3:30PM - City of Compton
3:30PM - City of Compton
NOTICE COMPTON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, January 05, 2016 3:30 PM OPENING MOMENT OF SILENCE ROLL CALL INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS AND NON-AGENDA MATTERS CONSENT AGENDA Consent items are routine and expected to be non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion unless a Council Member requests an item be removed or discussed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. DECEMBER 22, 2015 REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMISSIONS END CONSENT AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES AND CITY COUNCIL 2. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS, COUNCIL MEMBERS, BOARDS/COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES LETTER OF RESIGNATION - COUNCILWOMAN YVONNE ARCENEAUX - CITY COUNCIL, DISTRICT 3 (Receive/File) -2- City Council Agenda Tuesday, January 05, 2016 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT 3. DECLARING CITY COUNCIL SEAT - DISTRICT 3 VACANT CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION One (1) Potential Case Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 5. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR ANNUAL WASTE DISCHARGE FEES FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS/MUNICIPAL UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ($34,092) 6. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE QUOTE FROM FILTRONICS, INC. AND ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN IRON AND MANGANESE FILTRATION SYSTEM FOR THE WELL NO. 20 TREATMENT PLANT ($384,785.00) 7. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR CARMENITA TRUCK CENTER FOR COMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ($35,000) 8. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT MULTIPLE VENDOR QUOTES AND ISSUE MULTIPLE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF MISCELLANEOUS HEAVY DUTY WATER SERVICE VEHICLES USED FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER SYSTEM ($447,090.79) -3- City Council Agenda Tuesday, January 05, 2016 APPROVAL OF WARRANTS 9. Warrant #231183 - Date - 12/08/15 - Name - MDG Associates Inc. - Services - Labor compliance services for CDBG Street Improvement Project - Amount - $19,788.75 - Requested by: Grants Division Warrant #231250 - Date - 12/10/15 - Name - Veer Oil Partners Inc. Services - Fuel for refueling of City Vehicles - Amount - $8,684.00 Requested by: General Services Total Amount - $28,472.75 COUNCIL COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 @ 5:45 PM. Visit our website at http://www.comptoncity.org View Meetings Live at mms://livemedia.comptoncity.org:8080 DECEMBER 22, 2015 The City Council meeting was called to order at 5:55 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall by Mayor Aja Brown. The Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence ceremonies were also led by Mayor Aja Brown. ROLL CALL Council Members Present: Council Members Absent: Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown Galvan Other Officials Present: C. Cornwell, A. Godwin, R. Haley PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS AND NON-AGENDA MATTERS Robert Ray, Compton resident, alleged that three weeks ago during an oral report, the City Attorney made a statement indicating that he would like to work with illegal food vendors so that they can earn a living. Mr. Ray maintained that selling food out of the trunks of cars and grocery carts is not safe and something this City Council should not allow to. City Attorney Cornwell clarified that he never stated that he would help illegal food vendors make a living nor did he say that he would conform the code to meet their needs. Benjamin Holifield, Compton resident, petitioned city management to work harder to retain its department heads. He also asked that all members of the City Council come together to ensure that they are attending the meetings on a regular basis. He further proposed that council switch their focus from feeding the community to offering jobs, creating economic development, coming together, and stabilizing the community. Joyce Kelly, Compton resident, affirmed that she agrees with the statements made by Mr. Holifield and that this City Council should be ashamed of themselves for not attending the last three council meetings. {Dialogue occurred between Joyce Kelly and Councilperson Arceneaux} Ms. Kelly went on to recognize Councilperson Sharif for her efforts to support a local business man. She further asked that Councilperson Arceneaux address how many families will be serviced with 2,000 acre feet of water over a three year period. She also asked that the City Manager ensure that staff proofreads their work prior to placing it on the agenda. She inquired about why negotiations for 600 Alameda Street is being discussed privately and what the logistics are for the proposed pavement resurfacing design. Lynn Boone, Compton resident, inquired about warrant no. 230934 paid to Evan Brooks & Associates and the number of grants written on behalf of the City. She further questioned the need for a grants manager with regard to the $96,600 paid to Evan Brooks & Associates year-todate. She went on to state that she has never come to the podium wishing or seeking to send anyone to jail, only restitution for what is owed to the City of Compton. Ms. Boone also articulated her appreciation for Councilperson Arceneaux's 20+ years of dedicated service as an elected official. Councilperson Arceneaux announced her retirement from the Compton City Council. Mayor Brown, members of the City Council, City Clerk Alita Godwin, City Treasurer Douglas Sanders, and City Attorney Cornwell wished Councilperson Arceneaux a spirited farewell in all of her future endeavors. CONSENT AGENDA On motion by Zurita, seconded by Sharif, the Consent Agenda was approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. NOVEMBER 17, 2015 (Approved) DECEMBER 1, 2015 (Approved) DECEMBER 8, 2015 (Approved) CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY/CITY TREASURER REPORTS 2. AN UPDATE REPORT OF THE PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY LEASE REVENUE BONDS SERIES 2008 (Received/Filed) 3. REPORT OF THE SALES TAX REVENUES (Received/Filed) 4. A REPORT OF THE CITY OF COMPTON 2015/2016 TAX AND REVENUE (Received/Filed) 5. REPORT OF LICENSE FEE REVENUES (BASED ON THE GROSS REVENUES COMPUTATION) RECEIVED FROM CELEBRITY CASINOS, INC. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 (Received/Filed) 6. INVESTMENT REPORT - October 2015 (Received/Filed) RISK MANAGEMENT 7. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON TO RENEW THE COMPTON DOLLARHIDE COMMUNITY CENTER SPECIAL EVENTS POLICY ($4,750) (Resolution # 24,263) END CONSENT AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS - There were no City Manager's Reports. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORTS CLOSED SESSION 8. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Property: 600 North Alameda Street, Compton Negotiating Properties: City of Compton/The ARC of Mid-Cities Under Negotiation: Terms and Price Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.8 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Sipple, et al. v City of Alameda et al, LASC Case No. BC462270 Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(a) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION One (1) Potential Case Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(b) On motion by Zurita, seconded by Arceneaux, closed session was approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING CHAPTER II OF THE COMPTON MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 2-1.2 TO ESTABLISH A STANDARD MEETING TIME OF 5:30 P.M. FOR ALL REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL (SECOND READING) On motion by Zurita, seconded by Sharif, to waive the reading of the ordinance in full, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Zurita, Ordinance # 2,264 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING CHAPTER II OF THE COMPTON MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 2-1.2 TO ESTABLISH A STANDARD MEETING TIME OF 5:30 P.M. FOR ALL REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL (SECOND READING)" was adopted, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan NEW BUSINESS 10. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL MATTERS RELATING TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE CITY OF COMPTON’S SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION GRANT Mayor Brown proposed that the City work with the Compton Unified School District to identify recommendations for the safe routes to school, such as one-way drop-offs, pick-ups, and turnstiles. Councilperson Arceneaux proposed that the drop-off location for Robert F. Kennedy School be changed to the rear of the building to ensure the safety of the children is maintained. On motion by Sharif, seconded by Zurita, Resolution # 24,264 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL MATTERS RELATING TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE CITY OF COMPTON'S SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION GRANT" was approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan 11. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF THE ANNUAL FEES TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS FOR CONTINUED ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY’S WORKERS’ COMPENSATION SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM On motion by Zurita, seconded by Arceneaux, Resolution # 24,265 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF THE ANNUAL FEES TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS FOR CONTINUED ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY'S WORKERS' COMPENSATION SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM" was approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan 12. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE RENEWAL OF THE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH ALL CITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. AND COMPTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING THE PROVISION OF CROSSING GUARD SERVICES AND THE ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 IN THE AMOUNT OF $284,649.75. On motion by Sharif, seconded by Arceneaux, Resolution # 24,266 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE RENEWAL OF THE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH ALL CITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. AND COMPTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING THE PROVISION OF CROSSING GUARD SERVICES AND THE ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 IN THE AMOUNT OF $284,649.75" was approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan 13. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH DUDEK TO PERFORM CORRECTIVE ACTION SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE JUNE 22, 2015 DIRECTIVE OF THE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD REGARDING REMEDIATION AT COMPTON FIRE STATION NO. 1 ($165,138) Councilperson Zurita requested a report back from the City Manager regarding the corrective actions taken by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board as reported in the local newspaper. On motion by Zurita, seconded by Arceneaux, Resolution # 24,267 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH DUDEK TO PERFORM CORRECTIVE ACTION SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE JUNE 22, 2015 DIRECTIVE OF THE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD REGARDING REMEDIATION AT COMPTON FIRE STATION NO. 1 ($165,138)" was approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan 14. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON ACCEPTING PARCEL MAP NO. 72903 FOR RECORDATION, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17 AND A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 13 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF COMPTON, STATE OF CALIFORNIA On motion by Zurita, seconded by Arceneaux, Resolution # 24,268 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON ACCEPTING PARCEL MAP NO. 72903 FOR RECORDATION, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17 AND A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 13 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF COMPTON, STATE OF CALIFORNIA" was approved by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan 15. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE 2015-2016 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO MULTI-YEAR AGREEMENTS TO LEASE UP TO 2,000 ACRE FEET OF WATER RIGHTS FROM THE CITY OF SOUTH GATE FOR FISCAL YEARS 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018 ($340,000) Councilperson Zurita asked the City Manager to provide a brief explanation. Chad Blais, Director of Public Works, announced that this would be his last City Council meeting and that he is happy to end his tenure on this note - that this opportunity will save the City at least $1M on water right purchases over the next three years, defer future costs to replace equipment, and offset rate increases. 16. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON APPROVING AN INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34179.6 IN CONNECTION WITH THE DUE DILIGENCE REVIEWS OF THE UNENCUMBERED FUND AND ACCOUNT BALANCES OF THE FORMER COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF COMPTON, AND TAKING CERTAIN RELATED ACTIONS Councilperson Zurita asked the City Manager if he could make certain that the arrangements for the installment payment plan are kept and maintained according to schedule. City Manager Haley remarked that the City Manager's Office will make certain that payments are made on schedule in regards to this particular agreement. Councilperson Zurita requested an audit on the original agreement and who was responsible for making those payments. Ms. Zurita also proposed that staff create and implement a policy to make certain payments are made without delay. Mayor Brown conceded that the approval of a payment plan is a policy - and all city staff connected with the resolution will have a responsibility to make certain the obligations are fulfilled. In addition, Mayor Brown requested a workshop or closed session to explain the next step to ensure the enforceable obligations are fulfilled. Councilperson Zurita asked the City Manager to give her a report back on the installment payment plan once enforced. Councilperson Sharif inquired about the City's ability to make payments this year. City Manager Haley stated that he met with the City Controller and that they are confident that the City's budget is solid and economically viable to make payments towards this installment plan. Mayor Brown stated that for the record, the City has the money to pay the obligation but unfortunately it was not paid due to the negligence of a staff member. On motion by Zurita, seconded by Arceneaux, Resolution #24,269 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON APPROVING AN INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34179.6 IN CONNECTION WITH THE DUE DILIGENCE REVIEWS OF THE UNENCUMBERED FUND AND ACCOUNT BALANCES OF THE FORMER COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF COMPTON, AND TAKING CERTAIN RELATED ACTIONS" was approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan 17. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 24,162 AND REVOKING SPECIAL BINGO LICENSE NO. BL09-01 EFFECTIVE AS OF JUNE 30, 2016 Councilperson Sharif asked the City Manager to address how long it will take staff to complete the Request For Proposal (RFP) process. City Manager Haley remarked that staff is currently working on the RFP process and the item should come before this council February 2016. Councilperson Sharif asked the City Manager if one or more non-profit organizations can apply for this permit to organize and manage bingo in the City of Compton. City Manager Haley indicated that typically the City looks for one particular vendor to provide this service however if staff is directed otherwise by the City Council they will include that option. On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Zurita, Resolution # 24,270 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 24,162 AND REVOKING SPECIAL BINGO LICENSE NO. BL09-01 EFFECTIVE AS OF JUNE 30, 2016" was approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan APPROVAL OF WARRANTS City Clerk Godwin stated that per staff Warrant #231037 - 12/01/15 - Blue Diamond Materials Purchase of 3.98 tons of Asphalt - $264.78 - Requested by: Public Works Department is being removed. 18. Warrant #230863 - 11/19/15 - CEMEX - Delivery of sand/water - $1,280.08 - Requested by: Water Department Warrant #230934 - 11/25/15 - Evan Brooks Associates - Signage Grant Pilot Program Application - $4,800.00 - Requested by: Grants Department Warrant #231046 - 12/01/15 - Civil Source Inc. - Pavement Resurfacing Design $19,317.50 - Requested by: Public Works Department Warrant #231156 - 12/03/15 - Trimming Land Co. Inc. - Crown Reduction on Ficus Trees - $990.00 - Requested by: Public Works Department Total Amount - $26,387.58 On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Sharif, the above warrants were approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilperson Arceneaux offered the following communications/announcements: • Thanked the citizens of Compton for the opportunity to serve them for 20+ years. • Wished Dorothy Miller a Happy Belated 75th Birthday. Meeting adjournment Ulysses Terry Councilperson Sharif offered the following communications/announcements: • Stated that she had the opportunity to attend multiple events, i.e., Compton Unified School District event organized for classified staff, Compton Chamber of Commerce event for Mr. Fontenot, and the City of Compton 1920's themed event. Councilperson Zurita offered the following communications/announcements: • Resident Complaint: Please remove graffiti on San Vicente Street between Bradfield and Harris Street. • Asked the City Manager to consider increasing the level of security in the Council Chambers to ensure the safety of the citizens and elected officials. • Inquired about a report on the status of the mobile speed meter readers. • Requested a report back on the number of consecutive meetings an elected official can miss before being unseated, in addition to information on the City's policy on approved absences. Meeting adjournment Stacy Garcia-Gray Mayor Brown offered the following communications/announcements: • Beginning in January 2016, there will be a ban on bringing large bags into the Council Chambers with signs posted to include additional safety precautions. • Commented on the success of the First Annual Senior Gospel Brunch with a special thanks to TGIFridays, Mr. Derozan, and Ms. Curtis; acclamations were also sent to west coast rappers Kendrick Lamar and Y.G. for their participation in the Compton Parade and City Toy Giveaway. • Anthony Anderson will be hosting a "Christmas Grocery Giveaway" at Wilson Park to be held Wednesday, December 23, 2015 beginning at 9 a.m. • Announced a significant decrease in the City's unemployment rate from 17.9% to 9.1%. • Notified the residents that the City is always creating new and improved employment opportunities for its local residents, i.e., brickyard development and many new businesses coming in 2016. • Requested a follow-up from the City Manager regarding previously requested signage for littering and no smoking outside City facilities. RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION On motion by Zurita, seconded by Sharif, the meeting was recessed to closed session at 7:09 p.m., by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan RECONVENED FROM CLOSED SESSION On motion by Zurita, seconded by Arceneaux, the meeting was reconvened at 9:45 p.m., by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Cornwell reported out of closed session conference with real property negotiator: 600 North Alameda Street, Compton Negotiating Properties: City of Compton/The ARC of Mid-Cities Under Negotiation: Terms and Price. No reportable action was taken pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.8. 2) As it relates to conference with legal counsel - EXISTING LITIGATION Sipple, et al. v City of Alameda et al, LASC Case No. BC462270 Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Settlement parameters were given but there was no reportable action taken. 3) As it relates to conference with legal counsel - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION One (1) Potential Case. No reportable action was taken in this matter pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(b). ADJOURNMENT On motion by Zurita, seconded by Sharif, the meeting was adjourned at 9:47 p.m. in memory of Ulysses Terry and Stacy Garcia-Gray, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Zurita, Arceneaux, Sharif, Brown NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT:Council Members - Galvan ______________________________ City Clerk of the City of Compton __________________________ Mayor of the City of Compton January 5, 2016 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY CLERK SUBJECT: DECLARING CITY COUNCIL (DISTRICT 3) SEAT VACANT On December 30, 2015 City Councilwoman Yvonne Arceneaux submitted a letter of resignation effective December 31, 2015. Once the seat is declared vacant the City Council has two alternatives. Option I: Appointment If Council is prepared to make an appointment it may do so within thirty days of the seat being declared vacant. If Council does not appoint within the proscribed thirty-day period, a Special Election would be required. Option II: Special Election If Council determines the vacated seat of City Council – District 3 should not be filled by appointment, a Special Election shall be called. Recommendation It is hereby recommended that your Honorable Body declare the City Council – District 3 seat vacant and within the thirty day period select an option and approve by Minute Motion. Alita Godwin, CMC City Clerk January 5, 2016 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: GLEN W. C. KAU, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS / MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR ANNUAL WASTE DISCHARGE FEES FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS/MUNICIPAL UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ($34,092) SUMMARY This resolution authorizes the City Manager to issue a purchase order in the amount of $34,092 to the State Water Resources Control Board for annual waste discharge fees for the Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department. BACKGROUND The Municipal Storm Water Permitting Program regulates storm water discharges from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4). Storm water is runoff from rain or snow melt that runs off surfaces such as rooftops, paved streets, highways or parking lots and can carry with it pollutants such as: oil, pesticides, herbicides, sediment, trash, bacteria and metals. The runoff can then drain directly into a local stream, lake or bay. Often, the runoff drains into storm drains which eventually drain untreated into a local water body. The Regional Water Quality Control Boards have adopted National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit (NPDES) storm water permits for municipalities. These permits are reissued as the permits expire. The Phase I MS4 permits require the discharger to develop and implement a Storm Water Management Plan/Program with the goal of reducing the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUE The Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department received an invoice associated with the City enrollment under the MS4 municipal storm water permit. The Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department pays an annual fee to the State Water Resources Control Board for annual waste discharge fees pursuant to its enrollment in the MS4 permit process. State Water Resources Control Board Annual Waste Discharge Permit Fees Page 2 of 2 FINANCIAL IMPACT The funds for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 in the amount of $34,092 are in the Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department’s 2015-2016 Fiscal Year budget as follows: Account No. 2502-710-000-4269 Account Description Landscape and Lighting Amount $34,092 *Account balance is before expenditure. ALTERNATIVE There are no viable alternatives. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the adoption of the attached Resolution. GLEN W.C., P.E., DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/MUNICIPAL UTILITIES DEPARTMENT APPROVED FOR FORWARDING: ROGER L. HALEY CITY MANAGER RLH/GK/RC Account Balance* $ 232,968.74 RESOLUTION NO. __________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR ANNUAL WASTE DISCHARGE FEES FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS/MUNICIPAL UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ($34,092) WHEREAS, the Municipal Storm Water Permitting Program regulates storm water discharges from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4); and WHEREAS, storm water is runoff from rain or snow melt that runs off surfaces such as rooftops, paved streets, highways or parking lots and can carry with it pollutants such as: oil, pesticides, herbicides, sediment, trash, bacteria and metals; and WHEREAS, the runoff can then drain directly into a local stream, lake or bay. Often, the runoff drains into storm drains which eventually drain untreated into a local water body; and WHEREAS, the Regional Water Quality Control Boards have adopted National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit (NPDES) storm water permits for municipalities; and WHEREAS, these permits are reissued as the permits expire; and WHEREAS, the MS4 permits require the discharger to develop and implement a Storm Water Management Plan/Program with the goal of reducing the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable; and WHEREAS, the Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department received an invoice associated with the City of Compton’s enrollment under the MS4 municipal storm water permit; and WHEREAS, the Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department pays an annual fee to the State Water Resources Control Board for annual waste discharge fees pursuant to its enrollment in the MS4 permit process; and WHEREAS, due to the vendor exceeding the approved $25,000 threshold during the current Fiscal Year 2015-2016, authorization from City Council is required. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to issue a purchase order to the State Water Resources Control Board in an amount not to exceed $34,092.00 for annual waste discharge fees for the Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department. SECTION 2. The funds in the amount of $34,092.00 are in the Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department’s 2015-2016 Fiscal Year budget in Account No. 2502710-000-4269. SECTION 3. That a copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the offices of the City Manager, City Controller and Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department. RESOLUTION NO. _____________ PAGE 2 SECTION 4. That the Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this Resolution. ADOPTED this ____ day of _______________, 2016. ________________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON ATTEST: ____________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON: ss I, Alita Godwin, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof held on the _____ day of _________________, 2016. That said Resolution was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERS- ____________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON RESOLUTION SIGN-OFF FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works-Engineering RESOLUTION TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR ANNUAL WASTE DISCHARGE FEES FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS/MUNICIPAL UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ($34,092) Glen Kau 12/15/2015 3:13:19 PM DEPARTMENT MANAGER’S SIGNATURE DATE REVIEW / APPROVAL Ruth Rugley 12/30/2015 5:34:26 PM CITY ATTORNEY DATE Stephen Ajobiewe 12/29/2015 12:19:37 PM CITY CONTROLLER DATE Roger Haley 12/24/2015 1:58:31 PM CITY MANAGER DATE Use when: Public Works: When contracting for Engineering Services. City Attorney: When contracting for legal services; contracts that require City Attorney’s review. Controller/Budget Officer: Amending Budget; appropriating and/or transferring funds; adding and/or deleting positions; any resolution having account numbers. Asst. City Manager/OAS: All personnel actions. January 5, 2016 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: GLEN W.C. KAU, P.E., DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS & MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE QUOTE FROM FILTRONICS, INC. AND ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN IRON AND MANGANESE FILTRATION SYSTEM FOR THE WELL NO. 20 TREATMENT PLANT ($384,785.00) SUMMARY This resolution authorizes the City Manager to accept the purchase quote from Filtronics, Inc. and issue a purchase order in the amount of $384,785.00 (Three Hundred Eighty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Five Dollars and Zero Cents) for the purchase of an iron and manganese filtration system that will be installed during the upcoming construction phase of the Well No. 20 Treatment Plant. BACKGROUND The City’s Well No. 20 was constructed in 2013 and pumps directly into a new 750,000 above ground reservoir. This new well and reservoir were designed and constructed to provide additional infrastructure to augment the existing water system. Specifically, the new reservoir would allow staff to increase the system pressure in the northeastern portion of the water system and provide for critical emergency water storage to meet fire flow demands. However, during well development it was determined the water quality included high levels of manganese (approximately 110 ug/L) that is well above the secondary drinking water standards of 50 ug/L for the State of California. Due to the existing high level of manganese Well No. 20 has not been approved for potable use by the Division of Drinking Water. Therefore, the City has determined the proper action would be to design and construct an appropriate treatment system to remove the manganese from the drinking water to non-detectable levels. The goal of the project is to have a water treatment plant that can be located within the existing reservoir fenced area and is designed with sufficient design capacity that can utilize a single pass or phase treatment technology in order to remove manganese to non-detectable levels. In June 2015, the City Council approved a professional services contract with Stetson Engineers Inc to design the new treatment plant and provide assistance with the construction bidding process and construction engineering support. Staff Report – Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Purchase Order Purchase Iron/Maganese Filtration System From Filronics, Inc.(Well No. 20) January 5, 2016, page 2 STATEMENT OF THE ISSUE Stetson Engineers, Inc. is nearing the completion of final design of the treatment system and bid documents. Staff anticipates going out to bid for this project sometime in March 2016. The patented filtration system that was selected as part of the treatment plant design is expected to require a 12-week lead time for assembly and delivery by the manufacturer. Therefore, staff recommends the City directly purchase the required filtration system for the new Well No. 20 Treatment Plant in order to have the filtration system assembly completed by the time the bidding and selection of a construction contractor is completed in March 2016. In addition, the City will benefit financially because it will avoid the potential markup if the construction contractor was required to purchase the filtration system. Based on specifications prepared by the City’s consultant (Stetson Engineers), staff researched filtration systems offered by several vendors, however, it was Filtronics, Inc.’s system that met the specifications recommended by the consultant at a reasonable cost of $384,785.00. ALTERNATIVE Council could choose to include the purchase of the filtration system as part of the construction bid process, but the City will likely pay a higher cost versus purchasing directly. FISCAL IMPACT Funds in the amount of $383,785.00 are allocated in the 2015-16 Fiscal Year budget in Account No. 5003-880-000-4241 (Water Quality Project) for this purchase. This account has a balance of $3,000,000.00 and after this deduction there will be $2,615,250.00 left in the (Water Quality Project) account. Staff Report – Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Purchase Order Purchase Iron/Maganese Filtration System From Filronics, Inc.(Well No. 20) January 5, 2016, page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is staff’s recommendation that the City Council adopt this Resolution authorizing the City Manager to issue a purchase order in the amount of $384,785.00 (Three Hundred Eighty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Five Dollars and Zero Cents) for Filtronics, Inc. GLEN W. C. KAU, P.E., DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS & MUNICIPAL UTILITIES APPROVED FOR FORWARDING: ROGER L. HALEY CITY MANAGER RESOLUTION NO. _________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE QUOTE FROM FILTRONICS, INC. AND ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN IRON AND MANGANESE FILTRATION SYSTEM FOR THE WELL NO. 20 TREATMENT PLANT ($384,785.00) WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Water Utility Division of the Public Works & Municipal Utilities Department to ensure a safe and adequate water supply for drinking and firefighting purposes; and WHEREAS, the City’s Well No. 20 was constructed in 2013 and pumps directly into a new 750,000 above ground reservoir which was designed and constructed to provide additional infrastructure to augment the existing water system; and WHEREAS, during well development it was determined the water quality included high levels of manganese (approximately 110 ug/L) that is well above the secondary drinking water standards of 50 ug/L for the State of California, thus due to the existing high level of manganese Well No. 20 has not been approved for potable use by the Division of Drinking Water; and WHEREAS, staff believes the proper action would be to design and construct an appropriate treatment system to remove the manganese from the drinking water to non-detectable levels; and WHEREAS, in June 2015, the City Council approved a professional services contract with Stetson Engineers, Inc. to design the new treatment plant and provide assistance with the construction bidding process and construction engineering support.; and WHEREAS, Stetson Engineers, Inc. is nearing the completion of final design of the treatment system and bid documents and staff anticipates going out to bid for the construction portion of this project sometime in March 2016; and WHEREAS, staff recommends the City directly purchase the required filtration system for the new Well No. 20 Treatment Plant in order to have the filtration system assembly completed by the time the bidding and selection of a construction contractor is completed in March 2016; and WHEREAS, staff solicited and received a quote from Filtronics Inc to provide the filtration system that was selected during the design phase at a cost of $384,785.00 (Three Hundred Eighty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Five Dollars and Zero Cents); and WHEREAS, funds are available in the Water Utility Division’s 2015-16 Fiscal Year Budget in Account No. 5003-880-000-4241 (Water Quality Project). NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the purchase quote of Filtronics, Inc. in the amount of $384,785.00 (Three Hundred Eighty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Five Dollars and Zero Cents) to provide a manganese filtration system to be installed during the construction phase of the Well No. 20 Treatment Plant is hereby accepted. Resolution No. _________ Page 2 SECTION 2. That funds for this expenditure are available in the Water Utility Division’s Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget in Account No. 5003-880-000-4241 (Water Quality Project). SECTION 3. That a purchase order is hereby authorized to issued in the amount of $384,785.00 (Three Hundred Eighty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Five Dollars and Zero Cents) for Filtronics, Inc. SECTION 4. That a certified copy of this Resolution shall be filed in the offices of the City Manager, City Controller, City Clerk and the Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department, Water Utility Division. SECTION 5. That the Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this Resolution. ADOPTED this ____ day of ________________, 2016. ________________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON ATTEST: ____________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON: ss I, Alita Godwin, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council, signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof held on the ____ day of ________________, 2016. That said Resolution was adopted by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERS- ____________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON 3726 E. Miraloma Ave., Anaheim, California 92806 Phone: (714)-630-5040 Fax: (714)-630-1160 December 15, 2015 Chad Blais City of Compton 205 S. Willowbrook Compton, CA 90220 QUOTATION NUMBER: 140715-1.C OUR REFERENCE: 140715-1.C City of Compton_Pro PROJECT: 140715-1 Compton Well #20 Dear Mr. Blais: We are pleased to offer our proposal covering the following filtration system: Application: Iron & Manganese Removal The system is designed for a maximum flow of 1000 gpm at 60 psi pressure, having a maximum Iron content of 2 mg/L, Manganese content of 1.0 mg/L, Hydrogen Sulfide/Dissolved Sulfide content of 0.1 mg/L and Total Organic Carbon content of <1 mg/L in the raw water supply. The filtered water will be in accordance with applicable State Health Department Standards for these elements/compounds. 1 Each, Filtronics Model FH-14 Electromedia® - I Single Automatic Filter Station designed according to the following specifications utilizing ANSI 60/61 materials as applicable: FILTER VESSEL The filter vessel shall be 84" diameter x 161" straight sideshell ends fitted with semi-eliptical heads. Tank shall be fabricated from carbon steel according to ASME code procedures for unfired pressure vessels, stamped and shall have a working pressure of 60 psig and test pressure of 80 psig. Ports and connections shall be enclosed as follows: Inlet and Outlet: 10" Flanged Access Handholes: One each, 20" round type in top Access Manway: 20" Diameter round type in end Drain: 4" victaulic Air Vent: 1½" flanged Supports: Welded cradle type support bases Concrete Sealant: Sealant, catalyst, and color cups for concrete ballast for media support (Concrete & installation by others) State of California Small Business And DVBE Certification #41112 FILTRONICS, INC. QUOTATION NUMBER: 140715-1.C DATE: 12/15/15 PAGE: 2 of 9 FILTER INTERNALS Filter internal equipment shall consist of upper and lower manifold assemblies of Schedule 80 PVC1 pipe, ABS upper manifold distribution heads, and PVC collector tubes specifically designed for each vessel size and hydraulically tested at the factory to ensure near uniform distribution of water. Couplings, support braces and hardware to be stainless steel and epoxy coated. REACTION VESSELS 2 each, Filtronics Model RV-1000 Reaction Vessels shall be 54" diameter x 108" straight sideshell ends fitted with semi-eliptical heads. Tanks shall be fabricated from Carbon Steel according to ASME code procedures for unfired pressure vessels, and shall have a working pressure of 60 psig and test pressure of 80 psig. Interior and exterior finishes shall be the same as for filter vessel. Each Reaction Vessel provided with air vent valve, stainless steel body and stainless steel internals. LINING AND PAINTING The filter vessel shall be internally cleaned and finished to remove all weld splatter or surface irregularities and provide a minimum 1/8" radius. All contaminants shall be removed by solvent washing or steam cleaning per SSPC-SP-1. All wetted surfaces shall be sandblasted to a shadow free white metal surface per SSPC-SP-5 and shall have an angular profile of 2 to 4 mils. The white metal shall be per pictorial standard VIS-1. The coating shall be factory-applied within eight hours of sandblasting under controlled conditions of humidity and temperature. The coating shall consist of Tnemec 140, high solids epoxy applied in a cross-spray application of 6 to 8 mils per coat. The second coat shall not be applied until the first coat has achieved a dry tack-free surface. Each coat will be tested for a holiday free surface and proper thickness with a Tinkor and Razor 67 volt holiday detector and Nordson dry film thickness gauge calibrated prior to each test. Exterior surfaces shall be hand-cleaned and 1 shop coat of Tnemec Series 140 applied as primer. PIPE, VALVES, FITTINGS Face piping and valve assembly will be provided to complete the system for normal filtration, backbackwash and purge operations. Piping shall be 10" Schedule 40 steel pipe with 150# forged steel flanged connections. Fittings shall be 125# cast iron flanged. Pipe 2" and smaller shall be standard galvanized iron threaded with galvanized iron 125# fittings. 5 Each, 10" wafer type butterfly valves shall be of the wafer body design for installation between 125# flat face or 150# raised face flanges. The valve shall be non-directional and of the dry stem journal design, providing bubble-tight shut off at 200 psi differential pressure. Valve bodies shall be gray iron to ASTM-A-48 class 20. Valve stems shall be 416 stainless steel of the non-wetted two piece design with the lower stem acting as a trunnion for the valve disc and the upper stem being the drive shaft. State of California Small Business And DVBE Certification #41112 FILTRONICS, INC. QUOTATION NUMBER: 140715-1.C DATE: 12/15/15 PAGE: 3 of 9 The valve disc shall be of a high flow design of ASTM B148 aluminum bronze alloy. The valve disc to stem engagement shall have no mechanical fasteners, allowing the valve disc to float to a perfect seal in the valve seat. The valve seat shall have a rigid phenolic backup ring with BunaN elastomer bonded to it, rendering the valve seat suitable for pressure or vacuum service. The valve seat shall incorporate its own flange seals and they shall mate with full face or raised face flanges. The valve body shall incorporate O-ring secondary seals to maintain lubricant in the stem journals and eliminate exterior moisture from the stem journals. The butterfly valve actuators shall be of the pneumatic, double rack and pinion, double acting design, close coupled to the butterfly valve top plate. The pneumatic actuator shall be constructed of aluminum with replaceable steel rack, and steel pinion output shaft. The actuator shall have fiberglass/ carbon guide bands that maintain clearance between the piston and cylinder walls, and O-ring piston seals. The pneumatic actuators shall be sized for an 80 psi minimum supply air pressure and shall have an output torque greater than the required operating seating and unseating torque of the butterfly valve. Butterfly valve torque used for sizing purposes shall be the wet torque as published by the butterfly valve manufacturer. Air vent valve to be cast iron body and stainless steel internals. Pressure gauges to be 0 to 100 psig. 1 Each, 10" Filtronics Model 8366-8R, hydraulically operated diaphragm backwash flow control valve, 150# class, ASTM-A-126-CL-B, stainless steel stem and spring, guided stem assembly top and bottom, brass trim, brass pilot valve, copper tubing with Y-strainer, flow limiter and set at 2000 gpm. 1 Each, 8" Filtronics Model 8366-8R, hydraulically operated diaphragm effluent flow control valve, 150# class, ASTM-A-126-CL-B, stainless steel stem and spring, guided stem assembly top and bottom, brass trim, brass pilot valve, copper tubing with Y-strainer, flow limiter and set at 1000 gpm. 1 Each, 10" Filtronics Tube Meter, designed to meet AWWA standard C704, flanged 150# AWWA class D flat face steel, straightening vanes, and fusion epoxy coated internally and externally, shall be provided to be installed in the backwash inlet line to accurately measure backwash rate. 1 Each, 10" Filtronics Tube Meter, designed to meet AWWA standard C704, flanged 150# AWWA class D flat face steel, straightening vanes, and fusion epoxy coated internally and externally, shall be provided to be installed in the effluent line to accurately measure effluent rate. Nuts, bolts and gaskets for mated flanges only. AUTOMATION Automatic controls for full, unattended operation shall be provided. Controls shall be housed in a NEMA 12 steel cabinet mounted on the filter or optional remote mounting as specified: The controls shall include the following features: ▪ Allen-Bradley Micrologix 1400 programmable controller with graphic display ▪ Remote access modem connection for maintenance/troubleshooting State of California Small Business And DVBE Certification #41112 FILTRONICS, INC. QUOTATION NUMBER: 140715-1.C DATE: 12/15/15 PAGE: 4 of 9 ▪ Automatic reset timers for each filter cycle ▪ Time delayed process start signal ▪ NEMA 13 oil tight pilot lights and switches ▪ Status lights for each filter mode ▪ Low air alarm/push to test pilot light ▪ Power status pilot light ▪ Cabinet mounted adjustable differential pressure switch ▪ Adjustable low air pressure switch monitor ▪ 4-way electro-pneumatic solenoid valves with manual override ▪ Air filter and air lubricator for pneumatic system ▪ Inlet and outlet pressure gauges for monitoring differential pressure ▪ Interlocking control relays for chemical treatment equipment/associated pumps ▪ Plug-in components for easy servicing and troubleshooting ▪ Cabinet factory wired and completely tested for function prior to shipment ▪ 2 hp, 1/60/115-230 compressor for instrument air including V-belt, guard, motor, drive and air tank ▪ 500 feet of ¼ inch black poly tubing ▪ UL 508 Certified MEDIA 1 each, Electromedia® - I load, ANSI 60/61 approved, including support layers, shall be provided. Installation of concrete ballast for media support, sealant, and media shall be by others. CHEMICAL PRETREATMENT EQUIPMENT Chemical Feed: Sodium Hypochlorite 1 each, Filtronics Model CF-75 chemical feed system including the following equipment and components: ▪ 1 each, 750 gallon polyethylene tank, solution level indication, hinged corporation cock, diffuser assembly system, and 100’ of tubing. cover, pump suction piping with PVC foot valve strainer, and ½ inch diameter drain valve. ▪ 1 each, Chemical feed pump shall have chemical resistant wetted parts, capacity of 50 gallons per day at 60 psig, back pressure valve, pressure relief valve, micrometer dial for flow adjustment, and motor. ▪ 1 each, Chemical Injection Technologies model WG-702FOT Chlorine Residual Analyzer State of California Small Business And DVBE Certification #41112 FILTRONICS, INC. QUOTATION NUMBER: 140715-1.C DATE: 12/15/15 PAGE: 5 of 9 Chemical Feed: Sodium Bisulfite (Maximum Concentration 25%) 1 each, Filtronics Model CF-5 chemical feed system including the following equipment and components: ▪ 1 each, Drum suction package with suction piping and PVC foot valve, strainer, and ½ inch diameter drain valve (Chemical drum provided by others). ▪ 1 each, Chemical feed pump shall have chemical resistant wetted parts, capacity of 6 gallons per day at 60 psig, micrometer dial for flow adjustment, and motor. RECLAIM EQUIPMENT One each, backwash reclaim system designed for Filtronics Model FH-14 at a working pressure of 60 psig and shall include the following equipment: Two each, normally open float switches to be mounted in the stilling well in the backwash reclaim tank for reclaim start and low suction pump protection. One each, 3/60/230-460 TEFC reclaim pump capable of delivering 100 gpm at 60 psig, under flooded suction conditions. One each, 3" reclaim flow control valve, fixed rate, variable orifice, cast iron body, stainless steel internals, set at 100 gpm. One lot, automatic reclaim control logic and hardware incorporated in the filter control panel. One each, double acting pneumatic butterfly valves, 4" for reclaim return. One each, manual butterfly valve, 2" for sludge drain. One each, 3" wafer check valve cast iron body, Buna-N seal, stainless steel internals. One each, 4" floating suction strainer with non-floating hose. NOTE: Reclaim tank is NOT included. State of California Small Business And DVBE Certification #41112 FILTRONICS, INC. QUOTATION NUMBER: 140715-1.C DATE: 12/15/15 PAGE: 6 of 9 CUSTOMER TO FURNISH Single phase power to terminal strips located on control enclosure. THIS PROPOSAL DOES NOT INCLUDE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Installation Exterior plumbing Exterior wiring, magnetic starters, disconnect switches, or overload protection Concrete or concrete design Any other item not specifically mentioned in this proposal Freight THIS PROPOSAL DOES INCLUDE 1. 2. 3. Four sets of filtration system drawings, and four sets of submittal data Five days of assistance to contractor/owner to place system in operation Three sets of operation and maintenance manuals TERMS ▪ To approved credit accounts * 20% with order, Net 15 days * 20% with drawings, Net 15 days * 55% upon shipment, or available on our dock for shipment * 5% with start‑up or net 90 days, whichever comes first ▪ F.O.B. Anaheim, California ▪ Price does not include any applicable taxes ▪ This proposal valid for thirty (30) days ▪ Field Service Daily Rate: $960.00 Per Day (Thru December 31, 2015) SHIPMENT ▪ 10 - 12 weeks after approval of all drawings ▪ Approximate shipping weight: 52200 lbs. ▪ Partial Shipments accepted State of California Small Business And DVBE Certification #41112 DATE: 12/15/15 PAGE: 7 of 9 FILTRONICS, INC. QUOTATION NUMBER: 140715-1.C This equipment is in accordance with the design as proposed by Stetson Engineering. Filtronics will construct and maintain the equipment at its facility until required by the installing contractor. Filtronics will coordinate with both Stetson Engineering and the selected contractor regarding its supply and delivery. Firm Price------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ Very truly yours, FILTRONICS, INC. Bill Hoyer Chairman & CEO Office: (714) 630-5040 X207 ACCEPTED: City of Compton PROJECT: 140715-1.C Compton Well #20 By: Title: Date: Copyright Notice Copyright© 2015 by Filtronics, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Trademarks Electromedia® is a registered trademark of Filtronics, Incorporated. Electromedia® I is a trademark of Filtronics, Incorporated State of California Small Business And DVBE Certification #41112 $384,785.00 FILTRONICS, INC. QUOTATION NUMBER: 140715-1.C TRADE SECRET NOTICE: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This material contains the valuable properties and trade secrets of Filtronics Incorporated, a California corporation, embodying substantial creative efforts and confidential information, ideas and expressions, no part of which may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photographic and recording, or in connection with any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from Filtronics Inc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: COPYRIGHT (C) 2015 by Filtronics Incorporated. All rights reserved. An unpublished work. State of California Small Business And DVBE Certification #41112 DATE: 12/15/15 PAGE: 8 of 9 FILTRONICS, INC. QUOTATION NUMBER: 140715-1.C DATE: 12/15/15 PAGE: 9 of 9 Filtronics GENERAL TERMS OF SALE Filtronics, Inc. hereinafter “Seller” is an original equipment manufacturer. The equipment sold contains proprietary, trade secrets of Seller and shall not be disclosed. 1. Terms of Payment: All invoices are due and payable fifteen (15) days from the date of the invoice. No discounts are authorized, unless otherwise specified. 2. Shipping Point: All prices are F.O.B. Seller’s plant in Anaheim, California, unless otherwise expressly provided in this contract. 3. Delivery: The shipping dates as specified above are approximate; are subject to the Seller’s prompt receipt from the buyer of all necessary information and are subject to the Seller’s current production schedules. Seller shall not be liable in any respect for failure to ship or for delay in shipment where such failure or delay shall be due in whole or in part to shortage or curtailment of materials, labor, transportation or utility services, or due to any labor or production difficulty in Seller’s plant or those of its suppliers, or to any cause beyond Seller’s control. 4. Failure to Reject: Before the materials covered hereby are used and within five (5) days of receipt of shipment, the Buyer shall notify the Seller in writing, of any defects or omissions. Failure to so notify the Seller shall constitute an irrevocable acceptance of the goods. 5. Taxes: Sales, use, excise, property or similar taxes arising out of or relating to this order or the goods delivered are not included in the price, except as otherwise specifically stated in the invoice. All such taxes are the responsibility of the Buyer. The Seller shall have the right at any time to separately bill the Buyer for any such tax which the Seller may be called upon to pay, and the Buyer shall be obligated to pay Seller such amount. 6. Force Majeure: Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance under this Agreement (other than for delay in the payment of Money due and payable hereunder) to the extent said failures or delays are proximately caused by causes beyond that party’s reasonable control and occurring without its fault or negligence, including, without limitation, failure of suppliers, subcontractors, and carriers, or party to substantially meet its performance obligations under this Agreement, provided that, as a condition to the claim of non-liability, the party experiencing the difficulty shall give the other prompt written notice, with full details following the occurrence of the cause relied upon. Dates by which performance obligations are scheduled to be met will be extended for a period of time equal to the time lost due to any delay so caused. 7. Warranty: Seller guarantees equipment of its own manufacture to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 18 months from the invoice date or 12 months from the date of installation, whichever is sooner, and when the equipment is paid for, properly operated and maintained. No warranty if given for products or components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, or which have been disassembled, modified, or repaired by unauthorized persons. No other express or implied warranty is given and THE SELLER MAKE NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF. 8. Seller’s liability, if any, shall be limited to the value of the product as supplied to the Buyer. The Seller at its option may repair or replace any equipment found to be defective. All shipping and field warranty inspection costs shall be paid by the Buyer. It is expressly agreed that the remedy provided in this section shall be the exclusive remedy against the Seller for all such claims of any kind. In no event, whether as a result of breach of contract or warranty or alleged negligence, or of any other claim or any other kind shall the Seller be liable for special or consequential damages including, but not limited to loss of profits or revenue, loss of use of the equipment or any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of substitute equipment, facilities or services, down time costs, or claims of customers of the purchasers for such damages. The Buyer assumes all responsibility for loss or damages resulting from the handling or use of the material or goods covered hereby. 9. Technical Advice: Seller, upon Buyer’s request, may furnish technical advice with reference to the use of the material sold hereunder, if and to such extent as Seller has such advice conveniently available; but it is expressly agreed that there is no obligation to furnish any such advice, and that if any advice or assistance is furnished, which will be without charge, it shall be given and accepted at Buyer’s risk, and Seller shall not be responsible or liable for the advice or assistance given or results thereof. 10. Entire Contract: This Agreement constitutes the entire contract of sale and purchase of the goods named herein. No modification hereof shall be of any force or effect unless in writing and signed by the party claimed to be bound thereof. 11. Waiver: The failure of the Seller to insist, in any one instance or more, upon the performance of any of the covenants or conditions of this contract, or to exercise any right or privilege herein conferred, shall not be construed as thereafter waiving any such covenants, conditions, rights or privileges, but the same shall continue and remain in full force and effect. 12. Financial Responsibility: If payment is not made in accordance with the terms of this agreement, or if the Seller shall have any doubt at any time of Buyer’s financial responsibility, Seller may withhold delivery of goods or services called for hereunder. 13. Risk of Loss: The risk of loss of the goods shall pass to Buyer as soon as the goods are delivered to Buyer at Seller’s plant. 14. Attorney’s Fees: The Buyer shall pay for the Seller’s costs of collection of Buyer’s debt hereunder, including attorney’s fees. 15. Applicable Law: This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and any claim arising hereunder shall, at the Seller’s election, be prosecuted in the appropriate court of Orange County, California. The Buyer hereby attorns to the jurisdiction and judgment of the courts of the County of Orange, State of California, and agrees that a judgment of an Orange County, California court shall be enforceable in the jurisdiction in which the Buyer is located. 16. Late Charges: Overdue accounts shall bear interest at the rate of one and one half percent (1 ½%) per month until paid. 17. Acceptance of Shipment: Acceptance of shipment constitutes acceptance of above terms and conditions. State of California Small Business And DVBE Certification #41112 RESOLUTION SIGN-OFF FORM DEPARTMENT: Water Department RESOLUTION TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE QUOTE FROM FILTRONICS, INC. AND ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN IRON AND MANGANESE FILTRATION SYSTEM FOR THE WELL NO. 20 TREATMENT PLANT ($384,785.00) Chad Blais 12/30/2015 6:14:39 PM DEPARTMENT MANAGER’S SIGNATURE DATE REVIEW / APPROVAL Ruth Rugley 12/31/2015 12:37:25 PM CITY ATTORNEY DATE Stephen Ajobiewe 12/31/2015 10:12:08 AM CITY CONTROLLER DATE Roger Haley 12/31/2015 7:53:56 AM CITY MANAGER DATE Use when: Public Works: When contracting for Engineering Services. City Attorney: When contracting for legal services; contracts that require City Attorney’s review. Controller/Budget Officer: Amending Budget; appropriating and/or transferring funds; adding and/or deleting positions; any resolution having account numbers. Asst. City Manager/OAS: All personnel actions. January 5, 2016 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: BRYAN BATISTE, (INTERIM) FIRE CHIEF COMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR CARMENITA TRUCK CENTER FOR COMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ($35,000) SUMMARY Adoption of the attached resolution will authorize the City Manager to issue a purchase order in the amount of $35,000.00 for Carmenita Truck Center for performing heavy-duty repairs for vehicles of the Compton Fire Department during Fiscal Year 2015-2016. BACKGROUND Maintenance of emergency and staff vehicles is essential to the Fire Department’s operations. The Department performs routine maintenance and repairs in-house, and refers specialized and heavy-duty repairs to an outside vendor. Three proposals were submitted by vendors to provide services for Department Ford vehicles; to wit: Emergency Vehicle Group, Central Ford, and Carmenita Trucking Center, however, Carmenita Trucking Center provided the most attractive pricing and resources available in that they offer more diesel mechanics that are familiar with the City’s apparatus, are located minutes away from the City and provide the Department with pick-up and delivery services. Additionally, Carmenita Truck Center is part of the Ford Franchise that sells and services the Ford ambulances and sedans that the Fire Department has in its inventory. The City of Compton does not have a vendor or a Ford Dealership in the City’s boundaries that is certified to service ambulances or Ford warranty products. STATEMENT OF ISSUE The Fire Department requests that a purchase order be issued for Carmenita Truck Center to compensate the vendor for future anticipated maintenance and repairs to its fleet of ambulances and sedans. The Fire Department has created a productive and viable relationship with Carmenita Truck Center and depends on their reasonable, responsible and reliable services and believes it is the best interest of the City to issue a purchase order to satisfy the future financial obligations created with Carmenita Ford for the Fiscal Year 2015- 2016. Staff Report – Resolution Authorizing Purchase Order Carmenita Truck Center/Maintenance & Repair to Fire Dept. Vehicles January 5, 2016, page 2 FINANCIAL IMPACT Total estimated repair and maintenance costs are THRITY FIVE -THOUSAND DOLLARS ($35,000.00). The funds have been allocated in Account No. 1001 690 000 4229 of the 2015-16 Fiscal Year Budget. ALTERNATIVE The alternative would be for the Fire Department to use the other vendors that submitted proposals. Emergency Vehicle Group located in Anaheim, specializes in New Ambulance Sales and has a smaller staff of mechanics. Central Ford, located in the City of Bell, does exceptional work but lack the high number of diesel mechanics that Carmenita Truck Center employs. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution. BRYAN BATISTE, (INTERIM) FIRE CHIEF COMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVED FOR FORWARDING: ROGER L. HALEY CITY MANAGER RESOLUTION NO. __________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR CARMENITA TRUCK CENTER FOR COMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS ($35,000) WHEREAS, the Fire Department has a continuous need for vehicle repair and maintenance; and WHEREAS, proposals were collected from Central Ford, Carmenita Ford, and Emergency Vehicle Group Inc., for the Fire Department’s Ford vehicle maintenance and repair needs; and WHEREAS, the City of Compton does not have a vendor or a Ford Dealership that provides certified service needs for Ford vehicles within the City’s boundaries; and WHEREAS, during the past year this need was met by Carmenita Truck Center for maintenance and repair for our Ford sedans and ambulances; and WHEREAS, Carmenita Truck Center has provided the Fire Department with quality service in the past and the most responsive proposal in terms of cost, service and staffing; and WHEREAS, Carmenita Truck Center will service the Department’s preventive maintenance needs for Department sedans and ambulances as well as a back-up vendor to satisfy repair needs on our Fire Apparatus, if needed; and WHEREAS, the funds have been allocated in the Fire Department 2015-2016 fiscal year budget for this expenditure. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to issue a purchase order for Carmenita Truck Center for an amount not to exceed Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00) to provide maintenance and repair for Fire Department emergency vehicles during Fiscal Year 2015-2016. SECTION 2. That the funds for this expenditure are available in Account No. 1001-69-0000-4229 of the 2015-16 Fiscal Year budget. SECTION 3. That a copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the offices of the City Manager, City Controller and Fire Department SECTION 4. That the Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this Resolution. ADOPTED this _______ day of _______________, 2016. ________________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON Resolution No. ________ Page 2 ATTEST: ____________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON: ss I, Alita Godwin, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof held on the _____ day of ___________, 2016. That said Resolution was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERS- ____________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON RESOLUTION SIGN-OFF FORM DEPARTMENT: Fire Department RESOLUTION TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR CARMENITA TRUCK CENTER FOR COMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ($35,000) Bryan Batiste 12/15/2015 3:32:56 PM DEPARTMENT MANAGER’S SIGNATURE DATE REVIEW / APPROVAL Ruth Rugley 12/30/2015 6:34:56 PM CITY ATTORNEY DATE Stephen Ajobiewe 12/29/2015 11:53:05 AM CITY CONTROLLER DATE Roger Haley 12/24/2015 1:53:15 AM CITY MANAGER DATE Use when: Public Works: When contracting for Engineering Services. City Attorney: When contracting for legal services; contracts that require City Attorney’s review. Controller/Budget Officer: Amending Budget; appropriating and/or transferring funds; adding and/or deleting positions; any resolution having account numbers. Asst. City Manager/OAS: All personnel actions. January 5, 2016 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: GLEN W.C. KAU, P.E., DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS & MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT MULTIPLE VENDOR QUOTES AND ISSUE MULTIPLE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF MISCELLANEOUS HEAVY DUTY WATER SERVICE VEHICLES USED FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER SYSTEM ($447,090.79) SUMMARY This resolution authorizes the City Manager to accept the quotes and issue purchase orders for multiple vendors – Transwest Truck Center, Yale/Chase Equipment Services and National Auto Fleet Group -- in the total amount of $447,090.79 for the purchase of miscellaneous heavy duty service vehicles used for routine and emergency maintenance of the City’s water infrastructure system. BACKGROUND The Department of Public Works & Municipal Utilities, Water Utility Division, maintains over one-hundred and sixty-three (163) miles of water mainlines as well as over 14,000 service connections and is responsible for the regular maintenance and operation of this critical infrastructure system. The Water Utility Division utilizes various heavy duty water service vehicles (e.g. backhoes, valve trucks, vacuum trucks, dump trucks) to perform regular maintenance of the water distribution system, as well as for emergency main breaks and other field duties. These heavy duty vehicles are the work horse of the Water Utility Division and are designed and managed to have all the equipment necessary to conduct routine and emergency maintenance on the water system at any time. However, these vehicles are now reaching the end of their useful life and need replacement. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUE The Water Utility Division is in need of one (1) Backhoe, one (1) Dump Truck, one (1) Valve Operator Truck, and one (1) Vacuum Excavator Truck to be used by the Water Utility Division’s field crew for regular duties as well as emergency main breaks, fire protection, and other field duties. Staff Report – Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Purchase Orders for Purchase of Heavy Duty Water Division Vehicles (Transwest Truck Center, Yale/Chase Equipment Services and National Auto Fleet Group) January 5, 2016, page 2 Staff solicited quotes from multiple vendors. However, it should be noted that the vacuum truck and valve truck are specialized equipment with only one vendor able to meet the Department’s specifications. The following quotes were received (see attached): VEHICLE VENDOR AMOUNT Dump Truck Transwest Truck Center Carmenita Truck Center $91,472.27 $94,425.25 Backhoe Yale/Chase Equipment Services Quinn CAT $115,789.61 $142,446.20 Vacuum Excavator Truck National Auto Fleet Group $111,514.30 Valve Operator Truck National Auto Fleet Group $128,314.61 ALTERNATIVE None recommended. FISCAL IMPACT Funds in the total amount of $447,090.79 are allocated in the 2015-16 Fiscal Year budget in Account No. 5003-880-000-4334 (Machinery & Equipment) for these purchases. This account has a balance of $1,000,000.00 and after this deduction there will be $552,909.21 left in the Machinery & Equipment account. Staff Report – Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Purchase Orders for Purchase of Heavy Duty Water Division Vehicles (Transwest Truck Center, Yale/Chase Equipment Services and National Auto Fleet Group) January 5, 2016, page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is staff’s recommendation that the City Council adopt this Resolution authorizing the City Manager to issue a purchase orders in the amount of $91,472.27 (Ninety-One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-Two Dollars and Twenty-Seven Cents) for Transwest Truck Center; $115,789.61 (One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred EightyNine Dollars and Sixty-One Cents) for Yale/Chase Equipment Services; $239,828.91 (Two Hundred Thirty-Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-Eight Dollars and NinetyOne Cents) for National Auto Fleet Group. GLEN W. C. KAU, P.E., DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS & MUNICIPAL UTILITIES APPROVED FOR FORWARDING: ROGER L. HALEY CITY MANAGER RESOLUTION NO. ___________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT MULTIPLE VENDOR QUOTES AND ISSUE MULTIPLE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF MISCELLANEOUS HEAVY DUTY WATER SERVICE VEHICLES USED FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER SYSTEM ($447,090.79) WHEREAS, the Water Utility Division maintain over one-hundred and sixtythree (163) miles of water mainlines as well as over 15,000 service connections; and WHEREAS, the Water Utility Division is responsible for the regular maintenance and operation of this critical infrastructure system; and WHEREAS, the Water Utility Division utilizes various heavy duty water service vehicles (backhoes, valve trucks, vacuum trucks, dump trucks) to perform regular maintenance of the water distribution system, as well as for emergency main breaks and other field duties; and WHEREAS, the Water Utility Division is in need of one (1) Backhoe, one (1) Dump Truck, one (1) Valve Operator Truck, and one (1) Vacuum Excavator Truck because these vehicles are now reaching the end of their useful life and need replacement; and WHEREAS, staff solicited quotes from multiple vendors. quotes were received and the results were as follows: The following VEHICLE VENDOR AMOUNT Dump Truck Transwest Truck Center Carmenita Truck Center $91,472.27 $94,425.25 Backhoe Yale/Chase Equipment Services Quinn CAT $115,789.61 $142,446.20 Vacuum Excavator Truck** National Auto Fleet Group $111,514.30 Valve Operator Truck** National Auto Fleet Group $128,314.61 ** Specialized equipment with only one vendor able to meet our specifications. WHEREAS, funds are allocated in the 2015-16 Fiscal Year budget in Account No. 5003-880-000-4334 (Machinery & Equipment) for these purchases. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the following quotes of $91,472.27 (Ninety-One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-Two Dollars and Twenty-Seven Cents) from Transwest Truck Center; $115,789.61 (One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred EightyNine Dollars and Sixty-One Cents) from Yale/Chase Equipment Services; and $239,828.91 (Two Hundred Thirty-Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-Eight Resolution No. ________ Page 2 Dollars and Ninety-One Cents) from National Auto Fleet Group are hereby accepted. SECTION 2. That funds in the amount of $447,090.79 are allocated in the 2015-16 Fiscal Year budget in Account No. 5003-880-000-4334 (Machinery & Equipment) for these purchases. SECTION 3. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to issue a purchase orders in the amount of $91,472.27 (Ninety-One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-Two Dollars and Twenty-Seven Cents) to Transwest Truck Center; $115,789.61 (One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Nine Dollars and Sixty-One Cents) for Yale/Chase Equipment Services; $239,828.91 (Two Hundred Thirty-Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-Eight Dollars and Ninety-One Cents) for National Auto Fleet Group. SECTION 4. That a copy of this Resolution shall be filed in the offices of the City Manager, City Controller and Public Works/Municipal Utilities Department, Water Utility Division. SECTION 5. That the Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this Resolution. ADOPTED this ____ day of ________________, 2016. ________________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON ATTEST: ____________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON: ss I, Alita Godwin, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof held on the ____ day of __________________, 2016. Resolution No. ________ Page 3 That said Resolution was adopted by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERS- ____________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON Product Quotation Prepared For: Chad Blais City of Compton 90220 Prepared By: Robert Lara JCB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA mobile:562-244-2623 Image is for indicative purpose only and may not represent exact equipment being quoted Standard Equipment Standard Equipment and Features & Benefits related to this product are subject to change without notice SAFETY and SECURITY Two post Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS), Falling Objects Protective Structure (FOPS) and retractable seat belt. Equipped with independent park brake and loader service strut. Rear boom lock activated from operator's compartment; boom swing lock. Vandalism protection with key lock-able cab, hydraulic fill, fuel cap. All locks with the exception of the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) tank operate with ignition key. Front and rear horn buttons. Automatic backup alarm. ENGINE 91 HP Gross (109 HP Gross option), turbocharged, water-cooled, 4 cylinder, direct injection diesel. Tier 4 Final compliant engine with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and 5 gallon DEF tank. Hand and foot throttle. Selective full flow pressure engine oil lubrication with spin-on filter cartridge. Air to fluid coolers. Separately serviceable radiator, hydraulic and transmission oil coolers. Two stage fuel filtering system utilizing a water/sediment separator and spin-on type filter element. Dual element air filter, dry type with cleanable outer element, replaceable inner element and under hood pre-cleaner. TRANSMISSION Separate unit mounted to engine containing torque converter and all transmission components. Pressure lubrication with spin on filter. Electrically operated Fwd / Rev lever on steering column. Electrically operated transmission. disconnect on gear shift and loader levers. Powershift gear selection with 4 Fwd / 4 Rev speeds. FRONT AXLE 4WD - Industrial duty JCB Max-Trac torque proportioning, outboard Planetary reduction axle, 4WD shift-on-the-go; steering cylinderinder located behind front axle. REAR AXLE Separate, rigidly mounted to mainframe and connected to transmission via drive shaft. Heavy duty double reduction, outboard Planetary gear final reduction. Limited slip differential to provide automatic equalization of wheel spin under conditions of unequal flooting. BRAKES Sealed wet multiple disc. Brake pedals can be independently operated or locked together. Power assisted, hydraulic brakes. Independent over center actuation, park brake. Transmission shifts to neutral when park brake is activated. 4 wheel braking in 2 wheel drive activated by switch. STEERING Hydrostatic power, with priority valve. Three steering wheel turns (lock to lock). Unbraked turning circle - 26 ft 5 in. BACKHOE AND MAINFRAME Unitized, one piece heavy duty mainframe with integral backhoe. Sealed swing post pins and swing cylinderinder pins, 2 in top and bottom rear frame plates (centermount). Fabricated boom and dipper. SAE maximum dig depth: Extradig dipper - 14 ft 7 in - 18 ft 6 in. EasyControl backhoe controls Fabricated stabilizer legs with anti-drift valves. 11000 lbs lifting hook as standard. LOADER Equipped with integrally mounted front end loader using two lift cylinderinders and two bucket dump cylinderinders. Parallel lift standard during loader raise and lower functions. Dump height: 9 ft 0 in. Bucket return-to-dig and third spool loader valve standard. Dump reach at full height - 32 in. Auto Smooth Ride System (AutoSRS). Front bumper protection fitted as standard. Standard Equipment ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 volt system with 150 amp alternator Standard Wiring harness and outside cab connectors meet IP69 standard for protection against ingress of dust, and pressure spray of 4.23 gpm at 1450 psi. Inside cab connectors meet IP67 standard for protection against ingress of dust, and water when submerged. Single, maintenance free battery rated at 900 cold cranking amps. Four halogen work lights in front and four separate halogen work lights in the rear. Stop lights, turn signals, and four way hazards standard. Backlit gauges and readouts consisting of a tachometer, fuel gauge, engine coolant temperature gauge, digital hour meter and digital clock. Light and alarm for battery charge condition, coolant temp., engine oil pressure, transmission oil pressure, transmission oil temp., air cleaner restriction, water in fuel indicator, and park brake engaged. Light indicators for hazard flashers on, turn signals, steering mode, and lights on. 12 volt outlet for powered accessories. Common fuses and relays located in an easy access panel. Main circuit breakers at battery positive terminal for added circuit protection. Battery ISOlator fitted as standard. OPERATORS ENVIRONMENT Suspension seat with adjustments for weight, seat angle, and back angle. Armrests and retractable seat belt standard. Two door entry with deluxe trim. Composite sure grip molded floor, tilt steering column, front windshield with 2 speed plus intermittent wiper and washer, interior rear view mirror, pre-wired for beacon, cup holders, storage compartment. Cab includes door ajar stays, 14 adj. vents, operable side windows, one piece rear window with wiper and washer that acts as a shield during inclement weather, heater with defogger vents, and radio pre-wire with speakers in-cabs. AutoTHROTLE returns engine speed to pre-set hand throttle position when work is resumed. AutoDRIVE provies cruise control-type characteristics during roading. Advanced Easy Controls and Easy Controls only: AutoSTABILIZERS and AutoBOOMLOCK. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Open center system, variable displacement piston pump, engine driven, 44 gpm at 3650 psi. Separate oil reservoir not shared with other systems, externally mounted to mainframe for ground level servicing. Abrasion protection of valve to boom hoses. Hoses have burst pressure of 4 times working pressure. Structural steel pipes to withstand minor impacts. Auto Idle reduces engine speed when no hydraulic functions are requested. SERVICEABILITY AND MAINTENANCE Ground level check for engine and transmission oil, brake fluid, engine coolant, and windshield washer levels. Ground level top off of engine oil, transmission oil, hydraulic fluid, brake fluid, fuel, and engine coolant. Tilt engine hood and lockable front grill. 15 second engine manifold preheat (activated through ignition switch). 40 gallon fuel tank. 20 gallon hydraulic tank with 5 micron filter. 500 hour engine oil and filter service interval. 1000 hour DEF filter interval. 1000 hour transmission oil and 500 hour transmission filter service interval. 2000 hour hydraulic oil and 500 hour hydraulic filter service interval. External Toolbox. AutoCHECK automatically performs daily under hood maintenance checks on 'key on' TELEMATICS JCB Livelink telematics. Monitored and managed remotely via a PC or Smartphone. Two year subscription. Real time reporting of machine hours, routine maintenance alerts, location, critical health alerts, fuel level/consumption and work cycle information. Ability to set machine geo-fences and curfews for improved security. Standard Equipment ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 volt system with 150 amp alternator Standard Wiring harness and outside cab connectors meet IP69 standard for protection against ingress of dust, and pressure spray of 4.23 gpm at 1450 psi. Inside cab connectors meet IP67 standard for protection against ingress of dust, and water when submerged. Single, maintenance free battery rated at 900 cold cranking amps. Four halogen work lights in front and four separate halogen work lights in the rear. Stop lights, turn signals, and four way hazards standard. Backlit gauges and readouts consisting of a tachometer, fuel gauge, engine coolant temperature gauge, digital hour meter and digital clock. Light and alarm for battery charge condition, coolant temp., engine oil pressure, transmission oil pressure, transmission oil temp., air cleaner restriction, water in fuel indicator, and park brake engaged. Light indicators for hazard flashers on, turn signals, steering mode, and lights on. 12 volt outlet for powered accessories. Common fuses and relays located in an easy access panel. Main circuit breakers at battery positive terminal for added circuit protection. Battery ISOlator fitted as standard. OPERATORS ENVIRONMENT Suspension seat with adjustments for weight, seat angle, and back angle. Armrests and retractable seat belt standard. Two door entry with deluxe trim. Composite sure grip molded floor, tilt steering column, front windshield with 2 speed plus intermittent wiper and washer, interior rear view mirror, pre-wired for beacon, cup holders, storage compartment. Cab includes door ajar stays, 14 adj. vents, operable side windows, one piece rear window with wiper and washer that acts as a shield during inclement weather, heater with defogger vents, and radio pre-wire with speakers in-cabs. AutoTHROTLE returns engine speed to pre-set hand throttle position when work is resumed. AutoDRIVE provies cruise control-type characteristics during roading. Advanced Easy Controls and Easy Controls only: AutoSTABILIZERS and AutoBOOMLOCK. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Open center system, variable displacement piston pump, engine driven, 44 gpm at 3650 psi. Separate oil reservoir not shared with other systems, externally mounted to mainframe for ground level servicing. Abrasion protection of valve to boom hoses. Hoses have burst pressure of 4 times working pressure. Structural steel pipes to withstand minor impacts. Auto Idle reduces engine speed when no hydraulic functions are requested. SERVICEABILITY AND MAINTENANCE Ground level check for engine and transmission oil, brake fluid, engine coolant, and windshield washer levels. Ground level top off of engine oil, transmission oil, hydraulic fluid, brake fluid, fuel, and engine coolant. Tilt engine hood and lockable front grill. 15 second engine manifold preheat (activated through ignition switch). 40 gallon fuel tank. 20 gallon hydraulic tank with 5 micron filter. 500 hour engine oil and filter service interval. 1000 hour DEF filter interval. 1000 hour transmission oil and 500 hour transmission filter service interval. 2000 hour hydraulic oil and 500 hour hydraulic filter service interval. External Toolbox. AutoCHECK automatically performs daily under hood maintenance checks on 'key on' TELEMATICS JCB Livelink telematics. Monitored and managed remotely via a PC or Smartphone. Two year subscription. Real time reporting of machine hours, routine maintenance alerts, location, critical health alerts, fuel level/consumption and work cycle information. Ability to set machine geo-fences and curfews for improved security. SAFETY and SECURITY Two post Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS), Falling Objects Protective Structure (FOPS) and retractable seat belt. Equipped with independent park brake and loader service strut. Rear boom lock activated from operator's compartment; boom swing lock. Vandalism protection with key lock-able cab, hydraulic fill, fuel cap. All locks with the exception of the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) tank operate with ignition key. Front and rear horn buttons. Automatic backup alarm. Standard Equipment ENGINE 91 HP Gross (109 HP Gross option), turbocharged, water-cooled, 4 cylinder, direct injection diesel. Tier 4 Final compliant engine with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and 5 gallon DEF tank. Hand and foot throttle. Selective full flow pressure engine oil lubrication with spin-on filter cartridge. Air to fluid coolers. Separately serviceable radiator, hydraulic and transmission oil coolers. Two stage fuel filtering system utilizing a water/sediment separator and spin-on type filter element. Dual element air filter, dry type with cleanable outer element, replaceable inner element and under hood pre-cleaner. TRANSMISSION Separate unit mounted to engine containing torque converter and all transmission components. Pressure lubrication with spin on filter. Electrically operated Fwd / Rev lever on steering column. Electrically operated transmission. disconnect on gear shift and loader levers. Powershift gear selection with 4 Fwd / 4 Rev speeds. FRONT AXLE 4WD - Industrial duty JCB Max-Trac torque proportioning, outboard Planetary reduction axle, 4WD shift-on-the-go; steering cylinderinder located behind front axle. REAR AXLE Separate, rigidly mounted to mainframe and connected to transmission via drive shaft. Heavy duty double reduction, outboard Planetary gear final reduction. Limited slip differential to provide automatic equalization of wheel spin under conditions of unequal flooting. BRAKES Sealed wet multiple disc. Brake pedals can be independently operated or locked together. Power assisted, hydraulic brakes. Independent over center actuation, park brake. Transmission shifts to neutral when park brake is activated. 4 wheel braking in 2 wheel drive activated by switch. STEERING Hydrostatic power, with priority valve. Three steering wheel turns (lock to lock). Unbraked turning circle - 26 ft 5 in. BACKHOE AND MAINFRAME Unitized, one piece heavy duty mainframe with integral backhoe. Sealed swing post pins and swing cylinderinder pins, 2 in top and bottom rear frame plates (centermount). Fabricated boom and dipper. SAE maximum dig depth: Extradig dipper - 14 ft 7 in - 18 ft 6 in. EasyControl backhoe controls Fabricated stabilizer legs with anti-drift valves. 11000 lbs lifting hook as standard. LOADER Equipped with integrally mounted front end loader using two lift cylinderinders and two bucket dump cylinderinders. Parallel lift standard during loader raise and lower functions. Dump height: 9 ft 0 in. Bucket return-to-dig and third spool loader valve standard. Dump reach at full height - 32 in. Auto Smooth Ride System (AutoSRS). Front bumper protection fitted as standard. Features and Benefits Standard Equipment and Features & Benefits related to this product are subject to change without notice JCB EcoMAX 4.4L Turbocharged No DPF or after treatment keeping servicing cost low and downtime minimal but still providing high levels of torque Low cost increased efficiency Fuel efficient JCB engine provides high torque at low revs enabling high a breakout force at the same rate High performance hydraulics 44 gpm hydraulic pump accomodating variety of attachments and increase cycle times JCB Efficient Design program JCB high back-ff brakes and viscous fan increase efficiency and savings JCB Max-Trac torque proportioning differential axle Increases tractive effort in all ground conditions Advanced Easy Controls JCB's controls provide finger tip control and supreme comfort with various configurations to accomodate all users Comfort and ease of use Fully adjustable seat, dash mounted display for machine performance and ISO, SAE and JCB X control patterns change over accomodates all users Automated features Auto Idle, Auto Check, Auto Throttle, Auto Boomlock, Auto SmoothRide System, Auto Pre-Heat, Auto Stabilizer-up only make operation easier Kingpost design Hoses are strategically routed to prevent pinching and maximize backhoe movement Front and rear quickhitch Easy and effortless switching between attachments Fixed or extending dipper 14 ft dipper decreases time spent repositioning translating into efficiency Twin hose burst technology Hose burst check valve keep legs from moving during operation Safe and secure Anti-slip steps, laminated front screen, rear boom lock, self leveling loader and stabilizer from dropping in the event of hose failure Features and Benefits Optional hand tool circuit Provides ability to prepare sites Optional Extradig package Allows for an additional 4 ft 1 in in dig depth increasing efficiency while decreasing time spent repositioning Added value through JCB Assetcare Provides comprehensive peace at mind warranty and service agreements worldwide Technical support service Provides instant access to factory expertise, day or night Parts distribution Global network of part centers, delivering 95 percent of all parts any where in the world within 24 hrs SAFETY AND SECURITY Two post Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS), Falling Objects Protective Structure (FOPS) and retractable seat belt. Equipped with independent park brake and loader service strut. Rear boom lock activated from operator's compartment; boom swing lock. Vandalism protection with key lock- able cab, hydraulic fill, fuel cap. All locks with the exception of the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) tank operate with ignition key. Front and rear horn buttons. Automatic backup alarm. ENGINE 91HP gross (109HP gross option), turbocharged, watercooled, 4 cyl, direct injection diesel. T4F compliant engine with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and 5 gallon DEF tank. Hand and foot throttle. Selective full flow pressure engine oil lubrication with spin-on filter cartridge. Air to fluid coolers. Separately serviceable radiator, hydraulic and transmission oil coolers. Two stage fuel filtering system utilizing a water/sediment separator and spin-on type filter element. Dual element air filter, dry type with cleanable outer element, replaceable inner element and under hood pre-cleaner. TRANSMISSION Separate unit mounted to engine containing torque converter and all transmission components. Pressure lubrication with spin on filter. Electrically operated Fwd / Rev lever on steering column. Electrically operated transmission. disconnect on gear shift and loader levers. Powershift gear selection with 4 Fwd / 4 Rev speeds. FRONT AXLE 4WD - Industrial duty JCB Max-Trac torque proportioning, outboard planetary reduction axle, 4WD shift-on-the-go; steering cylinder located behind front axle. REAR AXLE Separate, rigidly mounted to mainframe and connected to transmission via drive shaft. Heavy duty double reduction, outboard planetary gear final reduction. Limited slip differential to provide auto- matic equalization of wheel spin under conditions of unequal footing. Features and Benefits BRAKES Sealed wet multiple disc. Brake pedals can be independently operated or locked together. Power assisted, hydraulic brakes. Independent over center actuation, park brake. Transmission shifts to neutral when park brake is activated. 4 wheel braking in 2 wheel drive activated by switch. STEERING Hydrostatic power, with priority valve. Three steering wheel turns (lock to lock). Unbraked turning circle - 26' 5". BACKHOE AND MAINFRAME Unitized, one piece heavy duty mainframe with integral backhoe. Sealed swing post pins and swing cylinder pins, 2" top and bottom rear frame plates (centermount). Fabricated boom and dipper. SAE maximum dig depth: Extradig dipper 14' 7" - 18' 6". EasyControl backhoe controls. Fabricated stabilizer legs with anti-drift valves. 11,000 lb. lifting hook as standard. LOADER Equipped with integrally mounted front end loader using two lift cylinders and two bucket dump cylinders. Parallel lift standard during loader raise and lower functions. Dump height: 9' 0". Bucket return-to-dig and third spool loader valve standard. Dump reach at full height - 32". Auto Smooth Ride System (AutoSRS). Front bumper protection fitted as standard. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 volt system with 150 amp alternator std. Wiring harness and outside cab connectors meet IP69 standard for protection against ingress of dust, and pressure spray of 4.23 gpm at 1450 psi. Inside cab connectors meet IP67 standard for protection against ingress of dust, and water when submerged. Single, maintenance free battery rated at 900 cold cranking amps. Four halogen work lights in front and four separate halogen work lights in the rear. Stop lights, turn signals, and four way hazards standard. Backlit gauges and readouts consisting of a tachometer, fuel gauge, engine coolant temperature gauge, digital hour meter and digital clock. Light and alarm for battery charge condition, coolant temp., engine oil pressure, transmission oil pressure, transmission oil temp., air cleaner restriction, water in fuel indicator, and park brake engaged. Light indicators for hazard flashers on, turn signals, steering mode, and lights on. 12 volt outlet for powered accessories. Common fuses and relays located in an easy access panel. Main circuit breakers at battery positive terminal for added circuit protection. Battery Isolator fitted as standard. Features and Benefits OPERATORS ENVIRONMENT Suspension seat with adjustments for weight, seat angle, and back angle. Armrests and retractable seat belt standard. Two door entry with deluxe trim. Composite sure grip molded floor, tilt steering column, front windshield with 2 speed plus intermittent wiper and washer, interior rear view mirror, pre-wired for beacon, cup holders, storage compartment. Cab includes door ajar stays, 14 adj. vents, operable side windows, one piece rear window with wiper and washer that acts as a shield during inclement weather, heater with defogger vents, and radio pre-wire with speakers in-cabs. AutoTHROTLE returns engine speed to pre-set hand throttle position when work is resumed. AutoDRIVE provies cruise control-type characteristics during roading. Advanced Easy Controls and Easy Controls only: AutoSTABILIZERS and AutoBOOMLOCK. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Open center system, variable displacement piston pump, engine driven, 44 gpm @ 3650 psi. Separate oil reservoir not shared with other systems, externally mounted to mainframe for ground level servicing. Abrasion protection of valve to boom hoses. Hoses have burst pressure of 4 times working pressure. Structural steel pipes to withstand minor impacts. Auto Idle reduces engine speed when no hydraulic functions are requested. SERVICEABILITY AND MAINTENANCE Ground level check for engine and transmission oil, brake fluid, engine coolant, and windshield washer levels. Ground level top off of engine oil, transmission oil, hydraulic fluid, brake fluid, fuel, and engine coolant. Tilt engine hood and lockable front grill. 15 second engine manifold preheat (activated through ignition switch). 40 gallon fuel tank. 20 gallon hydraulic tank with 5 micron filter. 500 hour engine oil and filter service interval. 1000 hour DEF filter interval. 1000 hour transmission oil and 500 hour transmission filter service interval. 2000 hour hydraulic oil and 500 hour hydraulic filter service interval. External Toolbox. AutoCHECK automatically performs daily under hood maintenance checks on 'key on' TELELMATICS JCB Livelink telematics. Monitored and managed remotely via a PC or Smartphone. Two year subscription. Real time reporting of machine hours, routine maintenance alerts, location, critical health alerts, fuel level/consumption and work cycle information. Ability to set machine geofences and curfews for improved security. Prepared For: Chad Blais City of Compton 205 S. Willowbrook Compton 90220 Ca. phone:(310) 605-5555 [email protected] Dealer Information JCB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 2615 PELLISSIER PLACE USA Model: 3CX 14MFCE Prepared By: Robert Lara [email protected] mobile:562-244-2623 Quote Date: 21/12/15 Valid Until: 20/01/16 Quotation Reference: 107066 Qty: 1 Equipment Description 3CX-14 SUPER, 4WD, 2WS, 91 HP TIER 4 FINAL, 14 FT CENTERMOUNT BACKHOE WITH EXTRADIG DIPPER. EASY CONTROLS. 150A ALTERNATOR, 100LBS COUNTERWEIGHT. INCLUDES 2 SPOOL LOADER VALVE, DIRT FEET, INTERIOR MIRROR, FRONT AND REAR WORKLIGHTS, BATTERY ISOLATOR, TOOLBOX AND AUTOMATE (AUTOCHECK, AUTOIDLE, AUTODRIVE AND AUTOTHROTTLE). 3CX-14 SUPER 91 HP CM MODEL PACK GALAXY INDUSTRIAL 14-17.5-10 AND 19.5L-24-12 POWERSHIFT + LSD, 4WD/2WS CAB WITH A/C CLOTH SUSPENSION SEAT CAB, LIVELINK, HAMMER/BI-DIRECTIONALRECTIONAL PIPEWORK 5/8 LOADER PIPEWORK RTD AND AUTO SRS FOR BIDIRECTIONALRECTIONAL USE ENGLISH TERRITORY PACK DIRECT MOUNT 6 IN1 SHOVEL 92 IN, 1.3yd3, STANDARD DUTY WITH BOLTON-TOEPLATE BACKHOE BUCKET - 12 IN (300MM) HEAVY DUTY 3 TEETH 397 LB (180KG) COUNTERWEIGHT 2WS ONLY SEATBELT 3 IN FLIPOVER STABILIZER FEET - CENTERMOUNT HD CP Hydraulic Breaker model RX8 1000 Class HD CP Hydraulic Tamper/Compactor model RC409 Equipment Total Sales tax @ 9% (if applicable) Total Customer Sale Price 106,229.00 9,560.61 115,789.61 Notes: Unit will include a 24 month or 2000 hour FULL MACHINE warranty Municipal Discount is applied to this proposal/ Proposal is FOB Compton City Yard. Subject to Yale/Chase terns and conditions (see attached) The above quote supersedes all preceding price quotes. Prices quoted are valid for 30 days from quote date. Customer Acceptance: Date Dealer Date Quote 116 6147-01 December 16, 2015 CITY OF COMPTON C 205 S WILLOWBROOK AVE A N COMPTON California 90220-319 90 Attention: Chad C Blais Dear Sir, We would like l to thank yo ou for your interrest in our comp pany and our p products, and are pleased to q quote the follow wing for your consid deration. CATERPIILLAR INC. Model: M 420F2 2 Backhoe Lo oader with B Buckets, Brea aker and Com mpactor We wish to o thank you for the opportunity y of quoting on n your equipme ent needs. Thiss quotation is va alid for 30 dayss, after which time we reserve the e right to re-qu uote. If there are e any question ns, please do not hesitate to ccontact me. Sincerely, Tony Mykris Governmental Sales Page e 1 of 5 Quinn Group Quote 116147-01 CATERPILLAR INC. Model: 420F2 Backhoe Loader with Buckets, Breaker and Compactor STANDARD EQUIPMENT CONSIST NOTE THIS LISTING IS A GENERAL DESCRIPTION THE LOWEST CHARGE ITEMS. OF A 420F2 BACKHOE LOADER EQUIPPED WITH BOOMS, STICKS AND LINKAGES 14'4'' Center pivot excavator style backhoe Pilot operated joystick hydraulic controls with pattern changer valve Pilot operated stabilizer controls Boom transport lock Swing transport lock Street pads stabilizer shoes Anti-drift hydraulics (Boom, Stick and E-Stick) Cat Cushion Swing(tm) system Bucket level indicator Lift cylinder brace Return-to-dig (auto bucket positioner) Self-leveling loader with single lever control Transmission neutralizer switch Single Tilt Loader POWERTRAIN Cat C4.4, 74.5KW (Net 93HP / 69kW) Direct Injection Turbo Charged Engine, with ACERT technology. US EPA Tier4 Final Emissions Compliant with Selective Catalytic Reduction(SCR) Water separator with service indicator Thermal starting aid system Eco mode A dry-type axial seal air cleaner with integral precleaner, automatic dust ejection system and filter condition indicator disk brake with dual pedals and interlock Differential lock Drive-line parking brake High Ambient Cooling Package Torque converter Transmission--four speed synchro mesh with power shuttle and neutral safety switch Spin-on fuel, engine oil and transmission oil filters Outboard planetary rear axles Open Circuit Breather Hydraulically boosted multi-plate wet HYDRAULICS Load sensing, variable flow system with 43 gpm axial piston pump 6 micron hydraulic filter O-ring face seal hydraulic fittings Hydraulic oil cooler Pilot control shutoff switch PPPC, Flow-sharing hydraulic valves Hydraulic suction strainer Caterpillar XT-3 hose ELECTRICAL 12 volt electrical start Key start/stop system Page 2 of 5 Quinn Group 150 ampere alternator Horn and Backup Alarm Hazard flashers/turn signals Halogen head lights (4) Halogen rear flood lights (4) Stop and tail lights Quote 116147-01 880 CCA maintenance free battery Battery disconnect switch External/internal power receptacles(12v) Diagnostic ports for engine and machine Electronic Control Modules Remote jump start connector Audible system fault alarm OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT Lighted gauge group Interior rearview mirror Rear fenders ROPS canopy 2-inch retractable seat belt Tilt steering column Hand and foot throttle Automatic Engine Speed Control One Touch Low Idle Floor mat and Coat Strap Lockable storage area Air suspension seat Steering knob OTHER STANDARD EQUIPMENT Hydrostatic power steering Standard Storage Box Transport tie-downs Ground line fill fuel tank with 44 gallon capacity Ground line fill diesel exhaust fluid tank with 5 gallon capacity Rubber impact strips on radiator guards Bumper CD-ROM Parts Manual Backhoe Safety Manual Operations and Maintenance Manual Lockable hood Tire Valve Stem Protection Long Life Coolant -30C (-20F) Padlocks (2 on ST, 3 on IT) Page 3 of 5 Quinn Group Quote 116147-01 MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS Description Reference No 420F2 BHL ST, TIER 4, HRC 450-8448 SEAT BELT, 3'' SUSPENSION 206-1748 COUPLER, PIN LOCK 222-7379 BUCKET-HD, 24'', 7.3 CFT PL 247-1950 BUCKET-MP, 1.3 CYD 337-7436 COUNTERWEIGHT, 1015 LBS 337-9696 TIRES, 12.5 80/19.5L-24, FS 380-8961 RADIO and CD PLAYER 387-6597 RIDE CONTROL 398-2681 LINES, COMBINED AUX, E-STICK 398-2853 PLATE GROUP - BOOM WEAR 423-7607 INSTRUCTIONS, ANSI 430-9944 BEACON, MAGNETIC MOUNT, STROBE 433-0154 SEAT, DELUXE FABRIC 433-4806 HYDRAULICS, MP, 5FCN/7BNK, ST 450-8528 PT, 4WD, STD SHIFT 450-8606 CAB, DELUXE 450-8683 AIR CONDITIONER, T4 450-8715 STICK, EXTENDABLE, 14FT 450-8730 ENGINE, 74.5KW,C4.4 ACERT, T4F 450-8757 CUTTING EDGE, TWO PIECE 9R-5321 STABILIZER PADS, FLIP-OVER 9R-6007 PACK, DOMESTIC TRUCK 0P-0210 LANE 2 ORDER 0P-9002 SERIALIZED TECHNICAL MEDIA KIT 421-8926 PRODUCT LINK, CELLULAR, PL641I 447-0049 BUCKET-HD, 12'', 3.4 CFT PL 247-1947 BUCKET-HD, 16'', 4.3 CFT PL 247-1948 CVP40 COMPACTOR PLATE 205-5900 BRACKET,MOUNTING (QC)-PIN LOCK 416-8031 LINES, CONNECTOR 211-8195 H75E S HAMMER 369-1542 TOOL, CROSS CUT CHISEL 399-1711 BRACKET,MOUNTING (QC)-PIN LOCK 416-8031 LINES, CONNECTOR 399-6964 Page 4 of 5 Quinn Group Quote 116147-01 Sell Price with Governmental Discount County Sales Tax (1.5%) State Sales Tax (7.5%) After Tax Balance $130,684.59 $1,960.27 $9,801.34 $142,446.20 WARRANTY 12 Months Full Machine Standard Warranty: F.O.B/TERMS Delivered, Net 30 Days Accepted by _________________________________________ on _____________________ _____________________________________________________________ Signature Page 5 of 5 National Auto Fleet Group A Division 490 Auto of Center (855) (855) Chevrolet Drive, BUY-NJPA 289-6572 of Watsonville Watsonville, • (626) • (831) 457-5590 480-8497 CA 95076 Fax 12/22/2015 QuotelD: 941 Mr Chad Blais City of Compton 205 S. Willowbrook Compton, California, 90221 Dear Chad Blais, National Auto Fleet Group is pleased to quote the following vehicle{s) for your consideration. One (1)New/Unused (2016 Ford Super Duty F-550 DRW (F5G) 2WD Reg Cab 201" WB 120" CA XL, Pacific Tek PV500-DHo) and delivered to your specified location, each for One Unit Base Price $40,864.26 Pacific Tek PV500-DHo $62,380.00 Tax (8.00 %) $8,259.54 Tire fee $10.50 Total $111,514.30 - per the attached specifications This vehicle(s) is available under the National Joint Powers Alliance orders. Payment terms are Net 30 days after receipt of vehicle. Contract 102811. Please reference this Bid number on all purchase Thank you in advance for your consideration. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Email: [email protected] Office: (855) 289-6572 Fax: (831) 489-8497 Quote Pacific Tek 1298 N Blue Gum Street Anaheim CA 92806 P:(714) 835-3088 F:(714) 835-3091 Quote # 12/211201 :; 991897 Ship To Name I Address Water Department City of Compton 205 S. Willowbrook Compton, CA 90221 Attn: M'Urquhart City of Compton City Controller 205 S. Willowbrook Compton, CA 90221 Terms Rep Net 30 DLS Qty Description Item SOO-00061 Date PV500-DHO FOB Cost Total 38,500.00 38,500.00T 6.20000 6,200.00T 1,800.00 1.800.001' 5,410.00 5.410.00T 575.00 1.150.00T 6,350.00 6350.001' - Skid mounted SOO gallon debris tank. 825 ClM blower belt driven by a 46hp electric stan diesel engine, enclosed sealed 12 V/DC battery. relief valve set at 15" otvacuurn. Cleanout door is a 36" diameter hatch opened and closed with the hydraulic One-Step-Hatch A 10 micron vacuum filter element mounted separate trorn debris tank for easy change. Vacuum comes supplied with one 4" x 15' and one 4" x 10' vacuum hose that connects to the supplied pick-up tube 88-953lO 8X 12' Truck bed with headache custom flatbed custom vacuum skid to chasiss flatbed mount to Customer's National Sig do.. #2165847 (1922-25) 30" x 60" double side control board - motorized raise/lower with seperate controllers - in cab controller - mounting rack and dock bumper with 5K receiver hitch supplied vehicle included 2 48" x 18" x 18" under deck lockable storage box .35-35100 3500 psi Pressure Washer System Self-Contained 35(1) psi pressure washer. I Uhp gas electric start gas engine. adjustable ()-.l500 psi. 100 gallon water holding tank wi mounting straps, hose reel with 50' <)1' hose. wash wand with extra QD nozzles. - Components are shipped scperate l.abor Labor hours to install all above equipment 22 onto customer supplied cab/chasiss 135.00 2.97000 DELIVERY IS 6-8 WEEKS ARO TAX RATE SET TO OHANGE COUNTY SHIPPfNG SET TO WILL-CALL AT PACIFIC 'ILK - ANAHEll'vl Subtotal Sales Tax (8.0%) Total $6V80.00 $4.752.80 $67,132.80 In order to Finalize your Quote, please submit this purchase packet to_your governing body for Purchase Orde r Ap prova I.__ Qn~~mY_QJJmj_~_§_Y_~jLe_Urcb~se _OrqeI_QJea~e send by: Fax: Mail: Email: (831) 480-8497 National Auto Fleet Group 490 Auto Center Drive Watsonville, CA 95076 Fleet@nati_onC!J~utofleetgroup.com We will then send a W..9 if you need one Please contact our main office with any questions: 1-855..289..6572 Vehicle Configuration Options ENGINE Code 99T Description ENGINE 6.7L 4V OHV POWER STROKE V8 TURBO DIESEL 820, -inc: intelligent oillife monitor and turbo gauges, 200 Amp Extra Heavy Duty Alternator, Dual 78 AH 750 CCA Batteries, 4.10 Axle Ratio TRANSMISSION Code 44W Description TRANSMISSION: TORQSHIFT 6-SPEED AUTOMATIC, -inc: SelectShift TIRES Code TFB PRIMARY PAINT PAINT SCHEME Description TIRES 225f70RX19.5G BSW AS, IDescriPtion STANDARD PAINT SEAT TYPE Code AS Description STEEL, HD VINYL 40/20/40 SPLIT BENCH SEAT, -inc: driver side manual lumbar, center armrest, cupholder and storage AXLE RATIO Code X8l Description LIMITED SLIP W/4.88 AXLE RATIO ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Code 90l 62R 68M Description POWER EQUIPMENT GROUP, -inc: Deletes passenger side lock cylinder, upgraded door-trim panel, Accessory Delay, Remote Keyless Entry, MyKey, owner controls feature, Perimeter Anti-Theft Alarm, Power Front Side Windows, t-touch up and down power driver and passenger window, Manual Telescoping 2-Way Fold Trailer Tow Mirrors, power/heated glass, heated convex spotter mirror and integrated clearance lamps/turn signals, Power locks, Securilock Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) TRANSMISSION POWER TAKE-OFF PROVISION,-inc: transmission mounted live drive and stationary mode PTO GVWR 19,500 lB PAYLOAD PLUS UPGRADE PACKAGE, -inc: upgraded frame, rearaxle and springs and low deflection/high capacity, Increases max RGAWR to 14, 706, NOTE: See Order Guide Supplemental Reference for further details on GVWR OPTION PACKAGE [fde 660A SHIP THRU CODES ICode IDescription 2016 Fleet/Non-Retail Ford Super Duty F-550 DRW 2WD Reg Cab 201 II WB 120" CA XL WINDOW STICKER 2016 Ford Super Duty F-SSO DRW 2WD Reg Cab 201" WB 120" CA 6.7 Ll406 Intercooled Turbo Diesel V-8 6 Speed Automatic w/OD Xl Interior: Exterior 1: OXFORD WHITE Exterior 2' No color has been selected. f----------------.-.-.-.-.--~.------. CODE FSG 99T 44W TFB Z1 ----i MODEL MSRP 2016 Ford Super Duty F-SSO DRW 2WD Reg Cab 201" WB 120" CA XL OPTIONS ENGINE: 6.7L 4V OHV POWER STROKE V8 TURBO DIESEL B20, -inc intelligent oil-life monitor and turbo gauges, 200 Amp Extra Heavy Duty Alternator, Dual 78 AH 750 CCA Batteries, 4.10 Axle Ratio TRANSMISSION: TORQSHIFT 6-SPEED AUTOMATIC, -inc SelectShift TIRES: 225/70RX19.5G $38,345.00 $8,130,00 $190,00 BSW AS, (STD) $0,00 OXFORD WHITE $000 STANDARD PAINT $0,00 AS STEEL, HD VINYL 40/20/40 SPLIT BENCH SEAT, -inc driver side manual lumbar, center armrest, cup holder and storage X8l 90l LIMITED SLIP W/4.88 AXLE RATIO $360,00 POWER EQUIPMENT GROUP, -inc: Deletes passenger side lock cylinder, upgraded door-trim panel, Accessory Delay, Remote Keyless Entry. MyKey, owner controls feature, Perimeter Anti-Theft Alarm, Power Front Side Windows, t-touch up and down power driver and passenger window, Manual Telescoping 2-VVay Fold Trailer Tow Mirrors, power/heated glass, heated convex spotter mirror and integrated clearance lamps/turn signals, Power Locks, SecuriLock Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) 62R TRANSMISSION PTO 68M GVWR: 19,500 LB PAYLOAD PLUS UPGRADE PACKAGE, -inc: upgraded frame, rear-axle and springs and low deflection/high capacity, Increases max RGAWR to 14, 706, NOTE: See Order Guide Supplemental Reference for further details on GVWR 660A $0,00 POWER TAKE-OFF PROVISION, -inc transmission mounted live drive and stationary mode $89S,00 $280,00 $1,155,00 ORDER CODE 660A SUBTOTAL $0,00 $49,355.00 Advert/ Adjustments Manufacturer Destination Charge TOTAL PRICE $0,00 $1,19S.00 $50,550.00 Est City N/A MPG Est Highway N/A MPG Est Highway Cruising Range: N/A mi Any performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. Standard Equipment MECHANICAL Engine: 6.8L 3-Valve SOHC EFI NA Vi 0 Balanced out for fleet orders effective October 2, 2015. Transmission: TorqShift 5-Speed Automatic 4.88 Axle Ratio GVWR: 18,000 Ibs Payload Package 50-State Emissions System Transmission w/Oil Cooler Rear-Wheel Drive 78-Amp/Hr 750CCA Maintenance-Free Battery w/Run Down Protection 175 Amp Alternator Towing w/Harness 10986# Maximum Payload HD Shock Absorbers Front And Rear Anti-Roll Bars Firm Suspension Hydraulic Power-Assist Steering 40 Gal. Fuel Tank Single Stainless Steel Exhaust Front Suspension w/Coil Springs Leaf Rear Suspension w/Leaf Springs 4-Wheel Disc Brakes w/4-Wheel ABS, Front And Rear Vented Discs Upfitter Switches EXTERIOR - Wheels: 19.5" Argent Painted Steel -inc: Hub covers/center ornaments not included Tires: 225/70Rx19.5G BSW AS Clearcoat Paint Black Front Bumper w/2 Tow Hooks Black Fender Flares Black Side Windows Trim and Black Front Windshield Trim Black Door Handles Black Manual Side Mirrors w/Manual Folding Manual Extendable Trailer Style Mirrors Fixed Rear Window Light Tinted Glass Variable IntermittentWipers Fully Galvanized Steel Panels Black Grille Front License Plate Bracket Aero-Composite Halogen Headlamps Cab Clearance Lights ENTERTAINMENT Radio: AM/FM Stereo w/Digital Clock -inc: 2 speakers Fixed Antenna INTERIOR 4-Way Driver Seat -inc: Manual Recline and Fore/Aft Movement 4-Way Passenger Seat -inc: Manual Recline and Fore/Aft Movement Manual TiltfTelescoping Steering Column Gauges -inc: Speedometer, Odometer, Oil Pressure, Engine Coolant Temp, Tachometer, Transmission Fluid Temp, Engine Hour Meter and Trip Odometer 3 Person Seating Capacity Front Cupholder Manual Air Conditioning Glove Box Interior Trim -inc: Chrome Interior Accents Full Cloth Headliner Urethane Gear Shift Knob HD Vinyl 40/20/40 Split Bench Seat -inc: driver side manual lumbar, center armrest, cupholder and storage Day-Night Rearview Mirror Passenger Visor Vanity Mirror 2 12V DC Power Outlets Front Map Lights Fade-To-Off Interior Lighting Full Vinyl/Rubber Floor Covering Underhood Lights Instrument Panel Bin and Dashboard Storage Manual 1st Row Windows Systems Monitor Outside Temp Gauge Analog Display Manual Adjustable Front Head Restraints SAFETY Driveline Traction Control Side Impact Beams Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Seat-Mounted Side Airbags Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Front Airbags w/Passenger Off Switch Curtain 1st Row Airbags Outboard Front Lap And Shoulder Safety Belts -inc: Height Adjusters National Auto Fleet Group A Division 490 Auto of Center (855) (855) Chevrolet Drive, of Watsonville Watsonville, BUY-NJPA 289-6572 • [626) • (831) 457-5590 480-8497 CA 95076 Fax 12/22/2015 OuotelD: 940 Mr Chad Blais City of Compton 205 S. Willowbrook Compton, California, 90221 Dear Chad Blais, National Auto Fleet Group is pleased to quote the following vehicle(s) for your consideration. One (1)New/Unused (2016 Ford Super Duty F-550 DRW (X5G) 2WD SuperCab 186" WB 84" CA XL, Pacific Tek PV250) and delivered to your specified location, each for One Unit Base Price $41,366.10 Pacific Tek PV250 $77,434.00 $9,504.01 Tax (8.00 %) $10.50 Tire fee $128,314.61 Total - per the attached specifications. This vehicle(s) is available under the National Joint Powers Alliance orders. Payment terms are Net 30 days after receipt of vehicle. Contract 102811. Please reference this Bid number on all purchase Thank you in advance for your consideration. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Email: [email protected] Office (855) 289-6572 Fax: (831) 489-8497 Quote Pacific Tek 1298 N Blue Gum Street Anaheim CA 92806 P:(714) 835-3088 F:(714) 835-3091 Quote # 1211512015 991882 Ship To Name I Address Water Department City of Compton 205 S. Willowbrook Compton, CA 90221 Attn: M.Urquhart City of Compton City Controller 205 S. Willowbrook Compton, CA 90221 Item Date Terms Rep FOB Net 30 DLS Destination Qty Description Cost Total 250-00012 PV-251)-DI - PV-250 Power Vac - 525 din vacuum blower is belt driven bv a 27hr clecuic srarr gas engine Debris tant lift and 3(>" hatch door operated bl' 12 volt DC hoydraulrc power supply. Unit comes WIth 25' x 4" vacuum hose with pick-up tube - DR1VF ONE READY (ready to power either 3000psi pressure washer or hydraulic power source) 3D,no.oo 30,72D.OOT 25-30023 PT-25-D I Pacific Tek Valve Operator Drive One Ready - Reaches :,0" from 1110LlIHll1g station - produces 251)0 f/# of torque. Manual torque and speed controls With mechanical rcvoluuou counter and liquid filled torque gauge Includes 19 galion hydraulic tank with drop-in return filter, sump/suction filter and level/temp gauge - NO POWER PACK SUPPLIED - APPUED TO D I READY COMPONENT 21,849.00 21.849.00T 25- i 1025 Swinger Kit for 1'T-25 - Ineludes 3 part stainless steel travel rings. bronze deck bushings. turntable, custorne gliding carriage that rotates up to 181)degrees. 3,990.00 3.99000T 30-31021 3000-DI-[OO Pressure Washer 31)0()-w (100 gal) 3000 psi pressure washer pump belt driven li\)111 tire Drive One system (sold with vacuum systems), electric clutch engagement. Also Includes HIO gallon water holding lank, "I)' pressure washer hose contained on a hand crank hose reel. adjustable pressure control 4,190.00 4.190.00T 88-9531 () RX 12' Truck bed With headache rack and dock bumper WIth 5K receiver hitch 5,900.00 5,900.00T 36"x 18"x IS" si. j(1"x IS"x 18" side lid lockable - white - underdcck 475.00 950.00T (110-9621 (I Corner-Cuts-1'T25 Custom cut corners on flatbed truck to accommodate 600.00 (iOOOOT 225.00 450.00T 6550;\ amber s. 1500/i 2 PT-25-Swinger kit stobe beacon - amber - DOES NOT INCLUDE MOUNTING 2 Subtotal Sales Tax (8.0%) Total Page 1 Pacific Tek Quote 1298 N Blue Gum Street Anaheim CA 92806 P:(714) 835-3088 F:(714) 835-3091 Name I Address Quote # 1211512015 991882 Ship To Water Department City of Compton 20S S. Willowbrook Compton, CA 90221 Attn: M.Urquhart City of Compton City Controller 205 S. Willowbrook Compton. CA 90221 Item Date Terms Rep FOB Net 30 DLS Destination Qty Description National Sig do. #2165847 (1922-25) 30" x 6011 double SIde control board - motorized raise/lower with scperate comrolters - in cab controller L:1bor Labor hours to mount flatbed, vacuum, swinger kir. PT-2\ pressure washer components, arrow board. under deck boxes and strobe beacons Cost 5,410.00 25 Subtotal Sales Tax (8.0%) Total Page 2 135.00 Total 5,410.00T 3,375.00 $77.434.00 $5,924.72 $83.358.72 In order to Finalize your Quote, please submit this purchase packet to your governing body for Purchase Order Approval. On~_~_youjssu~a_eurchase Order please send by: Fax: Mail: Email: (831) 480-8497 National Auto Fleet Group 490 Auto Center Drive Watsonville, CA 95076 [email protected] We will then send a W-9 if you need one Please contact our main office with any questions: 1-855-289-6572 Vehicle Configuration Options ENGINE Code 99T Description ENGINE 6.7L 4V OHV POWER STROKE V8 TURBO DIESEL B20, -inc: intelligent oillife monitor and turbo gauges, 200 Amp Extra Heavy Duty Alternator, Dual 78 AH 750 CCA Batteries, 4.10 Axle Ratio TRANSMISSION Code 44W Description TRANSMISSION: TORQSHIFT 6-SPEED AUTOMATIC, -inc: SelectShift TIRES Code TFB Description . TIRES: ~251!ORX19 58 BSW~S, (STD) PRIMARY PAINT OXFORD WHITE PAINT SCHEME IDescriPtion SEAT TYPE Code AS Description STEEL, HD VINYL 40/20/40 SPLIT BENCH SEAT, -inc: driver side manual lumbar, center armrest, cupholder and storage AXLE RATIO IDescriPtion 4.10 AXLE RATIO ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Code 90l 62R Description POWER EQUIPMENT GROUP, -inc: Deletes passenger side lock cylinder, upgraded door-trim panel, Accessory Delay, Remote Keyless Entry, MyKey, owner controls feature, Perimeter Anti-Theft Alarm, Power Front Side Windows, 1-touch up and down power driver and passenger window, Manual Telescoping 2-Way Fold Trailer Tow Mirrors, power/heated glass, heated convex spotter mirror and integrated clearance lamps/turn signals, Power locks, Securilock Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) TRANSMISSION POWER TAKE-OFF PROVISION OPTION PACKAGE IDescriPtion ORDER CODE 660A SHIP THRU CODES ICode IDescription 2016 Fleet/Non-Retail Ford Super Duty F-550 DRW 2WD SuperCab 186" WB 84" CA XL WINDOW STICKER 2016 Ford Super Duty F-550 DRW 2WD SuperCab 186" WB 84" CA 6.7 Ll406 Intercooled Turbo Diesel V-8 6 Speed Automatic w/OD CODE X5G xi. Exterior 1. OXFORD WHITE Exterior 2: No color has been selected. MODEL 2016 Ford Super Duty F-550 DRW 2WD SuperCab 186" WB 84" CA Xl MSRP I $40,145.00 I I 99T 44W TFB Z1 OPTIONS ENGINE: 6.7l 4V OHV POWER STROKE V8 TURBO DIESEL B20. -inc intelligent oil-life monitor and turbo gauges, 200 Amp Extra Heavy Duty Alternator, Dual 78 AH 750 CCA Batteries, 4.10 Axle Ratio TRANSMISSION: TORQSHIFT 6-SPEED AUTOMATIC. -inc: SelectShift TIRES: 225/70RX19.5G $8,130.00 $190.00 , I BSW AS, (STD) $0.00 ! OXFORD WHITE $0.00 STANDARD PAINT AS I X41 90l 62R 660A $0.00 STEEL, HD VINYL 40/20/40 SPLIT BENCH SEAT. -inc: driver side manual lumbar. center armrest, cupholder and storage $0.00 i 4.10 AXLE RATIO INC POWER EQUIPMENT GROUP, -inc: Deletes passenger side lock cylinder, upgraded door-trim panel. Accessory Delay, Remote Keyless Entry. MyKey, owner controls feature, Perimeter Anti-Theft Alarm. Power Front Side Windows, t-touch up and down power driver and passenger window. Manual Telescoping 2-Way Fold Trailer Tow Mirrors, power/heated glass, heated convex spotter mirror and integrated clearance lamps/turn signals, Power locks. Securilock Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) TRANSMISSION POWER TAKE-OFF PROVISION $895.00 $280.00 ORDER CODE 660A $0.00 $49,640.00 SUBTOTAL $0.00 Advert/ Adjustments Manufacturer Destination Charge TOTAL PRICE $1,195.00 $50,835.00 Est City: N/A MPG Est Highway: N/A MPG Est Highway Cruising Range: N/A mi Any performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance wil! depend on your operating conditions. Standard Equipment MECHANICAL Engine:6.SL 3~Vai~eS6HCEFI NA V10Baianced out for fleet orders effective October 2,2015. Transmission: TorqShift 5-Speed Automatic 4.88 Axle Ratio GVWR: 18,000 Ibs Payload Package 50-State Emissions System Transmission w/Oil Cooler Rear-Wheel Drive 78-Amp/Hr 750CCA Maintenance-Free Battery w/Run Down Protection 175 Amp Alternator Towing w/Harness 10769# Maximum Payload HD Shock Absorbers Front And Rear Anti-Roll Bars Firm Suspension Hydraulic Power-Assist Steering 40 Gal. Fuel Tank Single Stainless Steel Exhaust Front Suspension w/Coil Springs Leaf Rear Suspension w/Leaf Springs 4-Wheel Disc Brakes w/4-Wheel ABS, Front And Rear Vented Discs Upfitter Switches EXTERIOR Wheels: 19.5" Argent Painted Steel -inc: Hub covers/center ornaments not included Tires: 225/70Rx19.5G BSW AS Clearcoat Paint Black Front Bumper w/2 Tow Hooks Black Fender Flares Black Side Windows Trim and Black Front Windshield Trim Black Door Handles Black Manual Side Mirrors w/Manual Folding Manual Extendable Trailer Style Mirrors Fixed Rear Window Light Tinted Glass Variable IntermittentWipers Fully Galvanized Steel Panels Black Grille Front License Plate Bracket Reverse Opening Rear Doors Aero-Composite Halogen Headlamps Cab Clearance Lights ENTERTAINMENT Radio: AM/FM Stereo w/Digital Clock -inc: 2 speakers Fixed Antenna INTERIOR 4-Way Driver Seat -inc: Manual Recline and Fore/Aft Movement 4-Way Passenger Seat -inc: Manual Recline and Fore/Aft Movement 60-40 Folding Split-Bench Front Facing Fold-Up Cushion Rear Seat Manual TilUTelescoping Steering Column Gauges -inc: Speedometer, Odometer, Oil Pressure, Engine Coolant Temp, Tachometer, Transmission Fluid Temp, Engine Hour Meter and Trip Odometer Manual Vented Rear Windows 6 Person Seating Capacity Front Cupholder Manual Air Conditioning HVAC -inc: Underseat Ducts Glove Box Interior Trim -inc: Chrome Interior Accents Full Cloth Headliner Urethane Gear Shift Knob HD Vinyl 40/20/40 Split Bench Seat -inc: driver side manual lumbar, center armrest, cupholder and storage Day-Night Rearview Mirror Passenger Visor Vanity Mirror 2 12V DC Power Outlets Full Overhead Console w/Storage and 2 12V DC Power Outlets Front Map Lights Fade-To-Off Interior Lighting Full Vinyl/Rubber Floor Covering Underhood Lights Instrument Panel Bin and Dashboard Storage Manual 1st Row Windows Systems Monitor Outside Temp Gauge Analog Display Manual Adjustable Front Head Restraints and Fixed Rear Head Restraints SAFETY Driveline Traction Control ! ij Side Impact Beams Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Seat-Mounted Side Airbags Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Front Airbags w/Passenger Off Switch Outboard Front Lap And Shoulder Safety Belts -inc: Height Adjusters Curtain 1st And 2nd Row Airbags ~~~ RESOLUTION SIGN-OFF FORM DEPARTMENT: Water Department RESOLUTION TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT MULTIPLE VENDOR QUOTES AND ISSUE MULTIPLE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF MISCELLANEOUS HEAVY DUTY WATER SERVICE VEHICLES USED FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER SYSTEM ($447,090.79) Chad Blais 12/30/2015 6:15:05 PM DEPARTMENT MANAGER’S SIGNATURE DATE REVIEW / APPROVAL Ruth Rugley 12/31/2015 12:06:17 PM CITY ATTORNEY DATE Stephen Ajobiewe 12/31/2015 10:30:10 AM CITY CONTROLLER DATE Roger Haley 12/31/2015 8:43:41 AM CITY MANAGER DATE Use when: Public Works: When contracting for Engineering Services. City Attorney: When contracting for legal services; contracts that require City Attorney’s review. Controller/Budget Officer: Amending Budget; appropriating and/or transferring funds; adding and/or deleting positions; any resolution having account numbers. Asst. City Manager/OAS: All personnel actions. WARRANTS APPROVED BY COUNCIL Amount Paid Year to Date Warrant # Date Name Services Provided Amount 231183 12/8/15 MDG Associates Inc Labor compliance services for CDBG street improvement project $19,788.75 $34,866.56 Fuel for refueling of City Vehicles from dates 11/8/15-11/30/15 $8,684.00 $33,684.00 Requested by Grants Division 231250 12/10/15 Veer Oil Partners Inc. Requested be General Services I hereby certify that the above demands in the amount of $28,472.75 were approved at a regular meeting of the City Council and reject __________________ as of January 5, 2016. ___________________ Council Member ___________________ Council Member __________________ City Manager I hereby certify that the Finance Committee at a regular meeting of the City Council on January 5, 2016 allowed the above demands. ___________________ Alita Godwin City Clerk