Saint Luke Catholic Church
Saint Luke Catholic Church
Saint Luke Catholic Church 13700 Lawyers Road - Mint Hill, NC 28227 Phone: (704) 545-1224 Fax: (704) 545-7288 Faith Formation: (704) 545-0065 Rectory: (704) 246-7151 Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00AM—4:00PM Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM Sunday: 9:00AM-11:00AM-4:30PM 1:00PM (Bilingual) Daily/Holy Day Mass Schedule Posted inside bulletin. Parish Mission Statement To Be A Christ Centered Church; Responsive To The Needs of All. Preserving, Spreading and Celebrating The Teaching of Jesus. Offering Hope, Comfort and Peace. Fr. Paul Q. Gary Pastor ext. 18 [email protected] Sr. Veronica Grover Pastoral Associate ext. 17 [email protected] Rev. Mr. Jeffrey Evers Rev. Mr. Rafael Torres Parish Deacons ext. 10 Mary Adams, Admin Assistant ………………….ext. 10 Katie Blanchette, Secretary……………………....ext. 23 Lori Kissinger, Business Manager……………….. ext. 11 Marti Dushak, Music Director…………………... ext. 16 Richard White, Maintenance……………………. ext. 28 Ellen Bree, Playschool Director…………………... ext. 13 Martha Hannah, Faith Formation ……………… ext. 14 Cheryl Finch, Youth Ministry ………………….. ext. 12 Chrissy Stublaski, Faith Form. Asst…………….. ext. 15 Tara O’Brien, Faith Form. Support........................... ext. 15 Carol Weddle, Confirmation…………………….. ext. 12 Ellen Bree, 1st Communion……………………... ext. 13 Edra Alonso, Spanish Ministry………………….. ext. 20 The Most Holy Trinity Sunday, May 26, 2013 SAINT LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2013 Dear Friends, The Most Holy Trinity “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. When he comes however, being the Spirit of truth he will guide you to all truth’” (John 16: 12 – 13). The Holy Bible has God as its Author The Catholic Bible has 46 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. The Bible begins with the Book of Genesis and ends with the Book of Revelation. The Second Vatican Council declared: “Holy Mother Church, relying on the belief of the Apostles, holds that the books of both the Old and the New Testaments in their entirety, with all their parts, are sacred and canonical because written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author” (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, 11). The Oldest Bibles The word Bible comes from the Greek term, Biblia, which means books. Our Bible is composed of the 73 books that together make up the Old and New Testaments. No autograph or original editions of the Bible exist today. In ancient times scribes wrote upon material such as papyrus which could not survive long outside of dry climates. In addition to this the sacred books of the Bible were seized and destroyed by authorities during the various Roman persecutions of the Church. The Old Testament Manuscripts The word, manuscript, comes from a combination of the Latin words for hand (manu) and written (scriptum). Prior to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947, the oldest hand written manuscripts of the Old Testament in Hebrew (the original language) were the Aleppo Codex (920 A.D.) and the Leningrad Codex (1008 A.D.). The Oldest Versions of the Bible The oldest manuscripts of the Bible are the Codex Vaticanus. It was composed sometime between 325 and 350 A.D. on vellum (calfskin) in uncial (all capital) letters. It is protected by the confines of the Vatican Library. Another is the Codex Sinaiticus composed between 330 and 360 A.D. on parchment. A major portion of it is in the British Library, but three other locations, including the Greek Orthodox Monastery on Mount Sinai have sections of it. Half of the Greek Old Testament is missing. Two others are the Codex Alexandrinus (400 – 440 A.D.) given to Charles I of England and found in the British Library. The last is Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus (450 A.D.) found in the National Library of France. Fr. Paul Q. Gary S T E WA R D S H I P AT S T. L U K E PA R I S H . . . Have you ever thought about how many of your free hours you spend doing things for yourself versus how many you spend doing things for others? Offertory May 19: 15,088.50 Registered Families: 1396 Contributing Families for month of April: 794 We Care (5% of Offertory) <754.42> Building Peace Campaign 3,388.00 Contributing Families using E-Donations: 215 International/National Needs 2,976.00 Thanks to your recent offertory donations, the WE CARE Committee was able to make a donation to House of Mercy. Are you interested in joining our E-Donation program? Please visit our website or contact Lori Kissinger at 704-545-1224 x 11 for further information. Please note that our fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. Financial reports are available on our website: SAINT LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH this week... SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2013 “The Greatest of These is Love” Just a reminder! If you have not yet made your pledge to the DSA, please consider doing so. You can donate online at As of May 20, 256 of our 1396 households have pledged $60,750. We need each of you to help us reach our goal of $87,598. Our sponsor of the week… We thank ALLEN TATE REALTORS, Erin DeLuca, parishioner for advertising in our bulletin. Building Peace Update … Total Pledged: Total Paid: $887,130 $420,055 Please use the green envelope provided in your monthly packet or pick up an envelope at the welcome table. Thanks for your continued support! For more information, please contact Jim Strauss 704-451-5481 or [email protected]. Please Note: The church office will be closed on Fridays during the months of June, July and August. BE A BLOOD DONOR—Our next Blood Drive will be held here at St. Luke in the modular building (behind church) on Saturday, June 8 from 7AM to 12 noon. Please come out and give a pint in support of our community. We are in dire need of blood right now, so please help the Red Cross. For an appointment call Charlie Ward at 704-882-4120. Thanks for your support! SAINT LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH Nuns on the Bus will be hosted at a townhall meeting at St. Peter Church in Charlotte on May 31 at 7PM in the Biss Hall. The topic is Immigration Reform. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Friends of Missionaries of the Poor will be serving at Guardian Angel Monastery (1403 Griffith Rd. Monroe, NC 28112) on Saturday, June 1 from 9:30am to 1:30pm. We also accept food and/or monetary donations to help defer the costs. If you would like to volunteer please contact Tina Rabiipour at [email protected] or Connie McNeely at McNeely@[email protected]. There are several opportunities at MOP in Monroe to serve throughout the week - gardening, yard work, care of the animals, light housekeeping and help in the food pantry. If you are interested, please contact Brother Augusto at [email protected]. SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2013 Helping Other People Endure HOPE members will meet Saturday, June 1, at 10:00AM in St. Luke’s Family Life Center. Our meeting is open to all parishioners interested in learning more about HOPE. New members are always welcome. We look forward to seeing you there! For more information contact Madeline Johnson at 704-846-9327. RIDES! GAMES! FOOD! MUSIC! FUN!! Kick off summer with the third annual SonFest at St. John Neumann Church on Friday, June 14 (5:00 PM-11:00 PM) and Saturday, June 15 (1:00 PM to 11:00 PM). Featuring a 40' Ferris Wheel, Merry-Go-Round, Fun Slide, inflatables, and the Bungee Trampoline. Try your luck at some classic carnival games. Indulge in great food from all over the world! Enjoy the live music production from our lineup of musicians, bands, and dancers. Bring the whole family! And for the "big kids", don't forget to visit our Silent Auction, try your luck at Bingo or purchase tickets for the "I'm Feeling Lucky" Raffle with a top prize of $2,500! This year’s event features a guest appearance from Drex and Maney of the “Drex and Maney” morning show, weekdays on KISS 95.1 FM. And don’t miss the big fireworks show to close out the event on Saturday night, sponsored by Keffer Automotive. For more information about SonFest, call the St. John Neumann Church Office at 704-536-6520, visit our webpage at, or follow us on Facebook at SJNCharlotte. Where: St. Luke’s Family Life Center When: Saturday, June 1 ~ 12 noon to 4PM Includes: Mammogram; Optometrist; Nutrition; Blood Pressure Check; Diabetes Check; Speaker on Cancer; Zumba Instruction Sponsored by representatives from Novant Health (Presbyterian). There will be speakers in English and Spanish. From more information, please contact Rosa Curiel at 704-668-1119. LAST WEEK TO TURN IN YOUR APPLICATION! The St. Luke Council Knights of Columbus will be offering a scholarship to a graduating senior of St. Luke Catholic Church. Applications may be obtained from the church office until May 31, 2013. For additional information contact Chris Headley PGK at 704-289-5718. SAINT LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2013 The May book selection is “The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake” by Aimee Bender. We will meet on Tuesday, May 28 at 10:30AM in the Family Life Center. We invite you to join us. Book Club For more information, please contact Marilyn Armstrong at 704-753-1112. Attention all Catholic young men ages 15-25! Vacation Bible School July 15 to 19, 2013 from 9-12 Taking registrations now following Mass or come by during office hours. Faith Formation Registration 2013-2014 Registration for the next school year, grades 1-9, has begun. Forms were distributed to currently enrolled students during classes the week of April 14. The registration form is also available on online at Existing students need to register by June 7, 2013. Forms will expire and fees will increase after June 7, 2013, for currently enrolled students. Do you know where your life is going? The Lord Jesus has a great plan for you! You are invited to attend the first annual Quo Vadis Days Camp to spend time with other young men your age looking at the Lord’s call in your life while having fun. QVD is led by priests and seminarians of the diocese and is supported by the diocesan Office of Vocations. Quo Vadis Days will be held from June 24-28 at Belmont Abbey College in Belmont. The cost of the camp is $100. If you are interested, please visit our website: vocations/quo-vadis-days or contact Fr. Christopher Gober, Director of Vocations at 704370-3327. Please note: Catholic School Students: Students in grade 2 and 9 need to enroll their students in First Communion and Confirmation preparation. 9th grade students are required to attend the fall Confirmation classes. More information on the website under Sacraments. Current 8th graders: Registration for 9th grade Confirmation will end June 7. No late registrations so we can prepare for September classes. Fees: Cash or check is required for payment in full when forms are submitted. If you wish to pay online, you may pay at the church’s website with a credit card. If you pay online, please attach a copy of your payment receipt. New: Sunday night classes will be offered for only grades 7 and 8. T4C will still be on Sunday nights. Confirmation classes will only be offered Sunday from 2:15 to 4:15. Contact Faith Formation staff if you have questions or need more information. Many of your questions might be answered on the church’s website at His Excellency, Bishop Peter J. Jugis, will celebrate a Mass for U.S. military personnel on Sunday, July 7, 2013 at 3:30PM at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Charlotte. The Mass and rosary (to be recited at 3:00 p.m.) will be offered for all military personnel who have died and for those who are now serving. All military personnel are invited and encouraged to come in uniform. Photos of those who have died or who are now serving in the military will be displayed in the Cathedral. To include your service member, preferably in uniform, please mail a color or black/ white photocopy of them with their name and military rank on the back of the photocopy to Nancy Weber, Office of the Bishop, 1123 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC 28203 to be received no later than July 2, 2013. (Please do not send original photographs as they will not be returned.) SAINT LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH Saturday, May 25 5:00PM Edward Lorenz By: Gloria Lorenz Sunday, May 26 9:00AM Mary Lee Mason By: Tom & Marva Baur 11:00AM Marian Smith By: Gail Middleton 1:00PM Maurico Reyna, Jr. By: The Reyna Family 4:30PM Special Intention Monday, May 27 11:00AM Joe McCarthy By: Arthur & Zihua Dromgoole Tuesday, May 28 6:30PM Special Intention Wednesday, May 29 6:30PM Teclemarian Hagos, Tessamariam Hagos & Habtemariam Hagos By: Lete Tewolde Thursday, May 30 11:00AM Lawrence Moran By: Rose Anne Albano Friday, May 31 8:30AM Carol Mecouch By: Jo Ann Mecouch Saturday, June 1 5:00PM Dan Blanchette By: St. Luke Staff Sunday, June 2 9:00AM Rev. Gerald Chojnacki By: Dave & Nancy Murphy 11:00AM Leonard Brozozowski By: The Gsell Family 1:00PM St. Luke Parishioners 4:30PM Clem Mondelli By: Jo Ann Mecouch The Charlotte Spirituality Center is currently accepting applications for its three year spiritual direction training program beginning Fall 2013 at it's Charlotte and Rock Hill Oratory campuses. A six month spiritual formation class can be taken alone to enhance spiritual growth or as a prerequisite to the full training program. Please visit for more info or email Linda Flynn at [email protected] Charlotte Spirituality Center is rooted in the Jesuit tradition of Ignatian Spirituality but open to all faiths. Student spaces are limited. Also, visit our web site for continuous workshops, events and spiritual direction opportunities for all who are seeking to deepen their awareness of God in daily life. For more information please contact, Linda Flynn, Co-Director Charlotte Spirituality Center at 704-776-3787. SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2013 In your kindness please remember the following in our parish… Arin Nesbit, Marlene Doane, Ginny Kandrack, John and Sharon Sowinski, Eric Skeen, Elise Frye, Jackie Hassman, John and Louise Ziegler, Maria Martin, Rita Foulk, Rose Marie Crean, Jill Brummer, Carol Edens, Tiffany Partozoti, Linda Bapst, Agnes Faust, Sharon Glose, Lauren Bopp, Max Escobar, Liz Sleigh, Chuck Hildreth, Adriana Pulgarin, James Shue, Edra Alonso, Linda Huber, Margaret DeLaney, Susan Chambers, Deloris Szachara, June Biedma, Ellen Smith, Gabe Conway, Thelma Thompson, Aiden Silas, Jim Sobieraj, William Peterson, David Gaertner, Bill Machold, Arlene Gravier, Vinnie Mantione, Kathy Hoehn, Keith Ringl, Jim Bush, Joseph Babinski, Gloria Lorenz and Susan Trombello, wife of John Trombello and among our friends and family… Maria Luz Cobo, Agrapina Camacho, Tom Burton, Bob Winters, Barbara Sladek, Deborah McNeil, Tessa Huffsteplar, Karen Moore, Nancy McCardel, Dian Brogan, Ed Chadwick, Christopher Sinay, Judy Breedlove, Linda Appelt, Darrol Belt, Kai Kehm, Hildegard Hecking, Jacob Nicholas, Jeannette Snipes, Gabbie Swainson, Teresa Dumas, Andrew Chinigo, Peter Alonso, Amer Aintrazi, David Larko, Myles Will, John Meyer, Patti McGoey, Chick Yanushko, Nancy Simpson, Everett Canning, Jean Canning, Ronnie Richardson, Edgar Rojas and Jayne Brzozowski, sister of Scott Gsell Benny Flores, Suzy Will, Antonio Gemenez, friends of Gsell Family (Previously named persons are now placed in our Book of Intentions) In Christian love and sympathy, we remember... JAMES SCOTT BURTON, brother of Shelley Earnhardt May the Lord grant them peace and consolation to their families. SAINT LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH Baptism: Parents must attend a class prior to the Baptism of their child. The class is held on the third Sunday of each month following the 11AM Mass in the Conference Room. Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:154:45PM or by appointment. Sick/Hospital Visits: If someone in your family is sick or admitted to the hospital or nursing home, please let the church office know so that we can visit them. Sponsor Certificate: In order to receive permission to be a sponsor for baptism or confirmation, you will need to be a registered and contributing parishioner for at least three months. Counseling: To inquire or make an appointment for counseling, please call Sr. Marie Frechette at 704543-7677 x 1073. Spiritual Direction: A time honored tradition of the Church, spiritual direction is an opportunity to SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2013 deepen our awareness of God in daily life. For an appointment, please contact trained directors and parishioners Bryna Bozart at [email protected] or Linda Flynn at [email protected] or Jim Lawrence at [email protected] or Rosemary Werner at [email protected]. Scriptural Rosary is prayed at St. Luke parish at 10:30AM on Mondays in the chapel. For more information contact Madeleine McGuinness at 704-8454008. Interested In Becoming A Catholic? Please call Sr. Veronica Grover at 704-545-1224 ext. 17 for information about RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program. Parish Registration: Registration forms are available at the Welcome Table after all weekend Masses or weekdays at the parish office. You may also register online on our website. Bulletin Deadline: Please submit your announcement in writing or email by 2:00PM Thursday of the previous week.
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Saint Luke Catholic Church
Maria Martin, Rita Foulk, Rose Marie Crean,
Jill Brummer, Carol Edens, Tiffany Partozoti,
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