BOQ Civil work
BOQ Civil work
TAJ ORIENTATION CENTRE, SHILPGRAM, AGRA - BOQ - CIVIL WORKS MAIN COMPLEX, .;1. No. A 1 i 2 Ii I 3 i ii iii iv -- 4 5 6 - - : 7 i 8 i ~~B 1 Unit Qty. l OOsqm 274.76 Cum 75025.92 99.00 Cum Cum Cum Cum 11806.16 21877.92 32816.88 43391.21 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 (um 1774.24 106.00 Cum 73251.68 151.00 Cum 1453h9 750.00 With Chlorpyriphos/LindanE_E.C. 20% with 1% concentration. Antitermite treatment of Soil under floors using chemical emulsion @ o ne litre per hole, 300mm apart @100 Nos. Holes per 9.00 Sqm. including drilling 12mm diameter holes and plugging also to match the f loor properly: Sqm 320.35 118.00 With Chlo rpyriphos/Lindane E.C. 20% with 1% concentration. Sqm 17561.12 142.00 De~cription of Work Rate In Rs. EARTHWORKS Earth work in surface excavation not exceeding 30 cm in depth but exceeding 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan including disposal of excavated earth upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, disposed soil to be levelled and neatly dressed: All kinds of soil Excavation in foundations in Ordinary Soil (Loam Clay or sand) including lift upto 1.Sm. (S fts.) and lead upto 30 m. (100 fts.) & including filling, watering and ramming of excavated Earth into the trenches or into the Space between the building and sides of foundation trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of sur,)lus earth as directed by the engineer-incharges upto a distance of 30m. (lOOfts.) frcm the foundation trenches. (Rate including Royalty of earth also.) 4791.00 Add to item (251-252) for every additional 30m. (100 fts.) lead or part of 30m. (100 fts.) or for every additional 1.5 m . (Sfts.) lift or part of 1.Sm. (Sfts.). 1.Sm to 3m 1.Sm tc 4.Sm 1.Sm to 6m 1.Sm to 7.Sm Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm In depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to SO m and lift upto 1.5 r'n. Cartage of Ballast, Kankar, coal,Grit or Sand etc., including loading and unloading but exclucing stacking on pucca roads. 5th km. Sand filling in plinth including Supply of necessary quantity of sand from a distance not exceeding 8 km. (5 miles) from the site of work and including watering, rammi ng,dressing etc. rate to include cost of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.(Lead upto 30m & lift 1.Sm) Antitermite treatment of along external wall where the apron is not providing using c:,emical emulsion @7.5 litres/sqm of vertical surface of the substructure to a depth of 300mm inr.ludirig excavation channel along the wall & rodcling etc. complete. ··-- CONCRETE WORKS Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shutteringProviding ar.d laying in position ready mixed plain cement concrete, with cement content as per approved design mix and manufactured in fully automatic batching plant and transported to site of work in transit mixer for all leads, having continuous agitated mi><er, manufactured as per mix design of specified grade for plain cement co ncrete work, including pumping of R.M.C. from transit mixer to site of laying and curing, excluding the cost of entering, shuttering and finishing, including cost of curing,admixtures in ommended proportions as per IS : 9103 to acce lerate/ retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. - All work up to plinth level : .,,; . ~ ..... ' -~ , ~· ..... \ !>-1 ,...-(.'..·'·· "'. \' .. .i ,t.~. ~....(Rt) 1 '3.11.'tr.~.fti.~T. ~ 'f·~·,,'{v ~ :k .,.,u,rn:,~...f?;r;~?TO - i M-10 grade plain cement concrete (cement content consi dere ii @ 220 kg/cum) M-7.5 grade plain ceme nt concrete (cement content considere iii @ 200 kg/cum) M -5 grade plain cement concrete (cement content considere cum 5.00 5551.00 cum 2418.80 5406.00 cum 5.00 5260.00 cum 10.00 934.00 SQM 970.76 186.00 SQM 192.00 342.00 SQM 13573.08 SQM 74.98 5519.59 381.00 381.00 @ 180 kg/cum) Extra for lifting concrete from plinth level and upto floor V level 2 REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE WORK 3 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : a Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete. Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string b cou rses etc. Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform. c d g Shelves (Cast in situ) Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and ca ntilevers Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts. Stairs, (excluding landings) except spi ral-staircases. h i Arches, domes, vaults up to 6 m span Extra for shuttering in circular work (20% of respective centering and j shuttering items). Small lintels not exceeding 1.Sm clear span, moulding as in cornices, window sills, 315.00 SQM SQM SQM SQM 1253.30 266.29 SQM 70.02 86.00 string courses, bands, copings, bed plates, anchor blocks and the like. SQM SO.OD 186.00 k Weather shade, Chajjas, corbels etc., including edges. SQM 100.00 467.00 I Edges of slabs and breaks in floors and walls Under 20 cm wide Rmt sqm 379.17 110 .00 537.39 483.00 SQM 12988.21 151.00 cum 2400.52 13219.00 Qtl 33352.73 5334.00 Cum 2952.16 7822.31 5981.00 Cum Cum 10774.48 e f Above 20 cm wide Extra for additional height in centering, shuttering where ever required with 4 100.00 430.00 375.00 1012.00 adequate bracing, propping etc., including cost of de-shuttering and decentering at all levels, over a height of 3.5 m, for every additional height of 1 metre or part i thereof (Plan area to be measured). Suspended floors, roofs, landing, beams and balconies (Plan area to be 5 measured) Providing, hoisting and fixing up to floor five level precast self compacting reinforced cement concrete in lintels, beams, wall and bressumers, including setting in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), cost of required centering and shuttering but excluding the cost of reinforcement, with M-35 grade concrete 6 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level And above plinth level i Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement 7 content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-In-charge. (Note :- Cement content considered in this item is@ 330 kg/Cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separate ly). i ii All works upto plinth level. Ali works above plinth level upto floor V level. Extra for providing richer mixes at all floor levels. Note:- Excess/less cement over 8 the specified cement content used is payable /recoverable separately. i Providing M-30 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade BMC I RMC. (Note:- Cement content considered in M-30 is@ 340 kg/ kg/cum) 6663.00 v~~ ,:v.,,.r:·lr r 11:fii<.iTI cPru1'ioT(-fo 3W1U 1~-3'f1T{T 72.00 Extra for Diameter of outer part shuttering will be 9518 mm at to p level. Diameter of inner shuttering will be 2611 mm at t op level. Inside diameter of partition shuttering will be 2840 mm at top level. The Outer diameter of partition shuttering wi ll be 8863 mm at top. The height of the shuttering wi ll be 6550 mm. 9 10 Joti FRP shuttering is properly designed & stiffened. Thickness of the joti FRP shutt ering is about 4 to 6 mm varying at va rious heights and various diameters. Joti FRP shutte ring is molded in parts. The FRP shuttering is strengthened with MS sections embedded in FRP. each 7.00 sqm 1238.92 3033.00 Cum 1766.93 12412.00 Cum 1054.26 23043.00 Cum 35.00 4180.00 Cum 35.00 342.00 As in ite m (309) above, but in superstructure for wa ll thickness 12cm. And below add extra. Cum 10.00 484.50 Extra for providing and placing in position 2 Nos. 6mm dia. M .S. bars at every third course of half brick masonry (with F.P.S. bricks). Sqm. 86.96 66.00 Cum 478.75 6067.00 Providing and laying PU sheets are impo rted and are very high qua lity and w ill help prevent the roots from enteri ng the columns. Po lyurethane Elastomers are extremely versatile materials and t his has been t he key to t heir widespread applicatio ns. This flexible engineering material is available in Polyurethane Sheet, Rod and Custom Cast Products. Polyurethane has a unique design and construction combining many of the adva ntages of rigid plastics, metals and ceramics with the extensibility ot'rub.ber. 2665225.00 Providing and laying in posit ion machine batched and machine mixed design mix M35 grade white cement co ncrete for reinforced cement concret e w or k, using cement content as per approved design mix including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding t he cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and re inforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accele rate, 11 '- retard setting of concrete, improve workability w ithout impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (Lime stone aggregate of specified size shall be used instead of normal stone aggregate and washed sand shall be used as per technical specification & as per mix design). Providing and placing in position precast reinforced cement concrete waffle units, square or rectangular, as per design and shape for floors and roofs in (M 35 grade), Including flush or deep ruled pointing at joints in Cement mortar 1:2 (1 Cement: 2 12 -.._./ Fine sand), making necessary holes of required sizes for car rying through service lines etc., providing steel hooks for lifting etc, form w ork in precasting, handling, hoisting, ce ntering and erection complete for all floo r levels but excluding the cost of reinforcement . .. c BRICK WORKS 1 Class-150 (Non Modular) brick work in 1:6 cement and coa rse sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc.required for proper completion of the work. I As in item (303) above, but in 1:4 cement and Coarse sand mortar. 2 i 3 4 D As in item (303) above but In super structure above plinth level upto floor five level including necessary cutting and moulding of brick work as required and also including honey combed brick in thickness of wall more than 12cm. Providing and laying autoclaved aerated ceme nt blocks masonry w ith 200/100 mm thick AAC blocks in super structure above plinth level up to floor V leve l in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand). The rate Includes providing and placing in position 2 Nos 6 mm dia M.S. bars at every third course of masonry work. MARBLE & GRANITE WORK ~ -· ~ .. ·.tJ ij Ld51 . . o"<Tf; ·.·1, ,,'.( c;n!r, ... >..i~;,;fzto &r.TIT ·~1f-~rrt'ITT 5 Providing and fixing 18mm thick gang saw cut ( premoulded and prepolished) machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills , facias and similar locations of required size of approved shade, colour and text ure laid ove r 20mm 1 thick ba se cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) with joints treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels. ii 2 3 4 4 Granite of any colour and shade. Area of slab over 0.50 Sqm.( For Counter) Sqm. 74.98 3712.00 Sqm. 450.19 3325.00 Sqm. 629.05 3712.00 rmt 240.65 235.00 each 10 367.00 Sqm. 793.26 cum 1.72 85500.00 32 mm thick Single leaf shutters. Sqm 81.39 1472.00 32 mm thick Double leaf shutters. Sqm 25.20 1605.00 Sqm 106.59 261.00 each 258.00 111.00 latching speed adjustable by arm. All adjustment screws face fixed . Silver finish . As per EN 1154. with necessary accessories and screws etc. complete. each 29.00 6879.00 Providing and fixing S.S. Tower Bolt [Square] 450 mm each 58.00 576.00 pair 29.00 1941.00 P/L 18mm Black Granite 5Lone (super quality) Flooring over 25mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (l cement:4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with white cement slurry including rubbing and polishing complete. Item same above ( Granite Stone (polished) work for wall lining over 12mm thick bed of c~ment mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and cement slurry@ 3.3 kg/Sqm .-including.pointing in white cement complete. Extra for fixing marble I granite stone over and above corresponding basic item, in facia and drops of width upto 150mm w ith epoxy resin baesd adhesive including cleaning etc. complete. Extra for providing opening of required size & shape for wash basins/ kitchen sink in kitchen platform, vanity counters and similar location in marble/Granite/Stone work including necessary hoies for pillar taps etc. including rubbing and pol ishing of cut edge etc. complete. Providing and fixing machine cut, mirror I eggshell polished, Marble stone work for wall lining (veneer work) including dado, skirting, risers of steps etc., in required design and pattern wherever required, stones of different finished surface texture, 5 on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 oarse S?lnd) laid and jointed wit h white cement slurry@ 3.3 kg/sqm including pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade, including rubbing, curing, 6671.00 pol ishing etc. all complete as per Architectural drawings, and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. a. 18 mm thick Italian Marble stone slab,Perlato, Rosso verona, Fire Red or Dark Emperadore etc. E 1 ,. WOOD & PVC WORK .~ Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in position with hold fast lugs or with dash fasteners of requ ired dia & length ( hold fast lugs or dash fastener shall be paid for separately). i ; 2 i Ii Second class teak wood Supply and fixing of flush doors, commercial quality conforming to IS: 2202 Part-I (1983) including fixing of wooden cleats and stoppers and including fixing and adjustment of hinges, bolts, locks, handles, springs, fitting with necessary screws to be supplied departmentally. Same as item No. (470) & Extra for providing lipping with 2nd class teak wood 3 battens 25 mm minimum depth on all edges of f lush door shutters (over all area of door shutter to be measured). Providing 40x5 mm flat iron hold fast 40 cm long including fixing to frame with 10 4 mm diameter bolts, nuts and wooden plugs and embedding in cement concrete block 30x10x15cm 1:3:6 mix (1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) Providing and fixing (DORMA/equivalent) rack and pinion door closer TS 72 EN size 2-4, with std. arm and with two independent closing valves and 5 6 Providing and fixing pull Handle TGDI- D 300 back to back with adjustable fixing for 7 glass, wood and metal doors in satin stainless steel. The pull handles shou ld have supporting washer with raised bevelling on the outer surface. Length - . ~ -/ ~-1J· ~ ~~:i1 .,~-r \ :~1~. _es•,,. ,,'VI·;··· . ! 1.1 I -- "' . : P-1 \<:,., i rL ¥cnrfv-1.:rrn'"" -a,-src,·nc~~.wro ·-- ,__; ..,.~ \. 8 9 10 Providing and fixing Bra nd S.S.316 Grade Door Stopper Providing and fixing Pure 8100 Type 3 Package with Pair of Pure 8100 Design Lever Handle on Roses & escutcheons. Including 27la Sash lock with 72mm CTC, 55mm Ba ckset 20mm Square forend. EPC 70mm Providing & Fixing l.OOmm thick decorative high pressure laminated sheet of plain I wood grain in gloss I matt I suede finish with high density protective surface layer and reverse side of adhesive bonding quality conforming to IS: 2046 Type S, including cost of adhesive of approved quality. each 29.00 476.00 each 29.00 3696.00 sqm 50.40 522.00 Sqm. 46.08 16182.00 kg 88000.00 247.00 Sqm 600.13 1757.00 each 45.00 1045.00 each 45.00 1140.00 each 45.00 760.00 Sqm 600.13 522.00 kg 24392.25 rmt 706.03 17536.00 Sqm. 1005.75 308.00 Sqm 20351.05 3124.00 Sqm 18173.78 4275.00 Providing & fixing 46mm thick fully flush double skin fire door shutter of 120 minutes fire rating confirming to IS:3614(Part 11),tested & certified by CBRI (Roo rki). Door frame & leaf sha ll be manufactured from 1.6mm (16 gauge) & l.2mm (18guage) minimum thick galvanised steel sheet.The internal construction of t he 11 door should be rigid reinforcement pads for receiving appropriate hardware. The infill material s~all be resin bonded honeycomb core. The edges should be interlocked with lock seam. All doors shall be fi nished with polyurethane aliphatic grade paint of approved colour. The door sha ll have passed minimum 250 hours of sa lt spray test. F 1 2 MILD STEEL AND IRON WORK Alloy Steel Anchor bolt plates, dashfasteners, angles, channels, shelves and fabrication for Fixing Column Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make of 8.25mm (3"xl8 gauge) cold rolled M.S path inter locked through out their entire length and joined together at the end by end locks and mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brick etc. side guides and arrangement for inside and out side locking with push and pull operation complete with excluding the cost of top cover and spring. 3 Providing and fixing 27.52cm long wire spring grade2 for rolling shutters. 4 Providing and fixing top cover for rolling shutters made of 18 gauge M.S gauge. 5 6 Extraadd pf S.I No. 520 for providing mechanical device chain and crank operation Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters. for operating rolling shutters. i 7 Shutter above 16.80 sqm in the area Mild steeland iron work of small size and section such as holding down woods, hold fasts tierods, grating, etc. (When not included in and over all rates) brought t o requried form including supply of steel and its wastage including cost of bolts, nuts if 55.00 requried for proper completion of work including fabrication of holes in door chaukhats and nosing. Providing and fixing 38 mm dia AISI 316 Grade S.S Handrail ( Wall thickness 1.5 mm ) 8 40 mm X 40 mm AISI 316 Grade S.S Side Mounted Square Baluster with Glass holding Accessories ( Wall thickness 1.5 mm ) 10 mm thick Straight Toughened Glass ( Up to 735mm height) G 1 2 3 . " FLOORING & DADO WORK Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 ceme nt : 2 coarse sand: 4 gra ded stone of size 20mm nominal size) laid In one layer f inished wit h a floating coat of neat cement. (40mm thick Floor.) Providing and laying 70 mm tr1ick Agra Red Stone flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse sand) with joints 3 mm thick, side buttered with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 stone dust) admixed with pigment to match the shade of stone and pointing with same mortar. Agaria white Marble stone flooring with 30 mm thick marble stone, as per sample of marble approved by Engineer-in-charge, over 20 mm (average) thick base of white cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coa rse sand) laid and jointed with white cement slurry, inclu<;!ing rubbing and polishing complete with : r~ "' - t\ .~~ :;,<- " . ~ 1":": ~ 'i "ti.~. ,,SJ~{'Rf.) (J)"!.W 1. rJ1>.uf':dt'rio '3'.11.7.r.~.fb.~. awm r:.r.r{ <:ow ru 4 5 6 7 i 8 Providing & Laying 25mm Kata stone slab flooring over 20 mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing complete. Kata stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 10 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete. Providing & Laying 600x600mm vitrified floor tiles in different sizes ( thickness lOmm) with water absorption's less than 0.08% and confirming to IS: 15622 of approved brand & manufacturer, in desired colours and shades, laid with cement based high polymer modifed quick set tile adhesive(water based) conforming to IS:15477, including grouting of joints. Sqm. 3776.86 1068.00 Sqm. 40.06 593.00 Sqm 1581.05 1425.00 Sqm 692.38 1344.00 Providing and 19ying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08 % and conforming to I.S. 15622, of approved make, in all colours & shade, in skirting, riser of steps, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including grouting the joint with white cement & matching pigments etc. complete. Size of Tile 60 x 60 cm Providing and fixing removable raised/false access flooring with system and its components of approved make for different plenum height with possible height adjustment upto 50 mm, comprising of modular load bearing floor panels supported on G.I. rectangular stinger frame work and G.I. Pedestal etc. all complete, as per the architectural drawings, as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge consisting of : a) P roviding at requi red spacing to form modular framework, pedestals made out of GI t ube of thickness minimum 2 mm and 25 mm outer diameter, fully welded on to the G.I. Base plate of size lOOmm x lOOmm x 3mm at the bottom of the pedestal tube, G.I. pedestal head of size 75mmx75mmx3.S mm welded with GI fully threaded stud 16mm outer diameter with two GI Check nuts screwed on the stud for level adjustment upto SOmm, locking and stabilizing the pedestal head in position at the required level. The pedesta ls shall be fixed to the subfloor (base) through base plate using epoxy based adhesive of approved make or the machine screw with rawl plug. b) S tringers system in all steel construction hot dipped galvanized of rectangular size S70x20x30x0.80mm thick having holes at bot h ends for securing the stringers on to the pedestal head using fully threaded screwsensuring maximum lateral stability in all directions, the grid formed by the pedestal and stringer assembly shall receive the floor panel, this system shall provide adequate solid, rigid support for access floor panel, the system shall provide a minimum clear uninterrupted clearance between the bottom of the floor for electrical conduits and wiring etc. all complete as per the architectural drawings, as specified and as directed by the Engineer-incharge. ·~1h1< iUt .,.;i"··:. .·,:{,";'O 3lf71U °W'-'t>i~ -3'.ir:ru c) Providing and f ixing Access Floor panel of 600x600x32 mm medium grade Filled Steel anti static high pressure Laminatio n of 800H grade (FS800H). Access Floor pane l shall be st eel welded construction w ith an enclosed bottom pan with uniform pattern of 64 hemispherical cones. The top and bottom plates of Steel Gauges: top 0.6 mm and bottom 0.7 mm fused spot we lded together (minimum 64 welds in each dome and 20 welds along each flange). The panel shou ld be Corroresist epoxy coated fo r lifetime rust protection and cavity formed by the top and botto m plate is filled with Pyrogrip noncombustible Portland cementitious core mixed w ith lightweight foa ming co mpound. The access floor shall be fact ory finished with Anti-static High Pressu re laminate with Non Warp technology upto lmm thickness for superior adhesion and Surface flatness within 0.75mm.The panel is to w ithstand a · Concentrated Load of 363 kgs applied on area 25mm x 25mm without collapse in t he centre of t he panel which is placed on four st eel blocks. The panel will withstand and Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) minimum 1250 kg/sqm and an impact load of 50kg all complete-iJS per the approved manufacturers specification and as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. All specification must be printed o n the side of the i 450 mm Finished Floor Height (FFH). Providing & Fixing of Forbo Flotex Flocked floor covering rolls of classic shade series having a density of 70 million f ibres of nylon 6.6 per M2 , Fire Test EN- 13501, Sqm 2594.07 3784.00 Sqm 1005.75 3771.00 lOOSqm 35.59 666.00 Sqm 1687.65 2339.00 Providing and Laying Spacers for Tile Flooring as per design and drawings complete as per Manufacturer specifications and direction of Engineer-in- charge. sqm 1581.05 179.00 ROOF & FALSE CEILING WORK Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 10mm and down gauge) Including finishing with ce ment mortar 1:3 (1 ce ment : 3 fine sand) as per standard design. In 75x75mm deep chase. Rmt. 669.68 135.00 Appearence Retention Hexapod ISO 140-8, Friction Slip Resistance Test EN 14041 Class DS, sanitized anti-microbia l treatment w ith resilient waterproof backing ,anti allergic cetrtified by British allergy foundation, anti static, thickness 4.3 mm and approxi mate weight of 1.8 k.g./sqm of roll form.Total Thickness as per ISO 9 1765 : 4.3 mm Roll width: 2.0 M Roll length: 30 M Dimensional stability as per ISO 2551 : <0.2% Slip Resistance as per DIN 51097 : >0.7 Dry and Wet Tota l weight as per ISO 8543 : 1.8 kg/M2 Light fastness as per EN ISO 105 802 : 6 Commercial heavy as per EN 685 : Class 33 Reaction to fire as per EN 13501-1 : Bfl-sl 10 Grassing with selection No.1 grass including watering and maintenance of the lawn for 30 days or more till the grass forms a thick lawn, free from weeds and fit for mowing including supplying good earth, if needed (the good earth shall be paid for separately). With grass Turf Providing & fixi ng 2.0mm thick approved vinyl flooring from Forbo Flooring as per EN 428, made up of PUR pearl lacq uering protection technique as per 11 manufacturers specifications. The product has 0.7mm transparent compact wear layer to provide better performa nce. A non woven, fully impregnated, glass fleece layer functions as the backbone of t he flooring. The backnig layer, which is a su bstantial part of the construction, contai ns 40% re-used content.Eternal conforms to all standards, including the new VOC emission classes. The welding/ seaming shall be done using hot air welding machine. Thickness as per EN 428 : 2.0 mm Roll width as per EN 426 : 2 m Roll Length as per EN426 s : 25 m Commercial use as per EN 685: CLASS 34 very heavy lnductrial use as per EN685: Class 43 heavy Resistance to chemicals as per EN423: very good Reaction to fire as per EN13501-1: B-sl Slip Resistance as per DIN5113.(J Rl O Indentation Residual as per C:N 433 : <0.05mm 13 Ji 1 i . r-., . ~. " .. "'.'t!m. ~.('~i.) ~ - ,.._... ..~ - /,"':, .... f.!".... 2 Making khurras 45x45 cm with average minimum thickness of 5 cm cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) over P.V.C. sheet 1mxlmx400micron, finished with 12mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and a coat of neat cement, rounding the edges and making and finishing the outlet complete. each 56.00 156.00 sqm 904.02 1757.00 sqm 791.40 966.00 Acoustical Ceiling Providing & Fixing of Armstrong SoftFibre Acoustical Suspended Ceiling System with Optra (SL2) EDGE TILES WITH ARMSTRONG 38mm Semi - Concealed 24mm System. The tiles should have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 95 %, NRC 0.9 - 1.0, Light Reflectance ~85%, Thermal Conductivity k NA w/m K, Colour W hite, Fire Performance UK Class O I Class 1 (BS 476 pt- 6 &7) in module size of 600 x 1200x20mm = 3 with Bio Block c;oating on the face of the tile, suitable for Green Building application, with Recycled content of 66% GW & 74% RW The t ile shall be laid on Armst rong Prelude 38 with 24 mm wide T • section flanges colour white having rotary stitching on all Tsections i.e. the Main Runner, 1200 mm special Cross Tees (without over ride & end details) with a web height of 38mm. And need to be installed with Suspension system of Armstrong make .. The Tile & Grid system used together should carry a 30 year warranty. INSTALLATION: To comprise main runner spaced at 1200mm centres securely fixed to the structura l soffit using Armstrong suspension system (specifications below) at 1200mm maximum centre. The First/Last Armstrong suspension system at the end of each main runner should not be greater than 450mm from the adjacent wall. The Providing & fixing false ceiling at all height including providing & fixing of framework made of special section, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanised w ith zinc coating of 120 gms/ sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS: 277 and consisting of angle cleat of size 2Smm wide x 1.6mm thick with flanges of 27mm and 37mm, at 1200mm c/c, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5mm dia x 50mm long w ith 6mm dia bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25 xlO x0.50mm of required length wit h nuts & bolts of required size and ot her end of angle hanger fixed with intermediat e G.I chanels 45 xlS x 0.90mm running at the 3 spacing of 1200 mm c/c, to which t he ceiling section O.Smm thick bottom wedge of 80mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5mm, at 450mm c/c, shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I intermediate channel with connecting clip made out of 2.64mm dia x 230mm long G.I wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.50mm thick 27mm high having flanges of 20mm and 30mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/ partitions with the help of Rawl plugs at 450mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall screws @ 230mm interva l, including fixing of Calcium Silicate Board to ceiling section and perimeter channels with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x2Smm at 230mm c/c, including jointing & finishing to a flush finish of t apered and square edges of the board with a. 8 m111 thick Calcium Silicate Board made with Calcareous & Siliceous materials reinforced with cellulose fiber manufactured through autoclaving process. Acoustical Wall Paneling' 4 5 Providing and supplying Armstrong 'Optra Acoustical Wall Paneling' with square edges made of fibre glass subst rate 25mm thick and wrapped on the front side with an acoustically transparent and classified for Fire reaction Class B-sl, dl as per EN13501, fabric with an option of colors- Ivory, Autumn Orange, Pista Green, Straw Gold, Rustic Green, Burgundy, Rust, Peacock Blue, Ash Grey, Mocha as per the choice of the Architect of size 600Xl200 mm providing a minimum sound absorption level of 0.90 NRC to be affixed to wall using Wall panel impalers supplied by M/s Armstrong Industries India Pvt. Ltd and construction adhesives as per the instructions laid down by the manufacturer. INSTALLATION: 4nos. Armstrong wall panel lmpalers of shall be fixed to the wa ll surface using se lf tapping screws. Silica based co nstruction adhesive to be dabbed on to the projecting elements (spikes) of the impalers, Arms'tro(lg Optra wall panels shall be pierced through the spikes of the impale rs ensuri ng the line and level of the panels are maintained. 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 536.09 5225.00 Sqm 50.00 665.00 sqm 3843.41 114.00 Providing and fixing 12.5mm thick tapered edge gypsum pla!n board conforing to IS: 2095-part I at all height false ceiling including providing and fixing of frame work made of special sections power pressed from M.S. sheet and galvanised in accordance w ith zi nc coating of grade 350 as per IS: 277 and consist ing of angle cleats of size 25mm wide x l.6mm thick with flanges of 22mm and 37mm at 1200mm centre to centre one flange fixed to the cei ling with dash fastner 12.Smm diax40mm long with 6mm dia bolts t o the angle hangers of 25x25x0.55mm of required length, and other end of angle hanger being fixed with nut and bolts to G.I. channels 45xl5x0.9mm running at the rate of 1200mm centre to centre to which the ceiling section O.Smm thick botton wedge of 80mm w ith tapered flanges of 26mm each having clips of 10.Smm at 450mm centre to centre shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I. channel w ith connecting clips made out of 2.64mm diax230mm long G.I. wire at every junction including fixing the gypsum board with ceiling section and perimeter channels O.Smm thick 27mm high having flanges of 20mm and 30mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450mm centre to centre with 25mm long drive-all screws @ 230mm interval including jointing and fixing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges of the gypsum board with recommended filler, jointing tapes, finisher and two coats of primer suitable for board as per manufactures specification and also including the coat of making openings for light f ittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made with frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed all complete as per drawing and specification and direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with : I sqm FINISHING WORK 12 mm ce ment plaster in single coat of fair side of single of half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor two level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and/or rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In girth and finished even and smooth No. extra for mixing any additive. 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 15 mm ce ment plaster in single coat on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor to level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In girth and finished even and smooth . 1:6(1 Cement : 6 coarse Sand). 20 mm cement plaster in two coats backing cost 17mm and finishing coat 3mm thick of neat cement and marble dust in ratio 5:1 on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor to level including internal rounded angles. 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) sqm 100.00 114.00 sqm 100.00 180.00 6 mm thick plastering on ceiling and soffits of stairs upto floor two level instead of platering in walls. 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sa nd) ... sqm 50.00 ~ ij --- ~ .\lii:f!. ~~~ft.i.) ........,i ~ 7 -~~r 99.00 5 Extra for providing and mixing water proofing material in cement plaster work in proportion recommended by the manufacturers. 6 Distempering (First Coat) with oil bound distemper of approved brand and manufacture and·of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including a priming coat with cement primer of approved brand and manufacture such as Berger, J&N, Shalimar, Asian, Paints after throughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matter and also including preparing the surrace even with plaster of approved synthetic material and sand papered smooth including cost of all materials. i As in item no. 649 above but for every coat after first coat of subsequent coat. 7 Finishing M1alls wit!:) textured exterior paint@ 3.28 ltr/10 sqm) of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. for two coat over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr/10 Sqm. 8 Painting 1st. Coat over priming coat (but excluding coat of priming coat) on new wood surfaces upto 10cm width or girth or small articles not exceeding O.lOsqm. In area wit h superior Synthetic enamel such as Luxol 3, Hi gloss Apcolite, Superlac, Dulux specified brushing to give and even shade abd including the cleaning the '\ per bag of 50KG Cement Used in Mix 150.00 48.00 sqm 2378.76 39.00 sqm 2378.76 17.00 sqm 200.00 114.00 sqm 54.47 33.00 sqm 54.47 28.00 sqm 54.47 33.00 sqm 1200.25 110.00 SQM 1464.65 57.00 Sqm 3843.41 114.00 cum 2,411.39 769.00 cum 2,200.40 427.00 sqm 2411.39 26.00 sqm 4367.09 47.00 sqm 125.10 57.00 surface of all dirt, dust and oter foreign matter sand papering and scrapping including cost of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. I 9 10 I 11 12 Extra over item 2a and 2b above but every coat of paint after first coat. Applying priming coat as in item 2b above but surface overlOcm. Width or girth. Finishing with Epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface, etc. complete. On steel work Finishing Walls with acrylic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wa ll surface to give an even shade over & including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. for two coat. Finishing Walls with Putty approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work . . J DISMANnlNG WORK 1 Dismolishing R.C.C work or reinforced brick work including stacking of dismantled materials as per direction of engineer- in- charge within a distance of 60 2 3 i 3 i 4 metres(200feet). Dismolishing brick work or stone work in lime or cement mortar and including stacking of dismantled materials as per direction of engineer- in- charge within a distance of 60 metres(200feet). Dismantaling tile work in floor and roof laid in cement mortar including stacking material within 50 metre lea d. For thickness of ti les lOmm to 25mm. Dismolishing cement concerte or brick or granlithic floors and including stacking of dismantled materia ls as per direction of engineer- in- charge within a distance of 60 metres(200feet). As in item 697 above but floor to be stone flagged or tiled floor Disment ling doors ,windows leaves including chaukhats but excluding hold fasts andincluding stacking of dismantled materials as per direction of engineer- incharge within a distance of 60 metres(200feet). .~ @, c r,_ - _'{iJ. ', ':", ·,_![ F,,. ' l.t ...u \l "alJ"ry,O t10~of\o-i··~,o awt'{f ~ - 3U1RT 1<5 Disposa l of building rubbish I malba I similar unserviceable, dismantled or waste materials by mechanical means including loading, transporting, unloading to approved municipal dumping ground or as approved by Engineer- in-charge, beyond cum 500.00 117.00 sqm 727.01 13824.00 sqm 187.37 9025.00 sqm 1601.35 4609.00 each 168.00 34200.00 rmt. 14635.50 2455.00 rmt. 10185.00 4954.00 50 m initial lead, for all loads including all lifts involved. K ALUMINIUM WORK ' ' - Frameless Spider Glazing:Supply of frameless OZONE or equivalent make spider glazing in 6mm thick clear low E toughened glass +12mm Air gap+ 8mm clear toughened make Saint Goba in or equivalent. For pa nel and lOmm clear toughened glass +1.52mm clear PVB + 10 mm clear toughened glass for fin make (Saint Gobain)/AIS included all hole and cut-out charges. The details and drawings would be further got approved by the architect for the architectural intent being co mpiled with. All the vertical and horizo ntal grooves in the elevatio n shall be sea led with application of masking tapes on the edges of glass 1 and groove of 12mm width and 26mm depth shall be filled with backer rod & high performance none staining and non bleeding clear weather silicon sealant of DOW CORNING as specifications and standards: - 688 grade BS 5889 Type B CNS 8903 A2136 SR-19030 A-NBS ISO 11600 25HM. Spider hardware shall be of stainless steel as details make Ozone S.S. 304 Grade o r equivalent :- CCR NI MO .08min 20min lOmin 2min The spider fitting shall comprise of single leg, double leg, spice plate, fin plate spider fittings, and routels. Frameles Door 2 Supply of frame less door in 12mm clear toughened glass make Saint Gobain Including all holes and cutout charges. Fittings For door: - Floor spring, top patch, bottom patch, bottom locks, over penal sma ll, over penal pivot and stainless steel handle 400mm long. make Ozone or equivalent. Frameless the glass:- 3 Supply of 12mm clear toughened glass with polish grinding make Sa int Gobain and clear silicon will be of Dow Corning (USA) make for joint and waterproofing, masking tapeand 25mm x 2Smm. aluminum U channel for Glass fixing in floor & in to p hang with L conector. Supply and install modular toilet cubicles of MERINO make (Tita n SS series) as per manufatu rer's std specifications. thickness of compect laminate :12mm color of HPL boards: single co lour size of cubicle : llOOmm (w) x 1550mm (d) x 2100mm (h) door size : 1905mm(h) x 610mm (w) overall height of cu bicle : 2100mm including bottom gap of 130mm. Hardware & Fixing: All accesso ries shall be of Merino's make 4 SS 304 grade including all hardware/fittings. (a) SS 'U' channel (b) SS 'F' channel for corner units (c) SS top rail (d) SS coat hook (e) SS privacy t humb turn c/w occupancy indicator (f) SS door knob (g) SS hinges with cover (h) SS adj ust able foot-316 grade (i) r ubber lining for groove (j) SS screws 304 G & PVC wall plugs L PILE WORK Boring, providing and installation bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles of garde M-25 of specified diameter and length below pile cap, to ca rry a safe working load not less than specified, excluding t he cost of st eel reinforcement but including the cost of boring with bentonite so lution and temporary casing of 1 appropriate length for setting out and remova l of same and t he length of the pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc. by Crawler mounted, telescopic boom hydraulic pilling Rig all complet e, including removal of excavat ed earth with all its lifts and leads (length of pile for payment shall be measured up to bottom of pile cap). Note: Truck Mounted rotary/TMR/Tube w ell boring machine shall not be used. i 300 mm dia 5.5 metre depth ii 750 mm dla 21..metre depth ~~ . ~ ., .. ' i ~ Vertical load testing of piles in accordance with IS 2911 (Part IV) including installation of loading platform by Kentledge method and preparation of pile head or construction of test cap and dismantling of test cap after test etc. comp lete as 2 per specification & the direction of Engi neer in-charge. Note: 1. Initial and Routine Load Test shall not be carried out by Dynamic method of testing. Note: 2. Testing agency shall submitt the design of loading platform for the approva l of Engineer-incharge. i ii Initial test (Test Load 2.5 t imes the Safe capacity Initial test (Test Load 2.5 times t he Safe capacity) 3 i Latera l load testing of single pile in accordance with IS Code of practice IS: 2911 (Part IV) for determining safe allowable lateral load on pile '. Upto 50 tonne capacity pile per test 1.00 16551.00 ii Above 50 tonne and upto 100 tonne capacity pi le per test 2.00 25378.00 sqm 777.31 1121.00 Sqm 10964.45 ~ M WATER PROOFING - SUNKEN PORTION(TOILETS) -~ per test per test 1.00 2.00 36633.00 44468.00 ---·- Surface preparation: Minor cleaning work, remova l of loose !=Oncrete and filling cracks with polymer modified mortar using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP Ma king of angle fillets all around the periphery of the wall with polymer modified mortar using Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+@ 220ml per bag of cement or equivalent SIKA, Pid lite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect ~ 1 Supplying & sea ling the Sa nitary pipe inserts, electrica l fit-outs, etc provided in the floor & walls with Bathseal Tape as approved by the archit ect Supplying & grouti ng the gaps around the pipe inserts w ith Bathseal Grout, a non shrink cementitious grout. The "Nahani" trap, etc is to be fitted securely in t he same manner & the gaps around it to be grouted w ith non shrink Grout or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect, as per manufacturers specification. Supplying & applying 2 coats of Dr. Fixit Bathseal WPC in the sunken areas & extending it up to 150mm above the fin ished floor level. This includes laying of a 150mm w ide strip of an open woven glass fiber mesh over the angle fillets on the 1st coat w hile it is still wet or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect, as per manufacturers specification. Supplying & laying a protective plaster in lOmm thickness in Sa nd Cement morta r admixed w ith Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+@ 220ml per bag of cement or equiva lent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect, as per manufact urers specification. ~ Terrace waterproofing Cleaning the roof area properly using compressed air system to ensure that t he 3188.00 substrate is free from dust, laitance, debris, etc. Spray apply an ave rage 30mm thick Dr. Fixit Foa mshield insulation with a core density of 45-50 kg/m3, U va lue of 0.513 W /m2.K ,thermal conductivity of 0.018 W/m.k at 25 degree mean temperature as per ASTM C518/91, compressive strength w ith rise of 4.2 kg/cm2 as per ASTM D-1621/94, fire resistance property confirming to class 82 as per DIN 4102 or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC et c. as approved by the architect Provide and apply Dr. Fixit Roofseal, which is a single component cold applied elastomeric waterproofing coating based on synt hetic resin Emulsion applied with a brush/ro ller in 2 coats to achieve a OFT of 0.80lmm(consumption @ 1 liters/Sqm) or equ ivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC et c. as approved by the architect Conduct water ponding/flood t est after application. Water shall be filled up and retained for at least 24 to 48 hours After emptying the water, loosely lay 150 GSM geotextile( non-woven polyester) A bitumen fi ller board of lOmm t hickness for construction joints shall be placed vertically to form a rectangular bay not exceed 12m2 to 16m2. This board will aid to meet the required slope. I ~~~ a-tJ~ot~,ii"'ro~o :mlfU 'f<ii1 f-31PJTI' \ All around on the roof, at the parapet wall junction, an angular fillet 50mm x SOmm shall be trowel applied in cement-sa nd mortar(cement, sand and mortar shall be supplied by you) in 1:3 proportion The bituminous filler board shall be exposed by means of a mechanical cutting machine. The grooves formed by exposing the filler board shall be applied with Polysulphide sealant, Dr. Fixit Pidiseal 42P .The width of the sealant fill shall not be more than approx lOmmxlOmm deep or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect Laying protective slope with 75 mm avg thick(thickness will depend upon the required slope and span of the building) M20 grade screeding and filling the panels with sealant(RMC for M20 screed will be supplied by the client) or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect Provide and applying Dr. Fixit Fastflex (2 component, pre packed, polymer modified cementitious C':)ating, applied with a brush in 2 coats to achieve a OFT of lmm 2 (consumption@ l :Bliters/Sqm) or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect Waterproofing raft Cleaning all dirt, dust, loose material in order to achieve a so.u nd & dry surface for application of waterproofing system. In case of pot holes/cracks, the same shall be repaired w ith cement putty admixed with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP as per manufacturer's instruction. (Sand cement to be provided free of cost at site) Installation of 300 GSM Geotextile layer over the PCC or equivalent as approved by the architect. Providing and applying water proofing treatment w ith Membrane type water proofing method using ETHYLENE PROPYLENE DIENE MONOMER i.e. EPDM membrane, Dr.Fixit Flexshield E60 of size 6mX30 m roll of 1.52 mm thick having tensi!e ~vength of min. 11 Mpa as per ASTM 0412 and elongation at break min 450% as per ASTM D 412, which is UV, IR and Chemically resistant to certain chemicals which are present In the soil. Sealing all the overlapping joints of membrane with minimum 75- 100 mm overlap with the same two component bonding adhesive or tape like Dr.Fixit Splice Adhesive or Double Sided Secure Tape 3 which is having bond as per the manufacturer's methodology or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect sqm 15964.65 1520.00 Installation of 300 GSM Geotextile as a protection layer over the waterproofing membrane or equivalent as approved by the architect. Protect the membrane by providing & laying screed concrete of SOmm thick over the geo-textile layer ensuring no damages to waterproofing membrane below. (complete item in civil contractor scope) or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect Waterproofing For Retaining wall The entire area shall be taken up for thorough surface preparation with compressed air blow and mechanical removal of debris, laitance, etc. It shall be waterproofed with a mechanica l spray application at an average thickness of 1.5 mm with Dr Fixit Extensa R, a water-based, zero-VOC, ecofriendly, 2 part hybrid polymer based liquid membrane comprising of liquid base and its catalyst, applied with a special twin nozzles compressed air operated gun. This spray applied waterproofing membrane shall be exhibit outstanding properties of adhesion onto the substrate with a peel adhesion of at least 25N as per ASTM C 794. 4 The membrane sha ll adhere to the substrate within 60 seconds of application and shall facilitate a walk- over within 5 minutes of its installation. It shall possess an elongation of at least 1000 % when tested in an independent laboratory for extensibility (ASTM D 412) & give a full recovery after the elongation. It shall possess a self-sealing ~ V~it_; "T:,:::,.;,-rrcm··, ., "''·oLro ~.~lfr ·,~i .' '.-3.iTffl \5 property and be UV stable (ASTM G 155 for 1000 hours - accelerated weathering). It sha ll exhibit a tear strength of at least 5 NI sq/mm. when tested for ASTM D 1004 and shall never puncture even if tested in accordance with ATM E 154, stretched to the limit. Water permeability in the said waterproofi ng material shall be nil as per BS EN 12390-8 & water vapor transmission shall not be more than 2 g/hr/ sq.m. when tested as per ASTM E 96, and sha ll surpass the impact resistance test as per Sqm 7608.44 2013.00 Sqm 50.00 439.00 rmt 125.00 628.00 kg 225.00 3135.00 Sqm 1238.92 Sqm 278.12 Sqm 564.79 ASTM D 3746 or equiva lent as approved by the architect. Providing & laying a protection layer over the waterproofing membrane of 6 mm 5 6 thick expa nded polyethylene board/dimple board before backfilling or equivalent as approved by the architect. Providing & installation of aluminum termination bar minimum 150 mm above finished floor level & shall be fixed with non corrosive fastener@ 4 nos. per RM. And sealing the termination bar with Dr.Fixit Lap Sealant or equivalent as approved by the architect. Providing and grouting of all tie rod cavities, Pipe penetrations and any other insert openings on retaining wall co ncrete using high strength shrinkage compensated, 7 free flowing ce mentitious grout materia l Dr. Fixit Pidigrout lOM having 24 days compressive strength >65 N/mm2 or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect. INSIDE SURFACE OF CIRCULAR COLUMNS clean ing has to be done so as to make the surface free of dust, debris, laitance etc. Repairing cracks by cutting and making V-groove in 25x25 mm, with SBR polymer modified mortar Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP. filling the groove with CM (l:3) mixed with polymer 10% by weight of cement(cement , sand ,water will be supplied by the client). Provide and apply of Dr. Fixit Flexicoat PU , A single component PU based cold applied waterproofing coating, Apply 2 [email protected] litre/ to achieve a OFT of approx 1.2 mm. The product must have the following technical properties: Solid content more than 80 % as per ASTM C-836,Elongation at break> 500 % as per ASTM D-412,Shore A hardness 50, Tensile strength 2 N/mm2.The coating must be applied over the prepared substrate primed with Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect. 1930.00 Providing & laying of Dr. Fixit Coal Tar Epoxy in two coats at a consumption of 3-4 complete or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the arch itect, as per manufacturer's instruction. Fixi ng of 300 gsm geotextile membrane over the wet second coat of coal tar epoxy 8 before soil filling. 9 WATER BODIES (External wallsl Providing & laying of Dr. Fixit Coa l Tar Epoxy in two coats at a consumption of 3-4 complete or equivalent SIKA, Pid lite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by t he architect, as per manufacturer's instruction. 1681.00 WATER BODIES (Internal walls) Cleaning and washi ng the surface of dirt and laitance to remove all the loose materials by various mechanical. Filling of cracks Dr Fixit Pidicrete URP Modified Mortar in the ratio Cement: Sand (1:4) and 5% by weight of cement or equiva lent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by t he architect. Rounding of the junction of t he walls and the slabs using cement mortar of 1:4 mix admixed with a integral waterproofing compou nd confirming to IS 2645 like DR. Fixit Pidiproof LW+@ 200 ml per 50 kgs bag of cement or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect. Filling of construction joints w ith polymer modified mortar. Applying t hree coats of Dr. Fixit Fastflex @ 3kg/ all over the slab including the 1369.90 angular fillets and extendable ove r the vertical wa lls and sprinkling sa nd over the third coat for better adhesion with plaster. The interval between each coat of Fastflex application is 6-8 hrs or equiva lent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect. ~r t~ ~~ · r '?'-rt:: ft.;\< ij ~ <-l ;''·. ,··'t w~o·n... ,~;~~c.•Rlo ,I~ , Providing & laying a protection layer of 15-20mm thick cement mortar admixed with Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ or equ ivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved 10 11 12 13 14 by the architect. Supplying and filling Cinder on foor including light ramming. Non shrink Compound Curing Co mpound for walls (Assume 1 litre for lOsqm ) Cold Joint Compond .N White Marble Jali Providing and Fixing White Marble Jali using 40-50 mm thick stone and with almost 50 % perforation using latest technology as per manufacturer's specification as instructed by the Architect co mplet e as per design and drawings complete. ., SI. . 2850.00 24.00 55.00 1273.00 cum kg litre litre 1644.67 111638.25 876.00 1158.66 Sqm 9169.63 Unit Qty. lOOsqm 66.32 Cum 46093.77 99.00 Cum Cum 9043.91 18087.81 Cum Cum 27131.72 32859.52 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Cum 1975.17 106.00 Cum 44118.60 151.00 Cum 50.00 750.00 24700.00 PARKING t BOQ - CIVIL WORKS ,, ~ Description of Work Rate in Rs. No. ~ EARTHWORKS 1 Earth work in surface excavation not exceed ing 30 cm in depth but exceeding 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan including disposa l of excavated earth upto SO m and lift upto 1.5 m, disposed soil to be levelled and neatly dressed: i All kinds of soil 2 Excavation in foundations in Ordinary Soil (Loam Clay or sand) including lift upto l.Sm. (5 fts.) and lead upto 30 m. (100 fts.) & including filling, watering and ramming of excavated Earth into the trenches or into the Space between the building and sides of foundation trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the engineer-incharges upto a distance of 30m. (lOOfts.) from the foundation trenches. (Rate including Royalty of earth also.) 4 Add to item (251-252) for every additional 30m. (100 fts.) lead or part of 30m. (100 fts.) or for every additional 1.5 m. (Sfts.) lift or part of l.Sm. (Sfts.). i l.Sm to 3m 1.Sm to4.Sm l.Sm to 6m ii iii iv 5 1.Sm to 7.Sm Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in t renches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. 6 Cartage of Ballast, Kankar, coa l,Grit or Sand etc., including loading and unloading but excluding stacking on pucca roads. 5th km. Sand filling in plint h including Supply of necessary quantity of sand from a distance not exceeding 8 km. (5 miles) from the site of work and including watering, 7 ramming,dressing etc. rate to include cost of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.(Lead upto 30m & lift l.Sm) 8 4791.00 Antitermite treatment of along external wall where the apron is not providing using chemical emulsion @7.5 litres/sqm of vertical surface of the substructure to a depth of 300mm including excavation channel along the wall & rodding etc. complete. i 9 With Chlorpyriphos/Lindane E.C. 20% with 1% concentration. Antitermite treatment of Soil under floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300mm apart @100 Nos. Holes per 9.00 Sqm. including drilling 12mm diameter holes and plugging also to match the floor properly: Sqm 122.05 118.00 i With Chlorpyriphos/Lindane E.C. 20% with 1% concentration. Sqm 6632.20 142.00 B .. CONCRETE WORKS ~ •. ~ ...~ ,. ... (:.. ~:. ' . '•ltl 'lf,u~1.,f.':t0f.!ro~o irr,,rr tmrt-~ 1 i ii iii 2 3 a b c d e f g h i j k I 4 I Providing and laying in posit ion cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shutteringProviding and laying in position ready mixed plain cement concrete, with cement content as per approved design mix and manufactured in fully automatic batching plant and t ransported to site of work in transit mixer for all leads, having continuous agitated mixer, manufactured as per mix design of specified grade for plain cement co ncrete work, including pumping of R.M.C. from t ransit mixer to site of laying and curing, excluding t he cost of entering, shutte ring and finishing, including cost of curing,admixtures in omme nded proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate/ retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. -All work up to plinth level : M-10 grade plain cement concrete (cement content considere @ 220 kg/cum) M-7.5 grade pl~in cement co ncrete (cement content conside re @ 200 kg/cum) ~ M-5 grade plain cement concrete (cement content conside re @ 180 kg/cum) Extra for lifting co ncrete from plinth leve l and upto floor V level REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE WORK Ce nter ing and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : Foundations, footings, bases of co lumns, etc. for mass concrete. Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses etc. Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform. Shelves (Cast in situ) Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts. Stairs, (excluding landings) except spiral-staircases. Arches, domes, vaults up to 6 m span Extra for sh uttering in circular work (20% of respective ce ntering and shuttering items). Small lintels not exceeding 1.5m clear span, moulding as in cornices, window sills, string courses, bands, copings, bed plates, anchor blocks and t he like. Weather shade, Chajjas, corbe ls etc., including edges. Edges of slabs and breaks in floors and wa lls Under 20 cm wide Above 20 cm wide Extra for additional height in centering, shutteri ng where ever required with adequate bracing, propping etc., including cost of de-shuttering and decentering at all levels, over a height of 3.5 m, fo r every additional height of 1 metre or part thereof (Plan area to be measured). Suspended floors, roofs, landing, beams and balconies (Plan area to be measured) cum 15.00 5551.00 cum 754.92 5406.00 cum 15.00 5260.00 cum 30.00 934.00 SQM 369.84 186.00 SQM 0.00 342.00 SQM SQM SQM SQM SQM SQM 20663.70 0.00 3432.61 3617.58 721.26 100.00 381.00 381.00 315.00 430.00 375.00 1012.00 SQM 0.00 86.00 SQM 50.00 186.00 SQM 100.00 467.00 Rmt sqm 33.51 488.32 110.00 483.00 SQM 0.00 151.00 cum 1392.70 13219.00 Qtl 24000.04 5334.00 Providing, hoisting and fixing up to floor five level precast reinforced cement 5 concrete in lintels, beams and bressumers, including setting in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sa nd), cost of required centering and shuttering but excluding the cost of reinforcement, with M35 grade concrete 6 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including stra ightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level And above plinth level i Thermo-Mecha nica lly Treated bars Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M25 gra de cement co ncrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, 7 including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to acce lerate, reta rd setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. ~v--- ~~ --·· ... -~ _....,. ,.,;):,. ~ ...,. '(J - .-~ .. ~ ,; ·~,hi ~-·,J;;{;.., ·;:;,;~ro~o IJ4llt n \"QiTf-~ \ \Q (Note:- Cement content considered in this item is@ 330 kg/Cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separate ly) . i All works upto plinth level. Cum ii All works above plinth leve l upto floor V level. Extra for providing richer mixes at all floor levels. Note:- Excess/less cement over the specified cement conte nt used is payable Cum 2822.20 8234.99 5981.00 6663.00 Cum 11057.19 72.00 Sqm 131.79 142.00 metre 658.95 437.00 Cum 35.00 4180.00 Cum 35.00 342.00 Cum 10.00 484.00 Sqm. 86.96 66.00 Cum 39.45 6067.00 cum 0.52 Sqm 36.00 1605.00 Sqm 36.00 261.00 Sqm 36.00 99.00 each 60.00 111.00 8 /recoverable separately. i Providing M-30 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade BMC I RMC. (Note:- Cement 9 content considered in M -30 Is @ 340 kg/ kg/cum) Providing and fixing 50 mm thick shalitex board for expansi6n joints between column, beam, slab and walls etc. as per manufacturers specification and 10 recommendation. Providing and fi_xing sheet coveri ng over expansion joints with iron screws as per design. ~ i c 1 Aluminium fluted strips 3.15 mm thick. 200 mm wide BR/Cl< WORKS .. ' - ~ ., . Class-150 (Non Modular) brick work in 1:6 cement and coarse sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc.required for proper completion of the work. i 2 i As in item (303) above, but in 1:4 cement and Coarse sa nd mortar. As in item {303) above but In super structure above plinth level upto f loor five level including necessary cutting and moulding of brick work as required and also including honey combed brick in thickness of wall more than 12cm. As in item (309) above, but in superstructure for wall thickness 12cm. And below add extra. 3 Extra for providing and placing in position 2 Nos. 6mm dia. M.S. bars at every third course of half brick masonry (with F.P.S. bricks). Providing and laying autoclaved aerated cement blocks masonry with 200/100 mm thick AAC blocks in super structure above plinth level up to floor V level in cement 4 mortar l:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand). The rate includes providing and placing in position 2 Nos 6 mm dia M.S. bars at every third course of masonry work. D 1 i 2 i 3 4 5 WOOD & PVC WORK Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in position with hold fast lugs or with dash fasteners of required dia & length ( hold fast lugs or dash fastener shall be paid for separately). Second class teak wood Supply and fixing of flush doors, commercial quality conforming to IS: 2202 Part I (1983) including fixing of wooden cleats and stoppers and including fixing and adjustment of hinges, bolts, locks, handles, springs, fitting with necessary screws to be supplied departmentally. 32 mm thick Double leaf shutters. Same as item No. (470) & Extra for providing lipping with 2nd class teak wood battens 25 mm minimum depth on all edges of flush door shutters (over all area of door shutter to be measured). Extra for cutting rebate in flush door shutters (Total area of the shutter to be measured). Providing 40x5 mm flat iron hold fast 40 cm long including fixing to frame with 10 mm diameter bolts, nuts and wooden plugs and embedding in cement concrete block 30x10x15cm 1:3:6 mix (1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) 85500.00 Providing and fixing Alu minium extruded section body tubu lar type universa l 6 7 hydraulic door closer (having vrand logo with 151, 15:3564, embossed on the body, door weight upto 36kg to 80kg and door width from 701mm to lOOOmm) with double speed adjustment with necessary accesso ries and screws et c. co mplete. each 20.00 969.00 300x10 mm lOOxlO mm Providing and fixing aluminium handles of approved make anodized (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with necessry screws etc. complete. 125mm each 40.00 each 10.00 99.00 42.00 each l OOmm each 40.00 10.00 61.00 47.00 each 20.00 26.00 each 10.00 731.00 sqm 72.00 522.00 Kg. 97627.68 55.00 Kg. 4865.18 55.00 Sqm 817.70 3124.00 5qm. 4051.14 1068.00 Sqm. 65.09 593.00 Sqm 19423.75 546.00 Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolts ISi marked anodised (a nodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868 ) transparent o r dyed to required colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete: i ii 8 i ii 9 Providing and fixing aluminium hanging floor door stopper ISi marked anodised (anodic coating not less t han grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour and shade with necessary screws etc. complete. i 10 Single rubber stopper Providing and fixing bright finished brass 100 mm mortice latch and lock, ISi marked, with six levers and a pair of anodised (anodic coati ng not less than grade AC 10 as per IS: 1868) aluminium lever handles of approved quality with necessary screws etc. complete Providing & Fixing 1.00mm thick decorative high pressure laminated sheet of plain/ 11 E 1 i F 1 wood grain in gloss I matt I suede finish with high density protective surface layer and reverse side of adhesive bonding quality conforming t o IS : 2046 Type S, including cost of adhesive of approved quality. . MILD STEEL AND IRON WORK ' Mild steeland iron work of small size and section such as holding down woods, hold fasts tierods, grat ing, et c. (When not included in and over all rates) brought to requried form including supply of steel and its wastage including cost of bolts, nuts if requried for proper completion of work including fabrication of holes in door chaukhats and nosing. Fabrication of grill/ stairs case railing. FLOORING & DADO WORK Providing and laying 70 mm thick Agra Red Stone flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse sand) with j oints 3 mm thick, side buttered with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 stone dust) admixed with pigment to match the shade of stone and pointing with same mortar. Providing & Laying 25mm Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm thick base of cement 2 mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing complete. 3 Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 10 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete. Providing & laying 75 mm thick vc1cuum dewatered flooring (tremix floor) of RMC of grade M-25 including providing & making 8mm wide and 20mm deep groove at 4mtr. x 6mtr. maximum panels or as directed and filling the groove with sealant 4 (colpor 200 of fosroc chem ica l or approved make), side shuttering with MS channels, vibrating concrete by using screed vibrator and suction dewatering using approved make equipment and finishing the top surface to required level and grade using power trowels of standard make excluding nominal steel reinforcement. ~ I "a>r.l'O"{\'ol· ,;, . vT.'fC awru 'f•.mf-~•·R.T ,..,. ,..i? 5 G 1 i 2 Extra for providing and mixing water proofing material in cement concrete work in doses by weight of cement as per manufactu rer's specification. per SO kg cement 2471.00 45.00 Rmt. 248.44 135.00 each 21.00 156.00 sqm 238.59 114.00 sqm 100.00 114.00 sqm 100.00 180.00 sqm 50.00 99.00 per bag of 50KG Cement Used in Mix 150.00 48.00 sqm 95.44 39.00 sqm 95.44 17.00 sqm 200.00 114.00 sqm 16.44 33.00 sqm 502.96 28.00 ROOF & FALSE CEILING WORK '• Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand : 4 sto ne aggregate lOmm and down gauge) including finishing with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) as per sta nda rd design. In 75x75mm deep chase. Making khurras 45x45 cm with average minimum thickness of 5 cm cement co ncrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 grad_ed stone aggregate of 20 mm nomina l size) over P.V.C. sheet lmxlmx400micron, finished with 12mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and a coat of neat cement, ro unding t he edges and making and finishing the outlet complete. ~ H 1 j 2 .FINISHING WORK 12 mm cement plaster in single coat of fair side of single of half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor two level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and/or rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In girth and finished even and smooth No. extra for mixing anv additive. 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coa rse sand) 15 mm cement plaster in single coat on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor to level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In girth and fi nished even and smooth . i 3 1:6(1 Cement : 6 coa rse Sand). 20 mm cement plaster in two coats backing cost 17mm and finishing coat 3mm i 4 thick of neat cement and marble dust in ratio 5:1 on rough side of single or half brick wa ll for interior plastering upto floor to level including internal rounded angles. 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sa nd) 6 mm thick plastering on ceiling and soffits of stairs upto floor two leve l instead of i 5 6 platering in walls. 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) Extra for providing and mixing water proofing material in cement plaster work in proportion recommended by the manufacturers. Distempering (First Coat) with oil bound distemper of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including a priming coat with cement primer of approved brand and manufacture such as Berger, J&N, Shalimar, Asian, Paints after throughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matter and also including preparing the surface even with plaster of approved synthetic material and sa nd papered smooth including cost of all materials. i 7 8 i As in it em no. 649 above but for every coat after first coat of subsequent coat. Finishing wa lls with textured exterior paint@ 3.28 ltr/ 10 sqm) of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper com plet ion of work. for two coat over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr/10 Sqm. Painting 1st. Coat over priming coat (but excluding coat of priming coat) o n new wood surfaces upto 10cm w idth or girth or small articles not exceeding 0.10sqm. In area with superior Synthetic enamel such as Luxol 3, Hi gloss Apcolite, Superlac, Dulux specified brushing to give and even shade abd including the cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and oter foreign matter sand papering and scrapping including cost of all mat erials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completio n of wo rk. Extra over item 2a and 2b above but every coat of paint after first coat. ~ . c~ t ~ .~t::f, '..... , /~i.) '"" :,_ ,.,.,,_ ~ri~ ~ .... , '?A)tid{Tof;'rr(' 9 Applying priming coat as in item 2b above but surface overlOcm. Width or girth. 10 Finishi ng with Epoxy pa int (two or more coats) at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation sqm 16.44 33.00 sqm 486.52 110.00 SQM 143.15 57.00 Sqm 238.59 114.00 rmt. rmt. 5527.50 3885.00 24 55.00 4954.00 Initial test (Test Load 2.5 times the Safe capacity Initial test (Test Load 2.5 times the Safe capacity) Lateral load testing of single pile in accordance with IS Code of practice IS : 2911 (Part IV) for determining safe allowable latera l load on pile : per test per t est 1.00 2.00 36633.00 44468.00 i ii Upto 50 tonne capacitv pi le Above 50 tonne and upto 100 tonne capacity pile per test per test 1.00 2.00 16551.00 25378.00 I WATER PROOFING Waterproofing raft i 11 12 of surface, etc. complete. On steel work Finishing Walls with acryl ic emu lsion paint of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper comp letion of work. for two coat. Finishing Walls with Putty approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wa ll surface to give an even shade over & including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of wo rk. \ I 1 ,,< .PILE WORK" Boring, providing and installation bored cast-in-situ reinforc~d cement concrete pi les of garde M -25 of specified diameter and length below pile ca p, to carry a safe working load not less than specified, exclud ing t he cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of boring with bentonite solution and temporary casing of appropriate length for setting out and removal of same and the length of the pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc. by Crawler mounted, telescopic boom hydraulic pi lling Rig all com plete, Including removal of excavated earth with all its lifts and leads (length of pile for payment shall be measured up to bottom of pile cap). Note: Truck Mounted rotary/TMR/Tube well boring machine shall not be i ii 2 used. 300 mm dia 5.5 metre depth 750 mm dia 21 metre depth Vertical load testing of piles in accordance with IS 2911 (Part IV) Including installation of loading platform by Kentledge method and preparation of pile head or construction of test cap and dismantling of test cap after test etc. complete as per specification & the direction of Engineer in-charge. Note: 1. Initial and Routine Load Test shall not be carried out by Dynamic method of testing. Note: 2. Testing agency shall submitt the design of loading platform for the approval of Engineer-incharge. i ii 3 ~ c ,,, ' " '' ,. Clea ning all dirt, dust, loose material in order to achieve a sound & dry surface for application of waterproofing system. In case of pot holes/cracks, the same shall be repa ired with cement putty admixed w ith Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP as per manufacturer's instruction. (Sand cement to be provided free of cost at site) Installation of 300 GSM Geotextile layer over the PCC or equivalent a's approved by t he architect. ' ¢.~ • ...:.· - ~ . •)4':.1•• ~~;~ • ~ ..-r { ·:;; :.:. : -a.:~' .;UQf•Tui~uf~ -;.J "" Providing and applying water proofing treatment with Membrane type water proofing method using ETHYLENE PROPYLENE DIENE MONOMER i.e. EPDM membrane, Dr.FiKit Flexshield EGO of size 6mX30 m roll of 1.52 mm thick having tensile strength of min. 11 Mpa as per ASTM 0412 and elongation at break min 450% as per ASTM D 412, which is UV, IR and Chemically resistant to certain chemicals which are present in the soil. Sea ling all the overlapping joints of membrane with minimum 75-100 mm overlap with the same two component bond ing adhesive or tape like Dr.Fixit Splice Adhesive or Double Sided Secure Tape 1 which is having bond as per the manufacturer's methodology or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by t he architect sqm 6029.27 Sqm 4264.93 2013.00 Sqm 50.00 439.00 rmt 125.00 628.00 kg 225.00 31.00 kg litre litre 94350.00 682.00 55.00 UNIT QTY. 1520.00 Installation of 300 GSM Geotextile as a protection layer over the waterproofing membrane or equivalent as approved by the architect. Protect the membrane by providing & laying screed concrete of 50mm thick over the geo-teKtile_layer ensuring no damages to waterproofing membrane below. (complete item in 'Civil contractor scope) or equ ivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect Waterproofing For Retaining wall The entire area sha ll be taken up for thorough surface prepa ration with compressed air blow and mechanical removal of debris, laitance, etc. It shall be waterproofed with a mechanical spray application at an average thickness of 1.5 mm with Dr Fixit Extensa R , a water-based, zero-voe, ecofriendly, 2 part hybrid polymer based liquid membrane comprising of liquid base and its 2 catalyst, applied with a special twin nozzles compressed air operated gun. This spray applied waterproofing membrane shall be exhibit outsta nding properties of ad hesion onto the substrate with a peel adhesion of at least 25N as per ASTM c 794. The membrane sha ll adhere to the substrate within 60 seconds of application and sha ll faci litate a wa lk- over w ithin 5 minutes of its installation. It shall possess an elo ngation of at least 1000 % w hen test ed in an independent laboratory for extensibility (ASTM D 412) & give a full recovery after the elongation. It shall possess a self-sea ling property and be UV stable (ASTM G 155 for 1000 hours - accelerated weathering). It shall exhibit a tear strength of at least 5 NI sq/m m. when tested for A5TM D 1004 and shall never pu ncture even if tested in accordance with ATM E 154, stretched to the limit. Water permeability in the said waterproofing material shall be nil as pe r BS EN 12390-8 & water vapor transmission shall not be m ore than 2 g/hr/ sq.m. when tested as per ASTM E 96, and shall su rpass the impact resistance test as per ASTM D 3746 or equivalent as approved by the architect. 3 Providing & laying a protection layer over t he waterproofing membrane of 6 mm t hick expa nded polyethylene board/dimple board before backfilling or equiva lent as approved by the architect. Providing & installation of aluminum termination bar minimum 150 mm above 4 f inished f loor level & sha ll be fixed with non corrosive fastener@ 4 nos. per RM. And sealing the t ermination ba r with Dr.Fixit Lap Seala nt or equiva lent as approved by the architect. Providing and grouting of all t ie rod cavities, Pipe penetrations and any other insert open ings on ret aining wall concrete using high strength shrinkage compensated, 5 6 7 8 free flowing cementitious grout material Dr. Fixit Pidigrout lOM having 24 days compressive stre ngth >65 N/ mm2 or equivalent SIKA, Pidlite, BASF, FOSROC etc. as approved by the architect. Non shrink Com pound Curing Com pound fo r walls (Assume ! litre for lOsqm) Cold Joint Com pond 535.65 24.00 1273.00 STP, BOO- CIVIL WORKS SI. No. DESCRIPTION ......... Rate i n ~ ~ A 1 EARTH WORKS Excavation in foundations in Ordinary Soil (Loam Clay or sand) including lift upto l.Sm. (5 fts.) and lead upto 30 m. (100 fts.) & including filling, watering and ramming of excavated Earth into the trenches or into the Space between the building and sides of foundation trenches or into plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the engineer-incharges upto a dista nce of 30m. (100 fts.) from the foundation trenches.(Rate CUM 121.83 99.00 RM 28.28 197.00 CUM. 114.29 106.00 SQM 44.00 2.00 CUM 4.49 4560.00 CUM 0.12 8267.00 per bag of 50KG of cement 25.00 45.00 Including Royalty of earth also) 2 a i 2 3 Excavating trenches of required w idth for pipes, cables, etc. including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto l.5m including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exc All kinds of soil. Pipes, cables, etc. exceeding 80mm dia but not exceeding 300mm dia. Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground level and removal of rubbish upto a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared. B CONCRETE WORKS 1 Providing and laying Cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement ; 4 Coa rse sand : 8 graded Stone Ballast 40mm. Nominal size.) including supply of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work and curing complete, also including cost of formwork in foundation & floors. Providing and fixing up to floor five level precast cement concrete solidblock, including 2 a 3 c 1 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). Extra for providing and mixing water proofing materia·I in cement concrete work @ lkg per SOkg of cement. REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE WORK Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for: a Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete. SQM 3.37 b Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform. Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts. Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position SQM 34.32 186.00 381.00 SQM 156.23 430.00 Qtl 10.13 5334.00 CUM CUM 21.92 5981.00 4.51 6663.00 CUM 18.86 72.00 c '- hoisting and setti ng in position with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), cost of required centering, shuttering complete : 2 a 3 and binding all complete upto & above plinth level. Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars. Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M-25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineerin-charge. (Note :- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separately). i ii All works upto plinth level. All works above plinth level upto floor V level. 4 Extra for providing richer mixes at all floor levels. Note:- Excess/less cement over the specified cement content used is payable /recoverable separately. a Providing M-30 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade BMC/RMC. (Note:- Cement content considered in M-30 is @ 340 kg/cum). D STEEL WORK ' -~•> ~ ~ ~\~ B. U. xhiH{,)ll f~I f:rrr.T r ~. ~. ;~~-f;;tiJ.fti.) :"' ?T -;.i1 ft·, .0"!:i.,1'!. , . ~cRTQft~fl1oi-:. ;,., ~~-:1f"HT 1 Mild steeland iron work of sma ll size and section such as holding down woods, hold fasts tierods, grating, etc. (When not included in and over all rates) brought to requried form incl uding supply of steel and its wastage including cost of bolts, nuts if requried for proper completion of work including fabrication of holes in door chaukhats and nosing. KG 50.00 55.00 sqm 10.00 308.00 sqm 23 .51 859.00 sqm 23.51 463.00 SQM 82.67 114.00 1:6(1 Cement: 6 coarse Sand). 20 mm cement plaster in two coats backing cost 17mm and finishing coat 3mm thick of neat cement and marble dust in ratio 5:1 on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor to level including internal rounded angles. SQM 2.76 114.00 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 6 mm thick plastering on ceiling and soffits of stairs upto floor two level instead of platering in walls. SQM 2.76 180.00 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) Add or deduct for plaster drip course/ groove In or moulding to R.C.C. projections.plastered surface Extra for providing and mixing water proofing material in cement plaster work in proportion recommended by the manufacturers. SQM 23.51 99.00 metre 32.00 29.00 per bag of 50KG Cement Used in Mix 20.00 48.00 SQM 106.18 114.00 SQM 106.18 39.00 SQM 5.51 114.00 E FLOORING WORK 1 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (l cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone of size 20mm nominal size) laid one layer finished with floating coat of neat cement (40mm thick cement) 2 Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles 300x300 mm [thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of l st quality conforming to 15 : 15622 of approved make in all colours, shades, expect White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick Cement Mortar l: 4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand ) including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. ~ F ROOFING Providing and laying pressed clay tiles (as per approved pat tern 20 mm nominal thickness 1 of approved size) on roofs jointed w ith cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) mixed with 2% integral water proofing compound laid over a bed of 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and finished neat complete. G FINISHING WORK 1 12 mm cement plaster in single coat of fair side of single of half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor two level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and/or rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In girth and finished even and smooth No. extra for mixing any additive. l 2 i 3 i 4 I I 5 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 15 mm cement plaster in single- coat on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor t o level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In girth and finished even and smooth . 6 7 8 9 Finishing Wa lls with Putty approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. Distempering (First Coat) with oil bound distemper of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including a priming coat with cement primer of approved brand and manufacture such as Berger, J&N, Shalimar, Asian, Paints after throughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matter and also including preparing the surface even with plaster of approved synthetic material and sand papered smooth including cost of all materials. Finishing walls with textured exterior paint @ 3.28 ltr/10 sqm) of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface t o give an even shade over & including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. for two coat over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr/10 Sqm. cs,,v ~ ~ 'iif rl~ '3o ~- xi-~ f;T,frcr1 j:rv; f:.-:i. ' \ ~ ., ;1-, _ ~·" 2.S 10 Finishing with Epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface, etc. complete. i On steel work H DRAINAG E work;Providing and laying S&S C.I. Standard specials such as tees, bends, collars tapers and caps etc, suitable for flanged jointing as per IS: 1538: 1 i Up to 300 mm dia 2 Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty) R.C.C. pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete : i 250 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe 3 Replacement of M .S. foot rests in manhole including dismantling concrete block and fixing with 20x20x10 cm c,_ement concrete blocks 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) i With 20x20 mm square bar 4 Supplying and fixing C.I. cover without frame for manholes: 560 mm diameter C.I. cover (heavy duty) the weight of t he cover to be not less than 108 kg I 5 Providing and fixing in position pre-cast R.C.C. manhole cover and frame of required shape and approved quality i Circular shape 560 mm internal diameter I WATER PROOFING Providing and laying APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer modified prefabricated five layer 3 mm thick water proofing membrane, Black finished reinforced with nonwoven polyester matt consisting of a coat betumen primer for betumen mambrane @ 0.40Kg per sqm, 2nd, 4th & 6th courses of bonding material @ 1.20 Kg/sqm, which shall consist of blown type bitumen of grade 85/25 conforming to IS : 702, 3rd and 5th layers of roofing membrane APP modified Polymeric membrane 1.Smm thick of 2.25 Kg/sqm weight consisting of five layers prefabricated with centre core as 20micron HMHDPE film sandwiched on both sides with polymeric mix and the polymeric mix is protected on both side with 20micron HMHDPE film. 7th, the top most layer shall be finished with brick tiles of class designation 10 grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (lcement:3 fine sand) mixed with 2% integral water proofing compound by weight of cement over a 12mm layer of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) and finished neat ( item of laying brick tiles shall be paid for separately). 1 UG Tank & Pumi;1 Room, SI. No_. A 1 2 a i 3 SQM 5.00 110.00 quintal 0.24 6266.00 rmt. 8.40 445.00 each 10.00 57.00 each 2.00 5592.00 each 2.00 1435.00 SQM 23.51 427.00 UNIT QTY. Rate In Rs. CUM 147.00 99.00 RM 32.00 197.00 CUM. 40.32 106.00 eog- CIVIL WORKS DESCRIPTION EARTH WORKS Excavation in foundations in Ordinary Soil (Loam Clay or sand) including lift upto 1.Sm. (5 fts.) and lead upto 30 m. (100 fts.) & including filling, watering and ramming of excavated Earth into the trenches or into the Space between t he building and sides of foundation t renches or into plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the engineer-incharges upto a distance of 30m. (100 fts.) from the foundation trenches.(Rate Including Royalty of earth also) Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc. including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto 1.Sm including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exc All kinds of soil. Pipes, cables, etc. exceeding 80mm dia but not exceeding 300mm dia. Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to SO m and lift upto 1.5 m. Y~ , ~ B .. Jr. '1 1\Jiq~n R~:~;l .... - - r-. _ _ __.,,._.,. f.°Wi ftl• ~, .--- - ~ ' . " .. ' ·r~ Ollu .-· I •j 4 B Clearing jungle incl uding uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground level and removal of rubbish upto a distance of SO m outside the periphery of the area cleared. SQM 60.00 2.00 CUM 6.54 4560.00 CUM 8.36 8267.00 per bag of 50KG of 50.00 45.00 SQM 14.60 380.00 CONCRETE WORKS Providing and laying Cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement ; 4 Coarse sand : 8 graded Stone 1 2 a 3 Ballast 40mm. Nominal size.) including supply of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper complet ion of the work and curing complete, also including cost of . formwork in foundation & floors. Providing and fixing up to floor five level precast cement concrete solidblock, including hoisting and setting in position with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cenient : 3 coarse sand), cost of required centering, shuttering complete : 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). Extra for providing~and mixing water proofing material in cement concrete work @ lkg per 50kg of cement. cement Making Plinth Protection 50 mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand: 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 4 c 1 40mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, including fini shing the top to give smooth finish and proper grade. REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE WORK Centering and shuttering including strut ting, propping etc. and removal of form for : a Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete. SQM 13.16 186.00 b Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform. SQM 59.28 c lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 15.55 169.90 381.00 315.00 430.00 d Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts. SQM SQM e Small lintels not exceeding 1.5m clear span, moulding as in cornices, window sills, string courses, bands, copings, bed plates, anchor blocks and the like. SQM 3.82 186.00 SQM 9.49 467.00 Qtl 42.20 5334.00 All work.s upto plinth level. CUM 39.38 5981.00 All works above plinth level upto floor V level. CUM 13.19 6663.00 CUM 19.46 72.00 each 2.00 1435.00 cum 0.05 f . Weather shade, Chajjas, corbels etc., including edges. 2 Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto & above plinth level. a Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars. Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M-25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per 3 approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, sh uttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineerin-charge. (Note :· Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separately). I Ii 4 Extra for providing richer mixes at all floor levels. Note:- Excess/less cement over the specified cement content u sed is payable /recoverable separately. a Providing M-30 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade BMC/RMC. (Note:- Cement content considered in M -30 is@ 340 kg/cum). 6 Providing and fixing in position pre-cast R.C.C. manhole cover and frame o f required shape and approved quality I Circular shape 560 mm internal diameter D WOOD & PVC WORK 1 Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows, clerestory w indows and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in position: I Second class teak wood Fram e - -~ i \ ,t.~-:~. ~ .(f;w.) ...... 86922.00 ~L.._ Shutter 2 Supply and fixing of flush doors, commercial quality conforming to IS : 2202 Part-I (1983) including fixing of wooden cleats and stoppers and including fixing and adjustment of hinges, bolts, locks, handles, springs, fitting with necessary screws to be supplied departmentally. i 32 mm thick Double leaf shutters. sqm 1.89 1605.00 3 Same as item No. (470) & Extra for providing lipping with 2nd class teak wood battens 25 mm minimum depth on all edges of flush door shutters (over all area of door shutter to be measured). sqm 1.89 261.00 4 Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts ISi marked an.odised (anodic coating not less t han grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with nuts and screws etc. complete: each 2 218.00 EACH 2.00 99.00 EACH 2.00 61.00 KG 50.00 55.00 KG 254.15 55.00 sqm 5.00 308.00 sqm 40.23 1068.00 sqm 3.17 593.00 sqm 63.24 794.00 sqm 27.70 859.00 sqm 27.70 410.00 I 300x16mm 5 Providing and fii:cing aluminium tower bolts ISi marked anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868 ) transparent or dyed to requ ired colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete : i 300x10 mm 7 Providing and fixing aluminium handles of approved make anodized (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent .or dyed to required colour or shade with necessry screws etc. complete. I 125 mm E STEEL WORK Mild steeland iron work of small size and section such as holding down woods, hold fasts t ierods, grating, etc. (When not included in and over all rates) brought to requried form including supply of steel and its wastage including cost of bolts, nuts if requried for proper completion of work including fabrication of holes in door chaukhats and nosing. 1 2 Fabrication of grill/ stairs case railing. F FLOORING WORK 1 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone of size 20mm nominal size) laid one layer finished with floating coat of neat cement (40mm thick cement) Providing & Laying 25mm Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with 2 pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing complete. Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 10 mm thick cement morta r 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing com plete. 3 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS : 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacture ) of approved make in all colours, shades except burgu ndy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge 4 Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles 300x300 mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in all colours, shades, expect White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 m m t hick Cement Mortar 1: 5 4 jl Cement: 4 Coarse sand ) including pointing the joints w ith whit e cement and matching pigments etc., complete. G ROOFING Providing and laying pressed clay tiles (as per approved pattern 20 mm nominal t hickness of approved size) on roofs jointed with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) mixed 1 with 2% integral water proofing compound laid over a bed of 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) and finished neat complete. H FINISHING WORK 1 12 mm cement plaster in single coat of fair side of single of half br ick wall for interior plastering upto floor two level including ?nternal rounded angles chamfers, and/or rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In girth and finished even and smooth No. extra for mixing any additive. ~iL3fferll~ B. ~. '(I\,~ Q f:r:n"ul ~,rn:! k:10 'VflRl ~qt. 3iT.Txl , 'I,.~... 1.q~.) ..,., ,i ~.'17.T- r.::r f~· ~' . -.ozP , i 2 i 3 i 4 I 5 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 15 mm cement plaster in single coat on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor to level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In girth and finished even and smooth . SQM 70.29 114.00 1:6(1 Cement : 6 coarse Sand). 20 mm cement plaster In two coats backing cost 17mm and finishing coat 3mm thick of neat cement and marble dust in ratio 5:1 on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor to level including internal rounded angles. SQM 29.24 114.00 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 6 mm thick plastering on ceiling and soffits of stairs upto floor t~o level instead of platering in walls. 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) Add or deduct for plaster drip course/ groove in or moulding to R.C.C. projections.plastered surface Extra for , providing- and mixing water proofing material in cement plaster work in proportion recommended by the manufacturers. SQM 29.24 180.00 SQM 64.19 99.75 metre 32.00 29.00 per bag of SOKG Cement Used in Mix 20.00 48.00 SQM 134.48 114.00 SQM 134.48 39.00 SQM 58.48 114.00 SQM 0.86 33.00 sqm 0.86 28.00 sqm 0.86 33.00 SQM 30.42 110.00 KG 61.66 3~2.00 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Finishing Walls with Putty approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including curing and cost of all mate1 ial, labour, T&P etc. requir~d for proper comjlletion of work. Distempering (First Coat) with oil bound distemper of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated w all surface to give an even shade over & including a priming coat with cement primer of approved brand and manufacture such as Berger, J&N, Shalimar, Asian, Paints after throughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matter and also including preparing the surface even with plaster of approved synthetic material and sand papered smooth including cost of all materials. Finishing walls with textured exterior paint @ 3.28 ltr/10 sqm) of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. for two coat over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr/10 Sqm. Painting 1st. Coat over priming coat (but excluding coat of priming coat) on new wood surfaces upto 10cm width or girth or sma ll articles not exceeding O.lOsqm. In area with superior Synt hetic enamel such as luxol 3, Hi gloss Apcolite, Superlac, Dulux specified brushing to give and even shade abd including the cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and oter foreign matter sand papering and scrapping including cost of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. Extra over item 2a and 2b above but every coat of paint after first coat. Applying priming coat as in item 2b above but surface overlOcm. Width or girth. Finishing w ith Epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface, etc. complete. i On steel work I ALUMINIUM WORK 1 i Providing and fixing alu{Tlinium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubu lar sections/appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS : 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions, top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing I paneling, C.P. brass I stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. Glazing and paneling to be paid for separately) : Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) C6~ - ,... ·., . ~· "'7l"f • •\ . . ) ... ( ~ z::1,;:~.. .::.r.,11dtt ~"~~,-~ . "{ '~ .;r."1itT cl1V~M~oftifo ~ -· 2 i 3 For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making provision for fi xing of fittings wherever required including the cost of EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately) Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed t o required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coat ing of grade AC 15) Providing and fixing glazing in aluminiu m door, window, ventilat or shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the d irections of engineer-incharge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in KG 24.28 385.00 SQM 4.32 665.00 SQM 27.70 427.00 Unit Qty. Rate In Rs. Cum 3341.89 99.00 Cum 270.36 750.00 Sqm 18503.57 2.00 cum 1050.95 5406.00 basic item): j With float glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness J WATER PROOFING 1 Providing and laying APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer modified prefa bricated five layer 3 mm thick water proofing membrane, Black finished reinforced with nonwoven polyester matt consisting c f a coat betumen primer for betumen mambrane @ 0.40Kg per sqm, 2nd, 4th & 6t h courses of bonding material @ 1.20 Kg/sqm, which shall consist o f blown type bitumen of grade 85/25 conforming to IS : 702, 3rd and 5th layers of roofing membrane APP modified Polymeric membrane 1.Smm t hick of 2.25 Kg/sqm weight consisting of five layers prefabricated wit h centre core as 20micron HMHDPE film sa ndw iched o n both sides w ith polymeric mix and t he polymeric mix is protected o n bot h side with 20micron HMHDPE film. 7th, the top most layer shall be finished with brick t iles of class designation 10 gro uted w ith cement mortar 1:3 (l cement:3 fine sand) mixed with 2% integral water proofing com pound by weight of cement over a 12mm layer of r ement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) and finished neat ( item of laying brick tiles shall be paid for separately). ~ ,. ROAD & HORTICULTURE , BOQ • CIVIL WORKS .. SI. No. Description of Work A EARTHWORKS Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations et c. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by rammi ng and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. 1 2 3 8 1 i {; Sand filling in plinth including Supply of necessary quantity of sand from a dist ance not exceeding 8 km. (5 miles) from t he site of work and including watering, ramming.dressing etc. rate to include cost of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.(Lead upto 30m & lift 1.5m) Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetat ion, grass, brush wood, t rees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground level and removal of rubbish upto a dist ance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared. .... .. {QNCRETE WQRKS Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shutteringProviding and laying in position ready mixed plain cement concret e, with cement content as per approved design mix and manufactured in fully automatic batching plant and t ransported to site of work in transit mixer for all leads, having continuous agitated mixer, manufactured as per mix design of specified grade for plain cement concrete w ork, including pumping of R.M.C. from t ransit mixer t o site of laying and curing, excluding t he cost of entering, shuttering and finishing, including cost of curing,admixtures in ommended proportions as per IS : 9103 to accelerat e/ retard setting of concrete, improve worka bility without impairing strength and durability as per di rection of the Engi neer-in-charge.· All work up to plinth level : M-7.S grade plain cement concrete (cement co ntent considere @ 200 kg/cum) MILD STEEL AND IRON WORK ~ ~ .I c~ _,. . f3rf~ m 7 '3. u "{;0fr$l"U RT1tor f;;rr, ~Tf7RT ~cfiT{ ~ 111,1 R'To c:Tfv 11;.,T\°'1" ~-1~-awm 1 Mild steeland iron work of small size and section such as holding down woods, hold fasts tierods. grating, etc. (When not included in and over all rates) brought to requried form including supply of steel and its wastage including cost of bolts, nuts if requried for proper completion of work including fabrication of holes in door chaukhats and nosing. 2 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level And above plinth level i Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars Kg. 150.00 55.00 Qtl 22.32 5334.00 sqm 13367.55 77.00 Cum 372.05 6455.00 litre 206.70 44.00 per cm depth per cm width perm length 1366.97 2.00 Sqm 645.06 103.00 Cum 2005.13 2013.00 Cum 2005.13 2013.00 ' D 1 2 i 3 RQAD WQR!!_lUNDf.R FLOOR '* Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power road of 8 to 12 tonne capacity after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm. depth, dressing to camber and consolidating with road roller Including making good the undulations etc. and re-rolling the sub grade. "' RCCROAD Providing and laying design mix cement concrete of M-30 grade, in roads/ taxi tracks/ runways, using cement content as per design mix, using coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 40 mm nominal size in appropriate proportions as per approved & specified design criteria, providing dowel bars with sleeve/ tie bars wherever required, laying at site, spreading and compacting mechanically by using needle and surface vibrators, levelling to required slope/ camber, finishing with required texture, including steel form work with sturdy M.S. channel sections, curing. making provision for contraction/ expansion, construction & longitudinal joints ( 10 mm wide x 50 mm deep) by groove cutting machine, providing and filling joints with approved joint filler and sealants, complete all as per direction of Engineerin-charge (Item of joint fillers, sealants, dowel bars with sleeve/ tie bars to be paid separately). Cement concrete prepared with batch mixing machine Extra for providing and mixing hardening compound of apprOved quality as per manufacturer's specification in cement concrete....... (Fosroc-or equivalent -Nitoflor.LH @ 12 Sqm/Ltr) Providing and fixing in position pre-moulded joint filler in e><pansion joints. 4 . 5 PAINTING ROAD/ RUNWAY MARKING Painting runway/taxi track/apron marking with adequate no. of coats to give uniform finish with road marking paint of superior make as approved by the Engineer-in-charge i/c cleaning the surface of all dirt, scales, oil, grease and other foreign material etc. and lining out complete. i 6 New work (Two or more coats) Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded M aterial conforming to specifications, mixing in a mechanical mi>< plant at OMC, carriage of mixed material by tippers to work site, for all leads & lifts, spreading in uniform layers of specified thickness with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per specifications and directions of EngineerinCharge. i 7 With material conforming to Grade-I (size range 75 mm to 0.075 mm) havingCBR Value-30 Providing. laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate (size range 53 mm to 0.075 mm ) to wet mix macadam (WMM) specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in for all leads & lifts, laying in uniform layers with mechanical paverfinisher in sub- base I base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achievethe desired density, complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. ~'<. (ii-/ '3"\7~ B. ~. ~ ; W'" f.rrr:1 ftl. 3;:-r::-:; ,,,.;' . ... ·. ·.I 8 Providing and laying at or near ground level fact ory made kerb stone of M-25 grade cement in position to the required line, level and curvature jointed with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) including making joints with or without grooves (thickness of joints except at sharp curve shall not to more than Smm) including making drainage opening w herever required complete etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (length of finished kerb edging shall be measured for payment). (Precast C.C. kerb stone shall be approved by cum 72 .57 5031.00 sqm 3604.80 954.00 Sqm 2037.28 10290.00 Sqm 5245 .12 3674.00 Unit Qty. Rate In Rs. Cum 381.S 99.00 Cum 289.01 99.00 Cum 92.47 292.00 Sqm 661.00 2.00 cum 38.15 5406.00 Sqm. Sqm. 144.87 754.78 632.74 186.00 Engineer-in-charge). 9 10 Providing and Laying of high impact pp Grasspavers,(gp2535) UV Stabl ized size soo•soo• 35 mm , compressive strength 200 tons per sqmtr . Weight 3 .3 kg /sqmtr of approved make laid at site with soil, sand and cocopeat (25%) mix bed 75 mm thick as directed by manufacturer. Approved make - Virendera Textiles, Ovilite or equivalent. Providing and laying Ruby Red Granite Cobble Stone lSOmm x 150mm x 75mm thick with Anti skit Leather Finish over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse sand) wi!h joints 3 mm thick, side buttered with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 stone dust) admixed with pigment to match the shade of stone and pointing with same mortar. 11 Providing and laying 70 mm thick Agra Red Stone flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse sand) with joints 3 m~ thick, side buttered with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 stone dust) admixed with pigment to match the shade of stone and pointing with same mortar. BOUNDARY WALL Description S. No. A 1 EARTH WORKS Excavation in foundations in Ordinary Soil (Loam Clay or sand) including lift upto 1.Sm. (S fts.) and lead upto 30 m. (100 fts.) & including filling, watering and ramming of excavated Earth into the trenches or into the Space between the building and sides of foundation trenches or into plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the engineer-incharges upto a distance of 30m. (100 fts.) from the foundation trenches.(Rate Including Royalty of earth also) Filling avai lable excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming 2 and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. Supplying and stacking of good earth at site including royalty and carriage up to 1 km (earth 3 4 8 measured in stacks will be reduced by 20% for payment). Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground level and removal of rubbish upto a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared. CONCB.ETE WORKS ,· m Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shutterlngProviding and laying in position ready mixed plain cement concrete, with cement content as per approved design mix and manufactured In fully 1 i automatic batching plant and transported to site of work in transit mixer for all leads, having continuous agitated mixer, manufactured as per mix design of specified grade for plain cement concrete work, including pumping of R.M.C. from transit mixer to site of laying and curing, excluding the cost of entering, shuttering and finishing, including cost of curing,admixtures in ommended proportions as per IS : 9103 to accelerate/ retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impa iring strength and durability as per direction of the Engineer-in-cha rge. - All work up to plinth level : M-7.5 grade plain cement concrete (cement content considere@ 200 kg/cum) ~ REl(i_FOR,ED rEME(!J.l(ON(RE"ff. WQR/$. ' Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for: a d e Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete. Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts. 1 -~ ~~ ~{ - Sqm. .., ,. ..J,. {·~·i '• '-l'G C '""' i • 315.00 - 430.00 P6~ i"(T ~cr.t'l'u~Pf,,f'lll Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position 2 a 3 and binding all complete all level. Thermo-M echanically Treated ba rs. Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M-25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in Qtl 212.80 5334.00 Cum Cum 94.69 71.94 5981.00 Cum 211.28 4180.00 Sqm. 1189.80 1377.50 Sqm. 1388.10 114.00 Sqm. 1388.10 114.00 recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, reta rd setting of concrete, improve workability with out impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer· 0 in-charge. (Note :- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/Cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separately). I ii All works upto plinth level. All works above 'plinth level upto floor V level. D BRICKWORK 1 First Class -150 brick work in 1:6 cement and fine sand of 1.25 fineness modulus mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc.required for proper completion of the work. i As in item (303) above, but in 1:4 cement and Coarse sand mortar. (Find Sand not less than in 1.25 FM) €. STQNEWORK 1 f. 1 i 2 Red Sand Stone Work for Wall Lining etc.(veneer Work) 30mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 (cement: 1 cement : 3 coarse sand) including camping jointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 st one dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade. 6663.00 Pf,MTER & PAINTING WORK lSmm Cement plaster in single coat on rough of single or half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor to level including iternal rounded angles chamfers, and rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In grith and finished even and smooth. 1:6 (1 cement: 6 coarse sand) Finishing walls with textured exterior paint @ 3.28 Ltr.per lOsqm of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade and undacorated wall surface to give even shade over including curing and coat of all material, labor, T&P etc.required for proper completion of work for two coat over one coat of primer applied 2.20Ltr lOsqm. Total Total Amount :- 14465.69 Lacs ~,~ Jl·1 ·~.'ITfo~f· ~ITT ~-:v'-..::11•. Porta Cabin, Boq. BUILDING-: PORTA CABIN BILL OF QUANTITY Description S. No. A 1 2 a i ~ 3 4 5 6 Unit Qty. Rate In Rs. CUM 7.85 99.75 Rmt. 5.10 197.89 Cum 5.99 106.78 Cum 0.10 750.50 Sqm 5.11 2.85 Cum 1.86 151.67 EARTHWORKS Excavation in foundations in Ordinary Soil (Loam Clay or sand) including lift upto l.Sm. (5 fts.) and lead upto 30 m. (100 fts.) & includi ng filling, watering and ramm ing of excavated Earth into the trenches or into the Space betwee.r:i the build ing and sides of foundation trenches or into plinth and removal and disposa l of surplus earth as directed by the engineerincharges upto a distance of 30m. (100 fts.) from the foundation trenches.(Rate Including Royalty of eart h also) Excavating trenches of requ ired w idth for pipes, cables, etc. including excavation fo r sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto 1.Sm including getti ng out t he excavated soil, and then returning the soil as requ ired, in layers not exc All kinds of soi l. Pipes, cables, etc. exceeding 80mm dia but not exceeding 300mm dia. Filling ava ilable excavated earth (excluding rock) in t renches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consol idating each deposited layer by ramming and wateri ng, lead up to SO m and lift upto 1.5 m. Sand filling in plinth including Supply of necessary quantity of sand from a distance not exceeding 8 km. (5 miles) from the site of work and including watering, ramming,dressi ng etc. rate to include cost of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.(Lead upto 30m & lift 1.5m) Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground level and remova l of rubb ish upto a distance of SO m outside t he peri phery of the area cleared . Cartage of Ba llast, Kankar, coal,Grit or Sand etc., including loadi ng and unloading but excluding stacking on pucca roads. 5th km. 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tot al carried over to summary 8 1 2 3 CONCRETE WORKS Providing and laying Cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement ; 4 Coarse sa nd : 8 graded Stone Ba llast 40mm. Nomi nal size.) including supply of all materia ls, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work and curing complete, also includ ing cost of formwork in foundation & fl oors. Making Plinth Protection 50 mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand : 6 graded st one aggregate 20mm nominal size) over 75mm t hick bed of dry brick ballast 40mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, including finish ing the top to give smooth finish and proper grade. Providing and fixing up to floor five level precast cement concrete solid block, including hoisting and setting in position wit h cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coa rse sa nd), cost of required centering, shuttering complete: cum 0.86 4560.00 SQM 6.78 380.00 ~ Page 1 of 6 '- . ~ rj~:..::·? ··ft· , . ...{~ \I ~ i. • ) .!. a,11mof.toiewf,-ro 3'Pffl 'f11Tl-antm Porta Cabin, Boq. BUILDING-: PORTA CABIN "33 BILL OF QUANTITY Description S. No. i c 1 a b c d e f g h i j 2 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE WORK Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and remova l of form for: Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete. Wa lls (any thickness) including attached pi lasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses etc. Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform. Shelves (Cast in situ) Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts. Arch es, domes, vaults up to 6 m span Small lintels not exceeding l.Sm clear span, moulding as in cornices, window sills, string courses, bands, copings, bed plates, anchor blocks and the like. Edges of slabs and breaks in floors and walls Under 20 cm wid e Weather shade, Chajjas, corbels etc., including edges. Extra for additional height in centering, shuttering where ever requi red with adequate bracing, propping etc., including cost of de-shuttering and decentering at all levels, over a height of 3.5 m, for every additional height of 1 metre or part thereof (Pl an area to be measured). Suspended floors, roofs, landing, beams and balconies (Plan area to be measured) Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including stra ightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete all level. Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars. Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M-25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, including i 3 i Unit Qty. Rate In Rs. Cum 2.5 8267.66 Sqm. 2.16 186.63 Sqm. 0.00 342.76 Sqm. Sqm . Sqm. Sqm. Sqm . 8.17 1.03 10.78 lQ.97 -.s·.oo 381.57 381.57 315.54 430.68 1012.99 Sqm. 0.26 186.63 ·metre Sqm. 11.44 0.45 110.58 467.73 Sqm. 0.00 151.10 KG 668.9 64.70 Cum Cum 2.89 2.48 5981.34 6663.82 Each 1 716.06 ~ pumping of concrete to site of laying but excludi ng the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 4 (Note :- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/Cum . Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separately) . All works upto plinth level. All works above plinth level upto floor V level. WOOD & PVC WORK Providing and fixing IS : 3564 marked Aluminium die cast body tubular type universal hydraulic door closer with necessary accessories and screws etc. complete. i ii D 1 ~~~ ~~ '3. '\l. ~ J f;r.f.uT f.i'Ml fc:{. ~~-:-: ..i ', .... -.. : ·f<l '$7"-firf ~-;;rrfl u.:f:Xn'Ui:,r.-.,f\!iufrm ~~-,,."\'ffl'm Porta Cabin, Bo~ BUILDING-: PORTA CABIN BILL OF QUANTITY Description S. No. 2 i ii 3 Unit Qty. Rate In Rs. Each Each 2.00 4.00 99.75 42.75 Each Each 2.00 4.00 61.75 47.50 Each 1.00 26.60 Each 1.00 774.68 KG 25.00 61.75 KG 8.30 61.75 Sqm 2.00 308.75 Sqm. 5.84 1425.00 Sqm. 15.87 114.00 Providing and fixing aluminium t ower bolts ISi marked anodised (an odic coatin g not less t han grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868 ) transpa rent or dyed t o required colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete: 300x10 mm l OOxl O mm Providing and fixing aluminiu m handles of approved make anodized (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transpa rent or dyed to required colour or shade with necessry screws etc. complete. ~ i ii 4 i 5 E 1 125 mm l OOmm Providing and fixing alumin ium hanging floor door stopper ISi ma rked anodised (anodic coating not less tha n grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to req uired colour and shade with necessary screws etc. compl ete. Single rubber stopper Providing & fixing bright f inished brass 100 mm mortice latch and lock ISi marked with six levers and a pa ir of anodised (anodic coating not less t han grade AC 10 as per IS :1868) alu mini um lever handles w ith necessary screws etc. complete. STEEL WORK Mild steeland iron work of small size and section such as holding down woods, hold fasts tierods, grating, etc. (When not included in and over all rates) brought to requried form including supply of st eel and its wastage including cost of bolts, nuts if requried for proper completion of work including fabrication of holes in door chaukhats and nosing. 2 Fabrication of grill/ stairs case railing. £ FLOORING WORK 1 2 G 1 i 2 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone of size 20mm nominal size) laid one layer f inished with fl oating coat of nea t cement (40mm thick cement) Providing & Laying 600x600mm vitrifi ed floor tiles in different sizes ( thickness lOmm) with water absorption's less than 0.08% and confirming to IS : 15622 of approved brand & manufacturer, in desired colours and shades, laid with cement based high polymer modifed quick set tile adhesive(water based ) conforming to 15:15477, including grouting of joints. FINISHING WORK 12 mm cement plaster in single coat of fair side of si ngle of half brick wall for interior plastering upto fl oor two level including internal round ed angles chamfers, and/or rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In girth and finished even and smooth No. extra for mixing any additive. 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 15 mm cement plaster in single coat on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor to level including intern al rou nded angles chamfers, and rounded angles not exceedi ng 80mm. In girth and finished even and smooth . Page 3 of 6 l. · .. ) '!.,~-;.fa. ~~1~d'\'W .... Porta Cabin, B~ ® BUILDING-: PORTA CABIN BILL OF QUANTITY S. No. Description Unit Qty. Rate In Rs. i 1:6(1 Cement : 6 coarse Sand). 20 mm cement plaster in two coats backing cost 17mm and finishing coat 3mm thick of neat cement and marble dust in ratio 5:1 on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering upto floor to level including Sqm. 10.39 114.00 Sqm. 10.39 180.50 7.64 99.75 6.52 48.12 23.52 114.00 Sqm. 10.00 7.60 Sqm. 23.52 39.90 Sqm. 23.52 34.06 Sqm . 20.78 114.00 Sqm. 1.66 13.92 Sqm. 1.66 110.72 3 i 4 i 5 6 7 internal rounded angles. 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) 6 mm thick plastering on ceiling and soffits of stairs upto floor two level instead of platering in walls. Sqm. 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) Extra for providing and mixing water proofing material in cement plaster per bag of 50KG work in proportion recommended by the manufacturers. Cement Used in Mix Finishing Walls with Putty approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & Sqm. including curing and cost of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. White washing with lime on under coated wall surfaces (two coat) to give an even shade including thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust mortar drop and loose sca les of lime wash and other foreign matter. Distempering (First Coat) with oil bound distemper of approved brand and 8 manufact ure and of required shade on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade over & including a priming coat with cement primer of approved brand and manufacture such as Berger, J&N, Shalimar, Asian, Pa ints after throughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matter and also including preparing the surface even with plaster of approved synthetic material and sand papered smooth including cost of all materials. 9 i 10 11 i 12 i H Applying one coat of water thinnable cement primer of approved brand and manufacture on wall surface: Water thinnable cement primer Finishing walls with exterior emulsion paint (Apex) of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undercoated wall surfa ce to give an even shade over @1.25lt r/10 sqm including one coat of primer appled @ 0.751tr/10sqm coat curing and cost of al l material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. App lying priming coat : With ready mixed red oxide zinc chromate primer of approvedbrand and manufacture on steel work (second coat) Finishing with Epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface, etc. complete. On steel work ALUMINIUM WORK ~;~ \10 'Q. ~ j [ ! fq$! f.;Trr.i fu. 3TT1Rl lt1f>TJ. 2,;n-tx\ Page 4 of 6 . ~ -~ · ~,ft!.) Cl 3.1.i.'it.1~\ · ::::1'ti ':'."< l. · 'h ~Y. ;'il .,,. - Porto Cabin, B~ ·~ BUILDING-: PORTA CABIN BILL OF QUANTITY Unit Qty. Rate In Rs. Anodised aluminium (anodised transpa rent or dyed to requ ired shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) KG 20.85 332.50 For shutters of doors, windows & vent ilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings w herever required includ ing the cost of EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately) Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) KG 25.43 385.61 SQM SQM 0.45 1.89 665.00 760.00 metre 9.15 84.31 Description S. No. 1 i 2 i Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partit ions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS 1285, fixing wit h dash fast eners of requ ired dia and size including necessary filling up of gaps at j unctions, top, bottom and sides with requi red EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc.' Alum inium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and joint ed mechanica lly wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing I paneling,~ C.P. brass I sta inless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. Glazing and paneling to be paid for separately) : Provid ing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters 2 i ii and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per t he architectural drawings and the directi ons of engineer-incharge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item): i Wit h float glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness Wit h fl oat glass panes of 5.50 mm thickness Filling t he gap in between aluminium frame and adjacent RCC/Brickwork/ Stone Work by providing weather silicon sea lant over backer rod of approved quality as per architectural drawings and direction of Engineer-in charge Upto 5mm depth and 5mrn widt h l WATER PROOFING 3 1 Providing & laying integral cement based water proofing t reatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs consisting of following operations: a) App lying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75kg/sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound confi rming to 15. 2645 including adjoining wa lls upto 300mm height including cleaning the surface before treatment. b) Laying brick bats with mortar with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sa nd ) admixed with water proofing compou nd confirming t o IS : 2645 over 20 mm thick layer of cement of 1:5 ( 1 cement : 5 coarse sand ) admixed with water proofing compound confirming to IS: 2645 req uired slope ~~ / 4/ 'lffllRlo~offy<o !Wli:T ~ -3tfi1'i.1 Porta Cabin, BG S ) BUILDING-: PORTA CABIN BILL OF QUANTITY S. No. Description including rounding of junctions of walls and slabs. c) After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75kg/sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound confirming to IS : 2645. d) Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement 4 coarse sand ) admixed with water proofing compound confirming to IS : 2645 including laying glass fibre cloth of approved quality in top layer and fin ally finishing t he surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300x300 mm square 3mm deep. e) The whole terrace so fi nished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test .With average thickness of 120mm and minimum thickn ess at khurra as 65mm. Page 6 of 6 Unit Qty. Rate In Rs. SQM 5.11 736.25 Water Feature with 1 no. of Cascade Jet Unit Description S.No. Qty Rate In Rs. 1 Filtration Plant with Pum~ Cartridge filter made of compos ite fibre filtration up to 20-25 micron with flow rate 11 m3/ hr, dia. 200 mm height 750 mm, connection size 2 inch, area : 50 1 33,155 1 8,028 2 30,305 1 13,775 2 4,646 1 9,396 6 17,005 3.5 Driver for Und erwater light 50 W ,12-24VDC, IP 67 2 7,553 M ake : M eanwe ll 3.6 Deck Box ABS for Underwater li ght 6 1,758 2 903 1.1 sq.ft ryl ake : AtecPool ~ 1.2 Cartridge filter 20-25 micron for above filter Make : AtecPool Self Priming Pump ABS plastic impel ler of 3 polyp erelene flow rate 11.0 m /h r @12 mtrs head with inbuilt prefilter stra iner 1.0 hp ,2850 rpm,230 1.3 volts (lW+lS) Make: AtecPool 2 Chemical Dosing s~stems 2.1 In lin e chlorine dispenser for chlorine Make : AtecPool 3 Pool Basin Fittings 3.1 ABS Square drain 300 mm x 300 mm in White plastic Make : AtecPool 3.2 Cascade Jet Made of Cast Bronze Produce a graceful conical shaped Flow rate 6 m3/hr at 7 m head, Orifice : 90 mm , Spray height : 500 mm connection size : 2" , 3.3 water level dependent areated displ ay Make :PF-3452 Chrome Body & spot mirror with polycarbon luminaire cover 8.0 W ( wa rm w hite) 12 to 24 V DC 3.4 0 96 mm & depth 90 mm Make : Fiberli Make: AtecPool .:>UC( I UI I 3.7 I\IOLLle In Alj.'.) wn n e f.Jld:>LIL 1ur SULLIOn sweeper with 2" connection Make : AtecPoo l I {.u WF-1 Wall conduit for Suction Nozzle in ABS white plastic 3.8 2 1,378 4 855 2 8,978 inch connection size 1 12,255 Make: AtecPool Reinforced telescopic Handle 1.2-2.4 mtrs long 1 3,088 1 1,188 1 1,093 1 1,359 1 13,253 1 2,233 with 2" connection Make: AtecPool 3 Floor inlet in ABS white plastic flow rate 4 m /hr 3.9 with 50 mm glu e connection Make : AtecPool ABS white plastic skimmer with inbuilt basket, 2" connection 3.10 Make: AtecPool-CMP Maintenance Kit 5 Suctlon head in aluminium 450 mm wide w ithl-1/2 Make: AtecPool Deep Bag skimmer clip type Make : AtecPoo l Water surface skimmer clip type Make : AtecPoo l Curved brush clip type Make : AtecPool Floating hosel-1/2 inch for suction sweeping 15 mtr long Make : AtecPool Test kit for pH and chlorine Make : AtecPool I) Total Unit Description S.No. Qty Rate In Rs. Plant Room within 10 mtrs from Water Feature uPVC Piping with complete fittings of 10 bar for water feature & Plant Room (1.8 mxl.8 mxl.8m) min .750 mm lower than drain A ~ !2) 50 mm drain pipe !2) 50 mm Inlet pipe+ Cascade Jet 24 275 48 275 !2) 63 mm pipe from skimmer to pump header 36 370 (2) 63 mm pump header+ overflow pipe (2) 63 mm vaccume pipe uPVC paddle Flange 18 370 30 370 (2) 25 mm nos. 4 941 (25 50 mm nos. 8 2,081 \ .Jrr ~~ '3, ~' I ,. ., __ .. c.. ~ a CiL--/ 2/3 ~ ,(, ' ~f~~ ~~,,ii~ 'lF-'irf >l'~~· r, /~~· IIV'RT~·~ WF-1 2 2,746 2,271 Ball Valve Solvent type ¢ 63 mm 6 4 Check valve ¢ 50 mm solvent type 3 3,088 c VAF, Indicat or Lamp, MCB for pumps withh cable trey in GI perforated 100 mm wide , 40 mm height. 1 55,955 D 3 core 2.5 mm2 PVC copper ca bl e for pumps with PVC 20 mm conduit in mtrs 20 200 60 170 30 181 1 9,500 ¢63 mm B nos. UPVC Ball Valve solvent Ba ll Valve Solvent type ¢ 50 mm 2,746 Common Electrical Panel CRC 16 gauge for recircu lation pumps( 02 nos.) , RCC.B for und erwat er lights( 02 nos.) , Panel 16 gauge powder coated, 2 Core Copper cable with rigid conduit for 2 E Underwater light (2.5 mm F 8 SWG, GI wire for Pumps and electrical panel in meters ) lntial chemical charge for 7 days of working ( G HCL/TCCA/ALUM/ ALEGACI DE) 3/3 WF-1 Water Feature with 2 no. of Cascade Jet with 3 iets Unit Description S.No. Rate In Rs. Qty 1 Filtration Plant w ith Pum~ Cartridge fi lter made of composite fibre filtration up to 20-25 micron w ith flow rate 25 m3/hr, dia. 200 mm height 900 mm, 1.1 connection size 2 inch, area : 125 sq.ft. Make : AtecPoo l 1.2 Cartridge filter 20-25 micron for above fi lter Make : AtecPool 1 45,125 1 11,305 2 47,025 2 23,655 4 4,646 3 9,396 12 17,005 3 7,553 12 1,758 Self Priming Pump ABS plastic impeller of polyperelene flow 3 rate 25.0 m / hr @12 mtrs head with inbuilt prefilter strainer 1.3 2.0 hp ,2850 rpm,230 vo lts (lW+lS) Make: AtecPool 2 Chem ical Dosing systems Dosing pump 0-5 LPH at 8 bar for Ch lorine & Acid with 100 ltr 2.1 tank Make : AtecPool-Aqua 3 Pool Basin Fitt ings 3.1 ABS Square drain 300 mm x 300 mm in White plastic Make : AtecPoo l 3.2 Cascade Jet Made of Cast Bronze Prod uce a graceful conical shaped Flow rate 6 m3/hr at 7 m head, Orifice : 90 mm, Spray height : 500 mm connection size : 2" , water level dependent areated 3.3 display Make :PF-3452 Chrome Body & spot mirror with polyca rbon luminaire cover 3.4 8.0 W ( warm white) 12 to 24 V DC¢ 96 mm & dept h 90 mm Make : Fiberli 3.5 Driver for Underwater light 50 W ,12-24VDC, IP 67 Make : Meanwell 3.6 Deck Box ABS for Underwater light Make : AtecPool 3.7 Suction Nozzle in ABS white plastic for suction sweeper w ith 2" connection 4 903 4 1,378 Make : AtecPool 3.8 Wall cond uit for Suction Nozzle in ABS white plastic with 2" co nnection Make : AtecPool ~ F,:,- B. ~. ~ i ; f~1 :,i'JJ f.).r, ~ f4;r~, 3\TIW f~~. ~ ~ll'mt ~"""-~ /. ~ f t l r o "' 3 Floor inlet in ABS white plastic flow rate 4 m /hr w ith 50 mm 3.9 3.10 glue connectio n Make : AtecPool ABS white plastic ski mmer with inbuilt basket , 2" connection 10 855 5 8,978 Make : AtecPoo l-CMP Self Priming Pump ABS plastic impeller.of polyperelene flow rate 25.0 m 3/hr @12 mtrs head with inbuilt prefilter strainer 3.11 2.0 hp ,2850 rpm,230 volts (lW+lS) I) Total - 2 47,025 Make: AtecPool Description . S.No. Unit Rate In Rs. Qty Plant Room within 10 mtrs from Water Feature uPVC Piping with complete fittings of 10 bar for water feature & Plant Room (3.0 mx3.0 mx2.lm) min.750 mm lower than A drain 0 50 mm drain pipe 40 ¢ 75 mm Inlet pipe ¢ 90 mm pipe from skimmer to pump header 56 48 6 ¢ 90 mm pump header ¢ 63 mm vaccume pipe 0 25 mm for Nozzle with fittings ¢ 63 mm discharge pipe for Fountaion 48 18 60 0 75 mm suction pipe for Fountaion 48 275 522 750 750 370 238 370 522 uPVC paddle Flange nos. nos. nos. ¢25 mm ¢50mm ¢63 mm ¢75 mm ¢90mm nos. nos. cV 6 941 3 2081 2746 4 5 2 ~ f~v.\lnt ~~fttiro awm f'filf-3tr1TIT 3696 4171 B UPVC Ball Valve solvent Ball Valve Solvent t ype 0 25 mm Ball Valve Solvent type 12) SO mm 3 1226 2 2271 Ball Va lve Solvent type 12) 63 mm Ba ll Va lve Solvent type 12) 75 mm 3 2746 5 8503 Ba ll Va lve Solvent type 12) 90 mm 3 11305 Check va lve 12) 63 mm so lvent type Wafer Check valve ¢ 75 mm w ith valve kit 2 3 3753 8978 c Common Electrical Panel CRC 16 ga uge for recirculation pumps( 02 nos.) , dosing pump (02 nos.), fou ntain ump (02 nos.),RCCB for underwater lights( 03 nos.) , Panel 16 gauge powder coated, VAF, Indicator La mp, M CB for pumps withh cable tray in GI perforated 100 mm wide, 40 mm height. 1 80275 D 3 co re 2.5 mm2 PVC copper cable for pumps with PVC 20 mm conduit in mtrs 30 200 150 170 40 181 1 14250 2 Core Copper ca ble with rigid conduit for Underwater light 2 E (2.5 mm F 8 SWG, GI wire for Pumps and e lectrica l panel in mete rs G Inti al chemical charge for 7 days of working ( HCL/TCCA/ALUM/ ALEGACIDE) ) ~ Dv '1."ffll. ~t~ ~~ .) \:fl.I ~-;,11 ~. r,t. xTilf"0t~ pine• 'Y.!~m t f;nr 1 ~~1. . 11TTfv: ""Yo:··-.of'·:111' o .. :.,J.\;c . •··!, •1,l·::'t. air1 Ri ·~:r~~1··..:~;·1'~1z1 .~ Water Feature with 3 no. of Cascade Jet with 5 iets Unit Description S.No. Rate In Rs. Qty 1 Filtration Plant with Puma Cartridge filter made of composite fibre filtration up to 20 25 micron w ith flow rate 25 m3/hr, dia. 200 mm height 1.1 900 mm , connection size 2 inch, area : 125 sq.ft Make : AtecPool 1.2 Cartridge filter 20-25 micron for above filter Make : AtecPool 5 45,125 5 11,305 6 47,025 2 23,655 4 4,646 5 9,396 22 17,005 6 7,553 22 1,758 Self Priming Pump ABS plastic impeller of polyperelene 3 flow r ate 25.0 m / hr @12 mtrs head with inbuilt prefilter 1.3 strainer 2.0 hp ,2850 rpm,230 volts (5W+lS) Make: AtecPool 2 Chemical Dosin2 svstems Dosing pump 0-5 LPH at 8 bar for Chlorine & Acid with 2.1 100 ltr tank Make : AtecPool-Aqua 3 Pool Basin Fittinl!'s 3.1 ABS Square drain 300 mm x 300 mm in White plastic Make : AtecPool 3.2 Cascade Jet Made of Cast Bronze Prod uce a graceful conical shaped Fl ow rate 6 m3/hr at 7 m head, Orifice : 90 mm, Spray height: 500 mm connection size : 2", water leve l 3.3 dependent areated display M ake :PF-3452 Chrome Body & spot mirro r with polycarbon luminaire cover 8.0 W ( wa rm white ) 12 to 24 V DC¢ 96 mm & 3.4 depth 90 mm Make : Fiberli 3.5 Driver for Underwater light 50 W ,12-24VDC, IP 67 Make : Meanwell 3.6 Deck Box ABS for Underwa ter light 3.7 3.8 Make : AtecPool Suction Nozzle in ABS white plastic for suction sweeper with 2" connection Make : AtecPool 6 903 6 1,378 Floor inlet in ABS white plastic flow rate 4 m3/ hr with 50 mm glue connection Make : At ecPool 10 85 5 ABS wh ite plastic skimmer with inbuil t basket, 2" connection Make : AtecPool-CMP 18 8,978 Wall conduit for Suction Nozzle in ABS white pla stic with 2" conn ection Make : AtecPool 3.9 3.10 Self Priming Pump ABS plastic impeller of polyperelene 3 3.11 flow rate 30.0 m / hr @10 mtrs head w ith inbuilt prefilter strainer 3.0 hp ,2850 rpm,400 volt s (1 W+lS) Make: AtecPool ~ ~ ,:,1f4-i \10 ~o 0 1':~. . ~ ,1! TI'1fq,!1:; Raju] f.~ ~• 3Wrn~~. Ji ' TRT {i).) <·1.t ··';k·lt'r. ~~~,~ 2 56,525 ~ 1"~1'$·~ ·a,mmc~ .-../ ~ . - f ~ \ I) Total Description S.No. Unit Rate In Rs. Qty Pl ant Room w ithin 10 mtrs from Water Feature A uPVC Piping with comp lete fittings of 10 bar for water f eatu re & Plant Room (4.5 mx4.5 mx2. l m) min.750 mm lower than drain (ll 90 mm d rain pipe (ll 160 mm Inlet pipe (ll 200 mm pipe from skimmer to pump header (ll 200 mm oump header (ll 63 mm vaccume oipe (ll 25 mm for Nozzle wit h fittines (ll 75 mm discharge pipe for Fountaion (ll 90 mm suction pipe for Fountaion uPVC oaddle Flange (ll25mm (ll50mm ¢63 mm (ll75mm (ll90mm (ll 160 mm (ll 200 mm B UPVC Ball Valve solvent Ball Valve Solvent tvoe (ll 25 mm nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. no. no. 60 100 90 6 120 18 90 60 750 2176 3031 3031 370 238 522 750 10 1 2 2 6 1 1 941 2081 2746 3696 4171 5596 6166 Ball Valve Solvent tvoe (ll SO mm Ball Valve Solvent tvoe (ll 63 mm Ball Valve Solvent type (ll 90 mm Ball Va lve Solve nt type (ll 90 mm Butterfly valve with valve kit (ll 160 mm Butterfly valve with valve kit (ll 200 mm Check valve (ll 63 mm solvent type Wafer Check valve (ll 75 mm with va lve kit Wafer Check valve (ll 160 mm with valve kit 5 1 5 2 3 1 1 5 8 1 8978 15675 c Co mmon Electrical Panel CRC 16 gauge for r ecirculat ion pumps( 06 nos.), dosing pump (02 nos.), fountain ump (02 nos.},RCCB for underwater lights( 06 nos.) , Panel 16 gauge powder coated, VAF, Indicator Lamp, MCB for pumps withh cable t ray in GI perforated 100 mm wide, 40 mm height. 1 161025 D 3 core 2.5 mm2 PVC copper cable for pumps with PVC 20 mm conduit in mtrs 30 200 30 265 200 170 60 181 1 33250 E 4 core 2.5 mm2 PVC copper cable for pumps with PVC 20 mm cond uit in mtrs 2 Core Copper cable with rigid conduit fo r Underwater F light (2.5 mm G 8 SWG, GI wi re for Pumps and electrical panel in meters H lntial chem ical charge for 7 days of working ( HCL/TCCA/ALUM/ ALEGACIDE) 2 ) 1226 2271 2746 8503 11305 17955 22705 3753 Qty Rate In Rs. 1.1 Cleanable mist nozzle in sizes from 0.008" orifice with anti drip adapter. MOC in stainelss steel . Design at Flow ra te : 0.016gpm, 55 degree spray pattern. 120 1,891 1.2 3/8" x 3/8" slip lock coupling with viton o-ring with 1500 psi rated 120 2,081 1.3 3 way Tee ,3/8" x 3/8" x 3/8" with viton o-ring with 1500 psi rated 8 2,831 1.4 slip elbow ,3/8" x 3/8 with viton o-ring with 1500 psi rated 16 2,233 1.5 Brass slip lok end plug 8 428 1.6 Vinyl coated steel clamp 3/8" ID 250 85 3 85,025 5 104,025 1 Unit Description S.No. Mist Nozzles Th e Black nylon tubing is sutiable for slip lok fitting 1.8 assemblies.The high pressure Black nylon tubing is avai lable in 3/8" OD fl exiable nylon 12 and has and operating press ure 1000 psi. {500ft) The 50 Hz direct drive mist pump range are medium duty outdoor rated units designed to operate at 70 bar for 4 to 6 hours per day, seven days week under normal operating 1.9 conditions. Ultra compact, direct drive unit for portablity and sma ll spaces, four position head mounting for plumbing flexibility, industrial stacj ed valves provide servicing, coneentric ceramic plunger and specially formulated sea ls provide external sea l life, oi l bath luberication assures optim ium drive end luberication, pressure regulator offers precision pressure setting and overa pressure protection, pulse hose minmize pulsation and lowers amp draw.Flow 1.89 lpm, press ure range : 7 to 70 bar , rpm : 1725, inlet port: 3/8", discharge port: 1/4" Pump weight only: 1.5 kgs, pump dimesnion: 92 x 130 x 174 mm. 0.5 hp, single phase, 230 V , 50 HZ, insulation cla ss : E, Complia nce: RoHS, CSA 2.0 5 Micron CF for Mi st pumps with acessories like valves 5 12,255 2.1 MCB for Each Mist pump in Electical Panel of 16 ga uge with 3 core x 2.5 mm2 cab le with conduit 1 52,250 1/1 vw ~;rJ ~:1JC:7'fof~ittio~ ot~m ~;mj-~ · Mist System ----- Water Feature at 1st Floor { 02 nos.) S.No. Unit Description Rate In Rs. Rate In Rs. Qty 1 Filtration Plant with Pum~ Cartridge filter made of composit e fi bre filtration up to 20-25 micron w ith fl ow rate 20 m3/hr, dia. 200 mm height 900 mm, connection size 2 inch, area : 1.1 125 sq.ft 2 47,500 45,125 2 11900 11,305 4 42900 40,755 2 24900 23,655 6 4890 4,646 24 17900 17,005 6 7950 7,553 24 1850 1,758 Make : AtecPool 1.2 Cartridge f ilter 20-25 micron for above fi lter Make : AtecPool Self Priming Pump ABS plastic impeller of 3 polyperelene flow rate 20.0 m /hr @12 mtrs head with inbuilt prefi lter strainer 1.5 hp ,2850 rpm,230 1.3 volts (lW+ lS) Make: AtecPool 2 Chemical Dosing s~stems Dosing pump 0-5 LPH at 8 bar for Ch lorine & Acid 2.1 w ith 100 ltr ta n k Make: AtecPool-Aqua 3 Pool Basin Fittings 3.1 ABS Square drain 300 mm x 300 mm in White pla stic Make : AtecPool Chrome Body & spot mirror with polycarbon luminaire cover 8.0 W ( wa rm white ) 12 t o 24 V DC 3.2 (2) 96 mm & depth 90 mm Make : Fiberli 3.3 Driver for Underwater light 50 W ,12-24VDC, IP 67 Make : Meanwell 3.4 Deck Box ABS for Und erwater light Make : AtecPoo l Suction Nozzle in ABS white plastic fo r suction 3.5 sweeper with 2" conn ection 8 950 8 1450 30 900 903 Make : AtecPool Wa ll co nduit for Suction Nozzle in ABS white plastic 3.6 wit h 2" connection 1,378 Make : AtecPool 3 Floor inlet in ABS wh ite plastic flow ra te 2 m /hr 3.7 with 50 mm glu e connection Make : AtecPool ~ ~;rQ 17."lTtt .:JJii;,'lTv~i°'Jo~o ~11'ITT ltm/-~ 855 ABS white plastic skimmer with inbuilt basket, 2" 8 3.8 connection Make: AtecPool-CMP Unit 9450 8,978 Rate In Rs. Rate In Rs. Qty S.No. Description Plant Room within 10 mtrs from Water Feature A uPVC Piping with complete fittings of 10 bar for water feature & Plant Room (3 .0 mx3.0 mx2.1m) min.750 mm lower than drain (Z) so mm drain pipe (Z) 63 mm Inlet pipe 80 289 275 130 389 370 130 549 522 12 789 750 130 389 370 nos. 8 990 941 nos. 10 2190 2081 nos. 5 2 2890 2746 3890 3696 Ball Valve Solvent type 0 50 mm 6 2390 2271 Ball Valve Solvent type 0 63 mm 10 2890 2746 0 75 mm 2 8950 8503 Ball Valve Solvent type 0 90 mm 4 11900 11305 8 3950 3753 2 73900 70205 50 210 200 300 179 170 60 190 181 1 30000 28500 (Z) 75 mm pipe from skimmer to pump header (Z) 90 mm pump header (Z) 63 mm vaccume pipe uPVC paddle Flange 0 25 mm 0 50 mm 0 63 mm 075 mm B nos. UPVC Ball Valve solvent Ball Valve Solvent type Check valve 0 63 mm solvent type Common Electrical Panel CRC 16 gauge for recirculation pumps( 02 nos.), dosing pump {02 nos.) , RCCB for underwater lights( 03 nos.) , Panel 16 gauge powder coated, VAF, Indicator Lamp, MCB for pumps withh cable tray in GI perforated 100 mm c wide, 40 mm height. 3 core 2.5 mm2 PVC copper cable for pumps with D PVC 20 mm conduit in mtrs 2 Core Copper cable with rigid condu it for 2 E Underwater light (2.5 mm F 8 SWG, GI wire for Pumps and electrical panel in meters ) lntial chemical charge for 7 days of working ( G HCL/TCCA/ ALUM/ALEGACIDE) ~-~ '3"1~ 3 , ~ \10 i.:l. ~ ; f:r;.ihr1 ~ ~- cr•f !! ~:·~ ·~. ::i..·rrx1 I Name of Work : Internal Plumbing Work S. NO. DESCRIPTION Unit. SUBHEAD-I {Al: SANITARY INSTALLATIONS (As per D.S.R.2014) 1.1 Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan) with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required: Each White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size ' 580x440 mm with intearal tvoe foot rests 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 1.3.1 1.4 1.4.1 0 3 223 Each 2 5 668 Each 16 4 126 Providing and fixing mirror of superior glass (of approved quality) and of required shape and size with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade with 6 mm thick hard board backina : Each Rectanaular shape 453x357 mm 136 692 Providing and fixing C.P. brass bib cock of approved laualitv confirmina to IS:8931 15mm nominal bore Each 168 437 109 323 24 39 342 145 227 563 Providing and fixing Salem Stainless Steel A ISi 304 (18/8) kitchen sink as per IS: 13983 with Cl brackets and stainless steel waste with plug 40mm including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever required. Kitchen sink with drain board 510X1040mm bowl depth 200mm. Sink without drain board (For JC) 610X510 mm bowl depth 200mm. 170 Providina and fixina toilet paper holder : Each 1.7.1 C.P. brass SUBHEAD-IIIA\: INTERNAL DRAINAGE INSTALLATIONS (As )er D.S.R.2014\ 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.3 2.3.1 Rate In Rs. Qty, Providing and fixing to the inlet mouth of rain water pipe cast iron grating 15 cm diameter and weighing Each not less than 440 arams. Providing and fixing MS holder bat clamps of approved design to cast iron (spun) pipe embedded in and Including cement concrete blocks 10 x10 x10cm of 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) including cost of cutting holes and making good the walls etr. For 100mm dia. Pioe Each Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) all-round S.W. pipes including bed concrete as per standard design : Note: This work shall be done all-round Cl pipe at around floor's toilet. 100mm diameter Rm ,r,,~h ~~~ftr.) a-.u.m·.~:t?i'.fm. ~ ~;.~~ -Jt,':j'7ll / .,f), S. NO. DESCRIPTION PPLY INSTALLATIONS (As per O.S.R.2014\ 3.1 3.1 .1 3.1.2 3.2 3.3 ~ 3.4 Unit. Rate In Rs. Qty. Providing and fixing gun metal non- return valve of aooroved quality (PN 1.6) Each 65 nominal bore Each 80 nominal bore 4 6 1 924 3 229 Providing and fixing brass stop cock of approved 1aualitv Each 36 328 190 70 6 6,417 Structual steel work welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of annroved steel orimer all comnlete. kq Constructing masonry chamber 60x60x75 cm, inside with 75 class designation brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 fine sand) for sluice valve, with C. I. surface box 100mm, to diameter, 160mm bottom diameter and 180mm deep (inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 corase sand: 4 graded stonr aggregate 20mm nominal size) necessary excavation foundation concret 1:5:10 (1 cements fine sand : 1O graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design. ycv ~~ ,~ ~ \ • ~. xl •f ,, -li T , f'I .~tr, •1"1liJ ~~- Jr rr'I'. Each ~1'11-mT <11ircf.(To~o~ &:TR'r T~-31T"T{f DESCRIPTION S.NO. Unit. Rate In Rs. Qtv. EXTERNAL SEWERAGE NETWORK 4.1 Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto 1.5 m, incl uding getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required , in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed, within ~ l o~ri '. 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 nf r:;n m · All kinds of soil up to 1.50 m deoth Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia. but not metre exceedina 300 mm dia 615 198 Extra for excavating trenches for pipes, cables etc. in all kinds of soil for depth exceeding 1.5 m, but not exceeding 3 m . (Rate is over corresponding basic metre item for deoth uoto 1.5 metre). 276.75 225 Providing laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes grade 'A' with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1: 1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) including testinn of ioints etc. comnlete. metre 100 mm diameter metre 150 mm diameter 10 5 196 299 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5: 10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 1O graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) alround SW pipes including bed concrete as oer standard desian. metre 100 mm diameter metre 150 mm diameter 10 5 563 688 each each 0 8 1,515 1 582 metre metre 15 585 331 445 Cum 90 4 086 Providing and fixing square mouth SW gully trap grade 'A' complete Cl grating brick masonry chamber with bricks of class designation 75 and water tight Cl cover with frame of 300 x 300 mm size (inside) the weight of cover to be not less than 13.00 kg and frame to be not less than 5 kg. as per standard design. (COVER MIN. 4.5 KG & FRAME MIN.2.7 KG !\ 150x100mm size P tvoe With FPS bricks 180x150 mm size P tvoe With FPS bricks 4.6 Providing and laying Non pressure NP 2 c lass (light duty) RCC pipe with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1cement : 2 fine sand ) including testing of joints etc. complete. 150 mm. dia. RCC Pioes 250mm. dia. RCC Pioes 4.7 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering. (for RCC pipe bedding) by 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone agg. 40 mm nominal size) c,V 9a51,• f i" .>l '(' ~ ~ i ~i..;QfM'.j mrro ~~~-i'f'T~ \ S. NO. 4.8 ~ Unit. DESCRIPTION Constructing brick masonry manhole with F.P.S. bricks in cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) RCC top slab with 1 : 2 : 4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 grade stone aggregate 20mm nominal size); foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement 3 coarse sand ) finished with a floating coat of neat cement and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement : 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finishd with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design 4.8 .1 Inside size 90 x 80 cm & 45 cm deep including Cl cover with frame (light duty) 455 x 610mm internal dimension total wt. of cover & frame to be not less than 38 kg (wt of cover 23 kg and wt. of frame 15 kg) 4.8.2 Inside size 120 X 90 cm. and 90 cm . deep including Cl cover with frame (medium duty) 500 mm internal diameter, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 116 kg (wt of cover 58 kg and wt. of frame 58 kg .) 4.9 4 .10 Extra for depth for manhole with F.P.S. bricks size 90 X 80 cm size 1.2m X 90 cm Rate In Rs. Qty. each 2 8 082 each 4 2 1 733 M M 1 2 5 356 6 416 each 16 15 645 Constructing brick masonry circular manhole 1.22 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56 m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand} inside cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement foundation concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all complete as per standard design : 1.68 m deep with SFRC Cover and frame (heavy duty HD-20 grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg. fixed in cement concrete 1 :2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately) : With Sewer bricks conforminq IS : 4885 4.11 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.22 m internal dia (at bottom) bevond 1.68 m to 2.29 m : S. NO. 4.12 ~ DESCRIPTION With Sewer bricks conformina IS : 4885 Unit. metre Qty. 16 Rate In Rs. 5,957 each 10 33227 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.52 m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 2.30 m : With Sewer bricks conformina IS : 4885 metre 8 14 10 1 Removini:i Cl Covers Supplying and fixing C. I. cover without frame for manholes : 560 mm diameter C.I. cover (heavy duty) the weight of the cover to be not less than 1OB ka . each 106 (5 5921 Constructing brick masonry circular manhole 1.52 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56 m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) inside cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) fi nished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all complete as per standard design : 2.30 m deep with SFRC Cover and frame (heavy duty HD- 20 grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg. fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately) : With Sewer bricks conformina IS : 4885 4.13 4.14 4.15 in excavation Earth work by mechanical means(Hydraulic excavator)/manual means in foundation trenches or drains(not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m , including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed , within a lead of 50 m All kinds of soil Cum 615 150 12 mm cement plaster of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coa rse sand). Sa.m 45 164 ~ ~,.,~ ?2.,"t;i(f,(fof-;;,of.- ., •. .a~:--pr.,I .. S. NO. 4.16 ~ 4.17 Unit. DESCRIPTION Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum 6 mm thick plastic encapsulated as per IS : 10910, on 12 mm dia steel bar conforming to IS : 1786, having minimum cross section as 23 mmx25 mm and over all minimum length 263 mm and width as 165 mm with minimum 112 mm space between protruded legs having 2 mm tread on top surface by ribbing or chequering besides necessary and adequate anchoring projections on tail length on 138 mm as per standard drawing and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical resistance test as per specifications and having manufacture's permanent identification mark to be visible even after fixing , including fixing in manholes with 30x20x15 cm cement concrete block 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) complete as per design. Rate In Rs. Qty. each 32 296 Item 1 346 Making connection of drain or sewer line with existing manhole including breaking into and making good the walls, floors with cement cincrete 1:2:4 mix (1cement: 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) cement plastered on both sides with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement and making necessary channels for the drain etc. complete for pipes 100 to 230mm dia. SECTION - V EXTERNAL DRAINAG E SYSTEM DRAINAGE NETWORK 600 MM WIDE, 600 MM AVERAGE DEPTH= 1565 m (D.S.R. 2014 ITEMS) 5.1 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) I manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift up to 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. All kinds of soil. Drain 600mm wide 1565*1.44*1.015 L = 1565 R.M. 8= 1440MM D = 450+300+50+115+100 = 1015 Total Cu.M 5.2 150 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m. ~ -CV: 1. 2287.40 ,- ~ ."19~"W ~ ·v n<: 1·1•iiD1 ·lq,n:1 .•. r. }. ...-,Ji,_ . 'l H w~rR'hif<ti\'"iot~o ~ ~rrl-~.wm S. NO. Unit. DESCRIPTION Drain 600mm wide 2*1565.00*0.075*0.465 2*1565.00*0.19*0.45 Total Cu.M 5.3 1565.00*1 .050"0.10 5.5 Reinforced cement concrete work in walls (any thickness), including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses, fillets, columns.pillars, piers. abutments, posts and struts etc. up to floor five level, excluding cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement : 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand: 3 graded stone aaoreaate 20 mm nominal size) Drain 600mm Wide 2*1565.00*1 .050*0.15 2*1565.00*0.15*0.750 R.C.C Cover 600mm Wide 1565.00*0.900*0.120 Total Cu.M Centring and shuttering including strutting, oroooina etc. and removal of form for : Walls ( any thickness) including attached oilaters butteresses olinth and strina courses etc Drain 600mm Wide 1*1565.00*2.56 Girth 600+2*(750+230) 2560 Total Sq.M = 107 164.33 4,086 556.36 6,721 4006.40 343 30571 .84 65 Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete uoto plinth level. Thermo Mechanically Treated bars. Qty same as 5.2.2 x 0.70x78.50 5.7 376.77 Total Cu.M = 5.6 Rate In Rs. Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shutterina - All work uo to olinth level : 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size). ~ 5.4 Qtv. KG Cement concrete pavement with 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) includina finishina comolete. Drain 600mm Wide 1*1565.00*0.60*0.05 46.95 5,471 Total Cu.M 5.8 12 mm cement plaster of mix : 1 :4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) Drain 600mm Wide 1* 1565.00*2.56 Girth 600+2*(750+230) 2560 = = 4006.40 Total Sq.M SLAB CULVERT 164 / S. NO. 5.9 5.10 5.10.1 5.11 ' Unit. DESCRIPTION Reinforced cement concrete work in RCC culvert slab with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement: 1.5 coarse sand and 3 gradded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) and shuttering centering and excluding 6778.20+(7,074.30(Rate reinforcement. 6,570.00)=7282.5 Cum Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and bindino all comolete uoto olinth level. Ko Thermo Mechanically Treated bars. Centering and shuttering including struting, proping etc and removal of form for suspended floors roofs Som etc for culvert slab 5 6 918 135 65 11 382 Meter Meter metre metre 65 415 610 160 331 445 481 671 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering all work up to olinth level 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded ston CUM aaareaate 40 mm nominal size) 187 3,804 Each with FPS bricks RAIN WATER HARVESTING DESILTING CHAMBER (1 No.) Earth work In excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means over areas (exceeding 30cm in depth. 1.5m in width as per as 10 sq.m on plan) including disposal of excavated earth, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m, disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 85 3,760 Cu.M 8.40 139 5.6 96 3.65 40 Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty) RCC pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete. rfor stomn drainaae) 150 mm dia RCC pipe 250 mm dia RCC pipe 300 mm. dia. RCC Pipes 450 mm. dia. RCC Pipes 5.12 5.12.1 5.12.2 5.13 5.13.1 Rate In Rs. Qtv. Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 50x45x60 cm with bricks of class designation 75 in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 fine sand) including 500 x 450 mm (heavy duty) precast RCC horizontal grating with frame complete as per standard design: 5.14 5. 16 All kinds of soil Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating Each deposited layer by ramming and watering , lead up to Cu .M 50 m and lift uo to 1.5m. Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part there of in: Cu.M All kinds of soil. Providing and laying in position cement cncrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centring and shuttering - a ll work upto plinth level. 5.17 5.18 5.18.1 5.19 \ UV - '(~ - '3q ~·,,,'"i:r,,:G.."ii '3. ~. xT\ifqj"r~ f:-r,11·11r f;,·iil, ~ ~11T~ ~ cfil~. 3V•Ti:1 ~ l<Krf V\TI'(t "aM,uo~~ arPm "51f-at"Pra S.NO. 5.19.1 DESCRIPTION Un it. 1:4:8 ( 1 cement :4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aaareaate 40 mm nominal size) Cu.M 5.20 Centring and shuttering including strutting, proppintg etc. and removal of form for: 5.20.1 Suspended floors.roofs, landings, balconies and access olatform. Sa.M 5.21 Edoes of slabs and breaks in floors and walls 5.21 .1 Under 20 cm wide R.M. 5.22 Steel reinforcement for R.O.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and bindina all comolete uoto olinth level. 5.22.1 Thermo Mechanicallv Treated bars. Ko. , 5.23 Providing and laying in position machine batched and ~ machine mixed design mix M-25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering , finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 5.23.1 5.24 5.24.1 5.24.2 5.25 5.25.1 5.26 5.27 [BJ 5.28 (Note :- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is navable/recoverable seoaratelv). All works uoto olinth level. Cu.M Brick work with F.P.S. bricks of class designation 75 in foundation and olinth in: Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) Cu.M 12 mm thick cement plaster of mix 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand\. Cum Providing, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes grade 'A' with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:1 (1 cement: 1 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete: 200 mm diameter R.M. Supplying, filling, spreading & leveling coarse sand of size range 1.5 mm to 2 mm in recharge pit, in required thickness over gravel layer, for all leads & lifts, all complete as per direction of Engineer -incharae. Cu.M Providing and fixing in position pre-cast R.C.C . manhole cover and frame of required shape and aooroved aualitv L D- 2.5 Rectangular shape 600x450mm internal dimensions Each RECHARGE PIT {1 No.} Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) I manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5m in width or 10 Sq.M on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming ob bottoms, lift upto 1.5m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, withen a lead of 50m. Qty. Rate In Rs. 0.3 3 725 2 353 6 106 23.55 63 2.3 5 419 5.25 4605 15 138 3 510 0.27 810 2 1 075 S. NO. DESCRIPTION Unit. All kinds of soil Cu.M Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof in excavation /banking excavated or stacked materials. Qty. 59.17 Rate In Rs. 150 Depth exe. 1.5m but not exceedinq 3.0m. Cu.M Depth exe. 3.0m but not exceedinq 4.5m. Cu.M Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depttT, consolidating Each deposited layer by ramming and watering , lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5m. Cu.M Providing and laying in position cement cncrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centring and shutterina - all work upto Plinth level. 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aqqreaate 40 mm nominal size) . Cu.M Centring and shuttering including strutting, proppintg etc. and removal of form for: Suspended floors.roofs, landings, balconies and access olatform. Sa.M Edqes of slabs and breaks in floors and walls Under 20 cm wide R.M. Reinforcement for R.C.C . work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and bindina all complete. Thermo Mechanically Treated bars. Ko. Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M-25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 22.6 15.05 44 79 25.65 107 0.9 3,725 10.75 353 12.56 106 175 63 1.48 5 419 17.65 4 605 30 138 3 307 1.5 801 5.29 5.30 5.31 ~ 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.35 (Note :- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is Pavable/recoverable separatelv). All works upto olinth level. Cu.M Brick work with F.P.S. bricks of class designation 75 in foundation and plinth in: Cement mortar 1:4_(1 cement: 4 coarse sand) Cu.M 12 mm thick cement plaster of mix 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand). Sq.M Providing, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes g rade 'A' with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:1 (1 cement: 1 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete: 5.36 5.37 200 mm diameter R.M. Supplying, filling, spreading & leveling coarse sand of size range 1.5 mm to 2 mm in recharge pit, in required thickness over gravel layer, for all leads & lifts, all complete as per direction of Engineer -incharae . Cu.M 5.38 ..\c _~ 0'-1 ~.'(f~~T "Cl, 9, xln~·;"', v! r~ I ' ; f, f;rti'P, ~- •~-(I; :it ~ .~r~·l'!l ~ .~~ <Wouoftro~ofko ~ ~- 3WRT S. NO. 5.39 5.40 - 5.41 5.42 5.43 5.44 DESCRIPTION Unit. Boring/drilling bore well of required dia for casing/ strainer pipe, by suitable method prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I), including collecting samples from differe nt strata, preparing and submitting strata chart/bore log, inclu ding hire & running charges of all equipments, tools, plants & machineries required for the job, all complete as per direction of Engineer -incharge, upto 90 metre depth below ground level. All tvoes of soil 300 mm dia. Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore well, unplasticized PVC medium well casing (CM) pipe of required dia, conforming to IS: 12818, including required hire and labour charges, fittings & accessories etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineer -in~charge. Rate In Rs. Qty. R.M. 20 378 150 mm nominal size dia. R.M . Supplying, filling, spreading & leveling gravels of size range 4.6 mm to 4.8 mm, in the recharge pit, over the existing layer of boulders, in required thickness, for all leads & lifts, all complete as per direction of Engineer in-charae. Cu.M Supplying, fi lling, spreading & leveling stone boulders of size range 5 cm to 20 cm, in recharge pit, in the required thickness, for all leads & lifts, all complete as I oer direction of Enaineer-in-charae. Cu.M Providing and fixing in position pre-cast R.C.C. manhole cover and frame of required shape and annroved aualitv L D-2. 5 Rectangular shape 600x450mm internal dimensions Each Providing and fixing hard drawn steel wire fabric 75x25 mm mesh of weight not less than 7.75 Kg per sqm to window frames etc. including 62x19 mm beading of second class teak wood and priming coat with approved steel primer all complete. Sq.M 25 557 4.9 502 4.9 470 2 1 053 9.42 1,062 \v ~\._, / ~-- 1\S - ~~ n. Y. ~·Nll ~·fr'i f;rrrr.t ~. ~11':'[{ :;G,' l· :~_;-!~~; ~ ~~ "aflJmo~~~o $.Pm~-~ ' ' S. NO. DESCRIPTION Unit. Rate In Rs. Qty. EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION NETWORK FOR FRESH WATER SUPPLY 6.1 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fitti ngs This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement ,trenching ,refilling & testing of joints complete as per lrfir<>rtinn nf FnninP.P.r in CharnP. External work 15mm nominal bore 20mm nominal bore 25mm nominal bore 40mm nominal bore 50mm nominal bore 75 mm nominal inner dia Pipes (lrrigation+Bore well) RM RM RM RM RM 10 15 35 45 75 136 155 199 333 498 RM RM RM 1850 215 65 1 949 2 693 3 255 2 2 16 14 407 556 713 1 223 1 825 10 15 35 45 75 1850 215 65 63 64 66 68 71 115 122 181 Providing & Fixing C.l.sluice valve(with cap) complete with bolts.nuts.rubber insertions etc.{the tail oieces if reauired will be oaid seoaratelv) 100 mm dia.oioe Each 150 mm dia.oioe Each 4 1 3 725 5409 Providing and fixing C.I. double acting air valve of approved quality with bolts, nuts. rubber insertions etc. complete (The tail pieces, tapers etc if required will be oaid seoaratelv) : 6.7A.1 50 mm dia Each 6.7A.2 80 mm dia Each Each 6.7A.3 100 mm dia 2 2 1 4 539 5 863 7 705 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.5 6.1 .6 6.1.7 100 mm nominal inner dia Pioes 150 mm nominal inner dia Pioes 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.3 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3 6.6.4 6.6.5 6.6.7 6.6.8 6.6.9 6.7 6.7.1 6.7.2 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of aooroved aualitv <screwed end) : external works 25mm nominal bore 40mm nominal bore 50mm nominal bore 65mm nominal bore 80mm nominal bore Providing and filling sand of grading zone V or coarser grade all-round the G.I. pipes in external work. 15mm nominal bore 20mm nominal bore 25mm nominal bore 40mm nominal bore 50mm nominal bore 80mm nominal bore 100 mm nominal bore 150 mm nominal bore Each Each Each Each Each RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM 8 6.7A ~ CAV --- sc -· ' ~ '1. • \ .. ' 1r, 1 ?:: p,~ fq,11{ '«•'. nrr{l ~ Fe, ~lf)tfft ~o~o ~"1iTf-3n S. NO. 6.8 ~ 6.8.1 6 .9 Unit. DESCRIPTION Constructing masonry Chamber 60X60X75 cm, inside with 75 class designation brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with C.I. surface box 100 mm top diameter, 160 mm bottom diameter and 180 mm deep (inside) with channel lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone sggregate 20 mm nominal size) necessary excavation foundation concrete 1:5: 10 (1 cement : 5. fine sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design: With F.P.S. bricks With F.P.S. bricks 6.10 Constructing masonry Chamber 120X120X100 cm, inside with 75 class designation brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with C.I. surface box 1DO mm top diameter, 160 mm bottom diameter and 180 mm deep (inside) with channel lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone sggregate 20 mm nominal size) necessary excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design: 6.11 Each 18 6 417 Each 4 11 089 Each 2 15 290 Mtr. 2310 198 Constructing masonry Chamber 90X90X100 cm, inside with 75 class designation brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with C.I. surface box 100 mm top diameter, 160 mm bottom diameter and 180 mm deep (inside} with channel lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone sggregate 20 mm nominal size) necessary excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement: 5 fine sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design: 6.9. 1 6.10.1 Rat e In Rs. Qty. With F.P.S. bricks Excavating trenches of required w idth for pipes, cables etc. including excavation for sockets and dressing of sides, ramming of bottom depth upto 1.5 M including getting out the excavated soil (HARD OR SOFT) and then returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20 ems in depth including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50m. [hard/Dense soil] 6.16.1 All kind of soil Pipes.cables etc.exceeding exceedina 300mm dia. 80mm ' dia.but ,,.~. ~~fti.) ::···~·.n.~1.f.i."1.fM. not S. NO. 6.12 6.13 6.14 ~ Unit. DESCRIPTION Extra for excavating trenches for pipes, cables etc. in all kinds of soil for depth exceeding 1.5m,but not exceeding 3 m.(Rate is over corresponding basic Mtr. item for deoth uo to 1.5 metre). Rate In Rs. Qty. 51 225 Structual steel work welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of aooroved steel orimer all comolete. kQ 45 70 Making connection of GI distribution branch with GI main of 50-80mm nominal bore by providing and fixing tee, including cutting and threading the pipe etc. comolete. Item 16 723 Yr~ -. .)\."\;).~n~ ~ ~- 1J \!\.~ ' fl ·,tu· {"1~ . U•;· ··n1•,•; -..:,;ITT Name of Work : Internal Plumbing Work Unit. DESCRIPTION S.NO. SUBHEAD-IIBl: SANITARY INSTALLATIONS (NON-SCHEDULED ITEMS} Providing and fixing white color vitreous Floor mounted European W.C. with CP bolts, nuts, Cl brackets, with 'P' or 'S' trap including seat cover, C.P. Fixtures, like bolts & rubber buffers etc. complete including CP jet system complete with 15 mm dia CP connection pipe with 15 mm dia CP stop cock complete including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required. 1.1 ~ 1.2 Rate In Rs. Qtv. WC - Make: ROCA , Cat: RS342998000 , Cist ern Model No. RS341991000, Soft-close seat and cover Each RA801992004 168 20,288 155 11,372 Each 247 27,342 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning 15mm Automatic Sensor Tap [Make:Grohe Euroeco Ce Each Electronic Fittino Basin - 362720001 155 14,570 Providing and fixing Towel ring (Make: Jaquar, Model :Cat No- 1121N) with brackets fixed to wooden cleats Each with C.P. brass screws. 155 2,889 Providing and fixing C.P. brass angle valve for basin mixer and geyser points of approved quality conforming to IS 8931 a) 15 mm nominal bore. (Make : - Grohe Anale Valve Commercial - 2201100M) 15 mm nominal bore 478 915 Providing and fixing white color vitreous China flat back, rectangular wash basin with R.S. or Cl bracket and 32 mm dia outlet, with 32 mm dia C.P. bottle trap with brass C.P. wall cap and extension pieces, 15 mm dia C.P. brass angle stop cock with 10mm dia C.P. brass connection pipe etc. CP brass chain, CP wall flange, rubber adopter for waste connection complete, CP brass chain CP waste and CP pipe to wall with CP wall flange and rubber adopter for waste connection complete, with pedestal of matching model below wash basin, including cutting and making good the walls wherever required. Each Make: ROCA, Model: Estudio, Cat no. RS325200 .. 1 1.3 Providing and fixing urinals with sensor type ; electrical & battery operated, urinal partitions complete with siphon and concealed C.I. brackets, brass C.P. supply and flushing connections with 1 NO. 15 mm Dia. Brass C.P. angle type stop cock with brass C.P. wall cap, with C.P. waste coupling with 32 mm Dia C.P. bottle traps with C.P. wall caps brass CP cones at inlet and outlets concealed lead pipes drains form bottle trap drain pipes in floor. Joining etc complete. - Make: ROCA, Model: Chic, Cat Urinal RS35945JOOO Sensor - Make: ROCA, Cat No:RT5X9215EOO 1.4 1.5 1.6 . No: Each , _ ~:~. ~~t{f:t) '3'•!~ .. •'!:;r "'"... ..f~_;t.) :.• ~. .:r,,~-,;.. ~,,rf:l c~ ~t,'.·.i.i·--.-.:·,~~·;1 \ 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 Providing and fixing soap container (Make: Grohe 40 368 000) with brackets fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws. Each 155 849 Providing and fixing CP Bottle Trap for basin, sink and Each urinal. (Make: Grahe Bottle Trao - 28920000) 155 1,754 Supplying, storing, handling, shifting, installation, testing and commission ing of CP flxible hose, spray, wall flange etc. complete. (Grohe Trigger Spray Set - 27513000 I Model no. 03 295 06 99 of Schell ) Each 168 2,556 Each 168 3,366 Providing and fixing C.P. brass bib cock of approved I Quality confirminq to IS:8931 /Grahe 30064001 l 15mm nominal bore ~ 1.11 Providinq and fixino urinal patitions. (Make: Laufen ) Each 247 14,361 1.12 Providing and fixing 15mm dia C.P, brass wall-mounted central hole sink mixer with swinging spout of approved make and quality with all fittings and accessories etc. complete.(Grohe Baucurve Kitchen Sink Mixer 31231000) Each 2 7 ,539 Providing and fixing toilet paper holder(Grohe Baucurve Kitchen Sink Mixer -31 231000) Each 109 3,671 20 6,033 - 1.13 1.16 Providing and fixing Hand dryer with C.P brackets with C.P brass screws and PVC rawl plugs complete in all respects including cutting and making good the wall where required . (EH 02 ABS Hand Dryer, Make: Euronics) Each 1.17 Providing and fixing horizontal type storage hot water ' heater within-built pressure relief valve, rated for inlet water pressure upto 6 bar complet in all respects including inlet, oulet connections, fixing bolts etc. and testinq complete. [VENUS I AO SMITH/Racoldsl Capacity 50 litres Each 22 SUBHEAD-II (8): INTERNAL DRAINAGE INSTALLATIONS /NON-SCHEDULED ITEMS) L1 2.1.1 2.1.2 16,615 Providing and fixing sound insulated PP piping system with 3 layer pipe made of PP-C + PP-MV + PP-C in Blue Ral 5014 (halogen and calcium free) colour, push-fit type, food safe, high impact and stiffness as per ON EN 14511 and DIN 19560 offering sound levels of not more than 21 dBA at a flow rate of 4 1/s and having pipe ring stiffness as per 1 SO/DIS 9969 and tightness as per EN 1277/B and C and DIN 19560, with all necessary fittings in blue colour as per ON EN 1451-1 and DIN 19560 all fitted with factory fitted lip ring. (Make - Poloplast) 110 mm dia POLO KAL NG 160 mm dia POLO KAL NG RM RM W.~~. ~~flH :, ) a.!l.~.f;.f; ·. ; ~ f,-j :"'":":'7;~r • . . .. . :1 975 725 1,997 4,829 ~~"Tlt Wll'Dtrcf~~ff..; "'U1l\l ~--wrm \ 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 ~ 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.6 2.7 2.7. 1 2.7.2 Providing and fixing sound insulated PP piping system as per ON EN 1451-Part 1-6 & EN 12056 Part 1-5 with 3 layer pipe made of PP-C + PP-MV + PP-C in Blue Ral 5014 (halogen and calcium free) colour, push-fit type, food safe, having high impact and stiffness, offering sound levels of not more than 21 dBA at a flow rate of 4 1/s and having pipe ring stiffness as per 1SO/DIS 9969 and tightness as per EN 1277/B and C and DIN 19560, with all necessary fittings in blue colou r, fitted with factory fitted lip ring (Make: POLOPLAST Germany). ( For Indirect waste/ Wash Basin/Urinal/Sink/Floor Drain ) 40 mm nominal bore 50 mm nominal bore RM RM 390 620 1,1 44 1,144 Each 247 3,686 Each 115 1,966 Providing and fixing end cap (door piece) of pp for cleanina. with 110 OD Each with 160 OD Each 61 20 2,195 5,992 Providing and fixing PP 110mm P Trap with minimum 50mm water seal with rubber seal on inlet to push fit Each hopper for indirect waste connections (McAlpine UK). 247 2,862 Providing and installing Air Admittance valves with required air flow rate, including submission of design data (McAloine/STUDOR\ Airflow capacity upto 32 1/s ( Maxi Vent) Each Each Airflow capacity upto 7.51/s ( Mini Vent) 12 34 7,375 4,593 Providing and fixing floor drain with 50mm outlet and 100 mm inlet with SS grating having 50mm seal for indirect floor drain (Make: McAlpine Model: MRFG3). Providing and fixing floor drain (FD) with 50mm outlet and 100 mm inlet with SS grating having 19mm seal for indirect floor drain (FD) (Make: McAlpine Model:MRFG4 (for horizontal oullet/mrfg4v (for vertical outlet). ~ -C!,L---- '3""q ~ J~~ r~i '3. ~. ~jFl*' JiTJ ~ fu. ..,-;il,\l :[cl1T~ . JliT"<':T li.~. ~1t;{ffr.) a: rr. ~.~ ~R; · ~ . . -tt!>l~· -,5 .., •.,, .. "' SUBHEAD-Ill (B): WATER SUPPLY- INTERNAL WORK (NON-SCHEDULED ITEMS) 3.1 - - 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.1 .B 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 1"'1 uv'IUlrlY u,u,, "~uu ;:,,,:;;,:;! fJ't'"'" IVlcll\O:h.lUluol 1,v111v1111111~ to EN 10312 standard complete with press type fittings for Hot and cold water supply, RO & domestic water supply system capable to withstand temperature upto 1100 centigrade and pressure upto 16 bars made from 316 L grade-Material no. 1.4404 (X2CrNiMo17-12-2) of annealed and pickled stainless steel sheet, with ends deburred at 900 and with length of 3 meters. Pipe qualifying to 100% eddy current, 100% hydrostatic tested and air-under water tested under 10kgs. Fittings also conforming to EN 1031 2 standard in 316 L stainless steel grade of Jindal approved make in accordance with DVGW regulation such as tees, coupling, elbow, male adapter, connectors etc with Black grooved 0 -ring of EPDM material which can withstand temperature upto 200 to 1100 C including suitable connection as per site requirement. Direct contact of stainless steel pipes and fittings to galvanized iron should be avoided by inserting approved type of filler material as per project manager's/consultant requirement. Flanges, clamps with hanger at a spacing of 2 m centre to centre min or as required etc. necessary adapters for GI/copper and CP 15 mm nominal outer dia pipes 22 mm nominal outer dia pipes 28 mm nominal outer dia pipes 35 mm nominal outer dia pipes 42 mm nominal outer dia pipes 54 mm nominal outer dia pipes 76.1 mm nominal outer dia pipes 88.9 mm nominal outer dia pioes Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm 2455 1575 1115 580 690 290 285 130 677 953 11135 11592 11858 21311 4,063 4,708 Providing and fixing brass ball valve with SS 304 Stem and ball teflon seat complete (PN-16). Each 15 mm dia nominal bore Each 20 mm dia nominal bore Each 25 mm dia nominal bore 34 87 55 328 459 717 Supply and installation of Butterfly Va lves with mating flanges generally as specified all complete. PN 1.6 65 mm dia nominal bore 80 mm dia nominal bore Set Set 12 7 2,043 2,245 Rm Rm Rm Rm 521 245 145 65 133 150 180 214 Providing and fixing insulation with Armaflex elastomeric nitrile rubber sheets complete with plastering. 20 mm thick insulation with Arm flex elastomeric nitrile rubber sheets for hot water & cold water pipes exposed to sun complete with plasterina 15 mm dia, nominal 20 mm dia, nominal 25 mm dia, nominal 32 mm dia, nominal bore ~~- l • ·-,~ ii!.) 3 .V ."t!T.f.;l.ii'/.fa. ~~;mr 3.7 Providing & fixing schedule puddle flanges made of heavy class M.S. pipe minimum 700 mm long, both side threading upto 50 mm dia pipe and one side threaded and other side flanged for 63dia and above sizes with epoxy coating. M.S. Plate 230 x 230 x 6 mm shall be used for pipe size upto 50 mm dia, 300 x 300 x 6 mm M.S. plate shall be used upto 80 mm dia pipe, 400 x 400 x 6 mm M.S. plate shall be used upto 250 mm dia pipe, 450 x 450 x 6 mm M.S. plate shall be used upto 350 mm dia pipe. (Length of pipe shall be increase in some 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 .3.7.4 3.7-.5 3.7.6 25 mm dia, nominal 50 mm dia, nominal bore 65 mm dia, nominal bore 80 mm dia, nominal bore 100 mm dia, nominal bore 150 mm dia, nominal bore r<>C::PC::\ Each Each Each Each Each Each 18 6 2 2 12 2 305 457 547 627 843 1,1 58 f''$Tf v.TI'fr ~11o·ucAt,11:o~ ~fll''<T~-3l'l'l'ITT SECTION - IV EXTERNAL SEWERAGE NETWORK _(NON-SCHEDULED ITE MS) 4.18 ~ 4.19 Construction brick masonry grease trap of 2.4 m x 1.2m x 1.2 m having 230mm thick brick wall upto 900mm and 345mm thick above 900mm with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size), 100 mm thick RCC top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size), 100mm thick P.C.C. 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), Inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement on all inside surface, 3 Nos. 750x750 SS perforated tray and 90 Kg M.S. cover with frame complete as per standard design. Item 1 81 ,225 F.R.P. manhole cover with frame (600 x 600 mm internal dimensions capable to bear 10 T Load). each 32 6,787 ~ ~~ <ffiJOTio~iBO awm ~4TI"ffl SECTION - V EXTERNAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM EXTERNAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM DRAINAGE NETWORK (NON-SCHEDULED ITEMS) Providing & fixing of F.R.P. Grating (Heavy Duty) for channel drains including all accessoreis complete canable to bear 1 T Load. Each 644 wide x 40mm thk. RAIN WATER HARVESTING (NON-SCHEDULED ITEMS) 5.15 5.45 ~ 6.16 6.16.1 6.16.2 6.17 6.17.1 6.17.2 6.17.3 6.17.4 6. 18 6.18.1 6.18.2 2175 4,917 120 1,069 85 25 1,856 2,391 Supply and installation of Butterfly Valves with mating flanges generally as specified all complete. PN 16 Each 65 mm dia nominal bore Each 80 mm dia nominal bore Each 100 mm dia nominal bore Each 150 mm dia nominal bore 8 12 6 2 2,043 2,245 2,828 3,853 Providing and fixing gun metal non- return valve of annroved Quality (PN 1.6) Each 100 mm dia nominal bore Each 150 mm dia nominal bore 2 1 7,422 11 ,315 Providing, fixing, testing and comm1ss1oning of uPVC waste pipe conforming to IS : 4985-2000 class IV (6 Kg/ including all moulding fittings conforming to IS : 7834 (Part I to Part-7) 1987 such as tees, bends, reducers, coupling, adaptor etc. solvent welded joints as per manufacturer recommendation including cutting and making good the walls, floors. R.C.C. work etc. (For rwi::R i::1OW) . metre 210 mm OD UPVC Pipe EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM (NONSCHEDULED ITEMS) Providing and fixing GI pipes medium class conferming to IS 1239 with GI fittings including cutting hole chase painted with primer, two coats of enamel paints etc (Bore well and Pumo room worksl. 100 mm dia, NB 150 mm dia, NB M M ~ ~~ 'an1'1'<'f0fllof"IO~O ~~-3lt7ilT PUMPS( NON SCHEDULED ITEMS! 8.1 - Raw Water Treatment Feed Pump set Providing, fixing, commissioing and testing package vertical raw water pumps, comprising of 3.0 nos. Electrical Driven inline pumping sets each of 7.0 LPS to a head to 35 meter (1 working + 1 stand by) with all accessories, Pumps shall be with C.I. Base, S.S 304, impeller, shaft, mechanical seal, S.S. Shaft directly coupled to motor suitable for operation on 400/440 volts, 3 phase 2900 RPM. TEFC electronic motor mounted on a common channel baseplate 150mm dia pressure gauge, GM isolation cock and cement concrete foundation with plaster with dunlop cushy foot mountings with all accessories such as NRVs, valves, pressure guage bourden type, common suction and delivery header, bellows on sucton and delivery side complete in Pumps shall be suitable for 415 ± 10% volts 3 phase 50 Hz A.C supply & shall be having the following requirement complete with foundation ·and associated Set 1 501,851 .. Suction & Delivery Header - SS 304 Control Valve On suction and Delivery - Ball Valve Only (No Butterflv Valve Acceoted\. Flow Prevention - Only Check Valve Suction & delivery header including all pipes, suction & delivery sides valves, NRV, Pressure gauges & accessories comolete. Flow Rate : 7.0 LPS Head : 35 M Min. Motor HP : 7.5 H.P. (Each) ~ ~~ ar:;ouo~ffliio ~mu 'Piff-awm 8.2 Water Booster Pumpset (Treated Water Suoolvl Supplying & supervision of testing & commissioning of Booster Pump set (Hydropneumatic systems) as described below Supplying & supervision of testing & commissioning of package vertica l Hydropneumatic system, comprising of 4 nos. (3 duty + 1 stand by) Electrical Driven inline pumping sets each of 7.0 LPS to a head to 60 meter with all accessories, Pumps shall be with C.I. Base, S.S 304, impeller, shaft, mechanical seal, S.S. Shaft directly coupled to motor suitable for operation on 400/440 volts, 3 phase 2900 RPM. TEFC electronic motor mounted on a common channel baseplate 150mm dia pressure gauge, GM isolation cock and cement concrete foundation with plaster with dunlop cushy foot mountings with all accessories such as NRVs, valves, pressure switch, common suction and delivery header, bellows on sucton and deliverv side comolete in all reosects. Pump mounted or wall mounted microprocessor based controller, Electronic control panel With frequency inverter, logic controller relays, pressure sensor, pressure sensor transmitter, electrical wiring, cabling from panel to pumps, level controller, two lined LCD display, diodes to indicate pump ready, pump running and fault capable to communicate with toher RS 485 interface. with Power box equipped with fuses or isolators or circuit breakers as required. complete with all accessories as per manufacturer specifications . Suction & Delivery Header - SS 304 Set 1 1,697,168 Flow Prevention - Only Check Valve One Number Variable frequency Drive Impeller : Stainless Steel Shaft : Stainless Steel RPM : 2900. Mover : Electric Motor HP - As required. Necessary foundation with bolts Ball valve on suction & delivery NRV on delivery Dust & vermin proof cubicle type motor control centre fabricated from powder coated 16 SWG MS sheet suitable to automatic working of above mentioned oumos. -~ \3"q3l~' '3. >J. xlvl~ f.'fi1bf ~ ~. 3fPRT ~q;-1{ 3P"IRT Water Booster Pumpset - RO TRANSFER PUMPS 8.3 Set ~ Supplying & supervision of testing & commissioning of Booster Pumps et (Hydropneumatic systems) as described below Supplying & supervision of testing & commissioning of package vertical Hydropneumatic system, comprising of 2 nos. (1 duty + 1 stand by) Electrical Driven inline pumping sets each of 2.0 LPS to a head to 60 meter with all accessories, Pumps shall be with C.I. Base, S.S 304, impeller, shaft, mechanical seal, S.S. Shaft directly coupled to motor suitable for operation on 400/440 volts, 3 phase 2900 RPM. TEFC electronic motor mounted on a common channel baseplate 150mm dia pressure gauge, GM isolation cock and cement concrete foundation with plaster with dunlop cushy foot mountings with all accessories such as NRVs, valves, pressure switch, common suctio n and delivery header, bellows on sucton and delivery side comp lete in all repsects. Pump mounted or wall mounted microprocessor based controller, Electronic control panel with frequency inverter, logic controller relays, pressure sensor, pressure sensor transm itte r, electrical wiring, cabling from panel to pumps, level controller, two lined LCD display, diodes to indicate pump ready, pump running and fault capable to communicate with toher RS 485 interface. with Power box equipped with fuses or isolators or circuit breakers as required. complete with all accessories as per manufacturer specifications. Suction & Delivery Header - SS 304 Control Valve On suction and Delivery - Ball Valve Only l<No Butterflv Valve Acceoted). Flow Prevention - Only Check Valve One Number Variable frequency Drive Impeller : Stainless Steel Shaft : Stainless Steel RPM : 2900. Mover : Electric Motor HP - As required. Necessary foundation with bolts Ball valve on suction & delivery NRV on delivery 1 447,103 8.4 Sump Pumps Supply & Installation, testing and comm1ss1ornng of centrifugal non clogging submersible sump pumps for plant room drainage. Pump capable capable of handling 25 mm dia soft solids. Motor suitable for 415 + 10% volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC Power supply. Pumps shall be suitable for automatic/manual operation (Overall depth of sump - 1.5 M). Submersible sump pump shall be provided with dry running protection. Inclusive of I c::., ,nnortina arranaement for stationarv tvne Two nos. of pump installed in one sump pit 1 working & 1 standby with automatic/manual opration as requireds. ~ 8.5 8.6 . Waste Water Drainage Sump Pump Flow rate : 4 LPS Head : 15 Mtrs. Min . Motor HP : 2.2 (Each) Each 16 68,434 Sewaqe Water Transfer Sump Pump Flow rate : 4 LPS Head . 15 Mtrs. Min. Motor HP : 2.2 (Each) Each 2 320 Providing & fixing of HD F.R.P. Cover with frame 600 mm dia internal dimensions (capable to bear 2.5 T Load) for Each sumo cits. 8 6,787 16 428 Providing & fixing pressure gauges of not less than 100mm dia dial of pressure range 0-1 5 kg/cm sq complete with shut off valve duly calibrated before installation. It shall be provided on suction & discharge of pumps complete as per direction of Engineer incharge. Each SECTION- X SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 10.1 - Design, supplying, installing, testing & commissioning of Sewage Treatment Plant (PV-GEL I MBBR) Capacity 500.0 KLD (excluding excavation, back filling & disposal of surplus earth and Civil construction work) for the followina dutv: Nature of Sewage - Waste water from kitchen & canteen and Domestic Sewaae from toilet/ Office use Daily averaae flow - 500 kid pH 6.5-8.0 BOD - upto 300-450 Mal l S. Solids - 250 - 400 Mgll COD - upto 500-800 Mal l Oil & Grease - 50 Mg II ( before O&G Trap) Sewaae discharge standard after treatment IPH - 6.0 - 8.5 BOD - Less than 20 Mg/L S. Solids - Less than 100 Mall COD - Less than 150 Mai l Oil & Grease < 10 Sewage treatment plant shall include the following items: Item 1 9,310,000 Screen Chamber Oil & Grease chamber Sewage equalization tank/sump Primarv settlina Tank Fludised Bio Reactor Secondary Settling tank Sludae holdina tank Air Blowers, Pumps & eauipment Piping, Valves etc Electrica l Panel & Cabling Plant room adjacent to STP. All piping, valves & level indicator/controller etc. within plant room. For 2 x 7.5 HP Softening feed Pumps for STP (1 Duty + 1 Stand bvl For 2 x 9.0 Hp Softl Flushing pumps (1 Duty + 1 Stand bvl - H.S. For 2 x 5.0 HP Irrigation pumps (1 Duty+ 1 Stand by) For 2 x 2.0 HP Sludge Transfer Pumps for STP (1 Duty + 1 Stand bv) 2 x 2.0 HP Blower Air Feeder Line (1 Duty + 1 Stand by) 2 x 2.0 HP Back Wash Pumps Filters (DMF & AC F) Softener with brine tank UV Dosing units For 2 x 2.0 HP Sewage Sump Pumps (1 Duty + 1 Stand by) All accessories and media reauired for STP and WTP Instrumentation Piping and valves as per specification and drawinas All elctrical works including all wiring and accessories in side STP. Capacitv : 500 M3 I Day %L---, ~'V'tTfl' - 11.~. ~:(~.) - '51Q'd'Oo~11Joh ..,..l_ -"J c.,.. ::::-., ''-· ..~ t,.; YJ •£ • ~ •.. •. , '"''~~~.;-~/'I:n 3Tl'TITI' ~ -3'fl1T'T j •: O : DESCRIPTION S. NO. Unit. Rate In Rs. Qtv. BORE WELL INSTALLATIONS (As per D.S.R.2014) Boring/dril ling bore well of required dia for casi ng/ strainer pipe, by suitable method prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I), including collecting samples from different strata , preparing and submitting strata chart/ bore log, including hire & running charges of all equipments, too ls, plants & machineries required for the job, all complete as per direction of Engineer -incha rge, upto 90 metre depth below ground level. 7 .1 7.1.1 7. 1.2 7.2 7.2.1 7.3 7.4 7.4.1 7.5 7.5.1 All tvoes of soil 350 mm dia Rockv strata includino Boulders 350 mm dia metre 40 423 metre 15 910 metre 40 503 9 938 40 1 269 8 1,348 Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore well, unplasticized PVC medium well casing (RMS) pipe of required dia, conforming to IS: 12818, including required hire and labour charges, fittings & accessories etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineer -in-charge. 150mm nominal size dia ·Gravel packing in tubewell construction in accordance with IS: 4097, including providing gravel fine/ medium/ coarse, in required grading & sizes as per actual requirement, all com plete as per direction of Enaineer-in-charoe. cum Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore well, ERW (Electric Resistance Welded) FE 410 mild steel screwed and socketed/ plain ended casing pipes of required dia, conforming to IS: 4270, of reputed & approved make, including painted with outside surface with two coats of anti corrosive paint of approved brand and manufacture, including required hire & labour charges, fitti ngs & accessories, all complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 150 mm nominal size dia having minimum wall metre thickness 5.00 mm. Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixi ng in vertical position in bore well, ERW (Electric Resistance We lded) FE 410 plain slotted (having slot of size 1.6/3.2 mm) mild steel threaded and socketed I plain bevel ended pipe (type A) of required dia, conforming to IS:8110, of reputed and approved make, having wall thickness not less than 5.40 mm, including painted with outside surface with two coats of anticorrosive bitumestic paint of approved brand and manufacture, including hire & labour charges, fitti ngs & accessories, all complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineer -in-charge. 150 mm nominal size dia ~ -.. ~ '31,l ,=.:'f metre ~ ;,;,f~~ ..m >J. ~. w,~M Wt1UI ~ ~. ~'[T(~ ~'ifi1t ~HRJ 'f5lf ·\Nt'ft -.rsrcmofilfl:iftioff:ro awm~.f- Unit. DESCRIPTION Development of tube well in accordance with IS : 2800 (part I) and IS: 11 189, to establish maximum rate of usable water yield without sand content (beyond permissible limit), with required capacity air compressor, running the compressor for required time till well is fully developed , measuring yield of well by "V" notch method or any other approved method, measuring static level & draw down etc. by step draw down method, collecting water samples & getting tested in approved laboratory, i/c disinfection of tubewell, all complete, including hire & labour charges of air compressor, tools & accessories etc .. all as per requirement and direction of Engineer-in~ hour POWER & CONTROL CABLING IDSR 2014 SCHEDULED ITEMS) S. NO. 7.6 12 643 Set 2 3 379 Rm 40 643 Rm 200 135 Rm 300 22 Rm Rm 40 30 438 750 RM 25 23 RM 2,40 77 ~h~-~~ 9.2. 1 Supplying and Earthing with GI· earth plate 600mm x 600 mm x 6mm thick including accessories and providing masonary enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe etc, with coke and salt ) as required. 9.2.2 Supplying and laying 25 mm x 5 mm. G. I. strip in 40 mm dia. G.I. Pipe from earth electrode, as required. 9.2.3 Providing & fixing 25mm x 5mm G.I. strip on surface or in recess for connections etc. as required. 9.3.4 Providing and Fixing 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recess for loop earthing alongwith existing surface/ recessed conduiV submain wiring/ cable as required. 9.2.5 Supplying, fabricating and installing following size of perforated M.S. cable trays, including horizontal and vertical bends, reducers, tees, cross members and other accessories as required and duly suspended from the ceiling with M.S. suspenders and including loaint 100 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness 300 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Laying and fixing of One number PVC Insulated and PVC Sheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 kV grade of size not exceeding 25 sqmm on surface as required . 9.2.6 9.2.7 Laying and fixing of One number PVC Insulated and PVC Sheathed/XLPE power cable of 1.1 kV grade of size exceeding 25 sqmm but not exceeding 120 sqmm on surface as required. 9.2.8 Supplying of all materials and making terminations of 1.1 KV grade aluminium multicore cables of the following sizes. The work includes cable glanding using brass plated double compression glands, sizing the core leads, removing insulation, fixing suitable crim ping type copper lugs/ thimbles by using hydraulic crimping tools with correct size of the dies, shaping the leads and neatly connecting the same to the equipment terminals. Rate In Rs. Qty. ~ ~~ ~O'tlO~oftiiro ~ f'l'ilf- 3lf7ITT S. NO. 9.2.9 DESCRIPTION 3.5 Core 120 sa. mm. Armoured Aluminium cable. 3.5 Core 35 sa. mm. Armoured Aluminium cable. Control Cabling ( PVC insulated and PVC sheathed, armoured, Copper Conductor of 1.1 KV grade on existina cable travs). 5C x 1.5 Sa. mm \ ,?Tflf,R iT B. ~. ~cf~ Pl-::rr'Jl Prri~ ~' "'3"ti 3H~l~~, 37fiify,T ~ , "';rffllt ~f. 3 .'tt.'liJt. «FMW.l:- .. Unit. Nos Nos RM 40 80 Rate In Rs. 4 60 257 150 152 Qtv. BORE WELL INSTALLATIONS {NON-SCHEDULED ITEMS} 7.7 ~ Supplying & Installation of suitable Hp submersible pump B.S or K.S.B or equivalent make with finolex cable 1x3x2.5 squmm(upto 75mtr) withflexible conduit 25mm dia, electrical out door pannel with required electrical fitting such as MCB of 0-25Amp (Havell or lndocopp or MOS make), Volt & Ampere meter (AE make), single phase preventer (Minilac or VSP -1 make) starter (L&T or SCH make) etc of approved mak_e, 40mm HOPE Pipe (25 mtr) and all accessories complete as per requirement Inf c,itP Each NOTES a) Contractor shall include the rate of electrical control panels complete with all accessories &controls, all Electrical/Mechanical items as required to operate the svstem automatic/manual. b) Contractor to select suitable HP of pumps . c) Level Controller with sufficient nos. of low I high level alarms, contacts with electrodes and control wiring for the automatic operation of water supply pumps, Submersible Sump Pumps, to achieve the functional requirement shall be provided. Control wiring between these pumps and water tanks shall be provided.Domestic water pumps must start at low water level in overhead domestic water tank & stop at high level in that water tank. Dry running protection shall be provided for all the pumps.Sequencing shall be provided for each set of IPumps. ~ i " ~· a~{~.) '3.'\ ~~ 5 104,932 '. -:. . · · · ,, ..:'•\ Aluplexi Signage wall mounted Signage. Items use in fabrication.o~ signage: - Imported Os'ram Led modules/ stripsl2 & Converters. -210rniri widtn aluplexi in go ld & silver color - 3 years ~arrantee for aluplexi. -.Imported 3mm Acrylic. . -Acrylic Letters will be cut by Laser machine for perfect finisliing. · - 3M translucent Vinyl for Color on front sides. - Brand LT. Wire. - Branded fasners. features: Product ~ Flexible and cut able LED strip - Type of protection: IP67 1 -Dimmable Nos 4.00 13,40,000.00 Nos 4.00 1,95,000.00 - ~ine White .- - Sa!t mist proof - Highly UV-re.sistant features: !.Protection Type· 1p 67 (outdoor use)- Technica l I '". ' f ·' · :High performance Silicone High UV-resistancy - : ,. -Saltmist proof -Dimmable Pulse width modulation (PWM) . -Binning Fine white , -Life time 50,000 h _ · -Adhesive tape on backside Tesa {High Performance Tape) " :~ -Fulfilled standards/tests Flammability: Glow-wire test with ·,, Pylon.Signage on Main Gate, _Double sided glow by Led, siz.e ;.'. 12x3 sft: Items use in . fabrication of Signa_ge: ~.MS L A_ng!e, . -MS Pipe. -3mm ACP mm -20 Acrylic Letters. -3M Vinyl. - R.C.C - MS Heavy wire for base. - Red Oxide for MS Str ucture. , Led Modules for internal ligOhting. Foundation of • ' Totem Signage: The depth of base will be 5' in RCC: - R.C.C . 2 ., - Bricks . - Iron wire. 1 ~- ·, _ - MS Heavy sheet, Features: . . - The Best choice for Display lighting and narrow light box (side -~ · light)ng) ' · - Various application for indirect lighting including interior , lighting , - Easy installation with adhesive tape :\ · ~Cost effective product solution with high utilization ;i., -,Customizing for Constant current type available ,,. - Warm white color ~·f chip SMD LED mounted (Made in Korea) -L~ng . . life LEDs last for years {50,000 hours) ·:· ;a,1nmo~f'l'oft:r-1 m1'ftT ~-3-!,~ Internal signage Right of Admission Reserved. .Size of sign (6xl.6)'. MS pipe frame and covered by 3mm acp, 3 Digital printin g will be pasted over 5mm toughened glass & mounted with wall by fasteners. This is install near entrance in Nos 2.00 23,500.00 Nos 16.00 l,200.00 Nos 16.00 1,200.00 Nos 44.00 1,000.00 .' bujlding. This will be floor.mounted. Do not use lift in case of fire. Acrylic of 5 mm+ Digital printing of ~m vinyl, size (18xl8)", this signage will fixed near Lift Gate. -4 Inst all with wall by double sided tape. · 5 lifts· Acrylic of 5 mm + Digital printing of 3m vinyl Size of sign (24x4)". . Stai r· Acrylic of 5 mm+ Digital printing of 3m vinyl, size 6 (12xl2)",' this signage will fi xed near Lift Gate. Install with wall by double sided t ape. ,· Fire Exit (12x6)" in MS Box, with battery backup· No o ther light source is as closely tailored to modern lighting needs or as versatile as the led. This signage will be fixed near stairs. CNC 7 Router cut engraving on 8 mm Acrylic + Led light+ Battery Nos backup + MS Box for ceiling Signage will be fix wit h ceiling. This signage will be fixed near stairs. Washroom/ Bathroom Led signage • T-his kind cif signage·is jnstalled jn corridor. CNC Router cut engraving on 8 mm Acrylic 8 + Imported Led light, Both side glow. This will be insta lled with wall .by MS strip, for indicating washroom. Size (18Xl2)". Led Nos 60.00 8,000.00 \ . .. 6.00 10,'soo.oo . will ~e Osram. Ladles/Ge nts/Handicaps Toilets· Size (12x12)". Here CNC 9 ... acrylic letters will be fix the imported Korean shee t This will be fixed with wall of bathroom by _imported ss fixtures. Toilets in S mm black acryli~ cut letters . No Smoking in Hindi & English · Etching over b rass and text in lO Hindi & English, size 12x12 sq. inch. Lift Instructions· Acrylic of 5 mm+ Digital printing of 3m vinyl. 11 .this signage will fixed near Lift Gate. Insta ll with wall by screw. Nos 18.00 2,800.00 Nos 25.00 3,000.00 . Nos 16.00 1,800.00 Size of sign (36x12)" Evacuation Plan· This is one o f the most important signage in commercial buildings. This indicates You are here, to leave the place in emergency. This is perfectly glowing in dark. This is 12 also called Night vision sign. This is made of Smm acrylic & · digital printing & Fixed w ith wall by double side tape or screw. Size ofSignage (36x30)". This is installed near stairs, wall .:!' Nos 28.00 -~ , : 5,200.00 l mounted by double side tape. . SS Hanger sign between two shops · Here Hanger will be fabricated in SS. Size of hanger will be 36" x 9". Below it a 13 acrylic of Smm in white color will be hanged below it so that both shopkeepers can show their brands to in comers. Nos 32.00 9,500.00 ~~ ~ffla~~oftiito ~ fcm"f-3"11"{1' Led lit Direction sign - Directional signage is explicit navigational tools. They are part of a sign System weather it is a parK!ng)ot or a series of sign of Mall/Hotel/Multiplex. These are essential for their safe & efficient use and provided valuable Assurance to their users. Guest can instantly identify the location of Areas, rooms/department etc. Signage is fixed near all .entrance & corners of Corridor. Both sides glow, led 14 light in every Letter. This will be hanged by Chain with 'ceiling. 45,oop.oo Nos 24.00 Nos 8.00 48,000.00 · Nos 30.00 4,500.00 Size of sign (4x1.6)', both side glows. MS frame+ ACP + CNC Cut lOmm Acrylic letters+ led lit for Internal lighting. This will be hanged by chain with ceiling. This signage will be fixed near all entrance from Ground to Top floor. Hanging Direction backlit sign for entry in basement, one sided, size (8x2)' - This sign will be Install before entry in basement. 15 This is fabricated by 1" MS pipe+ 3mm acrylic+ Digital printing\=over 3M Vinyl + Alumil)um channel+ branded tubes & chocks+ MS angle for hanging+ Fasner. . 16 Hanging Direction Nonlit sign in bas!?ment double sided; size (4x2) - This sign will be install in basem.ent. This is fabricated by 1· MS pipe+ Smm Acrylic+ Digital J)i'in'ting over 3M Vinyl+ MS Chain for hanging+ Fasne r. .': .':. ' ~ ... . . ~ ..... .;,.." -· . •· . " ; Floor No'. - This signage is fix opposite to Stairs & Lift so that .. . incomers can understand that where they are standing. Size of Nos . 17 Signage (12x12)". Items use in slgnage S'mm Acrylic+ 3M Vinyl . -- digi~al·printing . ' , Door Plates This Slgnage ls installed. with door room or above 18 it, fix with wall by tape or screw. SS 302/18 + Etching. Average . Size (12x6)". HOSE 'REEL & Fire Extinguisher etc· The quantity of above sigriage is very small but they all are used almost every floor of H building. Size of-Signage (12xl2)". Items use In signage Smm e Acrylic+ 3M Vinyl digital printing. , Flat Poster Box, Size (49x30)" - .Size of signage (49x30)", made 20 by.galvanized aluminum+ branded tubes & chocks. Wall · 44.00 - ·.. ,. , . ...·· . ... },000.00 "- ~. ~~ Nos 30.00 1,440.00 Nru 40.00 1,000.00 Nos 20.00 . 8,500.00 " mounted sign. ·'· .. ~ . ..._. , ,,cr..M , _,,,_.. ..... .... - ··--- .. -~--- - - - - -- - - --- -- - - - T_o_ta..... 1