visual identity guidelines
visual identity guidelines
VISUAL IDENTITY GUIDELINES Updated 4-26-2011 VISUAL IDENTITY GUIDELINES Table of Contents 1. Introduction Basic Design Elements 2. Logo 2.01 Clear zone 2.02 Logo misuse 3. Colors 3.01 Logo Color Options 4. Font 5. Stationery 5.01 Business cards 5.02 Letterhead 5.03 #10 Envelope 5.04 Notecard 5.05 Mailing labels 5.06 E-mail Signature 6. Hunger Free Logo 7. Sprout Clinic Logo © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado 1. INTRODUCTION In February 2011, Hunger Free Colorado completed a formal branding and identity development process that established a strong and consistent foundation upon which to communicate and reflect Hunger Free Colorado’s mission, passion, purpose and commitment to end hunger in Colorado. This graphic standards manual is designed for the benefit of and use by staff, board members, volunteers and partners for Hunger Free Colorado to ensure brand consistency in all communications efforts moving forward. Graphic standards create a uniform visual language that minimizes the need for translation, and ensures that Hunger Free Colorado is consistently recognizable in a variety of media and environments. We have established the standards and approved uses for the Hunger Free Colorado logo. Specifications, such as approved colors for the logo, logo sizing and usage by application are addressed in this manual. The manual also includes standards for Hunger Free Colorado ‘sub-brands’, such as the Sprout Clinic and The Hunger Free Hotline. Strength and consistency in an organization’s look translates into strength and consistency in content ensuring that messages are clearly heard and quickly understood. Standards allow for flexibility while providing a powerful visual shorthand. This manual is designed to be used as a tool in all these endeavors. Standards also assist in reflecting an organization’s brand strategy, message and professional image. In the case of Hunger Free Colorado, our key brand traits are innovative, powerful, effective and compassionate. Many of the final approved elements included in both the organizational logo and the sub-brand logos intentionally serve to reflect these qualities through consistent use of colors, font and spacing. Hunger Free Colorado has begun to establish itself as the only statewide organization dedicated to ending hunger in Colorado by ensuring that all Coloradans have sustainable access to nutritious, affordable food every day where they need it and when they need it. It is important that this guide complement that effort by ensuring that Hunger Free Colorado’s organizational identity and communications is as consistent, clear and strong as the passion behind its mission. This section contains multiple usage guidelines for the Hunger Free Colorado logo. The logo is the visual dis play of our name and is rendered in a specific typeface that is not to be retypeset or recreated in any way. Our logo is the visual point of entry to our brand. Therefore, its consistent use is paramount to its success. Digital artwork for our logo is available upon approval for its use. 2. LOGO Primary © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado Secondary – reverse option 2.1 CLEAR ZONE = Clear Zone This minimum clear space is at least one set of “three peas” height away from the outermost edges of the logo. © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado A minimum amount of clear zone should always surround the logo. This design practice ensures sufficient visibility of our logo. In general, providing additional clear space around the logo will make it more distinct on the page. The clear zone is proportional to the size of the circles which make up the “three peas” as displayed below. 2.3 LOGO MISUSE The following are examples of incorrect usage of Hunger Free Colorado logo. Avoid outlined logo Avoid using logo in non-approved color Avoid backgrounds with no contrast Avoid alterting icon Avoid scaling pieces of logo Avoid stretching logo Avoid breaking apart the elements of the logo Avoid cropping the logo © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado The color palette is a key component that creates an impression that is both memorable and instantly recognizable in the minds of our key audiences. Each color has an equivalent PANTONE®*, CMYK and RGB color formula. 3. COLOR *PANTONE® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc. The colors throughout this document may not match PANTONE. Refer to the current PANTONE Color Formula Guide for accurate hue and density match. Primary Secondary PMS COATED Process Black PMS 369C PMS 382C PMS 123C PMS 7418C PMS UNCOATED USED ONLY ON UNCOATED PAPER. Process Black PMS 376U PMS 381U PMS 115U PMS 711U CMYK Process Process Black c60 m0 y100 k7 c30 m0 y100 k0 c0 m15 y100 k0 c0 m85 y55 k10 RGB HEX r30 g30 b30 1E1E1E r88 g166 b24 58A618 r190 g214 b0 BED600 r253 g200 b47 FDC82F r194 g77 b82 C24D52 © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado 3.01 LOGO COLOR OPTIONS A variety of logo options are available in multiple color formats for when there are specific printing needs. The “preferred” options should be used whenever possible. 3-Color PMS Preferred 2-Color PMS 1-Color Grayscale 1-Color Green Reverse - 3-Color Reverse - Black Reverse - Green 1-Color Black © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado The use of our font helps to unify the visual appearance of our brand’s communication materials. The following are approved font families. 4.0 FONT Primary Univers Condensed Secondary Used for body copy when formal correspondence is needed. Univers 47 Light Condensed AaBbCcDdEaeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Univers 47 Light Condensed Italic AaBbCcDdEaeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Univers 57 Condensed AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Univers 57 Condensed Italic AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Univers 57 Condensed AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Univers 57 Condensed Italic AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Garamond Garamond Italic Garamond Bold AaBbCcDdEaeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Garamond Bold Italic AaBbCcDdEaeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz AaBbCcDdEaeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz AaBbCcDdEaeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Garamond Substitute Type Family: If the Type Family above does not appear in your computer’s font menu, the following font may be used: Arial Narrow and Times New Roman © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado 5. STATIONARY The business card is designed with introductory purposes in mind. Information is reduced to the essentials—cardholder’s name, job title and contact information. The cardholder’s name appears in large font to enhance visibility. 5.01 BUSINESS CARD NAME 2222 South Albion Street, #360 Denver, Colorado 80222 720-328-1284 x222 phone 720-328-1286 fax title Front fill Up on infoRMation aBoUt hoW to help at NEED FOOD ASSISTANCE? 855-855-4626 720-382-2920 Back © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado stateWide, toll-fRee denveR MetRo 5.02 LETTERHEAD 1.0” 1.0” Dear Friend, Acinibh et alit niat. Ut praessit nisl ut ing exer iriusci liquam vel dolum digna con hent nos elisl iliquamcor sequam endre dolorper il in eum ing et ut niam quisi.Met, corting et, quisl iustrud modolortie eummolore minim quamet ad magna consequis alisim zzriuscilla alit ullandit vel diam doloreet, quis do consectem delis deliquis aliscidunt luptat wisissim ese feumsan ut adiamconsed te dolorperat prate dignissectem quamet ullam, con ut vulput ad ex et, quis nonsequisi tat, suscincincil illam, quat lummolent alis nonsed ea feumsan dignis nibh euguerit incip ea faccummolut dolorpe rcipisl utem veraestinis nullam, quismodo essisi bla commodolore magna feumsan hent augait lut lum elit accum vullaortin henisl dolenibh ea con hent iriusci eugait iril utem alismodo eraessed modipit wis et, veliquat aliquisi. Olorerc ilisi. Em ea con volor si bla feum volenis modoles tissit nonullum veraessed el ulpute molortin exero conse dunt eugait vel del do commolo boreet prat. Dunt adipsus cipsusto eraestio eu feum zzril ent wis alit loreet, consequam zzriusci tin vel dolessed doloborpero odolums andrem in venit, sim et non et, commodo lestion ullut iliquam ipsum iusci essi bla faccumsan venim adiat nulputp atinissenit aut am vulla con hendit augait accum eum vel dionsectem velis adip elent il iuscipsum vulputat accum el in ut nim delesequisi tin ercipsum vel ipisl et aci ex et aliquisl irit lummy nim quiscipis nonsequis acin ulputem zzrilit, vendreet, commod min veliqui 2222 South Albion Street, #360, Denver, Colorado 80222 • 720-328-1284 © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado p hone • 720-328-1286 fax 5.03 #10 ENVELOPE 2222 South Albion Street, #360 Denver, Colorado 80222 © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado Fill up on information about how to help at The only statewide organization dedicated to ending hunger in Colorado. 5.04 A6 ENVELOPE & NOTECARD The only statewide organization dedicated to ending hunger in Colorado. Fill up on information about how to help at NEED FOOD ASSISTANCE? 855-855-4626 statewide, toll-free 720-382-2920 denver metro Notecard back 2222 South Albion Street, #360 Denver, Colorado 80222 © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado 5.05 MAIL LABEL 2222 South Albion Street, #360 Denver, Colorado 80222 4” x 3.5” © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado The e-mail signature that appears at the bottom of all electronic correspondence further extends the visual design elements of our brand. The clean and simple presentation of contact information creates an organized appearance and provides visual consistency throughout all internal and external Hunger Free Colorado correspondence. 5.06 E-MAIL SIGNATURE Left justified Font: Arial Bold 8pt Double Line Space Font: Arial 8pt Double Line Space FULL NAME Title Goes Here Hunger Free Colorado P 000-000-0000 | C 000-000-0000 | F 000-000-0000 [email protected] I Logo _____________________________________________________________________ Font: Arial Bold 8pt The descriptor line should accompany the logo as it states the Hunger Free Colorado purpose and mission. © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado We are the only statewide organization dedicated to ending hunger in Colorado. 6. LOGO HUNGER FREE HOTLINE The Hunger Free Hotline is a sub-brand of Hunger Free Colorado. It has a distinct visual connection with the Hunger Free Colorado—fonts, colors and style. The same graphic standards can be applied to the identity. need food assistance ? please call. necesita ayuda con comida? por favor llamenos. denver metro 720-382-2920 statewide, toll-free 855-855-4626 DENVER METRO TOLL-FREE 720-382-2920 855-855-4626 The Hunger Free Hotline Logo is always locked up with the Denver Metro and toll-free phone numbers. need food assistance ? please call. necesita ayuda con comida? por favor llamenos. denver metro 720-382-2920 statewide, toll-free We are the only statewide organization dedicated to ending hunger in Colorado. We’ll connect you to food resources, information and more. 855-855-4626 Somos la única organización en todo el estado que se dedica a terminar el hambre en Colorado. Lo conectaremos con recursos de comida, información y mucho mas. We are the only statewide organization dedicated to ending hunger in Colorado. We’ll connect you to food resources, information and more. Somos la única organización en todo el estado que se dedica a terminar el hambre en Colorado. Lo conectaremos con recursos de comida, información y mucho mas. © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado 7. LOGO SPROUT CLINIC © 2011 Hunger Free Colorado Sprout Clinic is a sub-brand of Hunger Free Colorado. It has a distinct visual connection with the Hunger Free Colorado - fonts, colors and style. The same graphic standards can be applied to the identity. Office: 720.328.1284 Fax: 720.328.1286