Nai8swortA - Nailsworth News
Nai8swortA - Nailsworth News
Nai8swortA NSW S Issue 8 February 2001 1906, Jovial Foresters (left), The Star Pub (right, now private), corner of Northfield Road & Star Hill. (photo: thanks to Nailsworth Archives). Message from David Drew M.P. I would like to thank the many people who have taken the trouble to write supporting Forest Green Rovers. I've had well over 500 letters, slips and phone calls and not one against Rovers. We have got to look at finding a solution which would allow Stroud college to look for more ap propriate premises but which would enable Rovers to stay in Forest Green. Maybe one of the ways could be to find another interested party who could help fund the site if the eventual valuation is be yond Rover's means. I will be working with all in terested parties to secure this. David Drew MP. Rovers' plans if they can stay A free monthly conununity paper for Nailsworth & surrounding areas "Most important issue for many years" - town mayor John Nicholson. It is proving really hard to get across how much the Highwood campus sale for housing would affect us all, not just football supporters or Forest Green where the majority of Nailsworth people live! This month your community paper tries to spell out what is at stake. The college has appealed against District Planners' decision to reject housing on 'loss of community amenity' grounds. Overwhelmingly, residents, councillors and traders (even our estate agents) want Rovers to buy the site so they can stay and are concerned by the impact of more housing. An action group was set up which asked to meet college governors. There was useful dialogue with the two governors who came - Acting Principal Mr. H. Pollock and Mr. S. Lacey. Town mayor John Nicholson was invited to the governors' next meeting. We recognise the college has serious needs and a require Plans include a restaurant, a public lounge bar, ment to get 'best value' from the sale. However, if the college event facilities & improved fitness suite. One floor wins the appeal Rovers cannot match the increased valuation. would be for community use, including an offer to We would just like the college to take into account the serious the college to run courses. They would add a stand impact on the community and to work with representatives of for 2000 plus parking for 500 cars. Parking is only the community to get 'best value' for both. The appeal may a problem at home games, about 22 days a year. take a while and if they win the college intend to go to 'open "W" to Close for Four Months! - from 12th Feb to 12th June for gas mains work. Recollections of Nailsworth What's in this town to make me love it so? Though streets and buildings commonplace may be, Though little of distinction it can show, Yet every street is beautiful to me. Associations all around them cling, And memories I cherish ever more, Doth with rich beauty brighten everything, And make the town a place that I adore. There is that spot that's called Britannia Square, It had two pubs with just a road between, What round-abouts and shows have I seen there! Performing fleas and mice here I have seen. by Francis Allway 1868 - 1944 tender'. Mr. Pollock agreed to include Rovers in negotiations. In the meantime, publicity to keep community, social & education facilities here rather than housing is crucial, so the action group asks for your further support. (See handouts in shops around town). There's been some TV, radio and local press publicity but more is needed. (Especially in the Stroud News & Journal). The action group needs journalist help and ideas for funding solutions. Please be informed and support your community. Next meeting 8 Feb 8pm FGR Social Club. THEBODY WORKSHOP BEGINNERS & OvER 50's FITNEsS CLASSES TuesdaYs and FridaYs 1.30-2.30 11 .00-12.00 xati9r.t M s sa ge .Spo"rts- Mafsage" .Jndian Head Massage. . . !InjuryTreatif.ient utritif;'1S ' • i '. Nale8tA10rtA 3roH-,oHifllJr8 NOW IN 29 Varieties of Loose Seed Potatoes, . Onion Sets, Shallots, Peas, Beans & Garhc , • Slimming Clab LoC;; w lglit. c;;liap ap, lia:yQ fan • . • • ' . . . , . Personal Fltness:1fi"ammg : , Refleiology · McTimoney Chiropractic . I 7 Fountain street. Nailsworth (01453) 884960 I N OWS ;H 8';01 Property Rental and Management Road Closures Loom Rockness Main Road- from 19th February to 2nd March, Head Office: 7 Fountain street Nailsworth Glos GL6 OBL for resurfacing. Diversion will be in place. The "W" to Tel 01453 836736 Fax 01453 836737 Box, 12th February to 12th June, official diversion is email: houses the Amberley Road to A46. Mains gas work by Transco. Poem in Tribute to Victor May who sadly died Pensile Road is only open to light traffic due to landslip. in December. Victor was a muc h loved figure Local Bird Haven & Town Cryer from 1977-92 Two local, knowledgeable observers confinn over 40 species spotted last year in the old orchard by the Jo Victor, One Of T he Best By Jean Marguerite Dangerfield vial Foresters car park (see page 4). A fledgling 'Friends of the Orchard' group will be contacting the He was a good town cryer town council to explore working together to Singing out the latest news preserve this rich habitat. Council will have Around the streets and corners emergency coppicing done in the next few With his "Hear Ye, Hear Ye" weeks so invasive trees are kept in check. news. Young People's Drop-In Centre He will always be remembered The young people are keen and have lots of Throughout our little town ideas. Parents have given donations and the first session Announcing public meetings went well. A user/volunteer committee is being fonned In his historic gown. but more help is needed. Please contact 832734. He was a public figure 'In Retrospect - Nailsworth' Always smartly dressed This book is only the second in the series, the first be Yes ... he was our town cryer ing Dursley. Howard Beard would like to thank all the And he'll be sadly missed. people of Nailsworth for their help. It is meant to be an Vie May - Town Cryer 'easy to read social history rather than a scholarly work'. Local stockist 'Not Foxed' reports as many sales as the During Nailsworth's Silver Jubilee celebrations in latest Harry Potter which is saying something! £12.99 1977, a competition was held to select a Town Cryer and Publisher Tempus of Brimscombe. Victor May was duly appointed. He quickly became a Zebra Crossing Old Market Street popular figure at events held in and around Nailsworth in Display his familiar scarlet outfit made from Longfords woollen proposed layout has been extended till 10 Feb , in the library A meeting was called with little publicity & few people attended. Questionnaires can be filled in (in the library) till 16th Feb. 7 parking places could be lost as the road would need widening. Some people have asked cloth. In 1984 he went to the International Town Cryers' contest in Halifax, Nova Scotia and returned with the tro phy for the most convivial cryer. Victor belonged to the International Guild of Town Cryers and for sixteen years he heralded local celebrations for 1 of the 2 post boxes to be moved to the other side of and events and retired in 1992, the town's centenary year. the road. Have your say: Glos. Co. Council Highways Victor's family have given his uniform to the Nailsworth Dept. Shire Hall, Gloucester. archives. He was a wonderful character endearing him self to everyone, and often let children ring his bell! He will be sadly missed in Nailsworth and fondly remem bered by many. Ann Makemson There is a lovely portrait of Victor in the Town Hall. Photo: Thanks to Nailsworth Town Archives A great plac e to work ... ...shops...offices ... factory units...sometimcs available. Nailsworth Mills Estate To register your interest, please c al l 832754. 2 Sf,tSiItDSS NDWS ,-..w B,.si#loss SpotIJifl4t 0#1 ,.... The Old George - plans in hand Lawnside Health & Fitness Suite The wine bar has already closed and a potential de At Forest Green Rovers Football Club veloper is found for the whole site. Old Mother Hub This well equipped fitness suite is used by the bard will remain. Slight frost damage has occurred football team for a few hours a week and open to the but the shell doesn't have to come down due to this. public for the rest. If Rovers could stay the Suite would expand, which would be good news as the Health and Work starts on FG Rovers' New Stand Fitness Suite is there to facilitate and encourage a Work will start in February to meet requirements to healthy lifestyle. increase capacity to 4,000 by May . (Parking is only an It is much cheaper than other, larger facilities and issue about 20 home match days a year and 500 car provides a way of getting fitter regardless of the weather spaces are designed in to the expansion plans). and on the odd occasion you can have the place to your Two Local Eateries win Awards self! Trained staff offer a detailed lifestyle assessment The Halfway Inn at Box has got into the Good including blood pressure, body fat composition, stress Pub Guide for cullinary excellence within one year of evaluation and nutrition. It is used by all ages from 16 to its re-opening. Waterman's Restaurant has just heard seniors and the atmosphere is friendly, made possible be that they have won the Michelin Bib Gourmand! cause of its small size. There is an area for stretching ex ercises, weight bearing gizmos to prevent osteoporosis TV programme inspires 1940's Dinner $1 <1',' workout machines, but no treadmills. Speaking ofWaterman's, they are "lII ,\ ' !'X;jy!l' J , etc., and of course the dreaded but beneficial aerobic putting on a 1940's night with a discount There is a circuit class on Mondays from 6-7pm offering a set programme which is done with others to for Land Girls, Home Guard and the Serv ices, There'll be a raffle for the British Le help keep you motivated. This has proved very popular. gion. Only £14.95. Period dress and music Minchinhampton rugby team have booked the suite for will add to the atmosphere and it should be one hour a week and it's there for other clubs to use as a great evening. 23 Feb. 832808 well. There is a Sports Clinic and a top of the range sun bed for relaxation. Not quite 57, but 29 Varieties of ... Users have said"The Health Suite has a fantastic Loose seed potatoes on sale in Nailsworth ironmon atmosphere", "members are very friendly and you are gers, carrying on the tradition from old. This shop sells under no pressure", and" fitness supervisors are moti many gardening potions and seeds in loose form saving vated and friendly". packaging and expense. For details contact Andy on 832268. Chamber of Trade A leaflet promoting Nailsworth is being worked on in co-operation with the Tourist Office. There will be a Social Skittles Evening on March 5th at the Com It COUld be worse 11 c::::::> Was that a chorus Of 'Not a lot' ?? A ch 0 rades Club, 6.30 pm? Check - 836736. LAWNSIDE HEALTH & FITNESS SUITE Stroud Valleys Group of the - The Business Referral Organisation ,..., 832268 ARE YOU AS HEALTHY AS YOU THINK? Business Network International Lifestyles : individual assessment & advice on BNI, the largest and most successful business re • • ferral organisation in the world is based on the • philosophy of 'Givers Gain' - if you help others • with their business, they will want to help you Nutrition Smoking Alcohol Medical Matters 4'-"-- Aerobics/circuit training now Monday 6-7pm with yours. BNI chapters provide a positive and Please ring to book your slot supportive environment for the exchange of busi As we are quite a small Health Suite it creates a fantastic ness leads by committed business professionals in atmosphere where you feel you are well looked after & a wide range of occupations and trades. get a lot of encouragement if you wish. For more information about BNI contact Barry Hathaway Forest Green Rovers Fe Tel: Mon-Fri 8am-9am Sat 8am-12 noon Sun 9am-l pm 01453 833675 3 Drop in centre. This got off to a very encouraging start on the 13th January and was well attended. The decoration is continuing over the coming weeks as the youngsters make the place look more like they want it to be. Again, many thanks to all the volunteers who are making it possible: if anyone wishes to be involved once a month, please feel free to give me a call on 832734 College Site. As you will read elsewhere in this issue, a very well attended meeting was held at Forest Green Rovers Social Club where an outline plan of action was agreed. Again public involvement is really important, so if you can, please offer your services. If you are unable to become directly involved try writ ing to the Stroud News & Journal simply saying how important you feel it is for Rovers to remain in Nailsw0l1h. It is important that the debate reaches as wide an audience as possible. Nigglesworth. The work of the Town Council is too complex to summarise in a few words, but as the next issue of 'The Fountain' will be the fifth anniversary it will be larger than normal and will present in some detail a report on the issues that the Town Council is involved in. t; 'It e e See le e le Support the 'Friends of the Orchard' group e "t4et 136167 working to enhance habitat for bird haven (m Jovial There was an enjoyable second meeting of commit Foresters car park). 105 species spotted over 10 years ted local people wanting to work on local projects, Regular visitors include Green & Great Spotted network and chat to like-minded folk. Everyone is Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Tree Creeper and Tawny very welcome. We identified three projects for now Owl. Rare sightings: Firecrest, Goshawk, which we are exploring: Hawfinch and even a Cettis Warbler. Next Set up a plastic recycling facility in Nailsworth. Meeting: Tues 13th Feb There is a recycling plant nearby. Above the Brittania Pub, 7.30pm Set up a collecting point to recycle mobile phones (they contain quite a few potentially damaging met als such as gold, cadmium, nickel etc.) The Co-op has kindly agreed to act as drop-off point. More next issue . .:t.: .. Co-op ,/' , .:,--, Community Dividend Scheme The new year begins with a resolution to reduce the crime in the parish for 2001, and this must be achiev A minimum of 10/0 able with us all working together. of the Society's profits are Don't forget the 'free' cycle coding service available at the Police Station returned to benefit the local to mark your new Christmas presents. community through the The recent series of walk-in burglaries Community Dividend Scheme. has now been resolved, but the worry / .. ing recent incidents of vehicle petrol If you think a project you know of pipes being cut continues. This is could quality for a grant of up to Recorded Crime: Nailsworth and surrounding parishes House Burglaries Other Burglaries Car Crime Other Thefts Damage Assaults Other offences Total focused on the so please report Nov 0 Dec 5 I 6 6 6 immediately. 9 10 I 6 6 5 2 01452335672 3 30 36 £1,000 Forest Green area, Call 0800 435902 anything suspicious for more information. Nailsworth Station Stroud. Swindon & Gloucester 24hr Switchboard 01452521321 - 4 - N leswo,tA oe4 -- GRAHAM DOWDING Stained Glass Artist, Conservator'& Teacher Graham leads a small team that run a traditional stained glass studio from Ruskin Mill. He designs and makes windows for churches and private clients, and repairs and conserves historic glass. It is a continua tion of a medieval craft which has changed little since the Middle Ages. Following a Degree in Architecture at Bath University, Graham spent a number of years as a freelance architectural designer. Despite this, he secretly longed for a more practical occupation. As a student of art history he had greatly admired the work of the artist/craftsman and felt that he would be happier making things rather than confining himself solely to design. He decided to complement his design work by setting up a glass-making studio and began to make leaded light windows, stained glass panels and lamp shades for houses and pubs. His new career had taken off. The major breakthrough came when he met local stained glass artist Edward Payne at his studio in Box. They not only became great friends, but Edward became Graham's mentor. At the time, Edward was consultant glazier at Gloucester Cathedral and he invited Graham to assist him with the making and painting of damaged glass on this historic building. Following Edward's death, Graham was appointed to this post, continuing with the on-going restoration, replacing and re-leading damaged and vandalised windows - and more and more of his time is taken up with this work. By now, Graham had abandoned his architectural work and set up a studio in Nailsworth. Soon afterwards he was invited to join other fellow artists and craftsmen at Ruskin Mill where he could not only further establish his now thriving practice, but also teach special needs students who greatly benefit from practical involvement with craftsmen. Students of stained glass also find work placement at the studio, particularly 'Creation' lof 3 windows, Bulley Church nr. Gloucester on conservation work. From this base, Graham has built up a nationwide reputation which has led to prestigious commissions. Graham has always been concerned with environmental issues. In 1989 he was in stru mental in organising public support when the George Hotel was about to be demolished. Following a mass pro test by local residents, the Nailsworth Civic Society was formed and Graham was elected its first Chairman. As a re sult of this, the centre of Nailsworth was given Conservation Area status, limiting further development. Mike Brink worth. loe"e History Spot Edward Payne of Box 1906-1991, Graham Dowding's teacher: (illus. Central panel of Edward Payne's magnificent window 'The Tree of Life' in Box Church. Edward was the son of Henry Payne, a stained glass artist in the Arts & Crafts Movement. When Henry died in 1940, Edward took over the work and after the war set up his studio in Box. He designed and made windows for al most 60 years. He rarely used assistants and he did the great majority of his work in stained glass himself, from ini tial sketch to window installation. Friends, family, Cotswold houses and local children often feature in his windows which can be seen in churches all over the locality including Box, Minchinhampton and Avening. He also restored medieval windows in Gloucester Cathedral and Fairford. MB. ro_-------, "BRITISH RESTAURANT" 832808 �" Ih-e 1'[+0'5 J)inner . ' .,( :. ,;-, -.;..;;>,.-""'-;"" . _ .' Friday 23rd February 7.30 for 8pm £14.95 7s 6d discount, with ration book 10/- discount for Land Girls, Home Guard and the Services. (Raffle for the Royal British Legion) 5 If you are interested please come to the Not Foxed Book Support Our National Champions shop for an open meeting on Wed 7th Feb at 3.30 pm. This Jim Grimwade, 88, 20 will be to work out the best day and time to do this. Also I Olympic Gold Medals, was very moved by our article about him last month. Jim goes to veterans' mara thons around the country and next year intends to compete in Bris would like to find out what the children are interested in their favourite stories, characters, games, crafts etc. so that I can be inspired for the "beginning" story. Helen clo Not Foxed Bookshop. bane, Australia!! He is a lovely, Nailsworth Fire Station Report modest chap but reluctantly ac Incidents Attended: 19 calls in cepted our offer to try and raise some sponsorship to total (15112-15/1). The only structural meet his considerable expenses .. fire in Nailsworth was on 14th Jan, no Similarly, Suzie Robinson, significant damage: paper and wood left 18, is 53rd in the national Ta next to a wood burning stove, good to ble-Tennis women's ranking. see the occupant had a smoke detector. I Suzie is a student and goes to lots have yet to commit my crews in Breathing Apparatus into of competitions around the coun a structural fire in Nailsworth this year, so can we make try which is very costly. this the lowest year yet!?! Keep you & your family safe Both Jim and Suzie would from fire, fit smoke detectors & plan to escape. appreciate some sponsorship from local businesses or Personnel: 3 new guys are undergoing their basic training, residents. Publicity for commercial sponsors could be they should be 'on the run' next week. Paul Bendle will go given in Nailsworth News. Please contact 836336 so to RAF Lyneham as a Fire-fighter. Social: A Valentine's we can pass on details. Thank you. disco -17th Feb, the Station, tickets from station 832419. Ring on a Tuesday at 6.45pm, £5.00. OAllJd,olts 00,1t0, -- Nik Green Station Commander Children's Book Club for 11-14 year-olds Appeals from you In February We are looking for music, instruments, uniforms, caps, 3rd Feb: video of "Goodnight Mr.Tom" to be music or anything that may have started life with watched and compared with the book. Nailsworth Band. Especially an old uniform from before 17th Feb: lemila Gavin will be here to discuss her the 193911945 war and a cap with hopefully a cap badge book 'Coram Boy'. Both meetings are at 11 am in on it. Please contact Bill Bruton on 833782. Collection t Not Foxed Bookshop. your convenience. Thank you. Re Townsend Baptist Chapel: do you have Stories & Craft sessions for 4-7 year-olds recollections of you or your parents visiting Townsend "I am going to start a fortnightly story-telling with craft Baptist Chapel? Do you have a picture of the old building, session for 4 to 7 year-olds. I'll tell a story and after or photos showing members of the YP.F. or Men's Bible wards the children will make something connected Class? Led by Miss Agnes Newman of Newmarket House with the story. The story will progress each session in the 1950's. Mrs. Blanshard 3 Hiatt Road,Minch.884733 with characters having a different adventure each time. BouleslPetangue: Ian Rushton is still looking for people and a possible pitch to play this game. Contact: 835226 * No call out charges * Free estimates * Fully qualifieci engineer * All work gUarallIsed FOR FAST CURE CLEANER LAID LOW .. )-. l, Phone: 01453 834700 day or Wide' Sef'ection of 'FreshCy Prepared' Sand'W ' iches Quiches« Compound' Safad's «if'inger(JJuffet Home-mad'e Pate«Cali..§s c{{, Pud'd'ings evening call The VAC DOCTOR 'Free deHr;ery on orders over £50 andutithin 10 miles .. WE'll SOON' HAVE IT UP AND RUNNING %{ r1, CFax:. - 01453 834624 'VVI·tJTV'Tu66ys Caterillg.Co. 'Uf( 6 _r- ---------------------------- , yo,.tA SeSHS Marcus Angell,15 832001 or [email protected] So, what did we need to take us out of the cold? A drop-in centre in Nailsworth in the evening, well we've got it. After many pleas and cries its there. So firstly a big thank-you to all of the people who have made it possible. On its first opening I went down to see what exactly was happening. I wasn't sure quite what to expect, so what is there for those of you who havn't yet gone. Well when I was there, there was about twenty or so people , they were just generally chat ting and dancing, or just sitting and watching. I spoke to one girl who told me, 'This is just what we needed, something to do on an evening.' I asked her what she would be doing otherwise, , I dunno, maybe at home, watching some TV' very exciting I The Boys Club closed just before Christmas Youth provision in general in Nailsworth is being looked at, with perhaps some changes in direction. More next month. commented, 'exactly' she said. 'So, areyou coming again?' 'Absolutely, its great.' she said. Marcus There's b en one live band already and Forest Green Rovers Youth Football Club The present youth football organisation has been going for 10 some cool decor is being organised. Last Saturday years with continuous membership of the Gloucestershire 50 people went along so it's fame is spreading. County Youth League being a considerable feature. Go and see for yourself. Saturdays 6-1 Opm, back In many ways the youth organisation has matched the ex entrance of the Cross Pub. More evenings are cellent achievements of the senior club, being recent winners possible but only with more volunteers. of the County Youth League, County Youth League Cup and not least the County Youth Shield. At the time of writing the Calling Nailsworth s young people like a Judo Supremo we heard mentioned, and any others who 're doing anything we couldfeature, so you get some 'respect!' Forest Green Rovers Under 18s Team '99-00 present team lead the County Youth League having won all matches played so far. We are to play in the semi-finals of the County Youth League Cup and the County Youth Shield. A sizeable proportion of the players are from the locality after successful trials at 'The Lawn'. Youngsters are benefiting from their experiences at Forest Green. Nathan Lightbody is now an established member of the Football Conference squad. other senior local teams at Southern and Hel lenic League standards. We look forward to their return to Forest Green as their careers develop. Watch out for ads in the local press at the end of June for trials to join us for next season's squad. Allan Grant sh LAUNDER 11': ac GERARD'S 1 Market Street Eat In at Takeaway Prices or Take away a Feast 20% discount on Duvets Shirts 5 for the price of 4 This totally unique concept is NOW OPEN EVERY DAY - Full Laundry Service Duvets, Eiders, Pillows, Sleeping bags, Bedspreads Thursdays - Curry In' Pint Ironing only, Service Washes, Dry-Cleaning Sundays - Roast Meal Curtains, Covers, Suede, Leather. Sheepskin, Waxes, Rugs Garment & Shoe Repairs, Collection & Delivery Nailsworth £3.50 £3.95 Now serving take-away Breakfasts 7 Phone ahead and we'll have your order readyl Another much valued facility {1' • SENIOR CIT IZEN'S CLUB - based in OH a Slflllt Hot. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Match", Two coach-loads of Doncaster supporters set off last month to come to see their team here. Forest Green Rovers' Social Club They ended up in Forest Green London and when they were At the moment there are 50 members, many of they couldn't believe it! FG Rovers does a good David and whom come together on ThursdaY'afternoons for a varied programme which their own committee or ganise. They find funds for speakers, outings and told that they were playing a side in a tiny town in Glos. Goliath act, often playing against much larger towns. Another of3 treats. The club has been going for 12 years and year old Han would be unable to meet if Rovers had to go. The nah's sayings - officials Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Lemon, Mrs. J ohncock Eating a bowl of Ar Mr.Hinder and others agree that sessions are really menian Potato soup enjoyed and mean a lot to all who attend. Any sen with mum in'Only ior citizen from anywhere in Nailsworth is wel Organics', she said come. Annual membership is £2 and a 40p donation "Mummy, will you each session covers refreshments & a raffle. take the Annenians A meeting of the FGR Senior Citizen's Club out please?" W.H. Davies on TV- Seen the T.V. advert for Centre Parc holidays? It - ,, _ uses W.H. Davies' =-' _ - ___ .. o · }(j(.'OI poem "Leisure" You know, the one that starts'What is this life if full of .... Centre for Cultural Development, Training and Study F Letter Received from Jean Jobncock Secretary of Forest Green Senior Citizens Club - 7lu5/un. /'tU11 T he Peter Moody & Cherry Hirsch Exhibition Would it be possible for you to voice the opin Both artists were born with Downs Syndrome and are living ions of our 50 strong membership. We all hope our examples of a person's ability to overcome tremendous odds club will still be here and available for us, for our & establish themselves as vibrant members of a multiplicity of meetings for years to come. Many of our members 'societies'. Till 9th Feb (Tues-Sun 10am-5pm) live quite near, so they enjoy their afternoon with , Craobh Rua, Irish Traditional Music their friends each week, and would be sad if the Jigs, reels, polkas, ballads and airs. Unpretentious & skilled football club had to be moved away. Celtic fare at its finest. Friday 9 Feb Gallery 8pm £4/£3 Instinctive Feng Shui with Ursula Monn, qualified inte rior alignment practitioner, dancer, actress and teacher 2 day practical workshop will inspire you to make creative and practical changes to your home or work environment. Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 February lOam - 4.30pm. Festival Room £501 £30 Saturday only A.E. SMITH & SON Solicitors Bob Hall and Hilary Blythe, Your Local Lawyers .5lwf Serving organic lunches, teas & coffee I es- Sats 11 am-4pm, Suns & B/hols 3pm-6pm Co Part of Nails worth life for more than 100 years Tel: 01453 832566 Fax: 01453 835441 emaiJ: AE.Smith.And.Son0' Stokescroft, Cossack Square, Boogie woogie, gos pels, rhythm and blues. Thurs 1 March 8pm Gallery £4/£3 O aAlC f>/W""lJuu.51wt Nailsworth 8 Open Tues - Fri 10 am-4 pm <J> ltltttlt9.. Community Matters! Town Mayor John Nicholson rightly said that Forest Green Rovers' bid for the college site is the most important thing to happen in Nailsworth for many years. Details are outlined elsewhere. Though most people support Rovers rather than have housing, the community was caught out. People said 'something ought to be done', but who by ? A journalist phoned this paper to ask 'what does the community feel about this?' How would we know? This issue affects us all and there will be others. Nailsworth News, being monthly, can't inform the community of things like planning matters, etc. when the response needs to be fast. Can I suggest a ' Forum' What all of us would lose Biggest amateur sport complex for any sport in Gloucester shire Liz Green Thank You, but Please Keep Up Support I would like to thank your paper for its continual support for our actions to help save Forest Green from further housing, and to keep and eventually improve community, education and social facilities in the area. I would also like to thank David Drew M.P., town mayor John Nicholson and Viv Taylor, head of Chamber of Trade for turning up at the meetings we have held at the FGR Social Club. They have been well attended and the demonstration on 27th January gave us some press publicity to air our concerns. I wish to appeal to the people of Nails worth to * matches "Next meeting: Thurs 8 Feb 8 What if pm FGR Social Club . ... ? Some people have said "there's no point if Rovers go own!" Rovers still need to expand so they can go up I gain! 3 new players should help. So it still means buy ng the college site to be able to stay in Forest Green. a social club acting as * fitness suite space for outdoor community & sport * nearly 30 jobs * FG Rovers has put the area on the college got the site for very little (compulsory purchase). but it should be 'best value' for college & community. For est Green would become a large housing estate leading to problems. College would need to rent a site for courses in N'th, Rovers have offered to lease back space - a good solu tion for the college as there'd be parking, source of students. HELP KEEP ROVERS HEREPLEASE WRITE A BRIEF LETTER - Thank you. Action Group. C/o Pat Coyle 833975, Gerry Mauler 833094 Stroud News & Journal, Lansdown Rd. Stroud Western Daily Press, 29A Southgate Street Gloucester The Citizen, St John's Lane Gloucester + local TV/Radio David Drew M.P. Letters to back up his case on our behalf. (college appeal goes to Secretary of State) D. Drew MP. House of Commons London Wl Clerk, Board of Governors, Stroud College, Consider im pact on community, 'Best Value' for al I. Stratford Rd, Stroud Stroud District Planning Committee Thank them for turn ing down college's housing application on 'loss of commu nity amenity' and sticking to their principles. Stroud Dis. Council Ebley Mill Stroud. -- Whoosh not bang On New Year's eve my dog was made demented by a long series of Thunder Flashes which rocked Forest Green. Old people were upset and horses suffered. Why are fireworks now let off at every possible excuse? What can be done about the horrendous noise from Thunder Flashes? Cannot frreworks be restricted to November 5th ? Could we in Nailsworth adopt a voluntary code that we will accept moderately loud bangs on the 5th Nov. up to say 9pm but that at all other events there'll be whoosh only. Don Luke Nailsworth 'NOT FOXED' Natural Health Centre Acupuncture * Allergy Testing Homeopathy Book Tokens Order (usually) 2 Market Street, Nailsworth tel; 835833 & Nutritional Therapy Alexander Technique * Free 9 * Shiatsu McTimoney Chiropractic AromatherapylTherapeutic Massage books and Collect next day * Craniosacral Therapy - Children's Corner (in print) * Now the college has to get 'best value' (housing developer?) meetings and to continue lobbying the media, M.P. David Drew and the college with letters in our support. * youth football training increased trade through visitors coming to home help us carry on this campaign, to watch out for further Pat Coyle, Chairman 'Best Deal/or Forest Green' Action Group * * the map. Some arguments: Before it became a private body, of residents, council, traders, football club, school, we can care more effectively. pride and identity for many function room events churches, police etc. so that matters of community con cern to be taken up? We care (don't we?) but together * community centre * Clinical Psychology 15 minute consultation. For further information Tel: 836066 Smith House. George Street. Nailsworth NiflfleDswortA-., loeae :I SS".tlS Last month's question what does Nailsworth Town Council do and what does it spend our money on is a huge issue. By coincidence, there'll be an article on this very topic in the More houses for hillside??? The Nailsworth District Action Group was next issue of 'The Fountain' which will explain this com formed two years ago to oppose the inclusion of a plex issue well. Instead, a topical question has surfaced field between Windsoredge and Norton Wood on that needs an airing. Stroud District Council's Structure Plan. A successful campaign was mounted and consequently this site was QUESTION: excluded from the next version of the plan. Is Town Council go The group has now been resurrected to monitor the ing to spend £40,000 development at Crystal Fountain Mills. This site, on the Fountain? which lies between the "Crown" at Inchbrook and ANSWER: This monument, Woodchester Park, has been subject to numerous the oldest in the country plalU1ing applications over the past 25 years. Origi outside London, is a listed nally an old mill, in the late '70s it was demolished structure owned by Town and replaced with a modem industrial unit. In the mid Council which has a duty to '80s this was extended and considerable changes were maintain it. It has been moved 3 times and is only in its present position to allow made to the surrounding landscape. It was never occu pied and in the early '90s the then owners applied for ...... +--.;; planning consent to demolish it and build a nursing road widening. To renovate home in its place. it, the structure has to be taken apart anyway, so it was felt it would be a good time to move it to a better site. Three years ago all residents were consulted and 8 options were narrowed down to 3. A. Present site impossible as there wouldn't be room for the plalU1ed plinth and seating. B. Next to the Old George: things are too uncertain there to wait any longer. C.Corner A46/ Market St., the option reconunended by Full Council. They feel that when the wall is removed by the RSPCA shop to better connect Market Street to the rest of town (on the plans for 2001), it would bring extra 'footfall' to this underused part of town, helping traders. It'll also be seen from the A46 and will be near the new Visitor Centre and Archives to be based in the Boys Club, Bath Rd. This consent was eventually granted and many revisions have since been put in, the latest plans being to build about 80 sheltered houses plus a nursing facil ity. Building work started on the first phase and the owners bought several fields on the Nailsworth side of the site in 2000. The site is part of the AONB, a major wildlife corridor and adjacent to Woodchester Park. The Action Group's objectives: To limit the scope of the development to that for which plalU1ing consent has already been given.. To ensure that the de velopers do not destroy the environment around the site. To oppose any further development adjacent to the site. To minimise the impact of the development on this frag ile environment. Over 20 concerned people met and will invite the developer of the Christal Fountain complex to their next meeting. Paul Carter 832961. Bob Pike and David de Sousa at The cheapest option is £18,000, the recommended one £40,000, Residents will be consulted before Property Management Committee gives the go-ahead and asks for the plalU1ing consents and grants needed. INDIVIDUALS PARTNERSHIPS Accountants & Tax Advisers for over 30 years Professional help to you & added value to your business Barlow Management Services Limited 4 Wheelwrights Corner COMPANIES with £30,000 put aside over the last 3 years, the rest SOLE TRADERS eorge 3Jnn Newmarket Nailsworth 833228 ~ "NAILSWORTH'S BEST KEPT SECRET" from grants. The design will be made public as soon as possible. - 835351 first discussion free be NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Luncheon 12 noon - 2pm Dinner 6.30pm - 9pm evening reservation essential most credit/debit cards accepted 10 Body Bliss Lawnside Stores Hi-Low Aerobics and Total Tone n, Flex AU ages & Abilities, Burn o'Tone Workout Open Mon - Fri until 9 pm Egypt Mill, Nailsworth Mondays, 9.45 am & 7.15 pm Many Offers in Store £3 per class or £1 for first session with this advert Sunday Paper Delivery Contact Tina 07971 702465 NottJwortAy Lawnside, Forest Green 832686 -.J Joys ofNailsworth News being on the NetVeteran marathon man Jim Grimwade's friends around he world could see that lovely photo last month. Terry Brown (Clevedon) who lived in Forest Green for BO years 33 years ago, recognised quite a few relatives and is teacher in the flood photo and a young relation in the e snowpit photo! Terry enjoys seeing who he can recogise on photos from each issue as they appear on the net. We've had greetings from Sweden and an email request o~ance for all ofNailsworth News to go on the net gooa to get a message from abroad), from the Shaws who ·ved in ' The Cleeves' Shortwood, for 15 years. Would nyone else appreciate all articles on the web? Let us ow (it takes a while) Thank You to the W.I. ailsworth Archives have received the W.l. Book "Walks around Nailsworth", completed in 2000. A wonderful ~chievement by the group and one we can all be proud of. Apologies & Corrections An Evening of Opera' had to be cancelled due to a tenor d accompanist having to withdraw. Mary Kirkman is frry for the disappointment and hopes to arrange another fundraising event for HELPS. ommunity Creche: Christ Church, l-3pm Mons &Thurs , On Column: An event was given as January in)tead of February. There have been several mistakes in the What's On Column over the months and we are tightening ur system for checking as this is so crucial to get right. Keep it Local! Advertise free! Copy date: 22nd Jobs in Nailsworth through E.S.S.: 832468 Welders••. Fabricators •. General Operatives..• Temp Secretary (£neg.)•.• Storeman••. Manual Milling & Multi-Spindle Machinists••. Maintenance Electrician (Pff & Fff)••• Food Operatives•.• CNC Setter/Programmer (£15k+) ... Warehouse Operatives (£5-£6p.h.) ••• Kitchen Assistants (£4.50-£5p.h.) ..• Shop Assistants Fff & Pff. Quality training opportunity for a switched-on, young, well motivated future chef. Work-based training + day release to college for GNVQ Modem Apprenticeship qualification Levels 2 & 3. Apply to Mike or Carolyn, Mad Hatters Organic Restaurant 832615. Kitchen Porter/Washer Up Fff Mon-Fri ) Tubby's Larder Chef 8-4 5 days per week ) Restaurant Counter Assistant Frr 5 days per week ) 834624 Paper Team members happy to have paid work: Bruce Fenn photos 835628, Marcus Angel! computer troubleshooting 832001 & Dave Clarke computer help & web site design 836735 Library Appeal Do your Sash Windows open easily? Unfortunately the burial record book for the Nailsworth churches from 1880 onwards is missing from the reference local study shelf in the Library. If anyone has borrowed it, please could they return it as soon as possible! The Millennium Book in Nailsworth Library reference section is still being added to. Thanks everyone. If not I can service, re-cord and re-align the sashes to Keyboard & Singalong Entertainer llowever, we really need more help generally. PLEASE. open smoothly. From: £39.95 for the lower pair of sash cords. £59.95 for both upper & lower sashes. 10% discount with this advertisement The Sash Cord Replacement Service Highland House, Nympsfield, GLI O 3UA 01453 861025 Tom Burfitt is happy to play at senior citizens' & other clubs for expenses. Contact Tom on 834612. CHAMPION SAUSAGE COMPANY CHRISTMAS HAMPERS, Start Saving Now Wide Selection of Fresh Meats - from £2.35 per week Luxury Hamper Available For leaflet call daytime 836160 or mobile 07977 467212 11~----------------------------------~ 1n1t1 IUstilttfl MARCH 1 Bob Hall and Hilary Blythe Boogie woogie, gospels, FEBRUARY 3 Children's Book Club Sat 11 am Not Foxed shop 4 Guided walk: a round route to Nympsfield and back 10 miles led by Mike Brinkworth & others. No dogs, Sunday 9.30-4.30 with a pub stop. Meet N 'th Library car park near the bus station 5 ' The Musical Angels of Venice' Christopher Challen N 'th Soc. Ceramics & Dec. Arts Group Mon 7.30 Mortimer Room All welcome 7 "Celtic Mist" demonstration by Carola Wilson for N ' th Flower Arr. Soc. Wed 7 for 7.30 Town Hall rhythm and blues Thurs 8 pm Ruskin Mill £4/£3 5 Social Skittles Evening Chamber of Trade Comrades Club 5 "Ceramics" a talk by Keni Von-Zschock Ceramics & Dec. Arts Group N 'th Soc. Mon 7.30 Mortimer Room. Forest Green Rovers Fixtures for FEBRUARY Sat 3 Hayes A Sat 10 RUSHDEN & DIAMONDS Sat 17 Southport A Sat 24 LEIGH RMI Supporters coach to away matches - 07979 635087 ""Wtlll ~IIIIIB" ,. . .,_ ~or H H St:tllll: j Sturdy formica topped tables with strong removable 7 Stories with craft for 4-7year-olds. Planning meet- · wooden legs allowing compact storage when not in use. ing to work out date, time etc. Wed 3.30 Not Foxed. Suitable for craft work or dining with table cloths. 832615 8 'A Fair Deal for Forest Green' Keep Forest Green 6 number 2' x 2' tables at £10 each , 4 number 4' x 2' Rovers here meeting 8pm Rovers' Social Club tables at £15 each. Also 5 dark stained cottage style wooden chairs at £I 0 each, and dark stained wooden bathroom 3 shelf unit £5. Tel: 832615. 8 Guided Tour of Museum in the Park with N'th Society Local Studies Group. Details: 835723 'DSADl3NS: Next Issue: 15th February (Stop Press· 2nd) Until 9 The Peter Moody & Cherry Hirsch ExhibiCopy to: ''Not Foxed", 2 Market St., or Liz Green, Editm tion Tues-Sun Ruskin Mill 1Oam-5pm free fax/tel:836336, Email: [email protected] Pt:tplll 711t:tHt tAIB HtOitiA "'"' 9 Craobh Ruah Irish Traditional Music Fri Ruskin Mill8pm £4/£3 Keith Norbury (Sport 834128), Ann Makemson, Jonathan Duckworth, Tamzin Phillips, Carole Purcell, Rhona Fox, Jinny Marshall, Barry Hathaway, Bill Affleck, Joan Rowbotham, Simon Hicks, Tom Doherty, Nailsworth Ironmongers, Kath Kirkland, Dave Clarke, CliffSearle, Jane at Chamberlain (Holdings) Ltd. 10 Roger Marks Armada Jazz Band + Buffet Supper N 'th Jazz £9 tickets from Woods Jewellers or Bill Bruton 833782. Fundraising for N ' th Silver Band Sat. 7.30pm Comrades Club 13 Local Green Action & Social, meeting Tues 7.30 above the Brittania. All welcome. tlopiiiB ol // N t:tltlswortA N IIWB//: (Back copies from Library) Not Foxed,Co-Op, Library, N'worth Ironmongers, Only Organics, Post Office, Forest Green & Lawnside Stores, Parkers, Shortwood & Forest Green Social Club, The George Pub. 13 'A Film, A Book and local ANZACS'- Alan Vaughan N'th Society Local History Research Group Tues 7.30 Library All welcome More Help Needed with: Articles, accounts, distribution Thanks to all our advertisers for your ongoing support Al>t!BR7S:- copy only with payment please, to G r on _... at Nailsworth Ironmongers, 24 Fountain St. 832083. !/ 16th page: £15 (4cm x 9cm), l /8th page £26 (7cm x 9cm) Reduction for a number of ads. 17 Children's Book Club Sat I lam Not Foxed shop with local author Jemila Gavin discussing her book. 17 Valentine's Disco Nailsworth Fire Station. For tickets & details ring Tues 6.4 5 pm - 83 2419. £5 17 & 18 Instinctive Feng Shui with Ursula Monn 2 day workshop 10- 4.30 Ruskin Mill £50/ £30 Sat. only Views in "Nailswoith News" are not necessarily those of the Paper Team. We reserve the right to edit or omit material. No liability is accepted for loss or damage arising from any omission of copy or advertising in 'Nailsworth News' . 20 Full Town Council Meeting Tues 7pm Town Hall Open to all interested to see council in action Quality computers 26 Bio-Diversity in Gloucestershire Dr. C. Studholme, Head of Conservation, Glos. Wildlife Trust. Mon 7.30 Mortimer Room SUPERB QUALITY PC'S Nailsworth Domestic Appliance Repairs • • • • Jeff Green - 833310 A fast, local & reliable service Most makes of Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Fridge/Freezers, Tumble Dryers, Electric Cookers Friendly Personai .Service, Free Advice New PC's, Upgrades, Repairs, Internet, etc. All Peripherals & Supplies, Excellent Prices No Callout Charge, Free Technical Support Telephone Simon on Nailsworth 833196 12
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