Language Arts Transparencies


Language Arts Transparencies
Language Arts
Grade 2
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354623TTLAT2COV.indd 1
ISBN-13: 978-0-15-354623-5
ISBN-10: 0-15-354623-9
2/14/07 4:12:52 PM
play at recess.
2. Emily and Jenny
told a funny story.
4. Mrs. Brown’s second grade
is a new student.
6. The children in Mrs. Brown’s class
enjoys the first day of school.
© Harcourt
8. Alex
Grade 2, Lesson 1
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L1.indd LA1
1/16/07 11:34:20 AM
Student Model:
Sentences About a Picture
My sister likes to walk to the park.
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She goes there with Mom. She sings and skips.
Grade 2, Lesson 1
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L1.indd LA2
1/16/07 11:34:24 AM
A weaker beginning—
I got a new puppy. She is from the animal
shelter. Her name is Daisy.
A stronger beginning—
Woof! Woof! All the puppies bark as I enter the
animal shelter. I see a puppy named Daisy. She is
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the puppy for me!
Grade 2, Theme 1
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_T1_RWC.indd 3
Reading-Writing Connection
1/24/07 11:35:45 AM
Writing on Demand: Narrative
Sample Prompt
Everyone has done something special with a friend.
Think about something special you did with a friend.
Now write a story to tell about something special you
did with a friend.
Analyze the Prompt
1. What is the topic of the prompt?
2. Which words give details that help you think
about the topic?
3. Which words tell how to write about the topic?
You will have 30 minutes to write. Here’s a
= 5
= 15
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good way to use 30 minutes:
Revise and Proofread = 10
Grade 2, Theme 1
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_T1_RWC.indd 4
Reading-Writing Connection
1/24/07 11:34:41 AM
Statements and Questions
1. Did the frog see a bug?
2. A frog jumped into the pond.
3. Where do frogs sleep?
4. The frog croaks loudly.
5. Can you catch a frog?
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6. The frog hopped away.
Grade 2, Lesson 2
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L2.indd LA5
12/12/06 9:25:16 AM
Student Model: Paragraph
I helped my mom rake the leaves. First, I got
the rake. Then, I raked the leaves into a big pile.
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Last, we put the leaves into a bag.
Grade 2, Lesson 2
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L2.indd LA6
12/12/06 9:25:23 AM
Commands and Exclamations
all of your breakfast
2. Now
your teeth and
your hair
3. Please
your socks and put them on
your shoes
up or we’ll be late for school
out for that hole in the sidewalk
7. Please
a nice day at school
© Harcourt
when I am talking
Grade 2, Lesson 3
LXENL08ATP2X_L03.indd LA7
1/31/07 9:12:26 AM
Student Model: Description
My Room
by Jacob
My room is a place to rest and have fun. The walls
are tan and the curtains are blue. The rug on the floor has
sailboats all over it. I have a nice, soft bed that I am not
supposed to jump on. I have two white bookcases full of
books. On my table, there is a train clock that says “Choochoo” every morning to wake me up for school. On my
walls, there are posters from the last school book fair. My
toys are hidden away in the closet because I just cleaned
© Harcourt
my room yesterday.
Grade 2, Lesson 3
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1/31/07 9:12:34 AM
Parts of a Sentence
1. My puppy likes playing “hide and seek.”
2. I hide under the bed.
3. Cute little Pugsy finds me!
4. My mom hides behind a door.
5. That smart puppy finds Mom!
6. My little brother Sammy hides in a box.
7. Pugsy, the smartest dog in town, finds Sammy, too!
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8. My family and I are never bored with Pugsy around.
Grade 2, Lesson 4
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1/31/07 9:13:37 AM
Student Model:
Paragraph of Information
A hamster can be a very good classroom pet. It will
not be noisy during the school day because that is when
a hamster sleeps. A hamster needs a cage with wood
shavings covering the bottom. Some strips of soft paper
will help it make its nest. A hamster also needs a water
bottle and special hamster food. Many students and
teachers enjoy keeping their classroom hamster fed
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and clean.
Grade 2, Lesson 4
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12/20/06 2:13:14 PM
1. A chipmunk chewed on a seed.
2. The baby cried when she dropped her toy.
3. The fireman climbed the tall ladder.
4. The library has many new books about insects.
© Harcourt
Grade 2, Lesson 6
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L6.indd LA11
12/20/06 2:13:41 PM
Student Model: Summary
In “Climb Your Mountain,” Helen Thayer tells what it
was like to climb Mt. Taranaki in New Zealand. Helen was
nine years old. She practiced a lot before the climb. She
had special equipment to help her climb. Climbing Mt.
Taranaki was very, very hard. Helen almost quit! She went
on, because it was an important goal. Helen was very
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proud to finish the climb.
Grade 2, Lesson 6
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12/20/06 2:13:46 PM
Story Response 1
A lesson is learned in the story. Mia learns
Story Response 2
Learning not to give up when things don’t go
your way is hard. In “Winners Never Quit,” Mia must
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learn this lesson.
Grade 2, Theme 2
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_T2_RWC.indd 13
Reading-Writing Connection
1/24/07 11:36:13 AM
Writing on Demand: Narrative
Sample Prompt
Everyone has played games at home or at school.
Think about a game you would like to play.
Now write to explain how to play the game
you chose.
Analyze the Prompt
1. What is the topic of the prompt?
2. Which words give details that help you think
about the topic?
3. Which words tell how to write about the topic?
You will have 30 minutes to write. Here’s a
= 5
= 15
© Harcourt
good way to use 30 minutes:
Revise and Proofread = 10
Grade 2, Theme 2
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_T2_RWC.indd 14
Reading-Writing Connection
1/24/07 11:36:17 AM
Singular and Plural Nouns
1. When classes were over, the kids ran out.
2. Some got on their bikes.
3. Others climbed inside cars.
4. Some boys and girls got on buses.
5. Some waited on benches.
© Harcourt
6. The kids waved to their friends.
Grade 2, Lesson 7
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L7.indd LA15
12/20/06 2:14:12 PM
Student Model: Directions
Yogurt Fruit Shake
2 cups yogurt
1 cup fresh blueberries
1. Wash the blueberries.
2. Put the yogurt and blueberries in a blender.
3. Blend until smooth. Ask an adult for help.
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4. Pour into four or five glasses.
Grade 2, Lesson 7
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12/20/06 2:14:17 PM
Proper Nouns
1. Carey swung the baseball bat.
2. Henry scored five runs.
3. Can Joe catch the ball?
4. Did Marcus join the team?
5. The pitcher struck out Yasmina.
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6. The catcher tagged out Nola.
Grade 2, Lesson 8
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12/21/06 1:21:03 PM
Student Model: Story
The Cat Who Talked
Once there was a cat who could talk. The
cat lived with a girl and her family. The cat was
sad because the family just meowed. “Help,”
the cat said. The girl felt sad for her cat. She
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taught the cat how to meow, too.
Grade 2, Lesson 8
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2/1/07 5:27:57 PM
More Proper Nouns
1. I visited a farm on sunday.
2. On monday, I told my class about the farm.
3. We read a book about a rooster on tuesday.
4. On wednesday, we learned about lambs.
5. I painted a picture of a lamb eating grass on thursday.
6. On friday, we read a poem about a lamb.
7. On saturday, I sang out “Cock-a-doodle-doo!” like a rooster.
© Harcourt
8. On sunday, I said, “Let’s go to the farm again!”
Grade 2, Lesson 9
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1/31/07 9:15:12 AM
Student Model: Letter of Invitation
May 5, 2009
Dear Brett,
I am having a party for my eighth birthday. Please
come to my house at 3 o’clock on Saturday, November
16, for the party. I live at 508 South Garth Avenue,
Apartment 4B. We will have a treasure hunt and play
some fun games. There will be prizes, pizza, and cake!
I hope you can come. Please call me at 555-2121 to let
me know if you can come to my party.
Your friend,
© Harcourt
Grade 2, Lesson 9
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1/16/07 11:35:02 AM
Titles of People
Mr. Hector Gonzalez
Mrs. Lucy Robertson
Ms. Alicia Flores
Dr. Edward Horn
Dr. Eva Lewis
1. Does ms harris work at the bank?
2. I will see dr rodriguez next week.
3. Gloria gave her homework to mr spellman.
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4. I live next door to mrs johnson.
Grade 2, Lesson 11
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2/1/07 5:28:33 PM
Student Model: Personal Narrative
Our Little Gardens
My brother and I had a great idea for a birthday
present for our mother. First, we each painted a clay
flowerpot. This part was a lot of fun! I put rainbows and
clouds on mine. My brother painted his blue with yellow
stars. Next, we filled the pots with dirt and planted flower
seeds. We had to water the seeds every day. Soon, lots
of little green plants were shooting up! Our mother loved
her presents. Do you know what I like best? We all get to
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enjoy our little gardens!
Grade 2, Lesson 11
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2/1/07 5:28:39 PM
Use Text as a Model:
Friendly Letter
Dear Farmer Brown,
The barn is very cold at night.
We’d like some electric blankets.
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The Cows
Grade 2, Theme 3
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_T3_RWC.indd 23
Reading-Writing Connection
1/26/07 12:41:58 PM
Parts of a Friendly Letter
© Harcourt
Grade 2, Theme 3
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_T3_RWC.indd 24
Reading-Writing Connection
1/26/07 12:42:02 PM
Singular Possessive Nouns
The basketball
hoop is new. (court)
soccer shoes got wet. (Vanessa)
plan is to play four-square. (girl)
At the
party, the children played tag. (boy)
bike got a flat tire. (Liang)
The skateboard
slide has a tall ladder. (park)
sides are curved. (ramp)
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_________ roller-skates have new wheels. (Min)
Grade 2, Lesson 12
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2/1/07 5:29:04 PM
Student Model: Paragraph That
Gives Information
Kickball is easy and fun to play. The teams take
turns being at bat. The pitcher rolls the ball and the
person at bat kicks it. Then the kicker tries to run to first
base without getting hit out. A run is scored when a
© Harcourt
kicker goes around the bases to home plate.
Grade 2, Lesson 12
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2/1/07 5:29:11 PM
Plural Possessive Nouns
the boys library books
the ants nest
the teachers classrooms
the animals claws
the truck drivers trucks
the foxes pups
the peoples houses
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the children parents
Grade 2, Lesson 13
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L13.indd LA27
12/20/06 2:14:40 PM
Student Model: Story Dialogue
The School Play
Elena and Tim were eating their lunch together.
“Are you going to be in the school play?” asked Elena.
“Of course,” said Tim. “I’m in all of the school plays.”
“Who are you going to play?” asked Elena.
Tim smiled. He was going to play the bad guy in the play.
“I’m playing Captain Hook!” said Tim with a smile.
“Wow!” said Elena. “That’s great.”
“Are you going to play one of the girls’ parts?” asked Tim.
“No,” said Elena. “I’m playing the crocodile that tries to
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eat you!”
Grade 2, Lesson 13
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12/20/06 2:37:10 PM
1. Dad had sent Laurel pictures of a tree sloth.
had sent Laurel pictures of a tree sloth.
2. The tree sloth hung from a branch.
hung from a branch.
3. Mom, Dad, and Laurel saw many animals in the rain forest.
saw many animals in the rain forest.
4. Laurel heard animals, too.
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heard animals, too.
Grade 2, Lesson 14
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L14.indd LA29
1/26/07 12:40:17 PM
Student Model: Paragraph That Explains
A tadpole may look like a small fish as
it swims, but it is really a young frog or toad.
A tadpole has a round head and a long, flat
tail. As a tadpole grows, it begins to change.
It grows hind legs and front legs. Its tail gets
shorter. The shape of the tadpole’s head
changes, too. So does the way the tadpole
breathes. In time the tadpole no longer looks
like a fish. It has grown up and looks like a
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frog or a toad.
Grade 2, Lesson 14
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1/26/07 12:40:23 PM
1. Justin looked at the
2. The kitten’s fur was
3. The kitten played with
4. Justin put the kitten on a
5. The kitten napped on a
6. The
birds flew away from the kitten.
7. The kitten looked at the
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8. The kitten chased the
Grade 2, Lesson 16
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1/31/07 9:22:29 AM
Student Model: How-to Paragraph
How to Make a Peanut Butter
and Jelly Sandwich
You need two slices of bread, peanut butter, jelly, and
a knife to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. First,
use the knife to spread peanut butter on one slice of bread.
Then, spread jelly on the other slice of bread. Last, put the
two slices of bread together, with the peanut butter and jelly
© Harcourt
facing each other. Now you are ready to eat and enjoy!
Grade 2, Lesson 16
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1/23/07 3:16:07 PM
Sammy had a great time at the beach. He did
many things that were a lot of fun.
Sammy splashed in the cool ocean water. He
learned to float on his back. He dug a deep tunnel
in the golden sand. He wished he could stay at the
© Harcourt
beach forever.
Grade 2, Theme 4
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Reading-Writing Connection
1/24/07 11:36:56 AM
Writing on Demand: Narrative
Sample Prompt
Characters in stories often try to solve a problem.
Think of a character who has a problem to solve.
Now write a story about a character who tries to
solve a problem.
Analyze the Prompt
1. What is the topic of the prompt?
2. What do the words story and character help
you understand?
3. Which words tell how to write about the topic?
Here’s a good way to use 30 minutes:
= 5
= 15
© Harcourt
Revise and Proofread = 10
Grade 2, Theme 4
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_T4_RWC.indd 34
Reading-Writing Connection
1/24/07 11:37:02 AM
Sense Adjectives
1. Cam climbed onto the noisy train.
2. The train car felt hot and stuffy.
3. Cam sat on a soft, bouncy seat.
4. A conductor with a blue hat punched Cam’s ticket.
5. The hole puncher made a sharp, snapping sound.
6. Cam tore open a shiny bag of popcorn.
7. The train suddenly blew its very loud whistle.
8. A small child next to Cam let out a cry.
9. Cam shared his salty popcorn with the tearful child.
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10. The child wiped off his wet cheeks and smiled.
Grade 2, Lesson 17
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1/18/07 12:13:37 PM
Student Model: Description
The Seashore
My favorite place is the seashore. I love to smell
the salty ocean breeze. I like to listen to the screeching
seagulls as they search for food. I run through the soft,
warm sand and find a place to put my things. I spread
out my striped beach towel. Then I take out my red
bucket, a sharp shovel, and a short rake. I’ll use all
these tools to make a huge sandcastle after I go for
a swim. As I step into the cool water, I feel the sticky
seaweed cling to my legs. I knock them off and plunge
© Harcourt
into the blue water. Ohhhh, it feels salty good!
Grade 2, Lesson 17
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1/18/07 12:13:43 PM
Number Words
These adjectives tell how many.
1. The five puppies all barked at once.
2. Some loud sounds hurt my ears.
3. Maya saw twelve different kinds of monkeys at the zoo.
© Harcourt
4. I heard a coyote howl many times last night.
Grade 2, Lesson 18
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1/18/07 12:14:04 PM
Student Model: Poem
Sounds Like FUN!
I leap into the pool
I make a big SPLASH!
Toy cars on a track
go zip, zoom, CRASH!
I drop coins in my bank
with a clink, clank, CLANG!
Fireworks at night
go pop, boom, BANG!
Quiet Sounds, Noisy Sounds
I like to hear quiet sounds
how the water in a stream gurgles and bubbles
how a bird chirps its lovely song
how a lullaby soothes a baby to sleep
I like to hear noisy sounds
when we yell and scream playing tag
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when a hammer hits a nail—BANG!
when a drum BOOMS its steady beat
Grade 2, Lesson 18
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1/18/07 12:14:10 PM
Words That Compare
1. Micky is a large cat.
Bruno is larger than Micky.
Lucy is the largest cat of all.
To Tell about One
To Compare
Just Two
To Compare
Three or More
2. Jon is slim.
Georgia is
than Jon.
Michele is the
of all.
3. Pat is busy.
Greg is the
Grade 2, Lesson 19
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L19.indd 39
than Pat.
one in the class.
© Harcourt
Sung Li is
1/9/07 3:40:17 PM
Student Model: Narrative: Biography
The Life of Mom
by Karla Ramirez
Early Life in Seattle
My mother was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1975.
Mom lived there until she finished kindergarten. Then her
family moved to Chicago.
Mom Meets Dad in College
Mom lived in Chicago until she went to college in
Boston. That is where she met my dad. Mom says Dad
was shy when he first talked to her. But she liked him right
Back to Seattle!
Mom and Dad got married after college. Mom got a
job as a teacher. Guess where it was? In Seattle! So, she
and Dad moved to Seattle. That is where I was born. We
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still live in Seattle, and Mom teaches third grade.
Grade 2, Lesson 19
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1/9/07 3:40:24 PM
Present-Tense Action Verbs
1. Donny and Gina go to a store.
2. Gina shops for a birthday gift for Mom.
3. They see many goods for sale.
4. Gina waves a timer in the air.
5. She and her brother smell perfume.
6. At last, Gina sees a silky scarf.
7. She wraps it with pretty paper.
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8. Mom puts the scarf around her neck.
Grade 2, Lesson 21
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L21.indd LA41
1/18/07 12:15:39 PM
Student Model: Personal Narrative
A Birthday Present for My Mom
It was almost my mom’s birthday, and I still had not
bought her a gift. I was shopping with Mom when we
stopped at the window of a shop that sold music boxes.
Mom smiled a huge smile when she looked at the boxes.
That was when I got my idea.
When I got home, I whispered my idea to Dad. The
next day, Dad and I went back to the shop. I spotted the
perfect music box for Mom. It had little figures of a boy and
a girl on it. They held flowers and a present. The girl even
looked like me!
When Mom opened her birthday gift she smiled and
hugged me. Then she wound up the music box. “Happy
Birthday” tinkled through the air.
© Harcourt
Now Mom winds up her music box when anyone in our
family has a birthday. Each time it makes me think of when
Dad and I went shopping for it.
Grade 2, Lesson 21
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1/18/07 12:15:44 PM
I hit the clay hard. I put a big piece between my
hands. Then I make the clay into a long shape.
I pound and smash the clay until it flattens. I break
off a piece and squeeze it between my hands. Then
I rub my hands fast. The clay warms and stretches.
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It grows into a long snake.
Grade 2, Theme 5
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_T5_RWC.indd 43
Reading-Writing Connection
1/24/07 11:37:31 AM
Writing on Demand: Expository
Sample Prompt
Playgrounds have slides, swings, and other things
for children to use.
Think of the things on a playground you know.
Now write to describe one thing you like on a
Analyze the Prompt
1. What is the topic of the prompt?
2. Why is it important to think about the words on a
3. Which words tell how to write about the topic?
Here’s a good way to use 30 minutes:
= 5
= 20
Grade 2, Theme 5
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_T5_RWC.indd 44
© Harcourt
Revise and Proofread = 5
Reading-Writing Connection
1/24/07 11:37:36 AM
Subject-Verb Agreement
1. The chicken pecks at the corn.
2. The chickens peck at the corn.
3. You gather the eggs.
4. Tricia gathers the eggs.
5. The children gather the eggs.
Rules for Verbs That Tell About Now
Naming Part
Names One
Add -s to most
The dog laps the water.
Karl drinks lemonade.
Names More
Do not add an
The cows chew hay.
Than One
The kittens drink the milk.
I or You
Do not add an
I munch on popcorn.
You bake muffins.
6. The children (wave, waves)
goodbye to the farmer.
7. The farmer (smile, smiles) at
© Harcourt
the children.
Grade 2, Lesson 22
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1/18/07 12:16:03 PM
Student Model: Fantasy
A Very Cool Day
It was going to be another hot day. I glared at Pedro
Penguin, the cartoon character on the cereal box. He looked
nice and cool on his block of ice.
“Hey, pal, too hot for you?”
I looked around. Who said that?
“It’s me, Pedro. Just close your eyes and jump! You’ll be
here in a flash!”
I stared at the box. It was Pedro, and he was talking to me!
I did what he said. When I opened my eyes, there I was with
Pedro! Everything was a cartoon! It was nice and cool!
Pedro and I played cool games all day. We swam, slid down
icebergs, and went ice fishing. When it was time to go, Pedro told
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me I could visit anytime. I think I’ll go back tomorrow!
Grade 2, Lesson 22
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1/18/07 12:16:08 PM
Past-Tense Verbs
1. Last week, the beekeeper visited the hive.
2. She collected the honey.
3. She poured the honey in jars.
4. She sealed the jars.
5. Her brother placed the honey jars in boxes.
6. He
7. The boxes
the boxes to the truck.
to stores.
the boxes.
© Harcourt
8. The workers
Grade 2, Lesson 23
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1/18/07 12:16:27 PM
Student Model:
Paragraph of Information
Ants Together
Ants work together as a group. You may
have seen them as they walked in a line. Then
they carried food together to an anthill. These
© Harcourt
ants needed each other to survive.
Grade 2, Lesson 23
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1/18/07 12:16:31 PM
Forms of be
1. Gary is a gorilla.
2. I am glad Gary lives in the wild.
3. Great apes are special creatures.
4. They are almost extinct.
5. We are pleased about the pledge to save the
great apes.
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6. I am ready to help Gary survive.
Grade 2, Lesson 24
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1/16/07 11:35:35 AM
Student Model: Paragraph That
Compares (or Contrasts)
My Toy Monkey
I have a stuffed animal named Mickey. He
is a monkey. I won him as a prize at the fair one
summer. He has brown fur, brown eyes, and
a red tongue. When I visit the monkeys at the
animal park, I think of Mickey. Real monkeys are
brown and furry like Mickey. They have long tails
and round ears like him, too.
But real monkeys are also very different
from Mickey. Real monkeys are bigger. They
are busy and loud. They swing from tree to
tree and scream at each other. Mickey is quiet
and doesn’t move unless I pick him up. He lets
me hold him close. I know Mickey isn’t a real
monkey, but that’s okay. He is real enough for
© Harcourt
Grade 2, Lesson 24
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1/16/07 11:35:42 AM
Irregular Verbs have, has, had
1. The stone house has a garden.
2. Big cities have lots of noise.
3. They have traffic, too.
4. The boats in the port had flapping sails.
5. For many years, the cat
a good life
with the old woman.
6. Then he
7. Now, the cat
a hard life without her.
a new family.
a cat to love.
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8. The children now
Grade 2, Lesson 26
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1/26/07 12:40:50 PM
Student Model: Letter
256 Main Street
Gastonia, NC 28056
April 22, 2008
Wildlife Information Center
333 Raspberry Road
Anchorage, AK 99518
Dear Mr. Wade:
I would like to order a copy of your video Wol ves
of Alaska. Enclosed is a check for $15.
Please send the video to me, Vicky Kelly, at the
address at the top of the letter.
Thank you for your help.
Sincerely yours,
© Harcourt
<ART: Child’s signature:
Vicky Kelly>
Grade 2, Lesson 26
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1/26/07 12:40:55 PM
Main Idea 1.
Main Idea 2.
Main Idea 3.
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Grade 2, Theme 6
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Reading-Writing Connection
1/24/07 11:38:11 AM
Writing on Demand: Explanation
Sample Prompt
Many children like to learn about wild animals.
Think about a wild animal you would like to learn
Now write to explain why you would like to learn
about this wild animal.
Analyze the Prompt
1. What is the topic of the prompt?
2. Why is it important to think about the word wild?
3. Which words tell how to write about the topic?
Here’s a good way to use 30 minutes:
= 5
= 20
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Revise and Proofread = 5
Grade 2, Theme 6
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Reading-Writing Connection
1/24/07 11:38:15 AM
More Irregular Verbs
Verbs that Tell About Now
come, comes
Verbs that Tell About the Past
run, runs
give, gives
1. Today the children in our class
each other
help with reading.
2. Chelsea
around the track.
3. Can you
to my birthday party today?
4. Dad
5. Aunt Lucy
6. Sophia
Malcolm two new books last night.
to visit us last month.
to the bus stop so she doesn’t miss
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the bus!
Grade 2, Lesson 27
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1/16/07 11:36:14 AM
Student Model: Report About a Person
Mr. Mills, Our School Crossing Guard
Everyone at Lake View School knows Mr. Mills. That’s
because he has been the school crossing guard for ten
years. He holds up his special sign to stop the cars. Then
he makes sure all the children are on the sidewalk before
the cars start to move again. Mr. Mills is the reason that the
children in our school are able to cross the street safely.
Before he was our crossing guard, Mr. Mills worked at
the University Hospital. His job was to direct people who were
in the hospital for tests to the proper location. Mr. Mills said,
“I guess I have always helped people get from one place to
Mr. Mills is busy when he is not working at our school.
He enjoys spending time with his three children and his two
grandchildren. On the weekends, he especially likes to work
in his garden. Mr. Mills said that last year he grew so many
tomatoes that he could have given one to every child at Lake
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View School!
Grade 2, Lesson 27
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L27.indd 56
1/16/07 11:36:19 AM
Helping Verbs
1. Our class has gone to the park.
2. We have collected many leaves.
3. Our teacher has dried the leaves.
4. Marcie has glued her leaves on paper.
5. Desmond has labeled the leaves.
6. Jerome and Nancy have drawn trees.
7. Lorraine has written a table of contents.
8. Keri has colored a book cover.
© Harcourt
9. Everyone has worked together.
Grade 2, Lesson 28
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L28.indd LA57
1/24/07 11:39:05 AM
Student Model: Book Report
Title: Where on Earth Is My Bagel?
Authors: Frances Park and Ginger Park
Where on Earth Is My Bagel? is about a
boy who wants a New York bagel. Yum Yung
writes a message asking for a bagel. He sends it
with a pigeon. After waiting, he thinks his bagel
must be lost. He asks people if they have seen
the bagel. Finally, he gets a message back from
someone in New York.
It was fun to read a book that takes place in
Korea. I thought it was funny that the characters
Yum Yung meets do not know what a bagel is.
I think children who like reading about
faraway places should read this book. The
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ending is a happy, yummy surprise.
Grade 2, Lesson 28
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1/24/07 11:39:11 AM
1. Emma hadn’t been to Grandma’s house for a long time.
2. “Why don’t we go into the garden?” said Grandma.
3. “I haven’t seen these rocks before!” exclaimed Emma.
4. “They aren’t new,” said Grandma, smiling.
5. Emma couldn’t remember seeing the rocks before.
6. At first Emma didn’t know why the rocks were there.
7. Grandma said, “I won’t tell you why the rocks are here.”
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8. It wouldn’t take Emma long to solve the mystery.
Grade 2, Lesson 29
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L29.indd LA59
1/18/07 12:16:56 PM
Student Model: Folktale
Anansi the Spider and Turtle
One day Anansi the spider baked some tasty yams
for dinner. Just as he was about to eat, Turtle knocked
at his door. Anansi was greedy, but he knew it would be
impolite to eat his yams without offering some to Turtle.
So he asked Turtle to join him.
Just as Turtle reached for a yam, Anansi said, “Turtle,
you must wash your hands before you eat.”
So Turtle went to the river to wash his hands. When
he returned, Anansi had eaten all of the yams. Turtle felt
sad, but he said, “Dear Anansi, thank you for asking me
to join you. Please come to my house tomorrow and I will
repay your kindness.”
The next day, Anansi rushed to Turtle’s home. Poor
Anansi! Turtle’s home was underwater. All Anansi could do
was float on top and watch Turtle enjoy a wonderful meal.
Anansi learned that when you trick someone, you may be
© Harcourt
tricked in turn.
Grade 2, Lesson 29
3373_Trans_Lang_G2_L29.indd LA60
1/18/07 12:17:02 PM