Wildflower World Annual Catalogue 2016
Wildflower World Annual Catalogue 2016
1 Wildflower and Garden Flower seeds ANNUAL CATALOGUE Valid to July 2017 www.wildflowerworld.co.nz 2 Welcome to Wildflower World - colouring our country Growing wildflowers Wildflowers can be grown wherever you can stretch your imagination. They are timeless beauties and make a natural addition to any landscape. Take a look out your window and you are bound to see a spot for wildflowers right there! Give us a call and then let’s get sowing. Every year more people are enjoying spectacular wildflower displays, but the environmental benefits are becoming well recognised. The ability of attracting and feeding beneficial insects is so important that Wildflower World is now supporting Apiculture New Zealand, Moths & Butterflies of NZ Trust and the newly formed N Z Bumblebee Conservation Trust. Geoff & Liz Brunsden and the team at Wildflower World Ordering Information We are as close as your phone, fax, computer or letterbox away. Wildflower World’s friendly team endeavors to send all orders within 48 hours of receipt. All prices are GST inclusive and valid to July 2017. Please add our standard $4.50 postage and handling to all orders. For orders over $70.00 please choose the Courier option to ensure safe & quick, tracked delivery of your seeds. There is no minimum order. If ordering seeds as well as bulbs from the GardenPost catalogue, please use the GardenPost order form and add your seeds to that. For those ordering seeds only please use the wildflower order form. Gift Coupon With every order over $70.00 Wildflower World is pleased to offer a $5.00 Gift Coupon for every order over $70.00 before freight. Orders over $150.00 will receive a $10.00 Coupon. You can redeem them online or enclose with your next order. Internet Ordering What are Wildflowers? Wildflowers are original flowers from the wild that have not been altered by mankind. They are survivors and are generally pest and disease free. And, most will re-seed easily. What are Garden Flowers? Many of these flowers are direct descendants of our wildflowers but bred or selected for excellence in colour, fragrance, shape or form. All our selections are easy to grow but are best sown into trays for planting out later. Wildflower World – Who are We? We are a small NZ family owned company with many years of mail order seed supply. Our first mail order catalogue was posted in 1990 and since then we have continued to research, trial and tailorise seed mixtures for NZ conditions. Wildflower World introduced landscaping with wildflowers, including their establishment on many roading networks. Our goals are to work further to enhance wildflower growing, their establishment and application to NZ. GardenPost Wildflower World is a sister company to mail order company GardenPost. GardenPost releases four catalogues per year with a fabulous range of the top quality bulbs and gifts, sourced from the best companies nationwide. Both companies offer superb garden products with friendly service and a love of gardening. As we work in the same office products from both companies can be purchased together. www.wildflowerworld.co.nz For fast access and quick results pop into our beautiful website - you can order online through our secure server. Join our ‘Grab a Plant’ Newsletter and receive monthly updates and specials. Contacts: Physical: 155 First Avenue West, Tauranga Follow us on Facebook NOTE: As from 1 November we are moving to 9a McDonald Street, Mt Maunganui. Postal: Private Bag 12050 Tauranga 3143 Phone: 07 9284517 Fax: 07 9284518 Email: [email protected] www.wildflowerworld.co.nz Copyright 2016/2017 5Wildflowers Reasons to Grow This Year 1. W ildflowers are really easy to grow. They are very low-maintenance, love lots of sun yet require minimum water once established. 2. Wildflowers attract beneficial insects which provide invaluable pest control services as well pollinate our flowers. There is no greater joy than to go into a garden alive with bees, birds and butterflies in amongst drifts of wildflowers. 3. Wildflowers are good for the environment. They do not attract bugs or diseases and consequently do not need to be sprayed with toxic chemicals! 4. Wildflowers provide glorious colour. If you dream of a garden with the most amazing display of nature’s most beautiful flowers then wildflowers are for you. 5. Wildflowers are fun. Whether you’re a new gardener or a seasoned pro, growing, caring for and cutting wildflowers for summer bouquets is simple and so much fun. New Zealand Bumblebee Conservation Trust. Much Ado about Bumblebees Ever since we established Wildflower World we have promoted sowing wildflowers as food for bees and other pollinators. Now we are thrilled to announce the official formation of the New Zealand Bumblebee Conservation Trust. There are only four species of bumblebees in NZ. They help pollinate crops such as commercial glasshouse vegetables. This work is worth millions of dollars to our economy and without bees our fruit and vegetables would be much more expensive. But times are tough for bees and bumblebees as their habitat and food resources continue to decline the more we farm without flowers. YOU CAN HELP just by growing wildflowers and joining our new Bumblebee Trust. Come and learn all about bumblebees and support this new organisation at www.nzbct.org.nz Plans have started for preservation and education programmes for schools throughout our country. Come and join today. Bumblebee Hives Bumblebee hives are ideal for home gardens and Wildflower World has a unique concept. Choose a wildflower mix such Pollinator Mix or Bees Birds & Butterflies Mix, sow them and just before they come into flower you can order your very own hive, pre-loaded with a queen and about 50 workers. Your flowers will provide nutritious food for your bees and they will in turn aid pollination in your vege garden and fruit tree crops. Hives are available from Zonda International in Auckland – phone 09 235 5660 Zonda is a foundation member of the N Z Bumblebee Conservation Trust 3 4 Growing Guide for Wildflowers Papaver Soldier Poppies – see page 29 Our wildflowers will grow in a wide range of conditions throughout the country. Some are suited to specific conditions - e.g. Summer Dazzler for hot, dry climates or Made for Shade for shady areas. Most species are good strong self seeders, but having gone through strict bio-security import criteria are not in any way regarded as noxious. All seed packs have step by step instructions. How much seed do I need? For best results we recommend to sow seed at 1 gram per square metre. However, if you have good quality soil, have put good effort into preparation so your site is clean and weed free and if you are able to provide water during germination, then you could sow seed to a slightly larger area size. soggy soils. Heavy clay or very acid soils will benefit from adding lime - up to 100 grams per square metre. Fertilising the ground is usually not recommended - it will encourage weed growth, but we have had some extremely good results from adding mushroom compost. It improves the structure and fertility of soils and is especially good for clay soils. Where to sow Climate\When to Sow Anywhere! A square metre or two in a courtyard, dollops under roses or in the veggie garden, down a drive, or go for gold with a full sized meadow! The site does not have to be flat. Banks are good as long as you are able to get on them to clean up. If the bank is very steep look at establishing an area on the crest where maturing wildflowers will seed down the slope, but watch for “wash off’ in heavy rain. Most wildflowers are sun lovers so make sure they receive at least 4-5 hours sun per day—the more the better! But if nothing else is growing on your site (e.g.under large trees) then wildflowers won’t either! Soil Type Wildflowers grow well on a wide range of soils. Very impoverished soils can produce stunted seedling growth but a basic foliar fertiliser spray will help. Avoid wet or Beautiful wildflower displays are created by good site preparation, sowing at the right time of year and then just a little patience! Please take time to follow our recommendations. For large areas good preparation is especially important so we have a “Hot Tips” leaflet that gives more detailed information -please contact us if would like a copy prior to ordering. Bulk discounts are available for areas larger than those outlined in this catalogue. Site Preparation Wildflower seed must make contact with soil for them to grow. They will not grow on grass or weeds - these must be completely removed and the soil surface broken up to a fine crumb structure. We recommend preparing a site that is completely weed and grass free. This is critical to the successful establishment survival and flowering of individual wildflower species or a meadow. Sowing can be any time from early spring through to summer and autumn - refer to our map for a guide to your area. Delay spring sowing until you have consistent warm weather. If you have irrigation then seed can be sown all summer too. Autumn sown seeds will over-winter as a green sward and then burst forth for early spring flowering. Wildflower seeds will germinate and grow when soil and air conditions are warm and airy. Generally speaking they need at least 15 degrees centigrade consistent day temperatures at soil surface. Prolonged cold wet conditions below this will significantly affect germination. Heavy clays can take longer to warm up than sandy loams. Zone 1. Late August- December. March to Mid May Zone 3. October-December. March & April Zone 4. November - December. March to Early April Zone 2. Late September - December. March & April 5 A site preparation regime for getting a weedy or grassy area ready would be: • spray off with glyphosate (Roundup, Weedout) and allow to die off * see note below • if dead grass is long, then cut and remove debris • lightly cultivate the soil surface to a MAXIMUM depth of 50 mm (sandy loams) or 100 mm (clays). Avoid deep cultivation as this releases dormant weed seeds. • allow weeds to colonise area again to a green sward • spray again and allow to die down • lightly cultivate soil surface again prior to sowing to a good, fine crumb structure. Organic Methods There are a number of organic herbicides (e.g. Interceptor and Greenscape) available on the market—check your local retailer. Alternatives to herbicide sprays are burning off weeds with a flame gun, salt spray, boiling water or overlaying mown areas with a weed free mulch of 50 mm plus. Otherwise, lightly cultivate the soil surface several times to remove weeds, allowing them dry out on the soil surface each time. a hand held fertiliser spreader is ideal. A very low NPK granular fertiliser (6N 6P 6K) is also an excellent median to use as a spreader/carrier agent to mix with the seed at sowing time. at the start of cleanup before sowing). Then mow or mulch the whole bed to a fine trash. If the soil surface has hardened off again, lightly cultivate to break this cap to encourage new seedling growth. Ensure the seed is well mixed then broadcast as evenly as possible over the prepared area. Lightly rake or water the seed into the soil. The seed should never be covered any deeper than 2-3 mm as this could inhibit germination. More fresh seeds may be required until the area becomes self-perpetuating. For best effect sowing up to 50% of the original amount is recommended, especially if there has been a weed problem. Gently rake new seed into the clean wildflower bed. Some species may become more dominant than others due to local climates and conditions. Experiment to see what will work best for you. Aftercare Like any other seed wildflowers require ample moisture for the first 4-6 weeks to germinate and establish. They can then usually survive with minimum rainfall but additional water in dry periods will encourage more flowers. Major weeds that reappear can to be hoed or spot sprayed in their early stages. Flowering should begin within about 8-10 weeks from a spring or summer sowing. Warranty Wildflower World offers our customers the best quality seeds we can find worldwide. Our seed is imported through strict biosecurity regulations so we offer weed-free and fresh seed that has no danger of becoming noxious. We warrant to the extent of the purchase price that all seed is After Flowering Cleanup as described on the packet within recognised tolerances. Once flowering has finished and the plants look a bit untidy We make no other warranties, expressed or implied. All then the area can be trimmed or mown down. If there are the seed we sell is untreated and non genetically modified not many weeds in the area then cut everything down and we can supply a written statement to say the same if Sowing Seed and leave the trimmings on the ground to drop their seed required. For an even distribution mix seed with a carrier agent. for next season. Pull, hoe or spot spray any weeds. A light Use at least 15 –20 parts of a coarse material such as dry cultivation or rake over is recommended to encourage *If you choose to use chemical sprays we advise discussing river sand or pumice (even potting mix) to 1 part of seed. reseeding. with your product supplier the effect on the soil/ Lightly coloured sand or pumice shows up well on dark soil environment and their own warranty in relation to the and helps to show which areas you have sown! Make sure If lots of weeds have crept in then spray the whole area effect on newly sown seed. the carrier agent is dry for easier spreading. For larger areas immediately before any new wildflower growth (as you did Eschscholzia californica – see Page 25 6 Business Promotion Seed Packets Attract customers to your business using these seed packets with your own personal message Say thank you to old clients or promote your business and attract new clients. It’s a living gift! After the gift is acknowledged and the seed is sown you will be remembered when the flowers bloom! Seeds from you get sown in people’s minds as well as their gardens. A perfect promotional tool. It’s personal, easy, different, memorable, special, very cost effective and… IT WORKS!!! We will print your name, a personal message, your logo or photograph onto labels attached to our crisp white, 90 x 125 mm seed envelopes. If preferred, we could use a more eco-friendly look, manila coloured envelope. Use our standard designs or design a packet yourself. Growing information is on the reverse of the envelope and seeds are in a foil sachet inside. Also a perfect solution for small gifts at Christmas time. Simply pop them inside a card – it’s easy, personalised and very cost effective. Use our Christmas designs or create your own. Contact us for ideas. Choose from the following options: Forget-Me-Nots, Wildflower Mix, Pink Poppies, Red Poppies, Blue Cornflowers, Sunflowers Business Promotion Seed Packets Minimum order 24 24-99 $2.90 each 100-299 $2.50 each 300-499 $2.25 each Further discounts on orders over 500. Prices include GST. Freight is extra. Contact Geoff or Liz for a sample. Business Promotion Mini Seed Sachets The perfect solution for bulk give-aways or business promotions. These foil seed sachets have labels attached directly onto them with your printed message on the front & growing details on the back. The small size, 75 x 70 mm, means they can easily be popped into mailing envelopes or attached to personal letters or cards posted to your clients. An excellent, cost effective idea for large scale promotions through to smaller, advertising programmes. Design and seed options are the same as above. Further discounts on orders over 1000. Prices include GST. Freight is extra. Contact Geoff or Liz for a sample. Business Promotion Mini Seed Sachets 2 gram packets Minimum order 60 60-99 $1.70 each 100-299 $1.55 each 300-499 $1.45 each 500-999 $1.40 each 7 Personalised Wedding Seed Packets Weddings are such special occasions so here is an opportunity for the wedding couple to give a small personal gift to all their friends and family. With a personalised message printed onto a packet of seeds, wedding guests will remember the special day later on when their flowers come into bloom. We will print your name and message onto labels attached to our crisp white, 90 x 125mm envelopes. Use our standard designs or design a packet yourself. Personalised Wedding Seed Packets 2 gram packets Minimum order 24 24-99 $2.90 each 100-299 $2.50 each Personalised Christmas Our Wildflower Book A Photographic Guide to Wildflowers of New Zealand or Special Occasion Seed Packets Delight your friends or associates with a personalised gift of seeds - complete with your name and message. Personalised Why not pop them into Christmas cards – memorable but inexpensive personal gifts. Great for Christmas, Christenings, Birthdays, Reunions, Invitations, Funerals or any special occasion. Wildflower World has a number of designs—please contact us. We will print you own personal message or design on each packet. We can prepare them at short notice. Choose from the following options: Forget-Me-Nots , Wildflower Mix, Pink Poppies, Red Poppies, Blue Cornflowers, Sunflowers Christmas or Special Occasion Seed Packets 2 gram packets Minimum order 24 24-99 $2.90 each 100-299 $2.50 each Prices include GST. Freight is extra. Contact Geoff or Liz for a sample. by Geoff & Liz Brunsden. Published 2004 by New Holland Publishers A few years ago we had the pleasurable job of traveling around the country taking photographs of wildflowers that can be found naturalizing in NZ. This is a pocket sized companion that will help identify 125 flower species, set out in flower colour order. Great for home reference or a perfect gift. Price: $26.95 Code 1050 8 Wildflowers can be grown wherever you can stretch your imagination, from large meadows to small garden corners. They add a natural look to landscapes and require little effort to grow. All wildflower seeds can be sown direct into the garden, no seed trays, no transplanting. How easy is that? Sow them individually or choose from our glorious mixtures. Wildflower meadows will bring to you an exceptionally attractive palate of colours that change week by week. Wildflower Mixtures Growing wildflowers is so easy! Size is not important, whether it is a small plot of just a few square metres or a full blown field. Our mixtures are tailored to suit a wide variety of NZ conditions, from tough soils to fertile home gardens. They will give you a natural floral landscape in both urban and rural settings. In season flowering can begin as soon as 8 weeks after sowing – then the journey begins as one species finishes another blooms, working up to a crescendo of colour in full season. The bonus is fading flowers put down masses of seed for the next generation. Step by step instructions are included in each packet. Species in any mixture may alter slightly depending on the availability of seed. Prices are inclusive of GST. How much seed do I need? Recommended sowing rate is one gram per square metre. Starting at just $0.35 per square metre for large areas, nothing matches wildflowers for the most cost effective form of gardening. Larger sizes than those listed are always available– please contact us with your requirements. Lowfield Meadow Premium wildflower mix for a colour extravaganza Our most popular wildflower seed mix! Sow wildflowers to create this gorgeous look in your garden. This mix is quick into flower and is very long flowering with new plants beginning to flower as old ones fade. Brilliant colour range beginning with gentle soft tones of pink, mauve and white in the early season drifting into vibrant yellow and red drought tolerant species to give seemingly everlasting summer colour. Suitable for both large and small areas, A well behaved mix with a height profile of 30-70 cm. Sizes Available: 15 grams: Covers around 15 square metres $13.00 50 grams: Covers around 50 square metres $36.50 100 grams: Covers around 100 square metres $63.00 250 grams: Covers around 250 square metres $137.00 500 grams: Covers around 500 square metres $212.00 Suggested Uses: Garden borders, country meadows, driveways, schools, roadsides, golf courses, club houses, hillsides Code 580 Contains: Centaurea-mixed cornflower & dwarf blue, Coreopsis-Plains & Dwarf Red, Dianthus – Sweet William, Dimorphotheca-African daisy, Gaillardia-Indian blanket, Gilia -Birds eyes, Gilia – Globe Gilia, GypsophilaBaby’s Breath, Linaria- Toadflax, LinumScarlet flax, Lobularia-Sweet alyssum, Lupinus-Dwarf Lupin, Malcomia-Virginia stock, Nigella – Miss Jekyll, PapaverCorn poppy, Silene- Catchfly, 9 10 Highfield Meadow Make a Standout Statement Big, bold and beautiful – the real essence of a wildflower garden. This is a strong and powerful mix with brilliant colours making it suitable for both small and large areas. Flowering begins with pastel pinks, whites & blues before moving onto the drought tolerant, bright yellows and reds for the midsummer sun. Height range 50 -100 cm. with taller growing Wildflowers Sizes Available: 15 grams: Covers around 15 square metres $13.00 50 grams: Covers around 50 square metres $36.50 100 grams: Covers around 100 square metres $63.00 250 grams: Covers around 250 square metres $137.00 500 grams: Covers around 500 square metres $212.00 Suggested Uses: Garden borders, country meadows, driveways, roadsides, schools, golf courses, club houses, commercial buildings Code 565 Contains: Centaura-tall blue cornflower, Chrysanthemum-Garland daisy, CoreopsisPlains & Red, Cosmos- Mixed cosmos, Cosmos- Sulphur Cosmos, CynoglossumForget-me-Not, Eschscholzia-Californian poppy, Gaillardia-Blanket flower, Gypsophila – Baby’s Breath, OenotheraEvening primrose, Papaver-Corn poppy & red poppy, Phacelia-Purple tansy, Ratibida columnifera & Rudbeckia-Black eyed Susan 11 Summer Dazzler Hot, sun-scorched colours especially good for dry areas. Brighten up those summer days with these hot colours — a spectacle of dazzling red, orange and yellow interrupted by occasional white and blue. Drought tolerant mix of tough and strong plants that will handle difficult conditions. Great for areas with low water availability, especially coastal areas. Height 40-80 cm. Wow Factor Sizzling colours for Hot Sunny Days Sizes Available: 15 grams: Covers around 15 square metres $13.00 50 grams: Covers around 50 square metres $36.50 100 grams: Covers around 100 square metres $63.00 250 grams: Covers around 250 square metres $137.00 500 grams: Covers around 500 square metres $212.00 Suggested Uses: Garden borders, country meadows, driveways, roadsides, golf courses, schools, club houses, seaside gardens, dry areas Code 595 Contains: Calendula officinalis, Centaurea-tall blue cornflower, Coreopsis- Plains & Red, Cosmos-White cosmos, Cosmos- Sulphur cosmos, Eschscholzia-Californian poppy, Gaillardia-Blanket flower, GaillardiaIndian blanket, Linum-Blue flax, Lobularia-Sweet alyssum, Papaver - red poppy, Phacelia-Californian bluebell, Phacelia-Purple tansy, Ratibida - Mexican Hat, Rudbeckia-Black eyed Susan, Rudbeckia-Gloriosa daisy and RudbeckiaClasping coneflower 12 Potful of Poppies Poppies are surely Nature’s jewellery, individually splendid, collectively glorious. Everybody loves poppies. No wonder - no other flower has such lavish beauty besides being so easy to grow. They beg creativity - so paint a picture, plant a rainbow, commit a riot! Not surprisingly, this is one of our most popular mixtures. Here is a combination of six poppies with a sprinkle of other blue and white wildflowers to harmonise and blend and make a real dreamy garden. Height 40-80 cm Garnish the landscape with this mix of poppies of every type, style and colour. Sizes Available: 10 grams: Covers around 12 sq m $12.00 15 grams: Covers around 18 sq m $15.50 50 grams: Covers around 60 sq m $44.50 Suggested Uses: Annual or perennial borders, driveway edges or any existing or new sunny garden area needing extra colour. (Note - as Papaver seed is very fine, smaller amounts are required to cover specific areas) Code 570 Contains: Papaver rhoeas - bright red ‘Soldier’ poppy, Papaver rhoeas - glamorous pink, white and bicoloured corn poppy, Eschscholzia californica - a golden orange favourite , Eschscholzia White Linen - creamy white, Eschscholzia – Mission Bells, Eschscholzia Mikado- mahogany red, Eschscholzia Brilliant - mixed colours. Plus 10% white Baby’s Breath, Californian Bluebells & white Alyssum . 13 Imagine a carefree existence with clear, uncomplicated days, butterflies, picnics and children picking bouquets. For lovers of large wildflower meadows here it is. Wildflower World has formulated this mix especially for large meadow or roadside areas. Sow in spring\ early summer or autumn. The incredible colour range of toadflax leads into the stunning blue of the cornflowers, chased by the wow of the red poppies and concluding with the resilient cosmos and coreopsis. Fourteen very tough species to grow on nearly every site - hard baked clays to sandy loams. H 80-100 cm (for smaller sized packets look at Highfield Meadow) We will help you step-by-step with our ‘Hot Tips” leaflet that comes with each order. Country Road The Perfect Solution For Large Gardens Sizes Available: 250 grams: Covers around 250 square metres $137.00 500 grams: Covers around 500 square metres $212.00 1000 grams: Covers around 1000 square metres $385.00 2000 grams: Covers around 2000 square metres $700.00 Contains: Calendula – English Marigold, Centaurea-Tall blue cornflower, Clarkia-Farewell to Spring, CoreopsisPlains and Red Coreopsis, Cosmos-Mixed cosmos, Cynoglossum-Forget-me-Not, DimorphothecaAfrican daisy, Eschscholzia-Californian poppy, Papaver -Corn poppy & red soldier poppy, PhaceliaPurple tansy, Ratibida – Yellow Coneflower, Rudbeckia-Black eyed Susan, Silene-Catchfly. Suggested Uses: Road verges, driveways, tanker tracks, country meadows. Code 690 14 Plant wildflower seeds in your garden or patio pots to provide essential nutrition for bees. Bees are vital for the pollination of many flowers. This mixture has been composed of flowers that are proven bee favourites in our gardens. Bees will forage on these flowers for nectar and pollen which provide carbohydrates and protein for growth and energy. Well-nourished bees are more capable of fending off disease and parasites. It is easy to carry out pollinator conservation. You can preserve and build a safe bee habitat by reducing insecticide spraying and plant flowers that provide nutrition. Mix contains a range of colourful flowers that will brighten any garden. Height 20-60cm Bee Friendly Mix Brighten up your garden with bee friendly flowers Contains: Calendula—English Marigold, Centaurea— Mixed cornflower, Cheiranthus allionii, 15 grams: Covers around 15 square metres $13.00 Collinsia—Chinese Houses, Cynoglossum— 50 grams: Covers around 50 square metres $36.50 Forget-me-Not, Eschscholzia—Californian 100 grams: Covers around 100 square metres $63.00 Poppy, Gaillardia—Blanket Flower, Gilia— Globe Gilia, Linaria-Toadflax, Linum - Common Blue Flax, Lobularia—Sweet alyssum, Suggested Uses: Flower or vegetable Malcomia—Virginia Stock, Nemophila—Baby gardens and organic gardens. Annual Blue Eyes, Papaver—Corn Poppy, Reseda— or perennial borders. Code 520 Sweet Mignonette, Tagetes—French Marigold Sizes Available: 15 A special mix of wildflowers designed to attract bumble bees, honey bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects into your garden - colourful magnets for our nature’s friends. These beneficials will love to dine at your place! In addition you will enjoy a myriad of gorgeous flowers including poppies, cornflowers, & cosmos Taller growing than our Bee Friendly Mix. H40-100cm Bees Birds & Butterflies Pollinate your flowers and create a beautiful garden Contains: Sizes Available: 15 grams: Covers around 15 square metres $13.00 50 grams: Covers around 50 square metres $36.50 100 grams: Covers around 100 square metres $63.00 Suggested Uses: Garden borders, Vege gardens, driveways, organic and tourist gardens, Code 624 Centaurea cyanus—Mixed Cornflower, Cosmos bipinnatus—Mixed Cosmos, Cynoglossum—ForgetMe-Not, Gaillardia pulchella—Indian Blanket, Gilia tricolour—Bird’s Eyes, Gypsophila elegans—Baby’s Breath, Linaria maroccana—Toadflax, Linum perenne—Blue flax, Lobularia—Sweet Alyssum, Malcomia maritima—Virginia Stock, Papaver rhoeas -Corn Poppy & Red Poppy, Phacelia tanacetifolia— Purple Tansy, Silene armeria—Catchfly, Rudbeckia hirta—Black Eyed Susan. 16 Cottage Made For Shade Garden First Year Create the romance of a cottage garden with these old time favourites. Fill garden borders with these exuberant, freeflowering and sometimes unrestrained flowers. Each packet has two mixtures - one tall growing mix for the back of the border and one lower growing mix for the front. Colours are all pastel pink, white, mauve and blue. All are annuals that have good selfseeding abilities - let your imagination and creativity run wild. Sizes Available: 15 grams: Covers around 15 sq m $15.50 50 grams: Covers around 50 sq m $43.00 Seventeen species in a 2 packet mix: Tall - Over 60 cm: Ammi-Queen Anne’s Lace, Centaurea-Mixed cornflower, Cheiranthus-English wallflower, Cleome – Spider Flower , Delphinium-Larkspur, Lavatera-Rose mallow, PapaverCorn poppy, Phacelia-Purple tansy and Scabiosa – Imperial Mix Small - Under 60 cm:, Clarkia-Farewell to Spring, Collinsia Chinese Houses, Eschscholzia – White Linen, Gilia- Globe Gilia, Gypsophila- Baby’s breath, Malcomia-Virginia stock, NemophilaFive spot, Nemophila-Baby blue eyes, Phacelia – Californian Bluebell, Silene-Catchfly. Suggested Uses: Old fashioned rose gardens, perennial borders or any type of existing or new garden area needing extra colour. Code 610 Second Year Pastel colours will brighten your shady nooks. Who says you can’t have colour in the shade? With this shade tolerant mix you can! Low growing pastels and bright blues in the first year, boosted by taller white, mauve and yellow perennials in the second. Best suited for light shaded areas with strong, filtered sun or a minimum of 1-2 hours of direct sun per day. Try it under trees or the shady side of the house. Don’t put it in heavy shade. Note: Will grow in full sun as well. Good all year around ground cover. Height 50-80 cm Sizes Available: 10 grams: Cover around 10 sq m $11.50 15 grams: Covers around 15 sq m $14.50 50 grams: Covers around 50 sq m $41.00 100 grams: Covers around 100 sq m $67.00 Contains: Aquilegia-Granny’s bonnets, Aquilegia-Oriental Columbine, Chrysanthemum-Shasta daisy, Cynoglossum-Forget-me-Not, DelphiniumLarkspur, Dianthus-Sweet William, EchinaceaPurple coneflower, Gypsophila- Baby’s breath, Linum –Blue flax, Malcomia–Virginia stock, Nemophila-Five Spot, Nigella – Love-in-a-mist Miss Jekyll, Papaver-Corn poppy, Viola –Johnny Jump Ups Suggested Uses: Garden borders with light or dappled shade, southern facing borders with half-day direct sun, gardens under high branches, edges of lawns or lightly foliated tree-lined driveways, sunny borders. Code 600 Pollinator Mix Wildflower Rescue Remedy Contains a range of nectar and pollen producing flowers to attract pollinating insects into your garden or orchard. Pollinators (bees, butterflies, birds, flies, moths, beetles etc.) are essential for the production of food and flower crops. Wildflowers are an important rescue remedy providing a healthy food source for insects that in turn will lead to healthy plants producing bigger and better fruit. This is not only critical to maximise returns but is so important in the preservation of our planets food chains. Not only that, it is the most beautiful sight to behold! H30-90cm Contains: Sizes Available: 15 grams: Covers around 15 square metres $13.00 50 grams: Covers around 50 square metres $36.50 100 grams: Covers around 100 square metres $63.00 250 grams: Covers around 250 square metres $137.00 Ammi majus-Queen Anne’s Lace, Calendula – English marigold, Centaurea–Blue cornflower, Cheiranthus-Siberian wallflower, Echinacea – purple coneflower, Eschscholzia – Californian poppy, Gaillardia – Indian Blanket, Linaria – Toadflax, Lobularia-Sweet alyssum, Lotus barsilvia, Papaver rhoeas – red soldier poppy, Phacelia-Purple tansy, Ratibida – Mexican Hat, Silene-Catchfly, Tagetes-French marigold Suggested Uses: Flower or vegetable gardens, orchards, vineyards, organic gardens, children’s gardens This mix is suitable for organic purposes as well as aesthetical – tourist operations, particularly vineyards, also use it to attract visitors! Code 626 Colour ‘n Clover 17 A carpet of colour to help stabilise & enrich the soil Crimson clover, with its magnificent crimson plumes, is a well deserved plant to spearhead this mix. Great for erosion control on banks, covering ditches, stream banks, road verges or for quick cover on new sites. And yes, the bees and beneficial insects love it! What’s more, you get all the benefits of nitrogen fixation from the clovers. 80% legumes and 20 % wildflowers. Not recommended for small gardens. Height around 30 cm. Sizes Available: 50 grams: Covers around 40 sq m $23.00 100 grams: Covers around 80 sq m $34.00 250 grams: Covers around 200 sq m $65.00 Contains: 5 legumes: Trifolium-crimson clover 30%, Trifolium ‘Tahora’- white clover 10%, Trifolium ‘Hamua’ - red clover 10%, Trifolium - Prima gland clover – 10% Lotus barsilvia - Birdsfoot trefoil 20%, 6 wildflowers: Calendula – English marigold, Eschscholzia–Californian Poppy, Lobularia-Sweet Alyssum, Nemophila-Five Spot, Silene–Catchfly and Silene Pendula (total 20%) Suggested Uses: Banks, new sites for quick cover, roadsides, ditches, and orchard ground cover. Code 665 18 Small Garden Mixes Small or large gardens can enjoy all the fun of wildflowers. Wildflower World has designed these special mixes especially for small corners of your garden. Suited for sunny garden borders, pots and planter boxes Butterfly Garden 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $8.00 10 grams covers around 10 sq m - $12.00 Pockets Pathways & Planters 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $8.00 10 grams covers around 10 sq m - $12.00 Moody Blues Butterflies add colour, movement and beauty to your garden and this gourmet blend of wildflowers will provide hours of enjoyment by enticing our iridescent flying friends. Here is a balanced mix of colourful annuals and perennials of mixed heights and flowering periods. Formulated for butterfly conservation, it contains many beautiful wildflowers that are attractive to butterflies as sources of nectar. Height: 30-70 cm Calendula—English marigold, Clarkia – Farewell to Spring, Cornflower— Mixed, Cheiranthus - Siberian Wallflower, Cynoglossum—Forget-me-Not, Coreopsis —Plains and Red, Dianthus - Sweet William, Delphinium— Rocket larkspur, Dimorphotheca - African daisy, Linaria –toadflax, Linum— Blue flax, Lobularia—Sweet Alyssum, Rudbeckia - Black eyed Susan Code 621 Grow a carpet of colour with this fast, low growing mix. Line a pathway or tuck them into nooks and crannies. Pour them into buckets, spill them out of boxes – overflow your garden with flowers, flowers and more flowers! Quick to germinate and flower – mostly pastel colours with bright blue and red highlights. Height 20-35 cm. Adonis - Pheasant’s Eye, Chrysanthemum-Snow daisy, Dimorphotheca– African daisy, Eschscholzia-Dwarf Californian poppy, Gilia-Birds eyes, Gypsophila–Baby’s breath & Deep Carmine, Linaria – Dwarf Toadflax, Lobularia-Sweet alyssum, Malcomia- Virginia stock, Nemophila-Five spot, Phacelia-Californian bluebell, Silene – Catchfly Code 622 True blue flowers infused with white Blue flowers evoke a dreamlike state and when mixed with white they have a calming effect. All of these flowers are true blue, mixed with the purity and innocence of white giving harmony and accent. Sow this low growing mix in amongst garden borders to perfectly offset and balance other colours. Height 20-30cm 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $8.00 10 grams covers around 10 sq m - $12.00 Anagalis monellis, Centaurea - Cornflower Midget Blue, Chrysanthemum - Snow Daisy, Cynoglossum - Chinese Forget-me-not, Gypsophila - Baby’s Breath, Linum – Blue Flax, Lobularia - Sweet Alyssum, Nemophila - Baby Blue Eye, Phacelia - Californian Bluebell Code 618 Hot, sun-scorched colours perfect for dry, sandy or stony areas. Similar to our Summer Dazzler Mix but lower growing, making it a great choice for smaller gardens. It is bright and will make a really wild statement with the assistance of a little water to get started. Sound like you? Height 30-35 cm. Calendula – English marigold, Cheiranthus – Siberian wallflower, Cynoglossum – Forget-Me-Not, DimorphothecaAfrican daisy, Eschscholzia – Californian poppy, Lobularia – Sweet Alyssum, Phacelia – Californian bluebell, Tagetes – French marigold Code 635 19 Hot & Wild 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $8.00 10 grams covers around 10 sq m - $12.00 Edible flowers have been used for many years in cooking, to enhance salads with their colour, texture and intriguing flavours and also for decoration. This mix consists of flowers and blooming herbs for the eye and palate. The decorative petals and leaves are for use as garnishes and flavours. Some are spicy, some are floral and some are fragrant. Sow this mix directly into existing sunny borders or tuck into your vegetable garden. They will do well in containers and are perfect for attracting pollinating insects to your garden. Sow from Spring to Autumn. It is always best to grow your own edible flowers so you can be sure that they are clean, fresh and free from pests and disease. Always best picked fresh from the garden the day you want to use them. H 30-60cm Note: Details on each variety and their uses are on our website. Calendula – English Marigold, Coriander, Chives, Dianthus - Sweet William, Lavender Hyssop, Basil – Red Rubin, Nasturtium - Peach Melba, Sweet Basil, Viola -Johnny Jump-Up Code 611 This mix is designed for sowing on top of your bulbs for spring and summer colour after your bulbs have finished flowering. It can be sown in autumn or spring. The mix has short flowers that will follow on from your flowering bulbs and hide their foliage as they die down, giving lots of colour in one area for a longer period of time. Height 20-30 cm Adonis - Pheasant’s Eye, Chrysanthemum -Snow Daisy, Coreopsis - Dwarf Red, Delphinium - Rocket Larkspur, Eschscholzia - Dwarf Californian Poppy, Gilia - Globe Gilia, Gypsophila - Baby’s breath, Linaria – Toadflax, Malcomia -Virginia stock, Nemophila - Five spot, Nemophila - Baby Blue Eyes, Phacelia –Californian Bluebell, Silene – Catchfly Code 627 Edible Flower & Herb Mix Grow a wide assortment of flowers for garnishes, decoration and flavours. 3 gram pack – covers around 3 sq m - $5.50 5 gram pack - covers around 5 sq m - $8.50 Bulb Buddies 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $8.00 10 grams covers around 10 sq m - $12.00 50 grams cover around 50 sq m - $37.00 20 Sprinkle some colour directly into your garden with these nifty little wildflower seed packets. Ideal for small gardens, pots or for inexpensive small gifts – perfect to just pop into a greeting card. Garden Sprinkles BIG BLOOM SPRINKLES Big flowers, all in shades of pink and white, on tall plants for that dramatic addition to the back border. H70-100cm Chrysanthemum – Shasta Daisy, Cleome – Spider Flower, Cosmos Mixed & Picotee, Lavatera – Rose Mallow, Papaver – Shirley Poppies, Zinnia Razzle Dazzle 3 grams covers around 3 sq m - $5.00 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $7.50 Code 607 FRAGRANT GARDEN SPRINKLES Mix of fragrant flower seeds ideal for planter boxes or borders around your outdoor living areas. Sprinkle Packs are full of colourful and heavenly scented, favourite wildflowers, good for small gifts to send with a greeting card. H 40-50cm Cheiranthus - Siberian Wallflower, Dianthus Sweet William, Dianthus hybridus - Rainbow Loveliness, Lobularia - Sweet Alyssum, Reseda - Mignonette, Malcomia - Virginia Stock and Gilia - Birds Eyes. 3 grams covers around 3 sq m - $5.00 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $7.50 Code 650 BLUE & YELLOW SPRINKLES Fantastic colour contrast with these two colours – just love it! Low growing mix ideal for borders or mingling in pots. H20-30cm Campanula – Tussock Bellflower, Centaurea – Midget blue cornflower, Calendula – Bonbon Yellow, Nemophila – Baby Blue Eyes, Eschscholzia – Dwarf Californian Poppy, Phacelia – Cailfornian Bluebell 3 grams covers around 3 sq m - $5.00 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $7.50 Code 608 SPRINGTIME SPRINKLES Mini pack with 8 wildflower species in blue, white, lemon & pink. Nice, low growing mix - sprinkle them onto border edges or your favourite pot on a deck. It’s so easy! H 20-25cm. Nemophila - Baby Blue Eyes & Five Spot, Malcomia - Virginia Stock, Eschscholzia - Dwarf Californian Poppy, White Gypsophila, Dwarf Lupin, Phacelia - Californian Bluebell, Silene- Nodding Catchfly 3 grams covers around 3 sq m - $5.00 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $7.50 Code 617 Cut Flower Sprinkles Bring your garden indoors and indulge in the beauty of fresh cut flowers. Grow your cutting garden in an easy-access spot in your outdoor living area where you can snip to your heart’s content. Budget-friendly option that will ensure armfuls of flowers all summer long. H 40-60cm Contains: Amberboa - Sweet Sultan, Aster Crego Mix, Centaurea - Blue cornflower, Delphinium - Rocket Larkspur, Gypsophlia elegans, Linaria – Toadflax, Scabiosa - Imperial Mix 3 grams covers around 3 sq m - $5.00 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $7.50 Code 605 Fruit Tree Sprinkles With so much interest in home grown produce we have created a mix especially designed for under young fruit trees or in the vege garden. A dual purpose mix – attract beneficial insects to your place and then use the plants and flowers in your kitchen. The added benefit of a pretty garden goes without saying! This mix will have foliage just about year round with flowers coming and going with the seasons. H30-40cm Contains: Triple Curled Parsley, CalendulaEnglish Marigold, Viola -Johnny Jump Ups, Coriander & Linum Common Blue Flax 3 grams covers around 3 sq m - $5.00 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $7.50 Code 612 Micro Greens A term used for vegetables that are harvested at small seedling stage. They are a nutritious & tasty and can be grown any time of year. When the seedlings are 5-10 cm high, around 1012 days, cut off & sprinkle on salads, sandwiches or use as a garnish. Peas Tasty Tendrils A semi-leafless pea bred for its feathered shoots with many tendrils. These shoots are superb served in top of salads and are so tasty. They will re-grow once more if not cut too low. Enough to sow a 20cm pot twice. Code 1933 42 grams $5.50 21 Perennial Flower Sprinkles A treasure trove suitable for garden borders and pots. Plant in small or large patches or in drifts between other plants. The mix has perennials plus a few annuals designed to give colour in the first season. Some perennials will also flower the first year. H 40-60cm Agastache – Lavender Hyssop, Cheiranthus– English Wallflower, Cynoglossum—Forget-Me-Not, Dianthus — Sweet William, Dianthus - Rainbow Loveliness, Eschscholzia-Californian Poppy White Linen, Linum perenne –Blue flax, Penstemon – Wild Pink Snapdragon, White Penstemon. Plus 3 Annuals: Gilia–Birds Eyes, Gypsophila– Baby’s Breath, Malcomia—Virginia stock 3 grams covers around 3 sq m - $5.00 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $7.50 Code 606 Basil & Calendula Sprinkles Mix of Large Sweet Basil, Basil Red Rubin and Calendula officinalis. Three fanastic herbs to grow and use together with each colour complimenting the other. Large Sweet Basil is the most commonly grown and Red Rubin has a very intense, spicy flavour. Calendula flowers can be used in salads and the whole plant is used for many herbal treatments. Plus they are really pretty and very easy to grow. Sow in Spring/ Summer. NEW 3 grams covers around 3 sq m - $5.00 5 grams covers around 5 sq m - $7.50 Code 609 Micro Greens Mix Mix of six varieties -Beet Bulls Blood, Moss Curled Cress, Red Russian Kale, Parsley Flat Leaf, Rocket and Mustard. Enough to sow a 20cm pot 3 times. Code 1934 10 grams $5.50 22 Individual Wildflower Species Growing your own wildflowers is so much fun! Mix and match, they all go together. These seed packets have lots of seeds for so little cost. Sow them directly into the garden using the same preparation and sowing methods as for our mixes. It’s so easy - just follow these codes: ADONIS AESTIVALIS Pheasant’s Eye Attractive red flowers with black centres contrast nicely against pale, feathery leaves. Easy to grow from seed these plants will provide a bright splash of colour over a long time. Hardy. Self seeds easily. H30-40cm AGASTACHE FOENICULUM Lavender Hyssop Fragrant, lavender flowers will make a wonderful addition to herb gardens, flower borders, a wildflower areas and planter boxes. The sweet smell also attracts bees and butterflies to the garden. The crushed leaves have a fragrance of mint and licorice. Leaves & flowers are edible. Likes dry, sandy soils. Hardy. H60cm ANAGALLIS MONELLI Blue Pimpernel Superb, easy to grow plants with masses of gentian blue flowers about 2cm wide. This hardy Southern European native will look great mixed in the border. Plants spread to a clump about 40cm across and around 30cm high and will flower all summer long. AQUILEGIA VULGARIS Granny’s Bonnet Distinctive, nodding, blue, pink or white flowers with prominent spurs. Generally short lived but produce an abundance of seeds to continue to populate the garden. Sow into moist, well drained, partly shady area. H40 cm A. Sun. S-Au. 100 seeds/gram Pkt. 3grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 106 A. Sun. S. 1400 seeds\gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 110 P. Sun/Dry. S 2500 seeds/gram Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 107 A: Annual, B: Biennial, P: Perennial Sun: Full sun, Sh: Semi shade, Sun/Sh: Sun or semi shade, Dry: Low rainfall or dry, sandy soil. Sp: Flowers in Spring, S: Flowers in Summer, Au: Flowers in Autumn Photos are a guide only. Seed Counts are approximate. Note: Larger quantities of most species are available on request. AMMI MAJUS Bishops flower; Queen Anne’s Lace A tall, erect, branching North American and Eurasian plant which has an abundance of large, rounded, 10-15 cm flower heads made up of hundreds of tiny, snow-white florets. Excellent for commercial cut flowers. H100-150 cm. A. Sun. Sp-S. 1900 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 108 BORAGO OFFICINALIS Borage This bushy annual will add a welcome beauty to herb and vege gardens. Broad, hairy leaves and heavenly blue, star-shaped flowers. Leaves have a slight flavour of cucumbers. Borage is a superstar nectar plant for the bees and is guaranteed to get the P. Sun/Sh. Sp-S 800 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, bees buzzing. Self seeds freely. H40cm 10 grams $10.50 Code 112 A.Sun. Dry. Sp-Au 65 seeds/gram Pkt. 3 grams $4.00 Code 117 23 CALENDULA OFFICINALIS English Marigold Great colour for a summer meadow. This European plant has flowers with healing, soothing and antiseptic properties. Old fashioned, daisy-style flowers with rows of orange or yellow rays around brown central discs. Year round flowering from sowings from early spring to late autumn. H30 cm A.Sun. Dry. Sp-Au. 160 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 115 CENTAUREA CYANUS Cornflower; Bachelor’s Button-Mixed Fabulous Cornflowers in the famous blue, as well as pink, white and purple. Drought tolerant, stylish, European annual that is reliable, long lasting and perfect for sunny borders and cottage gardens. This is the famous flower of many romantic legends, thus the name “Bachelor’s Button”. H60 cm. A: Sun/Sh. Dry. S-Au. 200 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50, 20 grams $18.00 Code 121 CHEIRANTHUS ALLIONII Siberian Wallflower A bushy biennial or perennial from the Canary CENTAUREA CYANUS Islands. An abundance of vivid orange flowers Cornflower Dwarf Blue on short, compact plants. Withstands dry or Smaller growing form of blue cornflower, growing 40-50 cm high. Silvery foliage. Highly moist conditions and will grow in sun or part shade. Wonderful fragrance. Great for floral recommended, A: Sun/Sh. Dry. S-Au. 200 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 arrangements. H30 cm. grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50, 20 grams $18.00 Code 130 B/P. Sun/Sh. Sp. 750 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 140 CENTAUREA CYANUS Cornflower Tall Blue True blue form of this European traditional flower of the cornfields. Good for sunny borders and a perfect mixer in any garden. Flowers continuously for many weeks. One of our favourite wildflowers. The blue flowers dry very well. H60 cm A: Sun/Sh. Dry. S-Au. 200 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50, 20 grams $18.00 Code 125 CHEIRANTHUS CHEIRI English Wallflower Springtime gardens would be incomplete without masses of highly fragrant wallflowers. Of European origin they bear 30-40 cm spikes of yellow, orange, pink, red or purple blooms. Sow in autumn or spring. B/P. Sun/Sh. Sp. 620 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 141 CHRYSANTHEMUM CORONARIUM Garland Daisy Easy to grow annual from the Mediterranean. Tall, branched stems carry single or double, golden-yellow to white daises all summer long. Great for the back of the border, kid’s gardens or for mixing in meadows. 1-2 metres tall. A. Sun. S-Au. 350 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 147 24 CHRYSANTHEMUM MAXIMUM Shasta Daisy Everyone loves daisies and this is one of the best! Flowers with white petals and golden centres on tall single stems. Hardy plants with attractive evergreen foliage that make excellent ground covers. Ideal cut flower lasting up to 10 days. Self seeds well. H50-90 cm. CHRYSANTHEMUM PALUDOSUM Snow Daisy Almost continual flowering from this low growing daisy with crisp white flowers. Ideal to plant in large groups and mixes well with other flowers. Easy to grow, quick into flower with a spreading habit that will quickly fill those gaps. H25 cm Code 150 Code 151 CLARKIA AMOENA Farewell to Spring; Godetia Two-tone light and dark pink flowers made up of four, fan-shaped petals with a silvery sheen. A most flamboyant Californian wildflower often thought to be more beautiful than any hybrid ever ‘created’ from it. Requires little moisture once established. P. Sun/Sh. S. 960 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 A. Sun. S\Au. 1600 seeds/gram Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 H30 cm. COLLINSIA HETEROPHYLLA Chinese Houses Very pretty lavender & white, snapdragon-like flowers in bands around narrow stems, rather resembling a pagoda. Flowers in great profusion in spring and early summer. A native to California that is loved by bees. H40cm A. Sun. Sp\S. 1600 seeds/gram Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 160 COREOPSIS TINCTORIA Dwarf Red A hardy, easy, American annual. This dainty little plant will burst alive in spring covered with mahogany-red, daisy-like flowers and if kept trimmed will flower most of the summer. Likes full sun in moist or dry conditions. Unusual colour makes this one a winner. H40 cm. Sun/Sh. Dry. S-Au. 3000 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 170 Sun. Dry. Sp-S. 2500 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, Code 155 COREOPSIS TINCTORIA Plains Bicolor Vibrant yellow flowers with maroon centres on branching stems above finely divided foliage. A real traffic stopper in large drifts on its own. Will survive most conditions, from low lying, soggy areas to dry, drought prone areas. Highly recommended. H40-50cm A. Sun/Sh. Dry. S-Au. 3000 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 180 COSMOS SULPHUREUS Yellow Cosmos An easily adaptable, half hardy Mexican native. The glowing orange and bright yellow, semi-double flowers are extremely attractive, constantly blooming for many weeks. Requires little moisture once established. Sow in spring or summer only—not winter hardy. H80 cm. A. Sun. Dry. S-Au. 130 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 205 25 COSMOS BIPINNATUS Cosmos Mixed Hundreds of large, single, crimson, soft pink and white flowers on tall plants. Wonderful colour maker that lights up everything, flowering constantly from summer until stopped by frostcontinuing through winter in warm areas. Incredibly tolerant of infertile soils. H1 m plus. A. Sun. Dry. S-Au. 150 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50, 20 grams $18.00 Code 200 DELPHINIUM AJACIS Rocket Larkspur Larkspurs are delightful, easy to grow favourites, found naturalising in many cottage gardens. Tightly compact, pink, white and deep blue, spurred blossoms on tall, narrow spikes. Sow in well drained soils in autumn or early spring. Caution: Seeds & leaves are poisonous. 80 cm COSMOS BIPINNATUS Cosmos White Pure white selection of the above. An outstanding background plant that will bloom all summer, even under heat and humidity. Fill up your borders with this fast growing annual, but don’t apply any fertiliser as this can cause straggly plants. H1m A. Sun. Dry. S-Au. 150 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 201 DIANTHUS BARBATUS Sweet William A close relative of the carnation family, Sweet Williams are old favourites. Brilliant flowers are fringed with red, pink or violet petals. This fragrant perennial will often bloom 60-90 days after sowing. Try it in moist, well drained soil. In hot climates plant in shade & water well. 30 cm A. Sun/Sh. S. 330 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, B. Sun/Sh. S. 960 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 210 10 grams $10.50 Code 215 CYNOGLOSSUM AMABILE Chinese Forget-me-not A well known cottage garden plant with grey-green, downy leaves and turquoise blue, forget-me-not style clusters of single flowers. Quick and easy to grow, hardy and trouble-free. Seeds very freely. A wonderful colour maker in any garden border. H30-40 cm B. Sun/Sh. Dry. Sp-S. 190 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 207 DIMORPHOTHECA AURANTIACA African Daisy A hardy South African daisy known as Star of the Veldt. Beautiful shades of apricot, yellow and white. A wonderful filler for borders and edges. Sown in spring it produces extravagant colour very soon after sowing. Autumn sown seeds will flower in winter in warm climates or early spring in cooler areas. 30 cm. A. Sun. Dry. Sp-S. 550 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 220 ECHINACEA PURPUREA Purple Coneflower Inhabitant of the prairies of the southern USA. Large, light purple petals surround a red-orange, coned centre. Neither heat nor drought will halt their prolific display. Excellent cut flower lasting 5-7 days. A stunning herb used medicinally for centuries - the roots and seeds are said to stimulate the immune system. 90 cm P. Sun/Sh. Dry. S. 250 seeds/gram, Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 240 26 ESCHSCHOLZIA CAESPITOSA Dwarf Californian Poppy Californian native, not so common as the orange form below. Grows to 20 cm and has tiny, yellow, cup-shaped flowers over feathery grey foliage. Self seeds well. Is useful in borders & rock gardens but simply glorious when planted large drifts. Recommended. ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA Californian Poppy This is the undisputed king of California wildflowers. Its lustrous orange-yellow petals open in the sun and close at night. With finely divided silvery foliage it thrives in poor, sandy or stony soils and loves the hot and dry. Self seeds freely but easy to control. H30-40 cm. GAILLARDIA ARISTATA Blanket Flower A hardy US native of the prairies with brilliant red daisy-like flowers with yellow rims. Will take very dry conditions but occasional watering will extend blooming. Good for roadsides, ditch slopes and fields as well as in dry borders. Excellent cut flower. Seed is fluffy when gathered. H40-50 cm GAILLARDIA PULCHELLA Indian Blanket Easy and hardy this annual with large, light-red daisies with yellow rims. Drought tolerant, ideal for coastal areas or sand dune reclamation sites, where it thrives in heat and full sun. A cheerful addition to borders or meadows. Seed was used by the North American Indians to stuff blankets. H50 cm GILIA CAPITATA Globe Gilia All through spring the stems of finely divided leaves on this hardy Californian native plant are topped with clusters of powder blue flowers. Good for cutting and massing in borders and great planted alongside Silene & Clarkia. Excellent species on its own or mixed with others. Easy. H30-60 cm. GILIA TRICOLOR Birds Eyes Small elegant, trumpet-shaped, lavender and white flowers with golden throats with purple rims. A fragrant variety, fun to grow in mixtures and also does exceptionally well in garden borders. Does well almost anywhere in sun with dry conditions. Fragrant native of coastal California. H30 cm. GYPSOPHILA ELEGANS Baby’s Breath Delicate clusters of single, white flowers, somewhat larger than it’s perennial cousin below. Excellent mixed with other wildflowers, especially poppies and cornflowers, providing a brilliant ice-white backdrop to brighter colours. Great for picking - sow in spring for Christmas flowers. H40-50 cm. LAVATERA TRIMESTRIS Rose Mallow A robust and fast growing European plant with large Hibiscus-like, single, silky ice-white and rose-pink blooms. ‘Trimestris’ means three months, relating to its long flowering. Good companion to Cosmos where they will fill your garden with endless colour. Reseeds well. H80-100 cm. A. Sun. Dry. Sp-S. 1000 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 245 A. Sun/Sh. Dry. Sp. 2100 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 270 P. Sun. Dry. Sp-S. 640 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 250 A. Sun. Dry. Sp. 2200 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 275 P. Sun. Dry. S. 260 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 260 A. Sun/Sh. Sp-S. 850 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 280 A. Sun. Dry. S. 330 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 265 A. Sun. S-Au. 155 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 315 27 LINARIA MAROCCANA Toadflax A small, magical wildflower in a rainbow of colours for a big show. Tiny, delicate, snapdragon-like flowers glisten from short, narrow spikes. Spectacular when heavily seeded in large areas. One of the best annuals and one of the first to flower. H40-50 cm LINUM PERENNE Blue Flax Abundant, small sky-blue flowers in branching clusters. Narrow leaves and slender stems make this look delicate although it is quite hardy. Easy from seed and blooms for many months. Great mixed with daisies and lovely in meadows or flower gardens. A Californian native important in Native American folklore. H40-60 cm. A. Sun/Sh. Sp-S. 15000 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 320 P. Sun/Sh. Sp-S. 500 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 325 LINARIA MAROCCANA Dwarf Toadflax Miniature snapdragon like flowers on compact, bushy plants. Comes into bloom very quickly and over an extended period with a profusion of multi-coloured flowers. Ideal for bedding, rock gardens, containers and as a cut flower. H20cm LIMANTHES DOUNGLASII Poached Egg Plant/ Meadow Foam Poached Egg Plant / Meadow Foam. Highly rewarding California native that has a mass of charming lemon and white flowers with a nice fragrance. It will easily and quickly spread, creating a low-growing, shiny, carpet. Not fussy about soil and seeds down well. H 20cm LINANTHUS GRANDIFLORUS Mountain Phlox A dainty and most fragrant Western US wildflower. It has dense clusters of lilac, pink and white funnel-shaped flowers. A constant bloomer this low-growing flower is quick into flower & thrives in sun or part shade. Re-seeds easily. Plant in masses if you want to enjoy its subtle fragrance. H30 cm LINUM RUBRUM Scarlet Flax Glossy, bright scarlet, single flowers on narrow, slender stems. Spectacular when planted in density and has an extremely long flowering period. A hardy European native. Lovely mixed with blue flowers such as Cornflower or blue Linum. H40 cm. LINUM USITATISSIMUM Common Blue Flax Pretty pale blue flowers on top of tall, slender stems. Often grown commercially for both its fiber and its seeds (linseed), but also lovely as a garden ornamental. Quick and easy to grow. H75cm LOBULARIA MARITIMA Sweet Alyssum Clusters of tiny, snow-white flowers. A fragrant, compact, rapid growing species which is drought tolerant and heat resistant with a seemingly endless parade of blooms. A prolific self-seeder. In mild areas this European wildflower will bloom all season long. H20 cm A. Sun/Sh. Sp-S. 15000 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 321 A. Sun/Sh. S. 260 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 330 A. Sun. Sp-S. 120 seeds/gram Pkt 3 grams $4.00 Code 314 A. Sun. Sp-S. 300 seeds/gram Pkt 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 331 A. Sun. Sp-S. 1800 seeds\gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00 Code 319 A. Sun. Dry. Sp-Au. 2500 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 335 28 Lupinus hartwegii nanus Dwarf Lupine Low, bushy growth with spikes of pink, white, blue or bicoloured typical pea-shaped flowers on this Mexican native. Quick and easy, this one is great for the kids to grow. Will repeat flower if cut after first flowering and will self seed for almost continuous flowering. H30 cm. A. Sun. Sp-A. 55 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 339 NEMOPHILA MACULATA Five Spot This hardy Californian native has bright white petals marked with ‘five spots’ of brilliant purple - one on each petal. A prolific bloomer and low spreading habit makes this one suitable for pots, edges and mixtures. Will grow in damp or dry, heavy or sandy soils - it just doesn’t seem to care! Sow spring to autumn. H20 cm. A. Sun/Sh. Sp-Au. 180 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 370 MALCOMIA MARITIMA Virginia Stock A showy plant with lilac & white cross shaped, lightly fragrant flowers carried on slender stems. Flowers begin about 4 weeks after sowing and continue for 6-8 weeks. Easy, fun and a good quick bloomer. Sow from spring through to autumn. Will flower in winter in warm areas. H20 cm. A. Sun/Sh. Sp-Au. 2400 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 350 NIGELLA DAMASCENA Love in a Mist - Miss Jekyll Old fashioned flower with erect stems and finely cut foliage. The showy bright blue flowers are surrounded by leafy threadlike bracts. Inflated brown seed pods with similar leafy bracts dry well. Thrives in sunny to part shady areas where it self-seeds freely. H40-50 cm. A. Sun/Sh. Sp. 250 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 373 NEMOPHILA MENZIESII Baby Blue Eyes Everyone loves this well-named native Californian with it’s delicate, sky-blue, cup-shaped flowers that continue to bloom throughout spring. Looks charming spilling out of baskets and wooden barrels. Grows well in light soils in part shade or sun but doesn’t like hot, humid conditions. H20 cm A. Sun/Sh. Sp-S. 540 seeds\gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 365 OENOTHERA LAMARCKIANA Evening Primrose Light yellow flowers are borne on tall, sturdy spikes, opening in the afternoon and closed by morning. Great for summer colour in meadows, roadsides, fences & difficult areas. Prefers well drained soils. An aggressive, tough plant & prolific seeder. H80-120 cm. B/P. Sun. Dry. S-Au. 1900 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 375 OENOTHERA SPECIOSA Showy Primrose A star of the Texas wildflower group and all round favourite. Soft pink, four-petalled flowers with white centres, each bloom lasting just one day. A hardy, fun and easy species to grow which forms dense mats that bloom with spectacular, shimmering colour. H20-40 cm. P. Sun/Sh. Dry. Sp-S. 6600 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 380 29 PAPAVER RHOEAS Corn Poppy; Shirley Poppy This is the famous Shirley Poppy developed in England from a selection of specimens from the wild. Gorgeous, large, single blooms on erect, hairy stems with a wonderful shades of white, pink, red and bicolours. Naturalises well and one of our most popular species. Highly recommended. H60 -80 cm. A. Sun/Sh. Sp-S. 7000 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50, 20 grams $18.00 Code 400 PENSTEMON DIGITALIS White Penstemon White to soft pink, foxglove-like flowers on branching stalks rise above a base of lustrous dark leaves from spring to early summer. The tubular flowers are most attractive to butterflies and bees. Likes a medium to dry soils. Very easy to grow from seed. Drought tolerant. Hardy. H90-120cm P. Sun. Dry. Sp-S. 1400 seeds/grams. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 423 PAPAVER RHOEAS Soldier Poppy Unforgettable hardly describes a mass planting of red poppies. This is probably the world’s most popular wildflower! The single blooms on this European annual are fire-engine red with vividly marked black centres. Sow in autumn & spring into light soil where it will return year after year. H60-80 cm. A. Sun/Sh. Sp-S. 7000 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50, 20 grams $18.00 Code 405 PENSTEMON STRICTUS Rocky Mountain Penstemon Tall showy spikes of intense blue-purple, tubular flowers last for many weeks in spring & summer. The plants will spread steadily to form large clumps. This is one of the longest lived, most easily grown Penstemons. A real show stopper! Hardy.H 60-80 cm P. Sun. Sp-S. 1200 seeds/grams. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 420 PENSTEMON PALMERI Wild Pink Snapdragon This southwest US native thrives in the harshest conditions and is a true showstopper when in bloom. The pale pink flowers have a sweet scent and are a favorite among bumblebees. Its attractive sage green leaves skirt the upright stems. Large and dramatic, it is fairly easy to grow, loves hot & dry and good drainage, but can tolerate clay quite well. Hardy. H80cm P. Sun. Dry. Sp-S. 1200seeds/gram. Pkt 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 421 PHACELIA CAMPANULARIA Californian Bluebell Rich inky-blue, flowers with long golden stamens - one of natures most extravagant shades of blue. Of course it is drought resistant, but responds to normal rainfall and watering, forgetting all about its Californian desert home. A treat, especially when sown with white Gypsophila H20 cm A. Sun. Dry. Sp-S. 1800 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 425 PHACELIA TANACETIFOLIA Purple Tansy Fragrant flowers with lavender petals and long stamens radiating outwards giving a lacy appearance. Finely cut foliage on this hardy European species. This plant will attract beneficial insects into your garden. We use it in our Pollinator Mix. Easy. Reseeds freely. H80 cm. A. Sun. Sp-S. 500 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 430 30 RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA Mexican Hat An upright native American species. Dainty flowers with central cones surrounded by drooping red and yellow petals. These cute 3-4 cm flowers look all the world like a Mexican sombrero. Drought resistant plants suited for hot or humid climates. A true delight. H60 cm. RUDBECKIA AMPLEXICAULIS Clasping Coneflower A hardy American annual with black, coneshaped heads surrounded by bright yellow, drooping rays of petals, all turning slightly inwards. Loves full sun but will tolerate moist soils. Self seeds freely and is good cut flower. H50 cm. RUDBECKIA HIRTA Black Eyed Susan An American wildflower seen throughout that country with it’s characteristic large brown, domed flower centres surrounded by bright yellow rays of petals. Thrives in clay to sandy soil. and loves hot and dry conditions. Very easy and a major colour-maker in borders or meadows. H70 cm RUDBECKIA HIRTA Gloriosa daisy Large yellow and mahogany-red daisies on branched stems. These plants will flower all summer until first frosts. Gloriosa daisies are a tetraploid selection which means that they are strong and vigorous. Hardy plants for dry areas. A fabulous plant for meadow colour and for picking. H80-90 cm SILENE ARMERIA Catchfly; None-So-Pretty A favourite with children and a species that thrills first time wildflower gardeners with it’s prolific, foolproof bloom. It has gorgeous bright, rose-pink clusters of small flowers in only about 6-8 weeks after germination. ‘Catchfly’ refers to the plant’s sticky sap - the flowers do not attract or catch flies. Seeds freely. H20-30 cm SILENE PENDULA Nodding Catchfly Pale pink flowers in loose clusters on upright stems. Grow in ordinary garden situations, borders or rockeries – loves to spill over walls and garden edges. A quick growing compact plant from the Mediterranean. Sow spring to autumn - we have it flowering here all winter. H30 cm TAGETES PATULA French Marigold Actually from Mexico, marigolds have been grown for years as companion plants in the veggie or herb garden. Not only do they keep away pests but they will really brighten up the area. Brown-crimson or yellow flowers above deeply cut foliage. Easy all year around. Seeds down well. H20-30 cm VIOLA CORNUTA (TRICOLOR) Johnny Jump Up Cheeky little plant from the Pyrenees with cheerful purple, yellow and white ‘faces’. Likes a rich, well drained soil in light shade where it will happily colonise. This is the parent of so many of the pansies we see about today, mostly due to its ability to produce various colours in one flower. H10-15 cm. B/P. Sun. Dry S-Au. 1700 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 435 A. Sun/Sh. Sp-S. 9800 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 460 A. Sun/Sh. Dry S-Au. 1700 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 445 A/B. Sun Sp-Au. 1300 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 461 A/P. Sun. Dry. S-Au. 2200 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 450 A. Sun. Sp-Au. 280 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 470 A/B. Sun. Dry. S-Au. 1500 seeds/gram. Pkt. 3 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 451 A/P. Sh. Sp-S. 800 seeds/gram. Pkt. 2 grams $4.00, 10 grams $10.50 Code 485 Garden Flower Varieties These flowers have been bred or selected for their excellence in colour, form or fragrance. Most have been chosen for their ease to grow, many are descendants from our wildflowers. They may require just a little more help to get them growing before they burst forth with powerful colour. Hollyhocks Hollyhock - Summer Carnival Magnificent, tall growing plants with double flowers in colours from reds to pinks through to oranges and yellows. Try mixing these classic cottage garden plants with Cosmos or Lavatera for a grand garden back drop. Outstanding 150 cm high plants that will flower in first year if sown early. Hollyhock - Ebony Towers These enchanting deep, maroon-black flowers seem to rebel against nature – just like rock stars of the plant world! A superb, elegant backdrop for the perennial garden. H150 cm. Hollyhock Indian Spring The quintessential cottage garden flower. Old-fashioned, single to semidouble flowers in wonderful shades of pale yellow, soft pink and deep rose. Will bloom first year if sown early. H150 cm Hollyhock - Marjorette Dwarf For smaller gardens try these truly dwarf hollyhocks. They produce tight clusters of fluffy, fully double flowers on bushy plants just 60 cm high. Full colour range. 90 seeds $4.00 Code 1123 31 Growing Seed is Easy ALCEA ROSEA A/P. Sun. S. 90 seeds $4.00 Code 1120 A: Annual, B: Biennial, P: Perennial Sun: Full sun, Sh: Semi shade, Sun/Sh: Sun or semi shade, Dry: Low rainfall or dry, sandy soil. Sp: Flowers in Spring, S: Flowers in Summer, Au: Flowers in Autumn Photos are a guide only. Seed Counts are approximate. Note: Larger quantities of most species are available on request. 50 seeds $4.00 Code 1121 90 seeds $4.00 Code 1122 • M ost garden flower seeds are best started indoors in trays or pots using the following steps. • Sow from early Spring to Autumn. Don’t sow in cold winter conditions. • Fill trays with potting or seed raising mix to rim, lightly firm and moisten. • Sprinkle seeds thinly. Cover larger seeds with a layer of mix twice the seed size. Don’t cover fine seed. Gently water. • Place in a propagator or cover trays with a plastic bag to retain moisture and keep an even temperature. • Put in light airy place out of direct sunlight. • Remove bag when seeds have germinated. • Don’t let trays dry out. • Harden off plants by placing them outside for a few days before planting. • When large enough thin or transplant to the garden. • Some seeds, like sunflowers and sweet peas, can be grown direct into the garden. 32 AMBEROA MOSCHATA Sweet Sultan This is an easily grown, cottage garden favourite. It is a bushy plant with deeply cut leaves and bears lovely fluffy, sweet-scented, white pink and mauve flowers in summer. Closely related to cornflowers. H 60-80cm. AMNI VISNAGA Queen Anne’s Lace - Green Mist NEW The kissing cousin to Queen Anne’s Lace but is greener and fuller. It has wonderful, feathery, greenish-white flowers that compliment any colour scheme in the vase or the garden. Green Mist is a wonderful bouquet filler with a fern-like look. H.100cm A Sun. S. 500 seeds $4.00 Code 1136 A. Sun. S. 200 seeds $4.00 Code 1135 AQUILEGIA – Columbine McKana Giants Gracefully formed, large, long-spurred, fairy-like flowers in mixed colours. Flowers are held high above the fern like foliage. A woodland species that prefers rich soil and partial shade where you will enjoy the old-fashioned charm. Pre Chill seeds by placing in fridge for 1 week. H60-80cm P Sun/Sh. Sp. 100 seeds $4.00 Code 1132 CALLISTEPHUS CHINENSIS Aster Crego Mix This beautiful heirloom Aster is a favourite cut flower, noted for its strong stems and brightly coloured flowers. The large flowers have distinctly curled flower petals, making them really stand out. Very handsome and vigorous. H30-40cm A. Sun/Sh. S-Au. 1000 seeds $4.00 Code 1141 CLEOME HASSLERANA Spider Flower Longtime favourite of cottage gardens because of its attractive foliage and flowers and its ability to take summer heat. Fastgrowing plants attract beneficial insects and butterflies into the garden. Its flowering stalks are crowded with whiskery, spiderlike, white, pink, or purple flowers. H150cm A . Sun . Su/Au 400 seeds $4.00 Code 1144 ANTIRRHINUM Snapdragon Antiquity Mix NEW A new, scented variety that produces a profusion of two-tone flowers in a mix of dazzling shades of pink, red, coral and white. Nice dwarf, bushy habit with outstanding garden performance ideal for larger containers or garden borders. Ideal for attracting bees to the garden. H25-30cm CAMPANULA MEDIUM Canterbury Bells; Cup and Saucer Large bell-shaped flowers in a shades of pink, purple, blue and white. Each flower is surrounded by a calyx, rather like a saucer. A superb plant for the back of the border, perfect to grow with Foxgloves or Delphiniums. Superb as a cut flower. H75-90cm B. Sun/Sh. Su 200 seeds $4.00 Code 1142 A. Sun. S-Au. 50 seeds - $4.00 Code 1162 CENTAUREA CYANUS Cornflower Midget Blue Compact mounds covered in vivid sky-blue flowers, rather like a ball of colour. Lower and neater than any others. Nice for rock gardens, front of a border or pots where they are perfect for mingling with other plants. Easy to grow and full of bloom at 25cm – 30cm high A. Sun. Sp/S 300 seeds $4.00 Code 1139 COSMOS BIPINNATUS Picotee The carefree daisy-like white flowers look as though they have been dipped in rosy pink paint. The flowers dance happily above lacy foliage. Easy to grow - scatter at random in the flower border. Excellent when picked for the vase. H110cm A. Sun. S-Au 300 seeds $4.00 Code 1266 33 COSMOS BIPINNATUS Seashells Very distinctive with petals that curl upward at the edges making the appearance of a tube, like a fluted seashell around a button-like centre. The range of pastel colours includes pink, rose, white and carmine. Plant where it can easily be seen. H.100cm A. Sun. S-Au 100 seeds $4.00 Code 1269 CRAZY COSMOS MIX Bright crazy colour all the way! Try this mix of dazzling cosmos –they are sure to blast colour into your garden throughout the season. H60-90cm A. Sun. S. 500 seeds $4.00 Code 1275 DELPHINIUM CONSOLIDA Larkspur – Dwarf Hyacinth Mix Gorgeous double flowering spikes are extra dwarf and early to bloom. Colour shades of blue, lilac, violet and white. Excellent for smaller gardens and equally as beautiful as their taller cousins. Great cut flowers too. H50 cm. A. Sun. Sp/S. 300 seeds $4.00 Code 1288 DELPHINIUM CULTORUM Delphinium – Pacific Giants Traditional flower of country and cottage gardens. Well formed flowers in mixed colours with black or white bees (centre of each flower) that smother the long and sturdy stems. Put them into sheltered areas and remember to stake them. H150 cm P. Sun. Sp-S. 75 seeds $4.00 Code 1290 NEW NEW DELPHINIUM CULTORUM Delphinium Pacific Giants – Galahad Spires of pure white flowers arise from clumps of deeply-lobed, rich green foliage. The spurred, semi-double flowers are densely packed on very tall stems and have small white central tufts of stamens known as bees. P. Sun. Sp-S. 75 seeds $4.00 Code 1291 DIANTHUS CHINENSIS China Pink Single Mix This showy perennial with green, grass-like DIANTHUS CARYOPHYLLUS Carnation - Super Chabaud Mix foliage has single, mixed colour flowers with Outstanding variety with fragrant, deeply fringed edges. The 3-4cm wide flowers are fringed, double flowers on strong stems. The best produced singly or in small clusters from spring choice for cut flowers in shades of red, rose, pink, until early summer. Dianthus means ‘divine yellow & white. Very uniform in growth, habit flower’ and ‘Pink’ comes from the old English and flowering time. H50-60cm work ‘pyken’, to cut or notch. H30-40cm P. Sun. Sp/Su. 85 seeds $4.00 Code 1300 P. Sun. Sp/Su. 85 seeds $4.00 Code 1301 DIANTHUS HYBRIDUS Rainbow Loveliness A beautiful heirloom with lacy flower petals and an intoxicating fragrance. The mounding plants are topped with heavily fringed, white, pink and mauve flowers. Some are bicolored with contrasting eyes. Blooms the first year when started indoors. Wonderful for an old-fashioned cottage garden or perennial border. H45cm P. Sun/Sh. Sp/Su. 1500 seeds $4.00 Code 1293 34 Foxgloves DIGITALIS PURPUREA Foxglove - Tall Regency Mix Foxgloves bring a wild majestic grace into the garden growing happily in a sunny or lightly shaded setting. Tall spikes in a wide range of colours all with blotches in their throats. Will self-sow with enthusiasm. H120 cm B. Sun/Sh. S. 800 seeds $4.00 Code 1310 Foxglove - Pure White Perfect plants for a woodland garden. Tall, majestic spires are both distinctive and highly attractive. Like the Regency Mix they like a cool root run, will seed down for you and make wonderful cut flowers. H120 cm B. Sun/Sh. S. 200 seeds $4.00 Code 1311 If you love poppies and the soft, bushy habit of Californian poppies then here are some options for you. All have fine filigree, silver foliage, are easy to grow (of course) and love hot, sunny, sandy or stony conditions. The flowers will close on cloudy days but their glowing beauty on sunny days makes them well worth the wait! H.30-35 cm. (a) Brilliant Mix Pink, cream, lemon, yellow and light and dark orange single flowers. 1000 seeds $4.00 5000 seeds $10.50 Code 1350 (b) White Linen Dreamy, creamy white, single flowers. 1000 seeds $4.00 5000 seeds $10.50 Code 1351 GYPSOPHILA ELEGANS Deep Carmine DIGITALIS x MERTONENSIS Our white form of Gypsophila is one of our most Foxglove - Summer King loved wildflowers, so we were delighted to once Strawberry foxglove. Graceful stalks bearing again obtain this deep pink version. It has tiny, very large, slightly fuzzy, strawberry-rose flowers single, open faced flowers on elegant stems, is with darker markings on the inside. Easily grown, great for cutting and will no doubt become a this is an eye catching border plant and lovely for firm favourite in your garden. H.40 cm floral arrangements. H90cm A. Sun. Sp-S. 850 seeds/gram Pkt 3 grams $4.00 P. Sun/Sh. S. 100 seeds $4.00 Code 1320 Code 1380 Californian Poppies ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA A/P. Sun. Dry. Sp-S. (c) Mikado Dark, , mahogany-red, single flowers 1000 seeds $4.00 5000 seeds $10.50 Code 1356 (d) Mission Bells Double & semi-double flowers in dazzling shades of scarlet, gold, pink and white. Sow these brilliant jewels in the garden, wild meadows or pots Very easy to grow from seed, hardy & drought tolerant. 1000 seeds $4.00 5000 seeds $10.50 Code 1361 (e) Ballerina Mix Single and semi-double, satiny flowers with crimped petals rather like little ballerina dancers. A real sweetie that will love to dance in your flower garden. Mixed colours, blooms profusely, easy to grow and will self-sow. 1000 seeds $4.00 5000 seeds $10.50 Code 1359 Sunflowers HELIANTHUS ANNUS A. Sun. Dry. S-Au. (a) Sunflower Giant Russian Sunshine in the sky - the most well known variety reaching 2m or more. For really big flowers trim off buds to leave just one or two. A fun plant for kids to grow and the seeds make a tasty snack! 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1400 (b) Sunflower Sunrich Gold The number one cut flower sunflower in the world. Golden yellow flowers with black centres on single stems. Takes only 70 days to bloom and pollen-less means no mess indoors on the furniture. H60-90 cm NEW GYPSOPHILA PANICULATA Baby’s Breath Double Snowflake Hundreds of pretty double and semi-double dainty white flowers smother the branching stems throughout summer to autumn. A popular cut flower for use fresh or in dried arrangements. An airy, upright growth habit and long time favourite. H60-80cm 100 seeds $4.00 P. Sun. S-Au. Code 1381 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1403 Growing tip – sunflowers are best sown in spring to early summer and grown direct into the garden where they will flower. (c) Sunflower Moulin Rouge The ultimate red-hot sunflower and one of the most popular. Moulin Rouge produces excellent red flowers with dark branching stems. Great for cutting. H150cm. 25 seeds $4.00 Code 1405 (d) Sunflower Dwarf Teddy Bear Big, double, fluffy teddy bear of a flower. A real eye-catcher in the border, looks good in containers and is a must for its long lasting, impressive appearance in a vase. Irresistible and just the right height for kids to enjoy. H40 cm. 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1401 IMPATIENS WALLERIANA Expo Red Dwarf Busy Lizzie. Reliable, modern, free flowering selection with bright red flowers on IBERIS UMBELLATA Candytuft Dwarf Fairy Mix compact plants. Very weather resistant. Sure to Add an old-fashioned charm to your garden with brighten up a part shady corner but will take these lovely flowers in candy-coloured shades of sunshine as well. Ideal to mingle in pots where pink, lavender and white. These cute flowers look they will flower and flower all summer long. really cheerful in the garden or in pots. H30cm H20cm NEW 300 seeds $4.00 Code 1416 A . Sun/sh. Su/Au 50 seeds $4.00 Code 1415 35 NEW (e) Sunflower Music Box A fine strain of dwarf sunflower that has a branching, uniform habit. Lots of large, dark-centred flowers in a range of bright colours from cream to yellow and mahogany including some lovely bicolours. H70cm 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1414 IPOMOEA TRICOLOR Morning Glory - Blue Star Large, powder-blue flowers are marked with an exquisite, five-pointed blue star shooting out from its central, white throat. Masses of blooms cover a 2-3m vine from mid-summer to frost. Beautiful, easy to grow climber ideal to cover a fence or trellis. A. Sun. S-Au. 90 seeds $4.00 Code 1421 36 Lupins LOBULARIA MARITIMA Alyssum Easter Bonnet Mix A delicate carpet of tiny flowers in soft, cool colours and a subtle, sweet fragrance. Its tidy, compact and slightly creeping habit makes it ideal for edging, filling gaps and perfect for containers. Very early flowering and easy to grow. H 10-20cm A. Sun. Sp-Au 200 seeds $4.00 Code 1531 LUPINUS POLYPHYLLUS Lupin - Dwarf Minarette Mix Grown for their brilliant display of colorful sweet-pea shaped flowers. Short spikes of LUPINUS POLYPHYLLUS Lupin - Russell Red plain and bicolour blooms are perfect for Tall graceful spikes with vivid red flowers. small gardens or for the front of garden Single colour varieties are uncommon so here’s beds. Excellent cut flowers with a spicy a chance to co-ordinate your garden beds. They fragrance. Wonderful cottage garden make excellent background plants and will be additions, especially when planted in P. Sun. S. 150 seeds $4.00 500 seeds $10.50 highlight in any summer garden. H90cm clumps. H50-60cm LUPINUS POLYPHYLLUS Lupin - Russell Mix Lupin flowers are shaped like pea flowers and are carried in dense slender spikes. This variety is the result of a series of selections going back to the 20th century. Most of the wild lupins in the South Island are derived from this same selection. Wide colour range. H90 cm Code 1520 Poppies PAPAVER COMMUTATUM Ladybird Poppy Always a show stopper. Very similar to our wonderful Soldier Poppy but much smaller and tidier growth habit. Bright scarlet single poppy flowers with black blotches. Great for smaller gardens. H30-50 cm A. Sun. Sp-S. 250 seeds $4.00 Code 1620 P. Sun. S. 150 seeds $4.00 Code 1532 P. Sun. S. 150 seeds $4.00 Code 1533 Hot Tip - Chip seeds with nail clippers or soak in warm water overnight prior to sowing. For an easily grown splash of colour, few flowers can equal Poppies for their flowers produced in profusion throughout spring and summer. PAPAVER NUDICAULE Iceland Poppy Artist’s Glory Irresistible flowers look like crinkled sheer silk and come in a wide colour range. The foliage forms clumps that send up sturdy stems topped with fragrant blooms. Best sown in autumn or early spring. Wonderful cut flowers - cut while in bud and sear the stems. H40 cm. A. Sun. Sp 250 seeds $4.00 Code 1625 PAPAVER ORIENTALE Oriental Poppy - Pizzicato Mix Semi-dwarf perennial with large, fluffy, crepe-papery red, orange, salmon, mauve and pink flowers. Incredibly profuse with strong stems that can withstand windy sites. They like a dry well drained soil. H60cm P. Sun. Sp-S. 100 seeds $4.00 Code 1633 PAPAVER PEONIFLORUM Peony Poppy Double Mix These are often regarded as the most beautiful of summer flowers. Abundant, full double flowers up to 10 cm wide with crinkled petals in black, pink, purple, scarlet, white & yellow. Large blue-grey leaves. H90 cm A. Sun. S. 100 seeds $4.00 Code 1635 PAPAVER RHOEAS Shirley Poppy Double Large double blooms like crumpled tissue paper. This mix of has flowers in pastel shades of pink, raspberry, red and scarlet suffused cream as well as some bicolors. Gorgeous poppies reminiscent of yesteryear. Easy to grow lots of them. H60 cm. A. Sun. Sp-S 1500 seeds $4.00 Code 1650 37 RESEDA ODORATA Sweet Mignonette It is doubtful if there is any plant so universally PETUNIA Double Red Pirouette known or better liked for its intense spicy Very impressive fully double blooms swirled in fragrance than mignonette. Widely grown for its red shades with contrasting white ruffled edges. spiky flower clusters of greenish flowers with a The large blooms blanket compact, robust plants reddish-white fringe. Mignonette was popular in - superb for hanging baskets or planters. They Victorian times and is a cottage favourite still. It flower for a long season, impervious to heat and can be grown in pots and windowsills or direct adverse weather. H30cm into the garden border. H30cm A. Sun. S-A. 50 seeds $4.00 Code 1677 TAGETES PATULA Marigold - Naughty Marietta Named after a 1935 movie, Naughty Marietta has lovely, rich golden-yellow flowers with maroon blotches and deeply divided aromatic leaves. Very easy to grow from and flowers profusely and continuously from spring to frost. H30cm A. Sun. Sp-Au. 500 seeds $4.00 Code 1744 A. Sun/Sh S. 2000 seeds $4.00 Code 1690 TROPAEOLUM NANUM Nasturtium - Peach Melba & Alaska Mix Peachy-yellow flowers with raspberry red centres plus mixed colour flowers with cream and green variegated leaves all float above lily pad shaped leaves. Excellent for kitchen gardens - use the young leaves, buds & flowers in salads. Compact style good for borders or pots. H20-30cm A. Sun/Sh. Sp-A. 30 seeds $4.00 Code 1773 SALVIA HORMINUM Clary Sage – White Swan Particularly attractive spikes of white, whorled flowers with showy white bracts with delicate green veins. Will stand out beautifully in any border. Cut spikes are great fresh or dried. Easy to grow, sow-and-forget variety. Attracts bees and butterflies. H40cm A. Sun. Sp/Su 50 seeds $4.00 Code 1707 SCABIOSA ATROPURPUREA Imperial Mix Bright, double, pincushion flowers in shades of lavender, pink, maroon and white, making a truly magnificent statement all summer. The large flowers are great for picking, attract butterflies and bring elegance and drama to the garden. H 80-100cm A. Sun. S-Au. 180 seeds $4.00 Code 1711 VISCARIA OCULATA Rose of Heaven Thought by many to be the most beautiful VINCA Mediterranean Mix annual. Very easy to grow from seed, this Beautiful trailing plants so many flowers they olde-world variety is regaining popularity for will almost cover a basket or pot. Large, bright its consistent flowering in spring and summer. flowers in shades of pink, lilac, white & apricot. Without a doubt, a stunning beauty with pastel An outstanding performer that can cope with dry flowers on upright stems that wave in the summer conditions. H10-15cm x 50-70cm wide breeze. H35cm A. Sun. S-Au. 40 seeds $4.00 Code 1810 A. Sun. Sp-S. 200 seeds $4.00 Code 1811 38 Pansies VIOLA TRICOLOR : A. Sun/Sh. Sp-S. 15-20 cm Growing tip - removing the spent flowers will put energy into producing new buds instead of seeds, giving an ongoing display of flowers! Viola Angel Tiger Eyes A very striking, inky lacework of veining etched across a golden background – sure to catch your eye Pansy Swiss Giants Mix from across the garden. Undaunted by Colour up your pots and borders with cold weather, can take heat well and these large faces with a charm all their they beat all other Violas into bloom own. Old fashioned variety, easy and by several weeks - perfect for colour reliable. from early autumn into late spring. 90 seeds $4.00 Code 1782 25 seeds $4.00 Code 1780 Zinnias Viola Penny White Blotch Pure white flowers with small black blotches and a tiny yellow eye. They have a compact and uniform habit and excellent cold and heat tolerance. A multitude of large rounded flowers on mounded plants, make a superb show in any garden or container. 25 seeds $4.00 Code 1791 Pansy Frizzle Sizzle Mix Cheerful and unique flowers quite unlike other pansies. The large flowers are completely ruffled along the edges and set atop short but sturdy stems. A colourful mix of bold, bright colours each with the central dark blotch. Perfect in borders, containers and baskets. 25 seeds $4.00 Code 1794 NEW Pansy Frizzle Sizzle Raspberry Stylish ruffled, raspberry pink flowers with a central dark blotch. The large flowers are completely ruffled along the edges and set atop short but sturdy stems. Flowers from Autumn to Spring and sometimes Summer. H15cm 25 seeds $4.00 Code 1796 Zinnias are easy to grow and bloom quickly to fill your garden or patio with colour all summer. They keep blooming all through a hot season and make wonderful cut flowers. A. Sun. S-Au. NEW Zinnia Razzle Dazzle Mix Large blooms and bright green foliage. Plants will create an elegant statement in the border and when planted in mass groupings the effect is lovely. Long stems are well-branched and make superb cut flowers. A dazzling mix of red, white & pink Zinnias. Fantastic in groups. H100cm 300 seeds $4.00 Code 1803 Zinnia Green Envy Exciting and unique, chartreuse-green, semi-double flowers with contrasting dark green leaves. Ideal for a semi-shaded sheltered garden with each flower 10-15cm wide. They make a dramatic display and look as sensational in the garden as they do in the vase. H90cm 100 seeds $4.00 Code 1804 www.wildflowerworld.co.nz NEW Zinnia Lilliput Mix One of most popular Zinnias that is famous for its abundance of pompom like flowers in bright colours. Grows quickly and flowers heavily all summer long. Bees and butterflies love the bright flowers. H50cm 200 seeds $4.00 Code 1805 Private Bag 12050, Tauranga. Phone 07 9284517 [email protected] 2016 / 2017 ORDER FORM Wildflower World Postal: Private Bag 12050, Tauranga. 3143 Phone: 07 9284517. Fax: 07 9284518 Website: www.wildflowerworld.co.nz Email: [email protected] 39 ORDER BY MAIL BY PHONE BY FAX OR ON OUR WEBSITE Mr/Mrs/Ms: Address: Post Code: Customer Number (If known) CODE ITEM Date: PACKET SIZE QUANTITY PRICE WE ARE MOVING As from 1 November we are moving from 155 First Avenue West Tauranga to 9a McDonald Street Mt Maunganui. Office is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. Closed from mid December until mid January. Method of Payment: If also ordering from GardenPost, your seeds can be added to that order. A separate order is not necessary. ( PLEASE TICK) CHEQUE ENCLOSED CREDIT CARD Credit Card Details Mastercard Visa SUB TOTAL: Name: $4.50 Courier Nationwide: Orders over $70 $9.00 Total Phone No: I have ordered over $70.00 before freight – please send me my GIFT COUPON Card No: Signature NZ Post: Allow 3-4 days delivery Expiry Date: Prices in this catalogue are valid to July, 2017 40 Sweet Peas Growing tip – Sweet peas are best sown direct into the garden in autumn or spring. Plants sown in early spring may be a bit smaller but will still produce good flowers. Soak seeds over night to aid germination. Pop them against a trellis or fence in a sunny area and savour the fragrance. Height 1.8-2m Sweet Pea - Cupid Pink Bushy dwarf form ideal for containers and borders. Rose-pink and white, fragrant flowers smother the plants- you’ll just love it! Can withstand heat and drought well. Best sown in small 20 seeds $4.00 100 seeds $12.00 20 seeds $4.00 100 seeds $12.00 20 seeds $4.00 100 seeds $12.00 20 seeds $4.00. 100 seeds $12.00 groups. H30cm Sweet Pea Heirloom Mix A vibrant and striking mix of heirloom varieties. Everything from dark to lighter shades plus stripes and bicolours, all with that old fashioned intoxicating fragrance. Sweet Pea - Royal Mix One of the finest sweet pea mixes. Fragrant flowers are borne on long stems, making them unsurpassed cut flowers. Best of the modern climbing types in a wide colour range, flowering all summer long. Sweet Pea - Bijou Mix Small bushy plants, great for borders or planter boxes. Large, aromatic flowers, good colour range, early flowering with stems long enough for cutting. Plant in clumps & provide some support. H.30-45 cm Sweet Pea - Cupani Heirloom purple and maroon bi-colour. Smaller sized flowers with that original fabulous fragrance. A reliable heat-tolerant sweet pea that in warm weather will flower for longer than any others. Code 1472 Code 1451 Code 1453 Code 1511 Hammett Sweet Peas 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1529 Sweet Pea - Strawberry Fields A spring flowering strain that can flower six to eight weeks earlier than summer strains. This is a two tone bicolour with dark pink standard and paler wings. 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1493 Bred here in NZ by Dr Keith Hammett. Beautiful forms and captivating colours. NEW Sweet pea – Cold Steel A new bicoloured Sweet Pea with a near blue standard petal and white wings. It flowers in summer and has five large, well spaced flowers on each long stem. Suitable for exhibition as well as in the garden or floral art. World first release. 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1539 Sweet Pea - Signpost A striking new lavender/pink and white bicolour. Each stem produces five blooms. For extended flowering team up with High Society which will flower before these. 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1536 Sweet Pea - Enchanté A superb tricolour which has large pink and mauve coloured petals fading onto a cream background. Very colourful flowers with a good fragrance. A vigorous climber to cover a trellis or fence. 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1516 Sweet Pea – Kaleidoscope The best and most varied sweet pea mix from Dr Hammett’s incredible range. Ideal for trellis or fence. 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1522 Sweet Pea – Lunar Sea Pure cream wavy flowers, five to six on a stem. Moderate sized flowers, highly floriferous. An excellent colour to blend with others or to simply enjoy its own rich colour. 20 seeds $4.00 Code 1473 Check our website for more Sweet Peas varieties