkshire Bank has more than 150 years experience in supporting Yorkshire businesses and have a broad portfolio of services and expertise with which to assist existing and new exporters. We have a team of expert advisers who are active within the Yorkshire business community and who are waiting to hear from you if you are seeking financial guidance and assistance to de-mystify the often-rigorous exporting process. However large or small your business is and however niche your requirement, we’re here to listen and to help you achieve your objectives. Terry Ventress MI Ex (Grad) Manager – International Trade Finance M: 07900 225894 E: [email protected] In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 3 INTRODUCTION EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK In the summary of our last event, in July, we noted that a ‘modest economic recovery’ was underway. Our November 12 event at commercial lawyers, Pinsent Mason, Leeds, was held in the week that the new governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, confirmed that the economic recovery has ‘taken hold’ and increased his UK GDP growth forecast for 2013 to 1.6% from the 1.4% predicted only three months before. He also forecast 2.6% GDP growth for 2014. Exporting is not, and never can be, a quick fix. It is adding a new dimension to a company’s trading and it takes care, time and tenacity to break into overseas markets. Just under 100 businesses attended the November event and a good number of these have been matched to export ambassadors including John Hornby Skewes & Co Ltd., Human Kinetics, Michael George Manufacturing Ltd, Beco Products Ltd and Drink Me Productions Ltd. We continue to work towards building a powerful network to help transform the negative perceptions about exporting and to encourage businesses to think less about the process and more about the opportunities. A report will be produced at the end of the financial year to assess the contribution the initiative has made towards the campaign’s targets and we are confident that it will feature a number of exporting successes. Tim Bailey Director, Chamber International In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 4 “Be positive about exporting.” Pauline Dawes SOMI Trailers Ltd PROGRAMME EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK 7.30 – 8.15am MEET & GREET 8.15 – 8.20am INTRODUCTION MIKE STRAWSON, SENIOR ASSOCIATE, CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL 8.20 – 8.25am WELCOME FROM OUR SPONSOR ALAN YOUNG, REGIONAL DIRECTOR, YORKSHIRE BANK Yorkshire Bank was founded in 1859 in Halifax, West Yorkshire and is a trading name of Clydesdale Bank plc, a subsidiary of the National Australia Bank Group of companies. It has a business banking capability through a UK-wide network of 44 Business and Private Banking Centres and has served and supported the business communities we’re part of for over 150 years. Chamber International was proud to bring you this event through its partnership with Yorkshire Bank. 8.25 – 8.35am SELLING IN A DIVERSE WORLD DARREN KELLY, AUTHOR, LIFE AND SALES STRATEGIST Yorkshire’s richest man, Lord Kirkham wrote the foreword to Darren’s upcoming book Hello Profit. Lord Kirkham said, “Darren’s insight, depth of knowledge and passion for the art and science of authentic selling are profound”. Darren spoke about his 3D formula for sales growth globally. 8.35 – 9.05am TOP TEN TIPS FROM 3 OF THE CITY REGION’S WE ARE INTERNATIONAL EXPORT AMBASSADORS 8.35 – 8.45am ERNIE FITZPATRICK, PARTNER, FITZPATRICK INTERNATIONAL Grew the sales of Christmas puddings to Australia on behalf of a local exporter, from £10k to £1.4m in 2 seasons. 8.45 – 8.55am MURRAY ANGUS, MANAGING DIRECTOR, THE PROTON GROUP LIMITED Leading manufacturers of specialist hygiene products for business, leisure and care environments. Currently trade in Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, USA & UAE. 8.55 – 9.05am VICTORIA BOLDISON, EXPORT SALES MANAGER, OPTIMUM MEDICAL SOLUTIONS Established in 2008 and successfully exporting to 32 countries worldwide and across all continents. 9.05 – 9.30am MEET THE EXPORT AMBASSADORS In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 5 THE PROGRAMME EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK November’s event, timed to coincide with the start of Export Week, saw 16 UK Trade & Investment commercial staff from various overseas embassies arrive in time for the start of the networking. Their presence was welcomed by the delegates. Melanie Shaw of Inline Health and Beauty said “It is always useful to meet UKTI representatives and I will always value events where this is possible” Fine jewellery manufacturers Andrew Geoghegan were keen to be put in touch with Mariya Kupriyanova from the British Embassy in the Ukraine as they are very interested in selling to the region. We are grateful to UK Trade & Investment for including the visiting commercial staff in the programme. We selected three of our 30 Export Network Ambassadors, all proven exporters with impressive records, to give their top ten tips for exporting to a packed audience. Their short talks were greeted with spontaneous enthusiastic feedback as delegates could relate the practical tips to their own stepping stones to overseas trade success. Author, life and sales strategist, Darren Kelly, whose new book Hello Profit is published this autumn, discussed his ‘3D formula’ for global sales growth. Partner in Fitzpatrick International, Batley, near Bradford, Ernie Fitzpatrick, described how product analysis and studying customer needs helped him increase sales of a British-made Christmas pudding to Australia from £10,000 to £1.4m in two seasons. Among his top ten tips were that being adaptable and innovative are vital to exporting. Export sales manager with Optimum Medical Solutions, Leeds, Victoria Boldison, whose business was founded in 2008 and already exports to 50 countries, said that highlighting the British brand and heritage gave confidence to overseas customers as did being open to ideas and remaining optimistic. She said: “You must view exporting positively and not see it as a threat.” Managing director of specialist hygiene products, The Proton Group, Normanton, near Leeds, Murray Angus, who exports to Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, USA and UAE, said that businesses should adopt a common sense approach and not get wrongfooted by exaggerated cultural differences. He said: “Generally speaking, if you’re professional, polite and purposeful that is all that is required.” He added that agents and distributors needed to be assessed carefully as many tended to over promise and under deliver. In general, Europe was a good market for first-time exporters as it has a pro-British approach to UK products and no tariffs or trade barriers. In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 6 “Great to gain a further understanding of exporting as we plan our strategy for export.” Tom Henderson Smart Buildings Ltd ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK The We are International initiative and export network were conceived in the depths of the recession. Since then some of the clouds have lifted to reveal the most consistent economic growth since the banking crisis. Although there is a long way to go, there is now more cause to be optimistic. A steadily growing economy and the confidence this will create can only be good for the Leeds City Region We are International campaign which aims to dramatically enhance exporting within the 10 economic areas it comprises and create thousands of jobs in the process. As far as potential exporters are concerned, perhaps even better news than the growing economy is the fact that they will never have been able to access more dynamic and focused professional assistance that they can now. We are International is a campaign led by the Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) in partnership with UKTI Yorkshire and Humber, Chamber International and Enterprise Europe Network Yorkshire. It aims to add £1.6bn to the Leeds City Region economy by encouraging more companies to realise the significant business opportunities of international trade. The key elements of the campaign are: We are International Export Network – delivered by Chamber International, the We are International Export Network connects companies looking to trade overseas with experienced exporters and with the significant export support available. It gives businesses opportunities to share contacts and advice, and learn from the experience of other firms. We are International ambassadors – a City Region-wide network of experienced exporters providing mentoring and practical advice to firms looking to break into overseas markets. Exporters can apply to become an ambassador by registering at In return for their support, export champions will have the opportunity to promote their export successes through the We are International campaign. Online tools and resources – online tools and resources to support would-be exporters are available at In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 7 EXPORT AMBASSADORS EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK We are fortunate to have the support of our growing Ambassador Network, led by Eric Hawthorne, managing director of Radio Design Ltd, Shipley. Not only are our ambassadors experienced exporters who are prepared to give their time free of charge to support the We are International initiative, they are all passionate about the campaign’s long-term objectives. They have that vital ingredient for successful exporting – endless enthusiasm – which they are also able to pass on to businesses needing hands-on mentoring. Among the latest ambassador link-ups with potential exporters are Victoria Boldison of Optimum Medical Solutions who is in touch with Scunthorpe-based trailer business, SOMI Trailers and John Chacksfield of Trio Health who is to guide Eye Pharmacy, Dewbsury, which has spotted an opportunity for exporting pharmaceuticals. Pictured L to R New Ambassadors – Glenn Rika-Rayne, Manager, Bar Products & Services Ltd., Murray Angus, Managing Director, The Proton Group Ltd., Tony Mauriello, International Sales Director, Airea Plc In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 8 “Excellent event.” Neil Greer Dial Green DELEGATE EVALUATION EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK The dynamics of the We are International campaign, means that different businesses, large and small and from different commercial sectors, attend each event to lean about how they can benefit from exporting. This is certainly true of the latest event which received an enthusiastic response. Here are a selection of the delegates comments: “Excellent presentations.” Richard Milner Aunt Bessies Ltd Business manager at Scarborough-based potato products manufacturer McCain Foods, Jim Hughes, says: “As a global brand we already have a presence in every country but we are always seeking ways to do things better, including our route to exporting. These were excellent presentations at a very, very good event which really opened our minds to new opportunities for our business. Our meeting with ‘Export Ambassador’ Ernie Fitzpatrick was extremely helpful.” International business director at Bradford-based sink manufacturer, Astracast, David Attia, said: “For companies new to the export market or looking for a fresh start in overseas sales this was an excellent and very interesting event. The last speaker Victoria Boldison summed up the principles of good exporting simply and concisely.” In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 9 ANALYSIS & SECTOR INFORMATION EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK How informative did you find the presentations? Very informative How informative did you find the Informative presentations? 49% 51% Very Informative Informative How relevant did you find the presentations? Very relevant How relevant did you find the Not relevant presentations? Relevant 3% 41% Very Relevant 56% Relevant Not at all In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 10 ANALYSIS & SECTOR INFORMATION EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK 98% of delegates thought the event Excellent How worth an investment of your Satisfactory was a satisfactory time was the event? Poor or excellent 2% investment of their time. How worth an investment of your time was the event? 44% Excellent 54% Satisfactory Poor 92% of delegates believe the event Significant assistance/impact Has the event been of significance Some assistance provided them Little or no to you? with assistance. Has the event been of significance to you? 8% 25% Significant assistance/impact Some assistance 67% Little or no In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 11 ANALYSIS & SECTOR INFORMATION EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK 92% of delegates the Excellent What is your overall assessmentassessed of Satisfactory event in a positive the event? No response manner. What is your overall assessment of the event 8% 43% Excellent Satisfactory 49% No response How did you find the communication prior to the event? How did you find the Poor communication prior to the event? Excellent Satisfactory 2% 26% Excellent 72% In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 12 Satisfactory Poor ANALYSIS & SECTOR INFORMATION EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK Venue and catering kindly What is your overall view of the venue and its Excellent provided by facilities? Satisfactory Pinsent Masons. Poor 3% What is the overall view of the venue and its facilities? 18% Excellent Satisfactory 79% Poor Sector information Digital & New Media Healthcare Advanced Engineering & Materials Professional Services Food & Drink SECTOR INFORMATION Other 19% Digital & New Media 2% 25% Advanced Engineering & Materials Food & Drink 25% 12% 17% Healthcare Professioanal Services Other In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 13 DELEGATE LIST EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK Company Name AD Compliance and Technical Services Ltd Alcuin Dean Advanced Actuators Limited Graham Coulton Advanced Actuators Limited Dave Berry Advanced Diesel Engineering Ltd Paul Blything Airea Plc Tony Mauriello Alexika Ltd Mark Robinson Anglo African Agencies Limited Olumuyiwa Ogunyanwo Anglo African Agencies Limited Martin Terry Aquabirths And Baptistry Uk David Weston Asceros International Ltd Dave Chandler Astracast Ltd David Attia Aunt Bessies Ltd Richard Milner Badrilla Ltd John Colyer Bar Products & Services Ltd Glenn Rika-Rayne Brandon Medical Co Ltd Paula Gosnay Brandon Medical Co Ltd Arthur Loftus British Thornton ESF Ltd Andrew Kilkenny BR Pharmaceuticals Ltd Dominic Byrne Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council Rachael Thurlbeck Calrec Audio Ltd Marianne Bauregger Deloitte LLP Laura Burton Designer Yarns Ltd Gillian Thornton Designer Yarns Ltd Alexandra Ayrton Dial Green Neil Greer DWA Architects Mel Fairbourn-Varley Export Sales Solutions Ltd Tim Driver In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 14 DELEGATE LIST EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK Company Name Fitzpatrick Exports (UK) Ltd Ernie Fitzpatrick Ham Baker Adams Ltd Carl D Baker Ham Baker Adams Ltd Shyam Mallen Inline Health & Beauty Melanie Shaw Iqra Motorsales Ltd Gurpreet Bansal Khan Design Graham Walker Kroll Elizabeth Ross Lantor UK Ltd Simon Shepherd London 8 Farnaz Khan Mohun Intellectual Property Ltd Stephen Mohun McCain Foods (GB) Ltd Martin Harrison McCain Foods (GB) Ltd Jim Hughes One Global Jim Hart Optimum Medical Solutions Louise Evans Optimum Medical Solutions Dmitry Radionov Optimum Medical Solutions Victoria Boldison Pace plc Brian Farrell Parkinson-Spencer Refractories Limited Godfrey Nield Pennine Cycles Sandra Corcoran Pennine Marine Peter Bryson Pinsent Masons LLP Alison Starr Pinsent Masons LLP Kate Orviss Pinsent Masons LLP Chris Booth Premcrest Ltd Mo Zafir Principle Healthcare International Andrew Davies Pro Display Ltd Ben Kershaw In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 15 DELEGATE LIST EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK Company Name Q Scientific Consulting Ltd Chris Collins Service Engineering CNC Ltd John Donnelly Smart Buildings Mark Davenport SOMI Trailers Pauline Dawes Taylors of Harrogate Madeline Wolfe The Australian Botanics Company Ltd Suresh Mistry The Big Orchard Ltd Steve Tindall The Brand Nursery Chris Blythe The Proton Group Ltd Murray Angus The Training Gateway Amanda Selvaratnam Thomas Wright/Thorite Group Ltd Stephen Wright United Labs Ltd Aqab Iqbal Visatrek UK Shabbir Merali Visatrek UK Ruby Mughal Yorkshire Electrical Services Ltd Michael Jackson In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 16 DELEGATE LIST EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK Sponsor - Yorkshire Bank Alan Young John Brown Terry Ventress Paul Grace Sharon Ellis UKTI Commercial Officers Vienna, Austria Miles Fisher Nicosia, Cyprus Athena Achilleos Tallinn, Estonia Maarika Poldes Düsseldorf, Germany Kerstin Rath Accra, Ghana Stella Nyarko New Delhi, India Philip Sydenham Jakarta, Indonesia Christopher Wren Kingston, Jamaica Charmaine Wright Nairobi, Kenya Dennis Keya Riga, Latvia Rolands Kumpins Vilnius, Lithuania Ringaile Saviciene Oslo, Norway Linn Langangen Seoul, South Korea John Murphy Bangkok, Thailand Ben Raby Kampala, Uganda Racheal Tukamubona In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 17 MARKETING AND PRESS EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK Just as the We are International initiative is starting to inspire Leeds City Region businesses wanting to access overseas markets, the media is also taking an increasing interest in our campaign. Promoting the benefits of exporting in general, and the We are International campaign in particular, is crucial to inform businesses about what professional help is available for overseas trade and to let them know that exporting is extremely fulfilling – a business way of life which can be very rewarding in terms of profits and personal development As well as promoting the Export Network events and the opportunity to connect with our growing network of Export Ambassadors, we are also keen to promote companies which are exporting successfully and winning new business in international markets. Chamber International has developed a strategic communications base and strong editorial contacts across regional, national and specialist print, broadcast and online media. We are regularly consulted by journalists and analysts from all these sectors seeking comment on international trade. Our activities during the summer and autumn have been widely reported in national publications such as The Times and International Trade Magazine as well as the more comprehensive regional media, such as the Yorkshire Post and, and in popular local newspapers and web publications, such as the York Press, Bradford Telegraph & Argus, Huddersfield Examiner, Bdaily and Halifax Courier, all of which have avid local business readerships. Our aim is to continue to demonstrate to businesses considering exporting that a support network, the likes of which has not been seen before in City Region, is ready to help. Some of the recent media coverage is featured here. In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 18 EXPORTNETWORK.CO.UK AREAS FOR FUTURE IMPROVEMENT Delegate feedback is crucial to help us improve future events in terms of content, timing, venue and topics. The overwhelming majority of feedback for the most recent event was that it was very informative with ‘excellent’ and ‘very relevant’ presentations. Virtually all those who attended found the venue and facilities to be ‘excellent’ and that attendance was an ‘excellent’ or ‘satisfactory’ use of their time. Several of those attending said that they would approach exporting differently as a result of having attended the event including doing more networking and research before targeting potential overseas customers. Most delegates favoured breakfast or late afternoon as the best time for future events with a minority mentioning during lunch. Several delegates, including Eye Pharmacy, said that they made more useful contacts than they were expecting to. * Feedback from the Export Ambassadors, which is also very important, is analysed separately to this process. In partnership with Yorkshire Bank 19 ABOUT CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL Chamber International offers something new when it comes to helping exporters succeed in a changing global marketplace. As partners to industry leading product testing organisation Intertek, it has an unrivalled global reach and access to export knowledge in over 100 countries. Chamber International and Intertek are working together to develop new areas of support that will help more exporters overcome market constraints and reduce the cost of doing business overseas. Find out more at In partnership with Yorkshire Bank