Initiating the Alchemy of Souls


Initiating the Alchemy of Souls
Humanity Healing Starseed Activation Program
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Initiating the Alchemy of Souls
You are an Alchemist; make gold of that.
~ William Shakespere
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Humanity Healing Starseed Activation Program
The information in this document is copyrighted by the Humanity Healing Network and may not be copied,
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Attunements and DNA Reprogramming............................................................................ 3
Awakening of Human Angels and Starseeds. ............................................................................. 3
Activating the Holy Grails ................................................................................................................ 3
Human Angels Awaken .................................................................................................................... 4
Expansion of the Higher Heart .................................................................................................. 5
Activation of the Psychic Glands Function or Light Body Development and DNA ........................ 7
Starseed Souls as Multi-Dimensional beings ............................................................................. 9
RESTORING THE Hara Line .............................................................................................. 10
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Attunements and DNA Reprogramming
An old rabbinical legend, in describing the banishment of Adam from Eden, states that the angel at
the gate instructed Adam in Kabbalah and Alchemy before he departed, and told him that when
mankind had perfected these arts, he would be allowed to return to the Garden.
Awakening of Human Angels and Starseeds.
“Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the Soul.”
~Saint Augustine
The activation of the Starseeds is designed to prepare those special Souls to receive the permanent
ever-expanding energy of creation in their physical bodies and, as being receptacles, or chalices, of this
love, enable them to expand and irradiate this love further out in time and space.
Activating the Holy Grails
The real function of the awakening of the Soul Purpose in the Starseeded Souls is to bring
consciousness into the vast possibilities of Human existence and the potential not yet brought into
manifestation on this plane of existence of a Cosmic ancient wisdom and knowledge. This progression is
made possible through the internal process of purification and through a truthful personal vow of
selfless service.
All the Souls that have been taking upon themselves a human existence naturally came to learn
some specific lessons delivered exclusively to the Human race: the wisdom of compassion, the
gathering of the understanding of diversity and its living aspects, the action and perception of free will
and how it is related into all the human relations and interactions within different environments. If we
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are to be co-creators of new Realities, we need to realize the potentiality and the weight of concepts
such as Integrity and Responsibility in our daily lives.
Through the process of activation, the Starseeded Soul will be able to reflect to the plan below all
the light received from the plan above, recovering the identity and principle that originated the need of
the physical embodiment in the first place. As receptacles of sanctified grace, all of those that received
the call of awakening will invariable experience the energies of creation, redemption and sanctification
through the expansion of their heart centers and upgrade of their Light Bodies.
Human Angels Awaken
During the journey of Awakening, all those who work for the Light are beginning to rise in order to
support Mother Earth in this massive transition. The purpose of the angels' awakening is to enact the
activation of their heart centers in order to keep the Higher Self connected and fully sentient with All
That Is.
Angelic Humans are developing all their spiritual gifts to assist all beings to ascend. To support this
process, Human Angels are constantly reprocessing a large amount of information while also
assimilating new structures, conciliating different frequencies and vibrations, so that they may later
translate all they have acquired into action, information and reality. Therefore these are the beings who
are the facilitators of the aperture of spiritual portals and vortexes as well as working with future earth
attunements, refining the fields of perception, and opening the possibilities of manifestation of new
The energetic bodies of Angelic Humans are enduring and undergoing great transformations
through the upgrades necessary to the structure of their original DNA. This is accomplished through the
intensification of the vibration of the High Heart or the Eighth Chakra in conjunction with all other major
spiritual chakras. All chakras are vitally important to achieve the connection and interpretation of all
energies from the Universal Source. The balance and expansion of those centers , or chakras, provides
these Human Angels with unprecedented opportunities to interpret the Akashic Records, access our
Universal truths, and advance dream recollection abilities, including multi-dimensional traveling, in
order to serve their position wholly.
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Workers of the Light and Starseeded Souls are constantly enduring new waves of attunement and
activations. The new frequencies received are literally geometrically rearranging the fabric of their Light
Body thus awakening new gifts within them as well as enabling immeasurable potential.
All the new experiences spoken of are allowing all of these Human Angels to acquire the acceptance
of reality which exists beyond the threads of the time/space continuum. The ultimate reality is that they
are part of an immense community of beings engulfed in multitude of frequencies, timelines and
dimensions; all of which are a critical part of a limitless Universe.
Expansion of the Higher Heart
The metaphorical term 'expansion of the innermost heart' points to its expansion with the Divine
Light and bestowing upon it stillness and tranquility.
As a general rule, the Starseeds are not here to create new worlds, since this is a function of the
Logos, but yes, they are to bring about new perspectives, new teachings and renew of spiritual values;
making viable and understandable an immense scope of challenges the human race is bound to transit
as a group.
One interesting aspect is the their spectral influence will not only be felt on their immediate
environment, but their sway is able to reach many Souls and they are known to create a realm of
influence that can cast long lasting effects over time - even for many centuries.
The Starseeds are responsible at this time to give new shape to old concepts that no longer serve
Humanity in this stage of transition, to give new emphasis to values, morals and priorities. They give
new meaning to the Eternal and only truth, and the Ultimate reality of all beings.
Their vital mission is the expression of love, and their care for Humanity enables them to exercise
this feeling to extremes and the understanding of selfless service permeates all their actions and
ideology. For that matter, the work on expanding the inner heart also symbolizes special
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“My tomb is broken and I rise up
Because my moon is ascending.
I see everything in my heart,
and my heart begins to speak to You
Because now my heart is Your house.”
- From the teachings of Sidi al-Jamal
In First Station of Heart
Through this living experience, the Starseeded Soul are able again to regain the spiritual happiness
which from where they were conceived, igniting their share of cosmic love as a creative energy directed
to the world.
The initiations for all the Starseeds start where the finding and adjustments of a perfect form “to
express” the ultimate truth as a comprehensive teaching to many different individuals in different levels
of perception of reality.
The activation is nonetheless a rite of passage, where the Soul leaves a stage of isolation and
solitude, and recovers the memory of its own spiritual strength and receives the defined call from above
to start sharing its light though manifestation of actions and influence on diverse levels.
The initiated formula here is a method of spiritual improvement which prepares the Soul to be a
receptacle of Pure Divine love and consequently to develop this Chalice to be a perfect reflection of this
Creative energy in the Worlds of manifestation. Once in this world, the Starseeded Soul can restore the
aspects of the Divine Trinity: Mother/Father/Son (or Christ Consciousness). This spiritual awakening is,
after all, what the activating experience is all about. We are told in any ritual, ask and it shall be given,
seek and you will find, knock, and the door will be opened to you. For the procedure of those rites,
again the preset of intentions is vital.
The activation of the Human Angels compares to the ceremonial ritual of baptism of Intention
(baptismus flaminis1 ). This sacred ritual requires the opening of your Higher Heart, the restructuring or
The Latin word flamen is used because Flamen is a name for the Holy Spirit.
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settlement of previous Soul Contracts, the clearing of foreign vibrations, and release of Karmic bonds.
This ritual intends to move you to a multidimensional vibration and keep you on it.
At this time, the frequency of the expression of this manifested love transforms itself from the
sacrificial love from the older concept of redemption to a “sacrificial”2 love with the purpose of
ascension. This materializing itself through all the language of all the higher vibrational worlds and
through all the works of the Light Beings working as a community of Souls on Mother Earth right now.
Activation of the Psychic Glands Function or Light Body Development and DNA
Each plane of existence has a body that is connected to it. One of the keys to accelerating evolution
is to anchor, activate and actualize these bodies into your existing four-body system. One way to
effectively connect all those bodies is the development of your Light Body through the recoding of your
own spiritual DNA.
Light Body or Spiritual DNA is the blueprint for your life purpose and Divine potentialities, or your
Divine blueprint of humanity: the ultimate expression of us as individuals. It is ultimately the way to
reach ascension. Ascension is not only ascending to live the Higher Self, but also ultimately returning to
God (ALL THAT IS) and bliss.
Our spiritual DNA is an image of the structural physical DNA and it looks like energetic spiral beads
with particular patterns.
The process of activation and development of the Light Body is exclusively a quantum energetic
experience and involves the transmutation of the Human 2- strand DNA helix (know as Backbone DNA)
to a 12-strand Helix Human with Light Body.
Our current 2-strand DNA cannot handle the multi-dimensional energy of experience and
information simultaneously as well as the full understanding of super-consciousness.
Sacrificial love should be understood as the selfless intent that ultimately provoked the physical embodiment
of the Starseeded Souls.
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The secret of this activation, or upgrade, is the understanding of some of the functions and
relationship of certain glands and the production of special hormones.
The Thymus Gland is located is located on your upper chest just below the throat. It sits on the
Eight Chakra, known as the Seat of the Soul, or your Higher Heart center. Its function is to produce
strong hormones that stimulate the improvement of your immune system, therefore allowing you to
have a stronger mental and physical body. When the Eighth Chakra opens up, it ignites the awakening of
some spiritual abilities. How many of these abilities and to what degree will vary. It will depend from
individual to individual. Clairvoyance, out of body travel, advanced dream-recall capabilities; healing
gifts, telepathy, and empathy are all abilities that this center is responsible for activating. Once fully
activated, our physical body will tend to respond to our thoughts in a direct fashion. This is when we will
'think it and be it', and where 'instant karma' is manifested. That is to say, 'what we think is what we
get', whether it is for our highest good or not.
The Hyper Thymus gland is located in the center of your brain and it is responsible for the
connection and interaction of two other glands: the Pineal Gland and the Pituitary Gland. The pituitary
gland is a small gland and it secretes several main hormones into blood stream to carry instruction to
other endocrine glands in order to stimulate them to release their hormones into blood stream.
Theosophy embraces that the pituitary body is the seat of the organ of will; likewise, as an organ
that functions through the sympathetic nervous system upon various levels of the psychic plane, it is
one of the links that connect the intermediate nature of man with both his spiritual mind and his
instinctual or animal mind. The proper activation of these glands and their consequent integration
allows the production of the SOMA ,a Divine hormone that develop the internal power for the
transmutation of the two-strand helix DNA back into a original DNA designed for Humans with 12strands.
The concept of DNA activation is to bring to life ten other strands (5 pairs) to be staked in the top of
the Backbone DNA.
The activation of the Light Body at its completion will allow the Higher Self the possibility to
download and permanently anchor the complete grid DNA /RNA composed of 64 distinct seals inside of
all your chakra grids.
This specific process is done with the close assistance of the Higher Beings and with the blessings
from the Ascended Masters and High Hierarchy. Ultimately, all those activations will make possible for
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the Soul to have permanently anchored the “biostratus”, the super-DNA pattern also known as the
Spiritual Genetic Super-helix DNA, lost by humans when the Fall occurred.
This Pattern can be fully reconstructed because it was preserved in the Divine Matrix as it was part
of the Original design for the Human race evolution and cosmic development.
In the plan of Creation, each race of Being was graced with its own DNA, a unique pattern or
blueprint. Encoded on these Patterns are the destiny and mission of each Being /Soul. They vibrate in
higher frequencies and as the energies of the planet evolve and shift, we are progressively able to reawake these dormant capabilities.
The attunement and recoding of the DNA is a necessary process for the realigning the Soul with
your Soul purpose. Through many lifetimes, Souls can be damaged during their learning processes and
many of those disrupted patterns are then stored through our memory cells. Each and every cell of
your body remembers everything and has intelligence. These cells may have the potential to disarrange
the original DNA 12-strand Super Helix blue print. In order to anchor the remained 10 strands and
awake the dormant potential of our other bodies, including the mental potential translated as the unused potential of the Human brain, it is essential to realigned and rebalance the two original Backbone
DNA strand.
Starseed Souls as Multi-Dimensional beings
Starseeds sometimes present problems when dealing with aspects relative to their personalities.
This is because of the intense energies coming from higher planes and may cause pressure in their
internal plan, mind and psyche, causing radical changes in the individual consciousness. Some of these
blockages are solved when the individual Starseed starts the reconnection with its Divine mission and
can successfully restore the link between the higher realms with those of Human consciousness.
There are an enormous amount of symptoms and challenges that percolate during the development
and awakening of the Starseed Soul.
Many of those challenges should be overcome before any further progress in the activation starts.
We will number some of these as an illustration of mandatory inner work.
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Most Starseeded Souls are highly empathic, therefore suffering from a weak sense of self
and having difficulties in understanding their self-worth. They often take too much
emotional intensity from others.
They generally present problems in overcoming inertia, lethargy and procrastination.
They have difficulties in shifting from EGO identification with personality to their higher
spiritual identity.
They can have profound division from core self, sometimes presenting difficulty in coping
with demands and responsibilities of an adult EGO.
The sometimes have trouble in finding their true vocation, especially after trying many and
feeling continuously dissatisfied.
They have a constant feeling of an intense responsibility, feeling over-extended and
isolated. This creates a continual lack of energy, nervousness, and feeling overwhelmed that
can cause an inability to hold many aspects in simultaneous awareness, difficulties to
staying grounded and emotions that can be easily agitated.
Most of those points of unbalance can be mitigated if not corrected by the consistent cleaning of
subconscious emotions and psychic toxins. These include dependency or addictions and traumatic
experiences driven into the subconscious level. The setting of clear intentions of your heart will set in
motion the release of childhood memories stored in your heart, revitalization of the auric field,
restoration of the balance of Haric Level, shedding of false identities, and releasing harmlessly what is no
longer essential to your life purpose or Destiny.
The next Module in the Star Seed Soul Course will discuss the restoration of the Hara Line in the
The Hara is a core power source that resides outside of the Auric Field of the human body. The Hara
Line itself looks like a vertical laser line running down the center of the body, with three main points of
connection. The first is the Tan Tien3. This is your center of power and intention in the middle of the
The Tan Tien is a power center located approximately two and one half inches below the naval. The Tan Tien
is used in the martial arts for mental focus and to draw personal power from. It is also known as the “Core Star
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belly. The Tan Tien is then connected upwards towards the Soul Seat, sitting under the throat and
above the heart. The Soul Seat is also referred to as the "high heart”, or the Eight Chakra. The Eighth
Chakra is then connected up to your "ID point", or Individuation Point. This is located at the back of the
head at the base of the skull at the medulla oblongata and is referred to as the Zeal Point Chakra. This is
your connection to “ALL THAT IS”, the Divine Energy of the Universe. The Hara Line is comprised of a
double flow of energy, which moves up and down the body centers both in front and in back of the
This is the first step towards the Awakening of your Starseed Connection.
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