Eclipse - Collectif clowns d`ailleurs et d`ici
Eclipse - Collectif clowns d`ailleurs et d`ici
Collectif clowns d’ailleurs et d’ici & Phare Ponleu Selpak present Eclipse European tour: January – February 2016 © Phare, The Cambodian Circus Re-creation 2013 Staging : Det KHUON, Bonthoeun HOUN (Phare Ponleu Selpak) Phil NOBLE (Philippines Educational Theater Association) With Agathe OLIVIER from the company LES COLPORTEURS Introduction Phare Ponleu Selpak (PPS), meaning "the brightness of the arts" finds its origins in drawing workshops organized in 1986 at Site 2, a refugee camp at the Thai border. The association was founded in 1994 in Battambang by a group of young adults who participated in these workshops, following their return to their hometown. Phare Ponleu Selpak is a Cambodian non-governmental organization that aims to support community development by offering social, educational and cultural services to vulnerable children and their families. For over 15 years, the circus school has been welcoming and training children and adolescents in many circus disciplines: acrobatics, juggling, balance, contortion, trapeze and clown. PPS shows mix various disciplines, breath-taking circus skills, choreographed theatre scenes and live music. Priority is given to the creation without rejecting any external influence, although Khmer roots remain ever-present. Since 2001, a partnership brings the Collectif clowns d’ailleurs et d’ici (CCAI), a French association located in Pantin (93) and Phare Ponleu Selpak together in the aim of supporting and developing the circus school by improving the teachers’ and the technicians’ skills as well as the artistic level. Thanks to this partnership, many students were able to train in French circus schools (CNAC, ENACR, Lomme, Bordeaux, etc). Phare Ponleu Selpak also welcomed numerous performing arts professionals, who came to share their skills and participate in the creation of performances set to tour internationally, in collaboration with Khuon Det, the artistic director. 2003 Bong Touch Bong Thom & Co – France, Spain 2005 De 4 à 5 – France, Spain, Algeria Phum Style and Holiday – France 2006 De 4 à 5 – France, Italy Phum Style and Holiday – France, Spain 2007 De 4 à 5 – France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain Holiday – Japan 2008 Phum Style – France, Spain, Netherlands 2009 Putho! – France, Spain, Italy, Belgium Phum Style – France 2010 Putho! – France, Italy, Belgium Royaumes – France 2011 Putho! – France, Germany Royaumes – France 2012 Sokha – France 2013 Sokha – France, Italy 2014 Sokha – France Eclipse – France 2015 Chills – France May - August 2016 : European tour : CHILLS 2 Eclipse ECLIPSE is the result of a collaboration between artists from PPS, musicians, circus performers and actors, Agathe Olivier from the company Les Colporteurs, and the Philippine Educational Theatre Association (PETA). The artistic skills and complementary experiences of each created a contemporary performance, colored with references to Cambodian culture, supporting the fight against discrimination. The story takes place in a small, typical Khmer village, where all the villagers know each other and lead a peaceful life among the community. In this village, being different is a crime. The day a strange man arrives in the hermetic village, he cruelly suffers from the systematic discrimination he falls victim to. Abandoned by all, he turns to the gods and prays for their intervention. They answer his prayers by transforming him into a beautiful woman. When she appears in the village, all men fall madly in love and try by all means to win her affection. At the same time, a plague begins to consume the villagers one by one. Suspicion falls on the young woman, who is accused of being the source of the plague. She is sentenced to death by the villagers. What follows is an epic chase through the Cambodian countryside, leading to a spectacular climax. Born from a workshop instigated by PETA on the use of arts to explore issues around sexuality, disability and difference, this show tackles the question of discrimination in all its forms. Eclipse is primarily an advocacy on social stigma and ethical responsibility. As a punishment for their attitude of rejection, the eclipse is sent by the gods to disturb the tranquility of the village. The show is built like a fable: the intrigue is fed with symbolic connotations, enhanced by a breathtaking succession of circus and dance numbers. The scene is set in the middle of rice fields, where artists rival with virtuosity to offer us pieces of the life of a small Cambodian village, steeped in tradition, popular beliefs and religious worship. The stage design of Eclipse and the choreographed ensemble scenes, mixed with the physical feats performed by the young artists with their communicative energy, make of this piece an explosive show whose message resonates strongly with the audience, whether Cambodian or international. 3 © JF Mousseau/ Phare Ponleu Selpak Artistic means All the elements that make up Eclipse - dance, set design, themes and plot - combine to offer the viewer a glimpse of Khmer culture and Cambodian life. Stage design The bare stage design of Eclipse accentuates the beauty of the choreographed scenes. A simple black and white square is stretched in the background, while the movement of lights and the actors evolve as the story goes. Common thread of the performance, the light attracts the viewer's gaze towards the acrobat while stressing out the symbolic elements of the plot. Bamboo is used as an accessory and circus apparatus to strengthen the sobriety of the sets and give it a traditional feel. Choreography Simply dressed in the traditional clothes and sacred tattoos of the Khmer peasants, the artists convey their emotions through their body and skills. The spirit of community carried through the show is enhanced by ensemble scenes choreographed with style and intelligence. Music The two musicians of the troupe use traditional Khmer and modern instruments to reflect the intensity and the emotions conveyed in the show. The rhythmic structure they set is the frame of the show. Thanks to a clever mix of xylophones, guitars and percussions, they manage to create a surprisingly varied and mesmerizing atmosphere, evoking the sounds of Cambodian life. © JF Mousseau/ Phare Ponleu Selpak Circus techniques Disappeared from Cambodian culture after the Khmer Rouge regime and decades of civil war, circus was originally present in the Khmer cultural heritage, as evidenced by some bas-reliefs that can be found on the temples of Angkor, a hundred kilometers away from the circus school of Phare Ponleu Selpak. For nearly 20 years, the school has been applying to revive the circus, in a mixture of tradition and contemporaneity. In this line, the artists of Eclipse present acrobatics, lifts, juggling and contortion numbers with natural virtuosity and breathtaking vitality. They also perform high quality Chinese pole, staps and teeter board numbers. 4 © Michal Josephy/ Phare Ponleu Selpak Artistic team Eclipse is the result of a collaboration between Khuon Det, founder and artistic director of Phare Ponleu Selpak and Agathe Olivier, tightrope walker and founder of the company Les Colporteurs. KHUON Det KHUON Det grows up in a refugee camp at the Thai border, where he took part in drawing workshops but also martial arts and gymnastics classes. Upon his return to Cambodia in 1992, he takes an internship at the National Circus School of Phnom Penh, primarily focusing on learning teaching skills. As founder of Phare Ponleu Selpak in 1994, he founds the circus school in 1998 and stages many of its productions. Det wrote and directed the show Eclipse in 2009, following a workshop organized by PETA, with the help of Phil Noble, artist and director from the Philippines. In 2013, the show is reworked on by Det and Agathe Olivier. OLIVIER Agathe Tightrope walker at the National Circus School Annie Fratellini, Agathe meets Antoine Rigot in 1979. Together they create a duo on wire with which they obtain in 1983 a silver medal at the World Circus of Tomorrow Festival. Follows a circus career during which they work with Circus Roncalli, participate in the creation of the famous Cirque du Soleil, take part in the birth of La Volière Dromesko ... They receive the Grand Prix National du Cirque in 1993 and create Amore Captus, a show where the wire symbolizes the complexity and fragility of the relationship between a man and a woman. In 1996 they found the company Les Colporteurs and create Filao (1997), Metamorfosi (2002), Diabolus in Musica (2003), Le Fil sous la neige (2006), Les Etoiles (2007), Sur la route ... (2009). They receive the SACD Circus Arts award in 2008. Agathe meets Phare Ponleu Selpak in 2010 during a tour in France organized by the CCAI. The work done by Agathe on Eclipse is the result of a long-awaited partnership between the rapidly growing Cambodian circus and a big name in the French contemporary circus. 5 The artists The artists of Eclipse are part of the fourth generation of students from the circus school of Phare Ponleu Selpak. They are between 20 and 25 years old, and are mostly from disadvantaged families of the community surrounding the PPS compound. They have been training in circus daily for about 8 years, and have now reached a professional level. They already have a lot of stage experience through the many shows they were part of. Their first public performance under the PPS big top took place in 2007 with the show Ghosts, followed by School Day and Wicked Kids in 2009, where talent and artistic personalities were discovered and encouraged to grow. Some artists have lived a first experience abroad with the show Rice Country, which toured in Germany in 2010. In parallel, two artists of the group studied different circus disciplines at the National Circus School of Hanoi, Vietnam, for a year, then at the National Circus Arts School of Rosny-sous-Bois for two years. They returned to Battambang in 2012 to share with their group the benefits of their training through workshops in Chinese pole and straps. Eight artists from the troupe took part in the creation of the show Rouge, by the French-Khmer choreographer Sarosi Nay of UBI Company. This three-year project led to a tour in France and the UK in the spring of 2012. This mix of dance and circus was a piece depicting the takeover of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and the life in the camps. In August 2012, the troupe came together and shared their experience to create the show Eclipse. It is performed regularly under the big tops of Phare Ponleu Selpak in Battambang and Siem Reap. © JF Mousseau/ Phare Ponleu Selpak 6 Calendar > January to March 2016 Confirmed dates Lille 3000 au Prato - Lille (59): 8 to 10 January / 3 representations APSOAR - Annonnay (07): 22 January / 2 representations Le Figuier Blanc - Argenteuil (95): 27 January / 2 representations Pôle Jeune Public - Le Revest-les-Eaux (13) in Théâtre Europe - La Seyne-sur-Mer (83): 3 to 7 February / 6 representations Soirée d’ISIS - Pargny-Filain (02) / 20 February / 1 representation Waiting Ville de Saint-Etienne (69) Cirque Imagine, Vaulx en Velin (69) Festival les Elancées à Istres (13) La Quintaine - Chasseneuil du Poitou (83) Ville de Villers-Cotterêts (02) A version of this show is also available with fire. © Michal Josephy/ Phare Ponleu Selpak 7 Pics © JF Mousseau/ Phare Ponleu Selpak © JF Mousseau/ Phare Ponleu Selpak © JF Mousseau/ Phare Ponleu Selpak 8 Distribution Staging: Det KHUON (Phare Ponleu Selpak) and Phil NOBLE (Philippines Educational Theater Association) Artistic Collaboration: Agathe OLIVIER (Compagnie LES COLPORTEURS) Music creation: NORNG Chantha et PANG Sopheap Artistes: BO Ratha, CHEAT Sopheak, CHUOB Kanha, HENG Chhaya, HOK Sithang, HOUN Sopheap, KHUON Chanveasna, MONNY Ratanaksombath, NOV Sreyleak, PAY Phearum, SAN Samedi, SIM Chantha Musicians: PRAK Englean, NGAM Rattanak Technician: CHHUON Bunthet Production: Phare Ponleu Selpak et le Collectif clowns d’ailleurs et d’ici Coproduction: Compagnie Isis Support : Région Île-de- France, Spedidam, Adami, Fondation EDF, Ecole Nationale de Cirque de Châtellerault (ENCC); in partnership with les 3T-Théâtres de Châtellerault, and La Merise à Trappes Work session: Ecole de cirque de Châtellerault, in partnership with les 3T, La Merise à Trappes 9 Technical rider Detailed specifications: upon request Bus access to the stage (12m long, 3.5m high, 2.5m wide). Provide a guarded parking space for the duration of the contract. Duration Sound 1 hour Micro kit for drums (1 micro Kick, 1 micro Snare, 1 micro Tom, 1 OH format stylet) 4 micros type SM 58 + stands (1 for Khum (string instrument) + 1 for Roneat (wooden percussions) + 2 for flutes) 2 headset mics 3 DI (2 piano + 1 guitar) 4 top speakers 2 sub speakers 4 monitors 1 wireless mic 1 sound mixer 16 channels Cables for the whole system 1 mini jack stereo cable for computer Reverb effect processor Team (18 people) 12 artists, 2 musicians, 1 technician 1 Cambodian stage director 2 French coordinators Stage Proscenium opening: 10 meters Depth: 10 meters Height: 7 meters Floor: black dance carpet Musicians area: 3x3 meters 1 chair and 1 drums stool for the musicans. Hangers and minimum 3 racks backstage. Lights 20 PC1000 10 Source For 26 PAR 64 medium 2 stands 5 meters high with 7 hooks on each Light console 30 circuits with chaser, crossfade, dimmer, etc + user manual If performance outside 14 PC on stands 3 ramps front stage Provide 2 black pieces of fabric - 5m20 large and 3m20 high Provide lights backstage Changing rooms For 14 people backstage with mirrors, electricity, tables, chairs, running water, toilets close to the stage area. 20 liters of water at the troupe’s arrival for the set up. Catering with fresh and dried fruit, biscuits, juice, water . 10 © Phare, The Cambodian Circus Contacts Collectif clowns d’ailleurs et d’ici 61, rue Victor Hugo 93500 Pantin FRANCE + 33 (0)1 48 43 39 17 / + 33 (0) 6 81 06 01 65 Aurélia Immacolato Tour manager [email protected] Ella Berkovich Administration [email protected] Phare Ponleu Selpak P.O Box 316 Battambang, CAMBODIA +855.(0)53.952.424 / +855.(0)12.890.360 11
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