Open photosimulations
Open photosimulations
5 1 Paver Courtyard and Accent bands 9 Screen Hedge - Podocarpus macrophyllus 26 Utility Screening Dodonaea 'Purpurea' 27 Planter Pots 6 11 14 City Std Trash Receptacle & Bollards 13 City Std Bike Rack (in black) Raised Planter - Coleonema 'Sunset Gold' 28 Entry Planting Phormium 'Dark Delight' 21 Trellis with Vines Pistache chinensis 7 Lagerstroemia indica 8 Pyrus 'Chanticleer' 22 Channel Drain on radius 29 Water Feature with Seatwall - Stone to match building facade 22 City Std Teak Bench