Tiếng Anh cơ sở
Tiếng Anh cơ sở
An van phuoc (C h u bien) tr CaoE )3ng Y t6 Phu Tho - Thu vicn KM.00811 COSO BASIC 23} 6 ENGLISH CD L^J NHA XUAT BAN GIAO DUC TS. TRA N VAN P H l/tiC (Chu bien) HO THI MY HAU - TRUONG BACH LE TON NLT THANH THUY - LE THI HUYNH TRANG - TRUONG VIEN TIElMCi A1\I1 CO SO (Basic English) TAP II (Tai ban Ian th u ba) nh A x u a t ba n g ia o d uc Ban quyen thuoc Nha xuat ban Giao due. 04 - 2008/CXB/519 - 1999/GD : Ma so : 8N472n8 - DAI l 6 i g i Oi t h ie u B asic E n g lish 1 & 2 la k e t q u a c u a sU hdp tac ch u y en m on giCa cac g ia n g v ien co n h ie u k in h n g h ie m v a ta m h u y e t cu a cac K hoa tie n g A n h th u o c n h ie u trU dng D ai hoc cu a k h u vUc m ien T ru n g (D ai hoc V inh, D ai hoc H ue, D ai hoc D a N Sng va D ai hoc Q uy N hdn) vi m ot bo giao tr in h do ngUdi V iet N am b ie n so an p h u hdp vdi tr in h do c u a sin h v ien tie n g A nh k h o n g ch u y en ngQ v a vi m ong m u o n dong gop vao sU n a n g cao c h a t lUdng d ay va hoc tie n g A n h ta i V iet N am . B asic E n g lish 1 & 2 n h a m vao viec cu n g co" va p h a t trie n k ie n thtjtc ve ngQ am , ngut p h a p , tii vUng v a k i n a n g giao tie p ngon ngii tijf tr in h do ttfdng dUdng vdi tr in h do sd cap (ele m en tary ) le n d e n tr in h do tie n tru n g cap (p re -in te rm e d ia te ) th o n g q u a viec re n lu y e n cac k i n a n g to n g hdp nghe, noi, doc, v ie t va k i th u a t dich xuoi-ngUdc. B asic E n g lish 1 & 2 dtfdc b ie n so an th e o q u a n d iem cau tru c -c h iic n a n g (s tru c tu ra l-fu n c tio n a l), lay viec re n lu y e n cac cau tru e n g ii p h a p v a re n lu y e n k i n a n g doc h ie u la m tie n de cho viec thUc h ie n cac chiic n a n g giao tie p ngon ngiJ tro n g giai d o an d a u hoc tie n g A nh cd scf va giai d o an sa u hoc tie n g A n h ch u y en n g a n h . B asic E n g lish gom h a i ta p , m oi ta p co 30 b a i hoc (U nit) va c u n g co" (C onsolidation). T a p 1 d a n h cho s in h v ien n a m th ti n h a t, teip 2 d a n h cho s in h v ie n n a m th ti 2. So tie t hoc c h in h thutc ta i 16p cho tijfng b a i hoc t£r 5 d e n 6 tie t v a so" tie t d a n h cho cac b a i c u n g co tu: 2 d e n 3 tie t. 3 M oi b a i hoc d e u co c au tru e th o n g n h a t gom cac p h a n M uc tieu bai hoc (U n it G oals), H o a t d o n g tao k h o n g k h i hoc tap (W arm -u p ), NgiC p h a p (G ra m m a r), N o i (S p eak in g ), N ghe (L isten in g ), L u y e n a m (P ro n u n c ia tio n ), Tic viCng (V ocabulary), Doc h ie u A , Doc h ieu B (R ead in g A & B), V iet (W ritin g ), Dich (T ra n sla tio n ) v a T om ta t cac d ie m n g it p h a p (L anguage S u m m ary ). C au tru e n a y k h o n g n h iin g g iu p cho giao v ien chu^n bi b a i g ia n g to t m a con giu p cho hoc v ie n tvt hoc to t. C h u n g to i c h a n th a n h cam dn K hoa tie n g A n h cac trUdng D a i hoc K hoa hoc H u e, tn ld n g D ai hoc V in h , trU dng D ai hoc N goai ngG D a N ln g , trUcfng D ai hoc Stf p h a m Q uy N h d n va to tie n g A n h cac trU dng D a i hoc Y k h o a H ue, D ai hoc N ong Lam H u e d a th a m g ia gop y h ie u d in h de h o a n th ie n b a n th a o . C h u n g toi h i vong B asic E n g lish 1 & 2 se m a n g la i nhieu k e t q u a k h ic h le cho s in h v ie n k h o n g c h u y en ngii tro n g viec hoc tie n g A nh. C h u b ie n TS. TRAN VAN PHU0C 4 Unit 1: MAPS Unit Goal G iving a n d responding to com plim ents WARM-UP Names and Belongings Each student thinks of names of two or three things which begin with the same letter as the name s/he owns and makes a sentence, e.g. My name's Hoa and IVe got a hat, a house and a horse. Every student is asked to stand up and tell the whole class his/her sentence. G R A M M A R R E V ISIO N A. Put in have got ( ‘ve got), has got ( ‘s got), haven 7 got and h a sn ’t got. 1. They like animals. T h e y ..........three dogs and two cats. 2. S arah ..........a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. 3. Everybody likes Tom. H e ..........a lot of friends. 4. Mr and Mrs Johnson..........two children, a boy and a girl. 5. An in se c t......... six legs. 6. I can’t open the door. I ..........a key. 7. Quick! Hurry! W e ..........much time. 8. “W hat’s wrong?” “I ..........something in my eye.” 9. Ben doesn’t read much. He ..! ..... many books. 10. It’s a nice town. I t ..........a very nice shopping centre. 11. Alice is going to the dentist. S h e ..........toothache. 12. “Where’s my newspaper?” “I don’t know. I ..........it.” 5 13. Julia wants to go on holiday but s h e .......... any money. 14. I’m not going to work today. I ......... a bad cold. B. Choose the best reply from List B fo r each question in List A. Write the correct letters in the brackets. List B List A ( ) A. I came top in my class in the last test. 1. Can you type? 2. Are you good at math? 3. What languages can you speak? ( ) C As soon as you like. 4. Can you drive a car?' 5. Can you people? 6. When can you start work? get on ( ) B. I'm taking my driving test next week. with ( ) D. Yes, about fifty words a minute. ( ) E. English and French. ( ) F. I think so. I’ve got a lot of friends. VOCABULARY A. Look at these business cards and answer the questions. Dr J T Halliwell SBH Java JOE VANISON Hilson General Hospital Mechanic Salesman 367 Highfield Avenue Ford Motors Centralon Manston YOKO H L M Sharkas M OHAM ED AKBARI ELECTRICIAN ARCHITECT TAILOR 44 Main Street, Suite 106A 2 IB SUEZ ROAD Seoul Vitron Towers, Hadley PORT SAIDO 6 1. Who can repair cars? 2. Who can make suits or dresses? 3. Who knows how to sell cars? 4. Who can draw plans to build a house? 5. Who can treat sick people? 6. Who can repair an electric kettle? B. Read the following sentences and write the correct word in each blank. Choose the words from the list below. describes shows learns explains teaches lectures Mr Shaw .......... physics at the University of Hong Kong and .......... mostly to third-year students. The students like him a lot because he ..........how things work in simple language. Mr Shaw says that he often .......... a lot from his students. His wife is an English teacher in a secondary school. In her lessons s h e ..........her pupils how to write short stories a n d ..........people and scenes she knows in her stories. SPEA K IN G G iving a n d R esp o n d in g to C om plim ents Purpose: Compliments express approval, and their main purpose is to show that you like some aspect of the other person’s appearance, belongings, or work. This reassures the other person that his or her taste, appearance, etc., is appreciated by other people. Whom to compliment: You may compliment anyone you have occasion to talk with. It may be a close friend or someone you have just met. And in certain cases you can compliment a stranger in order to get some information. 7 What to compliment: Usually, you compliment someone if you notice something new about the person’s appearance. You may also complimen^ a person on his or her general appearance. It is customary to co m p lim e n t person on a recently purchased item. When you visit someone s house or when the host prepares a meal for you, you can give compliments too. How to compliment. There are three ways to give a compliment: by saying something nice about the object, by asking how the person made it or where it was bought (but NOT how much it cost), or by asking for another look or another serving, if it is food. Replying to compliments: There are two basic ways o f replying to compliments: accepting them and rejecting them. In most cases, it is best to accept the compliment. To do this, you can either thank the person and explain something about the thing being complimented, or you can return the compliment by giving the other a similar compliment. In certain cases, you may accept the compliment but deny what the person has said to compliment you. Some people do this to appear modest. S itu a tio n 1 A works in an office where X is the supervisor. X has invited everyone from the office to a cocktail party one evening. There A talks with B, X ’s spouse. B A 1. greets A 1. greets B, clothing 2. accepts compliment 2. accepts compliment, compliment 3. offers food 3. accepts, compliments B on the food 4. refuses compliment 8 compliments B on returns Situation 2 A and B are good friends from school. A sees B on a new motorcycle and begins to talk with B. A B 1. greets B 1. returns greeting 2. compliments B on new motorcycle 2. accepts compliment, tells when motorcycle was bought 3. asks to try motorcycle 3. agrees 4. expresses thanks R E A D IN G A MAPS A map is a drawing of part of the earth. A map does not show everything that a photograph shows. It shows only those things that are important to the people using the map. Colors on maps tell us important things about the earth’s surface. Things made by humans, such as cities, railroads, and highways, are usually black. Blue is the color of water. Rivers, lakes, and oceans are blue. Green is the color for trees and national parks. A map symbol is a drawing that represents something real on the earth. On our map, there are symbols for things such as a house, church, school, etc. A box in the comer o f the map tells what the symbols mean. We call the box a legend. Maps of small areas can show each street, river, railroad, church, and school. Maps o f larger areas show only the larger cities and roads. On larger area maps, you can see whole states or countries. You do not usually see streets or buildings on larger area maps. One way to tell direction on a map is to look for the compass. The compass is a drawing showing directions. Usually, but not always, 9