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View/Download - St. Andrews Episcopal Church
The Anchor November 2013 Parish Theme: Growing together in faith, growing together with faith. Parish Goal: To provide the place, atmosphere and programs for individuals, families, communities and ministry groups to explore, nurture, enrich and enhance their relationship with God. Parish Mission Statement: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church celebrates God’s love for all people as we grow together in God, invite others to experience God through Jesus Christ, and share in God’s work of changing lives in our community and beyond. Give Thanks Sunday 2014 – A “Be There” Sunday On November 24, all are invited to a parish-wide gathering including many festivities: ►the 10 a.m. worship service will be particularly celebratory and will include powerful and meaningful music led by our new Director of Music Ministry, the Choir and Handbell Choir, the blessing of the pledge cards from the 2014 Stewardship Campaign “Flourish in Faith,” and the celebration of Holy Baptism ►the second annual St. Andrew’s Thanksgiving Meal following the 10 a.m. service and will include a thanksgiving feast (please see below for more details) and entertainment provided by violinists from the STEP program, a group that meets at St. Andrew’s Information about the Thanksgiving Meal To R.S.V.P., please submit the card from the “Flourish in Faith” stewardship letter from late September OR contact Jan Brega in the Parish Office at either [email protected] or 567.5901. Please relay to Jan how many will be coming and what side dish and/or dessert you wish to bring. Turkey and beverages will be provided! Turkey Bakers Needed To make our Thanksgiving meal a success, we are looking for volunteers to bake the turkeys. The church will provide the turkeys. Volunteers simply need to pick up the turkey from the church either on November 20 or 21, bake the turkey, carve the turkey and bring it on November 24. If you can help, please sign up on the Resource Table near the Chapel or email/call Jan Brega in the Parish Office ([email protected] or 567.5901). Thank you! Veterans’ Day Observance We will remember and honor veterans of all the armed services during the 10 a.m. service on November 10. We will honor and pray for all current veterans by name. Those veterans who are deceased will be remembered by name. Please email the names of veterans by November 6 to Jan Brega at [email protected] and designate whether they are to be remembered or honored. PAGE 2 T HE A NC HO R LO NG ME A D O W, MA Adult Formation The Dead Sea Scrolls series was a great success. Approximately forty people attended each session, and twenty went to the Boston Museum of Science to see the exhibit on the Scrolls. Following that series was a more informal single session called “Off-the-Cuff Wednesday.” Fifteen people gathered in the Saint Andrew’s Room with wine and snacks for just over an hour of lively and free-ranging conversation about the Bible, the problem of sin, and genocide, among other things. The next Offthe-Cuff Wednesday, with Fr. Harvey and Fr. Derrick, will be on November 20. The new series, which began on October 23, is on Prayer. Sue Goldie is teaming up with Fr. Harvey and Fr. Derrick (alternating weeks) to lead four interactive sessions on different ways of praying to enhance our prayer lives. Each session is unique so that you can join in at any time. Give me your tarps, your hedge trimmers, your wretched refuse yearning to rake leaves….. Apologies to the Lady-we know you’re holding a torch, not clippers! If you’d like to join us for some fresh air, good company, refreshments and a chance to help care for our church grounds, we want you! Fall Clean-Up day is this Saturday, November 2 starting at 8 am. Please bring rakes, tarps, hedge trimmers and gloves. To facilitate getting the leaves from the front hill to the shed behind the church, we are looking for someone with a pick-up truck. Youth welcome. See you there! Vestry Highlights for October At its October 22nd meeting, the Vestry: ►approved the St. Andrew’s Policies and Procedures Manual to ensure St. Andrew’s is using best practices in accounting and other financial matters ►discussed the parish leadership election process and the need to continue explaining the process to the parish at large ►received an update on the 2014 Stewardship Campaign “Flourish in Faith” – a third of pledge cards have been received from parish households; the Stewardship Formation Team and other volunteers will be calling parishioners to remind them that we hope to have all pledge cards submitted by November 10 ►discussed the next steps in the parish-wide visioning process “Creating Our Future Together” – please stay tuned for additional details in upcoming editions of the NETnews and the weekly email blast ►reviewed financial state of the parish – income and expenses continue to be on target with the exception of two main areas being over budget (Church Upkeep due to an emergency upgrade to the heating system and Church School due to the renovating the Education Wing) For additional information about this meeting, please see the approved October minutes (to be approved at the November meeting). Minutes are posted on the Vestry bulletin board in the Narthex. S T . A ND R E W’ S C HU R C H T HE A NC HO R PAGE 3 Bible Study News from Fr. Harvey The Wednesday noon-time Bible study continues to meet from 12:00 to 1:00. We are working through Paul’s letter to the Galatians, but will soon be moving on to our next biblical book and welcome suggestions about what would be of greatest interest. We read a few verses out loud, and then we talk about what we hear. I try to provide some historical context so that we can better understand what Paul was saying to them back then. But the ultimate question is always, what might the Holy Spirit be saying to us right now? Please join us! And do not worry if you have missed a session. You can jump in anytime! Meet the Flower Guild St. Andrew’s now has an official Flower Guild. The “start-up” team includes Susan Baldwin, Peggy Houle, Dee Kuerzel, Carol Quinn, Rick Goldie, Kate Gamache, Hilary Tatem, and Sarah Nesbitt. What does he Flower Guild do? Flower Guild members decorate the main altar and chapel altar with fresh flower arrangements every Sunday of the year, except during Advent and Lent, to bring the beauty of Creation into our worship. We try to create decorations for the altars and sanctuary that follow the liturgical year, and provide our congregation with a setting that enhances worship. Currently, we work in two alternating teams. Each team decides within itself on who will do the altar for a given weekend, either individually or together. Some like to work alone, others with a partner. Each individual creates a little differently which adds interest to the congregation, and inspiration to other guild members. All our members share a love of flowers and decoration, but most have not had formal training and gain their skills with hands-on training from another Flower Guild member. Men and women with an interest in floral design are encouraged to join. No experience is required to join or to explore this ministry. New members are always welcome! How can I make a flower dedication? Parishioners can dedicate flowers as a memorial or in celebration of a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion, which is recognized in the Sunday Net News bulletin. The standard donation for Main Altar arrangements is $45, but a contribution in any amount will help defray costs and may be used to beautify our Chapel altar. Please send donations at least a week in advance to Jan, our parish administrator, clearly marked for the Flower Guild. Include a note with the Sunday you wish to mark as a memorial or celebration, and write for whom the flowers are given and the occasion. Bell Choir News from Kevin Gilmartin The Bell Choir is kicking into gear with a stunning piece scheduled for November 3, titled "Meditation for Flute and Handbell" , which will be accompanied by Karen McCarthy on the flute. We also have two pieces planned for the 24th of November. One of those pieces will be accompanied by Andrea Taupier on flute as well. Please contact me after any service with questions or by E-mail at [email protected]. When we are Playing we are Praying...Kevin PAGE 4 T HE A NC HO R LO NG ME A D O W, MA Church School News A request from Melissa Danehey It is pageant time! Father Derrick and I have begun looking over a script for a new and exciting pageant. This pageant will have many talking parts for the children to take part in as well as non talking parts for the little ones. It brings the story of the birth of the baby Jesus to life in an engaging way for the young families to enjoy. We are in need of people to help with costumes, set up and take down, lights and sound and overall support as we begin this new pageant. If you are interested in helping out please contact Melissa Danehey at [email protected]. Quarter Collection The children of St Andrews collect quarters in their quarter tube every Sunday as their way of giving back. We talk about the various ministries to help them understand why there are collecting the quarters. We just finished raising money for the CROP walk and we are now raising money for Adopt a Family. We will finish this collection on December 1st. If you have a mission that you would like us to consider, please let us know. We speak with the children each week about mission to build knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Baking Supplies Church School is in need of allergy free sugar cookie mix and allergy free cookie decorations for our coming Advent Rotation series. Please see Melissa Danehey if you can help. Free Family Interfaith Sing-along & Community Holiday Café - Performers Welcome The Suzuki Talent Education Partnership (STEP) and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church invite the public to enjoy the lush sounds of stringed instruments and sing along to holiday favorites in a free multicultural interfaith holiday sing-along and café on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 3:30PM at St. Andrew’s Church, 335 Longmeadow St. (Rt. 5) in Longmeadow. The STEP Suzuki Strings, a multigenerational group of string students from Greater Springfield and Northern Connecticut aged five to adult, will provide the instrumental accompaniment for the sing-along as well as perform classics by Bach & Handel, John Williams’ lovely arrangement of Hatikva, the fiddle tunes and other seasonal favorites. We will sing international holiday music and share traditions from the celebrations of Chanukah, Christmas and Tres Reyes (Three Kings Day), in hopes of gaining more understanding of each other’s faith. After intermission there will be a Community Holiday Café where interested musicians can perform their holiday favorites. To sign up to perform for the Holiday Café, please contact STEP Director Lani Bortfeld at (413)734-4458. We would love to have folks from St. Andrew's join us in this portion to share their talents. For more information, please call or visit S T . A ND R E W’ S C HU R C H T HE A NC HO R PAGE 5 Thank you to everyone who came out to our first Young Families gathering at Randalls Farm and Greenhouse on Columbus Day. We enjoyed a hayride, pumpkin picking and some donuts and cider together. Youth Formation We launched our youth formation (grades 6-12) for the year on October 6. For one of our interactive activities, the youth were divided into two teams to see who could put together a giant puzzle the quickest. Our on-going youth formation meets on the first and third Sundays of the month from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Due to the Pilgrimage fundraiser on November 2, we will not meet on November 3. We WILL meet on November 17. Come check it out! PAGE 6 T HE A NC HO R LO NG ME A D O W, MA MESSAGE FROM MISSIONS Recent Donations $240.00: to Wounded Warrior Project, a veterans organization that offers a variety of programs, services, and events for soldiers and families suffering the wounds of wars, including burns and amputations, traumatic brain injuries and paralysis, combat stress, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. $400.00: to United Thank Offering, a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church $550.00: to the Church World Service CROP Hunger Walk, including $15 in quarters from our church school children Salvation Army Adopt-a-Family Watch for upcoming announcements about the Adopt-a-Family program, through which parishioners purchase Christmas gifts for those identified by the Springfield Salvation Army as having experienced a devastating economic, emotional, or physical hardship over the past year. Recipients include grandparents who are primary caregivers of their grandchildren, low-income working families with children, victims of domestic violence and victims of serious illness or fire. Sponsors “adopt” one of these families for Christmas by purchasing food or grocery store certificates, new clothing, toys, or household items. Recipients and gift ideas will be distributed November 17. On December 8, gifts will be collected and blessed, and the Missions Committee will thank the congregation with a brunch celebration following the 10:00 worship service. The 2013 St. Andrew’s Crop Walk Team S T . A ND R E W’ S C HU R C H T HE A NC HO R PAGE 7 CROP Walk 25 people and 2 dogs made up the St. Andrew’s walking team for this year’s CROP Hunger Walk on October 20. The team joined groups from across Greater Springfield to raise awareness and funds to stop hunger locally and around the world. St. Andrew’s raised a total of $550.00 this year ($200.00 pledged by parishioners, $350.00 designated from the Missions budget). Women's Fellowship Outing - Sisters Helping Sisters Saturday, November 23, 11:30am - 2:30pm Meet at church to car pool at 11:15am. ALL women of St. Andrew's are invited to attend the pre-holiday fair at Our Lady of the Angels Convent in Enfield, CT. This annual event benefits the care of the elderly and infirm Felician Sisters. There will be homemade crafts and specialty foods - (their prized Babki bread!) Bring money for lunch and Turkey Bingo. Let's celebrate God's Love with those who have dedicated their lives to His service. Children welcome to come, too! PAGE 8 T HE A NC HO R LO NG ME A D O W, MA Looking Ahead... Advent Is Healthy for Your Life? Sometimes it’s difficult to make connections between what we do at church and what we do the rest of the week. I join you in the struggle! I’m releasing this article a solid month before Advent, so we make room in our schedules as individuals to more fully appreciate all that this holy season has to offer. Advent is the four-week season of preparation leading up to Christmas. Although that time of year can be quite hectic, Advent invites us to slow down. Through the efforts of the Spiritual Life Committee, Fr. Harvey and I, we will help you slow down this Advent as we explore how spirituality helps us live a more balanced life that leads to more holistic health. Here’s what to expect: ►The Way of the Crib: A Journey of Hope (This is for people of all ages!) December 1, 8, 15 and 22 - 9 to 9:45 a.m. In the tradition of the Stations of the Cross, we will journey together to the manger and the mission that lies beyond it. Drawn from the birth narratives in Luke and Matthew, we will reflect on the preparation of Christ’s birth through prayers, short meditations and images. Each Station illumines a different aspect of the story of waiting for Jesus' birth, reflecting the reality of "God in our midst" at the different stations of our own life journeys The Way of the Crib reminds us of how hope is born right here, right now, in each of our lives, and challenges us—even in the face of turmoil, tragedy and terrorism—to embrace, celebrate and live out our call to Advent hope. Each Sunday we will complete three to four stations as we walk closer to the manger on Christmas Eve. We will begin in the St. Andrew’s Room. ►Advent Worship Our liturgies will be more contemplative in nature to help us be still in the midst of our busy lives. The church will be a rest stop on the highway of life. You will still find worship engaging and you won’t get bored! All are welcome to come 10 minutes before each service for quiet meditation. The lights will be dim and candles will be lit to help us center. As you enter the worship space regardless of what time you arrive for worship, please find a seat without disturbing those around you. Please visit with your friends after the service. At the 10 a.m. service, prelude music will be another tool to help center us. To help us mark our journey to the manger, we will light candles on the Advent Wreath. The 10 a.m. liturgy will feature rich Advent music. ►The Wonder of Advent by Candlelight December 4, 11 and 18 - 7-8:30 p.m. Our Nave and Chapel will be open for quiet prayer and reflection by candlelight from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For those who wish to attend a short class session at 7 p.m., we will begin each evening in the St. Andrew’s Room with a reflection based on a certain theme and learn a relaxation technique/form of contemplative prayer. We will then move to the candlelit Chapel/Nave for personal prayer, meditative music and stillness. Advent marks the beginning of the Church Year. How about starting the new year with better balance? Advent Blessings (in advance), Fr. Derrick T HE A NC HO R S T . A ND R E W’ S C HU R C H PAGE 9 Fr. Harvey to Preside and Preach on November 17 Our priests are swapping altars and pulpits for a day!!! At the 10 a.m. service on November 17, Fr. Harvey Hill, our Associate Rector, will preside and preach. On the same day, Fr. Derrick will preside and preach at St. David’s, Agawam where Fr. Harvey serves as Priest-in-Charge. Come welcome and enjoy Fr. Harvey! Thanksgiving Day Worship All are welcome to a simple celebration of Holy Communion at 9 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day (November 28). St. Andrew’s to Feature Schola Nova at Advent Lessons and Carols On December 7 at 7 p.m., St. Andrew’s will host Advent Lessons and Carols based on an early 20th century service from King’s College, Cambridge. The service will include prayers, readings and music to help us celebrate the holy season of Advent. Schola Nova, a sacred music choral group, will enrich the liturgy. Christmas Eve Preview 5 p.m.: Back to Bethlehem: A Christmas Service for All Ages The story of Christ’s birth will unfold through a NEW Christmas pageant performed by the children of the parish, readings and traditional carols. The service has been redesigned to be shorter in length, but is still powerful and substantial! Although designed with children in mind, people of all ages will enjoy this moving Christmas celebration. 10 p.m.: Traditional Christmas Eve Celebration Our worship will begin in the stillness and darkness of the night as meditative music is played. The joyous sounds of handbells and pipe organ will break the silence to invite worshipers to adore the newborn King through carols, prayers and readings. The St. Andrew’s Choir and Handbell Choir will add to the festive nature of this worship experience. Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services. All Women are Invited to the Inaugural Celebration of the New St. Andrew's Women's Fellowship! Tuesday, November 12, 7:00 p.m. at the home of Betsy Scuderi, 1482 Longmeadow Street, Longmeadow, MA. Come and enjoy an evening of light refreshments and laughter. Let's get to know each other and discover ways in which we can grow together in Christ. This social gathering is open to women of all ages and stages. Bring a friend and join the fun! For more information, please contact Liz Woolsey, 413-887-7691 or [email protected]. PAGE 10 T HE A NC HO R Birthdays in November 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 Caroline Toner Jane Hopkins-Fisher Kathleen Pasterczyk Ed Butrick Rob Purdy Cindy Rea Matthew Keefe-Jones Robert Stirton Susan Askin John Bogert Katherine Keyser Zain Najeebi Denise Thomas Jenny Lewis Krista Walker 11 13 14 15 16 17 20 22 23 25 26 28 30 Connor Rintoul Ben Bennett Mia Nolan Michael Morrow Stanley Melvin Paula Ingalls Betty Pierzchala Gia Sellica Wally Gladwin Klara Pasterczyk Margaret Whitlock Isabella Lewis David Sanger Art Lucey Ruby Cameron Jack Blanton LO NG ME A D O W MA Anniversaries in November 1 21 23 Pat and David Wolos Joan and John Sizer Susan and Charles Baldwin If your birthday or anniversary is incorrect or does not appear, please contact the parish office. Milestones Julia Ishak and Amit Yarkoni were married August 22. The wedding took place in Israel. A Letter from Church Without Walls On Sunday, September 29, Fr. Derrick was our celebrant. It was a beautiful day and we had previously announced that we would offer baptism on that Sunday. Eleven people were added to the kingdom that day! As at our baptism service in the spring, we had men, women and children. Some of them had come specifically because of the baptism being offered! It was a joyous occasion, with a cheer and applause as each person leaned over the font and had the water of baptism poured over his/her head. One man in particular was very overcome and almost glowed! Another arrived after we had moved on in the service and was very disappointed to have missed the event. “No problem” we said, and Fr. Derrick repeated the ceremony for him as the others ate their lunch. We hope to offer this service several times a year - but only when the weather is warm! We also want to say “thanks” to the many folks who have been so faithful to help with this ministry. We now have a merry band of sandwich-makers after the 5:00 service on the second Sunday of each month. We continue to need folks at 9:00 on the first Sundays. Our Core Team continues to grow, with the addition of a member of St. Mark’s coming on board. We are excited to see our work expand throughout our Diocese. Please speak with any member of the Core Team if you’d like any information about this ministry of St. Andrew’s. Thank You from Fr. Derrick and Jamie As we approach Thanksgiving Day and the birth of our first child (the due date is December 22), we want to express our gratitude to all the people of St. Andrew’s. We have journeyed with you for over two years now and we continue to feel blessed to be part of such an amazing community. Thank you for all of your support and through your words and actions. We can’t think of a better church to serve God to raise our daughter. (She’s going to have so many playmates, “aunties,” “uncles,” “grandmothers,” and “grandfathers.” We look forward to more exciting years with you! God is up to great things at St. Andrew’s!! T HE A NC HO R S T . A ND R E W’ S C HU R C H Post this calendar as a handy reference to the worship and programs at St. Andrew’s throughout the month. November 2013 Sun Mon Tue PAGE 11 Wed Thu Sunday Church School: Grades 6 through 12 meet 1st & 3rd Sundays 4:30-6:30 Pre-K through Grade 5 meet at 9:45 a.m. weekly all Sundays except as noted 3 4 Feast of All Saints 8 a.m. Morning Prayer Sat 1 2 7 a.m. Communion 9 a.m. Fall Clean-Up Noon-Bible Study 6 pm Harvest Dinner 7 p.m. Adult Formation for J2A Pilgrimage 5 6 10 a.m. Praying Hands Ministry 7 a.m. Communion 10 a.m. Holy Communion Fri 5 pm Holy Communion 7 8 9 5 p.m. Holy Communion Noon-Bible Study 7 p.m. Adult Form. 9 a.m. Adult Form. 10 11 12 13 14 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. 7 a.m. Communion Holy Communion Noon-Bible Study 9 am. Adult Formation 7 p.m. Adult Form. 17 18 19 20 Holy Communion 7 p.m. Vestry 16 5 p.m. Holy Communion 21 22 7 a.m. Morning Prayer 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. 23 11:30 Women’s Outing 5 p.m. Holy Communion Noon-Bible Study 7 p.m. Off the Cuff Adopt a Family Starts 24 15 25 26 27 28 29 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. 7 a.m. Communion Thanksgiving Parish Office Closed St. Andrew’s Day Holy Communion Noon-Bible Study 9 am Communion 9 a.m. Adult Formation 7 p.m. Adult Form. 3-4:30 Faith on Tap Eucharistic Lectionary Year C Office Lectionary Year 1 30 S T . AN D RE W ’ S E P I S C O P A L C H U RC H 335 Longmeadow Street Longmeadow, MA 01106 Phone: 413-567-5901 E-mail: [email protected] On the web at: PAGE 12 Schedule Weekday Eucharist Wednesdays at 7 a.m. Holy Eucharist -Saturdays at 5 p.m., Sundays at 8 and 10 a.m. Parish Office open MondayThursday 9 a.m. –2:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.-noon. T HE A NC HO R St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Staff and Contact Information The Rev. R. Derrick Fetz, Rector [email protected] The Rev. Harvey Hill, Associate Rector [email protected] Jan Brega, Parish Administrator [email protected] Melissa Danehey, Young Family Ministries Director [email protected] Michael Carney, Director of Music Ministry [email protected]