Celebrating our past by securing our future
Celebrating our past by securing our future
Celebrating our Past by Securing our Future Iowa City Hospice Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Iowa City Hospice’s Mission is to be the leaders in providing exceptional patient-centered palliative care and grief support to anyone affected by a terminal illness. Iowa City Hospice’s Principle of Practice As a community-oriented, not for profit organization, Iowa City Hospice is dedicated to offering services to everyone regardless of an individual’s ability to pay. 2012 Board Members Cindy Penney, Chair Vice President of Nursing, Mercy Iowa City Mary Adamek, Chair-elect Clinical Professor, Music Therapy Program, U of I Rev. Elizabeth Coulter, Secretary Iowa City Hospice Volunteer Mike Messier, Treasurer The Messier Group Steve Roe, Past Chair Administrator/CFO, Oaknoll Eli Wynes Wealth Advisor, University of Iowa Community Credit Union Brad Langguth Senior Vice President, Hills Bank & Trust Company Lori Leggins Vice President, Twinkle Co. Allison Law Vice President, Senior Housing Companies Dean Carrington Attorney, Phelan, Tucker, Mullen, Walker, Tucker & Gelman Doug Ruppert Attorney, Meardon, Sueppel & Downer, P.L.C. Tara Clark Assistant Director, Department of Social Services, U of I Hospitals and Clinics Bruce VanHouweling, MD Physician On the cover: Pictured are Martha Lubaroff, one of the founders of Iowa City Hospice with Mark and Allison Law, whose family Philanthropy Plan includes annual gifts to the Iowa City Hospice Endowment Fund. Photos by Sarah Neighbors Photography Dear Friend of Iowa City Hospice, This year Iowa City Hospice is celebrating a significant milestone — 30 years of bringing comfort and peace to those we serve, adding life to each day. Iowa City Hospice was founded by volunteers who were firm in one mandate — provide high quality, compassionate end of life care to all without regard for ability to pay. Still a not for profit hospice, Iowa City Hospice provided 1,822 days of community supported care in 2012! In this report you will read the stories of Martha Lubaroff and Mark and Allison Law. In featuring Martha, one of our founders, we celebrate our past. In featuring Mark and Allison, we look to ways that we are securing the future by building our endowment fund, which will provide a lasting supplement to our operating funds. Also featured is Sue Orhon’s moving story of running, remembering and giving back. We have included a current snapshot of our accomplishments and offerings and listed many of our donors in the Honor Roll. A complete listing of donors may be viewed in our on-line Honor Roll at www.iowacityhospice.org. All gifts are greatly appreciated and make it possible to provide our compassionate care to all. After 30 years, Volunteers are still the heart of Iowa City Hospice. To honor them, Iowa City Hospice Volunteers will serve as this year’s Walk for Dignity Honorary Family! Volunteers in bright shirts will lead the Walk held at Willow Creek Park on April 21, at 1 p.m. All are invited to join us at the Walk and throughout this next year in celebrating 30 years of guiding families, honoring wishes, and securing this amazing culture of compassionate end of life care for all. Thank You for your confidence, loyalty and support. Maggie Elliott Executive Director Cindy Penney 2012 Board Chair Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors 1 After 30 years Iowa City Hospice has remained a not for profit, providing 1,822 days of charity care in 2012. HOW CAN IOWA CITY HOSPICE ADD LIFE TO MY DAYS? RECEIVE COMFORT Experience the comfort and peace that walks through the door with your Iowa City Hospice Team. REDUCE YOUR STRESS THROUGH FINANCIAL COVERAGE. 100% of the medications, medical equipment and supplies needed for your hospice care will be paid for and delivered to your home. SPEND MORE QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR LOVED ONES. Expand your circle of care through connections to medical, financial, legal and social resources. BE PREPARED AND FIND PEACE. Knowing what to expect brings peace of mind and empowers caregivers with the confidence to provide end of life care. LIVE WHERE YOU WANT. Iowa City Hospice care is provided wherever you call home. HIGH QUALITY CARE FOR ALL PAIN RELIEF 100% of Iowa City Hospice Families report patient pain relief through the right amount of medication. QUALITY OF CARE 95% of families rate Iowa City Hospice’s overall care as Excellent or Very Good. STAFF EXPERTISE 92% of Iowa City staff members are certified in hospice and palliative care, compared to a national average of 20%. EXPERIENCED We were honored to provide services to 638 individuals who died in our care in 2012. You can find so much more on our web site, www.iowcityhospice.org — check out our blog. “I cannot thank you enough because without your organization, my mother would not have had the peace and love that surrounded her the last days of her life. Thank you so very much.” Lori Raife, daughter of Clarice Vance 2 Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Running, Remembering, Giving Back Susan Orhon thought about her mother the first and last miles of the half marathon she ran in May of 2012 to raise funds for Iowa City Hospice. She thought about different people each of the other 11 miles including Iowa City Hospice Nurse, Dianna Rueter, and Aide, Ashea Sparrow. They helped make it possible for Susan’s mother, Eileen, to die at home — empowering the family to have the confidence to care for her. Her parents had retired and moved to Iowa City from Rhode Island in 2007, to be near Susan, and her family. One year later, at age 61, Eileen was diagnosed with liver cancer. She made the most of the next three years but in September of 2011 it was time to call Iowa City Hospice. The staff taught Susan, her father, Mike, and brother, Dave, to care for Eileen and guided them as a family; even teaching Susan and her husband, Volkan, how to talk to their young children Norah, 3, and Emre, 4, about the end of life. Following her mother’s death, Susan knew she needed to burn off stress and get back in shape. She decided to run a half marathon, which had the added benefit of providing a means to raise funds for Iowa City Hospice. Firstgiving (a web based fundraising program) made it easy. Susan reconnected with family and friends from throughout her life and raised $4,135 for patient care. Looking back on the last days of her mother’s life, Susan remembers that her mother had been very quiet for days. Still, Susan sang to her. On the last night of her life, Eileen opened her eyes, reached for Susan and hugged her. “It was the single most amazing moment,” Susan recalls, grateful that she had been there to experience it. Above: Eileen holding baby Norah Below: Susan crossing the finish line Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors 3 4 Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Celebrating Our Past Martha Lubaroff’s first experience with hospice care was very personal. In 1977 Martha’s sister, Helen, called to let Martha know that it was time to come to California to help care for their mother. Years before, they had agreed that when it came to their mother’s care, “We were in this together.” Their father had died alone in a hospital in 1963. “It was awful,” Martha recalls. “So, we convinced mother’s doctor to make house calls and the Visiting Nurses taught us how to care for her.” Still true to the original mission and values — high quality hospice for all. For the next six weeks, while caring for their mother, they made some of her recipes, ate Cadbury eggs together and with the kids snuggled up on her bed, shared and made special memories. When Martha came back to Iowa, she began doing research on hospice care and as fate would have it, was introduced to Mary Child who was doing a paper on hospice care for her masters in social work. They were joined by Helen Zerwas, and together brought their belief in this more intimate way of caring for Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors the dying to the community. In the first year, they gave 60 presentations, gaining more supporters. A Board of Directors was formed, many ethical and practical issues were confronted, Bruce Haupert wrote up Articles of Incorporation, funds were raised and Mercy Iowa City donated office space. In 1983 Dr. Charlie Driscoll agreed to serve as the first Medical Director and Laurie Neunaber was hired as the first employee of Iowa City Hospice. Thirty years later, Martha is humbled when she hears all that is being done by Iowa City Hospice. “They are still true to the original mission and values — high quality hospice for all, without regard for payment — we fought very hard for that,” Martha says. “I was always worried that would be lost.” Martha still feels a strong tie to Iowa City Hospice and continues to raise funds through the annual Walk for Dignity. Martha says, “I run into people all the time who tell me how wonderful it is — I never would have dreamed it.” Thankfully, she did. 5 Securing Our Future You might wonder why Mark and Allison Law, a busy couple, raising two young sons, and pursuing demanding careers, include both volunteering and financial support for Iowa City Hospice in their busy lives. Mark has a ready reply, “I believe in Iowa City Hospice because of their unwillingness to compromise on standard of care. If someone can benefit from music therapy, it will be provided even if not covered by insurance. The same applies to their other needs — I am so impressed by this,” he says. Mark and Allison with sons, Johnathan “Duke” (left) and Jackson “Jack” (right). Iowa City Hospice Endowment Fund — Giving beyond just us. 6 Allison adds, “I firmly believe in dignity in the last days of life.” As Vice President of Operations for Senior Housing, managing assisted living communities; she has seen the benefit of hospice care. “Iowa City Hospice focuses not only on the patient but the entire family — and the care carries on with bereavement services,” she says. Mark, Director of Wealth Management at the University of Iowa Community Credit Union, got involved with Iowa City Hospice after completing the Chamber of Commerce Community Leadership Program. A friend, John Chadima, had been involved with Iowa City Hospice for some time and suggested that Mark take a look at the not for profit hospice provider. Mark was impressed and has been involved with Iowa City Hospice ever since he joined the Board of Directors in 2007. Having completed two terms, he continues to serve, bringing his expertise in finance to the organization’s finance committee. Allison followed Mark onto the Iowa City Hospice Board bringing her valuable experience in dealing with the elderly. She has seen how hospice care makes a difference. “Music therapy and massage can reach and comfort even those in the last stages of dementia,” she says, “they take their last breaths peacefully and painlessly.” In addition to service, Mark and Allison contribute annually to the Iowa City Hospice Endowment Fund, held and managed by the Johnson County Community Foundation. They both believe in endowments, in which the principle investments are preserved, and see it as a way of securing the future of Iowa City Hospice. “We like the permanence of endowment giving — the selfsustaining, aspect,” Mark says, “Because endowments provide for the future, it is giving beyond just us.” Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors 7 Honor Roll 2012 We are pleased to recognize our donors in this Honor Roll of Givers for 2012. We could not provide the support services and high quality, compassionate care to all at the end of life without private support from our donors. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and we Thank You! Endowment $5,000 and above $1,000 to $2,499 Irene & Joseph Ascroft Michelle M Barker Anonymous Judy Bowen Jo Barnes Linda & Ronald Alberhasky Helen & Bill Byington Earl Beachy Maurie Campbell Gay & Ciha Funeral & Cremation Service Virginia & Stephen Croker Walter Hansen Kenneth Adams Anonymous Lisa Ballduf & David Ferrance Nancy & Bill Bernau Julia Harlow Beverly & Larry Blades Emogene Ford Hills Bank and Trust Company Lori & Ed Bowers Jean Brown Judy Frits Judith & Richard Hurtig James Fry Marjory & Filmore Melick Caring Hands and More Anonymous Greg & Kat Ellyson Miriam Gelfand Danette Gingerich Diane Tipping Graber Ellis Hawley Judith & Richard Hurtig Julie Johnston & Donald Walter Cathy & Larry Pacha Classy Chassy Cruisers Debra & Ted Pacha Pillar Solutions LLC Elizabeth & Chuck Coulter Merrill D. Smalley Estate Harry Crist Joan Dewey Twinkle Co Arlene Doyle Sue Eldridge Candice Kaelber Gene Langenberg Maggie Elliott Allison & Mark Law $2,500 to $4,999 Joyce & Philip Leff Lorrie Herwaldt-Abbott & Marc Abbott Mary Ann & Harold Mullinnix Karen Ciha Herb Espensen Memorial Mike Ferrance Ruth Baldwin & Richard Javes Linda Fisher Loren Horton Emogene Ford Gayle & Roger Klouda Gregory Found Lensing Funeral and Cremation Service Wendy & Bruce Gronbeck Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Edward Rolenc Titronics Research & Development Co Anonymous Angela Weber Kimberly A. Nauman Sarah Neary Charles Ollendick Margaret Polson Janice Prochaska Dottie Ray Millie & Joe Reagh Sharon & John Rose Kristine Fitch Cynthia & Frank Poma Mary & Jim Pratt Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Co Vicki & Terry Protextor Sharon Bethel Sunday School Joel Shields Connie Smith Swisher Men`s Club Inc University of Iowa Community Credit Union $500 to $999 Arden Kasper Barb & Jim Aldeman Sherry & Bob Kesselring Stephanie Alnot Karen Marek Bacher Ethel & Ed Barker Betty Beasley Kathy Bender Ann Broderick Brunk Minnesota LLC Coldwell Banker Real Estate Professionals Dan Collins Coral West Dental PC Barton Cramer Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center Janet White Cramer US Bank Virginia & Stephen Croker Sherrie & Bruce Vavrichek John Crawford Donna Cruse Memorial Fred Wells Lawrence Dean Janice & Herbert Wilson Barbara & Richard Donohue Lynn & Brian Yoder Lynn & Allen Dye Estate of Laurence Kessler Karen & Frank Knapp Diana Kottenstette Allison & Mark Law Joyce & Philip Leff Judith & Philip Levitt Debora Liddell & John Westefeld Candy Madsen Gwen & Bob Mallory Jean & Larry Manasmith Allyn Mark Mazda North American Operations McDonald Optical Kathleen & William Meardon John Mehegan M.D. Joann Eland Jacqueline & Wayne Meier Glenn Elzey Molly Menard Bill Englert Middlewest & Southeast Sharon Sunday School Carolyn & James Engquist ENT Medical Services PC Charles Miller Jed Hand Nicole & Matthew Finke Earline Moll Marie & Benny Hawkins Janet Goetz Susan Denham Jordt Marge & Doug Goodfellow Ardyth Orr Jean Kaelber Nancy & Dave Knecht Marjorie Singer Ina & Gerhard Loewenberg Susan Squier Joan Maclin Rebecca Winder John Menninger Diane Worley Mercy Iowa City MidWestOne Bank Deb & Jim Miller Lora & Randy Miller M. J. & James Miller Laurie Nelson-Heern & Lance Heern Charles Neuzil Northwest Sharon Sunday School Judy Pfohl 8 Patricia & Stanley Podhajsky Al Grady Charitable Fund Melanie & Bruce Haupert James Hayes Jessica Haynie Ruth Heffner Donita Hermsen & Kristi Lynch Michael Hodge Cheryl & Ken Icenbice Don Jenks Betty Johnson Julie Johnston & Don Walter Candice Kaelber Lyle W. Miller Linda Murray Kathleen Parrott Linda & Doug Paul Ruth & Jack Perkins Ruth & Philip Polgreen Regina Elementary School Thomas Roberts Rohrbach Associates PC Edward Rolenc Deb & Joe Scheetz Bob & Robin Schulty Jay Semel Sandra Shettler South Sharon Amish Sunday School Mary Ann Spilger Timothy Stone Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Wayne Stout $250 to $499 Susan & Jud Te Paske A. W. Welt Ambrisco Insurance Inc The River Products Company Inc Hawkeye Carpet & Vinyl Inc Edward Pirkl Walmart #1721 $100 to $249 Hazel Hilton Seaba Rhonda & Gerald Price Ellen & Bill Weber Mary & John Abadi Margaret Probasco Linda & Roger Wieskamp Janet & Paul Abbas Beverly Williams Keith Ablett David Hintze Town Square Family Foot Care Ace Heating & Air Conditioning Co Marie & Gordon Hinz Quail Creek Golf Course Donna Tucker Linda & Ed Hoover Lori & Thomas Raife Charlotte A. Wilson Beverly & Norman Adams Mary & Steve Adamek University of Community Credit Union Veronica Hubbard Kathy Rawlings Rebecca Winder Leah & Harold Adams Aero Rental and Party Shop Debra Hulett Nancy Readman Louise Aicher Bonnie & William Agne J. L. Jark Betty & Bob Jensen Patricia & Owen Rehnblom Jane Marie & Tom Wold Frank Riehl Joan & Tim Alberhasky Mary Lou Johnson Jane & David Wombacher Peg & Royce Johnson Irving Rockafellow Working Group Theatre Sharon & Carlton Johnson April & Steve Roe Deborah & Rod Zeitler Linda & Herbert Jordan Nancy Romine Allied Manatts Group LLC Judith & Frank Juvan Mable Roszell Alpla Incorporated Kathy Keifer Diane Rotella Joan & Donald Alton Mary & Nicholas Kempf Cathy & Gary Rozek Kenneth Kinsey Family Cindy & Doug Ruppert American Legion Auxiliary #509 Marikay Klein Jo & Scott Salemink Barrie Anderson Melodi & Mark Kopf Mary Anderson Trish & John Koza Kathleen & Willard Salemink Vicki Kress-Plett Scott Schamberger Tyler Kruse Robert Schmidt Peggy & Wayne Andrews L & J Trust Susan & Neil Schneider Lynn Apel Karen & Steven Laughlin Donald Schreiber Steven Aquilino Ericka & Judd Lawler Deanne & Neal Schwarting Sandra & Dennis Armington Michael Lensing Mary & Roger Simpson Wynethe & Alvin Logan Dr. Margaret Smollen Pamela & Arthur Arnone Tom Longer Annie Snyder Ann & Edward Lorson Dawn Spicher Martha & David Lubaroff Susan & Chris Squier Alison & Eric Lynch St. Thomas More Catholic Church UPS Employees Kristi & Bruce Van Laere Bette & Jerry Alberhasky Marlene Waldis Jackie Ambrose Teresa & George Weiner Loretta Angerer Cheryl Wells Lucy Wiederholt Jane & Dave Bourgeois Ann Bovbjerg Janet & Bill Williams Mary Margaret & James Bowers Diane Williamson Paula O. Brandt Raymond Wyss Sara & Jeff Braverman Lori Ziegenhorn & Murray Bouschlicher Elaine & Roger Brown Jeanne Cadoret Barb Campbell Centro Inc Mary Catherine Clanton Charles R. Clark M.D. Barbara & Jim Davis Shari DeMaris Charles deProsse Janet Donohoe Beth & Steve Dowd Barbara & Chalmers Elliott Maggie & Bob Elliott Greg & Kat Ellyson Suzanne & Joel Erenberger Laura & Ken Espensen Amy & Brett Finnegan First Presbyterian Church Jill & Neil Forbes Freeman Lock & Alarm Monica Maloney-Mitros & Frank Mitros Sally & Vincent Maurer McComas-Lacina Construction Kate & Reed McCulloh Warren Meyer Susan & Earl Rogers SSAB North American Rodney Staats Virginia & Lavern Stahmer Joanne Stecher Sonia Sugg & Joel Shilyansky Judy & Don Frits Barbara & Robert Mickelson Kristin E. Summerwill Karole & James Fuller Jennifer Miller Beatrice Furner Joey F. Gehrls Jane & Kenneth Moriarty Jane Swails & Jerry Black George`s Buffet Inc Skip Morrison Sheri Swartzendruber Glaco Midwest Inc Doris & Richard Myers Anne Taylor Judith E Glasgow Jon Nania Carol & Leo Tomash Helen Goldstein Pearson Education Towncrest Pharmacy Melissa & Stacy Griffis Sandra Newkirk Mary Jane & Donald Gringer Chris Nicotra Trinity Episcopal Church Carrie Norton Buffie & Dick Tucker Don Haines Ginger & Art Nowak Jody & Mark Turkal Joyce Hamilton Marilyn & Bill Osborne Two Rivers Bank & Trust Hands of Christ Worship Center Mary Palmberg Rhoda Vernon Pat Palmer & Harold Hammond Carol Wade Brenda Payne Vicki & Tim Walch Donald Pelzer Susan & Michael Wall Peterson Contractors Inc Kathryn & Peter Wallace Kirsten & Micheal Hanrahan Marilyn & Eldon Hanson Anne Hargrave Elaine Phair Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Diane & Mel Sunshine James Swaner Gertrude Wade ACT Inc Ann & William Aiken Mel Alcox Ann & Doug Allaire Marilyn Allen Edward Andrews Claire & Robert Ashman Yvonne Awe & Gina Myers Baculis Home Inc Valeska Bailey Nancy & James Baker Janice Baldes Corinne & Stan Barber Judy Barkalow & Donald Brown Jean Barloon Shelley Barnhart Betty & Les Batterman Ruth & Lloyd Baumgartner Marlinda & Merle Beachy Oscar Beasley M.D. Kristin & Cary Beatty Sherri Beimer Gerson Betancourt Roger Beyhl Dee Bickford Barb Black Martha & Thomas Black Morrow BlackStone Gretchen Blair Blink Vision By Veatch Cynthia & John Bloomhall Jean & Douglas Boatman Nancy & Dan Bonthius 9 Jane & Eugene Borochoff Carousel Motors Thomas Corcoran Rita & Fred Erbe Bayard Bosserman Luanne & Joe Carstensen County Johnson Irish Gaylon Esbaum Mary & Roger Boulet Peg & Don Carstensen Curtis Cox Shirley & Michael Esch Beverly & Terry Bowman Bud Carter Charlotte & Richard Cozine Margaret & Douglas Evans Diane Boyd Susan & Barry Carter Mary Craig Elizabeth Fahr Judy & Robert Boyd Holly Carver & Arthur Adkins Susan Craig Kara Falco Sheila & William Boyd Rebecca & Phil Carver Donna Crawford Joan Falconer Susan & Willard Boyd Casey Boyd Lyndon Crist John Fawcett Ann & Bill Brashier Jo Catalano Carolyn Crowell Ann & Dick Feddersen Kay & Mace Braverman Cedar Falls Construction Co Inc Kathlyn M Cunneen Erin Feldmann Sheila Cushing Margaret & Chuck Felling Phyllis & Richard Braverman VOLUNTEERS – STILL THE HEART OF IOWA CITY HOSPICE 200 active Volunteers contributed 10,000 hours of service in 2012. Among the many services volunteers provide: Kathryn & Keith Breese Cedar Valley Medical Specialist Corp. Arlene Brennan John Chadima Char & John Brenneman Constance & Craig Champion Marianna & Benjamin Brinck Phyllis Chang Joyce & Rod Brink Carolyn & Kenneth Chelf Barbara & Kice Brown Mary S Child Betty Brown Jong Yun & Won Wung Choi Carolyn Brown & Jerry Zimmermann Heather & Chad Foley Diamond V Mills Inc Patricia & William Follett Rosie Bullington Judy & Michael Cilek Helen & Kevin Burford Cilek Graphics Management LLC Jacqueline Brown Randy Brown Alan J. Burgener Barbara & Warren Burger Margaret Clancy Celia & William Burger Mary Clark & Richard Valentine Molly Burma & Michael Wilson Loretta & James Clark Sandra & David Clark Marra Burr Pet Peace of Mind Ginny & Bryan Clemons Pamela Buster/Datha Watts/Shari Whelan • Pet Therapy • Volunteers Supporting Veterans Patricia & Donald Buswell Staff At The Clinical Trials Statistical & Data Management Center Helen & Bill Byington Ann & Stewart Cobb Darlene & Paul Byrne Barbara Coffey Peg Cahill Cathy & Gary Cohn Calacci Construction Co Inc Bev Colbert Support Services Learn more about these and other volunteer opportunities on our website. Or call 800-897-3052. Kim & John Callaghan Joann & Conrad Colbert George Calvelage Diana Colgan David Calvert Mary & John Colloton Barb & Bill Cambridge Heidi & Chad Colony Ann Campbell Jane Colony Maurie Campbell Daniel Campion Concha Audiology & Rehabilitation PLC Ellen & Richard Caplan Syndy & James Conger Shirley & David Carew Mary Connell Dorothy Carey Katherine & Robert Cook Judy & Wayne Carlson Carlson Hartsock & Guither PLC Joyce Carman Carnation Rebekah Lodge 376 10 First Trust and Savings Bank-Oxford Carol & Chuck Dewey CALM: Special Care for Dementia Patients • Peg & John de Salme Alicia Brown-Matthes • Grief Support Michael Day First Iowa Insurance Agency Inc Fobian Brothers Rozanne Christy • Shari Davis Madalyn DeVore Ellen & John Buchanan • Sandy & John Fiderlein Tracy & Joseph Christopher Final Days Support Legacy Project Mary & J.T. Fiderlein Julia Davis & David Reynolds Lori & Douglas Flugum • • Paula Fiala Anna Davis Deb DeVore Carlyn & Jay ChristensenSzalanski 11th Hour Care Compassionate Touch Sharon Ferrance Porter Nancy Davin Elizabeth DeMaine Connie Brown • • Dinah Ferrance Jeffrey Davidson Sheri & Gary Fletcher Patient Care ALS Specialized Care Calvin Fercho DataSoft Corporation Sarah Dejong & Joshua Koza Arnold Chong • • Diane Dahl-McCoy & James McCoy Shirley Dickinson Sally & David Dierks Eleanor Dilkes Del Disselhorst Kathy & Allan Dlouhy Joe Dodder Fran & Ray Dolezal Rachael Dolezal Susan Dombroski John Donelson Donut N Deli Inc Mary Sue & Rick Doran Janice & James Down Ann Doyle Scott Drake Gloria & Mike Drapac Jane & Kevin Flinn The Walkers/Fords/ Fonkerts Sue Forde Dorie Forkenbrock Sylvia & Robert Forsyth Valerie & Larry Fox Jonella Frank Leslie Frank Joan A Frantz Shirley From Karen & David Froschauer Hayden Fry Connie & Charles Funk Gloria & Rudolph Galask Barbara Driscoll Janet & Raymond Galbreth Genevieve B. Dudley Star & Rodney Gamma David Dudycha Denise & Mike Gannon Edmond Dunn Catherine & James Gantz Carla & Michael Durkee Linda & Edward Dykstra Imogene Eckstein Sharon & Vernon Eden Pauline Edmondson Lolly & Del Eggers Kayleen & Michael Gardner Carole & William Gauger Geasland Varsity Inc Diane & Waldo Geiger Emily Coolidge Karen Eldridge & Thomas Charlton Jodi & Christopher Cooper Kathleen Ellett Eufimie GiannouKodros & Robert Kodros Zhila Ellis Joan Gilpin Reginald Cooper Lea Emde Duane Gingerich Joanna Corcoran Patricia & James Ephgrave Gingerich Well & Pump Service LLC Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Katherine Gloer Don Heineking Carolyn & Bruce Goddard Leslie Heintzman Kerri Goff Diana & Dale Helling Barbara & Richard Goings Alice Golden Cylda & Lynn Gontero Stephanie Goolsby Diane Tipping Graber Jon Graves Ron Graves Great America Systems Team Lucille & Wally Heitman Karyn & Douglas Hempel Sara Henryson & Gordon Goldsmith Helene & Theodore Hermann Goldene & Richard Haendel Sharon & Robert Hajny Alison & James Hall David Hall Helen Halsch Mary Halverson Glenn Johnson Shannon & Dietrich Johnson Tiffany Johnson Rodger Johnston Connie & Keith Jones Doris Juhl Jacquelyn Hess Joann & Jerry Hilgenberg John Hackett Gene Langenberg Eileen & Jack Herring Michelle & Carl Gregg Cindy Groff Brenda & David Johnson Thomas Joslyn Kathy & Bill Hicklin Cindy & Dick Grimm David Lacina Connie & Monty Herrick Kami & Steve Greer Dale Greiner John E. Raley Insurance Agency Jan Hill Kathy & David Jones Jean & Bill Hines Charlene Hinrichs Howard Hintze Lynne Hirleman & Cal Coquillette Linda Hobart Mary & Richard Hockmuth Maryjane Joss Daniel Kahn Pamela & William Kane Rabia Karatela Karen & Dan Karr Sherle & John Kasik Mary Kasper Nyle Kauffman Julie & Joseph Kearney Dean Keegan Linda & Stan Keiser Ernestine Keith Shirley Kelly LouAnn & Jeff Landes Kim & William Lansford Daniel Lapidus Donald Laughlin Julie Lawrence Ann Lawver Carol & Lloyd Matheson Shirley & John Montgomery Mary Lou & George Matheson Carole Moore Sharon Mathieu & Ken Hagen Joanne Moore Lisa & Michael Mathis John Maxwell M. M. & Don Leaman Mary & Gregory Maxwell Leatherman Tool Group Maxwell Construction Barb Lee-Burkhart Janet & Alan Leff Ann McAndrew & Robert Pianta Dawn & Brian Lenth Peggy McAtee Lepic-Kroeger Realtors LLC John Yapp & Bridget McCarron David Leshtz Linda McCarter & Brian Tack Joan & Richard Leu Doris Levsen Barcey & Steven Levy Lewis Seeds Inc Michael Lewis-Beck Sarah & Chris Leyden Robin Lillie & Daniel Mascal Ann Marie McCarthy & Jeffrey Murray Cathie & Pat Moore Patricia Moore Marguerite Morey Bill Moucoulis Katherine & John Moyers Rebecca & Robert Mullins Cheryl & Jim Murphy Mike & Bonnie Murphy Shirley & Steve Murphy Susan Murty Nationwide Insurance Lois Neighbors Mary McCarthy Sarah & Jeffrey Neighbors Jerilyn McCarty Nicholas Nelson Nima McClelland Pamela Jo Nelson Sarah McConnell Mary M. Ness Mary & Jim McCue Newman Catholic Student Center Gary McCullough Jane Kelso Kathleen & J.Thomas Lind Jane McCune Edith Nisly Jeff Noller Garry Hamdorf Hodge Construction Inc Valerie Kemp Susan Lindberg Randy McDonough Dale Hammer Thomas Kenefick Marsha & John Linder Joni McFarland Karen & Dick Hoffman Deanna Hammond Barb & Peter Kennedy Helen Lindstrom Mildred McGuire Nancy & James Hoffman J. R. Kennedy Mary E. Linn Marita McGurk Verlee Hogan Jason Kent Dan Lively Karin & John McKeone Wayne Hogan Marlene Kiester & Rebecca Ruddy Diane & Thomas Livingston Christine McMorris Sean Hoke King`s Material Inc Linda & Joe LoCoco Sarah Holecek Mindy & Mike Lodge Janet & Richard Hollis Deborah & Patrick Kinney Mary & Thomas McMurray David Loebsack Dick Meade Angie & Ethan Hoover Charlotte Kitzmann Carl Klaus Sue & Don Longhurst Myrene & H. D. Hoover Meardon Sueppel & Downer PLC Liela & Wayne Horak Sue & Leonard Klein Vicki & Karl Lonngren Julia & Philip Mears Mary Hansen Phil Hotka Al Klingelhutz Robert Lovetinsky Patricia & Jerry Meis Sonja & Matt Harapat Judy & Jim Houghton Judith & William Klink Lois Lowenberg Memorial Medical Group LLC Charles Ollendick Andrew Hovanes Todd Kluesner Gayle Luck Hardscape Solutions of Iowa Sharon How Roger Knerr Edith Merryman Nancy & Harry Olthoff John Harper HP Team Andrew Knoedel Diana Harris Audrey & Jeffrey Knox James Hartley Diane & Brian Hudachek Sharlene Hartman Karen Hughes Claudia & John Knutson Sally Hartwig Marcia Hughes Judy Koch Janet & Loren Maas Judy & Jeff Harvey Jean & Thomas Hulme Frank Kohout Andrea & Duane Maher Janis Hauenstein Erin Icenbice Thelma Kolar Hawkeye Ready Mix Inc Ideal Ready Mix Co Inc Christine Korsmo Maher Brothers Transfer and Storage Hawkeye Title & Settlement Steven C. Anderson, Attorney At Law Iowa Department of Transportation Marilyn Krachmer James Majusiak M.D. Bev & Dean Miller Lillian Kraft Louann & John Maletta Elyse Miller Jerry Irving Toni Kroeze Mary Lea Kruse Patricia & Stephen Manus Henrietta Miller Ruth Izer Helen & William Jahnke Todd Kruse Doris Marchael Kathy & Joe Miller Peggy & Jim Jedlicka Janet McCune Kugley Michael Margolin Pamela & James Miller Joan Jehle Evelyn Kurtz Donna Martensen Pax Aviation Fellowship Dorothyjean Jensen L. L. Pelling Company Mary Mockaitis & Kevin Watkins Eleni & Randy Jensen Barton La Crosse Mary Moel Sarah & Larry Jewell Eileen & Larry Jiras Loretta & William La Velle Linda & Jeffrey Pederson Sue & Michael Joelson Dale Lacina Sue Hamre-Nietupski & John Nietupski Mary E & Michael L Hance Hands Jewelers Joanne & Ronald Hanneman Renee & Joe Hanrahan Barbara & Richard Hansen Ellis Hawley Shelagh & Sohan Hayreh HDR Architecture Heartland Yoga Laura Hebert Patricia Heiden Marg & Paul Heidger Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Joan & Lowell Luhman Maria Lukas & Culver Boldt Lynn & Mel McMorris Michelle Meyer Christine Luzzie & Patrick Bauer Virginia & Michael Meyer Nancy A Lynch Thomas & Debra Mielnik Nan, Jim & Clare Martin Mike Molstead Motors Robert Miklo Bernard Milder Janie & Gary Miller Carol Maske Constance & Joe Moffett Phyllis & Preston Mason Rex Montgomery Mark Marz D.D.S. Audrey & Wayne Noring Judith Norton John Nothnagle Sherri & Patrick Novak Edwin O`Brien Teresa & Timothy O`Neil Oaknoll Christian Retirement Residence Rick Ogren Michelle & Brian Olesen Shannon & John Olson Sue & Volkan Orhon Bernadette & Scott Osborn Bill Osborne Barb & Bill Ostola Pat & J.M. Owara Donna Packer Polly & Armond Pagliai Parkview Christian Preschool Lynne Parsons Pam Passmore Paul`s Discount of Iowa City Bobbie & Albert Paxton Cindy Penney Sandra & James Percich 11 Cathy Perry Angela Rogers & Jeffrey Albright Sandra & Michael Shasby Ann & Wayne Straight Barbara Vinograde Mary Yeggy Mary & Neil Shaull Shirley Von Muenster Coleen & Joseph Peterson Esther Rogers Karen & Burke Strand John Rogers Jim Shepherd Anna Stranieri Jacque & Roger Waddell Roxy & Robert Yetter/ Mike Cline/The Yetter Families Janet R Peterson Ruth & Thomas Rohner Sara & Roger Sherlock Mark Petersen Moe Wadle Judith Yoder Susan T. & John S. Strauss Iona Waite Estate Lois & Hobert Yoder Mary & William Young Mary Jo Streb Jerry Walker Toung Hee & Inn Ho Shinn Maureen Wallace Catherine Zaharis Bonnie & Bob Sierk Stacy & Michael Streb Joann & Bill Wandrey Karen & Ralph Rosenberger Barbara & Joseph Ziegler Harlan Sifford Norma Jeanne Streng Dorothy & Walter Watkinson Kay & Dwain Rosenberger Maxine Simon Elizabeth Stroud Jo Watson Susan & Jonathan Simon Karen Suchomel Rhonda & Tim Weaver Beth & Tom Simpson Pat & Bill Sueppel Anne & Ivan Webber Jacquelyn Sullivan Janet & Steve Weeber Kevin Sullivan L. Joseph Wegman Lynn & Dan Summers Carol Wehby Joan Summerwill Judith & Andy Wehde Joyce & Dick Summerwill Nancy & Gene Wehrheim Suzanne Summerwill & James Flitz Paula Weigel William Suter Marianne Weiss Lois Peterson Oskar Rokhlin Kris & John Shields Dana Pfister Anonymous Myron Shields Jill Phillips Mary & Paul Roloff Victoria & Michael Phillips Rosemount Inc Jean & Robert Phipps Sharon Pickens Harriette Pierce Susan & Michael Piper Pat Pirkl Pleasant Valley Ladies Golf Laura Plecker Dorothy Plett Germaine & Larry Plett Donald Pocock Patricia Rossmann & Charles Buck Linda Rubenstein Joyce & Frank Ruplinger Iva Sagert Helene & Jack Salemink Nancy Sisty LePeau & John P. LePeau Sixteenth Street Community Health Center Anita Slach Harry Samms Nancy & Ray Slach Jean Prior Sandrock Marcia Slager Jackie & Jim Sangster Jan Saslaw Rebecca Slayton & Lawrence Peterson Gene Savin Vista & James Smid Hutha & Robert Sayre Blanche Smith Rhonda Schaffer Joy Smith & David Rust John Scheetz Judy & Gregory Smith Thomas Scherrman Kandy & Steven Smith Cleanne & Frederick Schieber Kelly Smith Christine Schlabach Patricia Smith Janis & William Quinby Connie & Dick Schlabaugh Gretchen & Frank Snider Marsha & Jerry Rath Laurel Schlabaugh Maris Snider Dottie Ray Janet Schlechte M.D. Helene Soper Keith Rayner Coleen & Jack Schmillen Nancy Spalj Barbara & John Spence Aimee & Ken Reed Carolyn & Dale Schneider Roger Reed Jill & Dave Scholz Shawn Reed Carol & Leon Schrage Margaret & Dennis Reese Judith & Larry Schroeder Susan Reese Odelia Schrunk Mary & Steve Reichardt Karen Schuessler Janelle Rettig & Robin Butler Douglas Schumacher Dianna & Jeff Reuter Julie & Carl Schweser Chris & Terry Reynolds Linda & Dale Scott Craig Reynolds M.D. Thomas Scott Melinda Rezmer Winifred & Bill Scott Anita & Kevin Rice Carol Scott-Conner & Harry Conner Chuck Poeltler Mary Ann Poepsel Margaret Polson Nancy Powers Pat & Fred Powers Premeir Midwest Beverage Betty Price Denise Price Donna & Dean Price Lesley Pries Chris & Rex Pruess Ann Rebal Peg & Tom Redlinger Brian Richardson Elizabeth & John Stratton Bette Schweer Pam & Dave Smith Carol Spaziani Denise & Alvin Spence Veronica Spence Kendra Spire St. Mary`s Catholic Church Gail Standig-Portman & Jeff Portman Larry Stapp Raija & Kenneth Starck Mindi & David Streb Mindy & Mark Swails Ruth Swaner Susan Sweeney Pat Tappmeyer TD & T Financial Group PC Joan & Thomas Tephly Judy & David Thayer Yvonne & Ted Wernimont John & Larry Wheeler Judith Thoreson Janet Wilcox Sandra & Rick Thorington Josephine Wiley Donald Tindall Dana & Mark Wilkinson Carol & Lee Tippe Gary Wilkinson Becky Todd Lavon Tomas Charlene & Carl Williams A. K. & Charles Traw Nancy & Les Williams Nan & Stephen Trefz Michelle & Jason Williams-Jones Hunt Wilkerson Turkey Creek Home Owner`s Association Angie Williamson P. Roxanne & Jeffrey Turner Louis Williamson Eloise Stewart U of I Faculty of Infectious Disease Dolores Windus Karen & Stephen Stewart U of I Ambulatory Surgery Center Staff Bev & Lee Witwer Laura Stewart UIHC Bioengineering Dept Anita Starr D.D.S. Nargi Steinbrech Patricia & B.G. Secrest Ellen & Jeffrey Segar Ellen & Tom Roan Lynette Seigley Rebecca & Joe Stockman Nancy & Tom Senneff Kaye & David Stoklasa Connie Vaughan Rosemary Sexton Carol & Mike Strabala Rajni & Anand Vijh Pam & Dave Seydel Scott Strader Elizabeth & Thomas Viner 12 Delores & Bryce Werling Margaret and James Wick Helen & Mike Rittenmeyer Sue Rocklin Deborah Went Lois Thompson Kari & Mark Ripple Shirley & William Roberts Donna & Edward Weno Rebecca White & Linda Rohlfs Lloyd Scudder Janet & Joseph Segreti Norma Wellington The Truck Stop Curt Richey & Nate Andrews Bonnie Scurr-Smith Jackie Wellborn West High School Michael Theobald Velma Stiff Phyllis Stineman Debra & Michael Stockman Elaine & D W Zuber Bev & Doug Weismann The Planning Center Inc The Western Group Wendy & Ekhard Ziegler Universal Climate Control Inc Dorothy & George Van Beek Jason Vanblaricum Teresa Winder George Winter Janet Wolfe Jean & Steven Wolfe Louise Wolf-Novak & Tom Novak Sara & Sherwood Wolfson Myrtle Wollenhaupt Betsy & John Wood Robert Woodburn Lynn & James Worrell Kathleen Wrenn Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors $50 to $99 Deb & Ross Abels Jan & Paul Abramowitz Kathy & Doyle Abrams Jamie & George Achrazoglou Jan & Joe Adolphson AG Risk Crop Insurance, L.L.C Urmil & Raj Aggarwal Lubna & Omar Ahmad Wendy & Ali Ahmad Laura & Rino Aldrighetti James Allaire Allbee & Barclay PC Ruth & Pat Allender Erin Altheide & W. Bruce Wheaton Betsy & Michael Altmaier Beth Ambrisco Carly Ambrisco Jennifer Ambrisco Billie & Milo Anderson Kendra & Tracy Anderson Sylva Dwyer Anderson Kathy & Andy Andresen Geraldine Andrews Andrews Financial Group Ankeny Free Church Joanna Armbruster Randy Arneson Mark Arnold Teresa & Noel Arnold Irene & Joe Ascroft Barbara Austin Kathy Bachmeier Douglas Baggett Jackie & Tom Bailey Dorothy Bain Angie & Roger Baker Kelli & Bruce Baker Bradley Baldes Stephanie & John Ballard Zuhair Ballas Peggy & Stuart Ballinger Andrea & James Balmer Penny & John Balmer Laura Barbee Michelle M Barker Linda Barnes Pauline & Wayne Barnes Rhoda Barnhart Judy & Robert Barrie Devan Baty Becky Baumgartner Janet Baumgartner Leigh Ann Baxa Kandis & Kent Becher Roxanne & Barry Bedford James Beeghly Linda & Douglas Behrendt Margaret & William Behrens Rebecca & Edward Bell Sandra & Larry Bell Terri & Tom Bell Bonnie Bender Beverly Berger Diane & Harlan Berger Glorine Berry Mary Berry Norbert Bertling Carolyn & Russell Bickford Gregory Bieiawski Mary Bierle & Robert Beard Margot Bilanin Linda & John Black Lisa Black Black Diamond Farms Inc Janice & Larry Blake Mandeline & Kenneth Bland Wanda Boeke Janis & Donald Boenker Ms. Evelyn Bollinger & MS Tina Sullivan Linda & Robert Bond Janet & Richard Boresi Suzanne & Byron Bork Louise Bormann Judy Bowen Jo & Steve Bowers Kelli & Shawn Bowers Steve Boyd Roxanne & Thomas Boysen Vickie & Chris Brackney Barbara & Robert Bradley Pat Brandt Venture BraseBaumbach Donna & Virgil Braun Jody Braverman Kent Braverman Jacki & Tim Brennan Eunice & Kenneth Brenneman Mike Brenneman Mrs. Idella Brenneman Rochelle & Richard Brenner Kimberly Bretches Fran & Jimmy Bridges Kathleen & William Brockway Patti & Bruce Brooke Deanne Brown Lyda & William Brown Sherayl & James Brown Mary Brown Mehalovich & Jack Mehalovich Suzanne & Richard Brue Carin & Greg Brunner Dee Bryan Jan & Richard Buchmayer Charles Buckley Anne Burke Peggy Burke Nancy Burkholder Helen & Norman Burnett Gretchen & Kevin Burt Douglas Busch Irene & Richy Buser Barbara & William Buss Debra Butler Robert Butler Amy & Bill Butterbaugh Heather Butterfield Becky & James Buxton Jan & Ken Caldwell Judy Cambridge Joyce Campbell Peggy & Bruce Carew Pat & Marvin Carney Angie Carrillo Katha Carter Cedar Rapids City Council and City Manager`s Office Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance Cedar Valley Corp LLC Kathleen Ceranec Julia Chalmers Jill Chambers Robin & Richard Chambers Vanaja Chandran Cathy & Art Chapman Karen Charney & Benjamin Coelho Mary Chase Chatham Oaks Staff Charu Chawla Jan & Dan Chelf Laura & Philip Chelf Darlene & Douglas Chesnut Laurie & Bud Childers Julie & Dana Chown Kyoung Chyung Marian Ciha & Diane Thomsen Mary & Tom Cilek Noriko Ciochon Cheryll & Gerald Clamon Judith & Gerald Clark Suzanne & James Clemens Jon Coffey Brent Coffman Kathy & Steve Colbert Joan Cole Steve Collins Ellen Colony Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors James Conlin Patricia Conlon Carol & Ken Connor Mary Pat & Thomas Conway Joan & Tom Cook Shelley & Marte Cook Dennis Cordle Maureen & Leonard Corpman Laverne Couch Ashlie & Chad Courtney Theresa & Kevin Courtney Caren Cox Aileen Crawford Cherie & Bernie Cremers Mrs. Francis X. Cretzmeyer Jr. Maryann & C L Crew Carol & LeRoy Crook Brenda Cruikshank Giddings Francesca Cunningham Emily & William Curran Lucy & Greg Currie Ruth & Jim Dane Mildred Davidson Colleen Davis Donna & Paul Davis Donna & Terry Davis J Doug Davis Pat Davis Shirley Davis-Phillips & Dan Phillips Lyle Deeds Karen & Richard DeGowin Karen & Greg Dehning Kristine Dekko Lori & Stephen Delaney Bessie Delles Janice & Gerald Denehy Ann & Mark Deringer Margaret & John deSalme Kathleen Desterhaft Maria Dewey William Dickinson Diane & Robert Diederich Donald Diehl Margaret & Georges Dillon Vicky & Larry Dingman Karen Dircks David Dixon Sheila & Michael Dlugolecki Dodge Street Tire & Auto Inc Camilla Dohrer Beverly Dolezal Jean Donham a history of hospice Top two photos: Original site and sign of Iowa City Hospice on Bloomington Street in Iowa City. Bottom two photos: Current office and home of Iowa City Hospice since 2000. 13 Darlene & Roland Donovan Joanie & Michael Donovan Judith Doorenbos Eileen Dore Viola Dotson Sara Downes & Nathan Kalkwarf Julie Downey Wanda Drake Dave Draker Debra & Steven Droll Marcie Droll-Durian Melinda Duffy Carolyn & Richard Duncan Richard Duncan Sue & Fred Durian Kay & Duke Dusheck Corinne & John Duvall William Dwine Chris & Jeffrey Dwyer Dawn Ealy Michelle & Kenton Earnest Stacy & Ty Edwards Carole Ann Eldeen Laura Elliott & Daniel Terrell Shari Ellis Tara & Vincent Ellison Judith Ellyson & D.C. Swartzendruber Erica Safley & Nikki Murphy John Espensen Madeline Espensen Sonia & Ronald Ettinger Danita & Grant Evans Kerry Evans Wilma Evans Rae & Rich Ewers Mary Fahey Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank Helen & Ken Fawcett Gregory Fedders Christie Felsing Mary & Vickie Felsing Abigail Ferrance-Wu Phyllis & Michael Ferrel Susan & Louis Fettkether Jess Fiedorowicz Linda Fincham Elisabeth & Michael Finnegan Ann Finnerty Patricia Fisher Patricia & David Fitch David Fitzgerald Barb & Lawrence Fleckenstein Kathy Fobian Ida & Jim Foraker Johnna & Dennis Forbes Kelli & John Forbes Linda & Kenneth Forbes Paula Forest Kathleen Fountain The Four Seasons Garden Club Kathy & Gene Fox Nancy Fraga Fraternal Order of Eagles No 0695 Judy Frauenholtz & Gary Appleby Fred`s Feed & Supply LLC Ann & John Freely Ardith & Tom Frees Gen Freeseman Lottie & Sam Friedland Jan Friedman & John Kramer Melanie Friedman Friends of Presbyterian Education BoardPakistan Cynthia & Dave Fruendt Jan Fuhrmeister Jeannette A Fulton Debra Gabrielson Lee Valerie & Gary Gaeth Adrienne Gallagher Diane & Robert Gallagher Rita Gallo Christine & Philip Galuppi Leona Gambee Susan Garber & Richard Watkins Lynn & James Gardner Ann & Kirk Garmager Sheryl Garrett Dale Garringer Sharon Garton Jill & Brad Gaul Patricia Gauron Annie & Michael Gavin Aurilee & Carl Geertz Mary Gehrls Miriam Gelfand Nancy Genoar Joan Gibson Gierke-Robinson Co. Gayle Gilbaugh Cynthia & Tom Gillham Kaleigh Gilmore Sandy & Patrick Gilpin Mary & Edward Gingerich Sandy & Gilbert Gingerich Sam Gipple Judith & Thomas Glau Teresa & Kevin Glesener Lorraine & Harold Godlin Kerri & Eric Goers Barbara & Harold Goff Deborah Goldstein & Marty Surface Carolyn Gordon Jean Gordon Linda Gordon Rachel & Steve Gordon Connie, Katie, Jennie Grassi Jo & Don Gray Cathy & Francis Greazel Mary Greenleaf Martha Gregan Sandy & Kurt Griebel Hillary & John Grier Julie & Christopher Griffin Stacey & Wes Griggs Nancy & Ronald Grigsby Wendy & Bruce Gronbeck Jane & Todd Gruis Deb & Greg Guinn Judith Gust & Robert McCown Missie & Dan Haag Mary & David Hacker Barbara Hackman Lyn Hafner Julia & Mike Hahn Wendy & Tim Haight Darilyn Hale Barbara Haman Marlene & Tom Haman Rachel Hamilton Kristin Hannegrefs Maureen & Pat Hanrahan David Hansen Gail & R W Hanson Ginger Hanson Lynda & Bruce Harlan Phyllis Harris Sally Hartman & Stephen Dunbar Susan & Dave Hartwell Kevin Hartwig A Marlene & Marshall Hatfield Meredith & Cliff Hayes Fairlie Haynes Donna & Mark Heacock Susan & Ladd Heath Peg Heck Chris & Steve Hedlund Mark Heffron Carole & Raymond Hegtvedt Carol & Herman Hein Kristin Heinz Keith Hemingway Annette & Jeff Henderson Brent Henderson Jenny & Matt Henderson Henry Russell Bruce Inc Herb & Lou`s LTD Keela Herr Judith & Herbert Herrly Terry, Willa & Tim Dickens Diane Hertel Anne & Chuck Hesse Toni & William Hesseltine Cheryl Hetherington & Lori Popp Beth & Ed Hicks Hilltop Avenue Baptist Church Hilltop Tavern Clara Hilsenbeck Pam Hinman Marilyn Hiscock Delsie & Paul Hoffey Monica & Paul Hoherz Kate Holt Louise & Gregory Holtz Nancy & Jay Honohan William Hood T T Hoogerwerf Darlene Hoskinson Joan Houghton Jody Hovland & Ron Clark Teresa Hoyle Kristeen & Ken Hubler Kathy Huedepohl Doris Hughes Linda Hughes Mary Beth & David Hughes Sue & Del Hughes Connie Hukle Mary & James Humston Janice Hunter Judy & Dick Hupfeld Carol & Roger Hurt Pat Ingle Iowa Ambassadors of Music Iowa City Line Crew Judith & James Irvine Paula Jacoby Paula Jantz & Joyce Moore Kent Jehle Natalie Jenn Nancy & Bill Jennings Conchita & Richard Jensen Jean & Harold Jensen Jill Jensen Rhonda & Ronald Jensen Trish Jensen Deb & Patrick Jepson Susan Johansen Carol Johnk Cheryl Johnson Donna J. Johnson Dorothy Johnson Dwayne Johnson Marget Johnson Johnson`s Auto Service Jon`s Ice Cream Store & Restaurant Carol & William Jones Dan Jones Jo Lavera & Phillip E. Jones Judy & Craig Jones Jones Funeral Hom Inc Dwain Jordt Gary Jorgenson Susan & Steven Julius Junge Center Point Frank Juvan Darlene Kabela Kim Kacena Nancy Kacere Geri Kachingwe Gary Kallaus Jiji Kantamneni Marian & George Karr Lyn Dee & Patrick Kealey Christine Kellerman Linda & Noah Kemp Kelly & Todd Kennedy Larry Kent Brooke Kerr Elizabeth & James Kerr Collin & Jon Kerstetter Gwen & Mike Kessler Betty Ketchum Mary & Mohamed Khowassah Angelika & Ben Kieffer Christopher Kiehl Nancy & George Kienzle MacKenzie Kile Kathryn & James Davis Mary Kinney Carol & Thomas Kirkpatrick Mary Ann & Thomas Kisker Harvey Klevar Carol & Gary Klouda Becky Klutts Ellen & Micah Knapp Karen & William Knight Cindy & Jeff Knoop Heather & Greg Koch Kathy & Kyle Koch Rachel & Craig Koehler Kelley Kolberg George Kondora Sally & Mark Konnath Jane & Walter Kopsa Beverly Koshatka Linda & Thomas Kottenstette Jane & Greg Kovaciny Lori & Fred Kowalke Ron Kral Lisa & Jeff Krall Charles Kreeb Dr & Mrs. Tim Kresowik Jean Kretzschmar Susan Kretzschmar Karen & Louis Kriege Sara & Matt Krieger Dave & Lori Kriz Patricia & Thomas Kriz Hilda & Berwyn Krommendyk Dolores Krotz Sandra & Larry Krotz Stev Krug Sarah & Timothy Krumm Tim Krummel Marilyn Kubby Robyn Kuchta Stephanie & Tomas Kuennen Marnie & Rod Kuenster Michele & Kenny Kuepker Kathryn & Paul Kuhlman Sally Stark Kull Ruth & Ken Kuntz Marjorie & Samuel Kuperman Kwik Trip Inc. Heather & Parrish Kyle Betty & Wayne Lacina Every gift and every donor is important to us. Please let us know if we have made an error so that we may correct our records. Again, Thank You for your support. 14 Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Melody Lacina Kathy & Dan Laing Lammers Construction Service Inc Kimberley LamonLoperfido Pat & Rodney Lanaghan Rose & Bill Landers Susan & Michael Landwehr Barb Lange Kenneth W Lange Paul Langenberg Gerald Langner Molly & Dean Langstaff Jacqueline & Daniel Larisey Sonya & Karl Larsen Nancy & Jeffrey Lathrop William Laubengayer Mary & James Launer Heidi Lauritzen Patricia & William Lawton Stephanie Lea Gloria Lee & Craig Morita Linda & George Lee Lois Lee Mary Lee William Lee Robert Leech Lori Leggins Danette & Mike Lehman Jody Lehr & Michael Rose Sally Leme Jaynane Lillig Mary Lindemann Thomas Lindgren Barbara Lindman Kathryn & Robert Linhardt Marlene Lintz Cynthia Lippold-Owen Carol & Jerry Litton Live Oak Elementary Deaf Education Team Rene & Olin Lloyd Richard Loan Barbara Lockwood & Dennis Wagner Kay & Paul Loeffelholz Kara & Ron Logsden Amy Logsdon & Paul Schroedermeier Hazel & Keith Long Kim Lopez Cathy & Blair Lord Gwen & Jim Lowe Jennifer Lowe Lucas Student Council Eleanor & Lou Luckel Heather & Robert Ludwig Donald Lund Leslie & David Lundquist Yi Luo & Xiaohong Chen Sharon & Gary Lust Alesha & Bruce Luxon Dorothy Lynn Alta Lyon Charlene & Bruce Lyon Beverly & Richard Lyons Brenda & Rick Madsen Debbie & Douglas Magruder Ann & Marty Maiers Mary & George Malanson Julie & Matthew Malin Barbara Mann JoAnne Marengo Mary & Jeruld Marsh Mike Martensen Ester Martin Mary Mascher Janice & Kenneth Mather Rita & William Mathes Holly & Matt Mathias Michelle & William Matthes Candida Maurer David Maxey Shirley & Jim Maxey Kathryn & John Maxwell Marilyn Maynard Paula & Mark McAndrew Patty & Paul McCarthy Sean McCarty Teri & Richard McClemons Jacque McClure Larry McConahay Barbara McCormick John McCormick Rosemary McCormick Shirley McCune Linda McDonald Margaret McDonald Bonnie & Guy McFarland Marge McGowan Della & Gaylord McGrath Kathleen & Richard McKeen Joan McMillan & Richard Tibbets Valerie & Paul McNally Michael McNerney Patricia McTaggart Mary & Gerald Meade Virginia & Duane Means Joellen Megan Lynn Mennenga Mercy Ships Mitsi & Mike Messier Bernard Mick Mary C. Mielnik Linda & Roger Mildenstein Clarissa Miller Dorothy Miller Hazel Miller Marjorie Miller Paul Miller Rex Miller Richard Miller Sally Miller MillhiserSmith Kathryn & Ferman Milster Kay & Gary Mincer Deanne & Ronald Mirr Allison Momany Janet & David Monk Suzanne Monkman Michelle Montgomery Barbara & Richard Montross Cleo Montross Mary & Kurt Moon Chasta Moore Monique & W. Douglas Moore Sue & Donald Moorhead Jayleen & Paul Morano Michelle & Robert Morey Jennifer & Paul Morf Joanna & Reese Morgan Kevin Morgan Twyla Morlan Bunny Morrison Winter & Bryon Morrison Jill & Frank Morriss Patty & John Paul Morse Sandra Morse Denise & Ronald Morton John Mott Vivian & Frank Mougin Shari & Michael Mulligan Mary Ann & Harold Mullinnix Joan Murhammer Meegan Murphy Janice Murray Louise Murray & Ed Heffron Melissa Najarian & Curtis Leitz Gertrude & Steve Nath Sarah Neary Janice Nelson Verne Nelson Johanna Nelson McConahay Amy & Terry Neuzil Julie & William Neuzil Karen & Delbert Nicklaus Marcia Nidey Fran & David Nielsen William Nielson Janet Nissen Richard Noble Beth Noeller Kaye Nolan Wendy Nolan Janet & David Norton Terri Norton Martha & Russell Noyes Linda Nudd Betty O`Brien Ginny O`Donnell Beth Oakes & Eugene Buck Lois & Jim Oaks Bonnie Obadal Joyce & Dick Oberman Terry & James Ockenfels Richard Ogle Betty Oglesby Old Capitol Sertoma Club Carole & Robert Olney Susie & Marc Olson Jane Omann Connie & Jim Organ Sally & Charles Orr Ellen & Ernest Osborn Mary Oxford Nancy & Gary Pacha Jill & Jon Packer Marilyn & Tom Page Jefri Palermo Donna Palmer Janene Panfil & Don Stumbo Nicholas Pantazis Norma & Jim Panther Kathy & Duane Papke Patricia & Michael Parker Employee Donors An honorary gift was made through the Employee Campaign to recognize the special contribution of the Hospice Aides: Denise Bickford Emily Hoyer Polly Porter Maurice Campbell Diane Jacobsen Dianna Reuter Angela Carrillo Julie Johnston Jessica Rozek Rebecca Carver Angelika Kieffer Cynthia Ruffcorn Tonya Halstead Jana Crull Nancy Knecht Julie Schlabaugh Tia Hamm Jane Dohrmann Sara Krieger Deanne Schwarting Jane Hernandez Maggie Elliott Gene Langenberg Peggy Swails Torie Krack Erin Feldmann Barbara Lee-Burkhart Judy Thirtyacre Barb Ostola Judith Frits Mary McMurray Rachel Thomas Dawn Richardson Amanda Fulton Sarah Neary Angelica Valencia Kylie Jo Secoy Kaleigh Gilmore Barbara Ostola Marilyn Van Roekel Ashea Sparrow Joey Walker Angelica Valencia Deborah Goldstein Angela Hedrick Heather DeBey Derrick Droz Tina Gaunt Tonya Valencia Donita Hermsen Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors 15 Teresa & Thomas Parker Larry Parks Ginnie Parrish Parrott Farms Inc Joan & Larry Parsons Anne & David Parton Ruth Pate The Patton Family Health Center Ellyn & Richard Paulus Dean Peek Beth Pelton Julie Peng Anne & Edward Perkins Marlene J. Perrin Gloria & Mark Peters Sandra Petree Diane Phillips Donna Phillips Kathy Pieper Brenda & Tom Pierce Rosemary & Bryce Plapp Jan & Tom Plath Nancy & Bill Porter Polly & James Porter Jeff Portman Molly Possehl Ruby & Carson Potter Ruth & Rolland Poust Anna & Dale Powers Joanne Powers Kusum Pradhan Deb Pratt Doris & William Preucil Barbara Price Steven Price Sherry & Joseph Pugh Virginia & Larry Pugh Deborah Quade Dawn Quelle Shirley & Kenneth Ranshaw Kathy Rath Roberta Reed Molly & Christopher Reeves Barb & Roger Reilly Rebecca Reiter Esther & Paul Retish Mary Rex & David Hess Juanita Ricci Nancy & Dan Rickerd Linda Ridenour Pam & Kelly Ridgway Kelli & Edward Rinderspacher Grace Ring Helen & Clayton Ringgenberg Eleanor & Fred Ripley Doris & Robert Rittenmeyer Mary Jo Rittenmeyer & Robert Schnoebelen Gillian & Barry Rittman 16 Beverly Robalino Nancy & Roy Roberts Carolyn Robertson Karen & Douglas Robertson Wendy Robertson Jan RobertsonDeringer Dorothy & William Robinson Amie Rockafellow Gayla Rodgers Eva Rodriguez Ginny & Ronald Rogers Angela & Gary Rohret Lucinda & Donald Rohret Sheila Rohrich Denise & Warren Ropp Marilyn & Earl Rose Richard Rossman Janet Roth Debra Rowland Lisa Rozek-Hingst & Jason Hingst Geraldine Ruess Runde Chevrolet Linda & Robert Runge Ellen & Monte Russell Diana & Mark Russo Debbie & Joe Ryan Denise & Randy Salm Ronda SaltzmanCameron & Dave Cameron Deborah Samec-Colony & Ray Colony Clara & Elmer Sammons Pat Sanders Tom Sandersfeld Vicki & Gregory Saunders Pam & Steve Saur Erin Saviello Daryl Sawin Richard Sawyer Donald Saxton Mary & Franklin Scamman Karen & Daniel Schaapveld Robert Schantz Alissa & Daryl Schepanski M. Janann Schiele Ron Schintler Frank Schmidt Valeria Schnor Scholar Lung, PLC Mr. & Mrs. Gene Schuchert Dorothy Schultz Kathleen & Glen Schwab Mary Schwab Marian Schwabbauer Joan Schwartz Kathryn Schweer David Scott Mary Jo Seaba Kay & Alan Seagren Mary & James Searls Donald Secrest Shari Sedlacek Valerie & Tom Seelman Gwen Senio Seydel Construction, Inc Helen & Dale Sheets Joellen Shoemaker Paul Shultz Steve Siglin Ruthie Silverberg Brian Simmons Linda Singelstad Marjorie Singer RoseAnn Sippy Jan & Bob Sirois Raymond Slach Becky & John Sladek Roberta Sloat Cheerie & Carmen Smith Cynthia & Robert Smith Debra Smith Joyce Smith Julie Smith Laurie Smith & Julie Phye Thiara Smith Mary & Eldon Snyder Linda Sojka Solon State Bank Phyllis Sondergard Jan Sparks Ruth & Byron Spear Douglas Spitz Josephine & Peter Sredich Lee Staak Marianne & Ronald Stablein Kathy Staggs Sally & John Staley Sharon Kay & Alan Stang L.G. Stapp Jr. Star Equipment, LTD Kathleen Stecher Joy & Oliver Steele Barbara & James Stehbens Lisa & Paul Steigleder Mary & Jay Stein Connie & Mark Stellinga Betty & Richard Sternitzke Cindi & Bob Stevens Randall Stevens Jane Stewart & Linda Stewart Kroon Marg Stockman Barrett Stoll Charlotte & Martin Stoltzfus Jerry Stone Linda & Kevin Stoolman Velma Stover Betty Stratton Susan & Steve Strauss Barbra Street Jan & Ray Strobbe Mary & Rexford Strottman Mary Struzynski Donna & Peter Stumpf Laura Stunz Sally & Roger Stutsman Virginia & Ronald Stutsman Cynthia & William Sueppel Donna & Jeff Sullivan Morris Summers Richard & Gayle Svatos Peggy & John Swails Marlene & Kent Swaim Erica Sweeney Helen Swenka Mary & Don Szeszycki Nina & Michael Tadlock Susan & Jack Tank Cathy Taphorn & Scott Strader Jackie Taylor Julie & Tim Taylor Sheryl & Rick Tegtmeier Angela Teigland Robert Temple The Advantage Companies LLC The Basket CasesCindy Ruppert The Bridge Club The Messier Group The Toronto-Dominion Bank Debbie & Bill Thoman Abby Thrower Timberhills Townhomes Assn. Family & Friends Parvin Tirgardoun Erwin D. Toerber Rita & Robert Tomanek Tony Tomash Melissa Torner Sandra & Stephen Townsend Toyota Scion of Iowa City, Inc Trebron, Inc. Sally & Dan Treiber Sharon & Randy Troyer Truenorth Companies Phyllis Tucker Mary and John Turgasen Ellen Twinam Sally & Joe Tye Beverly Tyree U.S.Bancorp Foundation Donna Ulteig Anna Marie Urban Gloria Urmie Julie Utter Beth & Jeff Vaage Daniel Vaena Angelica Valencia Valucon Inc Joanna Van Fleet Dianna Van Osdel Barbara Vande Kamp Leonard Vedepo Virginia & Richard Vedepo Judy & Dale Venzke Jessica & Earl Vikel Esther Viksten Kimberlee & Keith Villhauer Niki & Steve Villhauer Andrew Viner Lynn & Mark Vining Dennis Visser Sheryl & Dale Vitosh Eileen & Robert Vogel Helene Volkert Sandi & Dave Von Sprecken Connie VonSpeegle & Marshal Harms Susan Voss Jan Vrban Donna Vroom Pat Wade Michael Wainwright Robin Walenta & Tracy Stuhr Joey Walker Karen & Ralph Wallace Tammy & Scott Wallace Joan Walsh Chris & Jim Walters Mary Ann & Lawrence Walters Ruth Walters Kathy & Lane Warden Margalea Warner Charlotte Warren Ellyn & Bill Waterbury Susanne Watson Epting Nancy & Steven Weber Renee` & Rick Weeter Kenneth Wehr Diane & Clayton Weir Deanna & Paul Weismann Todd Welk Joan Welsh-Grabin & Joel Grabin Berth Ann & Thomas Werderitsch Western Construction Group W.F.L.A. Lodge #427 Kris & Brad Westfall Sally Weyer Fran & Robert Whetstine Kristin & Brian White Michelle & Matthew Wiegand Mindy Wieland Wiele Chevrolet, Inc. Marianne Wilkening Linda Wilkinson Margie & Stephen Wilkinson JoAnn Willey Joyce & Robert Wilson Sonia & Robert Wilson Barb Winborn Betty Winokur Carol Winter Ruth & Jere Wissink Harvey & Patricia Witzenburg Karen Witzke Betty & Kevin Wood Sheila & Michael Woollard Kaylene & Terry Worby Diane Worley Debra & Richard Wretman Joan & Curt Wuest L. M. Yeutter & Terry Clark Alta Yoder Beverly & Mervin Yoder Denny Yoder Sarah Young & Kathy Casey Lori Youngwirth Toni & Robert Zadick Connie & Larry Zahradnek Carolyn Zaiser Jayne & Jerry Zimmer Betty & Lyle Zimmerman Pat & Don Zimmerman Wendy & Seth Zimmermann Susan & Richard Zollo Donald & Verna Zook Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors $49 and below Anne Aalto Deb & Steve Abbott Norma & Tom Abbott Marva Abel & Richard Knoedel Stacey Abel Ellen & Sam Abusada Clint Ackerman Ella Ackerman Stacy & Corey Ackerman Marsha Acord Mary Adam Susan & David Adam Doris Adams Helen Adams Marcia & Darcell Adams Sandra & Bill Adams Tracy Adams Nancy Adams Cogan Dan Adler Val & Dan Adler Mahmooda Ahmad Rosalie Ahrendsen Frances M. Ahrens Jean & Richard Aikin Sheila & Bill Alberhasky Shirley & James Alberhasky Marjorie & Henry Albers Alice & Bud Albertson Karen & Alvin Albertus Ann & Norman Albin Jim Albrecht Wilda & Charles Albrecht Dennis Albright Denise & Edward Aldeman Thelma Aldeman Sondra Aldrich Judy & Eddie Allen Patricia Allen Peg & Robert Allen Wanda & Ray Allen Connie Allender Fern & Duane Allison Julie Altenhofen Shirley Altenhofen Don Alter Roberta Ambur & Jim Means Carolyn & Dean Amelon American Legion Auxiliary #457 Kim Amosson Jenta & William Anciaux Judy Anderlik Deb & Mark Anderson Eleanor & Clete Anderson Karla & Terry Anderson Nancy & Gary Anderson Pat Anderson Patricia Anderson Sara Anderson Susan & Rodney Anderson Wanda Anderson Margaret & Don Andrews Marilyn & Walter Andrus Gary Anson Marilyn & Gerald Anson Eleanor Anstey Patricia & Marc Anthony Sue & Tom Anthony Lisa Antill Barb & Ric Aquilani Patricia Archibald Therese & James Archibald Dottie & Karl Armens Virginia Armstrong Anthony Arnone Marlene & Rudolph Arp Regina & John Arthur Ann & Michael Aschoff Corrine & John Ashby Sue Asleson Sue & Gary Aulwes Dee Aupperle Judy Aurand Gustavo Avila-Ortiz Barb & Alan Avis Anne & Jesse Axmear Dorothy & Jim Baack Amanda & Frank Babcock Ellen Bacher Nimer & Nita Bader Ann & Jack Bagford Cheryl Bagley Barbara Bailey Ivan Bailey Karma & Kirk Bailey Laura Bailey Janet & John Bain Cheri & Daryl Baker Janet Baker Suzanne Baker-O`Brian & Dennis O`Brian Bonnie & Bill Ball Myrna Ballard Shirley Balmer Doris & Gary Baltzer Jeff Banas Lois Barber Jennifer & Dawn BarbouRoske Derek Barkalow Keith Barkalow Sue Barkalow Judy & Terry Barkhurst Julie & Mark Barnd Julie & Art Barnes Lawrence Barnes Wava Barnett Lara Barnhart Susan & Larry Barnhill Holly Barrett Roger Barrett Janet Barry Jeff Barta Vivian & Larry Bartels Mary Bartlett Rebecca Bartlett Linda & Kenneth Barton Jill Baskerville Robert Bassett Aaron Basten Syvia & Dale Bateman Kathy & Tom Bates Bridget & Theodore Battistone Maurita Bauer Jennifer Baum Teresa & Matthew Baumann Mary Ellen & Roger Baumhover Ange Baxa Barbara Beall Brenda Bean Dari Beatty Lourena Beaver Karen & John Becker Pam & Mark Beckner Mildred Beeler Peggy Beeler Carolyn & Robert Beelner Angie & Brian Beem Debra Beinhart Betty & Dick Beinke Kathy & Roger Bekel Carol & Vernon Bekker Dorothy Bell Lucille Bell Nancy & Michael Bell Joyce & J.W. Bellamy Suzanne Bembridge Anita Bender Beth Bender Gloria Bender Kim Bender Hora Lynn & James Bendt Carrie & Jared Benjamin Barry Bennett Robert Bennett Patricia & John Benson Susan & James Benton Patricia & Darren Benzing Mary Berard Steven Berge Kim Bergen-Jackson Kristin Bergman Alice & Carl Bergstrom Frank Bermel Judy Berndt Alberta & Gene Bernick Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Karla Berns Janet Berry Marty Berry Mary Anne & Sean Berry Mary Berry Wendy & Chad Berry Sharleen & Dave Bertling Amy Bess Jeannette & Jay Bessinger Ariana & Larry Betenbender Marie & Leo Beuter Mr & Mrs Robert Bickford Patricia & Craig Bieber Mary & Roger Bienhoff John Bierman Phyllis & Gary Bierschenk Richard Bingham Karol Bird Betty Jo BirkhahnRommelfanger Gail & Warren Bishop Dixie Bixler Katharine Bjorndal Caroleann Black Jerry Black Minette & Dan Black Sandy & Ron Black Ann & David Blackhurst Sue Blackwell Beverly & Jack Blair Donna & Marvin Blair Jean Blair Mary Lou Blair Virginia & Robert Blair Jean & Michael Bloomquist Denise Blough Stephanae Bock Carole Boddicker Karen Boddicker Jane & Colin Boehm Carolyn Boerner Cindy & Mark Bohling Joe Bolkcom Kay & David Bombei Marlys Boote Richard Borchard Rosemary Borchardt Margaret & Martin Borchelt Esther Bordwell Frances & James Boren Sandra & Henry Boren Borgstahl Plumbing Sandra & Ronald Borth Joni Bosch Carol & Jack Bose Barbara Bosinski Patricia Bosinski Jean & Kerry Bostwick Shirley & John Bothell Barbara Boudreau Ellen Bowen Jeff Bowler Jack Bowles Lesa Bowles Diane & Karl Boyken Tom Boyle Becky & Ron Boyse Jim Brack Jane Bradbury Stacy Bradley Joanne & Robert Brady Jane & Gene Bragg Sarah Brakke Bernie Brandenburg Roberta & Loren Brandsma Deb Brandt Bette Brant Beverly Brant Jennie Brantman Angelica & Earl Brauckmuller June Braverman Gayle Bray Roger Braynard Kathryn & Dennis Brechler Sandra Bredman Marlys Breese Dolores & Donald Brennan Joyce & David Brenneke Arlene Brenneman Jane Brenneman Brenneman Memorial Missionary Church Vida & Robert Brenner Myrna Brennick Melinda & Dennis Bricker Christie & Richard Bried Merrianne & Robert Briese Judy & John Brinkmeyer Rebecca & Raymond Brisker Colette Brodersen Wanda & Brent Broeker Marty Brogan Kim Brogden Patricia Brokaw Beth Broman Mary Pat & Thomas Brooke Pat & Bob Brooke Frank Brooks Frank Brooks Jr. Lori & Harry Brooks Norma Brooks Darrel Brothersen Dan Brown Dorothy Brown Jeri Brown Kay Brown Marian Brown Marilyn & Marc Brown Mary & Steven Brown Nancy & Dennis Brown Pat & Doug Brown Robert Brown Jo & Roy Browning Gail Brummel Barbara Bruns Nancy & Paul Bruns Penny Bruss Cathlene & James Bryant Debra & Richard Bryant Bonnie & Marvin Bryce Martha Bryson Charles Buck Stephanie Bulan Gaynel & John Burch Alice Burdett & Richard Albrecht Shirley Burger Karen & Greg Burgmeier Patricia Burgmeier Carney Burke Catherine Burke Kay Burke Iva Burkett Hildegard & Brooks Burkhart Kathryn & Robert Burkle Renetta & Michael Burlage Dortha & Ivan Burmeister Frances Burns Rita Burns Steve Burns John Burr Judy & Daryl Burr Nancy Kay & Alan Burr Sheila & Richard Burr Jill & Jeff Burrows Darcy & Ryan Burton Julie & Douglas Busch Freda Bush Janet & Jerry Bush Janet Butler Kathy and Dan Butler Terry Butler Carole & Mick Butz Joan Buxton Jane CadwalladerHowe Kathleen Cahill & Karen Corbin Nancy & Paul Cahill Shirley Cain Phyllis Callahan Cambridge Place Apts LLC Cindy Cameron Jennifer Campagne D Douglas Campbell Katharine & Dave Campbell 17 Kim & Brian Campbell Sally & Dale Campbell Campbell Steele Gallery Laurie Canady Ed Canard Erin Canett Kris Canfield Robyn & Jeff Canfield Ila & Craig Capps William Card Kathleen & Kenneth Cariens Janet & Gerry Carlson Patricia & Jon Carlson Janice Carpenter Barb & Craig Carr Linda Carrillo Fonda & Keith Carris Anne Carroll Ann Carson & Larry Zirbel Carol Carson Janice & Robert Carson Debra Carter Ellie Carter Janet & Mike Carter Jeanette Carter Mary Carter Sherry Carter Teresa & Tom Carter Carter Ford, Inc Ruth Carthey Adam Case Judy Casey & Tony Serbousek Rosemary & Maurie Cashman Nancy & Brian Cassady Eve Casserly Flora Cassiliano Ethel Casteel Theresa Caswell Cedar Family Farms Cedar Valley Rock & Mineral Society Virjean & Keith Cellman Jolleen Cerka Dee & Steve Cerny Diane Cerven-Jenn & Tom Jenn James Cerveny Sally & Raymond Ceynar Rae & Lloyd Chabal Joan & Kenneth Chaloupka Deborah & Duane Chalupa Julie Chamberlain Marydee & Carroll Chamberlain Christina & Scott Chamberlin Margaret Chamberlin Mary Ann & Mervin Chamberlin 18 Christine & Mark Chambliss Rita Chaney Jamie Chapman Stephanie & Josh Chapman Tracy Chapman Marlene Chelf Michael Chen Judy Cheney Susan & Dee Chiles Yaro & Mary Chmelar Leslie & Jason Chown Jodi Christ Daleta Christensen Donna Christensen Mary Christensen Carol & Tom Christenson Christine & Roger Christian JoAnne & Keith Christison Harry Christofferson Megan Ciha Cheri & Jerry Cilek Sally Cilek Joe Claeys Renee & Thomas Clancy Carla & Steve Clark Kimberlee & Gregory Clark Stella & Frank Clark Sue & Bruce Clark Deb Clark-Noble Class of 1968-Independence High School Brandi Claussen Clay Claussen Coy Claussen Gwendolyn Clay Cathy Clemens Christina CliftonMiddle H.D. Cline Karel & Bob Cline Elizabeth Clothier Brett Cloyd Joan & Bill Coan Donna Cobb Mary Pat & Dan Coburn Adelaide Cochran Mae Code Barbara & Ray Coffman Brenda & Edward Colby Alice Cole Chris & Randy Cole Gayle & William Cole Colleen Coleman Ann & Peter Collette Lisa Collier & Edward Romano Susan Collins Connie Colony Comfort Keepers Community Bank Cory Conaway David Conaway Patricia Cone-Fisher & Scott Fisher Trudy & Jerry Conklin Michele Conlon Jean Conner Sue Conner Jeanne Conrad Pat Conrad Carol Considine Conversions Lucinda Cook Marilyn Cook Marilyn Cooney Marge CooneyPenniston Portia Cooper Linda Cooper-Brown & Doug Brown Coralville Central Sunshine Susan Corbin-Muir & Peter Muir Kathleen Corcoran Dee Cornwall Jane & Bob Corso Alicia Cosky Helen Costa Joan Costello Judith & James Cottingham Laura Cottrill Joan & Charles Couch Sylvia & William Courtney William Courtney Cathy Cox Jeanette Cox Judy & Ken Cox Penny & Gary Cox Tamra & Gordon Craft Autumn Craig Lois & Tom Crane Ginger & Michael Crawford Margaret Cretzmeyer Anne & Jim Croker Janice Cronin Becky Crooks Rick Crooks Kim Crossett Keith Crouch Lanette Crow Margaret & Gary Crowley Jackie & Shawn Crull Jana Crull Pamela & Tom Crum Nancy & Leslie Cullers Janice Curl Patricia & Bob Curran Vicki Curran Dixie & Ray Currier Barbara Curtin & Jane Slaymaker Maryellen & Robert Curtis CustomInk LLC Helen Dailey Betty Dalton Diana & Mark Dalton Sheila & Michael Dalton Fran & T A Darbyshire Kathleen Darling & Jim Glasson Maria & Chris Darnell Betty Dasovich Laurie & Dan Dauber Marilyn Dautremont Carol Davidson Glenn Davidson & Family Terri & Thomas Davies W David Davies Mary & Dick Davin Bill Davis Dorothy Davis Jan Davis Jeanne & S.E. Davis Kathy & William Davis Diane & Keith Davisson Deborah & Alvin Dawson Dorothy Dayton Karen De Groot Maxine De Joode Toni & J J De Ryke Danelle Deatsch Donna Deatsch Teresa & Bob Deatsch Naughton Insurance Agency Inc Donna & Richard DeBrie Doris & Ed DeFosse Eunice & Gerald DeFrance Marcy & Jeffrey Defrance Mary Delaney Maureen Delaney & Harold Johnson Ralph Delozier Marilyn Delsing Marvin Denburg Bernetta Dening Diane & Jerry Denison Lee & Wilmer Denker Diane & James Denneny James Denneny Joyce & Clinton Dennis Mary Ann Dennis Isabelle Denry Susan Deprenger Randy Dermody James Derwin Mary Detweiler Shelly & Kirk Deutsch Pam & Randy Devine Rebecca & Mark Dewaard Marcy & Bob Dewar Diane & Robert Dewitt Ana Diaz-Arnold & Mark Arnold Judith & Eric Dickson Gene Dierking Caroline Dieterle Rosalie & Raymond Dietrich Molly Dietz Glen Dill Teri & Robert Dillon Cynthia Diltz Larry Dingman Julie Divoky Bryan Dobbins Troy Dobbins Toni & Jerry Dodds Jacob Dohmen Julie & David Dohrer Patricia & John Dohrer Jane Dohrmann & Don Anderson Frank Dolezal Mark Dolezal Ken Donnelly Larry Donohoe Family Tammy & Bob Donohoe Valerie & Richard Donohoe Jackie & Pat Donovan Mary Donovan Mary Sue & Bob Donovan Shannon Donovan Gloria Graham Dorr Debra & Richard Dorzweiler Ann Dosen Karen & Derald Dosland Maralee Dotson Megan & Jeremy Dotson JoAnne & Dan Downes Mary Downes Steve Downes Colleen DownieGalindo & Ray Galindo Barbara Doyle Betty Doyle Bond Drager Bev & Don Drahos Karen & David Drake Rosemary & D. Hugh Drake Michelle Dralle Janet & Francis Driscoll Laura & John Driscoll Rhonda & Jim Driscoll Elizabeth Drzewiecki Joan & Elbert Duckworth Beth & Joan Duder Don Duder Mary & Greg Duffey Charlotte Dunlap Gloria Dunlap Debbie & Thomas Dunn Leann & Michael Tyson Eyup Duran Diana Durham Steve Durr Twila & Brian Dusterhoft Lucille & Leroy Duwa Sharon & Mike Duytschaver Diane & Daniel Dvorak Betty Dye Barbara & Gregory Dyer Lorna Dykstra Marilyn Eagle Laurie & David Eash Dean Eberly Patty & David Eckermann Debra & Rick Eckhoff Dixie Ecklund Amy Eckrich Dawn & John Eckrich Delores & William Eden Eva Eden Marion Eden Phyllis Edgington Donna & John Edie Mary Ellen & Bob Edwards Lee Ann Eggers Mildred & Roger Eggleston William Eginton Jessie & Travis Ehlinger Debra & Carl Ehrmann Trina Eitland Yates Char & Glenn Elbert Rosalie Elbert Betty Elder Eleanor S. Hughes Estate Juanita & Emil Elick Daniel Eliserio Dela & Ed Elliott Kathy & Larry Elliott Linda & James Elliott Arlene Ellis Shelly & Matthew Ellison Ellison Insurance Agency Jonnifer Ellsworth Marie & Delmer Elmore Carolyn & Michael Elwood Diane & John Ely Ronald Elyson Beth & Dennis Embke Carolyn & Rick Emerson Elaine Enfield Ruthella & Thomas English Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Frances Engquist Lori Enloe & James Trepka Carol Erban Mary Ann & Denny Erenberger Brenda Erger Catherine & Todd Erickson Lori Erickson John Ernst Kathryn & William Erps Carol & Carl Esker ESP International Joni Eubank Becky & Herb Eutsler Edward Evans Evelyn Evans Kimberly Evans Mary & Doug Evans Turan Evans Zona & Dean Evans Amy Evenson & Douglas Fredericks Marlene & Richard Everhart Don Everist Stacy Ewing-Blount Lisa Exline Tamara & Steven Fahrenkrog Pauline Fallon Dale Farland Pat & Craig Farlinger Joyce Farmer Barbara & Richard Farnsworth Dena Farnsworth Jeremy Farr Mary & Dennis Farrell Eric Farrier Karen Fausett Iola & Lary Feldkamp Tammy & Adam Feldman Sandra & David Feldmann Margaret Fenton Cheryl Ferguson Linda Ferguson Rafael FernandezBotran Dawn & Joe Ferris Carol & Gary Fethke Janet Feuerbach Kevin Feuerbach Phyllis Fiala Lori & Rodney Fiebelkorn Catherine & Albert Figueroa Cindy Filips Lydia Fine Leslie & Tim Finer Katherine & Carl Fink Kathy Finnegan First United Methodist Church Carol & Bruce Fischer Christina Fiscus Gloria & Jim Fisher Megan & Matt Fisher Robert Fisher Ruth Fisher Wayne P Fisher Pami Fite Bob Fittro Kristi Fitzpatrick Mary Jo & Kerry Fitzpatrick H. Darlene Flack Dale Flannery Dan Flannery Carol & Rex Flansburg Andrea Flemming Sandra & Faryl Fletcher Linda & Darrell Flinn Eleanor & Doug Flynn Robert Fohey Joan & Walt Foley Buck Folkedahl David Folkedahl Joan Folkmann & Paul Wise Kari & David Fomon Natalie Foor Geraldine Foraker Cynthia & Steven Forbes Juanita Forbes Kathleen Forbes Maria Forbes Marilyn & Douglas Forbes Barbara Ford Mike Fordice The Foreman Family Elsie Forestner Betty & Charles Forman Annette & Vernon Formo Marsha & John Forys Lisa Foster Pat Foster Tina Foulks Ann & Dan Fountain Audrey & Chris Fountain Cathy & Mike Fountain Patricia & Ralph Fountain Vernon Fountain Shirley Fouts Rachel Fowler Angela & Robert Fox Arlene Fox Rhona Fox Marcia & Marvin Fraise Kathy & Patrick Francois Jann & Dave Frank Penny & Tony Franken Julie Frantz Sherry & John Frantz Bill Frauenholtz Shirley & Robert Frauenholtz Thelma & Don Frauenholtz Brent Frederick Jody Freel Doug Freeman Evonne Freeman Peggy & Andy Freeman Joan & William Frees Wayne Freyenberger Ryan Friederich Connie & Dick Friedl Rose Friedrich Jeanette & Roy Friesz Kathy & Bob Frits Carol Fritz Denise & Mike Fritz Janet & Robert Froehle Robert Froeschner James Fry Gertie & Robert Fuhrmeister Laura & Joe Fuhrmeister Sandra Fuhrmeister Susan Fuhrmeister Kay & Clemens Full Cara & Terry Fuller Jan Fuller Kimberly Fuller Amanda Fulton Stacy & Joe Fultz Debbie Funk Kathy & Rick Funk Irene Furler & Kathryn Hannemann Kathy Furler Mary Furler Phil Gaeta John Gafeller Wanda Gaffey Carol & Joseph Galbraith Dave Gallagher James Gallagher Mike Gallagher Lois Gannon Jessica & Peter Gardner Kathryn Gardner Bernice Garner Sandra & Albert Garver Kay Gaskill Becky & Tim Gassmann Lyla Gast Donna Gault Marilou Gay Claudia & Richard Gegenheimer Kay & Charles Geguzis Mike Gerard Nadine & Butch Gerard Janice Gerlits Jean Gerlits Carla Gerot Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Richard Gerot Kate Gfeller & Casey Cook Deborah & Thomas Gill Helen Gillham Kris & David Gillham Judy & Bill Gilliam Kathleen & Clifford Gillman Deb & Brad Gilpin Jean Gilpin Bonnie Gilroy Mary & John Gilroy Cindy Gingerich Danette Gingerich Dorothea Gingerich Karen Gingerich Vera Gingerich Janet & Roger Gipple Sarah Gisleson Helen Gjovig Cindy Glandorf Jeri & Jonathan Glaze Cathy & Steve Glinsmann Robert Glotfelty Marilyn & David Goble Catherine & James Goddard Trisha Goddard Shepherd & John Shepherd Rita & Paul Goedken Margaret & Rick Goering Linda & Richard Goines Ruth Goldberg Marcia & Robert Golinghorst Tanner Goodrich Ann & Lawrence Gorman Dixie & John Gorsh Linda & Dan Gorsh Barb Goss Martha & Ronald Gottlieb Dian Gottlob Sue Gough Dorothy & Ray Grabin Jeri & Adam Grabin Sherry Grable Henry Graf Cheryl Graham Linda Grantham Clarence Graper Jean Gravert Elmeda & Harry Graves Leann & Joe Graves Grace Greazel Merna & Leo Grecian Cynthia & Larry Green Heather Green John Green Lee & Dave Green Sandy Green Annie Greene Jean Greenwood Greenwood and Crim Yvonne Gregory Carolyn & Joseph Greiner Donna & Fred Greiner Georgia & Nick Greiner Marcia Greiner Tami & Lyle Greiner Myleena Grenis Joan Grenko Darlene Griffith Kaitlynn & Joel Griffith Ruth & Duane Griggs Jan & John Grimm Jean Grimm & Keith Wilson Sharon & Don Grimm Virginia & Earl Gritton Vyrle Grout Sheila & Douglas Grow Carolyn & Roger Grunder Sandra & Paul Grunder Leona Gruwell Therese Guedon Bruce Guither Mary Gunderson Donna & Kyle Gunnells Marie Gurnett Lauri & Tad Gusta Jim Gustafson Wendel Guy John Haack Carolyn Haase Katherine Habley Patty & Kevin Hackathorn Priscilla & Joseph Haessig Gary Hagen Lillian & Richard Hagen Shirley & Charles Hagermann Cindy & Kenny Hahn Jean & Elmer Hahn Mike Hahn Patricia & David Hahn Zaida Haight Marvin Hain Lisa Hall Penelope Hall Steph Hall Betty & Bill Halleran Barbara & Theodore Halm Lou & Joe Halsch Clarine & Jerry Halvorsen Janet Haman Keri Hamann Patricia & John Hamil Betty Hamilton Brian Hamilton Hallie & Justin Hamilton Jeanne Hamilton Rosalie & Gene Hancock Margaret & Terry Handley Sarah Handley Mary & Charles Handy Laura Hanken Joyce & Donald Hanks Marilyn & Bruce Hanna Arlys & Harlan Hannam Kathy & Tom Hannemann Tim Hanrahan Becky & David Hansen Carolyn Hansen Marilyn & Dennis Hansen Rhonda & Clyde Hansen Sue & Craig Hansen Thomas Hansen Suzanne Hansen-Klucas & Joseph Klucas Betty Hanson Connie & Russ Hanson Kathleen Hanson Rose Hanson Michelle & Brian Harder Alberta Harding Emma Hardt Anne Hardy Carolyn Hardy Darlene & Howard Harmon Lawrence Harney Marguerite Harney Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Harney Pat Harney Patrick Harney Margaret Harris Shirley Harris & Dawn Rogers Peter Hartford & John Hartford Evan Hartley Wayne Hartwig Audrey & Frank Hartzler Dorothy & Herb Hartzler Bonnie Hauser Joanne & Brian Havel Karey & Daniel J Hawkins Pauline Haworth Wendi & Charles Hayden Mona & James Hayes Dawn Hays Healthy Habit Fitness, Inc. Mary & Curt Heath Jeanette & George Heble Norma & Ronald Heck Angie Hedrick Doris Hegtvedt Jody Heifner 19 Jeanne Hein Leora Hein Sheila Helmick Pat Helmold Lynda Hemann Jenny & Ben Hemingway Steve Hemingway Kathleen Henderson Neil Henderson Georgia & Donald Hendricks Cindy & Jeff Hendrickson Marvalene Hendrickson John Henk Misty Henle Chuck Hennes Kathleen & Dean Henricks Mary Henry & Mohamed Osman Kathleen & Mel Hepker Kandi & Steve Hergert Joan & Robert Hertel Ada Hertz Sandie Herwig Dale Hess Butch Hesseltine Angela Hester Amy Heumphreus Joanne Hicks Phyllis & Robert Hicks Donna Higgins Lynn & Dale Hill Mary Hill Pat Hill Duane Hills Jeanna & Matthew Hills Maria & Thomas Hillyer Robert Hilsenbeck Sean Hilsenbeck Tammi Hilsenbeck Pam & Glenn Hinkhouse Donna & Larry Hintermeister Mallory & Scott Hinz Stan Histand Dodie & William Hoben Diane & Bill Hobson Elvesta & Loren Hochstedler Jackie Hodson Angie & Arlan Hoebelheinrich Barb & Roger Hoeve Janet Hoffey Judy Hoffman Lynne Hoffman Marilyn Hoffman Mary Hoffman Shelly & David Hoffman Ronda Hoffmann Mike Holderness Joyce & Gayle Hollenbeck Candi & Kevin Holm 20 Hannah Holman Jill & D.A. Holmes Julie & James Holte Karen & David Honson Margie & Ray Hood Nicole & Jerod Hook Pat & Flo Hopewell Karen Hopp Barbara & Richard Horak Sarah Horning Kim & Daniel Horras Nancy & Ron Horrell Angie & Denis Horsager Audrey Horsager Calista & George Hospodarsky Jean Hospodarsky Cynthia & Gary Hotka Carolyn & Marvin Hotz Jane & Thomas Hotz Kevin Hotz Sharon Hough Houseworks Laura Howard Linda Howard Linda & Loren Howsare Emily Hoyer Betsy & Bob Hradek Shirley & Ray Hruby Marsha Hucke Lynn & Randy Hudachek Ardis & Dallas Huebner Lizabeth Huey Audrey Huff Gary Hughes Lonna & Brendon Huisingh Carol Hulseberg Stephanie Hultman Joanie Hummer Jessica Hunter & Tom Christensen Keith Hunter James Huntington Al Huntzinger Eunice & Russ Hunzelman Marguerite & Thomas Hunzinger Charles Huss Jackie & Bill Hutchinson Quyen & Quyen Huynh Carol Hafner Iles & Dwight Iles International Assoc of Machinists & Aerospace Workers Local 1526 Iowa City Dental Wives Iowa Department of Transportation/ Dyersville Field Office Terry Ira Mary Irey Maureen Irish-Gorvin Sandra & Russell Irvine Phyllis Irwin Lori & Mark Isaac Donna & John Isaacs Phyllis Isenberg Josiah Ives Marianne Ives Sally Jablonski Dave Jackson Linda Jackson Kathy Jacobs Diane Jacobsen Mary Jacobsen Gloria Jacobson Judith & Robert Jaeger Jane & James Jakobsen Carol James Randall James Rita & Larry Jamison Joe Janecek Marvel & Richard Janko Jane Jansen Ann & Alan January Deborah & Danny Jarrad Betty Jarrard Pauline Jarrard Carolyn Jarvis Ellen & Ronald Jenn Lois Jenn Marcia & Melvin Jenn Ann & Ron Jennings Marilyn & Charles Jennings Starr & Dennis Jennings Betty & Bob Jensen Dick Jensen Kirsten Jensen Marilyn Jensen Marsha Jensen Mary Fran & Michael Jensen Mary Lou Jensen Pat Jensen Shirley & Bill Jensen Susan Jensen Cordell Jeppsen Kathy & Tom Jepsen Kevin Jepson Mary Jepson & M.D. Goldsmith Sandra & Donald Jepson Bonnie Jerry Janice & Dean Jeter Patricia & David Jeter Evelyn Jewett Robin Jindrich-Cecil Mary Sue & Jim Jiras Margery & Keith Johnk Becky Johns David Johnsen Ardath & Dale Johnson Carolyn & Lee Johnson Chris & Roy Johnson Connie & Bruce Johnson Craig Johnson Darlene & Donald Johnson Dave Johnson Denise Johnson Donna Johnson Dorothy Johnson Earl L. Johnson James Johnson Kelly Johnson Loraine Johnson Marilyn Johnson Melissa Johnson Mina Johnson Traci Johnson Colleen & Nathan Johnston Francis Johnston Kenneth Johnston Lisa & Jay Johnston Sandy & Mike Johnston Donna Jondle Barb & Ron Jones Casey Jones Catherine & Lawrence Jones Emilee Jones Irene Jones Jane & Scott Jones Joni Jones Judy & Jim Jones Kathy & David Jones Nancy Jones & Michael Hovland Tracy & Kenton Jones Jill Jordan Janeen Jorgenson Linda Judiesch Cindy Juhl Kasey Jurgensen Gayle & Carol Kaalberg Gerrie Kaalberg Kristine Kaalberg Linda Kaalberg Ken Kabela Betty & Robert Kacena Susan & Terry Kaduce Joan & Jack Kahler Julie Kahler Karen & Larry Kahler Barb Kalvig Carrie Kaminsky Jann Kampfe Mark Kamps Betty Kann Joseph A Kantor Ellen and Bill Kapp Marsha & Larry Karniski Karl Karsten Sharon & Matthew Kaschmitter Lois & Nathan Kasdorf Sondy Kaska Rose Kasparek Dawn & Don Kasper Jean Kasper Lisa & Ed Kasper Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Kasper Katherine Kasten Rebecca & Wayne Kaufman Ryan Kay Marilyn & Douglas Kean Michelle & Thomas Keating Nicci Keck Gloria Keefer Gloria & Leigh Keehner David Keeley JJ Kehoe Anita Keifer Amanda Keil Ruth Kellems Lori Keller & Dennis Conner Wilma & Danny Keller Mary & Michael Kelley Tammy & Shawn Kellogg Jo Kelly Tim Kelly Alice & Alfred Kelp Phyllis W. Kelso Betty Kemp Kate Kemp Bernie Kennedy Genie Kennedy Helen Kent Patricia & Carl Kepley Helen Kerkove Tammy & David Kerkove Jean & Raymond Kerr Kathryn & John Kessenich Julie & Jeff Kessler Micheal Kessler Carol Ketchum Mary Anne Kiefer Sandy & Craig Kiene Sue & Eldon Kile Tracy Kimber Karen & Darold King Jon & Jerry Kinnamon Edward Kintz Betty Kirchner Kimberly Kirchner Becky & Jerry Kirkpatrick Christine Kirkwood Jane & Barry Kirsch Jodi & Kevin Klebe Andi & Steve Klein Betsy Klein Deb Klein Kathy Klein Linda Klein Richard Klein Sue & Kenneth Klein Thomas A Klein Martha Kleinmeyer Jan Kleinschmidt Rhonda & Vince Klosterboer Kathy Kmieciak Judith & William Knabe Marilyn Knebel Pat Knebel Carole Kniep Heidi Knoop Cindy & Chuck Knouse Linda Knowling Mary Knowling Deanna Koch Monica Koch Darcy & Terry Koehn Bryan Koestner Jan & Loyd Koopman Joyce & Henry Kopf Patsy & David Kordick Alberta Kos Cynthia & Michael Koshatka Linda Koss Suzanne Koury Elaine & Don Kout Annie & Dave Kraemer Bob Kraemer Jean & Bill Kraemer Su & Ken Kraemer Evelyn Kral Judy & Joe Kral Barb Krall Monica Krall Sara Krall Lucille Kraus Karen Krehlik Sandy & Kim Kreinbring Brad Kreiss Ellen & Dennis Kremer Jim Kretzschmar Kris & Lee Kriener Becky Kriz Sharma Kroeger Nancy & Charl Kroeze Trish & Dennis Kron Edward Krotz Patty Kruckenberg Lorna Krueger David Krug Lana & Richard Kruse Louise & Gregg Kruse Sandra & Terry Kruse Nancy & Randy Krutzfield Mari & Ken Kucera Joanne Kudrna Kris Kuehl Dawn & Thomas Kueny Anne & Neil Kumor Barbara Kuncl Brenda Kunkel Carleen & John Kurimski Alice & Shelly Kurtz Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Laura & Bill Kurtz Sharon & Bill Kutcher Angie & Kris Kvach Alice Kyle Judy & Doug LaBrecque Kenneth Lacina Kris Lacina Johanna Laing Marlene Lake Jean A Lakin Gregory Lamb Mary Lamm Brittney Lampe Emily Landan Nancy Landt Catherine & Jim Lane Elaine Langenberg Langhart Inc Dot Langholdt Judith & David Langhurst Janet & Bruce Lanik Lantern Park Care Center Jane & Dan Lantz Janet & Cary Lantz Megan Lantz Toby & Chris Lantz Harold J Larew Hester Larew Louise & Richard Larew Norma & John Larew Becky & Paul LaRoche Bridget LaRoche H. Luella Larson Julie & John Larson Rachelle & Philip Larson Terri & Steve Larson Dana & Kenneth LaRue Karen & Steve Laszczak Ruth Lathrop Rebecca & A D Latta Darlene & Donald Lauder Cynthia & Thomas Lauer Don Lauer Mary & Richard Laur Julie Laurence & Joe Schrock Ethel & Lloyd Law Linda & Jerry Lawrence Tom Lawrence Barbara & Warren Lawson Sandra & Keith Lazar Pauline Leaverton Gordon LeDoux Ann & Brian Lee Mary Lee & Charles Porto Jocile Leeney Patrick Leeney Jackie Leggett Deb & Tim Lehman Debbie & Jerry Lehman Muriel Lehman Shirley & Walter Lehman Harold Lehn Bill Lehner Pat & Bob Lehnertz Kay & Bill Leighty Shelley & Zachary Leiser Eileen and Jim Leland Lori & John Lems Patricia Lenoch Sophia & John Lenoch Phyliss & Bob Lentfer Russell Lenth Janice Lenz Jean & Bryan Lenz Janel & Robert Lesan Mary Ann Letizio Joan & Gary LeValley Linda & Samuel Levey Mary Levsen Amy & Chris Lewis Anna Lewis Cathy & Jim Lewis Dorothy & Howard Lewis Mary & Gary Lewis Donna & James Leyden Evelynn Lie Jeffrey Liebermann Lorraine & Frank Light Ann Lillis Pat & Robert Lillis Mary Ellen & James Lincoln George Lindeman Jerry Lindemann Kathleen Lindley Sharon Lingren Betty Linn Deborah & Leon Lintz Robert Lipsius Judy Livingston Ron Loan Doris Lockridge Donna Lodermeier Robert Logan Delores Longwell-Aller Kirk Loomer Carolyn Loops Mary & Herbert Loops Lisa & Randy Lorack Betty Louis Lauren Louvar Viola & Don Lovetinsky Nita Lovick Ann & David Ludovissey Pat Lueras Theresa & Duane Lukavsky Martha & K.E. Luke Amy Lukehart-Davis & Steven Davis Janet Lumpa Jeanne Lund Diana & John Lundell Beverly & Carroll Lust Susan & Philip Lutgendorf Gayle Lyman Conni & Dale Lynch Doris Lynch Karen & Chuck Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lynch Robin & Daniel Lynch Rosemary Lynch Margaret & John Lyons Shirley & Leon Lyvers Deb & Stewart Maas Julie & Bud Maas Sharon & Marv Maas Glenna MacGowan Deborah MacInnis Carol Macon Jill Macoska Sonya Madden Donna & Billy Maddux Mary Madlock Char & Mark Madsen Judy Madsen Barbara Magee Christina Magruder Barbara & Donald Mahanna Christine & Randall Maher Jo Mahoney Rosemary Mahoney Mary & Frank Main Kim & Rick Malcom Jeanne Malichky Margaret Malloy Martin Malloy Kelli Manary Jo Ann Manderscheid Anne & Bryan Mangano Nicole Mann Justin Manz Carol Mapes Bradley Marcus Rita Marcus Patricia & John Marengo Linda & Tom Marie Janet Marin Michelle & John Marks Norine Marlowe Dawn Marolf Margaret & Garry Marsengill Mel & Dale Martens Martha E Wilson Kim Martin Patrick Martin Renee Martin Lisa Martincik Betty Marx Melanie Masbruch Theresa Masbruch Lisa & Dom Mascardo Peggy & Robert Maschhoff Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Joy & Paul Maske Lyn & Robert Maske Dordana Mason Gayle Mason Caroline Mast Meleah Mathahs Tammy & Randy Mather Patricia Mathes Kris Matheson Tamara & Bret Mathews Joann & Bob Mathias Shashi Mathur Marilyn & Evan Matthews Pat & Doug Matthews David Mattingly Dolores Mattson Hillary Maurer Larry Maurer Sue Maurer Patricia Maxey Joan & Dr. Paul Maxwell Sarah Maxwell Leckband Cindy Mays Linda & Bill McArtor Marge & Tracy McArtor Robert McAtee Vicki & Chuck McBreen Victoria M. McBrien Connie & Robert McCain Debra McCarthy Brian McConnell Marde & Joseph McConnell Sue & Jerry McConnell Maureen McCormick Deborah & Stanley McCreedy Judy & Roger McCuddin Candy & Don McDonald Colleen & Denny McDonald Donna & Steve McDonald Joan & John McDonald Lena & Donald McDonald Nancy & Rocky McDonald Lisa & Scott McDowell Pam McDowell Jen McFarland Barbara McGee Janaan & Ed McGinness Lee McGovern Sherri McGregor Edgar McGuire Leona McGurk Marge McGurk Sheila McIntyre R. Anne McKay Nancy McKean Dawn & David McKenzie Cynthia & Lynn McKibben Susan McKillip Jan McKiness Krista McKiness Becky McLachlan Billie McLachlan Ann & David McLaughlin Laura & Garl McLaughlin Marian McLaughlin Frances McLean Edwina & Mark McLees Jim McLinden Joyce & Scott McMaster Barbara McNeil Jonathan McPheron Pamela & Terry McVay Carol & Russ Meade Sharon & Richard Meade Jeanette Means Mary & Scott Means Rose Meer Barbara & Dallis Meier Betty Meka J D Mendenhall Lisa Metz Rose Metz Earl Meyer Lois & Norbert Meyer Diane & Steve Meyerholz Elizabeth & Max Meyers Peggy & Virgil Meyers Catherine & Donald Michel Joan & Gerald Michel RoseAnn & Terry Michel Cyndi Mick Ruth & Robert Mick Cynthia & James Midkiff Jewell & Donald Midthun Bob Mikelson Linda & Michael Milder Nancy & Gary Milder Deborah & Patrick Milke Arlene & Art Miller Arlene Miller Betty Miller Bob Miller and Family Brenda & Steven Miller Chip Miller Clarissa Miller Darci & Thomas Miller Darcy Miller Dean Miller Effie & John Miller Elaine Miller Gertrude Miller Iona Miller Jan & William Miller Joann & Daniel Miller Julie & Samuel Miller Julie Miller Kathy & Gene Miller Katie & Jeffrey Miller Leanne Miller Loretta A. Miller Maxine Miller Mickey & David Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Miller, Jr. Pauline Leaverton & Dwight Miller Phil Miller Phyllis & George Miller Sandra Miller Sarah Miller Susan & Bruce Miller Susan & Gregory Miller Terri Miller Virginia & Steven Miller Bonnie Millett Helen & Roscoe Millett Janice & John Millett Becky Mills Debra & Virgil Mills Karene L. Mills Michael Mills Sidney Mills Mike Minceart Stefani & Danny Miner Kerry Minner Janice Mishler Jacque & Mark Mitchell Jennifer and Brian Mitchell Mark Mitchell Mary & Dennis Mittag Karen & Norman Mitts Ellen Moel Alice & Andrew Moeller Marlene Moeller Joyce Moen Marguerite & Henry Moen Sherry & Lynn Moffit Suzanne & Robert Moffit Sandy & Lyle Mohr Lurae Mohrfeld Luvamae & Leroy Mohrfeld Mon Teaze Julie & Kevin Monson Russell Monson Jane Montford Lou Ann & Bill Montgomery Bob Moore Doris Moore Ellen Moore Janet & Paul Moore Susan Moore Cheryl Moothart 21 Sandy and John Moreland Freda & Gerald Morescki Jolyn & Al Morgan Margaret Morgan Diane Morman Barbara Morris Beverly Morris Wilda Morris Amos Morrison Jody & Dan Morrison Kelly Morrison Martie & Ray Morrison Michelle Morrison Jean & Jack Morsch Morse Community Club Rachel & Lee Moser Janice & Ken Moss Jean & Ed Mougin Leona & Vic Mougin Nicole & David Moyes Lois & Siegmar Muehl Glenda & Mike Mueller Laura & Jason Mueller Bernie Mulford Ellen Mullen Keveen & Lawrence Mullendore Mary Ann & Lee Muller Jennabelle & Melvin Mullikin Terri & Gary Mullinnix Alfreda & John Murphy Barbara & James Murphy Bonnie Murphy Carolyn & Michael Murphy Matt Murphy Sheryl & Pat Murphy Sandra Murrah Barb & Gene Murray Carol & Ted Murray Helen Murray Teresa Murry Gladys Musser Judy & Jerry Musser Shannon Musser Linda & Ray Muston Florah Mwenegoha Joyce & Michael Myer Coleen Myers Kathleen & Richard Myers Patricia & Joel Myers Shirley Myers Crystal & Richard Myrvik Patricia & Everett Nash Sharon & Curt Nash Angie Nash-Beaudette & Jill Nash-Hoxeng Joe Naughton Kimberly A. Nauman Jennifer & Timothy Navara 22 Sheryl Neal Lucille Nealson Ellen Neary Mary & James Nebel Thomas Nebel Kevin Nedd Mary Nedved Potter & Mick Potter Marilyn Neely Darlyne & John Neff Carol & Daryl Neitderhisar Bonnie Nelson Cleone & Richard Nelson Amy Nemacheck April & Robert Neppl Carly & Jim Netolicky Gaycia & Allyn Neubauer Marie Neubauer Allison Neuzil Jack Neuzil Mary & Steven Neuzil Theresa Neuzil Trisha Neuzil Nancy & Eldon Newberry Lisa Newcomb Elizabeth NewkirkCulver Betty Newman Larry Newman Susan Newton Polly Nichols Nichols Agriservice LLC Helen Nicklaus Penny Nicks Sherry & Dennis Nicola Ellen & Keith Niehaus Marcene Niehaus Lavonne & Gerald Nielsen Roger Nielsen Nancy & L.Leroy Nissley Candace Noble Jo & Ken Noble Linn Noble Lyndon Noggle Anne & Carl Nolan Karen Nolte Lynn & Michael Noonan Carol & Gerald Nordquist Billie & Harold Norris Carol Northup Jennifer & Bob Noser Marcia & Bill Novak Barbara & David Nowling Frances Nussbaum Mary O`Brien Shirley & Dale O`Brien Delores O`Connor Mary & James O`Connor Sue & Duane O`Donnell Irene & Hugh O`Meara Jean O`Neill Marsha & Andrew O`Neill Gail O`Rear Phyllis & David Oakes Kathleen Oberley Lois & Leo Ochiltree Joan Ochs Karen & Loren Oetken Mary Jo & Larry Ogden Wilma & Carl Ogren Devon & Nicholas Olberding Helen & Philip Oldis Robert Oldis Dede & Dave Ollendick Chris & Daryl Olney Georgia Olsen Connie & James Olson James Olson Ellen & Ron Oostendorp Margaret Oostendorp Michele Opheim Jim Organ Marilyn Ortberg Joyce & Marvin Orte Sandy Osborn Sharon Osborn Liz & Sam Osborne Melanie & Kevin Ostmo Peggy Ostrem Denna & Bernard Osvald Carolyn & Richard Otis Letha & Vince Ottaway Ed Otten Arlene Otto Charles Owen Jason Owen Jeff Owen Justine & Don Owen Mike Owen Sharee Owens Oxford Sales Barn Ellen Paintin Chuck Palmberg Clare Palmer Linda & Don Palmer Lula & Kim Palmer Judy & Sam Pantel Kevin Paper Diane Parker Sarah Parker Mary & Craig Parton Rosemary Partridge Christine & David Pate Kathleen & Christopher Paterson David Patterson Dorothy Paul Virginia Paul Lisa Paulos Melinda Paulsen Nicole Paulsen Shirley Paustian L Kate Paxton Joyce Payne Katherine & Kirk Payne Sheila Payton Anne Peacock Andrea & Neal Pearson Irene Pearson Katy Pearson Ora J. Pearson Sherry & Robert Pearson Diane Peden Joetta Peden Cora Pedersen Geraldine & Delmar Pedersen Pat & Thomas Pederson Roland Pederson Jodi & Dennis Peer Dennis Pelzer Mark & Brenda Pelzer Kurt Penfold Hal Penick Maurita & Doug Penn Maribeth Penningroth Perry Penniston Joy Perkins Judith Perkins Marlene Perkins Linda & Patrick Perry Connie Pestonik Carol & Bill Peters Frank Peters Linda & Scott Peters Janeth Peterseim Helen Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Petersen Joanne Peterson Dolores Pfannebecker Anne Pham Amy Phelps Dorothy Phelps Dorsey Phelps Kerry Phelps Janis & James Phillips Michael Phillips Michele & Steve Phillips Physical Therapy Services Kris Pickens Sandra Pickup Deloris & William Pierce Linda Pierce D.L. & J.L. Pillers Jimmy Pinkham Phyllis Pinzon Paula Piper Andrew Piro Marilyn & Morrie Pitlick Edna Pixley Connie & Charles Plank Bruce Platteter Jim Plaugher Marian Plecker Diane & Bill Poch Adam Pollack Daniel Pollock Mary Lou & Ralph Pollpeter Susan & Gregg Polzin Gloria Popham Judith Porter Nancy Porter Patsy Porter Arlene Post Rhonda Potter Lotene Poulsen Susie & Jonathan Poulton Jennifer & Ted Powell Patrick Powell Ruth Powell Jodie & Daniel Power Veronica Power Jackie & Lonnie Powers Prairie High School Judy & Larry Prior Bob Probst Janice Prochaska Carl Prybil Kerry Prybil Linda & Eldon Prybil Linda & Jeffery Prybil Margaret & Eldon Pugh Bill Pusateri Julianne & Steve Putman Kenneth Putney Rhonda & Darly Pyle Brenda Pyrz Lynda Pyter & Fred Stierle Julie & Misbah Qidwai Sharon & Elliot Quick Pamela & Steven Quigley Julie & Mike Quinlan Mary Quinlan Margaret & John Raab Dianne & Jerry Radford Bernadette & Martin Radtke Sharon & John Raffensperger Sanjana Raghavan Yvonne & Daniel Ralfs Judith & Jerry Randall Katherine & John Randolph Dorothy & Charles Raney Doug Raney Ruth & Charles Ranfeld Julie Rannik Houston Cami & Terry Rasmussen Jackie & Doug Rasmussen Sandy & Leo Rathjen Karen & Chris Rauch Terri Rauhaus Susan & Nigel Ray Tanya & Dan Reade Millie & Joe Reagh Cheryl Reardon Katherine & Allen Rebal Sharon & Charlie Rebouche Leanne & Robert Reddick Audrey & Cletus Reed Donna Reed Doug Reed Dr. & Mrs. Jim Reed Diane & Earl Reese Susan & Jim Reese Hazel Reeve Donna & David Reha Vicki & Lane Reid Neta & Steve Reif Richard Reiland Dawn Reimers Dee & Jim Reimers Lynne & Ken Reimers Natalie & Tristan Rempel Mary & Marlyn Renken Phyllis Renner Chad Reschly Ellen & David Rethwisch Ginny & Ken Rew Doug Reynolds Harriet & Dave Reynolds LuAnn Reynolds & Dave Parsons Thelma Reynolds Rebecca & Larry Reynoldson Linda Rhines Andrea Rich Jerilyn & Stephen Rich Lori Richard Ann Richards Linda Richards Jenny Richardson Ann & Jim Ridenour Teresa & M.J. Riehl Carol & Scott Riggan Tena & Al Riggan Diane Riley Dolores Riley Lorie & Tom Riley Kevin Rinehart Diane & Roy Rios Carol & Bill Roberts Edie Roberts Vona Robertson Wanda & Karl Robertson Debra Robin Belinda & Andy Robinson Robert Robison Jessica Rockafellow Dennis Rodenberg Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Carolyn Rodgers Marilyn Rodgers Mary & Wayne Rodgers Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rodnitzky Chris & Mike Rogers Dawn & James Rogers Diane & Gary Rogers Dorothy Rogers Kathleen & Richard Rogers Cynthia Rogerson Cyndi Rohret & Gary Schmidt Dean Rohret Lucy & Earlis Rohret Phyllis & Ron Rohret Scott Rohret Trish & Jim Rohret Philip Roller Darlene Rominger Sharon & John Rose Joyce & James Rossie Vickie Rotter Joan Rowland Goldie & Jack Royston Jessica Rozek Amanda & Tom Rozycki RSM McGladrey Inc Marilyn & Kenneth Ruegsegger Terry Ruff Cindy Ruffcorn Lois Rugger Sue Rugger Rugger Underground Construction Inc Irene Ruhland Frieda Rummelhart Jo Rummelhart Mary Rummelhart Susan & Larry Rummells Jean Ruppert Karen & Bill Ruppert Angeline Russell Melody Russell Donna & Pat Ruth Ro & Jack Ruth Avonell Rutherford Carol & Larry Rutt Nancy & Lavon Rutt Diane Ryerson Chet Rzonca Thaila & Mark Sadewasser Rosie Sadler Janice Salemink Wanda & Richard Salemink Annie & Tony Salerno Lynn G. Salzbrenner Mary Beth & Marvin Sammons Shirley & Jack Samuels Ken Sandersfeld Rebecca & Steve Sandersfeld Katherine Saunders Ricardo Sauro Phil Savidusky Kathleen & Don Sayles Linda & Bill Sayre Helen & Gary Schaapveld Henry Schaapveld Joyce & Leslie Schaapveld Nancy & Loren Schaapveld Warren Schaapveld Helen Schabilion Nancy Schaefer Susan & Duane Schaefer Patti & Jeff Schaeffer Janice Schafer Anne Scheetz Grace Scheetz Kristine Scheetz Lynette & Thomas Scheetz Mona & Tom Schemmel Coleen & Michael Scherrer Catherine Schiele Kay Schillig Carol Schiltz Edna Schindhelm Fern Schintler Lisa Schintler Richard Schintler Julie Schlabaugh Steven Schlabaugh Carolyn & John Schmidt John Schmidt Randy Schmidt Reba Schmidt Rita & Robert Schmidt Susan & David Schmidt Laura Schmitt Susan & Edward Schmucker Patricia Schnack Marcella & Harry Schnedler Amy & Michael Schneider Cleola Schneider Eileen Schneider Jackie Schneider Kathleen Schneider Lois & Robert Schneider Mary & Samuel Schneider Rich Schneider Beth Schnoebelen Carol Schnoebelen Connie & Dale Schnoebelen Jan Schnoebelen Kathleen & Kevin Schnoebelen Marj & Paul Schnoebelen Sondra & Vern Schnoebelen Lynne Schnoenbelen Nichola & Matthew Schoenfelder Becky & Ken Schoenthaler Mary & Raymond Scholbe Missy Schooley Kathleen Schoon Katie Schott Alan Schrock Gail Schrock Ann & Dave Schroeder Gwen & Michael Schroeder Stacy & Craig Schroeder Larry Schropp Diane Schubert Anne Schulte & Richard White Chester Schulte Jamie Schulte Cecelia Schulz Rudy Schulz Laura Schumacher Greg Schurk David Schutt Sandi Schutt Veronica & Kenneth Schwab Amy Schwake Leanne & Gary Schwarting Evelyn & Allen Schwarz Diane & Dan Schweer Roger Schwierjohn Helen Schwietert Nancy & Orey Schwitzer Sue & Daniel Scoles Alice Scott Rebecca Scott Barbara Scotton Judy & Donald Scroggs Susan Scumacher Van Seaman Carol & James Searls Holly & James Searson Bev & Tom Seaton Ginny & Jeff Seaton Chris Sedrel Beverly & Spencer Seeberger Melinda & Dwight Seegmiller Deb & Pat Seemuth Harold & Marian Seifert Janet Seiser Mrs. & Mr. Frank Sellers Tami & Jerry Serbousek Vanessa Serotta Terry Serovy Stef & Rod Sersland Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Dorothy Sexton Jeanette Sexton Leanne & Tom Sexton Myrtle & Paul Sexton Nan & Ronald Sexton Margaret & Dale Seydel Sharon Seydel Barbara & Martin Shafer Ida Shannon Andy Shaw Carolyn & Ken Shaw Joan & Ed Shebek Christine Sheets Shirley & Curtis Sheets Doris Sheldon Jan & Pat Sheldon Ron Shepard Kevin Shepherd Mark Sherer Faith Sheridan Mary Shettler Staci & Steve Shettler Cyndi Shield Dave Shield Melissa & Chad Shield Jan Shields Daniel Shima Glenn Shima Kiva Shogren Connie Short Shaun Short Gary Shubatt Judith & James Shulista Elaine Siddell Blanche & Lee Siegling Lynette & James T Sievers Melanie & Jay Sigafoose Lida Sigg Emily Silliman Connie & Jack Simmonds Deanne & Wayne Simon Janet & Jack Simon Linda Simon Tami & Dan Simon Nana & William Simons Donna Simpson Mary Singleton Norm Singleton Laura Sinn Rina Sjolund Pauline & Paul Skarda Val Skarda Sheryl Skaugstad Patricia Skay Sharon Skerik Susan Skoglund Janice & John Skubal Anna Slach Arnold Slach Betty Slach Jane Slach Janlyn & Gary Slach Sherry Sladek Yvonne Slatton Cynie & Eldon Slaughter Diane & Keith Slaughter Mary Sleichter Jennie Small Rebecca & Myron Smalley Betty & Jim Smith Betty & Wayne Smith Charlotte Smith Charlotte Smith Dave Smith Debbie & William Smith Esther & Daniel Smith Kayla Smith Kristen Smith Mary Smith Michelle Smith Pat Smith Pat Smith Rachel Zimmermann Smith Thelma & David Smith Ann & Terry Smothers Mr. & Mrs. Scott Smothers Mari Snopek Joan & Gary Snyder Aimee SodetaniShibata & Erwin Shibata Joni & Michael Sojka Linda Sondgeroth Judith & Daniel Sorensen M.Elaine Sortor Emily Sotelo Gary Speicher Debbie Spencer James & Nancy Spencer Anita & Lenard Spenler Beth Spenler Esther & Donald Spevacek Patricia & Gary Spevacek Amy & Barry Spicher Loretta & Lee Spilger Rebecca Spilger Joyce & Larry Spillers Sandy Spire Jan & Greg Spragle Phyllis & Fred Sprenger Nicholas Spurgeon Sharon & Marty Squires Donna & James Stagg Margie & Gary Stahl Mary & Paul Stahle Mary Ann & Donald Stahly Kathy & Mel Stahmer Audrey Staley Pamela Stalkfleet Richard Stalkfleet Helen & Ray Stange Sally & Tom Stange Evie Stanske Gary Stanton Sue & Jim Stanton Jack Stapleton Addison Stark Sara Stark Diane State Dorothy Staub Suzanne Staver Jennifer Steburg Helen & Randy Steckly Jay Steen Thelma Steenhard Carol Stegink Naomi & Dave Steinbrech Nancy & Robert Steingreaber Jill Stephenson Marcia Sterba Jill & Durk Sterner Nancy Sterner Shirley Sterner Mary Stessman Deborah Stetson & Stanley Kranovich Wanda Stevens Amy & Robert Stevenson Jan & Todd Stewart Jan Stewart Phyllis Stiefel Jeneane Stiff Sharon Stiff Gail Stika & Tami Jo Farrell Christine & Matt Stilwell Lisa & Mark Stilwell Barbara & Michael Stimmel Linda & Gene Stine Jeanne Stoakes Joyce Stochl Carolyn & Richard Stocker Amy & Dean Stockman Debra Stockman Dick Stockman Eileen Stockman Florence Stockman Heather & Tom Stockman Kate & Bud Stockman Kathleen & Earlis Stockman Marguerite Stockman Sharon Stockman Suzann & Jim Stockman Tootie Stockman Pamela Stoltzfus Alice Stone Geraldine Stoner Joyce Stookey 23 Julia Stout Kathleen & Richard Stout Julie & John Strabala Marjorie Strabala Dea & Jeff Stratton Jim Stratton Lynda Stratton Rosemary Stratton Diane & Jerry Strawn Linda & Tom Streb Shelly Streb-Alberts John Streif Virginia & Eugene Strohman Ann & Shel Stromquist Bev Strother Carl “Bud” Strub Family Cory & Tom Strumpel Cleota & Steven Studt Judith & Ross Stuedemann Laura & Dennis Stuetelberg Blanche Stufflebeam Cindy Stuhr Deb Stumme Joyce Stumme Bonnie Stumpf Jody Stumpf Mary Stumpf Donna & Scott Stutsman Katherine Stutsman Wilma Stutzman Heather & Todd Subbert Laura Suchanek Judith & Gary Suchomel Paul Sueppel Crystel Suhr Ann & Bill Sullivan Madeline Sullivan Cynthia & Richard Surly Megan & Adam Surly Richard Swailes Elaine Swails Sara & Stephen Swails Roberta & James Swanson Karen & Thomas Swenson Teresa Swift Laura Swiser Alla Syrbu Cheryl Tabarella-Redd & Michael Redd Jean Tack Christine & John Tade Julie Tallman Carolyn & Kevin Tappan Travis Tauber Margaret Taylor Marie Taylor Tracy Taylor & Mark McBurney 24 Kent Teague Edna Teets Shirley & Jeff Temple Jill Tenold Joyce Terhune Phyllis Terrell Terri`s Salon Studio 108 Sue Terveer-Mullins & Samuel Mullins Bill Tester Jolene Testrake Dr Michael J Tharp Dee Thayer Mrs. Keith E. Thayer The Depot Oxford LLC The Wave Length Kay Thierly Erin & Brent Thiessen Judy Thirtyacre Pamela Thodos Larry & Tina Thomann Alice & James Thomas Barbara & Gary Thomas Jeanette & Mark Thomas Rachel Thomas Diane Thomason Arlys Joy Thompson Carol & Robert Thompson Doris I Thompson Janet Thompson Larry Thompson Mary & Donald Thompson Nancy & Craig Thompson Tami Thompson Doris Thomsen Susan Thrams Howard Tiemann Evelyn & Robert Tiemeyer Roberta & Gary Tigges Adrienne Tippet Carol & Richard Tobias Barb & Joe Tobin Mrs. & Mr. Gary Todd Jeremy Tompkins Sandy & Clay Tonjes Marleen & Robert Tonne Josephine Tornabuoni & Peter Feldstein Dianne Torrey Lynette Torrey Margaret & Charlie Towers Jane Toycen Priscilla Traman Sue Travis & Andrew Robertson Dennis Treiber Julie Trenkamp Joan & Steven Troester Donna Trolliet Vivian Troyer Jared Trullinger Karen & James Tucker L.M. Tucker Cynthia & Marty Tunning Myra Tunwall U of I Music Therapy Carol Uhlmann UIHC Integrated Call Center Dee Ulin Kris & Mike Updike Rita Urbanek Donna Urdaneta Ann & Vince Uthoff Mary & Arthur Van Cleve Cindy & Alfred Van De Walle Ellen & Luke Van Handel Jennifer Van Horn Cindy Van Orden Audrey Van Roekel Nancy & Terry Van Steenis Julie and Joel Van Zante Marcia & Marlin Veatch Jan Vedepo Marjorie VeDepo Wendi & Joseph Vedepo Patti Venteicher Teresa Vercande Ellen & Craig Verlo Millie Verlo Lois Vermillion Margaret Vernon Brenda Verry Phyllis Vesely Shelby Vespa Cindy Vest Julie Vest Anna Mae & Merle Vickroy Ann & Marcus Villhauer Kathy & Richard Villhauer Mary Villhauer Pat & Edward Villhauer Paula Villhauer Paulette Villhauer Sharon & Jerry Villhauer Janet Vincent Randy Vincent Shelia & Russell Vincent Phyllis & Gene Vineyard Jean & Dick Vitosh Robyn Volpini Marie Von Behren Sabine Vorrink Carol & Thomas Vorwald James Voss Nancy & Richard Voss Christa & William Wachob Yolonda Wagamon Carol Wagner Dolores & Albert Wagner Edwin & Frank Wagner Mary & Bob Wagner Cheryl Wainwright Pat & Leon Wakeley Carol & Rodney Waldschmidt Lori & Ken Waldschmidt Ione & Eugene Walker Jane Walker Marilyn & R Walker Nancy & Jack Walker Shirley Walker Mary Ellen & John Wall Thomas Wall Eileen & Darrell Wallace LeAnn & Gary Walsh Trish & Tim Walsh Lori Walter Reno Walter Rhonda Walters Ruth & Lawrence Walters Audry & Marvin Walton Kimberly Walton Paula Walton Kay & Gene Wandling Debra & Jim Ward Chris & Curt Wardenburg Steven Warner Charles Warren Dee Ann & John Warren Jan Waterhouse & Dave Burbidge Corrine & Charles Waters Lori & Glen Waters Carmen & Paul Watkins Linda Watkins Donna Watson Elaine & Milford Watson Penny & Dick Watson Brendas Watts Waneta Wear Pat Webb Vicki & Bob Webber Cindy Weber Nellie Weber Peggy Weber Susan & Rob Weber Jo Ann Webster Patti Webster Jim Wefel Marcia Wegman Tonya Wegner Deanna Wehmeyer Lisa Weigandt Peg & Mark Weih Sandra & Harold Weinard Anne & Dale Weir Fern Weir Ann and Ron Weiskamp Dee Weiss Roger Welch Jim Weldon Lea & Tim Weldon Sandra & Peter Weller Ann & James Wells Gladys Wells Molly & Jeremy Wells Pat & Skip Wells David Welsh Marge & Raymond Welsh Nancy & Bob Welsh Donna & Michael Welter Nan & Michael Wendling Arlene & David Wenger Bev Wenman Hazel & Arthur Wenman Michele Weno Jane Weppler Connie & Pamela Werkmeister Marlene Werner Dan Werthmann Teresa & John Wessling Catherine West Cynthia West West Bank Donald Westaway Barbara & Charles Westberg Judith Westcott Karen & Harley Westfall Nancy & James Westlake Mary & Sean Wetjen Sean Wetjen Gail Wetzstein-Kirchner & Steve Kirchner Lynn & Pete Weyer Edward Wheeler Cathy & Steve White Chris White Martha White Pamela & Robert White Carol & William Whiteis Kathy & Robert Whiteside Jean Whiting Janet & Al Wicks Renee & Terry Wiebel Ann & J.W. Wieck IlaRae Wieck Lori Wiedemeier Julie Wiedner Ashley & Jake Wieland Beverly Wiese Dave Wiese Pat Wilcox Janelle & Mike Wildman Donna Wilkerson Caroline & Olga Will Denise Willems Bonnie Williams Doris Williams Ed Williams Judy Williams Karen & Tom Williams Linda Williams Mindy & Guy Williams Sharla Williams Harold Williamson Sandra & Harold Willingham Avery Wills Ronda Willsher & David Gardner Katherine Willson Cathy & Bruce Wilson Dennis Wilson Doris & Edward Wilson Judith & Dale Wilson Judy Wilson Julie & Don Wilson Kay & Lonny Wilson Pamela & Mark Wilson Pamela Wilson Ruth & Dave Wilson Karen & Phillip Winborn Laney Wingate Margaret Winkler Winner High School Class of 1946 Margaret Winninger Anthony Winter Julie Wohler Erma & Robert Wolf Katherine Wolfe Lindsey Wolfe Mary & Charles Wolfe Peggy Wolfe Sue & Steve Wolken Beth & Roger Wombacher Nancy & Ray Wombacher Barbara Womer Cindy Wood Edna Wood Jennifer & William Wood Lori & Scott Wood Tootie Wood Gayle Woods Kevin Woods Janet & Tom Woody Peggy & Dave Wooldrik Donna & Ron Worrell Jim Worrell Jane Worstell Jill Wrenn Michelle Wrenn Priscilla & Steven Wright William Wright Debra & Daniel Wyjack Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors John Wyrick Shirley & Darrell Wyrick Liz & Randy Yakish Lavon & Kevin Yeggy Merritt Yeggy Dora & Charles Yoder Doris Yoder Kathryn & Gerald Yoder Lorna Yoder Norma Yoder Patricia Yoder Allison York & John Schmidt Eileen Yotty Albion Young Virginia & James Young Juanita & Raymond Youngberg Sharon Zahradnek Gloria Zajicek Anne Zalenski Marcia & Tom Zapf Gene Zdrazil Patricia Zebrowski Karen & Tom Zeman Lois Zeman Donna & Vic Zender Jennifer & Keith Zerbee Christine Ziemer Karen Zimmerman Mona & Gary Zimmermann Rick Zimmermann Jon Zinkula Steve Zinkula Ashley Zitzner & Dustin Balius Barbara & Franklin Zoeller Ruth & Dale Zuber Charlotte & Charles Zwiener Penny Blakley Carl Colony Harlan Edgar Russell Gerdin Jackie Blum Charles Conlee Hazel Edmundson Hazel & John Gillespie Warren Booth William J. Connell Denny Elbert Madaline Gilliam Peter Bossone Carole Ann Conner Goldie Elder Della and Jim Gilmore Evelyn “Billie” & Harold Bouschlicher Jim Connolly Virginia “Sue” Eldridge William “Bill” Gilpin Thomas Bowen Connie Cook Ann and Frank Elliott Jerry Wayne Gingerich Myles Cook Joyce Ellsworth Marilyn Gingerich Gayla Boyd Lillian & Archibald Coolidge Catherine M. Ellyson Dr. John Patrick “Doc” Glenn Patricia “Pat” Brack Elma Cooney Beth Waldis Elzey Jackie Cooper John Emde Dorothy Glick Joanne Brant Greer Lois Gochenour Bob Braverman Leon Cooper Ruth Englert Carl Goetz Edwin Breese Laura Cornell Don Engquist Mary Cornwall Kim Ephgrave Jonathan Goldstein Teri Breitbach Sonia Goldstein “John” Barron Bremner Jean Costa The Four Erixon Sisters Joe Brennan Jeanne Wretman Goodrich Amy Brenneman Nona & Wendell Coulter Ila Ernst Dale Brenneman Harold Courtney Ola Brenneman John Cox Robert and Vivian Broghammer Lorna Cox Bob Brown Gertrude Brown Elizabeth LaVarge Cramer Marion & Loren Brown Linda Crist Louis Brown Sharon Crist Dr. Robert Brown William Croker Oleta & Roy Sr. Browning Donna Jean Cruse Charles Buckley Doris Curtis Tim Burke Ellouis Daehn Vicki Burketta Charles Dagle James “JJ” Burkhart Allegra Dane Robert Bush Selma Dauber Barbara and Larry Buster Larry Dautremont Wayne Buster Charles Davidson Peggy & Glenn Bowers Memorial Gifts were made in memory of the following individuals: Helen Adams Andy Adolphson Charles W. Agne Wayne R. Ahrens Alois “Allie” Alberhasky Erma & John Alberhasky Nancy M. Albertson Linda Alcock Harold Lynn Aldrich Richard Anderson Charles Andrews Ruth Andrews Else Aquilino Lana Archer Kathleen & Sven Armens Sarah & Elwyn Ashman Walter Baack Kay Bailey Pam Bailey Seth Andrew Bailey Dan Baker Mona Ball William Barchnagel Remi J. Cadoret Donald Calvelage Carl Craig Florence & Bud Curran Brenna Davidson Deanne, Traci & Michelle Yvonne Esbaum Herbert Leth Espensen Betty Evans Kathy Evans Bonnie Link Gerber Family and friends The Farus Family James Fath Eileen Ferrance Elmer Ferrel Harold Fiala Robert Finley Brendan Fisher James Fisher James Vernon Fisher Paul Fisher Roger Fisher Luke J. Flaherty Lauren Reece Flaum Vance Fletcher Henry Flitz Millie Flynn Teresa Reynolds Cambridge Harlon Dehning Marlene Fobian Ruth Barkhurst Patricia Barnard Gretchen Campbell Carl “Jud” Demory Wallace Ford Mary Ellen Campbell Mike DeVore William Forde Barbara Barnes Helen Carson Tom Dewey Betty Forman Melba Jo Barnes Thomas Barns Mary Carter Kurtis Dick Ellyn Found & Jane Seiffert Ann Barton Darwin Cartwright Joe Bath John Cazin Ken & Bruce Beeler Nicholas John Ceynar Gilbert Behrens William “Bill” Chalmers Leland Belding II Gerald Champion Delmar Bender Deon Bender Delores “Dee” “Dolly” Goss Chaplin Dr. Birgitte Bendixen Audrey Chong Danny Berchenbriter Dean Christiansen Kay Bernau Glenda & Val Ciochon Robert V. Berry Lillian Coats Estelle Bertling Ray Cobb Grace & Russell Bickford Mary K. Coburn Susan K. Bingham Nita Cochran Whitey Bixler Ron Cochran Florence Black Louis Blair Donald & Audrey Coffey Miriam Blakely Dean Coglan Murrel & Bob Cochran Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Catherine Dickens Lyle Dickinson Marjorie Dodder George Dohrer Mary Dolezal Kathleen C. Donahue Linda Donelson Eleanor Donohue Claire “Lefty” Doyle Mary Lou Doyle Janet Dragstrem Charlene “Charky” Draker Thomas Gray Ruby Greazel Allen “Gene” Greb Ed Green James Reed Green Lucille Green Galen “Skip” Greene Frank Gregan John Robert Gretter Edward Grimmer Mary Jane Griswold Rodney Groff Betty Grow Adeleh Habibpour Henry Hagge Marvin Hain Eileen & Guy Haines Robert “Bob” Hale Gary Hamilton Jane Hanrahan Robert E. Hansen Robert Hansen Vesta N. Hansen Rose Harms Ramsey Mary M. Fowler Doyle Harris Doris Fox MaryAnn Harris Sandy Franklin Patricia Harrison Anna Frits George “Jake” Hartsock Martha Fry Velma Fry Gene Fuller Kenneth M Fulton Betty Funk Ron Gabel Beverly & Raymond Gardner Dr. John Eckstein Nancy Graves LaVaughn Fowler Linda Dunahoo Bob Earnest Letitia “Tish” Grassi Charlotte A. Harlow Bunny Gantz Paul Dykstra Arlene Grace Jean Fountain Christopher Drop Betty Jean Dunevant Vince Grabin Kurt Gardner Milton Gauger Franklin Gault Erna Gehrls Irving Hasler Norma Charlotte Hauenstein Sofia Hawley Dr. Alfred Healy Barb Heck Wayne Hedrick Ray Heffner Pat Henkelman Marylou Henley George Herring Ronald “Ron” Hertel 25 Delbert Hesseltine Vernon Keith Donald Maas JoAnne Neuzil Rose Marie Rockafellow Randy Sleichter Kim Hickman John Keller Harlan Mass Craig Newkirk Marilyn Rogers Brett Smith Jan Hieber Margarite Kelso Carol Mace Dale Nicoson George Smith Fern Higdon Linda K. Kennedy Judith Macy William Nisly Genevieve “Gen” Rohret Linda & David Hill Margaret Kennedy Mildred Nollsch Marcia L. Rolenc Maureen Kent Margaret Hirsch Sandy Kephart Helen Mahan June O`Brien Betty & Don Romine Jim Smith Dorothy Hintze Mary Jayne & Edward Madden Sandra “Sandy” Ronan Margaret Hiscock Laurence Kessler Shari Maher Robert “Mort” O`Donnell Karen Hoff Ellen & Edwin “Ed” Kinney Ron Majeres Betty O`Leary Nile Roszell Betty Malcom Jean O`Neill Ethel Rothstein Mary Kinsinger Victor Malichky Jr. Jean Ollendick Aileen Rourke Ted Hofmann Myrtle Kjonaas Sandy Mallory Bernard Oostendorp Verona Ruiz Mary Lou Hogan Al Kleinmeyer Dale Marek Joel Ostola Eugene Salemink Sheila Hogan Henry Klosterman Sugar Mark Verna Paige Jennifer Salemink Marcia Holinsky Jacqueline Knapp Ray I. Marner, Jr. Donald Passmore Helen Sandersfeld Francis Mae Homan Bonnie Knerr Elsie Martin Richard Pate Raymond Schaefer Mark Hons Donald Knoedel Ronald Maske George Paterson Vella Hook Janice Knutson George Pechous Prof. Richard Hoppin Linda Kobler Retha Jane & Robert A. Mason Albert “Al” Schamberger Grace Scheetz Gerhard F. Koch Doris McCann Glenn Pedersen Ellie Horning Helen Scheetz Carol Larsen Horton Maria Koelbel Phyllis Pelland Joe & Josie Scheetz John “Bob” Horton John Kofoed Roberta “Robin” McCormick Mary Peek John T. Pelton Tim Schlatter Gloriene Howard Margaret Kohout Ray Pelzer Cheribel Schmidt Rita Howe Donald Kolar Richard “Rico” Penziner Deloroes Schmidt Dean Charles Huff Lynn J. Koolbeck Dolores and Walt Pertl Donna Schmidt Margie Huffman Anni Kopec Joseph Pettit Mark Schmoll Mary Hughes Joseph Kottenstette Kenneth Pfannebecker Norma Hughes Bill Krall Lori Marie Savita Schneider Annetta Hull Kenneth Hunter Dorothy “Dottie” Krantz Walter Hunter Jack Kress Catherine Huntsberger Vi Krier Evelyn Icenbice Betty & Gunner Krogh William Tanke Rodney Kroul Iowa City Hospice Aides Norma Krueger Agnes Irving Doris Kruse James Irving Col. Robert S. Kubby Mary Irving Ed Kugel Robert Irving Jane “Sam” Kurth June Iverson James E. Lakin Robert L. James Rosemary Larsen Martha Janko Evelyn Larson Helen Jenks John Larson Iris Jensen Robert P. Larson Richard Jensen Phyllis Lentfer Mary Jindra Jaro Lepic Bonnie Johnson Susan Lesh Donald Johnson June & C. Robert Lillie Lois Johnson Jaynane Lillig Phyllis Johnson Kelley Lind Theda Johnson Dorothy L. Johnston Betty, Gilbert & Joan Lindberg Ida Fern Jones Dr. Harry Lipscomb Nancy Jones Betty & Clarence Lodge Thomas Jones Marjorie Longer Everett Joseph Mary Jo Loria Nina Workman Kaalberg Betty Louvar Joseph Kasik Lucille A. Luck Gene Kasper Virginia Lukas Eugene Keifer Richard Lynch Richard, Evelyn & Bill Hoffey 26 Ronald “Ron” Krueger Lottie Louvar John McCune Cherri McDonald A. John McDonald Bruce “Dana” McDowell Richard Mears Laura Memler Estelle Merridith David Metz Dee Meyer Douglas Meyer Stephanie Mielink Edna L. Miller John C. Miller Leelyn Miller Leta Miller Mary Ann Miller Mildred “Darlene” Miller Earl Rose Alice & Cleo Phillips Dorothy Jean Phillips Diana Phipps Ken & Kent Pickens Don Pirkl Wilma Pirkl Charles Plecker Dorothy Plett Robert Plumb II Harvey Poepsel Amney Pope Jack Carl Price Woody Millett Luther “Jerry” Price Mary C. Mills Gerald Probasco Florence Millsap Donald Pumphrey Julia Miltner Gerald J. Quinlan Kenneth Moll Donald Quint James R. Moore Bob Ray Jerry Moore Lenny Rebal Margaret E. Moore Lorena Redlinger Kenneth Morlan Karen Redus Michael Morrison Robert Reeve R. F. “Bo” Morrison Jr. Ramona Reichardt Patti Mott Bruce Reilly Jean Mougin Harold “Hal” Mulford Carol L. & Herbert L. Nelson Leo Neppl Pat & Marvin Schuessler Dean Schumacher Ivan Schwabbauer Merle Plett Virgil Miller Tom Nee Dorothy Schrock Walter Schropp Wanda Jean Porter Roberta Musser Sondra Schnoebelen Tyler Schroeder Leslie Pirkl Rosemary Miller Ann Murray Mary & Maynard Schneider Mel Schweer Victor Schweer Delores & John Scott Carol Secrest Elaine Zach Sedlacek Bernard Seidman Jane Seiffert Theresa Semel Vel Semler Roger Semotan Michael Serovy Lyle Seydel Alice Sharp Edward Shebek Carl Shettler Gretchen Smith Juanita Smith Robert G. Smith Thomas Smith Bill Snider Dwane Snyder Shirley Snyder Dr. Robert Soper Iris Soukup Helen Sparby Rosemary Spears JIm Speers Nora & Milburn Spessard Raymond Gene Spicher Phyllis & Harold Spilger Susie Staats Mabel Staeck Harold Stager Diane Stamp Frank Stangle Margaret Stastny-Havlik Joanne Stecher Mary & Vaclav J. “Wes” Steinocher Barb Sternad Pamela Stewart Darnell Stoker Michael Stoll Dorothy Stone Gwendolyn Stone Sarah Stork Beverly Stout Leo & Douglas “Doug” Stratton Evelyn Straub Vivian Strauss Alvin “Al” Streb Ivan Struzynski Robert Stumpf Luther Suckow Edna Suhr Lisa Suter Jeanne Suter Ervin Ellen Swanson Bert Swartz Glenn Swartz Ruth Shields Agnes & Eldon Swartzendruber Irene & Betty Shima Katie Swartzendruber Robert Rhodes Bernard “Bernie” Shrader Kenneth Swenka Kenneth Morris Richardson Christina Simmons Roger Tandy Richard Richter Richard Rider Mary Roberts Susie Roberts Lavon Robertson M.J. Simon John R. Singer Joseph Franz Szabo William “Bill” Tanke Bob Sissel Dorothy & Richard Theobald Dr. James “Jim” Skarda Karen Thielman Jack Skay Mildred Tinkle Charles Skubal Kenneth Tipping Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Honor Gifts were made in honor of the following individuals: Alfred Titone Marvin Wilkerson Philbert Tomas Charlotte Williams Mark Tomash T. A. & Marie Williams Tony Tommasi Eric Williamson Jeanne Torrens Lewis Willoughby Walter Travis Artis Wilson Jan & Ron Bender’s marriage Glenn Treiber Elsie Wilson Renee Trimble Harriett Tripp In-kind donations Susan Jensen Accurate Automotive Kelly Jayne Art Active Endeavors Mark & Allison Law family Aero Rental & Party Shoppe Leash on Life Dan Alder McDonald Optical Dan Ciha Marilyn Allen Jack McLarty Esther Windus Jim Clayton’s birthday Bugsy Bednarz MidAmerican Energy Roscoe Wolvington Elizabeth Coulter Blackstone-Brian Flynn Teresa Morrow Amy Mulford Harold Tucker Genevieve Wombacher Maggie Elliott June Braverman Joseph Turecek Deanna Emerson Virginia Bremner Tom Neese Joe Turkal Ina and Jeff Wombacher Frances Engquist Kaitlyn Busbee Michael Tutwiler Don Wood Glenda Eubanks Shirley Carew Sarah Neighbors Photography B. Deloris Tvedte Lester “Les” L. Worley Susan Fahey Jeff Charis Carlson Dave Urmie Earl Yoder Kaleigh Gilmore Marian S. Van Fossen Keith Yoder Mollie Grolmus Child Life Student Association Clarice Vance Pauline Yoder Mary Hagen City of Iowa City Louise Vavrichek Theo Yoder Anna Herring York Melanie & Bruce Haupert Coaches Corner Pearlie & Jay Vest Cook Appraisal LLC Ernest & Barbara Von Behren Cherizanne, Ethan & Rebecca Young Norman Heck Cookies & More Donita Hermsen Core Fitness Everett Von Muenster Wayne “Dick” Zahradnek Steve Hinde The Cottage Bakery & Catering Panera Bread of Iowa Margaret & Ernest “Ernie” Ziegenhorn Iowa City Hospice Staff Bill Courtney Catherine Patterson Himie Voxman Christine Waddell Captain David “Luke” Wade Sharon Huff Iowa City Hospice Volunteers Jeanne Wagner Gloria Jacobson Marc Wagner Iona Waite Ethan & Isabella Krieger Pearl Walford Marnie Kuenster Judith “Judy” Walker Jackie Kuepker A.T. Wallenhaupt Dr. John Laur Robert C. Walsh Mark Law Bea Ward Jerry & Ina Loewenberg Verlyn Wardenburg Audrey H. Mallory family Evelyn Warford Mabel Burger Watkinson Lois Meyer Johnette Miller John Allen Watson Dr. Paul Mulhausen Ted Weaver Terri Neuzil Verna Weaver Larry Newman`s birthday Frederick “Fritz” & Wanda Weber Katie Peterson Dairy Queen-Sycamore Mall Larry Dingman Dorcas Group of United Methodist Church Edgewood Animal Hospital Jo Eland Elks Lodge #590 Fareway-East Iowa City Fareway-West Iowa City New Pioneer Food Co-op Carrie Norton Old Capitol Screen Printers Old Chicago On The Go Convenience Stores Inc Papa Murphy’s Paul’s Discount of Iowa City Sharon Pickens The Prime Time Quartet Quail Creek Quality Care Riverside Casino Rohrbach Associates PC Fin & Feather Inc Savvy Coffee & Wine Bar Fit2Live Pat Sexton Fleck Sales The Sign Shop Friendly Farm The Soap Opera Judy & Don Frits Game Day Iowa Southeast Iowa Ambulance Gay & Ciha Funeral Services Jane Swails & Jerry Black Harry Weber Jim Pratt’s retirement Golf USA Kathy Tandy Robert Weber Vicki Protextor`s birthday Goodfellow Printing Thomas Gruca Edyie Stika`s children Hands University of Iowa Athletics Department Marcia Stoos Hawkeye HarleyDavidson Inc Tom Wegman Helen Wehby Bonnie Wehking Mary Weideman Ellen Weiler Kris Weiskircher Grant Wellborn Lloyd Wellington Bryce “Collin” Werling Sheri Swenning Bimla Vijh Ingrid Weber, RN Julie Williams Lu Ann Williams Lois Yoder Her Soup Kitchen Herteen & Stocker Jewelers Hills Bank & Trust Company Hobby Lobby Amy Westaway Hollywood Graphics Richard Westbrook Joanne Hora Bob Wheeler Hy-Vee-Dodge St Clarence “Butch” White Hy-Vee-First Ave Sam and Vera Whiting Iowa City Landscaping & Garden Center Mary Whorton Iowa City Press-Citizen Larry Wilcox Ted Jacobsen Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors University of Iowa Community Credit Union UICCU Wealth Management University of Iowa Voice Students Walgreens-Coralville Janice Wefel Bev & Lee Witwer Yotty’s Inc Golf Cars 27 2012–13 Staff Members Patricia Allen, Volunteer Coordinator Angela Hedrick, Bereavement Counselor Karen Reshetar, Music Therapist Bruce Anderson, Nurse Donita Hermsen, Social Worker Dianna Reuter, Nurse, Case Manager Ryan Anderson, Admission Nurse Jade Hernandez, Hospice Aide Dawn Richardson, Hospice Aide Page Appelbaum, Nurse Tammy Holderness, Nurse, Case Manager Michelle Robnett, Nurse Kate Bengtson, Social Worker Emily Hoyer, Social Worker Jessica Rozek, Nurse Tim Bernemann, Spiritual Counselor Angela Huthmacher, Human Resource Specialist Cynthia Ruffcorn, Nurse Denise Bickford, Hospital Liaison Nurse Jennie Brantman, Nurse Barbara Burkhart, Financial Specialist Diane Jacobsen, Administrative Assistant, Accounts Payable Julie Schlabaugh, Relations Provider Representative Mary Schropp, Nurse, Case Manager Julie Johnston, Development Deanne Schwarting, Nurse, Case Manager Mary Johnston, Spiritual Counselor Deborah Seemuth, Administrative Assistant Angelika Kieffer, Nurse, Case Manager Steve Siglin, Social Worker Nancy Knecht, Care Coordinator Ashea Sparrow, Hospice Aide Victoria Krack, Hospice Aide Charity Staggs, Nurse Sara Krieger, Clinical Leader Teresa Stecker, Nurse Gene Langenberg, Care Team Assistant Peggy Swails, Intake Coordinator Matt Logan, Music Therapist Ann Marie Machlab, Medical Director Judy Thirtyacre, Administrative Assistant, Care Team Derrick Droz, Hospice Aide Mary McMurray, Human Resources Specialist Rachel Thomas, Nurse Maggie Elliott, Executive Director Ashley Mills, Social Worker Sarah Thompson, Nurse Erin Feldmann, Clinical Leader Lawrence Mossman, Nurse, Case Manager Angelica Valencia, Hospice Aide Judy Frits, Administrative Assistant, Development Paul Mulhausen, Associate Medical Director Tonya Valencia, Hospice Aide Kay Mullins-Peters, Nurse Marilyn Van Roekel, Music Therapist Amanda Fulton, Administrative Assistant, Office Deborah Myers, Nurse, Case Manager Joey Walker, Music Therapist Gail Garwood, Bereavement Counselor Sarah Neary, Volunteer Program Coordinator Ingrid Weber, Nurse, Case Manager Tina Gaunt, Hospice Aide Blair Olson, Quality and Education Coordinator Michelle Weckmann, Associate Medical Director Kaleigh Gilmore, Social Worker Shirley Ortiz, Hospice Aide Joan Wethington, Nurse, Case Manager Deborah Goldstein, Nurse Barbara Ostola, Hospice Aide Melinda Wings, Clinical Leader Tia Hamm, Hospice Aide Karen Plock, Nurse Tonya Halstead, Hospice Aide Polly Porter, Social Worker Mike Zieser, Information Technology Coordinator Maurie Campbell, Spiritual Counselor Megan Carnahan, Social Worker Angela Carrillo, Admission Nurse Rebecca Carver, Spiritual Counselor Barb Chaney, Nurse Jana Crull, Volunteer Coordinator Katie DeWeese, Nurse, Case Manager Jane Dohrmann, Advance Care Planning Director Kelly Primmer, Social Worker Iowa City Hospice Staff 28 Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Ways to Make a Gift Memorials Memorial gifts are a meaningful way to honor a loved one while recognizing and thanking Iowa City Hospice for their care. Did you know that you may make your gift in honor of Iowa City Hospice caregivers? Include a note with your gift and it will be shared with the staff person(s) you have chosen to honor and the hospice team. You may designate this gift for patient care or staff education. Annual Fund Each fall, Iowa City Hospice conducts an Annual Fund campaign. Your Annual Fund gift may be directed in a way that is meaningful to you including patient care, alternative therapies, staff education or the Endowment Fund. Walk for Dignity The annual Walk for Dignity is held each spring on the third Sunday in April at 1 p.m. in Willow Creek Park. All are welcome to attend, enjoy the celebration of life and generate support for Iowa City Hospice. Many families that have been served by Iowa City Hospice form teams in memory of their loved ones. This is a wonderful way to provide critical support for patient care and bereavement services. Businesses may become Walk Sponsors. Sponsors are recognized with signage on the Sponsor’s Trail and in printed materials. Contact Judy Frits at 319-688-4213 or [email protected] Golf Outing The Annual Glenn Roberts Elks/ Iowa City Hospice Charity Golf Classic is held the first Monday of each August to benefit patient care and bereavement services. Have fun and support Iowa City Hospice by forming a team or becoming a sponsor. Contact Judy Frits at 319-688-4213 or judy.frits@ IowaCityHospice.org Honor a Caregiver cash gifts Planned Gifts may be made in many different ways. Your lawyer or financial professional can advise you on the best means to make such a gift and the benefits to you and your family. For the information you will need to include Iowa City Hospice in your estate plans, visit our web site for bequest language or contact Maggie Elliott, Executive Director at 319-688-4212. may be made with a personal check, a credit card authorization or on-line at www.iowacityhospice.org Matching Gifts Your employer may offer matching gifts for charities that are supported by their employees, increasing the impact of your gift. Check with your employer. Endowment Gifts Gifts for the Iowa City Hospice Endowment Fund may be made directly to the Community Foundation of Johnson County. There are significant tax benefits for donors who make their gift in this way. To learn more, visit their web site at communityfoundationofjohnsoncounty. org or contact Mike Stoffregen at [email protected] or 319-337-0483. Endowment Fund gifts remain invested so that your gift is a source For Good…For Ever. LEAVE A LEGACY ® Leave a Legacy Iowa City Hospice is a member of the state Leave a Legacy effort that helps everyday people make a difference in the lives that follow through estate gifts. Leave a Legacy provides extensive information on making legacy gifts at their web site, www.leavealegacyiowa.org Recognition All donors will be listed in the Iowa City Hospice Honor Roll of Donors on our web site. All gifts over $100 will be included in our spring Annual Report. If you wish to remain anonymous, just let us know when you make your gift. Support programs of your choice and make a real difference. Learn more on our website: www.iowacityhospice.org Iowa City Hospice 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors 29 NON-PROFIT ORG U S POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 32 IOWA CITY IA 1025 Wade Street Iowa City, IA 52240 Join the 14th annual Iowa City Hospice Walk for Dignity Sunday, April 21, 2013, 1 pm Rain or shine! Iowa City Hospice Volunteer Trail Site Willow Creek Park, Iowa City (Benton Street and Teg Drive) Donation drop-off starts at 11 am; activities begin at noon; walk starts at 1 pm For more information, contact 319-688-4213, 800-897-3052 or [email protected] Fundraise online at www.firstgiving.com/IowaCityHospice www.IowaCityHospice.org
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