LIFELINES Magazine Spring/Summer 2015


LIFELINES Magazine Spring/Summer 2015
Spring/Summer 2015
A Publication
of Jewish Geriatric Ser vices
770 Converse Street · Longmeadow, MA 01106
413-567-6211 ·
770 Converse Street · Longmeadow, MA 01106 413-567-6211 ·
Robert Baevsky,
Editorial /
Board Lists
MD, Chair
Jewish Geriatric Services
Administrative Team
Fred Brownstein
Mark Katz, Director
is a leading health care
Martin Baicker, FACHE ,
Alan Bullock
Stuart Hurwitz, Director
system serving elders and
Martha Finkel Ceppetelli
their families.
A. Edward Roman, Jr., Chief
Richard Chase
JGS Housing Services, Inc. d/b/a
Financial Officer
Mark Dindas
Ruth’s House
Robert Baevsky, MD, Chair
Karen Johnson, Vice President
Brad Foster
Martin W. Baicker, FACHE,
Susan Goldsmith, 1st Vice Chair
Human Resources, Chief
James Gordon
Rudy D’Agostino, Treasurer
Corporate Compliance Officer
Richard Halpern
Eric Berg, Chair
Carol J. Kantany-Casartello, Clerk
Susan Kimball Halpern Vice
Michael Hirshberg
Michael Hirshberg, Treasurer
Martin W. Baicker, President/CEO
President of Philanthropy
David B. Katz
Stuart Anfang, Clerk
Rabbi Devorah Jacobson, Director
Mark Katz
of Spiritual Life
Susan Kline
JGS Home Care, Inc. d/b/a
Gary Rappaport
Spectrum Home Health and
JGS Family of Services
Leavitt Family Jewish Home
Anne M. Thomas, Vice President
2015-2016 JGS Officers
Art Richton
Hospice Care, Inc. & Spectrum
of Residential Health
& Directors
James Rosenthal
Home Care
Robert Baevsky, MD, Chair
David Shrair
Martin W. Baicker, FACHE,
Spectrum Home Health &
Susan Goldsmith, 1st Vice Chair
Hospice Care
Rudy D’Agostino, Treasurer
2015- 2016
Robert Baevsky, MD, Chair
Sarah Jackson, Executive Vice
Carol J. Kantany-Casartello, Clerk
Officers and Directors of JGS
Alan Bullock, Treasurer
Subsidiary Organizations
Richard Chase, Clerk
Executive Committee
Ruth’s House – An Assisted
Stuart Anfang
Jewish Nursing Home of Western
Living Residence
Robert Baevsky, MD
Massachusetts, Inc.
Joelle Tedeschi, Executive Director
Martin W. Baicker, FACHE
Martin W. Baicker, FACHE,
Eric Berg
Wernick Adult Day Health
Carol J. Kantany-Casartello
Eric Berg, Chair
Care Center
Richard Chase
Stuart Anfang, Treasurer
Alta J. Stark, Director of Marketing
Darlene Francis, Executive Vice
Rudy D’Agostino
James Gordon, Clerk
& Public Relations
Martha Finkel Ceppetelli
Susan Goldsmith
Genesis House, Inc. and Genesis
Contributing Editors/Writers
Genesis House
Michael Hirshberg
House II, Inc. and Genesis House
Susan Kimball Halpern
Carr Management
Udaya Jagadeesan, CMO**
III, Inc
Lisa Perlbinder
Susan Kline*
Martin W. Baicker, FACHE,
Kim Grandfield
A. Edward Roman, Jr., CFO**
JGS Programs
Stephen Krevalin, Chair
The Frances B. Cohen Palliative
* Indicates ex-officio voting members
** Indicates ex-officio non-voting members
Care Program
Board of Directors
Brad Foster, Treasurer
JGS LifeEd
Stuart Anfang
Richard Chase, Clerk
JGS Music & Memory
Eric Berg
David Shrair, Director
Design by: Brigade
Martin W. Baicker,
from Marty
FACHE, President/CEO
What’s new? Just about everything!
After 103 years of helping elders transform the quality
providing the highest level of care, programs and services.
of their lives, we are excited to re-invent our organization
Read as well about the exciting updates to Ruth’s House,
as well. Beginning with a new corporate name and a new
and the progress we’ve made toward reaching our $9
fresh look, we are proud to introduce you to JGS Lifecare.
million Project Transformation campaign goal.
We welcome you to learn more about us here in the new
We also want you to get to know us better. We’ve included
some great conversation starters in this issue with Anne
Our new corporate name, JGS Lifecare, reflects our
Thomas, our Vice President of Residential Health (overseeing
commitment to celebrating our future without losing sight
the Leavitt Family Jewish Home, Ruth’s House, and
of our heritage and a reputation for excellence that has
Genesis House); and Lori Ann Young, our Director of
defined us for generations. It is a logical and necessary
Nursing at the nursing home. They talk about their roles
step in our transformational journey. Read more about
and focus, as well as how they’re helping set the course
how we arrived at the new name in this issue.
for the best person-centered care possible.
We’re pushing the reset button on Topics as well, to
We are very grateful for your continued support and we
align with our new name and revitalize the format.
look forward to hearing from you.
JGS LIFELINES is fresh, modern and easy to read.
We want you to feel rewarded reading this magazine
because it’s about you and the better life we provide for
our residents, participants and families.
We also took a major step in our transformational
journey to a new world of care with a ceremonial
groundbreaking for the new Sosin Center for
Rehabilitation in May. It is the first of five Project
Transformation initiatives that bring the Small House
model of care and other exciting changes to JGS.
Please take time to read about George Sosin’s incredibly
generous gift that will help us continue our mission of
Déjà Nu
Announcing the New JGS Lifecare
A funny thing happened
Rebranding Committee was formed
An updated logomark (right) tells
on the way to launching our
in 2012, charged with the goal of
the Jewish story, updating our
second new brand identity in
developing a brand that would provide
existing tree mark into a beautiful
two years. As Susan Goldsmith,
greater clarity of who we are and
and modern menorah with ‘flames’
chair of the Rebranding
what we do. We also wanted to shed
of leaves.
Committee, explained why,
limiting parts of our present brand.
for the second Annual Meeting
We embraced Jewish Lifecare
“The combination of our own strong
in a row, membership was
because it encompassed more than
tree symbol with a strong Jewish
being asked to vote on a new
just geriatrics, and paid homage
symbol pays homage to the foundation
name, she likened it to a déjà
to our heritage. Unfortunately, some
of our mission,” says Dr. Robert
vu experience, and then in true
legal issues prohibit us from using
Baevsky, Chair, Jewish Geriatric
Yogi Berra fashion it was “like
‘Lifecare’ in conjunction with ‘Jewish,’
Services Board of Directors. “It also
déjà vu, all over again.”
and we had to go back to square one.”
gives a fresh and modern update to
our brand, facilities and new range
After briefly explaining some legal
The Rebranding Committee reconvened
of services that are on the horizon.
issues which prohibited us from using
in September 2014. “We reviewed
I congratulate Susan and her team
Jewish Lifecare in 2014, Goldsmith
several options and none really told
on finding an authentic solution that
called for a motion on behalf of the
the story we wanted to tell. We kept
beautifully illustrates our past and
Rebranding Committee, to adopt the
going back to the word ‘Lifecare’
our future.”
name “Jewish Lifecare.” She quickly
because it implies a level of care and
realized her slip of the tongue when
emotional support that ‘Services’
the audience started laughing and
does not, and expands the care we
answered with a resounding “NO!”
provide beyond ‘Geriatric.’ We just
A second motion for the corrected
had to do some homework to determine
name JGS Lifecare was unanimously
if and how we could use the word,”
Look for our new logo
approved and was forwarded to the
said Goldsmith.
in action in August of
for formal authorization, which was
Following substantial legal research,
received June 11. The new name and
it was determined that use of the
this year. We will be
logo will be phased in across all
word ‘Lifecare’ was acceptable with
launching a beautiful
platforms and services over the
a specific qualifier. Using the acronym
coming months.
‘JGS’ fits the bill on all levels, leveraging
new website too, stay
Massachusetts Secretary of State
the established and respected Jewish
“This has been a long and complicated
Geriatric Services brand, and refreshing
process,” said Goldsmith. “The
an outdated name (Geriatric).
on the lookout!
“We Have Been Here Before”
By Rabbi Devorah Jacobson
On March 31, 2015, the Jewish Geriatric Services Board of Directors considered
and approved the new corporate name JGS Lifecare. The following is the D'var Torah Rabbi
Devorah Jacobson offered in advance of the historic vote:
We meet again to consider a new name for this organization. We have been here before.
Jewish tradition has much to say about names, including this one passage from the Talmud:
There are 3 crowns:
The crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood and the crown of royalty;
But the crown of a good name exceeds them all.
A good name is to be treasured above precious oil.
A good name can live on forever. It can be passed along to the next generation
as a precious inheritance.
We can only hope this new name we ratify tonight will truly be a good name, that it will be uniquely ours,
that it will be a highly respected name in elder care, a precious name for families and their loved ones, and
a lasting name, that is passed along to the next generations. And we pray: That the new name inspires us
to embrace fully the same sacred mission that has guided us for over a century: to honor the elders of this
community and to serve them and care for them with dignity, with kindness, and with love.
JGS Breaks Ground for New Home for Rehabilitative Care
$11.4 million Sosin Center for Rehabilitation Announced
Jewish Geriatric Services (JGS) recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Sosin Center for Rehabilitation, an $11.4 million expansion
which will transform the way rehabilitative care is delivered at JGS. Pictured from left are Susan Goldsmith, Vice Chair, JGS Board of Directors;
Congressman Richard E. Neal; Joseph M. Marullo, Vice President-Commercial Banking; Frank Colaccino, Co-Chair, Project Transformation
Building Committee; Robert Baevsky, MD, Chair, JGS Board of Directors; Martin W. Baicker, FACHE, JGS President & CEO; Stephen N. Krevalin,
Co-Chair, Project Transformation Capital Campaign; Susan B. Kline, Co-Chair, Project Transformation Capital Campaign; Jeffrey Grodsky,
Co-Chair, Project Transformation Building Committee; Springfield Mayor Domenic R. Sarno; and State Representative Brian M. Ashe.
The night before we broke
introduce a new range of services and
24,000 square foot center will contain
ground for the new $11.4
updates to serve our community for
two Small House units, each with 12
million Sosin Center for
generations to come.
private rooms, and a dedicated team
of staff. Martin W. Baicker, FACHE,
Rehabilitation, Stephen N.
Krevalin, Co-Chair, Project
Krevalin says Project Transformation,
JGS President and CEO, told the
Transformation Campaign,
a $20 million multi-pronged initiative
crowd that the Small House approach
was leaving a meeting when
to enhance person-centered care
is “designed on multiple levels to put
he stopped to chat with some
at JGS, is perfectly named because
the patient in the center of things,
nursing home residents.
“with this groundbreaking we are
enhancing people’s independence and
embarking on a project that will literally
engagement in their surroundings.”
One woman with a walker turned
transform our entire campus and how
to him with a bewildered expression
we do what we do on that campus.
Seymour Frankel, a former JGS
on her face and asked “where do
It is a logical and necessary step in
board member and rehab patient,
I belong?” Krevalin immediately
our evolution and the way we serve
said there is “no better environment,”
replied that she was right where
our community.”
because it offers all the comforts of
home. Robert Baevsky, MD, Chair,
she belonged: “Here, where we take
care of you today, and where we will
The short-stay Sosin Center for
JGS Board of Directors pointed to
take care of you and so many others
Rehabilitation is at the center of
the positive health benefits of this
long into the future.” On May 5, we
Project Transformation. It will operate
type of environment, stating “as a
celebrated that promise with more
under the Small House model of care,
physician, I am convinced we will
than 100 of our residents, families,
featuring private bedrooms and
see better healthcare outcomes and
healthcare providers, politicians and
bathrooms, with access to common
improve our patients’ quality of life.”
religious leaders, sharing plans to
living and dining areas. The two-story
Congressman Richard E. Neal
offered congratulations on the
groundbreaking from the United
States Congress, noting “we don’t
get to predict when we get sick.
Thank you Jewish Geriatric Services
for providing support in the later stages
of life, and providing our community
with comfort and security.” Springfield
Mayor Domenic Sarno referenced the
“excellent care” his mother-in-law
received here, and thanked JGS for
doing “what you do, because you
touch each and every one of our
families.” State Representative Brian
M. Ashe and Longmeadow Town
manager Stephen Crane were among
other politicians present.
The new rehab center is named
for the late George Sosin (see right
George Sosin was a longtime
Jewish Geriatric Services volunteer
and supporter.
for more), whose gift of $3 million
represents the largest contribution
in our 103-year history and half
of $6 million raised to date in the
$9 million Project Transformation
Campaign. A $500,000 challenge
grant, given by the Harold Grinspoon
Charitable Foundation, was also
announced during the groundbreaking,
which will match all new gifts as well
as increased gifts to JGS.
To learn more, contact:
Susan Kimball Halpern,
Vice President of Philanthropy
p: 413-567-3949, ext. 1612
e: [email protected]
The Sosin Center for
Rehabilitation is planned to
open in the summer of 2016.
The Sosin Center for Rehabilitation is named after
George Sosin, a Jewish war veteran, JGS volunteer, family
member, former resident and supporter. Susan B. Kline,
Co-Chair, Project Transformation Campaign, says he was a quiet,
humble man who lived a modest life. He got involved with JGS
when his sisters became residents of the nursing home. Sosin
visited daily, enjoying the community spirit of the home. He
made gifts throughout his life in support of maintaining the
Jewish values JGS was founded on, including the establishment
of the George Sosin Fund for the support of Jewish Religious
Services. He quietly helped others until his passing in 2013.
Susan Kimball Halpern, Vice President of Philanthropy, JGS
said, “George Sosin did things because he felt it was the right
thing to do. He supported JGS because it gave him pride to be
part of such a meaningful organization. He believed in Project
Transformation and Small House because he understood we would
create a place people would feel comfortable calling ‘home,’ and
he made his amazing gift in support of that vision. While he never
sought recognition for his support, we feel naming the center in his
honor is a wonderful testament to his unmatched commitment,
and elevates the status of the facility by demonstrating the
importance and impact of one individual’s devoted philanthropic
support of quality, person-centered care.”
top, left
Seymour Frankel, a former JGS
board member and rehab patient,
said the Small House design offers
all the comforts of home.
top, right
Residents including Martha Babiarz,
accompanied by her daughter Arlene
Putnam, were excited to learn of
our plans.
Stephen N. Krevalin, Co-chair,
Project Transformation Campaign
(right), with his sister Judy Yaffe
and Frank Colaccino, Co-Chair of
the Building Committee, whose
father was a rehab patient.
U.S. Congressman Richard E. Neal offered
Susan B. Kline, Co-Chair, Project Transformation
Capital Campaign announced the $11.4 million
rehabilitation center will carry the name of George
Sosin, a JGS volunteer, family member, former resident
and supporter who left $3 million dollars to JGS in
support of the center, the largest contribution received
in our 103-year history.
New Rehab Center in Small House
with new Kosher Café
Renovation to A1 and A2 to Small House
Ruth's House upgrades
Leavitt Family Jewish Home upgrades
Relocation and enhancement of
Wernick Adult Day Health Care
Sosin Center
for Rehabilitation
Ruth's House An Assisted Living Residence
Ruth’s House renovations are now complete. An Open
House and Tour was held June 25 to introduce the
community to the new Ruth's House. (See right). The $1
million make-over includes replacement of carpeting,
window treatments and painting, with the addition of
new furniture and lighting. On the Garden Level, a
new four-season Great Room has been built, and the
In advance of Sosin Center construction, JGS began
kitchen and dining rooms have been renovated.
site preparation in June. The upper JNH parking lot has
been closed, with handicapped and volunteer parking
relocated to the upper Nirenberg lot. We apologize for any
Leavitt Family
Jewish Home
inconvenience and appreciate your patience and support
as we complete this important work for the new center
Renovations to the Leavitt Family Jewish Home in
which will provide a more home-like setting for people
the Small House model of care, as well as additional
undergoing rehabilitative care. (See pages 6-9 for more.)
upgrades, and the expansion and relocation of Wernick
Construction is expected to begin in July, and should be
Adult Day Health Care will take place in later phases of
completed in twelve to fourteen months.
Project Transformation.
Common areas throughout have been renewed in soothing earth tones.
An Open House was held June 25.
Bowlers have room to spare in the new four-season Great Room!
Jewish Geriatric Services held
older patients and making their lives
for their service. Their departures
its Annual Meeting Tuesday,
better. Thomas said she will work
prompted changes to the officers and
May 19, 2015, providing our
with staff to help them “better
directors of JGS subsidiaries, with
membership the opportunity
understand the person under the frailty.”
Eric Berg elected as Chair of both
the Jewish Nursing Home and Ruth’s
to thank all who provided
service, to honor talented and
The Chairman’s Service Award for
House; Brad Foster elected as
caring leaders and to assess
Distinguished Service was presented
Treasurer for Genesis House; and
where we’ve been and where
by Baevsky to Bill Burrows for 35
Mark Katz elected as a director of
we are going. The bylaws of
years of outstanding service,
Genesis House.
JGS require that members
stewardship, and volunteerism.
meet annually to vote on the
Burrows, the former owner, along
Susan Goldsmith, Chair of the
appointments of corporators,
with his wife Esther z”L, of Wm.
Rebranding Committee, presented
board members and officers.
Burrows Florist in Longmeadow, has
the rationale and recommendations
helped plan themes, table settings
of the committee to adopt the new
Dr. Robert Baevsky, Chair, JGS Board
and décor for several signature JGS
corporate name JGS Lifecare, which
of Directors, called the meeting to
events, from annual donor and Passover
was unanimously approved by all in
order, noting a lot had happened in
dinners to the Frankel-Kinsler Golf
attendance. (See pages 4-5 for more.)
the one year since becoming chair.
Classic. Baevsky said it was an honor
Fiscal challenges and staffing
to pay tribute to “a man with an
Susan Kimball Halpern, Vice
reorganization made for a tough year,
ever-present smile and the talent to
President Philanthropy, updated
but Baevsky told members “we are
turn the ordinary into something
everyone on Project Transformation,
back on track, and our quality of services
extraordinary.” Burrows said it was
five initiatives which will literally
will be second to none.” Martin W.
an honor to be chosen.
transform our campus and how we
Baicker, President and CEO, JGS,
care for the people we serve. Faith
echoed Baevsky’s promise, saying
Martha Finkel Ceppetelli, a member
Toraby, daughter of Past President
“JGS is a learning organization, and
of the JGS Nomination Committee,
Bernie Glazier, and Ruth, both of
we have learned much this year. We
then conducted the business of
blessed memory, and a Project
will continue to enhance services for
overseeing the election of Corporators,
Transformation donor, shared her
the elders in our care.”
the JGS Board of Directors, and
reasons for giving. “Heritage is
Subsidiary board members
important,” she said. “That’s why
Anne M. Thomas, JGS Vice President
and officers, as presented by the
I give to JGS. I feel a wonderful
of Residential Health overseeing
Nominating Committee.
connection to my parents, who were
the nursing home, Ruth’s House and
here several times for rehabilitation,
Genesis House, introduced herself to
James Rosenthal was elected to a
and who were so involved with JGS.
members, on what was her 4th month
two-year term on the JGS Board of
Remembering where you came from
anniversary. She said she started
Directors, while outgoing JGS directors
is important, and I urge all of you to
volunteering when she was just 16
Mike Hurwitz, Donald Frank, and
never forget your heritage and the
years old, and was always drawn to
Michael Ginsburg were thanked
people who came before you.”
rOW 1
Faith Toraby, a Project
Transformation donor,
and Dottie Wernick,
whose family name
graces our Wernick Adult
Day Health Care Center.
rOW 2
Board members in
attendance included
Art Richton, accompanied
by his wife Elizabeth on
his left; Carol J. KantanyCasartello, Clerk; and
former Chair and Executive
Committee Member Martha
Finkel Ceppetelli, who
presented the Nominating
Committee Report
and Elections.
rOW 3, TOP
Dr. Robert Baevsky, Chair,
JGS Board of Directors.
Jewish Geriatric Services
held its Annual Meeting
Tuesday, May 19, 2015.
Bill Burrows received the
Chairman’s Service Award
for Distinguished Service
to JGS.
An interview with Anne
Thomas, JGS Vice President
of Residential Health and Lori
Young, Director of Nursing,
Leavitt Family Jewish Home
Q: What attracted you to Jewish
Geriatric Services?
Anne: The organization’s
innovation, mission, strong Board
and CEO support, and recognition
of the need to change with an
ever-evolving health care environment,
and the high expectations of
educated consumers.
Lori: Long history of superior care
and wonderful reputation.
Q: In your new roles, what is your initial focus?
Anne: Building the leadership team;
establishing relationships with staff,
residents and family.
Lori: Staff stability; advancing the
quality of care and competencies
of staff.
Q: What is JNH doing to meet the changing health care needs of the
people we serve?
Anne/Lori: We’re building our
short-term Rehab program in the
Small House model of care, which will
enhance person-centered care
here, and we’re working to meet and
exceed customer expectations through
our Family Advisory Council, monthly
family meetings, and Enhanced
Life Enrichment and Dementia
Programming. We’re also recruiting
and retaining staff who are invested
in our mission of compassionate and
exceptional care for all.
Decision making is made closer to the
Q: What are the main objectives of
the Small House model of care, and
how will we bring Small House to
our home?
Anne: More rewarding work. Staff will
also have the opportunity for growth
and development.
Anne: Small House is all about
de-institutionalizing care for a
more homelike experience.
Lori: Getting the right caregivers
on board is definitely a key to our
success. There’s a high level of
employee engagement and
empowerment which directly
affects caregiving.
Q: From a resident/family
perspective, what are the biggest
benefits of Small House?
Anne: More individualized care.
Approach to the “whole person,” not
just their medical needs.
Lori: The smaller, more
intimate setting. There will be more
opportunity to develop deeper
staff/patient/resident relationships.
Q: From the caregiver’s perspective?
Lori: It will be easier for employees
to develop meaningful connections
to residents.
Q: What advice can you give
families and their loved ones about
healthy aging?
Anne: Stay active (body and mind).
Stay connected to loved ones.
Lori: Do what makes you happy.
If not elder care, what other profession would you have been
happy in?
My childhood dream was to be a professional athlete or ballet
dancer. I also toyed with being a marine biologist or psychiatrist
and I’ve always wanted to open my own yoga studio/flower shop,
get to
and name it Floyo! But honestly, I have worked with elders since I
was 16 years old, so I guess that says something!
Person you admire most:
My parents were true mentors and my maternal grandparents
were always inspirations to me. I have also admired, from a young
age, strong adventurous women like Babe Didrikson, Helen Keller
and Amelia Earhart. They succeeded long before women’s lib!
What one thing would people be surprised to learn about you?
That I was a rebel when I was young…I caused my parents many
sleepless nights!
I enjoy the outdoors and anything involving physical activity,
which helps me unwind. On the flip side, I also like to reward
myself with lounge chair and a good book. I love all types of
music, travel, dancing and being with friends and family.
With one extra hour in the day you would:
Spend more time connecting with people in the JGS community
and of course more time with my husband Scott and his family.
Most of my family is spread out and I miss them, so staying
Anne Thomas, JGS Vice
President of Residential
Health and Administrator,
Leavitt Family Jewish Home
connected is really important to me.
Most used app on your phone or tablet:
Rhapsody music and instant messaging with my 21 year old
daughter who does not like to answer her phone. I would also
literally be lost without Google Maps.
Favorite places in the world:
Andalusia region of Spain; Italy; Manchebo Beach in Aruba,
and my new home in Hampden.
My biggest goal this year:
To significantly improve our residents’ experience with JGS.
rOW 1
Maestro Kevin Rhodes,
Springfield Symphony
Orchestra Director and
Conductor, captivated an
audience of more than 50
residents, families and staff
January 26 at the Leavitt
Leavitt Family Jewish
Home residents and their
families enjoyed celebrating
the Mexican holiday
Cinco de Mayo, May 5 in
the nursing home’s Gloth
Family Auditorium. Olé!
Family Jewish Home.
Ruth's House resident
Ruth Mackler celebrated
her 90th birthday in March
with family and friends.
Theresa Paris and Estelle
Moreau toasted the
holiday with margaritas.
Elizabeth Pearson
celebrated with her sons.
Clara Dumbroski and
Stella Maciolek donned
bridging generations with
"ties that bind" program
This spring, ten students from Temple Beth El
Presentations and exercises help the students get to
who were studying for their Bar and Bat Mitzvah
know their partners. Together, they baked Challah, painted,
ceremonies were paired with ten residents of
decorated, and filled flower pots which were given to children
JGS’ Leavitt Family Jewish Home and Genesis
at Shriners Hospital in Springfield. The students also
House for Ties that Bind, an eight-week program
included personal notes with the plants. They kept a
that gives the youngsters time to explore the
journal about their experiences and wrote an essay about
aging process and interact with elders.
how their views on aging and the elderly had changed.
The goal of the program, which is now in its 20th year, is
Olivia Smith partnered with Ester Cohen, a longtime JGS
to give concrete example of the Jewish value upon which
volunteer, writing “I really enjoyed Ties That Bind. I liked
JGS was founded, that of caring for our elders. Sessions
all the great games we played, and all the other activities
begin with elder care education and sensitivity training
we did together. I was glad to be part of this experience.”
with regard to the aging process. “The students learn
Olivia says she now wants to volunteer here, like Ester.
about specific challenges and unique qualities of elders,
and become better able to establish friendships, blend
Jordan Ditusa wrote that the “program changed my view
with them and understand them,” says Rabbi Devorah
on the world. I learned so much from my partner, and
Jacobson, Director of Spiritual Life at JGS. “In turn our
everyone else. I wish everyone could do something like
residents also benefit significantly by meeting young
this program. It was truly amazing.”
friends and learning from them.”
The program ended May 1, 2015 with a graduation
Cheryl Gumlaw, Director of Life Enrichment for the
ceremony and Shabbat dinner. Students led the service
Leavitt Family Jewish Home, notes participating
and shared the essays they wrote, receiving a framed
residents really look forward to the program. “They
photo of themselves with their resident to help them
really enjoy the one-on-one interactions with their student
remember the new family ties they made.
partners, and the lasting friendships they establish. The
kids’ enthusiasm energizes residents, and everyone benefits.”
Ten 7th grade students from the Sandi Kupperman
Olivia Smith partnered with JGS Volunteer and
Learning Center at Temple Beth El participated in this
Genesis House resident Ester Cohen.
spring’s multigenerational Ties that Bind program.
Ruth's House Resident Honored
as oldest longmeadow resident
Selma Paroshinsky lives by a simple motto: “To have friends, you must be one.” The 103-year-old
Ruth’s House resident has tried to live by these words all her life, always surrounding herself with
loved ones. On Thursday, April 23, many gathered with her to celebrate her 103rd birthday, which
has earned her the honor of being Longmeadow’s oldest resident!
Selma was presented with the Golden
be Selma’s ‘home away from home,’
long life, Selma chuckled and said
Cane, a gold-topped ebony cane
and proud to celebrate her milestone
there was no secret. It was her family,
presented by towns throughout New
achievement with her and so many of
friends and faith who sustain her.
England to their oldest residents.
her family present,” said Martin W.
As she blew out the candles on her
(see right for more about the Golden
Baicker, JGS president and CEO.
birthday cake one by one, she said:
Cane.) Longmeadow Select Board
“I wonder if the cake knows I’m 103.”
members Richard Foster and Marie
Selma grew up in Springfield
Angelides, and Amy Saada, Director
on Whittier Street with brothers
of the Longmeadow Adult Center
Harold, Norman and Earl (fondly
made the presentation, saying Selma
called Buster), and extended family.
is a “true treasure of Longmeadow.”
She graduated from Springfield’s
She also received a proclamation
Commerce High School in 1929,
from Springfield Mayor Domenic
and worked as a bookkeeper, first
Sarno, in which he proclaimed April
at Belmont Laundry in the city, and
19, 2015, Selma Paroshinsky Day.
then at Kimball Furniture Company.
This was in recognition of her residence
in Springfield for 68 years, and her
Three years after high school, she
volunteer work there for organizations
married Milton Webber, a local
including the Springfield Library
wholesale meat salesman. Together
Association, Temple Beth El, the
they had a daughter, Rachel. Selma
Jewish Community Center
and Milton were married for 44 years
and Hadassah.
before Milton passed away. In 1980
she married Arthur Paroshinsky, a
Selma moved to Longmeadow in
Longmeadow attorney who passed
1980, and into Ruth’s House, JGS'
away in 1988.
assisted living residence, a little
over a year ago. “We are honored to
When asked about the secret of her
"We are grateful
to You, Source
of All Life, for
keeping us in life,
and sustaining us,
and enabling us
to reach this very
special occasion."
-Sh’hecheyanu Blessing
rOW 1
Selma Paroshinsky and Deirdre
Bilodeau, Ruth's House Quality
of Life Coordinator.
rOW 2
Richard Foster, Chair of the
Longmeadow Select Board
presents Selma Paroshinksy
with the Golden Cane Award.
rOW 3
Selma Paroshinksy and niece
Charlotte Pollak.
The tradition of giving a Boston Post Cane to the oldest
resident in towns throughout New England was started in 1909
by Edwin Grozier, publisher of the Boston Post newspaper.
He forwarded to the Board of Selectmen in 700 towns in New
England a gold-headed ebony cane with the request that it be
presented with the compliments of the Boston Post to the
oldest male citizen of the town, to be used by him as long as
he lives (or moves from the town), and at his death handed
down to the next oldest citizen of the town. The cane would
belong to the town and not the man who received it. In 1930,
that was expanded to include a community’s
oldest female resident.
The canes were all made by J.F. Fradley and Co., a New York
manufacturer, from ebony shipped in seven-foot lengths from
the Congo in Africa. They had a 14-carat gold head two inches
long, decorated by hand, and a ferruled tip. The head was
engraved with the inscription, — Presented by the Boston Post
to the oldest citizen of (name of town) — “To Be Transmitted.”
The Board of Selectmen was to be the trustee of the cane and
keep it always in the hands of the oldest citizen.
Various towns in New England, including Longmeadow, carry
on the tradition, many with original canes, while others have
had to replicate them, because they were lost, stolen or
damaged. For many years Longmeadow’s cane was missing,
and then was thankfully returned. It is now Longmeadow’s
tradition to present the cane at ceremonies, and then return it
to the display cabinet located at the Longmeadow Adult
Center where a plaque lists the current and past holders of this
honorable award. The last presentation of Longmeadow’s
Golden Cane Award was in 2013.
35th Annual Golf Classic
2nd Annual Frankel-Kinsler
Nearly 200 tennis players, bridge, mah jongg,
and canasta competitors enjoyed a beautiful
day of friendship and fun supporting the 2015
Frankel-Kinsler Classic held June 22 at Twin Hills
Country Club in Longmeadow. In addition, 250
people attended the celebration dinner where
trophies were awarded, the winners of the top
raffle prizes were announced, and fundraising
for Michael’s Café was announced.
The tournament is dedicated to the memory of Michael
J. Frankel, a former JGS Board Chair who passed away
in November 2013, and to the Raymond and Herman
Kinsler families, recognizing their longstanding leadership
and support. Proceeds will be used to purchase a new van
for our transportation program and will also fund JGS
employee scholarships, helping our staff advance their
skills and careers.
Michael Frankel’s wife Donna thanked everyone for their
ongoing support and friendship. She mentioned how she
looks for signs that Michael is with her, and looking into
the audience said seeing everyone there was her sign.
“Michael left me in the hands of this wonderful community
that has continued to show its support for me and my
girls,” said Frankel. “I can't tell you how much it means
to me to see so many people who came here to either
Special Announcement
Steve Krevalin, Co-Chair, Project Transformation
Campaign and Jeff Grodsky, a cousin of Michael
Frankel’s, announced a new key component of the
campaign. Funds are being raised to dedicate the
planned café in Michael’s honor. Michael’s Café will
connect the new Sosin Center for Rehabilitation to
our existing Leavitt Family Jewish Home.
Michael’s Café will be a fitting tribute to Frankel,
who was an outspoken advocate for new JGS
projects, as it connects our old services to our new,
and reflects his passions for good food and the
camaraderie of good friends, meeting and sharing
good times together. Michael’s Café will be a warm
and special space with beautiful garden views for
both the JGS and external community to gather and
enjoy high quality kosher meals, featuring deli fare.
To learn more about dedication opportunities in
Michael’s Café please contact:
Susan Kimball Halpern, Vice President of Philanthropy
e: shalpern@jewishgeriatric. org
p: 413-567-3949, ext. 1612.
volunteer or participate in this event.”
Thank You!
Thanks to all volunteers, sponsors, participants, and
community supporters for making the Frankel-Kinsler
Classic a tremendous success.
A central feature of Project Transformation is fundraising for the
dedication of Michael’s Café, offering a central gathering spot for
both the JGS and general community to meet and enjoy breakfast,
coffee, lunch or dinner, as well as grab-and-go service in a bright
and cheerful atmosphere.
Gold Sponsors ($5,000)
Harry Grodsky And Co., Inc.
Northstar Pulp And Paper Co., Inc.
Ronald And Brenna Sadowsky
Silver Sponsors ($2,500)
Astro Chemicals, Inc.
Berkshire Bank
Bolduc’s Apparel
Chicopee Savings Bank
Daniel Goodman “In loving memory
of my wife Kathy Goodman”
D.A. Sullivan & Sons
Epstein Financial Services
Hampden Bank
Kaste Industrial Machine Sales, Inc.
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.
M.J. Moran Inc.
Simione Consultants, LLC
TD Bank
Hole In One Sponsors
Marcotte Ford Sales
Teddy Bear Pools & Spas
Tekoa Country Club
Music Donated By
The Blood Brothers Featuring
Bruce Devlin, Tim Tomko, Kim
Coale & Jeff Sullivan
Tennis Court & Table Game Sponsors:
Fitzgerald Attorneys At Law
Albert & Judith Goldberg Foundation
Locklin Construction Co.
Pearson Systems, Inc.
Peoples United Bank
Cart Sponsors:
Aaron Posnick & Co., Inc.
Acme Metals & Recycling
Ascher Zimmerman Funeral Home
Your Friends At Bacon Wilson, P.C.
Carr Property Management, Inc.
City Tire Co., Inc.
Contractors Home Appliances, Inc.
Dave’s Soda & Pet Food City
Ear, Nose & Throat Associates of New England, LLC
Gekay Sales & Service Inc.
Goodless Electric Co.
James & Barbara Sadowsky
JD Rivet Co. Inc.
Life Supply Corporation
Lynne D. And Gilbert A. Haberman
Family Fund
Martin Baicker, Kelly Larkin, &
Jacob Baicker
Medline Industries Inc.
Nai Plotkin
New England Retina Consultants
Robinson Donovan, P.C.
Hole And Tee Sponsors:
Aaron Smith, P.C.
Advanced Vein Care Center
Alissa & Steven Korn
A.O. White Sport, Inc.
Associated Building Wreckers, Inc.
Attorney’s Michael & Anne
Chernick “In memory of Michael
Auto Sales Center
Betsy & Joel Bertuzzi
Betsey & Malcolm Freedman
Boston’s Best Coffee Roasters
Braman Termite & Pest Elimination
Brennan Family Foundation
Broadway Office Interiors, Inc.
Bruce & Barbara Winer & Family
Carol & Charlie Casartello
Century Investment
Chabot & Burnett Construction
Co., Inc.
Cooley, Shrair P.C.
Corporate Systems Associates, Inc.
Crear, Chadwell, Dos Santos &
Devlin, P.C.
Crestal Health Periodontics
Doctors Express
Dr. James Rosenthal
Eastern States Exposition
Economy Insurance Agency, Inc.
Feeley & Driscoll, P.C.
Florence Dental Care
Forest Park Eye Care
Glenmeadow Retirement Community
Greater Springfield Senior Services
Grosnick Financial
Haberman Insurance Group
Homewatch Caregivers
Horizon Sheet Metal
James J. Dowd & Sons Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Joseph Freedman Co., Inc.
K. Francis Lee, M.D., P.C.
Keady Foard Montemagni Wealth
Kittredge Equipment Co., Inc.
Law Offices Of James M. Smith
Mayor Dominic Sarno
New England Orthopedic Surgeons Inc.
Northstar Recycling Group
Qualified Plan Consultants, Inc.
Ralph’s Blacksmith Shop
Richard M. Gaberman, P.C.
Serv-U Decorating Center/
Shatz, Schwartz & Fentin
Sixt Rent-A-Car
Skoler, Abbott & Presser P.C.
Susan & Richard Halpern
Teamwork Realty Group, LLC.
The Colvest Group
The Sokol Family
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Uno Chicago Grill
Visions of Longmeadow
Western Mass Medical Group
Abe & Bill Neigher
Anita Gold
Bea & Jay Loevy
Bernard & Gloria Miller
Bill & Linda Donoghue
Bonnie & Dan Engelman
Brenda & Zane Mirkin
Bruce Hambro
Cantor Morton & Frances Shames
Carona Tile
Carol Levin
Christopher’s Sports Tavern
Daphne Calkins
Donna Frankel
Dr. Gary & Connie Rappaport
Earl & Phyllis Winer
Harry Aizenstat
Hortense Stone
James Rumizen
Joseph Block
Peggy & Arthur Grodd
Rochelle & Ken Kolberg
Shirley Uman
Zel Lavin
In Kind Donors:
Beautiful Rooms
Bellucci Salon
Big Y
Bob’s Discount Furniture
Brightwood Hardware
Caren & Company
Colonial Auto Service
Connecticut Science Center
Coughlin’s Place
Creative Edge Salon
Dan & Bonnie Engelman
Dave Dirico’s Golf And Racquet
Dr. Glen Brooks – Spa On
The Green
Dr. James Rosenthal
Eastern States Exposition
Elements Massage
Elisa & Jeffrey Goldberg
Essential Therapies
Fenway Golf
F.L. Roberts & Company, Inc.
Fine Arts Center UMass
Frank & Hillary Suher E-S Sports
Gifts & Glitter
Grapevine Restaurant
Gregory’s Pizza Pub
Grillers Hall Of Flame
Heartsong Yoga
Holyoke Merry Go Round
Iron Chef
Kiddly Winks
Li’s Brothers
Lisa Scheff Designs
Majestic Theater
Marty Baicker, Kelly Larkin, &
Jacob Baicker
Max Restaurant Group
Mom & Rico’s
Mon Ami Salon
New Century Theatre
Newman Sewing Machine
Plan B Burger Bar
Red Carpet Nails & Spa
Rug Rat
Salon Caprisi
Saray Turkish Restaurant Ii
Scott & Jeff Grodsky
Semolina Bread Company
Six Flags New England
Shaker Farms Country Club
Sofia’s Restaurant
Specs Perry
Storrowtown Tavern
Tekoa Country Club
The Fort
The Ranch Golf Club
Tao’s Asian Cuisine
The Celery Stalk
The Pilates Center Of Western Mass
The Pizza Shoppe
Ume Asian Bistro
White Hut Kitchen
Williams Distributing
2015 Frankel – Kinsler Classic
It was in the cards that the 2015 Frankel-Kinsler Classic would tee-up an ace of a day for honoring the Frankel
and Kinsler families!
35th Annual Frankel-Kinsler Classic
Monday, June 22, 2015
Twin Hills Country Club, Longmeadow
1st Place Gross:
David Ference, Joe Gozzi, Joe Premont,
Joe Westcott shooting 62
1st Place Net:
Doug Mercier, Jeff Allaire, Ben Pelletier,
Anthony Geary shooting 52
Winners for Closest to the Pin:
CTP#1: Stuart Barowsky
CTP#3: Ben Krevalin
CTP#9: Joe Marullo
CTP#13: Jim Martin
CTP#18: Kyle Simaro
Winners for Longest Drive:
LD#11 Men: David Ference
LD#11 Women: Deb Bloom
Special tribute programs
The “Tree of Life” and “Paving the Way Brick Dedication” programs offer unique and enduring tributes that
recognize loved ones while investing in quality care for our community’s seniors and older adults.
Tree of Life
Brick Dedication
Adorned with individual engraved brass leaves, our beautiful
Pave the way to excellent care by purchasing a commemorative
Tree of Life located in the Roz and Hy Gloth Auditorium is
brick which will be installed in a prominent location (TBD) based
a meaningful way to honor
on Project Transformation
or memorialize loved ones.
plans. The bricks are
An individual leaf can be
available in two sizes:
purchased for $125, and can
• A single 4” x 8” brick
accommodate a dedication
etched with up to 3 lines
of up to four lines of text/24
and 20 characters,
characters per line. The leaf
is $250.
is engraved in upper and
• A double 8” x 8” brick
lower case with block letters. Each space counts as
etched with up to 7 lines and
one character.
20 characters is $350.
Tree of Life Order Form
Brick dedication order form
Line 1
Line 1
Line 2
Line 2
Line 3
Line 3
Line 4
Additional lines for larger bricks
Please notify:
Line 4
Message to accompany the certificate:
Line 5
Line 6
Please notify:
Message to accompany the certificate:
Card #
Enclosed is my check made payable to: JGS
To pay by credit card: Charge my VISA
Exp. Date
Security Code
Please complete and send this form to: JGS, 770 Converse Street, Longmeadow, MA 01106 or call Lisa Perlbinder, Director of Annual
Giving and Special Events at 413-567-3949 ext. 1615 or email: [email protected]
2015 JGS
Membership Drive
The 2015 Stand By Me Annual Fund drive began last
September with an ambitious goal of increasing participation
by 12 percent. Funds are critically needed to help close
the gap between the actual cost of care and the amount
reimbursed by government programs. These yearly
donations are also used to improve the quality of life
for countless individuals by helping pay for life-saving
equipment, trips, activities, programs and more. Those
in this issue of LIFELINES to renew your gift to JGS.
in need in our community depend on our donors to help
And, as always, on behalf of our elderly and those we
us provide them with excellence, dignity and compassionate
serve, we thank you for your continued support and for
care. Please use the convenient return envelope inserted
the trust you place in us to care for your loved ones.
Please use the convenient return envelope inserted in this issue of
JGS LIFELines to make or renew your annual gift to JGS, or call
the Development Office at 413-567-3949, ext. 1610
Card Donation
Sending a Tribute Card is a special way to honor someone
who is celebrating or commemorating an important
occasion, such as a wedding, anniversary, birthday, Bar
or Bat mitzvah, engagement, new home; or to send get
well wishes or condolences while helping frail seniors in
our community.
Honorees will receive a card in the mail with your
Pre-Packaged Donation Cards
personalized message, and as a donor, you will receive
For your convenient use at any time, you can also
an acknowledgement of your contribution.
purchase a package of six individual cards for $35,
with proceeds going to support the JGS mission.
Tribute Acknowledgement Levels:
Minimum Gift Amount $10
Use them to commemorate an occasion or just let
someone know you care.
Chai Seal$18
Silver Tree Seal
$25 - $49
To send a Tribute Card or purchase a Six-Pack of note
$50 - $99
cards, please stop by the Development Office or call
$100 and above
413-567-3949 ext. 1610.
Gold Tree Seal
Teal Tree Seal 25
Planned Giving is a way to
help continue the tradition of
care that we as a community
have built. Those who dedicate
planned gifts to JGS honor our
long-standing commitment of
excellence to seniors and their
families well into the future.
Your gift today
will help us care
for tomorrow's
seniors. Thank
you for your
and ensure the future financial
resources and strength of our Jewish
If you have already provided us with
your Declaration of Intent to leave
an estate gift to JGS, thank you!
Please consult with your financial
planner to discuss your needs and
Consider designating JGS in
We would love to know if you have
interests so that they may help you
your estate planning, and create a
included JGS in your philanthropic
formalize your plans and help you
lasting legacy that will allow you to
plans or intend to do so. This would
accomplish what you want for your
continue to support the care of our
give us the opportunity to demonstrate
family and community.
elders beyond your lifetime. Without
our appreciation for your support
affecting your assets today, your
and give you the honor you so
Please contact Susan Kimball
estate gift will ensure that your
deserve. Join our Circle of Honor,
Halpern, VP of Philanthropy, at
commitment to our mission of
our JGS Planned Giving Society,
(413) 567-3949, ext. 1612 or email
enhancing the lives of seniors will
and consider becoming a part of the
her at [email protected].
remain a vibrant part of our future.
Create A Jewish Legacy Program of
She will be pleased to meet with
Western Massachusetts - a partnership
you and share the benefits of
Through a bequest, annuity, life
of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation,
membership in our Circle of Honor
insurance policy or trust, you can
the Jewish Federation of Western
and Create A Jewish Legacy.
provide for yourself and your loved
MA and its Jewish Endowment
Your greatest reward will be the
ones, while also helping us care for
Foundation, and the Jewish Federation
satisfaction of knowing that your
the people we serve.
of the Berkshires – whose goal is to
gift has enriched the lives of future
build organizational endowments,
generations of seniors!
create a
legacy of
caring for
our elders
JGS' Planned Giving Program
Join our JGS Circle of Honor. Many people choose to support the care of our
community’s elders through a bequest to JGS in their will, or some other form
of legacy gift. This is a wonderful way to help ensure our supportive services
remain strong for future generations. We would love to know if you have made a
legacy gift to JGS so that we may demonstrate our appreciation for your support
and give you the honor you so deserve.
Members of JGS Circle of
Pudsie* & Sidney* Cooley
Fannie Kaminsky*
Samuel Sakter*
Honor as of June 1, 2015
Muriel Dane
Leah Katz*
Phyllis & Paul Salvage
Sarah* & Harry Aizenstat
Meryl & Hyman Darling
Ruth & David B. Katz
Pauline Sanders*
Earl Alpert*
Phyllis & Mark Dindas
Marlene & Jerome* Kimball
Grace* & Archie* Savet
Ellen & Stuart* Alpert
Thomas Donoghue*
Eva Kleinberg*
Naomi & Mickey* Schoenberg
Michelle & Stuart Anfang
Eunice Elion*
Susan & Edward Kline
Beatrice Shapiro*
Richard Aronson*
Fannie* & Harry* Feldman
Deborah & Stephen Krevalin
Joan* & Marshall Solomon
Connie* & Gabe Auerbach
Ann A. Filler*
Eve Landis*
George Sosin*
Yvonne & Robert Baevsky
Ina & Harold* Fine
Florence* & Melvin Lavin
Grace Sperling
Margie & Eric Berg
Barbara & Bruce* Finkel
Alice Lazerowitz
Irma Squires*
Mitchell Berlin*
Ronnie Rom & Donald Frank
Phyllis Levy*
Abbie & Meyer Weiss
Barbara Binsky
Donna & Michael* Frankel
Rebecca* & Arthur* Marshall
Ruth & Fred* Weiss
Charlotte* & Paul* Bloom
Seymour Frankel
Charlotte L. Meyer
Dottie & Zane Wernick
Elliot Bloom
Robert Friedlander
Joseph Napolitan*
Albert Winer*
Michele & Edward Borowsky
Lillian Gaberman*
Molly* & Abe Neigher
Ilyssa & Brian Zippin
Sylvia* & Fred Brownstein
Theo & Michael Glickman
Jan & Charles* Nirenberg
Judith & Alan Bullock
Renine & Seymour* Gold
Freda Paul*
Italics – indicates member of Create
Esther* & William Burrows
Helen* & Shefford* Goldband
Carol Pearl
a Jewish Legacy
Ida Caplan*
Judith Plotkin Goldberg
Minna Pfeffer*
Shirlee* & Fred* Cardarette
Irma Goldsmith
Charles Polep*
Carol Kantany-Casartello &
Janine & Marc Goldstein
Nancy Posnick & Avrom Kushner
Charles Casartello
Bernard Gorfinkle*
Florence* & Aaron* Posnik
Lottie Catok*
Harold Grinspoon
Linda & Ed Radding
Martha Finkel Ceppetelli &
Millie Grodsky*
Harold Ratner*
Michael Ceppetelli
Susan & Ronald Grodsky
Joan Rosenbaum
Lori & Richard Chase
Susan & Richard Halpern
Alan Rosenfeld
Rona & Irwin “Mike”* Chase
Carole & Michael Hirshberg
Dorothy A. Rubin
Frances* & Norman* Cohen
Roberta & Michael Hurwitz
Rose Sadovsky*
*Of blessed memory
Establish a Charitable Gift Annuity.
You can make a charitable gift to JGS that helps you pay your bills.
Payment Rate*
Generate higher returns in a low interest rate market
Fixed, guaranteed income for life
Tax savings
For more information, contact Susan Kimball Halpern, JGS Vice President of Philanthropy at
(413) 567-3949. ext. 1612, or email [email protected].
*Rates are for illustration purposes only. Please consult your financial advisor.
Thank You
The staff and board of
JGS and its entities, and the
elders and families whom we
serve, gratefully acknowledge
the thoughtful and loving
support of our many donors.
The following names reflect
donations received between
October 1, 2014 – May 20, 2015.*
Kitty & Jay Berger
Gloria Rothman
David and Muriel Cohen
Frances & Allen Grosnick
Debbie & Stephen Krevalin
Phyllis & Paul Salvage
Jean & Bill Licht
Bernice Licht
Grace Sperling
Ethel & Hi Neigher
Geoff Neigher
Rick Neigher
Steve Neigher
Barry & Jane Schulman
Carl Reiner & Gail Hebert
Darius & Faith Toraby
Bonnie Shyer
Marcia Albert
June & Walter Gordenstein
Janet Black
Elaine Saffer
Salena Blake
Margaret Mastrangelo & Rabbi Devorah Jacobson
Miriam Pilver
Sidney Weiner
Myra Gold
Carole & Harvey Gloth
Miriam Lieff
Harriet Brisk
Doris & Irving Chase
Richard Goodman
Ruth & Kermit Kenler
Barbara & Richard Slater
Walter Gordenstein
Peter Gordenstein
Leon Herman
Fern & Albert Newman
Linda & Edward Radding
Kitty Levi
Faith Toraby
Ruth Mackler
Gilda D'Ascoli
Lisa & Mark Goldman
Gayle Gordon
Margaret Mastrangelo & Rabbi Devorah Jacobson
Debbie Kaye
Florence Lavin
Elliott Levin
Scott Mackler
Linda & Lawrence Mackler
Lisa Perlbinder
Jeanne Ragonesi
Carol Resnick
Mildred L. Stambovsky
Judy & David Weinberg
The Goldman Family
The Riviello Family
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Wills
Abe Neigher
Patti & Bob Bassell
Carol & Richard Engelson
Renine L. Gold
Anne Shapiro
Sidney Weiner
Hyman Neigher
Sylvia & Pat Barr
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Doris & Irving Chase
Grace Sperling
David Okun
Lynne Josephson
Anne Robinson
Renine L. Gold
Gloria Rothman
Cynthia & Maxwell Littwitz
Frances L. Scheckter
Florence Lavin
Michael Scheer
Fern & Albert Newman
Bob Solin
Brenda & Gerald Canter
Debra & Robert Cohen Birth of
Baby Girl
Judith & George Sachs
Sandy & Andy Tieman
Donna & Steven Feldman Birth of
Susan & Richard Halpern
Susanne & Robert Osofsky Birth
of Granddaughter
Judith & Alan Bullock
Edward Shelasky Birth
of Grandson
Patti & Bob Bassell
William Burrows
Annette & Barry Goldberg
Anne Robinson
Jean & Bill Licht
Gloria Rothman
Mica Baevsky
Martin Baicker & Kelly Larkin
Doris Margolis Grandson
Marlene Kimball
In Honor Of
Dr. Gary Bassell
Ann & Stanley Bassell
Fern & Albert Newman
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Linda & Edward Radding
Judy & George Sachs
Rabbi Devorah Jacobson
Suzanne Arnopolin
Mrs. Irene Beron
Kenneth Abrahams
William Burrows
Doris & Irving Chase
June & Walter Gordenstein
Susan & Richard Halpern
Ruth & Kermit Kenler
Sue & Edward Kline
Selma & Bernie Milstein
Gloria Rothman
Joan K. Rubin
Elaine Saffer
Carol Halpern Wernick
John A. Allen
Dolores Allen
Mary Canning
Charles C. Kennedy Post
No. 275
James R. Loughman
Alan Baicker
Barbara & Richard Alpert
Judith & Alan Bullock
Lori & Richard Chase
Martha Finkel & Michael
Barbara Finkel
Darlene Francis
Theo & Mike Glickman
Susan & Richard Halpern
Bea Hano
Roberta & Michael Hurwitz
Sarah Jackson
Margaret Mastrangelo & Rabbi Devorah Jacobson
Karen Johnson
Carol Kantany-Casartello & Charles Casartello Jr.
Marlene Kimball
Michael & Beth Paysnick
Stephen Roizen
Edward Roman
Alta Stark
Anne Thomas
Carol Halpern Wernick
Helen Bass
Ronnie & Larry Tillman
Florence Benware
Joanne Benware
Marilyn R. Erickson
Gary Rome Hyundai
Maureen Cooper Fiduciary
Dorothy St. Pierre
Blanche Berman
Phillip Berman
Frank Bernini
Margaret Bernini
Roslyn Block
Marie A. Flahive
Susan Gaber
Melvin Hunter
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.
Susan Schlacks
Colleen M. Shapiro
Carol Halpern Wernick
Paul Bloom
Judy Bell
Steven Bell
Gail & Roger Bronstein
Robert Bruskin DMD, FAGD
Miriam Chaiklin
Doris & Irving Chase
Emily D. Eason
Jane & Richard Engelman
Beth Fentin
Theo & Mike Glickman
Annette & Barry Goldberg
Margie & Robert Goldberg
Leah & William Goldman
Cynthia Greenberg
Frances & Allen Grosnick
Susan & Richard Halpern
Margie & Bruce Hambro
Jayne & Scott Harris
Betsy Joseph
Jan & David Kalicka
Ellen & Bob Kant
Ruth & David B. Katz
Zelma Lavin
Norma & Eric Lee
Joseph Lieberman
Susan Markson
Steve Peltzman
Linda & Edward Radding
Hyman I. Robinovitz
Linda & Moshe Ronen
Joan & Robert Rosen
Marilyn Rosenthal
Judith & George Sachs
Elaine Saffer
Tom Schmitt
Kim Seals
Mickey & David Shrair
Dolores Stein
John Thurner
Carol Halpern Wernick
Nancy M. Cadieux
Diane Dubreuil
George T. Marchant
Zoe Larson
Herbert Cohen
Patty Berke
Vincenzina A. Bumbaca
Doris and Irving Chase
David F. Collins
Congregation B'nai Torah
James P. Corrigan
Jan Draymore
Luis Escobar
Russell Fuller
Eleanor H. Gay
Marcia & Ronald Gordenstein
Carol Kantany-Casartello & Charles Casartello Jr.
Louise D. Kelley
Alice L. Lawrence
Ann Libardi
Jean and Bill Licht
Eileen Robar
Raymond Robar
Robert B. Robar
Therese Robar
John T. Ryan
John Sadak
Sally & Marie Sadak
Trixie Stavros
Judith Tremble
Twin Hills Country Club
Ida Cohen
Harriet Brisk
Samuel Cohen
Sylvia & Pat Barr
Donna D. Bozza
Myra & Jerry Gold
Jean & Bill Licht
Freda Posnick
Elizabeth & Jerry Rome
James Vinick
Joel R. Cushing
Carol & Richard Engelson
Filomena Daniele
Norma & Frank Colaccino
David Neigher
Ethel & Hyman Neigher
Linda & Edward Radding
Charles Daniels
Syma & Patrick Mulich
Thomas Donoghue
Robert Connelly
Maurice Elion
Kris Meyers
Donald Evans
Judi & Bud August
Adele Barden
Patti & Bob Bassell
Frederick Baxter
Donald C. Bridge Jr.
Robert Cohen
Congregation B'nai Torah
Trudi and Neil Epstein
Carole & Harvey Gloth
Myra & Jerry Gold
Maxine & Samuel Goldberg
Sheila Goodless
Diane & Larry Goodman
Lorraine Guthrie
Susan & Richard Halpern
Lori & Steven Hurwitz
Michael Izenstein
Joan Katz
Debbie & Richard Leblanc
Doris Margolis
Rachael & Joe Miller
Bonnie Miller-Schofer
Freda Posnick
Scott & Lynne Schiffer
Toby & Art Schuman
Irma Schwartz
Debra & Philip Sloan
Roberta & Richard Steingart
Ronnie & Larry Tillman
Murray Federman
AFP Western Massachusetts
Chapter Inc.
Charlotte Bergman
Myer Ezrin
Florence Lavin
David & Frieda Lawrence
Qualified Plan Consultants, Inc.
Anne Feldman
Myron & Beverly Halpin
Leona Fieldman
Marcia & Howard Albert
Doris & Irving Chase
Susan & Richard Halpern
Grace Hoff
Joan Katz
Jean & Bill Licht
Gloria Rothman
Joan K. Rubin
Elaine Saffer
Myra & Mannie Wiedman
Judi Fieldstein
Karen Bennett
Susan Bonchi
Harriet Brisk
Doris & Irving Chase
Jan Draymore
Jane & Richard Engelman
Theo & Mike Glickman
Myra & Jerry Gold
Sheila Goodless
Jill Goodman
David Gordon
Bill Greene
Susan & Richard Halpern
Joan Katz
Marlene Kimball
Richard Kinsler
Shirley & Alan Levitz
Jean & Bill Licht
Doris Margolis
Joanne Martin
Linda Mazza
Michele McPherson
Harrisia Rappaport
Elaine Saffer
Toby & Art Schuman
Mickey & David Shrair
Rosalee Simensky
Grace Sperling
Ray Weisser
Carol Halpern Wernick
Bernice Zerwitz
Gary V. Forrest
Mr. Michael Baldwin
Michael Frankel
Martha Finkel Ceppetelli & Michael Ceppetelli
Ron & Marcia Gordenstein
& Family
Susan & Richard Halpern
Arnold & Barbara Ravelson
Dottie & Zane Wernick
Sylvia Ginsburg
Martin Baicker & Kelly Larkin
Patti & Bob Bassell
Ronald H. Berger
Martha Finkel Ceppetelli & Michael Ceppetelli
Jane R. Ginsburg
Elizabeth Goodwin
June & Walter Gordenstein
Arthur & Peggy Grodd
Susan & Richard Halpern
Robert Harris
Carol Kantany-Casartello & Charles Casartello Jr.
Ruth & David B. Katz
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.
Beverly Miller
Anna Milner
Marilyn & Robert Rappaport
Patti B. Silver
Iris Stutman
Bernard Glazier
Karen Heafitz
Stanley Goldaper
Shannon & Ryan Ascher
Patti & Bob Bassell
Jonathan Birenbaum
Michael Dunn
Ellen & Maurice Fieldstein
Susan & Richard Halpern
Carl Miceli
Lynn & Phillip Perlmutter
Linda & Edward Radding
Sandy & Andy Tieman
Helen Goldband
Civia Kimball
Mildred Goldsmith
Anne Shapiro
Eleanor Goldstick
Carole & Harvey Gloth
Leon Goodless
Goodless Electric Co.
Kathy Goodman
Gail & Roger Bronstein
Phyllis Cohen
Robert Fagin
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Daniel E. Goodman
Susan & Richard Halpern
Bea Kelberman
Ruth & Kermit Kenler
Lisa Perlbinder & Tom Porter
Linda & Moshe Ronen
Judith & George Sachs
Jean Gordon
Marcia & Howard Albert
Ellen Alpert
Clare & Joe Ashe
Patti & Bob Bassell
Salena R. Blake
Judith & Alan Bullock
Anthony J. Campagnari
Brenda & Gerald Canter
Liz Chertoff
Ester Cohen
Lynn B. Cohen
Carol & Richard Engelson
Ellen & Maurice Fieldstein
Teresa Fisher
Susan Gaynor
Anita & Stanley Glasser
Sandra E. Goldaper
Diane & Larry Goodman
Susan & Richard Halpern
Carole & Michael Hirshberg
Phyllis Levenson
Elliott Levin
Lynne H. Meltzer
David Neigher
Ethel & Hyman Neigher
Joyce K. Peck
Lynn & Phillip Perlmutter
Linda & Edward Radding
Marilyn Rosenthal
Judith & George Sachs
Jane & Barry Schulman
Irma Schwartz
Beverly M. Shore
Grace Sperling
Sandy & Andy Tieman
Sora Torff
Janice Turek
Sidney Weiner
Ina & Richard Werman
Barbara & Allen Zippin
Anna Granger
Alice Lapierre
Ethel Grant
Charlotte K. Pollak
Anne Shapiro
Diana Smith
Eileen Grinspoon
Martin Baicker & Kelly Larkin
Judith & Alan Bullock
Louise Chambers
Michael C. Coln
Brenda & Alan Curtis
Lara & Dean Curtis
Lynn Denucci
Bonnie & Daniel Engelman
Jane & Richard Engelman
Carl Fichtenbaum
Kathleen Fitch
Donna Frankel
Arlene Garvey
Marcia & Ronald Gordenstein
Margie & Jeff Grodsky
Susan & Richard Halpern
Matthew Hayes
Janine H. Idelson
Ronda & Mark Jackowitz
Pamela & David Kalman
Anne Klibanski
Sue & Edward Kline
Annette Lavigne
Alice L. Lawrence
Scott Levin
Cynthia & Maxwell Littwitz
Charlotte Meyer
Beverly & Allen Nadler
Kimberley O'Donnell
Richard A. Packer
Marion Pava
Karen Phillips
Mollie & Daniel Plotkin
Dean E. Putterman
Joanne Radner
Todd & Amy Ratner
Audrey & David Rome
Beverly J. Rosen
Mickey & David Shrair
Susie Stitt
Shirley Tedesco
Virginia Triant
Carol Halpern Wernick
Dinah Hausman
Martin Baicker & Kelly Larkin
Carole & Harvey Gloth
Carol Halpern Wernick
Catherine Jennings
Carol & Donald Collins
Milton Kaplan
Marcia & Howard Albert
Patti & Bob Bassell
Ellen & Mark Gold
Diane & Larry Goodman
Frances & Allen Grosnick
Grace Hoff
Rhoda Karp
Joan Katz
Eileen Levi
Jean & Bill Licht
Freda Posnick
Elaine Saffer
Lois Saffer
Irma Schwartz
June M. Shack
Martin Toyen
Frances Weber
Alan Katz
Merna & Sam D'Agostino
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fieldstein
Doris Margolis
Virginia Kennedy
Martin Baicker & Kelly Larkin
Patti and Bob Bassell
Anita Kruger
Barbara Spallino
Susan & Richard Halpern
Richard Kinsler
Barbara Nadler
Eunice Lepow
Susan & Richard Halpern
David Neigher
Fern & Albert Newman
Anne Shapiro
David Levin
David Neigher
Carol Halpern Wernick
Madeline Levine
Joan K. Rubin
Joseph Lieberman
Patti & Bob Bassell
Michael Marszalek
Joseph P. Maloney
Margaret McCarthy
Loretta E. McCrillis
Joyce Lane
Lynne H. Meltzer
Anne Bassell
Marilyn Rosenthal
Judith & George Sachs
Margaret Spaulding
Barbara & Allen Zippin
Ronald Meltzer
Roberta & Robert Axler
Anne Bassell
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Jean & Bill Licht
Linda & Edward Radding
Marilyn Rosenthal
Jeffrey R. Rothberg
Judith & George Sachs
Sandy & Andy Tieman
Barbara & Allen Zippin
John Moffette
Susan & John Jackson
Sara Munic
Susan & David Porter
Mary Murphy
Eleanor Mitchell
Barbara & Louis Arborio
Charles Nirenberg
Doris & Irving Chase
Susan & Richard Halpern
Margaret Mastrangelo & Rabbi Devorah Jacobson
Ruth & David B. Katz
Carol Halpern Wernick
Jason Novitch
Arnold Ram
Elaine Saffer
Pearl Nuger
Faye E. Bates
Joan E. Bogard
Dorothy Borenstein
Sarah Camhi
Doris & Irving Chase
Jillian & Steven Danishevsky
Eleanor Gabel
Jill Goodman
Barbara Hofford
Jan & David Kalicka
Gloria Kelley
Roslyn Leiter
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.
Jeffrey Passo
Jean Passo
Audrey & David Rome
Margaret V. Ryhanych
Eric Schoenberg
Richard Sullivan
Joan & Arnold Vogel
Arthur A. Pava
Purita & Norman Pava
Ida Plesset
Joan Baquis
Frank's Auto Service
Diane & Larry Goodman
Susan & Richard Halpern
Karen & David Mernoff
Mary Ellen Miller
Halina Wiczyk &
James Rosenthal
Mary Poe
Ann & Jay Turnberg
Jeffrey Rahn
Judi & Bud August
Ellen & Maurice Fieldstein
Sheila & David Okun
Charlotte Reich
Bacon/Wilson, P.C.
Walter Roblinski
Patti & Bob Bassell
Doris & Russell Cobbs
David Neigher
Tessie Sadowsky
Mary Beth & Mark Sadowsky
Phil Saffer
Doris & Irving Chase
Jean & Bill Licht
Cynthia & Maxwell Littwitz
Gloria Rothman
Claire K. Rubin
Joan K. Rubin
Norma & Milton Rubin
Lois Saffer
Bernard Saltzman
Sherrie Levin
Mary F. Schab
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Jennie Schuman
Syma & Patrick Mulich
Edward Schwartz
Eric Schwartz
Harold Ser
David Neigher
Robert Shanley
Elaine Becker & Myer Ezrin
Karla Selden
Agnes Shapiro
Anita Decaro
Shirley Hersh
David Neigher
Marlene Ratner
Gloria A. Ray
Anne Shapiro
Wendy Weltman
Archie Shapiro
Doris and Irving Chase
Carol & Richard Engelson
Carole & Harvey Gloth
Renine L. Gold
Margit Goldberg
Sheila Goodless
Jean and Bill Licht
Abe Neigher
David Neigher
Ethel & Hyman Neigher
Steven & Myra Pevzner
Judith & George Sachs
Sandy & Andy Tieman
Bacon & Wilson, P.C.
Helen Sheldon
Bacon & Wilson, P.C.
Patti & Bob Bassell
Carol & Richard Engelson
Patrick & Laurie Kilbride
David Neigher
Margaret L. Seidell
Gloria Winters
Joy & Marvin Wolman
Seymour Shotland
Gloria Rothman
Elaine Saffer
Selma Siegel
Harriet Brisk
Doris & Irving Chase
Sheila Goodless
Jean & Bill Licht
Doris Margolis
Anita Skole
Doris & Irving Chase
Jean & Bill Licht
Sidney Snyder
Theo & Mike Glickman
Elliott Soltz Father
Carole & Harvey Gloth
Alan Suher
Patti & Bob Bassell
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Judith & George Sachs
Sandy & Andy Tieman
Georgia Sutton
Jerri I. Bresnahan
Anne Swartz
Esther Dogon
Anne Szulc
Joyce Broadbent
Joanne Chamberlain
George M. Downie
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Robert Mumford
Paul P. Schoenrock
Bernard B. Shaw
Patricia Tarnauskas
Sidney Weiner
Gail M. Talbot
Charles N. Donais
Lucy M. Donais
Edward Torff
Martin Baicker & Kelly Larkin
Patti & Bob Bassell
William Dube
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Susan & Richard Halpern
Margaret Mastrangelo & Rabbi Devorah Jacobson
Jean & Bill Licht
Sharon & Edward Orenstein
Iris & Richard Siegel
Sora Torff
Sidney Weiner
Charlotte Wallk
Ruth & Kermit Kenler
Herman Walters
Carol Kantany-Casartello & Charles Casartello Jr.
Gertrude Weiner
Michael Abdouch
Martin Baicker & Kelly Larkin
Ronah Baillargeon
Raymond Bargelski
Patti & Bob Bassell
Salena R. Blake
Donna Bortnick-Matthews
Christopher M. Carr
Lucy & Jim Carvalho
Doris & Russell Cobbs
Ester Cohen
John Donnellan
Carol & Richard Engelson
Ellen & Mark Gold
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Faith Greenberg
Susan & Richard Halpern
Julie Herchuck
Fay & Samuel Horowitz
Margaret Mastrangelo & Rabbi Devorah Jacobson
Morton H. Katz
Bea Kelberman
Cissie & Gabe Kitchener
Tini & Morton Koss
Raffelena Latino
Kitty & Arthur Levi
Eleanor K. Levi
Sandy & Donald Levy
Joseph Lieberman
Saul Michaelson
David Neigher
Ethel & Hyman Neigher
Fern & Albert Newman
Sharon & Edward Orenstein
Miriam Pilver
Michael Pries
Linda & Edward Radding
Julius Resnick
Linda Richardson
Lois & Wendall Ritchie
Jacqueline Rosenberg
Judith & George Sachs
Leonard Schreiber
Irma Schwartz
Russell Schwartz
Michelle & Howard Ser
Anne Shapiro
Shatz, Schwartz & Fentin
Anna Smith
Diana Smith
Selwyn Smith
James H. Squires
Joseph Tardiff
Sandy & Andy Tieman
Connie & Michael Torcia
Sora Torff
Ruth Virginia
Joanne Weisser
Carol Halpern Wernick
Barbara & Allen Zippin
Howard Weisenberg
James Vinick
Charles Wolfe
Carol Kantany-Casartello & Charles Casartello Jr.
New Home
Selma Cooley
Muriel Dane
Gloria Rothman
Joan Katz
Harriet Brisk
Freda Posnick
Janice Reisman
Freda Posnick
Gloria Rothman
Lisa Perlbinder & Tom Porter
Abe Neigher
Patti & Bob Bassell
Ethel & Hi Neigher
Freda Posnick
Joan Katz
Joan Rosenbaum
William Burrows
Muriel Dane
June & Walter Gordenstein
Howard Halpern
Gloria Rothman
Grace Sperling
Ruth Weiss
Grace Sperling
Muriel Dane
June & Walter Gordenstein
Ruth & Kermit Kenler
Jean & Bill Licht
Barbara Zippin
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Linda & Edward Radding
Thank You
Holly Kimball
Barbara & Allen Zippin
Lynn & Phillip Perlmutter
Linda & Richard Goldrick
Mark Newman
Sandra E. Goldaper
Judy & George Sachs
Speedy Recovery
Frances Weber
Freda Posnick
Moe Fieldstein
Myra & Jerry Gold
Stanley Goldaper
Linda & Richard Goldrick
William Goldman
Faith Greenberg
Morton Haberman
Joan Katz
Zane Katz
Myra & Jerry Gold
David Lasko
Fern & Albert Newman
William Licht
Joan Katz
Doris Margolis
Doris & Irving Chase
Muriel Dane
Ruth & Kermit Kenler
Joanne Martin
Margaret Mastrangelo
Carol Kantany-Casartello & Charles Casartello Jr.
Thank You
The staff and board of
Esther Green
Bruce Finkel Music Fund
JGS and its entities, and the
Seymour Frankel
elders and families whom we
Grace Sperling
Nancy and Martin Swilling
serve, gratefully acknowledge
Seymour Frankel
Barbara Finkel
the thoughtful and loving
& Joan Rosenbaum
support of our many donors.
The following names reflect
Joel Broida
donations received between Alan Baicker
Barbara Finkel
October 1, 2014 – May 1, 2015.*
Broad/Schoenberg Fund
Seymour Frankel
Steven Dembo
& Joan Rosenbaum
Barbara Finkel
Paul Bloom
Seymour Frankel
Hyman Neigher
Leah & William Goldman
Alan Katz
Seymour Frankel
Eileen Grinspoon
Seymour Frankel
Martha Finkel Ceppetelli
Barbara Finkel
Debra Finkel
Barbara Finkel
Martin Swilling
Barbara Finkel
Speedy Recovery
Kathy Goodman
Nancy Swilling
Moe Fieldstein
Seymour Frankel
Barbara Finkel
Naomi Schoenberg
Jean Gordon
Seymour Frankel
*We have tried ensure accuracy of each
Edna & Michael Frankel
William Migden
donor’s name and information listed. We
Memorial Fund
Seymour Frankel
apologize if any error has been made, in
Bea Kelberman
which case we ask that you contact us so
Bar Mitzvah
Charles Nirenberg
that we may correct our records.
Will Hurwitz
Seymour Frankel
Seymour Frankel
& Joan Rosenbaum
Donating to JGS is just a click away.
Doris Solomon & Family
Francesca Stone
Go to and click
Will Rome
Seymour Frankel
on Donate.
Seymour Frankel
Gertrude Weiner
Seymour Frankel & Joan
David Okun
Judi and Bud August
Eunice K Elion
Memorial Fund
Speedy Recovery
Sharon Aminia
Seymour Frankel
Eunice Elion
Ina Fine
Kris Meyers
Seymour Frankel
Renine Gold, a JGS volunteer for 33 years,
volunteers in the Coffee Shop.
Are you passionate about working with the elderly?
By giving of your time and talents here at JGS you
know firsthand how we touch lives each and every day
of those we serve. As an organization, we constantly
seek individuals and groups to provide friendship and
enjoyment to our residents, as well as ways to add
meaningful programs and services that ease the
challenges of aging.
There are many rewarding volunteer opportunities
available at JGS, from helping with the activities of
daily life to supporting our residents' spiritual life.
If you are interested in
learning more please
stop by or call:
Currently, there is a special need for volunteers
to attend Shabbat morning service on Saturday
that is held in the nursing home shul. Anyone
is welcome to attend this traditional Orthodox
service. By your presence at these services, you
will be doing a real mitzvah.
Kimberley Grandfield
t: 413-567-3949 ext. 1610
e: [email protected]
Rabbi Devorah Jacobson
t: 413-567-3949 ext. 2210
e: [email protected]
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
Gloth Family Auditorium, Leavitt Family Jewish Home
Wednesday, July 29 @5PM
Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, September 13 @sundown
through September 15 @sundown
Yom Kippur
Tuesday, September 22 @sundown
through Wednesday, September 23 @sundown
Everybody looks forward to TGIF Fridays, and
here at JGS, there were four very special reasons
our residents and staff said “thank goodness
Friday’s here!” Longmeadow High School
students Brandon Goldberg, Emily Tyler, Josh
Novis, and Paige Phillips spent the school year
volunteering an hour once-a-week in the JGS Life
Skills program, bringing a little extra joy and
smiles to all of us here. “We loved having the
kids here every Friday,” said Kim Grandfield,
JGS Development Coordinator. “They brightened
our day with their energy and enthusiasm!”
The Life Skills Program is designed to combine regular
classroom curriculum with job training and real-life
High Students
Complete Life
Skills Program
at JGS
experiences that relate to the mission of Longmeadow
High School’s Vocational training and practice program.
The program is run by Kate Mard, assisted by Jodi McKenna
and Karen Sprinthall. “This is a great partnership,” said
Mard. “The students learn from the staff, but also from the
residents, and their families. They’re helping their community
and learning skills they can use at home and beyond.”
Each week, they did something different, from bowling
to helping at tea time or learning how to set a table and
make a bed. The students said their favorite activity
was planting flowers last spring and fall.
Brandon, Emily and Paige have been Life Skills volunteers
Thank goodness
Friday's here!
since the 6th grade, when they attended Glenbrook Middle
School. In June, Emily and Paige graduated from Longmeadow
High School, with Emily attending Riverview College on
Cape Cod this September. Paige is paying her Life Skills
experience forward, staying in Longmeadow and becoming
a teaching assistant in the Life Skills Program! Brandon and
Josh will return to JGS Life Skills next fall. Congratulations
to all for jobs well done! We thank you for your hard work
and celebrate your success!
rOW 1
Congratulations Life Skills class
of 2015: Emily Tyler, Josh Novis,
Brandon Goldberg and
Paige Phillips.
Paige and Josh….
….. Emily and Brandon give
gardening a real thumbs up!
LIFELines Magazine
A Publication of Jewish Geriatric Services
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