ICI Enterprises Recover and Recycle (40000
ICI Enterprises Recover and Recycle (40000
rcienvironnement.com SUMMER 2011 | VOLUME 1 | NUMBER 10 ICI Enterprises Recover and Recycle (40,000 Tons) u u Multi-Plus Than nks to re r covery and nd rec e yc y liling ng pro rogr graamss offer off ered ed by RCI Envirron onne n ment nt,, a gr grow owing g nu umb mber er of ICI (i (ind ndustrial, commerciaal an and d inst in sttit itut utio ut iona io naal) bus usin ines esse sess ar a e turning to this th is optio on. In 2010,, RC RCII En Environnement’s cust cu sttomers re reco c ve co ered ovver 40,000 tons of wast wa ste by imp st mpleme enting th this is approach. The Th ere re ema main ns sign gnifi ificant was aste te recovery pote po entiaal am amon ong on g th he 20 20,0 ,000 00 com ompa panies se ervved e by RC RCI En nvi viro ronnem emen em nt. Mo More and m re mo e, polililci cies e , lawss and bylaw es awss will aw will req equi uire r thaat bus th u ine esse es of o all sizzes es inccre ease e th the e v lu vo ume of re eco c ve vere re ed waastte an and d re edu ducce th he am mou ount n se ent to o lan a dfi d llss. In order rd der e to be be at the th he fo fore re efro rontt of wasste recove reco very ry (ca card rdb rd board, boar d, met etal al,, pl plas lasti ticc and ti glass) s),, we are offe ffering plans that meet the need ds of all typ y es es of co comp mp pan anie i s and will prrov ovid ide id e th them hem m witth su supp ppor ortt wh when en n app pply lyin ly ing in for th hei eirr RE R CY CYCC-Qu C-Qu CQuéb ébec éb ec’s ec ’ss ICI ON RE RECY CYCL CY C E certifi fica cati tion on n. RC CI En Envi Envi viro ronn ro nnem nn emen em entt has en already ha had d a le leve vel 3 certifi ifica fica cati t on on (80% waste recycling) g) for o several yeaarss. For informatio on ab abou outt a n ne ew pllan or to reassess your cu urr rre ent on ne, e, ple leas ase as e contact one of our specialis ists ts at 51 14 35 3522-2020 or at: 2ventes@rcienvironn nnem emen en nt. t.co com co 3-Way Waste Bin Recovery – It’s Your Cho o i ce Our wide-ranging ser ervi v ce allowss ou our business customerss to recover gl glas ass, paper, cardboard, plastic and metal. De Dep pending on their objectives and needs, they ey can do this using a variety of containers in into to which their own employee es de deposit unso ort rte ed recyclable waste. The employ oyee eess of the Lavval ICI Sorting Centre sort and d com ompact mater eria ials ls into bundles befo ore sen ending them to specialised recyclers. We will invest app pro roxi ximately $1.5 million in the Laval Sortin th ng Ce Centre in order to enhance our treatmen entt ca capacity by adding highly advanced ed equ quipment that will increase the ce cent ntre re’s efficiency and performance. A Simple and Effective Plan for You The Th e pr prog ogram’’s succ og ccesss depends largely on cc th he co omm mmitme entt of th he company’s managem nt tea me eam m, a sou ound nd analysis and a solid needs assesssme ment nt.. Ne nt Next come the plan’s design, itss im de impl plem pl emen em entation o through the acqu ac q isit itio it ion io n of equ quip ipme m nt and awareness buililildi bu ding di ng and tra rain inin ing g of employees and otthe herr us user ers, er s, ado dopt ptio ion n of new forms of be eha havi viou vi ourr,r, per ou erfo form rmance assessment and moni moni nito tori to ring ng and nd continuous improvement. Stri St ricct adh dherren ence to this process leads to ICI ON RE REC CYCLE certification. u Waast ste e ma manaage g me ent is so ome eth thin ng that sh hou uld be si s mp m le e, po osi sittivve an nd d att ttra tt ract ra c ive forr co fo orp rporrat ate e cl clie ient ie ntss an nt nd thei e r em e pl ploy oyee oy eess ee even n if it is a co omp mple lexx pr le p oc ocesss fo or RC RCII Environnem emen em en ent nt. Th That at is wh why ou ourr advi advi ad visers workk wit ith h ea each ch com ompa pany pa ny ind ndiv ivid iv duaallly, u in us ing g a pr prec e ise me m th thod o ol olog ogyy th og thaat makkes es it pos o si s bl ble to car arry ry out ut,, ac a co ord rdin ing in g to to an ag greed ed-u ed -u upo p n ti time melililne me n , th he pllan anni ning ng g and n im mpl p em emen enta en tati ta t on of a re resp spo onsibl b e pllan that th at tar arge gets ge ts spe peci cific ci fi obj b ec ecti t ve ves. Front Load Mix Waste Container Stage Eco-Friendly Events 2011 Co onsu umers’ Choice Award d More and more cities and organisers are putting on eco-friendly, zero-waste and carbon-neutral outdoor events. RCI Environnement offers a turnkey service that includes planning, waste collection equipment rental, sorting and maintenance team, waste removal (recyclables, compostables and final waste) and a performance assessment report. 2011 For a fifth straigh gh ht ye y ar ar,, RC RCII Envi viro iro ronn nnem nn ementt em h s received the Consumer ha errs’ s Cho hoic ho icce Aw Awa ard in n the h waste removal catteg egor oryy. It re or eco cogn gnis gn ises is es ourr employees’ outstan ou ndi ding ng effo fforts to mee et ourr cl ou client ntts’ exp x eccta tati tion ti ons. on Follow the example of the PGA Champions Tour’s Championnat de Montréal, Rogers Cup, Just For Laughs Festival, Osheaga Festival, Vans Warped Tour, Heavy MTL and many others and sign on for our services by contacting us at 514 352-2020 or at: [email protected] It is th he re resu sult su ltt of a Lé Lége ger ge er Maarketing g su urv rvey ey cond duc ucte ted te d am amon ong on g th he ge gene n ral ne a pu ubl blic ic and d mana ma nage na g rs of sm ge smal alll an al nd medi dium um m enterpriises in n the Great atter Mon ntrrea eal Region on. on We tha h nk allll of our clie ient ie n s fo nt f r th hei er confi co nfid nfi denc nce and loya yaaltty. rc ienvironnement.com 40 Yard Roll-off Container u u Two-Way Public Waste Bin u 00333-I11-201107 10 Yard Roll-off Container Did You Know That… … u RCII En RC Envi viro vi ron ro nnem eme ent manag ges th the e Be Bell ll Cent Ce ntre’s nt ’s org gani anic waste? Th The e Bell Bell Cen e trre en has earn rned ICI ON RECY YCL CLE’s leve le e el 3 c rt ce rtifi ifica ifi cati ca tion on by annual allyy recycling ng g 80% % orr mor o e of o its t wastte te or te, o mor ore e th han n 1,000 tons ns of waste th hat is no n t se sent n t a landfi to dfill. dfi u RCI Env R vironn nnem nn em men ent’ t s trruckk flee eett ru runs nss on 5% bio 5% odiese el fue el,l, tha hat emitts 91 9 % fe f wer gree en ho hou use ga gases (G (GH HG) th than a conve entiion nal diese s l fu se fuel and has ass reduc ed du ed its ts em missionss by 500 0 ton o s annually?? Consstruction and Renovation Consstr C t ucti t on and renovation sitess as wel ti ellll ass ma cl major cleanup proj ojec e ts require goo ood oo d wa wast ste st e mana ma nagement. RC na RCII E En nvi vironnementt offe ffers rs a broad range of con nta tain iner in ers, s, roll-off containers and portable toilets for sho hort rt-term rental as well as a waste collection and nd manag gem ement se ervvice ice. Caall us att 514 4 352 5 -2 -202 020 orr sen 02 nd us an em email at: ve entess@r @rci cien ci envi en v ro vi ronn nem e en nt.com an nd ask for th fo the shorrtt te errm m ren enta taal depaartment. St-Hubert Restaurants Are Managing Their Organic Wastte In Quebe becc in 2011, a growing number of lea ead ding companies, such as St-Hubert Restaurants, have decided to manage their Re organic waste in an optimal manner. RCI Environnement offers a comprehensive organic waste collection and management service to all businesses. Please call us at 514 352-2020 or send us an email at: [email protected] u Y u pr Yo p ot otec ect the environment by buy u ing go ood odss ma m de d from m re recycled e materials lss? Contact us! We encourage you to send comments, questions and suggestions to: [email protected] Printed on Rolland Enviro100 paper made using biogas-generated energy. Contains 100% postconsumer fibres, certified Eco-Logo, a chlorine-free process. An environmentally-friendly choice! 514.352.2020 | 1.877.565.2025 | rcienv v i ro o nnement.com
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