AR1979 - GPS Rugby Club
AR1979 - GPS Rugby Club
CLUB GLONOELA For Pe'sJ-:' & A i 1 - . i r.1_ : : r , c : , . i _ e 1 no , L-: ; 5 : : a : * , - ri r e Ex€ra si '1a -is Sceca l a:: i'cta!rrred B O A R D I N GK E N N E L S B r e e d sW e l c o m e B r e e c e r s- . l C a r d r g a n C o r qi ' s P u p p r e -ss r a y F o r S a l e F a c r l i t r eAs ! a / a b l eF o r B i t c h e s . S e a s on B O O N A H4 3 1 0 Phone 631632 A H I G H L Y R E C A M M E N D E DS E R V I C ET O A L L T , I E I T B E R S tlal Hart's Auto Repairs ,ui lt lttr ! Electrotric lr'lteelB,tl'tnt:it,.q t l , R , , ' , t' , r S I , ' i . , l t : A T I IO N I N T I ( ' IR A N S I l I S S I O iNt I P \ I I { S T P \ R T S I T R O N TI i N D S P t i (l A L l S l S , A L L R l P \ l l l S s S l , R Y l (l N G .IOI7 STREET. SANDCATE, I06 HOSKINS O F F I C EB E A R E R S Patron: D. Lacy-Jones President: W. Blish Senior Vice-President: B Abrahams (Res.) B G.S. Schooley Junior Vice-Plesident: N.A. Bulrows Honorary Secretary: D. Squires Honorary Treasurer: R. Farquhar Club ManagementCommittee: The President,Secretary,Treasurer and MessrsR. Thomson, M. McAfee, D J. Boucher. Honorary Asst, Secretary: Grades Committee: J Madden D. Boucher Club Coaches: 1stGrade:B. Hatcher U n d e rl 9 : P . G a r b u t t 2nd Grade:L. Jones Under l8: D. Withers 3rd Grade:D. Stevenson Club Captain: R. Nerichow Club Selectors: J. Small, P. Ph lips (Club Trainer) Junior Co-ordinator: N- Burrows Ladies Committee: Anne Ne chow (President) State Director of Coaching: Dave Clark Life Members: Messls.C.LR. Kaus, H.C. Lavery, R.A. Nicol, J W. McMaster, J. Williams, T. Simpson, K. Percy, M.R. Williams, C G. Jones,c.R. Horsley, I.R. CoJquhoun, A. Flynn, R. Park, D. Lacy-Jones,R.S. Roberts. Honorary Auditor: A.R. Edmonds I I Honorary Solicitor: R.J. Thomson N O T I C ET O A O V € f l T I S E A S TheTradePracrcesAcl 1974.ame'nrororceo.Ocroberrl9T4TherearemDorlsnr.eworov'sionsr.rhata.rwhch contarn slncr rcqulanons on adverl's'nq and arr adverr'se6 and adven'sin9 aOenls are a'Jvrsed ro srudy lhose prov's'onsvery careruly n condlct ll can be an olr€nce ror anyone lo engage 'n lrade orcommerce m sreadinC orded€ptNe ln pad c!lar s e c t ' o n s 3 c o n t a ' n s p r o h ' b r l o . s r r o m d o ' n g a n y o l l h e l o r r o wn g ' n c o n n e c r o n w r l h l h e s u p p y o r g o o d s o r s e r u i c c s o r In connecron w'lh the promonon by any neans or rhe slpply or lse or goods Dr setu'ces ( a ) F . l s e l ) ' r o p r c s e n tl h . l q o o d s o . s e . v r . e s a f e o l a p a r . L a . s r a n d a r d q ! a l t y o r q r a d e , o r t h a r q o o d s o r a oa ,.ulaf slvre or model lb) Falsely repreEent rhal goods are new (c) Bepresenl lhal qoods orse/v,ces h.vesponsorsh'p app.ova pedorm6nce ch6fa.tensncs accesso.ies (d) (e) (l) (q) Fepresenl rhar he or approva or sllr ari6n he of 't does .ot have: Make ralse or m'sleading stalehents concem nq lhe er Dnce redlclions, Make lalseor hisleading srar€menrs concern'.9 rhe ned to.any goods,serv'cesreptacements or16patrs Make rahe or nrsleadrng slatenents concef.inq lhe er'slence ot etleci ol a.y waiianry or quarantee Foran indivdual $10.000 or 6 monlhs ihp.iso.menl For a corporat'on l5o 000 ll ii not possibl€ lor this company lo €nsur€ tlrsl .dvedisemenls rh'ch arep!blrshod in rhis maq.zine conplyw{ththe Acl Therespon3ibirilym!sllh6.6tofebeonlheperson companyoradvertisi'rq.gencys!bmitti.gtheadve4isem€.ls II{ CASE OF OOUET CONSUIT YOUR LAWY€F G.P.S.- 1 Moerl Earovs Hrll C N R ,S O U T H P I N E R O A D & B U N Y AP A R K D R I V E OPEN 7 TYRES BATTERIES DAYS ACCESSORIES AL L ME CHA NI CA L RE P AIR S FULL DRIVEWAY SERVICE PHONE: 264 2494 L & G SORBELLO Rails,Balustrading, of Hand Suppliers Most Columns, RHS Franes, Patio Uniuersal & Flats, Angles & Stringers Beams, Treads. Concrete 4157 SHED 3. 539 REDLAND BAYRD,,CAPALABA 206 423s 2 - G.P.S. 49TH ANNUAL REPORT_ 1979 SEASON Gentlemen, Your Executivehasmuch pleasurein rcporting upon thoseactivitiesaDd highlightsof the Club during the seasonrecently concluded. COMPETITION RESULTS The !979 Seasonprovidedour Club with an extremelymixed bag of !€sults throughout the season.We were fortunate to obtain the seruicesof Bruce Hatcher and Peter Phillips at the start of the season.The expertisedisplayedby both personsin their capacitiesasCoachand Trainer Manager of th€ Fist Grade were outstanding. Unfortunately, it can only be said that a number of playem did not take advantageof this expertiseand asa result the overall performance of the First Grade suffered. To those membersof the club who were fortunate enoughto play in the First Grade and who showeda d€dication to the job at hand, the club offers its thanks. It is hoped that all will pull togethe! and make 1980 a great year. The First Crade made the semi-finalsbut were unfoftunately defgated by a revitatsed Southsteam. The SecondGradesufferedby a lack of depth in the Club, howeverfull credit must be givento the Coach Lynn Jooes who neverfaltered from his task and persistedto the end. The Third Grade ulfortunately lost their coachat the beginningof the seasonand although all forms of effoit were madeto rectify this problem they were to no avail. The Club cannot affort this problem to happeo agai'r,. The Fourths retained their premrershipand in doing so, showedjust what can be done with genuine club spidt and a will to win. Congratulations to all playersin this team, especiallyto CaptainCoachMichaelThies. by lackofplayers, The Under 19 and Under 18 teamswerehandicapped howeverfor those who played it was a most enjoyableseason. This is the first year with an Under 15 team and our thanks to Coach Eddie Kann and his helpers. A full report on gamesplayed during the year is coveredin the registrar's report. CLUB HOUSE Membersmadegood use of the fine facilities of the Club House,both rn regard to functions and after match and after training social activities, although it was disappointing at times to have poor back-to-Ashgrove support on Sunday eveningsafter "away" games.The discoswhich were provided by the Club for its memberswere poorly supportedand it is felt by the ManagementCommittee that unlessthis activity is better supported in the future it will have to be dropped.A number of improvementswere made during the year including new doors and the excellent tiling job m the shower recessesat both ends of the buildings. The ground was top dressedand fedilized and it can only be said that the playi[g surfacehas greatly been improved since our move from Finsbury. The meetings, thoughts and efforts of the Combined Committee, that chosen band of stalwarts from Valleys Distdct Cricket Club and our Club, who ale responsible for putting into effect and administeringmost of the Club House and Enyirons developmentsdeservedlyhaye earnedthe thanks and admiration of us all. The thanks of the Club are offered too to ou! partners in Ashgrove,the Valleys Distdct Cricket Club, for their friendly and active co-operation. . _3 c.P.s. II is imDortant alsoto rccord the fact that we havepurchasedthe set of lights situ;ted at the end of the field from the Normanby Rugby League Club. LADIES COMMITTEE at the conclusionof the season. ROTHMANSGOLD MEDAL It is with obvious gr€at pride that we record the winning of the 1979 Rothmans Medal by Dugald Clark. Dugald,the First GradeCaptain played very consistentlythroughout the seasonand wasjustly rewardedwith this DresenIar10n. At the presentationdinner held at Ballymore, Dugald pard high respect to the resiof his team mates and in particular to his elder brothel David who hashelpedhim so much throughout his career. Congratulationsand we hope you continue to wear the G P S. jersey for many years to come. THANKS The Club expressesits appreciationto the following people and groups duiing the year: for their greatly valued assistance Our Patron, Mr. David Lacy-Jones,for his adviceand support. - BruceHatcherjLynn Jones,MichaelThies, and Selectors The Coaches David withers, Peter Garbutt, Eddie Kann, John Small, Peter Phillips and Ron Parh. The very successfutgroup looking after the Juniors, Noel Burrows, Bill Schooley, Brian Loel, Dick Roberts, John Gre€ne, Leslie Dodwell, GeorgeBickerstaff and Laurie Rivers. Roy Nerichow,the Club Captain The Team Captains,and the Team Manage$. Robin Thomson and GrahamEdmonds,in their very competentrespective capacitiesas Honorary Club Solicitor and Honorary Club Auditot Drs. CamOsborneand Keith woodheadasour HonoraryDoctors. John Maddenfo! this Annual Report. The donors of the trophies and funds for our Annual Presentationand Celebrations. The membersand supporterswho so generouslyheld functions at their homes. Les Dodwell for his work in support of the juniors, and his handlingof the raffles at the Hamilton. Jim Toohey and DouB Forbes for their valued practical work in the fields of electricity and generalmaintenance. The Club Registrar,David Park, for hispainstakingaccuracyh recording and compiling the Club's seasonalrecords, with special thanks to his Dad, Ron, fo. supplyilg this information. Athol Flynn and Mark Williams - whenevertransport or a job had to be done, they and their facilities were, asalwaysdght there. 4 - G.P.S. Max Roberts.Allan. Kim and Brian Weller and StewartsHamilton Hotel, for the useof their well-known hotels in our fund raisingactivities. The QueenslandRugby Union Club Managementfor their assistance, especiallyin the providing of "soft drinks". Graham Lawrencefor his continued donationsof printhg matedal and suppoltaI games. The G,P.S.LuncheonClub. Brian Loel for his fine geoerosityin regard to laundering the Club's jerseysand his generalall round help. Robin Thompson for the greatvolume and variety of work for the Club CastlemainePerkinsfor their support for the King of the Mountain. George Doniger for his efforts to gain publicity for the King of the Mountain and his help in many other ways. Tony Roberts for organisingthe King of the Mountain. DennisBoucher for organisingso many things. BeefMcAfeefor lookingafter thejerseys. Bunny Burrows for being so helpful that he won our Best Clubman Awa!d. Dick Farquhar for being such a greatTreasuier. To the Managementof Ashgrove Bowls Club, and in particular to SecretaryNorm Hoganfor their goodneighboursattitude and generosity. help and advice our local aldermanJohn Andrews for all his assistance, during the season. Drew Squiresfor being a hard working secretary. Glen Walker for once again providing us with a new set of jerseys.A magnificentgesture. Custom Credit for their continued support. wally Lewis for his help in this regard. at Ashgrove. The B.C.C.groundsman Hugh Mackay-Paynefor being along with Glen walker a best barracker. "Four Car Frank" Parkesfor beilg such a great supporter. Bob Coombsfor his support before he left for Sydney. RUGBY ADMINISTRATION The Club againrecognisesthe strongpart played by our membersin the administrationof Rugby in Australia. Presidentof the Queensland RugbyUnion. J,R. Gibson,O.B.E. CommitteeAust Memberof the Management Rugby Football Union. to Q.R-U.Council. Club Delegates W. Bligh,D. Boucher D. Clark Patron, QueenslandJuniors Rugby Union. D. Lacy-Jones Patron, Ascot/ClayfieldJunior Rugby Union. L.H. Dodwell Vice-President, Qld. Junior RugbyUnion. Presid€nt,Ascot/Clayfield Rugby Union Club. Garry Ferguson DavidClark StateDilector of CoachingNoel Burrows Club Delegateto Q.J.R.U.Council. Club Delegateto GradesCommittee. D. Bouche. GENERAL This year with the efforts of Noel Burrows alld Eddie Kann we fielded an Under l5 team. They performed very creditably throughout the season c.P.s.- 5 ZIII.||lERE YAl|lAl|A 265 5663 ZILLMERE RO.. ZILLMERE 4034 . sal.! I sorvics. sFare P.rt! . acc€B.ori€s. N.* I us.d Eilea .80p.ic to all Male. & Itod.l8. F ce Tuning, Sma$ n.pEne. Pict-up S.rvlc. . Junior Slider Ftames Mado H NEU TREND cuRTRlnt FREECURTAINMAKING WUh Ou. F.bdca FBEEQUOTESDomestic& Conmetcial ( w il h in Meo opoIil an at ea) lllEl * orE0FTlr LARGEST n^ilGES K i n d l y S P o n s o r e db Y M a x a n d C o r a l M u l l e ro f THE GAP NEWSAGENCY 9 7 4 W A T E B W O R K SR O A D THE GAP 4061 a l\rost Recannended Se.vice Fot: . A Larse Variely ol [,'lagazines . c o m o r e h e n s r v eB a n 9 e o l S t a l r o n a r Y& S c h o o l R e q u i s r t e s . Greetrng Cards lor All O c c a s so n s . A Y o u r G e n e r a LN e w s a g e n c y ruDll 0F-cllllilllllgl.ri-llgcr( Also Bonded Blinds.Cushions& UpholsteryRecovering,Etc. 38 5822 NEWTNENOCURTAINS& WALLPAPER ROAO. 254WATERWOFKS 4060 ASHGROVE F R I E N D L YS E R V I C E ASSURED Phone:3O-1617 C , e n e r o u s lS y r o n s o r e db y il|[[l[Hy.lil. M a k e ros f t h eS e a l vP o s t u r e p e dBrec d d i n g r a l lH u g g eLr o u n q e r r ve wP a n d aW A n d t h e R e v o l u t i o n aN at all teadingFurnitureStores Available Enquiries PhorE: n2 6 - G.P.S. 4077 Postcode4076 and let's hope that in the years to come this effof will pay dividends Eddie. thanksBunny and The firsdid room was very ably staffed by our Honorary Doctorc the season.This n;w innovation was very much appreciated thr;;;h;i by- all the players. happy to continue our excellent associationwith both We weie -and "ery AshgroveJunior Rugby Unio4 Clubs. It is vital to the Ascot/Clayfield contiriued-prosperity and playing strengthof our club that we continue to fostertheseteams. A very successfulfunction was held at the TattersallsClub to allow old -"abata to renew acquaintancesand also to enableus to sell a number of e"ftgi.r" gt.u"a memberships.It is hoped that simjlar functions may be in the luture. orsanised thi Arhgtot" ground memberslist is increasingbut it is hoped that it will turther is of grealhelp and imporlanceto rhe Club. In conclusion I would like to thank everybody who gave me any assistanceduring the season,and I look forward to an evenbetter year in l98o' R'w BLlcH President IT CAN BE DONE March. 1978.we loanedthe SeniorClub $4,000.00to help our Ashgrove commitments.As per BalanceSheets,we havea Bank Credit of $111.96 and our lnvestmentAccountis $3,60000 in credit Finally, we gavethe Under 15 reama B.B.Q Luncheonand prizesat Ashgrove. Tiis is what has been done by a few dedicatedJEEPSsupporters.what a mighty Fund Raisingteam we could have if morc supportedour Club yes,YOUR Club.What aboutit, JEEPS,for 1980Season. LESLIE DODWELL Vice PresidentQ.J.R.U. G,P.S.OLD BOYSRUGBYUNION CLUB ASHGROVEGROUNDMEMBERS l. F. Parkes 2. B.G.S.Schooley 16. D. Withe$ 17. B. Loel 30. D.J. Squires 31. I- Robertson G.P.S.- 7 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. l l. 12. 13. 14. 15. G. Walker R.A. Ardercon I.H. Fraser P.J.Short R.A. Duus R.S.Roberts D. Rylance J. Madden R.J.Thomson B.M. Mcloughlin L . S .L e w i s G.c. Shambrook A. Edwards 18, 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. D. Boucher A.R. Roberts G.E. Rylance W. Blieh R.A. Bernays J. Wall C.J.Osborne K . G .A a r o n R.H. Mortimer R.B, Farquhar E. Kann L. Jones 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. J.B. Young K. Woodhead A. Carew B. Coombs G. Ferguson J. Gibson H. McMaster N. Burrows B. Sakzewski D. O' O. Maynes L. Dodwell ..A'' GRADE Gentlemen, . 1979 was the yeai of mixed fodunes. The highlights of the seasoncould be summarised as follows: l. The Welsby Cup finat. 2. The XXXX Cup final. 3. Finishing fourth in the mi[o, premiership. Playing in the elimination semi-final. 4. _ Our achievements in those three major games were not great. We wcrc reallyimportanr game,Uvrn!Oioc.. p",foi."ln"., tv ."".*f 1",! _99*n lackof professional A]r,,h: approach to lhegamewasevidenlwhenwc lllMt, playeo rn malor contests. 8 - c.P.s. As FfustGradecoach,I am indebtedto the supportI receiy€dthroughout the year from Peter Phillips, whosetalents and knowledgearc a great asset to any club, and when young playels realisethe knowledgethey can gain from his experience,they will develophto much better play€rs. To Chris Carbury, who gavemany hours of unselfishsupportto the First Grade side, I thank him very much for his efforts, and I believethere is no person better equipped in Queenslandto extol the vfutuesof the scrum and line-out as Chris Carbury does. Firally, to all the playerswho playedFirst Gradetfuoughout the season, I thank them for their efforts, but I qualify the statementby saying,that it requiresa IOOVoeffort in every game th-loughoutthe season,not just in the gamesthat they feel like playingI wish the Club every successin the 1980 season. BRUCEM. HATCHER RESERVEGRADE Co$idering our ReserveGradeplayed in the 1978 GrandFinal, this past s€asonhas been a disappointingone. Few of last yeals playe.steturned to play sedouslyand we only had a relativelysmallgloup ofnew club members to draw on. Reservecrade finished 7th - winning 5, drawirg I out of 18 gamesplayed. I found the role of Coach more of rounding up the playersrather than learning and practising rugby skills. The most heartening aspect of the seasonwas the competitive attitude displayedby the nucleus of Reserve Grade "the Hard Core" for example, who would believethat th€ club's three most competenthalf-backswould all play in the one team at the one time. I refer of course to Scotty "play anywhere" Cullimore, Mick "It's only pain" Amold and Mick "Naked Nuyrehev Nymph" Kastrisos.The "Head Department" of this core or as some rcferred "The Old Brigade" consistedof Skipper, Bench Evans,who was undoubtedly best and fairest on and off the field- Thanks Bench for your assistance. What would the team have been without Oby "The Six Dollar Man" most of his external parts suffedng regularmalfunction and all of his intemalorganscompletely embalmed-What about "TJ", certainly slower this year, has no brain in his head, just a football. The final group in this "Hard Core" were the Young Turks, Lemy, Smith, The Pear,The Lyne Duo, John "Bullet Head" Milton and Galloping down the wingsPhar Lapp, and "Ears" Osborne. I believe that attitude plays a key role in the winning processand although a number of players displayedthis trait, the team asa whole did not. Vince Lombardi, the great grid iron coach once said "winning is not everything, it is the only thing"- I belieye that for the 1980 season,we should certainly bear this in mind, but as a starting poi.nt, perhaps we should start thinking "Attitude is not everything,it's the only thing". LYNN JONES. THIRD GRADE 1979 has been, to say the least, a very disappoirthg year for Third Grade.While we finished aheadof only three teamsat the end of the two competitioo rounds and suffereda humiliating lossof 70 points to 3 (a rare occulreoce for a in recent years) these disappointmentswere only symptomsof a generalproblem which sgemsto be affectingthe whole club. In the senior club, this problem appearsto affect the Thid Grade team more than any other but clearly all teamssufferedasa result. G.P.S.- I U N I O NS T E E L COMPANY PTY. LTD, Steel Service Centre A U S T R A L I A NS T E E LS E C T I O N SS H E E T s l r l L D r N GS H A P E SG F t Da n dO R N A M E S H . P r P E( B L A C Ka n d G A L V A N T S E D ) H t G H S T R E N G T I& ] W E A F P L A T ES T E E L S Cuslom-g uill ottn ing & Cold Sawing Setvice Lalge Siocks Prompt Setvice 260 1544 tloll Slreet, Esgle Fa.m, anlsBANE,4007 Telegrams"Sectlons" Aris. T E L E X4 1 3 8 5( U S T E E L ) SUGAR CA}IE Q|dtii Cant Prdhkt\ at 479 WaterworksRoed, Ashgrove,4060 BASKITWAR & EF I ] R N I T U R E a our specLalrry PHOrr-E:38-48,14 P h o n ea l l h r s 2 6 6 1 9 9 1 J. W.S. Motors 4 1 M E C H A N I C A LR E P A I R S V A L V O L I N EO I L S R.W.C.SUPPLIED ELECTRONIC TUNING AUTOSERVICES W H E E LA L I G N M E N T D I S C O U N TM O T O R P A R T S A / H R S .F O R M A R S H A L LB A T T E R I E S 101 Toombul Rd. Northgate Qld. 4013 Prop: J.W SMITH 10 - G.P.S. LANGUAGE& BUSINESS SCHOOLOF AUSTRALIA DAY OR EVENINGPRIVATEOR GROUPCLASSES STUDENT COACHII{G All subiects& levels, Schoolor your HomePromptEnrolment LANGUAGE COURSES European& Asian Natve Tutor only Over30 Languages PHONE: 229 2920 If players intend to play football, then they should appreciatethat training is part of that commitment and that advising the club of thcu unavailabilityto tra-inor play is common courtesy.As many of the Thirds know, it is a depressingfeeling with 20 minutes before kick-off to o€ wonderinghow many playerswill atrive and most of it could be avoided by a simple phone call. However, that is a negativeapproach and the problems that the Thirds had this seasoncan be avoidedby the individuals who play making the necessarycommitment. And so many players of teams of the past can testify, that commitment can be very wotthwhile not necessadlyin winning grand finals, but by being part of a successful team and in enjoying you! football. And enjoyment is basicallywhat it is all about. After those comments it is necessaryto thank those players who continued to play every week when the going was tough in the second round, to thank all those playerswho respondedto last minute phone calls !o rn_ak1upnumbersand to thank the .est of the 86 playerswhb appeared -for the Thirds during the season.Hope to seeall of you next year. D. STEVENSON. FOURTH GRADE Fortunatelylhey were in a minority comparedto thosewho suppofledus and here I would like to thank the following peoplefor their help dunng this season.Ron Parke for selection help and ,,always being tlere', _ Richard Bernays and Dennis Cronin oul Managerswho had-the eskies ready when we wanted them - GrahamRylanceand John Maddenfor tne I had the easiestjob of the three seniorgradecoachesand I commiserate with Lynn and Bruce on the lst aod 2nds not making the Crand Final and congratulatethem on the work they did with then teams this year. The main thhg I had to do was to get the "Fortified Foufihs Sptuit" into the team and hold it there until September23rd. This was done for me by 'Masko" when he came on in the 2nd half againstEastsin the semi-final when we were a player dovi,nand 3 in all with 20 minutes extra time oo th€ board. The way he lifted our gamefor us to u'in 16-3wasan inspiation to all of us, here asI'm surethe nurnber of times we backedup for another c.P.s._ 11 game in 3rd Grade helped us "run oA" on that day. Thanks must also go to the many reserves that we used throughout the season in particular Doug Stevenson Dave Parke, Ian Fraser, Dougal Ethell, John Geraghty, Paddy Mayze, John Delahunty to Ross Mortimer and Col Williams who played a big part in our early games and Taffy Howells, Johr Fitzgemld and Doug Baynes (who had a big run in the Grand Final) fo! coming in later in the season and playing their part in our wins. A specialthanks lo: o Jamesy for keeping his cool on Grand Final day. . Peter Lewis for his try and great tackle. . Lloyd for those great penaltjes. . Ken O'Brien for his pedect shouldei charge. r Brendon for doing a "Hillhouse" in the line-outs. o Bruce for the tight-heads. Boucher for fixing-up the half-back. . Aod all the guys who had % games. We were all particularly sory that Tank, Jonesy and Prof didn't get a run in the big one, due mainly to injuries. I'm sure we have uncovered a great talent in Billy Fletcher and if he can get used to playing only one game a day, he should be playing A Grade next season. It was a great, low-key season where we peaked at the dght time with the right attitude. I realise every grade can't adopt thjs plan the way we did but to win a 4th Grade Grand Final with the players we had it was the only method worth considering. I sincerely hope next season seescoaches ln all grades as l'm sure the 3rds and 4ths can work off each other, to secure at least 2 Grand Finals next year. Dennis Congratulations to the trophy winners in Fourth Grade "Gutsman" Boucher (Best Back), Lynn "The Master" Jones(Best Forward) and Tony Creagh who showed us all what guts and drive at 36 is all about (Best and Fairest). ' Finally, thanks to all the guys who pulled on a 4ths ielsey,this year they all wlre instrumental in making it a great year for me and the re-stof the team. I krlow that this is the last year for quite a few of us and I can only recommend to any ex-players who feel like coming out ofretirement for "one last season", that it will be the best season you will have and a Grand Final is definitely on the cards. MIKE THIES UNDER 15 For the first time, the Club fielded an Under 15 Schoolboysteam' Approximately half the boys live in closeptoximity to the Club and attend ;;6;d il th; district. Thi balanceof the playershave connectionswith on to them at the half way break. 12 - G.P.S. n I M-any"thanks to r:,urie Rive$ whoseassistance to the team wasinvaluable. llopny wlnnels for the seasonwere: Best and Fairest Scott Henderson Best Forward John Taylor BestBack MuEay Rivers Most Consistent David Burke "i:il*? o",llfl ffrff.:'"?'i',il:l'"f i;;"#i'L"ljydi?il1ff:i1 "*. UNDER 18 prave^ a .#:XJ"::fflHi,:j ilii: f:"#,'dlt"iT ibtff" orsenior G.P.S.- 13 BRAY MOTORS A HIGHLYRECOMMENDED SERVICE A l l M e c h a n i c aB l e o a i r st o All Types of Motors Corner Gympie and Bray Roads, Lawnton 4501 245 2220 BREAKFAST CREEKHOTEL F- .-- wooL 'J{' SKIN S HE E P S K I N S E A T C O V ER S *Enjoy Our Icy Cold B€er On Tap *Delicious Count€r Lunches & Dinners aFriendly Almosph€re & Quick Service 2 KINGSFORD SMITH DRIVE, BREAKFAST CREEK,4oro PHONE: 262 59E8 NorthernVan Lines SeatsTailoredto Measure SeatCoversto Fit All Makes 356 7029 101 OaysRd., Grange4051 (Opp.KedronBrookRd.) O p e r a r e db y C o l & K a t h s m r t h K. JEANS HIRE FEMOVAL - STOFAGE - SBIPPING INTEBSTATE LOCAL - COUNTRY' HIGHLY FECOMMENDED 265 2955 32 DELIA STFEET GEEBUNG 4034 NOBTHERN VAN LINES 10 CenlenaryAve.,Moorebank PHONE: (02) 601 5555 ALSO Woodcock St , Townsville PHONE: 79 8177 14 - G.P.S. QUEENSLAND'SLARGEST PARTYHIRE Metquees, cheits, labt6s, caleting equipm6nt, SAOt €tc W E D E L I V E RT O A L L S U B U R B S Telephone lor lree brochure or quot.tion. 39t I t62 185-187Wetlingto; Rd., Earl Brisbane,4169 tI f 1979TROPHYLIST I I CLUB CAPTAIN, ..... R .N e r i c h o u , Humphrey Bere Memodal Trophy H I G H E S T T R Y S C O R1E9 7 9 S E A S O N . -, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J .M i l t o n Presentedby Robinson'sSports Store Ltd. FOR SCORINGIOOPOINTSFOR I979 SEASON . . . . . . . . D u gC. l a r k Presentedby F. ParkesEsq. 2OOCLUB GAMES , . ' . . . . . . . . J .G a r d e Presentedby David Claik Esq. I O OC L U BC A M E S. . . . . . . . . M .A s p r e y Presentedby E. DevenportEsq. IOO..A"CRADEGAME . .S. . ........ G.Brand Presentedby M. Williams Esq. 5 0 * A " G R A D E G A M E. .S. , , . . D. Regeling, D. Blackford, Prese4ted by G.P.S.Club A. Austin, P. Devenport. B E S TC O t T . . . M. Arnold Presented by K. BeavisEsq. BESTUNDER 18 FORWARD, . , , R. Christmas PresenieAuv-C. Si"kitrtafi gtq BESTUNDER 18 BACK . S. Knowles Presented by I.R. ColquhounEsq. B E S TA N D F A I R E S TU N D T R I 8 . . B. Green Presentedby Ascot Clayfield Club BESTUNDER I9 FORWARD, . . . M. Philips Presented by J. MaddenEsq. B E S T U N D E1 R 9 B A C K. . . . . , . ... M.Day Presentedby G.D. RylanceEsq. B E S TA N D F A I R E S TU N D E R I 9 ... B.Cox Presentedby N. Hogan Esq. BESTJUNIOR CLUB MAN . . . M. Power Presentedby D_ Boucher Esq. BEST4th GRADE FORWARD ........ L.Jones Presentedby Bill Browns Sports Store Ltd. B E S T 4 I h G R A DBEA C K . . . . . . , . . . . . . D .B o u c h e r Presentedby R. AndersonEsq. BESTAND FAIREST 4th GRADE PLAYER , - . . . . . - . . . . A .C r e a g h Presentedby R. FarquharEsq. BEST3rd GRADE FORWARD . . . . . . R .M a c A f e e Presentedby H.G. Noble Esq_ BEST3rd GRADE BACK . . . ..... L.Skardoon Presentedby D. NewsteadEsq. BESTAND FAIREST 3rd GRADE pLAyER. . . . . . . . . . D.SteYenson Presentedby T. LevanderEsq. BEST 2nd GRADE FORWARD . . . . . . M .O b e r h a r d t Presentedby A.A. Flynl Esq. B E S T 2 n d G R A D E B A C K. . . . . . . T. Jesser Presentedby D. ForbesEsq. G.P.S.- 15 BESTA-NDFAIREST 2nd GRADE pLAyER. . . . . . . ., Presented by R.S.RobertsEsqBEST lst cRAIE FoRWARD, pRESIDENT,STROpHy. Presentedby W. Bligh Esq. B E S T l s t C R A D E B A C K .P A T R O N . S TROpHy. . . . . . . presenled by D. Lacy_Jones Lsq. M O S T I M P R O V El sDt G R A D E p L A y E R. .. . . . . . . . . Presented by R.A. Nicol Esq BESTAND IAIREST tst GRADE pLAyER . . A.C. Dubdin MemorialTropny KINC OJ THF MOUNT_AtN C.. T . A . t r p _ . . p r e s e n t ebdy A . R . R o b e r r tss C q. J O H N H A R R I SM L ] \ 4 O R I A T LROPHY. presented by his friends B E S T C L U BM A N t 9 7 9 S E A S O N. WatrerH. Boyd vi.oiiif f Lpr,v 2OOCLUB GAMESAND OVER No. cAMES David Clark R.S.Roberts I. Colquhoun *R. Thomson 28r *R. Mortimer 223 *Dugald Clark 220 *E.A. Kann 2t3 *J. Garde 206 FIRST PLAYED Prior to l96l P d o .t o l 9 6 l Prior to 1961 1967 r963 1968 l 96 3 1968 CURRENT POSITION _ 20OCLUB GAMES *D. Park 198 *L- Graham 116 +I. Fraser l'74 *M. Thies t64 +D. Stevenson 160 +D. Boucher 159 *R. Bernays t58 *I. Whittle 154 iDenotes Current PlayerlOO POINTS Dugald Clark 1963 1968 t964 1969 t970 t 96 6 1968 t970 146(includingXXXX Games) EIGHESTTRY SCORERS(r979) J. Milton l2 B. Humphrys 8 '7 P. Meares L. Graham 6 16 - G.P.S. - . P. Evans . B. Bamhill ' Duc. clark B. Schooley . Dug. Clark . A. Austin . . M. Thies N. Bufiows B.G.S. c.F.G.S. T.G.S. B.c.s. c_F.G.S. B.G.S. G,T. T .S . S . c.F.c.s. c.F.G.S. B.B.C. B.S.H.SB.C.S. c.F.c.s. B.G.S. B.G.S. .:. FIRSTGRADE Competition Games: ll4l79 v. Wests d r e wl 8 - 1 8 24161'79 v. Wests 714179v. Easts l o s tl 5 -1 9 I l'7179v. Easts lost 7- 9 111179v - lpswrch 2814l'79v.lpsw\ch 7l5l'79 v. Brothers d r e w l 9 - 1 9 l5/?/79 v. Brothers 12l5119v. Teachers lost 9-12 2I l7 179v. T eachers l9l5/79 v. Redcliffe w o n 1 9 - 6 5/8/79 v. Redcliffe 27 151'T9 v. University w o n 3 7 -l 3 12l8l79 v. Univeffity won 15- 4 2/6/79 v. Souths l 9 1 8 / 7 9v . S o u t h s l 0 / 6 / 7 9v . Q . l . T . won30- 0 2 6 1 8 1 7v9. Q . r . T . SemiFinal: lost 16-35 I /9/78 v. Souths Summary: Played Won Drew Lost Pts.For 19 8 2 8 306 Four X Cup: v. D. Downs 281'7l'19 won 30-6 1 5 / 8 / ? 9v . B r o t h e r s lost 9-15 lost 6-12 w o n4 l - 9 Iost l9-32 wofll6-15 won 14- 7 lostl5-16 won l0- 8 'w'n '7- 4 Pts.Agst. 253 lost 8-24 CRADE SECOND CompetitionCames: 1/4/79v. Wests lost 9 - 1 9 2416179 v. Wests 1l4l'79 v. Easts lost 9 - 1 8 1l'7l'79v. Easts 24l4l'79tr.Ipswrch drew l 0 - 1 0 717179v.lpswrch 115179v. Btothers lost | 8-2'7 1 5 / 7 / 7 9v . B r o t h e r s '7 12l5l79v. Teach.ers lost 0211'7119 v. T eachers l9l5/79 v. Redcliffe 25- 4 5/8/79 v. Redcliffe 2'7I 5l'79 v. University lost l2-31 12l8l'79Y. University 2/6/79 v. Souths lost 6-34 l 9 1 8 / 7 9v . S o u t h s l 0 / 6 / 7 9v . Q . l . T . 29- 4 2 6 1 8 1 ' 1v9. Q . r . T . Summary: Pts F^r Played Won Diew Lost l8 s 1 12. 270 Four X Cup: 2 9 1 ' l 1 7v9. D . D o w n s l o s t 4 - 1 7 THIRDGRADE lost 1 3 - 1 6 lost '72l 2 - l8 O lost 6 - r 6 lost 3-25 2 1 -l 0 lost 0-40 lost 3-28 22-l5 Pfc A oct 322 CompetitionGames: 1/4/79v. Wests lost 3- 9 24161'79 v. Wests iost 7-19 '714179 v. Easts lost 4-35 I l'7179 v. Easts lost 4-36 2814179 v.lpswich lost 4-10 7l7 119 v- lpswich won fodeit 7/5/79 v. Brothers lost l0-34 15/7/79v Brothers lost 3-68 l2l5l79 v. Teachers w o n l 5 - 1 2 2l l7 179r. Teachers lost 0-42 l9l5/79 v. Redcliffe won 24-16 5/8/?9 v. Redcliffe lost 6-12 2'7l 5I'19 v. University lost 3-41 12l8l79 't. University lost 4-19 2/6/79 v. Souths lost 3-14 l918/79v. Souths lost 8-12 l 0 / 6 / 7 9v . Q . I . T . won ?- 0 v. Q.r.'t. 26181'79 won fofeit Summary: Played Won Lost Pts.For Pts.Agst. 18 5 l3 105 3'79 G.P.S.- 17 Competition Games: ll4l79 y.Wests 714119v. Easts 2814179v.Bros.B 6/5/79 !. Bros. A l2l5l79 v.'feactLels l9l5/79 v. Redcliffe 2715179v.Univemity 216119v. Souths 1016179 v. Q.I.T. Semi Final: 8/9/79 v. Easts Summary: Played 2 1 Won 1 6 FOURTHGRADE won l7- O won 1l- 4 won forfeit lost 'l-24 won 33- 3 won 24- 4 won l2- 0 lost 7-10 won forfeit 2416119 v. Wests 111179 t. Easts '71'71'19 v. Brcs.B l5l'l l'19 v. Btos.A 2lJ'7179y. Teachers 5/8/79 v. Redclilfe l2l8l'19 v. University l918/79 v. Souths 219l'19y. Bros.A Grand Final: 2319/79v. Souths won l8-3 Lost 5 Pts For 326 won 52-14 won 20- 0 lostI l-17 won 16- 3 won 30- 9 won 20- 0 won l0- 6 lost 0- 3 lost l0-14 worr 12- 7 Pts.Agst. 119 POINTSSCORERS FIRSTGRADE CompetitiotlGames Dugald Clark B- Humphries J- Milton P. Devenport E. Fawkner D. Blackford M. Kastrisos D. Regeling B. Schooley S. Lonie A. Austin B. Barnhill G. Brand P. Burrows P. Evans Triet Con. Pen. ) 8 5 19 2 2'7 l FG 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 I Semi Final B. Humphries M. Arnold Four X Cup B. Humphries B. Barnhill S. Cullimore D. Clark P. Devenport E. Fawkner B. Schooley J. Milton I Totql t42 39 20 t6 t6 t2 8 8 8 8 7 4 I 3 2 8 t 8 4 2 4 SECONDGRADE Competition Games T. Jesser P. Evans 18 - G.P.S. Tries I Con16 5 Pen. 5 9 FG Total 51 37 J. Milton S. Cullimore C. Elliott M. Kastdsos P. Garbutt R. Jones P. Burrows L Hillhouse R. Roberts S. Smith P. Fryer D. Baynes D. Howell M. Oberhardt P. Osbotne Fout X Cup M. Oberhardt CompetitionGames C. EIiott M. Oberhardt D. Stevenson D. MacAfee D. Baynes J. Brand R. Coombs R. Anderson I. Hillhouse M. Kastrisos J. Mayes L. Skardoon I. Whittle M. Asprey R. Jones D. Etheu G. Whittey 7 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 28 22 20 I7 15 t2 t2 8 8 8 5 4 4 4 4 4 THIRD GRADE Trles Con. Pen. 2 FG Total 3'7 4 6 I I 2 I I 7 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 FOURTHGRADE Competition Games D. Brown L. Graham P. Meares P. Lewis W. James D..Boucher A. Creagh L. Jones M. Thies J. Geraghty I. Whit e M. Asprey D. Baynes Tlies 6 7 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 I I Con. t2 2 Pen. 9 3 I 2 4 _ - Total 5l 4 3 3t l6 16 1 t 1 2 2 2 8 8 G.P.S.- 19 R. Duus W. Fletcher J. Garde G. Maskell R. Mayes K. O'Brien D. Powell C, Wiliiam - . . 1 D. Browl A. Creagh L. Graham P. Lewis A M. Arnold A. Austin J. Allen M. Asprey R. Anderson R, Armstrong B M. Bu ows B. Bamhill D. Blackford K. Bolton 'G. Bramo P. Burrows J. Brano D. Baynes W. Brooks J. Buchan G, Beavis D. Brovr'n G. Boyd T. Brooks D. Boucher P. Barrett c Dug. Clark S. Cullimore C. Garberry A. Campbe R. Coombs A. Creagh D. Carlisle P. Chardler A. Carter D P. Devenport R. Dennis m - G.PS. 4 5 3 I t 2 I PLAYERAPPEARANCES _ ALL GRADES OPENCOMPETITION lst XXXX 2nd XXXX 3rd 4th q t9 6 t6 15 9 tt 4 l I - T l l - 2 I 2 2 l - 5 2 l l - 8 - 2 2 - - - 4 8 l l 8 2 I 5 l ,1 7 l9 l8 19 l3 9 l3 l3 8 7 8 l7 l5 _ 16 3 2 15 l 3 I I I t7 9 I l I 5 2 I I t: l8 I 4 l - l I ) 4 Total l8 - 2 0 1 11 16 l l 2 1 l 4 Semi Finals and Grand Final _ r t 14 2 { Ist XXXX 2nd XXXX 3rd P. Dowling R. Duus B. Donovan I 3 4th 15 Total l 18 I I E ? I , I l J c I P. Evans W, Edwards D. Ethel C. Elliott F R. Farquhar B. FeryusoD E. Fawkner P. Fryer I. Frase! B. Fraser W. Fletchet B. Fox S. Farquhar J. Fitzgerald G J. Garde G. Gosney J. Gerraghty E. civen L. Graham P. Garbutt H B. Humphrys J. Herui D. Howell J. Hillhouse c. Hynes I. Henry J S. Jacques T. Jessei P. Joseph R. Jones B. Jacobs L. Jones W. James K M- Kastrisos L P. Lemmey S. Lonie G. Loel J. Lynch Richard Lyne Robert Lyne Roger Lyne P. Lewis 3 l5 5 5 I4 2 - 2 2 5 - t _ - I 2 2 l4 1 l 3 - 4 _ t ' l 2 1,6 3 7 I t1 I 3 I t9 1 l8 I 2 I 1 2 I ,7 3 I I l3 l5 I 5 1 I 2 3 6 I 2 I 2 I I 3 2 3 8 I I _ 6 16 5 9 3 9 I 2 I l , . 2 t2 9 I r ) 2 9 8 9 19 t l0 9 9 20 6 11 l - 11 l 2 _ ll _ : I t ) ll 't _ - 7 o o c.P.s._ 21 lst ' - M W- Morgan J- Milton R. MacAfie I. Mclntosh A. Mclntosh P. Meares M. MacAfie A. Mclntyre G. Maskell B. Mason R. Mayze P. Marshall D. MacAfie B. McDiarmid R. Mortimer N R. Nerichow D. Newstead P. Nordish 3 3 - 1 1 ' s S. Solomons B. SchooleY S. Smith D. Stevenson S. Struss B. Stewart L, Skardoon S. Schooley P. Stanton T R. Thomson M- Taylor J. Telyfabeck J. Tooh9y M. Thies 22 - G.P.S. 1 - 3 2 5 4th 3rd XXXX 1 - - - 1 6 4 l 2 8 9 - 11 9 4 l0 5 3 - 8 2 1 , - 4 - 2 Total ' - 1 - t l 4 t 6 1 2 1 7 r 6 - t 14 r'7 o M. Oberhardt P. Osbolne K. O'Brien P B. Parker D. Park D. Patterson D. Powell R R. Roberts D. Regeling M. Roge6 W. Rowles 2nd XXXX - 15 9 | 1 15 3 1l 7 2 1 9 6 9 15 l l '7 l8 '.l l l 2 8 1 - l6 2 l 2 1 I I 8 I 2 1 5 l6 5 t'1 l 2 - 1 2 1 3 - 4 2 - I l - 2 - ll l 5 t9 21 l5 3 l3 ll I I l - l0 l 8 1 - 2 4 3 1 9 0 8 l 4 2 2 lst 5 M, Vincent w R. Whitten F. WiUis W. Walker G. Whitten I. Whittle C. Williams XXXX 2nd 9 3rd l 4th - 3 6 5 , 8 6 l t 7 l - - z l S. Zemanoff Total 15 8 l PLAYERAPPEARANCES UNDERl8 - 1977 o UNDER19 -1978 J. Adams M. Arnold M. Burroughs D. Briggs R. Dennis B. Donovan 14 20 23 12 22 30 R. Duhig C. Jones P. Lemmey C. Loel R. Lynne W. Moryan 15 12 14 25 15 22 R. Roberts B. Schooley P. Spiro C.Todd M- Wi[iams J. Worfield 25 29 l'7 26 16 14 PLAYERAPPEARANCES UNDER18 - 1978 o UNDERt9 -1979 A. Bell G. Bendich P. Burke C. Campbell M. Day P. Day M. DowLing R. Eltott A. Forster J. Alston A. Blair C. Bratchford P. Carter C. Caswell R. Christmas 6 I0 1l 8 32 ? 12 6 30 1l II 8 14 8 l6 B. Fox P .F r i s b y S .J a m e i G. parkes M.phillips C. purvii M. Power B. Schooley S. Schooley 34 25 30 30 29 32 24 s 20 PLAYER APPEARANCES UNDER 18 _ 1979 J. Craig 13 L. Duckworth 14 B. Green II S. Knowles 12 R. MacMillan 4 D. Perrins 5 S. Smith D. Thornpson A. Tranent H. Sunderland A. Rymer S. White G. Wynne A. Young 22 15 2A 14 6 16 10 10 B. Teys M. Tibbles B. Wallace R. Woods 6 6 8 II TREASURERSREPORT R.B.Farquhar I presentfor your considerationand adoption the Club'saudited Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and Eipenditure for the year ended O c t o b e3r l , 1 9 7 9 . The report shows a surplus for the year, after extraordinary items, of $2,483. Further ground improvements were provided dudrg the year in the c.P.s.- 23 clubs continuing effod to provide, with limited rcsources,the best possible facilities for club members. In particular, $500 was spent on purchasing field lightsfrom the NormanbyLeagueClub and a fuither $2,188by the Joint Committee on levelling and top-dressingthe playing fields. The BalanceSheetat October31, 1979 of the Joint Venturebetweenthe two clubsis attachedto this report. Duringthe yearthe Committeehasre-negotiated the termsof.epayment of the loan payable to the Valley District Cricket Club. Under the odginal agreementthe club wascommittedto $9,300per year and this provedto Valleyshavenow agreedto extendthe periodof be beyondits capabilities. the loan for a furtherten yearsfuomOctoberl, 1979.The effectof this is that annualrepaymentshave been reducedto $5,100,a sum which the Committee believesis well within our financial capabilities and should enable equal participation with Valleys in fufther ground and clubhouse improvements. The Committeeis particularlygratefulto Valleysfor theu assistance in this regard. Twenty-ninesubscriptions werereceivedfor AshgroveGroundMemberships,making a total of forty-threeto date. The contributionsof th€se members has greatly assistedthe club in its move to Ashgrove but the Committeeis disappointedthat so few of our hundredsof membersand suppoftershave beenpreparedto support the club in this way. Applications for membershipare still beingacceptedand all memberswho havenot yet subscribed are urged to give serious consideration to the benefits of memDersnlp. The collection of membershipsubscriptionswas,asusual,very difficult and there wasa sharpdrop in revenuefrom both SeniorandJunioi subscdptions this year. Subscliptronsare intended for the running to the club and the importanceof co-operationfrom all membersin paying cannot be ove! emphasised. Anexampleof this h that in 1979,subscriptions amountedto lessthan 50% of the costof Jerseyspurchased andusedduringthe season. Our thanks to the LadiesCommitteewho, apart from providingexcellent catering facilities dur-ingthe season,earneda profit of $912 and donatedit to the club. The financial ieport shows that income from all fund raising sources was down in this year and the club rugently requestsfurther strongsupport from all members and supporte$ to reversethis trend. A11memben and supportersare invited to contribute to fund raisingactivitiesin the form of assistance and/or ideasduringrhe comingyear. Detailsof Receipts& Expenditure - G.P.S.Junior Fund RaisingAccount from lst Noyember,1978 to 31st October,1979. ReceiDts Bank Balance Bank Interest Meat Trays and Raffles etc. Doubles D. Withers Transfer from InvestmentA/c GrossIncome Expenditure s 362.52 8 . 55 4,625.30 2,3t 8.00 100.00 1,000.00 8 , 4 1 -43 ' 7 8,302.4 | $ l l .t.96 B a n kB a l a n c ea s L t 3 l l l 0 l ' 7 9= $ 1 1 1 . 9 6 . 24 - G.P.S. Expenditure Transferredto InvestmentA/c StewartsHotel Trust Modern MeatsRaffles Miscellaneous Brian Loel Raffle Wheel RaffleTickets Q.R.UC . lub $2,9s9.41 552.96 2,424.OO 50.00 30.96 6.00 t32.21 RegistrationFeesQ.J.R.U, U n d e rl 5 L e a m Under 18-l9 teams 20.0 r4 0 . 0 0 r 6 00 0 Club Shortsand Socks U n d e r1 5 t e a m Under 15 team 22.5.OO 41.00 266.O0 Donation Q.J.R.U. 20.00 Doubles Paymenton 627 TravellingDonations U n d e r1 9 2 R e p sS y d n e y U n d e rl 9 2 R e p sN . Z . Functions U n d e r 1 8 . 1 9D i n n e r D a n c e PrizesDinner Dance B B Q & P r i z e sU n d e r1 5 t e a m 1 0 0 . 00 120.00 200.00 32 0 . 0 0 1,190.78 78.00 100.00 1,368.78 t 5rl.r0,r't Certified Correct LeslieDodwell.for G.P.S. Junrors. AUDITOR'SOPINION andMembers To the OfficeBearers G.P,S. OLD BOYS'RUGBYUNIONCLUB -{ . W" haveexaminedthe balancesheetof G.P.S.Old Boys'RugbyUnion Club at 31stOctober,l9'79 andthe rncomeand expenditurestatementfor the year then ended.Our examinationincluded suchtestsofthe accounting records and such other auditing proceduresas we consrderednecessaryin the circumstances,and particularly in relation to Note 2 to the financial statements. We did not attenda physicalstockcount and consequently the amount shown for stockswas not verified. Subject to the abovementionedlimitations, in our opinion the balance sheet at 3lst October, 1979 and the related income and expenditure statementgive a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Club at 3lst October, 1979 and of the resultsof its operationsfor the year then ended. GRAHAM EDMONDS& Co., CharteredAccountants, Brisbane. Date: 2lst November,1979. G.P.S.- 25 VALLEY DISTRICTCRICKETCLUB G.P.S.OLD BOYSRUGBYUNIONCLUB BALANCESHEET- 3IST OCTOBER'1979 30th Ap l, r979 Vallev Dist.ict C.icket Club 4 6 , s 1 6 . 5 6 Capilalat lst Mav, 1979 (918.49\ 45,538.07 Add: Shareof excesslst MaY,to 31stOctober,1979 4s,538.07 (611.201 44,866.87 G.PS, Old BoYsRugby Union Club 4 6 , 5 1 6 . 5 6 Capitalat lst May, 1979 Add: Shareof excess1st MaY,to (978.49\ 31stOctober,1979 45,538.07 (611.20) 44,866.81 45,538.0? {eq ?11 74 !e1,9lgg FIXED ASSETS Leaseholdimprovements (at valuation1977) 3,420.00 Less:Amortisation(seenote l) 8s,500.00 82,080.00 (at valuation f 97.7) 1,500.00 Crockery& glassware 6,000.00 Plant & equipment(at valllatlon l, / / | 726.00 L€ss:Accilmulateddepreciation 5,214.00 1398.6s 162.65 85,500.00 4,215.00 81,225.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 907.50 s,092.50 Plant& equiDmenr(at cost) t €ss:Accrlmulateddepreciation r,498.65 237.10 I,261.55 tJr*t 89,079.05 90,190.00 Total fixed ussets 253.64 632.50 CURRENT ASSETS Cashat bank PteDayments C.P.S.Old BoYsRueby Union Club 454.69 -200.00 886.14 $89,733.74 $91,o16.14 C.P.S.OLD BOYSRUGBYIJNIONCLUB BALANCESHEETAT OCTOBER3I ' 1979 t9?8 300 300 1,363 30,005 $ MEMBERSFUNDS A.C. Didbin PerpetualTroPhY J.R. HarrisMemorialTroPhY Tout Geneul 300 300 30,139 $34,451 26 - G.P.S. 46,517 11,71s 600 600 220 REPRESENTEDBY NON CURRENT ASSETS Joint Ventue - Ashgrove Field Lights - Ashgove BallymoreLife Membership DebentureStock EsandaLtd. Loan - QueenslandRugby Urfon 44,86'l 12,215 600 600 s9,6s2 2,363 4,064 s8,282 CURRENT ASSETS Bank SunakyDebtors Stocks 6,860 434 8,091 270 2,307 10,668 CURRENT LIABILITTES SundryCreditors 1,041 6,426 9,621 66,078 6'7,909 34,110 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Valley District Cicket Club 33,458 $31,968 1 $34,4s ACCOUNTINC POLICIES: 1. The accounts are ptepared under the historical cosl convention and are noa adjustedto take account of the current costsof specificassetsand the effect of thosecostson the incomeand expenditurefor lhe ie9r, 2. It is impracticablefor the Club to establishfull commercislcontrols over most types ofincom€ prior to the initial entriesin accountingrecords.The controls and checksestablbhedby the committee ensurethat all materialitems ofincome are brought to account. G.P.S.OLD BOYSRUGBYTJNIONCLUB STATEMENTOF INCOMEAND EXPENDITURE FORTHEYEARENDEDOCTOBER 3I. 1979 l97E 16,5 31 11,250 INCOME Caterins GrossP;oceeds Less:Cost of Sales $ 13,094 9,s6s s,281 9,089 6,t39 HoaelR2ffles GrossProceeds Less:Expenses 8,084 5,163 t otr 2,950 12,430 11,016 1,414 Functiont CrossProceedi Less:Exp€Nes 4,940 3,676 1,264 G.P.S.- 27 Clothing and Equipment Sales Less:Cost of Sales 2,418 1,808 s92 r,746 610 (1,rs4) Subscdptions S€nior Junior AslErove Ground 2,010 r20 1,400 990 s,650 3,590 |,483 t,422 492 160 300 6,6s6 Other Income Donations Doubles Interest Ground Rent Bingo Raffles Sundry Income I 405 88 3,t57 17,702 t 2,317 3,347 271 600 7,028 TOTALINCOME 6,493 3 1,148 1,464 1,319 |,1rl 1,581 2to 1,412 950 2,079 200 505 t 7(|1 246 22,1t4 (4,412\ 320 320 (4,092) 31,304 27,212 $30,00s 28 - G.P.S. E)(PENSES AshgroveJoint Committee Bank Charyes Cleaning lnterest Electdcity Football Expenses Jerseys JerseyRepaks PostagePrinting and Stationery QueenslandRugby Union Affiliation Fees Match Fees Dooationsand Honorarium Trophies(net of donations) Tour expenses Junio$ Function DiscoMusic Wreathsand Flowe$ 20,4 4,450 1,041 4,050 1,000 t,253 2,085 93 542 960 928 440 234 1,368 430 JI 18,925 TOTAL EXPENSES SURPLUS(DEFICIT) FOR YEAR Extraordinary ltems Departmentof Sport Subsjdy Q.R.U. Shareof Profits Grand Final I t 1,319 364 800 1,164 ACCUMULATED FUNDS NOVEMBER I, 1978 2,483 30,005 TRANSFER (TO) FROM TOUR FUND 32,488 (2,349t ACCUMULATED FUNDS OCTOBER31. 19?9 $30,139 I t Ilecommel'rdedSerricc to e m b e r sa n d S u p 'Fr( Q u o r r r o n \ & O r S r r eI . 5 ! i r . L r o n ( . J i l a i d S e co l r D i s n l r \ P o o l d r 235 Ekibin Road, Annerley..tl03 Telephone:487395 SHEET * G e n e r a LF a i - . r , . a t i o Di S l e e l - S t a n l e s s t * * * * A i r m n i u m C o p p e r[ t c G u t l l o t i rn! Oxv Eiectr,c Argon & Spot tleld na l l l u m r n a r eSc g j t l s& S i g nP a n e l s ComnrF'rca & Industral Li$httng G a r 3 q ct C i ) r p o . C t cnsiruction pRoDUcTs B.E.A.ful.ffETAL i 1, 5 8 1 3 3R A I L \ . / A Y P A F A ! : T I T O F I T E S I DJE 2O7 334 A S P L E YJ E W E L L E R S Highly Recartncnded Service to all fulctnbets and SLtpportets FOR WbDE RAi{GE DIAMOI'ID & WATCI{ES C . ! i . I ' SF O B A L L O C C A S i O I ' I S Ear Fiercing - Keys Cut 1327 GYMPIE ROAD, ASPLE',,'.-.4034 PHONE: 2634139