Hotel Business September, 2009
Hotel Business September, 2009
F{ HILfoN WORLDWIDE on beingincludedin the HotelBustness Congratulations listing of 2009Top 100Owners & Developers, Enclosedis and a reprintof the articleas a mementoof yourrecognition of yourpartnership. our appreciation global missionis to be the preeminent HiltonWorldwide's company- the firstchoiceof guests,team hospitality membersand ownersalike. We hopethatwe are yourfirst choicetodayand in the future.Thankyoufor yourcontinued in our company,and in our brands. and confidence dedication \\ G t llilkrrr ( .,'i' e ) H HotelMsifliff$ 7-20,2009 vol. 18 NO.17 SEPTEMBER Congratulations on being recognizedas one of 2009's toP boteliers, Hilton Worldutide is proud and appreciatiae to baae partners like yott, Together ouear"efiUing tbe eartb utitb the ligbt and rl)armtb of bospitality, HILTON WORLDWIDE Ranked by number of rooms (end of 2008) 1. HostHotels&Resorts,Bethesda,MD 129 2. ArchonHospitality,lrving,TX 348 Partners, Mclean, VA 3. JER Crestview Hills,KY 4. **Columbia Sussex, 216 lrving,TX Lodging Trust, 5. FelCor 73 85 6. AshfordHospitalityTrust,Dallas,Tx 1.l0 7. AppleRE|TCompanies,Richmond,VA 117 Springtield, M0 Hotels & Resortt, 8. lohnQ.Hammons MD tLC,Bethesda, 9. RIJDevelopment, ,|0.PyramidHotelGroup,Bosbn,MA 73 135 39 CA HotelInvestors, Inc.,San Clemente, 11.Sunstone 46 Group, Cranston, Rl 12.TheProcaccianti 59 13.TharaldsonManagementlnc,Fargo,ND Fruncisco, CA [LC,San 14.TheChartres Lodging Group, NE Hospitality, Inc., Norfolk, 15.Supertel 213 23 115 16.InterstateHotek&Resorts,Arlington,VA 29 Hospitality, Bethesda, MD 17.DiamondRock 20 18.HershaGroup,Philadelphia,PA 71 MD Bethesda, 19.LaSalle HotelProperties, 31 20.StrategicHotels&Resorts,Chicago,lL 20 Hotels, Nashville, TN 21. Gaylord 3 C[ 22.HEIHotels & Resorts, Norwalk, Zg 23.NoblelnvestmentGroup,Atlanta,GA 35 lnc,,Atlanta, GA 24.Lodgian, 47 25.TishmanHotel&Reahy[P,NewYork,NY 9 26.PrismHotels&Resorts,Dallas,TX 4 27.Winegardner&Hammons,lnc,Cincinnati,0H 27 28.RosenHotels&Resorts,lnc,,0rlando,Fl NC Company, Raleigh, Hospitality Enterprises 29.Concord 18 C0 Companies, Englewood, 30.Stonebridge 42 31.TheSummitGroup,lnc,SiouxFalls,SD 65 32.DavidsonHotelCompany,Memphis,TN 13 7 Santa Monica, CA Hospitality Group, 33.Windsor 26 MN Lodging, Minneapolis, 34.CSM 37 lL Inc,Rosemont, Group, 35. FirstHospitality 30 Beach, tL Hospitality Management, NorthPalm 35.Driftwood 41 MD Hospitality, Silver Spring, 37.Sunburst *rTarsadia Hotels, Newport Beach, CA 38. 36 VA Hotels & Resorts, Fairfax, 39.Crescent 2l 7 CA SanFrancisco, 40. Stanford Hotels Corporation, t3 41.CooperHoteh,Memphis,TN 23 Hills,Ml Inc.,Farmington 42.Trans InnsManagement, 15 43.MeyerJabaraHotels,WestPalmBeach,FL 18 44.BaywoodHotels,lnc.,Greenbelt,MD NY Hotel Group, NewYork, 45.**Morgans 25 [[C,Monroe, [A Management, 46. InterMountain 33 Wl Milwaukee, 47. Marcus Hotels & Resorts, 12 48.MercuryHotelsGroup,Woodbridge,Nl [LC,Charlotte, NC 49. SREE Hotels, Hl Hotels Honolulu, &Resorts, 50.0utrigger 10 0 24 7 129 345 217 73 85 103 191 78 122 39 44 57 220 27 123 57 20 76 31 t9 4 30 4l 41 9 3 26 7 22 43 63 16 26 38 34 21 32 18 13 't3 22 23 19 35 10 , 3 7 11 12 25 0 62000 67,000 3i,02436,664 27,01327,042 25,19125J91 25,00025,000 25.48122,913 13,83122,699 1268919.021 19,394t6,6tt 15.93515,935 16,08515,029 15,56815,025 14,32514,585 9,772 14.640 10,15010,702 5,450 10J09 9,586 9,586 9,129 9,556 8,494 8,505 9,044 &347 6,214 8,324 8,000 8,200 7,631 8,152 8,432 7,578 6,779 6,779 6,6{1 6,579 6,678 6,426 6,33t 6,338 5,531 6,241 s,990 6,040 5,950 5,941 4559 5,835 5,450 5,450 5,295 5,415 4,411 4,916 8,083 4820 4,934 4,450 4,324 4,195 2,140 4,153 4,048 d048 4,144 4,032 1,903 3,900 3,501 3,639 2,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,084 3,458 340 3,201 0 3,200 2,943 3,150 3,398 l)27 116 345 217 72 85 r03 206 82 124 39 43 N/A 223 25 120 56 20 86 31 19 4 35 65 N/A I 5 26 7 23 43 63 16 26 38 38 21 31 13 t6 't3 25 30 21 45 12 40 11 21 30 6 63,000 36,664 27,042 24,801 25,000 22,913 24,400 19,987 17,017 15,935 14,755 N/A 14,568 11,741 10,500 9,600 9,586 12,000 8,518 &358 8,324 9.200 10,000 N/A 6,779 12,000 6,426 6338 6,361 6,040 6,s49 5,835 5,450 5.415 5,764 4,820 N/A H/A 4,650 4,048 4,567 4,400 3,896 4,500 N/A 3,830 3,203 3,574 3,97s 1,127 Westin, Sheraton Maffiott, Hilton,IHG Maniott, Jameson, Marrioft, Hilton Hilton Maniott.Staruood, Holiday Inn Embassy Suites, Sheraton, Maniott,Hilton,Stanvood Marriott. Hilton ManiottHoliday Inn Embassy Suites, Residence Inn,SpringHill Suites Courtyard, Hilton,ManiottStarwood Hyatt Maniott,Hilton, Hilton,lHG. Shrwood, Inn,Hampton Inn Fairfield Inn,Comfort Hyatt,Sheraton, Doubletee Days Inn 8,Comfort Inn/Comfort Suites, Super Maniott,Hihon,Starwood Westin Maniott, Renaissance, Maniott,Hilton,Hyatt Maniott Westin, Hilton, FourSeasont ManiottFairmont Gaylord N/A Starwood, Hyatt,Marriott Maniott,Hilton, Wyndham Westin, Hilton Sheraton, lHG,Wyndham Hilton, Hilton, IHG Maniott, Rosen Maniott, Hilton, Choice Hilton,Mariott,Stanrood InnExpress Inn,Holiday Courtyard byManioft,Hampton Westin. Sheraton, Hyatt byManiott,Maniott Embassy Suites, Courtyard Mariott,Hilton, Gdson Maniott, Hilton,lHG Crowne Plaza, Sheraton. Hihon Inn&Suites, Holiday InnExpress Clarion, Comfort Hilton, Maniott, Choice Maniott,Hilton, Starwood Hilton, Doubletree, Sheraton Plaza Hilton, Holiday Inn,Garden Maniott,lHG, Hilton Maniott,Hilton, Sheraton IHG Mariott,Hilton, N/A Hyatt Maniott,Hilton, IHG Hilton, Staruood, Hilton. Choice, Mercury Maniot,Hilton, Starwood Hotels &Resorts,0hana Hotels &Resorts Outrigger * proiects in pipeline as of 6/30/09 ** based on information provided on company's website as N/A means information was not applicable or available, of Auqust 2009 Rankedby numberof rooms (endof 2008) PA 51.Shaner HotelGroup, State College, 20 20 3,092 3,092 25 3,s38 ManiottHoliday Inn,Hilton 9 9 3,057 3,057 9 3,057 Peabody Hotels, Hilton, Hampton Inn&Suites lodging Group, Annapolis, MD 53.Thayer 13 14 2,743 3,059 N/A N/A 54. VailResorb, Brcomfield, C0 18 18 3,066 3,036 t9 3,067 Marriott WA 55.IheDowHotelCompany, Seattle, 10 10 3,021 3,021 10 3,021 ||ilton, Radisson, Maniott Inc.,SiouxFalls, 56.IheRamkota Companies. 5D 20 18 3,586 2,987 21 3,300 Hospitality [[C,Waterford, CI 57,Waterford Gtoup, 20 20 2,925 2,956 21 3,076 MarriottHilton Betheda, MD 58. UryoHotels, 21 19 3,592 2,796 19 2,796 Maniott,Hilton,Stanvood LLC, Durham, ltlC 59.TheGeneration Companies, lHG,Choice Tl'l 52. Peabody HotelGroup, Memphis, Maniott, Hilton, Wyndham BestWestem, €lubHouse, Radisson 22 2s 2,369 2,763 26 2,817 losAngeles, 50. loweHospitality Group, CA 8 8 2,?7t 2,750 8 3,165 lN 61.WhiteLodging Services Corporation, Menillville 5 16 891 2,742 2'1 3,440 Maniott,Hilton,Starwood 52. Milestone Hoepitality Management, Boca Raton, F[ 15 15 2,533 2,552 t5 2,552 Hilton, lHG,Best Westem Hotels, 63.NewCastle Shelton, CI il/A 13 15 2,250 2,s05 15 2,164 64.IheHotel Group, Edmonds,WA 9 9 2,290 2,290 10 2,5s0 Hospitality Group, NewYork, NY 65.Denihan 8 9 1,988 2,285 9 2,343 AffiniaHotels, TheBenjamin, TheJames 13 14 3,1q1 6 \n8 2,088 2,024 2,024 22 6 HotelSiena, AviaHotels, HyattSummerfield Suites FourSeasons, Hilton, Marriott Ks 66. todgeWo*r,t.P.,Wichita, Partners, Chicago, l[ 67.lodging Capital 2,360 Starwood, Maniott, Hilton lHG,Hilton FairlalVA 58. Barcel6 Crestline Corporation, Northbrook, lI 69.laneHospitality, 7 I 1,489 1,890 8 1,890 ManiottStanvood, Hihon 10 10 1,877 1,8t7 10 1,877 Hilton, Crowne Plaza, Holidav Inn 70. Commonwealth Hotels [C, Covington, KY 20 15 3,697 1,858 23 2,723 71.Shular Gulfport, MS Company, 14 15 1,616 1,742 It 1,988 72 Southern HostHospitality, [[C,Boasier Oty,[A 12 14 r,350 r,670 15 2,000 London, Kingdom 73.TheRocco Forte Collection, United 11 11 1,655 1,656 13 1,960 N/A 74. EliteHospitality, Ormond Beach, FL 17 17 1,563 r,563 17 1,553 Maniott, Hilton, IHG Maniott, Hilton, Choice Voorhees, NJ 75.Ruchi Enterprises, 16 17 1,402 1,562 17 1,562 76. KPartners Hospitality SanAntoniqTX Group, 10 15 980 1,436 16 1,518 77,AMCDelancey Group, Inc.,Philadelphia, PA 5 5 1,415 1,415 4 1,171 Hilton,Maniott,Hyatt lHG,Hampton InnbyHilton, BestWestern Holiday Westem InnExpress, Inn&Suiteq Best Quality Manio0Hilton,IHG Radisson, Holiday Inn Sheraton, 78.lMlCHohls, Columbia, SC 14 t5 1,274 1,367 15 1,361 Larkspur, 79.larkspur Hotek& Restaurants, CA t1 11 1,351 1,351 11 1,351 TheLarkspur Collection, larkspur landing, larkspur Hoteh WestHartford. CT 80, Konover HotelCorpontion, 19 17 1.650 t1 1,335 lHG,Hilton, Gdson 81.HighHotels [td,Lancaster, PA 10 10 1,2t0 't,270 10 1,270 9 10 r,20s 1,204 11 1,354 't,185 LLC, Vancouver. WA 82. Vesta Hospitality, r,335 Hampton Inn,Comfort Suites, Wingate byWyndham Hilton, Maniott Hilton, Maniott,IHG Hotels Limited, Vancouver, BC 83.Coast 5 7 9 5 3 1,185 Hotels, NewYork,l{Y 84.Thompson 6 8 1 4 4 1,155 9 1,255 85.Hedtage Hotels &Resorts, Albuquerque NM 6 7 9 0 2 981 7 981 Inc.,Chattanooga, TN 86.3HGroup, Inc.,Freeport, l[ 87.SwiftHospitality Group, 6 7 9 6 10 0 6 972 12 1,259 11 1,000 Country Inn& Suites, Cambria Suites, Comfort Inn Modestq CA 88. RimHospitalig, 89.Innkfree Hotels, GulfBreeze, F[ 3 4 5 6 8 729 5 1,129 Hilton Maffiott,Staruood, 7 5 8 8 5 f 701 Hilton, lHG, Hyatt Wilton, NH 90.Roedel Companies, 5 5 6 5 0 650 6 7n HiltonGarden Inn,Holiday InnExpress, Hampton Inn&Suites vA 91.Salamander Hospitality, Middleburg, 2 2 5 2 8 I 628 4 1 lL 92.Janko Hospitality, Downen Grcve, 12 5 Pooler, 94.lmageHotels, GA 6 6 5 lrving, TX 95.KriyaManagement Group, 7 7 4 ]lotelDevelopment Partners, F[ 96.American Sarasota, 0 HotelSolutions, Inc.,Houston, TX 97.Integrated 3 VA 98.Newport Hospitality Grou0InqWilliamsburg, 7 10o.lnfinity Hotel Group, Atco, Nl 38 628 N/A 582 Holiday InnExpress, Staybridge Suites, Hampton Inn I 763 Residence Inn,Courtyard, Homewood Suites byHilton 1 5 515 8 755 8 6 486 6 421 Comfort Suites, [a Quinta, Wingate byWyndham Gndlewood Suites. Holiday Inn,Holiday InnExpress 5 9 N/A Maniott, lHG,Wyndham 12 5 2 701 490 4 ? 888 Thompson Hotels 582 4 s35 11 livingston, NJ 93.TheBriad Group, Enterprises, Dallas, TX 99.Encore 682 Hotels Coast & Resorts 1 Hilton,Mariott Staruood 0 445 9 837 3'rs 440 9 800 lHG,Hilton, Choice 2 430 4 530 Hilton,Marriott,Choice 4,173 333 315 315 ( 632 6 409 Mariott,Hilton, Radisson Maniott,Choice, BestWestern N/A means information was nol applicable or available. * proiects in pipeline as of 6/30/09 *" based on information provided on company's website as of August 2009 (631)246-9300. Reprinted bypermission of ICDPublications,45 Research WaySuite106,E.Setauket, NY11733-0854. #1-27032405 Reprinted byTheYGSGroup,717.505.970'1. Formoreinformation visitvww.theYcSgroup.comkeprints. '- *,}:- qgIRlD "n@r",, ,,.9,*,, "F".. K[[]t"nrnu @ "$:i,.F" "- '-t< '--n) !:l,P.VFq,,"*lu[?.1,,u^.-.
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