May-June 11-12 - Falcon Creek Middle School
May-June 11-12 - Falcon Creek Middle School
Volume 12, Issue 6 May/June 2012 Snow Delay & Closure Line: 720-554-4701 Website: School Status/ Falcon Creek Flyer Dr. John G. Kennedy, Principal Dr. Robyn Duran, Assistant Principal Ms. Lisa Ruiz, Assistant Principal LAST DAY OF SCHOOL—JUNE 6 EARLY DISMISSAL TIME—11:00 Falcon Creek Middle School A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL . . . Dear Parents, FALCONS SOAR Success Organization Achievement Respect Inside this issue: Extended Learning, Library/Yearbook 2 2011-12 School Day Schedule 8th Grade Celebrations 3 Dean’s Office, Final Exams 4 Nurse/8th Grade Dance 5 NJHS News 6 Washington, D.C. trip/Lunch Loan End 7 Counseling, Exams, Conferences 8 Band/Orchestra, Choir, Athletics 9 PTO Information 10-11 Accountability/Board Meetings 12 Upcoming Summer Events 13 Farewell to Dr. Duran 14 Aurora Scholars/Welcome Mr. Hanson 15 Activities, Clubs, and Organizations 16 FCMS Voice Mail Extensions 17 FMS Summer Math Bootcamp 18-19 Honor Roll 20-21 6th Grade Transition 22-23 Freshman Connection with GHS 24 6th Grade WEB/SOAR Orientation 25 Long-Range Facility Planning 26 PIN/Parent Coffee/Dismissal Times/ Diversity Symposium 27 Calendar of Events 28 The Falcon Creek community extends a warm welcome to our new sixth-grade students and their families! August will be upon us before we know it; therefore, please save this newsletter as it contains pertinent information about upcoming events at Falcon Creek Middle School. Additionally, please pay close attention to the Transition Session that is being offered on the last day of July and the first week of August. These transition opportunities are the best investment you can make for your incoming sixth-grade student. The sessions are designed to orientate you and your student to the middle school experience. That includes, but is not limited to: orientation to the physical plant, middle school philosophy, lockers, the school day, and, if they’re lucky, get a first-hand introduction to the administrators and numerous other individuals who will be an integral part of the next three years of their school experience. It will undoubtedly reduce anxiety for you and your student, and prepare them for the expectations of the 2012-13 school year. So, please sign-up without hesitation! For our current students and families, the end of the year is rapidly approaching, and we want to thank all of you for sending us your precious children. They have been academically focused, respectful, and continue to develop their wings. Whether your student is transitioning to seventh or eighth grade next year, they will encounter new academic challenges. Truly, their new grade-level experience will build upon the strong foundations set at their previous grade level. As I would encourage for every student, please sign up for our Summer Math Boot Camp courses to strengthen concepts, and stay current with your new learning. Also, I would be remiss if I didn’t impress upon you to visit the Events Calendar, located on the last page of the newsletter, for all the activities for the months of May and June. As for our eighth graders, we bid you a Falcon Creek farewell. As you prepare to enter high school with its new challenges and expectations, I am confident that the staff of Falcon Creek Middle School has prepared you for this next chapter in your educational career. We have enjoyed watching you develop as students and human beings, and I want to thank you for making this year a memorable one for me and the staff. For the past three years we have endeavored to prepare you with knowledge and a keen sense of identity. We hope your academic self-esteem has been heightened as well as your curiosity for learning. Please take the values instilled by your teachers, and the wonderful relationships you’ve enjoyed for the past three years, and open your mind to your next world of possibilities. The world of high school is also glorious! Truly, we will miss you all! Parents, we would like to solicit your support in reinforcing the importance of your child maintaining high behavioral expectations until the final day of school. It is tempting for some of our Falcons to ―disengage from learning‖ as they transition to their next grade. As the weather warms up, the urge to wear clothing that is inappropriate increases. The staff will be monitoring dress code violations more closely during the next month. Also, fighting, harassment, and/or cyber bullying will NOT be tolerated. There are enrichment experiences, and culminating events – such as field trips, Elitch Gardens, the eighth-grade dance, and Awards Night – in which we want students to participate. Please note: any disruptive behavior that leads to an out-ofschool suspension may result in the student not being allowed to participate. In closing, I am honored to have served as your principal during my seventh year. This year has been one of learning, leading, and establishing strong community relationships, as we collectively addressed many challenging issues. Once again, we have maintained the tradition of academic excellence that our families have come to expect and appreciate. We anxiously await the beginning of the next school year when we may work with all of you and your remarkable children. Please examine the Falcon Creek School Day Schedule, provided on page 3, as you plan for the 2012-2013 School Year. Fondly, John G. Kennedy, Ph.D. Principal Page 2 Falcon Creek Flyer FREE TUTORING FALCON CREEK EXTENDED LEARNING . . . Falcon Creek Teachers are available to help you with Reading, Writing, Basic Math, Organization, Note Taking, and Test-Taking Skills. All grades are welcome. Just stop by and sign in whenever you need help. WHEN: MONDAY TUESDAY 7:05-7:45 am 3:00-3:50 pm 7:05-7:45 am 3:00-3:50 pm Not Available on Wednesdays THURSDAY 7:05-7:45 am 3:00-3:50 pm FRIDAY 7:05-7:45 am 3:00-3:50 pm Please note: Extended Learning is NOT offered on WEDNESDAYS; the last day for Extended Learning: May 25, 2012. WHERE: LIBRARY LIBRARY NEWS . . . END-OF-YEAR NEWS Overdue notices will be run on a weekly basis to update students throughout May. All library books are due on Friday, May 18th. Textbooks are due Thursday, May 24th. The Library will be closed after May 18th for the end-of-year inventory. Exceptions will be made for academic needs. Summer Reading = Academic Success!! Did you know that reading over the summer maintains and improves your reading skills? Studies suggest that reading as few as six books over the summer can maintain your reading level. On May 17, we will have a librarian from the Smoky Hill Library come to our school to share the Teen Summer Reading Program that runs from June 4th—July 30th. There will be many exciting activities, so join the fun and become an awesome reader! Library Hours: 7:45 am – 2:55 pm on Wednesdays 6:55 am – 3:50 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Your Media Center Staff: Teacher Librarian—Jill Wood 720-886-7730 BOOK REPLACEMENT COSTS Paperbacks: $10 Hardback: $25 Permabound: $15 Charges will vary with damaged books Yearbook Distribution ALL FEES AND FINES MUST BE PAID BEFORE A STUDENT RECEIVES HIS/HER YEARBOOK. There is a limited supply of yearbooks, so if you haven’t yet purchased one, please do so as soon as possible. The Spring time price is $35.00 and they can be purchased any time through the bookkeeper, Ms. Holland. For students who do not have any fines, distribution of yearbooks is as follows: Eighth-grade students will receive their yearbooks on June 4th. Sixth- and seventh-grade students will receive their yearbooks on June 5th. Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 3 2012-2013 FALCON CREEK SCHOOL DAY SCHEDULE . . . School Day Schedule for 2012-2013 Extended Learning: 7:05 to 7:45 am Breakfast: 7:40 to 7:55 am Students may enter School: 7:45 to 7:55 am First Bell: 7:50 am School Day: 7:55 am to 2:55 pm Regular Buses Depart: 3:05 pm Extended Learning: 3:00 to 3:50 pm After School Activities: 3:00 to 3:50 pm Late Buses Depart: 4:05 pm Bell Schedule 1st Period: 2nd Period: 3rd Period: 4th Period: 5th Period: 6th Period: 7th Period: 8th Period: 7:55 to 8:45 8:48 to 9:38 9:41 to 10:31 10:34 to 11:24 - 6th Grade Lunch 11:27 to 12:17 - 8th Grade Lunch 12:20 to 1:10 - 7th Grade Lunch 1:13 to 2:02 2:05 to 2:55 HAVE YOU MOVED OR CHANGED YOUR PHONE NUMBER? A formal withdrawal process is required if your (located South of Thunder Ridge MS & Eaglecrest HS), student will be leaving Falcon Creek during the 720-886-7480 or at the West Side Admissions Office, school year. A parent’s signature is required on 9150 East Union Ave., 720-554-4550. the withdrawal form. The new school will ask to In either case, please provide a copy of your Warranty Deed/ see this form, along with your students’ immuniza- Deed of Trust/Bill of Sale or Lease Agreement when changtion records when you enroll with them. ing your address within the District. If you are moving within the Falcon Creek attendance Report cards, letters, and other mailings from the school will area, please contact Wendi Hodack, Registrar, at 720not be delayed if your address is correct with the District. 886-7813, and she will help you update your address. Please remember also, if you change your phone numbers, If you are moving within the Cherry Creek School District contact the Registrar to update this information. attendance area, please change your address at the East Side Admissions Office, 5416 S. Riviera Way 8TH GRADE END-OF-YEAR CELEBRATIONS . . . Time has gone by so quickly and the end of the ―middle school experience‖ is approaching. Congratulations to all of our students in the Falcon Creek class of 2012! Our 2012 Graduating Class has two very special events to look forward to before we say a final goodbye. The Eighth-Grade Dance is to be held on Friday, June 1, 2012, and the Eighth-Grade Trip to Elitch Gardens will be taken on Tuesday, June 5, 2012. These events are a celebration of all the hard work and appropriate behavior that our Falcons have demonstrated throughout the year. Permission to participate in these events also adds an extra incentive for our Falcons to continue to focus on achievement and proper behavior until their very last day of school. With this in mind, as of Friday, April 20, 2012, any student making a behavior choice that leads to an out-ofschool suspension may be denied the opportunity to participate in these events. We strongly feel that our students understand what is expected of them. We are confident that all of our students will be able to participate and create many lasting memories with their Falcon Creek classmates. Many of our eighth grade students will receive awards for excellence and achievement in different areas at a ceremony held at Grandview High School, in the Auditorium, on Thursday, May 31, 2012. The above policy will also be in effect for the 8th Grade Awards Ceremony. If you have any questions regarding our policy for participation in these events, please feel free to contact Russ Marron in the Deans Office, 720-886-7740. Thank you for your continued support. Page 4 Falcon Creek Flyer FROM THE DEANS OFFICE . . . DRESS CODE As warmer weather approaches, we remind students that Falcon Creek endorses a Dress Code which supports a positively focused learning environment for all students. Students will be asked to modify or change their apparel if their appearance causes a disruption to the learning environment. This includes clothing, head wear, chains, hair styles, and hair colors. Facial piercings are Facial against school policy, as stated in the StuPiercing dent Agenda. If you have questions, please refer to the Student Agenda or contact the Deans Office at 720-886-7740. STUDENT DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP The South Parking Lot (lower lot) is for student drop-off and pick-up, as well as Visitor Parking. Please understand that visitors will be parking. It is important to keep traffic moving and not block parking spaces. CROSSWALK REMINDER There are many students who use the crosswalk on South Genoa Street, on the west side of Falcon Creek, to come and go from school each day. If you see students waiting to cross the street, please stop and let them cross safely. Thank you for your cooperation! TRANSPORTATION Please remember that all students must have an I.D. card with their assigned bus number to ride a district school bus. Students who fail to show an I.D. card for a total of three times will receive a referral and may not be permitted to ride the bus until he/she obtains a school I.D. The West Parking Lot is for Staff and Buses only. FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR CHILDREN, PLEASE FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES! IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS . . . FINAL EXAMS With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, please make sure your child is prepared for exams. Final exams will begin on Tuesday, May 29, and continue on Wednesday, May 30, and Thursday, May 31. Make-up exams will be on Friday, June 1. Students will not be allowed to take exams early, so please be sure your child attends school on all exam days. If special arrangements must be made to make up an exam after June 3rd, please contact your Grade-Level Administrator. TEXTBOOK FINE DAY During the week of May 21 Student Check-Out Day will occur. All textbooks will be checked and fines will be assessed if books are missing or damaged. Lockers will also be assessed for damage. Any fines that are due must be paid by Friday, June 1, 2012. PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Conference day is May 4. Please see page 8 for details. There will be no school for students on Friday, May 4 ATTENDANCE OFFICE . . . 720-886-7717 For illness or other absences, please call our attendance office by 9:00 am on the day of absence. For early dismissals, please send a note with your child on the day of the early dismissal. Have your student stop by the Attendance Office to get a dismissal pass between 7:35 and 7:45 am. Your student will show his/her teacher the dismissal pass, at the appropriate time, and meet you at the Attendance window, where you will sign your child out. Please remember that an ID is required to sign out a student. When returning to school, sign your child back in and he/she will receive a pass back to class. Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 5 FROM THE NURSE . . . REMINDER If your student has medication in the clinic (inhalers, epipens, over-the-counter medication), these must be picked up BEFORE 11:00 am. on June 6th. Medication is not stored over the summer and will be disposed of after school is dismissed on the 6th. CLINIC DONATIONS The clinic is in need of t-shirts, shorts, sweats and pants for use when students have accidents. If you have clothes your kids have outgrown (sizes 10-16), please consider donating them to the clinic. Thank you. ATTENTION PARENTS OF INCOMING 6th GRADERS! Welcome to Falcon Creek! As you may have heard from your elementary school nurse, students are now required, according to Colorado law, to have a Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) booster shot when entering 6th grade. It is expected that incoming 6th graders will provide proof of this immunization at check-in in August. Exceptions to this would be students who are 10 years of age (the immunization will be required once the students turn 11 years old), or if students have had a tetanus shot within the past two years (the immunization is required once two years have passed), or if there is a valid medical, religious, or personal exemption on file. DON’T FORGET THE SUNSCREEN With warmer weather fast approaching, just a reminder to be diligent in using sunscreen. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun causes 90% of all skin cancer. Men and women in Colorado have approximately a 30% higher rate of melanoma skin cancer than the national average. Experiencing 2 to 5 severe sunburns before the age of 20 can double the risk of melanoma later in life. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends everyone, regardless of skin type, use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 that protects against UVA and UVB radiation when anticipating sun exposure lasting 20 minutes or more. Reapply every 2 hours, or after swimming, or heavy sweating, to maintain potency of the lotion. It is also helpful to avoid sun exposure on days when the UV index is greater than 11. Remember that tanning booths emit UVA radiation which is implicated in the development of cataracts, sunburns, skin cancer, and premature aging. Cosmetic self-tanning lotion is your best option if you must have that summer glow. For more information, visit DON’T FORGET THE HELMETS Head injuries and concussions can have long-term consequences, and can affect a student’s performance at school. It should be a requirement that your child always wears a helmet when biking or skateboarding. STUDENT COUNCIL . . . . Upcoming events: - Friday, June 1st, 6:30—8:30pm: 8th Grade Semi-Formal Tickets will be sold during lunch periods for $5.00 or at the door the evening of the dance for $7.00. This is a semi-formal event and students should have appropriate attire to enter (no jeans or t-shirts). This year’s theme is ―Old Hollywood‖. Student Council is open to all students. Come join the fun! Meetings are held every Tuesday after school in room E217. Page 6 NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY . . . Falcon Creek Flyer Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 7 Falcon Creek goes to Washington, D.C. Parent Meeting: April 30 6:30 pm Falcon Creek Library Families that register by June 6, 2012, will be locked into the current trip price of $1,616.00 The 2013 8th grade Washington, D.C., trip will be May 2-6, 2013. Students will leave after school on May 2nd, and will miss school on May 6th. There will be an informational parent meeting to share the details about the trip on April 30th, at 6:30 pm in the Falcon Creek Library. This meeting is for any current 7th grade student and their parents who will be at Falcon Creek for their 8th grade year, the 2012-2013 school year. If you have any questions, please email Carol Summers at: [email protected] FROM FOOD SERVICE: LUNCH LOANS Dear Families, Beginning Monday, May 7, 2012, lunch loans will end for this school year. Student meal accounts will not be allowed to go into a negative balance for the remainder of the school year. If a student does not have enough money in their meal account, they will receive an alternative meal (cheese sandwich and milk at lunch or toast and milk at breakfast) at no charge, until their lunch account is replenished or cash is brought for their meals. We do this at the end of the school year to attempt to clear all negative balances from student meal accounts. Sincerely, Cherry Creek Schools Food and Nutrition Services Page 8 Falcon Creek Flyer FROM THE COUNSELING OFFICE . . . Corbin Woodward: Stephany Garbett: Tami Gastineau: 720-886-7722 720-886-7723 720-886-7720 7th Grade and AIM 6th and 8th Grade (except for AIM students) Counseling/SAS Secretary PARENT/TEACHER INTERVENTION CONFERENCES ON MAY 4, 2012 The focus of our upcoming May 4th conferences is to review students’ academic progress in his/her current intervention class(es). The intervention teacher will review available data, progress towards annual yearly goals, and discuss additional academic options. Since the purpose of the conference is to review current intervention classes only, other academic teachers may not be in attendance. There will be NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, May 4th. SECOND SEMESTER FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE I. GOALS: To teach students how to prepare for finals. To provide a comprehensive review of major concepts taught during second semester. To provide students with the experience of taking final exams. II. FRAMEWORK FOR FINAL EXAMS: All make-up work and long-term projects/assignments must be completed and turned in by Thursday, May 24. Review for finals will be held on Friday, May 25. Review packets will be provided and students will receive guidance on how to use these packets to prepare for final exams. The final exam will count as a test grade. It will be averaged with fourth quarter grades. Studying for final exams will be the only homework given May 29-June 1. For the week of May 29, the only after-school activities will be student help sessions. Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday May 25 May 29 May 30 May 31 June 1 Review for Finals Reading and Writing Math, Electives, Foreign Language Science and Social Studies Make-Up Finals Cherry Creek School District #5 Non-Discrimination Policy Cherry Creek School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or handicap in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies at the building level: Dr. Robyn Duran, Assistant Principal Falcon Creek Middle School 6100 S. Genoa St. Aurora, CO 80016 720-886-7712 The District level person to contact is: Dr. Tera Helmon, Educational Services Center 4700 S. Yosemite Street Greenwood Village, CO 80111 720-554-4527 This non-discrimination policy covers: Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, Sexual Harassment, Section 504, Americans with Disabilities Act. Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 9 BAND/ORCHESTRA PERFORMANCES . . . The Falcon Creek community is invited to attend the following performances of Falcon Creek’s music ensembles: Wednesday, May 9 Thursday, May 17 Wednesday, May 23 Thursday, May 31 Band I and Jazz Band Concert, 7:00 pm, in the FCMS Cafetorium Orchestra Concert, 7:00 pm in the FCMS Cafetorium Band II and III Concert, 7:00 pm - Grandview Auditorium Jazz Band @ 8th Grade Awards Night, 6:30 pm at GHS Auditorium CHOIR CONCERTS . . . Spring Concert—All Choirs Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 7:00 pm FMS Cafetorium Falconaires Friday, May 18th Performing Arts Consultants Vocal Competition Field Trip—Elitch Gardens FMS ATHLETIC SCHEDULE . . . VOLLEYBALL 8th Grade Tues. 5/1 Tues. 5/8 Tues. 5/15 Thurs. 5/17 LMS @ FMS FMS @ SVMS FMS @ LIB CMS @ FMS 6th Grade Mon. 4/30 Tues. 5/15 Thurs. 5/17 Tues. 5/22 Thurs. 5/24 First Practice LIB @ FMS FMS @ CMS TMS @ FMS FMS @ PMS The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office was pleased to announce that seven students from Falcon Creek Middle School had their art work selected for seven of the thirteen posters needed for their 2013 calendar focusing on National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. The students who received this honor are: Taliesun Landrey (not pictured), Juliana Moore, Jordan Nelsch, Tyler Nguyen, Emma Rarden, Naomi Ross, and Allison Willey. Also participating in the program were: Israel Alvarado, Joan Herting, Howard Krames, and Erykah Smith. The students are pictured with Dr. Kennedy, principal, and Fran Flicker, art teacher. Page 10 Falcon Creek Flyer PTO INFORMATION . . . General Mills Box Tops for Education 2011/2012 was a record-smashing year for our Box Tops fundraiser! Much appreciation to our fabulous students and their families, as well as our wonderful Falcon Creek staff who collected over 21,500 Box Tops this year which raised over $3,000! It's not too early to start clipping Box Tops for the next school year! Student Council will sponsor two contests during the 2012-13 school year. One contest will be the 9th Annual Lunch/ Seminar Class Box Tops Contests that will take place over next Fall and Winter. More details will follow in future issues of the Falcon Creek Flyer. Do you have any Box Tops at home that you don't want lying around the house over the summer? Turn them in with your student's name and grade level to the pink Box Tops mailbox outside the Attendance Window and they will count toward next year's contests! Check out the Box Tops website for a current list of all participating products: Questions regarding this fundraiser? Call Galen Collins at 720-886-7653. A BIG THANK YOU FROM THE PTO. . . Thanks to all our wonderful parents and community members for their countless volunteer hours. It is because of your efforts that we were able to fund our teacher grants and help fund the extended learning program! Whether you’ve volunteered for a book fair, helped in one of our classrooms, helped with our magazine sale, or helped at check-in, all of us on the Board are truly humbled. YOU make our school terrific. We truly appreciate you. I personally have been very fortunate to work with such special individuals. Thank you also to our wonderful Falcon Creek administrators, teachers, and staff for all of your help and support throughout the year. This year we were able to fund over $20,000 in grants. We are asking our parents to refrain from delivering flower and balloon bouquets and stuffed animals to your son/ daughter here at Falcon Creek. We recognize how important celebrations are for your child; however, deliveries take up valuable time from staff and can cause a disruption in the classroom and hallways. Thank you so much for your cooperation and support. Falcon Creek Administration Aurora Stein 2011-2012 PTO President FALCON CREEK PTO MEETING Library Conference Room May 10th at 9:30 am Volume 11, Issue 6 Page 11 PTO INFORMATION . . . (continued) Attention All Parents: We are looking for a few committee members for the upcoming school year. Serving on the Falcon Creek PTO board is very easy without being time consuming. We hold only four general PTO meetings a year. Please contact a board member listed below if you are interested in becoming part of a committee. . Position Nominees for Position Email Co-President Aurora Stein [email protected] Co-President Tim Weber [email protected] Co-Vice President De-De Fox Birdwell [email protected] Co-Vice President OPEN Co-Second Vice President John Kennedy [email protected] Co-Second Vice President Co-Treasurer Maria Matney [email protected] Co-Treasurer OPEN Co-Secretary OPEN Co-Secretary OPEN In addition, the following committee head positions are available for next year. Please keep in mind that you can always co-chair any of these committees with a friend! Committee Name Albertson’s Aurora Stein Book Fair Cathleen Lave Box Tops Aurora Stein/ Student Council Campbell’s Labels – sort, count, and mail in labels. Aurora Stein Funds benefit PE department. Directory Tim Weber Hospitality (we need two co-chairs) OPEN Legislative Network – Attend district Legislative monthly meetings and report back to PTO Josephine Moore Magazine Sale Tammy Jordan Magazine Co-Chair – work with magazine representative during the 6 weeks the sale will run OPEN Parent’s Council – attend monthly district meetings Aurora Stein on Tuesday mornings and report to PTO Tim Weber PIN Representative – attend monthly district meetings on Monday mornings and report to PTO Aurora Stein Spirit Night Coordinator OPEN Co –OPEN Volunteering can be easy, fun and rewarding. Even one hour can help. It really does make a difference! Magazine Subscription Renewals Please wait to renew magazines until the Falcon Creek annual fundraiser begins in the fall It’s never too early to plan! Once again, this coming fall of the 2012-2013 school year we will be conducting our Magazine and Gift sale fundraiser. The money we raise funds grant requests from our teachers that directly benefit classroom programs, supplies, and activities for our students. You Can Help: Plan to give Magazine Subscriptions as gifts this coming year Renewal orders will extend current subscriptions regardless of expiration dates DO NOT renew your current subscriptions through renewal cards in the mail – wait for the sale to start at Falcon Creek. Thank you in advance for your support! Page 12 Falcon Creek Flyer JOIN THE FALCON CREEK ACCOUNTABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE . . . FCMS Accountability Committee The Falcon Creek Accountability Committee meets on the third Thursday evening of every month, in the Library from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, during the school year except in December. We are composed of parents, administrators, teachers, and community members who are interested in the continued success of students at Falcon Creek. The committee receives reports and updates from the principal and administrators on a variety of issues concerning Falcon Creek, including scheduling, safety, and curriculum, among others. The committee reviews test score data, the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) and the budget proposal for the upcoming school year. We also send a representative to the monthly Cherry Creek Accountability meetings. Meeting Dates: (6:30—8:00 pm) May 17, 2012 September 20, 2012 October 18, 2012 November 15, 2012 NO December Meeting January 17, 2013 February 21, 2013 March 21, 2013 April 18, 2013 May 16, 2013 Please join us! Hear and have input into what is happening at Falcon Creek. If you have any questions, please contact the chair, Edward Simmons, at [email protected], or call 303-947-2845. We look forward to having you join us and become part of the board. Position Chair Co-Chair Secretary DAC Representative* Name Edward Simmons OPEN OPEN Josephine Moore Email [email protected] Phone 303-947-2845 303-680-8740 *DAC Representative is responsible for attending District meetings and reporting to the Falcon Creek Board. CCSD SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS . . . Monday, May 14, 2012 Monday, June 18, 2012 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. The Challenge School Liberty Middle School ACADEMIC HONOR CODE . . . A committee of Falcon Creek teachers wrote the Academic Honor Code for Falcon Creek Middle School during the 20022003 school year. To establish a foundation for their work, the committee reviewed Honor Code policies from other schools and studied research on adolescent character and ethical development. The Honor Code framework is based on the following philosophical understandings and agreements: Honesty is essential to learning; Honorable conduct requires a team effort from teachers, students, and parents; and With our choices come consequences, both positive and negative. The Honor Code is written in your student’s Agenda. We encourage you to review it with your student. Volume 11, Issue 6 Page 13 UPCOMING SUMMER EVENTS Transition Class for Incoming 6th-Grade Students . . . This class is designed to assist in the transition from elementary to middle school. The class is offered from Tuesday, July 31st through Thursday, August 2nd, from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please bring a sack lunch each day. Pre-registration is required in May. The details about this class are on pages 22-23. New Family Orientation . . . Friday, August 3rd or Tuesday, August 7th at 9:00 a.m. This meeting is especially for families of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who are new to the Cherry Creek School District and/or students who have not registered for classes yet. You need to attend only one meeting. Both meetings start at 9:00 a.m. and are held in the Library. Please call 720-886-7813 and leave your information to reserve your spot for this meeting. Open House for 6th-Grade Students and Parents . . . Thursday, August 16 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm This is an opportunity for you and your child to become familiar with the school and to walk through your child’s schedule. It is also a time to informally meet your student’s teachers. New Family Orientation for new 7th & 8th Graders Thursday, August 16th from 9:00-11:30 am The purpose of this half-day orientation is to help make the transition to Falcon Creek a positive experience. This opportunity is open to 7th and 8th graders that are new to Falcon Creek for the 2012/2013 school year. Counselors will facilitate activities to help students meet staff members and other fellow students. They will provide a review of our student information system and the on-line class resource system. Students will receive their schedule and tour the building. Student Check-In Dates . . . Bring completed forms from the Information Packet that will be mailed to you at the end of July. For sixth-grade students, immunization documentation must be presented at this time. Check-In CANNOT be completed without immunization documentation. Tuesday, August 7 Wednesday, August 8 Thursday, August 9 Monday, August 13 8th Grade 7th Grade 6th Grade Make-up (all grades) 12:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. 10:00 am—11:30 a.m. and 12:30 pm—2:00 pm 9:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. SIXTH GRADE WEB/SOAR Orientation . . . What is SOAR Day? SOAR Day, on Friday, August 17, from 7:45 am to 12:00 pm. Please see the flyer on page 25. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR ALL STUDENTS: MONDAY, AUGUST 20 7:55 a.m. to 2:55 p.m. Page 14 Falcon Creek Flyer Farewell to Falcon Creek A little over six years ago I hit the lottery. My winnings weren’t monetary—there were no new cars, mansions, or trips around the world—rather, my winnings took the form of the bonds I made with the students, staff, parents, and community of Falcon Creek Middle School. I often think about how blessed I have been to serve as an assistant principal at Falcon Creek Middle School. While Falcon Creek is undeniably a beautiful school with an outstanding reputation for academic excellence, it is the people, that walk through the doors each day, that truly make this school special—it is the people (the students, staff, parents, and community), which make up a large part, of what I consider, my extended family. Reminiscing on our shared experiences, sorrows, and celebrations is what makes saying ―good-bye‖ so bittersweet for me. This spring will mark my last year as the assistant principal of Falcon Creek Middle School. Starting in July, I will embark on a new journey as the incoming Executive Director of Excellence and Equity. While I am excited at the opportunity to work with a broad range of educational partners, I am also quite saddened at the loss I will experience as I leave my Falcon Creek ―home‖. I believe people come into our lives and hearts for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Undoubtedly, the relationships I have made with the people of Falcon Creek Middle School will impact my life and impress a mark on the memories of my experiences that I will treasure forever. Thank you, Falcon Creek! Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 15 OUR AURORA SCHOLARS . . . The Aurora City Council honored more than 450 students from 93 schools in Aurora through its fourth annual Aurora Scholars program. Students in Cherry Creek Schools, Aurora Public Schools, and other Aurora educational facilities were recognized at the following ceremonies: * April 10, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Cherokee Trail High School * April 26, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Hinkley High School The program, designed to identify those students who strongly contributed to the life and community of their rePictured left to right: Dr. Kennedy, Destiny Humphrey (6th spective school, was created as a way for the city of Aurora, grade), Lily Le (7th grade), and Terrell Russell (8th grade) schools and families to come together to celebrate the achievements of Aurora’s future leaders. Targeting grades 1 to 12, the program recognizes one student from every grade in every school building in Aurora. Selection of students is conducted by the school principals, who may receive input from teachers and guidance counselors. The program aims to honor not just those who excel academically, but also those who may be excellent athletes, great citizens, dedicated volunteers or otherwise make significant contributions within the school community. Please welcome Michael Hanson, Falcon Creeks newest Assistant Principal. Hi, I am Michael Hanson; I have been in education for 18 years. I have taught science, math, technology, and physical education. I was also a Dean at Prairie Middle School. The past 4 years I have been an Assistant Principal at Liberty Middle School. My undergraduate work is from Metropolitan State College, and my postgraduate degree is from University of Colorado at Denver. My interests include tennis, basketball, and fly-fishing (if I have time). Most of my free time is spent running my son to his basketball games or practices. My son is in middle school and I enjoy watching him grow as a student and in height. My favorite quote is from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ―The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.‖ I look forward to meeting the parents, staff, Mr. Michael Hanson and students of Falcon Creek in the near future. Assistant Principal Erica Adamiak, Special Education Teacher, has completed her Master’s Program. Congratulations, Erica! Page 16 Falcon Creek Flyer ACTIVITIES, CLUBS, AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR THE 2012-2013 SCHOOL YEAR . . . Falcon Creek Middle School offers activities, clubs, and organizations which are open to all students. Meetings are held on designated days, usually after school, and are supervised and sponsored by Falcon Creek teachers. Students are dismissed by 3:50 p.m. to ride late buses, unless other arrangements are made by sponsors and/or parents. We encourage students to participate in all activities that interest them. Mr. Russ Marron, Athletic and Activities Director, can be contacted at 720-886-7740. Teachers at Falcon Creek are offering the following clubs this school year: DESTINATION IMAGINATION: Meets in Room E202, Thursdays from 3:053:55. Students will learn creative processes, written and verbal communication skills, and develop inquiry and strategy skills using their strengths and talents. (Closer to competition we will meet on Tuesdays as well). Students will participate in regional competitions during the school year. Contact: Beth True, 720-886-7642 MATH LEAGUE (6th GRADE): Meets in E203, Mondays, 3:00-3:50 pm. Students will solve challenging problems and participate in monthly district competitions. Contact: Ms. Rachel Ritter, 720-8867633. SOAR (WEB): SOAR is an orientation program for 8th grade student leaders to help incoming 6th grade students adjust to Falcon Creek Middle School. SOAR members sponsor activities for 6th graders during the year, as well as assist at Back-toSchool Night, ELA Night, check-in and MATH LEAGUE (GRADES 7 & 8): other school events. Meets in Room E132, Mondays, 3:00 Contact: Mr. Corbin Woodward, 720-3:50 pm. Students will participate in 886-7722 individual and team competitions while solving math problems in the SPELLING BEE: Meets in Room DRAMA CLUB: Meets in Room A288, Cherry Creek School District math W220, Wednesdays from 7:00-7:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00-3:50 proficiency areas. Intra-district meets am. Students will study and practice pm. Students will be working on occur once or twice a month. spelling words for district and state technical aspects of a production Contact: Ms. Galen Collins, 720- 886 competition. company in preparation for a play. -7653 Contact: TBA Contact: Mr. Matt Vigil, 720-8867657 NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY: STUDENT COUNCIL: Student Council Meets in Room E209, second and sponsors school dances, spirit days, fourth Wednesday of each month JAZZ BAND: Meets in Room A282 fundraisers, carnation sales, the from 7:10-7:40 am. Members dis(Instrumental Music Room) every school store, and performs communicuss and participate in activities reMonday from 3:00-3:50 pm. Jazz ty service. Open to all students. Band is a musical group for advanced lated to citizenship, leadership, schol- Meets in room E217. arship, and character. players. The band plays various Contact: Ms. Galen Collins 720-886Contact: Ms. Pauline Matson, 720styles of big band Jazz, including 7653 886-7647 Swing, Rock, and Latin. Contact: Mr. Royce Ehrle, 720-886YEARBOOK: Yearbook staff creates 7709 SCIENCE CLUB: Meets in Room the Falcon Creek Yearbook, by writing E204, Tuesdays, 3:00-3:50 pm. Stu- about and photographing the year’s dents will use the scientific method to school activities. MATH COUNTS: Meets in Room E217, Mondays, 3:00-3:50. Students create and perform their own experi- Contact: Mrs. Lara Long, 720-886ments as well as conduct group inparticipate in a National Middle 7820 vestigations into science topics of School Mathematics contest. Contact: Ms. Galen Collins, 720-886- their choice. Contact: Ms. Leslie Myer, 720-8867653 7644 Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 17 Falcon Creek Voice Mail Extensions To leave a voice mail message please dial: 720-88X-XXXX TEACHERS 67651 Adamiak, Erica, SAS, C103 67662 Alavi, Afarin, Autism TA 67678 Altman, Diane, Reading, W219 67758 Arbuthnot, Peggy, SS, M3R2 67671 Black, Sena, L.A., W205 67752 Burdine, Maria,ELA, C214 67753 Chambers, Tracy, O.T. 67673 Charleston, Laurie, Sci, W212 67703 Cleaver, John, PE, A221 67653 Collins, Galen, Math, E217 67660 Cox, Louis, ILC TA 67706 Croft, Nancy, PE, A220 67732 Cummings, Julie, Tech., C211 67652 Danneberg, Julie, Read., E216 67635 Daugherty, Danielle, Read, E115 67640 Davidson, Katie, Math, E132 67632 Dickerson, Pat, Sci., E112 67656 Ehrle, Royce, Inst. Music, A282 67757 Esquibel, Molly, SS, M3R1 67668 Fleckenstein, Estelle, Math, W202 67658 Flicker, Frances, Art, A289 67755 Fregoso, Luz, For. Lang., M2R1 67759 Ganguli, Greg, SS, M4R1 67663 Gardner, Michelle, SAS, W119 67662 Gordon, Becky, Autism, W113 67660 Harris, Linda, SAS TA 67639 Henn, Daniella, Sci., E122 67669 Hernandez, Erin, Reading, W203 67681 Hutchens, Barbara, W231 67787 Jurcisin, Kelly, SAS, W118 67641 Kelleher, Kim, AVID/SAS E201 67680 Kozlowski, Amy, Sci., W221 67643 Lee, Katie, Math, E203 67756 Long, Lara, Tech/Sp, M2R2 67833 Manion-Towner, Mel, Sp/Lang 67660 Martens, Jennifer, ILC TA 67647 Matson, Pauline, LA, E209 67655 May, Lori, Vocal Music, A278 67550 67829 67737 67644 67677 67663 67637 67633 67649 67676 67636 67670 67628 67654 67679 67638 67642 67630 67657 67675 67659 67646 67674 67627 67629 67634 67648 McIntyre, Jamie, SAS, E214 Meyer, Linda, ILC, W112 Mitchell, Ruth, G/T Myer, Leslie, Sci, E204 Oscai, Sara, Math, W218 Reed, Merridy, BD TA Reid, John, Math, E120 Ritter, Rachel, Math, E113 Rosh, Tom, SS, E211 Schmidt, Paige, Writing, W215 Schmitz, Jim, SS, E119 Stamm, Sara, Sci., W204 Summers, Carol, SS, E102 Summers, Catherine, SS, E230 Swisher, Anne, Reading, W220 Taylor, Stacey, Writing, E121 True, Beth, Math, E202 Tusa, Steve, Sci, E104 Vigil, Matthew, Rdg/Drama, A288 Wahlborg, Amanda, Writing, W214 Wahlborg, Kirk, A. Tech., W103 Wiley, Shannon, Sci., E208 Wilkins, Shari, SAS, W213 Winslow, Kim, LA, E101 Woods, Laura, Writing, E103 Zitek, Megan, Reading, E114 Zucker, Patrick, SS, W210 ADMINISTRATION 67711 Dr. John G. Kennedy, Principal 67710 Lisa Ruiz, A.P. 67712 Dr. Robyn Duran, A.P. 67714 Sara Ramirez, Office Manager 67745 Terry Doyle, Admin. Secretary ATTENDANCE 67717 Pat Felker COUNSELORS 67725 Sharon Schmidt, COSA 67722 Corbin Woodward 67723 Stephany Garbett 67720 Tami Gastineau, Admin./ Counseling/SpEd Secretary DEANS 67742 Russ Marron, Dean 67743 Brett Castillo, Dean 67740 Lori Greenan, Secretary CAFETERIA 67726 Susan Collins, Manager CLINIC 67766 Glenda Kauffman, R.N. 67766 Suzette Randolph, Assistant LIBRARY 67731 Jill Wood, Media Specialist MENTAL HEALTH TEAM 67724 Kathryn Jens, Ph.D., Psychologist 67741 Harun Hazim, MSW REGISTRAR 67813 Wendi Hodack SECURITY 67702 Jerry Jones, Lead Security 67702 Chuck Guidice 67702 Leslie Donnelly 67740 SRO, Arapahoe County Honor a Teacher or Staff Member with a FOUNDATION DONATION . . . At this special time of year, consider honoring a teacher or staff member with a gift to the Cherry Creek Schools Foundation. This is a great way to support the district and recognize the extra efforts of a great teacher or staff member. A special card will be sent to the honoree acknowledging your donation in their honor. (Please print) Teacher/Staff Member: School: Gift From: Your Address: Phone #: Mail with your check made payable to: Cherry Creek Schools Foundation, 4700 S. Yosemite, Suite 130, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (720)554-4429 Page 18 Falcon Creek Flyer Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 19 FMS SUMMER MATH BOOTCAMP Registration form: Student Name: Current Grade: Address: Parent Name: Contact #: Please indicate the math class you are signing up for (circle one): 1. Computation Calisthenics 2. Proportional Push-Ups 3. Algebraic Aerobics Important information: Please attach your check for $175.00, made payable to FALCON CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL and mail the application and check to Ms. Brett Castillo, Summer School Administrator, Falcon Creek Middle School, 6100 S. Genoa Street, Aurora, CO 80016. If you have any questions call Ms. Brett Castillo, at 720-886-7743. Page 20 Falcon Creek Flyer QUARTER 3 HONOR ROLL . . . 6th Grade Honorable Mention Kinanah Alquatli Jace Baldwin Alexander Bork Kane Bruce Joshua Caleb Dayanna Caloca Kamrin Cohen Drawe Sarah Costello Murray Mikaela Dailey Hanna Dotson Caroline Edge Erick Estudillo Lavalle Elizabeth Forberg Noah Fry Clarissa Garza Brooklyn Goodwin Adam Graves Alexander Hammock Sydney Herman Tate Holleran Elias Holzheimer Destiny Humphrey Benjamin Humphries Alexandra Ioannides Paul Kim Reece Kim Luka Labudovic Jackson Liming Fiona Maualaivao Tayler McGuire Ravyn Mendoza Schneider Dyelle Montgomery William Myers Rediate Negash David Nguyen Ivy Nickles Jack Nystrom Caitlin O'Donnell Wyatt Pierce Izabel Poirier Sadie Porter Zoe Preskorn Erik Robinson William Schneider Sahil Shah Caitlin Smith Tanner Smith Tyler Spears Sumanth Talanki Kyle Tatlock Leland Taylor Sydney Taylor Darya Tehrani Anders Thompson Faith Tisby Kristofer Vitry Noah Vogel Rachel Wachter Alexander Watters Kyle Webber Sarah Yohannes Matthew Laforte Anders Lamphere Soultana Liberatore Kierston Margetts Regan Zain Mian Grant Miller Juliana Moore Reychel Morris Olivia Neddermeyer Hayden Nickles Ryan Norrie Seth Ocampo Christina Pham Diana Pham Kitana Piansiaksone Melissa Rinaldo Megan Roe Juan Ruiz Peyton Rutkowski John Salame Carly Schwulst Kyle Schwulst 6th Grade Emily Shonka Honor Roll Alan Abila Kyle Smith Taylor Allison Samantha Stewart Lucas Ansel Jacob Supercynski Adam Axinn Luke Terwilliger Lafla Annika Bhandari Noah Tewahade Katelyn Bieker Kyle Towstik Hannah Brooks Kim Tran Graycee Carlton Darius Tucker In Ji Chung Tamatane Tuitele Madison Depakakibo Brynn Tully Samantha Dilenschneider Angelica Vance Preston Ederhoff Jackson Vann Amos Ejuwa Clayton Wamser Brenne Etzel Jaazaniah Weber Cristian Gomez William Wikowsky Hazel Gonzalez Garay Chaitanya Yammanur Anthony Gray Carter Harrington 6th Grade Alexander Herbert Principal Honor Roll Ryan Hostetter Ramshankar Reid Houck Balasubramaniyan Linda Huang Charisma Bartlett Nariah Ioane Victoria Beaver Nicholas Johnstone Natalie Beckman Alicia Jones Marjorie Berman Ava Jones Bre Yanna Broughton Ariel Kennedy Cole Crader Laura Kennedy Emily Crist Jackson Kibbee Jeremiah Davidson Malia Kim Bethel Gashaw Ye Chan Kim Tess Inhelder Carol Johnson Jordan Knapke Kathryn Laforte Skylar Le Kaileen Lempp Alexisa Markwirth Dominic Mata Megan Matthews Namita Pasupuleti Daniel Pritchard Morgan Quimby Beau Ranieri Caroline Robbins Morgan Rutkowski Caecilia Sarnowski Jordan Smaha Orlie Suverza Baek Morgan Szarka Justin Thomas Michele Webster Niah Wilson Payton Wolf Katherine Wright Josephine Lubbers Kohltin Lund Patrick Malm Cambrianna Miller Evan Miller Julie Monington Tu Khuyen Nguyen Elyssa Perez Byron Pritchard Emma Rarden Brooke Robertson Naomi Ross Connor Saari Jada Sachetti Lauren Sanchez Victoria Savage Brandon Stein Cierra Vigil Kammara Williams Linda Yang 7th Grade Honor Roll 7th Grade Honorable Mention Justin Adams Malek Alquatli Emily Baker Patrick Carney Litos Castro Richard Charles JR Madeline Dawes Rachel Fogleman Sarah Fradkin Matthew Francois Nathaniel Franklin Tiffany Fuller Raegan Haefele Julia Han Joan Herting Kaley Ireland Crystal Jackson Braedon James Jennica Johnson Jacob Kahn Carly Kissel Hannah Klopfer Arabella Lazzara Gavin Livingston Ethan Andrew Miquela Black Brasharra Broughton Kennede Brown Noah Brown Stacy Burger Rebecca Carroll Erin Cieraszynski Kayleigh Cornell Alana Davis Christina Eidt Jack Eldred Breanne Estrada Ryan Feller Stormi Garcia Umar Haroon Breeahna Hayes Jack Hellier Dereck Helms Ryan Herringshaw Abigail Inzana Bridget Jensen Julia Johnson Sylvia Johnson Tristan Kim Girija Kulkarni Immanuel Kyun Gunnar Lamphere Shelby Lee Jacqueline Leindecker Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 21 QUARTER 3 HONOR ROLL (continued). . . Alicia Mach Kelsey Masters Trevor Maus Max Mccoy Savannah Morris Gabrielle Nguyen Thuy Nguyen Tyler Nguyen Nicholas Nitzsche Calvin Reid Savannah Reyes William Ritter Shelby Seeley Kyler Sengsavath Kaleigh Southern Ryan Stabler Alaura Stepina Jin Ah Sung Anastasiya Velychko Charlotte Visser Miracle Williams Susan Wilson Annabel Winningham Shannelle Yick Layba Zahid Adam Pack Ryan Pratt Kailey Rabel April Roe Courtney Schmidt Sara Spacek Andrew Starr Daniel Tingley Sophia Ulmer Alexandra Velazquez Alexa Werking Sarah Woronoff 8th Grade Honorable Mention Gabriela Abramovich Colin Armstrong Nicholas Barsody Daniel Brown JR Alyssa Browning Mersadeze Bulow Christopher Burris Jaylin Caleb Christopher Carney Devon Cemer Judith Chartrand Lauren Chau Ryland Clay 7th Grade Alex Conroy Principal Honor Roll Bailey Cook Isabelle Aboaf Riley Crum Hunter Allen Paige Cummings Eloisa Altamira Justin Davis Madeline Amonick Samantha Eisenbarth Amanda Anderson Jenna Gasbarro Chaney Brugman Marie Gonzalez Alexander Deyanov Garrett Goulding Alexander Do Kaylynn Hay Justin Figueredo Riley Herndon Tyson Hays Tara Huffman Austin Kim Varun Iyer So Yeon Kim Antonia Johnstone Jacob Kramm Taliesun Landrey Jacob Lambdin Morgan Matthews Alexandra Lee Kaleb McCombs Colette Martinez Joshua Melton Jay Matheson Mallory Michaud Jason Matney Danielle Molnar Samuel Mauck Nicholas Morris Garrett Maus Emma Mortimer Micah Mindoro Teya Pomeranz Bryanna Oakley Megan Rafferty Curtis Robbins Hannah Sarnowski Logan Setser Mackenzie Stevens Cole Teuber Katie Underwood Taylor Walker Gabriel West Kenneth Wilson III Kelin Yost Lucy Zhao 8th Grade Honor Roll Aaron Allred Alyssa Aragon Katelyn Bacheller Mackenzie Blitstein Rosemary Callahan Madison Carlin Keaton Carney Amelia Chouinard Lily Coleman Lacee Collier James Cousin III Cade Crader Jacob Croft Sarina Davis Olivia De Paz Julianna DeCocco Jake Dosen Timothy Fromme Chase Hills Cammi Huffman Omar Jeelani Taylor Kilbourn Matthew Knaster Thomas Knowlton Courtney Kramer Matthew Krause Michelle Krumer Suzi Kwon Susan Lee Hannah Lewis Kayla Lewis Madison Marshall Whitney Marshall Alexandra Mata Samuel Matlin William Mickles Luke Monington Elizabeth Mulligan Trent Novak Allison Nowak Krishna Oung Jengmalena Piansiaksone Tyler Poon Nolan Porter Delaney Ragan Ashley Reynolds Ryan Riebe Jose Rios Ochoa Shelby Ritchlin Justin Roach Alexis Robbins Hannah Rockwell Terrell Russell Ari Simon Cory Smith Joshua So Bruno Suverza Angela Tatulyan Kaitlyn Taylor Hannah Tekansik Taylor Timm Mikaela Vernikoff Gregory Vitkun Rachael Wamser Ryan Wetherbie Allison Willey Marissa Wong Victoria Woolums Alexandra Wright Sean Yoo 8th Grade Principal Honor Roll Durganili Balasubramaniyan Rebecca Baravik Estefania Beltran Del Rio Mariah Bengtson Brady Bronstine Jane Brusilovsky Kristin Carter Dana Chernysheva Joshua Choe Taylor Crist Abigail Duginski Elizabeth Dupont Benjamin Genovese Jacob Hays Sarah Humphries Taylor Jamali Melanie Jenkins Jack Jordan Maggie Kaiser Kaitlyn Kane Anna Kennedy Sue Kim Emily Marshall Ashleigh Maus Nathan Newberry Tyler Nguyen Aneesha Panda Jessica Phillips Leslie Quezada Ethan Richardson Racheal Rupprecht Krista Schaff Matthew Sciba Loghan Thomas Morgan Thrush Emily Wong April Wood Mia Wood Page 22 Falcon Creek Flyer Coming this summer TRANSITION SESSION for INCOMING 6th GRADE STUDENTS Sign up early Falcon Creek is pleased to announce that we will offer a special three-day ―Transition Session‖ to assist your student in feeling comfortable upon entering middle school. The fee for the Transition Session is $55.00 per student. This class, designed to assist in the transition of students from elementary to middle school, will address the following topics: Behavioral Expectations Confidence Group Cooperation Listening Skills Organization Responsibility Socialization Homework Locker Usage School Pride / Participation DATES: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, July 31—August 2, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm Bring a sack lunch each day. LOCATION: Falcon Creek Middle School 6100 South Genoa Street Aurora, Colorado 80016 On Tuesday, July 31, your students meet our staff at 11:30 am in the gym. REGISTRATION: To register your student, please complete the registration form and attach a check payable to Falcon Creek Middle School in the amount of $55.00. Mail the registration form and check to: Falcon Creek Middle School 6100 South Genoa Street Aurora, Colorado 80016 Attn: Amy Kozlowski *** REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2012 *** MATERIALS: Students need to bring the following items with them each day: Brown Bag Lunch Spiral Notebook (1) Coloring Materials Pen Folder (1) TRANSPORTATION: Transportation to and from school is the responsibility of each family. District transportation will not be provided. ATTENDANCE: For safety purposes, we will follow normal school procedures for attendance. Once your child is registered, we will expect him/her at school every day unless special arrangements have been made in advance. If an emergency or illness occurs, we request that you call Falcon Creek at 720-886-7700, and let us know. If your student is not in attendance, and we have not received notification from you concerning an absence, you will be contacted. This ―jump-start‖ opportunity will help students in their transition to middle school. We look forward to meeting your student in the Falcon Creek gymnasium on Tuesday, July 31, at 11:30 am. Please contact Amy Kozlowski, Transition Class Coordinator, at 720-886-7680, if you need further information. Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 23 "6th Grade TRANSITION SESSION " Registration Form FALCON CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL July 31—August 2, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm Deadline For Registration: June 1, 2012 (Please Print) Student's Name _______________________________________________________ Last Address First _______________________________________________________ Street Address _______________________________________________________ City State Zip Home Phone _______________________________________________________ Mother's Name _______________________________________________________ Last Father's Name First _______________________________________________________ Last First Work Phone (Mother)_____________________________________________________ Work Phone (Father)_____________________________________________________ Elementary School_______________________________________________________ 5th Grade Teacher_______________________________________________________ In Case of Emergency, please notify_________________________________________ (Name and Relationship) Phone ________________________________________________________ **I give permission for my child to attend the Transition Session at Falcon Creek Middle School, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, July 31—August 2, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm daily. Parent signature__________________________________________ Date____________ **Please attach your check for $55.00 made payable to FALCON CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL and mail the application and check to Falcon Creek Middle School, 6100 S. Genoa Street, Aurora, CO 80016, Attn: Amy Kozlowski. If financial assistance is needed, please contact Amy Kozlowski at 720-886-7680. Page 24 Falcon Creek Flyer Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 25 Current fifth-grade feeder students are cordially invited to attend: What is WEB/SOAR? It is an EXCITING sixth-grade orientation program designed to Welcome EveryBody to Falcon Creek where we value Success, Opportunity, Achievement and Respect When is WEB/SOAR Orientation? Friday, August 17, from 7:45 am – 12:00 pm Where is WEB/SOAR Orientation? at Falcon Creek Middle School Meet in the Main Gymnasium 6100 S. Genoa St. Aurora, CO 80016 ** transportation WILL BE provided ** Students should be at their bus stop at their normal pick-up time. Your bus Information will be mailed out by the Transportation Department. What will we do at WEB/SOAR Orientation? The purpose of this half-day retreat is to make the transition from elementary school to middle school a positive one. We will walk through the school day and transition from class to class. Eighth-grade students will serve as leaders and mentors to the sixth-grade students. Large- and small-group activities are designed to address students’ needs and concerns and review COLE and PowerSchool in an enjoyable manner. What do I wear to WEB/SOAR Orientation? Please wear comfortable clothes that allow for easy sitting, standing, and movement. What do I need to bring to WEB/SOAR Orientation? Just you!!! You do not need to bring paper or pencil. All supplies needed for activities will be provided. We look forward to meeting you. Hope you can make it! Page 26 Falcon Creek Flyer The Long-Range Facility Planning Committee unanimously recommended that the Cherry Creek School District Board of Education call for a bond issue for renovation, new technology, and security; Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) focused facilities; and building additions, across the district at the board’s regular meeting March 12, 2012. The $125 million bond issue would be used, in part, to fund expansions at Cherokee Trail and Grandview high schools where enrollment already exceeds capacity. Thirty-seven million dollars also would be used for renovations and upgrades to security cameras, electrical, fire protection, HVAC and plumbing at all schools. “These maintenance projects are just like the ones people do to keep up their homes,” Assistant Superintendent of Educational Support Services Scott Siegfried said. “They will help ensure that schools remain safe places for students to learn.” The LRFPC is a citizens advisory group, established by the Cherry Creek Schools Board of Education more than 30 years ago. It is made up of district residents and employees who advise the board on facility utilization including construction, renovation, boundary and calendar issues. The committee is responsible for making sure new schools are built just when they’re needed to handle student growth, and ensuring that existing schools are maintained and improved to protect the taxpayer's investment. Five high schools – Cherry Creek, Cherokee Trail, Eaglecrest, Grandview and Smoky Hill – will receive funds for classroom and equipment renovations for STEM programming. Overland High School received funds for a STEM focused addition from the 2008 bond issue. “At least 90% of all jobs in the future will require technical education,” Siegfried said. “We need 21st Century classrooms to support 21st Century learning.” The committee recommended the expansions at the highs schools rather than building a new high school, which would have cost $125 million, the same amount as all of the other bond projects combined. The district recently refinanced some of its existing bond debt for a savings to taxpayers of $4 million. Cherry Creek has an extremely strong credit, as evidenced by the Aa1/AA ratings assigned by Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s, respectively. The bond issue would not result in a property tax increase, Chief Financial Officer Guy Bellville said. The Board of Education will consider the recommendation and decide whether to call for a November election at its April 16, 2012 meeting. View the entire recommendation on the Cherry Creek Schools website at Volume 12, Issue 6 Page 27 PARENT INFORMATION NETWORK (PIN) . . . Join the Cherry Creek School District community for monthly meetings that will: Empower and inspire parents to raise healthy, successful children Provide superb and professional speakers on a variety of topics related to children and teens Facilitate discussion and give parents positive tools to take a pro-active approach to parenting Relay key information on Cherry Creek School District and community issues to bring back to your school Who: P.I.N. Reps, parents and community members from each elementary, middle, and high school in Cherry Creek School District. Anyone is welcome! When: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. (come at 8:45 for coffee and to meet other parents, school district staff, and community members) Where: SARC – Student Achievement Resource Center, 14188 E. Briarwood Ave., south of Arapahoe Rd & Jordan Rd. For questions or information, call Vickie Sulmeisters, PIN Chair: 303-913-1512; or Janice McNally, Cherry Creek Schools Prevention Coordinator, Building Assets/Building Partnerships: 720-554-4247; or go to: or email [email protected] Annual PIN Brunch May 1 PARENT COFFEE . . . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, DISMISSAL TIMES Parents and community members are invited for coffee with the Principal on Friday, May 18, 2012, at 9:30am-10:30am, in the Library Conference Room. During our time together, we will discuss Falcon Creek, and you will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide input. We hope to see you there! Elementary Schools: 12:00 am Middle Schools: 11:00 am Bus Service will be provided. Breakfast will be served, but lunch will not be available. REPORT CARDS . . . Mid-Term Grades can be viewed on PowerSchool. MidTerm is May 4th. 4th Quarter Report Cards will be mailed home the week of June 11. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #157 Aurora, CO 6100 S. Genoa Street Aurora, CO 80016 Phone: 720-886-7700 Fax: 720-886-7788 Web: 24 Hour Attendance Line - 720-886-7717 CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . April 30 May 1 May 4 May 4 May 5 May 7 May 7-11 May 11 May 8 May 9 May 9 May 10 May 14 May 16 May 17 May 17 May 18 May 18 May 18 May 18 May 21 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 25 May 28 May 29-31 May 31 May 31 June 1 June 1 June 1 June 4 June 5 June 5 June 6 June 11 June 15 June 18 June 18-July 26 See page 9 2013 Washington, D.C. trip meeting Annual PIN Brunch No School—Conferences Mid-term grades can be viewed on PowerSchool National Junior Honor Society—Garage Sale LUNCH LOANS END National Teacher Appreciation Week National School Nurse Day Diversity Symposium District Accountability Committee Band I and Jazz Band Concert PTO Meeting CCSD Board Meeting Spring Concert—All choirs FCMS Accountability Meeting Orchestra Concert Parent Coffee Performing Arts Consultants Vocal Competition—Falconaires FMS Summer Math Bootcamp Registration deadline All Library books are due/Library closes AVID Celebration Band II, III Concert Textbook Check-in Day Last day of Extended Learning Grandview High School Graduation No School—Memorial Day Finals 8th Grade Awards Ceremony with Jazz Band and Falconaires performing Golden Hearts Award Dinner Finals Make-Up Day/All fines are due 8th-Grade Dance (Semi-Formal) Transition Session Registration Deadline Yearbook Distribution for 8th grade Yearbook Distribution for 6th & 7th Grade 8th Grade Trip to Elitch Gardens/Six Flags Last Day of School—Early dismissal time is 11:00 Quarter 4 Report Cards mailed this week GHS ―Freshman Connection‖ Registration Deadline School Board Meeting FMS Summer Math Bootcamp For Volleyball schedules see page 7 8:45 am—11:00 am Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church 8:00 am—2:00 pm FMS Gym 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 am FMS Library S.A.R.C. FMS Cafetorium FMS Library The Challenge School FMS Cafetorium FMS Library Conf. Room FMS Cafetorium FMS Library Conf. Room Elitch Gardens 6:30 pm 7:00 pm FMS Cafetorium GHS Auditorium 12:00 pm Ritchie Center 6:30 pm GHS Auditorium 6:30-8:30 pm FMS Cafetorium Returns to FCMS by 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Liberty Middle School