lemgo detmold höxter warburg - HS-OWL
lemgo detmold höxter warburg - HS-OWL
Be a student at OWL UAS Contact Four sites – one university application for Degree-seeking students Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences Liebigstraße 87 D - 32657 Lemgo Germany Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences‘ (OWL UAS) goal is to tackle complex problems and global challenges and work to ensure that knowledge and innovations benefit society. We provide education and research in engineering, economics and management, life science technologies, design and construction. Almost 6,500 students, 163 professors and 500 employees are based at our campuses in Lemgo, Detmold, Höxter and Warburg. most of the study programs start mid-September. To apply, please hand in the following application documents until 15th July: • • • • application form qualification for admission to higher education transcript of records proof of German language skills (DSH Level 2, TestDaf 4 x TDN 4, Goethe-institute C1-prüfung) application for exchange students please hand in the following application documents until 1st December (for the spring semester) or 1st June (for the winter semester). enquiries about international partnerships: nicola Weinert – Head of international Office phone: +49 05261 - 702 385 e-mail: [email protected] each campus is characterized by its courses of study: Lemgo is home to the classic engineering disciplines, supplemented by one-of-a-kind courses such as media production, Wood Technology and Food Technology. Detmold focuses on disciplines involving construction and design. Höxter has made a name for itself as a campus dedicated to ecological aspects in engineering. Warburg is the youngest site of the university and offers a selection of the classic engineering disciplines. enquiries about studying at oWl Uas (incomings): Kerstin rosemann phone: +49 5261 - 702 391 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hs-owl.de/io • • • • • application form for exchange students certificate of enrolment at home university “Learning Agreement” official academic transcripts resumé For more information please contact our international Office. international Office Our international Office takes care of you every step of the way. They help you to plan your trip to Germany, to find the right accomodation, to enroll in your courses, and to manage all necessary formalities. They will ensure that you find your way around on campus and in town as well as introducing you to fellow students at welcome parties, city rallys, campus tours, and so on. The university cooperates with nearly 100 partner universities in over 35 countries. general enquiries: press relations Office phone: +49 5261 - 702 218 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hs-owl.de/en/service/pressestelle Get in touch www.facebook.com/HochschuleOWL www.youtube.com/Hochschule OWL LEMGO DETMOLD HÖXTER WARBURG n CAMPUS - COURSES - CHARACTERS OSTWESTFALEN-LIPPE UNIVERSITY AT A GLANCE more helpful information for incoming students as well as details on scholarships as well as visa and insurance requirements can be found on our website: www.hs-owl.de/io. Status 09/2013 Be open-minded Our Degree Programs and Additional Courses Offered The neighboring districts Lippe and Höxter are part of the region Ostwestfalen-Lippe. They are situated in the center of Germany between Teutoburg Forest, the Weser river and the Weser Hills. The city of Hanover is 100 kilometers to the east and Cologne is 200 kilometres to the southwest of the university. The region invites students to take part in creative recreational activities, sports and culture. i. bachelor progr ams A dva n c e d p ow e r t e ch n olog y a p p l i e d co m p ut e r sc i e n c e A R C H I T E C T U RE * B I OT E C H N O LO G Y B U S INE S S A D MINI S T R AT I O N * C IVI L EN G INEERIN G * CO MP U T ER EN G INEERIN G * CO S ME T I C S A N D D E T ER G EN T S T E C H N O LO G Y E L E C T RI C A L EN G INEERIN G ENVIR O NMEN TA L EN G INEERIN G F O O D T E C H N O LO G Y * IN D U S T RI A L CO N S T R U C T I O N EN G INEERIN G IN D U S T RI A L EN G INEERIN G * IN D U S T RI A L PR O D U C T I O N O F F O O D A N D O R G A NI C F O O D IN T ERI O R D E S I G N * L A N D S C A PE A R C H I T E C T U RE L A N D S C A PIN G A N D G REEN S PA C E LO G I S T I C S * ME C H A NI C A L EN G INEERIN G * ME C H AT R O NI C S * ME D I A PR O D U C T I O N P H A RM A C E U T I C A L EN G INEERIN G PR O D U C T I O N EN G INEERIN G * T E A C H ER T R A ININ G F O O D T E C H N O LO G Y T E A C H ER T R A ININ G N U T RI T I O N A L A N D D O ME S T I C S C IEN C E U R B A N P L A NNIN G W O O D T E C H N O LO G Y * Dating back to 1190, Lemgo is one of the oldest cities in this region of Germany. Almost 1.000 years of history blend with modern knowledge and ideas. In Ostwestfalen-Lippe, you find the charm of small picturesque, cobble-stoned towns side by side with city attractions such as shopping, restaurants, nightlife and cultural events. Strong technological and scientific medium-sized companies shape the industry. The university’s excellent contacts to the local industry and businesses is the basis for innovative study programs and successful research collaborations. Thanks to the excellent education of our graduates and the close industrial relations, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences has become an essential and indispensable part of the regional economy. The Departments of Ostwestfalen-Lippe University Department 1 - Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Design Department 2 - Media Production Department 3 - Civil Engineering Department 4 - Life Science Technologies Department 5 - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department 6 - Machine Technology and Mechatronics Department 7 - Production and Economics Department 8 - Environmental Engineering and Applied Computer Science Department 9 - Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Be prepared II . CO N SEC U T I V E MAS T ER PROGRAMS A R C H I T E C T U RE ENVIR O NMEN TA L EN G INEERIN G A N D M O D E L L IN G IN F O RM AT I O N T E C H N O LO G Y ( F U L L-T IME / PA R T-T IME ) IN T ERI O R D E S I G N L A N D S C A PE A R C H I T E C T U RE P L U S L I F E S C IEN C E T E C H N O LO G IE S ME D I A PR O D U C T I O N ME C H AT R O NI C S Y S T EM S PR O D U C T I O N A N D M A NE G EMEN T PR O D U C T I O N EN G INEERIN G A N D M A N A G EMEN T S U S TA IN A B L E B U I L D IN G A N D M A N A G EMEN T T E A C H ER T R A ININ G F O O D T E C H N O LO G Y T E A C H ER T R A ININ G N U T RI T I O N A L A N D D O ME S T I C S C IEN C E W O O D T E C H N O LO G Y III . F U R T HER E D U CAT IO N PROGRAMS / D EGREE PROGRAMS CO MP U TAT I O N A L D E S I G N A N D CO N S T R U C T I O N FM • LE ADING AND MANAGEMENT SKILL S IN T ERN AT I O N A L FA C A D E D E S I G N A N D CO N S T R U C T I O N M B A - G ENER A L M A N A G EMEN T A N D L E A D ER S H IP P M • P E R S O N A L I T Y D E V E LO P M E N T A N D M E T H O D S T R A I N I N G L A N G U A G E CO U R S E S * cooperative study programs All courses are taught in German except of those with the Union Jack. The MBA course is taught in German and English. Facts and figures n 6,461 students n 163 professors n 500 teaching and administrative staff n 76 laboratories Study programs at Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences prepare students for national and international job markets. Practical orientation is the hallmark of studying at universities of applied sciences. At Ostwestfalen-Lippe University, scientific knowledge and methods are conveyed and applied in the numerous well-equipped labs. Thanks to our close cooperation with the industry, it is common for our students to carry out work placements and prepare their theses in companies. Studies are rounded off by practical semesters. We attach great importance to giving our students a comprehensive education. This is why we offer a variety of extra-curriculum courses: language courses, presentation techniques, using different types of media, conflict management, and many others. Cooperative study programs The range of courses is rounded off by so-called “cooperative study programs”, initiated in collaboration with the industry. Students enrolled in cooperative programs study for four days a week and spend the fifth day in the company. With the initiation of the cooperative study program Ostwestfalen-Lippe University has taken over a leading role in the region.