Volume 6 Issue 6 - Fargo Public Schools
Volume 6 Issue 6 - Fargo Public Schools
DAVIES HIGH SCHOOL EAGLES REPORT Honor - Integrity – Pursuit of Excellence Volume 6, Issue 6 Davies High School Administrators Sean Safranski Assistant Principal February 2016 Dear Davies Parents, Semester two is off to a great start and as we move toward the mid-point of quarter three we are already planning ahead for the 2016-17 school year. The registration process is under way with counselors presenting to all 9th-11th grade students. These presentations are designed to guide students into making the best choices possible for the following year. Students will begin registering in early February on the following dates: Freshman Sophomores & Juniors Troy Cody, Principal Dr. Dale Miller Assistant Principal Web Site: www.fargo.k12.nd.us February 3 February 9 As students make their course selections for next year, it is important to consider the following: When registering for classes students are making a commitment to be in that class the following school year. Requests to drop or add classes next fall will be considered, but often we are unable to grant schedule changes and students will be forced to stick with the original schedule they committed to in February. The master schedule is determined by student requests. From these requests, teachers are contracted and sections determined. The schedule and teacher placements are done with the goals of maintaining appropriate classroom sizes and being fiscally responsible with the limited resources available. Choices need to be made knowing that a schedule change request that is made next fall may not be granted if a student changes their mind. In the event you or your child has questions about classes or the academic plan for the upcoming year please contact your child’s counselor and they will be happy to guide you through the process. February 10 will mark the date of our three week grade check. This grade check will be used to determine academic eligibility for all students participating in activities and will be first level of Support System for Academic Success. Students who are performing below 65% in a class will be identified by classroom teachers and a discussion will take place with the student and their parents about a plan for addressing the student’s academic needs. This year Fargo Public School will be hosting an AdvancEd School Improvement team to determine if Fargo Public and its entire school system meets the standard being accredited. AdvancEd is the most renowned school accreditation organization in the world committed to helping schools foster ongoing processes for evaluation and improvement. Lenny Ohlhauser Activities Director Davies High School Davies High School 7150 25th St. S Fargo, ND 58104 701-446-5600 701-446-5910 FAX I would like to remind you that Parent Teacher Conferences will be held February 8 & 17 from 4:30-7:30 PM. Research tells us that one of the most important things a parent can do to support their child’s success to if stay engaged and involved in their learning. Parent Teacher Conferences give parents an opportunity to meet teachers in person and make connections that will last the entire semester. We look forward to a successful second semester and hope to see you during our evening conferences. Sincerely, Sean Safranski Davies High School Assistant Principal Fargo Public Schools Mission Statement Achieving excellence by educating and empowering all students to succeed” DAVIES MAIN OFFICE Office Number .............................................. 446-5600 Troy Cody, Principal ..................................... 446-5604 Dr. Dale Miller, Asst. Principal (A-K) .......... 446-5607 Sean Safranski, Asst. Principal (L-Z) ............ 446-5606 Lenny Ohlhauser, Activities Coordinator ..... 446-5608 Debbie Clapp, Admin. Asst. ......................... 446-5605 Cathy Pauly, Activities Sec. .......................... 446-5609 Lana Steffen, Bookkeeper ............................. 446-5619 STUDENT SERVICES Vanessa Boehm, Counselor (A-E) 446-5612 Jennifer Toso-Kenna, Counselor (F-K) 446-5614 Debbi Osowski, Counselor (L-Q) 446-5613 Anita Mahnke (R-Z) 446-5615 Dona Sabby, Registrar 446-5616 Laurie McKeever, Career Center 446-5617 ATTENDANCE Michelle Schnarr (A-K) ................................ 446-5611 Toni Nelson (L-Z) ......................................... 446-5610 DAVIES HIGH SCHOOL CULTURE PLAN Fargo Public School Mission Statement “Achieving excellence by educating and empowering all students to succeed” Davies High School Belief Statement We believe in the development of self-reliant students who have the power and responsibility to contribute to a positive school culture. We believe in “Honor, Integrity, and the Pursuit of Excellence”. Inherent in these words are the core character strengths of Caring, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, Fairness, Lifelong Learning, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness. By promoting these character strengths, we will establish a sense of school community and pride where all students have the opportunity to grow, to learn, and to become self-sustaining individuals. Davies High School Character Strengths Caring - Be considerate. Be compassionate. Express gratitude. Citizenship - Participate in making the school and community better. Obey school rules. Volunteer. Critical Thinking – Clarify and set goals. Evaluate and analyze information. Actively participate in the l learning process. Fairness – Be honest, just, and open minded. Act without favoritism or prejudice. Lifelong Learning - Accept and seek new challenges in learning both inside and outside of school. Respect - Honor the dignity, privacy, and freedom of all individuals. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Responsibility - Be accountable and accept the consequences for what you do and/or don’t do. Be selfdisciplined. Think before you act. Set a good example for others. Trustworthiness - Be honest and do what you say you’re going to do. Davies High School Culture Goals Long Term Goals 1. The Davies High School “Character Strengths” initiative will include a meaningful awareness program that assists all students in developing the character strengths of Caring, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, Fairness, Lifelong Learning, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness. 2. The Davies High School “Character Strengths” program will reach out to the community as a full partner in the character strength development building process by providing educational opportunities for community members to model the character strengths of Caring, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, Fairness, Lifelong Learning, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness. School Motto “Honor, Integrity, and the Pursuit of Excellence” Kindergarten Registration for Fall 2016 opens online at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/registration on February 1, 2016. Child must be age 5 by July 31, 2016 to attend school in the fall. Registration can be completed at home online anytime or at computer kiosks in the office at each Fargo Public elementary school building on the following dates: February 22, 24, 26 – 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. February 23, 25, 29 – 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Once online registration has been completed, families MUST bring the following documents to the school their child will attend to finalize their child’s registration: Child’s certified birth certificate Child’s current immunization record Document (i.e. current city utility bill or bank statement) that includes parent/guardian name and address to verify the correct neighborhood school If you do not know which school your child will attend, call 701.446.1043 or check online at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/boundarymaps. If your child will attend Eagles Elementary School, please bring your documents to either Centennial or Lincoln Elementary School for processing. Questions? Call the school office or Betsy Beaton at 701-446-1043. SUMMER SCHOOL It’s hard to believe we are already talking about summer school, but we wanted to send out some information regarding the upcoming summer school sessions. 2016 Summer School Dates: Session 1: Session 2: June 2 - June 22 June 23 – July 15 (Vacation: July 4 – July 5) The summer school book will be sent to print on January 15th, so you will receive your books around January 22nd. The registration book will be available online around January 15 at www.fargosummerschool.com Registration will open on Wednesday, February 3rd. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me. PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES – FEBRUARY 2016 Conferences will be held February 8 and February 17 from 4:30-7:30 in the Main Gym. Teachers will be arranged in alphabetical order throughout the gym. Below is a schedule for teachers we share with other buildings. Please note the dates and times they will be available. TEACHER Beedy, Cassie Brendel, Sara Engel-Unger, Melanie Ercink, Jasmine Grygiel, Kara SUBJECT Language Arts Band World Languages ELL – Math World Languages – French Hansen, Kendra Nelson, Martha Peterson, Jane World Languages – Latin Math Art Pierce, Ryan Reichenbach, Rick Saari, Rebecca Streit, Ron Tech. Ed– Eng. & Comm. Business-Computer Prog. Drama Tech Ed. Business Thielges, Jason DATE February 8 February 17 February 8 February 17 February 17 February 8 February 17 February 17 February 8 February 8 February 17 February 17 February 8 February 8 February February 8 February 17 TIME 4:30 – 7:30 pm 4:30 – 7:30 pm 4:30 – 7:30 pm 4:30 – 6:00 pm 4:30 – 7:00 pm (H101) 4:30 – 7:00 pm 4:30 – 5:45 pm 4:30 – 7:00 pm 4:30 – 6:00 pm 4:30 – 7:00 pm 4:30 - 5:50 pm 4:30 – 6:00 pm 4:30 – 7:30 pm 4:30 – 7:30 pm 4:30 – 7:30 pm 4:30 – 7:30 pm CHEATING- DEFINED (page 31 of Student Handbook) Cheating is the act of giving or receiving aid without the specific consent of the teacher. It is an intentional act of breaking the rules in order to achieve personal gain through fraud or deceit. Cheating includes but is not limited to: Copying from another student’s assignment, project, test or homework without teacher consent for collaboration. Using material, or inappropriate procedures, during a test not authorized by the teacher. Sharing assignments, projects, tests, or homework with another student without approval. Soliciting or receiving unauthorized information about any assignment, project, test, or homework. PLAGIARISM – DEFINED (page 31 of Student Handbook) Plagiarism occurs when an individual deliberately uses someone else’s language, ideas or original material without acknowledging its source. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to: Copying someone else’s research. Claiming someone else’s words, ideas plots, characters, theories, opinions, concepts, design, or art work as one’s own by failing to give credit to the writer or creator. Paraphrasing the ideas of others or copying someone else’s words without citing the source appropriately. Submitting someone else’s text (paper) as one’s own. Carelessly or inadequately citing the ideas and words borrowed from another source. If a student has concerns or questions about how to cite material for a particular assignment, the student has a responsibility to consult his/her teacher. LUNCH MONEY Parents and Guardians – you may put money on your student’s account through the SCHOOL PAY PROGRAM. The same program you initially used to pay your students fees and lunch may be accessed all year to add money to their account. If you do the additions on-line you can see if your student is getting low on funds or even get at notice if they get down to a certain amount. The program also keeps a running account of usage. SCHOOL PAY Just a reminder that you can pay for activity fees, parking passes, lunch and more at School Pay with a credit card. Click on the PowerSchool icon, like the one you see below, on the Davies website or the Fargo Public Schools website. Use the username and password you initially used when you registered your student in August. If you are having a problem with your transaction you may call School Pay at 888-886-9729. STUDENT PERSONAL LEARNING DEVICE (PLD) INFORMATION Students and parents should be aware that the new HP Streams, given to all sophomores this year, need to always have the protective case on them. We are seeing a number of students who have removed those cases. The cases are there to protect the computer and need to be left on at all times. If the device is damaged and does not have a case on it, students will be charged an additional $20 fee for the negligence, on top of the $20 repair fee. Additionally, if the device is damaged beyond repair without the case on it, you will be responsible for the full cost of the device. Please make sure those cases are on the computers. If there are any issues please see the library. REPORTING ABSENCES If your student is going to be absent because of an illness, out of town, appointment, etc., please call the Attendance Secretaries, Michelle Schnarr (A-K) at 446-5611 or Toni Nelson (L-Z) at 446-5610. If you call in advance you do not need to send a note with your student. If your student has an appointment, please call or send a note with your student prior to the appointment. In doing so, your student may pick up a slip from the attendance office and be excused from class without interrupting the class. Also please have your student bring a note from the medical institution as verification of the appointment. INDIAN EDUCATION PROGRAM Agassiz Building 1305 9th Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103 Office: 701-446-3052 www.fargo.k12.nd.us/indian This program is available to those who identify with a Native American heritage. Contact the Indian Education Program for more information. MUSIC DEPARTMENT Choir Congratulations to the Davies Choir students that were selected to participate in North Dakota All-State in March. Also, congratulations to every student who put in the time and effort to audition in January. The next Davies Choir Solo Night is on Friday, February 12, 2016 at 7:30 pm in the Davies Theater. Davies Choirs will be presenting their Winter Concert on Tuesday, February 23 at 7:30 pm in the Davies Theater. Band Students Named to North Dakota All-State Band, Orchestra, and Jazz ensembles The most prestigious music event in North Dakota is the ND All-State music festival. This year Davies high school band has a total of twenty-one instrumental band students who made it into the ND All-State Festival. Myckynzie Schroeder (piccolo), Jayden Van Peursem (flute), Meghan Andreachi, (oboe), Rachel Ostlund (Eb clarinet), Rachel Danielson (clarinet), Parish Halle, (bass clarinet), Ben Nelson (baritone sax), Jacob Henne (trumpet), Jason Xiong (horn), Everett Glower (tuba), and Andrew Haarsager (percussion) made it into the All-State Band. Lexi Belk (flute), Isaac Weintraub (oboe), Evren Akyuz (bassoon), Anna Wurzer (clarinet), Michelle Johnson (horn), Casey Diers (horn), and Neelay Patel (percussion) are the wind instrumentalists that made it into the North Dakota All-State Orchestra. Libby LeDoux (alto sax), Sam Sharpe (trombone) and Matthew Rohleder (bass trombone) made it into the North Dakota All-State Jazz Band. Also, Mason Gourde (trumpet) and Madi Skadberg (horn) were named alternates to these ensembles. Thank you to all the students who auditioned for the event. University of Mary Jazz Festival The University of Mary Jazz Festival took place on the University of Mary campus in Bismarck, ND on Jan. 29-30. The competition is similar to a state level competition. The festival gives out several different awards. The Outstanding Soloist award goes to individuals who demonstrate outstanding playing in their solos, written or improvised. Outstanding Band awards go to bands that perform at a very high level of musicianship. This year the Jazz III band received an Outstanding Big Band Award. Sam Sharpe, Andrew Haarsager, Libby LeDoux, Josiah Burkman, Mark Pettinger, Brian Rapp, and Alyssa Nelson received Outstanding Soloist Awards. At the end of the festival, one outstanding instrumentalist award is given. We are proud to have our own Libby LeDoux receive this very prestigious award. Raging Red Band Festival The Raging Red Band Festival takes place on March 8 at NDSU and is an opportunity for the entire band to perform for judges and for bands from around the area. Each band is allowed to perform for twenty minutes and will then receive twenty minutes of clinic time. Students in band have to collaborate to create a musical performance that will be heard by judges as well as their peers. A couple communities that have participated in the festival in the past include Grand Forks, Moorhead, Central Cass, and West Fargo. Bands receive a gold, silver, and bronze rating. Also, judges have the opportunity to recognize outstanding soloists and sections within the band. Parents are welcome to attend the event at Festival Hall at NDSU. NDHSAA EDC Ensemble Festival The NDHSAA EDC Band Ensemble Festival is on March 17 and is at NDSU. Each student is placed in one to two ensembles. These ensembles perform for adjudication and ratings at the festival. Each event can receive a rating of a state star, regional star, I, II, or a III. A special award called an Outstanding Performance Award is given to one event per room. Students have been hard at work before and after school to get these events ready. EDC Ensemble Festival is open to parents to attend. Private Lessons Davies Band department strongly encourage students to study privately with one of the many renowned college faculty in the area. These college faculty members are incredible musicians, get along great with kids, and are very affordable. There is a list of names and contact information for private instructors in the area on the Davies Band website. International Music Camp IMC is a summer fine arts camp at the Peace Gardens that provides opportunities in many different art forms. Some include jazz band, composition, photography, band, orchestra, art, etc. All students are highly encouraged to take advantage of the camp. There is more information about the camp online. Music Calendar of Events February 12 Choir Solo Night February 18 Jazz Band Concert (only Jazz III) February 22 Orchestra Rocks Concert – 7:30 February 23 Choir – Winter Concert March 17 EDC Ensemble at NDSU May 5 Band Concert May 19 Jazz Band Concert Orchestra You are invited to join the Davies Orchestras for a night of Hard Rock and Heavy Metal on Monday, February 22 at 7:30pm in the Davies Auditorium. The “Orchestra Rocks!” concert features classic rock anthems from Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, The Who, Queen, Michael Jackson and more. Featuring the Davies Vivace Choir and members of the Davies Wind Ensemble this is a concert not to be missed! Admission is free and open to the public. “ORCHESTRA ROCKS!” Concert Monday Feb. 22nd 7:30pm Davies Theater Congratulations to the following Davies Orchestra Students successfully auditioned and were chosen to be a part of the 2016 All-State Orchestra. The NDMEA All-State Festival will be held March 20-22nd at the Bismarck Civic Center. Lydia Choi Vanessa Hellner-Born Atiya Khan Kaitlyn Knudsvig Megan Lorenz Abigail Moser Julia Osborne Nataly Routledge Saige Thurlow Catherine Xu Special congratulations to Kaitlyn Knudsvig who performed the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with the Minot Symphony Orchestra on January 30th. She will also be performing with the Fargo-Moorhead Youth Symphonies on Sunday Feb. 21st at 4:00pm at NDSU Festival Concert hall as the winner of this year’s concerto contest. Way to go Katie! SOUTH SIDE SKI & SNOWBOARD CLUB Any student interested in the Ski and Snowboard Club is encouraged to sign up for the March 12th trip to Spirit Mountain in Duluth. The price is $70, please email Mr. Taragos at [email protected] with any questions. KEY CLUB The Davies High School Key Club participated in the annual Eagles Helping Eagles program during the Holiday Season. This program aims to assist students at Davies who are in need of necessities or a “pick me up” around the Holidays; as selected by teachers who see certain needs within their student populations. This program is funded solely by donations of individuals into this student focused fund. Key Club was able to purchase gifts for 49 Davies students ranging from cold weather clothing to personal hygiene products. These gifts were wrapped and delivered before the Holiday break.” PaY Members of PaY have been busy getting their site visits completed. When the site visits are over, members will decide what organizations they want to recommend for grant money. They will then put together a final report which will be due March 4. PaY members will share their recommendations with a community panel on March 14 at Barry Hall on the downtown campus of NDSU. The Barry Foundation will also be opening up the Summer Internship opportunity as well. Applications for a summer internship will be due March 11. Other opportunities for students will be to apply to be a member of the leadership team. Applications for that opportunity are also due March 11. DECA DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management in high schools and colleges around the world. More information can be found online at www.deca.org. PROJECT UNIFY Project Unify students at Davies High School worked on an event that aims to promote social inclusion between all students. The fourth annual “Project Unify” Prom Fashion Show was held on Saturday, January 30 at Davies High School. Project Unify students organized more than 30 students, with and without disabilities, who modeled the latest prom fashions arm-in-arm down a fashion runway setting. Dresses and tuxedos for the event were provided by Alan Evans Bridal and Tip Top Tux. Other local businesses donated goods and services to be used as event door prizes. Proceeds raised by ticket sales for the event will benefit Gigi’s Playhouse, a place for children and adults with Down syndrome and their families to learn, play, and interact. Gigi’s Playhouse offers educational and therapeutic programming. More information about the organization can be found on the Gigi’s Playhouse website. “Project Unify” seeks to bridge the social gap between the two groups of students with a series of events and activities throughout the school year. Project Unify is in its fourth year at Davies and was started as a DECA studentorganized club. Katie Bye, Ashley Matter, Lexi Belk, Alysse Glasner and Zach Peters were key members in setting up the January 30th event. PROM FASHION SHOW Our Runway Royalty for the Evening Isaiah Sandry and Meghan Schneider Osman Sharawe and Taylor Zetocha Jonathan Brooks and Samantha Pich Kelvin Opp Redd Jacobson and Nisha Prasai Osman Sharawe and Katie Bye Nisha Prasai, Madison Petrick, Jessica Bye, Brooke Pella, Taylor Zetocha, Lexi Belk, Katie Bye, Ellen Trotter, Heidi Bertsch. Front: Adam VanCamp Isaiah Sandry & Heidi Bertsch THEATER Next Show Thursday February 18th @7:30 pm Admission: $2.00 at the door. Davies High Theatre will present ONE-ACT Play GARB AGE & The Musical Revue Little Women Davies Theater Cost: FREE February 11th at 7:30 pm Davies High School Annual Talent Show Open Auditions March 31 and April 1 4 pm Davies Theater Grand Prize Valued at $250.00 See Rebecca Saari or Carter Ridl for full information of rules and eligible acts. YEARBOOKS – SENIOR PICTURES – GRAD ADS YEARBOOKS – If you ordered a 2014-15 yearbook, please pick it up in the main office at Davies. We have several yearbooks that have been paid for that have NOT been picked up. Senior Pictures are due by March 7, 2016. Seniors can submit either a color or black and white picture to the main office. We suggest a face shot if possible and all photos must be portrait (vertical). Digital photos are accepted. They can be emailed to [email protected]. (All photographs submitted must be school appropriate for publication.) Grad Ads for the 2016 Yearbook will be sold through March 29, 2016. We encourage ads that feature your senior in his/her younger years. We also encourage parents to consider sharing an ad with a group of seniors, like “Jazz Band Buddies”. An order form that includes sizes and prices for this year’s Grad Ads will be sent to seniors in January. If you have any questions about Senior Pictures or Grad Ads, please feel free to call Jenna Johnson at 701-446-5751 DO YOU HAVE A CHANGE OF INFORMATION? As we are now using on line registration - you may make changes to telephone numbers, addresses etc. for your student/s ANYTIME during the school year. Use the same user name and password you used when you registered your student to make any changes. All Fargo Public School mail is returned to us, nothing is forwarded. So it is very important we have up to date information. Also, with the ‘Connect Ed’ notifications going out to you via the telephone numbers and email addresses; it is another reason to have your student’s information up to date. (‘Connect Ed’ is how you are notified of conference dates, school closings etc.) You of course may still call the main office 446-5600 or 446-5616 to make changes if you choose not to use the on-line method. NURSES CORNER SELF-ESTEEM Self-esteem is formed early in life. Self-esteem is the collection of pictures that children carry around with themselves; of how they fit in and who they are. Even though children make these decisions internally, parents have a tremendous influence on the unconscious decisions children form. The way parents communicate with words and actions can help children to thrive or fail. Here are some suggestions to help raise your child's self-esteem. Watch out for having overly high expectations for your child, comparing siblings, or making your love conditional on their behavior. Separate the deed from the doer. Deal with the behavior making it clear that you love the child, but you don't like crayon drawings on the wall. Listen to your children and take them seriously. They are forming their ideas and opinions. How they think today may be different from how they think tomorrow, but they still need their parent's ear and support. They need validation that their opinions are important. Stay away from the use of praise. Praise may seem to work when things are going well and when the child is succeeding. However, your children may be learning to be “approval junkies." This means they believe they are okay only if someone else tells them they are okay. If you overuse praise, what do you do when your child is failing? That's when they need encouragement the most, like the right word or a gesture that lets them know, "You're all right!" Value the uniqueness of each child. Avoid comparisons and work at finding out who your children are instead of trying to get them to live up to a picture of who you think they should be. Work on your own self-esteem. The better you like and accept yourself with your own mistakes and shortcomings, the better model you will be to your children about self acceptance and having a healthy self-esteem too. PARKING Students must have a FPS parking permit ($20) to park in the lot. During the school year the permits are available in the main office. Please note: NO PARKING, PICK-UP or DROP-OFF is allowed in the bus loop. STUDENT PERMITS ARE TO BE DISPLAYED IN THE REAR WINDOW ON THE DRIVERS SIDE. IMPORTANT – If your son or daughter is driving a different vehicle than they normally drive – PLEASE make sure they check in with the security desk and leave the vehicle information with them. If they come before 7:30 am they need to check in with the main office. ACTIVITY FEES Fargo Public Schools charges an activity fee ($50) for each activity/sport in which a student participates. Students have to pay these fees BEFORE they can participate in an activity/sport. A student is obligated to pay up to and no more than three (3) fees per school year. If they participate in four (4) or more activities/sports the fourth activity does not have a fee. A ‘Fee Waiver’ application is available if you are not able to pay the $50 fee for a sport/activity. The form is available in the school office. The waiver application will be submitted to the Activities Director for determination of qualification. **NEW ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR FPS** Students must be making satisfactory progress toward the school’s requirements for graduation. The school where the student is fully enrolled and regularly attends shall determine satisfactory progress. Failure to acquire progress toward earning two and one half credits at grade check time will make him/her ineligible for a minimum of 3 weeks, and may become eligible at the next grade check, if making progress toward earning two and half credits. The next check for eligibility is Wednesday, February 10, at 8:00 am. FROM STUDENT SERVICES REGISTRATION Students received registration materials during classroom visits in January. We will be returning to classrooms in February to complete the registration process. Freshman English: February 3 ELL English: February 4 Sophomore English: February 9 Junior English: February 9 Students that are absent on the days identified above are asked to stop in student services upon their return. ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR AP EXAMS STARTING IN FEBRUARY Dates: February 29 (8:00 a.m.) – March 16 (11:00 p.m.) Late fee registration closes on March 30 (11:00 p.m.) Cost: $97 per exam ($55 late fee after 11:00 pm. on March 16) Where: Online: www.TotalRegistration.net/AP/350569 For the 2016 AP exams, students at Ronald N Davies High School will be registering online. This registration will take a few minutes and can be completed from any computer with internet access. This year each AP exam costs $97.00. Ronald N Davies High School desires that every student be able to take their AP exams. Students requiring financial assistance should contact Mrs. Debbi Osowski, [email protected], in the Student Services to learn more. Online Exam registration will begin on Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 8:00 AM and end on Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 11:00 PM. This is the ordering window for the regular exam fee of $97.00. This allows Davies High School to meet the priority deadline for ordering exams and pre-administration materials. The ordering site will be kept open until Wed, March 30 at 11:00 pm as exams are still able to be ordered after the initial priority deadline. It is important to note that exams ordered after 11:00 pm on Wed, March 16 will be assessed a late fee of $55 per exam. In order to register, students should click on the link provide on the school website or visit www.TotalRegistration.net/AP/350569 to register .To complete registration, students must answer all of the required questions. Registration is not complete until students have printed the pdf of the confirmation page that is provided at the end. We know that parents may desire to register their students for exams. We strongly recommend that parents and students are both present while registering to ensure that the correct exams are ordered. Ronald N Davies High School is excited to offer families the convenience of paying exam fees online at the time of registration. Please be sure to have a credit card or debit card available before beginning registration. Paying online is a great way to make sure that payment has been made while avoiding mailing payment. Here are the important dates for the registration process: Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 8:00 AM - Registration Begins Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 11:00 PM - Registrations and payments after this date will incur a $55 late fee per exam. Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 11:00 PM - Registration Ends Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 11:00 PM - Registrations that have not been paid for will be cancelled and exams will not be ordered. Please contact Mrs. Debbi Osowski, [email protected] / 446-5613 , if you would like to register for an exam not listed or have any questions. Week 1 Morning (8:00am – noon) Afternoon (Noon – 4:00 pm) Monday, May 2 Chemistry Psychology Tuesday, May 3 Computer Science A Physics 1:Algebra-Based Wednesday, May 4 Physics 2: Algebra-Based Thursday, May 5 English Literature and Composition AP Calculus AB Friday, May 6 United States History European History Week 2 Morning (8:00 am – noon) Afternoon (Noon-4:00 pm) Monday, May 9 Biology Tuesday, May 10 United States Government and Politics English Language and Composition Wednesday, May 11 Macroeconomics Thursday, May 12 Friday, May 15 ACT STATE-MANDATED TESTING The ACT state-mandated test will be for all juniors on March 15th. You will need to know… All registration and pre-test administration activities will take place at Davies State-mandated testing is free to all students You MUST have a picture ID in order to take the test—a driver’s license or school ID are sufficient. Testing will start promptly at 8:05 even if you do not have a period one class. Late arrivals will not be allowed to take the test on the 15th. No electronic devices will be allowed in the testing rooms. Only permissible calculators will be allowed, and you must have your own—you may not share. A list of permissible and prohibited calculators can be found at http://www.actstudent.org/faq/calculator.html. Failure to follow the rules could cause your test to be invalidated, or worst-case scenario, the whole school’s tests. Test time will take approximately four hours. What might help you on the test? Since this is the real ACT test, you should prepare just like you would for a national test date! FREE ACT test prep tools are available to you on the Test Gear program at RUReadyND.com. You have an account set up already from the career units you have done in the past. If you have forgotten your login information, Mrs. McKeever in the Career Center can help you. We will also host a test-prep session called “Zapping the ACT” presented by Doorway to College. This will take place on Monday and Tuesday, February 15th and 16th from 6:30-9 pm at Davies. The seminar fee is $89.99, and you can register online at http://www.doorwaytocollege.com/act-prep-classes. If the dates listed for Davies do not work in your schedule, there are other Zapping the ACT workshops offered at other high schools in Fargo prior to the March ACT. Please stop by and see your counselor if you have any questions. LAST CHANCE FOR THE WORKKEYS We have already had 5 students take and pass the three sections of the WorkKeys exam moving them one step closer to qualifying for the ND Career and Technical Education Scholarship. Congratulations to these students! Students who meet specific course requirements for the ND Career and Technical Education track of this scholarship are also required to either have a 24 composite on an ACT or a score of at least “5” on each of 3 WorkKeys assessments. This scholarship provides $1500/yr and is renewable for 4 years of college for those students attending a North Dakota school. The 3 WorkKeys assessments measure students’ ability in applied mathematics, reading for information, and locating information. Davies High School will again offer a computer-based version of these assessments to provide students with an opportunity to qualify for this scholarship. There is still one more chance to take this test to qualify. The test will be offered a final time on Thursday, February 11, starting at 1:00 pm. The cost of the WorkKeys is $24 (or $8 per test should a student need to retake only one or two tests.) To register, please bring your registration fee and sign up in Student Services. NORTH DAKOTA GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL Founded in 1990, the North Dakota Governor’s Schools (NDGS) have given over 1200 North Dakota High School students the opportunity to experience what life can be like on a college campus for 6 weeks in the summer. The program started with two areas of study, Mathematics, and Science, and now has expanded to include architecture/landscape architecture, engineering, English, information technology, performing arts, and visual arts. High school credit is given for participation in many of these programs. The North Dakota State Legislature graciously covers all costs for NDGS (tuition, room, board, etc.). There is a $100 activity fee. You may bring spending money for activities like free nights at the mall or occasionally ordering pizza. Laundry in the dorm you’re housed in is free. To apply for governor’s school, please visit the website at: https://www.ndsu.edu/govschool/. Deadline for applications is March 1, 2016. NORTH DAKOTA BOYS’ STATE Are you a junior boy interested in learning more about government or politics? Are you looking for a way to earn high school credit, while staying on a college campus and meeting new friends from around the state? If you answer yes to these questions, Boys’ State might be an excellent opportunity for you. Boys’ State is being held on the campus of ND State College of Science June 12-17, 2016. The cost of attendance at this conference is generously covered by our local American Legion Chapter. The only cost to the participant is $25 which covers a key deposit, t-shirt, and entrance to the Governor’s Ball. Davies can have 2 delegates in attendance. During this week on campus, delegates will have opportunities to create a campaign and run for office, make decisions as a legislator, and lead teams. Students who attend will have the opportunity to earn high school credit. Boys’ State is open to any junior boy, but may be of particular interest to members of DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, Student Council, and Debate. If you are interested, you can either pick up an application in Student Services or apply online at http://ndboysstate.org/wp/. NORTH DAKOTA GIRLS’ STATE Just like there are opportunities for boys to attend boys’ state, a similar opportunity exists for junior girls. Girls’ State will be held June 5-10, 2016 on the University of North Dakota campus. At Girls State, citizens are divided into cities, two cities form a county, and all counties combine to create the mock state of Flickertail Girls State. Citizens learn about city, county and state government by running for offices, holding elections, writing laws, and participating in various other activities. Participants don’t just hear about the government process- they are the process! The only requirement for attendance is that a (female) participant must have just completed her junior year of High School. The American Legion Auxiliary Girls State does not discriminate by race, creed, color, religion, disability, or grade point status. Like Boys’ State, the cost of attendance is covered by the local American Legion Auxiliary. If you are interested in attending girls’ state, you can apply online at http://ndgirlsstate.org/. SCHOLARSHIPS *With the launch of our new website, you will need to re-subscribe to our scholarship page! If you have not done so already, please follow these instructions from Kerby Engen: Step 1: Register 1. Click Register at the top of our website www.fargo.k12.nd.us/Davies to create your account 2. Enter your Birthdate and click Submit 3. Enter your First Name, Last Name, and Email Address 4. Enter a User Name that you prefer to use (we recommend using your email address) 5. Enter a Password that you prefer to use 6. Click the ‘ I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE SCHOOLWIRES TERMS OF USE’ 7. Click Submit Step 2: Sign In 1. Click Sign In located at the top of our website 2. Sign in using the User Name and Password that you created in Step 1 Step 3: Subscribe 1. Click here to go to the Fargo Davies Scholarships page 2. Click the Subscribe button on the page to continue to receive scholarship updates Step 4: User Options 1. Click User Options at the top of the website if you would like to set additional E-Alerts 2. Click Edit Account Settings from the dropdown menu 3. Click Subscriptions to manage your subscriptions 4. Click Manage Subscriptions to select Homepages that you would like to receive Content E-Alerts from 5. You can also click the Other Areas of Interest tab to select specific areas of our website 6. Click I’m Done to complete the subscription process Note: Whenever you are signed into our website you may see a Subscribe button on individual pages that will allow you to subscribe as well. Career/College Planning Activities February/March February March Sophomore Conferences Planning Your Future Night Monday February 8 Classroom Career Exploration Activity for 11th Grade Planning Your Future Monthly Seminar Sophomores and parents will meet with their counselor to review grades & transcripts, testing results and future academic planning. Classroom Career Activity Juniors – Tips for ACT Prep and College Search Sophomores - How to land your first job All Students/families are invited to attend this event. 5:00 p.m. AP/Dual Credit Info Session - Theater 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. College Fair - Commons 7:00 p.m. Scholarship & Financial Aid presentationTheater This event will include activities to help students and their parents navigate the sometimes confusing world of “life after high school”. 20 area colleges & military representatives will be here to share information and answer questions. At 7:00 p.m. there will a scholarship and financial aid presentation by Carolyn Zehren, Director of Scholarship & Financial Aid, MSUM “College Exploration/ACT Prep” Wednesday, March 2 - 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. How to…succeed at college Room H101 Classroom Career Exploration for 10th Grade “How to land that first job” ACT Test (Tuesday, March 15) All 11th graders will take the ACT test here at Davies. Students need to be here by 7:45 a.m. Monthly “Planning Your Future” Seminars: For the first time, Davies High School will be hosting monthly seminars that will address different college planning or career exploration topics. All students are invited to attend any or all of the sessions. We will have guest speakers present that month’s topic and answer your questions. Topics have been carefully selected to best meet the needs of our students. Please encourage your student to attend these seminars. Wednesday, March 2 - 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. How to…succeed at college Room H101 Planning for the Future... let the Career Center help! The Career Center is open to assist students and provide resources for “future” planning. Our resources include information about colleges, military, ACT/SAT test preparation, college scholarships, career exploration, and job shadow opportunities. Throughout the year, we have representatives from different colleges/universities that will set up a table in the commons. Students interested in the colleges can gather information and ask questions. Students and parents can access many career exploration resources at RUReadyND.com. For more information about the Career Center services, please contact Laurie McKeever at 701-446-5617 or [email protected] **Planning Your Future - Monday, February 8, 2016, from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. This event will include a "college & military fair", an Advance Placement/Dual Credit Info session and conclude with a general Financial Aid & Scholarship presentation, at 7:00 p.m. by Carolyn Zehren, Director of Scholarship & Financial aid at MSUM. All Davies students and their parents are encourage to attend the event. ACT/SAT COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMS The ACT and SAT are college entrance tests required by most 4 year colleges. Students should check with the specific schools they plan to apply to for the test needed. These tests are generally taken during the latter part of a student’s junior year and/or the beginning part of senior year. ACT TEST SCHEDULE: Test Date Registration Deadline Late Fee Required April 9, 2016 March 4 March 5 - 18 June 11, 2016 May 6 May 7 - 20 Davies School Code – 350-569 ACT Basic Fee: $39.50 ACT & Writing Test: $56.50 Late Registration Fee: $25.00 Register online: www.actstudent.org SAT TEST SCHEDULE: Test Dates Test Registration Deadline February 5 Late Registration Phone/Online only March 23 March 5, 2015 SAT only May , 2015 SAT + Subject Tests April 8 April 26 June 4, 2015 SAT + Subject Tests May 5 May 25 Davies School Code: 350-569 SAT Basic Fee: $54.50 SAT Subject Tests Fee: varies, see website Late Registration fee: $28.00 Register Online: www.collegeboard.org DAVIES SECOND QUARTER “A” HONOR ROLL *Indicates 4.00 GPA Maryan Abdullahi *Abigail Aberle Allison Aberle *Amelia Adank *Tehaam Adhami Abubakar Ahmed *Evren Akyuz Ali Alawi Mohamed Ali *Kelli Allard *Kate Almquist *Amal Altaf *Haniyah Altaf Karalyn Altendorf *Kyle Altendorf *Wyatt Amundson Brady Anderson Emily Anderson Jaden Anderson Joshua Anderson Kaitlyn Anderson Shane Anderson *Katherine Andreachi *Megan Andreachi *Jewell Atkins *Astrid Axtman Casey Axtman Kelsey Axtman *Delaney Bachman Ellea Bachmeier *Megan Badinger Alexandra Baer Andrew Baer Emma Bale *Robin Banks *Megan Barnick *Camden Barta Gabriel Bartunek *Catherine Bauske Paige Becher *Ryanna Becker Carson Behl Devin Behl Kaia Beil Alexia Belk Hannah Belka Alix Benson *Kylee Bergantine *Brooke Bergen Evan Bernhardson *Heidi Bertsch Paige Bettenhausen *Averi Beyer Carla Binde *Cole Birch *Jensen Bloom Jack Blotsky Isadora Bobby *Jessica Boreen Conner Bosch Jack Boub Samson Brasel *Abigail Brooks Cole Brooks Sydney Brusseau Hailey Bucholz *Santiago Bueno *McKenzie Burian *Lily Burkhart Josiah Burkman *Rachel Burkman Dorothy Burns Sarah Burns *Jarod Burnside *Allison Burud *Dylan Burwick *Bryce Bye Katelyn Bye Madeline Cano Joshua Carlson *Katelyn Carlson Leah Carlson Michelle Chadraa *Jasmine Chao Hiba Chaudhry *Momina Chaudhry *Belma Chpeljac Cheyenne Christensen George Christensen *Grace Christensen Hunter Christianson Jake Collins *Kailey Cologero Christina Conlin *James Cook Madison Cotney *Emily Coykendall Jada Crane Cy Cyr Czarina Dablow *Gillian Dahl *Morrisa Dahl *Connor Dahlvang *Matthewscott Dale Macie Danielson Sara Danielson Torie Danielson *Dyuti Dawn *Nathan De La Garza *Caecie DeBlaere Barimmeziga Deebom Elvira Dervisic Luke Devries *Casey Diers Jackie Dixon *Amanda Dolalie Derek Doughty *Jordyn Dreyer *Madison Drummond *Joshua Dudgeon *Cory Duffield Sasha Durand Emily Durow Alyssa Ege *Sydney Ege *Braden Ehlert Arima Emmanuel Lauren Engstrom Barrett Erickson *Brayden Erickson Hunter Erickson *Kai Erickson *Nate Eslinger Myles Evan *Sarah Faber *Fatma Fatouh Jamison Feske Camryn Fode *Sage Fogderud Taylor Ford Jenna Forknell Paxton Franke *Sophia Frappier Zahra Gaal *Nishita Gaba Alyssa Gaber Kelli Gaber Samantha Gaboury Fred Gaye *Grace Geffre *Max Gieser *Alysse Glasner Emma Glogoza *Everett Glower Bailey Glur *Rylee Goellner Hattie Gompf Josephine Gompf Jenna Gorder *Mason Gourde Charles Graf *Jake Graf *Erin Grensteiner Danielle Grove *Sadie Gunderson *Ishika Gupta Hemanta Gurung San Gurung *Andrew Haarsager Trevor Hagen *Salman Haider *Clifford Hall *Elizabeth Hall *Paige Hall Samuel Hall *Aaron Hallstrom DAVIES SECOND QUARTER “A” HONOR ROLL *Indicates 4.00 GPA Gabrielle Hansen Matthew Hansen Andrew Hanson *Katie Hanson Molly Hanson Parker Hanson *Miryley Hartel Shawn Harter *Rania Hassan McKenzie Hassler Payton Hausauer William Hella *Vanessa Hellner-Born Bailey Hennager Bridget Henne Jacob Henne Kori Hennebry Claire Hennum *Jaymeson Hensel Seth Herman *Aubrie Heyer *Ashley Hicks *Fallon Hill *Samuel Holten Nathan Horner Samantha Horner Bradley Hubert *Journey Hughes Theron Humphrey *Victoria Ihry Hailey Ingebretsen Anna Ingersoll Faysal Isamil Grace Ivesdal Trevor Jacklitch *Reed Jacobson Hannah Jahner Alicia Johnson Austen Johnson Garth Johnson Michelle Johnson Olivia Johnson *Paloma Johnson Tre` Johnson *Breon Jones Ian Jones Gavin Jorgenson Janna Jorgenson *Linnea Jorgenson *Nawal Kader *Isabel Kallmeyer Devon Kelly Michael Kelly Atiya Khan *Kaitlyn Kidder Elizabeth Kieffer Rhaegan Kiland Angel King Connor King Amanda Kittelson Jaden Klabo Kristin Klocke *Kameron Knoll Kaitlyn Knudsvig Samantha Knutson *Kenyon Koch *Ramata Korgho Makenzie Kotchman Alexandra Kotte Carly Kottsick Zachary Kraft *Hannah Krier Nathan Kruize Gabriele Kuklenski *Taylor Kungel Kirstin Kuntz Hunter Kutzer Bailey Laliberte *Brendan Laliberte *Jaiden Langlie Chase Larson David Larson *Thomas Laven Nicholas Lawrence *Taylor Lawrence Annie Le Lauren Lewis *Abigail Likness *Maxwell Lingle *Isabelle Lorenz *Megan Lorenz Madison Lucas Kristina Lucier Alexander Luistro Andrew Lundstrom *Megan Lundstrom *Alaina Lynk *Reilly Mach *Nidhi Mahale Jaden Mairs *Emily Malmanger Hunter Maloy *Michelle Manjunath *Brooke Maring *Jackson Maring *Jennifer Marsh Ethan Mathson *Jacob Mathson *Alexis Matter Ashley Matter Macie McCarty Margaret McCleary Alexis McCoster Katherine McPherson Joshua McWethy Brent Meyer McKenna Mikkelsen Daven Mini-Mila *Aaron Mittleider *Annika Mogck Brody Mohr Priya Monger Sokiri Monokajo Emma Monson Paityn Morehart *Mercedes Morin Jasmyne Morris *Abigail Moser Grace Moser Basimise Mulinga *Jessica Mullen *Zoe Nawrot *Benjamin Nelson *Jamie Nelson Sierra Nelson Matthew Nemer *Rachel Nemer *Ellie Neuberger Rita Nimpaye Diana Nissko *Innocent Nsengiyumva Alysse Nubson Juanaiga Okugas *Abby Elizabeth Olson Abby Olson Chase Olson *Ethan Olson *Jack Olson *Philip Olson Sydnee Olson Todd Olson Zachary Olson Brooke Orvedal Casey Orvedal *Caroline Osborne Julia Osborne Emilee Osland Rachel Ostlund *Michaela Overholt *Obarianasemi Owate-Chujor Shawna Pantzke Alyssa Paper *Jacob Paper Taylor Parrett Dev Patel *Neelay Patel Lucas Paulik *Stephanie Paulik *Brooke Pella Amanda Perlenfein *Rio Permenter Zachary Peters *Tommi Johnson *Reka Leeaphon Braeton Motschenbacher *April Peterson DAVIES SECOND QUARTER “A” HONOR ROLL *Indicates 4.00 GPA Danielle Peterson Tyra Peterson Madison Petrick *Tyler Podrebarac Cierra Potter Robert Poynter *Jacob Preisler Binod Rai *Olivia Raun Elizabeth Rauser Carter Razink *Christian Ressler Cameron Rheault *Jaylen Rick Carter Ridl *Jacob Rieth Jenna Rieth Kendra Roach Colton Roehrich *Matthew Rohleder Jayden Roos Mckayla Rothstein *Nataly Routledge Ana Rue *Elise Rue Angela Rutledge Baleigh Sahr Juliet Sampson Macy Samuelson Isaiah Sandry Dylan Sartwell *Paige Satter Courtney Saustad Kashmir Scalia Payton Schilke Adam Schlichtmann Christopher Schmidt *Michael Schmidt *Meghan Schneider *Julia Schock Samantha Schrader *Myckynzie Schroeder *Tyler Schultz Alexander Scott *Corbin Scott Tirza Scott Hannah Seibel Jordyn Seivert Winnie Selekwa Tayla Sessing Tyrell Setness *Alicia Shamdas *Samuel Sharpe Junting Shen Claire Siewert Hope Simon Alexander Skaare *Emily Skaare *Madison Skadberg Austin Smith Katelynn Smith Amin Smith-Jones *Zackery Snyder Nicholas Solem *Haidyn Stahl *Zachary Staller *Ryan Stalpes Arianna Steinke Caleb Steinke *Emily Stenhjem *Parker Stenseth *Sena Stevens Cameron Stoddard *Madelynn Sturma *Ashley Sundby Anna Suppes Mackenzie Swangler *Mercedes Swanson *Jamesetta Taylor *Neamda-Sacu Taylor *Brody Terry *Tanner Thoemke *Elisabeth Thom *Harrison Thom Andrew Thomas *Kinzie Thomas Sydney Thomas Haley Thompson *Nathaniel Thoreson *Ella Thorson * Megan Thorson Saige Thurlow Eric Tiongson *Anna Tomhave * Natalie Tomhave Mandy Tran *Ella Trautmann Ellen Trotter Zachary Trotter William Tupa Sydney Ulrich *Jayden Van Peursem *Adam Vancamp *Morgan Vareberg Matthew Veit *Brett Vetter McKenna Vetter Nicholas Voegele Addison Wagner Lauren Wagner *Trey Waltz *Quinn Wangler Mikaela Wanner *Heidi Wanzek *Maria Wanzek *Katlyn Watson *Samantha Watson *Brailyn Weber *Taylor Webster Brielle Weinkauf *Isaac Weintraub Jacob West *Bailey Weston *Emily Westrick Hannah Wieland Evan Wiemken Emma Wiitamaki Alex Wiitamaki *Isaac Weintraub *Bailey Weston *Emily Westrick Hannah Wieland Evan Wiemken Alex Wiitamaki Emma Wiitamaki *Marisa Wilberscheid Warren Wilke Tayler Williams Nathan Wilm Lindsay Winkelman *Jared Winter Makayla Woitzel *Covey Wong *Anna Wurzer *Jason Xiong *Catherine Xu Maria Young Cody Younggren *Hanna Zastoupil Jacob Zetocha Graham Zola Elise Schumacher Melody Thomas Jacob West DAVIES SECOND QUARTER “B” HONOR ROLL Rylan Aamold Emily Aarsvold Danielle Aasen Raage Abdi Abdirizak Abdikadir Abubakar Abdikadir Nuweyr Abdulahi Madison Adams Tycho Adank Jamila Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Asha Ali Kacee Allard Olivia Anas Carly Anderson Nicholas Anderson Jordan Annett Zenab Ariye Riley Arneson Hunter Ayers Clay Bachmeier Payton Balvitsch Cameron Bauder Lauren Becker Michael Berg Zane Berreth Tariah Berry Rebecca Biffert William Biggerstaff Elliot Bitz Lane Bohlmann Kiarra Braham Spencer Brandt Cody Braunschweig Mason Brekke Gabreyelle Britt Brooks Brown McKinley Brown Jonathan Brundin Benjamin Bryant Ibrahim Bukhari Claire Bullis Katherine Bullis Kaitlyn Burbank Amber Burtness Cody Callies Andrew Carlson Kathryn Carlson Lydia Choi Andrew Christopher Abbigail Cogdill Madison Cogdill John Conlin Kassandra Cook Lillian Cox Amy Crawford Anna Davison Tanner Devier Moctar Diop Tyler Dufault Alexander Durow Ashlyn Eagleson Payton Eagleson Erick Eggum Jordan Elliott Ashlyn Erickson Emily Erickson Jadaya Erickson Matthew Erickson Brenna Eslinger Truman Evan Isaac Fanai Paige Feeney Jaden Fellbaum Blake Fiebiger Austin Fisher Elizabeth Fisher Megan Folkestad Jesse Forknell Evan Foster Katherine Fox Taylor Freeman David Fry Lauren Fyhrie Ahmad Gaal Torri Gaebel Armando Garcia Reyes Nereo Garcia Reyes Chandler Gerhold Lindsey Gerhold Samuel Gess Kayla Gierke Rayessa Gira Riley Gira Ethan Gorder Jack Gothberg Gage Graber Sydney Graf Abbey Greek Laura Grieger Emily Groth Gabrielle Haagenstad Samantha Hagen Damian Hagenson Katherine Hahn Casey Haldis Aron Halilovic Brittney Hall Parish Halle Beau Hanson Cade Hanson Emma Harmsen Griffin Hart Cole Hartel Hajira Hassan Yasmin Hassan Taylor Hayes Dylan Helm Gage Helm Heather Helm Courtney Hendricks Paige Hennebry Austin Hjelseth Easton Hoffman Colby Honzay Catlyn Hunter Jadyn Huseby Dylan Jackson Mikayla Jackson Alexandra Jacobson Marissa Jensen Zachary Jensen Erica Johnson Hallie Johnson Isabel Johnson Larissa Johnson Talon Johnson Tanner Johnson Hailee Joyner Spenser Kallander Courtney Kittelson Seaver Klassen Sierra Klose Zachary Klosterman Austin Knight Taylor Kopperud Margaret Krank Alya Kretchman Kallie Kreutz Allyson Kriewald Katie Kuklenski Avdo Kurtovic Jayden Lange Mitchell Larson Yulisa Lebaron Elizabeth Ledoux Sarah Ledoux Sanggu Lee Maliek Leedahl Stacia Legacie Brenna Lemier Claire Lemier Elena Lerbakken Austin Linn Connor Lipp Megan Lizakowski Hunter Lucas Alexis Lukes Kailey Martinson Jacob Martodam Megan Martodam Ashley Mattia Emily McGregor Jenna McKay Greta McLagan Drue Mclean Gabrielle Burcham Mickey Gaye Tylan Jochim Sean McMonagle DAVIES SECOND QUARTER “B” HONOR ROLL Hunter McMullen Shelby Mecham Daniel Meester Alysha Mehney Morgan Mertz Jessi Metzger Ryan Meyer Kendra Miller Bergen Mogck Asha Mohamed Sumaya Mohamed Miranda Morgan Keenan Morris Janelle Motl Linda Moussa Alexis Mueller Aronah Mukhtar Patrick Munyaneza Elizabeth Muralt Brittany Myhre Jordyn Myhre Alyssa Nelson Tanner Nester Briana Nguyen Tyler Norwood Sulekha Nur Braxton Nyland Caden O'Connor Kaden Oldham Alex Olson Alexandra Olson Braydon Olson Tre' Olson Victoria Olson Abshir Omar Firas Omar Mason Opheim Meg Osowski Jordan Peterson McKenna Peterson Mark Pettinger Derek Phelps Emma Pickrel Daniel Poynter Tyler Price Ethan Quinlan Macki Rai Brian Rapp Conor Rayl McKenna Rayl Charlotte Reichenbach James Reynolds Shandi Reynolds Chandler Rheault Westin Rick Kiarra Rodacker Jackson Roper Kameron Rowe Zachary Runde Noah Sahr Hunter Salmon Zachary Salmon Ethan Saunders Paige Sauvageau Kylie Schafer Joseph Schwab Hunter Sebestl Logan Sebestl Andrew Selensky Fatimah Shahid Austin Simmons Hanna Sivertson Austin Skramstad Deyton Slama Sophia Slette Morgan Smith Tyler Staebner Charlotte Stevens Kiara Stroh Abigale Stugelmayer Noah Sukut Danny Sun Maxwell Sunderlin Tanner Swanson Bailey Tangen Anh Tao Ryan Teigen William Thompson Bryce Tillman Madison Tindall Abdul Toumeh Devonte' Tritchler Evan Tschider Sophia Tupa Hannah Van Dam Johnathon Van Peursem Aspyn Vernon-Thomsen Mitchell Vetter Avery Volk Levi Wagner Calvin Walker Jensen Walker Connor Watkins Brennen Weiner Emmalee Welk Benjamin Werlinger Logan West Michael West Madison Wical Parker Wieland Grant Wiemken Emma Windom Falynn Windom Grace Winge Hallie Winkelman Blessing Witteveen Mingyu Yang Taylor Zetocha Marion Zheng Haylee Ziton 2016 Davies High Post Prom Party NDSU MEMORIAL UNION Sunday, April 10th 12:30 am – 4:00 am For all Davies Juniors, Seniors and their invited guests!! (Students do not need to attend prom to attend this event!) We as parents always worry about our children when they attend a special event such as prom. We want to keep our kids safe but yet we want them to have fun. This is why the Fargo Davies PTSA and Junior Class Parents are sponsoring the Post Prom Party to follow this year’s prom. We have a great night planned with a variety of activities for the kids. There will be casino games, entertainment, bowling, bingo, food, music & many other exciting activities. Also, there will be PRIZES given away every 15 minutes! Donations/Chaperones Needed No proceeds from prom ticket sales go toward the post prom party. The party is funded through donations from the Junior & Senior Class Parents and any businesses wishing to donate. Therefore, we are asking you to please consider making a cash donation to the Post Prom Party. If you know of a business that would like to make a donation, either monetary or otherwise, please send it to the address below. If there are any items you would like us to pick up, please contact the number below. Also, don’t forget your company and matching donations. The Davies PTSA is a non-profit 501(c) organization. A donation receipt will be provided upon request. Also, in order to put on this event many volunteers are needed. Please consider volunteering your time to help Chaperone the Post Prom Party. For us as parents, it is enjoyable to attend to watch our kids have fun. Please complete the form below and mail by February 14th to: Jenny Satter (Chair-Post Prom Party Committee) 5150 RoseCreek Pkwy Fargo, ND 58104 (701) 541-2871 (cell) (Please detach and mail to Jenny Satter, 5150 RoseCreek Pkwy S, Fargo, ND 58104 by February 14th) ____ Enclosed is my donation of $____________ (Please make checks payable to Davies PTSA) ____ I have an item(s) to donate ___________________ Mailed _______ Called for Pick-up _______ ____ I/We are able to Volunteer _____ Games _____ Bus Chaperone ______ Prizes _____ Door Chaperone ______ Food ______ Where needed Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: _______________________________________ Most people associate a Booster Club with supporting and sponsoring sports events and activities; however, the Booster Club has expanded to offer support to every student within the Davies School System, by: Promoting all activities of Davies High School Promoting the spirit of friendship and sportsmanship Encouraging parent and community participation Assisting in creating a positive school spirit and culture Assisting in the funding of these activities Having equitable representation of all activities and geographical areas of the Davies High School Following is a partial list of the activities that the Davies Booster Club has funded over the past 3 years: Concession Stand Equipment Football Sideline Protectors Eagle Championship Banners Post Prom Parties Senior All Night Party World Language Arts Academic Knowledge Club Strength and Bent Bar Club Croquet Club Outdoor Storage Building Girls’ Choir Theater/Drama Baseball Field Fence Screens Eagles Helping Eagles Key Club Flag Pole at the tennis courts Hockey practice pads School Assemblies The Booster Club also offers support through funding for pre-game tailgating activities and through “Fire Up Bags”. Whether you are in baseball, soccer, basketball, swim & dive, dance, theater arts, speech, debate, track & field, tennis or any other activity, the Davies Booster Club is reaching out to show ALL students that we, as a Booster Club, support them and their families. Know that the Davies Booster Club is here for all students, even if they are NOT in an activity or club. The Booster Board thanks you for being a member and, if you are not currently a member, we ask that you consider becoming a member of the Davies Booster Club. With everyone’s support, we are able to show the students and this community how a Booster Club can be involved with ALL student activities. This broad support of our students conveys the message that everyone within our school district is important. How you can help promote the Davies Booster Club: Consider becoming a Member and/or Sponsor: o $30 for a basic Club Membership, o $125 for a Cardinal Red Sponsor, o $250 for a Vegas Gold Sponsor, o $600 for a Eagle Sponsor Provide your ideas, suggestions, and feedback to the Davies Booster Club Board on what we can do to improve this organization and how we all can make THIS THE Booster Club of all Booster Clubs Volunteer your time to support the Davies Booster Club and Davies High School activities Feel free to contact us by email at [email protected] or look for our contact information on the Davies High School web page under “Clubs and Organizations” or through Lenny Ohlhauser, our Davies Faculty Administrator. 2016 Topic “How My Best Brings Out the Best in Others” Contest to be held February 28th 5:00pm At the Baymont Inn Application Deadline February 21st Application can be found at: http://www.fargooptimists.org/documents/2016-oratorical-contestapplication.pdf OR email [email protected] DAVIES HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR TEST EXEMPTION POLICY 1. At least a “C” average for the second semester grade in the class. 2. Two or fewer excused absences per class during second semester. 3. Two or fewer tardies in the class. 4. School related activity absences will not count against the student. 5. Attendance at funerals will not count against the student. 6. No college visits during second semester are allowed, except when that visit is REQUIRED by the college and that visit must be verified by providing written correspondence from the college to the attendance office. 7. Automatically disqualified if suspended from school. Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________ Please explain why you feel you should be exempt from the above policy. Date of anticipated absence(s): ______________ Period(s): ____________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Request Approved Request Denied Date ____________ ALL EXEMPTIONS MUST BE TURNED IN TO DR. MILLER NO LATER THAN 3:00 P.M. THURSDAY MAY 5, 2016.
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Volume 6 Issue 8 - Fargo Public Schools
Office Number .............................................. 446-5600
Troy Cody, Principal ..................................... 446-5604
Dr. Dale Miller, Asst. Principal (A-K) ....